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Attention: Concentrix Applicants

Issued by: Talent Acquisition Unit
Issued on: 12/03/2022

This document must be signed by all candidates who are given job offers with Sign On Bonus.


This document defines the basis for eligibility of the employee to receive the Sign On Bonus incentive. A validation process will
still be done based on the guidelines stated on this document, to determine the eligibility of the employee and is subject to the
Sign On Bonus Policy.

Signing this document does NOT automatically qualify someone from receiving the payout. Instead, it is a declaration that the
bonus guidelines have been read and understood.

1. Sign On Bonus Summary

a. Name: Dwight Estocapio

b. Hire Date: 12/12/2022
c. Site:
d. Program/ Account:
e. Sign On Bonus Total Amount: ₱15,000.00
f. Payment Terms/ Scheme: 2 Payouts
g. Payment Schedule: Within 4 payout dates from the milestones of 30th & 90th day from date of hire.
h. Payout Amount: PHP 10,000 (30th day) & PHP 5,000 (90th day)
i. Retention Date: NA

2. Eligibility: Candidates must meet ALL of the requirements listed below to be eligible for the Sign On bonus:

a. Candidate must be hired for the specific position and account offering Sign On Bonus as approved by Competency Leader,
Finance and Recruitment Leader.
b. Candidate must be onboarded within the dates specified by both Competency and Recruitment Leader.
c. Candidate must be officially employed by Concentrix on the dates specified, corresponding to the account that s/he is assigned
d. Candidates who went through Near-Hire Training (NHT) are not qualified to receive Sign On Bonus.
e. Candidates who are redeployed from other accounts or departments and those who may later on redeployed to other
programs or accounts or departments during/within the milestones indicated in the SOB are not qualified to receive the Sign On

3. Requirements

a. The eligible employee must be an active employee (i.e. reporting for work, not on leave, not AWOL) of Concentrix. and is in the
account/program offering the Sign-On-Bonus upon receipt of the Sign On Bonus payout. If the employee resigns or gets
separated from the Company, for whatever reason, the Sign On Bonus provisions will also be discontinued effective the date of
resignation or separation.
b. Employees who are removed from the program/ account due to non-certification or other reasons related to non-performance
before regularization will be disqualified to receive the Sign On Bonus.
c. Employees become ineligible if transferred/redeployed to another account or program within the milestone period for whatever
reason, regardless whether employee-initiated or company-initiated.
d. Only qualified applicants who have a duly signed Sign On Bonus Guidelines document attached to their 201 File will be
allowed to claim the Sign On Bonus.
e. Any new incentive promo beyond this period will not be applicable to this application.
f. Concentrix reserves the option to waive the employee’s eligibility to receive other special variable bonuses within the course of
employment, relative to this Sign On bonus.
g. Eligible employees who have attendance issues (RTWO, prolonged unauthorized absences), level 3 disciplinary actions, and
prolonged leaves (LOA) will result to the forfeiture of the Sign On Bonus.

4. Schedule of Payment

a. Sign On Bonus will be paid out if all eligibility requirements have been met.
b. Sign On Bonus will be credited to the employee’s payroll account within 4 payroll payout dates after completion of the required
tenure mentioned.

5. Other Payment Terms

a. Sign On Bonus amount is subject to BIR salary withholding tax.

b. Payment will be credited to the employee’s payroll account only upon validation of qualification to receive the Sign On Bonus.


I declare that I have read the above mentioned guidelines of the Sign On Bonus promotion and have fully understood its contents.

I have been fully advised and thoroughly informed of the requirements related to the Sign On Bonus Guidelines.

I understand that signing this document does not automatically qualify me from receiving the Sign On Bonus payout.

I recognize and agree to all the requirements, terms and conditions stated herein, and the applicability of the Sign On Bonus

Acknowledged by:
Dwight Estocapio
Signature above printed name of Applicant
Date: 12/03/2022

Recruiter Validation:
​Nica Uray​
Signature above printed name of Recruiter
Date: 12/03/2022

Kenneth Tadong
Signature above printed name of Recruitment Manager
Date: 12/03/2022

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