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A. Content Standard The value of research in the area of interest
B. Performance Standard Formulate clearly statement of research problem
C. Learning MELC:
Competencies/Objectives Designs a research project related to daily life
At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:
1. Identify the parts of Chapter 1 in Practical Research
2. Give the importance of Chapter 1 in Practical Research
3. List down the parts of Chapter 1 in Practical Research
Subject Matter PRACTICAL RESEARCH: Quarter 3 -Week 10:
Teaching strategies Inquiry Based, collaborative, active learning
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners’ Materials pages
3. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or I. Introductory Activity
presenting the new lesson Prayer
To finally start our discussion please stand and let us pray. Anyone
from the class who can lead the prayer. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father in heaven thank you for the life, for the blessings and
for the guidance. Please guide us in today class and discussion.
Give us a peaceful mind and strength to actively participate in
activities. This we pray in the name of Jesus Amen.

Good morning Grade 11!
Good morning, Sir!

Classroom Management
Okay you may now be seated but before that check under your
chairs and pick up all pieces of trash and arrange your chairs. Is that
okay class? Yes, Sir!

Checking of Attendance
I will be calling your name and say present if you are here. Okay?
Yes, Sir!

Very good class you have a perfect attendance.

So, how are you today?

We are fine and we are doing good Sir!

Well, it is good to hear that you are all doing just fine.

Now, let me introduce you the rules and regulations for this subject.
Jeremy, please read the rules and regulations.
1. You are only allowed to use your phone for emergency and if
it is related to the discussion.
2. Ask permission if you are going to the comfort room
3. Raise your hand for concerns and for recitation
4. Prevent chit chatting, seat properly, respect your teacher and
keep quite
Thank you, Jeremy!

Do you have any questions and clarifications on our rules and

None, Sir!

Is it clear to everyone?

Yes, Sir!
Before we proceed to our discussion let us have a short review on
your previous topic, so class who can still remember our topic last
Me, Sir!

Last meeting Sir our discussion is all about Research and the
Types of Research.
Very Good! then who can give me the types of Research?

Yes, Mica?
The types of research are: Descriptive, Analytical, Applied,
Fundamental, Quantitative, Qualitative, Conceptual and
Correct answer Mica, very good!
B. Establishing a purpose for the Before we proceed to our discussion. I have here on the board our
lesson objectives that you need to attain at the end of discussion.

Anyone from the class who can read our objectives?

Yes, Annica?
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the parts of Chapter 1 in Practical Research
2. Give the importance of Chapter 1 in Practical Research
3. List down the parts of Chapter 1 in Practical Research

Thank you, Annica for reading our objectives.

These objectives will be the guide for the whole discussion for
today and this needs to be attain.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of Before we proceed to our discussion Let us have a game first
the new lesson This activity is called guess the “Gibberish Words”.

Sarah can you please read the direction?

Direction: I will give you a nonsense sound or word and you are
going to guess the right word or phrase.
Thank you, Sarah!

2.Buckgriond uf tha stody
3.Stotumunt ef thu preblum
4.Scupi end delomotetoun uf thi stady
6. Difonotoun uf tirms
1. Introduction
2. Background of the study
3. Statement of the problem
4. Scope and delimitation
5. Significance
6. Definition of terms
Great Job Class!
Since you all participated give yourselves a “Bird Clap” Repeat
after me.
1…2 tweet tweet 1…2 tweet tweet 1…2 tweet tweet tweet
1…2 tweet tweet 1…2 tweet tweet 1…2 tweet tweet tweet

Now that the game is finished, do you have any idea about what
will be our topic for today? Any volunteer that can discuss what is
it about? Yes Sir! our lesson for today will be about the Chapter 1 of our
practical research.

Okay, very good answer Layla! That is right, we will be discussing

the Chapter 1 of your Practical Research. The words that you
guessed are the parts of this chapter the Introduction, Background
of the Study, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitation and
Definition of Terms.

Some of you think

that reading is boring
because there
are many passages
that should be read
but in fact we only
need one answer to
one question, right?
Well we could avoid
that and make reading
as fun as how
you looked for our
hidden words earlier
by applying the
same style you did.
So are you ready to
discover how fun it is
to read?
If yes, Let us go now
to our lesson which is
style of
Some of you think
that reading is boring
because there
are many passages
that should be read
but in fact we only
need one answer to
one question, right?
Well we could avoid
that and make reading
as fun as how
you looked for our
hidden words earlier
by applying the
same style you did.
So are you ready to
discover how fun it is
to read?
If yes, Let us go now
to our lesson which is
style of
D. Discussing new concepts and Now let us proceed to our proper discussion
practicing new skills #1
Chapter I

A. Background of the study

What comes into your mind or what is your idea about background
of the study?
Who wants to give an idea about this?

Yes, Rhea?
The background of the study establishes the context of the

Thank you, Rhea. Very good.

What else?

Yes, Joseph?
This section explains why this particular research topic is
important and essential to understanding the main aspects of the

Thank you, Joseph. Good job!

The background of the study it is usually forms as a background

and it is in the first section of a research article/thesis and justifies
the need for conducting the study and summarizes what the study
aims to achieve.

b. Identification of Research Problem

Now, what is your idea about this?

Yes, Marco?
I think it refers to the sense of awareness of a prevalent social
problem, a social phenomenon or a concept that is worth study
and as it requires to be investigated to understand it.

Thank you, Marco.

Then how do you identify a research problem?

Anyone, who wants to answer?

Yes, Safiya?
I think Sir by a situation or relationship that is not well

Thank you for your answer, Safiya.

That is right what she said.

Then now, let us know the purpose of a problem statement.

Who wants to read the purposes of a problem statement?

Yes, Elma?
The purposes of a problem statement are to:
1. Introduce the reader to the importance of the topic being
2. Places the problem into a particular context.
3. Provides the framework for reporting the results.

Thank you, Elma.

Next part of chapter I is the significance of the study.

For you, what is significance of the study?

Yes, Anabelle?
For me Sir the significance of the study it will state the
contribution of your study and usefulness of your study in the

Thank you, Anabelle for your answer.

What else, class?

Yes, Loraine?
For me Sir this section discusses the importance of the study to
society, the country, the government, the community, the
institution, the agency concerned and the thesis desertion writer
That is right, thank you Loraine
For your answer.

The significance of the study it also gives the justification for the
study in terms of its contribution to theory and practice.

Next is the scope and delimitation.

What is your idea about scope and delimitation, class?

Anyone who wants to answer?
Yes, Carlo?

For me Sir, scope and delimitation is the section where you

define the broader parameters and boundaries of your research.
Yeah, that is right Carlo. Thank you for your answer
What else?

Yes, Andrea?

For me Sir it helps to contextualize the research for the reader so

they can better anticipate the extent of the details to come.

Thank you, Andrea for your answer.

For your better understand

Scope and delimitation are two elements of a research paper or
thesis. Scope explains the extent to which area will be explored by
the researchers while the delimitations are the characteristics that
limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study.

Did you get my point class?

Yes, Sir.
Now let us read the guidelines in writing scope and limitations of
the study are the following:

Who wants to read?

Yes, Joy please read the guidelines.

1. What will be the objective of your study? Or what is the

main goal of your study?
2. What will be the subject matter, topics and issues you are
going to have for your study?
3. Where will you go to obtain necessary data for your
study and how are you going to do it?
4. How many respondents you are going to have for your
study? And where you can find them?
5. How long would it take to finish the study? Would it be
long term or short-term study?
Thank you, Joy!

Limitation of the study also known as the boundaries of the

research and there are influences that the researcher cannot be
And the scope of the study refers to how far the research area has
explored and the parameters in with study will be operating it.

And for the last part for the chapter 1 is the

d. Definition of terms

The terminologies can be defined in two ways.

 Operational definition
 Conceptual definition

For you, what is the meaning of operational definition?

Anyone, who wants to answer?

Yes, Jessa?
For me the operational definition it is the statement of
procedures that the researcher is going to use in order to measure
a specific variable.
Thank you, Jessa for your answer.
What else?

Anyone who can give their idea about it?

Yes, Jayna?

For me Sir an operational definition it is applied to data

collection, a clear, concise detailed definition of a measure.
Thank you, Jayna for your answer.

Operational definition is defining the terms the way it is used in the


Next how about the conceptual definition?

What is the meaning of it?
Yes, Kaye.

For me Sir conceptual definition it tells what the concept means.

Thank you, Kaye!

Conceptual definition is defining the terms based on dictionary or

any other sources.
Do you understand class?
Yes, Sir!
E. Discussing new concepts and Now that you already understand our lesson let us have a game.
practicing new skills # 2
Neri, please read the directions for us.

Direction: Group yourselves according to your gender. We will

play a game of debate and the topic will be “Who loves the most.
Man or woman?” You are going to defend your side according to
your designated group.
Students brainstorm and search for studies and statistics that will
support their side. And share their thoughts to defend their topic.
You have 5 minutes to prepare, okay?
Yes Sir!

Okay class times up! Let us start the debate. You will be given 10
minutes time of debate. You will have 5 rounds with 1 minute each
group to defend your side.

Okay, is it clear class?

Yes, Sir we are ready!

5 rounds with 1 minute each group to defend their sides.

That is an intense debate class. Thank for your great participation.

Did you all enjoyed and learned from our activity today?

Yes Sir!

F. Developing Mastery Based on the discussion that we have, who can give me the parts of
research in chapter 1?
Go ahead, Rein
Introduction, Background of the Study, Significance of the
Study, Scope and Limitation and Definition of Terms.
Very good!
G. Finding Practical Application of Okay class do you think introduction or background of the study is
concepts and Skills in Daily living important on creating research?

Yes, anyone from the class who can share their ideas or thoughts?
Okay, go ahead Mike. Yes, sir in creating a research background of the study is
important because in this section it explains why this research
topic is important and essential to understanding the main
aspects of the study.

Very good Mike!

Do you think research is important class?

Yes, Sir because research allows us to pursue interests, to learn
something new, to hone your problem-solving skills and to
challenge yourself in new ways.
That is a great answer, Carl.

H. Making generalization and Okay class what is the meaning background of the study?
abstraction about the lesson The background of the study it is usually forms as a background
and it is in the first section of a research article/thesis and
justifies the need for conducting the study and summarizes what
the study aims to achieve.

What is the meaning of Statement of the Problem?

I think it refers to the sense of awareness of a prevalent social
problem, a social phenomenon or a concept that is worth study
and as it requires to be investigated to understand it.
So, in this section we write those who will benefit from our study?

Go-ahead Oliver.
In significant of the study Sir.
Yes, correct answer.

In this section we write the unfamiliar terminologies and words

what section of chapter 1 is this?

Yes, Andrei?
In definition of terms Sir.

Very good, Andrei.

I. Evaluating learning I believed that you already understood the discussion.

Get ¼ sheet of paper

We will be having a quiz which is TRUE OR FALSE

Who wants to read the direction?

Go-ahead Nana.
Direction: write true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is wrong.
Thank you, Nana!

You have 5 minutes to answer the quiz I will going to dictate the
statement and write your answer in your paper

1. Background of the study establishes the context of the

2. A research problem is a statement about an area of concern.
3. A background of the study discusses the importance of the
study to society, the country, the government, the
community, the institution, the agency concerned and the
thesis-dissertation writer himself.
4. Limitation of the study is also known as the boundary of
5. Introduction is the terminologies and words that unfamiliar
in your research paper.
For part 2 list down the parts of Chapter 1 in Practical Research 1

Okay class exchange paper with your seatmate and let us check
your answer. Correct answer
Part 2
1. Introduction
2. Background of the study
3. Statement of the problem
4. Significant of the study
5. Scope of and delimitation
6. Definition of terms

Who got a perfect score?

Me, Sir!

Who got 4,3,2,1?

Me, Sir!
Okay, pass your paper.

J. Assignment or additional Any question, suggestion or clarifications about the discussion for
activities today? None, Sir!

For your assignment search and advance read about the parts of
Chapter 2 in your Practical Research.

Is that clear class?

Yes, Sir!

That is all for today class.

Goodbye class.
Goodbye Sir!


Prepared by:
Andre T. Tan

Check by:

Cooperating Teacher

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