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Debating Battle

English or math is better?

Freestyle debating structure

My first argument is…….. I object, .……

In my opinion…….. I disagree because……..

I firmly believe that…….. I strongly object! …….

Formal debating structure

Agreement Team
I believe that English is better to learn.
There are several reasons for this.




Disgreement Team
I believe that Math is better to learn.

There are several reasons for this.




Agreement Team
The other team has said that math more important.

They think that………………

I think that they are wrong, and I want to refute their arguments.



Disgreement Team
The other team has said English is more important.

They think that………………

I think that they are wrong, and I want to refute their arguments.




Expressing Agreement

My first Argument is

My next argument is

I firmly believe that

In my opinion

I think that

I think you should consider

I definitely think

Expressing Disagreement
I object

I strongly object

I disagree

My opponent is not considering that

You are absolutely wrong because

I totally disagree

I disagree with that statement

Agree Team English is better

Ideas to get you started
-English is easier

-English is a highly expressive language

-English is important in Korea

-English is the biggest Global language

-The English speaking market is the largest currently

-You can improve communications skills

-Its great for online communication/Jobs

-English is one of the simpler/easier languages to learn

-You can make friends with English

-Many jobs in Korea prefer Koreans with good English skills

-English exposes you to new ideas/ways of thinking

-You can read many interesting books in English

-Its great for travelling/holidays

-You can live/work in other countries

-You can make friends with foreigners more easily

-You can use google more fully

-Many interesting shows/movies are in English

Disagree Team Math is better

Ideas to get you started
-Math is Easier

-Math is universal in every country

-Math has many applications

-You use Math in everyday life

-Math can be very interesting/engaging

-Math is needed in managing finance

-Math is used to make advances in science

-We better understand the universe with math

-Math is needed to create many products

-Math only has a correct and incorrect answer

-You can become an architect with Math

-Universities want people with Math

-Math has many jobs available for it

-Many inventions are created with Math

-It helps with computer coding

-You can use math to do 3D printing

-Math develops many skills

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