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Matrix- is a rectangular array of numbers in the form

Square matrix- an array of numbers having the same number of

columns and rows
Diagonal matrix- every term off the main diagonal is 0
Scalar matrix- all terms on the main diagonal are equal
Equal matrices- matrices having the corresponding elements equal
Zero matrix- zero entries
Identity matrix- elements in the main diagonal are all 1 and every
term of the main goal is 0
Coefficient matrix- containing only the coefficient of the system
Constant matrix- all entries are constants
Augmented matrix- constant is adjoining to the coefficient matrix
Leading entry of a matrix- the first non-zero entry in that row,
starting from the left
Solution set- set of all solutions of a linear equation
Parametric representation- describe the entire solution set of a
linear equation
Reduced Row Echelon Form- called as the Gaussian elimination
Echelon- also known as the row canonical form which looks like a
stair-case form of a matrix
Homogenous System- system of linear equations where all the
constant terms are zeros

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