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Harsh Makadia


11 Tweets • 2022-09-17 12:31:08 UTC •  See on Twitter 

8 Google Chrome extensions that will save you

hundreds of hours of your work ( all free ) :

1. ScribeHow

Extension for screen recording that immediately

converts any procedure into a tutorial.

Perfect for: entrepreneurs, educators, founders, and


93% less effort should be spent recording and

sharing procedures.
2. Selectext

Copy any on-screen text directly from videos with


Copy any text including handwriting, code, and


Works on all video sites including Youtube, Udemy,

Coursera, Skillshare, as well as University lecture
3. Print Friendly & PDF

Print Friendly removes ads, navigation, and junk

before your print.

Pages are optimized for the ultimate print reading


Click-to-delete any content before printing.

Remove all images or individual images.
4. Glasp

Take notes and add highlights on web pages.

A tool for writers, avid readers, and thinkers.

Easily highlight web content, save it for later, and

share it with everyone.
5. Bionic Reading

New method facilitating the reading process by

guiding the eyes through text with artificial fixation

The reader only focuses on the highlighted initial

letters and lets the brain center complete the word.
6. Bardeen

Stop wasting time with manual copy-pasting!

It's a no-code workflow automation app that

replaces your repetitive tasks with a single shortcut.

It combines a powerful workflow builder, AI-based

recommendations, and contextual automation.
7. Unhook

Hide YouTube-related videos, comments, shorts

tab, suggestions wall, homepage recommendations,
trending, and other distractions.

Never get distracted again, Save time.
8. Lightshot

Lightshot is the fastest way to take a customizable


Simple interface, nothing useless, and is


Select an area, edit your screenshot and upload it to

the server.
Thanks for checking this out.

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