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Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Perception on the influence of social

media and mass media of crimes committed among Persons deprived of liberty

(PDL) in Cabadbaran City District Jail.

It seeks to answers the following: 

1. What is the respondent’s profile in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 civil status

2. What influenced the crimes committed in terms of:

2.1 social media

2.2 mass media

3. What extent is the perception on the crimes committed among Persons

deprived of liberty (PDL) in terms of:

3.1 cybercrimes

3.2 heinous crimes

3.3 other related crimes

4. What is the significant relationship between social media and mass media on

crimes committed?

5. What is the significant relationship between crimes committed among PDL

and the respondents profile.


Null Hypothesis

HO1: There is no significant relationship between crimes committed among

Person’s Deprived of liberty and the respondent’s profile.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the Perception on the influence of social media

and mass media of crimes committed among Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL)

in Cabadbaran City district jail. The Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL) in

Cabadbaran City District Jail participated in this study, which included 169

detainees. The study's duration as of CY 2020-2021.

Definition of Terms

         The key terms to be used in this study are conceptually and operationally


Age- The concept of age describes how old a person is at a particular point in

time. It is defined as the measure of the time elapsed from date of live birth to a

specific point in time, usually the date of collection of the data.

Crime - an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be

prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.

Cyber Crime - criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the


Heinous Crime - typically involve some form of extraordinary personal injury or

Influence - The capacity to influence the character, development, or behavior of
someone or something or the effect itself.

Marital Status - Is the civil status of each individual in relation to the marriage

laws or customs of the country.

Mass Media - refers to a wide range of media technologies that uses mass

communication to reach a large audience.

Perception - refers to our sensory experience of the world. It is through this

experience that we gain information about the environment around us.

Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL) - implies a person who has been arrested

or detained under lawful custody or imprisoned as part of the execution of a

legal sentence.

Sex - Refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, and identities of female,

male and gender- diverse people.

Social Media - are interactive technologies that enable the production, sharing,

and exchange of information, ideas, interests, and other kinds of expression

through virtual communities and networks.



This chapter is mainly concerned with the findings, analysis and

interpretation of data based on the statement of the problems set in Chapter I.

Analysis and interpretations represented corresponding to a specific problem.

The following tables present the results in answer to the following


Problem 1. What is the Profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age


Distribution of Respondents by Age

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

20-25 25 15 3

26-30 78 46 1

30 and 66 39 2


TOTAL 169 100

Table 1 showed that the highest frequency of Distribution of

Respondents Age is 78 with the percentage of 46%. While the lowest frequency

Distribution of Respondents Age is 25 with the percentage of 15%.



Distribution of Respondents by Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 159 94 1

Female 10 6 2

Total 169 100

Table 2 showed that the highest frequency of Distribution of Respondents Sex

is Male 159 with the percentage of 94%. While the lowest frequency Distribution

of Respondents Sex is Female 10 with the percentage of 6%.


Distribution of Respondents by Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage Rank

Single 24 14 2

Married 135 80 1

Married but 8 5 3


Widowed 2 1 4

Annulled 0 0 5

Total 169 100

Table 3 showed that the highest frequency of Distribution of Respondents Civil

Status is Male 159 with the percentage of 94%. While the lowest frequency

Distribution of Respondents Sex is Female 10 with the percentage of 6%.


Problem 2. What influenced the crimes committed in terms of:

2.1 Social Media


Social Media Frequency Percentage

Facebook 0.95 95

YouTube 0.65 65

Instagram 0.07 7

Messenger 0.75 76

The table showed that the highest frequency of Social Media is 0.95 for

Facebook with the percentage of 95%. While the lowest frequency of Social

Media is 0.07% for Instagram with the percentage of 7%.

According to Nations, (2019). Social media refers to websites or apps

that allow individuals to communicate with one another without having to meet

in person. Many social media programs let you establish a profile with photos

and information that you wish to share. They enable people to develop a

character that they want the rest of the world to view. After creating a profile,

people begin looking for friends, followers, groups, hashtags, and other ways to

connect with individuals.


2.2 Mass Media


Mass Media Frequency Percentage

TV 1.00 100%

Radio 0.57 57%

News Paper 0.66 66%

Magazine 0.49 49%

The table showed that the highest frequency of Mass Media is 1.00 for TV with

the percentage of 100%. While the lowest frequency of Mass Media is 0.49%

for Magazine with the percentage of 49%.

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