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Working Students: Problems Encountered by Grade 10

Working students in Antipolo National High School SY

2021-2022 and it's Effect on their Academic Performance

Mrs. Joan Bernadette Malong Vicente

Raiza Pia G.Causing

X-Julian Felipe

Chapter l



Background Of The Study

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. Many grade 10 students in
ANHS are having difficulty with their education, daily food, and daily expenses, among many
other things. As a result, they don't have an option but to help themselves and work to make ends
meet on a regular basis.
These students commonly encounter many problems about their work and their
studies.Six out of ten Grade 10 students are working because of lack of financial support.I'm one
of those students who needs to work in order to make ends meet on a daily basis because Not all
parents have enough income to send and support their children for school. As a result, students
have to support themselves by becoming working students.Being a working student is a
responsibility of many less fortunate but willing young adults.

Many Grade 10 students at ANHS are working because they need daily financial
assistance. Because of the Pandemic, they need to work in order to assist their parents or
themselves in obtaining funds for their daily lives. As a result, they are piled up with school
works, so they sometimes ask others to do it and pay the person who will do it, but others
frequently arrive early in the morning or late at night to complete their school works.
One of the negative impact on working while studying is the students
performance in school. Working more than 20 hours a week or less has a negative impact on
students grades. Students who work 20 hours or less, don't have time to their studies.Some
traditional-age student may use employment as a way to explore career options or earn spending
money. Working students are trying to meet multiple demands and roles of a student and at the
same time. This creates high level of stress and anxiety making them vulnerable to sickness and
failure in pursuing their school works.
Working students face unique challenges, particularly now that the epidemic is
widespread, and they sometimes lack the necessary skills to complete the assignments owing to a
lack of time. Working students find it difficult to study and work at the same time, and as a
result, they don't or can't do their schoolwork properly because they don't have enough time,
days, hours, or even seconds to pass or complete their activities and tasks. Students have no
choice but to pay more attention to their work because if they don't, they won't have enough food
to eat or won't be able to cover their daily expenses.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on the problems encountered by working students of the
Antipolo National High School and it's effect on their academic performances. Altogether this
research is able to answer these questions:
1. How does Working Affects their Performance?

2. Does student work really affect Educational Outcomes?

3. Why working students have difficulty in their studies?

Significance of the Study

This research is significant and would be beneficial to the:

 Working students
They'll be able to see what mistakes they're making and how hard they're working.
They will also be given an idea of what to perform and will understand the importance of
allocating time or a schedule to each work.
 Students
They will realize that they are not the only ones who are struggling; other students
are as well. They will also have a better understanding of what working students go through and
what they might expect if they choose to be a working student.
 Teachers
They will be aware of the issues that working students face today and they will
realize why their papers are late, why they are unable to complete the work on time, and why the
answers they provide are incorrect.
 Parents
Parents will comprehend what their children are going through, and they will have a
reason to support and understand their children.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study will be on issues faced by Grade 10 working students at
ANHS and the impact on their academic performance. The challenges and impacts of grade 10
working students in Antipolo National High School will be investigated using recent studies and
research as a guide. The study will focus on the problems and effects in ACADS for grade 10
working students. This study will inform you of the issues you will face if you choose to be a
working student.This Research will not extended to other problems in school,It is only about the
problem and it's effects in working students acads.
Definition of Terms

acads is an alternate spelling of the Tagalog word akads. Base word: akads. [noun]
academics; school; (slang)

 Anxiety
an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes
like increased blood pressure.

 Educational Outcomes
The desired learning objectives or standards that schools and teachers want students to

 Financial
relating to money or the way money is managed.

 Research
defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new
and creative way.

 Working Student
someone who mainly works and is also studying (part-time).


Chapter ll
The aim of the study is to know the difficulties of working students during the time
of CoVid-19 pandemic. The research method for this study was a qualitative phenomenological
approach. This approach focuses on describing the lived experiences of people. Also, it explores
how they have suffered these experiences. This study found that some of working-students are
having a hard time to do study and working at the same time. A working student requires having
time management skills to balance study and work at the same time and being able to prioritize
things. Being a working student during a pandemic became more difficult.Having no time to
sleep takes away your energy to study and also to work. It's hard to focus on your school and
work that will eventually make you stress. Having patience is important to improve their status.
Time will come and working students will successfully finish their studies and will have better
jobs in the future.(Eliza Joyce M. Balderrama, Sofia Kaye P. Dela Vega, Shiela May Templado, Arabella O.
Trinidad, Christopher DC. Vol. 5 Issue 4, April - 2021, Pages: 224-228)

The purpose of this study was to determine both the positive and negative aspects of
work experiences impacting hospitality students while completing their academic degrees. A
nationwide sample of senior-level hospitality students and hospitality graduates from 31 leading
programs participated in this survey research. The students and graduates identified their
educational experiences and common types of work experiences, as well as the impact of these
experiences on their academic performance, advancement expectations, and career preparation.
Statistically significant differences were found between students and graduates, providing a
foundation for understanding overall work experiences and the benefits and challenges faced by
students.(Donald G. Schoffstall,Susan W. Arendt. Vol. 26, March - 2014, Pages: 10-20)

Chapter lll
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the Research Design, Subject of the Study, Research
Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure, and the Analysis of Data.

Research Design
This research study aims to identify the Problems Encountered by the Grade 10
Working students of Antipolo National High School. This study will use the Quantitative and
Qualitative research method and provide a survey questionnaires to gather the data needed.
Quantitative is the structures way of collecting and analyzing data from the different
resources of information needed in the study.
In conducting this research study, the researcher will provide online survey
questionnaires among the respondents in grade 10 working students who were involved in this
research study. The instrument that the researcher will use is online survey google form.
Subjects of the Study
Students Frequency Percentage
Female 16 60%
Male 14 40%
Total: 30 100%
The participants of the study involves the grade 10 Working students in Antipolo
National High School that are currently enrolled during S.Y 2021-2022. There are around 30
working students who answered the given survey questionnaires. All of them are Working
students since they are the subject of this research.

Research Instrument
The instruments used for this study are the google survey form which the Grade 10
working students are the respondents. With the permission of class adviser. This instrument
helps the researcher to see first-hand how the students perform in their classes and provides little
additional information or data for the study to determine the effects of being a working student.
The survey consists of 7 items, developed by the researcher and the researcher used a Likert
scale survey questionnaire as the main instrument for gathering data. This instrument wants to
assess the effects that occur on the Student's Academic Performance that will help the researcher
to gather the needed information to support and in calculate the effects needed in their study.

Data Gathering Procedure6

In the process of gathering data, the research will make an online survey google
form questionnaire. The researcher will made a formal letter that will send through via online
messenger for the approval to conduct the survey. Then the researcher instructed the directions
of the survey on the students. The students have ample time in completing the survey and assist
them if the students have questions about the survey. Analyzed and interpreted the data
according to the positive and negative effects of being a working student. With the help of
observation,the researcher gathered extra information. Still,we will use the data from the survey
to determine the result of the study.

Data Analysis
All data was gathered through an online survey that included questions and a Likert
The researcher went over the downloaded survey data for general remarks.Describes
how working students rated the degree of their feelings in their current position on Likert
scales.Both the response numbers and the data Tables were created to indicate general participant
background information, the rate of respondents' feelings about how tough it is to be a working
student, how their adviser guides them in their modules, and what they think about their adviser.

Curambao. et al.(2015).Problems Encountered by Working Students and it's Effect on their
Academic Performance :Proposed Action Plan from

Balderrama. et al.(2021).Part-Time Job: Students’ Difficulties In Studying And Working Amidst

Of Covid-19 Pandemic from

Schoffstall. et al.(2014).Benefits and Challenges Encountered by Working Students from

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