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1. How is the concept of Globalization related to diversity?

Globalization is to cross boundaries to make what is common in one community or

country available to those in other communities or countries. This is particularly in
reference to communications and trade. Positive examples of this may be seen in
education and health benefits. Negative examples may be found in terrorism,
communism and other oppressive ideologies.

Diversity is stepping away from established norms to include other ideas, products,
fashions, languages, religions etc to abide within any given culture.

Globalization may be regarded the door that opens the possibility for diversity, be it
favorable or harmful.
…the definition of global diversity should encompass an understanding of the
differences between countries and the internal diversity of each country.”
For many organizations, the definition of global diversity should encompass an
understanding of the differences between countries as well as the internal diversity of
each country. The scope must be global, and knowledge about the country’s customers,
employees and suppliers is essential. Support from top management and clearly
communicating the business case for diversity and inclusion practices are also

A diverse workforce alone does not equate to a successful global diversity management
program. Inclusion programs and initiatives that bring a heightened sense of awareness
and sensitivity to differences often provide employees with tools to overcome the
potential challenges associated with diverse, global teams.

These challenges can exist from country-to-country or in cultural sub-groups of one

country, but with the right mix of diversity and inclusion practices, successful teams
often avoid the “group think” that can plague homogeneous ones. With a shared
mission and common set of values, diverse teams can develop better, more robust
ideas and processes based on a variety of viewpoints. And, with increased levels of
innovation and an ability to attract top level talent, global diversity is a competitive edge.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the influence of technology on


- Although digital technology has many benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Maybe
you have experienced the feeling of wanting to “unplug” from your technology,
email, and social media. The internet, smart devices, and social media can all
cause information overload, lack of productivity, distractions in the workplace,
and misunderstandings among coworkers. However, understanding these risks
and learning strategies to prevent them will keep you productive and happy while
using communication technology.

In these lessons on Disadvantages of Communication Technology, you’ll

learn about the potential drawbacks of workplace communications technologies
and how to avoid them. You’ll learn that technology can sometimes cause
information overload. This course will help you prevent yourself from getting
distracted, while staying accountable and on-task. We will discuss how you can
avoid creating misunderstandings when you communicate with others remotely. 

As modern technology grows and advances by leaps and bounds, so too

does its effect on our life and society. The impact of technological improvements
on communication, in particular, has been extensive and largely positive, helping
people keep in touch with each other more effectively and efficiently. However,
you need only look at the nearest gaggle of teenagers glued to their cell phones
to realize that there are also plenty of downsides from technology's impact on

3. How will you promote responsible use of social media platforms in general to promote
harmony and respect to diversity?

When your target audience communicates with influencers from diverse backgrounds, it
helps you to create proximity as the different cultures find representation and correlation
with your brand through the message expressed by influencers. Cultural representation
is one of the key factors to consider when companies want to create brand awareness
and loyalty.

Speaking to a diverse group of people from different backgrounds can be challenging,

as some messages can trigger an emotional response (either positive or negative) for
one group, but not the other. Before creating social media content, research if what you
plan to share is appropriate for your diverse audience. Try to use a neutral tone and
simple language that wouldn’t cause misinterpretation and/or misunderstandings. Try to
avoid stereotypes or phrases that give prevalence on one cultural group above other.
Remember that Diversity and Inclusion is about welcoming everybody and making them
feel respected, accepted, and safe. Evaluate if your message promotes positive
interactions between the different cultures that form your target audience and if it
considers their values.
Communicating with a multicultural audience is becoming more and more relevant in
Canada and around the world, with the constant influx of immigration and consistently
diversifying communities. Organizations can play a critical role in improving the
acceptance of visible minorities and creating a more inclusive society, and, as
communicators, we should always strive for our Social Media messaging to create more
bonds than bridges between cultures.

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