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TITLE 1: Experiences of Capitol University Senior High School Students who

are Living in a Boarding House in Cagayan de Oro during the SY 2022-2023


1. What problems did the students encounter in living in a boarding house?
2. How does being in this kind of set-up affect the participants as a student?
3. Is there any significant difference between the students living in their own home and in a
boarding house?

• What motivated you to conduct this study?
Due to the amount of students the researchers know at Capitol University boarding in CDO,
the researchers were interested to learn more about their situation or experiences, everyday
problems, comfortability, how they manage to live independently, and in managing their finances.
Additionally, it is to understand the differences between living in a boarding house and living in their
own home, the advantages and disadvantages of living in a boarding house, and its effect on the
students’ academic performance.
• What possible contributions can this study yield? (SIGNIFICANCE)
This study is important for others to understand that living in a boarding house is not as easy
as people think it is. For them to realize that those living in a boarding house also have their own
struggles. This can also be a tool for those interested in living in a boarding house here in CDO; to
know more about what life is like in this kind of set-up; what they should prepare, keep in mind, and
so much more.
• There were many studies of this kind already. Why still propose?
The researchers have done their research and we believe that there are only a few studies
that focus on the experiences of people living in a boarding house, particularly centered on students.
• What is new or novel in your study?
What makes this study different from other studies is that it particularly focuses on the
students, especially that we are now transitioning from distance learning to full face to face, which
means students have to report to school every day. So, the researchers believe that the fact that this
study focuses on the experiences of the students boarding, specifically here in CDO, is what makes
it new or unique.
• What theory can you anchor this study?
According to a study by Ruel Brillantes & Nelia Aga in 2012 (The Living Conditions of
University Students in Boarding Houses and Dormitories in Davao City, Philippines), living in a
boarding house or dormitory is necessary for students who come from far places. Their living
conditions in these dwellings may result in beneficial and/or prejudicial contributions to their holistic
• Who will be the respondents?
The respondents of this study will be the Senior High School Students of Capitol University
who are boarding in Cagayan de Oro during the SY 2022-2023.
• What are your scope and limitations? Why?
This study will only focus on the living experiences of both the Grade 11 and Grade 12
students of Capitol University who are boarding in Cagayan de Oro during the SY 2022-2023.
• What instrument will you use?/How are you planning to gather the data? (method & technique)
The researchers will interview the respondents to acquire information, and to select the
respondents, the researchers will use Purposive Sampling, which is a form of non-probability
sampling in which researchers will rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the
population to participate in the interview.
• Discuss the population and sample of your study.
The population of this study is the Senior High School students of Capitol University, and
those SHS students of CU who are boarding in Cagayan de Oro during the SY 2022-2023 are the
• If approved, how many months would it take you to finish this study?
This study would probably take 3-4 months to complete since the researchers will have to
interview the respondents one by one and will still do everything it takes to complete the study
TITLE 2: Lived Experiences in Traveling to School of Capitol University Grade
11 Students Residing Outside Cagayan de Oro


1. What strategies have the students considered to manage traveling a lengthy time every day?
2. How does traveling a long distance every day to school affect the student's academic
performance and overall well-being?
3. What problems did the students encounter in traveling a long distance every day?

• What motivated you to conduct this study?
The fact that the researchers have classmates or acquaintances who are residing outside
Cagayan de Oro is mainly what motivated the researchers to conduct this study. The researchers
want to know their experiences and daily struggles in traveling a long distance every day; how they
manage to travel a long distance every day despite their class schedule and if this set-up affects
their academic performance and well being. The researchers are also interested in knowing why
these students decided to study in a school so far from their home.
• What possible contributions can this study yield? (SIGNIFICANCE)
This study is important for people to understand or realize how difficult it is for the students to
travel a long distance every day given their class schedule. Also for those students who are planning
to study in Capitol University or any university that is far from their home; to know the experiences or
the struggles of traveling a long distance from home.
• What theory can you anchor this study?
As stated by Joseph & Carpenter in 2017, every day, millions of learners hoping to better
themselves through education wake up early to get to school. But for learners who have long
distances to travel, the journey can be much more difficult. In the Philippines, there is a lot of traffic
all over the city. Hence, it is harder for the students to reach their school because it takes them more
time to travel. But for the students who live in rural places, it might be harder for them to reach their
destination because there are limited public vehicles in some places.
• Who will be the respondents?
The respondents of this study will be the Grade 11 students of Capitol University who are
residing outside Cagayan de Oro.
• What are your scope and limitations? Why?
This study will only focus on the lived experiences in traveling to school of Grade 11 students
of Capitol University who are residing outside Cagayan de Oro.
• What instrument will you use?/How are you planning to gather the data? (method & technique)
The researchers will interview the respondents to acquire information, and to select the
respondents, the researchers will use Purposive Sampling, which is a form of non-probability
sampling in which researchers will rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the
population to participate in the interview.
• Discuss the population and sample of your study.
The population of this study is the Senior High School students of Capitol University, and
those Grade 11 students of Capitol University who are residing outside Cagayan de Oro are the
• If approved, how many months would it take you to finish this study?
This study would probably take 3-4 months to complete since the researchers will have to
interview the respondents one by one and will still do everything it takes to complete the study
TITLE 3: Challenges Experienced by the Selected Grade 12 Supreme Student
Government of Capitol University during the First Semester of SY 2022-


1. What are the challenges experienced by the Supreme Student Government during the first
semester of SY 2022 - 2023?
2. How does being a student leader affect the academic performance of the participants?
3. How did the participants manage their academics and responsibilities as a student leader at
the same time?

• What motivated you to conduct this study?
The researchers want to research by themselves the challenges experienced by the student
leaders in our university, most specifically known as the supreme student government. The
researchers want to get information first hand about their struggles and adjustments, specifically
during the first semester of the SY 2022 - 2023, because as we all know, there have been so many
adjustments that time because classes were slowly transitioning from distance learning to face-to-
• What possible contributions can this study yield? (SIGNIFICANCE)
This study is important because it will make students realize and have a knowledge on the
experiences of the Supreme Student Government, which includes their struggles and adjustments,
specifically during the first semester of the SY 2022 - 2023, because as we all know, there have been
so many adjustments that time because classes were slowly transitioning from blended learning to
face-to-face. This is also beneficial for those aspiring student leaders, for them to have a knowledge
on what it means and takes to be a student leader, which is also significant in their preparation and
decision making whether they'll pursue being a student leader or not, whether they'll be able to
handle the responsibilities of being a student leader.
• There were many studies of this kind already. Why still propose?
The researchers have done their research and we believe that there are only a few studies
about the Supreme Student Government and their experiences. The researchers also conducted this
to focus specifically on the SSG of the Capitol University.
• What is new or novel in your study?
What makes this study different from other studies is that it particularly focuses on the
Supreme Student Government of Capitol University as well as their experiences during the first
semester of the SY 2022-2023, especially that during that period, classes were already transitioning
from distance learning to face-to-face, which required a lot of adjustment, especially to the students
leaders of the university.
• What theory can you anchor this study?
According to a study by Lucy Muthoni Murage, Johannes Njoka, and Michael Gachahi in
2019 (Challenges Faced by Student Leaders in Managing Student Affairs in Public Universities in
Kenya), challenges are those things that make it difficult for student leaders to provide effective
student services in universities. Challenges such as conflict between academic pursuits and
leadership roles, lack of teamwork among student leaders, students’ ignorance of university policies
and statutes, poor communication just to mention a few, may negatively affect student leaders’
• Who will be the respondents?
The respondents of this study will be the selected Grade 12 Supreme Student Government of
Capitol University.
• What are your scope and limitations? Why?
This study will only focus on the challenges experienced by the selected Grade 12 Supreme
Student Government of Capitol University during the First Semester of SY 2022-2023.
• What instrument will you use?/How are you planning to gather the data? (method & technique)
The researchers will interview the respondents to acquire information, and to select the
respondents, the researchers will use Purposive Sampling, which is a form of non-probability
sampling in which researchers will rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the
population to participate in the interview.
• Discuss the population and sample of your study.
The population of this study is the Supreme Student Government of Capitol University, and
the selected Grade 12 Supreme Student Government of Capitol University are the sample.
• If approved, how many months would it take you to finish this study?
This study would probably take 3-4 months to complete since the researchers will have to
interview the respondents one by one and will still do everything it takes to complete the study

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