Factors Affecting The Career Choices and Preference of Grade 12 Gas Students of JPNHS

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A Research Study

Presented to

the Faculty of the Senior High School

Jose Panganiban National High School

Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Practical Research 2


John Axel V. Bequio 

Mark Theolo O. Brutas

Donna Joy O. Calzada

Jessa Costudio

Jerick B. Corpuz

Janelle E. Dasco

Kurt Uslly A. Del Rosario

Joanna Altea A. Delos Santos

Rein D. Diaz

Tom Francis I. Dorado

John Lester B. Eborde 

Ren T. Elis

Kiezzha Anne T. España

Princess Airish C. Evia



TITLE PAGE            i

TABLE OF CONTENTS              x



           Background of the study 1

           Statement of the Problem 6

           Hypotheses 7

           Scope and Limitation of study  8

           Significance of study   9

           Notes   13


           Related Literature    14

Foreign 14

Local 19

          Related Studies     25

   Foreign 25

   Local 30

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art   36

           Theoretical Framework   41

           Conceptual Framework   46

           Definition of Terms   49

           Notes   51

           Method of Research 57

           Population, Sample Size, and Sampling 58


           Description of Respondents 59

           Research Instrument    59

           Data Gathering Procedure 60

           Statistical Treatment of Data   61

           Note   62


Figure                  Page

1 Theoretical Paradigm of the Study 45

2 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study 47



Background of the Study

Students in Grade 12 are now facing the most difficult year of their lives,

and it is due to the career path that they will take, which in some ways is the

most exciting part of their life. A person's career decision has a significant impact

on his or her life. Making a career choice decision is not a simple chore, but

everyone must deal with it at some time in their lives. This includes preparing for

it, starting it, and guiding it to a successful conclusion. Unquestionably, this

decision is the most important moment in a person's life. This is due to the fact

that choosing the wrong career can ruin one's pleasure in life and bring about

disaster for the entire community as well as the person (Ushurhe, 2015; Ezeani,

2013; korir, 2012). 

Career selection is one of the main important choices a student will have

to take in his life. This choice of decision will have an impact on them throughout

their lives, career plays a very fundamental and significant role in the life of the

individual because it determines the pattern of his or her future. The term career

is broadly defined as all like roles people play including students, parents,

employees, retirees, and employers, in securing a livelihood.  In recent years,

career decision-making has attracted research attention because many students

are confused or ignorant about choosing their career path. Making informed and

appropriate career choices is one of the problems many Grade 12 students are

facing. Choosing the desired career can be stated as every student's top priority,

especially among grade 12 students. It is one of the most important decisions a

student will take in their life. This choice of the decision will have a great impact

on their success and their future.

Career selection is an important stage in a student's life. It influences the

number of decisions that he/she takes based on their career choice. Some

students nowadays are confused or unaware of their career path, career

planning is no more a one-time occurrence that would end the decision of the

right strand that they should choose (Manav Rachna). 

We performed this study to help the next generation select a course that

will be appropriate for them and to find out what factors influence their decision-

making so that they can be taken into account. This study can offer useful

information. In order to have a deeper understanding of the many factors

influencing the course selection of the Grade 12 students at Jose Panganiban

National High School in Camarines Norte, Bicol, during the academic year 2020–

2023, this study elaborates, explores, and digs further.

Statement of the Problem

 This study aims to determine the factors affecting the career preferences

of grade 12 students. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the socio-demographic characteristics of grade 12 students in terms


1.1 Sex 

1.2 Age

1.3 Parents occupation

1.4 Size of income/financial

2. What are the anticipated problems encountered in making their career choice?

3.  What are the difficulties grade 12 students might feel by choosing their


4. What school improvement plan can be proposed to address students'

confusion in choosing the right career in senior high? 


          The researcher of this study assumed the following:

1. Used Students' career choice is affected when their parents want them to

choose a future career for them.

2. Grade 12 students' career choices and preferences are affected if the

course that they want is not available at their nearest university.

3. Students are also forced to study at a nearby university if their parents

cannot afford it financially.

Therefore, the preferences and career choices of grade 12 gas students should

be given attention in order to have the necessary help and to help them choose

their preferred career.


We proposed two hypothesis in this research. They are Null Hypothesis

(Ho) and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha).

 Null Hypothesis

 If factors affecting the career choices of grade 12 students are

influenced , then there would be a chance that very few will be able to identify

their potential in the field that they choose.

Alternative Hypothesis

      If the factors affect the career choice and preference of grade 12 Gas

students according to their own, then there is a higher chance that many will be

able to unlock their potential in the field that they choose.

Scope and Delimitation

  This study aims to determine the factors affecting the career choices and

preferences of grade 12 students at Jose Panganiban National High School. The

primary subject of this research study will be the grade 12 GAS students of Jose

Panganiban National Highschool SY 2022-2023. The respondents of this study

are randomly selected by the researcher and mainly the students who are in

grade 12 in the strand of GAS 1-3 Senior High School. In gathering data, there

will be a set of questionnaires that will be given and tasks to be answered by the

students who will be randomly selected from GAS 1 to 3. The researchers will

only interact with the students once in order for them to get the answer on the

study. The study is also limited to different factors that affect the preference of

career choices. 
Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of the students by

choosing the course for their careers that will fit them. By giving them insights

about the career that they will choose to take. This research will also serve as a

guide to future researchers, because of the responses and possible outcomes of

the research study. It can help students to have more insights, ideas, and

knowledgeable lessons that they can adopt and use in choosing different kinds of

careers in life. The researcher believed that this study would be beneficial to the


Students. The student will decide whether their choice is appropriate. The seven

essential components in factor analysis, which helped determine which jobs are

the most important, were found as career goals, high earnings expectations in

the workplace, job experience, knowledge and aptitude, family environment,

social status, and educational environment. 

 Parents. Parents who are actively involved in their children's education help

them develop the language and other abilities necessary for learning by

demonstrating how to plan, supervise, and be aware of the learning process. 

Additionally, if teachers are aware that students' parents are more interested,

they might pay closer attention to them. 

Teachers. Teachers’ main job is to facilitate learning for their pupils by teaching

them new material and creating an environment that encourages and supports

learning. However, instructors play a broad range of roles that differ from culture

to society and from educational level to educational level. 

 Future researchers. This study will serve as their guide for their future

researcher and can be one of the sources in addition this study can be used as

supporting evidence for their research.

Public. The public is provided with information about the factors of the topic so

that they can analyze it and use it as a reference or source. Knowing the pros

and cons can help them gain a better understanding of its effect and how they

can apply it to a similar situation they might face in real life.

Researchers itself. The researchers are interested in this topic because they

want to know how people are coping with every grade 12 student's current

predicament. The researchers have noticed circumstances in their society that

demonstrate how common and important it is to comprehend if people choose a

path that will be appropriate for them and to discover what influences their

decision-making so that it can be taken. The researchers will be able to answer

their questions and, ideally, help others choose a preferred course by studying


Community. The community came to this conclusion after recognizing that they

would have financial difficulty taking their preferred courses when their parents,

and not the institutions offering them, live a long way away. They have the right

to govern the neighborhood and educate people about the important

considerations when choosing a particular course of action. Additionally, the

community encourages the willing appropriation of local assets for educational

purposes. Initiatives in support of education that are community-owned have a

higher chance of success and of being sustained over time.





Ekwisiri, I. (2016). Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of Career in Business

Teacher Education in Delta State Colleges of Education. SEAHI PUBLICATION.



This chapter contains related literature and studies used as a basis in the

study which discussed concepts, theories, opinions, and studies that are deemed

necessary in conducting this research from different sources including the

unpublished thesis, journal, article, and other internet search engines.

Related Literature

The following are the gathered foreign and local literature related to the

study which comes from articles, write-ups available on the internet as well as

memos and guidelines relative to the research study.


The following is the literature taken from various foreign authors that will

have significant contributions to the study.

(Jeofrey Mtemeri,2017) Family members, both nucleus and extended,

had an influence on students’ choice of careers. The influence of mothers and

fathers was rated highly as compared to other family members. The study also
revealed that schools had an impact on high school student’s choice of careers.

Career guidance, especially school career days, was cited as having a positive

impact on student’s choice of careers. The geographical location of schools was

cited as quite influential in the choices of careers by students. The study also

revealed that peers had an influence on students’ choices of careers through

peer advice and encouragement. However, the influence of gender on career

choice was lowly rated. In other words, gender did not influence the students’

choice of careers. Several recommendations were made. The study

recommended the training of parents, peers and teachers to enhance students’

choice of careers. It was also recommended that only trained career guidance

teachers be allowed to teach career guidance. Lastly, the study also

recommended a career guidance model to assist in helping students choose

suitable careers.

(Asma Shahid Kazi, Abeeda Akhlaq, 2017) Making a career choice is a

defining phase in every student’s life. Students have to consider several factors

before arriving at a decision. This study investigated the influence of several

factors such as parental education, profession, and income on career decisions.

It also examined whether students at the MS level opt for their chosen fields

forcefully, make compromises, or make decisions that are independent and

without external pressures. The results show the parent’s influence as most

significant, followed by influence from peers, gender, print media, financial

reasons, interest, and others. 

To give more important views, the researchers gathered literature from

local authors for the development of this study.

( Dennis V. Madrigal, 2020) -The adolescent stage is considered one of

the most challenging stages in human development. A stage where a student is

planning and preparing himself in a role, he would like to take part in the

community by taking his desired course or job to uplift his dignity as a person.

Career decision-making is undoubtedly one of the most difficult and challenging

in any student’s life. As students continue to college, wisely choosing a career

greatly impacts their future career life. In some instances, changing courses

could cause of having the wrong decision in choosing a career that could lead to

a waste of time, resources, and career frustration. Hence, the paper assessed

the degree of career preferences and the extent of factors influencing the career

choices of senior high school students in a Catholic School in Antique during the

school year 2019-2020. Likewise, it compared the students' career preferences

and factors influencing career choices in terms of their demographics. Also, it

correlated career preferences and the influence of factors in career choices.

(JJG Ouano, 2019) -Making a career choice is a defining phase in every

students’ life. Students have to consider several factors before arriving at a

decision. The purpose of this research was to see the factors which affect the

choice of career among students. This study assessed the influence of factors

such as decision-making and interest, peer influence, considerations about the

institutions and future job opportunities on the career decisions of 90 students in

Jagobiao National High School. Data was collected through a survey

questionnaire – researchers used a chi-square as a research tool to formulate

the collected data. The results show that the considerations about the institutions
were most significant, followed by decision-making and interest, peer influence

and future job opportunities.  

Related studies

This presents the previously conducted foreign and local study which is

relevant to the current research and will be the reference for enhancement of the



       According to the findings, it takes passion to comprehend entrepreneurship

and its processes (Magdadaro, 2020). Career choices require a high level of

creativity, experimentation, decision-making, and sound judgment. To generate

and nurture interest in a particular career, it is critical to have a working

knowledge of that field. Self-defining activities that are necessary for the soul,

heart, and power of an individual are powerfully attracted to passion.

Professional success is most likely to occur when an individual's career path is

aligned with his talents, personality, background, and intelligence. Numerous

students make decisions based on personal preferences rather than what the

labor market requires.


          (Jeddah B. Quiño, 2022) -According to the study's findings, the factors

influencing a student's decision to enroll in college are financial aid, educational

quality, tuition affordability, and environment and culture. It cannot be overstated

how critical course selection is for students in senior high school. The findings

imply that the various factors that influence students' choices are adaptable
regardless of their age, gender, or family wealth. Students who pursue their

dreams are conscious of their abilities and knowledge. Parents must supervise

their children in all aspects of their lives, including decision-making. While

parents can influence their children's career choices, young adults must make

their own. They may be anyone they wish, demonstrating to others that they are

capable of accomplishing their goals without parental assistance. To accomplish

that goal, they must first attain self-sufficiency. Certain students consider their

current financial difficulties and how they might affect their parents' ability to

work. They fear that their parents will be unable to meet the requirements of the

profession they wish to pursue. Scholarships, on the other hand, are available to

students who are willing to seize the opportunity and thus alleviate their financial

difficulties. Adolescents share a great deal of information with their peers,

including their dreams. This cannot be ignored, as they are perpetually present.

They can have an effect on the judgments that individuals must make on

occasion. On the other hand, students can work independently and choose their

SHS course with or without assistance from classmates or peers. They are

unaware of this problem because they believe they can achieve their objective on

their own. Due to the high demand for a variety of occupations, students select

the ones that fit them best and require their labor. They are aware of the rising

unemployment rate in the country, which gives them the confidence to seize the


     (Dr. Nancy T. Pascual,2022) -Respect for the family is one of the most

influential factors that impact Filipino students' career decisions. It has concurred

that “Out of respect and loyalty, it may not be appropriate to express personal

desires; rather, one may alter one’s interests to maintain harmony.” As a sign of

respect, Filipino children want to do well for the sake of the family, follow their
parents’ advice about choosing a job or major in college, and lastly, make

sacrifices for the family. For practical reasons, it is also reported that parents

usually encourage careers that will not cost much money, but at the same time,

are stable sources of income. Careers in nursing, accounting, and engineering

are highly popular among Filipino families. These writings discuss that the family

decides what college course students should take is also associated with the

financial status of the family.

Synthesis of the state-of-the-Art

       It is highlighted that this study was supported by several kinds of literature

and studies by various researchers. Factors affecting the Career Preferences of

the students according to (Mtemeri 2017, Wiko et al 2006 and Almerino 2003)

Parents’ influence was highly evaluated versus other family members. They

explained that choosing a degree was psychologically motivated and solely

based on the big picture of a large family with poor educational and investment

levels and was mentioned as being extremely influential in the course selection

stage. It is secondly followed by the studies of (Kazi et al, 2017 and Ouano 2019)

that substantial others can influence a person's vocation by providing social

support from peers. People in one's environment have a large influence on one's

selection. Friends can have an impact on a person's career path. So the

students' interests may be indeed influenced by the environment they usually go

out with. On the other hand, the study of (Madrigal 2020 and Ouano 2019)

defended career decisions is a watershed moment in every student's life. They

expound that Career Decision-Making was a profound factor, this is a stage in

which a student is planning and preparing for a role in which he/she would like to

be involved in the community by taking his chosen profession. This is also

supported by (Pabiton, 2007), he believes that during career counseling

sessions, career counselors or professionals should place more focus on this

environmental component. This is done to aid the children in determining where

their hearts will ultimately reside in the future.

 Theoretical Framework

In this part of the study, researchers cited different theories that has a

connection to the model and concepts of this study. These theories are being

shown in order to support the research paper. 

The first theory, the researchers used the Social Cognitive Career Theory

(SCCT); this theory states that people choose careers based upon their beliefs in

their ability to perform the job (Bandura, 1977). In other words, people are

motivated by careers that require skills that they believe they have and are

confident they can be successful in that job. Self-efficacy comes from individuals’

previous performance accomplishments, vicariously by observing others, from

verbal persuasion, and from physiological states and arousal. Bandura also

postulates that self-efficacy is distinct from outcome expectancies, or the

expectations one has of the result of behavior. Bandura (1986) notes that self-

efficacy and “outcome expectancies judgments are differentiated because

individuals can believe that a particular course of action will produce a certain

outcome, but they do not act on that outcome belief because they question

whether they can actually execute the necessary activities” (p. 392). The

constructs of self-efficacy and outcome expectancies are an individual’s

perceptions of reality; as such, those perceptions may or may not be realistic. It

is important to note that in decision-making, individuals’ perceptions of reality are

hypothesized to be greater determinants of their behavior than objective reality. 

Self Concept Theory states that in making a vocational choice individuals

are expressing their self-concept, or understanding of self, which evolves over

time. People seek career satisfaction through work roles in which they can

express themselves and further implement and develop their self-concept

(Super, 1953). Super influenced the idea that developing a sense of self and

realizing that you change over time is important when planning your career. He

also stated that self-concept changes over time, and develops through

experience. As such, career development is lifelong. This theory consists of three

original constructs (Sharf,2002). These are career development, self-concept,

and lastly career maturity (Sharf,2000). Super constructed the concept of career

development as a process. Super’s theory is referred to as a life span-life-space

approach (Brown, et. al., 1996). It addresses career development at different

stages and recognizes the need for intentional efforts toward career

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms
        For better understanding, the researchers provide the contextual and

operational meanings of words, phrases, and acronyms used in the study.

Quantitative research. It is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical

data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal

relationships, and generalize results to wider populations. Quantitative research

is the opposite of qualitative research, which involves collecting and analyzing

non-numerical data like text, video, or audio. Quantitative research is widely used

in the natural and social sciences: biology, chemistry, psychology, economics,

sociology, marketing, etc.

Career choice. It is a process of choosing a career path that can involve choices

regarding education and training for a given career. The culmination of a person

is development and actions throughout the course of their life, especially those

related to their career. A person is a route or development through life or a

certain time of existence. Parental counsel, vocational guidance, identification

with well-known persons, trial or part-time employment, training choices,

personal interests, and ability tests, among many other factors, are all utilized to

assist people in making career decisions.





























Kazi, A. S., & Akhlaq, A. (2017). Factors Affecting Students' Career Choice.  Journal of Research

& Reflections in Education (JRRE), 11(2).

Mtemeri, J. (2017). Factors influencing the choice of career pathways among high school

students in Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). University of

South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Dangoy, J. E., & Madrigal, D. V. (2020). Career Preferences and Factors Influencing the Career Choice of

Senior High Students of a Catholic School. Philippine Social Science Journal, 3(2), 95-96.


Quiño, J. B. (2022). Factors Influencing the Career Preference of Senior High School Students

during Pandemic (1st ed.). International Journal of Arts and Social Science.


Ouano, J. J. G., Torre, J. F. D. L., Japitan, W. I., & Moneva, J. C. (2019). Factors influencing on

grade 12 students’ chosen courses in Jagobiao National High School–senior high school

department. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 9(1), 421-431.

Robinson, J. M. (2014). The Theory Behind Your Career Choice (1st ed., p. 1). Jacqueline Monroe

Robinson. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140805223758-29106829-the-theory-behind-



Bhandari, P. (2022). What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition, Uses & Methods.

Pritha Bhandari. https://doi.org/www.scribbr.com



       The main objective of this study is to identify the factors affecting the career

choices and preferences of grade 12 GAS students of Jose Panganiban National

High School. This chapter shows how the researchers will gather information and

necessary data that will be used in this study. It also discusses the method of

research, sample size, sampling technique, the description of respondents, the

procedures used in gathering the data, and the statistical treatment of data. 
Research Method

The study was conducted using quantitative research design that focuses

on attaining greater knowledge and understanding of the social world.

Quantitative research design tends to favor closed-ended questions. Providing

respondents with a set list of answers, they will not normally be able to give

lengthy open-ended responses. This design ensures that the process of

quantitative research is far more efficient than it would be if qualitative style open

ended questions were employed. It is more efficient because it is then not

necessary to carry out the time consuming process of coding vast quantities of

open-ended responses.  However, quantitative research design does often allow

the inclusion of another category in the list of possible responses to questions,

where appropriate. This allows those respondents who do not fit directly into the

main categories to still get their precise responses recorded and used in the

analysis of the research project results.

       Based on the Creswell (2003) researcher generally uses a post-positivist

approach to develop knowledge when quantitative research is decided on (i. e

cause and impact thinking, use of dimension and observations, and test of

theories), uses strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys, and

collects data on predetermined devices that yield statistical data.

Population, Sample Size And Sampling Technique

        The expected respondents of this research are the grade 12 Gas students

of Jose Panganiban National High School in Camarines Norte,  during the school

year 2022–2023. In this study, 27 out of 162 GAS students will be expected to
respond. The researcher will use probability sampling with systematic clustering,

wherein the researcher divides the population into multiple groups.

Research Instrument

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the

purpose of gathering information from respondents. It can be useful especially for

large populations that can be hard to survey.

        In this study , questionnaires are the main instrument being used to gather

data . We constructed it after we were able to find available materials related to our

topic which is all about the Level of awareness of students on their personal

behavior. Reading such different articles and providing a tentative questionnaire

were submitted to the adviser for corrections and other suggestions. After correction,

it was again shown to the adviser for final approval before the questionnaire was

conducted among the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather relevant information needed for the research question

and enhance the validity of the study, the researchers browsed various websites

online. The researchers themselves designed the survey questions following

analysis of a range of different data sources to decide which questions to answer

would be ideal for the investigation.

Students today can more easily access the internet, making it possible for

them to access information without much trouble. This approach would make it

easier to collect data from respondents through that method rather than

traditional methods, which would take too much time and resources.

Source of data

 The main sources of data will be the questionnaires, which are to be

answered by the respondents. The data to be gathered will be used in assessing

the difficulties and strategies used by the grade 12 gas students so they can

choose wisely when they are choosing their career.



Survey Questionnaires

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