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Drama: An Entertaining Echo of Life

Table of Contents
I. A Portrait of the Artist as a Filipino
II. Council of the Gods
III. Elements of Drama
IV. Categories of Connecting Speech
V. Dr.Jose P. Rizal

I. A Portrait of the Artist as a Filipino


Candida and Paula Marasigan Spinster daughters of Don Lorenzo

Bitoy Camacho Family Friend

Tony Javier Lodger at the Marasigan House

Pete Sunday Magazine Editor

Eddie A Writer

Cora A News Photographer

II. Council of the Gods


Jupiter Ruler of the Gods

Juno Queen of the Gods

Minerva Goddess of Wisdom

Apollo Sun-God

Venus Goddess of Love and Beauty

Cupid Son of Venus

Mars God of War

Momus God of Night

Mercury Messenger of the Gods

Bacchus God of Wine

Justice Goddess of Scales

Hebe Cup-bearer of the Gods

Ganymede Assistant to Hebe

The work shows Rizal's amazing knowledge of the intricacies of Roman mythology.

III. Elements of Drama

Freytag’s Pyramid
● Exposition
➢ The characters and settings are introduced.

● Rising Action
➢ The play’s action heightens due to conflict.

● Climax
➢ The highest point of the action unfolds.

● Falling Action
➢ The play’s action cools down. Secrets that have been kept are now revealed.

● Resolution
➢ The play achieves a sense of closure.
IV. Categories of Connecting Speech

A. Sequence - The following words show a sequence of ideas.

● First, second, third
● Also, and then, another
● Earlier, and then, next
● In addition, furthermore, besides

B. Summation - Words help to conclude or summarize thoughts,

● Therefore, thus, to conclude, to summarize, as a result, clearly, finally, or summarize

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