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Reporting date Jan 31, 2023


Raiffeisen-GreenBonds (I)
Current fund strategy
Raiffeisen-GreenBonds (I) is a bond fund. It invests predominantly in bonds issued by governments, supranational entities, and/or companies in order to finance ecological,
climate-relevant projects (so-called green bonds). The Fund is particularly suitable for investors who wish to benefit from the earnings potential of a bond investment while at
the same time supporting climate and environmental protection. The typical risks for global bond investments, ranging from elevated price volatility to possible loss of capital,
also apply to this Fund.
The fund is actively managed without reference to a benchmark.

Risk indicator ² Recommended holding period in years

Lower risk Higher risk

General fund information Comments from fund management

Fund launch Sep 15, 2015 Bond prices rallied in January. Inflation figures in the USA were once again lower
Fund volume in mn 252,50 than expected and gas and electricity prices declined in Europe, helping to alleviate
worries about rate hikes by the Fed and the ECB and pushing bond prices higher
Minimum investment in EUR 500.000 for all maturities.
Accounting year 01.09. - 31.08.
Bloomberg-Ticker RAGBVTA The fund invests in bonds whose proceeds are used for environmental measures.
Just under 90% of these are denominated in EUR and USD. The unhedged currency
ISIN full income-retaining (V) AT0000A1FV77 position is around 17%. Just over a third of the volume is accounted for by
state-affiliated issuers and supranationals. The average duration is roughly 5.2 years.

The global economy is showing some signs of weakness, but it does not look like
a major recession is about to unfold. Inflation will drop sharply and, sooner or later,
the interest rate cycle will turn around again. The bond market has already started
Past value is not a reliable indicator of the fund’s future performance. to discount this in the prices. (24.01.2023)

Performance 5 years: Jan 31, 2018 - Jan 31, 2023 Performance by calendar years
11/2019: Ongoing foreign currency hedge no longer applicable (change of factors for determination of 11/2019: Ongoing foreign currency hedge no longer applicable (change of factors for determination of
the fund’s performance) the fund’s performance)

since inception
In % p.a. 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years in % 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
(Sep 15, 2015)
Fund -11,58 -4,57 -1,57 — -0,90 Fund — — — 1,7 0,5 -1,2 5,3 2,2 -1,5 -13,8

Source: Custodian Bank (Raiffeisen Bank International AG) Source: Custodian Bank (Raiffeisen Bank International AG)

Raiffeisen KAG calculates performance based on the published fund price, using the OeKB
methodology. For more details on the calculation, please see the next page. ¹

Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Mooslackengasse 12, 1190 Wien | www.rcm.at | www.rcm-international.com/fr

Reporting date Jan 31, 2023

Raiffeisen-GreenBonds (I)
Structure by rating (proportion of bond assets) Structure by sector (proportion of bond assets)

Share class information Risk indicators

ISIN Launch Volatility (% p. a., 3 years) 6,52
ISIN full income-retaining (V) AT0000A1FV77 Sep 15, 2015 Sharpe Ratio (p. a., 3 years) -0,63
Ongoing charges ³ 0,46 % Maximum Drawdown (%, since inception) -16,50
of which: management fee (%) 0,30
Bond indicators ⁴
The management company notes that the sales office can charge fees for the purchase
Ø Yield (%) 3,73
and/or redemption of unit certificates.
Ø Remaining maturity (years) 5,71
Ø Duration (years) 5,36
Ø Coupon (%) 1,22
Ø Rating a

This is a marketing notice. All of the data and information have been collected and assessed with great care; the sources used are considered to be reliable. The information is current as
of the time of update. No liability or guaranty can be assumed for the accuracy or completeness of the information.
The English-language versions of the published prospectuses and the information for investors pursuant to § 21 of the Austrian Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (Alternative
Investmentfonds Manager-Gesetz, AIFMG) and the French key information documents for the funds of Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H. authorized for distribution in France may
be downloaded from the “Cours et Documents” section of the website www.rcm-international.com/RCMFR or obtained from Société Générale Global Securities Investors, 50 boulevard
Haussmann, 75009 Paris. NB: This prospectus has not been translated into French. A summary of investors’ rights in German and English is available via the following link:
https://www.rcm.at/corporategovernance. Please note that Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H. has the right to terminate the arrangements made for the distribution of fund unit
certificates outside of the fund’s country of domicile, Austria.

¹ Raiffeisen KAG calculates performance based on the published fund price, using the OeKB methodology. Individual costs – such as transaction fees, the subscription fee, the redemption
fee or custody charges of the investor – and taxes are not included in the performance calculation. These would reduce the performance if they were included. Past value is not a reliable
indicator of the fund’s future performance. Notice for investors with a different functional currency than the fund currency: We expressly point out that returns may rise or fall due to currency

² The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 5 years.

³ These are the ongoing costs incurred if you exit after 1 year. The ongoing costs are comprised of management fees and other administrative or operating costs (estimate based on actual
costs over the last year) as well as transaction costs (estimate of the costs incurred when the management company buys and sells the underlying investments for the fund. The actual amount
will vary depending on how much the management company buys and sells.)

⁴ For securities with an early call right, this is taken into account when calculating bond indicators. If issuers do not exercise the early call option, this results in a corresponding extension of
the maturity structure and thus changes the above-mentioned indicators. Bonds without a specific maturity (perpetuals) are presented with a fictitious maturity of 40 years.

Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Mooslackengasse 12, 1190 Wien | www.rcm.at | www.rcm-international.com/fr

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