Classroom Language

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Atividade de inglês para a turma de 7º ano.

1. Escolha a melhor alternativa para completar as perguntas abaixo:
(Copie a pergunta e responda em seu caderno!)

2. Complete o texto abaixo com o verbo “to be” correto, use as formas afirmativas e
(Substitua o ## pelo verbo, em seu caderno.)
Peter and Louise ## friends. They ## in the same English class, but they ## in the same
school. Peter studies in a public school and Louise, in a private school. Peter ## in the 6th
grade, his favorite subject ## Math. He doesn’t like English, but his English teacher ## very
nice. For him English ## so difficult, but for Louise, it ##. (same: mesmo (a) / but: mas)

3. Complete com a “short answer” correta: (Copie em seu caderno.)

a) Sally work in a school. Is she a doctor?
( ) Yes, she is. ( ) No, she isn’t.
b) Mike is an excellent dad. Is Mike a good father?
( ) Yes, he is. ( ) No, he isn’t.
c) All students get great notes in the test. Are the students passed in the test?
( ) Yes, they are. ( ) No, they aren’t.

4. Complete com o verbo “to be”. E depois, passe as frases para a forma interrogativa,
observe o exemplo. (Copie no seu caderno, não precisa copiar o exemplo.)
Ex: My friends are at the park all afternoon.
Int.: Are my friends at the park all afternoon?
a) Fuffly ## a black and white cat.
b) I ## an excellent police office.
c) They ## at the school, now.
d) Gary and Brenda ## neighbors.

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