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How to develop an attractive Personality?

7 Personality Enhancing/Development Tips

1- Conversation Raito
A perfect conversation ratios 75% listening and 25% speaking (use the art of active listening)
-Me too syndrome: Syndrome you know when somebody talks to us, we have a tendency to say
that happened to me too (but it’s not about you, it’s about them and always maintain kind eyes
and warm appreciative smile)

2- Ice Breaker Jokes

Jim Carry once said that “I become more attractive when I laugh at myself”.
No friendly conversation is complete without some leg pulling and laughing and a person
become truly charismatic when they confidently laugh at themselves. (It shows that they are

3- Name Card
knowing somebody’s name is like having some power over them; when you’re talking to
somebody use their name frequently like “Hey, Jack! How have you been? Haven’t seen you in
a while!”

4- Secret strategy
In his book influence the psychology of preservation Robert Cialdini talks about the scarcity
He says that when something is scarce or it’s in shortage, people find it attractive
Now for a person, we call it the secret strategy which means that if you tell somebody a secret,
they kind of think that you trust them and in turn they trust you back
So if you want this close circle of friends make sure that you tell them a little secret about
yourself and they’re gonna like you that much more and trust you also a little more and feel
closer to you

But make sure that you’re telling them your own secret and don’t tell the secret of friend
number A to friend number B

5- Roots of Interest
Now have you ever met a person who can bare you to death by talking about the same topic
over and over again?
Yeah… me too
Now a charismatic person is one who can talk fluently on a wide of topics
So the key here is to develop passion and interest in different topics while being sensitive to
others and respecting their own maybe preference thoughts and opinions
And also when you show interest in something they’re passionate about, they’re certainly going
to get attracted towards you

6- Magnet of Friends
Now if you have this home of friends and build this great relationship with people by socializing
often, it’ll be a great source of confidence for you, but it’s important to be genuinely kind caring
helpful and appreciate of people
People actually like you, not only for who you are but, for how you make them feel and if you
make them feel good then you will be this perfect magnet for all your friends

7- Art of Saying “NO”

I know how difficult it is to get out of bed on weekend especially after you’ve had a really tiring
week but, what’s more difficult is to say No to this over excited friend for a group meetup
It’s kind of this fine balance between being likable and a rude person; but, a charismatic and
confident person is one who can say no politely and yet firmly
So, you could say “Sorry, I don’t think I’ll be able to do this today for some opportunity that you
may not be able to fully oblige” or “No, thanks I don’t think I need this today” to a pushy
salesperson” or you can say “Thank you but, I think I’ll give it a mess” or “I’m afraid I have
another commitment for an unwanted invitation” and if you say all of this with a smile, you’ll
sound like a firm and confident person without sounding arrogant.

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