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Prof. A. H. Sequeira

NITK, Surathkal

Claret D‟Souza**
Mandeep K*
MahendraPrabhu K*
Lakshmi Narayan Tiwari*

**Research Scholar, NITK, Surathkal

* MBA Students, NITK, Surathkal


Students are generally identified about their level of education and affiliation from their uniform
or formal dress since ages. Dress code for college students has always been a controversial issue
among the various stakeholders. On one side Institutions want to have dress code policies for
maintaining a healthy learning environment and on the other side face opposition from the
students and their parents, who consider it as a meaningless restriction on them. This
e x p l o r a t o r y s t u d y a n d l i t e r a t u r e r e v i e w will examine the perceived
benefits and disadvantages of having uniforms for college students with special reference to
students pursuing their studies in business management. An exploratory study was conducted to
have an in-depth knowledge about the topic. Five institutions i n a major ci t y were selected as
samples through non-probability sampling design. The five institutions represented a National
Institution, an autonomous institution and three other private colleges which are known for their
reputation. Both students & teachers were selected using non- probability purposive sampling
technique. The study is both quantitative as well as qualitative. The arguments used in the design
include both deductive and inductive reasoning .The main research findings show that
majority of the students believe that uniform incorporates discipline among them, it brings
down the chances of discrimination among students belonging to different economic strata in
society and above all, and it will develop their personality to suit the corporate world. There was
also a strong feeling among the students that wearing the same uniform for a long time is very

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Debates about the use of school uniforms in public schools have received much attention in the
last few years. Many educational stakeholders believe that uniforms may curb negative behaviors
associated with student dress such as teasing, absenteeism, tardiness, gang-related activity, and
violence. One primary argument espoused by opponents is that uniforms interfere with students'
right to freedom of expression. Various state governments and educational institutions are
introducing sensitive rules regarding implementation of dress code, which give rise to vehement
criticisms from the student side.

Nothing should be forcibly implemented on anyone without any strong reason. College students
are quiet mature enough to understand the gravity of the issue , so it was very important to find
out their perception about various issues regarding dress code so as to understand its significance
from students‟ perspective.

In the light of the emerging debate on the significance of having a uniform dress code for
college students, a research study was envisaged on the topic - „A Study on Dress Code for
College Students‟. This study would focus on how the concept of dress code came into practice,
the perception of students and teachers regarding the uniform dress code and to find out the
benefits to students and institutions from having a uniform dress policy.

Research Questions

The study envisages the following research questions for investigations:

RQ1. What i s t h e r a t i o n a l e behind having a dress code for college students?

RQ2. What do the college students and their teachers think about having a uniform dress code?

RQ3. What are advantages for students from introduction of a dress code?

RQ4. What are advantages to the institutions from the introduction of uniform dress code to its

Literature Review

The introduction of a dress code for the university students has been a highly debated issue
among the administrators, parents, students and society at large. Many of the arguments justify
the introduction of dress code. We have a few citations from credible secondary y data sources
which highlight the need for introduction of a dress code.

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A debate on Dress Code for the university students read thus: “The public school campuses of
our nation are experiencing an unprecedented crisis of violence and a shocking decline in
academic achievement. Gang related violence and crime in the public schools continues to grow
and challenge school administrators and students. Student attendance and dropout rates are
alarming, as are the presence of drugs, weapons, and violence in many schools.

As a reaction to this threat of violence, many school boards are currently enforcing mandatory
dress codes. These codes prohibit students from wearing clothing that is identifiable as gang
clothing, such as bandanas, particular colored handkerchiefs, college jackets, earrings, and
accessories. Some states have even passed laws that allow the public school districts to mandate
school uniforms” (Wilson, 1998).

The Principals of educational institutions reported that their schools had formal dress-code
policies that usually prohibited halters, low-cut tops, tank tops, low-riding pants, wallet chains,
sunglasses, headgear, and exposed undergarments. Codes also often prohibited clothing with
advertisements or depictions of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products, or displays of offensive
messages. Some codes contain requirements that hair is clean and well-groomed, and that
clothes be clean, neat, and properly fastened (DeMitchell, 2000).

Eric Digest on student public dress policy had an article which read thus: “In recent years,
schools across the country have experienced violence, gang activity, and thefts of clothing and
accessories. Many school boards, mindful of their responsibility to provide safe school
environment for students, have implemented policies specifying dress codes or the wearing of
uniforms” (Isaacson, Lynne, 1998).

Educators and the public are divided over the value of implementing school-uniform policies in
the public schools.
The viewpoints favoring the motion are: The chief benefits of school uniforms say proponents, is
that they make schools safer. Uniforms are said to reduce gang influence, minimize violence by
reducing some sources of conflict, and help to identify trespassers. Parents benefit because they
are no longer pressured to buy the latest fashions, and they spend less on their children's clothing.

The contrary views are: Opponents contend that school-uniform policies infringe upon students '
First Amendment rights to freedom of expression; interfere with students' natural tendency to
experiment with their identities; are tools of administrative power and social control; offer
piecemeal approach to issues of racial and economic injustice; and may discriminate against
students from minority backgrounds (Caruso 1996, Cohn and Siegal 1996).

Claims are made on the positive impact of Dress code on variables like absenteeism, turnover,
behavior problems, academic achievement etc. But at times it felt that dress code has negligible
impact on these factors rather those pronouncements by uniform proponents have raised strident

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objections and created a political climate in which public school uniform policies have become
highly contested(David, 1998).

Women students have had embarrassing encounters with the security guards at the college gates
on account of so called immodest ways of dressing. If you are a college student in India's Silicon
City, be prepared for security guards to stare you down if you aren't "properly" dressed. In fact,
they can refuse entry to students if they aren't 'decently" attired. Worse, if your tank top doesn't
measure up to the outsourced guard's sense of morality, you will be fined. In Bangalore, college
guards enforce dress code (Balakrishna, 2010).

Mandatory uniform policies have been the focus of recent discourse on public school reform.
Proponents of such reform measures emphasize the benefits of student uniforms on specific
behavioral and academic outcomes. Tenth grade data from The National Educational
Longitudinal Study of 1988 was used to test empirically the claims made by uniform advocates.
The findings indicate that student uniforms have no direct effect on substance use, behavioral
problems, or attendance. Contrary to current discourse, the authors found a negative effect of
uniforms on student academic achievement. Uniform policies may indirectly affect school
environments and student outcomes by providing a visible and public symbol of commitment to
school improvement and reform (Brunsma, D. L., & Rockquemore, K. 1998).

Table- 1 gives the summary of important authors and their research findings, which is used for this

Research Gap:

Most of the research done so far was about uniform for primary, middle-school and high school
students; very few studies have been carried out on dress code for college students and especially
on uniform dress code for business management students. An attempt has been made for finding
out the perceptions of dress code among students, parents and administration.
Identification of both independent and dependent Variables was done after the literature review and
the same is indicated in the Table -2.

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Table 1: Summary of Important Research Findings


1. Amy Mitchell Wilson To reduce gang related violence and to improve

(1998) academic achievement, public schools implemented
mandatory dress code.
2. DeMitchell, Todd A, Principals of educational institution reported that
Fossey, Richard, Cobb, dress code prohibit offensive clothing, clothing with
Casey(2000) advertisements, offensive messages etc.

3. Isaacson (1998) Many school boards, mindful of their responsibility

to provide safe school environments for students,
have implemented policies specifying dress codes or
the wearing of uniforms
4. David L (1998) Merits of uniform: Reduce gang influence;
minimize violence; parents end up spending less on
Demerits of uniform: Restricts rights to freedom of
expression; interfere with students' natural tendency
to experiment with their identities, dress code has
negligible impact on factors like absenteeism,
turnover, behavior problems, academic achievement
5.Rodriguez, J. (2005) Study showed that school uniforms did not have an
effect on self-esteem of students.
6. Brunsma, D. L., The findings indicate that student uniforms have no
&Rockquemore, K. (1998) direct effect on substance use, behavioral problems,
or attendance. The authors found a negative effect of
uniforms on student academic achievement.
7. ShruthiBalakrishna(2010) In Bangalore, college guards enforce dress code in
fact they can refuse entry to students if they aren't
„decently‟ attired. Women students have had
embarrassing encounters with the security guards at
the college gates on account of so called immodest
ways of dressing.

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Table 2: Identification of Research Variables used in the study


Students‟ self-esteem School uniforms

Behavior Dress code policy

School safety Guiding principles

Academic achievement Draft rules

Positive school climate

Substance abuse

Lower expense on clothing

Sense of belonging

The study proposes two hypotheses for testing through the study:
H01: There is no significant relationship between the gender and their interest for uniform dress

H11: There is a significant relationship between gender and their interest for uniform dress code.

H02: There is no significant relationship between gender a n d their belief that uniform d r e s s
c o d e inculcates discipline among students.

H22: There is a significant relationship between gender and t h e i r belief that uniform dress
code inculcates discipline among students.

Table -3 indicates the Research questions, investigative questions and research objectives used for
the study.

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Table 3: Research questions, investigative questions and research objectives

Research Questions(RQ) Investigative Questions(IQ) Research Objectives(RO)

IQ1. How the concepts of dress code
come into existence?

RQ1. What is the rationale IQ2. Does the uniform improve the RO1. To study the evolution
behind having a dress code? reputation of the college? of dress code.

IQ3. To what extent uniform is useful in

making a safe school environment?

IQ1. Do students like wearing uniform?

RO2. To study the perception
RQ2. What does students & IQ2. Does uniform creates healthy
of college students and
teachers think about the learning environment in classroom?
teachers regarding the
concept of a dress code?
IQ3. Does wearing a uniform restrict practice of wearing uniform
ones desire for self-expression or mask
his identity?
IQ1. Does uniform brings down the
chances of discrimination among students
belonging to different income groups?
IQ2. Does uniform helps in making
college students ready for the corporate
RQ3. What are advantages for RO3. To identify the benefits
students from introduction of a to students from introduction
dress code? IQ3. Whether dress code will ease the of a dress code
financial burden on parents of poor
IQ4. Does wearing uniform will make
students act more responsible?
IQ1. How helpful is uniform in
inculcating sense of discipline among
RQ4. What are advantages for students?
institutions by introducing a IQ2. Does uniform gives a sense of RO4. To assess the benefits
dress code? belongingness in students towards the to the institution on
college? introducing a dress code
IQ3. Does a dress code prohibit students
from wearing improper clothes inside the
college premises?

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Research Methodology

The problem selected in this study had not been studied in-depth earlier in the context of
college students. Therefore the study relied mostly on primary data. Design of research tools
used secondary data sources. The approach commenced with exploratory and later adopted
descriptive thus making it a mixed approach.

The topic of the study is mostly subjective based on individual perceptions of the problem,
and hence, survey method and interviews were used to collect data. The above techniques
gave new raw data on the perceptions of both students and teachers. The research design was
triangulation of both qualitative and quantitative type.
Due to certain resources and time constraints, non-probability purposive sampling was
adopted for selecting the student and teacher samples.
Five institutions i n a major ci t y were selected through non-probability sampling design. The
five institutions represented a National Institution, an autonomous institution and three other
private colleges which have a high reputation.

The sample size was 214 selected from a sampling frame of 1084.
The assumptions made:
Confidence level= 95%
Significance level= 5%
Confidence interval= 6

Sample Size: Z*Z*P*(1-P)/C*C

Z = Z value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level)
P = percentage picking a choice, expressed as decimal (0.5 used for sample size needed)
C = confidence interval, expressed as decimal (e.g. 0.04 = ±4)
Correction for finite population:
New Sample Size = SS/ 1+ ((SS-1)/population)

Conceptual Framework

Dilemma: Understand:
To understand about Decision:
 Evolution of dress code.
implication of dress
 The perception of
code on student To have a dress code or not
stakeholders regarding the
practice of wearing uniform
performance & their
 Benefits to students&
behavior in college
institution from introduction

of a dress code
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Data Analysis and Interpretation

1. Students views about wearing uniform:

Majority of students (57%) likes wearing uniform. The findings show that students have a
positive attitude towards uniform.

Yes - 57%
No -15%
Neutral -28%

Source: Survey source

Figure 1: Do you like wearing uniform

2. Frequency of Wearing Uniform by College Students:

As per the prevailing practices in the neighborhood management schools surveyed, majority
of the students wear uniform once a week and a few colleges the uniform is worn only on special
occasions (Figure 2).

Source: Survey source

Figure 2: How frequently you wear uniform

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3. Relationship between students’ preference towards w e a r i n g uniform & t h e
f r e q u e n c y o f wearing uniform:

Majority of the students wear their uniform once a week but students who like wearing uniform
wear it once a week more in comparison to other students(Figure 3).

Source: Survey source

Figure 3: If you like wearing uniform how frequently do you wear it?

4. Relationship between student’s preference towards wearing uniform & their belief that
uniform lowers the expense on clothing:

As per the trend observed (Figure 4) whether students prefer or don‟t prefer wearing
uniform, majority of them feel that uniform lowers the expense on clothing, which can ease the
financial burden on the parents of poor students.

Source: Survey source

Figure 4: Has uniform been helpful in saving clothing cost for you?

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5. Relationship between work experience of students & their belief that uniform makes
students ready for corporate life:

Student with work experience strongly believe that wearing uniform makes them ready for the
oncoming corporate world. Uniform gives them a professional look which they say is important
(Figure 5).

Source: Survey source

Figure 5: Does uniform prepare students ready for corporate life?

6. Students feel that uniform is more important for management students than to other post
graduate students

Strongly Agree – 32%

Agree – 47%
Neutral – 9%
Disagree – 10%
Strongly Disagree – 2%

Source: Survey source

Figure 6: Is uniform more important for management students than other PG students?

The study indicated that nearly half of the samples surveyed agreed that uniform is more preferred to
management students compared to other PG students (Figure -6).

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7. Major factors related to uniform which can help management students in their future

As per the trends observed students strongly believe that:

Students will be more comfortable in professional attire.
Uniform will enthuse them to act in a befitting manner to suit the
corporate world.
Therefore, it may be be able to say that uniform plays a key role in developing the overall
personality of a management student (Figure 7).

Source: Survey source

Figure 7: Benefits perceived by college students regarding wearing uniform

8. Demerits of wearing uniform:

As per the trend observed variables such as:

 Suppression of individual freedom of expression.
 Restriction of freedom to experiment on oneself in order to build one‟s self identity.

The grievances of the college students are that wearing the same uniform for a long time is boring,
so this is the key point which should be kept in mind while enforcing the wearing of uniform.

Majority of the students think that there is no demerit in having a uniform for college

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Source: Survey source
Figure 8: Disadvantages perceived by college students regarding wearing uniform

9. Majority of the students feel that wearing the uniform gives them a sense of
belongingness towards their college.

Strongly Agree 43%

Agree 44%
Neutral 5%
Disagree 7%
Strongly Disagree 2%

Source: Survey source

Figure 9: Does wearing uniform gives you a sense of belongingness towards your college?

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Comparison between Teachers & Students views on dress code for college students

10. Majority of the students feel that wearing the uniform gives them a sense of belongingness
towards their college (Figure10).

Students Teachers

Source: Survey source

Figure 10: Uniform makes students professionally ready

11. As per the trend observed majority of both teachers a n d students think that uniform will
inculcate discipline among college students (Figure11).

Students Teachers

Source: Survey source

Figure 11: Does wearing uniform inculcate discipline among college students?

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12. Students strongly believe that uniform brings down the chances of discrimination on the basis
of their clothing. Even though teachers have mixed views on the issue, majority of them do agree
with the student (Figure12).

Students Teachers

Source: Survey source

Figure 12: Does wearing uniform bring down the chances of discrimination among students
on the basis of their clothing?

Hypothesis Testing
Chi square Testing was applied for testing the hypothesis.
1. Null hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between gender & student
willingness to wear uniform.

Alternate hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between gender & student

willingness to wear uniform.

Table 1: Observed Values

Neutral No Yes Total

Female 22 6 51 79
Male 35 23 63 121
Total 57 29 114 200

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Table1.1: Expected Values

Female 22.52 11.45 45.03

Male 34.48 17.54 68.97
Total 57 29 114

Table1.2: Chi square table of relationship between gender & student willingness to wear

Oi Ej (Oi-Ej) (Oi-Ej)2 (Oi-Ej)2 /Ej

22 22.52 -0.515 0.26 0.011
6 11.45 -5.45 29.70 2.59
51 45.03 5.97 35.64 0.79
35 34.48 0.52 0.27 0.007
23 17.54 5.46 29.81 1.70
63 68.97 -5.97 35.64 0.51
Total 5.60
Note: - Notations
Oi- Observed value
Ej- Expected value

Degree of freedom: (2-1)*(3-1) = 2

Level of significance: 0.05
Tabulated Value: 5.99
Calculated Value: 5.611

The calculated value is less than tabulated value therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
Hence, there is no significant relationship between gender & their liking for wearing

2. Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between gender & their belief that
uniform helps in inculcating discipline among students.

Alternate hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between gender & their belief
that uniform helps in inculcating discipline among students.

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Table2: Observed Values
Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Strongly Total
Agree Disagree
Female 39 2 2 36 79
Male 46 16 12 43 4 121
Total 85 18 14 79 4 200

Table2.1: Expected values

Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Strongly Total
Agree Disagree
Female 33.57 7.11 5.53 31.20 1.58 79
Male 51.42 10.89 8.47 47.79 2.42 121

Table 2.2:Chi square table of relationship between gender & their belief that uniform
helps in inculcating discipline among students.

Oi Ej (Oi-Ej) (Oi-Ej)2 (Oi-Ej)2/Ej

39 33.57 5.43 29.48 0.87
2 7.11 -5.11 26.11 3.67
2 5.53 -3.53 12.46 2.25
36 31.20 4.80 23.04 0.74
0 1.58 -1.58 2.49 1.57
46 51.42 -5.42 29.37 0.57
16 10.89 5.11 26.11 2.40
12 8.47 3.53 12.46 1.47
43 47.79 -4.79 22.94 0.48
4 2.42 1.58 2.49 1.03
Total 15.05

Oi- Observed value
Ej-Expected value
Degree of freedom :( 2-1)*(5-1)
Level significance: 0.05
Tabulated value: 9.49
Calculated value: 15.04
The calculated value is h i g h e r t h a n tabulated value and therefore, the null hypothesis i s
rejected. W e will go with the alternate hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between
gender & their belief that uniform is necessary to inculcate discipline among college students.
Female students believe that uniform inculcates discipline among student‟s more than male

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The main finding of the study includes:
 Majority of the students like wearing uniform
 They believe that wearing uniform makes they disciplined and create a sense of belongingness to
their college.
 Majority were of the opinion that uniform resulted in cost savings on clothes.
 Some said the cost of uniform was high and since it was rarely used it was wastage of money.
 Uniform was believed to be more important for management students than other PG students.
Students feel that wearing uniform will make them look professional and also induce them to
behave in a disciplined manner.
 Majority of the teachers think that having a uniform dress code creates a professional ambience
in college and inculcates discipline among students.
 Students expressed the fear of being discriminated on the basis of their clothing. There was a
mixed response regarding the same from the teachers.
 Majority of teachers and students opined that wearing uniform has no demerits.
 Hypothesis testing showed that there is no significant relationship between gender and their liking
for wearing uniform & female students believe that uniform inculcates discipline among students
more than the male students.

Limitations of the Study:

 Students surveyed were management students since most have a dress code.

 Due to lack of time and resources, samples were taken from the reputed management
colleges within the city.

 All the stakeholders namely, parents, governing bodies and local community were not
considered to know their take on the subject.


The review of literature shows that institutions were facing serious dilemma of whether to
impose dress code on students. Students wear jackets or some other clothing to signify their
affiliations to particular social groups. Hand-bands and particular colored handkerchief are used
to signify some objectionable messages. To overcome these problems, educational institutions are
implementing dress code policies to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment. Some of
the research findings also show that having a uniform dress code doesn‟t have any bearing on the
academic performance of students. It may also restrict students‟ right of expression and the
ability to experiment on oneself to develop their own identities and creativity.

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Study confirms that both students & teachers have a positive attitude towards uniform. Dress code
plays an important role in maintaining safe and healthy learning environment in the college. It
brings a sense of belongingness in the students. It adds to the reputation of the institution.
Having uniform dress code creates a social uniformity among students which helps in developing
team spirit in them. Therefore, this study recommends the introduction of uniform dress code for
college students.


Amy Mitchell Wilson (1998). Public School Dress: The constitutional Debate. Brigham
Young University Education and Law Journal, (1), 147.

Brunsma, D. L., & Rockquemore, K. (1998). Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance,

Behavior P r o b l e m s , S u b s t a n c e A b u s e , a n d A c a d e m i c Achievement. The
J o u r n a l o f Education Research, 92(1), 53-62.

DeMitchell, Todd A, Fossey, Richard, Cobb, Casey (2000). Dress codes in the public school:
principals, policies and Precepts. Journal of Law & Education, 29(1), 31-49.

David L. (1998).Scientific School Uniform. The Journal of Education Research, 92(1), 53-62.

Isaacson. (1998) Student Dress Polices. Eric Digest. 117, 71-73.

Rodriguez, J. (2005).The Effects of School Uniforms on Self Esteem, The Graduate School at
Rowan University,

Shruthi Balakrishna. (2010). Times of India, Bangalore edition.

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Appendix 1
Name of the Institute/University: ______________________________________

Age: ____ Gender:☐ Male ☐ Female

Year of Study: ☐First Year ☐ Second Year

Previous Qualification: ________________________________________________________________

Work Experience: ☐Yes ☐ No

Please give your general opinions

1 Do you have a uniform for the students in your institute/University?

☐ Yes ☐ No

2 If you have a uniform then how frequently do you wear it?

☐ Daily ☐ Once a week ☐ Twice a week
☐ On special occasion ☐ When representing college outside

3 Do you like wearing uniform?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐Neutral

4 If you have a uniform then will a student be penalized for not wearing the uniform in your institute?
☐Attract fine ☐Marked absent ☐Looked down by peers
☐Other action ☐Not an offence

5 Does wearing a uniform restricts your desire for self-expression or mask your identity?
☐Strongly Agree ☐Agree ☐Neutral
☐Disagree ☐Strongly Disagree

6 Do you feel uniform gives a sense of belongingness in students towards the college?
☐Strongly Agree ☐Agree ☐Neutral
☐Disagree ☐Strongly Disagree

7 Do you think uniform is necessary to inculcate a sense of discipline among students?

☐Strongly Agree ☐Agree ☐Neutral
☐Disagree ☐Strongly Disagree

8 Do you believe uniform brings down the chances of discrimination among students belonging to different
income groups?
☐Strongly Agree ☐Agree ☐Neutral
☐Disagree ☐Strongly Disagree
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9 Do you think dress code will ease the financial burden on parents of poor students?
☐Strongly Agree ☐Agree ☐Neutral
☐Disagree ☐Strongly Disagree

10 Does uniform makes MBA Students ready for the corporate world?
☐Strongly Agree ☐Agree ☐Neutral
☐Disagree ☐Strongly Disagree

11 Do you think dress code is more important for MBA students than other PG students?
☐Strongly Agree ☐Agree ☐Neutral
☐Disagree ☐Strongly Disagree

12 How does introduction of a dress code help an MBA student in his future career? (you can check more than
one choices)
☐It will make you more comfortable in the professional attire
☐It will develop your personality to suit the corporate world
☐Wearing a uniform will make you act more responsible
☐Uniform will develop team working environment
☐Uniform will not at all help an MBA student in his future career

13 According to you what are the demerits of having uniform dress code?(you can check more than one choices)
☐Suppresses the freedom of expression
☐Restricts freedom to experiment on oneself
☐Wearing a uniform you are judged by preconceived notions about the organization
☐Wearing same uniform for a long time can result in boredom
☐No demerits

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Appendix 2

Q1. Do you feel students in formal uniform gives a professional environment in the
class room.

Q2. Do you think that wearing a uniform incorporates discipline among students?

Q3. According to you is there any chance of a student being distinguished on the basis
of his clothing?

Q4. What are your views about the following in accordance with the dress code?
 Reduced gang related activities:

 Conclusive & healthy learning atmosphere:

 Discipline, order & appearance:

 Cost on clothing:

 Inferiority complex:

Q5. According to you what is the importance of dress code for MBA students?

Q6. Why is a dress code more important for a MBA student rather than any other PG

Q7. Is there any effect on your personal clothing by dress code of students?

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