Holes - Scheme of Work

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Holes: Scheme of Work (Y8)

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

One Introduction to the novel Reading AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Be able to make a prediction about the events in the Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
novel for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
2. Understand how to analyse language to explore ideas
and meanings
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Language analysis worksheet stationery; novels; analysing the opening

 Explore the book cover and blurb to make a prediction about the novel

 Class reading of chapters 1-3 (pages 3-10)
 Pupils to analyse chapter one and two focusing on writer’s craft [Analysing the Opening worksheet]

 Teacher chooses a pupil to make a comment about the writer’s craft. Other pupils can agree or disagree with
a hands-up vote. Questions to follow up.

 Complete language analysis worksheet

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Two Persuasive writing Writing AF2
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand how to use persuasive devices to influence Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
your reader for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
2. Be able to create a leaflet to sell your product
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Persuasive paragraphs stationery; novels; persuasive devices worksheet;
post-it notes

 Pupils to write a prediction of what might happen at Camp Green Lake (on a post-it to be stuck on
whiteboard) [Post-it Notes]

 Class reading of chapters 4-6 (pages 11-25)
 Class analysis of persuasive advert [Persuasive Devices worksheet]
 Pupils to create persuasive writing based upon a product

 Pupils to swop exercise books and locate persuasive devices; they can be underlined and labelled in pencil

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Three Persuasive writing Writing AF2
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand how to use persuasive devices to influence Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
your reader for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
2. Be able to create a leaflet to sell your product
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Persuasive leaflet stationery; novels; paper

 Pupils to list and explain three persuasive devices

 Class reading of chapter 7 (pages 26-40)
 Pupils to create a leaflet for your product using persuasive devices

 Pupils to complete two stars and a wish with a partner (success criteria on PowerPoint)


Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Four Informal letter writing Writing AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand the structure, purpose and language of an Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
informal letter for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
2. Be able to create your own informal letter in the voice
of the main character
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Informal letter stationery; novels

 Grammar task (linked to whole school literacy focus)

 Class reading of chapters 8-10 (pages 41-51)
 Pupils to complete an informal letter from Stanley to his mother

 Pupils to complete two stars and a wish with a partner (success criteria on PowerPoint)

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Five Narrative writing Writing AF1
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand the background and history of a main Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
character for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
2. Be able to create your own narrative using creative
writing devices
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Madame Zeroni’s story stationery; novels

 Rally Robin of the plot so far

 Class reading of chapters 11-13 (pages 52-63)
 Plan and write a story about Madame Zeroni’s past

 Hot seating of Madame Zeroni so pupils can share plot ideas and explore her character

 Complete Madame Zeroni story

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Six PEE chains Reading AF2
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand the character of the Warden Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to use PEE to display your knowledge of the for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Warden drawing with labels stationery; novels; PEE chain prompts worksheet
PEE chain

 Pupils to draw an image of the Warden in their exercise book

 Class reading of chapters 14-15 (pages 64-71)
 Pupils to label image of the Warden with characteristics
 Class to analyse PEE paragraph (on PowerPoint)

 Pupils to write a PEE paragraph about the character of the Warden [PEE prompts worksheet]

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Seven Chapter titles Writing AF1
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand the key events of the novel Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to create titles that explore the characters, for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
themes and events in the novel
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Chapter titles with explanations stationery; novels

 Teacher to show images of several famous pictures/paintings and ask pupils to come up with alternative
titles with reasons

 Class reading of chapters 16-18 (pages 72-82)
 Working in table groups, pupils to come up with titles for the chapters

 Table by table feedback with basketball questioning of reasons for titles


Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Eight PEE chains Reading AF2
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand the character of the Warden Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to use PEE to display your knowledge of the for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Two PEE chains stationery; novels

 Teacher to questions pupils about their knowledge of PEE

 Class reading of chapters 19-21 (pages 83-94)
 Pupils to add information to the drawing of the Warden
 Pupils to create two PEE paragraphs exploring the character of the Warden

 Pupils to complete two stars and a wish with a partner (success criteria on PowerPoint)

 Complete the PEE chains on the Warden
Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Nine Skimming & scanning Reading AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Understand how to skim and scan a text for vital Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
information for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
2. Be able to extract key information and take notes from
a text
Assessment for Learning: Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Detailed mind map stationery; novels; mini-whiteboards

 Grammar task (linked to whole school literacy focus)

 Class reading of chapters 22-24 (pages 95-106)
 Pupils to reread chapter 8 and extract key information about the lizards
 Pupils to create a mind map of the information that is well ordered and detailed

 Teacher to ask questions about skimming, scanning and note taking. Pupils to answer on mini-whiteboards


Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Ten Newspaper article Writing AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know the features of a newspaper article Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to create your own newspaper article for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Newspaper article stationery; novels; newspaper article template

 Pupils to match newspaper article to features (on PowerPoint)

 Class reading of chapters 25-26 (pages 107-115)
 Pupils to begin writing a newspaper article about Kate Barlow [Newspaper Template worksheet]

 Pupils to share their work in progress by reading to the class and receiving feedback

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Eleven Newspaper article Writing AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know the features of a newspaper article Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to create your own newspaper article for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Newspaper article stationery; novels; sugar paper

 Rally Robin of the plot so far

 Class reading of chapters 27-28 (pages 116-126)
 Pupils to complete newspaper article about Kate Barlow

 Table groups to glue their work onto A3 sugar paper to create a wall display of outlaw newspaper reports
[Sugar Paper]


Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Twelve Narrative writing Writing AF1
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know the character of Kate Barlow Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to create your own narrative using creative for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
writing devices
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Kissin’ Kate Story stationery; novels

 Grammar task (linked to whole school literacy focus)

 Class reading of chapters 29-30 (pages 127-140)
 Pupils to plan and write a story of the outlaw Kissin’ Kate

 Pupils to share their work in progress by reading to the class and receiving feedback

 Complete the story of Kissin’ Kate Barlow
Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Thirteen Genre Reading AF6
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know the definition of a genre Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to explore the genre possibilities of Holes for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Genre worksheet stationery; novels; genre worksheet
Two genre arguments (with persuasive devices)

 Pupils to complete genre worksheet linking extracts to genres [Genre worksheet]

 Class reading of chapters 31-32 (pages 141-148)
 Class to debate the possible genre of Holes
 Pupils to discuss the Western genre and make links to the novel

 Pupils to write a persuasive argument for Holes being part of one of the genres discussed in the lesson


Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Fourteen Character study Reading AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know the key information of main characters Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to analyse a main character for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Annotated character tree worksheet stationery; novels; character tree worksheet

 Grammar task (linked to whole school literacy focus)

 Class reading of chapters 33-35 (pages 149-159)
 Pupils to links characters to the character’s tree with explanations [Character Tree worksheet]

 Whole class votes for characters’ position on the character tree

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Fifteen Empathic writing Writing AF1
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know the minor characters Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to write in the voice of a character from the for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Character diary entry stationery; novels

 Rally Robin of the plot so far

 Class reading of chapters 36-37 (pages 160-169)
 Class to discuss the minor characters left in the camp
 Pupils to write a diary entry in the voice of one of the characters

 Pupils to share their work in progress by reading to the class and receiving feedback

 Complete the character diary entry

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Sixteen Plot analysis Reading AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know how the subplots link together Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to explore the links within the novel for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Mind maps/Venn diagrams stationery; novels; sugar paper

 Class debate of the key themes and events in the novel (notes on whiteboard)

 Class reading of chapters 38-40 (pages 170-181)
 Class discussion of the links within the novel (notes on whiteboard)
 Pupils to write about the links between the various plots in the novel

 Table groups to bring ideas together for single mind map/Venn diagram on A3 sugar paper [Sugar Paper]

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Seventeen Historical context Reading AF7
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know more about the historical context of the novel Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able select key information from a text for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Role on the Wall worksheet stationery; novels; Western outlaws worksheet;
Annotated Western outlaw worksheet Role on the wall worksheet

 Class to complete role on the wall about Kissin’ Kate – thoughts & feelings in the inside/behaviour & actions
on the outside [Role on the Wall worksheet]

 Class reading of chapters 41-42 (pages 183-187)
 Pupils to read, annotate and highlight outlaws worksheet [Western Outlaws worksheet]
 Pupils to feedback facts about outlaws to the class

 Hot seating of Kissin’ Kate and other Western outlaws


Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Eighteen Historical context Reading AF7
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know more about the historical context on the novel Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to work as a group and teach other pupils for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Annotated Wild West worksheet stationery; novels; history of the Wild West
Sugar paper fact file worksheets; sugar paper

 Grammar task (linked to whole school literacy focus)

 Class reading of chapters 43-44 (pages 188-203)
 Table groups to read, highlight and annotate Wild West history worksheet [Wild West History worksheet]
 Table groups to produce fact files on A3 sugar paper [Sugar Paper]

 Pupils to think, pair, share knowledge with other members of their table groups

Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:
Nineteen Historical context Reading AF7
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know more about the historical context on the novel Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to work as a group and teach other pupils for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Wild West history notes stationery; novels

 Rally Robin of the plot so far

 Class reading of chapters 44-45 (pages 204-235)
 Class to begin carousel to learn about the history of the Wild West
 Pupils must take notes about each section

 Pupils to think, pair, share knowledge with other members of their table groups


Lesson Number: Topic: Assessment Foci:

Twenty Historical context Writing AF3
Learning Objective(s): National Curriculum:
1. Know more about the historical context on the novel Critical thinking (1.4); Author’s craft (2.2); Reading
2. Be able to work as a group and teach other pupils for meaning (2.2); Creativity (1.2)
Learning Outcome(s): Equipment:
SMART board; whiteboard; exercise books;
Wild West history leaflet stationery; novels; paper

 Pupils to read over notes made in the previous lesson about other areas of the Wild West’s history

 Class to complete carousel activity
 Pupils to begin creating a leaflet about the Wild West (using information from every station)

 Pupils to complete two stars and a wish with a partner

 Complete Wild West history leaflet

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