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amo: Pee ee eee ~~ SEE EE EE BEE SEE EE Re eee Synpol”D SERVICE MANUAL Alternator Protection Diesel Control Unit Power Management SERVICE MANUAL General safety regulations Before commissioning, please read this instructions carefully. You will find many important and useful notes, Regulation and conformity This device has been built according to EU- recommendation EN55022. Conformity with the recommendation is evidenced by the CE- sign. AN ce Operation conditions The device has been built for tropical climates. Direct contact with water must be avoided. ‘The terminal boards are connected directly to supply voltage. Improper use of the device can destroy the general mnt. Jn case of a damaged device or connecting cable, it is necessary that a authorized service personnel check the unit. Only after an authorized service check it is permissible to reoperate the system! Noncomplience with this condition may result in an exclusion of warranty! Version: 09.07.01 Order mmber: 3DDE 700035 File: Service manual E.doe Software version of CPU-boards:) (OMAI22:/ 1.7369) 123:) 115087 (MAI24:) 20") * orhigher version 2 ABB seco SERVICE MANUAL Table of Contents 1 Setting the Parameters. i 12 13 14 Ls 2 Hardware Settings 24 22 23 ABB sya. Description of Setting Record. LL.1 Percentage Input.. 1.2 Three-step Controller 1.1.3 Alphanumeric Keyboard. Example for Limit Settin Alarm Priorities Events. RB ecm muda uu 1.5.6 Parameters for the Generator Protection Limits. 1.5.7 Funetion Outputs 1.5.8 Text Input, Synpol®D Title & Alarm Name. 15.9 Diesel Control. 1.5.10 Special Parameters, 15.11 Detailed Desoription of Parameters. 1,5,12 Software Events. Diesel Control 2.1.1 Wire Fault Alarm and Release Blocking of Alarms. 2.1.2 Piok-up Changeover. 2.1.3 Wire Fault Alarm Blocking Releas. 2.14 Adjustment of the Anslog Speed Input . Adjustment of 4-20mA speed signal Generator Protectio 22.1 Setting the Independent Short Circuit Releas CAN Bus 1 3 SERVICE MANUAL Power Management. 3.1 Cos(q) Regulator (power factor control) 3.2 Asymmetrical Cos(«p) Regulator (asym. power factor contro!) . 33 Voltage Regulato Function for Disconnecting the Mains .. 4d 42 Commissioning 5.1 Commissioning the Synchronization Unit. 5.2 Working with the Testing Device. Appendix ABB sneoeo =H r r SERVICE MANUAL I. SETTING THE PARAMETERS I.1 DESCRIPTION OF SETTING RECORD Bach value to be input during programming is assigned a number, which is always indicated ducing both the programming mode and in case of an alarm output, The input of parameters is made in absolute values or as percentages. The respective dimension is indicated behind the input values. 1.1.1 PERCENTAGE INPUT The values refer to the rated values of the generator set in percentages. See Parameters [13- 18]. For example, the rated value of the current is entered under Parameter [13]. If 586 A is entered, all further inputs of current will refer to this and will be expressed as percentages 586.A= 100%, Parameter (137 [14] [15] [16] nominal-rated current nominal-rated voltage nominal-rated power nominal-rated frequency Hfin the example above, the limit value of the overcurrent is sot at 110%, then this will correspond to a tripping current of 664.6 A. Only frequency limits are not entered as percentages, but rather as absolute values. 4.1.2 THREE-STEP CONTROLLER ‘Three-step controllers are used for the following forms of control: load sharing, frequency control, power factor control, voltage control and synchronization. All three-step controllers are set using the procedure described below: 1) Adjustment of break time. If break time has run down, a new output order will be given. A short break time will speed up the controller, so overshoot of control can result. 2) Adjustment of pulse time, Pulse time of the controller depends on the difference between reference value and actual value, Definition: The set pulse time in seconds is the setting time that would be used at 100% of the difference between the reference value end the actual value. Smaller differences will SERVICE MANUAL a ee RT ee For example, a 10% difference shortens the setting time to 10% of the set time, During synchronization, nominal-rated frequency = 100%. 3) Sensitivity of controllers. With this, the dead band of the three-step controller is set. For example, if 10% is set, then the controller will start working only if the actual value differs from the reference value by more than 10%, This means if 10% is set and two generators are running on the mains, then the generators will differ fiom each other by 20% before control intervenes. A. characteristic of the load controller is that it will automatically switch back sensitivity to 1/3 of the setting value if the actual value becomes smaller than 10% or higher than 90%. ‘Thus reverse power and overload duc to insensitivity of the controller ean be avoided, 1.1.3 ALPHANUMERIC KEYBOARD To the right of the keyboard and below the LEDs for “Alarm” and “Tripped”, thore is an alphanumeric Keyboard. On this keyboard, there are keys that contain up to four different symbols. These symbols can be used by alphanumeric inputs in the programming mode, The mumeric value for a number input (entry) will be called up immediately after pressing: a key. The alpha letters can be called up by using the “Shift 1” and “Shift 2” keys according to the following representation. In case of a key combination, the “Shift” key must be pushed first and then held down while the key from the alphanumeric keyboard is pressed, aE 6 ABB sinwo.e0 SERVICE MANUAL 4.2 EXAMPLE FOR LIMIT SETTING The selective disconnection in case of overcurrent can be seen in the example below: enue rete nt 5 2 2 va to - ia . : we os tw 00 ma ” “ et m ™ son am | sane ei sean serene rte sero cert Siecle ea aS Pe, 1.2 Seting of Lins Ja cach curve section, the corresponding parameter number is entered. ‘The curve can be shifted by making changes inside the paramoter. The characteristic of the curve chould be d Selected to guarantee that the release characteristic of the biggest consumer's switch is located to the left of the generator disconnection characteristic of the curve. In the example, the Parameters [100-116} are as follows: Selected View of the Parameter List [100] [200-sion? circurt tit 300 15 {i02) "[102-SHORT CIRCUITEREV.L: [3007 1194) [104 Peet Sue? CrRcurr b:f 300 1¥ [106] 206. oVERCURREWT 2.67, 220 T= {00 [208 oveRCURRENT 9.87 _L:[i30 Te {120] [110 .OVERCURRENT 3.87 _L:[ 160 15 (1121 [312 .W.C. CURRENT 4.8T.E- (100 1 1ia4) [34 .N.C.CORRENT 2.ST.Li[ 100 18 1236) [116.N.C.CORRERT 3.87, u:1 100 1 = ofa lo lo lelg late SERVICE MANUAL CMAN 13 ALARM PRIORITIES Each alarm can receive a priority of 1 to 4. The priorities have the following meanings: 1 = __ Immediate stop of diesel engine and switching off of circuit breaker. Start of another diesel engine. 2 = Delayed stop of diesel engine. Another diesel engine is started and switched ‘on to the busbar. Afterward, the disturbed diesel engine will stop. In this case, the start procedure of the other diesel engine must not last longer than that set in Parameter [511]. Stop delay is only active as long as the time set in Parameter [511]. The diesel engine will stop after the time set in Parameter [511] rans down. 3 = Alarm without stop of diesel engine, Another diesel engine is started, 4 = Alarm without stop of diesel engine. 14 EVENTS On the ‘Terminal Boards CMA 132,135,137 several function inputs can be used. These inputs can be connected with the events. The numbers of the generator limits, Parameters [100-158], are identical to the event numbers. If one of these parameter numbers is activated, then the corresponding event is also activated, Example: Through the Function Output 4 (A7, CMA132, Terminal 51-53) an unimportant consumer Should trip in the second stage. The limit vatue should have 60% of the nominab-rated ‘generator current. First the limit ofthe Paramoter{114] must be selected. In the column “114.N.C,CURRENT 2ST L:[xxx]”, the limit value has to be set at 60. To communicate Event [114] to Function Output 4, the Parameter [160] anust be connected with the event. In the column “160. FON. 4 AT : [xxx }, the number has to be set at 114 ‘The function outputs can be interlocked with six events by a logic “OR”. In conteast to the Benerator limis, Not all event numbers will correspond to the parameter numbers. All events can be found for programming the fiction outputs in Chapter 1.5.12. 8 ABB sco r SERVICE MANUAL 1.5. PARAMETER 1.5.1 PROGRAMMING MODE SELECTION The programming mode can be entered by pressing the key “PROG” on Synpol°D, On the LC-Display the following password screen will appear: Key DEVICE INFO Serial No. Diesel control: ON Power Managem.: ON SOFTWARE ‘CMA 122 CMA 123 CMA 124 PASSWORD: if J view only press [99] Pie. 1.5.1 Password Screen On the let side of the screen, the following additional information is displayed: © Serial number of the unit, * Diese] control: [ON/OFF] active or deactivated, © Power Management: [ON/OFF] active or deactivated, * The software version of the three Computer Cards CMA 122, 123, 124, On the tight side of the screen, the secret password can be entered. A view of only the Parameters numbers can be seen by pressing the number key “99”. The parameters will be displayed; however, it is not possible to change them on this sereen. After the passivord is entered, the “ACKNOWL.” must be pressed. SERVICE MANUAL, ‘When the correct password is entered and the “ACKNOWL.” key is pressed, the screen with the parameter overview will appear. By entering a parameter number, one can jump to the corresponding parameter screen. The arrow keys can be used to scroll up or down the parameter numbers either quickdly or slowly. With the alphanumeric keys, the password for the programming mode can be changed and the password for the power management can be entered. Password : PARAM LOCATION = #PASSWORD/CODE L riences -:DIESEL CONTROL Pie, 15.1 Prog. Overview Screen 1.5.2. PASSWORD When the password is to be changed or the power management code is to be entered, “0” ust be entered within the “JUMP TO PARAMETER” brackets, and the key “ACKNOWL.” pressed. Keys ° & ENTER NEW PASSWORD: [ Pie. 132 Password Sereen 2 In the password window, it is possible to enter 2 new password with a maximum of four numbers. After the four new numbers have been entered and the key “ACKNOWL.” ‘pressed, the new password will be programmed. If the password is not to be changed, only the “ACKNOWL.” key should be: ‘pressed. 10 ABB snco.5 1 oe EEE SERVICE MANUAL 1.5.3, POWER MANAGEMENT CODE ‘After the password screen, tie power management screen will appear. Key L POWER MANAGEMENT PASSWORD: [ Pic.1.5.3 Power Management Code Soreen After the power management license has been paid for, the power management password can be entered. Once the code is entered, the “ACKNOWL.” key must be pressed. Ifthe incorrect code is entered, the power management function wall be deactivated. 15.4, PARAMETER INPUT Following the password and power management screens or by jumping directly to a parameter number, a parameter soreen can be accessed. On any given parameter soreen, eight Parameters will appear. However, only one parameter will be set off from the others by two Jines, one above and the other below. The parameter between these two lines can be changed using the numeric keyboard. After entering a new value by overriding the old one, the key “ACKNOWL.” must be pressed, The new value is programmed to Synpol®D's permanent memory. Beginning with Parameter [100], two values can bo sct per parameter number (limit and delay time). The limit value can be set fist, and then delay time can be set after pressing the “ACKNOWL.” key. For fast scrolling forward or back, the arrow keys can be used. Keys ‘WhiteeeR REESE SETTING RECORD *eeeAaRARON ROR THINOTES] : [YRAR] = - (MounTH] : Parameter Parameter Input field with blinking earsor Parameter ‘Number Description snd actual parameter Dimension Pie, 1.5.4 Parameter Screen B svwo.20 ul SERVICE MANUAL 1.5.5 PARAMETER LIST ‘The following table contains all parameters that can be set in Synpol®D. With the “T & 4” keys on Synpol°D’s keyboard, the parameter list can be scrolled through on the screen. A. ‘maximum of cight parameters will be shown on the screen. The left column of the screen displays the event numbers next to the parameters, If an event number appears in this ‘column, then the event can be set to a function output (See 1.5.7 Function Outputs). (Building yard: Yard No.: Order No. pea [HOURS] + = [MINUTES] : = [YEAR] : BE ze = (vowrs) + = [DAY]: DIESEL: Pi UNIT i:Mih_/ 0:kWh: k/Mih SET temp. */MWh SET: k/Mvar SET : WORKING HOURS START COUNTER RATED - CURRENT + = VOLTAGE + ~_ACT. POWER: z = FREQUENCY: 17. TRANSFORMER RATIO CURRENT + 8. = RATIO VOLTAGE [+10]: 19.TERMINAL BOARD: 100/450V_ 20.MAINS PROTECTION VIA FUN. IND. 21, “limit for rapid phase jum 22. -current inc.after phasejmp; { 23. -limit for overfrequency 24. -delay time £.overfrequency ; T 25. -limit for underfrequency +: 1 E 26. -delay time £.overfrequency 27. -limit for overvoltage 20. delay time f. overvoltage 29. “limit for undervoltage _; T 30. delay time for undervoltage: Cc 32. (NOT IN USE] zt 12 See rn SERVICE MANUAL 32. [NOT IN USE] c 1 33. [NOT IN USE] L i 34. {NOT IN USE] C 1 35.POW.SUPPLY SUDERV. MIN.LINET: [ Le 36.ANAL.OUTPUT] POWER 20ma/10V_= [ Ls I 37. -OUTPUT2 current 20mA = [ 1% 38. -OUTPUT3 function value: [ 1 | 39. -OUTPUTS full scale = [ 12 40 ~ourpuTs function value: [ 1 41 UTPUTS full scale = [ 1% 42. SYNCHR. speed a@j.break time; [ is 43. =speed adj.pulse times [_ Is aa. =speed push after 10s: [ 1 ms | 45. =synchr. window [deg] : [ 1 ag” 46. =max.diff.freg. [mHz] : [ 1 a7 =reaching busbaz volt.; [ Le 48_LED-display delay 1:no delay: { 1 1 49.DIff. Protection OFF=0 7 ON=1: [ i 50. =Protec. spread maximum : 1 1% 5i_[ 51. CAN-COMMUNICATION OFF=0/0N=1; _[ il 52. ~IDENTIPIER [1..8] C I "53. -NUMBER OF DEVICES {2..8): I 1 54. -BAUDRATE [1.4] 1:slow : 1 1 55.LOADSHARING ADJUST BREAKTIME: [ ls 56. ADJUST PULSETIME: [ 1s 57. = SENSITIVITY OF CONTR. : [ 18 58. - ASYM.ON-SWITCH FUN.INP: [ 1 59. - ASYM.RANGE MINIMUM: [ 1% 60. = ASYM.RANGE MAXIMUM. C Ls 61. = ASYM.NEXT ATTEMPT L 1s 62. = ASYM. SETPOINT ANAL.INP: [ J 63. SHAFT GEN.LOW SPEBD P.OFF/ON: [ 1 64. FREQ. CTRL.OFF-SWITCH FUN.INP: [ 1 65. PREQUENCY-IDLE-SPEED [*100] : | az 66. =FULL LOAD [#100]: _[ 1 Hz E 67. “ADJUST BREAK TIME: [ 1s 68. “ADJUST PULSE TIME: [ ls 69. =SENSIT.OF CONTR. : [ ipa | 22 | "70. POWERMAN. OFP-SWITCH FON. IND: —[ 1 71.STOP WITH HIGH PRIO. OFF/ON ; [ 1 72.START AT SINGLE/TOTAL LOADL.: [ i 23 { 73.EIMTT OF LOAD RATE FOR START: [ Le 74. START DELAY TIME : [ 1s 24” | 75.LINTT OF LOAD RATE FOR STOP: [ 14 76. STOP DELAY TINE: [ ls | [2577 nimrt OF ovERLoAD zt 1 & F 78. OVERLOAD DELAVTIME; [ is 26 | 79.LamiT ¥.LOW FREQUENCY [*100]: 1 1 az T 80. DELAYTIME LOW FREQUENCY: [ Ts 1 ~—___$_—_———“—. _ ABB sy 13 SERVICE MANUAL 81.LIMIT OF CURRENT FOR START + 82.START ONE DIESEL ON FUN. IND. 83.STOP DIESEL WITH ALARM PRIO: 84. BLOCKING OF STOP ON FUN. INP. + 65.DRLAY AFTER START/STOP ORDER: 86.DELAY TIME FOR NEW START 7 87.DELAY TIME FOR NEW STOP A 68. CONSUMERI REQUEST ON FUN. INP: ew 89. LOADREQUEST OF CONSUMER [18]: ® 5 5 s | { 1 f ‘i L 1 L ] C i C J ft 1 t J i J 90. CONSUMER2 REQUEST ON FUN. INP: [ i 91.LOADREQUEST OF CONSUMER [19]: [ 1 ew L ] T 1 { 1 Li j li 1 £ i L il t a is 92.NOMINAL LOAD OF -DIESEL NO.1: XW 33. =DIESEL NO.2: iW 34. =DIESET NO.3: a 95. =DIESEL NO. 4 in ‘96.NONINAL LOAD OF -DIRSEL NO.5 ki 37. =DIESEL NO.6: Ta E 38. =DIESEL NO. 7. ie 99. =DIRSEL No.8 Kw 4 ABB sero. SERVICE MANUAL 5.6 PARAMETERS FOR THE GENERATOR PROTECTION LIMITS pasereee io eee 100.SHORT CIRCUIT Ee [ 18 T 102.SHORT CIRCULTEREV.D:[ 13 7 104. PREL.SHRT CIRCUIT B:[ 137 106 .OVERCURRENT 1.ST L 37 8 108.OVERCURRENT 2.ST 1 137 8 110.OVERCURRENT 3.ST_ L 187 s 112.N.C.CURRENT 1.89. Lif le. s 2i4.N.C. CURRENT 2.87. Lil 18? s 116.N.C.CURRENT 3.87. Lil 1s T s 118.REV. ACTIVE POWER L. 187 s —| 120.HIGH ACTIVE POWER L: 1¢ 7 s 122.OVERVOLTAGE 1.ST L: 1 SB 124.OVERVOLTAGE 2.ST L J: T 8 126.UNDERVOLTAGE 1.ST_L. 13 T 5 128.UNDERVOLTAGE 2.ST L: 137 s 130.OVERFREQUEN. 1.87 Lit Je. S 132_|132.OVERFREQUEN. 2.8T L: J3f 5 134 |134.UNDERFREQUEN.1,ST 13T s 136 _|136.UNDERFREQUEN.2.5T. 18 T EI 136 |138.ASYMMET.CURRENT Lb: ( 1¢T 8 140 |140.AS¥MMET-VOLTAGE Li: [ 1sT Ss 142 |142.DIFF.PROTEC.MB OP L: it Tt ms. 144 |144.DIFF.PROTEC.MB CL Jé¢T ms. 446 |146.EARTH FAULT MB OP L:[. 137 s 149 [148.BARTH FAULT Ma cL. 1s? 3 150 [150.GROUND OVERCURR. Js T 5. 152 .GENVOLT OPERATION 1: T 8 154 [154.C.T.WIRE BROKEN L:[ 1+ 7 Ss 156 |156.EXCITATION FAULT L:[ 1:7 s 458 [158.NEGATIVE SEQUENCE L:[ J&T 8 4, Depending on input (80) “REVERSE ROWER OFPr + only active in cana of closed generator SERVICE MANUAL 15.7 FUNCTION OUTPUTS ‘The function outputs are located on the Terminal Boards CMA132, CMA135 and CMA137. ‘They can be entered with the numbers of the event list (1.5.12). The most important events are also shown on the parameter list. One function output row has six input fields for event numbers. The fields are interlocked with logic “OR”. 166.FUN. 5 272.FUN. 6 178.FUN. 8 184.FUN. 9 E 190.FUN.10 196.FUN. 11 202. FUN.12 208 -FUN.13 214.PUN.14 220.FUN.15 226. FUN.16 232. FUN.17 238. FUN. 18 15.8 TEXT INPUT, SYNPOL*D TITLE & ALARM NAME From Parameter [260] the text inputs for the Synpol®D unit and the diesel alarms can be entered. The alphanumeric keyboard can be used for text entries. 308. 324. 340. 256. 372 388. 1 [40a Pitie les 420. 436. 452. =_ALARMII: 468. = ALARM12: 16 ABB sco 1 SERVICE MANUAL 1.5.9 DIESEL CONTROL (484. DIESEL, CONTROL 485.RPW-SIGNAL ANAL. INPUT OFF/ c 1 L i 486. -FULDSCALE FOR ANAL. INPUT: I T= 487. -SIGNAL PICKUP OFF/O!l t 1 488. -PICKUP1 NUMBER OF REVOL. t a 489." -SIGNAL PICKUP2 _OFF/ON: i 490. -PICKUP2 NUMBER OF REVOL.; [ i 491. -MAX.SDEED DIFFERENCE t 1% 492 |492.RPM VALUES- IGNITION SPEED: [ 1% 493 493. ~ NOMINAL SPEED L ]_xpm_ 494 [a94. = RUNNING UP SPEED: [ 1s 495 _[495. = OVERSPEED zt 1% 496. STARTPHASE NO.OF START ATTEM, [ 1 c 497. -0:PREGLOW /1:BOOSTERVALVE: [ 1 498 |498. -PREGLOW / PRELUB. TIME 20 ls 499. ~SHORTEN PREGLOW V.FUN.IND. [ 1 500_|500. -START TIME c lis | 501, -START AT [O]REM OFF/ON: [ i 502 (502. -BREAK TIME L ls 503 [503 =RUNNING UP SUPERVISE TIME: [ ls 504 |504. “READY TO TAKE LOAD TIME: T is 505 [505. -SYNCHR. SUPERVISING TIME L is 506 |506. -RELBASE ALARMBLOCKING T. t ls 507. __-START NEXT AFTER 1.ATTEM t 1 508. _-PROTECTED START IN MANUAL: [ 1 509 |509.PRELUBRICATING - PULSETIME t lis 50. = BREAKTIME : [ 1s $11 [511.STOPPHASE ALARM2 DELAY TIME C Is 512. |512. -COOLING DOWN TIME C is 513 - [513. -RUNNING DOWN TIME C ls Si4_ [514 “STOP DELAY FIXED TIME; T Ts 515. ‘STOPVALVE/1:FUELVALVE: [ i 516, BREAKER OFF (A20) TO Ala; T I i 517.MODE FOR M.B. TRIP, IN AUTOM. L 1 5]8.BLACKOUT! -START ALL/NEXT D.:~T 1 519. - DELAY TIME FOR BLACKOUT: [ ls 520. - STOP AFTER BLACKOUT OPF/ON [ I 521. - DELAYTIME F.BLACKOUT STOP: t ls 522. - BLACKOUT VIA MAINS MONITOR L 1% 523 |523.PUNCTION OUTPUT SPEED > zt 1% [ex 524. = VOLTAGE >: Tf 1% 525 [s25. = POWER > 20 13 526 [526. ~ CURRENT > it 1% 527 (527. - REL.TOT.POWER > it is 528 [528, ~ POWERFACTOR CAP r re B ssp 7 SERVICE MANUAL ——— a ee 529 [529. = POWERFACTOR IND. < 530. = REVERSE POWER > oe ae] or 531. = REACTIVE POW. IND> 532.ALARM ACKNOWLEDGE ON FUN. IND: 533 [533-ALARMi-LOGTC 534. =PRIORITY GROUP [1.4 535. ALARM DELAY TIME 536. ~ALARM BLOCKED — OFF/ON: 537 _[537.ALARM2-LOGIC 538, =PRIORITY GROUP _[1..4: 539. ~ALARM DELAY TIME 540. [ALARM BLOCKED OFE/ON: 541 _[541.ALARM3-LOGIC 545 _[545.ALARM4-LOGIC 542, PRIORITY GROUP [1.4]: 543. TALARM DELAY TIME : s 54a. =BGARM BLOCKED OFF/ON: 546. PRIORITY GROUP [1.4]: i 547. ALARM DELAY TIME 5 548. TALARM BLOCKED _OFF/ON: 549 |549.ALARMS-LOGIC : 550. =PRIORITY GROUP [1.4]: ‘S51. ALARM DELAY TIME A 5 552. =ALARM BLOCKED OFF/ON: 553__[553.ALARM6-LOGIC : ‘354. =PRIORITY GROUP [1.4]: 555. “ALARM DELAY TINE 3 556. “ALARM BLOCKED OFE/ON: 557_[557.ALARM7-LOGIC 558. =PRIORITY GROUP [1.4] 559. “ALARM DELAY TIME 5 560. “ALARM BLOCKED OFF/ON: 561 |561.ALARM8-LOGIC 562. =PRIORITY GROUP [1.5] 563. “ALARM DELAY TINE 5 B64. “ALARM BLOCKED OFP/ON: 565 565. ALARM9-PRIORITY GROUP [1..4]: 566. TALARM DELAY TIME : 5 567 ALARM BLOCKED OPF/ON: 568560. ALARMIO-PRIORITY GROUP{I. 241s 569. ALARM DELAY TIME. s 570. TALARM BLOCKED _OFF/ON. S71_|571.ALARM11-PRIORITY GROUP[1..4]; S72. ALARM DELAY TIME. s 573. =ALARM BLOCKED OFF/ON: 574 [574 ALARM12-PRIORITY GROUPI1..4]: 575~ “RUARM DELAY TIME : 5 576. ALARM BLOCKED OFE/ON: 18 ABB syirceo SERVICE MANUAL. 1.5.10 SPECIAL PARAMETERS 577.SRT EMERGENCY DIESEL FUN.INP: [ 578.CAN BAD DATA FLOW MESSAGE NO: 579.SEPARATE LOADSH. & PREQ:CIRD 580. FUNCTION FOR ANALOG. OUTPUT 581.MAINS PARAL.OPZRATION OFF/ON; 582.ANALOG TACHO(CMAL35] ADJUSTM 583 ANALOG INPUT [CMA137] ADJUSTM 584.SACE LOW VOLTAGE COIL FREQ2<: 585 [585.POWERFACTOR CAP.< SPECIAL 586 _|586.POWERFACTOR IND.< SPECIAL: 587. (NOT IN USE] : 588 ASYMMETRIC CONTROLLER OFF/ON. 589. -CONTROL.ON-SWITCH PUN IM 590. -MIN. LOAD TO SWITCH OVER 591. ~TINE DELAY F.SWITCH OVER (592. VOLTAGE REGULATOR -SET POINT 593. -BREAKTINE 594. -PULSETIME, 595. -SENSITIVITY OF CONTROLLE 596. POWERFACTOR CTRL.— BRRAKTIME. 597. ~PULSETIME 598. -SENSITIVITY OF CONTROLLA 599. LCD-CONTRAST_AUTO-ADJ.OFF/ON. 600.RS422/485 - COM. PORT ADDRESS 602. = PROTOCOL NO. 602. = BAUDRATE [1-3] (603 .ALARM SUPERVISION LOCAL OFF 604. SPECIAL APPLICATION KEY : 605.REM.CONTROL IN MANUAL MODE + 606-ANAL.FILTER POR CMA124 [1-99]: [_—[s07.Rtania-s20p WIE cooumne Domr 608. DISABLE BLACKOUT INTERLOCK 609.ALARM SETTING OF A10 & A26 610-DELAYTIME FOR SPECIAL EVENTS: 611.SPECIAL APPLICATION KEY 2 612. (NOT IN USE] 613. [NOT IN USE, : ABB sneo'n 19 SERVICE MANUAL 15.11 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS On the following pages, the parameters are described in detail with special reference made to their parameter numbers. The parameter number is indicated in brackets, The recommended ‘parameter values are set in parentheses between hyphens. Fa Farle {1} Date, Time. Input of current date and time. The year Is entered using only two (1] [5] digits. For example, 1995 = “95” or 2000 = “00” -(5] [6] Number of Diesels. Input of number of diesel engines with only the numbers [6] “1” through “8” being possible, The number of the diesel engine is also displayed oa the operation screen. Because the number simultancously serves as a communication address between several Synpol®D units, it can not apply identical diesel numbers inside the same plant, [7] Counter. input of selection as to whether power counters 8, 9 and 10 are to 17] count in the MWh or kWh range. [8] Active power as total power counter. [8] [9] Active-power counter that counts days or other time periods. For arestart put [9] in“0”. [10] Reactive-power as total counter. U0} [11] Operating hours are counted beginning with the present value. In case of an [11] initial instalation, put in “0”. [42] Start counter, counting the number of accomplished start attempts, Input= [12] resetting. [13] Generator Data, Input of nominal-ated generator current (100% value). (37 [14] Input of nominal-rated generator voltage (100% value), [14] [15] Input of nominal-rated power of generator (100% value). 115] [16] Input of nominal-rated frequency of generator. 116) [17] Input of actual transformation ratio of current transformer. For example, ifa [17] ‘transformer of 1200A / 1A is installed, enter “1200”, (18] Input of actual transformation ratio of voltage transformer multiplied by 10, [18] For example, if a voltage transformer of 660 / 100V is installed, enter “66”, If there is no voltage transformer connected, enter “10”, [19] Two different terminal boards leading to generator terminal connection can be [19] used. If a terminal board of 100V is used, “100” must be entered; for a terminal board of 450V, “450” must be entered. 20 ABB sno. SERVICE MANUAL [20] Protection of the mains funetion for power stations, For power stations he [20] protection of the mains can be switched on with a function input. (Parameter[21-30]) are then activated. Example: Input “3” = Function 3 = E11, CMA132, Terminal 31 If the protection of the mains is not used (for switchboards on ships), Parameter [20] should be set = “0”, [21] Limit value for the phase distance to trip the vector jump relay. (See 4.3 [21] Vector Jump.) [22] Increase of current after a vector jump appears, If the value is set higher than [22] “0, the protection of the mains will trip when the current increases higher than the set value in percentage within the next two periods. (See 4.3 Vector Jump.) [23] Setting the limit value for the overfiequency supervisor. For more 123] 124] Setting the delay time for the overfrequency supervisor. information [24] [25] Setting the limit value for the underfrequency supervisor. on the 125] [26] Setting the delay time for the underfrequency supervisor. protection of [26] [27] Setting the limit value for the overvoltage supervisor. the mains, 127] 128] Setting the delay time for the overvoltage supervisor. see Chapter 4, [28] [29] Setting the limit value for the undervoltage supervisor. [29] 130] Setting the delay time for the undervoltage supervisor. [30] [31]}- Not inuse, (31] 134] {34} [35] Supervision of Power supply. Entering a value bigher then zero will aotivato [35] the power supply supervision. If the power supply voltage is lower then the Limit in parameter [35], Event [620] will be set after the delay time (delay time = Parameter (610]). The measuring range of the power supply voltage is 24V +#/- 40% The percentage value of this limit relates to the nominal supply voltage of 24V (=100%). =(0%)~ [36] Analog output. Analog output A12/13 (CMA132, Terminals 32,33 or 34,35) [36] of active power signal of =1GV or 420mA depending on the set percentage. For example, if the input is 120%, the signal of 10V or 20mA will be active at 120% of the nominal-rated power of the generator. 137] Analog output of the generator current A14 (CMA132, Torminals 36,37) of 4 [37] cesar eee eee eee anaes eee ABB sneer = 20 mA depending on the set percentage. For example, if the setting is 100%, then the signal of 20 mA will be active at 100% of the nominal-rated generator current. With the Parameter [580] the output fimetion of the analog output can be changed as follows: 0= Generator curent 1 = Generator voltage Generator frequency 3 = Reactive power Active power 24 SERVICE MANUAL [38] Select analog output No. 3 (A35, CMA137, Terminals 15,16). Enter [38] corresponding number: 1=Generator voltage 2=Generator frequency 3 = Generator power 4= absolute load of all generators feeding the same bus bar. 5= Generator fequency: 4-20mA = Nominal frequency +/— |CAN-Identifier: 6= Generator voltage |Parameter[52] = 1 ‘7 = Generator current )Parameter{52] = 1 8 = Generator voltage [Parameter[52] = 2 9 = Generator current |Parameter[52] ~ 2 10= Generator voltage [Parameter{52] =3 11 = Generator current Parameter{52] =3 12= Generator voliage {Parameter(52] = 4 13 = Generator curent [Parameter(52} 14= Generator voltage [Parameter[52} 15 = Generator current [Parameter(52) [39] Analog output of signal [38] of 4-20mA depending on the set percentage. 139] 140] Select analog output No. 4 (A36, CMA137, Terminals 13,14) using the [40] comesponding number: 1=Power factor 2= Reactive power 3 = Relative load ofall generators feeding the same bus bar (relative net load) 4= Generator frequency (range: 30-75 C/s) 5 = Generator voltage 6= Generator frequency: -+/-10V = nominal frequency +/- SEiz 7 = Generator frequency: + 0-10V =nominal frequency +/- SHz 8 = speed signal [rpm] |CAN-identifier: 9= Generator frequency: 0-10V = nom.frequency +/-SHz Parameter [52] = 1 10-Generator power [Parameter [52] = 1 11=Generator frequency: 0-10V = nom.frequeney +/-SHz 12-Generator power 13>Genorator frequency: 0-10V = nom. frequency +/-SHz 14=Generator power 15~Generator frequency: 0-10V = nom.frequency +/-5Hz Parameter [52] = 4 16-Generator power [Parameter [52] =4 17=Generator frequency: 0-10V = nom.frequency +/-SHz. Parameter [52] = 5 18=Generator power [Parameter [52] = 5 [41] Analog output of signal [40] of £10V depending on the set percentage. [41] [42] Synchronization. Seting of the break time for speed adjustment during [42] synchronization. -(25)+ [43] Setting of pulse time for speed adjustinent during synchronization, In [43] addition, pulse time is modified by the difference between the frequencies of generator and busbar. (Sce 1.1.2 Three-step Controller.) = (100s)- [44] Ifthe difference between the olectrical angles of the generator and busbar does [44] not become zero within 10 seconds, then an impulse of the set time in Parameter [44] will be given. = 00:ms) - n ABB syiecie0 [45] [46] [47] [48] SERVICE MANUAL Input of range in electrical angular degrees, in which the generator circuit- breaker is switched on. = (8-15°) = Input of maximum differential frequency allowing switch on of main breaker, ~ (250 mz )~ Input of generator voltage as a percentage related to the busbar voltage: For example, if the input is 95%, a difference in voltage of 5% between the generator and busbar will be allowed in order to permit connection to the system, =(95%)- Stabilization of LE-display Characters. Input of display Hequency for LE- display. The higher the entered figure, the steadier and slower the figures in the LE-displays will change. The values range from 1to 100. - (10) - [45] [46] [47] 148] [49] [50] Differential protection. Connection / disconnection of differential function: ON=1 OFF =0 Input of stabilization curve for differential protection, For example, if the input is 5%, then the tripping value increases by 5% at 100% current. This value is added to the set fundamental value in [144], ~(10%)- [49] [50] [St] [52] 153] [54] CAN Communication. If the Terminal Board CMA 136 is connected, then a field bus communication can be made. Load balance, start — stop, automatic control and the power management system operate through here. Input: 1=ON_ 0=OFF ‘The function of the CAN communication will be explained in Chapter 2.3, Wentification inside CAN bus mains. Each Synpol®D device has its own {identification number for running the CAN communication. The first unit must start with the identification number “I”, and each additional unit must receive a corresponding subsequent number, For example, the second unit is identified with “2%, the third “3”, and so on, Input of number of Synpol®D devices connected to the CAN bus mains. If, for example, “4” (four devices connected to the mains) has been entered and only three are connected, a fault signal will be displayed, Baud rate. For bus communication, four speeds of data transmission can be selected: 1= 20k Band for lengths of transmission line up to 500 m 2= 50 k Baud for lengths of transmissic on line up to 300m (00 k Band for lengths of transmission line up to 200 m 4= 125 k Baud for lengths of transmission line up fo 100 m =(4)- [51] [52] 153] [54] [35] [56] Ls) ABB sino. ‘Lond sharing: Setting of break time for speed adjustment during load sharing. ~(55)= Setting of pulse time for speed adjustment during load sharing, The pulse time Cepends on the difference between the sum load of all generators and the single Toad of the generator being adjusted here, (Seo also 1.1.2 Three-step Controll (10s [55] [56] 23 157) SERVICE MANUAL Setting of sensitivity of three-step controller, Only when the set limit in perceat (the difference between average value and its own actual load) is passed, will a pulse Parameter [ 56 ] be given. If the load is <10% or >90%, sensitivity will be reduced to 1/3 . -(5%)- 157] [58] [59] [60] [61] 162] Asymmetrical load sharing. Switching on of asymmetrical load sharing via function input. Select function input number; for example, “3” = function = E11 CMA132 Terminal 31. Input range for operation during asymmetrical load sharing. In case the entered minimum is under the set limit in one diesel engine, then symmetrical load sharing will be switched on. Ifthe setting is 0%, then the function will be blocked and asymmetrical load sharing will continue to operate. -(10%)- Tnput range for operation during asymmetrical load sharing, In case the entered maximum is over the set limit in one diesel engine, then symmetrical load sharing will be switched on. If the setting is 0%, then the function will be blocked and asymmetrical load sharing will continue fo operate. ~(85%)- If the Parameters [59] and [60] have triggered, switching back to symmetrical load sharing, the asymmetrical load sharing will again be switched on after the set time. If another limit is triggered by [59] and [60], symmetrical load sharing will be switched on again, time running down once again, and so on. ~ (1800 8) - When using asymmetrical load sharing, a variable analog actual value can be entered on CMA137 Terminals 19 (-) & 20 (+). Setting: O=OFF 1=ON, 158] 159] [60] 161] [62] [63] Shaft Gencrator Operation. During shaft generator operation, maximam oad can be reduced depending upon hovr fast the main engine is running. On the supplementary card CMA 137, a signal 5 ~ 10V is entered at Terminals 19(-) & 20(+): According to the input signal “F”, power “PQ” is influenced in the following way: maximum output power “Py” multiplied by input signal a F divided by 10. =Pye y PO=PN* 163} 164) 165} [66] 67} ‘Frequency control. During load sharing, frequency control can be switched off by means of a contact, which is necessary in ease of a parallel operation to a shaft generator or to a constant frequency mains. To do this, select function input number. For example, “2” = Function 2= E 10, CMAI32, Terminal 30. For frequency control, either a constant frequency (for this, enter the same value in both [65] and [66]) or a load-depending speed droop can be entered in accordance with the speed controller of the diesel engine. Input the idle speed ‘umber multiplied by 100 here, For example, 62 Hz = input = "6200", Jn accordance with [65], the nominal-rated load frequency multiplied by 100 is entered bere. For example, 60 Hz = input = “6000”. Setting of break time for frequency control. (30s) - [64] 165] 166] [67] ABB euro. SERVICE MANUAL 7 [68] Setting of pulse time for frequency control. Pulse time additionally depends —_[ 68] on the difference between actual and set point frequency. (See 1.1.2 Three- step Controller). (80s) - [69] Setting of sensitivity of three-step controller. When passing the set per [69] thousand (pm) limit of the difference between actual and sot point vahte, a r pulse is given. (See 1.1.2 Three-step Controller). —(Spm)- {70] Power Management. Power management and load depending start and stop [70] - of the diesel aggregates can be switched off using a function input (switching off the whole net). To do this, select function input number. For example: Input “3” = Function 3 = B11, CMA132, Terminal 31. [71] Setting = 0: Load depending stop works in a sequence so that the aggregate [71] with the lowest priority will be stopped first. ed Setting = 1; Load depending stop works in a sequence so that the aggregate with the highest priority will be stopped first. 5 [72] 0= Start order, when passing limit Parameter [73], will be given depending on [72] the load of each diesel engine. Ifa generator passes the limit while the others do not, a start order will be given, 1 = start order given if total load of [73] is passed. Total load means the average of load of all diesel engines running on the mains. [73] Start limit for load-depending start of an additional diesel engine. 173) -(80%)- [74] Delay time for [73] & [81]. -(0s)- [74] [75] Stop limit for load-depending stop of operating diesel engine, The entered [75] percentage limit is the load value remaining on the mains after disconnecting ‘the diesel engine. The stop limit for load-depending stop will be reduced by the following formalism, if parameter [81] is activated and the power factor is e Jess then 0.8: New limit = parameter [75] * (power factor+0.2) —( 60%) 176] Delay time for [75]. -(600s)- [76] - : [77] Second start limit. (Enter a higher limit than in [73).) ~(105%)- 77] n 178] Delay time for [77]. (Enter a shorter time than in [74],) -Gs)- [78] 179] Passage of a low frequency limit also starts a diesel engine. Coordinate with [79] i (134) and [136]. [80] Delay time for [79]. 180] : [81] Start limit for eurrent-depending start of an additional diesel engine. The [81] current limit can be set as: - 1-100 = percentage limit of current for starting next diesel generator. If the current exceeds this limit the next valid aggregate will be started after the delay time fixed with parameter [74]. - 0 = disconnecting of the whole fiction. A start condition is not detected by ; the current limit. =(0%)= ee eee cee s ABB sea 2s [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] 88] [89] [90] [94] SERVICE MANUAL By closing a contact, an additional diesel engine can be started (depending on the priority sequence). To do this, select fimetion input number. If the Parameter [83] = “1” has been set and the power management system aives a stop signal, then the noxt diesel in the stop sequence will be stopped, however, only if no other diesel aggregate received an alarm with priority 3. In this case, the diesel aggregate with the alarm in priority 3 will be stopped. instead of the diesel in the stop sequence, The stop of the diesel with alarm priory 3 will occur without any time delay. By closing a contact, load-depending stop of the diesel engines can be ‘blocked. To do this, select function input number. If a load-depending start or stop has been released, no further start ot stop order can be given during the set time. = (808) — If the diesel engine has been switched on, time rans down blocking a new start (waiting time in order to stabilize the mains). ‘The same time will be used for the load computer to delay the release signal, -(15s)~ If the diesel engine has been switched off, time runs down blocking a new stop. -(608)— Load Calculator Function. Request load-depending connection to big Consumer 1. Select function input number and via it, enter request. The input signal must be on steadily until the big consumer has been switched on. Should the signal remain on at the input, diesel stop will be blocked. (Use for bow thruster operation.) Enter power of Consumer 1, If there is sufficient reserve power, Event [18] will be set without a delay, If there is insufficient power, onc or at most two Giesel engines will be started. If after switching on the additional diesel engines sufficient power becomes available, Event [18] will be set after a delay time of 10 seconds. Event [18], not [89], should be put on an output relay. (Sco Function Outputs (160]-{238}.) If the setting is “0”, the function will be blocked. Request load-depending connection to big Consumer 2. Select function input nurnber and via it, enter request. The input signal must be on steadily until the big consumer has been switched on. Should the signal remain on at the input, diesel stop will be blocked. (Use for bow thruster operation.) Enter power of Consumer 2. If there is sufficient reserve power, Event [19] will be set without a delay time. If there is insufficient power, one or at most ‘two diesel engines will be started. If after switching on the additional diesel engines sufficient power becomes available, Event [19] will be set after a delay time of 10 seconds. Event [19], not [91], should be put on en output relay. (See Function Outputs [160]-[238].) If the setting is “0”, the actual power of the diesel will be requested as a value of a big consumer, 182] [83] 184] [85] 186] 87] 188] [89] [90] [91] [92] ‘Nominal-rated power of each aggregate must be set ( diesel numbers 1-8), Enter nominal-tated power of the aggregate under Parameter [6] = “1”, [92] 26 ABB syircro SERVICE MANUAL [93] Eater nominal-rated power of the aggregate under Parameter (6] = “2”. 193} [94] Enter nominal-rated power of the aggregate under Parameter [6] = “3”. [94] [95] Entornominal rated power of the aggregate under Parameter (6] = “4”. 195} [96] Enter nominal-rated power of the aggregate under Parameter (6] =“‘S", 196] 197] Enter nominal-rated power of the aggregate under Parameter [6] = 197] [98] Enter nominal-rated power of the aggregate under Parameter [6] = “7". [98] [99] Enter nominal-rated power of the aggregate under Parameter [6] = “8”. 199] ‘Input of Limit Values Li means Limit: the limit value is entered here. T: means Time: the delay time is entered here. 1100] Input of short-cirenit limit and delay in the case of a busbar short-circuit. This [100] short circuit limit is authoritative for perameter [1028104] ~ (1: 300% ) (7: 500 ms) - [102] Input of short-circuit limit and delay in case of generator short-circuit. [102] = (1: 300% ) (T: 200 ms )- [104] Input of short-cirouit limit and delay in order to open a breaker; for example, [ 104 bus tie breaker before disconnection of [100]. = (L: 300%) (T: 100 ms ) - Attention: the limit values of Parameter [100], [102] and [104] must be the same. [106] Input of Overcurrent Limit 1° step and delay. It is used for tripping circuit [106 breaker: = (Lt 150% ) (T:208 ) - [408] Input of Overcurrent Limit 2™ step and delay. It is used for tripping circuit [108] breaker. = (Li: 120%) (T: 308) [110] Input of Overcurrent Limit 3" step and delay. It is used for tipping circuit [110] breaker. ~ (Lz 110% ) (T: 100s )- [112] Input of Overcurrent Limit 1" step and delay, It is used for tripping nom- [112] essential consumers. = (Li 100%) (T: Bs) - [114] Input of Overcurrent Limit 2 stop and delay. It is used for tripping non- [114) essential consumers, = (L: 100% ) (T: 128) - [116] Input of Overcurrent Limit 3 step and delay. It is used for tripping non- [116] ‘essential consumers, = (Le 100% ) (T: 188 )- (41181 Input of active-power limit and delay, Its used for reverse-power tipping of [118] cirouit breaker, ~(L: 10% )(T: 88) - [120] Input of active-power limit and delay. It is used for tripping non-essential [ 120) consumers in case of excessive power (steps 1-3). -(L:110%)(T: Is) = ABB ‘SYNPOL°D 27 SERVICE MANUAL 122] Input of voltage limit and delay. It is used for Overvoltage 1 step. 1122) iad ~(L: 115%) (T: 108) - [424] Input of voltage limit and delay. It is used for Overvoltage 2 step. [124] = (L: 120% ) (T: 208) - [126] Input of voltage limit and delay. It is used for Undervoltage 1* step. [126] = (1: 80%) (T: 108) - 1128] Input of voltage limit and delay. It is used for Undervoltage. an step. [128] = (Lt 75%) (T: 208) - 1130] Input of frequency limit and delay. It is used for Overfrequency 1" step. [130] ~(L: 108%) (T: 10s) - [132] Input of frequency limit and delay. It is used for Overfrequency 2 step. [132] = (L: 110%) (T: 2s) - [134] Input of frequency limit and delay. It is used for Underfrequeney 1" step and [134] intended for tripping non-essential consumers (steps 1~3). - (1: 94%) (T: 5s) [136] Input of frequency limit and delay. It is used for Underfrequenoy 2™ step and [136] intended for tripping circuit breaker, - (i 90%) (T: 10s) - [138] | Input of current limit and delay. It is used for asymmetrical tripping if one of [138] the three phase currents deviates from average value. - (L: 20% ) (T: 10s) - [140] Input of voltage limit and delay. It is used for asymmetrical tripping if one of [140] the three phase voltages deviates from average value. - (L: 5%) (T: 10s) [142] | Input of current limit and delay of differential current alarm if cirouit breaker [142] is open. It is used for tripping circuit breaker and high-speed de-excitation. ~ (L: 3%) (T: 500 ms) ~ [144] Input of current limit and delay of differential current alarm if circuit breaker [144] is closed, It is used for tripping circuit breaker and high-speed de-excitation. = (£:5%) (T: 500 ms) - 1146] Input of voltage limit and delay of carth-fault in generator if circuit breaker is [146] ‘open. The earth-fault is measured by displacement of star point. ~~ (L:5%) (7:25 )- 1448] Input of voltage limit and detay of earth-fault in generator if circuit breaker is [ 148] closed. The earth-fault is measured by displacement of star point. = (1:50%) (110s ) - [150] Input of current limit and delay. It is used for ground current tripping. The 1150] ground current is the actual result of the generator currents 11-3 Cha). SIGN for isolated nets and grounded nets take in consideration that the accuracy of the current transformer allows as lowest limit 2% of normal rated current of the generator. For isolated nets with constant earth resistor. ‘use SIN. : = (Li 5%) (T: 108) - {152] Input of voltage limit and delay. Ifthe voltage limit is passed, the activation [ 152] ‘signal for operation will be given. ~ CL: 85%) (Ts 18)- 28 ABB evneoie> SERVICE MANUAL [154] Input of current limit and delay after wire break has been detected during a [ 154] phase when the current was “0”. ~ (1: 15%) (T: 108) - [156] Common alarm for excitation fault. The alarm excitation fault will occur if [156] either the limit in parameter [531] or the excitation difference is exceeded. ‘The excitation difference is the relation of the following form: dE= ff * 100 Un The over-excitation supervision starts working if at minimum 5% of generator frequency and voltage are reached. = (130%) (T:10s) — Rey. reactive power = Pacem{S31 _, >for >| Excitation Fault (156) aB > Param [156] Sree Paremsterf1571 [158] Input of negative sequence limit and delay. The limit of the negative sequence [158] is related to the nominal rated current value of the generator. + (L:10%)(T: 10s) - {160} Use of Function Output Relays. Every output relay can be used with an [160] 1238] “OR” interlock for a maximum of six events. [238] Output relays for functions 4- 6 = CMAI32 Output relays for functions 8-10 =» CMAI35 Output zelays for functions 11-18 = CMA137 Example: If Parameter [160] (Output Function 4.47) is set to 122/118 /0/0 107, the Output Relay 4 (Output A7) will be activated in the case of overvoltage 1" step and reverse power. As shown in this example, six output relays can be programmed. 1260] Alphanumerie Input. Input name of diesel engine in the middlo of the LC [260] display using the frst line. 1276] As shown for [260]; however, name title on second line, 1276} [292] Input names of Alarms 1-12. Text and numbers can be entered via keyboard. [292] £468] -[ 468} [484] "Diesel control. Switching on of diesel-control fimction: OFF =0/ON=1. [484] ‘The diesel start/stop control works only if it is switched on. Special function: Gas engine control will be activated if parameter[484] = “2” [485] Speed signal. If an anclog speed signal is connected to Terminals 8 and 9, 1485) ABI enter “]” here. 1= ON. Ifa speed signal 4-20mA is used, a “2” must be entered instead of “1”, In addition a 2210 resistor must be connected on Terminals 7 & 9. The input current signal must be connected on Terminals 7 (+) and 9(-). Ifthe analog input is not used, enter “0”. 0 = OFF. B syirou 29 1486] (487) 1488) [489] £490) 1491} [492] 1493] [494] [495] SERVICE MANUAL Calibration of analog speed signal. The set percentage corresponds to the ‘maximum analog input signal (10 V) connected on E12 (CMA135, Terminals 7 & 9). The analog input signal is also related to the nominal-rated speed, which is 100%, If 4-20mA speed signal is in use (parameter(485] = 2) please take note of chapter Switching on Pick-up Signal 1 (B13): ON=1 OFF=0 Inpat of pulses per revolution on Pick-up 1. The maximum input frequency is 10 kHz, Switching on of Pick-up Signal 2 (E14): ON=1 OFF=0 Additional function: The Pick-up Signal 2 input can also be used as a digital input signal. The contact for the digital input closes if the speed of the diesel. engine is higher than the ignition speed (ignition speed contact). ‘The contact must be connected on Terminals 29 and 30 on the Terminal Board CMA135, To activate this additional function, set Parameter [489] = “2”, Input of pulses per revolution on Pick-up 2. The maximum input frequency is 10 kHz, ‘The activated speed-measuring devices (frequency, analog speed input, and Pick-ups 1 and 2) are compared to each other, The nominal-rated speed is always 100%. A limit value has to be sct for maximum variation of all activated speed-measuring devices as compared to the frequency, If the limit value of the variation is surpassed, Alarm 12 will be triggered. Alarm 12 is set with Parameters (468, 574 - 576]. Input of ignition speed in percentage of nominal-rated speed. Input of nominal-rated speed = 100% in revolutions per minute. Input of percentage speed when diesel has almost reached the nominal-rated speed. ~(90%)~ Input of overspeed in percentage. - (115%) - [486] [487] [488] [489] £490) 1491} 1492] [493] [494] (495) [496] [497] 1498] 1499] [500] [501] Start phase. The number of starts to be attempted is enlered here, At the end of the last unsuccessful start attempt, a start fault alarm will be displayed.(3) - Preselection of Output A18: 0=preglow 1 = start fuel limiting Input of proglow time. Shortening of preglow time by entering a signal via an input finction. Enter ‘funetion number. For example, input “I”, Preglow time is shortened by connecting signal to E 9 anetion 1). ‘Maximum energizing time of start relay during start phase, ~(58)- “1”; Start process is initialized here when the speed =0. With this, break time may be prolonged (for electrostarters), [496] [497] 498) [499] 1500] [5011 30 ABB syirc0 SERVICE MANUAL 0”: Start process is initialized at the end of break time even if diesel engine still operates below ignition speed. [502] Break time between start ettompts during staxt phase, =(10s)- [502] [503] The maximum supervising time allowed between rising above ignition speed [ 503 | and reaching running up speed is entered here. = (308) - [504] | The time is entered fiom reaching nominal-rated speed until setting of “cireuit [504] breaker on” order. = (2s)- [505] After the “circuit breaker on” order has been given the check back signal for [505] “circuit breaker on” must be given in the time entered here. = (60s) - 1506] Time needed for release of alarm blocking after rising above ignition speed. [506] ~ (108 )- [507] After the first unsuecessful start attempt, the next diesel engine will be started. [507] 1508] Shortening of the start phase in manual operation (service operation): [508] 0 =no change in start phase 1 = If the diesel reaches the ignition speed, the start phase will end. In this mode the synchronization unit won’t be activated, [509] Prelubrication: Enter pulso time (pulse time = operating time of. [509] prelubrication pump). If the pulse time is active, Event [509] will be activated. A function output must be chosen and Event [509] must be entered in one of the Parameters [160 - 238] in order to activate an output relay [510] _Prelubrication: enter break time, [510] [511] "Stop phase. The maximum stop delay time entered here is ran through only in [511] ‘the case of a delayed alarm stop (alarm with priority 2) in order to allow other diesel / generator sets to switch on to the busbar and to take over the load. Once this has occurred, the delay phase will end immediately. -(60s)- [512] The cooling down time of the diesel engine is sot here. In the beginning of [512] this phase, a “load-free off” procedure is started. 180s )- [513] Monitoring time during which speed must have fallen below ignition speed [513] after stop order was given. If this time is surpassed, a fault alarm will result. ~(45s)~ [514] After falling below ignition speed, the stop-relay remains energized [514] continuously during time entered here. ~ (10s )- [515] Function of Output Relay A16: [515] ABB sneoeo 0 a to a stop magnetic coil (if energized, the diesel engine will stop). 1 = disconnection of fuel valve or controller. During start or operation of the diesel engine, the relay is energized, opening fuel valve or energizing Controller. If the diesel stops, the relay is de-energized, 2.= includes the function with setting {0}. In addition the plausibility of the Stop ordar will be checked. If the stop order is not plausibie the alarm “stop 31 SERVICE MANUAL abort” will be shown in the alarm page and the stop order will be ignored. [516] 1— Hf Output A20 “breaker off” is activated, then Output All “main breaker [516] tipped” is also activated. This means, the undervoltage coil is released. In case of a diesel failure, the generator breaker will be tripped by its safety device, = Outputs A20 and A1J are working separately. [517] Selection of function if circuit breaker is switched off and if diesel is in [S17] operation, 0=no function 1 = switched to manual mode liesel stop and stop indicated in LC-Display [518] Blackout— start preselection [518] O= Start of all available diesel engines 1= Start ofa diesel engine according to the priority sequence. [519] Delay time for blackout signal. -(28)- [519] [520] | Stop after a blackout (emergency switchboard) [520] O= No stop if the blackout disappears 1= Stop if the blackout disappears. (After the delay time set in Parameter [521].) [521] Delay time for stop process [520] after a blackout. -(120s)- [521] [522] Supervising the net: A blackout signal can be triggered by comparing the [522] voltage of the busbar with the set limit value in percent. If the busbar voltage drops under the limit, a blackout signal will be detected. This blackout signal is interlocked by “OR” to the blackout signal given to the input E16. The busbar voltage limit can be set as: 1-100 = porcentage limit input of busbar voltage 0 = disconnecting of the whole fimction. A blackout signal is not detected by the busbar voltage. (see diagram on following page.) Blackout reer Bret (521) | & | + Blackout Start ory 1 pasomatic Brent [518] yc Par (529) >0 Sur pha {523} Limit value. Speed signal: After rising above the set speed in percentage, [523] Event [523] is activated. Now, the event oan be assigned to an output fimction. Parameters [160 - 238]. [524] Generator voltage limit value: Aer sising above the set voltage in percentage, [524 ] Event [524] is activated. The event can now be assigned to on output function, Parameters [160 - 238]. 32 ABB syeo15 [5251] [526] [527] [528] [529] 530] 1531] SERVICE MANUAL. Power limit value: After rising above the set power in percentage, Event [525] is activated. The event can now be assigned fo an output function. Parameters[160 - 238]. Current signal limit value: ARer rising above the set curent in percentage, Event [526] is activated. ‘The event can now be assigned to an output function. Parameters [160 - 238]. ‘Total power signals of relative power of all diesel engines ranning on the mains: After rising above the set power in percentage, Event [527] is activated, ‘The event can now be assigned to an output fanction. Parameters [160 - 238]. Capacitive power factor: After falling belowr the capacitive power factor set in a percentage, Event [528] is activated. ‘The event can now be assigned to an output function. Parameters [160 - 238]. Inductive power factor: After falling below the induotive power factor set in a percentage, Event [520] is activated. ‘The event can now be assigned to an output fimotion, Parameters [160 - 238]. Reverse power limit value: After rising above the set reverse power in percentage, Event [530] is activated. The event can now be assigned to an output function. Parameters [160 - 234 Reactive power limit value: “After rising above the set reactive power (inductive) in percentage, Event [531] is activated. The percentage value of reactive power relates fo the nominal rated value set in parameter [15]. The event can now be assigned to an output function, Parameters [160 - 238]. 1525] [526] [527] [528] [529] [530] [531] [5321 1533] 1534] 1535] 1536] [537] [538] ‘Alarms. Alarm signal acknowledgment: Every new alarm activates Event [46]. Throng an input fanotion set to Parameter [532], Event [46} can be selaowledged The funetion ean be used for a horn connected to an output > Fonction Gutput X uoetion Inpot Par. [5321 See (1.5.2) Acknowledge —Key ‘Alanm No.1 (E21) selection of input logic: 0=no contact 1 =ne contact Input of alarm priority {1-4}. ‘Alarm delay time, entered in seconds, ‘Alan blocking during stand still and running up of engine. 0= OFF 1=0N Alarm No.2 (B22) selection of input logic: 0~no contact T= ne contact Input of alarm priority {1 - 4}. [532] 1533] [534] 1535] [536] 1537] 1538] ABB syeoo 33 SERVICE MANUAL reeset te reece eee [539] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. 1539] [540] dian blocking during sland sil and running up of engine [540] 0= OFF [S41] Alarm No.3 (B23) selection of input logic: 1541) 0 =no contact 1 =ne contact [542] Input of alarm priority {1-4}, 1542] [543] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. 1543) 1544] Alan blocking during stand still and running up of engine, 1544) 0=O8F 1=0N [545] Alan No.4 (624) selection of input logic: [545] 0=no contact 1=nc contact 1546] Input of alarm priority {1 - 4), 1546] [547] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. 1547] 1548] lam blocking ding stand sland runing up of opine. 1548] 0=oUT =ON [549] Alarm No.5 (E25) selection of mpat opt: 1549] 0=no contact 1=ne contact [580] Input of alarm priority {1-4}, 1550] [551] _ Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. [551] [582] Alarm blocking during stand stil and running up of engine, 1582] 0= OFF 1=0N 1553] | Alann No.6 (B26) selection of input logic: 1583] 0=no contact 1 =ne contact 1584] Input of alarm priority {1 - 4}. 1554] [555] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. 1555) [556] lam blocking ding tan el and runing wp of cue. 1586} 0=OFF [587] Alarm No.7 (B27) selection of input logic: [587] 0=no contact 1 =ne contact [588] Input of alarm priority {1-4}. 1558] [559] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. 1559] 1560] Alem blocking during stand stil and running up of engine. 1560) O=OFF 1=0N 34 ABB syne0°0 He 1 SERVICE MANUAL [561] Alarm No.$ (828) selection of input logi 1561] 0=no contact, 1=ne contact [562] Input of alarm priority {1-5}. [562] special funetion: Input E28 can be used as a start-blocking function if priority = {5} is set. In this operation mode, the manual mode will be activated automatically and all start requests will be blocked. [563] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds, 1563] [564] Alarm blocking during stand stil and running up of engine. 1564] O=OFF 1=0N 1565] Alarm No.9 = “Wire fault input” ~ Wire break inputs. Input of alarm priority { 565] {1-4}. [566] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds, 156} [567] Alarm blocking during stand still and running up of engine. 1567] 0=OFF 1=0N [568] Alarm No.10 = “Wire fault output” = wire break outputs, Input of alarm [568] priority {1 - 4}. [569] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. [569] [570] Alarm blocking during stand still and running up of engine. 1570) 0=OUT 1=0N [571] Alarm No.11 = “Overspeed”. (For input of limit value, see Parameter [495].) [571] Jnput of alarm priority {1-4}. 1572] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds. [S72] [573] Alarm blocking during stand still and running up of engine. 1573] 0=OFF 1=0N 1574] Alarm No.12 = “Tacho failure”, (For input of limit value, sce Parametor [574] [491]) Input of alarm priority {1 - 4}. [575] Alarm delay time, entered in seconds, [575] [576] Alarm blocking during stand still and running up of engine. [576] 0=O8F 1=0N [577] Special functions. Blocking of the remote start is used for emergency [577] aggregates. 0 = function switched off. ‘Through a fimetion input, a remote start order in automatic mode can be blocked. 1578] Switching on or off alarm “66. CAN - COMMUNICATION BAD DATA FLOW". [578] Al SynpolDD sends eight messages per second. The supervising interval is two ‘SYNPOL®D 35 SERVICE MANUAL seconds (16 messages). By setting a number, this many messages will have to be sent correctly in two seconds. If fewer are sent correctly, then an alarm will be given. A setting of “0” means the alam is deactivated. - 4) [579] If the load sharing is switched off, the following decisions can be given with [579] the settings below: O= frequency regulation will also be switched off 1 = frequency regulation will not be switched off, [580] Selection of the Analog Output Al4 (See Parameter [37]) [580] 0 Generator current 1= Generator voltage 2=Gonerator frequency _3= Reactive power 4 Active power 5= Generator frequency: 4-20mA = Nominal frequency +/- SHz [581] Working parallel to the mains. When working parallel to the mains, the [581] asymmetrical load sharing can be activated without any other aggregate running parallel. 0=not working parallel to the mains 1 = working parallel to the mains. [582] Adjustment factor for analog input (B12, CMA135,Terminals 7,8,9). Set point [582] of the factor must be 100, ~(100)- 1583] Adjustment factor for anzlog input (B41, CMA137, Terminals 19 &20). Set [583] point of the factor must be 100. ~(100)- [584] For undervoltage coils with auto-connected winding, the coil is switched off if [584] frequency is underflown by Event{136] and if the main breaker is not switched on. 0 Function OFF 1= Function ON [585] Power factor release by Event [528]. Input of delay time followed by the [585] interlock below: Event [528] has released, and input “Reverse Power Blocked” (B8, CMA133, ‘Terminal 28) is activated, Time of Event [585] has run down. Event [585] is then activated and must be switched to an output relay. [586] Power factor release by Event [529]. Input of delay time followed by the [586] interlock below: Event [529] has released, and input “Reverse Power Blocked” (E8, CMA133, ‘Terminal 28) is activated. Time of Event [586] has ran down. Event [586] is then activated and must be switched to an output relay. [587] not in-use [587] [588] Special function for asymmetrical load sharing. All Syapol“D units [588] running with this special fimetion for asymmetrical load sharing are programmed in Parameter [588] and set with “I”. If [588] is programmed with “1” and asymmetrical load sharing is selected with input [589] (Specially, prepared for a shaft generator), the other generators running in parallel that have also been programmed in [588] and set with “I” will work in the 36 ABB enous SERVICE MANUAL [589] [590] ABI = following way: if one of the other nimning generators went below the load limit of Parameter [590], the asymmetric load mode will be changed to Mode 2. Mode 1: the shaft generator is running with constant load; however, diesel generators are running in parallel with a variable load demand from the consumers. Mode 2: the diesel generators are running with constent load; however, the shaft generator is running with a variable load demand from the consumers. Hf the system is running in Mode | and the diesel goncrators fall under the load limit set in [590], Mode 2 will be selected automatically. If the system is running in Mode 2 and the shaft generator overshoots the load limit of the set point for asymmetric load sharing, Mode 1 will be selected automatically. Switching from one mode to the other can not be faster than the time delay set in Parameter [591]. “POWER TAKE IN MODE? for the shaft generator If Parameter 588] is programmed with “2°, asymmetrical load sharing is selected (specially prepared for shaft generator, Parameter [589]) and the fnction “reverse power blocked” (input E8, CMA132, Terminal 28). is activated, the program will be changed as follows: If one of the other running generators exceeds the limit of Parameter [590], the asymmetric load mode will be changed to Mode 4. Mode 3: The shaft generator is running with constant reverse load; however, the diesel generator are runing with variable load demand fiom the consumers and the shaft generator running as motor. If the system is running in Mode 3 and one of the diesel generators exceeds the load limit set in [590], Mode 4 will be sclected automatically, Mode 4; Diesel generators are running with constant load and the shaft generator and the consumers are sharing the load. If the system is running in Mode 4 and the shaft generator overshoots the load Jimit of the set point for asymmetric load sharing (set in menu soreen), Mode 3 will be selected automatically. Switching from one mode to the other can not be faster than that of the time delay set in Parameter [591]. The limit of the asymmetric load setting of the shaft generator can be set in the menu sereen. For activating the .POWER TAKIN MODE" the following parameters must be set: [58] =0; [59]=0; [60]=100; [61]=Ssec; [581]=0; {588]=2; [589] = chose function input to activate mode 3+4. [590] =60-100%; [591] ~3 secs ‘The limit of asymmetrical load sharing must be lower than the value set with Parameter [590]. ‘The aggregate chosen to run in asymmetrical load sharing (in our example, the shaft generator) must be selected in Parameter [589] via a function input. For example, if a “3” has been set and a signal given to Function 3 (Ell, CMA132,Terminal 31), then asymmetrical load sharing for the shaft generator will be activated. Limit value of the minimum load of the diesel aggregates running in parallel, The minimum limit value must be chosen in a way that the diesel generators are protected against low-load mmning. See diesel manufacturer for information on lowest running load. Hf Parameter [588] is programmed with “I”, asymmettical load sharing is selected (Parameter [589]) and the function “reverse power blocked” (input SYNPOL?D [589] [590] 37 [591] 1592] 1593] 594] [595] SERVICE MANUAL B8, CMA132, Terminal 28) is activated, the characteristic of Parameter [590] will be changed as follows: Limit value of the maximmum load of the diesel aggregates ranning in parallel. ‘The maximum limit value rust be chosen in a way the diesel generators are protected against over load, Ifa load limit is reached and Mode 1 or 2 is to be changed, the minimum change-over time set in Parameter [591] will be activated. This short time delay prevents load variations when switching from one regulator to the other. = (15 see, )— Voltage regulator. Setting of the demanded value of the voltage. (See Chapter 3.3 Voltage Regulator.) Setting of the break time of the voltage regulator. Setting of the pulse time of the voltage regulator. (See description of the three-step controller.) Setting of the sensitivity of the voltage regulator. The voltage re active if the regulator variation is greater than the adjusted sensi Parameter [595]. The dimension is promille (pra). 591] [592] [593] 1594] [595] [596] [597] [598] [599] Power factor control [Cos(®) Regulator]. Setting of the break time of the Cos() Regulator. (See also Chapter 3.1.) ‘Setting of the pulse time of the Cos(®) regulator. The adjusted pulse time is based on 100% variation. One percent variation of the Cos(%) regulator is 0.01. For example, if two generators are running in parallel and one has a Cos(®) of 0.80, and the other, 0.82, the difference from the average valuc is 0.01. This means, a variation in the regulator of 1%. (See Chapter 1.1.2 ‘Three-step Controller.) Setting of the sensitivity of the Cos) Regulator, The Cos(() Regulator is active when the variation of the regulator is higher than the sensitivity set in {598}. The dimension is in a percentage. ‘The contrast of the LC-Displays changes depending on the temperature. To avoid this, an automatic contrast regulator can be switched on. The regulator also switches on or off the LED backlight of the LC-display depending on the temperature inside of the controller case CMA 120 (80° or <10"). 0= Contrast regulator off 1 = Contrast regulator on 0 [596] [597] [598] 1599] 1600) [601] [602] RS422/485 COM PORT: Selecting the addrese for the communication via the RS422/485 link. Selection of the protocol: For communication via the RS422/485 link, the following protocol is available: 0 = Synpol®D standard protocol 1 Modes protocol ‘Transmission speed: For communication via the RS422/485 link, the following band rates are available for selection: {1}: 2400 baud {2}:4800 baud {3}:9600 baud {4}:19.2kbaud {5}: 38.4kbaud 1600} [601] [602] [603] 38 By starting the diesel aggregate locally, the engine will be stopped after 1603} ABB sso. SERVICE MANUAL [604] 1605] [606] 1607] 1608] [609] ABB sye0°0 Teaching the ignition speed if an alarm of priority 1 or 2 is activated or not acknowledged. This will continue to occur after every additional local start. ‘To activate this feature, the Parameter [603] should be set to “0”. To deactivate this feature, the Parameter [603] should be set fo “I”. Asa result, local starts can be made if an alarm of priority 1 or 2 is not acknowledged or the alarm appears a second time. several start attempts. Parameter[604] is used for special applications of the Synpol®D software. The ‘parameter must be set to “0”. {1}: 1.1: Bvonts of the diesel alarms remain active as long as they are acknowledged on the alarm screen. See Events 660 ~760. 1.2: No retum into automatic mode, after alarms are acknowledged, 1.3:No diesel start at black-out via input E16 / CMA135 or by blackout supervision of bus-bar voltage (parameter [522)). {2}: Startfailure ~Alarm stops the engine but without setting the emergency stop output A17. {3-6}:Special load sharing characteristic after connection of generator breaker {7}: After appearing of generator alarms 124 & 136 the trip of the generator breaker will be blocked. In addition after appearing of generator alarms 124, 128, 132 & 136 diesel alam 8 will be activated. {10}: inverse time overcurrent with normal inverse characteristic. inverse time overcurrent with very inverse characteristic. ‘inverse time overcurrent with extremely inverse charactoristic, independent overcurrent protection incl. voltage restrain, inverse time overcurrent “normal inverse” incl, voltage restrain. inverse time overcurrent “very inverse” incl. voltage restrain. + inverse time overcurrent “extremely inverse” incl. voltage restrain, By setting Parameter [605] to “1”, the remote start and stop via the remote inputs E19/20 CMAI35, the CAN-Monitor, or the RS422 link can also be used in manual mode, Perameter{606] activates a filter for current and voltage on the load-measuring card (CMA124) for the analog values for current and voltage. The setting sange: 0= OFF 1 = ON. Filter influence ranges from a low of | up to a maximum influence of 99.Settings between I and 99 can be input, -(10)- By setting Parameter [607] = “1%, the cooling down time will not be canceled ‘fan alarm in priority 2 occurs. If there is a blackout, one or more diesel aggregates can stait. To prevent a simultaneous blackout comnection of the main breakers to the busbar, the ‘commands for switching on the main breakers are given sequentially. This is coordinated via the CAN Bus commmnication, To select this fimetion, Parameter [608] should be set to “O”. To delete this function, Parameter [608] should be set to “I”, Alarms managed by Synpol D are subdivided into four alarm groups, 1, system alarms (Alarm No. 60-65) 2. short circuit / differential Protection, 3. generator alarms (without 2.) 4, diesel alarms (Alarm No, 80-99) With Parameter [609] the alarm outputs A10 and A26 can be modified in the [604] [605] 1606] [607] [608] 1609} 39 SERVICE MANUAL following ways: Parameter [609]= {0}: _ A10= 1-4. common alam for all alarm groups Parameter [609] = {1}: A10= 1, system alarm (Alarm No.60-65) A26~ 2. short circuit / differential protection & 3. generator alarms and 4, diesel alarms Parametcr[609]= {2}: A10= 1. system alarms and 2. short circuit / differential protection ‘A26= 3. generator alarms and 4. diesel alarms Every alarm group is assigned to a software event (see Event No. 621-624), thus itis possible to activate a function output with a userdefined alarm group. [610] Delay time for special event combination: [610] © Delay time for Event{625]; see 1.5.12 Software Events, [611] Parameter{611] is used for special applications of the Synpol®D software. The [611] parameter must be set to “0”, {7}: After appearing of generator alarms 124 & 136 the trip of the generator breaker will be blocked. In addition after appearing of generator alarms 124, 128, 132 & 136 diesel alarm 8 will be activated, {612 ]- [612] [613] not inuse {613} 4 ABB sys. - SERVICE MANUAL r 15.12, SOFTWARE EVENTS All software events described below are marked with a number (Event ‘No.). This number can, be used to activate the output functions. (See Chapter 1.5.7 Function Outputs.) ‘The following table shows in its first column the event number for activating an output function, ‘No. [EVENT NAME. iCalculatons= EY LOAD_REQL aleulator ie reached. (See Parameters [88,8.) = /LOAD_REQ, [Load calculator: The requested iad calculated Twough We Toad calculator is reached. (See Parameters [90,91].) ig oo a ae Tee |NEW_ALARM The Event[20] will be set for 0.5 sec, when a new alorm appears, [NET_STARTING (One diescl aggregate in the same net isin its start phase. (Working only if CAN Bus is activated.) WER MANAGEMENT: So [POWERMAN. OFF/ON_ [Power Management (PM) switched on. START LIMIT PM: Start limit reached; see Parameter 73) [STOP CIMT [PM: Stop limit reached; see Parameter [75] ;5| OVERLOAD LIMIT | PM: "Total overoad limit” veached soe Params LOW FREQUENCY | PM: Under fequeney limit reached; see Parmeter [757 ($e ee Se BREAKER CLOSED >=1 | One or more min breakers in the same net are closed. $4::| BREAKER CLOSED >=2 | Two or more main bredkersin the same nctare closed. BREAKER CLOSED >=3_| Three or more main breakers in tho same net are cose [BREAKER CLOSED >=4_ [Four ormore main breakers ia the same netare closed. =_ [BREAKER CLOSED = 1 _| One main beaker in the eae nets cased §"s| BREAKER CLOSED = 2_| Two main breakers a the sane net are closed. =| BREAKER CLOSED = 3 | Three main breakersin ic same net are closed. Js] BREAKER CLOSED = 4 [Four main breakers in the same net are closed. BREAKER CLOSED 4 | Four orless main breakers in the stine net ae closed, #4 BREAKER CLOSED<3 | Three or les main breakers inthe same net ae closed. BREAKER CLOSED=2 | Two or less main breakers in he same net are closed G| BREAKER CLOSED = 0 | Nomain breaker inthe same nets closed (Blaekow). BREAKER CLOSED>= 2 ‘Two or more main breakers in the same net with diesel control on DIESEL CTRL= arameter| 48¢ are closed. NEW_ALARM AGEN —|Ifanow lac appears, Bven(4@] wT De Sel Sveat [18] Wil be HaGEIF the “ACKNOWL.” is presed. (GENERATOR VOLTAGE | The generator voltage is higher Than te volago Imi vaio SA Parameter) |DIFF. PROTECTION ON _| Differential protection is switched on ( Parameter [49] ). =| CAN BUS ACTIVE, ‘CAN communication is activated ( Parameter 151). WORN enone Mela CAN COMMUNICATION [TOTAL ERROR] [No CAN Bus communication possitie, CAN COMMUNICATION [NODE ERROR] _ | Numbers OFCAN Bus participants (node) ae not equal wih Parnansi SHORT CIRCUIT EAMUTY DEVICE So ent tough he Sy Soe Sa - za... _—————_— ABB sworn 4 SERVICE MANUAL $$$ —____SERVICEMANUAL, S| WIREPAULT OFF RELAY Broken wire ffom Relay A2 Main Breaker OFF : occur. ‘Of: | WIREFAULT BREAKER ON/PLUG H | Broken wire rom Feedback Main Breaker ON 2 occurs or Plug H is discomested les WRONG ROTATING FIELD SEQUENCE | Wrong rotating field soquence (U1 > 02> U3), CAN-COMMUNICATION [BAD DATA FLow| [Bad CAN Bas communication [M. BREAKER TRIEPED see ARAM. [517] | Main breaker tipped in accordance with function of Parameter [517]. LOADI REQUEST ‘Load request of big consumer through Fanoion input set with Parameter{88). LOADI RELEASE Release ofa big consumer through a function Input requested by Event{68). LOAD2 REQUEST ‘Load request of big consumer rough Finotfon {input ct with Parameter{90}, [7 | LOAD? RELEASE Release ofa big consumer through funeton input i zequested by Event{70]. Fg.2:|STARTING [Start phase ofthe diesel aggregate is active, 932 [STOPPING [op piase ofthe sel aggregate rasive 14e35| SYNPOL-D RESET Records a Synpol D reset (or poweron-reset) and shows the event inthe Bventpage. s+ MAINS BROTE CHON TUE Gnas aioneu gna cumin en cow aC [RAPID PHASE JUMP [Rapid phase jump activated. [OVER FREQUENCY ‘Mains protection overttequancy activated. UNDER FREQUENCY ‘Mains protection underfiequeay activated. (OVER VOLTAGE Mains protection overvoltage activated. UNDER VOLTAGE Mains protection undervoliage activated. | ES ea ea Fg0)[NO-REM-SIGNAL. [No sm signal while generators ranning. (S=|STARTRADLURE ~~] Sian itr STOPEATLORE Sop are Natio. START ORDER Ast ode be sao he saa by ToL Igs==| stor ORDER ‘Astop order willbe sent othe running diesel, | ics nex te son-prony seuss. Ii6:5|NO STARTRELEASE (CMAISS E19) ] No start release Rom’ input E19 CMA 135, laze | Rote g's) DIESEL- ALARM Diesel alarm 1 active, see Parameter (533). a =ALARM2 [Diesel alarm aotive, see Parameter [537), 9 ~ALARM3 Free Diesel alarm 3 active, see Parameter (541) [S385 AC ARa propensities atv ee Param | ALARMS text Diesel alarm 5 active, see Parameter [549]. | = ALARMG @icsel alarm 1-12) Diesel alarm 6 active, seo Parameter [553]. ~ALARMT Diesel alarm 7 active, see Parameter [557]. Fos - ALARM. Diesel alarm 8 active, see Parameter (561). )Gr5| WIRE FAULT INPUT Diosel alarm 9 active, see Parameter [565]. WIRE FAULT OUTPUT Diesel alarm 10 active, soo Parameter [568), os] OVERSPERD: [Diesel alarm 11 active, see Parameter (571) 'O0;*| TACHO FAILURE Diesel alarm 12 active, LGES SORTINDTS= Sioa ae i; |[SHORT GIRCUNT Lil [%4 Ts me i Hoa SHORT CIRCUIT&REV. £:[]% Tims | Short cirouit and revere power power iiaclPRELSoRT ORCOT LT ms Preliminary short eireait 2 ABB srurcen od te SERVICE MANUAL OVERCURRENT 1ST. Lif]%T: Over curent 1* step OVERCURRENT2ST._L:[]%T: (Over current 2 step [OVERCURRENT 3ST, _L:f]%' Over current 3 step 24NC.CORRENTIST. —_L:l% Tr Lit 1% Te [Non-essential consumer tip T"step Nom-essenial consumer ip 2” sep [Non-essential consumer tip 3” step [Reverse power High-active power OVERVOLTAGE 1ST. Is[ ]% (Over voltage 1 step OVERVOLTAGE 2ST. [si]% ‘Over voltage 2 sep [UNDERVOLTAGE 1ST. Lif 1% [Under voltage T step (28 | UNDERVOLTAGE 2.ST. Ia{]%T: [Under voltage 2 step j-|OVERFREQEN. LST. Lil]%T: (Over frequency I step [OVERFREQEN.28T.__L:[]%T: (Over Hequency 2 step [UNDERFREQEN.1ST.__E:{1%T: Under fequensy 1 sep [ASYMMET.CURRENT _L:{]% Ts [ASYMMET.VOLTAGE L:[]%T: DIFRPROTECMB OP LilI%T: ma PONDERFREQEN. 2ST. L:[]%T: Under frequency 2 [Asymmetrical ourent [Asymmetrical voltage Differential protection if main breaker open. :|DIFFPROTECMBCL L:[]%T: me Differential protection i main breaker closed, 146:|EARTH FAULT MBOP Lil] T:_s Barth feult supervising if main breaker open, EARTH FAULTMBCL L1]%T:_s [Barth feult sapervising if main breaker closed. pNotin use, 484:| DIESEL CONTROL iesel contol aotive; see Parameter [OA soe yee eae / [IGNITION Actual speeds ighr tan iiton sped sein Parameter 90) RUNNING UP SPEED. ‘Actual speed is higher than running up speed set in Parameter[493], NOMINAL SPEED Actual epeed i higher than nominal-rated speed set in Parameter[494]. J OVER- ‘SPEED. Actual speeds higher than over speed set in Parameter{495}. ciPHARR DS NOE Cone eS eS }498:[PREGLOW TIME [Preglow times actve/ gas engine contol: density check is active '500:| START TIME | Start times ative. {)BREAK TIME | Brosk time's active. RUNNING UPTIME [Running up supervising time i active. READY TO TAKE LOAD _| Ready to take load time is active. [SYNCHRONIZING Synchronizing phase is active. #506:| ALARM RELEASE Blocking ofthe alarms is released, [5075] PRE_GUB (MANUAL) | Preiubrication phase is active. For automatic and manval mod Son [MONITOR START start request from the monitor system via the CAN Bus, (automatic or manual mode), the Event [508] will be set for 2 seo. $509: PRE_LUB_ON (AUTO) Prelubriation phase is active, For automatic mode, {Si0;| Monrror stor Alarm? delay tne for slanns with poly i othe ‘COOLING DOWN 13° RUNNING DOWN {:|STOP DELAY FIXED (Cooling down time is active, /Rimmning down time is active. Stop delay fixed time 1s ative, [gas engine control: flushing time active "START BLOCKING (Gas engine control: start blocking phase is active SERVICE MANUAL ee See (as ( UE STAND BY oe cangey Ss [S18 [BlackoutStart [After Blac out star Even(s18] wile acttated apontng = ETO) i9:| Stand By ~__} Diesel aggrogate is in stand-by mode, Net Stand By nthe minimum one diesel aggregate in te samo nets in Stand-by ois. (Blackout Blackout wil beset ia backoutis tigaered, eciiiait Value one a = iran oenies a 155 [ speed limit [The acmal speed is higher than the limit et exfS23]. voltage Hit The astual generator voltage is higher than the Limit set in x Paramete(524). 15257] power Innit ‘The actual generator power is higher than the mit set in | : Parameter 525]. | eamrent mle the actual generator caren is Righe Gan te imitset Paramete{526), ok power alt ‘The actual total power is Righor than the limit sot in ParamteS77) (CAP_LIMIT ‘The actual capacitive power factor is lower than the Timit set in Parameter'528). IND_uMr [The actual inductive power fastor Tower than to nat seta Paramete{S29]. reverse power limit The actual reverse powers igher than the Walt stn Poramcio[S30, 4{¢| Rev. reactive power | The actual reaaive power (nd) is Kigher han dhe nit etn Pe 531 | Event[533] is active if alarm 1 is will be shown in the alarm page. Sven{597] is etvoialm’? is wl oe dhown in Oe alam page Sven] ative alan’ ill bo shown in islam page ven[545] i aosv i rm 4s wl be showin tala pape [Bvent[549] is active if alarm 5 te will be shown inthe alarm page. Event[553] is active ifalarm 6 is will be shown in the alarm page. Bren{S57] i avo alam is wile som in ie Tam page PEvent SG i atv ala vil be shown nce alam pag [Bvent[565] is active if alarm 9 is will be shown in the alarm page. vent] setve alr 10s wl be Sow ne ala pe Bvent{571] is active if alarm 11 is will be shown in the alarm page, Evens? asive alam 1's wl be shone an page ive if input “Reverse Power OFF” is active and Event{528} is aotive andthe delay time (Parameter [S85)) is passed. Event{586] is active ifinput “Reverse Power OFF” is active and Eyent{529] is active and the del ce] SUL GROUPALARMS: i600,|- Duvet rrg0.-1 _|- DIESEL PRIOA [Diesel alarm of th priory group 1s active, DIESEL PRIO2 Diese lanm of the priority group 2s ative jj. | DIESEL PROS Diese alam ofthe pron group 3 is activ. (eos DIESEL PRIO.A [Diesel alam of the priority group 4 is active, '606;| A20MADREAKER OFF | Activates ifoutput AD0 OMAI3S is act. 5072 | Modbus Event [Event [607] can be aotivated through the Modbus protocol. 44 ABB sy ! SERVICE MANUAL r [Blackout & NOBREAKER | vent{608] will be set fa blackout occurs and ino main breaker inthe : same net is closed and ifne communication failure is activated, KEVEWENISi con airs sare iionpoe a aE RR 094 |IMMED-STOP-KEY | After pressing “SHIFT 1” + “STOP” key, Event{609] is set for 2 sec. (oe 610: START KEY Afer pressing “START” key, Eveni{610] is set for 2 sec. STOP KEY | After pressing “STOP” key, Event{611] is set for 2 sec. MANUAL KEY [After pressing "MAN key, Even({612] is et for Deca, AOTO KY Ae essing “AUTOM ey, Bven{613] wet TOFD BSS - [ACKNOWLEDGE REY | Aferpressng "ACKNOWL, ay, Bven[SIa) i set ford see TGNERION DELAY | iveni{615j wil be actvaed he spend gual exceeds he uiion speed and the delay time of 30 seconds is pase. 7 POW_SUPPLY_SUPERV | {f the power supply voltage is lower then the li it in parameter [35], oven [620] wil be activate after the dsly tne (parameter [610 = delay time). an | SYSTEM FARCORE | Event{621} i atv, Ta tam alana (Alas Nov 0) ooeus Se User's Manual page 30. SHORTCIR/DIFE_VAULE | Event{2} is activ, ifcer a shor Great alam (Alarm No, 100, 10, 62) ora diffrent! proteation alarm (Alama No. 142,14) eur. See 7 ‘User's Manual page 33. | GENERATOR ALARM ‘Event{623} is active, if eny generator alarm (Alarm]04-154 except short circuit and differential protection) occurs. See User's Manual page 32. DIESEL ALARM Event]624] is active, if any diesel alarm (Alarm No.86-99) oceurs. See User's Manual page 31. Tnternal use. PRIORITY [0] if dicsel priority is set to {0 }Event [626] wil be activated. AItMB. OFF Activated if ourput Ali CMAIS2 is et WRONG ROTATING | Tncase of wrong rotating field sequence (U-US) Event [7] willbe r FIELD set, : INP.OFEWITHLOADRED. | Will beset, i inpat “Off with load reduction” is aotvated, te Toad oF th diol generator is less then 3% and parameter [63 1s St to {1}. ee js] EVENT (ai-160) Events [60-160] will be doubled in the Event area [660-760]. i fe-9') DOUPLING vents{60-760] willbe st as ong as they are reset and acknowledged a Fre by the user. 160: n ABB syxe01°0 45 SERVICE MANUAL 2, HARDWARE SETTINGS Inaddition to computer control with the software parameter settings, a few settings for the function of the Synpol°D must to be made on the hardware, These are the wire break supervising, the adjustment for speed measurement, and the independent short circuit release. Jn the Pictures 2.1.1 to 2.1.3, the actual position of the DIP switches must be marked with an “X" in the squares. 2.1 DIESEL CONTROL For this function it is necessary to install Terminal Board CMAA35 (diesel control). On the terminal board three DIP switches are fitted. ‘These switches are set as described in the following sections. 2.1.1 WIRE FAULT ALARM AND RELEASE BLOCKING OF ALARMS Jn the position “Blocked”, there is no wire fault alarm, In the position “Active”, wire break ‘monitoring operates in such a way that each of the eight alarms can be activated individually. Blocked Active Pie, 2.1.1 DIP- Switches $3 46 ABB sy. SERVICE MANUAL 2.1.2 PICK-UP CHANGEOVER ‘The sensitivity of the two pick-up signals can be changed from magnetic to active. In the position “MAG”, sensitivity is high. It is suited for passive magnetic pick-ups. In position “ACT”, an active piok-up can be connected. For either pick-up signal, a corresponding switch can be set, Act MAG ia Piok- Up Pie, 2.1.2 DIP- Switches S2 2.1.3 WIRE FAULT ALARM BLOCKING RELEASE For the Terminals 5 and 6, emergency stop and pregiow respectively, a wire fault alarm can be switched on or off. By putting the switch to position 5 o 6, a wire fault alarm blocking will be released for the corresponding terminal. Please note, however, that Terminal 3 is combined with Terminal 5 and Terminal 4 is combined with Terminal 6, and that wire fault alarm for the outputs stazt and stop magnet (Terminal 3 and Terminal 4) can not be switched off. Asa result, wire fault alarms can be deactivated only for Terminals 5 and 6. BLOCKED ACTIVE Pio, 2.1.3 DIP. Switehes $1 Attention: ‘The resistor at on terminals CMA135 3,4,5,6 connected valves or relays has to be lower than 5000, AB SYNPOL®D 47 SERVICE MANUAL area E EEE ee Oe ee EE eee ee ree 2.1.4 ADJUSTMENT OF ANALOG SPEED INPUT ‘The input for aualog speed measuring is adjustable via a terminal board. On the terminals 7 and 8, input speed can be adjusted by means of a resistor, Procedure: First, the voltage of the tachogenerator generated duting safe speed measurement must be determined. Since the input of the analog digital converter selects a 4.3 V reference voltage as fall seale, maximum voltage must be reduced. ‘The selected resistance for the voltage divider is 4.7 Q at 10 V. From this, the following formula results: p = Umax-4.3V 1.2mA Example: ‘The maximum voltage of the tachogenerator has been determined at 50 V. Used Tachogenerator: —-15.V/ 1000 min! Nominal-rated speed of diesel engine =: = 1500. min Over speed .25 x nominal-rated speed = 1.25 x 1500 = 1875 min"! Selected speed range: 0 - 2000 min"! Calculated voltage of tachogenerator: 15.V ¥ 2000 min.* _ 49 1, 1000 mint 1) Speed at 30 V of techogenerator: During the programming operation, the value 1500 for nominal-rated speed is entered in Parameter [493]. In Parameter [485], the analog tachogenerator is switched on: ON=1. In Parameter [486], the maximum speed of the analog input is entered as a percentage. Maximum speed at 30 V=2000 min"! ‘Nominal-rated speed = 1500 min“! 2000 min~! 1.33 =133% 48 ABB sneoeo SERVICE MANUAL. 2) The input resistance of Synpol®D's maximum speed must be selected. -30V-43V 12mA =214k0 Next, the diesel engine is started and run up to nominal-rated speed, The speed will be displayed on SynpolD and on the diesel engine (for example, in connection with the mains frequency). Therefore, if the speed of the diesel engine is 1510 min“! at a given moment, then on Synpol°D 1475 min"! will be indicated and the speed on Synpol®D will ‘be recalibrated: 1510 =x 133% =136% 1475 ‘Then, programming is retumed to, and the value 136% is entered in Parameter [486]. ‘Thus, speed is calibrated, In case 1580 min’ is indicated on Synpol®D , the procedure above should be followed. 1510 133% =127 % 1580 ‘The value 127% will then be entered in Parameter [486]. When an altemator or a three-phase AC tachogenerator is used, it must be connected via a rectifier bridge and a smoothing capacitor of 10uF to Terminals 20 and 21. As an altemative, the speed converter CMA 141 can be used. This device has a resistance adaptation for analog speed and a galvanic insulation for a pick-up signal. If the pick-up is used, the mumber of speed pulses per revolution must be entered, and the corresponding pick-up must be switched on: ON = 1. During operation, ftequency is always used for speed measuring, ADJUSTMENT OF 4-20 mA SPEED SIGNAL ‘The analog speed signal input on tae Terminal Board CMA 135 can also be programmed to input current 4 - 20mA. For using this speed signal input as a current input, the Parameter [485] must be set on “2” and a resistor of 2210 must be connected to the terminals 7 & 9, ‘The current input must be connected on Terminal 7 (+) and 9 (-). The adjustment of the max. speed range must be set with Parameter [486]. Paremeter[486] = ME%.I7224 rane 99942 20m4 nominal speed 16mA Example: nominal-rated speed = 1500:mi > parameter [493] = 1500 max. speed range > parameter [486] = 153 B 49 SERVICE MANUAL. $$$ SERVICE MANUAL 2.2 GENERATOR PROTECTION 2.2.1 SETTING THE INDEPENDENT SHORT CIRCUIT RELEASE If the device fails, the independent short-circuit releage keeps working, even without supply Voltage. Ifthe alarm releases, then the following message will be displayed on the screen: -62 Short-Cirouit Safety Device- ‘The parameters are set independently of the computer at the Terminal CMA 131 by means of two DIP switches. The limit of the short-circuit current triggering the release is set at the ‘switch marked x2....x5 IN/Ki". Only one switch may be switched to the limit value, ‘The setting value is calculated by multiplying the primary transformer current with the setting. The DIP switched “Time Delay” are used for setting time delay. The figures indicated by the switches are added, Example: JE the switch is switched to “x3” and the current transformer has primarily 800A, the independent short-circuit protection will switch to 2400A. Af time delay should be 0.9 seconds, then the switch “Time Delay” is switehed to 0.3 and 0.6, The time values, switched on by the switch, are added. Essentially, the setting should be selected higher than the Parameters [100], [102] and [104], After short-circuit protection release, the alarm [62] will be indicated on the display. Setting on CMA 131: Time Delay IN/Ki 1206 03 x2 x3 xd x8 aaa O}/O} |O) /O QO O} |O} |O QO) |} (QO) (o Limit: Pio, 2.21 DIP Sitch “Time Delay” and "Setpoins.” 50 ABB syoo. SERVICE MANUAL 2.3 CAN BUS Tose the Synpol®D power management function, a communication network connecting all Synpol®D units is required. The communication is done by a field bus called “CAN”. This field bus is connected to the Terminal Board CMA 136 of each Synpol®D unit. The cable used for the connection must have two wires that ar twisted pairs and screened. Furthermore, the connection must be made exactly as showa in the pictures below. Inside each Syzpol®D unit, «3920 resistor is connected parallel tothe data wize. For data wire Jengths under 40 meters and a connection from a minimum of three fo a maximum of five Synpol®D units, no additional resistor needs to be connected on both ends of the communication wire. For wire lengths over 40 meters, the internal resistor of each Synpol®D ‘unit must be deleted, and two 1200 resistors must be connected on both ends of the data wire, See picture below. Tete] zal || eexroi® > =| ™ /sneo12 D ie. 23 CAN Bus Structure ‘The baud rate set Parameter [54] must be selected in accordance with the lengths of the data cable. The table below shows the lengths of the data cables and their corresponding baud rates. 50_Icband [20k baud in ——__________——____ ABB sco. St SERVICE MANUAL 3.POWER MANAGEMEMT 3.1 COS(q) REGULATOR (power factor control) ‘When rumuing more than one diesel generator parallel on one net, the Cos(@) regulator can be activated to make a reactive load balance. The Cos() regulator controls two function outputs in accordance with the settings in the corresponding parameters. These function outputs must be set with the Software Events [597 & 598]. Event [597] is responsible for increasing the inductive reactive power; and Event [598], for increasing the capacitive. The actual value for the Coa(g) regulator is made up of the average value of all connected aggregates on the same net. To build up the Cos(q), the current of a specific generator must be higher than 5%. The Cos(g) Regulator works as a three-step controller, (See Chapter 1.1.2.) and the corresponding parameters to be set are [596-598]. Parameter [596] is the break time; Parameter [597], the pulse time, and Parameter [598], the sensitivity of the three-step controller, Switching on and off the Cos(o) regulator is directly related to the switching on and off of load sharing, For example, the input “Load Sharing OFF” (B4 CMA132 Terminal 24) is activated on only one Syapol®D unit in the same net. As a result, all diesel aggregates running on that same net will be switched off for load sharing and Cos(q) regulation. 3.2 ASYMMETRICAL COS(q) REGULATOR (asym. power factor control) When working in an asymmetrical Cos(p) regulator mode, the actual value for the Cos() regulator will be a set value and will not be dependent on the average value of all Cos(o) regulators running on the same net. The actual value can be set on the sereen by calling up the menu page. On the menu page, the cursor can be scrolled with the arrow keys to the window “ASY.POWERFACTOR”. In the position of the blinking cursor, the actual value can be changed from “0-99”. For exemple, if “80” is set, the demanded value of the Cos() regulator will be 0.80. Capacitive load will be distributed from the generator to compensate for the inductive load of the consumers. Switching on and off the Cos(@) regulator is directly connected to switching on and off the load sharing. Similarly, switching on and off the asymmetrical Cos(g) regulator is directly connected to switching on and off the asymmetrical load sharing, To activate the asymmotical Cos(9) regulator and asymmetrical load sharing on ‘mains parallel operation, Parameter [581] = “I” must be set. 3.3 VOLTAGE REGULATOR The voltage regulator regulates the voltage of each generator. The voltage regulator is a ‘three-step controller. (See Chapter 1.1.2.) ‘The adjustment of the voltage is connected’ to the ‘output fnction. To increase the voltage, Event [593] has to be set fo an output fiction, and to lower the voltage, Event [594] has to be set to an output function. Both output functions, to ‘nerease or to lower the voltage, must be connected to a motor-controlled variable resistor. To adjust the demand voltage, the variable resistor must be connected to the input of the AVA of the generator. Parameters [592-595] are used to set the regulator. Parameter[S92] is the domand voltage value; Parameter [593], the break time; Parameter [594], the Pulse time, and Parameter [595], the sensitivity of the regulator. Switching on and off the voliage regulator is directly connected to switching on and off the frequency static regulator, Additionally, the voltage regulator switches on when 52 ABB sync : SERVICE MANUAL re synchronization is in use. The setpoint for the voltage regulator during parallel operation is parameter[592] and during synchronization phase the measured bus bar voltage. ce ‘The following diagram shows the condition for activating the voltage regulator. + vtage regulator: ON ffequancy reguletor: ON [> setpoint: parameter(s02) en ices sesus nae HunESSeROEOSIRSSTS, te & generator breaker; ON cee input £2, OMA132.22 |vokage regulator: ON EEEEREEE EEE setpoint: mains voltage ‘Symp o ‘sionizng unit active & Serene cere ued Pic, 3.3 Condition for Voliage Regulator SERVICE MANUAL eee Tee ea eee eee eee 4, FUNCTION FOR DISCONNECTING THE MAINS In addition to the diesel and generator protection fanctions, Synpol®D also has a protection fanction for disconnecting the generator from the mains in, times when there are short interruptions of the mains, usually resulting ftom lightening interference, This protection fanction is a requirement of electric companies, The following protection functions are: ‘© Over and under voltage protection function ° * Over and under frequency protection function * Quick disconnection form the mains by voltage vector. jump. Parameters [20-30] are responsible for these protection fimctions. ‘To activate these Protection functions, Parameter [20] must be set to an input fimotion and must be switched on. 41 VOLTAGE PROTECTION The voltage protection fimction supervises the generator voltage connected on Terminal Board CMA 131 in all three phases. ‘The actual voltage will be compared with the over and undervoltage limits, Overvoltage Supervising: The limit value for overvoltage supervising is sot in Parameters [27] and [28]. ‘The limit value for the overvoltage (in a percentage) is set in Parameter [27], and the delay time (in milli- seconds) is set in Patameter [28]. The overvoltage limit value compares to the nominal-rated Senerator voltage set in Parameter [14]. If an overvoltage limit of 120% of the generator voltage is to be set, then Parameter [27] = 120 must be set. If the net protection function is activated and the overvolatge supervising trips, then the Software Event [78] will be set and the following message shown on SynpolD’s alarm sereen: “78, OVERVOLTAGE MAINS PROTECTION” The Event{78] must be set to a finction output. ‘The Event [78] and the corresponding set function output will be released either if the generator voltage falls below the limit value of the overvoltage or if the net protection fimetion is switched off. Then, the alarm on the screen Gan be acknowledged. Overvoltage supervising can be switched off by setting Parameter [27] =0. 54 ABB syucc20 <3 SERVICE MANUAL Diagram of Overvoltage Supervising Not protostion fanction ttyough funetion input ©] pamaacimy —] Event [78] active & switched on / Parametr(20] ‘ms 0 | Alarm active: 78.0VERVOLTAGE. Generator vollage>— Overvoltage limit value ‘Alarm active: Parameter{27} ee © rpovanvourace a acknowledged Undervoltage Supervising: The limit value for undervoltage supervising is set in Parameters [29] and [30]. The limit value for the undervoltage (in a percentage) is set in Parameter [29], and the delay time (in milli-seconds) is set in Parameter [30]. The undervoltage limit value compares to the nominal- rated generator voltage set in Parameter [14]. If'an undervoltage limit of 80% of the generator voltage is to be set, then Parameter [29] = 80 must be set. If the net protection function is activated and the undervollage supervising trips, then the Software Event [79] will be set and the following message shown on Synpol°D’s alarm screen: “79, UNDERVOLTAGE MAINS PROTECTION” The Event(79] must be set to a function output. The Event [79] and the corresponding set function output will be released either if the generator voltage rises above the limit value of the undervoltage or if the net protection function is switched off. Then, the alarm on the screen can be acknowledged. Undervoltage supervising can be switched off by setting Parameter [29] = Diagram of Undervoltage Supervising Net protestion finetion tlroogh fncion pit qa vent [79 at ; am active & stood on Paramete{20) "EO | Alarm ative: UNDERVOLTAGE name velnge Fd Overvoltage lini value : ‘Acknowed @] Alarm active: Parameter{29) mca {puNDERVOLTAGE orResetinput | acknowledged eee sYNPOL*D 55

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