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Variations, Methods, and Implements of Fishing in Liong Guinstliban MARY JANE S. CORDERO DONA 8. SACOTE -Camiguin Polytechnic State College- Abstract Fishing is one of the main sources of livelihood in Camiguin. This aimed to identify the Fishing Method, "Vartationsy and implomonts practices and used by the locals. The researchers applied qualitative ethnographic research among local fisher folks of Liong, Guinsiliban using Focus Group Discussion and KII. The following were the results; there are three categories of fishing methods present in the barangay namely; Net fishing, Hook and Line fishing, and spear gun fishing. In, the three categories contain 13 variations of fishing methods which differs in the sizes of the nets, sizes of hooks and nylons, baits, and the depths of the water where these fishing methods were applied. Fishing gears used in these methods include varieties of nets, different sizes of hooks and nylons, baits, lighting gears, motorized boats, and swimming equipment. These fishing methods can catch different varieties of fish that can weigh from 100 grams- to 7kls fish which varies on the sizes of the gears used. It was also discovered that there is a fishing method that can be done in a specific season or months while some can be done for the whole year. This study also revealed that the fishermen in Liong can engage in multiple fishing methods. As concluded, fishing has become one of the prominent occupations of the people in Liong tonich had contributed greatly, especially in sustaining their daily needs and improving their quality of living. Hence, it was recommended hat te government should further improve and expand their programs for these fishermen to help them increase their production. KEYWORDS: Fishing, Gears, Implements, Liong, Methods, Variations INTRODUCTION ‘The Philippine Archipelago is abundant in marine resources, and fishing has become one of the most prominent occupations of the Filipinos. The fishing industry employed around 3 percent of the country's labor force in 1998 {Philippine Statistic Authority, 2016). The island of Camiguin was also no different, fishing is one of the main occupations of the kamigingnon. In 2018, Municipal Marine fishing contributed the highest number of fish production in the whole province of Camiguin with 862.83 MT (PSA, 2019}. This number of fish production was caught with the use of a different variety of fishing methods. In the municipality of Guinsiliban, as observed by the researcher, Liong is one of the most abundant barangsy in fish production and fishing methods. According to the data provided by the Municipal Agriculturist Office of Guinsiliban, there are 302 listed fishermen in the said barangay alone. With that, this study aims to provide a detailed description of the Fishing Variations, Methods, and implements that the fishermen of Barangay of Liong are using. In particular, this study aims to answer the following questions: What are the fishing method present in the barangay? What are the fishing gears they used? How do they perform ually catch? When the fishing method? What kind of fish do they us' do fishermen go fishing? METHODOLOGY This Ethnographic study used a descriptive research design in presenting the Methods, Variations, and Implements of Fishing in Barangay Liong, Guinsiliban. The method used in collecting the data was a Key Informant Interview and Focus Group Discussion with the 5 (five) fishermen in the said barangay who have been fishing for at least 5 (five) years and was identified through the snowball sampling method, researchers also provided informed consent, however, the researchers used pseudonyms to keep the respondents identity private. Structured survey questionnaires were used during the interview in which the data gathered was transcribed thoroughly by the researchers. FINDINGS 1. What are the fishing method present in the barangay? Table 1: FGD and KII answers What do you call this kind of fishing method? Who introduced this fishing method to you? J. There are 3 categories of fishing method present in the barangay: Net fishing, Hook and Line Fishing and Spear Gun fishing. In line with the net fishing are Pangnukos using Karaw, Likom, Pamalaran, Panlamba or Pang-Abug Abug also called as Panlabak, Panganud, Taal, and Pamo. In the Hook and Line fishing are Panubid Budlisan, Pamanit, Panabas, Pangnukos using Arangyas, Pamingwit also called as Pamasol and Pamundak. And Lastly the Speargun fishing locally called as “Pamana”. These fishing methods were usually inherited from the elders in the 2. community and we're already present when they are born. After the data has been sorted the researchera identified 3 categories of fishing methods that are present in the Barangay; Net Fishing, Hook and Line fishing, and Speargun fishing In line with the net fishing are Panganud, Likom in which the respondents highlighted that they only “Ga-uban” (Come with) since it is a bigger fishing method and needs bigger capital, Pamalaran, Panlamba or Pang-Abug Abug also called Panlabak, Taal, and Pamo. The fishing method present in the Hook and Line fishing are Panubid Budlisan, Pamanit, Panabas, Pangnukos using Arangyas, Pangnukos using Karaw, and Pamingwit also called as Pamasol and Pamundak. Lastly, is Spear Gun fishing or Pamana. All of the respondents said that these methods were learned by observation and inherited from their elders in the community which the FGD respondents mentioned in particular their relatives and parents, ght according to the KII respondents, they also some of which are self-tau, mized the ig techniques from other places and mode: exchange fishin, { using traditional hey are using in fishing such as instead o} ses battery. materials t! “moron” into using modernized Flasher which u: The fishermen said that these fishing methods are already present when they are just starting fishing. But, they also observe that these different places. However, Respondent fishing methods are also present in bigger kind of fishing method. E said that in other places it was a way 2. How do they perform the fishing method? ‘Table 2: FGD and KI answers What is the difference of this fishing method to other method? What technique did you use in finding the fish? T. In net fishing, each variation differs on the sizes of the eyes of the nets used. It also differs from the depths of the sea where it was applied. They also differ in what time they are usually applied since there is a fishing method that can be applied at night and some in the daytime. 2. In hook and line fishing, each fishing methods under this category differ in the sizes of hooks and nylons used. The depths of the water where it can be performed also differ. They also differ in the baits used. 3. _ Innet fishing, Likom and Panlamba are categorized as net fishing. Taal, Pamalaran, Pamo and Panganud are categorized as passive fishing. In hook and line fishing, all the variations revealed are considered passive fishing, Spear Gun fishing or “Pamana” are categorized as Active fishing”. ‘The respondents stated the differences between the Fishing Methods they are using. In Net Fishing, Likom and Panlamba are classified as active fishing, On other hand, Taal, Pamalaran, Pamo, and Panganud are identified as Passive Fishing. They responded that each method differs in size of the eyes of the net used, and the depths of the water where they go fishing since there are methods that can only be done in the depth part of the ocean and some can be done in the shallow water. While in Hook and Line Fishing, all the identified methods were classified as passive fishing. They differ in the sizes of hooks, nylons, and ropes used in their fishing gears. They also added the depths of water they went for fishing in which these differences varied the fishes that can be cau c aught. Respondent D stated that in hook and line fishing they differ also on what kind of bait they are using. The difference between spearfishing to the rest of the fishing methods is that it requires the fishermen to dive into the depths of the sea and used a fishing gear called "Pana". It was also added that each method under each category also differs on the time it can be enforce since there are fishing methods that can be performed any time but some can be done only at night, or during “dulom’, and some are done only in the daytime. ‘According to the respondent, in hook and line fishing, they mentioned that mostly they are just observing where they think the fish g a direct sensing technique. They also added the "hearing- are by usin just where they heard was the place where hearing’ method which means cman caught a bunch of fish and used it for them to which place has a high probability of fish caught. Ho since it is larger fishing, & their fellow fishe ywever, in identify Likom "Bandung Fishing" fish Finder is used to identify where the fishes are. While in spearfishing, they just randomly choose where they want to go fishing. ted at Sagay, Catarman and has 20-30 people situal 00-800 “dupa”, with the depths of 5 in the depths of S00- Likom usually o] and Camiguin ple and performed Liong and Bin in between Boh Pamalaran consists of 1-3 peel i uwangan, 800"dupa" situated at Sagay, Balite, panlamba(Pang Abug-Abug) performed with 2-5 people in Guinsiliban with the depths of 10 "dupa", while the Panganud method usually performed by 2 people at Cantaan or in Liong with the depths of 300 "dupa", next is the Taal, Taal is performed with 4-5 people in Liong with the depths of 6- performed by 5-6 people at Sagay, Catarman 10 "dupa", lastly is Pamo, it is or Panghiyawan with the depths of 500 "dupa". The fishing method present in the hook and line fishing is aw and Arangyas can be done with 1 to 2 people Pangnukos using Kari and Panghiyawan with the de ally situated at Sagay, Catarman pths of anubid Budlisan performed usu: by 1-2 people anywhere 500 to 600 "dupa", P% with the depths of 100-200 "dupa", Pamanit can also be performed by 2 atarman with the depths of e depths of 300 “dupa dak are also performed by 2 500 "dupa", Panabas also people usually in C " in Guinsiliban, has 2 people and performed at th s Pamasol and Pamun' Pamingwit also called a: ter) Guinsiliban with the "Higad" (shallow-wal depths of people situated at 100-300 "dupa". g or Pamana this can be done bya the Spear Gun Fishin during the night put can also be done alone 8-10 "dupa" around Lastly, is nsisting of 4-6 people with the group CO! during daytime Guinsiliban.However, depths of most of the respondents that they usually *mamana’ at night time. 3. What are the fishing gears they used? Table 3: FGD and KIl answers What are the materials used in this kind of fishing method? How often do you change your fishing gears in a year? How do you maintain the quality of your fishing gears? 1, There are common gears that are used for net fishing and hook and line fishing which include motorized boats, paddles, lighting gears, and fish storage. In net fishing, they have varieties of fishing nets that differ in the size of the eyes. In hook and line fishing, they differ in the sizes of hooks and nylons, and baits. In spear gun fishing, it uses “pana”, “kapay” local flippers, “lenti “ goggles”, underwater flashlight, and ‘knife and Tuhugan. 2. These fishermen, usually change their fishing gears as long as necessary. Hooks are commonly changed every 1 week, nets are changed usually after a year or two if it was unrepairable. They also have “Punaay” which they use to repair torn nets. 3. In maintaining their fishing gear, they washed it with fresh water before keeping it in a sack if they are not used to it. They also mentioned not letting other people use their gears. For the fishermen to perform these methods they need specific gear for it to be done effectively. There are fishing methods that use similar gears like lighting gears for those methods that are done at night time, nets and hooks and lines in which the fishermen highlighted that the gears differs in the sizes. In Net Fishing, the method Likom uses Net and will renew in 2 years or depending on the capitalist, and big vessels. Pamalaran and Pamo use a net called Pamo, light bulb, flasher, battery, and motorized boat, Pamo can be used in 5-10 years, Light bulb changes twice a year, Flasher changes in 2 months, Battery is charged every night so the possibility in changing this depends on the way they handle it, Motorized boat is changed if it is not repairable. Panlamba has net, * ‘abog", and “baroto’, the Net is changed twice a year, “baroto” changes if damages are not repairable, Panganud uses motorized boat, and Pukot is changed after § years while the Motorized boat will be changed if not repairable, lastly Taal method needs "baroto" and Net specifically the size 7 said respondent D, these are classified as Passive gears, Net is renewed after 3 months if it cannot be sewed, "baroto” changes if not repairable. In Hook and Line Fishing Method the gears used in Panubid budlisan are Motorized boat, Nylon, Hook “taga”, the Motorized boat can be changed depends if it was not repairable, Nylon is changed weekly and Hook “taga” are changed every time it lost its sharpness or cut during fishing, Pamanit use Nylon, Hook, battery, light bulb, motorized boat, and rope, Nylon, Hook, battery, light bulb and “pump boat” has the same way of renewing these gears from above-mentioned, but the rope is changed yearly. The two methods in Pangnukos both use similar gears like Flasher, Battery, Foam, Nylon, and Motorized boat, the Flasher is renewed after 2 months, the battery is charged every night and will be renewed depending i i ifit on the way they handle it, Hook, Motorized boat is changed depends if i the two methods differ on the Primary gears was not repairable, However, aw” to catch gear called “Karaw’ and a “sigp: used. Pangnukos karaw uses a os using Arangyas uses “Arangyas’ squids. On the other hand, Pangnuk« or called “squid jigger” as the hook. Lastly, Pamingwit also uses Nyton, Hook, and Motorized boats, and respondent D added about “rentex” which was used as_ baits, consequently, these gears will be replaced the same way. Furthermore, in Spear Gun Fishing or "Pamana’, they use Flashlight, "Tuhugan” where they place the fish they caught, goggles "Jenti", Flippers, and Rubber "Guma", Most respondents said that they only changed the materials depending on the situation, but Respondent D specified that he changes his "Guma" every 3 months and his stainless yearly. In addition, the respondents stated that to maintain the quality of their gears they wash them with fresh water after using and dry them of the sun then place them in the sack the next days. Respondent using the heat after sewing the the net if they are not going to use it for holes of Fishing Gears from being broken, believed that to prevent your en use them. A strongly you should not Jet other fisherm 4. What kind of fish do they usually catch? Table 4: FGD and KI answers What kind of fish di paaena oF fish a you usually catch using this method> prem h fish can weight (estimated)? at was caught are for sale or used for the family’s viand? 1. In net fishing, Nukos, Tulin, a : gan, Budloy, Tamban, Kutob, Pidlayan, eee Tabas, Molmol, Amamangpang, Budbud,, Kubutan, Bansi, Mun ma lo, Barungoy, dalagang Bukid, Wapay, Katambak, ‘kaw, Baga-baga, Taligatis, Anduhaw, Kabalyas, Bagis, Dugso, and Liplipan are the common fish that can be caught in this method. In hook and line fishing, Budlis, Panit, Solinao, Gabon, Tabas, Kontol, Nukos, Manza, Budbud, Dugso, Malatigue, Banlos, Balo, Tangigue, Kutob, and Galunggong are the usual catch. In spear gun fishing, Kuguita, Molmol, Katambak, Pugot, Baga-baga,malunhaw, Taligatis, Kitong, and Talakitok are just few of the fishes that can be catch in this method. 2. Fish caught in this method varies on the sizes of the gears used. The bigger the eyes of the nets, the bigger the hooks and nylon used can catch bigger fish, and then the smaller the size of the gears used the smaller catch it can have. Respondents shared that they leave a small portion of fish for the meal of the family for a day and the remaining will be sold. Another rest shared that half was left for the family consumption and the other half will be sold. Another respondent added that a small portion will be for family consumption, another portion will be given to those janagbo”” and the rest will be sold. In Panubid Budlisan, Budlis is the Primary fish that are caught in this method which usually swims in a group. According to the fishermen, an individual fish can weigh from % kg to 3kg and they can catch the quantity range of 0-30 kg in a single fishing session. In Pamanit, Panit (Yellowfin Tuna), Solinao (Rainbow runner Fish), is caught. Gabon, and Budlis (SkipJack Tuna) are the mentioned fishes caugh' The respondents estimated that an These fishes are usually in a group. that they can cate SY can catch the weight range of 0-30 kg in a single session. Pai ngnukos using Arangyas and Karaw, both methods can catch s - ‘quids that can weigh more or less 100 grams. The respondents anwered that they can catch a weight range of 0-200 kgs of squids in just one fishing session. In Paminguit, This fishing method represents hook and line fishing which can catch different kinds of shallow-water fish. According to the respondents some of the fishes that can be caught in this method were; Mansa (Jack Fishes), Budbud(Goatfish), Kontol (ruby snapper fish), Malatigue (jobfish), Banlos (a fish that also belongs to Jack fishes), Tangigue ( Spanish mackerel), Kutob (Big-eyed Scad, and Galunggung (Scad Fish). Some of these fishes usually swim in a group but also are just those fishes who swim individually. A fish can weigh from % kg to % kg. In which also the fishermen said that they can catch 0-20 kg in one session. In Pamana, This fishing method can catch different kinds of fish. The respondents answered that most of the fish they can catch in this 12 method are: Kuguita (Bi guita (Big Octopus), Molmol_—_(Parrotfish), Katambak(emperor peror fish), Pogot (Triggerfish), Bagabaga (Squirrelfish), Malunhaw (A fi (A fish that also belongs to pparrotfish, Taligatis (wrasse), Kitony ith (rabbitfish), and talakitok ( another fish that also belongs to jack fishes). According to the respondents, these fishes usually swim individually. The respondents estimated that a fish can weigh from % kg up to Skgs. However, Respondent D shared that he once caught a 14 ke fish but Respondent D did not disclose what kind of fish it was. According to the respondents, they can catch 0-5 kg of fish in just one fishing session, Likom/ Bandong, According to the respondents, Tulingan (Tuna), Kutob (Big-eyed scad), Tamban (sardines), Nukos (Squids), Pidlayan (Frigate Tuna), Budloy (Mackerel Fish) and Budlis (Skipjack Tuna) are the usual fish they can catch in this kind of fishing. An individual fish in the school was estimated to weigh % kg to 2kls. Since Likom/ Bandung has fishing gear this fishing method can catch a “poder” more advanced and bigger bulk amount of fish. They estimated that they can catch 6-50 which according to Respondent D refers to a storage that can hold up to 90kg of fish. ‘Dulingan (tuna), Kutob (big-eyed sead), and “Gamay In Pamalaran, ally catch in this ¢ kind of fish they can usu’ Nga tabas” were mostly th usually swim in a method. According to the respondents, these fishes in sh can group manner but sometimes can also be caught alone. A single fis 13 weigh from ¥% kg to 1 ¥ kg to 1% kg. In which they said they can catch in a night the \e quantity range of 1-210 kg of fish. In Panlamba, Molmol{parrotfish), Amamangpang (sergeant major fish), Nukos(squid), Budbud(goatfish), and Kubutan(cuttlefish) are some of the fishes they can catch. This fish was usually in a group in which an individual fish can weigh from “% kg to ¥% kg. In this method, they can catch fish ranging from ¥% kg to 10kg of fish. In Panganud, Bansi (flying fish), Sawasig (halfbeak fish), Bal (needlefish), and Barungoy (black-finned flying fish) are the common fish they can catch in this method according to the respondent ‘These fishes ‘usually swim in a group manner. A single fish can weigh from ¥% kg to Ya kg. The respondent stated that they can catch .25-10kg of fish in one session. fishing method can catch 2 wide variety of fish. dalagang Bukid (Fusilier fishes), Mungkaw (fish that belongs to In Taal, This Molmol. According to the respondents, Katambak (emperor fish), Baga-Baga (squirrelfish) ackerel), Kabalyas {iindianmackere!), Basis are some of the fishes th which can catch both 500 grams. According (parrotfishes), Anduhaw fusilier fishes), ), Taligatis (wrasse), (island ms {unicorn fishes) and isl kautob (big-eyed scad) in shallow water can be enforced om 200 grams t individual fishes that can weigh fr 14 2 2 8 2 Ee a 2-2 - to the responder spondents, they can catch 10 kg of fish in this method in just one fishing session, In Pamo, This net-fishing method can catch budlis (skipjack tuna), Dugso (trumpet emperor fish), and liplipan (sailfish) kinds of fish. The FGD respondents stated that this method was similar to ‘pamalaran” however, Pamo can catch a bigger group of fish that has a weight range of 3-5 every fish. They said they can catch 3-200 kg of fish in every fishing session, ‘After the respondents were asked how they divide their fish caught, the Focus Group Discussions respondents mentioned that they will just leave a bit of proportion for the viand of the family good for one day, and the rest will be sold. On other hand, sud-an dayun maghatag pud sa “Mag bilin Gamay para ang nabilin nga added that managbo arun dil maingnan nga laog dayun ibaligya na isda” (Leave a little bit of fish for the family and give some proportion to those who waited for free fish so that I cannot be called as selfish then the i fish will be sold)- F, he stated that family and the balf remaining half of the caught fish wil be For respondent will be sold. allocated for the consumption of the 5 5. WHE) IN DO FISHERMEN GO FISHING? Table 5. FGD and KII Answers oe ‘do you go fishing? Js this fishing method a seasonal fish sscasont ing or whole year? When was the jet fishing meth _ Mer Rehing met a ued Tikom, Pamo, Pamalaran, and Panganud weawone in ot fishing which means there are specific Seascis i shies tess ‘methods can be performed. On other hand, oe ee al belonged to the whole year fishing which means, it can be perfo x the whole year. In hook and line fishing, Pamanit, haar vaunin Tee are also seasonal fishing. Panubid budlisan and pan ew are considered a whole year fishing method. Pamana’ is onsidered a ‘whole year fishing method. Also, the respondents entioned ‘dulom’ which means ‘amoonless night is a time when. they can perform that fishing method that can be performed at nif In Panubid Budlisan, according to the respondents, they usually went off the shore at 7:00 am and went home at 11:00 am. This means they spent 4 hours fishing a day for 5 days week for the whole year. In Pamanit, According to the respondents, when they will be performing this fishing method they usually start at 2:00 pm and will end up at 7:00 pm. They spent 5 hours fishing every day in its season which ranges from May to October. However, they mentioned that they will not go fishing if the moon has shone. In Panabas, in this fishing method, the respondents stated that they usually start at 3:00 Pm and end up at 6:00 pm. It consumed 3 hours of . which starts from November their time every day during the fishing seas© to May- 16 In Pangnukos (Arangyas and Karaw), the respondents stated that they have Two fitted scheduled times in fishing for fore squids. At the night, they start at 7:00 pm and end up at 11:00 Pm. In the early morning, they start at 2:00 am and end up at 5:00 am. According to Respondent D, he usually went fishing with both schedules. They spent 4 hours every day during the fishing season which starts in October and Ends up in March. However, they also stated that they only go fishing if the Moon had shone. In Pamingwit, This fishing method is usually done during the daytime. There are two scheduled times in "pamingwit" according to the respondent. In the morning, they start fishing at 7:00 am and end up at 11:00 am. In the afternoon, they said that starts at 3; 00 pm and ends up around 5:00 pm. Despite having two fitted schedules, most of them said that they only went to "pamingwit” once a day. This method can be done for the whole year however, they noted that it was best to perform pamingwit if "dulom’. In Pamana, The respondent also mentioned that this fishing method can be done in the morning and night But, the respondents also mentioned that they only “mamana’ in the morning occasionally but consistent at night. They start performing this method at 7:00 am and will go home at 9:00 am. In the night schedule, they usually start at 7:00 pm and will go home at 11:00 pm. The respondents stated that they usually «mamana” 3-7 times @ week for the Whole year since this method can be .o the respondents. Ww performed anytime according tt In Likom, According to the respondents, this fishing method is performed from noon to 9:00 am. They spent 9 hours every day during the fishing season starting from June to December. Respondent D added that this method can be done if “action na mamatay ang buwan” or what they referred as “dulom” (the moon starts to die). In Pamalaran, This fishing method can only be done at night time. They start fishing at 5:00 pm and will return home at 9:00 pm. They perform this method 5 times a week during its fishing season which starts in December and ends up in May. In Panlamba, The respondents had given two schedules in this method. The first schedule was in the morning which starts at 7:00 am and ends up at 11:00 am. The second schedule was in the afternoon which starts at 1:00 pm and ends up at 4:00 pm. According to the respondents, they perform this fishing method anytime since it is a whole year-round type of fishing. In Panganud, According to the respondents, they usually start at 5:00 pm and end up at 9:00 pm. They spend up to 4 hours performing this method 5 times a week during its fishing season which starts in November and ends up in March. In Taal, The respondent had given two schedules. In the morning, they start at 3:00 am and go home at 7:00 am. In the afternoon, they start at 7:00 pm and end up at 8:00 pm. This fishing method can be done any time for the whole year however, the respondents noted that they can only perform this method as long as there is no moon. shining. 18 In Pamo, Ac is , According to the respondents, they stast fishing at 5:00 pm and end up at 9:00 pm. They 4 sho B om. spent 4 hours performing this me 5 times a week i nds during the fishing season which starts in December and ends up in May. CONCLUSION an : — is ethnographic qualitative research explored the variations, methods, and implements of fishing in Liong Guinsiliban. This study concluded the following; there are 3 categories of fishing methods present in the Barangay which include net fishing, hook and line fishing, and spear gun fishing. The three categories were composed of 13 different fishing .s. These fishing methods differ in net sizes and kind of gears used, forced, and the depth of water in sed in these methods variation: the time when they can be ent which these e used. Fishing equipment u: baits, luminaires, motorboats, t that all the fishing methods wer and includes different nets, hooks, nylons, pment. Furthermor le fishing methods 2 ig to respondent D "kint swimming equi] e, the researcher found out fishermen can engage in multip! fact that fishing was me in which accordin: a akoang Anak unya my child to one of their sources of incot Pulis Na pa eskwela s | was able to send food to provide gyud ang pangisda maoy naka Karun" (fishing was police officer) aS well as a source of siya the reason why college and now he isa for their family. RECOMMENDATION The researchers suggest to future researchers to further dig or identi i tify the types of fishing gears, particularly the fishing nets and hook _and lines used by the fishermen in Liong. In addition, the researcher also recommends exploring the experiences, narratives, and challenges of the fishermen in fishing. To further understand and enlighten the heart and minds of future generations and also for the government to further improve and expand their programs for the hardworking fishermen. There are 13 different fishing methods under the three categories of fishing methods present in the barangay of Liong. These fishing methods differ in net sizes and kind of gears used, the time when they can be e depth of water in which these fishing methods were enforced, and th methods includes different nets, iz equipment used in these used, Fishin, motorboats, and swimming equipment. hooks, nylons, baits, juminaires, REFERENCES ere miablng Gears, (n.d). Retr March 01, 2022, from hb L[vikaspes 2 2 i u piiea ice ps Mure/fishe eries (capture Bjordal, A. ke 3jor a, As (2000: THe use of technical measures in responsible fisheries: fegulotic 2 gear. 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(raneries development, held at University of Nigeria Nsukka, RetrievedFrom:hty /, wpcontent/ ul loads / 2020/0 6 /Selectivity-of-fishing-gear-pdl Retrieved date: February 20,2022 22, 2022, from Retrieved February explanatory%20n Fishing Gear and methods. {n.d.). J http:/ as an dec org Monograph Monograph. brane ote.php FISHERIES SITUATIONER 3RD QUARTER 2018. eo January 15). Retrieve 5. February " i -SR- |-01 nitp://18 10,psa.2ovph/ CAMIGUIN/PSACAMICUIS gR-2019-01 ithe ech dj. Retrieved _ March 01, 2022, from Fishing Technology. (n.d). : i fish_fishins ech_gears-htm! . https: // / fishery / fish gts ar areas Phiippine Radniw518. (2019, February 06). Coastal and Marine Protec! Clearing House mechanism. Retrieved February 98, 2022, from and- 9% 20and% http://www.philchm., yh /coastal-and- ext che pe phalippines!s20is% 20Name 20° fishe: marine/| = DOother'20marine 20biodiversity. Republic act no. 8550]. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2022, from https: / / /bfar /download /ra8550/RA8S50.paf THE PHILIPPINE MARINE FISHERY RESOURCES:What Will Remain for the Children of the 21st Century? (1970, January 01). Retrieved March 23, 2022, from https: / / fishery- resources#:~:text=The%20fishing%20industn%20provided%20emplovmen tand%20commercial%20fishing%2C%206%20percent, APPENDICES Definition of Terms In this academic paper the following terms are defined: A ; cm ae p Fishing Gear — is a fishing device characterized by gear nee Jor the pursuit of the target species by towing, lifting, and pushing the gears, surrounding, covering, dredging, Pumps ‘and searing tne eee eee fo impoundments; such as but not limited *9, trawl, c effanish seines, bag nets, paling, anift gilln Jongline. (R. A 8550, 1998) . — giinet and wine Boder- defined by the Fishermen in this study, refers to fish. storage that holds up to 90 Kg of Fish Dulom- refers to a night where there was n° moon. pupa - based on the descriptions given by the fishermen, this term refers to the English term ‘fathom’ which was defined by Merriam ‘Webster dictionary as “a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of ‘water sometimes used in the singular when qualified by 2 number” Passive Fishing Gear — is characterized by the absence of gear movements and/or the pursuit of the target species; such as, but not limited to, hook and line, fish pots, traps, and gill nets across the path of the fish. (R.A 8550, 1998) jber hair-like mate! a synthetic microfil d the country a8 a fish lure. ria) that is used by Rentex- local fishermen aroun’ PHO TO DOCUMENTATION The researchers together with the respondents during Group Discussions rs together with the respondents of the Focus ‘che! i The resear Group Discussions 24 rchers identify The Barangay Captain of Liong helped the resea mduct the respondents and also to formally ask permission to coi the research study in the said barangay The researchers also went to the Municipal Agriculture office to ask data that regards the fishermen in the Barangay of Liong such as the number of the fishermen present in the barangay and reports in the previous years of the fish production in the said barangay Fishin, re ang gears used in Hook and Line Fishing Figure 1. “sigpaw” and Figure 2. ‘Karaw” used in Pangnukos using Karaw method” y ' — Bago [far 4f . oan Figure 3 “Arangyas” or Squid Figure 4. Hook and line gears Jigger used in Pangnukos used in pamingwit which uses ‘Arangyas Method “rentex” as bait in Figure 6 t i Figure 6 different sizes of hooks Figure 5 Nylon Fishing gears used in Net fishing Figure 8. Fishing net they use in Pamalaran re 7. Fishing nets thal they used in Panlamba Figu 29 Figure 9. “Punaay” - A material they used to repair the torn nets Fishing Gears used in Spear Gun Fishing cr - —— pmo Figure 11 “Lenti” Goggles Figure 10 “Pana” spear gun used as the primary gear in spear gun fishing Figure 12, Underwater Figure 13. “Kapay” flashlight Local flippers Figure 11. Kutsilyo and Tuhugan used to secure the fish caught while fishing Common {i methods HiME gears used by the fishermen in different fishing Sek een SE Figure 16 “bugsay” paddle Figure 18 light bulb which was connected to the battery to gain lighting at night. Figure 17 lighting gears used by the fishermen. From left, battery, flashlight, and flasher Figure 19 fish storage Consent Forms Marsa 10, 2022 Maayung Adiaw, Kami ang mga estudyante sa Camiguin Polytechnic State College gusto muhangyo sa imong pertisipasyon sa among pagdukidukl matitunged sa “panagal dinhr $a Inyung barangay." Ikaw 8g Usa $a errong naitar ug nahibal-an nga makahatag $3 akong tabang kanamo arun Mmalampus kining among research, Busa kam! nagahanyo sa imung pagtugot nga ang Imung mga tubeg S38 mga Pangutana among e-record daw isulat sa amoang pagehimuor. nga libro. Among panigurubun nga kini dili makadact se imo or 38 imong reputasyon $2 tanang panahon. Kini gamiton lamang isip usa acadoric rasearch og wala nay lain pa. Busa kami naga pasalig nga ang inyung mga tubag gamiton lamang namu sa amoang pag-eskwela , Ako nagatugot nga mo: participar nHeung pagduk-duki En te (Pangalan ug ang foabaw éng perma) Structured Interview Questionairre Research Title: itle: VARIATIONS, METHODS & IMPLEMENTS OF FISHING Respondent Prony HONG: GUINSILIBAN Locale: . 3 LIONG, GUINSILIBAN Respondent: FISHERMEN IN LIONG WITH ATLEAST FIVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, Int ‘erview method: Key Informant Interview Note: ‘¢: remember that each question applies to each fishing method. Questions: General Question #1: WHAT ARE THE FISHING METHOD PRESENT IN THE BARANGAY? Sub-Questions: 1. Unsa inyuha tawag ana nga panagat? What do you calll this kind of fishing method? 2. Unsay lain tawag ana nga panagat? What other term used to call this fishing method? 3. Kinsay nagtudlo or introduce ana nga panagat sa inyo? Who introduced this fishing method to you? 4. Asa na gikan nga panagat? Naa bana nga panagat sa lain lugar or diri rana sa inyo nag exist? Where this fishing method does came from? Is this available to other place? General Question #2: HOW DO THEY PERFORM THE FISHING METHOD? Sub-Questions: 1. Unsay Kalainan ana nga panagat sa lain panagat? What is the difference of this fishing method to other method? a. Active fishing b. Passive fishing 2. Unsa nga technique ang gamit nimu sa pag-pangita sa isda? What technique did you use in finding the fish? a. Direct Sensing b. Remote fishing c. Fish pumping ; 3. Pila ka tao sagara mo uban panagat? Makaya ba nimo nga ikaw ra isa managat? How many people do go fishing with? Can you perform this fishing method alone? ; 4. Asa ka managat sagara? Where do you usually go fishing? 5. Unsa ka lalom ka sagara managat? How deep do you usually go fishing? 34 General Question # 3; WHAT ARE EAR’ Sub-Questioans THE FISHING GEARS THEY USED? - Unsan, fae s ideaisa pase roared imuhang gamiton panagat sa ingun ani nga 4, Risthoa agat? What are the materials used in this kind of fishing . Sa isa ka tuig-ikapi Fea Sian a ikapila ka mag bag-o sa imuhang mga fishing gears? 3. Uneagien do you change your fishing gears in a year? How do imu pag maintainar sa imuhang mga gamit sa panagat? you maintain the quality of your fishing gears? General Question #4: WHAT KIND OF FI: Su-Questions: [SH DO THEY USUALLY CATCH? - Unsa nga isda mostly ang gakakuha sa il anagat? What kind of fish did you usually catch using le wend? 2. Pila ka kilo sagara makuha nga isda? How many kilo of fish do you usually caught? 3. Ang isa ka isda pila ka kilo sagar can weight (estimated)? 4. Tanan ba isda ibaligya or para lang sa sud-an? Are all fish that was caught are for sale or used for the family’s viand? 5. Ang isda ba nga gakakuha kana ba ang ga tapok or kanang tag tinigsa lang? Are the fish caught a school of fish or individual? General Question #5: WHEN DO FISHERMEN GO FISHING? a? How much kilo each fish Sub-Questions: 1. Kanus- aka gapanagat? Unsa Orasa? When do you go fishing? What time? 2. Ikapila ka managat sa isa ka adlaw? How many times do you go fishing ina day? 3. Pila ka oras ka managat? How much time do you spent in fishing? 4, Sa isa ka semana ikapila ka mani you go fishing ina week? 5. Seasonal ba ang panagat Is this fishing method a seasonal was the season? agat? How many times do or whole year? kanus a ang season? 1 fishing or whole year? When 35

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