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‘Global warming alters rainfall pattern’ Scientists say that a shift in a key weather system is stimulating cyclones in the Bay of Bengal acon wostey Giobal warming hus tered Ay weather systems and that nay be whetting cyclones ta the Bay of Benga, docreas- Ing winter rain north india and altering global ranfll patterns, 3 study by 3 team Of Indian and US. research- cershas found. "The Madden-Julian Oscit Iaton QO), ass called, is moving band of rain lous ‘hat raves around the globe spanning 12,000-70,900 kin across thetropical ceans. In its journey it ineracts with surface waters of the Indo Pacific ocean, the largest pool of warm seater in the lobe, and due to this ~ the Suthers say ~ the lifecycle of the MO gets affected "he MO clouds on aver age are spending only 15 Gays, instead of 18, over the Inaizn Oces. ‘Over the west Paci, i in- crease by five days rom an ‘After the gale: inthis photo dated November 19, 2019, men average 16 days to 23 days). “vie this change in the resl- dence time of MjO douds ‘that has altered the weather pattems across the globe,” according to the research Paper shat appears in thet est edition of the journal ‘Nan. ‘When the MJO appears. in the Indian Ocean during the ‘are clearing debris from their damaged house after cyclone Bulbul hitthe area in Namuchana, West Bengal, «xrrens ‘monsoon months of June- September, it ean Increase rains over india. This year, India was poised to reteive ‘below normal monsoon rain fall in April bur ended up ‘with excessive rain party, duero tengo. ‘The study, led by Roxy Mathew Koll, a researcher at the Indian Institute of Tropi- cal Meteorology, Pune ‘doesn’t delve imto the impact ff the Ngo during the rnon- soon months. However, Mr. Koll told The Hindu,” the ‘change in the Ago could dri ‘warmer surface water 10- wards the Bay of Bengal and increase cyclones. “The fds haven't been 25 exten- sively studied a say the El ‘Nino. This study shows that we need better observation ‘of the Indian Ocean and im- prove forecasts that can ‘warn usabouta cyclone? ‘Ocean temperatures ‘To conspute the reduction in the mumber of MO days over the indian Ocean, the re- searchers ~ they included scientists from the U.S. Na- tonal Oceanic and sitmos- pherie Administration (NOAAD, the University of Washington and the Univer- sity of Tokyo — compared ‘ocean temperatures from 18612018 10 compute the changes. Global_warrning has been expanding the size of the warm pool on average bby 2,300 sq. km. annualiy From 1900-2018 and at an ac- celerated average rate of 4,000 sq. im. per year dur- {ing 1581-2018. “The changes in 490 beha- ‘vlour have’ Increased. the rainfall over northern Aut- tralia, west Paci, Amazon basin, southwest Africa and, southeast Asia Cndonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea), ‘At the same time these ‘changes have brought a de- ‘dine in rainfall over central Pacific, along the west and east coust of US. x, Calle fornia), north’ India, east Aitica and the Yangtze basin In China, The frequent Call- fornia fires, draughts in AR ‘ca and Bast Asian foods and ‘eyclones in the Bay of Bengal may be linked to these changes in global weather, the stuafy noted. an c an iy Ne ‘ 1 li u i Wt ii Hil Guest column | Ann-Gayl Ellis Climate change affects everyone Editor's note: This is National Publie Health Week. This year's theme is “Climate ‘Change: Our Health In Balance” The following information was change. ‘Weknowit s real andwethink tis scar, but we tend to think about it {nterms that are far removed from ‘our everyday lives ‘In fact, climate change bas a direct connection to all of ws, in the most personal way. Ithas and ‘will have rea) consequences for the health of our communities, ‘our families and our children. The problem with focusing ‘on climate change in terms of a doomsday scenario is that it can paralyze us and cause inaction. According to a recent Center for Excellence in Climate Change Communication Research poll, Jess than half of Americans believe they are personally at risk from global warming. but signif fcantly more believe its a threat to future generations (60 per- cent) or to al life (57 percent). Even those who think of cli- mate change on a here-and- now basis may not know just how serious the danger really ‘moral dimensions, as well. Here are ive ways you can take action in your life today. ‘elnform yourself about the bealth impacts of climate change and regional climate change issues facing your community land take actions to prepare for possible disasters. ‘*Leave the ear at home one day and take public transportation instead, Walk or bike. 'you need to drive carpool. Ifyou can, tele- ‘commute. ‘®Buy food from a community farmer's market that doesn't travel across the country to get to your supermarket shelves, at ‘more vegetables and ess meat. ‘Green your work Use recycled paper if you don’t already, and ‘even if you do, print less often and on Doth sides of the paper. ‘Set your computer to energy- saver mode and buy eco-friendly ‘office furniture. ‘Green yourhome. Insulate your home sothat energy st iterally ‘going out the window. Reduce Taken together, these five changes can chart a path toward a healthier personal lifestyle, ‘community and climate, Ano Gay Eis is health etucation ‘program manager atthe Hernando (County Health Departmen Earth hottest now, and getting hotter THE Earth is on track to be the hottest it has been at any time in the past 11,000 years — a period the his- tory of human civilisation —a study says. Using fossil samples and other data from 73 sites worldwide, scientists have reconstructed the history of the planet's temperature from the end of the last Ice Age, about 11,300 years ago, to now. hotter than 80 per cent of the past 11,300 years. But virtually “We already knew that, @ global scale, Earth warmer t than it was over much of the past 2000 years,” said Oregon State on is Unive Shaun Marcott, lead author of the study, im Sctence. icorK GL EM Cn The Global Warming Is Real ‘An analysis of the fect of uhan growth on U.S. climate records shows tht « centary of global ‘warming is real; dhe magnioude of future warming reais certain l i De. Serre ace Sek amey. Toe pe ‘Pning ne ete Sat Sire ahing ie pa ToD oe iat? il HH th = coroner (eed an ong whe ct of wes | Ange pope eng Nerme e SSS SSE Bak oy amc or amon We | Se nang OR om Fotady warm mach wae ponaione | boa Ek Ange Sef ee o "rc ten id este | Oakes tern tla pe ene purged Suse | Tae nc np wa conn of (fx bat pend dime reo, | pupae wees cs ‘ate Sc Himes Cimer Newoe | Gated Sm Se oni Seder Home ‘ewayThoens Ka of Naso | pene cin Ths eel 2 | ay ences of waco eo ‘en ei cours ety al | Seca ae ea Be ar [EIR caine de Hoc Cae | ma ry or at twa ca Climate Change is happening! Aguas ne What is climate change? Accarding to Wikipedia, imate: henge 13 any significant lang term change in the patiem of tne average weather of a region (ortho earth ar a whole) over a Significant amount of te. How Is climate change effecting the planet? Gimate change has been been affecting tha planet fora while Forexampte, ne Ean’ ave ‘rage temperature increased — increased by B inches since awarded the Nobel Prize for by 2 degrees fahrenheit inthe raigbie record keeping began the Nebel Prize for Chemistry 20th century. Also, sCienBstS in 1g8 and it's pradictad that in 1903, tage 15 she won a are convinced that the ter jy yitrise another 1 ta 4 feet by climate change essay compet peratures wil continue tore Sy mee nen ass for decades to.come whichis In he noxt several dacade, ‘Tyree months tater she started \ergely dus to us using STEEN this increase in temperature protesting in front of the Swed- acca wep Mlanich odie and sea level will tad to storm — {sh parliament building and house gates Gels eteut ito Slrges and high lides which "began missin lessons oguar- the Eerth’s atmosphere acting wir fyiher inereate fooding in ly ta ga.on sitike every friday a8 a blanket, Weppingin est yture regions. holding a sign saying ‘School tnd nteaing te Eas a theta Climate whist arg temooraire Furtemare.The What ie being done Sheer Clie! weet wang temperature af the Eadhis about the climate crisis? Gy December 2016, shehad Prediciedto nseby 2510 10 Greta Thunberg over 20,000 students aver the degrees fahrenhek over the Greta Thunberg ls a 17 Year wera leining ern counties neat cantury. ‘ld activa rom sweden who eluding Aust, the UK, Talore ntempeatee is ey psroal stows Saeui heUS and Sapo is causing ico caps to mel climate and stopping climate \ivenamaking seslevtsrae change rer fer Svante “Tel ke Iwas the only land destoying animal habitats, Thunberg,a descendent of one who cared about the meaning some animals are be- Svante Arthanius, a scienfst climate and the ecologi- coming endangered. tis said who came up with a model of cal crisis,” ~Grota Thunborg that the global sealevaihas the greenhouse effect. He was fp he BEC (2018)

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