Math 111 - Calculus 1

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Nia @ DIFFERENTIAL CALGALUS ° , calouins - means “method of calculation < Tifferential calailus — He process of Finding the differential of a Lunction. TOPICS. mits a 2- pifferenHation of Mgebmaic Functions 4 - Some Applicatjons of the Penvative 4 - viffentiation df Transceadental Functions S-The Indekrninsk Forns G - the vifferenhal . . 7 Poivatives Prom Raramettic. Eguahons 5 Radins aid cater of Curvatire &~ fartu] Prbbryntiation @ LIMITS + Functonal Notation 5 & Sanction coneg i ae a Recussing seinciplec Finchion ~ means dependget vpn A. & Dnchon is generally ascodakes wi Cpwede mir ae sa ay ‘emul. | Faangle, nlite ie ee ‘er A ee 2 Kos we can wre his x A=f(a) His means thot A is a Sunchen of x, or as AAs dependent lyon x, | ~ li Nogawas a : | amy a Y answer sa A Kuny ugly page ol -A & xare vatiables er WA Pity kh ang vate, —— Example ? explicit Fynctions —clarly sink Anat yf): 1 wapress 7 4s an exphat Ametion of x or Y=FC*) + Nole the wont Express - Sa gus tion (e-x-3)7- XtCr0 fe Flare na ans ie - © Gyr purpose is tofind 7 5 C= CxpPEAS aS a -Funchon Solin Pedy = eee of x,0r y=f(x) ‘tw find 7, divide both Sides w/ (ex), 4 GExa)y= tes eeX- xex-3 = Kt = 7 tsa wpon 2. Express y as an exphert funtion of x 5 (y= 4Pax* le r iG *) Solution : b €& y=) or 7s dependent: upon x. 7 Ya “ wn onphcit Anchon Fi a) 4 (20) 54) "9 F(x) = Sinzx-2Gasx F (G0) sin2 (aa) -2 cxc690) = Singo’-2 (0.860) = 0-8 - 1.932 $6) or $0)= ~asce ” ane tie hke sess - : $62)= 7- 67. + PRT (67-8164 a oy * 287-19 “ LG2= 7 fox +287 -19 Bxamgke @ Af $0) = Smex—2c0sx ' - ») #(4)~sinz(H\-2cm(¥) ePrh a ied 2 2 OL So a, MiP ESTFCL — shen, Perimeker 1S the cum of He Sour sides, Herlore, p= x+x+7 +7 O pax three - P= 2x4 2($) by factoring, we ger, Ua Pee (the) His means Het 5) or Fis depadént wpon x, x alore, ney. Niele, 2% 6 Gre constant. TE fis ae nen IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT FUNCTIONS Implicit functions — ol chearly chated bub can be in eretend, j PBT: oo Rade wtys Ge sts means Hint tala Find: 5 fe Klee "4a ny y=), ° ; 1 votly EON) any makita 74 ae $(=x-ar'sc but | ‘sai is wes feed th, a) br subst hikion v: 4 (x) hat $O)=-gPhe “ tera $= hey) 5 © ys tWaxaKee Leas -e-ke te £6) or. fQ)=-19 D $0)= xtc Pra) =G-4- bs = (767+ 27-2) ~4(F4rH) +5 = hop aye - ty tee tt a PIKE O3 - a a a eT SP cee tea Mm a if BP thee ts 6 relation between two variables (nag mvolte ng SA 2 KA variables) x andy, such tat for each vahle of A, there corresporids a value of y, Hhen, y is sid to be 4 junction of x, +hus, i y=) <= 7 bs 4 Function of x ory is dependent H ~ Bil magnnns any answer ay pi 5 Kung wald Ang vale Sa x. Vy ~ Fein, ay x ug 7 gn antes (Uy Kam | ype ‘ ; ang magn yl) Nels is a dependent wanable , wile, os EO is independent i © the functi dendtnd +> pelahons between Ry tell has alia t z~tiey & = 18 4 fumetion of x andy. ; OF 2 is depondect wpon x andy. 2. Form for volute of fight ctraular oylinders Y= mh € nee} ismch variable. thas cncent thn v= (Gh) € vis a fnchon = Epange Problem the area of a reclmge. is 6 qin. # Aner P of : S0|tfion + mites Lech KT sk pate 02 OaRy =p theres, 7>% | 4 - 7 Een eee ae Se oe LIMIT OF A Funenian : Metematically we Sey 5 4) Fit £0) = Lom Meaning, the fimit of fie) = Kung ang x mo Coach Gas & apnacys Ma ao nie is wa AL coll be any ne. a) Fat) = Fe mewiing, te Git o f6x+i) ins AS XK Appraches 2, SF. THDREMS ON Line : limit #0) O w Init Fo) ax Lim He) 2 Abe: A —> Gu be any XT = Number, THis given. ber represent she unl L a Sivskukig x to 1, Bye te limit ¢ = faey)=3 @ nora . C= Conch » 4 funber , & jimt 5 25 | KD @ lime £0) c ing0) , = ~ 8 ox. Maik FAP. © fat xt =-s(%) = page a8 4 there Find ¥, use the quale formula 5 y= cht vb fac Za Bb a_¢ ~b ya Geer] t Pere ¢ R42 2 Ci) a sy ext + tain) ~90N 2 ye RU tarts 2 AM Y Pud-depende Sd x Aee or Vis an ele} Fanon ax. Pa 8. Byres 7 as_an eeplict Broken x;(1 fi) x= fy- {raz from Rigebra + +e eliminate the {, the tle 4ulation is, + = . Aft by + €& 50 > o = Exedy ate x42 <0 I | at Pompe 4) Fd te link of lim (ox4a)" K-73 = [ico] @ “| tee + lim +] xv? x73 ~S by & 2 = a] x 4 lim XS x2 nS Sthstrving xo -2O +4] _ Le 8 (+4) = 169 b) fim K+) yare . fim +4) fim, pave ie xe (in coal oa Teo) ) = G (2 + Vilas hinx es) - @ Kove = 6./2@ +5 o € = Gud = 1€ ©) fim are xe fim 3x" im w+ ae + ie Tex By + Be @ - alan’ fing 4 © Tim x e a. "2 = 2+ 3 o I - 3s = 2 ise Ie | a Got function + another function 7 Hint $3) 4 tim gig) : Ka xa @ twit te + 400] = xa or ene Finchon — another Function lint [$0)~ 909] = inh #4) — lin ges) x-ta ies it [$9.9 = limit h eed & lint [369.469] fini $0 lin 50) ¢) K—ra at $6) tin $9 Gouttnt of the ~ $6) : . © fra 80) Egy © tek d 2 te RA @ let Y¥0) = Vit £09 Where n= any pasihve cua nee 5 ror " ey Go)" Linge) EAMPES FIND THE Livtits oF, a) tim (ax +4) lim 3x + lim ory fin’ + line +f int ¢ by Treen) .€ O £ = [ise] + sinh + 4 =e +44 = 14 pee — Forms OF Limits = Widefined or dill ma dedormine 2 Givens ) owe contider Phe — F@)- then, Sugpose NO) = 0 P 3} a D(x) =O igh ° hich 1s the _o which is the Fie oe widened or Indeterminate . . co aiofinite 2) tee inlet Fe Pe or — thee two cniifons , by’ direct Subst hyhen’, ten, C thert ic to lim} because i+ ic S Indgterminge arm, but however, +hre “stright Subs behon’, dre ft exist | = ¢ one it limit exist: ey : oy im ft) late in 4 = } Re: tis is he $0) er Tv $09 SAK yy dipec subchtuhon ; gt. =f . 2 > sndefined o Ce limit howewn, if we culate the Function whore us x ic ot gy] 4p 2. peje 12, Ss SS es a = 2 | epwhch megns = 46) * or Yig a funcion of x °" y 1s dependent <, hfe ~ Fits) 3 is nob variable , it hs Constah. only jhe | ~ . x |s variable. This why How using the tive ins y= 46) nt ee ox or PX ~ flex* 7= 4 (3,x) y= 2x ai 6x “We Ue oly tbe Viable y= 2x — 4X = Raa | axe | ¥= < =p yis a Finghon of x or y=) not y=F (-1,x) ~We use only the variable Mele Fweder pub any we inyotg ancwer Ail nit € identify any ¢ 3 - , Depende sa © require, a In this cace pwede m avg answer, 7= PREVI pe y= 40) 2x> Example 3. Expres 7 AS an explicit functions of x Crain, cur ain js to find 7) gypeeey-3 = [since 44s equation is in He form of Gusdinfic Equation, Heres we an find y by usM Gualmie Srmula ] The quidahe canaton js + a+ by+e=0| ther He quadiatic forwuly is, yo ty E FaC- 24a few, locate where is the bia &c im the Heretore§ e4aation XY" BY 30 Taste a tis the Sis the c 0} be Pa 2a etre + [eaxt-4OV) j= 2 6 2x* Now sing y= ax tf Toe + Sift; 7= “x Limit at tnfiniby ° 4 he futon fO)= 5 Hea, +——__— "R= pen | meaty wii ’ nITy K 9, AS & approche Infant ed) t t lle fre ge buak er = AB goles 7 a Sh = fin geez) gebouns and oe = ding: lim ty din by dheton 2. evade fim ret hie 5 Sol = +4 we ye IS St, the Tmt without Subchtihity Fiat AN xX by 2, oes hee to preios hm f2-F0) ace ke &) “re we vale K*2 R-2 ye =< te) s . x —3XK + z Say es tp == rotor gm O27” xan = him (x- ) “ xv2 > sikh ing = 2-1 shes z lim $0)-4) & thaclne the limit exicks a = oe the h ee = 1 + whe if 1, INFINITY ¢ G Uy gulality of being Wlout limits, indefinite. i oO va +6) R Inne “His 4 Symbol to imply tap he valne of £6) increases wlowt boundas x AppTeIChES 4, Pe a value 5 7 xt 2) (x42) aR 7 Re fe x / BEF ta eis ic He wae es %-2 ob the Anchion SS Hectic, Me can enti, te BaP ae Siven tunghion ; lim = Fit ea Ga) ean ee 7 iit G2) Subs fhuhing the x Approaches m2, or a #2 fin = 2 = 4 int 4 He dinchen "athe eens thet the Raion May hove fmt even thagh itis indkernunele, Form - 2) Eval iim oe. 9 if $Q)= <-2x si, By Vireot Subch tution + jim #9)-#@) ~ 2-2 Lo » lindelned x4L KAD 2-2 OO ¢ = And also, 1Q)=*=9x 2) = 2-38) = 47% ir@==2 ne a 2) Sidhe Im hak XO Sol. by fipact sachhwhon age Troe 7 eben ably ior fine, . 4, = = AUNTS ae 44 SS ae ee = +l dnypesine, : Tin a= + © Wee Zz R PlouRes OF LIMITS: Lf, exampe@te Punchion ie, y= FG) whe; fp)exte, plot the Sgure, » solving the Vinita x ayprmache 2 fim x42 = fim x p lim 2 dhe | x2 xwz ne @ 2 4+ 2 ce telinit of yoq = Fe thelimb ic 4 In order 40 Aram the Pyare, we will compute tne vane of F(x) by ascigning he valle of x tacking from 0 uyhl he value of FG) will reach the limt of 4, page [& aes : Sol. by Airtrt Subchtwhon of x dy 00 qo _ oo < Sere, SS > Mdelermingte sohing fr linet, in wee _ eS RPO ant) x90 OF ae sicaeeia Ta re oe 7 io Tj, aE lo Ea I = fin 17 Slee xP 2H (LL I h x 1 YR = me zto fin BEL i xv XH 2 ; ae Mone Indeternile Forms - 66 ap we concider the Bunchion £0)= Tey ves apron Aen mo) .. 4 Lx) = ©), Yindelernnde | Howrover, the Link of $09) exists by Anidiny NO) and D(p) by the highest power of x. Then Walwe the Iimt dy use of O. x le = : 24 a “Ty alee, ee, sal. by dirtt subshtuhon of x by 00, awtsd~ _ 00 200 treats oO” > Indelerminaly sinieiienaeeeneieien 7 AC er ee to sot Be lima, divide jhe manenbr 2 A denomnnator by the highec} power of x 4 which js x? i at E im #496 _ tm 16 +5838 veo 2x24 X43 wR es + ae : = lim t+2-% I XaO zee z 2 ain 1430) 6(d ta) PT rx)t (LED Me Ie To dew He graph il Sret cone de value of x ad Y. We will assyin Hee wlue of x AS, ©, 048, f, bE and 2 Ap} to here, only Pecance we reached the [iit of condnucas ar Lcemtinucus,, meaning puede : mapadtyon any Curve y Ma dili ma break. HIS ks Hie curve of y=fielax™ at Tegarive gree af X. x Cowhnuoys ot x=2 XX «IS H+ AS X aeroaches 2 Sank @ le the Sunchon f@s-3 {Continuous at x3! Sal. According +p Fefinrtion Dim £&)=f(4) , x4 ‘haere, The answer is his recess Sh the limb of wens im 2 x3 OX fim =o eo S| Ht Sah fe Pefinjbon 0, page 22 ” Heclerg comb mucus at Tee CONTINUITY: . ; Ang Funchon nga S(x) muadijmony continuous : te limit de | ploting +e Figure 5 : ys 9 i +t— ie te he line ef y= fi) > x42 [ ™ tens pest 3 at tr meaning , the limit of FO)= x42 is 4 | . AS x approaches | Plot He Pagure TF, en | exartyk: © 4 4 funchon 7= £0) = x” oO P(i)= x” where x=-) cot, Saliny tor Tih, t SO SP POs peers me sae ! a ’ OC Xx Apprches iim =* -} iia : a = ‘ = €l) i = oy the lini st the limit ft a e_ Figvme |LLASTRATION © y =xtnple O re Y=x, find sy} al Sol. ol reay= (e+ ay f ay =K+ axy-7 +sine y=%, tharcfer, A Ay= (& ran x @ a=mr, find AAS ; ‘| SO. as ape T(r tary + hole: gin, Tis ret varalte, 1 has AA=T(r+A- A constant value AAS D(rsr)= ore @ THE DERNATIE OF A FuncTjONt | a ‘ a. ‘ ., cae Detvatye -means ~ Finding the Didference Quotient “or Diferential’ the mip of the ditlerence or change” of the tirchen Values divided by” the [ Aitference er change" of the X-Vghyes. Nou, from the =pnation 5 ay=thr +an)-46) i Rig WFERENTVEN ON OF ALGEBRA ELACTIONS | iNferantigkion ~ means te process of Finding he differeiq) Differentiation - means or derive. of A nclon Catece inchdes; + Algebrite Fanos * Trgono metic Func hons + Exponential or Logaritymie tunchons A~ increment er deta. ~ Any change ina variable (x 3 ») 4uunidy is allel an increment- ep ~ He variable may einer increase or decrease. ° For variable x 5 ; AX or deta x <> meine she increment of x, A ~ is not a number or variable . oT change of x, AX -i¢ a vatable AK ~ Way either positive or negative 5 Sur Nat zero / NOWy So#fOS | yu #69 —¥ Kany aay chaye ox ca x, a "44 Pld chanye ay sq %, MS Troyel(eeax) 7 5 by= f (etx) - 7 r-beever, y= f 6, therefre, 70) | mein, yi afr dy ay =4 (xX tax ee Howewr if x=, 1+ 1S disconfinuous pecause lim = x70 OF XE = 02 Indedermivle. = meaning he curve 1s NOt OK wh X=c. thereis 4 break 7b dim Ye grrch , les _ the, Vaje ae. Find the vale of y by acchgnny will accign the valve of yc } GAMUT The Vale: of ; qn the Value: of X PY:; 0,1, aS x=3 craps 2 RO atx ‘1s indceemnate. Piscen quays that; Yhe_ancwer is Tiscovhwouc at o but Continupuc at 3 a Pample @ . Find te derive of s= 2-4 gh as 2 a(t redy- 4 AS = [2te+ otf -4|- & ee -4] - (ot 4) tim i lim S ttdhty bis Atpo AL ~ At+o by definition O # Gs = tim = sy Ak-vo nen, x“ ‘AS fim [acerasf-]-@e+4) fe ARO at _ lin oft Aaa Ato AL fm $C aE taste af) -oe ” At-yo bt “im 202 ztatt at)- 2b" ~ Ato At Lin 2tbetsts oat 238 Ato At lim 6k + sate At-—vo Bt ” as RRR then § a fim 2x (ex +4x) fim (2x Bn) Axo Ax AKve 4 Act = 2x +0 we divide + a Ax}; = Eesti) Foe LO 2x7 “Now, suppose the Vinit exists — the Ax Approaches O, 9 Se and the x is fired. then fin SY = fim t(x+axg-f£Q) $ Axo AX AX-40 eS ‘— lin AY ‘Ay i eto BK = jn "4 or £0) & mains, Re gniine of x Wi respect DX, as Axo. erinple a df y=x* Sol ypay= & +oa)” ay = (x +4x)*— “7 Ay= (tax) x then , fim a fim Kt AR) oxt then by debinitia yreek arse AX nay Nien OD dy — in Sty He in rater Yeadiuas a Axo mS dx 6X0 aN eek lim 2 wai site TRAE at 4x ax-vo then, dy _ fn (ay) x 7 = AX-¥O Pi amans woes Be 4X elim “Aye fim ware oe = 5x “AKre A 2 _ lim 2x + 3x4K + 4K “Beto HL oxt+ 2x (0) +@ ay ae ~» according te the question, Fina Ue Slepe at poimk (2, 8). - r hula, Wh wes the x =z. oY 3a) ay AY Sia] 4—the loge ot He “nynd Dre’ at four Pf. u 20 2 COST EE tebe THe DERVATNE PY |S ALSO FINDING THE SLOPE OF TANGENT LINE OF THe NY Curve y= (x), AL L+nngent fine tangent—a Tine wle meetsyat a Single Point wout imersecting the curve. ~ Wearing Ye OY js also Ye slope of Lhe wen! ine Ne) 7 ae tan ih 9 PAR nh the slope J te tiyth ie 40 the cure yx? ) fin AT tim & #49) -x at point (2,8 Sl po 5 Axo AX” Axo AX year &+ er) L by dehition ( ay =(K +4xP-y aie raiert J Rain ay 29 As. tim gt + ose dx Ato As _ gt t 2(0) da A= ee] ote dee os spec tt if Gt, | | \ : ) 3 , | @ tind if ys Pxt2 Sol: -a aa £0) A(R) Ro FG) 3 4. (3x42) 1y Ds 2 Voxt2 fortaw< M4 ae FKAD Ps ; og tg a +2 by seo Co BKt2 @ SECOND SOLUTION: Find 4Y ip y= {3x42 %— pwede himeong power ae 4. Tule. Conver? 4p power Sol ya (axr2je "We. ae De (the Quotient Rule) ¥). vga —udy PE SURE to ax v0 TT ¥ MEMORIZE D, (the Power Rue) ThE 4 (v= ny de FoRBULAS / masteR IT // Ue 4 _ du & (a)= ain = ai EXAMPLES | @ Find 2 id y=xcde bs sole! Sis constant or c 1. Se oe £0) = £ (evry &_ a3 sing Dg Plax? 3x~- xX = Lodt 4 acwiy A) | ~ Ri - 40 +40 | D, = 2x aN +o! les of Differentigtion ‘ ~ Be proas of Finding the Perwahive of y= F() usi pefinition @ is time~Concuming. Aydin, Findiny He Deniinhve is the same as finding the Fi Herental. = find the detwative rapidly , we will use the forms rormulas of periatives of Algpbrnic. Finctions..?” Note = are re Kane A al hum, = p, (the Constml Rule) € = is Gnslant £0 2 on dene - b, (the entity Funchion Bile) La =| oo oa Pp. ° aa) = od | D4 (the Sum Rule) 4 fusyy= day AV | Te Be | ps the Product Rule (vv) = udd gy Qe @.3rk saluhon 5 dy if yeas 5 He POP et) Sal Himoon, ag y= + eap thon dy a £0) a «i bea] = thal WIRY Dy 2 + Gap he) “ht Ze in a - esi} PR) 9 > eit woo dy rl, 2 3 (xHiyt 2()" ay _ ~24 | AK Cary] FF a hem 4 @ 2nd Solvhon ; ay diy -3 Sd. yamoon ang y= 4 @xt)) 8; a dG) OK =4 iho) Pout a4 é text), ao ™ = aC 3) (ext) * Arce - = -R text). wip = _nbexei) 7A of ° # = -nGxeyt 2()" 4 ay 2d (2xtH) zn Lae yaa udu by Pe £()= ae ee Ay v ve as iy exh 4 ud (ext? m [w vi) aK % e (ax i) iQ) — 43 xt}. 4 ox) * 241) M7 vt _ * Gari) de). () (+) Bb ?, - eet}. *AE 4 0 a thn, dy = 4 () he ! = ol dye? = £Qx 2) z [aoe] Dy =+(% ay (aeistass] 4 Us 7 ss Lon? (49+40] whe go a seit’ 8 # 1 es (3) t ay #2 Gaye or Je 2 rte Ot ze f mbar First Sol. = 4 A () : ar when, cubctitute the 7, then apply te formulas. ) In Sxanple 2, a yu De i - 2h the uo or fy this Ms AG) _ d (am) AY gp AG) _ ae te oe At means BEX AE _ At Pt “LIO= 50k = go 450% 2 Pn) ¢——_ (FR (4) = tex -4 = Fo AFG be FSX ~& __ thn) (G5) n> eo tt = 4tSX VEX FtK dy . __-80 oo FTO as sao at » pwede. ni himoony (rsx) * ____=s0 - ie) (4404 (G4) _ -&O =P (Gas* (44.03 > eye dy. a 4c Dartet, Shdituhry * (ie -#e 2 fay 2 nx ay _ wm HK ft = — aK 44% ) _-\ then Subtracting ycosrnatiply Ot} Vex) | (5) oo erated / (ha rate — aaa 2 fen : ~10 (4447) ~18 then, - xé % | aGa)" (ti? fo dy . © Fh yy. fm Pirede nm binvagon, -4 (= Ti MOOR; d (uh went v ve es am ER v= {tem ZA] Ag (eR) Sofying 4 (F) by Ds 40) a (4-rx) (GA. 36 He 7) Foe Oty ip 4. eH Sol. ae ay ~ ser % 4 wy Yt - ot Rae ye shoe; u=(etl), Y=x i piel og m& es ae che x. 64). 4.0) (if Gy = omy Os xr 24 -z ee > xe) fda) D_ qi) x » oF | arbi leo —eHi? xis “a. . pine? ’ nl | _ eet ey 28 ww 4 SE LM kA ST SAS A (Ra) agin, by Ds d (44.0%) ws ct 1 A, dio) ie », Ds oF af = —_¥* 2 Vix Vint Pte; Seda * < (i Ay zr (ra) (FS) mw (ax | a sank 4 causs-muiphy a (rer) yan § é - eh (a Fan 233 thy a os Ft Ye pou Aw a Nae a a = you oy dy 0? A Fly fail | due aw) Bl gpa = Gt x48) ). dae) 4 = Ae), Gx), dls) yt oes ae Ds, Ps Ad, 2A Ge ? fa ode, rate), o 2 b 7 sa i raxde) Lo f= ok) + IAxC) OnE Sad tom ey He you's (OX 19%) oe Ne co *e(ox' nis) (O04 i) | Z ie P. du. A084 dead te = 2x _sax?? op = 2K pel = # = 2X40 re ar re iM 4 ot md a the drm Yo fal 2 Ho dy _ dy, du KO Fa AR = ais (xr) dyn ney ; = R(t gx) Qxta) MY = tp Gren) Cxtw e “o td dy ip y= ue and Pu oeigtee Sol. Find [z\» a 42 Gz © THE ChAn! RAE oR CoMpocme FuNonay Rie 1 am t Ths Ihdudes tuo functions > the £ 24 or 7=4G) and l= 3G) Ys Nowy to fing z ) is > Lind aut of ei #G) a J ay. Au) - A (40) Bf ric 2 15 | s tate hoor b) el > Ht 46) / = £0 ox) qx°- Gx + fox ¥) HE on te Ak ~cax4io € 4h Ad jis i2x7- 2x +10 4 42 or yle 2ux-e +o 777 BED, jt= 24x72 4) 4 ayo 1 ofa 4-0 & ® Pac = ) 2 #2 76 = O & by 0, ae ee HIGHER DERIVATIVES + “This means Hut Son Fine dervufve we can Find Second deniitve » think Acriudiwe aid co on.,. To iNuchrate 5 7=4@ ; dy ON pint delve a Foy 4 49 e_ second denvehve #4. pO) ¢—Thirk Aenvative ie wank SO oN... firs ag ay Tn 7 = $0) a Fist denwctive gis") HSeod dervichve yt =f" (x) think detache wi ANd So On.,. exang\es O ss yextatrox-4 , Tbeentiste upd Fifth lemme! Sol dry y= 42-260 sedj-0 Fk ga, a Yi = 48-6X"4 lo de Se ee han substuhed % formula, 6,) ay. it ae ey, 5 oo exangle @ Fu z Wxe rtf? Sol. solving fr ae os dx. A qh 0 _ A(retsy) if be is fh 5 =tt ay tay oe, 2 Ay eee DRERQTIANON OF INVERSE FuNeHONS - IjveRse. Fonenow jane: —"H yis a dillreatiahk mation of x 2 y=46), Yn, He investe finchion => x= otis is Aitlerenkuble function of fy, thys.. - coe 9 Fin te i xayeay? Rok: Inthe case, Hie x 15 given, rot» sol? Solve for derivadive of 2 W/ respedl oy, a par x _ Aw) A hy | - APs 47) | | = sod J | a ae fi oo B= i. api ay | = 287)” | he 37 8y ‘ _QWZ to. 2 y ind if y= 4x Ox" + 12K - 18 3 Find & if ye tA & Note: Use Dz as your (@x+ @7) 1 = -2x-47 (xa e) 1/2 x47) ; ~ (2xt+47) 1 > axtey 1_ ~&+27) ax +47 Woe there ote npphat Tmetione wie ore difficult to Comer to Pair covrecponding Gepheit Ports. this, te Sind & Fron an inphert Fon 5 there both Sidee af the caualion or dilferettde the An inglictt Panction can be converted tothe explicit form y=t) ERM ) fa ayg=0 +e, ee axt+9 T= VHD ¢ Paplctt fam y=4he) 2) e*- CoS7=0 , or -casy=-e*% tte celnect 40 +multiphy by - or Cosy = e . tiny = are cose” 4 exzlicel form y= £Q) J 4h any t4r=0 or += 4 KT =. > fsa = KY . pn very ee enplatt form 48 xan @ ind yl ir xty = a Nelee als constar Solution 5 Bolt 3; Finking the First Derwative 7 a Zt Ho ofl = 2xde +277! 0 ce by MZ , apy! 20 Aivide the equation by 2, 2x ; then, x + yz! =O ye 2 eH ratty! — Note! We can alsc Z| Fe His te Bd Sndimy Second Perywhive or d? ii the second derivainy, ° " ie v7 See wane @ fom x + V7 EP | =x ® Find y" it tipe4 © Soins item, up yeepck 40 x} 2x $27 7!=0 2772 72x aan re x —_ Nov, To find 1", difernhinte further ~~ i eee Ch Pe ) aaztxy' 4 a 7 v ~Sibsirtult He vale oy! z trot de] al te 40] (te)* -tte(e-9-e-a) Er) (tag Ginn - Goo Gta)” = en2me= (20-8) (teex)* = ~20 dK 1c bee A(R) “te ax eee Sahel | e #- g (2) -20 3, Ges) ” Gaga? 7. soul q- jt zit Fe = “2 (hal® "(ny a Tor Gra Pees pg 38 “2 Pao)!” (Fa) ! ~fo “2 (qt (tex) © ff toy" Ouz Az tind dy 2 ot px -is a f y= 9K" de -40) = f= dptot eri ) _ td d ~ +H i) 4 dp) df _ 12x", de = ae 2 0 = Bx’ -ex+ 2 |a- le (xex +1) 2 Hi . ) Mm ip (ER dy _ Aly) ax dx , - egy x 1/4 eg (4-0 by Pe = 1S ee * alge) ra 4a dsm) dgan} Ga Fra HHO ox, FRO dx (7H) 0 GE ca dy on Connta” vee vette | ve afd Ay SE y= (PHY ae wert i AG?) Soh y mh ae ee Aw ay ag W% acy ah av ty ay yi ay . Soh 4 dy. 4 fy. 2 he re 4 erate =f sa, ard) 4 SGT + ° i ah ID by de dr Bs - Ye ei 10x) = 2y =i oT aM ‘ ae i 0) f rn MID FeRM _@uESTIONNAIRE _(tmaTs UI) December —- 2020 Find dx igs (Shaw your “derailed seietns) A ) y= (csxtg) whore Ue K++ vs 2) xe G4)" 24\2 3d r= +2) Find 7" if > (show yeur“dotiled’ solutions) 4) xcs a a =constant 5) xt2p= 9 gute: use the equatien vee peege J Tet in Finding 1s CS bees o 0° —. nice: T|s Submit yar -solurions "cn Tinie“, correct or wrom Finish or nok finish. Tin not concern of your his’h Score . REMINDER | First Steps gly _ Am H 2 Q J S 7t Ys US If ae ee =™N oe = “~Y {I a 2] x +77 =o Aa, ye + Meo iy-0 ) & Prom Pe 1d 4 Sr er Pye bY art dyty so Finding 1, grt tee tye ol < 1%, ye TE! ag te a SURSHNY the ie fy! ¥ 5 ety __ yet! cen % ye 2 xy & 7 y ~ 7° t ey ~- 3 -Subehiiag the valie of Ft" fem given 1 y= -4L 6) Find y" if x4 + ye a where 4 is constant vifferentighng w/ respect +o x, 2% A&) if te A ax ys ° ty2y' = “ix oe then make the power +, t B oa af q's - te he Selling for" yt. Regier 7 by hy = Re dnd Tah ge or \ yo od, Ye - Surch huh WY ! 5) Fink 7 if x4 2722 Pi tluentighng w/ respect To Xs 2x+ ac 2 Solving 7" such bey 7 y= = paced me @ ia yee, acl 7 4 ay 4- Add te tackin Y ant non tren q ; CD Ft 7! EOE a aie content Meveahaing wy) vesptok tox, 2x-2n7'= O divide by 2 Ke yy se gt = 6 then $ bes a cebsite minimum at c. seed derwvatve C= Means crMical number or value. @ ¥ $"©) <0, then F has a rebfive marimug at c. @ tf $"@) = 0, then the test is nob applicable. Steps in Finding Mowing 3 Minima 5 f) differentia the eyation . 2) Set the equption to zen, 3 Find Me critical valye. D Gecko Rt the tical vale Hom spr \ 3) Sibsiitile the cific vale @) Refer te Gnkitins ©,@ 2 @ tr fh dhe | Macing & minima _ Yt Lane 7 PO) af | bf y Seer - Co i i po) ng a c ae Along the curve, we observed that bowen ARB, f'K) >0 Noor the weave ef f@is >0 oT the slope. 1s de. 4") = means. derivative of Fo) or oy or Ney S eit TG) = means Scope @ belt A 2B MG) 5 9 5 or Skpe is de ? the Sbpe js positive, upward G At pant Bs > MA) -0 t¢ . % : 7or there is Te Slope © ben Bec.4 Mae 5 the spe ic ited . , dovnward, @ At poimt Cy —p (X)=0; there ie he slope. ‘q Derwecn caps f'O)p0; the slope is posits G * pom D > FA)<0+ 4, rhor ° poi > HH=05 Ky slope @ bebveen DRE A 10)>0 » positive, upward. £3 ay kg ThE adit favo y= - (#3) 42> _ 25 nen Sraaten yr SS See test the oni values by SDT, -}om the fist derivative = f= iy a= 40 [sey ey by Po FB 0 -[Beoge Tu oat axge s “oe = 2x rag alerts the orien values Wes, Sor x=3 {b= i So oF rede fe lowes} term, divide beth | by g 2 le 30 wire nO it is, mininan ap x=f23. © ele Me 3 =z otha reduce, { "(d=-2 <0 ae * fron @) it is relahve napdnum a x=-3, Di a —————— @ Now, ceemng te condthons O & @, Lqy=-6 ubis <2 . ; 7 J Q= ~6<0 , Harefere fron @, th is lanve ‘ maxinun At x= |. shen, aye - $"Q=t6 >o, tarehre From D, it is reaive : ~ minum at x = 3, k @.. an 2 Exo Send rai Marina & nH fr he Puncin $6 x2 SS Hirani are x.d@)_248 wt iia > HQ) = )- 5 7 9 £G) Rae ae ciepity Fate, -<0 eS =e Sty t0 22), on Xe2 x Fling nha values ; (In ths case we Gn Ke, Simple nanipulaher) [oo ]o0 x={o J re) since it is sguyet root, ga We have hve values. O° yg moTOre, he critval vale sre, x= t3 & x23 S@ Frampe © % sa Find the releive maxyma & mining ‘br the function $@) = °- et + ox-F ' Pantin, Fiera, Bi I= axtizx t 9 ce Hest deruative 2) Sot the efaghion 10 zero, 0 = 9X-RX+9 us D Find the critica value, (in Wis case, we use the Motoring techn igi) factor the 2, 3 (ame) then Pachor the x=4x+3 3x) (K=3) % reaall yaur alsebra do the factor & )ab-~), we find the confi ; values « fr el 0 ’ : x-3=0 oa pas erefore He ailical valies ae K=1 & x=3 4) Tost He onhal values ra SDT, — trom the x fst deivatve wie is $19) =a reg We go 4p MQ) = ex- z 4) Sibshtule he ottial vahies, sing X=) Using x= 3 Fl) = 60)-n fQ-¢@-n "WO =-¢ f@=+6 nF ay srr age —— ee TEST: luge sor) Step © son a MO- 4X + First Periuahiye then A or Fan hit 148 d ea _ ae WA 2-420 therefore, from @ it js Ae Macimim ab K=30 We Gy now Sdve tor Ye dimencions using k= Soft, Selig Jor 3 Sing y= l20-2x then, y= Ro~2(30) = GOf dye js maximum, beanie x 4 5 my therefire, the dimension of yo Axium Maximum area hs 5 A=x%Y = JoH, x Gol. A= 1,600 54 o, EXAMI Find the tno five tani bai nisin prods whese x47 = 30 @ Produ _ — ; Sind the number We podwt > P= x.7 © = O -40) x ay Solufjon« step @) Z x me tes AH e eo © sola iauth of Since, xX+X +7 = 120 ax 17 = feo ~ let us Focus on area io find the dimensions ; A= XY Ste S Derees Hie X.Y inte one Variable. only. In tis Gs, We wil ce the 2 ae thy only yanable IMorefore 2 Hepes 7 mb x Dnckion. From stp @ 2xty=po = fl0-2x then, substitute the yn A= KT & = & (120-2x) A= Rox~ax* ¢—hawalt ng ane y, it 4s only ORE VATiAblé, the x, Sky @) 4 s jue) = . pode _2dge) \ 2.2K dy = 4x aw (20 -4x eFet Danialise pote see@ o= -4x xe 30 + te ental Vth © po-ag=0 — 4x = 120 SB © Aguicanqus OF MANA & MINIMA SAPS" 1 prpy Figure showing 4he relevant Seatares of roblem. 2 Using the Figure, Find 9 relationship bebveen the variqbles imvhred, Qo J. Express the hon as 4 function of none. of the variables (‘el ht the vanalteto be mximizetor mininize)), ; = 22x Samples ot || x: Opes Int OX ont, vangble. only, Choose x waratle te be mayimized or man med, Hun, ; A= &.(2x) 4) Find the Bet denushive ‘Lemly cne-virialle s) Sot the equation to fing WE BS he x, the crticad values - ) Map the SPT tp delermine what critica) values that are pdm or mixmum, Note: If you ebinin meré Han one crifeal Yales, Select the vais Hat gives MARINE ty Hie problem or Applicable to the problem, PAP Ons 4 roth Heagh & incing, 4 Parner vches Contain A cow in a pecd i i f a ms A etal a i a gis te Pik to provi OW W/ Maximum anzi 7 (Assume Hat no fence ts needed ons the eee is Hovis a right edge), — <= (Pep Constant yD f 0 os = wr e| aac] ae Sine V js r4 =4f -0 + Wr rt Ar Te > C a from © nt 1s Minimam at h=2r er rat 2 then ox press inte one variable: only in this ase , the Ae onrt + 2a prt a *\ vefible only sine y= prh then, he rm alba ating h, A> 2mr + an 2) Aho ye oP 4 2% ge ony ene wariahle, the T i constant wird z Vis constant or fixed Volune wv _ydr 4h otur 2 (Ta Cae vie ty sir ¥ 2fielnw 70 Lp b, (where Vis cence) Fast Ler a = ir- ae Setlny 4p ze, Pe 0-2 or amr 0 rE shen , lars av Tass Using SPT = rt cae = 4fr- oa tpetaail aA ) ca subshtvling v= teh = ange -2.4Ch) wee (te) -o-feseep or amrh=4r? D> ae a dhaeine, the tue Maximum postive numbers art, x= & FEI then, the sum po ir tur = 20 the maimin product =P PHx.7 pair) pa22e Example 3 A chased cylindrical tank is to be made wi a fixed volume, Find dhe relative dimencions of the tank which will reguire the Least amount of material in mating it- Salons Note; ved volume means conctant, not variable» Leask mans minimum, ~ his case, let ws Pocns_on Area to Find He dinendions. dry He fi gure, T | ' ann.) 4 Leb ws Bind the aes mitimwn her r nition rp, Let A = Talal Swrfqce ara of the tank Ax mea ofthe top = rt venrh Ay = ane of He botion = Irr™ Ag = arts of He She =2mrh Hen Thi Arca is, A= Apt Ab + As Astet te +2mrh A= 2ar + 2trh Gl Se® pexy 4 express imo ove vanable only, the x. £0, Soe for y fon @ xty=% 7 = 30-K © Suloshi he ny 5 pox (20-2) P= 30K-x* & only x ic pe vinadle @ SO AG _ ad Corset d Gor) _ dG? $4 ) = £60) dot) ar 30-2x © & the tnt Penveave ix Ste © 4 ae 50-m = 0 ~2x = -20 x=hs Ge oitecal value stp @ Fest. using SDT Pron Gi= 20-2x Hs aP (90-22) _ Al Gia Jr) = 4) 400) dP _ oz ste -2 <0 tharckre, tra @, x= /F 15 Miran on Value NOW, soliing for 7; from egustion @ x+7=30,=) 15+ 7= ees JE IS Simpify Sucthor Ye equakon , for easy Tochtie, [os en%s enna] de bo Sido By 2 WE ge x px ~2 thon factor dye common Tyce are +2 4-1 sheet (x42) Oe) if we Wit use =D it we wil Woe x1 ee or x=! To Tink -+he correct hE. value, select the value er \s App Nicable to He if we choose. a =-2 ti ied eppheable. “bhoredore. or x= | Ce He Figure) | thenthre, he length of Hie fourth side is, (see Figur), | axtz = z(i)+2 = in. Nolo > We cm vce also Gumdratic Form to Find x. Ge 4 (4-39) | ref Av cn 40) X+2 rn % tree) * 4 * by Pe = xe [Ook Eaes| + vex (i) : =i KX - = Kt Fe) +X ote 4X + ae Examples 2 = thee 2 1a ¢ aE vee TT = = rae 4x? Welt | (alr 4-x7 4x ax een tox” oe add the Tike terns, ad 3 2x -2x t# ira = Cra mphy gp multiply both cides by (Faq 0 = ~2H 2x +400 Or 2x" t 2x ~4 To +i dhe vied) value, use iso Jacforny, ~HF well se Factoring, imply fyrthar te equator. ot yar ra 0 é aA ova) ge sine vis qe 2) ee fm conctat by D, =47-o + 40r 5%; rt ape > 2 + few © ic mmm a hear or rob =z exayle® tre Sec & gn jtascles trapezoid are cach 2 1m long. anion Fink Hye Hength of jhe fourth side for Wap area, Figure ofthe Woke: [sasceles ~ means, hing us Sy 2 Cul | sides. bk ax+z2—4] Lés feows on ata, tm find lengli. Atta of Trapezoid ' am zGtbyh whe h = by Tyihyercan 5 TZa\ aie ht sabsHinfing, 4a geprast one varable ony A= sone al (F) & enly x variahle = Heni2t)(P) = $e CER) AS & +2) d (x42) PMcakiy, Ae oa AR] es) Ge

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