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Sydney Sebro

COMS 2102 Written Communication
Saturday 9th April 2022.
Dr. Keith Rowley’s Resignation Speech
Good afternoon to the honourable Ministers in attendance, members of the
Opposition, the Press and members of our Nation.
Two years ago, this world was struck with arguably the most devastating event
of the 21st Century. At the time, I ensured you - the people - that I would do
everything in my power as your leader to steer us out of these uncertain times.
When the first case of Covid 19 was discovered, we were quick to action,
implementing a nationwide lockdown to prevent community spread. My
Ministers and I ensured necessary adjustments were made to enable the
continuation of life as best as we could.
Classrooms and careers became accessible at the tip of our fingers. Our
nations’ heroes, the brave nurses and doctors at our hospitals and health
centres stepped forward to protect us, and when it came down to it, you, the
people, chose to keep faith in not only your government, but your Prime
Minister, to lead you for another term.
We’ve worked tirelessly with our medical professionals, the World Health
Organization and our fellow nations to find a solution to our common problem,
and thanks to the diplomatic relationships that we continue to share with
countries such as China and the United States of America, we were able to
secure over 1,546,826 doses of vaccines, administered to over 53% of our
Whilst life as we knew it was disrupted, we worked arduously to ensure that
we, the nation, did not fall by the proverbial waist side. Those affected by the
‘stay at home’ mandate was given the opportunity to still earn an income and
care for their families through the provision of grants, hampers and other well
needed assistance. Our long-standing commitment to providing free
healthcare to our citizens also ensured that every person affected had the
opportunity to seek medical care and attention which ultimately earned us the
praise and encouragement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2021.
Sydney Sebro
COMS 2102 Written Communication
Saturday 9th April 2022.
In acknowledging all that we have accomplished as a nation in the face of
adversity, any good leader cannot also acknowledge where they fell short.
Throughout this two-year period, the Ministry of Education has recorded that
over 46,000 students were unable to access learning through an online
environment. The unemployment rate jumped from 3.28% in 2019 to 6.74% in
2020 and continues to rise as we manoeuvre through these rocky waters.
Despite efforts made as your Prime Minister to ensure the comfort of our
people, I cannot ignore the plight of a nation that continues to suffer. I applaud
my ministers, public servants and other members of society that have done
their utmost best to act in the interest of the majority, and as your leader, I
take full responsibility for the issues that continue to face my people.
In holding myself accountable, I am here today to announce that I am stepping
down as your Prime Minister, and the leader of the People’s National
Movement. I hear the need for change, and I agree. Years ago, under the
expertise of the late Honourable Patrick Manning, the People’s National
Movement made a promise to ensure economic and social development,
dubbed ‘Vision 2020’. We have done all we could within the circumstances
that faced us. However, the future we worked so hard for is upon us, and it is
nothing like we imagined.
As we dust off the debris of a storm that seems to be passing, we must look
forward, and begin planning for this new life that is approaching. It is my belief,
that the youth of our nation are the new future. We’ve done our part to
educate them, and now it is time to allow them to continue shaping this
country into a nation they can be proud of. A nation they must have a say in, as
they are the benefactors of the investments made by us, their forefathers.
This pandemic has taught us a lot, but the most valuable lesson to date, has to
be that we must be open to change. That being said, I am challenging us all to
look to our youth, listen to them, and give them the opportunity to lead the
country they are inheriting.
In closing this address to the nation, until a new Prime Minister and leader of
the People’s National Movement is elected, I assure you that I will continue
Sydney Sebro
COMS 2102 Written Communication
Saturday 9th April 2022.
collaborating with my Ministers to guarantee that Trinidad and Tobago ushers
in this new era of possibilities prepared for any challenges that we may face. I
thank you, the nation for placing your trust in me to have your best interest at
heart and I will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition.
Trinidad and Tobago will prevail, good afternoon, all.

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