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1)select NomCli

from client
where upper(AdrCli)='SFAX'

2)select NomCli
from client
where substr(NomCli,1,1)=substr(NomCli,-1,1)

3)select NumTrav,DateSoum,DateLivr
from travail t,client c
where t.NumCli=c.NumCli and NomCli='Tounsi mohamed'

4)select CodeOper,Libelle
from client c,typeoper op,tach ta, travail t
where c.NumCli=t.NumCli and t.NumTrav=ta.NumTrav
and ta.CodeOper!=op.CodeOper

5)select CodeOper,NbUnites,Temps
from tache ta,travail t, client c
where c.Numcli=t.NumCli and T.NumTrav=ta.NumTrav
and t.NumCli=123

6)select NomEmp
from employe e,tache ta
where e.NumEmp=ta.NumEmp
and NumTrav=745

7)select c.NumCli,c.NomCli
from client c,travail t,TypeOper op
where to_number(to_char(DateSoum,'YYYY'))=2010 and CodeOper='FR'
order by c.NumCli

8)select op.CodeOper,op.libelle,sum(ta.Temps)
from typeoper op,tache ta,travail t
where ta.NumTrav=T.NumTrav and ta.CodeOper=op.CodeOper
and to_number(to_char(DateSoum,'YYYY'))=2010
group by op.CodeOper

9)select c.NumCli
from client c,travail t
where NumTrav=(select max(NumTrav)
from travail
where to_number(to_char(DateSoum,'YYYY'))=2010)

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