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Reduction of Contact Wire Strain near Dead Sections by Considering Sliding

Surface Level Differences

Senior Researcher, Current Collection Maintenance G.,
Power Supply Technology Div.

Dead sections are installed in the overhead contact line systems between power feed-
ing sections having different voltage phases on JR's AC electrified narrow-gauge lines.
There have been cases where train speed-up has been restricted because high bending
strain values tend to occur in the contact wire at the entrance of the dead section when a
pantograph passes them. To reduce this strain, the author considered the sliding surface
level differences caused by tension at both ends of the dead section and prepared an ex-
perimental dead section that reduced these differences. Pantograph running tests on this
dead section confirmed a reduction in contact wire strain.

Keywords: AC electrification, overhead contact line, dead section, contact wire strain, slid-
ing surface level difference

1. Introduction 2. Sliding surface level difference at both ends of dead

AC electrification is applied not only to the whole of
Shinkansen but also to several parts of narrow-gauge lines The contact wire and the insulator have different
of the JR (Japan Railways). Since these lines are electri- thicknesses and are joined at both ends of the dead sec-
fied at commercial frequencies, boundaries exist between tion with their sliding surfaces aligned, to make their
power feeding sections having different voltage phases neutral axes offset. When such a joint is subjected to
between and near substations. On narrow-gauge lines, tension, a bending moment will arise as shown in Fig. 2.
dead sections 8 m in length are installed on overhead con- This moment may cause elastic bending in the contact
tact lines between feeding sections with different phases wire and insulator, and, consequently, a sliding surface
(see Fig. 1). However, high bending strain values tend to level difference may occur. Figure 3 shows sliding sur-
occur in the contact wire when a pantograph passes the face level differences observed at the dead section in-
entrance of the dead sections, indicated with an arrow in stalled in the field. Such sliding surface level differences
Fig. 1. Therefore, there have been cases where train may have a considerable influence on the contact wire
speed-up has been restricted in apprehension of a con- strain caused by the pantograph passage. In an effort to
tact wire break caused by fatigue. reduce the strain on the contact wire, the author first
To reduce this strain, the author considered the dif- examined the likelihood of sliding surface level differences
ference in the sliding surface level at both ends of the occurring by calculating the deflection of both contact wire
dead section caused by tension and prepared an experi- and insulator. The author also examined in detail the
mental dead section that provided a smaller difference in contact wire strain waveforms already obtained to con-
the sliding surface level. A pantograph running test was firm the relationship between the sliding surface level
performed on this experimental dead section that proved differences and contact wire strain. Finally, the author
that both the sliding surface level difference and contact examined some methods aimed at reducing the sliding
wire strain were reduced. surface level differences.


Point at which high strain values occur.

Contact wire Tension



Fig. 1 Dead section (between different AC phase sections)

different Fig. 2 Moment caused by tension (schematic view)

74 QR of RTRI, Vol. 45, No. 2, May. 2004

Offset of neutral axes δ
Contact wire

Length of insulator

Length of installation fitting
Length of contact wire lt lf

(a) Model in 20 m span

Insulator x㧩lt yt㧩 x㧩

Tension T
Moment Mt
(b) Contact wire

x㧩-li /2 yi㧩 x㧩 x㧩li /2 yi㧩

Contact wire

Fig. 3 Sliding surface level dif ferences observed in the

differences T Moment Mi
field (c) Insulator

2.1 Examination of sliding surface level difference

occurrences by calculating deflection Mt Mi

Dead sections 8 m in length are generally installed
at the center of 20 m span, as shown in Fig. 1. To calcu-
late the deflection of the contact wire and insulator, it (d) Installation fitting
was assumed that all the parts of a dead section, i.e. the Fig. 4 Model used to calculate deflection
contact wire, insulator and installation fittings (i.e. those
parts connecting the contact wire with the insulator) form  T   
part of the 20 m-span model shown in Fig. 4 (a). Deflec- yt = c1 exp  x  + c2 exp − x ……(2)
tion by weight of the dead section itself or deformation of  ( EI )t   ( EI )t 
the installation fittings were ignored for the purposes of   
dyt T  T  T
this calculation. The contact wire, insulator and instal- = c1 exp  x − c2 exp− x  ……(3)
dx ( EI )t
  ( EI )t   ( EI )t 
lation fitting were also assumed to be subjected to ten-
sion T as in Figs. 4 (b) to (d). Also, the moments Mt and In the case of Fig. 4 (c), if the deflection of the insulator yi
Mi were expected to be generated between the contact wire is supposed to be 0 at x = ± l i/2, the deflection would be
and installation fitting, and between the installation fit- given by equation (4).
ting and insulator respectively. The contact wire and in-
d 2 yi
sulator were predicted to consequently deform as shown ( EI )i = M i + yiT ……(4)
in Figs. 4 (b) and (c). dx2
A deflection equation of a beam is normally expressed By solving equation (4) and taking symmetricalness into
by the following equation. consideration, we obtain equations (5) and (6).
(Flexural rigidity of beam) * (curvature of deflection of
 T  M
beam) = (Bending moment working on the beam) yi = ci cosh  x − i ……(5)
In the case of Fig. 4 (b), if the deflection of the contact  ( EI ) i  T
wire yt is supposed to be 0 at x=lt, the deflection would be dyi T  T 
given by equation (1). = ci sinh  x ……(6)
dx ( EI )i  ( EI ) i 
d yt
( EI )t = ytT ……(1) where (EI)t and (EI)i are the flexural rigidity of the con-
dx2 tact wire and insulator, respectively, and c1, c2 and ci are
By solving equation (1), we obtain equations (2) and (3). integral constants. If boundary conditions ① - ⑤ are
given, we can obtain c1, c2, c i, Mt and Mi, and also the
deflection form of contact wire and insulator.

QR of RTRI, Vol. 45, No. 2, May. 2004 75

Contact wire Installation Fitting Insulator Contact wire Installation Fitting Insulator

Sliding surface level

Sliding surface level

Ԙ ԙ

2mm 2mm
500mm 500mm

Position Position
Fig. 5 Result of the deflection calculation Fig. 7 Results of the deflection calculation
Parameters: Flexural rigidity of contact wire 130N・m 2 (with an angle)
Flexural rigidity of insulator 400N・m 2 ① : Upward 4 °② : Downward 1°
Offset of neutral axes 8.98mm Other parameters were similar to those in Fig. 5.
Tension 9.8kN
difference would effectively reduce the contact wire strain.
① Deflection of the contact wire yt = 0 at x=lt
② Deflection of the insulator yi = 0 at x= ± li/2 2.3 Methods to reduce the sliding surface level
③ Equilibrium of forces and moments on the contact wire difference
④ Equilibrium of forces and moments on the installation
fitting Methods to reduce the sliding surface level difference
⑤ Correspondence of dy/dx of the contact wire, insulator were examined by applying the deflection calculation
and installation fitting at the connecting point method described in 2. 1.
Figure 5 is the result of calculation. This shows that
the sliding surface level differences equal to the offset of 2.3.1 Attaching contact wire aslant to installation fitting
neutral axes δ occur at and near the installation fitting, If we can reduce the sliding surface level difference
as shown in Fig. 3. The occurrence of sliding surface level or its gradient by attaching the contact wire aslant to the
difference by tension is confirmed analytically. installation fitting, we can use an additional slider. Its
effect was examined by adding a term of angle to the
2.2 Influence of sliding surface level differences on boundary condition ⑤ mentioned in 2. 1. Figure 7 shows
contact wire strain the results of the calculation obtained in such a way. The
author calculated the deflection at various angles, but no
Figure 6 shows a contact wire strain waveform at the effect on the sliding surface level difference or its gradi-
entrance of the dead section obtained from a pantograph ent was found.
running test by using RTRI current collection test equip-
ment, in which the overlapping of peak ② onto ① can be 2.3.2 Giving curvature to the contact wire
observed. Figure 6 also shows the pantograph head posi- According to Fig. 5, the deflection of contact wire be-
tions corresponding to peaks ① and ② . Judging from fore the dead section makes an upward convex. Thus the
these pantograph head positions, peak ① seems to be author examined whether it would be possible to reduce
caused by the uplift by the passage of pantograph and the sliding surface level difference or its gradient by giv-
peak ② by the impact of the pantograph head to the slid- ing a downward convex curvature to the contact wire be-
ing surface level difference. Based on this waveform, it fore the dead section beforehand. For this examination,
was expected that decreases in the sliding surface level the contact wire deflection calculation model was modi-

Support point Entrance of dead section Exit of dead section Support point
Position of the truck

ԙ ˜
Contact wire strain

Strain measurement point

Pantograph running direction

Pantograph head position corresponding to peak Ԙ Pantograph head position corresponding to peak ԙ
Fig. 6 Contact wire strain waveform at the entrance of a dead section
(obtained from a pantograph running test, pantograph velocity 148 km/h)

76 QR of RTRI, Vol. 45, No. 2, May. 2004

Contact wire Installation Fitting Insulator
Non-curved part Curved part

Sliding surface level

length lts length ltc

Ԙ ԙ Ԛ

(a) Without tension

2mm 500mm
Fig. 9 Results of the deflection calculation
T (giving curvature)
Mtf      ① : Curvature length 1m, radius 1.5m
(b) With tension
     ② : Curvature length 0.5m, radius 1.5m
     ③ : No curvature given
Other parameters were similar to those in Fig. 5.
x㧩ltc ytc㧩 x㧩
vature is given, but no effect on the sliding surface level
difference or its gradient was found.
2.3.3 Applying moment to installation fitting
Mtt Mtf Reduction in the sliding surface level difference or
(c) Model used to calculate deflection of curved part its gradient was hardly expected by the methods described
Fig. 8 Model used to calculate deflection in 2. 3. 1 and 2. 3. 2. The author therefore examined the
(giving curvature to contact wire) effectiveness of applying a moment to the installation fit-
ting opposite to that caused by the tension indicated in
Fig. 2. We can examine its effect by adding a term of
fied as shown in Fig. 8 (a). Since the radius of the con- moment applied to the installation fitting to the bound-
tact wire deflection curve is around 100 m, a curve to this ary condition ④ mentioned in 2. 1. Figure 10 shows the
value was also given to the contact wire. Since these ra- result of calculation, which indicates that this method is
dii are sufficiently larger than the dimensions of the con- effective in reducing the sliding surface level difference.
tact wire cross section, the bending moment in the curved
part was expected to be proportional to the difference of Contact wire Installation Fitting Insulator
Sliding surface level

curvature degrees before and after deflection.

Moments Mtt and Mtf were to be generated between
non-curved part and curved part, and between curved part ԙ
and installation fitting, respectively. If the deflection of Ԙ
the curved part ytc is supposed to be 0 at x=ltc (the bound- 2mm
ary between the curved and non-curved part), the deflec- 500mm
tion equation of curved part is given by equation (7).
 d 2 yt 1 
( EI )t  2 c −  = ytc T − M tt ……(7) Fig. 10 Results of the deflection calculation
 dx R (applying moment to installation fitting)
By solving equation (7), we obtain equations (8) and (9). ① : No moment ② : With moment of 20N・m
 T   T  M tt ( EI ) t Other parameters were similar to those in Fig. 5.
ytc = c3 exp  x + c4 exp − x + − ……(8)
 ( EI )t   ( EI )t  T TR

T  T  3. Experimental dead section

dytc  T  
= c3 exp  x − c4 exp − x ……(9)
dx ( EI )t   ( EI )t   ( EI )t  Based on the examination described in 2. 3. 3, an ex-
where R is a curve radius given to the curved part, and c3 perimental dead section was prepared. In designing the
and c4 are integral constants. If boundary conditions ⑥- experimental dead section, it was considered that no ad-
⑧ are given additionally, c1 - c4, c i, Mtt, Mtf and Mi are ditional supporting structures (poles etc.) would be needed
obtained. to apply moment to the installation fitting. Consequently,
⑥ Deflection of the curved part ytc = 0 at x=ltc the dead section shown in Fig. 11, with 1 m-long arms at
⑦ Equilibrium of forces and moments on the curved part both ends, was devised. The arm is attached to the in-
⑧ Correspondence of dy/dx at the boundary of the curved stallation fitting slightly slanting upward. By hanging
and non-curved parts the tip of the arm, a moment opposite to that caused by
Examples of the calculation results are shown in Fig. tension is generated by the weight of dead section at both
9. Though the author calculated deflection at different R its ends.
and ltc values, the results indicated that the position of
the gradient of the sliding surface level shift when a cur-

QR of RTRI, Vol. 45, No. 2, May. 2004 77

Arm (length 1 m) 600

With arms

500 Without arm

Contact wire strain (˜10-6)


Fig. 11 Schematic view of experimental dead section

3.1 Pantograph running test using current collection
test equipment

A pantograph running test was performed with this 300

experimental dead section using RTRI current collection
test equipment. Figure 12 shows the experimental dead
section installed to the current collection test equipment
and observed just from the side with a super-anamorphic 200
lens.1) It is obvious that sliding surface level differences
at both ends of the dead section are reduced when arms
are attached. Loads working to the tip of the arms were
measured to be about 20 N, meaning that a little over 20
40 60 80 100 120 140 160
% of δ× T, or the moment caused by tension, were can-
celled. Pantograph velocity (km/h)
Figure 13 shows that the attached arms obviously Fig. 13 Result of pantograph running test
reduced the contact wire strain at the entrance of the dead Contact wire strain at the entrance of
section. In the case where arms are used, the maximum the dead section
value of measured strain was 420 × 10 -6 with the panto-
graph velocity up to 158 km/h. It was smaller than 500 km/h, was larger than that in the pantograph running
× 10 -6, or the strain value criterion set to avoid contact test and seemed to be due to the flexural rigidity of the
wire fatigue breaks. arms.
The elastic bending of the arm was expected to work
as a spring. Though the hanging load working to the tip
30mm Insulator (8 m) of the arm was reduced by contact wire uplift as the pan-
tograph passed, this load reduction should be smaller with

Local train 1st pantograph

ExpressԘ 1st pantograph

Sliding surface lebel difference
ExpressԘ 2nd pantograph
Contact wire strain (˜10-6)

Expressԙ 1st pantograph

Expressԙ 2nd pantograph

ExpressԚ 1st pantograph

ExpressԚ 2nd pantograph

ExpressԚ 3rd pantograph

Expressԛ 1st pantograph

Expressԛ 2nd pantograph

Fig. 12 Sliding surface level dif ferences observed with a
super-anamorphic lens
Upper: Without arm Lower: With arms

3.2 Field test 400

70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Since the result of the pantograph running test de-
scribed in 3. 1 was satisfactory, a field test was carried Train valocity (km/h)
out. Figure 14 shows the contact wire strain at the en- Fig. 14 Result of field test
trance of the dead section. The maximum value of mea- Contact wire strain at the
sured strain, 720 × 10-6 with the train velocity up to 125 entrance of the dead section

78 QR of RTRI, Vol. 45, No. 2, May. 2004

a softer spring, i.e. with smaller flexural rigidity of the pantograph running tests on this experimental dead sec-
arm in this case. The arms themselves are made of CFRP tion.
tubing. A spring constant was measured with the arm Based on the examination described in Chapter 2 of
for the pantograph running test at RTRI, it was 0.58 N/ this paper, there may be another way to reduce sliding
mm at the tip of the arm. For the sake of durability, the surface level differences and consequently contact wire
arms for a field test were made of thicker tubing than strain, i.e. by reducing the offset of neutral axes between
that for pantograph running testing. Though their spring the contact wire and the insulator by developing a thin-
constants were not measured, they should also have larger ner insulator. Though this may be difficult to develop, it
flexural rigidity, which seems to have worked unfavor- would seem to be worthy of consideration.
ably in keeping the hanging load during passage of the

4. Conclusion The author expresses his gratitude to the Kyushu

Railway Company for their cooperation in the field test.
The author has developed a method of reducing con-
tact wire strain near dead sections by reducing the slid-
ing surface level differences at both their ends. The au- References
thor also devised an experimental dead section, which has
1 m-long arms at both ends, this providing a smaller slid- 1) Manabe, K., Ichige, A., Aoki, M. : "Development of
ing surface level difference by hanging the tip of the arm Observation System for the Vibration of a Wire-Pan-
and generating a moment opposite to that caused by ten- tograph System with a Super-Anamorphic-Lens,"
sion. A reduction in contact wire strain was confirmed in Quart. Rep. of RTRI, pp. 2-3, Vol. 37, No. 1, 1996

QR of RTRI, Vol. 45, No. 2, May. 2004 79

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