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Work Product Evaluation

Inspection Guidelines

Participants and Their Responsibilities

Each participant in an inspection meeting has distinct responsibilities for the

preparation, procedures, and follow-up of the inspection. There are also some
common responsibilities among the various participants. The participants and
their responsibilities are detailed below.

1. Facilitator

The Facilitator of the inspection:

 Designs the preparation for the inspection meeting (sets the date, time, and
place; estimates required preparation times on the part of all participants;
plans the agenda).
 Decides on all participants.
 Distributes the materials for review to all participants at least two working
days before the inspection.
 Makes sure all participants understand their responsibilities and the goals of
the meeting.
 Reviews the materials of the work product to be evaluated prior to the
 Suggests techniques for identifying alternatives and setting priorities.
 Suggests methods/approaches for decision making and effective discussion.
 Interprets the meeting process, decisions, and action items.
 Assists and expedites group discussions (e.g., writes on the board and
draws diagrams).
 Keeps the meeting on schedule.
 Helps the group redirect its work by diagnosing problems and assessing
 Helps members of the group maintain effective working relationships.
 Takes notes for the meeting, including the formal recording of all problems
detected, violations found, solutions developed, and decisions made. A
separate individual might be appointed as a Scribe with this responsibility, if
 Signs the meeting attendance list.
 Fills out issue and action item tracking forms, as needed, for items involving
non-baselined work products.
 Prepares and distributes the meeting notes, including all action items, to all
meeting participants, those who were invited but did not attend, and other
relevant individuals.
 Documents issues and action items identified in meeting notes. Work Product Evaluation

2. Author(s)

If there is more than one Author of the work product under review, at least one
must be present at the inspection meeting. The Author may also serve as the
Facilitator, if appropriate. The Author(s):

 Provides the materials for review to the Facilitator before the inspection
 Leads the discussion by presenting all materials under review.
 Records all problems detected, violations found, and decisions made at the
appropriate level of detail to be able to apply the resulting updates to the
work product being evaluated. The Author’s notes supplement other notes
taken by the Facilitator or Scribe.
 Answers any questions regarding the work product being reviewed.
 Participates in the group discussions and decision making.
 Signs the meeting attendance list.
 Aids the Facilitator in writing the meeting notes, if necessary.
 After the inspection meeting, updates the evaluated materials with all
changes agreed upon during the inspection.
 After the inspection meeting, completes the incomplete work product
reviewed, using the input from the inspection.
3. Reviewers

Multiple Reviewers generally participate in the inspection. They may be peers,

subject matter experts, or other appropriate individuals. The basic idea is that
each Reviewer adds his or her viewpoint to the work product being evaluated.

It is usually most effective to have only one Reviewer per relevant subject area
participate in the inspection meeting. The Reviewers:

 Prepare before the inspection by thoroughly reading and taking notes about
the materials to be reviewed.
 Participate in the group discussions and decision making.
 Represent their individual areas of expertise relevant to the work product
being reviewed.
 Sign the meeting attendance list.
 Following the inspection meeting, evaluate the updates generated from the
inspection meeting (optional).

A sample agenda for an inspection meeting appears on the next page.

©2007 2 Work Product Evaluation

Inspection Agenda
<Meeting Name>

<Date, Start Time - End Time>


Purpose: <Purpose>

Objective: <Objective>

Note Taker: <Note Taker>

1. Introduce participants.

2. Revisit goals and responsibilities.

 Explain the goals of the inspection.

 Explain participants' responsibilities.
3. Review the work product.

 Detail each section of the work product.

 Locate defects, omissions, oversights, exceptions, discrepancies, contradictions,
and other problems; note invalid styles or techniques; uncover violations of
standards; discuss alternative methods.
 Hold group discussion and make decisions.
4. State the action items.

5. Decide to hold another inspection if necessary.

6. Sign the meeting attendance list.

©2007 3

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