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Law Enforcement Administration 4. Controlling
Administration of Police Organization 5. staffing
6. Reporting
Police - one of the pillars of the criminal justice system 7. Budgeting
that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law
and order and combating crime within the society. Principles of efficient Management
- comes from Latin "politia"-civil administration which
itself derives from the ancient Greek police "city" * Division of work - work specialization can increase
efficiency with the same amount of effort.
Administration - an organizational process concerned
with the implementation of objectives and plans and * Authority and Responsibility- authority includes the
internal operating efficiency. right to command and the power to require
obedience. One can not have authority without
Organization - a group of persons working together for responsibility.
a common goal or objectives.
* Discipline - necessary for an organization to function
Police Organization - a group of trained personnel in effectively, however, the state of the disciplinary
the field of public safety administration engaged in the process depends upon the quality of its leaders.
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the
maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and * Unity of Command - subordinate should receive
property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention orders from one superior only.
of crimes.
* Scalar Chain - the hierarchy of authority is the order
Enforcement - means to compel obedience to a law, of ranks from the highest to the lowest levels of the
regulation or command. organization. Shows the vertical hierarchy of the
organization which defines an unbroken chain of
Law Enforcement Agency - pertains to an organization units from top to bottom describing explicitly the
responsible for enforcing the laws. flow of authority.

Objectives - refer to the purpose by which the Organizational Units in the Police Organization
organization was created. Refer to the goals of the
organization. 1. Functional Units

Supervision - means the act of watching over the work Bureau - the largest organic functional unit within a
or tasks of the members of the organization to ensure large department; comprised of several divisions.
that desired results are achieved.
Division - a primary subdivision of a bureau.
Management - the process of directing and facilitating
the work of people organized in formal groups in order Section - functional unit within a division that is
to achieve objectives. Judicious or wise use of resources necessary for specialization.
(manpower, material,money,equipment,
supplies and time). Unit - functional group within a section or the
smallest functional group within an organization.
Hierarchy - represents the formal relationship among
superiors and subordinates in any given organization. 2. Territorial Units
Serves as the framework for the flow of authority
downward and obedience upward, through the Post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is
department. assigned for duty.

Authority - the right to command and control the Route - a length of streets designated for patrol
behavior of employees in lower positions within an purpose, also called line beat.
organizational hierarchy. Must be viewed in terms of
prescribed roles rather than of individuals. Beat - an area designed for patrol purposes
A particular position within the organization. Carries the whether foot or motorized.
same regardless of who occupies that position.
Sector - an area containing two or more beat,
Management/Administrative Functions route or post.
1. Planning
2. Organizing District - a geographical subdivision of a city for
patrol purposes, usually with its own station. duties include guarding of the tombs and
apprehending thieves
Area - a section or territorial division of a large city - introduced the use of dogs as guards and protectors.
each comprised of designated districts. 3. ROME
EVOLUTION OF THE POLICING SYSTEM - created the first organized police force called
ORIGIN OF THE WORD “POLICE” the city), which had the primary task of firefighting and
POLITEIA – Greek word which means government of the - the Vigiles acted as night watch, apprehendinng
city thieves, keeping an eye out for burglars and hunting
down runaway slaves, and were on occasion used to
POLITIA – Roman word which means condition of the maintain order in the streets
state or government - the Vigiles dealt primarily with petty crimes and
POLICE – French word which was later adopted by the looked for disturbances of the peace while they
English language patrolled the streets
- created a special unit called PRAETORIAN GUARDS, a
THEORIES OF POLICE SERVICE special force of guards used by Roman Emperors as
1. HOME RULE THEORY the Emperors' personal guards
- policemen are regarded as servants of the - as personal guards of the Emperor, their primary
community, who rely for the efficiency of their duty was to protect the Emperor from assassination and
functions upon the express needs of the people. other forms of attack against the Emperor.
- policemen are civil servants whose key duty is the
preservation of public peace and security. 4. ENGLAND
2. CONTINENTAL THEORY - required all males aged 12 and above to join a group
- policemen are regarded as state or servants of the of nine to form a TYTHING
higher authorities - members of the tything are called a TYTHINGMEN
- the people have no share or have little participation - a CONSTABLE served as a leader of ten tythings
with the duties nor connection with the police - the primary task of the things was to protect their
organization. village from thieves and animals
- tythings were later organized into SHIRES
CONCEPTS OF POLICE SERVICE - a shire was headed by a leader called SHIRE REEVE,
which is the origin of the word “sheriff”
1. OLD CONCEPT - their duty was to apprehend offenders
- police service gives the impression of being merely a b) PARISH CONSTABLES
suppressive machinery - a parish official charged with controlling crimes
- this philosophy advocates that the measurement of - appointed to serve for one year
police competence is the increasing number of - duties included organizing watchmen to guard the
arrests, throwing offenders in detention facilities rather gates
than trying to prevent them from committing crimes - during trouble, the watchman would raise a “HUE
2. MODERN CONCEPT AND CRY”, a call to arms where the rest of the parish
- regards police as the first line of defense of the would stop what they were doing and come to the aid
criminal justice system, an organ of crime prevention of the constable.
- police efficiency is measured by the decreasing
- broadens police activities to cater to social services
and has for its mission the welfare of the individual 1) ENGLAND
as well as that of the community in general. a. BOWSTREET RUNNERS - a group of men
organized to arrest offenders.
EARLY POLICING SYSTEM - organized by Henry Fielding, a magistrate in
London,in 1749 in London, England.
1. KIN POLICING - the name was adopted from the name of the street
- the family of the offended individual was expected where the office of Henry Fielding was located.
to assume responsibility for justice - when Henry Fielding retired as magistrate, he was
- the family of the victim was allowed to exact replaced by his blind brother, John Fielding
2. EGYPT - the law that created the first modern police force
- ancient rulers had elite unit to protect them in London England, called the Metropolitan Police
- created the MEDJAYS, a form of police force whose Service.
- this law was passed through the initiative of Sir
Robert Peel, a member of the Parliament d) the National Police Commission
- the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police e) the Philippine Public Safety College
Service is the Scotland Yard, now known as the New f) Philippine National Police
Scotland Yard g) Bureau of Fire Protection
h) Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
SIR ROBERT PEEL - recognized as the father of modern - the PPSC, PNP, BFP and BJMP were created under RA
policing system. 6975
- headed by the Secretary to be appointed by the
2. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA President and who shall serve at the pleasure of the
- created in 1845 in New York, USA - the Secretary shall be assisted by two (2)
- recognized as the first modern style police Undersecretaries and three (3) Assistant Secretaries
department in the US. a) Undersecretary for Local Government
- the largest police force in the world b) Undersecretary for Peace and Order
- modeled after the Metropolitan Police Service of - No retired or resigned military officer or police
London official may be appointed as Secretary within one
b. BOSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT (1) year from date of retirement or resignation
- the oldest police department in the US - the Secretary is also the ex officio chairman of the
- the first night watch was established in Boston in National Police Commission
- formally founded in May, 1854. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE DILG
1. Assist the President in the exercise of general
AUGUST VOLLMER - recognized as the Father of supervision over local governments;
Modern Law Enforcement for his contributions in the 2. Advise the President in the promulgation of policies,
development of the field of criminal justice in the US rules, regulations and other issuances on the general
- author of the book, Police Administration, which supervision over local governments and on public
served as the basic guide in the administration of the order and safety;
police organization in the US 3. Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other
- was the first police chief of Berkeley, California. issuance's implementing laws on public order and
safety, the general supervision over local
Important Personalities in the Evolution of Philippine governments and the promotion of local autonomy
Policing and community empowerment and monitor
Brig.Gen. Rafael Crame - the first Filipino Chief of the compliance thereof;
Philippine Constabulary in 1917. 4. Provide assistance towards legislation regarding local
Col. Antonio Torres - the first Filipino Chief of Police of governments, law enforcement and public safety;
the Manila Police Department in 1935. Establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and
Col. Lambert Javalera - the first chief of police of the projects to promote peace and order, ensure public
Manila Police Department after the Philippine safety and further strengthen the administrative,
Independence from the United States of America in technical and fiscal capabilities of local government
1946 offices and personnel;
Dir.Gen. Cesar Nazareno - the first chief of the 5. Formulate plans, policies and programs which will
Philippine National Police. meet local emergencies arising from natural and man-
made disasters; Establish a system of coordination and
HIGHLIGHTS OF RA 6975 – THE DEPARTMENT OF THE cooperation among the citizenry, local executives and
INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT OF the Department, to ensure effective and efficient
1990, RA 8551 – THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE delivery of basic services to the public;
REFORM AND REORGANIZATION ACT OF 6. Organize, train and equip primarily for the
1998 and RA 9708 performance of police functions, a police force that
is national in scope and civilian in character.
- formerly Department of Local Government (DLG) OF NATIONAL DEFENSE (DND)
- reorganized under RA 6975 - under RA 6975, the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) was in charge with external security while the
ORGANIZATION: - consist of: DILG was in charge with internal security
a) the Department proper - under RA 8551, the Armed Forces of the Philippines
b) existing bureaus and offices of the DLG is now in charge with both internal and external
c) local government units (LGU) security with the PNP as support through information
1) provincial governors gathering and performance of ordinary police
2) city and municipal mayors functions.
Philippine Heraldry Commission, for insignia of
NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION ranks, awards, medals of honor;
- an agency attached to the DILG for policy 9. Issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in
coordination matters pertaining to the discharge of its own
- shall exercise administrative control and powers and duties,and designate who among its
operational supervision over the PNP. personnel can issue processes and administer oaths
in connection therewith;
VISION OF THE NAPOLCOM 10. Inspect and assess the compliance of the PNP on
"We envision the National Police Commission as a the established criteria for manpower allocation,
highly dynamic, committed and responsive distribution and deployment and their impact on
administering and the community and the crime situation, and thereafter
controlling body, actively and effectively facilitating the formulate appropriate guidelines for maximization of
evolvement of a highly professional, competent, resources and effective utilization of the PNP
disciplined, credible and trustworthy PNP" personnel;
11. Monitor the performance of the local chief
MISSION OF THE NAPOLCOM executives as deputies of the Commission; and
"To administer and control the Philippine National 12. Monitor and investigate police anomalies and
Police with the end in view of maintaining a highly irregularities.
professional, competent, disciplined, credible and B. Advise the President on all matters involving police
trustworthy PNP” functions and administration;

POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NAPOLCOM C. Render to the President and to Congress an annual
A. Exercise administrative control and operational report of its activities and accomplishments during
supervision over the Philippine National Police (PNP) the thirty (30)days after the end of the calendar year,
which shall mean the power to: which shall include an appraisal of the conditions
1. Develop policies and promulgate a police manual obtaining in the organization and administration of
prescribing rules and regulations for efficient police agencies in the municipalities, cities and
organization, administration, and operation, provinces throughout the country, and
including recommendations for appropriate remedial
criteria for manpower allocation distribution and legislations;
deployment, recruitment, selection, promotion, and D. Recommend to the President, through the Secretary,
retirement of personnel and the conduct of within sixty (60) days before the commencement of
qualifying each calendar year, a crime prevention program; and
entrance and promotional examinations for E. Perform such other functions necessary to carry out
uniformed members; the provisions of R.A. 6975, as amended, other
2. Examine and audit, and thereafter establish existing laws and Presidential issuance's, and as the
standards for such purposes on a continuing basis, President may direct.
the performance,activities, and facilities of all police
agencies throughout the country; COMPOSITION OF NAPOLCOM
3. Establish a system of uniform crime reporting; 1. One chairperson
4. Conduct annual self-report surveys and compile 2. Four regular commissioner
statistical data for accurate assessment of the crime 3. The Chief PNP as ex officio member
situation and the proper evaluation of the efficiency Note:
and effectiveness of all police units in the country; * shall serve a term of office of six (6) years
5. Approve or modify plans and programs on education without reappointment or extension
and training, logistical requirements, * three of the four regular commissioners shall come
communications,records,information systems, crime from civilian sector and not former members of the
laboratory, crime prevention and crime reporting; police or military
6. Affirm, reverse or modify, through the National * the fourth regular commissioner shall come from
Appellate Board, personnel administrative actions the law enforcement sector either active or retired
involving the demotion or dismissal from the service * at least one (1) of the four regular commissioners
imposed upon members of the Philippine National shall be a woman
Police by the Chief of the Philippine National Police; * from among the three regular commissioners from
7. Exercise appellate jurisdiction through the Regional the civilian sector, the Vice Chairperson shall be
Appellate Boards, over administrative cases against chosen
policemen and over decisions on claims for police * the Vice Chairperson shall act as the Executive
benefits; Officer of the Commission
8. Prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment, * refer to the organizational structure of the
and uniforms and, after consultation with the NAPOLCOM
Important dates in the history of modern Philippine 1. PRIMARY OR LINE FUNCTIONS
Policing - functions that carry out the major purposes of the
1901 - ACT no. 175 of the Philippine Commission organization, delivering the services and dealing
established the Philippine constabulary on august 8, directly with the public
1901. - the backbone of the police department
1905 - the Philippine constabulary school was - examples of the line functions of the police are
established at the sta.lucia barracks in Intramuros on patrolling, traffic duties, crime investigation
February 17, 1905.
1908 - the Philippine constabulary school was 2. STAFF/ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS
transferred to Baguio City. - functions that are designed to support the line
1916 - the Philippine constabulary school was renamed functions and assist in the performance of the line
academy for officers of the Philippine constabulary. functions
1917 - on December 17, 1917, Brigadier General Rafael - examples of the staff functions of the police are
Crame from Rizal Province, became the first Filipino planning, research, budgeting and legal advice
chief of the Philippine constabulary.
1926 - the academy for officers of the Philippine 3. AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS
constabulary was renamed Philippine Constabulary - functions involving the logistical operations of the
Academy. organization
1936 - the Philippine Constabulary Academy became - examples are training, communication, maintenance,
the present day Philippine Military Academy. records management, supplies and equipment
1938 - The Philippine Constabulary became the existing management
and organized national police force of the country
pursuant to commonwealth act no. 343 dated June 23, ORGANIC UNITS IN A POLICE ORGANIZATION
1938 and EO no. 389 dated December 23, 1950. This
decree integrated local police forces into the Philippines 1. OPERATIONAL UNITS
constabulary operational and organizational set up. - those that perform primary or line functions
1966 - congress enacted RA no. 4864, the police act of - examples are patrol, traffic, investigation and vice
1966. This law also created the Police Commission control,
1972 - The POLCOM was reorganized as the National - those that perform the administrative functions
Police Commission. examples are personnel, finance, planning and
1975 - PD 765 was enacted. This law is called the Police training.
Integration Law of 1975. The Integrated National Police 3. SERVICE UNITS
was established with the Philippine Constabulary as - those that perform auxiliary functions
nucleus under the Department of national Defense. The - examples are communication, records
NAPOLCOM, originally under the office of the President management,supplies.
was transferred to the Ministry of National defense.
1985 - The National Police Commission was returned to ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE
the office of the President pursuant to E.O 1040. - the systematic arrangement of the relationship of the
1989 - Executive order 379 placed the Integrated members, positions,departments and
national Police directly under the command, supervision functions or work of the organization
and control of the President. This order vested the - it is comprised of functions, relationships,
NAPOLCOM with the powers of administrative control responsibilities and authorities of individuals within
and supervision over the Integrated National Police. the organization
1990 - RA 6975 was passed on December 13, 1990
establishing the Philippine National Police under a KINDS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES
reorganized Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG). A new National Police Commission 1. LINE
was created under the DILG. - the oldest and simplest kind; also called military
1998 - congress passed into law RA no. 8551 on - defined by its clear chain of command from the
February 25, 1998, otherwise known as the Philippine highest to the lowest and vice versa
National Police reform and reorganization act of 1998. - depicts the line functions of the organization
This act strengthened and expanded NAPOLCOM,s - orders or commands must come from the higher l
authority over the PNP to include administration of level of authority before it can be carried out
police entrance examination and conduct pre-charge - involves few departments
investigation against police anomalies and irregularities
and summary dismissal of erring police members. 2. FUNCTIONAL
- structure according to functions and specialized units
FUNCTIONS IN A POLICE ORGANIZATION - depicts staff functions of the organization
- responsibilities are divided among authorities who
are all accountable to the authority above. 5. SPECIALIZATION
- the assignment of particular personnel to particular
- a combination of the line and functional kind
- combines the flow of information from the line SPECIALIZATION OF JOBS (AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION)
structure with the staff departments that service, - the designation of certain activities or tasks as
advise, and support them ones that must be performed in a highly.
- generally more formal in nature and has many technological,scientific or precise manner
departments - areas of police specialization include undercover
works, crime scene operations, legal advising,
ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPLES computer work, SWAT operations and others
- the supreme source of government for any - the designation of particular persons as having
particular organization expertise in a specific area of work
- the right to exercise, to decide and to command - signifies the adaptation of an individual to the
by virtue of rank and position requirements through extensive training
- an organization exists because it serves a 6. CHAIN OF COMMAND
purpose. - the arrangement of officers from top to bottom
3. DOCTRINE on the basis of rank or position and authority.
- provides for the organization’s objectives
- provides the various actions, hence, policies, 7. COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY
procedures, rules and regulations of the org. - dictates that immediate commanders shall be
are based on the statement of doctrines responsible for the effective supervision and
4. DISCIPLINE control.
- comprising behavioral regulations
1. UNITY OF COMMAND The institution of police in the Philippines formally
- dictates that there should only be ONE MAN started during the Spanish period. The establishment of
commanding the police force was not entirely intended for crime
the unit to ensure uniformity in the execution of prevention nor peacekeeping. Rather, it was created as
orders an extension of the colonial military establishment.

2. SPAN OF CONTROL Ancient Roots

- the maximum number of subordinates that a superior
can effectively supervise The forerunner of the contemporary police system was
the practice of barangay chieftains to select
Factors affecting the span of control: able-bodied young men to protect their barangay
a) Leadership qualities of the supervisors during the night and were not required to work
b) Nature of the job and work conditions in the fields during daytime.Among the duties of
c) Complexity of task those selected were to protect the properties
d) Education and skill of the employees of the people in the barangay and protect their
crops and livestock from wild animals.
- conferring of an amount of authority by a superior Spanish Period
position to a lower-level position.
Carabineros de Seguridad Publica – organized in 1712
4. HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY for the purpose of carrying the regulations
- the relationship between superiors and of the Department of State; this was armed
subordinates and considered as the mounted police; years after, this
- serves as the framework for the flow of authority kind of police organization discharged the duties of a
downward and obedience upward through the port, harbor and river police.
Guardrilleros/Cuardillo – this was a body of rural police
HIERARCHY - represents the formal relationship by the Royal Decree of 18 January 1836, this decree
among superiors and subordinates in any given provided that 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants of
organization each province were to be enlisted in this police
organization for three years
as the nucleus and the integrated local police forces
Guardia Civil – this was created by a Royal Decree as components, under the Ministry of National
issued by the Crown on 12 February 1852 Defense
to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsular troops of - transferred the NAPOLCOM from the Office of the
their work in policing towns,it consisted of a body President to the Ministry of National Defense
of Filipino policemen organized originally in each
of the provincial capitals of the central provinces Post Martial Law Regime
of Luzon under the Alcalde Mayor
Executive Order No 1012 – transferred to the city and
American Period municipal government the operational
supervision and direction over all INP units assigned
The Americans established the United States Philippine within their locality; issued on July 10, 1985
Commission headed by General Howard Taft as its first
governor-general. On January 9, 1901, the Metropolitan Executive Order No 1040 – transferred the
Police Force of Manila was organized pursuant to Act administrative control and supervision of the INP
No 70of the Taft Commission. This has become the basis from the Ministry of National Defense to the National
for the celebration of the anniversary of the Manila’s Police Commission
Finest every January 9th.
RA 6975 – otherwise known as the Department of the
ACT NO 175 – entitled “An Act Providing for the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990,
Organization and Government of an Insular enacted on December 13,1990; reorganized the
Constabulary”,enacted on July 18, 1901. DILG and established the Philippine National Police,
Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Jail
Henry T. Allen - Captain of the 6th US cavalry, a Management and Penology and the Philippine Public
graduate of West Point class 1882. Father of the Safety College.
Philippine Constabulary.The first chief of the Philippine
Constabulary in 1901. RA 8551 – otherwise known as the Philippine National
Police Reform and Reorganization Act
ACT NO 183 - created the Manila Police Department, of 1998, enacted on February 25, 1998; this law
enacted on July 31, 1901. amended certain provisions of RA 6975.

CAPT GEORGE CURRY - the first chief of police RA 9708 - law amending the provisions of RA 6975 and
of the Manila Police Department in 1901. RA 8551 on the minimum educational
qualification for appointment to the PNP and
Act No 255 – the act that renamed the Insular adjusting the promotion system; approved on 12 August
Constabulary into Philippine Constabulary, 2009.
enacted on October 3, 1901 - An Act extending for five (5) years the reglementary
period for complying with the minimum educational
Executive Order 389 – ordered that the Philippine qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting
Constabulary be one of the four services the promotion system thereof,amending for the
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, enacted on purpose pertinent provisions of RA 6975 and RA 8551
December 23, 1940. and for other purposes.

Post-American Period

RA 4864 – otherwise known as the Police

Professionalization Act of 1966, enacted on September
8, 1966; created the Police Commission
(POLCOM) as a supervisory agency to oversee the
training and professionalization of the local
police forces under the Office of the President; later
POLCOM was renamed into National Police
Commission (NAPOLCOM).

Martial Law Period

PD 765 – otherwise known as the Integration Act of

1975,enacted on August 8, 1975;
established the Integrated National Police (INP)
composed of the Philippine Constabulary (PC)
License to Operate – (LTO) is a License
Law Enforcement Administration Certificate document, issued by the Chief,
Industrial Security Management Philippine National Police or his duly authorized
representative, authorizing a person to engage in
Active Security Measures employing security guard or detective, or a
1. Physical Barriers juridical person to establish, engage, direct,
2. Security lighting manage or operate an individual or a private
3. Vaults detective agency or private security
4. Locks agency/company security force after payment of
the prescribed dues or fees.
Passive Security Measures
1.Those that will deter man from committing Note: New applicants for license to operate shall
such act for fear of being caught charged in court be required to obtain a minimum capitalization
or get dismissed of one million pesos (P1,000,000.00) with a
2.Security education programs, investigation, minimum bank deposit of five hundred thousand
fire prevention seminars, personal security (P500, 000.00) pesos in order to start its
checks. business operation.

Company Guard Force – (CGF) a security force No regular license shall be granted to any private
maintained and operated by any private security agency unless it has a minimum of two
company/corporation utilizing any of its hundred (200) licensed private security
employees to watch, secure or guard its business personnel under its employ.
establishment premises, compound
or properties. No regular license shall be granted to a company
guard force or private detective agency unless it
Duty Detail Order - is a written order/schedule has a minimum of thirty (30) licensed private
issued by a superior officer usually the private security personnel under its employ.
security agency/branch manager or operations
officer assigning the performance of private The maximum number of private security
security/detective services duties. personnel that a PSA/CGF/PDA may employ
shall be one thousand (1000).
Factors that Bring About Unsecured Conditions
1. Threats - an activity that could lead to a loss. PADPAO – Philippine Association of Detective
2. Hazards - a condition that could lead to a loss. and Protective Agency Operators. Is an
3. Vulnerability - a weakness that can be used association of all licensed security agencies and
to gain access to an asset. company security forces in the Philippines.
4. Risk - a potential loss or damage to an asset.
Person - shall include not only natural persons
Government Guard Unit – (GGU) a security unit but also juridical persons such as corporation,
maintained and operated by any government partnership, company or association
entity other than military or police, which is dulyregistered with the Securities and Exchange
established and maintained for the purpose of Commission.
securing the office or compound and/or
extension of such government entity. Physical Barrier - any structure or physical
device capable of restricting, deterring, delaying,
Government Security Personnel – shall be illegal access to an installation.
natural persons which include government
security guards, detectives, security consultants PNP - Philippine National Police, under the DILG,
and security officers except those of the AFP, organized pursuant to the provision of RA 6975
PNP, or BJMP rendering or performing security otherwise known as the National Police Act of
and/or detective services as employed by 1991. The PNP shall exercise general supervision
Government entities. over the operators of all security agencies and
License to Exercise Profession – shall mean
any document issued by the Chief, PNP or his Powers and Duties of a Security Guard
duly authorized representative recognizing a 1. To watch and secure the property of the client.
person to be qualified to perform his duties as Service shall not extend beyond the property or
private security or training personnel. compound of client
1. Escort duties The rules above applies to a Private Security
2. Hot pursuit of criminal offenders Agency.

2. Security Guard and Private Detective have no Private Security Guard - (watchman) shall
police authority. include any person who offers or renders
personal service to watch or secure either a
Private Detective - is any person who does residence, business establishment, or buildings,
detective work for hire, reward or commission, compounds, areas, or property,
other than members of the Armed Forces of the inspects/monitors bodily checks/searches
Philippines, guards of the Bureau of Jail individuals and/or baggage and other forms of
Management and Penology, municipal or city jail security inspection, physically/ manually or
guards, and members of the Philippine National scientifically electronic, including but not limited
Police or of any other law enforcement agency of to, logging concessions and agricultural, mining
the government. or pasture lands, transportation, for hire or
compensation , or as an employee thereof,
Qualifications of a Private Detective including any employee of the national or local
1. Must be a Filipino citizen governments or agencies or instrumentality’s
2. Must be a high school graduate thereof and or government owned or controlled
3. Must be physically and mentally fit firm or corporations who is employed to watch
4. Must not be less than 21 nor more than 50 or secure government buildings, compounds,
years of age premises and other properties, other than
5. Must be at least 5 feet and 4 inches in members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
height guards of the Bureau of Jail management and
6. Must not be suffering from any of the ff: Penology, Municipal or City jail guards, and
disqualifications members of the Philippine National Police or of
a. Dishonorably discharged or separated any other law enforcement agency of the
from the AFP Government.
b. Mental incompetent
c. Addicted to the use of narcotic drug or Qualifications of a Security Guard
drugs 1. Must be a Filipino citizen
d. Habitual drunkard 2. Must be a high school graduate
7. Must not be convicted of any crime 3. Must be physically and mentally fit
involving moral turpitude 4. Must not be less than 21 nor more than 50
years of age
Private Detective Agency - is any person, who, 5. Must be at least 5 feet and 4 inches in
for hire or reward or on commission, conducts or height (RA 5487)
carries on or holds himself or itself out as 6. Must not be suffering from any of the ff:
conducting or carrying on a detective agency, or disqualifications
detective service. a. Dishonorably discharged or separated
from the AFP
Notes: b. Mental incompetent
1. All person used in a private detective work c. Addicted to the use of narcotic drug or
must be licensed drugs
2. All person employed solely for clerical or d. Habitual drunkard
manual work need no private detective license. 7. Must have undergone a pre-licensing
3. License (LTO) shall be displayed at all training course
times in a conspicuous and suitable place in the 8. Must not be convicted of any crime
agency office or headquarters of the agency and involving moral turpitude
shall be exhibited at the request of any person
whose jurisdiction is in relation with the Moral Turpitude - A phrase used in
business of the agency or the employees thereof, Criminal Law to describe conduct that is
or of the Chief of the PNP considered contrary to community standards of
or his duly authorized representative or any justice, honesty, or good morals.
peace officer.
4. The PNP shall exercise general supervision Crimes involving moral turpitude have
over the operation of all private detective and an inherent quality of baseness, vileness, or
private detective agency.
depravity with respect to a person's duty to 1. No new or moribund but previously
another or to society in general. licensed private security agency shall be granted
license to operate unless its business viability is
Examples of Crime Involving Moral Turpitude supported by evidence of assured clientele,
1. Rape adequate capitalization and the like.
2. Forgery
3. Robbery Moribund - (dying)(stagnant)(obsolescent) in
4. Prostitution terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigour.

Private Security Guard Agency - any person, 2. Private Security Agency operating at
association, partnership, or corporation, who regions outside its main office shall be required
recruits, trains, muster, furnishes, solicits to register with the nearest Police Provincial
individuals or business firms, private or Office and shall submit an authenticated machine
government-owned or controlled corporations copy of the following documents:
to engage his service or those of its watchmen. a) License to Operate
b) License of the FA’s to be issued
Who May Organize a Security Agency c) List of the officers and security
1. Any Filipino citizen guards
2. Corporation d) Appointment Order of
3. Partnership Branch/Detachment Manager (if any)
4. Association 8. All applicants for license to operate shall be
required to attend a private security
Limitations/Disqualification/Prohibitions In agency/company guard force operators and
Organizing A Security Agency management seminar/workshop.
1. Security Agency must be 100% Filipino 9. Prohibition on “KABIT SYSTEM” operators
owned 1. No licensed security agency shall
2. No person shall organize or have an operate, promote and enter into an agreement of
interest in, more than security agency “merger“ (kabit system) with any person or a
3. No agency shall offer, render or accept group of persons for the purpose of organizing a
services in gambling dens or other illegal branch unit or subsidiary under separate control
business establishments or enterprises. and ownership. Merger of security and detective
4. Must not be an elective or appointive agencies shall not be recognized without prior
government employees who may be called upon approval from the SEC with respect to their
on account of the functions of their respective Articles of Incorporation and the DTI, with
offices in the implementation and enforcement regards their business name.
of the Private Security Agency Law and any 2. Any of the following circumstances or
person related to such government employees a combination thereof shall be considered prima-
by affinity or consanguinity in the third civil facie evidence of the existence of “Kabit System”.
degree shall not hold any interest, directly or a) Maintaining a separate branch, unit
indirectly in any security guard or watchman or subsidiary office aside from the main office of
agency. the agency situated within the same locality
5. The extent of the security guard service b) Receiving direct payments from the
being furnished by the security agency shall not agency’s clientele and issuing officials receipt of
go beyond the compound and/or property of the their own distinct from that issued by the
person or establishment contracting the security agency concerned
service except when the security guards is c) Remitting directly Social Security
escorting big amount of money or valuables. System premiums, Medicare contributions and
6. Main Office - All agencies shall maintain a other premium for other policy insurance
main office in their registered addresses. benefits
d) Existence of an agreement between
Branch offices - may be established and the licensee and a branch manager thereof,
maintained in whereby the latter obligates himself to pay a
other provinces/ cities where the security certain percentage of his income to the former
agency has deployed security guards. on the condition that the control and supervision
of the guards posted by said branch shall course
7. Rules - Authority to operate outside on the manager thereof and that the licensee
principal offices. shall be exempt from liabilities/ obligations
attendant to the operation of said branch.
e) Keeping/maintaining separate Protective Security System - are those
payrolls for the branch employees signed and/or measures taken by an installation or unit to
approved by the branch manager only protect itself against sabotage, espionage or
f) Absence of record of monthly subversion.
income remittances to the main office when said
branch is authorized to make collections from RA 5487 - known as "The Private Security
the clients of the licensee Agency Law."
g) All other similar acts tending to
show separate and distinct Restricted Area - is any area in which personnel
relationship/personality/ownership/ or vehicles are controlled for reasons of security.
management. Restricted area is established to provide security
for installation or facilities and to promote
Qualifications of the Operator/Manager of a efficiency of security operations and economy in
Security Agency the use of security personnel.
1. Must be at least 25 years of age
2. Must be a College Graduate and/or No.3 SAGSD - Security Agency and Guard
below. Supervision Division. SAGSD is
3. Must be a commissioned officer in the under the PNP Civil Security Group.
inactive service of
the Armed Forces of the Philippines Security - is the state or quality of being secured,
4. Must be of good moral character freedom from fear or danger;assurance;
5. Must have no previous record of any certainty. To secure is to make safe or be
conviction of any crime or offense involving protected. From the Greek word SECUROS which
moral turpitude means safe, safety or secured.
6. Must not be suffering from any of the
following disqualifications: Security Guard - (watchman) Any person who
a. Dishonorably discharged or separated offers or renders personal service to watch or
from the AFP secure either residential or business
b. Mental incompetent establishment, or both, or any building,
c. Addicted to the use of narcotic drug or compound, or area including but not limited to
drugs logging concessions, agricultural, mining or
d. Habitual drunkard pasture lands for hire or compensation, or as an
7. Must have taken a course/seminar on employee thereof.
industrial Security Management and/or must
have adequate training or experience in security Security Hazards - is an act or condition which
business (IRR) results in a situation like a breach of the
protection system and the subsequent loss or
Note: One can not be a Commissioned officer in compromise of defense information, company
the inactive service of the AFP unless college secret or damage to personnel, property or
graduate. The law used the word and/or. facilities.

RA 5487 is a law. In case of conflict between the Three Major Areas of Security
law and its implementing rules and regulations 1. Physical Security - this concern with the
promulgated by the chief PNP, The law shall physical measures adopted to prevent
prevail. unauthorized access to equipment, facilities,
material and document and to safeguard them
Private Security Industry – shall cover those in against espionage,damage, loss and theft
the legitimate business of providing private 2. Personnel Security - this is as important as
security and detective services. physical security.
Personnel security starts even before the hiring
Private Security Personnel – shall be natural of an employee and remains to be maintained for
persons which include private security guards, as long as the person is employed.
private detectives, security consultants, and Its purpose is to insure that a firm hires those
security officers rendering/performing security best suited to assist the firm in achieving its
and/or detective services as employed by goals and objectives and once hired assist in
private security agencies and/or private firms. providing necessary security to the work force
while carrying out their functions
3. Document and Information Security - this Boston Police - first public police force
involves the protection of documents as established in 1631.
classified papers from loss, access by
unauthorized persons, damage, theft and Bow Street Patrols - a small body of police in
compromise through disclosure London who had been organized in the mid-18th
century by the novelist and magistrate Henry
Two Instances When the Chief PNP may Fielding and his half-brother, Sir John
deputize any security guard to assist the PNP Fielding.
in the performance of police duties.
1. In case of emergency Compurgation - also called Wager Of Law, in
2. In times of disaster or calamities early English law, method of settling issues of
fact by appeal to a type of character witness.
Types of Security
1. Industrial Security - a type of security Egypt - the first policing organization was
applied to business groups engaged in industries created in about 3000 BC.
like manufacturing, assembling, research and
development, processing, warehousing and even Emperor Augustus - organized one of the
agriculture. It may also mean the business of earliest form of organized policing in Rome in 7
providing security. BC. He divided the city of Rome into 14 regions
2. Hotel Security- a type of security applied to (wards), each consisting of vici (precincts)
hotels where its properties are protected from overseen by vicomagistri, who were responsible
pilferage, loss damage and the function in the for fire protection and other administrative and
hotel restaurants are not disturbed and troubled religious duties.
by outsiders or the guest themselves. This type
of security employs house detectives, uniforms New Scotland Yard - the headquarters of the
guard and supervisor and insures that hotel London Metropolitan Police.
guests and their personal effects are
safeguarded. New York Police - The first police department in
3. Bank Security- this type of security is concern the United States, it was established in 1844 and
with the bank operations. it was officially organized in 1845.
4. VIP Security- a type of security applied for the
protection of top-ranking officials of the Patrol - keep watch over (an area) by regularly
government or private entity, visiting persons of walking or travelling around it.
illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
5. School Security- a type of security that is Patrol Functions (Categories)
concern with the protection of the students, 1. Crime prevention - pro-active deterrence
faculty members, and school properties. 2. Law Enforcement - reactive deterrence
6. Supermarket or Mall Security- a type of 3. Order Maintenance - security
security which is concern with the protection of 4. Social Services - community welfare
the stores, warehouses, storage, its immediate
premises and properties as well as the Patrol As A Function
supermarket personnel and customers. Security 1. Constant Movement
personnel are trained to detect shoplifter, 2. Prevent/deter crime
robbery, and bomb detection and customer 3. Eliminate opportunity for crime
7. Other Types- this includes all other security Patrol Activities and Purposes
matters not covered in the above enumeration. 1. Crime Detection and Prevention
2. Apprehension of Criminals & Wanted
Law Enforcement Administration Suspects
3. Data & Information Collection
Police Patrol
4. Report Writing & Documentation
5. Public Assistance
1842 - the London Metropolitan Police 6. Peace Keeping and Order Maintenance
established the first detective branch. 7. Conflict Resolution
8. Traffic Control and Enforcement
Bobbies - British police. 9. Parking Enforcement
10.Law Enforcement Reduce Citizens’ Fear of
11.Detect and Enforce Code and Safety Principle 3 - Police must secure the willing co-
Violations operation of the public in voluntary observance
12.Rapid Responses to Emergencies of the law to be able to secure and maintain the
13.Public Relations respect of the public.
14.Police Visibility Principle 4 - The degree of co-operation of the
15.Property Protection public that can be secured diminishes
proportionately to the necessity of the use of
Patrol Method physical force.
1. Foot Patrol Principle 5 - Police seek and preserve public
2. Motorcycle Patrol favor not by catering to the public opinion but by
3. Motorized Patrol constantly demonstrating absolute impartial
4. Bike Patrol service to the law.
5. Horse Patrol Principle 6 - Police use physical force to the
6. Aircraft Patrol extent necessary to secure observance of the law
7. Watercraft Patrol or to restore order only when the exercise of
persuasion, advice and warning is found to be
Patrol Officer - is the backbone of the police insufficient.
department. Principle 7 - Police, at all times, should maintain
a relationship with the public that gives reality to
Patrol Supervision the historic tradition that the police are the
1. Hands on - supervisor involved in day to public and the public are the police; the police
day activities. being only members of the public who are paid
2. Command - supervisor shows up at to give full-time attention to duties which are
incident sites and gives orders incumbent on every citizen in the interests of
3. Counsel - supervisor available and when community welfare and existence.”
requested shows up at incident sites. Principle 8 - Police should always direct their
action strictly towards their functions and never
Patrol Techniques appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.
1. Routine Patrol Principle 9 - The test of police efficiency is the
2. Directed Patrol absence of crime and disorder, not the visible
3. D-Runs evidence of police action in dealing with it.
4. Saturation Patrol
5. Split Force Peeler - a police officer, especially in the United
6. Suspect-Oriented Patrol Kingdom and Australia. Derived from the name
of Sir Robert Peel who developed the
Police Traffic Enforcement Activities Metropolitan Police Act in 1928 which proved
1. Issue Traffic Citations to be the foundation for the modern police force
2. Issue Parking Citations in Britain.
3. Investigate Traffic Accidents
4. Arrest Drunk Drivers Police Functional Units
5. Enforce Seat belt Laws 1. Bureau - the largest organic functional unit
6. Direct Traffic within a large department. It comprises of
numbers of divisions.
Police Traffic Enforcement Purposes 2. Division - a primary subdivision of a
1. Insure Safety of Public bureau.
2. Reduce Accidents and Injuries 3. Section -functional unit within a division
3. Collect Information that is necessary for specialization.
4. Make Criminal Arrests 4. Unit -functional group within a section; or
5. Enforce Laws the smallest functional group within an
6. Facilitate Traffic Flow organization.

Peel's 9 (Nine) Principle Police Operations

Principle 1. The basic mission for which the 1. Patrol - 50 % Of Force - 80 % Of Budget
police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. 2. Criminal Investigation (Detectives) - Solve 20
Principle 2 - The ability of the police to perform % Of Cases Solved In Depth case screening
their duties is dependent upon public approval 3. Traffic
of police actions. 4. Support/Special Services
Police Territorial Units
1. Post - a fixed point or location to which an
officer is assigned for duty, such as a designated
desk or office or an intersection or cross walk
from traffic duty. It is a spot location for general
guard duty.
2. Route -a length of streets designated for
patrol purposes. It is also called Line Beat.
3. Beat - an area assigned for patrol purposes,
whether foot or motorized.
4. Sector - an area containing two or more
beats, routes, or post.
5. District-a geographical subdivision of a city
for patrol purposes, usually with its own station.
6. Area- a section or territorial division of a
large city each comprised of designated districts.

Polis - greek word which means city.

Purposes of Criminal Investigation

1. Determine whether or not a crime has been
2. Decide if the crime was committed within the
investigator’s jurisdiction.
3. Discover all facts pertaining to the complaint.
4. Gather and preserve physical evidence.
5. Identify the perpetrator.
6. Develop and follow up all clues.
7. Locate and apprehend the perpetrator.
8. Aid in the prosecution of the offender by
providing evidence of guilt that is admissible in
9. Testify effectively as a witness in court.
10.Recover stolen property.

Robert Peel - established the Metropolitan

Police Force for London based at Scotland Yard
in 1929. Father of modern policing system.

Specialized Units and Operations

1. Special Weapons & Tactics
2. Vice & Drugs
3. K-9
4. Organized Crime
5. Community Services
6. Crime analysis Law Enforcement Administration
7. Domestic Violence
Police Intelligence
8. Sex Crimes
9. Internal Affairs
10.Crime Prevention Accuracy of Information
11.Juvenile & School Service 1 - Confirmed By Other Sources
12.Intelligence 2 - Probably True
3 - Possibly True
4 - Doubtfully True
5 - Improbable
6 - Truth Can Not Be Judged
Alexander The Great - A Greek Conqueror, was administrative humiliation or unnecessary
able to identify those who are disloyal to him by injury.
ordering the opening of communication letter of 4. Restricted - this are information which
his men and was successful in uplifting the esprit should not be published or communicated to
de corps and morale of his men. anyone except for official purposes. These
records are daily files, routine in nature even if
Artificial Intelligence - The ability of a digital lost or destroyed will not affect operation or
computer or computer-controlled robot to administration.
perform tasks commonly associated with
intelligent beings. Classification of Sources of Information
1. Open Sources - 99% of the information
ASIS - Australian Secret Intelligence Service - collected are coming from open sources or
Primary responsibility is gathering intelligence obtained from overt operation.
from mainly Asian and Pacific interest using 2. Close Sources - only 1% of information are
agents stationed in wide variety of areas. Its obtained from covert operation.
main purpose like other most agencies is to
protect the country's political and economic Elements of Clandestine Operation
interest and ensure the safety of its citizens 1. Sponsor - directs the organization
against national threats. conducting the clandestine activity.
2. Target - person, place or things against
Bundesnachrichtendienst - BND, Federal which the clandestine activity is to be conducted.
Intelligence Service, is the foreign intelligence 3. Agent - refers to a person who conducts
agency of the German government, the BND act the clandestine operations, includes principal
as the early warning system to alert the German agents, action agents, and support agents.
government against threats to its interest
coming from abroad. Principal Agent - leader or management agent
in clandestine operation usually undertaken by
Categories of Intelligence the case officer.
1. National Intelligence - integrated product of
intelligence developed by all government Action Agent - one who conducts the
departments concerning the broad aspect of clandestine operation that includes:
national policy and national security. a. Espionage Agent - agent who
2. Departmental Intelligence - the intelligence clandestinely procures or collects information.
required by the department or agencies of the
government to execute its mission and discharge b. Propagandist - agents who molds the
its responsibilities. attitudes, opinions and actions of an individual
3. Military Intelligence - refers to the group or nation.
knowledge by the military institution essential in
the preparation and execution of military plans, Support Agent - agent who is engaged in
policies and programs. activities which supports the clandestine
operations that includes the ff:
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, is the civilian a. Surveillant - agent who observes
intelligence agency of the USA. It is the largest persons and places of operation of interest.
intelligence agency in the world. b. Investigator - agent who undertakes
to procure information or things of clandestine
Classifications of Documents operation.
1. Top Secret - calls for the utmost degree of Procurer of Funds - agent who obtains money
protection, Unauthorized revelation of this when needed for operational use.
materials and information will cause extremely
severe damage to the nation, politically, Safe House Keeper - agents who manages and
economically, or militarily. maintains a safe house for clandestine
2. Secret - unauthorized disclosure of this operations like meetings, safe heavens, training,
documents or things may put at risk the national briefing and debriefing.
security, cause serious injury to the reputation of
the nation. Communication Agent - agent who is detailed
3. Confidential - Unauthorized revelation of to secure clandestine communications.
which may be injurious to the reputation of the
nation or governmental activity or will cause
Coding - the changing of message from plain Crypto Analyst - refers to those persons who
clear text to unintelligible form, also known as break intercepted codes.
Cryptographer - refers to a person who is highly
Decoding - transforming of coded message into skilled in converting message from clear to
plain text, also known as decrypting. unintelligible forms by use of codes and ciphers.

Counter Intelligence - phase of intelligence Delilah - a biblical personality, she was able to
covering the activity devoted in destroying the gain information by using her beauty and charm,
effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and the she was responsible for the fall of Samson, a
protection of information against espionage, known Israelite leader and enemy of the
subversion and sabotage. Philistines.

Types of Counter Intelligence Frederick The Great - Father of organized

1. Passive CI Measures - protection of military espionage.
classified and sensitive information against
unauthorized access through secrecy, FSD - Federal Security Service of the Russian
communication security and other safeguards. Federation, is the main domestic security agency
2. Active CI Measures - are those measures of the Russian Federation, and the main
which seek actively to block enemies effort to successor of the Cheka, NKVD and the KGB.
gain information or engage in espionage,
subversion and sabotage. General Directorate For External Security -
France external intelligence agency, operating
Categories of Counter Intelligence Operations under the direction of the French Ministry of
1. Military Security - it encompasses the Defense.
measures taken by a command to protect itself
against espionage, enemy operation, sabotage, Heavy Water/Deuterium Oxide - A form of
subversion, or surprise. water that contains a larger than normal amount
2. Port Boundary and Travel Security - of the hydrogen isotope deuterium.
application of both military and civil security
measures for counter-intelligence control at Informants - any person who hand over
point of entry and departure, international information to the agents which is relevant to
borders and boundaries. the subject.
3. Civil Security - active and passive counter-
intelligence measures affecting the non-military Type of Informants
nationals permanently or temporarily residing in 1. Anonymous - unidentified or unknown
an area under military jurisdiction. informants.
4. Special Operations - counter subversion, 2. False Informant - reveals information of
sabotage and espionage. no consequences or value.
3. Frightened Informants - weakest link in
Objectives of Counter-Intelligence criminal chain, motivated by anxiety.
1. It denies information to the enemy 4. Self-Aggrandizing - moves around the the
2. It reduces the risk of a command center of criminals delight in surprising the
3. Aid in achieving surprises police about bits of information.
4. Increases the security of the command 5. Mercenary - information for sale, needed
5. Decrease the ability of the enemy to create something for exchange of information.
information about the forces. 6. Double Crosser - wants to get more
information from the police more than what he
Functions/Activities of Counter-Intelligence gives.
1. Protection of Information against 7. Women Informant - most dangerous type
espionage of informant.
2. Protection of personnel against subversion 8. Legitimate - operators of business.
3. Protection of installations and materials
against sabotage Motives of Informants
1. Vanity - conceited act/character of the
Cryptography - arts and science of codes and criminal resulting to self-betrayal or tantamount
ciphers. to guilt, gaining favorable attention and
importance by the police.
2. Civic-Mindedness - sense of duty and Collection - the intelligence officer must have
obligation to assist the police. thorough knowledge of the available sources of
3. Fear - a person under an illusion of information and collecting agencies and the type
oppression by enemies or of other impending of information they can provide and consider the
danger. following:
4. Repentance - one who has a change of a. Determine collecting agency
heart and wishes to report a crime that is b. Send orders or request
preying on his conscience. c. Supervise collection efforts
5. Gratitude or Gain - an expression of d. Use tools or techniques in collection
appreciation to obtain a privilege or an interest e. Ensure timely collection
in the welfare of his family during his detention.
6. Revenge - to settle a grudge due to settle a Factors in Choosing Collection Agents
previous injury. a. Capability - agents placement or access to
7. Jealousy - envious of the accomplishments target
or possessions of another and wishes to b. Multiplicity - more agents
humiliate him. c. Balance
8. Remuneration - a person who informs
solely for the pecuniary or other material gain he Processing - Five Steps
is to receive. 1. Recording - is the reduction of information
in writing or other form of graphical
Information Warfare - The manipulation of representation and arranging the information
information trusted by a target without the into groups of related items.
target's awareness to encourage them to make 2. Evaluation - is the determination of the
decisions against their own interest, but in the pertinence of the information to the operation,
interest of the one conducting the manipulation. reliability of the source or agency and the
accuracy of the information.
Informers - refers to any person who provides Pertinence - does it holds some value to current
information to the agents in a regular basis operation.
regarding a subject, they are paid either on a Reliability - judging the source of information or
regular or case to case basis. agency
Credibility - truth of information
Intelligence - the organized effort to collect 3. Analysis - is the stage in which the
information, to assist it Little by little, and piece collected information is subjected to review in
it together until it forms larger and clear pattern. order to satisfy significant facts and derive
(intelligence as an activity) conclusions there from.
- the end product resulting from the 4. Integration - the combination of the
collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and elements isolated analysis with other known
interpretation of all available information which information related to the operation.
may have immediate or potential 5. Interpretation - process of determining
significance to the development and execution of the significance of new information and its
plan, policies and programs of the user. meaning.
(intelligence as a product)
- an institution composed of person who Dissemination - processed information or
prepares a plan or formulating policies. intelligence data are disseminated to end users,
(intelligence as an institution) common methods of disseminating intel data are
conferences, briefing and person to person
Intelligence Cycle exchanges. In this process, consider the factors of
1. Planning timeliness, correctness and security.
2. Collection
3. Processing ISI - Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's
4. Dissemination premier intelligence agency. It was established in
1948. Its office is located in Islamabad.
Planning - the intelligence officer must have
a thorough knowledge of the available sources of Julius Caesar - in his time, the staff of each
information, the collecting agencies and type of legion includes ten speculators who served as an
information the latter can provide. information collecting agency. The Speculators
were the first intelligence personnel to appear in
a military organization. Military success of the
Romans was aided by the communication 2. Rough Shadowing - employed
system. Made use of pigeons as carrier which without special precautions, subject maybe
made intelligence transmittal very fast. aware of the surveillance, employed also when
the subject is a material witness and must be
Karl Schulmeister - known as Napoleon's Eye, protected from harm or other undesirable
he was credited for establishing counter- influences.
intelligence against spies. He is a master of deceit
who used black mail to obtain vital information 3. Close Tail - extreme precautions are
to identify the enemies of Napoleon. taken against losing the subject is employed
where constant surveillance is necessary.
Kinds of Covert Operation
1. Surveillance - is the covert, discreet 2. Casing - it is the careful inspection of a place
observation of people and places for the purpose to determine its suitability for a particular
of obtaining information concerning the operational purpose.
identities or activities of subjects.
3. Elicitation - the process of extracting
Surveillant - is the plainclothes investigator information from a person believe to be in
assigned to make the observation. possession of vital information without his
knowledge or suspicion.
Subject - can be a person, place, property and
vehicle, group of people, organization, or object. 4. Employment of Technical Means

Safe house - refers to place where agents meet Bugging - the use of an equipment or tool
each other for purposes of debriefing and to listen and record discreetly conversation of
reporting. other people.

Live Drop - refers to a place where agents or Wiretapping - a method of collecting

informants leave their messages to the other information through interception of telephone
agents. conversation.

Decoy - a person or object used by the subject in 5. Tactical Interrogation - it is the process or
an attempt to elude the surveillant. method of obtaining information from a
captured enemy who is reluctant to divulge
Convoy - an associate of the subject who follows information.
him to detect surveillance.
6. Observation and Description - it is a
Log - chronological records of activities that took method of collecting information by just merely
place in the establishment under surveillance. using the different senses.

Methods of Surveillance Methods and Techniques of Collecting

1. Stationary Surveillance - also referred Information
to as Fixed or Information - all evaluated materials of every
description including those derived from
Stakeout Surveillance - is used when you know observation, reports, rumors, imagery and other
or suspect that a person is at or will come to a sources from which intelligence is produced.
known location, when you suspect that stolen
goods are to be dropped or when informants Types of Agents Used in Collecting
have told you that a crime is going to be Information
committed. 1. Agent of Influence - agent who uses
authority to gain information.
2. Moving Surveillance/Shadowing/Tailing - 2. Agent in Place - agent who has been
simply the act of following a person. recruited within a highly sensitive target
Forms of Shadowing/Tailing 3. Penetration Agent - agent who have
1. Loose Tail - employed where a reached the enemy, gather information and able
general impression of the subject's habits and to get back without being caught.
associates is required. 4. Expendable Agent - agent who leaks false
information to the enemy.
5. Double Agent - an enemy agent who has
been taken into custody turned around and sent Categories of Police Intelligence
back where he came from as an agent of his 1. Strategic Intelligence - knowledge
captors. pertaining to the capabilities and vulnerabilities
of a foreign nation which is required by the
MI6 - Secret Intelligence Service, supplies the national planners for the formulation of an
British government of foreign intelligence. adequate national defense. Intelligence is for
long range.
MSS - Ministry of State Security, is the security 2. Counter-Intelligence - preparation and
agency of the Peoples Republic of China. execution of plans and programs to neutralize or
prevent any activities undesirable to the police
Mole - also known as sleeper agent. Tasked with organization.
monitoring an organization or individual. A mole 3. Line or Tactical Intelligence - intelligence
can spend years in the same place only information directly contributes to the
responding to missions when assigned. They are accomplishment of specific objectives and
trained to be visible but to keep their motives immediate in nature and necessary for more
unknown. effective police planning and operation.

Mossad - Institute for Intelligence and Special Components of Strategic Intelligence

Operations, is responsible for the intelligence 1. Political Intelligence - deals with
collection and covert operation of the Israel domestic and foreign affairs and relations of
government, Its Director reports directly to the government operations.
Israel Prime Minister. It is one of the entities of 2. Economic Intelligence - deals with the
the Israeli intelligence community along with extent and utilization of natural and human
AMAN (Military Intelligence) and SHIN BET resources to the industrial potential of the
(Internal Security) nation.
3. Transportation and Telecommunication
Moses - sent 12 scouts to the land of Canaan to intelligence – concerned with the operations
survey the land, the people, their location and and facilities of the military and civilians.
the nature of their cities.
Functional Classification of Police
NICA - National Intelligence Coordinating Intelligence
Agency, the primary intelligence gathering arm 1. Criminal Intelligence - refers to the
of the Philippines. Its motto is knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes
Knowledge is Safety. It is headed by a Director and the investigation, arrest and prosecution of
General and is assisted by a Deputy Director criminal offenders.
General. The Director General reports directly to 2. Internal Security Intelligence - refers to
the President of the Philippines. the knowledge essential to the maintenance of
peace and order.
EO 492 issued on February 1, 2006, 3. Public Safety Intelligence - refers to the
ordered the NICA to activate the National knowledge essential to ensure the protection of
Maritime Aerial Reconnaissance and lives and properties.
Surveillance Center or NMARSC. The NMARSC
shall serve as the primary intel provider for the Principles of Intelligence
Philippine intelligence community. Under the 1. Intelligence and Operation are interdependent
supervision and oversight of the National 2. Intelligence is continuous
Security Adviser, the NICA-NMARSC will operate 3. Intelligence must be useful
unmanned aerial vehicles or UAV's to cater to the 4. Intelligence operation requires imagination
imagery intelligence demands of various and foresight
government agencies. 5. intelligence must be available on time
6. Intelligence must be flexible
Police Intelligence - the end product resulting 7. Intelligence requires continuous security
from the collection, evaluation, analysis, measures
integration and interpretation of all available
information regarding the activities of criminals RAW - Research and Analysis Wing is India's
and other law violators for the purpose of external intelligence agency. Its primary function
effecting their arrest, obtaining evidence and is collection of external intelligence, counter-
prevent plan to commit crimes. terrorism and covert operations.
being investigated: Mayor, Police, Fiscal where
Reliability of Information the individual is a resident.
A - Completely Reliable 2. National Agency Check - it consist of
B - Usually Reliable LAC supplemented by investigation of the
C - Fairly Reliable records and files of the following agencies: PNP.
D - Not Usually Reliable ISAFP, NBI, CSC, Bureau of Immigration and
E - Unreliable other agencies.
F - Reliability Can Not Be Judge 3. Background Investigation - a check
made on an individual usually seeking
Saboteur - a spy or member of a clandestine employment through subject's records in the
organization who destroys machinery, bridges, police files, educational institutions, place of
equipment, or other products of the enemy. residence and former employers.

Security Clearance - is a certification by a Complete Background Investigation - a type of

responsible authority that the person described BI which is more comprehensive, it consist of
is clear to access and classify matters at detailed information regarding the subject.
appropriate levels.
Partial Background Investigation -
Interim Clearance - effective for 2 years. Final investigation of the background of an individual
Clearance - effective for 5 years. but limited only to some of the circumstances.

Security Measures and Operations in Relation Sun Tzu - author of the art of war.
To Intelligence
1. Physical Security - the broadest type of Undercover Operation - also called Roping - is
security that is concerned with the physical disguising one's own identity or using an
measures designed to safeguard personnel and assumed identity for the purpose of gaining the
prevent unauthorized access to equipment, trust of an individual or organization to learn
facilities, materials, documents and to protect secret information or to gain the trust of targeted
them from espionage, sabotage, damage, or theft. individuals in order to gain information or
2. Communication Security - the protection evidence.
resulting from the application of various Cover - it refers to the changing, forging, or
measures which prevent or delay the enemy or falsifying agent's real personality including but
unauthorized person in gaining information not limited to things, location, job and others
through communication. This includes that will be used in undercover assignments.
transmission, cryptographic and physical
security. Types of Cover
3. Documentary Security - protection of 1. Artificial -altering the background that
documents, classified matters and vital records will correspond to the operation.
from loss, access to unauthorized persons, 2. Multiple - includes different cover
damage, theft and compromise through proper 3. Natural - actual or true background
storage and procedure.
4. Personnel security - the sum total Hazards of Undercover Operations
procedures followed, inquiries conducted and 1. Reintegration back to normal duty
criteria applied to determine the work suitable 2. Maintenance of identity
to a particular applicant or the retention or
transfer of a particular employee. Uses and Types of Undercover Assignment
1. Residential Assignment - it is related to
Personnel Security Investigation - is an the neighborhood of the subject, where the agent
inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion, will live as a new resident without making any
integrity, morals and loyalty of an individual in suspicion. His mission is to make friends within
order to determine a person's suitability for its neighborhood and gather information
appointment and access to classified matters. regarding the subject and possibly getting closer
to the subject.
Types of PSI 2. Social Assignment - the agent will gain
1. Local Agency Check - refers to the access to the subject by going to the different
investigation of the records and files of agency in hangout places of the subject and gather
the area of principal residence of the individual information like knowing how to drink socially
without getting drunk.
3. Work Assignment - the agent will be A PNP member who has been relieved and
employed where the subject work to acquire assigned to a position lower than what is
information. The agent must know his work and established for his/her rank in the PNP staffing
focus his mind set and habit to his work pattern and who shall not be assigned to a
assignment position commensurate to such rank despite the
4. Subversive Organization - this is the most existence of a vacancy within 18 months after
dangerous of all the undercover assignment, the his/her demotion in position shall be retired or
agent will join the organization of the subject separated.
itself, he must know the ideologies of the group 4. Attrition by Non-Promotion
and the actions while inside should conform to A PNP member who has not been promoted
the organization to avoid any suspicion. for a continuous period of 10 years shall be
retired or separated.
5. Attrition by Other Means - a PNP member
with at least 5 years of accumulated active
service shall be separated based on any of the
following grounds:
a. Inefficiency based on poor performance
during the last 2 successive annual rating
b. Inefficiency based on poor performance
for 3 cumulative annual ratings.
c. Physical and/or mental incapacity to
perform police functions and duties
d. Failure to pass the required entrance
examination twice and/or finish the required
career courses except for justifiable reasons.
e. Refusal to take a periodic PNP Physical
fitness test without justifiable reason.
f. Failure to take PNP physical fitness test for
Law Enforcement Administration 4 consecutive periodic tests due to health
Police Personnel and Records Management reasons.
g. Failure to pass PNP physical fitness test
Attrition - refers to the retirement or separation for 2 consecutive periodic tests or 4 cumulative
from the police service of PNP uniformed periodic tests.
personnel pursuant to any of the means h. Non-Compliance with the minimum
mentioned in RA 8551. qualification standards for the permanency of
original appointment.
Means of Attrition
1. Attrition by attainment of maximum Attrition in Action - refers to the action
tenure in position containing the findings and evidence on a
a. Chief PNP - 4 years specific means of attrition filed by a particular
b. PNP Deputy Chief for Operation - 4 years screening committee before the concerned
c. PNP Deputy chief for Administration - 4 attrition board.
d. PNP Chief of the Directorial Staff - 4 years Authority - Managers must be able to give
e. Regional Directors - 6 years orders. Authority gives them this right. Note that
f. Provincial directors - 9 years responsibility arises wherever authority is
g. City Directors - 9 years exercised.
h. Other positions higher than provincial
director shall have the maximum tenure of 6 Budgeting - with all that goes with budgeting in
years. the form of planning, accounting and control.
2. Attrition by Relief
A PNP member who has been relieved for Centralization - Centralization refers to the
cause and has not been given an assignment degree to which subordinates are involved in
within 2 years from the effective date of such decision making. Whether decision making is
relief shall be retired or separated. centralized (to management) or decentralized
3. Attrition by Demotion in Position (to subordinates) is a question of proper
proportion. The task is to find the optimum the lower levels to the upper levels of the
degree of centralization for each situation. hierarchical structure.

Coordinating - that is the all-important duty of Grievance - a wrong considered as grounds for
interrelating the various parts of the work. complaint, or something believed to cause
Demotion in Position - refers to the designation
of a personnel to a position lower than what is Immediate Supervisor - refers to a person
established for his/her rank or not authorized to make the performance evaluation
commensurate to his/her rank in the PNP table rating of a PNP member.
of organization.
Initiative - Employees who are allowed to
Directing - that is the continuous task of making originate and carry out plans will exert high
decisions and embodying them in specific and levels of effort.
general orders and instructions and serving as
the leader of the enterprise. Just Cause - refers to the legal grounds that
would warrant the relief or removal of a PNP
Discipline - Employees must obey and respect member from his present position and
the rules that govern the organization. Good designation in the PNP organization.
discipline is the result of effective leadership,
a clear understanding between management and Management by rules - A bureaucracy follows a
workers regarding the organization’s rules, and consistent set of rules that control the functions
the judicious use of penalties for infractions of of the organization. Management controls the
the rules. lower levels of the organization's hierarchy by
applying established rules in a consistent and
Discipline - the practice of training people to predictable manner.
obey rules or a code of behavior, using
punishment to correct disobedience. Managers are salaried officials - A manager is
a salaried official and does own the administered
Division of labor - Authority and responsibility unit. All elements of a bureaucracy are defined
are clearly defined and officially sanctioned. Job with clearly defined roles and responsibilities
descriptions are specified with responsibilities and are managed by trained and experienced
and line of authority. All employees have thus specialists.
clearly defined rules in a system of authority and
subordination. Mandatory Career Courses - refers to the
required training for a PNP member to be
Division of Work - This principle is the same as eligible for promotion to the next higher rank.
Adam Smith's division of labor. Specialization
increases output by making employees more Max Weber - As a German academic, Weber was
efficient. primarily interested in the reasons behind the
employees’ actions and in why people who work
Equity - Managers should be kind and fair to in an organization accept the authority of their
their subordinates. superiors and comply with the rules of the
Esprit de corps - Promoting team spirit will
build harmony and unity within the Maximum Tenure of Position - is the maximum
organization. cumulative period for a PNP member to hold a
particular position level.
Field Training Program - refers to the training
required to make the temporary appointment of Mental Incapacity - is a condition where a PNP
a new PNP member permanent. member is unable to exercise his/her reasoning
faculties or incapable of understanding and
Formal hierarchical structure - An acting with discernment his/her duties and
organization is organized into a hierarchy of responsibilities as a result of illness or injury as
authority and follows a clear chain of command. may be determined by the PNP medical
The hierarchical structure effectively delineates screening committee.
the lines of authority and the subordination of
Non-Promotion - refers to the non advancement Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - is
to the next higher rank or position beyond the the evaluation of the traits, behavior and
maximum prescribed period. effectiveness of a police officer on the job as
determined by work standards.
Order - People and materials should be in the
right place at the right time. Police Compensation - Financial compensation
in the form of wages of salaries constitutes the
Organic Personnel To A Unit - is a PNP largest single expenditure for most
member assigned to a particular unit covered organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other
with appropriate PNP assignment orders. urban centers, wages of salaries represent the
sole source to meet the basic needs of food,
Original Appointment - refers to the clothing and shelter.
appointment for the initial entry of PNP member
to the uniformed service who meets all the Police Personnel Management - (Human
requirements of the position. Resources Management) may be defined as
that area of management concerned with human
Organizing - that is the establishment of the relations in the police organization.
formal structure of authority through which
work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the
coordinated for the defined objective. labor supply of jobs, which are composed with
the demands for employees in an organization to
Pendency of an Attrition Action - refers to the determine future personnel requirements, which
stage when the endorsement of the PRO regional either increase or decrease.
director or the NSU director of a PCO Attrition
action has been officially received by the Police Placement - is the process of making
concerned police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a
NHQ PCO attrition board through the NHQ new job and or working environment.
screening committee report of a PNCO attrition
action has been officially received by the NHQ/ Police Recruitment - is the process of
PRO/NSU attrition board. encouraging police applicant from outside an
organization to seek employment in an
Personnel Action on Attrition - is an action organization.
filed before the screening committee based on a
verified statement of an alleged means of Recruitment - refers to the overall process of
attrition by an initiating person. attracting, selecting and appointing suitable
candidates for jobs within an organisation, either
Personnel Administration - Recruitment, permanent or temporary.
induction, placement, transfer, promotion, salary
administration of Police personnel. Police Selections (screening) - is the process of
determining the most qualified police applicant
Personnel hired on grounds of technical for a given position in the police organization.
competence - Appointment to a position within
the organization is made on the grounds of Police Training and Development – refers to
technical competence. Work is assigned based on any method used to improve the attitude,
the experience and competence of the individual. knowledge, and skill or behavior pattern of an
employee for adequate performance of a given
Personnel Programs - refers to the activities job.
programmed to implement the organization
philosophy or creed and the personnel Promotion - is the advancement of an
philosophy of central managers in relation to employee's rank or position in an organizational
people so as to accomplish organizational hierarchy system.
Promotion - means shifting of an employee to a
Planning - that is working out in broad outline higher position carrying higher responsibilities,
the things that need to be done and the methods facilities, status and salaries.
for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for
the enterprise.
Physical Fitness Test - the method of evaluating Staffing - that is the whole personnel function of
the physical condition of PNP members in terms bringing in and training the staff and maintaining
of stamina, strength, speed and agility. favorable conditions of work.

Physical Incapacity - the inability of a PNP Subordination of individual interests to the

member to perform his/her duties and general interest – The interests of any one
responsibilities due to physical defect as a result employee or group of employees should not take
if disease or injury as may be determined by the precedence over the interests of the organisation
PNP medical screening committee. as a whole.

Poor Performance - is the poor rating in the Third Level PCO Ranks - refers to police
promulgated PNP performance evaluation rating commissioned officers with the rank of Police
system. Senior Superintendent and higher.

Remuneration - Workers must be paid a fair Total Permanent Physical Disability - is any
wage for their services. impairment of the body which renders PNP
member indefinitely incapable of substantially
Reporting - that is keeping those to whom the performing the mandated duties and functions of
executive is responsible informed as to what is his position.
going on, which thus includes keeping himself
and his subordinates informed through records, Transfer - refers to a change in job assignment.
research, and inspection.
Unity of Command - Every employee should
Respondent - refers to the PNP member receive orders from only one superior.
subjected to attrition proceedings. Unity of Direction - Each group of
Retirement - the termination of employment organisational activities that have the same
and official relations of a PNP member who objective should be directed by one manager
rendered at least 20 years of active service in the using one plan.
government with payment of corresponding
benefits. Waiver Program - refers to the waiver of the
minimum age, height, weight and educational
Scalar Chain - The line of authority from top requirements for the initial appointment to the
management to the lowest ranks represents the PNP pursuant to existing laws and policies.
scalar chain. Communications should follow this
chain. However, if following the chain creates Waiver - the act of choosing not to use or
delays, cross-communications can be allowed if require something that you are allowed to have
agreed to by all parties and superiors are kept or that is usually required.
Welfare - the health, happiness, and fortunes of
Second Level PCO Ranks - refers to police a person or group.
commissioned officers below the third level
ranks in the PNP. Written documents - All decisions, rules and
actions taken by the organization are formulated
Second Level PCNO Ranks - refers to all rank and recorded in writing. Written documents
for police noncommissioned officers. ensure that there is continuity of the
organization’s policies and procedures.
Separation - is the termination of employment
and official relations of a PNP member who
rendered less than 20 years of active service in
the government with payment of corresponding

Stability of tenure of personnel - High

employee turnover is inefficient. Management
should provide orderly personnel planning and
ensure that replacements are available to fill
Arvan Tavnii Tsagdaa - The National Police
Agency of Mongolia. Created in 1965 and with
its headquarters in the capital Ulaanbaatar.

Asean Police - Comparison

1. Afghanistan - Name of Police Agency - ANP
(Afghanistan National Police) Under What
Department - Ministry of the Interior
Highest Ranking Officer - Police General
Lowest Ranking Officer - 2nd Patrolman
2. Armenia - Name of Police Agency - Police of
the Republic of Armenia Under What
Department - Ministry of Defense
Highest Ranking Officer - Police Colonel
Lowest Ranking Officer - Junior Sergeant
3. Azerbaijan - Name of Police Agency - National
Police of the Republic of Azerbaijan Under What
Department - Ministry of the Internal Affairs
Highest Ranking Officer -
Lowest Ranking Officer -
4. Bahrain - Name of Police Agency - Bahrain
Law Enforcement Administration National Police Under What Department -
Comparative Police System Ministry of Interior
Highest Ranking Officer -
1998 - Asean Chiefs of Police (Aseanapol) was Lowest Ranking Officer -
estabished. 5. Bangladesh - Name of Police Agency -
Bangladesh Police Under What Department -
Members Aseanapol Ministry of Home Affairs
1. Indonesia Highest Ranking Officer - Inspector General of
2. Malaysia Police
3. Philippines Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable
4. Singapore 6. Bhutan - Name of Police Agency - Royal
5. Thailand Bhutan Police Under What Department -
6. Brunei Darussalam Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs
7. Vietnam Highest Ranking Officer - Gagpeon (Chief of
8. Laos PDR Police)
9. Myanmar Lowest Ranking Officer - Gagpa
10.Cambodia 7. Brunei - Name of Police Agency - Royal
Brunei Police Force Under What Department -
Abu Sayyaf - Abu means father and sayyaf Home Affairs Ministry
means swordsmith, is a militant Islamist group Highest Ranking Officer -
based in and around Jolo and Basilan, Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable
Philippines. 8. Myanmar - Name of Police Agency -
Myanmar Police Force Under What
Al Qaeda - literally means the base, a global Department - Ministry of Home Affairs
militant Islamist organization founded by Osama Highest Ranking Officer - Police Major General
bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several other Lowest Ranking Officer - Private
militants. 9. Cambodia - Name of Police Agency -
Cambodian Police Force Under What
Apostasy - is defined as the conscious Department - Ministry of Internal Affairs
abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or Highest Ranking Officer - Brigadier General
through deed. It includes the act of converting to Lowest Ranking Officer - Officer Cadet
another religion by a person who was born in a 10.Peoples Republic of China - Name of Police
Muslim family or who had previously accepted Agency - Peoples Armed Police Force Under
Islam. What Department - Ministry of Public
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner Public Security Directorate of the Ministry of
General Interior
Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable 2nd Class Highest Ranking Officer -
11.Cyprus - Name of Police Agency - Cyprus Lowest Ranking Officer -
Police Force Under What Department - 22.Kazakhstan - Name of Police Agency -
Ministry of Justice National Police of Kazakhstan Under What
Highest Ranking Officer - Chief of Police Department - National Security Committee of
Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable Ministry of internal Affairs
12.East Timor - Name of Police Agency - National Highest Ranking Officer - Procurator General
Police of East Timor Under What Department - Lowest Ranking Officer - Ryadovoy
Ministry of Internal Affairs 23.North Korea - Name of Police Agency -
Highest Ranking Officer - National Police Agency Under What
Lowest Ranking Officer - Department - Ministry of Public Security
13.Georgia - Name of Police Agency - Georgian Highest Ranking Officer - Daewon (Grand
National Police Under What Department - Marshall)
Department of Public Safety Lowest Ranking Officer - Chonsa (Private)
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner of 24.South Korea - Name of Police Agency - Korea
Police National Police Agency (KNPA) Under What
Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable Department - Ministry of Government
14.Hongkong - Name of Police Agency - Administration and Home Affairs
Hongkong Police Force Under What Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner
Department - Operations and Support General
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner of Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Officer
Police 25.Kuwait - Name of Police Agency - Kuwait
Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable National Police Under What Department -
15.India - Name of Police Agency - Indian Ministry of Internal Affairs
Police Service Under What Department - Highest Ranking Officer - Lieutenant General
Ministry of Internal Affairs Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner 26.Kyrgyzstan - Name of Police Agency -
Lowest Ranking Officer - Kyrgyzstan Police Under What Department -
16.Indonesia - Name of Police Agency - Ministry of Interior
Indonesian National Police Under What Highest Ranking Officer - General
Department - Ministry of Internal Affairs Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Officer
Highest Ranking Officer - Police General 27.Laos - Name of Police Agency - Laos
Lowest Ranking Officer - 2nd Bhayangkar National Police Under What Department -
17.Iran - Name of Police Agency - Iranian Ministry of Public Security
National Police Under What Department - Highest Ranking Officer - General
Ministry of Interior and Justice Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable
Highest Ranking Officer - 28.Lebanon - Name of Police Agency -
Lowest Ranking Officer - International Security Forces Under What
18.Iraq - Name of Police Agency - Iraqi Police Department - Ministry of Interior
Service Under What Department - Ministry of Highest Ranking Officer - Director General
Interior Lowest Ranking Officer - Gendarme
Highest Ranking Officer - Chief of Police 29.Macau - Name of Police Agency - Macau
Lowest Ranking Officer - Patrolman National Police Force Under What Department
19.Israel - Name of Police Agency - Israeli - Ministry of Internal Affairs
Police Force Under What Department - Highest Ranking Officer - Superintendent
Ministry of Internal Security Lowest Ranking Officer - Guard
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner 30.Malaysia - Name of Police Agency - Royal
Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable Malaysian Police Under What Department -
20.Japan - Name of Police Agency - National Ministry of Home Affairs
Police Agency Under What Department - Highest Ranking Officer - Inspector General of
National Public Safety Commission Police
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable
General 31.Maldives - Name of Police Agency -
Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Officer Maldives Police Under What Department -
21.Jordan - Name of Police Agency - Public National Security and Defense Branch
security Force Under What Department -
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner of 42.Sri Lanka - Name of Police Agency - Sri
Police Lanka Police Service Under What Department
Lowest Ranking Officer - Lance Constable - Defense Ministry
32.Mongolia - Name of Police Agency - Highest Ranking Officer - Inspector General of
Mongolia Public Security Force Under What Police
Department - Ministry of Justice and Home Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Constable Class
Affairs 4
Highest Ranking Officer - General 43.Syria - Name of Police Agency - Syria
Lowest Ranking Officer - Private Public Security Police Under What Department
33.Nepal - Name of Police Agency - Nepal - Ministry of Interior
Police Force Under What Department - Highest Ranking Officer - Director General
Ministry of Home Affairs Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Private
Highest Ranking Officer - Inspector General 44.Taiwan - Name of Police Agency - National
Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable Police Agency Under What Department -
34.Oman - Name of Police Agency - Royal Ministry of Interior
Oman Police Under What Department - Highest Ranking Officer - Police Supervisor
Ministry of Interior General
Highest Ranking Officer - Lieutenant General Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Rank 4
Lowest Ranking Officer - Conscript 45.Thailand - Name of Police Agency - Royal
35.Pakistan - Name of Police Agency - Pakistan Thai Police Force Under What Department -
Police Force Under What Department - Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Interior Highest Ranking Officer - Police General
Highest Ranking Officer - Inspector General Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable
Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable 46.Turkey - Name of Police Agency - Turkish
36.Papua New Guinea - Name of Police Agency - Police Under What Department - Ministry of
Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary Under Internal Affairs
What Department - Highest Ranking Officer - Director General
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner of Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Officer\
Police 47.Turkmenistan - Name of Police Agency -
Lowest Ranking Officer - Kiap (Patrol Officer) Turkmenistan National Police Force Under
37.Philippines - Name of Police Agency - What Department - Ministry of State Security
Philippine National Police Under What Highest Ranking Officer -
Department - Department of Interior and Lowest Ranking Officer -
Local Government 48.UAE Dubai - Name of Police Agency -
Highest Ranking Officer - Director General National Police Forces Under What
Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Officer 1 Department - Ministry of Interior
38.Qatar - Name of Police Agency - Qatar Highest Ranking Officer - General Commander
National Police Under What Department - Lowest Ranking Officer -
Ministry of Interior 49.Uzbekistan - Name of Police Agency -
Highest Ranking Officer - Uzbekistan Police Force Under What
Lowest Ranking Officer - Shurti Department - Ministry of Interior
39.Russia - Name of Police Agency – Militsiya Highest Ranking Officer - Director General
Under What Department - Ministry of Lowest Ranking Officer - Constable
Internal Affairs 50.Vietnam - Name of Police Agency - Peoples
Highest Ranking Officer - Police Colonel Police of Vietnam Under What Department -
Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Cadet Ministry of Public Security
40.Saudi Arabia - Name of Police Agency - Highest Ranking Officer - General
Departmemnt of Security Under What Lowest Ranking Officer -
Department - 51.Yemen - Name of Police Agency - Yemen
Highest Ranking Officer - National Police Force Under What Department
Lowest Ranking Officer - - Ministry of Interior
41.Singapore - Name of Police Agency - Highest Ranking Officer -
Singapore Police Force Under What Lowest Ranking Officer -
Department - Ministry of Internal Affairs
Highest Ranking Officer - Commissioner of Basic Functions of Criminal Justice System
Police 1. Policing
Lowest Ranking Officer - Police Constable 2. Adjudication
3. Correction
worldwide. It studies the similarities and
Centralized Police - A country with only one differences in structure, goals, punishment and
recognized police force which operates entire emphasis on rights as well as the history and
that country. It uses a centralized system of political stature of different systems.
policing. Philippines is an example of centralized
police because the Philippine National Police has Under What Department - Ministry of
one central office with many regional, provincial Internal Affairs - it is the science and art of
and local branches throughout the country. investigating and comparing the police system of
nations. It covers the study of police
Decentralized police - refers to a system where organizations, trainings and methods of policing
police administrations and operations are of various nations.
independent from one state to another. It is more
applicable to countries with federal government. Confucian thought - The belief that social order
can be achieved through moral and political
Comparative Criminology - Theories reform because man is by nature good or capable
(Scheider) of goodness.
Alertness to crime theory - is that as a nation
develops, people’s alertness to crime is Countries With Less Or No Crime
heightened, so they report more crime to police 1. Switzerland
and also demand the police become more 2. Japan
effective at solving crime problems. 3. Ireland
4. Egypt - Siwa Oasis
Chowkidar - in India, means one who inhabits a
"chowki", police station or guard house. Cybercrimes - are generally defined as any type
of illegal activity that makes use of the Internet, a
Economic or migration theory - is that crime private or public network, or an in-house
everywhere is the result of unrestrained computer system.
migration and over population in urban areas
such as ghettos and slums. Cyberstalking - a technologically based attack
on person because of anger, revenge, or control.
Opportunity theory - is that along with higher
standards of living, victims become more Computer Fraud - altering data or gaining
careless of their belongings, and opportunities unlawful use of computer or services.
for committing crime multiply.
Identity Theft - using another's personal
Demographic theory - is based on the event of information to commit fraud or other crimes.
when a greater number of children are being
born, because as these baby booms grow up, Computer Viruses - a program that copies itself
delinquent subcultures develop out of the and infects a computer.
adolescent identity crisis. Deprivation theory
holds that progress comes along with rising Denial of Service Attacks - making service
expectations, and people at the bottom develop unavailable to users.
unrealistic expectations while people at the top
don’t see themselves rising fast enough. Malware - malicious software that interferes
with the functioning of computers and sending
Modernization theory - sees the problem as data of user over the internet.
society becoming too complex.
Information warfare - attacks on information
Theory of anomie and synomie - (the latter and computer systems.
being a term referring to social cohesion on
values), suggests that progressive lifestyle and Different Police Global Organizations
norms result in the disintegration of older norms 1. ASEAN Chiefs of Police
that once held people together (anomie). 2. Europol
Chusai-san - the rural police officer in Japan. 4. Interpol
5. UN policing
Comparative Criminal Justice - it is as subfield
of the study of criminal justice systems
Drug Trafficking - Drug trafficking is the Illegal Drug Trade - the term being used in the
commercial exchange of drugs and drug international scene, it is a more comprehensive
paraphernalia. This include any equipment used term than drug trafficking as it includes
to manufacture illegal drugs or use them. cultivation and manufacture.

Elliniki Astynomia - is the national police International Crime - Defined as crimes against
service of Greece. the peace and security of mankind.

EUROPOL - It means European Police Office or International Crimes

Europol. Europol is the European Union’s 1. Aggression (by one state against another)
criminal intelligence agency. It became fully 2. Treat of aggression
operational on July 1,1999. Europol only acts on 3. Genocide (destroying a national, ethnic,
request at present. racial, or religious group)
4. Terrorism
EUROPOL's Mandate 5. Drug trafficking
1. llicit drug trafficking
2. Illicit immigration networks; International Criminal Justice - It involves the
3. Terrorism; Forgery of money study and description of one country’s law,
(counterfeiting of the euro) and other means of criminal procedure, or justice. Comparative
payment; criminal justice system attempts to build on the
4. Trafficking in human beings (including knowledge of criminal justice in one country by
child pornography); investigating and evaluating, in terms of another
5. Illicit vehicle trafficking; country, culture, or institution.
6. Money laundering
Interpol - (International Criminal Police
Gendarmerie Nationale - is the national rural Organization) It began in 1923,and at the same
police force of Algeria. time its name was International Criminal Police
Commission. In 1956, its name became
National Gendarmerie - is a branch of the International Criminal Police Organization.
French Armed Forces, in charge of public safety, Slowly, the name of this international
with police duties among the civilian population. organization became famous as Interpol. Now,
Interpol is the second biggest international
Globalization - is a process of interaction and organization; the United Nations is the first.
integration among the people, companies, and
government of different nations, as process Jemaah Islamiyah - (Islamic Congregation) is a
driven by international trade and investment Southeast Asian militant Islamist terrorist
and aided by information technology. organization dedicated to the establishment of a
regional Islamic caliphate in Southeast Asia.
Hezbollah - literally means "Party of God", is a
Shi'a Islamist militant group and political party Jolly R. Bugarin - a Filipino former President
based in Lebanon. of the Interpol, from 1980 to 1984. He is the
only Filipino who had achieved that feat.
Hongkong Police Force - It is the world's
second, and Asia's first, police agency to operate Koban - is a small neighborhood police station
with a modern policing system. found in Japan. Often translated to English as
Police Box. Koban are staffed by a relatively
Human Trafficking - the illegal movement of small number of police officers (usually 3-5
people, typically for the purposes of forced labor officers).
or commercial sexual exploitation.
Chuzaisho - (residential police box) is usually
IACP - (International Association of Chiefs of staffed by a single officer. The Chuzaisho is
Police) the world’s oldest and largest nonprofit typically located outside of urban districts in
membership organization of police executives, villages and is operated by one community
with over 20,000 members in over 80 different officer, who resides with his family in this police
countries. IACP’s leadership consists of the facility.
operating chief executes of international, federal,
state and local agencies of all sizes. Hashutsusho - (police box) The Hashutsusho is
typically placed in an urban district and is
operated by a number of community police RA 9208 - The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of
officers who work under a shift system. The 2003.
community officers generally live in the
jurisdiction served by the Hashutsusho. RA 9165 - Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
of 2002.
Model System - is used to described the
countries being used as topics of discussion. RA 9372 - Human Security Act of 2007.
These countries are chosen not because they are
greater than others but because they are the RA 9995 - Anti-Photo and Voyeurism Act of
focus of comparison being studied. 2009.

Money Laundering - the concealment of the Schupo - (Schutzpolizei), the state level police of
origins of illegally obtained money, typically by the German States.
means of transfers involving foreign banks or
legitimate businesses. Taliban - means "students", is an Islamic
fundamentalist political movement in
Mutawa - religious police in Saudi Arabia whose Afghanistan.
duty is to ensure strict adherence to established
codes of conduct. Terrorism - the unofficial or unauthorized use
of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of
National Public Safety Commission - is the political aims.
policy making and oversight body of the national
police forces in Japan and South Korea. Transnational Crime - It is a term that has been
used in comparative and international criminal
Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa - it literally means justice study in recent years to reflect the
"the policeman", is the national police force of complexity and enormity of global crime issues.
New Zealand. Policing in New Zealand started in It is defined by the United Nations (UN) offences
1840. whose inception, proportion and/or direct or
indirect effects involve in more than one country.
Palermo Protocols - are three protocols that
were adopted by the United Nations to Examples of Transnational Crimes
supplement the 2000 Convention against 1. Money laundering
Transnational Organized Crime. They are: 2. Drug trafficking
1. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and 3. Terrorism
Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women 4. Human trafficking
and Children; and 5. Cyber crime
2. The Protocol against the Smuggling of
Migrants by Land, Sea and Air. Transnational Organized Crime - involves the
3. The Protocol against the Illicit planning and execution of illicit business
Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms, Their ventures by groups or networks of individuals
Parts and Components and Ammunition working in more than one country. These
criminal groups use systematic violence and
POLRI - (Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia) corruption to achieve their goal. Crimes
Indonesian National Police. The Chief of Police of commonly include money laundering; human
Indonesia is called Kapolri. smuggling; cybercrime; and trafficking of
humans, drugs, weapons, endangered species,
Police Box - is a British telephone kiosk or body parts, or nuclear material.
callbox located in a public place for the use of
members of the police, or for members of the Types of Court Systems of the World
public to contact the police. Most are disused at 1. Adversarial System - the accused is innocent
present with the advent of two way radio and until proven guilty.
mobile phones. 2. Inquisitorial System - the accused is guilty
until proven innocent.
Polis Diraja - the Royal Malaysia police.
Vetting - is the process of performing a
RA 8792 - Electronic Commerce Act of 2000. background check on someone to ensure that
they are suitable for a job requiring secrecy,
loyalty, or trustworthiness.
Well Known Organized Crime Group
1. Russian Mafia - Around 200 Russian groups
that operate in nearly 60 countries worldwide.
They have been involved in racketeering, fraud,
tax evasion, gambling, drug trafficking, ransom,
robbery and murder.

2. La Cosa Nostra - Known as the Italian or

Italian-American mafia. The most prominent
organized crime group in the world from the
1920’s to the 1990’s. They have been involved in
violence, arson, bombings, torture, sharking,
gambling, drug trafficking, health insurance
fraud, and political and judicial corruption.

3. Yakuza - Japanese criminal group. Often

involved in multinational criminals activities,
including human trafficking, gambling,
prostitution, and undermining licit businesses.
4. FukChing - Chinese organized group in the
United States. They have been involved in
smuggling, street violence, and human

5. Triads - Underground criminal societies

based in Hong Kong. They control secret markets
and bus routes and are often involved in money
laundering and drug trafficking.

6. Heijin - Taiwanese gangsters who are often

executives in large corporations. They are often
involved in white collar crimes, such as illegal
stock trading and bribery, and sometimes run for
public office.

7. Jao Pho - Organized crime group in Thailand.

They are often involved in illegal political and
business activity.

8. Red Wa - Gangsters from Thailand. They are

involved in manufacturing and trafficking

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