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Renoballes, Schanelle Louise P.

ABM 11-3 Set B

Before we begin, everyone, I just want you to ask one question and kindly
answer me in a truthful manner. Does cheating help you from passing your exams?
Well, for me, it really does. Cheating really helped me to pass my exams, especially
those subjects that are very hard to deal with. Cheating is the easiest way for me to
pass that scary subject. Why study hard right? When we can just look side-by-side to
see the answers? Imagine, you will read different books and modules which only be
your sleeping pill right after? It’s very tiring. Why study hard? When can we study in the
easiest way?

Existing here in this world and attending school for about more than a decade is
such a very tiring thing that we students have to encounter first before we step up to
success. Imagine the stress we experience, from commuting going to school, projects
that needs to be accomplish before the due date, performance tasks that requires so
much energy and effort to put on so that you would get a high grade, and last but not
the least, the most terrifying schoolwork that I know everyone were afraid of, the exams
where we students are required to answer every examination that would be given by our
teacher. For that reason, we have to take it to be able to assess and test how much
knowledge that we have absorbed into our brain. So if you get a low score, meaning,
the knowledge that you absorbed from listening to your teacher was not that high, that
concludes that you have poor learning and understanding in academic matters. It’s very
sad to think right? I know guys, we are always doing our best for us to pass. So we tend
to study. But for us students that don’t really have high intellectual thinking, studying
and reading is not enough to have high grades. Some teachers really rely on your
written works and make it their basis to judge you and give you the grade that they think
will fit you. And we all know that sometimes, even if we have studied the lesson, we are
still unfortunate and fail it. If I were in that situation, I would surely be frustrated and
disappointed in myself. That’s the cons of studying!

Another cons of studying, aside from it's very disappointing to do, it’s also tiring.
Imagine, you will consume so much time. Some of the things you wanted to do at that
time will not happen because you choose to study over your happiness. It will take you
hours and minutes just to review your past lesson. Also, you might get a lack of sleep. I
don’t think it’s a good sacrifice at all. And take note, not all that you have reviewed
would be shown in your exam. There's a low chance that all of it will be there. See, it's a
sign that your review time or study time is not worth it at all. Lastly, you will get
pressure. When our brain receives and absorbs so much information coming from your
environment, it might have the possibility to experience mental blocking. So if you read
and review that information from your lesson, you might experience mental blocking
leading to shuffling all the information you have studied. So who would be the one to
blame? You, who is a student that persistently gives an effort to study but unluckily got
a low score? Or the teacher who assumed that you really learned from him and tried to
test you? Of course, the blame will point out to you itself leading to feeling disappointed.
We are lucky that passing those exams that made us cry every single day has a
way to be able to answer it without exerting a huge amount of energy. It's a good thing
that cheating is here with us at all times. You will not mind not at all about the lesson.
You will just sit on the chair, bring out your paper and pen and then your environment
itself will then give you an answer. By looking only to the side, plus asking your
seatmate what's the answer, you will finally have an answer to write on your sheet.
When we cheat, our time will not be wasted on only one thing. We could be productive
because we don’t need to bang our heads in several books that are as thick as the bark
on a tree just to pass an exam. With the use of just cheating, easy passing, chilling life.
Cheating doesn't drive us into complicated situations unlike studying. Anyway, other
than these statements, cheating also develops our social communication skills. We will
build connection between our classmates through helping them also with other
questions that they find difficult too. That’s the power of teamwork!

Cheating made our life easier and time-saving for us students. It allowed us to
freely do other things without sacrificing any of it, especially if that is our source of
happiness. It made our life go smoothly and fast as on the road as on an expressway.
No analyzing and critical-thinking that is needed to ponder for us to pass. Just a smooth
road to track. Imagine, we would have passed exams and all, rewarded ourselves from
getting a high score and got awarded an achievement even though we didn’t put in so
much effort. Then walk on the shiny-tiled floor using a pair of shoes that doesn’t have
enough friction. Well, it’s good though instead of taking a path with a rocky road. We
want our lives to go smoothly. So we’ll take the shiny-tiled floor instead. And finally, we
are about to take hold of the prize that we have been waiting for a long time… We feel
that this certain prize becomes nearer and nearer as we walk along the path…  It looks
fantastic and a little bit exciting.

However, walking on a shiny-tiled floor with the use of a pair of shoes that
doesn’t have enough friction is slippery. It would make us fall down easily. If you
continue to walk, you will fall many times to the ground because of too much
smoothness. People, we all know that the prize is very near now to us then suddenly,
but because we easily fall, it feels like, even though we are seeing the prize already
along this path, it feels like it’s still way too far from the success we deserve to have. But
this path is easier compared to the rough road where various thorns and risks are there,
welcoming you with pains and hardships. In the back of our mind, we will start to ask
ourselves if taking the smoother path is worth the risk at all. Does walking along this
path satisfy, ourselves from what we have done, the cheating instead of studying hard?
Would we still walk along this shiny-tiled floor together with your pair of shoes which
doesn’t have enough friction?

My fellow students, academically speaking, our life as a student doesn’t really

have to be as smooth as the tiled floor or as smooth as an expressway. Just like what I
have said, it will only keep us falling many times even if our only intention is to gain the
prize. We are doing nothing on that path except for gaining the prize. But we keep
falling endlessly. We already knew that our life as a student is a race to success. But if
we use a pair of shoes that don’t have friction at all, I promise, you will not win the race.
Again, we will easily fall to the ground even if we try to walk along the path of smooth
floor. Shoes which don’t have friction showing that we don’t have strong things that
keep hold onto the ground. Just like in cheating, if we continuously do it, the knowledge
that we supposedly get is eventually lost because we just choose to copy the answers
of others. Since we rely to other’s ability, in ourselves, we do not have an own cord to
hold on. We do not have our own friction on our shoes that will equip us on a road that
is full of hindrances. The friction that I am talking to is our gained intelligence from what
we truly understand from the lessons that taught from us. It will serve as our equipment
along the path. If some of us think that our race is just gaining the prize always by
passing your exams with fraud, well that’s not really what you think. The true race of
being a student is when you choose a track which strengthens your self to do better. It’s
okay to have slow progress on steps going to the finish line. It doesn’t matter if it took
you hours and hundred minutes just to read a single module. As long as your integrity of
your soul is always present during your assessment, it is enough to say that you are
doing your best. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. What you should be afraid of is
when you choose to follow your wrong discernment of your mind and lose the
knowledge that was given to you at the beginning. In the saying of Mr. Albert Einstein to
those people who are afraid to make mistakes means never getting tired of trying a
new. Mistakes don't matter in your appearance as a human. Mistakes do matter in
making your way to the deep understanding in life which serve as your channel to
achieve real success. 

Cheating made our life easier. Cheating won’t drive us insane and think of more
complicated things just to solve one problem in an exam. It helped us pass an exam but
one thing that I assure you, choosing this decision will even somehow push you to a
smooth path but the consequence is you will fall easily and stumble by the others. And
while on the other hand, choosing to a path that shout for your integrity will drive you to
a rocky road where you will experience pain, suffer and hindrances that will shaken you
as a student that will gradually equip you from the other big waves that may comes to
your life which molds you to a stronger one who keeps on going to the flow of real life,
walk with a pair of shoe with friction that tightly holds on the ground along the way of

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