What Are The Cultural Patterns 6

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What is self and social behavior?

Self is the one that differentiate us from the other

person, it could be by our character, personality, hobbies, behavior, and our qualities as a
person. we could call ourselves as me, myself, and I. self and identity are not the same,
self is what makes you YOU, and identity is what you THINK you are. you are not your
name, you could have someone who have the same name and surname as yours, and you
are not your form, there's a lot of people in the world that could look the same as you.
There are three types of self and those are private self, public self, and collective self.
Private self is when a person became aware of themselves. For example, when we look in
the mirror and see the reflection of us we created a form of idea that this is how we look
like. Public self is how the people see you or judge you by how you present yourself. For
example, I don’t smile that often so people tends to think that I am mad or I’m not in the
mood and I have an arched eyebrow so they thought that I’m mean. Collective self is
how the people related to you see you. For example, you always add “po” and “opo”
when you’re speaking with your elder relatives so they visualize you as a polite person.

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