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( t« f\ »« .«+p« !ttrz// «\:) (TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE BORROWER)
(Perlot4 r: ly Ql Kufra ssioi of slork slalemenI Forlhnighlly/mon
thly/quarterly/half yearly )
Statement as on                                      belonging to Mls                                                                   Hypothecated
as security wilh PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK (Office)
A/c No.

No Particulars of goods Where lying Ouan lily Rale Value (Rs. )
— PART - B
(src ) @ Sundry Debtors
(Receivables) /g
r/ $ @ IN
S.No List of Debtors as per Annexure $

90 Upto g0 days

ii > 50 180 > J0 days ie 1dU days

» 180 » 180 dnys

(1› ’i An1oLif1t (RS. )
@ , 1 I ‹, •- ,
@ Sundry debtors acceptable as per lernis of sanlion
S Separate Annexure for i, ii and iii lo be enclosed
Sales During the financial year
1. @ 1*
ñ? Sales uplo lasl nlonlh
2. * Sales during the month”
3. Total Sales
*Tf”f — @ PART - C
Sundry Creditors
Li“st of Creditors as pei Annextire/t
// List of Creditors as per Annexure to be enclosed
Purchase during the Financial Year
1. u W *. Purchase upto lasl month
2 " Purchase durlng the n oi lh
° Nole As per periodiGQll OI SUbmission of stock stalemcnl in lc•rnis ol saI›L"lioi’
((orthnighlly/monthlyIqunrIorIy/half y‹?ai’ly)
rind nrk nr› /tt ‹ce heat all the goods noteel above
stand hypothecatecl to the bank and the
same are my!O Ur own pro pI2 r1y an that I/We am/are entitled
to lsypothecate them with lhe bank. They are
claim or charge of any sort
certify thai 1.1 c r rInlI(y ‹ct ñ
F|LIfi n li(y nf thr solcks nre cor rrc I nink in arrnrdance with the entries in
our record The slocks shown do
i o\ nclude clansage unsaleable/onsolele/old goocls
I/We certify tl .nt the va Iu‹ jtiu
M of struck S I s been made as per fiiaildatory Accounting Standard (AS-2) (i. e cosl
price Ncl Recd!l1*cQ/Jlk RcQ|T I ic°li cvc i is lower) as prescri
I/We certify thai the above goods are adequately covered fry insurance against fire and other necessary risks in tel nos of .n‹cnclioi
ance policies have been paid and lhese are in force
5) fly z=i xsrPru »«ri ,.. «› z« /' N T«fi: f?«»:ñ «i1
/=m«rr+ nzn W'v ›r
lA/Ve certify theft th e amounI of sundi-y r!elotors ’sunrl ry ri n.rIitor ‹cnrl SUIes/PLirchase are correct and in accordance with th
In Case lhe above con lain any mls slalemenl (o( which lhe bank IS lhe sole jLidge) or lhere be any
shortaqe of security
sh ¿IlI rrnrler myself/ourselves liable to legal action
security as per \2) above ess margin )                               
tSancboned L imii or drawing t›ower whicheve r it less to De taken l
(r tvllNI Signature I

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