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Case: Pharmacy service improvement at CVS

Submitted by: Group 3

Swagat Panigrahi (IPM0139)
Suhani Rana (IPM01137)
Mishthi (PGP13212)
Shruti Yadav (PGP13220)
Simran Singh (PGP13225)
Somil Jain (PGP13227)

Q1. What changes do you recommend to CVS’s existing pharmacy fulfillment process?
(Without any Technology Changes):

1. Staffing: To reduce wait times and improve customer experience, CVS could consider
expanding the number of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on staff.

2. Workload distribution: To enhance efficiency and prevent errors, CVS should explore
dispersing workload among pharmacists and pharmacy techs. For example, companies could
consider distributing more complex work to pharmacists with the highest experience and
delegating simpler tasks to pharmacy technicians.

3. Training and education: CVS might invest in additional pharmacy staff training and
education to improve their knowledge and skills, as well as their ability to provide high-
quality customer care.

Q2. What IT changes, if any, are required to implement your changes?

Based on the recommendations made above, it is possible that no significant IT adjustments

will be necessary to make the improvements. CVS, on the other hand, may need to make
small changes to its pharmacy management software to enable task distribution and staff

Customers enter stores for drop-off, data entry, and insurance verification. As a customer
enters the store, operators undertake an insurance check as well as data entry. For insurance
purposes, the operator manually validates the customer's name, address, and date of birth on
the prescription, as well as the customer's Co-Payment. There are no lines for the drivers to
follow in order to pick up passengers. The script takes one hour to run, leaving no time to
reply to client enquiries.

3. Does PSI represent a significant opportunity for CVS? Would improving customer
service be of significant financial benefit to the company?

PSI (Pharmacy Service Improvement) is an important opportunity for CVS. Enhancing

customer service can lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention,
which can convert into more revenue and profitability for the organisation. CVS can separate
itself from competitors and position itself as a leader in the retail pharmacy sector by
reducing wait times, improving accuracy, and improving the whole pharmacy experience for
customers. Furthermore, enhanced customer service can help to reduce the risk of errors and
liability claims, resulting in significant financial savings for the organisation.

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