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Occupational Occupational Temporary Permanent Fatal case

Accident Injury Incapacity Incapacity

1 Falls from Traumatic brain Fractured leg, Serious spinal Including
heights injury, head ankle and ribs. injuries or instant
injuries, brain paralyzed from death and
haemorrhage the waist death which
and skull down. occurred
fractures. after some
time, but
which was
related to
suffered by
the fall.
2 Struck by Strains, sprains, Fractures to Disfigurement, Coma and
Falling fractures and the skull, legs, back injuries death.
Objects bruises. arms, collar and spinal cord
bone, and damage, There is
other bones. shoulder evidence
Neck injuries, injuries, and that deaths
traumatic brain broken bones. from falling
injury, objects on
including the job are
concussion. increasing
in number
and are
now higher
than ever
3 Explosion Pressure from Suffer High explosive -Death
an explosion temporary blasts can -Secondary
can damage a blindness. cause skull blast
worker's ears, Burns: head, fractures, injuries.
lungs, and neck or back fractured
gastrointestinal injuries. bones, head
tract. injuries, or any
injury (open or
closed injuries,
pelvic injuries,
spinal injuries,
and any others.
4 Chemical Headache, Headache and Permanent When
Poisonings nausea and vomiting. damage to contacted,
vomiting. skin, eyesight, can pass
or internal through the
organs. Also skin into
bladder cancer the blood
and kidney stream. The
cancer. eyes may
also be a
route of
entry. Can
lead up to
injuries or
even death.
5 Electrocution Electric shocks Temporarily Completely Serious
or burns. pain electrical shocks or injury,
burns and burns need death can
heart medical affect your
complications. assistant. neurological
death and
Magallanes, Aslyn Marie G.


Week 2 Activity. Give examples of the following terms used in OSH by filling up the table.

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