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preIBch Worksheet Redox

Oxidation and reduction

You already know several reaction types: precipitation reactions, acid-base reactions and several organic
reactions (substitution and addition). Another important reaction type involves oxidation and reduction.
They are called redox reactions.

Definition of oxidation
Oxidation is (formal) loss of electrons.

Definition of reduction
Reduction is (formal) gain of electrons.

Redox reaction
In a redox reaction, one element is oxidized while another element is reduced. All combustion reactions are
redox reactions.

Example 1
Magnesium burns with a bright flame: 2 Mg ( s ) +O 2 ( g ) → 2 MgO(s) . In this case an ionic compound
magnesium oxide is formed. We know from the position of the elements in the periodic table that
magnesium forms magnesium ions, M g 2+¿¿ , and oxygen forms oxide ions, O2−¿¿ . Magnesium has given of
2 electrons; therefore, magnesium is oxidized. Oxygen has gained 2 electrons and is thus reduced.

Example 2
When a reactive metal is placed in a solution with metal ions of a lesser reactive metal, a reaction takes
place. When a piece of magnesium is placed in a solution containing copper(II) ions, the magnesium is
dissolved and the copper(II) ions are deposited as metallic copper on the surface of the magnesium:
2+ ¿ ( aq )+ Cu(s )¿
2+¿ ( aq) → M g ¿
Mg ( s ) +C u . Note that this reaction is the net ionic reaction.

The activity series

The ability of a metal to lose electrons (to be oxidized) at the interface between the metal and an aqueous
solution of metal ions of another metal has been organized in the activity series. A metal will be dissolved
(oxidized) if it reacts with a solution of a metal that is less likely to lose electrons (is lower in the activity
series). The ability of a metal to react with hydrochloric acid determines whether a metal is noble or not.
Noble metals do not react with hydrochloric acid.

The activity series

Li K BaCa Na Mg Al Zn Fe Pb H 2 Cu Ag Pt Au
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preIBch Worksheet Redox

Simulation exercise
Go to:

Use the simulation to investigate the activity series.

1. Try different combinations of metals and metal ion solutions by working through activity 1 to 4,
recording the net ionic equations for any combinations with Ni and Sn (either the metal or the
metal ion solution) where a reaction occurs.
Note if there is a color change in the solution.
Copy the tables into a new Word document and recorr your experimental results in them.
Write −¿ for no reaction and +¿ for reaction.

Table 1- Results for Activity 1

Mg ( NO 3 )2 (aq) Zn ( NO 3 )2 (aq) Cu ( NO3 )2 (aq) AgNO3 (aq)

Mg (s) transparent transparent Baby blue transparent
Cu(s) transparent transparent blue green
Zn(s ) transparent transparent Baby blue Transparent
Ag(s ) transparent transparent blue trasnparent

Table 2- Results for Activity 2

Fe ( NO3 ) 2( aq) Pb ( NO3 )2 (aq) ¿ ( NO 3 )2 (aq) Sn ( NO 3 )2 (aq)

Fe(s) green green blue green
Pb(s) green transparent Baby blue transparent
¿(s) green Baby blue Baby blue Baby blue
Sn(s ) green transparent Baby blue trasnparent

Table 3- Results for Activity 3

Fe ( NO3 ) 2( aq) Zn ( NO 3 )2 (aq) Cu ( NO3 )2 (aq) Pb ( NO3 )2 (aq)

Fe(s) trasnparent Baby blue green green
Cu(s) trasnparent blue green trasnparent
Zn(s ) transparent blue green transparent
Pb(s) transparent blue green trasnparent

Table 4- Results for Activity 4

Sn(s ) Cu( s) Zn(s ) Pb(s) ¿( s) Fe(s)

HCl(aq )
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preIBch Worksheet Redox

2. Write the net ionic equations for the combinations with ¿(s) and Sn(s ) and their metal ions using
the information from Table 2 and Table 4.

3. Using the results of the simulation, place Ni and Sn in their position in the activity series given

Li K BaCa Na Mg Al Zn Fe Pb H 2 Cu Ag Pt Au

4. Describe in words what takes place on the molecular scale for a reaction of a reactive metal with
the metal ion of a more noble metal, giving a specific example.

5. Describe in words what takes place on the molecular scale when a reactive metal reacts with
HCl(aq). Give a specific example.

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