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KLE Law College, Bengaluru

(Constituent College of K L E Technological University, Hubballi)

Legal Methods Assignment

Name of the Student

Student Registration No.

Name of the Programme with Section

Semester I Semester

Name of the Course Legal Methods

Course Code 21LALC101

Name of the Course Teacher Dr. Manojkumar V Hiremath

Sd/- Sd/-

Signature of the Student Signature of the Course Teacher

Example for Content Page ( Edit it suitably while using this format)


Sl.No Particulars Pg.No

1 Introduction 1
2 Sub- topic …………… 2
3 Sub- topic ……………. 5
4 Sub- topic ……………. 8
5 Sub- topic ……………. 9
6 Sub- topic …………….. 11
7 Conclusion 15
8 Bibliography 16

Formatting and Submission Instructions

1. All the content shall be in Time New Roman Font
2. Font Size of the Body of the Text shall be 12
3. Font Size of the Footnote Text shall be 10
4. Line Spacing shall be 1.5
5. One inch margin on all four sides of the page shall be left
6. All the paragraphs shall be justified
7. Page number shall be mentioned from - Introduction
8. The length of the paper shall be minimum 15 pages from Introduction to Conclusion
9. There shall be footnote for all the material/information/data copied from any source
10. At the end of the assignment Bibliography shall be listed
11. The assignment shall be submitted only through Google Docs file. Word or PDF file will
not be accepted
12. The assignment shall be submitted only on the Google Classroom
13. The assignment will be subjected plagiarism test
14. The assignment if found plagiarized same will be rejected and no second opportunity will
be given for submission
15. The last date for submission of assignment is 17th Dec 2022.

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