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ynopsis TO2odoclio
to2ms 0 Defamalion
0iffezence betoeen land en and Lel
essenlials of 9elamalion
0eCences Fo 0elfamalion
Remedies fo Oclamalion
Totbad vchion
eyey man has n absalale 2igh do
hoe 2eeulolion dhis 2ighl ok 2epnlalion is on ioherend
igh Ke0ukalion meaog aighi do have ood nome Cn
imagein poblicaNome haxe 2ighl du hoam dhii imane
Characdea is indisidualoati dhinq dhile 2epDtalioo
Osed in wide2 sence the om.d 9elamalian mean
Aonny02 hoam do 2ePuialionAE Pezsan insolling a
eason is ool0ekamodioo iOsotH i_Somedhiogdhid
pivale nnlod Pobished boi do_Commid dmi o
Oekamotion dhere most be insollinA Penson Publicaly
sheni Omomuntdo domt LoPlamation)_

T0imple uomds De-omaion meons
d o dhe 2ePuialion of enson.

Dintielcd 0ekamalionis pobli.caion of Gtalem entH

hith dends do onea o Pezson in the éstima-
ion of 2ighl dhinking memherof Sociely genenally
o hih_dcods do make dhem 5hun 0n ooidLfad
er ion
hun Poblicidy
Fage No:


Oelamalion i Civil asweU_ O)

Defined io 5e 199ofPC dheae Oiminawmong i is all
One iabilihie fo
Defamalion inS0O of PC

to2ms ok Oelamalion
ihel i Poblicalion of lale and deLame lony
Shademea Causing imuy do the 2ighi of 2ePDiation
Loidhoul Jawto stificotion i 2e22esealaBion
made in femanoni tnm i e w2iking
- ?2inBing Pitae
i ti Based on achionable Pease lo Need ot Damoae
ibe)_i dozi_ ase oell Os (2ime in iodian ond engliih Jaw

e) onde I i talse and delamatony Slademeat

made Nenball (mauu CoDi ng inUy Ode
eeulodion do onodhen

i i actionahle oh_ hook of Octual

i is Of hansid natne Hemp202y)
essentiol of Vael and slanden

slatemenB áhould be folse

SHodemen should be of eamanont a_demp:
Shodtmeo honld be Dekomaloy DhiL fonm
Qefptalion o eson
* essendials of Octamodion.

1alemeal 6hould e lake

dhe slalemen mode bu
0eleadanl 6hould Le lalse Ond il shoud inne.dhe
2epuladion of Pleolitili f2eswmPiion ot laudhat dhe
clelamolo 3lalemenl is ake ond i i nod esendial oa
Plendif da P2oxe dhe talsehood of salemenl
i i she esponsibil hy_al Jelendanl do P2oue dhe
Dulbolness ot Slademeal holhlo 4Aadement b olo
Oefence Po Aefendant

en oanison yi chi and ComPany

Oelendani held ioble Coni helodhat cora Pois

5lalemen on PesonalQife wHhad (onsead ithen it is
De o False

toBemend mvd be delamelmy

Statemeai passed hyy
Delend ant eithen onally 0 d o ghonlld have Capibility et
haaming dhe elaladion_o
ofPlendiEt b y i tmay

9extose the PlenAif£ d halead Conlemel

) dend to iomne bim in hi hatession,O
9_caDied him do be Ovoicled o Shuoned by hi

CK Cassidy v/s_Jaily mi202 aleD Pape2 ld

100uCnd.o _also amountdu elomalion innDendo
Mcans3Peacking in double done hce ili difficoH du
P2ore dhal Jhe tatcmcoB i Delamodoy bul ouzl he2e
Con e i t omstantial o2 sitoalionol Oidente du hove
novencoO1 delamalion.
l acase_of inneunda dhe Bunden_do 2ove i an

Ramchancmalani vs 60h2omnyam jwomi_AIK2006


dhe blalemenimu 2eLened do dhePlentilt

The DekOmatony
Stalemeot shoild he2elaBing co PlentiEE 14meani
Causesinnny_sco_dhe 2ep0laBiaa of plentit and Nohody

2efe2en (e may be eap2esseo On impliec (onduct)_

the solemend shild no be in gen2al sense

sHolemeol musd he Pnblishec

T i o active nOLdledge
of Delamolion given do atheasi ii dhe (ommuni.cation
of 0ekamatomy matBen do Same peaoo athen dhan dthe
Peaion o dhom iii uniilen if astalement Sent so
Shaighl do a Pe2san of whom i i i wniAlen dhc2e i
Oo poblicolion o i i f Oelamolomy MadBea he hans mitlad
i0a deleanoum on be unilleo m a Poslcaad and 5eat
Peaonàhen iE is poblitation
dhe2e i po poblicodion betuoeen bos hand and
wile on dhe (ommon dað pincital dho husband and
wite ane o n e
dheze no Publicalion ohen dhea is ofssionol
CommoniCalion ie behorco doclon ond PalionAcdvorae
Ond clienl.

*Defen ces to2 Delamalion.

JusiGicadiono daul
sthe oihof 0efamolau staieme
aComplele 0elence) do on Ocdion Fa libe2 02 londen
the bu2den oE Plovidg noBh iiom Oelcndanl f dhe
malle2 dnue dhe PDPose a? motive ith whitk
das mode Lpuhlished iinelerant
Accmding dn GPiinol enmughl dkod dhe
nomds Complained oue noe.ddhe Delendanl mu dhen
prove dhat no only dthe Dds ane dhne bol olso dho
uwa lo Poblicbenekid

2)Eoi (ommead-
A faiOnd bonakide Commeadon mallen
o Pobli jolereg is 0o libelunless l in onidheo malitiusy
Alegitimale (2tiusm i Dod doml d mulbe lomment
dhaliOn ep1essiono£ aPinian-Pohlis mallea) 2ad he2
dhan an assealion of fac

d h e _mallen Commented Ofon_mest he of pObli

inleaest i sineTonia_

3) evitege
P2evilege means5Pecial Pode Ony
prexileae ane o duoo hinolu.
5Pecial audhonidy
Page No

Ahsolul e Pzevilege
A S1alemeol i absololety
Ahen alo acdion lies Poz i ex en dhougk il i fale and
delamalomy ond made with exess molice
P m.ds 5POken in_ fazliamen-la2yplbLe@dings 0a

in uditial Phoceedings

alni iBaied on dhe indpledhal indeaesi ok (ommonik

6hall P2evailOven dhe inlezec of dhe indlividval

3alo Poppli es uplema

Lalo Ocdioo Can be dakea2-

Qvalilied Plivaleqe eatdiiniiol

Lan adion con be daken against halcoment if i Oidh fxP2eiaylymallre

qthese 02e he maBezi ohich a1e nol S0
the5Peaken uðiu
do Publi oaabsaluA Plevileoei ond
no be iable i f the 3halemen is Donakeo and
mode malitim1s

kemedie ko_elamation

APology exho Jvditial 2emedy mod he dithine.

endain_ dime Peaiod, of 1olontons Natne
ancd dheae mul he 2eg2ei af41alemeni in
dhemind ot 0eLendant.
a) amages Juditial 2cmcol

(ouzlhau Cansidez
Ilhiiep2ovidirg damoges dhe
Ahe essCnlials o Oefamalion And 5alusoL Plentik
ozm ot Publicolion

Delamalion i a pensonal onio

dhe 2ePDlalian ofPezsoo A 2igh o

Caueinny do
anY ofeatyDeiamatio
yaluohle dhan
Lepuialion_is mne
n2illen i. e landen o2 libel
Maybe ma_
Defamolion i doml Os LOeu 0

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