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I will tell you my experience related to her in detail buts let's

understand her first.

She is a red goddess naked with wavering hair with skull garland and
snakes with a decapitated head drinking her central blood channel
standing on a copulating couple in reverse sexual intercourse. The
meanings are something like this.

Standing on Reverse sexual intercourse couple- sexual sublimation

and subjugation. It also means upward-moving sexual fluid moving
up the spine and activating the Kundalini. It also means activation
of central cnannel thus shushhumna which she is drinking becomes
the nectar of immortality if her worship is done properly.
Chinnamasta sadhaks become immortal and their body metabolism is
reduced to such an extent that they survive for thousands of years
without even dying.

The skull means an empty mind. Unless the mind is not empty it
cannot be filled with the nectar of immortality. The other symbol is
all the skulls are the mantra mala or each skull means a mantra. 3 rd
thing is something to do with Skull sadhana. Westerners love skull
art, which is coming from her. Below is “love of God” by an artist
purchased by a London-based Hedge Fund Owner a long time back. I
call it “Love of Chinnamasta.”

She is hemmed by 2 goddesses who are her companions or confidant.

The colors of their bodies have meaning. They are the controller of
Ida and pingala nadi or the right and left channels of the spine.
Worship of shiva is must when it comes to the worship of this goddess.
Earlier I never believed in these cosmic energies but later
accidentally I saw them and realized that there is nothing like
Tantra. she does ask for the blood of the worshipers of her. Most
people give animal blood but she seeks blood of the worshipers as it
has the DNA of the worshipers in it. Any rectification that is
required in the DNA can be done by her. So it's Genetic engineering
at a massive scale without the side effects of the products of
Monsanto. Meow!
A Modern illustration of Chinna Mata.

Chinnamasta is also known as Renuka Devi as she is very powerful in

removing deep karmic traces from our DNA and makes one a true
sadhak. Her sadhaks become fearless, free from desires, free from lust,
etc. she is very kind as a mother and she can go to any extent to
protect the life of her devotee. Doing her sadhana gives the power of
control of all supernatural beings, and makes one hardcore tantra
sadhak, the awakening of kundalini shakti, free from desire for food
or hunger (only if she desires so).
I was doing the dus maha vidya mantra (merged) as I did in the
Himalayas when only he appeared in front of me at a distance.
Naked were hissing and she came to me and looked very stern. Her
eyes were red and her body was like as if she is is bathed in fresh
blood glistering like red oil. She walked close to me looked at my face
for some time and in nanoseconds, she chopped off my head. My head
rolled lke a ball on the floor to her feet. She was looking at me still
stern and angry. I don’t know but I did not die nor felt any pain. I
called her “Ma” and her face changed into the kindest mother in this
universe. She picked up my head and placed it in my body and said
“You will suffer a lot in life but you will always emerge as victorious.
I now give you a secret 24-letter mantra. Chant it meditating on me
for 5 days and you will see the outstanding results in time” Today 05-
12-2022 I tested it. I will give you a report once I accomplish the
result. I have been asked to merge it with the Bhadra Kali mantra.

Her image is at a temple in Himachal Pradesh where I would like to

settle later in life.

Hope you like my false imaginative story!

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