The Dread Barrow

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5e Random Dungeon Generator

The Dread Barrow of Kas the Betrayer

Level 2
General History The dungeon was created by elves as a treasure vault. It was eventually abandoned by its
creators, and the dungeon has lain empty for many years until recently.

Walls Hewn Stone (DC 20 to climb)

Floor Uneven Flagstone (DC 10 to charge or run)

Temperature Cool

Illumination Dark (individual creatures may carry lights)

Corridor Features a Skeletons hang from chains and manacles against the walls

c Acid Spray: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within a 20 ft. cone, DC 18 save
or take 2d10 acid damage for 1d4 rounds

e Concealed Pit: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets entering a 10 ft. square area,
DC 14 save or take 2d10 damage

i Several corpses are impaled upon iron spikes on the ceiling

m Scythe Blade: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; +9 to hit against all targets within a 5 ft. arc,
4d10 slashing damage

n A whistling noise fills the corridor

r A tile labyrinth covers the floor

s Poison Gas Trap: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within a 10 ft. square area,
DC 15 save or take 2d10 poison damage

u Guillotine Blade: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; +7 to hit against one target, 2d10 slashing

v Skeletons hang from chains and manacles against the walls

w Acid Spray: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within a 20 ft. cone, DC 18 save
or take 2d10 acid damage for 1d4 rounds

x A narrow shaft falls into the corridor from above

Wandering 1 Ogre Zombie (cr 2, mm 316); medium, 450 xp, lost and desperate

Monsters 2 Ogre Zombie (cr 2, mm 316) and 1 x Zombie (cr 1/4, mm 316); medium, 500 xp, hunting for

3 Vampiric Mist (cr 3, motm 250, mtf 246) and 1 x Shadow (cr 1/2, mm 269); deadly, 800 xp,
searching for an object stolen from their lair

4 Vampiric Mist (cr 3, motm 250, mtf 246) and 1 x Shadow (cr 1/2, mm 269); deadly, 800 xp,
gathered around an evil shrine

5 Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp, lost and desperate

6 Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp, lost and desperate

Room #1 North Entry Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)
Ⓣ   Symbol of Hypnosis: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 12
save or become incapacitated for 1d4 rounds

West Entry #1 Unlocked Stone Door (60 hp)

West Entry #2 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

Monster Ogre Zombie (cr 2, mm 316) and 1 x Zombie (cr 1/4, mm 316); medium, 500 xp

Treasure: 19 cp; 22 cp

Room #2 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

East Entry Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

Room Features A stone dais and throne sits in the east side of the room, and numerous humanoid skulls are
scattered throughout the room

Monster 6 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272); hard, 300 xp

Treasure: 2300 cp, 1100 sp, 40 gp, 2 x diamond (50 gp), carnelian (50 gp), moonstone (50
gp), quartz (50 gp), sardonyx (50 gp)

Room #3 West Entry Trapped and Locked Iron Door (DC 10 to open, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

Ⓣ   Fire Spray: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within a 20 ft. cone, DC 15
save or take 2d10 fire damage

East Entry Archway

→   Leads to room #4

South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

→   Leads to room #26

Room Features A narrow pit covered by iron bars lies in the north-east corner of the room, and someone has
scrawled "Abandon all hope" in draconic script on the north wall

Monster 4 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272); medium, 200 xp

Treasure: 17 sp; 15 sp; 23 cp; 12 sp

Room #4 West Entry Archway

→   Leads to room #3, inhabited by 4 x Skeleton

East Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
→   Leads to room #53

Room Features Several corpses are impaled upon iron spikes on the ceiling, and a dulled dagger lies in the
south-west corner of the room

Room #5 West Entry #1 Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
→   Leads to room #31

West Entry #2 Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
→   Leads to room #19, inhabited by Ogre Zombie and 1 x Zombie

Room Features A stream of blood flows along a channel in the floor, and someone has scrawled "You cannot
kill it with magic" in draconic script on the east wall

Monster Wight (cr 3, mm 300); hard, 700 xp

Treasure: 2500 cp, 700 sp, 80 gp, a bone chalice engraved with a labyrinth (25 gp), a bone
chalice inlaid with a meandros of electrum (25 gp), a cloth robe trimmed with fur (25 gp), a
copper circlet inlaid with a meandros of silver (25 gp), a copper dagger engraved with draconic
scales (25 gp), a malachite puzzle box set with a single amber (25 gp), a portrait (of a female
elf) in a wooden frame engraved with elven script (25 gp), an obsidian scepter set with banded
agate and rhodochrosite (25 gp), Adamantine Armor (chain mail) (uncommon, dmg 150),
Boots of the Winterlands (uncommon, dmg 156)

Room #6 West Entry Iron Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 25 to break; 60 hp) (magically reinforced, disadvantage to
→   Leads to room #29

East Entry Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)

South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)


Room #7 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

→   Leads to room #59, inhabited by Ogre Zombie and 1 x Zombie

East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

→   Leads to room #31
Trap Idol of Law: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects chaotic creatures which touch the idol, DC
13 save or take 2d10 damage and be stunned for 1 round

Hidden Treasure Unlocked Iron Chest (60 hp)

1500 cp, 900 sp, 40 gp, a brass crown etched with draconic scales (25 gp), a brass plate set
with banded agate and eye agate (25 gp), a jasper salt cellar engraved with a labyrinth (25 gp),
a necklace of malachite (25 gp), a pewter crown etched with thorned vines (25 gp), a pewter
mask inlaid with electrum (25 gp), a set of ivory dice with copper pips (25 gp), Spell Scroll
(Armor of Agathys) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (Hex) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll
(Scorching Ray) (uncommon, dmg 200), Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187), Potion of
Greater Healing (uncommon, dmg 187), Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)

Room #8 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (60 hp)
Ⓣ   Rune of Dread: DC 15 to find, DC 20 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 15 save
or become frightened for 1d4 rounds

West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

Room Features A cube of solid stone stands in the north-east corner of the room, and someone has scrawled
an arrow pointing right on the west wall

Room #9 North Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind an area of fungus
→   Leads to room #36, inhabited by Wight

South Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp) (slides down)
→   Leads to room #28

Monster Wight (cr 3, mm 300) and 1 x Zombie (cr 1/4, mm 316); hard, 750 xp

Treasure: 5 gp; 14 gp

Room #10 North Entry Secret (DC 25 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed by an illusion
→   Leads to room #16, inhabited by 2 x Skeleton and 2 x Warhorse Skeleton

South Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

→   Leads to room #32, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul

Room Features Someone has scrawled "In the Kingdom of Chains, when the Gate of Storms is opened, the
Tome of Ghosts shall be destroyed" on the east wall, and a grinding noise fills the room

Monster Vampiric Mist (cr 3, motm 250, mtf 246) and 1 x Shadow (cr 1/2, mm 269); deadly, 800 xp

Treasure: 12 gp; 10 sp

Room #11 East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
→   Leads to room #29


Room #12 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)
Ⓣ   Guillotine Blade: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; +7 to hit against one target, 2d10
slashing damage
→   Leads to room #56, inhabited by 3 x Skeleton and 3 x Warhorse Skeleton

East Entry #1 Iron Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

East Entry #2 Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

→   Leads to room #57

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 11 gp; 8 gp
Room #13 North Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
→   Leads to room #37

South Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
→   Leads to room #35, inhabited by Vampiric Mist

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 17 cp; 8 ep

Room #14 East Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)
→   Leads to room #29

East Entry #2 Archway

South Entry Archway

Room Features Someone has scrawled "Ran out of arrows" in blood on the south wall, and the ceiling is
covered with cracks

Room #15 East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)
→   Leads to room #25

Monster 5 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272); medium, 250 xp

Treasure: 12 cp; 8 gp; 18 sp; 13 gp; 17 sp

Trap Electrified Floortile: DC 10 to find, DC 20 to disable; affects all targets within a 10 ft. square
area, DC 18 save or take 4d10 lightning damage

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 20 to find) Locked Iron Chest (DC 25 to unlock, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

2400 cp, 1100 sp, 80 gp, 2 x azurite (10 gp), banded agate (10 gp), hematite (10 gp), moss
agate (10 gp), obsidian (10 gp), Spell Scroll (Bless) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll
(Entangle) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (Healing Word) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll
(Thunderous Smite) (common, dmg 200), 2 x Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)

Room #16 North Entry Trapped and Unlocked Stone Door (60 hp)
Ⓣ   Thunderstone Mine: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within 20 ft., DC 11
save or take 1d10 thunder damage and become deafened for 1d4 rounds

South Entry #1 Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp) (slides to one side)
→   Leads to room #60

South Entry #2 Secret (DC 25 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed by an illusion
→   Leads to room #10, inhabited by Vampiric Mist and 1 x Shadow

Monster 2 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272) and 2 x Warhorse Skeleton (cr 1/2, mm 273); hard, 300 xp

Treasure: 1900 cp, 1000 sp, 80 gp, 5 x diamond (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), chrysoprase (50
gp), jasper (50 gp)

Trap Concealed Pit: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets entering a 10 ft. square area,
DC 15 save or take 2d10 damage

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 25 to find) Unlocked Simple Wooden Chest (10 hp)

1700 cp, 900 sp, 120 gp, a bone coffer set with jasper (25 gp), a copper chime engraved with
draconic runes (25 gp), a linen vest trimmed with rabbit fur (25 gp), a malachite puzzle box
inlaid with ornate silver scrollwork (25 gp), a silver cup engraved with draconic scales (25 gp),
an ivory shield brooch engraved with draconic scales (25 gp)

Room #17 East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
→   Leads to room #47
Monster Wight (cr 3, mm 300); hard, 700 xp

Treasure: 16 cp

Room #18 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

Room Features A balcony hangs from the west wall, and the floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white
and black

Room #19 East Entry Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
→   Leads to room #5, inhabited by Wight

South Entry Archway

Monster Ogre Zombie (cr 2, mm 316) and 1 x Zombie (cr 1/4, mm 316); medium, 500 xp

Treasure: 2 pp; 19 sp

Room #20 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

South Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)

Room Features Skeletons hang from chains and manacles against the north and west walls, and clouds of
flying insects fill the north-east corner of the room

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 4 pp; 3 pp

Room #21 East Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

Ⓢ   The door is located near the ceiling and concealed within a mosaic of geometric patterns

South Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
→   Leads to room #55, inhabited by Vampiric Mist


Room #22 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
→   Leads to room #41, inhabited by Wight

South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp) (slides down)
→   Leads to room #43, inhabited by 5 x Skeleton

Room Features A weapon rack and lantern sit in the south side of the room, and someone has scrawled a large
X on the west wall

Monster 7 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272); deadly, 350 xp

Treasure: 2000 cp, 1100 sp, 60 gp

Room #23 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

East Entry #1 Secret (DC 20 to find) Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 15 to
break; 10 hp)

Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a statue of an ancient lich, and opened by pressing runes on
his staff
Ⓣ   Contact Poison: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects each creature which touches the
trigger, DC 11 save or take 1d10 damage
→   Leads to room #52

East Entry #2 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp) (slides down)
→   Leads to room #58, inhabited by Vampiric Mist and 1 x Shadow

Room Features A group of monstrous faces have been carved into the east wall, and a rusted breastplate lies
in the south-west corner of the room
Monster Ogre Zombie (cr 2, mm 316); medium, 450 xp

Treasure: 13 sp

Room #24 North Entry Locked Iron Door (DC 15 to open, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

→   Leads to room #53

East Entry Trapped and Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓣ   Guillotine Blade: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; +3 to hit against one target, 1d10 slashing

Room Features A wooden ladder rests against the east wall, and someone has scrawled "Amin was here" in
dwarvish runes on the south wall

Room #25 West Entry #1 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)
→   Leads to room #15, inhabited by 5 x Skeleton

West Entry #2 Archway

Room Features Several headless statues are scattered throughout the room, and someone has scrawled
"Death comes on silent wings" in draconic script on the east wall

Room #26 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
→   Leads to room #3, inhabited by 4 x Skeleton

West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)


Room #27 East Entry Archway

Trap Earthmaw Trap: DC 15 to find, DC 20 to disable; +8 to hit against one target, 2d10 piercing

Room #28 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp) (slides down)
→   Leads to room #9, inhabited by Wight and 1 x Zombie

West Entry Archway

East Entry #1 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

East Entry #2 Archway

Room Features A stream of oil flows through the room, and a sundered mace lies in the north side of the room

Room #29 North Entry #1 Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

North Entry #2 Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
→   Leads to room #11

West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

→   Leads to room #14

East Entry Iron Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 25 to break; 60 hp) (magically reinforced, disadvantage to
→   Leads to room #6

Room Features Someone has scrawled "The elf will betray you" on the south wall, and a briny odor fills the
center of the room

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 20 to find) Unlocked Good Wooden Chest (15 hp)

2500 cp, 1200 sp, 40 gp, a fine leather coinpurse sewn with electrum (25 gp), a linen tabard
trimmed with rabbit fur (25 gp), a pewter crown etched with arcane runes (25 gp), a set of
ivory dice with copper pips (25 gp), a silver pendant inlaid with ornate electrum scrollwork (25
gp), a stoneware salt cellar painted with pastoral imagery (25 gp), a wooden chalice engraved
with floral vines (25 gp), Gloves of Thievery (uncommon, dmg 172), Instrument of the Bards
(Mac-Fuimidh cittern) (uncommon, dmg 176)
Room #30 East Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp) (magically
reinforced, disadvantage to break)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a statue of a troll archer, and opened by pulling an arrow in
its quiver
→   Leads to room #46

South Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

Ⓢ   The door is located near the ceiling and concealed within a mosaic of ghoulish carnage
→   Leads to room #44, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul

Room Features An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the north-east corner of the room, and someone
has scrawled "Run away!" in blood on the west wall

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 2 pp; 5 ep

Room #31 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
→   Leads to room #7

West Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)

East Entry #1 Locked Iron Door (DC 10 to open, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

East Entry #2 Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
→   Leads to room #5, inhabited by Wight

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 25 to find) Locked Good Wooden Chest (DC 25 to unlock, DC 20 to break; 15 hp)

1700 cp, 1200 sp, 70 gp, 4 x diamond (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), chrysoprase (50 gp),
quartz (50 gp)

Room #32 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
→   Leads to room #10, inhabited by Vampiric Mist and 1 x Shadow

East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

Room Features A magical statue in the south-east corner of the room speaks riddles and cryptic prophecies,
and an iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the south-west corner of the room

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 2500 cp, 900 sp, 80 gp, 2 x banded agate (10 gp), eye agate (10 gp), hematite (10
gp), lapis lazuli (10 gp), malachite (10 gp), rhodochrosite (10 gp), tiger eye (10 gp)

Room #33 North Entry #1 Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

North Entry #2 Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

South Entry Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)

Monster Wight (cr 3, mm 300); hard, 700 xp

Treasure: 15 cp

Room #34 North Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

West Entry Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp)

Room Features Someone has scrawled a baleful symbol on the east wall, and a warped spear lies in the east
side of the room

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 15 to find) Locked Iron Chest (DC 15 to unlock, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

2900 cp, 1200 sp, 70 gp, 2 x diamond (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), moonstone (50 gp),
Adamantine Armor (chain shirt) (uncommon, dmg 150), Eyes of the Eagle (uncommon, dmg
168), Instrument of the Bards (Doss lute) (uncommon, dmg 176)

Room #35 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
→   Leads to room #13, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul

South Entry #1 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

South Entry #2 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

Monster Vampiric Mist (cr 3, motm 250, mtf 246); hard, 700 xp

Treasure: 12 gp

Room #36 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

South Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind an area of fungus
→   Leads to room #9, inhabited by Wight and 1 x Zombie

Monster Wight (cr 3, mm 300); hard, 700 xp

Treasure: 1600 cp, 900 sp, 40 gp, a bone puzzle box set with a single alexandrite (25 gp), a
petrified frog inlaid with ornate electrum scrollwork (25 gp), a rosewood chalice inlaid with a
filigree of silver (25 gp)

Room #37 West Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a statue of a fearsome dragon, and opened by reaching into
its mouth
→   Leads to room #56, inhabited by 3 x Skeleton and 3 x Warhorse Skeleton

East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

Ⓣ   Arrow Trap: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; +4 to hit against one target, 1d10 piercing

South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
→   Leads to room #13, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul


Room #38 North Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

West Entry Locked Stone Door (DC 10 to open, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

→   Leads to room #53

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 25 to find) Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Chest (DC 20 to unlock, DC 15 to
break; 10 hp)
Magic Missle Trap: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; one target, 2d10 force damage

1400 cp, 1600 sp, 50 gp, a fine leather vest sewn with copper (25 gp), a fine steel shield
brooch engraved with draconic runes (25 gp), a leather coat trimmed with fur (25 gp), a set of
ivory dice with copper pips (25 gp), an obsidian bowl inlaid with ornate electrum scrollwork
(25 gp), Spell Scroll (Vampiric Touch) (uncommon, dmg 200), Goggles of Night (uncommon,
dmg 172)

Room #39 North Entry Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 2400 cp, 1200 sp, 80 gp, diamond (50 gp), bloodstone (50 gp), 2 x carnelian (50
gp), Spell Scroll (Raise Dead) (rare, dmg 200)

Room #40 North Entry Archway

West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)


Room #41 South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
→   Leads to room #22, inhabited by 7 x Skeleton
Monster Wight (cr 3, mm 300); hard, 700 xp

Treasure: 2500 cp, 700 sp, 70 gp, a bone puzzle box inlaid with silver (25 gp), a cloth sash
threaded with silver (25 gp), a petrified squirrel engraved with draconic runes (25 gp),
Elemental Gem (water) (uncommon, dmg 167)

Room #42 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

East Entry #1 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

East Entry #2 Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)


Room #43 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp) (slides down)
→   Leads to room #22, inhabited by 7 x Skeleton

South Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a tapestry of ghoulish carnage

Room Features A sloped pit lined with iron spikes lies in the south-east corner of the room, and a tapestry of
an undead goddess hangs from the south wall

Monster 5 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272); medium, 250 xp

Treasure: 14 cp; 13 sp; 7 ep; 10 gp; 11 ep

Room #44 North Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is located near the ceiling and concealed within a mosaic of ghoulish carnage
→   Leads to room #30, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul

East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)
Ⓣ   Arrow Trap: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; +3 to hit against one target, 1d10 piercing

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 2100 cp, 900 sp, 90 gp, 2 x diamond (50 gp), carnelian (50 gp), citrine (50 gp), Bag
of Tricks (rust) (uncommon, dmg 154), Hat of Disguise (uncommon, dmg 173), Ring of
Jumping (uncommon, dmg 191), Staff of the Adder (uncommon, dmg 203)

Room #45 West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

Room Features Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, and several pieces of torn paper are
scattered throughout the room

Room #46 West Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp) (magically
reinforced, disadvantage to break)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a statue of a troll archer, and opened by pulling an arrow in
its quiver
→   Leads to room #30, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul

East Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a statue of a terrified maiden, and opened by breaking her

South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)


Room #47 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
→   Leads to room #17, inhabited by Wight

East Entry Archway

→   Leads to room #60
South Entry Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)

Room Features A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in the south side of the room, and someone has
scrawled "In the reign of Courage, the Realm of Tomes shall fall" on the south wall

Trap Rune of Paralyzation: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 10
save or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 15 to find) Locked Strong Wooden Chest (DC 15 to unlock, DC 25 to break; 20 hp)

1900 cp, 800 sp, 60 gp, 3 x diamond (50 gp), bloodstone (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp),
chrysoprase (50 gp), citrine (50 gp), jasper (50 gp), moonstone (50 gp), 2 x sardonyx (50 gp),
Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)

Room #48 South Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is located several feet above the floor and concealed behind a tapestry of
geometric patterns

Monster 6 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272); hard, 300 xp

Treasure: 9 gp; 13 sp; 20 cp; 5 gp; 19 cp; 14 gp

Room #49 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

South Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
Ⓣ   Earthmaw Trap: DC 20 to find, DC 10 to disable; +8 to hit against one target, 2d10 piercing


Room #50 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

East Entry Trapped and Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓣ   Arrow Trap: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; +12 to hit against one target, 4d10 piercing

South Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Room Features A stone dais and throne sits in the west side of the room, and several pieces of rotten leather
are scattered throughout the room

Monster Ogre Zombie (cr 2, mm 316) and 1 x Zombie (cr 1/4, mm 316); medium, 500 xp

Treasure: 17 sp; 11 gp

Room #51 North Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)

Ⓣ   Teleporter Crystal: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects each creature which touches

the crystal, DC 18 save or be teleported to another location

West Entry Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓣ   One-way Door: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable

Monster Ghast (cr 2, mm 148) and 1 x Ghoul (cr 1, mm 148); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 23 cp; 7 gp

Room #52 West Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 15 to
break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a statue of an ancient lich, and opened by pressing runes on
his staff
Ⓣ   Contact Poison: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects each creature which touches the
trigger, DC 11 save or take 1d10 damage
→   Leads to room #23, inhabited by Ogre Zombie

South Entry Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)

Room Features A mural of vile acts covers the ceiling, and a pile of candles lies in the south-east corner of the
Room #53 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

West Entry Secret (DC 20 to find) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
→   Leads to room #4

East Entry Locked Stone Door (DC 10 to open, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

→   Leads to room #38

South Entry Locked Iron Door (DC 15 to open, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

→   Leads to room #24

Room Features A forge and anvil sit in the center of the room, and someone has scrawled "Beneath the altar"
on the west wall

Room #54 West Entry #1 Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)

West Entry #2 Archway


Room #55 North Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
→   Leads to room #21

South Entry Locked Stone Door (DC 10 to open, DC 25 to break; 60 hp) (magically reinforced,
disadvantage to break)

Monster Vampiric Mist (cr 3, motm 250, mtf 246); hard, 700 xp

Treasure: 20 cp

Room #56 West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

East Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed behind a statue of a fearsome dragon, and opened by reaching into
its mouth
→   Leads to room #37

South Entry #1 Trapped and Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)

Ⓣ   Guillotine Blade: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; +7 to hit against one target, 2d10

slashing damage
→   Leads to room #12, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul

South Entry #2 Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)

Room Features Someone has scrawled "You cannot kill it with swords" on the north wall, and a buzzing noise
fills the room

Monster 3 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272) and 3 x Warhorse Skeleton (cr 1/2, mm 273); deadly, 450 xp

Treasure: 13 sp; 11 ep; 20 sp; 19 cp; 5 gp; 16 sp

Room #57 West Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)
→   Leads to room #12, inhabited by Ghast and 1 x Ghoul

South Entry Archway


Room #58 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp) (slides down)
→   Leads to room #23, inhabited by Ogre Zombie

East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

Room Features A group of draconic faces have been carved into the south wall, and someone has scrawled
"Upon the eighth day of the Winter of Tombs, in the Valley of Stone, the Green Throne shall be
found" on the south wall
Monster Vampiric Mist (cr 3, motm 250, mtf 246) and 1 x Shadow (cr 1/2, mm 269); deadly, 800 xp

Treasure: 2700 cp, 600 sp, 40 gp

Trap Electrified Floortile: DC 20 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within a 10 ft. square
area, DC 12 save or take 2d10 lightning damage

Room #59 West Entry #1 Secret (DC 25 to find) Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ   The door is concealed within a mosaic of a goddess of artifice

West Entry #2 Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

East Entry Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
Ⓣ   Guillotine Blade: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; +8 to hit against one target, 2d10
slashing damage

South Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

→   Leads to room #7

Monster Ogre Zombie (cr 2, mm 316) and 1 x Zombie (cr 1/4, mm 316); medium, 500 xp

Treasure: 1600 cp, 1000 sp, 70 gp, 4 x diamond (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), chrysoprase (50
gp), citrine (50 gp), moonstone (50 gp), Bag of Beans (9 beans) (rare, dmg 152), Potion of
Fire Giant Strength (rare, dmg 187)

Room #60 North Entry #1 Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

North Entry #2 Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp) (slides to one side)

→   Leads to room #16, inhabited by 2 x Skeleton and 2 x Warhorse Skeleton

West Entry Archway

→   Leads to room #47

South Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)


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