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Geography Report Outline

I. Prayer
II. Motivation
 Jumbled Words ( instead of raising their hands, say DARNA if you know the correct answer)
III. Discussion
 Forms of Government/Governance
* Governance can be defined as: “The system by which entities are directed and controlled.  It is
concerned with structure and processes for decision making, accountability, control and behaviour at the top
of an entity. Governance influences how an organisation’s objectives are set and achieved, how risk is
monitored and addressed and how performance is optimised”.  Governance is a system and process, not a
single activity and therefore successful implementation of a good governance strategy requires a systematic
approach that incorporates strategic planning, risk management and performance management.  Like culture,
it is a core component of the unique characteristics of a successful organisation.
Sub- topics
* Monarchy- This is a government ruled by a king, emperor, or a sultan. It could
be absolute or limited. An absolute monarchy is a government wherein all the
powers are vested to one person only while in a limited/constitutional
monarchy the power of the ruler is fairly limited and somewhat symbolic only.
Power became limited because an absolute power usually lead to tyranny
(oppressive rule).
* Totalitarianism- the government holds absolute control over all areas of the lives of its people.
* Facism- a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the
people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
* Communism- an economic system in which there is little or no private ownership of anything.
* Socialism- a system that encourages cooperation rather than competition among citizens.
* Oligarchy- a form of government in which only a few wealthy people hold power.
* Theoracy- Theocracy is the exercise of political power by the clergy or laity of a particular religion,
usually, although not necessarily, claiming to be acting primarily on behalf of a divinity and governing
according to its principles and requirements.
* Anarchy- is a society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body? It may also refer to
a society or group of people that entirely reject a set hierarchy.
* Aristocracy- This is a government ruled by a set of elite people. A set back to
this kind of government is oligarchy (corrupt organization).
* Colonialism- Colonialism is the act of power and domination of one nation, by acquiring or maintaining
full or partial political control over another sovereign nation. The country or nation which comes under the
control of another foreign nation, is known as a colony of that dominating country.


* Process of transferring some power from the central government to the regional
government. Transfer of power occurs when a state breaks up, when regions that
were once unified in one, central government gain power, and sometimes, independent
Physical Geography- Features such as deserts, mountain ranges, large bodies of water, plateaus, and
borders can result in devolution
Example of Physical Geography- India, China, and Pakistan want control
over the Kashmir region
Ethnic seperatism- Ethnic groups and minorities often concentrated in specific regions, leading to
independence movements
Terrorism- Organized violence aimed at government and civilian targets. Three types: international,
domestic, state.
International Terrorism- is carried out by people in a country other than their own; also known as cross-
border terrorism.
Domestic terrorism- acts of terrorism carried out by a citizen or resident of that country
State terrorism- acts of terrorism done by the state against another state or towards the state's own citizens.
Economics- When there is conflict over who wants to use the natural resources available. Locals might want
to use the resources but the state wants to use the resources for the whole country.
Social issues - concentrated pockets of a specific religion or distinct spoken language by the local
inhabitants. Differences can lead to devolution
Irredentism- is a movement to unite by people who share a language or other cultural elements but are
divided by a national boundary.
State Soveriegnty- The concept that states are in complete and exclusive control of all the people and
property within their territory.
Ethnic Cleansing- The mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a

Political borders have become less significant as ideas flow more rapidly among most countries
Supranationalism – occurs when multiple countries form an organization to collectively achieve greater
benefits for all members
Supranational Organizations
United Nations (UN), 1945 – 193 countries – mission: taking on issues facing humanity such as peace and
security – headquarters: New York City, US
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1949 – members: US, Canada, Iceland, Western and Central
Europe and Turkey – mission: the mutual defense of member states – headquarters: Brussels, Belgium
European Union (EU), 1993 – members: 28 members mostly in Western and Central Europe – mission: the
political and economic integration of member states – headquarters: Brussels, Belgium
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 1994 – members: US, Canada, Mexico – mission:
free trade among members – headquarters: Washington, DC, Ottawa and Mexico City

Economic Supranationalism
The most common reason for supranational organizations is economics
World Trade Organization (WTO), Associate of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Leads to transnational corporations – companies that conduct business on a global scale – this weakens state
sovereignty because transnationals have no strong connection to any one place – they move jobs from one
country to another
Economy of scale – the cost advantages of conducting economic activity on such a large scale – often lead
to mergers to limit competition
Horizontal integration – a corporation merges with another corporation that produces similar products or
Vertical integration – a corporation merges with another corporation involved in different steps of
production – goal is to control the supply chain (the network of companies that produce, transport, and
distribute a final product)
Positives: reduction of tariffs (taxes), establishment of a common set of regulation on products, coordinated
labor policies, peaceful politics due to economic dependency, closer cultural ties
Negatives: transfer of jobs to inexpensive labor markets, the possibility of questionable quality of
production, skirting of some members’ safety and environmental regulations


What is theocracy government - Google search. (n.d.). Google.


What is aristocracy? Definition and examples. (2021, February 11).


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