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Pride and Prejudice Erik Dumitru

Chapter 7

1. Why was Elizabeth surprised that Darcy wanted to marry her?

- Because they haven't got the same social status and she thinks she is not suitable for
him. Also, at the party, he said that it was not worth spending the time on her.

2. Why did Darcy write the letter to Elizabeth?

- For explaining her what happened with Wickham and why he told Charles not to
marry Jane.

3. How did Darcy explain the fact that he hadn't wanted Charles to marry Jane?

- Darcy said he didn't saw that Jane was really in love with Charles or that she didn't
love him as much as he loved her.

4. Why did Darcy hate Wickham?

- Because Wickham, after having spent all the money Darcy's father left him, he tried to
marry Georgiana just for getting her money.
5. What was Elizabeth's reaction to Darcy's letter?

- Elizabeth read it again and again and she realized Darcy was a good person.

Chapter 8
1. Elizabeth decided not to tell Jane the real reason for Charles Bingley's behavior.

- Because the truth would not change anything it would just hurt Jane's feelings.

2. How did Jane feel after hearing the true story of Wickham's behavior?

- She felt surprised for Wickham's actions.

3. Why did the sisters decide not to tell anyone the truth about Wickham?

- Because as he wouldn't come back telling the truth would not change anything.
4. Why was Elizabeth worried about Lydia's going to Brighton alone?

- Because Elizabeth thinks Lydia is too young and that she will get into trouble.

5. Why did Elizabeth's feelings towards Darcy change when she visited Pemberly?

- Because she realized Darcy was actually a very good person.

Chapter 9
Pride and Prejudice Erik Dumitru

1. Elizabeth was surprised when she met Darcy’s sister, Georgiana. Why?

-Because, he knew the horrible story between Georgiana and Wickham.

2. What did the Gardiners learn about Wickham from their friends? How did this
change their opinion of him?

-The Gardiners thought that Mr.Wickham was a victim of the evil of Darcy, but in that
moment they knew all the truth about that story. After that, they realised that
Mr.Wickham wasn’t as good personas as they thought.

3.Why did Caroline behave so nastily to Elizabeth?

-Because, Caroline was jealous of anyone that Darcy looked at or paid attention to.

4. What did Caroline say after Elizabeth and the Gardiners left the hotel, and what effect
did this have on Darcy?

She said unpleasant thing about Elizabeth, like: “I think that Elizabeth has become
uglier”. However, Darcy replied
that it was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Chapter 10

1. What does Elizabeth learn from Jane’s first letter?

- She learned that her sister Lydia has run away to Scotland with Mr. Wickham and they
were getting married.

2. Why does Elizabeth feel that she is responsible for what happened?

- She felt very bad, because she thought that if she had told everybody the truth about
Wickham after she hear it, that wouldn’t have happened.

3. Why does Mr Bennet apologise to Elizabeth when he return from London?

- Because, Elizabeth warned Mr Bennet to not let Lydia to go to Brighton alone, but Mr
Bennet allow her.
4. Wicham is willing to marry Lydia on one condition. What is it?

-The condition is that they must agree to give him a certain amount of money
immediately and another sum of money every month.

Chapter 11
1. What does Mr Bennet think about Lydia’s marriage? Do you think that would be the
Pride and Prejudice Erik Dumitru

typical opinion of any 19th century mother? Why?

At first, he didn’t agree because Lydia and Wickham had a very bad
behaved, but
finally he accepted. This type of marriages were very common in the 19th century
because, people married to enrich themselves and improved their social group.
2. How do we know that Lydia does not feel “horrible” about all the trouble she

-Because, when the young couple arrived, Lydia was noisy and wild as always, and she
didn’t seemed worried or sad.
3. List three ways Darcy helped the Bennet family.

-Darcy went to London and found the couple.

-Darcy spoke to Lydia and tried to convinced her to leave Wickham and return to her
family, but she didn’t agree.

Darcy paid the money of Lydia and Wickham marriage’s conditions.

4. According to Mrs Gardiner, what was the real reason for Darcy’s helpfulness?

-Mr Gardiner said that Darcy had got another interest in the matter. Darcy wanted to
help her loved; Elizabeth.

5. Mrs Bennet is delighted to see Bringley but she is rude to Darcy. Why does she treat
both men so differently?

Because, Mrs Bennet didn’t know all the things that Darcy
had done for the family.
She thought he was still the arrogant who had insulted Elizabeth.
Chapter 12

1. How does Jane’s engagement to Bringley improve the family’s status in the

-If Jane get marry to Bringley, she would have enough money to have a luxury life and
can support her family.
2. Why does Lady Catherine come to visit Elizabeth?

Because, she heard that Elizabeth intended to marry her nephew Darcy and she didn’t
believe it.
3. Why doesn’t Lady Catherine approve of Elizabeth’s family?

-Because, she said that Darcy must marry with her daughter. It was decided when they
Pride and Prejudice Erik Dumitru

were children and Elizabeth was coming to from a poor family and in Lady Catherine
opinion, she have nothing to offer him.
4. After Lady Catherine's visit, Elizabeth and Darcy get together. Why? Explain the way
Elizabeth and Darcy reacted to his visit.

-Mr Darcy thought that the feelings of Elizabeth for him had changed and gave courage
to him to dare to ask for marriage regardless of what his family says.

5. Why is everyone surprised when Elizabeth and Darcy decide to marry?

-Because nobody knew all the good deeds Darcy had done. They were still thinking that
he was rude and arrogant

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