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Magazine of Dispuut Geo-Engineering “De Ondergrondse”


De Ondergrondse has been working together with the Dutch engineering association “KIVI
Geotechniek” for quite some time now. In order to make this cooperation even better, KIVI
Geotechniek is offering the students of the Geo-Engineering section the possibility to join the
activities hosted by KIVI Geotechniek. These activities include excursions to conferences and more!
For most activities you need to be a member of KIVI Geotechniek and most are organized in Dutch.

If you would like to become a member of KIVI Geotechniek, send an email to

Sponsors 2
by Lisa: Lisa van der Burg
Dear readers of de Mol,
In the coming weeks, de Ondergrondse
In our last edition, we talked about hoping has a lot of fun things in store. Starting
to organize more in-person events for our with some interesting trainings and lec-
members and now that our wish is coming tures from our partner companies. Fol-
true, we cannot help but to be excited for lowed by a site visit to a cool project. For
the future to come! Our agenda is getting the summer, the GETA committee is al-
fuller and fuller with a lot of fun activities. ready busy planning the study trip abroad.
Soon we will provide more information
Last quarter was already a sneak peak of about the travel dates of this amazing
how it should normally be, with the La- week. So, keep an eye on our Instagram to
tex workshop, our delightful times at the get more information about the activities!
Hangout and even our last geo-drinks
which was already at our own geo-corner! De Ondergrondse wishes you good luck
Where we served the beers directly from with studying for your exam week, thesis,
the climate room. I promise you; no lab or internship! Hope to see you soon at one
samples were sacrificed in the process. We of our next events
were very happy to see the staff, profes-
sors and PhD students taking part on the
event as well and we hope their presence
will be a constant from now on. It felt so
good to be back home.

by Jur Peerden
Dear reader,
The fourth article contains two in-
Welkom to the fourth issue of ‘de Mol’ ternship stories of Bertie Rtiema and Joris
2021. Luckily, the Netherlands is opening Lieftinck. Both did there internship in Nor-
up again and the first geo-drinks could be way and will talk about there experience.
held back at the faculty.
This is the last issue from the current Mol
You can find again 4 articles in this issue committee. We hope you have enjoyed
of De Mol. The first article is about opti- the issue and that you have got a bet-
mising pile design in the Neterlands. In the ter inside in the geo-engineering master.
article Professor Ken Gavin writes about We have enjoyed making the mol for
how we can close the knowledge gap of you. But now it is time to pass the ba-
deep foundation behaviour. ton to the next Mol committee. We wish
The second article is from Crux. The them good luck making the next Mols.
article is about a sister company of Crux,
namely CEMS. CEMS wants to propel the
geotechnical engineering community into-
the 21st century, using geotechnical soft-
The third article is a thesis talk from
Dianne Jacobs. Her master thesis was
about pile load tests on timber piles in
3 From the Board | Editorial

Optimising pile design in the Netherlands 5
By Ken Gavin

CRUX Engineering Micro Services 7

Pile load test on timber piles in Amsterdam 9

By Dianne Jacobs

Internship in Norway
By Bertie Rietema and Joris Lieftinck

Optimising Pile Design in the Netherlands
Background by Ken Gavin
The Chair of Subsurface Engineering
are working closely with Port of Rotterdam,
Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares and a number of
industry partners in the InPAD project (In-
vestigation of the Axial Capacity of Piles
in Sand). The aim is to update pile design
codes in the Netherlands. There is a knowl-
edge gap surrounding key aspects of deep
foundation behaviour that include:
1. What is the impact of friction fatigue
on shaft resistance?
2. Are limiting qc values necessary for
estimating shaft resistance?
3. Is it appropriate to have a limiting
Figure 2: Load test set-up
value on the pile base resistance (currently
15 MPa)?
InPAD will use a combination of full-scale Ground conditions and test procedures
field tests, centrifuge and numerical model- The ground conditions, See Figure
ling in conjunction with advanced statistical 1 consist of reclaimed sand deposits over
approaches to provide accurate calculation a 2 to 4 m deposit of stiff clay (around 20m
procedures to determine the axial capacity below ground level) which is in-turn un-
of a pile. The first field test programme per- derlain by dense Pleistocene sands, with
formed at Massvlakte II area in the Port of cone end resistance, qc values in the range
Rotterdam. This involved axial load tests on 40 to 80 MPa. The national pile test, NPR
instrumented driven precast concrete, Vi- guidelines require that load tests be per-
bro and Screw Injection Piles, SiP with pen- formed on at least three identical piles and
etration depths of ~35m and failure loads three precast and four each of the vibro
up to 25 MN. In addition to contributing to and screw-injection pile types were tested.
the general objectives of the InPAD project, The founding level of the piles is shown in
the tests specifically were designed to allow Figure 1. The load tests were performed
optimisation of the pile design at the Ama- using maintained load steps, reaction was
liahaven Quay wall project. provided by drilled tension anchors con-
nected to the load frame shown in Figure
2. The maximum test load varied by pile
type increasing from 7 MN for the vibro
piles to 25 MN for the screw injection piles.
The piles were instrumented with fiber op-
tic gauges that allow separation of the pile
base and shaft resistance. In addition the
distribution of shaft with depth can be
evaluated to determine the impact of fric-
tion fatigue on the mobilised resistance.

Figure 1: CPT profile at the test site

5 Faculty Corner
Key findings
By loading the piles to failure a
number of important research questions
have been addressed. Findings to date
include, (i) the precast piles exhibited fric-
tion fatigue when installed in dense sand,
in contrast no friction fatigue was evident
for the SiP and Vibro pile types. Local shaft
friction of up to 600 kPa was mobilised
by the SiP in dense sand, this compares
to a code limit of 135 kPa. (ii) When ac-
counting for residual loads the mobilised
end bearing resistance of precast concrete
piles exceeded 30 MPa, which is double
Figure 3: Full scale test
the current code limit. The very high unit
resistance and pile capacities demon-
In terms of numerical and statistical model-
strated in the test resulted in new design
ling, simulations of the pile base behaviour
methods (TUD-20). Implementing the re-
is being carried to investigate the influence
search findings in the construction of the
of layering on the pile response, support-
Quay Wall at the site in Figure 2 delivered
ing the results of the physical modelling
direct financial savings of €11m (30% cost
programme. Focus is also being placed on
reduction per foundation pile; 3.3% of to-
the use of reliability-based or probabilistic
tal project costs) and a reduction of 8,000
models for assessing pile capacity, allowing
tons of CO2. This was a very good return
for the incorporation of inherent soil vari-
on the €2.5 million financial investment in
ability into pile design. A database analysis
performing the tests.
of existing pile tests is also being carried
out to support the findings of the project
Next Steps
and make conclusions as to the appropri-
In order to change national pile
ate method for design.
design codes it is necessary to perform
instrumented pile tests in two distinct ge-
otechnical conditions. A second series of

full-scale load tests on precast concrete
and screw-injection pile types have been
performed at the Deltares campus.
In addition, centrifuge testing is being
carried out in the new geo-centrifuge of
Deltares. These include an investigation
into the pile response over a wide range of
cone resistances (with respect to limiting
values), the effects of soil layering around
the pile base (tests will be performed by Figure 4: Centrifuge test
means of model piles with different diam-
eters) and also the influence of the pre-
scribed loading scheme on pile capacity.

Faculty Corner 6

And the
winner is…
– CRUX celebrates in the new Delft office!

2021 was an exceptionally good year for the R&D developments at CRUX
Engineering. CEMS-CRUX won the Cobouw Digitalisation Award for the innovative
digital developments made in the field of geotechnical design software. And CRUX
won the ‘Waterinnovatieprijs’ (water innovation award) for climate neutrality, with
the Energy Sheet pile wall. This innovation utilizes the heat stored in surface water
and soil via sheet pile walls for heating of buildings.

CEMS (, short for CRUX Engineering To give an example of the products developed by
Micro Services, is a sister company of CRUX CEMS, the workflow for designing a pile foundation
( and has been established to propel the for a building could start with the GTLP-Core, which
geotechnical engineering community into the 21st either uses the Roberson graph or an in-house
century. The current society is digitalizing quickly developed Machine Learning model to interpret
but geotechnical engineers are lagging behind using and classify a series of CPT’s. The acquired soil
design software developed 20-30 years ago. The profile is then used in PileCore to determine the
current software packages are not build to be used necessary length and size of the piles. Finally,
in a design pipeline resulting in an unnecessary VibraCore is used which automates the necessary
time-consuming and cumbersome process. risk managements of building damage in the
CEMS aims to streamline the design process by proximity of a project in which piles or sheet piles
developing standalone design tools in python for are vibrated into the soil. The calculations performed
each step in the design process, called Cores. are based on the results of GTLP-Core and PileCore.
By offering these separate Cores via API’s, each Zooming in on the calculation in VibraCore, the three
companies can patch these together in their own key components of the analysis are the highest
unique way thereby making repeated steps such as impact force for driving the pile (or sheet pile), the
defining the soil profile multiple times, redundant. dimensions of the pile and information about the
By streamlining the design process, it becomes surrounding buildings. The first two components
more efficient and engineers have more time to are very easily extracted from the aforementioned
focus on the details thus optimizing the design. Cores and the location, dimensions and possible
Using python to streamline the design process will monumental status is downloaded automatically
not result in the redundancy of the geotechnical from a governmental database. This leaves time for
engineer. On the contrary, the digitalization in this a closer investigation into the state of the buildings
work field has happened a long time ago – nobody resulting in a better and site-specific design.
draws or calculates by hand anymore – and the Moreover, graphs, tables and maps are generated
increased complexity of projects and designs calls automatically. Therefore, the layout is the same in
for specialised engineers with good evaluating skills each new project.
and broad base of knowledge.
Even though CEMS developed quite a few Cores Enkhuizen and ‘It Swettehûs’ in Friesland.
already, the work is far from over. Some of the new As predicting the yield proved to be challenging, an
projects in the pipeline are SettleCore: to calculate investigation into the performance of the Energy
settlement, FitCore: automatically fit measurements sheet pile wall is being conducted near De Zweth. A
to predict residual settlements, and ShallowCore: sheet pile wall with a width of 7m has been activated
automatically design shallow foundations. for 1.5 years, with the test ending in May. The data
collected from makes it possible to develop a
powerful design tool that we can use to equip many
Energy Sheet Pile Wall kilometres of quay with energy sheet pile wall to
At least as exciting as the Cores made by CEMS provide sustainable energy for the Netherlands.
is the development of the Energy Sheet pile wall
( in collaboration with,
amongst others, Phil Vardon. With the climate rapidly
changing and the energy transition to sustainable
sources, CRUX is doing their part by aiming to make
the Dutch waterways CO2 neutral. The concept of
the Energy sheet pile wall is very simple: a standard
sheet pile wall is equipped with collectors, i.e. pipes
welded on the sheet pile wall on the soil side, that
act as a heat exchanger. The collectors are attached
to a heat pump that extracts the energy, which was
won from the subsurface and water. In the heat
pump, the temperature is increased so it can be used
to heat homes. The soil 6m below the surface is not VibraCore (GUI) at the VIKTOR platform
impacted by seasonal temperature changes and is
12°C all year round. Because of the energy extraction As you can make out of the many innovations we
during the winter, the subsurface temperature work on, CRUX is continuously moving forward.
is lower than the top soil and surface water At this moment, we are already working on a new
temperature. By switching off the heat extraction award-winning project ;-), MODUPS, a way of
by the heat pump but still letting the fluid be pump measuring the total deformation of a quay by means
through the system, the subsurface is reheated. of photogrammetry ( Moreover, due to
This results in an infinite heat source with very low the wide spread reputation of CRUX, we are hired
maintenance costs. The Energy sheet pile wall has for many different types of projects, ranging from
been applied in several projects already e.g. marina designing foundations for 70m high buildings to
massive infrastructural projects and from reinforcing
dikes to monitoring deformations of the quays in
Amsterdam. With a brand new office located at the
Phoenixstraat in Delft, and offices in Amsterdam
and Eindhoven, we are located close to many of the
projects we work on. Moreover, the possibility is
being offered regularly to visit these projects. This,
in combination with the innovations and enough
time and support to investigate and learn, makes
CRUX an excellent choice for young professionals
who want to develop themselves in all aspects of
geo-engineering. Check out our internships or thesis
subjects at the Ondergrondse if you want to be part
Test setup at De Zweth in operation of the R&D that is performed at CRUX Engineering.

©2022 – CRUX Engineering BV

+31 (0)20 4943070
Pile Load Tests on Timber Piles in Amsterdam
Finding a graduation topic by Dianne Jacobs
Thesis Talk
In the second period of the academ-
ic year 2020-2021, I started my internship at Introduction
the engineering department of the Munic- My graduation topic was part of
ipality of Rotterdam. Since there were still a big project in Amsterdam: Program-
COVID measures, I had to work from home ma Bruggen en Kademuren (Program
a lot. In spite of the COVID measures, there for Bridges and Quay Walls). The design
were still some opportunities when I could bearing capacity of the pile foundations
visit a project. The main objective of my in- of the old bridges and quay walls are of-
ternship was to automate the analysis of ten unknown, and thus also the remaining
pile load test data. bearing capacity. Part of the project con-
The biggest project I was involved with was sisted of pile load testing on new timber
the project Metro aan Zee in Hoek van Hol- piles that were instrumented with fibre
land. The metro line will be extended until optic sensors. Siavash Honardar already
the beach of Hoek van Holland. The geo- studied the compression load tests in his
technical engineers were involved in the graduation thesis. I focussed on the tensile
section where a short tunnel needed to be load tests to study the influence of nega-
constructed. A soil mix wall needed to be tive skin friction on the bearing capacity of
constructed, and I performed some calcula- the timber piles. The pile load tests were
tions on the required pre-stress of the an- already performed, so I had to focus on
chors. analysing the acquired data and compar-
During the internship, I enjoyed working on ing the results with the current NEN code.
topics related to soil-structure interaction, Figure 1 shows the mobilisation curves of
so I started to look for graduation topics in the shaft friction mobilised along the pile
that area. I was in contact with other com- shaft. Timber piles behave along curve 1,
panies, but in the end the topic that the so at 10 mm displacement the maximum
Municipality had available sounded most shaft friction is expected.
interesting to me. The subsidence problem
in Amsterdam always interested me, and Pile load tests
the topic was also very concrete and rele- Negative skin friction develops over
vant. many years. Tensile load tests can simulate
similar behaviour, but take less time. The
direction of movement of the pile with re-
spect to the soil is the same in both situa-
tions. And it is assumed that the maximum
friction that will be measured during the
tensile load test is similar to the maximum
negative skin friction that will occur during
the years. The piles were then tested un-
til geotechnical failure: the moment when
the pile loses contact with the soil.
The piles were instrumented with fibre op-
tic sensors. These sensors can measure the
strain in the pile over a small section in the
pile. So you get a very detailed overview of
Figure 1 Mobilisation shaft resistance (5) how the forces induced on the pile are dis-
as percentage of maximum shaft resist- tributed through the pile. he test data was
ance against pile tip settlement (4). (NEN processed to create mobilisation curves
9997-1 + C2, 2017) for every soil layer.

9 Thesis Talk
Figure 2 Shaft friction development of all four piles

The curves show how much movement of Conclusion

the pile is needed to mobilise the maxi- The negative skin friction calculat-
mum shaft friction along the pile. Then I ed from the test data showed similar val-
compared the mobilisation curves with ues compared to the values when using the
the mobilisation curve mentioned in NEN- formula from NEN 9997-1. The yellow bars
9997-1. Figure 2 shows that on average, in Figure 3 show the negative skin friction
less displacement was needed to create based on the tensile load test data. The
the maximum shaft friction in the clay lay- green bars represent the negative skin fric-
er than was expected from the NEN code. tion based on the current NEN code, where
The second comparison with NEN 9997-1 a factor of 0.25 should be used for timber
was between the calculated value of neg- piles. For all four piles this causes an overes-
ative skin friction based on the test data timation of the negative skin friction com-
and the calculated negative skin friction pared to the test data. However, when the
based on the formula from the NEN with 0.25 factor is omitted, this leads to an un-
the known soil data. Figure 3 shows this derestimation of the negative skin friction.
comparison. The maximum shaft friction Based on these results it can be concluded
shown in the mobilisation curves was that the current formula in NEN 9997-1 for
combined with the soil layer thickness and negative skin friction is a good approxima-
circumference of the pile to calculate the tion, but the 0.25 factor might be lowered
negative skin friction. to 0.22. Further pile load tests should be
The maximum shaft friction is also used performed to verify that this factor can be

Thesis Talk
to calculate the αt factors for the timber decreased.
piles. In accordance with NEN 9997-1,
there should be tests on other sites to ver- References
ify these found αt values. NEN 9997-1 + C2 (2017). Normcommissie
351 006 ‘Geotechniek’.

Figure 3 Comparison
negative skin friction
in 4 piles based on test
data and NEN calculated

Thesis Talk 10
Internship in Norway
Heihei! That’s the typical greeting in Norway.
Currently I, Bertie Rietema, am doing in intern-
ship at NGI, the Norwegian Geotechnical Insti-
tute in Oslo. I am working in the offshore ener-
gy department on modelling chain movements.
What does this have to do with geotechnical

Internship Assignment
First, let me explain why I am here. NGI is one of
the research institutions that is a partner in SFI
Blues, which aims at creating new types of float-
ing structures for renewable energy, aquaculture
and coastal infrastructure. One of the work pack-
ages concerns the anchoring of these structures,
how can this be done in the most optimal way?
In specific, my internship looked into trench-
ing which is the erosion of the seafloor around
the anchor chain due to dynamic loading of pany abroad. Obviously, you can also contact a
the structure (e.g. wave and wind loads). These company that you already know immediately!
trenches could impact the bearing capacity of Don’t forget to apply for funding from Erasmus if
the anchor itself. To model the development of you go to a EU country (or Norway, which is not
the trench, my supervisor is designing a finite el- a member of the EU but still counts!)
ement model which captures the movement of
the chain due to static and dynamic loading and Norway
its effect on (think of softening and liquifying) The sceneries here are truly wonderful. Norway
the surrounding soil. I was testing the model, has so much breath-taking nature, it keeps on
thinking of improvements it and documenting surprising me. Although I am in Norway in Q2,
its workings. the darkest time of the year, all the little city lights
Ofcourse, I could go more into depth, however keep me cheerful. It’s cold and super slippery
I think it will be nicer to save this for a real life due to all the snow and ice, I fell a few times...
conversation. Please let me know if you want to However, the snow and ice are the opportunity
know more about the assignment or NGI. for winter activities, such as downhill and cross
country skiing, ice skating or sledging. A warm
Internship Abroad hot choco or glögg (a drink that tastes like glüh-
Finding an internship abroad was a bit challeng- wein, with almonds and raisins) is the perfect way
ing, however I would still recommend it! It’s re- to get cosy afterwards.
ally nice to get an understanding of what it’s like People here are super sporty and healthy. While
to actually work at a company. My first step was hiking through the mountains (which they can
to think about what kind of topics within the ge- hills, however compared to the Netherlands it’s
otechnical engineering field I like, after which I definitely a mountain in my opinion) people,
planned a meeting with Dominque to ask what sometimes even in their sixties, speed past you.
would be a good approach to find a suiting com- Norwegians are somehow able to run on ice, in-
Sadly, due to COVID NGIs julebord (a crazy
Christmas party with free alcohol, where employ-
ees apparently puke in front of their bosses) was
cancelled. Still, the measures are less strict than
in the Netherlands so I should consider myself to
be lucky to be here.
All in all, Oslo is a wonderful city with so many
things to do, beautiful nature all around the
city (within reach!) and a great spot to move to
temporarily! Please visit this city if you have the
chance, you might even run into a class mate.
11 International Geocorner
Hi! I am Joris Lieftinck and I am in my second
year of the master track Geo-Engineering.
During Q2 this year I have done a 3-month
internship abroad in Trondheim, Norway. I
would love to share some of my experienc-

My internship was at SINTEF Community in

Trondheim. SINTEF Community is an independ-
ent research organization for sustainable devel-
opment of buildings, infrastructure, and mobility.
I am part of the rock mechanics and geotechnics
group. This group offers research, advice, labora-
tory work, field investigations, numerical analysis,
and risk analysis in sustainable solutions within
tunnels and underground technology in rocks.
Most of my colleagues have a civil engineering me to go to sometime, as I heard great stories
background and the majority also has a PhD. about the nature and people there. These stories
The majority of the geo-engineering courses in did not disappoint. Since my time here in Trond-
Delft are focused on soil. As fun as this is, I also heim there has been snow for almost the entire
wanted to learn and work more with rock engi- period, creating beautiful landscapes existing of

neering and its tunneling applications. This exper- snow-covered pine trees and mountains. This al-
tise is not too popular in the Netherlands. There- lowed me to do some downhill skiing for a week
fore, I was looking for an internship abroad. After during the Christmas break and also casually after
some emails with teachers, Dominique referred work sometimes with some colleagues. During
me to Dirk van Oosterhout, a graduate from our winter in Trondheim, it can be quite cold and the
study, who works currently for SINTEF. Via Dirk I days are very short, which took some time to get
came in contact with SINTEF and was invited for a used to. However, during a few of these dark days
few online introductory meetings and eventually I have been fortune enough to witness the North-
I was able to do my internship there. ern Lights, which was an incredible experience.
I have been invited to a yearly SINTEF conference
I have been working on an ongoing project at and also their Christmas dinner, which contained
SINTEF, called NoRSTRESS, which aims to evalu- lot of Norwegian foods and a lot of drinks (this
ate and improve knowledge of current and new was before the recent COVID outbreak). It was
in-situ rock stress measurements and create an also a very nice moment for me to know all my
in-situ Norwegian rock stress database and GIS colleagues better. The Trondheim Christmas mar-
for sustainable development for Hydroelectric ket gave me a perfect opportunity to make my
power. Additionally, I have done a 3D numerical own typical Norwegian style Christmas dinner for
analysis, using the FLAC3D software, of brittle my family, which came to visit me during Christ-
failure in a tunnel based on one of the rock stress mas. The Norwegians are very nice, well-spoken,
measurement reports. This means I have been and almost all have a small cabin somewhere in
learning about how to understand SINTEF rock the woods or mountains apparently.
measurements techniques and reports, sometime
assisting laboratory experiments, making a data- From the end of December more people started
base instruction guide, working with QGIS, and working from home due to COVID measures, but
working with FLAC3D. I was still allowed to come to the office with only
The working culture in SINTEF is very relaxed but a handful of others, the communications went on
also very efficient. The working days are generally via Teams. Luckily, the city itself was not on lock-
from 9:00 to 16:00 and free time in the weekends. down and I was still able to go to shops, restau-
My colleges are very nice and helpful, and do not rants, and do outdoor activities.
hesitate to speak English instead of Norwegian. I My experience of an internship abroad in Trond-
had one supervisor who helps me during my pro- heim has been very positive and at SINTEF I was
ject, one supervisor helping me to get to know able to improve my knowledge in a new context
people and activities in Trondheim, and one su- and learn new skills regarding rock mechanics
pervisor helping me around in the company and and in a fun and educational way. I met a lot of
provided an apartment for me during my stay in new, great people and good contacts for future
Trondheim. work during my study and beyond.
Norway has also been a preferred country for
International Geocorner 12
At GEO2 Engineering B.V. we are always up for a needs to be designed for. Note that the channel
good challenge!. water level is significantly higher than the
My name is Roshan and like to groundwater levels.
share insights from an interesting
project I have been working on for Detailed FEM calculations using PLAXIS have been
almost 2 years. So far that is carried out for the seemingly simple shore
almost half of my career with protection. In this way most of the identified risks
GEO2. The project "Opwaardering of the various disciplines could be taken into
Twentekanalen 2nd phase" started (tender) just as account simultaneously. Important aspects are:
the COVID pandemic had been declared. Up till • Safety of the levee (“Waterveiligheid”),
now I virtually have daily meetings with most of also during construction;
the project colleagues, however have only met • Groundwater level monitoring and taking
them personally on a few occasions. Almost measures to keep it within acceptable
unbelievable for this complex multidisciplinary levels;
project. • Construction planning with short as
possible timing between removing the old
This project comprises the second phase of and installing the new shore structures,
making the waterways of the Twentekanalen also taking into account breading seasons,
more accessible for larger inland vessels. The recreational use and commercial shipping
engineering focus lies on the main channel of the in the waterway;
Twentekanalen between the sluice Delden and • Extensive soil investigations for detailed
the ports in Enschede and the side channel to geotechnical profiles and also to get a
Almelo (see yellow parts in picture). As earlier clear overview of locations with boulder
other parts of the channels have been negatively clay and glauconite rich soils in which
exposed in the media, there is an extra pressure sheet pile installation issues could occur;
on our project team not to cause water leakage • Triaxial testing for determining soil
and foundation failures during the construction (strength) parameters;
works and afterwards. • Integral multidisciplinary design process.

After a productive period of planning and

designing the project is now under construction.
So, if you’re interested it is possible to take a look
along the Twentekanalen until the end of the
year. It is a beautiful landscape to cycle through.

By explaining a bit of this project I expect to give

you a good idea of the type of work we do.

Rijkswaterstaat chose the combination Van Oord Feel free to visit our website ( for
– Hakkers – Beens for the execution of this more interesting projects or contact us
project. GEO2 Engineering B.V. is involved as ( Opportunities for an internship or
geotechnical expert via Hakkers B.V. graduation thesis are also possible.

Along the channels a deeper bottom level is to be

achieved for which also the shore protection with
sheet piles and nature friendly riprap revetment
Gotthard Base Tunnel, Switzerland
The Gotthard Base Tunnel is the world’s
longest and deepest tunnel. It runs under
the Swiss alps between the towns of Erst-
feld in the north and Bodio in the south. The
tunnel is 57 km long and reaches a depth
of 2,300 meters. Trains reaching speeds
of up to 250 kilometers an hour can trav-
el through in 20 minutes, according to the
Swiss Travel System. The tunnel has helped
to decrease the travel time between Zurich,
Switzerland, and Milan, Italy, by an hour.
Laerdal Tunnel, Norway
The tunnel is located in North Norway and is
24.5 kilometers long, making it the world’s
longest road tunnel. To drive through takes
20 minutes. The sheer length of the tunnel
led to studies in driver psychology which
was used to evolve the design of the tun-
nel. The studies resulted in a design where
lit caverns every 6 kilometers creates var-
iation and alleviates claustrophobia and

Channel Tunnel, United Kingdom and

The Channel Tunnel is not only one, but
three tunnels. Two of them are meant for
railways and the third is for service and se-
curity purposes. The tunnel runs between
Folkestone in England and Pas-de-Calais in
northern France and is used for both freight
and passenger traffic. It changed the ge-
ography of Europe and helped reinforce
high speed rail as an alternative to short-
haul flights. It has the longest underwater
Source: Discovery uk, The longest tunnels
section of any tunnel in the world, with a
in the world.
length of nearly 38 km.

Contact Circulation: 220
“De Ondergrondse“
p/a Stevinweg 1, Room 0.0.43 Editors: Jur Peerden, Laura de Haan and Leon Vrielink
2628 CN Delft

T | 015 - 278 2778

E |
W |

| Colophon 14

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