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why is the title of the selection"A

Who is Nick Joaquin?

Heritage of smallness"?
Nick Joaquin, byname of Nicomedes Joaquin, (born May 4, 1917,
Paco, Manila, Philippines—died April 29, 2004, San Juan), Filipino In that book, Joaquin devotes a whole chapter
novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, and biographer whose works
present the diverse heritage of the Filipino people.
titled “A Heritage of Smallness” to delving
Joaquin was awarded a scholarship to the Dominican monastery in profoundly into the Filipinos' confidence in
Hong Kong after publication of his essay “La Naval de Manila” (1943),
a description of Manila’s fabled resistance to 17th-century Dutch
doing and excelling in small things and their
invaders. After World War II he traveled to the United States, Mexico, failures to push beyond the small and easy into
and Spain, later serving as a cultural representative of the
the hard and big projects.
Philippines to Taiwan, Cuba, and China.

what are Filipino slang /terms used in the Why is it important to value our
selection give an explanation on each term
own culture and tradition
History for the Filipino is a small vague
They remind us that we are part of a history that
saying: matanda pa kay mahoma; noong defines our past, shapes who we are today and who
peacetime,” Nick Joaquin said in one of his we are likely to become. Once we ignore the
essays entitled A Heritage of Smallness. meaning of our traditions, we're in danger of
This undoubtedly reflects on the peculiar damaging the underpinning of our identity.
Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and
ways Filipino people live through day by

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