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Cardona Solange
Box A
1. Amy managed to escape, leaving her mechanic a prisoner on the island. Before
that, she was forced to marry the mechanic and have kids with him. She was
destroyed. Until that moment she felt the most miserable person in the word as if
her life has not value for anybody. After a while of being running she arrived to the
police station of the Island escorted by a young man from her village who found
her and knew her family. Instantly when the police ask her what she wanted to do
she said that she preferred to stay with him.

2. Ablaze with fiery emotions, Jane walked self-consciously away. Previously she had
a fight with her boyfriend, but she was fed up of this situation. By that time her
boyfriend constantly breaks her up every time they had a fight. At the same time
that makes her incredibly insecure and hurt. Before long she realized that it was a
way to control her and take her attention. Within seconds she decided that he was
not the perfect boy for her.

3. Marveling at her beauty, the prince kissed her sleeping face. Beforehand they had
only meet for five seconds and it is instantly love, she had feeling for him but she
couldn’t talk with him about that. In the meantime her mother told her that she
was betrothed to someone else she opposed to this and her mother poisoned her.
Within days they realized that the price was her only salvation to wake her up.

Box B
1. It has been a fantastic holiday, I went to Paris. In the beginning I wanted to go with
someone but then I preferred to travel alone. Instead of staying in a hotel, I stayed
with one of my old friends. In the meantime it was so much fun and a little bit like
my old life. We visited so many places but in the end we went to the most
beautiful place, the historic Eiffel Tower.
2. I haven’t enjoyed this party at all. At first it started to rain and the place was too
far from my home. I started calling taxes but no one answered my calls and all my
friends were there. In the meantime a friend texted me that she could take me
there. At the moment we arrive my ex-boyfriend is there with another girl. Right
now I want to be at my bed watching a movie. At last I called a cab and returned to
my home to enjoy by myself the night.

Gaiman, Chubut.

Gaiman is a Welsh town located in Chubut province, Argentina. Gaiman is a cultural and
demographic centre of the main region of the Welsh settlement in Argentina. The town
was founded in 1874 by David D. Roberts and acquired municipal rights in 1885. The
Central Chubut Railway arrived in 1908 to connect Gaiman to Trelew and was built in

Many people in the region have maintained the use of Welsh alongside Spanish. The
town's name originates in an indigenous Thuelche place-name meaning "rocky point. This
small Welsh village is just minutes from the large city of Trelew in Chubut. Gaiman is an
easy day trip from Puerto Madryn.

In this town you can visit many different historical places. For example, the paleontological
museum is made up of four large rooms filled with fossils and dinosaur skeletons. It also
has the first house; this tiny three-room house was built by the first Welsh settlers who
arrived in the area in 1865. There are also two churches to visit and they are on the same
property. The old Bethel Chapel was built in 1884 and is a protestant church. In 1906
there was a religious rebirth in the area which led to the construction of the new chapel in
1903. Finally the Welsh Tea Houses are the highlight of Gaiman and the main thing I was
excited about. There are four tea houses, but the most well-known is Ty Te Caerdydd, the
tea house that Pricess Diana visited when she went to Gaiman.

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