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Daily Lesson School Las Piñas Elementary School Grade Five SDO Las Piñas

Plan (DLP) Central Level City

Teacher JENEFAITH C. ABOGADA Quarter Second
Teaching February 21, 2023 School 2022-2023
Date/Day Tuesday Year
Class Schedule 12 MATULUNGIN 12:00- 12:50 12
MAGALANG 2:10 - 3: 00
MASIPAG 3:50 -4:40
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various
B. Performance Standards Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from
informal texts
C. Learning Competencies/ Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features:
Objectives classification, explanation, enumeration and time order

Specific Learning Objective

Identify the text-type according to purpose and features
Explanation text type
II. CONTENT Text-type according to purpose and features
A. References DBOW FOR ENGLISH 5 Quarter 2.
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Joy in Learning English 5 P. 177- 182
2. Textbook Pages Joy in Learning English 5 P. 177- 182
3. Additional Reference from
Learning Resources (LR,
B. Other Learning Resources Power point presentations and video
Begin with classroom routine:

a. Prayer Nial lead the prayer

b. Reminder of classroom health and
safety protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Short sharing
A. Review previous lessons A short review on the previous

What is text type? - It is a way of

classifying and defining
different language
interaction, spoken and

- This text type is when

What is classification text?
the text or paragraph
has organized ideas by
groups or types.

B. Establishing a purpose for the What is text- type?

lesson - It is a way of classifying and
defining different language
interaction, spoken and written.

There are different text-types

according to purpose and features
1. Classification text
2. Explanation text
3. Enumeration text
4. Time order text

C. Presenting examples/instances
of the new lessons What is text-type? The word/s that what we read
or see teacher.

D. Discussing new concepts and What is explanation text-type?

practicing new skills #1
Explanation text provides
descriptions to looking at things like
causes and reasons. They move
beyond retelling of what happened,
such as in a
simple report, to address the why and
how of what happened.
Explanatory texts usually tell how
or why things occur with a general
statement that introduces the topic to
be explored Time connectives used
such as first, after, then, next, and
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2 1. Explanation text – Explanation
text type usually includes a series
of event explaining how and why
a certain event or phenomenon

Day and Night
As Earth rotates on its axis
around the Sun, the section
facing the sun will be the
daylight. The section facing away
the sun will be in darkness,
experiencing night. One half of
the Earth is always experiencing
day while the other half is
experiencing night.

- In the explanation text it

explains a certain event or

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Directions: Read the text below and

Formative Assessment 3) explain the following questions.

- The details are presented in a

series of sentences that explains

why and how the rain forms.

1. What is the paragraph about?


2. Explain how rain form?


G. Finding practical applications Explain the Modifiied Community

of concepts and skills in daily Quaratine that happen in our country

H. Making generalizations and - Explanation text provides

abstractions about the lessons What is explanation text-type? descriptions to looking at
things like causes and
reasons. They move
beyond retelling of what
happened, such as in a
simple report, to address
the why and how of what
I. Evaluating Learning
Show short video clip of a news. Let them
make their own text type purpose to
explain. Write it legibly.

J. Additional activities for Study the next lesson.

application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned __________# of Learners who earned 80% above
80% in the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who require __________# of Learners who require additional activities for
additional activities for remediation.
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons __________# of Learners who caught up the lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue __________# of Learners who continue to require remediation.
to require remediation Complete the deposit slip with information from the choices inside the

E. Which of my teaching ______Experiment _______Role Play

strategies worked well? Why ______Collaborative Learning _______Differentiated
did this work? Instruction ______Lecture _______Discovery Why?
_________ Complete IMs
F. What difficulties did I ______Pupil’s behavior
encounter which my ______Colorful IMS
principal or supervisor can ______Unavailable Technology Equipment(ICT)
help me solve? ______Science/Internet/Lab
G. What innovations or ___Localized Videos
localized materials did I ___Making big books from views of the locality
used/discover which I wish ___Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
to share with other teachers? ___Local musical composition

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