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An Application Framework for IoTs enabled Smart

Agriculture Waste Recycle Management System
A.Arun Gnanaraj1, Dr. J. Gnana Jayanthi2
PhD Research Scholar,Dept of Computer Science, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
Assistant Professor, PG and Research Dept. of Computer Science, Rajah Serfoji Govt. College, Thanjavur, 613005,
Tamilnadu, India. 2

Abstract- Agriculture and poultry waste are not managed enabled Smart Agriculture Waste Recycle Management
properly in the Asian countries. Their practices need to be System is proposed. The dependency between the smart farm,
automated to improve the cost effective and to reduce waste out of poultry and fish tank has been analyzed. The different
production. We propose a framework that provides a system to monitoring sensors and actuators; and the usages has been
monitor a green house, poultry and a fish tank. Using raspberry pi
we can monitor and control the environment. IoT sensors and
discussed. In the Section 4, the conclusions will be drawn.
actuators are the key components to monitor and react for the
II. Review of Literature
environment. This system allows to find the dependency between
the environments and to reuse the waste from one environment to
A. Smart Farm
another. The first aim of the framework is to provide a basic
functionality for controlling the environments. The second objective Smart farming is more important in the food sustainability in
is to find the waste dependency between the environments. The the 21st century. Soil moisture, air temperature, humidity and
third objective is to provide an extendable framework that can be water level can be measured and monitored by Atmel AVR
utilized in any agriculture related environments. microcontroller, sensors and ZigBee network [1]. These are all
the key elements to grow plants using the current sensor and
Keywords : IoT, Poultry Automation, Fish Tank Automation,
Poultry Waste Recycle network stack. ZigBee protocol (IEEE 802.15.4) is good in
very low power consumption, message routing etc., Using the
I. INTRODUCTION artificial neural network we can detect the disease and grade
the vegetables and fruits [2]. Smart irrigation systems can
Waste management refers the actions to manage the reduce the total cost of the irrigation system up to 75% [3].
collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste and We can reduce the water level up to 50% using the sensor
monitor. In agriculture the waste management needs to be based automated irrigation system [4]. CC2530 chip can be
handled properly to unlock the potential energy and increase used to implement agriculture Greenhouse Environment
the profit. The dependency between the different agriculture monitoring system based on ZigBee technology, the wireless
areas needs to be identified and the waste in those areas can be sensor and control nodes takes CC2530 (CC2530-Second
recycled among them to yield the money out of waste. For Generation System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE
example the poultry farms, fish farms and a vegetation farm 802.15.4 / RF4CE / ZigBee) as core to control the
has some dependency. In this research we are proposing the environment data. This system is made up of front-end data
controlled environment for monitor and measure the gaining, data processing, data transmission and data reception
dependency of such farms. This controlled environment [5]. OpenIoT platform can be used in Digital Agriculture. An
framework can be extended to any agriculture farms to study Ontology to represent Phenonet domain concepts in order to
and analyze the maximum performance. This can be utilized facilitate smart collection, annotation, validation, processing
to extend the season for farms and even in production with the and storing of data streams from sensors in the field can be
full automation for lowering the cost. done [6].

In this paper the proposed Architecture provides a B. Poultry Management

comprehensive, end-to-end waste management solution that Poultry is the largest source for human food. N1H1 (Swine flu
could be applied to many poultry management and fish tank - Influenza A virus subtype H1N1) bird-flue, highly
automation. This solution allows us to monitor and maintain pathogenetic avian influneza HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Asian
the green farm, poultry and fish tank. This automation will Avian Influenza A virus) are making it difficult to meet the
measure the amount of waste and reduce the cost of daily need of poultry foods. Smart poultry management can
management. be created using Rasberry pi and Ardunio. Smart system can
monitor surrounding weather conditions, humidity,
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2 explains the temperature, climate quality, and also filter fans [7]. Modern
overview of smart farm, poultry automation and fish tank poultry tracking system for analyzing the behavior of poultry
automation. In section 3, An Application Framework for IoTs infected with avian influenza using a camera. The trackers

978-1-5090-5573-9/17 $31.00 © 2017

978-1-5090-5573-9/16 2016 IEEE 1
DOI 10.1109/WCCCT.2016.11
employed in the system robustly track poultry that make The ozone technology fish storage system (OTFIS) can be
contact and occlude each other in a narrow isolator during useful in the fishing boat, fish storage in the Fish Auction
infection experiment using a particle filtering algorithm [8]. Market, fish storage in the means transport for fish. The
In birds farms CO2, high temperature and high relative OTFIS yields a better result when we transport a fish from one
humidity will be there. There are other harmful gasses like place to another [18]. The Automated Indoor Aquaponic
Ammonia (NH3), Hydrogen Sulphide (SO2) will be there. Cultivation Technique was able to perceive a good control
Monitoring of Weight, Environment, Soil attributes, Visual performance. The overall assimilation of controller, actuators
identification can be automated [9]. Better molecular process and sensors using temperature sensors such as DS18B20,
level technologies that improve egg manufacturing at the RTC1302, Float sensor and LCD display can effectively create
molecular/cellular level and Machine level technologies that a closed-loop control system [19].
modify egg manufacturing processes such as single-use Wastewater from aquiculture contains valuable nutrients for
technologies, compliance, equipment and biosafety. Systems plant, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. The nutrients in
level technologies for innovation in the egg manufacturing wastewater from fish pond was assimilated and used by paddy
enterprise including quality by design, technology transfer, field [20]. Bio oil can be obtained from fish waste. Waste fish
cleanliness and compliance [10]. fats from Tunisian fish industry were pyrolysis under nitrogen
Near Infrared Spectroscopy may be a good technique applied in a laboratory scale fixed-bed reactor. In these environments
to quantitatively analyze many physicochemical the main product is bio-oil (55 wt.%) while the co products are
characteristics such as humidity, organic matter, macro- syngas (44 wt.%) and bio-char (1 wt.%) [21]. Magnetic field
elements and so on in livestock and poultry manure and promoted separation technique, known as magnetic fishing
compost [11]. A Low cost semi-automated vaccination technique, provides highly purified desired product, even the
machine consists of an injection, stainless steel base, stainless concentration of desired molecule is very low in feedstock
steel cover, Teflon plate, switch, air compressor, mounted [22]. The circulated energy system utilizes cleaning waste of a
double acting cylinder, solenoid valve 5/2, Filter Regulator fish processing plant to produce biodiesel. The biodiesel is
Lubricator (FRL), solenoid limit switch and connections. The used to produce the locally required cooling/freezing and
projected production of the machine is 2000 chick/hour [12]. heating energy. In addition, a power surplus is produced for
Lighting in a poultry house is one of the important factors the electricity network or local industrial use [23].
affecting fowls’ health, growth, behavior, productivity and
overall costs. Light Emitting Diode (LED) with efficient III. Proposed Model
luminaire matching fowls' spectral sensitivity provides good
info about the lighting systems optimization [13]. The proposed model depicted in figure 1 shows the
Biogas can be generated using the poultry waste. Poultry controlled environment where the study and analysis can be
Biogas, produced in Anaerobic Digestion (AD)- plants, done. The proposed model has a house of three layers. The top
primarily consists of methane (CH4) and Carbon Dioxide layer for the green vegetation where the sun light needs to be
harvested directly. The second layer in house for poultry. The
(CO2) with smaller amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and
poultry can be fed by the vegetation layer or by poultry feed.
ammonia (NH3). For the electricity generation from biogas
The amount of feed supplied needs to be measured. The
needs reduction of H2S, because it forms a complex bond with bottom layer is the fish tank. Where we can monitor and
iron hence damage the generator. Reduction of Hydrogen manage different variety of fish. The fish can be feed by the
Sulfide (H2S) from poultry based on biogas can be done by waste from the poultry. The excess waste from poultry and
dosing air/oxygen to the main digester into the digestion fish can be used to create compost which can be later used to
process [14]. Poultry waste water can be used for irrigation fertilize the vegetation layer.
after treatment [15]. FIGURE I
Proposed IoT enabled waste management model

C. Fish Management
Artificial Fish-Swarm Algorithm (AFSA) is a method to
search global optimum, which is typical application of
behaviorism in artificial intelligence. Using AFSA, fish can be
feed effectively [16]. Automated Monitoring System allows a
user with a mobile device to monitor the fish farm
Environmental Data with Instant mastery and control over the
various environmental data. Temperature, dissolved oxygen,
PH value and water level sensing modules are incorporated in
this monitoring system. The ZigBee wireless sensor network
brings the data to a central processing core. A WIFI interface
transfers the data to the user terminal device. The user can
control the entire fish farm environment through the terminal The Proposed is beneficial to farmers and is suitable from a
device [17]. small farm to a larger scale production. This provides a view
of over all dependency study of different agriculture. We can

use this model for R&D for the related area and to implement ¾ Vegetation soil attributes monitor (Soil sensor, RGB
for the bigger scale. camera)
¾ Vegetation fertilizer and compose doses monitoring
A. Study Areas using the model (temperature, clock, humidity)
With the use of proposed model we can study the different ¾ Classification and separation of sick poultry, crops
areas of agriculture waste dependency. Few of them are listed and fish using visual evidences (RGB camera)
¾ Study of the different fish with the poultry waste as a D. Application Architecture
feed The application contains of wireless sensors, raspberry pi kit,
¾ Amount of poultry waste produced and the poultry Ardunio and actuators. The sensor data has been collected
growth from the vegetation layer, poultry layer and fishery layer and
¾ Amount of eggs produced by the poultry fed in to the raspberry kit via Ardunio. The sensor module is
¾ Amount of crops produced by the top layer taking care of keeping the sensor registry and its functions.
¾ Amount of water contaminated by the poultry and The image analysis provides the basic functionality of various
fish image based operations. This is useful to take decision about
¾ Amount of white meat produced by the poultry the feeding and sick control, vegetation and waste
¾ Amount of fish produced management etc.,
¾ Optimal environment gas, temperature and water The poultry monitoring module taking care of complete
purity control over the poultry like number of hens, ducklings,
¾ Fertilizer used for the vegetation amount of food, waste produced, egg produced, water utilized
¾ Compost created by the poultry and fish wastes etc., Fish monitoring is taking care of the overview of fishing,
fish count, variety of fish, fish feed, waste utilized, timings,
B. Dependency Cycle amount of fish produced etc., the vegetation module taking
The below describes the dependency between the different care of fertilizer, water and plant growth. The compost
layers of the proposed model. The vegetation provides duck monitoring is look after the compost that is in the progress and
feed. Using that we can feed the duck farm. The ducks can monitor the temperature and humidity. The compost monitor
produce eggs and duck waste. The duck waste can be the feed gives alert when the compost is ready. The waste monitoring
to the fish. The ducks can be feed by the small fish. They will is taking care of waste produced in the process like amount of
clean the fish tank. The excess fish waste and duck waste can birds, fish waste produced and contaminated water released.
be used to create the compost which can be used to grow the The water, temperature and humidity monitoring is actually
food in the vegetation layer. The eggs, white meat and the fish receives the feedback from the sensors and look the target
can be directly sold to the market. This is the model where can values set by the different monitors, layers and activates the
play with different parameters like drake, hen, different fish water flow, fan or water spray to the respective environment.
verities, different vegetation and ducklings etc., The sick control take care of sick identification based on the
video, weight and the motion pattern (accelerometer). The 3rd
FIGURE II party API integration is enabled for extendibility and future
Dependency cycle between various actors in the model
service for critical alert when the system in production. The
reporting will be held using the tablet or computer which can
connect to the raspberry pi via USB. My SQL can be used as
a database on raspberry pi.
Ardunio UNO (microcontroller board based on the
ATmega328) has been used for base to connect all the sensors.
The high level decision has been done by raspberry pi. LM335
temperature sensor has been used to monitor the temperature
in vegetation, poultry and fish tank. HIH-4030 Humidity
Sensor has been used to find the humidity and temperature in
C. Parameters for Sensor Network Monitoring the air. Soil moisture sensor will read the data from the soil
The below list provides the use of various sensors in the and provides the feedback. The algorithm has been set that the
monitoring process. moisture level gone below 50% then the Plastic Water
¾ Birds monitoring (RFID (Radio-Frequency Solenoid Valve – 12V has been activated to provide water to
IDentification), NFC(Near Field Communication), the vegetation. If the humidity has been rise in the air then the
motion, temperature, weight) fan has been activated to make the environment cool. SEN-
¾ Fish monitoring (motion, size, camera) 11745 CMOS Camera Module has been used to provide inputs
¾ Environment (temperature, humidity, air- to the raspberry pi for taking decision about the movements of
composition, airspeed, Air movement, light) hens and fish, Number of eggs and other feeding patterns.
¾ Eating habits of poultry and fish (RGB (Color
camera) camera, accelerometer)

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