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Season 42: Regarding the recovery of symptoms

Recovery is a topic that the majority of brothers are more concerned about. Many people start
rebooting only when they have physical problems. They just want to restore themselves to a healthy
state through rebooting. Whether others recover or not will affect their confidence in rebooting. If
you see that many people have not recovered, they may naturally lose their confidence and
motivation to reboot. Some brothers may even think that since they can't recover, they should give
up something, so they break the tank and smash, laying a hidden danger for the further collapse of
the body in the future.

Share a case first

[Big Brother Flying, I saw some people say that I can’t recover and feel uncomfortable. I don’t
waver now and I know I want to continue. I am 23 this year and have been abstaining for almost 1
year. Can I recover? 】

Answer: There is no need to be uncomfortable. Some people recover, and some people don’t. It's
normal. Do well in all aspects, the recovery will be very confident. come on! I suggest that you
exercise actively and pay attention to the way of health preservation. Work hard on health
preservation, learn more health articles and videos, and improve your health awareness. It is
difficult to recover if only abstaining from it.

Analysis: Many people are discouraged when they see that they can't recover, their confidence is
shaken, and they don't want to quit. Posts that shake the confidence of brothers still appear from
time to time. If you read them and are affected, it will be detrimental to your rebooting. Many
people are not firm in rebooting, and the foundation is not stable, and it is easy to get upset when
they read these articles. For example, among ten people rebooting, one of them has really
recovered, but the other nine people have not recovered. You should learn from the recovered
people. Those who can really recover have their own set of health regimen and recovery experience.

A word to everyone: To recover, you must ask the person who has truly recovered. Those who have
not recovered will only tell you that you cannot recover. At the beginning, my hair loss basically
peaked, and I have been to many hair loss forums. Basically, they said that it is difficult to recover,
and there are gray hair problems. It is difficult to see cases of recovery, but everyone must know a
truth. If you did not see it, it does not mean that there is no . Just like when you buy a lottery ticket,
you never win 5 million. It doesn't mean that no one wins 5 million. Of course, the probability of
symptom recovery is not so low. As long as all aspects are done well, especially the health
preservation skills are in place, the possibility of recovery is still very high. Not to mention
complete recovery, at least it can be improved a lot, and it is much better than before. Some
brothers are badly injured, long-lived, hard to return, or have poor physique. If they want to recover,
they will get rid of their illnesses and recover little by little. If the health regimen is not well done or
the frequency of spermatorrhea is uncontrollable, it is still possible. It will go backwards, and only
by keeping patience can we hope to eventually recover.

Rehabilitation is a systematic project, and senior brothers should be aware that it is difficult to
completely reboot, and it is also difficult to recover. It is not easy to overcome one difficulty, and to
overcome both difficulties, a high level of rebooting is required. Awareness and health awareness.
When you see that it is difficult, you will definitely worry that you will not be able to do it. In fact,
if you really master the method, it will not be called difficulty. You also need to know how to
recover. There is always a way to succeed, but you haven’t found it for the time being. Just like
playing games, there are game cheats. I was always looking for recovery methods, and I have been
trying recovery methods, which helped me a lot. , One is the kidney strengthening function, which
allows me to control the frequency of nocturnal emission; second, standing and meditation; third,
aerobic exercise; fourth, moxibustion. Among them, moxibustion is indispensable. Moxibustion can
be said to have cured my allergic rhinitis and hemorrhoids, and it has a positive effect on the
improvement of physical fitness. The cost of moxibustion is not expensive, but you must have a
certain understanding and knowledge of moxibustion, constantly sum up practical experience, and
continue to learn to deepen your understanding.

About the bottleneck period of recovery

Some brothers are also doing health maintenance, but if they recover to a certain level, they will
feel stagnant. In fact, they have encountered a bottleneck period. It is normal to encounter a
bottleneck period. To break through the bottleneck period, you should find a way. Just like a
technical difficulty, to overcome this technical difficulty, you must further improve the health
maintenance methods and health awareness. This situation is also like running. When you work
hard for a period of time, 100 meters can reach 12 seconds, and then you will find that you have
been hovering for 12 seconds, and there is no improvement. At this time, it is easy to have a senior
coach. The coach will tell you how to break through the bottleneck period and how to further
improve your exercise level, allowing you to enter 11 seconds or even 10 seconds. I have read an
article by a track and field coach. He said that professional track and field athletes need at least
three years of systematic and professional training to run for 10 seconds, with the exception of
certain talents. If we encounter a bottleneck in the recovery period, we should learn more about
health articles. We can try many health maintenance methods, and then find a health maintenance
method that suits us and persist in practicing. For example, if you can learn the essentials and
persevere, many symptoms of your body will be greatly improved. There are also real cases of
practicing Tai Chi and yoga, alleviating or eliminating diseases through practice. Medication is not
as good as food tonic, and food tonic is not as good as dynamic tonic. How do you do is asked by
the university. Many people know that aerobic exercise is good, and they sweat profusely every day
when they run. It didn’t take long to find that the body was weakened and entered a period of
exercise fatigue. Spirit.

There is nothing wrong with Chinese medicine saying that sweating hurts Yang. Some people are
young and have good physiques and can afford to hurt them, but if they keep doing this, they are
prone to problems. At that time, the Ma Jiajun track and field team paid great attention to the
recovery and conditioning after exercise, and boiled Chinese medicine tonic soup for the team
members every day. I was able to recover and I was constantly breaking through the bottleneck
period. At that time, I saw an article saying that heel-lifting can stimulate the Chengshan point of
the calf, which is similar to Baduanjin’s "Seven Dilemma and Hundred Diseases Behind", and then
I do several hundred every day. One time, even thousands of times, I walked with heels raised when
I walked. I found that raising heels not only improves physical fitness, but also improves jumping
ability and makes calves stronger and stronger. But when we do a certain exercise, we must have a
good grasp of the essentials, and we can't blindly practice it. Just as some brothers see that the squat
is good, they practice 500 times a day, and finally their knees are broken. When squatting up, the
knees should not exceed the toes, and the knees and toes should be in the same direction, so as to
avoid adverse effects on the knees. Otherwise, if the knees pass the toes for a long time, the
pressure will be transferred to the knees, causing knee wear or other knees. problem. We must
practice in the same way and avoid blindly practicing.

Share another case

["Sperm emission is used to strengthen the kidney, and prostatitis depends on taking medicine and
nourishing. These two can recover more than 80% after persisting for more than half a year.
However, based on my experience of staying in the bar for more than a year, no one can cure
premature ejaculation. After posting, some people have not cured premature ejaculation after a year
of abstinence, and many people’s premature ejaculation has not changed at all. Facts have proved
that, to a large extent, premature ejaculation is likely to be permanent once the second shot is
achieved. "This is sent by a brother. Teacher Feixiang, do you think this makes sense?" It seems
that there is no such case. 】

Answer: This brother has a certain point in saying that restoration is a systematic project. According
to my experience, I have seen brothers post about improvements, and there are still cases of
recovery, but many people are very long-lived and suffer from severe injuries. Therefore, the
recovery of premature ejaculation and impotence is basically measured in years. And it must be a
thorough abstinence + health maintenance, both of which must be in place, and strict control of
dysplasia must be performed. Many people can't even quit completely, so how can we talk about
recovery? I don’t have health awareness, so how can I talk about recovery? come on!

Analysis: I emphasized the importance of health preservation in a very early article. Why do my
answers emphasize rebooting and health preservation? Why don't I just talk about rebooting?
Because I am deeply aware of the importance of keeping in good health for recovery, just
abstaining from nourishing and recovering will not be ideal. Many brothers put all their hopes on
rebooting, thinking that everything will be fine when you start rebooting. In fact, this understanding
is wrong. rebooting is only one aspect, and health preservation is the most important thing. Three
points of treatment, seven points of health preservation, health preservation includes rebooting and
maintaining essence, as well as various health preservation knowledge and health preservation

The weight of health preservation is self-evident. There are still many brothers who place all their
hopes on doctors and medicines.

They have no awareness of health preservation at all. They think that kidney deficiency is the same
as a cold and can be solved by taking a few pills. This understanding is also wrong. If the symptoms
are severe or persistent, they should be treated actively, but don't put all hope on the doctor. For all
kinds of symptoms caused by kidney deficiency, the most important thing is to pay attention to
maintenance. There is a saying that says that prostatitis is a cure, not a cure. Just like a new car, it
can still be 90% new after one year of maintenance.

Maintenance is really important. As soon as professional athletes have finished training, they will
receive ice, massage, infrared physiotherapy, and acupuncture. There are too many recovery
methods, and the recovery and maintenance methods of NBA players are even more diverse. Many
of them are high-tech, and the average person is even unheard of. I am able to recover, and the
effort in health preservation is superb.

I have always been learning the knowledge of health preservation in Chinese medicine, and I have
tried many health preservation techniques myself. I have seen rumors from some brothers that I
have only been in charge a few hundred times in more than ten years, so I can recover. How is this
possible? At that time, I shot up to 6 times a day, and the last shot was water, even so serious that
there was nothing to shot. At that time, my addiction was very strong, and it directly dragged me to
the symptom hell, to say nothing, thousands of times. Brothers who have read my "Quit as a Good
Medicine" should know that my sperm injury is very serious, and I have severe neurosis. It is
extremely painful to squeeze out neurosis. Compared with neurosis, prostatitis is really
insignificant. It's a big witch.
When I was neurotic, I wanted to commit suicide every day. I lived in a state of anxiety and panic
every day, and people around me couldn't understand your feelings. I really broke down then. I
became a medicine jar. Now there is a box of unfinished medicine at home. It has expired. It
contains dozens of medicines. If I don’t throw it away, I just remind myself, because I stayed up
late and indulged. Living in hell, I never want to return to the symptom hell, it is simply inhuman
torture. There was a brother who added an anxiety group because of curiosity, and then he was so
scared to quit because he found that the people inside were too gloomy, and the content of the chat
was all painful symptoms, the atmosphere was very depressing, and many people thought about it.
Thoughts of death. So then I came up with a mantra, that is: 撸管 is hell!

Some brothers haven't recovered for a long time, they will think that recovery is a lie. His thoughts
are a bit like seeing only white swan, but narrowly believe that black swan does not exist. This kind
of argument will indeed blow a lot of confidence.

I once thought that prostatitis cannot be cured. I have talked with many people and said that it has
relapsed and the medicine can only work temporarily. Many people are severely injured, their age is
long, and the recovery is very slow. Senior brothers have also concluded that the recovery period
before the slowdown is more than one year. This year is a year of rebooting and health preservation.
Particular attention should be paid to health preservation. Dao, active exercise and proper aerobic
exercise can greatly relieve prostatitis, so I have always advocated doing more aerobic exercise in
order to recover from prostatitis faster. But you must pay attention to the right amount. If you sweat
profusely every time, it may have the opposite effect on the recovery before the slowdown. Now I
mainly walk and walk quickly. When the body heats up and sweats, I slow down and try my best.
Don't sweat. Sweating is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, body toxins are excreted from the
body with sweat, but at the same time, the essence is also leaked out in the form of sweat. Chinese
medicine: sweat, essence. Sweat is the fluid of the heart. There is a kind of energy in the human
body. This energy can be converted into several forms, which can be converted into sweat, body
fluid and essence. Just like water, it can be gaseous, solid ice, or liquid. In fact, it is a kind of
energy. A human being is an energy body with an invisible energy value. All aspects of the body's
operation need the support of this energy, just like the battery in an electric rabbit. When you get
sick due to masturbation or bad lifestyle habits, your energy is actually decreased. Administering
will lead to a decline in the body's energy value. Staying up late will also cause you to get angry,
sweating, and other external feelings such as wind and cold. Energy, listening to earphones hurts the
kidney too much, talking too much hurts the qi, in short, there are many ways to hurt energy, and
long-term sitting for a long time and listening are regarded as leaking energy. What we have to do is
to save energy and minimize energy loss. Energy leakage in life is impossible to prevent, and it
leaks unconsciously. For example, too much thinking is also leaking energy, and because you don't
have health awareness, you may not know it at all.

Qu Limin said in his book that pregnant women cannot be blown directly by the wind after giving
birth, nor can they read books, because pregnant women are weak after giving birth, that is, their
energy level drops very low, their resistance is insufficient, and they are very likely to get sick when
blown by the wind. Reading books can cause liver damage and blood leakage. The body is already
weak and cannot withstand the leakage. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to rest after giving
birth. Some brothers may say why the more you exercise, the stronger you are, because fitness has a
principle of over-recovery. Through exercise, you can recover to a higher level than before, but
there is a premise that your body is still healthy, not that. Very weak, if your energy value is already
very low, you can't stand the fatigue. When you are in good health, the more you exercise, the
better. Of course, I mean exercise in moderation; when you are weak, it is best to adopt a calming
strategy, otherwise exercise is likely to be counterproductive. Just like I once learned that a bicycle
instructor took a class when he had a cold, and it caused myocarditis to his life. He was only in his
early 20s.

The reasons why there are few cases of recovery from premature ejaculation in rebooting bar are as

1. The recovery of premature ejaculation and impotence is basically measured in years. Rebooting it
is not long for many people to reboot.

Second, to recover, you must have a high level of awareness in health maintenance. If you don’t just
give up, the effect of recovery will not be ideal.

Third, the bottleneck period of recovery cannot be broken, and recovery methods and means are not
in place.

Fourth, unmarried ring members make up the majority, and many ring friends who have quit for
more than half a year will not try it easily.

Fifth, there is no sex life for a long time, and the first sexual life is restarted, it is very likely that
"newly married premature ejaculation" will occur.

Sixth, many brothers do not reboot completely. They are rebooting intermittently, which greatly
affects recovery.

Seven, if you quit for the sole purpose of restoring sexual function, you are likely to like to try it.
This kind of motivation will easily break the habit.

Sexual dysfunction is expected to be restored, and I have also seen cases of recovery. Some time
ago, a married ring friend said that he had premature ejaculation and impotence, and he could not
get an erection. After six months, he could get an erection and finish his sex life. There are not
many cases of recovery, which does not mean that there is no. If all aspects are done well, there is
still a lot of confidence in recovery. At least there will be improvement, which is stronger than in
the past. If a brother posts a post in the reboot bar saying that I have recovered from premature
ejaculation, I have been using it for half an hour or even more than an hour, or my girlfriend and I
have spent a long time doing it again, such posts are likely to be deleted. , Because rebooting bar
does not promote pre-marital sex. In addition, a long sex life is not necessarily a good thing, it may
be ejaculation disorder, erectile congestion is also very harmful to the prostate, anyway, too long or
too short is not a good thing. To recover from premature ejaculation and impotence, you should ask
more about the brothers who are married and have been rebooting for more than half a year. They
have more say, but married people who reboot are a minority, and there are not many married
people who are firmly vigilant. It is necessary to support and cooperate.

In fact, many unmarried brothers have their own experience. For example, the morning erection has
recovered and the quality of the morning erection has improved. Another point is that the morning
erection is relatively stable. If only one good morning erection is good for ten times, it is not stable.
When the quality of your morning erection becomes good and stable, it is a sign of the recovery of
sexual function. Some brothers may say that their morning erection is not good, but the sex life is
okay, this situation also exists, but I can be sure that this is not the best state of your body. There is
a word involved in it: impulse! Many people are injured to the end, the semen is flowing down, the
ejaculation is weak, and the shooting distance is not what it used to be, much worse than in the past.
This is the performance of the impulse is gone and the kidney qi has been lost. Regarding the
mystery of firing range, I once wrote about it for a season, and friends who are interested can take a
To recover better Don’t stay up late and sit for a long time. Health preservation is a kind of
knowledge. Only when you learn more, think and practice, can you find a way of health
preservation that suits you, and you must constantly improve your awareness of health preservation
so that you can learn more about health preservation and do it. Keep improving, so the confidence
of recovery is great. In particular, it is necessary to avoid a lifestyle that hurts the soul and the body,
and must pay attention to emotional management. Prostatitis is also prone to recurrence, especially
after spermatorrhea, so we must control the frequency of spermatorrhea and pay attention to all
aspects, so that the number of repetitions of symptoms can be greatly reduced, and then stabilized,
and finally healed. The healing law is: From the negative cycle to the unstable positive cycle, and
then pay attention to the health regimen, you can move from the unstable positive cycle to the stable
positive cycle.

Negative cycle → unstable positive cycle → stable positive cycle!

The recovery of other symptoms is basically the same. It is normal for symptoms to be repeated.
Don't worry, take good care of yourself and reduce the number of repetitions is the key. It's like
walking a tightrope. At the very beginning, it will fall off when it is old, and then after having
experience and lessons, it will gradually stabilize, and it will rarely fall off.

Regarding the "irrecoverability theory", there is actually a certain truth, after all, it is the conclusion
drawn by the brothers' own experience. When I got neurosis, the "irrecoverability theory" was also
popular among patients. Regarding irreversibility, there was a famous saying that said: We are like
broken vases, no matter how glued together, we cannot fully recover. Before breaking it, no matter
how it is glued, it will leave cracks. There is a certain truth to this sentence. Can a person recover to
the pre-development period through rebooting and health preservation? The human body is
inherently aging. Even if you don’t take care of it, your body will go downhill, but indulgence
accelerates this process, and even accelerates the pulse of a 60-year-old man to a 20-year-old young
man, which can accelerate forward for dozens of years. . But the irrecoverability is not absolute.
Some brothers actively exercise after quitting and feel that their body is stronger and their spirits
better than before. From this perspective, isn't the recovery better than before?

Can the various symptoms caused by the elbow tube be recovered? In fact, recovery has two

First, it is basically impossible to recover to the time before the elbow, because people will naturally

Second, it is possible to return to a state of asymptomatic and full energy.

Even if you are a brother who is hard to come back, rebooting and keeping in good health can at
least relieve it so much that it won't get worse. One fact is certain. If you don't reboot or maintain
health, your body will collapse faster and worse results will be waiting for you. If you have a deep
understanding and attainments in health preservation, then you will be more confident of recovery. I
also saw a lot of pessimistic arguments at that time, but I never wavered because I believed that I
could return to asymptomatic state.

Seeing cases of recovery can motivate everyone to move forward. When you see cases that have not
recovered, you don’t have to be discouraged. If he doesn’t recover, it doesn’t mean you can’t
recover either. What we need to do is to strengthen our rebooting confidence, and then do our health
maintenance exercises. Do a good job, the active treatment of the treatment, but we must realize
that health preservation is the key to recovery, and we must learn to work hard in health
preservation. Health maintenance is divided into health cultivation and mind cultivation. We must
pay attention to cultivating the mind, do more good deeds, accumulate more virtue, and donate
more positive energy. When the heart is right, the body will follow. It is like a puzzle. The front is
the world map, and the back is It takes a long time to assemble a character avatar, and it only takes
a few minutes to assemble a character avatar. If the avatar is spelled correctly, the world map will
follow. Cultivating the heart is like putting together a portrait of a character. Cultivating the heart is
more important than self-cultivation.

Next season, I will especially recommend a secret of facial restoration. Mastering this secret will
bring about changes in your appearance with each passing day. Please look forward to it.

A poem in this season

"Tuguan is Hell"

I saw shells hit China one by one

The shells are filled with AV

China's young generation

Falling down by tens of millions

Flew over with the cannonball

There is also a leaflet about moderate harmlessness

After reading these leaflets, the youth

Feel more at ease

But the symptoms will never let them go

Symptoms will drag them back to reality

Warm water frogs will wake up sooner or later

In fact, they know that harmlessness is not reliable

Because the symptoms are obvious

After every indulgence

There was a trace of regret in their minds

Then came the harmless theory

Constantly anaesthetize yourself with a harmless view

Keep deceiving and comforting oneself

Get deeper and deeper in the trap

Can't control and extricate themselves

The once innocent eyes disappeared

The once clear and bright complexion is gone

The once sunny and cheerful mentality is lost

Man in the mirror

Became a double-faced person

In the eyes of parents, teachers and classmates

He or he

But only he knows

He is no longer the original pure self

What's more, walking dead appeared in the mirror

A monster appeared, a monster with pustules and acne,

Deep sunken cheeks or swollen face

Ghostly and wretched

Looks like a waste

I see

A certain young man took out a picture before the tube

He burst into tears

The child in the photo is handsome and handsome

And now he

It's just a trash that makes me feel sick

I saw a certain youth

Start to evade the mirror

Because the person in the mirror has become extremely ugly

He is different from the previous one

Now he sees the mirror and wants to smash it

To know

How much he liked looking in the mirror before

And now there is only infinite inferiority and helplessness

Shrouded him like a dark cloud

I see

A young man went to the doctor

The doctor's ruthless sentence

You have prostatitis

You gotta

You have premature ejaculation

I saw him at the toll office

Pay for your own indulgence

I see

A young man lying on the operating table

He asked himself

Why do I appear on the operating table

Then he cursed fiercely in his heart:

Damn it

Damn harmlessness

It hurt me!

He was lying helplessly on the operating table

Like a lamb to be slaughtered


You will find that your life has become a tragedy

Happiness is so short

But the pain is always there

Torturing you repeatedly


You will find that stubbornness can cause so many symptoms

And I only knew two or three

In fact, there are dozens or even hundreds of

You hit too much

But know too little

Tragedy of your life

The foreshadowing was laid when he first smashed the pipe

撸管 is hell

All you have to do now is

Quit it completely

It's like an old smoking gun to quit cigarettes

Just like an old drunkard quitting alcohol

You have to quit fucking

No choice

Don't let arrogance ruin your health

Don't let arrogance ruin your appearance

Don't let arrogance ruin your whole life

When you finally crawl out of the hell of control

When you breathe the first pure air

You even howl and cry

The sun cares for you again

Then you will really understand

What is treasure
Season 43: On the secret technique of complexion and complexion
I saw a brother who said that it’s everyone's blessing to be able to come to reboot. I agree with him
very much. Think about it, now that the general environment is still a world of harmlessness, and
life on the Internet is still full of harmlessness. How many people can really understand the truth of
撸管? The vast majority of people are still insensitively addicted to control under the innocence
doctrine. Brothers who can stay in the rebooting bar are definitely blessed and have good roots,
otherwise even if they come to the rebooting bar, they will not stay. For example, some people
come to reboot, but they will misunderstand rebooting. They are still trapped in a moderately
harmless trap and cannot get rid of themselves. This kind of superficial and wrong understanding is
ridiculous and ignorant to senior brothers. Senior brothers already have a very deep and correct
understanding. They will no longer be deceived by moderate harmlessness. Moderate harmlessness
is a beautiful thing. Lies can provide you with a decent excuse for indulgence. With this absurd
excuse, you will go farther and farther on the road of control until you are completely lost. When
the symptoms erupt, you may wake up suddenly. The so-called not to see the coffin will not shed

We should cherish the pure land of rebooting bar. Rebooting bar has a large number of victim cases
for you to watch out. There are also various predecessors’ experiences for you to learn from. In
rebooting bar, you can learn the truth about masturbation. Of course, the meaning of rebooting is
not only to abstain from adultery. We should learn how to be a person and what kind of person we
should be. Through the study of traditional culture, you will change your outlook on life and values,
which is very helpful for your spiritual improvement. of. When we reboot, we must learn the way of
health preservation, and more importantly, we must learn to do good and accumulate virtue, not to
do all evil, to practice good deeds, to do more good deeds, and to help others more. Only this way
of life will become more meaningful. Helping others is great happiness, and helping others is also
the foundation of happiness.

There are more than one hundred million people in China. Very few people come to the rebooting
bar because of the destiny. Very few people really have the opportunity to hear the truth. You can
observe the classmates and friends around you, but many people don’t even realize it. Regardless of
the harm, I am in a state of ignorance and misguidedness. Such a state of mind is very sad. In such a
state of mind, what is waiting for them is undoubtedly the tragedy of life, and no one in life tells
them the harm of masturbation. Some brothers said, why no one told me long ago! This sentence is
a bit ironic. Some people, even if you tell him, he will misunderstand your kindness, and even think
that you are too extreme. His idea is to engage in enjoyment. At this time, he can't listen to the
truthful advice. You may turn your head when you have symptoms, or you may never look back,
and you will never understand the truth until you die. Let us come to reboot. If we can understand
the principles of rebooting, it is really everyone's blessing. Cherish this blessing, regain a sunny and
healthy self, and spread the positive energy to more people.

Ten years ago, home computers were not popular at that time, and there was no place for you to
understand the truth about sex, and there was no place for you to learn to raise your awareness. It
was a completely dark age of adultery. Now everyone can come to reboot. It’s really time to catch
up. Now the theory of rebooting is basically mature. The foundation of rebooting bar is already very
stable, and the road has been paved for the vast number of brothers. The tree, the descendants take
the shade, the rebooting career in China requires the hard work and advancement of our group of
people, as well as the selfless dedication and dedication of our group of people, to provide the next
new brothers with valuable successful experience, so that they will not go away. Make a detour and
reboot successfully as soon as possible. Purify yourself, purify society.

A person with a very high level of enlightenment will never commit masturbation, because he
knows that masturbation is very harmful and belongs to evil, so he must completely quit. The
pleasure is short-lived, but the symptom pain is very long-lasting. If you stay rebooting, you will
know that there are many brothers with medical expenses in the thousands, and brothers with
medical expenses of tens of thousands can often see them and have undergone surgery. There are
also many friends, and almost every brother has a history of blood and tears behind his back. When
we first started rebooting, we must be correct, that is, we must completely quit pornography.
According to the feedback from a large number of brothers, many brothers have completely quit,
and some brothers have not yet reached the state of complete quitting. However, the number of
times of masturbation has been greatly reduced. For example, he had to masturbate nearly a
hundred times in half a year, but now it has been reduced to less than ten times. This is not because
he deliberately masturbates, but is a relapse caused by relaxation of vigilance or unconsciousness.

Confucius said: "If you take it from above, you get from it; if you take it from it, you get it from
below; if you take it from below, you get nothing." Some brothers are wrong at the beginning, and
they still want to be moderate, rather than completely abstaining. This is actually an idea of
compromising with the inner demon, and defeating before quitting! This type of brother is 100%
able to break the precept, his determination and stand are not strong at the beginning, as long as a
little bit of trouble, he will immediately waver and relapse. Only when a person has completely
surrendered the heart demon, can it be truly restrained after marriage. That is a very high state, and
you must have a strong control over your thoughts. Just like walking a tightrope at high altitude,
only with strong physical and mental control can you walk a tightrope at an altitude of a few
hundred meters. We reboot to reach this state. Even if you can’t reach it in the end, your initial
motivation must be a complete abstinence, because “get it from the top, get it from it; get it from it,
get it from the bottom." If you want to be moderate at the beginning, It will certainly not succeed, it
is just self-deception. If you have great determination, a certain degree of understanding, and keep
learning to improve your consciousness, it is completely possible to quit completely. At the reboot
bar, many senior brothers have entered the stable rebooting period. After entering the stable
rebooting period, the feeling of suffering will disappear, and there is basically no intention of
adultery, but you still need to maintain a high degree of vigilance in order to maintain the results of

Share 2 Q&A cases below

Case 1: I’m the one that you said has been around for 30 days. During this period of time, it has
been slackened, and it has been a lot of sex, and it’s been 3 days since it’s been nocturnal. It’s so
hard to suffer. The foundations laid before are all wasted. It’s really a return to the pre-liberation

Case 2: At the beginning, the effect of strengthening the kidney was very good. I did not have
spermatorrhea for 36 consecutive days. I had no spermatorrhea on the 37th day. However, in the
following 10 days, I actually had spermatorrhea four times. What's wrong?

Analysis: The kidney has an ability, and this ability is called the ability to freeze. "Su Wen" says:
"The kidney is responsible for the sting and the foundation of sealing." Because the sealing and
solidification of the kidney can prevent the excessive excretion and loss of essence, qi, blood, and
body fluid, the more the essence of the kidney, the more The more vigorous. Nocturnal emission,
masturbation, and even sex will actually damage the ability to fix energy. Some people have a good
physical foundation, so they can still afford it. For the time being, there will be no continuous
emission of sperm. However, some brothers are relatively weak and have a fixed energy Instability,
this will cause frequent relics. There are many factors that can cause frequency loss, and one of the
most significant factors is the inability to fix the camera. For example, when you were in
elementary school, you could hold a class with a single pee, but nothing happened. But after the
tube hurts the kidney, your ability to fix your body declines, and you can’t hold back both urination
and defecation. NS. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidney governs both stools, defecation and
urination. Everyone looks at the elderly. He can't hold back his bowels and urination. It may not
work for ten seconds. If he wants to urinate, he will have to urinate immediately, otherwise he will
pee. This is actually a manifestation of the weakening of the ability to freeze. With the increase in
age and the weakening of the body, we will also come to this point. But now many brothers are still
young, but they have the performance of the elderly. Then when they are old ,What should I do?

In the first case, this brother was continuously smashing the tube and hurting the kidney, resulting
in a weakening of the ability to stabilize. The damage is very big. For the second brother, the effect
of strengthening the kidney was achieved, and the effect was obvious. However, one spermatorrhea
damaged the ability to fix the body, and as a result, it missed 4 times in 10 days. When this happens,
you should pay enough attention after the first nocturnal emission, and you must be especially
careful. After the first spermatorrhea, the kidney strengthening function should be better. The
kidney strengthening function increases the ability to fix the body. The sleeping position should be
auspicious lying. In addition, all kinds of factors that cause spermatorrhea should be avoided, so as
to avoid continuous Occurrence of spermatorrhea. Try to avoid strenuous exercise after
spermatorrhea, because the body is relatively weak, you should pay attention to resting for a few
days, you can do health maintenance exercises, you can also take a walk.

After spermatorrhea is a very special period, it is a period of high incidence of relapse. At this time,
it is easy to feel discouraged and disappointed, which can lead to emotional relapse, and
spermatorrhea will bring people back to a state of hyperactivity, so be extra vigilant. As long as it is
not frequent, don't worry, just insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, and you must pay
attention to emotional management. If it is frequent emission, you should analyze the causes of
spermatorrhea, and do well in all aspects, good kidney function, good luck sleeping, and avoid all
kinds of factors, so that the frequency of spermatorrhea can be controlled. The frequency of
spermatorrhea is effectively controlled, and there is a foundation for recovery.

Step into the topic below

This season, I will share my experience with you on the two themes of complexion and facial
complexion restoration secret techniques, as follows:

Traditional Chinese physiognomy and face-to-face consultation of traditional Chinese medicine

have the same effect. The highest state of Chinese medicine is: what is known as the god of sight!
The highest level is when you look at your face, you know what's wrong with your body. I believe
everyone has learned the story of Bian Que. Bian Que is a master of face-to-face consultation, and
he can tell at a glance. Traditional Chinese medicine face consultation and Xiangshu can be
described as two branches of a tree. A deep understanding and understanding of the theory of
physiognomy can give us a better and deeper understanding of the hazards of 撸管. Basically every
classic photo book has a chapter on complexion. The detailed distinction of complexion, whether it
is Chinese medicine or photo book, is extremely Valued. Let me share with you the topic of the
complexion of the photo book and my personal in-depth experience:

"Lack of qi, nothing can be done, strong qi, strong spirit, blessing in dialects, qi radiates color, and
color will be prosperous and dry" ("Liu Zhuang Shenxiang")
Qi refers to the qi of the internal organs, and the kidney contains the essence of the internal organs,
and the face is a mirror of the internal organs, so it will be reflected on the face when the kidney is
injured. The complexion is easy to change after the tube is pressed. When the breath is insufficient,
the complexion will also change. It will become darker, blue, dirty, and oily, which makes people
feel disgusted. Serious brothers will also have facial appearance. Subtle changes are called
deformations. The eyelids of some brothers have changed, the double eyelids have become single,
and after a period of abstinence, they have changed back to double eyelids. There is also edema,
including swollen eyelids, swollen cheeks, and eye bags. The skin texture will also change, the skin
becomes rough, and the touch is no longer smooth and delicate. Some brothers have molting,
enlarged pores, acne and pimples, etc., which will not heal for a long time, and will leave acne
marks or stains. There are also brothers with sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, a ghostly look
on their faces, and they look like zombies, and they also have deep dark circles under the eyes.
These are typical manifestations of tube-injury and kidney injury. In modern society, facing the
computer will cause a "screen face", and staying up late and sitting for a long time will also hurt the
body, so the energy is even worse. Another point is that the lightness and darkness of the
complexion will also have a certain impact on the shape of the face. If you have learned
photography, you should know that when the lightness and darkness change, the shape of the object
will also undergo subtle changes. In the same way, when the brightness of a person's face changes,
that is, after it becomes darker, the shape of his face will also undergo subtle changes.

When a person has kidney deficiency, it is easy to have a manifestation, that is: addiction to lying
and moving. This is also specifically mentioned in Chinese medicine. Everyone should have this
experience. After taking the tube, they especially like to sleep. They always cannot wake up. They
also like to lie in bed, which can easily lead to relapse of the precepts, thus forming a vicious circle.
It is relatively difficult for such a lazy person to succeed in his career. It is not an exaggeration to
say that everything is impossible. The actual experience of many brothers is indeed the case. Both
schoolwork and work are in a mess, and nothing is successful. . Let's imagine that if a person has a
strong personality and full energy, and works in this state to learn, then the efficiency will be
completely different, and the result will be very different.

"If you are full of anger for a month, you will get color, and the color and hair will determine the
good and the bad on the outside" ("Liu Zhuang Shenxiang")

Many brothers have reported that after about a month of rebooting, his energy and spirit have
improved, and others have said that he has become handsome. In fact, this means that his
complexion has improved, his complexion has improved, and his facial appearance will also be
subtle. With the change, the eyes and skin tone will be brightened, refreshed and refreshed. The
confidence is back. When you are in good spirits, you have a good physical and mental state in
everything you do. It is easier to succeed in doing things. On the contrary, many people become
inferior and have no confidence and confidence due to indulgence, become hesitant in doing things,
and show social fear. Going out and doing things like this, I haven't done it yet, and I've already lost
half of it. Even if the injury reaches a certain level, people’s brain power will drop significantly, and
their concentration, memory, and thinking power will drop to varying degrees. If things that could
have been done well are not done well, the student party will even affect academic performance.
Without a good physical and mental state, whether it is studying or working, it is not easy to
succeed. The complexion is the external manifestation of a person's energy and energy. Only a good
complexion, full of energy, and a good state of study or work. And a person with long-horse spirit
will also make others subtly infected, feel that you are full of positive energy, and are willing to be
with you. This kind of feeling is like facing a dirty river, naturally you will feel disgust, and when
facing a clear spring, you will naturally feel happy and intimacy.
"The gas reservoir is inside the skin, and the color appears outside the skin. The roots are solid, and
the branches and leaves are multiplied. When the roots are dry, the branches and leaves are weak."
Color, this is the kind of complexion; if the qi is biased, the color is burnt, the qi is stagnant, then
the color is dry, and the qi is obscured, then the color is haggard, and the color is seen in the color.
If you are in chaos, you are in chaos. Those who are in color are like the autumn moon and the sky.
Those who are obscure are like clouds that cover the sun. If you are calm, you will be lucky. If you
are in chaos, you will be fierce!"

The relationship between qi and form is the root and color seedlings, qi is the most fundamental,
and the kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and contains the essence of the five internal
organs, so the kidney qi is the most important thing, which is equivalent to the king of kings. With a
deficiency of the kidney, the internal organs are prone to disorders and various symptoms are prone
to appear. Therefore, Chinese medicine has said that kidney deficiency is full of diseases. This is
not false. The medicine king Sun Simiao said that "there are few diseases" actually meant this. It
hurts not only the complexion, but also the skin. According to my observation, I had the worst skin
among the friends around me at that time. It became worse after being irritated. In fact, others also
irritated, but each person’s symptoms are different. Later, after studying Chinese medicine, I
realized that this is different from personal physique. There is a close relationship. Traditional
Chinese medicine divides people into nine types of physique. Each type of physique is different
because of the problems that occur due to sway control, and each has its own focus. Some people
have good skin no matter what they do, but some people have a very bad skin after a few strokes.
However, God is fair. There is no problem with his skin, and serious problems may occur in other
areas, such as severe hair loss, or low back pain, insomnia, and other symptoms. Also, even though
his skin is okay, his complexion will also change, that is, because of stubbornness, his complexion
will get worse no matter what physique, there is no doubt about this. When your kidney qi is
sufficient, just like a child, the skin is delicate and smooth, the brightness is very good, full and
clear, making people naturally happy; when your skin is dull and dirty, like expired fruit, like
withered flowers , Whether it is oneself or others will feel sick. When you insist on rebooting and
maintaining health, your skin and complexion will gradually improve. Regarding this point,
countless brothers' experiences and photos before and after have fully confirmed this.

"The husband wants his righteousness, his qi desires, and his sexual desires positive. If he is strong,
he will be innocent, and he will be upright, and he will be the best in the world!" ("Jade Guan Zhao
Shen Ju")

The most important thing for a man is to have a righteous spirit, a gentleman's heart is open and
upright, but the rigidity here is not too rigid, too rigid and easy to break.

The rigidity here refers to the combination of rigidity and flexibility, with an outer circle and an
inner square. The gang here is not to let you show off everywhere. If you really have the
righteousness, you won't be addicted to masturbation, and if you have the righteousness, you won't
be insignificant anymore. To have the righteous energy, one should constantly instill positive
energy into oneself, and the righteous energy should be stored in it, and evil cannot be done. People
are right when the heart is right, and people are clean when the heart is clean. When we reboot, we
have to straighten our hearts, purify our hearts, wash away the toxic and dirty hearts, change our
minds, regain the purity of the sun, and let ourselves be masculine and righteous. No matter where
you go, take this righteous aura to wherever you go. The righteous aura is like a spring breeze.
Wherever it blows, there will be a vibrant scene. If you have a wretched air, no matter where you
go, you will not be welcomed. You will even find that the relationship with your parents will
become tense and you will not be able to communicate normally with others. The root cause is that
he has been poisoned with pornography, and being addicted to gangbang hurts righteousness.
Without righteousness, there is no confidence, become inferior, unwilling to communicate with
others, and fear that others will look down on it. To change this disordered physical and mental
state, the only way to learn more about rebooting articles and traditional culture is to increase your
awareness and positive energy, so that you can rebuild your self-confidence. Many brothers have
reported that after rebooting for a period of time, the mood has improved, and they dare to look
directly at others, and it is natural to communicate with others. This is actually a manifestation of
physical and mental adjustment and a manifestation of recovery of righteousness. When you have
enough righteousness, you will be able to do many things smoothly. Even if you have a short
setback, you can face it optimistically and cheerfully. Your mood is completely different, and you
become more aggressive, more optimistic.

"If you are obliquely flawed, the color is dim, and the appearance is not good. Those who are white
as jade, black as lacquer, yellow as steamed chestnut, and purple as crimson, are all lucky."
("Shenxiang Complete Edition")

This passage is actually mainly about the brightness, transparency and clarity of the complexion.
Many brothers who are stunned should find that after stunned, their complexion becomes darker,
just like a flashlight that is about to run out of electricity, and the skin color will become very
uneven. Friends who have known makeup should know that there is a special brightening in
makeup, and the other is to make the skin tone even and detailed. When a person's complexion is
brightened, a person's mental outlook will be completely new. Of course, makeup is false. Many
women take off their makeup and immediately reveal their true shape, that is, their complexion is
dull and dull, and looks particularly lacklustre. The endocrine imbalance caused by elbow tube
reflects that there will indeed be many bad expressions on people’s faces. For example, some
brothers’ skin will become greasy, and there will be a feeling, that is how to wash it, it is not clean,
even The more I wash, the more oil I get, and I feel dirty after washing it many times, and it's still
very dull. In fact, this is because the inside is dirty and the endocrine is disordered. When this
happens, it is useless to wash it outside, and it is useless to wash it with disinfectant water. When
you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, actively exercising, paying attention to the
regular schedule of work and rest, eating lightly, and persisting for a period of time, your skin will
naturally become clean. Many brothers have personal experience, insisting on rebooting and
keeping in good health, the skin becomes clear and radiant again. But after breaking the precept, he
will immediately return to the pre-liberation period, become ugly again and become insignificant
again, and lose confidence and confidence.

Because of genetics or sun exposure, everyone’s skin color is different, some are white, some are
dark, some are yellow, and some are purple, but no matter what kind of skin color, it is bright and
bright, clear and transparent, it is good. Complexion. On the contrary, dull and dull, uneven skin
tone, dull skin tone, dusty face, these are not good complexions, this complexion is actually an
external manifestation of internal disorders. Complexion is a kind of performance from the inside
out. Injury to the kidneys, dysfunction of the five internal organs, and endocrine disorders will
definitely be reflected on the face. A discerning person knows at a glance. In addition, rebooting
and maintaining health will also brighten a person’s eyes. People’s eyes are also divided into light
and dark. Floating light is not a good sign. The best eyes are bright and subtle. This is the best. For
example, you will understand, just like the light of a glass ball and the light of a jade, the glass ball
is a floating light and piercing light, without connotation, while the light of a jade is a restrained
light, a divine light radiating from the inside out. After tumbling, the changes in appearance are
subtle and obvious. When it hurts to a certain extent, it feels insignificant and lacking energy at first
glance. After rebooting, the changes in a person's appearance are also subtle. Only by careful
observation can we discover the mystery. Others say that you have become handsome, do you have
facial changes? Why are you handsome? Because after quitting, some subtle good changes have
already taken place. Such subtle good changes are hard to say but obvious, and people can directly
feel it at a glance. Everyone, look at the children, is there any child that is particularly ugly? Almost
none, because the child has a good spirit, a good complexion, and bright and energetic eyes, which
makes people happy. The most important thing for a man is not his facial features, but his energy,
but his complexion. A man can not be handsome, but he must not lose his spirit. Losing his spirit is
really a fool. Many brothers who used to be handsome will become ugly in the end. As soon as their
spirit leaks, no matter how handsome they were, they will become ugly and ugly. This is the
personal experience of many handsome guys. It is true that you will change from a handsome guy to
a bad guy and finally a wretched uncle!

Next, let’s talk about the secrets of facial and complexion restoration

Many brothers are more concerned about the content of this season, because many brothers have
become ugly after being banned. It is a relatively common phenomenon to become ugly. I also
talked more about the various types of ugliness in the season of becoming ugly. Also summarized.
This season, I will talk about how to restore looks.

How to restore looks and complexion is a very deep knowledge. The phenomenon of turning ugly
into ugliness will show up to a certain extent. After indulgence, the appearance and complexion of a
person will begin to decline. It is okay when you are a teenager, and it will start to become obvious
after the age of 25. I started stubbing in adolescence, and there was endocrine disorder at that time.
Although it became less ugly at that time, it was no better than before stubbing. Then when I got to
university, I started to have dark circles and bags under my eyes. I remember At that time, I spent a
summer vacation, and then I looked in the mirror and found that I had bags under the eyes. People
with bags under the eyes looked particularly sluggish and very old. I found that my wrinkles began
to increase after I started to wear them. After I had a sense of crisis, I started running every day.
Anyway, I had a lot of free time in university. I ran long distances every day and kept running for
more than 20 days. Then I looked in the mirror and found that the bags under my eyes and dark
circles were gone. Energetic, but I was still in a state of strong ring and blind ring. Not long after I
broke the ring and went back to the past, the bags under my eyes reappeared, so I started running
again, and I struggled back and forth between running and breaking the ring. Very painful and

Through my own practice, aerobic exercise has a positive effect on appearance recovery and
alleviation of prostatitis, but if you don’t completely quit masturbation, you will still become ugly
again after relapse, so quitting masturbation completely is the most important thing. Pivotal. It is
impossible for a person to exercise every day after working alone. Sometimes the work is too
exhausting and he does not want to exercise. Exercise is a kind of balance to the harm of tube, but
as you get older, you will find that it is more and more difficult for your body to recover after
exercise and after tube, because as people get older, their own recovery ability will drop a lot. . By
the age of 30, your recovery capacity has dropped by half compared to that at the age of 20. No
matter how good your health is, if you have a history of traumatic sperm injury, you will have more
or less symptoms by the age of 30. Overdraft when you are young, and when you get older, the evil
consequences will slowly appear. Many people think that it's okay to indulge when they are young,
but in fact they are healthy after they are overdrawn.

Generally ugly is divided into three categories:

1. Form changes

2. Changes in complexion

3. Changes in skin texture

The general situation is generally based on these three categories. Some people have skin, but their
complexion is okay, and some people have skin and complexion, but their faces are deformed. More
people have all three, namely skin, complexion, and shape. There have been bad changes. I think
everyone must have thought of many ways to restore appearance, such as facial cleanser, or Chinese
medicine conditioning, or facial mask, etc. I remember a brother who went to laser treatment. After
treatment for a period of time, the skin quality improved, and then he continued. After I broke the
ring, his skin deteriorated again before long. Then he went to the hospital for laser treatment again.
He posted that he hated himself so much that he couldn't give up the ring. Brothers with good
exercise habits should understand the true meaning of the phrase "exercise is the best cosmetic for
men". After a period of aerobic exercise, the complexion of the skin will improve. If you continue
to persist, the problem of facial deformation will gradually improve. But you must never break the
precepts. Once you break the precepts, you will probably give up your previous efforts and return to
the pre-liberation period.

Staying up late also hurts your appearance and can also cause dark circles. I believe many brothers
have the experience, so we must develop good work and rest habits, take active exercises, and good
sleep is actually beauty homework. The so-called beauty sleep, sleep well and wake up in the
morning. If you look in the mirror, you will find that you look better. If you stay up late, you will
get tired in the morning and lose energy. But what I want to say is that it’s difficult to restore your
appearance even when you sleep to a certain extent. Aerobic exercise can improve your appearance,
but you need to persevere. In fact, the recovery of appearance can easily enter the bottleneck period
of recovery, that is, no matter what. No matter how you do it, it feels very difficult to have obvious
recovery. Even if you use the best skin care products, the effect is very limited, and it is so
expensive that ordinary brothers can't afford it. Many skin care products are also easy to cause skin

The restoration of appearance and complexion is indeed one of the difficulties of restoration. It is
extremely difficult to recover by rebooting alone. Unless you have just started doing it for a while,
to truly recover, you must find a way to recover.

This season I will share a secret technique for facial and complexion restoration. I have read
countless health articles and books, and I have never seen anyone recommend this method. This
method is completely understood by myself through practice. It can be said to be an exclusive
recovery secret technique. It has an amazing effect on the restoration of appearance and
complexion, everyone. I should know who I am. I am not exaggerating when I say this. It is the
amazing recovery effect that exceeds the top skin care products. The most important point is that it
is completely free and completely natural.

Please keep your ears up and listen to the following content with bated breath. Don't miss a word,
otherwise it will be your own great loss.

As I said in a previous article, I used to have neurosis. Brothers with neurosis should know that
taking medicine cannot cure neurosis. Taking medicine can only relieve neurosis. If neurosis is to
be cured, it must be kept in good health. In terms of making great efforts, you must improve your
awareness of health preservation. At that time, I understood this truth, so I didn't put all the hope of
recovery on the doctor, but kept studying health articles to improve my health awareness. I often
went to the park to wander, and saw many retired old people walking on the cobblestone path, and I
followed along, massaging the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, but I didn't hold on for
long. Later, I saw some old people hit trees. Everyone who has been to the park may know that they
use their backs to hit the trees, which is equivalent to massaging the meridian points on the back. So
I followed to hit the trees, let alone the effect. Yes, I originally felt uncomfortable in my back. I felt
much more comfortable after hitting it for a few days, but I didn't stick to this tree hitting therapy.
However, through the experience of hitting trees, I have a special affection for trees, so I started to
check on the Internet to find out whether trees can cure diseases. I really found it. Look at the
following text:

[Tree therapy refers to the use of trees to treat diseases. The use of trees to treat diseases is widely
spread among the people. There are also examples in medicine. Indian yoga believes that trees can
pass a substance obtained from the universe to people. Different tree species carry different energy.
Some help restore energy, some reduce inflammation, and some prevent disease. Oak trees are
refreshing, spruce can absorb bad energy, pine trees can transmit beneficial energy, and poplar bark
can cure toothaches. A Russian dictionary reads: “When your feet hurt, put the aspen on your feet;
when you get a headache, put it on your head.” Modern experts in the treatment of trees are
biological localization experts. They believe that trees have a biological field, and the healing effect
of trees on people is precisely the effect of the biological field. Experts from the British Institute of
Health believe that trees have enough energy to cure diseases, and the effect is not necessarily
worse than medicine. People who often practice qigong in the forest may have this experience: If
you practice qigong next to birch, oak, pine, cypress, and cedar trees, you will feel energetic and
refreshed, and occasionally minor illnesses will disappear quickly. It has been known that trees can
not only "supply energy", but also "absorb disease gas." 】

I saw this text about three years ago. At that time, I saw this text and felt that tree therapy has a
certain truth, but I also feel that the theory of tree therapy is very mysterious. But I had already
started to practice at that time. I went to the park to touch the trees for about half a month. At that
time, I didn’t have any special feelings. Now that I think about it, I was actually too careless at the
time, just like a pig. Eat ginseng fruit and swallow dates round and round. When I went to touch the
trees, I didn't have a very delicate experience. Therefore, I did not continue to persevere, but in the
close contact with nature, I can clearly feel that my mood is easier to relax, and it has a very good
effect on regulating the mental state.

The following paragraph is the key, everyone pay attention to it:

It has been three years since I really realized the relationship between tree therapy and facial
expression, that is, last month. At that time, I was also unintentionally planting willows, and did not
want to restore my appearance through tree therapy. At that time, I just wanted to get close to and
embrace the trees in the park. I had such an impulse and thought. Through the research of auras, I
know that everything has its own aura, and the auras can communicate and influence each other.
People also cover a circle of auras, but it is invisible to the naked eye, and the trees also cover it.
The circle aura is invisible to the human eye, but it does exist. I thought at the time, can I purify my
aura through the aura of the trees. I had such an idea at the time, and I didn’t know where it came
from. In short, I went to embrace the trees and embrace this. This posture can make people feel a
kind of spiritual comfort, and can make the body and mind comfortable. At the moment of hugging,
the aura of the trees is already affecting your aura. When I hug a tree, I recite the Buddha's name,
because scientific research shows that plants also have emotions, sorrows, sorrows, and joys. We
should be grateful for plants, because without plants, our air would be terrible. So I was chanting
the Buddha's name while hugging the trees. I could feel the peaceful and peaceful aura of the trees.
That kind of aura can instantly calm my impetuous mind.

At this time, a voice in my brain told me that I should hug the tree with my hands, and the Yintang
between my eyebrows should stick to the tree, and then visualize the energy of the tree entering my
body through the Laogong and Yintang points of the palm, purifying my aura. At the same time, I
must be extremely grateful for the trees. That’s what I did at the time. Three years ago, I got close
to the trees. I just touched them with my hands. I didn’t get close with my face. When I got close to
the trees with my face for three days, about 2 hours a day, a miracle happened. I could only use the
miracle. This word, I can’t think of a better word to express my feelings at the time. On the fourth
day, I got up and washed my face in the morning. After washing and looking in the mirror, I found
that my complexion became particularly good, my face was much cleaner than before, and it
became transparent and plump. When I get up, the feeling of fullness reminds me of my pre-
developmental child. The face is very clean, and there is no need for facial cleanser and skin care
products. Everyone will know that the child’s face is very smooth and plump. Hold outwards. At
the same time, I feel that my skin tone has become even more even, and my complexion has been
visibly brightened. Then I have a lot of confidence and I often go for tree therapy. After a week or
so, the dirt in the pores began to drain out, but the background color is still bright and moist. , When
the dirty stuff is almost exhausted, the complexion improves again

many. I have personally experienced that the aura of the trees has purified my aura and adjusted my
endocrine, making my mood more peaceful and stable.

Let me share a few more delicate experiences. I touched the tree with my hands for 2 hours, and an
hour after I went home, I found that my palms became thicker. This is a very intuitive feeling. My
mother said that my hands became so much thicker. , Thickening is mentioned in Xiangshu, but it is
actually a manifestation of qi, ample and blessing. I remember that a farmer shook hands with
President Xi, and then exclaimed: What a thick palm! I have persisted until now, and the palm of
my hand has become nearly a quarter thicker than in the past, which is very obvious. Then the
amount of hair loss has decreased a lot. Originally, my hair loss and gray hair have recovered well
through rebooting and health maintenance, and they are completely normal. After tree therapy, I
found that the hair loss has decreased again. It turned out to be about 5 hair loss a day. Now it is
reduced to 1-2 roots, even without hair loss. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it
makes sense that the tree is wood qi, and the hair is the external manifestation of liver wood and
kidney water. The hair is the kidney blossom, the liver stores blood, and the hair is blood. Through
invigorating wood qi, hair loss is also the problem. It will be greatly improved, this is all my
personal experience. And the tree is very special. It is not only wood air, but also the five airs of
wood, water, fire, and earth. I believe that all the mysteries are in nature. Einstein said that a drop of
water can be described for three days. The physical knowledge contained in a drop of water is
beyond human imagination, the most common and the most profound.

Then, I found that different trees have different auras, just like different trees. If you touch them,
you will find that their body temperature is different. Some trees have a low body temperature, and
some feel warm to the touch. I have touched a lot of trees. I found that the aura of big trees is
stronger. Among other trees, ginkgo and camphor trees feel the best. In addition, trees with "aura"
are also very effective. What is meant by "aura" "? The gas point is the growth point of the tree, the
growth point of the branches, and the growth point is actually the qi rising out. If you put your hand
on the growth point, you will absorb more qi and the effect will be more obvious. However, it is not
easy to find trees with growth points, and some trees have high growth points and you can't reach

Below I summarize the specific points of the tree therapy:

1. Choose a tree. I recommend ginkgo or camphor. The tree is more than ten years old and the trunk
should be relatively clean. Of course, you can also try other trees.

2. Hold the tree trunk with both hands, and the Yintang between the eyebrows sticks to the trunk,
visualize that the purifying energy of the tree enters your body from the Laogong and Yintang
points to purify your aura.

3. Use the cheeks on both sides to stick to the tree trunk and separate it from left to right. You can
stick it on the left cheek first and then the right cheek for more than 20 minutes.

4. Pay attention to heart adjustment and keep grateful. Brothers who believe in Buddha can recite
the Buddha's name.

5. Try to choose to practice during the day, the sun is better.

6. Each practice is not less than 2 hours. If it is very busy, keep it for at least 1 hour.

7. After washing your face in the morning on the second day of each practice, you should pay
attention to the effect and pay attention to the occurrence of subtle and good changes.

8. The sun is the key. Don't hug in the shade of trees. Choose a clean tree trunk that has direct

9. Tree species are particular, eucalyptus and other trees are not suitable.

10. You can listen to songs if you are boring.

I have never associated tree therapy with the improvement of appearance and complexion before.
By chance, I discovered the mystery, and the effect is really amazing! The reason why tree therapy
is better than top skin care products is that it can purify your aura and adjust your endocrine, not just
superficial skills. No matter how good the cosmetics are, they cannot purify your aura, but trees can,
and the effect on skin tone and complexion is definitely amazing. It is also very effective in
improving deformation. If you are a brother with a careful experience, you will definitely feel the
tremendous effect of tree therapy on the restoration of your appearance. It is really powerful! It's not
an exaggeration to have a miraculous effect. After a few days of practice, you can immediately
break through the bottleneck period of appearance and complexion recovery. But tree therapy has a
disadvantage, that is, it is easy to make people feel strange. Ordinary people may think that the
person is doing, why should he hold the tree? There may be a curious and inquiring mindset, or you
may feel that there is a problem with your brain. I have also met other people looking at me, but I
don't care at all. Some things only need to be known to me, and I don't have to care about other
people's thoughts.

I hope that brothers who become ugly can practice actively. After practicing for a week, they will
definitely be surprised. If it is fast, there will be a big change in three days. The change in
appearance and complexion is subtle but intuitive, and it will be obvious if you look in the mirror. .
I hope everyone will give me feedback on the effects and feelings of the exercises so that I can
accumulate some cases. Finally, I want to thank the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their blessings. I
believe it must be the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I will realize such a magical
method of recovery and share it with everyone. I hope that everyone can regain their looks, vitality,
and self-confidence, but I don’t want everyone to be too obsessed with their looks. People will
always grow old. Some things should be done by letting the flow go, helping others, and improving.
The quality of your own soul is the most critical. Namo Amitabha! Buddha Shakyamuni, Master
Nanwu! Nanwu Guanyin Bodhisattva!
Season 45: In-depth talks about rebooting newcomers and
emotional management


The preface of this season continues to share some tree therapy feedback from brothers:

1. Haha, Brother Feixiang, tree therapy is really amazing! I insisted on it for about a week, and I felt
that my face was obviously brighter. My friends said that I look like a child now, hehe, thank you!
so happy! It would be great if I had been exposed to rebooting a few years earlier. Why! Regret.

Additional comment: This brother has already experienced the magical effect of tree therapy. The
bright change is obvious, and the brightening effect is obvious. Once it is turned on, the whole
person's mental outlook will be lifted. In fact, there are other feelings, such as becoming cleaner,
more delicate, and fuller, a series of subtle and good changes.

2. Brother Feixiang, today I held a willow tree on the campus of the school for a while. This time I
felt quite obvious. I kept changing my cheeks and pasting on it because there were too many people
coming and going, and I insisted every time. That is more than ten seconds, a total of more than half
an hour. After this time, the palms of both hands did feel a lot thicker. When you make a fist with
both hands, there will be a fleshy feeling in the palms of your hands, and there will be some feeling
on your face, just that the facial muscles are relaxed a lot. Whenever someone comes over, I play
with my mobile phone with my back leaning on the tree, and I will continue to practice after others
have left. I think I can stick to it. Brother Feixiang gives me strength, I will stick to it, ha ha.

Additional comment: This feedback case is the brother Yuanzhen. He felt the palm of his hand
thickened, which is a feeling after tree therapy. This thickening will be felt during tree therapy, but
the most obvious feeling is still a few hours after tree therapy, especially at night And after washing
your hands, you can feel the palm of your hand thicker, thicker than just after the tree therapy, you
can feel it when you feel it carefully.

3. I tried the tree therapy method you mentioned. There are many trees in my school. I chose a big
leaf banyan. I put my hand on the trunk. After a few minutes, I clenched my fist and the strength
was actually great. Then I squeezed the fist of my left hand. I didn't touch my left hand. The power
was obviously inferior to the right hand. I changed my left hand to touch it. After a few minutes, my
left hand actually became very powerful. I want to say that the power of nature is really infinite.

Additional comment: This brother is very interesting, he feels very delicate. In fact, it replenishes
wood qi. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The liver is strong for the grip. The liver is exactly the
corresponding wood, which is the liver wood. So touching the tree with your palm for a period of
time can increase your grip strength. This is a very subtle feeling.

Summary: Tree therapy is very effective in improving appearance and complexion. Many brothers
have feedback. I hope more people can try it out. Find a clean tree and choose a quiet place with
few people. This is conducive to practice. Usually, you should also pay attention to the way of
health preservation. After nocturnal emission, after staying up late for a long time, after being tired,
after looking at the computer for a long time, the skin complexion may appear to decline, so tree
therapy should be done frequently, just like charging. Tree therapy has a miraculous effect on the
restoration of appearance and complexion. This change is subtle and obvious. When you really use
your face to get close to the trees, hold on for a while, and the miracle of recovery will appear. In
addition, try not to do tree therapy too early or at night, because the yin is very heavy. It is best to
wait for the sun to do tree therapy on the sunny side of the tree, that is, the side of the trunk that is
directly exposed to the sun.

Share 2 Q&A cases below

1. [Flying brother, help! I have a history of masturbation for six or seven years. Last year, I felt that
I could still get an erection before I started working. After I started working, I suddenly couldn’t
make love normally. Am I really sick? I am worried about impotence! 】

Answer: When the overdraft reaches a certain level, the evil results will appear, and there will be a
process of quantitative change to qualitative change. After work, you may not exercise too much, or
you may always sit for a long time. Sitting for a long time can damage your kidneys and easily
damage your sexual function. I suggest that you persist in rebooting and maintaining good health,
and actively exercise, so that your sexual function will gradually improve. In addition, it is
recommended to avoid pre-marital sex, pre-marriage belongs to adultery, come on!

Analysis: The evil effects of elbow tube have accumulation and lag, just like water will not boil
until it is boiled to 100°. When the evil effects accumulate to a certain extent, they will appear.
After the critical point, you will suffer. Once the symptoms come out, you will suffer. This trouble
came. Some brothers were fine last year, but this year they collapsed. His collapse was not caused
by one year. It was an overdraft for several years or even more than ten years. The evil effects of
elusive tuberculosis appear very quickly. Even if some people have good physique and love sports,
their symptoms are not obvious when they are young, but after 40 years old, various symptoms will
become very obvious. The so-called indulgence when you are young, I started to pay after middle
age. After reaching the age of 40, the speed of recovery will slow down a lot, making it more
difficult to recover. Therefore, reboot as early as possible, wake up early, and quit early. Don't
compromise with the demons. You must clear all kinds of misunderstandings in your brain and
establish a righteous view of rebooting.

2. [Teacher Feixiang, these few times I broke the ring and shot it in less than a minute, sometimes
even more than ten seconds. I want to ask you if I am considered premature ejaculation. In addition,
I saw a post on Post Bar. Saying that SY is different from ML, he has personally said that he only
shoots masturbation within ten seconds, but the ML time is completely normal, and that those ML
shots are psychological problems. I am really confused. Isn't SY shots for a second? Equal to ML
seconds shot? 】

Answer: This question was mentioned in my previous article. There is a certain difference between
SY premature ejaculation and ML premature ejaculation. For example, if someone pursues strong
stimulation and fast ejaculation during masturbation, then he may just masturbate premature
ejaculation and ML is normal. But some people masturbate premature ejaculation, ML premature
ejaculation is more serious, if you do not pursue rapid ejaculation when masturbating, but only a
little stimulation to ejaculate, then ML is also likely to have premature ejaculation, and ML will
easily become nervous. ML premature ejaculation is not always a psychological problem. Chinese
medicine has talked about premature ejaculation and impotence caused by kidney deficiency. For
example, some people don't have premature ejaculation at first, but if they indulge to a certain
degree, they will have premature ejaculation. This kind of situation is very common among married
ring friends. For example, it is OK for a few years after being married, but premature ejaculation
occurs after a few years of indulgence. It is not a psychological problem. Of course, psychological
problems can lead to premature ejaculation. For example, some people are very nervous and have a
lot of psychological pressure, which can also cause premature ejaculation. How long can you be in
control when you are in good health? It takes 10 minutes for some people and half an hour for
others. But after a certain amount of indulgence, the time to slap the tube becomes shorter, and JJ
becomes very sensitive. It will shoot after ten seconds or even a touch, which means that the kidney
qi is insufficient. Regarding whether ML premature ejaculation is equivalent to SY premature
ejaculation, it depends on the specific situation. Some people have SY premature ejaculation. ML
premature ejaculation is more serious. come on!

Analysis: When the injury reaches a certain level, weak erection, premature ejaculation and
impotence will definitely occur. Regarding the injury of sexual function, this is no doubt, countless
cases have fully confirmed this point. You can get energized right now, but it is actually your sexual
function after overdraft. If you get an erection by taking medicine, it is calling your last bit of
kidney qi, and your body will break down faster in the future. Worrying about sexual dysfunction is
a common mentality among brothers, so we should take good care of rebooting and health, and
avoid abandoning it before marriage. This is very important. If you indulge too much before
marriage, it will be embarrassing after marriage, so many people get divorced.

Now let’s move on to the main topic. This season we will talk about rebooting newcomers and
emotional management in depth. The detailed discussion is as follows:

Newcomers come to reboot, come 100 newcomers, basically 100 newcomers have been
brainwashed by the theory of moderate harmlessness. In addition, I have been living under the
influence of the theory of moderate harmlessness since childhood. The theory of moderate
harmlessness has been deeply rooted in its mind. Therefore, many newcomers come to reboot, and
their posts still carry a lot of shadow of the theory of moderate harmlessness. It is difficult for
newcomers to change their minds at once, so they can only advise them to learn more about
rebooting articles and constantly correct their knowledge and understanding. Otherwise, if you can't
change your mind, you won't be able to quit completely. Even some old brothers are still thinking
about being moderately harmless, and haven't climbed out of that moderately harmless thought trap,
and haven't quit masturbation until now.

The first step in rebooting is to reform your ideology. Just like you go to jail to reform your mind,
some people become better after reformation, and some people still remain dead and continue to
commit crimes after reformation. When newcomers come to reboot, they are faced with such a
problem, because newcomers have a characteristic, that is, they are full of misunderstandings in
their minds. You can see whether they are newcomers by looking at the questions asked, and I can
see whether they are newcomers by looking at the content of the brothers’ speeches. If he can quit,
he will know which reboot level he is at.

Many brothers don't even know the basic common sense that adultery is secretly leaking, and they
are still thinking that adultery is beautiful. If this is seen by senior brothers, they may shake their
heads straight. The inability to quit is actually a misunderstanding in thinking and insufficient
understanding. Newcomers come to reboot. If you really want to quit completely, you should calm
down and study rebooting articles, improve your rebooting knowledge a little bit, and raise your
rebooting awareness a little bit. Otherwise, I'm still thinking about being moderately harmless, that
is, you can't give up after 10,000 years. The so-called moderation is basically self-deception.
Moderately harmless does not know how many people have harmed themselves. They all think that
they can be moderate, but masturbation is highly addictive. Have you considered it? Do you know
that adultery is a secret leak? Symptoms are prone to occur after adultery. Do you really understand
this common sense?

A newcomer with a misunderstanding of thinking, as long as he is willing to persist in studying

rebooting articles, his thinking will be easily transformed. Studying rebooting articles is a process of
reforming your mind and raising your consciousness. If you don't reform your own thoughts well,
or the moderate harmlessness of the past, then don't want to give it up. What newcomers lack most
is learning! What newcomers need most is learning! Otherwise, if you have a misunderstanding of
your mind, and even refuse to listen to persuasion and refuse to learn, then any senior will have no
choice but to let the symptoms tell you the truth. I think there must be someone who cannot climb
out of the moderately harmless thought trap for the rest of their lives. Once they fall in, they will be
in it for the rest of their lives. Such a person is really sad! He was captured by a wrong thought and
became a puppet of this kind of thought, but he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his
thoughts, and he was very self-righteous. This is the saddest thing about him.

Rebooting, many new people are wrong at the beginning, don't want to give up completely, are still
compromising with the demons, and still thinking about being moderate, with wrong motives, and
they are doomed to fail. The theory of moderate harmlessness does not get rid of the brain. Only
rebooting is waiting for you. If you don't recognize the true nature of the theory of moderate
harmlessness, you will not be able to reboot successfully. We must reboot thoroughly, including
adultery, we must also quit. Thorough rebooting is the path I choose to fly. I am a thorough person,
and definitely not a compromiser. I hope that the newcomers will recognize the theory of moderate
harm as soon as possible, and do not break down in the future, and complain about the theory of
moderate harm. There will be no point in complaining at that time. Take a look at the real cases of
the predecessors. How many people have been ruined by the theory of moderate harmlessness?
Unable to calculate.

Do you know why some rebooting platforms do not allow newcomers to post? Because newcomers
are full of misunderstandings in their minds, as soon as they come up without learning, they will be
forced to quit. The mentality of rebooting is completely wrong, and they are still thinking about
quitting with perseverance, and the result is constant failure. Newcomers have a wide range of
ideological misunderstandings, and they are seriously brainwashed by the harmless theory, and it is
difficult to correct them for a while, and they must be corrected through a large number of studies
on rebooting articles. If you don't have a correct understanding and knowledge of rebooting, you
can't get rid of it successfully. For example, some brothers like to say "food sex is also", and hold
on to this sentence, thinking that they are very right, you know a "food sex is also", then I ask you,
do you know "you will need to eat after eating "Pay the bill", there is no free lunch in the world.
Don’t think that masturbation is like eating, and then you indulge yourself and find an excuse for
indulgence. In fact, it’s a big mistake. If you understand "eating sex too", you will go astray. The
ancients said that eating Sexuality is also more about the need to pass on from generation to
generation, it is the righteousness after marriage, rather than asking you to indulge unscrupulously.
The ancients were firmly opposed to premarital sex!

In addition, newcomers are asked not to think too simply about rebooting. I mean thorough
rebooting, including quitting adultery, not breaking the reboot. Thinking too simplistically will only
give rise to the thought of underestimating the enemy. In fact, there are quite a lot of brothers who
have underestimated the enemy. Afterwards, they even become proud. The so-called arrogant
soldier will be defeated. Of course, we shouldn't think about rebooting too hard. As long as we are
willing to keep our feet on the ground and raise our consciousness through continuous learning, and
our consciousness can be raised to a certain height, we can subdue the demons. Some brothers may
have gained a certain level of enlightenment through learning, which is much higher than that of
newcomers, but their enlightenment has not yet reached the perfect compromise, and there are still
flaws in their understanding. Such brothers will still break the precept. Everyone should be humble
and cautious when rebooting, avoid being proud and complacent. The higher the level of
consciousness, the more vigilant, instead of becoming proud and complacent when the level of
consciousness is high, then the inner demon will take advantage of your loopholes, and if you are
too self-confident, you will become blind and conceited. In the end it will only lead to a tragic

We hope that the newcomers will learn more from the wrong lessons of their predecessors and not
repeat the tragedy of their predecessors. Let me tell you this. Almost all the predecessors had the
same idea with you at the beginning. They thought that they were moderately harmless and
eventually became obsolete. Now you are the blind and ignorant me in the past. When you start to
study rebooting articles, you will continue to improve. Enlightenment, you will change your mind
and consciousness, and become who you are now. The predecessor’s painstaking persuasion is that
the newcomers can wake up as soon as possible and step into the right path of rebooting. Rebooting
is a pure land. I hope everyone will cherish their blessings. Please consciously stay away from the
theory of moderate harm. Remember!

Let’s talk about emotional management

First Q&A case

[Teacher Feixiang, I am learning the rebooting knowledge you mentioned every day, but I am
embarrassed to relapse as usual. I always felt very depressed before relapse that day. I didn’t break
the ring in vain. I cleaned up my room over and over again. The room used to be too messy and
looked like a doghouse. Now I help my mother with the housework when I have time. The room is
clean, listen to light music when you have time, and smile from time to time. I think rebooting
knowledge only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. It is still the state of mind, and calmness is
the kingly way of rebooting. 】

Analysis: This is a message from brother lefty. Lefty is a senior brother and has a high level of
consciousness, but please remember one sentence: if a person will break the precept, then there
must be insufficient knowledge in his understanding, like a hundred secrets A sparse. What we have
to do is to see this "deficiency" by breaking the precepts, and then strengthen our consciousness. To
be successful in rebooting, one must constantly improve one's consciousness and bring it close to a
perfect state. What is enlightenment? The so-called enlightenment is to have a correct
understanding and knowledge of rebooting. The deeper the understanding and the better it is, the
greater the possibility of quitting. Otherwise, if you are full of misunderstandings or blind areas in
your mind, you will definitely break the precept.

The shortcoming of lefty lies in the failure of emotional management. I have seen countless cases of
brothers. Many people have lost in emotional management. There are always contradictions and
dissatisfaction in life, such as quarrels with parents, such as with colleagues and friends.
Relationship tensions, such as things that are not going well, encountering great distress, etc., will
affect a person's emotions. When negative emotions arise, you must learn to manage emotions. Just
like a clock that goes fast or slow, you must adjust it to the correct time. This ability to adjust
emotions is extremely critical for rebooting. Emotions can lead to relapse, especially bad emotions.
Of course, carnival emotions can also lead to relapse. Relapse, so it is best to maintain a stable
emotional state.

Lefty separates rebooting knowledge and mentality adjustment. In fact, there is a misunderstanding
in understanding, because rebooting knowledge includes the adjustment of mentality. I have
repeatedly emphasized the importance of emotional management in previous articles. You must
immediately intervene in bad thoughts, otherwise These negative thoughts will distract you from the
host and control your behavior and lead to relapse. However, Lefty has realized the importance of
emotional management, that is, the importance of mental adjustment through relapse, and hopes that
he can quit the better. After passing the emotional level, rebooting will become very stable.
You don’t need to separate awareness from mentality or habits, because rebooting awareness
includes developing good habits, such as not staying up late and staying in bed, etc. Enlightenment
also includes adjusting your own mentality. Enlightenment is a general term, and all theories of
successful rebooting can be included in this word, including vigilance awareness. Successful
rebooting = high awareness + strong vigilance. The reason why I separate the vigilance is actually
to emphasize the importance of vigilance awareness. In fact, vigilance awareness also belongs to the
category of awareness.

The emotional level is a watershed between brothers. In fact, the emotional level is also a
watershed. Too many brothers die in the emotional level. After passing the emotional level, they
will enter a new level of rebooting, otherwise they will not be able to pass the emotional level. , The
possibility of relapse is still very large. Some brothers may have to break the vows many times
before they realize the importance of emotional management. Mental adjustment and emotional
management actually mean the same thing. The experience posts I wrote are all my thoughts and
comprehensions. Many brothers do not have a deep experience, so Reading my article may be
ignorant. When he saw the four words "emotional management", he was not impressed. After being
abused by a heart demon countless times, he might suddenly realize that emotional management is
so important. It turns out that emotions can really lead to relapse. Only then did he know the weight
of my emotional management.

We must learn to manage emotions when rebooting. Some brothers may ask, how to manage
emotions? If you talk about emotional management in detail, you can write a book, but the content
of a book can be summarized in four words, that is: psychological hints. For example, if you are
very upset in your heart, you can suggest that you stay calm and don't think too much about it. You
can also think of things that make you happy. I was neurotic at that time. I lived in depression and
despair every day. I even had suicidal thoughts. Later, I learned emotional management, especially
when I felt depressed, I immediately thought of some relaxing comedy clips. , And then I adjusted
my mood, and now I adjust my emotions in the same way. There are many ways and techniques of
psychological suggestion. You can also visualize the selflessness, where the emotions and troubles
come from the selflessness. If you empty yourself, you can naturally calm down the troubles of bad
emotions. You can also think in this way, using the theory of health preservation in Chinese
medicine. Come to enlighten yourself, because anger hurts the liver, troubles cause yang, seven
emotions cause illness, and bad emotions can lead to diseases, so we must learn to keep calm and
conform to the way of health preservation as much as possible. We should not suppress bad
emotions. Strong pressure will damage our health. We can transform our emotions or make them
empty so that we can pass the emotional barrier safely. Emotional management also includes
motivating oneself, making oneself have the emotion of forging ahead, motivating oneself can
effectively overcome the emotional laziness of rebooting, and keep oneself in a state of courage and

In addition, I want to emphasize that, try not to laugh, because I am happy and sad. I have seen
some brothers who say that they have to laugh every day. That is also not in line with the way of
keeping good health. You can laugh knowingly, laugh in a restrained manner, and don't need to
laugh. Laughter can lead to extreme joy and sorrow, and it is easy to cause sudden death. There are
two real cases around me. One is in the community chess room. An old man plays mahjong and
catches a card, which constitutes a hand of peerless good cards. Then he laughs. , Suddenly died on
the spot. Another case is even worse. A 25-year-old young man who just got married was in a state
of laughing with his wife after eating. He died suddenly, and the ambulance came and was helpless.
These two real cases are reminding us to try not to laugh, but to laugh in a restrained manner, so as
not to cause happiness and sorrow.
Brothers with common sense of Chinese medicine should know that people who indulge in sexual
desire are likely to have heart problems, because the kidney is the root of the five internal organs,
and if the kidney is weak to a certain extent, premature heart palpitations and even cardiac neurosis
may occur. Some brothers come to reboot, and they are likely to have such an idea: Why do all the
symptoms apply to masturbation! In fact, if he has a deep understanding or has a deep
understanding, he will not think so. Chinese medicine: the essence of the body is also the essence of
the body. The kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and if the kidney is small, the disease
can cause disease. These are the truths of Chinese medicine. After thousands of years of
verification, it is not wrong for everyone to attribute the symptoms to masturbation. If your
understanding is limited, or the experience is not deep, it is likely to be misunderstood. Of course,
there are many pathogenic factors. Exogenous factors, dietary factors, emotional factors, bad living
habits, such as staying up late for a long time, long-sightedness, overwork, etc., can all cause
symptoms, and congenital poor physical fitness is also a factor. Symptoms The appearance of
masturbation is inseparable from masturbation, but it is also related to various other pathogenic
factors. If multiple pathogenic factors work together, the sperm injury will be more serious. The
way to hurt the essence is not just masturbation. Staying up late, getting angry, sitting for a long
time, etc. will deplete the essence of the kidney, so we must pay attention to the way of health

Based on my study and understanding, I will share with you the specific methods of emotional
management. We must do a good job in emotional management and be the master of emotions.

1. Confirm the current emotions: When you have negative emotions, such as anger, depression,
decadence, despair, etc., you have to realize that the negative emotions have appeared. The first step
is to discover and confirm the negative emotions, just like finding the enemy.

2. Transferring bad emotions: When you realize that you are in bad emotions, like being shrouded
by dark clouds, you have to learn to transfer bad emotions. You can fold a paper ball, imagine that
the bad emotions are wrapped in it, and then throw it into the trash can. .

3. Replace with good emotions: When you realize that bad emotions appear, immediately think of
happy things, such as a happy experience, a good memory, or a joke, so that you can get rid of the
negative emotions immediately.

4. Void yourself: You can visualize that there is no self, where the emotions and troubles come
from without self, everything is a mediocre self-disturbing, emptiness of yourself, so that negative
emotions can not find a target.

5. Vent negative emotions: You can eliminate bad emotions through appropriate exercise, such as
playing basketball, or going for a walk, or watching movies and listening to songs.

6. Motivate yourself: affirm your progress, say words that motivate yourself, people and things you
want to motivate yourself, listen to motivational songs, watch motivational movies, and re-burn
your fighting spirit.

7. Do more charitable deeds: helping others is the basis of happiness. When you are in a bad mood,
you can try to do some small deeds, such as cheering for brothers online, and giving positive energy
to them, so that you can also adjust your emotions.

8. Health awareness: Realizing that negative emotions can cause illness, why should we indulge in
it? It's like stopping slashing yourself with a knife, and immediately stopping the negative emotions
hurting yourself.
9. Keep smiling: Smile is one of the most beautiful expressions. It implies that you are optimistic,
keep smiling, and live every day positively and optimistically. There is no obstacle to getting past,
and the key lies in attitude.

10. Relax yourself: Don't stretch yourself too tight, it will collapse if you stretch too tightly, learn to
relax yourself, take a hot bath, do health-preserving exercises, don't think too much, and get away
from your worries.

Summary: Emotion management means that we can choose emotions. Emotions are like
supermarket goods. We can choose. When negative emotions appear, we should be aware of it
immediately. Then we can choose good emotions instead of letting negative emotions. self-control.
Negative emotions are actually negative thoughts and thoughts. For those thoughts and thoughts, we
must also realize that when we think about it, we should not be controlled by negative emotions.
Once controlled by negative emotions, it is easy to break the precept. In the final analysis, rebooting
is to learn to observe thoughts, recognize thoughts, and manage ideas. We study reboot articles to
improve our consciousness, the ultimate goal is to improve our ability to control thoughts. For
example, if a person has 300 thoughts a day, which thoughts are likely to lead to relapse, you should
know, such as negative emotions, obscene thoughts, instigated thoughts, carnival thoughts, thoughts
of doubts about rebooting, etc. In short, you can There are still many thoughts that lead to relapse,
and some thoughts are well-disguised, such as the thoughts of instigation. For thoughts, we should
be an observer, and identify which thoughts are problematic and which thoughts are likely to lead to
relapse. Once such thoughts appear, we must immediately intervene and cure them. For example,
it’s like setting up a checkpoint on the road to let thoughts pass one by one, but the problematic
thoughts cannot pass. Once you let the problematic thought pass the checkpoint, then it will
dominate your behavior, because thoughts lead to behavior, thoughts → Behavior! Once the
problematic thought is passed, it will lead to relapse. Let us be a thought observer, let us be a
thought master!

Recommend a book this season:

"The Bardo, Hearing and Teaching,", written by Padmasambhava. I highly recommend this book. If
you get this book, you will feel like a treasure. Of course, there are many people who are
unfamiliar, even if they meet, they will miss it in person. This book has a graphic version. The
graphic version is more intuitive. What I recommend is the explanation version of the vowel old
man, using Sun Jingfeng’s translation. There are several editions of this book. I prefer Sun
Jingfeng’s edition. It is perfect with the explanation of the old man with vowels. The vowel old
man's documents on the bardo teachings can be found on Baidu. After downloading, you can print
them out and read them. There are also books to buy on the Internet. I hope those who are destined
will not miss this precious text.
Season 46: The health pile of the secrets of the body recovery

First share a tree therapy case

[I’ve been on tree therapy for two weeks now, and at least half an hour of tree therapy every day. I
hug the ginkgo tree. It is indeed effective. The skin will be fine and white just after hug the tree, but
it will recover after a while. My previous skin condition, I used the computer for a long time every
day, is it related to this? How can I keep the whiteness and exquisiteness after tree therapy? 】

Analysis: This brother experienced tree therapy and chose ginkgo trees. I am doing camphor trees
and ginkgo trees. Ginkgo trees are generally cleaner and warmer. The effect is better after finishing,
and the effect is the most significant. It was the next morning. Of course, the effect was immediate
after finishing the procedure, but this brother's awareness of health maintenance was very poor. The
long-sighted computer would have a "screen face", which would counteract the effect of tree
therapy. Sitting for a long time hurts the kidneys and the spleen, and long-term vision hurts the
liver. If you stay up late playing games, it will be even more hurt. Staying up late will hurt your
complexion and will lead to endocrine disorders, dark circles under the eyes or aggravation of acne.
Therefore, when we are doing tree therapy, we must pay attention to the way of health, and strictly
control the emission of spermatorrhea, and the effect of the tree therapy for at least 3 days is offset
by the emission of spermatorrhea. Also, the tree therapy time should be guaranteed. It is best to
keep it for more than 1 hour, and more than 2 hours is better. Of course, it is not necessary to stand
for 2 hours at a time. You can have a tree therapy rest session and then continue. Be flexible.
Brothers who don't have time keep it for at least half an hour each time, and they can listen to songs
when they are bored. In addition, you should pay attention to safety when doing tree therapy. The
wild environment may be dangerous, such as snakes, and don’t do it by the river, especially the
river without guardrails, you may fall into the river accidentally. Choosing trees and choosing the
environment are very important. Try not to go to uninhabited places. You can be in a quiet and quiet
place with few people. Anyway, people don't know you. After a long time, the skin will become
thicker. It doesn't matter. Habits become natural. The effect of tree therapy is good, but it also
depends on whether you have this fate, time, and suitable environment. Those who insist on
practicing with the fate will surely experience the magical effect of tree therapy. It is completely
natural and completely free of skin. maintainance.

Let me share a Q&A from a rebooting couple

[I can be considered as a long-term person, about 10 years ago. After reading your quit medicine , I
really feel a lot of emotion. I agree with you very much. Quitting is a must, but I have a few
questions to ask you. Down. First, you said that you had prostatitis before, but you have completely
recovered after one year of abstinence. Then, did you get the result from the examination report that
you have recovered or that you personally feel that your symptoms have recovered? If you go to
check, can you send your check report up for us to look at. Second, you said that you had premature
ejaculation and severe impotence before, so you have quit for 3 years now. Your article about the
good medicine for abstinence also mentioned that you have recovered in about a year. What is the
basis for the recovery of this symptom? Since I haven't broken the precept for more than 3 years,
how do I know that the function is restored? Third, I would like to know under what symptoms do I
need to take medicine + reboot all the time, and under what symptoms can I just reboot + exercise +
dietary supplements? 】

Answer the following:

1. The symptoms of prostatitis have all disappeared after persisting in rebooting and keeping in
good health for more than a year. After reviewing the prostatic fluid, the indicators have been
completely normal. Insist on rebooting and maintaining health, actively exercising, you will slowly
recover before slowing down. There are posts on alleviating recovery in the bar. You are a
newcomer. If you read more to increase your experience, you will no longer have doubts.

2. The basis of recovery can be seen from the quality of morning erection, it is not necessary to try,
if the consciousness is not high, it is very likely to be out of control and start to indulge in piping
again. I have talked about this in " Quit as a Good Medicine ". I have talked about this issue in
several quarters of articles. I suggest you take a closer look. In addition, there are also cases of
recovery from premature ejaculation and impotence. Last season I took a screenshot of a real case
of recovery from premature ejaculation. There are still many cases of recovery from premature
ejaculation and impotence. Brother Jiaxing has a lot of experience and he knows a lot. When a
person has recovered, he himself has experience in recovery. If you insist on rebooting and keeping
in good health, premature ejaculation and impotence are expected to return to normal. Some
brothers will try it, but I will not try it because I don't want to break the vow just to try.

3. Severe symptoms or persistent symptoms require active medical treatment, then three-point
treatment, seven-point regimen, and complete abstinence is necessary, otherwise it is easy to

come on! It is normal for newcomers to have a lot of questions. If you have a deep experience, these
are not problems.

Analysis: Newcomers will inevitably have many questions. In fact, I have answered these three
questions countless times. Many newcomers feel that prostatitis is irreversible because they have
limited experience and have not met people who have really recovered. How many of the pre-
chronic patients really completely quit? It is all relieved or temporarily cured with medication, and
then continue to be used, and then relapse again. Over time, it is concluded that prostatitis is
lifelong and cannot be cured. In fact, this view is a kind of prejudice. There are people who are
cured, but you have not met. If you didn't meet it, saying that you couldn't heal, it's a partial
generalization. Many people are abstaining from sex, but do not pay attention to health
maintenance, and the frequency of spermatorrhea cannot be controlled. As a result, the recovery is
not satisfactory. After more than a year, they still cannot recover. This is actually a poor recovery.
Those who are truly recovered must be completely abstained from sex, strictly controlled for
seizures, and have their own systematic health and recovery methods, so that they can be expected
to recover. Both rebooting and health maintenance must be in place. Many brothers suffer from
long-term injuries, and recovery is relatively slow. At this time, they need to be patient, be prepared
for a protracted battle, work hard to maintain their health, and be psychologically prepared to face
the recurring period of symptoms. To be honest, many brothers are not completely abstaining from
sex. They can't control adultery, and they don't have the awareness of health preservation. In this
way, talking about recovery is like a dream. There are many misunderstandings in rebooting and
recovery thinking. If you don’t figure it out, the result will be like entering a maze, and you may not
be able to turn it out for a lifetime.

The improvement of the quality of morning erection is a sign of the recovery of premature
ejaculation and impotence. However, some brothers have almost no morning erection, but he does
not have premature ejaculation and impotence. This situation also exists. In fact, his kidney qi is
insufficient if he does not have morning erection. , If the overdraft continues, sexual function is
likely to have problems. The quality of morning erection fluctuates and is related to the season, diet,
exercise and other factors. A relatively stable and high-quality morning erection is an indicator of
the recovery of sexual function. You can refer to this indicator to observe the recovery. If you
Always thinking about trying, it is the heart demon who is urging you. If you quit for sexual
function only, then it will not last long, because you will always struggle to try. Recovery of the
body? Generally, the brothers who insist on rebooting and keeping in good health for a period of
time will find that their morning erection has disappeared. This is actually a manifestation of the
recovery of kidney qi. At the beginning of rebooting, morning erection may disappear for a while. It
is a withdrawal reaction. Some new people don’t understand, they are prone to panic and relapse,
thinking that abstinence is harmful. In fact, this is a withdrawal reaction. Will slowly return to
normal. When the quality of morning erection is very good, it means that your sexual function can
be restored quite well. JJ is like a balloon, which is filled with kidney qi. From the quality of
morning erection, you can see the recovery of your kidney qi, and sexual function The recovery of
kidney qi is closely related to the recovery of kidney qi. Therefore, the recovery of sexual function
can be seen from the quality of morning erection. High-quality morning erection is a gold indicator
of kidney qi recovery, and this high-quality morning erection It's not that short-lived, it needs a
certain degree of stability. Just like you hit 10 rings by chance, is that your true level? Some people
fired ten shots, and more than seven shots were all 10 rings, while some people fired ten shots, only
one shot had 10 rings, and the stability was not good.

Some people have good morning erection immediately after eating foods or drugs that promote
sexual desire. It's like athletes playing doping. They run very fast when they do doping, but they
slow down if they don't. It's not their real strength. Kidney Qi needs to be brought back slowly. It is
not immediately replenished with a few Chinese medicines. Yao Ming does not grow to 2.26 meters
in one night, it is a process of slow accumulation. Chinese medicine says: It is better to lie alone
when taking medicine. Take a hundred pairs of Chinese medicine, it is better to sleep all night by
yourself. It means that you don't sleep with your wife, but if you share the same room, the effect of
a hundred Chinese medicines is vented. During the developmental period, many people can have
high-quality morning erection every day. With the increase of age, the frequency and quality of
morning erection will decrease to varying degrees, and even the morning erection will disappear
completely. Generally, if you insist on rebooting and keeping healthy for a period of time, the
morning erection will appear. Restored. When you get older, your kidney qi can't be as full as you
did when you were a teenager, so you must take care of it.

Regarding the article I wrote before, I said that what I recovered is recovery. Based on the principle
of seeking truth from facts, there is no need to lie to you. For example, gray hair, alopecia, and slow
front have all returned to normal. Now there are only a few white hairs. There are really a lot of
them. Excluding the back of the head, there are dozens of them on each side. The manifestation of
symptoms. I still pay attention to maintenance before the slowdown, because after sitting for a long
time, staying up late, tired or having spermatorrhea, there is still a possibility of relapse. It is not a
recovery once and for all, because there is more than one way to hurt the sperm. As far as I am
concerned, the recovery situation is relatively stable. Until now, I have basically never relapsed
before the slow down, because I strictly control the suicide and have not relapsed. In addition, I pay
great attention to the way of keeping good health, so as to minimize the probability of recurrence.
My rhinitis has recovered much more than before. I rarely suffer from rhinitis. It is also inseparable
from the work of moxibustion. Hemorrhoids have also been cured by moxibustion. All of these
have recovered. Although the rhinitis has not been completely cut off, it is already very good. It’s
much better than before. Restoration is a systematic project. I have put a lot of effort into
restoration. I can get back to what I am now, and I am relatively satisfied. I will share my
experience with you, and hope that everyone will be able to return to a satisfactory state as soon as

Some brothers may think that medical proof is needed to restore health. In fact, this is a
misunderstanding. Many functional problems cannot be detected at all. Just like many neurotic
patients, they are already dead and want to commit suicide every day. There were many physical
symptoms, but he went to the hospital for an examination, but nothing was found, and his family
members even suspected that he was pretending to be sick. Some brothers went to check the
prostate fluid and it was completely normal, but the symptoms of frequent urination and urgency
were obvious. Some functional problems were really not detectable by the examination. Medical
instrument examinations have certain limitations. For this reason, It has caused many
misunderstandings and contradictions between doctors and patients. The patient feels that he is sick,
but the doctor says you are not sick because the examination report is normal. What do you say?
After all, they are doctors, so you can't refute them. Later, many patients switched to Chinese
medicine. Chinese medicine knew where your body was out of balance with a pulse. With Chinese
medicine conditioning and health maintenance, your body slowly returned to normal. Chinese and
Western medicine have their own strengths. Don't blindly believe in inspection reports. Normal
inspection does not mean complete health. Many problems cannot be detected.

Many newcomers are not firm in rebooting confidence, which has a lot to do with feeling that they
have no hope of recovery. Because they can't see the hope of recovery, they will give up on
themselves. He doubts the recovery of others and feels weird. In fact, he is ignorant and ignorant. ,
The experience is still shallow. Some brothers were shaken as soon as they experienced recurring
symptoms, thinking that they could not recover, and as a result they relapsed again. When this
happens, on the one hand, consciousness is not enough, on the other hand, the root of faith is not
strong at the beginning. If the root of the letter is not strong, it is easy to retreat. Confidence is the
source of success. If you don't believe that you can recover, how can you have the motivation to
stick to it?

Many brothers have made a big fuss on the issue of "testing", including many senior brothers, when
the idea of "testing" appears in their minds, such as testing concentration and sexual function. Once
this kind of thought arises, you must be extra vigilant, because it is the inner demon who is urging
you to try, and the inner demon is very cunning and especially good at inciting. Many brothers are
not sufficiently enlightened or relax their vigilance. Once they have the idea of trying, they will try
it immediately. Once they try, they will fall back into the trap.

Attached premature ejaculation recovery case:

[I started to pay attention to Ben on around 12.20 in 2012. At that time, I could only hold on for 3
minutes. I was married. When I was the most serious, I started to pay attention (Don’t laugh at me).
After a period of frustration, after I came to this bar, I found out that it was because I had used too
much, so I started to stop. I broke through three times in the middle, but the recovery was not bad,
and now it is completely normal. Thank you predecessors of Benba , thank you for rebooting , I will
stick to it. 】

Step into the topic below

This season is about to share my recovery secrets from the bottom of the box, which is very good
for the physical recovery of patients with sperm injury, especially for neurosis brothers. I hope you
will not miss the content of this season.

In a very early article, I suggested that you stand up or meditate, and you should combine dynamic
and static health regimens, so that you can stay together. Static power is very important. Light
movement is not static, biased, and light still does not conform to the way of keeping good health.
This season I will talk about the importance of static exercises, mainly about standing piles. The
health piles I recommend are high-position piles, not Siping horses, or wall squatting. What I
recommended before is Wu Guozhong's health-preserving pile.
Here is a quote from Wu Guozhong:

"I practiced Chinese traditional martial arts since I was a child, and I practiced Dachengquan. There
are no tricks and routines in this boxing. It's just'hold your hands in front of your chest and stand
quietly'. This action is called'Zhan Zhuang' in martial arts. I Applying this method derived from
martial arts to health maintenance and curing diseases is called the "holding health" health
maintenance method. So far, I have found that this health care method that integrates health
maintenance, traditional Chinese medicine, and martial arts is actually all the current physical and
mental exercises. The simplest and most effective of the methods. The founder of Dachengquan,
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai, was extremely weak at the age of seven or eight, and suffered from
intractable asthma. There was no good way to cure this disease at the time. , In desperation, the
famous Xingyiquan master, Mr. Guo Yunshen, who has the reputation of "Half-step collapse fist
hits the world" in the martial arts, taught him the secret of Xingyiquan-standing and keeping health.
Mr. Wang Xiangzhai used this kind of health cultivation technique to restore his body. Not only did
he heal his illness, but he also unknowingly gained a lot of strength on his body. There is no need to
guard the dantian when practicing the'Holding Health' regimen, and there is no need to get rid of all
distracting thoughts. , Think of more pleasant things, because the heart is happy, a slight joy is
better than any medicine to nourish the heart. At this time, we are relaxed and carefree. Look,
before long, you will You will taste the joy of the body."---Wu Guozhong "Living to the End"

The effect of Wu Guozhong’s health-preserving pile is very good. In fact, it is a martial art exercise,
which has both health-preserving and martial arts functions. Many people in the health-preserving
world are also practicing this pile. The essence of Chinese traditional martial arts lies in the
standing stance. "To wash the bone marrow, start with the standing stance." A hundred training is
not as good as one station. Zhan Zhuang is highly valued in the martial arts world, and it is not an
exaggeration to describe it as extremely important. My previous articles have always recommended
this practice to brothers, and many brothers have received good results. But there is a tiring part of
this pile of work, that is, holding your hands, it feels like holding a balloon. Feeling loose. Wu
Guozhong’s method is of course very good, but this season I want to recommend another health-
preserving pile, and the effect is also very good, that is, the Ziwu health-preserving pile. Look at the
following text:

Standing in the Zi Meridian Gate: Raise the two forearms at the waist, 90 degrees to the upper arm,
parallel to the two forearms, straddle one step to the left with the left leg shoulder-width apart, sink
the shoulders and drop the elbows, with chest drawn back, head straight Straight, Baihui and
perineum are in a straight line, the lower jaw is slightly retracted, the tongue is topped with the
upper palate, the lips are slightly closed, the whole body relaxes, intends to guard the pubic area,
and breathes against the abdomen to gradually achieve a long and uniform breathing. Standing time
depends on age and physical condition. It depends, from short to long, striving to reach more than
30 minutes each time. First of all, the Laogong acupoint starts to heat up, numbs and beats to the
dantian fever, that is, there is a sense of qi. As long as the practitioner has good physical fitness and
the practice time is long, the whole body's meridians can be opened up in a short time. After
practicing Zi-meridian exercises for 3 days, I feel a sense of qi. After 10 days, I feel energy
doubled. After a hundred days, I can release my internal qi and reduce my external qi.
The health-preserving pile belongs to the internal cultivation and belongs to the internal
strengthening. Strength training belongs to the strong outside. Many people who practice
bodybuilding are actually strong from the outside. The muscles look scary from the outside. In fact,
they are weak inside. Being strong does not mean health. Recently, there is news that the former
national bodybuilding champion Long Yunlei has leukemia. Originally, he had a stroke and then
leukemia, but he was only 35 years old and his fate was really miserable. Can you imagine a person
who is as strong as a cow has a stroke? Can you imagine people who are several times stronger than
you get leukemia? I remember that a few years ago, a bodybuilding champion in Beijing died
suddenly, named Bao Pucheng, who was 36 years old. So being strong does not mean being
healthy, but being strong does make you feel healthy. This is a superficial feeling, just like some
apples look good on the surface, but after opening them, they are all rotten inside. The superficial
phenomenon is deceptive. A strong body and a strong body may not necessarily lead to a long life.
For another example, Paul Anderson, the sun god in the power world, squatted more than 1,200
pounds, only lived 62 years old and squatted 500 kilograms. Only lived to be 62 years old. Many
old men squat no more than 50 kilograms and easily live past 80 years old. Therefore, keeping in
good health is really the key, and exercise should be done in moderation. There are three types of
exercise: nourishment, exhaustion, and injury. Health-preserving exercises belong to nourishment,
sweating aerobic exercises and even strength training belong to exhaustion. Excessive exhaustion is
an injury. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sweating and hurting Yang! Sweat and hurt! Young, can
afford to hurt, can't feel it. If your body is relatively weak, you should choose to walk without
sweating or slightly sweating, and practice more health maintenance techniques. When the body is
almost recovered, you can do some strength training appropriately.

Speaking of my connection with the Ziwu Health Pillar, it was relatively early. I remember I saw an
introduction to the Ziwu Health Pillar in a magazine in the second year of the junior high. It belongs
to the category of Liangshan Kungfu. At that time, I wrote that I was very angry and my energy
doubled. At that time, I was very interested. Then I got the book "Liangshan Kungfu" through mail
order. There are still a lot of content in the book, but I didn't practice anything else, so I rushed.
Health-preserving pile exercises. This posture does not need to be held up. Instead, the palms of the
hands are facing upwards, and the empty fists are closed at the waist. It is a relatively simple
posture, and it is also a high post. Squatting is fine, but be careful not to exceed your toes with your
knees. At that time, I did get angry very fast in practice, especially the feeling on my hands was
obvious, and the energy really became very good, and the doubling of energy was definitely not a
false statement.

Everyone may think that the health-preserving pile is really so magical? In fact, the human body has
its own drugs, but unfortunately many people don't even know it. This season I will talk about this
great medicine carefully with you.

Qu Limin: After knocking the teeth, saliva is produced, and saliva is kidney fluid. Saliva, swallow
30 times. A mouthful of saliva is equivalent to a box of Liuwei Dihuang Wan.
The human body medicine is saliva in the mouth, but not ordinary saliva. It is the saliva secreted
after knocking the teeth. The saliva after knocking the teeth is very beneficial to the human body.
Qu Limin said it is equivalent to a box of Liuwei Dihuang pills. And the big medicine I'm talking
about is not the saliva secreted after tapping the teeth, but an upgraded version of the tapping saliva,
which is the saliva secreted by the tongue against the upper palate, and the tongue against the upper
palate means that the tongue is against the upper palate. In qigong studies, this is considered to be a
bridge between the two channels of the governor and the governor, commonly known as "the bridge
of magpies". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the Governor Vessel runs through the back,
and the Governor’s body is surrounded by Yang Vessels, which is the sea of Yang Vessels; Ren
Vessel runs along the abdomen, always has any Body Yin Vessel, which is the Sea of Yin Vessels.
The tongue can reach the upper palate to communicate with the two channels of Ren and Du, so that
the meridians of the whole body are connected, and the upper and lower air flow is unblocked.
Frequent practice of this exercise can clear the blood, strengthen the meridian, refresh the mind, and
strengthen the physique.

The two points of Jinjin and Yuye, and the multiple fluids of Zangjin are well known by doctors.
The two acupoints, commonly known as "Hua Chi Water", are tied to the lungs and rooted in the
kidneys. The acupoints are on the left and right under the tongue, the tongue is the seedling of the
heart, the foot Shaoyin kidney meridian holds the tongue, and the spleen meridian of the foot Taiyin
disperses under the tongue, so the two acupoints are not only related to the lung and kidney, and can
nourish the spleen and yin. , Mutual aid with the kidney water, inducing the kidney water to
suppress the heart and fire, and combining the spleen and soil to nourish the lung.

Cheng Guopeng said that this "water of Huachi" can be used to treat the loss of true yin and the
symptoms of yin deficiency and fire, and praised it as "the perfect prescription for curing yin
deficiency." Fang Zai "Medical Mind Enlightenment", the method is: often use the tongue to touch
the palate, fill the mouth with the water from the Huachi, so that the body is soothed, and send it to
the dantian with the mind and eyes, and the mouth will be repeated. Three times, this is called the
"swallowing body fluid" method. This is to divert the water from the Huachi Lake to delay the
execution of the fire. "Su Wen" says: "All people with chronic kidney disease can face south at the
same time, clean the mind without chaos, and stop breathing without breathing seven times, so as to
induce the throat and breathe smoothly, such as a hard pharynx. After seven times, There are
countless energies under the bait's tongue." This is the method of drawing water from Huachi to
nourish kidney yin, and regenerating through gold and water. The above-mentioned tongue touches
the upper palate and draws the fluid under the tongue and swallows, namely, the two points of Jinjin
and Yuye are hidden. This method of inducing pharyngeal fluids originated from the Dan family.
The original intent was to maintain health, and later to use it to treat diseases. It conforms to
medical theory and conforms to nature. The method is simple and effective. I pay attention and
observe that in healthy infants and young children, the tongue often touches the palate and the
scrotum is often tightened. This is the mutual growth of yin and yang. The tongue is the seedling of
the heart, and it stores the golden fluid and jade liquid; the front yin is the orifice of the kidney and
embodies the true Qi and Yuanyang.

The power of this "Hua Chi Water" is really extraordinary. It is a great medicine for the human
body. It is very good for the recovery of the body and the recovery of neurosis. The effect is very
fast and the energy is improved significantly.

Taoism often refers to body fluid as jade liquid, jade jelly, liquan, spiritual liquid, etc. It is believed
that this liquid is produced by refining qi and is the essence of the five internal organs, sweet and
fragrant. If people practice diligently and rinse their throat fluids, they can prevent diseases and
strengthen their bodies. The "Huang Ting Jing" says: Yuchi's clear water is filled with spiritual
roots, and the spiritual roots are strong and old. The "External Scene Jing" also attaches great
importance to the role of body fluids, such as "Yuchi clear water can irrigate spiritual roots, and the
repair can last forever." Open both ears up and down, peek into the heaven and the earth to save the
boy, blend the essence and treat the hair and teeth, the color and luster will not be white."

Regarding rebooting and health preservation, the "Tai Ping Sutra" advocates that "If you want to
live a long life, you should respect the spirit and the spirit." The "External Scene Jing" also
emphasizes the meaning of solid essence and precious essence. Go old and rejuvenate".

When I meditate or stand, I usually touch my tongue to my palate. Within 5 minutes, the Huachi
water will come down. It tastes different from ordinary saliva and has a sweet and delicate
fragrance. Then I swallow it, which is equivalent to "eating elixir". This is really a free elixir
produced by the human body. It is a pity that many people don't know it at all, and they are still
seeking medicine. In fact, they have a big baby, but they don't know. When you stand or meditate,
you will have delusional thoughts at the beginning of the practice. You can use the counting-breath
method to contemplate. Regarding the problem of keeping the orifice, the Ziwu health-preserving
pile means keeping the pubic area, while I myself keep the pubic area, that is, the position of the
eyebrows. It is prone to nocturnal emission in the pubic area, and it is also prone to nocturnal
emission when meditating before going to bed. Moreover, there is also a law-abiding method. You
can't keep it strong, but "know but not keep, save first and forget." Don't keep strong. Strong
defense is easy to go wrong. . Or you can keep nothing, just focus on counting your breath. A
mouthful of Huachi water can be swallowed in several mouthfuls, but there is also a knack for
swallowing it, and it is perfect with the sixteen-character ingot gold.

What is sixteen-character ingot gold?

Taoist Qigong Health Preserving 16-character Ingot Gold:

When you inhale, you lift up, the qi returns to the navel, and when you lift it, you swallow. The fire
and water meet each other.

This is the Taoist sixteen-character ingot gold produced during the Song and Yuan dynasties, and
was first seen in Leng Qian's "Xiuling Must Refer to the 16-character Jue for Longevity" in the
early Ming Dynasty. From the emergence of Taoism at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the
appearance of the sixteen-character ingot gold, it took more than a thousand years.

Sixteen gold ingots, also known as Li Zhenren's 16-character Jue for Longevity, is a representative
exercise of Taoist health preservation. The sixteen-character words are "lifting when inhaling,
returning qi to the umbilical cord, swallowing when lifting, meeting water and fire". This method
was first recorded in Leng Qian's "The Essentials of Xiu Ling" in the Ming Dynasty, and he praised
it as the most simple and easy trick. Later, "Red Phoenix Marrow", "Eight Notes of Zunsheng",
"Maiwang", "Secret Records of Health Preservation", "Medical Prescriptions" etc. all introduced
this method.

The Ming Dynasty health regiment Leng Qian's explanation of this in "Xiu Ling Yao Zhi" is
different, which is very true, calling this sixteen-character ingot gold "long life 16-character magic
formula", "even simple and easy magic formula". He pointed out that this trick is more practical,
feasible everywhere, and everyone can practice it. And introduced the cultivation method in a
popular way. This is recorded below: "You must rinse your mouth three or five times with your
tongue. The tongue stirs the upper and lower palate, and the tongue is still on the palate. The mouth
is full of fluid, swallowed again and again, and there is a murmur. Take a breath in the nose to
express yourself. Reaching the heart, silently send it straight to the three-inch Dantian Yuanhai
below the belly button, and save a little, which is called a suck. With the lower part gently like a
poop, lift it with will force to return to the umbilicus, even And Jiaji Shuangguan Kidney Gate is
lifted all the way to the back of the jade pillow pass, penetrates into the top of the mud pill, it rises
up, and does not feel the qi comes out, it is called a breath. A breath. The qi rises, and then
swallows as if it was a murmur, inhales the clear breath, and sends it to the dantian for a while, and
then gently lifts it up from the bottom as before, and connects with the umbilicus, the so-called qi
Return to the umbilical cord, longevity and heaven are together".

In addition, Zhan Zhuang can treat frequent dysfunction. Brothers who are troubled by frequent
dysfunction can also try Zhan Zhuang and eat more "Elixir". The human body has its own medicine,
so don't miss it. Taoist Tian Chengyang said that standing upright can strengthen the body and
replenish qi.

Regarding the role of Huachi Water, some texts are excerpted below for your reference:

1. Pharyngeal fluid function. Yanjin health preservation has a long history in our country. The
ancients called it "fetal eclipse", which refers to throat fluid. "Han Wu Nei Chuan" said: "Xi gushes
the tongue under the spring and swallows it, the name is fetal food." The doctors of the past have
realized that the body fluid in the mouth is a precious substance that is beneficial to human health
and longevity and should be swallowed.
2. Sun Simiao, a great medical practitioner of the Tang Dynasty, said in "Qianjin Yaofang Volume
27": "Yuquan people have saliva in their mouths. Before the dynasty, gargle early to make the
mouth full and swallow it." Traditional medicine is about pharyngeal fluid health A lot of
discussion. "Lingshu Tiannian", "Suwen Needle Method", etc. all talk about the important role of
"blood fluid" and "bait swallowing fluid" on human health and the method of pharyngeal fluid. The
pre-Qin "Zihuazi" said: "The journey of Rongwei and Wei will not fail, the six fu organs will
transform the valley, and the liquid will be spread, so it can last for a long time without harm."
Unearthed at the end of 1973, "Tian Xia Zhi" "Tao Tan", which explains the "eight benefits" of
health preservation in the house, talks about the health preservation function of "swallowing body
fluid". All these show that the ancients of our country discovered the function of saliva in the
human body very early, which is consistent with the research and discussion of modern science.

3. Taoist health practitioners call the saliva produced in the process of practicing the "gold liquid to
return to the dantian" (see "Golden Pills"). This kind of saliva has many nice names: Jinjiangyuli,
Lingye, Shenshui, Liquan, Jinjin, Yuye, Jinli, Yujin, Yuchi Qingshui, Yuxi, Sublingual Spring and
so on. The ancients believed that swallowing this body fluid is good for health preservation. Ming
Dynasty medical scientist Li Shizhen, in his book "Compendium of Materia Medica Volume 52",
made the following explanation of "Kou Jin saliva": "There are four orifices under the tongue.
Liquid. The heart air flows into the tongue as the divine water, and the kidney juice flows into the
sublingual as the spiritual liquid. Taoists call it golden jade liquor, overflowing as Liquan, gathering
into Huachi, dispersing as body fluid, and reducing to nectar, so it irrigates the viscera and
moisturizes the limbs. Therefore, to cultivate the family’s throat and qi, it is called clear water to
irrigate the spirit root. If people can not saliva all day long, the essence will always stay, and the
color will not be haunted; Saliva is not as good as near saliva, and it is better not to saliva as near

4. Yanjin health preservation not only has a long history, but also conforms to modern science.
Modern medicine believes that, in addition to water, human saliva also contains amylase, lysozyme,
mucus protein, amino acids, and a small amount of sodium, calcium and other substances. It has
various physiological functions and is beneficial to digestion, health preservation, and body
strengthening. . In recent years, scientists have also discovered that saliva can disinfect, detoxify,
fight cancer and kill HIV.

5. Chinese ancient health preservationists attached great importance to pharyngeal fluid health
preservation. Taoists noticed the health-preserving function of pharyngeal fluid earlier. The "Huang
Ting Inner Jing Jing" of the Jin Dynasty talked about the function of saliva in many places. The
"Huang Ting Inner Jing Jing" mentioned that "the mouth is the Yuchi Taihe Palace. Evil jade
refines the face, and examines the cultivable Deng Guanghan". These five sentences mean that the
mouth is the place where saliva is produced, and swallowing saliva can prevent diseases, prevent
diseases, and achieve the purpose of prolonging life.

6. Regarding the specific methods of pharyngeal health maintenance, there are descriptions in some
health-preserving guide books of the past dynasties. The "Ba Duan Jin Daoyin Method" in
"Zunsheng Bajian Yannian but Disease Jian" records the method of pharyngeal fluid: "Chilong stirs
the water and rinses the fluid for thirty-eight. After waiting against the water, rinse and swallow the
body fluid again. After three times, the spirit water is swallowed nine times. The swallowing
gurgles and the pulses are adjusted by themselves.” According to the Qing Dynasty Youcheng
"Shou Shi Qing Bian", Yan Jin "lipped the tongue." The upper palate will be filled with fluid for a
long time, and it will be swallowed, and the swallowing will make a sound, so that the five internal
organs can be irrigated and the fire can be reduced quickly. The number of swallows is better."

Final summary:

I hope everyone can take the "Elixir". The human body has its own big medicine. Don’t hold a big
baby without knowing it. I eat "Elixir" every day. I attach great importance to the "Hua Chi Water"
in my mouth. The elixir has a good recovery effect on all kinds of symptoms of sperm injury. It is
also very effective in improving neurosis and brain power. The energy is doubled, but the cost is
persistence. From the first 15 minutes each time, it slowly extends to each time. It lasts for more
than half an hour every time, and finally reaches 45 minutes each time. I was able to recover from
neurosis at that time, and it was inseparable from eating elixir. I was completely desperate for
medicine and it was very expensive. In the end, I relied on "eating elixir" and other health regimens.
After more than half a year, I felt recovered. Many, after more than a year, the neurosis disappeared.
Season 47: Cultivation of good rebooting habits, time efficiency

This season’s preface shares 1 feedback and 2 Q&A cases

1. [At the lunch break, I lay on my bed and read the 46th season updated by Teacher Feixiang. After
reading it, I started practicing, and the stand was more than 45 minutes. The previous meditation,
round piles, and tree hugs Never before, I meditate because I have delusional thoughts, and it is
difficult to contemplate it with the counting breath method. I am tired after standing for a long time
on the full-round pile, and I can’t hold on it. Holding the tree is only 3 minutes of enthusiasm, but I
can raise it within noon. When I go to the station, I love this method (not an exaggeration, the
biggest feature of this station is that it is not tired, but the skill is very powerful! And it does not
need to be completely contemplated, I will still use it when I stand. Counting breaths or reciting the
Buddha, and grateful to Teacher Flying from the heart), and then a miracle happened to me quietly.
During the standing process, Teacher Flying said, "First, Laogong acupoint started to become
feverish, and the numbness began to throb to Dantian. "Fever", I can feel it. I instantly opened up
the Rendu Meridian and the meridians of the whole body. After a few months, the blood blockage
in the body was instantly dredged, and a fresh and hearty feeling that I had never experienced
before suddenly came to my heart! After standing, my palms were sweaty, and my back was all wet,
and the haze in my heart was swept away, and I saw the sky again! Being sluggish and wretched, I
can suddenly smile and be alive and kicking! Teacher Feixiang, I salute you from the bottom of my
heart! You have saved me high psychological and medical expenses, so that I can continue to fight
against the demons with confidence! And what's interesting is that after standing on the pile, I went
to the park to hug the tree for more than an hour in high spirits. The effect was the same as this pile,
and it was immediate! After I came back, I looked in the mirror and found that the places on the
cheeks that have been pasted are different from those that have not been pasted. The pasted areas
have become delicate and white. I am very happy! ----Pure Heart]

Additional comment: The Ziwu health pile I recommended in season 46 is easier to use, simple, not
tired, easy to persist, and the effect is very obvious. I stand on this pile every day now, and this pile
gets angry faster, especially the feeling on my hands. I remember that I was very concerned about
the sense of breath before. If there was breath, I felt very happy. If there was no sense of breath, I
felt that the effect was not good. In fact, it was falling into the mortar of the sense of air. Later, I
realized that the most important thing is not the sense of breath, but the tongue. The sip of Huachi
water that comes down from the palate is the precious medicinal material for replenishing vitality,
that is, the great medicine for the human body. Now I don’t care about the sense of breath, but pay
more attention to the Huachi water in my mouth. I swallow more than ten times on average every
time I stand. Huachi water has a sweet and fragrant taste, which is completely different from
ordinary saliva. It is especially secreted during exercises. In normal times, the tongue can also be
pressed against the palate, but it does not secrete as much during practice. What I recommend are
health-preserving exercises, which are not supernatural powers. I have never objected to seeing a
doctor. The treatment should be actively treated, but three-point treatment, seven-point health
preservation, and health preservation are the highlight, and hope should not be regarded as the main
thing. They all hit the doctor. After all, the symptom of sperm injury is not a small cold, and it can't
be cured by taking a few pills. Patients with kidney deficiency must pay attention to rebooting and
preserving essence, otherwise it will make up for the leakage of the upper part and the lower part,
and it will be difficult to heal. I remember that a few brothers who had spermatic cords went for
surgery. They didn't pay attention to maintenance after the operation, and they began to break the
ring again. As a result, the spermatic cord relapsed again. Who can blame this? Therefore, we must
pay attention to rebooting and health preservation, and we must pay attention to maintenance. It is a
very wrong understanding to put the hope of recovery on doctors and surgery. We must remember
three-point treatment and seven-point health preservation, which is lighter and heavier, so that it is
clear at a glance. If the symptoms are severe or persistent, they should be actively treated, and then
cooperated with rebooting and maintaining good health, so that the recovery will be faster.

2. [Has been abstaining for 200 days. Recently, after a spermatorrhea, the heart demon launched a
fierce attack. At that time, he was a little hesitant, and then it was difficult to recover the original
feeling of rebooting. Until now, YY is serious, like suffering. Self-analysis is related to the
enhancement of self-awareness after rebooting is stabilized and the initial lack of solid awareness of
rebooting. I don’t know how to get out of the sea of suffering? 】

Answer: After the spermatorrhea is a period of high incidence of abstinence, the psychology is
prone to shake, and the mood will also change badly. Therefore, we must be aware that it is easy to
relapse after spermatorrhea, we must be vigilant, strengthen study, and pay attention to adjusting
emotions, and do a good job of interruption, so that we can smoothly pass this period of high
incidence of relapse. come on!

Additional comment: After the spermatorrhea is a special period, the reason is special because this
period is a period of high incidence of relapse, and it is very easy to relapse if you are not vigilant
after the spermatorrhea. After nocturnal emission, people's emotions are no longer stable, just like
when an airplane encounters airflow and begins to turbulence, confusion is prone to occur at this
time, so after spermatorrhea, you must pay attention to emotional management to restore stability to
emotions. I believe that senior brothers will attach great importance to the ability of emotional
management, because many people lose the emotional rebellion. Emotion management is related to
emotional intelligence, and emotional intelligence can be learned. It is through learning that you can
improve emotional intelligence. Read more books on emotional management for yourself to
improve your understanding and awareness in this area. Rebooting will be more stable if you
manage your emotions well. Successful rebooting requires a stable psychological environment. I
once compared rebooting to walking a tightrope. You should maintain a high degree of vigilance
and maintain a stable mental state. If you are mentally confused, you will definitely fall off. Some
brothers heard me say that they should be highly vigilant, and then he was afraid when he saw
women, walking on the street was very nervous, making himself nervous all day, affecting his
normal life. In fact, he misunderstood what I meant. Maintaining a high level of vigilance does not
mean excessive vigilance. It is like walking a tightrope. Excessive tension will also fall off. Our
rebooting is like a string. It cannot be too tight or broken, nor too loose. It is easy. Relapse. It is not
tight or loose. Maintain a high degree of vigilance, whether it is tight or loose, this needs to be
grasped by yourself.

3. [Big Brother Feixiang, you said that as long as you learn the mantra for severing YY, you can
completely subdue YY, and all masturbation is YY first, so what should we do to improve our
consciousness? Isn’t it enough to recite mantras like chanting Buddha every day? You never clicked
on this point in your article. I hope you can get rid of my doubts. I am going to add four kinds of
pure and clear teachings. I wonder if they are useful? 】

Answer: After passing the obscenity stage, rebooting is half of the time. Judging sexual obscenity
also belongs to the category of enlightenment, and rebooting enlightenment also includes emotional
management, nocturnal emission control, and health regimen. It is necessary to memorize the
mantras of obscene intentions, and it is also very important to improve the comprehensive
consciousness, otherwise the comprehensive consciousness is not high, it is still possible to break
the precepts. It is very good to recite the four kinds of pure and clear teachings. If you have a
relationship with the Buddha and have this confidence, it is recommended to recite the four pure
and clear teachings every day. This can help you to purify your mind. If you are pious enough, you
will naturally get blessings. Come on !

Analysis: I suggest that you usually recite more of the mantras of judging the meaninglessness. If
you think the four sentences are a bit long, you can recite two sentences or one sentence. Just recite
one sentence and break it when you recite it. The reason why many brothers are not able to
determine fornication is because they grind their guns and hold Buddha's feet temporarily. When
the fornication appears, they remember to recite the mantra of fornication and find that it doesn't
work very well. In fact, if you want to use this formula well, you must recite a lot in normal times.
Just like reciting the Buddha's name, you can recite it hundreds of times a day until a conditioned
reflex is formed. If the evil thoughts are together, they will be automatically cut off immediately. It
is completely automated. There is no need at all. After struggling with your brain's thoughts, if you
still struggle or hesitate, it means you haven't gotten home. When this mantra is profusely recited,
just like a mantra, it will subconsciously stop fornication, which runs like a computer's automatic
anti-virus software. When the time comes, stop fornication will be effective, and there will be no
thought struggle at all. In fact, the same is true for reciting the Buddha's name. If you repeat the
Buddha's name a lot, if you have delusional thoughts, you will immediately turn into the Buddha's
name. It is completely automatic and completely subconscious. There is no need for thought
struggle or hesitation. To reach this state, there is only a lot of repetition, and it must reach the point
of conditioned reflex, and achieve the automatic elimination of evil thoughts. Don't usually not
think about it. When you are attacked by obscenity, remember to use it again. It is a blunt knife and
it is not powerful! The mantra for judging obscenity is like a knife. You must always sharpen it.
When the obscenity comes, you will be able to give it strength. Otherwise, when you hesitate, you
will have to go through a fierce thought struggle. If you don't get it right, you will end up breaking
the precept, then you will be very passive.

Step into the topic below

This season, I will share with you the development of good rebooting habits and time efficiency
management. The details are as follows:

Many brothers have mentioned the importance of habit, because they have seen the great power of
habit. Both good habits and bad habits have great momentum, just like a boulder rolling down from
a height, leading you forward or carrying it with you. You self-destruct. It is the true thoughts of
many brothers to blame the relapse of the precepts on the habit. Indeed, some habits can easily lead
to relapse, and some bad habits are not conducive to the recovery of the body. The development of
good rebooting habits is actually part of the consciousness. Here are some examples of bad habits:

1. Bad habits: Laying in bed is a very bad habit. Laying in bed can easily lead to relapse. I have
specifically summarized the types of relapse in bed. It’s easy to get out of lust when you lie in bed,
and it’s not good for your health. Chinese medicine says that prolonged lying in bed hurts the qi and
staying out of bed will affect the growth of the body’s vital energy. Some brothers don’t even eat
breakfast. Even worse. The habit of staying in bed must be changed. When you wake up, you
should get up immediately. Don't think about things in bed, let alone indulge in obsession. To
overcome the habit of lying in bed, you must first make a big determination and say to yourself:
From tomorrow on, you will never sleep in bed again. Secondly, you can learn from the hotel’s
morning call service. Anyone who has stayed in a hotel knows that most hotels have a morning call
service. Set the alarm clock and place it out of reach. When the point is reached, you can “turn
over” or "The carp hits pretty well." Get up firmly!
2. Bad habits must be licked before going to bed: There are so many brothers who licked up before
going to bed. If you don’t licked up, you won’t be able to fall asleep and you will develop a habit.
Once the tube is shot off, people will feel tired and yawn. Chinese medicine: The kidneys are owing
to sneezing. At the moment it is shot, some people may even feel that the brain is emptied
instantaneously. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidney connects to the brain. In fact, the kidney
and the brain are connected. After kidney deficiency, the brain power will decrease, and the brain
power decline is also very common among brothers. This is not necessary for me to say more, just
look at the case to know. After the shot, people are prone to tiredness, and they are easy to fall
asleep with tiredness, and they are also easy to sleep in the morning after the shot, that is, they can’t
wake up. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Kidney deficiency is addicted to lying and moving.
Therefore, if you lick the tube the night before, it is easy to cause sleeplessness or sleep in the next
day. In the beginning, it was impossible to fall asleep, so many people became accustomed to it, but
the evil consequences are behind, and neurosis occurs after a certain degree of injury. The common
one is neurasthenia. When the time comes, the more you fall, the more you can’t fall asleep,
especially suffering and uncomfortable. , It is really hard. And once a nerve is injured, the recovery
time is measured in years, and in severe cases, it takes at least one year.

3. Bad habits, laziness, procrastination, and lack of patience: People with kidney deficiency tend to
become lazy, and people themselves are also lazy. If we want to reboot better, we must overcome
laziness and develop good study habits. Laziness and procrastination seem to be a pair of brothers.
Lazy people basically have the habit of procrastination, always saying that they will do it tomorrow,
and always feel that they have time. When it is tomorrow, they say that the day after tomorrow will
be delayed until the year of the monkey. We have to accomplish one thing, we need to act
immediately after the consideration is mature, the execution must be strong, and the action must be
decisive. The divine power of rebooting comes from learning, learning to improve consciousness,
and defeating inner demons with consciousness. Many brothers are too lazy to study, they are
procrastinated, have no plans, and lack patience. People who are in control, as soon as the kidney
essence is lost, people tend to become impetuous, so-called upset and irritable, and their brain
power drops again, and they cannot learn at ease. If you realize this problem, you must learn to
adjust and get back to a good learning state as soon as possible. . My suggestion is to learn a little
bit. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself at the beginning. Let your enlightenment accumulate a
little bit. Prepare a rebooting notebook. When you see a good rebooting sentence, you can extract
10 sentences a day and 300 sentences a month. , Often review the excerpted sentences, so that the
consciousness will go up unconsciously.

Regarding the habit of procrastination, I suggest that you can set time for yourself, you must
complete the learning task before a certain time point, give yourself a time limit, give yourself a
little pressure, and mobilize your enthusiasm. When you develop good study habits, you can
overcome laziness and procrastination. After you slowly enter the state, you will become patient in
learning. I have to reflect every day. Whether I have learned new content or gained a new
understanding today, I must continue to improve my awareness and accumulate little by little in the
process of learning. The problem with many brothers is that they study irregularly and
quantitatively. They learn when they think of it. When they are not enthusiastic, they don't read
rebooting articles for more than ten days. Such enlightenment cannot be continuously improved,
and some brothers make progress every day. Although it is a small improvement, he has not stopped
making progress. He pays much attention to daily accumulation. If he persists for a period of time,
his enlightenment will rise. Quantitative changes produce qualitative changes, which will eventually
usher in a big turnaround.

4. Bad habits of sitting and staying up late: Many brothers are rebooting, but their awareness of
health preservation is very bad, which is very detrimental to the recovery of the body. Sitting for a
long time can hurt the spleen and the kidneys, and staying up late is even more hurt. Staying up late
and sitting for a long time is also a frog-like injury to boiled in warm water, and it will waste you
unknowingly. If we want our body to recover better and faster, we must pay attention to the way of
health preservation and establish the awareness of health preservation. Especially declining brothers
cannot stay up all night, can't afford to survive, can't afford to hurt. Staying up late will slow down
the progress of the body's recovery. I mentioned the harm of staying up late and sitting for a long
time. These two habits must be changed. In addition, maintaining good eating habits is also very
important. Eat on time and rest on time. Don't eat when you think of it, don't wait until you're tired
and tired before going to bed. It's very important to maintain a regular diet and rest. Don't talk about
indulgence, staying up late and sitting for a long time can cause many diseases, which are lifestyle
diseases. Realizing that, we have to learn to change, sit for a long time every 40 minutes to get up
and exercise, stretch the body, walk around, let the body and mind relax. The problem of student
party staying up all night, we should try our best to improve the efficiency of learning to avoid the
occurrence of staying up late. If you are staying, you can communicate with the room friendly, turn
off the headlights at 10:30, and turn on the lamps if you don’t sleep. Don’t make noise to affect
others’ rest. It’s more difficult to stay up late at work. Many brothers I’ve talked about have to go to
night shifts, which hurts their bodies. They can only pay more attention to maintenance, strengthen
diet, and avoid fatigue. I remember a brother who couldn't afford the night shift and resigned later.
If you take control again and stay up late to sit for a long time, you will lose it quickly, which is
equivalent to cutting a tree with three axes, and the tree will fall in a short time.

It is very important to develop good rebooting habits. We should pay more attention to moral
cultivation when rebooting. The people who reboot should be a group of qualified and educated
people, a group of people who truly possess positive energy. Many brothers, especially new ones,
are still narrow-minded and full of jealousy. They gloat when they see others breaking their
precepts, and laugh and sarcasm when they see others breaking their precepts. Brothers are out of a
gloomy mentality. They don’t see that others are better than him. They laugh and humiliate people
who are worse than him. This is actually a manifestation of inferiority and insecurity. Brothers
should encourage each other, exchange experience, and promote each other. If others quit better
than themselves, they should be happy for them. If others quit worse than themselves, they should
try their best to help each other and share their good experiences with each other. It is a gentleman's
wish to hope that the other party is better than himself. A gentleman is open and upright, full of
positive energy, let us eliminate jealousy, let us be a selfless dedication person.

It is very important to learn traditional culture. I have studied the content of the traditional culture
forum, and I have listened to a lot of related lectures. I really benefited a lot. Traditional culture and
traditional values are declining. Now many young people enjoy indulgence. What they compare
with each other is food and clothing, and even compare their own experience of indulgence. In fact,
they hurt themselves in the end, and because of their ignorance, they don’t know at all. What's
wrong with doing it yourself. The people around him are doing this, and he is doing the same. The
environment is indulgent, and he is naturally assimilated. I have watched Wang Shuangli’s lecture
in the Traditional Culture Forum many times. The title of his lecture is "Drunken Life and Dream of
the Prodigal Son Returning". Before learning traditional culture, he was able to eat, drink, prostitute
and smoke. After learning traditional culture, he was completely awakened. The so-called lost
knowledge is a brave man, he really changed. The traditional culture forum promotes the "Disciple
Guidance". I have also recommended the Disciple Guidance to my brothers. It is extremely
important to cultivate a correct outlook on life. Otherwise, blindly comparing materials and
satisfying one's senses will only make one's own spirit. More emptiness, because desire is a
bottomless pit, which can never be completely satisfied, and your indulgence is to consume kidney
essence, which is the most precious substance of the human body. Many people do not have any
knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and think that eating a few eggs will be enough. Make it
up, can it really make it up, will it still be symptomatic? Can really make up for it, why did those
emperors die at a young age? Does the emperor eat better than you? The top food and the doctor are
not good enough. The key is to learn to reboot and preserve essence. Many famous Chinese
medicine practitioners in ancient times have ordered patients to abstain from sex. Hua Tuo and Dun
Zixian is a good medical record, you can search and see. It is an absolute truth to be less diseased.
After thousands of years of verification, the ancestors will not deceive the children and

In traditional culture, filial piety is also emphasized, and filial piety is the first of all virtues, and
filial piety is also emphasized in the disciples. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that the three
Yangs will promote the Tai, the active will raise the yang, the good will raise the yang, and the joy
will raise the yang. And Baishan’s filial piety is the first. If you are very filial to your parents, your
mood will get better. If your mood is better, your physical discomfort will also get better. Body and
mind influence each other. Try not to make your parents angry. If you have anything to do, you can
communicate well. If communication fails, you can follow it first. Be filial and obedient. You must
know how to be submissive and don't contradict your parents. It is not good to make your parents
angry, because anger can cause illness. Pay attention to the tone of your speech, and learn to
communicate well even if there is something wrong with your parents. We should also pay attention
to filial piety in rebooting. Many rebooting articles have emphasized filial piety. Filial piety belongs
to positive energy. If you respect your parents and elders more, you are also increasing your
positive energy. With positive energy, rebooting is easier to succeed. .

Let me share with you time efficiency management

We all have an extremely precious resource. This is the time resource. How to make good use of
time and how to maximize efficiency in a limited time. This is a science. I have studied time
management and efficiency management. In everything, you must learn to use time, manage time,
and strive to improve your own efficiency. efficient! efficient! efficient! The word is too crucial.
The purpose of rebooting is to improve the efficiency of learning rebooting articles and increase the
absorption rate of rebooting articles. If you can’t read it, forget it. That’s not good. Many people
read rebooting articles like watching a movie. Now, the absorption rate is completely different
between watching it once and watching it ten times. If you look at it once, a lot of knowledge has
not been absorbed. The rate is a bowl full of rice. The absorption rate is high, and the enlightenment
is quick. Longer consciousness is the same as long height. On the one hand, you have to eat, and on
the other hand, you have to be able to absorb it. Otherwise, if you just eat without absorbing, it will
be equal to zero.

A brother watched " Quiet as a Good Medicine " 11 times, and it hasn't broken it up to now. Those
who can watch it 11 times are by no means ordinary people. For good books, I will read it over and
over again. Every time I read it, I will gain a new harvest. If I only read it once, I will miss many
essential things. Regarding rebooting, you should adopt a deliberate attitude, keep understanding
and understanding, and truly master the laws and principles of rebooting. When you truly master it,
successful rebooting will become possible. I have said in the previous article that there are indeed a
group of highly talented brothers in the rebooting bar . This kind of brothers has improved their
consciousness very quickly, and you should learn more from them.

Let me share with you the following points about improving efficiency

1. Strong rebooting motivation, strong motivational thoughts: everyone reboots basically has the
need to restore health and appearance. This is a common rebooting need, and some brothers are
forced to go to Liangshan by their symptoms and have to quit again. The rebooting is over, and
some brothers even started to reboot after they have been abolished. Some brothers have super
strong motivation to reboot, and they are very strict with themselves. They have shown twelve
points of enthusiasm and courage to reboot, and they are relatively long-lasting. He was very eager
to learn about rebooting articles, and he was hungry. My state of study was like this. I was too eager
to learn. It was like a sponge frantically absorbing rebooting and health maintenance knowledge. I
wanted to know more and more deeply, rather than just taste it. I also have strict requirements for
myself, which is to reboot thoroughly, including quitting adultery, because I have learned that
through learning Chinese medicine knowledge that adultery is also very harmful, so rebooting must
be thorough. At that time, my thought was that I had to quit. I had no choice, because I couldn't
afford it anymore. At that time, I had become a frequent visitor to the hospital, and often went to the
hospital, but I found that the hospital could not save me, only by myself. At that time, my way out
was to destroy the boat. This was my determination and motivation to reboot. Rebooting requires a
strong motivation, otherwise your potential will not come out, and people will be forced out. Many
brothers have seen many cases and rebooted out of fear, because they don’t want to wait until they
are abandoned. Then it will be very difficult to recover. Fear is also a very strong motivation,
because you have already seen the end, no Ji is just as miserable as him. With a strong motivation to
reboot, efficiency is easy to come out, because you keep wanting to learn, just like a fan of online
games, that kind of state of being fully engaged, tireless, and not getting bored, just that state. My
state of study at that time was like that. Obtaining a piece of health knowledge was like a treasure,
and I wrote it down immediately, for fear of missing it. At that time I felt like a treasure digger, not
digging for treasures in the mountains, but digging for treasures from books, digging for treasures
of knowledge. Now I don’t advocate being obsessed with rebooting like that, but I should pay
attention to recuperation and find a balance between study and health maintenance. I used to read a
book in a day, but now I usually read it in a few days, so I can keep it away so as not to overwork
and hurt my body. If you can transfer your interest and enthusiasm for watching H to rebooting,
then rebooting will surely be successful. I'm afraid that if you don't quit resolutely, you quit so-so, it
will be difficult. Do you want to reboot successfully? Still think very much, think 100%, think very
much, think very much, or must! From the degree of your desire and urgency for rebooting, I know
the possibility of your rebooting success.

2. Take notes: The best way to learn rebooting articles is to take more notes. I was reading books
and taking notes every day. In fact, I am also reading books and taking notes every day, but I
mainly focus on the content of Buddhism. Taking notes is actually already absorbing. Watching is
only a micro-absorption. The absorption rate of watching is very low. There are very few people
who can really remember. When you pick up a pen and start to take notes, you will have a deeper
understanding of the article and you are taking notes. It’s easy to have your own thinking and
insights. Everyone came from the student party. I believe every teacher has emphasized the
importance of taking notes. Keep taking notes, and keep reviewing the contents of the notes,
reviewing the past and learning the new, and trying to memorize key sentences, so that your
consciousness can be steadily improved. Taking notes and reviewing notes is the best way to
improve your consciousness. The content of the notes can also be flexibly mastered, as long as you
think important sentences can be written down.

3. Encourage warm-up exercise: Before you start learning, you should learn to motivate yourself,
you can say something to motivate yourself, or you can do a little activity to get yourself excited, so
that it is easier to enter the state. Before they play, NBA players will excite themselves by listening
to songs, they will shout to each other to encourage them, and then put their heart and soul into the
game. When we study rebooting articles, we must also learn to find the state. Like the broadcast
gymnastics in the school morning, it is actually a kind of stimulating warm-up exercise. Through
proper physical exercise, the mind will quickly find the feeling. Once the body is invigorated and
active, the mind will be very fast. Enter the state, and bid farewell to the bad mental state of groggy,
become easier to concentrate, so that the learning efficiency will be improved. What I want to
remind everyone here is not to do too intense exercise, just a little activity, not too tired, it will not
be conducive to learning.
4. Study plan: A brother once asked me to make a rebooting plan for him. Actually, I don’t have a
detailed plan myself. The so-called plan cannot keep up with changes. I only have a vague plan. I
need to make adjustments when encountering specific situations. Time is to ensure that you have to
read one page every day, at least one page. When you are in good condition, you can read more, and
when you are in poor condition, you can not less than one page. It is to ensure that you have
learning every day without interruption. If you persist in this way for a period of time, you will
really see it, and then set the number of pages to 5 pages, not less than 5 pages. Of course, you need
to make notes, not just forget it after reading it. Keep watching, keep reviewing, so that your
consciousness can continue to improve. In a race between the tortoise and the hare, you are not
afraid that you run slowly, but you are completely rested. As long as you are running, you will run
better and better. In the end, the quantitative change will produce a qualitative change, ushering in a
big turnaround. In actual rebooting, many brothers have no plans to learn, and rely solely on
enthusiasm to reboot. Once the enthusiasm fades, they will no longer be interested in rebooting
articles. They can no longer find their feelings. The more they quit, the worse. If you can develop
the habit of learning every day, there will be no embarrassment of fading enthusiasm. Continuously
raising your consciousness is the kingly way of successful rebooting. You should maintain good
study habits and do not rely solely on enthusiasm for rebooting. Once you have a study plan, you
can do it according to the schedule, and you won’t be exposed to the cold. Don’t stipulate how long
you can reboot successfully. Doing a good job every day is true. If you do well every day, you will
naturally welcome rebooting. success. Put pressure on yourself, but don't put too much pressure on
yourself, too much pressure may cause loss of confidence. My study plan is to study every day, not
necessarily more, but uninterrupted.

5. Complete isolation: It's like putting you in jail, disconnecting the Internet, disconnecting the TV,
disconnecting the phone, banning, and only giving you reboot articles, pen and paper. You can't do
anything, you can only do one thing, and that is to study rebooting articles. Total isolation is
actually to eliminate interference. In real life, there are too many interferences and too many
distractions. This can easily affect the efficiency of learning. Read a book for a while and
immediately go to play with your mobile phone. After reading a book for a while, I immediately
played a game online. I was not qualitative, and I couldn't concentrate on one thing. If someone
orders you to read a 100-page book today, what will happen to you if you can't eat and sleep if you
can't finish it? You will definitely be very involved in reading books. When you eliminate all
interference, you will find that your potential is fully revealed. It turns out that you can really read
100 pages a day, even 200 pages, 300 pages, or even a book. Some brothers are completely
fascinated by rebooting articles and want to learn and read them eagerly. The degree of their
devotion determines the speed of their progress. If you reject learning, or learn half-heartedly,
progress is slow and inefficient.

6. Minimize rest: 1-2 days can be arranged to minimize rest during the week. Minimized rest is to
maintain the continuity of learning, that is, try not to interrupt. Look at it all in one go. If it stops,
the original momentum will be weakened a lot. It's like playing basketball, if you suddenly get off
the court, you may not feel at all when you play again. Try to spend more time on studying, save
time for chatting, save time for coffee, save time for shopping, save time for playing ball, and
devote more time to study so that you can study in one day 8 hours, or 10 hours, this day is
specially designed for efficient learning. Just like athletes have high-intensity training days, coaches
will generally arrange low-to-medium-intensity training days first. When the state comes out, the
coaches will arrange high-intensity training days, so that the progress will be more obvious.
Rebooting learning and leveling online games are the same. Putting 8 hours a day to make progress
faster or devoting 1 hour to make progress faster? Of course, I do not recommend that you study for
8 hours a day, but you should ensure that one day of the week is a state of high-input learning.

7. Fast forward acceleration: turn on the fast forward button for all activities, just like the fast
forward button of DVD, you can walk faster, you can eat faster, don’t chat while eating, you can
brush your teeth a little faster, everything Speeding up is all about squeezing time out for learning,
so that you can have some urgency in your life. Don't be lazy, you can't get up at all. That way, you
won't be able to enter the best learning state. With a certain sense of urgency, the energy of the
whole body will be activated, and it will be easier to concentrate when doing things. In fact, this is
to give yourself a little pressure. If there is no pressure, there is no motivation. When there is
pressure, you can get oil. Give yourself a little pressure, so that efficiency will come out. However,
everyone should be careful not to put too much pressure on yourself, it may be counterproductive.

8. Cutting time: The so-called cutting time is to divide the time into segments, and then try to
achieve the maximum efficiency in each period of time, just like cutting the time into 45 minutes, in
each 45 minutes, you have to give yourself Tighten the clockwork and try to achieve the highest
efficiency in these 45 minutes. For example, you can only read 10 pages of books in 45 minutes, but
if you have this efficiency awareness, you will give yourself a spur, and you can do it in 45 minutes.
Reading 15 pages of books, this is an increase in efficiency. After the efficient 45 minutes, you can
rest for 15 minutes, and then start the next efficient 45 minutes.

9. Frequent review: I have always believed that review is the mother of learning. Learn the new by
reviewing the past, and each review will bring new gains, and each review is to reconsolidate and
deepen the understanding. Everyone should review the reboot notebook from time to time. Your
reboot notebook is the essence of the article. You have to review the essence of rebooting
knowledge and consciousness into your own. It would be better if you can have your own thinking
and understanding. . Some brothers can’t go online every day, but don’t leave the rebooting articles.
When concentration is still low, you should take time out every day to review the rebooting
notebook. There is little time for the third party in the high school. I suggest to set aside at least 10
minutes a day. Look at the reboot notebook, and then remain highly vigilant. Constant review is the
best way to increase the absorption rate, and everyone must pay attention to repeating.

10. Learn to relax: Teachers at school should say that work is combined with rest. The same is true
when we study rebooting articles. There are effective days with minimal rest, but there is no need to
be tight every day. Ma Fang Nanshan is to replenish energy. Sharp, efficient days can be arranged
1-2 days a week. You can adjust yourself at other times. When you are tired, you can read less, and
when you are in a good condition, you can read a few more pages, but try not to interrupt, at least
read 1 page. It is important to develop good study habits.

11. Finish as early as possible: To complete the task as early as possible is to avoid procrastination.
Many people like to procrastinate, and they only want to do it until they can’t procrastinate. In fact,
it will be very passive. For example, tasks that can be completed in the afternoon must be delayed
until the night and stay up late. Time passes quickly and passes without knowing it. Therefore, we
must hurry up. Time management divides tasks into important, unimportant, urgent, and no. urgent.
We must first complete urgent tasks and important tasks, take the initiative, and avoid delay. The
more delay, the more passive, which will lead to hasty completion, low efficiency, and even failure
to complete. For the tasks that need to be completed, I just want to say four words: Act now! Stop
procrastinating, please be decisive.

12. Enjoy learning: It is to make things interesting. Don't treat learning as a painful and difficult
thing, but treat learning as a natural thing. It is important to make learning interesting. The same is
true for learning rebooting articles. Active learners are always a hundred times better than passive
learners. Active learners are like cows eating grass by themselves and eating happily. And passive
learners want people to eat according to the rules, or even if they do not eat. There is no way.
Master leads the way to practice personally. If you don't read rebooting articles yourself, no one can
help you. We have to learn to correct our wrong thoughts. Learning is not painful. It is just to let
ourselves know more. Only with awareness can we overcome the demons. Every time you learn a
piece of rebooting knowledge, you should feel happy and learn more. The thirst for more
knowledge is the thirst for knowledge. A strong thirst for knowledge determines your speed of
progress. Why do people get bored after reading rebooting articles? He thought he understood, but
in fact he was just looking at the flowers, and some people could watch it more than ten times, and
each time he saw it, he would get a new harvest. Which of these two kinds of people are you more
likely to reboot successfully? It speaks for itself.

13. Set up a dedicated time: The dedicated time is easy to understand, just like eating time and
sleeping time, and it is best for us to study reboot articles regularly and quantitatively. The time to
study rebooting articles each day is set first, and then you can study hard at the point. During the
dedicated time, try to maximize your efficiency and keep everything else aside. This period of time
is exclusive to rebooting, and you can concentrate on studying.

14. Decomposition goal: To complete a big goal, it can be broken down into several small goals.
For example, a 600-page reboot book, you can read 10 pages a day, and you can finish it in 60 days.
It is important to ensure that the progress is not interrupted. If you read 20 pages a day, you can read
them in 30 days. If you read 50 pages a day, you can read them in 12 days. It’s very important to
break down big goals into small goals that can be easily accomplished every day. Many people look
at the 600-page book and sigh, can you finish reading this year of the monkey? In fact, if you
master the method, even a 1,000-page book can be read quickly. It's like building a house,
guaranteeing the progress, and building a high-rise building on the ground. I'm afraid that you can't
guarantee the progress, so you can fish in three days and hang out on the net for two days.

Final summary:

This season I shared time efficiency management, and I shared my experience and knowledge with
you. Time efficiency management is a subject of knowledge. Those who are interested can buy
some related books for themselves. When you master the relevant methods, the efficiency will
increase several times, and the efficiency of your study and work will enable you to better organize
your life.
Season 48: Moxibustion experience and stretching experience of
body recovery methods
[Flying Experience: Moxibustion and Lajin Experience of Body Recovery Methods] Season 48


Go to the doctor. If you mention the problem of masturbation to the doctor, the answers you get
generally fall into two categories. One is that you are advised to masturbate regularly or masturbate
moderately, and do not hold back. Second, it is recommended that you quit completely. I have seen
feedback from many brothers. Among them, 3 Chinese doctors suggested that patients must give up
masturbation completely, and several other doctors suggested moderate masturbation. In the context
of moderate harmlessness, many doctors are actually poisoned by this specious view. Moderate
masturbation is absolutely correct at first glance, no problem at all. But if you have seen many cases
of victims and have a deep experience for yourself, that is not the case at all. Moderation,
moderation, where is the degree? Some people say that once a week, nothing will happen. However,
some brothers do it once a week, but after three years, he broke down. How do you explain it? The
constitution of each body is different. Some people have a strong foundation and can hurt for a few
years. Some people are born weak and don't like sports, and they will suffer from symptoms within
two years. And almost every brother has thought about moderation, but when his desire comes, it is
just six words: one shot is out of control! Once I’m not addicted to it, I have to come again, or even
2 times, or even masturbate for several days in a row. Do you think this is moderate? Can you
control it yourself? Another point is that adultery is also an omission, which is a secret omission.
Some brothers do it once a week, but he can't control adultery at all, and misses even more, and
because of ignorance, he doesn't know at all. I think I can do it in moderation. In fact, he simply
thinks about shooing, the water in shooing is very deep and deep. I also mentioned in the previous
article that the time to relapse is also very particular. When the level of yang is weak, the
probability of symptoms is high. Symptoms can be caused just once.

Moderate, moderate, the water is too deep! How many predecessors are doing a moderate effort to
get rid of it! But some doctors still advise patients to be moderate. People who masturbate are
basically addicted once, and you may not become addicted once if you take drugs, but almost all
people who are in charge are addicted once. Do you say that the addiction is strong? If you learn to
control adultery, then abstinence is harmless. I have talked about this issue many times in previous
articles. If you can't control adultery, then abstinence may go wrong. Because you do not hold up
after lusting, it is very likely that there will be an inflammatory reaction. If you can resolutely do it
when you think about it, then there is no problem. If you believe the doctor's so-called regular tube
management, then wait for the relapse. This is not alarmism, this is the truth that countless
predecessors have personally experienced. There is nothing new in the world of management, what
you have experienced, the predecessors have experienced it. So please don't take a chance and try to
be moderate. It's totally self-deception, and it's harming yourself at all!

Masturbation is evil, and it is really impossible to commit it once! I hope that everyone can continue
to learn to improve their awareness and strengthen their ability to control desires, so that they can be
as restrained as possible after entering the marriage, otherwise they will easily be abandoned after
marriage. I have seen a few cases of sexual indulgence after marriage, recurrence of prostatitis,
impotence and premature ejaculation, and put themselves in the hospital. Many people still
masturbate after marriage. This is the "double axe to kill the kidney"! In the end, I really broke
myself down. I've seen several brothers end up with impotence and divorced their wife. It was
really miserable.

Recently, some brothers have said that since rebooting, then don't look at the yellow ones, but see
the pure ones. Seeing pure and pure is always harmless. I remember this kind of argument was
mentioned by a brother a year ago. He collected a lot of pure photos, which were not yellow, but he
looked at it and wanted to be crooked. , And then relapsed. As long as you face female sex, whether
it is seductive or innocent, it is possible to have evil thoughts. In addition, Pure's lethality is
stronger, and it is more concealed. It is easy to lose vigilance, allowing the inner demon to take
advantage of the loopholes. Innocent is another bait of the Inner Demon. It just catches you with a
different taste. The Inner Demon's bait has two flavors, one is seductive and the other is pure.

Here are a few Q&A cases:

1. [Big Brother Feixiang, I saw someone posting on our school’s post bar saying that there was a
yellow picture and a yellow net to see it, so I went in and angrily accused the host, but I was
banned... Hey, it’s really sad, brother, How should I treat it? Moreover, a promotional post posted
earlier has also been deleted, which is really depressing! ].

Answer: Well, it’s normal for publicity to be deleted. I generally suggest to shoot and change a
place. It is common for publicity to be deleted and misunderstood. Many brothers are very
experienced when going out for publicity. After the publicity is over, they will leave instead of
staring at the posts. . You scold the host angrily. I understand your mood at the time, but next time
you have to pay attention to controlling your emotions. Some people don't wake up, so you can post
a picture to promote rebooting, and then leave. Leave him alone, plant seeds for him first. In the
future, if he has a physical problem, he immediately thought that someone had reminded him, but if
he didn't listen, he would regret it, and then he would start to reboot. come on! We promote the
long-term view.

Additional comment: Propaganda is about strategy. There are a lot of people doing propaganda
work in the bar. You can also exchange more propaganda experience. Propaganda generally meets
two kinds of people, one is someone who is awake. Second, point people who are not awake, and
even misunderstand you or even scold you. These two kinds of people are generally met, and
according to my observations, there are still many misunderstandings, because the environment is a
world of harmlessness, and many people have grown up under the influence of harmlessness, and
let them accept harmfulness. In theory, maybe he couldn't accept it at once, and he couldn't turn it
over. Those who can transform at once are definitely those with good roots and those who have
experience. If you don’t hit the south wall without turning your head back, some people won’t wake
up after hitting the south wall. If someone can wake him up at this time, he might turn around right
away. Therefore, saving people also pay attention to chance. When the chance is mature, the chance
is right. If the chance is not mature, don't get angry, let alone quarrel with others. I have seen
several brothers who went out to promote the emotions and got out of control and quarreled with
others. Makes myself very angry. We must avoid this situation. If we can save it, we will save it. If
we can't save it, we will first plant the seeds of enlightenment for him. One day in the future, he
may really repent and regret not listening to you. Some people don't wake up all at once and need a
process. Ten people have seen your propaganda content, and one person has started rebooting. In
fact, you have already succeeded. Even if ten people misunderstand you, it doesn't matter. The
seeds have been planted, and the opportunity will mature in the future and they will sprout and

2. [Hello Brother Flying, do you have this situation: The first thing in the morning is to feel better,
but the more you think about it, the more uncomfortable, and the attention can’t be transferred at all.
I don’t know what to do if I continue this way. Time can be better. I always pay attention to my
body every day. My mind is confused and can't remember anything. In addition, I especially want to
give myself a knife when I see the knife in the kitchen. I always think about those terrible things,
and I am afraid that I should not do stupid things. Why do I feel so uncomfortable when I feel more
comfortable? I don’t know if you have experienced this kind of thing before. It’s a very tiring
journey, that antidepressant medicine. I don’t know if I need to eat it. I haven’t eaten it for a long
time. 】

Answer: When I have neurosis, I feel tired when I sleep, like staying up late. I was very sensitive at
the time and was on the verge of collapse. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Liver and kidney
deficiency, so scared. At that time, I was in a state of fear every day, and I was in a state of anxiety
all day long, like being chased, life is better than death. I suggest that you don’t think too much
about it. The active treatment of this treatment, I recommend the Ziwu health pile, you can practice,
and it will greatly improve the neurosis. come on!

Additional comment: Liver and kidney deficiency, more panic. Staying up late hurts the liver and
kidneys, stubbornly hurts the liver and kidneys, and sitting for a long time also hurts the kidneys.
Over time, neurosis will come to your door. The kidney governs fear, fear of hurting the kidney.
The emotion of fear will in turn hurt the kidneys, so it is very important to pay attention to
emotional management. Once a person enters a psychological state of fear, they will be trapped in
it, just like entering a maze, which ordinary people cannot understand at all. It is generally believed
that you have mental problems, which are mental illnesses. In fact, mental illnesses have a physical
basis. That kind of mental state is too torturous. It's hard for ordinary people to imagine. They can't
imagine it all day long. They think about the bad things and think about the worst results. They live
in fear and despair every day. In this state of mind, they want to commit suicide. There were a lot of
people, and I also had suicidal thoughts at that time, but fortunately, I didn’t implement it. The
mental state of neurotic patients is not imaginable by ordinary people. Doctors also have a little
knowledge or even misunderstand patients. Only people who have experienced it can truly
understand it, and only patients can deeply understand it.

If you go to the doctor and take western medicine, it will not be cured at all. It can be relieved by
taking it at first, and it will be more painful if you take medicine for a period of time and even rely
on medicine. Later, I insisted on rebooting and keeping in good health, and it took a long time to get
out of that psychological circle, because I knew that liver and kidney deficiency was the root cause
of fear. The body and mind influence each other. After the body is adjusted, the psychology will
also improve. If you only focus on the psychological, you may not get out of it for the rest of your
life. Some people are full of kidney qi and courage, and they are full of vigor wherever they go.
When they get older, you will find that their aura is completely gone. On the one hand, it is the
decline caused by age, on the other hand, it is The indulgence hurts the liver and kidneys, and there
is no such thing as the original essence, and it is wilting. The healing process of injured sperm
patients is repeated. After some brothers quit, their symptoms are relieved compared to the past, but
they often return. At this time, it is necessary to stick to rebooting and health maintenance, and
work hard on health maintenance, so that the number of repetitions gradually decreases and then
stabilizes, so that it will gradually heal. The recurring period of symptoms is normal, and there is no
need to entangle or worry. Just stick to it, and you must do your health homework.

3. [I often say in many posts that if desire is coming, let me vent by push-ups. Right? 】

Additional comment: I have seen this kind of argument many times about the desire to vent by
push-ups. This reminds me of the West Point Military Academy, they immediately get down and do
push-ups when they make a mistake. Doing push-ups is strength training and requires explosive
power. When the body is weak, pay attention to resting and avoid using explosive force. Zhao
Benshan suffered a stroke while doing push-ups. Don't force yourself when your body is weak, you
must pay attention to rest. If you are in good health, you can do some push-ups appropriately, but if
the masturbation comes, you can do push-ups. It is okay at home. If you are in school or on the
road, the operability is relatively low. You can't be on the road deliberately, do push-ups right away,
right? Or during class, you can't get down and do push-ups. Regarding judging fornication, I think it
is more reliable to memorize the mantra for judging fornication. It is not limited by time and space,
and it is easier to break. I used to want to vent my desires by doing push-ups. That was my idea
when I was in high school. At that time, I was relatively ignorant and naive, and no one guided me.
At that time, I thought, if I wanted to, I would do push-ups and exercise. So when I was weak, I did
a lot of push-ups. The next day the submandibular gland became inflamed and immediately swelled
up. I went to the hospital at that time. I couldn't find out the cause, and it was not found out that the
submandibular glands were inflamed until 2 years later. Therefore, in the case of physical
weakness, we must be careful to do explosive training, otherwise it is likely to cause illness.
Remember! Traditional Chinese medicine talks about excessive exertion, which can damage the
kidneys. You can't feel it at a young age. If you use explosive force when you are older or weak, it
will easily lead to the occurrence of diseases.

4. [I want to ask a question: I have been abstaining for nearly 70 days and have been left behind.
Why do I feel that my body feels more smooth and comfortable? 】

Answer: That means that your body is recovering well. The spermatorrhea also hurts your body and
your kidneys. On the one hand, consider that you are recovering well. On the other hand, there will
be delays in the injury. It may take a few days before you feel unwell, not immediately. Can feel it.
come on

Additional comment: I experienced the phenomenon of delayed injury by myself very early. I
remember that when I was a teenager, I felt physically okay the next day after a tube, and I felt okay
for the next two weeks, but the bad results appeared in the third week. , The kidney part is beating
fiercely. Some brothers would call it "kidney beating." It is a very strange feeling, that is, the kidney
beating like a heart, and it is a very unstable beating, accompanied by swelling. If you feel
uncomfortable, you may even feel pain in severe cases. This is actually the phenomenon of delayed
injury. The human body has a cycle. When you control at the beginning of a cycle, the evil effects
may only appear at the end of a cycle. Your spring birth is very bad, then the winter storage will be
very bad in the end, one by one. I remember a brother who went to see a Chinese medicine doctor,
he looked very strong on the outside, but the Chinese medicine pulse said that his body was
weakened. Don’t look at the strong appearance, it’s all because he’s young. Obviously, in fact, he
already feels unwell now, otherwise he would not go to the Chinese medicine doctor. Indulge
yourself when you are young, and it’s obvious that it collapses after middle age. The actual situation
is that many people suffer from symptoms when they are young. 20-year-olds have pulses at 40 or
even 60, and they have severe premature aging. It was completely abolished. If you feel okay after
you control yourself, I advise you not to be happy too early, because there is a phenomenon of
injury delay in the trauma world, which is more common in many fields, such as fitness. Many
people should have this experience. , I didn’t feel much soreness on the day of exercise, but the
whole body may be sore the next day, and I even had to support the wall when I walked. In the field
of fitness, this is called delayed muscle soreness, and it also hurts smoking. The phenomenon of
delay. Therefore, people who indulge in lust, don't be happy too early, there is a saying: Settle the
accounts after the autumn. Don't be happy at that time, be careful to pull the list in the future!

5. [Flying brother ask for help! Frequent spermatorrhea, once every two or three days! Let me talk
about my situation: I have been masturbating for ten years, and now my condition is very serious,
premature ejaculation, lack of energy, frequent urination, yellow hair, but no hair loss, and lack of
focus on eyes. In March this year, I went to the hospital for treatment. The doctor said that I had
prostatitis, my foreskin was too long, and my glans was too sensitive, so I had a prostate
detoxification, cut the foreskin and dorsal nerve block surgery! A total of more than 10,000!
Unfortunately, it didn't work! I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor again, and he said that my
kidney deficiency is not solid and the medicine is prescribed, and it has no effect after taking it! 】

Additional comment: Now I go to the hospital, especially the men's hospital. After I go in, I won't
give up without squeezing you out of tens of thousands. Usually go to a regular hospital to see a
prostatitis, check and dispense only a few hundred yuan, but you go to the male hospital is different,
they treat the patient as a cash machine, it is a commercial operation, but the money is in your
pocket, after all It can’t be robbed clearly, so it’s necessary to do some advanced equipment or
surgery, so that the patient can pay for it. In the past, a brother had 2,000 yuan for physical therapy
once, and it cost 10,000 for five times, but he didn’t get better at all. Prostatitis is still
uncomfortable, do you think it is wronged? There is also surgery. The more common one is dorsal
nerve block surgery. This operation is very problematic. Many brothers have reported that they have
performed this operation. Not only did they not improve their sexual function, they even
experienced complete impotence. So this surgery should be done with caution, otherwise you will
probably regret it in the future. The patients walked into the andrology hospital, just like lambs to
be slaughtered. These patients are also relatively ignorant and completely trust the doctor's words.
The media has exposed that some male hospitals are worse. If you are not sick, you will be treated
as serious. If you are sick, you will be considered very serious. Even if you are not at all, you must
be treated on the operating table. Why do these doctors with no medical ethics want to do this? In
fact, it is for money. The wool comes from the sheep. Whose money is not squeezed from the
patients? The doctor asks you to perform instrumental treatment and even surgery. He has a
commission. If it can be cured, then don't say anything. But the actual situation is that it is not cured
at all, or even has no effect at all.

Do you know how men's hospitals are opened all over the country? The indulgence crowd is the
foundation, and the harmless theory is the catalyst. Andrology hospitals absolutely support the
harmless theory, and the harmless theory is their free advertising. As we all know, prostatitis and
sexual dysfunction are the bulk of the income of male hospitals. And masturbation can cause
prostatitis, masturbation is also very harmful to sexual function, but they say it is harmless, why? I
can only say that many patients have been deceived and believe in harmlessness. These patients are
also relatively ignorant, thinking that the symptoms of injury to the sperm can be cured, but in fact,
the symptoms of injury to the sperm can be cured, three points of treatment, seven points of health.
Once a brother was devastated by prostatitis for decades, treated countless times, and walked many
detours. Finally, he realized a truth, that is: Prostatitis is a cure, not a cure. Treatment can only
temporarily relieve or temporarily recover, and it is very easy to relapse as long as one stroke of the
tube. Many patients don't understand this principle at all, and treat prostatitis as a cold, thinking that
it can be solved by taking a few pills. In fact, this is a very ignorant idea. Rebooting and
maintaining vitality and health are the major prerequisites for healing. Without this prerequisite,
without this foundation, no matter how the treatment is effective, it is like building a house on sand,
but it will fall apart. Still the same sentence: To heal, make sense first! If you don't understand the
truth, blindly treat it, you will only lose money and people! I remember that a brother was working
outside, and his family thought he made money outside. In fact, all the money he earned was sent to
the men’s hospital, and he didn’t know how to reboot and keep in good health. In the end, he was
left empty and faceless. Elder Jiangdong. It is more common to spend a few thousand, and it is also
common to spend tens of thousands. Some time ago, a brother who spent 100,000 was not
optimistic. Do you think this is wronged?

6. [Flying brother, thank you so much! I saw your tree therapy last night and found it very magical,
so I tried it this afternoon. The result... I can only say it is a miracle! After coming back, I found my
face suddenly fluttered! Like a child's! I asked my mother, she also felt that there has been a
change, the power of nature is too powerful! 】

Additional comment: Tree therapy improves appearance and complexion, and the effect is very
good, but this therapy also depends on whether you are predestined with trees. Many brothers are
unwilling to do tree therapy, and some brothers can't stick to it, but I believe that there will
definitely be some brothers who will stick to it, and these brothers are more predestined with tree
therapy. Tree therapy can improve not only your appearance and complexion, but also your
psychological condition. If you are impatient and impatient, then you will be able to calm down
immediately and your mind will become very relaxed and close to nature. Can give you a peaceful
and calm state of mind. I hope that you will actively do tree therapy, which can accelerate the
recovery of appearance and complexion, and also promote the health of the mental environment.

7. [Teacher Feixiang, I had dreams this morning. The first time I woke up today, there was no
dreams. Then I went to WC. After going to WC, I went to sleep and went to sleep. I don't know
what's going on? I dare not go to bed for the second time, I have deeply reflected on it. 】

Answer: After urinating, the fine pass may become loose. It is recommended that you do more
kidney strengthening exercises, so as to avoid this kind of situation. come on!

Attachment: The intercourse regimen specifically mentioned: "Exhaustion of energy after new
urination, at this time the same intercourse conception, the meridians are obstructed, at this time the
conception, the child born is prone to congenital deficiency and incompleteness." So, generally after
new urination, it is It is not recommended to have intercourse, and after a new urination, the essence
is very easy to loosen, and the performance is that it is easy to have nocturnal emission. The
problem of nocturnal emission after urination has been reported by several brothers. If a person's
semen is not stable, only one urination will cause looseness, and then nocturnal emission will occur.
If a person's Jingguan is still strong, a single urination will not cause much impact, and there will be
no spermatorrhea. In general, the situation of spermatorrhea after urination can be avoided by doing
more kidney strengthening. Some brothers also asked me why there was continuous nocturnal
emission, even for 3 consecutive days. In fact, when the first nocturnal emission, the ability to fix
the semen has been injured, the essence level has been loosened, and it is very easy to have
continuous emission. The phenomenon of spermatorrhea is like the faucet is not closed tightly, so
after the first spermatorrhea, you must be extra vigilant and careful, and the kidney strengthening
function should be in place, the sleeping posture should be kept auspicious, and other factors that
cause spermatorrhea should also be paid attention to. Avoid, so that we can try to avoid the situation
of continuous spermatorrhea. Continuous spermatorrhea is too harmful to the body, so we must try
to avoid such situations. Controlling the frequency of spermatorrhea is the major prerequisite for
physical recovery. This level must be passed. Controlling the spermatorrhea is also a matter of
knowledge. You should learn more, analyze the reasons, and sum up the experience and lessons, so
as to control the frequency of spermatorrhea.

Add one:

Some brothers may think that the knowledge of TCM regimen is good, so they only read the
knowledge of TCM regimen, and ignore other reboot articles. In fact, knowledge of TCM health
preservation is only part of our rebooting consciousness. We still have to take the path of
professional rebooting. I have talked about several brothers who study TCM, and they have been
relapsed. They learn TCM theories every day and know that the harm should be done. There are
more, but I still can't control it. Knowing the knowledge of Chinese medicine is very beneficial to
rebooting, because it allows you to understand the answers to many questions, and it can also
improve your awareness of health preservation, but it is far from enough to rely on knowledge of
Chinese medicine to reboot. We must learn more about the principles and laws of rebooting,
understand the rules of abstinence, understand all aspects of rebooting, and various details, such as
emotional management, types of abstinence, ways of controlling survivors, periods of dormancy of
desire, periods of recurrence of symptoms, peak periods of abstinence, Obscenity control,
psychological adjustment after relapse, psychological adjustment during the tired period of
rebooting, etc. We must have a comprehensive and profound understanding of the various
phenomena after rebooting. We must reboot professionally and systematically to raise our
comprehensive consciousness. In this way, the possibility of successful rebooting is greater. Know
thyself, ever-victorious! I have been following the path of professional rebooting, studying the
principles and laws of rebooting, and thoroughly clarifying these principles and laws, and the
success of rebooting is no longer far away.

I don't want everyone to look up to me or admire me. I and everyone are equal, but the
consciousness is higher than everyone. Through continuous learning and comprehension, everyone
can reach the same level of consciousness as me, and even surpass me. In rebooting, my own
position is "the ladder of enlightenment". I am willing to be a ladder for others. I hope everyone can
improve their enlightenment through my experience. I hope that everyone can quit better and better.
I hope that successful old brothers. Share more experience with newcomers and bring newcomers
more. There are many misunderstandings in the thinking of newcomers, many of which are still
blindly ringing and have not yet started, so the guidance of old brothers is extremely critical. I am a
volunteer of the reboot bar. Pureness, selflessness, humility, and dedication are the code of conduct
that I abide by. I don't want to be high, and I don't feel how powerful I am. I will always remain
humble, because I think humility is the greatest virtue. Not for fame or fortune, just willing to help
more people. Your happiness is my happiness, and I am willing to share your pain for you. I hope
you can get out of the swamp and restore the pure aura of sunshine as soon as possible.

Some brothers may not believe that there are selfless people in this world, because all they see are
fighting for fame and fortune, and his values may be to advocate competition and hedonism. I didn't
believe in the existence of selfless people in this world before, and even if they exist, I don't
understand why they do that. Later, I believed in Buddhism, and I fully understood it. My current
ideal is to be a selfless and dedicated person and help others as much as I can. All good things are
done, no evil is done, and saving others means saving oneself.

Step into the topic below

In this season, I will share with you the experience of moxibustion and the experience of stretching
the muscles of the body recovery method. The details are as follows:

When I was neurotic, I took the medicine until the end, and I was completely despaired of the
medicine, because the medicine could not save me. I took one medicine, and I was drug-resistant.
Then I changed to another medicine, and Western medicine also has a good effect on the body. Side
effects, not suitable for long-term consumption. Traditional Chinese medicine is good, but the effect
is slower. Later, I completely stopped the medication. Now there is still a box of expired medicine
at home that I haven't finished. If I don't throw it away, I'm reminding myself that I used to live in
symptom hell every day. The feeling is horrible, it's definitely a breakdown!

Since the drug has been stopped, I have lost confidence in the hospital and doctors. It’s not that it’s
not good to see a doctor and take medicine. It’s just that I’ve seen many doctors and can’t recover
me. I think I can only rely on myself, even if you meet a national treasure. Chinese medicine, but
you also have to rely on yourself, because three points of treatment, seven points of health, it is not
enough to rely entirely on doctors, for example, if you take Chinese medicine and then use the tube,
it will be difficult to heal, and it will be easy to relapse. I talked about a lot of neurotic patients at
that time, just taking medicine for a period of time, the symptoms were relieved a lot, and then after
indulgence, they relapsed immediately. The basis for the recovery of neurosis is rebooting and
health preservation. Without this foundation, it is really difficult to heal. Even if it is temporarily
cured, if you indulge it again, it will be very easy to relapse. At that time, I delved into the health
regimen, saw many health regimens, and tried many health regimens. Among them, I met
moxibustion therapy. Moxibustion therapy played a great role in the recovery of my body. I will
talk to you about the experience of moxibustion, and I hope it will give you some enlightenment
and help.

My connection with moxibustion was a very natural process, because at that time I was already
studying Chinese medicine and had a certain understanding of acupuncture points. For example, "I
stay for three miles in the belly, ask for the lower back, look for the missing items, and reap the
benefits of my face." I started to try moxibustion therapy at that time, with almost zero experience,
so I read a few articles and a few Moxibustion video, and then I started to do it myself, and then
learn moxibustion articles while practicing.

The first acupoint I used for moxibustion at that time was the large acupuncture point Zusanli.
Zusanli is one of the main acupoints in the "Fooyangming Stomach Meridian". It is a large acupoint
that strengthens the body and mind. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that massaging Zusanli
can regulate the body’s immunity, enhance disease resistance, regulate the spleen and stomach,
invigorate the middle and nourish qi, and relieve the body. It has the function of activating
collaterals, dredging wind and dampness, strengthening the body and eliminating evil. It is popular
among the folks that “the Zusanli is often pressed to better eat the old hen.” This is because
stimulating the Zusanli acupoint can promote the spleen and stomach and the biochemical qi and
blood of the whole body. Frequent stimulation of Zusanli can invigorate qi and blood, and nourish
the kidney. The function of fine and strong body can make people's skin white and tender and full
of blood. Because I didn’t understand it, I chose direct moxibustion. If it is not done well, it is easy
to foam. Almost everyone who uses moxibustion has the experience of blistering. There is also the
possibility of burns. Therefore, try not to choose facial moxibustion, because it may leave scars if
you do not manage it. I usually choose the legs, abdomen and back more. Later, I rarely
moxibustion directly, but choose moxibustion box, which is gentle moxibustion. In fact, the effect
of direct moxibustion is also very good. There is a small technique to avoid blistering, that is,
moxibustion for about ten seconds, that is, rub it with the side of the little finger, so that the heat is
even, and it is not easy to foam. Keep rubbing and rubbing during moxibustion. The effect of mild
moxibustion is also very good, but it may also foam. Don't be afraid of foaming. Pick up the water
and let it go. After a few days, the scabs will gradually heal. I have been blistering at least dozens of
times now, and I have blistered more than a dozen times in three miles alone. Later, after I have
experience, the blistering has become less and less.

About the benefits of moxibustion (excerpt):

Moxibustion is an ancient Chinese medicine method with a long history. Mencius has a record of
"Seven years of disease should be treated as moxa for three years". Moxibustion is to burn moxa
sticks on acupoints or specific parts of the body for fumigation. Moxa heat stimulates warming and
clearing of the meridians, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dispelling blood
stasis, preventing disease and health care, unblocking qi and blood, and strengthening the body.
Moxibustion can adjust the functions of the viscera and promote the body's metabolism. At the
same time, moxibustion can enhance human immunity, enhance the functions of red blood cells and
white blood cells, as well as the phagocytic ability of phagocytes, and enhance human functions. A
large number of research results show that moxibustion mainly uses acupoint moxibustion to
promote and regulate the body's immune, blood circulation, nerve, endocrine, respiratory, digestive,
and reproductive systems.
Dou Cai, a well-known medical scientist in the Song Dynasty, described himself as the third
generation of Bianque. His medical book "Bianque Heart Book" advocated health preservation and
treatment of diseases, which is Fuyang. He believes that since ancient times, Fuyang has three
methods: the first is burning moxa, the second is pill, and the third is aconite. Burning moxa is
moxibustion. "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" said: "If the sun is in harmony with the sun, if the
sun loses its place, the life will be lost." Yang qi has the effect of warming the internal organs and
nourishing the bones and muscles, just like the sun shines on all things. , Plants can photosynthesize
and thrive. Yang Qi is the energy necessary to maintain the normal metabolism of human life. Yang
Qi in a person's life is a process of changing from weak to strong and then gradually attenuating and
depleting. The body is healthy if the yang qi is foot, the body is weak if the yang qi is weak, and the
body is killed if the yang qi is exhausted. Therefore, Yang Qi determines people's health and life.

What is Yang Qi? Yang Qi is actually the energy that each of us needs to survive. Regardless of our
age, we are losing energy every day. The lack of energy makes the body present in a sub-healthy
state, especially the stressful life of modern people is even more serious. We want to replenish Yang
Qi, the best and most natural method is to use moxibustion. Because wormwood is a pure yang
plant, it is known as the king of herbs. Moxibustion has a special nature of pure yang, which can
quickly enhance the body's yang qi, strengthen the body and eliminate evil, strengthen the body,
activate and improve the function of the immune system, promote metabolism, strengthen internal
and external communication, enhance the body's stress ability, and improve digestion, circulation,
and The role of excretion, genitourinary system function. When the yang qi is full, the qi and blood
will be full, the functions of the viscera and meridian will be normal, and the body's defense ability
will be strengthened. As the "Inner Classics" says, "the righteous qi is stored, the evil cannot be
done, and the evil is combined, the qi must be empty". It seems that a strong house has no gaps, so
no matter how heavy the wind and rain are, it is not afraid. Therefore, Aizhi can play a role in
disease prevention and regulation, health care, and anti-aging, and can make people healthy and

1. My moxibustion effect: Moxibustion cured my rhinitis and hemorrhoids, and improved my

digestive function. These three effects are very obvious, and even immediate results. Moxibustion
feels obvious within a few days. I turned out to have allergic rhinitis. I didn’t have 3 surgeries, but it
became more serious after the tube was slapped. Often my nose was not ventilated and my
resistance was extremely low. Later, after moxibustion, I was basically ventilated for a year, and my
nose was rarely blocked. Even if I was blocked by the external cold, the moxibustion immediately
returned to normal. Therefore, for brothers who are troubled by rhinitis, I suggest you try
moxibustion at Zusanli and Hegu points. I also had laser and hormone spray treatments for rhinitis
at that time, but the effect was not good, and they couldn't keep up with the magical effect of
moxibustion. Regarding moxibustion, I recommend you to read Aunt Shan Guimin's 39 blog and
book "Moxibustion to Eliminate All Diseases", as well as her lecture video. Many chronic diseases
that have not cured for a long time have achieved very good effects through moxibustion.
Moxibustion therapy is a therapy worth trying for chronic patients. During the healing process of
hemorrhoids, I first soaked my feet with moxa leaf for three days, and then the hemorrhoids became
swollen and I couldn’t sit down, just like a soy bean. From the fourth day on, I moxibustion at
Shenque acupoint and moxibustion 2 God, the hemorrhoids fell off, and since then, hemorrhoids
have completely healed, and I have never suffered from it again. Aunt Shan Guimin also talked
about the moxibustion case of hemorrhoids, but she recommended direct moxibustion of
hemorrhoids, which is a little bit painful and requires a certain endurance. In the end, the
hemorrhoids fell off and then healed. Regarding the improvement of digestive function, I used to
have unformed stools for about 2 years, and diarrhea was also commonplace. Later, I also improved
a lot by moxibustion at Zusanli. At the beginning of moxibustion, there was an excretion reaction.
Diarrhea continued for 3 days. After all of them are drained, the stool begins to form, and the
gastrointestinal absorption capacity is also improved a lot. Here I want to thank the moxibustion
therapy, because I have been to the hospital many times just to look at the stomach and intestines. I
have done colonoscopy and gastroscopy. It just shows inflammation, but the symptoms are very
obvious. The effect of taking a lot of medicine is not good. Finally, it was greatly improved through
moxibustion therapy.

2. Rejection reaction: In the process of moxibustion, most patients will have various uncomfortable
reactions. Such as chills, cold sweats, odor, spitting and salivation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.
Even the symptoms that have been experienced many years ago will appear repeatedly. Because
these uncomfortable reactions are related to the patient's condition, we call these uncomfortable
reactions collectively as excretion reactions. The disease-removal reaction is the result of the
struggle between good and evil. Because the formation and development of the disease is a struggle
between the righteous and evil, and the righteous qi is finally overcome by the evil, and many
uncomfortable reactions occur collectively during the onset of the disease. The same patient
receives moxibustion, the Yuanyang attacks the evil, and the disease in the viscera meridian Evils
are expelled, and the process of expelling pathogens is a disease-removing reaction. Therefore, the
disease elimination response in the treatment process is the prelude and sign of the treatment effect.
Generally, the stronger the disease-removal response, the more significant the treatment effect will

3. Whether moxibustion can be used for yin deficiency: Some people will say that moxibustion for
yin deficiency and fire is equal to adding fire to the fire. In fact, regardless of the yin and yang
deficiency, moxibustion can improve the body's yin and yang, and can treat all kinds of deficiency.
Moxibustion has the dual regulating effect of preventing and curing diseases. The "Lingshu Jing"
has a clear record of the treatment scope and principles of moxibustion: "Acupuncture is not used,
moxibustion is suitable; both yin and yang are deficient, and the fire is self-defeating. When the
meridian is sinking, the fire will take it; the meridian is firm, and the fire will cure it, and the
sinking will be moxibustion. The meridian is full of collaterals, puncturing yin and moxibusting the
yang. NS. Our ancestors have used this method to treat people with yin and yang deficiency.

4. The choice of moxa sticks: I just started moxibustion and bought a lot of moxa sticks. Some
moxa sticks are very good, with pure taste, few impurities, and very delicate. Some moxa sticks are
very poor and have a lot of impurities. Generally, Chen Ai is better for moxa sticks, which are aged
moxa sticks. There are one-year-old, two-year-old, three-year-old, and five-year-old. Generally
speaking, these are the types. Of course, the merchants may falsely advertise and buy Chen Ai,
because Chen Ai's firepower is mild, not dry, and has better penetration, while Xin Ai is more
aggressive, and the burning firepower is too strong, but the effect is not as good as Chen Ai. Buy a
few more moxa sticks, and then learn more about moxa sticks, and gradually you will understand
the difference between good and bad moxa sticks. The moxa sticks and moxibustion appliances I
use are all bought on Taobao, and I have bought many of them. If you experience more and
compare, you can tell the quality of the moxa sticks. Since we choose moxibustion, we should try to
buy high-quality moxa sticks to ensure the efficacy.

5. Smoke control: moxibustion therapy is very good, but there are 2 points that are not very popular,
one is easy to foam, and the other is the problem of smoke. The blistering phenomenon has been
mentioned above. Many people are not comfortable with moxa and may find it harmful. Regarding
moxa smoke, I have also specifically investigated that moxa smoke is toxic to a certain extent, and
it is identified as slightly toxic. But moxa smoke also has medicinal properties and curative effects,
because there are many sterilizing substances in it, such as moxibustion when you have a cold. If
you inhale some moxa smoke, the cold will be cured immediately, and the resistance will
immediately rise. In the past, the ward was also disinfected with moxa smoke. practice. My advice
is, it’s okay to inhale less, don’t inhale too much. Inhaling too much may also cause physical
discomfort. If you don’t like moxibustion, you can choose outdoor moxibustion or balcony
moxibustion, or moxibustion in the kitchen range hood.

6. Excessive moxibustion: Many people think that the effect of moxibustion is magical, and they
have also experienced it through practice. Then I moxibustion every day, wishing that I could live
to 120 years old by moxibustion. In fact, this kind of thinking is also wrong. The so-called too much
is not enough. Excessive moxibustion can easily cause physical discomfort, such as inability to beat
the spirit and physical weakness. If you have a chronic disease, you can moxibustion every day at
the beginning, and when you are basically cured, you don't need moxibustion every day, just do
health moxibustion regularly. Moxibustion is not only a treatment method, but also a health care
method. There are moxibustion rooms in many Chinese hospitals, and many cities now have
moxibustion health centers, but they are too expensive and not suitable for ordinary consumer
groups. It is better to buy moxa by yourself and moxibustion at home. I also made the mistake of
excessive moxibustion at that time. Later I found that moxibustion every day was not as effective as
moxibustion at intervals. After I felt the pattern, I stopped moxibustion every day and changed to
moxibustion once a week. , Or moxibustion every few weeks. I am doing health moxibustion now. I
usually only use a few acupoints, such as Zusanli, Hegu, Shenshu, and usually these. I have tried
many acupuncture points on my feet, hands, chest and abdomen. I probably tried After dozens of
acupuncture points, I later decided on these three acupoints as regular moxibustion points. It feels
good to do health moxibustion.

7. Improper moxibustion causes nocturnal emission: moxibustion at certain acupoints may cause
nocturnal emission. This is rarely mentioned in many moxibustion articles. After all, some of the
articles are written by women and have no experience in this area. My personal experience is that
moxibustion at the Yongquan acupoint and the acupoints on the inner side of the calf can easily lead
to nocturnal emission. You should avoid moxibustion at the sensitive acupoints at night. You
should pay more attention to this.

8. Moxibustion taboos: moxibustion is good, but there are also many taboos. You should also learn
more about it and avoid blind operations.

Taboo 1: Do not directly moxibus any exposed parts, such as the face, neck, arms, etc., to prevent
scar formation and affect appearance.

Taboo 2: Do not apply moxibustion on the areas where the skin is thin, the muscles are few, and the
muscles and muscles are gathered, and the joints should not be moxibustion directly. In addition, do
not moxibustion on the large blood vessels and heart, and do not moxibustion on the eyeballs.

Taboo 3: Do not wash your hands or bath with cold water within half an hour after moxibustion.
After moxibustion, drink a larger amount of warm water (never drink cold or ice water) to help
expel toxins from the body.

Taboo 4: Pay attention to concentration when applying moxibustion, and don't distract your
attention when applying moxibustion, lest the moxa stick moves and is not on the acupoints.

Taboo 5: Pay attention to the accuracy of the acupoints and maintain a comfortable moxibustion
posture to ensure the effect of moxibustion.

Taboo 6: When applying moxibustion, you must pay attention to prevent falling fire. After
moxibustion, you can put moxa sticks into a bottle with a slightly larger diameter to facilitate

Taboo 7: Because part of the body surface is exposed when applying moxibustion, keep warm in
winter to avoid curing old diseases and adding new ones.

Taboo 8: It is necessary to proceed step by step. When using moxibustion for the first time, pay
attention to mastering the amount. First, small and small doses, and then increase the dose. Do not
use large doses at the beginning.

Taboo 9: For people with dull skin or children, you can place your index finger and middle finger
on both sides of the moxibustion site to sense the temperature of the moxibustion site, so as not to
burn the skin, but also to receive good results.

Taboo 10: Extreme fatigue, hunger, oversatisfaction, drunkenness, sweating, emotional instability,
certain infectious diseases, high fever, coma, during convulsions, or extreme exhaustion, thin bones
immediately, or inability to self-control People such as mental patients should avoid moxibustion.

Aiye foot bath: This is actually a pedicure. Aiye foot bath is very cheap. You can buy a few large
bags for tens of yuan, and you can soak for a whole year. There are more than 60 acupuncture
points on human feet. Aiye foot bath has a certain therapeutic effect and can also effectively
improve physical fitness. At that time, I not only soaked Aiye foot foot, but also bought a foot
massager and put it in a wooden barrel. Soaking your feet can also massage and stimulate
acupuncture points on the soles of your feet. However, if you soak your feet in Mugwort, you
should not soak your feet too much. If you sweat too much, you will lose your body. You must pay
attention to controlling the water temperature and try to avoid sweating. If you sweat continuously,
people will easily become weak and collapse. Soak your feet 1-2 times a week.

Summary: This season I shared my experience of moxibustion. I hope my fellow brothers can try it.
Of course, don’t try it blindly. You should do some relevant understanding first. After reading
relevant books and lecture videos, after you have a certain degree of understanding, Try to operate
again. Moxibustion therapy can achieve miraculous effects if used well. Many chronic diseases,
especially those that have not healed for a long time, can be greatly improved by moxibustion.
Moxibustion therapy can also improve sperm quality and treat infertility. In this regard, there are
also many feedback cases. You can read more of Shan Guimin’s 39 blog to increase your
knowledge of moxibustion.

Let's talk about the experience of pulling down the tendons

The so-called "the muscles grow by one inch, the life will be extended by ten years", people will
shrink when they get older.

What is the specific principle of lajin?

First of all, the direction of the Twelve Tendon Meridians is the same as the Twelve Meridians, so
the meridians at the contraction of the tendons will not work. During the stretching process, there
will be pain in the crotch, inner thigh, popliteal fossa, etc., indicating that the muscles in these areas
shrink, and the corresponding meridians are not smooth. Stretching the tendons softens the tendons
and resets the misalignment of the spine. As a result, "the bones are normal and the tendons are soft,
and the blood flows spontaneously." The pain, numbness, and swelling of the waist, knees, limbs
and all over the body are eliminated and slowed down.

Secondly, Lajin can open up the Du Channel and bladder meridian on the back, which is of great
significance to health, because the Du Channel is the meeting of all yangs and the channel of
vitality. The passage of this pulse can strengthen the kidney function, and the kidney is the innate
essence, essence and qi. The source, people's energy and sexual abilities all depend on the strong
kidney function. The Governor Vessel is on the spine, and the spinal cord is directly connected to
the brain, so the spine is inextricably linked with brain diseases. The Ren Du Meridian is a cyclical
circle on the human body, and the Ren Du Meridian, which must be opened up by various exercises,
is the meaning of this. The bladder meridian is the body's largest detoxification system and an
important barrier against wind and cold. The bladder meridian is unobstructed, the wind and cold
are difficult to invade, and the internal toxins are discharged at any time. Obesity, constipation,
acne, stains and other symptoms are naturally eliminated and alleviated. The bladder meridian is
where the Shu points of the zang-fu organs are located, that is, every acupuncture point on the
bladder meridian on both sides of the spine with the same name as the zang-fu organs. Unblocking
the bladder meridian is naturally beneficial to all the zang-fu organs.

Third, Lajin can improve the three meridians of the liver, spleen and kidney on the inner thigh.

Lajin is both treatment and diagnosis. For example, when the knee is painful and not straight when
pulling the tendons, there must be muscular contraction. Muscle contraction firstly shows that the
liver meridian is not smooth, because the liver is responsible for the tendons, and the spleen and
stomach will not be good because the liver is wood, and the spleen is soil. Mu Ketu. Pain in the
crotch and popliteal (back of the knee) indicates that the bladder is blocked and there is a problem
with the waist. The bladder and the kidney are the outer and inner sides of each other, and they
share water. Anyone with a poor bladder will not have a smooth kidney meridian. Edema, obesity,
frequent urination, diabetes, etc. are all related to this. After lying down, the raised arm cannot be
attached to the surface of the stool, which indicates that there is frozen shoulder. Some people lie
down on a lajin stool, the raised leg cannot be straightened, and the fallen leg cannot fall in the air,
indicating that the muscle contraction is serious, not only has low back pain, but may also have
many internal organs problems. The process from life to death is a process from soft to hard. Babies
have the smoothest qi and blood, so they are the softest. Lao Tzu uses the term baby to describe
softness. When people grow up, their qi and blood gradually become poor and their body gradually
hardens. When a person dies, he becomes a zombie.

Lajin is indeed effective in improving health. I have learned a lot about lajin, but I didn't know it
well and experienced enough at that time. At that time, there was no lajin stool, so I did more
positive leg presses at home, and the effect was somewhat, but not very obvious. Later, I started to
practice single-disc, and I really found that the effect of lajin was not vain. Since I did moxibustion,
my digestive function has improved a lot, and stool can basically be formed, but it is still not stable
enough, but after practicing single-disc, digestive function Got better. After the effect was obtained,
I insisted on the single set. At first, it was painful enough, and it was a painful and difficult process,
but after gradually adapting, it became more and more comfortable, the physique also improved a
lot, the endocrine was adjusted, and the skin texture also improved.

For lajin, there are usually lajin stools, which cost a few hundred yuan each. Those who are
unqualified can also choose to lean against the door frame to pull the ribs. I only do single-pan and
single-pan warm-up exercises. I don’t do leg-up stretches, because that’s a little troublesome. Of
course, some people like that kind of stretch, depending on personal preferences and feelings. Lajin
is not just a posture with one leg facing up. Know more about yourself, choosing the posture that
suits you is the best.

Summary: I have no objection to seeking medical treatment. If you are sick, you should actively
treat it. I generally recommend Chinese medicine for conditioning, but it is hard to find good
Chinese medicine. If you have mild symptoms, you don’t have to choose to seek medical treatment.
If you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, you can hopefully heal. . The reason why I
gave up going to the doctor to take medicine later was because I had seen many doctors and took a
lot of medicine. I was basically disappointed in going to the doctor and taken medicine, and lost
confidence, so I turned to seek health maintenance methods, and I had to rely on myself. I once
sought the help of a doctor, but the effect was not good. Later I realized that the hope of recovery
lies in my own hands. Three points of treatment, seven points of health preservation, and rebooting
and health preservation are the basis for healing. Otherwise, eating at the same time Leaking on the
side has no merit. I moxibustion, I stand up, I stretch muscles, but I am actually treating myself. It is
said that it is a method of health maintenance, but it is actually a treatment method. To a certain
extent, it is even better than taking medicine. I am a vivid example. I don't rely on taking medicine
to get better, but I rely on rebooting to maintain a good health. Modern medicine has also proved
that many diseases are actually lifestyle diseases. Diseases caused by bad habits such as staying up
late, indulging in lust, sitting for a long time, etc., must first give up bad habits, and then actively
treat and maintain health, so that it can be cured. The healing process of each person is slightly
different. Some people rely on more medicine, and some people rely on more health-preserving
exercises. But if you don’t pay attention to rebooting and health-preserving, it will easily relapse
sooner or later.

Recommend a book this season:

"Ksitigarbha Sutra", Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's original vow sutra, also known as "Ksitigarbha
Bodhisattva Sutra", referred to as "Ksitigarbha Sutra". I recommend this book to brothers who have
a buddha relationship. Hope that the brothers who have buddha destiny will not miss it. It is
recorded in the scriptures that Buddha Shakyamuni was in the Keli Tiangong (the second heaven of
the six days of the world of desire), speaking for his mother, Mrs. Maya. The Buddha praised
Ksitigarbha’s grand vow of "the hell is not empty, vowed not to become a Buddha, all beings are
saved, and Fangzheng Bodhi", and introduced the typical examples of Ksitigarbha in the process of
practicing according to the land, such as Brahman women, The story of the light-eyed woman
saving her mother. When I first studied Buddhism, I watched the cartoons of the Ksitigarbha
scripture, and I also watched the disguised picture of hell. Later, after I gained a certain experience
through continuous study of Buddhism, my belief roots became deeper. When I looked back and
looked at the Ksitigarbha scripture, I sighed the power of this scripture. Ksitigarbha scripture is the
Buddhist sutra of filial piety, and it is really the great filial piety. through. Brothers who wish to
learn Buddhism should not miss this sutra. In addition, I recommend you to watch the cartoons of
Hua Zang Guangming Ksitigarbha scriptures, which are very good. I have downloaded them and
put them in my phone, so I can check them out from time to time. Learning Buddhism requires
more edification. I hope that all of you brothers can be brave and diligent on the road of spiritual
practice! Nan Wu Ji Zang King Bodhisattva!
Season 49: A-grade sperm, about establishing correct sexual

Regarding the term brainwashing, many brothers may think that brainwashing is not good. It seems
to be a derogatory term, such as MLM brainwashing. In fact, this word is a neutral word, which can
be used as a commendatory or derogatory word. Among the 100 people in China, almost 100 have
been brainwashed by the harmless theory, but they don't know it, and think that the harmless theory
is right. The innocence theory is widespread in magazines and on the Internet, and the innocence
theory will be brainwashed by the innocence theory. Just like the advertisement is broadcast dozens
of times a day, it is also brainwashing the audience. Now that we have come to reboot and we know
the truth about masturbation, we must continue to brainwash ourselves with rebooting articles,
purify our own minds, and constantly improve our consciousness through learning, so that we can
finally subdue the demons and at the same time Remove harmlessness from the brain completely. In
particular, newcomers must refrain from seeing harmlessness theory, because newcomers have a lot
of ideological misunderstandings, their consciousness is still low, and they don't have the ability to
distinguish. As long as newcomers look at harmlessness theory, their rebooting stand will be shaken

Brainwashing is divided into good brainwashing and bad brainwashing. MLM is bad brainwashing
and is harming you. And the indoctrination of rebooting articles is good brainwashing and is saving
you. The well-known Chinese medicine doctor Li Ke also mentioned the term brainwashing, and he
also used it as a commendatory term. For example, he said, “For the three generations of Chinese
medicine practitioners, especially the modern Chinese medicine who has been deeply influenced by
Westernization, it is necessary to thoroughly brainwash them to live up to their expectations. The
mission of the great cause of revival of Chinese medicine!” Therefore, everyone should not
misunderstand the term brainwashing, thinking that brainwashing is not good. In fact, brainwashing
phenomenon can be seen everywhere in our lives. Good brainwashing is saving us, not harming us.
This must be clear. Brainwashing is like washing dirty clothes. You must repeatedly instill in
rebooting articles to achieve the effect of purifying your mind and consciousness. At the same time,
we must also see our own progress. For example, you used to have 50 lustful thoughts a day, but
now through learning, your lustful thoughts have been reduced to less than 10. This is progress, and
then through continuous learning, truly do When the thought arises, it is cut off. When the thought
starts, it is not followed. When the thought starts, it is felt. With this skill of decisiveness, the level
of rebooting will rise. After passing the obscenity barrier, it is half the battle. You don’t need to
avoid brainwashing, you can say brainwashing, you can also say purifying the mind and
consciousness, these are two expressions of one meaning, but in fact, it is one meaning. For
example, going to jail, the prison is to reform your mind, but it is also brainwashing. There are
several sayings about brainwashing, but the meaning is actually one, which is to purify and
transform your mind. Rebooting and brainwashing is to wash away the color and dirt, to wash away
the whiteness, and to return the mind to a pure state.

Regarding how to control the amount of exercise, several brothers have asked how to control the
amount of exercise, because they understand that sweating can damage the yang, sweating, and qi.
They are afraid that sweating profusely is not conducive to the recovery of their bodies. Sweating is
actually a double-edged sword. Exercising sweating will consume a part of the essence. At the same
time, the body's toxins will also be excreted through sweat. In addition, the cardiopulmonary
function and muscles have been exercised. For example, if you drive from A to B, you reach your
destination by driving, but at the same time, part of the gasoline is consumed. This principle is the
same as the principle of exercise. Exercise sweat consumes a part of the essence, but the body has
been exercised accordingly. Active exercise is a must. Movement produces yang, and static
produces yin. It does not conform to the way of keeping good health if it is not moving. The key is
how to move and how to grasp the amount of exercise. Everyone looks at the movement of cheetahs
and turtles. Cheetahs sweat profusely and have a short lifespan. But the tortoise also moves, but it
moves very slowly. In this way, the body is exercised without injury.

We must grasp the degree of exercise, and this degree must be grasped flexibly, not deadly.
Because everyone’s body constitution and physical fitness are different, the method I teach you is to
carefully observe your body’s reaction after exercise. If your body recovers quickly after exercise,
there is no discomfort, and you are full of energy the next day. This degree is still more appropriate.
If you feel tired after exercising and it is difficult to recover, it means that you need to adjust. Just
like the practice of some sports teams, once an athlete enters a period of exercise fatigue, the body
feels very tired and the training intensity cannot keep up. At this time, the coach needs to adjust,
either to reduce the amount of training or to strengthen the recovery, such as massage. Do physical
therapy, there is to strengthen nutrition and so on. Sweating yang is a medical reason, and there is
nothing wrong. The key is whether you can afford it. Just like if you have 5,000 yuan and spend
500, it’s nothing at all, but if you only have 1,000 yuan and spend 500, then Only half left. If you
feel good physically and sweat a little, there is no problem. If your body is very weak and you feel
bad after exercise and it is difficult to recover, you should pay attention to rest at this time. You can
change to walking or health-preserving exercises, such as Baduanjin, Liuzi Jue, etc. Rest for a
while, wait until the body is almost recovered, and then slowly increase the amount of exercise.
There is a saying that one hundred exercises is worse than one walk. The way of exercise and the
amount of exercise are very particular. We should not just ask for more exercise. The key is to suit
ourselves. If we sweat profusely every day for a long time, then that is Not conducive to health. Just
like many professional athletes generally have the problem of over-exercising, they have been
injured after retiring, and their health may not be as good as ordinary people.

Here are a few Q&A cases

1. [Big Brother Feixiang, I am a newcomer. I rebooted a total of eight times, and all failed. Last
time I rebooted for 47 days at most. In the end, I accidentally saw Huang and broke. Looking back
on the eight relapses, I found that I watched Huang, which means that Huang will break. After
breaking this time, I felt sad and regretful, and there was an urge to die. Why did I always fail to
break through? I was depressed, tangled, and hesitated Is it because my perseverance is really so
fragile? I sincerely hope that my eldest brother will show me a clear road and beg! 】

Answer: Don’t think about suicide. Many people will experience failure at the beginning of
rebooting. Don’t be discouraged. The key is to keep learning to raise your consciousness. You are
still a new person. Don’t force it. You must learn more to raise your consciousness and learn more
lessons. . Rebooting does not depend solely on perseverance. Remember!

Additional comment: We must learn to draw lessons from our failures, so that we can quit better
next time. Failure is a blow, making the weak weaker, and making the strong stronger, because the
strong know how to learn from failure. Just like the Wright brothers invented the airplane, they did
not know how many failures before the airplane went to the sky, and they were not discouraged.
Instead, they kept summing up experiences and lessons and making continuous improvements.
Finally, they succeeded. When the White brothers invented the airplane, the first test flight was
shorter than the wing of a Boeing 747, but in the end they succeeded. Success comes from
persistence, and success comes from continuous learning and continuous improvement.
2. [Brother Feixiang, I feel very painful and desperate now. I have lost it once in 15 days and then
again after 4 days. I have nocturnal emission for the next 3 days. Now I feel very ugly and in a very
bad state. Kidney function is also done, why is it still nocturnal emission? 】

Answer: There are many factors that cause nocturnal emission. You have to learn to analyze it
yourself. You can check it out during the season of controlling the emission. After the first
spermatorrhea hurts the ability to fix up, it is easy to have continuous spermatorrhea, so be extra
vigilant and careful after the first spermatorrhea. The kidney strengthening function must be in
place, the auspicious lying position must be fixed, and many other factors that cause nocturnal
emission must also be learned to avoid. come on!

Additional comment: The problem of frequency inheritance is a test that most brothers have to pass.
After this test, there will be a foundation for physical recovery and better recovery. If the frequency
cannot be overcome, the body will be extremely difficult to recover. I have written about the issue
of spermatorrhea for several seasons, hoping to help everyone control the frequency of
spermatorrhea. If the control is successful, there will be a foundation for recovery. Otherwise, even
the iron man will have weak legs. After the first spermatorrhea, the ability to fixate will decrease,
and then the phenomenon of continuous spermatorrhea is prone to appear, just as if the faucet is not
closed tightly. At this time, the kidney strengthening function should be in place. In addition, the
auspicious lying position should be fixed. Many brothers are really afraid of death. Once nocturnal
emission occurs, the spirit and energy will decrease, the legs will be weak and weak, and other
symptoms may be repeated. Therefore, the control of the dysplasia is the top priority for recovery.

3. [Teacher now wants to emphasize more on "the merits are long, the law is the special". You are
introducing more and more health-preserving exercises. I fell into a misunderstanding before, and
finally practiced miscellaneous, but the results were not good. Everyone knows that the health-
preserving exercises are slow kung fu, and the kung fu can only be achieved! So choose one or two
practice that you are interested in! 】

Additional comment: This is the suggestion of the pure hearter, I think he said it very well. There
are many methods of health maintenance. I once saw a brother who practiced a dozen of them a
day. You can put everything you need to do every day, such as standing and meditating, and other
health-preserving methods can be arranged flexibly. For example, tree therapy can be done 2-3
times a week, moxibustion 1-3 times a week, and kidney strengthening exercises before going to
bed every day. There are also many other health maintenance methods, such as Baduanjin, Liuzi
Jue, Lajin, Teeth tapping, Tiangu, Acupoint massage, Meridian tapping, Ear massage, Yijinjing,
Taijiquan, Wrist rotation, Abdomen rubbing, Waist eye rubbing And so on, you can make flexible
arrangements according to your own time. The main items must be determined, that is, they must be
practiced every day, and the auxiliary items can be arranged in turns.

4. [Teacher, SOS! Is there any cure for hair loss? I have been masturbating for 11 years. I started
severe hair loss half a year ago. I am only in my 20s now! Looking at the hair that keeps falling, I
really want to die! 】

Answer: The recovery of hair loss is relatively slow, and the recovery is measured in years. Keeping
rebooting and keeping in good health is expected to improve, come on! You are still young, so
quickly quit, otherwise you might really be bald in the future.

Additional comment: Hair loss brothers are more distressed. If the hair loss is very serious, it will
cause inferiority, even panic, and fear that you will be bald, especially at a young age. What an
embarrassment! The recovery from hair loss is also relatively slow. If you can't be anxious, you can
only insist on rebooting and maintaining good health. The kidney qi must be maintained. Hair is the
essence of the kidneys, and hair recovery is a slow process, and all aspects must be done well,
especially the control of dysplasia, health-preserving diet and so on. According to my personal
experience and research, the law of hair loss also goes to a critical point. Some brothers have been
fine with masturbation for ten years, but they have been accumulating chronically, but he doesn’t
know it, and thinks he’s okay. When masturbation reaches the 11th year , The evil results will
appear. After the critical point, it will be very slow to reverse the situation. Therefore, the focus of
hair loss is to prevent it before it happens. When the hair loss is really serious, it can only recover
slowly. One thing to add is that many people want to die after hair loss. Hair loss is a cruel blow to
appearance and self-confidence.

5. [I really want to quit, and I understand the truth, but I can't quit. I have 20 days to take the college
entrance examination, but I have been very tired from reviewing recently. I also played a plane,
which has become more serious these days. I used to do it once or twice a week, but I don't know
what happened recently, almost once a day, and I feel so tired during the day. Is there any good way
to help me quit, I do lack perseverance. 】

Answer: High pressure is a relapse under pressure. You know the truth, but if you don’t know it
deeply enough, you still have to learn more to increase your consciousness. The consciousness
subdues the mind demon. The reason why you break the precept is still shallow. Facing the mind
demon, you have no power to bind the chicken, only failure to relapse. . So learning is the kingly
way of rebooting. You are about to take the college entrance examination, don't think too much,
prepare for the college entrance examination. come on! It is not a matter of perseverance, the key is

Additional comment: There are senior high school entrance examinations in life, college entrance
examinations, and rebooting is the magic test. I also wrote about the magic test for a season. The
heart demon asks questions. Can you answer it correctly? The result of a wrong answer is breaking
the ring, and the heart demon is the chief examiner. This brother still didn't master the correct
method of rebooting. He thought it was because of his lack of perseverance. In fact, the
fundamental reason why he couldn't quit was because his consciousness was not good, and he had
to study hard to improve his consciousness. As for perseverance, let me make an analogy. For
example, if I give you a car for you to drive, you can't even start it because you haven't learned how
to drive. Then you ran down and said to me: I can't do with perseverance. Isn't this ridiculous? The
key is to learn to drive, not to do it with perseverance alone. The same goes for us to reboot. If we
don't study, we rely on perseverance to reinforce it. How can this be successful? Abstaining from
studying is doomed to failure, and learning to increase your consciousness is a continuous process,
just like you can’t finish three years of high school mathematics in two days, so don’t read one or
two rebooting articles just thinking you are. Understand, that kind of understanding is actually very
superficial and not deep enough. You must continue to study rebooting articles, take more notes,
and face the magic exam like you are facing the college entrance examination.

6. [Teacher Feixiang, how can I restrain my dreams? I read a lot of rebooting articles every day and
make a lot of notes every day, but my heart addiction is still very serious. I have all the symptoms,
and I was so miserable by masturbation, but I still feel like a demon. I can’t help but read more
when I encounter temptation. Close both eyes again. I barely restrained myself during the day, and
felt a sense of powerlessness towards the demons at night. After suffering from depression, the
quality of sleep has been very poor, the dreams are not reliable, the weather is hot, and I am half
awake in the middle of the night. I always get used to doing slapstick movements. Sometimes I can
wake up and get away with it. I am worried that sooner or later I will break the precepts. This
situation has occurred in the last three days. I am about to be killed by my subconscious mind.
Brother Qiu Feixiang Help! 】
Answer: Well, repent and make up your mind to quit. If you are addicted, confession is necessary
every day, and sincere confession from the heart is very important. Then you must increase the
intensity of studying rebooting articles and repeatedly input positive energy, so that perseverance
can purify the subconscious mind. You are stealing your heart and want to see it. You must
overcome this kind of behavior. Come on! It is necessary to turn a blind eye and not move like a
mountain. Practice hard!

Additional comment: At the beginning of rebooting, my consciousness is still low and I have no
concentration. When you see the temptation, you can’t help yourself, and there are too many
subconscious pornography. It is easy to subconsciously control when you are half-dreaming and
half-awake, and you can’t control yourself at all. When this happens, you must increase
brainwashing and continuously input positive energy to purify your mind. The dream will
disappear. Many brothers have become accustomed to the action of masturbation, and they like to
touch the crotch when there is nothing to do. You must correct this behavior. Except for urinating
and bathing and cleaning, try not to touch JJ in other situations. In addition, it is necessary to
express more repentance. Brothers who believe in Buddha can confess to the Buddha statue.
Brothers who do not believe in Buddha can confess in their hearts. More confession can affect the
subconscious. It is best to be in your heart before going to bed. Repent.

7. [Brother Feixiang, why do I always insist until later that I don’t have the motivation to start? I
couldn't help it as soon as the demons came, especially in the 60-plus days. I am also learning about
rebooting and I also know all the evil consequences, but I just don’t have the initial strength, what
should I do? 】

Answer: It is normal. The tiredness of rebooting period is coming. As I mentioned in the previous
article, it is very common to have tiredness of rebooting. You must adjust your mentality in time
and develop good study habits. Don't just rely on enthusiasm to reboot. Rebooting should rely on
longer-lasting rationality, so that the consciousness can be continuously improved, and more
refreshing notebooks should be used. Slowly you will pass through the tiredness of rebooting, and
then you will be more stable in rebooting. come on!

Additional comment: I have also experienced the tiredness of rebooting, but I have developed good
study habits. Even if I feel bored, I am not afraid. When I feel bored, I will read less rebooting
articles and make an adjustment. When the condition is good, continue to make efforts! Rebooting
is like fighting a war. As time goes on, the morale of the army will drop or even decline. At this
time, the officer will motivate our soldiers, and we must also learn to motivate ourselves and make
ourselves full of energy again. Don’t go fishing for three days and hang on the net for two days. We
have to learn how to keep the water flowing and stick to it every day. Don’t read reboot articles for
3 days and then refrain from reading it for the next 10 days. Some, but don’t interrupt. A reboot
notebook is a must. It is also necessary to review the reboot notebook from time to time to learn the
new through reviewing the past. As long as you can continue to persevere, it is difficult not to
succeed. The key is persistence! Rebooting is also like climbing a mountain. Climb a little every
day and don't stop, instead of rushing hard and then stop moving halfway up the mountain. Race
between the tortoise and the hare, learn more about the tortoise!

8. [Flying, I think the rebooting regimen you mentioned is only suitable for those who are lightly
injured. The human body’s ability to heal itself is limited. Most of our brothers are injured too
severely, beyond the limit. Those methods can only be used To assist in recovery, it is best to see a
doctor! 】

Answer: You don’t know anything about that. I was injured very badly. The medicine no longer
works, and the medicine is already resistant. In that case, I choose to stop the medicine and rely on
health preservation to recover. I am not opposed to seeking medical treatment. The treatment should
be active treatment, and health preservation is also extremely important. Three points of treatment
and seven points of health preservation. Some health-preserving methods are no less effective than
taking medicine. For example, moxibustion can cure many chronic diseases that have not been
cured for a long time. come on!

Additional comment: Some brothers think that I have recommended a lot of health-preserving
exercises, so they don’t want to take medicine. This kind of understanding is also wrong. In many
questions and answers, I suggest to actively seek medical treatment, and I never said not to see a
doctor. Health-preserving exercises are a means or method for body recovery, and seeing a doctor
and taking medicine is also a method. If your symptoms are severe and persistent, you should
actively seek medical treatment. At that time, I was disappointed in the hospital and taking
medicine, and then I turned to study the health-preserving exercises. I didn’t rely on medicine. I was
cured by the health-preserving exercises. There are many ways to restore the body. We must not
underestimate the health regimen and only focus on taking medicine. Even if you take medicine for
treatment, you must also pay attention to the way of health preservation. Health-preserving
exercises are not just to maintain the body, but are actually a treatment method. Many people have
chronic diseases and the effect of taking medicine is very limited. The effect of taking medicine is
good. Another example is my rhinitis. Three surgeries and laser treatment are not enough, but
through moxibustion, my rhinitis has improved a lot, and I rarely commit it. Taking medicine is a
choice. The treatment should be actively treated, but I hope that everyone will not rely on medicine.
On the one hand, there are side effects, especially western medicine. On the other hand, if you take
too much, you will be resistant. .

Step into the topic below

This season I will share with you about A-grade sperm and the establishment of correct sexual
concepts. The details are as follows:

There are three, six or nine grades of people, and their quality is good or bad, and the same is true
for sperm, and the quality of sperm is also good or bad. It is generally divided into four levels: A, B,
C, and D. The A has the best vitality and the highest quality. It is characterized by fast forward
movement, B slow forward movement, and C non-forward movement. Class D does not move.
There are also such things as defective sperm or abnormal sperm. In routine semen examinations, it
can often be seen that more than half of the sperm of some patients are deformed, such as conical
head, double head, double tail, curled tail, etc. This is called teratozoospermia. The increase in the
rate of sperm deformity often indirectly reflects the impediment of the spermatogenesis of the testis,
and it will inevitably affect the vitality and fertilization ability of the sperm.

[Class A Sperm]: Class A sperm refers to the sperm that moves forward in a fast straight line in the
semen parameters. If less than 25% of Class A sperm is detected twice in a row, then it is
considered asthenospermia, and the chance of natural conception is very low. . However,
asthenospermia has causes, such as inflammation of the reproductive tract, prostatitis, varicocele,
obstructed testicular development, low semen volume, chromosomal abnormalities, and the
production of anti-sperm antibodies in the body.

Let’s start with 2 real cases:

Case 1: My lover had a fetal bud without fetal heart rate after pregnancy in 2010, and miscarried 3
months later. In 2011, there was no gestational sac after two months of pregnancy, saying it was a
biochemical pregnancy. I am 31 years old this year. My semen was found to be of low quality after
a miscarriage by my lover. B-ultrasound showed varicocele on the left side and hydrocele on the
right side. In order to improve the quality of semen, the operation was performed at the People's
Hospital of the prefecture-level city. It has been more than five months since the operation and there
is no discomfort. Three months after surgery, the internal diameter of the spermatic vein was
normal and there was no regurgitation. The testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle glands, etc. are all
normal. However, the effect of re-examination of semen is not satisfactory. Except for the reduction
of deformity rate, the improvement of weak sperm symptoms is not obvious.

2012.5.11 I went to the Municipal People's Hospital for a semen examination. The results are as

1. Semen volume 2ml, liquefaction time: 20 minutes to completely liquefy; pH 7.4; color: off-
white; viscosity: moderate.

2. Dynamic analysis report

Sperm classification, number of sperm tested, sperm density 106/ml, 106 percentage of total sperm

A total of 831 332.8 665.29 100%

A-level 26 10.42 20.83 3.13%

Class B 183 7.31 146.62 22.02%

Class C 152 60.89 121.78 18.29%

Class D 470 188.28 376.56 56.56%

A+B grade sperm 209 83.72 167.45 25.15%

A+B+C sperm 361 144.61 289.23 43.44% (activity rate)

3. Sperm morphology analysis report

Count the number of sperm: 200

Normal sperm count: 44, accounting for 22%

Number of defective sperm: 156, accounting for 78%

Number of sperm with head defect: 152, 76%

Number of sperm with neck and mid-end defect: 4 accounts for 2%

Number of sperm with tail defect: 16 accounted for 8%

Reference value for normal sperm morphology: >4%

Case 2: Today I got my husband's semen examination report. There are several results as follows:
liquefaction time 16 minutes, PH 7.5, survival rate 79%, motion analysis: A level (fast forward
movement) 25.15%, B level (slow forward movement) 20.76%, C level (non- Forward movement)
21.78%, D-class (immobility) 32.31%, and deformed sperm 80%. Because there is no specialist on
duty today, the doctor will not be available until next Monday. I was very anxious after seeing this
result, why is the deformity rate so high? Husband is a university teacher, usually does not like
sports, often sits in front of the computer all day, especially this winter vacation. In addition, he
doesn't drink alcohol, but he smokes a few cigarettes every day. Is it caused by his inactivity and
smoking? Is there any good way to improve sperm quality?

Look at one more news:

The quality of Chinese men's semen has declined.

According to a report by the "Yangcheng Evening News", a study by the National Population and
Family Planning Commission showed that the quality of Chinese men’s semen is declining at a rate
of 1% per year. There are more than 100 million of them, which has dropped to 60 to 70 million;
meanwhile, the quality of men’s sperm is also declining. To this end, general medical textbooks
must also be revised. Yang Dongzi, director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the
Second Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, told reporters: "When I was in college,
medical textbooks used the standards of the 1980s: the normal value of human sperm count is 40
million/ml, which is now the normal value. It has been revised to 20 million pieces/ml."

The "2012 Chinese Male Sperm Quality Survey White Paper" released a few days ago pointed out
that the quality of male semen in my country is declining at a rate of 1% per year, and two of the
male infertility patients are caused by poor semen quality. According to Zheng Xinmin, Professor of
Urology and Andrology, Zhongnan Hospital, the Reproductive Medicine Center of the hospital used
mice as the research object and found that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones can cause
damage to the germ cells in the testicles of mice and hinder the energy metabolism of
spermatogenic cells (especially sperm). Reproductive toxicity. Zheng Xinmin pointed out that in
addition to electromagnetic radiation generated by household appliances, mobile phones,
computers, etc., environmental pollution, noise, excessive hot springs, irregular life, and high work
pressure are also important reasons for the decline in male sperm quality.

The sperm quality of Jiangsu men is lower than the national level. Compared with 50 years ago, the
sperm density of Jiangsu men has dropped by more than 40%. This is the latest data recently
disclosed by the first sperm bank in Jiangsu Province. In the year since the bank was established,
86% of the sperm collected were of substandard quality.

"The vast majority of volunteers were eliminated because of poor sperm quality." Among the more
than 600 volunteers, college students accounted for 90%, and the other 10% were mainly white-
collar workers. Judging from the preliminary screening results in the past, the quality of male sperm
is declining year by year, especially the younger generation is being affected by various factors such
as environmental pollution. In the 1980s, 7-8 of the 10 sperm donors in Jiangsu were qualified. By
the 1990s, only half of them were qualified, and now it has dropped to about 14%. "Nevertheless,
men who fail to reach the preliminary screening results are also fertile, but the quality of their sperm
is relatively low." said the person in charge of the sperm bank.


This news article summarized many reasons that lead to the decline of sperm quality, but did not
mention that indulgence will lead to the decline of sperm quality. In modern society, there is serious
prostitution, and the factor of indulgence cannot be ignored. Traditional Chinese medicine science
in our country has long realized that indulgence can have a bad effect on sperm. Indulgence will
lead to thinness and weakness, and it will cause the quality of semen to decrease. In fact, Western
medicine has also confirmed that, because the tube can cause prostatitis and spermatic cord, these
two diseases will affect the quality of sperm. Remember that some brothers go to check the sperm
quality, and some directly show infertility, and some have reproductive function, but there are a lot
of abnormal sperm. This will still affect the eugenics and fertility. In the 1980s, people's thinking
and concepts were relatively traditional and conservative. At that time, it was an illegal act to watch
police arresting people. It was quite difficult to be able to see an H film at that time, and it was not
easy to see it casually. It's completely different now, it's simply a dark age of adultery, full of
pornography, and it's impossible to prevent it.

The young people of this generation are "sex-blessed", but they are also tragic, because the tube
hurts the kidneys, it also hurts the reproductive function and the five internal organs. The kidney is
the root of the five internal organs. If the root is injured, can it not be sick? Kidney deficiency is full
of diseases, which is by no means sensational. It's a pity that the younger generation now doesn't
know, don't understand! Blindly and foolishly, I thought I was awesome, but in fact I really harmed
myself without knowing it, and I regretted it when I got sick with symptoms. Since the 1980s were
relatively conservative and there were no computers and mobile phones, the sperm quality of men
was relatively high at that time, but now it has declined a lot. Electromagnetic radiation is one
reason, but indulgence is absolutely irrelevant. Human fertility and kidney qi are closely related,
and stubbornly hurts the kidney too badly, it will inevitably affect the quality of sperm, and the
decline of sperm quality is inevitable. Facts have shown that if you persist in rebooting and keeping
in good health, and actively exercise, sperm quality will improve a lot.

Speaking of the poor quality of sperm, a friend of mine is the proof. He has been slapped for more
than ten years. He has gray hair and a wretched body. At first glance, he lacks energy and positive
energy. Later, he got married and his wife was pregnant, but every time he became pregnant for a
few months, it would not work. There was a problem after a checkup, and he had to abort. Although
he didn't say it explicitly, I think it must be just like the first case. After pregnancy, there was a fetal
bud without a fetal heart. Sperm quality is not good, just like a bad seed. No matter how fertile the
soil is, it won’t work if your seed is poor. Even if you successfully conceive and give birth, your
child's physique may be very poor in the future, and it will be easy to get sick.

The younger generation of China is misled in terms of sex, and the harmlessness of the younger
generation of China is also lacking in sex education. There is no correct and systematic sex
education in schools. The so-called sexologists are The outdated theories of picking up foreign
rubbish are simply wrong, they are fallacies and heresy fabricated to cater to sexual liberation.
Many young people don’t have any discernment, they just blindly control and don’t understand
anything, just like a person who doesn’t know that there is a minefield in front of him. The ignorant
is fearless. Seeing that there is temptation inside, he will rush in without any consideration. The
result is a tragedy. NS. It's like the symptoms of moths fighting the fire, and their sexual function is
also abolished. There are too many brothers with premature ejaculation and impotence, and there
are similar posts every day. The so-called moderate control is simply nonsense, and it is absurd to
talk about moderation after being addicted. Fuguan is an out-and-out minefield, with symptomatic
mines buried everywhere, but it's a pity that young people don't know, don't understand! Sooner or
later, the enthusiasts will pay a heavy price for their ignorance.

One theory can harm many people, and that is harmlessness.

One theory can save countless people, and that is harmful theory.

Harmfulness is an absolute truth,

It is the experience and lessons of countless predecessors crying blood,

It is also the good-hearted advice of countless Chinese medicine practitioners.

We insist on rebooting and health preservation, in fact, we are strengthening the cultivation of the
country. Rebooting is not only a personal matter, but also related to the destiny of the country in the
future. Sperm is the seed, which is to make the next generation of China. Poor quality of sperm will
inevitably affect the physical fitness and even the brain power of the next generation. The quality of
Chinese men’s sperm has fallen too much compared to the 1980s. This is mainly caused by the
proliferation of adultery, electromagnetic radiation, and dietary pollution. The proliferation of
adultery is absolutely inextricable, and it is the most direct and most direct cause of kidney damage.
Ruthless way. Our rebooting regimen is of positive significance for improving the quality of sperm.
We are responsible for ourselves and our offspring. Think about it, in the 1980s, 7-8 of the 10
sperm donors in Jiangsu were qualified. By the 1990s, only half of them were qualified, and now it
has dropped to about 14%. The decline in sperm quality is so great, isn't it worth our vigilance? The
aggression of the adulterous culture is an absolutely sinister conspiracy. It corrupts the younger
generation of China with the adulterous culture, making us inferior to the next generation. In the
end, we become the sick man of East Asia again and fall to the point of being ravaged by other
countries. This is by no means alarmist. If the culture of adultery continues to proliferate, the
quality of sperm will be further reduced. The younger generation will have worse physical and
mental skills, and it will really be worse for each generation.

Regarding eugenics and education, Master Yinguang’s words are very good, and I recommend it to

"Husbands are born males and females, and the law of the saints is the rule that makes males and
females living in the house, thinking that the relationship between men and women is the greatest.
The above-mentioned relationship is good, and the next is the inheritance of the ancestors. It is
weak and weak, and it is difficult to grow if it consumes seeds and cannot produce buds. It is to
grow, and most of them are not grown up. Fortunately, they will also be weak and cowardly,
without great establishment. If you can maintain your spirit and abstinence After half a year, after
his wife’s Tiangui hair, she chooses a good night and auspicious period, meets with her, and decides
to conceive. From then on, the child born will not only have a good sexual behavior, but also have a
frivolous desire. Acne disease and other diseases. Tiangui means menstrual fluid. After the fluid is
exhausted, you will get pregnant, and you will not be pregnant for the rest of the time. If the
menstrual fluid is not exhausted, you will not be able to cross. Dalun's affairs, how can it be evil
days and bad times, so you must choose a good night." (Master Yinguang)

Chinese medicine also talks about eugenics and childbearing. The following is an excerpt from
"Secret Seed Golden Pill", written by famous doctor Ye Tianshi. The Secret Seed Golden Pill is
very instructive for prenatal and postnatal care. It is not only for fertility, but also talks about health
preservation and essence preservation.

【Summary of Seeds】

The way to live a life begins with asking for a child. The method of seeking a child does not depend
on the two key points of nourishing men's essence and women's blood.

[Seed Vein Jue]

Seek the pulse of the child, dedicated to the ruler. The right foot is prosperous, and the fire is
lustful; the left foot is prosperous, and the yin deficiency is not a blessing. However, it is easy to
produce interest if it is heavy and smooth. Slightly astringent, clear, and extremely cold; if you see a
slight cowardice, you will be unable to enter the room; if a female is not able to give birth, it will
also have astringent pulse.

Regardless of whether young or old, strong or weak, they must have spiritual feet, which are based
on few desires. The young people who have children tend to have weak ones, who want to be
diligent and thin; in the old age, there are more strong ones, with fewer desires and perfect ones.
When handing over again, don't go in and out arbitrarily. If you go in and out wildly, the tyre wind
is inevitable. In that year, the old people have children, and most of them are not affected by the
wind. After conception, you must not have sex with them again, for fear of injury to the fetus, or for
fear of fetal poisoning. It is that the man must first self-government, and then the woman is a little

[Seeds must first nourish essence]

In the method of seed, the man must first nourish the essence and the woman must first nourish the
blood. The childless people of today are often diligent in lust. No one knows that the yang essence
will be thin if venting without restraint; if indulgence is indulgence, true qi is hurt. If you want to
get a child, can you get pregnant? The husband and the male lead the giving, and the female lead
the receiving. One giving and one receiving, pregnancy is the result. What is being administered
today is not innately strong, but the dregs of the day after tomorrow, even if the yin can be
transformed, there is no use for the yang. Therefore, heir seekers should not hurt their thoughts,
consume their minds, do not want to go outside and be empty inside, do not want to hurt the inside
and refute, do not use wine as a color medium, and do not use medicine to help the fire. Purity of
the heart and little desires, tranquility and cherishing of essence, calmness for a long time, qi and
fullness, moving according to the time, its innate true essence and vitality, overflowing with the
dysfunction of the sun, self-defeating and undying. "Nei Jing" says: Yin and Yang secret, the spirit
is the cure; Yin and Yang are separated, the essence is absolute. Lao Tzu said: You must be clear
and quiet, and don't shake your spirit. The "Ren Jingjing" says: If the spirit is strong, two boys will
be born. Cover that also.

【Nourishing Essence, Needing Few Desires】

Few desires don’t confuse arrogantly, concentrate on being attentive, and wait for the moment to
move, so why ask for nothing? However, a few desires must first clear the heart, the heart governs
the blood and hides the spirit, and the heart is moved, the spirit is out, although the outside has not
vented, the essence has left the palace, that is, the kidney qi will also be internally disturbed, and the
light can range from dreams and turbidity. Then bayberry, knot poison. Fortunately, he was
exempted. At the time of the meeting, there was no true energy of tranquility and tranquility, and
the things that were leaked were all rotten. The heart is the master of the whole body, sincerely able
to sweep away evil thoughts, and also use quiet work to preserve and support, without making fire,
Tong Yang is full of essence, harmony in time, and achieved in one fell swoop. Therefore, if you
have few desires, you will end your life. Not only do you have more children, but you also live

【Nourishing Essence and Reducing Labor】

Husband’s essence is made in blood, not alone in the room, and it hurts my essence. There are many
people who hurt my essence among daily things: if the eyes work on seeing, the blood is used for
sight; the ears work on hearing, then the blood is used for hearing. ; The heart is labored by
thinking, and the blood is consumed by thinking. I keep it at any time, but the blood is nourished
and accumulates with each passing day.

【Nourishing Essence and Relieving Anger】

The kidney governs the occlusion, the liver governs the venting, and the two internal organs have
mutual fire, and the tie belongs to the heart. Heart, Jun Huo. Anger hurts the liver and causes
irritation, while anger is used to relieve people, and those who hide themselves cannot do their jobs.
Although they don’t mate, they are undercurrent and exhausting.

【Nourishing spirits and abstaining from alcohol】

People's viscera and viscera are suitable for food and drink. It seems that you don't need to be too
stubborn, but alcohol is not suitable. To cover the congenital aura of the fetus, it is very suitable to
be clear, very suitable to be full, and alcoholic sex is not only chaotic, but also chaotic. Essence is
wine chaos, and it is half hot and humid, and half ears are true essence. If the essence is not full, the
fetus is not solid; if the essence is more humid and hot, the other day's acne rash, convulsion, and
spleen failure, the rate has been based on this. Therefore, heirs must be strictly guarded, rather than
drinking more, it is better to drink less; rather than drinking less, it is better not to drink, this is the
great opportunity of the birth. If you enter the room after being drunk, you will be vigorous and
follow the thin.

【Nourish the essence and taste carefully】

The scripture said: Those who lack the essence, make up for it with flavor. However, the fat and
thick taste cannot produce sperm; but the thin taste can replenish the ears. Everything has a true
taste, and if you reconcile it, you lose the true taste. Regardless of the meat and vegetables, if you
cook well, you will have a kind of calming and calming air, and eating can nourish the essence.
There are a lot of foods, but grains are the right flavors. Therefore, after the porridge and rice are
cooked, there is thick juice on the top, which is gathered by the semen of the rice, and the sperm can
be produced by the sudden eating, and the trial is effective. A person who can do counts is not
specifically a recipe for heirs, but it can also be a magical technique for conserving one's life.

[Men have three to three]

When men and women have not met, there are three to men, which means: those who are vigorous
and vigorous, the liver is strong; those who are strong and hot, the heart is strong; those who are
strong and long, the kidney qi is also strong. If the dysfunction is not lifted, the liver qi is not
reached, and the liver qi is not reached but strong, then the muscles will be injured, and the essence
will drip without shooting. If it hurts its blood, its essence is cold and not warm; if it is firm and
soon, the kidney qi has not yet reached, and the kidney qi has not yet reached and is strong, it will
hurt its bones, and its essence will not come out, although it will be too little. Heir-seekers want to
clean up the heart and nourish the vitality of the liver, heart and kidney.

【Intercourse avoidance】

When men and women intercourse, the ancient law should avoid Bingding Day, Xianhui Day, and
Synoptic Day. However, if you are a difficult heir, it seems to be unrestrained. If there is strong
wind, heavy rain, heavy thunder, heavy fog, severe cold, scorching heat, and the world is dark, the
sun and the moon are eclipsed, and the Hongni earthquake, the anger of the world will be
unrighteous. Qi, offense will damage a man a hundred times, and make a woman more ill. Even if
you have a child, you will be idiotic, stubborn, dumb, deaf, lame, blind, multiple illnesses, short-
lived, unfilial, and should be avoided. One too. Under the sun, moon and stars, among temples and
Buddhist temples, on the side of the well-soiled toilets, by the tombs of the tombs, and in the dark
and dangerous places, it is not to be committed. Husbands get together and avoid them, then there is
merit, great wisdom, and good gods to come into the house. It is to make the sexual behavior
harmonious, the family will grow day by day, not only for less illness, but also for smart, handsome
and longevity; if you don't avoid taboos, you will be foolish and evil Coming to the house is
dangerous and dangerous, and the family is dying. Not only the disabled, but also the disaster. But
the answer to misfortune and good fortune is in vain, and the experience is like an impact.

Let’s talk about establishing correct sexual concepts

China's reform and opening up is to absorb and learn from the strengths and advantages of other
countries. It is to take the essence and discard the dross, instead of throwing away its own
traditional culture and blindly admiring foreigners and foreigners. In the reform and opening up,
both the good and the bad have come in. It is not clear for a while what is good and what is bad.
The thoughts of indulgence and sexual liberation have also floated into China together. It seems that
Chinese people have been suppressed by sex for thousands of years. It is time to indulge and enjoy,
so many people began to advocate sexual liberation and sexual openness, and regarded the
conservative ideas of the ancestors as a feudal tyranny that suppressed human nature. In fact, the
ancestors’ conservative attitude towards sex is not wrong. Not to mention ancient times, it was in
the 1970s and 1980s. At that time, the attitude towards sex was still very conservative and cautious.
Fornication. Nowadays, the culture of adultery is extremely prevalent. Many young people worship
AV actresses and call them "teachers", which is ridiculous and shocking! The human heart is
drowning, and the morals are degraded to the point of inferiority. The state of etiquette is about to
become a state of adultery. It is really sad and lamentable! The children of China have fallen into
this way, how can they have the face to face their ancestors and ancestors!

The harm of sexual openness is too great. Sexual openness can cause many evil results. There are
13 million abortions in China every year. This is a shocking number. This is a legal killing.
Abortion can cause harm to women's bodies. Some women have abortions many times, suffer from
serious gynecological diseases and even cannot get pregnant. This is a tragedy in life. After sexual
liberalization, the divorce rate has also risen sharply. Because when it is liberalized, there is nothing
wrong with it. The sense of family responsibility and moral ethics are completely forgotten. Many
people are really reduced to beasts and even beasts.

Sexual liberalization abroad is relatively early, but they have realized the evil consequences of
sexual liberalization and have begun to advocate abstinence. Many young people abroad have
religious beliefs, and religious beliefs have a binding effect on adultery. However, the vast majority
of the younger generation in China are atheists. Because they do not understand cause and effect
and lack faith, they become more unscrupulous and rampant. This is the sorrow of the younger
generation in China. Other countries have realized the evil consequences of sexual openness, but
our country is still continuing to engage in sexual openness, going further and further on the wrong
path. Because of sexual openness and obsessive sex, many young people in China have had
problems with their bodies. There are always old Chinese doctors who sigh, what is wrong with
young people now? The pulse of 60 years old appears at the age of 20, and what happens to the
liver and kidneys if they are not married yet. So imaginary? I have premature ejaculation and
impotence before getting married, and I have become sick before getting married. This is actually
the evil result of adultery. The media promotes adultery and promotes adultery, which makes young
people think that the wrong is right, reverse right from wrong, and ultimately harm themselves. I
used to be a victim. I used to think that there is nothing wrong with sexual openness. People around
me also think so. The media also promotes this way. The environment is indulgent. It wasn't until
my body collapsed that I discovered that the harm of adultery was very tragic. At the beginning, the
frog was boiled in warm water. Before I knew it, my body slowly faded away.

The most important thing for young people is to establish a correct concept of sex, what can be
done and what can not be done, must have a clear mind of right and wrong, and must adhere to their
own principles. Our ancestors said that adultery will cause evil results, and we have to listen to
them. If we don’t listen to the old people, we will suffer. Many people like to follow the crowd. He
sees everyone doing it like this, and he does it too. He has never thought about right or wrong.
Everyone is in charge, and he is also in charge. Isn't it hurting the kidneys if everyone is in charge?
Would it be less harmful for everyone to control it? However, everyone is arrogant, and personal
guilt will be reduced a lot, because he will think that everyone does this, and I do it, there is nothing
wrong with it. In fact, everyone is wrong, and the truth is in the hands of a few sober people. There
is a famous saying in the stock market: The masses are always wrong! This sentence also applies to
the world of masturbation. The person who masturbates is always wrong, but he himself does not
know that he is wrong. The symptoms keep slapping him, even if he can’t wake him up, the
symptoms are also physical warnings. He was warned that he could not slap again, but because of
ignorance and stupidity, he didn't know at all. It's really sad!

The younger generation is captured by the wrong thoughts of indulgence, and it will become a
fleshy machine for indulgence, and their desires can never be completely satisfied. It is said: "Lust
indulgence, such as drinking salt water, drinking more and more thirst, until the death." After a
short period of pleasure, there is a huge emptiness. The pleasure is like a deception. You don't get
anything. Finally, your body begins to show signs of collapse, gradually becoming sick with
symptoms, and it is better to die! Let’s talk about four ways of adultery:

1. Pre-marital sex, rebooting bar advocates abstinence before marriage and temperance after
marriage. This is not only an ideological concept, but it is also protecting yourself. Because there
are too many brothers who are first abandoned before marriage, I have seen countless brothers who
are still unmarried, but serious problems have occurred in their sexual function, and some even have
complete impotence, making him really about to collapse. Yes, the suicidal heart is gone. Premarital
sex is a kind of overdraft of the body, and many people are still relatively ignorant and naive, and it
is easy to experience sexual indulgence. For example, some brothers 6 times a night, such
indulgence, the body will show symptoms soon . Premarital sex also impairs fertility, and many
brothers are weak and even unable to have children. Some brothers are not too old, but they have
had their girlfriends aborted. According to Buddhism, this is all killing karma, and it will be
rewarded with evil, and the end will be tragic. For some younger brothers, I advise you to avoid
premarital sex as much as possible. You should raise your body before marriage, and then control
your sex life after marriage. Having a good body is the most important thing. Don’t be unmarried.
Give up first, it will be embarrassing and life will become very gloomy. Premarital sex is not a
responsible behavior, many people are purely to satisfy their own desires. Others want to talk about
love and marriage at first, but they are completely lost in the quagmire of desire, and they are tired
of abandoning others. We still have to be more cautious when we fall in love. We can’t have
relationships casually. Please be a truly responsible man.

2. Extramarital sex, I have always thought that although extramarital sex is full of temptations, it is
poisonous. Just like a beautiful poison, it not only hurts the body by indulgence, but also seriously
undermines the stability of the family. Sex is easy to get bored. Studies have shown that it takes
only about 18 months for a man to get tired of a woman, that is, the passion is gone in about 18
months, and it doesn't even need 18 months, and there may be no passion in a few months. If you
choose to enter a marriage, you must focus on your sense of responsibility. Otherwise, once the
passion fades, your life will fall into a dull life, and you will be prone to quarrels and even cheating.
Cheating is also addictive, always looking for fresh stimuli, always looking for prey, from one body
to the next, from freshness to boredom to freshness. Being controlled by desire and kidnapped by a
heart demon is actually a slave to desire. If there are no children at home, and if there are children,
then the divorce is a great blow to the children, and it will hurt the children’s young hearts,
especially the kind of children with a very sensitive heart. The divorce of parents will cause great
damage to the children. The adverse effects. Therefore, a married man must take responsibility as
the most important, and must not try extramarital sex, which will only lead to life tragedy.

3. One-night stands. There are too many one-night stands in this era. Saying to break up after dawn
seems to be unrestrained and unburdened, but such indulgence is very dangerous, and once you
become obsessed with one-night stands, it is likely to lay the groundwork for future family life. .
People who have one-night stand are more likely to cheat after marriage, and the excitement of one-
night stand will only make people more empty and boring. Pursuing the momentary pleasure of the
flesh will only make people live like walking dead. One-night stands generally have a characteristic,
that is, multiple times a night, such continuous indulgence is extremely harmful to the body, the
essence is completely hollowed out, and the symptoms will soon be ridden. The proliferation of
one-night stands makes people degenerate into beasts, completely losing their courtesy, justice and
shame. Even beasts are not as good as animals. Animals also pay attention to the estrus period.
People have no restriction on the estrus period and can engage in it at any time. Not as good as
dogs. There are also many other harmful effects of one-night stands. If you don’t manage to do so,
you will get venereal diseases. Engaging in one-night stands will also affect your work status. The
focus is on indulgence, which makes the legs weak and low back pain frequent urination, and the
work status is also very affected. The brain power has also dropped drastically, and what you do is
forgotten after doing it. If you are already married and have a one-night stand, your wife finds out
that it is a family battle or even a divorce battle, crying, making trouble and hanging yourself,
enough for you to drink a pot.

4. Prostitution is harmful. In the process of answering my questions, many brothers confessed to me

the experience of prostitution, and some brothers were even addicted to prostitution, and they did
not listen to their own legs. Said, it’s okay to go to the scene to see it, even though the erection is
dysfunctional, it’s okay to touch it, it’s already degenerate to such an unbearable level. Some
brothers even contracted AIDS because of their experience of prostitution. They were in fear and
panic all day long. Even if they were tested repeatedly, it would be of no avail. They were always
worried that they would have AIDS. Some people don't have AIDS, but they have gonorrhea,
genital warts, and syphilis. There was once a brother who had condyloma acuminata. He did not
spend a lot of money to see a doctor, and he also suffered a lot. It was really regretful. A misfortune
becomes an eternal hate. I often walk by the river without wet shoes. I can't make it easy to get a
venereal disease after prostitution. Some venereal diseases have an incubation period, even more
than ten years, and they don’t get sick until middle age. Syphilis may cause dementia later, and the
consequences are really terrifying. So be sure not to go to prostitution, prostitution hurts one's
morals, and the harm is too great.

Final summary:

I hope that the younger generation in China can establish a correct concept of sex. Don’t be greedy
to indulge yourself for a while. Please save your best self until after marriage. Sexual indulgence
will bring evil rewards. Others will be chaotic because of ignorance. We are understanding people,
we can't mess around, we must hold ourselves firmly, and be a man with a sense of responsibility
and positive energy. Such a man can give the goddess a sense of security. Let us stay away from the
life of adultery. Don't be inferior to beasts, go around fooling around, and finally destroy the family
and destroy the body. Such an indulgent life is destined to be a great tragedy.

Continue to recommend books this season:

The old man with vowel "Dharma Cultivation of the Heart", this book (upper and lower two
volumes) is sold in all major online bookstores. Although I have read a lot of the teachings of the
great virtues, the one who is most destined for me is Yuan The old man's teachings. It was the
vowel old man who gave me the right knowledge and right view of the Dharma. I often watch his
"Nianhualu" teaching video. It is a rare kind of good knowledge. I am also being held to recite the
Guang Mantra of Going to Life. The old man with vowels emphasized the understanding of the
mind. He witnessed his true colors, so what he said was particularly powerful. Of course, there are
many great virtues in Buddhism. Brothers who want to learn Buddhism can choose to get close to
their masters who are predestined. I am also watching Master Yinguang’s teachings, and I also feel
that I am too late to meet.
Season 50: Ten Songs to the Heart of Rebooting

This time I applied for a bar master. Although there were some twists and turns, I became a master
in the end. In terms of qualifications, I am not considered the oldest. I re-checked the earliest
posting records. Reboot Bar was established on October 25, 2010, and the date of my first post in
Reboot Bar was March 23, 2011. I remember when I first started to reboot, Tudou and the others
just finished their struggle with the "75 Party". It seems that the gunpowder has not completely
dissipated. However, the 75 Party is like a grasshopper after the fall. It will not be a few days after
the fall, and then the 75 Party gradually It has disappeared, but the 75th Party has spread countless
harmless theories on the Internet, and the goal of poisoning young people has been achieved.

At that time, rebooting bars were still in the "naive period," and they were very irregular in many
aspects. There were only a few hundred members, and there was a lack of answering talents.
Everyone was basically quitting, and there was very little experience to learn from. I came to reboot
at that time, and I also posted casually, just reprinted a few ancient couplets about rebooting. I paid
attention to rebooting for the first time, and it lasted for about 2 months. At that time, the popularity
of rebooting was very low, and it was a common phenomenon that no one posted a reply. After
paying attention for about 2 months, I will leave rebooting. I ran back to the group to help the
neurotic patients, because I had been helping the neurotic patients in the group before. From the
experience of helping the neurotic patients, I have accumulated a lot of rehabilitation experience
and accumulated a lot of knowledge of Chinese medicine health through continuous learning. I have
the ability to answer questions and solve doubts. Moreover, I am a recovered person, can answer
questions in a more targeted manner and have a deeper understanding of nerves. The real situation
of the patient. At that time, compared to rebooting, I felt that the neurosis needed my help more, so
I just left rebooting.

When I returned to the rebooting bar again, it was probably more than half a year later. Maybe it
was because of fate. I decided to stay rebooting. Of course, there are also reasons behind it, because
I think it is very costly to help patients one-on-one on QQ. The energy and coverage are very
narrow. I need a bigger platform to help more people. I found that rebooting bar is just such a
platform, and then I went to reboot bar to answer questions, and QQ group basically stopped. At
that time, rebooting bars were short of question-answering talents. It was very common that no one
answered the questions. Even if they answered, they were very unprofessional. At that time, my
goal was to eliminate zero-response posts. In addition to answering questions, I also posted some
rebooting pictures, which were immediately refined by Tudou. It was also Tudou’s grace. I am still
very grateful for Tudou’s support. He saw that I did a good job in pictures, and he asked me to do
picture editing and video editing, and then he asked me to do a bar magazine, and then he asked me
to do a small bar master.

In the process of constantly answering questions, I feel that if I can write articles in seasons to
introduce successful experiences, this can better guide the brothers to reboot. At that time, rebooting
also lacked the guiding ideology of rebooting. There are a lot of posts about blind reboot and
relapse, and very few posts about successful rebooting. At that time, I almost never saw one who
could reboot for 100 days. So, I started to write articles, and the response was very good at the time,
and the atmosphere in the bar was uplifted, and the brothers seemed to see the hope of success. I
remember that I followed more than 7,600 of that post, and then it began to be released in seasons.
After a few seasons, some brothers suggested that I continue to publish it. It is best to write a book
in the future to help more brothers. So I persevered, and I have never left rebooting. I have
completed 50 seasons. Of course I will continue to publish it. However, the main body of "Quit as a
Good Medicine" has been completed, and the content that continues to be published is only
supplements and improvements. After eating these 50 seasons, you can reboot successfully, it
depends on how much you have absorbed and understood. In fact, many brothers have read my
experience post and have successfully rebooted. I hope that more and more brothers can benefit,
and find the lost beauty and the purity of the long-lost.

Regarding the position of the big bar, I once let Xian go twice. For the first time, Potato wanted me
to be big. I was very busy at that time, so I politely declined it. Later, there was a vacancy for the
big bar master again. Many brothers suggested that I apply for the big bar master, so I applied. At
this time, suddenly "no excuses" came back. He had helped many brothers with me before. He
really wants to be the master, so I took the initiative to let the virtuous. My character has never liked
fighting since I was a child. If you want to be a master, I will give it to you. After that, I stayed
silently as the master of the small bar until recently resigned "no excuses", and some brothers
suggested that I apply for the master of the large bar, and Ba Ling and Tudou have said that if I
become a big bar, reboot The development of the bar will be better, and the rebooting bar can be
more appealing, I think about it, too. This time the time is ripe, I should stand up and bear this
banner. I am definitely not jealous of the virtuous. On the contrary, I hope that someone can surpass
me, and even hope that everyone can surpass me, because I am not for myself, I am serving
everyone, all living beings are big bodhisattvas, and I am the only one. Ordinary people, I am the
servant of sentient beings. I hope that the majority of brothers can reboot as soon as possible, and
regain their sunny, pure, healthy, and fresh selves.

As a big bar, I strongly welcome all rebooting talents in the world and recruiting people with lofty
ideals in rebooting all over the world. The rebooting bar will give you a platform for you to
develop. Let us create a great rebooting cause. I hope you can help more brothers. The rebooting bar
needs talents to promote its development. The first generations of the legendary Maya were the
predecessors of the legendary Maya. They fought bravely with the 75th party, and they have the
pure sky of rebooting bar now. They are equivalent to the founding fathers, really. It's not easy.
Rebooting requires a variety of talents, mainly divided into three categories: management talents,
propaganda talents, and question answering talents. Management is to make the rebooting bar run
more standardized, and publicity is to promote rebooting. Publicity is also extremely important.
Many brothers are doing voluntary publicity. Even if they are misunderstood or scolded, they have
no regrets or regrets. In the practice of propaganda, I have explored a set of my own experience. If
you have ideas for propaganda, you should communicate with them more and learn from their
successful propaganda experience. Perhaps a piece of your propaganda can change the destiny of a
person's life. Many new people come to reboot and are very grateful to the person who let him
know about rebooting. That person is an unknown warrior who silently propagates. Propaganda
requires courage and strategy. Pay tribute to the propaganda staff of the reboot bar!

Question answering talents are also indispensable for rebooting bars. I was questioning answering
talents from the beginning. The most indispensable thing for rebooting bars is questions. Various
questions are posted every day. To successfully reboot, it is necessary to clear the
misunderstandings and various questions in the brain, and the doubts in the heart are answered, only
then can the confidence and determination of rebooting be strengthened. Therefore, answering
talents are also very important. I hope that there will be more question-answering talents in the
rebooting bar, and resident rebooting bars. The members of the rebooting bar are increasing. More
and more question-answering talents are needed to answer questions and correct new people’s
thoughts in time. Misunderstandings, encourage newcomers and give them confidence to reboot.
Old brothers bring new people, and as time goes by, new people will become seniors, and then
bring a group of new people, so that a positive cycle can be formed. When we help others, we are
actually helping ourselves. When we save others, we are actually saving ourselves. While donating
positive energy, we are also strengthening our own positive energy. Come on, everybody!

Share a few Q&A cases

1. [Brother Feixiang, I don't know why the effect of Gushen Strengthening on me is getting weaker
and weaker. At first, I did the function of strengthening the kidney for more than 30 days with
nocturnal emission, and then it became a 15-day nocturnal emission, then a week or so, and recently
it became a 3-4 day nocturnal emission. The invigorating kidney function has no effect, which
makes me less and less confident in it. I am trying my best to find the tension, but the effect is not
obvious. I am doing 400 shots a day, a group of 100, stepping on more than 10 centimeters of
books, and touching the ground with my palms. Brother Feixiang, you have been rebooting for so
long, and your ligaments have become looser and weaker. So how high do you have to step on for
kidney strengthening? Do I still want to continue to strengthen, ask for answers, thank you! 】

Answer: The answer is simple, because you have adapted to that intensity and can't find the tension.
I should push my limit. I do it on a 30cm stool. The key is the sense of tension, there is no sense of
tension, even if your hands touch the ground, it is useless. come on! In addition, it is recommended
to use auspicious sleeping position.

Additional comment: Some brothers have just started to do kidney strengthening. Because they
have a certain physical talent, they can quickly find the right feeling. They can do nocturnal
emission once more than a month. Some brothers even give feedback that they have done kidney
strengthening. , Spring dreams will not have spermatorrhea, and they can be controlled when they
are about to have spermatorrhea, and the spermatorrhea is extremely strong. However, if the kidney
function is done for a long time, the ligaments will be loosened and the tension will be difficult to
find. Then the frequency of spermatorrhea will become more frequent, so you must hit your limit
and keep the tension at the limit. I used to touch the ground very easily with my palms, so I stood
on a small stool to do kidney strengthening, but I didn’t always hit the limit. What do I mean, I just
hit the limit and stop. This is a very tricky part. , Every time I hit the limit, I just hit a few times and
then stop. For example, when a rubber band is newly bought, you can feel the limit when you pull
it, but when you keep pulling it up to the limit, it will become looser and looser, and finally it will
relax completely. Therefore, we cannot hit the limit for many times. If we hit the limit many times,
the ligaments will become looser and looser, and then it will be difficult to find the tension. My
suggestion is to stop after a few impacts when the impact reaches the limit, so as not to cause too
much impact to completely loosen the ligament, and then it will be difficult to find the tension. In
fact, I have already closed tightly the few times I hit the limit. I usually do not exceed the limit
times 5 times. The limit times cannot be done too much, otherwise it will relax and the tension will
not be found. At the beginning of the kidney strengthening exercise, you can do more the limit
times, you can do more than 10 times, but if you progress to a certain level, then you should lower
the limit times and try to control it to about 5 times. This is very important. If you want to To make
kidney strengthening work effective for a long time, we must seriously understand this point.

2. [Flying brother, why do I always feel dirty on my face and large pores? How long does it take to
recover? 】

Answer: Considering the endocrine disorder, many people who are irritated are oily, dull, and
enlarged pores, and then they are not clean, and it is useless to wash many times. Generally, reboot
and keep healthy, take active exercise, and keep it clean and clear after three months. In addition,
the frequency of spermatorrhea also needs to be strictly controlled. come on!

Additional comment: People who are in control will have different symptoms depending on their
physique. There is a type of brothers who have dirty faces, large pores, and oily faces. They can't be
cleaned no matter how they are washed, and their faces are very allergic. There are brothers who do
not hurt their pores and skin, but their complexion is severely degraded, their temperament is
wretched, their eyes are dull, they look like zombies, their eyes will be deformed, and their face will
even change. The face is not clean, the pores are enlarged, and there are usually acne problems. It
can cause endocrine disorders. My face was not cleaned and I had acne. At that time, I thought it
was a normal phenomenon in puberty, but later found out that it was not because many middle-aged
men also have acne on their faces, which is actually caused by indulgence. Endocrine disorders. In
general, you can keep rebooting and keep healthy and take active exercises. You can improve a lot
in about three months. The face will become clear again, brighten again, the eyes will become more
energetic, and the spirit and spirit will be restored. This is a very subtle feeling. If you observe
carefully, you will find that 撸管 will make people degenerate and decay, and abstaining from 撸 will
make you fresh again! The kind of freshness is just like fresh fruit, fresh fruit has a clear and full
aura that can make people feel comfortable and happy. But the stunner is like a fruit that has gone
bad and expired. His face is dull, and it looks like a layer of gray from a distance.

3. [Brother Feixiang, the view of white bones and the view of impurity are too horrible and
disgusting. I suddenly became disinterested in women. These two tricks are indeed effective for
rebooting, but I just can't accept it. 】

Answer: The view of the bones and the view of impurity can be imagined at ordinary times, and
you don't need to look at too disgusting pictures. It may have adverse psychological effects, or may
be unable to eat, etc. come on!

Additional comment: There are indeed a lot of super disgusting pictures about the view of bones
and impurity. Of course, brothers with stronger psychological endurance can be seen, but they
shouldn't be watched more. It's not that you can't bear it, but if you watch too much, you will be
numb. It's like a medical school student, who is a little uncomfortable with dead bodies at first, and
it doesn't matter if the contact time is long. I also use bone view and impure view, but just imagine
that I don't usually look at disgusting pictures. The Bone View and the View on Impurity are meant
to deal with your own evil thoughts, not to vilify or attack or disrespect women. Everyone should
recognize that the point is aimed at their evil thoughts, not at women. In addition to the view of
bones and impurity, I suggest that you can also use "thinking of oneself", which is to treat a woman
as one's own close relative, as a mother, as a relative sister or sister. This generally prevents evil
thoughts. You don't even let your close relatives go, that's really a beast. Regarding the view of
white bones and impurity, women can also use them, but they use the other way around, and view
the man’s body as white bones and impurity.

4. [Hello Brother Flying! I am 23 years old and have 8 years of masturbation history. After a
masturbation last month, I suddenly experienced a lot of symptoms, such as left abdomen swelling,
general weakness, frequent urination (this is a bit earlier), light sleep, early waking, and so on.
However, I went to the top three hospitals for a lot of checkups without any problems, but the
symptoms still existed (deep pain, I always feel the body is weird), and my life is completely
messed up. I also discovered rebooting because of my illness this time. I read all your articles and I
am deeply educated. I have been rebooting for more than a month, and I usually pay attention to it.
However, no spermatorrhea does not occur, and morning erection is sometimes absent. I am
struggling now, wanting to try masturbation to see if it is normal, but I am afraid of aggravating the
condition. I wonder if you can help me analyze what to do? 】

Answer: Your question, I think it is prostatitis. Have you checked the prostate fluid? If your
prostatic fluid examination is also normal, then it is considered a functional problem. If you stick to
it, the frequency of spermatorrhea will return to normal. Don't try it. You will get out of control
after you try it. I suggest you take care of recuperation and exercise actively, so that the discomfort
will gradually alleviate or even disappear. come on!

Additional comment: The outbreak of symptoms has a chronic accumulation process, just like
boiling water will reach the boiling point at the end. Continue to control, until the end will reach the
critical point of symptoms, and then the symptoms will burst out in a concentrated manner. Many
people are very happy. They feel that they are asymptomatic or have no obvious symptoms, and
they think they are okay. In fact, they are wrong. At the critical point, the symptoms will suddenly
aggravate a lot, and you will have to suffer. Many people already have a dark illness. They have
already had a lot of discomfort, and the symptoms have worsened, so they will converge, and they
will get better after a period of time. When the scars are healed, they forget the pain, and then they
start to recover. When the symptoms really affect him After waking up completely, he really made
up his mind to completely abstain from sex. Many brothers later said, "I'm really afraid, I really
don't dare." If the symptoms are not severe enough or cruel enough, he can't keep his memory. Of
course, some brothers are particularly addicted. For a very serious illness, it’s really sad that it’s still
not changing. Rebooting should still take the path of professional rebooting. Do not force or blindly
reboot. It is impossible to succeed. Even if the symptoms are severe, if you are still forcefully
rebooting, then you are doomed to fail.

The warm water frog had a comfortable and happy life before being scalded. He was swimming
comfortably in warm water. He thought he was in a hot spring, but he didn't know that the
temperature below was slowly heating up. A tragedy was about to happen soon. Therefore, when
you say rebooting to a warm water frog, you are probably playing the piano to a cow. He doesn’t
listen. For this kind of person, he can only be taught by symptoms. Symptoms are the best teacher.
Symptoms will slap him a few times. Those with good roots can be awakened. A lot of people who
are in charge seem to be okay on the surface, but in fact, only he knows that his body is not as good
as before, and only he himself knows that there is a decline in brain power. Many of the symptoms
caused by the point are hidden diseases. So let's not just look at the superficial phenomena, it is
difficult to know the truth from the superficial, unless you are an expert in Taoism and can see the
little things. Just like Bian Que sees Cai Huangong, Bian Que is an expert in face-to-face
consultation, and he knows that Cai Huangong has a physical problem at a glance, but how can a
mortal know? If you can see the clues, only a person with a high level of Taoism can do it.

Step into the topic below

The 50 season will summarize and share my rebooting thoughts with you, so that everyone can
better understand my rebooting thoughts. I took the path of professional rebooting, studying various
problems in the rebooting process, studying the laws and principles of rebooting, studying the
psychology of rebooting, and studying the laws of abstinence. My article also talks about harm, but
more importantly, let everyone clearly and deeply understand the nature of the various phenomena
in rebooting. When your consciousness reaches a certain level, complete rebooting will become
possible. Some brothers have been learning, but still can’t get rid of it. Don’t be discouraged in this
situation. Don’t be discouraged. Keep learning, focus on accumulation, take more notes, review the
past and learn the new, keep learning and improve your consciousness, let your consciousness
continue to improve, and you will eventually meet it. Come to "turn around".

I really like the word interpreter. I learned it when I watched a show. This show is about the
learning process of teaching somersaults in a circus. No matter how you teach a bear at the
beginning, it just can't learn somersaults. Do you know how the trainer does it? It is to train the bear
repeatedly until one day six months later, the bear suddenly learns to turn somersaults, and since
then, it completely "turns on the body", which is what people call "opens the body", and then opens
up all at once. I'll have somersaults all my life, and I've mastered it completely. The same is true for
our rebooting. As long as we keep learning and improving our consciousness, we will eventually
usher in the "recovering one's body". Some brothers reported that he had been studying rebooting
articles repeatedly, and suddenly he understood all of them one day, and he really understood it, and
he went up as soon as he realized it.

Many brothers are reading and studying the reboot articles I wrote. The key is how much can you
absorb? Many people look at the flowers, read them and forget them. They seem to understand all
of them, but they can’t say a word. If they only focus on the superficial understanding, it will not
work. If you are good at rebooting articles, you should take more notes and refine them yourself.
Summarize the essence of the sentence. No one can replace you in this process, only you can think
and understand.

I summarized my rebooting thoughts into ten points. The so-called ten chants are ten key points.
The details are as follows:

Ten Songs to the Marrow of Rebooting


The first step in rebooting

Just to recognize the harmlessness theory,

Establish determination and confidence in rebooting,

Thoroughly understand the truth of 撸管,

The mind is no longer obscured by harmlessness,

Suddenly awakened.

Marrow explanation: harmless theory, moderate harmless theory, normal theory, universal theory,
and even beneficial theory. All these views on guanxi are extremely harmful, among which the
theory of moderate harmlessness is the most cunning, deceptive and misleading. Some brothers still
don't believe it when they see that it is completely harmless, but when they see that it is moderately
harmless, they are more convinced. In fact, they simply think of masturbation, the water is too deep
and too deep, masturbation is highly addictive, and the one sentence I see most is: It’s out of
control. When evil thoughts come together, what moderate discomfort is completely forgotten.
Some people are only satisfied after a few consecutive times, even for several days in a row. Is this
called moderation? Some people have relatively strong self-control and can try their best to do it
once a week, but a few years later, they have physical problems and are also entangled in
symptoms. The harm of masturbation is cumulative and delayed, and obscenity is a secret leak, and
it is missed without knowing it. Although many people are trying to restrain themselves, they miss
more of their obscenities, and he doesn't know it at all. When the symptoms come out, it will be too
late to regret!

The water in the pipe is too deep, and he doesn’t know too much. For example, the time of relapse
is also very mysterious. Noon is when Yin Qi is weakest, and Zi Shi is when Yang Qi is weakest.
Therefore, the rest of these two hours is important for health preservation. The most critical. If you
break the vows when your body is at its weakest, the damage caused by the tube is doubled, and it is
difficult for your body to recover. Every day the body has a strong and weak movement pattern, and
the same is true every month. If you break the vows when you are weak, the probability of
developing symptoms will increase a lot. It means that you will be in charge once a month. If you
catch up with the time of frailty, it is very likely that you will have symptoms. Another point is that
every body constitution is different. Some people have different talents, strong foundations, and can
afford to be injured. If the frequency is the same, they will have symptoms later. And some people
are born with poor physique, even weak and sick, and don't like sports. Such a body will experience
various discomforts within two years. Human physiques are very different, but no matter how good
your physique is, if you don’t pay attention to rebooting and keeping your essence, problems will
occur sooner or later. Just like the rich, if you don't pay attention to increasing income and reducing
expenditure, sooner or later they will sit back and eat.

It is an iron fact that it is harmful to control. If you look at the victim's case more, you will
understand the truth of arbitration. If you only look at the harmlessness theory, then you will be
obscured by the harmlessness theory. In particular, many young people do not have any
distinguishing ability. Whenever they look at the harmlessness theory, they will shake their
rebooting standpoint. The harmlessness theory is really harmful! Many brothers will come up with a
sentence like "I was so badly harmed by the harmlessness theory" when they broke down
afterwards. This sentence is very ironic. Countless people. If we do not keep our eyes open, we will
be deceived, deceived, and misled by harmlessness! Practice leads to truth, and practice is the
standard for testing truth. If it is harmful or harmless, please see the real case. The truth is not in the
mouth of the brick family, but the truth is in the victim's case. Listening to the fallacies of the brick
family will only lead oneself astray.

The addictive nature of gangbang is extremely high. If you divide it according to the addiction
level, gangbang will not lose to drugs. It is basically a one-time addiction, and it is out of control.
Some people take drugs, it is not necessarily an addiction, it may take several times to become
addicted. However, over 99% of addictions are an addiction. Once you feel that kind of pleasure,
you will be unforgettable, especially if your heart addiction is more serious, your lust will fly all
over the sky, even once every few minutes. In fact, piping is a chronic drug. Comparing piping to
drugs is a profound experience of people who have passed by. If we want to quit sex, we must do it
completely, don't compromise with the inner demon, don't let the harmless theory remain in our
brains, and completely eliminate the harmless theory from our brains. When you release the inner
demon, the inner demon controls you, and you become a puppet at its mercy! Masturbation belongs
to adultery, and it hurts one's body and morals. It is really impossible to commit it once. Many
people, especially young people, are still very little conscious and even full of misunderstandings in
their minds. In this case, talking about moderation is simply pushing people into the fire pit.

Regarding the theory of harmlessness, I suggest that everyone should be familiar with basic TCM
health knowledge, such as the kidney storing essence and the vitality of the essence of the five
internal organs; for example, the kidneys dominate the bones, and kidney weakness will cause
weakness in the waist and knees, and soft legs are more common; If the kidney is connected to the
brain, it is more brain-damaging to use a tube to damage the kidney; and the waist is the home of
the kidney, and it is common to have low back pain after a tube injures the kidney. In addition, the
kidney is the blossom of the kidney, the kidney is the root of the five internal organs, the kidney is
the root of the five internal organs, and the kidneys are all kinds of diseases. , The kidney is a
powerful official, etc., and so on, Chinese medicine should be known. The children of a person
must know the doctor, the ignorant is fearless, because ignorance is unscrupulous, and because of
ignorance, he dares to chaos. Regarding the harm of indulgence to the kidney, our traditional
Chinese medicine has already explained it very clearly. If you have a certain degree of knowledge
and understanding of Chinese medicine, it is very helpful to get rid of masturbation. The medical
theory of Chinese medicine can improve your understanding and make you understand the reasons
for many discomforts in your body. This can strengthen your rebooting Determination and
When we reboot, we must thoroughly understand the harmlessness theory. The hurdle of
harmlessness must be passed, and this is also the first hurdle. If you don’t understand clearly about
harmlessness, then you won’t be able to reboot successfully, because you always want to engage in
moderation. And the moderate water is too deep, the best way is to completely quit the tube and go
directly ashore! The sea is boundless, and the shore is turning back! Only going ashore is an
absolutely wise choice. In addition, I suggest that brothers must stay away from the harmless
theory. Seeing the harmless theory means that we are not the enemy. Many people immediately
waver when they see the harmless theory. As I now have a very high level of consciousness, I don't
know how to look at harmlessness. If I look at harmlessness, I will be brainwashed, and I will be
brainwashed by fallacies and heresies. Unless you have a high level of consciousness to resist
brainwashing, you will be led into the ditch. When I was a teenager, I looked at harmlessness theory
and felt that harmlessness theory was quite right, because at that time I didn’t have the ability to
distinguish and lacked correct guidance, but now I feel that harmlessness theory is full of loopholes,
completely inconsistent with the actual situation, and completely unsuitable. In line with the facts,
harmlessness can only deceive children, as well as adults with low consciousness like children!


The correct motivation for rebooting

It is extremely critical for successful rebooting,

If you quit for better indulgence,

Or just quit for sexual function,

It is extremely easy to fail,

Because the motivation was wrong from the beginning,

The result must be failure!

Marrow explanation: I specifically pointed out the issue of rebooting motivation in my very early
article, because I found that many brothers only started rebooting after premature ejaculation and
impotence. They are very concerned about sexual function, which is not difficult. Understand,
because most of the brothers will choose to live in marriage. If they are abandoned before they get
married, it will be very embarrassing after marriage. This is the case in many actual cases I have
come into contact with. Because of years of abuse, sexual function has been severely damaged. In
severe cases, it is basically impotence. In addition, it is more common to have weak erections,
difficult erections, and soft erections without stamina. Brothers of premature ejaculation are also
very common. A lot of people’s time for arguing is getting shorter and shorter. It could have been
ten minutes at first, but it didn’t work after ten seconds. What I want to say is that masturbation can
hurt sexual function. This is a conclusive fact, which can be understood by looking at more cases.

Many brothers have been abandoned, or become half-waste, and the family is urging to get married,
which makes him very distressed. Why did you know that today? Because of being young and
ignorant, sooner or later it will be a painful price. Some brothers have already divorced because
their sex life is not good. Disharmony in sex life is also a factor leading to divorce. Once you have
premature ejaculation and impotence, your wife may also be derailed. Disharmony in sex life will
also affect the relationship between husband and wife. . Some brothers found that they were not
working, and he immediately started to make up. The concept in his mind was to make up if you
lost it, especially if you were taking tonics and even taking Viagra. Originally, premature
ejaculation and impotence were a warning to your body. Indulge in indulgence, it is time to stop,
and because of ignorance, some brothers can't understand the signals given by the body at all.
Instead, they use drugs to mobilize the last bit of kidney qi for them to indulge. It doesn't take long
for the body to have serious problems. Yuan Shikai was indulging in lust, wives and concubines
were in groups, and antler and ginseng were eaten as a meal. Soon after, he became seriously ill and

Tonics should be taken with caution. Taking many tonics will encourage desire. If you do not have
a high level of consciousness, it is likely to lead to relapse. For example, some brothers become
more likely to relapse after taking Chinese medicine. The most taboo of seeing Chinese medicine
for taking medicine is to leak while eating. Good Chinese medicine will advise you to abstain from
sex for a period of time, but these types of good Chinese medicine are becoming fewer and fewer
now. I remember a case where the patient asked the Chinese medicine doctor why the gray hair
increased after taking Chinese medicine, and the body did not improve much. The Chinese doctor
asked, don’t you know that three-point treatment and seven-point health preservation? Can I get
better while indulging in Chinese medicine? The question of this Chinese medicine doctor can
explain the problem. Many patients now have too poor awareness of health preservation. In fact, the
biggest supplement is not leaking. The bottom is not leaking. The effect can be guaranteed by
taking medicine and conditioning. Just like a water tank, there is no leakage from the bottom and
water on the top. The water tank can be full, otherwise the body will never heal. Some Chinese
medicines promote desire. If you don't make it right, you will leak more. After taking Chinese
medicines, you must strengthen your mind. My suggestion is that if you are sick, you can see a
Chinese medicine for treatment, but while taking Chinese medicine, you must be vigilant, do a good
job of ideological work of abstinence, and avoid leakage of sperm during the medicine. This is very

Regarding the motivation of rebooting, don’t quit for the sake of better indulgence. I remember a
brother who quit for more than 30 days and then indulged with his girlfriend. The next day, he
started to feel sick with unbearable low back pain and discomfort in the testicles and lower
abdomen. , Listlessness, weak legs, and frequent urination again. He really regrets it. The brother’s
motivation for rebooting was wrong from the beginning. He wanted to take care of himself, and
then waited for his girlfriend to come and indulge better. As a result, the symptoms recurred again.
This case really deserves everyone's attention. Do not quit for the sake of indulgence. Quitting for
the sake of indulgence is the thinking of many rebooting newcomers, and it is also their ideological
misunderstanding. If this ideological misunderstanding is not corrected, the body will continue to
collapse even if the rebooting failure is not mentioned. There are brothers who quit for the purpose
of restoring sexual function. There is nothing wrong with quitting for the purpose of restoring
sexual function. However, quitting just for the purpose of restoring sexual function will lead to
another ideological misunderstanding, that is, "like to try" and quit for more than ten days. Or about
a month or so, I can’t wait to try it. This test is just out of control. If he doesn’t recover
satisfactorily, it will dampen his confidence in rebooting. Therefore, we should avoid trying. The
recovery can be seen from the quality of morning erection. Good morning erection quality is a
manifestation of the recovery of sexual function. If you keep trying, it will be difficult to recover.
You have to know that the thought of trying is actually the inner demon who is instigating you, and
you don't know it. Once you are instigated, you will break the ring and fall into the vicious circle
again. In fact, if you persist in rebooting and maintaining health, actively exercising for more than
half a year, you can recover a lot of sexual function and improve your morning erection. Don't try
lightly. Everyone must have a correct and clear understanding on the question of the test.

The correct motivation for rebooting can be to quit for the sake of restoring physical and mental
health, or for the realization of one's life ideals, or for the purpose of improving one's spiritual
connotation, or to quit for the sake of health preservation, of course. You can also quit in order to
live up to the expectations of your parents, you can also quit for the sake of regaining your original
sunshine and pure self, for the lost beauty, quit for the high school entrance examination, quit for
physical fitness, and quit for the faith. . In short, there are still many correct rebooting motives. Do
not quit for the sake of better indulgence, and do not quit for the sake of sexual function. When you
have the right motivation to reboot, you don't have to think about sexual function, it will naturally
recover. If you are always obsessed with sexual function, then you will continue to want to try, and
you will fail to reboot at the first try and fall into a vicious circle again.

Please save your best self until you get married, don't give up when you are unmarried, and don't
overdraft in advance! The king, disdain to be in control, the king knows how to save his energy and
use it for the right way! The same is true for a gentleman. A gentleman is upright and upright. He
must stay away from adultery. It hurts his body and morals, and it will really hurt himself! To
control it is to harm yourself!


Overcome obscenity

Obscenity is like fire

Anti-prostitution like fire

The law of the fire of obscenity is

It goes out when it first burns,

Small fires are easy to extinguish,

If it burns into a big fire, it will be hard to extinguish,

So I'm not afraid of thinking, but I'm afraid of being late.

Decide that you are expensive, fast, and ruthless!

Never hesitate and hesitate!

The essence of the heart is explained: the obscene attitude is a hindrance to rebooting. This hurdle is
also a must. The obscenity is a secret leak, and the harm is also very great. Many rebooting
newcomers will ask, is it harmful to not just look at it? If you have some knowledge of traditional
Chinese medicine, you will know that if your heart moves, your essence will go away. As long as
your heart moves, your essence will lose its proper position. When your heart moves, your essence
will become turbid. Of course, the heartbeat here refers to indulging in obscenity. If you break off
obscenity as soon as you get up, then it’s okay. If you indulge in obscenity, your body will be
harmed. Countless brothers have reported that they have repeated symptoms after having sex,
especially prostatitis symptoms or testicular discomfort. Therefore, we must learn to overcome
obscenity. If you pass the obscenity, you will be half of the success. After passing the obscenity, the
number of days of rebooting will increase by leaps and bounds!

To control obscenity is actually to control thoughts. If a person has 100 thoughts a day, 10 of which
are evil thoughts, what you have to do is to purify your thoughts and purify your heart continuity.
Our thoughts can form a river. Don't let evil thoughts pollute this river. When we were young, the
continuity of mind was relatively pure, like a clear spring, but when we were older, the evil
thoughts increased, and the continuity of mind was contaminated. And in an era of prostitution, this
kind of pollution is extremely serious. Some people may have dozens or even hundreds of obscene
thoughts a day. His mind continues like a stinking river, and the pollution of the mind will cause
various problems in the body, because the body and mind are one. Yes, it is born from the heart,
and the heart is polluted. Sooner or later it will be reflected on the body, and even more on the face.
For example, lack of energy in the eyes, poor complexion, dark circles under the eyes, decreased
skin quality, and the body is also prone to stink. There is a word called the true fragrance of Jie
Ding. Because of rebooting, the mind is purified, the body and mind are united, and the body will
also emit a delicate fragrance. This is a very subtle feeling. That kind of fragrance, just like the
body fragrance of a little boy, the soul that has not been polluted, his body will also emit a delicate
fragrance. Once the heart is contaminated and a lot of sexual energy is lost, the body will stink, and
I feel nauseous and insignificant. The aura of the little boy is clear and pure, his eyes are bright and
clear, while the aura of the adulterer is filthy and evil, and at first glance there is an indescribable
evil and bad luck.

Regarding the fortune-telling, I have written specifically for 2 seasons. What I recommend is the
mantra of fornication, that is: when you think, you stop, when you think, you don’t follow, when
you think, you feel, and when you feel you don’t. This mantra is the sword of surviving obscenity.
You should memorize this mantra every day. At the beginning, you should recite it at least hundreds
of times a day. To achieve a conditioned reflex and an automatic firewall, you don’t need to
struggle or hesitate. It will be cut off automatically, and at the beginning of the thought, it will be
cut off subconsciously. The break is very easy, without suffering at all, to reach this level. If you
hesitate, reluctantly, and struggle with ambivalence, it means that you are not strong enough to
decide on licentiousness. If obscenity cannot be controlled, the possibility of breaking the precept is
very high. There are still many brothers who suddenly realized that they were interested in adultery
after a long time. At this time, it has burned into a big fire. If you want to put it out, it will be very
difficult. It will force you to break the precept, even if you barely restrain it, you will still be in your
heart. It's hard to calm down for a long time. So there is a saying, "Don't be afraid of starting to
read, but afraid of feeling late." When you think about it, you notice it right away, and then I don’t
run with you. As soon as I got up the thought, I found it. If I didn’t follow the thought, it would
become nothing. There is also a way of changing minds, which is commonly used in Buddhism.
When thinking about delusions, just use the Buddha's name to turn. This method is also very good.
Buddhist brothers can also use this method to overcome obscenity.

Regarding adultery, there is also a rule that if you can continue to subdue adultery, the number of
occurrences of adultery will decrease. Just like a person is often beaten by you, he will be afraid of
you. The same is true for obscenity. If you can always overcome obscenity, the demon will reduce
harassment. The demon is like an examiner. If you pass every exam, he will know that he is boring
and will reduce the test. But the inner demon has been eager to come back. As long as you relax
your vigilance, the inner demon will take advantage of the emptiness. The thought of obscenity is
the bullet of the inner demon, and the instigated thought is the lobbyist of the inner demon. There
are many brothers who have been abstaining for more than a year, and their sexual immorality has
become very rare. He thought that he had succeeded, and then as soon as he relaxed his vigilance,
he immediately relapsed. Some brothers have been quitting for 2 years, and then one day they
wanted to try concentration. He didn't know that this was the instigation of the inner demon. Then
he tried it, and he couldn't hold on to it and broke the precept! Quitting for 2 years is not easy, and
this misstep is truly an eternal hatred. We have to examine the thoughts that appear in the brain one
by one, especially those suspicious thoughts, we must focus on the investigation, do not let them
pass easily, otherwise it will control your body. Those who succeed in rebooting are ultimately
"thought censors." They are extremely vigilant and extremely sensitive to each of their own
thoughts, and they immediately eliminate or transform bad thoughts to prevent them from gaining

Control the frequency of spermatorrhea

Frequent dysfunction is a stumbling block in physical recovery

How many heroes have succeeded in quitting

But can't get through this stumbling block

Planted on the frequency.

Marrow explanation: If the body wants to recover better, the frequency of spermatorrhea must be
controlled. Chinese medicine: All eight meridians are injured after a long time! If you don't care
about it, you can leave out a whole body of disease. Nocturnal emission can also damage the
kidney, and it is prone to physical discomfort and repeated symptoms after emission. And after the
spermatorrhea is a period of high incidence of relapse, you must be vigilant and strengthen your
study after the spermatorrhea. As soon as nocturnal emission occurs, a person's psychology begins
to be restless, and then lustful thoughts increase. At this time, it is necessary to do a good job of
ideological work and pay attention to emotional management, so that you can pass this dangerous
period safely. For the uncomfortable reaction after spermatorrhea, generally rest for a few days and
exercise moderately to relieve it. Nocturnal emission is like an airplane encountering a turbulence in
the air current. Don't panic at this time, and respond calmly to restore stability.

Many brothers have basically succeeded in rebooting through continuous learning to improve their
consciousness. However, successful rebooting is one aspect, and recovery of the body is also
another aspect. For better recovery of the body, just rebooting is not enough. Active treatment and
health maintenance are also not acceptable. It is very important, and the major premise for physical
recovery is to completely quit bouncing, and then strictly control the frequency of spermatorrhea. If
these two points are achieved, the body will have a foundation for recovery. Many brothers are
planted on the problem of frequency inheritance. Almost everyone will experience the problem of
frequency inheritance. Some people do not worry about it frequently, and may begin to have
frequent inheritance next year. This is all possible. Therefore, we must learn to control the
frequency of spermatorrhea. The method of controlling the spermatorrhea itself is a science and can
be studied separately.

Regarding frequency loss, I also wrote about 2 seasons, and summarized the various factors that
lead to spermatorrhea. These factors should be avoided at ordinary times. Then I recommend
Gushen Gong and Auspicious Sleeping. The strengthening of the kidney function can effectively
control the frequency of spermatorrhea. You must constantly strengthen the sense of tension and hit
your limit. Otherwise, after a period of time, the ligament will relax and the tension will disappear.
So I am now Do kidney strengthening exercises on a 30cm high stool. The strengthening kidney
function should not be done too much, nor can it be done too drastically, otherwise it will easily
lead to nocturnal emission. I usually do it before going to bed, 200 reps, 50 reps in each group,
divided into 4 groups, the first warm-up group, and then each group goes down a bit, the last group
reaches the limit, and then I stop, don’t do much. The rhythm of the action should be kept soft, not
too fast or too fast, and not too tired.

In addition, the sleeping position I recommend is the auspicious sleeping position, which can also
be called a baby sleeping position. The biggest difficulty of the auspicious sleeping position is a
fixed sleeping position, which is the most difficult. When many people wake up with nocturnal
emission, they find themselves lying prone or lying prone again. In order to fix the sleeping
position, the brothers really show their magical powers by crossing the sea. I recommend a method
this season, which is very simple and practical. You can fix the auspicious lying without any tools,
that is, lying horizontally. Put one side of the bed against the wall, because the distance is too short
when the person is lying horizontally, so it must be curled. Of course, this method also requires the
bed not to be too small. Another point is that the pillow may fall to the ground, but I tried it for a
while and the effect was not bad. The pillow basically did not fall to the ground. If you step on the
wall, you will naturally curl up, and you have to curl up. You can try this method, especially for
brothers who are troubled by spermatorrhea.

If you control the frequency of spermatorrhea, you will have a foundation for physical recovery. It
is best to control it within 3 times a month. If you can do it once a month, it will be very good.
Many people suffer from long-term injury, and even a single spermatorrhea can't hurt them, and a
spermatorrhea is immediately uncomfortable for several days. Therefore, we must minimize the
number of spermatorrhea and strictly control the frequency of spermatorrhea. When you really learn
to control the suicide, you will also be more confident. In addition, it is also possible to control the
seizures with traditional Chinese medicine, but the key is to treat the symptoms. Some brothers take
traditional Chinese medicine and the frequent seizures become more serious. Therefore,
symptomatic treatment is very important. Please choose an experienced traditional Chinese
medicine practitioner.


Emotion management

If you want to be more stable,

You must learn to control your emotions.

Emotion management is too important,

Emotional relapse is also very common.

Emotion management is in place,

You will enter a higher level of rebooting.

Marrow Elaboration: Regarding emotional management, I also wrote a special season. Emotional
relapses are very common, such as being angry, depressed, depressed, desperate, irritable, and
bored, and then they will be vented through piping. Having quarreled with your parents, broke up
with your girlfriend, or scolded by your teacher, quarreled with your classmates, or failed your
exams, these situations can easily lead to negative emotions and then emotional relapse. In addition,
when you get bored on weekends, when you feel bored, the inner demon will come out to test you.
Therefore, the student party breaks a lot on weekends. It is okay when you are in school. On
weekends, winter and summer vacations, you are completely out of your control. When a person
has enough awareness and concentration through studying rebooting articles, he will not break the
reboot when he is bored. Once you are awakened, you can naturally subdue your inner demon; if
you are awakened, even if the inner demon asks questions, you can answer correctly, and you will
pass the test. If you have a very low level of consciousness and the inner demon asks questions, as
long as you answer one wrong question, the phenomenon of relapse will occur immediately.

Others that can lead to relapse are carnival emotions, which are particularly happy. People tend to
be presumptuous when they are overjoyed. Therefore, such carnival emotions can easily lead to
relapses. Many brothers have been quitting badly, just can't control their emotions and will not
adjust their emotions in time. Adjusting emotions is actually the same as adjusting a watch, that is,
when there is a deviation, you must adjust it in time. This is a very important ability. I didn't realize
it before. Later, I gained this ability through continuous learning and comprehension. This ability
belongs to the category of emotional intelligence and can be obtained through learning. Once you
can control your emotions, rebooting will become more stable and longer.

Emotions can lead to relapse. This is the conclusion of my in-depth experience and research. I
believe that many brothers have personal experience in this area. Now that we realize the
importance of emotional management, we must learn to adjust our emotions and keep ourselves
positive. In emotions, when negative emotions appear, they must be corrected in time. Keep
yourself in a sunny, cheerful, optimistic, and upward state of mind. Think more about positive
content and less negative and negative content. The Law of Attraction says that positive thinking
produces positive results, and negative thinking produces negative ones. As a result, your positive
thinking will produce positive energy. If you keep thinking negatively, you will gather negative
energy, and in the end you will only become a cocoon.

At the beginning, when I had neurosis, I thought negatively every day, thinking about the worst
result of everything. It seemed that every day was the end of the world, and life became very
gloomy and depressed. Then I figured out that people must Think positively and think more about
positive content. Positive content can give you positive energy, and positive behavior can also give
you positive energy. Helping others can gather strong positive energy. Once I figured it out, I think
positively every day, and whenever I have a negative thought, I immediately get rid of it, and never
get immersed in the negative thinking. I started to watch sitcoms at that time, I started to smile, and
I started to help others. I no longer forced a lot of things. I learned to follow the flow, let it go, and
do my best. Slowly, my mental state adjusted. The body and mind are unified, the mind is adjusted,
and the body gradually gets better.

I hope everyone can learn emotional management, master their own emotions, and do more positive
thinking, so that you will quit better, and your life will become better and more positive.


The formula for successful rebooting:

Successful rebooting = high consciousness + strong vigilance.

Loose tube = pleasure + symptoms.

Must have learning awareness and good learning habits.

Be wary of the screws not to loosen,

Otherwise, the reboot building will collapse!

Marrow explanation: The formula for successful rebooting actually reveals the importance of
learning, learning to increase awareness, and awareness to subdue the demons. If it is a strong ring
that does not learn, it will be difficult to succeed in 10,000 years, because once you have not
achieved your consciousness, you will be like a chicken seeing an eagle when you encounter a
demon, and you can only be abused by the demon. At the beginning of rebooting, the consciousness
is still low, so you must continue to learn to improve your consciousness, take more notes, and
review the reboot notebook more. Treat the magic exam just like the college entrance exam. Every
time you break the ring is actually a failure in the magic test. You must learn to deal with the test of
the heart demon correctly. If you realize it, you will naturally pass the test. inevitable. Every brother
must have his own rebooting notebook. Taking notes can promote his own absorption of rebooting
articles, and can effectively increase the absorption rate of learning. We can’t understand the
rebooting articles superficially, and we can’t just look at them. It should be. Memorize the essence
of rebooting sentences and recite them as much as possible so that they can be transformed into
your own rebooting consciousness. If you can keep on learning and maintain the absorption rate of
learning, then your awareness will become higher and higher. It is more important to make your
awareness continuously improve. If your awareness is strong to a certain level, you can subdue the

Learning is also a continuous process. Don’t expose yourself to the cold, or simply rely on
enthusiasm to reboot. Enthusiasm alone will not work, because enthusiasm will fade over time,
especially after relapse, the original enthusiasm for rebooting will fade. Faster. Some brothers say
that relapse will lose enthusiasm and morale, and he is right. Relying on enthusiasm to reboot, the
more and worse it will become afterwards, just like at the end of a strong crossbow, in the end, there
will be no rebooting state at all. That’s why I emphasize rational rebooting. Do not reboot on
impulse. Rational rebooting is to develop good study habits, buy a reboot notebook, read rebooting
articles honestly, make notes, review the notebook, try to memorize and recite. . This way, step by
step in a down-to-earth manner, steadily raising your consciousness, is the right way to reboot. Even
if you have a high level of consciousness, don't stop studying. Entering a stable reboot period can
reduce your study, but you must maintain a high degree of vigilance. Your alertness should be like a
sparrow. As soon as a person approaches the sparrow, the sparrow flies away. This kind of alertness
should be possessed by every rebooting person. Another point is not to be arrogant and complacent,
because the arrogant soldier will be defeated. No matter how high your consciousness is, you
should maintain a humble heart. Among the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes, there is
only one hexagram for the six yao Quanji, and this hexagram is the Qian hexagram. Full of loss,
modest benefit. The higher the consciousness, the more humility and caution should be maintained.

Loose tube = pleasure + symptoms. This formula was summed up by myself. There is pleasure in
stunned people. No one can deny the existence of pleasure. If there is no pleasure, people will not
be addicted to it. It is the excitement of the pursuit of pleasure that will continue to be in control.
But we should recognize the pleasure. The reason why the pleasure is false and the symptoms are
true is because the pleasure is short-lived, but the symptoms are very long-lasting. If the symptoms
are looming, they will always haunt you and make you feel very painful. In the end, neurosis will
appear, and it will be even more painful. There are many people who want to die. Fuck pipe is like
poisonous candy, although sweet, it can bring you painful results. To control the invalid is to
abolish you with a comfortable feeling, and to abolish you without knowing it. This disuse method
makes many people lose their vigilance, just like boiling frogs in warm water, the water below is
slowly heated, and the frogs in the pot feel very warm and comfortable, but when heated to a certain
level, a tragic scene will be Staged. The previous comfort is completely harming you, making you
paralyzed, making you lose your vigilance, and the ending is really miserable. Many people get sick
and uncomfortable all over, which is really miserable.

Regarding vigilance, I have always emphasized that no matter how long you have been abstinent,
you must maintain a high degree of vigilance. When you lose your proper vigilance, the demons
will take advantage of the emptiness. Some brothers quit for more than 100 days, and when they
relaxed their vigilance, they relapsed immediately, and some of them quit for more than a year, and
when they relaxed their vigilance, they relapsed. Think about it, everybody, why do we need an
army and national defense in a peaceful era? In fact, the country also maintains vigilance at all
times to prevent violations by other countries. The same is true for us rebooting. Even when we
have entered a stable rebooting period, we should also maintain a high degree of vigilance. Of
course, this vigilance is not over-tension, but maintaining due vigilance.


Abolished formula:

Staying up all night + indulgence + sedentary = finished.

Staying up late is an axe,

Indulgence is an axe,

Sitting for a long time is also an axe,

Three axes slashed towards the tree of life,

The big tree will fall down soon.

Marrow explanation: This abolished formula is the conclusion I have drawn from studying neurotic
patients. At that time, I talked to countless patients, and extracted the common point from
everyone's experience, that is, staying up late + indulgence + sitting for a long time = finished. I
found that simply indulging in indulgence does not mean that serious illnesses will appear
immediately. It takes a certain number of years of injury to get serious illnesses, and many people
are still young after all. Even if there are serious illnesses, they should be after the age of 40. But if
several factors that hurt the essence work together, like several axes at the same time to chop a tree
of life, what will be the result? Originally, one axe cut a tree, and it took a long time to cut the tree
down, but when three axes cut at the same time, the process of the tree to fall was greatly shortened.
Although some people indulge in sexual desire, they do not stay up late to sit and have good
exercise habits. This can offset part of the evil effects of indulgence and play a balancing role. Such
people have mild symptoms, even if they really collapse at 40. After the age of. Females walk seven
and males walk eight. At the age of four, eight, and 32, men’s bodies reach the peak, and at the
same time, things will be reversed and begin to fall. It began to show up gradually, and the
excessive indulgence when young was about to be paid back at this time. Breaking down early is
not all bad. Breaking down early is awakened early, and it is very slow to recover from failure late.
After all, the body has already begun to decline, and the speed of recovery will be much lower than

What I have always advocated is rebooting and health maintenance. Health maintenance is too
important. Three-point treatment and seven-point health maintenance. Many brothers have not
recovered ideally because they have not done well in health maintenance and have no awareness of
health maintenance. In terms of this formula, everyone knows that indulgence hurts the sperm, and
staying up late is also very serious. The three most serious injuries are: indulgence, staying up late,
and rage. Sitting for a long time hurts the kidneys and the spleen, which will affect the digestive
function, and prolonged sitting is also bad for the slow front and spermatic cord, and prolonged
sitting can easily lead to qi and blood stasis. The by-product of long-term sitting is long-term vision,
which hurts the liver and blood. Think about it, these few ways of hurting your body are like several
axes slashing at you at the same time. Can you not fall? Even the iron man will fall. Boxing
champion Tyson stayed up all night because of indulgence, and finally got depression, often taking
medication. Is your physical fitness stronger than Tyson? Many people rely on their youth and
strength, thinking that it’s okay. In fact, they are wrong. No matter how strong they are, they can’t
afford it. There is a word called “outer strong and middle-ranked,” they look very strong. It's empty,
if it's not young to hold on, otherwise it will be abandoned prematurely.

When we reboot, we must pay attention to the way of health preservation, read more books and
video lectures on health preservation, and constantly improve our awareness of health preservation.
Friends who have cars should know that cars need frequent maintenance. In fact, the same is true
for people, and people also need maintenance. , And the first key to maintenance is to maintain
essence and maintain kidney essence. Kidney essence is too important. If there is less, it will cause
illness. Kidney essence can metabolize brain marrow or bone marrow. With sufficient kidney
essence, the human body will be healthier, and even a minor illness will be able to handle it. Many
brothers have since After the tube was taken, the body's resistance dropped significantly. People
who had rarely caught colds in the past have become colds frequently, and their resistance has been
significantly reduced, and some have frequent low-grade fevers. Kidney essence is the great energy
of the human body, and kidney essence is like the country's gold reserve. To maintain health, you
must nourish the kidneys, and to nourish the kidneys, you must nourish the essence. Another point
is that nourishing the skin must nourish the kidneys, because when the kidney qi is lost, the
appearance of a person will go downhill, and it will also become ugly. It is everyone’s consensus
that masturbation becomes ugly, and the ugliness of masturbation is also very subtle. I have written
a special season about ugliness. Those who are interested can check it out again.

At that time, I told the neurotic patients this formula and explained it to them. They knew the cause
of the disease, and they suddenly realized it. Then they will ask, how to recover? In fact, this
formula also gives the answer, which is to do the opposite! Do not indulge, do not stay up late, sit
for a while, and then actively exercise, pay attention to the health regimen, if the symptoms are
serious, you need to cooperate with the medication, so if you persist for more than half a year, you
can improve a lot. If you persist for more than a year, the physical symptoms can basically
disappear. Laozi's "Tao De Jing" Chapter 40: The Opposite Way to Move! Our method of
recovering from injury to the kidney is the opposite. We completely quit the tube, and then add the
health regimen. If the symptoms are serious, it needs to be treated with medication. If you persist
for a period of time, your body’s health will be greatly improved. Big improvements will develop in
a good direction.


TCM health awareness

As well as health-preserving exercises.

One must know a doctor to be a child.

The ignorant are fearless,

The ignorant came blindly.

Female sex is fierce!

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers,

remarkably brave

But it will lead to unfortunate results.

Marrow explanation: Traditional Chinese medicine is the traditional medicine of our Chinese
nation. After thousands of years of verification and accumulation, it has become quite mature. In
fact, the theory of Chinese medicine was very mature before 2000, and it is a very precocious
theory. Many foreign friends come to China not far away just to learn Chinese traditional medicine.
TCM health preservation is an important part of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese
medicine and the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. In a modern society where
survival pressure is increasing, TCM health preservation has received extensive attention from the
society, and it is closely related to the physical and mental health of the people. We should fully
understand and learn the essence of Chinese medicine and take good care of our bodies. The body is
the capital of the revolution. If you are not healthy, you will be unable to do anything.

If you want to balance the viscera and the body and mind, you must follow the natural laws of
heaven and earth, "eating in a regular manner, having a regular daily life, and not working rashly."
Every day, a hundred years old is going"! The ancient innocence in the first chapter of the Chinese
Medicine Bible "Huang Di Nei Jing" talked about the issue of adultery. It can be seen that the
ancients paid special attention to the issue of adultery, especially those famous doctors.

"Uncle Qi replied: The people of ancient times, those who know, the law is based on yin and yang,
and on the number of techniques, eating and drinking regularly, living regularly, not working
rashly, so they can form and live with the gods, and end their days. To spend a hundred years is to
go. People nowadays also use wine as a pulp, take vain as perpetual, get drunk to enter the house, to
exhaust their energy, to dissipate the truth, do not know how to be full, from time to time to master
the gods, take care of them The heart is against the life of happiness, living without discipline, so
half a hundred and declining. Under the teachings of ancient sages, it is called the evil and thief
wind, avoiding it sometimes, calm and emptiness, true qi from it, spiritual inwardness, and sickness
An always. So addiction can’t work on the eyes, lewdness can’t confuse the heart, foolish, wise and
unworthy, not afraid of things, so they are in harmony with the Tao. Therefore, those who can reach
a hundred years old and do not lose their actions will have no virtue in them. It's also dangerous."
("Huangdi Nei Jing")

Take a look at this passage. Thousands of years ago, the famous doctors in ancient times advocated
keeping the essence and advocating “holding up”, otherwise half a hundred will decline. However,
in modern society, the temptation is many times stronger than that of ancient times. Young people
are not declining in half a hundred, but premature aging at the age of 20. Many brothers go to see a
Chinese medicine doctor to check their pulse. 20-year-olds have 40-year-old pulses or even 60-
year-old pulses. Do you think it is terrible? That’s it when you’re young, what should you do when
you’re older? Can you live to be old?

Let's talk about the importance of sleep. Many brothers have the habit of staying up late, and
staying up late, bothering and sitting for a long time, even an iron man can hardly endure!

Wen Zhiqiwei, a famous doctor during the Warring States Period, said: "My health regimen puts
sleep in the first place. Only sleep can humans and animals grow, and sleep helps the spleen and
stomach digest food. So sleep is the number one tonic for health preservation. If you don’t sleep,
it’s hard to recover even if you lose one hundred days.” Li Yu, a physician in the Qing Dynasty,
once pointed out: “The key to health preservation is to put sleep first. Strong bones."

9 pm to 3 am is the best time to nourish the liver and protect the gallbladder. If people do not sleep
for a long time (23:00-1:00), they will hurt their gall bladder and liver. The initial manifestations are
dark circles under the eyes, dry eyes, tiredness, sunken eyes, dizziness, headache, mental fatigue
and inattention, etc. In severe cases, there will be visceral imbalance and various diseases.

Bleeding symptoms: The liver has the function of storing blood and regulating blood. If you don't
sleep when you are too late, it will cause insufficient liver blood, and also cause bleeding symptoms
such as vomiting blood, nosebleeds, subcutaneous bleeding, bleeding gums, bleeding under the
eyes, and ear bleeding.

Liver and gallbladder diseases: gall bladder must replace bile in childhood. If people do not sleep
when the gall bladder is strong, the replacement of bile is not good. If it is too thick and crystallize
into stones, gallstones will develop over time.

Emotional diseases: not sleeping at the time of childbirth can easily hurt the courage. The Yellow
Emperor's Internal Classic says that "qi is used to strengthen courage". When courage is weak,
people tend to be uneasy, suspicious, and timid. Over time, depression, anxiety, etc. Emotional
problems, even misogyny and suicide. There are more and more young people suffering from
depression and even suicide, mostly because they often stay up late and hurt their liver and
gallbladder. (So depression, anxiety, etc. can't just look for psychological factors. Psychological
abnormalities often come from physical imbalances)

Lungs: do not sleep at the end of life, cannot nourish the yin and suppress the yang, lose the liver
yin, cause excessive liver fire and burn the lungs, appear dry cough, cough, sputum and blood and
other symptoms of wood burning, and can easily lead to various skins such as psoriasis sick.

Kidney: Hai, Zi, Chou Shi (21:3-3) is a day in winter. Spring is born, summer is long, autumn is
harvested in winter, and in winter it should be kidney, kidney is responsible for storing essence,
liver and kidney are homologous, not sleeping at the time of childbirth can damage liver qi and
kidney qi, which can easily lead to osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney failure, and infertility And other
diseases, serious ones will also affect the next generation.

Staying up late is also a very bad way to hurt your body. Everyone must pay attention to it, develop
a good work and rest habits, and try to go to bed before 23:00. Good health maintenance will speed
up the body's recovery rate, so just taking precautions is not enough. You must learn more about
health maintenance articles and strive to improve your own health maintenance awareness. This
aspect is really critical. Every time a brother reports that after a few months of quitting, the recovery
is still not satisfactory, that is, the health regimen is too poor, and there is no awareness of health
regimen. He only knows about rebooting, but does not know how to maintain health.

"Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says that it is necessary to know how to "accumulate the
essence of energy", to know how to replenish the essence, and the proposition of nurturing the
essence has a very broad scope. Factors such as fatigue, excessive exertion, and profuse sweating
can all harm your sperm. Therefore, we must always have this awareness of health preservation, try
to avoid behaviors that hurt the essence, and we should pay attention to the combination of work
and rest. All night, or even all night while in charge, the evil results will show up after a long time,
and the suffering will be great at that time. After the body collapses, many brothers are on the
operating table.

Someone has done a statistic. There are 209 emperors who have the exact birth and death dates.
These 209 people have an average life expectancy of only more than 30 years. There is a reason that
cannot be ignored, that is, the emperor has too many women. The Sangong Sixth Hospital consumes
too much kidney essence every night. It is a serious overdraft. The imperial and Chinese doctors are
also helpless. After all, clever women cannot cook without rice, the emperor. In this way, it is
useless to eat anything. After eating, the absorption capacity of the spleen and stomach is very poor,
and it will not be absorbed after eating, but it becomes a burden on the spleen and stomach.

There is an old saying: "Sorry and beauty, the axe that breaks the bones." Greedy, like cutting our
bones with an axe, it's really tragic! Indulging in the vice of masturbation or having too much sex
will inevitably dissipate energy. The kidney stores the essence, the energy of the essence of the five
internal organs, the kidneys dominate the bones, the kidneys produce bone marrow, and the kidneys
produce brain marrow by metaplasia! It is our bone marrow and brain that the obscene demon
sucks! It's really terrifying! Over time, the evil results will slowly show up, and this is a process of
unknowingly abolishing.

I hope that the majority of brothers can work hard to improve their awareness of health preservation
in Chinese medicine. After the awareness of health preservation is up, it will have many benefits for
rebooting and recovery of the body. "Huangdi Neijing": Knowing is strong, knowing is old!


Type of relapse,

Know thyself, ever-victorious,

You must know under what circumstances it is easy to break the precept

When that happens,

You have to be extra vigilant.

Marrow explanation: I also wrote about the types of relapses for a season. If you are familiar with
the types of relapses, you can effectively improve your alertness, because you know the
circumstances under which it is easy to relapse, and once that happens, it will be exceptional. alert.
Just like when you are driving, you know that there is a big turn ahead, you will automatically slow
down and increase your concentration, which can greatly reduce the probability of an accident. The
same goes for us to reboot. Knowing when the heart demon is prone to appear, we can be more
vigilant to deal with it. For example, when many student parties are bored on weekends, the demons
will come out to test them. If the consciousness and concentration are still low, then they will not be
able to withstand the test. But if we increase our consciousness through continuous learning, when
our consciousness is raised to a certain level, You can subdue the demons.

I remember that when I was a student party, I often relapsed on weekends and when I was in bed. I
couldn't control myself at all. At that time, I was still in the strong ring stage. As soon as the heart
demon boss came, he immediately surrendered, and there was no way to fight back. Because I was
forced to quit, because no one was instructed, and because I didn’t know the correct method of
rebooting, I was abused by the heart demon for more than ten years, and the symptoms of the abuse
came out. Later, the abuse became a walking corpse, and the person in the mirror became haggard
day by day. , The temperament is wretched, and I decayed before I was old. At that time, I was the
puppet of the inner demon, the puppet of the inner demon. I now share my experience of successful
rebooting. I hope that the majority of brothers will not go back to my old path. I hope that everyone
can get rid of the control of the inner demon as soon as possible and return to a sunny and pure self.

Only a person with a pure heart can have clear and bright eyes, which are full of righteousness.
People who are addicted to domination have a kind of evil and bad luck at first sight. They can't tell
what's wrong, but they just feel uncomfortable or even nauseous. Sticking to the tube will weaken a
person's aura, and sticking to the tube will make a person's aura become filthy. Squeeze your kidney
essence just like squeezing sugarcane, squeeze all the essence, and squeeze you into dregs and
In the 20th season, I have summarized 23 types of relapses. This time I have improved to 30. You
should remember these types of relapses, because you know yourself and the enemy, and you know
how the inner demon moves. You can strengthen your defense and defense. To win the
championship and defend the victory of rebooting, you must guard against the demons, you must do
a good job of ideological work, and constantly purify your own heart continuity. Slowly, you will
be able to return to the long-lost purity, no longer at the mercy and control of the inner demon, and
no longer be the puppet of the inner demon.

The types of relapses are listed as follows:

(1) Emotional relapse: boredom, anger and depression, irritability, boredom, etc.

(2) Doubts and relapse: doubts are shaken, and then relapse

(3) Temptation to break the ring: pictures and videos and even H-segments

(4) Laying in bed to break the precepts: very common and must be corrected

(5) Stress break: pressure from all aspects

(6) YY relapses: generally YY is a prelude to relapse, including memories and fantasy

(7) Relax your vigilance and relapse: thinking that you have succeeded, in fact, it is easy to relapse
once you relax

(8) Carnival relapse: easy to indulge during carnival, so-called ecstasy

(9) Try to break the precepts: never try

(10) Morning erection relapses: touch JJ after morning erection, thereby relapse

(11) Trial ability to break the precepts: especially for patients with premature ejaculation and
impotence, they break with one try

(12) Instigate to break the precepts: be taken by evil friends and go to bad places

(13) Drinking alcohol: alcohol is a matchmaker

(14) Relapse after nocturnal emission: Nocturnal emission is prone to vacillation of thoughts, which
leads to relapse

(15) Relapse on weekends: If you are bored alone on weekends, the demons are easy to escape

(16) Tonic relapse: taking too much tonic, not paying attention to mind cultivation, easy to relapse

(17) Eating meat and breaking the precepts: eating too much meat, not paying attention to the
cultivation of the mind, will easily encourage desire and relapse

(18) Harmlessness theory breaks the precepts: after reading the harmlessness theory, it is easy to
break the precepts

(19) There is a girlfriend who breaks the precept: a girlfriend who has higher requirements for
concentration and breaks the precept easily

(20) Some wives break the precepts: Some wives also have high requirements for rebooting

(21) Habitual relapse: When relapse becomes a habit, strong inertia is generated, and the
consequences are terrible

(22) Relapse on holidays: such as summer vacation and winter vacation, relatively idle and easy to
lose control

(23) Evil method relapse: whether it is PC muscle or other so-called JJ increase method, it is very
easy to relapse

(24) Relapse after the exam: Once you relax after the exam, it is easy to relax your vigilance and

(25) Bathing and breaking the ring: Brothers with low concentration can easily break the ring when
they touch JJ in the bath.

(26) Dreaming and breaking the precept: Too much subconscious pornography, half-dream and
half-waking will subconsciously control.

(27) Naked sleep breaks the precepts: Naked sleep is prone to evil thoughts, is also more sensitive,
and breaks the precepts easily.

(28) Fetishism breaks the ring: It is easy to break the ring too easily.

(29) Clamping legs to break the ring: People who have the habit of pinching legs will have this kind
of breaking the ring.

(30) Rubbing the bed to break the ring: I like to grind or press on the bed, this is also a common
way to break the ring.


Master the laws and principles of rebooting

Treat relapses correctly.

Correctly treat the tiredness of rebooting period,

Rebooting with reason,

The unity of knowledge and action.

Marrow explanation: The key to rebooting is to learn to increase your consciousness, avoid
recklessness, and avoid strong and blind reboots. As soon as he breaks the precept, he says that he
has no perseverance, and does not pay attention to studying and raising awareness. Many people are
still forced to reboot after more than ten years, do not study at all, or slacken off after a few days of
studying. As you can imagine, it is difficult to reboot successfully. For example, there is an
extremely strong iron door that a strong man couldn't break open after repeated hits. Soon a thin
man came, and he easily took out the key and opened the iron door. This story tells us that
rebooting cannot be done arbitrarily. It is necessary to master the methods and the laws and
principles of rebooting. It is better to do it savagely than to do it wisely. If you blindly quit without
learning, you will not get started at all, and you are still a layman in rebooting.


Do you know what are the withdrawal reactions?

Do you know the dormant period of desire?

Did you know that after the dormant period of desire is the peak period of relapse?

Do you know the tiredness period of rebooting?

Do you know the recurrence of symptoms?

Do you know the characteristics of the stable rebooting period?

Do you know that there is a high incidence of abstinence after nocturnal emission?

We must understand and master all these basic laws and principles of rebooting. Once the
corresponding situation arises, we will know how to deal with it. When we reboot, we must reboot
with reason, understand the laws and principles of rebooting, and then unite knowledge and
practice, and constantly improve our rebooting awareness and awareness in the practice of
rebooting. Reboot consciousness.

A very important point in the rebooting process is to treat relapses correctly. If you cannot treat
relapses correctly, it will only become worse. Many brothers who took poisonous oaths later
disappeared. They only reboot for three minutes with enthusiasm and rely on impulsive rebooting.
Once they break the reboot, they will completely lose the motivation to keep on. We should have
the right attitude towards relapse. Failure is the mother of success. Only by continuously summing
up experience and lessons from relapse can we get better and better. Relapse allows you to see your
shortcomings and then improve it. Constantly improve, and the enlightenment will be close to
perfection, and then it will be safe to subdue the demons. As long as you stick to good study habits,
take notes every day, and learn new things every day, then relapse is not terrible at all, because you
will soon realize that there are still defects in your consciousness and make up for this. Recognize
the defect, and then you will quit the better. And many brothers don't learn, so every time they
break the precept is a serious blow to his confidence in rebooting. After a few blows, he can't find
the rebooting state at all. The more you quit, the worse it becomes. Therefore, the most important
thing is to learn to take notes in a down-to-earth manner, one step at a time. No matter how high the
mountain is, climbing step by step will eventually have the time to reach the top. The most
important thing is perseverance. It is more important to make your consciousness continuously
improve than anything else.

Let’s talk about the tiredness of rebooting period. I have specifically talked about the tiredness of
rebooting period. Everyone will have a tiredness of rebooting period. If you have good study habits,
you will not be afraid when the tiredness period comes, because habit can overcome boredom. Just
like brushing your teeth, will you get tired of brushing your teeth? After getting used to it, you
won't get used to it if you don't brush your teeth. If you are tired of rebooting, you should make
adjustments in time. Don't make yourself too tired. Reduce the amount of study. You can review the
rebooting notebook every day, and stay vigilant at other times. Slowly, the enthusiasm and
motivation for rebooting will come back again. At that time, you can increase the progress of your
study. When your enthusiasm is high, you can learn more. When your enthusiasm is low, you can
adjust. Before the period, you should study rebooting articles every day and constantly improve
your consciousness.

Final summary:

Since the 50th season has come all the way, thank you for your support. Without your support, I
would not persist until now. I made a vow in front of the Bodhisattva, willing to sever all evil,
willing to cultivate all good, and willing to save all sentient beings. This is also a powerful
motivation for me to persevere. For this wish, I can sacrifice everything. Looking back on my life
before rebooting, I felt that I was living the wrong way. At that time, I was a walking corpse
controlled by the control, living a depraved life of adultery. But I finally got out of the quagmire of
control and returned to the long-lost purity. Then I shared my successful reboot experience to help
more people reboot. I think this is my mission in this life. Let everyone understand the truth about
sex, so that everyone can successfully quit sex. Because I have lost it, I know the infinite beauty of
purity. I hope that every brother can find the long-lost purity, and every brother can find the lost
beauty. come on!
Season 51: Rebooting is a war of ideas
If you tell an ordinary person to reboot, he will definitely think that you are going to extremes. This
is an ordinary person's misunderstanding. The main purpose of rebooting bar is to abstain from sex
before marriage and to exercise restraint after marriage. Try to avoid pre-marital sex, save your best
self until after marriage, and create good physical conditions for eugenics. Many people break into
rebooting . They don't have a deep understanding and understanding. As soon as he sees so many
people rebooting, he immediately said, rebooting, I am not a monk. He thought that all those who
rebooted wanted to be monks. This was a huge misunderstanding and a self-righteous performance.
Without in-depth understanding and understanding, he would jump to conclusions. He thought that
masturbation was normal and right. His thought was why people should be suppressed when they
have desires. Some people also moved out "food sex too", the ancients said that "the sex sex is also"
is not to indulge you, the ancients opposed to adultery, masturbation belongs to the category of evil
adultery, "food sex too" is more inherited from generations. The need for sex is not to make you
sexually obscene. Many people have misunderstood the sexual appetite and use it as an excuse for
indulgence. It is really ignorant. Masturbation consumes the human body's most precious kidney
essence. Sooner or later, the hospital will "calculate the general ledger" with the stalker and cannot
escape! The rare is the absolute truth, and it has been verified for thousands of years. Trying the law
by one's own body will only lead to tragic results.

This is the advice of people who come here. Of course, some "warm water frogs" are difficult to
listen to. They feel that masturbation is very comfortable. Why do you want to quit? You can't listen
to your advice at all. For this kind of person, only the symptoms can teach him. The symptoms are
the best teachers. Of course, some people who have no good roots will not think about rebooting
even if the symptoms appear. Obsessed with not comprehending, so fascinated, and refused to look
back after hitting the south wall, it's sad! Some people feel that they have been masturbating for
more than ten years, and their body is OK, except for some tolerable physical discomforts, there are
no other major problems. As everyone knows, big problems are accumulated from small problems.
Everyone should have heard about it in life. Some people either don’t get sick or get a serious
illness. Some people usually take a look at it, but after a checkup, they have already suffered from
it. critical illness. Others looked good on the surface, but suddenly died one day. CCTV's "News
1+1" has paid attention to the current situation of the rising proportion of sudden deaths among
young and middle-aged people in my country. Statistics show that as many as 550,000 people die
from sudden cardiac death each year in my country. In other words, at least more than 1,000 people
die suddenly every day.

March 10 is World Kidney Day, and the theme for one year is "Protect the Kidney, Save the Heart".
Nephrologists noticed a strange phenomenon a few years ago. Many patients with kidney disease
died of heart disease before the disease progressed to kidney failure. But compared with the heart,
people tend to pay less attention to the kidneys. The latest research found that heart disease and
kidneys are like a pair of "difficult brothers". Why do you say that? Because the occurrence of
kidney disease will accelerate the deterioration of heart disease, and the hidden heart risk is likely to
manifest in the form of kidney disease, that is, kidney disease is closely related to heart disease.
This is the result of western medicine research. However, Chinese medicine has long stated that
kidney deficiency can cause heart problems. Once the dynamic balance of heart-kidney interaction
is out of balance, there will be heart-kidney dissociation. According to the theory of "heart-kidney
correlation", kidney deficiency will inevitably affect the heart over time, causing the heart to be
affected. Heart involvement can in turn aggravate kidney disease, resulting in a pathological state of
the same heart and kidney disease. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidney is the root of the five
internal organs. After the kidney is injured, the five internal organs may have problems. If you like
to stay up late, or you are overworked, or you are overweight, then you might die suddenly. This is
not alarmist, you must be vigilant. Many of the brothers I have talked to have heart discomfort. I
have also experienced heart pain and palpitations. Later, after quitting for more than half a year, I
gradually recovered.

Sometimes people’s self-feelings are deceptive. You think you’re okay, but in fact, you’re going
downhill and you’re sliding towards the tipping point of symptoms. Therefore, we must not be
lucky, it is the wise choice to abstain completely. Clearing the harmlessness in your brain is the
most critical first step. We must deeply understand the harm of masturbation, and we must correct
the misunderstanding of rebooting thoughts. There are also people who are in charge several times a
day, with a strong sense of sexual desire and a strong body, but they don't know that it is a
manifestation of hyperactivity. Now that they are so excited, they actually paved the way for future
premature ejaculation and impotence. Just like the bubble economy in the stock market, it is
completely false prosperity. What is after the false prosperity? Tell you! It's a plunge, it's an
economic crisis. After the deficiency and hyperactivity, the body is in crisis, and the symptoms
begin to find you.

"Tao Te Ching": The sergeant hears the Tao, and works diligently; the sergeant hears the Tao, if it
survives; the corporal hears the Tao, laughs, and it is not the Tao not to laugh.

The reality is that the corporal will not only laugh at you, but may also scold you. The corporal are
often unqualified people, with dirty words in their mouths, and they are very self-righteous. Such a
person has no destiny with rebooting . After all, no matter how strong the compassion is, it will not
be able to save the destined person. In rebooting , you will very much agree with one sentence, that
is: the truth is in the hands of a few people, and only a few people can fully understand the truth of
the control. There are more than a billion people in China, but there are only a few hundred
thousand in Reboot Bar . Even if it grows to several million people, it is still a minority compared to
the entire group. Unless the media can start propagating the theory of harmfulness, rebooting
thoughts can be popularized, the harmful effects can be widely recognized, and the harmful effects
can be entered into the school's physiological hygiene manual. China is still the world of
harmlessness, and it is hoped that it will become the consensus of the whole people as soon as
possible to control the harmfulness, just like what is written on the cigarette box: Smoking is
harmful to health!

There are brothers who talk to their parents about rebooting. When parents hear about rebooting,
most of them will have misunderstandings. They are afraid that their son wants to be a monk. What
should I do if the inheritance is succeeded? This is a reasonable concern for the parents. If you say
that it’s just abstinence, because the previous generation lacked sex education or was misled, then it
might not be able to give you the correct guidance. Some fathers treat sex education as a normal
habit, and He didn't realize the deep harm of masturbation, so he did the same with his son's
education, and he couldn't give correct guidance. Therefore, it is best not to talk to your parents
about rebooting, especially brothers in junior high and high schools. Your thoughts are not very
mature, and you are still children in the eyes of parents, and what you say is not very convincing. I
wanted to get the support of my parents, but I didn't expect to be misunderstood by my parents
when I said it. That would affect your abstinence. Quitting is actually a matter of relative privacy,
especially in the era of the innocence doctrine, it is easy to be misunderstood when it is said. We
only need to insist on quitting silently. Rebooting has so many like-minded brothers who can
encourage you and give you enough support.

Here are a few Q&A cases:

1. [Teacher Feixiang, I am an old dough stick. I have read many rebooting knowledge countless
times, but I feel numb to rebooting knowledge. Since mid-March of this year, I have relapsed
repeatedly for 109 days until now. The period did not exceed 20 days. I know I really have no face
to ask questions again, but I really don’t know what to do. I feel that my current self is not as good
as the self I was when I started rebooting a year ago. I have seen countless cases of injuries, and my
body also has many symptoms, but I am actually indifferent to myself, I don't know what to do! For
example, today, on the fifth day of the ring, the desire is really suddenly and inexplicably heavy. I
found that it really exists objectively, and I have slowly watched a lot of H movies in the past few
months, and I have learned There are so many ways to find porn videos, I really want to forget
them! Whenever desire comes, I can't restrain myself from looking for porn videos, and the
temptation on the road now is too serious. In short, it's too difficult! 】

Answer: Well, many people have had this kind of experience of you. It was after the first failure,
and then I couldn’t find the feeling of rebooting at all. I became numb to rebooting articles, lost my
confidence and motivation in rebooting, was hijacked by the heart demon, and did it all over again.
The puppet of the demon. Don't be afraid when this happens. Repent well. The power of repentance
can save you. Renew your determination and regain your rebooting state. Studying must develop a
habit. Many brothers read rebooting articles on the surface, just looking at the flowers, without in-
depth understanding and understanding, and not integrating into their rebooting consciousness. This
way, it will be difficult to improve their consciousness. It’s best to have your own reboot notebook,
read some articles every day, make some reboot notes, and then review more, stick to it for a period
of time, and really learn and enlighten, so that your enlightenment can be solidly improved. come
on! Don't be discouraged. Persevere well. Many brothers have experienced relapses, sum up their
experiences and lessons from relapses, and start again. You can do it.

Side note: When it comes to rebooting old fried dough sticks, in fact, everyone has experienced this
process. I forced to quit for many years. It can be said to be the old fried dough sticks among the old
fried dough sticks. Since junior high school, I have quit many times. A successful reboot lasts for at
most 28 days, and then a series of relapses, until the body sends out a serious warning again, before
starting a new round of rebooting. At that time, I tried repeatedly, but I couldn't defeat the demons.
Of course, I didn't study at all at that time. Later, through continuous learning, I realized that after
going up like an elevator, I faced the demon again. It is no longer what it used to be. I can
completely subdue the demon. I can answer all the exam questions from the demon. I once
compared rebooting to leveling. The old monster of the heart demon is at level 100, and you are
only a dozen. The strength is so great that you can only be abused by the heart demon. As soon as
the heart demon comes out, you immediately surrender. Only through continuous learning to raise
awareness can we finally subdue the demons.

Some brothers are indeed learning, but they are unable to continuously improve their consciousness.
After studying for a period of time, they encounter a bottleneck period for the improvement of their
consciousness, and there is also a period of tiredness of rebooting. They start to become numb to
rebooting articles and do not want to take notes. Just take a casual look. After reading it, they forget
all of them. Their consciousness is improving at the beginning. For example, at the beginning, they
only have a dozen levels, and they have reached level 50 through learning. The difference is far
away. If you want to defeat the old demons, you must constantly learn to improve your
consciousness, and you must not relax the demands on yourself. This brother can reboot for 109
days, which is really not easy, but then he experienced a period of tiredness of rebooting. My
previous article specifically talked about psychological adjustment during the tiredness of
rebooting. Many brothers will relapse when they are bored. Almost every brother will experience
the tiredness of rebooting period, and I have also experienced it. When I have a tiredness of
rebooting period, I will adjust the amount of study, but I will not stop studying. I have many
rebooting notebooks, and my consciousness is What is gained by taking notes one by one, and also
through my own thinking and comprehension, while taking notes, in fact, they are already
absorbing, thinking and comprehending. Therefore, I especially emphasize the importance of taking
notes. Every brother should have his own reboot notebook. Be sure to take notes from time to time
and review the contents of the notes from time to time. Develop good study habits to overcome the
tiredness of rebooting.

After many brothers fail for the first time, there will be a series of relapses. Without the original
motivation and enthusiasm for rebooting, relapse will indeed lose experience and morale. But the
strong will improve themselves by breaking the precepts, because breaking the precepts allows
them to see the flaws in their own consciousness and the deficiencies in their own understanding. It
is precisely the misunderstandings and blind spots in their understanding that will lead to being
caught when they encounter a heart demon. The demons defeated. The heart demon is a strict
examiner. As long as you answer one question incorrectly, the ending will be a relapse.

Everyone came from the student party, and dozens of students in a class were all learning a Chinese
textbook, and then the final exams were clear. Is it true, or only a little understanding, or just a
simple understanding, rather than a deep understanding and knowledge. The same is true for
rebooting. Once the heart demon is tested, you will be able to see the level of your enlightenment.
Those with high enlightenment can pass the test, and those with imperfect enlightenment can easily
break the precept. Real gold is not afraid of fire, and when your consciousness is genuine, you are
not afraid of the test of the inner demon. After being defeated by the heart demon, many brothers
became the puppets of the heart demon again, and became the puppets of the heart demon again.
They were completely at the mercy of the heart demon and were not free. The days of being
hijacked by the heart demon are really sad! Also very helpless!
To get back to a good rebooting state, one is to wait until you are awakened by symptoms again,
and start rebooting again out of fear. This is more passive. Second, it is to show more repentance.
The power of sincere repentance is great, and then you have to make a big determination to reboot.
Really implement learning and steadily raise awareness. In this way, you can regain a good
rebooting state. Relapse is not terrible. The terrible thing is to give up learning and get tired of
learning. Just like the tortoise and the hare, the hare gives up completely in the middle of the race,
while the tortoise is very clever. Although it is slow, it always keeps the momentum of progress. In
the end, you can reach the end. We should learn from the tortoise, let our consciousness continue to
improve, and improve it slowly. The key is to persevere, and perseverance leads to success.

Almost every brother will experience the period of tiredness of rebooting, and the period of
tiredness of rebooting will be passed on to a group of people. Those who can overcome the
tiredness of rebooting can enter a more stable rebooting state. The brothers who have been brushed
down need not be discouraged. Who has never relapsed? You can make a comeback! Don't blame
yourself too much, just pick up your study, find a good state of study again, steadily raise your
consciousness, and give up completely. If you give up learning or get tired of learning, it will be
very difficult.

People who read rebooting articles only once, and those who are not interested in reading it a
second time will find it difficult to quit. Because I only read it once, in fact, it is still very shallow,
just like watching a horse, forget it after reading it, it seems to understand, but I can't say a word.
When Confucius read the book, he advocated reviewing the past and learning the new. Good
rebooting articles are worthy of repeated study. It is necessary to keep taking notes and keep
reviewing the contents of the notes to increase the absorption rate. Every time you read a good
reboot article, you will have new insights and new gains. Brothers who watched it once and those
who watched it twice have different enlightenment, and those who watched it twice and those who
watched it five times have different enlightenment. Brothers who take notes have a faster increase
in their consciousness than those who take care of themselves. My suggestion is, one, read it a few
times, and never get tired of it. Second, take more notes and review more. If you really implement
these two points, your consciousness will grow very quickly. Brothers who are not interested in
reading the second time must correct their reading habit. For good rebooting articles, read them
repeatedly, take more notes, and carry out deeper and more detailed absorption and digestion, so as
to truly learn. The content is transformed into one's own rebooting consciousness.

Confucius Wei composes three unique stories, which are worthy of everyone to learn. During the
Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius was very eager to learn, and he persisted in studying the
Book of Changes in his later years. He repeatedly studied the book and broke the cowhide belt of
the bamboo slips three times. Finally, he wrote ten articles about his research experience, that is,
"Ten Wings". ". Later generations attached "Ten Wings" and "Book of Changes" together as a
supplementary part of "Book of Changes".

Watching, researching, taking more notes, thinking and comprehending yourself will improve your
consciousness quickly. Just watch it again, it's too shallow! I hope that everyone can go deep into
the rebooting articles, really understand them deeply, and absorb them into their own rebooting
consciousness. This way, if you stick to it, you will not be far away from complete rebooting. If you
can persist in this way for three months, your consciousness can be solidly improved. In a big way,
you can immediately open the gap with others and face the demons again, and you will be sure to
defeat the demons. At least it can be much stronger than in the past. When you continue to
strengthen your consciousness, one day you can completely subdue the demons. . Learn to raise
your consciousness, and your consciousness to subdue the demons. This is the iron law of
successful rebooting.

2. [I have been quitting for a long time, but I started masturbation together with surfing the Internet
in Internet cafes. Sometimes I thought it might not be the problem of masturbation, but the problem
of surfing the Internet. I always push the problem to the problem of surfing the Internet for a long
time. It has nothing to do with masturbation, very distressed! But I still hold on to it, but I often
suffer from insomnia, and I have been thinking about it, and maybe I have not started masturbating
for a long time. I have been abstaining for almost 2 years. It may belong to the kind of symptoms
that I started to quit before it came out. I haven't really experienced it. The feeling of symptoms. In
summary, I feel that I have been shaken by the harmlessness theory. I always push the problem to
the Internet for a long time, and I think it is caused by sitting for a long time. I am suffering from
insomnia every day and I hope to get help. 】

Answer: Well, surfing the Internet can hurt your body. For example, sitting for a long time can hurt
your kidneys and your spleen. If you look at it for a long time, you can hurt your liver. But
indulgence can also hurt your kidneys. , Otherwise it will blindly mess around, which is also terrible
of ignorance. come on!

Additional comment: Start quitting before the symptoms come out. Of course, the determination
will not be very big, because people are forced out, and most brothers start quitting only when the
symptoms come out. Of course, people who really have good roots can reboot successfully without
severe symptoms. This is also a precedent. Their idea is that they don’t want to wait until they are
abused by the symptoms, because that would be very passive and difficult to recover. It is also
bigger, which is a wiser idea. Some brothers may feel that the more severe the symptoms, the
greater the chance of successful rebooting. This idea is not valid, because I have talked about many
brothers, and many of them have undergone major surgery. Not long after the operation, I started to
have sex again. Although I knew it was a serious illness caused by the operation, I just couldn't
control myself. People have a weakness, that is, if the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten. In
addition, if you still do not learn to reboot, it is really too difficult and too difficult to reboot
successfully. The twisted melon is not sweet, and the end of the strong reboot is destined. fail. So
we must take the path of professional rebooting and learn more to increase our consciousness, so
that the chances of successful rebooting will be higher. If you take the path of professional
rebooting, you don't need to be deeply injured, and you can reboot successfully. If you reboot and
blindly reboot, no matter how deep the injury is, it will be difficult for you to reboot successfully.
Please remember this, everyone.

3. [I have been masturbating for more than ten years, unmarried, and now 25 years old. The last
time I slapped the tube seems to be at the end of February this year. One day, there was an
inexplicable fear thought. It was probably a phobia. I was particularly sensitive to my body odor,
such as the breath and sweat of others and myself. When I approached people, I felt one. This kind
of inexplicable and uncontrollable sense of fear. Is this a normal reaction to withdrawal? I think that
my rebooting is not very thorough. I am just quitting, but lust often appears in my head (every time
I have lust, I will do other things to divert my attention). Although the people in the unit are very
friendly to me, and I have a stable and decent job, I am not happy at all, especially when I stand in
front of others, I feel scared. This feeling is really a bit uncomfortable, please help me, please help
me, I am very grateful. It's the best! 】

Answer: Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidney governs fear. When kidney deficiency reaches a
certain level, phobias tend to appear. Social fear is common. Many brothers become inexplicably
fearful after being injured. Of course, there are many ways to injure the sperm. One aspect is to
control sex. There are also to indulge in sex with your girlfriend, stay up late, sit for a long time,
and get angry. come on!

Additional comment: There are many physical symptoms caused by 撸管, and many psychological
symptoms caused by it. Sexual control is a double torture to the body and mind. People who control
it are prone to psychological manifestations such as inferiority, fear, anxiety, paranoia, compulsion,
irritability, etc. In a word, it can lead to unhealthy and disordered psychological environment. Many
brothers have reported that their tempers become bad after being fucked, and they tend to quarrel
with others, especially with their parents. This is one of the typical manifestations of injured sperm
patients, that is, people become irritable and irritable. There are too many brothers who have low
self-esteem, and it is too common. If you catch a lot of them, it will be easier to increase your low
self-esteem. Phobias are also relatively common. People will be inexplicably fearful if the kidney qi
is insufficient. This kind of fear is generally not understood by normal people. In fact, it is the result
of injury to the essence. In Western medicine, it will be classified as a mental illness. In fact, mental
illness is closely related to physiology. The kidney is responsible for fear. When the kidney is
injured to a certain extent, the psychological state of fear can appear. Of course, some people are
inherently timid, and coupled with frequent tube abuse, it is more prone to phobias. This case also
revealed a message, that is, we must completely abstain from sex. What is thoroughness? Even the
idea of obscenity has to be overcome. Although some people have abstained from sex, they still
have a lot of obscenity. This is a secret omission. Over time, it will cause symptoms to break out.
Indulging in obscenity can lead to physical injury. There is no harm in breaking immediately, the
key is to break fast!
Step into the topic below

This season I will share with you the theme of "rebooting is a war of thoughts" in detail, and explain
rebooting from the perspective of thoughts. I believe you will see rebooting more clearly and in

Rebooting, if in the final analysis, is actually learning to observe your own thoughts and then
control your thoughts.

Rebooting means that two thoughts are at war. One is the thought of rebooting, and the other is the
evil thought, that is, the thought of retreating and wanting to indulge. Many brothers are struggling
and contradictory before breaking the vows, because two thoughts are tug-of-war in his mind, and
two thoughts are fighting in his mind. It depends on which kind of thought prevails. Many brothers
finally succumbed to evil thoughts. Lead to relapse. Some brothers didn't fight at all in their minds.
As soon as the evil thoughts came up, they immediately surrendered, and they started to fight
immediately, and there was no resistance process at all. It's like a soldier who didn't defend the city
during a battle, and immediately let the enemy in, and immediately fell! When we study rebooting
articles, we are constantly strengthening our city to prevent evil thoughts from entering. Once we
find evil thoughts climbing the city wall, we are immediately aware of it and weed it out.

Enemy: Demon (obscene, instigated thoughts, thoughts to try, etc.)

Our side: Righteous thoughts (rebooting consciousness generated by learning to improve


The heart demon is the enemy's commander, and the evil thoughts are from the heart demon. The
main purpose is to be obscene, and you must be extra vigilant about instigating thoughts. Buddhism
talks about "subduing one's mind", but in fact it is to subdue evil thoughts and subdue demons. Of
course, Buddhism has a wider scope to subdue. Greed, anger, ignorance, and suspicion have to be
subdued, and what we have to subdue is the idea of greed and sex. However, to a higher level,
greed, anger, ignorance, and suspicion all have to be subdued, because rebooting also needs to focus
on cultivating morality and morality, so that you can reach a higher state.

Some brothers lose their morale and enthusiasm after breaking the ring, just like losing a battle,
feeling very discouraged. In fact, to overcome the demons, we must increase our awareness through
continuous learning and arm our minds with rebooting knowledge. This time we have failed in the
face of demons. Don’t be afraid, learn more, and sum up more experience and lessons. Continue to
challenge the old monster of the heart demon. As long as you continue to make progress, there will
always be the day to defeat the demon. You must be more frustrated and courageous. You must not
be frightened by temporary failure. It seems that the demon is invincible. Not invincible. The heart
demon is strong, you have to be stronger than the heart demon to be able to subdue it!

Master Da'an: "Cultivating the Tao is cultivating the mind. What does cultivating the mind
cultivate? It is the cultivating of thoughts!" Our rebooting is also cultivating the mind, and we are
also cultivating thoughts. Many brothers don't understand how to cultivate the mind, and they don't
know what it is to cultivate the mind. In fact, the "mind" is your thought, that is, your mind. Before
development, there is no yellow poison in your daily thoughts, and it is relatively pure, just like a
pure mountain spring, without serious pollution. But after development, when you start to be
exposed to yellow content or be corrupted by evil friends, the continuity of your heart will become
dirty. Our thoughts are connected like a river. If you keep thinking about yellow content, it will
pollute this river. The pure river will become dirty and smelly, and the phase is born from the heart.
If the heart phase becomes dirty, it will be reflected on the body and face, because the body and
mind are one. People who are often stunned will have a stubborn face, wretched inferiority and lack
of energy, and even face deformities, various discomforts in the body, and unspeakable suffering.

Because the heart becomes dirty, the body is also prone to stink, and the body and mind are
corresponding! In the cases I have collected, many brothers' bodies have become stinky, and body
odor, sweat odor, foot odor, bad breath, and nasal odor are more common.

Case 1: I have a history of excessive masturbation for 4 to 5 years. Almost once a day, my back
hurts, my body feels weak, and I feel tired. I didn't have body odor before. Now I sweat a little and
smell of body odor. Digestion is not good, and it feels swelling after eating something. Fast erection
and fast ejaculation. Is it premature ejaculation or kidney deficiency? If it is kidney deficiency, it is
yang deficiency or yin deficiency. In addition, check if the sperm is azoospermic, how does it cause

Case 2: I started masturbating since I was 13 years old! It's been 2 years, every day when frequent,
or once every 2 days. Since masturbating for 1 year, I have experienced symptoms of
maladjustment. First, I felt backache, and slowly, after a long time, I started to run with backache,
which was quite serious. After that, the problems became more and more, and there was scorching
sweat. And body odor. But I don't have a family history of body odor, so how can I have body
odor? It is probably related to masturbation.

Case 3: Backache and back pain, my brain is blank, I got sweaty after doing something and have
body odor, bad breath and foot odor. Why did God bring all these misfortunes to my body? I didn’t
masturbate for half a month in the last few days, and broke the night before. , And now contract
tinea cruris. Did I fucking do something wrong in my last life, and I have to pay it back again, I
can't quit masturbation, my life is over! Please don’t masturbate, don’t be like me.
Masturbation leads to endocrine disorders and dysfunction of the five internal organs. People who
have no body odor will also have body odor. Masturbation is a potential factor that causes body
odor. I also had sweaty odors before, and then my feet odor was very serious. Now that I have quit
completely, I don’t smell anymore. Even if I sweat, I don’t smell anymore. There is a saying called
“Quit is really fragrant, keep rebooting and keep healthy, and control the frequency of
spermatorrhea. It will restore the fragrance, it is a very subtle feeling, just like the body fragrance of
a child, it is the fragrance of the soul.

When we study rebooting articles, we are actually strengthening the power of mindfulness. The
power of mind demon is very powerful, especially in the era of pornography. Although the mind
demon is very powerful, like a level 100 boss, it is not invincible. Keep leveling (leveling
awareness), one day you will be able to defeat the demons, which is completely connected with the
principle of online games. Constantly leveling, constantly growing awareness, from the beginning
of the rookie, to sitting on the same level with the inner demon, and then to the end to completely
surrender the inner demon, this is basically a process like this. If you give up learning or are tired of
learning, your level of consciousness cannot compete with the demons, and cannot resist the attacks
of the demons. Rebooting means leveling, practicing level of consciousness, studying rebooting
articles every day, taking more notes and reviewing, is practicing level of consciousness. Still the
same sentence, learn to improve your consciousness, and your consciousness will subdue the
demons! Rebooting is a war of thoughts. Constantly strengthen your righteous thoughts, make your
righteous thoughts strong, and let your righteous thoughts be invincible, so that you can completely
subdue evil thoughts, and you can completely subdue your demons. The heart golem is like a
spring, if you are weak, he will be strong, and if you are strong, he will be weak! You have to learn
to make yourself stronger, there is no other choice!

The old man with vowel: "The function of reciting the Buddha is to cut off delusions, and the holy
name of the Buddha is a sword of wisdom."

Recitation of the Buddha is actually cutting off delusional thoughts and replacing all thoughts with
one thought. The weapon in your hand is: a Buddha's name. Just like an extremely sharp sword,
when delusions are together, they are immediately noticed and cut off immediately, that is, "just
think and break". In fact, "not follow" means to stop! It just ignores delusions and doesn't follow
delusions. Many people can't do it in the first place. You have to constantly practice mindfulness
and increase your inner awareness, so that you can do it slowly. When you think about it, you will
break it, and the hand will be cut off. To be fornication is to be quick and ruthless! Can hold the
Buddha's name to cut off delusions! You can also use the mantra: "When you think about it, you
stop, you don't follow it, when you think about it, you feel nothing when you think about it."

When your consciousness is low, facing the demons is like a child playing a tug of war with an
adult. One draw and lose!

When your awareness is strengthened, facing the demons is like a tug of war between a teenager
and an adult, you can fight, but you still lose!

When you become more enlightened, facing the demons is like a tug of war between adults and
adults, you can fight for longer, but you may lose!

When you become a Hercules, face the inner demon and stop being afraid. On the contrary, the
inner demon will start to be afraid of you! You can easily defeat the demons.

After you become a Hercules, you cannot relax your vigilance. Once you relax your vigilance, the
inner demon may still defeat you!

Rebooting is a war of thoughts, and rebooting is also a tug of war. Both of these metaphors are very
vivid. You must strengthen the power of righteous thoughts in order to subdue the evil thoughts in
your heart.

[Examine every thought]

Zen has the skill of "seeing mind", which can also be said to be "watching mind", because "mind" is
your thought! It means looking at your own thoughts, observing every thought of yourself, and
looking back at your own mind. The people who successfully reboot in the end are thought
examiners, and they can detect every thought that arises in their minds in time, and can immediately
intervene in bad thoughts to eliminate them. This kind of "mind-seeing" effort is extremely
important for rebooting. Many brothers don’t look at their own thoughts, and they don’t know how
to look at their own thoughts. As a result, they can’t control their thoughts and are led by bad
thoughts. Can't be the master. For example, if an obscene thought or a thought to see H appears in
your mind, you can "see" it the first time, and if you notice it the first time, then you can
immediately destroy it. If you don't kill it, this bad thought will control your behavior. Thoughts
control behavior, brains control hands. If you don't examine bad thoughts, it will lead to bad
behaviors. Therefore, you must "see clearly" every thought of your own, and be aware of bad
thoughts immediately, arouse a high degree of vigilance, and immediately eliminate them, and you
must not let them gain momentum. Once your thoughts gain momentum, you will firmly control
your behavior. Remember!

Final summary:

Rebooting is an inward war, a war between thoughts, a declaration of war against one's own
demons! Conquering yourself is actually greater than conquering others. "Talmud": Those who
defeat themselves are more courageous than those who defeat a city. "Tao De Jing": The winner is
powerful, and the self-victor is strong. The real strong man is the one who defeats himself. You
must defeat your own evil thoughts, and not be controlled by evil thoughts. If you are controlled by
evil thoughts, you will live a life of a cloaked beast, even inferior to an animal. Animals have a
restriction on the estrus period, and humans can engage in it anytime and anywhere, and eventually
break their own body, and the adultery will also wipe out their blessings, and in the end they really
hurt themselves! Therefore, we must defeat ourselves and be a real strong! come on!
Season 52: Pride and rebellion, humility, the power of repentance


Now the summer is hot, and the number of hair loss has increased significantly. It belongs to
seasonal hair loss. I used to have a few hairs a day, but now I have dozens of hairs. When the sun is
exposed to the sun, the amount of sweating increases, and the hair loss will increase. However,
because the amount of sun exposure increases, the secretion of male hormones will also increase,
and the quality of morning erection has improved again. Sun exposure can increase male male
hormone levels and increase men’s libido. At this time, we must pay attention to stay vigilant,
otherwise it is very likely It will lead to relapse. The quality of morning erection also fluctuates and
is related to factors such as season, diet, exercise, mood, and sun exposure. In addition, at the
beginning of rebooting, morning erection is likely to disappear, which is a withdrawal reaction.
Generally, the quality of morning erection will return to normal by insisting on rebooting and
keeping in good health. But it is not necessary to insist on the quality of morning erection. Unless
you are in the developmental period, it is unlikely that you will have good morning erection every
day. Appropriate exposure to the sun can improve sexual function, but don't get too much exposure.

Brothers who have increased hair loss in summer do not have to worry about it. This is closely
related to the season. It’s right to insist on quitting. Hair loss recovery is very slow. Whether it can
be recovered depends on the type of hair loss and the severity of the hair loss, but it is certain that if
you persist in rebooting and maintaining health, your hair quality will definitely be improved. , The
oil problem will be improved a lot. Hair loss recovery is also measured in years. It is necessary to
be patient and pay attention to emotional management. Many brothers with severe hair loss live in
panic and anxiety. They are very concerned about their own hair. Because of hair problems, they
have also lost a lot of self-confidence. To have a low self-esteem, this is a psychological dilemma, it
is very tormenting and very painful. I hope everyone can successfully quit before the trouble of hair
loss, otherwise it will be difficult to recover from severe hair loss.

Some brothers reported to me that someone was promoting a nocturnal emission treatment device. I
have seen this advertisement. I remember that when I watched it for the first time, the price was
1680 yuan. Yuan it. This advertisement is also suspected of false propaganda. Of course, many
products are now suspected of false propaganda, just to promote product sales. I haven’t used this
product before, so I’m not sure whether it works. If someone in the reboot bar says it works, It is
likely to be "trust". Moreover, I think 980 yuan is too expensive, and the cost price of that small
device is around tens of yuan. Another point is that he said, "Before nocturnal emission occurs, the
penis will be congested and swollen. Through the patented design of the loop Come to know the
swelling of the penis in time, and then use the special pulse film to stimulate the specific
acupuncture points to achieve the effect of avoiding spermatorrhea.” His propaganda is very
problematic. If you wear this device, you won’t have spermatorrhea for a lifetime. Yet? That is
simply impossible. Even if his statement is true, this device is also suspected of holding the sperm.
If you keep holding the sperm, it is prone to inflammation. Don’t believe in rebooting products. For
example, you can successfully reboot with a certain product. It is simply nonsense. Regarding
nocturnal emission products, I think they are not as well advertised. The merchants launch this
product just to make money. If you believe it, you can buy it.

A brother said that the failure to reboot successfully is because the injury was not severe enough.
His statement has some truth, but it is not necessarily true. It doesn't mean that the harder the injury,
the more likely it is to succeed in rebooting. There was a brother who had a urinary system tumor
before, and it didn't take long after the operation was completed that he started to have it again.
Many of the badly injured neurosis brothers also broke the ring. The key is to keep learning and
improve your consciousness, otherwise it will be difficult to reboot successfully, but serious injuries
will help you make a big determination to reboot. If you have deep roots and know how to reboot
professionally, you don't need to be seriously injured at all, and you can reboot successfully. Many
brothers in the bar have mild symptoms, but they have been constantly learning to improve their
consciousness, and they are also doing well in quitting. It can cause serious diseases. Kidney
deficiency is full of diseases. It's really not a joke. It can range from inflammation of the urinary
system, general weakness, decreased energy and spirit, and ugly appearance, etc., to neurosis,
diabetes, etc. Stroke, tumor, sudden death, etc. are all possible. Li Ao likes women, and finally got
prostate cancer. Everyone should take it as a warning, care about hurting one's body and morality,
and the ways of heaven will cause evil and adultery. When the evil results come out, it will be very
painful. Remember!

Here are a few Q&A cases:

1. [Teacher Feixiang, I hope you will clarify a fact in Season 52: Many friends who come to reboot
are like grabbing a life-saving herb. They will regard rebooting as a panacea. They think that as
long as they reboot successfully, all symptoms of the body will be met. recover. This is a big
misunderstanding. Rebooting is important, but it is not a panacea. Friends must be aware of their
physical condition. For those with severe symptoms, find a good doctor to treat them. Of course,
rebooting is our constant principle. . 】

Answer: Well, this issue has actually been specifically addressed in my previous article. Rebooting
is one aspect, and recovery is another aspect. It's not that you can recover completely after you quit.
Especially the brothers who have a long history of injury should cooperate with active treatment.
Still the same sentence, the active treatment of this treatment, three-point treatment and seven-point
health preservation, you have to raise your awareness of health preservation. come on!

Additional comment: If the injury is very slight and the history of sex is very short, then through
thorough rebooting, it can be completely recovered. If after many years of sex, the degree of injury
is very serious, and there are many symptoms, especially some chronic symptoms. Then there is a
process to recover. If the symptoms are severe, you should actively seek medical treatment. I have
never opposed seeking medical treatment. I advocate active treatment. Thorough rebooting and
control of sequelae are the foundation of recovery. Health maintenance and active treatment are also
very important. of. I gave up seeking medical treatment at that time because I was disappointed in
the hospital and disappointed in the medicine. It is difficult to meet a good doctor. Before I gave up,
I ran to the hospital countless times and took a lot of medicines. As a result, I became dependent on
medicines. It made life worse than death, spending money like running water, and then I stopped
the medication decisively and relied on my own rebooting regimen. Standing and moxibustion
played a big role in the recovery of my body. Of course, I am not asking everyone to follow me and
not seek medical treatment. I gave up seeking medical treatment after disappointment. This is a
relatively special situation. The symptoms of each person are different, and the treatment should be
actively treated. Just as this brother said, don’t put hope on rebooting. Rebooting is indeed not a
panacea. Recovery is a systematic project. , Active treatment is a good choice. If your symptoms
have not been relieved much after rebooting, but are still very serious, you should consider seeking
medical treatment actively.

2. [Brother Feixiang, I am a postgraduate party. I will sit for a long time in the study room every
day and sleep late at night. Give me some suggestions. Don't sleep more than a few hours at night.
What should I do if I sit for a long time? Stand and read. 】

Answer: Go to bed around 10:30, try not to exceed 23 o'clock, get up every 40 minutes of sedentary
activity, just like a break after class, don’t sit still for several hours, come on!

Additional comment: I wrote about the problem of sedentary for a season. Sitting for a long time
hurts the kidney and hurt the spleen. Sitting for a long time leads to stagnation of blood and blood,
which is also bad for the prostate. Of course, it’s not good to stand all the time. The key is to know
how to balance. For example, sit for 40 minutes to get up and move around, or stand and read a
book. Staying up late also hurts your body. Try to improve your learning efficiency. Don't go to bed
more than 23:00. It's best to go to bed at 9:30, and you can also go to bed at 10:30. The
postgraduate entrance examination is a special situation, it is time to sprint for one's life future, but
one should also pay attention to health preservation and take a break as soon as possible. It’s best to
set an alarm clock when you wake up every 40 minutes, so that you can remind yourself to get up
and take a break.

3. [Teacher Feixiang, before I saw you rebooted, you had frequent urination, prostate, even
spermatic cord, and neurasthenia. How did your frequent urination and prostate get better? Is it
enough to keep healthy through rebooting? I have been masturbating for more than ten years, and I
have been urinating frequently for more than ten years. I was treated for cystitis when I first started
to urinate. I tried medicines, injections, and infusions, but it didn't work well, and then I was not
cured. I didn't know that it was the cause of masturbation. The doctor also said that masturbation
was harmless. The last treatment was to go to the hospital for an examination two years ago. The
result was very confusing to me. The result of the examination was that the bladder, prostate, and
kidney were all normal. The doctor also doesn't know why frequent urination, saying that it may be
due to psychological stress or the like. After a few days of medication to relieve my psychological
stress, of course, it didn't work. I still had frequent urination, so I stayed there again. Now that I
have come into contact with rebooting, I realize that this is masturbation to blame. Do I need to go
to the hospital to check again? Is it possible to recover through rebooting and keeping in good
health? 】

Answer: Well, I wonder if you have checked the prostate fluid. The examination cannot explain all
the problems. Many brothers check that the various indicators are normal, but the symptoms are
obvious. This is generally considered as a functional disorder. Frequent urination generally
considers the manifestations of prostatitis, which is kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine. I
suggest that you should completely abstain from sex, and then actively exercise. If the symptoms
persist, it is best to cooperate with Chinese medicine. You have been urinating frequently for more
than ten years, and it will not be good at a time. The recovery period is about one year, and all
aspects must be done well, thoroughly abstaining from sex, strictly controlling the seizures, actively
exercising, paying attention to maintenance, etc. Your last check was 2 years ago. If frequent
urination persists, it is best to take time to check the prostate fluid. If the prostatic fluid examination
is also normal, then consider the function problem. Functional problems can be expected to return
to normal by persisting in rebooting and keeping in good health, and active exercise. Thorough
abstinence and strict control of sequelae are the basis for recovery. Active exercise and health
preservation are also extremely important.

Additional comment: Many brothers went to the hospital for examination. Some found prostatitis
and some did not find it, but the symptoms such as frequent urination were very obvious, and there
were even painful manifestations. The hospital's examination cannot explain all the problems.
When I was neurotic, I had undergone countless examinations, and there was no major problem, but
I felt that I was inferior to death, and I had thoughts of suicide. Those who should be checked
should be checked, but don't think that if the check is normal, the body is completely healthy.
People are in a sub-healthy state, somewhere between sickness and complete health. In this case,
many problems are latent, and medical devices cannot be detected. Moreover, if you go for an
examination, you may find a problem in this hospital, but you may not be able to find it when you
go to another hospital. Therefore, you should choose a regular hospital for the examination. This is
one aspect, and the examination is when the symptoms are obvious. The possibility of detection is
relatively high, and the inspection items are also particular. Many brothers have a urine test that is
completely normal, but the prostatic fluid shows inflammation. It is very difficult to quit quitting
habitually before slowing down. Always take medicine to relieve it, then continue to indulge, and
soon relapse again. The recurrence rate is quite high, more than 90%. Many people are old and
slow. After more than ten years of slowness, there are good times and bad times, and they have
become accustomed to living with the disease. In the end, I came to a conclusion that it would not
be good to be slow. Of course, this kind of conclusion is a prejudice. It is true to completely abstain
from masturbation, actively exercise, and pay attention to maintenance. It is expected to be cured
before it is slow. After recovery, you must also pay attention to maintenance. It is not once and for
all. If you do not pay attention to maintenance, it may still relapse. After all, long-term sitting,
nocturnal emission, cold, staying up late, drinking, etc., are all likely to cause slow pre-relapse.
Maintenance is very important. The human body needs maintenance, just like a car. If it is not
maintained, it will be depreciated. It's faster.

4. [I now think that persisting in studying rebooting articles every day is equal to half of the success
of rebooting, and the remaining half is earnestly fulfilling the experience summed up in studying
rebooting articles, such as maintaining vigilance, controlling spermatorrhea, etc. Some people say it
is too difficult If I can't do it, I feel that the rebooting cases and experiences I learned yesterday
have served as a reminder of today's various behaviors (rebooting, health maintenance), especially
for staying vigilant. I don't know why those people get bored. I have been studying rebooting
articles every day for nine months, and I haven't let a single YY appear in the past nine months. 】

Additional comment: This is a message from the brother "BMW Smecta". He is currently in a good
rebooting state. He summarized this passage very well. To successfully reboot, he must continue to
learn and improve his consciousness. "Persist in studying rebooting articles every day is equal to
half of the success." This sentence is excellent. The key is to keep studying every day. Perseverance
is the most important thing, and the most important thing is to continuously improve your
consciousness. If you become enthusiastic about your study habits, just learn it, and then you don’t
read rebooting articles for more than ten days, and just rely on strong rebooting. This is doomed to
failure. Just like when we study in school, we can not finish the three-year course of high school in
one day. Learning is a continuous process. The key to develop good study habits is to read
rebooting articles every day, take more notes, think more and review more, so that your
consciousness can continue to improve. The brother of BMW has also found a good state of study,
so he can overcome the period of boredom and really learn, that is, the more he learns, the more he
wants to learn, and he is eager to learn more and deeper. It is not easy for him to be able to study
without interruption for nine months. It is difficult to achieve this level without success. However, I
have to remind everyone that many people tend to relax their vigilance at the end of the rebooting
period, especially after entering the stable period of rebooting. They may even have self-doubts and
denials, and they are no longer so determined. At this time, we must be extra vigilant and strengthen
righteous thoughts! Don't let your guard down, beware must be as strong as a diamond! The stand
of rebooting is absolutely unshakable! Don't move like a mountain! Hold fast to the rebooting
position and the results of rebooting!

Let’s get to the main topic. This season, I will share with you arrogance and relapse, humility, and
the power of repentance:

Some brothers suggested that I write a season about the situation that pride leads to relapse. In fact,
I mentioned it in my previous article, but did not elaborate on it. This season I will talk about it. In
the process of rebooting, there are indeed many brothers who relapse because of pride. In the type
of relapse, I didn’t mention the situation where pride leads to relapse, but it can be classified as
relapse by relaxation of vigilance, because as long as a person is proud, Easy to relax your
vigilance, easy to lose Jingzhou carelessly! As long as you are proud, the inner demon will take
advantage of your loopholes. The so-called arrogant soldier will lose!

There are generally two types of pride in rebooting:

1. At the beginning, rebooting is still in the dormant period of desire. At this stage, it is easy to feel
that rebooting is simple. I feel that rebooting for one year is not a problem at all. During the
dormant period of desire, many brothers will speak big words. Once the dormant period of desire
has passed, it is the peak period of relapse, and then he will find that he is wrong. Rebooting is not
that simple. At the beginning, there will be a period of dormancy of desire. At this stage, people
have little or no lust. Some brothers may even become sexually cold, and morning erection may
disappear. At this stage Many brothers will show pride and show arrogance. The senior brothers
who are resident in the rebooting bar will definitely find such posts from time to time. They have a
big tone. In fact, he thinks of rebooting simply. A month or so after rebooting, the peak period of
relapse will begin, and it will be clear at that time.

2. Many brothers have become awakened through study. At this time, they look at new rebooters,
just like college students see primary school students, and watch new rebooters’ questions, just like
college students see primary school students asking what 1+1 is equal to, and this The problem of
childishness will appear in the rebooting bar every day. When some brothers see that the newcomer
is so childish, they breed pride. They feel that the newcomer is really novice, and they know a lot,
just like college students disdain elementary students. Once this kind of proud thought appears, the
inner demon will have the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes, and it is very likely that
there will be a break in the ring soon. A proud person thinks he is very strong, but in fact he is not
that strong, because the real strong will find that he actually knows very little, because "knowledge
is like a circle, the larger the circle, the more unknown things outside the circle. "True strong people
are actually humble people, full of losses, and modest gains!" Every brother should understand this
principle. This is not only the case in rebooting, but also in life and deeds. You must know how to
hide your power and bide your time, you must know how to converge, and don't lift yourself up
high, because it will be miserable to fall!

Many senior brothers have level 9 or above. In the reboot bar, it is indeed above ten thousand
people, and the consciousness is indeed much stronger than that of the newcomer, but you must not
be arrogant or complacent, because humility makes people progress, and pride makes people lag
behind. It is also difficult for a proud person to make progress, because arrogance and self-
satisfaction do not want to make progress, so you must guard against arrogance and rashness. Your
rank is above ten thousand people, but your heart should be “below ten thousand people. Lower
your posture and serve all sentient beings humbly. Rebooting bar is a pure public welfare post.
There should be more selfless dedication brothers. Rebooting bar is not in the world of online
games. It seems that you are arrogant everywhere. The highest good is like water, and water is good
for all things without fighting. Don’t be competitive, but dedicate yourself humbly. Don’t let me
pretend to be better than you. I’m better than you. Don’t have such low-level thoughts. People who
really quit well are virtuous people. Only virtuous people can enter a higher state of rebooting. If
you persuade people with force, others will hate you; if you persuade people with virtue, others will
thank you and admire you!

Even if rebooting is a little bit small, remember that "you won't be arrogant if you win, you won't be
discouraged if you lose, and arrogance and self-satisfaction must be overturned." To enter a higher
state of rebooting, you must pay attention to moral cultivation! It is difficult for a person with no
virtue to reboot successfully! Even if it succeeds temporarily, it is difficult to last.
For new rebooters, as old brothers, we should try our best to help and guide. New rebooters are just
like blind people. They need guidance and help when they first come to reboot. New rebooters are
full of misunderstandings in their minds. If no one takes them, it is difficult for them to follow the
right path of rebooting. The characteristic of newcomers is that they do not understand the
importance of learning, so many old brothers emphasize the importance of learning, learning to
increase their consciousness, and learning to correct their misunderstandings. Only in this way can
they hope to reboot successfully. Many newcomers’ questions are indeed naive. At first glance, they
are the questions of rebooting rookies. As old brothers, don’t look down on newcomers. In fact,
many newcomers have very strong potential. , That is to say with admiration", rebooting bars
continue to have brothers rising, so don't underestimate the newcomers. Besides, the newcomer is
the past you, don't you also have the time to be a rookie? To help the newcomer is to help the self in
the past, and to save others is to save yourself! I have persisted until now, and I have answered
more than 10,000 questions, many of which are repetitive questions, and I have answered them
patiently over and over again. Newcomers are very poor. Newcomers need correct guidance and
newcomers need encouragement. As a senior brother, you should bring new people. Helping new
people is also strengthening your positive energy. New people will also become old people. New
people will also help the next group of new people. In this way, rebooting can form a positive cycle.

Let’s talk about humility. Humility can effectively cure arrogance. I cultivate humility every day.

The sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, the "Yaoci" in the sixty-three hexagrams, are
either mixed with good or bad luck, or with more or less good fortune, or with more or less good
fortune. "It's all auspicious, not fierce. Therefore, following the intent of the "Qian Gua" line can
not only be stable for a lifetime, but also be good for luck and avoid evil. The Book of Changes, the
head of the Wanjing, emphasizes humility. The virtue of humility is a rare and precious character.
Of course, this is not about excessive humility or pretentious humility, but true humility from the

Christianity attaches great importance to the virtue of humility. Humility is a disposition of God.
Through the prophet Isaiah, God said: "I live in the highest and holy place, and I live with contrite
and humble people; to make humble people The awakening of the spirit also awakens the hearts of
contrite people."

Jesus said: "My heart is meek and humble. Take my yoke and learn from me. In this way, you will
have rest in your heart."

Humility is the most difficult to cultivate among the Christian virtues. Someone who strives to
cultivate the virtue of humility said that humility is the most difficult one to cultivate. People have a
psychological tendency to be complacent and proud, especially when they are proud or when others
praise them. This is one of the weaknesses of human nature. To overcome this weakness, you must
always cultivate humility.

In fact, Buddhism also attaches great importance to humility, just to deal with arrogance.

Don't be arrogant, don't underestimate others. "Taisho Tibetan"

If you are free from arrogance, you will not be underestimated. "Mahayana Baoyun Sutra"

All sentient beings do not think lightly. "Upper Precepts"

A wise person should not weigh others lightly, and it is self-injury to weigh others lightly. "Buddha
Talking about the Flower Hand Sutra"
Be humble to others. "Taisho Tibetan"

Be respectful of others. "Buddha said there was no cause and condition"

You should not slander others by relying on the power, but stay humble and humble yourself. "It is
said that everything has Vinaya"

Modest is the highest in the world, no virtue is virtue, not called Peter, all virtue has its own. "Bodhi

Being humble and cultivating virtue is the foundation of morality, and it is the calamity of despising
yourself and yourself. "Taisho Tibetan"

The sweet and sweet mash is not the real taste, the real taste is only light; the magic is not the most
extraordinary, the most extraordinary is just common. ——"Cai Gen Tan"

The real master saint is always so ordinary and so humble. I once recommended "The
Autobiography of a Yogi" to everyone. This book is a book that Jobs often reads. What shocked me
most was not the magical powers mentioned in it, but the quality of humility! A saint who has
already cultivated to that level can actually be so humble and help others to wash their feet! This is
what shocked me the most about this book. Everyone has the opportunity to read this book. It is
indeed a very good spiritual book. In real life, if a person is proud, it is easy to attract jealousy and
attack, full of losses, and modest benefit! Pride is easy to lose popularity, because normal people are
reluctant to get along with proud people. Proud people always feel that they are superior to others.
Proud people like to be pretentious and look down on others. Such a person can easily lose heart. If
you hold a humble heart to serve all living beings, do not claim credit, and do not take pride in
yourself, you will get a completely different result. Everyone will respect you and admire you from
the bottom of their hearts. This is actually convincing people with virtue.

Every day, I would like this: May I always remain humble, put myself in the lowest position, and
serve all sentient beings!

Normally, it is no less than 5 times a day. When I have any thoughts of arrogance and complacency,
I will immediately find that, just like stubbornness, cut it off immediately! Never let yourself
"float", always put yourself in the lowest position and maintain a humble heart to serve sentient
beings. Because there is no "floating", so you will never fall down. Humility is actually a kind of
great wisdom in life, and wise men will attach great importance to this incomparable virtue. Hope
that the majority of brothers can also realize the importance of humility and keep humble. Your life
will be better and your popularity will be better. Moreover, because of humility, you will reboot
better and more steadily. ! Remember, don't suppress others, but serve sentient beings. Suppression
will incur resentment, and service will reap gratitude. Be a selfless dedication person, you will get
the real great happiness, the most joyful doing good, this joy is really wonderful.

Let’s talk about the power of repentance

The power of repentance is very powerful, and the power of repentance is incredible. The power of
repentance can pull you out of the negative cycle and let you enter the positive cycle. Sincere
confession from the bottom of your heart can affect your subconscious and can effectively purify
your own ideology, but you must confess sincerely, confess sincerely, and change with sincerity.

When you see confession, you may think of the confessional in the church. The church has a special
confessional, and then a person sits in to confess to the priest. This kind of confession can change a
person’s heart. In fact, all religions attach great importance to confession. If a person has committed
a sin and has no thoughts of repentance in his heart, it is likely to slip further and further down the
wrong path. For example, many brothers have become a habit of breaking the ring, and they are also
numb. At the beginning, they feel guilty and uneasy. At the end, they have no guilt at all. They are
completely defeated by the heart demon and become the prisoner of the heart demon. , I knew it
was wrong, but I just couldn't stop. For the brothers who have repeatedly prescribed and failed, I
suggest more repentance, because repentance can save a person's soul! Confession can save you!

After my experience and research, I have summarized 3 successful rebooting modes:

1. Belief in rebooting, such as Buddhism to abstain from adultery. Relying on faith alone has a
precedent for success. For example, some buddhist brothers have very little knowledge of
professional rebooting, but they have deep roots in goodness. They are practicing confession,
releasing life, eating vegetarian food, reciting Buddha's mantras, and so on. In this way, it can also
increase the positive energy in his heart, and slowly turn his lustful mind into a pure mind. But
relying on faith alone is difficult. It requires you to have a deep root of goodness, a very sincere
heart, and a very diligent practice. Such seniors are expected to reboot successfully. There are also
some senior brothers who have deep roots in kindness, but their wicked habits are also very deep, so
they might break the precepts. So, it's not like believing in Buddhism, and rebooting will surely be
successful. It depends on the individual's circumstances.

2. Take the path of professional rebooting. Professional rebooting means to understand the
principles and laws of rebooting, and to have a clear and correct understanding of the various
problems in the rebooting process. If you are full of misunderstandings in your mind, it will be
difficult to reboot successfully. Professional rebooting also includes raising one's awareness of
health preservation and learning more about traditional culture. Without faith, but knowing how to
reboot professionally, it is possible to reboot successfully, and there are precedents.

3. The third type is more superior, that is, you have both faith and professional rebooting
knowledge. It will be even more powerful, and the possibility of quitting will increase a lot. The
articles I wrote basically follow the path of professional rebooting, studying the principles and laws
of rebooting, but I am still a devout believer in Buddhism. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have
indeed given me great blessings. I have believed in Buddhism since the beginning. I pay much
attention to confession, "All the evil karma created in the past was born out of greed, anger,
ignorance and ignorance. I repent everything from body, speech, and mind." These four sentences, I
have to recite in front of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the morning and evening. Again. Then I
have been recitation of the Shurangama Mantra every day, I have requested Master Xuanhua’s text,
and I have recite the Mantra of Death. I have always believed that it was Shurangama Mantra that
gave me wisdom. Shurangama Mantra can also cure my lust and increase my concentration. The
effect is really incredible. For brothers who have a buddha relationship, I suggest you try to recite
the Shurangama Mantra. In Buddhism, the Shurangama Mantra is the most important mantra. It is
the king of mantras and the longest mantra in it. This mantra is related to the rise and fall of
Buddhism as a whole. Brothers who do not believe in Buddha should also express repentance. You
can think of the sentence of repentance. The so-called repentance is the thought of repentance.
Constantly expressing the heart of repentance can greatly increase your positive energy, and the
method of repentance has a great effect on rebooting.

The "Mind and Earth Guanjing" states: "If the offender is committed, the sin will increase, and if
confession is revealed, the sin will be eliminated."

The "Karma Difference Classic" says: "If you commit a felony, you have committed a deep self-
blame, and repentance will not cause you to commit the fundamental sin."

Confession is at ease.

Confession is cool.

Confession is at ease.

Confession is a relief.

The power of confession is like "hot soup and snow." Some of the wrong things we do are like
snow, and the power of confession is like hot soup. As long as you pour the hot soup on the snow,
the snow can melt. As long as you sincerely repent and make a sincere change, you can pull
yourself out of the negative cycle, get out of the vicious circle of control, never be the puppet of the
inner demon, and completely get rid of the control of the inner demon. A life of no control can get a
sense of comfort, but a life of control will actually bring a lot of distress. Living an involuntary life
of prisoners, the body is lost in the day-to-day control, just like this. Declined day by day, the so-
called river is getting worse. After the spirit and spirit are vented, people will lose their confidence,
their eyes will become apathetic, and their temperament will become awkward. In short, a lot of
distress and torture will be waiting for you after you are in control. We must confess from the
bottom of our hearts, confess the absurd past of adultery, ridiculous, a handful of bitter tears, the life
of stubbornness is not a normal life, and the stubborn person is a drug addict! Fucking is a chronic
drug! Comfort is first, pain is last, the pleasure of sin is short, but the pain is very long!

When you quit and lose faith, when you quit desperately, remember, confession can save you!
Hurry up and sincerely repent! Confession is like a powerful hand that can pull you out of the sea of

Repentance can give you more positive energy. Repentance is a positive force. As long as you are
willing to repent sincerely, and continue to learn rebooting knowledge to increase your
consciousness, defeating the demons will be just around the corner!

This season recommends the teachings of the two great virtues:

1. Huang Nianzu's teachings: When I saw Master Jingkong's teachings, there were always mentions
of Huang Nianzu's teachings. Master Jingkong praised: "I have studied Buddhism for thirty-seven
years. In my feelings, this is the first person I have seen in my life." Huang Laoshi is the
Bodhisattva who comes back again, and he shows the body of a layman. Like the grandfather next
door, he was very kind and kind, and Huang's teachings were really painstaking, extremely sincere,
and not like a master at all. On my way of studying Buddhism, there are two laymen who have a
great influence on me. I printed out the teachings of the two great virtues and studied them over and
over again! I often listen to Huang Lao's audio lectures, and I often watch the video lectures of the
vowel old man. All learning materials can be searched on the Internet, and brothers who are
destined can search and learn.

2. Master Xuanhua’s teachings: Among the first virtues I got close to, Master Xuanhua helped me a
lot. The picture of Master Xuanhua looks very kind and compassionate, but it is easy to feel his
majesty. Looking at Master Xuanhua’s teachings, you will find that Master Xuanhua is an
extremely strict master, and the teachings can be described as sharp and sharp! Master Xuanhua’s
lectures, I now read every day, basically reading about 3 articles every day, 3 short stories, I am also
taking notes, I feel that I have gained a lot. Master Xuanhua said that the six principles of Taoism
are not to fight, not to be greedy, not to seek, not to be selfish, not to be self-interested, and not to
speak falsely. These six goals are really very good. The Shurangama Mantra I requested is also the
text of Master Xuanhua. I am infinitely grateful to Master Xuanhua in my heart, and I will always
pay tribute to Master Xuanhua.
Season 55: Decipher 50 articles about 75 parties and SY
harmlessness one by one


Recently, my brothers have reported that there are people in rebooting clubs. Although they have
the kindness to help others, this is very commendable, but they have caused others to mislead. In
fact, this kind of situation has happened in the past, that is, it has not gone through extensive case
studies. It is just based on my own experience. It is very likely that there will be errors in
generalization. The symptoms caused by masturbation are different from person to person, because
each person's physique is different, and the degree of injury is also different, so the symptoms that
appear are also different. You can't say that you didn't have this problem, just assert that other
people's masturbation does not have this problem. Personal experience does not represent
everything, and personal experience has limitations. That’s why I pay much attention to case
studies. I have studied thousands of real cases and talked about tens of thousands of brothers. Only
through extensive case studies can I truly understand the truth. If I only judge by my own
experience, it is very likely. It will mislead others, just like a frog at the bottom of a well, when you
only see such a big sky, you think it is so big.

Your appearance is okay, and your acne is not serious. Then you say that masturbation will not
affect your appearance. Have you ever conducted extensive case investigations? Can the symptoms
that happen to you represent all brothers? Poor appearance after masturbation is a common
phenomenon. Some people are not the kind of acne-prone physique, and they love sports, so their
appearance and complexion will not change much. In some people, the performance is obvious.
Some people are as tall as 180, and then they say that masturbation will not affect height. This is
also a prejudice. Kidneys dominate the bones and bones produce marrow. Masturbation will affect
bone development, but masturbation is only a factor that affects height. Genes are okay, and I love
sports, and nutrition is good, so I can grow to my ideal height. If you don't masturbate, you may
grow taller!

If you want to get a more objective and fair conclusion, you must study the victim's case more,
otherwise, it is easy to make general mistakes. I originally wanted to help others with a good
intention, but in the end I misled others and thought I was right. It was really kind to do bad things
and did not help. There are more new people in the rebooting bar. Many people do not learn, are full
of misunderstandings, and do not understand the correct opinions on rebooting at all. As a result,
many misleading statements will be made. Therefore, I suggest that new people should learn more
to improve their consciousness, and don't rush to help others. After you reach a certain level of
consciousness, you can help others correctly, otherwise you may be blind to blindness. Your speech
is likely to arouse disgust or even opposition from the discerning brothers. Some rebooting
platforms have a period of silence, which is to allow newcomers to learn more to increase their
consciousness, and to correct their own ideological misunderstandings. Rebooting. Many brothers
above level 7 still have a lot of ideological misunderstandings, and even basic rebooting common
sense is not clear. This is the result of negligence in learning. Your level has gone up, but your
enlightenment has not. No growth, just like a child grows long and does not grow intellect.

For misleading posts and speeches, I usually delete them immediately, just to avoid misleading
other newcomers. I am targeting posts, not people. Every brother is a great bodhisattva in my heart,
and I respect every brother. I can argue with you, but I will never conduct personal attacks or
slander. The rebooting bar has gradually grown, increasing by a thousand people every day, the
stalls are getting bigger, and the management difficulty is increasing. When the forest grows, there
are all kinds of birds. Almost every bar master, whether it is a big or a small one, has been scolded.
Some just didn't abide by the rules, and after being deleted, they began to verbally abuse them or
even personally attack them. I have also been scolded many times, of course, in private messages. I
usually don’t respond. I thank the person who scolded me. I can just tolerate the humiliation. The
person who scolded me is also helping me eliminate karma, so I will not be hostile. I will only be
grateful. Everyone may have their own considerations and tendencies when deleting the title of the
post, and there may be mistakes, so if everyone is deleted, you can communicate with the host in
private. In fact, the title issue will be automatically unblocked after a few days. The title permission
for the small bar is 1 day, and the title for the large bar is 10 days. Rebooting is not welcome to
unqualified people. If you speak very unqualified, swear everywhere, or fall into trouble, or have
troubles, you will surely be titled.

In addition, I want to emphasize one point, that is to reboot, not to engage in personality worship, I
am not helping everyone to gain worship. I'm just a bound ordinary person, very ordinary, and I
have nothing to admire. If there is a desire to gain worship, it will certainly not last long, because it
will soon be tired of answering questions, and when you are tired of it, you will immediately retreat.
People who can really stick to it are basically selfless people who have a selfless dedication.
Altruistic, he will help everyone willingly. There is no wish, just to help everyone silently, nothing

Step into the topic below

In this season, I will crack down on 50 articles on the harmlessness of 75 parties and SY, and share
them with you. The details are as follows:

The harm of the harmlessness of masturbation is really great. Many people don't have the eye of
choice, the experience is shallow and the experience is not deep, and they don't understand the
inside story, so they are still very confused about the harmlessness theory, and they still recognize
the harmlessness theory in their hearts. Many people feel this way. When reading articles on
harmlessness, they feel that harmlessness is right, and when reading articles on harmfulness, they
also feel right. They can’t distinguish between truth and falsehood. . Just like two diamonds, one
real diamond and one high imitation diamond. If you do not have a professional vision and
experience, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Everyone has read the Journey to the
West. Tang Seng doesn't have the glaring eyes, so he can't see the true face of the bone spirit, but
Monkey King can. When the fake is pretended to be true, it will confuse many people, and then
recognize the fake as the real and confuse right from wrong.

I can assure everyone that masturbation is absolutely harmful! The harm is more than you think!
The conclusions of my research are not speculations. On the one hand, they come from personal
experience. On the other hand, they have studied thousands of victim cases and talked about tens of
thousands of brothers. Therefore, I am too aware of the harm of masturbation, and I really see the
harmlessness theory. The true face of.

This article is a pair of selective eyes, a pair of golden eyes. I hope that through this article,
everyone can really see the true face of the harmless theory.

If you have never heard of the 75th party, you are not a real rebooter;

If you have never heard of the 75th party, you are still kept in the dark;

If you have never heard of the 75 party, you will not know the inside story;
If you have never heard of the 75th party, you are the victim of a conspiracy;

The 75th party is a legend for many rebooting newcomers.

The 75th party, for many new rebooters, have never heard of it,

It suddenly appeared on the Internet, and then suddenly disappeared,

But the things it did are outrageous,

Spreading the harmless theory madly poisons the younger generation in China!

About 75 parties:

Many people have never heard of the 75 party. The 75 party is the Internet special agent (Internet
spy). The IP is shown in the United States. The so-called 75 party is actually an address whose IP
starts with 75. It broadcasts the harmless theory on the Internet and instills the harmless theory to
the youth, which poisons the majority of Chinese youth and even the Chinese youth. The young
generation. Although the IP is shown in the United States, after investigation, the person who
broadcasts the harmless theory is likely to be in China. He uses a proxy server in the United States.
He also edited the Baidu Baike masturbation entry. He often pretends to be an expert professor,
playing scientific Under the guise of making up the harmless theory, he later moved to a blog and
claimed to be a "masturbation expert". Regarding why he did this, he actually didn’t confess
himself. Many of his early speeches carried "Master Li". At the end of the 1990s, the founder of XX
Gong fled to the United States and began to instigate domestic A disciple doing bad things, brothers
over 30 years old should be able to remember clearly that in the late 1990s, the state had banned
certain gongs. The 20-year-old brothers might not remember it because they were only ten years
ago, maybe not. Concerned about this kind of problem.

I have carefully studied 75's speech, which mentioned "Mainland China" many times, which shows
that the person who wrote this statement is likely to be in the United States, and colleagues in China
are responsible for the work of broadcasting. They are definitely a gang, an organization, not alone.
A person would not do this, even mental illness is impossible. The purpose of 75 is very clear. It is
to poison the younger generation of China with harmlessness. This intention is extremely sinister!

I came to reboot at the beginning. The Maya group of bar masters just finished their struggle with
the 75th party. It can be said that the struggle was vigorous. At that time, there were many traces of
evil propaganda of the 75th party on the Internet. I admire the group of bar masters who struggled
with the 75th Party. Rebooting can have a relatively pure rebooting environment as it is now, and it
is inseparable from the struggle of the predecessors. The predecessors don’t know how much effort
they put into rebooting. Nowadays.

The 75 party has registered IDs such as "Professional Doctor of Medicine", "Professor of
Masturbation", "I'm Ewenhan", and "Hundred Doctors Experts" in addition to addresses starting
with 75. Pretending to be experts spreading harmless doctrines everywhere on the Internet has
caused very bad effects. I hope that Baidu Baike's masturbation entry can be corrected as soon as
possible. Baike's masturbation entry now presents a mixture of harmful and harmless views, but the
overall preference is towards harmless. Therefore, after reading Baidu's masturbation entry, many
ignorant people are greatly misled and become more addicted to masturbation. Even some people
are still obsessed with the illness. Sad!
According to my investigation and research, harmlessness theory generally falls into two categories:

1. The ideological misunderstanding of ordinary people;

Second, the wanton distortion, fabrication and evil propaganda of the 75th party.

Although ordinary people have ideological misunderstandings, they still recognize the dangers of
masturbation. After all, many people have personal experience. After masturbation, the body is
going downhill. This is a very real symptom experience. It is not a harmless theory that can be
denied. Western medicine also confirms it. Masturbation can cause prostatitis. Traditional Chinese
medicine also says that masturbation can cause kidney loss. Modern Chinese and Western medicine
has proven that masturbation is indeed harmful. As for the article broadcast by the 75th Party, you
should be optimistic. It completely denies the harm of masturbation, not only denies the
harmfulness of masturbation, but also promotes masturbation and publicizes the so-called benefits
of masturbation to everyone. The innocuous papers of the 75th Party often use the "name of
science" to increase their authority and persuasiveness, and they also quote the words of a certain
scientist. I wonder if there is such a scientist abroad? Has the scientist said anything like this? The
75 party’s propaganda is full of fabrications and evil attempts, lest the young generation in China
will not masturbate. He had better masturbate every young person. In the name of "science", I
recommend everyone to masturbate 5 times a week! ! ! What an evil recommendation! It seems that
if you don't masturbate, you will get prostate cancer.

The 75th party is too evil and fabricated a lot of so-called "scientific proofs" and "scientific research
results" to promote harmlessness. This "pretending to be an authority" propaganda method can
confuse people, especially young people, who lack discrimination. As soon as I hear the "scientific
conclusion", I immediately believe it and masturbate 5 times a week. Whoever believes this kind of
nonsense is stupid X! No symptoms are blamed! The most evil thing about the 75th party is that it
will use the "name of science" to scare you. Now is not the age of science. Everyone advocates
science. He will use the name of science to suppress you, deceive you, and deceive you. Can't
distinguish east from west to north. If you have a bit of common sense, you will know how easy it
is to tamper with a scientific research paper into a harmless theory! The scientist’s name is
unchanged, and then the content in the quotation marks is changed to become harmless, and it
becomes the scientist who says masturbation is harmless! Or simply invent the name of a scientist
to lie to you! What an evil deception!

If masturbation is harmless, why has the United States promoted premarital asceticism in recent
years? The United States now also has rebooting schools, special sex addiction centers, and many
professional books in this area, which also specifically explain the harms of indulgence. In fact,
there is still a lot of research on rebooting in the West, but the Chinese people have not yet been
exposed to this aspect. Foreigners have gone through a very tortuous road, and later discovered that
abstinence before marriage is a good choice. The current thinking and understanding of foreigners
actually coincides with the teachings of the ancient sages and sages in our country. Confucius also
advocated rebooting, Lao Tzu also said that there is no desire, Buddhism also advocates abstinence,
and Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism actually have the same understanding of rebooting. It's
the same, the saints teach in this way. Of course, for ordinary people, the righteousness of husband
and wife is in line with the human relationship, but we must also pay attention to temperance,
otherwise the body will also be abolished. The teachings of the ancient sages cannot be wrong,
because this is a truth that can only be said by a person with extremely high wisdom, and it is
definitely not the simple opinion of ordinary stupid people.

I conclude that there are several characteristics of the evil propaganda of the 75th Party: specious,
fabricated, pretending to be science and pretending to be authority, and fallacies and heretical views
are everywhere, propagating harmlessness under the guise of science, and disrespecting the fact that
masturbation is harmful.

These are the tactics used by the 75th Party. A meal of "scientific proof" and "scientific research"
will completely stun you and make you have to believe it. People who do not have a right view will
be brainwashed when they look at the harmless doctrine. Especially after seeing the “scientific”
harmless doctrine of the 75 Party, it is completely conquered. Many brothers have been poisoned by
the harmlessness theory. At first, they believed in harmlessness theory credulously, but later became
sick with symptoms. It was really miserable. If you believe in harmlessness, it does not mean that
masturbation is really harmless. Just like you don't believe that jumping from the tenth floor will
lead to death, you will know if you will die if you go to see! ! Of course, some harmless theories do
not come from the 75th party. The harmless theories from the 75th party are more poisonous and
insidious. The ordinary harmless theories are just general ideological misunderstandings. The
ordinary harmless theories just emphasize "moderate harmlessness". I do not deny that masturbation
can cause many symptoms. The author who writes that it is moderately harmless has not deeply
experienced and recognized the highly addictive nature of masturbation, and has not conducted in-
depth investigations and studies. Without investigation, there is no right to speak, so moderate harm
is just a False proposition, for such a highly addictive masturbation, it is really out of control.
Basically everyone has the experience of masturbating more than twice a day, or masturbating for
several days in a row. Is this called "moderate" "? !

The 75 party not only does not talk about moderation, but also recommends 5 times a week! ! ! Its
sinister heart is really staggering! 5 times a week, how many times did that year? Don't let people
live? The 75th Party resolutely denies the various symptoms caused by masturbation. The 75th
Party’s articles are completely inconsistent with the facts and do not respect the facts at all. They
are all aimed at poisoning the younger generation of China. Ignorant teenagers will see the
harmlessness theory. Become more addicted to masturbation, and finally get all the symptoms,
which is miserable and even affects the development of the body. In a word, harmlessness is really
harmful! The harmlessness of the 75th Party is even more harmful. It is harmful to people under the
guise of science. How much damage will it be? !

No matter how smart you are, no matter how perfect your theory is, if it does not conform to reality,
then it is wrong. -Feynman

Experiments can overthrow theories, and theories can never overthrow experiments. ——Ding

Practice is the only criterion for testing the correctness of truth. ——Marx

Science respects the facts, science that is divorced from the facts, is it still called science? Practice
is the only criterion for testing truth. Practice shows: The harm of masturbation is too great! There
are too many people abolished because of masturbation. Whether masturbation is harmful or not
depends not on the harmlessness theory, but on the real victims' cases, starting from the research
facts, so that we can draw the conclusion that is closest to the truth. Articles from the 75th Party,
one that "scientifically demonstrates" and the other "scientific research", are actually words that
deceive people, poisoning the younger generation of China under the guise of science. Everyone
must keep their eyes open, truly recognize the true face of the 75th Party, and don't believe the
nonsense of the 75th Party. Those are all harmful myths and fallacies, which are inconsistent with
Western medicine science and Chinese medicine science, and they are completely fabricated.

Master Li fled abroad, colluded with foreign reactionary organizations, and instructed his disciples
in China to start extending the hand of evil to the younger generation in China. How could he
poison him? It is to instill harmlessness in the younger generation. This is a trick! This is a sugar-
coated cannonball! Let China's young people become sick men. One generation is not as good as
one generation. After a few generations, China may go downhill. It's a very shameful trick!


What I want to say is that many people are still kept in the dark. They have become victims of
conspiracies and are still ignorantly defending the innocence theory. This is so pathetic and pathetic.
I was sold, and I counted the money! I hope that more people will realize the existence of the 75th
Party. The 75th Party is definitely still active, but it is not as rampant as it was a few years ago. It is
just an old way of secretly engaging in sabotage activities and doing evil propaganda under the
guise of science. However, their publicity is now mainly based on blogs and has become more
hidden. The 75th Party’s poisoning everywhere on the Internet has already caused a bad influence.
Many people really believe it and reproduce the harmless theory fabricated by the 75th Party
everywhere. I hope that people in the country can keep their eyes open and see clearly the evil
attempts of the 75th Party, and don't use false information to harm others and themselves!

Let’s move on to another topic: 50 articles on the harmlessness of SY, deciphering them one by one

I once wrote a season that broke the absurd theory of sexologists at the suggestion of Senior Brother
Yuanzhi. In fact, many common people’s ideological misunderstandings come from the misleading
of sexologists. The basic tendency of sexologists to study sex is to promote sexual openness, praise
sex, and then criticize traditional culture. Sexologists rely on researching sex to eat, and some
remarks are really amazing and endless! It completely violates traditional culture and does not care
about etiquette, justice, and shame. Sexologists are actually intellectuals, many of whom are
professors. Intellectuals are responsible to the entire society. Once you say some of your remarks,
how much impact will it have?

The 75th Party and the so-called sexologists are two poisons. Their existence will inevitably lead to
the decline of the world and a sharp decline in moral standards!

I have collected 50 articles this season. They are not all the opinions of sexologists. There are also
some ideological misunderstandings of ordinary people. There are also the fallacies and heresies of
the 75th Party.

Newcomers must recognize the harmlessness theory, and must clear the harmlessness theory from
the brain, otherwise it will be impossible to reboot successfully. Of course, rebooting here is not
about abstinence for life, but abstinence before marriage and temperance after marriage! Try not to
have sex before marriage, and save your best self until after marriage. Don't stage the tragedy of
unmarried first!

Enter the crack below

1. [We must first change our cognition, because masturbation is neither pathological nor morally
corrupt, but just a manifestation of the maturity of sexual function. Modern medicine believes that
according to the normal menstrual cycle, masturbation will not damage the body. However, if
masturbation is excessive and enjoys this way and often seeks pleasure, it will damage the body and
easily cause infection. It can be accompanied by anxiety, self-blame, and social interaction.
Psychological obstacles appear due to emotional reactions such as fear. 】
Decipher: Masturbation addiction is sick, and masturbation is highly addictive. The ancient sages
said that masturbation hurts the body and morals, and masturbation belongs to the category of
masturbation! There is a lot of harm! Can you count on a person who is adulterous to have a high
moral standard? Adulterers are often mentally unhealthy, full of obscenities, wretched and evil
spirits on their faces, and very bad auras. "Modern medicine thinks" and "according to normal
menstrual cycle", these two paragraphs are very tricky. Where does modern medicine think so?
Obviously made up, "according to the normal menstrual cycle", I dare to ask, what is a normal
menstrual cycle? The facts have shown that many brothers are doing moderate actions to destroy
them. The moderate water is too deep and too deep. You think you can control the frequency. I dare
to ask, can you control sexual immorality? Obscenity is a secret leak, do you understand this
common sense of Chinese medicine? I have seen countless real cases. "One shot is out of control" is
the most common word. The so-called moderation is a false proposition. The highly addictive
nature of masturbation determines that "moderation" is just wishful thinking.

2. [Timely masturbation has certain benefits to the body, it can relieve tension, and can also be
happy, which is a physiological need. Masturbation itself will not bring any harm or adverse
consequences. However, excessive masturbation is a kind of psychological disorder, and it will
seriously affect physical health, causing some genitourinary diseases, sexual neurasthenia and so
on. 】

Cracking: I don’t deny that masturbation can relieve tension and bring some pleasure. I have never
denied the pleasure of masturbation, which is comfortable. Therefore, masturbation is a sweet
poison! Discard comfortably! This is the most powerful thing about masturbation! "Masturbation is
a physiological need", this sentence is very problematic, because masturbation is not a necessity,
unlike eating, you will die if you don't eat, and you will never die if you don't masturbate.
Masturbation is a vice, not a physical necessity. Just like smoking, is smoking a physical need? It's
okay not to smoke. "Masturbation itself will not bring any harm or adverse consequences." This
paragraph and the following words form a contradiction. Does excessive masturbation not belong to
the category of masturbation? However, the person who wrote this text is still aware of the harm of
excessive masturbation, but he did not realize the highly addictive nature of masturbation, which is
his blind spot.

3. [For a physically and mentally healthy person, moderate masturbation is not harmful.
Masturbation after marriage is also a normal behavior. Under the guidance of a doctor, masturbation
can also treat certain sexual dysfunctions, such as premature ejaculation, erectile difficulties, and
frigid sex. Masturbation can treat premature ejaculation. 】

Crack: still moderate! Many people are deceived by the false proposition of moderation.
Moderation is a very beautiful lie. Many people believe this lie credulously, and the result is out of
control. "Under the guidance of a doctor", this sentence is ridiculous, will the doctor guide you to
masturbate? Many brothers have visited a doctor and have never seen a doctor recommend
masturbation to a patient to treat premature ejaculation and impotence. On the contrary, sexual
function problems such as premature ejaculation, impotence and erectile dysfunction are caused by
masturbation. Masturbation hurts the kidney. If it hurts to a certain extent, symptoms of premature
ejaculation and impotence will naturally appear. If the kidney is already weak, it is not absurd to
treat premature ejaculation through masturbation? Very very ridiculous! ! !

4. [In China, many people have been brainwashed by feudal ideas, and they often see some media
propaganda that masturbation is harmful and similar to religion, so they feel that masturbation is a
very dirty thing, causing an unnecessary mental burden and difficult. Extricate yourself. 】

Crack: First of all, please figure out what feudal thought is! I don't think that the precious teachings
of the ancient sages are feudal thoughts. Confucius advocated rebooting, and Laozi advocated
desirelessness. They are all great Chinese sages. Their thoughts are not feudal thoughts, but high
wisdom! If you say that binding your feet is a feudal idea, then I agree. If you generalize and think
that the wisdom of ancient sages and sages is feudalism, then I can't agree. "Religious propaganda"
depends on the specific situation. There should be more propaganda to persuade people to be good,
and the more popular the better! It is the right thing to persuade people to abstain from
masturbation, and it is necessary to increase publicity. If masturbation is not a dirty thing, then why
hide and masturbate by yourself, fearing that others will see it? Play with your own genitals, is this
kind of noble and beautiful behavior? "Causing unnecessary mental burden" means that some
people feel guilty when they first masturbate, but as the frequency of masturbation increases, they
become numb. The real mental burden only appears after symptoms appear. Only when the
symptoms of the whole body are accompanied by psychological disorders will the real mental
burden appear!

5. [Some religions, such as Christianity, have a prejudice that masturbation is harmful to the human
body similar to ancient China, but Western scientists and doctors have realized that masturbation is
harmless. In western scientific and medical newspapers and magazines, there are no articles about
the harmfulness of masturbation on the website. 】

Decipher: This text is obviously fabricated. Masturbation is harmful, not prejudice, but truth! It is
the truth derived from practice, which is fully in line with the actual situation. Western medicine has
never said that masturbation is harmless. Modern Western medicine has also confirmed that
masturbation can cause prostatitis and spermatic cord, and masturbation can also cause
neurasthenia. These Western medicine views can be searched on the Internet, and it is a very
common consensus! Masturbation hurts the kidney in the science of Chinese medicine, that is the
truth in the truth. In the West, there is also a theory that masturbation is harmful. There are
rebooting schools abroad, as well as institutions for abstinence from sex addiction, and there are
professional books dedicated to abstinence from sex addiction. Therefore, the person who wrote this
innocence theory is completely fabricated, deceiving people's hearts, and evil intentions! It is
probably from the 75th party.

6. [Masturbation does not affect physical development. Personal development is determined by

genes and acquired nutrition. The development time is also different. There is no problem when you
start masturbating. Masturbation will not affect IQ and so on. Sperm is produced by the testicles,
and the quality and quantity of sperm is determined by genes, and has nothing to do with
masturbation. Masturbation will not affect your sex life in the future, on the contrary, it will help
your sex life in the future. Because masturbation can help everyone understand their own body, it is
very normal and healthy. 】

Cracking: This paragraph also considers the handwriting of the 75th party. A discerning person
knows that there are many loopholes that can only deceive children. Masturbation can affect
development, because the kidneys dominate the bones, Western medicine has also confirmed that
masturbation can lead to osteoporosis, which can lead to bone loss. Many brothers have developed
skeletal development disorders and even JJ development disorders. Don't listen to the harmlessness
theory. If you look at the victim's case more, you will naturally understand the truth. It is also very
common that masturbation leads to a decrease in brain power, which can lead to a decrease in
memory and concentration. This is a very common symptom of masturbation patients. How can it
be said that masturbation will not affect IQ? It's just fallacy! Harmful! Masturbation can cause
prostatitis and spermatic cord, both of which can lead to a decrease in sperm quality! The statement
that has nothing to do with masturbation is completely fallacy! Does masturbation really affect your
sex life in the future? Many people have a tendency to premature ejaculation and impotence due to
masturbation. Wouldn't it affect the future life of couples? Abandon all unmarried first! Say it
doesn't affect! "Masturbation can help everyone understand the body." It's even more of a glimpse
of the world. Can you understand the body when you control it? ! What you call "understanding", is
it just playing with the genitals? If all this is understood, it would be too superficial! It is also said
that masturbation is a very normal and healthy thing, this kind of misconception is simply harmful!

7. [Masturbation itself is harmless and will not cause disease. Many people get sick because they
don't pay attention to personal hygiene, but they shirk their masturbation. Therefore, maintaining
good personal hygiene is the fundamental to prevent all diseases. Moderate masturbation is not only
harmless, but has certain benefits. It can help relieve sexual tension, relax yourself, and relieve
psychological pressure. 】

Cracking: What is harmless by itself? You have all the symptoms, and you say it's harmless?
Actually claim that the symptoms are caused by not paying attention to personal hygiene, let's pull
it down! It's useless to take a bath every day! Does not paying attention to hygiene can cause
spermatic cord? Does not paying attention to hygiene can cause low back pain? Does not paying
attention to hygiene will lead to weak legs? Does not paying attention to hygiene will lead to mental
decline? Does not paying attention to hygiene will lead to spiritual decline? Also throw out the
"moderate harmlessness theory", this false proposition should not be used to deceive people. That
pitiful benefit cannot be compared with the great harm of masturbation. Masturbation is a pleasure
and can relieve tension and relax yourself, but masturbation hurts the kidneys and there will be
sequelae. When the symptoms come out, they will be bitter! Masturbation is first refreshing and
then bitter, the pleasure is very short, the pain is very long, and the pain is very tangled.

8. [Masturbation is a normal phenomenon for unmarried young people. Generally, it will not affect
your health about once a week. However, if it is excessive masturbation, it will affect your health.
Excessive masturbation is harmful to people. Physical health is very unfavorable. 】

Crack: This paragraph is still a moderately harmless false proposition! Once a week, is it really
possible to do it once a week? Many people are out of control! Even several times a day! If it can
really be controlled once a week, it is also very likely to be abolished, because after the critical
point, the symptoms will break out and the process from quantitative change to qualitative change is
completed. Some people were fine last year, but this year they suddenly disappeared, and the
symptoms came out. Some people had thick hair last year and suddenly lost a lot of hair this year.
The symptoms of masturbation have a chronic accumulation process. Moreover, many people have
poor congenital physique and do not like sports. Such people may suffer from symptoms once a
month, so the best way is to completely abstain from sex!

9. [About the benefits of masturbation, let me tell you that masturbation is a way for young people
to release their sexual stress. Generally, masturbating regularly 1 to 4 times a month will not cause
any disease, but masturbation will cause serious addiction. Once you become addicted, it is difficult
to control sex. Frequent and excessive masturbation can cause many diseases, such as prostatitis,
premature ejaculation, infertility, immune dysfunction and so on. 】

Decipher: Masturbation can indeed release stress, and many people are stressful. But masturbation
is very harmful to the body. The so-called "regular masturbation" is simply nonsense. The person
who writes this text is still a little conscious. After all, he is aware of the highly addictive nature of
masturbation, but he also advised others to masturbate regularly, which is not Harm others? Since it
is so addictive, can you control it after you become addicted?

10. [Masturbation is a way for men to relieve their own sexual pressure. Moderate masturbation is
harmless to health. Generally, once a week is moderate masturbation. 】
Cracking: This text is still moderately harmless. Some people use it once a week. As a result, after a
few years, the symptoms suddenly broke out. The symptoms of the tube have a chronic
accumulation process, which is a process of boiling a frog in warm water. process. Once a week,
some people have weak body constitution and can't bear it once a month. Is it really moderate? The
highly addictive nature of masturbation is still avoided.

11. [American psychologist and sexologist Hayter stated in her book "Report on Sea
Characteristics": "Female masturbation is just as normal as men.]

Cracking: I think the "Report on the Characteristics of the Sea", also known as the "Report on the
Heidi", has harmed many people. The so-called sexology is really not helping people, but harming
people. Many people read the "Report on Heidi Sexology" as a semi-pornographic book, and they
missed everything below. Masturbation is common, but it generally does not mean that it is normal.
Masturbation is a common vice that humans easily commit. We should overcome this vice, not
condone it. Heidi’s sexology report talks more about the benefits of sex, thinks that masturbation is
reasonable, thinks that masturbation is completely normal, only talks about the coolness of
masturbation, does not talk about the consequences of masturbation, or she (Heidi) as a woman is
not deeply aware of masturbation The harm? Only see the comfort of masturbation, but not the
bitter fruit of masturbation? Heidi’s research is one-sided. He has not seen all the facts. The
opinions of Heidi’s sexology report have also influenced many Chinese sexologists. They then
followed her to call for the rationalization of masturbation, which is really harmful. Sexology
should be banned, blindly talking about coolness, not about bitterness, completely inconsistent with
the facts.

12. [As long as you grasp a certain frequency of masturbation, you don't have to worry about
masturbation inducing prostatitis, and moderate masturbation can also help clear the prostate fluid,
relieve the stagnation of the prostate, and have a certain positive significance in protecting or
restoring the prostate function. 】

Decipher: This paragraph is still "moderate masturbation", and does not talk about the highly
addictive nature of masturbation. To clear the prostate fluid and relieve the stagnation of the
prostate, there is no need to masturbate at all. Nocturnal emission can be done naturally. Talking
about protecting the prostate is basically an excuse for masturbation. Most people end up with
inflammation of the prostate due to masturbation, and even an enlarged prostate. Is this protecting
the prostate? Still hurt the prostate, it goes without saying.

13. [Other benefits of masturbating and getting an orgasm include: to a large extent, it can be the
best way to release and eliminate tension. For example, the accompanying sexual fantasies can
make people concentrate completely on oneself, escape or relieve from excessive tension. "The sea
is wide and the sky is high, and the sky is high." This is a highly safe, healthy, free, and economical
way. , "Drugs" without any adverse drug reactions. 】

Decipher: This paragraph is a typical "only talk about benefits, not about evil results". Masturbation
is cool and can release tension, but when the symptoms of masturbation come out, it will be very
painful. Masturbation is not safe. Masturbation can cause many diseases. Many people suffer from
symptoms and suffering. "A drug without any adverse reactions" is a very harmful metaphor for
comparing masturbation to a drug. The pleasure is short and the pain is long. Only those who have
experienced the symptoms personally can deeply understand the suffering of masturbation.

14. [According to the introduction of Canadian sexologist Cory Silverberg on May 8, 2008, there
are many benefits of masturbation, and the most interesting thing is probably that it has a certain
preventive effect on some cancers. Such as prevention of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer
in women. Masturbation and the resulting orgasm are very effective analgesics, such as joint pain,
headaches, etc. can be relieved by the natural therapy of orgasm caused by masturbation. 】

Crack: This paragraph is probably fabricated by the 75th party, because the main point of the 75th
party is: masturbation can prevent prostate cancer. Propagating this harmful view everywhere, of
course, may also be the case, that is, this view originated from sexologists, and then spread wildly
by the 75th party. I absolutely do not believe that masturbation can prevent prostate cancer. Many
people are because Masturbation contracted prostatitis and even enlarged prostate, and some people
got prostate cancer. There are real cases. If masturbation can prevent prostate cancer, why do people
who masturbate end up with prostate cancer? Masturbation is harmful to the prostate, it is definitely
not a protection. Masturbation will increase the possibility of suffering from prostate disease. This
is completely fact. The theory of sexologists is not derived from factual investigation and research,
but from subjective assumptions, which does not conform to the real situation at all. If you can
overcome adultery, then abstinence is harmless, otherwise the monks will all have prostate cancer.

15. [Masturbation and the resulting orgasm are natural hypnotic agents, although we still can’t say
exactly how it works, is it a hormonal effect? Endorphins released by orgasm? But there was a
survey that showed that masturbation can help about one-third of American women to fall asleep. 】

Decipher: It's easy to fall asleep after masturbation. This is a fact. Many brothers feel very tired
after masturbation, and then fall asleep quickly. So I developed the habit of masturbating before
going to bed. But this is a "staged fact", not a permanent fact. Do you know what it means? Because
in the first few years of masturbation, the nerves have not been injured, it will not affect the quality
of sleep. With the prolonged history of injury, neurasthenia may gradually appear, and the more and
more you will be unable to sleep. , Even insomnia all night, it is really torture that life is better than
death. Foreign research has its limitations, only seeing partial phenomena but not the whole.

16. [What are the benefits of masturbation? Moderate masturbation is not a bad phenomenon. For a
person who is physically and mentally healthy and has a correct understanding, moderate
masturbation is not harmful. It is the easiest way to release sexual pressure, ensure physical comfort
and a happy mood, and help not make sexual mistakes. What are the consequences of excessive
masturbation? 1. Physiologically, it can cause genitourinary system diseases (such as chronic
prostatitis causing frequent urination, white urine, lower abdomen and perineal discomfort,
backache, weakness, loss of libido, impotence, premature ejaculation, non-ejaculation) and other
diseases. 2. Psychologically, it will cause neurasthenia (such as depression, memory loss,
inattention, loss of understanding, insomnia, dreaminess, dizziness, heart palpitations) and other
diseases. And the psychological damage is much greater than the physical damage. If kidney
deficiency is caused, you can take Jiannao pills. It is recommended that you must grasp the
principle of "moderate" and hope to accept it. 】

Decipher: Well, I talked about "benefits" earlier in this passage. Masturbation can release stress. I
also admit this. The following text suddenly changed the subject, what symptoms can excessive
masturbation cause? He summed it up quite well, although it was not very comprehensive, but he
also said many evil consequences of masturbation. This person still knows something, but he
doesn't recognize the highly addictive nature of masturbation and still advocates moderation. The
word moderately kills people! ! !

17. [Masturbation effectively reduces the incidence of sexual crimes]

Decipher: I have deciphered the fallacy that masturbation reduces the crime rate in Season 53. All
evil is headed! The faint-hearted look at the sex, and the courageous will not be satisfied with the
sex, go to the streets to molest women, or even rape. After many rapists were caught, they asked
him why he would rape, and he said that after watching pornographic discs, he felt like a demon.
Masturbation can lead to bad people's hearts and increase the crime rate. If masturbation can reduce
the crime rate, why didn't the ancient sages advocate masturbation? If it can really reduce the crime
rate, that would be great. In fact, many people who masturbate have a disorder in their inner world
and are already very unhealthy. For example, they suffer from anxiety, depression, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, etc., and have self-harm and suicidal tendencies, which can even harm society
in serious cases. Facts have shown that persisting in rebooting and cultivating kindness can fill
oneself with positive energy and can effectively reduce the crime rate. This is completely true.
Masturbation is a common problem among young people and is a vice. Let us not rationalize bad
habits, but learn to overcome them. This understanding is very important.

18. [Masturbation itself is not terrible, masturbation is not a question of thought, it is not dirty, and
it is not a question of style. 】

Decipher: People who say that masturbation is not terrible are relatively ignorant people. He didn't
really realize the horror of masturbation, or he was deliberately poisoning others, saying it was not
terrible, but he was actually trying hard to reboot. Masturbation is a bad habit, it is a relatively dirty
habit, is it a very clean and beautiful thing? If you don’t feel dirty, then why don’t you masturbate
on the main road? Style issues, this term is more old-fashioned, if strictly speaking, masturbation
can be regarded as a style issue, a person is addicted to masturbation, hides at home watching H,
and then keeps thinking about that kind of things, can it be said that this kind of person's life style is
very decent ? You tell the ghosts, but the ghosts don't believe it!

19.【Similar to the saying that "masturbation is harmful to health", some young people lack a
correct understanding of masturbation, and often feel annoyed by it. Teenagers who are troubled by
masturbation feel that this behavior is shameful and immoral on the one hand, but on the other hand
they can't restrain themselves. After masturbating, they blame themselves for their behavior,
resulting in regret and anxiety. Under the pressure of guilt, many young people have a heavy
psychological burden, and their work and study are greatly affected. In fact, we don't know that
masturbation is just a venting behavior of sexual energy release during sexual development.
Masturbation is a normal physiological need like sex between husband and wife. There is nothing
scary about this kind of physical need. On the contrary, what is really scary is probably the fear,
regret and criminal mind behind the masturbation hidden in people's hearts. 】

Decipher: The point of view in this text is still very common, and it is also very common, that is,
instilling "reasonable masturbation" in you. Many people who just started masturbating, especially
teenagers, are accompanied by a certain sense of guilt and feel that it is not good to do so. But
gradually, he became numb, and he no longer blamed himself so much. It is not the heavy
psychological burden that affects learning. The truth is that masturbation leads to a decrease in brain
power and a decrease in energy and spirit, which greatly affects learning. Many harmless theories
will attribute the evil results to the guilt after masturbation. Actually this kind of view is wrong.
Masturbation between husband and wife is in line with the human relationship, while masturbation
belongs to evil. And adultery is more harmful and hurts the body even more virtuous! Masturbation
is not a necessity. You will not die if you don’t. Masturbation is a vice, not a physical need. To say
that masturbation is not terrible is actually very ignorant. When you really experience the bitterness
of masturbation, you will know that masturbation is terrible! Masturbation is a double torture to the
body and mind! The fear, remorse, and criminal psychology after masturbation are only temporary.
Moreover, many people do not have the so-called fear, and many people have no regrets, but they
also have many symptoms, such as prostatitis, spermatic cord, low back pain, and spirituality.
Decay and so on.

20. [As a normal physiological need of human beings, everyone has the right to pursue sexual
pleasure. Of course, this is based on the premise of not harming the interests of others. Masturbation
is a normal physiological phenomenon. The fact of masturbation is not terrible. What is terrible is
the processing of this fact. In fact, normal masturbation is not terrible. Moderate masturbation is not
harmful to health. It neither involves the opposite sex or involves emotional entanglements, nor
does it lead to sexual assault or even sexual crimes. Therefore, masturbation is a reasonable relief
from sexual tension. In many cases, “masturbation” solves part of the social problems caused by
sexual problems. 】

Crack: "Not terrible" again! It is also a "normal physiological need", it only talks about comfort, not
about evil consequences! ! ! You have the right to pursue sexual pleasure, and the symptoms also
have the right to make you regret it! Masturbation does not harm the interests of others, but it is
destroying one's physical and mental health. Don't talk about moderate masturbation, moderate
masturbation is a trap that looks very attractive, and people who fall into it will realize that the so-
called moderate is nonsense! The view that masturbation reduces the crime rate has been cracked
above, and this article will not be repeated.

21. [According to the scientific statistics of the Kinsey Sexology Report, masturbation has no effect
on the body, and most people do not masturbate after marriage. 】

Deciphering: Sexologists and sexology reports are basically promoting sexual openness and the
theory that masturbation is beneficial. Therefore, asking them to say that masturbation is harmful is
tantamount to sucking their own mouths! The so-called "scientific statistics", I don't know who the
statistics are? If you ask the reboot bar to send 10,000 brothers and ask them to do statistics, I don’t
know what conclusions will be drawn? ! The so-called "scientific statistics" are very moist and
tricky. I suspect that it may be the result of subjective judgment, and there is no statistics at all! Or
count a few people, and then talk about scientific statistics. There is no credibility at all! It is also
wrong to say that most people do not masturbate after marriage. Many people have sex and
masturbate. After all, the stimulation of masturbation is different from sex. Many people prefer

22. [According to the biological point of view, energy must be released in time after continuous
accumulation, that is, "presence and self-exhaustion". Therefore, masturbation is used to achieve
"sexual desire". Therefore, it can be said that masturbation is only a kind of standard sexual
behavior. 】

Decipher: This article has brought out biology again, why don't you bring Einstein out? ! Energy
release can be through nocturnal emission, if through masturbation, it is likely to be out of control!
The highly addictive nature of masturbation is avoided! In addition, what is "standard sex"? I want
to rationalize masturbation again!

23. [In ancient China and foreign religions, masturbation was regarded as a sinful act. Books
published after the 18th century created alarmist talks about the dangers of masturbation, and
masturbation was combined with physical damage and physical diseases. So far, there are still
people who believe that masturbation is immoral, "harmful to health", "unhealthy mentality",
"damaging vitality" and so on. So does masturbation affect the body? Many medical staff engaged
in mental and physical health care believe that “masturbation is neither abnormal nor harmful to the

Deciphering: This article is more insidious, bringing out the "medical staff". Western medicine and
Chinese medicine science have proved that masturbation is harmful and can cause prostatitis,
tinnitus, spermatic cord, low back pain, neurasthenia and other diseases, but this article denies this
A fact. Confusion is really harmful! Plant harmlessness on "medical staff"!
24. [Since the beginning of this century, many scientific research results have proved that
masturbation by normal people is harmless, and it has no harm to the mind or body. Therefore, in
the classification of mental disorders in various countries, masturbation is no longer classified as
abnormal and bad behavior. . He also believes that the so-called adverse consequences of
masturbation are mainly caused by self-worries and doubts. 】

Decipher: It's "scientific research" again. Don't use scientific research to fool people. Everyone is
equal before the truth! The truth is that masturbation is harmful! It is not an imagined disease! Do
you want to show me a prostatitis? Do you want a spermatic cord for me to see? Do you want me to
see a backache? Do you want a tinnitus for me to see? Both Western and Chinese medicine have
confirmed that masturbation is harmful! Where did your so-called scientific research come from?
Masturbation is not a mental disorder, but masturbation is a vice! There are also rebooting schools
abroad, as well as sex addiction centers. Don't use scientific research to fool people. Scientific
research that is inconsistent with the facts is pseudoscience! ! ! In the face of the truth, vulnerable!

25. [Many medical scientists believe that masturbation has certain positive meanings, such as
insomnia in a lonely night, it can relieve physical fullness and sexual tension, and you will fall
asleep quickly after masturbation. 】

Cracking: The tiny benefits of masturbation are not worth mentioning when compared with the
huge harms of masturbation! You can fall asleep without masturbating! For physical fullness, don't
pay attention to it, just divert your attention, not necessarily masturbate. Many medical scientists?
Don't take the medical scientist out, brother only believes in the truth, not the brick family!

26. [In the past 10 years, sexology research institutions in the United States, the Netherlands and
other countries have passed a large number of experiments to prove that masturbation will not cause
physical or psychological abnormalities in the human body, nor will it cause sexual dysfunction. On
the contrary, masturbation has become an effective means to treat certain sexual dysfunctions (such
as frigidity, lack of orgasm, premature ejaculation, impotence, etc.). The danger of masturbation lies
in the fear caused by misunderstanding of masturbation. 】

Cracking: Trash Theory! It's totally misleading! Kidney damage from masturbation can lead to
premature ejaculation and impotence. Most people masturbate for a few years and then suddenly
discover that they have premature ejaculation. Many people who have masturbated for more than
ten years have difficulty getting an erection. Is it necessary to rely on masturbation to treat
premature ejaculation and impotence? It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous! Many people do not fear after
masturbation, but it is also a symptom of the whole body! No one will be afraid after masturbation,
at most they will be a little bit self-blame, and this self-blame will soon dissipate. Masturbation is a
serious torture to the body and mind. This is the common experience of tens of thousands of
masturbation victims. This is the real truth! The truth is definitely not in any sex research
institution. Those studies are castles in the air, leaving the subjective assumptions of patients! In
addition, I highly suspect that this article was fabricated by the 75th Party, to poison young people
in the name of sexology institutions!

27. [Not long ago, the world-famous sexologist J-Money pointed out: The society should publicize
it with great fanfare, endorse masturbation, and raise awareness of masturbation to the height of
safe sex. 】

Crack: This one is also very suspicious! Is there really such a person as J-Money? ! Also publicize
masturbation in a big way! Propagating masturbation is propagating evil fornication, and
propagating masturbation is harming others! Masturbation is not safe at all, and the symptoms of
the whole body are miserable! Masturbation is a highly dangerous behavior, and it is a pain to be
entangled with symptoms! Many people look at prostatitis, but they don’t feel good after spending
tens of thousands.

28. [So far, the widely accepted concept of masturbation in the world is that "psychologists,
psychiatrists, physicians and other people engaged in mental health and physical health care
generally agree that masturbation is neither abnormal , It is not harmful to the body.]

Cracking: This harmless theory is very deceptive, but it can't deceive the old man's golden eyes!
Want to use authority to fool people? Pull it down! I don't eat this set. I only believe in the truth! I
don't believe this is a widely accepted concept in the world. Even if 1,000 sexology authorities
stand in front of me and persuade me to masturbate and tell me the benefits of masturbation, I will
not listen! Because their theories are completely inconsistent with the facts, they are wrong! You
are a professor, you are a Nobel Prize winner, and I will not agree with you. If you say that the
person who knows the truth most is actually yourself, how was your body before masturbation, and
how was your body after masturbating for a few years? A comparison will tell you. Although the
theory of harmlessness is widespread in China, many brothers go to see a doctor, and some doctors
still recommend quitting masturbation. Especially the science of Chinese medicine has a deep
understanding of the diseases caused by masturbation and kidney injury. . Traditional Chinese
Medicine: The kidney is the root of the five internal organs! Kidney deficiency is full of diseases!
Masturbation can cause various disorders in the body! This is a complete fact! I remember that the
father of a brother was a Chinese medicine doctor, and his father helped him get his pulse, and he
looked at him with a weird look after the pulse. What made his father puzzled was that his son was
not married.

29.【At the end of the 17th century, the Western world began to change attitudes. Masturbation was
considered a kind of corruption, against nature, or to make people far away from God. Since the
Song Dynasty in China, masturbation has been regarded as an evil act, coupled with the superstition
derived from some Chinese medical theories, many people believe that masturbation will make
people "lost vitality", and that semen is the essence of the kidney, and free leakage is harmful to the
body. He also invented all kinds of so-called "symptoms" caused by masturbation. These range
from fatigue to insomnia, and more serious terms include blindness and loss of life. 】

Cracking: This harmless theory is very ignorant and superficial. Traditional Chinese medicine is a
science and is recognized internationally! There are also Chinese medicine schools abroad! Even
more ridiculous is that he said the symptoms were "invented"! Can symptoms be invented? Do you
want to apply for a patent for invention? Symptoms actually exist. People who slander the science
of Chinese medicine are ignorant. This is a harmless theory with no technical content. If you make a
fake, you should also make it a little bit like! Let people see through at a glance!

30. [In fact, from a scientific point of view, masturbation has been proven to be harmless decades
ago. However, in some countries, due to traditional culture and political and cultural reasons,
scientific facts cannot be promoted. In China, there are still many people who firmly believe that
masturbation is harmful, and many people even stand up and complain about how they are harmed
by masturbation. On the Chinese website, you can easily find records of threats such as being
unable to go to college due to being immersed in masturbation and being unable to extricate
themselves from entering university, being unable to work, giving birth, and so on. 】

Deciphering: This article should come from the 75th party, fabricated, slandered, and wantonly
distorted. These methods have been used, which is outrageous! Attention, everyone, he said "from a
scientific point of view." The 75 Party’s method is to promote harmlessness under the guise of
science, distort facts, confuse the truth, and it is obvious that masturbation is harmful. In his case, it
has become harmless. It was confirmed ten years ago. I dare to ask, who confirmed it? The online
victim cases are thought-provoking facts. Who would go to the Internet to intimidate others if
nothing happened? Masturbation leads to a decrease in brain power, and it is possible that there may
be a decline in academic performance and fail to enter university. This is completely true. It is also
possible to not be able to work, because masturbation can cause severe neurosis. It is hardly better
than death. Many patients will choose to resign. This is also a fact! Inability to have children is even
more true! Because of masturbation, many people suffer from prostatitis and spermatic cord. Both
of these diseases may lead to fertility problems, which can lead to a decline in sperm quality, and
may lead to infertility! This article must be a party of 75. He mentioned the "Chinese website",
indicating that he is in a foreign country.

31. [Interestingly, in the past ten years, many scientific studies have proved that masturbation is not
only harmless, but also beneficial to the body. The following are just some of them:

In 2003, an Australian study showed that frequent masturbation is beneficial to the prevention of
prostate cancer. In this study, people who masturbate five or more times a week have a significantly
lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

In 2008, the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health published research results showing
that people who ejaculate twice a week have a 50% lower risk of heart disease than those who
ejaculate less than once a month.

A 2009 Australian study showed that daily masturbation is good for sperm health and vitality (The
Medical News: Daily sex good for sperm! 5 July 2009).

Because of these scientific evidences, in 2009 the governments of the United Kingdom, the
Netherlands and some other European countries officially recommended that young people
masturbate at least once a day. 】

Cracking: This is a well-known harmless theory. It is "scientifically proven" that masturbation is

harmless and beneficial! It must be from the 75th party! Fooling around! Grafting distortion! I have
seen the evil propaganda of the 75th Party, and this is one of them! What is the fact? Many people
got prostatitis because of masturbation, and some even got prostate cancer because of masturbation.
This is all true case feedback! Masturbation will only hurt the prostate! And what did he say?
Reduce prostate cancer, reduce heart disease. Pull it down! Completely inconsistent with the facts!
Many people feel uncomfortable after masturbating! There was chest tightness, shortness of breath,
dyspnea, heart palpitations and other manifestations. Chinese medicine science also mentioned that
masturbation hurts the kidneys will affect the heart. Western medicine science also has this aspect,
which I have specifically cited in previous articles. How come to the 75th party, the facts are
completely distorted! It is also a fallacy to say that it will promote the health and vitality of sperm.
Many people have a serious decline in sperm quality due to masturbation, and the sperm does not
liquefy. They go to the hospital for examination, and the sperm quality is also very poor.
Masturbation hurts the kidneys, prostatitis and spermatic cord, which will seriously affect the
quality of sperm. What is even more important for the 75th party is that he not only fools you in the
name of science, but also “in the name of the government”, saying that the national government
recommends that young people masturbate at least once a day! Do you think it is credible? Have the
governments of European countries made such suggestions? !

32. [Finally, I want to talk about the so-called "excessive frequency" problem. The scientific fact is
that it is impossible for men to masturbate excessively. Many people ask how often a few times a
week is a normal frequency. The answer is that the intensity of sexual desire varies from person to
person, and there is no normal frequency. Even for the same person, there will be ups and downs in
sexual desire. So the principle is that if you have desires, you can masturbate and enjoy it without
worry. 】

Cracking: Another "Scientific Fact"! Masturbation addiction is also recognized in the West. There
are special sex addiction agencies in the United States, and Tiger Woods has also gone to stop sex
addiction. Masturbation is so addictive, how can it not be excessive? ! It also said that if you have
desires, you must masturbate. Do some people have to masturbate dozens of times a day? Just let go
after pushing into the coffin? ! Shouldn't we learn to control desire? ! If you have desires, you have
to push up. Even if your body is made of iron, you can't bear it!

33. [Masturbation effectively solves your own sexual desire. This is the most fundamental benefit.
Undoubtedly, even if many people say that masturbation is actually a last resort, but anyway, your
sexual impulse and desire are masturbating. After the process, I got very effective satisfaction and
relief, which is beneficial to the individual’s physical and mental health. 】

Cracking: Solving desires, obtaining satisfaction and relief, this is like licking honey with a knife,
there is bound to be the risk of cutting tongue, lustful indulgence, such as drinking salt water,
drinking more and more thirsty, until you die! And masturbation is first refreshing and then
suffering. After the symptoms come out, you will know what the cost of masturbation is! The
mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind! Symptoms kill you!

34. [Masturbation effectively reduces the incidence of sexual crimes, masturbation is very worthy
of promotion and encouragement, after all, not every man is Edison Chen, after all, not every man is
accompanied by a woman at every stage. 】

Crack: The person who wrote this passage is an ordinary person, but he has serious ideological
misunderstandings. The fallacy that masturbation reduces the crime rate has already been said
before, and this one will not be repeated. He also brought up Edison Chen. Now this era is an
upside-down era. He treats adulterers as teachers and his idols. He also said that he should promote
and encourage masturbation, let it down! When the symptoms are plagued, you will know the
"benefits" of masturbation! Take a look at Edison Chen's recent photos. It is obviously a wretched
and hollowed face, lacking energy, with a look of withered, declining before old age.

35. [A well-developed man usually has his first ejaculation experience in his life around the age of
16. However, men at this age rarely have sexual partners, and masturbation naturally serves as a
sexual satisfaction. The main role is not controversial and understandable. From this point of view,
masturbation is completely desirable and has certain benefits. Of course, the premise is that the
principle of not being excessive is the principle of overdoing everything is harmful. , This common
sense is not just for masturbation. 】

Decipher: Rationalizing the vice of masturbation is the biggest ideological misunderstanding!

Masturbation is not advisable at all. Is it true that people live for sexual satisfaction? Masturbation
is not a necessity. Without masturbation, one can still live well. Sex before marriage belongs to
adultery and has great harm. Don't put forward the false proposition of moderate masturbation. The
highly addictive nature of masturbation determines that moderation is just wishful thinking.

36. [Masturbation is the spice of the sexual life of a couple. We can simply think about it. The
couple life of ordinary people is usually to live with only one person in our life, and we can only
receive sexual services from one person in our life. It is not who produces fatigue. It’s human
nature. So at this time, we can neither go out to find a lady nor engage in extramarital affairs. How
can our sexual desire find a new way of life and stimulate new vitality? Of course, only
Masturbation is the best and most rational choice. It will not hurt anyone, will not hurt any
relationships and feelings, effectively prevent extramarital affairs, reduce the chance of contracting
dirty diseases, and is convenient, cheap and safe. Is masturbation more appropriate? In this case, I
think it is not. 】

Decipher: Masturbation will hurt the feelings of husband and wife. Wife will complain if you are
addicted to masturbation. There is also a real case in which he indulged in masturbation and finally
led to a divorce. The person who writes this text is thinking about sexual service and wanting to be
cool. He doesn't know the harm of indulgence. If you indulge your desires, sooner or later you will
be entangled in symptoms. Then you will know what it means. "Retribution"!

37. [During the process of masturbation, we can be completely immersed in our own sexual
fantasies, we can be wild and unreliable. In our country of sexual fantasies, nothing is impossible,
rape, obscenity, or even abuse, you can not Under any restriction and arbitrarily imagine, the sexual
pleasure you get every time will be unprecedented. Only you know the whole process. It is very
secret and does not hurt anyone. Why not do it. 】

Crack: 35, 36, and 37 are all written by the same person. This person has been completely
brainwashed by lustful thoughts! Masturbation does make people feel bad, and even tends to be
sexually perverted, "Nothing is impossible", yes, go on sulking, and eat shit at the end, and eating
shit is also very cool! "Why not do it"!

38. [Masturbation can make a person smarter and more imaginative. Don’t think that masturbation
is a superficial task, but it is not. Masturbation is the conversion of ideological stimulation into
physical stimulation. The stimulation of physical contact of the opposite sex needs to be helped by
strengthening the sexual fantasies in the field of consciousness. Just imagine, if human beings lack
imagination, what the world would be like. This is a slogan. I think it’s pretty awesome. I can
imagine that people who can come up with this slogan must often masturbate, and then they have
achieved fame. It really kills two birds with one stone, which is really gratifying. Then, the benefits
of masturbation are obvious, and there is no need to argue. 】

Crack: 38 was also written by this person. Masturbation can lead to a decrease in brain power. It is
ridiculous to say that masturbation makes people smart, and ignorance to the extreme. He himself
thinks it's pretty good, but in the eyes of discerning people, it's obviously stupid X's performance.

39. [Masturbation can effectively treat premature ejaculation. You may have to sneer and say that
masturbation will only cause premature ejaculation. Then, please allow me to laugh at your
ignorance and ignorance. Why do you say that masturbation can treat premature ejaculation? Many
people’s premature ejaculation actually has only one psychological barrier. My advice to patients
with premature ejaculation is to masturbate yourself first when you have sex with your girlfriend or
lover, so that you have a first shot. , When you really have sex, your body will not be too sensitive,
which effectively prevents premature ejaculation in the same sex, and then you get a positive
psychological suggestion. Slowly, you will return to normal sexual psychology. Indicator, later, you
will never have premature ejaculation again. This is a psychotherapy, but it is a very effective way
to treat premature ejaculation. I don’t say how authoritative you are. After you recover, you can
post it for me. . 】

Deciphering: The premature ejaculation he said is not really pathological premature ejaculation.
This is the first premature ejaculation caused by sensitivity. It is really serious premature
ejaculation. After the first ejaculation, the second time will still be premature ejaculation, and even
the second time will not be able to get an erection. ! Some people will not be able to ejaculate after
the first ejaculation, and they have ejaculation disorder. This is also an abnormal phenomenon. If
the time is too long, the prostate has been congested, which will also affect the health of the
prostate. Masturbation cannot treat premature ejaculation. Masturbation hurts the kidneys and will
only lead to premature ejaculation and impotence. If it hurts to a certain extent, you will know it
naturally. Many people did not have premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction in the first 2
years of the beginning, but after a few years, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction
appeared. So, don't try to treat premature ejaculation by masturbation, this is completely fallacy!
This person also laughs at the ignorance of others, in fact, he himself is the most ignorant. It's so
ridiculous! He recommends that others shoot once, and then shoot again in the same room. Shooting
twice in a row is very harmful to the body, and the probability of symptoms is also high. This kind
of recommendation is really harmful!

40. [Masturbation reduces white pollution. Think about it, do you still wear a condom when you
masturbate? If you are, then it is really called taking off your pants and farting. So, let me calculate
it for you. There are billions of people in the world. It is conservatively estimated that there are tens
of millions of pairs in the same room every day. That means tens of millions of condoms are
consumed every day. What kind of concept is that? Think about it, if they are replaced by
masturbation to solve sexual needs, the white pollution of the earth will be greatly reduced. In
addition, the growth of the population can be effectively controlled, thereby improving the quality
of human life, and also for future generations. It has created a healthier global environment. I really
don’t know if I don’t know it. When I say it, I’m shocked. The benefits of masturbation are so
obvious that it’s staggering. So, friends, masturbate as much as you want. Let us create a new world
with our own hands. Thank you. 】

Deciphering: The mention of masturbation and environmental protection is also a pioneering work
of this person. Looking at the tone, everyone should know that 35-40 are all written by the same
person. This man misinterpreted a lot of things, just for masturbation, for indulgence. I kept making
excuses for myself and didn't realize the huge harm of masturbation. I was very silly and naive!
Condoms in the trash can will naturally be recycled. Why do you want to worry about that? !

41. [Moderate masturbation is harmless, neither prohibited nor recommended, but excessive
masturbation is a kind of psychological disorder, which can seriously affect physical health, easily
cause various inflammations and infections, lead to impotence, premature ejaculation, and may lead
to infertility. 】

Deciphering: This article does not explain, still does not recognize the highly addictive nature of
masturbation. Fortunately, he knew that masturbation would seriously affect his health.

42. [People are thirsty, they want to drink water; people are hungry, they want to eat. Normal sexual
desire is the most basic requirement for human reproduction and it is a normal phenomenon. From
sexual maturity to being able to legally meet the sexual requirements-getting married, it usually
takes 7 to 8 years or more to wait. During this period of time, the sexual demand is often the
highest, always looking for opportunities to relieve the backlog of sexual desire. Therefore,
masturbation is the most convenient and safe way in this situation. First of all, masturbation will not
infect any STDs, will not involve others, or be involved in emotional entanglements, nor will it lead
to sexual assaults or even sexual crimes. So it is a reasonable way to release sexual desire, and it
can also avoid part of the moral and social problems caused by sexual problems. 】

Cracking: This seems to make sense, but in fact there are many loopholes. "When people are thirsty,
they want to drink water; when people are hungry, they want to eat." Some people want to do it
more than a dozen times a day, do they have to do it whenever they have a desire? Eating too much
can cause indigestion, and drinking too much water can also cause water poisoning. Water
poisoning may be the first time many brothers have heard about it. You can find out about it on
Baidu. In the same way, it hurts the body too much. If you say that you want to masturbate
moderately, then you have not realized the highly addictive nature of masturbation, moderate water
is too deep and too deep. Abstinence before marriage is a more sensible choice, and even the United
States now advocates abstinence before marriage. In the 2005 budget approved by the U.S.
Congress, $170 million in federal funds will be invested in "abstinence" education programs. You
said that foreign countries are open. In fact, foreign countries also have a conservative and rational
side. After realizing the great harm of pre-marital sex, people began to advocate pre-marital
abstinence! In countless cases in the rebooting bar, many brothers have experienced the tragedy of
abandoning before marriage. Is this ironic? ! Not married, sexual function is no longer good, not
married, the body is already sick! wake up! Don't mislead the people anymore, I really can't afford
to be sad!

43. [The harm of masturbation theory is harmful. Since ancient times, there has been the notion that
masturbation is shameful and shameful, and it is also believed that masturbation is harmful to the
body. There is a saying in China that "one drop of essence, ten drops of blood", it is believed that
masturbation can cause "kidney loss" and damage health, causing many young people to feel fear of
masturbation, but some people's sexual drive is not reduced by fear, and lacks. Avoid self-control of
masturbation, so the heart is full of contradictions. Remorse and depression after each masturbation
can often cause neurosis and other psychological disorders. This is the harm of the harmful theory
of masturbation. 】

Deciphering: Have you heard that "the wicked complain first, and the wicked dog bites first"? This
is it! Obviously masturbation is harmful, and he will confuse right and wrong! Masturbation
damages the kidney and causes kidney deficiency. This is the truth of Chinese medicine science.
There is nothing wrong with it, and it is completely in line with the actual situation! The regret and
frustration after masturbation is not the cause of the illness, because many people feel no guilt at all
after masturbating, no regrets at all, and no depression at all. As a result, after masturbating for a
few years, they are also entangled with symptoms. Masturbation hurts the kidney, the kidney is the
root of the five internal organs, Chinese medicine: the kidney is connected to the brain! The onset of
neurosis and masturbation are closely related! Ignorant people often confuse right from wrong,
which is completely fallacious.

44. [Let it be natural. With the development of sex science, many scientists have tested the
relationship between masturbation and health, and found that masturbation itself has nothing to do
with physical diseases, neurosis or schizophrenia. Whether adolescents have masturbation is not
directly related to intelligence, future achievement and social adjustment, and sexual function after
marriage. 】

Decipher: "Let it be natural for the degree", this sentence is very evil, the general harmless theory
will also say that it is moderately harmless, but this one is even worse, let it be natural? ! How many
times do you want to play? That will only accelerate the abolition of your body! This article used
the guise of science to promote the theory of harmlessness. Chinese medicine science is also a
science, and it is a very mature science, and it is also a well-proven science. Why didn't he say it?
Modern Western medicine has also confirmed that masturbation can cause diseases such as
prostatitis and spermatic cord, as well as neurasthenia! I don't know who he is talking about "many
scientists"? ! It is also a general consensus that masturbation leads to social terror. The occurrence
of social terror will inevitably affect social adaptation. It is also a common phenomenon that
masturbation leads to decreased sexual function, such as premature ejaculation, impotence, and
weak erection. This harmless theory is very evil and completely false, and it is useless to move
scientists out! ! Science must respect the fact that masturbation is harmful!

45. [Is masturbation addictive? The answer seems simple, but the question itself has its own
problems. Some people are alarmist, saying that masturbation is like taking drugs, which is
completely fallacy! Everyone has to eat and drink water every day, can we say that eating and
drinking water is like taking drugs, but also addicted? After marriage, couples often have sex. Is it
because they are addicted to sex? As mentioned earlier, people have sexual desires, and
masturbation is a kind of normal sexual behavior. There are many people who have played video
games, but not everyone who plays video games is addicted. People with a normal mental state can
control themselves. Even the best shark fin and sea cucumber will not be eaten when the rice is full.
The same is true for masturbation. People with normal mentality will never become addicted to
masturbation, so it is misleading to say that masturbation is addictive. 】

Cracking: This harmless theory is even more perverted. The highly addictive nature of masturbation
is completely true! Basically it is out of control! Who hasn't slapped the tube twice a day, or even
for several days in a row? Some people fuck up 7 times a day! Masturbation is absolutely no less
addictive than drugs. It is basically an addiction. Once you experience that kind of pleasure, you
can't stop it, just like opening a Pandora's box. Eating and drinking water are normal physiological
needs and generally not addictive. Comparing eating and drinking with masturbation is ignorant and
incomparable at all. Will you die if you don’t eat, will you die if you don’t care about it? There are
many people with sex addiction, and sexual addiction is also a common phenomenon. There are
institutions specializing in sex addiction abroad, and Tiger Woods has also gone to stop sex
addiction. The degree of addiction to online games is not as strong as masturbation. The degree of
addiction is differentiated. Masturbation ranks among the many addictive behaviors. It can be said
to be one of the best, and the degree of addiction is comparable to that of drugs. It is basically an
addiction. This harmless theory also clearly shows the characteristics of "the wicked complain
first." A discerning person knows that it is a fallacy at a glance, and it is untenable, very ignorant
and superficial.

46. [Masturbation does not lead to kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency in men and women.
Some men and women think that because of masturbation, they think that their kidneys have
problems. How many of them know where their kidneys are and how many kidneys do people
have? If something goes wrong, how should it feel? The point is, why do the kidneys of men and
women who have sex have no problem, and only masturbating people have problems? Obviously,
this theory has no scientific basis, and it is not logical. 】

Cracking: This is the usual routine of the 75th party, which is to ask some very ignorant low-level
questions. For example, how many kidneys does a person have? Where are the kidneys? Where is
the prostate? If you faint, he will be ready to start. Kidney deficiency is a concept of traditional
Chinese medicine, which is different from the anatomical kidney in western medicine. The kidney
in modern medicine is in terms of anatomical entity and its physiological function: the two kidneys
are broad bean-shaped and are located deep in the abdomen and below the ribs. Chinese medicine
believes that the kidney is the "innate foundation". The kidney and the bladder are both external and
internal. The kidney stores the essence, which controls growth, development and reproduction. It
resuscitates the ears and the second yin. The kidney controls the bones and produces marrow, and
its blooms are growing. How does kidney deficiency feel? There are many symptoms of kidney
deficiency. In terms of brain power, it can be manifested as: memory loss, inattention, insufficient
energy, and reduced work efficiency. In terms of emotions, it can be expressed as: poor mood, often
difficult to control emotions, dizziness, irritability, irritability, anxiety, depression, etc. Or lack of
confidence, lack of self-confidence, lack of enthusiasm for work, lack of passion for life, and lack
of goals and directions. In terms of sexual function, it is manifested as: decreased sexual function,
decreased male libido, impotence or impotence but not firmness, nocturnal emission, slippery
sperm, premature ejaculation, decreased sperm or decreased sperm motility, and infertility. In the
urinary aspect, it is manifested as: frequent urination, urinary waiting, long and clear urine, and
increased nocturia. In addition, the symptoms of kidney deficiency may include: premature aging,
insomnia, loss of appetite, bone and joint pain, weakness in the waist and knees, fatigue, fatigue,
hearing loss, hair loss or early whitening of beard, loose teeth and so on. Or premature aging, eye
bags, dark circles under the eyes, dull and dull complexion, stains, premature male baldness, etc.
The 75th party always asks low-level questions and can only fool ignorant people. Doesn't sex
between men and women hurt the kidneys? Is there no symptoms? The same will happen! The 75th
party has begun "scientific basis" and "illogical" again, low-level! Too low-level deception! Are
you lying to elementary school students? !

47. [Masturbation does not cause male prostate disease. Many men have heard of the pseudo-
scientific propaganda that masturbation can harm the prostate, and they often suspect that there is a
problem with their prostate. Now, there are deceptive advertisements everywhere that mislead the
so-called masturbation can cause prostate disease. On the Internet, someone actually asked similar
questions like "Can the prostate be treated?" Obviously they didn't even know what the prostate
was. I don’t know how I should feel if I have prostate disease. 】

Crack: This is also a party of 75! Everyone understands the tactics of the 75 party. Whether it is the
harmlessness theory of the 75th Party, anyone with a discerning eye will know that the
harmlessness theory of the 75th Party is often more "barbaric" and even less reasonable. Harmful!
Especially the ignorant teenagers who have been miserable. After all, teenagers are still young and
do not have the ability to distinguish. The words of the 75th party really can be said that the evil
dog bites people first! It is completely confusing right and wrong, masturbation causes prostatitis,
Western medicine has fully confirmed it! The 75 party said "pseudo-science"! The ugly deceit of
the 75th party cannot deceive the discerning person!

48. [It is scientifically proven that semen is not the essence of men. Some people like to be alarmist,
saying that semen contains a lot of zinc, so too much masturbation can lead to zinc deficiency in the
body. The fact is that zinc is originally a trace element in the human body, accounting for only 33
parts per million of the total weight of the human body. Men over 14 years old need only 0.011
grams of zinc per day. Zinc flowing out of semen is even rarer. Moreover, in the world, I have
never heard of a man who caused zinc deficiency due to masturbation or excessive sexual
intercourse. Some men find that their semen color is problematic after masturbating, or because
semen does not liquefy, etc., they are very distressed. For ordinary healthy men, if there is no
unclean sex, or sexually transmitted diseases, the color and shape of the semen is not important at
all. 】

Crack: It's also from the 75th party! In the next few harmless theories, I extracted the 75th party, in
order to debunk the 75th party's low-level deceit. Semen not only contains zinc, but also contains a
variety of trace elements. It is actually very nutritious, and there are hundreds of millions of sperm.
Do not underestimate trace elements, trace elements actually have a great effect on the human body.
Masturbation will lead to the loss of trace elements in the human body, and the loss will appear to a
certain extent. Long-term masturbation may lead to zinc deficiency. This is common medical
knowledge! The 75th party doesn't even understand this at least basic medical knowledge, so it
comes out to fool people? To deceive people should also improve deception. Also "worldwide",
why don't you say "full universe" and include aliens. In the nutrition monograph, I saw that
indulgence can lead to zinc deficiency in the human body. According to measurements, the content
of zinc in each milliliter of semen reaches 150 micrograms, which is as high as that of any other
body tissues. If you consume 2-6 ml of semen per sexual life, you will lose 300-900 micrograms of
zinc in a one-time life. The total amount of zinc in a 60 kg man's body is only about 1.5 grams, so if
you have too much sex, it may lead to zinc deficiency in the body. The American Sexual Health
website also mentioned that indulgent semen loses too much, and the body lacks zinc. This is
common medical knowledge! When it came to the 75th party, it was distorted. The color and shape
of semen are of course important, but how can they be unimportant? When semen is not liquefied, it
is considered that the quality of semen has decreased, and the color is yellow or yellow-green,
which indicates inflammation. Say "it doesn't matter"! It's just fallacies and heresies, completely
inconsistent with medical common sense.

49. [For ordinary people, there is no problem of excessive masturbation. The so-called
"pathological masturbation" is only seen in a very small number of people. They may not be able to
control it, so that regardless of the occasion, they may become moral or addicted to it, unable to
extricate themselves, and affect normal life and activities. 】

Decipher: The highly addictive nature of masturbation determines that almost everyone is out of
control. Excessive masturbation is a common phenomenon! Not very few people. Masturbation in
public is a rare phenomenon. However, masturbation addiction is a very common phenomenon.
Many people are not only addicted to masturbation, but also addicted to masturbation. They are full
of masturbation, psychologically very unhealthy, and even have sexual perversions.

50. [Those who say that premature ejaculation and impotence are caused by masturbation are
because they have incorrect understanding and prejudice about masturbation. Just like the prostate
problem, apart from mainland China, is there such a similar statement in other countries? Have you
heard of it? The same behavior is absolutely impossible to cause problems only among men in
mainland China. 】

Decipher: This is also from the 75th party. The sentence "Mainland China" indicates that the person
who said this sentence is abroad. Such people are really the scum of the Chinese. They use
harmlessness to poison the younger generation of China! Masturbation causes prostatitis, which is
fully confirmed by modern Western medicine. It is nothing new. There are also reboot schools, sex
addiction institutions, and professional books on rebooting abroad. Foreigners can also get
prostatitis from masturbation. The last time I read health books, I talked about a foreigner watching
prostatitis in China. I also saw the news about Africans watching prostatitis in China. Shouldn’t
Americans not have prostatitis? ? Is the prostate of a foreigner made of iron? ! Many brothers did
not have prostatitis before masturbating, but after going to the hospital for examination after
masturbation, they already had prostatitis! How do you get it? Even fools know that it is caused by
masturbation! Kidney injury from masturbation can lead to premature ejaculation and impotence,
and it is also a relatively common symptom. This obvious fact has been distorted by the 75th Party!
The 75th party is really hateful. They are all Chinese. Why did they escape abroad and then use the
harmless theory to attack their young compatriots? What I want to say is, the 75th party, you are not
worthy of being Chinese, you are not as good as traitors!

Final summary:

Brothers who have watched this season should have a deeper understanding and understanding of
harmlessness. This article can give you a pair of glaring eyes and let you understand the truth of
masturbation. The miserable people who don’t know the truth are the most miserable! The
misleading of innocence theory is very serious. For discerning people, they will not listen to the
nonsense of innocence theory. But for ignorant people, especially the young generation, they lack
the proper discrimination ability. Easy to be brainwashed. Many brothers have said that when they
believed in the harmlessness theory at the beginning, they would be so miserable later, with
symptoms and sufferings, and medical expenses ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of
thousands. There is a brother who has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostatitis, but he is
still not optimistic! These are all bloody facts and lessons. What's more bitter is that many brothers
later got neurosis, it was really a feeling that life is better than death, and many people want to
commit suicide! The general harmlessness theory still does not deny the harm of masturbation, but
it does not fully realize the highly addictive nature of masturbation! But the harmlessness theory of
the 75th Party is completely different. Under the guise of science, it is full of distortions and
fabrications. It not only denies the harm of masturbation, but also says that masturbation can
prevent prostate cancer. It even brought the government out, saying that the government officially
recommended young people. People masturbate at least once a day! It's ridiculous! You made up
the harmlessness theory, and made it up like a little! The harmlessness of the 75 Party is very
"barbaric" and "evil". It is full of fallacies and heresies, "scientific proof" and "scientific research".
It is nothing more than poisoning the younger generation of China. Everyone must clearly
understand at this point! We must resolutely give up the bad habit of masturbation and be a Chinese
with positive energy!
Season 56: About masturbation theory, allergies caused by

Rebooting now has entered a period of rapid development, which is a bit more chaotic than in the
past. Many old friends I miss the ring Jiese it , before Jiese it also tens of thousands of people,
almost did not send ads, and now advertising everywhere. In the past, there were very few
pornographic pictures. Nowadays, the pornographic pictures are available almost every day. If you
reboot , you must fight against advertisements, fight against pornographic pictures, and work
against those who post illegally. The pressure has increased a lot compared to the past. Jiese it did
not gag period, resulting in a lot of new people come, willy-nilly, to shout slogans, but not learning.
Repeatedly failed to quit, but didn't have any sense of learning. It was really pitiful. After a long
time, he was still a layman who rebooted.

The influx of newcomers has caused chaos in the rebooting bar to a large extent , because many
newcomers are deeply involved in pornography, have many ideological misunderstandings, and
many newcomers have very low quality. Newcomers come to reboot . First of all, they should settle
down and learn. Many questions can be answered in rebooting articles. Many basic questions can be
said to have been repeated thousands of times in rebooting bars , such as the difference between
masturbation and sex, and whether masturbation is harmful, and whether it is harmful to just look at
it. This type of problem is relatively elementary, and as soon as an old brother sees this type of
problem, he knows that the other party is a newcomer. The consciousness of newcomers is indeed
relatively low. Not only is their consciousness low, but there are still many misunderstandings in
their brains. To raise their consciousness and correct their misunderstandings, this can only be
achieved through continuous study of rebooting articles. I suggest newcomers to read the articles in
the fine-quality category of the rebooting bar a few times, take more notes and review them. It is
really necessary to show the energy of studying in the middle school entrance examination and the
college entrance examination. Rebooting is a major event related to physical and mental health, and
its importance is no less than that of the college entrance examination.

The rapid development of the rebooting bar will inevitably bring about a certain degree of
confusion. This is the law of the development of the post bar. There are many birds when the forest
grows. Rebooting will surely reach more than one million in a few years. I hope that more and more
people in China will realize the importance of rebooting. Rebooting and cultivating kindness can
change their destiny. Rebooting is waking up the world. Really Those with good roots will stay.

Regarding dreaming, let’s talk about it in the preface of this season. There are generally two types
of dreaming. One, dreaming of oneself is in charge; second, half-dream and half-awake are really in
charge. Dreaming that you are in charge, this is not a relapse. If it's half-dreaming and half-awake,
it's a relapse. If there is a lot of pornography in the brain, people will subconsciously seduce them,
which is actually a manifestation of too much pornography in the subconscious mind. In general,
when this happens, I would suggest to increase the intensity of learning, and to purify the ideology
through continuous repetition of learning, so that if you persist in learning for a period of time, the
dreaming situation will automatically disappear. Purifying the mind and consciousness can also be
referred to as "brainwashing." Using reboot articles to brainwash the brainwashing for a period of
time, the dreams will naturally disappear.

Here are a few Q&A cases:

1. [Flying brother, how can I be a little bit down on women? For example, when I meet a beautiful
woman on the road, I can control myself not to look at it, but there will be thoughts that pop out,
and I can stop when I think about it, but I always hate myself for being unwilling, unlike a man, as
if being led by the nose. Another point is that if you are always overly attached to whether the
coloring mind is activated, it leads to frequent coloring. It's like implying that I don't want to think
about it, and then I keep thinking about it all the time. I seem to be a little compulsive. Sometimes
one thing can be inked for a long time. 】

Answer: Well, at the beginning, you can use the view of bones and impurity to build a sense of
disgust, and then you will gradually lose your mind on female sex. In addition, strengthen your
study and continuously improve your consciousness. Will have considerable immunity. If you have
a lot of obsession, you must stop it in time, but don't be too nervous. Too nervous is not good, and it
can easily lead to relapse. come on!

Additional comment: There is a very good trick in the practice of ancient Dade. This season, I will
introduce to you, that is: from birth to familiarity, from familiarity to rebirth. Isn't the reboot article
very strange at first? You have to look slowly, you have to become familiar with it, and you have to
truly integrate into your rebooting consciousness. As for female sex, for temptation, and for seeing
H, it is very familiar to let it gradually become rusty. It's like a musical instrument, if you don't
touch it all the time, it will gradually become rusty. If we persist in studying rebooting articles, we
will slowly look down on female sex. If sex is not charming, people will fascinate themselves. The
female color is nothing but a pink skull. No matter how beautiful a woman is, there is some flesh
and skin on the outside of the skull. People are nothing more than mobile toilets and manure-
making machines. In fact, there is nothing to be greedy. If you really have the right view of
rebooting, you will slowly look down on female sex, and you will have immunity and resistance to
female sex. Otherwise, as soon as you see a female sex, you will be obsessed. This is actually an
expression of lack of concentration, just like the old vowel said: "Potion of mercury, it will fly in
fire!" There is no concentration at all, we will do it in the fire. Fine gold, real gold is not afraid of
fire! Those who are truly determined can withstand the magic test.

Regarding obsessive thinking, I have specifically mentioned in my previous article that obsessive-
compulsive disorder or even slight obsessive tendencies should pay attention to the physical and
mental coherence. On the one hand, we must insist on rebooting and maintaining health, actively
exercising, and doing more health maintenance methods, and then we must pay attention to the
psychological Adjust and force the thoughts to come together, do not follow it, this is called
unwilling to think. In addition, you must learn to divert your attention and don't go to the horns. If
you persist in this way for a period of time, your compulsive tendency will improve and gradually
return to normal.

2. [My previous situation was the same as that of the original poster, even worse than him, but since
I quit for about a year and a half, I feel better now, and I am completely the same as before. I don’t
know why I am now I am so happy, and I feel so happy and relaxed. Now I listen to the Buddhist
scriptures every day and feel very happy. I must quit adultery! 】

Additional comment: This brother used to be a divine decay patient. Now he has been abstaining for
about one and a half years and he has improved a lot. Everyone pays attention to his words, that is,
"There are totally two people", that is, it's like two people! In fact, many people who have
succeeded in rebooting have the feeling of being reborn, their physical and mental state has been
renewed, and that feeling is very happy and pleasant. That is real happiness, not the happiness of
adultery. The happiness of adultery can cause pain. And the happiness of rebooting, the happiness
of physical recovery, is real happiness. Therefore, rebooting is a thousand times more refreshing
than bouncing on the tube. Rebooting allows you to regain the purity that you haven't seen for a
long time, and it can restore the harmony of your body and mind. This kind of happiness is not
comparable. This kind of happiness is like a released bird, soaring in the sky again, and
eldestination will imprison people, become slaves of desire, and become prisoner of elders,
involuntary, symptom-ridden, and miserable! Rebooting can restore your spirit and energy, and can
fill you with positive energy, so that you can completely say goodbye to the negative energy of

But what I want to add is that just precepts are not enough. You must work hard on health
maintenance, exercise actively, and do more health maintenance exercises. Rebooting is a
systematic project, and recovery is also a systematic project. Grasp both hands and both hands must
be hard! Many brothers have succeeded in rebooting, but the recovery is not satisfactory, and the
recovery is too poor. If the symptoms are severe or persistent, it is necessary to cooperate with
active treatment. Some brothers have been unable to overcome the frequent relics. After more than
a year of abstinence, the body still fails. Many brothers lack the awareness of health maintenance.
Although they are rebooting, they still sit and stay up late, do not eat well, and have no awareness of
health maintenance at all, so it is difficult to recover.

Symptoms may also occur after rebooting. Many new people have symptoms after seeing rebooting,
and they misunderstand rebooting, thinking that abstinence is harmful, but it is not. If symptoms
occur after rebooting, consider the possibility of withdrawal reaction. Generally, withdrawal
reaction can relieve itself within three weeks. After rebooting, some brothers will ask how the
morning erection disappeared, how the hair loss has increased, how the acne has increased, why the
sleep is not good, or prostatitis is onset. In fact, this has something to do with the withdrawal
reaction. Yes, if you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, and taking active exercises,
your symptoms will gradually alleviate or even disappear. Of course, the symptoms after rebooting
are not all withdrawal reactions. For example, they are related to the change of seasons, diet, and
factors such as staying up late and sitting for a long time. Senior brothers will also know that after
rebooting, the body cannot be healthy all the time. It usually goes through a period of recurring
symptoms, such as after spermatorrhea, tiredness, staying up late and sitting for a long time,
catching cold and other factors, all of which can cause the body to experience recurring symptoms.
Symptoms are repeated. If the symptoms are severe, seek medical attention. If the symptoms are
mild, they can recover to normal after a few days of recuperation. The path of rebooting is very
tortuous, and the path of recovery is also very tortuous. Don't expect that your body will always be
good after rebooting. You must work harder on health maintenance. If health preservation is in
place, the number of repetitions of symptoms will be greatly reduced, and it will gradually approach
true recovery. However, after recovery, you must pay attention to maintenance. Maintenance is a
lifelong matter.

Brothers in this case also said that he was listening to Buddhist scriptures, and that he can have such
a sense of happiness, which has a lot to do with studying Buddhism. Learning Buddhism teaches
people to be good, which is of great help to the cultivation of the mind, and can promote harmony
in the body and mind. The body and mind are one, a kind heart, a grateful heart, a tolerant heart,
and a selfless heart that does good deeds can affect a person's physical health. Therefore, I suggest
that brothers who have the predestined relationship with Buddhism should persist in studying
Buddhism. Studying Buddhism is also a great help for rebooting.

3. [Oh! Pity the same disease! I mainly suffer from dizziness, insomnia and dreams. It is too
tormenting. I went to see a Chinese doctor because my spleen and kidney are weak. I have been
abstaining for 20 days. At the same time, with Chinese medicine conditioning, proper exercise, and
early going to bed and early waking, my symptoms have alleviated a bit. , But the recovery is a bit
slow, it may be because of the injury for too long. 】

Additional comment: This brother has manifestations of mental deterioration, and neurosis can
appear when he is injured to a certain degree. Once neurosis occurs, it is very bitter. The recovery
of neurosis is also very slow, and the recovery is measured in years. At that time, I was also
neurotic, with yang deficiency in the spleen and kidney, poor digestion, and very uncomfortable
body. In severe cases, no part of my body was comfortable. It was a very gloomy and desperate
years and thoughts of suicide. It often pops up. It's really worse than death. So I advise brothers who
haven't gotten out of neurosis. They must turn their heads as soon as possible and get rid of the bad
habit of masturbation as soon as possible. The harm of masturbation is really great, beyond your
imagination. Neurosis is a watershed for patients with traumatic sperm. When you have neurosis,
you know how painful it is! Masturbation is a minefield. There are symptom mines everywhere.
Once you enter this minefield, you will step on symptom mines sooner or later. It is wise to get out
early. Don't hurt yourself anymore!

4. [I also have a very serious neurasthenia, which is a disease that makes life worse than death.
Before I got sick, I did sit for a long time, stay up late, and masturbate. I didn’t think about
masturbation at all. There are many symptoms, such as listlessness and dizziness. After
masturbation, the waist hurts and the body feels uncomfortable. It has been for 5 years. I am 23
years old. The best years of my life were wasted by me. I have also thought about suicide. What a
profound lesson! What a painful experience this is! 】

Additional comment: Masturbation can cause neurosis, and countless real cases have fully proved
this point. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidneys lead to the brain. Masturbation hurts the
kidneys and brains. If you have the habit of staying up late and sitting for a long time, then the
neurosis will come out sooner. If you just masturbate without staying up late and sitting for a long
time, it may take more than ten years of injury before neurosis may occur. However, if you have all
three of indulgence, staying up late, and sitting for a long time, you may be caught in neurosis
within two years. Neurosis brothers are very bitter. Many people have been misdiagnosed. They
have taken countless medicines, countless examinations, and spent countless medical expenses.
They also live in fear every day, like a frightened bird. Disorder, living on the verge of collapse.
Many people don’t know that neurosis is related to masturbation because they don’t have common
sense of health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine. He still has harmlessness in his mind.
Later, he learned that the disease is closely related to masturbation, and he also has real experience,
such as uncomfortable body after masturbation, masturbation. Symptoms recurred later. The lesson
learned by the brothers of neurosis is very profound. This profound is because the symptoms are too
painful and unforgettable! This kind of profoundness is carved out of pain! It's really a painful
experience. I have experienced neurosis and I know the feeling too well. The lessons of the
predecessors are paid for pain, and the lessons of the predecessors are paid for the medical
expenses! The same pain can be avoided by learning the lessons of the predecessors, and the
newcomers should learn more from the experience and lessons of the predecessors to avoid
repeating the same mistakes.

Let’s enter the text below. This season, I will share with you all about masturbation and allergies
caused by indulgence. The details are as follows:

Regarding the theory of masturbation, the Lord once mentioned in one of his articles, I think he
made a lot of sense. Although masturbation can cause many symptoms, we cannot blame
masturbation for any symptoms. After all, there are many pathogenic factors. Of course, some
newcomers have a superficial understanding and do not have a deep understanding. He feels that
masturbation cannot cause so many symptoms. This idea is also biased. A more objective point of
view is: masturbation can indeed cause many symptoms, beyond your imagination, but not all
symptoms are caused by masturbation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Kidney deficiency is full of diseases, and the kidney is the root of
the five internal organs. After masturbation hurts the kidney, symptoms and disorders may appear
throughout the body. But there are many ways to hurt the kidneys, not just masturbation, such as
drinking cold drinks to hurt the kidneys. I remember a medical record saying that a primary school
student had diabetes, and the family did not inherit it. As a result, it turned out to be drinking ice
every day in summer. Of carbonated drinks, but after a few months of drinking, I got diabetes.
There are also long-term sitting and staying up late, taking drugs indiscriminately, taking too much
medication, and eating salty food, etc., all of which can hurt the kidneys. There are also many ways
to damage the kidneys due to overwork and excessive exertion. Chinese medicine also talks about:
Kidney Qi is enough, Wan Xie extinguishes. The stronger the kidney qi, the stronger the resistance,
and the probability of getting sick will be greatly reduced. However, no matter how strong the
kidney qi is, one must also pay attention to the way of keeping good health. An overdrawn bank
card, the past life habits were very bad, staying up late and sitting for a long time, still indulged in
styling, and within a few years, I was entangled with symptoms.

The following are the pathogenic factors analyzed by Chinese medicine:

First, six kinks. They are abnormal wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire (evil heat) that can
hurt the body.

Second, suffocation. That is hostility, plague, that is, infectious disease.

Third, internal injuries of seven emotions. That is, excessive happiness, anger, worry, thinking, fear,
sorrow, and shock can hurt the body.

Fourth, eating damage. That is, unclean diet, irregular diet (irregularity), and diet preference.

Fifth, work and rest injuries. That is, overworked, overworked, overworked, and overly

Sixth, secondary causes. That is, phlegm, blood stasis and stones.

Seventh, other causes. That is, trauma, burns, frostbite, insect and animal injuries.

In addition to these seven, genetic factors should not be ignored, as well as bad lifestyle habits, such
as staying up late and sitting for a long time, smoking and drinking. We should have a general
understanding of the pathogenic factors, so that we can avoid the causes of the disease. This
actually belongs to the category of awareness of health preservation. Many wealthy people lack the
awareness of health preservation. When they are young, they desperately earn money. It can be said
that they exchange their lives for money. After the age of forty, the body goes downhill, and at this
time they start to buy their lives with money. It is estimated that many brothers have paid attention
to the news of Li Kaifu's terminal illness. Li Kaifu often still responds to emails at two in the
morning. It is too bad for him to stay up late. Even if he is an iron man, he is not too young. The
four words I often mention in my articles are: rebooting and keeping in good health. Just take
precautions is not enough, you must work harder in health maintenance, read more articles and
videos about health maintenance, and strive to improve your own health awareness. This is
extremely important for the recovery of your body. Three points of treatment, seven points of health
preservation, the bulk of the recovery is here. Our body needs maintenance, just like a car needs
frequent maintenance, otherwise it will depreciate quickly. If it is well maintained, it can be
maintained at 90% new after one year. If you do not pay attention to maintenance, you may only
have 50% new, and even a few major repairs.

Let’s share with you 8 articles about the symptoms of brothers.

1. Before masturbation: Some brothers have very poor physique, are congenital inadequacy, and are
sick before they develop. For example, when I was young, my physique was not very good. I had
rhinitis and bronchitis. The bronchitis was brought on during development, but the rhinitis became
more serious, especially after indulging in tube licking, the rhinitis became more serious, so I still
do After 3 operations, it was really miserable. Later, moxibustion greatly improved my rhinitis
symptoms. Of course, it was inseparable from my insistence on rebooting. I insisted on rebooting
and keeping healthy, and actively exercise improved my physique. I rarely commit it now. If you
had a certain disease before masturbation, it was not caused by masturbation, but when you indulge
in masturbation, the past disease is likely to get worse. Some people have gray hair and myopia
when they were in elementary school. When they grow up, they start to masturbate. The gray hair
and myopia become more serious. This makes him very distressed. Myopia is related to
masturbation, but it is also related to eye use habits. , Bad eye use habits, excessive eye use can also
lead to myopia, and there are genetic factors.

2. After masturbation: Many brothers were in good health before masturbation. But after
masturbation, I obviously feel bad, and my physique has dropped significantly. Various symptoms
emerge in an endless stream, which is considered to be closely related to masturbation, such as low
back pain after masturbation, prostatitis after masturbation, listlessness, general weakness after
masturbation, or loss of eyes after masturbation, sore waist and knees, sluggishness, etc.
Performance, these are closely related to masturbation. Originally, people are very lively and
cheerful. After masturbating, they get social fear, and people's psychology has changed greatly. If
after masturbation your body and mind have a big disorder, then I dare to assert that it is probably
related to masturbation. After masturbation, a person's appearance may also become ugly, this truth
is generally not known to people, and it takes a certain degree of knowledge and experience to
know it. There is also a significant decrease in mental power after masturbation. This feeling is only
known to the brothers. The mental power cannot keep up, and it is very difficult to study and work.
In short, after masturbation, the body and mind will be greatly devastated. The pleasure is false, the
symptoms are real, the pleasure is short-lived, and the pain is long.

3. Disease caused by comprehensive factors: some brothers have short JJ, masturbation may cause
JJ short, because JJ belongs to the liver, and masturbation damages the liver and kidney, it may
affect the development of JJ, but the length and inheritance of JJ also have a certain degree It is also
closely related to nutrition. Insufficient nutrition, lack of exercise, and lack of sleep are bound to
affect a person's development. The same is true for skeletal development. The kidneys dominate the
bones, and masturbation hurts the kidneys may affect height, but it is only a factor that affects
height. If you can actively exercise, keep up with nutrition, and have good genetics, you can still
grow to an ideal height. Even if you masturbate again, don't like exercise, you can't keep up with
nutrition, and your genetics are average, it will be difficult to grow to your ideal height. Ankylosis,
lumbar spine disease, cervical spine disease, these are all related to masturbation, because the
kidneys dominate the bones, some Chinese medicine books also mention that masturbation can lead
to cervical spondylosis, but the onset of cervical spondylosis is also closely related to lifestyle
habits, such as sedentary maintenance. A posture, incorrect sitting posture, etc., these are also
potential pathogenic factors. Therefore, many diseases are actually "combined factors", that is,
several pathogenic factors work together to eventually cause you to get that disease. According to
my investigation and research, the disease is caused by a combination of factors, and this mode of
disease is relatively common among brothers.

4. Direct cause of disease: Direct cause of disease is actually well understood. Many brothers have
personal experience, such as frequent urination immediately after masturbation, or weak legs the
next day, or low back pain, feeling like a broken waist. Or when I woke up and looked in the mirror
the next day, I found my complexion was very bad. There is a big difference between feelings
before and after masturbation, which can be classified as a direct cause of the disease, and some
brothers have more obvious symptoms, such as heart discomfort immediately after masturbation, or
the previous symptoms have significantly worsened. The more serious person felt dying after two
consecutive shots, scaring himself to death, feeling that he was about to die. Some brothers
masturbated continuously for a few days, then started to have a fever and went to the hospital to get
water. There is also sexual dysfunction. In the first few years of masturbation, everything was
normal, but after a few years of masturbation, I suddenly found that the time became shorter and the
hardness was not enough. In fact, masturbation hurts the kidneys, and sexual function declines to a
certain extent.

5. Indirect disease: indirect disease is also well understood. Masturbation can lead to a decline in
physical fitness, and the body's resistance will decline, that is, the ability to resist diseases will
decrease, so that the probability of contracting other diseases will greatly increase, the so-called
kidney deficiency. Diseased. Just as the national defense of a country has deteriorated and its
national defense has deteriorated, first, it is prone to internal strife; second, it is prone to be attacked
by external evils. I don’t feel that when I’m in good health, my health is getting worse, and all kinds
of diseases and symptoms begin to come to my door.

6. The theory of luck: masturbation leads to poor luck. This is still very controversial among
brothers. Some think that the bad luck is pure nonsense, or superstition, and some brothers think
that masturbation does cause bad luck. In fact, in terms of religion, there are gods at the top three
feet of the head, and heaven is good, good, evil, and adulterous! If you have been committing
adultery, it will be very bad for you and your life will be unsuccessful. If you have no religious
beliefs, you can also understand it from Chinese medicine, because masturbation will cause a
decrease in mental power and a decrease in energy and spirit. If your brain power drops, you can't
do many things that could have been done well. On the surface, it is bad luck. In fact, it is closely
related to the brain power decline caused by masturbation. There is also a "face-in-the-face"
interview. I remember that a brother interviewed for a bank position. Several banks passed the
written examinations, but they were all brushed down during the interview. Although he passed the
written examinations, his first impression was during the interview. It is very important. When you
look at your lack of energy, a stubborn face, and lack of self-confidence, the interviewer’s
impression of you will be greatly reduced. If you are very righteous and sunny, and full of energy,
the positive energy field can completely subdue the interviewer, and the impression will rise. I'm
afraid that you don't have that momentum, and it feels like you don't have self-confidence, as if you
have a ghost in your heart. There is indeed a ghost in my heart, what the hell? Pervert! Of course,
some things that are pure luck should not be caused by masturbation. For example, if you throw a
dice, you throw two 6s in a row, and then you don't throw a 6 for the third time, and then you say it
is caused by masturbation, which is more absurd. The meaning of the word luck is still very broad,
and it needs to be analyzed in detail.

7. The wretched saying: Masturbation can lead to wretched appearance. This is not a big
controversy. If you are a newcomer to rebooting bar , or if you don't have a deep experience, you
may not agree with this one. If you are a senior brother or have a deep understanding of yourself,
you will definitely agree with this one. Some people have just masturbated for a short time, and
they love sports, do not have bad habits such as staying up late, so that their appearance hardly
becomes insignificant, and then they narrowly believe that masturbation will not lead to
insignificant appearance. This is the view of the frog at the bottom of the well. Personal experience
is very The big limitation is that if you have studied thousands of real cases, you will find that it is a
relatively common phenomenon that your appearance becomes obscene after masturbation.

8. Poor grades: If you don’t know that masturbation will lead to mental decline, and do not know
this medical theory, then you may be disgusted to see the remarks that masturbation leads to poor
grades. Psychologically, I think: Why do you use masturbation in everything? In fact, masturbation
can indeed cause poor performance. Many real victim cases have feedback. The original
performance was very good, but the performance after masturbation dropped a lot. Of course, the
worsening of grades also varies from person to person. Some people are blessed and have excellent
natural intelligence. Although he also masturbates, the impact is relatively small. Or maybe he
doesn't masturbate too often, and his nutrition can keep up, so the impact on brain power will be
less. Jiese it is also no shortage of graduate and doctoral Ring Ring Friends of Friends, although
enrolled as a graduate and PhD, but the body have been a lot of masturbation sequelae performance,
they can be just as distressed. I remember that a doctor brother had severe sexual dysfunction,
which made him very distressed. In short, masturbation can cause mental decline, but the degree of
decline varies from person to person. Some people’s IQ is not high, and if it drops again, it will be
worse, while some people’s IQ is very high. Being able to deal with it is like a rich person who
spends a little money and doesn’t think there is anything, but for the poor, that’s worse, and can’t
afford to hurt!

Let's move on to another topic: Allergies caused by indulgence

If I hadn't personally experienced it, if I hadn't studied masturbation in depth, I would never know
that indulgence and allergies are connected in my entire life. Allergies are divided into congenital
and acquired. Some people are born with allergies, while some people only appear afterwards, and
they have allergic reactions because of the decline in physical fitness. Many people have no allergic
symptoms, but masturbation hurts the kidneys. After the injury to a certain extent, the body begins
to develop allergic symptoms.

Western medicine believes that the human body’s allergic symptoms are caused by the immune
system's over-defense. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, it is caused by the weak and
imbalanced functions of the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidney
is the root of the five internal organs, and kidney deficiency is full of diseases. Some people are
born with deficiencies, or have family inheritance, and are born with allergies. Many people are in
good health, but allergies only appeared later. If this person is masturbating, it is likely to have
something to do with masturbation. Masturbation can cause the body's immunity and resistance to
decline, and it can also cause various disorders in the body. Allergic symptoms are one of the

List several common allergies:

1. Increased glans sensitivity

2. Kidney deficiency type allergic rhinitis

3. Allergic dermatitis (various dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, etc.)

The increased sensitivity of the glans is not strictly an allergic symptom, but an increase in
sensitivity, which is a big trouble for many premature ejaculation brothers. Many people started to
masturbate for a long time, which can be more than 10 minutes, but after a few years, suddenly
found that the time is getting shorter and shorter. When you go to the hospital for examination, it is
likely that your glans sensitivity has increased. In general, if you insist on rebooting and
maintaining health, actively exercising, the sensitivity of the glans will decrease again. However, if
you have not had sex for a long time, and you have sex again, you are likely to have premature
ejaculation for the first time. This is a newly married premature ejaculation, not true premature
ejaculation. , It's because I haven't touched it for a long time. If you still have premature ejaculation
every time after that, it means that your body has not really recovered well. For the recovery of
sexual function, active exercise is very important. In addition to aerobic exercise, proper strength
training is also very beneficial to the recovery of sexual function.

If the kidney is weak to a certain extent, allergic rhinitis may occur. Many brothers have not been
troubled by rhinitis, but masturbation hurts the kidney, and the problem of rhinitis arises when it
hurts to a certain extent. If you had rhinitis before masturbation, it is likely to get worse after
masturbation. I used to be a severe rhinitis patient. It became very serious after masturbation, and
my nose was often blocked. Later, I insisted on rebooting and maintaining health, coupled with
moxibustion therapy, rhinitis rarely occurs now. There are many treatment methods for allergic
rhinitis, such as surgery, laser, and spraying, etc., in fact, they all treat the symptoms, it is difficult
to get the root, the key is to improve the physique. You must quit masturbation, because
masturbation will lead to a decline in physical fitness, and will lead to a decline in disease
resistance. It is fine to catch a bit of wind and cold, but once your physique declines and others do
not have a cold, you have a cold first, and your disease resistance is too low. many.

Skin allergies are also very common, such as allergic dermatitis (various dermatitis, eczema,
urticaria, etc.). I didn't have urticaria before, but after indulgence, I started to develop choline
urticaria. It irritated and felt very uncomfortable. I have been to the hospital many times because of
this disease, and I have been given a lot of medicines, but I didn't get better after taking it. This is a
relatively stubborn symptom, which has troubled me for a long time. Later, after insisting on
rebooting and maintaining health for more than half a year, the urticaria healed on its own. It was
very miraculous. The human body does have the ability to heal itself. Some illnesses can be cured
without medicine through persisting in rebooting and health preservation. This is my personal
experience. Some neurotic patients persisted in rebooting for half a year, and felt that they were half
healed and did not take medicine. Of course, I am not opposed to drug treatment. What I am
opposed to is drug dependence and drug abuse, which can cause great potential harm to the body.
Indulging in urticaria depends on the individual's physique on the one hand, and on the other hand,
it depends on the degree of injury. Hives may occur to a certain extent. Many brothers have
feedback from cases.

Summary: There are still many allergies caused by kidney deficiency. If you have allergies before
masturbating, it is probably related to your natural physique. If you have allergies after
masturbation, then consider it to have something to do with masturbation. Many brothers still have
a deep experience. For example, before masturbation, the body was very good. However, after a
few years of masturbation, the body really deteriorated, and the feeling was not as good as before.
Some strange diseases. Masturbation can cause a person's physique to decline, weaken a person's
ability to resist diseases, and cause various disorders in the body. Masturbation is really a poison, a
poison coated with sugar on the outside, sweet but bitter. Ignorant people often only see sweetness
but not bitterness. When they become entangled in symptoms, they are really miserable.

Feedback case from brothers:

Case 1: Personal allergies are an example. Because of something the year before, and I worked in a
sex toy company, I masturbated very frequently. As a result, I started to have skin allergies since
May. I have had it before, but it was not as serious as that time. I had an allergy for 3 months in a
row. No matter how it was checked, I couldn't find the problem. I was tortured to death every day.
Until later, when he went back to his hometown to see an old Chinese doctor, he warned that during
this period of time to reboot, to abstain, and to abstain from fishy, I also vaguely felt that later on, I
also vaguely understood what was going on. It should be related to masturbation, decreased
physique, and endocrine disorders. Anyway, in short, the skin allergies didn't get better until
September, and it took 1 month after rebooting. Last year, I didn't pay attention, but the result was
from May to August. After 2 years of suffering from skin allergies, I know that this is definitely
related to masturbation, so I decided to quit masturbation, and diet is also very restrained, so this
year till now, I finally have no allergies.

Case 2: Teacher Feixiang, you are the one who wakes up the dreamer. I am 27 years old this year. I
have been using sex since I was 16 and have been abstaining from sex for a year now. I didn't have
rhinitis before. 4 years ago, I started to find that I always sneeze every morning and my nose was
flying. Later, the doctor identified it as allergic rhinitis. For so many years, I have been thinking of
ways to treat it. In the end, I didn't expect it to be the bane that I planted myself. I don't know if
allergic rhinitis will be better after quitting.
Season 57: Delicate Eyes, Stupefying and Cramping Phenomenon

Rebooting Bar Many brothers like to set goals for themselves, such as rebooting for 1 year,
rebooting for 3 years, and so on. It's okay to set a staged goal, but you must be clear in your heart
that abstaining from sex is a lifetime thing, not that you can indulge again after one year of
abstinence. Our motives for rebooting must be correct. Don't reboot for the sake of indulgence in
the future. That will only make you fall into the vicious circle of indulgence again. For a new
rebooting person, at the beginning, I told him to quit for a lifetime, the goal may be a bit out of
reach. It is easier for him to accept it from six months, one year, or three years. Just like hurdles,
first One column is half a year, the second column is one year, and the third column is three years.
It is basically stable after three years. Naturally, you don’t want to press any more. You only need
to maintain sufficient vigilance at ordinary times. Rebooting results.

When going on the reboot track, the ultimate goal must be clear, that is, lifelong rebooting! Being
able to set some segmental goals for yourself, and achieving segmental goals does not mean that
you can break the precepts, but a kind of affirmation and encouragement to yourself and encourage
yourself to keep moving forward. If you reach the split goal, you break the ring immediately, just
like a person climbing halfway up a mountain and suddenly rolling back to the starting point. Some
brothers will think this way. After three months have finally passed, you can indulge yourself. Don't
have this kind of thinking. Having this kind of thinking will only relapse into a vicious circle.
According to my experience and research, when many brothers relapse, the good state of rebooting
immediately declines, and then there are continuous relapses, and it is difficult to find a good
rebooting state in the next few months. Therefore, once you have a good rebooting state, you must
know how to cherish and maintain it, because once you relapse, this good state can easily disappear.

Whether it is necessary to set stage goals or not actually differs from person to person. I didn't set
stage goals in rebooting at the time. I was trying my best to study rebooting articles and knowledge
of Chinese medicine, and then I continued to summarize and research. I put my awareness in the
first place. Once I am awakened, I can naturally subdue my heart demon. After I quit to a certain
level, the feeling of suffering will naturally disappear. Only one year, three years without knowing
it. When the feeling of suffering disappears, time passes very quickly. If you are tortured by the
feeling of suffering, then you will live like a year, or even a second like a year. It feels that
rebooting is too difficult, too tormented, and you will feel that you are going slowly every day. .

The torment of strong precept is very strong, what is strong precept? Just don't study, just rely on
perseverance. Rebooting in this way will not succeed! Especially after the dormant period of desire
is the peak period of relapse, when the desire comes up, there is only failure in the face of the magic
test. There are also many student parties who are fine at school. When they are alone on the
weekends, they will break their precepts. When the weekends are bored, the heart demon will test
your consciousness. The so-called real gold is not afraid of fire! If your enlightenment is strong,
then you are not afraid of the demon test, no matter what questions the inner demon asks, you can
deal with it correctly. I'm afraid that your enlightenment will not work. When the inner demon
comes, the result is only to break the precept. The old mind demon is very powerful, and you can
only be able to defeat him if you are stronger than him! What do you rely on to subdue him? Rely
on enlightenment! How can enlightenment be obtained? Relying on continuous learning to improve
your consciousness, the improvement of your consciousness is a continuous process, just like you
play an online game, from 0 to full level, there is a continuous process of hard work, not overnight.
Regarding enlightenment, another analogy is that a student in the first grade of elementary school
cannot do math problems for the university. To him, university mathematics is no different from a
fantasy, but when this elementary school student enters the university through the accumulation of
study Later, the university's math problems were understandable to him. From the first grade of
elementary school to university, the level of consciousness is actually changing. In the same way,
we improve our consciousness through continuous learning, and when we realize it, we can
naturally subdue the demons. If you compare the inner demon to a basketball and your
consciousness to a hand, your hand must continue to grow until it is big enough to hold the
basketball and completely subdue the inner demon!

Here are a few Q&A cases

1. [I have been masturbating for 5 years, once or twice a day, a few months ago, I started to have
prostate symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency, and severe neurasthenia. I couldn’t get
an erection after one masturbation, and then I started to abstain and strictly demanded myself for
two months. During this period, there was no spermatorrhea, and the urgency of urination was
alleviated. Subjectively intends to get an erection, and has a cold sex. Now I can get an erection
with my hands, but it is a bit weak. What should I do next? 】

Answer: Well, sexual dysfunction and prostatitis are also present. If the symptoms are serious, you
can cooperate with medicine to regulate them, but don't take medicine without authorization, it is
best to go to the doctor for treatment. For the recovery of sexual function, you must exercise
actively. Just abstaining is not enough. Don't always try to recover sexual function. Let it recover
slowly. There is a process of recovery. Don't worry, you can do some strength training
appropriately, so that the recovery will be faster. come on!

Additional comment: The injury of masturbation has a cumulative process, with quantitative
changes leading to qualitative changes. This brother’s experience illustrates this point well. After
five years, he started to have problems this year. He has three problems. First, it hurts the prostate;
second, it hurts the nerves; and third, it hurts his sexual function. Of course, there may be some
potential problems, such as decreased sperm quality. The three problems that he has encountered
are also typical among patients with sperm injury, and many brothers have these three problems. As
long as you start to masturbate, you will be punished sooner or later. If you believe in harmlessness,
it does not mean that masturbation is harmless, harmful or harmless. The facts will give a clear
answer. Many seniors originally believed in harmlessness, but the hospital's diagnosis gave him a
head start and completely woke him up! It turns out that masturbation is really harmful! It took
many poor brothers thousands or even tens of thousands to truly realize the harm of masturbation.
How much pain did it suffer? ! Many people have also undergone surgery. Don’t believe in
sexologists, don’t believe in the so-called "scientific conclusions" and fool people under the guise
of science. This is their usual trick.

Regarding the recovery of sexual function, I believe that many brothers are more concerned about
the recovery of sexual function. In addition to insisting on rebooting, it also requires active exercise.
In addition to aerobic exercise, you can also do some strength training. In strength training, squats
are the fastest to improve sexual function, but squats need to master the correct essentials, otherwise
it may cause damage to the waist and knees. I have been a fitness trainer before and know the value
of squats, but if you are too weak, it is not suitable for strength training. You should rest for a while
and wait for the body to recover. Then you can start doing some strength training. Strength training
can promote the secretion of testosterone, which can effectively improve sexual function. Although
squats are good, I want to advise everyone: exercise is to restore your health, not for better
indulgence. Many people do squats for indulgence, and the result will be crazy.
2. [Brother Feixiang, do you have any research experience on groin moss? I was diagnosed with
inguinal moss between thighs? I want to know how Chinese medicine interprets inguinal moss? 】

Answer: Well, on the one hand, you must pay attention to cleanliness, and you can apply some
topical medicine. Go to the hospital and see. I have had it before. After masturbation, the crotch will
often get wet, which is easy to get groin moss. It feels relieved. come on!

Additional comment: Many brothers have been able to get groin moss. Last time, a brother sent a
photo, which was quite disgusting. I have had it twice before, and then I paid attention to cleaning
and it just got better. People who masturbate tend to get wet in the crotch, especially when the
scrotum is very wet. Some brothers prefer to exercise. The environment in the crotch after exercise
is even worse. If you don’t change your underwear in time, or do not pay attention to cleaning, it is
easy to get the groin. Moss and itching are also very common. Therefore, personal cleanliness is
very important, and it is also very important to quit masturbation. Keeping rebooting and
maintaining health, actively exercising, the damp scrotum will alleviate.

3. [I have been abstaining for 137 days and I am very confused. I have already had 3 consecutive
spermatorrhea (I had spermatorrhea again last night) after taking my nap yesterday afternoon. What
is going on? There was no such situation before, and it was only two or three times a month at most,
but they were all ten days apart. I'm very confused, please tell me, Brother Feixiang. 】

Answer: The continuous spermatorrhea is abnormal. Generally, after the first spermatorrhea, the
kidney qi is not solid, and then the phenomenon of continuous spermatorrhea will occur. It is
recommended to do more kidney strengthening, and pay attention to putting an end to other factors
that lead to spermatorrhea. The problem of frequency inheritance is a trouble that every brother will
experience, and it is also a subject of knowledge. I have specifically talked about inheritance control
before, you can take a look. come on!

Additional comment: Almost every brother will experience the problem of frequency inheritance.
Some people will have no problem this year, and the frequency will begin to appear next year.
Every season, a person’s physical condition also changes. Some people do not have frequent
febriles in summer, but they begin to appear frequently in autumn, which makes them very
distressed. Frequent succumbing hurts the body and also dampens the confidence to reboot, so you
must learn to overcome frequent squatters. I have summarized the various factors that lead to
spermatorrhea. Some brothers did not have a deep understanding, so they did not remember it.
When he encountered frequent problems, he found that I had reminded them in my article, such as
eating meat. Too much leads to spermatorrhea, and for example, overwork leads to frequent
omissions. It is indeed a science to control the suicide. If you want to be more stable and recover
better, you must learn how to control the suicide.

4. [Hello, Teacher Feixiang! I didn’t go to bed at 1 o’clock in the morning because of watching a
football game last night. As a result, although I was still energetic during class today, my hair loss
suddenly became severe. I broke the ring once in the previous 2 days, but there was no serious hair
loss after the ring was broken and before staying up late. May I ask Mr. Feixiang, what's the matter?

Answer: Well, staying up late is very harmful to the body. The injury has a cumulative process.
There is no symptom before, which does not mean that there will be no symptoms in the future. The
problem of hair loss is even more so. Generally, when the damage accumulates to a certain degree,
hair loss suddenly begins. After rebooting, we must pay attention to avoid staying up late and
strengthen our awareness of health preservation. come on!
Additional comment: Many brothers stay up all night and lick the tube. The two methods of staying
up all night and licking tube are to boil the frog in warm water. A little bit consumes you, a little bit
grinds you, God will abolish you without knowing it, just like a whole piece of soap, it will become
smaller without knowing it, and then it will be exhausted. Hair loss is not caused by staying up all
night. Bad habits and bad habits accumulate little by little each time, and one day they will exceed
the critical point, when symptoms will break out. It's like playing a blackjack card game, it will
burst after blackjack! There is a cumulative and lagging nature of the hazards of gangbanging and
staying up late. Don’t take it lightly. Both gangbanging and staying up late should be quit, so that
the body can recover better. Regarding the lagging nature of the harm, I can give you an example.
For example, many people do not have any discomfort on the day they exercise, but they feel sore
all over the next day. This is the delayed muscle soreness. The same phenomenon also exists in the
area of masturbation. Many people are fine after masturbating on the same day, but after a while,
symptoms begin to appear. So we have to realize this, and don’t take it by chance and think that it’s
okay. In fact, the damage is only delayed, just like the onset of a poison. It feels very sweet at that
time, but we don’t know it is poison. After a while, the toxicity will be It will happen! It's going to
be a lot harder by then! The retribution of gangbang will come sooner or later, as long as you start
gangbang, you can't escape!

Let’s move on to the main text. This season will focus on the delicate eyesight, and let me share
with you the phenomenon of stubbornness and cramps.

The eyes are the windows of the soul. When your mind is occupied by pornography, it will
naturally be reflected in your eyes. The changes in the eyes after the tube are very great. But this
kind of bad change is more subtle. If you look closely, you can actually feel it. Especially for the
discerning person, it is obvious at a glance.

The eyes are the most concentrated manifestation of a person's energy, energy and energy. Luck
tube hurts the kidney essence, the kidney essence is not enough to be angry, and the qi is not
enough to create the spirit. One of the most obvious characteristics of being obsessed with arrogant
pipes is that the eyes are absent, and the look of the past has been lost! Traditional Chinese
Medicine: The essence of the five internal organs is focused on the eyes, while the kidney stores the
essence and the essence of the five internal organs. Injury to the kidney is bound to affect the eyes.
At first glance, the eyes are very lack of energy, without the clarity, without the look, and it gives
people a feeling of sluggishness. The look can be seen on the opium ghost. Then, in fact, the tube is
sucking yellow opium. After a long time, the eyes of the person will appear dull, sluggish, turbid,
dull, and even slightly deformed.

Let's look at some cases first:

Case 1: At the moment of breaking the ring, I feel that the whole person is completely virtual.
Looking in the mirror, my eyes immediately become apathetic, my face becomes gray, my waist is
also severely sore, and the whole person is weak. The most serious thing is the brain. After that, I
couldn't read the book at all, and I lost the ability to think at all. It was terrible. After going to
school the next day, my brain was still very sluggish.

Case 2: Masturbation for 3 and a half years! Dark circles! Acne! Godless eyes! Poor memory!
Insomnia! Dreamy! Easy to fatigue! Hair loss! I want to sleep without energy!

Case 3: Masturbation makes me ugly, rough skin, large pores, acne on my face, loss of eyesight,
decreased immunity, and decreased memory. I make myself sick every time I look in the mirror.

Case 4: Will abstaining from sex regain the gaze? I feel that my eyes are not attentive, and I yawn a
lot in the morning, and I can’t concentrate easily.

Case 5: Everyone must quit sex. I found the previous photos for comparison and found that I was
puffy, dull eyes, large pores, dull face, and very haggard. In short, I was ugly to death. For the
goddess, I was determined to quit.

Case 6: Please forgive me for not liking hot photos. Before quitting, I was addicted to it, my face
turned black and my eyes were blank. After quitting, the body and mind are free and full of vitality,
the skin turns white, and the eyes are full of energy. People who don’t meet frequently can
appreciate my changes.

Case 7: I think I should give up, but what should I do if I want to make up for the deficiencies? For
example, the eyes are dull, the nose is stuffed with tinnitus, the body is weak and sleepy all day
long, there is also a lack of concentration and memory, and there are too many wrinkles on the face.
I beg the great gods to teach me how to recuperate under the condition of quitting, and what to do to
get rid of these symptoms.

Case 8: I have been masturbating for more than six years. I slowly discovered that my body is not as
good as before, my body is weak, my eyes are blank, my face is very ugly, my memory is also very
poor, my concentration is not concentrated, and wrinkles appear on my face. In short, the whole
person looks very sluggish, and it is not as delicate as before.

Case 9: I have been masturbating for more than ten years. I used to have no energy and no energy in
my eyes, and I was lazy all day long. The whole person looks very old-fashioned and dull. Now that
I have changed my previous mistakes, I keep exercising every day, coupled with diet and
recuperation, and my complexion has improved significantly.

Case 10: The masturbator’s eyes are dull. When I was studying, my teacher said that my eyes were
like fisheyes. I didn’t know what it meant. Now I finally understand that the masturbator’s eyes will
be one big and one small, and the two eyelids will become one. Single and double, so you must not

Case 11: I am 24 this year and have masturbated for 4 years. I used to be sunny, confident,
handsome and generous, but now my eyes are dull, from curiosity to addiction! There are also many
diseases in the body, and sometimes I feel like a waste, but thinking about my parents who love me,
I am determined to change and give up that bad habit!

Case 12: It has been about 10 months since I was infected with the tube. It was very violent in the
first two months, once a day, and then the school started. I lived at school from Monday to Friday,
and my life at school was very fulfilling, and there was nowhere to control it. But I got home on
Saturday and Sunday and started again. From the start of school in September to the present, in
more than 7 months, it is about once a week. Slowly I feel that my body is weak, and people are
getting ugly, mainly because of the lack of eyesight and the increase in acne.

Case 13: The day before yesterday because of lower body discomfort, I went to the hospital for an
examination. It was found that I had mild varicocele, scrotal hydrocele, and considered scrotal
stones! In the past two days, I have been extremely depressed. Thinking that my indulgence may
lead to infertility in the future, I can’t wait to eat myself out of those years! When I picked up the
mirror and took a closer look at myself, my eyes were black and blue, my face was full of acne, and
my eyes were dull and cloudy. I really regret it!

Case 14: I am a very lustful person. I used to like sex. After rebooting , I knew that my dull eyes
and listlessness were all caused by masturbation, and I wanted to restore my previous complexion.
Months, now there is very little YY.

Case 15: My physique was originally not good, and after three years of masturbation, my body
became weaker. He is thin, with sparse hair, and oily, and his eyes are hollow, just like the zombies
in the movie. Later, I decided to quit. Now for 6 months, with Chinese medicine conditioning and
exercises, my complexion is much better than before, and my hair has started to turn black and no
longer oily.

The changes in the eyes are divided into the following parts:

1. Glossiness: For people with sufficient energy, there is a layer of "true light" in their eyes. This
layer of true light will only appear when the energy is sufficient. For this layer of light, you can go
to see fresh fruits and the surface of fresh fruits. There is also a layer of true light, and the expired
fruit will be much dim and even lose this layer of luster. This layer of true light is not exposed or
floating, but a layer of true light from the inside out, a layer of true light that is restrained by the
divine light. This requires everyone to observe and experience carefully. The so-called difference is
a thousand miles away. Don't underestimate this layer of true light. With this layer of true light,
your eyes will become very enchanting. And losing this layer of true light is really like expired
fruit, becoming lifeless and even sluggish.

2. Clarity: Many brothers suddenly discovered that their eyes were no longer clear after being
slapped, they became dull and cloudy, and they felt much worse than before. Clarity is very
important to the eyes. Everyone sees children. A pair of eyes is very clear and bright. It makes
people happy when they see it. The clear feeling is like a clear spring, and the turbid feeling is
polluted. The river is annoying.

3. Color change: After the tube is rolled, the color of the eyeball will also undergo subtle changes,
mainly graying and darkening, and even spots and blood streaks appear. It used to be healthy and
pure, black and white, but now the eyeballs look not so pure, and even turn yellow and brown, and I
feel that the eyeballs are a lot dirty. This kind of dirt can't be cleaned, after all, the eyeballs can't be
washed white. However, if you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, the color of your
eyes will improve a lot.

4. Eye-shaped change: changes in eye shape is more subtle, Jiese it a lot before and after contrast
ring Friends send photos, can see eye shape is a subtle change. Originally a pair of beautiful eyes,
the shape of the eyes has changed a lot after the tube is slapped, the eyes are a lot uglier, and in
serious cases, they are even different, and the changes are very big. Some brothers reported that
they felt that their eyes could not be opened after the tube was rolled, and they felt like they were
falling down, that they could not be held up, and that it felt very wrong anyway. The change is
subtle, but in fact it is huge. It really can’t be so much worse. Just like the Olympic 100 meters, if
the difference is 0.1 second, it feels a lot worse. Therefore, the changes caused by elbow control can
be said to be subtle and huge.

5. Brightness: The eyes are like a person's light bulb. Once the ring is broken and the yang energy is
injured, the brightness of the light bulb will decrease. Brothers with poor health can clearly feel it
immediately after breaking the ring. Before breaking the ring, there is a brightness. After breaking
the ring, the brightness drops immediately, and the eyes become darker and gray. This bad change
is also very subtle, and it is also subtle and subtle. Huge, as soon as the brightness drops, it feels a
lot worse.

6. Agility: The children of other people are looking for brilliance, very agile and agile, and many
people who are in charge have dull, hollow, and lack of expression, a lazy look, and the serious
ones are like zombies. Live like an opium ghost.

7. Changes in eye expression: The changes in eye expression are also very subtle. Some people
have righteous expressions in their eyes, which is a manifestation of inner righteousness. Children's
eyes are relatively pure and innocent. As for those who are in control, the eyes are so evil that they
can feel the evil aura. My heart is full of pornography, all kinds of nasty thoughts, and even
abnormal thoughts. Look carefully, the eyes of such people are evil and wretched. In addition, there
are some people who feel inferior because of being stunned, and they also have unconfident eyes,
unable to look at other people, their eyes are always dodging, and they feel that there is a ghost in
their hearts.

8. Eyelid changes: eyelid changes are more subtle, double eyelids may become single eyelids,
double eyelids may also become third eyelids or even fourth eyelids, this is possible, anyway, this
change is not a normal change, it makes people feel very unnatural .

9. Dark circles and bags under the eyes: The problems of dark circles and bags under the eyes are
also very common. Of course, many brothers also have the vice of staying up late, which worsens
the dark circles and bags under the eyes. Whenever you have dark circles under your eyes, you feel
very lack of energy; when you have bags under your eyes, you feel how old you are. Both of these
are subtracting looks. To restore dark circles and bags under the eyes, you must exercise actively,
avoid staying up late and sit for a long time. If you insist on it for more than 3 months, it will
improve a lot.

10. Puffiness or dry sunken: Many brothers' eyes are either in a swollen state or in a dry state. Both
of these states are manifestations of physical disorders. Some people have swollen eyes and feel a
lot uglier. Others have dry and sunken eyes with higher cheekbones, which makes them much
uglier. The face is a mirror of the five internal organs, and the kidney is the root of the five internal
organs. The injury to the kidney will inevitably be reflected on the face, which corresponds to the
inside of the body.

11. Floaters, decreased eyesight, etc.: Floaters and decreased eyesight are also common. Of course,
these two diseases are related to many factors, and the tube is only one of the factors. Excessive eye
use and bad eye use habits, these two factors are also related to eye disease. Traditional Chinese
Medicine: Liver resuscitates the eyes. Injury to the liver and kidneys will inevitably affect the health
of the eyes. If coupled with poor eye use habits, it will be more prone to eye disease. Generally, if
you insist on rebooting and maintaining good health, develop good eye habits, and strengthen diet
therapy, your eye problems will be improved.

12. Exophthalmos: There are many reasons for exophthalmos, one of which is caused by
stubbornness. This is not mentioned in the etiology of exophthalmos. It was only discovered by me
after long-term observation and research.


People with righteousness in their hearts will naturally have righteousness in their eyes, while those
who are stubborn and adulterous in their hearts will naturally have evil spirits when reflected in
their eyes. The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the eyes cannot deceive people. People with
discerning eyes can see it. Know. By persisting in rebooting and maintaining health, and actively
exercising, many brothers have regained their vibes and dared to look at others, and they have
become more confident in their hearts. The so-called: the heart is bright, the ghosts and gods are
respectful! The elusive darkness was expelled, and he returned to the pure state of sunlight. The life
of adultery is indeed not a normal life. The life of adultery is a helpless life kidnapped by desire,
with no freedom at all. The life of adultery is also a life that does not pay for the gains. You think
you are getting pleasure, but in fact you lose more. After the symptoms come out, it is really
miserable and there is no money. Willing! Willing! Only by letting go of the tube can you get a
sunny and healthy life. Facing the mirror, you, who is full of positive energy, are back again! Let us
bid farewell to the career of selling goods!

Attachment: The Eyes of Xiangshu (Excerpt):

Generally, the eyes are hidden but not exposed, clear, black and white, with correct pupils, and

Lushen: The eyes are open, the deceit seems to be overflowing, in fact it is due to lack of congenital
air, coupled with the loss of acquired indulgence, such an attitude, weak, five stubborn and seven
wounds, prosperous and prolonged life, and die prematurely. An official with this kind of eyes is
smart and eloquent. In times of turmoil, he is expensive against the master, but he is too lustful and
has a short lifespan.

Lu Wei: The eyes are inviting, not angry but majestic, the divine light is sufficient, it is awe-
inspiring, the divine light is quiet, it is "true light", the official with this kind of eyes is the material
of the society and the country, and can affect the society. Prosperity. Master is rich, rich, and live

The most important thing in the eyes is the strength of the eyes and the most difficult part of the
face to observe. Because observing the strength of the eyes is first based on feeling, but it can also
be observed from the following aspects:

Strong gaze: Generally, eyes with strong gaze will be black and white, and they seem to be bright
and reflective. Such eyes can be considered to be divine. People with strong eyes will act wisely
and decisively, and will never be sloppy or hesitant. Even if they encounter female sex, they will
know that they will move forward and retreat freely and will not evolve into a peach blossom

Weak eyesight: Most people with weak eyesight have unclear black and white eyes. Sometimes the
eyes will have pink, yellow or other turbid colors, and they will look like a sleepy feeling of
listlessness. People with weak eyes are indecisive throughout their lives, hesitate to deal with
things, do not take the initiative to do things, easy to blame others, when encountering female sex,
often do not know how to advance and retreat, often entangled, and finally affect the relationship
between husband and wife, it turns into an irretrievable peach blossom robbery.

Eye expression: Eye expression is the appearance of a layer of dew covering the surface of the eyes.
Among women, we would call them watery eyes, which means they are particularly passionate and
there are many peach blossoms. However, for men, it is called "eyes show, whoever rapes or
steals", which means that men have tears in their eyes, and there are either pornographic incidents
or official non-fighting incidents. The expression in his eyes and a smile on his face means that he
has just met a girl and is pursuing it, but has not yet succeeded. However, if the eyes are showing
and the face is angry or sad, it means that the person is in a position to judge.

God, as opposed to "form", refers to the spiritual temperament of a person. Xiangxue believes that a
person's spiritual temperament can be divided into turbidity, tranquility, harmony, weakness and
reality, and hiding and dew. Xiangshen is to measure a person's character, quality and life by
examining the characteristics, pros and cons of a person's spiritual temperament. Xiangxue also
regards the eyes as the "miracle palace", and the characteristics, pros and cons of spiritual
temperament are often reflected in the expression of people's eyes. Therefore, the scholars of the
past dynasties paid special attention to observing people's eyes.

One says to hide without obscurity: Tibetans do not reveal them, and obscure ones have no gods.
The eyes are hidden without showing, there is no dull complexion. The eyes should be subtle, like
the brilliance of a pearl, if you don't take it in time, you don't let it go.

The second is peace but not stupidity: those who are safe do not waver; those who are foolish do not
change. The spirit is full, the heart can be converged, and the eyes are clear, which is tranquil and
unshakable. If the eyes are in a daze and their eyes are stagnant, it is called ignorance and

The third is to send without revealing: the one who sends it carries forward, and the one who
reveals it is frivolous. That is to look at people, not frivolous. To develop a vision without spirit is
called frantic, not far-sighted. You can't be called frivolous if your eyes are open and there is an
aura in your heart.

Fourth, it is clear but not dry: the clear will force the gods, and the dry will die. The eyes are black
and white, clear and bright, and the eyes are like electricity, which is called clear and compelling. If
the light in the eyes recedes and the eyes are dry and the eyes are sunken, you will die.

Fifth, harmony but not weakness: peace is amiable, and weak can be awake. Refers to eyes that are
friendly and friendly, but polite but not deceiving. The eyes are evasive, the spirit is in the heart,
and the eyes are not moving but will be bright. This is called closeness. If the look is tired, it is
called cowardice and deception.

The sixth is anger but not contention: the angry are righteous, and the contenders are hostile. The
righteousness is hidden inside, without fighting outside. When angry, those with serious and cold
eyes, black and white eyes, and the same complexion are righteous. When you are angry, your
expression changes rapidly. People who have dirty eyes and do not move their eyes are surly, which
is evil.

The Qiyue is strong but not lonely: those who are strong are respectable, and those who are lonely
are sad. The look should be strong but not lonely, the eyes are not flattering but not strong and
majestic, which is respectable and not far away, it is called strong but not lonely. Strong but
arrogant, lonely and sorrowful.

Let’s move on to another topic: piping and cramps

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the pathogenesis of cramps is that "blood does not grow
muscles", that is, blood can not fully grow muscles and muscles, which means that the nutrition and
metabolism of muscles, blood vessels, muscles and bones become obstructed. According to the
"Huang Di Nei Jing" record, the liver is responsible for the upper and lower muscles of the body.
The muscles and veins can be soft and stretched. It depends on the liver blood to nourish them.
Twitching phenomenon. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The liver governs the tendons! However, if
the tube hurts the liver and kidney, it can cause cramps to a certain extent. The liver and kidney are
homologous, and the essence and blood are homologous. Both essence and blood are produced and
nourished by Shuigu, with the same chemical source; the two regenerate and transform each other,
and both have the functions of nourishing and invigorating spirits. The relationship between essence
and blood, which have the same chemical source but is mutually beneficial, is called "semination
and blood homology."
Regarding the phenomenon of cramping that can cause cramps, I experienced it when I was in
junior high school. At that time, I experienced cramps and waking up at night. Later, when the
severity of the injury was severe, cramps became commonplace. I often woke up with cramps at
night. Very painful experience. After I completely quit the sex tube, I haven't had cramps until now,
and it's completely healed. If I haven't taken any medicine or seen a doctor, I insisted on rebooting
and keeping in good health, and the cramps at night will automatically disappear.

Let’s take a look at a few cases first:

Case 1: I have been masturbating for three years. I used to have a lot of energy in my body. I didn’t
feel anything several times a day. Now my body is exhausted. I feel that my physical fitness is
much worse. I played basketball and I was so physically weak. I played for a while. My calf is soft
and my arms are sore. I have had cramps in both legs of the last half an hour.

Case 2: I have a habit of masturbation. I used to have good physical fitness and played basketball
for two hours. Now I feel weak in my arms and legs. I feel boring when I exercise. After playing
basketball for a while, my calves will cramp. I don’t dare now. I was always afraid of cramps.

Case 3: I started masturbating when I was in junior high school, and then I didn't rest well. I got
cramps and tinnitus in my feet at night. My body is hot in summer and my whole body hurts. Poor
rest, problems with sexual function, impotence, premature ejaculation, no pleasure, etc.

Case 4: At that time, I didn't know what was wrong with me. The worm went to my brain because I
really couldn't learn. I lewd myself every day, looked dull, cramped my legs and feet, and always
cramped to death in the middle of the night.

Case 5: When I arrived in high school, my physique was getting worse and worse, and my face
became dark. At that stage, I didn't eat much at school, and I often had calf cramps. It was a pity
that I didn't stop the car at that time! Until one time when I was out, I saw a beggar masturbating in
the flower bed. At that time, I stopped, and felt that if I continued to masturbate, it would be no
different from that person! It's a pity that my willpower was as weak as tofu at the time. Although I
thought that way, I couldn't hold on for long and I was stunned again! Why! Now that I think about
it, I really regret it! Life has been trampled by the pleasure of being lulled over and over again!

Case 6: Masturbation for more than ten years, almost ranging from once to several times a day, the
current phenomenon is similar to everyone. I used to find out how I usually sweat so much and I
have cramps every time I swim, I found it very strange, but now I finally understand.

Case 7: I am 18, 4 years old. I masturbated once on September 4th. It hurts when I was done, and
there was a mass on my testicles. Yesterday I felt pain in my left testicle and my left buttocks. My
stomach hurts for a while. It won't hurt, and the left half of the body is a little numb. I also have
cramps in my calf, so I woke up from the pain. I often cramped last year. This year the frequency is
4-5 times a month. The cramps are less. Do you have this situation?

The causes of cramps are as follows:

1. Cold stimulation. Such as exercising in a cold environment in winter. Insufficient preparation

activities; lower swimming water temperature in summer can easily cause leg cramps. I didn't cover
my quilt at night and my calf muscles were stimulated by the cold. It makes people awake with
2. Continuous muscle contraction is too fast. During strenuous exercise, the whole body is in a state
of tension, the leg muscles contract too fast, the relaxation time is too short, the local metabolite
lactic acid increases, and the muscle contraction and relaxation are difficult to coordinate, which
causes the calf muscles to spasm.

3. Excessive sweating. Long exercise time, heavy exercise, sweating a lot, and failing to replenish
salt in time, a large amount of fluid and electrolytes in the body are lost, metabolic wastes
accumulate, blood circulation in local muscles is not good, and cramps are prone to occur.

4. Excessive fatigue. When traveling long distances or climbing high, the calf muscles are most
prone to fatigue. Because every time you climb up, one foot supports the weight of the whole body.
The muscles of this leg need to lift the foot six times the body weight. When it is fatigued to a
certain degree, it will spasm.

5. Calcium deficiency. In the process of muscle contraction. Calcium ions play an important role.
When the calcium ion concentration in the blood is too low, the muscles are prone to excitement
and cramps. Adolescents grow rapidly and are prone to calcium deficiency, so they are prone to leg

6. The tube hurts the liver and kidney. Indulging in the bad habit of squeezing the tube leads to
blood failure and insufficient liver blood, which can not fully irrigate the muscles and veins of the
whole body, and the muscles and veins are withered and cramps occur. This type of cramp usually
occurs at one to three o'clock in the middle of the night.

In addition to leg cramps, there are also penis cramps, such as when masturbating or having sex,
after masturbation or after sex, penis cramps, this is all possible. The penis belongs to the liver and
is gathered by Zongjin. It hurts the liver and kidneys. After a long time, penile cramps may really
appear. There are still many cases in this area.


If you break down the physical symptoms caused by the management, there are really many, many
diseases, and it is not a false statement. There are also some people who have a strange disease, and
they can't find it out even if they go to the hospital. They are suspicious all day long. Fuck pipe is
like a dark cloud in life, shrouded by this dark cloud, your life will lose its former glory, and then
become gloomy and low, losing fighting spirit and vitality. There are also many people who
become walking corpses. You don't need makeup at all to play a zombie. The whole thing is a scum
hollowed out by wicked adultery! The tiger falls to Pingyang and is deceived by a dog, and a
phoenix that loses its hair is not as good as a chicken. It will undoubtedly weaken you. Only by
getting rid of masturbation can you find yourself in the sunshine and pure.

Continue to recommend books this season:

1. Suodaj Khenpo five books: "Bitterness is life", "Cruelity is youth", "Let it down is happiness",
"Doing is to get" and "To be able to break". Master Sodaki has been to many universities to do
Lectures, including lectures on Buddhism at Tsinghua and Peking University. The master has a
deep bond with Han disciples. The five books he wrote are very good and can answer many
common questions for beginners. Even if you have studied Buddhism for many years, you can learn
from these five books. There are many useful inspirations in the book. Even if you don't believe in
Buddhism, it doesn't matter. Reading these books will be very helpful to your life. Among these
five books, I personally like "Bitterness is Life" and "Let Down Is Happiness", and I am extremely
grateful to Guru Suodaji!
2. Three books of Khenpo Shia Rongbo: "The Second Flower", "The Way of Quietness", and "The
Play of Life". Khenpo Shia Rongbo is the greatest master of the Nyingma School of Tibetan
Buddhism Ruyibao. One of the influential disciples of Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche. For more than 20
years, he has gone to various places at home and abroad to promote Buddhism, initiated and
organized large-scale releases and other types of joint training activities, and received and guided in
various forms such as formal lectures, on-site lectures, and articles. Buddhist disciples hear and
practice Buddhism, and are deeply respected and loved by Buddhas at home and abroad. The video
of Shiarung Bo Khenpo Bodhi Island made me cry several times. In recent years, the master has
shown that he has been ill, and sincerely prays that Khenpo Shiarombo will live a long and healthy
life, live for a long time, and benefit all sentient beings. I am extremely grateful to Khenpo Shia
Season 58: An article about acne, stone symptoms caused by

Many newcomers have brought the habit of using experience levels in other post bars to reboot, and
post boring replies everywhere. This phenomenon is very bad. Reboot is a public welfare post, not a
show-off post. In addition, your avatar level does not represent your true level of enlightenment. I
have seen many brothers neglect to study hard. As a result, when the avatar reaches level 10, there
are still many ideological misunderstandings, and the improvement in rebooting is really small. I
have made a metaphor for this phenomenon in a previous article, that is, "only height, not
intelligence." The height has been increasing, but the intelligence is still in the past, which will lead
to a very embarrassing situation. Others think that you have reached level 10. It stands to reason
that your rebooting awareness should be very high. They didn't expect that you would show your
feet when you reply. Actually, the level of the avatar doesn't matter. The key is to study rebooting
articles in a down-to-earth manner, take more notes and review more, and you must continue to
improve your consciousness, so that you can hope to reboot successfully.

If you really want to increase the level of your profile picture, that’s not impossible, you know, I’ve
posted a topic post "Have you ever encouraged rebooting newcomers today?" Have you ever
encouraged yourself? "You can encourage newcomers more if you want to brush your profile
picture. This way is better. Try not to make boring replies. People will think that you are very
unqualified and naive when you see boring replies. In fact, encouraging newcomers more,
comforting newcomers more, and providing advice and guidance to newcomers all belong to the
category of generosity. Of course, to provide advice and guidance to newcomers, you must also
have a certain level of awareness, otherwise it is very likely that blindness will appear.

In general, generosity is divided into three parts: generosity of wealth, generosity of Dharma, and
generosity of fearlessness. Cultivation of wealth and generosity will lead to wealth, discipline and
generosity of wisdom and wisdom, and fearless generosity to achieve health and longevity.

In addition, donations that do not require money:

First, to be harmonious is to get along with others with a smile;

Second, to speak and give, is to say more words of encouragement, comfort, praise, modesty, and
gentleness to others;

Thirdly, to give, is to open your heart and be sincere to others;

Fourth, eye-giving is to look at others with kind eyes;

Fifth, deeds are to help others with actions;

Sixth, seat is to give up your seat to the old and weak women and children when you take a boat and
a car;

Seventh, housing is to provide a house that you have time to come out for others to rest.

If you have these seven habits, good luck will follow.

When we reboot, we must also pay attention to moral cultivation. For newcomers, we should
encourage and comfort them, do more "speaking", and guide the newcomers to the correct path of
rebooting. This is very important. According to my observation, many newcomers don’t learn at all
and are still trying to reboot. It is really difficult to successfully reboot in this way. Some
newcomers have learned a few articles about rebooting, boasting that they can reboot successfully,
and then they don't learn it. As everyone knows, the improvement of consciousness is a continuous
process, and it is not achieved overnight. Understanding the hazards is far from enough. It is also
necessary to earnestly grasp the various laws and principles in the rebooting process, and to keep
learning, in order to continuously deepen the understanding, and finally hope that rebooting will be
successful. Rebooting is not so easy. You must learn to reboot professionally. Don't always stay at
the level of forced rebooting. That way, rebooting will not be successful. In addition, some
newcomers always complain about poor concentration. When the demons come to the test, they will
collapse immediately when they are touched. The reason for the poor concentration is actually poor
consciousness. To improve the level of consciousness, you must continue to learn, just like
mountain climbing. Only climb to the top.

What worries me more recently is that many brothers are rebooting through self-mutilation,
bleeding out some wounds, and then wanting to use this painful way to wake up themselves and
fight against the demons. Let’s not hide it from everyone, I also tried self-harm rebooting when I
was in college, and many brothers also tried self-harming rebooting, but the facts have proved that
this is a detour to rebooting, not the right way to reboot, because self-mutilation cannot be allowed.
Your enlightenment has improved, but it just gives you a temporary pain, and temporarily takes
your heart back. After a while, if you forget the pain after the scar is healed, you will soon reappear
and you will start to be addicted to tuberculosis again. I once summarized the formula for successful
rebooting: successful rebooting = high consciousness + strong vigilance. Regardless of whether you
are a professional rebooter or a religious rebooter, you need to reach a certain level of
consciousness. Only through continuous learning can we increase our consciousness, self-mutilation
cannot increase our consciousness. Therefore, I advise brothers who have thoughts of self-harm,
please give up the idea of self-harm immediately. We should study the articles on rebooting in a
down-to-earth manner in order to steadily raise the level of consciousness. This is the right way to
reboot. Self-mutilation does not subdue the demons, only enlightenment can subdue the demons.
When you have reached a high level of enlightenment through continuous learning, when you face
the demons, you will naturally have the confidence of subduing. It is said in the "Book of Filial
Piety" that the body is skinned, and the parents who are affected by it, dare not to be injured, the
beginning of filial piety. When we reboot, we should be aware of the principles of rebooting, and
we must also understand the principles of doing good and accumulating virtue. All kinds of filial
piety are the first, and rebooters should actively practice filial piety.

Share a Q&A case below

[Brother Feixiang, can you please see if I can help? I’ve been in the lulling age for 5 years. A while
ago, in August, I broke the ring once. That day I had a very strong lull. I couldn’t beat it N times a
day. I really don’t know what happened to me that day. Demon-like, I remember that when I was
last hit, I obviously didn't feel anymore. I really didn't feel anything. What's more bloody, guess
what? I slapped JJ in a weak state, and it was continuous. It didn’t take long after the last time, and I
continued to slap JJ hard. However, no matter how I slapped it, JJ still couldn’t. After shooting, I
increased my speed, used strong stimulation, and finally shot, but I don't remember if I shot
anything. Since that day, I started to miss frequently, almost once a day, and it was miserable. And
in September, I broke the ring once, and that time made me scared to pee. I used to shoot for a long
time, but that time I fired after a while, almost in seconds, I was completely frightened. I left it
when I went to sleep, and I felt that that time, it really broke me completely. Please tell me, Brother
Feixiang, if I still have any help, does the kidney strengthening function still work for me, and can I
be cured of frequent dysfunction? Please tell me, thank you. 】

Answer: Well, you were kidnapped by the heart demon, and you couldn't help it. Many brothers
have used it more than twice a day, but if you do it N times, then it is rare. Your addiction level is
very serious. The most taboo thing is that you are already weak and you still have to do it. It hurts
your body too much. It's like a person can't run. If you still use a whip to let him run, you will
exceed the limit and die suddenly. After the first ejaculation is finished, and then it doesn’t take
long to continue the ejaculation, then the ejaculation time will be prolonged, but it is very likely that
there will be an ejaculation disorder, that is, the situation of unable to ejaculate. When people arrive
at that time, they must shoot, because they feel uncomfortable if they don't shoot. This is the
contradiction. If you shoot more than 2 times in a row, it will undoubtedly cause a lot of damage to
your body, but you will feel uncomfortable if you do not shoot, so it is more contradictory. Many
people finally speed up, use strong stimulation, and finally shoot, but people also feel extremely
overdrawn, and even fall down. Although some people didn't shoot, they felt uncomfortable. You
broke the vows this time so hard that you got all the money out, so you have frequent symptoms and
premature ejaculation. This is a manifestation of kidney qi injury. The relapse in August really
broke you. If you are in this situation, it is best to see a Chinese doctor for treatment. If you have
frequent seizures once a day, it is too serious. You must seek medical treatment actively, and then
cooperate with kidney strengthening and auspicious sleeping. , Let the body slowly recover, and
quickly quit, can't do it anymore. Remember! The consequences are really serious and terrible.
Many seniors have experienced it. Many people have heart problems. We must learn from the
painful experience and lessons of our seniors. Come on!

Additional comment: If you have more than 2 consecutive sex and ejaculation, the probability of
symptoms will increase a lot. Numerous real cases have fully illustrated this point. In the victim
cases I have seen, many brothers even have a sense of dying. Generally, the feeling of dying will
not appear at the first shot. They are afraid of fighting continuously. One time is not enough, but
two times in a row. , Even 3 times, it's already weak, and I still have to press it! Weakness means
that the body is no longer good and needs to be recuperated, but some people just feel that they are
not enough. They will feel that the first time is too short, not enough, not enjoyable, and they must
do it again. It is this kind of thought that hurt him. Brothers with serious heart addictions will even
shoot more than 3 times, until the end shoots out like water, and even feels like it shoots out, but
nothing comes out, it has reached this terrible and crazy Degree. There is a term called
"indiscriminate gambling", which is "indiscriminate gambling" when it comes to gambling. Abuse
is the most harmful to the body. It is obvious that the body is weak, but I still want to do it in my
heart. The psychology of the gambler is that if you don’t lose it, you won’t give up. The same is
true for many serious addictions. Won't give up! He is like a meat machine that has been poisoned,
completely out of his control. This kind of reckless way of arguing is actually like slashing yourself
with a masculine knife. It's not enough to cut a knife, and you have to make a knife, or even make a
knife. It's horrible! A terrible state of complete loss of control! Someone had a sense of dying after
shooting twice in a row and almost died. This is not horrifying, but there are real cases. The news of
sudden death in sex is also often seen in the newspapers, and the consequences of a big confession
are very terrible. At the beginning of rebooting, because the consciousness is still low, many
brothers will relapse. What I want to advise everyone is to avoid consecutive relapses, because
consecutive relapses are too harmful to the body, just like a person has just finished 1000 meters,
not long. Tell him to run 1,000 meters again, and let him live? ! If JJ can talk, he will say this: I'm
really tired, please let me go! After consecutive relapses, the probability of symptoms increases
exponentially, just like a credit card being maxed out by you, the result can be imagined. Therefore,
we must avoid continuous relapses, take good care of our hearts, and don't let our hearts be
Let’s move on to the topic. This season, I will talk about the symptoms of acne. details as follows:

I once talked about acne in the 8th season. That season was relatively brief, and the talks in this
season will be more detailed. If the acne problem is serious, it may cause disfigurement. There was
a brother who was disfigured because of severe acne. Later, he went to the hospital for
microdermabrasion. His face improved a lot, but he also spent a lot of money. He actually knew that
it was caused by masturbation, because every time he masturbated, his acne would explode and ruin
his face, but he didn’t learn a lesson. Masturbation, within a few months, his face was horrible, and
he went to the hospital for microdermabrasion again, which made him very distressed, and his
desire to die is gone. Posts can be described by the words "wailing" .

Whether masturbation can cause acne is also controversial. Some people say that masturbation can
cause acne, because he is very convincing based on his own personal experience. Some people say
that masturbation has nothing to do with acne, and there are still many people who hold this view. I
have seen Q&A cases on major medical websites, and many respondents said that masturbation has
nothing to do with acne. I have also read many relatively professional acne articles, and almost no
article mentions that masturbation is related to acne. Many question answerers on medical websites
are actually limited. The content of his questions is either copied or taken for granted. On the one
hand, he lacks personal experience. On the other hand, he has not gone through in-depth case
investigation. There is a possibility that he is not clear about it. . What's more, some answerers on
medical websites are still answering patients on the harmless theory of masturbation, and copying
the harmless theory of masturbation to mislead patients. There are many cases of this kind of
question and answer, and it is really sad. The patient was very pitiful and wanted to get a clear
answer, but it was misleading to wait for him.

However, I have also seen some Q&A cases. The respondent mentioned that masturbation can
cause pimples and advised the questioner to stop masturbation. I think there are still people who
understand in this world, but there are too few. Looking at 10 Q&A cases, only 1-2 may really
understand the dangers of masturbation. The other 8 interviewees are basically misleading patients,
and many of the Q&A content is The copy does not have its own in-depth investigation and
research. In fact, this is also in line with the "28 Rule", 80% of the people in this world are poor,
20% are rich; 80% of the people hold 20% of the world’s wealth, and 20% of the people hold 80%
of the world’s wealth; 80% Of people make money below the neck, 20% make money above the
neck; 80% are negative thinkers, and 20% are positive thinkers. In the same way, in this world, only
20% of people really understand the dangers of masturbation, and the other 80% have no idea about
the dangers of masturbation. They are even brainwashed by the harmlessness theory, especially
when the harmlessness theory is rampant. This is especially true in the age. 20% of the sober people
are already top-notch! That is for medical workers. In reality, 1 out of 100 ordinary people truly
understands the dangers of masturbation, which is not easy! Many professors and doctors do not
know the truth about masturbation. Why should we be born in an era when the theory of
harmlessness is rampant? Even the physical hygiene textbooks in middle schools are in the world of
harmlessness. The young generation in China has been brainwashed by harmlessness since junior
high school! It's so sad!

Based on my personal experience and research, my conclusion is that masturbation can cause acne,
and acne caused by masturbation is generally stubborn and difficult to get rid of. It's not that your
acne will disappear after puberty. The acne caused by masturbation is quite stubborn, even if you
are over 30 years old, you still have acne, which is completely chronic. However, I have also
observed many people in life. Although they also masturbate, they rarely develop acne. This is
actually a difference in physique. Traditional Chinese medicine generally divides human physique
into 9 basic types: peace type, qi deficiency type, yin deficiency type, yang deficiency type, damp-
heat type, qi stagnation type, phlegm-damp type, blood stasis type, and special type. Peaceful
physique is the best, other physiques are biased. Because of the difference in physique, the
symptoms of masturbation will be different for each person. It may be manifested as an acne
outbreak in you, but in another person, the impact will be much smaller. You don't have to lament
that you have a bad physique, because although some people have few acne, other symptoms
caused by masturbation are more obvious, such as hair loss, gray hair, low back pain, frequent
urination, etc. Therefore, God is fair. Although I gave you a acne-prone face, you may be better
than others in other aspects, so you don’t have to be too sad.

Let's look at some real cases:

Case 1: I got acne as soon as I masturbated, and went on without masturbating, mainly on the face,
nose, chin, and back.

Case 2: From the age of 15, every time after masturbation, acne will appear the next day, and then
for a few days without masturbation, the acne will gradually fade, leaving a little mark in the end.

Case 3: Every time I masturbate or after spermatorrhea, some pimples grow on my face, and I feel
very anxious.

Case 4: I remember that I masturbated every day when I was 17 years old. Ever since I masturbated,
I felt that the acne on my face was getting more and more every day. Now I am 30 years old, I still
have a lot of oil on my face, and there are still acne.

Case 5: I get acne after masturbation, and it will disappear after a few hours, but after a few hours, it
will obviously grow out and there are many pustules on my head. How can I treat this? I feel
uncomfortable in many places after masturbation, sometimes the joints are painful, and sometimes
the teeth are a little sore.

Case 6: I have a history of masturbation for 6 years. During the 6 years, I have had acne on my face,
and every time I masturbate, I feel that the acne on my face increases. Now I have premature
ejaculation in my sex life, and possibly prostate problems.

Case 7: Why did I find a lot of acne on my face after masturbation? One or two days after
masturbation, the acne on my face rubbed against the foreign minister.

Case 8: Masturbation started at the age of 16. It's been more than 5 years. Slowly, acne develops on
the face. The nose is about to become rosacea because of the acne. The acne disappears and leaves a
lot of acne marks on the face. White things can be squeezed out of the nose, and in the worst case, a
large area of the face swells up, and there is thick blood in the squeeze, and also on the shoulders.

Case 9: I am 18 years old this year. I have had acne for 3 years. Every time I masturbate, I have a
large number of acne, my face, ears and neck. Recently, it has become more serious. I used to have
a patch on my back and my butt. The same goes for it.

Case 10: Why do I get acne on my forehead after masturbating! Why is this?

Case 11: I masturbated up to 2 times a week, and later on my face continued to develop pimples and

Case 12: I am 22 years old this year, and have pimples when I masturbate. I was a handsome guy,
hey! I found that it was the result of my continuous masturbation. I basically used it once a day.
Then I forced myself to stop for 2 weeks. The acne basically disappeared, but now I can’t help it.
As a result, the masturbation starts to grow again. Acne.

Case 13: Masturbation can really aggravate acne. I personally tested it and proved it would.

Case 14: There have been many pimples on the face since last year, and they are still growing after
being squeezed out. Also, I usually have the habit of masturbating. I know this is not good, but I
just can’t control myself. Recently, I found that as long as I masturbate more frequently, my acne
will get worse in a few days and become big and red, some even the size of soybeans.

Case 15: After masturbation, my acne began to spread, my mood began to fall, and then I
masturbated more frequently, about once a day, and then my face became terrible!

Case 16: I have a lot of pimples on my face. I used a lot of skin care products. I went to the hospital.
After taking a lot of medicines, it didn't work. The pimples on my face were still growing wildly. I
have a habit of masturbating. I have to masturbate almost every night before I can sleep.

Case 17: I am 23 years old now. I started to get this bad habit ten years ago. I got acne at the
beginning, and it has been on my back and face until now. Every time a masturbation is long, and it
is obvious that it increases a lot on the second day, and it disappears a lot if I don’t masturbate for
half a month. Why is that? I also found that since I got this bad habit, I seem to be sick all over my
body, especially my brain becomes stupid. Moreover, my mind was constantly thinking about
things all day long. Even when I was studying, my mind was thinking about things. I was absent-
minded and couldn't concentrate. I couldn't control myself. I had a night of dreams at night.

There is a popular saying in the market that piping can reduce the fire and let the acne go away,
while rebooting can easily bring out the acne. Many people often advise others to use it to reduce
the fire and eliminate the acne. In fact, this is completely misleading. This kind of misleading has
actually existed more than ten years ago, and I heard it when I was in junior high school. If piping
can eliminate acne, why do many people get more acne? Some people have the illusion that the
acne seems to have disappeared a bit after the tube is used, or the acne disappears after getting up
on the second day of the tube. In fact, elbow tube is a kind of energy consumption and release. The
acne may disappear shortly after the energy is released. This is the situation described in Case 5. I
can tell you clearly that the real rule is: first eliminate and then explode! There will definitely be a
strong backlash! Because sticking the tube can cause endocrine disorders, it can lead to acne.
Temporary acne elimination is just an illusion, and it will not take long for a big outbreak of acne!

According to feedback from many cases, many brothers insist on rebooting and keeping in good
health, eating a light diet, actively exercising, and not staying up late. After persisting for a period
of time, the endocrine will gradually adjust, and then the acne will be reduced a lot, the skin will
feel smoother and smoother, and the oil will be reduced. This is true. Facts have proved that by
persisting in rebooting and maintaining health, doing well in all aspects, the acne will disappear,
and the skin texture and complexion are expected to be improved. This is indeed the case. If you
believe that piping can relieve the fire, you are likely to fall into a strange circle, and the acne will
be difficult to heal.

Recovery points:

1. Light diet: Keeping a light diet is very important. After all, irritating foods and hair can cause
acne. Even if you don't control it, but you eat irritating foods, it may also cause acne outbreaks.

2. Control the surfing time: surfing the Internet for too long will cause the screen face, affect the
skin quality and complexion, and also cause endocrine disorders and acne, so the surfing time
should be controlled.

3. Avoid staying up late: staying up too hurts the body and the liver, which affects the body's ability
to detoxify. Staying up late affects skin texture and complexion, and can easily lead to acne.

4. Active exercise (mainly aerobic): Active exercise is very important for regulating endocrine,
jogging, walking, and playing ball are all right.

5. Thorough abstinence: abstinence is the basis of recovery, otherwise no amount of

supplementation and maintenance will be missed by you.

6. Controlling the frequency of spermatorrhea: Case 3 mentioned acne after spermatorrhea, and my
own experience is the same. The spermatorrhea will offset part of the results of rebooting, and there
will be temporary endocrine disorders after spermatorrhea.

7. Active treatment: For severe acne, active treatment is needed, whether it is medicine or
equipment, you can try it if you have the conditions. But the key is to completely abstain from sex,
otherwise it is easy to relapse.

8. Acne scars: Slight acne scars will fade over time, become inconspicuous, or even invisible. If the
injury is very deep, you can go to the hospital for treatment such as microdermabrasion.

Location of acne (excerpt):

Acne on the forehead: high pressure, poor temper, causing heartburn and blood circulation

Acne between the eyebrows: chest tightness, irregular heartbeat, palpitations.

Nose acne: excessive stomach fire, abnormal digestive system.

Nose acne: It is related to ovarian function or reproductive system.

Acne on the right cheek: pulmonary dysfunction.

Acne on the left cheek: liver function is not smooth, and it is toxic.

Acne around the lips: Constipation leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body, or the use of
toothpaste with excessive fluoride.

Chin Acne: Endocrine disorders, excessive toxins, and digestive system disorders.

The classification of acne in Chinese medicine:

1. Lung meridian wind-heat syndrome: manifested as facial flushing, acne fever, itching, or
pustules, thin yellow coating, red tongue, pulse count and other symptoms. Generally, acne on the
face, nose, chest and back belongs to the lungs.

2. Spleen and stomach damp-heat syndrome: skin rash is red, swollen and itchy, often accompanied
by poor stool, indigestion, abdominal distension, yellow and greasy fur, slippery pulse and other
symptoms. Often due to overeating fatty, sweet, greasy, and spicy foods, the spleen and stomach
accumulates heat, damp heat is endogenous, and it is fumigated on the noodles.
3. Liver-qi stagnation syndrome: It is more common in women, and the rash recurs, which is
obviously related to the menstrual cycle. Generally older women, with irregular menstruation, fall
into this category.

4. Liver and kidney yin deficiency syndrome: It is more common in adults over 30 years old. The
skin rash is not fresh, and the complexion is dull, pigmentation, fatigue, fatigue, thin white fur,
slippery pulse and other symptoms.

5. Heat-toxin-blood-heat type: the body of youth, the blood qi is strong, the yang-heat rises, it fights
with the wind and cold, and it is caused by the depression of the skin.


Generally, when you see a western doctor, the doctor will say that you have endocrine disorders,
excessive sebum secretion, clogged hair follicle sebaceous ducts, etc. If you see Chinese medicine,
the doctor may say that your five internal organs are dysfunctional. Chinese medicine: the kidney is
the root of the five internal organs! Masturbation damages the kidneys, which will inevitably lead to
dysfunction or imbalance of the five internal organs, leading to acne! Western medicine also said
that the kidney has a very important feature. It is an endocrine organ that secretes many hormones.
These hormones can adjust the body's blood pressure and normal bone development. Therefore,
masturbation hurts the kidneys can cause endocrine disorders. Of course, the concepts of kidney in
Chinese medicine and kidney in western medicine are not the same thing. The former has a broader
meaning and does not only refer to the kidney in an anatomical sense. If you want the acne to go
away, my suggestion is to stick to rebooting regimen and do well in all aspects so that the body will
gradually adjust to normal. It is best to cooperate with active treatment for severe acne, so that the
recovery will be faster. . Rebooting, many brothers have recovered well from acne problems. The
acne has been reduced obviously, and the spirit of energy has returned. Obviously, the feeling is
different, just like a different person. Indeed, there is a difference between a spirit of energy and a
spirit of lack of energy. When there is energy and spirit, it will give people a new feeling, clear,
bright and full of vigor! Still the same sentence: A man can not be handsome, but he must not be
without spirit!

Let's move on to another topic: Symptoms of calculus caused by rubbing pipes

In the tens of thousands of cases I have seen, many brothers have symptoms of stones, such as
prostate stones, kidney stones, urinary tract stones, bladder stones, etc. These are all stones in the
urinary system. The symptoms of stones are related to a variety of factors. Poor eating habits and
lifestyle are major pathogenic factors, and it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the relationship.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidney governs both bowel movements, defecation and
urination. The problems of the urinary system are closely related to whether the kidney qi is
sufficient. Many people have symptoms that occur only after being stunned. Most articles on the
Internet attribute the primary cause of stones to diet. It is true that careless and irregular diets can
cause stones, but this is only one of the reasons behind it. There is also a potentially big reason that
has been overlooked by many people, and that is to control vices! Physical disorders caused by
insufficient kidney qi may lead to stone diseases. Some Chinese medicine articles also mention that
insufficient kidney qi is closely related to kidney stones. Some articles directly point out that kidney
stones are caused by insufficient kidney yang and kidney deficiency. .

I personally think that for kidney stones, the lack of kidney qi should be the first priority! Because
many people have eaten like this in the past, the diet has not changed, but after a few years of
indulging in tube management, kidney stones have appeared. The diet structure has not changed, the
only thing that has changed is that the kidney qi is insufficient. Insufficient kidney qi will cause
various disorders in the body. It is also the diet of the past, and the body may not be able to dissolve
it. The movement of qi and blood depends on the promotion of yang qi, the digestion and
absorption of diet depends on the gasification effect of yang qi, and the protection against evil
invading by yang qi. But elbow tube will damage the body's yang qi, which is a great loss to the
kidney yang! What is the diet to digest? Rely on Yang Qi to digest. The yang energy is consumed
by 撸管, and the body can no longer adapt to the diet in the past. On the surface, stones caused by
diet are actually closely related to kidney injury. We have to look at the essence through the
phenomenon. If you know how to "hold full" and know how to maintain your own Yang Qi, then
the probability of getting stones will be much lower.

Let’s look at some brother cases first:

Case 1: Starting from the second year of junior high school, this year's senior year, think about it
has been 9 years. Counting it down, I almost got scared to urinate, and a stone in the right kidney
was found the year before last.

Case 2: I have been 21 years old for 12 years. During this period, I have suffered many problems.
Now I have kidney stones and a lot of discomfort on my waist. After taking herbal medicine for a
month, I have only two thumbs after I took a look at my half-moon marks tonight. I am really
worried. I have to go to the night shift again in two days. I really don’t know what to do. I’ve been
rebooting for two days. I’ve read a lot of posts from my friends, and I have some insights. I will
record my rebooting days here. It's been five days.

Case 3: You really scared me. Quit it. I had kidney stones from 8 to 21 years old, but my acne is an
endocrine problem.

Case 4: I remember that when I checked out bacterial prostatitis and kidney stones, I all collapsed.
Later, I called the doctor and he said don’t worry. This disease is caused by your age, and it is not a
venereal disease. I was encouraged. After a month of treatment, the white blood cells have
decreased, and I have morning erection almost every day. With rebooting, my complexion is much

Case 5: My younger brother is 25 years old this year, he is now a graduate student in the United
States and has been in SY11 for 11 years. Since I learned about rebooting 100 days ago, I have
started rebooting. Maybe my body is too weak and I feel that there is no pressure on rebooting
because it is completely vacant. I don’t have any desires. I feel like my body is not my own. I am
still suffering from hair loss. I care about the eyes of others. I usually wear a hat. I was found
gallstones and kidney stones the day before yesterday, and I was taking a stone-eliminating
medicine. It may be because of gallstones and my stomach is often emotional. This body is really
not a life for people.

Case 6: I am 22 this year. I have been masturbating for 7 years. I have had 7 years of retribution. I
have stones in the right kidney and intrahepatic bile duct stones. Sometimes it hurts. I went to the
hospital and the doctor couldn't help it.

Case 7: I haven't rebooted for a long time, only three months, and there are still breaks in the
middle. I have prostate stones for two years, premature ejaculation for more than a year, and
treatment for two years, but it is still not good, but now I am taking Chinese medicine for

Case 8: Teacher Feixiang, went to the hospital and found prostatitis and stones. I was only 26. Is
there any hope for a cure?

Case 9: I have been abstaining for more than 30 days, and my body has recovered a lot. Yesterday,
the evil thoughts suddenly came to my brain and I was forced to restrain it. But today, the evil
thoughts are still strong, so I didn't hold back it and broke. I regret it now, but the power of evil
thoughts is too strong, and I am not its opponent at all. I am 26 this year, and I have been
masturbating for 8 years. Now I have various diseases such as chronic anterior sperm, spermatic
cord and kidney stones. I am a person with poor self-control. I can't resist a little temptation. Now I
really want to repent and ask the experts to show me a clear path. I am grateful!

Case 10: It was two years ago, because masturbation led to frequent urination, poor urination, and
incomplete urination. Once, the back pain suddenly became more and more painful. Later, the pain
became too much, so I went to the hospital for emergency treatment more than midnight. , And
finally diagnosed as kidney stones. Actually, I am not sure whether it is caused by masturbation, but
there must be a reason for this. I searched for knowledge about kidney stones, and there was a post
from the reboot bar. It was written by a patient who caused liver and gallstones due to masturbation.
It described the pain and how to fight with it. I found out that masturbation had such terrible
consequences, and it was also that time. For the first time, I knew there was a reboot.

In modern society, diet and life are often irregular, and then there are more and more people who
are addicted to sex, and more and more people are indulgence. In this way, more and more people
suffer from stone symptoms. If you have a stone, we should actively treat it. The treatment is still
active, especially for people who feel pain, and they should seek medical examination and treatment
in time. You should choose a regular hospital for treatment. There are many treatment methods.
Please choose the treatment method that suits you. The rehabilitation of stone diseases also requires
maintenance. You should maintain a regular diet and rest. Drink more water, do not hold back your
urine, drink less alcohol and eat less meat, and eat more vegetables and fruits. The bad habits of
management should be completely quit. Rebooting and maintaining good health are the basis for
physical recovery. Just like the foundation of a house, the foundation must be firm. Traditional
Chinese Medicine: Eliminate all diseases with kidney qi and feet, and deceive all diseases with
deficiency of kidney qi.

After the kidney injury, all kinds of discomfort, all kinds of diseases, all kinds of discomfort, will
come to the door. Ironically, at the time, shooing was for "comfort", but the end result was so
"uncomfortable" and so painful! Looting the tube is really good first and then bitter. You won’t get
the bait when you’re upset. Fragrant bait can make the fish forget the bait! ! ! Pleasure is short-
lived, pain is long! Even life is better than death! The wise man sees the pain behind stunners
through the appearance of pleasure; fools lack wisdom, and when they see pleasure, they moths into
the fire, but they don’t know that the pain of stunners is far greater than the pleasure! In this age of
rampant prostitution, we should be a wise man, thoroughly see the masturbation, completely quit
masturbation, and be a clear stream in the turbulent world, and we must not mix with each other!
Let fucking go to hell!

This season, I wrote five reboot poems to share with the brothers


"Meat Knife"

in this world

Fastest knife
It’s not made of iron or steel

Made by the body of a woman

A knife on the head of the color

This is the fastest and most ruthless meat knife

Murder is invisible!


"right handed"

When you run the tube

Using the right hand

When paying medical bills

Right hand

What a sarcastic right hand

What a ridiculous right hand

What a sad right hand


"Ten Years, Face"

Ten years ago

Appeared in the mirror

Is a pure face

Eyes clear and bright

Ten years later

Appeared in the mirror

Is a wretched face

Hollow eyes

Existing like a walking dead

all of these
All thanks to Lianguan


"Big Waste Tool"

In your eyes is a beauty

in my eyes

Is the bullet that hit me

Knife at me

For fear of avoiding

Beauties are better than knives

Beauty is more fierce than a car accident

Sharp knives and car accidents

You know to avoid

But see beauty

You moths to the fire



Every time

You are a little closer to the hospital

Sometimes between heaven and hell

Only one stroke away

Season 60: Ten drops of the essence of a summary of body
recovery methods

Unknowingly, it has been 60 seasons, and the reboot bar has grown from a small bar with a few
hundred people to a large bar with 240,000 people. It took more than a year to go from a few
hundred people to 240,000, and it is estimated that it will reach 500,000 people next year. At that
time, more people can be awakened and saved. People are smokers and we are smokers. In fact,
there are no fewer smokers than smokers. Many of them are junior high school students. They
started smoking when they were in junior high school, much earlier than smoking. In this era of
rampant prostitution, the number of people who love sex will inevitably show an explosive growth.
There must be hundreds of millions of people. Sadly, many people who love people are still
harming themselves ignorantly, without realizing how serious the harm is. They are simply warm
water frogs. The positive energy of abstaining from adultery in China is rising strongly, and we
hope to awaken more people and save more people.

Some brothers would thank me and say that I saved him, but he actually saved himself. I'm only
responsible for showing the way. Your feet are still on your own body. You need to walk the path
of rebooting by yourself. Since you have chosen the path of rebooting, you have to walk down on
your knees. As long as your rebooting stand is firm enough, as long as you persist in studying and
raising your consciousness, one day you will succeed. Step back ten thousand steps, even if you are
temporarily unsuccessful, you will certainly be somewhat restrained than before. After all, you
know the harm, so you don't dare to be too presumptuous. For example, some brothers used to
masturbate more than 10 times a month, but now they relapse once half a year. The progress has
been tremendous. As long as they continue to learn to improve their consciousness, they will
eventually give up completely. Brothers who have rebooted for 100 days, or even more than half a
year, are more common. More and more brothers have started to reboot professionally. Once they
start professional rebooting, even if they have officially started, they are no longer rebooting. The
layman. I saw in a post the day before yesterday that the newcomer in it was still complaining about
his lack of perseverance. This shows that he has not yet started. Rebooting is not a matter of
perseverance. The key is to learn to reboot professionally, continuously learn to improve
consciousness, and subdue the spirit of consciousness. , This is the right way to reboot. Self-
harming rebooting and forced rebooting are not the right way to reboot, and they will inevitably fail.

The rebooting bar is constantly being injected with fresh blood. According to my observation, the
rebooting bar now is more energetic and energetic than before. Rebooting is very energetic and
aggressive, and it will become a million or even tens of millions in the future. If the younger
generation can come to reboot , it would be very rewarding. When I was a teenager, I didn’t have
any reboot information at all. At that time, I was completely rebooting. How much I needed
someone at that time. The instructor came to guide me to reboot, but unfortunately not. I worked
hard for more than ten years, and finally realized that professional rebooting is the right way to
reboot. Of course, rebooting with faith can also be successful. If you know how to reboot
professionally, it will be even better. Professional and faith will be even more powerful! In China,
after all, many brothers do not have religious beliefs, so professional rebooting is more universal
and easier to accept. For newcomers, it is very important to learn from the experience and lessons of
their predecessors, so that they can avoid many detours. Just like the plot in a martial arts novel, a
senior has taught you more than ten years of skill, and then although you are very young, your skill
can reach a very high level. When you can surrender the heart demon, your life will be completely
new. You were controlled by the heart demon before, but now you can be the master. This is true
freedom, not the freedom of indulgence, and that kind of freedom will inevitably lead to self-

New people please cherish the opportunity to learn in the reboot bar . This is a turning point that can
change your destiny. Many people have completed their transformation here, their minds have been
transformed, their bodies have also been transformed, and they have a feeling of being reborn.
Looking back at my previous self, I was really too ignorant, too ignorant, and too confused. How
could I believe in absurd harmlessness, and how could I harm myself like that! It's really silly and
naive. Now that you recognize the harm and master the theories and methods of rebooting, your
destiny will change accordingly. Your health will come back, your brain power will come back,
your energy will come back. That is the purity that has been long-lost, and that is lost. Good, that
pure feeling is really good, this is normal life. The days when I was kidnapped by the heart demon, I
was just as prisoners, there was no real freedom at all. Many old brothers have taken the initiative to
stay and help newcomers. Positive energy is constantly being transmitted. Saving others means
saving yourself. While helping others, you are also strengthening your own positive energy. Staying
to help newcomers or to promote rebooting is actually cultivating virtue and accumulating virtue,
which will be very good for your future life. One good every day, one thousand days a thousand
good, keep accumulating positive energy, you will live a happier life, the happiest being good, it is
really wonderful.

Here are a few cases:

1. [I have been abstaining for eight months, and of course I also insist on maintaining good health,
exercise, go to bed early, and eat lightly. After almost half a year, I have basically no acne. Now my
face is very smooth and basically no acne. . I used to have a lot of pimples when I was serious about
it. Basically, it can be described as a disfigurement. In fact, this is not my biggest gain. The biggest
gain is that my depression has improved a lot and my brain thinking and memory have recovered.
Thanks for rebooting. , Thanks for flying. There is absolutely nothing wrong with insisting on
rebooting. 】

Additional comment: This is a case of recovery. This brother has recovered well and can give
everyone confidence in recovery. He has done a good job of keeping in good health, and he has the
perseverance to persevere. After persisting for about half a year, his acne problem was greatly
relieved, and his endocrine system was adjusted. There is a process of recovery. You can't be
anxious. Some brothers behave impatiently after two weeks of abstinence. He hopes to see the
effect immediately. In fact, there is withdrawal reaction at the beginning. Only by persisting can
you see a positive recovery. Effect. I prefer active exercise, of course, moderate exercise, but not
excessive exercise, profuse sweating hurts Yang. At the beginning of the body is weak, you can
start with a walk, and then increase the amount a little bit. Maintaining a certain amount of exercise
can promote the recovery of the body. Active exercise is really important. The same two brothers,
one active exercise and the other staying up late to sit for a long time, will widen the gap in the
recovery process. I remember a brother who has recovered very well. He often runs and exercises
and sleeps well, so that his energy and spirit will recover quickly. Once the energy and spirit come
back, his appearance and temperament will be different immediately, and he may even be judged. If
two people. Facts have also proved that if you persist in rebooting and keeping in good health,
neurosis and mental power are expected to be improved. Neurosis is very painful. I am really happy
for this brother. I hope he will persist and hope that he will recover better.

2. [Brother Feixiang, I came to reboot in April 2012 , when I was 22 years old, I was tortured by
neurosis and suffered from severe insomnia, fear of wind, light, sound, thin body, and did not dare
to look at others , Not to mention learning. I watched every season you came out repeatedly. Now I
have successfully quit for a year and a half, and the symptoms have basically disappeared. 】

Additional comment: This is also a brother who has recovered from neurosis. At that time, through
rebooting and maintaining health, I got better in half a year. After more than a year, the symptoms
basically disappeared, but it was still very deficient. Continue to reboot and keep healthy, and the
body will slowly return to normal. Regarding neurosis, I suggested to seek medical treatment
actively. I gave up treatment at that time because I was disappointed in taking medicine, developed
resistance, and tended to become addicted to drugs, so I decisively stopped taking the medicine. For
ordinary brothers, I still recommend active medical treatment. The medicine should be taken well.
After all, taking medicine is also a way to recover. I have never advised not to take medicine or see
a doctor. I have never had any symptoms. If it is persistent or severe, I always recommend active
medical treatment. It is true that many patients have been treated with medication and their physical
symptoms have been greatly relieved. This is also true. What I am opposed to is eating and
drinking, and drug addiction.

3. [Thanksgiving teacher Feixiang, I have been abstaining for a hundred days. Since I came into
contact with the reboot bar in November last year , I have broken the quit for 20 times, but I have
not given up, and I have been studying fine articles in the bar. Perhaps my consciousness has
improved unconsciously, from August 3 to now. It hasn't broken. Before the period from 70 to 90
days, I had a lot of desires every day, and I had to spend a lot of effort to stop YY. Several
nocturnal emission appeared during this period of time. Now think about the magic test of a
hundred days ago. My task of rebooting now is to control dysplasia. I insist on rebooting and
keeping in good health. I will continue to study rebooting articles, and do a good job in
strengthening the kidneys and auspicious sleeping, and strive to break through the 200-day magic
test before reporting to the teacher. 】

Additional comment: Although this brother had broken the precept, he did not give up on himself.
In fact, he has already mastered the laws of rebooting, and I have explained in the article that there
is a process for enlightenment improvement, and it is not achieved overnight. At the beginning, the
consciousness is relatively low and the concentration is still shallow. It is very likely that there will
be relapses. Don’t be discouraged at this time. You must sum up the experience and lessons of
relapse. Relapse is an opportunity to improve. Relapse will expose the shortcomings and loopholes
of your consciousness. Once you break the precept, you will find that you have some shortcomings,
and you need to reinforce your consciousness, so that you can quit the better next time. When the
enlightenment reaches a certain level, you can reverse the demons and no longer be stepped under
their feet by the demons. It's not that the heart demon has become weaker, but you have become
stronger. For example, at the beginning, your consciousness level was 15 and the demons were 100.
When you continue to learn to improve your consciousness, when you reach level 100 or above, the
demons will have a hard time defeating you unless you relax your vigilance.

4. [I want to ask a question, why did I suddenly have less powerful desires after 73 days of
abstinence? I wondered if I was abnormal, and then I wanted to see Huang to check if I was normal,
and Try your own concentration. But I still didn't try in the end, I want to ask how this happens? 】

Answer: Don't try. Human sexual desire fluctuates. It is impossible to maintain a strong desire all
the time. It is related to the secretion cycle of male hormones. If you reboot for a long time, your
desires will be relatively stable. Many people who are arrogant are in an abnormal state of being
overbearing. come on!

Additional comment: In the type of relapse, there are trial functions and trial determination. Many
people just started rebooting, and suddenly found that their libido had dropped, and the morning
erection had disappeared. He panicked and wanted to look for pornography. If he tried it, he would
break it. This is the principle and law of rebooting. At the beginning, rebooting will enter the
dormant period of desire. Sexual desire may decrease, and morning erection may disappear. If you
continue to exercise, you will return to normal again. After 73 days, this brother found that his
desire was not strong anymore. This is also normal. It is impossible for a person to remain in a state
of strong desire. The secretion of male hormones fluctuates, there are ups and downs, and seasons.
There is a certain relationship, and it has something to do with diet and exercise. In general, when
this happens, don't panic, pay attention to recuperate, exercise moderately, and your body will
slowly return to normal. Generally, when you quit to a certain level, your desires will be more
stable and not very strong. One pot of water does not sound, half of it jingles, and you are full of
desires. This principle should be understood. Many brothers do not understand the principles and
laws of rebooting. Once they find that their desires have fallen, they immediately start to panic, and
when they panic, they relapse. Unfortunately, his awareness in this area is still insufficient and
needs to be strengthened.

5. [Brother Feixiang, since the last 31 days of rebooting and refusing the precepts, I have now
completely fallen. Almost once a day, I feel that I have renounced myself, but I don't want to
relapse in my heart. I am desperate now. Do you know, the last time I broke the ring in a public
toilet, that time drove me into the abyss of despair. I slapped myself severely every time, but I was
willing to bow my head and become a slave in front of the harlot. I used to have to rest before half
past ten, but now I have insomnia at night, and I have become the inferior self again. 】

Answer: Well, at the beginning, the concentration of rebooting is still shallow, and the
consciousness is very low, so it is easy to break the precepts. It is recommended to confess well,
pick up your study, and study hard to improve your consciousness, and your consciousness will
subdue your demons, and your consciousness will produce concentration. Relapse is not terrible, the
terrible thing is not learning. Rebooting blindly will not succeed in rebooting. Don't be discouraged,
stick to it. come on!

Additional comment: Many brothers are not good at summing up the experience and lessons of
relapse. He regards relapse as a failure, but he doesn't know that failure is the mother of success.
Only by learning lessons from failure can the better. Many brothers do well at the beginning, but as
soon as they break the ring, they will immediately return to the past, fight back to their original
form, and become the puppet of the heart demon again. It is really pitiful. For this kind of brothers,
I always clarify the laws of rebooting to him. Only by constantly learning and raising awareness can
we successfully reboot, and when I realize that I can naturally subdue my inner demons. I'm afraid
that if I don't study, the improvement of consciousness will stagnate and even regress. Breaking the
ring does lose experience and morale. You must pay attention to adjustments and motivate yourself.
Failure can defeat the weak, but it can make the strong stronger, because the strong can learn from
failures and constantly improve themselves. The process of inventing the airplane is a process of
constant failure and constant summarization. In the end, the airplane went into the sky. I don't know
how many times I failed or summed up before, but it succeeded in the end. The strong wind blows
the candle, and it extinguishes as soon as it blows; the strong wind blows the fire, and the more it
blows, the more vigorous it is. Many people have been defeated by breaking the precepts, but many
people have become stronger because of breaking the precepts. Those who can't kill you will only
make you stronger. I hope that we are all strong, the more we quit, the more courage we are, and
sooner or later we will reverse our demons. Some brothers asked me this way, besides studying,
what other methods can be used to reboot successfully? My answer is that you must improve your
consciousness through learning, just like driving. How can you drive if you don’t learn to drive?
Even if you follow the route of faith in rebooting, you still need to learn to establish righteous
knowledge and right view. If you don't study, you want to reboot successfully, and it's useless!
Unless technology develops in the future, put thousands of reboot articles on the chip and implant
them in your brain.
Regarding the types of relapses, I have summarized 30 items in the 50 seasons. This season, I have
improved to 56 items. We have added some subdivisions. We must be familiar with the types of
relapses. We must know ourselves and know the enemy. If we are familiar with the types of
relapses, we can improve better. Be vigilant, because you know under what circumstances it is easy
to break the precept, just like an old driver knows which road section is prone to accidents, thus
slowing down the speed and raising his vigilance. The same is true for our rebooting. Knowing
under what circumstances are easy to break the precept, we will We should be more vigilant. The
awareness of vigilance cannot be overemphasized. The more vigilant you are, the more vigilant you
should be. The screws of vigilance must not be loosened, otherwise the rebooting building will
collapse. Remember, be vigilant! alert! Be vigilant! Increase your vigilance tenfold! Strengthen ten
times! The vigilance consciousness of rebooting masters is extremely strong, and it can be said that
they are all extremely strong. If you lose your vigilance, you will undoubtedly break it! Familiar
with the type of relapse, knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in battle! When
encountering temptation, the first reaction: avoid it! Enchanted at the second sight! Remember!

The types of relapses are listed as follows:

(1) Emotional relapse: boredom, anger and depression, irritability, boredom, etc.

(2) Doubts and relapse: doubts are shaken, and then relapse

(3) Temptation to break the ring: pictures and videos and even H-segments

(4) Laying in bed to break the precepts: very common and must be corrected

(5) Stress break: pressure from all aspects

(6) YY relapses: generally YY is a prelude to relapse, including memories and fantasy

(7) Relax your vigilance and relapse: thinking that you have succeeded, in fact, it is easy to relapse
once you relax

(8) Carnival relapse: easy to indulge during carnival, so-called ecstasy

(9) Try to break the precepts: never try

(10) Morning erection relapses: touch JJ after morning erection, thereby relapse

(11) Trial ability to break the precepts: especially for patients with premature ejaculation and
impotence, they break with one try

(12) Instigate to break the precepts: be taken by evil friends and go to bad places

(13) Drinking alcohol breaks: alcohol is a matchmaker

(14) Relapse after nocturnal emission: Nocturnal emission is prone to vacillation of thoughts, which
leads to relapse

(15) Relapse on weekends: If you are bored alone on weekends, the demons are easy to escape

(16) Tonic relapse: taking too much tonic, not paying attention to mind cultivation, easy to relapse
(17) Eating meat and breaking the precepts: eating too much meat, not paying attention to the
cultivation of the mind, will easily encourage desire and relapse

(18) Harmlessness theory breaks the precepts: after reading the harmlessness theory, it is easy to
break the precepts

(19) There is a girlfriend who breaks the precept: a girlfriend who has higher requirements for
concentration and breaks the precept easily

(20) Some wives break the precepts: Some wives also have high requirements for rebooting

(21) Habitual relapse: When relapse becomes a habit, strong inertia is generated, and the
consequences are terrible

(22) Relapse on holidays: such as summer vacation and winter vacation, relatively idle and easy to
lose control

(23) Evil method relapse: whether it is PC muscle or other so-called JJ increase method, it is very
easy to relapse

(24) Relapse after the exam: Once you relax after the exam, it is easy to relax your vigilance and

(25) Bathing and breaking the ring: Brothers with low concentration can easily break the ring when
they touch JJ in the bath.

(26) Dreaming and breaking the precept: Too much subconscious pornography, half-dream and
half-waking will subconsciously control.

(27) Naked sleep breaks the precepts: Naked sleep is prone to evil thoughts, is also more sensitive,
and breaks the precepts easily.

(28) Fetishism breaks the ring: It is easy to break the ring too easily.

(29) Clamping legs to break the ring: People who have the habit of pinching legs will have this kind
of breaking the ring.

(30) Rubbing the bed to break the ring: I like to grind or press on the bed, this is also a common
way to break the ring.

(31) Unable to fall asleep and break the precepts: Many people get to sleep by masturbation and get
used to it.

(32) Misunderstanding of thought and relapse: It is easy to relapse if there is misunderstanding of

thought, such as thinking that abstinence is harmful.

(33) Pride breaks the precept: the arrogant soldier will be defeated! It's easy to break the ring.

(34) Setbacks and relapses: failed exams, broken relationships, failed job search, etc.
(35) Relapse in anger: It can also be classified as relapse in emotion. After being angry,
masturbation is used to vent.

(36) Discouragement and relapse: such as unsatisfactory recovery, such as frequent loss.

(37) Measure the size and break the ring: See how long the JJ is, it is easy to break the ring.

(38) Huang Yuan breaks the precepts: It is easy to break the precepts when it comes to contact with
Huang Yuan, and it can also be classified as temptation to break the precepts.

(39) Inferiority and relapse: Both pride and inferiority can lead to relapse.

(40) Breaking the precept of whoring: a mistake that many brothers have made.

(41) The peak period of abstinence: about one month after rebooting, it will enter the peak period of

(42) Curiosity breaks the ring: Curiosity kills the cat, and the second eye is enchanted.

(43) Relapse by fluke: It is easy to break the precept by fluke.

(44) Watch the news and read the posts to relapse: There are too many news and posts containing
pornography, so be vigilant.

(45) Eliminating acne and breaking the precept: If you want to eliminate acne by masturbation, in
fact, you should eliminate it first and then explode.

(46) Being dragged into the water to break the precept: I wanted to save people, but instead I was
dragged into the water, and the hardest-hit areas were less frequent.

(47) Fang Zhongshu relapses: Reading Fang Zhongshu's article, I am ready to move.

(48) Equipment breaks the precept: I bought an obscene toy, and quickly destroy it and throw it

(49) Collection of relapses: collection of AV or women's underwear, etc., it is easy to relapse for
collection of adultery.

(50) Continuous relapse: One break means one out of control. Continuous relapse.

(51) Rubbing the ball and breaking the ring: pictures or videos of rubbing, such as jiu-jitsu, body
art, etc.

(52) Encouragement to relapse: Be extra vigilant about the enlightenment from the inner demon.

(53) Insomnia and relapse: The mood is irritable when insomnia, and it is easy to relapse.

(54) Stimulate sensitive parts to break the ring: sensitive parts of the body tend to break the ring
after stimulation.

(55) Breaking the precepts alone: When alone, the demons are easy to emerge.
(56) Too nervous to break the precept: Too nervous, too tight, and easy to break the precept.

Let’s move on to the topic, this season I will make a big summary of the recovery method, and
share with you, the details are as follows:

Rebooting is one aspect, and recovery is another aspect. Grasping with both hands, both hands must
be hard. Just rebooting is not enough. You should put more effort into recovery. Rebooting is a
systematic project, and recovery is also a systematic project. There are three kinds of brothers like
this: one, they know how to reboot, but they don’t know how to recover; two, they know how to
reboot and they also know how to recover; and three, they don’t know how to reboot and they don’t
know how to recover. The third type of brother is the worst. We must learn more articles and
lectures about health preservation, and strive to improve our awareness of health preservation. This
is the key. Many brothers don't have any awareness of health preservation. The term health
preservation is very unfamiliar to him, and it feels very far away, as if it has nothing to do with him.
In fact, everyone needs health care. Don’t think that young people don’t need health care. Young
people need health care the most because they are too overdrawn when they are young. After the
age of forty, various diseases will come to your door. It's like eating in a restaurant. If you ate and
drank wildly, you still have to check out by yourself. Don't be dumbfounded when you check out.

There are many ways to recover after rebooting, but you must first have a certain awareness of
health preservation, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced if you reboot and hurt your body at
the same time. You must know the five labors and seven injuries in Chinese medicine. The so-
called five labors and seven injuries are injuries caused by five labors. Seven injuries: spleen with
fullness, liver injury with anger, strong weightlifting and sedentary wetland injury, lung injury from
cold and cold drink, lung injury from fatigue, wind, rain, cold and heat injury, fear of inconsistency
and spirit. Our usual work and rest must be regular, avoid staying up late and sit for a long time, and
eating must also be regular, regular and quantitative. Normally maintain a certain amount of
exercise, but don't be overworked. In addition, it is also important to learn to control your emotions,
manage your emotions, and maintain a calm mental state.

The main premise of recovery is to completely abstain from sex and strictly control the suicide.
This is the top priority! Even if you can't do a complete abstinence for the time being, you should
keep the number of abstinences to a minimum. For example, some brothers rebooted twice in half a
year. Although they relapsed, the number of relapses was very small. This would have a relatively
small impact on recovery. Unlike some brothers, they would be mad when they relapsed, breaking a
dozen or so in one go Secondly, such a relapse is really hurting the body, and it is really going to go
back to before liberation. Strict control of the sequelae is also extremely critical to the recovery of
the body. Frequent sequelae must be overcome, otherwise the body will be extremely difficult to
recover. If you don't care about the light frequency, you can leave out all the symptoms, which will
greatly affect your body's recovery. After passing the frequency pass, the restored foundation is
firm. There must be less leakage from the bottom, just like a water bag. Water is filled on the top. If
the bottom leaks violently, it will be difficult to fill up. The bottom leaks as little as possible, so that
the body can be expected to recover.

This season I have summarized ten recovery methods. These ten are basically my personal
experience. Of course, there are also feedbacks from many recovery cases, which are of great
reference value.

1. Medicinal conditioning to restore the essence

If a person is sick, many people's first reaction is to see a doctor and take medicine. Taking
medicine is indeed a way to recover. You can deal with minor illnesses with a little medicine. But
the symptoms of sperm injury are not as simple as a cold, and it is not completely cured by taking a
few pills of kidney medicine. Symptoms of sperm injury are more in raising, three points of
treatment, seven points of health. I am not opposed to taking medicine. The symptoms obviously
require active medical treatment. Many brothers have taken medicine to treat their symptoms and
their symptoms have alleviated. However, the water for taking medicine is also very deep, and there
are many aspects to pay attention to when taking medicine. It is particularly taboo to take medicine
while taking it. Many people take medicine while taking it. The effect of taking medicine is very
poor and the symptoms are also It is easy to repeat. One kind of medicine cannot be taken too
much. On the one hand, taking it for a long time may have side effects. On the other hand, it is
resistant to medicine, and the effect is not as good as it was at the beginning. Of course, I am mainly
referring to western medicine, and long-term conditioning of Chinese medicine is quite common.
There are still many brothers who are buying tonics for themselves. After taking Liuwei Dihuang
Pills, they have a desire to take the medicine. If they don't pay attention to cultivating their minds,
there will be a series of relapses immediately. It is better not to take them. Furthermore, Liuwei
Dihuang Wan can not be eaten blindly, it is very important to eat the symptomatically. If you want
to take medicine for conditioning, it is best to see a doctor, and then prescribe the right medicine
after the specific diagnosis. This is safer. The medicine that is suitable for others may not be
suitable for your physique. The right medicine is the most important thing. I advocate active
treatment. Taking medicine and conditioning can indeed promote the recovery of the body, but the
premise is that it is symptomatic and cannot be used while eating.

2. Restoring the essence of health

There are many health-preserving exercises, such as Baduanjin, standing stakes, meditation, iron
bridges, tapping teeth to rub the kidneys and waist, ringing drums, rubbing springs, acupoint
massage, meridian exercises, stretching, squatting wall exercises, and Tai Chi. , Wu Qin Xi, Liu Zi
Jue, Yi Jin Jing, etc. There are so many health-preserving exercises left by the ancestors to future
generations. It is estimated that there are dozens or even hundreds of them. When I saw that, I
practiced that. I picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon. In the end, I practiced in
general, without in-depth and specific practice, and without perseverance. The cat is fishing for
three minutes. I generally recommend choosing what you are interested in, and it feels better to
practice. If you persevere, the effect will come out. One should be chosen for health maintenance
and static exercise, that is, standing and meditation should be the same, and then one or two
exercise exercises should be selected, combining movement and static, and Fang Fu's health
maintenance avenue. I mainly focus on meditation and Baduanjin now. Be static and move, so with
the exercise, the intensity is not very high, it will not make yourself very tired, and it is enough. For
neurosis brothers, you must not miss health-preserving static exercises, because health-preserving
static exercises have a very important and positive significance for the recovery of neurosis, and the
effect is really no worse than taking medicine. In addition, for neurosis brothers, I generally
recommend walking therapy, taking more walks in the park, so that the body and mind will slowly
return to normal.

3. Restore the essence of fitness

I used to be a fitness coach, and I have a relatively deep understanding of fitness. Generally, the
most important thing for boys is the muscle mass. They feel strong and good abdominal muscles.
This is a common idea among boys, while girls want to lose weight. Strength training is very good,
but it is not suitable when the body is weak. Even if you want to practice, you should choose low-
intensity practice. Some people rush into the body when they have a cold, and they develop
myocarditis and they have exercised themselves. Others have a weak body, and they feel very
difficult to recover after training. They feel very bad after training. This is all physical. I’m warning
you, telling you that it’s not suitable for this kind of intensity and exercise mode, and you have to
make adjustments. If you are in good health, proper strength training is very good. Strength training
has a positive effect on the recovery of premature ejaculation and impotence. Many brothers
complain that the recovery from premature ejaculation and impotence is not satisfactory. I suggest
you try strength training, especially the legs. The strength training of the Ministry of Health will
improve faster in this way. But you must pay attention to cultivating your mind. Exercise is not for
indulgence, but just to restore your health. The motivation must be pure, otherwise it will only drag
you into a deeper abyss. Remember this! Quitting for the sake of indulgence and practicing for the
sake of indulgence are all wrong ideas. In terms of fitness, aerobic exercise is also included. I
advocate aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is very beneficial to the recovery of patients with sperm
injury, but the exercise intensity must be controlled by yourself, and try not to sweat profusely.
Yang, when the body is weak, slightly sweat is better.

4. Diet therapy to restore the true marrow

The diet regimen is abbreviated as "food regimen". Knowing the knowledge related to diet therapy
can help oneself eat healthily. Among all dietary regimens, the one I admire most is porridge
therapy. Eating porridge to replenish essence and energy is also called "essence porridge". I
generally recommend yam porridge and red date porridge. Famous doctors and health-preserving
experts in the past have very high evaluations of porridge therapy. If you are interested, you can
take a look at it for yourself. In addition, black foods are also very good. Black foods are generally
rich in trace elements and vitamins. As we usually say, the "five types of black", including black
rice, black beans, black sesame, black dates, and walnuts, are the most typical representatives. If
you carefully study the "Black Five" nutrition, you will find that all of them are "good hands" for
nourishing the kidney. The treasure of rice-black rice, also known as "black pearl", is rich in
protein, amino acids and trace elements such as iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, etc. Beans are
known as the valley of kidneys by ancients. Black beans are sweet and flat. They are not only
shaped like kidneys, but also have the functions of invigorating the kidney and strengthening the
body, promoting blood circulation and diuresis, detoxification, and moisturizing. They are
especially suitable for patients with kidney deficiency; they have "nutrition warehouse". The so-
called black jujube is warm and sweet, has the functions of nourishing the middle and nourishing qi,
nourishing the kidney, nourishing the stomach and nourishing blood; walnuts have the functions of
nourishing the kidney and strengthening the essence, diuresis and stones, moistening the intestines
and laxative, warming the lungs and relieving asthma. It is often used for kidney deficiency and low
back pain. Urinary calculi and other symptoms; black sesame is sweet in taste, has the effect of
nourishing the liver and kidney, and moisturizing the five internal organs. It is good for dizziness,
gray hair, hair loss, weakness in the waist and knees, dry intestines and constipation caused by
insufficient liver and kidney essence and blood. The role of diet therapy and health care. Making
porridge with these five foods is a rare good kidney-nourishing product. However, I would like to
add one point. Supplementary foods should be ingested in moderation, not as much as possible.
Many people listen to black sesame seeds as good, and then eat a lot. As a result, frequent relics
appear. Therefore, it is important to pay more attention to this aspect, and proper intake is very
important. There are brothers who want to eat meat tonic, chicken, duck and mutton. I generally do
not recommend meat tonic because I believe in Buddhism. In addition, meat tonic is easy to
promote desire, but it is not conducive to rebooting and self-cultivation. Eating too much, frequent
relapses and relapses, completely disrupted the reboot.

5. Recovering the true marrow of cultivating virtue and accumulating virtue

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that three yang Kaitai is derived from the sixty-four
hexagrams in the Book of Changes. The ancients found that the days of the winter solstice were the
shortest, and the days later became longer. Therefore, they believed that the winter solstice was
"one sun," December was "two suns," and the first month was "three suns to open Thailand." The
"three yang" means that the yin qi gradually disappears and the yang qi begins to be born, and when
winter passes and spring comes, everything recovers. "Kaitai" means auspicious prosperity,
meaning good luck is coming. The human body’s yang qi rises and develops in a similar gradual
process. The healthy "three yangs" of human health, namely, move to raise the sun, good to raise
the sun, and joy to raise the sun. Sanyang Kaitai includes goodness! There are three definitions of
"goodness" in "Tai Shang Induction Chapter": the first is good language; the second is treating
good, and the third is doing good. Yushan, Master Yinguang also said, “If you want to be rewarded,
you must be kind, say good things, do good deeds, benefit the character, and be harmless to others.”
Among them, “be kind and say good things”. It serves as its own motto, and I often remind myself
that you must speak more positive words, speak more words of encouragement, and be friendly, and
refrain from cursing or irritating others. This is good language. To be good means not to watch
violent and pornographic content, to see the beauty of nature, to cultivate sentiment, and to stay
away from low-level tastes. To do good is to do more good deeds. When you reboot to help
newcomers, you are actually doing good deeds, or you donate to help others, or do volunteer work,
or promote quit adultery, etc., or even pick up a cigarette butt and throw it into the trash can. This is
also a good thing. what! Don't do small things for good, and do not do small things for evil. When
doing good deeds, people’s mood is comfortable, and among all good deeds, the merit of letting go
is the first. When letting go, people’s mood is more comfortable. Letting go is a great medicine for
mind-regulating! Many people get better through release of life. Release of life is a great positive
energy, and so is filial piety. You must be filial to your parents. Parents are the two living Buddhas
in the family, so you must be filial. This is what children should do, and it is an inescapable
responsibility. If you persist in cultivating good and accumulating virtues, your mental state will
also change, your mind and body are one, your mind will get better, and your body's health will also
improve accordingly. The times call for positive energy, please be a positive Chinese.

6. Restore the essence of return to nature

The highest state of health preservation is a well-known saying of the ancients-the unity of nature
and man. Chinese medicine believes that heaven and earth are a big universe, the human body is a
small universe, heaven and man are interlinked, and man is not affected by heaven and earth all the
time. Nature really has the power to heal. This is a subtle influence. Many people will feel better
after walking around in nature. They will be very annoyed at first, but they will also become very
comfortable. Being in nature for a long time, People will have a feeling of detachment. The highest
state of health is the unity of nature and man, and the highest state of health is also nourishing the
mind. Nature is very helpful for regulating the mind. Prenatal education also said that in order to
promote the sensory development of the fetus, mothers should receive more benign stimulation of
the five senses. The mother and the fetus can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery together, and listen
to the melody of nature such as the sound of birds and running water, which can promote the
sensory development of the fetus. The air with sufficient oxygen is also very good for fetal brain
development. Now is the Internet age. Many people live in reinforced concrete, have very little
contact with nature, are addicted to the Internet, indulge in masturbation, and do not have good
exercise habits, so the time for symptoms is greatly advanced. Many people are masturbating.
Symptoms appeared within a year, and now the temptation is fierce, and there are many crazy
experiences, just like being possessed. There are also many brothers who suffer from neurosis. If
they stay away from the Internet and masturbate, many people will not suffer from neurosis. Why
stay up late to sit for a long time? It's because of playing online games or staying up late to watch
porn! The Internet is indeed a double-edged sword. You must control your online time to avoid
being addicted to the Internet. I was neurotic at the time. I often went for a walk in the park alone.
Walking out would get 2-3 times more oxygen than sitting at home. It was also good for changing
mood and speeding up blood circulation. It was a benign stimulus. The heart-alignment is
particularly good, the body and mind are united, and when the mood is good, the body recovers
easily. I admire naturopathy very much, and I am also a beneficiary of naturopathy. Returning to
nature and absorbing the power of healing will purify your mind and improve your aura.

7. Surgical treatment to restore the essence

Surgery is also a way of treatment and recovery. Of course, correct surgery must be done, and
surgery should not be performed blindly. Now many people go to male hospitals and are advised to
do dorsal penile nerve block surgery. As a result, erectile dysfunction occurs after the operation, and
sexual function has not been significantly improved. This operation is very tricky. In order to
generate income, many hospitals will recommend this operation to the patient, which is driven by
interests. In fact, premature ejaculation and impotence are common in patients with traumatized
sperm. Generally, if you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, actively exercising, your
sexual function will be improved, and there is no need for this operation. Many brothers have
undergone this operation and feel cheated. The effect of this operation is not accurate. Sexual
function may be restored or it may become worse. Therefore, this operation should be done with
caution. In addition, if the foreskin is too long and the spermatic cord is severe, then surgery can be
considered. Surgical treatment can relieve symptoms, but you cannot blindly perform surgery. In
addition, the surgeon should be trustworthy, otherwise, if the operation fails, you will be the one
who is unlucky. We should choose a large regular hospital. Try not to go to the men's hospital. The
advertisements of men's hospitals are flying all over the sky. After entering, there are basically
thousands of them, and there are many tens of thousands. No matter what surgery you do, you must
be cautious and make a decision after you understand it clearly and consider it carefully. Don’t
accept the surgery on an impulse, otherwise you may regret it in the future. I really squeeze the
sweat for this brother, and also squeeze the sweat for the doctor.

8. Psychotherapy to restore the essence

Psychotherapy is also a way of recovery, usually with neurosis, many people will choose to see a
psychologist. Nowadays, there are various treatment methods, everything is available. If you meet a
good psychiatrist, through professional psychotherapy, it is expected to alleviate the condition, it is
really important to open the heart knot. Patients can choose to see a psychiatrist, or they can study
psychotherapy-related books on their own. In fact, many neurotic patients read books on their own,
read Chinese medicine books or read professional psychotherapy books. Many patients have
realized that seeking a doctor is worse than seeking oneself. A good doctor is hard to come by. It is
impossible for a doctor to follow you 24 hours a day. I didn’t go to see a psychologist at that time. I
adjusted my mind through Buddhism. Many patients chose a psychologist. A good psychologist can
take you out of the predicament, but some psychologists will make you more confused. However,
whether it is a good or bad psychiatrist, they all inspire you to a certain extent, allowing you to learn
how to observe your own mind, learn how to manage your emotions, and learn how to control your
thoughts. These are all key aspects. The body and mind are one. The rehabilitation of neurosis
requires the synchronization of the body and mind, so that the heart becomes soft and peaceful, no
longer irritable, and learn to be grateful and do more good deeds. Physical conditioning can be
treated with drugs, but you must learn to reboot and maintain essence, and you must learn the way
of health preservation. In this way, the body and mind will be in the same state, the neurosis will
slowly recover, and the psychological and physical problems will be solved. Many people can't take
medicine, but rebooting for more than half a year has relieved most of their feelings, making them
more convinced that rebooting and health training is the correct way to recover.

9. Restoring the joy of the essence

In Sanyang Kaitai, there is happiness and rising sun. The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says:
If the sun is in the sky, if the sky and the sun lose their place, they will lose their life and lose their
life! The yang person guards the outside but is solid, which means that the human body has the
ability to resist external evils, and this ability is yang qi. Guard: guard, meaning to defend. Yang Qi
is like the guards of the human body. They are distributed on the surface of the skin and are
responsible for resisting all external evils and protecting the safety of the human body. Anyone, as
long as the Yang Qi is strong, can survive all diseases. Therefore, the maintenance of Yang Qi is the
foundation of health maintenance and treatment of diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine believes
that “the strong yang will lead to longevity, and the weakening of the yang will lead to death.” To
have a healthy body and to live a hundred years, having sufficient yang is a prerequisite. The place
where we live is called the yang room. The yang energy of human beings attenuates a little bit, and
finally it returns to the yin and enters the underworld! The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic pays
much attention to the Yang Qi of the human body, and it is believed that the greatest loss of Yang
Qi to the human body is sexual intercourse. Especially indiscriminate! It hurts your yang too much
to be mad! ! Indulging in life loss, all kinds of diseases are plagued! Not fake at all! Many people
are addicted to masturbation for a period of time, and find that they are mentally sluggish, and then
their body resistance has dropped drastically. In fact, this is a manifestation of yang qi damage. So,
how can I increase my yang energy? You must completely abstain from sex, and then actively
exercise, do more good deeds, and maintain a cheerful and cheerful mood. This is Sanyang Kaitai.
In addition, diet therapy can also warm and nourish Yang Qi. Staying up late and sitting for a long
time, eating cold food, abusing antibiotics, blowing on air conditioners, etc., these all hurt your
yang. If you are happy, the sun will rise. It is the joy of restraint. Smiles are the best, and you are
happy and sad. It is too late! Let yourself smile more. Psychology says that facial expressions affect
your mood. When you smile, your brain will secrete happiness hormones. When you are happy,
your body's resistance will improve a lot. Remember: smile, be grateful, and do more good deeds.

10. Restore the power of faith

Putting the power of faith at the end is to highlight its importance. To be honest, it was the Dharma
that allowed me to open up my wisdom, it was the Dharma that saved me, and it was the Dharma
that made me stick to it until now. Otherwise, I would be the one I was before and I would
withdraw early. The selfless and altruistic spirit of Buddhism deeply shocked me, and I also want to
be a selfless and altruistic practitioner, silently dedicating and not asking for anything in return. The
Dharma let me find the value of life, and let me find the right direction of life. Dharma is not
negative, but Dharma is positive. The blessing of faith is incredible, and chanting Buddha can also
cure diseases. This is true! There are many real case feedbacks in this regard. Master Yinguang
said: "Buddha is the great doctor, universally curing all living beings' physical and mental life and
death. However, life and death serious illnesses arise from the heart. Therefore, we must first treat
the heart disease as the predecessor. And heal." For brothers who have the predestined relationship
with the Buddha, I suggest you try to recite the Buddha. I have personally experienced it myself.
When I used moxibustion, I had diarrhea, and all that was pulled out was water. This is a
manifestation of diarrhea. It is a manifestation of diarrhea, expelling cold air and dampness after the
excretion. I feel a lot of physical recovery. Once I chanted the Guanyin mantra and chanted more
than a thousand sentences. Immediately after reciting it, I had diarrhea, and the diarrhea was also
watery. At that time, I knew it was a cure. It is true that chanting of Buddha can cure diseases, and
there are many real cases in this regard. Of course, the curative effect of chanting Buddha varies
from person to person, and not everyone has diarrhea. Releasing life can also cure diseases. When
releasing life, people’s mood will be very comfortable. In fact, it is healing the mind. The body and
mind are united, and the healing of the mind can affect the health of the body. The blessings of
Buddhism are incredible. If you have deep faith, you can definitely get induction. Don't ask for
induction. Just asking for it will probably cause trouble. The so-called do not seek contentment! I
have shared the benefits of studying Buddhism with you. I hope that brothers who have good roots
and predestined relationships can be inspired. Practice Buddhism is the greatest blessing.

This season I have summarized the recovery methods. In addition to these ten points, a good sleep
is also a good recovery. One brother recovered well. When someone asked him about the recovery
method, he said he slept well. The human body is also capable of self-repair, especially in deep
sleep. Therefore, a good sleep is really important for recovery. There are many recovery methods,
and there are many health maintenance methods. The recovery method that suits you may not be
completely suitable for others. Everyone should learn more, explore more, and try more by
themselves. You can learn from the recovery experience of others, and then find a recovery method
that suits you. . Regardless of the restoration method, complete abstinence and control of suicide are
the major prerequisites, that is, the foundation, the foundation is firm, and the high-rise buildings
are raised on the ground! Otherwise, if the foundation is not stable, the building will be built on the
sand. I hope that the majority of brothers will be able to restore a healthy physical and mental state
as soon as possible. In the mirror, you are back again! The radiant face of you is back! That
energetic you are back again! The wicked and obscene atmosphere was wiped out! come on!

This season I continued to write 6 reboot poems, and share them with everyone


"The Purest Part"

Your body

No longer a child

But the purest part

Still in your heart

As long as you start rebooting

Can get it back

The purest part



Look at the child's eyes more

There is the purity you have lost

Child's eyes

Can purify one's mind

Once you

Also so pure

Without any impurities

In the child's eyes

You can see heaven


"Different Eyes"

His eyes are sunny

There is purity, there is righteousness

There is no wickedness in his eyes

No wretchedness, no dullness

No holes

As long as you insist on quitting

You can also have this look


"you are not human"

When you start masturbating

You are not human

You are the devil

Demon of the heart demon!


"Comfort leads to waste"

Everyone likes to be comfortable

Everyone likes cool

But few people can clearly understand

Comfort leads to waste!

After comfortable

Just uncomfortable

A series of discomfort
A series of painful torture

Masturbation leading to the hospital

Comfort leads to waste!

You seek comfort

Is pursuing waste

Waste! Waste! Waste!

Discard first if you are unmarried!


Comfort leads to waste!

Say it silently 500 times a day!


"Pleasure is Fake"

The pleasure is fake.

Kidney injury is true. Prostatitis is true. The spermatic cord is true. Divine decline is true. It's true to
be ugly. Acne is real.

Hair loss is real. Gray hair is real. Soft legs are real. Low back pain is real. Eye bags are real. Dark
circles are real.

Premature ejaculation is true. Impotence is true. It is true that an erection is not firm. Infertility is

Social fear is true. Anxiety disorders are real. Depression is real. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is
true. Inferiority complex is true. Insignificance is true.

Dizziness is real. Insomnia is true. Dreaminess is true. Slippery is true. Frequent urination is true.
Dibai is true.

It is true that the scrotum is wet. Lower abdomen pain is real. It's true to be addicted to lying down.
Loss of fighting spirit is true.

Waiting for urine is true. Urgency is real. Urine bifurcation is real. Urine is not all real. Frequent
legacy is true. Deficiency of spleen and kidney yang is true.

Tinnitus is true. The dull complexion is true. Absence of eyes is true. It's true that the body stinks.

It is true that the hands and feet are prone to tingling. Forgetfulness is true. It is true that morning
erection is of poor quality. Weakness is real.
Weight loss is true. Puffiness is true. Hypochondria is true. Easy to fatigue is true. The decline in
resistance is true.

Die and weak is true. The mental decline is true. The headache is real. Excessive sweating is true.
Chest tightness is real.

Osteoporosis is true. Developmental disorders are real. Short penis is true. Palpitations are real. The
cyst is real.

Irritability is true. Egg pain is real. A split tongue is true. Blood in urine is true. The stones are real.
Pneumothorax is real.

Diarrhea is real. Constipation is true. Irregular stool is true. The lumbar protrusion is real. Vision
barriers are true.

It's true that the bellyache is true. It is true that semen does not liquefy. It is true that the skin is oily.
Rhinitis is real.

Ejaculation disorder is true. Ejection is true.

Sudden death is true.

Do you dare to masturbate? Masturbation is a high-risk behavior, don't hurt yourself! Remember!

Remarks: I originally made the song "Pleasure Is Fake" in a picture, and it worked well and spread
widely. This season I will put it in the article for better dissemination. This song is better than
before, with some symptoms added.
Season 61: The detailed chapter of mental recovery

This season’s preface is addicted to answering questions and tired of answering questions. I will tell
you that addicted answering is a situation that many panelists and I have reported. I have also had
similar behaviors, which is crazy answering questions, even answering ten pages a day, which
makes me very Tired and sedentary for a long time, I made adjustments later, answering 1-2 pages
of questions every day, changing to a long stream of water. Questions are endless. There are tens of
thousands of brothers and tens of thousands of questions. One's energy is really limited, and one can
only adopt a long-term strategy. If you don’t understand the long flow of water, what will happen?
That was a burst of crazy Q&A, the post was on fire, but the person was tired and got down, and
then he thought, I helped others, but he had repeated symptoms, which was not worth it, and then he
got upset and couldn’t stick to it. NS. This is a relatively common situation. Many question
answerers have disappeared. A large part of the reason is that they are too tired to answer questions.
Therefore, I rarely go to Q now. Unless I make an appointment to answer questions in a group, I
generally do not do one-to-one answering questions. There are 500 people in the group, and there
are 2,000 people in the group. For example, the great compassion and hardship rebooting group
usually takes more than an hour to answer dozens of questions and have a direct Q&A exchange
with the majority of brothers. Brothers ask questions. I Give immediate answers and guidance. I
now have more than 1,000 private messages backlog questions. At the earliest I could still take care
of private messages. Later, I couldn't do my best, so I gave up private messages to answer questions,
and only chose the latest post to answer questions. When the answerer is addicted to answering
questions, he must learn to make adjustments, he must learn to allocate his own energy, I understand
that you want to help the brothers, but you must pay attention to maintaining your health, so as to
help everyone lastingly. Don't rush and fight, it won't last long. It should be like running 10,000
meters, not too fast. If you run 10,000 meters by 100 meters, I think you are crazy, and it won't
work soon. In the tortoise and the hare race, I chose the tortoise strategy. I did not give up helping
everyone, but I will avoid rushing and beating, otherwise I will soon get up and down.

The second is to answer questions and get tired of questions. Brother Zhu Jiaxing, whom I admired
so much, helped countless people, but now he has disappeared. He once said in my post that he tried
his best to come up to answer questions on the weekend, but he still didn't come up. It is estimated
that on the one hand, he was tired, on the other hand, he might be too busy at work, or there are
other reasons. The interviewers are there to help everyone in the bar every day. When you stick to a
certain stage, you may get bored, because many questions are repeated, and the original intention
has been retired, so there is not so much freshness. At this time, many answerers disappeared. Those
who really persisted are determined and persevering. It is indeed a kind of good deed to truly regard
helping others reboot as a career. In fact, answering a question is a small good, a propaganda, and it
is also a small good. Don’t try to be a small good. Answering questions or propagating rebooting in
the rebooting bar is to accumulate virtue and do good. It depends on whether you have this
awareness and perseverance. To do this, do three small benevolences every day, that is, answer three
questions, or make three publicity, one year is one thousand benevolences! It is not small to say that
it is a small kind, because one propaganda may change the destiny of a person's life, and one
answering a question may pull a person into the right track. A small kind is also a great kind. The
rebooting bar is the best place to cultivate blessings and benevolence, but we don’t want to live in
the image. The Diamond Sutra says: "If a bodhisattva can't stop giving to one another. Its merit is
incredible!" We help others reboot without asking for anything in return. That is, if you have done it
just like you haven't done it before, silently help everyone and stick to your reboot with a spirit of
selfless dedication.
When the answerer is bored, he should also pay attention to psychological adjustments. You can
reduce the amount of answering questions. Originally, there are 20 answers a day, but it can be
reduced to less than 5, or 3, or even one. When the state is good, you can answer more questions. If
a person doesn't answer questions for a few days, his inertia in answering questions will disappear,
and he will probably become less and less reluctant to answer questions, so slowly leave rebooting.
In addition, it should be noted that you should not spend most of your time on rebooting, because
many brothers have studies and jobs, so you must allocate your time and energy, especially the third
party and the postgraduate party, rebooting is It's important, but school and work are equally
important. Just set aside a piece of time for rebooting every day, just like you set aside time for
brushing and eating every day. Time management is very important. Don't let rebooting affect your
studies and work. You should pay attention to this. Of course, on weekends or holidays, you can add
some time to study reboot articles or help you answer questions. Rebooting bar, welcome all
rebooting talents to settle in this book, you can write articles and post, you can also help answer
questions, you can also engage in publicity, as long as you are talented, here is your stage!

Let’s talk about the problem of quitting oil. After quitting, many brothers had problems with their
rebooting attitudes. They just stopped rebooting seriously, did not study rebooting articles seriously,
and stopped taking rebooting notes. Ask him to understand. do not know? He understands
everything, and he even says that. Reading the title of the rebooting article will know what it says,
but his "understanding" requires a big question mark! If you really understand, how can you break
the precept? Relapse is showing a message, that is, there are still defects in your consciousness, and
there are still shortcomings in your understanding! It's like a plane crashed, what does that indicate?
It shows that there must be a problem, how can it crash if there is no problem? Many people's
understanding is not true, but general understanding, understanding is very superficial, not deep and
impenetrable, and has no power to the environment! As Zen said: "Speaking is like enlightenment,
and I am fascinated by the state of life." When I say it, I seem to know everything. Talking about
rebooting articles, talking eloquently, quoting scriptures, and having a good head, sounds like a
successful rebooter, but there is no power when facing the situation! As soon as the temptation
appears, the heart demon appears, the obscenity appears, it either surrenders immediately, or it is
completely fallen by resisting a few times! It's like talking about soldiers on paper. Some people are
very good at talking about soldiers on paper. When they come to real swords and guns, they become
softer! He failed repeatedly in the magic test, and finally he lost his confidence and refused to study
hard to raise his consciousness. The improvement of his consciousness must be solid, and he must
deeply understand and internalize his reboot consciousness, otherwise he will understand it in
general, and he will only be aware of the situation. There is no power! As Zen Master Da Huigao
said: Potion of mercury, it will fly in fire!

Our attitude towards rebooting must be correct and serious, because attitude determines everything,
attitude determines altitude, and attitude determines how long you can reboot. The general rule for
successful rebooting is as follows: start rebooting→break→summary study→recession
reduction→continue to improve enlightenment→relapse less→reach a relatively perfect
enlightenment→reverse the heart demon→reboot into a stable period. After entering the stable
period of rebooting, you still need to maintain a high degree of vigilance, so that you can keep the
results of rebooting. This process of successful rebooting is basically something that every brother
has to go through. Is there a successful reboot as soon as he comes into contact with the rebooting
article? some! But very few, they belong to the kind of brothers with extremely high savvy, just like
a class, there are always top-notch students. Ordinary brothers have to go through a process of
breaking the precepts, learning, breaking the precepts, and relearning. If you are not afraid of
breaking the precepts, you are afraid not to learn. The smart brothers will improve themselves
through relapses, because they can only know where they are inadequate when they break the
precepts. Reinforce your consciousness, and you will quit better next time. Some brothers do not
pay attention to learning and summarizing after relapse, and they do not learn from the relapse. This
will only make the worse and worse. After the retreat, they may become quit oil seeds, boastful, and
have no power at all when facing the situation. Real gold is not afraid of fire, we should all make
real gold, not give up oily seeds, and fly in fire!

Here are a few Q&A cases

1. [I saw on a certain platform that I said that I would do push-ups to punish myself after breaking
the ring. I can’t agree with this point. I have a deep understanding that once I break the ring, it is
easy to have problems when I exercise. Should I pay attention to something after breaking the
vows? Brother Feixiang, although you haven't relapsed, I don't know what experience you have? 】

Answer: Do push-ups to punish yourself. As I have mentioned in the previous article, you should
pay attention to recuperation after breaking the vows and avoid strength training as much as
possible. Otherwise, symptoms may aggravate or even new symptoms may appear. After breaking
the vows, pay attention to rest and try not to do strenuous exercise.

Additional comment: After relapse, the body is more tired, just like a long-distance race just
finished, even the rest of the excitement will not last long. Many people have this experience, that
is, fall asleep after relapse, especially fatigue. Some brothers want to do push-ups to punish
themselves. This idea is understandable, but it is best to punish yourself after you have a good rest.
Don’t punish yourself when you’re tired. This may cause new symptoms of discomfort. Many
brothers should have experienced it. , Such as heart discomfort, or inflammation. Traditional
Chinese Medicine: The kidney governs the essence and the bone, and heavy lifting will hurt the
bone. Especially when using explosive force when tired, it may hurt the kidney qi. Zhao Benshan's
cerebral hemorrhage was caused by drunk push-ups. Another clear example is that a post-ninety
recruit enlisted in the army and suffered a fracture while doing push-ups. Therefore, you should pay
attention to recuperating when you are tired and try to avoid strength training. Even if you do, you
should choose low-intensity training. Don't be too tired, otherwise problems may occur.

2. [Later in my sophomore year, I played football and I suffered a normal body collision and my leg
broke. I had a steel plate for three months. I went to the hospital for an examination, but my bones
didn't grow at all. The doctor said that everyone has different physical fitness, and some people are
slower. I go to check every month. I haven't grown up for six months. I'm scared. I always said that
I was injured for a hundred days, and I have been six months. My parents looked for various doctors
for me. The last old Chinese doctor said that I was because of that. It probably meant that the bone
marrow had been ejected and the bones could not grow, so I abstained for a month and a half and
the bones grew. Only then did I realize the dangers of masturbation, and then I knew why my grades
dropped and my memory was bad. 】

Additional comment: Traditional Chinese Medicine: Kidney governs bone, bone produces marrow!
Many brothers realize the dangers of masturbation, and they only realize it after suffering a lot.
After the fracture, the brother was still indulging in indulgence, which caused his bones to fail to
grow. This reminds me that Wu Guozhong’s book also talked about a fracture case. If I remember
correctly, it should be a hand fracture, and then still have sex during the fracture. As a result, it
didn’t grow well after several months. Once abstinence, the bones grow back. Chinese medicine
says that the kidney governs the bones. Many people don't know it deeply. This brother's
understanding and experience should be very profound. Beckham suffered a foot injury. After the
operation, the doctor made him abstinence for three months. In fact, Western doctors have long
realized that abstinence is extremely important for physical recovery. Traditional Chinese Medicine:
Kidney deficiency, sore waist and knees. After many brothers indulge in masturbation, they have an
intuitive experience that their legs become soft and become soft-footed crabs. If they exercise
vigorously with soft legs, it is very likely that fractures and bones will occur as long as they are not
paying attention. In fact, masturbation can cause bone loss. Once the bone quality drops, strenuous
exercise is dangerous. At that time, people are "brittle" and become glass people, and the possibility
of fractures increases a lot. I hope the brothers will pay more attention to this aspect and try to avoid
strenuous exercise when the body is weak. I have also learned a lesson. Playing basketball always
has broken feet, and there have been broken bones and bone fractures. These are all painful
memories. .

3. [Brother Feixiang, ask about hemorrhoids, I have internal hemorrhoids, originally the size of
soybeans, I don't feel much, but I suddenly became the size of pebbles a few days ago and I was
very uncomfortable. I moxibusted the anus directly, and the hemorrhoids got bigger and bigger,
about two pebbles as big. It's hard to walk or sit. Should I continue moxibustion? Wait for him to
recover before moxibustion. I see your case is that the hemorrhoids fell off directly, I am afraid that
my hemorrhoids are getting bigger and bigger, and I don’t feel anything. To add, "No feeling"
means that there is no feeling of falling off. No matter how old you are, you can't walk. Brother
Feixiang, afterwards, I did not continue moxibustion. Three days now, I got up a little bit younger
this morning, and then I walked so badly that I saw it when I went to the toilet. Hole, a small meat
ball about 5 mm in diameter came out. The whole panties were covered with blood and some solid-
like things. Is this an eversion? Do I have to moxibus the belly button next? 】

Answer: Well, the hemorrhoids fell off. It's a success! Once the hemorrhoids fall off, they will
slowly return to normal. I used moxibustion to a certain extent and then exploded. Once exploded, a
small ball of flesh fell out. Then the wound would heal in a few days and the hemorrhoids would
heal. There is indeed a painful process, just survive it. come on!

Additional comment: This brother is very fierce! He is a person who dares to moxibustion for
hemorrhoids. Of course, in fact, it is not that painful, it is still bearable, as long as the distance is
mastered. Generally, after two days of moxibustion, the hemorrhoids will become bigger, and then
continue to moxibustion, the hemorrhoids will burst, the hemorrhoids will fall off, and then the
hemorrhoids will be completely healed. Of course, pay attention to maintenance after recovery.
Don't sit on the sunken sofa and keep your diet light. At that time, I was using mugwort leaf foot
bath and moxibustion at Shenque point. About three days later, the hemorrhoids fell off, just a piece
of white flesh. Since then, I have not had hemorrhoids again. Of course, I pay great attention to
maintenance, so it is considered thorough. All right. When the hemorrhoids become larger, there
will be a painful process, neither standing nor sitting, but after getting over it, it succeeds. This
method of treating hemorrhoids is not suitable for everyone, but the effect is indeed very good.
Shan Guimin's moxibustion medical records have also been mentioned many times. It is a very
good treatment.

4. [When I was 9 years old, I was curious and started my first time to fuck. I have been married
since 23 this year. Before I got married, it was basically two days and sometimes once a day. I
haven't had a child for half a year. I went to the hospital for an examination and found that I couldn't
conceive naturally without sperm. It was dim and dark. Who can understand my pain! 】

Additional comment: Many people think that their masturbation seems to be fine, and there are not
many symptoms. In fact, bad changes have happened quietly. At the beginning, they accumulate
quietly, and then they accumulate to a critical point when symptoms break out. Some diseases are
dark diseases. , I don’t even feel much, such as a slight spermatic cord, many brothers have already
gotten it, but they don’t feel anything at all. Seeing Cai Huangong, Bian Que said: "You have
disease in your mind, but if you fail to cure it, you will be afraid." Huanhou said: "No one is sick."
Everyone should have learned this article. In the budding stage, as a sick individual, it is very likely
that there is no feeling at all. The disease has a latent and developmental process. The same is true
for masturbation. It is a process of boiling frogs in warm water. Then in the sixth year, various
symptoms and various discomforts appeared, and some people even suffered severe hair loss, and
their desire to die was all over. People with poor physique or severe addiction will have symptoms
in less than two years. I have seen tens of thousands of cases, and there are too many symptoms in
two years. Remember, masturbation wastes people quietly and unknowingly. By the time you find
out, you may be suffering from symptoms. This brother is very sad. He has azoospermia. The
prostatitis and spermatic cord caused by masturbation can affect the quality of sperm. There are a
lot of sperm jelly bodies, and even ejaculation is bloody. Also common. Everyone must be vigilant
in this regard, masturbation will harm the quality of sperm, thereby affecting eugenics and postnatal
care, and in serious cases can lead to infertility.

5. [Quit for more than two months! Why is rebooting so miraculous? This time I quit for 70 days.
70 days ago, it was a state of decadence that could not be expressed in words! Cold, introverted and
autistic! cowardly! decadent! I was 9 years old and had serious social fears two years ago! Fear of
communicating with people, afraid to look at each other, almost close to an idiot in brain power,
speaking with a deep and unpleasant nasal voice, and being rejected by everyone around him! I
wanted to commit suicide several times, and I couldn't worry about my parents, so I didn't do
anything stupid! The persistence this time gave me a glimmer of hope. Now I feel that I have a
desire to talk with people, my eyes are not so evasive, and my spirit is much better! Although this
subtle dawn is still visible, I will stick to it and find myself at the pinnacle of sunshine! 】

Additional comment: Many brothers have asked me how to recover well, and what should I do if
social fear is severe? What to do with communication barriers? What to do with visual impairment?
There are many problems of this kind, and there are serious self-harm and suicide tendencies. In
fact, what I want to say is just six words: persist in rebooting and keeping in good health! Persevere,
the physical and mental symptoms caused by masturbation will be alleviated to varying degrees.
This brother is a good example. His persistence this time made him see the light, and the body and
mind are slowly developing in a good direction. Very gratifying feedback . I hope this brother can
recover as soon as possible. The hardest thing to reboot is to persist! Persevere, recovery will be a
matter of course. There is no doubt that countless cases have proved it. I'm afraid that you will
always break the precepts, and that will be difficult.

6. [Here, please ask Brother Feixiang. After I read your article on tree therapy, I accepted it very
happily. I found that tree therapy does have a powerful and magical effect on the recovery of
complexion, my spirit It's much better than before. I want to ask Brother Feixiang, is tree therapy
available at any time? For example, is it okay at night? Is it okay when it rains? 】

Answer: It's best to do it during the day, when the yang is more abundant, especially when there is
sun. At night, the yang qi is absorbed and the yin qi is heavy, so try not to do it. The night under the
tree is also gloomy. Try not to do it even if it rains, come on!

Additional comment: Since I recommended the tree therapy, many brothers have achieved good
results, especially for the improvement of complexion, persisting for a few days, looking in the
mirror, the effect is very obvious. However, some brothers didn't believe it, and there was nothing to
do, indicating that he had no relationship with tree therapy. Tree therapy is very good. It can get
close to nature and improve your mood. However, tree therapy has many restrictions. You need to
find a good tree, preferably in a place with few people, so as to avoid the weird vision of others.
There is also the limitation of weather and time. Rainy days are not suitable, and evenings are not
suitable. You have to have time to do it yourself. This is also very important. Many brothers are not
free, so tree therapy is not suitable for you. .

7. [Hello, Big Brother Flying, I want to ask, I’m 19 now, I’m drowsy, depressed, dry and swollen
eyes, chest tightness, panic, nervousness, many inexplicable feelings, various symptoms, it’s simply
life worse than death. , I'm only 19 years old, I have been taking medicine for almost three years,
and it has no effect. The doctor prescribed medications such as depression and anxiety to no effect. I
feel that my life is really painful. The symptoms are too terrifying. I can't feel the world every day,
and the medications have no effect. I don't know what to do anymore. I used to masturbate
frequently, usually 7 or 8 times at night, and then I lost sleep. I don't know if it is caused by
masturbation. Sincerely ask for answers, thank you very much. 】

Answer: I'm considering neurosis. Neurosis needs to be treated actively, but we must know how to
reboot and preserve essence. My 30-season article is about neurosis. Please take a look. You
masturbate too often and it hurts your body too much. Quit quickly. Remember!

Additional comment: I really feel sad for this brother. Neurosis is the most tormenting one. It is not
an exaggeration to describe it as horror. Many people want to commit suicide. It is true that life is
better than death. Only when you have experienced it can you understand that. Hell-like panic and
despair. The poor thing is that this brother is only 19 years old. That's how it is at 19 years old. How
will life be in the future! Fortunately, neurosis is reversible and can be restored. I used to have
severe neurosis, and now I have fully recovered, nothing is the same. This brother said that he took
medicine without effect. I also had this experience at that time. After taking a lot of western
medicine, it had some effect at first, but it didn’t take long before he became resistant. Then he
changed the medicine and became a medicine jar by himself. Oops. This brother 7 or 8 times a night
is too cruel! This kind of frequency, even the iron man can't bear it! No wonder you have neurosis at
the age of 19. This brother also reported that he had insomnia after masturbation. When he first
started masturbating, it was easy to fall asleep because he felt very tired, but after he became
neurotic, the more he fell asleep, the more he fell asleep, so he said that masturbation helps to fall
asleep in stages. , Insomnia will appear later. Everyone should understand this law. Don't rely on
masturbation to fall asleep. If you develop bad habits, it will be hard to change. If you have a
neurosis, you will die. Remember!

Let’s move on to the topic, this season will give a detailed discussion on mental recovery, as

Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidneys lead to the brain! Kidney Essence and Metaplasia Brain
Marrow! The kidney controls the bone, the bone produces the marrow, and the brain is the sea of
marrow. Masturbation hurts the kidneys, and it hurts to a certain degree. The brain power drops
first, and then the injury is neurosis, which develops from a mild neurosis to a severe neurosis. If
you stay up all night and sit for a long time, then it is likely to develop into a serious neurosis at
once, and it is really worse than death. Mental recovery is one of the key points of rehabilitation
after rebooting. After all, many brothers are students, as well as office workers. They are still very
distressed about mental decline. Once their mental power is restored, doing things will be easier,
and academic performance will follow. On the other hand, masturbation leads to a decrease in
mental power, and many brothers’ studies are severely affected, and their grades are significantly
reduced. Although some brothers have a strong foundation and can still enter the ideal university,
they are not at their peak mental state after all. They have been weakened a lot by masturbation.
Some brothers originally had mediocre mental skills, and if they were weakened, it would be even
worse. It has a great influence on one's future in life. This season I will talk about mental recovery. I
will share with you what I have collected and researched. I hope I can help you. I divided it into 11
parts, including excerpts.

1. Sufficient sleep: During sleep, various hormones secreted regularly play an active role. Take
growth hormone as an example. When you enter a deep sleep state for one hour, its secretion peaks,
which is more than three times that of the day. In addition to promoting growth, this hormone can
also accelerate the burning of body fat. On the contrary, if there is insufficient sleep, endocrine
disorders, and hormone secretion loss, not only will emotions become easily agitated, but fertility
may also be affected. Deep sleep is the stage where the human body sleeps the most soundly and
fragrantly. At this time, you cannot hear any noise outside, and it is difficult to be awakened by
others. When you wake up, you will feel refreshed. At this moment, the human body is secreting a
large amount of hormones, immune cells, various damaged cells (especially brain cells) are
repairing, fatigue is recovering, energy is storing, the digestive system is busy absorbing nutrients,
and waste is being excreted in large quantities. . Deep sleep is the guarantee for children to grow
taller and to develop their intelligence; young people are energetic; middle-aged people are strong;
and the elderly are healthy and long-lived. A Harvard Medical School study found that sleep helps
the brain to strengthen memory. Sleep at least 7 hours a night, the brain function is stronger.
Therefore, if the injured patient wants to recover their brain power, they should avoid staying up
late and sit for a long time. They should develop a good work and rest. This is very important and
important for the recovery of your brain power. The state of deep sleep is an important time for
human body repair and should not be used for Staying up late is too bad for your body and your

2. Fitness exercise: A Columbia University study found that participating in the gym helps to
increase new cells in the brain area responsible for memory. Participants exercise 4 times a week for
4 consecutive months, the brain will be significantly improved. Persistent exercise can keep the
human body in a well-balanced body shape. During exercise, the brain will release happy hormones
(enkephalins), and the "reward center" will become excited, the cerebral blood vessels will slightly
expand, and the brain cells will become active, making the mind clear, comfortable and full of body.
Vitality, psychological pressure disappears, musculoskeletal is strong and powerful, exercise
strengthens the body and brain, which can strengthen memory and improve brain power. Hillman, a
professor of physical education at the University of Illinois in the United States, pointed out that
moderate exercise can improve brain power. 30 minutes of exercise for adults and 20 minutes for
children can increase brain power by 5%-10%. This effect occurs in the frontal part of the five lobes
of the brain. This cortex is the largest and most developed part of the brain lobe. It is related to the
person's attention and maintenance time, the ability to make judgments, the ability to control
impulse, and the ability to think at critical moments. Slow aerobic exercise helps improve blood
circulation in the frontal lobe, makes people more focused, speeds up the speed of the brain to
process information, and makes people perform better in cognitive activities. Sports can also
strengthen brain cells. Researchers have found that physical exercise not only strengthens the body,
but also strengthens brain cells. Scientists at the Salk Institute in California found that adult mice
that often run around the cage have twice as many new nerve cells in the hippocampus area of their
brains as non-exercise mice. This area is related to memory and learning ability. Active exercise has
a very important positive effect on the recovery of brain power, especially aerobic exercise has
obvious improvement in brain power. Remember that a brother jogs often. On the one hand, his
brain power improves quickly, and on the other hand, his appearance and temperament are also
improved. Soon, aerobic exercise is indeed a powerful recovery tool for patients with traumatic
sperm. Don’t miss it. You can take a walk without running. At least you have to move. You can’t
stay in the room for long periods of time. Recovery is too slow. .

3. Rope skipping to improve brain power: Rope skipping is also a fitness. I put it out separately
because I think this sport is exceptionally good. There are not too many restrictions on the venue.
One rope is enough. Skipping rope improves brain power from a study in Taiwan. The experiment
uses Yang The heart rate spectrometer developed by Professor Guo Bozhao of Ming University
carried out pre-test and post-test and found that skipping rope can also enable schoolchildren to
have better control of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves (autonomic nerves). Not only can
they grow taller, they may also become smarter and improve their learning performance. better. I
have been a fitness trainer myself, and many personal trainers use skipping rope to train members. I
also often do this. Skipping rope is really good. Skipping rope can enhance the body's
cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system functions. Studies have confirmed that skipping rope
can prevent many diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis, high blood pressure,
muscle atrophy, hyperlipidemia, insomnia, depression, menopausal syndrome and other diseases.
There is an action in the Baduanjin: Behind the scenes, all illnesses disappear. And rope skipping is
in line with the characteristics of this kind of sports, the effect is really good, but the cost is
persistence. Brothers who like to watch boxing should know that to practice boxing is basically to
practice skipping rope, which can increase physical coordination and agility. Therefore, rope
skipping is a sport that integrates health preservation and fitness, and it is worth practicing. But pay
attention to warming up and choosing the venue, and don't jump too fast or too hard. I was able to
jump a hundred double jumps in a row at that time, but that was not a health-preserving jump
method. In fact, standing on tiptoes and jumping like this was the best. Those who are interested can
try it, I highly recommend it.

4. Health-preserving meditation: Meditation is a precious heritage in our traditional health-

preserving science. Sitting meditation can balance the body's yin and yang, dredge the meridians,
and smooth the qi and blood, so as to achieve the purpose of longevity and longevity. Andrew
Newberg pointed out in his new book "How God and Shinto Change Your Brain" that Buddhist
monks can improve their brain power through meditation, while Catholic nuns can improve their
brain power through prayer. The main key is to sit in meditation or pray. The concentration and
calming effect possessed. In medical research, brain tomography shows that sitting still can change
the gray matter of the brain and strengthen the concentration area of the brain. Indian-American
physicist Maharishi combined ancient Indian yoga (equivalent to our country’s meditation) with the
unified field theory in modern physics, and created a new method of self-regulation of the body and
mind—transcendental meditation. Favored by the world. He said: “When people learn to enter a
state of transcendental consciousness, their hearts will become calm, their thoughts will become
productive, and they will send out brisk and coordinated waves to the environment.” Scientists have
conducted experimental studies on this method and found that the human body is in During
Transcendental Meditation, the whole body muscles relax, heart rate, breathing and brain waves are
slow, highly ordered, oxygen consumption is reduced, basic metabolic rate is reduced, immune
function is strengthened, small blood vessels in the body relax, blood adrenaline and other tension
hormones decrease, The cerebral cortex is in a state of protective inhibition, the cortical function is
synchronized and strengthened, and the nerve function is coordinated and unified. These biological
and physiological changes are quite beneficial to strengthening the body, preventing and curing
diseases and delaying aging. I once recommended meditation. The effect of meditation is really
good, especially for patients with mental decline. Sitting and standing stance can effectively
promote the recovery of the body and brain, and also have a significant effect on mental
improvement. Standing stance and meditation have the same effect. , I also recommended Zhan
Zhan, and I wrote about it for a season. The health-preserving static exercise is really good. It is a
recovery method not to be missed. Standing Zhan and meditating must choose at least one persistent
practice. I generally recommend Master Nan Huaijin's meditation articles and videos, you can read
them if you are interested.

5. Diet therapy recovery: Diet therapy has a positive effect on brain recovery. Of course, you can
also take traditional Chinese medicine to improve brain power. It is best for patients with severe
mental decline to cooperate with medication. This season I have excerpted and sorted out some diet
therapy content to share with you Diet therapy, also known as diet therapy, is a method of using
food to affect all aspects of the body's functions, so that it can be healthy or cured. According to the
promotion of mental recovery, I have selected 21 foods and made a recommendation, as follows:

(1) Peanuts: Peanuts and other nuts are rich in lecithin. Regular consumption can improve blood
circulation, inhibit platelet aggregation, prevent cerebral thrombosis, delay the decline of brain
function, enhance memory, and delay aging. It is a veritable "longevity fruit".
(2) Millet: Millet contains more nutrients such as protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamin B group, etc.,
and is called the staple food for strengthening the brain. Millet also has the effect of preventing

(3) Corn: Corn germ is rich in a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, which can protect brain blood
vessels and lower blood lipids. The high content of glutamic acid can promote brain cell
metabolism and has a brain-building effect.

(4) Pepper: The vitamin C content ranks first in vegetables, and the carotene and vitamin content
are also very rich. Chili peppers make people energetic and thinking.

(5) Spinach: Rich in vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, it is one of the best suppliers of brain cell
metabolism. It also contains a lot of chlorophyll, and it also has brain-building and intellectual

(6) Tangerines: oranges, lemons, oranges, grapefruits, etc. contain a lot of vitamins A, B1 and C,
which are typical alkaline foods that can eliminate the harm caused by a large number of acidic
foods to the nervous system. Eat some oranges in moderation during the exam, which can make
people energetic.

(7) Pineapple: It is rich in vitamin C and trace element manganese, and has low calories. Regular
eating has the effect of refreshing and improving memory.

(8) Carrot: It can stimulate brain material exchange and relieve the pressure of back pain.

(9) Cabbage: rich in vitamin B, can prevent brain fatigue.

(10) Soybeans: Contain lecithin and rich protein. Consume appropriate amount of soybeans or soy
products every day to enhance memory.

(11) Fungus: Containing protein, fat, polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, it is a
good product for brain invigoration.

(12) Apricot: Rich in vitamins A and C, it can effectively improve blood circulation, ensure
adequate blood supply to the brain, and help the brain to enhance memory.

(13) Daylily is rich in protein, fat, calcium, iron, and vitamin B1, all of which are needed for brain
metabolism. Therefore, it is called "brain-building food".

(14) Garlic: The energy source for brain activity mainly relies on glucose. To make glucose play its
due role, there needs to be a sufficient amount of vitamin B1. Garlic itself does not contain a lot of
vitamin B1, but it can enhance the effect of vitamin B1, because garlic and B1 can produce a
substance called "alliamine", and the role of alliamine is much stronger than vitamin B1. Therefore,
eating garlic appropriately can promote the conversion of glucose into brain energy.

(15) Walnuts: Walnut kernels contain 40%-50% unsaturated fatty acids, and about 60% of the
materials that make up human brain cells are unsaturated fatty acids. It can be said that unsaturated
fatty acids are an indispensable "building material" for the brain, and it is good for the development
of the brain that children often eat walnut kernels. The real reason why walnuts are beneficial to the
brain is that walnut kernels are rich in phospholipids. Phospholipids can activate brain nerves
through conversion in the body, so that the human body can maintain sufficient energy and good
memory. Hard fruit foods, including peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts,
hazelnuts, etc., contain a large amount of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, inorganic salts
and vitamins. Regular consumption is beneficial to improving brain nutrition.

(16) Pumpkin: Pumpkin is an excellent source of carotene. The content of vitamin A in pumpkin is
better than that of green vegetables, and it is rich in vitamin C, zinc, potassium and fiber. Traditional
Chinese medicine believes that pumpkin has a sweet and smooth nature and has the function of
refreshing the mind. It can treat dizziness, upset, thirst and other symptoms of Yin deficiency and
fire. Therefore, people with neurasthenia and memory loss.

(17) Kelp: Kelp is rich in linoleic acid, lecithin and other nutrients, and has brain-building
functions. The sulphurous substances in kelp and other seaweed foods are indispensable in the

(18) Bananas: Bananas are rich in nutrients, low in calories, and contain phosphorus called "salt of
wisdom". Bananas are also a super source of tryptophan and vitamin B6. They are rich in minerals,
especially potassium ions. , Regular eating has the effect of strengthening the brain.

(19) Flammulina velutipes is nicknamed "Yizhi Mushroom". It has a relatively high zinc content,
which can promote the intellectual development of children, has a brain-building effect, can
effectively enhance the body's life activity, promote metabolism in the body, and is beneficial to
food Absorption and utilization of various nutrients.

(20) Jujube: Jujube contains up to 380-600 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, and is called a live
vitamin C pill. Vitamin C can sharpen the function of the brain, strengthen the protein function of
brain cells, stimulate the excitement of brain cells, and make the brain function better.

(21) Blueberry fruit: Wild blueberry fruit is rich in antioxidants, which can remove impurities from
the body. The results of experiments conducted on mice showed that long-term intake of blueberry
fruit can accelerate the growth and differentiation of neuronal cells in the hippocampus of the brain,
improve memory, prevent the loss of balance and coordination with age, and reduce high blood
pressure and stroke. Probability of occurrence.

6. Always remember to smile: As the saying goes, "laugh for less than ten years", scientists keep
telling people that laughter is good for health, because the process of laughter can stimulate the
human body to release many healthy hormones or factors. Laughter is a good choice to fight fatigue
and eliminate anxiety. Laughter can quickly "charge" the brain. I have seen laughter in many
articles about improving mental ability. Some of the suggestions are laughter, but I suggest smiling.
Smile is better, because Chinese medicine talks about being happy and sad, but it is better to be
temperate. According to a new study, scientists have discovered that receiving a smile from a friend
or relative greatly improves and inspires a person’s brain activity. The effect of this method is even
more effective than giving him money or cigarettes. A total of 109 volunteers participated in the
testing activities. When the staff showed them a picture of a laughing person, the brain reflections
and reactions of the subjects were far more intense than when they were given money. The scientist
in charge of this research proposed that a photo of a child or a friend's smile brings energy to
people, which is equivalent to eating 2,000 pieces of chocolate or receiving 16,000 pounds. They
also found that seeing a smile can cause a short-term emotional orgasm, which is even higher than
the energy that "chocolate" and "shopping" bring to people. Therefore, I suggest that you smile
more by yourself, and you can also see more smiling pictures, which can bring you vitality and
energy. The energy of smile is also positive energy. It gives people a kind of affinity and kindness.
You smile, I smile, everyone's brain power has improved; a knowing smile, a detached smile, a free
and easy smile, a smile to solve a thousand sorrows, everyone smile more Bar.
7. Exercise brain power: For example, some training to improve brain power, such as attention
training, memory training, etc., memory can be improved through training. I have bought a book
and studied it. The methods inside are indeed effective. Many memory masters are trained,
including the gold medal in the memory contest. I watched a video about the champion who had
poor memory, but after mastering the method, his memory has improved by leaps and bounds, and
he won the international memory championship. Incredibly, since then, I have known that memory
can be greatly developed and improved through acquired training, and one of the most critical
abilities that affects learning efficiency is memory! It can also be said that memory is the basis of
learning. The memory of many patients with traumatic sperm has dropped drastically, even to an
extremely terrifying level, and is almost approaching Alzheimer's. If we insist on rebooting and
keeping in good health, and then master some memory or other mental training methods, then it will
definitely have a positive effect on the recovery of mental power. Those who are interested may
wish to give it a try.

8. Music: The auditory cortex of the brain analyzes many elements in music: volume, pitch, tone
quality, melody and rhythm. But the interaction between music and the brain does not stop at the
original sound. Music can also activate the reward center of your brain and inhibit the activity of the
amygdala, reducing fear and other negative emotions. American psychologists discovered 10 years
ago that regular listening to Mozart's music can improve people's mathematical logic and reasoning
ability. Recent studies have further proved that music can help the development of the brain. One
study divided 6-year-old children into two groups, one group taking music class and the other group
taking drama class. After a period of time, the IQ of the first group of children increased by an
average of 2-3 points, while the latter group did not change. Music training can strengthen the brain.
The motor cortex, cerebellum, and corpus callosum (connecting the two cerebral hemispheres) Part)
are bigger than non-musicians. String players have more sensory cortex dedicated to their fingers
than those who do not know this instrument. Whether music training can make you smarter is still
open, but some studies do show that music lessons can improve children's spatial abilities. We are
mentally injured, not to mention what kind of music training we are going to do, we can listen to
more pure music, or go to nature more, listen to nature's pure music, it is also very effective for
mental recovery, nature's recovery The power is incredible, it affects you subtly, gives you benign
stimulation, makes you feel comfortable, and allows your brainpower to be restored without
knowing it.

9. Meditation: The real brain changes caused by meditation. One of the findings is that the typical
normal state of brain cells stimulates activities at different times, but they are stimulated
simultaneously during meditation. Meditation experts have also shown the spike state of brain
activity in the left prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain is usually associated with positive
emotions. Those who are most active in this area during meditation also greatly improved immune
system function. Meditation can increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex, especially in areas
related to attention and sensation. (This increase does not seem to be due to the production of new
neurons in the cortex, but to show that more connections have been established between existing
neurons, the number of supporting cells has increased, and the blood vessels in those areas have
also increased. .) Meditation can enhance the ability to focus and pay attention, and improve the
ability to perform cognitive tasks. Meditation is one of the most precious techniques in yoga, and it
is a way to achieve concentration. You can take a look at articles and books about yoga and
meditation. They are very helpful for spiritual improvement. The content of meditation is very
delicate, which is different from traditional Chinese meditation, but there are many commonalities.
It is okay to insist on practicing meditation. It has significantly improved the brain power, which is
very good. I recommend meditation to everyone, and the brothers who are destined can learn about
10. Combing the hair to strengthen the brain: Su Shi, a famous writer in Song Dynasty, regarded
combing his hair as a "sleeping medicine". He said: “Comb your hair for more than a hundred, lie
down, and sleep till you sleep well.” Combing your hair can refresh your mind, relieve fatigue,
improve thinking ability and work efficiency, and prevent insomnia, neuropathic headaches and hair
loss. The medical book "Treatise on the Sources of Diseases" says: "A thousand times before
combing your hair, your head is not white." There is an old Chinese saying that "brushing your hair
and washing your feet is better than taking a tonic." The health benefits of combing can be seen.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human head is "all the suns meet, and all the pulses
are connected." The important meridians of the human body, more than 40 large and small
acupuncture points, and more than 10 special stimulation areas are all converged on the head. These
meridians and acupuncture points play the role of running qi and blood, nourishing the whole body,
resisting external evils, and communicating between the inside and the outside. Frequently combing
and massaging these acupoints can speed up blood circulation at the roots of the hair, firm the roots,
and darken the hair color, thereby dredging the meridians, smoothing the blood, calming the mind
and resuscitating, and playing the functions of ears and eyes, refreshing the brain, and health care.
Combing my hair frequently has a very good effect on restoring brain power. I also comb my hair
every day for health maintenance. I bought a green sandalwood comb and I comb it several hundred
times a day. Since I insisted on combing my hair, I found that my hair roots have become stronger,
and almost seldom lose hair. Combing hair also has a good effect on insomnia and dreaminess. This
method is simple and easy to do, but you insist on it. When you enjoy it , The effect will naturally

11. Buddhism opens wisdom: The development of wisdom by Buddhism is really incredible. As
long as you go deep into the sutras, wisdom is bound to be infinite. From precepts to concentration,
from concentration to generate wisdom. According to the words of Master Zun: Open the wisdom
of the Shurangama, and become the Buddha and the Huahua. Enlightenment of the Noumenon has a
thorough understanding of the nature, which is originally without evil or good, and it does not
increase in the sacred, but does not decrease in the ordinary, and it is innocent and pure. There is no
doubt that studying Buddhism can give you the great wisdom of life in the universe. I have
Shurangama Mantra and Great Compassion Mantra in my morning class. I keep reading every day.
I also recite the Amitabha name every day. The blessings of Buddhism are incredible. Buddhism is a
religion and super religion, philosophy and super philosophy, science and super science. Again,
practicing Buddhism is the greatest blessing in life! Learning Buddhism can quickly open up
wisdom, and Buddhism can also guide your life very well, allowing you to learn to be grateful,
become more tolerant and open-minded, and live a happier life. Brothers who have decreased
mental power can try to study the Dharma, recite the Buddha, chant mantras, read the scriptures,
and their mental power will also improve a lot. Buddhism is a good medicine for curing physical
and mental illnesses. If you miss this medicine, it will be a big loss! It is hard to find a person,
Buddhism is hard to come by, good knowledge hard to find, and it is hard to make a living in China.
Cherish it! come on!

Final summary:

Basically every brother is concerned about the problem of mental recovery, and many brothers in
the third and third grades are more concerned, because they are about to face the high school
entrance examination and college entrance examination, they very much hope that their brain power
can return to normal immediately, but the brain power recovery is possible. Only by doing a good
job in all aspects of a process can the brain power be gradually improved. The recovery time
generally takes three months or even more than half a year. Some brothers are a little bit
discouraged to hear it, but they don’t have to be discouraged, because from the beginning, good
changes have already occurred. All you have to do is to keep practicing Physical health, let good
changes gradually accumulate and consolidate, and eventually brain power will return to normal.
Some brothers are always worried that the brain power cannot be recovered. If he is so worried, his
emotions will be very bad, and then there will be an emotional relapse, which makes it more
difficult to recover the brain power. What I want to say to the brothers in the third and third grades
of junior high school is that you don’t have to worry about whether you will be able to recover. If
you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, you will recover little by little. Many brothers
have recovered. If you can't recover, you quit now, try to quit completely or reduce the number of
relapses, so that your brain power will be greatly improved. Don't worry. If you worry, you will be
in a bad mood. If you are in a bad mood, it is easy to break the precept. There are also some
brothers who are already working. Because of their severe mental decline, which greatly affects
work and interpersonal relationships, they are even ridiculed by colleagues and despised by their
leaders. He is about to completely collapse. Declining brain power will indeed bring great troubles
to life, so we must give up the bad habit of masturbation, otherwise your brain power will be
damaged, and it will be very difficult for you to gain a foothold in this society, and you will even hit
a wall everywhere. I hope this article can bring confidence to the majority of brothers in mental
recovery, and I hope you can recover your mental power as soon as possible.

I continued to create 10 poems this season, and I will create rebooting poems every season to share
with the majority of brothers. While reading rebooting articles, I can feel and appreciate rebooting
in another way.


"How did you think of it"

Have you ever thought that your parents would give you the best food, and you spoil yourself like

How did you ever think that you were so crazy and appeared in the hospital a year later;

Have you ever thought that the thick hair that used to be turned into bald in the end;

How did you ever think that the once innocent boy became a wretched uncle because he was
addicted to pornography;

Have you ever thought that when others are fighting for their ideals, you are arguing about self-

You wouldn’t think that stubbornness is the greatest unfilial piety;

You would never have thought that arbitrage would cause so many symptoms;

You don’t think that once you start, you will be met with retribution;

You wouldn’t think that your favorite beauty will waste you the most;

You wouldn’t think that because of the tube, you will become a medicine jar in the end;

You wouldn’t think that ignoring this vice can ruin your entire life;

Let us quit masturbation and let the positive energy refill you,

After you give up completely, look back,

You will discover how ignorant and absurd you were in the past.


"Battle of Rebooting"

Withstand the crazy attacks of female sex bombs

Picture by picture

It's a bullet shot at you

One by one video

Is the grenades thrown at you


Resolutely withstand!

Hold on to me!

Refuse to surrender,

Stick to the battlefield of rebooting!

Rebooting bars are martyrs,

Instead of spoils, deserters, and cowards!


"Give you the hardness of rebooting"

You are too soft

Loss of morale

The feeling you give me

Is a loser

Soft and dingy

Lack of fighting spirit

Lack of due firmness

Lack of courage to decisive

How to obtain hardness

Remember it!

Quit desperately, quit to death!

Quit to death!

Quit like a dead person!

This is a life and death fight

Not bloody

Don't give up!



If you want to reboot successfully

You have to learn

Think like a winner

What do the winners think

What do the winners do

You have to understand clearly

Learn from the experience of successful people

Can save you a lot of detours

To know the mountain road

Need to ask people who come


"The so-called beauties"

When the beauty beckons to you

Many people call it a happy one

And what i see

It is obvious that the symptoms are beckoning to me

It's covered in beauty


"Clean World"

After rebooting

Your eyes

Began to become pure and clear

no pollution

Like the eyes of a child

Look at the world innocently

Our soul

Grow soft feathers

Flying in the pure sky

Everything is so simple

I don’t feel like it

It's so beautiful


"That Skin Hurts You"

If a plastic bag

It's filled with excrement, urine, and flesh

Large intestine

Heart, Liver, Spleen, Lung and Kidney

Bring this bag in front of you

How do you feel

Can make you vomit for three days

However, when this plastic bag

Change to a beautiful skin

You are so blindfolded and ready to move

Buddhist scriptures have a good analogy

That is

Like pigs and filthy dung!

The pig hunched its stool and rejoiced

Actually it's terribly disgusting

This is beauty leather

Can be fascinating

There is your foreskin

Running skin on the sponge

Eventually get rid of the body

Look ugly

Your life

Just destroyed on these two layers of skin


"One in 10,000"

Ten thousand people

9999 people believe in harmlessness

I'm the one who doesn't believe

Because i know the truth

I am from symptom hell

Person who crawled back

Knowing the tragic harm of management

Sometimes the truth

Only in the hands of a few people

"Missing the Meat Machine"

Was confused before shooting

Like a virus in the computer

When the human brain is poisoned


Meat machine

The terrible meat machine

Walking dead

Destroy without self-control

Harmlessness is the comfort of self-deception

Symptoms come unexpectedly

Give you pain

This is retribution

The pleasure disappeared at this moment

Pain is clear and intense

It reminds you

Sir, you should pay the bill!


"Masturbation is Guilty"

No matter how widespread the innocence theory is

No matter how the black and white are reversed

The undeniable fact is

Masturbation is sinful!

It is a serious crime against physical and mental health!

When symptoms are plagued

You will know

Masturbation is not free!

Masturbation has to pay for medical expenses!

Be enchanting beauty

When the temptation is crazy

I am no longer stimulated by it

Secrete abnormal and stupid impulses

This is the urge to self-destruct

The impulse to the hospital

Impulse is the devil!

Put you into symptom hell!

When pain tortures you hard,

Remember this sentence:

Masturbation is sinful!

I recommend a wonderful book to everyone this season

It is "An Shi Quan Shu", which is called "the first wonderful book of good times" by Master Yin
Guang. The whole book is based on Buddhist thought, and it gathers many historical stories and
profoundly interprets the three cultures of Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
Appreciation of both refined and common people, enlightening wisdom, and conducive to persuade
others to be kind, save the world, and purify the soul. It includes four parts: "Excerpts from
Wenchang Emperor's Yin Stories in a Broad Sense", "Wanshan Xianzi", "Looking for the Sea to Be
Crazy", and "Going to the West Directly". There are many titles of strange books, but the most
strange thing about "An Shi Quan Shu" is that it is a good book that integrates the traditional culture
of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Sincerity can build the world, challenge the ghosts and
gods, wing the six classics, support famous teachers, and allow it to be the first strange book in the
good world. 'The first book he advocated for printing was "An Shi Quan Shu", which circulated
more than three million copies immediately after it was published. Many celebrities are also deeply
influenced by it. In his early years, Mr. Lu Xun loved to read "The Complete Book of An Shi";
Master Hongyi (Li Shutong), Xia Mianzun, Feng Zikai and other celebrities highly praised it. This
is a book that made me meet each other late. I have already requested one on the Internet. It has a
blue cover. I call it "Sapphire Book". I want to study this wonderful book. Now I recommend it to
the majority of brothers, hoping that those who are predestined can also read it and receive its
benefits. Namo Amitabha!
Season 62: Five Types of Red Must-Know Reboot Articles

The preface of this season shares two Q&A cases

1. [Hello, Brother Feixiang, thank you very much for your article, I have a question I want to ask, I
have been abstaining for two years, and I haven’t done it once, and now it’s frequent sequelae. Take
the medicine for sequelae treatment. , But I think it is mostly caused by my own psychology, so I
don't want to take medicine, but I am afraid it will not get better. Ever since I quit, I have been left
unconsciously, let alone my psychology. I am always distracted and thinking about what I do. I
can’t stop my mind for a moment. Sleeping is like a forced thinking. I don’t know it’s a kidney
essence. The deficiency is caused by psychological problems. I feel uncomfortable now. Sometimes
I always feel that the physical problems are not serious. After all, after two years of abstinence, the
general symptoms are gone, but I still feel dizzy, lack of concentration, etc. 'S going crazy! Please
help me]

Answer: You can watch the season when I control the legacy. If you can't overcome it, it's
impossible to recover. I generally recommend the strengthening of the kidney and the auspicious
lying. If it is not enough, you can also go to see a traditional Chinese medicine treatment to
overcome the frequent dysfunction, so that the body can return to normal. come on!

Additional comment: This brother is still doing very well. It is very rare to be able to quit once
every two years. However, the recovery of this brother is not very satisfactory, his brain power has
decreased, and he has symptoms of mental decline. The main reason is that it is impossible to
overcome the frequent relic. Traditional Chinese medicine has said that the eight meridians will be
injured after a long period of time. Insufficient kidney essence can lead to psychological disorders.
The performance of damage to the essence can be divided into two aspects: physical and
psychological, which is a double damage to physical and mental health. The obsessive thinking that
this brother appeared was related to the injury of his sperm. Many brothers who had injured his
sperm had obsessive thoughts, and his mind couldn't stop for a moment. Generally, reboot and keep
healthy, and then pay attention to psychological adjustments. The obsessive thinking will gradually
return to normal. There is a process that usually takes 3 months or even more than half a year. I was
also forced to think at that time. I often thought about a question, crazy, and I also liked to think
about illness, and even suspected illness. I could think of the degree of restlessness. After more than
half a year of rebooting, this psychological disorder disappeared and I was just fine. NS. I have
written about sedentary control for several seasons. Sedentary control is also a subject of
knowledge. You can try various methods of sedentary control and choose the persistence exercise
that suits you. I generally recommend Gushen Gong and Auspicious Sleeping, but many brothers
can’t do it properly. Then it is difficult to guarantee the effect. Auspicious sleeping seems easy, but
many brothers wake up with straight legs, so how to shape the legs is the biggest difficulty of
auspicious sleeping. You can also try the iron bridge and the station pile. The iron plate bridge also
has the effect of strengthening the kidney and waist. The station pile can strengthen the body and
replenish the qi. If you have tried a lot of exercises to control the spermatorrhea, then Chinese
medicine conditioning is also a very good choice, and some brothers have successfully controlled
the frequency of spermatorrhea through Chinese medicine conditioning. In short, the barrier of
recurrent inheritance must be overcome, otherwise it will be difficult to guarantee physical
recovery. Some remnants of the remnant brothers not only have unsatisfactory recovery, but also
add a lot of new symptoms, which makes him extremely distressed. Therefore, we must find ways
to overcome the frequency of the legacy, overcoming the frequency of the legacy, and then there is a
foundation for physical recovery.

2. [Brother Feixiang has worked hard. I haven't broken the regimen for half a year, but I never dared
to relax my vigilance. Now I watch the Feixiang reboot video on my phone every night before
going to bed. This video is from Feixiang rebooting experience. The concentration of this video is
very powerful in brainwashing the subconscious. I think many brothers did not make good use of
this video. 】

Supplementary comment: This brother impressed me deeply. I still remember his first speech. Now
he has rebooted for more than half a year. He is the kind of down-to-earth brother who studies hard
and truly implements his actions. His vigilance awareness is very good. I have seen a lot of cases of
breaking the precepts, and many people who break the precepts, if you look at their vigilance
consciousness, it's really a mess. How many times do you have to break the vow to realize the
importance of vigilance? One brother said very well: "Every day of rebooting, do not leave the
rebooting articles!" Reading the rebooting articles every day, on the one hand, you increase your
rebooting awareness and internalize your rebooting thoughts into your rebooting consciousness. In
addition, it is through learning to maintain a high degree of vigilance, reminding yourself to be
vigilant all the time, if you relax your vigilance, you will be the next one to break the precept! This
is not a joke. There are temptations and yellow mines everywhere on the Internet. Can you not be
vigilant? There are so many scraping pictures and scraping news that you will be slapped if you are
not careful! It's best to cultivate your awareness of vigilance every day. Read more articles about
rebooting and watch more cases of victims to be aware of yourself. Generally, you can watch one
article for three days. After three days, your awareness of vigilance may decline. Just like charging
a mobile phone, you charge it for three days at a time, and you have to charge it again to continue.
The same is true for rebooting. Many people relax their vigilance at the end of rebooting, and the
result is relapse. There is a saying in Wu Yan: Don’t practice ten-day sky in one day! The old saying
goes: If you don’t practice your hands for one day, you won’t be able to practice your fist and feet
for three days. Therefore, at the beginning of rebooting, don't leave the rebooting articles every day.
Once you leave the rebooting articles, on the one hand, you will not be able to improve your
consciousness, and on the other hand, it is easy to relax your vigilance. Even if you enter the stable
rebooting period, you still have to maintain a high degree of vigilance. I remember an old brother
who had been abstaining for two and a half years. One day, he suddenly had the idea of "trying
concentration." He was not vigilant enough for this kind of thought instigated by the demons, so he
listened to this idea. As a result, he relapsed, and he regretted it very much.

There are generally two types of vigilant content:

1. Be vigilant against external temptations; (especially the marginal content)

Second, be vigilant against one's own evil thoughts; (also including the instigation of the demons,
such as trial concentration, trial sexual function, etc.)

Vigilance awareness really needs to be specialized, and it must be paid enough attention. I have
warned that I have been watching victim cases every day. On the one hand, it is my need to study
rebooting, and it also helps me maintain good vigilance. The brothers in this case are really serious
about their learning attitude. They watch the rebooting video every day before going to bed. Many
people don’t watch it after watching it. In fact, many brothers watch the video to wake up
themselves and reboot. Video has its own unique function. The text of some pictures is a refinement
and condensing of my experience. Watching and thinking more can help to raise awareness.
Attitude determines height. This brother has a serious learning attitude. I am not surprised that he
has been able to quit for more than half a year. I was very optimistic about him at the beginning. He
is the kind of person who studies seriously and down-to-earth. He said, "I haven't broken the
precepts for more than half a year, but I never dared to relax my vigilance." Let's take a look at his
vigilance consciousness and compare it with your own vigilance consciousness. Where do you think
the gap lies?

Step into the text below

This season I will share with you the types and functions of rebooting articles. Rebooting articles
should be classified so that everyone can read rebooting articles more targeted and the effect will be
better. details as follows:

1. Articles purely on the hazards

There are still a lot of articles devoted to the hazards. When newcomers come to reboot , they must
first understand the hazards of various aspects, and the understanding must be deep and in place.
Many newcomers come to reboot , and there is still harmlessness in their brains. Basically everyone
has been brainwashed by harmlessness, so when you see a harmful article, your brain may not be
able to turn it over at once, so you can only read more. Slowly nurture, and then we must clear the
innocence theory from the brain. There are some brothers who know that masturbation is harmful,
but their understanding is not deep and comprehensive. Some brothers even think that masturbation
will not cause so many symptoms. This is actually related to the limitations of his experience and
his own experience. , If the symptoms caused by 撸管 are broken down, it is estimated that there are
hundreds of them. Kidney deficiency is full of diseases, which is by no means a false statement.

Quitting any addiction is inseparable from talking about harm. Whether it is addiction to alcohol,
tobacco, drug, gambling, etc., you must talk about the harm. If you do not have a deep
understanding of the harm, you will not be determined to quit. Only when you have a deep
understanding of the dangers of masturbation and the seriousness of the consequences of
masturbation, will you really make a big determination to reboot. Therefore, reading harmful
articles is very helpful for newcomers to revive, but for old brothers, harmful articles and cases can
play a very good alert role. I still read harmful articles and cases frequently. , Especially the real
cases of the victims, I basically watch them every day, the power comes from the truth! Looking at
a real victim case, you will think that if I do not quit or if I break the precept, my fate will be the
same as his, so the vigilance effect of the victim case is very powerful. People have a weakness, that
is, when the scars are healed, the pain is forgotten, so you still have to read more harmful articles
and cases to alert yourself and keep yourself alert. We are like the antelopes on the African
savannah. The heart demon is a cheetah. If we are not vigilant, then we will definitely be swallowed
by the heart demon.

The special attention here is that recognizing the hazards does not mean that rebooting can be
successful! Many people think that articles dealing with harm are useless. In fact, he misunderstood
the role of such articles. Articles dealing with harm, its main function is to make newcomers truly
and deeply aware of the dangers of management. After all, many newcomers have ideological
misunderstandings in their minds. There are many, and they have a superficial or one-sided
understanding of the hazards of masturbation. The most important role of such articles is to make
newcomers determined to reboot; for old brothers, reading more harmful articles and cases can help
old quit. Friends maintain good vigilance. Therefore, articles dealing with harm are very useful, but
if you want to reboot successfully, it is far from enough to understand the harm. You still need to
study other reboot articles comprehensively to improve your consciousness comprehensively. It is
difficult to reboot successfully by just reading articles about hazards. For example, some brothers
who study Chinese medicine know that there are no more hazards than you? But they also failed to
reboot. Therefore, understanding the hazards of pipe management is only the first step, and the first
step is critical and important.

Recognizing the hazards is the first step, but recognizing the hazards does not mean successful

Recognizing the hazards is conducive to the newcomer’s determination to reboot;

Recognizing the hazards can allow you to see the truth about the control;

Recognizing the hazards helps you to be alert to yourself from time to time;

Recognizing the hazards allows you to foresee the consequences of arbitration;

Recognizing the hazards helps old brothers to be vigilant;

Recognizing the hazards can explain the symptoms of the body;

Awareness of harm can also be used to treat adultery,

Beware of obscene thoughts together,

Immediately think about the harm to cure and subdue.

In short, it is extremely important to understand the hazards of pipe management.

But if you think you can reboot successfully if you recognize the harm,

Then you think of rebooting simply,

This is only the first step.

2. Articles discussing rebooting methods, principles and laws of rebooting

There is a saying: It's not impossible, but we haven't found a way yet. The method of rebooting is
how to reboot. What I have always advocated is to raise awareness through learning and to subdue
the demons. Don't force or blindly reboot. The path I pointed out is the path of professional
rebooting. You can achieve successful rebooting through learning. Such as the type of abstinence,
how to abstain from sex, how to control the frequency of spermatorrhea, what to pay attention to
after spermatorrhea, what is the withdrawal response, the dormant period of desire, the recurring
period of symptoms, the stable period of rebooting, the importance of emotional management, etc.
You have to figure it out. Through my continuous research and summary, I have written my
successful experience in " Quit as a Good Medicine ". Many people have been reading this book for
more than a year, and many of them have been more than half a year. I can say with a clear
conscience that I haven’t broken the precepts until now. It’s true that I have succeeded in rebooting.
Of course, this success is just "up to now." Really quit the bad habit of domination completely.

There are many good rebooting articles, and other successful rebooting seniors also have their own
experiences and methods. Everyone's methods will be different, but they must have many things in
common. Successful brothers are all similar. My rebooting article is my rebooting method. If you
have faith in me, then you can study my rebooting article exclusively and reboot according to my
rebooting theory. Of course, you can also read the rebooting of other seniors. The article, absorbing
the essence of rebooting thoughts, if he has been rebooting successfully, such as rebooting for one
year or more, then he is basically credible, otherwise he hasn't rebooted for half a year, and he will
say that he has succeeded. It’s a question mark if you’re successful, even if you say you’ve
succeeded after only a month of quitting, the credibility is even smaller. He still crossed the river by
feeling the stones, and he didn’t know the path to successful rebooting. Just come to teach others, it
is likely to be misleading. A month or so after rebooting, while still in the dormant period of desire,
many people think that they have succeeded. In fact, after the dormant period of desire is the peak
period of relapse, this is the law of rebooting. This law comes from my more than ten years of
experience Personal experience, and also from the case feedback of the majority of brothers, many
people are easy to underestimate the enemy at first, and think rebooting is simple and easy. As
everyone knows, the desire is only temporarily dormant. When your body recovers, the magic test
will come! At that time, it is the time to verify your enlightenment. If you pass the enlightenment,
you will not break the precept. If you are not enlightened, you will definitely break the precept.

The so-called successful rebooting does not have a certain time standard. Some say it takes three
years, and some say one year. I generally judge success by entering the stable rebooting period.
Some brothers have very high understanding and enter the stable rebooting period. Relatively
quickly, for example, the stable period of rebooting is half a year. One sign of entering the stable
period of rebooting is that the sense of suffering disappears and there is very little lust. But it's best
to reboot for more than a year. If you reboot for three years, the credibility is high. Which senior
article you choose depends on your own perspective.

Recognizing the dangers of pornography is the first step in rebooting. The first step is very
important, and the first step can also be said to be the foundation. And the second step is even more
critical, because if you complete these two steps, you can reboot successfully. After truly mastering
the rebooting methods, rebooting principles and laws, successful rebooting is a matter of course.

3. Articles on health and recovery

Many people have successfully rebooted, but their physical recovery is not satisfactory. So what I
generally advocate is "rebooting and keeping in good health." I often put these two words together.
When we reboot, we must also pay attention to health maintenance. Articles on health maintenance
are also part of rebooting articles. After all, almost every brother pays attention to how to recover
better. I have also written about how to recover for several seasons. I have introduced my own
recovery experience and also introduced some Health regimen. I generally suggest that the majority
of brothers should learn more articles about health maintenance, watch more health maintenance
lecture videos, and strive to improve their awareness of health maintenance. This is of positive
significance for recovery. I remember a brother told me that he said that he has a strong awareness
of health preservation, but he sits for ten hours a day for a long time. This is paradoxical. How can
he still sit for ten hours with a strong awareness of health preservation? , Easily lead to stagnation of
qi and blood, and may also aggravate the symptoms of prostatitis. Later, I advised him to get up and
move around every 40 minutes, and not to sit still for several hours, as that would be detrimental to
recovery. When we are rebooting, we must pay attention to health preservation, and we must work
hard on recovery. The same two brothers, if the health regimen is done well, the recovery speed will
be doubled. One year, the recovery may be very unsatisfactory.

4. Picture and video articles

Some brothers think that pictures or videos are useless, but this is actually prejudice. I remember
that at the beginning of rebooting, I also liked to look at pictures, but there were so few rebooting
pictures at that time. Rebooting pictures and videos have a very good publicity effect, and they can
also make newcomers mindful of rebooting. Some rebooting pictures can make people feel bright,
or suddenly understand a truth. However, rebooting pictures and videos are like appetizers.
Appetizers are appetizers and cannot replace main dishes! The main course is rebooting articles. It
is still necessary to study rebooting articles in depth and systematically, extensively absorb and
understand rebooting knowledge, and must master the principles and laws of rebooting. This is the
most important thing. Some brothers stay vigilant by watching pictures and videos. This also has a
certain effect. Many brothers are tempted and watch the rebooting video immediately, and their
desires are gone. Therefore, rebooting pictures and videos still have a certain effect, but then again,
if you only watch rebooting pictures and videos without reading rebooting articles, it will also be
difficult to reboot successfully because you neglect the main course. Enlightenment depends mainly
on the main course! Pictures and videos have a certain effect. They can give people inspiration and
strength. They can motivate everyone to reboot more firmly. They are an aid to rebooting, but
photos and videos cannot replace rebooting articles. Please understand this point clearly.

5. Buddhist articles on abstaining from adultery:

Buddhism articles on rebooting are still reprinted from time to time, and can attract brothers who
have a relationship with the Buddha. Buddhist articles on abstaining from adultery are indeed a
great blessing! Studying Buddhism can open up wisdom. Buddhist rebooting articles generally
consist of two steps. If you can do these two steps well, you can succeed even if you don't study
professional rebooting articles. If you know how to quit adultery in Buddhism, but also know how
to reboot professionally, you will be even more powerful!

The two steps are:

1. The troubles of adultery (prompting you to recognize the dangers and to reboot with your heart)

Second, control your thoughts! (Go directly to actual combat!)

I once said that rebooting is a war between thoughts and thoughts! This is actually the case in
Buddhism for cultivating the mind, and cultivating the mind is cultivating thoughts! Although
Buddhism does not talk about the dormant period of desire, withdrawal reactions, etc., Buddhism
has grasped the most fundamental point, that is, grasping the core, that is, controlling thoughts!
These are two very concise steps. One is to recognize the hazards and to initiate rebooting, which is
no different from professional rebooting. Recognizing the hazards is the same; second, it is thinking
and fighting! What is the idea of actual combat? It is the evil thoughts, and immediately use the
Buddha's name to turn it around. The old man with vowels once said that the Buddha's name is a
weapon. Other masters have also said, replace all thoughts with one thought! No matter what the
thought comes out, just use the Buddha's name to revolve. As soon as the obscenity appears, the
name of the Buddha is immediately mentioned, and the obscenity naturally becomes intangible.
There is also "the idea is to stop, when the thought is not followed, the thought is to be felt, and the
feeling is nothing." Born from Buddhism. If you can use this formula proficiently, you can also
subdue adultery. This is a kung fu of enlightenment. You have to learn to watch your thoughts, you
have to learn to observe your own thoughts, and look inward. Many brothers have been adulterous
for a long time. Then I suddenly found out that I was originally interested in adultery. At this time, it
was difficult to break, because adultery had grown. It was like a fire that was so hard to extinguish,
a single spark would be extinguished, and a prairie fire would be difficult to extinguish. So I
decided that it was too early. If you are not afraid of reading, you are afraid of feeling late.

In fact, professional rebooting must enter actual combat in the end, and it must also be based on
thoughts. This is common to Buddhism, so the highest level of rebooting is to cultivate the mind.
Look at 10,000 swimming textbooks, don’t learn to swim in the water! Rebooting in Buddhism
means focusing on actual combat! It can be said that it can be done in one step, and the content of
professional rebooting research is more. Both have their own advantages. If you can really control
your thoughts firmly, you don't actually need to learn the content of professional rebooting. And to
learn the content of professional rebooting, in the end, you have to return to the actual combat of
ideas. Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using soldiers for a while, everything has to be
tested on the battlefield. This battlefield is not elsewhere, it is in your mind. When evil thoughts
come, it depends on whether you can defeat it! Many people have no resistance at all, or they fall
into trouble after a few resistances. If you can really defeat evil thoughts, you can keep the results of
rebooting. The reason why many people die is because you can’t defeat evil thoughts. It’s like a
fighting game, you can’t beat them. It is a failure, and if you pass it, you pass!

No matter what kind of rebooting article, professional or religious, the final actual combat is a war
between thought and thought. In Zen, it is often said: "Fight to the thought to die, and Xu Ru
Dharma body to live"! Even if you have studied 1,000 rebooting articles, the final test is still a war
between thoughts, to see if you can "surrender your heart"! As soon as evil thoughts come out, or
encounter temptation, can you stop thinking about it? Whether you can stay indifferent to the
environment. Really awakened, or not conscious, it will come out as soon as the test is done. If your
enlightenment is really achieved, then even if you can pass the magic test 100 times, you are afraid
that your enlightenment is still flawed, then you will definitely break the precept.

Training soldiers in peacetime,

When you go to the battlefield, you can distinguish between superiors and inferior ones;

In actual combat

I know what my true level is;

I usually study reboot articles,

As soon as the obscenity appears, as soon as the temptation appears,

It depends on your reaction!

If you have a strong consciousness,

Then it must be subdued.

Otherwise, it must be broken!


To understand the types and functions of rebooting articles, you can read rebooting articles in a
targeted manner. For example, if you have a deep understanding of the dangers of pornography, you
can read less harmful articles. You can focus on studying rebooting methods, rebooting principles
and laws, and you can also focus on health maintenance and recovery. Some rebooting articles are
not purely about the harm, they also talk about rebooting methods and recovery methods, which are
comprehensive articles. We need to have a clear understanding of all kinds of rebooting articles, but
don't underestimate the function of any kind of rebooting articles. In fact, every kind of rebooting
article has a corresponding effect. It just depends on your own needs. If you have a superficial
understanding of the dangers of pornography, then you should read more articles about the dangers
and real cases. If you don't know anything about rebooting methods and theories, then you should
study more related rebooting articles to raise your level of awareness.
Finally added:

Sometimes when reading rebooting articles, many people will experience a "great awakening", and
the thoughts and impulses of swaying will disappear without a trace in an instant, and the addiction
seems to have disappeared. At this time, many people think that they have successfully rebooted. .
In fact, otherwise, there is no rebooting article in this world that can return you to the "infant
consciousness", which means that you will never have evil thoughts again. This is impossible.
Many rebooting articles can make you awaken, and can put you into a dormant period of desire, and
your addiction only temporarily disappears. But you must remember that this is just a dormant state,
just like the dormancy of a volcano. After the dormant period of desire is the peak period of relapse,
then there will be a magic test. This is the law of rebooting. Many newcomers don’t understand this
rule, and there will be a series of relapses at that time. During the dormant period of desire, many
people will become overconfident, even arrogant or even mad. They will think rebooting is easy,
what is the difficulty. My previous article also talked about this issue. Many newcomers often post
during the dormant period of desire to say that they have succeeded, and then it doesn't take long for
him to break the ring when the magic test comes. Before, he would think that his rebooting thoughts
were the best, but only after he relapsed did he realize that his consciousness was actually very low,
and he simply couldn't stand the test of the devil test.

The addiction to masturbation is very powerful. Other addictions, such as smoking, alcohol, drug,
gambling, Internet addiction, etc., are also very powerful. In the front, it was basically an addiction
once and out of control. And there is one of the biggest difficulties in quitting masturbation. Many
people who have successfully quit smoking are unable to quit masturbation. The difficulty of
quitting masturbation lies in the fact that cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, computers, etc. are all external
substances, such as throwing you on a desert island. Come on, can you still smoke and drink? Can
you still gamble? Can you still play on the computer? Can you still buy drugs? It's impossible.
However, you can still masturbate, you can still YY, because JJ grows on you, YY is in your mind,
even if you are tied up, you can still YY. This is one of the most difficult points. Another difficulty
is the proliferation of harmlessness. For example, smoking. Most people know that there are words
on cigarette boxes that smoking is harmful to health. It also reminds you of the dangers of smoking.
If you quit smoking, your family members will generally support you. But nowadays the theory of
harmlessness is rampant. You may encounter many situations that you don’t understand or even
misunderstand. Therefore, it is more difficult to quit sex. This is also an era when pornography is
rampant. The temptation is everywhere. The materials are very good! Everyone has a mobile phone,
and they are everywhere when surfing the Internet. Therefore, compared with other addictions, the
addiction of masturbation has its own difficulties. It is not so easy to reboot. It is necessary to study
rebooting articles professionally and systematically, and to master the principles and laws of
rebooting in depth.

Some brothers will say that your rebooting is gradual enlightenment, but my rebooting is epiphany.
Enlightenment is the effect of divine enlightenment, and the sense of self-consciousness is suddenly
enlightened, and one has a sudden understanding of a thing or a truth. The enlightenment that goes
straight to the ultimate is called epiphany; the enlightenment that progresses gradually in order is
called gradual enlightenment. An epiphany is good, but he thought he would succeed with an
epiphany, but it was not. The epiphany taught in Zen is not to stop at the first enlightenment, but to
cultivate after enlightenment. After enlightenment, it is necessary to keep one's habit, and to
practice in the realm! It’s okay to practice until you are not interested in the mirror. Therefore, some
brothers misunderstood the meaning of epiphany. I thought that rebooting was successful after an
epiphany. Is this really the case? In fact, rebooting is not that simple. An epiphany can make the
addiction disappear temporarily. This is true, but the magic test will come sooner or later. Even in
the stable period of rebooting, there will be occasional magic test, so I still can’t relax. alert! How
many enlightened brothers have relapsed in the end, do you know why they relapsed? After all,
there is still a flaw in consciousness!

No matter how many reboot articles you have read,

No matter what kind of epiphany you have experienced,

In the end, we have to return to actual combat,

The so-called actual combat,

Is a war between thoughts,

When faced with temptation,

When obscenity appears,

When the instigated thought appears,

It depends on what you do!

Test everything in action!

Sooner or later the magic test will come,

It will be clear at that time.

In addition, many brothers like quick training, and they can't wait to read an article on rebooting to
quit completely. It seems to be an era of quick training, but think about it carefully, how many years
will it take for you to finish primary school? How long will it take you to finish high school? How
long will it take you to finish university? Rebooting is a systematic project. An eagerness to achieve
success is not necessary. It is still necessary to be down-to-earth and study rebooting articles to
increase awareness. The so-called haste is not enough. Slow work can only produce meticulous
work. Rome was not built in a day. Many brothers were impetuous, even rebooting. They always
wanted to take shortcuts and make quick progress. What happened? In fact, taking less detours is a
shortcut, and learning more from the experience of predecessors can reduce detours. Don't fantasize
about reading one or two rebooting articles and you will be able to quit completely. Ask the
successful brothers how many rebooting articles they have read. Some brothers have several
rebooting notebooks, and some brothers even read " Quit as a Good Medicine " more than ten
times. For more than a year, I haven't broken the precept. Reading one or two articles on rebooting
can give you the determination to reboot and quickly enter the dormant period of desire, but don’t
think that you have succeeded. You are only in the dormant period of desire and passed the dormant
period of desire. At the peak of the relapse, the magic test will definitely come. Regarding the
dormant period of desire, not only my precepts have been specifically put forward, but many senior
rebooters have expressed similar expressions, that is, when the kidney qi recovers a little, people
will break the precepts. The dormant period of desire is only about one month, and then it is easy to
relapse, and during the dormant period of desire, it is easy to quit. We must recognize the existence
of the dormant period of desire when rebooting. This is the principle and law of rebooting. It is very
important. Remember.

Crash is being done everywhere. For example, many propaganda advocates to speak fluent English
for 7-10 days. If this is the case, all universities, middle and elementary schools will not start
English classes. Just a few days of strengthening here, why bother? ? The same is true for rebooting.
Don't expect to do it overnight. Focus on learning and accumulation, and constantly improve your
own consciousness. Only in this way can you finally get rid of the bad habit of management. My
commandment is to keep your feet on the ground and raise your enlightenment in a down-to-earth
manner. When your enlightenment is reached, you can naturally subdue the heart demon. From the
beginning of studying rebooting articles to the strong enough to be able to subdue the heart demon,
there is a process in between. If Yao Ming grows from 1.5 meters to 2.26 meters, would you think
that Yao Ming grew to 2.26 meters overnight? This is not something that can be achieved quickly. It
is a process of continuous accumulation, a process of quantitative change and qualitative change.
This is in line with the law of successful rebooting.

Goode has said: Today’s pause is also the past. Even if you have an epiphany, you can’t escape the
law of quantitative change and qualitative change. Just like boiling water, it’s impossible to reach
the boiling point of 100° at once, but slowly heating to the boiling point. The epiphany does not
mean complete success. You still have to think after the epiphany. The actual combat, even if you
enter the stable rebooting period, you still have to engage in the actual combat of thoughts. In the
final analysis, rebooting is a war between thoughts. Weak righteous thoughts and strong evil
thoughts will inevitably break the precepts. By learning to make righteous thoughts stronger, evil
thoughts will naturally become weaker. Righteous thoughts continue to grow stronger, and in the
end you will be able to "surrender your heart". If you want to let yourself never lose a bad thought
and return to "baby consciousness", then you are not a mortal. Buddhism talks about Fuhu and
Duanhu, and suppressing the confusion that arises, and making one of them become unusable,
called Fuhuo; cutting off the seed of confusion, so that it does not reproduce after all, is called
Duanhuo. He also said, "To see the confusion is like breaking forty miles, and the situation is
confusing. Even if you see the ground deeply, the confusion is still unbroken, but it is still
reincarnation. Once you are born again, there are ten thousand retreats, and three or four hundred
million if you enter. "It's difficult to cut off confusion. It's not easy to hold it down temporarily.
What I can do now is to hold down the lustful mind. Together with the evil thoughts, I can
immediately subdue it, but the seeds of lust have not been completely cut off. If you can really cut
off the seed of lust completely, for example, if you haven't had any evil thoughts in three years of
rebooting, then your realm is quite high. To be honest, I haven't reached this realm yet.

There are three passes of Zen:

(1) Breaking through the initial barriers is also called Fa's side affairs. Knowing what Zen is, and
understanding it, enter the position of "seeing the Tao". However, lack of concentration, delusional
thoughts and attachments must always be felt, just like herding cows, and gradually get rid of the
habit. At this time, it enters the stage of "protection", which is also called "shoudao". (2) Breaking
through heavy barriers is also called the upright position of the Dharma body. The habit is basically
cleansed, the mind does not change with the environment, it is empty, there is no inside and no
outside, but there is still the practice of the law, and the Buddha's view is not removed. (3) Breaking
the prison barrier is also called the Dharma body upward. Entering the stage of "responsibility",
"Tao" has been "realized", without cultivation, without certificate, without wisdom, without gain,
without ordinary, without sacredness, without abiding by fate, being free to move freely, and
convenient for skillful enlightenment of destined sentient beings. It can be seen from the above that
the three stages of meditation, the first stage is the state of enlightenment, the heavy stage is the
stage of proving the Tao, and the prison stage is the complete liberation.

I wrote 5 reboot poems this season. My poems are basically oral poems, which are easy to
understand and dedicated to everyone.

"Ferocious Beauty"

Ran to the hospital countless times

Spend tens of thousands of medical expenses

Had 2 surgeries

Have eaten dozens of drugs

He finally reached a conclusion

Beauty is a kind of waste tool

And the more beautiful, the more wasteful

The more beautiful, the more ruthless it is

Beauty is proportional to waste

Beauty looks weak

But weak can beat strong

A murder weapon


Use the most comfortable way to waste you

Let you waste willingly

Beauty is fierce than tiger

Beautiful woman in a car accident

With this level of understanding

Can't help but be terrified

Drag you to hell

Is your favorite beauty

Greedy, go to hell!

The copper pillar and iron bed serve!


"Clothed Beast"
you've changed

Look in the mirror

Take a good look at what you are now

You did change

Changes in eyes

Complexion changed

The whole aura has also changed

Addicted to sex tube

Make you start to rot

Rotting from the inside out

The decay of the soul

Decay of the flesh

Like a rotten apple

All-in-one arrogance

All evil

Because of

You are no longer fresh

A feeling of deterioration and expired

A disgusting feeling

The hazards of arbitrage

Take a good look in the mirror

You make yourself sick


"Snatching Elite Era"

China unknowingly

Has entered the era of robbing elites

In life, on the Internet

There are criminals everywhere

It's really hard to guard against

Since it was robbed

It must have symptoms

It is inevitable

Body is capital

Kidney essence is the capital of capital

And the beauty specializes in grabbing the essence of the kidney

Specifically grab your capital

People are alive and dead

That's the walking dead

Lost eyes, dull eyes

Ghost complexion, with symptoms

When you realize

This is an era of grabbing

You have to be more vigilant

I want to ask you

Are you robbed today?


"I quit"


Tens of millions of people

Joining the army

This is a super powerful torrent

Carry you forward

I can't let you think about right and wrong

Harmlessness has knocked you out

As long as you can get an erection

You can join

People develop every day

Every day someone joins

They can't wait to join

Join with their madness

In sharp contrast is

I resolutely opted out!

I announce, I quit!

I withdrew from the world of martial arts!

When the crazy rush

In the direction of self-destruction

When you move blindly

I shouted

I quit!



Do you feel the sow?

Do you feel the hen?

Do you feel the bitch?

You see, sows will not have sex drive!

You see, the hen will not have sex drive!

You see, bitches will not have sex drive!

Beyond the limitations of people,

No feeling for beautiful women!

Continue to recommend a book this season:

Master Da’an’s "Pure Land, Resources, Credit and Wish Action", Master Da’an is the ancestor of
the Jingzong family-the abbot and acting abbot of Shandong Linsi Temple in Lushan, Jiangxi, the
editor-in-chief of "Jing Land" magazine, and the tutor of the Jingzong postgraduate class. Master
Da’an was originally a professor at the University of International Business and Economics. He was
born in 2001. I have watched a lot of Master Da’an’s teachings, mainly videos. There is also a video
version of "Jing Land Resources, Food, Credit and Wish" on the Internet. I currently watch It’s a
book. It’s really a very good teaching. It’s also very good in terms of initiation. I recommend it to
fellow brothers who are destined this season. You can read Master Da’an’s teachings. Because the
Master was originally a university teacher, so both the worldly law and the transcendental law are
very accessible. Master Da'an’s lectures are very friendly, and I personally like it. I hope those who
are destined will not miss it. Namo Amitabha!
Season 72: Cheats for Clearance

Share a few cases in the preface of this season

Case 1: [I think the spermatic cord can be recovered. I was a very thick lump on the left. It lasted
for more than half a year, but now I can’t touch it at all. The recovery of the spermatic cord after
rebooting and regimen may still be great. I It is a living example. 】

Additional comment: This is a recovery case of brother Agua. He has reduced the spermatic cord
through rebooting and health maintenance, which is no longer touchable. This is a case of relatively
successful recovery. Rebooting and health maintenance is expected to reduce the spermatic cord,
but it must be People who put more effort into health preservation will generally recover ideally.
We should read more books and lectures on health preservation, and strive to improve our
awareness of health preservation. Just precaution is not enough. Recovery is also a systematic
project. If the symptoms are severe, we must cooperate with active medical treatment.

Case 2: [150 days, thinking that I will not break again, ha ha, I can only say that rebooting is really
difficult, a little bit of carelessness will kill you! Just think about it, just don't masturbate, and then
think again, after so long, it doesn't matter if you come once, really...Is it really going to be a
lifelong loser! I don't want to be like this, it's really ridiculous! Let's start over again. What else can
I do? 】

Additional comment: For more than a hundred days of rebooting, many people have this idea, that
is: I have successfully rebooted, and I won't break it anymore. Relapse often occurs when you think
you have succeeded. Everyone understands this sentence. After many people enter the stable period
of rebooting, they have very little lust and quit very easily. At this time, they will relax their
vigilance and think that they have succeeded. As everyone knows, the heart demon will
counterattack at any time. Just when you relax your vigilance, the heart demon will take advantage
of the vacancy, and the instigated thought will pop out, "Just think about it, don't masturbate." This
kind of instigated thought is one The emergence should immediately arouse a high degree of
alertness. Once such thoughts are followed, relapse is inevitable. Rebooting is not like quitting
smoking. Smoke is something outside of your body. The seeds of lust are lurking in the field of
your eight senses, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. No matter how long you quit, you should
stay vigilant enough. Give you a fatal blow!

Case 3: [I am 25 years old and have been masturbating for more than 10 years. Some time ago due
to masturbation after drinking, my lower abdomen and testicles were uncomfortable. I went to the
hospital to find out chronic prostatitis and epididymal cysts. I am currently undergoing treatment. I
spent 30,000 in half a month. too much! During masturbation, it has been more than 2 years since
the appearance of dripping white, premature ejaculation is also obvious, and there are also cases of
weak erection. The problem now is: the inexplicable fear and tension make me sleepless and
sleepless. I don't know what I am afraid of. I only know that if this feeling persists, then I have no
meaning to live. Please help me, how can I get rid of this tension? 】

Additional comment: This brother spent more than 30,000 in half a month! This number is amazing.
In the end, people who masturbate will have no money and no money! The symptoms are all
money! Masturbation leads to the hospital! This brother’s psychology also has problems. The
kidneys dominate fear. Masturbation hurts the kidneys to a certain extent, there will be an
inexplicable sense of fear, and in severe cases, it will develop into a phobia. People who masturbate
will lose their confidence, and their psychology will become uneasy. This is true and true, and it is
also the truth revealed by countless cases. In short, masturbation is a double torture to the body and
mind, masturbation will hollow your body, and masturbation will also scavenge. Empty your wallet,
don't be afraid!

Case 4: [Almost not killed! I have been lying in bed for a month. I stayed up all night and
masturbated a month ago. My heart was beating violently. I was fainted. I was sent to the hospital
for emergency treatment. Now I am helpless and dying. Is there any help? 】

Additional comment: Staying up late + masturbation is not the rhythm of invalidation, but the
rhythm of death! Turn into a portrait! Sticking pipes and staying up late are the two most life-
consuming vices. They are like two axes that chop the tree of life. One axe is already very injured.
If the two axes are chopped together, the tree of life will soon be Will fall. There are often reports of
sudden deaths of college students staying up late. Recently, several of them died suddenly when
they stayed up late to watch the World Cup. Staying up all night and arrogant, really want to send to
the hospital for rescue! It is a terrible experience to have a sense of near-death. Those who have
survived can tell us about his terrible experience. What about the dead? I can never speak again...

Case 5: [Brother Feixiang is like this, recently I encountered such a thing. That night, I did 200
exercises for strengthening the kidneys. I used the baby lying position to sleep. The bending of my
legs can be said to be very deep. But I turned on the air conditioner to sleep at night, and the
temperature was still very low. As a result, guess what, I was awakened from the cold. Then I got
up and covered the quilt. As a result, I don't know what time I had spermatorrhea, and immediately
after that, I had a spermatorrhea again. The first time is very small and the second time is very large.

Additional comment: To better recover the body, you must learn to control the dysplasia. Regarding
the control of the dysplasia, I generally recommend the strengthening of the kidney and the
auspicious lying, and then we must pay attention to eliminating other factors that cause
spermatorrhea. This brother has done better in Gushen Gong and Jixiang Sleeping, but he turned on
the air conditioner too low, and suffered from cold evil, which led to continuous spermatorrhea.
Drinking cold drinks can damage yang and cause nocturnal emission. Blowing on cold air
conditioners can also damage yang and also cause nocturnal emission. If the body is weak, soaking
feet in hot water can also cause nocturnal emission. Both cold and heat can easily lead to nocturnal
emission. The factors that lead to spermatorrhea, I have specifically summarized in the season of
control of sequelae, everyone must pay more attention to this aspect. Basically, every brother will
encounter the problem of frequency inheritance. If you haven't encountered it now, you will
naturally encounter it after a certain amount of quitting. Therefore, we must learn to control
posthumous, try to control the frequency of spermatorrhea within 3 times a month, preferably once
more than 20 days, or once a month.

Case 6: [I suddenly started to feel dizzy one day in the middle of last month and felt very
uncomfortable at the time. Later, I lied in bed and rested for a while, but didn't care much the next
day. But in the afternoon, I started to feel dizzy again, and then I have been dizzy until now.
Thinking back to the week before the dizziness, I went to my girlfriend to indulge. Later, I went to
the hospital for a lot of examinations, and they were all good. I slowly doubted this and that. The
current situation is dizziness, tinnitus, and general weakness, especially when it is very difficult to
see things, and I feel dizzy. Ago came Jiese it also abstain from sex before, but time soon. This time
I was really scared and determined to reboot. I hope everyone will help me. 】

Additional comment: After a period of indulgence, this brother suddenly became dizzy and
"suddenly" again. Quantitative changes produce qualitative changes, and the sperm is injured to a
certain extent. After the critical point, the symptoms will burst out suddenly. Not only will
masturbation hurt the body, but having sex with a girlfriend will also deplete the kidney essence,
which is also in line with the medical theory of rare disease. The symptom manifestation of this
brother is considered to be the possibility of divine decline. He is now experiencing that countless
predecessors who have injured the essence have experienced it. There is nothing new in the world,
and the latecomers have been repeating the painful experience of the predecessors. If you go to the
hospital for neurasthenia, it will usually be normal and there is no major problem. This is the
limitation of the western medical instrumental examination. A normal examination does not mean
that the body is normal! Patients often have undergone a lot of examinations, and many patients
with debilitating symptoms will be suspicious, because although the examination results are normal,
the symptoms are not as good as death. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The kidneys lead to the
brain! Masturbation hurts the kidneys and even more damages the brain, ranging from decreased
brain power to severe neurosis. Once neurosis occurs, the pain is doubled, and it is really
tormenting. This brother also wrote "I was really scared this time", addicted to the bad habit of
masturbation, the symptoms will scare you sooner or later! I'm so scared! In the end your life will
become a disaster movie and a horror movie! Symptoms are like snakes. Many people do not take a
bite from the symptoms. He will not really make up his mind to reboot. He is a warm water frog, in
a paralyzed state of mind. Until one day, the pain suddenly comes. He will wake up. It’s okay to
have other symptoms. If it’s neurosis, there is a process to recover. Generally, it takes more than
half a year or even more than a year to return to normal. If it is treated while tumbling on the tube,
then the neurosis will be difficult for more than ten years. Rehabilitation and health maintenance are
the basis for the recovery of the neurosis. Three-point treatment and seven-point health
maintenance. Health maintenance includes rebooting and maintaining essence, just like a
foundation. Only when the foundation is firm can a house be built, otherwise a tower will be built
on the sand.

Enter the text below

Life is like a customs clearance game. There is no simulation life, only live broadcast. Everyone is a
passerby. Coming into this world, you are destined to face many tests. These tests can test your
fineness. The so-called real gold is not afraid of fire. Practice.

"Shoukangbaojian" says: Lust is the first level of the teenager, this level can't be beaten, it is useless
to let him be a master.

The first hurdle that a teenager has to face is the sex off! There is a knife on the head of the color
word, and the color is a steel knife for scraping bones. How many people fall under the color knife,
this is a gentle steel knife! The softest and the hardest, it is a knife that kills without seeing blood!
With a flash of cold light, the knife was out of its sheath, and between the chat and laugh, the fine
flying man was abandoned. This is a very cruel knife, a knife full of temptation, a knife that makes
people fearful! Heaven is the fastest to persecute and prostitution, and to slash others the most
ruthless! Not only cuts people, but also cuts fame, sinking into sensuality, will surely be slashed by
lustful knives. The sword goes green, the knife goes black, the black of the color knife is really
black, black enough! What makes you comfortable will be discarded, and you will be discarded so
willingly, and you will be discarded without any temper. The sword is like a tiger, and the female
color is the rouge tiger. The one you are most obsessed with is the deepest! Where the color knife
passes, such as rolling melons and cutting vegetables, the essence of the licker is condensed on the
blade; the color knife breaks when the hair is blown, and the iron is cut like mud. Everything hasn't
started yet, and the ground is full of lickers.

Many people have started playing the sex pass since they were growing up. After more than ten
years, they still can't break through this pass. It can be said that heroes are saddened by beauty pass.
Knowing that evil licentiousness hurts the body and defeats morality, but when they encounter it,
they just can't beat them, and they are defeated again and again. In fact, the external demons are
easy to retreat, the inner demons are difficult to fall, the inner demons cannot afford, and the outer
demons cannot reproduce. The mind is pure, there are Buddhas everywhere, and the mind is not
pure, and demons are everywhere. People who are not charming are fascinated by themselves, and
they dig into the abyss. To defeat the foreign demon, you must first surrender your own inner
demon! The devil is born because of the heart; the devil is destroyed by the heart. When the heart is
born, all kinds of demons are born; when the heart is extinguished, all kinds of demons are
extinguished. If the heart demon is broken, the outer demon will be broken; if the heart demon is
broken, the outer demon will be broken. Otherwise, they will definitely become the puppets of the
inner demon, and they will also be broken by the outer demon, involuntarily!

"Customs clearance" says: The matter of husband's lust is the first major pass in life, the most
vicious and most poisonous. Why knowing it is a critical hurdle? When a mortal sees beauty, his
soul flies away, and his lust is moved. When the lustful heart moves, the lust will rise, and the
energy will disperse and the spirit will shift. In the color field, day and night greedy for joy,
suffering for pleasure, and harm for happiness. How many heroes and heroes of ancient and modern
times, all kinds of dangerous situations, can be obtained in the past, and they are all blocked by the
pervert. The four are weak and can't struggle to jump out. I advise those who are sincere in Taoism
to quickly break through the lust barrier, fearing lust like a tiger, and guarding against lust like a

In modern times, the trend of Western obscenity is gradually increasing. Every time people in the
world take indulgence for pleasure, it is actually "suffering for pleasure". It is painful to be greedy
and short-sighted, regardless of the great suffering caused by indulgence! Master Lianchi: "Killing
is a miserable matter, so words are miserable and easy. Desire is pleasure, so words are miserable.
This is a metaphor. It is a metaphor to clearly put poison in a bad food, and it is a miserable killing;
secretly to put poison in food In the middle, it is the misery of wanting to kill, the wise man thinks
about it." The real wise man will not choose to control the control, the real wise man has fully seen
the truth of the control: the pain is the first to be uncomfortable after the control, and the bitterness
is very tragic!

There are countless people in the secluded pass. As a teenager, the first level should be to break
through the color barrier, because masturbation will deplete your energy and spirit, masturbation
will weaken your brain power, masturbation will also affect your growth and development,
masturbation will affect your body, psychology, and It will have an extremely negative impact on
school work; as adults, we should break through sex barriers and must be masters of desires, not
slaves of desires, otherwise we will undoubtedly abolish it! Many people try to break through the
color barriers, but they have no choice but to force the precepts. They don’t know how to learn to
increase their consciousness and subdue the demon. Falling down again and again, disappointed
again and again, dragging a symptom-ridden dead body, lingering, unable to see the hope of life, let
your life enter the garbage time!

Seguan is indeed difficult to break, but it is not unbreakable. Once you reach your enlightenment,
you can defeat the big boss of the heart demon and completely reverse the control of the heart
demon over you. If the consciousness is not enough, the result of single-handedly against the big
boss of the heart demon is bound to be abused! This world speaks by strength. Enlightenment is
strength. Once enlightenment is reached, you will not feel that the demons are invincible. Just like
when you were young, you thought someone was 180cm tall. When you grow up and your height
exceeds 180cm, then you won't think how tall 180cm is anymore, because you have not only
reached it, but also exceeded it. Rebooting means leveling, leveling your consciousness, learning to
increase your consciousness, and your consciousness will subdue your inner demons. Playing
games is to fight monsters and level up, while rebooting is to read rebooting articles to level up. It is
the same principle. Only when the level is reached can you have the strength and the demons to
challenge, otherwise you will only be abused.

The color level is a major level of life. Like games, it can be broken down into several levels.

1. Moderately off

When you start rebooting, the first ideological misunderstanding to be corrected is to be moderately
harmless. Reboot. Many newcomers below level 5 talk about the theory of moderate harm and think
that they are right. In fact, the theory of moderate harm is absurd, because the habit of masturbation
is highly addictive, just like moderate drug use. Talking about moderation when addicted is not only
absurd, but also self-deceiving. Many people use moderation as an excuse for indulgence and as a
comfort to themselves after indulgence. Many people feel at ease because of the moderate
harmlessness theory, until the symptoms completely "wake him up", then he will feel remorse.

Each stroke is a loss of kidney essence. Just like you go shopping in a mall, every time you shop,
you need to spend money. For the same reason, every time you stroke a tube, you are consuming
precious kidney essence. Kidney essence buys pleasure, and kidney essence is healthy currency.
When you are still a "big money" in the kidney, you can't feel spending some money, just like a
millionaire, spending a thousand each time, he basically can't feel it, but when he spends a few
years, he becomes addicted to flowers. , Then sooner or later you will become a pauper. Many
brothers were basically fine in the first few years of masturbation. When the age of masturbation
gradually increased, retribution began to gradually appear.

In fact, the theory of moderate harm has existed for many years, and many predecessors grew up
looking at the theory of moderate harm, and also looked at the theory of moderate harm to waste.
To be moderate requires a high level of awareness of rebooting and health, but in terms of post-
marital temperance, moderation is generally not recommended before marriage, because pre-
marriage belongs to the category of adultery. Only by really passing the sex pass can we hope to
achieve moderation. If we say moderation to ignorant young people who don't know anything and
lack self-discipline, it is tantamount to pushing people into the fire pit, and it is simply harming
them. Research on rebooting abroad has defined pornography as a drug, and the degree of addiction
is extremely high. Some people will be lucky. He said that a high degree of addiction does not mean
that they must be addicted. He believes that he can do it in moderation. In fact, his predecessors
thought the same way at the beginning. They were overconfident and thought they could be
moderate. In fact, it is impossible to achieve moderation. Moderate water is too deep and too deep,
and the word moderation kills people. If you are still obsessed with not realizing and want to engage
in moderation, then you can only let the symptoms educate you. Many people just don't shed tears if
they don't see the coffin!

2. Learning level

To purify one's mind with rebooting knowledge, to equip one's mind with rebooting knowledge, so
that you can have a certain degree of immunity and resistance in an era when pornography is

If you want to reboot successfully, you must study rebooting articles carefully, and raise your level
of awareness by continuously studying rebooting articles. Once you have realized your awareness,
you can naturally subdue your inner demons. If you don't study hard, but blindly and blindly
prescribe, then you will definitely fail. Rebooting is like playing the piano. You must learn how to
talk about the piano instead of playing the piano. Many new people say that they have no
perseverance when they break the vows. In fact, perseverance alone is not enough for rebooting.
Many people can only take a poisonous oath for more than ten days, and even if they swear a
poisonous oath yesterday, they broke it today. Therefore, we must learn how to reboot, and don't do
it recklessly, it will only lead to failure.

You must learn more from the successful experience of your predecessors. If you want to know the
road in the mountains, you have to ask people who come over. A winner, where is he strong?
Where is the strong? What is the difference between you and him? Rebooting should constantly
strengthen one's own consciousness and constantly improve one's rebooting consciousness. When
the consciousness reaches a relatively perfect level, then you can subdue your inner demons. When
you break the precepts, you have to think deeply about where your consciousness is flawed, and you
have to keep introspecting and summing up, so that the more you quit, the better. When your level
of awareness continues to improve, you will naturally be able to defeat the demons at that time. It is
not that the demons have become weaker, but you have become stronger.

3. Determination Off

We must reboot to be stronger! The so-called strong rebooting point means that the rebooting stand
must be firm and must not be shaken. Among 5 people playing basketball, there will be one
strongest point, and among 11 people playing football, there will be one strongest point. Let's
reboot. There are currently hundreds of thousands of people. You should also be strong enough to
pick one in ten, one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand, and one in ten thousand. The rebooting
stand must be "ruthless" and firm, not moving like a mountain! To reboot successfully, you must
have a strong determination. Only with great determination will you have the courage to reboot, and
truly regard rebooting as a major event, a major event no less than the college entrance examination.
In fact, rebooting is many times more important than the college entrance examination. If you fail
the college entrance examination, you can take the exam again. Even if you fail to pass the exam, it
doesn’t mean your entire life has failed. However, if rebooting fails, your entire life will likely fall
into a gloom and trough. Because the spirit is gone, the brain power is gone, and the physical and
mental health is gone, it means that the capital is gone, and the capital is gone. What can you do to
fight your life?

Super determination is super strength, don’t give up, don’t give up! Please show the determination
and courage of a strong man to break his wrist, and quit bravely and diligently! Be a martyr of

4. Moving agencies

Rebooting motivation, I specifically emphasized in the initial rebooting article that the correct
motivation leads to the correct results. Many people reboot for better indulgence. JJ wants to
become bigger and stronger, and want to gain more. More satisfaction. His motivation for rebooting
is to indulge. People with this motivation often fail to reboot soon. If you quit just for the sake of
sexual function, you will keep trying. If you try, you will easily break the habit, causing you to fall
into the vicious circle again, and you will still be unable to extricate yourself. We should establish a
correct motivation, such as quitting for ideals, quitting for filial piety to parents, quitting to restore
physical and mental health, quitting to restore energy, quitting to fill oneself with positive energy,
quitting to promote righteousness, etc. Wait, if you quit for the sole purpose of restoring sexual
function, then the inner demon will always encourage you to try, and the inner demon will keep you
entangled in your own sexual function and make you fall into the horns of thinking. In fact, if you
insist on rebooting and maintaining health, actively exercising, your sexual function will naturally
recover. If you quit just for sexual function, the possibility of relapse will become very high. This is
a warning from people who have passed by, and many predecessors have made such mistakes.
There are also some newcomers who like to reboot for their girlfriends. There are also a lot of posts
like rebooting . Rebooting for the sake of female beauty is inherently contradictory. If you feel that
your current self is very awkward because of swaying, and is not worthy of the goddess in your
heart, and you want to restore your appearance and complexion through rebooting, this is not a bad

5. Obscenity

Obscenity is an important hurdle that must be passed after rebooting. Many people have rebooted
for more than half a year, and masturbation has been quit, but the problem of adultery still bothers
him. Because indulging in adultery is a secret omission, it also hurts the kidney essence, which
leads to a long time of rebooting, and the body is still unsatisfactory. Obsessiveness is often a
prelude to relapse. Once indulged in obscenity, it is easy to be put into action. Therefore, we must
learn to overcome obscenity. This formula needs to be used to the point of proficiency, to reach the
level of conditioned reflex, so that it will become very easy to decide on obscenity, and there will be
no struggle at all. Many people didn’t notice the evil thoughts when they got up. After running with
them for a long time, they realized that they were concerned about fornication. At this time, the best
time to stop fornication has been missed. It’s hard to do it if you’re burnt with lust. When the time
comes, you will be struggling and contradictory. Two thoughts will fight in your mind, one is the
idea of breaking the precept, and the other is the idea of not breaking the precept. It's painful for

It must be fast and ruthless. It must be discovered and treated at the first time. Don't let evil
thoughts succeed in building a momentum. Success in building a momentum is like a mountain
rolling a boulder, and it can't be stopped.

Rebooting is about cultivating the mind, and it is about cultivating thoughts. You must learn to
control your thoughts, keep a close watch on your thoughts, and don't run away from evil thoughts.
Controlling thoughts is actually the core content of rebooting. Because thoughts lead to behaviors, if
you want to quit the bad habit of masturbation, you must strictly monitor your thoughts. If you
haven't learned how to control your mind, it can be said that you haven't really started rebooting yet,
and you're still wandering around.

6. Emotions

Emotional relapse is a big head. Senior brothers are well aware of this. Bad emotions can lead to
relapse. Many people relapse after being angry, such as quarreling with their parents, being
resigned, or quarreling with their girlfriends and breaking up. Other emotions can easily lead to
relapse, such as pride, carnival, depression, depression, boredom, and so on.

Regardless of the industry, people who can reach the top are basically people with extremely high
emotional intelligence and are very good at managing their emotions. EQ (EQ) is a kind of ability,
which is mainly acquired, that is, it can be improved through learning. You can read more books on
EQ, as well as books on traditional culture, so that you can strengthen yourself. Emotional control
and a stable emotional state are extremely critical to successful rebooting. We should strive to
achieve peace of mind. Peace of mind is a supreme state of mind and a sense of psychological
balance, just like walking a tightrope, because of balance, so It won't fall. Please stay calm and
expand your mind. No matter how great your mind is, there will be as much blessing as you can.

7. Frequency legacy
Basically every brother will have the problem of frequency inheritance. Some people don't have this
problem now, and after a certain stage of quitting, it will naturally arise. Continuous spermatorrhea
can easily lead to recurrence of physical symptoms, and the decline in energy and energy will be
very severe. It is easy to lose confidence after spermatorrhea, and it can also make people feel
depressed. Turning the seeds after spermatorrhea is very powerful. It is a period of high incidence
of relapse. Evil thoughts will become very active and keep coming up. At this time, you must
strengthen thought control. Keep your thoughts firmly in check. Don’t let yourself run with evil
thoughts or follow evil thoughts. It is constantly strengthening the power of evil thoughts, and in the
end, it is burned in the fire of desire, that is, the desire to stop, it is to break the precept!

We must learn to control the frequency of nocturnal emission. A stable and low frequency of
nocturnal emission is a necessary basis for body recovery. Otherwise, the body will continue to
suffer from frequent emission, and it will be difficult for the body to recover for a long time.
Traditional Chinese medicine has said that all eight veins will be injured after a long time. Frequent
leftovers are also very tragic. Regarding frequency leftovers, I generally recommend strengthening
the kidney and auspicious lying. Of course, other exercises such as iron bridge and standing piles
can also be tried. On the one hand, we need to practice exercises to control sequelae, and on the
other hand, we should pay attention to avoiding all kinds of factors that lead to spermatorrhea. I
specially summarized it during the season of sequelae control, so you can take a good look. If it
doesn't work, you can also see Chinese medicine for treatment, which can also achieve the purpose
of controlling sequelae. With a stable frequency of spermatorrhea, and good health maintenance, the
body's recovery will change with each passing day. Many people actually do a good job of quitting,
but they just fall into the frequency of quitting. Therefore, controlling dysfunction is extremely
important for rebooting and recovery. If you keep doing quitting frequently, you will lose
confidence in the recovery later, and you will easily break the habit.

8. Break the precepts

At the beginning, the consciousness is still shallow, and it is inevitable that there will be relapses.
Many new people grow up through relapses. After relapses, they continue to summarize and
improve continuously, and maintain the continuous growth of consciousness. At that time, they can
subdue the heart demon. Before they really become strong, Basically there is a process of being
abused by the heart demon. The rookie stage is unavoidable to be abused. This is normal. The key is
not to be discouraged. You must know that failure is the mother of success. You must be defeated
by failure or rise from failure. The adjustment of mentality after relapse is very important. How to
deal with relapse, how to learn experience and lessons from relapse, these are all very important!
We must deeply analyze the reasons for relapse and don't make the same mistake all the time. It’s
just like playing a game. It’s not terrible to fail again and again. The key is to keep fighting and
avoid the mistakes you made before. Some people can rush through the game for an afternoon and
have a strong fighting spirit because he believes that as long as he keeps fighting, It will definitely
pass. It’s good for us to have this kind of confidence and energy in rebooting. Many brothers are not
interested in rebooting articles. The more you quit, the worse.

Please read the following paragraph:

"Lee Chang-ho's chess style is simple and unpretentious. It is a kind of'late game' chess that does
not make mistakes and waits patiently for the opponent to make mistakes. Of course, chess has to
be played with'few flaws', which is extremely difficult. If a chess player does not have a solid Basic
skills and endurance for long-distance combat are simply unable to do this. But for Lee Chang-ho,
he already has all this."

In fact, playing chess and rebooting are completely interlinked, and the one sitting opposite you is
the big boss of the heart demon. Once you reveal your flaws, you will be caught by the heart
demon, and then give you a fatal blow, allowing you to break the ring immediately. You made a
mistake, so you broke the ring! It's as simple as that. We have to constantly strengthen our
consciousness and prevent ourselves from making mistakes, because mistakes lead to relapse. The
reverse is that if you don’t make mistakes, you won’t break the precept. The reason why you
relapsed must be something wrong. You must analyze the reasons for relapse and strengthen your
study to improve your consciousness. Professional chess players will conduct replays after the game
for in-depth research and summary. This is how they become stronger step by step. We have to quit
with "few flaws", so the old demons can't help you.

Breaking the precepts is not terrible. The key is not to break the determination and temper of
rebooting. That will only make the worse. The real warriors must be defeated and fought repeatedly.
it is good!

9. Health Care

Rebooting is a systematic project, and health restoration is also a systematic project. Grasp both
hands and both hands must be hard! Many people rebooted for more than a year, but their health
regimen was not good enough, which resulted in unsatisfactory recovery.

"Introduction to Medicine": "If you are calm, your heart will fall, and if you want to break, your
kidneys will rise." Abstinence to preserve essence is of great significance to the recovery of
diseases. But quitting alone is not enough, because there are many ways to hurt the body, such as
staying up late, sitting for a long time, getting angry, drinking and smoking, eating cold drinks and
blowing air conditioning, etc. Chinese medicine also specifically talks about "five labors and seven
injuries." After rebooting, we should study more articles and lectures on health preservation, so that
our awareness of health preservation can also be improved. Many new rebooters often ask: What is
health preservation? He doesn't know anything about health preservation, and has no concept at all.
Many people have been abstaining for a long time and still stay up late and sit for a long time. The
awareness of health preservation is really too bad, so it will be difficult for the body to recover.
There is a big difference in the speed of recovery between people who can keep in good health and
those who do not know how to keep in good health. There is a big difference between those who
know how to keep in good health. Years are still the same.

There are many health-preserving contents, so you can buy some health-preserving books and study
them slowly. With the knowledge of health preservation, what should be done and what should not
be done will be very clear in my heart. Run Run Run was 107 years old. When he was interviewed,
he said: "I don't do three things: first, don't gamble, second, don't drink, and third, don't do
abnormal things." What is abnormal? Run Run Shaw said, “Thrilling things are bad for your body.
In short, you should live a normal life.” Run Run Shaw does not do “abnormal things”, and he has
cultivated vitality for a long time, and he is quite knowledgeable in health maintenance. In fact,
masturbation is a very "exciting" thing, that is, "abnormal things", which affects physical and
mental health and life expectancy. While we quit the vice of masturbation, we should strengthen
health and recovery.

10. Vigilance off

The heart demon must maintain a high degree of vigilance. The heart demon is waiting for the
moment when you relax your vigilance. Once you relax your vigilance, the heart demon is ready to
start. The inner demon is very cunning, often appearing with instigating thoughts, making people
overwhelmed and unknowingly letting its way! Newcomers are still very light-conscious, have poor
vigilance, and are easy to break the precepts. After the old brothers enter the stable period of
rebooting, they are also easy to relax their vigilance and think that they have succeeded. In fact, the
so-called success in rebooting is only a temporary success. There are also many relapses over the
past year. No matter how long the reboot is, one should maintain sufficient vigilance. After entering
the stable period of rebooting, many people throw away rebooting articles, thinking that they will
never relapse again. In fact, as long as they relax their vigilance, relapse may occur. In today’s
society, whether it’s reality or the Internet, there are many temptations. You must increase your
vigilance, keep a close eye on your own thoughts, and be even more vigilant against instigating
thoughts, and you must learn to recognize instigating thoughts, even if Many veteran old brothers
will also be planted on the instigation thoughts, and the instigation thoughts can be described as
sweeping away a large part!

Vigilance awareness is one type of rebooting consciousness. A true rebooting master must have a
strong awareness of vigilance, and a top rebooting master must have a top-notch awareness of

11. Tired off

When you are tired of rebooting, you are not far from relapse. Many people enter the period of
tiredness of rebooting, and their rebooting state has plummeted. They can no longer find their
original ambitions, become very negative, and lose their enthusiasm and motivation to reboot. In
fact, anything can produce boredom. Even the goddess you like again will change from passionate
love to warm love, from warm love to plain, and even from plain to cold war, from cold war to
breakup. Quit to a certain level, boredom will naturally appear. Once boredom occurs, you must
learn to adjust. I have also experienced boredom. My countermeasure is to divert my attention and
then reduce my study. I also arrange a certain amount of exercise time every day to maintain a
better state of vitality. After the boredom period, the mental energy will come back again, and then
increase the amount of study.

When there is a manifestation of boredom, don't expose yourself to the cold, but reduce the amount
of study, and then divert your attention, let yourself relax, get in touch with nature more, and empty
your mind. Develop good study habits to overcome the boredom level. The habit becomes natural.
At that time, it doesn’t matter whether you are bored or bored. We should maintain a sense of
hunger and thirst for rebooting articles, be good at discovering freshness, take more notes and think
more, and have a deep understanding of rebooting. Knowledge is truly internalized into one's own
rebooting consciousness, which is a ideological weapon. Only with ideological weapons can you
resist the crazy attacks of evil and adultery.

I still take notes every day, but mainly based on the teachings of Dharma. I put a lot of emphasis on
taking notes, taking some reboot notes every day, and then review the previous reboot notes to
deepen the impression, think deeply and comprehend, and write about my own experience and
experience, so that the absorption rate will be higher. Rebooting articles are like nutrition. The key
is the absorption rate. If you forget it after reading it, you have to learn to refine the essence of
rebooting articles, truly absorb and comprehend, and truly become your own thing! Some people
have read a lot of rebooting articles, but they only read it in general, and didn't read it at all. Without
their own thinking and comprehension, they eventually became "Quit Youzi". It seems that they
understand the truth, but they are right. The environment is collapsed! There is no resistance at all!

12. Persist in

The president of Harvard University said: "The smallest gap between people is IQ, and the biggest
gap between people is persistence." Success lies in persistence, persistence, persistence, and
persistence, never being discouraged. The hardest thing is to persist! The hardest to insist on two
words! Success comes from perseverance and accumulation. Water drops through stone, wire saw
and wood breaks. Only with thick accumulation can thin hair become thinner. Perseverance, the
rotten wood can not be broken; Perseverance, the gold and stone can be carved. Persistence is
victory, and success is achieved through time! Heng Zecheng, there are not many who can really
stick to the end, but there are many who give up halfway. Many brothers started rebooting for the
first time, and they were in a wonderful state, like a godly help. They rebooted for more than 200
days at a time. However, as soon as they relaxed their studies and their vigilance, they relapsed. It
has fallen sharply, and the good state can no longer be found.

We must persist in learning. It is not terrible to break the precepts. The terrible thing is that if you
do not learn, your consciousness will not be able to continuously improve. The camel walks slowly,
but it can finally reach its destination; although the axe is small, it has been chopped many times
and can finally cut down the hardest oak tree. The power of persistence is incredible. I am not afraid
that thousands of people will stop me. I am afraid that you will give up on your own. If you do not
persist in studying, no one can save you. You can go from elementary school to university because
of your persistence in learning. If you don't study after graduating from elementary school, there
will be no university students. Read a few rebooting articles or rebooting notes every day, think
about it often, and you will gradually realize it. Small precepts rely on forbearance, big precepts
rely on enlightenment! Once enlightened, the number of days of rebooting has improved by leaps
and bounds!

Rebooting Bar There are many brothers who come and go, and it is very difficult to really stick to
it. Some quit and left, some mess up the left, and some people left last year Jiese it , the symptoms
get worse this year, he came back to the Jiese it . On the bright road of rebooting, we should stick to
it. If you can stay and help the newcomer, it will be even better. To help the newcomer is to help the
past self, that is, to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, which can greatly enhance your own
righteousness. energy.

Final summary:

Life is to pass the test and cut the generals, pass the sex test and cut the heart demon, and the beauty
test cannot stop the true rebooting martyrs! Hibiscus white noodles, but with fleshy skeletons;
glamorous red makeup, all killing knives! One hundred years ago, the Chinese took opium and
became the sick man of East Asia; one hundred years later, the Chinese became addicted to sex and
became sick man of East Asia. You go to see the people who are in charge. Many of them have dark
circles under the eyes, yawning, sleeplessness, and listlessness. This is just like an opium ghost.
They used to take opium, but now they are taking pornography. The harm of using pipe is really
tragic. ! There is nothing as dangerous as a human desire, and a few people have missed their lives
here! Pushing the tube will weaken you, and it will kill you. The man is afraid of beauty, and the
more he wears it, the thinner he enters the hospital!

Mr. An Shi’s "The Sea of Desire" said: "A young man who does not want to enjoy a high life, but
the adulterous die early. A day of joy, lifelong hardship." Master Yin Guang once stated in the
preface of "The Sea of Desire": "As for adultery, it is incorruptible, shameless, extremely filthy and
extremely evil. It is a human body, a beast. It is a lady who runs, and the enchantress offers flattery.
The gentleman regards it as a great disaster and rejects it, and it will bring blessings and light. The
emperor's blessing." The man wants to be clear, and he must believe that the world is full of red
powder! Encourage with you.

Three reboot poems were created this season and shared with you:

"Looking at the Innocence"

Looking at the child's clear eyes

I found out that I was stunned

Already lost too far too far

The child is like a clean mirror

Photographed my nasty

Photographed the filth of my soul

Look at innocence

Make me feel ashamed

I used to be so clear

I was so innocent

Live in a world without control

Every day is so beautiful

When the eyes become dark

When the eyes become hollow

When the complexion becomes like a ghost

When the symptoms become dire

I have lost my most precious innocence

Pure energy is the patron saint of my life

But I easily knocked it off

I have become a wretched uncle

I have become a walking dead

Until i met that kid

That pure existence

Look at innocence

In an instant, I have been purified

The clear eyes wake me up

Innocent soul

Light up my life

I am willing to be a man


"Quit is the real salvation"

Addicted to sex tube

You live in the purgatory that you made

Dark symptom hell

Full of painful torture

Live a life of extreme fear

Controlling is the catastrophe of life

The energy of the physical body is constantly being depleted

There is a wretched shell left

The body of the stunner is like a tofu project

Facing collapse at any time

How many people walked into the hospital because of sex

How many people have turned into medicine jars

How many people got on the operating table

Too much control is really useless

There is a history of blood and tears everywhere in the world

For the illusory and fleeting pleasure

And ruin my whole life

This is not the choice of the wise

A truly wise person will definitely choose to abstain

撸管 will make people full of negative energy

撸管 will detonate life's hardships

撸管 is cruel, the symptoms are cruel

When you are in symptom hell

You will understand everything i said

When you are in symptom hell

please remember

Quit is the real salvation

"Liu Guan is a kind of poverty"

The reason why I am in charge is because of the pursuit of happiness

But the pain is like a shadow

When the thick fog of pleasure clears

Will expose the outline of the hospital

The winner will eventually appear in the hospital

I'm excited when I'm on the tube

I was sad when I went to the hospital

撸管 will change you into another kind of person

A person who makes himself sick

Because of the ugly and wretched appearance

What appears in the mirror is more like a monster

To make a zombie movie, you should find actors among the slappers

You don’t need makeup at all, it will make you ghostly

撸管 is a kind of downfall, 撸管 is also a kind of poverty

Losing kidney essence is a pauper

No matter how valuable you are, as long as you lose your kidney essence

That's the standard pauper

Can your excess kidney value support your future life

Your fine box should be full and know how to cherish

This way your life will not break down or even give up halfway

How many times have I missed my childhood, that is the time I can’t go back

It was a day if I didn’t lure, simple and happy

That is the real great happiness, simple happiness does not cause pain

And the pleasure of adultery will lead to immense pain and suffering

The essence of piping is a kind of torture

And quitting is a high-level spiritual enjoyment

It's a kind of detachment, but also a kind of liberation

This is the profound experience of the people here

Blindly pursuing sensory stimulation will only lose yourself

Let yourself fall into a deep vicious circle and predicament

Let us get rid of bad habits, let us grow pure

Cultivate an innocent heart, and no longer be a poor person who is a kidney essence

No longer betray innocence, like a child

See the whole world with the purest eyes

Season 73: Rebirth from the cocoon of social terror

At present, many schools' physiological hygiene textbooks have the view of moderate harmlessness.
This is actually a serious misleading of the young generation. Our country's physiological hygiene
textbooks have been constantly revised and improved since the 1960s. I hope that the education
department can correct the theory of moderate harm as soon as possible, and should characterize
masturbation as a vice that must be quit! The majority of young people should be taught about the
harmful effects of masturbation, so that they can get the correct guidance when they first develop.

The youth is strong, the country is strong; the youth is strong, the country is weak, and one
generation is not as good as one generation. How many people break down because of the control,
and how many people become medicine jars and sick seeds because of the control! Textbooks do
not mean that they are correct, especially textbooks from bricks, which are more harmful and
misleading. Please don't be superstitious about bricks, please respect the fact that masturbation is
harmful! Please recognize the truth that masturbation is extremely addictive! The latest foreign
research has classified pornography as a drug, and masturbation is a highly addictive drug, a bad
habit that must be quit! It's out of control, these six words are the best summary of masturbation,
and the theory of moderate harm is an out-and-out false proposition! To say moderate masturbation
is to say moderate drug use, which is totally deceiving yourself! Those who want to engage in
moderation, keep doing it. When you do it, you will understand how ridiculous the so-called
moderate innocence is. Then you will hate the theory of moderate innocence, and hate the brick
writers who write such textbooks.

Reboot. There are currently 700,000 people. It should be no problem to break one million by the
end of the year. Everyone has seen the theory of moderate harmlessness, but now the body has
symptoms. Do you think it is moderately reliable? The bad habit of masturbation belongs to
adultery, which was unanimously opposed by the ancient sages. In the five thousand years of China,
I have never seen any saint recommend masturbation to posterity, let alone moderate masturbation.
The views in the physiological hygiene textbook are not in line with the teachings of the ancient
sages. If you do not listen to the old people, you will suffer! When the symptoms are plagued, you
will fully understand the painstaking admonitions of the people who come over, and hope that it
will not be too late! Wake up, boy.

Master Yinguang: Most of the young people today have masturbation. This is one of the most
powerful killers. It should be painfully avoided!

"Why are a bunch of men quitting masturbation? So they can be better men" New York Magazine
"Why are many men quitting masturbation? In order to be a better man", this is the title of an article
on quitting masturbation published in New York Magazine. There are also rebooting schools,
rebooting websites, and NoFap (NoFap) in foreign countries. Quitting is also popular among young
people abroad. Quitting is a global consensus.

Share a few cases in the preface of this season

1. [Brother Feixiang, I have recovered quite well some time ago, and my appearance has also
become pure and handsome, but the next two spermatorrhea directly defeated my appearance and
body, and my memory decreased. What should I do? 】

Additional comment: This brother has recovered very well through the previous reboot, his
appearance has become pure and handsome, but after two spermatorrhea, his appearance and
physical condition have begun to decline again. After rebooting, I put a lot of emphasis on
controlling the frequency of spermatorrhea, because spermatorrhea is also a kind of damage to the
body, and it is also a kind of loss of sperm. To put it bluntly, it is the leakage of the precious energy
of the body. Once spermatorrhea, the body's energy value will drop, if two consecutive
spermatorrhea, then the decline will be more severe, repeated symptoms are also very common. To
beautify your face, you must first nourish the essence. A person's appearance and complexion are
closely related to the essence of the kidneys. After the spermatorrhea, the essence and vitality of the
person will decline, and it is easy to become ugly and wretched again. Facts have shown that by
persisting in rebooting and keeping in good health, it is possible to become handsome again. After
the spirit and spirit come back, it will be very different. It can't be a little bit different, a slight
difference, a thousand miles away! Zhang Boduan's "Enlightenment Chapter": "Essence is vigor,
vigor is vigor, and vigor is vigor." We must learn to control the frequency of nocturnal emission and
understand the way of "holding fullness". Without shaking your spirit, you can live forever. Those
who don't shake, keep it solid. The essence of the kidney is not solid, the spirit is diminished, and
diseases follow. "Huang Ting Nei" says: "Don't vent the essence of the room in a hurry, you can
live a long life if you close it."

2. [My body has been very good, without any discomfort. He has practiced Sanda for one year and
is also one of the best in the team. I had a sudden anxiety and panic attack on December 10, 2013
(before the attack, my mind was full of unsightly images). I went to the emergency department of
the hospital at night and couldn't figure out what was going on. I didn't feel well anywhere, and the
doctor was muddled. Everyone knows that there is no medicine for this disease, saying that you can
take care of it if you take it, and regret that you don't cherish yourself, watching your parents worry
about yourself, and feel that you are going to die. What a shame! I feel pessimistic every day, and
there is no need to say the various symptoms and feelings of the body. Use hell to describe it. The
body of masturbation for many years has been very weak, just like the radish has been chaffed, it is
strong in the outside and dry in the middle. 】

Additional comment: The case of this brother is very typical, and it is a bit like me. Before I got
anxiety, I was sturdy because of my physical strength. I benched 120kg, 8 times, without protection,
130kg. You can push 6 by yourself. I never thought that I would get an anxiety disorder at that time,
but the truth is cruel. It hurts to a certain extent, it is bound to be a big outbreak of symptoms, which
directly throws you into the hell of symptoms that life is worse than death. pain. Being strong is not
an excuse for depravity. Strong people tend to be paralyzed and careless. If they feel that they are so
powerful, there should be nothing wrong with them. Who knows blessings and misfortunes! The
stronger the overdraft, the harder and deeper the injury! Symptoms are more terrible! This brother
had "no discomfort" before, and he had practiced Sanda again, and in the end he was "suddenly"
panicked because of adultery, and the symptoms suddenly rushed out! Reached the "waste point"! I
want to warn all strong people, don't think that being strong can be messy, because masturbation
will hollow out your body and make you "externally strong and in the middle".

3. [Good risk! I almost broke today. I have been quitting for 2 months. Everyone in the office went
out to work today, and the demons came. I was very proficient in looking for H. Like before, I
didn’t use it in the end, but I still watched it. , I hope I can keep on going...]

Additional comment: The biggest highlight of this case is "The Demon Is Coming"! When you are
alone, the heart demon will easily come out to test you. It depends on your level of enlightenment.
If your enlightenment is not enough, you will easily become a puppet of the heart demon. Did he
resist at the time. It's like the enemy is coming, if you don't resist, the city of rebooting will fall! He
immediately became the puppet of the heart demon again, at his mercy! "Da Ji Jing" says: "The lust
into the heart is like a ghost." The ghost breaks the vows. We study rebooting articles in order to
gain resistance when the demons come, and be able to stay unmoved. The demon is an examiner.
The demon test will come sooner or later. It will depend on your reaction. The most correct
response is to stop when you read it. Don't run with the demon, you must be vigilant!

4. [I am also very motivated for the first time. I quit for 9 months at a time, but then I stopped
learning to be proud. I broke it more than 20 times in a row. Shame! I will never give up my
determination to reboot in my life, no matter what, I will reboot! 】

Additional comment: Many brothers do the best when they first develop their minds. Such brothers
often experience an epiphany, and their enlightenment improves quickly. However, please
remember that no matter what kind of enlightenment you experience, as long as you relax your
vigilance, you will break the precepts, because the seeds of lust are in your eight-consciousness
field. An enlightenment can make you enter the dormant period of desire, but evil thoughts will still
appear sooner or later. Yes, not only evil thoughts will come up again, but all kinds of instigating
thoughts and proud thoughts may come up again. In short, there are many factors that lead to
relapse. Quite a lot of people are the best at the first time. Once they break the precept, they will
lose a thousand miles, and break again and again, and it will be difficult to get back to the original
good state. The salted fish had already turned over, but now he was turned back by the demons. We
must grasp the core of rebooting. The core of rebooting is cultivating the mind, that is, cultivating
thoughts. We must keep a close eye on our thoughts, exercise the strongest monitoring of thoughts,
and strictly ensure that the thoughts start and cease immediately! Knowing this can be regarded as
truly grasping the essence of rebooting.

While rebooting, we must also learn how to be a human being. We must pay attention to moral
cultivation. Don't be arrogant. We should stay humble, take damages, and benefit from humility!
Learn more about traditional culture, establish correct outlook on life and values, help others more,
be filial to your parents more, and strive to improve your own positive energy. If you don't pay
attention to cultivating virtue, you will break the precepts when you reach a certain level. If virtue is
not matched, there will be disasters. The great precepts not only rely on enlightenment, but also rely
on virtue! "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" said: "There is more than enough morals, so that there are too many
subversives." Reboot first to be a man, to be a man first to be a moral, to reboot with morals, to be
virtuous, to win the world by virtue!

5. [Teacher! My voice just became unpleasant, now it's back and improved, but I haven't fully
recovered, and I feel my eyes are slightly bigger. I stopped growing taller for a few years, but after
half a year, I grew taller by about 2-3cm! 】

Additional comment: Traditional Chinese medicine divides the sounds of the human body into five
types: "scream, laugh, sing, cry, and groan", and these five sounds correspond to the five internal
organs of the human body. The kidneys are the roots of the five internal organs. If they are addicted
to the tube, they will hurt the essence to a certain extent, and the voice may have subtle and bad
changes. This brother is a good example. After half a year of rebooting, his voice has changed back.
Although he hasn't fully recovered, he has improved after all. After rebooting, the eyes become
larger. Many brothers have reported that the eyes are the main part of the spirit and energy, and all
the energy is present here. The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "The essence of the five
internal organs and the six internal organs are all focused on the eyes. But for the essence." After
many slappers have their eyes opened, they feel smaller, and the shape of their eyes and eyelids will
also change. It feels very unnatural. People who have swollen upper eyelids, bags under the eyes,
and dark circles are also unnatural. There are many, the most obvious is the lack of mind in the
eyes, which is a typical manifestation of insufficiency. This is also mentioned in the photo book.
After half a year of rebooting, this brother has also seen a gratifying change in his height. He has
grown taller! Many brothers have reported that their height has stopped growing because of
stubbornness. Chinese medicine has said that the kidneys dominate the bones. It is possible that
stubbornness can affect the height of the kidney, and that stubbornness affects bone development
and bone quality. However, there are many factors that affect height, such as genetics, exercise,
nutrition, adequate sleep, sun exposure, and so on. Fuck pipe is only a factor that affects your
height. Originally, energy is used to grow taller, but you get rid of it.

6. [I got into the bad habit of masturbation because of curiosity in the second year of the junior high
school, often twice a day, sometimes 3, 4 days, or once a week. Now 6 years have passed. I have
come over this way. I have always believed The theory of masturbation was harmless until last
month, which was late at night on June 5th, because of an accident at home during these two
months, and the pressure was huge. It can be said that I was worried day and night, and my neurosis
attacked me when I was at its weakest. In my freshman year, on the late night of June 5th, I
suddenly had difficulty breathing, flustered, and felt a sense of dying. I came to the hospital at 1 am
with the help of my roommate for first aid and breathing oxygen. However, as the test results came
out, each All the indicators are normal, but I am very nervous. I think it must be a heart problem.
When I got sick, my limbs were weak, my waist was sore and my stomach was bloated. I really
wanted to die! Yesterday , I accidentally saw rebooting on Baidu on the Internet . Today is my first
day of rebooting. I don't want to take this life or ruin my life. I hope you brothers will urge me and
witness my growth! Now I feel that the deficiency of kidney yang is very serious and the kidneys
are hot. Sometimes I suddenly feel very cold and cold. Today I plan to prescribe Chinese medicine
for treatment. As soon as I get sick, all symptoms will come, such as loose stools, bloating,
backache, and fear. Cold, tinnitus, neurasthenia, these are the lessons of my own blood, as long as I
survive this level, I swear, I will never slap again! 】

Additional comment: This is another brother who needs to be rescued in the hospital. The lesson is
very profound. Six years of gang management had already hollowed out his body. Coupled with an
accident at home, the pressure was so great that he immediately detonated neurosis. It's like a bird
with a frightened bow. It originally had a physical injury, but when it was surprised, it fell off
immediately. This brother had always believed in the harmlessness of masturbation, but this time he
really tasted the bitter fruit. Many people only wake up with half their lives left. I talked to a lot of
neurotic patients at that time. They basically used this routine. Those who can turn back are still
good. There are still some people who don’t understand. Even if they spend hundreds of thousands
of medical expenses, they don’t know how to turn back to reboot. It’s really very good. sad! The
Counsellor's Letter of Three Yuans Life Extension says: "If the true essence is dissipated, disease
will follow one's life, and death will follow. For the longevity of Tianyuan, the one who does not
consume the essence will get it!" , This is a matter of life and death, which directly affects your
quality of life. Don’t indulge in masturbation anymore, masturbation is just digging a hole with JJ,
and finally buried yourself alive! The runner will show up in the hospital, and the doctor will
perform the operation on the runner!

7. [I have been to tree therapy for two days, every time I finished, my face felt slippery, super
smooth, just like baby skin, and my palms became very white all of a sudden. I will take a closer
look at me after I come back. I can't believe it...As for when to go to tree therapy, many people say
it is in the morning, but I don't think so. In the morning, the sunlight is weak, and the trees have to
rely on the sunlight for photosynthesis, and the trees themselves have to use them, so the energy
transmitted to you will be very weak. I usually go more than 4 o’clock in the afternoon, because the
sun is full at this time, the solar radiation is not very big, and after a day’s exposure to the trees, the
sun will be sufficient and the aura will become very big, which spreads to the face and The energy
of the body will also become a lot. About the method: first stick the forehead on the tree trunk. I
usually stick it for about half an hour, and then stick the two cheeks on the trunk for about half an
hour. When I do it, I can move it. I often stick my face to the sun. The place, because it will be very
warm, change the place after it is cold. 】
Additional comment: This brother is also a destined person for tree therapy. After doing it for 2
days, he quickly entered the state. He already has his own experience and the effect is also very
significant. Tree therapy can bring magical effects, no Few people have taken tree therapy as the
first method of recovery. At present, some brothers have specially established tree therapy. Many
people are there to exchange experience and experience of tree therapy. I hope that more and more
brothers can learn from tree therapy. Benefit from this, especially the brothers whose looks and
temperament deteriorated because of arrogance.

Step into the text below

This season I will talk to you about social fear. When I got neurosis, I was mainly anxious. I also
had symptoms of social fear. I hadn’t been out for more than half a year. I was afraid of meeting
people and communicating. A life of cocoon and self-binding, like a bug living in a dark corner,
inferiority, autism, panic, decadence, despair, lingering, and being forgotten by the world... At that
time, I felt that every day was suffering. Unlike the previous me. At that time, I was relatively
ignorant, and I didn't know how I became like this. It seemed that there was a dark cloud above my
head that could not be removed, and it was covering me tightly. I have done a lot of tests and taken
a lot of medicine, and I have been in a bad state of being half-dead.

I had several neuroses at the time, and the symptoms were endless, and I was basically living in
symptom hell. I would not know what it was like if I didn't know it personally. It wasn't until I got
neurosis that I knew that there was still such a disease in the world, a disease that makes you worse
off than death, and a disease that is difficult for normal people to understand. Only when you really
get hit, do you know the pain. Fortunately, I am completely healed now, and looking back, it feels a
bit weird. The sun has once again blessed me. I have broken the cocoon of social fear and have been

Social Phobia (Social Phobia), also known as social anxiety (social anxiety), phobia, Japanese
psychologists call it phobia, it is a kind of strong fear or worry about social or public occasions
Neurosis. Patients have significant and lasting fear of social situations in front of strangers that may
be carefully observed by others, fearing that their behavior or nervousness will cause humiliation
and embarrassment. Some patients find it difficult to attend parties, make phone calls, go shopping
in stores, or ask authority figures. They often regard other people's normal behaviors, voices, and
expressions as disgust and contempt for themselves.

Introversion is not equal to social fear. The difference between the two is that social fear is fear of
contact with the outside world, while introverts just don’t like or don’t want to contact the outside
world. One is fear and the other is dislike. The degree is different. Dislike is normal, but fear is not

Social fears are generally divided into mild social fears, moderate social fears and severe social
fears. Mild social fear is a little better. Many people have not been diagnosed, but they tend to get
nervous. Visual disturbances and communication disturbances are relatively minor. Severe social
panic is more serious. It is really anthrophobia, real fear and horror.

Case 1: [As soon as I have to say a word, see someone, do something, eat a meal, take a dish, I can’t
help but feel feverish all over the body, my face is hot, and my face is sweating profusely. The
whole body is soft, the hands and feet are trembling, the heartbeat is extremely fast, the breathing is
difficult, and the head and neck will be ridiculously swaying desperately! When someone else’s
head turned to me, my heart jumped like a bullet, and my body went into a state of extreme fear for
some reason, my hands and feet were so tense that I couldn’t move, and my head shook
ridiculously. Non-stop! As soon as I had to turn my head, I panicked to death! Turn your head
around! Shaking all over! When you take a meal for lunch, your hands will automatically enter a
trembling and soft state! This is how life is better than death! I am going to be killed by these
terrible symptoms! 】

Additional comment: The patient’s social terrorism is relatively serious, and it has caused great
distress to his life and work. It is a state of "horror to the extreme". You can imagine that it is a kind
of What kind of mental state the patient in this case sees is a "person", and his performance is more
like seeing a "ghost", and it is a very scary ghost. Living like this every day is indeed better than
death, just like living in a horror movie every day, and still being a male protagonist. If mild social
fear is left untreated and allowed to develop, it is likely to gradually worsen and gradually turn into
severe social fear, and then it will suffer greatly. Many people who suffer from social terrorism
have thoughts of suicide, and some have even committed suicide several times, but they have not
died successfully.

1. Western medicine analysis of the causes of social panic

Current research shows that the onset of social fear is related to the imbalance of chemical
substances in the brain. David Xihan, a famous American professor of psychiatry, said that the
onset of social phobia is due to the imbalance of a chemical substance called "serotonin" in the
human body. To. This substance is responsible for transmitting information to the nerve cells of the
brain. Too much or too little of this substance can cause people's fear. Serotonin was first found in
serum, also known as serotonin. It is especially high in cerebral cortex and nerve synapses. It is a
messenger that can produce pleasant emotions and affects almost every aspect of brain activity. :
From regulating emotions, energy, and memory to shaping the outlook on life.

2. Analysis of the causes of social panic in traditional Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine refers to phobias as "fear syndrome". Chinese medicine believes that phobias are
mostly due to deficiency syndrome, which is a disease of insufficient sperm and blood. When the
sperm is injured to a certain degree, social fear can appear. It is mainly divided into the following
three types:

1. Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency Type: Symptoms are listlessness, depression, sleepiness,
upset and panic, palpitations, insomnia, pale complexion, impotence and nocturnal emission, fat
tongue or teeth marks on the sides, white fur, heavy pulse.

2. Kidney essence deficiency phobia: Symptoms are weakness in the waist and knees, lack of
energy, flustered and fearful, nocturnal emission and sweating, insomnia, fatigue, facial heat, red
tongue and little moss, thin pulse.

3. Heart and spleen deficiency type: Symptoms: insomnia, forgetfulness, heart palpitations, easy
crying, lack of interest, fatigue, pale or chlorosis, low food, abdominal distension, loose stools, pale
tongue, white fur, weak pulse.

Traditional Chinese medicine has said: The kidney is connected to the brain! Kidney dominates
fear! Kidney Essence and Metaplasia Brain Marrow! Masturbation damages the kidneys and affects
the brain. The decline of memory and other brain power is a very common symptom in patients
with sperm injury. In severe cases, neurosis such as social fear and mental decline may occur. The
etiology research of Western medicine is actually completely connected with Chinese medicine.
Western medicine refers to the imbalance of chemical substances in the brain, while Chinese
medicine just reveals the close relationship between the kidney and the brain. Masturbation
damages the kidney to a certain extent, which will inevitably lead to a full-scale outbreak of

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the onset of social fear is related to the imbalance of the
spleen, kidney, and heart, and the kidney is the root of the five internal organs! The five internal
organs are: heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney. Masturbation hurts the kidneys, and you are
slashing the root of life with a masturbation knife! With such a slashing cut, over time, the neurosis
will come out sooner or later. If you still have the habit of staying up late and sitting for a long time,
then the neurosis will come out sooner.

Of course, again, there are many reasons for the disorders of the spleen, kidneys, and heart, such as
anger, stress, overwork, irregular life, dietary factors, family changes and other stimuli, which can
all lead to disorders of the body and infection. Social fear. According to my investigation and
research, people who masturbate are more likely to suffer from social fear, which is very common.
Masturbation hurts too much, and it is especially easy to cause disorders in all aspects of the body.

Case 2: [I have been masturbating for 10 years, I have never felt happy, I have not felt happy, I have
no friends, I am afraid of going out every day, afraid of seeing people, afraid of communicating
with people, afraid of crowded places. I like to lock myself up and stay at home very comfortable!
I'm 26 years old this year, and I don't dare to look for a job. It feels bad. Masturbation seems to have
started when I was a child. I miss my childhood when I had a lot of friends around me, dare to
speak and dare to do, a very sunny child! But now, alas! Autistic, talk less! How to do? What
should I do! 】

Additional comment: When this brother was a child, he was a very sunny child. He dared to speak
and dare to do. Unfortunately, after 10 years of masturbation, everything changed. No longer sunny,
he became autistic and talked less, and he was already suffering from it. Social panic. Masturbation
not only weakens a person's physique, but also changes a person's character, which is a double
torture to the body and mind! It turns out that people who are sunny and cheerful will become dark
and decadent because of indulging in masturbation. When a person is frightened, where is his
future? Fear of meeting people, fear of communicating with people, fear of crowded places, and
completely different from the self before masturbation. Lose confidence, loss of confidence, loss of
sunshine, become panic, become at a loss, become a maggot hiding in a dark corner, pitiful and sad!

Case 3: [More than once, I have experienced that social fears have obviously increased a few days
after the ban, but after a period of time, social fears have been significantly reduced. After 16 days
of quitting, I have felt that the degree of social fear in the crowd has been significantly reduced. 】

Additional comment: This brother has a delicate feeling. Those who really understand the principles
of Chinese medicine must know that masturbation and social fear are closely related, because the
kidneys dominate fear, and fear damages the kidneys, thus forming a vicious circle. Only those who
do not understand medical sciences think that masturbation has nothing to do with social fear. I
have seen a lot of feedback so far. As long as you keep rebooting and keeping in good health, social
fear is expected to be greatly reduced, and there is no need for psychological treatment, and
naturally it will be significantly reduced. Kidney qi is sufficient, Wan Xie extinguishes; Kidney qi
deficiency, all diseases are born!

3. Self-detection of social phobia

1. It is easy to be nervous when socializing, and the face is easy to flush

2. Unwilling to be the focus of attention, unnatural expression

3. Fear that others think you are ridiculous and afraid of being discussed

4. Unwilling to go out, unwilling to see people, completely self-enclosed

5. Treat other people's normal behaviors, voices, and expressions as disgust and contempt for

6. Doing a little mistake will make you feel guilty for a long time

7. Don't dare to talk with people, often very passive, easy to stutter, and incoherent

8. The expression is weird, nervous, panic, like a big enemy, fidgeting

9. See people blushing, shy, rapid heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, etc.

10. Fear of sitting and talking with people, afraid of crowded places, and fear of seeing crowds

11. Fear of embarrassing and embarrassing behavior, extremely nervous

12. Once you find that others pay attention to yourself, it is unnatural, afraid to look up, afraid to
look at others, embarrassed, and even feel ashamed

13. Accompanied by low self-evaluation and fear of being criticized, etc., negative and pessimistic,
thinking about the bad

14. Symptoms such as palpitation, blushing, shaking hands, trembling voice, nausea, urgency,
unsteady sitting, unsteady standing or unsteady walking, etc.

15. Pay special attention to your expressions and behaviors in public or when you meet people.
Panic attacks can be induced when you are extremely nervous

16. In severe cases, can't even get out of the house and are trapped at home

17. Excessive self-esteem and excessive low self-esteem, easy to negatively suggest

18. When visiting guests at home, avoid seeing them, afraid of talking and looking at each other

19. When alone at home, do not answer the phone or open the door, cut off from the world

20. When walking on the street, I always feel that other people's eyes are watching me, and I always
feel that I have a problem.

21. Communication barriers of the opposite sex, even unable to communicate with the opposite sex
you like

22. Fear of others looking at yourself, more afraid of looking at others' eyes

23. Fear of public places, such as shopping malls, supermarkets, speech conferences, etc., hate

24. Fear of doing things under the gaze of others, fear of being noticed
25. The curtains at home have been pulled, afraid of any contact with the outside world

26. Watching people's eyes dodge, as if there is a ghost in their heart, very unnatural

27. Afraid of making a fool of yourself in front of everyone, it is easy to blame yourself

28. It is easy to be overly nervous when the elders or the opposite sex are present

29. Fear of social situations and interpersonal communication

30. Deep down in my heart, I am eager to communicate with others, but I have many concerns

You can compare yourself with these 30 items. If it fits most of them, or if a few items have
obvious performance, then it is likely to be socially feared. Many brothers are indeed afraid of being
released from society, but some people are not very serious and have not attracted enough attention.
For example, the vision disorder, that is, the fear of looking at other people’s eyes. This is quite
common among people who insist on rebooting and keeping in good health for a period of time.
The vision obstacle will disappear automatically without any psychological treatment, as long as
you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health. , After the spirit and energy slowly recover, the
vision obstacle will automatically disappear after the confidence comes back. Many brothers have
reported that they dare to look into the eyes of others after rebooting for a month or so. Some
brothers even quit so hard that they can look directly into the eyes of the other person with
confidence, so calm and hearty. So bright, what are you afraid of! After the kidney is weak, I get
scared inexplicably, because the kidney governs fear. After nourishing enough kidney qi, I am no
longer afraid inexplicably, it is so subtle!

Case 4: [Due to 3 or 4 years of masturbation that caused social terror, I was fired from the company
today, it's sad! I have been masturbating since my freshman year and have 3 or 4 years of
masturbation history. Due to long-term masturbation, the fear of society is caused. When people
blush, they blush inexplicably when sitting in the office. Due to my low self-esteem, I have a
gloomy mind. I started masturbating in my freshman year. The more I masturbate, the more I feel
inferior. Social fears are serious now, resulting in very little communication with others. Then today
the supervisor found me and said that my day is here! time to go. Just like that was expelled. Evil
fornication is really harmful! 】

Additional comment: "The day is here!" A very sad sentence, the day is here, it's time to leave. A
fearful person, blushing when seeing people, nervous when seeing people, afraid of seeing people,
low self-esteem, and gloomy, rarely communicates with others. Such an employee will be expelled
sooner or later. The fearful person is equivalent to isolating himself in the work unit. After a long
time, people will definitely notice your abnormality. After work, personal connections are
extremely important. I can’t communicate and I’m slowly isolated. I will resign in the end. People
with social fears can’t really integrate into the team. Sexual adultery is really harmful, and it has a
very bad impact on academics and work. If you are out of business, your career path will become
bumpy and rugged.

Case 5: [Originally, my parents who graduated from high school opened a small shop for me
because of the evil of masturbation. I had no energy during the day. I had to sleep until 11 o’clock
every day. How do I do business? Inferiority complex and social fear after masturbation Then came
again. I was stunned all day long, and people became withdrawn and unwilling to communicate
with others. The shops were also closed, and now they are reduced to wage earners. 】
Additional comment: People who are in control have this experience, that is, sleeplessness, love to
sleep, and the other extreme is insomnia and dreaminess. Generally, the initial performance is that
he is addicted to lying and moving, lacking energy, like an opium sucker, lazy, and yawning. After
the injury, neurosis develops, then symptoms of insomnia and dreaminess will appear. This brother
was also out of fear of society. He originally opened a shop and wanted to actively communicate
with customers. After masturbating, he became withdrawn and unwilling to communicate with
others, and this shop could not be opened.

Case 6: [I have been masturbating for five years, now I am 23. Thin cheeks, acne, oily face and hair,
dry eyes, tinnitus as long as you lie down to sleep, and disappear after getting up. There is also the
urine bifurcation (only when the urine is almost finished), it seems that the urine is not clean, and
the ejaculation is weak, and the feeling is flowing out, and the pleasure is reduced. Then the
psychological changes caused are timid and fearful, always feeling like others are paying attention
to themselves. 】

Additional comment: Social fearful people are afraid that they will become the center of attention of
others, and they always feel that everyone around them is looking at themselves and observing
every little action of themselves. Social fearful people are afraid of being introduced to strangers,
and even afraid of eating and drinking in public places. This brother not only had many symptoms
in his body, but also had very bad psychological changes. He was timid and fearful. Compared with
physical symptoms, sometimes psychological symptoms are more desperate and worse than death!
In general, masturbation for about five years can show signs of social terror, and symptoms of
social terror can appear within a short period of about two years. Once social terror occurs, it is
really a change of person. Think about the previous sunny and healthy mentality. .

Case 7: [Masturbation is basically once a day for 8 years. I didn't go to school just now. I didn't
want to go but I didn't dare to go. Masturbation caused me to have serious social barriers. I was
afraid of seeing people, especially strangers. I remember that I was not like this when I was a child.
I became like this only after I was supervised. It is not an exaggeration to say that I have not had
much confidence in the past 8 years, and many days have come through miserably. Now I’m not a
normal person anymore. I stay at home every day and I don’t have much social interaction. I play
on the computer every day and watch videos. I really want to change, but I don’t know how to
change it. Social phobia is accompanied every day. I am so depressed. Masturbation is really
harmful, and now I have seen its true power. More people will suffer from illness, and the more
serious will commit suicide. Hey! 8 years ago, my popularity has been messed up, and my
interpersonal relationship has disappeared at all. Think about it because my life has been on a road
of no return. Every day I think it’s because I didn’t have it 8 years ago, after that. Life is definitely
another scene, but unfortunately it has been crippled. 】

Additional comment: This is a "tragic" case. Masturbation to a certain extent is a miserable world!
This brother was completely normal before he was in charge, and it was only after he was in charge
that social terror appeared. Many people think that inferiority is caused by social terror, but what
causes inferiority? Controlling can cause inferiority! Fuck pipe can make people lose their spirit,
confidence, and positive energy! Become apathetic, become insignificant and ugly. In fact, low self-
esteem is not necessarily a cause of social terror. Everyone has low self-esteem. Many elementary
school students also have low self-esteem. In addition, many people suffer from social phobia
before they have serious inferiority complex. This brother finally concluded it very well. If he
hadn't done it 8 years ago, what will his life be like in the future, but unfortunately there is no regret
medicine in the world.

4. How to get out of the quagmire of social fear

Many people regard social panic as a mental illness. In fact, the body and mind are united. The
onset of social panic often has the physical basis of injury. If you understand this, the recovery
process will be more effective. Choosing psychotherapy alone is often not very effective. It is cured
by psychotherapy, but there are many cases where psychotherapy is ineffective. Sometimes
psychotherapy is like a mess, trapping you in a more complicated maze. Seemingly professional
psychotherapy often has little effect. Moreover, good psychologists are also rare, and it is difficult
to encounter them.

My recommended way of healing is to have the same mind and body. On the one hand, we should
insist on rebooting and keeping in good health; on the other hand, take Chinese medicine for
conditioning or take western medicine to control the condition; and on the other hand, we can
cooperate with psychological treatment. This way, recovery is often quicker. When I was in social
fear, I didn't choose to see a psychologist. I just relied on rebooting to maintain my health, and it
would be better naturally. As soon as my kidney qi was restored, my mentality improved greatly.
We must realize the important significance of rebooting and maintaining vigor for the recovery of
social terror.

Regarding social fear, the current common treatment methods include systematic desensitization,
exposure, cognitive insight therapy, and Morita therapy, etc., all of which have a certain effect.
However, there are few professional social fear articles mentioning rebooting and maintaining
essence. I I think this may be a matter of intervening as a mountain. Psychologists specialize in
psychological theories. Their views generally come from the conclusions of Western psychology.
Their general argument is that psychological problems cause social panic attacks, but they don’t
know that social panic attacks often have physiology. The basis of the disorder. Few of these
psychologists have both knowledge of Chinese medicine. If they can also study Chinese medicine,
their perspective on the problem will be renewed. It turns out that the kidneys dominate fear! Fear
and kidney deficiency are closely related, so what are the ways to hurt the kidney? Indulgence,
staying up late for a long time, getting angry, eating cold drinks and blowing air conditioning,
smoking and drinking, eating too salty, overworked, etc. Indulgence comes first!

Many people with social fears have basically cultivated into a half-psychological expert. They
speak a set of theoretical knowledge, and can write articles very well, but if they understand more,
they may not be able to heal from social fear. Many people know a lot and get more, so the social
fear is hard to heal. Even if it is temporarily healed, and then addicted to the management, the
condition of social fear begins to recur, which is a very unstable recovery. It has been several years
since I rebooted and kept in good health. I have never repeated the fear of society. I am very calm.
My eyes are calm, and the feeling of fear has been completely far away from me. I have recovered
my original sunny and healthy self.

Regarding recovery, let’s talk about the power of faith. Many people start to learn Buddhism after
they have neuroses. Buddhism is to cultivate the mind. Buddhism can add positive energy, and
Buddhism teaches people to be kind. We must believe in Buddhism upright, not superstitious
Buddhism, we must read more Buddhist scriptures and great virtues to establish righteous
knowledge and right view. It is very good to believe in Buddhism righteously. Many people with
social fears have gradually improved after studying Buddhism, and there have been many cases of
this. Learning Buddhism to adjust the mind is often better than professional psychotherapy. Many
psychotherapy draws on Buddhist theories. For example, "Morita therapy" is also called Zen
therapy, which is closely related to Buddhist thought. Of course, to learn Buddhism you have to
follow your fate, and you can't force it. It depends on your fate.

Final summary:
Social fear is to cocoon yourself, get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, plus active treatment, that
is to break the cocoon and rebirth! Desire is the source of hardship, and when you understand this
truth, you will not treat masturbation as a pleasure. Masturbation will lead to hardships. It is often
the first to refresh and then to suffer. It is the beginning of suffering! Cool is the icing on the outside
of the poison! Without giving you a little sweetness, you will not fall in. When you fall in and want
to climb out, it is quite difficult. As long as you are still flirting, your symptoms will come to your
door sooner or later; as long as you still want to flirt, you will not be able to get pure happiness.
Season 75: Depression and swelling caused by SY

Share a few cases in the preface of this season

1. [Teacher Feixiang recently I have been in a state of breaking the ban, and I always cannot quit
once every 3 days. Although I know in my heart that I will be over if I continue this way, I can’t
control it whenever my desire strikes. I only wake up after I'm done, and the vicious circle
continues. Ask Teacher Feixiang what should I do? 】

Additional comment: When desire comes, it is actually rebooting! If evil thoughts come, they will
be punishable! If you are not afraid of reading, you are afraid of being late. Rebooting is to control
and be controlled. If you can't beat the inner demon, then you will be controlled by the inner demon
and become the puppet of the inner demon. That kind of state is completely "unconscious" state,
involuntary state, you know it's wrong, but you just can't stop, and many people won't wake up until
they are finished. It's like being casted with a magic, and only after the shot is finished, will he
suddenly wake up. The actual rebooting takes place in your mind. Failure is not terrible. You must
sum up more experience and lessons, strengthen your study and raise your consciousness, so that
you can hope to have the last laugh next time you actually fight. If your consciousness always stays
at the rookie level, you will undoubtedly continue to be abused by the demons. If you don't want to
be abused by the heart demon, then you must strengthen your consciousness through learning. Only
with a strong consciousness can you subdue the heart demon and win the actual rebooting battle. In
a word, learning is the only way out.

2. [Flying brother, I am using Chinese medicine for conditioning recently, and after 10 days of
taking it, I have nocturnal emission! After the spermatorrhea, I have relapsed one after another. I
have been relapsed continuously for five days. I can't control my desire at all. Brother Feixiang can
help me. 】

Additional comment: Many brothers will choose to take traditional Chinese medicine to treat their
symptoms. It is good to take Chinese medicine, but after taking Chinese medicine, you must pay
attention to cultivating the heart, because as soon as the kidney qi is restored, evil thoughts will go
out and change from an inactive state. Very active state. This brother's nocturnal emission for ten
days is considered normal, but one or two days after nocturnal emission is a very dangerous period
of high incidence of abstinence, which is easy to occur. Regarding this law, I have mentioned many
times in my previous article that everyone must be vigilant after spermatorrhea, and keep a close
watch on your own thoughts. If evil thoughts come up, you must strictly stop thinking when you
start and don’t run away with evil thoughts. Don't strengthen evil thoughts. It is very taboo to eat
Chinese medicine while venting, so that the effect will be discounted. If you choose Chinese
medicine conditioning, you should try to avoid the occurrence of relapse.

3. [Last night, I was in a very irritable mood, and I suddenly wanted to slap, and there were all that
kind of images in my mind. I suddenly thought of an emotional relapse, so I quickly adjusted my
mentality, calmed my mind, and fell asleep peacefully. 】

Additional comment: This brother has a very good rebooting awareness. The rebooting awareness
gained through studying rebooting articles has come in handy in actual combat. My article last
season was about rebooting consciousness. The real killer is consciousness! When you are upset,
you should immediately realize that emotional relapse is likely to occur. Emotional relapse is a type
of relapse, and it is also a relatively common type of relapse. When everyone has a bad mood, the
key is to have the ability to adjust emotions. This actually belongs to the category of emotional
intelligence. Emotional quotient (EQ) is an index of self-control ability. EQ is more important than
IQ. Many successful people do not have a high IQ, but their EQ is very high. Warren Buffett also
said: “We don’t need to be smarter than others, but we must be more self-controlling than others.”
True rebooters have the ability to adjust emotions. It is important to keep yourself in a calm mental
state, irritable emotions. It is easy to relapse, and it is easy to relapse when angry. How many
brothers are planted in emotional relapse, so we must attach great importance to emotional
management. After passing the emotional barrier, you will enter a higher state of rebooting.

4. [Teacher Feixiang, I have all my heart to die. I just got married in June, and I was going to have a
baby in August. My wife asked me to check the semen vitality, but it was found that she had
asthenospermia and it was difficult to get pregnant, so my wife divorced me. NS. Because I used to
be ignorant and adulterous, now my wife is gone, and I regret that I am dead! I took the blame for
my own sins, but I also killed my wife. Now that I am divorced, I wish her happiness! It's only been
two months, hey! Regret and hate myself. Teacher Feixiang, can I cure my asthenospermia? 85% of
sperm are dead, what should I do? Please teach me a clear way to help me! 】

Additional comment: The brother's experience is very tragic. He got divorced after two months of
marriage. The quality of his sperm was poor, making it difficult to get pregnant. 85% of them were
dead! Masturbation can cause slow anterior and spermatic cord, which greatly affects the quality of
sperm. Many brothers have detected dead sperm and abnormal sperm, or have poor vitality. Many
people have asthenospermia and azoospermia, and many brothers have semen. It's jelly-like, or it's
thin, or it's the wrong color. Many people have lost their fertility function, but he doesn't even know
it, and he can still get excited. To have a healthy baby, two conditions must be met, one is good
sperm, and the other is good health of the woman. One seed, one field, bad seeds don’t grow well in
good fields, let alone some people’s seeds are dead! The famous doctor Zhang Jingyue pointed out:
"Men and women who have few desires are more expensive and live longer, and men and women
who have more desires are turbid but yao." Even if you still have fertility, your sperm quality is
likely to be poor, which will affect the health of offspring. Master Yin Guang: "Anyone who wants
a child must make a contract with a couple and abstain from desire for half a year to cultivate the
innateness of the child. If the essence is weak, it will be difficult to conceive. He has neither the
strength to be strong and courageous nor the mental strength to remember, he will decline before he
is old, and have nothing to establish.” Once infertility occurs, he should be actively treated. You can
see Chinese medicine for treatment, and then cooperate with rebooting and health preservation.
More than half a year, sperm quality will be greatly improved. I advise people who masturbate to
turn around as soon as possible and don't make fun of the health of their offspring, even if you have
lost the qualifications to be a father, but you are still obsessed with it, sad! Sigh! pitful!

5. [Last night broke the vow, the results from mid-March were ruined! Repent here and hope to
learn a lesson from everyone and be more vigilant! After a few months of abstinence, I thought that
I was very strong and would not be masturbating again in my life. I thought that I had seen through
the nature of obscene evil. As a result, the number of times I came to learn about rebooting and
increase my consciousness was greatly reduced. Finally, I did not know why I was born to watch
pornography last night. As soon as the demon came out, I couldn't resist it! With thoughts, I was led
by the nose! As soon as my desire came, I seemed to have lost myself, and I couldn't stop it!
Heartache Heartache! ! Rebooting is not a trifle! ! We cannot stop learning from the experience of
teachers and predecessors. The demons and desires are too strong, and we have a long way to go!

Additional comment: This brother has been rebooting for more than 5 months, and he has achieved
little results, but he despised the mind demon’s counterattack ability, "thinking that he is very
strong, and he will never be ridiculed again for life." This kind of thought comes out. Be highly
vigilant, because there is a tendency to be arrogant and complacent, the so-called arrogant soldier
will be defeated, and you will lose Jingzhou carelessly! Rebooting is like playing against the heart
demon. The heart demon is waiting for you to relax your vigilance, waiting for you to defeat, and
then being severely caught by the heart demon and giving you a fatal blow! If you are not careful,
you lose all the game. A 100% certain fact is that no matter how long you quit, evil thoughts may
still emerge. There is no rebooting article that will make you never have another evil thought in
your life. We are not afraid of evil thoughts. When evil thoughts arise, we must deal with them in
time. Don't run away with evil thoughts, and don't let it gain power! It must be strangled in its
budding state, and it must be stopped at the beginning!

From evil thoughts, the first thought, the second thought, the third thought, the fourth thought, the
fifth thought...there are countless subsequent thoughts triggered by one thought. , Kill it at the first

Evil thoughts started, 1 second passed, 2 seconds passed, 3 seconds passed, 4 seconds passed, 5
seconds passed... As time goes by, the evil thoughts are growing and becoming more and more
difficult To deal with it, it must be killed within 1 second.

Every time the evil thought arises, it can be defeated every time, so that the desire will return to the
dormant state. Just like a dormant volcano, there is still a possibility that it will erupt, so you must
not take it lightly and think that you have completely succeeded. One sentence I agree with is:
rebooting is only in progress, but not in completion. Rebooting is only a temporary success.
Rebooting for 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, or even 10 years may still break the commandment.
Therefore, staying vigilant and controlling your thoughts is an eternal theme.

6. [It’s been more than a month since rebooting, I know it’s the peak period of relapse, I need to be
vigilant at all times, but I watched an animation on the Internet, because I wanted to know the next
plot, so I kept watching it, and I was ashamed of the flow of prostate fluid. ! Then the slightly
improved neurasthenia worsened again. 】

Additional comment: Huang Man is very popular now. Don't read this kind of comics. Curiosity
kills the cat. If you want to read it, you will fall into it. This brother is a sufferer of spiritual decline,
and he should pay more attention to cherishing the essence and maintaining the essence. In the final
analysis, his vigilance is too bad, his consciousness is not enough, and his spiritual decline that
improves slightly is also aggravated! During the period of illness, the human body's righteousness
will go all out to fight against evil. Just looking at it is a kind of obscenity, which is a dark
consumption, and it can also cause symptoms in the body. Many newcomers don't know this. When
newcomers come to reboot , they must learn more to improve their consciousness and correct their
own misunderstandings. This is the most important thing. This brother knew that rebooting was the
peak period of relapse after a month, and he had to be vigilant at all times, but he did not do it,
"Knowing but not doing it is for not knowing it!" It is necessary to strengthen learning, sum up the
experience and lessons of relapse, and avoid it. If you make this kind of mistake again, I hope he
quits the better.

Step into the text below

The face is a mirror of the five internal organs. The internal organs of the human body, such as the
heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, have a corresponding relationship with different parts of the
face. The internal organs function will be reflected in the human face. The kidney is the root of the
five internal organs. When masturbation damages the kidney to a certain extent, it will inevitably be
reflected on the face. The earliest appearance of the injured patient is the change of complexion,
that is, the complexion will become worse, and it will feel weak and decadent. feel. When the
history of injury continues to prolong, bad changes in facial morphology will gradually appear, such
as depression, swelling, obvious asymmetry, widening of the face, and prominent bones.

This decay process is like the decay process of fruit. If you have observed the decay process of fruit,
you will know that at the beginning of a period of time, the freshness of the fruit will fade and
appear stale, and then continue to put it. The fruit began to deform. Masturbation is a kind of
corrosion to the body and mind, and it will show up on the face if it hurts to a certain extent. A
masturbator has the face of a masturbator. A person with a discerning eye can easily see the subtle
but obvious bad changes. Even if you are not a person with a discerning eye, you can also see your
mental sluggishness or insignificant temperament. There are some things that cannot be concealed
or concealed, especially There is no god in the eyes. The feeling of depression or swelling can also
give people a very uncomfortable psychological feeling, or even nausea. A masturbator is not only
easily disgusted by others, even he himself feels disgusted.

There is a lot of feedback about depression and swelling among brothers. Almost everyone has
experienced it. Some people have swelling, some people have depression, and some people have
both. Severe depression and swelling can affect the appearance and destroy a person's self-
confidence. Many brothers are deeply troubled by these two problems. Many people are more
careless and have never known this knowledge before. In fact, his face has already appeared sunken
or swollen. It may be relatively mild and has not attracted enough attention. According to my own
experience, I have personally experienced depression and swelling, but I was relatively ignorant at
the time (referring to the college years). I just felt that there was something wrong with my face. It
was different from before, but I couldn’t tell why. Know it is the problem of depression and
swelling. Let’s talk about the dent problem first this season.

One, what is facial depression

Facial depression, in short, is the downward depression of certain parts of the face, which is a
deformation of the facial contour. Facial depression, sagging skin, and wrinkles are the three major
signs of aging. People with depressions on the face not only look less affinity, but also look older
than their peers. The young man’s face appears sunken, and he has a feeling of "decline before
getting old". Since ancient times, China has had the aesthetics of "full sky and round pavilions".
The general aesthetic pursued is the roundness and fullness of facial contours. However, excessive
facial angles and rigid facial lines caused by facial depressions will make people look old and old.
Serious, fierce, and not friendly enough. Aesthetically speaking, depressions will appear old, devoid
of energy, too serious, and daunting; from the perspective of physiognomy, depressions also
represent a bad face. In physiognomy, fullness and roundness are the best, so that goodness can be
achieved. Fortune.

With the increase in age and the deepening of the injury degree, the problem of facial depression
will come to the door. If you don't like sports, or have the habit of staying up late, then the problem
of facial depression will come out very early.

Case 1: [In high school (16, 7 or 8 years old), especially during the first year of high school,
masturbation was very serious, basically once a day, or even several times a day, which lasted for
about half a year. Since then, my cheeks and eyes My face is very sunken, my face has acne, and I
have blackheads. It looks very vicissitudes, like an old man. Others say that I'm aging before I get
old. The whole face looks like there is no flesh at all. Like a devil, I hate who I am now, so I feel
inferior. 】

Additional comment: After half a year after this brother was crazy, the essence of his body was
hollowed out, and then his cheeks and eyes appeared severely sunken, and he deteriorated before he
was old, "just like a devil"! This sentence reminds me of zombie movies. Zombies are basically
sunken cheeks and eye sockets. Some brothers laughed before and said that he doesn't need makeup
when acting in ghost movies. Essence leakage is like a tyre being deflated. A person is a skin. Only
when the qi is enough to hold it up, the qi leaks and naturally deflates. Once the face appears
sunken, it will give people the feeling of being old and lacking energy, even very ugly and
insignificant, and it will destroy the image very seriously. In this case, inferiority is also inevitable.

Second, the classification of facial depression

Facial depression will weaken the beauty of the face. It is mostly composed of tear grooves, sunken
eye sockets, sunken temples, apple muscle sunken and forehead sunkens. These sunkens make the
overall appearance of the face greatly compromised.

Tear groove depression: It is a groove that starts from the inner corner of the eye and appears on the
nasal side of the lower eyelid. It is caused by the atrophy and drooping of the soft tissue of the
lower edge of the orbital septum. Some people can even extend to the cheek.

Orbital depression: Generally, it is manifested as depression of the upper and lower eyelids, which
refers to the insufficiency and atrophy of the soft tissue between the upper and lower eyelids and the
orbital rim.

Sunken temples: People with weight loss have less subcutaneous fat, so the entire face lacks a sense
of streamliness, and the subcutaneous tissues of the temples begin to shrink, resulting in sunken

Apple muscle depression: The depression of the apple muscle is more likely to produce visual
errors such as high cheekbones. It looks fierce and belongs to a state of insufficient soft tissue and

Depressed forehead: If the forehead is sunken or wrinkled, it will give people a heavy and
depressed feeling. Therefore, the forehead is not only a problem of face, but also has great aesthetic

The tear groove refers to a groove that starts from the inner corner of the eye and appears on the
nose side of the lower eyelid, and some people can even extend to the cheek. Due to the contrast
between the depression of the tear groove and the surrounding skin, the lower eyelid tissue looks a
little bloated and bulging. With age, the subcutaneous fat gradually shrinks, the skin becomes
thinner and sags due to the decrease in elasticity, and the tear groove inside the lower eyelid
becomes obvious.

Sunken eye sockets will make a person look very old, without a little youthful vitality, and feel very
lack of energy. The eyes are the place that best reflects a person’s age, and the sunken eye sockets
can cause serious cosmetic problems to the face. If the eye sockets can be restored to their natural
state, the eyes will look youthful. Staying up late and masturbating will make your eye sockets deep
and make you degenerate before you get old.

The depression in the temples directly affects the contours of the upper half of the face, giving
people a small head, big face, acrimonious feeling, and it is easy to leave a fierce impression, and
the affinity plummets.

Apple muscle is also called "laughing muscle". Apple muscle refers to the area under the eyes and
inside the cheekbones that bulge slightly when smiling. It is part of the cheeks, and the muscle
tissue located two centimeters below the eyes is in the shape of an inverted triangle. People with
apple muscles, when they laugh, their facial muscles will contract, and the cheeks will show
beautiful curves like apples, making the whole person look sweeter and more intimate. Many
masturbators’ apple muscles are sunken or flat, which gives people a feeling of inaccessibility.
When rebooting for a period of time, the apple muscles will become full again, and everything will
be different when the energy comes back. NS. Apple muscles will be particularly developed,
obvious, full and round when they are children. As the age increases, the apple muscles gradually
sag, sag, and lose their fullness. At this time, people will appear old and apathetic, and their
appearance will quickly become old.

A sunken forehead will give others a sense of lack of energy, heavy and stagnant. Many people's
foreheads before masturbation are still very good, but after masturbation, the foreheads slowly
become worse. The foreheads that were originally quite full have sunken and collapsed after a few
years of masturbation.

Case 2: [Serious sunken eyes after masturbation, inability to concentrate, and grades have been
declining, regardless of whether I sleep well or not, sunken eyes are obvious. I accidentally learned
masturbation in the third grade of junior high school, and the bad habit has not been changed until
now. Now I am in the third year of high school and I am very tired. I am very worried about this
now, and I don't have any confidence at all. 】

Additional comments: The ocular manifestations of patients with sperm injury are very obvious.
First, there is no focus in the eyes; second, no fixed light; third, opaque eyeballs; fourth, floaters;
fifth, decreased vision; sixth, eyelid edema; seventh, eye bags Dark circles; eight, dullness; nine,
eyes will become smaller; ten, eyelid changes (double to single, etc.); eleven, drooping eyelids;
twelve, protruding eyeballs; thirteen, fine lines appearing on the eyes; fourteen , The eyes are
photophobic; fifteen, the eyes are bloodshot; sixteen, the eyes are dry and swollen; seventeen, it is
sunken! "Lingshu": "The essence of the five internal organs and six organs is the essence of the
eyes, and the essence of the essence is the eye." The kidney stores the essence and the essence of
the internal organs. Masturbation hurts the kidneys, and it drains the most precious essence of the
body, which will eventually show up in the eyes. Indulging in masturbation will cause many subtle
bad changes in the eyes, plus excessive eye use and bad eye habits, which exacerbates various eye
problems. Many masturbators have their eyelids drooped to cover their eyeballs, feeling that their
eyes cannot be opened, and the whole person looks very depressed. There are also many people
who have sunken eye sockets, which not only look old, but also feel a little sad. Usually, the eyelids
are swollen, the double eyelids are likely to become single, and the eye sockets are sunken, and the
double eyelids may become 3 or 4 double eyelids, which makes people feel weird. The brothers in
this case not only sunken their eye sockets, but also their brain power. The damage to him by
masturbation is already obvious. Sunken eye sockets are called "skeleton eyes" in some beauty
magazines, which is a vivid statement.

Case 3: [I am in 1997, and I have been doing well but my parents have put a lot of pressure on it. I
started YY in the first grade of middle school, and learned masturbation by chance in the second
grade. Basically once a week, once a day during winter and summer vacations, plus always
watching football at night, I suddenly found that I was always dizzy, tired when I was studying, and
my skin was dark and very dark. The wrinkle is the same as the old man. The eye sockets are very
sunken and the physical strength is severely reduced. It used to be 3 minutes and 30 seconds for a
kilometer, but now it takes more than 4 minutes and 30. And every time the masturbation shoots out
very thin, sometimes it turns yellow... .】

Additional comment: This brother frequently masturbates, and there are signs of divine decline. The
sunken eye socket is also very serious, and skeleton eyes appeared at a young age. A dark
complexion is one of the manifestations of kidney deficiency. In Chinese medicine, it is a dark
complexion. Many stunners' faces will turn black, but their body skin is still normal. The kidney is
water, and black is also the kidney, so the complexion is dark, mostly due to the deficiency of
kidney yang, cold water in the body, and blood loss of warmth and nourishment. The complexion
caused by kidney deficiency is dark, often dull, dull, and looks unclean. Whether the face turns dark
after masturbation is also related to factors such as the degree of injury and personal physique. A
brother born in 1997, his skin is already the same as that of an old man, and masturbation is very
severe to his appearance. The brother’s physical strength is also very weak. Chinese medicine also
said that people who often vent their sperm will have insufficient lung qi, and they are prone to
chest tightness, shortness of breath and general weakness. I once read a report of a top long-distance
runner who said that he was basically abstinent during preparations. As we all know, it is easy to
have soft legs and low back pain after masturbation, which will indeed affect the state of exercise.
Boxing champion Ali has the habit of abstinence before the game. Every six weeks before the
competition, Ali will stay away from women and start a life of abstinence. Boxing champion Ali did
not approach women for nearly a year before an important match. color.

Case 4: [Is there anyone like me who causes endocrine disorders after masturbation, widening
cheekbones, and enlarged face? In the past two or three years, the cheekbones are getting wider and
the face is getting bigger. When the body is weak, the temples are swollen and the whole face feels
swollen. The cheekbones are prominent and the face is widened. I went to the hospital and took a
CT scan. The doctor said that I couldn't see the problem. Does any of my friends have this
condition? 】

Additional comment: The cheekbones have changed after masturbation. Many brothers have
reported this problem. They feel that their faces have also become bigger and become pie faces,
which is annoying at first glance. The width and height of the cheekbones are actually related to the
depression of the cheeks, especially the depression of the apple muscle. The apple muscle is located
on the inside of the cheekbone. Once the apple muscle is sunken, it will produce a visual experience
of "water falling out". It will gradually become wider and taller, and it becomes obvious. Of course,
there is no problem to take a CT scan in this situation.

Third, the cause of facial depression

The main causes of facial depression are as follows:

1. Soft tissue depression caused by infection or trauma

2. Congenital facial and skull hypoplasia

3. Unexplained progressive hemifacial atrophy, etc.

4. Facial surgery to remove facial depression caused by excessive tissue

5. Poor digestive function, resulting in thin cheeks or even sunken cheeks

6. Staying up late for a long time is stressful, resulting in the appearance of thinness and depression

7. Had a very serious illness, especially chronic wasting disease

8. As age increases, senescence appears and sinks

9. Indulge in masturbation, the essence of the five internal organs is emptied and sunken

Some facial depressions are caused by congenital genetic factors and abnormal skeletal
development, but more are due to acquired factors. Young photos are often youthful and full. As
you get older, various facial depressions will follow. This is the result of natural aging. The facial
depressions of patients with sperm injury are closely related to the habit of masturbation. After all,
people are still young, and other factors can basically be eliminated. The key is masturbation and
staying up late. A person's digestive function will also deteriorate due to masturbation. People with
a long history of masturbation have basic problems with the spleen and stomach functions, either
constipation or diarrhea, and many have irregular stools.

Masturbation can promote premature aging. Sun Simiao pointed out: "People who are younger than
forty years are mostly unrestrained, and those who are older than 40 are suddenly fatigued,
temporarily decayed, and recession is coming. You must be cautious and restrained. Don’t indulge
yourself in thief!” Modern society is rampant, and there is no need to wait until the age of forty.
Many people get sick in their teens or even their early twenties. Think about the ancient absence of
television On the Internet, ancient people generally did not stay up late, and modern people not only
receive thousands of times more information about adultery than in ancient times, but the bad habit
of staying up late and sitting for a long time is also more common, so the abolition is much earlier,
not less than twenty. Many-year-olds have a 60-year-old pulse, and the body is hollowed out very
badly. When the body is hollowed out, it will inevitably show in the face, and the depression of the
face will appear, which will bring a great blow to people's self-confidence. Normal natural aging
will cause depressions, and masturbation will lead to premature aging, and various depressions will
also appear. Masturbation will make the body age early!

Medicine King Sun Simiao said: "Forty is already on the table. It is always solid and nourishes the
energy, and it does not need to be old. If it is once made, it will be extinguished once and the oil
will once be increased. Eliminate the oil, but don’t defend yourself deeply!” The kidney is the
innate foundation, with sufficient kidney essence, vigorous internal organs, strong disease
resistance, strong body, and longevity. On the contrary, if the kidney essence is deficient, the five
internal organs will be weak, and many diseases will lead to premature death.

Case 5: [Masturbation makes my spirit very empty, lonely, depressed, and decadent. Then I vented
through masturbation to drive away these emptiness, loneliness, and depression. Needless to say,
the result is a vicious circle, which makes the situation worse. Once in the classroom, I heard a
classmate tell another classmate that I was like a ghost. Although I also know what they are saying
is true! But my heart is so uncomfortable! Indescribable. Once I picked up a mirror and looked at
myself, the people inside were so strange and so familiar. The one who used to have plump cheeks
was replaced by a skinny, sunken eyelid, bloodless face and dull eyes. , I was so angry that I raised
the mirror and threw it on the ground, only to hear a creak, and my heart was broken like this
mirror. 】

Additional comment: Qu Limin's book mentions that the biggest loss to the body's yang energy is
sexual intercourse. In fact, masturbation hurts Yang Qi more severely and even more ruthlessly!
The place where we live is called Yang Jian. If you keep masturbating and deplete the Yang Qi, you
will be surrounded by ghosts! This brother’s classmate also said that he was like a ghost, "skinny,
sunken eyes, bloodless face, and dull eyes"! This alive is the image of a skeleton man. The brother’s
description is very delicate. The person in the mirror is "so strange and so familiar", he is simply the
most familiar stranger, and the once plump cheeks have become sunken, replaced by a wretched
and humble pair. Mutually! This is all thanks to masturbation!

Fourth, the recovery of facial depression

Facial depression has a professional treatment term, that is: filling!

People who have sunken temples or sunken eye sockets or sunken cheeks on the face look very old.
Facial fat filling can make themselves a lot younger and make their face rounded, soft and friendly.
Currently, there are two main filling methods: autologous fat transplantation and hyaluronic acid
injection. If you are older and the depression is serious, you can consider filling therapy to repair,
but you should choose a regular hospital, so the risk is relatively small. Most brothers are relatively
young, in their teens, in their twenties, and in their early thirties. In fact, they don't necessarily have
to go to a beauty hospital. If they insist on rebooting and maintaining their health, they will
naturally be able to recover. The main points of recovery are as follows:

1. Balanced nutrition: Keep your diet regular, don't overeating, nutrition should be balanced, and no
partial eclipse. Ensuring good nutrition is the basic condition for recovery from depression.

2. Sufficient sleep: staying up late is also a major cause of depression, so we should maintain a good
routine, try not to stay up late, and maintaining adequate sleep is critical to depression recovery.

3. Maintain a good mood: motivate yourself more, do more positive thinking, the body and mind
are one, maintaining a good mood will help the recovery of depression problems.

4. Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise is exercise and health preservation, and it is also a treatment
method. Appropriate aerobic exercise will have a good effect on improving facial depression.

5. Facial acupoint massage: There are dozens of acupuncture points on the face. We also did eye
exercises when we were young. We also massage acupoints. Frequent massage of acupoints can
promote the recovery of depression.

6. Tree therapy: Tree therapy can improve the depression the fastest and most obvious, even within
a few days, there will be obvious changes. Many brothers who have done tree therapy say that their
cheeks have returned to the fullness and roundness of a child.

7. Other health-preserving methods: Ba Duan Jin, health-preserving stakes, meditation, six-

character tactics, etc., are all very good. Choose a practice that suits you and stick to it. It will also
improve facial depression.

Five, the problem of facial swelling

Facial edema is another manifestation of physical disorders. Swollen face is more common. Edema
is often a signal of certain diseases, such as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, endocrine
disease, etc., and edema symptoms may occur. Under normal circumstances You should go to the
hospital for treatment. Some edema is a physiological reaction, such as drinking too much water
before going to bed, and having a heavy diet. The swelling caused by stubbornness is generally
more stubborn and difficult to disappear automatically. Severe swelling is basically disfigured, the
handsome face is no longer good, and only the declining face is left. Some brothers sent comparison
photos before. Originally, they had a very handsome face, but after a few years, their faces have
changed. Although all the five senses are there, they are no longer like two people.

The problem of edema is generally divided into:

1. Eye edema: such as upper and lower eyelid swelling and eye bags.
2. Cheek swelling: Deformation occurs, and the handsome is no longer good. In severe cases, it is

3. Comprehensive swelling: The whole face is swollen, which is completely different than before.

Many brothers’ swelling problem is not very serious, it is just a slight swelling, but it has made
themselves a lot uglier. If you persist in rebooting and keeping in good health, and take active
exercises, the edema problem will gradually improve. Many brothers have the problem of bags
under the eyes. To get rid of the bags under the eyes, you should do more aerobic exercise. Don't
stay up late and sit for a long time. If you stick to it for a period of time, the bags under the eyes will
be greatly improved. When you have bags under your eyes, you will be old, and you will be more
energetic when you go down under your eyes. The problem of edema is easy to make your original
handsome face look bad, and your self-confidence is greatly affected. People who are addicted to
masturbation can easily develop various swellings on the face, which will make your image worse
and worse, no more self-confidence, no more confidence. . Looking at the photos before the elusive
tube, I will only burst into tears, regretting not at the beginning. For the elimination of edema, I
generally recommend aerobic exercise + adequate sleep + tree therapy. If you stick to it, your
appearance will be greatly improved, your self-confidence is expected to be restored, and
handsomeness will reappear on your face.

First of all, there is a discoloration mark, that is, the complexion of the face will become worse, the
skin will have various problems, and after the severity of the injury is deepened, it is a discoloration
mark! Problems such as depression and swelling begin to appear, asymmetry will also become
obvious. Gradually, the person in the mirror is becoming ugly and ugly. From a pure and sunny boy
to a gloomy and dirty-minded uncle, he looks like a depression. Ghosts, swollen like pigs' heads,
are born from one's heart, and the adulterer will have an adulterous face. What kind of behavior you
have, what kind of aura you will have, if you allow yourself to commit adultery, you will have the
aura of an adulterer! The aura of the adulterer is full of negative energy, which makes people hate it
at first sight, and the adulterer himself feels inferior. People's positive energy field will weaken with
the increase of desire. If you learn to control your desires and do more good deeds, you can increase
the positive energy field.

Final summary:

The famous doctor Zhang Jingyue said in the "Lei Jing": "Desire cannot be indulged, and it will be
exhausted; the essence is inexhaustible, and the exhaustion is true. Covering the essence can be
angry, and the qi can generate the gods. There is no more than this. Bibao is its essence. Essence is
vitality, and vitality is full of energy; fullness is good health, and good health is less sick. Strong
spirit, old and healthy, are all based on essence. "Human health is human. Life span is closely
related to the essence of the kidney, and the appearance of a person is directly related to the essence
of the kidney. If the kidney essence is lost, people will slowly become ugly, depression and
swelling, poor complexion, acne, oil and other problems have come. It's very ordinary, no matter
how crazy it is, it really is a fighter in the dios. To maintain health, you must nourish the kidneys,
and the beauty must nourish the essence. If you want to become ugly, licking the tube is a shortcut!
Fucking will turn white swan into an ugly duckling, Fucking will turn a prince into a toad, from
being crushed to no one, and from being confident to being full of inferiority. Fucking is the
catastrophe of life! We must completely get rid of this bad habit! Not only the heart is beating, but
also the pure soul! Let us quit to the end!
Season 79: SY turns ugly 52 points to share

Recently, some brothers have suggested that it depends on H practicing concentration. This idea is
really undesirable. I have never seen H until now, and I have never seen a senior who has
successfully rebooted to practice concentration by watching H. Just like a person who has already
given up drugs, does he need to be exposed to drugs again? He will definitely warn everyone to stay
away from drugs. We must pay attention to staying away from the source of yellow when rebooting,
and we must maintain a high degree of vigilance. There is a theory of cultivating the mind with
respect to the state of cultivation, but it is also said that avoiding color is like avoiding arrows, and
Bodhisattva seeing desires is like avoiding fire pits. If you want to practice concentration by looking
at H in your mind, there are two possibilities for this kind of thought, one is from the instigation of
the inner demon, and the other is your own rational thoughts. However, even the rational thoughts
are very dangerous. Because practicing the mind is like walking a tightrope in the sky, you will be
crushed if you are not careful. Watching H is an extremely severe situation. Many brothers will
think about it when they watch the news, let alone watch H. Don't call it a good name to practice
concentration. As a result, greed will increase even more, and in the end it will become lustful and
have to be broken. A true rebooting expert does not need to prove anything by watching H. If you
quit, you just quit, and you don’t need to watch H again. Just like quitting smoking and drinking,
don’t touch it again. This is the first and the second. Even if your rebooting awareness reaches a
very high level, you can really turn a blind eye, and your heart is like stopping water, but there may
be liquid leakage below, because this is a conditioned reflex of the body. It may be repeated or
aggravated, so it is very dangerous to watch H to practice concentration. As long as you have the
idea of watching H to practice concentration or try concentration, then relapse is likely to occur, and
the risk factor is extremely high. Some brothers see evil thoughts flying around when watching H,
but he insists on holding back. This is very likely to hold back illness. It is also a drain on the body
to not look at it, and the harm of this drain should not be underestimated, the spirit and energy are
stolen without knowing it.

Some brothers might think this way. Doctors or thermal chemical companies often come into
contact with dead people. From the initial unsuitability to the final failure, isn't this a significant
effect of frequent actual combat? This theory seems quite right, but it also requires specific analysis
of specific situations, and cannot be generalized. Because doctors and thermal chemicals are faced
with a "fear state", not a "temptation state". If they are often exposed to a fear state, they will
gradually adapt to this stimulus. If they are often exposed to a temptation state, the result is likely to
be more and more greedy. Great, after all, desire is a bottomless pit, and frequent contact will only
lead to addiction. To be honest, the concentration of rebooting mainly depends on learning to
increase consciousness, and consciousness produces concentration, which is then tested and
tempered through actual combat. The content of actual combat is not to ask you to watch H. There
is no shortage of actual combat situations on the Internet. There are pictures and news about
rubbing edges everywhere. These are opportunities for actual combat. When facing these realms,
you should take a look. I'm still not tempted, not being tempted is the best skill, and it's also very
good to be able to stop when you think about it. In short, I do not recommend that you watch H to
practice concentration, because it is very dangerous and may lead to relapse. Even if you can really
do nothing to the environment, there may be liquid leakage from the bottom, which may cause harm
to the body, and the symptoms are very likely to appear repeatedly.

Share a few cases below

1. [I’m 21 years old this year and I’ve been using it frequently for 9 years. My current symptoms
include backache, frequent urination, damp scrotum, premature ejaculation, unreality, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder. I’m currently suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and
my body is also very poor. Do I need to see a Chinese doctor? Hope the teacher will help me]

Additional comment: This brother is still very young, but he has already shown chronic predecessor
and neurosis. When I was 21 years old, I also experienced a slow-down. I remembered that I had
frequent urination symptoms 2 years after the tube was taken. I didn’t dare to tell my parents or go
to the hospital at that time. After a while, there will be some relief, and then I started to recover
again. At that time, I was very ignorant. I was basically trying to force a reboot, and there was no
reboot material for me to learn. At that time, one sentence I knew was: Kidney deficiency is full of
diseases. It still seems from the newspaper advertisement. At that time, comparing my symptoms, I
vaguely felt that I had kidney deficiency. When I was in junior high school, I knew it was not good
to be in control, and I always wanted to quit, but as soon as the demons came, I surrendered
immediately, and the misleading of harmlessness made me fall deeper. The post-90s and post-00s
are actually very happy now. Although online pornography is rampant now, there are rebooting
platforms such as rebooting bars, and they can still get access to the truth about sex, unlike the
previous time when I was said to be harmless. I have been deceived and deceived for more than ten
years, and those so-called experts have misled my life. I am luckier than this brother. I did not have
neurosis when I was 21 years old. Neurosis is a watershed for traumatized patients. Once this
boundary is crossed, the pain will be doubled, and it will even make life worse than death. At the
beginning, it seems like a pleasure, but the final ending is definitely pain is torture, pleasure is just
bait, symptom is the hook inside, and harmlessness is the barb!

2. [Indeed, the mental state and mentality of the whole person will be very full and full after the
person is not embarrassed. I started to feel this way after 68 days of rebooting. 】

Additional comment: This brother has also experienced the joy of rebooting, which is a kind of
relaxed joy, pure and transcendent enjoyment. The word full is very good. Everyone eats melon
seeds. Good melon seeds will have full fruit inside. This is actually a state of full energy. Bad
melon seeds are shriveled or even bad inside. A lot of people have indeed smashed their energy, and
completely smashed themselves! When he starts rebooting and keeping in good health, his own
energy state will be full again. This fullness is not limited to the physical feelings, but the mental
state will also change for the better, and the mood will become happy and full, and a very
harmonious state. If you use your mobile phone, your mobile phone's power will continue to be
consumed, and after recharging, the energy will be full again. Rebooting is actually a kind of
recharge. As the number of days of rebooting increases, the energy state of the body and mind will
gradually become full. Gradually, you will experience the pure transcendence, the infinite beauty,
and your life will change from then on. To be joyful, auspicious and full of hope.


一句至理名言:“手术只是基础,术后保养才是关键。 ”很多人术后依然在撸管,而且还不注
复发的案例,很值得警醒。这位戒友用到了 “心酸 ”这个词,我觉得很贴切,大家撸管都是为

量就会有所改善,精子活力和 A 级精子数量就会有所增加,如果破戒的话,精子质量就会出


手淫导致变丑的问题,我在第 10 季曾经谈到过,在之后的很多季也多次提到,这个主题是
研究,将来最好能单独出一本书,专门阐述这一主题,让更多的人了解事实真相。古语有云 :


Masturbation can cause endocrine disorders, and your skin condition will plummet. Before
masturbation, your skin is pure and refreshing. After masturbation, your skin will have various
problems and your complexion will become very poor. The deeper the injury, the more obvious the
bad changes on the face will be. A brother said, "I have suffered all kinds of pains to cure the face."
He got stubborn acne and took a lot of medicine. I also tried cosmetics. Finally, I went to the
hospital for laser and skin resurfacing. It was always better temporarily. After masturbation, it
didn’t work. Acne caused by masturbation is generally more stubborn and hard to get better. Many
people think it is pimples, but it is not at all. Acne caused by masturbation will grow on your face
after puberty, just like a nail house. One after another, there is no doubt that the face is disfigured,
the serious ones are basically disfigured, and the self-confidence also plummets. The bad habit of
masturbation is the evil star of the facial skin!

Remove the water in the vase, the flowers will soon wither. If a person loses the precious kidney
essence, then he will soon show signs of withering. Intensively nurture the five internal organs,
intensively nourish the skin, hurt the five internal organs, ruin the face! After indulging in
masturbation for a period of time, many people slowly find that their spirits are getting worse and
worse. They really feel like the river is going downhill. They are obviously only in their teens or
early twenties, but their pulse status has appeared to be middle-aged and elderly. The year-old
brother went to see a Chinese medicine doctor. The Chinese medicine doctor said that his pulse is
60 years old. Masturbation will cause the body to deteriorate before age, masturbation will hollow
out your body, and masturbation will make your energy and spirit decay unbearable. After a couple
of years, many people have become bad guys. They lose their energy at first sight, look languid, and
look very decadent. A man can not be handsome, but he must not lose his spirit! Even if your five
senses are so handsome, if you don't have the spirit and spirit, you will look ugly. Why do you lose
your spirit and become ugly? Because Jingqishen has a shaping effect on the five sense organs.
After many people lose their spirits, their five sense organs will gradually become distorted and
unable to show their best state. When they reboot for a period of time and their vitality recovers,
their five senses will become refined and stylish again. There is a huge difference between the spirit
of spirit and the spirit of no spirit. The spirit of spirit is like a new car you bought. It's brand new
and bright, and it looks extraordinary. Losing the spirit of spirit is like a car that has been driven for
several years, although it is still that car. The car, but it is no longer comparable to the new one, and
the spirit is so subtle and so precious. Heaven has three treasures, sun, moon and stars, man has
three treasures, spirit and spirit! We reboot is to quit our spirit!

According to the photo book, if the facial complexion appears dark, dirty, gray, or stagnant, it is not
a good complexion. Many people look in the mirror after masturbating and find that their face is
gray, like a layer of things, and they can’t be washed. It is clean, no matter how many times it is
washed, it is dusty, and it is very dirty, and it is dirty if it is not clean. It is born from the heart, and
the soul is contaminated by licentiousness. This inner dirt will also be reflected on the face. It looks
very dirty and dirty, and it seems that every pore contains countless dirt. The complexion is
generally auspicious for radiance, which is also one of the manifestations of sufficient energy.
Essence can be observed from the state of eyes, as well as from the aspect of complexion. The
knowledge of the complexion is very deep, and the Chinese medicine department also has the facial
expression diagnosis. A person's facial complexion can reflect the health of the body. Different
areas of the face also correspond to the body's internal organs. By observing the changes in the
lightness and darkness of the complexion, a person's health can be roughly judged. It is mentioned
above that the complexion is radiant, but it should be noted that radiant is different from oily, the
face is as shiny as oily, but it is not good. Many people with seborrheic dermatitis are oily.

After masturbation, there will be an evil spirit entangled in the face, the complexion is very bad,
even like an opium sucker, and the spirits are sluggish. The original fresh and pure skin is gone
forever, and it is replaced by a bad skin. In terms of complexion, many brothers describe the
complexion after masturbation as ghostly, which makes people look very uncomfortable.
"Xianglihengzhen": "Wandering in the face is called Qi, and the one exposed is called Color. The
one that is full of the skin is called Qi, and the one that is out of the skin is called Color. The
complexion is also found in the five internal organs. "The kidney is the root of the five internal
organs, and masturbation will inevitably lead to a decrease in complexion. "Divine Poems": "The
color blue is across the front, called a walking corpse; the color black is across the ear, and it is
called death. The blue covers the corners, and the Bianque is difficult to cure; the black covers the
sun, and the doctor is difficult to save." There is one. A good complexion leads to a good body. The
complexion is the appearance of a person's health, and the complexion also affects a person's
fortune. The so-called: all those who suffer have a color. Don't let your good looks go away,
otherwise you will end up miserably.

The following is my selection of 53 cases, to share with you

1. [I think the biggest change is that the skin is more oily, it is not shiny, and the hair has fallen a
lot, and I feel that my face is always not clean! Dark and dull! 】

Additional comment: This brother has become more oily, and the oil secretion is too strong, which
is also a manifestation of body disorders. When the oil comes out, there is sometimes a layer of oily
shine on the face, but it is not a pure gloss. Everyone goes to see children, their faces are pure and
clear gloss, and their eyes are also clear and bright, with a pure gloss like marble. If you indulge in
the bad habit of masturbation, this pure luster will disappear from your face and eyes, resulting in
dull and dull face, your face will not be clean, and it will always feel very dirty. Sooner or later,
heart grime will show up on the face, appear as grime, and it is the kind of dirt that can't be cleaned.
The brother’s hair also began to fall out, and a large amount of hair loss would also cause great
distress and psychological pressure. Later, he gradually peaked, and he was faceless facing Jiang
Dong’s elders. He only had to shave his head to thank the world. .

2. [Me too, my face seems to be unclean forever, my hair has fallen a lot, and my face is lifeless. 】

Additional comment: This case is the resonance of the previous case. I believe that unclean face and
hair loss are the common feelings of many brothers. The highlight of this case is the "dead face".
People who are addicted to masturbation are basically walking dead, just like living dead. Looking
at his face, there is basically no vitality, only decadence and malaise. His life was dull, dull and
dull, without the vitality and vigor that young people should have. Only when the eyeballs turn, do
you know that it is a living thing. In fact, people who masturbate don't bother to turn their eyes, and
they feel that their eyes are dull and hollow, and they look like they are lacking energy. People with
sufficient kidney qi have bright eyes, flexible eyes, piercing eyes, keen response, clear
consciousness, sharp language, vigorous and coordinated movements, giving people a feeling of
vigor and vitality, this is the manifestation of sufficient kidney qi; People with insufficient kidney qi
have sluggish eyes, listlessness, sluggish movements, and unresponsiveness. Generally, the elderly
tend to be in this state. The so-called old age is the reason. But if young people are also in this state,
it is mostly caused by injury to their sperm, or they are seriously ill.

3. [My face is as thin as a skeleton, and there are already a lot of fine lines, I am only 19! Looks like
a young man in his twenties. It’s not before. The older I get, the more I find that I’m getting older.
It’s normal for my face before 17 years old, but I get better after I turn 18. Many former classmates
and relatives see me first. In other words, I have become a lot more mature, but only I know the
truth. 】

附评:这位戒友就是面部出现凹陷了,变成骷髅脸了,而且还出现了很多细纹,而他才 19


附评:这个戒友的经历很具有戏剧性。手淫真的可以让天鹅变成丑小鸭,让王子变成癞蛤蟆 ,
很有优越感,而现如今堕落成这个样子,那对他的打击是异常巨大的,真的就是无地自容了 ,
过照片,以前真是帅气非常,后来沉迷手淫后,那真叫一个天堂一个地狱。拥有时不知珍惜 ,

5.【我的脸都变形了,21 岁和 41 岁有什么区别,身体更加,和 60 岁老汉有的比,整个人衰



6.【我今年 21 了,19 岁时自己还是个阳光潇洒的大帅小伙子,因为那时候 SY 还没那么夸张,


附评:这位戒友 19 岁时还是个大帅小伙子,21 岁时马上大变活人,变成猥琐大叔了。随着



Additional comment: People who are addicted to masturbation have a lot of bad changes in their
eyes, the shape of their eyes will change, and their eyes may become smaller, and they feel that they
cannot be opened. The eyes will lose their pure luster, no longer be clear, become cloudy and dull.
The upper eyelids are also prone to swelling, and bags under the eyes and dark circles will also
appear under the eyes. With bags and dark circles under the eyes, people feel depressed and very
old. This brother also used "unnatural". The appearance of ugliness after masturbation will give
people an unnatural feeling. It is a very subtle feeling, which is difficult to say clearly, but it just
makes people feel unnatural. . Skin deterioration after masturbation is a relatively common
manifestation. The pure and refreshing muscles are stripped off and replaced with degraded and
dirty muscles. I feel nauseous no matter how I look, and the dirtyness of the soul finally manifests
on the face.

8. [I always like to close the curtains at home. I used to look in the mirror. Now the small mirror I
bought before was broken by me. I really don't want to see my decadent self! 】

Additional comment: This brother used to like to look in the mirror very much, but now he has
broken all the mirrors. Almost everyone is very concerned about their appearance, and some people
are especially concerned about it. When I see myself becoming ugly and decadent because of
masturbation, the psychological torture is undoubtedly huge, and it is also a serious injury to self-
confidence. In this psychological state for a long time, people will become depressed and extreme,
and a lot of masturbation People will get bad tempers and get angry easily. To a certain extent,
many people suffer from social terror and become autistic and unwilling to communicate with
others. They are different from the sunny and cheerful self before. How good I was before I was
stunned, now looking at this disgusting slap face, I can’t bear to look directly at it. It’s really

9. [Hey, envious of those who have been in charge of under 10 years, I am regarded as the elder
brother level. When I was 17 years old, people thought that I was 26 or 7, my hair was 5% gray, and
I had spermatic cord. Infertility, loose teeth, etc. I have all the symptoms you mentioned, especially
the weakness of the legs and the exhaustion of walking. I regret not discovering this earlier. It will
be better after at least 3 years of quitting, but I have quit. It’s been 16 days, and now I’m in a better
state, that is, my pee doesn’t split anymore...]

Additional comment: People who are older than they are often hurt more deeply. This brother
actually had a premature aging when he was 17 years old. Now all the symptoms of injury have
been revealed on his body. People who are in control have a typical performance, that is, their legs
are weak, like a soft-footed crab. Doing vigorous exercises with soft legs is likely to be injured,
such as fractures. This brother sighed why he didn't find rebooting earlier, now he has been injured
more severely, and it will take a relatively long time for him to recover. There are many teenage
brothers in the bar right now, who are really blessed and caught up by you, cherish this pure land,
and find yourself with positive energy as soon as possible. Many brothers are also trapped in
urinary bifurcation, and generally insist on rebooting and maintaining health, and actively
exercising. This problem will soon be relieved or even disappear.

10. 【 Born from the heart, it is impossible for a person to be full of nasty and nasty thoughts. I
think my brother was handsome at the beginning. The little girl sitting behind me often wrote
handsome words on my back. Girls are also willing to communicate with me. But now, it's
becoming more and more wretched, sensitive and suspicious inside, and dare not talk to strangers.
People communicate. I was definitely the best candidate for the teacher to choose the monitor of the
class, but now, the sense of existence is getting lower and lower. The handsome Sunshine guy back
then has drifted away...]

Additional comment: It's another drama in which a handsome guy turns into a wretched man. Since
ancient times, it's a good idea to have a wretched man. This brother said very well that if a person is
full of evil thoughts, it is impossible to have a positive energy aura. Many people were originally
beautiful and talented, but after a few years they became tragic. Not only did their appearance
become more and more wretched, but they also suffered from various disorders in their hearts.
Facing is a double damage to the body and mind. When the body is out of balance, the heart will
follow. Imbalance. A handsome guy, a talented person, and a good student have become waste
materials. The handsome sunny guy of the year is already drifting away. There is no way to be
stunned, and speechless tears flow first. The last drama of this brother's life is the line: I think my
brother was also handsome...

11. [Hey, it turns out that the skin is very, very good and looks very delicate. Now the eyes are dull,
the eyelids are collapsed, the skin is withered, the pores are enlarged, the study is not motivated,
and the spirit is lethargic. If you don't quit, you might as well die! 】

Additional comment: Many people have a delicate face before being stunned, and a face of
suffocation after indulging in stunners, and even make people look at them and feel awkward. The
most precious thing in a person is the awe-inspiring righteousness, and jostling will gradually
reduce the righteousness until it is surrounded by evil spirits and full of negative energy. Absence in
the eyes is a relatively common manifestation of injury, and the finishing touch to the spirit and
energy lies in the look in the eyes! A person who has lost the kidney essence is like losing his soul.
There is no look in his eyes, and his eyelids will droop down, and they will feel unable to open
them, and they look particularly apathetic. This brother’s skin also had problems. It turned out that
the skin before the tube was fresh, delicate, smooth, and with no pores. After indulging in the tube,
the difference was too much, the skin became rough and dark yellow, and the pores became too.
Thick, skin quality plummeted. If you want to save your skin, you must get rid of the bad habit of
masturbation, otherwise any cosmetics will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and
many cosmetics can cause allergies. It is better not to use them. While masturbation destroys the
beautiful appearance, it can also cause mental decline. This is even more a disaster for the student
party. It is really urgent to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation!

12. [It turned out that I was a fat baby, loved by everyone. Now I am the enemy of thousands of
people, ugly to death, with a look of dementia. Now I am not thin, height 169, weight 66kg, but
super strange, face The flesh on the upper part suddenly grew to the chin, and the flesh on the
cheeks and nose did not grow up, as did the eye sockets, which caused the eyelids to collapse and
the flesh on the face was inconsistent. It looked at least 15 years old. Not to mention, that wretched
impotence phase is no trivial matter. At first glance, it is the dregs of being sucked by the banshee.
If you get on the bus, you will definitely be cold-eyed by others. You make a seat. I think that when
I go to shoot a horror movie, I can definitely play a zombie without makeup, or the kind that has the
potential to be the actor. Or let me act as a dementia patient and a drug addict. I am absolutely
outstanding. 】

Additional comment: This passage is a bit self-ridicule, but it reflects the real situation. This
psychological gap can be imagined from the glamorous people who love each other to the enemies
of people who have fallen into disgust. The ugliness caused by masturbation is asymmetric, weird,
and unnatural, so many brothers call themselves monsters. This brother is also 15 years old! A face
of dementia, wretchedness, impotence, and a scum who has been sucked up. This world is a
"stealing space", all the pornographic pictures and porn videos are all masters of stealing fines!
Those who seduce you are all abolishing you, and foolish people feel that they are sexually blessed.
In fact, there is no big disaster! The person who masturbates is completely fighting the fire with
moths! Gold has a gold content. 18K gold represents 18/24 gold content, which means 75% pure
gold. 24k gold contains 99.99% gold. In fact, the human body also has a "sperm content". You can
use your most precious kidney essence. If you lose it, you are a scum with very low precision! The
nasty scum! It started as a comedy, and many people thought they were cool, and they had nothing
to do with fun. Slowly, comedy turned into a disaster movie, because symptoms began to appear,
and when the severity of injury continued to deepen, it eventually turned into horror. Movies, and
your image is becoming more and more like the walking dead. You don’t need to make-up, you just
enter the show. An absolute special actor, who is well mixed, is expected to be a actor.

13. [Looking at the disgusting bear in the mirror, I feel like nausea, thank God for giving me a
chance to rehabilitate, I will cherish it, I have 4 years of masturbation history, today is the second
day of quitting, sophomore year , Learning can't be delayed any longer. 】

Additional comment: The term bear child is popular recently. The children who are in charge are all
bear children. They are really young and ignorant. If the adults are still in charge, then they are
really Mr. Bear. Later, he must have a bearish look. Many people become ugly because of
stubbornness. Looking at the bear look in the mirror, many people feel disgusting. The stubbornness
was originally for the pursuit of coolness, but because of stubbornness, they became ugly, ugly and
weird. It is simply ugly. Looking at that face, both familiar and unfamiliar, is that still the same
you? The quality of innocence no longer exists, and the disgusting, dirty, and nasty temperament
like the waterway surfaced on the face. Asking what the world is, it directly teaches people to
become ugly and want to vomit.

14. [Insignificant! Wretched! It's completely insignificant! He is 166 and weighs 44Kg. He has
pimples on his face, and his hair has become very yellow, like a hay. It becomes bent when it grows
to the eyes, and the hair quality becomes very poor! Because of insignificance, I feel inferior, and I
am not good at sociability. I really want to change myself! ! ! 】


15.【前几天有人以为我已经 30 多岁了,没有人比我更悲剧的了!】

附评:戒色吧有不少戒友在发照片,有的照片如果不说是 90 后,大家都以为是 70 后,相差

20 多岁。人生的一大悲剧就是未老先衰,青春还没完全绽放就要面临枯萎和凋谢,这真是
非常残酷。沉迷手淫恶习,让自己变得又丑、又老、又怪,一派衰败之相。撸管真的很显丑 ,



暴冷、记忆力暴差、胆子暴小、声音暴细、JJ 暴短、睡眠暴差、和父母关系暴差、耳朵暴鸣、

上下都会出现各种失调,脸变丑、身体变差、脾气变坏,还会影响生长发育,不少人的 JJ
狠,所以,千万撸不得,万万撸不得!撸的不是管,是命!很多人把自己半条命都给撸掉了 。
总之,手淫对身心的摧残和蹂躏是非常严重的,而戒色可以让你复健内壮!内壮这个词很好 ,

18.【没 SY 时女生乐意亲近我。脸很好,无痘,SY 后满脸都是痘痘,有种让人不想靠近的


味)肾虚的人,身上很容易发出臭味,甚至是腐臭味,每每有戒友在手淫后发现自己口臭了 、

19.【我的脸颊变得好宽,颧骨突出,以前我挺帅的,现在好丑啊!好,我决定戒除 SY 一辈


20.【SY 有 5 年了,很瘦,虽然有 180cm 的身高,但是人看起来就像竹竿,脸色暗淡,眼神


21.【以前上初一的时候可是年级有名的帅哥,SY 了两年整个人看上去和没睡醒一样,女生

的男人,魅力值也非常之高。这位戒友算是撸成杯具了,他的人生戏码,最后一句台词就是 ,

22. [I am 24 years old and have a history of masturbation for more than ten years. I have no eyes
and bad skin. I have everything you said. The most unacceptable thing for me now is that the
cheekbones have become severely high, protruding forward and to both sides, and the eye sockets
are obviously sunken, as if they are deformed, so I quit. Hurry up and quit before I am like this. No
matter what, you should be a real man. 】

Additional comment: This brother's appearance is very deformed, just as deformed, he has turned
into a skull face. More than ten years of history has made myself completely unrecognizable, even
like a monster! Regarding such a tragic result, no one can accept who you are, how can you become
like this? ! too frightening. However, even if this is the case, it is still expected to be greatly
improved through rebooting. There have been cases of a brother who had sunken eye sockets
recovering completely. Completely recovered. After recovering again, you should know how to
cherish it. After all, you have lost it. The feeling of losing is really painful. Stop being addicted to
masturbation, if one day you also become a skeleton face, the same pain will also come to you, and
a deformed monster appears in the mirror, which is a feeling of complete breakdown.

23. [Really regretful, yellow face, black face, dull, dry skin, no temperament at all, ugly and
wretched, masturbation for more than ten years, I only discovered rebooting this year, meet and hate
late, everything is all Because of the evil consequences of my stupidity and ignorance, I made up
for my sins with all my heart and soul. 】

Additional comment: This brother had a better "attitude to confess his guilt" and pointed out that
"all the consequences of his own stupidity and ignorance." Many people who masturbate are
actually madly insulting in a state of stupidity and ignorance. I don't know what kind of
consequences will be caused by arbitration. He is completely blind, like swimming in a sea where
sharks are infested. He thought he was in a swimming pool. He had no sense of risk at all. The most
terrible thing about being a person is not knowing what you are doing! When the bad bad changes
gradually become obvious, some people begin to awaken. They have always believed in the
harmlessness theory, but then suddenly discovered that the harmlessness theory completely deviates
from the facts. The harmlessness theory does not conform to the facts at all. Fabrication, like a loft
in the sky, is generally false. This brother has been masturbating for more than ten years, and how
many golden years of youth have been spent in looking for H to watch H and masturbating. If he
had never committed adultery, perhaps he would have achieved a great cause long ago.

24. [Me too, I have acne and gray hair, and my complexion is dull and dull. Don't mention that
wretched look. I only discovered this when I was 24 years old. If you don't give up, it is really
ruined! 】
Additional comment: The turning point in your life is when you discover rebooting. It turns out that
there is such a pure land on the Internet, where people really know and understand the truth about
masturbation. Those who can stay in the rebooting bar are all blessed people. Everyone reboots on
this platform and helps others reboot together. This is a positive energy platform for public welfare.
Discover rebooting, discover the truth about masturbation, persist in rebooting, and your life will
change accordingly. This brother’s problems are poor skin, poor complexion, and gray hair. These
are all typical manifestations of injury. People who masturbate can be seen at a glance from the eyes
of truly experienced discerning people, even if they are ordinary people. From the perspective, you
can also see that you are apathetic, and you are full of wretchedness, which makes people hateful. In
the impression of others, you are a wretched man, lacking righteousness, lack of sunshine, and lack
of vitality. People who are butchers have a murderous aura, and those who are addicted to
masturbation have a wretched aura.

25. [I and my friends say, why I am getting uglier...]

Additional comment: The ugliness after masturbation is quiet, like soap being worn away
unknowingly, like facial tissue being reduced unknowingly. When you indulge in the habit of
masturbation, your appearance is also a little bit ugly. Masturbation is like a paintbrush, gradually
drawing the ugly and insignificant you. Suddenly one day, you will find that you are really ugly,
and the people around you have also discovered this, especially the old classmates who have not
seen each other for a long time. If you see you again, you may be amazed at how ugly you are.
Thinking, how could he become like this? In the face of the contemptuous eyes of others, you can
imagine the uncomfortable feeling in your heart. Some people are unwilling to say something so as
not to hurt your self-esteem. But the expression and eyes that others look at you have clearly told
you that you It's really ugly, and it's not the ordinary ugliness, it's the unnatural ugliness, awkward
ugliness, strange ugliness, the ugliness caused by masturbation is the pollution of the soul by the
evil, the ugliness of the heart, In the end it appeared as ugly in appearance, so ugly!

26. [Since I started to lure me in the second grade, I changed from a fresh and handsome boy to a
wretched man. Even the teacher said that my little uncle had quit for three months in the third year
of the third grade, and I felt handsome and white, and then relapsed again. Returning to hell, I have
been in high school for two months now, hoping not to break the precept in the future. 】

像被黑气缠绕一样,感觉人都变质了,不仅水果会腐烂变质,人其实也会的。从清新到猥琐 ,

27.【我 SY 最多的时候,连最矮最丑的女人看了都说我畸形、怪物......一定要戒下来啊!】





都有驼背的迹象,身形佝偻,显得异常猥琐。肾气旺的人,耳聪目明、精力充沛、颈背挺直 、

30.【楼主说得我超有感触,这是我第一次戒,一戒就接近两年了,期间从没破过戒, YY 尽


我教会了他 SY,那时我初一,他初三,他学会跟我有责任。现在我马上大一了,他马上大
三了,我们开始 SY 的时间差不多。今天我看他长得比以前猥琐了,没以前好看了。以前我


32.【慢性鼻炎,长相猥琐,相貌丑陋,严重社交恐惧症,不敢和人对视,没精气神,没 SY
之前这些症状都没有,都是 SY 害的,立志戒色。】

时间天天鼻子不通气,睡觉都要张着嘴呼吸,很难受。中医讲到肾主纳气,肾虚到一定程度 ,

33.【今年虚岁 21,SY 有八年了,现在感觉生不如死,脸瘦得跟吸毒似的,早就不复当年的

形象,频繁的手淫使我变得满目疮痍 ,这一段时间成为我至今不敢回想触摸的痛,当然,

整张脸就像被邪淫文化狂轰滥炸过一样,没有一点精气神,一派萎靡颓废之象,衰败得厉害 。
很多人看着撸管前的照片,都会流泪,那是怎样的纯净,那是怎样的心态,一失足成千古恨 。
怏的感觉,总喜欢叹气。吸黄毒吸上瘾了,没多久身心就会垮下来,然后在怪圈中不断挣扎 ,

是往美的方向整,而是往丑的方向整,把人越整越丑!丑不可言!丑到爆表!让人无地自容 ,

35. [I started from the first year of junior high school to the beginning of the third year of high
school. From the beginning of school until now, I haven't started anymore. I just want to know how
to prevent my cheeks from being recessed! It's ugly, it wouldn't be like this before. Now that I have
quit, how can I quickly recover my body? It's the third year of high school, it will be too late if you
don't work hard! 】

Additional comment: The urgency of high school students is often very strong. The countdown to
the college entrance examination is written on the blackboard, and the heart is kept in a state of
sprinting. At this stage of the third year, you should avoid the vice of masturbation and take your
best state to prepare for the college entrance examination. This brother has dented his cheeks, and
this type of ugliness is more common. I also specifically talked about the dent problem in my
previous article. A sunken cheek is indeed ugly. I have seen photos of dead bodies before. An
obvious feature is sunken cheeks. No matter how handsome a person is, when the cheek sunken, the
image score will drop like a high platform diving. Don't panic when this happens, you must
completely abstain from sex, and then actively exercise, try not to stay up late, persisting for more
than half a year will improve a lot. The youthful face should be pure and full. Now many people not
only suffer from acne on their faces, but also have serious sunken problems, such as sunken eye
sockets, sunken temples, and sunken cheeks. Once the depression appears, the characteristics of the
skull face will gradually become obvious, the face looks sad, deep and haggard, it is as ugly as it is,
and it hurts self-esteem and self-confidence.

36.【I have become ugly, lack of energy, thick lips, fat face, sparse hair, dry, rough, sallow skin
and wrinkles. 】

Additional comment: There are many feedbacks on the thickening of lips of the adulterer. Just like
the curling of hair, thickening of the lips is also a very subtle bad change. According to Chinese
medicine, the spleen opens in the mouth, and its flower is in the lips. Many people suffer from yang
deficiency in the spleen and kidney. This internal imbalance will naturally reflect on the face, and
the thick lips look unnatural, even a little irregular and asymmetric. Some people have their faces
thin and sunken, gradually turning into a skeleton face; while others have their faces swollen and
look completely unrecognizable. I remember a classmate of my junior high school who was at the
grass level. See you after more than ten years, but his face was swollen and completely
unrecognizable. The handsomeness of the year was completely invisible. The thief steals all the
handsomeness, the skin and hair are all ruined, the self-confidence that was once disappeared, and
only a face of anger and infinite inferiority are left, which is embarrassing.

37. [I'm done! From the age of 14, to now 25, 11 years, almost once a day. . I don’t feel anymore
having sex now. I feel soft after doing half of it. In the past two years, there have been a lot of acne
on my face, and my skin is very oily, and I am not energetic at work. The original very handsome
guy has become wretched in the past two years. , The longer the uglier. And I found that I also have
problems with my prostate, incomplete urination, painful urination, backache, what should I do?
Help! 】

Additional comment: The first sentence of Kaizong Mingyi is like a thunderbolt, I'm done! This
sentence cut through the sky like a scream of despair. The strongman who used to be once a day has
sexual dysfunction after 11 years, and the retribution is really here! It’s not that you don’t report it,
the hour has not come, you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later, "Don’t look at
you now, be careful to list the list in the future." God is not good anymore, the original very
handsome guy, under the constant destruction of gangbang, his appearance began to become ugly,
and the longer he got, the uglier the gangbang was really an artifact! Unknowingly, it makes you
quietly ugly and wretched, and makes you lose your original handsome face. The face is ugly, the
prostate is no longer good, and various symptoms begin to appear. If you don't quit, it will really be

38. [Another important thing is the change in appearance by masturbation. I have a deep
understanding of this. After years of masturbation, my face has basically been deformed, my eyes
have become smaller, wrinkles have appeared, and my whole person has become a lot uglier. There
is no masculinity, and his face is dark and purple. It is really indifferent. 】

Additional comment: Only those with deep experience can recognize the truth of masturbation, and
the harmless theory will only be deceived. This brother has been using it for a few years, and his
face has become deformed, and his eyes have become smaller. There are many feedbacks. Many
brothers rebooted for a period of time and sent comparison photos. Everyone will find that his eyes
have become bigger, and the eyelids have drooped. , I feel unable to open, lack of expression, as if
sleepy eyes. After rebooting, I can nourish my energy and my eyes will become bigger again. It
feels amazing. Masturbation leads to premature facial aging and wrinkles. Some people have
serious wrinkles on their foreheads, and fine lines around the eyes begin to appear. It turns out that
there are not so many shortcomings on the face. After a few years of indulging in masturbation,
various shortcomings began to appear. It appeared, and people became a lot uglier at once. People
who masturbate will have more obvious aging around the eyes. Dryness, fine lines, sagging, dark
circles, tear grooves, bags under the eyes and other problems will continue to emerge. Masturbation
will speed up the aging of the face, and masturbation will hurt a person the most. Yang Qi, Yang Qi
continued to be damaged, until the end of the injury, "there is no distinction between humans and


起,惧怕别人的眼光。两眼无神、呆滞、面相丑陋、衰老、脸部痘痘变多。做事没一分耐心 ,

真的要变成废人了!再也不能这样撸,必须彻底戒了,必须振作起来,和手淫恶习斗争到底 ,
用坚守的力量换来重生!彻底撕毁丑陋衰老的那层撸皮,重新绽放出纯净的能量,满精归来 ,

41.【10 多年了吧,大概 11、12 岁的时候开始 SY,那时候频率很高,几乎一天一次,直到

高中都一直这样。现在大三,22 岁,身高只有 160cm,感觉从初中开始就没有长过。以前小

不当初啊!如果不手淫,你的人生将会是一番怎样的景象?这位戒友把长高的能量都撸掉了 ,
最后定格在 160cm,很悲哀的身高,如果不撸,也许就不是现在这个样子了。越长越丑,这
呵斥:不能撸啊,将来你会越长越丑,身高只有 160cm!

42.【我有 3 年多的撸龄,现在 21 岁,以前很自信,很帅的。而在这段撸管的时间里,我什


附评:3 年多的撸龄其实不算很长,但恶果已经显现了。以前是:帅+自信!现在是:丑+自


真正明白邪淫对人生到底有多大的破坏力,它会彻底毁掉你的所有。身体健康是一切的本钱 ,
的健康,让你变成行尸走肉,让你活得异常痛苦。原本你想追求快感,结果什么也没有得到 ,

44.【SY 已经很多年了,对身心造成了严重的摧残。曾经的我长得还不错,别人都夸我,成
绩也不错。自从 SY 后越长越丑,今天看了上个星期照的毕业照,自己真的变了好多,真的

也无法镇住面试官,倒是一身猥琐气让人感觉不舒服。为了前途、为了容貌、为了心理健康 ,

45. [My facial skin is very rough now, with large pores. The past few years were okay, but the past
few years have been so fierce, it's horrible! It feels that people have become a lot ugly, hey! The
past few years were barely visible. The most obvious is the acne that is quasi-growing at the corner
of the mouth or near the nose the next day when it is pushed hard. 】

Additional comment: If you are fierce, you should do the right thing fiercely. Luguan is the essence
of the kidney, and the essence of the kidney is the healthy currency. People who spend fiercely are
like those who spend fiercely. They have to empty their family. The harder you hit, the deeper your
injury, and the longer time it goes, all kinds of problems will come to your door. It's horrible to be
stunned, and it's really fierce. The past few years can be seen, but in the past few years, it is
estimated that I can't watch it, and it is directly disfigured. Many people spend thousands of dollars
on acne treatment, and they have even been deceived. No matter what the product is, it is only a
superficial article, not a cure for the symptoms. People who have deteriorated skin are eager to
restore their fresh and smooth skin. Unfortunately, because of the habit of masturbation, that skin
has become out of reach. The acne exploded after masturbation is not a good master, all of them are
cruel characters in the acne. They are fierce and stubborn. They are definitely not a small mess.
Sometimes they burst into a super big acne, which is big enough. His face is swollen, and it feels
hard to the touch, you know it's a ruthless guy at first glance.

46. [I feel that I have become more and more wretched, oily on my face, blackheads and acne all
over my face! By the way, I used to be pretty handsome. Junior high school classmates who have
not seen me for many years said how handsome I was before. These words make me
uncomfortable! 】

Additional comment: This is also a big oil producer, and he is also a acne-prone person with a full
face! He was also a handsome guy before, but unfortunately he is getting more and more wretched,
and the words of his junior high school classmates also hurt him. Many people used to be pretty
handsome, but there are very few people who can remain handsome after the age of 30. Many
people become totally unrecognizable as soon as they are 30 years old. Indulgent life is particularly
devastating to appearance. The word trivial appears very frequently among brothers. Masturbation
is originally an extremely trivial behavior. This behavior will inevitably make people longer and
uglier, and longer and more trivial. True handsome comes from the purity of the soul, the unity of
body and mind, the true purity of the soul, the handsome appearance can last, the soul is dirty, and
the appearance will become ugly. Parents only give a part of each person's appearance. After they
develop, they have to cultivate on their own, just like earning credits. If you indulge yourself in
chaos, the result will be longer and uglier, and longer and more awkward. How handsome once,
how ugly now, junior high school classmates have witnessed the cruel fact of ruining their faces.

47. [I have been praised by others for being handsome since I was a child. After so many years of
masturbation, I have become a lot ugly. Maybe I have the foundation when I was a child. It looks
pretty good. Compared with the 15-year-old photo, basically the face is long and crippled, and the
figure is out of shape, hey! 】

Additional comment: This brother is quite bullish. He was praised for being handsome when he
grew up. It reminded me of a sentence: "Every morning I will be woken up by myself." But this
brother is also very tragic, why , Because everyone has lifted him to the sky. If he becomes more
ugly in the future, then he will be very painful when he recalls the handsome self before. It's like a
priceless diamond. If you own it and then lose it, it will be very painful. If you haven't owned it at
all, you won't feel so sad. Now this brother is already disabled, but fortunately he has a good
foundation and has "surplus food." If you continue to masturbate, it is estimated that the longer and
the uglier, the inner pain will be more intense.

48. [I feel that my hair is decreasing day by day, and I feel ugly day by day, I am 181 in height,
weight from 130 to 160, and my facial features are pretty good, but I just don’t have confidence.
After 2 months of persistence, I was healed, and then I thought I was healed, so I slackened, and all
my efforts have returned to the original point. Today, one year later, I don’t want to be a loser
anymore, I want to get back what belongs to me. Confidence, sunshine, and health. Motivate
yourself every day! 】

Additional comment: This brother used to reboot for 2 months, and the improvement was obvious,
but then he started to beat up again. As a result, all his efforts have returned to the original point,
and it is estimated that he has become ugly again. There are also misunderstandings in this brother’s
understanding. Two months of persistence does not mean that the symptoms of injury will never
recur. Many people rebooted for a period of time, their spirits and spirits recovered, and their
appearance improved quickly, but this Doesn't mean it will never become ugly. In fact, as long as
you slap, you will become ugly again. Many people have this experience, that is, after a period of
time, they become handsome, and after they break the precept, they become ugly again, and some
people do not break the precept, but have frequent betrayals or stay up late, so that people will
become ugly again, some When people look in the mirror after caring about fornication, they will
also find that they have become ugly and ugly. It’s true that they come from one's heart. Sometimes
it comes very fast, and sometimes it’s just a momentary thing to become ugly.

49. [I also knew that masturbation was harmful at first, but I also felt that there was nothing wrong
with masturbation. Until the holiday from December last year to March this year, I was almost three
times a day. Now my classmates say how I have become ugly and old, and my behavior has become
awkward. Before that, I was the grass in the class. When I was on the train, I still had tinnitus. I
always couldn't hear other people's words. My classmates said that I became stupid. Alas, I have
been abstaining for fourteen days now. 】

Additional comment: This is a brother in the grass class. He knew that masturbation was harmful
from the beginning, but he didn't have a deep experience or was misled by the harmless theory,
which caused him to still indulge in masturbation, thinking that there is nothing wrong with
masturbation, which is really careless. The bad changes of masturbation happen quietly, just like the
growth of a tree, can you see the tree growing? I am often obsessed with the authorities. I am
addicted to masturbation and thought it was all right. In fact, bad changes are happening quietly.
Three times a day, this is the rhythm of suicide. Bancao has been madly indulging for a few months.
Now it has become ugly, old, and wretched. After these three changes, it is estimated that this
Bancao will give way, and there will also be tinnitus and hearing loss. It is easy to cause tinnitus,
and many brothers have tinnitus problems. The evil fruits three times a day are tragic, and Bancao is
ruined by the bad habit of masturbation...

50. [I accidentally saw photos from high school and when I first entered the military training of
college that day, and I found that the university has been in contact with that thing for a few years,
and my heart has become ugly. I feel that the skulls on both sides have become narrow, the chin has
become very sharp, and the nose has collapsed. The conscience of heaven and earth! I feel like I
want to smoke myself! 】

Additional comment: I was still innocent in high school, and I was probably indulged after college.
After a few years, my true heart has become ugly, and it is still deformed, and the destruction of
self-confidence is even more serious. The five senses must be shaped and rendered by the spirits
and spirits. Without the spirits and spirits, people are as if they are deflated. They are prone to
depressions, and over time they will turn into a skeleton face. Once it takes shape, if you don't quit,
the consequences will be very serious. At this time, he wanted to draw himself, and it was time to
awaken, and he must have a strong sense of crisis. This is simply a struggle against disfigurement.
Many college students nowadays are more indulgent, but they don’t know the consequences of
indulgence, like entering a minefield, but they don’t know at all. They are very blind and ignorant.
When the evil results appear, they really want to cry. Tears, pain, regret!

51. [Because of masturbation, I have fallen from a swan to an ugly duckling, and my appearance
has changed from an alluring appearance to an ugly monster. 】

丑!手淫是变丑的捷径,沉迷手淫必将变丑变猥琐。先告知他们这一点,让他们心里有个数 ,

的,后来破戒了,脸上长了很多痘痘,五官也变得不协调,人一下子变得很丑,事业也不顺 ,

QQ 头像突然变灰,就像手机快没电了。当五官失去精气神之后,完全就不在状态,严重者

The phenomenon of masturbation becoming ugly is worth studying. The problem of masturbation
becoming ugly is also endless. Although the problem of ugliness is much the same, it is manifested
in each person and will be different. Although the experience is similar, there are psychological
feelings. Certain differences, many details are worthy of appreciation, and the details often explain
the problem. Using the theme of masturbation to become ugly to persuade, the effect is very good.
Many people are not deeply injured and have insufficient experience of symptoms, so their
determination to reboot is not great, and the theme of becoming ugly It can make him make up his
mind to reboot, because many young people are very concerned about their appearance, which can
affect the future job search, it is also related to marital problems, and it is also closely related to
self-confidence. So, if you care about what you care about most, you can advise from that angle,
and the effect will be particularly good. You tell him that masturbation will cause neurosis. He has
no idea about neurosis. He will not understand until that step. If you tell him that masturbation will
become ugly, he may be very concerned about it. It seems that becoming ugly is not a trivial matter.
In order to restore the pure image and temperament of the sun, I believe that most people will
choose to abstain from sex.

Master Yin Guang: "The wise children in the world, when the love is open, their parents and
brothers do not give details of their interests, so that most of them are killed by masturbation and
adultery. If they can die, they can also become disabled, and they cannot be established. There are
many teenagers. The desire to lust will cause masturbation. This is a great injury and must not be
committed. If you commit a crime, you will kill yourself and taint your own mind. Use your body
for less death, or a weak person who has nothing to establish. If you know what is good or bad,
Since masturbation is not a pleasure, it may cause death, disability, and perpetual damage to the
weak. If you don’t save personnel, you can’t say it. If you do not say it, you will suffer from this
disease in nine out of ten, which is terrible. to."

Master Yinguang’s lecture on the vice of masturbation is extremely sincere and alarming.

Share a reboot poem

"The daughter does not change"

You won't understand the pure feeling

How precious

You used to have that feeling

But you didn't cherish it

Like a fish in the water

It doesn't know the value of water

Lost it now

I knew it was extremely valuable

Like the most expensive diamond

Can make your life completely shining

Lose the sense of purity

Your life

Will become extremely gloomy

Let us awaken the true self in our hearts

That pure true self

The true self

Let the eyes regain brightness and clarity

Make the sun handsome

Back to our face

Pure feeling

Is a feeling worth having

The feeling of purity does not change

We will never stop

This is our vow

Let us stick to the end

Season 81: Suddenly Looking Back on Learning Traditional

This season's preface will talk about the issue of vegetarianism. I personally support vegetarianism.
The benefits of being vegetarian are numerous, such as opening up wisdom, fostering compassion,
reducing worries, and delaying aging. Vegetarianism has become a healthy way of life. Every
November 25th is designated as "International Vegetarian Day". The establishment of International
Vegetarian Day means that people should eat more vegetarian food, eat less meat food, and give full
play to vegetarianism. The benefits to promote human health and stay away from diseases.
Vegetarian food not only has a positive effect on the human body in terms of health and beauty, but
also has a subtle improvement effect on human emotions. The aura of vegetarians is more peaceful
and more stable. In terms of rebooting, vegetarianism can effectively reduce your evil thoughts and
make rebooting easier. Many people eat meat and their evil thoughts increase sharply, and
spermatorrhea will become more frequent. If vegetarian food is the mainstay, then the control of
sequelae It becomes simple.

However, some people will experience fatigue after being vegetarian for a period of time.
Vegetarianism also requires a process of adaptation. Especially for people who have always been
meat-based, suddenly let him become completely vegetarian, and his body is likely to suffer. If you
can’t adapt, just like rebooting has withdrawal reactions, so can abstaining from meat. It will be
obvious in some people. Theoretically speaking, the nutrition of a vegetarian diet is completely
sufficient. A vegetarian diet contains a variety of cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, etc., which is
a relatively comprehensive nutrition. The key is to let the body slowly adapt to the vegetarian diet,
and also pay attention to the comprehensive nutrition, try to avoid the simplification of the diet, and
pay attention to the nutritional balance and nutritional balance.

There is no need to be afraid of fatigue. Generally, if you continue to eat for a period of time, the
fatigue will be greatly relieved, and the body is gradually adapting. We must learn to be a
vegetarian. Someone used to be Tiantianqingcai, and as a result, his physical fitness dropped very
seriously. Vegetarianism is also stressful. Generally, it should be no problem to be vegetarian for
daily activities. If you have physical labor or exercise, you may feel overwhelmed. In this case, it is
best to add meals, such as eating an extra bowl of noodles or Eat a few more bread and steamed
buns, and you can also add some nuts. Vegetarian food must be scientific, and there is a lot of
knowledge in vegetarian food. If you are determined to be vegetarian, it is best to do some research
on vegetarian food, so that you can eat healthier.

Vegetarianism can be divided into long-term vegetarian and floral vegetarian, as well as ten-day
vegetarian and six-day vegetarian. Eating flower vegetarian means being vegetarian on the first and
fifteenth day of the new year, and eating three pure meats at ordinary times. Ten-day vegetarian and
six-day vegetarian refer to the fixed days of fasting. Being a vegetarian depends on your motivation.
As a spiritual practitioner, the best choice is to be a vegetarian. When we reboot, my suggestion is
to focus on vegetarianism. If you can be vegan, I also support it very much. Many brothers may not
be allowed to eat vegan at home, so you can ask your parents to buy more vegetarian dishes, adjust
the diet to be mainly vegetarian, and eat less meat as much as possible. This is good for rebooting
and cultivating the mind. My current diet is mainly vegetarian. Sometimes I eat vegan for several
days. My future goal is to be vegan.

Attached with Master Yinguang's instruction:

Those who recite Buddhism should be a long-term vegetarian. If you cannot, you should hold six or
ten fasts. (The eighth, fourteenth, fifteenth, twenty-three, twenty-nine, and thirty-first days are six
fasts. Adding the first, eighteen, twenty-four, and twenty-eight on the first day are ten fasts. When
the moon is small, it ends. Hold it the day before. The first month, May, and September are the
three Ramadan months. It is advisable to maintain longevity and make all the merits.) It is
reasonable to reduce gradually to end forever. Although the meat has not been cut, it is advisable to
buy fresh meat instead of killing at home. If you want to rely on food for nourishment, vegetarians
should eat more wheat. The power of eating wheat is more than several times greater than the power
of rice. Just eat the pasta, you will be vigorous and vigorous, and the sound will be loud. Rice can
only be full and has no effect. The power of wheat is several times higher than that of reference.
Great grinding of sesame oil also replenishes people. Small grinding of sesame oil, to fry the
scorched, half strength. People know the fragrance, but they are jogging. Soybean oil supplements
the most. It is advisable to take it often. Lotus seeds, longans, red dates, ginseng, and barley are all
nourishing. Why must flesh and blood be nourishing. In short, they are not as powerful as Mai.

Share a few cases below

1. [Rebooting is about to go for a hundred days. My classmates said that my eyes have brightened.
People look so energetic and dare to look at others. I understand that rebooting has brought me.
Keep going, pure life! 】

Additional comment: The ancients said: "Those who want to cultivate their own body should
correct their heart first." The root of the five internal organs, masturbation drains the essence of the
five internal organs. If you don’t get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, it will be difficult to cure
it no matter how you take medicine. The condition will always recur. The sign of a person's spirit
and energy lies in his eyes. When the spirit and energy are sufficient, the two eyes will be bright
like light bulbs, and even a layer of pure luster will appear. The expression is extraordinary, pure
like a baby. The spirit of spirit is back, it's like a fish in the water, how can it be a good word, when
you are not spirited, you can't do anything, the spirit of spirit is back, just like a rabbit with a battery
in it, immediately full of vitality, not at all The same, a new feeling. It turns out that for people with
vision barriers, if they insist on rebooting for a period of time, the vision barrier will disappear
automatically. A pair of piercing eyes can confidently look at anyone, and the heart is so open and
upright, like a bright and clean mirror. , There is no filthy filth and filth on the surface, which makes
people happy to see.

2. [ Rebooting let me change from an autistic and extreme boy to a sunny boy. After quitting
masturbation, the feeling that your body is full of sunlight will only be known when you quit! That
kind of comfortable feeling! It is in sharp contrast to the previous feeling of being sluggish and
exhausted all day long! In the past, the interpersonal relationship was messed up, the speech was
vague, stammered, and couldn't even make a sentence. No girl wanted to talk to me at all, and I
didn't dare to talk. But nowadays, quitting masturbation and rebooting has really improved my brain
power. Now people are more cheerful and speak a lot more fluently. I enjoy the feeling of talking
with others now! In the past, girls were disgusted when they saw me, and despised me with all their
eyes! But now, as I walked by the girls, many girls would smile at me kindly. 】



Additional comment: Persist in learning to improve your consciousness, and when you reach a
certain level, you will become brighter, suddenly enlightened, and suddenly understand and realize.
It's like a question, I haven't figured it out before, but in the process of persisting in learning, I
suddenly figured it out one day, and since then I have reached a new level. Sometimes there is a
sense of retreat before you are about to make progress. At this time, as long as you stick to it, you
will definitely get a breakthrough. The success of rebooting is the result of constant improvement
and constant strengthening of consciousness. Many old brothers do well, but there are still flaws in
his consciousness, but they haven't been exposed for the time being. This kind of flaws and blind
spots in consciousness will eventually lead him to relapse. He is like entering a minefield. He
recognizes all the locations of 95% of the mines and can effectively avoid them. However, he does
not know the location of 5% of the mines at all. At this time, he may have to pay a painful price to
realize it. Many people reboot for a year or even two years, and they will still be exposed to flaws in
their consciousness. Such flaws will cause them to capsize in the gutter, and sometimes masters will
make some low-level mistakes, so you must not relax your vigilance. The increase in consciousness
is spiraling, and it usually goes through the process of making mistakes, recognizing mistakes, and
correcting mistakes. The predecessor’s article, like a landmine map, has clearly told you where
landmines are buried on the road to rebooting, but many people have not remembered it after
reading it, and their understanding is not deep enough. He has to step on the landmine personally.
Only to truly remember that the reality is that many people have been stepping on the same
landmine, making the same mistake, and have never been able to get their hands on them. Relapse
is not terrible. After each relapse, you must reflect on it carefully and learn from the lessons of the
last failure. You must persist in learning to increase your consciousness, maintain enthusiasm for
rebooting articles, and constantly improve your own consciousness, just like polishing a diamond
and gradually making it Perfect, and ultimately make it indestructible!

4. [My spermatorrhea frequency is almost 3-4 times a month. I started soaking my feet in the last
month, and then actually had spermatorrhea 5 times in just 22 days, an unprecedented frequency! I
am puzzled. In the past twenty days or so, my living habits have been considered healthy, and I
have insisted on not being full or being vegetarian. What's the problem? I thought about what
seemed to be a post here that said foot soaking could easily lead to spermatorrhea, and when I asked
it on the Internet, there were a few people like me. 】

Additional comment: Soaking feet in hot water can easily lead to spermatorrhea, but it also depends
on the specific situation. Some people will not have spermatorrhea no matter how to soak their feet,
but this is also temporary. When the abstinence reaches a certain level, hot water may appear
Soaking feet causes nocturnal emission. Now in winter, many people like to soak their feet in hot
water, so this happens more often. Many brothers have been using control before, so they have not
had spermatorrhea since they started rebooting. Some people even have to persist for a few months
or even more than half a year before resuming the frequency of spermatorrhea. In this process, no
matter how much you soak your feet, you will not have spermatorrhea, but after this stage, the body
will become more sensitive to various factors that cause spermatorrhea. For example, some people
are prone to spermatorrhea if the quilt is too thick. Soaking feet in hot water can promote blood
circulation, dredge the meridian qi and blood, which is very beneficial to regulate the nervous
system, but pay attention to controlling the water temperature or changing the time of soaking feet. ,
Put it in the morning, so that you can reduce the risk of spermatorrhea. The kidney controls the
storage and stores the essence of the internal organs. Long-term frequent spermatorrhea will cause
the internal organs to be out of balance, which is very detrimental to recovery. How to control the
spermatorrhea is a science. You must study this aspect carefully and you must learn to strictly
control your spermatorrhea frequency, so that recovery can be guaranteed.

5. [Brother Feixiang, I can basically control obscenity now, but every 30 days or so, pornographic
novels and movies I have seen before will involuntarily appear in my mind. How to do? 】

Additional comment: It has basically entered the peak period of relapse in about 30 days. At the
beginning, it is the dormant period of desire. Rebooting is relatively easy. After about a month, evil
thoughts will become active. In fact, this brother is still not good at abstaining from thoughts. The
memory of evil and adultery also belongs to the category of adultery. There are many memories of
breaking the precept. Sometimes it is not you who take the initiative to remember, but it is going out
on its own, just like a Trojan horse virus going out. Your defense system cannot be intercepted.
Eventually your brain is occupied, and then the Trojan horse virus sends out commanding
commands to your body. At this time, you are involuntary and you will wake up after you break the
precept. The memory of adultery is the poisonous snake in the depth of memory, and it will bite you
suddenly; the memory of adultery is the claw sticking out from the swamp, always trying to drag
you in again. This brother said that he "cannot break at all", to put it bluntly, he still can't break his
kung fu, and he hasn't gotten home yet. Don’t be afraid of starting to read, you’re afraid of being
late, discovering, identifying, reviewing, and breaking your thoughts. These three steps should be
done in one go, as fast as lightning, but fast and not broken! speed! speed! Take out the speed of
absent-mindedness! practise! practise! Keep practicing! Practice so superb! Suddenness is the most
practical part of rebooting, and it is the hand-to-hand battle of rebooting! This is a real battle with
real swords and guns, and you must take a desperate attitude to quit!

6. [Teacher Feixiang, I think I’m just a trash, I can’t get rid of it all the time. Last night, the demon
came and resisted it. This morning I let the urine awake, and when I came back from the toilet, the
demon came again and finally broke. NS. It feels like I am climbing a mountain now, climbing to
the top of the mountain and then starting to go downhill. It feels like it was wasted to quit for so
long before. Why! Defeat and fight! come on! Don't lose confidence. 】

样,被心魔拿下了!这场残酷的战争就发生在一个人的脑海里,戒色就是要守住自己的城池 ,


在等待时机,现在到了 81 季,时机也基本成熟了,九九归一,81 季谈传统文化也有着特别
慈祥和蔼,就像自己的爷爷,那些敦敦教诲具有净化心灵的力量,很多开示都让我极度震撼 ,


I used to have more than ten years of black history. At that time, I could be said to be completely
controlled by a lewd demon. I was a shameless and lewd person, living a corrupt life, downloading
H movies crazily, fucking crazy, and still There is irresponsible premarital sex. At that time, I was
ignorant, stupid, blind, impulsive, with a somewhat angry temperament. Later, I also did a squirt.
Thinking about it now, it is indeed a very absurd life, just like a maggot in a dungpit. At that time, I
couldn't do a good thing all year round. I didn't know what to do to accumulate virtue. I didn't have
any concept in this aspect, and I didn't understand the harm of masturbation. Although I had
prostatitis after masturbation, my appearance became ugly, but It's just a vague feeling that
masturbation is not good, the understanding is not deep, and it can even be said that there are many
ideological misunderstandings. At that time, I was an uncivilized masturbation barbarian, or a blind
masturbation person. I only knew how to masturbate, and my heart demon surrendered
immediately. I didn’t even have the consciousness to decide on masturbation, and I was in a very
sad state.

Although I was in a barbaric and uncivilized state at that time, I still tried to quit many times
because I was afraid of the demon in my heart. Many times I could hardly get out of it, but that
demon, that addiction, was still being used against me. Squeeze, I was like a contractor, many times
I was exhausted, my legs were weak, and I almost fell to the ground, and I felt like I was about to
collapse. You can imagine a picture of a slave carrying a big rock under the scorching sun, walking
staggeringly, and standing next to a brutal overseer. Not only did he show no mercy, but instead
slammed it up with a whip and shouted: "Hey I hurry up!" The demon in my heart was clearly
shouting at me: "Hurry up and get me out!" So, I speeded up, and worked tirelessly on the road of
self-destruction, until finally I could only shoot water and shoot. After coming out, I took a long
sigh and thought: The task is finally completed. Actually, I'm not enjoying masturbation, but just to
complete the task...I am the squeezed and exploited, I am a victim! The discomfort of the body and
the deterioration of energy and spirit remind me that it is time to quit it, but when the demons came,
I became a slave again. I resisted, but failed every time because of that. At that time, I was always
quitting forcibly. I didn’t study at all. I didn’t have any improvement in my consciousness. I quit
many times without exceeding a month. This was me at that time, and I did not quit very well.

[Eventually a major problem]

With the increase in age and the deepening of the injury, the retribution gradually became obvious.
My life fell into deep panic, like a bird of panic. After all, I used to be young, love sports, have no
bad habits, and did not stay up late to sit for a long time. Although there are some symptoms of
injury to the sperm, but it can be tolerated. In fact, my slowness was already very serious at that
time, and it is estimated that I also have spermatic cord. I don't know. I have been in my early teens.
I have had the experience of urinating more than a dozen times a night, and I almost got up to
urinate shortly after lying down, which was very torturous. Later, after working, I became more
unscrupulous in the aspect of adultery. I felt that I was inferior to a dog at that time, and the dogs
were purer than me. I had become a beast in clothing. Looking back on that experience now, it is
hard to imagine how I would have fallen into that state. It is terrifying for a person who was
brainwashed by indulgence thoughts.
I used to think that an indulgent life was normal, and there was nothing wrong with it, because the
people around me were basically the same. It was not until I contracted a painful neurosis that I
began to reflect on the past lifestyle. My retribution came very suddenly. I remember that in the
month before the symptoms broke out, I was very crazy, even until 2 in the morning. I want to
squeeze out the last drop of my own essence. Fortunately, I have a certain physical foundation,
otherwise I would have died a long time ago, but no matter how good the body is, I can't stand such
a violent rush. It didn't take long for my mind and body Completely collapsed.

[Thunder on the ground]

Because of the neurosis, I basically have half my life left. Various symptoms torment me and make
my life worse than death every day. Only by experiencing that feeling in person can you truly
understand what kind of pain it is. After my body collapsed, I often went to the hospital for various
checks, and I was completely reduced to a medicine jar, and the money was spent. What is
desperate is that my physical symptoms have hardly improved, and new symptoms even continue to
appear. , Every day is torture, every day is the end, it seems that every second is suffering. In the
face of this cruel reality, I began to frantically search for the cause. At that time, many patients
talked about symptoms with each other more. Unlike them, I must find out the cause, that is, during
that time, I came into contact with Traditional Chinese medicine, and the answer is completely
found in the theory of Chinese medicine, not only the answer to neurosis, but also the answer to all
the symptoms of sperm injury. At that moment, I suddenly realized that it was like this! It turns out
that I have been blinded by harmlessness for more than ten years! Like a thunder on the ground, it
awakened the dreamer. At that moment, I discovered how wrong the depraved life in the past was.
It was simply a drain on my life treasure! But he is like a fool, so stupid!

At that time, I had more than a dozen QQ groups, chatting crazily every day, and had accumulated
quite a few cases. I was more convinced of my findings. And through rebooting and maintaining
good health, many patients’ symptoms have indeed improved greatly, and some have even
recovered. The haze of neurosis. At that time, it was discovered that there was a connection
between gangbang and neurosis. It can be said that very few people were still gangbang after
getting sick. The world of neurosis is full of pain. The experience of some patients is unbelievable.
For example, the examination fee is as high as hundreds of thousands. They are not ill but have to
live and die. They are suspected of illness all day long. The symptoms are endless and weird. Some
people are sent to the lunatic asylum. ... Neurosis is a watershed for patients with sperm injury.
Once you cross this boundary, what awaits you will be double pain and torture. It is an out-and-out
symptom hell.

【Life Turn】

The scope of traditional culture is very wide, and Chinese medicine is one of them. Chinese
medicine science has thousands of years of experience and is already very mature and complete. I
have a strong interest and bought a lot of books. After continuous research, I have a deeper
understanding and understanding of the various symptoms caused by masturbation. I am sure again
and again that masturbation is the culprit, and staying up late is an accomplice. There is an old
saying: "You must know medicine to be a child." If you don't understand medical theory, it is easy
to be irrelevant. In this era of rampant prostitution, the theory of harmlessness is extremely rampant.
If you don't understand the medical theory of Chinese medicine, it is easy to be confused. , To be
confused, it is easy to be deceived by the pseudo-science of harmlessness.

When I discovered the truth, I wanted to let more people know. At that time, I had the idea of
helping others to awaken, and I have been practicing it. Later, I found that it took too long to help
others on QQ, and sometimes I had a chat. In just a few hours, it was also very detrimental to the
body’s recovery. Later, it gradually decreased. When I discovered the platform of rebooting bar , I
felt that I had found the organization. At that time, I also chatted with the master of Tudou.
Permanent slow to abstain from sex it up, when the Jiese it also has trouble, but the overall
atmosphere is very good. In the first period of rebooting, although I was helping others, I hadn't
really come into contact with other aspects of traditional culture, so I stayed in the area of Chinese
medicine, and my vision was still relatively limited.

【Convert to Positive Energy】

子一样,对于传统文化甚至有些误解,觉得那是古人的东西,可能已经过时了,后来才发现 ,

的人或者被无害论洗脑的人,是看不到这点的,他们的头脑完全被错误的观点和言论遮蔽了 ,

That is to say, in the process of contacting traditional culture, my psychology has changed a lot.
Before, I was cynical and liked to explode. I was shrouded in negative energy. I was selfish, selfish
and selfish. I also quarreled with my family. Evil and hostile, in a very bad state. After learning
traditional culture, my mentality slowly changed. I learned to be grateful, calm, and to behave with
a positive and optimistic attitude. I want to be a good person and completely break with the wicked
and violent me in the past. Since then, I have converted to positive energy, and hope that the
positive energy will be continuously transmitted in my hands to wake up more people and help
more people.

【Traditional Culture Forum for Public Welfare】

The Forum on Traditional Culture Public Welfare was initiated by Teacher Chen Dahui. There are
many related videos, and the statements made are all warning signs and make people re-understand
traditional culture. In this society where prostitution is rampant, people really need to learn the
wisdom of traditional culture. Traditional culture is the mentor of life. It tells you what to do and
what not to do. It can give you a set of highly intelligent values and outlook on life. If you follow
the advice and advice of traditional culture, you will live a happier life, which is indeed the case.
Dr. Peng Xin's "The Roots of Injury, Virtue, and Life Loss" is very good. I have read it several
times. The first-hand information that Dr. Peng Xin has is very convincing and it also exposes
adultery. The truth is that the negative impact of adultery on life is too serious, especially the
damage to the body and mind, the body is not good, and the psychology is also disordered. Since
then, life has fallen into boundless gloom, without any hope, and living very decadent. Even
desperate, people who have thoughts of suicide can often see it.

The "Sages' Education Change Destiny" series of the Traditional Culture Forum is also very good,
with a total of 50 episodes, so you can watch it when you have time. Jobs once said: "I would like to
use all my technology in exchange for an afternoon with Socrates." Being able to get close to the
sages is really a great blessing, and the teachings from the sages are truly great wisdom. The words
of the sage are better than ten years of reading, and a lot of knowledge is simply impossible to learn
in school. Sages are truly masters. Sages’ vision can fully penetrate the essence of things, listen to
the precious teachings of the sages with bated breath, don’t want to miss a word, and read the sage’s
instructions repeatedly. It has benefited a lot! Ancient sages were against adultery, masturbation
belonged to the category of adultery, premarital sex and extramarital affairs also belonged to
adultery, adultery hurts one's body and morality, and has a very bad impact on life. In modern
society, pornographic culture is particularly corrosive to young people. Each AV is like atomic
bombs, exploding among young people. Countless young people are poisoned by this adulterous
culture without realizing it, and thinking they are cool. Here, it's really upside-down! If someone
cuts himself with a knife, others will think he is crazy. In fact, the person who masturbates is cutting
himself with a sex knife, doing the same crazy things without knowing it.

"Shou Kang Baojian" says: "People are born from lust, so their habits are too strong. If they are not
careful, they often die from lust. The ancient sage king loves the people, that is, the couple has
intercourse. Wandering on the roads, hoping to avoid the risk of sending lives by mistake, why is
his love like this? In the later generations, not only the state decree will not mention it, that is,
parents and children, nor will it be mentioned. As a result, most of the teenagers lost their lives by
mistake. Which one is worse." Things in the house can give birth to people, but also kill people!
How many people can see through the gate of life and the household of death? The color knife is
the weapon for the waste to kill. This is the most ruthless meat knife. This knife is 10,000 times
stronger than the iron knife and steel knife! Zeng Guofan, a famous official in the late Qing
Dynasty, also rebooted to cultivate himself. For example, he once wrote: "At the beginning of the
afternoon, human desires are blazing and can no longer be controlled." Pay attention to temperance,
otherwise there is a risk of injury or death. The vast majority of people don’t even know how
precious the kidney essence is. Shoot your most precious essence on the concrete floor, on the pile
of excrement and urine, vent your life treasure, full of evil ideas and evil opinions, and finally shoot
yourself into the hospital and on the operating table. The doctor takes the man. Surgery...In this age
of prostitution, people who really know the harm of masturbation are only a few percent, or even
one thousandth, please be one of those!

[Dharma lights up life]

The real turning point in my life was when I met Dharma. Dharma lightened my life completely and
filled my life with new meaning. A brother once said: "If there is no Dharma, flying will not persist
until now." I agree with him very much. If there is no blessing of Dharma, maybe I withdrew early
because I made a vow to help more people. , That’s why I have persisted until now. The Dharma
has given me the courage and strength to persevere. Many senior brothers have slowly faded out of
everyone’s sight. Few people can really persist, but I hope that more people can stay and take
helping others to awaken and reboot as part of their own public welfare undertakings. , Do it for a
long time, and let the positive energy continue to be transmitted in the land of China. Sometimes
your inadvertent publicity can change the destiny of a person's life. This person will silently thank
you in his heart, and appreciate the person who awakened him and saved him.

I used to misunderstand Buddhism. I always felt that Buddhism was superstitious. Later I gradually
went deep into Buddhism and realized that my original idea was completely prejudiced. Buddhism
is divided into righteous beliefs and superstitions. Buddhism is not only about kowtow, burning
incense, worshiping Buddha, and seeking peace. To learn Buddhism, you should study Buddhism
deeply. You can’t just stay on the surface. Only by understanding can you believe it. The principles
of Buddhism are very profound and at the same time very profound. Simple, the so-called road to
simplicity. Buddhism is the highest level in traditional culture, with profound and profound wisdom
connotations. It is really blessed to be able to come into contact with Buddhism. When rebooting,
we pay attention to controlling our own thoughts, and we must stop when we think about it. This is
completely connected with the Buddha Law. We are all cultivating our mind and our own thoughts.
However, the Buddha Law has a wider range of healing, greed, hatred, delusion, and doubt It is
necessary to cure it, and Buddhism has a higher and deeper understanding of the nature of thoughts.
This is mentioned in many teachings of great virtues. Those who are predestined can study that part
of the content. I used to think that Buddhism was a mythical novel, or equivalent to a fable. It was a
false and non-existent character. After I got in touch with Buddhism, I realized that there is indeed a
transcendent existence in this world. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are real, not fictional. People in,
there are indeed incredible phenomena happening, and real people who are predestined will be
extremely sensitive to this kind of information. There are countless manifestations of Buddhas and
Bodhisattvas. In 1997, the bronze statue of Guanyin on Mount Putuo was consecrated to show the
saints, the eyes closed of the Leshan Giant Buddha in 1962, and all kinds of rebirths, there are too
many. Science and Buddhism are actually not contradictory. Many scientists recognize Buddhism,
but science currently cannot explain those transcendent phenomena, because this is completely
beyond the level of knowledge and scope of scientists.

Although it is possible to reboot successfully by taking the path of professional rebooting, if you
miss the Dharma in this life, I think it is a great loss in life. What we have to do is to eliminate
prejudice against Buddhism and truly experience the Dharma with a pure heart. At that time you
will benefit endlessly. If you want to enter the highest level of rebooting, Buddhism is the way.
How many seniors who have successfully rebooted are learning Buddhism, and Buddhism can
really open up people's wisdom. Jet Li is studying Buddhism, Li Ka-shing is also studying
Buddhism. There are so many celebrities who study Buddhism. But learning Buddhism is by fate.
No one will force you to learn Buddhism. You can re-understand the Dharma. Buddhism has
lightened my life and allowed me to complete the transformation and sublimation of my life. I also
hope that more people can get enlightenment from the wisdom of Buddhism. The time to change
my destiny has come. Please take good care of it.

Final summary:

I used to be an adulterous prodigal. I looked back suddenly and suddenly found that traditional
culture stretched out an olive branch to me. Traditional culture is like a kind old grandfather. He
looked at me with compassion. He has been waiting for me to turn back. , To accept his teachings
and purify your own soul. Now I have completely transformed, not only to get rid of the bad habit
of masturbation, but also to live a life of doing good and accumulating virtue. Every good deed is as
precious as a piece of gold. To be a true good person, with a heart like gold, to live pure, pure
goodness, and pureness.

Let me share a reboot poem

"Awakening the Inner Child"

Open old photo album

That pure child is smiling

He lives in a world where there is no control

I don’t even know what it is.

He smiled so shyly

Pure bloom in the winter sun

Close the photo album and pick up the mirror

A wretched face suddenly appeared in the mirror

Distorted, old, oily, and apathetic

Vaguely like back then

撸管 has changed him beyond recognition

Can't help but sigh

Is this the original pure child?

Obviously not anymore

Controlling vices has made him

Turned into an ugly monster

Even he himself feels sick

Those days that are not lulling up

What kind of mentality

The original self is a clear spring

No obscenity, infinitely beautiful

Present self

Is a dirty sewer

The mind is full of dirty

It's time to wake up that pure child

100 days after rebooting

He faces the sea

A pure smile bloomed again

It feels so good not to be lured!

Two books recommended this season

1. "Guan Jing Si Tie Shu": Master Shan Dao, Master Shan Dao is the second-generation ancestor of
the Pure Land Buddhism, and Si Tie Shu is the commentary of the Pure Land classic "Buddha Sutra
of Immemorial Life" (abbreviated as Guan Jing). In the fifteenth year of Zhenguan, Master Shandao
was twenty-nine years old. He went to Xuanzhong Temple in Shek Pik Valley, Xihe, where he met
Zen Master Dao Chuo and was given the "Infinite Life Sutra". Seeing the Ninth Grade Dojo of Pure
Land, Master Shandao was overjoyed and said: "This is the key to true Buddhahood, and it is
difficult to make a surplus. This is the only method that can quickly exceed life and death." Rescue
burns. Master Shandao always kneels and sings Buddha every time he enters the room. When
chanting Buddhism in the cold weather, you have to chant until the sweaty clothes stop. When he
came out, he gave a speech on the Pure Land Method. For more than 30 years, he did not sleep.
Keep the precepts, and do not violate the slenderness. Xin Jue misses fame and Lilu, and never sees
a woman with his eyes up. Self-discipline is severe, and treat others with love and forgiveness. All
delicacies are provided for the public, and rough meals are reserved for themselves. The lamp in
front of the Buddha is not extinguished all year round. Never meet with people to talk about worldly
things, I am afraid that it will delay the pure karma. Master Shandao has a deep practice in
recitation of Buddhism, and his achievements are outstanding. When you recite a Buddha, there is a
light from your mouth; when you recite a hundred thousand sounds, there are tens of thousands of
lights from your mouth, and the realm of self-evidence is incredible. In the works of Master
Shandao, there are a lot of persuasion to the people of the time. "Gujing Jing Si Tie Shu" says:
"When you return, the demonic land cannot be stopped. There is no surplus of happiness
everywhere, except for the sigh of sadness. After this life, you will enter the city of Nirvana."
Master Shandao also has his first famous persuasion verse: "Gradually, look at the dragons and
bells on the walk, and the palace is full of gold and jade. How can you avoid aging and suffering. If
you are happy for a thousand times, impermanence will eventually come. There is only way to
practice. , But I recite Amitabha." I practiced the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism. I practiced reciting
the Buddha every day. I used to recite the Shurangama Mantra and the Great Compassion Mantra.
Now I specialize in reciting the Buddha. "Erhe Baidao Yu" is also very classic. This book by
Master Shandao is really a rare magic weapon, and I hope that the brothers who are destined can
encounter it.

2. "Yin Laws and Ruthless": Shangguan Yuhua, I have studied "Ksitigarbha Sutra" before, so the
acceptance of this kind of theme is still very high. Master Suixu also talked about it in "Memoirs of
Shadows and Dust" It’s his experience of returning to the underworld, so I am very convinced that
there is the underworld. I have also invited "Jade Li Baochao" before, and I am also very interested
in this kind of subject. I knew the book "Yin Lv Ru Qing" a few years ago, but it did not attract my
high attention at that time. Later, it happened by coincidence. , I saw two discourses in "Yin Lv Ru
Qing" on the Internet, one is the hell of masturbating sentient beings, and the other talks about the
Virgin Mary as the incarnation of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and this discourse and proclaiming the
Master The teachings of "Yin Lv Ruo Qing" were completely consistent. At this time, I felt that
"Yin Lv Ru Qing" was not simple, which attracted my attention. So I invited "Yin Lv Ru Qing" on
Taobao. There are two copies in total, regardless of the cover. The layout is exquisite. "Yin Lv Ru
Qing" was written in modern times, and "Jade Li Baochao" was written in the Yongzheng period of
the Qing Dynasty. It is a long-copied Yin Lv Shu, which records the experience of the practitioners
with the name "Dandruff" in traveling to the underworld. . "Jade Li Baochao" talked about the
consequences of adultery, but did not particularly emphasize the problem of masturbation, while
"Yin Lv Ruqing" specifically emphasized the consequences of masturbation. In modern society,
masturbation is rampant, and there are countless sentient beings who masturbate, so this problem is
particularly prominent and also very serious. The special emphasis on masturbation in "Yin Lv Ru
Qing" is really shocking and in line with the characteristics of the times. "Yin Lv Ru Qing" is a
good book that reveals the secrets of the world. If you read it, you will feel it is a great opportunity,
while people who are not destined may have misunderstandings when you read it. Personally, I
attach great importance to "Yin Lu Ru Qing". , I also hope that the majority of destined brothers can
read this good book.
Season 84: From Beginner to Mastery: Actual Combat
After we start rebooting, we must distinguish the definitions of prostitution and prostitution. Many
people don’t know what prostitution is and what is prostitution. Before marriage is classified as
prostitution, masturbation is also classified as prostitution, extramarital affairs are also classified as
prostitution, and prostitution is also classified as prostitution. Of course, if you subdivide it, there are
many other ways to commit adultery. Evil adultery hurts one's body and morality. The ancient sages
unanimously opposed adultery. Although righteous adultery is in line with human relationships, one
should also pay attention to maintaining restraint. Otherwise, the kidneys will be depleted and
symptoms will be plagued. How can one achieve restraint after marriage? Then you must study more
articles on rebooting and health maintenance, and strive to raise your awareness in this area, so that you
can hope to achieve restraint.
Moderate and temperance are actually synonyms. Of course, moderate masturbation is not advisable.
Because masturbation is a kind of adultery and is highly addictive, it can't be done at a time, but the
temperance after marriage is in line with the human relationship. Awareness level. People who do not
have the consciousness of rebooting and keeping in good health are often easy to indulge after
marriage, and the symptoms will come to their door. When the rate of depletion is greater than the rate
of recovery, the result is bound to be symptomatic! After the kidney essence is depleted, the body will
slowly recover, but many people have not waited for the complete recovery, and immediately began a
new round of depletion, so that over time, the body begins to lose money. As the age rises, the recovery
speed will become slower and slower, but at this time many people's sex addiction is getting heavier, so
the body gradually becomes overwhelmed. Just like a prodigal son, although he has a certain income,
he can spend money too much, and the speed of spending money is much faster than the speed of
making money. In this way, over time, he becomes a pauper and a debtor.
Attached with Master Yinguang's instruction:
"It is not forbidden to have a relationship between husband and wife, but it is necessary to respect each
other as a guest, as a ancestor, and to be extremely austere, not to be greedy for happiness, and cause
death. Although it is a spouse, greedy for pleasure can also be guilty, but the crime is lighter. Not only
should the external sex not be adulterous, that is, the husband and wife should be adulterous, and there
should be restrictions, otherwise it will be either premature death or disabled. Those who are greedy for
intercourse, children are not easy to have, that is, it is difficult to live and grow up, that is, adults are
also weak and do nothing. The world uses adultery. For pleasure, not knowing that happiness is only
for a moment, suffering until life, with children and grandchildren."
Share some cases below
1. [Brother Feixiang, I am now in the first year of high school. I started to urinate from the second year.
Now I obviously feel memory loss, tinnitus, premature ejaculation, and impotence. The most
troublesome thing for me is waiting for urine. When I go to the shared toilet to urinate, someone next to
me can’t urinate. I’ve been rebooting for 2 days now. Contacting rebooting has had a great impact on
me, but the most profound thing is that I finally know why people keep saying that my eyes are lost. I
think back to me, a recognized male god, no matter how I go. Wherever I go, some girls will notice that
I am not energetic now, my face is full of pimples, and others say that I am too mature...]
Additional comment: This brother from the first year of high school has been lulled for three years
since the second grade, but his symptoms of sperm injury are already very obvious, such as mental
decline, tinnitus, decreased sexual function, shy urine, and changes in his eyes. He was so godless, and
his face began to explode. He completely threw off his spirit and spirit. He fell from the altar of the
male god to the mortal world. Falling into the mortal world is already considered good, and some
people directly from the altar of the male god Fall into prison and turn yourself into a deformed
monster! When someone euphemistically tells you: "You are very mature", then you should understand
what other people mean. Others are afraid of stabbing your self-esteem. In fact, the subtext of this
sentence is that you are very old and your actual age. Does not match. Masturbation does cause
premature aging or naiveness of the face. These are two extreme manifestations. Generally, there are
more feedbacks of premature aging, and naive feedbacks also appear from time to time. The flowers of
youth have not yet fully bloomed. I have just tasted the taste of a male god for a few years. I was
immediately destroyed by the bad habit of masturbation and turned into a broken flower and a
willow! It's really sighing: From heaven to hell, it's only a tick away.
2. [Save a kid in high school, I'm really too painful. The masturbation started in the second year of the
junior high school, the door of hell opened to me from that day on, and my daily life is very painful
until now. At the beginning, the semen was white, and I shot so much and far away, it felt like drugs
that made me unable to extricate myself. So I masturbate frequently, sometimes even two or three times
a day. I thought that this would not have any effect on me, because I used Baidu for a while, and one
answer was: it’s okay, it’s impossible to run out of semen like saliva. Of course, there are some answers
that the consequences of masturbation are very serious. Sadly, in order to continue this false pleasure, I
chose to believe the former statement. I continued to masturbate so frequently, and gradually,
retribution came. In the past, the white and slippery face began to develop acne and oil, and the hair
turned from black and shiny to withered like straw, and the eyes did not have the slightest brilliance.
There is a saying that men can not be handsome but not have energy. Academic performance
plummeted, and I felt inferior and afraid to talk to girls. 】
Additional comment: The symptom of this brother's injury to the essence is the deterioration of the skin
quality, the deterioration of the hair quality, the lack of focus, and the decreased mental power. These
symptoms are all typical. I also came from the student party and experienced junior high and high
school, but at that time I was not exposed to harmful theories. At that time, I was also a mad blind man.
I just said that I didn’t understand the physical and mental consequences of being a blind man. , There
is no concept at all. Because I was addicted to the bad habit of masturbation, in middle and high school,
my body already showed a lot of symptoms of sperm injury, and I also vaguely felt that masturbation
was harmful, but I was like an addict, it was difficult to get rid of the control of the demons. I found
that people who can really come into contact with harmful doctrines and believe in harmful doctrines
actually have great good roots and blessings. The innocence doctrine in modern society is extremely
rampant, and it is a kind of innocuous doctrine under the guise of science. It is difficult to tell right
from wrong. There are a lot of innocence theory. Teenagers who have no discernment ability read it.
They tend to slip farther and farther on the road of masturbation. "Semen and saliva are impossible to
deplete." This sentence seems very correct, but it has been Can't scrutinize, because although many
people can still shoot, he is already suffering from symptoms. He has been tortured by the symptoms
very painfully. In this case, should he continue to shoot? Slightly small, you get sick! People who don't
understand this medical theory are idiots. In addition, some people shoot crazy, a dozen times a day,
and finally shoot fiercely, and they may die! This is not alarmist, it has also been reported in
newspapers that people who say that semen is impossible to run out are either frogs at the bottom of the
well, or they deliberately lead people into evil ways. (Sun Simiao, a well-known doctor in the Tang
Dynasty, pointed out: "Small little will lead to illness, exhausted will die. Don't miss it, don't be
careless.") Foreign scientists have defined masturbation as a drug. I think this kind of characterization
is very accurate. Masturbation is indeed a kind of drug. Highly addictive vices are characterized by
being out of control. Basically, they are addictive. Once they taste the insatiable pleasure, they will try
to ingest it again and again. It is really just like taking drugs. Self-extrication is especially true for
teenagers who lack self-control.
3. [Teacher Feixiang, I want to ask that I haven't had dreams for a long time after rebooting. I found
that my complexion had declined after the dreams last night, and I felt that my face had turned black.
What's the matter? 】
Additional comment: Not only masturbation is a drain of energy, but dreams are also a leak of energy,
while masturbation is a secret leak. These three types of leaks will all lead to a decline in complexion.
Some brothers indulge in obsessiveness for a period of time. Then they look in the mirror and
immediately find that the complexion has declined, just so fast, it's so obvious. Many people have been
aging for several years, and it is winter again. Once the kidney essence leaks, it will easily lead to a
decline in complexion. The complexion is better to be smooth. After ejaculation, you will find that your
complexion darkens, becomes turbid, becomes unclean, and even turns black. Traditional Chinese
medicine talks about kidney deficiency and dark complexion, which gives people a dull complexion.
The feeling of matt. When a person is full of energy, the face will have a pure brilliance, clean, clear
and shiny, and the surface of the eyes will have a pure brilliance like a thin film. This pure brilliance
will only appear when the spirit is sufficient. The face is the mirror of the five internal organs, and the
kidney is the root of the five internal organs. After ejaculation, it will definitely appear on the
face. Xiangxue specializes in physiognomy, and Chinese medicine also has color diagnosis. The
knowledge in physiognomy is very great, "Xianglihengzhen": "Wandering on the surface is called qi,
and when exposed to the outside, it is called color. It is full of skin. What is inside is called qi, and what
is outside of the skin is called color. The complexion is found in the five internal organs. The five
internal organs, where the gods live, will have good and bad, and you must first respond to the color,
and see it in the face. On one side, the complexion diverges and appears and disappears, good and bad
are broken, and good fortune can be known." Zeng Guopan’s "Bing Jian" said: "The name of the family
is mainly yellow. This is also true. The yellow cloud covers the top, and it must be big. Kui; yellow
wings enter the temple, not far into the body; Yintang yellow, rich and powerful; Mingtang pure, next
year and the first. The corners of the eyes are fresh, and the quiz is determined; the Yintang is purple,
and the profit is small; Jia'er; the two cheeks are rosy, and the flesh and blood are prosperous. From
this, it is obvious. "After rebooting, we will definitely have dreams. On the one hand, we must learn to
control the frequency of nocturnal emission. On the other hand, we must pay attention to recuperation
and exercise moderately after nocturnal emission. The complexion will be restored soon. A good
complexion is very important to a person's fortune. For example, when you go to an interview, when
someone sees you with a very bad complexion, the first impression will not be good. People with poor
complexion will feel bad and even feel inferior. Keep rebooting and health preservation, and strictly
control the dysplasia, maintain good living habits and exercise habits, and do more good deeds, so that
you will be radiant and radiant, and you will be full of positive energy wherever you go. Once they
have positive energy, others will naturally be convinced. The person with positive energy will sit in
front of the interviewer, and a strong positive energy will convince the other party, just like a tiger
sitting in front of a cat. Without speaking, the interviewer has already taken you seriously. If you are all
insignificant and sit in front of the interviewer, the result is
4. [Teacher Feixiang, I am now at the peak of relapse, and I have to read articles and
stay rebooting almost all the time to ensure that I will not relapse. As long as you do other things, there
is a voice in your mind saying: "Let's take a look, it won't break." I deeply know that as long as I
contract pornography, I am destined to break the precept, but there are so many instigated thoughts that
I can't concentrate on doing things and ask for help. What should I do? 】
Additional comment: what to do? One word: break! The instigated thoughts have come up, and they
will be killed right away. Don't listen to the instigated thoughts. Instigated thoughts are very thief, and
it is really impossible to guard against. If a person does not know how to recognize his own thoughts,
then he is likely to be deceived by the instigated thoughts. If you believe the instigation idea, it is easy
to relapse. This brother's enlightenment is still good. He knows what an instigation idea is. This is
already an improvement. Many rebooting rookies don't know what an instigation idea is. , When those
thoughts appeared, he thought it was his own intention, but in fact it was clearly instigated by the
demons. We must learn to recognize the instigation thoughts. When such thoughts appear, we must be
extra vigilant. We must never distinguish ourselves from the enemy and recognize the thief as the
father. We must resolutely and decisively kill such thoughts. Don’t hesitate, don’t compromise, and kill.
That kind of thought! In fact, as long as you don't listen to such thoughts, they will naturally disappear,
just like a liar comes to lie to you, and you know that the other party is a liar, naturally you will not be
fooled. I'm afraid that the liar will make you feel soft and hard, and finally shake you up, and it will be
inevitable to break the precept.
5. [Learning knowledge of Chinese medicine is indeed helpful for health preservation. I have watched
Qu Limin’s health preservation videos. She also said that many teenagers have problems with
masturbation, and masturbation should be resolutely resisted. I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor
on the 27th. The doctor was very good and taught me a lot of Chinese medicine knowledge. He gave
me acupuncture and prescribed prescriptions. He also emphasized the need to get rid of "bad habits." 】
Additional comment: While persisting in rebooting, we must learn more about health maintenance.
While enhancing the awareness of rebooting, we must also work hard to improve our awareness of
health maintenance. Rebooting and health regimen are like the two wings of a bird. Some brothers do
well, but their health regimen awareness is very poor, resulting in poor recovery. Learning knowledge
of TCM health preservation can also promote and deepen one 's knowledge and understanding of
the harms of masturbation . In this era of innocence, there are still doctors who have righteous
knowledge and right view. It is really my blessing to meet such doctors. The doctors that many people
meet are those who are brainwashed by harmlessness. They will only tell you wrong opinions and
make you more addicted to the vice of masturbation. Think about it, everyone, why did the ancient
sages advocate rebooting? The son said: "When you are young, the vitality is not fixed, but the quit is
the color." "Shou Kang Baojian" says: "Lose is the first level of youth. This level can not be beaten. It
is useless to let him be highly talented. It is useless. Body-oriented. Flesh and flesh. So the one who can
grow up. The essence is the qi and the blood." The ancient sages and sages never said that they should
masturbate moderately. The sages are truly superior and possess superb wisdom. If you don’t believe it
The wisdom of sages must end up with bitter fruit. The qualitative nature of masturbation is a bad
habit, a bad habit that must be quit! Should resolutely resist!
6. [Check today, kidney stones! The poster is 16 years old this year. The pain in the left abdomen was
unbearable yesterday. I went to the hospital for an examination today. The stone in the left kidney with
effusion, the stone in the upper part of the left ureter, the stone is 2 cm in size, needs to be hospitalized
for surgery, and the operation and hospitalization cost more than 10,000 Yuan, masturbation was
frequent before, brothers must take a warning! Remember that being cool is the beginning of suffering.
When you start masturbating, one of your feet has already stepped into the hospital
door. Remember! Don't commit adultery, don't let ignorance ruin yourself. 】
Additional comment: Masturbation leads to the hospital! This 16-year-old brother is already suffering
from kidney stones and has to be hospitalized for surgery, which cost more than 10,000 yuan. The
retribution of masturbation is really fast, and the gods do harm to adultery the fastest! "Emperor
Wenchang Xunfu Shizi to Quit Prostitution" Wendi said: "The way of heaven is damaging to adultery.
The report is very fast. People are not afraid. Dreams and dreams are ignorant. If you go through
inspections and do not repair. That is to say, disasters will stand." Be happy, be careful to list the list in
the future hospital! The hospital will settle the ledger with the lucrative person! Many people believed
in harmlessness before, but when the symptoms came to him, and then look at the harmlessness theory,
you will suddenly find that the harmlessness theory is simply nonsense, fundamentally false, and
completely contrary to the teachings of the sages! It's really harmful! A 32-year-old brother who
suffered a stroke once said bitterly that he was superstitious about the so-called brick family, and as a
result, he became symptomatic, and he was worse off than life! Many people became unscrupulous
under the misleading of the brick family, rushed all the way on the road of self-destruction, and finally
rushed themselves into the hospital! People and wealth are empty, regret it! In this case, the brother had
kidney stones, which was not bad. A brother had directly suffered a terminal illness of the urinary
system before, and the retribution was even more tragic.
7. [Brother Feixiang, I have been abstaining for four months, my body has gradually improved, and my
social fear has greatly improved. I am still waiting for urine and other symptoms have disappeared. 】
Additional comment: This is a case of recovery. Many brothers are plagued by social terror, and some
serious even want to commit suicide. Chinese medicine said: the kidneys dominate fear! Masturbation
hurts the kidney to a certain extent, a person will become inexplicably afraid, and severely will get
phobia. At the beginning, I had to live with social fears. I closed myself up at home all day and didn't
want to see anyone. That feeling was really uncomfortable, and it was just a cocoon. Later, I insisted on
rebooting and keeping in good health. To a certain extent, social fear was greatly relieved. In addition, I
continued to study traditional culture, and my heart became sunny and cheerful again, just like being
reborn, like climbing from the bottom of a cave. , Finally climbed to the exit, and once again returned
to the beautiful and bright world. Rehabilitation from social terrorism is also a natural process. I can’t
be anxious, but I can only persist slowly. If the illness goes away like silky threads, I need to cooperate
with medicine to treat it in serious cases. You can go to a Chinese medicine doctor. Season 73 is
devoted to social terrorism. Brothers who are troubled by social terrorism can go and see it.
8. [Brother Feixiang, ask for help. I am 19 years old this year. I was good at maths in elementary
school. Later I used it for more than 6 years. Now that memory, understanding, and reaction have all
declined, I will cry if I know the truth! I used to be a little proud and always felt smarter than the
average person, but now I have become a fool! Sad! And there is a pile of white hair on the back of his
head, and his stomach is very poor. 】
Additional comment: Chinese medicine talks about the kidneys can help the brain! The kidney controls
the bone to produce marrow, and the brain is the sea of marrow. After masturbation, the brain power
will naturally decrease, and the brain power decline is not bad. Many brothers are suffering from
neurosis, which is even more painful. The mental decline is almost catastrophic for the student party,
because the test requires strong mental support! I have seen many posts written by brothers. Many
people were really talented and intelligent before masturbation, but when they started to indulge in
masturbation, everything changed completely. Many people's academic performance dropped very
sharply, some I even dropped more than 200 places in my grade ranking, and I felt that I became stupid.
The math problems that were easy to understand are now hard to understand after racking my brains.
Masturbation is really bad for my brain. This brother mentioned a word, that is "truth". Many teenagers
are completely foolish, really confused! If you knew the truth long ago, would you still destroy yourself
so madly? At least it will converge a lot. One of the iron rules of masturbation is that the
gastrointestinal function will definitely be disordered, either constipation, loose discharge or irregular
stool. The kidney is closely related to the digestive function. If the kidney qi is insufficient, the
digestive function will naturally be disordered. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Hair is the essence of the
kidneys. When kidney essence is constantly depleted, hair quality will decline, and then gray hair and
hair loss are prone to appear. If you stick to the precepts, your hair quality will get better again, and
your gray hair will turn black, but your hair will recover slowly, so you must be patient and strengthen
9. 【 I’m 21 years old this year and I’ve been babbling for ten years. I’ve been babbling almost every
day for the first five years, sometimes several times a day... In the next five years, I have hematuria,
and the kidney stones scared me, so I quit. Two years, but watching pornography is still uninterrupted,
the body is still very poor! Later, I broke the vows, and I am still going crazy every month! I even got
headaches and nausea! What should I do? I have thought about suicide, but I don’t dare to commit
suicide when I think of my parents. Their investment and affection for me has never repaid me at all. I
am not reconciled, but always fail. 】
Supplementary comment: This brother is more addicted. He was frightened by bleeding in the urine.
His symptoms woke him up with the first blow, but his so-called quitting for two years was not
complete. He was still watching pornography, so he quit twice. Years, the effect can be imagined. We
must reboot thoroughly. We just don’t look at it. This is a misunderstanding that often occurs in
rebooting newcomers. As long as you read it, the following will leak out. This is a conditioned reflex,
and obsessiveness is a secret leak, indulging in adultery on the body Recovery is very
unfavorable. While rebooting thoroughly, we must strengthen the regimen and restoration. Rebooting is
a systematic project, and regimen and restoration is also a systematic project. Grasp with both hands
and both hands must be hard. "Da Ji Jing" says: "The lust into the heart is like a ghost." Crazy,
exhausted, completely lost, and my body can no longer stand it, but the heart demon will not let you go,
the heart demon must To squeeze every drop of your essence. So, don’t raise the demons, don’t feed
them, otherwise it will become more and more perverted, getting worse and worse, until it completely
wears down your body, and waits until you have a stroke, diabetes, or a terminal illness. At this time, Is
it too late to regret again? The "Satisfaction Sutra" says: "Female sex desires heartburn, and suffers
great distress later." The consequences of adultery are terrible. People who are truly wise should turn
their heads back as soon as possible, and must make the greatest determination to reboot, and must
learn to be professional. Rebooting, do not force or blind ring, force or blind ring is not learning, if you
don't learn, there will be no substantial improvement in your consciousness, so you can't subdue your
own demons.
10. [Big Brother Flying, I broke again today, I got an erection unconsciously, and my heart demon
came up. I did a mental struggle. After reviewing the rebooting materials, I felt that it was still not
good, so I quickly ran outdoors and got close to the old man. Naturally, I feel much better when I go
back indoors. In the afternoon, the heart demon came again, and it was out of control and broke. What
should I do? 】
Additional comment: The demon test will definitely come. The manifestation of the heart demon is evil
thoughts or instigation, pride, hatred, doubt, etc. When the thought comes up, it must be eliminated as
soon as possible. Just like an enemy climbing a city wall, it must be discovered and killed as soon as
possible. These two firsts must be in place! It is too important to find out at the first time. The small
spark is so extinguished. It will be extinguished with one foot. If it becomes a big fire, then you have to
use a fire truck. The later you find it, the more passive it will be, and the difficulty of breaking your
mind will also be Increase a lot. This brother survived the morning, but in the afternoon the heart
demon came again. This time he did not kill the heart demon, instead he became the puppet of the heart
demon. The mind demon is of the demon king level, and many people’s levels of awareness and
cessation are still in the rookie stage. As a result of fighting with the mind demon, the possibility of
being abused is relatively high, because your level is not enough and you can’t compete with the mind
demon. So you still have to learn more about rebooting articles, and keep practicing mindfulness, so
that you can hope to subdue the old monster of the heart demon.
Step into the text below
This season is devoted to the actual combat of cessation of mindfulness, which is the most practical
part of rebooting. No matter what type of rebooting article it is, this core issue cannot be circumvented
in the end. Just like a boxer, he keeps training in peacetime, and in the end he still has to go to the stage
for testing. Rebooting is not just talking about soldiers on paper. Rebooting is not a treat to dinner.
Rebooting is not just a real battle with real swords and guns. Rebooting is a struggle with one's own
inner demons! This is a life and death battle! Rebooting is war, and the battlefield is in your
mind. What should I do if evil thoughts come up? What should I do if the thought comes up? This is a
very real problem. Thoughts lead to behavior. If a person can control his thoughts, he can control his
behavior. Thoughts are the trigger of behavior. So one must learn to manage thoughts, be the master of
thoughts, not do. Slave of thoughts. You must cultivate yourself to be a master and master of
renunciation! Must have absolute control over thoughts! A truly top rebooting master, his level of
absenteeism has reached its peak!
How can we master Sudden? First of all, we must learn to watch the mind. The so-called mind-
watching is to watch your own thoughts, "watch your own thoughts". These 7 words seem simple, but
many people may not understand it for several years because they have never been inward. Look, I
have never observed my own thought activities. Some brothers have to fail dozens or even hundreds of
times, and then through constant summarization and reflection, can they finally realize the weight of
these 7 words! When you understand these seven words, the level of rebooting will immediately rise. If
you don't understand, you will not have a real entry point, and you will still be a layman! Some time
ago, a brother who had been abstaining for more than a year suddenly realized the profound meaning of
these 7 words. He had read my article before, but he hadn’t read it. He didn’t know it deeply, and he
didn’t understand the essence. If a person repeatedly breaks the precepts, he must learn to analyze the
reasons. Where is the problem? At this time, senior’s article is a beacon. If you read senior’s article
after breaking the precept, the feeling will be very different. Many people only discover their problems
after breaking the precept. New epiphany. Once you understand the true meaning of rebooting, it will
soon be different. If you don’t learn to observe the mind, it’s difficult to enter a very stable level of
rebooting. Just like the highest nine stages of Go, many people may achieve 5, 6, 7, 8 through other
rebooting methods. To enter the highest level of control, you must learn to observe the mind! Be sure to
watch your thoughts.
Seeing is capable of seeing, and seeing can also be interpreted as observation ability. Just as a sniper
has a very important quality, that is, the ability to observe on the battlefield. He can spend a few hours
on the ground and develop his observation ability like an eagle eye. The sniper observes the enemy
outside, while the object we observe is the enemy inside, which is an awareness of the activity of
thoughts. No matter what kind of enemy you are observing, you need extremely keen observation
ability. On the battlefield, the enemy must be discovered as soon as possible, and then the enemy can
be killed. If it is discovered late, it will definitely fall into an embarrassing and passive situation. Some
snipers are directly equipped with an observer. The observer is an indispensable member of the sniper
team. It is even more important than the sniper. The observer must have a keen observation ability and
be able to accurately see the battlefield. Only after the slightest change can the correct response
measures be taken. When we reboot, we must also develop strong observation skills. This is the
observation of the inner battlefield and the keen awareness of our own thoughts and activities.
The first step in cessation of mind is to observe the mind, that is, to perceive and contemplate the mind.
The second step is to identify which thoughts will lead to the breaking of the precepts. Suspension can
be simply divided into three steps: 1. Discover; 2. Identify; 3. Kill. The first time I discovered my
thoughts and activities, these thoughts can be divided into two categories: 1. Thoughts that lead to
relapse; 2. Thoughts that do not lead to relapse. The second step is to recognize thoughts. There is also
a deep knowledge. Only through continuous learning and summarization can we know which thoughts
will lead to relapse. Thoughts that can lead to relapse are the enemy and must be killed
immediately! The first step is the strongest, and the first intervention can take the initiative. You must
resolutely get rid of the thoughts that will lead to relapse in the first time. You must have the ability to
make the mind tremble and stop thinking. Don't use ruthlessness on the tube. Use ruthlessness for the
interruption! Be cruel to the demons! Must be severely broken! Have the courage to let the demon hear
the news!
The skill of cessation of mind is also improved layer by layer. Many people know the mantra of
cessation of obscenity (i.e.: stop when you start thinking, stop when you start, stop when you start, feel
when you start, and feel nothing.) But not everyone can use it. Some brothers replied that the idea came
up. Why didn't I read this formula? He thought the formula didn't work. In fact, he didn't know how to
use it, and he didn't really understand the connotation of the formula. Just like the same gun, ten people
use it to shoot targets in turn. There are likely to be ten different results. There must be high and low
levels, and some people will even miss the target. At this time, if someone blames the gun for bad, then
it’s ridiculous. ? Obviously his marksmanship is not good, but he blames his guns for being bad, and
marksmanship is to be learned over time, not overnight. Familiarize yourself with the obscene formula,
so that you can learn to watch your mind, learn to watch your own thoughts, and then learn to control
your own thoughts. These four dictums are the highest summary of the actual combat of thoughts.
These four sentences are actually derived from the spiritual cultivation method of Buddhism. The
highest level of professional rebooting and the wisdom of the sages are completely interlinked. After a
certain level of quitting, you will naturally understand them. secret.
When you think about it, you should know that when you see it, it will naturally escape, just like seeing
a thief just getting started, the first time you find that the thief is running away. The key is to find out at
the first time that the best time to break the mind is just a few tenths of a second at the beginning.
Do not follow: Not follow is actually break! Cut off the flow of your own thoughts, otherwise many
people will start thinking, he will follow the thoughts, he is constantly multiplying his own thoughts,
the second thought, the third thought, the fourth thought, the fifth thought... The rate of reproduction of
thoughts is amazing.
When you think about it, you are aware: To be aware is to see your own thoughts. To be aware is to
keep a keen awareness and contemplation of your heart. To be aware is to observe your own thought
activities. To be aware is like being aware of cold and warm, and being aware of your own
thoughts. When you start to feel it, it also emphasizes the first time discovery.
Awareness is nothing: seeing is liberating, seeing is defeating, seeing is surrendering, when the idea
first sprouts, it disappears as soon as you feel it, without any effort. I'm afraid you won't realize it.
When the power of thought becomes stronger, it will be difficult to deal with, and then you will fall
into inner struggle.
The general policy of these four mantras is to prevent continuous thoughts. Once thoughts continue,
they will become stronger until they fully control your body. Just like a Trojan horse virus appeared, if
you don't eliminate it, it will control your computer. Those thoughts that can lead to relapse are to
control Trojan horse viruses. If you are caught by those viruses, you will have behaviors of
control. These four phrases emphasize one word: Jue! To feel is to discover, to feel is to see, the first
time you feel, you can get rid of your thoughts. You don't need to let you think about other things to
stop your thoughts. As long as you feel it, it's settled. It's that simple. The actual combat of thoughts is
an instant, an instant, a few tenths of a second, the true mind-breaking master actually solves the battle
in an instant, and will never be dragged.
Some people cut off thoughts by chanting the Buddha's name. This is also very good. When the thought
comes, they immediately mention the Buddha's name and cut it off. The Buddha's name is like a King
Kong sword, which can cut off the thoughts, but it must be proficient to start When the effect of
cessation of mind is satisfied, the key word is awakening. When the thought of awakening comes,
immediately mention the Buddha's name. When the thought comes up, the mind-bone view and the
view of impurity can also be treated, and the harm of thinking and adultery can also be treated. Any
method of treatment must be proficient, and be able to realize the first time, the first time Anti-
governance. In addition, some people have also recommended diversion and push-ups, etc. Is there any
effect? Have! But this kind of method is not the best method, and it is relatively elementary, very
unstable, and people who have not really mastered the cessation of mind use this method. When you
really master the mind-breaking process, in actual combat, it is actually very easy and not tiring,
because the battle is often over within a few tenths of a second, and it is resolved in a single sleep. The
word "jue" is so intriguing that it should be written at home, and it should be thoroughly understood!
Seniors have been ups and downs in the sea for more than ten years, and have accumulated a lot of
practical experience. Before, I was abused by the heart demon to be incomplete and bruised by
symptoms. At that time, I was very stupid and didn't know where the enemy was, just like a recruit. On
the battlefield, he died without knowing what was going on. Later, through constant reflection and
summarization, I finally realized the secret of successful rebooting, which is to increase awareness
through continuous learning, and constantly practice cessation of mind. You must practice until you
reach the level of perfection, which is the most practical part of rebooting. Improving comprehensive
consciousness is also to strengthen the ability to break thoughts. Rebooting means leveling, leveling of
consciousness, and the ability to stop mindfulness. It must be practiced to the point of perfection, and it
must be practiced as magical skills and stunts! No one can do double off when they first learn to ride a
bicycle; no one becomes a sharpshooter when they first start shooting; and no one becomes an Olympic
champion after training for a few days. There is a process of practice and training in order to be
successful or to reach the level of intensiveness. Everyone uses keyboards to type. Could you practice
typing on the first day and you will be able to do ten-finger flips? I don’t think no one can do it. It’s
done by typing day by day. Similarly, the practice of absenteeism is also the same. At first, it is very
unfamiliar, but gradually becomes proficient. You must constantly look back at your heart and exercise
the strongest thought activity. Monitoring, practice makes perfect, familiarity is extremely self-
sufficient, when you are truly proficient in abstinence, it is not a problem to subdue the demon!
The following will supplement some details of the actual combat from 10 aspects.
1. Thought hijacking
As soon as the thought comes up, it is invisible, but I can be aware of it, know in my heart that it has
appeared, and it has come up. If you give evil thoughts an image, it will be like a robber. Such thoughts
are by no means good. They try to control your body, just like taking hostages. Once you are hijacked
by this idea, you are completely at its mercy, just like a puppet, out of your control at all. As soon as the
thought comes up, the battle begins, and the master of Sudden Mind finds it instantly, and solves it
instantly, just like a powerful instant sniper. When the evil thought comes up, it finds it and kills it right
away. In fact, a real master of mind-breaking is even more sniper than instant sniper, because as long as
you see it, you will be wiped out. If you feel it, you will be gone, and you will be killed when you feel
it. It is extremely fast. A real master of absenteeism, with a hit rate of 100%, no exceptions, just like
opening up.
2. Only fast but not broken
Suannian emphasizes fastness, which is fast, a soldier is fast, and Suannian is fast, and when the idea
comes up, can you discover it in the first place? Many people have been following their thoughts for a
long time, only to suddenly realize that they are caring about fornication. It is already too
late! Thoughts are already in force. As time goes by, thoughts will become overwhelming, just like a
forest fire. It is difficult to extinguish. The origin of a forest fire may be a cigarette butt. If it is in the
state of a cigarette butt, it can be extinguished. There won't be a complete loss of control in the back, so
you must find out the first time, and you must not let evil thoughts rush. If you are not afraid of reading
it, you are afraid of being late, and being late is a failure! The reaction must be fast enough to be able to
sleep early, so that the interruption will appear very relaxed, just like an adult hitting a child,
completely one-sided. If you feel late, that idea will become extremely strong, and it will be difficult to
defeat it at this time. It is like boxing champion Tyson in his infancy, anyone can beat him, when he
grows up, it will be difficult to beat, so it is very important and crucial to grasp the best time to break. It
takes only a few seconds from the time when the thought appears to the strength of the thought.
Therefore, a real master of mind-breaking is especially good at grasping the timing of mind-breaking.
3. Sharpen the knife
If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools! The mantra of decisive obscenity is
a magic knife! We usually recite the mantra of judging the meaninglessness is to sharpen the knife,
sharpening the knife is very hard work, after a long time of practice, the kung fu arrives, the sword
energy will slowly permeate. When the time comes, the thought will come up, and it will definitely be
cut down, let it taste the power of the butcher knife, we must sharpen this knife very sharp, even if the
thought comes up, come and kill one by one, so that it will not leave a piece of armor. , Killing the idea
not dare to invade easily, surpassing the supernatural power. If you are not afraid of the magic test, you
are afraid that your knife will be blunt, and the blunt knife will cut continuously! Sharpen the knife
with persistence, and continuously increase the power of decisive killing after thousands of times of
sharpening. The cold light flashed, the knife was sheathed, and the heart demon fell to the ground. As
the saying goes: holding the Tumodao in his hand, the Shenfeng is three feet long.
Attach a parable:
A wild boar was lying on the ground and grinds his teeth diligently. The fox saw it and said to it: "The
weather is so good. Everyone is resting and entertaining. You can join our team!" The wild boar did not
speak, and continued to grind his teeth. The teeth are sharp and sharp. The fox asked strangely: "The
forest is so quiet and there is no danger, why should you grind your teeth so hard?" The wild boar
stopped and replied, "If I don't sharpen my teeth, once I encounter other animals, it will be difficult to
fight. After them, it’s better to grind your teeth in your spare time."
4. Defending the city
We reboot as if we are guarding a city, and sooner or later the inner demons will come in and attack the
rebooting people violently, and even send people to encourage them. It's really like fighting. We must
stick to our own city, otherwise, once we are broken by the heart demon, it will inevitably be burned,
killed, looted, and completely hollowed out your body, and it will be madly hollowed out, madly
breaking the ring, and out of control. When we defend the city, we must also know ourselves and the
enemy, and we must master the laws of the inner demon's activities and the various routines of the
inner demon, so that we can know what we are doing, so that we can calm down and plan tactics in
actual combat. You must be able to hold it, and you must never let the inner demon succeed. If the
inner demon breaks through your city, the consequences will be unimaginable. Then you will become
the puppet of the inner demon, and you can't help yourself.
5. Splitting bricks
Breaking the mind must cultivate a decisive force. Splitting a brick is a good analogy. When splitting a
brick, you must concentrate your strength and be decisive. If you hesitate, your strength will be
insufficient or compromised, and it will be difficult to split. I once watched a video where a strong man
chopped hundreds of pieces in a row. The momentum and spirit were indeed very shocking. I felt that
he chopped very simply, without any muddle-headedness. The thought came up, it was like a brick, one
piece would be split into one piece, striving to be clean and tidy, and absolutely not
hesitating. Practicing to the highest level is completely a conditioned reflex. I don’t think about it at all.
It’s too late to think about it. You have to use the momentum of breaking bricks to break your mind.
That kind of self-confidence, that kind of decisiveness, it really takes a long time to do it. of. We are to
be the practicer of Sudden Mind, practice Sudden Mind hard, master the skill, and practice our own
unique skills. When the idea comes up, as soon as we sleep, it is like a devilish iron palm, and the idea
is killed.
6. Hamster metaphor
Many people should have played the game of Hamster. Gophers will continue to pop up. It is the
player’s reaction that is tested. And Hamster has a requirement, that is, to hit the Gopher within a
certain period of time. , Otherwise it will fail. We must also eliminate the evil thoughts in the shortest
possible time, otherwise the evil thoughts will continue to grow until they completely control your
body. After a certain period of rebooting, evil thoughts will definitely come up. At that time, your
ability to stop minding will be tested. If you can't stop, you will probably be possessed by thoughts, and
then there will be a series of relapses. The real master of absentmindedness is not afraid of evil
thoughts coming out, even if they do well, they will hit them as soon as they come out. Hamster is a
test of a person’s reaction speed. It requires quick eyesight and quick hands. There is a secret to hitting
a hamster. Don’t wait until the whole head is exposed. In this way, the reaction must be fast, and truly
grasp the golden time of a few tenths of a second, the evil thoughts appear slightly, and they will
immediately realize that they feel that there is nothing. Don't give the evil thoughts time and
opportunities to continue to grow.
7. Send a message
The heart demon will send messages to the rebooting person, and the content of the message is often in
the first person, so many people think it is their own meaning, in fact, the heart demon is encouraging
you. Some brothers have been quitting for a few months, and suddenly one day, a message appeared in
their minds: "Fuck it once, it's okay." Some brothers have quit for a while, and this message appeared
in their minds: "Try it. Your concentration, go see H." Or some brothers will receive a message like: "I
want to try to restore sexual function." When you read this message, it is the thought that appeared in
your brain. At this time, many people thought it was their own ideas, so they really tried. The inner
demon is very cunning, really good at instigating, and it's hard to guard against. The heart demon keeps
sending messages to people. For the rebooting veteran, he will definitely not listen to such thoughts,
and will definitely not be fooled! Many newcomers don't have that profound experience, and there are
many relapses. In this case, it's like your mobile phone receives a scam message. If you don't listen to
it, it will be fine. If you take it seriously and follow the scammer, you will suffer.
8. Subduing technique
Rebooting means surrendering one's heart, to surrender one's own demons, when the thought comes up,
learn to surrender it, the thought is like a person rushing up to beat you, and the thought tries to control
you. At this time, will you be willing to be controlled by it? Just like boxing, thoughts come up and
attack you frantically. At this time, you need to find the right time to knock down the demons.
Rebooting is a war between thoughts, and righteous thoughts must defeat evil thoughts. The best time
is to put it down as soon as the idea comes up. Don't let the idea play its momentum. We must have the
absolute initiative.
You can't become a swimming champion if you don't get into the water, and you won't be a reboot
champion if you don't practice hard and absent mind. As long as you practice cessation of mind,
everyone will be a rebooting champion! Through arduous training, you will make great progress in
breaking thoughts, and your control over thoughts will become stronger and stronger. The final result is
that when thought comes up 100 times, you can defeat it 100 times and come up 1000 times. , You will
be able to defeat it 1,000 times, and you will no longer be afraid of thoughts coming up, because you
already have the complete grasp of defeating thoughts! We are now working hard in mindfulness, just
to gain this kind of assurance. Mind-cutting is a kind of subduing technique, but it is the subdue
technique of mind. It can subdue one's thoughts, not someone's body. The two subdue objects are
different, but there are many similarities. Mind-cutting can also be said to be thoughts. Fighting. There
are only two results of rebooting: subduing and being subdued. Subduing the heart demon, you will
succeed; being subdued by the heart demon is a series of relapses.
9. Tai Chi Ting Jin
The word "listening" of "Tingjin" is not literally understood by ears, but the nerve endings feel the
magnitude and direction of their strength when they are in contact with the other party, so it is called
Tingjin. Practicing Taijiquan for a long time, the sense of touch in the hands is very sharp, and you can
feel the origin and direction of the strength of the opponent's body. This is the sound of Taijiquan. The
same is true for our mindfulness. If we practice mindfulness for a long time, our sensitivity to thoughts
will be greatly developed and improved, reaching the state of "one feather can't be added, flies can't
fall", and we are extremely sensitive and sensitive to thoughts. This level of mind-breaking kung fu
comes out after a long time of practice. The mind-breaking master is very sensitive to the appearance of
thoughts. Just like the shark’s sense of smell is very sensitive, it can smell blood from a few kilometers
away. His "mind smell" is a sensitivity that has evolved through constant practice. This is a realm that
can only be reached after thousands of actual battles with thoughts. The deeper the mind-breaking
effort, the stronger the perception of thoughts and the shorter the reaction time. In particular, the
smallest movement of thoughts can be sensed. The mind-breaking effort has entered the level of
"micro-sensation". The so-called micro-movement is Know! "Tai Chi Chuan" says: "From the
familiarity of the skill to the understanding of the strength, from the understanding of the strength to the
level and the gods." There is also a process from birth to familiarity in Kungfu. , In the end, you will be
able to reach the wonderful state of being extremely self-sufficient and proficient.
10. Mindfulness is king
I believe that after watching this season, everyone should have a new understanding and understanding
of Suannian. Do you really want to practice abstinence? Do you really want to be a master of Suannian,
a master of Suannian? In this world, there is one piece of kung fu that is really worth practicing, and it
is to stop mindfulness! When your mindfulness has become superb, you can naturally get rid of the
masturbation habit at that time. It is the thought that triggers the masturbation behavior. If you can
control your thoughts, you can eliminate the masturbation habit from the root! Rebooting awareness
includes the part of cessation of mind, but it is also for the last one, and that one of a sudden is the
actual combat. Just like you are taking a driver’s license, all theories are for finally being able to drive
The thought came up, and the novice duannian was directly abused by the thought!
The thought came up, and the master of Shunian directly abused the thought!
You must cultivate yourself to be a master of mind-breaking,
Surrender your thoughts and be the real master of your thoughts.
Final summary:
"The Sea of Desire" says: "The body of men and women is originally a leather bag, full of lochia, but it
is covered by thin skin, and it hides the heroes of the world..." Indulging in the vice of masturbation
will make a person burn out and decay prematurely. For those with deep appetites, the natural
mechanism is shallow, and if you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, it will make a person
withered trees and spring to blossom again with infinite vitality and vitality. Rebooting is like one
person and the enemy of ten thousand people! There must be a man in charge, an imposing manner, and
a person desperately to die, and a man is invincible! Quit desperately, quit to death! Have the spirit of a
martyr who will never retreat! Die hard to the end! Stubbornly quit! As the saying goes: There are still
strong men in China, and there is a lot of righteousness to fight evil!
Let me share a reboot poem
"If you don't lure, the breeze will come"
Pure breath rushes to your face
Perfect release of pure energy
Experience the detachment of physical and mental pleasure
This is the feeling of quitting
As fresh as a bamboo forest after the rain
Impressive and unforgettable
You have a child deep in your heart
The child's heart is as clear as a fountain, smart and lively
Have not been contaminated by Xanthox, still innocent
No matter how dirty you are, that child is always pure
Please wake up that child and let the positive energy overflow
You opened the door of hell with your stubborn hand
The life of stunner is like a disaster movie
And you are the hapless actor
Remember, life can be purified again
Get rid of the pornography from your life
Abstinence can bring about completely new changes
Quit sex is a kind of liberation that goes beyond the shackles of desire
Quit sex is also an attitude to life
Life is beautiful because of abstinence
Quitting can save your soul
Let us admire a life of no luster
Let us feel the pure power
Let us enjoy pure pleasure
Let us radiate pure light
Let us present our purest self
If you don’t lure, the breeze will come
Season 85: Rebooting Past Failure and Motivation

Share some cases in the preface of this season

1. [The heart demon is really stabbing the needle, I broke the ring just now, the heart demon is very
fond of it, and encourages it to: break it! Those seniors who rebooted have said that it is inevitable to
break the precepts, and it doesn't matter this time. I really want to strengthen my consciousness, the
instigation of the inner demon is really hard to guard against! 】

Additional comment: The heart demon is an instigation expert, and many brothers are persuaded by the
instigation idea, and then a series of relapses. In my previous article, I said that newcomers are still
very conscious and generally have a process of breaking the ring, just like playing a game. It is unlikely
that they will be able to defeat the big boss at the beginning. There must be a process of being abused
by the boss at the beginning. In the process of being abused, he kept growing and getting stronger, until
he finally defeated the big boss. There are some brothers with unusual talents. From the very
beginning, they come into contact with rebooting articles, and then they can stop for a few years. This
kind of brothers exists, and they belong to the category with excellent talents and strong
comprehension. Top students in rebooting school. Most other people generally experience breaking the
precepts, but it’s not asking you to take the initiative to break the precepts, just like a novice learning to
drive will inevitably bump, but it’s not asking you to take the initiative to bump. Inner demon tends to
instigate from this aspect, so the inner demon is very cunning. This is also the tactic used by the inner
demon. It must be recognized in time for instigating thoughts and cut off in time. You must not be
persuaded by that "voice". .

2. [Hello, Brother Feixiang, I have been in rebooting for more than 6 months. I have been abstaining
from masturbation for more than 6 months. I now obviously feel that my acne is gone, I am more
energetic than before, my dizziness has been significantly reduced, my fear and suffering have
disappeared, and my prostatitis has basically recovered. Too much water will not go to the toilet more
than a dozen times. It’s just that my mentality is very bad, I always think about something bad, and my
narrow-mindedness still remains the same. Although I don’t talk about it, I always pick other people’s
faults in my heart. Friends and relatives around me said that I was very kind, but in fact, only I knew
that I was kind and unkind. Sometimes I had extreme thoughts, but regretted it afterwards. I want to ask
Brother Feixiang, how can we get rid of this mentality? 】

Additional comment: This brother still quits well, and his body recovery is obvious, but he also realized
that his virtue has not kept up, and the virtue is not worthy, and there will be disaster! At the end of the
ring, what you fight for is virtue! A narrow-minded person, like a proud and self-satisfied person, will
inexplicably break the precept after a certain level of precept. Although the brother has not relinquished
the precept, he will sooner or later be planted on it if his moral cultivation does not keep up. Give up
ideas that hurt others and self-interest, and give up extreme paranoid ideas. Be kind, say good things,
do good things, look at the advantages of others, be grateful, and do your best. Why do many articles
by rebooting seniors emphasize cultivating kindness? Of course, I have repeatedly emphasized that you
must learn more about traditional culture, do more good deeds, accumulate good deeds, and constantly
increase your own positive energy, so that you can enter a more stable level of rebooting.
3. [Big Brother Feixiang, I got in touch with rebooting in 2013. After reading many posts, I suddenly
realized it. It has been 669 days now, and there is no history of relapse. After so many days, I have
grown 7cm in height and more than 10 kilograms in weight. Now it is 113 kilograms and I am still very
thin, alas. 19 years old, the third party of high school, working hard! Thanks for rebooting ! 】

Additional comment: This brother has been abstaining for 669 days and he has grown 7cm tall. It is
really good. A brother gave me feedback last season, saying that he stopped growing taller for a year,
and then started to grow taller again after rebooting. NS. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Kidney
governs bone. Don't use the energy used to grow taller. This will affect the development of bones. The
tube is a key factor affecting height and bone quality. This brother has an excellent talent for rebooting.
It is really rare that the third party can reboot for 669 days. After the epiphany, it is not that evil
thoughts will not appear, but after the epiphany, you know how to deal with the evil thoughts, and then
deepen Deeply understand how to strengthen this ability, so that you can increase your winning rate
against the heart demon. Many newcomers have a very low winning rate against the heart demon, and
even collapse at the touch of a touch. When the heart demon comes, they immediately surrender and
immediately become the puppet of the heart demon. Small precepts rely on forbearance, and major
precepts rely on enlightenment. You must truly comprehend the true meaning of rebooting, and be able
to achieve a very clear and definite degree, and you must have a strong executive power, so that you
can be sure to defeat the demons in actual combat. Many people have experienced several epiphanies
before they have quit for more than 2 years. Epiphany is like enlightenment, that is, you suddenly want
to understand, just like a question and suddenly know how to do it. The moment you really figured it
out, you His consciousness is soaring, just like taking an elevator. However, no matter how many days
you have been abstaining, remember to remain vigilant, because once you relax your vigilance, you
will relapse, even if you have been abstaining for more than 5 years. First-class masters have first-class
vigilance, and one's vigilance will tell you what kind of rebooting level he is in.

4. [Brother Feixiang, I’m a senior in high school. I’ve started to play in the third year. I used to be very
smart and have very good academic performance. I usually rank among the top five in the whole year.
There are several times in the second year. Now I find that my brain power has declined, and I have had
more than 20 students in the monthly exam for the third year of high school. I am sad! If you quit, how
long can you recover your brainpower? I'm going to take the college entrance examination soon! I don't
want to be a regret in my life because of this! Can you recover your brain power in two months? 】

Additional comment: Masturbation will steal your brain power quietly! This is the voice of countless
victims of masturbation. The pride of many days finally stunned everyone because masturbation stole
their brain power, turning them from geniuses into waste materials, even dull as fools, and their brains
are completely rusted. This brother’s grades dropped pretty well, from the top five in the grade to more
than 20, but some brothers were miserable, from the top ten in the grade to more than 100, or even
more than 200, basically just one. Everywhere, the parents watched his grades decline, so anxious!
Looking for tutors everywhere to supplement nutrition, but the results are of little effect, because the
brain power is gone, and the vice of masturbation is still going on, no matter how much it makes, it will
not work. After the brain power declines, many questions that can be understood at a glance become
difficult to understand. The brain power is competitiveness! Reading now has to rely on brain power. If
you use up your brain power, your life in the future will become very sad and devastating. It is really "a
brain" that is completely vented. If you insist on rebooting and keeping your health well, actively
exercising, your brain power will gradually recover. Generally, you will be able to improve a lot if you
persist for about 3 months. If the injury is less severe, the recovery will be faster.
5. [Flying brother. I just read the post these few days. When I see this, I am determined to quit
masturbation. Now I have not masturbated for a month. The main symptoms are fever and discomfort
in the lower abdomen and frequent urination. The most frightening thing is that I have been
masturbating before. , A-grade sperm is less than 10%. I am now very afraid that I will not be able to
have a baby in the future. Help me, how can I improve the quality of semen? 】

Additional comment: This brother has symptoms of pre-chronic symptoms. Both pre-chronic and
spermatic cords will cause the quality of semen to decrease. His a-grade sperm is less than 10%, which
is considered to be asthenospermia. Asthenospermia refers to a condition in which the number of
forward-moving sperm (a and b) is less than 50% or less than 25% of a-level sperm in semen
parameters. Asthenospermia is also known as low sperm motility. The motility or motility of sperm is
directly related to human reproduction. Only the normal forward movement of sperm can ensure the
combination of sperm and egg to form a fertilized egg. (Grade a: indicates that the sperm has good
motility and moves forward in a straight line; Grade b: indicates that the sperm motility is normal, and
only moves forward in a curved line; Grade c: indicates that the sperm is poor in motility and only
squirts in place.) Sperm quality is low, yes It may affect the fertility function. The semen of many
brothers is jelly-like, and the quality is already very poor, because the sperm of patients with
asthenospermia has certain quality problems, and even if such sperm can be combined with the egg, the
offspring born They are also often in poor physique or have birth defects. The a-level index of sperm is
below 15%. Regardless of other grading index, it is difficult to give birth normally. Even if the wife is
pregnant occasionally, accidents such as miscarriage and embryo abortion are prone to occur, which is
not conducive to eugenics. There are some brothers who have directly turned themselves into
azoospermia and have lost their fertility function. Once asthenospermia and azoospermia occur, they
should be treated actively. You can see Chinese medicine for treatment, and then cooperate with the
rebooting regimen. The quality of semen will gradually improve. I have read Shan Guimin's blog
before. Many people use moxibustion to improve the quality of their semen. If you are interested, you
can check it out.

Asthenospermia classification

(1) Mild asthenospermia refers to a grade + b grade sperm <50% but >30% or a grade sperm <25% but

(2) Moderate asthenospermia refers to grade a + grade b sperm <50%, but >30%, of which grade a
sperm <10%;

(3) Severe asthenospermia means that the number of class b + class c sperm is less than 30%, and the
number of class a sperm is zero.

6. [Brothers help, on the 139th day, I really can't carry it anymore! On the 139th day of rebooting today,
desire has never been so intense, it was so intense that it was terrifying! I ate a meal of shiitake
mushrooms the night before yesterday. It is estimated that it hurt my spleen and stomach. I didn't fall
asleep until 1 o'clock in the evening. Yesterday, I had a very strong sexual desire and I have always
wanted to go to prostitution. It's hard to carry it for a day. Today's desire has soared up again. I just
want to go to prostitution. I keep thinking about prostitution in my mind. In the first 100 days or so, I
was relatively easy to quit because my kidney qi has not recovered well. Now my kidney qi is getting
stronger and stronger, and my desire is really too great. Rebooting is really not that simple! Those who
just called for simple rebooting after just one or two months of rebooting, sooner or later let the heart
demon take a bite, I am now on the lips of the heart demon! 】
Additional comment: Mind has two modes: dormant and active. At the beginning of the dormant
period, it will enter the dormant period of desire, which is about a month. If the injury is deep, it may
be prolonged. The dormant period of desire varies from person to person. After the dormant period of
desire, it is the peak period of relapse. The time heart demon will launch a fierce attack, like rows of
missiles smashing into your rebooting position! This is the so-called "Magic Test". The magic test will
definitely come. It is a test that everyone has to go through. If you withstand the indiscriminate
bombardment of the heart demon, it will go into a dormant state afterwards, the law of thought activity.
It is dormant and active alternately, and the heart demon is cyclically active. There are many factors
that lead to activity, such as recovery of kidney qi, yellow toxin stimulation, diet, exercise, post-
nocturnal emission, hormone secretion cycle and so on. Still the same sentence: Don't be afraid of
starting to read, just afraid of feeling late! If you miss the best time to cut your mind and make your
heart demon rush up, you will be overwhelmed with desire and want to stop! At this time, it will be like
sitting on pins and needles, and the heart will fall into a fierce struggle.

Thoughts will become stronger and stronger over time, until they fully control your body.

The intensity of your thoughts is given by time, and you must learn to grasp the golden moment of

It is very early to break your mind, just like early detection and early treatment of terminal illness. If it
is late, it will become passive and difficult to deal with, or it will have to wait for death.

When the evil thought comes to the brain, the IQ instantly returns to zero, just like being possessed,
and will wake up after the stroke.

When the thought comes up, the enemy comes up. If it is not eliminated in time, then it will surely be
restrained by the enemy and become a meat machine to control.

Even if you have an IQ of 150, once you are possessed by evil thoughts, you will immediately be as
mentally handicapped, completely at the mercy of the demon at will, like a puppet, so you should
practice mindfulness and don't let the demon take over your body.

The Kidney Essence Bank will be robbed by the heart demon robbers, just like being robbed. Many
people will be enveloped by a huge sense of emptiness after looting, like being hollowed out...

Unless you are stronger than the heart demon, you will only be controlled by the heart demon, just like
you are playing a fighting game. If you can't beat the boss, you will only be defeated by the boss.

Some newcomers think rebooting is very simple, because they are still in the dormant period of desire,
seriously underestimating the power of the heart demon, making the mistake of underestimating the
enemy and complacency. When the heart demon starts to attack fiercely, they realize that rebooting
really did not imagine. So simple. However, when you have reached a certain level of enlightenment,
and when you look back, you will feel that rebooting is actually very simple. It is to watch your own
thoughts and stop when you think about it! But this is the perception after reaching a certain level. If at
the beginning his own consciousness is still very low, and there are many ideological
misunderstandings, such a newcomer says that rebooting is simple, then he is basically underestimating
the enemy, and he has not tasted the power of the demons. Wang Yangmingyun: "It's easy to break the
mountain, but it's hard to break the heart!" To defeat the heart demon, there is a certain degree of
difficulty, but there is no need to be discouraged. As the saying goes: Rebooting fiercely will bring
down the heart demon, and catching the thief will catch the king first!

7. [Teacher Feixiang, I would like to ask that every time after masturbation, the bones of the whole
body would rattle, especially the cervical spine. Turn your head and twist your neck a bit. It feels like
the bones in the cervical spine are broken. This situation basically disappeared after more than a month
of abstinence, but it reappeared as soon as it resumed. 】

Additional comment: There are many feedbacks on the problem of bone susceptibility, and I have also
appeared before. Everyone observes the bicycle chain. If it loses lubricating oil and becomes rusty, it
will rattle and make an uncoordinated noise. After licking the tube, the bones lose the nourishment of
the kidney essence, they will become crunchy and brittle, and the bone quality will be severely
reduced. At this time, like a glass man, it is prone to fractures. Even without physical contact, you can
walk on your own. It is a soft-footed crab if it can get the foot. And when you squat a little, twist your
body a little, you will rattle, the sound makes people feel very uncomfortable, this is an uncoordinated
abnormal noise, and the body is also warning you, telling you that you should take care of it. . Anyone
with common sense knows that bicycles make this kind of noise. They need to be maintained. When
human bones make this kind of abnormal noise, they are telling you to reboot and keep healthy. There
are a total of 206 bones in the human body. These bones are like parts of the body. The kidneys are the
main bones, and the tube hurts the kidneys, which will definitely affect the bones, and there will be a
lot of abnormal noises. If you insist on rebooting and keeping your health well, and accumulate enough
kidney essence, this kind of abnormal noise will naturally disappear. Abnormal noise is a signal from
your body, so everyone must understand it.

8. [After more than 170 days of abstinence, the mental recovery is particularly obvious. It is different
from the previous one. However, in the first few weeks, I had 4 consecutive spermatorrhea and I
wanted to make it back quickly, so I started to leapfrog and jumped hundreds of times. , It hurts for five
days! As a result, it seems to be a little bit more social now. I don’t dare to talk anymore, and my brain
power is slightly reduced. What should I do? 】

Additional comment: This brother has been abstaining for more than 170 days, and his mental recovery
is still very good, but he did not do a good job in controlling the obscuration, and he also made the
wrong choice after spermatorrhea, and lacked the awareness of health preservation. You must pay
attention to recuperating after frequent paralysis. The special emphasis is on resting. You can do some
aerobic exercise, but the amount of exercise should not be too large. Profuse sweating can damage the
Yang. In addition to frequent parasitic injuries, this will lead to mental decline or social damage. Fear
of recurrence. Leapfrogging is a method of exercise that can hurt your knees if you don't manage it
well. This brother jumped hundreds of times, and the results can be imagined. I recommend resting
after the emission of spermatorrhea, instead of doing explosive training. You can practice Baduanjin or
jogging, but the amount of sweating should be controlled. Originally more than 170 days of
persistence, the brother's physical and mental state has gradually become "full", but 4 times of
spermatorrhea in seven days, coupled with not paying attention to recuperating after the spermatorrhea,
the result has made him "deflated" again. It's not enough to just pretend, we must learn to strictly
control the dysplasia, and we must learn to keep in good health. Otherwise, the possibility of
"deflating" again is very high.

9. [Brother Feixiang, I have been masturbating for four or five years. When I was young, I looked
pretty and handsome. At that time, I masturbated when I was not sensible. Now I know the harm, and I
want to quit and feel powerless. My face is always oily now, which is twice that of a normal person. I
have a bad look. Others look good when smiling. But I feel that I am ugly when smiling. My hands and
feet are always cold and cold. I urinate very often. I have to stand for two or three seconds to pee. I
have kidney deficiency, right? Do you want to take medicine? I'm only 18 years old, so why am I
embarrassed to go to the pharmacy to prescribe medicine? I always feel that there are two mes, one just
and the other evil. But every time you become addicted, justice will always be killed by evil! I still
have obsessive-compulsive disorder. I think it's all caused by masturbation. It seems that I still have a
little impotence. What should I do? Hope to answer, thank you! 】

Additional comments: Masturbation can cause endocrine disorders, which can make the sebaceous
glands excessively secrete, and oil problems are particularly common. Many people are "big oil
producers" and look shiny. Seborrheic dermatitis and seborrheic alopecia are also very common. This
brother was considered handsome and handsome when he was a child. After he was addicted to
masturbation, he began to change...decayed and ugly, and began to show symptoms of prostatitis, as
well as obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he was only 18 years old! The seeds of good and evil of
human beings are stored in the field of eight consciousnesses, and when the predestined condition
arises, everyone is a mixture of good and evil. Everyone has two mes, a righteous and an evil. The key
is that the power of good dominates you. , Or the power of evil dominates you. All kinds of prostitution
are the first, pornography, gambling, and pornography are ranked first. Masturbation belongs to the
category of prostitution. If you keep masturbating, you will be entangled with evil. The aura is quite
bad and full of negative energy. Quality, such as irritability, irritability, arrogance, extreme, filial piety,
stealing, self-interest, etc. When you go to see a wicked adulterer, his eyes are often a bit wicked. A
person who is truly rebooting and cultivating kindness has a fixed light in his eyes, and he can feel the
awe-inspiring righteousness from the inside out. When I was 18 years old, I couldn't surrender my inner
demon, and I was basically killed by the inner demon. At that time, I was completely a puppet of the
inner demon. If you want to reverse the control of the inner demon over yourself, you must learn to
reboot professionally, and you can't blindly reinforce it. If you do not study, if you do not learn, your
consciousness will not be substantively improved, so you can't subdue your own inner demon.

10. [Flying brother, this is my first day tree therapy, before tree therapy in the afternoon, before going
to bed at night, and getting up the next morning. Unexpectedly, tree therapy is so magical! I am really
grateful for the selfless sharing of Brother Feixiang. When I was in the tree therapy, I felt a rush of heat
from the Laogong acupoint constantly pouring into my palms. That feeling was especially obvious
when I kept chanting the Buddha's name. 】

Additional comment: This brother's case is attached with a photo, and the change is indeed obvious. In
the 43 season of tree therapy, many brothers have benefited from tree therapy, which is indeed a
powerful tool to restore appearance and complexion. However, there are many restrictions in doing tree
therapy. For example, to find a large tree that meets the requirements, it also depends on the weather.
The most important thing is to like tree therapy and enjoy tree therapy. Only such brothers are
predestined with tree therapy. I suggest that it is more appropriate to go to the park. The community or
campus can also find suitable trees. Don't do tree therapy on the side of the road or in crowded places.
You can loosen it when people come by, and you can post it when there is no one. Go up, you can be
flexible. Please choose a tree that is directly exposed to the sun, clean, and a large tree trunk. These
three conditions are very important. If you really have a relationship with tree therapy and are truly
immersed in it, you will experience the magical recovery effect of tree therapy, which is no better than
the top The cosmetics are poor, and they are free, and the recovery effect is just like what Mingyang
said, just like opening up, there is a feeling of reverse growth. We must be grateful for the trees,
grateful for nature, and do tree therapy with a grateful attitude, so that we can feel the perfect and
harmonious frequency and aura, and our body, mind, and soul will be deeply purified.
Step into the text below

This season I will talk about my rebooting past. It is mainly about failure. I can also give you some
encouragement. Each failure is actually a valuable experience, and the key lies in the attitude towards
failure. Many brothers have emerged from failure. Temporary failure will make a person feel
depressed, but please remember that failure is just a setback and test on the road to success. You can see
a rainbow without going through wind and rain. If you have read the biographies of celebrities, you
will definitely find that basically every celebrity has had a failure experience at some stage in his life,
even a miserable failure experience, but they have not been defeated by failure, they have risen NS!
They became stronger after failure. To succeed, you really need a quality of being more and more
courageous and persevering. After being knocked down a hundred times, the one hundred and one
hundredth time still stand up and continue to fight until the final victory is won.

Before contacting professional rebooting, I believe everyone has failed. The first time I wanted to quit
sex, it dates back to when I was in junior high school. It was in the late 1990s. At that time, computers
were not popular, and I basically couldn’t see the harmful theory. There were many misunderstandings
in my mind, but even In this way, I still tried to quit, because the body's abnormalities after the tube
have been constantly warning me, such as frequent urination, low back pain, worsening rhinitis, weak
legs, decreased physical fitness, acne outbreaks, dull eyes, ugly and insignificant, etc. The symptoms of
these tube-ups have already told me about the many harms of tube-ups. Therefore, when I was in junior
high school, I tried quitting myself. At that time, I was young and no one gave the correct guidance. I
couldn’t learn professional rebooting knowledge. I just kept quitting on my own for no more than a

At that time, I was the same as the student party now. It was difficult to restrain it on weekends. When I
was alone on the weekend, the demon would come out to test me. I didn’t know what a demon was,
and I had never observed it. Inwardly, when the thought came up, I immediately followed that thought.
It is simply the puppet of the heart demon, with 0 consciousness, 0 combat power, 0 immunity to
pornography, and 0 resistance to adultery. Anyway, at that time, I was as much a rookie as I was a
rookie, and I was so badly abused by the heart demon. I have been struggling in that vicious circle for a
long, long time. The vicious circle has an indescribable magic power. Once trapped in it, it feels like
being possessed. To be more accurate, it means being possessed by evil thoughts. Once that thought
emerges. Come, I will follow it immediately, listen to its command, and continue to strengthen its
power. I had never thought of controlling my own thoughts at that time. I didn't have this concept at all,
and I was in a very foolish state.

Rebooting in junior high school has not been successful anyway, and rebooting in high school is also
the same. I always lose my health. I quickly rebooted for a few weeks, and then recovered a little bit. I
immediately regained my habit, and even became more crazy. . I can't believe how I could become like
that. I always wanted to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, but I was unable to get rid of the
control of my demons. It told me to turn to the left, and I couldn't turn to the right, just like being
remotely controlled. Before I learned to reboot professionally, I couldn’t remember how many times I
failed. It’s like playing a rushing game. This game is called "Sexuality." At that time I gave up and was
desperate, but every time the symptoms warned me again, I had to try to give up again. I really wanted
to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, but I couldn’t do it at that time. I didn’t know how.
Rebooting, after indulging in masturbation, my IQ seems to have dropped a lot, becoming more and
more foolish, becoming a lower body animal, full of obscene content in my mind, relying on
masturbation like taking drugs, and turning into masturbation. The drug addict, alive with a mask, is no
longer innocent, and masturbates the walking corpse according to the standard.

When I arrived at university, I lived in a dormitory. Because of the inconvenience, I also constrained a
lot, but I didn't completely quit. I also learned to use the H net at university, and gradually slipped into
the depths of sin. But I have never given up on abstinence, abstinence is really human instinct, and
people will protect themselves. When the body fails, they will naturally think of abstinence, greedy
when indulgence, fear when symptoms arise. When a physical crisis arises, most people will choose to
abstain from sex. When the body recovers, the scars will heal and forget the pain, and they will start
frantically again. This is an inevitable trend. When a person is unable to surrender his own heart
demon, he can only live the life of being enslaved by the heart demon. Of course, he does not want his
body to break down, so he will enter the "Quit-Broken" Some brothers would call this cycle
"reincarnation". If a person does not have considerable rebooting awareness, it is difficult to jump out
of this vicious circle. This vicious circle has very powerful magic power, just like a black hole. This
vicious circle also has very strong inertia and will drag you into it. The strange circle is also like a
swamp, a quagmire, deeply trapped.

In my ten-year-long banning career, the highest record is 28 days! The 28-day record is a bit hard to
come by, but this is the highest number of days I rebooted from the first time I rebooted in junior high
school to before I started professional rebooting. This number of days is actually quite average, and it's
not even as good as many rebooting newcomers nowadays. I was really good at that time. I was really
abused by the heart demon. I was like boxing with the heart demon. Every time I was beaten by the
heart demon without any temper. A sense of emptiness is shrouded, and masturbation does not make
people happy, but it will make people fall into terrible emptiness and panic. This is true, and anyone
who has a deep understanding knows it. Those yellow content is like a piece of strong magnet, which
makes me hard to resist its magic. If you are an iron piece, you will be attracted by the strong magnet.
If you are wood, then you can be immune to it. Sadly, I have been an iron block for more than ten
years, without any concentration or awareness at all. I have been abused by the heart demon for more
than ten years, and I have been a gangbang machine for more than ten years. In those years, I didn’t
know how to come here. Many times, I dragged a pair of limp legs and hobbled around, lacking the
vitality and vitality that young people should have, and my complexion was like a ghost. The image of
the opium ghost, the yellow poison is the pink opium, the corruption of adultery on people really
should not be underestimated.

In my most beautiful years

A devil lives in my body

I'm at its mercy

I can't help myself

I long to restore purity and freedom

But i can't do

The flower of youth has not bloomed yet

Facing withering
I stare deeply into my sinful hand

Until tears burst into my face

It's like seeing Medusa's eyes turn into stone, and the stalker will immediately turn into a beast when he
sees the content of adultery, even inferior to the beast. In terms of sex, animals are actually purer than
humans, and animals have a fixed estrus. Period, so it’s generally not messy. Zeng Guofan: "If you are
not a sage, you are a beast." Zeng Guopan also has the experience of cruel rebooting. The sage is really
insightful in rebooting and self-cultivation, and has a lot of cultivation skills, which is completely
beyond the superficial and naive views of ordinary people. Many people have turned themselves into
robed beasts and half-orcs, and the perverted content has become more and more perverted, and his
sexual orientation has begun to become more perverted. That perverted tendency made him feel scared.
We must domesticate our own inner demon. The inner demon is a beast. Don't let the beast control you,
don't release your animality, or you will ruin yourself! For good but not for benefit, like winter melon
in the grass, it should grow in secret; for evil but not for damage, like spring snow in front of the court,
it must disappear. Evil is not enough to destroy the body! It's like activating a time bomb. It's always
being used, and it will explode someday. It will blow you into the hospital, blow your life to pieces, and
lose money and people, and it will end in a terrible way. Those who are obsessed with not
enlightenment will surely suffer the consequences for themselves!

In my Mood for Love, I used my most precious energy indiscriminately, and deceived myself with
harmlessness to comfort myself. It was so stupid. Comforting yourself with harmlessness is like
comforting yourself not to die by jumping from the tenth floor. It is completely deceiving yourself.
There are currently three kinds of harmlessness theories. The first one comes from people with
misunderstandings in their minds. These people are characterized by blind listening and believing, not
having a deep experience of the fact that masturbation is harmful, and they do not understand the
principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which is really pitiful; The two come from sexologists.
Sexologists rely on sex to eat, so they will naturally whitewash the bad habit of masturbation and try to
normalize and rationalize it. Sexologists tend to avoid talking about the fact that masturbation hurts the
kidney; the last one comes from "masturbation experts" "The purpose is extremely sinister, pretending
to be experts and professors on the Internet, and poisoning people everywhere in the name of authority!
His remarks and articles are mostly fabricated, confusing right and wrong. Masturbation experts are the
so-called 75. They are a gang. They used to open a blog on Sina to release drugs, but they were blocked
and transferred to other blogs. They have been there since I joined the rebooting bar . They have been
absent for a while, and then the rebooting bar has grown stronger. They are like startled bugs, and they
have become active again. The real source of slander comes from 75. For 75, I have only one sentence:
Many unjust actions will kill you! Turn around as soon as possible.

After insisting on abstinence for a period of time, I can always feel that my energy is full, abstinence
can indeed make me more energetic and more energetic, but once I administer it, I will deflate again,
and immediately become wilted. Back in the bad past, half-dead and lingering. Masturbation is like a
shackle. I feel that I am living under shackles. I am a prisoner. I am destroying my physical and mental
health. The most terrifying thing is that I was unaware and totally unaware of it, just like being caught
If someone is killed, I don't even know how I died. Before masturbation, I was a person with pure
brilliance. At that time, I was also considered as a delicate girl. After masturbation, my aura was
completely dirty, and I felt oily and dirty, just like the sewer. Incorrect thoughts will directly affect a
person’s appearance and temperament, because it is born from the heart, and the heart is filled with evil
and obscene content, which reflects the evil spirit on the face, and there is a hostile energy entangled in
the whole body. That kind of energy level is really true. It's very low. The purer the mind, the higher the
energy level, and the kinder the mind, the higher the energy level. The real great happiness comes from
the purity and kindness of the soul! People with pure hearts and those who do good and accumulate
virtue have a very good aura and a very high energy level, while the wicked people have low energy
levels, even full of negative energy.

"Hum" of rebooting

About a month, it is a hurdle;

About three months (about 100 days), it is another hurdle;

About half a year, it is another hurdle;

One year or so, it was another hurdle;

About a year and a half, it is another hurdle;

About two years, it was another hurdle;

About three years, it is another hurdle;

Like a hurdle,

You must overcome these obstacles one by one.

Generally, people who can quit for more than 3 years,

Can enter a more stable level.

After learning to reboot professionally, I quit the better, and never relapsed. Most people will break the
precepts after they start studying rebooting articles, because the level of awareness cannot surpass the
heart demon in a short period of time, unless you have deep roots of goodness and excellent
comprehension. I read a lot of books on Chinese medicine at that time, and I have gained a deeper
understanding and understanding of the various symptoms caused by masturbation, and then I have
been answering questions and studying the theories and laws of rebooting. I am a rebooter, so too A
researcher. I used to reboot very badly. It was professional rebooting that made me reborn. Of course, I
also learned the high wisdom of ancient sages and sages. Those precious teachings have indeed given
me great inspiration and help. I am always there every day. Learn traditional culture.

The attitude towards failure can open up the hierarchy among the broad masses of brothers. Sometimes
the gap lies only in the different attitudes. Only those who do not indulge in failure and are able to face
failure can come out of the shadow of failure and take the failure away. The experience is transformed
into valuable experience, which leads to success step by step. Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is
that you don’t know how to learn from the failure. Falling twice in the same place is the most terrible.
Redefine failure, learn from failure, and motivate yourself with failure. This is the golden key to

The following is a detailed discussion from five aspects

1. There must be a reason for failure, find out the reason, and make the failure valuable

If you break the precept, it is the result of failure. If you go back, you can find the cause of the relapse.
There is a saying that when you try all the possibilities of failure, there is only one possibility left in the
end, and that is success. Although the words are good, if you can learn from the experience and lessons
of the predecessors, you don't have to try them one by one. Many people break the vows not many
times, but he always makes the same mistake. What's more frightening is that he didn't realize that it
was a mistake. When an airplane crashes, everyone must find out what caused the crash. Rebooting is
like flying freely, and turning a pipe is like crashing. There must be a reason for the crash, and you
must find out, otherwise you will crash for the same reason next time, and the secret reason may be
something you have been neglecting before, and you have not deeply realized it! Therefore, we must
continue to strengthen learning, and continue to reflect, summarize and think. When you have a kind of
"Oh! I see," similar to this kind of epiphany, next time your rebooting days are likely to increase by
leaps and bounds. Many people often lack in-depth reflection and summary after breaking the precept.
They always attribute the relapse to an established reason, a reason that follows the trend, a reason that
they have imagined, and this reason is not the real reason that caused him to break the precept.

The heart demon is a refined thief. It is a seasoned habitual offender. It has repeatedly succeeded. Your
most precious kidney essence is stolen by it again and again. We must learn to guard against this thief
in our heart. We must not let it succeed again and again. ! We have to learn to solve the case! Find the
clues of the heart demon like a great detective, master the laws and routines of its crimes, and go back
to the entire psychological process of breaking the ring. Where is the problem? You have to analyze
and think carefully, and then strengthen your study to increase your awareness. You must continue to
summarize and reflect. If you persevere in this way, you will surely usher in an epiphany. The process
of enlightenment is like doing a question. You are puzzled about this question, and you think it is very
distressing, but you don’t give up, but you are still thinking and summarizing. Suddenly one day,
inspiration suddenly appears, and you suddenly want to understand. It's that kind of feeling. At that
moment, you finally know where you are wrong, and know what to do to avoid that mistake, and you
didn’t really recognize this mistake before, or you only have a very vague understanding. Far from
reaching the point of clarity, depth and certainty.

Failure is a kind of setback, but the value of failure is immeasurable. How to make failure valuable is a
question that every brother must think about. You must learn to learn from failure, so that failure is the
mother of success. It is a catalyst for your success. When Edison invented the electric light, the
experiment with the filament material alone failed more than 1,000 times. Many people didn’t take it
seriously. Some well-intentioned people persuaded him to forget, saying: "You have failed more than
1,000 times!" Edison said: " No, I have not failed. I have found that more than 1,000 materials cannot
be used as filaments." Thinking from another perspective, maybe failure is positive. For the negative,
failure is a great blow and will make him feel depressed. For activists, failure is a precious experience,
as well as a trial and test. Repeated failures before will make the final success extremely precious and
sweet, because you know how hard it is.

2. Recover the original intention of rebooting and restore the hunger and thirst for rebooting articles

I never dare to despise the newcomer, because the original intention of the newcomer is incredible.
Newcomers have a sense of freshness in rebooting articles. They absorb rebooting knowledge like a
sponge. Newcomers often have a kind of impulsiveness. Under the action of this impulsiveness, their
enlightenment can advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. Newcomers also have a sense
of hunger and thirst for rebooting articles, as if they can learn rebooting articles without sleeping and
forgetting to eat and sleep during a long period of drought, and one article can be read dozens of times
a day after reading hundreds of pages. Of course I am referring to those newcomers who have excellent
learning talents and rebooting talents. They are role models for everyone to learn from. Many people
read rebooting articles at most once, while some people can read it more than ten times, and others can
read it 60 times a month! Do you know what he thinks? He reads the rebooting articles or rebooting
notes that he considers extremely important, and reads it every morning and at night, so that's 60 times
a month! 120 times in two months! The depth of experience is shown in the continuous repetition of
learning. Don't let go of every word, and deeply understand every sentence, because behind some key
sentences, every sentence is a vast ocean! Be sure to realize it yourself.

Reading rebooting articles can be divided into three categories: rough reading, careful reading, and
intensive study. Being able to study tirelessly is an ability in itself. Being able to gain new insights
through repeated learning is the most critical way to increase awareness. Repeat, repeat, repeat! Realize
sentence by sentence, and repeatedly realize the profound meaning of rebooting articles. I once read an
article about a practitioner who repeated an important teaching 10,000 times! It really has reached an
incredible level. This is definitely the power of accumulation. If you understand that accumulation is
very important, quantitative changes will produce qualitative changes, and finally the understanding
and knowledge of the article will reach an extremely deep level. A good rebooting article is like an
inexhaustible gold mine. Every time you study in depth, you will gain new understanding and
experience, including time after time of insights, small insights and large insights. That kind of feeling
is just that. Like digging for gold, maybe at the moment of real understanding, your expression is calm,
but it's certainly hard to conceal the joy and excitement in your heart.

Regarding hunger and thirst, if you don’t eat or drink for three days, or walk in the desert for a day,
then you will know what real hunger and thirst are. We must cultivate our hunger and thirst for reboot
articles. If you If you can't see it, or feel impetuous, it means that your state has not been adjusted
properly. There must be ups and downs in the rebooting state, just like the ups and downs of the
athlete's state, you must learn to adjust, maintain a humble attitude and a state of courage and diligence
to study rebooting articles, and really read it, not just try it. Some brothers dream of persuading others
to reboot, dreaming of the deep meaning of rebooting articles, they are rebooting with the most sincere
heart, and they are genuine people who are really attentive. You must dive into rebooting articles, let
the key points of rebooting articles penetrate your brain like a bullet, chew and taste every sentence
repeatedly, and thoroughly understand the true meaning of each sentence. In addition, you must make
more rebooting notes and keep reviewing the rebooting notes. Accumulation of the amount will
eventually lead to resuscitation. Once resuscitation is achieved, it will be different immediately.

When you are hungry for rebooting articles and can study rebooting knowledge tirelessly, you are
almost there! Fast what? I'm almost ready! Almost successful!

When you have little interest in rebooting articles, and feel bored or even bored, you are almost too!
Fast what? I'm about to break the ring...

3. You are actually very close to successful rebooting, maybe only 1cm

I have read a lot of articles written by brothers, and their consciousness has reached a very high level,
but it's just a little bit worse. This makes them relapse again. Just like the heart demon is level 100, and
they are at level 80 or 90, although they have a certain level of consciousness, they are not strong
enough to subdue the old monster of the heart demon. As long as you keep learning, continue to
conscientiously summarize and reflect, you will definitely be able to break through the last obstacle,
and the number of rebooting days will skyrocket, breaking through a year or even a few years. If you
can understand it, you'll be separated by layers of paper, if you don't understand, you'll be separated by
a mountain! Sometimes it’s really just a little bit worse. Many people’s failures are just temporary
unsuccessful. They are really close to success. As long as they persist a little longer, a turning point will
appear. Perhaps one day, he suddenly realized it, suddenly wanted to understand, he really knew why
he had repeatedly failed before, and he truly realized the deep-seated reason that he had been
neglecting before. Once the reason for breaking the precept was overcome by him , The winning rate
against the inner demons will increase substantially.

I believe that a large number of brothers are on the verge of success. This is so short. When he breaks
through his last dead spot, it will be difficult for the inner demon to defeat him again unless he relaxes
his guard or is proud and complacent. Many people seem to be far away from success. In fact, they
don't know that they may only be 1cm away from success. The slightest loss is a thousand miles away.
A flaw in their consciousness may lead to a failure.

As long as you work harder, you will reach the other side of nothing, that simple and beautiful world.
Don't give up halfway, don't give up on yourself, adjust your mentality, once again set off the
enthusiasm of learning rebooting articles, study vigorously, and drive to the sky! The last 1cm is
waiting for you to break through. That is the last obstacle. Never lose heart. Please remember that you
are only 1cm away from rebooting successfully.

4. Rebooting is a battle for control of the body with the spirit demon. Failure is only because you are
too weak.

There are failed posts every day in the reboot bar. Every day there are people killed in the battlefield of
rebooting. Some time ago, a brother had relapsed after 553 days of abstinence. He said that he was
about to collapse and could abstain for 553 days. He has won many victories in his struggle, but when
he relaxes, becomes careless, and becomes proud, relapse will naturally occur. When the thought came
up again, it did not cut off decisively, but followed and strengthened the thought, and finally was
controlled by that thought, possessed by that thought, and was hijacked by that thought! Involuntary.
After entering the stable period of rebooting, you must not relax your vigilance, because the heart
demon will counterattack at any time and then seize control of your body. This is a cruel and fierce
battle. If you are strong, it won’t be fierce, because it’s completely one-sided. If you don’t think about
Kung Fu, or if you know later, wait until your thoughts rush to intervene before you intervene. In a
fierce battle, the heart demon and you are vying for control of this physical body. The heart demon
wants to use this physical body to commit adultery, but you don't want to do this, so the inner struggle
is staged.

In this battle, many people are not the opponents of the heart demon, because the heart demon is the
demon king level, and many people are still the rookie level, the result can be imagined, just like the
boxing king hitting a junior high school student, it is simply vulnerable. Therefore, many newcomers
basically have to endure failures when they first start rebooting, and they have failed many times.
When they are knocked out by the inner demon again and again, they will definitely feel depressed at
this time, but they must also realize that the inner demon is not invincible. Take a look at those
successful rebooting seniors. When they encountered the heart demon, how they knocked out the heart
demon. They have strong consciousness muscles. They use the heavy punches of interruption to knock
down the heart demon in one fell swoop. Studying rebooting articles is to strengthen your own
consciousness. Enlightenment is like muscles. People grow muscles through strength training. The
muscles that we grow enlightenment through continuous learning are also a kind of strength, which
belongs to the strength of thought control. If you are strong enough, you can be sure to knock down the
demons. The reason for the failure can be summarized as one point, that is, you are too weak. In the
process of your struggle with the demons, you always fail. You must be strong, Only The Strong
Survive! (Only the strong can survive!)

5. Don't worry about the number of days after breaking the precept, don't pay too much attention to the
number of days

After the relapse, many people restart the ban. At this time, he will be very concerned about the number
of days and enter a mental state of over-concerning the number of days. This way he will be very
tormented and feel that time is passing slowly. My suggestion is to learn to forget the number of days,
you can still sign in, but don't care too much about the number of days in your heart. If you don't care
about the number of days, the days will pass very quickly, if you care about the number of days, the
days will pass very slowly. Many people have been abstaining for hundreds of days before, and they
will return to zero after relapse. This makes it difficult for them to accept and regrets. At this time, they
must pay attention to psychological adjustments and try to avoid continuous relapses.

Some people have rebooted for 2 years, and have accidentally relapsed several times. This record is
also very good. If you can really rise from relapse, then you will be able to break through your
maximum number of days of rebooting again in the future. In fact, many people don't care about the
number of days when they quit to a certain level, especially after they enter the stable period of
rebooting, they won't think about the number of days every day. Quitting is relatively easy, which is a
kind of comfort after getting rid of the control of the inner demon. When you really get rid of the
control of the inner demon, the number of days is no longer important, because you have a certain
degree of certainty that the number of days will be extended indefinitely. This is the mentality of a truly
stable person. At the beginning, you can pay attention to the number of days, just like looking at the
watch. It is necessary to see the time, but if you keep looking at the watch, your heart will fall into
anxiety, which is very bad. So, don’t worry about the number of days after breaking the ring, and don’t
pay too much attention to the number of days. The number of days is like the growth of hair and
fingernails. You will definitely be very anxious in your heart. If you turn your attention away and look
at it again after a while, you will say that this is how you grow so fast.

Final summary:

Failure is temporary. Victory will belong to those who persevere to the end. Constant will succeed!
Failure cannot defeat the truly persistent person! Hold on again and you will be successful. Xiongguan
Mandao is really like iron, and now it's stepping forward from the beginning! You must have the
courage to pass the level, and bravely break through the color level! The old monster of the heart
slasher! The vice of masturbation must be taken down, and every effort must be made! This is a life and
death battle! You must have the heroic spirit of fighting to the last second, blasting bullets and stones,
dying with the enemy, and never retreating! A true rebooting warrior, dare to face the ruined life, dare
to face the ugly face; a true rebooting warrior, dare to use his sword when he meets the heart demon!
There is a spirit that would rather die than surrender. Masturbation is a coward’s self-harm, and
rebooting is a warrior’s choice! As the saying goes: There are countless people in seclusion, lonely
heroes destroy the heart and demons!

Let me share a reboot poem

"Let the Soul Go Home"

A pure time,

A period of silence,

A fragrance surrounds you,

Make you relax-from body to soul

Full of joy

Maybe it’s been a long time

You forgot

How pure I was

Pure people

Can show all the goodness

What the adulterer shows is nasty

Pure you

Disappeared after smashing the tube

In this world

One more smasher

A man who fell into the pit

All tragedies

I have already laid the groundwork for the first time

It’s like turning on a time bomb

Let us and pure state

Connect again

Let's go back to

That pure and beautiful state of mind

Quit and regain freedom

Let the soul fly

Let the soul go home

Recommend two books:

1. "Compilation of Induction Chapter": The crown of "Tai Shang Induction Chapter" in ancient and
modern annotations. Integrate the classics of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, revise and cultivate
goodness, cherish good fortune and gather good fortune. More than half of the Confucian philosophical
sayings, sincere and upright work, and the key to self-cultivation have been included in the
compilation; the Buddhist scriptures of Prajna can also be seen in this edition; as for the Taoist’s heart-
taking essentials, it has also been included. Huicui is in the compilation! This is a rare treasure book, I
specially requested one on the Internet, and I am studying it every day, and I have definitely benefited a
lot. Now I recommend it to everyone, I hope people who are destined will meet it and cherish it. Just
like the preface: "The compilation is not only the king of induction. It is also the king of all good
books. Whoever meets. That is the blessed person. Can read it to the end. Relieve the heart and calm
the breath. Repeatedly playful. Body. It is in the heart. It is seen in the action. It is the person of great

2. "The Complete Works of Wang Yangming": Wang Yangming was born in the Ming Dynasty, who
was a master of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. "The Complete Works of Wang Yangming" is
divided into three parts. The first part is Wang Yangming's life biography, which introduces his
legendary life in detail. The second chapter selects more than two hundred Wang Yangming's proverbs
and analyzes them, starting with "aspiration from the heart, acting within the capacity", "pure heart, be
a sincere person", "quietly monitor one's own faults, regardless of others' right or wrong", "being in the
world and doing things with the world." Nineteen aspects such as "Heart behaved" explained Wang
Yangming's life wisdom in self-cultivation, self-cultivation, benevolence, and sincerity. The next part of
"Biography and Study Records" is a compilation of Wang's lecture speeches recorded by Wang
Yangming's children and his written letters to his friends and disciples. It contains all of Wang
Yangming's philosophical system and basic propositions. It is the most basic study of Yangming's mind.
Season 86: Psychological changes caused by masturbation

Share some cases in the preface of this season

1. [Looking at the text of this season, I feel heartache for several times, and my heart is too congested.
Although I have read many words many times, I still feel sad when I see them again. When I saw the
thoughts, I suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. When I think about it, the mind-mind concept is not
just to observe the thoughts that directly make you rush, but more importantly, pay attention to those
inciting and inflammatory thoughts! ! To be honest, I think the most important thing now is to observe
such thoughts! Because so many times, I died of such thoughts. Why! 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback of a brother from last season. Many people do have to fail
many times before he understands where he is wrong. It's like doing an examination paper. He is
always planted on certain types of questions. Remember, if you don’t reflect and summarize, then he
will continue to make mistakes and repeat those kinds of mistakes. Many people are very vigilant about
the idea of obscenity, and once they appear, they can be cut off immediately, but he is very poorly
vigilant about the idea of instigation. The so-called mindfulness of rebooting means that all thoughts
that can lead to relapse, whether indirect or direct, whether in obscenity or instigation, must be
watched! Keep a close eye on your thoughts! Look inward! The mind-watching view is like a faint
candlelight at first. As you continue to practice, it will become a powerful searchlight in your heart.
Any thought that can lead to relapse will immediately be able to watch it to subdue it. Many principles
of rebooting must be fully and profoundly understood, but just recognizing it is not enough. You must
implement it strictly in actual combat, and constantly hone your level of mindfulness in actual combat.
You can also analyze what kind of thought you died from, and you must know how to go back to the
psychological process of relapse, and what kind of thought caused you to relapse. You must deeply
reflect and analyze. This brother also has a sense of enlightenment. As long as he persists in studying
and thinking, enlightenment will come sooner or later. After he relapses and read the rebooting article
again, he will feel very different. Only then will he discover the rebooting points that he had neglected
before. It is precisely the vague and unclear understanding of these points that will be defeated by the
demons in actual combat time and time again. Knowing oneself and the enemy, a hundred battles never
end, the various tricks and routines of the inner demon must be truly understood and understood, so as
to defeat the inner demon.

The appearance of mind demon generally has two manifestations: first, the sound in the brain; second,
the image in the brain. To a certain extent, the thought will definitely come up. The thought can be a
sound in the mind or a temptation image, which is the so-called mental image (psychic image). The
heart demon's shot speed is very fast, especially when the image comes up. It is just a few tenths of a
second, and the battle takes place in that few tenths of a second. If you can really grasp the tenths of a
second, it is easy to stop thinking. On the contrary, to stop thinking is to struggle. It's painful. You can
experience it repeatedly in actual combat. The experience in this area is very delicate, and the devil is
in the details. The seductive mental image can climb into your mind in an instant. If you find it in time,
stay alert and not follow in the first frame, so that the mental image cannot continue to be broadcast in
your mind. If you become aware of it late, you will fall into passivity. In the end it will be ecstatic. In
the battlefield of rebooting, only vigilant people can survive. Please remember this sentence.
2. [I have been rebooting for more than 150 days, and it has been a year and a half since I came to the
rebooting bar . This is the longest time I have eaten fast in this life since I learned how to do it. It’s just
that the acne marks can’t get rid of for a while, and the popularity has also begun to improve. This
feeling is very subtle. It may have been a coincidence before, but most of the winter has passed, and the
rhinitis that has entangled me for more than 4 years, I have not suffered this winter. . I think my body is
getting better. Thanks for this, I will continue to work hard. 】

Additional comment: This brother has recovered very well. He has been rebooting for more than a year
and he feels better and better. Rebooting can actually be understood as energy management. The human
body is an energy body. You must learn to manage your own energy, and you must learn to store and
preserve your essence. Kidney essence is the most precious energy of the human body. It is liquid gold
and the battery of the human body. When a person indulges for a period of time, his energy value will
drop significantly. This drop is not like a mobile phone that reminds you how much the battery has
dropped, but can be experienced from the manifestations of energy and physical symptoms. If our body
can have an energy display value like a mobile phone, I think many people will not dare to go crazy
like this, they should know how to cherish their kidney essence. Many ignorant people don't understand
the preciousness of the kidney essence, so they will squander wantonly, just like a prodigal son. I
remember playing the King of Fighters game in junior high school. When the energy bar is full, you
can make big moves, and the whole body is covered by a layer of light. The same is true for our
rebooting. We are also accumulating our energy bar when your energy bar is full. Then, you can use
your best mental state to fight hard and realize your ideals. Zeng Guopan also said: "Wealth depends on
spirit!" Spirit is the manifestation of energy state. Many stunners have a look of malaise, with hollow
eyes, a severe decline in mental power, and a walking dead presence. The energy status is already very
poor. The impact of this inferior energy status on school and career can be imagined. .

As you persist in rebooting, all kinds of subtle good changes will occur. The energy is up, and the
physical and mental feelings are completely different. You used to be indulgent, just like a depressed
leather ball, that state is really very good. It is very weak, and there will be various disorders, various
discomforts, and various symptoms in the body and mind. Many people feel comfortable at first. In
fact, this kind of comfort comes at the cost of depleting precious kidney essence. This kind of vain
comfort will lead to the ultimate discomfort, just like eating more sugar and eventually eating up your
own teeth. Lost, some comfortable feelings actually hide huge troubles and dangers. Fools don't know
it, and they are short-sighted. According to Chinese medicine, the kidney is the root of the five internal
organs. The kidney governs the absorption of qi, and masturbation injures the kidney. After a long time,
it is easy to cause respiratory diseases. I also had rhinitis before. Later, I rebooted and added
moxibustion. Guilty. Masturbation will lead to a substantial decline in immunity and resistance. No
matter how strong the body is, it cannot withstand such exhaustion over the years, and symptoms will
appear sooner or later. Many brothers are tortured by the symptoms of injury, but as long as you persist
in rebooting and keeping in good health, your body and mind will slowly return to normal. There is a
process, and severe symptoms must be treated actively. After rebooting, the transformation has already
occurred. As time goes by, the good feeling will become more and more obvious. That good feeling is
very subtle, and everything is moving in a good direction.

3. [Flying brother! I quit for 16 days for the first time. I was at school. I went home and quit for 5 days.
I broke the habit again this morning. What should I do now? ! When the demons invaded, they couldn't
resist at all. 】

Additional comment: The newcomer is always abused by the heart demon at the beginning, but he can
realize that the heart demon is invading. With this awareness, it is already a very obvious improvement.
On the other hand, many people don't know how to break the precepts. A little bit of awareness. At the
beginning, the combat effectiveness of the newcomers is very weak, just like playing online games. At
the beginning, they are basically rookies. At this time, it is difficult to compete with the big boss, just
like an egg hits a rock. Don’t get discouraged after relapse, you must summarize and reflect, strengthen
your study and increase your awareness. Rebooting is a way to level up. It is much more exciting than
online games. Online games are illusory, but rebooting is real. This kind of reality and cruelty far
exceeds that of online games. If you can’t quit, you will have to go to the hospital to send money when
the symptoms break out, and you will have to suffer. Even your whole life will be decadent and
gloomy, and you can’t see any hope. . When a person is unable to resist the heart demon, it can only
mean that one's strength is still at a relatively weak stage, and one must be strengthened through
learning. There is no other way. You must eat more experience packs of rebooting articles, and wait for
you. When it becomes really strong, it will be the heart demon that will be abused at that time. We must
be stronger than the heart demon, and we must be faster than the heart demon, otherwise it will
definitely be us who will be abused.

4. [It has been more than a year since I quit masturbation. The whole person's spirit is completely
different from the one who masturbated. I really enjoy the state of fullness after rebooting. After
rebooting, the skin turns white and the quality of sleep is much better! Thanks for rebooting and
seniors, you are the one who made me sober. 】

Additional comment: rebooting enjoys high-end pure happiness. This kind of happiness was enjoyed
every day when we were young, but at that time we were still relatively young, and we didn't know the
preciousness of this feeling at all. Many people miss the innocent and innocent time when they were
young. Those days that are not lush are pure and beautiful. The state of mind is very pure. The quality
of innocence is derived from joy, pure happiness, and freedom from the shackles of desire. . Just like an
eagle soaring in the sky, overlooking the entire city, it is that kind of freedom and power. Purity is a
kind of power, a shocking power, a power from the source, once you reconnect with the pure state, you
will find the true great happiness, a kind of coolness, a kind of pleasure, a kind of transcendence, Secret
and serene, indescribable. This brother used the three words "too enjoy". He said it very well. The real
enjoyment is quitting, not masturbating, and masturbating is completely self-mutilation. Self-harm by
emptying the internal organs and going to the hospital!

5. [Does Teacher Feixiang exist moderately? After four months of rebooting, did the four consecutive
relapses be a waste of all previous efforts? Regarding these few relapses, it was caused by watching
pornography, and there may be illusions about moderation, but the fact is that they have been relapsed
continuously. Hope to get some pointers, thank you! In addition, why can't I control my behavior, why
do I watch pornography unconsciously when I am free? 】

Additional comment: The theory of moderate harmlessness is the first thing that newcomers must
recognize, otherwise they will not understand this problem clearly. If you stop to a certain extent, the
inner demon will use moderate harmlessness to entice you and make you fall into the pit of
masturbation again. The bad habit of masturbation is highly addictive. Moderation is the comfort of
deceitful self-deception, because in the actual operation process, almost no one can do it moderately.
Although some people have relatively few times, they are more addicted to adultery. It was a secret
leak, and the damage value should not be underestimated. Those lustful thoughts multiplied wildly in
his brain, completely occupying his brain, and the whole thing was a yellow brain! Very poisoned
yellow brain! I have seen many brothers who have been abolished because of obscenity. Symptoms can
also be caused by obscenity, and the heart will go on its own. Indulging in obsessiveness will also leak
below, which is also the leakage and exhaustion of energy. If you want to reboot successfully, you must
thoroughly understand the pseudo-proposition and pseudo-science of being moderately harmless. No
matter what experts or professors preach that they are moderately harmless, don’t listen, because the
experts themselves are suffering from symptoms, and the experts themselves are slow. Many so-called
experts have the appearance of a person who hurts the essence, and his complexion is quite bad, but he
is grandiose. To say that it is moderately harmless is completely deceiving oneself, harming others, and
not realizing the highly addictive nature of masturbation. The bad habit of masturbation is really like
drugs. Once it starts, it can’t stop. Can't hold it. I would like to emphasize again, whether it is moderate
or excessive, as long as it is harmful, just as long as you turn on your phone, your phone will be in a
state of power consumption, as long as you are in a state of power consumption or indulging in
obsession, your body will be in a state of depletion.

This brother rebooted for four months, and the results of his recovery are definitely still there, but you
must pay attention to avoid continuous relapses, just like the gold coins (fine coins) saved in four
months. If you spend crazy, it will still be spent. What's more, many people have had symptoms before,
and their bodies are still in a state of incomplete recovery. In this state, if they relapse wildly, the result
is likely to cause symptoms to break out again. When rebooting, we must pay attention to staying away
from the source of yellow. In the past, the habit of adultery was heavy. Many people have formed a
conditioned reflex. They go to the yellow when nothing is wrong. When they are bored, they look at
yellow. Boredom is also a common type of relapse. It is easy to run out. When a person feels bored, the
brain is eager to get strong stimulation to get rid of this sense of boredom. As everyone knows, getting
rid of boredom by watching pornographic masturbation will only make oneself fall into a vicious circle.
We must make up our minds to quit, be inconsistent with pornography, break completely, and die of
that heart. If you want to control your behavior, you must control your thoughts, you must always
watch your mind and watch it firmly.

6. [Flying brother, I hope you can help me. I am 24. Masturbation is not very frequent. I have
premature ejaculation and occasional erection difficulties. I went to the hospital and found prostatitis
and asthenospermia. I don’t know what to do. , Is it karma? I feel that there is no hope in life. Can
Brother Feixiang help me? 】

Additional comment: The frequency of masturbation for many people also fluctuates, sometimes
continuously, sometimes once a week. The word frequent depends on the specific situation. Everyone's
definition of frequent will be different, once a day It must be frequent. Some people do it several times
a day, and there are 7 times a day. People who are crazy about this kind of venting will definitely end
up with symptoms. Don’t look at some people’s current self-feelings. In fact, his body is already out of
balance. You can know the pulse at a glance. Just like many terminally ill patients, they don't feel
anything in the early and middle stages, and the body will not show symptoms until the later stage. Is it
true that he is healthy in the early stage? The feeling of the sick individual is deceptive and not
completely accurate. I have read a news article saying that a guy who is happy at work in the company
and looks completely healthy, but the physical examination is the advanced stage of liver cancer, and
then It died within half a year. Therefore, many things are not what it looks like on the surface, nor
does it mean how fast you run and how strong you are, it means that you are healthy. It is not the same
thing at all. Athletes have sudden deaths, and athletes have heart attacks. There are also many. You
think you don’t frequent it. In fact, you have already exceeded the critical point of symptom, that is,
surpassed the "waste point." This brother now has prostatitis, which has also affected the quality of his
sperm and decreased sexual function. This is indeed a blow, and it is also the result of the bad habit of
masturbation. His symptoms are very common. He insists on quitting and exercises actively. These
symptoms will be improved. Compared with those brothers who are suffering from neurosis, his
condition is considered to be better.
7. [Brother Feixiang, please help me. I have rebooted for 5 years, but I have never broken the 4 weeks
cycle. Brother Feixiang, I broke the regime again tonight. Brother Feixiang, I’m not good at it. I reboot
every time. I can’t break through for 4 weeks. Please don’t give up on me. In the past few years, my
physical condition has declined sharply, severe neurasthenia, premature ejaculation and impotence, and
my mental state is not as good as every day. I'm under my feet, Teacher Feixiang, please help me, I'm
very painful. 】

Additional comment: I feel the same for this brother's situation, because I have been rebooting since I
was in junior high school. I have been failing and stuck in that vicious circle. At that time, my highest
record was 28 days. It is a strange circle, or it can be said to be a maze. I have been wandering around
in the maze. After my failure at that time, I had a catch phrase, that is, "I don't have perseverance, I
can't, I'm too useless!" Nowadays, many newcomers often say that they "have no perseverance" after
relapse, and all the reasons for relapse It all boils down to "no perseverance." Later, after I learned
professional rebooting, I discovered that the real reason for relapse was not "lack of perseverance" at
all. It was because I didn't study rebooting articles earnestly, and my consciousness had not been
substantially improved! I am not completely denying perseverance, but saying that perseverance alone
is not enough. Just like you vowed to take the entrance examination of Peking University and Tsinghua
University, your vow is firm, but if you don’t study, it is tantamount to empty talk. Perseverance must
be implemented in learning. If you rely solely on perseverance, it will definitely not work. It is brute
force. Many newcomers stay at the level of forced precepts and brutality. Every time they break the
precepts, they just say "I don't have the willpower." This brother has never broken through 4 weeks. To
break through 4 weeks is actually very simple. It is to keep reflecting and summarizing, to find out the
real reason for breaking the precept, and then to strengthen study and increase consciousness, and keep
practicing mindfulness and abstinence, so as to persevere. , I will soon break through 4 weeks, and my
consciousness has really risen, and I will be able to break through 40 weeks without any problems. This
brother really can't afford to hurt him. You must make the utmost determination to give up. You must
work hard to study rebooting articles, take notes as hard as you can, and show the utmost enthusiasm to
learn rebooting articles. Work harder. If the symptoms are more serious, you should cooperate with
active treatment.

8. [I contracted masturbation at the instigation of my friend in the second grade, and my face was oily.
When I was in the third grade, I was under pressure to study and had acne on my face, like a monster. I
thought it was a normal phenomenon and I was nervous. It was really like what Teacher Feixiang said.
Now I am in my second year of high school, people are decadent and unmotivated. Everyone calls me a
master student. In fact, I am no longer the master student before. Stuttering is beginning to occur now.
Really, when the teacher asks a question, he stutters when he is nervous. There is also the cholinergic
urticaria that the flying teacher said. When he has a fever, the whole body is tingling and itching. It
feels uncomfortable! I am really in pain! Recently, my luck is always bad. My phone was stolen by a
thief on the way home, and now I am confused. 】

Additional comment: Many people suffer from endocrine disorders after contracting masturbation. This
reflects the fact that there is a lot of oil on the face and acne outbreaks. Acne is mainly manifested by
pimples, pimples, pustules, and nodules. In severe cases, it is really like a monster. Acne caused by
masturbation is often more stubborn and difficult to get rid of. Many brothers are pretty clean before
masturbation. After masturbation, they are completely monsters. They look abominable, their self-
confidence plummets, and their brains are drained. Many people have also started to experience
communication difficulties, become stuttering, their expression skills are severely reduced, their
thinking is also chaotic, and they often can't express what they want to express. The psychological
change is that they become easily tense and no longer calm and calm. I didn’t suffer less from choline
urticaria, and I took a lot of medicine, but it basically didn’t help. I still remember what the elderly
doctor said to me. She said that the disease and the decline in physique As soon as I heard about it, I
understood it. I had never had this disease before. Later, I was crazy, plus staying up all night, and I
was injured to a certain extent, and the hives broke out. At that time, my whole body was tingling and
itchy, there were small bags and small red spots. It was really uncomfortable for humans. It was very
uncomfortable. Sometimes the body would not be able to stand it when exposed to the sun. People who
masturbate will have worse fortunes. Whether you believe it or not, this is a fact, because people are a
magnetic field, and people who masturbate are full of negative energy, which will attract negative
things of the same frequency. Coupled with the decline of brain power and appearance, all aspects of
fortune will be greatly affected.

9. [Big Brother Flying, I’m 26, and I’ve been using it for more than ten years. I have a lot of symptoms.
I have been rebooting for more than ten days. The effect may not be obvious, but it still works. It was
the next day after the previous night. I’m not energetic. I’m not rushing now. The next day I will feel
better. My main problems are frequent urination, urgency, incomplete urination, waiting for urine, and
serious bowel problems, diarrhea, 3 or 4 times a day, at least 2 times. The first time I had a bowel
movement, it didn’t work anymore. The most important problem for me was two bowel movements.
Now I have irregular bowel movements. Chinese doctors say that I have a weak spleen and stomach
and a weak kidney. I have seen many doctors and took a lot of medicine. Western doctors say that I
have chronic colitis, chronic gastritis, and slow front, alas, I'm so sorry, so helpless, I will persist in
rebooting. 】

Additional comments: Masturbation has serious damage to the urinary system and digestive system.
Prostatitis is a common symptom of sperm injury. Over time, spleen deficiency will also appear. In
short, problems with stool and urination will occur. I first developed prostatitis, frequent urination, and
urgency was very serious. Later in high school, I developed constipation. When I arrived at university, I
developed irregular bowel movements. After work, it became more and more serious, and it gradually
became diarrhea, even in one day. More than 2 times, or even 4-5 times, with abdominal pain. At that
time, I had taken Pefikang and other medicines, and I could only take care of it for a day or two, and
then it didn't work. At that time, I didn't know what was going on. Later, I learned Chinese medicine
and learned that the spleen and kidney were yang deficiency. I have had 2 colonoscopy and 1
gastroscopy, which showed inflammation. Looking back on my history of masturbation, my digestive
function was still good at the beginning, but gradually it got worse. I also found that as long as you
continue to use it, no matter how you treat it or take medicine, your digestive function will not really
improve. , The symptoms are also easy to recur. Later, I insisted on rebooting and keeping good health.
With the help of moxibustion, my digestive function slowly returned to normal. Many people have to
suffer enough before they lament that not being lured is actually a kind of great happiness. They go to
the hospital again and again, do checkups again and again, and are repeatedly tortured by diseases. That
kind of life is really distressing.

10. [I have been using it for 9 years. I have been ill and have hurt my nerves. I have neurosis, social
fear, and anxiety. I have been abstaining for more than 4 months and my symptoms have improved.
There was a Chinese medicine nurse in the middle, and the old Chinese doctor I saw said it was a
kidney disorder. The foot pulse on my hand had gone back 9 steps, and the left and right hands had now
moved back again. Because I don't want to spend any more money, I plan to take care of myself. In
1995, 20, sophomore. I have been blindfolded recently, and I feel that what I see in my eyes is not real.
I sometimes feel pain in my head. I feel better when I watch traditional cultural CDs in the dormitory,
and I am easily affected by the surrounding environment. Sometimes the mind is very unconscious,
afraid inexplicably, and overwhelmed by things. My memory and comprehension have dropped
severely, and I can't concentrate. I study traditional culture for 1 hour every day , and I deeply
understand the dangers of masturbation . I know that I will succeed if I stick to it. But, it's so
uncomfortable, you can take the blame! 】

Additional comment: Neurosis brothers are more painful. I was also a person who crawled out of the
symptom hell. I crawled out of the hell. I looked back and I was really embarrassed because there are
still so many people trapped in it, so painful. , So helpless, so desperate. The recovery of neurosis is
also very slow. It is true that the illness comes and goes like a mountain, and the illness goes like a
thread. The process of neurosis recovery is a little bit of good, sometimes there will be recurrence of
symptoms, but as long as you insist on rebooting and maintaining health, Neurosis will be completely
healed, and this confidence must be possessed. This brother is only 20 years old, has been entangled
with neurosis, and leads a tortured life. When I was neurotic, I felt that every day was so difficult, and
every day was full of fear. Sometimes I felt like I was going crazy and about to collapse, and no one
around me could understand you, or even misunderstood you. Coupled with the endless weird
symptoms, people are living in the fear of hypochondria, the quality of sleep is poor, and I still feel
extremely tired when I wake up. I don’t know how I came here at that time. I was taking medicine
every day during that time. , I have developed drug dependence. I have eaten Western medicine and
Chinese medicine. There are all medicines in one box! All kinds of medicine! Consider that many
neurotic people have committed suicide. It is not easy for me to survive. Although I had thoughts of
suicide, it was never implemented. I am very grateful now, and I am grateful that I have met traditional
culture, traditional Chinese medicine, and Dharma. Only by saying goodbye to the adulterous life can
you have a normal life, and when you restore your physical and mental health again, you will cherish it.
Brothers of neurosis, please stick to it, and you will surely find your sunny and healthy selves. come

Step into the text below

The abuse of masturbation has a profound impact on people's psychology. Compared with physical
symptoms, psychological changes are easier to be ignored, but those symptoms are actually very
obvious. Many people were sunny and cheerful children before masturbation. After indulging in
masturbation, their psychology gradually became gloomy. They were alive with masks and were no
longer innocent. There was originally a sunny and pure temperament and aura. After indulging in
masturbation, this beautiful trait is lost. And the adulterer is easy to make people feel uncomfortable.
Go and observe. The face of the adulterer is often dull, whether it is the skin color or the brightness of
the eyes, it is darker, and there is a feeling of dirtiness, a little bit. It's unclear. Some people love sports,
which is better, but with the prolonged age, various evil effects will become more and more obvious.
As you get older, your recovery ability and recovery speed will drop sharply, and you will no longer
have the enthusiasm of your youth. , Then the physical and mental symptoms will break out. Sexual
adultery is the moth of life. It hides in your body and bites your bones bit by bit. The quantity changes
and the quality changes. In the end, you will collapse and be sent to the hospital...

Everyone has an innate personality, and each child’s personality is different. Some are active and
cheerful, and some are relatively introverted. If you were originally cheerful and indulged in
masturbation, your personality will gradually change and change. It has to be negative and pessimistic,
no longer as energetic as before. I remember that this was the case with a former brother. It turned out
that when he was in school, he was injured to a lesser degree and still maintained a lively, cheerful and
humorous personality. Later, the degree of injury deepened, and he gradually lost that aura. Suddenly,
he was sluggish, and everyone around him found that he had changed, and he was totally different.
Take a look at drug users. Often after a few years of drug use, their psychological personality will be
distorted, or even completely changed. The positive traits on the body have completely evaporated.
Standing in front of you is a familiar stranger. Man, an "acquaintance" shrouded in dark negative
energy, thought: How could he have become like this? It is completely different from before, and the
changes are too great. Human personality is like this, there are innate factors, but it can also be changed
by the day after tomorrow. Those who were originally talkative, after being stimulated, may become
taciturn and lose their desire to express themselves. They were originally lively and cheerful, but in the
end they became very dark and incomparable. They are simply masturbating zombies.

Masturbation can affect a person's mental health. Many people are in a sub-healthy state due to
indulging in masturbation, which makes them very painful, but this kind of pain is hidden, and it is
difficult for ordinary people to know and understand. If you are injured to a certain degree, you will
definitely have psychological problems. Some symptoms are subtle, but you can clearly feel that the
psychological state of the current self and the previous self is really too much. Only oneself knows this
subtle variation. When a person's mental state is out of balance, it will affect all aspects of his life, will
affect the state of study and work, and will also affect the fortune. If you do the same thing with a
positive attitude and a negative attitude, there will be two completely different results. Mental sub-
health is an intermediate state between mental health and mental illness. It is mainly manifested as
unexplained mental fatigue, emotional disorders, thinking disorders, panic, anxiety, low self-esteem,
and neuroticism, indifference, loneliness, indiscretion, and even suicidal thoughts. Wait.

The external manifestations of mental sub-health

1. Uncertain, extremely anxious, not sure about any problems that were easy to deal with before,
frowning, if thoughtful, worrying about the imminent disaster;

2. Irritable, restless sitting or lying, standing tired, sitting tired, hearing any noise will make you
irritable, always have the urge to fight;

3. Strong jealousy, not convinced by anyone, even if forced to laugh face to face due to the
environment, behind will use the most vicious language to vent dissatisfaction;

4. Fear, fear of communicating with colleagues, friends, and relatives. Some people feel scared at
home, let alone meeting and talking with strangers;

5. The memory has dropped very obviously, communication has also appeared obstacles, become
stuttering, uncomprehensive words, and complain that others do not understand;

6. Slow response, not accepting or refusing to accept new things, the flexibility of the body is reduced,
the ability to judge is also affected, everything will be slower than before;

7. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms, such as a tendency to cleanliness, often wash your hands

repeatedly, after doing a thing, you will confirm it several times, knowingly it is meaningless but doing
it repeatedly;

8. Anxiety and depression, if they are not adjusted, they will doubt their own existence value if they
develop to a serious degree, and life is full of negativity, hopelessness and decadence;
9. Insecure, worry about gains and losses, always worrying too much about something, always afraid of
losing something;

10. Long-term bad mood, if it lasts for a long time and cannot adjust itself, then you need to pay
attention at this time.

11. Not self-confident, even very low self-esteem. If you find yourself getting less and less self-
confident, always full of worries about the future, like being alone, avoiding society, then you have to
be careful!

The body and mind are one, and masturbation empties the essence of the five internal organs, which
will inevitably lead to various psychological disorders. Many brothers insist on rebooting and
maintaining good health. After a period of spiritual purification, the energy is restored again, and the
feeling is immediately different. , Reborn in general. For a long time, we have been instilled:
masturbation is a normal and reasonable need, as long as it is not excessive. But we never thought
about whether masturbation is a need? If you think deeply about it, you will definitely come to the
conclusion that masturbation is not a need, you can live better without masturbation, masturbation is an
infinite vice, and it is extremely addictive, just like drugs. And this vice, which is equivalent to self-
harm, has been distorted by some experts as "a normal and reasonable need", which is really harmful.
People have physical desires, but they can be transformed completely. It is not necessary to release
them through masturbation. People who know how to control their desires can preserve and transform
their sexual energy, and use this powerful energy for studies and careers, which is easier Success.

The following discusses the changes of masturbation to the psychological character from ten aspects

1. Impatience, irritability, no patience, no calmness

After kidney deficiency, people will become irritable and irritable. This mental state is related to the
loss of kidney essence. After a few years, many people gradually lose their temper. They even often
quarrel with their family members and lose their breath. Very impetuous. Physiological disorders can
lead to psychological disorders. You can observe people who are sick. Many people tend to lose their
temper after being sick. Because his body is out of balance, his psychology will be disordered
accordingly. The most important thing is The performance is easy to lose temper. Many brothers were
innocent and obedient before being masturbated. After years of masturbation, his psychology began to
gradually change. There was a kind of wicked hostility surrounding him, his temper was good and his
heart was irritable. Impatient, prone to procrastination and slack, of course, this is also related to the
decline of brain power caused by elbow tube. In Chinese medicine, the kidneys are connected to the
brain, and the loss of kidney essence will lead to a decline in brain power, and emotions will also be
greatly affected. Influenced, I can't calm down, and I've been in a very impetuous state.

2. Lost interest in life, difficulty concentrating, and lack of energy

Many prostitutes indulge in masturbation just like taking drugs and get out of control. This is the most
frequently occurring vocabulary, especially for teenagers. In addition to being interested in drugs, drug
addicts will become less interested in other things in life. Many stunners are in the same state, full of
lust, and the brain is completely occupied by pornography. Gradually, he becomes The walking corpse
has become a bouncing machine, no longer interested in other aspects of life, a sluggish look,
degenerates into a lower body beast, the spirit is destroyed by the bouncing tube, and the energy is
extremely poor. It's easy to give up halfway and there is no longevity. Some people say that they have
been slapped for a few years, and they feel okay. When you say this, you should look in the mirror,
with two eye bags and dark circles, your eyes are dull, your complexion is like a ghost, and your spirit
has been hurt. It's obvious, but I don't know it at all. People who know later don't know how they died.
It's really sad. The most terrifying thing is ignorance! Some people either don't get sick, a whole illness
is a serious illness, and he has been in a state of paralysis before.

3. Tired and afraid of things, easily nervous, inexplicably scared, hateful of the world and want to
commit suicide

Chinese Medicine: Kidney governs fear! When the injury reaches a certain level, you will become
inexplicably scared and get nervous easily. Many brothers said how they used to be arrogant, and even
swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger, but now he has completely become a sick cat, a useless
person, and he has become more and more courageous like a mouse. Many people also tend to self-
harm and even have suicidal thoughts. Think about it, too, a person is completely controlled by the
heart demon, and the energy state becomes extremely low. This kind of life does make people feel
depressed, especially in such a depressed state for a long time, it is really possible for a person to
collapse. When we came to this world, we opened our eyes and looked at everything curiously. Our
childhood life was innocent and joyful. Since we grew up, we have been lost, lost that innocence and
joy, and this This feeling is actually the most precious thing. When the soul is dirty and contaminated
by adultery, all bad changes will happen, some are direct, some are indirect, and have a domino-like

4. Become autistic, socially frightened, and unwilling to communicate with others

It’s really common to get out of the company. Many serious patients have become medicine jars. They
live a very painful life. They are trapped. They are trapped in a bad feeling and cannot help themselves.
Neurosis has a physiological basis, that is to say, physical disorders can lead to psychological disorders,
and masturbation can lead to physical disorders. The vice of masturbation can steal your body’s
precious energy and leave your body in trash. Very poor energy state. Some brothers originally had
vision barriers and social fears were also very serious. Later, they insisted on rebooting and maintaining
good health. The vision barriers disappeared automatically and social fears improved greatly. This
made him feel very pleasantly surprised and excited. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Kidney Qi is
sufficient, Wan Xie extinguishes. As soon as the kidney qi is weak, various symptoms will come to
your door. Masturbation is like a hornet's nest that has stabbed symptoms. Whether it is a physical or
psychological disease, it will be directed at you. The symptoms will attack the person. This is true!
Many brothers turned out to be cheerful and talkative people with a good sense of humor. Later, as the
degree of injury deepened, he changed, becoming autistic and taciturn. When looking for pornography,
he was frantic. When this frantic state gradually deepened, when the energy of life was constantly lost,
then it would affect his normal communication with others. His brain was completely corroded by the
pornography and was negatively affected. The energy is bursting...Chinese Medicine: Kidney Essence
Metabolizes Brain Marrow! The energy of the brain stems from the essence of the kidney, and the two
are closely related in physiology. "Lingshu" states: "Humans are born, first become essence, and then
the brain is born." People who indulge in masturbation are to metabolize the energy of the brain. It was
shot away, and the brains were not nourished, and the result can be imagined.

5. Psychologically dark, narrow-minded, selfish

All wickedness is the head, this wickedness refers to wickedness! Masturbation belongs to the category
of evil masturbation. After a person is addicted to masturbation, you will find that the positive qualities
of his body gradually decrease or disappear, while the evil qualities are growing secretly, the
psychology becomes very gloomy, and the mind becomes extremely narrow. Selfishness, selfishness,
selfishness, and selfishness. You don’t see that others are better than yourself. If you see someone
worse than yourself, you will look down on others. The bad habit of masturbation will increase a
person's negative energy, and the growth of negative energy will derive many negative qualities, which
can be said to be evil. Once indulged in masturbation, this person's righteousness will continue to
decrease, become less and less, and finally grow in the direction of negative energy. A righteousness
becomes an evil spirit, especially the look in his eyes becomes very evil and wretched. Knowing that it
is an adulterous person. Everyone on the road can pay attention to the look in a person’s eyes. People
who have a lot of wicked sex have an evil spirit between their eyebrows, and the tones around their
eyes are obviously dark. When the eyeballs are moving, there will be an indescribable wretchedness. .
By observing a person's eyes, you can know how much righteousness he has in his heart.
Righteousness is actually confidence. Only with righteousness can you be upright and honest. This kind
of confidence and righteousness cannot be pretended.

6. Obsessive thinking, become a bit horny

Many brothers have obsessive thoughts. Normal people occasionally have obsessive thoughts, but they
do not appear frequently, and they pass away at once, so they won’t be very tangled. If the obsessive
thinking persists and is quite stubborn, then consider it as obsessive-compulsive disorder. I always keep
thinking about things in my mind, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Once the button is turned on, I will
be controlled by obsessive thoughts, completely carried away by obsessive thoughts, and engulfed by
that powerful torrent. Involuntary. The intrusion and hijacking of compulsive thinking makes many
people extremely painful, just like a robber breaks into your home and then hijacks you. You lose your
dominance and your freedom. Once a compulsive thought appears, we can be aware of it, just like an
old man watching a child play, just watching it, doing nothing, not following, ignoring it, don’t help the
thought, just be quiet Stay conscious of your heart quietly. As long as you maintain strong awareness, it
is like a powerful searchlight shining on it. As long as you persist in doing this, you will find that your
thoughts will soon disappear and disappear. Do not follow the thought. Following the thought is
strengthening it, and following is to infuse the compulsive thought with vitality, feeding it,
strengthening it, and sometimes resisting will strengthen it, turning it into a monster of thought.

Remember, as long as you maintain a strong awareness, it will naturally disappear, just as the darkness
will naturally disappear when the light is on. Mind-mind kungfu requires constant practice. It is not
done overnight. Through continuous practice, you will become more and more proficient, and in the
end you will become very familiar with yourself! Some time ago, NBA's Thompson scored 37 points in
a single quarter. When the reporter interviewed him, he emphasized "a lot of practice"! Thomson said:
"I still have to say that this requires a lot of practice. This is not my own secret. I know everyone
understands this. A lot of practice will keep you mentally strong."

7. Become sensitive and suspicious, live in fear, hesitate, and feel uneasy

Injury to a certain degree, more than half of the people will have a tendency to be suspected of being
sick, not just being suspected of being sick, they will become sensitive and suspicious of all kinds of
things that appear in life, and a very normal sentence from others arrives in his ears, It became
particularly harsh, as if it was aimed at him. Originally, masturbators are pursuing pleasure. It can also
be said that they are pursuing a certain kind of happiness. Everyone wants to be more and more happier
and does not want to live in pain. But the nature of masturbation is painful. The so-called pleasure is
The bait that gets you on the bait is extremely short-lived when you bite the bait, and then you will be
tortured to bursts with pain. Many people can't see this. They only see the bait, but not the hook
wrapped in the bait. This is the reason for their tragedy. When you think you’re cool, the inner demon
sneered: "A fool has taken the bait again!" The inner demon is like fishing, and the people are like
stupid fish. They have eaten many times in pain, but still can’t see it. The essence of masturbation. At
first I masturbated for happiness, but at the end I found that I was living in fear, and my personality
changed drastically. It became extremely dark and full of negative energy. I was really worried all day
long. I became a maggot living in a dark corner, and I couldn't see the light. , Especially wretched,
indecisive, irritable and surly, very insecure.

8. Psychological inferiority, loss of self-confidence in the past, ashamed of oneself

After masturbation, the spirit of spirit is repeatedly devastated, a person's appearance gradually withers,
and the ugliness and transformation will happen quietly. Some newcomers will think that masturbation
will not become ugly because they are limited to their own experience. In fact, they just don’t hurt to
that extent. It's like smoking can cause various diseases, but some people have been smoking for a few
years and they are still in good health. At this time, he will narrowly believe that smoking does not
cause illness. In fact, the delay of symptoms does not mean that it is harmless. After a certain degree of
injury, various symptoms will break out. The face is a mirror of the internal organs, and each part of the
face corresponds to the internal organs of the body. The bad masturbation empties the internal organs,
which will naturally be reflected on the face after a long time. It is very common to see poor
complexion, ugliness, and deformation. The appearance and temperament have declined, and inferiority
complex has also arisen. Many brothers used to be male gods, but now they are reduced to deformed
monsters. It is really a world. Although some people are not very handsome at first, they are also
handsome. Later, After a few years, I have had oily acne, all kinds of godlessness, all kinds of ugliness,
the whole face is horrible, the delicateness is gone, and the filthy and sluggish air on the face not only
disgusts others, but also makes myself look nauseous and completely lost The self-confidence in the
past, I looked in the mirror and wanted to smash the mirror. I really regretted it. I only blamed my
youth and ignorance.

9. Anxiety and depression, prone to aggressive tendency

Many people will be surrounded by a huge sense of emptiness after masturbation, which is a sense of
emptiness after being hollowed out. As the degree of injury deepens, anxiety and depression will
appear. If it is just emotions, That's not bad. Pay attention to your adjustment, and you will soon be able
to return to normal. If it is anxiety and depression, the nature will completely change, and the pain will
increase exponentially, and it can even reach the point where life is worse than death. Neurosis is a
watershed for the traumatized patients. Once this boundary is crossed, a huge amount of pain is waiting
for you. Many people cannot bear this suffocating torture and oppression, and finally choose to commit
suicide. Through the vacant doorway of neurosis, you will see a world full of grief inside. Before
contracting neurosis, you would never dream that there would be such pain in this world, it is a hell on
earth. . The abuse of masturbation can cause neurosis. Numerous cases have fully confirmed this point.
If you stay up late for a long time, the neurosis will come out sooner. In this Internet age, the resources
of evil sex are readily available. Many young people stay up late + masturbate. These two sharp axes
slash their tree of life madly, and neurosis will burst out soon, and it will be really hard by that time. !
And it also hurts my family to suffer together. When a person's emotions are in a very bad state, the
person is prone to aggressive tendencies. Such attacks are either inward or outward. Inwardly is self-
harm, and outwardly is verbal violence or even physical conflict.
10. Negativity, decadence, personality disorder, schizophrenia

People who were originally very positive, after being hollowed out by masturbation, their energy
plummeted, like a high platform diving. At this time, he is completely a low-energy version of inferior
quality, and Ji Lu is the real pure version, enhanced version, upgraded version, and holy version. A
person’s kidney essence is constantly depleted, and in the end it will inevitably fall into passive
passivity and decadence. The former vigor and vitality have completely disappeared, and the once pure
temperament has disappeared completely. The face gradually develops in the direction of the wretched
uncle. Kill the pig knife, the more you kill, the uglier, the older you kill, the male god becomes a
monster, and the boy becomes an uncle.

The term decadence has been used in many brothers’ articles. The feeling of being abolished by the bad
habit of masturbation is indeed very decadent. It makes people lose sight of hope and loses the
motivation and enthusiasm to continue fighting, just like venting. Inflated tires can only move forward
by rolling steel rims, everything becomes extremely difficult, and they fall into a very bad predicament.
The person who masturbates is just making a cocoon, and finally trapping himself and dying in it.
Many people also have personality disorders, such as paranoia, division, antisocial, compulsion, etc.
They have been filled with negative energy. Every time you masturbate, every time you want to
masturbate, every time you look at pornography, and every time you talk about pornography, you are
accumulating negative energy. , In the end, the negative energy will definitely explode, and various
disorders of the body and mind will burst out in a concentrated manner.

Regarding the relationship between masturbation and schizophrenia, I have also studied in particular,
and there are many cases in my hand. There are many factors that cause spermatogenesis, including
changes in endocrine, brain and immunity. The bad habit of masturbation can cause these three
changes. Many people only appear after masturbation, and they are completely healthy before
masturbation. This reveals a secret connection between masturbation and sperm. The conclusion of my
research is that it is more inclined to attribute the onset of spermatogenesis to the combined effect of
multiple pathogenic factors. The bad habit of masturbation is only one of the factors, but it is a hidden
factor that cannot be ignored. Foreign reboot articles have also mentioned masturbation. There is a
connection with fine points. There were similar articles as early as the 18th century. According to a
considerable number of real cases, this point is fully confirmed.

Final summary:

Masturbation is a double torture to the body and mind. If you indulge in the vice of masturbation, your
psychological personality will change. It turns out that the sunny and cheerful you will become dark
and dirty because of the vice of masturbation. Only by completely quitting the habit of masturbation
can you return to the pure world of sunshine and have purity. Only with the energy of a person can he
have a good feeling and life. The purity of a person's inner world determines his happiness. The life of
masturbation is a gray life, and the person who masturbates is a "gray person". This gray person is
different from a high-level extraterrestrial life. This gray person refers to a depraved person. Through
careful observation, you will find that the adulterer has a gloomy feeling from a distance. Some
brothers will say that they are covered by a layer of ashes and feel as if they have become ashes. This
actually means that the life energy has dropped to a certain level. The performance is to feel that the
whole person has turned gray, no longer radiant, no longer clear and transparent, no longer innocent
and innocent. Let us completely get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, let us restore the brilliance of
life, let us awaken the pure soul, let us bloom the peak of beauty.
Let me share a reboot poem

"The Commander"

Fresh and pure fragrance

This is my happiness, the gospel from the distant sky

This wonderful feeling comes from persisting in abstinence

It's the abstinence that made me reborn

Let me completely transcend the misfortune of the world of adultery

At a detached height

I have observed the life tragedies of those ignorant people

Only at that detached height

You will find that stunned is the most foolish self-harm

It has no meaning, like a maggot in a dungpit

The obsession with filthy excrement and urine is simply disgusting.

From opening the Pandora's Box to the end of the hospital

Like being enchanted

That innocent child disappeared

Never see the innocent smile again

Never see the crystal clear eyes again

That bright and pure gaze

Can instantly purify a person’s soul

When I get rid of this bad habit completely

I feel detached, I am free

I can stand at a detached height

To observe the whole life

My heart is full of joy

The spring breeze is infinitely soft

There is a quiet joy deep in my heart

Infinitely spread, simple and beautiful

It takes many years for people to know how to be grateful

Now I am grateful for traditional culture and for the education of sages

From sunrise to dusk, I am grateful

I am full of joy at this moment

The fragrance of the soul is in the air

As long as you know how to cherish, be content, and be grateful

You have the brilliance of life

The pure time of every moment in life

Is the eternal grace of heaven

Looking up at the sky, a bird is flying across the sky

I open my arms and feel the freedom of the birds

Rebooting is my wings
Season 87: Energy Management in the Return of Manchu

Regarding physical symptoms, there are generally the following three types of knowledge:

1. All symptoms and problems are caused by masturbation;

2. Masturbation will not cause so many symptoms;

3. Masturbation can cause many symptoms, but not all symptoms are caused by masturbation.

The first and second types of knowledge are both prejudices, and the third type is the most correct.
It is obviously far-fetched to classify all symptoms and problems as caused by masturbation.
Although masturbation can cause various physical and mental symptoms, there are many
pathogenic factors, and many people have poor congenital physique. They often get sick from
childhood. So it is wrong to attribute all symptoms and problems to masturbation. The second is the
insight of the frog at the bottom of the well. Many people do not understand the medical principles
of Chinese medicine, and they are limited to their own experience or have not been investigated and
researched. This way they will narrowly believe that masturbation will not cause so many
symptoms. In fact, kidney deficiency is full of diseases. Injuries to a certain degree, various
symptoms may break out. Anyone who knows a little bit of Chinese medicine knows that
masturbation can cause kidney deficiency, and the symptoms of kidney deficiency are varied, and
the kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and masturbation directly empties the five internal
organs. How many diseases do you think it will cause? If you develop symptoms after indulging in
masturbation, it may be related to the injury of masturbation, but it also depends on the specific

Currently, there are roughly three types of rebooting routes on the Internet:

1. Professional reboot

2. Traditional reboot

3. Professional + traditional

If you read various rebooting articles, they are basically in these three categories. These three
categories are all very good. Professional rebooting studies the principles and laws of rebooting,
which is of great help to rebooting. Professional rebooting The coverage and acceptance can be
ranked first. Secondly, traditional rebooting is also very good. Traditional rebooting comes from the
education of sages. The education of sages has a higher realm, and the messages conveyed are very
precious and extremely blessing. The third is the rebooting route I took. My article focuses on
professional rebooting, but I have also absorbed a lot of traditional cultural content. In fact, the
highest level of professional rebooting is completely connected with traditional rebooting, to the
highest level. The levels are all the same, that is, you must learn to cultivate your mind, which is to
cultivate your thoughts, and you must spread kindness, build good relationships, and do good deeds,
and you must know how to accumulate positive energy.

Share some cases below

1. [Hello, Brother Feixiang, after rebooting, I sometimes feel suffocated energy in my body, and I
feel a little uncomfortable, and I always want to excrete it through masturbation. May I ask how to
rationally transform the suffocation. 】

Additional comment: Rebooting means cultivating the mind. If cultivating the mind is in place, then
there will be no suffocation problem, the mind can be changed to the physiology, and the feeling of
suffocation often occurs after the evil thoughts are in the brain. I have been quitting for several
years now, because I have done a good job of abstinence, so I have never felt suffocated again.
Many people have been pumping up, habitually draining their precious energy, and have formed
inertia. At this time, they start to reboot, and the body has to change from the draining mode. It is
possible that some physiological discomforts may appear, and this kind of discomfort may occur. At
this time, you should pay attention to recuperate and exercise moderately, so that the discomfort
will disappear soon. We have to learn to transform our own sexual energy. It is the fool who will not
transform. Such precious energy is used by him. He himself thought it was cool, but in fact, it was a
big loss! It's like losing a huge sum of money in business. Sexual energy is the energy of the seed,
and the energy of the seed is the most vigorous and aggressive. Through cultivating the mind, this
energy can be transformed and used by me. Kidney essence is the body's nuclear energy. A true wise
man will never abuse it, because it is tantamount to self-mutilation and self-destruction! When you
have a feeling of suffocation, you have to reflect on whether the interruption is done well and
whether it is too late. In addition, it is recommended to eliminate it through appropriate exercise and
learn to divert your attention.

2. [Brother Feixiang, although I can cut off thoughts quickly when facing the environment, I still
have some memories in my heart. What should I do? 】

Additional comment: The feedback from this brother is quite common. It can also be said that his
feedback shows a pattern, that is, the "aftershock effect". Everyone knows that after a major
earthquake, there will be several aftershocks. It was the most violent at first, and then slowly
exhausted. If we can pass the border smoothly, it means that we have reached a certain level of
enlightenment and concentration. However, many people can pass the border, but they are stuck in
the memories that pop up the next day. Please Pay attention to this detail, that is, the second day
after the confrontation, memories will often come up automatically. This is another magic test.
Although many people have guarded the first wave of attacks by the inner demon, they cannot hold
the first attack of the inner demon. The second wave of attacks, and the second wave of attacks is
often more secretive, making people hard to guard against. In the next few days, memories may pop
up many times, trying to pull you into the water. Just like a "trojan horse virus" invades your mind,
if your "anti-virus software" does not respond in time, your mind will be hijacked by it, and then
you will become an involuntary "trojan virus machine" . The "anti-virus software" here actually
refers to Shunen! It can also be said to be a kind of actual combat consciousness of rebooting. When
facing the situation, we must not change from the outside to the environment, and not change with
the thoughts inside, and then in the subsequent "aftershocks", we must remain vigilant and we must
strictly stop the thoughts. I'm afraid to feel late. If it can be broken resolutely and decisively every
time, then the thought of recollection will lose its power and slowly decay.

3. [Brother Feixiang, I am 23 years old and 9 years old. Since I met rebooting bar in December
2013 , I have been studying rebooting knowledge seriously and sign in every day. Therefore, I have
never broken the vows and have been vows for 438 days! ! ! But it was because of my negligence
that I didn't read the reboot article seriously recently at home, which led to three relapses! ! ! I hope
Brother Feixiang encourages me, I will definitely stand up again, improve my consciousness, and
continue to work hard! ! ! 】

Supplementary comment: This brother had a good practice of quitting before. He studied rebooting
knowledge earnestly, and was able to quit for 438 days every time he signed in, which was a very
good record. But when I returned home, it was a pity that I failed to read the rebooting article three
times in a row because of negligence. There is more time to be alone at home, which involves a
type of relapse, that is, "relapse alone", which can also be said to be boring relapse. When a person
is alone, the surroundings lose the power of supervision. At this time, the demons can easily run out.
Recently, it has been reported that there have been many cases of breaking the precepts alone. This
type of relapse is indeed very common. The student party usually exercises easily at school. Or as
soon as you go home during the holiday, you will be back to the original state immediately.
Although some old brothers do a good job of rebooting, when they enter the stable period of
rebooting, they will also relax their vigilance. Once the screw of vigilance is loosened, the rebooting
building will collapse suddenly, because the heart demon is waiting for you to relax your vigilance.
The demon is ready to counterattack at any time, trying to regain control of your body! The dark
power of the inner demon hasn't really died, it's waiting for an opportunity! Don't think that you
won't break the precepts anymore. When you think you won't break the precepts anymore, in fact,
you are not far away from breaking the precepts.

4. [Teacher Feixiang, my brain is getting worse and worse. It’s only the third grade of the junior
high school, and the second grade of the first grade is okay (there is also masturbation). Now it’s
very difficult in the third grade. It took more than an hour to memorize a text. Not yet, I will see it a
few times. The same is true for writing math problems. The idea is good, and I forget it after a
while. Masturbation is so harmful ! Today, the sixth day of rebooting, come on. 】

Additional comment: This brother in the third grade reminds me that when I was in junior high
school, he was similar to him. It was okay at the first and second grades of the first grade. In fact,
my brain power had begun to decline in the second grade and reached the third grade. At that time,
the brain power was very bad and became a lot slower. Masturbation is a slow process to destroy
the brain. Just like taking medicine, there are slow-release tablets. The harm of masturbation is also
slow- released and accumulated, which makes you abolished without knowing it. Chinese medicine
talks about the kidneys communicating with the brain, and the kidney essence metabolizes the
brain. Originally, this energy is used to metabolize the brain, which is the logistics and supply of the
brain. But you use it to vent it and shoot it away like garbage. It's so stupid! Throwing away gold
like a stone is simply too ignorant and silly. Many people of the sky finally obscured everyone,
becoming obscured and even extremely mediocre. There is a hidden reason behind this, that is, he is
indulging in the vice of masturbation! He drew out his brain power! Serious people even suffer
from neurosis, lose half their lives, and become completely useless. This is the lesson of blood and
tears of the predecessors, it is the painful lesson of how much medical expenses are used to buy it!
Knowledge about the harmful effects of masturbation should be popularized among young people,
and they should not be allowed to go back to the road of blood and tears of their predecessors.

5. [Hello Flying! I'm really scared lately, so I don't dare not give up. Now I don’t talk about other
simple symptoms. For some reason, my symptoms are all concentrated on the right side of my body.
The testicles become larger and harder, the right side epididymis becomes larger, and my right leg is
heavy and numb. But none of this stopped me from hurting myself, and maybe I have lost the
ability to resist. Until recently, I discovered that there are many bulging bones on the right side of
the body. I am really scared. I am under a lot of pressure. Is it cancer? I really hate myself if there is
an old one at the top and a young one at the bottom. Teacher Feixiang, hope to get a reply, thank
you! 】

Additional comment: I am afraid of prescriptions! The injury is severe, and serious symptoms
appear, so I am naturally afraid. People are afraid! Many people are not afraid of death, but they are
more afraid of life than death! When the degree of injury gradually deepens, various symptoms will
break out, including many strange diseases, serious diseases, and torture-filled diseases. Some
diseases may not be detected yet, but the symptoms will definitely make you collapse and make you
live alive. It is better to die, the medical expenses are all spent, and live a life of extreme fear and
despair. The symptom that this brother had experienced before was actually a warning from the
body, warning him that he shouldn't be fucked anymore, but he was already mad, he couldn't stop at
all, and he had no resistance to the content of adultery. Until recently, there was a bulging
phenomenon on the right side of his body, and he was really scared this time! When you have
discomfort on the right side of your body, you should seek medical examination and treatment in
time. This is a kind of responsibility for your body and your family. Your parents have given you
this life, so you should cherish your body and be filial to your parents. In fact, I also understand this
brother very well. Many people really can't stop in the strange circle. The inertia of the degeneration
is really too great, and he rushes into the abyss of destruction. In addition, in this Internet age, the
content of lewdness is varied and the temptation is extremely fierce. Many people are crazy about
masturbating, emptying themselves crazy, and even shooting several times in a row, which is really
frantic. My advice is, we must make the utmost determination to quit, make the determination to
break the boat and the strong man's wrist, and quit like a martyr, so that you can no longer harm
yourself. Just imagine you are down. What will your family do? Not only did you harm yourself,
but also your family members. It's time to quit it! Get up, don't want to be a slave to masturbation!
Everyone was forced to give out the final roar: quit to death, quit to death!

6. [Hello Feixiang, I have had social fears for three years, and now I don’t pay New Year’s greetings
for the New Year, hiding everyone! It's very painful mentally, I feel like I'm going to break down
every day, my eyes are blank! You have to hide when you see a girl, more fearful than seeing a
man! I can't remember anything when my brain power drops. My mother is now in her sixties, and
she always said why I have such a bad memory and my ears are not working well! I am 29 this year,
I can still recover, can I still save it? I'm all useless. please tell me? 】

Additional comment: Severe social fear is indeed very tormenting. Patients with social fear are like
mice living in the dark sewer, leading a dark life, and it is difficult for normal people to understand
his feelings. Only patients can deeply understand that kind of psychology. Dilemma. Regarding
social fear, I also wrote a special season. In the 73rd season, Chinese medicine mentioned that the
kidneys dominate fear. As the degree of injury deepens, various psychological disorders will appear.
Among them, social fear and coercion are more common. I have also experienced social terrorism
in my college years, but it was not serious at that time, because I was more passionate about sports
at that time, and I also tried to quit. Although it was a forced quit without learning, it still relieved
the symptoms. Has a certain effect. At that time, there were certain obstacles in communicating with
girls. I seemed to be easily nervous and unconfident. My eyes dodge and I didn't dare to look
directly. It was even more incoherent and embarrassing to see girls I liked. Later, I masturbated and
stayed up all night. It didn’t take long for me to feel that the social fear became very serious, even to
the point of staying at home, not wanting to see anyone, completely indented in my own shell, and
became very autistic. . I feel that I have changed, completely changed a person. I was definitely not
like this before. I have been enveloped by the negative energy of adultery, and I have lived a very
painful and tormented life. Social fear people often have generation gaps and conflicts with their
family members. Family members cannot understand you and think you are pretending to be sick.
In their eyes, social fear is like a UFO. It is a disease. This brother is 29 years old. The symptoms of
injury to his sperm are already obvious. He is basically useless. Fortunately, he has come to reboot .
I believe this is the beginning of transformation. As long as you get rid of the bad habit of
masturbation and take good health, the fear of society will be okay. Gradually alleviated, then it will
be a completely reborn change.

7. [Some basic principles of Marxism are quite suitable for rebooting. For example, practice is the
only criterion for testing truth! ! ! Others say that masturbation is harmless, and now I have proved
through my own practice: masturbation makes my body worse and worse! ! 】
Additional comment: This brother speaks very well, and he learns from practice! Chernyshevsky
once said: "Practice is a great whistleblower. It exposes all deception and self-deception." Practice
is the nemesis of harmlessness. Facts will tell you the truth. Don’t believe those who mislead others.
Bricks, we must believe in harmful facts, facts are a kind of power, facts trumps eloquence! What is
not in accordance with the facts is pseudoscience! Think about it, everyone. Experts have children
themselves. Would they suggest that their children watch pornographic masturbation? ! I don’t think
there should be such parents in this world. Every parent hopes that their children will not be
exposed to the information of adultery as much as possible, because this kind of negative energy
information is too poisonous to the human soul. At present, the various hazards of masturbation are
still a kind of "secret knowledge" that cannot be learned in school. I believe that as more and more
people awaken, more children will learn the truth about the harmful effects of masturbation in the
future. : Masturbation, as a highly addictive vice, is extremely devastating to physical and mental
health and must be completely quit.

8. [I have been masturbating for several years, my waist is sore, and my physical strength is poor.
My whole person looks like a giant panda. I didn’t have so many moles on my face. Now I look in
the mirror and I feel pocky. This year I also experienced tinnitus, impotence and premature
ejaculation. , Is there any help? Hey, I regret it. 】

Additional comment: This brother gave feedback on a type of symptom, and many brothers have
reported before, that is, after masturbation, it is easy to get spots and moles on the face. Before
masturbation, some brothers had fair skin and no spots, but after years of indulging in masturbation,
various spots began to appear on their faces. This is actually a manifestation of physical disorders.
In the mirror of the internal organs, masturbation empties the internal organs, which will definitely
reflect on the face. Actually, I have this problem myself. When I was in my 30s and when I was a
teenager, there were a lot of spots on my face and a few moles on both sides of my cheeks. This
brother called himself a "pocky face", which seems to be very serious, and he also has symptoms
such as poor backache, poor physical strength, tinnitus, and decreased sexual function, which are all
typical symptoms of sperm injury. Keep rebooting and keeping in good health. After the energy
recovery, some spots should be faded, but the more obvious moles will be more difficult to
disappear. You may need to ask for other treatments. Recently, there is a popular term: “face value”,
which means that the character’s appearance is handsome or beautiful. Although some brothers
can’t talk about their appearance before masturbating, they can still be considered as ugly. After
that, the handsome value plummeted, and finally fell into the category of wretched uncle. The
wretched uncle said in a vicissitudes of life: I think I was also a picturesque boy at the beginning,
but because of indulging in masturbation, I fell from heaven to hell...

9. [Brother Feixiang, I have been rebooting for about 300 days. I started to make up my mind to quit
pornography in the first 30 days. Every time I finished the pornography, I felt a great emptiness in
my body, my complexion decreased, my eyes were dull, and my limbs were not. No matter how
flexible, my hair is hard to manage. I watched it several times a few days before the winter
vacation, and felt very regretful. I think I was brought into the road of masturbation by
pornography, but now I can't help it. I finally discovered the truth: it is to study hard and drive to the
sky! Can't slacken for a moment! I am very confident now. 】

Additional comment: Although some brothers are rebooting, they still look at pornography. This
phenomenon is very common among newcomers. It is a misunderstanding that often arises in their
minds that they can't be lulled up and don't shoot up. They think that as long as they don't shoot,
they are harmless, and they think it should be fine to look at Huang. But what they don't know is
that obscenity is a secret leak, and Chinese medicine: the heart moves on its own. In fact, when
facing the object of temptation, sometimes the heart is not moved, but also leaks. Because of the
conditioned reflex, we must pay attention to stay away from the source of yellow and avoid contact
with external sexual stimulation. After reading Huang, many people also have a feeling of being
hollowed out. This feeling is like a rich man suddenly turned into a poor pauper after being robbed.
There is a feeling of despair, and his complexion will also drop. They will also become sluggish and
apathetic. In short, after the energy leaks, there is nothing right in the body. When the energy is
present, the body is strong. This is a very subtle subjective feeling. This brother’s final
determination was very good. We must learn to reboot professionally, correct the misunderstandings
in our minds, maintain the enthusiasm for studying rebooting articles, and don’t slacken for a

10. [I got varicocele from masturbation for two years. I was only 12 this year. I knew this problem
for a long time. But today I heard that I will have an operation. It scared me into a cold sweat. As an
innocent child, I am too embarrassed to tell my parents once a day for the past two years. I am very
scared! Who will popularize knowledge for me. 】

Additional comment: I remember that a brother had prostatitis before. He cried: I'm only 13! And
the brother in this case got spermatic cord, he cried: I'm only 12! What I want to say is: the posterity
is terrible! The record has been breaking through. Now the children are developing very early. Some
of them cannot shoot yet, but they have started to grinder. They are standard "grinders", and there
are also "leg-clamping clan" and "puzzling baby". Many of the children born after 00 have begun to
develop. They are falling into the pit. This pit is not a mass grave, but a pit of billions of people.
Every year, countless children fall into it, which is really terrifying. What's more frightening is that
no one told them about the dangers of masturbation , the school teachers avoided talking about it,
and the parents lacked a correct understanding of this aspect. These children are still in the ignorant
and naive age group. Telling them that it is moderately harmless is really harming them.
Masturbation is like drugs, highly addictive, and every time you use it, you are depleting precious
kidney essence, you say Is it harmful? Many predecessors just look at the "moderate harmlessness"
argument. Do you know how deep the word "moderate" is? It's unfathomable! This brother has
basically once a day for two years, and now he has spermatic cord. It is estimated that the doctor is
also wondering, how come he has spermatic cord at such a young age? The innocent child in the
eyes of parents has actually fallen quietly. Only he himself knows that he is no longer innocent, and
he has been possessed by an obscene demon. Confucius said: "When you are young, the vitality is
still indefinite, and you are quitting in sex." Sex is the first level of juveniles, and this level must be

Step into the text below

The human body is an energy body and an energy system. All life activities need energy support. If
energy is lost, life will gradually wither and become full of energy. Individual life can welcome
every day with the best physical and mental state. In modern society, there are many ways to
deplete our energy and keep us at a low energy level, such as staying up late, sitting for a long time,
indulgence, overeating, poor mood, sickness, etc. Our body has a "total energy value", which is
floating. The energy level of each day, month, and year is fluctuating. We must learn to manage our
energy and keep the energy level as high as possible.

Everyone should have such an experience, that there will be a certain period of time in the day, and
your state is very good, and that period of time is the peak period of your own energy during the
day. After that period of time, energy will go down, and many efficient people will seize that period
of time to work hard, because that period is the most energy period of the day, whether it is work or
study, it is easy to achieve high efficiency. We should also learn to observe our daily energy
changes, which time period, your energy is the best, which time period, your energy is the worst,
you should be aware of it so that you can better plan and arrange your life.

When the energy is at a high value, just like borrowing from the east wind, you can get twice the
result with half the effort. It is easy to break through some obstacles. When the energy is at a low
value, you may work hard, but you have little effect. a feeling of. According to my own feelings,
my best energy period is in the morning. After a night’s rest, my energy recovers better. After
reaching the peak in the morning, it starts to decrease, and then it reaches a peak in the afternoon.
The energy is a wave trend. At night, there will be another small peak. This is how I feel about
myself. My best peak is in the morning, when the momentum is strongest, and the next two peaks
have weakened. Of course, everyone's situation may be different. Some people sleep late and are
particularly energetic at night, but get tired in the morning. This is related to each person's
biological clock, eating habits, exercise habits and other factors.

We can replenish energy through diet, we can restore energy through sleep, and we can boost and
activate our energy through appropriate exercise. How to manage your own energy is indeed a very
deep knowledge. Many people abuse their most precious energy-the kidney essence! Traditional
Chinese Medicine: The kidney stores the essence and the essence of the internal organs. The kidney
essence is the body's nuclear energy. The two kidneys are like nuclear power plants, and the two
testicles (also known as the outer kidneys) are like nuclear reactors. The kidney essence is
sufficient, and only in academics and careers can they have nuclear power. When the loss of kidney
essence reaches a certain level, it will lead to symptoms and various disorders of the body and
mind. There is only one reason: your energy value is down! When the energy value drops to a
certain level, various symptoms and reactions will inevitably occur. Just like a car is constantly
depreciated and worn out, to a certain extent, various problems will appear, and even major repairs
will occur. When the number of times of masturbation accumulates over time, it will inevitably lead
to the collapse of the body and mind. The essence of masturbation is the essence of the internal
organs! I have seen a lot of cases of sperm injury, and now there are tens of thousands of them.
Many of them have a sudden outbreak of symptoms, almost without any signs, just like a sudden
break of an item, crazy indulgence for a period of time After that, the body suddenly disappears, and
some people may even have a sense of dying, which is very terrifying and terrifying!

After crazy masturbation, the energy value will drop suddenly, just like the stock index plummeting,
the main manifestation is becoming sluggish, the eyes are dull and dim, there is a feeling of being
unable to open, the complexion will also deteriorate, and then the waist Knee soreness, weakness,
frequent urination, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache and other symptoms. This is actually a
manifestation of energy leakage. When energy leaks, the state of mind and body will immediately
undergo subtle and bad changes. If your body has a strong foundation, you may not feel it
temporarily. However, after a few years of wear and tear, you will suddenly Realizing that I'm not
as good as before, this bad feeling will soon come to the slappers. People with a thin body will not
be able to hurt them at all, and the symptoms will come out faster and more obvious. In terms of
practice, there is a saying that the semen is called the "clear point." I think this is a very appropriate
statement. Regardless of its inner meaning, I will talk to you about my own understanding. If you
observe carefully, you will find that after the adulterer leaks his sperm, he will turn gray and dark.
Last season I also played the metaphor of the "gray man". Many brothers agree with the metaphor
of the "gray man". After the adultery, the color of the whole person is indeed grayed and darkened,
missing the "bright spot", and the overall brightness drops. The higher the energy, the higher the
brightness. If you look at the children, you will feel that they have a bright characteristic. , The eyes
are bright and energetic, and the complexion is bright and clean. When the energy drops, it will turn
gray and dark, just like a flashlight, the battery will be bright when it is full, and it will become dark
when the battery is not working.

Essence must be raised slowly. Essence is different from the energy of ordinary food. Essence can
create people! Giving birth to others, staying in birth births. No other energy, no matter how
powerful it is, cannot create human beings, but the essence can! This is a kind of energy that can not
be vented lightly. Dantian nourishment is a longevity treasure, and gold will not be given to anyone!
Lean will lead to life, exhaustion will lead to death. "Essence, Qi, and God" were called the Three
Treasures of the Human Body by ancient health-preservingists. Since essence is the basis for the
production of Qi and God, essence is the core of life. "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says:
"The essence of the body is the essence of the husband." "Singing the Truth" says: People can fulfill
their essence and become prosperous. If a person can preserve his essence, he can conform to the
heaven and the earth, be in good health, and be full of life. If you abuse and vent, it is equivalent to
draining the core energy of life. What you get in exchange is only the illusory short-term pleasure,
which is equivalent to trading diamonds for sugar, which is really very ignorant and foolish. Kidney
Essence, this is a kind of energy that can create human beings, but it is shot off like rubbish by
many people. It's really sad! If this energy can be internalized without letting it out, one can
maintain youthful vitality, and the five internal organs will become moist and peaceful, with bright
ears and eyes, and an extraordinary look.

In order to manage and restore their energy, people must realize that masturbation is a costly foolish
act, which is tantamount to self-harm. Only in this way can they make the greatest determination to
get rid of this bad habit. In the past, they always thought that masturbation was a great enjoyment.
After a deep understanding of the harm, they would know that the nature of masturbation was
suffering. When they realized this, they could look at those ignorant prostitutes from a higher
perspective. In fact, the people who slapped the people were really stupid. They were brainwashed
by the harmless theory and felt justified. They pushed themselves into the fire pit step by step
without knowing it. When you really see the truth, you will completely lose interest in
masturbation, just like you eat a piece of meat and find it delicious. At this time, someone tells you
that it is poisonous. How do you feel? It is estimated that I will vomit soon. Knowing the truth can
make people gain power. Masturbation is not enjoyment. Masturbation is depriving you of energy.
People who masturbate are not enjoyers, but victims and exploited people. They cannot see this
because of their stupidity.

Regarding how to better manage your own energy, I will elaborate from the following five aspects

1. Insufficient energy will cause illness, and energy recovery will recover.

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "My husband is eight years old with strong kidney
qi, and he has long teeth. The two-eight kidney qi is full, the sky is decei, the essence and qi are
overflowing, the yin and yang are harmonious, so you can have children. Therefore, the true teeth
are born and grow extremely long. Forty-eight muscles and bones are prosperous, and muscles are
full. Five-eight kidney qi is weak, and the hair falls into the teeth. Six-eight yang qi is exhausted,
the face is scorched, and the hair sideburns are white. Tendons can’t move, days are exhausted, the
kidneys are decayed, and the body is extremely weak. Eight or eight teeth are sent away.” (28-16
years old, 38-24 years old, and so on, males go eight, women go seven)

Being born is an energy body, from micro to full, from full to decline, this is a process of energy
change. The ancients were 28-16 years old and had a diarrhea. Modern children developed
significantly earlier, starting to develop at the ages of 12 and 13. The ancients had kidney qi failure
at the age of 5-8-40. Modern children are deeply polluted by adultery and are generally addicted to
it. The habit of masturbation, many children have the pulse of the 40-year-old uncle when they are
teenagers, and the pulse of the 60-year-old when they are 20 years old. Because masturbation
consumes precious life energy, they have already exhausted prematurely, and the flower of youth
has not yet fully bloomed. , It is about to face withering and decay. Looking at those children,
prostatitis and spermatic cord began to appear at the age of 13 and 14, which was unimaginable
before, but now because of the pollution of adultery, more and more children have shown various
manifestations of injury to their sperm. There are many people who have neurosis in their teens.
When their energy drops to a certain level, they will definitely have symptoms. If they are less, the
disease is the iron law. When your energy slowly recovers, various physical and mental symptoms
will disappear. Treatment and health preservation are to help you restore energy. After the energy is
restored, it will be renewed, just like a new life.

2. Good mood can improve the quality of energy

Positive emotions convey positive energy, and negative emotions release negative energy. After
rebooting, we must learn to manage emotions. Emotions themselves are a kind of energy. Bad
emotions can easily lead to psychological imbalance and relapse. Many people relapse after getting
angry. Emotional relapse is very common. We must learn to face our lives and lives with a positive
and optimistic attitude. No matter how great the external pressure is, as long as we control our
emotions, we can improve the quality of energy. You can choose to release positive energy or
negative energy. When you release positive energy, you are actually strengthening your positive
energy. If you let bad emotions control you again and again, you will become full of negative
energy. Positive energy can transmit and influence each other. In fact, the same is true for negative
energy. Positive energy can keep the body and mind in a harmonious state, while negative energy
can cause distortion and morbidity of the body and mind. "Cai Gen Tan" says: "The one who lowers
the devil first lowers his own mind, and when the heart is down, the demons retreat; the one who
controls the qi first controls the qi, and the qi is flat, then the outside does not invade." To subdue
those bad emotions, especially hatred, jealousy, complaining, pessimism, arrogance, etc. Bad
emotions will lower your overall energy level, just as a poorly tested subject will lower your overall
score. We must learn to be grateful and calm, face every day of life with a positive attitude.

3. The most fundamental thing that affects energy level is a person's state of consciousness

Health maintenance is energy cultivation. The highest state of health cultivation is the cultivation of
the heart, the corporal nourishes the body, the sergeant nourishes the qi, and the sergeant nourishes
the heart! A person's state of consciousness directly determines a person's health level. Many people
say that their symptoms are caused by masturbation. Think about it. If your consciousness is always
pure, you won’t get the bad habit of masturbation. But then the degeneration happened and your
heart became dirty. After being polluted by adultery, just like a clear river is polluted into a smelly
river, your heart is already full of the dirt of adultery. We must learn to purify our minds, we must
learn to reserve our own energy, take care of our own energy, and we must not abuse it. Crazy
masturbation is the behavior of ignorant people. The real wise man absolutely disdains it. The wise
man knows how to manage his own. Energy, never let your energy leak casually.
Those who are addicted to lust have little secrets, and those who are licentious have very thick
barriers. When I was obsessed with masturbation, if I showed me the books of sages, I guess I
couldn't get in at all, it was like separated by a mountain. The books of sages and sages need to be
purified to a certain level before they can truly understand and respond. It is difficult for a person
who commits adultery to understand. The brain of a person who commits adultery is like being
covered up. Buddhism talks about the five hierarchies. , There are greed cover, anger cover, etc.,
greed will cover one's spirituality. Later, I started to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, and
then slowly learn about the education of sages. Only then did I really look into it, and the more I
watched it, the more reasonable it became. True wisdom is born from a pure heart, which is a kind
of transcendent wisdom, and a dirty heart will only make you impetuous, short-sighted, and eager
for quick success.

4. Awaken the inner child and retrieve pure energy

The most important thing is to "restore purity" to one's own mind. The real great happiness comes
from a pure mind. Looking at the child's eyes, there is no licentious pollution in it, just like clear
spring water, agile and bright, full of aura. In the pure eyes, there is no trace of wickedness, the pure
eyes are so calm and open, pure eyes, like the blue sky and sea in June, filled with the breathtaking
pure beauty. When you awaken the inner child, when you return to a pure and beautiful state, when
you are free from the shackles of desire, you will find that you are free and you have obtained a
higher level of happiness. This is the real great happiness. This is the pure happiness that is truly
worth pursuing and possessing.

When you are contaminated by adultery, you are completely changed, two words: dirty! The filth of
the soul will be reflected in your appearance and temperament, which is born from the heart, and
the adulterous person will give people a sense of insignificance, and even arouse a sense of disgust.
Every time you masturbate, you accumulate negative energy. In the end, you become a carrier of
negative energy, a person who is full of negative energy. Because what you radiate is negative
energy, what you attract is negative things. You will Finding that his life has become a mess, or
even a stagnant pool.

Once, you lived so purely in this world

Now please wake up the inner child

Retrieve the pure energy and let the transformation happen

5. Do good and accumulate virtue, let positive energy fill oneself

The negative energy accumulated by masturbation will bring about destructive effects, and it is also
extremely detrimental to physical and mental health, while doing good and accumulating virtue will
bring about the opposite effect. You will find that your life is truly on the right track, and the
previous life of adultery is completely unsuccessful. Tao, it is the Tao of the demon, is it happy to
live an adulterous life? If you think about it, you are actually not happy. You are just "taking" a drug
called masturbation. You are just a drug addict. Doing good and accumulating virtue can
significantly increase your positive energy. In the process of quitting masturbation, if you can do
good vigorously, then it will be easier to quit masturbation. Many rebooting seniors have repeatedly
emphasized the importance of doing good. Good deeds and adultery are two opposite forces.
Constant deeds of good will help overcome the vice of masturbation. A smile and a sentence of
encouragement are a kind of charity. By continuing to do good, you will find that you are much
happier than before. It is the happiest to be good in this world. When you truly choose to be selfless
and altruistic, you will find that you have it. Everything.

Final summary:

The second episode of "Journey to the West": "Wukong kowtowed his head and thanked him, wash
his ears carefully, and knelt down on his bed. Patriarch Yun: Revealing the secret and tactful tactics,
but cherishing life is nothing to say. Everyone is always spirited and strong, and stay fast. Hidden
leaks. If you leak, you hide in your body, you will be prosperous by my preaching. The formulas are
so useful to keep away evil desires and cool. , Solid essence, secret essence. Jing Yun: "Intensive
cultivation of spiritual roots and energy, there is nothing more than this truth; who is willing to vent
to others easily if there is a bodhi seed in the pubic field." Energy management

The basis of masturbation is to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, and then pay attention to the
way of health, manage your emotions, and do more good deeds, so that your positive energy can be
at a relatively high level. When the energy comes back and everything changes, you will find
yourself healthier and more confident, and you will regain ample vitality, just like a sports car filled
with gas. Full of confidence. After the return of full spirit, swept away the haze of adultery, like a
tiger coming out of its cage, unstoppable, you are back with a pure soul and full of positive energy.

Let me share a reboot poem

"Pirate Space"

Shoot yourself into the air and collapse the whole person

Staring at the ceiling blankly, hands spread out

Everything is showing, the demons just came

This is a crime scene, the heart demon bandit

Took away precious kidney essence

The kidney essence is gone, he is like a fish on the shore

He knew the symptoms would continue to wreak havoc on his body

This already riddled body

He is afraid, afraid of the demon in his heart

Every time the heart demon comes, he loses, there is no power to fight back

He is afraid of this kind of life, he doesn't want to be the puppet of the heart demon

He doesn’t want to continue feeding the demon, the demon is getting more and more perverted

He feels like he has slipped into the depths of sin

The pure light disappeared from him

He is graying and darkening day by day, and he is getting more and more wretched.

He became the kind of person he hated most before

He has been completely reduced to a pot of medicine

Live the life of horror

Staring at the ceiling blankly, eyes like fish

He knows this is a thief space

Every day there are various tragedies of theft

This is a battlefield where no gunsmoke can be seen

This battlefield is in everyone's mind

A voice came, I can’t do this again

Spread hands turned into clenched fists

It must be quit! In the gray body

Burst of decisive lightning

Destiny is about to change

The rebooting lion has woken up

Recommend a book this season:

"Lianchi Master quits killing and releases life with pictures and illustrations", Master Lotus is also
known as Master Yunqi. Together with Zibai Zhenke, Hanshan Deqing, and Hui Yizhixu, they are
also known as the four great monks in the Ming Dynasty. This book shows that the web version can
be searched on the Internet. There are several versions. A total of more than 90 stories have been
collected, and then pictures are added. I think this book of pictures is very good, and the form of
pictures and texts is very popular. I like this picture, so I recommend it to everyone, I hope people
who are destined to benefit from it.

Season 89: On the adverse effects of masturbation on the fortune

of life

As more and more brothers learn to reboot professionally, many people’s rebooting days are already
very good. Last season’s feedback was that there was one 659-day brother, one 160-day brother, and
one more. More than half a year. Newcomers come to reboot. Seeing seniors who can quit for so
many days, they will find it unbelievable, even unimaginable. It is simply an impossible task,
because the newcomer must have tried rebooting before, but hardly more than one. In May, when
they see seniors rebooting for hundreds of days, they will feel like a miracle. In fact, when
newcomers truly learn to reboot professionally, to observe mindfulness, to be vigilant, and to learn
emotional management, then they can do it too. The so-called senior rebooting started as a
newcomer and had also experienced the stage of a rookie. The brother who rebooted for 160 days
had a very good quote. He said: "The number of days is really not accidental, it is the result of
continuous learning and accumulation. Sincerely helping others, seeing others happy makes me
happier." Brothers have already learned how to accumulate, and they have also learned to cultivate
virtue. When rebooting, you must pay attention to cultivating goodness, because cultivating
goodness can increase your positive energy and accumulate goodness into virtue.

Share some cases below

1. [I'm very complaining why I didn't encounter rebooting when I was young. At that time, the
Internet was still underdeveloped. Although I knew that masturbation was not good, they were all
forced to abstain from blind rebooting, and it was difficult to quit in the end. I am very envious of
today's teenagers, who are walking on the right path of life under the guidance of the seniors of the
rebooting bar. This year is the first year, and my son is also three years old, but my goal is not to
stop life and reboot. For your own health, for your family. Work hard together! 】

Supplementary comment: This brother made me feel very emotional. When I was young, there was
no rebooting education. The school didn’t talk about it. My parents never talked to me about
masturbation. Masturbation is very special. Sensitive topics, even taboo topics. At that time, I was
very ignorant and naive. At that age, I really needed someone to give me the correct guidance, so
that I could truly realize the many harms of masturbation, but unfortunately not. At that time, I
didn’t get any information about the harmfulness of masturbation. I started to indulge in the bad
habit of masturbation in a very ignorant state. This is a hidden bad habit, but it is the essence of
your five internal organs that is hollowed out. , How disastrous the consequences are! The bad habit
of masturbation can turn innocent teenagers into walking dead. All the pure qualities of sunshine
will disappear after masturbation, and then will be replaced by the hostility of adultery, and the
spirit of spirit will also be severely destroyed. Confucius said: "When you are young, your vitality is
still indeterminate, but you are quitting." Sex is the first level of youth, and this level must be
beaten! Many teenagers are really alive, but after a few years of indulging in masturbation, you will
see him again, and you will suddenly find that he has become insignificant and even makes people
feel disgusted. The habit of masturbation has corrupted his soul. Contaminated by Xanthox.

In this Internet age, pornography has become more violent than ever, and it is easy to get access to
the content of adultery, and there are still many pictures and news on the Internet that are
unpredictable. Fortunately, in recent years, the power of rebooting on the Internet has begun to
flourish. Many people can access the truth about masturbation through the Internet, and they can
also learn to reboot professionally. They are no longer at the level of forced and blind reboot. Can
completely get rid of the bad habit of masturbation. This is an era where crises and opportunities
coexist. The crisis is that pornography is very violent and the possibility of degeneration is very
high. Opportunities are that you can access rebooting articles through the Internet, and you can also
read many great virtues. When you really start rebooting If you cultivate goodness, your spirituality
will also improve, and you will gain real great happiness. Today’s teenagers, you are unfortunate
because the environment in which you grew up is full of messages of adultery, but you are also
lucky, because there are rebooting bars and many websites for quitting adultery. You can still come
into contact with the truth about masturbation. I hope you will take good care of yourself and strive
to get rid of the vice of masturbation as soon as possible.

2. [I have vitiligo. Chinese medicine says that it is caused by liver and kidney deficiency and
insufficient qi and blood. The skin on the eyebrows has turned white, and I have obsessive-
compulsive disorder. , I am ridden with licentiousness, and now I have reflected a lot. 】

Additional comment: This brother had vitiligo. The doctor said that he had liver and kidney
deficiency, insufficient qi and blood, and he could cause liver and kidney deficiency. When this kind
of loss accumulates over time, various symptoms may erupt in the end, among them Including skin
lesions. Common skin problems caused by sperm injury are acne. There are also feedbacks of
urticaria, psoriasis, eczema, and moss. Symptoms also need to be accumulated. The so-called
accumulation of microbes becomes huge. Many people have been okay in the first few years, but
then it gradually became wrong, and various symptoms of sperm injury began to become obvious.
This brother-in-law used too much in high school. At that time, he was crazy and indulgent, but did
he ever think that he would get vitiligo now? Everyone guessed the beginning, but couldn't guess
their own ending. The beginning was good, but the ending was bitter! I remember that some articles
mentioned that someone had completed the "primitive accumulation", dug up the first pot of gold in
his life, and then became a wealthy man. Masturbation is just the opposite. Indulging in
masturbation is also completing the primitive accumulation, but this is the primitive accumulation
that leads to self-destruction. Masturbation is also digging the essence, not the gold of gold, but the
essence of the kidney. It will lead to a huge loss of the body! In fact, the tragedy of life a few years
later was doomed when the first masturbation a few years ago! When you reach out to JJ for the
first time, it's like opening a time bomb. Sooner or later, the symptoms will break out.

3. [Hello Teacher Flying! Ashamed, I have been rebooting for half a year. Who knew that I had
committed an arrogant problem a few days ago and thought I had given up completely, so I let my
guard down, and ended up breaking it once. I have benefited a lot from rebooting in the past six
months. I must not be arrogant in the future. I must always maintain a humble attitude. I can't leave
rebooting, and keep going on the path of rebooting and rebooting. 】

Additional comment: Virtue is what you fight at the end of the quit! Regardless of how long the
vows take, one should maintain a humble attitude. Modesty can make people progress, arrogance
can make people break the vows. The so-called arrogant soldiers will be defeated! When you are
proud, the inner demon smiles contemptuously. The inner demon knows that you have revealed a
flaw, and it has an opportunity... Put yourself in the lowest position and serve all beings. Tiandao
loses profits and gains modest, while tunnels become profitable and flows modest, full of losses,
modest benefit! A word of humility really needs to be cultivated well, and it is not easy to get the
word humility in place. Younger and more frivolous, and this frivolousness will sooner or later hit
him. Once he is arrogant, he will easily lead to failure. To deal with arrogance, one should learn to
be humble. Humility is a state, self-humility is a virtue, and humble people are more popular. The
sages settle down, the higher the morality, the lower the heart, we must learn more about the
education of sages, so that we can always remain humble, humble like a lily of the valley, not
pretentious, not showing off, pure and clean, elegant and refined!

4. [I found an old Chinese doctor today because of my hair loss. I was frightened. Once I went in,
he didn’t say anything. He didn’t let me say anything. He took the pulse and said, "Your body's
internal function is not good, and your waist is not good." , With prostate problems, there will
definitely be dead sperm. When I hear dead sperm, I am directly afraid. I admit that I masturbated
because he was all right! Say I am very serious and difficult to treat, hey! Tell me to take six sets of
medicine first, so good! I'm so scared! 】

Additional comment: This old Chinese doctor is very good. It is estimated that there are countless
patients with kidney deficiency, so the export is accurate. Many people are ignorant and ignorant.
You think you are okay, but your pulse state tells you everything! You can fool yourself, but you
can't fool the discerning person. Some Chinese medicine practitioners looked solemn after taking
the pulse, and even shook their heads and sighed. Nowadays, young people have been hollowed out
by the wicked life. At a young age, the pulse condition has deteriorated! Many people are very
ignorant and don't know anything. They are still stabs frantically, just stab themselves with a stab,
and he himself thinks he is enjoying it, which is really foolish. All harmless theories should be
completely crushed and knocked down. Facts have proved that harmless doctrines can only harm
people, and they are not superficial! Prostatitis can cause the quality of sperm to decrease. Dead
sperm is more common, and there are many abnormal sperm, as well as weak sperm and
azoospermia. Ignorant teenagers, you should wake up and stop ruining yourself with arrogance,
otherwise you will end badly in the future!

5. [Hello Brother Feixiang, I have started rebooting now. I have been six years since the second day
of the second grade. I realized that I had eaten bad results in December last year. A cold and a high
fever were completely overwhelmed. My already fragile body, tinnitus in my right ear, frequent
urination, I can’t sleep in the middle of the night, and a lot of Chinese medicine and western
medicine. How to eat and sleep. 】

Additional comment: After six years of digging, the body has turned into a tofu project. At this
time, a small earthquake will cause the body to collapse in an instant. Many people are in good
health before the tube, and they can resist a cold and fever by themselves without even taking
medicine, but after indulging in tube tube, it is not the same. The previous body has a strong
resistance to diseases. Now His body can't stand the toss at all. This brother is living in a very
painful life, and he already has symptoms of decay. If he knew today, why should he be in the first
place? Parents give us life, we should cherish it, madness will only drive ourselves into desperate
situation, let us live better than death. This brother has been in charge for six years, in fact, he has
been planting "evil causes", just like a farmer sowing seeds on the ground. After six years, planting
evil causes will reap evil results sooner or later. If you can't escape, retribution will definitely come.
Don't stretch your hand, you will be caught when you stretch your hand to your crotch, the disaster
movie is about to be staged...

6. [I am 24 years old this year, 13 years old, and the past is unbearable. I can only describe it as
tragedy and disaster. Let me talk about the symptoms that I have experienced. I have changed from
self-confidence and cheerfulness to low self-esteem and introversion, not talking, premature
ejaculation, social fear, afraid to look into people’s eyes, and urinary symptom (people who have
never had this disease don’t know how much this disease is. Painful) Nervous disorder, I have been
to a mental hospital, the doctor diagnosed schizophrenia, and I am still taking medicine. The doctor
said that I will take medicine for 2-3 years. I am walking and floating. A series of my tragic
experiences are related to masturbation. I hated it before. When I came to the reboot bar and read
the post, I discovered the root of everything. It turned out to be my own self-sufficiency! 】

Additional comment: There is no way for good or bad, but people call themselves! To the end of
adultery, it is self-inflicted, and the bitter wine brewed by oneself is still to be drunk by oneself.
There is also a saying: Do not live by yourself! This brother’s experience is so embarrassing. I
remember that several brothers were sent to a psychiatric hospital before, and one of them was also
treated with a brutal electric shock. He would not treat you as a human being. It was terrifying! If
you say you are not sick in a mental hospital, the doctor will never believe you, because in the eyes
of the doctor, you are a mental patient, and everything you say is abnormal and unreliable. This
brother used tragedy and disaster to describe his own experience. I think it is quite accurate. Some
brothers are just neurotic, not schizophrenia, but in the end they were misdiagnosed as
schizophrenia and were sent to a mental hospital by their family members. , What a gloomy day it
was! Before masturbation, I was self-confident and cheerful. After masturbation, I completely
changed. Masturbation is very damaging. The kidneys dominate the bones and the bones generate
marrow. The brain is the sea of marrow. Indulging in the vice of masturbation will turn the strongest
brain into the worst. The brain, ranging from decreased mental power, to neurosis, and even more
serious, may cause schizophrenia. At first it was crazy to control, and finally he was crazy! He went
into a mental hospital, and screamed again and again by then! From a disaster movie to a horror
movie...Long Zunxu of the Ming Dynasty said: "The birth of a lady, she gave birth to her father's
sperm and mother's blood to form her body. Flowing in the river of love and the sea. Those who
mourn early will be dissatisfied with their longevity; those who are late in the mourning will be
dissatisfied with their mid-life; those who are late in the mourning will be dissatisfied with their
longevity. The essence is the essence, like the oil of the lamp, like the water of the fish. The oil dies
out, and the fish dies in the water. But how can fools take suffering for pleasure, see color and
abandon one's life, knowing exhaustion, life will die!" A fool's joy in suffering is a deafening

7. [I am 28 years old this year, and I have been masturbating since I was 10 years old, until now.
Nowadays, the physical condition is extremely poor, and I have many diseases caused by
masturbation. I think this is a punishment for me, I feel very dirty. I started rebooting in May 2014
and learned a lot, but unfortunately it's been a year soon and I haven't quit. I will get married on
May 1 this year, but now I have impotence and premature ejaculation, and I don't know how to deal
with it after getting married. I regret it very much now. If I had quit since last year, it might be much
better if I conditioned it for a year now. So friends who are not yet married and those who are about
to get married should give up from now on. Don't be like me. Get married right away, and you will
regret it. 】

Additional comment: This brother’s warning is very sincere. Many people are indeed unmarried.
They are not married yet, and their sexual function is no longer good. After so many years before,
the body has been completely overdrawn. Many people not only have poor sexual function, but also
have a lot of other symptoms. Such a body will indeed be embarrassing and embarrassing to enter
into marriage. Poor sexual function may affect marital harmony and may also lead to divorce.
Masturbation can really lead to tragedies in life. Many people are young and ignorant. They only try
to be happy for a while. When they are about to get married, they suddenly realize that they are not
working. At this time, they want to cry without tears. Many brothers are very concerned about the
recovery of sexual function. I generally recommend aerobic exercise + strength training + health
training + diet therapy. If these four aspects are done well, the sexual function will be restored
naturally, but remember not to try it lightly. The degree of recovery can be known from the quality
of morning erection. This brother said that he was "particularly regretful". Many people felt this
kind of regret after being abolished. The history of masturbation is really a history of blood and
tears. A deep dilemma. People who masturbate are like trapped beasts. We must get out of prison
and find ourselves in the sun and healthy again. We can't continue to be decadent! It's time to quit it!

8. [Flying brother, I have been quitting for three months now, and have been reading your articles! I
am 28, and I have been suffering physically and mentally for 11 years! Because of my bad feelings,
I broke twice with nocturnal emission twice in the middle. I have been working hard to study your
article, and I am generally developing in a good direction. My complexion and physical health are
slowly recovering, rhinitis, frequent urination, urgency, etc. are gone. ! And after the new year, my
colleagues said that I have changed a lot, saying that I have become handsome again! I really
appreciate you and reboot, let me rebirth from Nirvana! 】

Additional comment: This brother is recovering well. Although he has experienced breaks and
nocturnal emission, he is generally developing in a good direction, and he has also become
handsome! Being handsome is very powerful. It can restore self-confidence and be born from one's
heart. When your mind gradually becomes pure, your appearance and temperament will be greatly
improved. I remember that a few days ago, two brothers shared the comparison photos before and
after rebooting, and they are indeed much more handsome. After the spirit and spirit came back, it
was completely different, and I felt that there was a layer of brilliance and purity on the face. A
clear luster, and then the whole face becomes more stylish, and the eyes become more energetic, the
light is full, and the eyes are piercing. After you start rebooting, subtle good changes accumulate
little by little, and when they accumulate to a certain level, you will feel that the changes are so big,
and people around you will definitely notice this. Similarly, if you are addicted to masturbation,
subtle bad changes will accumulate little by little. When the accumulation reaches a certain level,
people around you will find that you have become ugly and insignificant. The bad changes after
masturbation are obvious. Finally, you stand in front of the mirror. It's a walking dead. Recently,
there was a hot news item called "Taking an inventory of photos of the officials who fell from the
horse under trial, and their faces were haggard as if they were "removed". The contrast between the
photos before and after is indeed very contrasting. In fact, the haggard is like being removed from
the makeup. More precisely, it is. Be "released" makeup! Essence is the best make-up for men, but
many people vent their energies, and the result is a look of haggard and wretchedness, a sluggish
look. We must completely get rid of the bad habit of masturbation and rebirth from the cannon
fodder of adultery!

Step into the text below

Many rebooting articles will mention that adultery can affect a person's luck. Masturbation also
belongs to the category of adultery. When many new people see this kind of view, they may find it
absurd or even nonsense. In fact, a truly reasonable person knows that the influence of adultery on
luck is not groundless, because the magnetic field emitted by the adulterer is very bad, so the
content he inspires is also negative, negative, and full of negative energy. This is actually the law of
attraction. , Things of the same frequency will resonate, and things of the same nature will come
together because of mutual attraction. Our thoughts are vibrating wave-shaped information. When a
person’s heart is moved, it is sending a message. If the message you send is related to adultery, then
the content you are inspired to is negative and even evil, and your life is also It will be full of bad
luck and upsets.

There is also a sentence in the law of attraction: "Our mind itself is energy, it can summon energy,
and start the cycle of energy." Because your thoughts are wicked, what you summon is negative
energy, and negative energy is there. Destructive in nature, it will have a very negative impact on
physical and mental health. If you keep giving out negative thoughts, it will start the cycle of
negative energy, which will plunge you into negative decadence. Those who are truly sensible will
know that there is a scientific basis for licentiousness in inducing bad luck, and it can be completely
explained by scientific principles. This is also esoteric knowledge, and most people will not know
it. With the continuous progress of science, some profound truths in traditional culture will be
gradually confirmed.

"Ksitigarbha Sutra" says: "Nanyan Fu mentions all beings, and we are all karma and sin." Buddhism
tells us to cultivate in the mind. The mind is the most fundamental. If the thoughts are not correct, it
will inevitably inspire negative thoughts. The content of the content, the thoughts are right, the heart
is naturally open and honest. The highest state of health cultivation is also to nourish the mind. You
must let yourself express more kind thoughts, so that you can fill yourself with positive energy. If
you keep sending out evil and twisted thoughts, then you will be inspired by bad luck again and
again. "Cai Gen Tan" says: "If you make a mistake, you will feel that everything is wrong, and you
should prevent it as a sea floating pouch, and don't allow a needle to leak; if you are good, you will
have a clear life." Evil deeds, fierce disasters, good fortune and adultery, retribution is not good at
all! Modern quantum mechanics has also proved that the entire universe is a holographic
information energy field. Each part of it is connected to the rest of the whole, and each part can
reflect the whole on a smaller scale. We actually live in a holographic universe. Everyone's thoughts
will affect the whole, and everybody's thoughts will also lead to changes in their life fortunes.

Everyone should know the butterfly effect (The Butterfly Effect). The butterfly effect refers to a
dynamic system where small changes in initial conditions can drive a huge long-term chain reaction
of the entire system. A butterfly in a tropical rainforest, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a
tornado in Texas, the United States two weeks later. The reason is that the vibration of the butterfly
flapping its wings causes the air system around it to change and produce a weak air flow, and the
weak air flow will cause the surrounding air or other systems to change accordingly, which causes a
chain reaction. Eventually lead to great changes in other systems. Meteorologist Lorenz found that
because the error will increase exponentially, in this case, a small error will cause huge
consequences as it goes on. The ancient Chinese also said: "A gentleman is cautious, the slightest
difference is a thousand miles away." Don’t underestimate the vice of masturbation. Decadent, this
is the chain effect, and like dominoes, one fell down and all fell down.

Many reboot articles generally use the word "luck", and I prefer to use "fortune" or "fortune", which
can be more professional, just like fitness coaches generally use the word "fat reduction" instead of
using The word "weight loss". The word luck is relatively popular, while the word fortune is
relatively professional. It is often said that the transfer is a ten-year period, but it is difficult for the
adulterer to turn back and forth. It is easier for the adulterer to recite, and things will not go
smoothly, even full of frustration and hardship. The popularity of the adulterer is quite bad. Because
he has been sending bad thoughts, his interpersonal relationship is also easily deteriorated. If you
study more real cases, you will find that it is very common for adulterers to lose money. It is normal
to lose tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars are lost. Remember
a piece of news about men masturbating. After burning paper towels, it caused a warehouse fire and
caused a direct loss of 7.6 million! It was shocking.

Does masturbation have a bad influence on life fortune? That is for sure! From a scientific point of
view, it means that negative thoughts attract negative things, and the thoughts of adultery are
completely distorted and nasty, so the things that are inspired must be distorted, unsatisfactory, and
even full of frustration. Your thoughts are attracting things of the same frequency. Positive energy
thoughts attract high-frequency things, while negative energy thoughts attract low-frequency things,
and low-frequency things will bring painful feelings. Only a handful of people know this secret, and
the vast majority of people are still ignorant of it. Those who really know this secret will do their
best to do good deeds and help others. There is a saying: accumulation of funds is not as good as
accumulating virtue! I agree with this sentence very much. After you truly have the awareness of
doing good and accumulating virtue, your life will undergo a complete transformation. We should
be the masters of our own thoughts, watch our own thoughts, and manage our thoughts well, and
don’t let ourselves have lustful thoughts, thoughts of killing, thoughts of jealousy, thoughts of pride,
thoughts of hatred, etc., on the contrary , We must let ourselves send out more kind thoughts, be
kind, say good things, do good things, and be good people. The situation changes with your heart.
When you really change your thoughts, your life situation will develop in a good direction.

The following six aspects discuss the adverse effects of masturbation on life fortune. I prefer to
discuss the relationship between masturbation and fortune from the aspect of Chinese medicine.

1. Masturbation impairs exam luck: There is a very important point in traditional rebooting that is
that adultery will reduce fame. There are examples of this in "Induction Chapter Illustration" and
"Shou Kang Bao Jian", and as long as there is that kind of adultery Thoughts, even if you have
committed adultery, you will be judged before your heart is moved. If it is explained from the
medical theory of Chinese medicine, in fact, it is easy to understand that masturbation damages test
luck, because Chinese medicine: the kidney is connected to the brain! Masturbation is very brain-
damaging. After the brain power declines, I can read a question that I can understand once, but now
I can't read it more than a dozen times, and I feel my brain becomes dull. Declining brain power is a
very common symptom of patients with sperm injury. Masturbation will steal the brain power of the
stunner. This is absolutely true! Many brothers performed very well before masturbation, ranking in
the top few of the class and even the grade. Later, after indulging in masturbation, the ranking
dropped. Some people even dropped dozens of them. The last time I saw a brother, I directly Fell to
the countdown. After your brain power drops sharply, it will naturally affect your exam luck. Even
if your brain power decline is not very serious, your self-sensitivity is also very good, but because
you are committing adultery, you may also be inexplicably lost in the rankings. In fact, this kind of
situation is still Many people feel that they have done well in the exam, but their scores are very
low. Although some people have good scores, they miss the ideal college by mistake. After in-depth
study of traditional culture, I believe in my own arrangements, and I also deeply believe in the
education of sages, that is, cults will reduce their reputation. If you don't commit adultery, what will
your life be like now, do you dare to imagine? It is hard to count how many emperor's proud sons
have become useless.

Case: I don’t know that masturbation will affect the welfare. I remember that when I was admitted
to the county high school with excellent grades, my grades were among the best in the first year of
high school, but my grades began to decline when I reached the second year of high school. It
happened that I had already started masturbating during that time. At first, I thought it was caused
by my own playfulness, so I retreated from the cliff and studied harder. I was exaggerated because I
wanted to enter the ideal university. I studied harder. So in the first mock exam of the third year of
high school, I took the first place in the class. name. From then on, I felt happy, and masturbation
started again. I slowly realized that I couldn't keep up with my intelligence and body, and my results
plummeted. Although I studied very hard, I lost my name in the college entrance examination that
year. I was not reconciled to that result, so I decided to repeat the course for another year. I have
been masturbating during this period, but I did not know that the culprit was my masturbation. I
clearly remembered that year when I re-entered the exam. Every time I took the mock test results on
the undergraduate course online, I never expected the possibility of being admitted to a junior
college. As a result, I got an unacceptable result in the college entrance examination that year. ,
Only got the specialist line. During the university, I frequently failed the big exams, such as the
sixth grade and the fourth grade (just two or three points), even though I could pass it when I did the
mock test. Thinking that I am about to enter the society, and the certificates in hand are so few, I
feel very regretful in my heart!

2. Masturbation damages the luck of love: Most brothers will choose to fall in love and get married,
and masturbation is very harmful to the luck of love, masturbation will make you unable to find a
happy family member! The Huayan Sutra says: "The crime of adultery also causes all beings to fall
into the three evil ways. If one is born, there are two kinds of retribution. If a wife is not chaste and
good, the two should not be dependents at will." Many people still have this aspect. Very blessed,
but because he is addicted to the vice of masturbation, the blessings in this area have been
exhausted. And with the prolongation of age and the deepening of the degree of injury, many people
have lost their recognition and can't find the handsomeness of the past. Their faces are dull and
swollen, wretched and ugly, their spirits are abnormally weak, and they lack sunshine and vitality.
Some people can’t go on blind date more than ten times or even dozens of times. Either he looks
down on others, or others look down on him. In short, they are very unsatisfactory and are in a very
embarrassing situation. Many brothers used to be handsome men who were the objects of secret
crushes among girls. Later, when they were ugly, they were ignored, and their love luck became a

Case: It’s almost 30 years old. I have not succeeded in chasing a girl. I am living a muddle-headed
life. The number of masturbations is as high as eight times a day, which is more than once a day on
average. In 2013, a blind date was unsuccessful a dozen times. What a tragic report! I had this bad
habit for fifteen years. I got it in my first year of high school. Before this bad habit, my junior high
school was less than ten in the whole year, and my first year was also less than ten in the year. After
I contracted it, I slipped directly to the bottom ten. Since I got this bad habit, I got out of control,
and I suffered from alopecia areata again, and I didn’t know how to converge at the time. Alopecia
areata developed into baldness, and the eyebrows were also removed. I used to be handsome. ,
Masturbation will become ugly, if you want to become ugly, just continue to masturbate! The worst
thing is that I only went to a junior college for three years. Why have I not realized that
masturbation has eliminated my blessings for so many years? My eyesight is reduced, and I have all
the rewards of masturbation. I didn’t repent for three years in university. I continued to slap it. Alas,
I didn’t repent and I wanted to kill myself. All my college graduates were admitted to the public
institution, and I ran to the electronics factory. After that, I couldn't go down and went to the
construction site again. Although I am a great job now, my later reflections made me understand
that everything I did was thanks to masturbation!

3. Masturbation impairs marital luck: when the sperm is damaged to a certain degree, sexual
dysfunction, premature ejaculation, impotence, and not strong erection will occur, and it is not only
sexual dysfunction, but also has many other symptoms of sperm injury. The internal organs are
completely abused by masturbation. It was hollowed out. In rebooting, many brothers abandon them
before they are married, and many of them are still suffering from neuroses, leading a decadent life
that is not as good as death and darkness, just like maggots in a dark corner. Inability of sexual
function may affect the stability of marriage in the future. Several brothers divorced because of such
problems. They had a history of masturbation for more than ten years before marriage, and their
body and mind had collapsed. Like a broken car, many people are still wearing green hats. "The
Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine" says: Illness arises from overuse! Masturbation is
highly addictive and it is easy to get out of control, so after a few years, sexual function will
definitely decline. Although some people do not have premature ejaculation and impotence, they
have symptoms such as ejaculation disorder and weak ejaculation. In addition, many people still
masturbate after getting married, because he is constantly looking for fresh stimulation, and even
engages in one-night stands and extramarital affairs. There is no sense of responsibility in such a
person. He has completely fallen. The marriage of an adulterer is perilous, and it is easy to get

Case: I’m going to report to you all the bad retributions I have caused due to adultery. My work is
not going well. I have already passed the year, but it is difficult to have a stable job. I have just left
my job. My marriage is not going well. I have a 4-year-old daughter who is very cute and smart.
But my wife is going to divorce life and death. I have been divorced for more than half a year;
rhinitis and pharyngitis are serious and I can't smell the smell; severe hair loss, I dare not look in the
mirror; I can't sleep at night, and I have to watch some hypnotic videos on my phone, and After
falling asleep, the quality of sleep is also quite poor; looks ugly, used to be very handsome and
sunny, now inferior and inferior, used to be super self-confident, now it is difficult to look up at
people; weak and sweaty, all over the body sweats like rain, panting after a little exercise. It wasn't
until I read many fine articles on rebooting bars that I suddenly realized that it was really
retribution! ! !

4. Masturbation damages career luck: masturbation worsens the physical and mental abilities. At
this time, career will definitely be greatly affected, especially for some severely neurotic patients,
they will not be able to work at all, and even the courage to go out has been lost. . The key to
starting a career outside the home is to have a good body, especially the brain power is strong
enough, after masturbation steals the brain power, people are like stupid. Many stunners are
standard "leaks"! The precious essence of the body has been leaked away by him unknowingly,
mainly masturbation and masturbation. Masturbation is an open leak, and masturbation is a secret
leak. When the degree of injury continues to deepen, people will have symptoms of kidney
deficiency such as sleepiness and laziness. , The energy is very poor, and the mentality is extremely
impetuous, there is no long-term doing things, and always give up halfway. People who masturbate
are full of negative energy, so when working in the unit, they are also easy to inspire unsatisfactory
things, such as always being scolded by the leader, or quarreling with colleagues, or often making
mistakes at work, poor performance, no promotion, etc. Many people end up I couldn't do it
anymore, so I chose to resign. Zeng Guofan said: "One point is for one's spirit, one for one's career,
and one is very spirit and very career." In his early years, Zeng Guofan had three precepts, one of
which was rebooting. Masturbation destroys the spirit and spirit very powerfully. When you are
completely sluggish, your career will be broken...

Case: Evil fornication is not superficial. When I was in school, I was a talented person. I went
astray and indulged in pornography. At first, I had no symptoms, but now the results are coming.
First of all, there are too many acne on the face, stubborn type. I have also seen a doctor in the
People's Hospital and took medicine, but it has no effect at all and it is disfigured! She can't hold
her head up in front of girls, has no self-confidence, and has very few friends of the opposite sex.
Dark circles under the eyes, greasy hair, and panting for a little exercise. These are the evil results
of adultery. Now I don’t dare to masturbate anymore. I also lost my job. I have been doing nothing
for almost a month. I believe in cause and effect, and I am sincere. Confession, let's cheer together!

5. Masturbation impairs your health: Health also has corresponding fortunes. Maybe you were in
good health last year, this year you might get sick, or even be hospitalized with surgery. If you want
to have a good health fortune, you must put more effort into health maintenance. Health
maintenance includes rebooting and maintaining essence, the kidney is the home of essence, and the
kidney essence is depleted. Just as the medicine king Sun Simiao said: "Smallness will cause
illness, and exhaustion will lead to death." Essence is the root of life, strong and strong will lead to
longevity, such as indulgence, qi will be weak, and weak qi will lead to weight loss. Or puffiness,
pale complexion, dull eyes, wretched temperament, unable to work. Masturbation damages the
kidneys, which can lead to a variety of diseases. Maybe you feel that it is okay now, but the damage
is actually accumulating slowly. When it accumulates to a certain extent, it is a big outbreak of
symptoms. At that time, it takes a process to recover. . When health slips through the fingers of
masturbation, your life will become very gloomy. Health is 1. Others such as seats, tickets, houses,
cars, wives, sons, etc. are all 0 behind 1, if the front The 1 is gone, and there are no more 0s behind
it. There is a saying that goes like this: "Healthy beggars are happier than sick kings!" Many
wealthy people suffering from depression are very envious of migrant workers, migrant workers are
capable of sleeping, and eat everything well, and rich people have not had this for a long time. Kind
of simple happiness. The poor who are not sick are immortals!

Case: I have been masturbating for 10 years. I developed colitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and
blood in the stool more than a month ago. At that time, there were no serious symptoms of kidney
deficiency. When the intestinal symptoms were controlled, I suddenly experienced dizziness,
tinnitus, and Fatigue, severe night sweats at night (I had night sweats before), and now it is very
painful, and I can't live a normal life! I used to masturbate uninterruptedly, sometimes once a day, or
once every 4-5 days when I was not free, just like that intermittently for 10 years. This time I didn't
expect the instant outbreak to be so severe, and my weight dropped by 4 kg in one month. Am I out
of help? Are there any brothers who have similar symptoms to me? Hope everyone answers!

6. Masturbation damages wealth: I saw a case a few days ago. The brother spent 5000+ on seeing a
doctor. It was prostatitis. I saw an iPhone. Some brothers saw several iPhones. Some of the money,
some even look down on the money of a car. Rebooting is really saving money, because when the
symptoms come out, the money spent is like running water, and the money can’t be saved at all.
Now it’s expensive to see a doctor and take medicine. If you go to a male hospital, then Tens of
thousands are quite common. I generally don’t recommend going to the Andrology Hospital. Once
you enter the Andrology Hospital, you won’t be allowed to come out without scraping you a few
floors. , The bag is basically empty. It is mentioned in "Great Wisdom" that there are ten sins of
adultery, the fifth of which is "daily consumption of property." The body of the adulterer will
definitely collapse, and when he enters the hospital, he will spend countless money. If you don’t get
rid of licentiousness, your health will not be good even if you spend money, because eating while
leaking will never heal, and even if it is temporarily relieved, it is very easy to relapse. I still
remember a brother who originally had a very good job with an annual salary of over 100,000.
Later, his body broke down due to masturbation and he couldn't do his job anymore. Then he quit
his job, and a good job with a high salary was gone. , It is a pity. Some people often lose things and
lose money for various reasons. In short, life becomes very unsatisfactory. Adultery will really
inspire bad luck. Because your thoughts are not right, all you attract are negative things. To change
this kind of bad luck, you must cultivate righteousness, send more kindness and good thoughts, and
do more good deeds, so that you can hope to change your fortune.

Case: I have been abstaining for 6 months, and I feel that I have a lot to say. I haven’t posted before.
I accidentally contacted rebooting last year. It feels like my life-saving straw. I am 22 years old this
year. For the third student, the pain and expense caused by adultery is countless, and the medical
expenses cost nearly 45,000! I don’t want to say any more about the pain caused by adultery, as
well as the pain of people around me, because only when I have experienced it will I feel the pain
for myself. That kind of pain exists objectively, and it influences your thoughts and influences. In
your life, everyone wants a bright future. I hope everyone will learn from me, purify their thoughts,
and don't always do those nasty things!

[Doing good and accumulating virtues change your destiny]: There are many ways to adjust your
fortune, the core of which is to do good and accumulate virtue, and you must really cultivate in your
thoughts, and cultivate in your heart! Zeng Guofan highly praised the "Four Trainings of Liao Fan"
and listed it as the first book of life wisdom that his nephews must read. The Four Trainings of Liao
Fan is a family instruction given by Mr. Yuan Liaofan in the Ming Dynasty to teach his son Yuan
Tianqi to know the truth about destiny, to discern the standard of good and evil, to change the good,
and to transform his destiny by himself. Experience shows up. I also highly admire "Four
Trainings" and I have watched movies specifically. If you want to change your own destiny, you
should start from doing good and accumulating virtue. You must learn more about traditional
culture. There is real great wisdom in traditional culture and you can go deep into it. Those who
study traditional culture are all people with great merit.

Final summary:

"An Shi Quanshu" says: "Adolescents who do not want to be rich, and adulterers are abject poverty;
those who do not want to succumb to the family, and the adulterers prefer luck; those who do not
want to have a son, and the adulterers have no future. Young people who don’t want to live a long
life, but the adulterer will die early.” Sexual adultery will slow your fortune and put your life into
trouble. When you go back to memorizing, you should reflect on the past adulterous life. How
absurd! You were originally a young man, but in the end you became a wretched uncle, a heaven
and a hell. Rebooting means cultivating the mind, and rebooting is also righteous. When the mind is
righteous, it will naturally invite blessings and rewards. If the heart is evil, it will naturally invite
evil rewards. If you understand this principle, you will laugh! That's it! It would be nice if I knew it!
Every brother must do good deeds while rebooting. When the thoughts you send out are good, the
results you have inspired are naturally good. "The Wenchang Emperor's Yin Stall Wen" says: "If
you want to have a lot of good fortune, you must rely on your heart. The time and time are
convenient, and you can make all kinds of shameful merits. Benefit things and people, cultivate
good fortune. Integrity replaces the heavens, and kindly saves the people for the country." Friends,

Share a poem below

"Rebooting the Swordsman"

The cold light flashed, and the knife came out of its sheath again
There is no sound, the heart demon falls to the ground, the sword spirit rises

Singled out the demons in the brain battlefield again and again

This is an invisible battlefield, you and I know it well

When you think, you will feel, you will feel nothing, and you will kill the mind again and again

The Knife of Breaking Mind has been sharpened extremely sharply

The blade sucks countless blood, faintly glowing red

Every time you drink the blood of the heart, the knife will become faster and more ruthless

Once upon a time, I was the one who fell on the ground every time

Now, every time he falls to the ground, he is the demon.

Constantly practice mindfulness and abstinence, and it will become a unique skill over time

Sluggish, it can't be solved with a single knife, this is a real taboo

The sword is like a tiger, but it does not break quickly, it is covered with swords, and it breaks when
you think about it.

I am the knife, the knife is me, the man and the knife are one, and the iron is like mud

The spirit of the knife, the momentum of the knife, the murderous spirit of the knife, the loneliness
of the knife

What kind of knife is the knife? The knife is the sword used to slay the devil, this is a sword that
kills the devil

To do well, you must first sharpen your tools. Is your knife fast enough?

Must be constantly tempered in actual combat, to be refined, to be extremely self-conscious

The world of adultery, the swordsman of rebooting, and the legend of the deduction

Facing the child’s pure eyes again, the world of wickedness instantly collapsed

Lapping humblely, like a maggot, this decadent day should come to an end

The knife is not out of its sheath, but it is already jumping wildly, because the thought has come up

The heart demon was about to speak, but it was split in half in the middle

No one can describe how fast this knife is, and the battle is within a few milliseconds.

The knife returned to its sheath, everything returned to silence

Like nothing happened

Continue to recommend books this season

"Bamboo Window Essays": Written by the eminent monk at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Lianchi
Master, who was born in the family of prominent families in Hangzhou, was born in Hangzhou. At
the age of seventeen, he made up all the students, and was known in the village for his knowledge
and filial piety. There is an old woman next door who recites the Buddha's name every day. The
master asks why, and the old woman replied: "The first husband holds the Buddha's name and died
at his death, so it is incredible to know the merits of recitation of the Buddha." The master was
touched by the words, and put his heart to the pure land, and he wrote the book "Life and death are
big" at the desk to make self-warning policies. The teachings in this book are quite concise. I
personally like it. I recommend it to friends who are destined. It is difficult to understand classical
Chinese. There is a vernacular translation on the Internet, so it is much easier to read.

Season 90: Enlightenment of Awareness-You are awareness, not


In the last post, a brother asked whether the number of days after relapse can be added. Strictly
speaking, the number of days after relapse should be zero, but there is another algorithm, that is, the
number of days can continue to be added, and then calculated on a yearly basis. For example, how
many times a year is accidentally relapsed, this record is also quite good, although I didn't fail to
break it once, but it was much better than breaking the vow a dozen times in the past month. Some
brothers said that it is an algorithm to reduce the number of days if you break the ring at a time, but
I prefer to calculate it on a yearly basis, so that you won’t be too entangled after you break the ring.
Will self-defeating and abandoning oneself, thus breaking the precept more crazily. At the
beginning, many people will carefully calculate the number of days. In fact, after entering the stable
rebooting period, the number of days is not so important, because at that time it has completely
surpassed the party level of the number of days. Before not knowing it, half a year and a year
passed. Quitting is relatively easy, without feeling torment at all, there is a sense of freedom to get
rid of the shackles of evil, as free as a bird out of the cage, and extremely comfortable.

Some time ago, a brother broke the ring because he tried his strength and lost more than 200 days of
rebooting positions. It is indeed a pity. At a certain level of quitting, the heart demon will begin to
encourage the trial of concentration and sexual function. Many people are planted on the idea of
“testing”. Therefore, we must learn from the experience and lessons of other people’s relapse. When
this idea is in our minds When it sounds, it must be cut off in time, and don't listen to the instigation
of this idea. When a thought comes up, it’s like a person talking in your head, constantly urging
you. If you listen to this thought, then wait to relapse. You must be highly vigilant against such
thoughts and learn to recognize such thoughts. Can't listen to such thoughts. For example, the
"Forty-two Chapters" says: "Be careful not to believe in your will, your will is not credible; be
careful not to meet with sex, it will be misfortune."

Recently, some brothers asked about the happy quitting method. The happy quitting method is
borrowed from the happy quit smoking method. It has certain merits, but it does not completely
eliminate the addiction after reading an article. The thoughts will still arise, because The seed of lust
is in the field of Eight Consciousness, and it will definitely come out, so it is still necessary to do a
good job of interruption, which must be clear. There is no rebooting article in this world that can
completely eliminate the seeds of your lust. As long as the seeds of lust are there, evil thoughts will
arise, and there is a possibility of relapse! Smoking is something outside the body, which is different
from quitting. The theory of quitting smoking can be referred to, but it cannot be copied completely.
It is necessary to understand the difference between the two. Later, the author also realized the
problem. Certain points of view of the happy rebooting method did have problems. If it can be
properly modified, it would be a good rebooting article, otherwise it may cause problems to the
majority of brothers. Misleading, many people think that the addiction to reading an article is
completely eliminated, and there is no need to stop thinking or study anymore. In fact, a rebooting
article can make you enter the dormant period of desire, but after the dormant period of desire is the
peak period of relapse, evil thoughts will become very active at that time. Smoke is something
outside of the body, you can throw it away, but the seeds of lust are in the field of eight
consciousnesses. Can you throw it away? Since the seeds of lust are there, evil thoughts will
definitely arise. Sometimes it is not that you take the initiative to commit adultery, but it will
automatically turn the seeds, and the thoughts will definitely come up. Suddenness is the most
practical part of rebooting. Immediately break, otherwise it will break undoubtedly!

Share some cases below

1. [Teacher Feixiang, you said that if you want to reboot successfully, breaking the ring is basically
the only way to go. Will your words make many people think of breaking the ring and give the heart
demon a chance? 】

Additional comment: Brothers have given feedback on this issue before. The so-called necessary
path is also relatively speaking. Most of the brothers will experience failure. This is the law of
rebooting, but some rebooting talents are more talented. Friends, they can stop for hundreds of days
from the first contact with rebooting articles, and this is also true. In addition, I said this sentence to
encourage and comfort the brothers who broke the precepts, so as to prevent them from abandoning
themselves and breaking the rules. Inner demon may be encouraged from this aspect, so be vigilant
and never let this kind of idea succeed. Many articles will say that failure is the mother of success
and failure is the only way to success, but it does not ask you to take the initiative to fail. Many
people do succeed after failing many times, but they never take the initiative to fail. The points must
be distinguished.

2. [Starting at the age of 17, I am 28 this year. From a handsome guy that everyone loves to an evil
spirit that everyone hates, I have countless suicidal thoughts, and every time I tell myself this is the
last time. From 17 to 23 years old, two or three times a day until collapsed and passed out. The
family thought it was heat stroke. Fortunately, I met a good doctor who didn’t tell my family about
my illness. After that, I sought medical treatment everywhere while taking medicine. Lu, there is
very little lush hair left, prostatitis, kidney deficiency, poor spleen and stomach, neurasthenia,
tinnitus, impotence, various diseases, looking at myself in the mirror, no difference from a devil,
masturbation for 11 years, I am The whole life is over! 】

Additional comment: This brother had also been "full of fights" before, and he was fainted! A
handsome guy has become a demon in this way. When a person loses his spirit, his appearance will
definitely change slowly. The spirit is the three treasures of the human body. There are gods and no
gods, there is a huge difference, and the slightest loss is a thousand miles away. Many people would
cry in secret when looking at their previous photos. How handsome they were at that time. After
about ten years of masturbation torture, their faces have completely declined, and they feel sick no
matter how they look. After a lot of people indulge in masturbation for a few years, their faces will
become swollen and deformed, their faces will become larger and become pie faces, and they will
appear sagging and sagging, and fat will also appear, and their faces will appear asymmetrical and
weird. Others have depressions, such as sunken apple muscles, sunken eye sockets, sunken temples,
etc. They also look very strange. Masturbation can lead to changes in the face shape. Many
newcomers don’t know this. The contours of the face are composed of the three elements of facial
skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles. Any bad change in any of these three will be affected. Facial
contours have an undesirable effect.

Keep rebooting and keeping healthy, take active exercises, and when the spirit returns, you will find
that the contour of the chin has been improved, the swelling of the cheeks has also been eliminated,
the face appears firmer, and the loose facial muscles have been lifted. In short, after rebooting, good
changes will accumulate little by little, and in the end you will find that you are much more
handsome. Of course, abstinence is not enough. You should exercise actively, do more aerobic
exercises, and don't stay up late to sit for a long time, otherwise it will affect your appearance and
recovery. Some brothers said why the acne problem is still serious after rebooting. After asking, he
found out that he was still staying up late, and staying up late would cause endocrine disorders, so
the acne problem would be very difficult to heal. To alleviate the acne problem, you must
completely abstain from quitting, keep a light diet, do not stay up late, and actively exercise. These
aspects must be in place, otherwise it will be difficult to improve. Rehabilitation is also a systematic
project. It is not about rebooting and everything will be fine. The brothers in this case also
experienced hair loss, and there was also a disease in the body, neurosis also appeared, and sexual
function was no longer good. Standing in front of the mirror, he was clearly a devil. This reminded
me of "Dao Lin "Portrait of Gray", a man who indulges and degenerates, will sooner or later
become ugly and dirty.

3. [Today is my 42 days of rebooting. This is the longest time I have rebooted in history. Why can I
hold on for so many days? I think it has something to do with me not hitting the south wall and not
looking back. Before these 42 days, I masturbated almost every day, and stayed up late to watch H
see it very late. Before that, I had eight years of masturbation history. One night I watched H and
saw two o’clock without masturbation. After reading it, I was ready to go to bed. Suddenly my
heartbeat increased and I couldn’t fall asleep. Then my heartbeat became faster and faster. My chest
became cold and I felt like I was about to die. Hit 120. I really want to wake my parents up because
I feel like I'm going to hang up, but I don't have one. I just sat there chanting Guanshiyin
Bodhisattva. It would be better for a while, but I didn't dare to lie down to sleep because my
heartbeat was so fierce, and then I sat and fell asleep in a daze. I always feel that the left side of the
body is different from the right side. The left foot is swollen, the stomach is not good, the stomach
is bloated, it is unreal, and the heartbeat is usually fast. When there are many people on the bus, I
feel chest tightness and breathlessness. , Now living in pain, always wondering what disease he has.

Additional comment: Staying up late and indulgence is basically the rhythm of death. News often
reports the sudden death of staying up late. Just staying up late can cause sudden death. If you add
adultery, what do you think will be the consequences? "Watching pornographic masturbation, a
Taiwanese man suddenly died in front of a company computer", I believe many people have read
this news. Before, a male high school student in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan died of masturbation, and
another 32-year-old man suddenly died after receiving masturbation services. Sudden death, as well
as the sudden death of doctors with sperm donation, sudden death after opening a room, etc. There
are too many cases of sudden death caused by this kind of defamation. In fact, the media reports are
only the tip of the iceberg. Sudden sexual death includes not only sudden death during orgasm, but
also death after sexual activity. This kind of disease is fierce and cannot be taken lightly. The most
reported in the media now is sudden death after opening a room. Less severe will cause illness, and
exhaustion will lead to death. It's no joke. Although the brother in this case does not have
masturbation, he keeps looking at H until two o'clock, and he will miss the H when he sees H, and
his heart will go on his own. This is a kind of chronic dark wastage. When the depletion reaches a
certain level, the symptoms will suddenly break out. come out. A lot of brothers have experienced
this before. They just indulged when staying up late, and suddenly they felt their heart beating
wildly, and felt that they were about to die. It was extremely scary! Many people were sent to the
hospital by calling 120. Those who survived were finally diagnosed with neurosis. From then on,
they lived a life of fear and anxiety, really like a disaster movie.

This brother said that he "don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back." I think he said it very
appropriately. Many people are like that. If you don’t give him a hard word, he will not make a big
determination to reboot. Frighten him, so that he may start to reboot. Many people masturbate for
many years. Although they have some symptoms, they can still bear it. So they continue to ruin
themselves numbly, until the symptoms completely scare him and paralyze him, then he will really
wake up. When he started to study rebooting articles, he would understand how ignorant, naive, and
absurd the superstition of harmlessness was before! But then again, it’s not that the deeper the
injury, the better the recovery. I have also talked about many neurotic brothers. They are not as good
as dead, but the addiction is still very serious. They will still attack them frantically, so many people
are still breaking the rules. To overcome the bad habit of masturbation, we still need to learn more
to increase our consciousness. On the other hand, many people are not seriously injured, but they
are very good at studying rebooting articles. This way, they can completely get rid of the bad habit
of masturbation. The key is to learn professional rebooting, and you must truly master the principles
and laws of rebooting.

4. [I used to be depressed, doing nothing all day long, suffering from varicocele on the left side, I
accidentally saw rebooting, determined to change myself from the heart, read many cases, and had a
very fulfilling day. I have been abstaining from sex for 5 months. I went to the hospital for a check-
up two days ago. The varicocele on the left side is also healed. I hope everyone can see the harm of
sex. I have to die, live on the Internet, and now I have given up Internet addiction. Come to reboot, I
think my changes are really big enough. Let’s work hard together! The demons who overcome their
desires are sublimated, thank you again for rebooting! (This brother has attached an inspection
report, which shows "no varicose on both sides".)]

Additional comment: This recovery case has brought encouragement and hope to brothers suffering
from spermatic cord. Regarding the question of the spermatic cord, I also specifically talked about it
in my previous article. Many brothers have made the spermatic cord shrink by insisting on
rebooting and keeping in good health. This is a good change, but it can make the spermatic cord
disappear completely. A small number, but not impossible. This brother is a good example. After 5
months of abstinence, the spermatic cord on the left has completely disappeared. The brother’s
change is really big enough. The spermatic cord is healed, and the internet addiction is quit. He
feels that his energy state immediately becomes positive and uplifting. He is very different from the
previous depression. I'm afraid of depression, I'm going to die all day long. That state is really
decadent and gloomy. Now that I have given up on pornography and Internet addiction, it feels like
I'm reborn. Being able to come to rebooting bar is really a blessing for many people, because the
moment you enter the post bar, the transformation has already begun.

5. [I have been using it for more than ten years. Yesterday I went to the hospital. The doctor said it
was cephalospermia and it is impossible to give birth. Now I can only actively treat it. Maybe there
is still a chance to live, but a lot of money is needed, maybe not. I can only give up the money, and
now I have nothing to say, only infinite regret and sadness. 】

Additional comment: After a decade or so, the results came unexpectedly. The sad reminder is that
many people have already lost their fertility, but they still don’t know it. They are completely
brainwashed by the harmlessness theory, and they are killing themselves every day and every
month. , But they don’t think that masturbation is harming themselves, but they think that
masturbation is a great pleasure. This is really foolish, and the real wise men absolutely disdain it!
If you observe people who are addicted to masturbation, their brains are completely shielded by
harmlessness. You will feel very strenuous to communicate with them, and you may even feel like
playing the piano. There are so many evil ideas in their minds. This is actually As a result of being
deeply brainwashed by the innocence theory, they do not believe in harmful facts at all. They only
believe in the so-called theories of sexologists. Just ask the theory that is divorced from reality. Is it
still a theory? At best, it can only be called pseudoscience. They don't believe that masturbation is
harmful, but sooner or later the symptoms will slap them, and the symptoms will tell them the truth.
Masturbation can lead to slow anterior and spermatic cord, both of which can lead to a decrease in
semen quality, such as jelly body or color change, etc. If you insist on rebooting and health
preservation, semen quality will gradually improve. If you can cooperate with active treatment, then
Improvement will be faster. People who have lost their reproductive function due to sperm injury
can still be expected to restore their reproductive function as long as they persist in rebooting and
treatment. I have seen many cases of recovery up to now, and some have become fathers.

6. [After ten years, once a day, up to 6 times a day! At that time, I stayed up all night at work. I
finally got a panic attack in 2012. I felt near death and was sent to the hospital. Later I got neurosis
and was diagnosed with anxiety. Since then, all the symptoms have come, frequent urination and
urgency, and I went to the toilet one day. Dozens of times, after taking anti-depressant and anti-
anxiety drugs for two years, now I feel like dying every day. I feel tired, lack energy, don't want to
talk, low back pain and shortness of breath. But I'm still masturbating. I only found out a few
months ago that it was caused by excessive masturbation. I wonder if taking medicine will affect
the recovery? 】

Additional comment: This is another case of a panic attack, which is in full compliance with the
formula I summarized: staying up late + indulgence + sedentary = finished! Indulgence, without
staying up late and sitting for a long time, the time for the outbreak of symptoms will be delayed,
but if all three are present, it will definitely be finished. For example, is it one axe to cut a tree faster
or three axes to cut a tree faster. It speaks for itself. Staying up late hurts the body too much,
indulgence hurts the kidneys and empties the internal organs, and sitting for a long time hurts the
kidneys and spleen. Over time, neurosis will definitely break out. This is inevitable and is the truth
revealed by thousands of cases. Many people thought they were hunks at the beginning, once a day,
many times a day, did they think that one day in the future they would be sent to the hospital for
rescue? Those who survived were diagnosed with neurosis in the end, and then various symptoms
began to abuse him, including many strange symptoms. In short, it was very painful, very torturing,
and it was better to die! Many people are still addicted to masturbation to such an unbearable level,
because they are ignorant and do not know the harm of masturbation. When they feel depressed,
they will vent through masturbation, which instead plunges themselves into a vicious circle. If the
neurosis is severe, it must be treated actively, but the basis of recovery is rebooting and maintaining
good health. Without this foundation, no matter how much medicine you take, it will be zero. If you
eat while leaking, it will never be cured!

7. [If you don't reboot, this life is doomed to constant bad luck, and you don't want to live in pain. I
myself is a typical example. I was reborn due to rebooting and reaped the rewards again and again.
Afterwards, I was so complacent. My wife was pregnant and indulged in masturbation. Now I have
impotence. Although he rebooted for a month, he failed to effectively control YY. Although my wife
understands me, she can't hold her head up in her heart. Take me as a warning and persuade you not
to take detours. Rebooting is not a matter of a period of time, it is a matter of persistence for a
lifetime. 】

Additional comment: This is a married ring friend. The sex life after marriage should be controlled,
but it does not mean that you can continue to masturbate after marriage. Masturbation is evil, and it
is really not possible to have sex after marriage. Although it is in line with the human relationship,
you must also pay attention to temperance, and you must not indulge yourself. The "Wenchang
Emperor Hundred Characters Inscription" said: "Who desires to have a good spirit", this is for the
righteous adultery after marriage, and the righteous adultery must be distinguished. Many married
people still have the bad habit of masturbation. It’s not that you don’t masturbate after getting
married. Masturbation is different from couples’ sex life. Couples will get bored if they have sex for
a long time, but watching H masturbation can get a steady stream of freshness. So many people are
still addicted to the habit of masturbation even after they are married. This is very common, and
masturbation is highly addictive. It is not that you can stop if you want to. This brother was reborn
because of rebooting before, and his blessings were also good, but then he lost his mind and began
to indulge himself in masturbation after his wife became pregnant. As you can imagine, the result
was impotence! Impotence will affect the harmony and stability of the marriage, and it will also
lead to divorce. The last warning from this brother is very good. Rebooting is really a lifelong
matter. After marriage, you still have to quit adultery, otherwise you will really have bad luck.
When a man has impotence, his entire marriage may collapse. .

8. [During that period of time, I finally met rebooting, and there was finally a beam of light in the
dark life. In fact, I have seen rebooting before, but I am ignorant and self-righteously feel that it is a
group of monks and vindicators who are misleading humanity and didn't take it seriously. Up to that
time, I read the post of rebooting bar seriously, and I was deeply shocked. It turns out that so many
people have the same masturbation habit as me, and even more shockingly similar tragic fate. It
turns out that the bane of all this turned out to be masturbation day after day! Masturbation goes
straight to hell! Tears couldn't help but flow out. That year I started to abstain from quitting. The
year before and last year, I continued to reboot very well. It lasted for more than a year. I seldom
had sex, rarely broke the vows, and recovered 70% to 80% of my body. No more, I finally don't
have to hide, I can pee in the crowded toilet. The complexion has also changed a lot, and the eyes
that were originally cloudy and dull have also become black, translucent and full of energy. For
more than a year, without pornography, my life was truly recuperated, and it was really comfortable.

Additional comment: The brother's case is thought-provoking and also gives people a lot of
enlightenment. He has misunderstood rebooting before, right? Many people will misunderstand
rebooting at the beginning. Think about it, if someone who has been poisoned by harmlessness for
many years suddenly hears the word rebooting, how would he react? The misunderstanding of
ordinary people about rebooting is that they think that only monks need rebooting, and in their
concept, abstinence is against human nature. People should satisfy their sexual desires while they
are alive. How can abstinence be possible? ! Ordinary people often misunderstand rebooting in this
way, and they also misunderstand the remarks of the ancient sages. For example, they put "Food
and Sexuality" on their lips. "Food and Sexuality" is what Gao Zi said. The Book of Rites says :
"Eat men and women, the great desires of human beings." The ancient sages said this, but this is for
adultery after marriage. This is a major prerequisite, because the saints are against premarital
adultery and adultery. The ancient sages and sages unanimously opposed it. Nowadays, many
people don’t know what is righteousness and what is evil. As soon as they hear of sex, their eyes
turn green, feeling that they have found an excuse for their indulgence, so he feels at ease. He will
think like this: The saints say that, that indulgence is justified. In fact, they completely
misunderstood the meaning of the saint, which is really sad. Fortunately, many people have good
roots of goodness, and they have already experienced symptoms of injury to their essence, so when
they come to reboot, they will be more likely to accept the concept of rebooting and keeping in
good health.

Confucius said: "A gentleman has three precepts. When he is young, his blood is not fixed, but he is
quitting; he is strong, his blood is strong, he is quitting fighting; when he is old, his qi is weak, but
he is quitting." It is the first commandment of a gentleman, and it can also be said that it is the first
cultivation base of a gentleman. This command is really too critical and important. There is nothing
in the world like human desires. The ghost walks in the dark. The famous doctor Sun Simiaoyun:
Mojiao induces the deficiency of yang, exhausted to withstand the infestation of all diseases. "Book
of Changes": A gentleman punishes suffocation. "Huang Ting Jing": Don't vent the essence of the
room in a hurry, you can live a long time if you close it. "Customs clearance": The matter of
husband's lust is the first major pass in life, the most vicious and most poisonous. "Food and Sex
Gentle Words": If you want to live a life and eternal life, you must be the essence of absolute desire.
"Nourishment and Life Extension": Exhaustion of life and failure, all diseases sprout, so they do not
end their lives. "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine": The essence and qi will be
empty. "Dolin": Things in the house can give birth to people and kill people. Famous doctor Ye
Tianshi: As long as the essence and qi gain one point, one point will be reduced. "The Sea of
Desires Becoming Crazy": The sea of industry is boundless, and it is hard to break that there is no
such thing as lust; The hero of the world, sitting here, died and lost his country;

There are a lot of content about rebooting in traditional culture. rebooting refers to abstaining from
adultery. After marriage, one must maintain restraint in adultery. Rebooting before marriage is for
us to learn how to control our desires, how to transform our sexual energy, and use sexual energy
for our studies and careers, instead of indiscriminately venting, hollowing out our internal organs
and making our own bodies. Endangered. Rebooting is an experience, and rebooting is also a
cultivation practice of a gentleman. There were many people who opposed rebooting. Later, many
of them repented, and they even went to the rebooting bar to post repentance. Actually, I compare
Understand those who oppose rebooting, because people are always obsessed with rebooting. It is
difficult to learn well and easy to learn badly. The key is to know how to look back, not to go
further and further down the wrong path. The brother in this case went from misunderstanding
about rebooting to being deeply shocked, and then crying. He really repented, and he insisted on
rebooting for more than a year and really tasted the benefits of rebooting.

Step into the text below

【Mind Control Behavior】

People will have thoughts while they are alive, and our behaviors are closely related to our
thoughts. How to control our thoughts is really a deep knowledge. This knowledge is impossible to
learn in school. Teach you to be a ethical person and train you in moral, intellectual, physical,
artistic and other aspects, but the school will not teach you how to control thoughts, which can also
be said to be thought management. Many people can't control their thoughts. Because they can't
control their thoughts, they can't control their behaviors. To overcome the vice of masturbation, you
must work hard on thought control. This is the core part of rebooting. Rebooting is a war between
thoughts. Either you kill the thoughts or the thoughts kill you. It is so cruel. After being killed by
the thoughts, it is a series of relapses. After making a mistake, many people lament the difference in
their thoughts at the time. Sometimes a bad thought can cause serious consequences, such as crimes
and suicide.

The prelude to relapse is that you have evil thoughts, and thoughts are the trigger for behavior, so if
you control your thoughts, you can eliminate the habit of masturbation from the root. Some people
will say that they did not intend to commit adultery, but that they stimulated sensitive parts during
bathing or other times, and that they were prostituted first and then prostitution, or that they just
prostituted without prostitution. This situation is also possible, but most of the time The situation is
all masturbation first and then masturbation. Regardless of the method of relapse, there must be
some kind of thought as the forerunner, and this kind of thought is not necessarily obscene, just like
irritating sensitive parts when taking a bath. If you can stay vigilant at the time, this kind of thought
will not appear. The situation of relapse, but many people know that they can’t do it, and let
themselves stimulate the sensitive parts. This kind of relapse is a kind of laissez-faire thought in the
mind. It is a kind of latent thought, and the subconscious can also lead to relapse. Yes, many people
will masturbate unconsciously when they are half dreaming and half awake. Through continuous
learning to purify their ideology, and practice hardening of mindfulness, if you persist for a period
of time, the dreaming situation will automatically disappear.

We must always be aware of our inner thoughts, so that over time we can affect the subconscious,
and we must also be familiar with all kinds of thoughts that can lead to relapse, so that we have a
100% chance of winning in actual combat. Some thoughts seem like good people, but they are
actually wolves in sheep's clothing! If you let go of that idea, it will immediately be like a monster,
it will take over your body completely, and then it will start to masturbate wildly, desperately
squeezing your most precious kidney essence. The core and most essential aspect of rebooting is to
cultivate the mind. Many newcomers will ask what is mind cultivation. In fact, the mind here refers
to thoughts. Mind cultivation is thoughts, that is, people who control their own thoughts and can
control their own thoughts. , You can control your behavior!

[Thinking is just a tool]

Don't agree with your thoughts. Thoughts are just a tool we use. It's like riding a horse. You control
the horse. You can't let the horse run wild with you. No one thinks that we are the horse. We are just
using the horse. Many brothers like to play games. Whether it is fighting games or gunfighting
games, you are controlling a certain character. That character is not the real you, you are just
controlling him. The same is true for thoughts. We have to learn to control thoughts. We are
observers, not thinkers. Observers are like surveillance on the side of the road, and thoughts are like
pedestrians coming and going on the road. We have to learn to monitor our thoughts. To manage our
own thoughts, we should be the masters of thoughts, and should not be the objects of thought
enslavement. The reason for breaking the precept is that when the evil thoughts come up, you lack
awareness, and then you run with the thoughts, always strengthening the power of the thoughts, so
that in the end, you will be overwhelmed with desire and have to break. When you stop agreeing
with your own thoughts, a higher awareness will appear, and you will find that the true power
comes from this awareness and observation of the heart at any time. For rebooting to succeed, you
must firmly watch your own idea.

[Learn to listen to the inner voice]

Everyone has their own mental activity. Mental activity is composed of a series of thoughts. If you
experience it carefully, you will find that thoughts are actually inner voices. When a thought
appears, a voice sounds in the mind. , Just like someone talking in the head. Thoughts lead to
behavior, and the sound of each thought has its own nature. Before it is put into action, it is just a
thought. After it is put into practice, it will transform into a behavior. For example, a person sees a
short travel video, and then a thought and a voice appear in his mind: "I want to travel there too." If
all the conditions are met, then this idea will be put into action. The behavior of many people may
be caused by a small thought in the first place. When you listen to that thought, you will behave
accordingly. We should learn to listen to the inner voice and be a listener of ideas. Of course, just
listening is not enough. We must learn to distinguish the nature of various thoughts. We must not
listen to thoughts that can lead to relapse.

[Control beyond thought]

Many people are in a state of being enslaved by thoughts. They are not the masters of thoughts, they
are slaves of thoughts. We should be the masters of thoughts, and should not be reduced to puppets
of thoughts. Remember: thoughts are tools, and we are users. We can’t turn it upside down and let
thoughts be evil. You can think about it carefully, whether you have thought about controlling your
own thoughts in the past, and whether you have this kind of consciousness, that is, "I want to
control my thoughts, not let thoughts control me." It is estimated that many people have never
thought about this. The problem is that they have always been slaves of thoughts. When thoughts
appear in their minds, they think they are their own thoughts. In fact, many thoughts come out by
themselves, not your truest thoughts, such as some brothers a few days ago. He also vowed to say:
"This time I won't break my hand, this time I must quit for more than 100 days." But when the
demon comes, he will collapse immediately, and the previous vows have long been forgotten. Then
there was a series of crazy relapses. If you cannot control your thoughts, then thoughts will lead you
into the abyss and into hell. The so-called: One thought of heaven, one thought of hell! "Fa Hua
Xuan Yi": "Interpretation: There is no other way in the three realms, but one mind. The heart can be
hell, the heart can be heaven, the heart can be ordinary, the heart can be sage." Everything is
converted between thoughts, we must To learn to go beyond the control of thoughts, remember: we
are the ones who control the thoughts, not let the thoughts control us!

[The manifestation of the heart demon is the brain on the mind]

Many newcomers will ask what a demon is. To put it bluntly, the demon is just thinking about it!
The thought that can lead to relapse is like a Trojan horse virus. If you click to install the thought
(the so-called click to install means to follow the thought), then the result is bound to be
manipulated. Trojan horses usually have two executable programs: one is the control end and the
other is the controlled end. You click to install the idea, then it will become the controlled end!
Completely lost autonomy! I won't wake up until the vows are broken. Many brothers have very
high IQs, some are graduate students from prestigious schools, and some are even doctoral students,
but they are still addicted to the habit of masturbation because they have also been caught by the
Trojan horse virus. They have become the puppets of the heart demon, so No matter how high your
IQ is, even if it exceeds 150, if you have not learned to control your thoughts, you will still relapse
wildly. Once you follow that thought, it is equivalent to being implanted with a Trojan horse virus.
It is the involuntary zombie meat machine.

【Mind Possession】

The evil thought will be possessed, and the evil thought will live out of itself through you. Once
possessed, the evil thought will be judged as two people. He even swore to reboot just now, but
when the thought came up, he didn’t cut it off in time. Instead, he ran with evil thoughts, and the
result was like being possessed. "The Great Collection" says: "The lust into the heart is like a
ghost." This situation is like holding a joystick in the hands of the heart demon, and you are the one
being manipulated. By oneself. After the thought is possessed, you lose the autonomy of the body.
You are a puppet of control. Many people know that it will cause a lot of physical and mental
symptoms, but he just can't stop. Why? Because he was possessed by thoughts, and when the
thoughts came up, he did not cut off in time. The result was possessed by thoughts. Evil thoughts
were implanted into his body like a command. To reverse implantation, it must be done. Thoughts
will be cut off, and thoughts will come up, just like an enemy coming up, and they must be killed
immediately, otherwise they will be hijacked, possessed, and completely involuntary, just like being
remotely controlled by a heart demon.

[The nature of each thought is different]

Each of us has many thoughts every day, many of which will not lead to relapse, but there are still
many thoughts that may lead to relapse. So you must learn to recognize your thoughts and censor
your thoughts, just like a sentry post. When you come to a thought, you have to examine one. You
must not let it go easily. If you put an enemy in the city, the result will be burned, killed, and looted.
Can't hollow you out. Although some thoughts are not evil, they may lead to relapse, such as
encouraging thoughts, arrogant thoughts, hatred, and so on. There are also some misunderstandings
that may cause the rebooting standpoint to be shaken and relapse. Rebooting After that, you must
correct the misunderstandings in your mind one by one, establish a right view of rebooting, and then
you must learn to recognize the thoughts that can lead to relapse, just like the tricks of a liar. People
who don’t understand tricks are often easy to recognize. Fooled, if you have thoroughly figured out
the tricks and routines of the inner demon, then you can know yourself and the enemy, and you will
never die!

[Two thoughts are fighting in your head]

Suddenness is the most practical part of rebooting. The war of thoughts will definitely be fought. To
defeat the thousands of troops outside of you, it is better to overcome your inner thoughts. If you
defeat your own thoughts, it is tantamount to surrendering all enemies. Only by defeating yourself
can you defeat it. Conquer everything! After rebooting, we must learn to observe the mind and
abstain from mind, and we must continue to practice, so that we can reach the point of
transcendence and attainment. Suspension must be fast, but fast is not broken! The latest research
shows that the big tooth ant is the fastest attacking animal on the earth. It can complete the attack in
0.13 milliseconds, 2300 times faster than human blinking. We also have to cultivate so fast!

CF has 100 kills, 200 kills, 300 kills, 500 kills, 1000 kills; 2 kills, 3 kills, 4 kills, 5 kills, 6 kills, 7
kills... CF is outward To kill the enemy, reboot is to kill inward, kill the soul thief, and beat the soul
monster! Fighting CF is fighting on the computer map, and rebooting is fighting in your own brain
map. Thoughts will definitely appear, and thoughts will definitely come up. Then it will be the
actual battle of rebooting! Killed by thought, the result is a series of relapses, thought is to control
the Trojan horse virus, it will possess your body, and then it will control you to control it! I won't
wake up until the end. Playing online games to kill monsters, even if you kill hundreds of
thousands, it is not that powerful. What is really powerful is to kill the "thought monsters" in your
heart. Many CF masters carried a sniper, and even killed dozens or even hundreds of people. This is
not terrible. What's really great is that the thoughts appear as soon as they appear, and they must be
fast and accurate! Must be simple and neat! When a thought arises, you must be aware of it for the
first time. The moment you become aware of it, the thought will disappear.

A true mind-breaking master will never let thoughts survive for more than one second in the mind.
They must be strong in mind-breaking, and must be stronger and faster than the heart demon! If the
awareness is too late, then the thought has already started, just like a small fire has burned into a big
fire, and it will be difficult to eliminate at this time. There is an old saying: Anti-prostitution is like
fire prevention! Be sure to grasp the best time to abstain from thinking! It must be done at the
beginning! Don't follow thoughts, don't strengthen thoughts. A true rebooting master can wipe out
evil thoughts with a dreadful sleep at the moment when his thoughts appear. It is so fast! If you fight
against the heart demon and do not have overwhelming strength, then in the end it will evolve into
two kinds of thoughts that compete fiercely in your mind, one wants to break and the other does not
want to break. At this time, your heart will change. You have to struggle very much, like an ant on a
hot pot, the possibility of breaking the precept is higher, because evil thoughts have already rushed.
We must continuously practice mindfulness and cessation of mind, train ourselves to the full level,
train ourselves to be incomprehensible, really have to train to an extremely strong level, otherwise
when fighting against the mind demon, we will often lose the battle, and the end will be A series of
relapses and regrets.

[You are pure awareness]

When a newcomer comes to reboot, when he has the consciousness of studying rebooting articles,
then he is considered an entry, but the real entry is to learn to cultivate the mind and learn to control
one's thoughts. I have observed many brothers. In fact, they haven’t really gotten started after
rebooting for a long time. They have stayed on the periphery of rebooting and have not really
understood the core and essence of rebooting. It is difficult to achieve greater breakthroughs if the
guilt is broken. Once a person truly understands the meaning of cultivating the mind, and really
knows how to cultivate the mind, then his progress will definitely change with each passing day,
just like the "Tai Chi Chuan" says: After understanding the strength, the more you practice, the
more refined. There are some very talented brothers. Soon after they come into contact with
rebooting articles, they can truly comprehend the core essence of rebooting. Their comprehension is
very powerful, and they can grasp the essence of rebooting at once. This type of brother is Exist, but
it is a minority after all. Many brothers have to break the quit for 1-2 years, and then through
continuous self-reflection, summarization, thinking, and learning, can they suddenly understand the
true meaning of cultivating the mind, just like suddenly resuscitated. They looked at the reboot of
the senior The essays didn’t get in at all. The level they stayed at was a false understanding, and
they didn’t really understand and comprehend the meaning of cultivating the mind.

When a person has learned to control his thoughts, then it is natural to overcome the vice of
masturbation. However, on the basis of controlling thoughts, there is a higher level of
comprehension and cultivation, which is to awaken one's inner spiritual awareness. Awareness is the
true self. Thoughts originate from awareness and melt into awareness, just like The wave originates
from the water and melts into the water. This level of knowledge is mentioned in the teachings of
many eminent monks. It is teaching you to know the true self. You are the pure awareness, and
thoughts are only tools. Gude said: " Holiness is the self, don’t recognize the physical body; take the
guru as the self, don’t recognize delusions.” We can use thoughts, but we cannot be used by
thoughts. We should be the masters of thoughts, not slaves of thoughts, and thoughts together We
just run with it, and as a result there will be a series of relapses, because running with the thought is
to inject vitality and kinetic energy into the thought. If you can strictly do it when the thought is
interrupted, then the thought cannot control your behavior. A thought is like an instruction. If you
don't follow that thought, it will naturally not be able to control your behavior. I am afraid that if
you follow that thought and run away with that thought, you will eventually be controlled by the
thought. To put it plainly, rebooting means controlling and being controlled. If you can control your
thoughts, there will be no relapses. On the contrary, if you are controlled by your thoughts, then
there will be a series of relapses.

Our most core level is "the spiritual consciousness of absent-mindedness." It can also be said to be
pure awareness. Awareness transcends life and death, because awareness is not born or destroyed,
neither dirty nor clean, nor increasing or decreasing. There is life and death. What is only our body,
the body is only the carrier of awareness, and the real master is pure awareness. When you have a
deeper understanding and knowledge of this profound meaning, your life will also change. Before
you, you are the one who identifies with the thoughts, that is, you feel that the thoughts are yourself
and the body is yourself. In fact, the thoughts are only tools, the body. It's just a vehicle, and we are
the pure awareness. We are observers, not thinkers. We can watch our own thought activities. This
awareness of the heart itself is a higher and more transcendent existence. When we maintain a high
level of awareness, we can be the masters of thoughts. On the contrary, if we lose our inner
awareness, the thoughts will turn away from the object, the thoughts will take you away, and you
will be completely lost in the flow of thoughts. .

Final summary:

Jing Yun: Use the sword of wisdom to break the trouble thief, and the sword of wisdom to break the
net of trouble. Rebooting requires wisdom. Rebooting and cultivating are completely interlinked.
Through rebooting and learning traditional culture, you can understand the truth of life in the
universe. Once we were the approvers of thoughts, but after in-depth study and enlightenment, we
will understand who we are. We are not thoughts, we are pure awareness. We should control
thoughts, not be slaves to thoughts. In the end, it ends with a passage from "Wu Xin Ming": once
you are aware, you can't see or hear, you can't live, it's the name of Wuxin.

Let me share a reboot poem

"War of Resistance"

Get up, don't want to be a slave to masturbation!

The War of Resistance against Lu has fully broken out

Take over Grandpa’s war knife, kill the heart thief

Don't do masturbation!

A big man is addicted to his little JJ, what is it like? !

Parents give you good food, not for you to indulge in masturbation!

Are you masturbating like this, worthy of the parenting grace of your parents? !

If parents and teachers know you masturbate in such a dirty way

How would they feel? !

Indulge in the habit of masturbation

What face do you have to face your ancestors? !

People who can't control their second child will never be promising!

Even if you are temporarily determined,

I will eventually empty myself out

And let your life fall into extremely gloomy and decadent!

God's path is mischievous, and retribution is not good at all!

When you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later!

The more terrifying thing than the atomic bomb is the AV!

The atomic bomb destroys only your body

And indulged in the life of adultery

Can directly fuck you into hell!

The result is quite tragic!

How can a man be destroyed by something under his crotch? !

You can kill, but don't lure! ! !

Let us hold high the sword of rebooting

Cut everything nasty, dirty, dirty, nasty, malaise, self-mutilation, self-abolition

Eliminate all harmless theories that mislead others, confuse people, and harm others

If you are a man, you will completely quit! Jagged quit! Quit hemorrhagic!

Give up the backbone of the Chinese, give up the righteousness of the dignified Greater China!

Definitely stop the iron, grasp the iron and leave the mark to ring,

Bring out the strongest execution power and fight to death!

Quit if you die! If you are a ghost, you have to fight the heart demon to the end, kill the heart

To be a rebooting martyr, I would rather die than to be a masturbation partner!

As the saying goes: the mighty spirit will last forever in the world, rebooting with passionate blood
and strong rivers and mountains!

Recommend a book

"Sentiment of Cultivation": written by Jianniu Jushi. The old layman Yanniu was born in Funing
County, Hebei Province in 1932, and he was the third son of an old man of Chunyin. Born to be
straightforward, strong, and unruly, the old man has been known as a bully since he was a child.
When he was born in a poor family, he barely studied for two years. At the age of sixteen, he
participated in railway work until he retired. After the old man of Pure India became silent in 1995,
there were many unbelievable things that did not arouse his vigilance. On the fifth night, the old
man of Pure India gave a face-to-face opportunity, which made the strong and stubborn person
change his outlook on life and the world overnight. Believe in Buddhism. At this time he was sixty-
five years old in his sixtieth year. The old layman deeply felt that he was old, that he entered
Buddhism late and suffered from many diseases and karma, so he began to chant the Buddha for
survival in the Pure Land. He chanted the holy name of Amitabha for seven years. He remembered
the teachings of the old man Chunyin: "Don't do all evil, do all the good, stay away from fame and
fortune, and single-mindedly recite the Buddha."

His Holiness Ruyibao had personally confirmed that the pure-print old man was a manifestation of
the power of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. The first time I saw the photo of the pure-print old man, I felt
extraordinary, and there was a majestic righteousness that shocked the audience. I also specially
invited the biography of the pure-print old man. The Buddhadharma and other teachings of the great
virtues said by the old man are blind, and they also have the characteristics of folk language. I
personally like it very much. The videos of the teachings by the layman, such as "Breathing to the
Buddha and Sending to Life", "The Experience of the layman on the King Kong and Gold", etc., are
very good. There are some people on the Internet who are slandering the slander, but it will not
affect my judgment. Many slanders are misunderstandings taken out of context and are very absurd.
The old man Chunyin was not only confirmed by the authority of the Karmapa Ruyibao, but also
confirmed by other living Buddhas and Khenpo. Many great virtues in the Han Dynasty also praised
the righteous law taught by the old man Chunyin.

I once watched the video of the death of an old layman Xie Wanrong, which shocked me very
much! Many lotus flowers appeared in the time and space of her death. Later, I also saw the case of
the death of an old layman Xie Wanrong in the "Sentiment of Cultivation", which gave people great
confidence. There is a text version of "Science of Practice" on the Internet, and it is also reprinted
on many blogs. You can also get a paper book. This magic weapon has been welcomed and admired
by many people. I recommend it to the majority of brothers this season. Hope that those who are
predestined can meet it.
Season 94: The negative effects of being too nervous

The curiosity aroused by a recent video has caused many brothers to relapse. If they are able to
remain unmoved, they must have a high level of consciousness. Now there are countless news and
pictures on the sidelines, and everyone must remain vigilant. Curiosity is a big incentive to click.
Because I am very curious, I want to see it very much, and I get stuck at the first glance. Curiosity is
a double-edged sword. A good grasp of it will stimulate our interest in exploring new things. On the
contrary, if it is not grasped well, it is very likely to plunge oneself into an abyss that cannot be
recovered. The so-called curiosity kills the cat. Dopamine arises because of novelty, especially
sexual novelty. New sexual stimulation will make dopamine soar and make people feel euphoria.
However, after masturbation, dopamine declines rapidly, and you will feel huge emptiness and even
regret at this time. Rebooting veterans are more sophisticated. They know that you must not watch
that kind of video. The veterans know how to avoid death! Veterans have such a strong sense of
actual combat, and many newcomers simply do not have the vigilance that they should be. As a
result, they are soon killed. Only the vigilant can survive the rebooting battlefield. Those who chase
the novelty will sooner or later break the warning. of.

The preface of this season will talk about the experience of breaking the ring of "this meeting must
be quit" and the consequences he suffered. This text is also written at his own request, and the
purpose is to let everyone learn his lessons. The biggest advantage of "This meeting must be quit" is
that people are more honest and have made a lot of contributions to rebooting bars . Many brothers
like to read his posts. He has published many experience posts before. It's pretty good, it's been over
a hundred days. Although he has good roots, his evil habits are also relatively heavy, always
advancing and retreating, unable to enter the super stable level. In fact, he already knew the
importance of renunciation, but to a certain extent, he relaxed his vigilance and was unable to carry
out renunciation forcefully, and there was still a certain kind of greed for that kind of thought. The
cause of his relapse this time was his chaos after drinking. Wine is a sex matchmaker. If he drinks
too much, his self-control ability will drop sharply. Then he will give the inner demon a chance! He
relapsed 15 times in a week in Wudu Moon (3 of which were prostitutes). He started prostitution
because of evil friends, so it is really important to stay away from evil friends. After this crazy wave
of breaking the ring, he inexplicably fell to the ground-a fracture of the femoral neck! Now that the
operation has been completed, it can be said that he has suffered a serious crime. The doctor said
that he was too young, so he nailed 3 steel nails, and the older ones had to directly replace the
femoral bones. After the operation, the incision was very painful, and I couldn't move my whole
body. It was more uncomfortable than death! This time I fell on the ground. It was really strange.
Just like this, the neck of the femur was fractured, and the position of the fracture was not good.
After learning Chinese medicine, everyone will know that the kidneys dominate the bones.
Masturbation drains precious kidney essence, and as a result, bones become soft and osteoporosis.
In short, people become brittle and become glass people. Fractures are prone to occur at this time.
Many brothers have found that After the ejaculation, the legs become soft, and the bones are prone
to crackling. The bones will make a sound when you turn around. After a period of rebooting, the
strange noise will disappear. If the kidney essence is sufficient, the bones will be strong and strong.
If the kidney essence is insufficient, the bones will lose nourishment and become fragile and easy to
break. His lesson this time was really serious. He also spent a lot of money on surgery and
hospitalization. He also got 3 steel nails on his body. He suffered a serious crime. Sometimes the
results of adultery came so quickly. I hope that "this meeting must be abstinent" can recover soon,
and that he can get back to a good rebooting state as soon as possible. This lesson is too profound
and painful. It really hurts to the bone!

Share some cases below

1. [My father is a doctor, and he is not a particularly good doctor, but both Chinese and Western
medicine know about it. He told me that the harm of masturbation is indeed great, because the lack
of blood and blood caused by masturbation can cause many diseases. In my opinion, my father’s
words are correct. The harm caused by masturbation is too great. My eyes are dark, and I usually
sweat if I don't exercise vigorously, even though I have only been using it for less than a year. 】

Additional comment: It is really blessed to have such a truly reasonable father. Many fathers are
actually quite ignorant or even wrong about the problem of masturbation. The harm of masturbation
is indeed great. Masturbation consumes precious kidney essence and accumulates over time. In the
end, it must be symptomatic. Some people have a shallow degree of injury and a thick body.
Temporarily it is not obvious, but as the degree of injury continues to deepen, Eventually symptoms
will break out. Some people say this: masturbation is not addictive! In fact, he himself used it once
a day, several times a day, or even several days in a row, and then he said that masturbation would
not be addictive! This is the act of covering one's ears and stealing the bell! Others are more
addicted to adultery, this addiction is more hidden, only you know. Some people will ask their
classmates if they are masturbating. Many classmates will answer no. In fact, they have done so
many times. The reason why they say no is because this bad habit is best not to let others know
about it, otherwise it will affect others’ feelings. My own opinion. A big man plays with his own JJ.
This was originally an extremely nasty and disgusting scene. Foreign countries once called
masturbation a "secret evil". The latest foreign survey and research shows that 97% of people have
masturbated. Master Yin Guang said: Nine out of ten people suffer from this disease! Masturbation
is indeed an easy vice and a common problem! Sexologists will also make a fuss on 90%. They
think that since it exceeds 90%, masturbation is normal and reasonable. They don’t know that
masturbation belongs to adultery, and it hurts one's morals. It does not mean that there are too many
criminals. It's reasonable and normal. Sexologists actually don't understand medical science at all,
and many of their opinions are completely wrong. Some people will feel that their body has been
badly worsened after being injured for a few years, and there have been many symptoms, which
will cause them to be fully alert and then start to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation. However,
some people feel no obvious discomfort and continue to slap, thinking that it is harmless. Such
people either have no symptoms, and they will often frighten them once they develop symptoms.
Recently, I read Li Kaifu’s "Living to the Death, the Credits I Take" in the newspaper, when the
doctor pronounced: "Mr. Li, we are sure that it is the fourth stage of lymphoma." Guess how Li
Kaifu answered, "How is it possible! I didn't feel it." Any discomfort!" In fact, his body had been
warning him constantly, but he was paralyzed. The same is true for many patients with sperm injury.
They are brainwashed by the harmless theory, and they accumulate negative energy again and
again. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, very serious symptoms will erupt, and then
they will suffer a lot!

2. [It may be a brain disorder, life is better than death! The specific situation is like this. I had
masturbated for two years before, and suddenly one day after masturbation, I masturbated again in a
dream. From the second day on, I didn’t know why I had insomnia all night, and I had insomnia for
three years! I have been suffering from insomnia for a long time, and I feel the nerves wrapped in
pain in my head. I can't lift my spirits for anything. I have seen a lot of hospitals, and there is no
way at all. I have a suicidal heart. 】

Additional comment: This brother has a neurosis. Once he has neurosis, it will be quite painful.
Compared with the pain of neurosis, prostatitis and spermatic cord can still be tolerated, and serious
neurosis is really true. Can make people want to commit suicide. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The
kidneys lead to the brain, and the kidney essence metabolizes the brain. Kidney essence is the
general term for congenital essence and acquired essence. Congenital essence is the essence of
reproductive endowment by parents. It is the primitive substance that constitutes embryonic
development. It has the basic functions of reproduction and reproduction of offspring, and
determines everyone's Physical fitness, physiology, and development also determine lifespan to a
certain extent. Acquired essence refers to the essence of the viscera, which is a variety of subtle
substances metabolized by the water and grain of the diet. Because it comes from after birth and
depends on the metaplasia of the spleen and stomach, it is called the acquired essence. It is a
nutrient that maintains the life activities of the human body. It is mainly distributed to the internal
organs, skin, muscles and bones to exert its nourishing and moisturizing effects. The transformation
of the acquired essence depends on the funding of the innate essence, and the innate essence also
depends on the replenishment of the acquired essence, so that it will not be exhausted. The essence
of the innate and the essence of the acquired are interdependent, complementary and mutually
promoting, and the two complement each other to ensure the abundance of the kidney essence.

The essence of kidney essence is energy. This energy can not only transform into brain marrow
upward, but also into turbid essence and leak down. This powerful energy depends on how you use
it. Excessive use of it is completely harming yourself. . The "Huangdi Nei Jing" says: "Humans are
born, first become essence, and then the brain is born." Masturbation hurts the kidneys and the brain
even more. Neurosis can break out to a certain extent. This kind of brother's experience will
highlight a word. , That is "suddenly"! Maybe it was okay yesterday, but my body collapsed after
being kicked up today. It was so "suddenly"! This brother had insomnia all night, which was quite
painful, and the nerves on his head were covered with pain, which was quite uncomfortable.
Neurosis is hard to take medicine alone. When I had neurosis, I also saw many doctors and took a
lot of medicines. At the beginning, it felt okay to take medicine, but after a long time I became
resistant. I took the original medicine again. The effect was not good. Afterwards, I insisted on
rebooting and keeping in good health. I felt relieved a lot after insisting on it for more than half a
year. After persisting for more than a year, I was basically asymptomatic. The neurosis heals very
slowly, and the symptoms are easy to repeat. This brother also used a word: life is better than death!
This term is quite common among neurotic patients. Those who have not developed neurosis should
really take a warning. If you continue to press, the door to hell of neurotic symptoms will be opened
for you.

Foreign rebooting websites also mentioned that watching pornography can cause great damage to
the brain. Foreign rebooting is more based on scientific research, which will be more convincing.
The rebooting method may not be as good as that of traditional Chinese culture. However,
foreigners have their own unique opinions on the harm of pornography, which is worth learning
from. There are also religious reboots in foreign countries, and they are divided into professional
rebooting and faith rebooting, or professional plus faith.

And here's the really scary part: the more porn a person looks at, the more color vere the damage to
their brain becomes and the more difficult it is to break free. But there's good news too:
neuroplasticity works ble th ways. That means that The damage to the brain can be undone when
someone gets away from unhealthy behaviors. (The really scary part here: the more porn a person
watches, the more severe the damage to the brain will be, and the harder it is to break free. But
There is also good news: neuroplasticity is two-way, which means that when a person gets rid of
unhealthy behavior, the damage to the brain by pornography can be eliminated.) Excerpt from: fight
the new drug Press: Foreign rebooting exercises are really real It is in full swing, and there are quite
a lot of people participating. The slogans are all printed on the T-shirts. Rebooting is already an
international trend, and rebooting will become the mainstream of the times.

3. [Help! I'm broke! I have been pumped four or five times in the past week. Just tonight, after the
pumping, my head was suddenly dizzy, my brain buzzed, and my eyes were dazzling gold stars. My
body was all soft, and my kidneys felt very uncomfortable and nauseated. Without eating, my leg
hurts to death! In addition, my legs are soft, and I tremble after standing or squatting for a while, am
I going to die! Help! I’m still young and I don’t want to be over. What should I do? Can it be
restored as soon as possible? Then give up masturbation and save me! 】

Additional comment: This brother has also thought about having neurosis, and it is also "sudden"
onset. A typical symptom of mental decline is dizziness. This brother still has a lot of symptoms,
such as brain ringing, body weakness, kidney discomfort, nausea, leg pain, body tremor, etc. Once
the symptoms broke out, it was very panic, and he was shocked four or five times in the previous
week. It is estimated that he would never have dreamed that the symptoms would attack him in this
way! There is an iron law in the lure world: Sooner or later the symptoms will attack the lupus! You
can't escape, as long as you are still playing, there will be such a day sooner or later. It's not that you
don't report it. If the hour has not arrived, continue to press on, and you will see the decision when
the time comes. It's hot summer, sweating a lot, and sweating people have a lot of energy. In
summer, there is no disease and three points are weak. The body is originally in a relatively weak
state, but it is still like this. The result can be imagined. When you have symptoms, if you ask the
brick house who writes the harmless theory, the brick house will definitely say that you thought it
out. At this time, you want to get the brick house. If you ask about the moderate harmless theory
The brick house, the brick house will definitely say that you did not do it moderately. At this time,
you also want to smoke the brick house, because the brick house did not tell you in advance that
masturbation is addictive! Those so-called brick houses are actually saying to everyone: come in the
pit! Hundreds of millions of people get masturbated, you didn't discuss it! The brother finally let out
a heart-piercing cry: Help me! These two words are absolutely deafening, piercing clouds and
cracking rocks. The famous doctor Sun Simiaoyun said: "Therefore, those who are good at life-
preserving, who feel that the sun is prosperous, must be cautious and restrained, and must not
indulge in self-threatening. To indulge in diarrhea, it means that the fire will be extinguished, and
the oil will be removed. It is not a deep defense. The affected person does not know when they are
young, and they cannot believe in it. "A young man is ignorant and believes in harmlessness, but he
will regret it only if he has symptoms! It is urgent to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation!

4. [Brother Feixiang, how can I practice mindfulness and meditation? I have read articles about
rebooting for a few months, but the demons always disarm when they come, and it takes only ten
days at most. How can I practice mindfulness and meditation harder? 】

Additional comment: Regardless of the rebooting article, if it doesn't talk about cessation, then the
core is not mentioned. The core of rebooting is cessation, and the actual combat of rebooting is
cessation! After reading 10,000 books about swimming, I still have to go swimming in the water,
and reading 10,000 books about the piano, I still have to play the piano. Many people’s theories
seem to be superb, but they are not good in actual combat. His theories simply cannot withstand the
test of actual combat. After rebooting, the thoughts will definitely come up, just like you enter the
CF combat map and walk around. Enemies will emerge, and if you don’t kill them, they will kill
you. The same is true for rebooting. If you don't get rid of the thoughts, the thoughts will possess
your body, and then manipulate you to masturbate! When you think about it, you must get rid of it
right away! A brother posted that every time his thoughts came up, he couldn’t control himself, and
he always broke the vows repeatedly. The following one brother’s reply was really sharp: "You
haven't learned to stop mindfulness!" Many people haven't learned to stop mindfulness after a long
time. Some people will suddenly realize the importance of abstinence after breaking the abstinence
for a year or two. However, people with excellent rebooting talents will realize the importance of
practicing abstinence after learning the articles on rebooting. sex. No matter how much you read
about rebooting articles, if you can’t stop thinking about it, you’ll still break the reboot again.
Discontinuation is the most practical part of rebooting. You don’t want to start thinking, but you are
afraid that you will feel late. The evil thoughts that have come up must be eliminated as soon as
possible. To seize the best time to stop, you must be fast, not hesitate, not delay, and not be greedy!
Must be fast! To practice mind-watching and meditation, start by memorizing the mantra of YY YY,
recite it 500 or 1000 times a day. After reciting for a period of time, you will find that you will be
mind-watching and dying. One brother described the mantra for severing YY like this: The baby is
around but he doesn't know it. After a few days of recitation of the mantra for breaking YY, he
found that he was able to dominate thoughts, instead of being controlled by thoughts, becoming a
puppet of the heart demon. Some newcomers will find the formula for breaking YY is useless. The
reason why it is useless is that they all hold the Buddha's feet temporarily and do not sharpen their
swords at all. The formula for breaking YY is just a sword! Work in peacetime! You don't usually
memorize it to the level of conditioned reflex, and then the thought comes up, and if you memorize
it again, isn't it too late? Always sharpen the knife! It needs to be sharpened so that the thought can
be cut off when it comes up! What is reflected in the actual combat is the usual effort. It is not that
the mantra of YY is not working well, but that the level of the person who uses it is not good.
Rebooting articles are for reading, but you must keep practicing every day when rebooting. The
masters of rebooting are all masters of rebooting.

5. [After three years of abstinence, my body has already recovered. But there is a lingering feeling
in my heart. Brother Feixiang, I came to reboot since the first year of high school in 2010. I have
been learning from your experience for only more than 40 seasons. I have studied Tao Te Ching
before, so I have a stronger acceptance, and my consciousness will rise immediately. , Almost never
broke the precepts, and then kept quitting till today. The evil habit has been got rid of, and the body
has recovered even better than before! But now there is always a feeling of anxiety, that human
beings are ignorant and helpless, and that everything is fake. Now it’s sophomore year. Because I
have quit, everything around me is fine, but I always have this feeling in my heart. I have read a lot
of Nanshi's books and have been exposed to a lot of traditional culture, but this feeling has never
gone. It was again just now, feeling that everything is fake, nothing happened, insignificant and
helpless. I know that Buddhism is very magnificent, and there will be truths I want in Buddhism,
and I want to believe in Buddhism. But I don’t know why? There is no way to start, in short, you
can't believe it! 】

Additional comment: This brother is still doing very well. What's more commendable is that he has
recovered very well, even surpassing his pre-luo. But he entered into a misunderstanding of
thinking in studying Buddhism. Buddhism is not negative, but positive. Although Buddhism says
everything is false, like dream bubbles, (Einstein also said: space, time, and matter are recognized
by humans. Illusion.) But there is no illusion. To learn Buddhism, you can’t cling to it, and you
can’t be partial. To learn Buddhism, you must not do all evil, practice all good, and purify yourself.
Many people will misunderstand Buddhism and think that learning Buddhism is to escape into the
empty door and don’t care about anything. Since everything is false, what is the meaning of living?
So it becomes very negative. The more you learn Buddhism, the more negative you get into a kind
of The strange circle of thought. In fact, this situation is a misunderstanding in understanding, and
Buddhism does not depart from the worldly law! After studying Buddhism, you should calmly face
all kinds of situations, correctly handle all kinds of interpersonal relationships, and earnestly do
everything, especially things that benefit sentient beings. You must do your best and be positive,
optimistic, and selfless. Do it. Studying Buddhism cannot be left in the air. To study Buddhism is to
become more positive, more active, and more energetic, rather than negative and pessimistic. If you
can’t get into the book by reading Master Nan’s book, then you can also look at the teachings of
other great virtues. There is another sentence after this brother that I have not included, which
shows that he does not have sufficient faith in the Dharma. When you see the right letter, you still
have to look at the great virtues, especially the great virtues that are related to me. I respect the old
layman Huang Nianzu. The old layman Huang Nianzu is a university professor and a senior
intellectual. His teachings are very good. I never get tired of it, and Huang Nianzu, an old layman,
is also my fundamental guru. Regarding science and Buddhism, I recommend another video—
Where Science and Buddhism Meet. You can watch this video. In fact, Buddhism talks about the
truth of life in the universe. Many scientists are now studying Buddhism. Nobel Laureate in Physics
Yang Zhenning once said: "The end of science is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is
Buddhism." Nominated twice for the Nobel Prize, Pan Zongguang, President of the Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, also said: "Buddha is the best mentor of all living beings." Japanese
scientist Shinichi Matsushita also authored "The Lotus Sutra and Nuclear Physics." Studying
Buddhism is very good, but I will not force my family to study Buddhism. Everything depends on
my own destiny. Those who do not study Buddhism and those who study Buddhism need to respect
and tolerate each other.

6. [Hello, Brother Feixiang! I have a history of masturbation for 10 years. When I was 25 years old,
I almost overwhelmed my masturbation. I went to the hospital for 120 emergency treatment, which
caused my heart and cranial nervous system to be bad. Tired, tired of talking, tired of walking,
breathing unnatural, unable to live and work on their own, unable to get married, afraid to be
excited if there is a shadow... Regret is useless, a knife on the head! Now it's a personal experience,
please help me! How to treat and check? Which hospital in Chengdu has experts in this area, I am in
pain, please help me! How to do? 】

Additional comment: I have been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment by hitting 120. I have
seen many cases of this kind, and many of these cases have been included in previous articles. It
was lucky to be able to survive, but those who survived were basically diagnosed with neurosis in
the end. This is the beginning of another kind of suffering. Life is basically scrapped, living like a
zombie is really a waste. Gu Deyun: "Preserving the essence is to be thrifty, if you want to lust, you
will live with the dynasty. The mortal who is not old before declining is not due to the lack of
essence due to kidney deficiency. Those who die prematurely before the end of life, are not due to
Fornication and exhaustion. The oil is exhausted, and the exhaustion will die. This is an eternal
reason." Many people were brainwashed by the harmless theory before, so they indulged in the vice
of masturbation. In that state of obsession, he would think that there is Desire must be released. This
is a matter of course. In fact, he has never thought about controlling his desires and transforming his
sexual energy. He only knows to release, because this is what the brick family told him. Think about
it, the brick family They never tell us to control our desires. They only talk about release, but they
don't talk about controlling desires. Desire is a bottomless pit, and it will never be completely
satisfied, such as drinking salt water, the more you drink, the more thirsty you drink. There is a
knife on the head of the color word, and the color is a steel knife for scraping bones. After
masturbating, many people feel that their brains are emptied, and then their bodies are scratched. In
short, they feel very tired, and their energy will drop. NS. This brother also called for help,
masturbation first shouted cool, and finally called for help! Do you say how serious are the
consequences of masturbation? Ignorant people don’t understand. They only believe in the brick
family. If you look at the brick family’s face, complexion and hair, you will know that the brick
family himself is also a patient who suffers from injury. However, he is writing the theory of
harmlessness. Hilarious! Rehabilitation of neurosis, three-point treatment, seven-point rebooting
and health preservation, are the basis for disease recovery. To climb out of the quagmire of neurosis,
one must make a determination to reboot. The Counsellor's Letter of Three Yuan Yanshou pointed
out: "A person can protect his life, but his body is a pity, and he is heavier. If the essence is
dissipated, disease will follow, and death will follow." A truly wise and reasonable person will
certainly do. Give up the bad habit of masturbation!

7. [Brother Feixiang, today is the seventh day of my rebooting. Just last night, I saw pornography,
but I didn't masturbate. I didn't fall asleep until about 12, when I suddenly felt my heart beating
faster! The sweat couldn't stop flowing all over, and I felt like I was about to die. I panicked and
hurriedly asked for the blessings of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, but I was so scared that I didn't
correspond to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva at all. Then I sat cross-legged for a while and felt better,
and then I fell asleep nervously. Because of the jaundice poisoning too deep, I had nocturnal
emission this morning, and I felt very weak. The left and right body felt asymmetrical. The left foot
still felt different from the right foot, which was a bit numb. It's really too painful! I have struggled
with the demons for a long time. Although I didn't masturbate, I paid the price of nocturnal emission
and panic and dying! Regret not at the beginning! A little frustrated again. I'm looking for a job
these two days, I don't know if my body can hold it, I'm confused. 】

Additional comment: This case is almost a re-enactment of a 90-season case. It is also staying up
late to watch porn. As a result, the heartbeat speeds up, and it feels like I am about to die. The
brother in the 90s also chanted Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva at an urgent juncture, and this case is
also true. After rebooting, you must be careful to stay away from the source of yellow. It is a
common problem that many newcomers make, and they are also relatively low-level mistakes. They
don't know that adultery is a hidden waste, and staying up all night will do more harm to the body.
When the feeling of dying comes, the feeling is quite panic. You were alive and well, but suddenly
it was given to you. That feeling was absolutely disheartening. I also experienced different feelings
on the left and right feet at that time. The feeling was very weird. It was uncomfortable and
unspeakable. Later, I insisted on rebooting and keeping in good health. The strange feeling
disappeared automatically. The sex article also talked about masturbation will cause physical
asymmetry, the harm of masturbationIt's really too big. Masturbation will not only destroy a
person’s physical and mental health, but also affect a person’s fortune and fortune. I prefer to talk
about luck, not luck. When a person’s body is broken down, it will naturally affect his fortune,
which is inevitable. Yes, if you lose your energy and brain power, your studies and career will
naturally be greatly affected. The famous Chinese medicine book "Jing Yue Quan Shu" says: "The
heart is the fire of the king, the kidney is the fire of the phase, and the heart is moved, and the
kidney must respond to it." As long as you indulge in obscenity, it will lead to leakage. This is a
secret leakage. You must have some understanding. The most fundamental thing about rebooting is
to cultivate your mind, and you must learn to overcome obscenity. Old brothers with considerable
awareness and personal experience know that after masturbation damages the sperm, digestive
problems will occur. It is either diarrhea, constipation, or irregular stools. In fact, it is more than
digestive problems. Chinese medicine says that the kidneys are the five internal organs. The root
and kidney deficiency are the source of all diseases. The five internal organs are the heart, liver,
spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Later on, the heart is bad, and there are signs of rapid heartbeat,
palpitations, and heart pain. The liver is also bad and fatigued. , Dry mouth, bitter mouth, aversion
to oil, nausea, loss of appetite, liver discomfort, yellow urine; poor spleen and stomach, loose
stools, easy diarrhea after eating, abdominal distension after eating too much, yellow complexion,
fatigue and fatigue; lungs also It’s not good, there are various respiratory diseases, such as shortness
of breath, lazy speech, shortness of breath, susceptibility to colds, rhinitis, asthma, pneumothorax,
etc.; poor kidney performance is: waist and knee weakness, sluggishness, low back pain , Weak
legs, mental decline, lack of energy, aging face, insomnia and dreaminess, hair loss, gray hair,
spontaneous sweating, frequent urination, inexhaustible urination, waiting for urine, tinnitus,
dizziness, loose teeth, dark circles under the eyes, dull skin tone , Rough skin, wrinkles and spots,
premature ejaculation and impotence, weak erections, non-liquefied semen, infertility, etc. The so-
called: kidney qi foot, all diseases are eliminated, kidney qi deficiency, all diseases are invaded!

8. [I had a showdown with my girlfriend, she was very supportive of my rebooting. Yesterday, I told
her about my years of masturbation experience and the current symptoms. She understands me very
well, and she has to do all kinds of diet recipes for me every day. She wants to help me as best as
she can and says she will be unwavering. Staying with me for the rest of my life makes me really
very moved. I must treat her well and live the future together. 】

Additional comment: This brother’s girlfriend can support him in rebooting. This is really good.
After so many years of masturbation, the body has been showing symptoms. At this time, I really
need to relax. You should take care of your body before getting married. After getting married, I
won't be embarrassed because of the collapse of my body. The basis of two people being together is
actually a sense of responsibility. A sense of responsibility means long-term and stable. Temporary
passion will soon fall into boredom. The reason why rebooting bar advocates pre-marital abstinence
is consistent with the education of sages on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is to let everyone
save the best of themselves until after marriage to avoid abandoning first when they are unmarried.
I have seen too many cases of abandoning before marriage. It is crazy indulgence before marriage.
Many people have a history of masturbation for more than ten years, and then the body quit after
marriage, impotence and premature ejaculation, low back pain and leg weakness, prostatitis, hair
loss, lack of energy, neurasthenia and other manifestations have begun to break out. Married life has
also fallen into a pool of stagnant water, and even frequent quarrels and even divorce battles are
staged. Some brothers say that if they don’t have sex with their girlfriends, it will lead to a breakup.
In fact, you can look around. Many people who have sex before marriage ended up with a breakup.
They base their love on sex. , Instead of the sense of responsibility, when the freshness fades, what
is left is quarrel and boredom, and then the breakup is inevitable. If you are in love, it is best to
communicate well with your girlfriend and try to avoid premarital sex. Please save your best self
until after marriage and be a truly responsible man.

9. [Brother Feixiang, I have been abstaining for more than 300 days today. Through learning from
Brother Feixiang’s precious experience, the brain can be interrupted by thoughts, and the greedy
thoughts can be cut off as soon as they are installed, just like installing anti-pornography software.
However, he has done a poor job of curing other greed, and he is not very vigilant. Because of
greed, he has produced a lot of bad things that affect himself. Do you have any good suggestions for
Feixiang? 】

Additional comment: This brother did a good job of rebooting. More than 300 days is quite
difficult. For newcomers, more than 300 days is a miracle. In fact, for those who have truly grasped
the core of rebooting, more than 300 days is a matter of course. As a result, just like your jumping
ability, dunking is a very natural result. This brother has truly grasped the core of rebooting, and
that is the actual combat in mindfulness! The thoughts can be broken as soon as they come out, so
that they will not break the vows. No matter how frequently the thoughts appear, as long as you can
stop them immediately, so that the thoughts will not be possessed by you. It’s good to use anti-
pornography software as a metaphor for abstinence. I have used anti-virus software as a metaphor
for abstinence. When you really become absent, it is equivalent to installing a mind-killing software
in your brain. idea. When you train the mindfulness to a level that is superb, then it will be
completely killed automatically, just like computer anti-virus software, as soon as a virus emerges,
it will be intercepted and eliminated immediately. Everyone should install this "software" in their
own minds, so that they can stand in an unbreakable position in the actual combat of rebooting!
Regardless of any rebooting article, it can't get around a core problem, that is, what should I do if
my thoughts come up? Suddenness is the most practical part of rebooting. Gu Deyun: A fool does
not get rid of his mind, but a wise man does not get rid of his mind. If you get rid of your thoughts,
it is equivalent to defeating your own inner demon. The manifestation of the inner demon is the
brain of the thought. The real combat takes place in your mind. When the thought invades, can you
destroy it in the first place? If you can't do it, you will be possessed by thoughts, and then there will
be a series of relapses. Brothers who really have a delicate experience in actual combat will
definitely find that thoughts are more of an image, which is a seductive image suddenly inserted
into your mind. If you follow that image, then your mind It will start to play a small movie, and
then you will sink into it, and in the end you will develop into lust and have to break it, so it must be
destroyed immediately in the first frame of the image, and you must not follow it. How to
eliminate? Awareness means extinction, but it must be realized early. If it is too late, then it will be
passive. The chanting of the Buddha's name is also extinct, and the healing of the mind is also
extinct. The fastest eradication is awareness. But we must be aware of it for the first time and truly
grasp that 0. The moment of 01 seconds. The brother also said that greed and lust can be cut off, but
he does a very poor job of curbing other greed. People do have a lot of greed, and greed often leads
to misfortunes. Those high-ranking officials are caught in jail because of greed. Greed, anger,
ignorance and ignorance are ranked first. We should also learn to counteract other aspects of greed.
The principle is the same as that of countering greed. It will be wiped out immediately, and it will
gradually fade over time. After rebooting, we should learn more traditional culture to improve our
moral quality, cultivate a state of contentment and gratitude, so that we can live comfortably and
feel the true joy and peace of life.

Step into the text below

I once compared rebooting to playing chess with the heart demon. The heart demon will use all the
tricks to make you break the ring. Buddhism says to subdue your heart. You must learn to subdue
your own heart demon, otherwise you will be possessed by the heart demon. People originally
vowed to vowed, but as soon as the demons came, they were defeated immediately, and there was
no power to parry. There are many people who take poisonous oaths, but when this kind of people
break the vows, they completely forget their previous oaths. Some people will say "why do I want
to play chess with the heart demon?" In fact, even if you don't want to play with the heart demon,
the heart demon will still look for you, because the heart demon is in your eight-sense field, and it
will automatically jump out to harass you. you. The heart demon is deep in your heart, the heart
produces the devil, the heart exterminates the devil, the heart is the thought, and you can truly
defeat your own heart demon by doing well. His Holiness Ruyibao once said in his discourse: "It is
the inner demon who really suffers all the torment." Only by defeating the inner demon can you
gain true peace in your heart.

I have also compared rebooting to walking a tightrope. You need to be highly vigilant when walking
a tightrope, but you should not be too nervous when walking a tightrope. If you are too nervous and
too relaxed, you will fall off. A common mistake that many people make is to be too relaxed and
feel that rebooting is very simple, especially when many new rebooters are still in the dormant
period of desire. At this stage, there are very few evil thoughts. At this time, they will feel that
rebooting is very simple and there is almost no difficulty. But when he entered the peak period of
relapse, the heart demon began to bombard indiscriminately, and at this time he knew the difficulty
of rebooting. Many old brothers will also relax their vigilance. After entering the stable period of
rebooting, evil thoughts will become very few. At this time, he will feel that he will never relapse
again, so he relaxes his vigilance. The demons took advantage of the loopholes, and the result was a
series of breaks. I don't dare to relax my vigilance until now, because thoughts sometimes come up
automatically, but every time they come up, I can immediately notice the disappearance, so there
will be no relapse.

Master Yinguang said: "If you have a deep practice, it is inevitable that there will be no demons.
Demons have inner demons and outer demons. The outer demons are easy to retreat, but the inner
demons are difficult to fall. Yu. In the first practice, the small magic barrier is easy to break; when
the power of the Dao gradually deepens, the basic habit of multiple births hidden in the eight senses
is forced out by kung fu, or desires fly, or arrogance, and the power is very large. It’s unusual.”
After entering the stable rebooting period, the demonic test will still come. In this era of rampant
evil and adultery, there are too many foreign demons. There are too many images and videos of evil
and adultery on the Internet, and they are always tempting you to fall. Although the outer demon is
very fierce, compared with the inner demon, the inner demon is more dangerous. The inner demon
is your own evil thoughts! Once you have defeated your inner demon, then the outer demon will
lose its effect on you, because as long as the heart is not moved, the outer demon cannot move you.
Let it be the kaleidoscope of the outer demon. I am hollow here. I turn a blind eye to it. I. The
cultivation of the heart is deepened, and those habits that are deeply hidden in the field of eight
senses will be forced out by the kung fu, just like cooking something with violent fire, and the
things underneath will continue to turn up. People who are truly successful in rebooting must have
been tested by the devil without breaking it. The so-called true gold is not afraid of fire, and the
lotus growing in the fire will never go bad! Every time the magic test comes, it can be overcome, no
matter how fierce the magic test is, it can finally be resolved into invisible.

From the perspective of spiritual practice, the term “inner demon” is used. The practitioner must
defeat his own inner demon. From another perspective, the inner demon is actually a thought
monster. I myself prefer to use the term “Daguai” to describe the term “mindfulness”. When the
thought monster comes up, you must destroy it immediately, otherwise you will be possessed by the
thought monster, and then you will begin to masturbate. Fighting monsters will bring you upgrades.
Every time you defeat the mind monster, your confidence and experience will be improved. On the
contrary, if you are defeated by the mind monster, you will lose your level and experience in a short
period of time. Many people are very capable in the world of online games. Daguai is a master at
Daguai, but when the thought monster comes up, he is a complete rookie. There is a saying that
goes well: the real battlefield is inside, and the real battlefield is in your mind! Every day is actual
combat, and various fights against monsters are being staged every day. Rebooting is to fight
against monsters and level up! Rebooting is the coolest online game! This online game is in your
mind. At the beginning of the fight against the mind monster, you are often violent by the mind
monster, because your level of awareness is low, and you have not learned to stop. When you have
improved your awareness through learning, and you have also practiced to the level of proficiency,
the mind monster comes up to die. of. When you are really strong, the thought monster becomes
weaker, and when you are in the weak stage, the thought monster becomes extremely powerful.

Regarding the relapse caused by relaxation of vigilance, I have talked about it many times in the
previous article. The theme of this season is mainly about the negative effects of excessive tension
during the rebooting process. Too much tension may also lead to relapse, because too much tension
is easy. lost balance. I prefer the word balance. This word means balance. Rebooting is to maintain a
certain balance. Once you lose your balance, relapse will occur. The idea is to break your balance
and make you relapse! Walking a tightrope is to maintain a certain balance, neither too relaxed nor
too tense. There is a right balance point between relaxation and tension. There will be no relapse at
that point. Once you are no longer at that point, Relapse will happen naturally. Many brothers are
from the student party. You should know that you should not be too nervous during the exam. If you
are nervous, you will not be able to perform at your own level. If you are too nervous, your brain
will easily be short-circuited, and many ideas will be interrupted. The same is true for our
rebooting. If you are too nervous, rebooting is to lead a normal and healthy life, to get rid of
pornographic pollution. Rebooting can help you find the purest and most beautiful things. This is
not a very nervous or anxious state. After rebooting, it should feel like a fish in the water, like a bird
out of the cage. If you feel very nervous and upset after rebooting, it means that there is still a
problem in your mind.

I have met some brothers who are too nervous before. Every day, they feel nervous and make
people feel abnormal at first sight. The people who reboot should be open-minded, infinitely calm,
full of righteousness and confidence, but some brothers It looks like a sneaky feeling. They are very
nervous. Everyone will definitely ask, what are they nervous about?

1. Too much nervousness about the symptoms of sperm injury

Many newcomers came to reboot and saw many experience posts or warning posts written by
seniors. Many of the seniors’ blood and tear history really shocked them. They would worry that
they would be like seniors, and they would become sick afterwards and fall into their lives.
Incomparably gloomy and decadent. As long as you continue to slap, it is possible to go back to the
abandoned road of the predecessors. I believe that the history of human masturbation should be as
old as the mountains. I don’t know how many people have become corrupt men, nasty men,
wretched men, haggard men, and desolate men on this abandoned road. male. When a person
hollows out his body, he will be reduced to a walking corpse. Zeng Guofan said: "One thought is
good, and good spirits follow. When one thought is evil, evil spirits follow." The adulterer has
always had evil thoughts, and his heart is very dirty, so it is easy to inspire bad things. In fact, the
person who slaps has three points. Ghostly, a languid look, like an opium ghost. When new people
start rebooting, they must have a detailed understanding of the various symptoms of injury. Even if
many of the symptoms have not yet been met, they should also have an understanding so that they
can better alert themselves. Some brothers have the tendency to be suspected of illness and
compulsive. They are always too nervous about the symptoms of sperm injury, fearing that they will
also get serious symptoms, such as uremia, stroke, diabetes, etc. In fact, such diseases need to be
injured to a certain degree before they can be possible. It will only break out until it accumulates to
a considerable extent, so you don’t need to be too nervous about these serious symptoms. After all,
many brothers are still very young and the degree of sperm injury is not very serious. All aspects are
expected to recover. Be alert to the symptoms of injury, but don't be too nervous. Too much
nervousness will make a person's mental state unbalanced, which is very detrimental to rebooting
and recovery.

2. Too nervous about relapse

Rebooting has never lacked the abstinence post. Many newcomers lack the awareness of learning.
Once they don’t care about three or seventy-one, it is a strong vow, usually in about a month,
because after the dormant period of desire, it is the peak period of relapse. At that time, it will
naturally break the precept. During the dormant period of desire, desires are relatively weak, and
evil thoughts will even disappear completely. At this stage, erection may also disappear. At this
time, many people will panic and think that rebooting is not good. In fact, this is a manifestation of
the dormant period of desire, which can also be considered. For the withdrawal reaction, stick to it,
and erectile function will naturally return to normal. Many people have a nervous attitude towards
relapse, fearing that they will suddenly relapse one day, and then return to the pre-liberation period.
Some brothers are very concerned about the number of days of rebooting, and are afraid that the
number of days of rebooting will return to zero. In fact, this The problem I have mentioned in my
previous article is that the number of days of rebooting will return to zero after relapse, but the
results of recovery will not return to zero at once, but care must be taken to avoid consecutive
relapses. Don't be too nervous about relapse, because too much tension can easily lead to relapse.
There is a big reason why many people are too nervous, that is, they are not confident and confident
about the battle of the heart demon. He is afraid of the invasion of the heart demon. He does not
have absolute certainty to finish the heart demon. At this time, he will have Anxiety and tension,
because someday the heart demon will come, and if he can't resist it, he will definitely break the
precept, so he will be very nervous. We must work hard to practice Suan Min. When the heart
demon comes, the thought comes. When the heart demon reaches its peak, you will have absolute
certainty to defeat the heart demon. By then, your mood will be completely different and you will
not be nervous at all. Because you have absolute certainty. Rebooting is like fighting a war. You
must remain calm and steady. You must not be too tense if there is a slight turbulence. Rebooting is
fierce, with millions of soldiers in your chest, and you must have a grandeur of calmness and
calmness. Come, the demons come, come and cut! Quit the mighty power as hell! Completely
surrender the demons!

3. Tensions and worries about whether they can recover

Many brothers have a long history of injury to their sperm, 5 years or even 10 years, even 15 years
or more than 20 years. Many people have a lot of symptoms. The urinary system is not good, the
digestive system is not good, and the endocrine system is also imbalanced. The respiratory and
reproductive systems are no longer good, and the nervous system is also disordered. In short, there
are many symptoms. Some chronic symptoms have been delayed for several years. They are all old
patients and are in a state of living with the disease. In masturbation, so many chronic diseases do
not get better at all. Some brothers only quit for more than a month, and then he hopes to heal
immediately. This is quite unrealistic, because his history of injury is so long. I have said that the
specific recovery time of the injured sperm is more than one year. I agree with this view. Many
symptoms can be relieved or disappear after a few months of rebooting, but the process of recovery
will experience repeated symptoms. Only by strengthening your own health regimen and paying
attention to all aspects, can you finally enter a relatively stable level of healing. Many people worry
that they will not be able to recover before they quit for a long time, and they are also very nervous,
worrying about gains and losses. After rebooting, we must pay attention to emotional management,
and don't let ourselves fall into tension and anxiety. Long-term tension will also damage our
immune function. We should keep our minds calm, and stick to rebooting and health regimen. No
matter how long the history of injury is, it is expected to improve greatly. The older we get, the
slower the recovery speed will be. Physical and mental health will definitely recover a lot.

Four. Tension on the issue of frequency inheritance

Frequent eclipses are a hindrance to recovery. Many people do well for more than a year. However,
frequent eclampsia can drag him down. The spermatorrhea is also draining the precious essence of
the body, and long-term leakage will collapse! Frequent dysfunction can be a result of the disease,
so we must learn to control the dysfunction. Some brothers are very nervous about frequent
dysphoria, spermatorrhea does have a certain psychological impact, which will lead to a decline in
confidence and confidence, let alone frequent dysphoria! Some brothers have just started rebooting,
because they have been stunned before, it is relatively late to restore spermatorrhea, and some will
take a few months to recover. When the rebooting reaches a certain level, frequent problems will
come to the door. Almost every brother You will encounter it. The control of inheritance is indeed a
science. I have written about this issue for a season, and I have done more in-depth research. We
must overcome the frequency of dysfunction, otherwise the body will be difficult to recover. I
generally recommend kidney strengthening and auspicious sleeping. If it is not enough, you can
also see Chinese medicine for treatment. In short, we must minimize the number of spermatorrhea,
so that the body can recover. Otherwise, it will keep leaking, which will not only affect the recovery
of the body, but also affect the state of rebooting.

Five. Tension to the opposite sex

After rebooting, some brothers are also nervous when they see the opposite sex. Some people are
nervous because their social fears have not yet healed, and some are worried that they will break the
command when they see temptation. After rebooting, it is necessary to maintain proper vigilance,
but don't be too nervous. When you interact with the opposite sex, you must be natural and
generous. When your heart is upright, you won't be nervous. Previously, brothers reported on
mental recovery. He was very nervous when he saw the opposite sex hiding in the past. Later, when
he quit to a certain degree, his righteousness and confidence were restored, and he became cheerful
and talkative again. At this time, he and the girl can be normal and natural again. After the
exchange, the eyes are no longer evasive, the conversation is clear and powerful, and a kind of self-
confidence emerges spontaneously. If you keep rebooting, you will be able to relieve your tension
after your mental recovery. Of course, you should also pay attention to your psychological
adjustments. Don't let yourself get into a nervous mood. When you are nervous, others will
immediately feel that you are not right and unnatural. When your heart is full of positive energy,
your eyes and brows will be filled with awe-inspiring righteousness, and this righteousness will be
sincerely admired by others. Again, rebooting is to lead a normal and healthy life. If you become
more easily nervous after rebooting, then you must have gone wrong, and there is a
misunderstanding in your thinking.
6. Too nervous about the May Poison Moon and Nine Poison Days

Many brothers have asked about the Five Poison Moon before. The Five Poison Month is to be
extra careful. The fifth month of the lunar calendar is commonly known as the Poison Month.
Among them, there are nine days that are particularly damaging to the body and draining energy.
They are the so-called "Nine Poison Days" in ancient times. . In "Shou Kang Baojian" there is a
special "save the life precept period", which is very detailed. Many seniors will print down the
annual preserving life precept period in order to remind themselves that they must not be violated.
In the fifth month of poisonous month, the consequences are indeed serious. The consequences may
not be immediately apparent, but the seeds have been planted. After the relapse, you must repent
and do good deeds so as to make up for your faults. Some brothers are under great psychological
pressure after breaking the vows during the Five Poison Moon Moon. They feel like a catastrophe is
imminent. They are very frightened every day. In fact, they don't need to be too nervous. The
consequences of breaking the vows at different times are indeed different. The human body’s yang
level is always in the process of changing. Many people stay up late to masturbate. This is very
harmful to the body. When a child is born with Yang, the child is born at 23. At this time, the human
body’s yang energy is like a small Mars, very weak and needs extra care, but many people stay up
late to watch pornography, masturbate, and masturbate. The results can be imagined.

[Correct the ideological misunderstanding: Senior is not scaring you]

The seniors of the reboot bar have published many articles about the dangers of adultery , which are
generally divided into two categories: symptoms and beliefs. Many newcomers come to reboot
because they were ignorant of the dangers of masturbation . When they see harmful articles, they
may not be able to accept them at once. They will think that the seniors are frightening him, and this
so-called frightening seems to be for him. The psychology has a bad influence. In fact, the senior is
not scaring him. Senior is just telling him the truth directly, just like someone tells a person who has
never known about the great harm of smoking. That person may feel that the other person at the
beginning. He was frightening him. Whatever smoking caused cancer, it seemed to him to frighten
people completely, and he couldn't accept it. In fact, smoking may indeed induce cancer, but after a
certain smoking age. The same is true for our masturbation and sperm injury. Many serious
symptoms can only be caused by the injury to a very serious degree. For example, neurosis, it may
take more than five years or even more than ten years to develop. , It doesn’t take that long, maybe
two years old will get neurosis, it depends on the specific situation. There is another category of
beliefs. This type of content is more suitable for predestined people. Many Buddhist scriptures talk
about the consequences of adultery. It is more suitable for brothers who believe in Buddhism, but
other brothers cannot accept it. Therefore, beliefs are only suitable for those who are predestined.
For those who are predestined, rebooting is mainly based on the symptoms of symptoms. In short,
the seniors are not frightening you. As a newcomer, you must learn more about rebooting articles.
You should have a thorough, systematic and comprehensive understanding of the dangers of
masturbation .

[Neither loose nor tight, calm in the middle]

If the string is too loose, you can’t play the tune, and if the string is too tight, it’s easy to break. We
need to find a position that is not loose or tight. In this position you will enter the best rebooting
state. If you relax too much, you will be taken advantage of by the demon. The demon is waiting for
you to relax your vigilance. The demon is like a cheetah on the prairie. It has been waiting for the
antelope to relax its vigilance. Many people relapse after relaxing their vigilance. If you relax a
little, you may break the precepts. Many people will think of "trying to determine strength" in their
minds when they quit. In fact, it is the inner demon who is encouraging him. This kind of
encouragement must be seen through, otherwise it will undoubtedly be broken. The inner strings
must not be too relaxed, and you must be quite vigilant. When the antelopes are eating grass, their
ears are erected high, they are very vigilant, and we must also be vigilant! It is proper vigilance
rather than excessive tension. Excessive tension is also prone to relapse. Those who walk the
tightrope either fall down due to excessive tension, or fall off due to excessive relaxation. There are
many examples of this. There was once a master tightrope walker. When he reached the end, he
relaxed his vigilance, and then he fell. Even the masters would make mistakes. Therefore, he must
maintain a high degree of vigilance, but this vigilance should not be overdone, otherwise he will
become overly nervous and fall. . No looseness or tightness refers to not excessive relaxation or
excessive tension. This balance point must be adjusted and grasped by yourself, just like riding a
bicycle to maintain a certain balance, the feeling of balance must be found by yourself. Once you
lose your balance, you must be sure You will fall, and rebooting is the same. Rebooting is a kind of
inner cultivation to keep your inner heart in a certain perfect balance.

Final summary:

Rebooting is actually the art of balance. It is a kind of inner balance. The invasion of thoughts will
break this balance. Therefore, you must stop your mind and learn to dominate and tame your own
mind. There is a "stone balance artist" named Michael Grab. The stones he folds are incredible. His
patience, concentration, and steady hand strength have reached a very high level, which makes
people feel very shocked. There are some things you may think It's impossible, but someone can do
it. As long as they receive professional training, everyone can do it. When a person loses balance in
his body, he will fall. When a person loses balance in his heart, he is likely to break the precept.
Balance is everywhere, and all aspects of life reflect the art of balance. Rebooting is to maintain a
delicate inner balance. At that point of balance, you will not break the precepts. A sexual desire, a
quarrel, or an anger may cause you to lose your inner balance, which will lead to a relapse. Let us
all be masters of the balance of rebooting, walking on the tightrope of life, staying present at all
times, watching every thought of yourself, every step of yours will be filled with infinite Zen, and
your mind will become pure and transcendent. , Let us live innocent and beautiful! Forever!

Let me share a reboot poem

"Days on the Clouds"

Before falling into the pit

Child on the cloud

The days on the cloud are pure and innocent

Full of aura

Happy every day

So innocent, so pure

The child's eyes are shining with pure brilliance

In those simple days

I don't know what it is

The fall has begun

Those children fell instantly from the clouds

When they reach their crotch

All the good is destroyed

Every wretched figure is looking for yellow

Eyes are no longer bright and clear

The heart becomes extremely dirty

After falling into the pit, look up at the white clouds in the sky

It seems like a world away, how pure it is, unimaginable

Children fall into the pit every day and never stop

Misleading innocence theory hides all sentient beings

One day, you will no longer believe in the brick house

Because you have seen the truth

When you are fed up with symptoms

When you want to climb out of the pit

The real transformation has arrived

Been abused by a heart demon for so long

Too much need an upset counterattack

Clench your fists and fight like a man

Climb out of the pit and see the light again

Recommend a book below

"The Mirror of Cause and Effect": Khenpo Yixi Phuntsok. This book is not too many words, less
than 150,000, but it is more systematic. There is an electronic version on the Internet. If you are
interested, you can download it to your mobile phone to read it. Yixi Phuntsok Khenpo is the best
among the younger generation of Khenpo in Larong Wuming Buddhist Academy. He is well-versed
in Wuming, wisdom, strict precepts, and his level of diligence and asceticism is especially
Season 95: Infertility Detailed Special Edition

Once the harmful theory of masturbation was the mainstream of medicine, traditional Western
medicine believed that masturbation would cause great harm to the body and mind. There were
many books and articles on this in the 19th century. Later in the 20th century, the theory of
harmlessness began to rise, so the truth about the harmfulness of masturbation was met. Concealing
and covering up, the so-called experts continue to instill harmlessness into the public. Over time,
the harmlessness theory has become the mainstream. In fact, the harmlessness theory of
masturbation is not in line with the truth. The experts who write the harmlessness theory have their
knowledge of masturbation. There are deep ideological misunderstandings. The theories they wrote
are completely wrong, and the theories of experts and the education of sages are also contrary. They
are two completely opposite views. Believing in the theories of experts will sooner or later suffer
from symptoms. "Focus Interview" has a famous saying: "Speak with facts", facts are better than
eloquence! Facts sweep all harmless theories! Theories that are divorced from facts are like castles
in the air. Although they are called science, they do not correspond to the actual situation at all! To
put it bluntly, it is pseudoscience!

The emergence of harmlessness is actually well understood, because between the beginning of
masturbation and the outbreak of symptoms, there is a "asymptomatic period". It is this
asymptomatic period that makes many people have a wrong understanding of masturbation. They
will feel that Masturbation is harmless. In fact, they are warm-water frogs and don't know what will
happen next. They only experienced a part of it, but did not see the whole process. It was like
watching a movie. At the beginning, there was a comedy plot, and then many people would think
that it was a comedy. The pavement made by the disaster film! The harm of smoking is lagging, and
the harm of masturbation is actually lagging. Symptoms need to be injured to a certain extent before
symptoms occur. The delay of symptoms does not mean that masturbation is harmless!

In fact, many people have already had a lot of symptoms of injury to their sperm, but they did not
associate the symptoms with the bad habit of masturbation because of their ignorance. Ignorant
people are the most terrible. They have no common knowledge of Chinese medicine. They only
know how to use it, and they will definitely be abolished in the end. be hospitalized! Do you believe
in the so-called bricks, or believe in millions of real cases? If you believe in the brick family but
don't believe in the facts, then go ahead, no one will stop you, and don't regret it when you end up
with symptoms! Many people are superstitious about the brick family. When the brick family has
symptoms, who should he believe? When the brick family has kidney deficiency, who should he
believe? Believe in his own harmless theory? That's obviously a slap in the face! I only believe in
the facts, and absolutely do not believe in the so-called brick houses, facts are better than one billion
brick houses!
Dan Gardner, the author of "Scientific Fears," explores why those high-sounding and seemingly
reliable experts, and those who seem to be the ones we should most believe, are often the least
credible. People who are superstitious in experts are the most mindless. He believes in what experts
say. He doesn’t believe in facts. He only believes in experts. If experts say that the earth is square,
he believes that the earth is square. If experts say that elephants are more square If the ant is small,
he believes that the elephant is smaller than the ant, and he has no brain at all. There is an article
titled "Why the "Brickers" Always Say Wrong", and there is a paragraph in it that reveals it well: "I
want to tell you a secret in our industry. What the Brickers say is wrong!" This sentence is
absolutely deafening. The real insider knows the truth. Those who are superstitious about the brick
family are really ignorant. It is the brick family he most trusts that fooled him!

The brick family said that sexual desire is human instinct, and instinct cannot be used as a passport
to adultery! Human instincts must be strictly regulated. If instinct is used as a shield, then the
prostitute is arrested. He can also say: "Sexual desire is human instinct. Why do you catch me?" The
rapist can also say: "Sexual desire" It's human instinct. Why do you judge me?" Although
masturbation is not illegal or criminal, masturbation is evil. Furthermore, sex is the gate of life and
the gate of death. Desire is a bottomless pit, and it will never be completely satisfied, such as
drinking salt water, drinking more and thirsty, until you die! Constantly depleting the kidney
essence will cause symptoms, which will lead to severe suffering. We must learn to control our
desires. Instinct cannot be used as an excuse for indulgence and degeneration. Animals have a fixed
estrus period and will not mess around. As human beings, shouldn't we take good care of ourselves?
When many ignorant people hear the word instinct, it is like a fish in water. They are making
excuses for their indulgence, so that they can feel comfortable. The views of the brick family are
right to his appetite. Chinese medicine says that "men cannot be without women, and women cannot
be without men." Masturbation is against nature. Masturbation by one person is like boiling an
empty pot on a violent fire.

Some bricks will say that moderation is harmless. In fact, moderation is also harmful, because every
time masturbation is depleting precious kidney essence, just like shopping requires money, the key
is whether your body can afford it. I felt okay in the first year, but it gradually faded later, and my
body began to show symptoms. After each masturbation, the body will slowly recover, but if the
speed of recovery cannot keep up with the rate of wear, then it must be symptomatic in the end, like
dripping water from the top and leaking from the bottom, it will definitely be abolished! As the age
increases and the severity of injury deepens, the body's recovery speed will become slower and
slower, while the addiction to the heart becomes stronger and harder to control at that time.
Masturbation is highly addictive. Moderate water is very deep and deep. Some people claim that
they can do moderately. In fact, what they call moderation has a lot of water. Everyone's frequency
of masturbation basically fluctuates. Fixed, sometimes once a week, sometimes once a few weeks,
sometimes several times a day, sometimes for several days in a row. I often walk by the river, how
can I not get wet shoes? It's like playing a blackjack card game. As long as you play, there will be a
burst of time. The only way that will not burst is to refuse to play! As long as you push, your
physical and mental health will burst sooner or later! It's really important to recognize the theory of
moderate harm. Reboot some brothers above level 10 can't recognize the theory of moderate harm.
Sooner or later, their body and mind will break out of symptoms, and they can't escape!
The return of the harmful theory of masturbation will gradually become the mainstream of the
times. We are witnessing the occurrence of this change. Of course, this change will encounter some
resistance. This is inevitable, because many people have been brainwashed by the harmless theory
and let them It is difficult to change your concept. They will think that your views are weird and
different from the ideas in their minds. In fact, the ideas in their minds are instilled in them by
experts, and their theories are completely wrong. The process of masturbation becoming the
mainstream is just like a hairstyle that became the mainstream. Ten years ago, the split was the
mainstream. Now the hairstyles that are pushed off on both sides have become the mainstream.
When the hairstyles that were pushed off on both sides first appeared, everyone might feel a little
bit. Weird, but after a few years of popularity, it seems to have become mainstream now. Similarly,
as long as the harmful theory of masturbation continues to be promoted and popularized, it will
become the mainstream of the times, and more and more people will accept it. There are many
foreign articles about the harm of masturbation . I have read dozens of foreign reboot websites. The
latest scientific research also shows that the harm of masturbation is very great. The return of
masturbation theory is an international trend and an inevitable trend of the times. The public needs
to be told the truth! Those insensitive people need to be awakened and saved!

Share some cases below

1. [Now I have done a good job of thinking skills, I can cut it off immediately, but I am always
weak in every situation. This is also one of the reasons why I relapsed. There are too many
temptations in normal life, so I must improve through study. Realize, let go of the obsession with
beauty. 】

Additional comment: This brother is actually still unable to stop thinking. When facing the realm, it
depends on whether you are tempted. If your heart is not moved, you will kill all realms! If you are
tempted, it will be easy to fall into it. The wise can not get rid of the state. The most powerful
person is to face all the realms of temptation. The next best thing is to be able to cut off when you
think about it. When you find yourself thinking about it, you can cut it off immediately, so that you
won’t be tied up by the realm and you won’t be involuntarily bound by it. Some brothers usually
quit okay, but when they encounter a state of temptation, it will explode like gunpowder when it
touches sparks. It is really burning with desire. It is crazy to break the ban, once a day or even a day.
The rhythm of several times is really to death, it is so terrible after being kidnapped by the heart
demon. We humans have only two states, one is to be the master of thoughts! Second, to be a slave
to thoughts! Being slaves of thoughts is the puppet of the heart demon. Most people cannot be the
masters of thoughts. They are slaves of thoughts. They cannot control their thoughts. As soon as the
thoughts come up, they surrender immediately, even with a little resistance. No. Only by being the
master of the mind can you be the master of the body, otherwise the body is not controlled by you,
you are the puppet controlled by the heart demon. Some old brothers had done well before, but if
one relaxes their vigilance, he will break the ring, and then the inner demon will take over his body.
In a short time, he will break the ring frantically, and he can't help himself! He became a slave again
from the position of master! A program was implanted in his mind, and this program is actually an
idea! Thoughts hit the brain! Thoughts occupy his mind, the brain controls the hands, and the brain
controls the behavior of the body. As a result, he will start masturbating! The old layman Xia Lianju
once said: "Strength must be practiced from the realm." A real strong person is a person who is not
tempted to the realm, and not being tempted is a kind of power and a realm! The one who can really
detect the level of enlightenment depends on the reaction to the temptation. The so-called real gold
is not afraid of fire. No matter how strong, how novel, and how attractive the temptation is, it will
not have an effect on me if I am not tempted here. . It is actually not easy to be able to train to be
immobile. This requires long-term trials and training in actual combat, and finally can be immobile!

2. [Hello, Brother Flying. I have a very serious problem, please help me. Briefly speaking about my
situation, I am 26 and have been masturbating for more than ten years. Nearly three years ago, I
finished sleeping one night, and when I got up the next day, I found that my lower body was no
longer felt (it should be impotence), and then I discovered the harm of masturbation. The current
symptoms are: hair loss, gray hair, thin yellow hair, sunken cheeks, cracked tongue, tooth marks on
both sides, poor erection, black, thinness, premature ejaculation, I don’t know, I wanted to go home
to help my parents, but I look like I am afraid to go back, they are worried, and they dare not go
back. I'm really sorry for mom and dad. I'm sorry for my son's unfilial piety. I'm so ignorant. I never
knew that masturbation is harmful. I rarely look at pornography, but it's masturbation. 】

Additional comment: This brother is 26 years old and has been masturbating for more than ten
years. It is estimated that he has been developing since the beginning, and now the symptoms are
obvious. Everyone pays attention to one detail. He said that the sudden impotence occurred one
night three years ago. In other words, the sexual function was still possible in the previous seven
years. Some people will say that I am masturbating now and feel that there are no symptoms. When
the symptoms break out, it may be too late. It is quite difficult to recover, because the symptoms
will also form a trend. Once the symptoms break out, people will be affected by this. This kind of
trend is firmly controlled, just like a person who loses hair, once it gets off to a certain extent, it will
be firmly controlled by that kind of hair loss trend, and it is quite difficult to reverse it. Many
ignorant people are paralyzed. They are brainwashed by the harmless theory, thinking that
masturbation is harmless and that they can be moderated, but the final result is an outbreak of
symptoms. Some brothers will post such a post, titled "How many years have been slapped, and
now retribution is coming", the negative energy of masturbation also needs a cumulative process,
freezing three feet is not a day's cold, it is the camel that crushes the camel. The last straw.
Retribution will come sooner or later, sooner or later. Some people either do not repay. Once they
come, they will be very fierce, and they will be destroyed at once. This is like paying off debts.
There are two ways to pay off debts. One is by regular installments. Return it piecemeal, and the
other is to finally settle the ledger for you! He always thought it was harmless, and as soon as the
symptoms broke out, he was appointed to the hospital. The symptom of this brother’s sperm injury
is very typical. I also had a cracked tongue at that time, which was very scary. There were also tooth
marks on both sides of the tongue. Caused by. There are pressure marks on the edge of the tongue,
and the tongue body is swollen, so the teeth marks appear. TCM talks about hair as the bloom of the
kidneys. If the essence is damaged to a certain extent, the hair quality will definitely decline, hair
loss, gray hair, thinning, softening and curling, etc., TCM also talks about exhaustion and tolerance,
and many brothers have faces. The sunken problems are mainly sunken cheeks, sunken eye sockets,
and sunken temples. The facial complexion of the injured person is dull, it looks dirty and unclear,
and one manifestation of kidney deficiency is a dark complexion. This brother still has filial piety,
but it is a pity that his appearance makes him afraid to go back. Lumin has a very outstanding
characteristic, that is-ignorance! Ignorance of the symptoms of injury to the sperm, ignorance of the
common sense of Chinese medicine, the ignorant will believe in the harmless theory, and the true
wise will definitely disdain it! Masturbation is a fool's behavior!

3. [My situation is like this. I have a ten-year history of masturbation since I was seventeen. I really
regret it! To be honest, I didn't know that masturbation was harmful at that time. Until recently, it
was a dead end when I came into contact with rebooting . I got married last year. After marriage, my
sex life was severely discordant. I couldn't hold on for a minute. So I went to the hospital for an
examination. After the examination, the doctor said that I had several diseases: prostatitis, infertility,
premature ejaculation, and impotence. At that time, my mind was blank, and I felt that my body
didn’t feel any special discomfort. How could I get so many diseases quietly, so I went to an
andrology hospital for a week or so, spent 20,000 yuan but got nothing, and I didn’t even cure the
same disease. I feel that the so-called andrology hospital is purely a lie, and the disease is still sick
now. I really don’t know how to treat it next, and where to go for treatment? It’s really tangled. If
the illness doesn’t get better, the wife will get a divorce. I’m tired of living every day. I beg
Feixiang for advice, what should I do? 】

Additional comment: I started masturbating at the age of 17, and my body was already unmarried
when I got married! This situation is quite embarrassing and terrible. Severe premature ejaculation,
infertility, wives have to get divorced, and the retribution of masturbation will suddenly come in an
unexpected way. Maybe I usually feel that the body is not particularly uncomfortable, but the body
is actually already There is a hidden illness. When Bian Que saw Cai Huangong, Bian Que said that
Cai Huangong's disease needed treatment, and he was afraid of death, but Cai Huangong felt that he
was okay. As his condition worsened, Cai Huangong died in the end. Sometimes the feelings of the
sick individual are inaccurate. Maybe you feel that your body is okay, but you have already
contracted the disease. Some people are extremely ignorant, feel that they are in good health, and
even feel that they are very strong. What he doesn't know is that many people who die suddenly are
strong people. I don’t know, I’m still fucking, I’m really too ignorant. The root of this ignorance is
actually the lack of education. No one told him about the harm of masturbation., When the
symptoms are plagued, you may become passive. This brother should not choose an andrology
hospital. The andrology hospital treats patients as customers. All kinds of treatment equipment with
the latest technology are actually tools that allow you to pay for the treatment. The money is gone
and the illness is still there! Andrology hospitals are actually prepared for patients who have injured
sperm. It is best to go to a formal tertiary hospital to treat the symptoms of sperm injury. This will
cost a lot less and can reduce a lot of financial burden. Now this brother is almost forced into a
desperate situation. He is very tired every day. His wife probably puts a lot of pressure on him. The
best way out at the moment is to go to a regular hospital for active treatment, and then cooperate
with rebooting and health preservation, taking time. Let your body get better, when the sexual
function and fertility function are restored, so that you can save your marriage and life. There is a
fallacy now that abstinence will lead to a decline in sexual function. In fact, this view is completely
wrong, because several brothers have rebooted for more than a year before, and their sexual
function has completely returned to normal. Abstinence is about replenishing energy. Rui is not
weakening you, on the contrary, indulgence can lead to premature ejaculation and impotence. Many
brothers have this experience. In the first year or two of the beginning of masturbation, it can
basically last for about ten minutes, but afterwards it will only be about one minute, or even a
second. After ejaculation, the shooting distance is also greatly reduced, and it becomes flowing, and
the continuous depletion of the kidney essence will lead to the decline of sexual function. If you still
have premature ejaculation after quitting for a long time, on the one hand, consider that your body’s
recovery is not ideal. After all, recovery is also a systematic project. Although some people reboot,
but do poor health maintenance, they often stay up late and sit for long periods of time. Talk about
recovery? The other is that if you haven't had sex for a long time, you may experience premature
ejaculation for the first time.

4. [Teacher Feixiang, it's hard to miss every time a thought comes up, what should I do? A few days
ago, I entangled with the heart demon for the whole morning, and didn't completely break it until I
got up in the afternoon. Those methods of distracting attention are only useful when transferring.
After the transfer is over, the thought comes up again...]

Additional comment: Wang Yangmingyun: "It's easy to break through the mountains, but it's hard to
break through the heart!" It takes constant practice to break the mind. The blade of the break needs
to be constantly sharpened, so that you can break faster and faster. Suddenness is the most practical
and core part of rebooting. Thoughts will definitely come up. There is no doubt that because there
are seeds of lust in the field of eight consciousness, thoughts will definitely come up. Everyone who
practices mindfulness will be unfamiliar at first, and the speed of mindfulness is very slow. As long
as you continue to practice, you will gradually become faster and more skilled, and finally you will
become Skilled workers of mindfulness, just like Cut fruits quickly, and through constant practice,
you will eventually become very self-conscious and enter the state of self-cultivation for a long
time. The key is to practice, practice, and practice again! Practice makes people perfect! This
brother is very difficult to break every time his thoughts come up, that is, he hasn't been able to
break his mind, and he hasn't gotten home yet. A true master of mind-breaking will never get
entangled with the heart demon, but will be overwhelmingly quick to break! Only fast is not
broken! Between the sparks and sparks, the thought was cut off. Some time ago I talked about a
young brother who is only 15 years old, but he is very talented, and he has been quitting for a full
year after one month. His cessation has been practiced within one second, which is very rare. He
can be at such a young age. To reach such a level. The method of distracting attention has certain
effects, but there are also certain flaws, because when people have time to come down, there are
always boring moments, and it is impossible to do things all the time. Many student parties abstain
from Monday to Friday. It's very good, because the school life diverts his attention, but on
weekends and holidays, he can't control himself. When I was in high school, I also used the method
of distracting attention, and the effect was somewhat, but I didn’t grasp the core part of rebooting.
Once things passed, the heart demon came more violently, so I always broke the ring and got caught
by the heart demon. Tortured decently. After we reboot, we must practice absenteeism vigorously, to
the level of conditioned reflex, to the level of extreme speed and extreme cruelty! To be a ruthless
character of renunciation, a man must be ruthless to himself, and he must work hard to practice!
Practice can make people continue to strengthen, and the masters of mind-breaking are all trained.
They practice hard every day and continue to practice for themselves. They have an extreme desire
to increase the speed of mind-breaking. The ultimate goal is to start and stop in 0.01 second! This is
the standard of the master class! One can do everything with one's own ability, and one can do
everything with one's own abilities. When you practice your mindfulness to a superb level, when
your thought comes up again, when you notice it, your thought will be wiped out!
5. [Brother Feixiang, I know that the core of rebooting is to abstain from mind, and you have
repeatedly emphasized the need to lose mind, but generally the thoughts that appear during the
dormant period of desire are yellow pictures. This is very simple and it is cut off, but the desire is
over. During the dormant period, I feel a powerful force, like a black hole, to suck me into the abyss
of hell. Although I can feel the force, it seems invisible and indescribable, not a sound, not a picture.
, I don’t know where the mind-cutting energy is going, and I don’t know if this force is a thought,
and then I broke my vows. Why can't this demon be seen or touched? So I came to ask you. 】

Additional comment: When a thought comes up, sometimes a voice sounds in the head, and
sometimes it strikes the brain in the form of images. At the peak of relapse, the heart demon
sometimes comes very subtle, and a feeling of relapse is quietly spreading. When that feeling is
spreading, you must be highly vigilant and keep a strong awareness of your heart, and then this
feeling will automatically disappear. This is a relatively subtle thought. Although it is invisible and
indescribable, you know it-it coming! When you maintain a strong awareness, it's like turning on a
light in a dark room. All darkness will disappear instantly. The trick to cessation of mind is to be
aware when you start to think, and to stop when you feel it! Awareness is annihilation, and an
awareness is like a laser beam that instantly annihilates the idea of intrusion. When we reboot, we
have to watch our own thoughts. There are four levels of thoughts: coarse, fine, subtle, and
extremely subtle. Sometimes the thoughts that come up are more subtle, and you can feel them but
are indescribable. When encountering subtle thoughts, you must be highly vigilant. Such thoughts
are very subtle and must be cut off as soon as possible, otherwise you will be possessed by them. In
general, during the dormant period of desire, there are few evil thoughts, and there can be no evil
thoughts for more than ten days. Quitting is relatively easy. At this time, many new people will
think that rebooting is easy, and even think that their rebooting method is the best. , So I can’t wait
to share my "successful experience" with everyone. I don’t know that after the dormant period of
desire is the peak period of relapse, the heart demon will launch various attacks. Quite difficult.
People who are truly successful in rebooting are tough steel guys who have been tried and tested
without breaking! The stand for rebooting is absolutely firm, and the determination to reboot will
never be shaken. They are true rebooting death squads, rebooting tigers, and rebooting special
forces! With the heroic spirit of fighting to the end, rather than surrendering! With the spirit of a
martyr who rushed into the enemy group with explosives! In the war of thoughts, make a bloody
road, fight to the death, quit to death!

6. [I'm an introvert, I don't tell others or ask others about things, so I'm old and ignorant. I started
masturbating in junior high school, but the frequency was not high, so my symptoms appeared very
late, and it broke out at the age of 30. Maybe I had some symptoms before, but I didn’t know it was
related to masturbation, and I never knew that masturbation was harmful. I had circumcision
surgery and dorsal nerve block surgery in 2013 (I was really ignorant at the time, I was scared by
those damn doctors, those beasts did not say the root cause, just said that it would be good to do
this, and the ignorant themselves believed in it. NS). In 2014, my body was still not working well. I
went to check again, and it turned out that I had severe varicocele. I had a high spermatic cord
ligation and treated prostatitis at the same time. It cut me 26,000 in one week. After half a year of
recovery, I didn’t get better. I I started to look for the cause again, but I accidentally saw " Quit as a
Good Medicine " before I realized that it turned out to be masturbation and adultery. Those black-
hearted doctors are really just for making money, that is, they don't say that masturbation is harmful,
they can only blame themselves for being too ignorant! By comparison, I have all the symptoms
caused by masturbation. Kidney deficiency, insomnia, tinnitus, frequent spermatorrhea, hair loss,
dark circles, joints all over the body, and herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. Kidney stones have
been found this year. Insomnia has been more than three years, and the root cause has finally been
found. 】

Additional comment: This brother walked a stubborn road, underwent three operations, spent a lot
of money, and thankfully finally found the culprit. Ignorance is terrible, ignorance is also very
pitiful, I don’t know the harm of masturbation , just like that. After the symptoms come out, I go to
the hospital again and again. Many doctors will never mention the harm of masturbation. You know
the reasons behind it. Doctors don't want patients to know the dangers of masturbation . Of course,
doctors with medical ethics will warn patients, but relatively few, waiting for patients with sperm
injury is a road of suffering. Although the frequency of this brother's masturbation is not high, it is
still abolished by the age of 30. It does not mean that moderate is harmless. As long as it is used, it
is harmful. Moderate water is too deep and too deep. Why did the predecessors say To get rid of the
bad habit of masturbation completely, why not recommend that you do it in moderation, because the
seniors, through their own experience and in-depth investigation and research, finally came to the
conclusion that they can’t do it in moderation. If you don’t believe in the warnings of the seniors,
then you can do it in moderation. , But the final result must be caused by the symptoms.
Masturbation is a kind of adultery. It really can't happen at a time. It is all about accumulating
negative energy. If it accumulates to a certain extent, it will cause a large outbreak of symptoms.
This brother has had more symptoms of sperm injury. He has suffered from insomnia for more than
three years. He is considering neurasthenia. This year, he has found kidney stones again. The harm
of adultery is too great. Gu Deyun: "Lose is more harmful than a wolf tiger." Zhuan Jiayun: "Let it
hit it, it's harmless, and there are many benefits!" Many people don't believe in ancient sages, they
believe that under the guise of science The brick family, and the result was that he later became
sick. Is this the so-called "many benefits" of the brick family? There is a classic paragraph like this:
while taking medicine for kidney deficiency, the brick family wrote harmlessness theory, and it is a
very scientific harmless theory, quite scientific, absolutely scientific, and absolutely authoritative,
but this kind of science has one characteristic. : Not in line with the facts! This is the science of the
bricks, not real science. Real science respects the truth.

7. [I am studying Chinese medicine, and now I am going to be a senior (5 years of masturbation,

sophomore period only intermittently abstained), before I discovered this, I have always come here
in a muddle-headed way, and my study is always the highest The standard line, only occasionally
there is the idea of "being a good doctor of Chinese medicine", but only occasionally. This is what I
used to be. I always do things in a casual and easy way. And I often give up halfway. I think it has a
lot to do with my long-term masturbation. I also made my body very weak due to masturbation.
Various symptoms, haha, I am ashamed to say it. If I didn’t study medicine, my body might be
worse. Since I learned a little knowledge of Chinese medicine in my freshman year, I have realized
the harm of masturbation and have been restrained. However, because of the lack of methods, I will
continue to masturbate one after another. Of course, one of the reasons is the inability to resist the
temptation. I bought a computer, and you know... just like that, I gradually fell and went downhill.
After a lot of experience, I realized that no matter what, it is not as important as my own body.
Otherwise, I can't do anything well and get nothing. 】

Additional comment: This is a brother who studies Chinese medicine. It is also a blessing for me to
be able to learn Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine science has thousands of years of profound
experience, and the theory is quite mature and complete. It does have its advantages in explaining
the symptoms of injury. The uniqueness, which is unmatched by rebooting abroad, is a precious
experience left by the ancestors to future generations. Generally speaking, after studying Chinese
medicine, you will definitely know that masturbation can cause huge damage to your body.
Masturbation leads to kidney deficiency, and kidney deficiency is full of diseases. This is an eternal
reason. Although this brother learned Chinese medicine and knew the dangers of masturbation , he
still made his body very weak due to masturbation. He himself said that if he hadn't studied
medicine, his body would be worse. Generally speaking, after knowing the harm of masturbation ,
you will be restrained and you will not dare to be too crazy, but it is still difficult to control yourself
with evil thoughts. So just knowing the harm is not enough. You must learn to cultivate the mind.
Rebooting is to cultivate the mind. The core part of professional rebooting is cultivating the mind,
and cessation of mind is actually cultivating the mind! People who masturbate can easily give up
halfway. Why? Because kidney deficiency has a manifestation: addiction to lying and moving! You
can observe the performance after the ejaculation, always yawning, eyes blank, a look of malaise,
just like drug addicts, others are white suckers, masturbation people suck pornography. People who
often masturbate are prone to become lazy, and after mental decline, they will be unable to do a lot
of things and lack long-term sexuality. Chinese medicine talks about the kidney as a strong official!
What a man fights is the kidney! Some brothers will ask why a classmate also masturbates and why
he still did so well in the college entrance examination. This question is actually very easy to
understand. On the one hand, it depends on the degree of injury. On the other hand, the blessings of
others are inherently profound and IQ is inherently strong. He is tall and has a strong body. If the
history of adultery is not very long, he can still be admitted to the ideal college. If he does not
masturbate, I believe he can do better in the exam. There is a saying that a lean camel is bigger than
a horse, has an IQ of more than 100, and the degree of effort is also very strong, so that even if it
declines due to masturbation, it can surpass most people. But then again, even if he can be admitted
to a prestigious school, even if he can read a Ph.D., the results of adultery will definitely not let him
go, reboot.There were graduate brothers and doctoral brothers before. Although they were better
academically than ordinary people, as the degree of injury intensified, various symptoms began to
abuse them. I remember that a doctoral brother was very distressed because he was embarrassed.
For many years, the result was impotence, and he was facing marital problems, which put him in an
extremely embarrassing situation.

A brother once said that those NBA stars often go to nightclubs, their private lives are chaotic, and
they are not still that strong. First of all, the physical fitness of American professional basketball
players is far superior to ordinary people, but no matter how strong the physical fitness is, it is in
line with the medical theory of kidney control. Many stars are reimbursed due to injuries. The
weakened legs will increase the probability of injury. In addition, according to US media
investigations, nearly 60% of NBA players who have received high salaries at their peak have gone
bankrupt after five years of retirement. Do you think the results of adultery are exempt for these
athletes? Once the annual salary was tens of millions, the debt was high, and the situation was
difficult. According to US media statistics, the divorce rate of professional athletes was as high as
80%. Following these divorce lawsuits, the players' assets have shrunk by half. 78% of NFL players
are even more extreme. Two years after their retirement, they will suffer financial distress and
mental depression due to unemployment or marriage. Those who can enter the NBA will definitely
have great blessings. There are many dunk gods in the United States who do not have this blessing
to enter the NBA, but the blessings are misfortunes. The sins of reliance on blessings to commit
adultery will definitely end up in the end. Miserable. Many football stars also end their careers early
because of indulging in alcohol, and their lives after retirement are even more messed up. "Tai
Shang Induction Chapter" says: "There is no way for good or bad, but people call themselves. The
retribution of good and evil is like a shadow." Those who commit prostitution will have their
blessings reduced. In severe cases, their entire life will be trapped. A lot of things can’t just look at
the present, but have to be observed and considered in ten, twenty years, or even the entire length of
life, so that they can be more objective.

8. [It’s been almost a year since I quit, and my body has changed. My body looks a lot more
beautiful, and it’s not as thin as before. People’s vitality has returned, and there is no urgency and
frequent urination, and people are not ugly. No longer looks like an old man anymore, and his eyes
are more fascinating. 】

Additional comment: This is a case of restoring feedback. After rebooting for a year, this brother
counterattacked. The figure is good, and the spirit is back. Some brothers may ask, is masturbation
related to the figure? Of course, people who masturbate are often unable to keep their body tall and
straight. Many masturbators have a slouched look, and foreign reboot articles also say that
masturbation will cause physical asymmetry, which will make the body look very tall. awkward. A
person who often masturbates, his body is either thin or puffy. This brother should appear thin and
thin. By insisting on rebooting, his thinness problem has also been improved to a certain extent.
Urgency and frequent urination is a bright spot. This is a manifestation of the recovery before the
slowness. The symptoms before the slowness are actually very torturous. Some people have to
urinate soon after drinking water, and they can't hold back at all. You have to wake up a dozen times
a night! I can’t keep peeing at all. If you want to urinate, you must go to the toilet immediately,
otherwise you will suffer from urinary incontinence. Generally, old people can't hold back urine,
because of old age and physical weakness, the kidney qi is greatly reduced, but now many young
people can't hold back urine at a young age because of the bad habit of masturbation, and the body
has been aging prematurely. This brother also regained his self-confidence. He is not ugly anymore,
he no longer looks like an old man, and his eyes are refreshing. His changes are really good. After
his spirit comes back, he will be completely different. This feeling is It is very subtle. Not only will
the appearance have a gratifying change, but also the heart will become more joyful and peaceful,
and the emotions will be more stable and more positive and optimistic. The great happiness felt
after rebooting is really not comparable to the small pleasure of masturbation. When a person
transcends the shackles of adultery, he can feel true freedom and pure beauty.

Step into the text below

Infertility is a problem that many brothers are more concerned about. At the suggestion of a brother,
I will talk about it this season. Many student parties are more worried about their fertility. If they
lose their fertility, it can be said to be a big blow to them, and their future marriage problems will
also be greatly affected. In fact, many people are After a few years of masturbation, I have been
fully aware of the deterioration of semen quality, such as changes in semen color, thin semen,
semen not liquefied, etc. Many brothers have jelly-like semen, which is considered to be a
manifestation of semen not liquefying, and semen not liquefying affects sperm Survival rate can
lead to male infertility. The main causes of non-liquefaction of semen are seminal vesiculitis and
prostatitis. Masturbation can cause these two kinds of inflammation. At the beginning of
masturbation, the semen is basically normal, but the inflammation begins to decline, and the quality
of semen begins to decline. If the decline is serious, it may lead to infertility.

Many people’s fertility is actually no longer good, but he doesn’t know it. He still chuckles and
chuckles stupidly, thinking that he is cool, but he doesn’t know that his fertility function has been
abolished. It was only after marriage that he suddenly realized that he had no fertility function.
Now, it will be quite embarrassing then. The quality of men’s sperm is really important.
Masturbation not only affects their physical and mental health, but also affects the next generation.
The quality of sperm is poor, and the physique of the next generation that is conceived is not good,
and there may even be physical defects. Severely injured sperm patients will directly have no
reproductive function. In the era of prostitution, there are many such patients. Chinese medicine
also talks about the deterioration of the sperm quality due to the depletion of the kidney essence,
which will pave the way for future tragedies in your life. Some parents always complain about their
children’s poor physique, and why they are always sick. Hospitals, parents are also anxious, but
they don’t know that the child’s current situation is closely related to his (her) father’s previous
masturbation habits. Masturbation leads to poor sperm quality and the seeds are not good. The
conceived child will naturally fail and lose directly on the starting line. NS.

Everyone should have heard of prenatal and postnatal care. The prerequisite for prenatal and
postnatal care is that the quality of sperm is high and the bodies of both spouses must be in an ideal
state. Imagine that your body has many chronic symptoms and often feel uncomfortable. Even if
you still have fertility, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of sperm. The child born by indulgence
is of poor physique, and the brain is stupid. Excessive indulgence, resulting in malaise, drowsiness,
palpitations, dizziness, waist and knee weakness, which indicates that the body's load has been
exceeded, which will not only cause depression and affect health, but also increase the burden on
the testicles, which is not conducive to high-quality sperm The generation hinders eugenics. Many
people start crazy indulgence before they get married, and don’t wait until they get married. They
are unmarried before they get married. The quality of sperm is extremely poor in their teens. Master
Yin Guang said: "Now that the next generation, knowing the personnel, it is the way to protect the
body. If you know what is good or bad, you will not take masturbation for pleasure, so that you may
lose your life, or become disabled, and will forever damage the weak. Waiting for all disasters."
Sperm is the seed. If the seed is strong, it will give birth to a healthy next generation when it
encounters good land. A poor seed is a weak seed. Even if it encounters good land, it is difficult to
breed an ideal next generation. I died young. Several brothers’ wives were pregnant before, but they
would not work in the middle of the pregnancy, and the fetus was stopped!
There are often such consultations on the Internet: "What should I do if my husband’s sperm
motility is low? What should I do if my husband’s sperm deformity rate is high?" Her husband had
been masturbating for so many years before marriage, and the quality of his sperm had already been
poor. Can't get pregnant anymore. At this time, many people realize the seriousness of the problem,
which is called remorse! I was so ignorant when masturbating before, how could I listen to the
harmlessness of the brick family? Absurd, absurd, absurd! Now that sperm motility is not good,
inheritance has become the primary problem, and some people have a deformity rate as high as
70%, and even if they have not been pregnant for two years, the husband's sperm deformity rate is
as high as 99%! Not only the wife is anxious, but also his family and his family, as well as myself.
At this time, I thought of going to the hospital for treatment. Some people still can't do it after
spending a lot of money because he is still masturbating and has a long history of injury. There is
also a process of recovery. When the time comes, I will cry without tears. I regretted that if the
treatment is unsuccessful, it will basically end in divorce. In the eyes of the wife and family, you are
a useless person with no fertility. You should leave as soon as possible and marry someone else.

[Causes of infertility]

Seminal vesiculitis, prostatitis, vas deferens, varicocele, congenital testicular dysplasia,

cryptorchidism, orchitis or testicular atrophy, obstruction of the vas deferens, ejaculation disorder,
sexual dysfunction (impotence, premature ejaculation), environmental impact (high temperature,
Radiation), endocrine diseases and other factors can cause reduced sperm count, decreased motility,
or sperm deformity, and ultimately lead to infertility. Among them, prostatitis and varicocele are the
enemies of male infertility! Masturbation can easily lead to these two diseases. Some brothers are
only 15 or 6 years old, and he gets prostatitis. How did he get it? It’s crazy masturbation, almost
once a day. After more than a year, I got prostatitis. Some people also get varicocele, which is a
vascular disease characterized by varying degrees of expansion and tortuosity of the variegated
venous plexus within the spermatic cord. Varicose veins are mostly shown as earthworm-like
masses on the testicles. The masses are mostly on the left side, and can also be bilaterally or singly
on the right side. Severe patients can feel it themselves, while mild patients may not be able to feel
it. Only experienced doctors can feel it. Or do testicular B ultrasound. Many people have actually
got the spermatic cord, but he doesn't even know that this disease is relatively insidious. A mild
spermatic cord can show no symptoms, but it does. Although slow front and spermatic cord can
cause infertility, it depends on the specific severity. Although some people have slow front or
spermatic cord, they still have reproductive function, which depends on each person's specific
situation. If it is slow or spermatic cord, even if it still has fertility, it will definitely affect the
quality of sperm. Many patients with chronic anterior or spermatic cord have lost their reproductive
function, and some people have both diseases and the quality of sperm is in a mess, but he himself
doesn't know it, and he is still rubbing and rubbing it. It is extremely ignorant and extremely stupid.

Case 1. My husband has varicose veins on one side. He has undergone surgery for four or five
months. During the period, he took Chinese medicine to treat him. The examination report was
taken the day before yesterday and it has not changed at all. Is there any other way? I have been
pregnant twice, once fetal arrest, and once deformed. I still dare not prepare for pregnancy.

Analysis: This case comes from a wife. Her husband had a varicocele. The operation on one side
with Chinese medicine is still not enough. It is estimated that this wife is desperate. If there is a
varicocele, surgery can be considered if it is more serious. However, it does not mean that fertility
can be restored after surgery. It depends on the specific situation. Many people cannot recover even
after surgery. After all, they are injured. The history is too long. Some people have been using it for
more than ten years, and it will take at least half a year for the body to recover. This wife was
pregnant twice, but both of them were abandoned in the middle of the pregnancy because of poor
sperm quality. It's like a bad seed, which stops abruptly in the middle of its growth, or becomes
deformed when it grows. Sperm quality is really important. What kind of seeds come out and
whoever has poor seeds will die when they grow up halfway. Even if they give birth smoothly, they
will still be a weak child in the future.

Case 2. The result of my husband’s examination just now is 99% of malformation rate. This kind of
situation cannot be conceived, even if it is pregnant with a baby. Yesterday my husband had a B-
ultrasound, and the result was bilateral varicocele, which seemed to be done. Let's have an
operation! The doctor will only go to work next week. I checked it on the Internet. Most of them
have to have surgery, but the surgery may not be effective. I am so depressed now!

Analysis: Her husband’s sperm deformity rate is high enough, 99%. I have seen 99.5% before. The
wife’s husband went to the hospital for examination. It showed that he had bilateral spermatic cord
and was about to suffer a knife, but it may not necessarily be a knife. Effective, this is quite
depressing. The person who masturbates has always had evil thoughts in his heart and is in a state
of distortion and deformity. In this deformed psychological state, his sperm will also become
deformed. The vibration frequency of the thought determines the form of the substance, and the evil
thought will cause the lowest vibration frequency. Corresponding to distortions and deformities,
people who masturbate will eventually have deformities on their faces. At first, their complexion
will deteriorate, and then they will become deformed. The extreme deformities are deformities.

Case 3. After being married for one and a half years, it was found out that her husband had
azoospermia yesterday, and it instantly felt like the sky was falling! I was introduced to my husband
by someone else, and both felt that they could talk to each other. After more than a year, I got
married. After marriage, I have a very happy life. My husband loves me very much. I get up every
morning and make breakfast for me. The housework is basically all-inclusive. I will buy everything
I like as long as he can afford it. Now he is more and more dependent. he. Because I haven’t gotten
pregnant for more than a year, my family and friends are always asking questions, so I planned to
go to the hospital for a visit. I thought I had a problem because I have been in poor health, allergic
physique, and often catch colds. The body is very strong and has never been sick. However, after a
series of inspections, every index of mine was normal, so I wanted to ask my husband to check it
too. I didn’t expect that after checking the semen vitality yesterday, it turned out to be numb, and I
felt that the sky was falling. Both cried, what should I do?
Analysis: Being strong means being strong and healthy. Although some people are strong on the
surface, they are actually strong on the outside, and the inside has been hollowed out. Being strong
does not mean health. Because many people are strong, they will redouble their indulgence. After
all, they are still young. Although the surface of the body has not collapsed, subtle bad changes have
taken place within. The result of this kind of infertility test is like a bolt from the blue, no matter
how strong a person is, his prostate is also fragile, and he will also suffer from slow front and
spermatic cord. The final result is also quite tragic. I have talked about many brothers who are
exercising. Although they have muscles, their symptoms are still breaking out. Some people have
even contracted neurasthenia, and life is worse than death. Strong people tend to be paralyzed more
easily, thinking that if they are strong, it will be fine. In fact, he is wrong. The desires cannot be
strong. The stronger the stronger, the more loss. Being strong is often a catalyst for self-destruction.

Case 4. When we were married for less than three months, the parents-in-law kept reminding us.
Why are we still not pregnant? Maybe this is the sad reminder of the woman. No matter what, the
first thing I suspected was the problem of the daughter-in-law. My mother found one for me and
said I am a very good Chinese medicine doctor. The doctor said that my problem is not serious, and
my complexion is pretty good. It is best to ask my husband to go to a big hospital for examination.
Maybe he has a serious problem. After this doctor my mother trusts, he said , She said otherwise,
she asked my husband to go for a checkup. It turned out that the prostatitis was a bit serious, and
then the sperm was routine, and there was only one sperm, which was still deformed.

Analysis: The end of this case is a bit comical. It can be imagined that the inspector was looking for
sperm under the microscope, but he did not find it for a long time. Finally, he found one, which was
deformed! Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in patients with sperm injury. It may
appear in about two years after masturbation. I have seen the fastest prostatitis after masturbation. It
is only less than three months, which is crazy. Teenage children have no self-control at all, just like
taking drugs, once a day, multiple times a day. After a period of time, they start to urinate
frequently. Because they are young, they dare not tell their parents or go to the hospital. I just went
to the hospital if I couldn't hold it any longer. Many people have been using it for many years, and
the quality of their sperm has dropped a lot, and in the end it will be sperm.

Case 5. I am 23 this year and have been masturbating for 7 years. Every time I have sex with my
girlfriend, I cum quickly and I am not pregnant. What should I do? Am I sick and how can I treat it?
Hey...Because of me, I often make troubles and I am about to face a breakup! I really regret the
excessive masturbation before, I am still young, there is still a way to save it, I am so scared!

Analysis: The patient in this case has had premature ejaculation and infertility, but he is only 23
years old, but he has 7 years of masturbation history. He has discovered that something is wrong.
The girlfriend is not pregnant. If the pre-marital girlfriend is pregnant, it is very likely that she will
have an abortion. This is also a very bad result. It is a serious murder, so we still try to avoid
premarital sex. You must quit completely, otherwise you will lose your childbearing function and
you will face a severe test in your future marriage problems. Maybe your life will be over in this
lifetime. Pre-marital sex is actually a kind of premature overdraft. Many people have more than ten
years of age before marriage. After they get married, they suddenly find that their sexual function
and sperm quality are not good, and then the marriage will be in danger. Sometimes the cost of
masturbation is extremely heavy, and it will directly make you irresistible!

Case 6. Starting from 14 years old, once a day or two, sometimes twice a day on vacation. After the
college entrance examination, the testicles started to hurt four times during the summer vacation.
Later, I went to the hospital for examination. One hospital had an epididymal cyst and said it was
okay. Another hospital had a B-ultrasound with hydrocele and a little prostatitis. But then the scars
healed and forgot to hurt, and after going to college, I started to slap again once a day or two. After
graduating from university, I worked as a soldier for two years (one spermatorrhea every three
months, but the amount of training is very large, and I sweat a lot every day, so my body is still not
very good). The dog can’t change eating shit. After returning from the military, he resumed his old
profession the next day. The result was bleeding (bloodshots, blood clots, all red). Go to the hospital
to check for seminal vesicles, prostatitis, and prostate cysts. The most important thing is low sperm
motility. !

Analysis: This brother started when he was 14 years old, which is relatively early, but some people
started to fuck even before they even developed. Although they can't shoot, they feel something, or
they can use their own grinder. The summer vacation after the college entrance examination is the
easiest to indulge, because the pressure of the college entrance examination is gone, then it is easy
for a person to become extremely indulgent, and he will have cysts, effusions and prostatitis at that
time. I was still in college and quit after being in the army, but because of overtraining, my health
was still bad. I started again after being discharged from the army. I suddenly awakened after I was
bleeding. I was checked for inflammation and cysts, and sperm motility was not good. The case
clearly shows: masturbation is to be paid back! Well, the scar is forgotten to hurt, and the dog can’t
change the shit. These two sentences are really sharp comments on the slappers.

Case 7. The wife was pregnant for three months and had two miscarriages. With 4.1mm varicocele,
I don’t know if I can have children in my life! It's terrible, I want a baby! I am ashamed of my wife!
I was 110 kilograms, 175. I used to have erections all the time, which resulted in too much varicose.
I was about to die and I didn't want to say, during that period of crazy masturbation, too many
times, in the convulsions, I vaguely felt that I was going to heaven. Shit, I can't get into heaven, hell
is almost the same!

Analysis: The wife's pregnancy is a happy event, but because of the poor quality of sperm, the
happy event turned into a tragedy in the middle. The 4.1mm spermatic cord is more serious. His
wife has miscarried twice. He now feels terrible, and he has also been near death. Crazy
masturbation may lead to sudden death, just like more computer web pages, and finally It crashes.
Although the computer parts are all good, it crashes. It can only be restarted. The computer can
restart. Can a person be restarted? Unfortunately, it doesn't work. This brother is still lucky. The last
self-report is quite self-knowing that heaven can't enter, and for the adulterer, hell is the ultimate
[Classification of sperm quality]

According to international standards, sperm motility grades are divided into four standards: A, B, C,
and D.

Grade A indicates that the sperm has excellent motility, and the sperm moves forward in a straight
line, and the speed is extremely fast;

Grade B indicates that the sperm motility is very good, the sperm is moving forward in a straight
line, and the speed is slow;

Grade C indicates that the sperm motility is normal, and the sperm moves forward in a curved line;

Grade D indicates poor sperm motility and sperm can only move in place.

The normal standard sperm motility should be A grade> 25% and A grade + B grade> 50%. Once
the condition of low sperm motility appears, it will greatly reduce male fertility.

[Asthenospermia, azoospermia, azoospermia, teratospermia, oligospermia]

Asthenospermia refers to a condition in which the number of forward-moving sperm (levels A and
B) in the semen parameters is less than 50% or less than 25% of the level-moving sperm.
Asthenospermia is also known as low sperm motility. Azoospermia refers to multiple semen
examinations (generally more than 3 times) and no sperm is found. Necrospermia is a condition in
which the survival rate of sperm decreases and more than 40% of the sperm die. Deformity mainly
refers to the abnormal shape of the head, body, and tail of normal male sperm. For example, head
deformity shows huge head, amorphous, double head, etc., body deformity will cause the body to be
enlarged, broken, incomplete, etc. ; Tail deformities mainly include curled tails, double tails,
missing tails, etc. In short, teratozoospermia refers to poorly developed sperm. Oligospermia is a
condition in which the number of sperm in the semen of fertile men is lower than normal.
According to the International Health Organization, a man’s sperm per milliliter is not less than 20
million. If it is less than 20 million, it is classified as oligospermia, which will have a great impact
on fertility. The main reason for the deterioration of sperm quality is caused by slow anterior and
spermatic cord. Masturbation is one of the main culprits of slow anterior and spermatic cord. If you
indulge your sex life, it may also be caused by slow anterior and spermatic cord.
Case 8. I have been using it for 7 years. I checked a semen routine on New Year's Day. The sperm
was unqualified, only 15% of the A-level vitality, the liquefaction time was quite long, and the pH
was unqualified. Specifically, I forgot, is this treatment difficult?

Analysis: After 7 years of playing, only 15% of A-levels. Last time I saw a case, that person’s A-
level was 19%, but his wife was always unable to get pregnant. A level of less than 25% is
considered asthenospermia. In this way, pregnancy is quite difficult. The test scores in some places
are divided by ABCD, and the quality of men's sperm is also divided in this way. A is the best, and
A-grade sperm should be greater than 25%. This is the normal standard.

Case 9. I am 29 years old this year and have been masturbating for 12 years. Now I have a weak
erection, and I also have premature ejaculation. Sometimes my whole body feels hot when I sleep
and my pajamas are wet. I went to check the semen last week. No sperm was found after the semen
was centrifuged and precipitated! What should I do in this situation? Now I have started to quit, and
realized the harm, determined to quit.

Analysis: This brother had night sweats and a decline in sexual function. After 12 years of
masturbation, the evil results have begun to appear. What's worse, his semen examination showed
that he was azoospermic. It's time to get married at the age of 29. At this time, I found out that I had
no sperm. The situation was really embarrassing. If I found out that I had no sperm after getting
married, it would be even more embarrassing. If I could realize the dangers of masturbation earlier ,
I believe the situation would not be so bad, but it was a pity that I didn't really make up my mind to
quit at the age of 29. I was already a little passive.

Case 10. I have been masturbating for 14 years. Now I have a lot of symptoms. I got married right
away. However, I found out that I was weak and wanted to die. Do you have the same friends? How
do you treat them?

Analysis: This is when I suddenly found out that my sperm quality was not good before getting
married, and I was really upset at this time. For 14 years of masturbation, there are many physical
symptoms, and the quality of sperm is not strong. Wouldn't it be a disaster for such a dead body to
enter the marriage, and it will delay the woman if it is wrong. At this time, he has the desire to die,
and the evil results of 14 years have really appeared. If you don't quit masturbation, maybe the
future will be worse.

Case 11. I am 25 years old this year, and I have been around for twelve or three years. I had the idea
of quitting before, but every time my desire comes, I will be completely defeated. Now I feel that
my body is getting worse every day. The symptoms of my body are frequent urination, urgency,
abdominal distension and pain, and pain in my urethra when I urinate. The semen is gelatinous,
there are acne on the face, psychologically tortured, timid, fearful, lack of confidence in speaking,
and poor expression skills. Last year, my wife got pregnant once, but the child miscarried in about
50 days. I think the culprit is me. It has been seven or eight months now. My wife has been
suspecting that she has a physical problem. In fact, I think it must be my problem. , The first child's
miscarriage should also be caused by the poor quality of my sperm.

Analysis: This brother had the idea of quitting before, but unfortunately he didn’t understand
professional rebooting methods, and the result was a failure. His performance considers prostatitis,
which greatly affects sperm quality. Although his wife was able to get pregnant, she had a
miscarriage halfway through. In this case, it is best to go to the hospital for an examination to see
how his sperm quality is, according to his symptoms. Description, it is probably his problem. "The
Sea of Desires" says: "A young man does not want to have a son, but a licentious person has no
queen." Many people have lost their qualifications and opportunities to be fathers because of
indulging in adultery. It is so sad and sigh!

[Change of semen color]

Normal semen is off-white or milky white, and light yellow is seen in those who have a long
interval between ejaculation.

When men develop prostatitis and seminal vesicles, their semen can be yellow or yellow-green.

Brown-red, pink, brown, black, or bloodshot, consider hemospermia.

[Causes of blood sperm]

1. Inflammation of the reproductive tract: such as prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, urethritis,

epididymitis, spermatic cord, prostate stones, urethral bladder stones.

2. Obstruction and cyst of the seminal tract.

3. Tumor and blood vessel abnormalities.

4. Systemic factors: hypertension, hemophilia.

5. Reproductive tract injury.

Many people have experience with blood sperm, and the slut baby doesn't know the harm of
masturbation , only knows crazy masturbation. When the blood sperm appeared, he was frightened!
At this time he panicked! How to do? How to do? He is anxious, he will feel that he is finished,
something big has happened! At this time he suddenly woke up, masturbation is really not fun, it
will happen! Hematospermia is generally considered to be inflammation and genital tract damage.
Of course, several other factors are also possible. If hematospermia persists, it is best to seek
medical examination and treatment in time. If there is brown or black blood essence, it should be
taken seriously. It may be a tumor. Some brothers had a urinary system tumor before. This
possibility exists. Kidney deficiency can cause many diseases, and all diseases It's possible to get it,
it's not fun. Statistics show that there are 104 cancer patients in Beijing each day, and there are more
than 37,000 new cases a year. Some brothers may feel that they are still young and will not get
cancer. In fact, cancer is not divided into men, women, and children. When you Reaching out to
your crotch again and again, you are turning on the time bomb. Maybe one day a terminal illness
will suddenly come to your head, and it will definitely be thunderous.

【Sperm maturation cycle】

It takes about 3 months for a sperm to mature. Foreign studies also say that it takes more than 70
days. Many people start to lull since the developmental period and have never rebooted for more
than 2 months, so his sperm may be possible. It is always in the immature stage. Even if it is able to
give birth, it is not a good quality sperm, just like an apple can be eaten when it is immature, but the
taste is not very good. Master Yinguang once asked the couple to abstain from sex for half a year,
for at least a hundred days, in order to cultivate the congenitals, and then choose a good day when
the weather is clear and bright. It is really important to close the mountains for afforestation. Only
with good sperm quality can the standard of eugenics and fertility be met. If the sperm quality is
poor, you may die in half of your pregnancy.

[The composition of semen]

The main components of semen are nucleic acids, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, fructose,
glucose, sorbitol, inositol, sialic acid, prostaglandins, cholesterol, phospholipids, polysaccharides,
citric acid, riboflavin, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and Vitamin B12, calcium, chlorine, potassium,
phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, etc., there are many unknown and mysterious ingredients. In the
latest study, American medical scientists found that men’s semen contains a large amount of
biochemical substances composed of spinal cord fluid. This study found that the "kidney governs
the bone, bone produces marrow" and "the kidney communicates with the brain" in traditional
Chinese medicine. , Is completely consistent. It is a very common phenomenon that brain power
declines after ejaculation, and severe cases will suffer from neurasthenia. The latest foreign research
also shows that frequent viewing of pornographic videos may cause brain atrophy.

[The value of semen]

The Institute of Basic Biology, a Japanese natural science research institution, issued a press release
stating that the professor Yoshida Matsuo and Kyoto University researcher Nakagawa Juntoku and
others have jointly discovered that cells in the process of sperm formation can "rejuvenate" and
become stem cells within a certain period of time. In the 1970s, scientists proposed the "As model"
of sperm formation. According to this model, the process of sperm formation is as follows: Stem
cells divide to produce two daughter cells that are connected to the cytoplasm. As the division
continues, the number of daughter cells gradually increases to 4, 8, 16... Previously, it was thought
that this division process was irreversible, that is, the cells after division could not return to the state
of stem cells. The results of Yoshida Matsuo et al. This misunderstanding. In the research, scientists
use green fluorescent protein to track the sperm formation process. It was found that while most of
the cells formed sperm, a small part of the cells returned to their original stem cell state. Stem cell is
a type of multipotent cell with self-replication ability. Under certain conditions, it can differentiate
into a variety of functional cells. Gu Deyun: "Tao takes the essence as its treasure, the value of
giving birth to others, and the retention of the life." The value of sperm is incredible. Everyone
understands the principle of "giving birth to others", but many people don't understand the principle
of staying. "Birth", now the latest scientific research has also confirmed Goode's view that cells in
the process of sperm formation can be turned back into stem cells and reused by the human body.
Stem cells are the originating cells of our tissues and organs. All of our tissues and organs are
derived from stem cells. Stem cells are constantly dividing, proliferating, and differentiate into
various tissues and organs, and finally constitute our entire human body. Stem cell technology is a
medical aspect. Revolutionary technology, its main purpose is regeneration, tissue regeneration and
repair. Some bricks will say that the value of semen is very low. Its composition is some protein,
which can be replenished by eating a few eggs. In fact, this view is completely wrong. The vitality
of semen is unlimited. Two substances of the same composition. One kind of vitality, one kind of
non-vital, that is far from it. A seed and a pill have the same composition. The seed can germinate in
the soil, but the pill cannot because the pill lacks vitality. If you eat a few eggs to make up for it,
you won't be symptomatic in the end. Many people will make a lot of supplements after
masturbation, but in the end they are not all sick. The famous doctor Zhang Jingyueyun: "The good
health-preserving person is the essence of Bibao." The value of semen is extremely high, just like
the nuclear energy of the human body, it must not be sneezed lightly.

[Does abstinence cause a decline in sperm quality]

It is an indisputable fact that indulgence will lead to a decline in sperm quality, and the medical
community is completely affirmed of this conclusion. However, some bricks will say: "Don't
abstain for a long time. Long-term non-ejaculation will often lead to high sperm density, which will
result in poor sperm motility and more dead sperm." The bricks think that abstinence is not good,
and they seem to be very reasonable. Ordinary people will certainly believe it, but the loopholes in
this passage of the brick family are actually very big, because the brick family ignores that people
will have normal spermatorrhea, and the sperm density will automatically maintain a dynamic
balance. It does not mean that after abstinence, it has been The backlog is there. What's more, the
above article also mentioned that sperm can turn back into stem cells, which will have a beneficial
effect on the human body. Once abstinence, the body will automatically adapt to the mode of
abstinence, abstinence does not lead to a decline in sperm quality, many ancient famous doctors
recommended abstinence for a period of time before having sex, so the quality of sperm is often
higher. Some brothers also checked the quality of sperm regularly. He found that the longer the
abstinence period, the higher the quality of the sperm. Once the ring is broken continuously, the
number of sperm will decrease sharply, and even no sperm can be detected. Many opinions of
experts really need to be discerned. After all, experts are humans, and they will also make mistakes.
Experts will become bricklayers if they are not careful, and they will mislead many people.

[How to improve sperm quality]

1. Quit smoking: Smoking is harmful to your health and also impairs sperm quality. According to
research, people who smoke regularly are prone to abnormal sperm, such as oligospermia,
azoospermia, azoospermia and so on. My cousin has been smoking for more than ten years, and
finally passed the test tube baby before he wants to have a child, but the child’s heart is not good
and he was given an operation when he was born. The quality of sperm is really important. Try to
quit smoking, and smoking also belongs to Chronic injury is also boiling the frog in warm water,
unknowingly destroying you.

2. Regularization of work and rest: Staying up late for a long time, and irregular work and rest will
not only affect the health of the body, but also affect the quality of men's sperm.

3. Appropriate exercise: Having a good exercise habit is good for improving physical fitness and
sperm quality, and can also avoid various hidden dangers caused by obesity.

4. Relaxed mentality: A bad mental state will also affect the growth of sperm. It is very important to
maintain an optimistic and cheerful mood. The most important thing to keep in good health is to
nourish the heart. You must know how to be pure, calm and relieved.

5. Drink as little or no alcohol as possible: Excessive drinking can cause changes in sperm
morphology and decrease in vitality, resulting in a relatively higher incidence of congenital mental
retardation and deformity.

6. Stay away from radiation and harmful substances: Small doses of radiation can affect the
development of the body, and large doses of radiation can cause changes in the structure of the
testis, increase the rate of sperm deformity, and reduce the number and density of sperm. In daily
life, there are many radiation sources, such as microwave ovens, computers, televisions, air
conditioners, mobile phones, etc., all produce radiation. Therefore, men should minimize their
exposure to radiation sources. In addition, many chemical substances can also cause sperm
abnormalities or chromosomal abnormalities, such as lead, benzene, xylene, gasoline, vinyl
chloride, pesticides, herbicides, anesthetics, etc. can cause fetal abnormalities, so try to avoid
contact with these substances.

7. Eat more foods rich in zinc: the trace elements related to male fertility mainly include zinc,
selenium, copper, calcium and magnesium. Zinc is an important element in the reproductive system.
Zinc directly participates in the production, maturation, activation and capacitation of sperm, and
plays a role in improving sperm quality. Zinc deficiency can affect the development of adolescent
male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics, reduce sperm motility, affect sperm
density, and weaken the body's immune function.

8. Avoid high temperature: For pregnant men who wear tight underwear for a long time, sit for a
long time (driving, cycling), and like hot baths, saunas, too high body temperature will affect sperm

[Moxibustion improves sperm quality]

Case 12: Hello, Aunt Shan! Thank you so much! I'm pregnant. Before my husband, the sperm
survival rate was only 5%, but after half a month of moxibustion, it rose to 25% according to the
method you taught. I didn't have any hope, but I planned to wait until my husband's sperm survival
rate was higher to get a BB. During this period, I actually became pregnant. So I came to tell you
the good news. Thank you.

Analysis: I am a beneficiary of moxibustion, and now I still do health moxibustion, not very
frequently, mainly Hegu and Shenshu. You can check out Shan Guimin's 39 blog when you have
time. There is a special "pregnancy article" in it. Brothers who are concerned about infertility can
go and learn. Many people have poor sperm quality, and they will definitely think of going for
treatment. Before, a brother used Chinese medicine to restore his sperm quality through rebooting
and health maintenance. He is now a father. Generally, if you insist on rebooting and keeping
healthy, and actively exercising, the quality of your sperm will automatically improve, but there is a
process for improvement. For people who are more severely injured, it is best to cooperate with
active treatment. If you have tried various methods and the results are not satisfactory, you can also
try moxibustion therapy. In this case, her husband's sperm survival rate ranges from 5% to 25%.
The effect of moxibustion for half a month is still very significant. . However, moxibustion should
not be operated blindly, and there are also many taboos. You should fully study relevant theories
and knowledge in advance, and be aware of it. Then it will be safer to operate. The quality of moxa
is also critical, and there should be more in this respect. learn.

Final summary
Dong Zhongshuyun: "The person who governs the body takes the accumulation of essence as a
treasure, and the person who governs the country uses the accumulation of the virtuous as the way."
It is really important to know how to maintain the essence and accumulate the essence. And it was
under the guise of science to make you lure you, but you foolishly believed it, and finally you went
to the hospital foolishly and went to the operating table foolishly... Chiang Kai-shek’s reboot diary
wrote: "Desire To establish a product, reboot first; if you want to get rid of the disease, first abstain
from lust. If lust is not abstained, there is no one who can establish morality, wisdom, and three-
dimensionality. Avoid it, but you can look for it deliberately! Lust is self-defeating. End, be
cautious!” Evil sex can indeed pollute people’s spirituality and make people in a low-frequency
vibration state, and low-frequency vibration corresponds to immense suffering. Rebooting and
doing good deeds can increase the frequency of vibration, and high frequency. Corresponding to the
vibration is pure great happiness. Many brothers have heard that "being good is the most
enjoyable." A person can increase his vibration frequency by showing kindness and doing good
deeds. When he is in a state of high frequency vibration, the happiness he feels is absolutely

Recently, the rebooting bar translation team shared an article on rebooting abroad. The brother from
abroad said: “The reason why I chose to get rid of the control of the heart demon and to climb out
of the cave of lust is because I chose to obey The cry from my heart! I want to live the life I want! I
want to be the man I want to be! I don’t want to continue to breathe like ants in the dark anymore!"
This foreign brother said too much Well, we must get rid of the control of the inner demon, and
cannot be the puppet of the inner demon. The life of adultery is not the life we really want. We must
break free from the shackles of adultery and become the purest and most righteous selves. Rather
than smashing into dicks, smashing into idiots, and smashing into rubbish! Your energy should be
spent on your studies and on your career, not hiding in a corner and masturbating trivially. Please
listen to the inner cry and quit this harmful habit!

Let me share a reboot poem

"The City of Rebooting"

Your eyes

Have leaked your secret

The sin of being alone, madly instigated

Originally piercing eyes

Became extraordinarily hollow and godless

A look of malaise

Haggard, wretched, dirty

Can't see any anger

That innocent boy has disappeared

The sinful hostility fills you up

Dragging like a zombie

You move to hell step by step

You are one

A meat tube machine infected with Xanthox

No autonomy

It's exactly the puppet of the heart demon

Through horrified eyes

Looking at the wretched uncle in the mirror

who is he? unbelievable

The adultery life is a nightmare

How many times have I struggled to wake up from this nightmare

But I've been suppressed by the demon again and again

This is a battlefield where no gunsmoke can be seen

Right between your ears, right in your head

Every day is a real battle, be vigilant every second

You have to stay alert at all times, because accidentally

You will be re-controlled by the demons

Rebooting is a war of thoughts

The idea of invasion must be killed

Must resolutely guard the city of rebooting

People are in the city, the city is dead

Swear to fight to the end

Two books are recommended below

"Heart Sound Record" and "Gu Xiang Ji": written by Huang Nianzu, an old layman. Huang Nianzu
is an old layman, and his dharma name is Longzun. Born in 1913 on the sixth day of March in Gui
Chou. Young and solitary, his mother, Mrs. Mei Tai, believed in Buddhism. Respect the Three
Jewels, be pure and unethical, and be pure and filial in nature. Since childhood, he has not been
playful and unrestrained, and he has the courage to assume responsibility. In the world, he has no
improper response to advance and retreat, and he is praised for his young and mature. He often
followed the wife to listen to the scriptures and the law, visit the old layman Mei Guangxi, the uncle
of Jingzong Dade, and learn about the edification. When studying at the Beijing Institute of
Technology at the age of 20 (during college, outstanding academic performance, cheerful
personality, lively, good at volleyball, skating and other sports), the first time I read the Buddhist
scriptures is "Diamond Sutra", deep in the "uninhabited mind" Wonderful, by the great shock, from
beginning to the end, I felt like divine enlightenment many times, and the body and mind were cool
and moist inside and out. The idea that "the only way to reach this realm with the mind of an
ordinary man is to recite the Buddha or to hold a mantra" has arisen, and since then a great
reverence for the study of Buddhism has arisen. Huang Nianzu, an old layman, specialized in
wireless telecommunications engineering at an early age, and worked as a radio station after
graduating from university. After liberation, he served as a professor at Beiyang University, Tianjin
University, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. "Xin Sheng Lu" and "Gu
Xiang Ji" are two rare magic weapons, especially "Gu Xiang Ji" is a collection of letters, which is
very cordial to read. The old layman Huang Nianzu is my fundamental guru, and he has a great
kindness to me. Every sentence of his is very contagious, and his blessing power is very great.
Audiobooks can be found online in "Xinshenglu", and I feel very good after listening to the
Season 96: Rehabilitation Project: Health Concentration

The tenth issue of the foreign rebooting experience shared by the translation team of the reboot bar
recently is a rebooting video titled "Super Inspirational: A 90-Day Recount of a Foreign Guy
Rebooting". This video is very inspirational. It is a black guy rebooting 90 Tian’s experience and
experience, this guy’s expression is really in place, there are many highlights, and he has a sense of
humor. He described the feeling of freedom after being trapped in and getting rid of it very
delicately, which is worth watching repeatedly. Brothers who have not watched this inspirational
video can go and watch it. This video can give people a lot of inspiration. I have excerpted some
words and sentences to share with you. Of course, the highlights are more than these. It is a very
good reboot video. I am extremely grateful for the dedication and hard work of the translation team.

1. The guy used the word refresh, which means "refreshing" oneself. The word refresh also means
"recovering, cheering, refreshing, and recharging". This is a good description of the feeling after
rebooting, and adultery. His self is completely dark, decadent, sluggish, and full of negative energy.
After rebooting, it seems to be injected with new energy, just like recharging. After rebooting to a
certain extent, you will feel that you are completely new and full of energy. It's different, the feeling
is subtle, but it's very real.

2. Brain fog (brain fog), the guy mentioned that his memory has been greatly improved after
rebooting. The boss praised him for his good memory. He also mentioned brain fog. His metaphor is
very vivid, and the brain power of the adulterer It will go down, and then many people will feel that
their brains are not clear, very out of state, like their brains are shrouded in a thick fog, like they are
sleepwalking, or like a walking dead. After quitting adultery, the brain fog gradually dissipated, and
everything began to become clear and vivid again.

3. Glow (glow, glowing, glowing, radiating, shining). After rebooting, the brightness increases. Not
only the brightness of the eyes and the face will increase, but even a layer of pure brilliance is
shining all over the body. You can observe the facial features of the adulterer. From a distance, you
will feel that there is a layer of gray, which looks very gray and unclean, and then the brightness and
clarity of the eyes are not good, and even the appearance of the eyelids is collapsed. Unable to open
it. After rebooting, your face will gradually become radiant, your eyes will become piercing, the
radiance and light will begin to come out, there is a feeling of shining, this feeling is also quite
subtle, the translation team translated glow into "halo", this It is also more appropriate.

4. a feeling of freedom (a feeling of freedom), the guy describes this feeling like being free from jail
(feeling free from jail), the adulterers are actually trapped, they are the puppets of the demons,
fundamentally Unable to dominate himself, he was imprisoned in jail like a prisoner. When you
really quit adultery, you will get a long-lost sense of freedom, like a bird coming out of a cage, and
then you will feel that the days of indulging in sex management are really like stupid people, and
they have no meaning at all. After quitting, it's like being released from prison. Only then will you
find out that it turns out not to be such a beautiful life. This is the life you really want.

5. There is no better feeling. (There is no better feeling than this) This is the summary of the guy at
the end of the video. He has been troubled by adultery for so many years, and now he finally got rid
of it. This kind of freedom is really precious Once again, the whole body is full of positive energy,
and he began to help others understand the dangers of adultery and quit it, and continue to transmit
this positive energy. Many losers feel that masturbation is very refreshing. In fact, the real
refreshing comes from a pure heart, and the real great refreshing comes from abstaining from evil.
Then you can experience the indescribable joy and peace from the heart. become free! Only then do
you really understand the true meaning of freedom. Freedom is not just being foolish. This is not
freedom, it is depravity! The real freedom is to go beyond the shackles of licentiousness, and no
longer be a prisoner! When you are free, and look back at those insensitive people, you will feel that
they are too ignorant, too sad, and too pitiful. To save them, to wake them up, this is your life's

Share some cases below

1. [I still remember me at that time, I missed a period of time. As soon as the thought came, I
desperately broke off, that kind of brutality, it can be said to be red eyes. A thought in a few
seconds, but as many as you come and kill, the speed of cessation is too fast, it is simply a survival
instinct, the kind that does not leave any retreat between life and death, it is either the demon of the
heart or the death of me. Faith. So since then, I have learned to abstain from mindfulness, and I
have been abstaining for more than 300 days. 】

Additional commentary: The "Forty-two Chapters" says: "The husband is the Tao, for example, one
person fights against ten thousand people." Part of it, if you can't break it, you will be possessed by
the heart demon, and in the end you will break the ring involuntarily. This brother's awareness of
actual combat is still very strong, and he really put out a fierce and hard work, and really cut a
bloody road in the encirclement of thoughts. When the thoughts do not come, many people quit
well, but when the thoughts come, many people will collapse. Thoughts are a kind of Trojan horse
virus or Trojan horse program. Of course, I am referring to thoughts that can lead to relapse. As
soon as that kind of thought comes up, it must be cut off immediately, otherwise it will be implanted
in your brain and then manipulate your behavior. If you continue to practice cessation of thought,
you will eventually reach the level of "automation of cessation of thought". Slowly cessation of
thought will become more and more relaxed. At the beginning of cessation of thought, you need a
strong force and impulsiveness. To fight in the war of ideas, we must show full courage and
courage. I really like Master Lianchi's statement: "The delusion is strong, and you will be convinced
by a long battle." What a "long battle and self-contained"! As long as you continue to practice
mindfulness, you will become more and more proficient and skilled at that time, and finally
mindfulness will become much easier. The brother said, "Since then, I have learned to stop
mindfulness." When a preceptor truly learns to stop mindfulness, he will really get started. His path
to upgrade is to train the mindfulness to the highest point. Reboot. Many brothers above level 10
will not stop thinking. No matter how high the post bar is, but they do not grasp the core of
rebooting, they are still defeated in the end, and they are not the opponents of the demons at all.
Some brothers will say: "Why do evil thoughts come up, I can stop thinking about it, but I still
break the precepts, why?" In fact, the answer is very simple. There is still a flaw in his
understanding, because there are more thoughts that can lead to relapse. A kind of evil thoughts,
such as emotional thoughts and instigation thoughts. In addition, there are misunderstandings in
thinking that can easily lead to relapse. In short, you must have a deep and comprehensive
understanding and understanding of the law of relapse, so that you can stand in the war of thoughts.

2. [I started rebooting on October 1, 2013, and it has been 703 days today. When the National Day
comes, it will be the second anniversary of rebooting. Two years ago, I had back pain, had to go to
the toilet soon after drinking water, had diarrhea easily, had a bad spirit, always had YY, insomnia,
and depression. Most of the symptoms on my body have basically disappeared today. I discovered
the rebooting bar by chance. When I was in the toilet at school, I saw someone put up a sticker for
the rebooting bar on the wall, and I learned about rebooting from then on. 】
Additional comment: 703 days of persistence allowed this brother to complete the transformation. It
was really not easy. Two years ago, he suffered from symptoms, but two years later, his symptoms
were basically gone. The so-called: kidney qi foot, all diseases are eliminated; kidney qi deficiency,
all diseases are invaded! Once the kidney qi is lost, there will be many hidden dangers in the body.
Although sometimes it looks okay on the surface, but a pulse can tell that the body is out of balance.
In fact, many patients with injury can tell from their complexion and appearance that they have
accumulated. There are a lot of negative energy, such as hollow eyes, collapsed eyelids, dark circles
under the eyes, sunken or swollen cheeks, a sickly look, the complexion is also quite poor, the face
is greasy and dirty, and it is not clear at all. Chinese medicine specialists are expected to be
diagnosed. The "Difficulty Sutra" says: "While looking and knowing is a god, hearing and knowing
is a sacredness, asking and knowing is a work, and knowing it is a cleverness." Can know the
internal organs, because the face corresponds to the internal organs. Human hands, feet, ears and
face are all "holographic embryonic organs" that reflect the information of the internal organs. From
these places, we can get the health of the internal organs. Key information. This brother found out
about rebooting by seeing self-adhesive propaganda stickers. Think about it, sometimes you can
save a person with one careless propaganda. This is really a great act of kindness. The propaganda
volunteers have been working silently and hard, sometimes under the pressure of being slandered
and misunderstood, but they have no complaints, and they pay high respects to the masses of
propaganda volunteers and thank you for your selfless dedication.

3. [Hello Brother Feixiang, after reading this article, I am really touched. I am also a masturbator
for more than ten years. I am now 29 years old. I have been married for two years and have no
children. I went to check in the first half of the year and there was no semen. sperm! I feel that the
world is dark, and I really regret my previous behavior! If I can recover my sperm and have a
healthy baby with my wife, I am willing to do anything! Excuse me, Feixiang, can I recover if I
completely quit masturbation now? I have the heart to die now. 】

Additional comment: I wrote about infertility last season. This brother was deeply impressed after
reading that article. He masturbated for more than ten years, and the final result was a thunderbolt:
check for sperm! His world is dark in an instant, and it is estimated that his marriage will also face
certain problems. Many adolescents are crazy about masturbating because of ignorance. They don't
know what the consequences will be in the future. No one tells them the harm of masturbation. The
brick family brainwashed them pseudo-scientifically and convinced them of harmlessness. A
brother said very well, would the brick family ask their children to watch pornographic
masturbation? Isn't this harming the child? ! Please save the children and tell them the dangers of
masturbation as soon as possible. Later, when the retribution appeared, there was really even the
heart of death at that time. After the adulterer is extinct, the child born to the adulterer has low IQ
and weak physique. A person who is addicted to adultery is accumulating negative energy. The
result of the final invocation must be negative and full of pain. Zeng Guofan said: "If your desire is
cute, you should think of courtesy and righteousness in order to win it." He also said: "If you are not
a sage, you are a beast!" Rebooting is the first cultivation level of a gentleman. Energy, rebooting is
energy management. Don't overdraw your energy in advance, but know how to preserve and cherish
your energy.

4. [Brother Feixiang, I’m 23 years old this year, I’ve been playing since I was ten years old. When I
was young, I was still bleeding once, which really frightened me. I've been playing like this for
more than ten years, and now I’m full of gray hair. Colitis, prostatitis (frequent and urgency to
urinate), and now gray hair increases every day, mainly in the back of the head and on the top of the
head! The body is getting weaker and weaker, speaking without confidence, and poor expressive
ability! I'll get married in a few years. Do you think I can still be saved by quitting? 】
Additional comment: Although this brother is only 23 years old, he has been using it for more than
ten years. His 23-year-old body has been hollowed out by him, and his body is getting weaker and
weaker. At this time, he feels a sense of crisis. It is also an unknowingly process to control the
waste, just like boiling a frog in warm water. When you feel comfortable, you are not far away from
the waste. When you feel that the situation is not right and want to jump out, you find that your
energy is already long gone. After being exhausted by the tube, in the end, I could only watch
myself abolish. The vast majority of people only want to reboot after they are abolished, and he
would not have thought that he would have such a day before he was abolished. Some people used
to think that they were very bullish 7 times a day, but then they had premature ejaculation and
impotence. Then they would feel that they were so ignorant before, and then they would feel very
regretful. Now in the Internet age, it is easier for many children to come into contact with Huang
Yuan. They started their adulterous life at a young age. Looking at this society, there are really
fewer and fewer young people with righteousness in their eyes. There are many young people.
People's eyes are hollow and evasive, and their hearts are very frightened, because they are living a
dark life of wickedness, which is a shameless life that cannot be seen. One thought of the Buddha,
one thought of the devil, has always had evil thoughts, and in the end it will really go crazy. Many
stunners have been feeding their own demons, and finally their hearts have become more and more
abnormal and full of negative energy. The prostitution life is really a pile of shit, it's totally self-
trafficking, shooting one's precious essence on the pile of shit and urine, thinking that I'm cool, it's
really foolish to the extreme. Looking at myself in the mirror, it turns out that the pure and sunny
boy has disappeared, and a wretched uncle with white hair and inflammation is gradually beginning
to emerge...

5. [Flying brother, sincerely ask for help. I have been abstaining for more than 400 days, but I have
relapsed eight times in the past three days. What should I do? I thought I had succeeded. 】

Additional comment: When a person feels that he has successfully rebooted and will not relapse
again, then he will not be far away from the relapse, because he has relaxed his vigilance, and he
has slackened. Just like the soldiers guarding the city felt that the enemy would never come again,
so he relaxed his vigilance, stopped guarding, and no longer maintained his due vigilance. In fact,
the heart demon is always waiting for opportunities, the heart demon is very cunning, it has been
waiting for you to relax your guard. The mental process of this brother’s relapse is the same as in
many previous cases of relapse of rebooting for hundreds of days. Entering the stable period of
rebooting, there are very few evil thoughts, and sometimes there is no evil thought for more than ten
days, so it is especially easy to relax your vigilance at this time. , Thought that the inner demon
would never come again, thought that he had completely rebooted successfully, thought that he
would never break the precept again. Just when he was so self-righteous, the inner demon sneered
contemptuously. The inner demon said, "Boy, you're hit again!" Many people finally quit for
hundreds of days. The salted fish turned over, but accidentally, He was turned back by the heart
demon again, and changed back to the puppet of the heart demon again, and was controlled by the
heart demon again, and he couldn't help himself. This was a master model and a slave model. This
brother has been the master of his body for more than four hundred days. Suddenly one day the
heart demon came and did not defeat it. As a result, the control of the body was taken away by the
heart demon again, and then there was a series of crazy relapses. Just like the remote control
originally in your hands, you can control your body, but suddenly the remote is in the hands of the
demon, so the demon controls you to masturbate wildly. Rebooting is to maintain the status of the
master and not be seized by the demons. Once the master relaxes his vigilance, the result can be
imagined. Zeng Guofan said that he is not a sage, but a beast. It really hit the nail on the head. Once
he is seized by the heart demon, he will do things that are not as good as the beasts.

6. [Hello, Brother Feixiang! I am 18 years old this year. I have been masturbating for more than five
years, as many as a thousand times. The first four years have not had much impact. This year,
without any signs, I suddenly suffered from impotence and premature ejaculation, and I had a weak
erection, and then tried again. After a few times, I couldn't get up and shoot in one minute, and there
was no pleasure. This situation puts me under tremendous psychological pressure. 】

Additional comment: More than a thousand times in five years, the frequency is still quite high.
After all, they are still young and in the developmental stage, but if you are crazy like this, the
symptoms will definitely break out in the end. This is inevitable. sick! Masturbation is really like
taking drugs, it is easy to get out of control, and masturbation and sex life after marriage are also
very different, because sex life after marriage is a fixed partner, so slowly the desire fades, but the
pornography provided is always fresh Exciting content, so you will be exhausted, always chasing
that kind of illusory novelty, and will never be completely satisfied. The reason why masturbation is
so prone to addiction is because this behavior can stimulate dopamine over-secretion. Although the
secretion is not as good as heroin, it is far more than other general stimuli. Masturbation and drugs
are very similar. Masturbation can be said to be a drug that does not need to be purchased. From this
perspective, quitting masturbation has its own difficulty. For young people, we must inform them of
the dangers of masturbation as early as possible, so that we can prevent problems before they
happen. Uncle Meng Wu asked about filial piety, and the son said that his parents only worry about
his illness. His illness has nothing to do with it. You, masturbation, and sexual intercourse are the
most important things, so Confucius told them. (Yeyou originally meant that men and women went
out to play in the spring or festivals, and later specifically referred to prostitutes.) Sex is the first
challenge for adolescents, and it is useless if he can't be beaten at this stage. The ancient sages and
sages unanimously opposed the bad habit of masturbation. Masturbation belongs to the category of
evil adultery and must be completely banned. This brother is only 18 years old, but he has been
beaten up more than a thousand times. This year, he suddenly suffered from impotence and
premature ejaculation, and his pleasure disappeared. At this time, he began to panic. He was
repeating the mistakes of his predecessors. Being at peace of mind, it was completely self-deceiving
and deceiving and comforting oneself with harmlessness theory. The harmlessness theory became
an excuse and cover for depravity. After the surge of dopamine, he completely lost himself, and
finally the symptoms broke out, and he was awakened suddenly. Later I learned that masturbation is
to be paid back! Later, I learned that the brick house is a lie! Only later did I realize that I was just a
poor masturbation mouse, deceived and controlled by that illusory pleasure, it was ridiculous!

7. [Big Brother Flying, I have been abstaining for more than 400 days. Last weekend, I relapsed.
That night I searched for pornography and watched pornography. I was constantly tired of searching
for pornography. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t want this, but I can’t control it. After
watching for several hours, I finally broke the vows, and the whole individual was collapsed. This is
not enjoyment at all, but the completion of the task. I was so stupid at that time, more than 400 days
were ruined! But then I was relieved, what kind of color is this for me! It's just to abstain from sex,
and to abstain from adultery has never exceeded 15 days! Unwillingness to obscene will come back
one day, what a painful comprehension! 】

Additional comment: The mental process described by this brother is still very delicate. He is
constantly tired and searching. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t want this in his heart,
but he can’t control it. This is the manifestation of being possessed by the heart demon. The demon
took over his body. Many brothers will delete the pornographic film after masturbation, because he
thinks it is terrible to hollow out himself like this. He is in a state of out of control. After shooting,
people's minds will wake up. Only then did he find out that he had done something just now. Stupid
thing. Although some people will delete pornographic films after being stunned, but when the
demon strikes again, he starts frantically searching for pornography and looking for pornography.
He is not under his control at all. It is terrible when the human brain has pornography. The state is
completely arrogant. The brother also said that this is not enjoyment at all, but the completion of the
task. This actually speaks to the aspirations of many brothers. They were also doing the same in the
past when they were in charge. They are completing the task assigned by the inner demon. They are
The squeezed and exploited, their "remaining value" has been squeezed out again and again, and
they are an out-and-out contractor. Although this brother has been abstaining for more than 400
days, he has not overcome adultery. This is also a problem for many brothers. Strictly speaking,
even if you indulge in adultery, even if you break the precept, adultery is a secret omission, and the
harm should not be underestimated. People who often have adultery will come back sooner or later.
A senior brother also made this mistake before. He allowed himself to "appropriate adultery", but in
the end he was lustful and had to break. Some people think that if you don’t shoot, you’ll be fine.
This is actually a misunderstanding in our understanding. After rebooting, we must cultivate on the
mind-consciousness, and we must strictly stop the mind. You can read those classic rebooting books
and articles. Almost every successful person mentions cultivating the mind, which is the core of
rebooting. We must learn to overcome obscenity. For any thought that can lead to relapse, we must
To be able to stop at the beginning!

8. [Flying brother, I have been masturbating for seven years, and I just turned 18 this year. Now I
have a herniated disc, a lumbar ligament injury in a long jump, and a dislocation of the cervical
joint. I am now in the second year of high school. I am dizzy all day and the world I see is vertigo! I
still have premature ejaculation and kidney deficiency! ! I was so uncomfortable, I felt like I was
going to die, like a walking dead all day long. Especially at noon, my head is super dizzy! ! Go to
the hospital to see only physical therapy, and the price is very expensive, can I recover after
quitting? 】

Additional comment: Chinese medicine specifically talks about kidney deficiency can induce
lumbar disc herniation. The waist is the home of the kidney and the kidney is the main bone. It is
worth noting that if you exercise vigorously after ejaculation, your body is easily injured. I have
experienced this in middle and high school. After ejaculation, my legs become soft and my bones
become brittle. If I exercise vigorously, it is easy to fracture, dislocate or sprain. This brother is
dizzy all day long. On the one hand, it may be caused by cervical spine problems. On the other
hand, it may be caused by neurasthenia. The 18-year-old child has suffered such torture. It is really
pitiful. The consequences of adultery are sometimes like this, which can make people feel that life
is worse than death. Although the problem may not be too big when you go to the hospital for
examination, the individual's subjective feelings are indeed "uncomfortable to death", living like a
walking dead. The 18-year-old in the Mood for Love, shouldn't be like this, adultery destroys youth
and turns the originally innocent children into walking corpses. The dizziness is so serious that it
should be treated actively. First, determine whether it is caused by cervical spine problems or
neurasthenia, so that targeted treatment can be carried out. Dizziness all day is definitely a kind of
torture. I hope this child can recover as soon as possible. I hope he can get rid of the bad habit of
masturbation as soon as possible and restore the pure brilliance of youth. Being able to get rid of the
bad habit of masturbation is the best coming-of-age ceremony for 18 years old!

9. [This afternoon, I almost died suddenly. I used to ejaculate more than 5 times in a day, and most
of them were marathon masturbation for more than 8 hours. I suddenly felt heart discomfort a few
days ago and thought it was affected by my sleeping position. After the stroke today, my heart
suddenly felt colicky. I didn't catch my breath, and it took a long time to get over. Ruined! Almost
dead! ! ! 】

Additional comment: The old saying goes: "All diseases start from kidney disease, and most people
die when they are exhausted." Can you be cautious? Some bricks say that semen will not be
exhausted. His point is that semen will be generated automatically, but the bricks overlooked one
point. Although semen can be automatically generated, it will be exhausted in the short term, just
like well water. Today If half of the well water is pumped out, it will return to its full position after a
while, but if it is hit to the end today, there will be no well water to drill, and the well water will be
in a state of exhaustion. Many people masturbate the same way, many times a day, and in the end,
they can't shoot at all, or they barely shoot, and they are as thin as water, and they are almost
exhausted. Sudden death of indulgence has existed in ancient times. It is called "depression" in
Chinese medicine and "Da Xie Shen" in the folks. If the energy consumption is too great, the body
may suddenly crash in the end. The loser in this case is crazy masturbation, marathon masturbation,
which is completely desperate. I have seen many dying cases of masturbation, and some even have
to call 120 to send to the hospital for emergency treatment. Almost all people who survived are
diagnosed. For neurosis. It is not easy to survive. I don't know how many losers go to see Hades
without knowing it. Traditional Chinese medicine said that the kidney is the root of the five internal
organs. Masturbation damages the kidneys. It is the essence of the five internal organs that is
drained. The consequences are really serious. News in Taiwan and Japan have reported sudden
death from masturbation. The content of is exactly pornography. There is a term called happiness
and sorrow. Sex is both a life and a death. Many people are brainwashed by the bricks’ harmless
theory, know nothing, are in a state of extreme ignorance, and then they are unscrupulous.
Indiscriminately venting, and finally, when the feeling of near death suddenly comes, that kind of
panic, that kind of despair, only those who have experienced it will truly feel afraid. Masturbation is
an abyss. I don’t know how many ignorant losers have been swallowed. Sex traders don’t want
losers to know the truth about masturbation. Sexologists don’t want losers to know the truth about
masturbation. Andrology hospitals don’t want losers to know the truth about masturbation. 75 more
I don’t want the loser to know the truth about masturbation, the truth is covered up by them, and the
person who reveals the truth is slandered by them, but the truth is still the truth, the truth has
nothing to do with the bricks, and the truth has nothing to do with slander. Harmlessness!

10. [Just a few days before the quitting, it was about 300 days in total. After 290 days, there was
still social fear, but when it was about 300 days, it suddenly became better! ! I also find it
incredible! I remember that day when I called an acquaintance, I suddenly felt that I could make a
joke. I had never thought of it like this before. When I was young, I was very humorous and
cheerful, but after masturbating in junior high school, I almost became a wooden person without
any humorous cells. , I feel like being rigid and introverted in front of people, but I suddenly
thought of joking that day. I used to make jokes very deliberately, and the jokes made were
unnatural at all. This time, I spoke very fluently on the phone! I couldn't believe it myself, and then,
I suddenly realized that I wanted to say something funny to my colleagues. As a result, for the first
time, I felt the thrill of communicating loudly and boldly with people! It can be said that there is a
long drought and the rain, I seem to have never experienced such a feeling of smooth
communication with people for more than ten years! ! I can look at each other boldly, and I can say
every word aloud, clearly and unambiguously! ! I can communicate with each other half-jokingly
and without sinners! ! This feels so good, it's like seeing the blue sky aside from thick fog! 】

Additional comment: The law of ruining the body is that quantitative change leads to qualitative
change, and the accumulation of small amounts becomes huge, and finally the body and mind are
destroyed. When accumulated to a certain degree, there will be a feeling of illness coming like a
mountain, and you will be caught off guard. Rebooting and health preservation is a process of
getting rid of the sickness, which is also a qualitative change due to quantitative changes. This
brother still had social fears after more than 290 days, but he recovered in an instant after more than
300 days. He has already surpassed the critical point of recovery. , After that critical point, the
mental state is like a reborn. Masturbation can cause many physical symptoms, but many brothers
have reported that masturbation will have an even greater psychological impact on them, causing
them to become extremely frightened, with compulsion, hypochondriasis, anxiety, depression,
irritability, etc. In performance, the temper has grown, and the self-confidence has dropped a lot.
There is no righteousness and calmness in the eyes, and he dare not look directly at the other party,
always avoiding, as if there is a ghost in his heart. There are a lot of people who are out of social
fear. In the 73rd season, I specifically talked about social fear. Chinese medicine believes that
phobias are mostly due to deficiency, which is a disease of insufficient sperm and blood. When the
sperm is injured to a certain extent, social fear can appear. You can think about what you were like
before masturbation. At that time, the negative energy of adultery had not yet begun to accumulate,
and the inner state was relatively pure. At that time, every day was very happy, even if it was a little
annoying, Forget soon. But when you begin to accumulate the negative energy of adultery, the
whole person will have subtle bad changes in appearance, temperament and psychology. Gradually,
you will find that you are completely different from before. Your heart is no longer sunny and
cheerful, and the darkness of adultery has invaded. NS. A person's heart can't be fair and honest, so
if you show it on the outside, you can't be fair. If you carefully observe the eyes of the adulterer, you
will find that there is a hostility or evil spirit, or a state of empty sleepwalking. When the bad habit
of masturbation is completely quit, the darkness in the heart gradually fades, and slowly The pure
state of mind is restored, and then the eyes will reappear with awe-inspiring righteousness,
especially the eyebrows are very obvious, the eyes are also piercing, and then the heart will become
infinitely calm and upright. This brother’s inner experience is also very delicate, the changes are so
obvious that he can communicate naturally and happily and dare to look at the other party. When
your righteousness is stronger than the other party, you dare to look into the other party’s eyes. The
moment you look at each other, The other person will naturally be overwhelmed by the
righteousness in your eyes. Two metaphors in this case are very good: a long drought meets the rain,
and the fog is cleared to see the blue sky. When the soul is restored to the sunshine and purity,
metamorphosis will occur, and then it will be completely new.

Step into the text below

I have discussed health restoration in many previous seasons. This season, I will talk about this
theme carefully. Rebooting is a systematic project, and health restoration is also a systematic
project. Although some people reboot, their health consciousness is extremely poor. , Such people
often recover less than ideal.

I remember that a few days ago, a brother had relapsed for about 70 days, but the premature
ejaculation did not recover. At this time, he began to doubt the effect of rebooting. In fact, rebooting
alone is not enough, because recovery is a systematic project, rebooting. And recovery is like the
two wings of a bird, the two wheels of a carriage, one less can do. Some brothers have gone up to
their rebooting consciousness because they have been studying rebooting articles, and their
consciousness has improved relatively quickly, and soon broke through 2 months or even half a
year, but he lacks the consciousness of health preservation, so the recovery will be better. Was
greatly affected. In fact, many rebooting articles also introduced various health maintenance
knowledge in detail, but they did not pay enough attention to him. If the health maintenance is not
done well, the progress of recovery will slow down a lot.

Some time ago, there was a post on relapse. The brother said that he relapsed for a year, and then
relapsed for 15 minutes. He also used a timer. He said that he had recovered from premature
ejaculation and impotence. He was very happy and wanted to share his experience. Although he has
recovered, he has relapsed, so such posts are generally not recommended. The recovery of sexual
function can be seen from the quality of morning erection. Don't try to break the precepts, otherwise
it is easy to get out of control. Keep rebooting and health, actively exercise, sexual function is
expected to return to normal. Some married brothers have also reported the recovery of sexual
function. In the past, it took a married ring for more than two years before sexual function returned
to normal. He has relapsed in the past two years, but the overall recovery is good. He said that he
hadn't been able to quit for one year. After all, he suffered a serious injury. Later, he continued to
insist on the habit and exercised actively. When he persisted for more than two years, his sexual
function was restored. NS.
The question of how long it takes to recover is a question that the majority of brothers have asked
more and more concerned about. There is a saying that a three-year recovery period is required. Of
course, this argument is more flexible. For people with a more severe degree of sperm injury, the
three-year recovery period is similar, but for people with a lesser degree of sperm injury. Say, it
doesn’t take three years. I kept rebooting and keeping in good health for more than a year. My
physical symptoms have basically disappeared, but I still feel very weak, the kind of weakness that
has just recovered from a serious illness. Although the symptoms are gone, I feel that my body is
still relatively weak. Poor exercise ability, easy to breathe, etc., longer recovery time after exercise,
unsatisfactory recovery effect, and easy fatigue. Later, after I had quit for more than two years, I felt
more confident, and I felt vigorous. I felt vigorous and vigorous. When the kidney essence was
nourished, there would be a feeling of inner strength. This feeling is different. For the strength of
the muscles, this kind of internal strength is a kind of filling and freeing of internal energy, and it
feels endless energy. Everyone knows that the Hercules is extremely strong, but he doesn't have the
kidney essence of a child. The child cries for a day, and finally looks like a okay person, but the
Hercules is not good. Hercules can move stone balls, tow airplanes, and trucks, but he is stronger
than Neezon, he is no better than a child with an unbroken body. Rebooting and health preservation
is to restore a feeling of inner strength, a state of energetic body and mind.

The recovery time of different symptoms of sperm injury is also different, and it is not just a
problem of the degree of sperm injury, such as premature ejaculation and impotence. Generally, it is
necessary to persist in rebooting for more than half a year, and must actively exercise. You can do
some strength training in terms of health maintenance. Also pay special attention. If you stick to
this, your sexual function will be greatly improved when the time comes. Recovery is a systematic
process, and you shouldn’t be anxious. Many brothers find that their sexual function is not working,
and they immediately reacted to the adverts and take tonics. Those tonics will mobilize the last bit
of vitality in the body, and taking tonics can easily encourage evil thoughts. In this way, the more
you eat, the more you leak, the more you leak, the more you eat, and you will soon fall into a
vicious circle, and in the end your body will become sick and hard to get up. If the symptoms are
severe, you can go to a Chinese medicine doctor for treatment, but you must not take tonics without
authorization. You must pay special attention to this.

Many brothers will also ask about the recovery time before the slow period. The slow period is easy
to repeat. After some people stop for a period of time, frequent urination, urination waiting and
urinary bifurcation disappear, but the weather becomes cold or tired. It started to repeat. It usually
takes about a year to enter a stable state of recovery before slowing down. This is the experience of
many predecessors. Before the slowness, you will eventually recover. Taking medicine can only
bring about a temporary recovery. To truly recover, you must pay attention to the way of health
preservation, so that you can slowly enter a stable recovery state. Most of the symptoms of sperm
injury will go through a process of recurring symptoms, just like a child who just started learning to
walk, basically will go through the stage of wrestling, and then slowly stabilize. We must
understand the law of healing from the symptoms of injury to the sperm, so that when the symptoms
are repeated, we can be sure of it without confusion or confusion.

When I was neurotic, I took a lot of medicines, and finally became dependent on them. Many of the
medicines became resistant and did not have much effect. So I stopped taking medicines. I didn’t
oppose taking medicines. I just Opposing dependence on drugs, the treatment is still to be actively
treated. After stopping the drug, I worked hard to study the knowledge of health maintenance and
practiced a lot of health maintenance methods. The ones that benefited me most are health-
preserving piles, Ba Duan Jin, meditation, Liu Zi Jue, and moxibustion. Of course, aerobic exercise
is also effective. Indispensable. Some people think that health preservation does not belong to the
scope of treatment. In fact, health preservation has a positive therapeutic significance. Many
diseases can be greatly relieved and even healed by health preservation. After rebooting, the body
recovers, the main thing is to nourish gong, three-point treatment, seven-point health preservation,
and health preservation is the most important thing. Such brothers are generally in the growth and
development stage. Even if they are not particularly proficient in keeping good health, they will
recover quickly. However, if they are older and more severely injured, such brothers will Pay
special attention to the way of health preservation. I have seen rebooting for more than two years,
but the recovery is not good. It’s been more than a decade before, and the symptoms of sperm injury
have become more complicated, and it’s a bit hard to return. If you can’t keep up with your gong at
this time, your body will be extremely difficult to recover. .

Rome was not built in a day, and you are not scrapping it once. There is an accumulation process in
it, and qualitative change can be completed after accumulation to a certain extent. Similarly,
restoration is also an accumulation process. Some brothers find that their body has symptoms, and
they feel very anxious. This kind of anxiousness is understandable. They hope that they will get
better right away. They can’t wait to take a few medicines and heal immediately. However, the
symptoms of injury are often chronic. In the end, The symptoms that broke out were all strokes one
after another, and they became ill until they broke out to a certain extent. Therefore, the reverse
recovery is also to quit day by day, slowly regenerating energy, strengthening health preservation,
and active exercise, so that the final recovery will be achieved. Many predecessors warn newcomers
in this way, to be patient, and to do well in all aspects, then it will be natural and ripe. In rebooting,
it is true that many people are recovering very well. This is a fact, but many people are not
recovering very well. This is also a fact. You should consult more recovered brothers for advice. It
is necessary to strengthen the study of health preservation and read more books and lectures on
health preservation. Only when the awareness of health preservation is up, you can know what to do
and what not to do, and you can also find the most suitable health plan through continuous

From the perspective of health preservation, coordination of viscera is achieved through a series of
health preservation methods and measures. There are roughly two meanings of coordination:

The first is to strengthen the synergistic effect of the viscera and enhance the vitality of the body's

The second is to correct deviations. When there are occasional discrepancies between the viscera,
timely adjustments should be made to correct the deviations.

【Raising Lively Skills】

There are many methods for nourishing vitality, such as Ba Duan Jin, Liu Zi Jue, Wu Qin Xi, Tai
Chi, Yi Jin Jing, Daoyin Health Kungfu, etc. The vitality training can effectively enhance the
function of the viscera and effectively strengthen the synergistic effect of the viscera. When doing
exercises, you can move your muscles and bones, promote circulation of qi and blood, unblock the
meridians, and harmonize qi, blood and viscera, and you will be healthy and disease-free. I usually
do a lot of Ba Duan Jin. When I got neurosis, I also practiced Liu Zi Jue more. Liu Zi Jue is also a
very classic health regimen. Many health books mention Liu Zi Jue, Liu Zi Jue. Zi Jue is a health-
preserving method handed down in ancient my country, called Tu Na method. In the book
"Nourishment and Life Extension", it says: "Everyone who moves breath is called breath by the
nose and exhalation by the mouth. The name of micro-action is long breath. There is one breath for
receiving breath, and six for exhalation. The six are called blowing, screaming, heh, heh, hushing,
and screaming, which are all the methods of long-breathing and exhalation. The cold can blow, the
temperature can be called, the tune can be cured, the wind is blown, the heat is blown, and the heat
Annoy, huh, hush to slack, shovel to relieve the extreme". The Ming Dynasty "Orthodox Dao Zang
Cave God Department" put it more concretely. The book said: 嬬字, 呬幾 main lung, lung connected
with five internal organs, nasal congestion caused by wind, and vomiting caused by illness. O word,
O dominates the heart, the heart is connected with the tongue, the heart is hot and the tongue is dry,
and if there is an illness, it can be cured by vomiting. Call the word, call the spleen, the spleen is
connected to the lips, and the spleen is hot, that is, the lips are burnt. The word hush, hush governs
the liver, and the liver connects the eyes. On the cloud, if the liver is inflamed, the eyes are red. The
word "Xie", "Xie" governs the triple focus. There are many videos of Liuzi Jue practice on the
Internet. I used to watch the video of Ma Litang. After going through the Liuzi Jue, I felt refreshed
and refreshed. It is really a very good health regimen. Everyone can choose the exercises that they
are more interested in. This can greatly promote the recovery of the symptoms of sperm injury.

【Health and Jinggong】

Health-preserving static exercises mainly consist of standing posture and meditation. The posture
here is not a four-level horse stance, but a posture for health preservation. It is not as good as one
standing posture for a hundred training. Keep practicing standing posture has a great effect on the
recovery of the body. Wu Guozhong recommends the Hunyuan Pile, which has a good effect. It is
holding with both hands. It is easy to feel tired after a long time. I recommend the Ziwu health pile.
The hands are closed at the waist. It is relatively easy and easier to use. In the 46th season I
specifically recommended the Ziwu Health Pillar. Many brothers have been practicing and the
feedback has been quite good. The specific practice requirements for the Ziwu health pile are as

Raise the two forearms at the waist, 90 degrees to the upper arm, parallel to the forearms, straddle
one step to the left with the left leg shoulder-width apart, sink the shoulders and drop the elbow,
with the chest and back, the head straight and the body straight, Baihui and the perineum are in a
straight line , The lower jaw slightly closes the tongue and the upper palate, the lips are slightly
closed, the whole body relaxes, intends to guard the dantian, and breathes in the inverted abdomen,
gradually achieving a slender and uniform breathing. The standing time depends on the age and
physical condition, from short to long. Strive to reach more than 30 minutes each time. First of all,
the Laogong acupoint starts to heat up, numbs and beats to the dantian fever, that is, there is a sense
of qi. As long as the practitioner has good physical fitness and the practice time is long, the whole
body's meridians can be opened up in a short time. (Position of the dantian: the upper dantian
between the eyebrows, the middle dantian at the bottom of the heart, and the lower dantian at the
bottom of the navel. The correct way to keep the dantian is to save first and then forget the
knowledge and not keep it, and the mind should be lighter. , It is better to be insufficient than too
much. If the intention to guard the pubic area is heavier, it is easy to cause nocturnal emission. You
must pay more attention to this aspect, or you can not guard the pubic area and stand still.)

Regarding meditation, I recommend Nan Huaijin to sit in meditation. You can study the articles and
videos of meditation by Nanshi, because the method of meditation is also good. If you are
interested, you can learn about it. Su Shi is quite research on health preservation. He strongly
praised the method of meditation and health preservation. He wrote in his poem: "Sitting for
nothing, one day is two days. If you live for seventy years, you will be one hundred and forty." In
the book, Su Shi compiled a set of static exercises to maintain health by closing the breath, inwardly
looking, soothing the dantian, adjusting the breath and rinsing body fluid. He once commented on
this work: "This method is very effective, I didn't realize it at first, but accumulated for more than a
hundred days, the function is immeasurable, compared to taking medicine, it is a hundred times
more effective."

Health-preserving static power has a significant effect on the rehabilitation of patients with injured
sperm, but it depends on persistence. After a hundred days of accumulation, you will feel
completely reborn. For neurosis brothers, we should continue to practice health-preserving static
exercises. In the process of my recovery, health-preserving static exercises have played a great role
in promoting health. In fact, its therapeutic effect is no less than that of drug treatment. The effect of
the drug is not bad.

【Sleep Health】

"Three Essentials of Health Care" said: "Sleeping peacefully is the happiest life. The ancients said:
Don't find a fairy place to find a place to sleep. Sleeping on your feet, refreshing and refreshing,
really no limit to real people." Good sleep is also extremely important for the recovery of the
injured. Although some brothers have a lot of physical symptoms, their sleep quality is not bad, and
their work and rest are relatively regular. In this way, if he insists on rebooting and keeping healthy
for a period of time, recovery is better than sleep quality. Bad ring friendly. Gu Deyun: "The key to
health preservation is to put sleep first. Sleep can restore energy, sleep can nourish qi, sleep can
invigorate the spleen and stomach, sleep can strengthen bones and muscles." Sleep is not only to
replenish and reserve energy, eliminate fatigue, and restore. An important way of physical strength
is also an important process of regulating various physiological functions and stabilizing the
balance of the nervous system. Many brothers have poor health awareness. Although they have
rebooted, they still stay up late. Staying up late is very harmful to the human body. Frequent staying
up all night may get neurasthenia. A good quality of sleep is really important for recovery, not only
to reboot, but also to abstain from staying up late.

[Wake up a glass of water in the morning]

When you wake up in the morning, you should drink a glass of water conscientiously. After a
night’s sleep, people are prone to dehydration without ingesting a drop of water. Drinking a glass of
water at this time can effectively supplement the lack of water caused by physiological dehydration.
Reduce blood viscosity, speed up blood circulation, and promote rapid excretion of metabolic
waste. I used to know the health knowledge of drinking water in the morning, but I did not
implement it well in many cases. Later, I found out that after drinking water in the morning, the
stool of the day was formed. Stool is not formed, so now I have developed the habit of drinking two
glasses of water in the morning, usually drinking water about half an hour before breakfast, the
effect is really good. Health preservation is reflected in the details. Many people do not pay
attention to drinking water for health preservation. In fact, supplementing water is really the key.
One night without dripping, the yin and yang in the body were out of balance, and after a cup of
water in the morning, the yin and yang regained their coordination. There are many details to pay
attention to in health maintenance. Sometimes there is a great knowledge between dressing and
undressing. Undressing when you shouldn't undress will lead to colds and then diseases. Sitting for
a longer time will lead to stagnation of Qi and blood, wrong sitting posture, and a long time will
also lead to illness. After rebooting, you must raise your awareness of health preservation, so that
you can be in position in many details, so as to maximize the effect of recovery.

【Emotional Health】

You must pay attention to emotional management after rebooting. Emotional relapse is also a
common type of relapse, so you must pay attention to adjusting your emotions. In terms of health
maintenance, it is also very important to keep one's emotions stable. If you are optimistic, you will
feel refreshed; if you are depressed, you will lose your qi; if you are angry, you will lose your qi; if
your heart is calm, your blood will flow smoothly; Stability, although there is great fear, it cannot be
harmed. "Inner Classics" says: "Tranquil emptiness, true qi from it, mental inwardness, and illness
and safety". Therefore, the focus of health is to nourish the heart, the heart is right, and the body is
right. If the emotions are very depressed and poor, this will also affect When it comes to physical
health, mind and body influence each other. After rebooting, many brothers tend to be negligent on
the emotional aspect. They have to break the reboot many times before they understand the
importance of emotional management, and they don't know how to maintain peace of mind. This is
extremely detrimental to rebooting and recovery. After passing the emotional barrier, rebooting will
become a brighter world, and many people will fall into their emotions.

[Establish good exercise habits]

A moderate amount of exercise can play a role in strengthening the body, strengthening the will,
promoting digestion and circulation, and enhancing immunity. Although many people are in charge,
they are also actively exercising and never stay up late to sit for a long time. Such people have
symptoms later. Last time, a brother was a sports student. It took him eight years to frighten him.
The symptom of the patient is only frequent urination. Active exercise can delay the outbreak of the
symptoms of sperm injury, but the symptoms will come sooner or later, so we should get rid of the
bad habit of masturbation as soon as possible. We should also exercise actively after rebooting so
that our body can recover faster and better. But there is a prerequisite, that is, we must fit our own
physical conditions, and we must exercise moderately and strictly control the intensity of the
exercise, otherwise it will be too late. In the past, a brother did strength training when he was weak.
As a result, he had nocturnal emission that night. After the exercise, he felt very tired. The next day
he still felt very tired. If the body is relatively weak, it is not suitable for strength training. Even
aerobic exercise should strictly control the amount and intensity of exercise. Brothers who are weak
should start with walking and health-preserving exercises to allow the body's energy to slowly
recover. Then adjust the exercise mode and the specific amount of exercise.

As mentioned above, “One hundred training is worse than one station”, and there is another
sentence called “One hundred training is worse than one walk”. The story of a mother in Wuhan,
Hubei, who “walked violently for July, donated liver and saved her son” touched countless people.
In seven months He just got rid of the fatty liver in the last time. "Runaway" is a gimmick added by
the media, and you must be careful when you walk. The key is to "can go" and arrange a certain
amount every day. One of my relatives overseas had a stroke. The doctor advised her to take 8,000
steps a day to help her recover. For the elderly, the most suitable aerobic exercise is walking,
walking 8,000 steps a day, and walking a total of 56,000 steps a week. 8000 steps are not completed
at once, and can be completed several times, so that you will not be very tired. For brothers with
severe injuries, the recovery process also started from walking. When I was neurotic, I was tired
from walking for a while, but I didn’t stay still, and I insisted on walking for a while every day. ,
Gradually, the time to go has become longer, and the body has recovered a lot. Some neurotic
patients sit or lie still every day, like waiting for death. This is not enough. You must move yourself,
but you can’t get too tired. You can start with a walk. I often go to the park. Walking, listening to
Buddhist songs while walking, I feel very comfortable.

Many brothers also know that they need to exercise actively after rebooting, but they do not know
the time and amount of exercise. Some people run at night and sweat profusely every day, and then
they feel that their body is getting weaker and weaker after exercise. I also feel uncomfortable in my
body. At night, the yang is absorbed, and it is not suitable for sweating exercises. If sweating hurts
the yang, you must pay attention to controlling the amount of sweating. A moderate amount of
sweating is good for your body, but every time you sweat, your body will become weak over time.
If you lose it, you can do health-preserving exercises at home at night, focusing on rest. The control
of the amount of exercise is also particularly critical. It is not that the more the better. After each
exercise, you must carefully observe the body's reaction. If you feel very tired and tired, and it is
difficult to recover, this means that the amount of exercise is a bit too large and you should pay
attention to adjustment. The amount of exercise is not dead, it needs to be flexibly controlled. In
addition to walking, brisk walking, jogging and ball games are also good, you can choose your own
exercise mode, and the development of good exercise habits is extremely important for the recovery
of the body.

【Diet Therapy】

A healthy and balanced diet is also an essential factor for health recovery. Food has four qi and five
flavors. Four qi refers to the four properties of cold, heat and temperature. Five flavors refers to the
five flavors of sweet, sour, bitter, bitter and salty. Taste has different effects on the human body.
According to the four qi and five flavors of food and the ups and downs of yin and yang qi and
blood, food can be divided into three categories: flat tonic, warm tonic and clear tonic. Ping tonic
foods refer to foods that are edible by normal people or patients to help maintain health and life,
such as cereals, beans, etc. This kind of food is gentle in nature and can be consumed by patients
with yin and yang deficiency. Warm tonic foods refer to foods with mild nature, such as red dates,
lychees, etc. Those with yang deficiency often eat such foods to improve the feeling of coldness,
thereby enhancing physical fitness. People with yin deficiency should not eat more. After eating
more, they will increase internal heat and cause symptoms such as dry throat, gum swelling and
pain, bleeding gums, and constipation. Tonic foods refer to foods that are cool in nature, such as raw
pears and raw lotus roots. People with yin deficiency often eat these kinds of foods to clear the fire,
improve the feeling of being afraid of heat, and help strengthen their physical fitness. Those with
yang deficiency should not eat more. If they eat more, they will be more afraid of cold or affect
digestion, making stool thinner. Tonic must be aware of tonic. Mistake of tonic is harmful. Many
brothers will blindly tonic. This is often counterproductive. You should first understand your
physique before you can give targeted diet therapy. Dr. Peng Xin recommended a porridge for
replenishing essence: a porridge cooked with black beans, gorgon, chestnut, and yam. I also
recommended porridge therapy before. Porridge therapy is a good product for health preservation
and health care, and it is also more suitable for injuries. Rehabilitation of refined patients.

【Moxibustion Health】

In the process of my recovery, moxibustion really helped me a lot. At that time, the most obvious
improvement of moxibustion was gastrointestinal problems and rhinitis, and it also had a
therapeutic effect on many symptoms of neurosis. As the saying goes: “You don’t need moxibustion
if you have moxibustion.” Moxibustion can consolidate yang, warm the meridians, and regulate qi
and blood. Dacheng. I am a patient with allergic rhinitis. After indulging in masturbation, my
resistance has dropped significantly. I often catch a cold and have a blocked nose. I have undergone
surgery, lasers, and sprayed foreign hormone drugs, but they all have little effect. In fact, I was also
I know it is related to the bad habit of masturbation, because after masturbation, I can obviously feel
that my physique has declined, but I was relatively ignorant at that time. After all, I was still in
middle and high school. No one told me about the dangers of masturbation. I have tried to quit a lot.
The results all ended in failure, but within ten or twenty days of abstinence, the benefits of
rebooting could still be felt, but it was a pity that the good times did not last long, and soon after the
trial came, the reboot was broken. The rhinitis problem has troubled me for many years. Later,
moxibustion therapy greatly relieved my rhinitis problem. Now I rarely commit it. In addition, I
insist on rebooting and maintaining health, and my resistance has also improved a lot. There are still
many brothers who suffer from rhinitis. I suggest moxibustion at Hegu and Zusanli regularly. This
will greatly relieve and improve gastrointestinal problems by moxibustion at Shenque, Shenshu and

The ancient book said: "Seven years of disease, seek three years of moxa", Ai Ye has a distinction
between wormwood and Chen Ai. Moxa leaves are freshly picked, dried, mashed, and sieved to
remove impurities to make moxa, but it cannot be used right away because the burning firepower at
this time is too buoyant and not mild enough. The moxa that has been stored for a long time has a
fragrant smell and mild firepower, which can penetrate the skin to reach the deep layer and has the
best effect. "Ben Cao Congxin" records the bitterness of mugwort leaves, the warmth of growth, the
heat of ripeness, the nature of pure yang, the ability to surrender the yang, to pass the twelve
meridians, to walk the three yin, to regulate the qi and blood, to dispel cold and dampness,
moxibustion and fire, Can penetrate all the sutras and eliminate all diseases. The saying "one
moxibustion, two needles and three decoctions" is widely spread, and the ancient books also contain
"for all diseases, if the medicine is not enough, the needles are not available, moxibustion is
necessary". The ancients advocated the use of acupuncture, and compared with needles,
moxibustion has more advantages . If you are interested, you can read Shan Guimin's "Moxibustion
to Eliminate All Diseases". Moxibustion can not be operated blindly. First, you must understand
clearly. At the beginning, moxibustion may also cause excretion reactions. I also experienced
gastrointestinal reactions at the beginning. After moxibustion, water and diarrhea appear after
moxibustion, and then the gastrointestinal function is greatly improved after the disease is
discharged. The best thing about moxibustion is that it costs less money. Now to see a Chinese
doctor, it is estimated that it will cost several hundred to get the medicine. Some famous Chinese
medicine doctors only cost a few hundred for registration, but moxibustion is relatively cheap. I
prefer moxibustion for health preservation, and I am also a beneficiary of this therapy. Now I will
do health moxibustion at intervals. I have watched Wu Guozhong’s moxibustion video before. He is
helping the patient to do direct moxibustion. He has a very good technique, which is to touch the
moxibustion site with the outside of his little finger for a few seconds, so that it is not easy to foam.
Very clever technique, you can learn from it.

[That mouthful of Huachi water]

"Laojun Yin's Internal Explanation" says: "Salivars, gargle as body spring, gather as jade slurry,
flow as Huachi, disperse as essence, and drop to nectar. Therefore, the mouth is Huachi, with body
spring in the middle, gargle The pharynx, irrigates and moisturizes the body, fluent in the veins,
nourishes all gods, and is born from the hair of the limbs." Huachi water is a great treasure of the
human body and a great medicinal material for self-healing diseases, so it is named Jinjinyu. Liquid,
Tianchi water, Yuchi water, Huachi water, Yuquan, Tianquan, Shenquan, Shenshui and so on are
known as the human body's own great medicine, but unfortunately many people don't know it.
Huachi water has the effect of irrigating the five internal organs and fluent in a hundred skeletal
bodies. This Huachi water is extraordinary. When standing or meditating, when the tongue touches
the palate, the Huachi water will be secreted soon. This is different from ordinary saliva. Swallow
it. There is a kind of unspeakable comfort and satisfaction, it is a wonderful mouthful of nectar. The
tongue pressing against the palate is actually a natural physiological instinct. If you pay attention to
a newborn baby, whether he is asleep or awake, you can see his tongue instinctively pressing
against the palate anytime and anywhere, until it grows later. In the process, I gradually forgot this
inherent instinct. You can also use your tongue to touch your palate when you work, study, and
walk, but it’s not as much secretion as when practicing gong. You can secrete a big mouth in about
ten minutes. Swallowing it is like taking an elixir. medicine!

[You are cultivating virtue]

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "There is no danger to morality!" Later, the body and
mind will be ruined, and then life and health will be full of various crises. A case I saw a few days
ago, a brother in his 30s was diagnosed with cancer. He deeply reflected on his illness and his years
of indulgence. Regarding, when cancer was detected, he felt that the whole world was about to
collapse. He finally wrote: “Masturbation doesn’t seem to hurt others, but it’s yourself and your
family that hurt you the most. Excuse me, how do you deal with your life’s hard work on the day
when a white-haired man sends a black-haired man? Mother? My friend, if you are still indulging in
the instant pleasure and boundless emptiness that lust brings you, please think about it, turn your
head back to the shore. Remember!" His warning is really from the heart and deaf. Sexual adultery
will make your life perilous, and you will fall into a deep predicament at that time.

Sun Simiaoyun: "Virtue cannot be suppressed. If you subdue the jade liquid golden pill, you will
not be able to prolong your life." Virtue is a very important condition for health and longevity. For a
person who is licentious and indulgence, his virtue must be flawed, because he has been
accumulating. Negative energy, and adultery often triggers many other negative behaviors, the so-
called one evil creates all evil! Traditional culture emphasizes that people should be kind-hearted
and advocate the virtues of loyalty, self-denial, friendship, kindness, compassion, and willingness to
help others. People who possess these virtues will live happier lives. Confucius said: "Therefore, the
great virtue must have its place, its reward, its name, and its longevity." The longevity of the
benevolent is the longevity of the virtuous. If you don't match, there will be disaster! The adulterer
is losing his fortune and life. A person has a high moral character, corresponding to his appearance
and temperament, he will also show a very extraordinary virtue, which makes people feel very
positive at first sight. On the other hand, many adulterers make people feel uncomfortable or even
disgusted at first glance. The aura of adulterers is quite bad, and it is easy to be disgusted. Those
who have adulterers tend to have a wretched appearance, with the degree of adultery. The constant
deepening and aggravation of this kind of insignificance will become more and more obvious.

One of the most important aspects of health restoration is to cultivate one's own good roots, and to
continuously improve one's positive energy by doing good deeds and accumulating virtues!

This point is extremely critical and important for rebooting and health recovery. Evil and adultery
are weakening positive energy, while rebooting and practicing goodness increase positive energy.
Traditional Chinese medicine also says that goodness generates yang, and strong yang leads to
longevity. People who truly understand the essence of rebooting will definitely insist on doing good
and accumulating virtue. The Book of Rites says: "Enrich the house and run the body with virtue."
"Xunzi Encouraging Learning": "Accumulate virtue to become virtue, and the gods are contented."
True Only virtuous people can live out the grand realm, grand pattern, and grand atmosphere of life!

[Precautions for health preservation]

1. Keeping good health is a lifelong thing: some brothers rebooted and kept good health for a period
of time, and the symptoms of injury to the essence disappeared. At this time, he forgot to keep good
health again. He sat for a long time and became addicted to online games. . Keeping good health is
not a one-time-and-for-all thing. Keeping good health is a lifelong thing. Just like when you buy a
car, you must pay attention to maintaining it at ordinary times. This is also the principle of keeping
good health. You must develop good habits and persevere in doing it. Your homework, when you
develop a habit, it becomes natural.

2. Health cultivation techniques should be refined and specialized: There are many health
cultivation techniques, you can learn more about them at the beginning, but after you choose them,
you must practice them intensively, just like digging a well exclusively, and you should not change
your mind to Qin Muchu. Many brothers saw that this health maintenance technique was good, so
he practiced it. After a short period of time, he started to change again. He couldn't always go deep,
just like cat fishing, only three minutes of heat. Some brothers practice a lot of health cultivation
techniques at once, so that they can't be refined and in-depth. The health cultivation techniques
should not be practiced too much. The key is to be proficient and persevering.

3. Both body and spirit: In the process of health preservation, attention should be paid to physical
maintenance and mental and psychological adjustments. The "Huang Di Nei Jing" says: "Staticity
will hide the spirit, and irritability will perish." After rebooting, you should use it. Keep your mind
in a calm state, get rid of distracting thoughts, keep your mind in mind, and don't think too much.
Crazy thinking is a kind of energy drain, and it hurts the spleen and overthinking. Over time, it hurts
righteousness, which will lead to abnormal movement. Many brothers with obsessive-compulsive
disorder should have a deep understanding, thinking that in the end they are exhausted, just like
running a marathon. The fatigue caused by this kind of exhaustion is very strong, so you must learn
to control your thoughts. This is In cultivating the mind, rebooting requires cultivating the mind,
and health maintenance also requires cultivating the mind. In short, cultivating the mind is the most

4. Combination of movement and stillness: To maintain good health, it is necessary to find a

balance between movement and stillness. One cannot remain unmoved and cannot be overworked.
Some brothers have deviations in their awareness of health maintenance. decline. Many Zen great
virtues are very good at meditating, but they are also very powerful in their actions. In the past,
there was no modern means of transportation. They basically relied on walking when they went out
to participate in good knowledge. Those great virtues were especially able to walk to an incredible
degree. There are also running incense in the meditation hall, that is, if you have been sitting for a
long time, if you are tired, you can run your muscles and bones to promote blood circulation
throughout the body, which is very good for the body. Some brothers only know how to exercise
blindly, but they don’t know the importance of resting.

Final summary:

Gu Deyun: "Rebooting desires to nourish the essence, thinking to nourish the mind, thin taste to
nourish the blood, and reluctance to nourish the vitality." Rebooting and keeping good health is the
foundation of recovery, and knowing the way of keeping good health is crucial to the recovery of
the symptoms of injury. After recovery, it is necessary to rely on health maintenance to maintain a
stable level, otherwise the recovery results will be easily lost because it will not maintain health.
Many brothers will recover well at a certain stage, the symptoms will all disappear, and the spirit
and energy will come up completely, but afterwards, due to the lack of awareness of health
preservation, the symptoms are always easy to repeat and cannot enter a stable state of recovery.
"Dao Ji" said: "The life of people with long and short lives is not natural. It is all caused by
improper body, poor diet, lewdness, rebellion against yin and yang, unguarded soul and spirit,
exhaustion of life, and all kinds of diseases. Therefore, it does not end in life." The ancients paid
great attention to the way of health preservation. Sexual adultery before marriage is absolutely
prohibited, and adultery after marriage requires temperance. The "Prescriptions for One Thousand
Golds" pointed out: "Exhaustion leads to exhaustion. Therefore, if you want to be uncontrollable,
you will consume the essence, the exhaustion of the essence will lead to the failure of the qi, the
failure of the qi will lead to the disease, and the body will be in danger if the disease is too sick."
People are advised to maintain the essence of the kidney, which is a major event related to physical
health and life safety. The essence of the kidney must not be consumed at will, and the essence can
be strengthened and longevity!

Let me share three reboot poems

"Ten Thousand Devil Slash-The Rings Are Invincible"

Knife in the heart

Already sharpened

Every day is actual combat

Just wait for the heart demon to come and die

Get rid of adultery

Awaken hundreds of millions of people

Recast China's righteousness

Never worry about it again in this life

Two strands of hair falling to the ground

What kind of knife is this

Knife that breaks when the hair blows

A knife that cuts iron as mud

This is a magic knife

The demon will come up sooner or later

Each ring

Have to fight against my own demons

Battlefield in mind

The doomed duel

No one can escape

Must kill the Heart Devil

Otherwise the inner demon will control you

Then you are not you

It's just a stubborn meat machine

Hijacked by the Heart Demon

Totally involuntary

Devil is born from the heart

Mind begets all kinds of demons

Heart extinction all kinds of demons

True ringer

Kill all demons

"The Legend of the Rebooting Hero"

That night, the killing sound shook the sky

The heart demon invades, the rebooting soldiers stubbornly resist

This is a life and death fight

Kill the enemy and serve the country

The arrogant arrogance of the inner demon must be dealt with fiercely

Must resolutely hold the position of rebooting

There are only four words: bloody battle to the end

Make a bloody road, kill all the devil

Don’t be afraid of the thief, as long as the fierce

Experienced the tempering of blood and fire

To be a true rebooter

Kill the dawn of rebooting with the courage of a single man

As long as the breath survives, vow to fight the heart demon to the end

Must withstand the invading demons again and again

Fight fiercely against the demons with desperate determination

Round after round of fierce fighting

Rebooting fiercely will become more courageous and vigorous

The final victory will belong to the strong rebooting commander

The lion wakes up, will come out, impassioned and exterminate the licentiousness

The devil of the heart punishes the heart, strengthens righteousness, strengthens China through iron-
blooded rebooting

"Eternal Purity"

You used to be an extremely pure child

I don’t know what 撸管

You at that time

The whole body exudes pure brilliance

Every day is a miracle

Bright, clear and full of aura

People, alive, why do you want to lure

You can live more purely and better if you don’t 撸

Can feel the pure joy

And being addicted to pornography will destroy your life

Let you fall into a maggot in a dark corner

Looking back, I'm sick

A sigh of infinite regret

Is this the life you want

You will definitely say no

An adulterous life will eventually lead to panic

The adulterer will live in

In the purgatory made by oneself

It's dark and struggling

In this age of prostitution

We can live purely

Pure heart connects the true self

Pure heart will bring infinite joy

The pure heart also releases super energy

Let our hearts return to their original purity

This pure and beautiful state of mind

Is your most precious asset

Two books recommended this season

1. "The Awakening of New World Spirituality": I recommended Tory's "The Power of the Present"
before, and the response was very good. This time I recommend this book. The first one I read was
not "The Power of the Present", but this one-" "A New World Spiritual Awakening", the famous
American host Oprah accidentally read this book. She was shocked by the heavenly book, and she
was determined to promote it. When I first read this book, I also felt very extraordinary. It is indeed
a book. A good book worth reading repeatedly. Tory was born in Germany. After graduating from
the University of London, he worked as a researcher and tutor at the University of Cambridge. At
the age of 29, an unexpected experience completely changed his life. He used a simple language to
convey the profound and wise message of ancient spiritual teachers, which is a high-frequency
message related to enlightenment and practice. After rebooting, I lived a spiritual life, so I was more
interested in information on this type of topic, and I hope that brothers who are predestined can also
read this book.

2. "The Living Buddha Biography of Jinshan": written by Master Optimistic. In the early years of
the Republic of China (1912), a "Jinshan Living Buddha" was born in Jinshan Temple, who was a
household name in Jiangnan. Because the "Jinshan Living Buddha" is so famous, his Dharma name
Miaoshan is not known. The life of the Jinshan Living Buddha is a legend. I recently read his
biography and found it very good. I recommend it to everyone. The Jinshan Living Buddha and the
Jigong Living Buddha have similar styles. They are also crazy, and can be said to be the modern
Jigong Living Buddha. There are two versions of Jinshan Living Buddha's biography. Master
Optimism wrote one, Master Zhuyun also wrote one. There are electronic versions on the Internet.
Master Optimism had personal contact with Jinshan Living Buddha, so it’s more reliable. What I
read is That version of the Optimistic Master.

Season 97: Exquisite Experience of Injury to the Kidney by SY


Some time ago, a brother rebooted for 337 days, but he lost his own bad feelings. The reason was
that he didn’t deal with the relationship with the leader properly. Then he quarreled with others in
Tieba, and finally broke the precept like a ghost. He said: "I feel that the state of life before the
relapse, my self-confidence, my consciousness of having my own insights into life, that kind of
wisdom, that kind of life state, are all destroyed." The relapse also caused his anxiety to recur, and
the feeling of near death reappeared. It is not easy to be able to quit for 337 days. This is a number
of days that many newcomers can't even think of, but in the end they lost to bad emotions.
Emotional relapse is a very common type of relapse. Emotional management is really important.
Rebooting is like walking a tightrope. You must maintain a stable and peaceful state of mind. Once
you are out of balance, it is easy to relapse. Emotional vent, so emotional management must be

"Tao De Jing" says: "Goodness is like water, water conserves all things without fighting; husbands
do not fight, so the world cannot fight with them." Incompetence is a kind of wisdom. If you fight,
you will easily lose your mental balance. Gentlemen can be harmonious but different. Communicate
carefully, but try to avoid arguing with others. Zeng Guofan said: "You can bring up a kind of
tranquility in your chest." Two other sentences are also very good: I can feel all kinds of anger in
the world, and I will nurture a period of spring in my chest. Try not to have large fluctuations in
your emotions, otherwise you will easily lose control and let the demons succeed. In the end, this
brother especially warned everyone to be vigilant. His lesson of relapse was still very profound. He
did a good job of quitting and did not see the defects of his own consciousness. However, when he
encountered special incidents, he exposed his potential. problem. There will always be various
injustices in life, and there will also be the possibility of quarrels. No matter what situation you
encounter, you should maintain emotional stability. This is a necessary psychological quality for a

His relapse is also related to seasonal factors. It is now gradually entering late autumn. The climate
in autumn is very dry, and people's emotions can easily become restless, in a state of "irritable", and
it is easy to interact with others. Quarrel, so emotional management must be done. The dry air in
autumn can cause dry throat, dry nose, hoarseness, dry cough, and dry skin. These symptoms will
affect people's mental state. As the sunshine time shortens, the temperature drops suddenly, and the
body's metabolism and physiological functions are inhibited. Prone to endocrine dysfunction, which
in turn causes depression of mood and mental state. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes
"spring and summer nourishing yang, autumn and winter nourishing yin". Autumn is characterized
by "dryness and evil as the rule". Therefore, the focus of health preservation is to nourish yin and
prevent dryness. In this special season, emotional management and regulation are particularly
important. I am in a very bad mood. At this time, when communicating with others, I often feel that
the other party is not pleasing to the eye, and it is easy to have disputes. Therefore, when emotions
fluctuate, you should make adjustments in time.

In the preface of this season, I will talk about the issue of debating with the anti-squadrons. This
issue has not been discussed before, so I will mention it this season. The emergence of anti-ring
elements is also normal. After all, they have been brainwashed by the innocence theory of the
bricks. Their brains have been rigid. It is a bit difficult for them to accept the harmful truth of
masturbation. In fact, I do not advocate arguing with anti-ring elements. , Because facts speak
louder than words! In the face of facts, all harmless theories are pale and powerless. Some anti-
precepts like to talk to you about theory and science. In fact, the theories and science in their
mouths are false and do not conform to the facts. The water is too big for the boat, and the theory is
not as strong as the facts. Facts are like the trump cards in playing cards, overwhelming all theories.
If a theory does not conform to the facts, then this theory is fundamentally wrong. The theory can
refer to elephants as growing giraffes, but after all, elephants are not giraffes, and facts will give the
correct answer!

For those ignorant rebels, they don't need them at all. The hard evidence is there. Does it still need
to be debated? Don't you think the debate is superfluous? Arguing with the anti-Rabbiters, you will
find that at the end of the debate, they begin to argue, because their theories can't tell the truth, and
the facts can kill any theory, but the theory can't refute the facts. They will bring out the experts and
science later. In fact, they are all quibble tricks and nonsense. If you have a certain awareness of
rebooting, you will suddenly realize that it is not him who is arguing with you, but his demon is
arguing with you. The demon is the most cunning, and the demon refuses to admit that masturbation
is harmful. This kind of debate has actually lost its meaning, because it's like playing the piano to a
cow! People who really have good roots will start rebooting immediately after a few words of
persuasion. People who are seriously brainwashed by the harmless theory will refuse to accept the
harmful facts. He would rather believe in the harmless theory than the facts. From the perspective of
a true wise man, it is completely an expression of utter stupidity. He really doesn't shed tears if he
doesn't see the coffin!

I remember that there was an anti-preceptor who set up a special post to oppose rebooting . After
about a year later, he deleted all posts on the post and went to the rebooting bar to confess. He
found out that he was wrong, because the symptoms have given the truth, the symptoms are the best
teacher, and the symptoms tell him the fact that masturbation is harmful. Many rebels will come to
the rebooting bar to repent, because when the symptoms appear, everything is completely
understood. Is there still a need for debate at this time? To be honest, many predecessors have
believed in harmlessness theory, but the final fact is tantamount to giving themselves a resounding
slap. It turns out that masturbation is so harmful , and I have been deceived and deceived by
harmlessness theory before. Too ignorant. When a person is fascinated, it is difficult for him to
listen to the advice of his predecessors. He is in a state of being possessed by the demons. He would
rather believe in harmlessness theory, because harmlessness theory can provide a kind of theoretical
support and support for his depravity. As an excuse, he can continue to masturbate with peace of
mind. People are conscientious. After committing evil and adultery again and again, people will
naturally feel self-blame and guilt in their hearts. The emergence of harmlessness just alleviates this
psychological conflict, which can make him blind selectively and let him completely ignore it. The
harm of masturbation is like hiding an ear and stealing a bell, making him more addicted to the
degeneration of masturbation without turning his head back. He won't wake up suddenly until the
symptoms start to scare him. It's actually a bit late at this time, because the symptoms have
completely erupted.

The composition of the anti-ring elements is also more complicated. The anti-ring elements who
were brainwashed by the harmless theory are still expected to turn back, but 75 is impossible. The
75 is a wheel. Their intentions are very sinister. They pretend to be experts and professors and
fabricate many so-called so-called The theory of harmlessness and usefulness spread on the Internet
and proclaimed themselves "masturbation experts", "Doctors of Medicine", etc., which really
poisoned many people. The future of 75 will definitely be very tragic, all of which are self-inflicted.
There are also some ignorant people. Although they know that masturbation is not good, they
seriously underestimate the harm of masturbation . In fact, the harm of masturbation is beyond
imagination. As the degree of injury continues to deepen, serious diseases such as stroke and
diabetes may be affected. Yes, it was specifically mentioned in Dr. Peng Xin's lecture. When you
encounter the provocation of the anti-ringing elements again, my advice is to try not to respond. The
more you respond, the more vigorous he is. He wants to brainwash you and let you go back to the
cycle of masturbation in the past, and let you last Both body and mind are useless! It is really hard
to learn well. Good knowledge is hard to come by. Evil knowledge is everywhere. The theory of
evil knowledge is to promote depravity, scientifically and rationalize depravity, so that you can
waste it willingly. Brick used his brick theory to pave a way to the hospital and to hell! When you
are abolished, the Brick Family will not take any responsibility. The Brick Family will at most give
you one sentence: Deserve it!

Share some cases below

1. [Brother Feixiang, I have just quit for less than a week. I am 30 this year. In addition to the
symptoms that most brothers have, the most obvious thing is the face. Looking in the mirror when
there is sunlight outside is especially obvious. It's just that the face is gray and it can't be cleaned no
matter how you wash it. It's like the kind of color that I haven't slept in after a few days of night
shifts. I can’t go on working and falling in love as a whole. I’m recuperating at home now. I want to
restore my body and mind. 】

Additional comment: A brother once used four words to describe the grayness on his face after
being pressed, that is, "grey head and dirt face". It feels that there is a layer of gray covering it, it
looks very dirty and very unclear, and then wash it whenever you want. It is not clean, it seems that
every pore is hidden infinitely dirty. The skin texture and complexion are easy to decline after the
tube is used, and you don’t feel it when the degree of injury is shallow. As the degree of injury
deepens, the feeling of grayness will become more and more obvious. Some people are not only
dirty, but also oily. The face is like the Daqing Oilfield. When the dirty touches the oil, it will be
even more difficult to wash. Everyone should know that greasy bowls are difficult to clean. A
person often stays up late for night shifts, his complexion will also drop drastically. This decline in
complexion is very similar to the decline in complexion caused by stubbornness. Indulgence and
staying up late are very harmful to the body, and soon the consequences will be manifested in the
body. Face. I also used the word "gray and dark" more in my previous reboot articles. After
rebooting, I actively exercise, and then my face will become brighter, and the overall brightness will
increase. The child will have a bright and clear characteristic, because the child has not been
motivated. Regardless of vices, children don’t know what to say. When a person enters the
developmental period and begins to squeeze, his overall brightness will decrease, and you will
faintly feel that he is turning gray, darkening, and becoming insignificant. This is actually his
energy level is declining, when the flashlight is almost gone When it is charged, it will become
dark, and when it is fully charged, it will appear very bright. When the precious energy of the body
is shot off, a person's overall brightness will naturally decrease. Zeng Guofan has a set of
fascinating knowledge about people, that is, "Bingjian", which belongs to the category of Xiangshu.
In "Bingjian", it says: "Humans are mainly qi, inside is spirit, and outside is complexion." A
person's complexion It is the appearance of the spirit of spirit. There is a lot of knowledge in
traditional Xiangshu. Nan Huaijin also mentioned the theory of Xiangshu many times. In Xiangshu,
there is a saying that "one side grayed out must be difficult". If a person's face feels grayed out, it is
not good. Omen. This brother was unable to go on with work and love because of adultery, and he
was in a difficult situation in his life. It was time to reboot, and he had to find his own positive

Share another face-to-face consultation tips

Seeing a doctor is first. Essence is the most important thing.

Keep in mind the position of the viscera. Multiple shadows should be distinguished.

Many illnesses, qi and blood. The complexion is blue, and the main body is cold and painful.

Complexion, blood and blood. The complexion is red, there must be fire.

Red is like makeup, but imaginary fire. Dark complexion, see you liver and kidney.

The face is pale, the main body is empty and cold. Bai Wuhua is blood deficiency.

The face is yellow, hot and humid. The face is yellow and dark, and the liver and kidneys are sick.

Bright forehead and refreshing spirit. The forehead was dark and devastated.

There is no serious illness in the eyes. Lost eyes, lack of essence and qi.

2. [I have broken the ring every other day and two days with the longest record of 31 days old fried
dough sticks to 272 days now. I really didn't dare to think about it before, or the sentence: learning
is the only way out! The key to learning is to keep repeating, take more notes and think more,
increase the absorption rate, and the most important thing is to transform what you have learned
into your own rebooting consciousness. This is the key. I have watched " Quit as a Good Medicine "
6 times, and the actual season is no less than 10 times, because I long for successful rebooting. It is
as strong as I can’t stop breathing. The hell of adultery is too torturous. Learning is a weapon for
rebooting. Learning is to fight defenselessly against the heart demon! It is impossible to beat the
demons in this way. I am still studying now and I have developed a habit. I look at the cases and
review the notes every day. ! Don't force it, learning is really the only way out! 】

Additional comment: The feedback from this brother is very good. He used to be an old fried dough
stick. In fact, I used to be an old fried dough stick. The highest record is not as good as this brother.
At that time, my highest record was 28 days! To force the precept is not to learn, and then if you
break the precept, you will blame yourself for your perseverance. To truly quit masturbation, you
must study rebooting theory and related knowledge professionally and systematically. When your
consciousness is truly up, you can do it for 100 days, 200 days, or more than a year. When you are
in the stage of strong ring blind ring, it is not easy to be able to break through one month. This
brother said very well: Learning is the only way out! There is no way to fight the heart demon
without studying. Just like you are a rookie with more than ten levels, and the heart demon boss is
hundreds of levels, how can you be able to fight like this? Studying rebooting articles is practicing
leveling. Only when the level is reached can you subdue your own demons, otherwise you will
undoubtedly lose. Temporary failure is not terrible, just because you don't learn, it is extremely
difficult to succeed if you do not learn. The heart demon is like a boxing champion. You must train
yourself to be strong enough to be able to defeat the heart demon. If your physique is still in
elementary school or junior high school, do you think you have the hope of winning? How to
strengthen one's consciousness? That is "eating" rebooting articles. Not only can you "eat", but you
must also be able to digest it. The key to learning is to take more notes, think more, and review
more. You must increase your absorption rate. This brother has developed a good study habit, just
like brushing his teeth every day. If he doesn’t brush his teeth, he feels that he has done less. After
he develops the habit, he can overcome the tiredness of rebooting, so that he can truly integrate
rebooting. One's own life and life, when the time comes, the more you quit, the better. This case
fully shows that even the old fritters who rebooted can still counterattack. The key is to really make
up your mind to reboot and study hard to increase your consciousness. Rebooting is unsuccessful.
First of all, you don’t really want to reboot. After rebooting, many people are still eager to rub side
pictures and search for pornography. Secondly, the desire for successful rebooting is not strong and
eager enough. His courage and determination are not decisive enough! Thirdly, you have not found
a way to reboot successfully, you have not studied rebooting articles in depth and solidly to raise
your awareness, and you have not really grasped the principles and laws of rebooting. This brother
is extremely eager to reboot successfully. He has also developed good study habits. He reads cases
every day and reviews his notes. He really did it for 272 days! Very good record, I hope he will
continue to work hard and continue to expand the results.

3. [Thank you brother Feixiang, I went to the hospital for a colonoscopy a few days ago. The
examination results showed that I had chronic colorectitis, and I fell ill immediately after the
procedure. I was resting at home these days and went to nephrotic syndrome. I have stayed for a
few days with chronic renal failure and uremia. I read some posts and I was really scared. The
kidney disease is really close to me, and I will never dare to beat myself up again. 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback from the brothers "Fire Race Envoy". Later, many
people's digestive functions will become worse. In Chinese medicine, it is spleen deficiency or
spleen and kidney deficiency. In Western medicine, it is gastrointestinal dysfunction and chronic
enteritis. Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the congenital foundation, the spleen and the
stomach are the acquired foundation, and the kidney and the spleen and stomach are mutually
supportive and interdependent. The essence of the kidney depends on the nurturing and nourishment
of the essence of water and valleys in order to continuously fill and mature, while the
transformation of the spleen and stomach into the essence of water and valleys must rely on the
warmth of the kidney yang. If the kidney yang is insufficient and the spleen yang cannot be warmed
up, symptoms of spleen yang deficiency such as cold pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and swelling of
the five grains, etc. will occur; if the spleen yang is insufficient, it will lead to the deficiency of the
kidney yang and the spleen over time. Deficiency of kidney yang leads to weak intestinal
transmission, making stool difficult and difficult to discharge, accompanied by cold pain in the
abdomen, cold limbs, and aches and coldness of the waist and knees. The Envoy of the Fire Race
went to some kidney disease. This caused him to be highly vigilant. The kidney disease is indeed
very close to us. Merritt, who ran 12.80, had kidney failure. Now he has undergone a kidney
transplant. Any athlete who breaks the world record may have it. Kidney failure. Many people have
been madly rushing, and then suddenly their body collapsed, and the days of symptom hell were
really hard to endure, and the whole family may be dragged down. We should really be very
vigilant. There are several brothers who have had uremia before, and they can only survive on
dialysis and stay on their breath. When I was crazy, it was like a demon, and it was really miserable
when my body was abolished. When the retribution came, I knew I had to pay it back. It’s just
because we don’t know how close kidney failure and uremia are to us, that’s why we are drunk and
dreaming. In fact, the symptom hell is at our feet. When you finally cross the critical point of the
symptom outbreak, waiting for you is no different. In a disaster of extinction. The saddest thing is
the patients with kidney disease. Many of them are still ill-adjusted. They are so ignorant! Poisoned
to this point by harmlessness. There is a knife on the head of sex, sex is a steel knife for scraping
bones, and kidney essence is the most precious resource of the body, so it was abused by them, and
half of their lives were taken away. I still don’t know how to reboot. horrible!

4. [Hello Brother Feixiang, I am a student of Chinese medicine. I am 13 years old. I have all the
symptoms I should have. I have been abstaining for a year. I have recovered my body and mind but
not ideal. The reason is that I personally think that it is only to abstain from nourishment and
frequent relics, and there is no real cultivation of mind and good deeds. Currently in the hospital,
masturbation leads to extremely poor brain and memory, and poor work results in a lot of pressure.
So I consider quitting my job. Should I give up my job? After that, I plan to find a relaxing job to
take care of my body and mind, because the body is the foundation of everything! 】

Additional comment: TCM students have professional advantages, but many people have started to
use it since their junior high school development. After they have studied Chinese medicine, they
learned about the dangers of masturbation . Even if you are a Chinese medicine student, many
people still do it. After all, it is like a drug. Once you get it, you will want to take it again and again.
The hair is out of control, completely controlled by the heart demon. To get rid of masturbation, it is
not enough to know the harm. You must learn to reboot professionally and master the methods of
rebooting. This brother has been abstaining for a whole year, and the recovery is not satisfactory. He
also summed up the reasons. The recovery is indeed a systematic project. Just abstinence is not
enough. After rebooting, you should take good care of your health and do good deeds to accumulate
virtue. This brother was 13 years old and had all the symptoms he should have. The key is that his
brain power has also dropped drastically. Working in this state of mind and body, the results can be
imagined. Moreover, being a doctor is more tiring and stressful, which requires more energy and
brainpower to cope with the work. Physical health is the prerequisite and foundation of your career.
When you are exhausted, you can consider resigning and recuperating, but you should make a
decision after careful consideration. The body is the foundation of everything, and 撸 管 is
destroying this foundation. When the body becomes a tofu project, it will be difficult to go out to
work at that time. It can be said that the hero will die before leaving the teacher, and the hero will be
full of tears. Some brothers had an annual salary of 80,000 or 100,000, but they broke their bodies
because of adultery. In the end, they had to quit their jobs and recuperate, and they could no longer
afford to hurt their bodies.

5. [After so many days, I feel that my luck has also come up. I found a stable job and my work
efficiency has also improved. After a while, I became confused, my brain power has really
recovered a lot, and my mind has become much clearer. I didn't hold back seeing Huang once in the
first few days. After reading it, I felt my head was confused. The next day I was not working well. I
unexpectedly got a nosebleed. After that, I hit the iron plate with my foot again in the afternoon,
hey! 】

Additional comment: Nan Huaijin once said: "If you have enough qi, your luck will be good."
When the kidney qi is nourished, the brain power will rise, and work efficiency will naturally come
out at that time. Otherwise, if you are confused and work in a state of "brain fog", it will be easy to
make mistakes and get scolded by your boss. On the surface, it seems that I have bad luck. In fact,
the reason behind it is that licentiousness has drained the brain power, causing the brain to be
unclear, so that I am not doing anything. This brother saw Huang once in the first few days, his head
was confused, his working status was decreased, he had a nosebleed, and his feet were smashed. It
was really a butterfly effect. Many people reported that their luck became worse after masturbation,
and the word luck was flexible. If you have a higher degree, I prefer to talk about fortune.
Masturbation does cause worse fortune. When your brain power drops, when you are not physically
and mentally, many bad things will happen. Everyone knows that driving after drinking is a drunk
driving, and it is easy to get into a car accident. In fact, the state after being drunk is similar to that
of being drunk, and it is also confused. A severely injured patient is like a walking dead. When you
study and work in this zombie state, what kind of luck is there to talk about? According to Nanshi's
instructions, if you are full of anger, your luck will get better. On the contrary, if you lose your
anger, your luck will naturally become worse. This is not a very mysterious theory, and the state of
the brain is closely related to luck. Chinese medicine says that the kidneys are connected to the
brain, and masturbation hurts the kidneys and even more damages the brain. If the brain is not in the
state, bad luck begins. When you drink cold water, you will choke your teeth, and you will bite your
tongue when you eat.

6. [Brother Feixiang, I’ve been masturbating for 7 years now. Since I came into contact with Benba
at the beginning of this year, masturbation has been somewhat restrained, but I have not been able
to jump out of the cycle of "quit-break-quit". Now I have a bad spirit all day long. I started suffering
from neurasthenia in September last year. At that time, I felt like I was wearing a hooping spell on
my head and I couldn't learn anything. The second year of high school is a period of breakthroughs
in high school grades and a solid foundation for the third year of high school. Everyone is working
hard. Only me, my grades did not rise. At that time, I always told my classmates how painful I was,
but no one could understand the pain, including my parents. Everyone will say: You think too much.
I have to repeat the grade now. At the end of 2009, I broke my calf inexplicably when I played
football. At that time, I had been masturbating for more than a year, very frequently, twice a day.
After that, I had to repeat the grade due to recuperation and re-read the first year of junior high
school. At that time, I was often beaten and didn't dare to fight back. The body is prone to catching
colds. The whole "smelly baked pickles" (in dialect) started to develop acne after one year of
masturbation. Looking at me in the photo of graduation from elementary school, I have dark circles
under my eyes, and my eyes are blank, just like a zombie. Masturbation really ruined my life! 】

Additional comment: Now the child develops very early. The fifth and sixth grades of elementary
school have already begun to develop, and then they start to get up. At first I thought it was a huge
"welfare" and thought that I had reached the world of bliss. In fact, I opened up the hell by myself.
door. At the beginning of masturbation, you usually don’t get the decay right away. The decay needs
to be injured to a certain extent before you can get it. Once you get a severe decay, then life is worse
than death, and all kinds of torture begin to be tortured. . The kind of pain that family members and
classmates can’t understand at all can only be understood by patients. To say that kind of pain to
family members is a waste of words. The pain of God’s decline is unimaginable for ordinary people.
Only personal experience can know that. What kind of torture. After more than a year of frequent
masturbation, this brother broke his calf inexplicably while playing football. Chinese medicine said
that the kidney is the main bone. After masturbation, the bones of the person will become brittle. At
this time, fractures are prone to occur. I don’t know if you have ever come into contact with
firewood. Some firewood looks thick on the outside, but it feels very light when you get it in your
hand. It breaks after a slight break. When you look inside, it is completely rotten wood. After
masturbation, our bones are in this condition. In the state of decayed wood, bone quality and bone
density have been severely reduced. At this time, a little bit of strenuous exercise may cause
fractures. After the fracture, the brother had to repeat his grade, and now he had to repeat his grade
because of his decay. The harm of masturbation was really too great, and it really ruined a child. Gu
Deyun: Sex is the first level of youth! This barrier must be broken through hard, otherwise the
whole life may be ruined by adultery.

7. [I am ashamed. A year ago, I accidentally entered rebooting while searching for pornography on
the Internet . That night, I didn't sleep all night, as if I was born again, I suddenly understood the
physical symptoms that had plagued me for many years. Related to masturbation. Before, I only
thought that my premature ejaculation was caused by masturbation, and I was completely unaware
of my fear of interacting with others. I saw the fear and cringe of the leader when seeing the teacher,
my lethargy, dreams, whiteheads, and inability to concentrate. Some symptoms, etc., are all caused
by masturbation. I think, without masturbation, I may be an optimistic and cheerful boy who likes
to socialize with people, but masturbation ruins all of this. 】

Side note: There are indeed a lot of people who saw the reboot bar information when searching
pornography . All thanks to the publicity volunteers. Their publicity strategy is really clever. Many
people have a one-sided understanding of the dangers of masturbation , thinking that masturbation
will only cause chronic premature ejaculation, low back pain, weak legs, etc., but they don’t know
that the harms of masturbation are far more than these. All kinds of symptoms, all kinds of
problems. Kidneys dominate fear. Many patients suffering from traumatized sperm will show signs
of social fear. Originally, they are sunny and cheerful, but as the negative energy of evil and
adultery accumulates, their psychological state will also undergo subtle bad changes and become
more and more gloomy. , Became more and more apprehensive, completely devoid of positive
energy, seeing people without confidence and confidence, dodges his eyes, and dare not look
straight. It's better if there is a slight social fear, but if it is a serious social fear, it really makes
people too broken. At present, the harm of masturbation is covered up, and the harm of
masturbation is also underestimated. Fortunately, the power of rebooting on the Internet has begun
to rise, and more and more people have begun to realize the harm of masturbation . If you don't
masturbate, maybe your life is completely different, but the bad habit of masturbation ruins
everything. You are trapped by the negative energy of adultery. Now you already know the culprit
of physical symptoms-masturbation! It's time to quit it! It must be completely demarcated from the
life of adultery! Get rid of the bad habit of masturbation at all costs! As decisive and unyielding like
the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain, as fierce and tenacious as a squad, you must desperately give
up! Quit a horrible righteousness, and strive to support all aspects of the universe! ! !

8. [Hello, Brother Feixiang! I am now 18 years old, and I have been playing for 6 years. The
frequency is very high. There are more than a thousand times. There was a period of time in April of
this year when I was addicted to my heart. I had to do it once a day. After three consecutive days, I
felt a trance and a severe decline in physical fitness. At that time, I wanted to quit for a while. The
result was just like what you said. The heart demon was controlled, and it became a stalker, unable
to stop at all. After playing for eight days, I was really scared. This was the first time I had close
contact with the demons. I began to find that I couldn't control myself, as if there was a demon in
my heart controlling me, and at this time my physical fitness and spirit All are very poor. At that
time, I believed in the theory of moderate harmlessness, but eight days in a row is no longer
moderate. I foresee that very bad things will happen if this continues, such as sudden death! So I
searched the internet for the dangers of masturbation, and wanted to use this to alert myself and
make myself abstain from it for a few days. Baidu knows that someone asked about the dangers of
masturbation, and someone answered, I just clicked in and read it. The respondent said a lot of the
disadvantages of masturbation, and I found that I have most of them! The respondent finally
mentioned rebooting . I was very curious, so I just clicked in and took a look. It was at this time that
I came into contact with rebooting . After entering it, I read your chapters " Quit is a Good
Medicine", I was deeply shocked, only to realize that in the past four or five years, I have become
worse and worse. The root cause of becoming a scumbag and a sunshine boy is actually
masturbation! ! ! (After rebooting) Suddenly there is a strange feeling. I use one sentence to
describe it as "surrounded by positive energy." From the third day on, my positive energy is bursting
every day, and I will feel happy inexplicably. I feel that life is very beautiful, my personality has
become sunny and cheerful, and I am more confident. Because I was reviewing at a new school, the
new classmates didn’t understand my unbearable past. They just saw the sunny, confident, sports-
loving, hard-working, and full of positive energy when the school started. Many girls said that I am
a good person. It looks good and likes me a lot. This situation seems to have only been experienced
five years ago when I hadn't gotten masturbated. During that period of time, it seemed that God
gave me infinite positive energy. In those eight days, with the help of that infinite positive energy, I
gave up masturbation and had very little masturbation. Self-control, I can sleep before 11 o'clock,
and the sunshine, self-confidence, humor, hard work and other qualities that have disappeared from
me for many years are all back. I once counted my own symptoms caused by masturbation, such as
low self-esteem such as rhinitis, etc. There were 17 total. On the fifth day of the eight days, I was
surprised to find that 12 of the 17 symptoms disappeared or were greatly relieved. Those eight days
were so beautiful that I still remember them clearly. 】

Additional comment: I generally don't include cases that are too long, but this case is an exception.
This case is well written. The 18-year-old kid has been used for 6 years, more than a thousand
times. He is a manipulator controlled by a heart demon. He is involuntary and cannot stop. Many
people want to engage in moderation, and in the end they are out of control. After being controlled
by the inner demon, don't talk about moderation. That is simply self-deception. This brother’s good
roots and predecessors are still good, and finally met rebooting , and finally saw the truth about
masturbation, from being a student to a scumbag, from a sunshine boy to a dick, this is his sad
experience after masturbation. He said that after rebooting, there is a wonderful feeling that arises. I
remember that a brother abroad used "amazing" to describe his feelings after rebooting. In fact, this
wonderful feeling is the beautiful feeling that he once had but has lost. Lo color r means loser, and
lo color means loss or loss. The protagonist is the loser. At the same time, the protagonist also loses
the pure beauty and innocent happiness. When masturbation starts, all the goodness no longer
exists. A person can choose to burst with positive energy, or choose to burst with negative energy. It
is all determined by one's own behavior. Each time you accumulate negative energy, after rebooting,
positive energy begins to slowly recover, and all positive energy The quality and energy began to
return to me, and that feeling was really wonderful. Masturbation will leave you in a vicious circle
of want, and will never be satisfied. It sucks all your energy like a black hole. After rebooting, it’s a
completely different situation. You will feel a sense of complete satisfaction. You no longer grasp
the pleasure blindly, because you have been filled with complete happiness and happiness, you have
been surrounded by positive energy, you will feel the pure joy, the feeling is far better than the
short-term pleasure of adultery. At a certain moment of epiphany, you will deeply realize that
trading pure joy for the short-term pleasure of adultery is tantamount to trading diamonds for sugar,
and it is also a poisonous candy. You will deeply understand that masturbation is really worthless!

I want to offer a shocking insight, that is: happiness is self-sufficient! When a person does not
recognize this, he will try to find some kind of happiness from the outside to fill the emptiness and
lack in his heart. In the end, he will find that the more filled the emptiness, the more filled the lack,
the more filled the less satisfying , The more filled, the more unhappy, the more filled, the more
painful. Masturbation seriously depletes the precious energy of the body, and what is left is just a
pile of waste, and life is completely panicked and hopeless. When a person quits to a certain level,
he will feel pure joy and joy. At this time, he will suddenly realize that happiness is self-sufficient!
You don’t need to pursue outwards, and you don’t need to look at H to stimulate yourself. When
your mind is restored to purity, true happiness, joy, confidence, satisfaction, beauty and perfection
will naturally emerge from the bottom of your heart like a clear spring. So brilliant, so full of
vitality and aura. Real satisfaction actually comes from rebooting. Rebooting can bring you a pure
and beautiful state of mind, but adultery will only make you nasty and obscene. The short-term
pleasure brought by adultery is just a sense of vain and ethereal, which can’t be left at all. To live,
adultery comes at the expense of energy, so it will inevitably fall into a deeper sense of emptiness
and lack. It is impossible for adultery to bring real satisfaction, such as drinking salty water, the
more you drink, the more you thirsty. And the satisfaction brought by rebooting is lasting and
delicate. Every day is very happy. Every day I can feel the subtle and unspeakable sense of
satisfaction and pleasure. This sense of satisfaction and pleasure is very deep and deep. Persistence,
this is the good feeling you really want.

Step into the text below

There are many articles about the harm of masturbation . I have written many quarters of articles on
the harm before, including all aspects of the symptoms of sperm injury. There are general
summaries and quarters. This season I will talk about masturbation from the perspective of kidney
injury . Harm . Many newcomers don't know the specific harm of masturbation. They are in a
relatively ignorant state. Even if they understand the harm of masturbation , it is not very
comprehensive, deep and systematic. In fact, to truly understand the hazards of masturbation , you
can first study in detail from the perspective of kidney deficiency, so that you can grasp the general
outline of the symptoms of sperm injury, just like a collar, lift the collar, and the whole dress will
slip smoothly.

To get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, it is necessary to understand the hazards of masturbation
, and to understand and recognize the hazards of masturbation as deeply as possible . This can
relieve the doubts in the mind, but also arouse sufficient alertness and lay a solid foundation for
successful rebooting. . If there is insufficient awareness of the dangers of masturbation , then he will
not show the greatest determination to give up. Only when a person is deeply aware of the serious
harm of masturbation can he make the greatest determination. It's like someone secretly put poison
in your rice bowl. You already know it in advance. Will you still eat it? You must definitely not eat.
Once a person has a considerable sense of urgency and crisis, he will go all out to reboot. After he
truly recognizes the harm, his attitude towards rebooting will change qualitatively. Many people are
crazy about masturbation because they are completely ignorant of the harm of masturbation , and
even brainwashed by the harmless theory, so they will masturbate unscrupulously. They don't know
that masturbation is harming themselves! They don't know the consequences of indulgence. They
are completely ignorant and have no concept at all, just like a blind man entering a minefield, and
the consequences can be imagined.

I have known for a long time that kidney deficiency is full of diseases. It was when I was in junior
high school. Although I knew that masturbation would cause kidney deficiency, I also had some
experiences after masturbation, such as low back pain, frequent urination, poor spirits, no eyesight,
increased rhinitis, soft legs, and acne. Outbursts, mental decline, etc., but at that stage, my
understanding and experience were still quite superficial, and no one guided me at that time, and I
was in a stage of ignorance. At that time, I vaguely felt that after masturbation, my health became
poor and my brain power became worse, but at that time I only thought that masturbation would
cause low back pain and frequent urination, and other bad changes were not related to
masturbation . Understanding of the dangers of masturbation Seriously inadequate. It wasn't until
more than ten years later that my body really collapsed—referring to the outbreak of neurosis, life is
worse than death—at this moment when the quality of life was seriously threatened, I desperately
searched for the cause of the disease on the Internet. At this time, I finally met. In traditional
Chinese medicine, I feel that I am too late to meet each other. According to the incisive theory of
Chinese medicine, my various physical and mental injuries have been perfectly answered. Only
then did I truly realize that masturbation like crazy in the past was completely To harm oneself is to
ruin one's spirit, it is really ignorant. Why did I know so late? Why didn't I know the serious harm
of masturbation in the first year or two? Why do I have to wait until my body completely collapsed
before I truly realize the dangers of masturbation ? Why are these three lingering in my heart for a
long time.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is the congenital foundation and the root of
the five internal organs. The growth and senescence of the human body are all determined by the
kidney qi. "Su Wen" says: "My husband is eight years old, has strong kidney qi, and has long teeth;
twenty-eight (16 years old), strong kidney qi, Tiangui Zhizhi, diarrhea, yin and yang harmony, so he
can have children; thirty eight ( 24 years old), average kidney qi, strong muscles and bones, so true
teeth grow and grow extremely long; forty-eight (32 years old), muscles and bones are prosperous,
muscles are full; fifty-eight (40 years old), kidney qi is weak, and teeth have fallen teeth; Sixty-
eight (48 years old), yang qi failure at the top, facial burnt, white hair on the temples; seventy-eight
(56 years old), liver qi failure, muscle failure, depletion, lack of essence, kidney failure, extremely
physical; (64 years old), the teeth will go away. "The kidney qi is full, the growth and development
of the person is better, and the body is strong; the kidney qi is weak, and the person ages
prematurely. Many adolescents rushed out during the developmental period, and used up the energy
used for growth and development. As a result, the physical development was impaired, leaving a
lifelong regret. "Medical Biography" says: "Sufficiency of kidney qi leads to prolonged life, and
failure of kidney qi leads to longevity." The Counselor's Book of Sanyuan Extension says:
"Tianyuan's longevity can be obtained by those who do not consume the essence." Gu Deyun: "The
lustful nature is solid and endless. With a limited life, chasing the boundless lust and self-
destruction. !" The human body has a golden index, this index is "kidney qi value" or "essence qi
value", this value reflects a person's energy level, masturbation will lead to energy loss, depletion to
a certain extent, will lead to disease Get rid of it, and even lead to shortened life span, and even
sudden death.

The "kidney" in the concept of traditional Chinese medicine not only refers to the anatomical
kidney, but also an important organ that has a wide range of physiological functions and is directly
or indirectly related to human reproduction, growth and development, digestion, and endocrine
metabolism. Kidney deficiency is a relatively broad concept, including related diseases of the
urinary system, reproductive system, endocrine and metabolic system, neuropsychiatric system,
digestion, blood, breathing and many other systems. Kidney deficiency may not necessarily be
shown as an organic disease. It may only be a functional problem at the beginning. It is basically
normal to go to the hospital for examination, but many bad changes have indeed occurred. I can see
it personally. The body is already in a sub-healthy state. .

There are many symptoms of kidney deficiency, which are summarized as follows:

Kidney deficiency is manifested in brain power as: decreased memory, decreased understanding,
inattention, insufficient energy, and decreased learning and work efficiency.

Kidney deficiency is manifested in emotional aspects: poor mood, often difficult to control
emotions, irritability, bad temper, loss of patience, and easy impulsivity.

Kidney deficiency is manifested in the aspect of will: lack of self-confidence, lack of confidence,
loss of enthusiasm and motivation for study and work, malaise, lack of goal and direction.

Kidney deficiency is manifested in sexual function: decreased sexual function, impotence and
premature ejaculation, weak erection, firm and short-term, loss of pleasure, weakness of ejaculation,
and impaired ejaculation.

Kidney deficiency is manifested in reproduction as: asthenospermia, azoospermia, azoospermia,

infertility, decreased sperm quality, non-liquefaction, thinning, blood sperm, etc.
Kidney deficiency is manifested in urinary: frequent urination, urinary waiting, bifurcation,
shyness, damp scrotum, urinary foam, weakness of urine, varicocele and so on.

Kidney deficiency is manifested in endocrine: acne outbreak, decreased complexion, dull and dull
skin, rough skin, wrinkles, stains, acne, oily, etc.

The manifestations of kidney deficiency in the nervous system: neurasthenia, autonomic disorders,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, social fear, anxiety, hypochondria, depression, schizophrenia, etc.

The manifestations of kidney deficiency in the digestive system: diarrhea, constipation, unformed
stools, loss of appetite, diarrhea after five changes, loose stools, abdominal distension after eating,
and incomplete grains.

The symptoms of kidney deficiency include:

Premature aging, forgetfulness, insomnia, bone and joint pain, susceptible bones, backaches and
knees, low back pain, sleepiness, fatigue, fatigue, decreased physical fitness, chills or heat, vision
loss, hearing loss, tinnitus, hair loss Gray hair, palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness,
loose teeth, decreased expression ability, stuttering, osteoporosis, small bones, cervical spondylosis,
lumbar spondylosis, premature facial aging, bags under the eyes, dark circles, edema sunken,
protruding cheekbones, premature male baldness , Hyperhidrosis, pharyngitis, puffiness or thinness,

If you compare the symptoms, you will definitely find that you have a lot of symptoms. Kidney is
the root of life. Masturbation is an axe to the root of life. If you just cut off the branches and leaves,
the tree will not die. If it is rooted Cut up, the damage to the tree of life is extremely serious. The
above are the more common symptoms of kidney deficiency. Of course, some of them are not
directly caused but indirectly caused. The kidney is the root of the five internal organs. Just like
after a power outage, all kinds of electrical appliances in the house can no longer be used.
Refrigerators, computers, range hoods, electric fans, and air conditioners can no longer be used. The
kidney essence is like the body's energy store, just like the body's electrical energy, various organs
of the body need the strong support of the kidney essence. Chinese medicine talks about the kidney
as a strong official. Men fight for the kidneys. The deficiency of kidney qi is like a car without
gasoline. When the kidney qi is sufficient, it can be used to enlarge the recruitment. When the
energy is full, you can devote energy When you go to study and work, your efficiency will be
greatly improved.

Many chronic diseases are inextricably related to kidney deficiency. "Rejuvenating all kinds of
diseases" says: "The world only knows that all diseases are born in the heart, but do not know that
all diseases are born in the kidneys." It objectively discusses the imbalance of yin and yang caused
by kidney deficiency. , Thus contracting various diseases, seriously threatening the physical and
mental health of the human body. For many diseases, if you check the cause of this disease, you will
basically find that it is related to the imbalance of the internal organs, and the total root of the
internal organs is the kidney! Kidney deficiency will not only cause various symptoms in the body,
but also mental disorders, and various problems in brain power, emotions, and will. This is actually
the result of a decline in overall energy level. When it drops to a certain value, the body and mind
will fall into a bad cycle. Although some brothers did not suffer from serious chronic diseases, the
various weakness, uncomfortable, decadent, and low-energy sensations caused by kidney deficiency
have made him feel that life is worse than death, and some brothers not only have various physical
conditions. The discomfort tortured him in turn, and the devastation of psychological symptoms
was about to drive him crazy. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, social fear, mental decline,
hypochondria, etc., made him live extremely panicked, like a bird of panic, panic all day long.

[The relationship between the kidney and the four organs of the heart, liver, spleen and lung]

Kidney and heart: Physiologically, the fire of the heart must go down to the kidneys from the top, to
help the kidney yang to warm the kidney water, so that the kidney water is not cold; the water of the
kidney must go up to the heart, to help the heart yin in order to conserve the heart yang and make
the heart fire No hyperactivity, so as to maintain the harmonious balance between water, fire, yin
and yang in the heart, kidney and even the whole body. In Chinese medicine, this relationship
between the heart and the kidney is called the "heart-kidney intersect" or "the combination of water
and fire". Pathologically, if the balance of Yin, Yang, water and fire between the heart and kidney is
disrupted, it is called in Chinese medicine that the heart and kidney are incompatible or the water
and fire are ineffective.

Masturbation leads to loss of kidney qi, and this will lead to heart and kidney disorders. At the
beginning, it may be just a functional problem, and then the severity of the injury will continue to
deepen and worsen. Finally, you may get organic heart disease and reboot. Well, many brothers
have heart discomfort, and serious people have already got heart disease. I remember seeing a case
before. There was a person who smoked a lot. He had no major problems before, but when he was
forty years old, his heart suddenly failed. When he went to see the doctor, he was notified that he
would have a heart bypass operation. The harm of smoking accumulates imperceptibly, as is the
harm of masturbation . Some time ago, a brother had a heart problem. He used to pump it almost
every day, sometimes several times a day. I remember that when I masturbated more frequently, my
heart was painful. My feeling was tingling. I suddenly felt a tingling pain in my chest. The feeling
was very uncomfortable. I didn’t dare to let go of my movements when I walked. I was always
cautious and afraid. A certain blood vessel in the heart suddenly bursts, so it’s so cool, and I’m
going to enter the morgue...I have quit until now, the heart problem has almost never appeared
again, and the heart and kidneys are originally in a coordinated balance. In the state of
masturbation, the loss of kidney qi by masturbation will cause this balance to be disrupted. If the
damage is severe, heart disease may break out. I still remember a patient I talked to a few years ago.
He had the habit of staying up late to masturbate. He eventually developed cardiac neurosis. His
heartbeat sometimes rushed to 220. That heart, pounding, like a hundred in the chest. It’s too scary
for me to sprint.

Kidney and liver: The relationship between liver and kidney is extremely close. There are sayings
that "kidney is the mother of liver", "liver and kidney are homologous", and "sperm and blood are
homologous". The liver stores blood, the kidneys store essence, essence can produce blood, and
blood can transform essence, and the two biochemically interact with each other. Liver blood
depends on the funding of the kidney essence, the kidney essence is enough to make the liver blood
prosperous, the kidney essence also depends on the nourishment of the liver blood, the liver blood is
prosperous, the kidney essence is full. It is precisely because the essence and blood can interact with
each other, so the essence of the kidney and the blood of the liver are the same for prosperity, and
the same for decay. Therefore, it is common to see the deficiency of liver and kidney, and
deficiency of both essence and blood in clinical practice.

Chinese medicine talks about the liver as the officer of the general! The liver opens up to the eyes!
Deficiency of the liver and kidneys is prone to myopia, floaters, etc. Some brothers have poor eye-
use habits, and coupled with crazy masturbation, it didn't take long for them to find that their
eyesight had deteriorated. Many people will also have floaters afterwards. I have also experienced
them. There is a certain relationship between floaters and long-term liver damage. If you have been
facing the computer, you will be prone to floaters over time. Of course, the appearance of floaters
and the bad habit of masturbation It is also closely related. The liver is responsible for storing
blood. There is a sentence in the "Huangdi Neijing", "Lying down means the blood returns to the
liver". "Lying down" means sleeping. If a person falls asleep, the whole body's blood will return to
the liver, and the liver will store blood. From the perspective of western medicine, the liver is
detoxifying. If a person’s sleep is good, the liver can get a good rest. If a person stays up late and
masturbates, it will have a very bad effect on the liver. When there is insufficient liver blood, the
person will be very irritable and will Often loses temper. Many brothers have reported that their
tempers have deteriorated after masturbation, and they are easy to get angry. This is not only a
manifestation of kidney essence loss, but also a sign of liver blood deficiency. The essence and
blood are intergrowth. "The liver can be seen by blood" means that if the liver is bloody enough,
people can see things, so when people look dim, it is actually a sign of insufficient liver blood. "The
feet can walk with blood." If the feet can be nourished by blood, they can walk. "The palm can be
held by blood." If the palm is full of qi and blood, a person will have grip strength. "The finger can
be taken by the blood". The function of ingestion is to take things with the fingers. This is a
relatively delicate movement, especially needlework requires extremely high precision. If you take
things with stability and precision, that is An elephant of liver and blood. Shakiness, head shaking,
etc., are actually signs of insufficient liver blood. Many patients with sperm injury will involuntarily
tremble their hands, which may even affect writing and holding things. I believe many brothers will
have personal experience of it. When rebooting for a period of time , This kind of hand shaking will
alleviate and disappear. The liver is in the body and the muscles are combined, and the flower is in
the claws. If the liver blood is insufficient, the blood will not nourish the muscles and the hands will
be trembling. If the liver and kidney are both deficient, dizziness, dizziness, and numbness of the
limbs are prone to occur. Many brothers have reported that they are prone to dizziness after
ejaculation. Some people say that their fingers will become numb, especially the little finger. It is
very numb.

Kidney and spleen: The relationship between kidney and spleen is mainly manifested in congenital
and acquired mutual reproductive and mutual promotion. The kidney is the congenital foundation,
and the spleen is the acquired foundation. Congenital warmth, nurture, nurture. If the kidney yang is
insufficient, the spleen yang cannot be warmed up, or the spleen yang is insufficient for a long time,
which damages the kidneys, which can lead to cold pain in the abdomen, loose stools, diarrhea, or
even diarrhea.

The spleen is the foundation of acquired nature and the source of qi and blood biochemistry. "Su
Wen" said: "The spleen and stomach are the official of the warehouse." The famous doctor Li
Dongyuan pointed out in his "Spleen and Stomach Theory": "Injury to the spleen and stomach, all
diseases arise." Injury to the spleen and stomach will affect the biochemistry of qi and blood, and
the body. Of course, various diseases are prone to occur. The relationship between the spleen and
the kidney is the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth. . Later on, digestive function will
definitely go wrong. This has almost become an iron law in terms of injury. I had constipation in
high school, and later I had diarrhea and bowel movements. I also went to the hospital many times
because of gastrointestinal problems. I have seen a doctor and have undergone colonoscopy,
showing mild enteritis. At that time, I took a lot of medicines and it didn’t get better. During that
time, I basically took the medicines for the treatment of the stomach and intestines. I took it three
times a day, and it only improved slightly. Because I was still masturbating during that time, no
treatment was effective. My condition has been unstable, and I was diagnosed with "Irritable Bowel
Syndrome". In short, I was very troubled by gastrointestinal problems and often went to the big
hospital. Thinking about it now, I was really ignorant at that time. If masturbation hurts the kidney
yang, the digestive function will naturally be bad. If the bad habit of masturbation is not completely
quit, it will be difficult to really improve the digestive function.
Kidney and lung: The relationship between kidney and lung is mainly manifested in two aspects:
water metabolism and respiratory movement. In terms of water metabolism, the lungs control the
waterway, which is the source of water, and the lung qi is subdued, so that the water descends to the
kidneys. The kidneys are the main organs of water. The kidney qi is promoted and the kidney yang
is transpired. . The lungs and kidneys work together to ensure the normal distribution and excretion
of human body fluids. In terms of breathing exercise, the lung governs breathing and is the master
of qi, and the kidney governs the absorption of qi, and is the root of qi. The lung and kidney
coordinate to maintain normal respiratory function.

Insufficient kidney qi, insufficient kidney yang, loss of qi transformation, fluid stoppage, spreading
to the lungs, causing loss of lungs, causing water fluid infusion and excretion disorders, coughing,
asthma, oliguria, edema and other symptoms . Therefore, "Su Wen" says: "The essence is in the
kidneys, and the end is in the lungs." Many brothers should have this experience. After indulging in
masturbation for a period of time, they will find themselves experiencing shortness of breath and
breathing out and out of breath. Although the main body lies in the lungs, the root lies in the
kidneys. The kidney qi is sufficient, so the lung qi is inflated. Conversely speaking, the loss of
kidney qi cannot help the lungs to inhale. The patient will feel that the inhalation is superficial and
not deep enough, and it will be breathless after a little activity. , Too tired, at this time, I will be very
amazed at the state of being alive and flying upstairs before masturbation. After masturbation, it
really feels like the river is going down, especially for those who do not have good exercise habits,
the feeling will be more obvious. After masturbation, people’s immunity and resistance will
decrease, people will become susceptible to colds, and then some people will get rhinitis, asthma,
etc., and some people will get pneumothorax. One of the causes of pneumothorax is kidney qi
Weakness causes the lung guard to be weak, vulnerable to evil invasion, and the lung fails to declare
and descend and get sick. A brother sent a photo of the surgical incision of a pneumothorax before,
which was quite scary. "Su Wen" says: "The kidney governs water, and it is hidden by the essence
of the internal organs." A person masturbates, in fact, draining the essence of the internal organs,
which can easily lead to the imbalance of the internal organs, and then it will develop. Many people
suffer from various diseases, and afterwards, many people feel that there is no good place in the
whole body. It is not uncomfortable here, or uncomfortable there. It will be uncomfortable for a
while, and it will be uncomfortable for a while. . A true wise man will definitely disdain a slap,
because stubbing is hurting himself! Stupid people don't understand. They are just harming
themselves without knowing it. Maybe they won't be able to repent until a serious illness is

[One of the exquisite experience of kidney deficiency: kidney deficiency can cause allergies]

Allergic diseases include allergic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, allergic purpura, etc. I
have had allergic rhinitis, asthma, urticaria, and skin scratch syndrome. For allergic diseases, only
relying on anti-allergic is not cure, anti-allergic is to treat the symptoms but not the root cause.
Allergies are the body’s response to invading pathogens, but not enough to get rid of the pathogens.
Anti-allergic is to inhibit the body’s response. Preventing the human body from allergic symptoms
does not substantially improve the body's resistance. The human body's resistance and immunity is
the defense qi in Chinese medicine, which is a part of the body's yang qi, which is promulgated by
the lung qi and distributed on the body surface to resist external evils. Wei Qi is rooted in the kidney
qi, and the strength of the kidney qi determines the strength of the Wei Qi. To improve the body's
resistance, it is necessary to inflate the kidney qi and allow the Wei qi to be replenished from the
source, so as to better protect the body surface and resist the invasion of external evils, so as to
prevent the occurrence of allergies. The "Huangdi Neijing" says: "The righteous qi is inside, and the
evil cannot be done; where the evil is, the qi must be empty." The root of the human body's
righteousness is the kidney qi, and masturbation is to vent the righteousness! Masturbation is to
accumulate negative energy! Some people are born with allergic physique, but there are many
people who were originally in good health. As the degree of injury continues to deepen, they have
also become allergic and have urticaria, and some people have purpura, Psoriasis and so on. There
was no allergic rhinitis in the first place, but gradually got it. Allergic rhinitis originally existed.
After indulging in masturbation, the condition became more serious. Kidney deficiency and
allergies are closely related. Many Chinese medicine practitioners have talked about this problem.
When you raise your feet and kidney qi, allergies will be greatly alleviated, and the number of
illnesses will be reduced a lot. I have quit now, my asthma, cholinergic urticaria and skin scratches
have been cured, and rhinitis will occasionally occur, but it will soon return to normal. Traditional
Chinese medicine says: Kidney Qi can eliminate all diseases! When the kidney qi is sufficient, the
resistance will rise, just like a country's national defense is strong, it is difficult for foreign evil to

[Exquisite Experience of Kidney Deficiency II: Kidney Deficiency and Heel Pain]

Many patients with kidney deficiency have heel pain, the main manifestations are walking pain,
standing pain for a long time, pain aggravated when tired, and pain aggravated in the afternoon and
evening. The reason why the sperm injury can cause heel pain is that the Foot Shaoyin Kidney
Meridian starts under the little toe of the foot, obliquely toward the center of the foot (Yongquan),
under the scaphoid trochanter, after passing the medial malleolus, and entering the heel. The heel is
the place where the kidney meridian of Foot Shaoyin passes. If a person’s kidneys are full of
essence and qi can nourish the heel through the meridian, then the heel will be nourished and
naturally will not be painful; if a person’s kidney essence is insufficient, they are unable to produce
marrow filling Bone, heel will lose nutrition, and pain will appear immediately. People with heel
pain are often accompanied by symptoms such as weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness,
tinnitus, and hearing loss. Masturbation causes the loss of kidney essence to a certain extent, and it
can't fill the heel, then you will see heel pain. I have also experienced heel pain, but fortunately, it is
not very serious. Generally, after a period of recuperation, the performance of heel pain will
gradually relieve and disappear. If the heel pain persists, it is best to see a Chinese medicine
treatment. Always pay attention to the way of health, avoid staying up late and sitting for a long
time and tired. Brothers who have heel pain can try rubbing the Taixi and Dazhong acupoints, or try
Chinese medicine foot bathing and moxibustion.

[Kidney deficiency exquisite experience three: the decline of the ability to hold back urine]

In elementary school, everyone should have the experience that a pee can hold a class. Back then,
the wind urinates three feet. Now, when the kidney qi is sufficient, the ability to hold urine is strong,
and the impulse to urinate is sufficient. After the loss of kidney qi, the ability to hold back urine is
much lower than before. Many brothers have a slow time before going to the toilet soon after
drinking water. Everyone should know that the elderly cannot hold back urine, because the kidney
qi has been extremely weakened, and the ability to fix it is greatly reduced. If you have a urge to
urinate, you generally need to go to the toilet immediately. However, many young people now have
symptoms of the elderly. On the one hand, the ability to hold urine is severely reduced. On the other
hand, they cannot urinate completely and lose their energy. A big man is still urinating on his pants,
which is quite embarrassing then. The principle of weak urine and weak ejaculation is the same. It
is caused by the loss of kidney qi. Just like an air gun, you can’t push out if you don’t have enough
qi. You can only drip down the urethra.

[Fourth of delicate experience of kidney deficiency: dark complexion, decreased brightness]

The complexion caused by kidney deficiency is dark, often dull and dull, and looks unclean and not
clear at all, like a layer of soot. Masturbation hurts the essence to a certain extent, reflected on the
face, the complexion will become dull, first the brightness will decrease, and then the clarity will
decrease. The skin originally has a layer of pure luster, and there is a ring of essence around the
person, but you are indulging in masturbation. Afterwards, a large amount of energy is lost, and the
face will become dark and dirty. Some people are born with darker skin, but look healthier and
clearer. This blackness is not the same as the Mu-black of kidney deficiency. Others like to
sunbathe, so the skin will turn black. This blackness is associated with kidney deficiency. Mu Hei is
also different. Muhei of kidney deficiency is dark, dirty, dull, and smoky. Traditional Chinese
medicine talks about the kidney resuscitation to the ear, and the color and luster of the ear can also
reflect whether the kidney essence is sufficient. If the color of the ear helix appears black and lacks
luster, it is also one of the manifestations of kidney deficiency. The ears are dusty and look gray,
dirty, and dull, indicating a kidney deficiency and lack of energy. There is a saying in the photo
book that "the ears are white, the name is heavy," the ears should be white, but not pale, but white
and shiny. People with kidney deficiency will also have light on their face, but it is not pure and
clear luster, but oily. This kind of oily shine is not a good phenomenon, and there is a feeling of oily
dirt. In ancient times, it was said that a clear and noble face was a good face, while a kidney-
deficiency face was often a muddy face. People with a discerning eye would know it at a glance.

[Kidney Deficiency and Delicate Experience #5: The courage becomes smaller, and I am
inexplicably afraid]

"Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "People have the five internal organs to transform the
five qi, to produce happiness, anger, worry and fear." The corresponding relationship between
emotion and the five internal organs is: the heart is the will for joy, the liver is for the will for anger,
the spleen is for the will for thinking, the lung is for the will for worry, and the kidney is for the will
for fear. Kidney governing fear has two meanings. On the one hand, it means that it can damage the
kidney. On the other hand, it means that fear is a manifestation of kidney deficiency. If a person
feels fear for no reason, it often means that there is a problem of kidney deficiency. When a person
has enough kidney qi, he often feels a sense of vigor, and he is also very confident, and he is not
afraid at all, but when a person loses kidney qi to a certain extent, he starts to be inexplicably afraid,
and then he is afraid of this. I am afraid of that, and the content of the fear may be strange to
ordinary people, or even unreasonable. Many brothers actually have the experience of becoming
less courageous, and their mentality is normal and healthy. However, as the negative energy of evil
and obscenity accumulates, as the kidney qi is constantly depleted, a strange feeling of fear will
gradually appear, and then will You are shrouded like a dark cloud above your head, and your whole
life is plunged into complete panic and anxiety.

[Kidney Deficiency and Delicate Experience #6: Yawning frequently]

Everyone looks at the image of opium ghosts in the old society, which looks like a yawn, and now
many drug addicts also look listless. It is normal to yawn a few times in the morning or when you
are tired and sleepy, but if you yawn more often, consider the manifestations of kidney deficiency.
The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says: "When the five qi is sick, the kidney is due to lack of
sneezes." The kidney is the innate foundation, and the essence stored in the kidney is the driving
force of the human body’s life activities. With sufficient kidney essence, a person’s spirit and body
can be adequately nourished, and he is energetic; if the kidney essence is insufficient, the person’s
vitality If the spirit and body are not adequately nourished, they will be depressed and exhausted,
often yawning again and again, and look particularly spiritless, as if not waking up. Many brothers
said that they became like a zombie after being slapped, with an expression like a hanged ghost,
yawning from time to time, and decadent like a drug addict. Masturbation is actually taking
pornographic drugs. Afterwards, it must be a feeling of being drained and hollowed out. He has no
roots at the bottom of his feet, his expression is dull, his eyes are dumbfounded, in a trance,
muddled, and miserable. When you shoot a zombie movie with that kind of expression, you don’t
need to put on makeup. As long as you go to the cemetery in the middle of the night, you will get
the Oscar's best actor.

[Seventh experience of exquisite kidney deficiency: the body emits a rancid smell]

Brothers who really have in-depth experience will definitely discover the fact that people who
masturbate will get stinky, sweat will become very smelly, feet will also be particularly stinky, body
odor, bad breath, nose odor, in short, all kinds of odors. ! "Su Wen" says: "The north is black, it
enters the kidneys, opens the resuscitation in the second yin, and hides the essence in the kidneys. It
is rancid." People with kidney deficiency often exude a rancid smell, especially in some patients
with kidney disease. The kidney is like a filter. Every day, about 1500-1800 liters of blood are
filtered by the kidney. The kidney is like a "cleaning factory" for the human body. It continuously
filters the blood, expelling waste and excess water from the body to form urine. Many people feel
that they are dirty and smelly after masturbation, just like a smelly river. After the loss of kidney qi,
the kidney filter will not be able to exert its best performance. On the one hand, endocrine disorders
will appear, and the other is Toxins cannot be discharged, so the body will become dirty and smelly.
Masturbation is the corruption of the soul, and it will eventually manifest as the body's rancidity.
Rebooting is a kind of purification, and it will eventually emit the true fragrance of rebooting. Look
at the children, they have a pure fragrance. The body will also be fragrant. As the saying goes:
rebooting gentlemen are like orchids, and don't get the fragrance of evil kings!

Final summary:

"The Secret Record of Feng's Tips": "Those who are good enough to survive all diseases, and those
who are poor will rise up." Kidney deficiency is a broad concept, including various disorders of the
body's various systems. The kidney is the internal organs and six internal organs. The total root of
the body, the total energy store of the body, many brothers go to the Chinese medicine doctor, and
the Chinese medicine doctor knows that his kidney is weak. I have seen a case before. The patient
had a strong sexual desire and had sex with his wife in three days. However, a pulse in Chinese
medicine showed a pulse of kidney deficiency, and his body did show some symptoms of kidney
deficiency. Therefore, strong libido does not mean that there is no kidney deficiency, but sometimes
it is a manifestation of deficiency and hyperactivity. The kidney qi is sufficient, and disease
resistance is strong. When the kidney qi is deficient, various diseases will come to you. The kidney
is extremely important and critical in the theories of Chinese medicine or Western medicine. The
kidney is like the root of a tree, masturbating It's just throwing an axe at the root of life, which is
very terrible! The harm of masturbation is too great, and this kind of harm is cumulative, and it will
bring you a big crash when it accumulates to a certain extent! Then there will be thunderstorms.

Recently, there is a piece of news that has attracted widespread attention. After a continuous
indulgence, a certain NBA star suddenly fell into a coma and became unconscious, accompanied by
stroke and organ failure. He not only used drugs, drank alcohol, but also took aphrodisiac drugs 10
times in 3 days. This reminds me of Master Yin Guang’s instructions: “Take aphrodisiac medicine
regularly and have sex frequently. This is the way to quick death.” Sure enough, it was verified!
Master Xuyun has a very good lesson in "Song of the Leather Bag", that is, "Indulgence and greed
will eventually degenerate." Maybe many people think that they are strong and shouldn't have
troubles, but it is precisely this kind of people who are the most prone to accidents. Everyone
should know that many drowned people can swim. "Huainanzi" says: "Husbands who are good at
wandering drown, and those who are good riders fall. Each takes his own good, but he does harm to
himself." You can ask those who are abolished. Many of them are before they are abolished. I also
feel that I am very strong, and I never expected that I would have such a day. No matter how strong
the body is, it will gradually decline, and indulgence will greatly accelerate the process of decline.
To be honest, being strong does not mean health. The former national bodybuilding champion Long
Yunlei has passed away, leukemia! Eight Olympics champion Ronnie Cullman was hospitalized
three times this year, underwent major surgery, and had steel nails in his bones. If he didn't undergo
surgery, even walking normally would be a problem, and he was only in his early fifties. When you
are strong, you will never think that your body will collapse. Being strong sometimes leads to blind
self-confidence and paranoia. Many people will use the strong for wickedness, mad karma, and
black books. What will the end result be? It speaks for itself.

In fact, many brothers have experienced a sense of near-death. When this happens, they are often
indulged for several days or several times a day, almost desperately, madly, completely lost. When
energy consumption reaches a critical point, there will be a phenomenon: sudden death! It's like the
computer suddenly crashes. I remember the last time a brother said that he had been fainted in the
bathroom, and it took a long time to recover. He felt very scared. Some brothers were so frightened
that their hearts were beating wildly, scaring him to death. The well-known doctor Sun Simiao once
pointed out: "If you posture and desire, you will have the same demon." The ignorant is fearless,
and the ignorant does not know the consequences of crazy indulgence. "The Eight Notes of
Zunsheng" says: "If the essence of life is dissipated, disease will follow, and death will follow."
There are actually many cases of stroke, diabetes and sudden death caused by indulgence. The axe
and saw also.” Many people in modern times foolishly think that sex is their own welfare!
Completely upside down, this is a manifestation of ignorance.

In the end, you will find that as long as you hit it, you will feel pain sooner or later. Only by fully
experiencing the painful torture can you truly recognize this. Eventually you will realize that
happiness is inherently self-sufficient, and you don’t need to get happiness through masturbation,
masturbation will only lead to a deeper sense of emptiness. The more you fill this emptiness, you
will feel a greater emptiness. Because this is a bottomless pit that will never be filled, it will only
make you fall into a deeper vicious circle. When you completely abstain from sex, happiness, joy,
self-confidence and completeness will naturally emerge. Really pure and beautiful happiness cannot
be brought about by sex. High-level great happiness can only be achieved and realized through
abstinence! Remember: Happiness is self-sufficient! When you are no longer slapped, you will
naturally enter a pure and beautiful state.

I recommend a reboot poem below

"The Last Redemption"

Pure people have the most aura

Once it starts to commit adultery

You will find

I have lost some of the most precious qualities

That pure and sacred brilliance

Disappeared from you

You smashed the most beautiful things

When you were a kid

There was no evil thought for a day

Every day at that time was very happy

Until you fall, that kind of happiness is gone

You are locked into the low frequency vibration of wickedness

Waiting for you is no different than a disaster

You are not you, you are just a puppet of the heart demon

You are not you, you are just a stubborn meat machine

You are deceiving yourself, you are making excuses for depravity

You are escaping from reality, you are an addict

Your addiction is getting stronger every day

Your body and mind are falling down day by day

You feed your own demon again and again

The demons are becoming more and more perverted

You have fallen into a beast

The dirt of adultery makes you very dirty

You have lost the original purity of life

Pain has surrounded you mercilessly

Pure power must be turned on again

Liberate yourself, break free from the shackles of adultery

Get rid of the control of the demons and be a real free man

The time for purification has arrived

An epic reboot is about to be staged

Clench your fist, fight against the slavery of the inner demon

Tell yourself: you don't need to slap it! You can quit completely!

Take out the most ruthless and strongest determination

Resolutely get rid of Lu Guan, from a beast to a human!

Recommend a book below

"Seeing the World Through Dharma": One of today's most influential spiritual teachers, Khenpo
Shia Rongbo's latest masterpiece in 2014, dedicated to those who are looking for answers-"Seeing
the World Through Dharma", 180 Questions, answer your life puzzles. Encounter a better self
through Buddhism. Due to the limitation of our own perspective, we are always unable to get along
well with ourselves and others, and we continue to feel anxiety and pain. Khenpo Shiarungbo took
these representative troubles and confusions as his entry point. "Seeing the World Through
Buddhism" leads us to re-understand our inner and outer worlds from the perspective of Buddhism.
In this era of drastic changes in technology and lifestyles, people’s worries have become more
intense, even falling into the shadow of depression due to confusion and contradictions. Anyone
who has come into contact with Khenpo Shiarongbo will be infected by his laughter and joy. The
book "Seeing the World Through Dharma", between the lines, also reveals the compassion, wisdom
and freedom of Khenpo Shia Rongbo, a Dzogchen achiever.

He Jing (host of CCTV's "Tell the Truth"): "I don't know from what day, many poems with the
name of Cangyang Gyatso suddenly became popular, but I don't think we understand Cangyang
Gyatso! Although I can’t find his secret meaning, but I’m sure his poems are not love poems. Until
the summer of 2014, a copy of "Seeing the World Through Buddhism" finally let me find Cangyang
Gyatso buried in his poems Secret meaning."
Season 100: The Five-Year Experience of Rebooting


Winter is a season for essence collection. The weather is relatively cold, the recovery of the body
will also slow down, and the symptoms are easy to recur. Several brothers have reported that the
recovery of the body is not obvious after entering the winter. If you hide and grow well in the
winter, there will be a brand new breakthrough in the recovery of your body in the spring of the
coming year. Now it is like accumulating upward breakthrough energy, and the transformation can
be completed when it accumulates to a certain extent. Some brothers will say that they don’t seem
to feel the recovery. In fact, he is recovering, but he can’t feel it for the time being. This is like the
growth of a tree. After a few years of growth and accumulation, there will be a more obvious
change. When the illness goes away, it may not feel obvious for a short time, or even regress, but as
long as you persist in rebooting and keeping in good health, your body's recovery will be on the
right track gradually. The process of abolition is a process from quantitative change to qualitative
change. The process of recovery is also like this. The process of recovery is not smooth. Slow and
stable. In winter, you must pay attention to keep warm, exercise moderately, and then strengthen the
health regimen. Before a brother had stopped for 20 months and his body improved little. He did
not do well in health regimen and recovery, which led to unsatisfactory recovery. Recovery is also a
systematic project. , I must study the content of health preservation more and work harder on health

Everyone should have heard of winter training. Winter training occupies a pivotal position in all
training and is the top priority in the training competition plan throughout the year. All sports teams
attach great importance to winter training. Winter training is a good preparation for the upcoming
new season. Basically, physical fitness reserve is the focus of winter training. Winter training is the
most important energy reserve stage. The quality of winter training determines the athlete's athletic
state next year. I have seen a report of a famous athlete before, and his performance has been greatly
improved after a few winter trainings. The same goes for us to reboot and maintain health. If we
reboot and raise well this winter, the coming year will be like a tiger going down the mountain,
unstoppable. The winter training of rebooting consists in nurturing energy, accumulating energy,
and reducing consumption. If you relapse wildly this winter, you will probably be in a state of
malaise next year. After the energy is depleted, people will be like a frustrated ball. So this winter is
very important. We must try to avoid relapse, and then we must Strengthen health preservation, this
is a season of recharging, energy is sufficient, and the next year will be the phenomenon of
destruction and power.

Share some cases below

1. [Strict abstinence is only two months away to two years! People are getting more and more
energetic and happier! Every day stands a round pile. From the hell of depression, autism, social
fear, compulsive thinking, and extreme low self-esteem, to the paradise of self-confidence,
happiness, positivity, and full of power! ! Realized the truth that ordinary people can't know for a
lifetime, just as Teacher Feixiang said! ! ! Here comes the top post! Thanks to Teacher Feixiang and
friends who promote rebooting! 】

Additional comment: There are two kinds of abstinence in this world, the first one: abstinence who
does not know how to cultivate the mind; the second one: abstinence who knows how to cultivate
the mind! If it is the first type, then the more abstinence, the more painful, the more abstinence, the
more depressing; if it is the second type, the more abstinence, the happier, and the more abstinence,
the more detached. Most people in the world only know the first type of abstinence, so many people
will oppose abstinence. Our rebooting is a staged abstinence. Through the experience of premarital
abstinence, on the one hand, energy can be preserved and transformed, which is conducive to the
struggle and struggle of school and career. On the other hand, we can learn to be the masters of
desires, so as to achieve the best I stayed with myself until after marriage. In the 60s, 70s, 80s, and
early 90s, the mainstream concept at that time was still premarital abstinence. Young people at that
time also generally accepted the concept of premarital abstinence. At that time, most young people
were full of energy and spirits. Nowadays, many young people have become hostile and disgraced
because of wicked adultery. They are completely like wicked grey people, and even give people the
feeling of walking corpses. The adulterer is accumulating negative energy, which will inevitably
cause pain, which is inevitable. Many newcomers have misunderstandings in their thinking, so they
worry that abstinence is not good. If it is the first type of abstinence, it may indeed cause harm to
the body, because adultery is a secret omission. When Chinese medicine talks about heartbeat, you
will go on your own and beware of adultery. When occupying the head, it has already caused
damage. Many people have repeated symptoms after indulging in adultery. Strong abstinence will
only lead to more and more depression. Therefore, the first type of abstinence is not advocated, and
the second type of abstinence I advocate. "The Ancient Chinese Medicine of Circular Movement"
says: "The kidney water does not contain too much disease. The more the kidney water can seal the
storage, the more the yang roots. It’s also firm.” The second type of abstinence is completely
legitimate and reasonable. We must learn to cultivate the mind when rebooting. Cultivation of the
mind is also the core of rebooting. New people just start rebooting, so they must learn more about
rebooting articles and correct all the misunderstandings in their minds about rebooting, so that they
can lay a good foundation for rebooting. This brother has been quitting for almost two years,
becoming more and more energetic and happier, returning from hell to heaven! He truly realized the
benefits of abstinence, and at the same time he also realized the truth. His current physical and
mental state has been completely reborn. When a person starts rebooting, his own self-sufficient
happiness will slowly emerge. The rebooting person has a natural self-confidence and confidence,
which can't be bought for any amount of money.

2. [I have been abstaining for almost 3 months. Now it is a joy from the heart. There is not much
time for the postgraduate entrance examination, and I am not overly nervous. It is good to rest every
day, and I dare to look into each other’s eyes when I talk to girls. , I still dare to communicate with
strangers. I didn't even dare to think about it before. Now that the positive energy is bursting every
day, I want to concentrate on doing my own thing and focus on the present. After the postgraduate
entrance examination, I will systematically learn the health regimen and traditional culture. I know
that my current physical and mental state is all brought to me by rebooting. I never want to go back
to the haunting state of the past. rebooting is really good. . 】

Additional comment: After rebooting, happiness emerges from the heart like a spring of water.
When the lustful heart is cleared, there will be a feeling of infinite calmness. This calmness comes
from the openness of the heart and the ground. This is a kind of calmness with a clear conscience.
Rebooting can give you absolute righteousness and confidence to look at anyone. You can also talk
with strangers, so freely and confidently. I really don’t reboot, I don’t know how cool it is to reboot!
Ordinary people still think that it is not uncomfortable for you to restrain your rebooting. They think
that abstinence will be particularly depressing, painful and uncomfortable. This is really a big
misunderstanding of rebooting. Some time ago, a brother said that rebooting is more than 1,000
times more refreshing than quitting. The great refreshment of rebooting can last for a whole day, a
month, or even more than a year, while the pleasure of quitting can only last for a short while. Color
will make you enter a state of transcendence, allowing you to see completely different landscapes
and feel completely different happiness, and the short pleasure of arrogance will only lead you to
panic and pain, and in the end, it will inevitably be symptomatic and empty of people and wealth. .
This brother said that he was full of positive energy every day. It turned out that when he had sex,
his whole body exuded the negative energy and hostility of evil, but after he started rebooting, his
whole body exuded full of positive energy and self-confidence. Anyone who came into contact with
him , Will be deeply impressed by the positive energy emanating from him. In the past, it was a
muddle-headed and terrible state of mind. His eyes were dull, his temperament was wretched, and
his expression and demeanor were like zombies. After rebooting, the state of mind and body will be
refreshed, and the joy and beauty of rebooting will slowly manifest. The "Golden Immortal
Syndrome" says: "The essence of the husband is the beauty of all things, that is, the treasure of life
and life. The most beautiful of all things is called the essence. People who have their essence will
live, and people will die without their essence. Therefore, the essence of life is the source of life.
"Kidney essence is the treasure of health and life. We must understand the way to reboot and
preserve essence. The essence of kidney essence is energy. Energy consumption leads to pain, and
full energy opens up pure great happiness. "Rebooting is really beautiful." This brother's sentence
sums it up very well. Adultery will destroy the beauty of life. Only after rebooting can you feel the
lost beauty again. "Night by the Furnace" said: "Teach your children to be upright and upright when
they are young." It also said: "If you have an evil desire, it is not difficult for those who are
extremely unwilling to do things in their lives. Therefore, licentiousness is the first of all evil." The
purpose of abstaining from adultery is profound! A dignified Chinese man, he must be ruthless!

3. [Before July, although masturbation was frequent, but there was no acne. Although the eyes were
absent, the facial features were still beautiful. Starting from August, the acne grew wildly, and until
today, the cheeks are covered with acne. It is completely disfigured. The spirit of the year has
disappeared. I am very scared, afraid that I will be disfigured more severely. I don't even dare to
look directly at myself in the mirror with acne. 】

Additional comment: It is indeed an open secret to be ugly, and to be disfigured. If you don’t know
this secret, it’s really OUT! Acne develops after looting, on the one hand, it depends on the
individual's physique, and on the other hand, it depends on the degree of injury. When the injury
reaches a certain level, the acne problem may intensively erupt, and it may really be disfigured at
that time. I remember when I went to Shanghai Huashan Hospital to see acne when I was in high
school, the doctor said that he had endocrine disorders, and he prepared a few bottles of medicine.
The effect was not very good, because at that time I was still licking the tube, although I didn’t
know it at that time. Although it is closely related to acne, it can be clearly felt that after madly
rubbing the tube, acne will erupt in a concentrated manner. It does cause endocrine disorders, which
can be particularly obvious in certain physiques. In Chinese medicine, the human body is an organic
whole, and the parts of the face have a certain corresponding relationship with the various organs. If
the viscera is out of balance, It can easily lead to the formation of acne. The kidney is the root of the
five internal organs. The kidney stores the essence and the essence of the internal organs. If a person
vents violently, the internal organs are prone to disorders, which will naturally reflect on the face.
There is a false statement that many ignorant people think that licking the tube can eliminate fire
and acne. In fact, after ejaculation or when you wake up in the morning, the acne looks like it has
gone down, but this is just an illusion. Ejaculation will cause energy. The acne will be reduced
temporarily, and the acne will look smaller after a night’s rest in the morning without drinking
water, but the general rule is that the acne will disappear first and then explode, and you will find it
soon Acne began to erupt violently, and this type of acne is not a good master. They have deep
roots, and sometimes a large swelling on the face suddenly makes it hard to the touch. Keep
rebooting and health, take active exercise, keep a light diet, and don’t stay up late. If you persist for
a period of time, the acne problem is expected to be relieved and resolved. Some time ago, a brother
rebooted for two months and sent a comparison photo of his acne. The acne problem was greatly
improved, and he was handsome again. Acne problems do affect a person's appearance, especially
severe acne, which is undoubtedly disfigured. Although some brothers do not have acne problems,
their hair loss problem is very serious. Some people have neither acne problems nor hair loss
problems, but his complexion is very bad, his eyes are dull, his eyelids are drooping, dark circles
and bags under his eyes. , The temperament is wretched. Because of the difference in physique and
the degree of injury to each person, the bad changes shown on the head and face have their own
emphases, and they are also different from person to person. To restore a pure and handsome face,
rebooting is the fundamental, purification of the soul is the key, and mutuality is born from the
heart! When the soul is restored to purity, the corresponding appearance and temperament are
naturally delicate and handsome.

4. [I used to naively thought that arbitrage can not only refresh but also help sleep. Until I got
neurosis, I didn't know how terrible it is to sleep without sleep. Sadly, even sleeping has become a
luxury! It's envious to see others sleeping beautifully. Now that we reboot for more than 400 days, it
can be said that earth-shaking changes have taken place. I can fall asleep too, so happy! Thank you,
Brother Feixiang, thank you for rebooting. This platform has given me a chance to be a new person!

Additional comment: I remember when I was in high school, I was accustomed to having a shot
before going to bed. Generally, I felt tired and even yawned again and again after stunned, so that I
could fall asleep. When the degree of sperm injury is relatively shallow, it is easy to fall asleep
before going to bed, but as the degree of injury deepens, especially after neurosis, the more you
can’t fall asleep, and it will be quite painful at that time. And tormented. A brother once used three
words to describe that state: living hell! It's quite painful and difficult. Some people will go to see
Huang Luguan because they can't sleep. This is tantamount to falling into a vicious circle again. In
addition, I don’t know if you have noticed that using a tube before going to bed can easily cause
you to be unable to get up the next day, and it can also easily affect your mental state the next day.
When you can get a good night’s sleep, you will feel that it’s okay. When you get neurotic and fall
into the torment of insomnia, then you will feel that a good night’s sleep is a great thing.
Extravagant hopes and happiness. Although some people do not have complete insomnia, they also
have problems such as shallow sleep, frequent dreams, easy awakening, and difficulty falling
asleep. After sleep problems, it will greatly affect a person's mental state, and even a feeling of lack
of energy. Long-term stubborn insomnia can completely crush a person's will and even make people
think about suicide. When I had neurosis, I also experienced insomnia. Sometimes I could barely
fall asleep, but I felt abnormally tired when I woke up, as if I hadn't slept before. Before I got
neurosis, I really took out my body. Originally, sleep was when the body was repaired, but because
of the seriousness of the injury, even if I fell asleep, the body's repair speed was still extremely
slow, just like a broken mobile phone. Can't charge it anymore. This brother rebooted for more than
400 days, and earth-shaking changes have taken place. I have seen a lot of recovery cases so far,
such as reborn, renewed, earth-shaking, and the two words appear more frequently. Rebooting and
maintaining health It is the basis for the recovery of neurosis and the basis for the recovery of other
symptoms of sperm injury. With a solid foundation, coupled with active treatment, the body's
recovery will change with each passing day. Accumulating a hundred days of work will cause a
transformation in the body and mind, and accumulating three hundred days of work will make the
changes more obvious. "Wang Zhongqi's Medical Cases" says: "If the body is full of essence and
blood, the brain is full, so the eyes and ears are smart; if the liver and kidney essence and blood are
deficient, the brain marrow and the veins can be quiet, so the eyes are dazzled, and the ears are
ringing. The head is tilted, and sitting and lying down is like riding in a boat." Wu Ruifu said in
"The Brain Marrow Theory": "The inner kidney is the source of the brain." , Ranging from mental
decline to severe neurosis. Those who truly understand medical principles will definitely try their
best to reboot, and then they will usher in a new transformation, just like a rebirth!

5. [I have been quitting for almost two years, I am really full of emotions! I have been masturbating
for more than ten years and I have never felt this way of seeing the light now. Thinking of the
decision I made after waking up more than a year ago, I knew that I could be so great too! I will
never repeat the same mistakes in my life. 】

Additional comment: After falling into the dark pit, it is very difficult to climb out. Many people
fall into the pit when they are about 14 years old when they are just developing. This fall is more
than ten years. Some people By the age of 30 or 40, they have not crawled out of the pit, and are
completely stuck in it. Standing in the pit, looking up at the sky, surrounded by dirty and nasty
lugers, like maggots, there is a bright and beautiful world above their heads. There are always
awakened lupus trying to climb out of the pit, they long to return to the bright and beautiful world,
they Having thoroughly recognized the harmlessness theory, they will no longer be fooled by the
brick family! When you really climb out of the pit, and look back at the squatters in the pit, you will
feel that they are too pitiful, a kind of pity arises spontaneously, and at the same time, you will feel
that the life of stubbornness is really ridiculous. A big man who is addicted to such an insignificant
vice is really like a fool. Everyone is expected to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation. You are
not the enjoyer, you are the victim. When you see that you are accumulating negative energy, and
negative energy will cause pain, then you will have this idea: I will not Harm yourself again! I want
to complete the counterattack and transformation! This is the strongest voice to change destiny. This
brother has been abstaining for nearly two years. He has truly seen the dawn and is truly bathed in
the light and beauty. He has given up his great self. Ci Xun, the ancestor of Chinese Fuxi, said: "The
people of ancient times have a righteous heart and a pure and innocent nature, so there are many
people who have become sages." It also said: "Every action will not produce evil thoughts; nourish
my spiritual platform, always pure; and The moon is at the same time, and the water is clear."
Zaiyun: "Cultivate the abundance of righteousness, and firmly cultivate the great and true spirit."
Mo Yun: "To be a dignified husband, a humble gentleman. In the evening, I ask my heart and look
up to the sky; I am idle. Save yourself by day, don’t lie down. I’m innocent.” Even though the
teachings of our ancestors have gone through thousands of years, they still feel refreshed and
awakened like a dream, and they have benefited a lot! Let us bid farewell to the darkness of
adultery and return to the bright and beautiful world. When you are reborn, you have to know that
there are still thousands of brothers struggling in the pit, waiting for you to wake up and redeem, let
We take action to help more people together.

6. [Brother Feixiang, I have been in the rebooting bar for 3 years. From August to today, I have
been answering new questions every day and encouraging my friends. The past four months have
been really stable. I have almost no impulse at all. I thought it would continue to be like this in the
future. I didn’t expect that today I was a bit impulsive and didn’t look at porn, but I saw the pictures
of beautiful women, and it broke after a few hours. I really remembered what Brother Feixiang said.
If you lose your vigilance, you will be broken. This time I have learned my lesson, and I have to
strengthen my study, and once again understand the meaning of the six words "always be vigilant"!

Supplementary comment: This brother still did a good job of quitting before. He helps newcomers
answer their questions every day and encourages everyone. This is indeed very helpful to maintain
the rebooting state. For those who can’t find the rebooting state for a long time, I suggest you You
can try to help newcomers answer questions every day, and reconsolidate and strengthen the learned
rebooting knowledge through sharing. The so-called persuading others is persuading yourself.
Normally, after entering the stable rebooting period, evil thoughts will become very few. Sometimes
there is no evil thought for more than ten days, but at this time, you must not take it lightly. This
state of basically no evil thoughts can be maintained forever. As everyone knows, the seeds of lust
have not been completely eliminated, they are hidden in the field of eight consciousness. Even after
entering the stable period of rebooting, the magic test will still come. This is 100% sure. I quit till
now, the magic test will still do. Come, in many cases, it is not you who take the initiative to raise
evil thoughts, but it automatically turns up. This is turning the seeds! Therefore, no matter how long
you have been on guard, you must maintain a high degree of vigilance. What needs special attention
here is to maintain due vigilance instead of excessive tension. Some brothers must maintain a high
degree of vigilance and make themselves too nervous. Nervous, it's also biased like this, just like
the strings are too tight and easy to break. Maintaining a high level of vigilance does not mean
being overly nervous. This is something you must pay special attention to. Some brothers have read
the experience I wrote before, and many of the contents seem to understand, but they are not
profound. Only when they break the vows and experience them firsthand can they have a deeper
understanding of what they have read before. The ancients said: "If you are not careful about
anything, you will be worried about the whole world; if you are not careful, you will be troubled for
a hundred years." Between one thought, the judgment is high, one thought of heaven, and the other
hell. Don't be careless. "Cai Gen Tan": "The blessings and disasters of life are caused by thoughts.
Therefore, Shi Yun:'The blazing desire for profit is a pit of fire, and the sea of greed and indulgence
is a sea of bitterness. One thought is pure, the flames become a pool; one thought is alert, Hang
Deng The other side. "The thoughts are slightly different, and the realm is very different, but you
are not careful!" Rebooting is to work hard on the heart and thoughts. You must always be vigilant.
Raising awareness is like a cat, and extinguishing thoughts is like a mouse.

7. [Excuse me, Brother Feixiang, for example, when evil thoughts come up, is the meditation of
cessation of thoughts in the first place, and immediately cessation of thoughts, or is the concept of
uncleanness and bones in front, and immediately transforms, how should these two magic weapons
cooperate with each other? Who comes first? In fact, I know that if I lose my mind, there will be
nothing to transform, but I don’t want to abandon the magic weapon of impure view and white bone
view. Please Feixiang can give me an answer! 】
Attachment: I specifically mentioned last season that there are several ways to stop mindfulness.
For example, thinking is a kind of treatment. Views on the bones, view of impurity, and thinking in
person all belong to the category of treatment of minds; Nothingness is also a kind of cessation of
mind. This is faster. Just a dreadful sleep can eliminate thoughts. In addition, there are chanting of
the Buddha's name, etc. In practice, there is an urgent call of "Bah" to stop the delusion. Stream,
you can also shout "off". As for the method of cessation of mind, I suggest that you should be
proficient in one of them, and then you should have a certain understanding of the others.
Personally, it is more useless to recite the Buddha's name. It is also often used. I occasionally use
impurity view, white bone view and pro-thinking. These types are not contradictory, but you should
be proficient in one of them, just like the eighteenth weapon. You should be proficient in one of
them. The most proficient weapon, in this way, in the actual combat of thought, can the demon be
smashed down. Last time there was a brother who used the idea of awe. After successfully quitting
for eight months, we must maintain sufficient respect and awe for women. They use their bodies to
nurture us, nurture us, and also nurture us and take care of us. How sacred it is, how can we have
such nasty evil thoughts on their bodies? Some people not only have evil thoughts towards their
family members, but also towards teachers and classmates, they are simply inferior. Some brothers
may ask whether the view of impurity of the bones is contradictory to the thoughts of intimacy and
awe. In fact, there is no contradiction. Our general attitude towards women is respect and awe. The
so-called view of impurity of the bones is to treat ourselves Evil thoughts are not disrespect for
women. This point must be made clear. Many newcomers misunderstand the view of bones and
impurity. They think they are discriminating against women and disrespecting women. In fact, this
is just treating their own evil thoughts. Women can also practice the views of bones and impurity,
but they are replaced by male bodies.

8. [Hello Brother Flying, I have been abstaining for more than 40 days. Although I have just started,
I am really free and happy during this period of time. I feel that I can overcome everything as long
as I work hard. It’s never before. Under the shadow of adultery, I feel that my youth and youth are
really too dark, and there are too many things missing. I will work harder and put in more practical
actions to completely quit adultery. 】

Additional comment: Ignorant people will think that the masturbator should be very happy, and
masturbation if they want to, how free, and the truly wise and experienced people will know that
masturbation will eventually lead to fear, pain and bondage, and adultery is one thing. This loss of
energy will ultimately result in a dual imbalance of unfreedom and mind and body, which is
completely self-binding. After quitting masturbation for a period of time, you can feel what real
freedom is. This is a kind of freedom that is free from the shackles of evil adultery, and it is a kind
of transcendent freedom. The brother said that during the period after rebooting, he “lived really
free and happy without any restraint.” This is the feeling of being released from prison. Sexual
adultery is a prison, and it will make you lose the best. , The most innocent and most precious thing,
adultery will stain your spirituality and make you like a trapped beast! The higher the purity of the
mind, the more freedom and pure happiness can be felt. The lower the purity of the mind, the
boundless panic and pain, as well as various physical and mental disorders. This brother also
regained his confidence. He said, “I feel that as long as you work hard, you can overcome
everything.” Whether it is academic, career or interpersonal communication, a strong confidence is
needed as support. Only with confidence can there be motivation to fight. Only with confidence can
there be a sense of majesty. Some rich people's confidence comes from money, and money is their
confidence, but this confidence is actually very weak, because it is an external additional
confidence, and the real confidence is a feeling that radiates from the inside to the outside, the real
The confidence comes from a pure heart, and the real confidence comes from the abundance of
kidney essence. A brother once said this, saying that he has been adulterous for so many years, but
in fact he has not gained anything, but has lost too much. The adulterer is in a state of being
enslaved by the heart demon, the adulterer is accumulating negative energy, and the adulterer's life
is completely toilet hedging and excrement initiation! Only when you get rid of licentiousness can
you recover the lost beauty and the positive energy that belongs to you! "Tao Ji Zen Master Quit
Prostitution" says: "When you only have pictures, you are happy. I don't know that the bones of the
bones are dry. Virtue damages the body the most. You should cultivate yourself early and avoid it. I
advise the world to self-examine and lust for two things. Good moral books are often read, and all
illnesses will be eliminated." The ancient sages unanimously opposed the behavior of adultery. The
happiness of adultery is not true happiness. Only rebooting can give you true happiness and

9. [The last time I quit for more than 100 days and returned home, because my house is a
supermarket, a 40-year-old uncle saw me and said, "This kid, how slippery and slippery he is, it's so
good!" This is I didn't even dare to think about the evaluation before. 】

Additional comment: The second case above also shows the five words "I can't even think about it".
If you don't reboot, you really don't know what kind of state you can achieve, and you don't know
how good you are, because Everything has been ruined by your abuse of control. Before the tube is
a small fresh meat, after the tube is a old bacon, and finally it is a zombie meat. Evil gray people,
walking corpses, ridden with negative energy, a wretched and nasty existence. Xiangyou Xinsheng,
you have been having evil thoughts in your heart, what do you think is the appearance and
temperament of evil thoughts? It speaks for itself. When you start rebooting, your mind will be
deeply purified, so that your appearance and temperament will slowly return to pure and handsome,
and then you will have a particularly innocent and innocent sense of beauty. After a few years of
indulging in masturbation, you will find that your skin quality has declined, becoming rough, dull,
oily, and acne. Compared with the pure and clear skin before masturbation, you will find that your
entire face is It looks dirty and dirty. It is not your face that needs to be cleansed the most. It is not
to use facial cleansers and skin care products to wash off and wipe off. The thing that needs to be
cleansed most is your own soul! When the soul is restored to purity, it is born from the heart, which
naturally corresponds to the pure and handsome face. How many people can understand this truth?
The vast majority of people desperately buy skin care products to use, some even spent tens of
thousands, or even go to the hospital for microdermabrasion, but in the end the acne problem still
recurs, just because they don't know how to quit! Without a deep understanding and comprehension
of the principles of Xiangyouxin, he has been treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. In
the end, the pure and handsome boy in the mirror disappeared, and a wretched and unusual monster
appeared clearly. Is that the original you? Your heart is gone, so your face is ugly. At first, your
complexion deteriorates, and at the end it is deformed. You are the biggest victim. The brothers in
this case have accumulated more than 100 days of rebooting and restored to a pure, clear, delicate,
and smooth skin, and they have received "an evaluation that I would never have thought of before."
Is there any need to say the benefits of rebooting? When you truly experience it yourself, you will
know how great the feeling of rebooting is! Some time ago, a small bar said: "My current self-
confidence is the peak I haven't had in these five or six years." Rebooting can help you find the
purest and most confident self. Only this version of you is the genuine one. ! The adulterous you are
completely inferior.

10. [After I rebooted for more than 20 days, I felt so sunny and pure in my heart. He said he saw
light on my face. 】

Additional comment: When you quit to a certain level, the whole face will be bright, just like the
QQ avatar is online. Evil sex is the avatar turning gray, and rebooting is the avatar turning bright!
Look at children, their hearts are very pure and innocent, in a state of innocence and innocence, so
there will be a layer of pure brilliance on the child’s face, that layer of pure brilliance is very subtle,
but it does make the viewer very clear. To feel it. Rebooting can make people show a natural and
bright complexion, can brighten your skin tone, make your eyes look clearer and more energetic,
and make facial skin more delicate, smooth and contoured. There is a kind of lifting and firming.
The sense of refinement, puffiness, sagging and sagging disappeared completely. People with
swollen cheeks and swollen upper eyelids are everywhere. Some people have large and small eyes
and collapsed eyelids. They look particularly unspirited, and they may also appear unnatural and
weird. Foreign rebooting articles also mentioned that masturbation will cause asymmetry, not only
the asymmetry of the face, but also the asymmetry of other parts of the body. Serious asymmetry
will give people a weird and ugly feeling. Some people have sunken temples on both sides, and then
protruding cheekbones on both sides, thus forming a weird face shape of "small upper, large middle,
and small lower". This type of face is more common in patients with sperm injury. When your
complexion is getting darker, losing its vitality, and looking like a stagnant pool of lifelessness,
looking in the mirror will only make you feel inferior. The true energy for skin-clearing and skin-
lightening comes from rebooting. Rebooting will allow you to regain pure and handsome beauty.
"He said he saw light on my face." This sentence is very poetic, rebooting, bright! Please use the
light of your rebooting to brighten up the whole gloomy city, and let the haze of licentiousness be
swept away!

11. [Thank Feixiang brother! I have been rebooting for about a hundred and ten days, and I no
longer have the feeling of extreme depression that was two and a half months ago when rebooting.
The unexplained despair of two and a half days is terrible. In some aspects of recovery, the recovery
is obvious, and some aspects have only a little improvement. Obviously, the mouth will not often
have ulcers, bad breath disappears, tongue coating looks good, athlete's foot is gone, and there is an
extra crescent on the middle finger. It’s most obvious in appearance. In the first month of rebooting,
my classmates said that I was five years younger. In the second month, they said, "You are getting
handsome again." When approaching 100 days, they said, "Why are you getting more and more
handsome?" The change can also be clearly felt. 】

Additional comment: This brother has rebooted for more than 100 days. He has completed a
transformation, and the feeling of extreme depression and despair in his mind has disappeared.
During the period of my neurosis, I was very depressed and desperate every day. At that time, I
often thought of committing suicide, because I felt that this kind of day was too difficult. Every day
was desperate, abnormally panic, like a frightened bird. To a certain degree of adultery, the
psychological aspect will definitely enter a state of panic and depression, because adultery is
accumulating negative energy, and the accumulation of negative energy to a certain degree will
inevitably detonate pain. When you have psychological problems, it will also affect the
interpersonal relationship with family, friends, classmates, colleagues, etc., and your temper will
easily become worse. This brother has recovered very well, and the improvement is obvious.
Although there are only a little improvement in some aspects, this is also in line with the normal
law. It's not easy. Rehabilitation is also a systematic project, and it is not enough to do so. More
research and efforts must be made in the area of restoration. When your energy level goes up, many
of the symptoms of your body will naturally improve. Of course, if the symptoms are more serious,
it is best to cooperate with active medical treatment, so that the recovery will be faster. The most
obvious improvement of this brother is the restoration of appearance. Rebooting can restore energy
and energy. With the spirit of energy, people will look much younger. The spirit of energy is the
three treasures of the human body. Sheng Shen, Shen Yu Xing! There are gods and no gods, there is
a huge difference, and the slightest loss is a thousand miles away. Essence is the best cosmetics for
men. Many women are treated like two after removing their makeup, and many men are treated like
two after venting their semen. If their spirits are vented, their appearance will wither, just like a
flower withered. A feathered phoenix is not as good as a chicken. Jingqishen has the effect of
shaping and reducing the swelling of the face. It will tighten the face, lift the facial lines, make the
face appear firmer and firmer, and make the facial features more refined and stylish. Knowing the
influence of essence, qi and spirit on appearance, would you still vent your precious kidney essence
casually? It is an inevitable law to avoid being handsome and being ugly. Rebooting can help you
reduce your age and restore you to a youthful state. When your energy level increases, your
physical and mental state will be renewed.

12. [I have been using it for 16 years, and I have been using it 3 times in the last 3 days, and the
neurological somatization headache recurred. A year ago, I went to the best hospitals in the country
and checked countless times because of the ups and downs and the strange pains. Some said it was
depression, some said it was anxiety, some said it was somatization, and the results were never
found. In the past 1 year, the period is also a few days, and with Chinese medicine conditioning, I
feel better. Until this time, on the day and the next day after the stroke, the symptoms recurred. I felt
my head tense like a ball and contracted irregularly. This feeling was really painful. I thought about
suicide but for the sake of my family. Even if it hurts to death, he won't commit suicide. I am very
grateful to God for letting me know what caused my illness, that's right! It is masturbation that
causes neurosis and neurological disorders. I am here to confide my painful experiences to all my
friends and classmates very sincerely. Let me take it as a warning, and I will die of pain when I
develop to this point. Don’t you know if you regret it now? I really want to be able to relax to look
at the beautiful blue sky and relax to appreciate the beautiful mountains and rivers of the
motherland. I am willing to re-behave. I have been quitting for 3 days. From now on, I am willing
to work hard every day and insist on signing in, even if the front is hell. I didn't fall, I didn't die, I
will quit! 】

Additional comment: This brother has already suffered from neurosis. He opened the symptom hell
by himself with his hand, and life is better than death. His warning is very good, take it as a
warning, the ignorant boy, it's time to wake up. The basis for the recovery of neurosis is rebooting
and keeping good health. In ancient times, famous doctors often had "remote house" orders for
doctors. Houses refer to intercourse between men and women. Only by rebooting thoroughly can
there be a foundation and guarantee for the recovery of the body. Otherwise, the upper and lower
leaks will be made up and the body will never be able to really heal, just like your house is built
high, but your foundation is not stable, so no matter how you adjust it, you can eat it. The medicine
will eventually collapse due to indulgence. This brother has been conditioning with Chinese
medicine for a year, but he hasn't rebooted, and he has been using it three times in the last three
days. The symptoms have completely relapsed, and the painful torture has come again. Neurosis is
very painful, and neurosis is also a watershed for patients with sperm injury. Once you cross this
watershed, what awaits you is no different from a horror movie. Many people have turned their
lives into horror movies alive! When those bizarre symptoms strike violently, then you will know
what living hell is! The neurotic patients I have talked about before, some of them cost as much as
hundreds of thousands of single examinations, which is simply appalling, and the doctors are also
unbelievable. He has done all the examinations that the hospital can do. Do it regularly, and even go
to many hospitals for check-ups, just to determine what kind of disease the intense uncomfortable
feeling comes from. Finally, it took a long time to diagnose neurosis. Even if it is diagnosed as
neurosis, I still feel uneasy. In hypothesis, because all kinds of strange symptoms are still appearing
in turn, he will go for checkups and even be hospitalized frequently. Although no major organic
problems can be found, people's subjective feelings are indeed inferior. died.

In the West in the 19th century, Western medicine at that time had already deeply realized the
dangers of masturbation. I have read a document. In the 19th century, masturbation was regarded as
a terrible vice, which harmed young people. Vice is tantamount to self-destruction! At that time,
Western medicine recognized that masturbation would cause neurasthenia. Think about it. In the
19th century, the research and understanding of the harm of masturbation in Western medicine had
reached a very deep level. The "Medical Dictionary" of 1855 defined masturbation as: "a vice,
which is more dangerous because of the constant addiction to it. Thinness, malaise, and depravity
are common symptoms." The 19th-century work "Health" The Annual Guide also reveals that
"masturbation is a disaster." In 1830, Paris, France, published an "Untitled Book", which became
very popular as soon as it went on the market. There were 16 illustrations in this book, showing
masturbation. At all stages of the development of vices, the sixteen illustrations of this "Untitled
Book" are believed to be seen by many brothers, and the content is how a vigorous young man was
decimated step by step. In the Western world in the 19th century, the nature of masturbation was a
vice! In the 20th century, the truth of masturbation has been severely distorted due to the
bewilderment of the sexual liberation movement and sexologists. The traditional Western medicine
understanding of masturbation is extremely correct, and now how many people have a truly in-
depth understanding of the harms of masturbation And knowing it? For now, people who are truly
enlightened are still in the minority, but I believe that with the return of the truth about
masturbation, more and more people will realize the dangers of masturbation and begin to recognize
the concept of rebooting. Rewritten, the definition of masturbation is: a vice that destroys physical
and mental health, a vice that is highly addictive, and a vice that must be completely eliminated!
This is the most correct and standard definition!

Step into the text below

The time has come to 2016, and the 100th season of "Quit is a Good Medicine" has also come out. I
have a lot of emotions along this path. Some brothers have changed from junior high school
students to college students, some have graduated from college to work, some are admitted to
graduate school, and some are married and have children. In the past five years or so, I have
completely completed the transformation myself. I haven't broken the ring once. I have a clear
conscience about this. Some brothers will ask, what keeps me in rebooting all the time, my answer
is willingness! Because I have vowed to help more people, I haven't received any money from
brothers. I have a clear conscience about this. I will always adhere to the line of pure public welfare
and hope that every brother can get rid of the bad habit of masturbation. In the past five years or so,
many brothers have completed the counterattack and transformation through rebooting. They have
returned to the sunny and pure world and have begun a new life. Although many brothers are still
breaking their reboots , But they have not given up. I believe that as their consciousness improves,
they will get rid of the bad habit of masturbation sooner or later. Practice has proved that the bad
habit of masturbation can be completely quit. Maybe you are still struggling in the vicious circle of
repeated precepts and failures, but as long as you study hard, you will make a major breakthrough
in the number of days of rebooting sooner or later. When you have an epiphany, you can break
through 100 days, 200 days, or even more than a year. Some newcomers may think that it is a
miracle to be able to abstain for 100 days. In my previous stage of forcibly abstaining from blind
vows, I also think so. Later, after I have really improved my consciousness through continuous
learning, I realized that rebooting for 100 days is actually very simple. The key is to improve
rebooting consciousness. Next, I will make a review and summary, sort out the purpose and
development process of rebooting bar, and share my own experience of rebooting for more than five

[Opening the sect clearly, clarify the purpose of rebooting]

When many ignorant people hear about rebooting, they think they are monks. This is an ignorance
and misunderstanding of the concept of rebooting. Rebooting means abstaining from adultery,
masturbation belongs to adultery, pre-marital sex belongs to adultery, extramarital affairs belongs to
adulterous sex, and prostitution belongs to adultery. If it is specifically subdivided, there are many
other methods that belong to adultery. "Moral Education Enlightenment" says: "Lust is harmed,
hurts the body and loses morale. Although it belongs to the husband and wife, it should be
tempered. Sexual adultery is actually in the mode of being enslaved by the heart demon, and many
prostitutes don’t even know that they are living under the control of the heart demon. They are
completely ignorant of this. They only know that thought or feeling, they have to look at it. Huang
Lu manages, in fact, they have become puppets of the demons without realizing it. People live in
this world and have to abide by many rules. In school, observe the rules of the school, observe the
rules of the unit in the unit, and obey the rules of driving. It runs, otherwise it will flood. Quitting
adultery is a rule left by the ancient sages to future generations. In modern terms, it is a highly
intelligent concept or idea. The ancient sages have long understood that adultery will lead to
countless hardships, so the past dynasties There are sages who come to warn future generations to
abstain from adultery. Mencius said: "A person can do something or not, and then he can do
something." Confucius also said in "The Analects": "A gentleman has something to do, and
something doesn't." It is the first level of cultivation for a gentleman, and sex is the first level of
youth. Rebooting is not about being a monk. Rebooting is not about suppressing desires. If you
keep suppressing it, you will suffer from illness. Rebooting is to control your desires, transform
your desires, and be the master of your desires. How to control and transform? It can be done by
cultivating the mind. Cultivating the mind is the cultivating of thoughts, and you must work hard to
develop your thoughts. Sexologists only talk about the release of desire without talking about how
to control desire. This is tantamount to pushing people into a fire pit, because desire itself is a
bottomless pit that can never be completely satisfied. Such as drinking salt water, drinking too much
and thirsty, until you die! Ignorant brick artists will regard the withdrawal reaction as harmful to
abstinence. At the beginning, many people will have withdrawal reaction, just like quitting
smoking, drinking, and drug withdrawal. The same is true for rebooting. Withdrawal reactions may
also occur. If you insist on giving up, the symptoms will automatically be relieved and disappear. At
the beginning, it was also the dormant period of desire, and erection may disappear, just like
impotence. At this time, many people panic, but they don’t have to worry at all. If you keep on
quitting, take active exercises, you can slowly return to normal. The dormant period of desire is
usually one month. About, only a few days short. People do not stand without precepts, we must
learn to control our desires

[From a dozen people to 1.5 million]

When I first came to reboot, there were less than 500 people in the post bar. The first group should
be the predecessor Maya, and there were only a dozen of them. The Mayans have made outstanding
contributions to rebooting bar. He is now He is already a medical student and wrote an article about
rebooting from the perspective of western medicine. Although he has left rebooting now, I believe
that in the future he will discuss the dangers of masturbation from a professional point of view. As a
doctor, you should be able to persuade patients to get rid of the bad habit of masturbation. The
rebooting bar was still in its early stages of development. There were very few people who were
truly enlightened. There were a lot of posts with zero replies, and the popularity was obviously not
good. However, the rebooting bar at that time had a big advantage, that is, troublemakers. Very few,
most of the people who come here really want to reboot. Their confidence and determination are
very good. Some old brothers will miss that period very much. The quality of those brothers is
indeed very high. Everyone encourages each other. Help each other, the overall atmosphere is very
good. The current rebooting bar has also inherited the spirit of mutual encouragement and mutual
help. Now this group of brothers is actually quite good, but the current rebooting bar has too many
people, and troubles occur almost every day, which is also in line with the post bar. The law of
development will strengthen management. There was a period of time when there were very few
slanders against rebooting bars. At that time, the number of posting bars was less than 500,000.
Later, they became popular and various slanders began to increase. Now many brothers are
accustomed to slander, and the content of slander is also normal. Just those few things, nothing new,
I'm tired of listening. Their slander is like watering manure and fertilizing the big tree of rebooting
bar. It seems that this tree is growing faster and better. I really want to thank them for their "hard
work and perseverance."

It took almost five years to develop from a dozen people to 1.5 million, and it is likely to grow to
several million or even tens of millions in the future. The number of smokers in China is more than
300 million, and the number of smokers should be Far surpassing smokers, many children have just
started to take care of them as soon as they develop. Every year the number of people is soaring.
This is an invisible growth, because this is an extremely secretive vice, even more secretive than
drug use. I have heard of it. People who gather crowds to take drugs, have never heard of gathering
crowds to control them, they are basically all secretly smashed by themselves, and they are
extremely secretive. Bit workers are also agents, and they are more lurking than lurking. There have
been brothers who have expressed this wish, hoping that the rebooting bar will one day be empty.
That is to say, there will be no one in China. His wish is good, but the one will definitely continue to
exist, because this is the reason. A bad habit that can be learned without a teacher, and it is
extremely addictive, and it is basically out of control. The media has promoted so much about
quitting smoking, aren’t there hundreds of millions of smokers now? Smokers will continue to exist,
and masturbation people will continue to exist. What we have to do is to popularize the knowledge
of rebooting and the dangers of masturbation, so that we can help people who really want to quit
masturbation out of the pit, and also let those who have not yet practiced the habit of masturbation.
Of children can get the right guidance from the beginning.

[Must recognize the theory of moderate harmlessness]

Please remember that people with real self-control will not practice moderation, and people with
high self-control do not need to use moderation to prove anything. Only those who cannot control
self-control will practice moderation. They think they can control, but in fact they can’t. If you let
them try to abstain for 100 days or 300 days, maybe they relapse in less than 30 days. This shows
that they can't control themselves at all. They are actually addicted, but they don't know or admit it.
After all, those who engage in moderation will get done in moderation. Moderate water is too deep
and too deep, and the word moderation kills people! The predecessor just looked at the moderate
harmlessness argument. Moderation is just an excuse and pretence to deceive others. He is in a
mode of being enslaved by the heart demon and said that he is engaging in moderation. Isn't this a
bit too ridiculous? Many people originally believed in the theory of moderate harm, but in the end
the body still has symptoms. As long as the pump is harmful, it consumes precious kidney essence
every time, just like a mobile phone will consume electricity when it is turned on, just like a car
needs to be on the road. How can fuel consumption be harmless? The bad habit of masturbation is
at the cost of consuming precious kidney essence. The so-called moderately harmless proposition is
a false proposition. This false proposition is concocted by a brick-and-mortar proposition. It is
completely deceiving and deceiving others, harming others and self, and misleading the world.
common people! Some people were fine in the first few years of administering, because the body is
still strong, but then the body gradually becomes weak, and symptoms begin to appear, the quantity
changes and the qualitative changes, and eventually the symptoms will definitely break out. Some
ignorant people feel that they are okay now, and the symptoms of sperm injury are not obvious, so
they don’t really want to quit. You ask them to ask those who are abolished if there is a stage where
they feel that their physical symptoms are not obvious before they are abolished. , So he was
paralyzed, thinking it was all right, but in the end the symptoms completely crushed him. Some
people just don’t shed tears when they don’t see the coffin, they don’t hit the south wall and don’t
look back. You can ask those people who suffer from impotence and premature ejaculation. Some of
them were very fierce before. But in the end the body did not collapse. Those who suffer from
severe hair loss do not cause severe hair loss after a few strokes. It is a process of chronic
accumulation. It's like boiling a frog in warm water. You persuaded the frog to jump out. The frog
was puzzled. It said, "I am very comfortable, why should I jump out?" But what was the end result?

Many people say that they are engaging in moderation, but in fact they are still out of control. Once
the evil thought possesses the body, it is not under their control. The evil thought possesses the body
like drunkenness, and will wake up after the stroke. I found myself doing a big stupid thing!
Ignorant people often use "a degree in everything" to defend themselves. In fact, this sentence
depends on the specific object, not a generalization! Does murder and arson also have a degree?
Should there be a degree of drug use? Should there be a degree of self-harm? Some things can't
have a degree at all! Because once it starts, it will be out of control! Still thinking of moderation
under the enslavement of the inner demon, this is tantamount to seeking a tiger's skin! The habit of
masturbation is highly addictive, and the mechanism of addiction is the same as drug addiction.
Foreign countries also compare the habit of masturbation to drugs. Some time ago, a brother
reported that he had met rebooting in the first grade of the junior high school, but he didn’t think so,
and was still thinking about practicing moderation, so he didn’t give up. After two years of training,
he found that his body began to show symptoms and affected it. The body developed, and only then
did he realize how correct Senior's advice was. Senior is a person here. If you don't listen to the old
man's words, you will suffer! When you communicate with people who have been brainwashed by
the moderate harmlessness theory, you will find that their minds are full of wrong opinions. Many
opinions are instilled into them by the bricks. When they speak, it shows that they are being treated
by some kind of harmlessness theory. The signs of brainwashing also show their ignorance and

If you want to completely abstain from quitting, you must recognize the theory of moderate
harmlessness. Foreign brothers also reboot for 90 days, half a year, or even more than a year, but
they don’t say that they need to be moderate. Moderation is completely self-deception. Many people
have a fluke mentality for masturbation, thinking that the symptoms will not be on their own body.
In fact, when the injury reaches a certain degree, the symptoms will definitely break out and they
cannot escape. The most prominent aspect of professional rebooting is the recognition of the highly
addictive nature of masturbation. This conclusion comes from the feedback of thousands of brothers
and the latest scientific investigation and research abroad. Foreign researchers have discovered that
the addiction mechanism of masturbation is the same as that of drug use, that is, it stimulates
dopamine over-secretion, which makes people feel short-lived. Looking at pornographic
masturbation is a behavior similar to drug use. A pornographic addict! One of the most important
criteria for judging addiction is whether you can control yourself. There is a key criterion for
determining whether masturbation is addictive in foreign countries, that is, "I want to stop, but I
can't do it." For example, if you don't masturbate for 100 days, do you do it? get? When evil
thoughts strike your brain, can you get rid of it in time? Many people claim that they are not
addicted, but they can't control themselves on weekends and go to see pornographic masturbation.
Such people are actually slapping themselves. Since they are not addicted, why can't they control
themselves? Many people are actually addicted, but they do not know that they are addicted because
of ignorance. In fact, they have no control at all! They are the puppets of the heart demon! ! !
According to the degree of addiction, there are three types: mild, moderate, and severe. Later, the
addiction will become more and more severe, and the psychology will become more and more
abnormal. The original film can no longer stimulate sufficient dopamine. Need to watch more
abnormal movies to stimulate, many people are afraid that the abnormal self is completely inferior
to an animal.

Some brothers will ask about the difference between sex life and sexual life after marriage. First,
both of them deplete the kidney essence, which may cause symptoms. Secondly, sex is a kind of
adultery, which belongs to adultery after marriage. You must resolutely give up adultery and get
married. Post-marital adultery should pay attention to maintaining restraint, and gain control of
desire by quitting adultery before marriage, so that it is expected to achieve restraint after marriage.
In addition, there is a big difference between sex life after marriage and sex life after marriage, that
is, the object after marriage is fixed and single, so the desire will gradually become flat over time,
while watching Huang Luguan will always To provide you with freshness, so that it will make the
loiterers empty themselves crazy. A key factor of the Coolidge effect is the novelty itself. When new
pornography appears, dopamine will increase again sharply, leaving you completely regardless of
whether your body can withstand this loss. At that moment, there is only one idea in your mind, that
is. : Push it out! Those who have been pursuing novelty, are also constantly tired of them. They are
exhausted. When the dopamine rises, they are like a stimulant. When the dopamine falls, they will
fall into a deeper emptiness and boredom. Sometimes I feel that it is not interesting at all. After you
finish, ask yourself, is it interesting? The answer is three words: boring! Then why did you still
control it? From a psychological level, it was possessed by a demon, and from a physical level, it
was controlled by dopamine. The feeling of coolness comes from the rise of dopamine, and the
feeling of emptiness comes from the fall of dopamine. Between the rise and fall, the Lianzhe lost

The criteria for addiction in "The Porn Trap":

To determine "whether I am addicted to pornography", self-assessment is required. Porn addicts

have three key characteristics:

a. Have a strong and persistent desire for pornography.

b. Unable to control oneself and want to quit pornography, but every time it ends in failure.

c. Although you understand that pornography will bring evil results, you will continue to watch it.

Craving, Can't control it, Continuing despite consequences, these three words starting with C can
help readers remember the three characteristics of porn addiction. It is always difficult for people to
discover their addictive tendencies. When they wake up, they have been trapped in a trap.

【Named Flying】

Last season, a brother asked why he named Feixiang again. I mentioned it in an article on rebooting,
and now it's time to perfect the meaning of this name. I remember that when I was in elementary
school, the teacher started a "Young Eagle Project", which meant to train his students to become
eagles flying in the sky in the future. I named myself Flying, on the one hand from the "Young
Eagle Project", on the other hand, because I always have the same dream, that is, I dream of flying
in the sky. This season I will perfect three more meanings. First, flying has the meaning of freedom.
Rebooting can give people real freedom and happiness. This kind of freedom is completely
transcendent. Looking up at the sky and watching the eagle flying in the sky, do you think What
kind of freedom is that? Fluttering in the vast sky, the entire city is under the wings of an eagle.
Second, the eagle is a kind of animal with strong awareness. We reboot to open the inner eye of
awareness. We must strengthen our awareness of the heart through continuous practice of
mindfulness. The eagle eye is to perceive outward. It is inward awareness. Third, the eagle has the
meaning of surrender. We reboot to learn to surrender our own demons. If we can't help them, we
will be dragged into hell by the demons.

【Children lost court training】

There is a word called "Children Cheng Ting Xun", which means that they have been good at
teaching since childhood, and they can be well nurtured and educated. In terms of rebooting, there
are elders who have the right view of rebooting, and they can give correct guidance from the
beginning. Master Yin Guang said: "Family has good education, naturally children are good and
good. There is no good education in the family. The children who have the natural posture, the
arrogant ones, the non-natural posture, the stubborn evil, both are the worms of the country and
society. It is to know family education, which is the foundation of governing the country and the
world." Since I was a child, I have lacked the good teaching of abstaining from adultery. I believe
that the same is true for most brothers. Although parents know that they cannot engage in
extramarital affairs, they do not know much about other aspects of adultery. Especially with regard
to the bad habit of masturbation, many parents themselves are very ignorant, they do not know the
harm of masturbation. Because of the parents' lack of rebooting knowledge, they cannot pass on the
correct rebooting knowledge to their children. Confucius said: "When you are young, the vitality is
not determined, and the restraint is the color." Sex is the first level of youth. Many parents have no
idea about rebooting at all. Some parents themselves are poisoned by the harmless theory. He also
passed the wrong theory to his son. The reason why children fail in court training is because the
knowledge of abstinence from evil is completely dated in our parents' generation, and they have not
learned the correct knowledge of rebooting, so they cannot teach their children the right knowledge
of rebooting. I grew up in a family that lacked rebooting right knowledge. I never heard my parents
say a word about rebooting. They themselves are very ignorant. This can’t be completely blamed on
them, it can only be said to be educated. Missing.

[Open Pandora's Box]

I still remember the first time I masturbated. It came from the friction of the press. Strictly speaking,
it can’t be considered masturbation. But both of them are used to stimulate the genitals to get
pleasure. The legs are used to get pleasure, and then slowly develop into the vice of masturbation. I
was growing up in the late 1990s. At that time, discs began to appear. The first ones appeared were
video tapes. I believe that brothers over 30 have memories. Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao also acted
in a skit, played by Chen Peisi. It's the person who put the yellow tape in the video room. The first
thing I watched was a video tape, and then a disc. I was just developing in those few years, and I
was still an ignorant teenager. No one told me the dangers of masturbation. I started to live a secret
degeneration like a drug. Life. I quit consciously when I was in junior high school, because I
obviously felt that my health was not good after masturbation, but how much self-control a teenager
can have is to force and blindly quit, without any rebooting awareness, just like a recruit On the
battlefield, he was killed before he knew where the enemy was. Once I started, I would be firmly
controlled by the demon. I didn’t know what a demon was at that time. I had no concept at all. I
only knew that thoughts and feelings came. The oath of rebooting has long been forgotten. When I
was in junior high school, I had been forced to abstain for about three weeks. At that time, I felt that
the improvement in these three weeks was still great, but as soon as I relapsed, I would go back to
the past and my body would not work anymore. The most important thing was that my resistance
was significantly reduced. It is very easy to catch a cold, the acne has also worsened, and the
performance of low back pain and soft legs appeared. In junior high school, I had already turned
myself into a chronic patient. At that time, I was completely in a state of madness. I was stunned
like a stunner. I was still running until I couldn’t shoot. I didn’t give up until my legs were shaking.
I was sneaking away from my parents, hoping for my family to go out. You can let go by yourself,
but every time you finish it, it feels boring, and you feel a deeper sense of emptiness. Sometimes I
cut the porn after it is finished, because I think it is harmful. I personally opened Pandora’s box and
released my own demon. Under the control of the demon, I was completely reduced to a bouncing
machine. I was kidnapped. I was totally overwhelmed. I knew it was not Well, I want to quit, but I
can't do it. In the age of videotapes, there are actually very few people who have access to
pornography. VCRs are not available in every household. However, in the era of discs, pornography
has begun to enter thousands of households, and then it has entered the age of the Internet and the
age of mobile phones. By the time pornography was already within reach, Huang Yuan was easily
accessible on the Internet, and now it’s easier for children to fall, and you can easily access them.

[Fall from the pure dimension]

When we were young, we lived in a pure dimension, and happily every day, looking at the flowers,
plants and trees, we had a particularly beautiful and magical feeling. When the vice of masturbation
begins, this pure beauty is completely insensible. What I think in my mind is the scene in the
pornographic film, and then my own crazy lust. The entire brain is invaded and occupied by
pornography. I have seen it before. In foreign zombie films, when a good person is bitten by a
zombie, then a good person will also become a zombie. I was a zombie infected with Xanthox then.
Everyone has heard of Ebola virus and SARS virus. Everyone thinks these two viruses are terrible,
but the real terrible thing is yellow poison! The spread of pornography is too wide, pornography,
gambling, and pornography are ranked first. In the past, the country used to crack down on
pornography, using a grinder to crush tons of pornography, and use a road roller to suppress it. Now
in the Internet era, the difficulty of online anti pornography has also changed. It's bigger. The child
was innocent and innocent in the first two years. After another two years, he will know what
happened. The child has fallen. And their parents do not know what happened because of ignorance.
The parents are desperately nourishing the child. But the child is secretly draining his precious
kidney essence. Parents and teachers do not understand why the child suddenly becomes dumb,
only the child knows what he did. When I fell from the pure dimension and entered the dirty and
dirty masturbation dimension, I could no longer feel the pure great happiness, I lost my most
precious thing, my life became panic and decadent, although the surface was still Try to pretend to
be a good child, but in fact, the inner decay has already begun. Gradually, this inner decay will
slowly manifest on the face, just like an apple that rots from the inside to the outside, and
everything will be revealed in the end. Foreign reboot websites call masturbation "disgusting act".
When a man looks at a yellow tube trivially, when he puts his hand on his genitals, this kind of
scene is really disgusting. Sometimes he masturbates himself. Don’t think, when a man engages in
this way in front of you, you will feel that the other person is extremely disgusting and nasty, which
is extremely disgusting. Falling from the pure dimension, many people describe it as falling from
heaven into hell. The hell of adultery is full of painful wailing. People who are adulterous are not
really happy, they are just puppets of the demons.

[Throw away the diamond, pick up the poison]

Pure great happiness is like a diamond, because it has never been lost, so children don't know how
to cherish it, and they don't know how precious this innocent state is. Imagine a situation like this. A
child was holding a diamond in his hand, but when he was walking, he suddenly saw a candy
wrapped in colorful sugar paper. When he saw this candy, the child was very happy. He I opened the
candy wrapper and put the candy in his mouth. It felt so good for an instant, so the child dropped
the diamond in his hand and started looking for the next candy. We were all holding diamonds, but
we lost the diamonds because of the bad habit of masturbation. Before masturbation, our state of
mind was very pure, so it corresponds to pure great happiness at that time, and we can feel a pure
and extreme good. After entering the developmental period, we began to have evil thoughts, so the
state of mind was contaminated, we began to indulge in the vice of masturbation, we threw away
the diamond, and started to eat the poisonous candy of masturbation! This candy is sweet on the
outside, but bitter on the inside. At first you will feel very good, but biting in will feel abnormally
bitter. The goodness of masturbation is the cause of pain. The foolish man can’t see this. He only
sees the goodness in front of him and can’t see the suffering afterwards, just like a fish only sees the
bait but not the inside. hook! I remember watching cartoons about tigers eating sweets when I was
young. Foxes kept sending sweets to tigers, and finally broke the teeth of tigers, and the king of
beasts was just like that! With the constant loss of energy, we can no longer feel the pure great
happiness, evil thoughts start to fly in our brains, we are trapped, and we enter a very bad physical
and mental state.

[Waste and wrong use of energy]

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the essence of the kidney is closely related to a person’s
brain power, energy, and physical stamina, and is also closely related to a person’s life span. Long
live." You said: "The immortal Taoist priests are not gods, and they think it is true." Kidney essence
is a person's nuclear energy. After the ejaculation, the fierce man will weaken like mud in the beach,
and even fall down. sleep. A recent foreign reboot article mentioned: It weakens the memory, makes
a boy careless, negligent and listless. It (masturbation) weakens the memory and makes a boy
careless, sloppy, and listless. After the precious energy is drained, problems will occur in all aspects
of the body and mind, depending on the extent of the injury. If the injury is severe, the symptoms
will be obvious. Many people have reported that their brain power has declined after masturbation,
their energy has gone, they have become addicted to lying, tired easily, symptoms of kidney
deficiency have begun to appear, and their physical fitness has not improved as much as before.
Rebooting is energy management. Masturbation is completely wasting precious energy. This energy
is a powerful support for brain, energy, and physical stamina. Without this energy, not only physical
and mental health will have problems, but also your life includes schoolwork, career, and The
family may collapse! The precious kidney essence energy should be used for academic and career
struggles, not for indiscriminate use. Indiscriminate use is the wrong use of this energy. Some bricks
will say that the lost energy can be made up by eating a few eggs. In fact, this is a fallacy. It is
completely taken for granted. If you eat a few eggs to make up for it, you won’t have symptoms in
the end. The nutrition that people eat every day is more than just a few eggs, all kinds of meat, and
some are still taking tonics, and the symptoms did not break out in the end. Sometimes it gets so
hard that it can’t take a few weeks or even a few months. Ma Junren said that the Tibetan Mastiff
“mates once, it consumes a lot of physical energy, even two or three months.” The Tibetan Mastiff’s
physique, but it can’t stand it. To deplete, a meal of mastiff can cost more than 100 yuan, and the
price of breeding is 30,000, which means that a bubble of dog essence is worth 30,000! The essence
is nuclear energy! The famous doctor Zhang Jingyueyun: "Those who are good at keeping good
health will treasure their essence. Exquisiteness means fullness, fullness means fullness, fullness
means good health, and good health means sickness. Strong spirit, old and healthy, all are based on
essence. Also." Indiscriminate sex is completely stupid to the extreme!

[The first pot of gold in life]

The first pot of gold is the first money made in the process of starting a business. This is in terms of
starting a business. From another perspective, the first pot of gold in life is the knowledge of
rebooting! The first bucket of dung in life is the harmless theory of masturbation, the first bucket of
gold was buried by the sages, and the first bucket of dung was buried by the brick family. In the era
of innocence doctrine, the first bucket that most people dug is dung. After learning the knowledge
of rebooting, you will get the first pot of gold in your life. The value of this pot of gold is infinite.
With this pot of essence, your brain power and energy will have a powerful supply and reserve. You
are like A fully charged rabbit has endless energy. Rebooting can upgrade your engine, leaving you
full of energy and unlimited power. When others are still tractors, you have upgraded to super
running through rebooting. At this time, you can devote yourself to study and work in your best
state. Your brain power and energy are at the peak, just like athletes are in The best competitive
state is the same. If you continue to study and work in this state, the probability of success is
relatively high. Zeng Guofan said: "Every spirit is worth a career. It is very spiritual and very
career." Mr. Nan Huaijin said: "The career depends on the spirit." Zeng Guofan especially
emphasizes rebooting. He believes that indulging in lust is a hindrance to career. Even after
marriage, Zeng Guofan still When rebooting, you are still fighting your evil thoughts! The first
bucket I dug was also dung. It wasn't until more than ten years later that I actually dug the first
bucket of gold in my life, that is, the precious rebooting knowledge buried by the sages. I hope that
young people in the future will be able to dig their lives. The first pot of gold!

【Enlightenment and Subduing the Demon】

Before I completely quit, I also did quit oil. I struggled in that vicious circle for more than ten years,
and I was in a state of repeated quits and failures. At that time, I was completely quitting and
quitting. Just don’t study and think that you can quit with perseverance. In fact, perseverance alone
is not enough. Just like perseverance alone you can’t pass the Peking University and Tsinghua
University exam, perseverance must be implemented in learning. The prohibition of not learning is
completely brutal. . If you don't study, your consciousness has not been improved, so how can you
subdue the demons? Many brothers are now in a state of repeated precepts and failures. To break
through this vicious circle, they can only study rebooting articles vigorously, and vigorously
practice mindfulness and mindfulness. These two vigorousness must be implemented and
implemented, and then they must be cultivated. Good study habits, perseverance, the so-called
perseverance will succeed! You can’t just rely on momentary energy and enthusiasm. At first, it’s
going to be boiled on a strong fire, but then it’s going to be cooked slowly. You should study
rebooting articles every day, take more notes and think more. Rebooting power comes from
learning, and learning is leveling. , Raise the level of consciousness, and only when the
consciousness is up, can you hope to defeat your own demons. I was lost in the strange circle, gave
up, and sometimes did not want to quit, but when the symptoms forced me back to the path of
rebooting again and again, I cheered up again and again, and then I was beaten down by the
demons. Then I stood up again. I don't know how many times I failed. At that time, my highest
number of rebooting days was 28 days, which had not exceeded a month. At that time, I was quite a
rookie and at a level of ignorance. Later, by constantly studying rebooting articles and summarizing
rebooting experience, my consciousness rose like taking an elevator. When I faced the demons
again, I felt that I was confident of defeating them, and the demons had not become stronger. It's
that my consciousness has become stronger. I learn to improve my consciousness, and my
consciousness will subdue the demons!

[From physical training to cultivating the mind]

I used to be a fitness enthusiast and worked as a fitness coach through training and research. At that
time, I liked fitness and wanted to train myself into a muscular man. Later, I did train myself to
become a muscular man. At that time, I felt strong. Feels very good. Because I know how to train
and eat systematically and professionally, I quickly became strong, but at that time it was only
externally strong. Although it looked very strong on the surface, the muscles feel like rocks when
they are tightened, but now that I think about it, it’s still strong outside and inside. . At that time, I
didn't study traditional culture, nor did I get in touch with sage education. I did strength training
every day. My strength and muscles rose, but my spiritual level went down instead. After practicing
strength, the secretion of male hormones increases, which will make people in a state of sexual
excitement. At this time, if you don’t pay attention to cultivating the mind, you will be crazy and
evil. After practicing strength, the ability and motivation to create karma increases. This energy If it
is used to do good and accumulate virtue, it is very good, but if it is used to create karma, it is very
scary. At that time, several of my colleagues around me were basically committing evil and
prostitution, and some were still engaging in prostitution. At that time, I often watched Huang Lu
control and was in a state of obsession. After being strong, if you don't know how to cultivate your
mind, then being strong is a catalyst for self-destruction. Because of madness and licentiousness, I
became neurotic within a few years, and my body and mind completely collapsed. Then I came into
contact with traditional culture and started to listen to the teachings of sages. I also switched from
physical training to cultivating the mind, and from external training. Inner practice. Only then did I
realize that true strength is not about muscular muscles or amazing strength. These are all external.
The true strength is the control of one's inner self, which means learning to dominate one's heart.
Mr. Nan Huaijin said: “Heroes can conquer the world, but cannot conquer themselves. The way of a
saint is to conquer oneself first. If you don’t want to conquer the world, it is easy to conquer the
world, but it is difficult to conquer yourself. Conquer your mind and return to peace." More
esoteric, the real hero is not to conquer the world, nor to conquer multiple barbells, but to conquer
his own demons!

[From a beast to a human]

When he couldn't subdue his desire, Zeng Guofan always scolded himself a beast, "True beast." If
he is not a sage, he is a beast! Now I have studied the education of sages for several years. At this
time, I will look back at myself before blindly. I was really in the barbaric era of masturbation. At
that time, I was a masturbation barbarian and totally uncivilized. What’s especially stupid is that I
thought that life should be fun in time, that it should be indulged, and that it should be indulged as
much as possible every day. Under the bewitching of indulgence thoughts, I often have evil
thoughts and often masturbate. Under the appearance of being strong, the inside of my body has
been hollowed out by lustful termites, just like the tofu residue project, just waiting for a sudden
shock someday All of them collapsed at once. Master Yin Guang said: "Those who practice evil and
adultery are bad relationships, that is, behave in a human body." He also said: "All careers are based
on the body. If the body suffers losses, everything will die. What hurts the body. There are many
differences. The most violent person is no more than lust. As a gentleman, he holds himself like a
jade. I am sincere and vigilant in the night." The ancient sages especially emphasized the abstinence
of killing, abstinence, and deeds to accumulate virtue, but I was When I often committed adultery
without knowing it, I didn't even know the consequences of such indulgence. In junior high school,
high school, college years, I tried to quit the bad habit of masturbation, but because I was forced to
quit and blindly quit, I failed. After I entered the society and started working, especially after having
a girlfriend, I don't really want to quit. Now think about it. If you have a girlfriend, you should
reboot. You should save your best self until you get married. This is what a responsible man should
do. But at that time, I didn't have this awareness. I was completely barbaric and uncivilized. I was
completely dressed as a beast. When the neurosis suddenly broke out, I suddenly woke up. After
several years of rebooting and health preservation, my life gradually returned to the right track.
Rebooting means abstaining from evil adultery, even after marriage, it is necessary to abstain from
evil adultery. Quitting evil adultery is a lifelong matter. Evil adultery is doing animal acts. Only by
quitting evil adultery can you turn from an animal to a human!

【Seeing innocently】

The "Great Wisdom Theory" says: "I'd rather use red iron to turn my eyes, not to relax, to see
female sex evilly." The son said: "Do not see evil, hear evil, speak evil, and don't move evil."
Confucius emphasized. The core of self-denial is the core of self-denial, that is, the cultivation of
mind. Thoughts lead to behaviors, and the mind is right to behave naturally. The eleventh chapter of
"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "Women, please take Zhu with you. Zhu gets in the car and
sits with good eyes." The key point of evil vision is to control one's sight, and to keep a high degree
of vigilance at all times! Just like a tiger sitting in its heart, no evil thoughts dare to move, evil
thoughts dare to move arrogantly, they will inevitably smash the corpse! When surfing the Internet,
it’s easy to see tempting pictures and news, most of which are scribbling pictures and scribbling
news. At this time, you must be extra vigilant. Don't let your curiosity go. You must control your
sight. The second eye is often trapped in the second eye. The first reaction to seeing the temptation
content is to avoid it. This is the actual combat consciousness. Many newcomers click on the
temptation immediately. This is because the actual combat awareness is not strong. The rebooting
veteran sees the temptation and avoids immediately, just like avoiding and rushing towards. Just
like your own big truck, it's like avoiding bullets that are shot at you. Avoiding color is like avoiding
bullets. This is a world where color bullets fly. If you want to survive in this world, you must be
vigilant! The rebooting stand must be firm! If you are so determined that you don't look at female
sex scornfully even if you dig your eyes, this is the spirit of a rebooting martyr. To successfully
reboot, you need such a wave of determination and fierceness!

"Continued Taiping Guangji" contains a story: "Cao Nai is a classic history of Taihe, because of
theft, he got a woman, very beautiful, his eyes are moved, and the four-character "Cao Nai can't be"
written on a piece of paper. Dozens of times, it was not enough to be chaotic in the end." In the
Ming Dynasty, Cao Nai was a local official when he was young, and once escorted a female
prisoner. On the way, he stayed in a ruined temple at night. The female prisoner was naturally
beautiful and moved his heart. In order to remind himself to resist the temptation, he kept writing on
the paper. "Cao Nai can't be", he wrote and burned dozens of times throughout the night to
discipline himself until dawn. After that, Cao Nai often used these four words to strictly discipline
himself in his official career, and eventually became a generation of fame! "Desire to the Sea of
Madness" says: "You can't be in the middle, there is great power!" Cao Nai is strong inside and
outside, is a clean and honest government, is upright, and has two sleeves. Cao Nai's impossibility
is inner struggle and perseverance. The righteous gentleman should refuse the wicked and filthy
behavior. Since ancient times, there have been many models of rejection, which are enough to be
examples for gentlemen to imitate.

【Two modes】

1. Heart Demon Enslavement Mode

2. Desire Autonomous Mode

After rebooting, you will slowly enter the desire autonomy mode. Once the reboot is broken, it will
automatically switch back to the mind demon slavery mode. Some brothers were able to quit very
well before, and could last for more than a hundred days. Later, they relaxed their vigilance and lost
all the game accidentally. There were continuous relapses. As a result, they returned to the mode of
heart demon slavery, and once they returned to the heart demon slavery mode. Mode, that is terrible,
just like a thief ran to your house to do a fortune, you will not have a good life. There was once a
brother who did a very good ban, but one day he suddenly broke the ban. The ban was out of
control. He used to vowed to reboot, but then he went to the Internet to buy toys for prostitution and
fell completely into madness. out of control. Desire and the heart demon are one, it depends on
whether you can control yourself. Once you are enslaved by the heart demon again, it is really
involuntary. It is like being possessed by the demon. Some people even watch Huang Lu control all
night. The level of sleepless nights and nights, and a sense of near death did I know to turn back.
That state is really terrifying, and it's completely lost. Our rebooting is to switch to the self-demand
mode of desire. We cannot go back to the mode of slavery of the heart demon. Being enslaved by
the heart demon will lead to self-destruction. You originally vowed to reboot. Being possessed by
the heart demon, the behavior of the heart demon is that your thoughts attack your brain. Many of
them are in the slave mode of the heart demon without realizing it. They have no idea that they are
being manipulated. They are just a gangster, but they think that they are cool. They are really stupid.
When the symptoms suddenly broke out, they suddenly woke up. , But it is too late at this time, and
the difficulty of recovery is much greater than before.
【Daigo Empowerment】

"Cai Gen Tan" says: "If you have a clean heart, you can study and learn ancient times." Before
rebooting, I was living a life of unlucky evil. The education of sages was far away from me, as if
separated by several mountains. At that time, my heart was very dirty and it was full of evil
thoughts. I would have evil thoughts almost every day. In that state of mind, even if I showed me
the books of sages, I still couldn’t understand it. Incompatibility, the other is that adultery caused
my brain power to drop drastically. At this time, I couldn't understand what the saints were talking
about. Later, I started rebooting. When the evil thoughts arose, I immediately stopped. During the
rebooting process, I have been watching the teachings of the great virtues. At first I couldn’t
understand them, and then I slowly began to learn. Feel the breadth and depth of traditional culture.
A small bar also told me that he had never understood what the great virtue was talking about before
studying Buddhism. Later, when he was quit to a certain degree, he became wise and began to
understand the teachings of the great virtue. Only then did he Lamented the incredibleness of
Dharma. Rehabilitation is born from precepts, and wisdom is derived from precepts. On the one
hand, reboot well, and on the other hand, you have to watch the great virtue teachings more. If you
persevere in this way, you will gradually understand. I came here in the same way at the time. I read
Dade's teachings in the first half of the year, but I didn't understand it in many places. Then after a
few years of abstinence, my wisdom would rise, and then a lot of content would be understood
naturally. It was the sage education that rescued me from the dark prison of adultery. It was also the
sage education that sublimated my life. Because of the sage education, my life was completely
different. The sage education put my life back on the right track and bid farewell to it. I am in a
state of adultery and walking dead. I am grateful for the education of sages from the bottom of my
heart. In this life, I can meet the education of sages and be able to read their teachings. This is my
greatest blessing. Many times when I was taking notes and reviewing notes, I felt a sense of
epiphany and a sense of enlightenment, which was greatly inspired. I still read the sage’s discourses
every day. I have at least one of them every day. I haven’t interrupted it in the past few years. I can
read one in about ten minutes. Not only do I read it, but I also take notes. I also review my notes
frequently. New insights and discoveries are often made in the process of reviewing notes. Han
Shanzi's poem said: "Anyone who reads my poetry must have a clean heart." To understand the
teachings of sages, one must be clean in mind, so that they can truly respond and engage.

【Increased Vibration Frequency】

As small as particles, as large as the entire universe, everything is in vibration.

The secret of life is to increase the vibration frequency. Once the vibration frequency is up, pure
happiness will naturally come.

When we elevate ourselves to a higher vibration frequency, everything becomes sacred, subtle and
joyful. To increase your vibration frequency, the most important thing is to purify your soul and do
good deeds! There is a saying: "Being good is the most enjoyable." Doing good deeds can increase
your vibration frequency, rebooting can also increase your vibration frequency, and practice can
also increase your vibration frequency. When your vibration frequency goes up, you will Will see
completely different scenery and feel completely different great happiness, this kind of happiness is
more lasting and more profound! Evil adultery will cause a decrease in the frequency of vibration,
allowing you to enter a lower vibration frequency, and low vibration frequency corresponds to panic
and pain. The ancient sages knew this truth well, so they tried their best to warn future generations
that they must give up evil adultery and must Live a life of doing good and accumulating virtue, so
that it can correspond to pure great happiness. From the perspective of modern physics, the universe
is full of various materials and energies, from quarks to the entire universe, all exist in the form of
vibration, and each vibration mode corresponds to a specific vibration frequency and wavelength.
This is a bit like a TV channel. If you are addicted to a life of wickedness, you will be tuned to the
channel of disaster movies and horror movies. Your own vibration frequency will naturally send you
to the corresponding channel. This is the universe. The big secret, real masters know this secret! It's
just that an expert may not use scientific language to express it, but use another language to reveal
this secret.

You may ask, what is it that vibrates?

The sixth ancestor Huineng has already given the ultimate answer-the heart is moving! That is, your
thoughts are moving! And thoughts are born from pure awareness, and pure awareness is our being
and our sincere heart. The "Huayan Sutra" says: "If people want to know, all Buddhas in the three
generations should observe the nature of the Dharma, and everything is created by idealism."
Everything is realized by the heart! Buddhism is neither ideal nor materialistic, because the mind is
a thing, and a thing is the mind. Everything is an illusion caused by thoughts. The most fundamental
thing is pure awareness! We think everything we see is real. In fact, from a fundamental point of
view, they don’t exist. Just like you had a dream last night, you wake up in the morning and find
that yesterday’s dream was fake. , Does not exist at all. If you have a nightmare, when you are not
waking up, you will be very painful in the dream, and the reason why you dream is because the
thoughts in your subconscious are moving, which is a moving dream. And we are actually dreaming
during the day, dark daydreaming at night, and daydreaming during the day. When the thoughts in
your subconscious really do not move, the dreams disappear, and then only pure awareness remains.
When we enter pure awareness in our conscious consciousness, this dream-like world will still
exist, and only when our subconscious thoughts stop moving, this dream-like world will disappear.
Life is a big dream. You are in my dream, and I am in your dream. There is only one way to change
your dreams, and that is to change your thoughts. Thoughts are the wave-shaped information of
vibration. Changing your thoughts can change the scene of your life. There are four words that are
good, that is, "the environment turns according to your heart." When your thoughts change, your
situation will also change. Everyone should have movie discs at home, and the information written
on each disc is different, so the content that is released is completely different. To change the
content of the release, you should start with changing the information on the disc. When the
information changes, the content released will naturally change. In the same way, as long as we
change our thoughts, our entire life scene will be completely different. Another example is that
when looking in the mirror, the person in the mirror is very dirty. At this time, you will not wipe the
mirror, but clean yourself, and then look in the mirror again, and the person in the mirror will be
clean. "The Power of Cultivating the Present" says: "You will attract and manifest the things
corresponding to your inner state." It is true that whatever thoughts arise in you will attract and
manifest the corresponding things.

When everyone understands this principle, they will suddenly realize that, at this time, you will
know what will be the consequences if a person keeps having evil thoughts? Evil thoughts are low-
frequency information, and the life scene decoded is catastrophic and terrifying. If you have an in-
depth experience, you will definitely know that that short-lived pleasure will eventually become a
deep sense of emptiness, and then it will turn into some form of panic and pain. Low frequency
corresponds to low energy and pain, high frequency corresponds to high energy and pure great

Remember, to change your life scene, the most fundamental thing is to change your thoughts. Be
kind, say good things, and do good things! Then we must cut off all evil thoughts, not just lustful
thoughts, but also thoughts of killing, jealousy, arrogance, selfishness, cursing, and harming others.
When you change your mind, the decoded life scene will be completely different at this time.

[Return to a state of innocence through cultivating the mind]

"Qing Jing Jing" says: "Man can be quiet, and the world will return. The lady is so clear, but the
heart disturbs it; the human heart is quiet, but desires to hold it. Often can send their desires, and the
heart is quiet, and the heart is clear. God clears itself. Naturally, the six desires do not produce, and
the three poisons are eliminated. Therefore, those who are unable are not cleared and desires are not
sent." Before development, our hearts and grounds were very clean. At that time we were happy
every day. It is a state of innocence to be happy all day. After development, evil thoughts began to
develop, and slowly my heart became dirty, just like a clear spring turned into muddy sewage. At
this time, I can no longer feel the pure great happiness, and the sacred feeling is gone. NS. "The
Analects of Confucius" specifically talks about "thinking without evil." The saint advocates
thinking without evil, which is to allow us to return to a pure state of mind from a contaminated
state of mind. At first, we were clean, and then we were contaminated by evil thoughts. , The deeper
the contamination, the more painful it is. At this time, the saint pointed out the way for us to purify,
and return to the state of thinking and innocence through cultivating the mind. When your mind is
thoroughly purified, you can feel the pureness again. So happy. A brother sighed before: "It turns
out that rebooting can be so happy. It's really much more refreshing than joking." When your mind
is purified to a certain level, you will return to the pure dimension again, what you will experience
at that time. Happiness far surpasses the short-term pleasure brought about by sex. That kind of pure
great happiness is more lasting and more subtle, it is a kind of ultimate beauty, which makes people
particularly free, happy and happy. Some people will say that if people have desires, they must be
slapped. This sentence is completely wrong. People have desires, but we must learn to control our
desires instead of following evil thoughts. We must learn to cut off evil thoughts. In cultivating the
mind, only by cultivating the mind can you be the master of desire. When you return to the state of
thinking and innocence, higher levels of happiness will open the door to you, and at that time it will
be as if you have entered heaven, and innocence is heaven!

[Restore the pure and pure heart of the child]

In the twenty-eighth chapter of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu said: "Know his male, guard his hen, and
be the stream under the sky. For the stream under the sky, persevere in virtue and return to the
baby." Through rebooting, he can return to being a baby. The state of innocence, simplicity and
nature. In the fifty-fifth chapter of the "Tao De Jing", Lao Tzu said: "The virtues are thicker than the
pure ones." Babies’ hearts are not contaminated, their spirituality is very bright, they are in a state of
pure and pure goodness, and their virtues are very deep. They will neither develop evil thoughts nor
think of hurting others. They are very pure and innocent. . We went from being clean to being
polluted. What we have to do now is to turn from being polluted to being clean again. Through
cultivating our minds we can return to a state of innocence and innocence. Looking at the children’s
clear and bright eyes, looking at their pure expressions and eyes, you will feel that there is a deepest
call from the softest part of your heart. Once you were so pure, and once you were so kind.
Unfortunately, later you were contaminated by adultery. The life of adultery is accumulating
negative energy, and eventually you are trapped by negative energy. The heart of pure and pure is
the deepest calling. Purification of the soul is the deepest need of life. Even if it is very dirty and
dirty by adultery, the deepest part of the heart still desires to restore purity. This is human. Instinct,
like a lost child who wants to go home. Many brothers burst into tears when looking at their
childhood photos. How pure is that! I can't imagine it. When I was a child, I looked forward to
growing up quickly, and when I grew up, I missed the innocence and innocence of my childhood.
Let us quit adultery, let us return to the pure kingdom! We will always be children, good children
who don't care about it! Forever! ! !

[True freedom, happiness, pleasure and satisfaction come from rebooting]

Many adulterers don't know this. They have been brainwashed by the brick family. If they don't
reboot, they don't know how happy rebooting is. The rebooting of cultivating the mind leads to pure
great happiness. Strong rebooting will only cause repeated symptoms and pain. People in the world
only know that strong abstinence is not good and will cause people to become more and more
depressed, but they never knew there was another one. This kind of abstinence is the path to pure
great happiness. The "Forty-two Chapters" says: "Separation of desires is pure and is the most
triumphant." True freedom, happiness, pleasure, and satisfaction come from rebooting, and adultery
brings only a short period of time. Pleasure, after the pleasure, there is a deep sense of emptiness,
which is meaningless. When the symptoms of injury erupt, you will feel deep pain and panic.
People who are truly wise will choose to reboot. Rebooting is not for you to be a monk, but for you
to learn to control your desires and learn to be the master of desires. This is a staged abstinence in
life. Of course, if you have a higher level It’s a different matter if you want to abstain from sex all
your life. Everyone’s pursuit is different. For ordinary people, only abstinence before marriage is
required, and abstinence is required after marriage. Mencius said: "Nourishing the heart is not good
at having few desires." "Tao De Jing" says: "See simple and simple, less selfish and few desires."
"For Dao Zhang": "Desire, the root of murder." The general after marriage The principle is that
there is little desire, the treasure of the kidney essence, you must not indulge your own desires, the
gentleman should be honest and sincere, and subdue his own demons.

[Turn on the light of awareness, dissolve the darkness of evil thoughts]

The core of rebooting is cultivating the mind, and the key to cultivating the mind is to learn to be
aware of the inner activities. When you look back at the inner heart again and again, as your
awareness becomes stronger and stronger, then you will find that The moment you see the thought,
the thought will automatically disappear. We must learn to turn on the light of awareness and use
the light of awareness to dissolve the darkness caused by evil thoughts. Powerful light and darkness
cannot coexist. When the light in the room is on, the darkness will disappear. The key is to turn on
the right Inner awareness, and constantly strengthen one's own awareness. Awareness is
annihilation, awareness is subjugation, awareness is a sharp tool for cessation of mind. When you
truly learn to be aware, you can be the master of thoughts, thoughts will lose their power to
dominate you, thoughts will begin to obey you, and thoughts will return to their correctness.
Position-servant. The inner state of ordinary people is the inversion of master and servant. They are
slaves to thoughts. They follow the thoughts, and they cannot dominate their own hearts. It's like a
rider can't tame a horse, and as a result, he is led by the horse to run around, and even falls off the
back of the horse. Many people have never been aware of their hearts. They never know what is
happening in their inner space. They are unaware of their own thoughts. They never know how they
are possessed and manipulated by thoughts. They are completely ignorant. After we reboot, we
must learn to be aware of our inner thoughts. Thoughts arise from pure awareness. What we have to
do is to eliminate thoughts through awareness, and then settle in pure awareness. Pure awareness is
the cleanest and purest state. In that state there are no thoughts, no worries, and no emotions. Pure
awareness is the deepest tranquility and the deepest peace. As the frequency of dwelling gradually
increases, you will find that there is love, tolerance, acceptance, joy, happiness, and compassion in
pure awareness. All the qualities of positive energy are available in pure awareness, and finally You
will suddenly realize that pure awareness is your truest identity. You are love, you are tolerance, you
are acceptance, you are joy, you are happiness, you are compassion, and you are the purest and most
eternal existence. Life and death is just an illusion, and sooner or later you will wake up from your

[Inheriting the concept of rebooting, a single spark can start a prairie fire]

One million people, each propaganda one hundred people, that is one hundred million, now reboot
1.5 million people, many people are insisting on propaganda, just to save more people. Some
brothers have over a thousand propaganda, and some brothers are really motivated. Even if they
encounter misunderstandings and defamations repeatedly, they will not waver at all. They continue
to promote every day, and they are constantly improving and optimizing the promotion. Strategy.
China Land, a great conceptual change is in full swing. More and more people are beginning to
understand and realize the dangers of masturbation, and begin to consciously get rid of the bad habit
of masturbation. More and more people are beginning to join the propaganda team and continue to
propagate. The concept of rebooting. Some time ago, a brother who was cycling to promote
rebooting bar moved everyone and greatly inspired everyone's enthusiasm and determination for
publicity. The good roots of all beings are indeed incredible. Although there are still many people
who believe in harmlessness, I believe that in the not-too-distant future, in 20 to 30 years, when
brothers who truly possess the philosophy of rebooting have emerged in all walks of life, including
becoming doctors, teachers, Writers, directors, media staff, editors, etc., when they have the right to
speak and speak, they will use greater force to promote the concept of rebooting, so that the people
of China are deeply aware of the dangers of masturbation. Some brothers have made rebooting
cartoons and promotional videos before. Some time ago, a textbook shared by a brother had already
begun to talk about the dangers of masturbation. The wrong views of harmlessness and moderate
harmlessness have disappeared. Of course this It’s just textbooks in certain cities. I believe that with
the spread of masturbation harms, textbooks across the country will be rewritten at that time. At that
time, the correct concept of rebooting can be instilled in the developing children, so that they can
get it right from the beginning. Of the boot. A single spark can start a prairie fire, and our
generations must work hard, let us save more people together, and let us continue to inherit the
highly intelligent rebooting concept of the ancient sages and sages.

[Stop at the best]

"Book of Rites·University": "The way of a university lies in Ming and Mingde, in being close to the
people, and ending in perfection." Stopping to perfection is a kind of supreme realm pursued by
sages. Zeng Guofan also wrote "stop to perfection". In calligraphy, when people are very young,
they don’t have any evil thoughts, and then they grow up slowly, and evil thoughts begin to emerge.
At this time, it is necessary to cultivate the mind to cure the evil thoughts, and cannot follow and
strengthen the evil thoughts. Everyone has the seeds of good and evil in the field of eight senses. It
depends on whether you are watering the seeds of good or evil. Some people have been watering
the seeds of evil. The reason why they become evil is because they have been watering the seeds of
evil. It strengthens the seeds of evil, and finally produces the flowers of evil and the fruits of evil,
and it hurts itself. "Cai Gen Tan": "Being good but not benefiting, like winter melon in the grass,
can grow in secret; for evil not seeing its damage, like spring snow in front of the court, it will
inevitably disappear." Many stunners are also proud of their time, but their bodies collapse. After
that, they were completely decadent. In the short term, many people seem to be fine, but in the long
term, they are basically useless! The bad habit of masturbation wastes you a little bit, unknowingly
wastes you, and in the end, you will find that the pit you dug is too huge, and filling it back is a
huge project. "Night Talks of the Encircled Furnace" says: "Heaven, earth, life and man have a
conscience. If you lose this conscience, you will not be far from the animals. The sages and sages
are always the right way. If you leave this right way, you will always walk among the thorns. "Hey."
You said: "You must be careful and strict in your body. Anyone who is enough to restrain our body
should stop it." The vice of masturbation must be completely quit, and then you must learn to do
good and accumulate virtue. All evil thoughts must be cut off in time to stop oneself. Perfection.
The sages have pointed out the right way for us, namely: do not do all evil, all good practice, and
self-purification. If you abandon this right path and follow the evil path, you will definitely get into
trouble in the end. This is inevitable.

Final summary:

"The Sea of Desire" says: "The sea of industry is boundless, and it is hard to break without lust; the
world is harassed, and only evil is easy to commit. I am here to lose my name. Pu persuades young
martyrs and celebrities to find the heart of enlightenment and break the barrier of the devil. Furong
has white face and must be aware of the fleshy skull; beautiful red makeup, but the cloak leaks the
toilet. Even if it is like a flower like a jade, The heart is like a sister or a mother. Those who have
not committed adultery should prevent slips; those who have done evil things should be persuaded
to turn back. Pray for circulation and phase transformation, which will make the road to
enlightenment in Qi, and everyone will share Get out of the maze. "Evil prostitution is easy to
commit, easy to commit but not true heroes, and it's unbearable to tolerate true heroes! Seguan must
be broken through, if not, then the whole life may be completely abolished on it. Many teenagers
were full of vigor before being stunned, but after a few years, they were languishing. In the 撸
world, the drama of juvenile smashing into wretched uncles has been staged, and the tragedy of
school grass becoming a stunner monster. Breaking through the color barrier and breaking the color
barrier is a compulsory course in life. Many people have never crossed the color barrier in their
entire lives, and this kind of life is extremely sad. Whether it is the bone view or the impurity view,
it is to treat our own evil thoughts. People are born in a state of innocence, and then they start to
develop evil thoughts. We must learn to deal with our own evil thoughts instead of letting it go and
strengthening our own. Evil thoughts, life is a practice, you must fight your evil thoughts to the end!
If you let your evil thoughts go, sooner or later you will become a carrier of negative energy, and
pain will come to you sooner or later, and life will be worse than death.
Master Yin Guang said: "The most difficult thing to control is lust for the youth of man. Today's
world is dedicated to the purpose of instigating masturbation. Most of today's young people are
guilty of masturbation. Quit it." To get rid of the bad habit of masturbation, you must be
determined. Masturbation is killing yourself with a sharp blade. How tragic it is! This is simply self-
harm! The ignorant thinks that he is cool, which is so stupid. He only sees the pleasure in front of
him and is completely ignorant of the future suffering. The brick family is playing the role of
"inducing desires and obscenities". Listening to the brick family, it is really finished.

"The Porn Trap" says:

"Pornography is the same as tobacco, alcohol and drugs. You can't get rid of it because you are

"Pornography can easily change from an occasional pastime to a problem that is difficult to change,
which brings endless disasters to real life. The porn viewers interviewed often cannot believe it
when they realize this. For them, pornography is an escape. Realistic sensory entertainment is just
for fun in the beginning. The blushing and heart-pounding taboo world is fascinating, but in fact,
pornography will eventually turn into a horrible trap, like quicksand, quietly making people trapped
in it. The ground is overwhelmed, and the parties are unaware of it. For some of the most tragic
people, pornography ruins their entire lives, hinders their social interaction, smashes their jobs,
tramples on their self-esteem, and even strangles them. All dreams and hopes."

Foreign countries have begun to realize the harm of pornography. There are many more rebooting
websites in foreign countries than in China. The truth about the harmfulness of masturbation is
gradually returning and popularizing. Rebooting is an international trend, and it will also become
the general trend in China in the future. We are the first group of people who awakened. Let us
completely quit the bad habit of masturbation. Let us become a cube filled with positive energy. Let
us use this powerful positive energy. Spread all over the land of China! Let more people understand
the dangers of masturbation, and let the positive energy of rebooting rise strongly in the east of the

Let me share a reboot poem

"Pure, Pure and Good Heart"

Pure child, clear, bright and full of aura

Once we were all pure children, living under the sky without luster

Every day at that time was filled with pure joy

Then we started to have evil thoughts, so the degeneration began

Our minds are polluted by evil thoughts, we lose our pure qualities

Sage education is to help us

Purify your soul and overcome your evil thoughts

When the mind is pure again, pure great happiness naturally flows like a fountain

Happiness is self-sufficient, the key is to purify one's soul

A pure mind corresponds to pure great happiness

Before quitting, I was a muddle-headed zombie

At that time, I felt that I would stay with me all my life, and I would still be a man until I die

Later, after quitting this bad habit, I found out

It turns out that I don’t need to slap, it turns out not to slap is so happy

When I feel the pure joy again

I know this is the life I really want

Who would have thought that the real great happiness comes from a pure heart

No one tells them this knowledge, they are too ignorant

I watched Huang Lu again and again, emptied myself again and again, and was enslaved by the
heart demon again and again

Spoil the essence of your body like a fool

It’s like being shrouded in smog, gloomy and decadent.

This is a very frightening day, and sooner or later it will fall into the abyss of despair.

The originally pure child got the habit of control

And gradually lose its pure brilliance, and eventually become a stubborn machine

Take a look at the photo before the tube. How does it feel?

When the mind is dirty, people will slowly become insignificant

Only abstinence can give off a new brilliance

Quit is to purify your soul

When the purity of the mind is improved

Your energy, temperament and confidence

It will be completely different, you are the most shining diamond

You are the purest and most innocent existence

Let us restore the pure heart of pure goodness

Let us be pure children

Correspond with the purest mind

The purest happiness

Live a pure true self

You are a miracle

Share two books below

1. "Journey Back to the Present": by Lerna Jackson. From ancient times to the present, at the right
time there will be a book that instinctively transforms life and raises consciousness to a new level,
and "Journey Back to the Present" is such a book, it is a perfect and clear book. The book teaches
how to silence the mind, be fully awakened in the moment and enter the truth of life. Learner has
written four masterpieces: "Words from Silence", "Embracing the Present" (Embracing the Present),
"Bridging Heaven & Earth" (Bridging Heaven & Earth) and the latest " "Journey into now"
(Journey into now). In the past two decades, he has traveled around the United States, Europe,
Australia and other regions to give lectures, held many seminars and retreats. Lerner has also been
to China in recent years to inspire, inspire and guide those who walk in the real world. People on
the road of life. These books by Lerner are very good. I have seen many lectures by Lerner. They
are indeed very good. Learner’s lectures are concise and clear. It is also relatively relaxed, which is
a very refined style of teaching. I hope the brothers who are destined can read Lerna's teachings.

2. "Hanshanzi Poetry Collection": The two masters Hanshan and Shide are well-known poet monks
in the history of Buddhism. Hanshan and Shide, the hidden monk of Guoqing Temple in Tiantai
Mountain of the Tang Dynasty, had grotesque behavior and very speaking. According to legend, he
was the incarnation of Manjushri and Samantabhadra. Han Shan asked: "Someone in the world
slander me, deceive me, humiliate me, laugh at me, despise me, deceive me, hate me, lie to me,
what should I do?" Shide replied: "Just bear with him and let him , Let him, avoid him, be patient
with him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years, and watch him.” This wonderful
question and answer contains the way of dealing with people’s right and wrong. For many years, it
is still popular. During the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, Hanshan and Shide were
posthumously named the "Two Saints of Harmony", and were collectively known as the "Three
Yins of the Kingdom of the Qing Dynasty" with Zen Master Feng Qian. There are several passages
in the "Han Shanzi Poetry Collection" that I still remember, and that is: "The crime is committed
behind closed doors, and it is quasi-planned to avoid disaster. He was copied by his villain and
reported to the King of Hades. Even if you can't enter the wok soup, you must lie down. Iron bed.
You are not allowed to hire someone to replace you and be yourself." Huang Nianzu said: "In the
"Jin Yi Hua Yan Jing", you are born with two gods and elders, one is called the same birth, and you
are born with you. The other is called the same name. These two gods always follow you, he can
see you, you can't see him. This kind of god is born with people and is called the co-born god. Not
only "Huayan Sutra", "Pharmaceutical Sutra" It also said: "There is a co-born god, with a book of
sin and blessings, and the demon king." He writes down all the sins and blessings you have done,
writes them into files, and gives them to the king of Yama. Yes, the gods have made records. All the
good and evil in the world must be reported. The "Five Commandments" says:'Three answers to
eight schools, six plays in January.' Three answers: first month, May, September, three The month
reports to the heavens, and the responsible gods report to their supervisors. So doing bad things is
just like that, and the'Gods and Consciousness' have all recorded for you, so they end up in the evil
way and can't escape at all. Distress, there are boundless distress in the Three Evil Paths,'Walking
through them, tired catastrophes are hard to come out, pain is beyond words', torn between three
ways, how many catastrophes can not come out, pain is beyond words!" The ancient sage passed to
us The information is very precious and special. People who really have good roots will naturally
believe it. The Han Shanzi poems have many exquisite teachings, which are worthy of repeated
taste and reading. It is really like serving an elixir and benefiting infinitely.
Season 101: Four Weapons for Destroying Fetishism

Some time ago, a 40-year-old brother posted an article saying that the long-term addiction to
masturbation made him suffer from symptoms and made his life bleak. He also criticized the
innocence theory and the brick family. He is really an old man in the world of love. He should be
born in the 70s. Now many brothers are born in 90s, and the youngest brother is born in 00, who is
only 12 or 3 years old. At such a young age, he can come into contact with the good literature on
rebooting. It can be described as a kind of blessed performance. The 40-year-old is more than three
times that of the 13-year-old. However, the 40-year-old uncle did not come into contact with the
truth of masturbation at an earlier age because of the times. Physical damage, but no one has guided
me correctly.” In this era, it’s easy to come into contact with information about adultery, and the
possibility of corruption is relatively high. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword. When
you come into contact with articles about rebooting and advising kindness, it depends on your own
good roots and choices. Brothers nowadays should cherish the opportunity to purify and improve
their lives. This kind of opportunity was hard to come by in the past. We must cherish it and strive
to completely counterattack the decadent life. I think God will give everyone a chance to change
their minds. The key is whether they can accept and grasp it. Masturbation is like a besieged city,
the people outside desperately want to rush in, and those inside who really realize the dangers of
masturbation and have profound symptoms experience desperately want to rush out of this strange
circle-like besieged city. When the people who rushed out told those who rushed in, hurry up and
quit the bad habit of masturbation. Those people are likely to misunderstand you or even scold you,
because you are facing a group of ignorant, harmless, brainwashed and self-righteous people. Those
who are obsessed with it can only let the symptoms teach them. Only when the symptoms abuse
them can they turn their heads back.

Regarding the two wrong views that abstinence is harmful, one is that prolonged non-erection can
lead to sexual dysfunction. This is wrong, because there will be morning erection during the
rebooting process, not for a long time without erection. Many brothers rebooted for more than a
year, and their sexual function returned to normal from impotence and premature ejaculation.
Second, not venting the sperm for a long time will lead to death. This is also wrong, because when
rebooting to a certain extent, nocturnal emission will occur, and the body will automatically remain
in a normal state. On the other hand, many people experience dead and abnormal sperms, as well as
weak ones, after they lick the sluggish front and spermatic cords. Essence and lassitude, etc. In
addition, it’s okay even if there is no spermatorrhea, because the latest scientific research shows that
semen can be internalized and can be absorbed by the body again. The so-called, giving birth to
others, staying in the birth of yourself. There are many wrong views about abstinence on the
Internet. Ignorant bricks will mistake the withdrawal reaction for abstinence as harmful, because
they do not know the withdrawal reaction, so they will have wrong views. Some people don’t pay
attention to cultivating their minds after rebooting, and they often have sexual obscenities.
Persistence is a secret omission, which is a kind of sneak flow. This can also lead to symptoms.
Rebooting who knows how to cultivate the mind is not at fault at all, but it is very beneficial. Much.
The ancient sages often advocated thorough rebooting at a certain stage of life, in order to gain
absolute control over desires, so as to be the masters of desires without being swallowed up by
uncontrolled desires. Rebooting before marriage is a practice that allows you to learn to control
your own desires. Only in this way can you achieve restraint after marriage. If you don’t know how
to nourish your desires after marriage, it may also cause symptoms. How short-lived the emperor in
ancient times was. One of the big reasons is excessive indulgence, which is also specifically
mentioned in Master Yinguang's lecture.

Recently, some newcomers have mentioned the use of diversion or exhaustion to reboot. Before
really getting into professional rebooting, many people would think of diverting attention to reboot.
This is a relatively elementary way of rebooting. I used it when I was in high school. After the
method of distracting attention, the effect is still there. When you get busy or tired, you don't have
the leisure and energy to come up with evil thoughts. However, regardless of whether it is diversion
or exhaustion, I have not really grasped the core of rebooting, as a brother said: "Those methods of
diversion are only useful when the transfer is over. After the transfer is over, the thought will come
up again. Often when things pass, the demons attack more fiercely, and people can't always be in a
busy state. Keeping oneself tired is not in line with the way of keeping good health. Many people
are tired and sick. Many student parties usually quit at school because his attention is on studying,
but it is boring to be alone on weekends. The magic test comes at this time, so many people will
break the precept on weekends and divert attention on weekends. Power is actually very difficult,
because the time spent alone on weekends is too long, and sometimes evil thoughts come up
extremely quickly, within a few tenths of a second, in an instant, it invades the brain, and it is too
late to divert attention. Diverting attention plays a certain role in the process of rebooting, but the
most important thing is to learn to cultivate the mind. The core of rebooting is to cultivate the mind.
To enter an extremely stable level of rebooting, you must learn to cultivate the mind and cultivate
the mind. That is to watch the mind and break the mind. You must learn to firmly watch your own
thoughts, just like installing the sky-eye monitoring system in your mind. You must watch it all the
time. When bad thoughts appear, you must eliminate them in time, and you must not follow.
Thoughts run away, otherwise it will lead to relapse. Many newcomers will think of rebooting
simply, and they will start to talk about it a month before they quit. They don’t know that it’s a
dormant period of desire at the beginning, and there are very few evil thoughts during this period.
At this time, it is easy to breed the thought of being proud and underestimating the enemy. This kind
of thought is really undesirable. , We must be humble and cautious when rebooting. The real
rebooting seniors will have a common understanding, that is, the longer they reboot, the more they
will feel that rebooting is like walking a tightrope in the sky. If you relax your vigilance a little, or if
you are not cautious, you may experience relapse. The abyss is like walking on thin ice. When
newcomers come to reboot , what they need most is to study seriously. First of all, they must correct
various misunderstandings about rebooting in their minds through studying. Only when their
consciousness is really improved can they hope to reboot successfully.

We can learn from and refer to the theory of smoking cessation. There are many similarities, but the
theory of smoking cessation cannot be completely applied to quitting. There are both commonalities
and differences between the two. After all, smoke is something outside of your body, and sex is
hidden in your field of eight senses. No matter how long you quit, as long as the seeds of lust are
there, it may turn up. Quitting smoking to a certain level is like throwing a thing away and never
thinking about it again, but rebooting is not like this. No matter how long you quit, thoughts may
still come up. So you must stop your mind, whether it is quitting. Five years or ten years of
abstinence, mindfulness will always be the core and theme of actual rebooting. It’s not that you’ve
completely eliminated the demons after reading a rebooting article and you don’t need to cut your
mind anymore. This is definitely not the case. Many times you turn the seeds automatically. The
game of gophers is the same, the gophers come out automatically one by one. Some brothers read
an article about rebooting, and they feel that they are non-suppressors, and don’t need to cut their
minds anymore. As a result, they relapsed before long. You can consider yourself to be nonsense
ones, but you must stop your minds well, otherwise You are deceiving yourself and others.
Thoughts may invade again at any time. If they can’t be cut off in time, they will be possessed by
the thoughts, and in the end they will break the habit. On the battlefield, a large number of people
are constantly dying every day, and those who can survive are extremely enlightened, highly aware
of actual combat, and extremely ruthless.

Share some cases below

1. [Hello, Brother Feixiang, if I hadn't accidentally clicked in at the beginning, I am still that stupid
smasher now. Thank you so much! It turns out that I had poor grades in elementary school, and my
English was in my seventies. Now I’m in the second year of middle school, and I’m rebooting for a
period of time. Every time my English is the highest in the class, the mid-term and monthly English
exams are both the highest, which is completely different! 】

Additional commentary: "Essence of Medical Forest" says: "The essence of the kidney is covered
with marrow, and the spine goes up to enter the brain, which is a sea of marrow." It can be used for
WeChat or post. It depends on how you use it. We must learn to cherish our kidney essence flow.
There are many uses for kidney essence flow. All the internal organs of the body need the support
and replenishment of kidney essence flow. . Ignorant people are completely ignorant of the close
relationship between kidney essence and brain power and energy. They are in a state of naive and
ignorant. They are brainwashed by harmlessness and think they are right. In fact, they are really
stupid! It is absurd to be deceived by the harmless theory and still defending the harmless theory. I
remember that when I didn’t use it in the first year of junior high school, my grades were still very
good. After I started to use it, I gradually felt that my brain became dull, just like a knife became
dull. After my brain power dropped, it was no different to the student party. Due to a disaster, a
question that can be understood at first glance can no longer be understood. In fact, it is the same
for workers. Many jobs require strong brain power and energy as support. When the brain power is
severely reduced, many things are If it is not done well, it is always easy to make mistakes. Some
brothers said that they were always scolded by their boss before, because he always made mistakes,
and many of them were very low-level mistakes, similar to mistakes made by fools. After the brain
power declines, it really becomes a fool. Some people's memory has dropped to an extremely
terrifying level, just like Alzheimer's. What you just did, you forget when you turn around, and he is
only in his twenties! Emptying the kidney essence is equivalent to hollowing out the brain power. It
may not be obvious at first, but as the degree of injury deepens, it will become more and more
obvious in the end. At that time, whether it is for school or career, it will be more and more obvious.
disaster. The blessing of this little brother is still very good. I have known the dangers of
masturbation so early .Originally, he had poor grades, but his brain power has been improved after
rebooting, just like upgrading to a powerful processor. As this little brother said: "It's completely
different." I once read an article on rebooting. The author of that article was an experienced Chinese
medicine doctor. He said that masturbation was the hidden cause of the decline in grades. He was
there. The article said: "I am a Chinese medicine practitioner. I have been the moderator of many
large Chinese medicine forums. Over the past ten years, I have answered tens of thousands of
andrology questions. Due to professional relations, I have a deep understanding of the harm of
masturbation to young people. This question It is widespread, but ashamed to speak out, so that it is
dangerous, but hidden deeply, and often overlooked by parents! Masturbation is like taking drugs,
especially boys. Once infected, they are often trapped and unable to extricate themselves. It is more
frequent, so that you can’t sleep, sleepy in class, lack of concentration, decreased thinking ability,
memory loss, self-blame, irritability, emotional instability..." This TCM doctor’s insight is
extremely correct, high People's views are different from ordinary people, otherwise they would not
be considered superior. Ordinary people are mostly brainwashed by harmlessness and can't see the
truth of masturbation. When they wake up, they may already have symptoms and misery. Rebooting
can not only improve your brain power, but also your energy. After indulging in masturbation, you
will find yourself becoming irritable and easily fatigued. Rebooting can greatly increase a person’s
energy and allow you to enter a long battery life. In this state, others will feel tired after half an hour
of study, but you can still be energetic after studying for a few hours, and you can't finish
everything. The knowledge of rebooting is really precious. I said last season that knowledge of
rebooting is the first pot of gold in life. If you can’t dig up this pot of gold, it’s really a big loss! It's
a loss of a whole gold mine!

2. [Today can be said to be my tenth day of rebooting in the true sense. There have been some very
wonderful changes in me. I suddenly discovered that my eyes, which I had almost never fully
opened before, were opened at that moment. The miracle is so wonderful. I think this is a certain
degree of qualitative change in quantitative development. For many years, people who can’t get up
before 9 o’clock in the morning have almost always been very sleepy even when they get up. But
things have changed this morning. I woke up at 7 o’clock in the morning and started rebooting. Well
, after watching it for about 20 minutes or so, I found that I was not sleepy at all. You must know
that this was almost impossible before! 】

Additional comment: Although this brother has only rebooted for ten days, good changes have
already taken place, and his eyes have finally opened completely. If you have a deeper experience
and research, you will definitely know that the eyes of the slapped person will basically show
swelling, sunken or collapsed eyelids. Many people seem to have a feeling of sleepy eyes, their
eyelids are drooping, and they are not energetic, and There was also a feeling of confusion and
hollowness in his eyes. Rebooting articles abroad call the eyes of the lazy "Lazy Eye" (lazy eye),
lazy means: lazy, listless. The descriptions of rebooting articles abroad are very apt. After shooing,
you will gradually find that your eyes cannot be opened in place, and your upper eyelids are always
drooping. This drooping feeling makes people feel that you are not energetic at first glance. It feels
terrible and very weak. Many people have obvious double eyelids. When they droop, the double
eyelids are compressed into single eyelids, or there is asymmetrical appearance, one eye is big and
the other eye is small. When you stop to a certain level, you will suddenly find that your eyes can be
opened again, just like a withered flower blooming again. This is a very subtle feeling. After the
eyes are completely opened, they will look very energetic. Many people After rebooting, his eyes
will become piercing, full of righteousness, calmness and majesty. Some time ago, a brother named
"Rebooting Group Army" rebooted for a year and ten months and sent a comparison photo. His eye
changes were extremely obvious. I believe that the brothers who have seen the comparison photo
will be deeply impressed. A person's eyes can be so piercing, so clear and full of glamour, and there
is a sense of righteousness between the eyebrows. The changes brought about by rebooting are so
great. Brothers in this case also gave feedback about the improvement in energy after rebooting.
People who could not get up at 9 am now wake up at 7 am and are not sleepy at all. According to
Chinese medicine, one manifestation of kidney deficiency is sleepiness and laziness. After
ejaculation, it is easy to get up, and it is always sleepy and yawns, just like an opium sucker. When
others sleep for seven hours, they are fully charged. He can't. He has to sleep for more than ten
hours, and after waking up, he is still in a state of lack of energy. Zeng Guofan: "The fame depends
on the instrument, the career depends on the spirit." Not only the career depends on the spirit, but
also on the academic work. You must look at the spirit in everything you do. The mental state is
poor, the energy is insufficient, and you can't do anything well. Rebooting can upgrade a person’s
energy level, allowing you to enter a state of energy bursts and bursts of big moves. There is an
overwhelming and unstoppable momentum. With this state of study and career, the possibility of
success will be reversed. N times! By persisting in rebooting, you will become an energetic
superman. Put your superhuman energy and brain power into your studies and career, and your life
will completely counterattack.

3. [I was born in 1991. I have been masturbating since I was 13 years old. I have been masturbating
for more than 11 years until I discovered premature ejaculation, impotence, extreme waist pain,
general weakness, hair loss, memory and IQ have all declined, and I felt that I should quit. , But
could not hold back every time. I was able to do more than a dozen times a day when I was fierce
before. Now I regret it very much. Now I can’t walk normally because of the backache. 】

Additional comment: This brother has not climbed out since he fell into the pit when he was 13
years old. It is really pitiful and pathetic. Ignorant people will think that the beating person should
be very happy. In fact, the state of the beating up person is really sad. In many cases, it is not that
you really want to be up. The state, that is completely a slave state, a puppet of the heart demon,
enslaved and controlled by the heart demon. Before the symptoms appeared, many people disagreed
with the advice of seniors. After the symptoms appeared, many people took the advice of seniors
deeply. The highest root of goodness will resolutely reboot without the need for symptoms, and the
worst root, even if the symptoms are plagued by the roots, it is still obsessed with it. This brother's
good roots are still good, he consciously quit after symptoms appeared, but he just didn't succeed.
We must never force a reboot. To force a reboot is to rely solely on perseverance and not study
rebooting articles. In this way, our consciousness will not be substantially improved, and it will be
difficult to reboot successfully. I have seen many brothers who have been rebooting for more than
one year. Everyone who has been rebooting for more than one year depends on earnestly studying
rebooting articles. It is like playing a game and leveling. Only when the level is reached can you
defeat the big boss and reboot. The same is true. Studying rebooting articles is about leveling. Only
when you reach the level can you hope to subdue your own inner demons. Otherwise, the inner
demons will abuse you just like a rookie abuser. This brother was a dozen times a day when he was
fierce, but now he is suffering from symptoms and his back pain makes him unable to walk
normally. He regrets it very much. Later, many people buckled their backs, and their backs were not
straight. At the age of 20, the pulse was 60, and the body at 20 was 80. I watched the news a few
days ago, and a 103-year-old man was still energetic. Huong Shuo has a straight back, but the 20-
year-old Luzhe couldn't do it. The harm of masturbation is really great, Gu Deyun: "Although the
taste is the deepest, it can go away the essence and consume the vitality." More than a dozen times a
day, it is completely the rhythm of suicide. There have been several news before. Hang directly in
front of the computer, the computer is playing pornography. It's better to quit too hard than to quit.
Too bad will lead to self-destruction, and quit too badly will make you reborn! Quit the heroic and
righteous self, and quit the energetic, energetic, and confident self! Facing the heart demon, brave
and fearless, dare to fight and win, create a truly invincible rebooting iron army!

4. [Hello, Teacher Feixiang, I am a young man who is deeply addicted to pornography. I got this
bad habit at 11 years old. It has been 15 years now. The first few years were very frequent and
averaged three times a day. At that time, the symptoms were mainly easy I was thirsty, tired, and
fatigued, but I didn't take it seriously. The average time was once a day for seven or eight years. At
this time, it has been 10 years, but I have more frequent urination, weight loss, nausea, and no need
to eat. In the next few years, that is, in recent years, there was a very serious situation. One day after
about 13 years, the thing that came out was not milky white, it turned dark yellow, and the second
time I could not get a fast erection. In the last year, my vision suddenly changed to astigmatism one
day. It was really a waking eye. I went to the hospital to check for retinal arteriosclerosis. Recently,
my hands were shaking, my hand joints were stiff and weak, and my heart was sleeping. During a
certain period of my wake up, I felt dying and felt very uncomfortable. Then my spine became
sideways this year, and I got hives, and my muscles were beating unconsciously. I went to the
hospital and couldn’t find any problems. I’m 26 this year, I’m fast. I'm dead, what should I do,
Teacher Feixiang? 】

Additional comment: This brother was born from 11 years old to 26 years old, and finally he said: "I
am dying." This sentence is indeed shocking. The 26-year-old is at the age of life and life, but he
was abandoned because of the habit of masturbation. It's been lost, it's been 15 years, and it's time
to pay it back! You will have to pay it back sooner or later! In the first few years, because the body
is still strong, even if there are symptoms, it is not very obvious. I can carry it. Because I am young
and ignorant, I don’t take it seriously. Then I continue to indulge. The symptoms start to increase a
little bit. Weight loss, nausea, poor semen quality, and sexual dysfunction all came out. In the past
year, his eyes are no longer good. Chinese medicine says that the liver opens up to the eyes, and the
liver and kidneys are of the same origin. After masturbation injures the kidney, various problems
will gradually appear in the eyes, such as lack of focus in the eyes, dark circles, Eye bags, decreased
vision, floaters, vitreous opacity, etc. Retinal arteriosclerosis commonly occurs in elderly people in
their 50s and 60s. This brother is only 26 years old. His hands began to tremble and he developed
neurosis, as well as scoliosis and urticaria. Disease. Regarding scoliosis, I once saw a famous
professor who said that one of the causes of scoliosis is the kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine.
The kidneys dominate the bones and produce marrow, and the bones are prone to deformation when
they are loose. No matter how wrong it is, it is more likely to have such problems. The spine is the
middle column of the human body, also known as the "girder bone". It has a complex structure and
has the functions of bearing weight, maintaining body balance, exercising, and protecting the spinal
cord and internal organs. The spine of the Chinese people is closely related to rebooting, because
the kidneys are the main bones. People with rebooting cultivation have the hardest bones and the
straightest spine! To be a gentleman with a mighty righteous spirit, and one must not be an
indiscriminate and wicked person! The adulterer is actually in the mode of being enslaved by the
heart demon, in a low state that is not as good as an animal. They only see the pleasure, but they
don't see the pain hidden behind the pleasure, just like a fish only sees the bait but not the hook
hidden in the bait. Your family wants to train you to be a pillar, but you have turned yourself into a
dead wood because of the vice of masturbation! If this rotten wood goes to the top beam, the
consequence is the collapse of the whole family. Be aware of the past and be wary of future
generations. If you cannot learn from the painful experience and lessons of the predecessors, you
will surely repeat the same mistakes. It is nothing new to have neurosis, but many people don’t
know that it is until the outbreak of symptoms. At this time Already with symptoms, life is worse
than death. This brother fell into a bad habit at the age of 11, and completely broke down at the age
of 26. This 15 years of indulgence and depravity finally yielded bad results. Fortunately, he is still
young and there is still time to do so. With treatment, I believe that the symptoms of the body will
be greatly improved, and one day will be reborn and reborn.

5. [First of all, thank you very much for rebooting , rebooting has simply given me a chance to be
born again. I remember in July, when I was suffering from symptoms such as acne, premature
ejaculation, memory loss, listlessness... I even lost confidence in life. Until I met rebooting , I
remember the first time I entered rebooting , just like everyone else, all I posted were asking for
help. I have been rebooting for more than 100 days. During this period, I have 3 times of
spermatorrhea, and occasionally adultery, but all of them can be restrained in time. During the 100-
odd days of rebooting, not only my acne has improved, my memory and thinking have also been
significantly strengthened, my academic performance has improved, and my finger’s health circle
has also changed from 4 to 8, and more importantly, I Gained self-confidence and returned to the
time when there was no masturbation, and I saw the dawn of the future! 】

Additional comment: For more than 100 days of rebooting, this brother's symptoms have improved
a lot, and his confidence has been restored. For more than 100 days, it is like a golden cicada
escaping from its shell, and masturbation is completely cocooning. Rebooting is the beacon of the
sea of evil and adultery. When you are struggling in the sea of bitterness, please look up and you
will find that the lighthouse of the rebooting bar is showing you the way to rebirth. Regardless of
the harmlessness theory, masturbation is a depletion of energy in the final analysis. When the
depletion reaches a certain level, it will definitely be symptomatic and unable to escape. Sooner or
later, there will be such a day, and then it will be a lot of suffering. Can come to rebootAnd he
began to reboot seriously. This is a manifestation of blessings, good roots, and wisdom. A truly wise
person will never be masturbated, and a true expert will never masturbate. Everyone who is
addicted to masturbation has one. Characteristic, that is ignorance! Ignorance is the most terrible!
People who are brainwashed by harmlessness and think they are right, this kind of person is even
more terrifying! Masturbation is like a roller coaster. It rushes to the peak of pleasure, and then
rushes into the abyss of emptiness. When that happens, masturbation is too boring, and even begins
to blame and regret. With the increase in age, you will find that it is more and more difficult for you
to reach the peak of pleasure. At this time, you need to watch more abnormal content to stimulate
yourself. At this time, people's psychology begins to become more and more abnormal. Research
abroad It also shows that indulging in pornography can seriously distort a person's sexual
orientation. Originally your sexual orientation is normal, but in the end you will find yourself
becoming more and more perverted, so perverted that makes you feel scared, where is the original
you, this is clearly a beast in clothing. Use the motivation of pursuing happiness, but in the end you
find that you are not happy. Not only are you unhappy, but you are extremely frightened and
painful. Only then do you realize that you have fallen into a trap. No matter how many
pornographic films you watch, no matter how many times you play in a day, you will eventually
find that you are still unsatisfied or unhappy. When you don’t fill in any more, when you reboot,
you will find that pure great happiness naturally emerges, and then you have an epiphany: it turns
out that happiness is self-sufficient! Some time ago, a brother had been abstaining for more than a
hundred days. He said that he “felt the beauty of rebooting, even better than it was before adultery.”
He told the truth that before adultery is beautiful, before adultery is pure and innocent. But at that
time I was young and ignorant, and didn't know how to cherish it, just like a fish knows the
importance of water in the water, and only knows the preciousness of water after leaving the water.
Lost and recovered are often cherished. When we return to the state of innocence and innocence,
then we can truly appreciate the pure beauty and happiness. You will know deeply that this is what
you really want. Life and feeling. Please wash away the adulterous life like a pile of shit!

6. [Flying brother! I'm such a waste! I couldn't pass the magic test every time, and I broke the ring
every time in about 20 days! And still several times in a row, several days in a row. Now I don’t
have any grip strength. I walked with a hunchback. I couldn’t straighten my waist. I had a greasy
face. My nose was black. The side of my nose was always red. The pores were large and serious.
Acne had grown on my face like nails. All these make me feel inferior. A 20-year-old is even less
popular than a 40-year-old. I haven't been shopping for half a year! Except at work, it is at home. I
will never give up rebooting in my life! No matter how many times I relapse, I will stand up and
reboot again! 】

Additional comment: There are examinations everywhere in life, from kindergarten to university,
and some also take postgraduate and postgraduate exams, civil servant exams, driving exams, and
various unit assessments. Since childhood, we have gone through hundreds of exams, but no teacher
in the school will teach us how to pass the magic exam, because the knowledge of rebooting is not
popular yet, and this knowledge is as precious as gold. Almost everyone has frequent masturbation
experience. Of course, the specific frequency is floating. At a certain stage, they will definitely
masturbate like crazy. This is also very understandable. If you fail the magic test, you will naturally
be possessed by the heart demon. , After the heart demon is possessed, it is beyond your control.
You are just the puppet of the heart demon, living an involuntary life of imprisonment. If you want
to be invincible, you must diligently practice mindfulness techniques through constant practice, so
that you can truly grasp the essence of actual rebooting. Failure of mindfulness techniques is like
failure of marksmanship. If marksmanship is not good, how can you destroy the enemy on the
battlefield? Thoughts will definitely come up after rebooting. The key is to eliminate them
immediately and not be possessed by them. Thoughts are intruders, suddenly breaking into your
mind, and then attempting to hijack your body, evil thoughts are like robbers. Strictly speaking, all
thoughts that can lead to relapse can be called evil thoughts, including instigation and doubt
thoughts, all can be counted as evil thoughts. What you have to do is: When the thought robber
breaks in, he will explode its head immediately, one by one, so that it does not dare to break in
easily. The executive power of Suannian must be strong. Suannian means rebooting and actual
combat. Just like a soldier on the battlefield, many people talk about soldiers on paper. Once the
idea comes up, he will be defeated immediately. We need to be a master of mindfulness, and we
must practice to the point where we are superb and proficient. Just like CF, CF is the battle map that
enters the network, and rebooting is to enter each person’s own combat brain map. During the
rebooting process, thoughts will continue to pop up, just like enemies popping up one by one. If you
don't get rid of the thought, the thought will be possessed, and then you will break the precept
involuntarily, it's so cruel! Suddenness is a hand-to-hand combat, or a bayonet to see red! This is a
life and death battle! Either thoughts die, or you die! There is no third possibility. When you are
killed, you have to sum up the experience and lessons, and carefully study the experience of the
predecessors. This is like cutting to the perspective of the players who have not died, learning their
operations, seeing how the master breaks the mind, and seeing how the master is facing temptation.
What kind of performance is in the mirror is worth learning and researching.

You must keep in mind the three disciplines in the rebooting battlefield: first, learn to avoid
scumbags; second, learn to defeat the attack of the mind demon (the behavior of the mind demon is
the idea of attacking the brain); third, no matter how long you quit, stay vigilant! I suggest you copy
these three disciplines and post them where you can see them from time to time, not necessarily on
the wall or cabinet, but you can also copy them on the first page of your notebook. In short, you
should always remind yourself. The first is to learn to avoid temptation, this is the actual combat
awareness, the actual combat awareness must be strong and ruthless! It is necessary to continuously
strengthen the first reaction in actual combat. When you accidentally see it, you should try to avoid
looking at the second eye, because the second eye is often trapped. There are many wiping pictures
on the Internet. When you encounter temptation, you should avoid it as soon as possible, and don't
look at it again. Many newcomers have very poor awareness of actual combat. They are not
avoiding color bullets. They are going to hit color bullets by themselves. Can they not die in this
way? Avoiding sex bombs is really a very profound knowledge. If you want to survive on the
battlefield of rebooting, you must learn to avoid sex bombs! Why can masters survive the battle for
a long time without breaking? Because the color bullet can't hit them, they are all masters of the
color bullet, and their actual combat awareness is extremely strong! The second rule is to learn to
cut the mind. The heart demon will invade. There is no doubt that evil thoughts will attack you. We
must learn to defeat the attack of the heart demon. There are several ways to defeat it. There is one
kind of formula, one kind of thinking to cure, and one kind of recitation of Buddha's name. To
choose the way you are best at, you must establish your own defense system. The third is to always
stay vigilant, no matter how long you have been abstaining, remember not to relax your vigilance.
Once you are proud, once you relax your vigilance, the demons will have a chance. You must abide
by these three disciplines on the battlefield of rebooting. There are many more subdivided
disciplines, but the overall discipline is these three. Only by observing discipline can you win!

The brother in this case is only 20 years old, but his complexion is worse than that of the 40-year-
old. His face is greasy, his acne is like nails, and the acne caused by masturbation is like nails,
which is very stubborn and difficult. Masturbation has a severe impact on a person's self-esteem and
self-confidence. Children who were originally sunny and confident will become inferior after
masturbating for a few years. Some time ago, a 17-year-old brother, because of masturbation, his
appearance was not only awkward, but also prematurely aging. He was called the uncle at the age of
17, and he looked like a person in his thirties, which was a big blow to his self-confidence. He
didn't know what was going on until he came to reboot . We must learn to defeat the heart demon.
When you are truly enlightened, then you will naturally be able to defeat the heart demon. Arm your
mind with rebooting knowledge and become a rebooting special soldier to win the battle of
rebooting! Temporary failure is not terrible. People cannot be overthrown by failure. As long as you
have the unyielding and firm confidence and determination, study vigorously, drive up to the sky,
and maintain this hard work and vigor, success in rebooting is a matter of time.

7. [Because I met Brother Feixiang, my 20 years of adultery finally ended. I have been abstaining
for almost 150 days now. I am really happy. My heart really seems to be back to the heart of a child!
Yesterday, I went to volunteer at the children’s bible reading class to help with photography. I saw
the children performing traditional culture on stage. Tears kept streaming down unconsciously.
Every parent went to watch their own children’s performance. I shed tears because in this heavily
polluted environment, these children are actually touched with traditional culture and can perform
so well. I am really moved and happy. After I got home, I downloaded a few songs performed by
the children. Seriously, I think it sounds good. When I heard this kind of nursery rhyme before, I
must cut it off immediately, but now I can actually appreciate the beauty of it. It’s amazing. ! It is
unspeakably wonderful, I think my car sometimes starts to play these children's songs, ha! Thank
you, Brother Feixiang, rebooting is really beautiful, and adultery is really too ugly. After the
experience, I never want to go back. I am studying hard now, and I have the ability to hope that I
can help thousands of people like Brother Feixiang in the future! Amitabha! 】

Additional comment: This brother has put an end to adultery for 20 years, it is really not easy! For
many people, 10 years of adultery is a history of blood and tears, let alone 20 years, how many 20
years are there in their lives? Can come to reboot, Got a precious opportunity to purify the soul,
when the soul is restored to purity, at this time you can feel the pure great happiness again. When a
person grows up, it is difficult for him to experience pure great happiness again, because evil
thoughts have begun to develop in his heart, his mind has been polluted, just like the river is
polluted, looking muddy and smelly How do you feel about the river? What do you think when you
see the clear spring in the mountains? After growing up, it is difficult to understand why children
are so happy every day, children can naturally give out innocent smiles, so sincere, so from the
heart. But after many people are addicted to sex, he can no longer make that innocent smile. What
he makes is a wretched smile and a fake smile, but a smirk that doesn’t smile, it’s a pretended, very
reluctant smile. Not a smile from the bottom of my heart. The reason why children are so happy
every day is because their soul is pure and has not been polluted by evil thoughts. They can feel that
pure and great happiness. When a person is in a pure dimension, he sees that flowers and plants
have a special The beautiful feeling, there is an incredible freshness and magic, you can't feel it
after you start torture. When a person's brain is occupied by evil thoughts, what he finally feels is
irritability, anxiety, panic, pain and despair! When a person regains his innocence and innocence, he
is once again connected to pure great happiness and ultimate beauty. Just as this brother said:
"Rebooting is so beautiful." Children's songs can convey pure energy. When your heart is dirty, it is
difficult to respond. The more you listen, the more irritable you will become. When your heart
recovers When it is pure, you can experience the beauty of it. I sometimes listen to children’s songs.
There is indeed a particularly pure beauty. After the soul is restored to purity, it can form a spiritual
resonance with this ultimate beauty. It is indeed amazing! Innocent children are very moving, and
they will even burst into tears. In the children, you will find the things that you have thrown away.
That is the purity and beauty in the deepest part of the soul. This is a person’s most precious trait
and wealth. With this wealth, talents will be truly happy. Ma Yun said that he was not happy when
he became the richest man. In the interview, Ma Yun was a bitter face. He said that his happiest time
was more than ten years ago, when he received RMB 90 per month. Real happiness is not
something that external wealth can buy. Real happiness comes from a pure heart and a mindset of
contentment and gratitude. How many pornographic films of G have been watched by many
stunners, and you ask them, are you really happy? It must be unhappy, because it is a false pleasure,
and only deep emptiness and pain are exchanged, and it will definitely be symptomatic afterwards.
The real great happiness will only appear after rebooting. The real great happiness is pure, delicate
and infinitely beautiful. To recognize This is really not easy. Most people in the world like to take
pleasure. They have completely lost the pure great happiness. They have been compressed into the
frequency of evil and adultery. They have deviated from their purest and most innocent essence.
The brothers in this case also used a word, this word is very good, that is "happy"! Only when the
mind is pure and the energy is sufficient, a person may enter a happy state, otherwise even if you
are a billionaire, you will not be able to enter a happy state. There is a kind of innocence in true
happiness, and only people with a particularly pure heart can enter the happiest state.

8. [Thank you for rebooting , if I hadn’t met this platform, my life would definitely be dark now. I
have been running for more than ten years, and my physical problems are not very obvious, but my
mind has always been in a sub-healthy state, and my brain and thinking are disordered. , Difficulty
concentrating, anxiety and impatient, always thoughtful, others still don’t understand you. I have
read a lot of psychology books over the years. I have found a few psychology teachers. I have a
spiritual mentor in Taiwan, a psychiatrist in Chengdu, and I went to Tibetan areas to find a living
Buddha for prescribing. I think I am more open than others think. I have accepted the status quo,
but my mental state still hasn’t improved. It wasn’t until I met rebooting in 2013 that I gradually
realized that all of this was caused by adultery. I have been quitting for almost a year now, and I
obviously feel that my brain is much clearer. , The mentality is also stable, thank you. 】

Additional comment: Masturbation is a double torture to the body and mind. Although some
people's physical symptoms are not serious, their psychological problems are very serious, and their
psychological impact is very large, which has constituted serious troubles. Psychological problems
are relatively secretive, and only I know this kind of problems. At that time, I also had many
psychological problems, such as social fear, compulsion, anxiety, low self-esteem, irritability, etc.
At that time, I vaguely felt that my psychology appeared after masturbation. I had a lot of problems,
but I couldn’t be sure because of ignorance. Later I learned Chinese medicine and I fully understood
that when the kidney essence is constantly depleted, it will lead to psychological disorders. After a
brother had a psychological problem before, he went to a foreign country by plane to find a
psychologist, but it was still useless, because the most fundamental reason for the psychological
problem was not found. As soon as ordinary people hear about mental illness, they will say that you
think too much, or it is caused by stress or stimulation. Only a few people can realize the close
relationship between masturbation and psychological problems. Stress or stimulation can indeed
cause psychological problems, but many people have neither stress nor stimulation, but they also
have psychological problems, which shows that there is another hidden factor that has not been
recognized by doctors and the public. The secret factor is the vice of masturbation! It is very
common for the brain power to decrease after masturbation, because the kidneys are connected to
the brain, and the kidney essence metastasizes to the brain, and only one knows that the brain power
is reduced. This symptom is very troublesome for many people, and it affects study, career and
life. . This brother has read a lot of psychology books and found several psychology teachers, but it
still doesn't work, and his mental state still doesn't improve. Most psychology books only stay at the
psychological level. Psychologists also enlighten you from the psychological level. They often
overlook a truth, that is: physiological disorders can lead to psychological problems. Masturbation
can cause physiological disorders. The kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and
masturbation drains the essence of the five internal organs. After the physiological disorders, it will
cause psychological problems. Many psychologists are very good at enlightening people, using all
professional terms, but what they lack is professional rebooting knowledge. They have professional
psychological knowledge but not professional rebooting knowledge, which limits their skills.
Understand the level of understanding, so that it is impossible to fundamentally point out the
patient’s problem. This brother comes to reboot, I finally understood the problem, and after quitting
for almost a year, the improvement was very obvious. The knowledge of rebooting is so precious.
Those who master this knowledge are really blessed. Please spread this precious knowledge to more
people for the benefit of the general public. Sometimes a word of persuasion can change the destiny
of a person's life, because of your persuasion, he turned his head, he began to abstain from adultery,
and his life began to counterattack from then on. There are many experiences of being
misunderstood and slandered when going out to publicize. In fact, as long as the other party sees it,
you will be successful. Many people who misunderstood and slandered at the beginning finally
came to reboot and started rebooting seriously, because after the symptoms came out, they naturally
Will wake up, they will thank you in their hearts for a lifetime.

9. [Brother Feixiang, I have been following you all the time. I have kept every video of you. I have
been abstaining for 180 days. I have 2 children and a good wife. I used to be wicked and ruined
everything now. As if I was reborn, my temperament and spirit became extremely good. My filial
piety made my family admire again. I think I have found a kind of power, this kind of power is pure
and pure power! 】

Additional comment: rebootThere are also many married brothers. The reason for rebooting is that
the body shows a lot of physical injury. Rebooting is to abstain from adultery. After marriage, you
must still abstain from adultery. After marriage, you must maintain temperance. If symptoms are
plagued, then It is necessary to abstain from sex and keep in good health for a period of time, wait
for the body to recover before restraining sexual life, and must not live sexual life with illness, as
this may aggravate the condition. A brother said that every time after having sex, his body is like
being scraped off. The reason why he feels this way is because his sperm has been severely injured.
If you barely have sex, it will make things worse. Injury to a certain degree, any depletion will lead
to deeper deficits and overdrafts, it is really not hurt, the body is already in danger, and then the
kidney essence is consumed, which is likely to cause a major collapse of the body and mind. I have
seen a medical record of a famous Chinese medicine doctor before. The patient he saw hollowed
out his body due to indulgence. The symptom of sperm injury was very serious. The Chinese
medicine doctor asked the patient to abstain from sex for a year, and then strictly cooperated with
Chinese medicine. I did it. After more than a year of recuperation, my body slowly returned to
normal. Rebooting and preserving essence are very important both before and after marriage. It can
be said that it is a kind of health consciousness throughout the whole life. This brother’s blessings
are still very good. He has 2 children and a good wife. He used to have sex with him and ruined
everything about him. Now he feels like he is reborn. Quitting evil has a great significance in life.
Unfortunately, many people don’t. Knowing what adultery is, they often commit adultery without
knowing it. Seeing pornography, prostitution, and extramarital affairs all belong to adultery and
must be quit. Unscrupulous adultery accumulates negative energy and is in a state of being enslaved
by the heart demon, which will inevitably lead to self-destruction. Gu Deyun: "Along with lust, all
kinds of evil thoughts, such as fantasy, delusion, greed, jealousy, jealousy, conspiracy, murder, etc.,
are endlessly involved. Therefore, lust is the most polluting. The heart and the earth, therefore must
not be licentious." All kinds of licentiousness are the head. Once licentiousness begins, all kinds of
evil thoughts will begin to breed. The licentious person will inevitably become a carrier of negative
energy. Negative energy will attract negative life scenes, and then the whole life will be deep.
Dilemma. After we start rebooting, we must learn more about traditional culture, we must learn to
be filial to our parents, and we must learn to do good and accumulate virtue. When your positive
energy rises, your life will be completely different, and the energy you radiate will attract them.
Corresponding things, your life will be completely changed. This brother finally said really well
that purity is a kind of power. Because of indulging in adultery, you have lost your power. Only by
persisting in rebooting and cultivating kindness can you find your power back! This force is enough
to change the whole life!

Step into the text below

I have talked about fetishism in my previous article. Later, several brothers suggested to talk about
it in detail. This season I will discuss fetishism again.

Many brothers have fetish tendencies, and those with fetishes will have a lot more difficulty in
rebooting. This requires greater determination to make a clean break with the depraved and
depraved life of the past. I remember that there was a brother who had quit well, but he couldn’t see
the stockings. He was immediately captured by that picture. The stockings are like his nemesis.
Because he has a deep fascination with stockings, he saw them. He will lose control, just like a dog
sees a bone, and immediately catches up. Some people have a mild tendency to fetishism, while
others are severely obsessed, reaching the point of becoming obsessive. Once seen a case, the
patient collected tens of thousands of fetish pictures and was completely obsessed with it. Gu
Deyun: People who are not glamorous will fascinate themselves, and they will dig into the abyss.
Regardless of whether you are obsessed with a certain part of the body or women’s products, in
fact, they do not have any attractiveness fundamentally. Tendency is like a muscle. If you keep
practicing, that muscle will become more and more developed.

Fetishism is basically accompanied by sexual fantasies and the vice of masturbation. A brother went
to study in the United States before. At homestay, he secretly took the stockings of the host’s family
to masturbate. This kind of thing is definitely very dirty, dirty and disgusting, even It is sinful,
shameless, shameless, and if the owner knows it, it will really drive him out. In fact, he himself
didn't want to do this, but the adulterer could do anything, and people who were fascinated in it
were out of their control like drunk. I used to be obsessed with certain parts of women and feminine
products, but I have not yet reached the level of deep obsession, and I have not collected such items.
I’ve been quitting prostitution for several years now. When I look back, I’ll find that those items are
actually not attractive. It’s like a child’s eyes straighten when he sees a toy. Thought about it. When
you were a kid, you might be able to play Transformers all day, and you will never get tired of
playing them, but when you grow up, you might never touch them again, because they are not
attractive to you anymore. NS. When I was addicted to adultery, I felt that those things were very
attractive to me. It was no different from drugs. When I saw those things, I would conditioned to
reflex, and I would immediately have evil thoughts. When I gave up adultery and gained
considerable concentration, again Seeing them, there is no longer the feeling of the past. When you
are fascinated in it, they are very attractive to you. When you jump out, you will think this kind of
thing is absurd, just like you wake up, and think about the ugliness after drinking. Unbelievable, it
feels very absurd.
From a professional point of view, fetishism is a disorder of sexual preference, and it can also be
said to be a kind of mental illness. Some articles will say that fetishism is sexual perversion,
because the definition of sexual perversion includes fetishism, while other articles are not like this.
That said, but basically people think that fetishism is a kind of mental illness, a distortion in the
process of sexual psychological development, which is characterized by turning the goal of sexual
activity to clothing and supplies used by the opposite sex. Most of them are seen in unmarried men,
mostly in unmarried men. Onset in adolescence. Most of the female objects they are obsessed with
are obtained from their family members or through theft, and then obtain pleasure through sexual
fornication and masturbation. Patients tend to blame and regret afterwards. Many patients want to
get rid of fetish behaviors, but often cannot control themselves. In this way, sharp psychological
conflicts are easily formed, and the patients suffer great psychological pain for this reason. Some
people may blame themselves at first, but after a long time they become numb and become
completely puppets of the heart demon, and even start to steal. News reported that a man stole 500
underwear because of fetishism. , Some patients were also sentenced for stealing women’s clothing
and were imprisoned and ruined. The fetishist’s heart is like a monster. He keeps feeding this
monster, from a small monster to a big monster, and he is completely obedient to this monster. This
is a perverted monster, in fact, it is a demon. The enhanced and perverted version of.

There are several explanations for fetishism:

1. The result of long-term acquisition and reinforcement

Many people may have a vague understanding and desire for sex when they are young. Although
that desire appears vague and uncertain before development, it does already exist. Many patients
may have a certain curiosity and fascination with female objects when they are young. Generally, a
conditioned reflex is formed and fixed after repeated strengthening. This is actually the formation,
strengthening and fixation of a tendency. This tendency may appear before development, and after
development, this tendency will be strengthened more frequently. In this Internet age, there is a
flood of information about adultery, many of which are abnormal and abnormal content. Now
children are basically familiar with the Internet, so they have been exposed to this kind of content
very early, which makes their fetish tendencies change. Get stronger and control them firmly. When
such thoughts, images, and feelings come up, they immediately lose control. I remember watching
CCTV’s legal system some time ago. After a murderer was arrested, he said that he committed a
crime because of an evil thought. He did not cut off that evil thought. He obeyed that evil thought.
The same is true for fetish patients. When this tendency first appeared, he did not cut off that idea,
but listened to that idea. As a result, he strengthened that idea more and more, and that idea
eventually became an extremely powerful one. Monster. Many patients will not steal at the
beginning, but in the end they will steal everything, even after repeated instruction. The
development to this level requires psychotherapy, and a professional psychologist is needed to help
him overcome the tendency and tendency in his heart. idea. Fetish patients often have strange fetish
thoughts, some of which are even bizarre, completely incompatible with the logic of normal people,
and have completely entered a state of delusion, paranoia, and panic.

2. The impact of the social and cultural environment

If an ancient person suddenly came to modern times, seeing the dress and clothing of modern
people should have a strange feeling, just like we have never seen a certain ethnic group. When we
first see it, we may feel that How do they wear that kind of clothes, the first impression is likely to
be strange. When the ancients saw modern people wearing the same material as spider silk on their
legs, they would have the same weird feeling. The ancients did not receive the indoctrination of the
concept of sexy, so they would not think of sexy when they saw stockings, because We have always
accepted the indoctrination and influence of such texts and pictures from the media, so whenever
we see such pictures or videos, we naturally think about it. We have been brainwashed by certain
concepts in subtle changes, of course we may not have noticed it ourselves. Many fetish patients
steal women’s objects because they think they are sexy and attractive to him. However, in the eyes
of another person, it may not be very attractive, just ordinary clothes. We have received repeated
indoctrination of a certain concept in the process of growing up, and we ourselves have been
identifying and strengthening that concept. Over time, this concept has been shaped in your mind. If
we were told from an early age that people who wear stockings are weird and ugly, it is abnormal,
so that when we grow up, we will feel weird and ugly when we see people wearing stockings,
because we have accepted that concept. In the 1990s, split ends were a popular hairstyle. In those
days, if you shaved into a hairstyle that was pushed up on both sides, people at that time would
definitely think your hairstyle was ugly and weird. Now the hairstyles that are pushed up on both
sides have become popular. If you look at the photos of the Republic of China, you will find that the
hairstyles of many people in the Republic of China are pushed up on both sides. The social and
cultural environment does affect a person’s perception. Fetishists are victims of certain concepts. In
fact, whether it is a certain part of the body or women’s clothing, it is not attractive in itself, but the
idea gives them attractiveness. , It is a certain idea that arises in your mind, and you strengthen that
idea yourself. Just like the stockings themselves are not sexy, they are just a kind of material. They
called the stockings sexy when they put them on their legs, and called them robbers when they put
them on their heads. Some time ago, they saw a picture saying they were put on the legs of pigs. ,
And the pig looks sexy. In fact, this is very absurd, because people have been instilled in the
concept of sexy, so they think that, in fact, silk stockings are not sexy, and the material has nothing
to do with sex. It is human psychology. ! The hole in the ear of some ethnic minorities can be put
into a wolf tooth. They think that is cool and handsome, but we may find it a bit weird, even weird
and scary.

3. Lack of correctness education

Chinese children actually lack correct sex education when they are young. Although there are
physical hygiene textbooks in schools, many of them still need to be revised and improved. There
are textbooks, but teachers who have a deep research and understanding of sex education are
actually lacking, so it is difficult for children to receive good and correct sex education at the
beginning. You can look at the classmates or colleagues around you. The theories that occupy their
minds are mostly indulgence, ignorance of the harm of masturbation , ignorance of the harm of
adultery , and not knowing the bad influence of fetishism on life. The thoughts in their minds are
Have fun in time, without any sense of self-discipline. When parents find that their children have
fetish behaviors, they should immediately give correct sex education. However, our parents often do
not know how to educate their children. As a result, children’s psychological problems have not
been well guided and resolved. The fetish has not been corrected, but has been temporarily
suppressed, or even completely ignored. When a child enters the developmental period, the
tendency of fetishism will be further strengthened, the Internet world is rampant, and the
harmlessness theory misleads the children, so the child's fetishism will become worse. Rebooting .
Many brothers are trapped in fetish thoughts. When such powerful thoughts appear, they are often
involuntary. When they see the content of fetishes, they will reflex immediately, and when others
see it. There is no thought, as if he hadn’t seen it, but he was not. He saw it, and his heart
immediately stuck to it, just like dry wood met a raging fire, sparks met gunpowder, and some
fetishists saw it hanging outside. He wanted to steal women’s clothing. Once he saw it, he would
think of stealing. He was driven by that thought and couldn’t help himself. If we have access to
correct sex education at a very early age, have a deep knowledge and understanding of the dangers
of fetishism, and are proficient in how to subdue our own demons, then we will not have the almost
abnormal self later on . You must learn to stop feeding your own demon, starve your demon to
death, and completely remove that abnormal tendency from yourself, and no longer be controlled
and driven by it.
[One of the powerful tools for breaking fetishism]: Establish correct cognition and deeply
understand the bad influence of fetishism on life

We must improve our awareness and understanding through learning, and recognize that abnormal
fetishism is a wrong behavior, and it is quite naive. A big man secretly doing such a dirty thing is
really a gentleman. Using feminine products to vent one's distorted sexual desires is a retrogression
in the process of growth. The final outcome must be on the road of self-destruction. Many people
will commit crimes such as theft in the end. We should understand the difference between normal
sexual behavior and abnormal sexual behavior. The manifestations of abnormal sexual behavior are
diverse, which can be summarized into the following three types: A. Abnormal number of sexual
intercourse. B. The object is abnormal. C. Abnormal ways and methods to meet sexual
requirements. Patients with abnormal sexual behaviors often have some special evil thoughts in
their hearts, and they unconsciously strengthen that evil thoughts, and in the end they will be deeply
trapped in abnormal sexual behaviors and cannot extricate themselves. Fetishism is a kind of
abnormal and immature sexual psychology. It is the way adults adopt children. It is very naive and
absurd. People who are truly rational and self-controllable will not do this. We must learn to
overcome fetishism. Please remember that the female objects you are deeply obsessed with have no
attraction at all. The attraction comes from your own delusions. The attraction does not come from
the outside, but from your own. Thoughts and accepted concepts.

A well-known senior in rebooting also talked about his fascination with a certain part of women,
which caused him to encounter some obstacles in the rebooting process, but in the end he managed
to overcome it smoothly. Some people will collect pictures of specific body parts and then use them
to masturbate. Every time this kind of fetish behavior is implemented, it will be strengthened. In the
end, they will enter a completely out of control state. You will find that the idea of fetish is so
powerful. , When it appears, you will obediently submit. When encountering such pictures, you
have no resistance and immunity at all. Just like a certain type of virus, you cannot be immune to it,
and there are no antibodies in your body. The appearance of fetishism is often related to certain
abnormal thoughts and special experiences in childhood. As we enter adolescence, that tendency is
further strengthened, and eventually it will become more and more off track. I remember that there
was a brother who had a very strong foot fetish, and he was also very troubled. This tendency has
affected his normal life and also affected his normal love. He liked more than himself, and his
girlfriend noticed his abnormality. , Thought he was disgusting and perverted, so he broke up. In
fact, he himself has been strengthening that idea, and that is: it's beautiful, it's seductive, and I like it
too much. One thing you must remember in particular is that the demons often pretend to be you
and speak in your heart in your own tone. When a sentence appears in your mind, such as: "How do
I think, how I think." You have to be careful. , This idea is likely to come from the impersonation of
the demon. The demon will impersonate you and make you think that the idea is yourself. The
demon is extremely cunning. You must learn to see through the tricks of the demon!

[The second weapon for breaking fetishism]: The system is desensitized, and the fetish "rutting" is
downplayed until it fails to respond.

After rebooting, we must establish the correct cognition. From strengthening fetishism to
weakening and eliminating fetishism, this requires a process. First, we must make a big
determination to delete all pornographic materials, dispose of fetish items, and then more. Learn
about rebooting articles to understand the dangers of adultery . Fetish patients have a common and
prominent feature, that is, their sensitivity to obsessive objects or parts. Getting rid of fetishism is a
process of desensitization. Ordinary people’s reactions to those objects or parts are in a normal
state, while fetish patients are in a morbid and out-of-control state. They have been strengthening
that tendency without realizing it. The rut of fetishism has been A sensitized nerve pathway is
formed in their brain. Everyone should have this experience, that is that there is no road on the
grass, but because some people like to take shortcuts, then a road is formed there, and more and
more people walk, the grass gradually disappears, leaving a dirt road. The pathological tendency of
fetish patients is like a road. Their fetish behaviors are strengthening this neural pathway, and
finally they will form a conditioned reflex. When they see the target object, they will naturally react,
just like You will drool naturally when you see food.

Fetish patients should be aware that this neural pathway cannot be strengthened anymore. If it is
strengthened continuously, it will become more and more sensitive, and eventually it will become
more and more out of control. IT people are extremely sensitive to IT information because they
have to keep in touch for work reasons. People who like to collect stamps are extremely sensitive to
the content of stamps because they have been paying attention to stamps. A kind of behavior is
repeated, and finally a sensitized nerve pathway will be formed. If you don’t repeat that kind of
behavior, this sensitive phenomenon will gradually weaken or even disappear. In the end, when you
see it, it’s as if you didn’t see it. . No matter how powerful or perverted the fetish is, as long as you
master this law, and then quit according to this law, you will slowly return to normal. No matter
what you love, it is actually a projection of your inner state. They are not attractive in themselves.
However, through your inner thoughts, they become extremely attractive. To make them lose their
attractiveness, then Just change your own thoughts. Once I thought that certain parts of the body
were very attractive, but then I realized that people are obsessed with sex. Your thoughts trap you,
and your thoughts limit you. When you strengthen your fetish thoughts, it’s for I dug a deep hole

[The third weapon for eliminating fetishism]: Establishing a sense of disgust, thinking about the
dangers of fetishism, using impure and bone views

Professional treatment of fetishism generally emphasizes the establishment of a sense of disgust.

Some articles will say that you should scare yourself by thinking about harm. I don’t want to use the
word scare. I prefer to use the word warning. Think about the harm of fetishism. Warn yourself
more and make the most of your determination to get rid of the fetish. Some people may be worried
about whether it will be overkill to build a sense of disgust. In fact, it is generally not because
fetishism is a force of direction, just like the tree grows crooked and faces a certain direction. If you
want to correct it, you must Give it a force in the opposite direction. The opposite of infatuation is
disgust. To overcome fetishism, a sense of disgust should be established. Disgust is not aversion to
women, but disgust with one's own pathological obsession. This pathological obsession makes you
completely out of control and seriously affects your normal life. . Ordinary people don’t have much
reaction when they see the stockings, but some people see the stockings immediately. The precious
energy of the body is drained unknowingly. Once the fetish pattern is fixed, it will habitually leak. ,
This kind of harm to the body and mind is too great. There is also a special aversion therapy device
in the aversion therapy, which is the electric shock therapy, which allows the patient to play with
female objects. The therapist observes the condition of his face next to him. When he is extremely
excited, he turns on the electric shock switch, which makes the patient have a more painful
experience. In order to suppress the patient's fetish tendency. This therapy is also used in the
treatment of Internet addiction and mental illness, but this therapy has always been criticized,
saying that this treatment method is inhumane. I don't recommend this kind of therapy. What I
admire more is cognitive therapy, which is a psychological treatment method that changes the
patients' bad cognition and corrects bad behaviors. The fetish behaviors of patients are related to
their misconceptions and incorrect cognitions. To fundamentally change their behaviors, these
concepts and cognitions must be changed.

The view of impurity and the view of white bones can also be said to be a kind of cognitive therapy,
which is different from electric shock aversion therapy. Why do people have evil thoughts when
facing the environment? In fact, they can't break it. Beauty is actually just a skin on the surface. In
"Liao Zhai" talks about painted skin, which is the skin on the surface. The excrement and urine are
not smelly. The hero of the mountain and the world, sitting here to die and humiliate the country, the
man who embroiders the mouth and the heart, and the name is lost, just can't break the skin, it is
really sad! Piannian evil and licentiousness are often tossed and turned, and this is the cause of all
life's misfortune and blessing. Gu Deyun: "The body of men and women is originally a leather bag,
full of lochia. It is only covered by thin skin and hides the heroes of the world." Di Renjie stayed at
the inn. The owner's daughter-in-law was a new widow because her husband had just died. When
she saw Di Renjie’s handsome young man, she moved her heart. She came to seduce Di Renjie at
night, and Di Renjie immediately used his big move—cognitive aversion therapy—that the old
monk taught him the concept of impurity and bones. The young woman heard Di Renjie’s words.
She felt very ashamed and touched by her words. She knelt down in tears and said thanks to her:
"Thank you for your great kindness, not only for saving my reputation, but also for instructing me
to extinguish lust. I will definitely clean myself in the future." Later, the young woman really
insisted on Women's Day and was commended by the court. Di Renjie went to Beijing to pass the
exam and became the important minister of Anbang and Ding the country in the Tang Dynasty, and
he became the prime minister. Later, he was posthumously named Liang Guogong, which was
extremely noble. When Di Renjie was in power, he burned obscene books to reward the people for
advocating morals and etiquette, and he was a generation of famous officials. Di Renjie’s poem
goes: “Beauty in the world is the most joyful spring, I’m an adulterous woman. I am madly thinking
about a dead woman, and maggots are all over my body.” Later generations praised Di Renjie: ,
Shangmian Wuji Festival must be strong; cut back from the cloud and rain for a while, and the
name will remain in the sky forever." The first generation of Chinese Zen master Dharma once
made a skin bag song, which wrote: "Urine feces canal, pus and blood Gathering, it's so romantic."
Lu Dongbin also said: "Xiu boasted that the youth took advantage of the romantic and forced the
reincarnation to sell the bones. If you don't believe it, you can see in the mirror, there are skulls
under the skin." If you want to break through the troubled army, the wise man captures its
commander. The coach is an adulterous demon, and the demon is dead and defeated." Another
cloud:" Dirty flesh and blood, bound by countless insects. Among the four lurking, its shape is very
subtle. Ordinary people are not aware of it, but the eyes of heaven can look at it. Meditation and
return to view, men and women are really child's play. "The master of Guanru's "Qibi Gou" said:
"The appearance of jade is delicate and soft, and since ancient times it has not been romantic.
Fendai covers the skull and sculpts chicken skin wrinkles. stop! "The power of the view of impurity
and the bones is very great. The key is to see through and let go and change their own ideas. If a
fetishist is obsessed with women's body parts, he can think more about the views of impure and the
bones. Can get rid of fetishism and return to normal.
Master Da'an said in his teaching: "To destroy the demon of lust, we must observe the impureness
of the male and female roots." He also said: "It is hard for you to have the nourishment of these
meridians, which is discharged through the heart. Dispersed. The essence is the nourishment of life.
When you expel it, your essence, qi, and spirit are gone. Therefore, people who often overdo this
kind of lustful behavior have no essence, qi, and spirit in their heart. So he There is no ability to
think, no creativity. Those creative peoples, like the Jewish people, they have the habit of
abstinence. Even those scientists also know that to overcome a problem, you must leave the family
for a few months. Study there. Only when he leaves this lustful environment, he can concentrate."
Premarital abstinence is very important and crucial to individuals and the entire nation. Only a
nation with rebooting consciousness can have the strongest brain. Rebooting is to quit adultery.
What? Is it adultery? All relationships between men and women that are not recognized by national
laws or social morals are called adultery. Such as unmarried cohabitation, one-night stand,
prostitution, extramarital affairs, masturbation, sexual immorality, homosexuality, etc., even if the
husband and wife have sexual intercourse, there should be restrictions on time and place, and
should not be indulged. Fetishism is also a form of adultery, and it is a disorder of sexual
preference. The disorder of sexual preference was originally called sexual perversion. This is a kind
of perverted sexual behavior that deviates from the right track and needs to be corrected in time.

Regardless of whether it is impure view or bone view, it is through thinking to get rid of evil
thoughts, which is known as cognitive aversion therapy. We must learn to control our desires, don't
let it cause trouble, don't let it lead the nose. The old master Mengshen said: "The external beauty is
fake, that is the skin, and the internal organs are the viscera. Except for water, it is urine. In this
way, you can observe impurity and watch your body fight against greed and subdue greed." Beauty
was originally a skeleton support, foolish people are greedy for flesh, not knowing that
masturbation consumes the essence of the kidneys, and the symptoms of madness and venting are
plagued. "Cai Gen Tan" says: "Thinking about the taste after you are full, then the state of darkness
will disappear. Thinking of sexual obscenity, men and women will never see it. The old man should
regret after the event, break the obsession of the incident, and the nature will change. Not right.”
Many fetish patients regret after masturbating, and then throw away the female items. In fact, they
will feel boring after the ejaculation. They were completely lost in it before, like a virus. Will wake
up. Zen Master Dao Ji said: "Persuade people to do their best to protect themselves, when they see
themselves as white jade, the jade breaks when they miss their hands, and it is difficult to know the
wrong afterwards. Seeing sex as poison, you must persevere in yourself. You must keep it for life.”
It is necessary to get rid of adultery, because the harm is too great. Fetishistic adultery must be
resolved with the utmost determination. You must stop feeding your inner demons and be more
aware of the dangers of adultery .

[Fourth weapon for eliminating fetishism]: Intervention of thoughts, direct treatment of fetish
tendencies from the beginning of the heart and thoughts

The "Forty-two Chapters" says: "The heart is like a master, and if the master stops, the followers
will rest." The heart is the master of the master. The most fundamental thing to get rid of fetishism
is to work hard on your thoughts. This is exactly the same as rebooting. Of course, getting rid of
fetishism also belongs to the category of rebooting. At the beginning of the formation of a fetish, it
was because of a certain idea at the time, and then gradually strengthened that idea in the years that
followed. Thoughts lead to behavior, and to correct behavior, one must work hard on thoughts.
Professional treatment of fetishism also emphasizes anti-therapeutic thoughts. The therapist will ask
you to put a rubber band on your wrist. When a bad idea comes up, you will bounce the rubber band
to produce pain to eliminate the bad idea. . Some doctors also warn patients that when fetish
thoughts appear, they should immediately think about the dangers of fetishism to alert themselves,
so as to eliminate fetish thoughts. In the process of correcting fetishism, it is necessary to change
the concept, but the core is to deal with the constantly emerging ideas. With constant confrontation,
the rut of fetishism will gradually become lighter, and finally it will return to normal. At that time, it
will be fully understood that it is not glamorous color, and color itself does not have any
attractiveness or temptation, because you are fascinated by it. It’s inside, so it gives you a strong
attraction. The items or parts that are very attractive to you may not even be a fart in the eyes of
another person. When you change your concept, you will feel How naive and absurd I was in the
past, who was addicted to fetishism.

Some time ago, I saw a great virtue's teaching. It used a very good word, that is, "resolve"! When
the impulse of a fetish rises, you must know how to resolve it, and you must learn to overcome the
idea of fetish instead of strengthening it. In the end, you will become more and more perverted and
even embark on the path of crime. We must learn to treat and dissolve this kind of fetish thoughts.
No matter how the mind demon moves, we must effectively resolve it. The manifestation of the
mind demon is thoughts attacking the brain. There are three kinds of thoughts: conceptual thinking,
image thinking, and subtle feelings. Sometimes what strikes your brain is a conceptual text, and a
thought suddenly pops up in your mind; sometimes what strikes your brain is an image, which is
directly inserted into your mind. If you follow, then a small movie will be put in your mind; while
the subtle feeling is It is a more subtle form of thought, which can be felt but difficult to explain.
When the idea of fetishism appears, you have to immediately notice it. If the awareness is strong
and fast enough, the idea of fetishism will be defeated at the moment of awareness. It is destroyed.
If your awareness is not good, you are likely to fall into the stream of thoughts, and then there will
be a second thought, a third thought, a fourth thought, a fifth thought... You will enter the mode of
being enslaved by thoughts, involuntarily involuntarily, in the process of following the thoughts, the
impulse of fetishism has been greatly strengthened, and finally you will become lustful and
completely out of control. Some fetishists saw women’s underwear, and he wanted to steal. When
he had the evil thoughts in that respect, he didn’t try to treat it. Instead, he listened to the inner
voice, so he tried to steal again and again. He strengthened that tendency time and time again, until
he was finally caught, he couldn’t understand why he became more and more perverted. He was
completely ignorant. He didn’t know what a demon was, and he didn’t know how to deal with it.
Just know that if you have evil thoughts, you will obey and follow. The most critical link in getting
rid of fetishism is thought intervention. The same is true for professional psychotherapy. When bad
thoughts appear, you must learn to treat them. Bad thoughts are like cancer cells and must be treated
as early as possible, otherwise they will wait for development. In the late stage, it will be very
passive. Everyone knows to guard against foreign thieves, but few people know to guard against
heart thieves, heart devil thieves can not prevent, then life will become a disaster movie, foreign
thieves can steal your money, but can not steal yours Righteousness, and what the heart demon thief
steals is a person's positive energy. If the positive energy is stolen, a person is inferior to a beast.
There is a saying that goes very well: The greatest enemy in life is yourself! To be more accurate, he
is his own demon! How to surrender your own demons is the highest learning in life! The Tao Te
Ching says: "He who overcomes others is powerful, and he who overcomes himself is strong." The
real strong is the one who defeats his own demon. Don't kill outward, kill inward, and kill your own
demon. The real heroic man!

Final summary:

There is a very good tweet from the foreign rebooting website NOFAP: "Rule your mind or it will
rule you." To be defeated by it.) Rebooting is a war between thoughts. Use righteous thoughts to
subdue evil thoughts. Righteous thoughts can also be understood as awareness and cultivate
powerful awareness, so that the idea of invading can be directly eliminated. Foreign professional
rebooting is actually talking about cultivating the mind, but they use another way of expression, and
three tweets are also very good: 1. "Quitting porn might be difficult, but it is so worth it."
( Rebooting may be difficult, but it is very worthwhile!) 2.Using porn is like drinking color awater.
You may be tempted to quench your thirst, but it will only satisfy you for a few brief color conds.
(using porn is like drinking Sea water, although you especially want to quench your thirst, it can
only satisfy you for a few short seconds.) 3.Porn harms in three ways: the brain, relationships, and
society as a whole. Science has caught up with the truth, it's time to spread facts. (Pornography
harms three aspects: the brain, interpersonal relationships, and society as a whole. Science has
caught up with the truth, and now is the time to spread the truth.)

Zi said: I have never seen good virtues as lewd. Ordinary people are fascinated by sex. Fetishism is
a morbid and distorted obsession. For fetishism, you must learn to get rid of it. Patients with serious
fetishism can also go to see a doctor, and seek professional psychological treatment is also a way to
recover. Poetry Yun: The crime of lust for flowers and lust is so great, the blessing and the short life
are boundless, the strange man leans on the sky and the sword of wisdom, the hero has set the
beauty level! There is a great sentence in a rebooting article abroad, that is: "When a man chooses
his own life, the slave succumbs to life!" To put it more bluntly, it is: "When a man chooses to
reboot, the slave succumbs to masturbation! "The article also said: "Only underage children can't
control the most primitive sexual desire and any kind of temporary desire. Men must hone their
self-control and discipline. Starting today, become a real Man!" A real man should be an upright
gentleman who quits adultery. A real man possesses a higher level of maturity and self-discipline.
Masturbation is actually very naive. It's really sad that a big man is addicted to this nasty vice. Only
a man with a really strong heart can get rid of the stubborn habit of masturbation, and only by truly
abstaining from adultery can he truly dominate his life! A man with real determination in his heart is
like a majestic mountain. In this age of prostitution, he can be invincible, immobile, and
unbreakable! Antibodies against Xanthoxine have been cultivated in his body, and all Xanthoxine
can be killed, all of which are ineffective to him! It's just that billion G's pornography is placed in
front of him, and he won't even look at it, because those pornography are like rubbish in his eyes,
and his eyes have the fortitude and indomitableness of a martyr! We should be martyrs who reboot,
be truly principled and sturdy men, reject all wicked behaviors, and live the most positive energy of

Let me share a reboot poem

"Epic of Rebooting Heroes"

Looking up at the sky, the darkness of adultery is gradually dissipated

The dawn fell on his face again

He was shrouded in pure brilliance

The corpses of thought monsters are everywhere in front of the battlefield

The strong life finally broke through the curse of adultery

The glory of holiness once again shines on the land

The rebooting martyrs wore their shirts without fear

A heroic spirit that sees death as home is overflowing between the eyebrows

The sleeping lion has woken up

A roar of the King Kong lion destroys all the haze of licentiousness

The rebooting sun shines on the pure soul

The sordid and unbearable age of the degenerate will eventually pass

We will personally start a complete counterattack journey

We swear to stand firm, we swear to fight the demons to the end

When the thought monster rushes up again

It’s the moment we slay the enemy bravely

Kill all invading thought monsters

Let the dazzling pure light always fall on this pure land

Our rebooting stand is ten thousand times harder than steel!

Stand firmly in the rebooting position until death!

The heroes have embarked on the journey, their faces are full of heroism

The back is so firm and decisive

A body full of righteousness, holding up a hundred centuries of China!

To conquer your demons, to conquer the vice of masturbation

Compose a thrilling rebooting hero epic!

My brothers what are you waiting for

For health, for ideals, for loved ones

Fight fiercely for the innocence in the deepest part of the soul!

Quit your blood! Conquer the demons! Rebirth! ! !

Recommend a book below

"Looking for the Sea of Love": The "Looking for the Sea of Love" compiled by Mr. Huang
Zhengyuan in the Qing dynasty collected a wide range of predecessors' speeches on preventing evil
and persuading benevolence, and compiled it into a book. It is like putting in a treasure ship of
compassion and rescue in the turbulent sea of desire of the world. This book is very good. I
requested one on the Internet. This book is officially published and can be found in all major online
bookstores. It is a classical Chinese text with a vernacular translation. benefit. Many of the
information conveyed by sage education is cross-dimensional, that is, we may study the kind of
information that we cannot obtain for a lifetime, and the spiritual masters can obtain it through
some way, and then tell us that the so-called masters are them. The cognition is a lot higher than
ours, they have information we don’t know. Learning sage education is of great significance to life.
It is also the sage education that gave me a second life. Many brothers lamented that they had lived
in vain before rebooting. They made a lot of sense. Through rebooting and learning sage education,
We can only know what the real happiness and happiness are, and we can understand the truth only
when our minds are up. Ordinary people will foolishly think that indulgence is the way to
happiness, and seeing Huang Lu is a kind of welfare for them. In fact, in the eyes of true wise men,
adultery is the cause of suffering. Over time, the cause of suffering will lead to bitter results sooner
or later. Maybe your body is now It feels okay, but as long as you continue to indulge, you will
sooner or later break down. This is for sure. Ordinary people’s vision and experience can only be
limited to a few years, while wise men can see changes in 10, 15 or even 20 years. We should all
study the education of sages and become true rebooting wise men. Throughout the ages, true wise
men and high-level people have tried hard to quit adultery. Through quitting adultery, they realized
the realm that ordinary people could not reach for a lifetime. They also understood the truth that
ordinary people could not understand for a lifetime. That kind of high-level principle can only be
done after quitting adultery. It may be realized. This season, I recommend "Yuhai Cihang" to
everyone, and I hope those brothers who are interested can read it carefully.
Season 102: Cracking the Demon Encouraged by the Topic


In the preface of this season, I will talk about the fast and slow version of Gushen Gong. I respect
the slow version of Gushen Gong, which is the traditional Gushen Gong. I also recommended Dr.
Peng Xin's video before. But I personally admire the fast version of Gushen Gong. The fast version
was adapted by me. It is similar to the ligament stretching in physical education. Many brothers
have achieved nocturnal emission every month or every few months by practicing the fast version
of Gushen Gong. The last time a brother had performed the fast version of the kidney-invigorating
technique, he had not had spermatorrhea for more than 100 days. Before that, another brother had
performed the fast version of the kidney-invigorating technique and had no spermatorrhea every
half a year. His body's recovery speed has been greatly accelerated. For the body to recover well,
there must be a stable and low frequency of spermatorrhea. If there is frequent spermatorrhea, it will
greatly affect the speed of recovery.

The slow version of Kidney Strengthening I have seen, some take five seconds once, and some take
ten seconds once, while the fast version I adapted can be done once in 1-2 seconds. The time is
greatly shortened and it is richer. Pertinence, the feeling is stronger. I also practiced the slow version
of Gushen Gong at that time, but I prefer the fast version of Gushen Gong, which may be related to
my love of sports. In the past, my teacher used it for warm-up exercises in physical education

However, some people think that the fast version of Gushen Gong is not good, why? Because some
brothers have reported that nocturnal emission occurs after the fast version of Gushen Gong. In fact,
after the slow version of Gushen Gong, there are also feedbacks of nocturnal emission, because
There are many factors that cause nocturnal emission. To successfully control the sequelae, on the
one hand, the kidney strengthening function must be in place, and on the other hand, all kinds of
factors that cause nocturnal emission must be learned to avoid. When doing the kidney
strengthening exercise, the legs should not be close together, so as not to squeeze the testicles. Some
brothers will leak when doing the kidney strengthening exercise. It is because the legs are too close
together. When doing the kidney strengthening exercise, our legs can Separate slightly, don't feel
squeezed, you have to learn to adjust in this regard.
It is said that it is the fast version of Kidney Strengthening. In fact, brothers who have watched my
video should know that the speed is not very fast, and the rhythm is still relatively soft. The key is
to find the tightness and continuously strengthen the tightness, so as to have the effect of
strengthening the kidney. Some people may have prejudice against the fast version. In fact, both the
fast version and the slow version are good. Some brothers still have spermatorrhea after doing the
slow version of the kidney strengthening function. Could it be said that the slow version of the
kidney strengthening function is not good? The slow version takes longer than the fast version, but
the slow version is not easy to feel tired, while the fast version takes less time. If the physical fitness
is not good, you will feel tired. If your physical fitness is relatively poor, I suggest that you can
reduce the number of exercises or do it in groups, 200 pieces are divided into four groups, each
group of 50, or 100 pieces are divided into four groups, each group is 25, or 60 pieces are divided
into four Do it in groups, 15 in each group, and rest about 1 minute between groups. The number of
times can be flexibly arranged by yourself, and it is not static. At the beginning of the practice, there
is a painful adaptation process, and it will disappear after a period of rest, and the pain will not be
painful if you do it at that time. I remember that when I first started practicing Gushen Gong, it was
hard to do ten, and the soreness was obvious the next day, and then I just rested for a few days. Now
I can do 200 in a row, without panting, and not tired at all. , Has been practiced.

Some people have difficulty accepting the fast version of Gushen Gong because they practice the
slow version of Gushen Gong. They feel that what they practice is the best, and other exercises are
not good enough. This kind of understanding is rather narrow. A person who practiced Qigong
before, when he heard about the Kushen Gushen Gong, he said that he would make himself sore in
the waist and legs without getting tired. In fact, he completely misunderstood the Kuai Gushen
Gushen Gong. The Kushen Gushen Gong is one. The action of pulling the ligament is quite simple
and clear. This is a movement that often appears in physical education classes, and it is also an
action to develop flexibility. This is a very good action. It is not only a physical exercise action, but
also a health maintenance action. Actions. Nocturnal emission occurs after practicing the fast
version of Gushen Gong. You can’t blame the fast version of Gushen Gong, you can only blame
yourself for not grasping the essentials. No matter what type of Gushen Gong, you can’t guarantee
that everything will be fine after you do it. Although some people have done kidney strengthening,
but still have a lot of obscenity, or eat too much green onion, ginger, garlic, spicy food, and meat,
this may also lead to spermatorrhea. The former brother who did the fast version of the kidney
function for more than 100 days without nocturnal emission, he not only did the fast version of the
kidney function very well, but he also avoided all other factors that cause spermatorrhea. He took
all those factors into account. Luo listed here and avoided it very carefully.

Survival control is a very profound knowledge, and everyone should study it carefully. Regarding
the fast and slow version of Gushen Gong, it is actually the relationship between apples and pears.
If a person likes apples, they say that pears are not tasty. This is a kind of prejudice. Apples and
pears depend on whether they are suitable for you. If you think the fast version is not suitable for
you, then you should practice the slow version. People who practice the slow version should not say
that the fast version is not good. Many brothers practice the fast version very well, and they are
indeed very suitable for the fast version. As for whether it is possible to practice the fast version of
Kidney Strengthening before going to bed, according to my experience and research, it is absolutely
okay! But there is a principle to be grasped, that is not to be too tired, too tired to be prone to
spermatorrhea, because tiredness will lead to a decline in the ability to fix the body. On the contrary,
the ability will decline. Many brothers are tired during the day and will have nocturnal emission at
night, so try to avoid fatigue. Practicing the fast version of Gushen Gong should not be too greedy.
You must know how to do it step by step. If you have poor physical ability, do less and let your
body adapt to the intensity slowly.

A recent program on CCTV talked about Mr. Changshao Zhang’s "Prevention of Masturbation". Mr.
Changshao Zhang is the founder of pharmacology in my country. He has been engaged in the
teaching and scientific research of pharmacology throughout his life. He has edited pharmacology
textbooks and reference books. Known as the classic work of Chinese pharmacology. Committed to
cultivating pharmacology teachers and scientific research talents, he has made outstanding
contributions in chemotherapeutics and efferent neuropharmacology, and has played a pioneering
and foundation-laying role in the development of Chinese pharmacology. Zhang Changshao studied
at Shanghai Medical College and served as an assistant professor of pharmacology at Shanghai
Medical College. He went to the Department of Pharmacology of the University of London School
of Medicine to obtain a doctorate degree. He also went to Harvard University Medical School for
further study. The following is a paragraph from an article on banning masturbation written by
Zhang Changshao during the Republic of China:

[During youth, strong sexual desire, accidentally, it is easy to mistakenly commit the habit of
masturbation, resulting in physical weakness and mental atrophy. Young people with a great future
and endless hopes often become rickety and passive old people because of this change. How
important is its impact on the society and the country? When the country is in trouble, everything is
waiting to be promoted. I am a young man who is responsible for his own sake. Why not do it for
the country! The harm of masturbation has been detailed in the previous article. (See the health
section of the 19th issue) What is mentioned here is a preventive method to avoid irritation, and
restraining fornication is the first important thing. For young men and women, if they can practice
it, their lust will naturally disappear, let alone masturbation, that is, all kinds of genital diseases and
neurasthenia caused by masturbation must be gradually cured. 】

This article of Mr. Changshao Zhang can be found on the Internet. This is only the beginning
paragraph of that article. This is an article written by Mr. Changshao Zhang in his second year of
high school. Think about it, so high school students in the Republic of China can write such good
warnings. Sex articles are quite surprising. On the other hand, how many middle school students
now have the right knowledge of rebooting? Most of them are ignorant people who have been
brainwashed by harmlessness. In the Republic of China, they knew that masturbation would cause
various diseases. In that era, they knew that masturbation would cause neurasthenia. The truth about
the harmful effects of masturbation is now returning to the public’s field of vision. It has been
accepted by more and more people, but we are still in the minority. Some time ago, a brother
summed it up very well. He said that the rebooting crowd will change from the minority. In the
majority, from being misunderstood to widely accepting the concept of rebooting. I think he put it
very well, from the minority to the majority, this is an inevitable process of development. Rebooting
knowledge will gradually spread, and then the harmless theory will be swept into the garbage dump
of history.

Ignorant people will use "color food" as an excuse for indulgence. The ancients said "color food"
has a major premise, and that is to say that food sex is on the basis of abstaining from evil, just like
we must You can only drive on the road if you comply with the traffic regulations. Ignorant people
often misunderstand and distort the meaning of the ancients, but they do not know that the ancient
sages and sages are unanimously opposed to adultery, and the righteousness after marriage must be
temperate and not be disorderly. When ignorant people hear that "color food is also", they will feel
that indulgence is justified, as if they are justified and confident. In fact, they are too ignorant and
too stupid. They not only misunderstand color food, they think they are right and follow Others say
that food sex is also. When I was scrapped, I realized that it was a disaster! Heaven is the fastest! ! !

Share some cases below

1. [I am more than 20 years old. I have not said that I have harmed myself for 10 years. I give up
intermittently and repeatedly. I have never insisted on it for a long time. The last time it was 8 days,
I broke it yesterday. I went to see an old Chinese doctor this morning. The old man was in his 80s.
He came into the house and wanted to talk about curing insomnia. The left hand held for 2 minutes.
The old man looked up and asked me: "How old is it?" I said, "26" At that time, I had a bad instinct
in my heart. As expected, the next sentence was: "You are a sign of myocardial infarction at a young
age!" Oh, I went. He said: "No!" The old man talked about the symptoms, and it was not bad! He
also said to me: "I am sick at a young age." When I left, I took 4 packs of medicine and went home
in the afternoon to find a Chinese medicine shop to go to the hospital. The original poster is a
person who does not believe in evil. He went home and went to a Chinese medicine clinic. He went
directly to a doctor to get the pulse. It is true that he did not differ from what the old Chinese doctor
said. Western medicine can't cure it."】

Additional comment: This brother's experience of these two visits really gave him a lot of vigilance.
The four words "prognosis of myocardial infarction" were like a thunderbolt, which shocked him at
once. According to statistics, myocardial infarction is getting worse and younger, and young people
in their 20s are not immune. Two days ago, I watched TV and saw the news of sudden death after
the 1990s. 120 rushed to the scene and failed to rescue him. His mother really The cry of the sky
and grabbing the ground are of no avail. Many people associate myocardial infarction with the
elderly, thinking that this is a disease that the elderly can only get. How can it be associated with the
young? In fact, the incidence of myocardial infarction in young people is getting higher and higher,
and the onset of myocardial infarction in young people is often sudden, the symptoms are more
dangerous, and the sudden death rate is relatively high. Factors that lead to myocardial infarction:
stress, work fatigue, staying up late, excessive indulgence, lack of exercise, smoking and
alcoholism, poor diet, cold stimulation, emotional agitation, etc. Young people getting myocardial
infarction are often closely related to lifestyle habits Many young people are indulging in sexual
desire, staying up late for a long time, lack of exercise, overeating, and smoking a lot, which
increases the incidence of young people’s heart infarction. I remember when I was in college, there
was a news in the newspaper that two college students died suddenly on the dormitory bed because
they stayed up all night in a week. The classmates asked them to get up, but there was no reaction,
and their bodies were frozen. The brother in this case, he was more than ten years old, and the three
words "harm oneself" are well said. To control oneself is to harm oneself. When the injury
accumulates over time, the symptoms will eventually explode. The 80-year-old TCM doctor who
treated him is really experienced, and many problems can be revealed in advance in the pulse
condition. This brother's pulse condition is already showing signs of myocardial infarction, and he
is completely unaware of it. Many patients with myocardial infarction look okay on the surface and
feel good about themselves before the onset, but suddenly they don’t. Sometimes they feel
deceptive. You may feel that you have a strong sexual desire and a good body. In fact, you Your
body has been hollowed out, and your so-called strong sexual desire is just a manifestation of
excess. The kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and it has been indiscriminately venting,
just emptying out the internal organs, and it will definitely end badly in the end. These two
experience of seeing a doctor really sounded the alarm for him, and also gave everyone a great
warning. The harm of tube management is too great. You must quit as soon as possible. Maybe you
feel it’s okay now, but you should know that "small "Leak and sink the ship", the damage is
accumulated over time, the dike of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest, and maybe one day
your body will suddenly fail, so you must be vigilant and quit this harmful habit as soon as possible.
That scene reappeared in my mind. 120 whizzed around. Emergency personnel were nervously
rescuing a patient with myocardial infarction. The family members were kneeling together.

2. [Hello, Teacher Feixiang, I don’t know if you can read my message. I am in my sophomore year
this year, and I am studying Chinese medicine. I have also realized the great harm of masturbation. I
have been reading rebooting articles every day for the first semester. It used to be a long time, but
this winter vacation I relapsed three times, and I still relapsed continuously. I feel that my lust is out
of control. And now I feel groggy in my mind every day, my perception of the world is not very
clear, I have no energy in class every day, and I feel sleepy at the beginning of class. The quality of
sleep at night is still very poor. I am really not confident now. I really feel that life is better than
death every day. Teacher Feixiang, how can I recover faster? Such a mind is really uncomfortable!

Additional comment: This brother who is studying Chinese medicine has already suffered from
neurasthenia. Every day, his mind is dizzy and his feelings are not clear. This is indeed a life that is
better than death. Only when he knows it himself can he know that feeling. The advantage of
learning Chinese medicine is that you can recognize the dangers of masturbation through
professional knowledge, but it is not enough to recognize the dangers. You must understand the
principles and methods of rebooting. He had quit well before, but he relapsed during the winter
vacation. The dangers of relapse in winter are relatively great. Winter is a season for storing
essence. What is particularly taboo is to drain the essence of the kidney. After being reversed by the
heart demon, there will always be continuity. Break the ring and once again become the puppet of
the heart demon. Evil thoughts will definitely come up again. The key is to break them in time.
Maybe you have successfully broken 100 times, but if you fail to break them in time for the 101st
time, then you will be possessed by evil thoughts again. The evil thoughts are a program, a Trojan
horse virus. If you can't break it, you will be hijacked by it, possessed by it, and break the precept
involuntarily. After breaking the vows, you must reflect on and sum it up. Don’t be discouraged.
Temporary failure is not terrible. You must strengthen your study to reinforce your own
consciousness, and you must continue to practice insight. If the mental decline is more serious, it
should be treated actively. You can see Chinese medicine for treatment, or take western medicine to
control the condition. You must work hard on health preservation. Patients with mental decline can
try meditation or health training, which can promote the spirit. Rehabilitation of decay, rebooting
and health preservation are the basis of recovery, and then cooperate with active treatment, so that if
you persist for more than one year, the decay will be gradually healed. This brother used "Life is
better than death" and "Really so uncomfortable". I understand his mood and situation very well. I
was also very suffering when I had neurosis at that time. Later I insisted on rebooting and keeping
in good health for more than a year. Come out slowly. Generally, if you insist on rebooting and
keeping healthy for half a year, you can get half the result. The key is that you have to work harder
on keeping up your health. In the 19th century, Western medicine knew that masturbation would
cause spiritual decline, and Mr. Zhang Changshao knew that masturbation would cause spiritual
decline in the Republic of China. Now the latest scientific research has also proved that
masturbation has a great impact on the brain. Dr. Peng Xin I shared a case: "I once met a 60-year-
old Chinese American who died of other diseases caused by a cold. He used to work in the
entertainment industry and was surrounded by beautiful women. When he was young, he was very
unscrupulous in this regard. As a result, he suffered from cerebellar atrophy and nephropathy in his
50s. The brain is the high concentration of the essence of the whole body. The brain is the sea of
marrow, and the brain atrophy is prone to dementia. And the cerebellum is atrophy, and the
movement is disordered. When I first saw him, he was from the hotel Coming out, pushing a trolley,
the waiter supported him and moved it step by step. This is a typical manifestation of cerebellar
atrophy and unstable walking." "Zhonglu" says: "The kidney is the mother of the liver, and the main
body is to store the essence. When the essence is empty, the marrow sea is empty and the head is
heavy." It is pointed out that the kidney essence metastasizes the brain marrow, and the marrow sea
is nourished, so that the physiological functions of the brain can function normally. The kidneys are
connected to the brain, and they have been indulging in depletion of precious kidney essence, which
can easily lead to a decrease in brain power. If the damage is serious, it will lead to mental decline.
After getting older, brain atrophy may occur. At that time, the retribution of adultery is now. It's
really hard.
3. [Brother Feixiang, I have been abstaining for two months, but in the past few days there have
been bad images constantly appearing in my mind. I resisted it, but now my mind feels like it is
going to explode. When I come down, I feel like I'm going to relapse, what should I do? 】

Additional comment: After two months of rebooting, the demonic exam should be ushered in.
Generally, there will be one demonic exam within a month or so of rebooting, and then we will
continue to usher in the demonic exam in the subsequent rebooting process, even if rebooting. After
a few years, there will still be magic tests, so you must not relax your vigilance, and you must
firmly watch your thoughts. Many people usually quit easier, and they collapse when the magic test
comes. The magic test is the time for the real test. Bad images continue to appear in the brother’s
mind. This is the manifestation of the invasion of the heart demon. The manifestation of the heart
demon is the attack on the brain. There are three kinds of thoughts: conceptual thinking, image
thinking and subtle feelings, which attack this brother. Is the image. According to my research, the
proportion of images attacking the brain is very large. Many brothers have reported that past
memories suddenly appear, appearing in the form of images, which may be a certain plot of a
pornographic film, or they may be themselves. An experience of indulgence. When an image
appears in your mind, you must be aware of it for the first time. If the awareness is strong enough, it
can be eliminated immediately. The so-called thought is awareness, and awareness is nothing. If the
awareness is too late, it will fall into a passive state, and even become lustful. Just like this brother,
he said "the mind feels about to explode." The demons have already risen. Rebooting does not wait
until the heart demon ignites and then forcibly hold back it. This is not the case, but when the heart
demon first appears, it will immediately be hit hard, and the heart demon must be wiped out in the
bud. This brother has actually been hijacked by the heart demon and is no longer under his own
control. In this case, it is easy to break the ring. The practice of renunciation is expensive in normal
times. It is necessary to practice renunciation as fast, sharp, and ruthless as the blade of
renunciation. When the demons came, they came to die. If you can't stop mindfulness, then you will
definitely be abused by the demons of the heart. No matter how much you read about rebooting
theory, and no matter how many rebooting articles you write, if your mindfulness is not good
enough, then you will definitely relapse. Mindfulness is the actual combat of rebooting, it is the
time to fight the bayonet. Theory must be combined with actual combat. Although many brothers
are constantly studying rebooting articles, they are out of actual combat. They do not realize the
importance of mindfulness. In fact, the theory is the highest. Performance is actual combat, and the
only test of theory is actual combat. Talking on paper is not worth it, so you must practice hard to
stop thinking! The special forces have a famous saying: If you don't train hard, you will lose your
life in battle! Start from the actual combat to learn the rebooting articles and practice the
mindfulness based on actual combat standards. The only certainty is that the mind demon will
definitely attack again, and all you have to do is to practice mindfulness desperately. When the mind
demon invades, be sure to control the mind Go on! My reboot article has a great feature, that is,
"close to your thoughts and fight in action." It's better to be a slapstick, not as good as a foot, to be a
true mind-breaking practitioner, and constantly sharpen your own Demon Slayer! As the saying
goes: The sword is in the middle of the heart and the devil is cracked, and the gods are born to
sweep away all the wastes!

4. [My history of masturbation is 8 years. I used to be really inferior. I didn't dare to talk to girls. I
had poor memory. I couldn't get enough energy for anything. I also had premature ejaculation. Since
I came to rebooting a year and a half ago, many seniors have given me valuable advice. I myself
have learned from the pain because of the declining health. After I decided to reboot, I haven't
broken it yet. I am very happy that 3 months ago, my fear of society suddenly disappeared, and I
became more energetic. I no longer feel inferior as before, and found my own sunshine. Fortunately,
I met the love of life in the same month. During the days when we met and loved each other, I told
her all of my experiences. She understood and supported her. So we also reached a consensus on
abstinence before marriage and abstinence after marriage. 】

Additional comment: This brother has completed his transformation, and his persistence for more
than a year has allowed him to find his own sunshine. Life could be so sunny, but many people live
in a dark and frightening world because of indulging in adultery. An adulterer’s energy level is
actually very low. The energy level is closely related to a person’s mental state. If you keep having
evil thoughts, this is a kind of leakage in itself. If you are addicted to adultery and masturbation,
your body’s energy will suffer. To a lot of wear and tear. Not only will people become inferior, but
also their brain power and mental state will drop drastically, which is a very decadent and weak
feeling. I remember when I was a fitness coach, although many equipment can be lifted to the end,
that is, I can train with the maximum weight, but my mental strength is very weak, that is, my
mental strength is very weak, and my heart is not strong enough, and I can even use it. Cowardly,
lacking a kind of upright confidence and self-confidence, often avoiding eyes, lacking a direct-
looking firmness and righteousness. I was in this state at that time, with a strong appearance and a
weak heart, because I have always been a puppet of the heart demon, and I have been living an
involuntary life. I know there is a demon in my heart, but I can't subdue it, I can only passively obey
it, and it is the life of slaves and puppets. When a person starts to make up his mind to reboot, it
actually takes quite a bit of courage. This means that you have to completely break with the heart
demon and no longer be at its mercy. This is to liberate yourself. Through the cultivation of
rebooting, the inner ability can be achieved. The person who is truly strong and subdues the heart
demon is the most powerful existence. The recovery process of this brother also shows the law of
quantitative change resulting in qualitative change. The self-destruction of masturbation is in line
with quantitative change and qualitative change. The same is true for the recovery process. Three
months ago, his fear of society suddenly disappeared. It was like a piece of black cloth on his head
was suddenly removed. People became more energetic. This feeling is like seeing the sun again.
Some brothers have experienced this. After the dramatic recovery, it was like the Monkey King who
was suppressed by the Five Finger Mountain regaining his freedom. That feeling is really great!
When the body and mind recovered, the brother also summoned the family members of Ruyi, who
looked like a good girl. Some people lamented that they could not meet a good girl. In fact, in his
wicked state, even if they met, they would miss it. Human kidney essence is like the oil of a lighter.
You must save some use, try to avoid pre-marital sex, and save your best self until after marriage.

5. [I have been masturbating for more than ten years, and have been masturbating for more than
three years. My body has been neurotic, headaches, and migraines. I work as a programmer, and I
can't keep up with my brain power. I quit my job and graduated for one and a half years. Now there
is a shadow in my heart, timid and courageous. I have indeed received retribution. It is better to live
than to live. Only by rebooting and keeping healthy to restore my kidney qi can I get better. I now
hope that my head will not be as heavy as a lead block, so that I can make a comeback. I have been
at home for a month now, and I don’t know what kind of work to do in the next year, maybe I can
only go to work. Now I have a nervous breakdown, and the pressure of writing code makes me
unable to carry it. I am now anxious, fearful, socially afraid, and afraid of dealing with people. I
used to reboot for 27 days. I remember that day I suddenly discovered that my head could learn
something, but it still broke. I regret it now. Why did I watch pornographic masturbation for a
while? ! 】

Additional comment: The programmer's job requires high mental power, and this job is likely to
require staying up late and sitting for a long time, which is also very detrimental to physical
recovery. This brother has already suffered from neurosis, and also used the four words "Life is
better than death". People with neurosis basically feel that life is worse than death. Neurosis is a
watershed for patients with sperm injury. Maybe You now have chronic symptoms, spermatic cord,
or other chronic symptoms. In fact, these symptoms can be tolerated. If you have neurosis, it will be
really tormented. So I always advise those brothers who have not yet developed neurosis to get rid
of the bad masturbation habit as soon as possible. Don’t wait until you have neurosis to make a big
decision to quit. It will be a bit late then, and you should make your best decision now. Get rid of
the bad habit of masturbation. If this bad habit is not eliminated, you will never have peace. It is like
a thorn in your eye or a thorn in your flesh. The scripture says: "Pull out all the thorns, to live in the
group, and pull out the arrows, and finally to be stable." "The lust is quite arbitrary, like drinking
salt water, drinking more and thirsty, only death. The lust into the heart is like a ghost. Infuriated,
burned to death.” This brother has masturbation for more than ten years, masturbating for more than
three years, masturbation is cutting the tree of life, masturbation is sawing the tree of life, a little bit
of wear and tear on you, unknowingly Time to waste you. It will not cause harm if you start
thinking about it, but you are afraid that if you take the initiative to commit adultery, it will cause a
secret omission. This brother has already felt the retribution, and he wants to make a comeback, but
currently his body can't bear it anymore. If you want to do something in your career, your body
must be strong, and this brother's body can no longer withstand the intensity of work. If you
reluctantly work, it will only drag your body even more, and it will also be difficult to ensure work
efficiency. I have talked about many neurotic patients. Many of them chose to resign. Most of the
severe neurotic patients choose to recuperate at home. If they are recovering neurotic patients, they
can consider going out to work. Neurosis is a very thick cocoon. To break through the cocoon and
rebirth, it takes a process. I am a person who has crawled out of the symptom hell. I know exactly
what it feels like. It is true that life is better than death, and it is tortured. Some time ago, a neurotic
brother committed suicide and did not die. He said that he had broken his leg. After going to
Guimenguan, he figured it out, thought about rebooting, and regretted his impulsive behavior. In
any case, you should not choose to commit suicide. Keep rebooting and health maintenance. If your
symptoms are severe, you should cooperate with active treatment, and then do more charitable
deeds to increase your positive energy. In this way, your neurosis will heal slowly, and you will be
completely reborn. a feeling of. The "True Medical Theory" says: "If people are good, their nature
will be from yang, and the atmosphere will be bright; if people are evil, their nature will be from
yin, and the atmosphere will be dark." Evil sex is to accumulate negative energy, which will turn
you on. In the dark and fearful life, on the one hand, we must reboot well, and on the other hand, we
must do good deeds, so that we can return to the bright outlook. Based on my in-depth experience
and observations, I found that a rebooting cultivator will have a strong righteous energy condensed
between the eyebrows. This righteous energy will be expressed in a certain kind of eye and
expression. This kind of awe-inspiring righteous feeling is evil. You can’t see it on your face. When
others see your eyes and expressions, they will naturally be deeply moved and impressed by you.
Although some people have some righteousness, they are not as strong, so thorough and pure, and
so have a clear conscience. The person who surrenders the heart demon has a particularly powerful
mental power, which feels like the aura of a lion.
6. [Senior Feixiang, after reading your article, I am deeply impressed. I seem to know why my
grades have plummeted after I entered high school. I have been playing for three years, and my
grades in junior high school are still very good, so I don’t take it seriously, but Now the symptoms
are breaking out, memory is significantly reduced, the vocabulary text can not be memorized five or
six times, and the body is getting weaker and weaker. After playing basketball for a while, it will
cause backache and back pain. It's really harmful! 】

Additional commentary: "Lingshu" says: "The marrow and the brain are both essences and so on.
The essence of the brain is derived from the essence." Harmful theory becomes more blind and
ignorant after brainwashing. There are too many bricks in this era. The theory of the bricks is not in
line with the facts, but it is in line with the psychology of indulgence. This brother felt okay when
he was in charge in junior high school, and the impact was not very obvious. After all, his body was
still relatively thick, but after a few years of wear and tear, symptoms began to break out, his
memory was significantly reduced, and his body became weaker and weaker. Only then did I know
how harmful it is. I remember that when I was in middle and high school, I also felt the dangers of
stubbornness, such as mental decline, sore back and weak legs, worsening rhinitis, slow-forward
appearance, ugly appearance, acne outbreak, loss of eyesight, etc., I also slapped it for three years.
From left to right, the performance of hurting the sperm is already obvious. At that time, I faintly
felt that it was wrong to control the tube, but I was still using the "last time" to deceive myself. At
that time, I was quite naive and ignorant, and I lacked theoretical guidance. Blindly forcibly, the
result is doomed to failure. Declining brain power is a great disaster for the student party. Academic
performance is supported by brain power. As soon as brain power declines, academic performance
will naturally decline. There is a good idiom: the tide rises! After the brain power rises, the
academic performance will also increase. After the brain power declines, many topics are not
understood. Some people's brain power decline after being controlled is simply high diving, which
can be reduced from the forefront of the grade to the countdown of the grade. Teachers and parents I
take turns doing ideological work and extra-curricular tutoring to increase my horsepower, but my
academic performance is still very difficult to improve, because my brain power has been hollowed
out by the secret habit of masturbation. The so-called mud cannot support the wall. Some people
were originally from Tsinghua and Peking University, but in the end they lost their name.
Masturbation too affects their exam luck. Sometimes they clearly get enough scores, but they fill in
the wrong wishes like a ghost. No one cares about it, and just wastes his life, from a vigorous young
student to a wretched uncle, his mind is full of evil thoughts, and the whole person has no
righteousness at all. Gu Deyun: "A bad mind will lead to disaster. A careless thought will destroy
your wealth." Young students must give up the bad habit of masturbation and don't let themselves
send out evil thoughts, otherwise they will be like a magnet to inspire bad things, people. There
must be a wave of righteousness, this wave of righteousness is the best amulet!

7. [I am a college student who is about to graduate. When I first went to college, I learned how to
control, twice a week, and once every two or three days in the summer vacation. I was obsessed
with the pleasure of that one or two seconds. Last year, my symptoms broke out and prostatitis
appeared. I got better after treatment. I didn’t touch it for two months. After I got better, I started to
touch it a few times. In addition, I stayed up all night and sat for a long time. In the end, all the
symptoms broke out, and I began to fear insomnia. Just a few days ago, I wanted to kill myself by
suicide. After taking some medicine to treat depression, my suicidal tendency decreased, but from
time to time I still had thoughts. Now the symptoms of insomnia have made me desperate, and I can
only be relieved by taking medicine. Hey, my body is so abolished, and I am facing a graduation job
again. I don't know what to do. I hope my painful lesson can awaken more people like me. 】

Additional comment: This brother has already developed a neurosis. Consider depressive neurosis.
Depressive neurosis is a neurosis characterized by a persistent low mood state, often accompanied
by anxiety, physical discomfort and sleep disturbance . In terms of clinical symptoms, the main
difference between depressive neurosis and depression is that the former also has depression
symptoms such as low mood, loss of interest, pessimistic disappointment about the future, and poor
self-perception, but the patient has no obvious reduction in speech movements, slow thinking, etc.
Suppress performance. All in all, depressive neurosis is lighter than depression. Mental illnesses are
divided into severe mental illnesses and mild mental illnesses. Severe depression, schizophrenia,
and mania are classified as severe mental illnesses; neurosis and most depressions are classified as
mild mental illnesses. Neurosis includes anxiety, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
neurasthenia, hypochondriasis and so on. The diagnostic criteria will be revised with the times, but
the overall will not change much. I once summarized a formula: staying up late + indulgence +
sedentary = finished. This is the conclusion that I have drawn after several years of in-depth
research. If a person masturbates and does not stay up late to sit for a long time, he will have to
reach a certain age of injury before he may have neurosis. But if he stays up all night and sits for a
long time. Neurosis will break out soon, and in a short period of time, the body may completely
collapse in a few months. Now this brother has fallen into the symptom hell, and the symptoms
have made him go to death. The same is true for my neurosis at the time, and I live with extreme
horror and despair. This brother only learned to marry him when he was in college. It was relatively
late. Generally, he had no teacher to learn when he was growing up. However, this brother had to
stay up late and sit for a long time, so his body was worn out very quickly, and he was facing
graduation. When the body broke down, it was really sad! I was young and ignorant, and it was
really worthless to exchange my health for that one or two seconds of pleasure, and I lost all my
good fortune. The lesson is indeed painful. Fortunately, neurosis is reversible. If you persist in
rebooting and keeping in good health, your body and mind are expected to return to normal.

8. [Brother Feixiang, ashamed and ashamed, rebooted for more than 200 days, relapsed five times
in January, and had no spermatorrhea seven times. I was really crazy. It was because I
underestimated my heart demon. I became a slave to thoughts. Yes, I was like a puppet at that time.
After I was finished, emptiness and loneliness would hit me immediately. I don’t know why I was
just kicking. Then I went back, the heart demon kept on thinking, and I couldn’t stop thinking about
it. Thousands of thoughts came up. I want to restart rebooting. Come on, the heart demon, I must
defeat you, and study rebooting articles every day, I must cheer, be grateful to Brother Feixiang, and
be grateful to my parents. thank you all. 】

Additional comment: When I was young, I watched the movie of the Five Heroes of Langya
Mountain, and I felt heroic! Admire it! All the enemies came up and were repulsed. They threw
stones until they had no bullets, and refused to surrender. The same is true when we reboot, but the
enemy is inside, and the enemy is invading your brain, trying to occupy your brain. After occupying
your brain, you can control your behavior. When those thought monsters come up, you must
resolutely eliminate them, otherwise you will be possessed, and you will wake up after you are
finished. Once conquered by the heart demon, it will return to the mode of being enslaved by the
heart demon in a short period of time, thus breaking the ring madly. This brother has rebooted for
more than 200 days, and his record is quite good, but don't underestimate the inner demon, the inner
demon's counterattack is very violent, just wait for you to relax your guard, wait for you to reveal
your flaws. The speed of the mind demon attacking the brain is extremely fast, you must be on high
alert! If you can’t stop one thought, it will trigger a series of thoughts, which reproduce crazily in
your mind like cyanobacteria, and then you turn back to a meat tube machine. After dropping, you
will feel unusually uncomfortable below. When the dopamine drops, the feeling will be completely
different. Even if you watch tons of pornography, you will not feel real happiness. All you can feel
is the short pleasure of adultery and the deep emptiness afterwards. Real happiness comes from
rebooting, from a pure heart, and watching pornography. Fuck pipe is contaminating one's own
soul, and it will eventually lead to panic and pain. Actual combat is the theme I have been
emphasizing. We must hold the position of rebooting. The heart demon will definitely launch
rounds of attacks. We must remain vigilant and resolutely defeat the attack of the heart demon. We
must not let the heart. The devil succeeded. No matter how long you quit, stay vigilant, no matter
how long you quit, stay humble and cautious! Avoid arrogance and rashness, and reboot steadily.

9. [In January 2014, I masturbated at about 10 o'clock in the evening for less than 1 minute, my
heart was beating very fast, my mind was short of breath, my mind was very empty, and my
emptyness was extremely uncomfortable. At that time, my heart collapsed. My relatives took me to
the hospital and took my blood pressure around 190. After that, I had a brain CT. Although my
examination was normal, my mind was very empty. I also took an electrocardiogram. Later, I took 2
bottles of syrup and took 1 blood pressure medicine and went back. , I arrived home at 3 in the
morning, and the body has undergone earth-shaking changes since that night, that is, the feeling of
complete breakdown of the body, the weakness to the extreme, and the heart rate has been
abnormal. I went to school the next day. Although my family advised me not to go, I didn’t take it
too seriously at the time. I naively thought that it was time to sleep. Only when I arrived at school, I
found that life is better than death, and I sat on a chair. The heart is very uncomfortable, I can smell
a stimulating smell, my mind feels no more, I am particularly uncomfortable in the seat, and then
this feeling becomes more and more serious, it becomes a sense of fear, the body is not adapted, and
occasionally there is a dying feel. In every class, I heard my heart beating so fast. The most terrible
thing is that my body often feels floating. Then one day in a class, my heart beats strongly (Boom).
I was so scared to death. I kept holding it uncomfortably. After class, I told the teacher directly. The
teacher took me to the hospital. I felt like I was dying and collapsed along the way. When I arrived
at the hospital, I took an electrocardiogram (overspeed). I just prescribed some anti-blood pressure
medicine and went home. After that, I took a day’s rest. From then on, I went to school every day
after taking blood pressure medicine. My condition was much better than before, but I still felt fear,
chest tightness, and inexplicable fear. After mixing for a semester like this, I couldn't hear anything
in class this semester, and I took the high school entrance exam in a muddle-headed manner. Note:
There is a total of three years of SY, almost every day in the first 2 years, and staying up all night
every day after the third grade. 】

Additional comment: This case has fulfilled the formula: staying up all night + indulgence +
sedentary = finished. This brother has been masturbating for three years, but he has already felt a
sense of near death. Considering that it is a panic attack of anxiety, he should go to the neurology
department. Panic attack attacks), also known as acute anxiety attacks. Suddenly, the patient has
severe discomfort, including chest tightness, breathless sensation, palpitations, sweating, stomach
upset, trembling, numbness of hands and feet, dying feeling, madness or loss of control. Panic
attacks are one of anxiety disorders. Kind of expression. My previous article also included many
cases of panic attacks, which are actually very many, because nowadays young people have the
habit of staying up late. If you are addicted to the vice of masturbation, then the possibility of panic
attacks will appear. Will greatly increase. This is an experience of absolute panic. My heart is
extremely collapsed, and I feel like I am dying. I really turned my life into a horror movie alive, and
I have lived in symptom hell ever since. Cars talk about fuel consumption, while people talk about
fine consumption. Earth-shaking changes will occur when the consumption reaches a critical point.
Then you will feel bad for your body, and then you will fall into a vicious circle, and you will
always be in that bad feeling. It's hard to get out. Many people may have never heard of neurosis
since they were born, but when they really got it, they knew that there was still such an experience
of pain and panic. How can the body survive this way? No matter how strong the body is, it cannot
withstand such frequent exhaustion, just like a multi-millionaire who spends money crazy but does
not know how to manage money, so sooner or later he will become a pauper. Kidney essence is the
capital of the body, as well as the capital of studies and career. Capital cannot be moved at will, just
like treasury money. Starting to masturbate is actually like entering a minefield. Maybe at first you
walk in and it's okay, but as you walk around, you will step on the thunder sooner or later, and it
will explode someday, and you will suffer a lot by then. "The Book of Changes": "The
accumulation of evil is not enough to destroy the body." Time after time, time after time of
exhaustion, I have slipped to the critical point of the outbreak of symptoms without knowing it.
Then suddenly I will give you this. It is really true. It was terrible. Many people were sent to the
hospital directly by calling 120. At that moment, they really felt like they were going to die. A
moment ago, he was still facing Huang Pianlu, but a moment later, I was already on 120. If you say
to an ignorant person: "Fucking will make you live in a sense of fear!" Do you think that person
will believe it? It’s hard to believe. With his current experience, he would feel very comfortable.
Because he is extremely ignorant, short-sighted and blind, so he can’t see what will happen next,
just like a cliff at the end of a highway. People didn't know that there was a cliff ahead. They rushed
to the cliff at high speed. They didn't realize what was happening until the car flew in the air. By
this time, it was too late and they would endure tragic pain. Later, it was not only neurosis, but also
other major diseases. Gu Deyun: "Desire When the fire burns, the essence is depleted; all diseases
are easy to occur, suffocating their cleverness, and short their thoughts; those who are useful for a
few years will become useless, and gradually become a disease of tuberculosis. "Shi Yun: "Young
people suffer from masturbation because of ignorance, and their flesh and energy have been
damaged before they are fixed; the whiteness drives away ghosts, dying to the sea without knowing
it; I advise the world to self-examine early and guard against the two things of adultery; moral good
books often read, hundred Sickness disappears and health is like a fairy. "The bad habit of
masturbation must be completely quit, otherwise it will drag you into the abyss of pain sooner or

Step into the text below

This season, I will talk about the instigation of the heart demon in detail. The heart demon is very
cunning. The big boss of the heart demon has already cultivated to a very high level. To defeat it,
not only a certain level of mindfulness, but also a strong and complete consciousness is required.
Learn to recognize the various instigations of the heart demon, just like the deception of a liar. Don't
agree with those kinds of thoughts, and we must cut off those kinds of instigating thoughts in time.
In the process of rebooting, one must be highly vigilant against the instigation of the heart demon.
Many people can cut off obscenity, but they are not very vigilant against instigating thoughts and
cannot recognize the instigation thoughts well. Once they are encouraged by the heart demon , Will
soon fall. Gu Deyun: "A slight lapse of thought makes it hard to come back from drowning." There
are many thoughts that can lead to relapse. Instigation thoughts are actually a relatively common
type, and many people planted on instigation thoughts.

During my rebooting process, I myself experienced the instigation from the inner demon. I can't
remember how many times. When such thoughts appeared, I knew it was the inner demon who
instigated me. I saw through it the first time. The tricks and tricks of the inner demon. I remember
when I rebooted in middle school, high school and college, I didn’t have this consciousness at that
time. I didn’t know what a demon was or what the demon’s performance was. I was completely
ignorant. I was a complete rookie at that time. Being abused by a heart demon was bruised and
completely incomplete. At that time, I was extremely eager to learn rebooting articles, but
unfortunately I hardly had access to rebooting articles more than ten years ago. To reboot
successfully, you need to raise your own consciousness. You must know what the behavior of the
inner demon is, what is the routine of the inner demon, and you must study the inner demon well.
Many newcomers just swear, but don't know anything about the inner demons. This means that they
have been killed without knowing where the enemy is and what the enemy looks like when they are
on the battlefield. You must be familiar with the various routines of the inner demon, you must see
through the inner demon, and you must not be deceived by the inner demon, so as not to be
controlled by the inner demon.

The two words "heart demon" can be looked at separately. The heart is the thought, and the heart
demon is the thought demon. The so-called heart produces demon, the heart extinguishes the
demon! The manifestation of the demons is that their thoughts attack their brains. When the
thoughts are not in their heads, many people quit quite easily. Some of them will say that rebooting
is easy and simple. They have made the mistake of underestimating the enemy and being proud and
complacent. When the battle didn’t start, it was really easy, because the enemy hadn’t appeared yet.
When the peak of the rebellion was reached, the heart demon began to attack frantically. For any
combat power, some said that they could not stand it anymore, and the demons desperately
persuaded him when he was idle, making him restless. Some people decide to commit adultery very
quickly, and when the demon sees that the idea of obscenity fails, it will attack you with instigating
thoughts. Sometimes the two thoughts attack you together, anyway, it is to shake your determination
and stand on rebooting.

Before I succeeded in rebooting, I had failed many times, which can be said to be unbearable.
Thinking about it now, in fact, there are only those methods of the inner demon. If you really study
it thoroughly, you won't be afraid. Then you will be able to be confident and calm, without panic at
all. Many brothers are very flustered by the heart demon, because he feels that he is about to break,
and he can't stand it anymore. The instigation of the inner demon will appear when you do not
expect it. It is really impossible to guard against, so you must always be vigilant and keep a close
eye on your own thoughts. You must not let go of certain highly suspicious thoughts, just like
pretending to be in your heart. Just like monitoring, watch yourself all the time! This is the skill of
mind-watching. As to which thoughts will lead to relapse, and which kinds of thoughts are the
instigation of the inner demon, we must understand clearly, and everything must be based on actual
combat! Some seniors wrote a lot of rebooting articles before, but then they relapsed. The main
reason was that there was a flaw in their understanding, and they could not defeat the inner demons
in actual thought combat, and many people were defeated by the instigated thoughts. There are very
few articles on rebooting that describe the instigation of the heart demon, but the content in this area
is extremely important. My previous article has repeatedly emphasized that you cannot listen to the
instigation of the faith demon. Instigation is the most important thing. A thought of subduing.

[You must perfect your consciousness]

Case 1. Thanks to Brother Feixiang, I recently read "Quit as a Good Medicine", which has a much
deeper understanding than when I first started rebooting. I used to quit for more than a year and
thought that I was basically awakened, but I didn’t expect to break the precept. Later, when I looked
at Caution as a good medicine, I realized that a large part of the reason I lost was to instigating
thoughts. This kind of thoughts have been ignored by myself. I used to only pay attention to
Huang's thoughts and didn't pay attention to instigating thoughts. I was holding back and shooting
them. He didn't know it clearly, and took a loophole for the inner demon. This time I have a long
memory, and it is true that my consciousness is not perfect enough.

Analysis: The instigation of the inner demon is varied. The common instigation is to try
concentration, try sexual function, and encourage you to look at pornography. If you have defects in
your consciousness, the inner demon will instigate your defects and try to make you. Obediently.
Regarding the issue of holding and shooting, I wrote about it for a season. Some brothers had quit
well, but suddenly one day they were holding their semen. At this time, the heart demon jumped out
to instigate them. For example, such thoughts would appear in their minds: "Anyway, it's been held
back, it has become a turbid sperm, it's better to use it." Or: "holding is harmful to the body, quickly
press it, otherwise it will be bad for the body." At this time, if there is a defect in your consciousness
If you don’t understand this issue clearly, then you will most likely listen to the instigation of the
Faith Demon, and you will break the precept. Many people have been quite high in their awareness
through continuous study of rebooting articles, but unfortunately they are not clear about some key
issues, and the result will still lead to relapse. It is very important to have rebooting, righteous
knowledge and insight, because this in itself can break the instigation of the inner demons.
Regarding the issue of holding back your sperm, occasionally holding back once is not a big
problem, but discomfort may also occur. Pay attention to recuperating and disappearing quickly.
Don't squeeze it off, otherwise it may cause a shot out of control and fall into a vicious circle again.

[Be careful not to believe your meaning, your meaning is not credible]

Case 2. Brother Feixiang, I have rebooted for 105 days! One day, after repeatedly reading "Quit as a
Good Medicine" and then reading articles on rebooting abroad, I suddenly had an epiphany! Really
some thoughts are not their own at all, they belong to the demons! The thought of the demon is
really hidden deep! It’s really easy for me to mistake me for myself, and when I think I’m myself, I
obey. This is why I relapsed. The trick to rebooting is to stop listening to the thoughts of the
demons, and be careful not to believe your will, your will is not credible! A few days ago, I was
urged by the demon of the heart, and now I have figured it out, and now I understand it, and I must
never listen to the thought of the demon of the faith! I didn't understand it before, but now I feel that
these two sentences really have weight! ! !

Analysis: The "Forty-two Chapters" says: "Be careful not to believe your meaning, your meaning is
not credible." If someone tells you, let's do bad things together, you may be very alert, because you
know that the other person is encouraging You are leading you astray, but when there is a voice in
your heart, you may choose to listen to that voice, because you think that voice represents you, but
in fact it is not, that voice comes from your heart magic! The demon will pretend to be you and
encourage you from the perspective of your thoughts, making you mistakenly think that it is your
own idea. In fact, this is not your idea, it is just the instigation of the demon. We must learn to
recognize the instigation of the inner demon, and we must not listen to it. This brother had an
epiphany. He understood the weight of these two sentences. These two sentences are instructions for
combating the inner demon. The inner demon is indeed very cunning. Don't be afraid anymore, see
tricks, no longer be fooled by the demons!

Case 3. Now I will quit once in 5-8 days, and I can't resist the desire. It is a subtle thought of "I
want to quit a tube" appearing in my head, and I can't stop it! ! !

Analysis: This is a typical heart demon impersonating you. Please pay attention to it, "I want to take
it out." Here I am in the first person. When this idea appears in my mind, many people mistakenly
think it is their own idea. Then he started to fuck, maybe he swore a few days ago: "I won't break
the precept again, I want to completely abstain from fucking." At that time, "I" said my own
thoughts, but two days later. , Another "I" appeared in my mind, this I said: "I want to smash it." At
this time, many people didn't know that this idea came from the demons, so they accepted it. Many
people will not only have the idea of "I want to take care of it", but they will even suspect
rebooting, and the demons will use harmlessness to encourage them. This brother said, "You can’t
break it." In fact, don’t follow that kind of thought. That kind of thought will be automatically
broken. The energy for the thought to continue is given by you. It's injected again, and then more
and more thoughts will be added.

[The heart demon will help you find excuses]

Case 4. Whenever I masturbate many times, my body seems to be emptied, and the whole person
seems to be scrapped. I remember that there were always two villains in my heart talking to me.
One of the demon villains ordered me to seize the opportunity to have this kind of pleasure, because
it believed that this kind of pleasure could make me dying and not to be missed. It's worth it to play
a few times. Another angel with tears told me that my body was almost dead. It reminded me of my
own social fears and ill-fated status, and advised that if this continues, I will become a slave to lust.
It was me who perished in the end. The dispute between these two villains in my heart often made
me undecided. Under the struggle of ideas, I finally chose to masturbate to get the pleasure of those
few seconds, and I was completely reduced to a slave to lust.

Analysis: This brother’s description is very vivid. He compared two opposing thoughts to a demon
and an angel. The two thoughts are arguing in his heart, and it depends on who wins in the end. In
fact, at this level, he will basically break the precept. The real masters of mind-breaking are always
mind-breaking, and they will never get caught up in arguing with the demons. Inner demon is
always helping you find excuses, such as "the last time", "it will be okay", "try your concentration",
"just look at it and don't be out", etc. Many people can't stand the bombardment of the demon. At
this time, it’s useless to cover your ears, because this is the inner voice, the inner encouragement,
the heart demon is like a lobbyist who tirelessly encourages you, many people waver at the end, so
they relapse. My suggestion is, don’t hold a debate in your heart, don’t try to persuade the inner
demon. To deal with the instigation of the inner demon, you just don’t argue or obey. A slap won’t
make a sound. Although the inner demon’s encouragement, if you don’t listen, it won’t take you.

Case 5. Every time I want to masturbate, I will tell myself that you can’t masturbate, but the demon
will say, it’s okay, you’ve been abstaining for so long, reward yourself, and then I will give a new
reason to defeat Inner demon, another inner demon came out, and it broke in the end.

Analysis: The brother fell into a debate with the heart demon. The heart demon gave him an excuse
to break the ring. He gave him a new reason to defeat the heart demon, and then the heart demon
gave another excuse, so that the two sides were caught in entanglement. Fighting, how cunning the
old monster of the inner demon is, the one who loses in the end is often himself. Almost no one can
convince the inner demon, because the inner demon knows where your weakness is. When you
want to convince the inner demon, in fact, you are already trapped. Once you enter, all you have to
do is not to follow. If you are not to follow, you can cut off. If you are more aware, you can realize
that when you are aware of it, you can realize that when you are aware, you can’t be reasonable
when dealing with the inner demon. You can reason with it. , It will shake your position a little bit,
all you have to do is to see through the demon, and then cut off the kind of instigating thoughts, and
don't let yourself fall into arguing with the demon.

Case 6. Yesterday, in order not to break the precept, a good brother was called to my house to sleep,
but he did not break. Having eaten this morning, the inner demon urged to look at Huang, thinking
that he would just take a casual look and break the ring.
Analysis: This kind of instigation is also more common, that is, the inner demon instigates to look
at pornography, thinking about it but not looking at it. What is the result? Basically, it will break.
Some seniors have concluded that watching yellow is bound to break. In fact, watching yellow is a
kind of breaking the precept, because indulging in obscenity will cause secret leakage, which has
already caused damage to the body. When people are bored, they will jump out of the thought of
seeing pornography. This is the inner demon who is encouraging you. Therefore, you must always
watch your own thoughts. You must lower your mind first, and you must subdue the instigated
thoughts. Many people fail again and again, and the more they quit, the worse, because they have
never seriously summed up after failure. Some people have summed up, but the execution is not
enough. They seem to understand the truth, but once they are in actual combat, they can’t do it. This
is actually not true. Understand, people who really understand must be extremely tough in actual
combat. I put a lot of emphasis on mind-contemplation. You must learn to observe your own heart at
all times, learn to recognize the thoughts that come up, and you can’t immediately listen to a
thought that comes up, just like good people and bad people are indifferent. If you have
contemplated your own heart carefully, you will definitely find that many thoughts will lead you to
indulgence and depravity. Those kinds of thoughts must be cut off in time, otherwise you will be
possessed by those kinds of thoughts.

[SMS in mind]

Case 7. The demons are too cunning! Recently, the number of days I rebooted has made a new
breakthrough, reaching 20 days that I hadn't reached in the previous two months. Many people may
think that 20 days is not very long, but it is an improvement compared to the previous few days.
Basically, I study rebooting articles every day to improve my consciousness, and I have also learned
some techniques about abstinence. This time I rebooted almost every time I had lust for less than
half a second. When the heart demon saw that the attack was not enough, he started to change his
tricks and sent a message to encourage me to break the reboot. It is a pity that I was not optimistic
about this instigation, and I accidentally relapsed. Now I regret it very much. I will be very cautious
about the thoughts in my heart in the future!

Analysis: Various messages are often sent on mobile phones, including scam messages, or
pretending to be winning messages to let you click on. If you have considerable awareness, you will
not be fooled. However, many victims do not have this. Enlightenment, and then I was fooled, even
lied to millions, the news also reported. Our brain is like a display screen, like the display screen of
a mobile phone, on which various thoughts will be sent. You must learn to recognize the nature of
various thoughts, and you must promptly cut off any instigating thoughts. This brother said very
well, the heart demon is indeed very cunning, how can it be unbreakable? Then you must be
familiar with the demons' routines. Many people are very good at judging adultery, but when they
encounter the instigation, their experience is insufficient, and their cognitive flaws have been
exposed. Therefore, they must strengthen their own consciousness through continuous learning and
summarization, which is very important. Some seniors can quit for more than 200 days, but once
they are planted on the instigation, they may be depressed. From then on, the more they quit, the
worse. The only thing that can make him come back is to regain his enthusiasm for learning and
develop good study habits. , You must work hard on your thoughts. Don’t always rely on the
outside. The most important thing is to subdue your heart. If you can subdue the heart demon, you
can stand in an unbreakable place. No matter how the heart demon moves, you can Make it

Case 8. I have been abstaining for more than one hundred and thirty days, and my desires are so
intense that the heart demon will continue to encourage me, when I am not busy or when I am not
exercising, I will come out to encourage me, such as "I learned the knowledge of rebooting and
know how to control it. It can be broken regularly", or "the last time", or "the body is better, once it
has no effect", please advise.

Analysis: The instigation of the inner demon is indeed varied. This case is to encourage him with
moderate harm. If he does not understand the moderate harm, the result is very likely to relapse. If
you have a more complete understanding and a deeper understanding, then this kind of
encouragement to the inner demon can be easily broken. Although I place great emphasis on actual
combat, I also emphasize the improvement of comprehensive awareness, because the improvement
of comprehensive awareness can greatly enhance your actual combat ability and performance. If the
inner demon urges me like this, I will never listen, because I know that people who are truly
enlightened and capable of self-control will not be slapped, and doing moderation is deceiving
themselves and others. The so-called "last time" is not the last time, because it is still The next time,
no matter how good the body is, you can't be fucked, because it's a kind of adultery. No matter how
instigated by the inner demon, no matter what content is used to instigate, I will not listen. There is
only one attitude towards masturbation: completely abstain from it! Not once! This attitude is as
strong as a diamond, and no demon's instigation can be shaken!

【Broken Heart Thief】

Case 9. The heart demon started to encourage me again and asked me to go whoring. My hair is
gone because of styling, and my memory is quite poor. If I continue, I will die miserably. Come and
help me defeat the heart demon. My control.

Analysis: Wang Yangmingyun: "It's easy to break the mountain, but it's hard to break the heart." The
old mage Mengcan: "We must protect our minds like thieves." There is a saying like this: "Day and
night defense, House thief is hard to prevent." The truly powerful thief is not outside, the truly
powerful thief is in your heart, that is your heart demon thief, this thief has been stealing the flow of
your kidney essence. The education of the ancient sages is to help us subdue our own soul thief!
Arahant has a nickname called "Kill the Thief"! If the thief is in your heart, kill the thief in your
heart. If you kill the thief in your heart, you will be truly peaceful, otherwise you will be the slave
of the inner demon if the thief becomes the master. The brother in this case was encouraged by the
heart demon and asked him to go to prostitution. A brother said that when he went to prostitution, he
felt that his leg was not his own, which meant that he was involuntarily possessed by the heart
demon. I couldn't help myself, and walked to that place with my legs reluctantly. We must guard
against this thief, this thief can steal everything from you.

Case 10. Recently, I was in a bad mood. When I was idle on the weekend, the heart demon kept
persuading me to indulge. Can anyone help me, while I am still awake, otherwise I feel broken

Analysis: When the mood is very bad, the heart demon will intensify the encouragement. This is
called taking advantage of the fire. When the mood is not good, it is likely to think of venting
through the tube. Therefore, you must learn emotional management. When the mood is in a trough,
learn to adjust To be in a normal state, motivate yourself more. When you are free on the weekend,
the inner demon will strengthen the encouragement. The inner demon is a master of encouragement.
It will instigate the weakness of your consciousness, which is to attack the shortcomings of your
consciousness. Many people can't resist the instigation of the demons, just like someone who is
constantly persuading you to break the precept, and this person appears in your mind in the form of
thoughts, so you can't prevent it. We should strengthen our study and increase our consciousness in
normal times. We must be fully familiar with and understand the attacking methods of the mind
demon, and we must practice the mindfulness of mind demon so that we can defeat the attack of the
mind demon.
[Research on the characteristics of the demons]

Case 11. I have been abstaining for more than 40 days, and now the heart demon urges me to
indulge as soon as the weekend comes. I have been fighting against the heart demon. I don't want so
many days to be wasted. But at the weekend, the demon keeps harassing me, and I am so anxious
now! What should I do?

Analysis: Inner demons like to harass on weekends. This is the characteristic of inner demons. It is
very common to break the ring on weekends. There are many characteristics of inner demons. I also
mentioned in the article above. For example, inner demons like to entice you in the first person. If
you mistake it for your own thoughts, the heart demon will also encourage you when you are in a
bad mood, the heart demon will encourage you when you are frustrated in your life, when you are
overwhelmed, and when you are bored in bed, it will encourage you. You encourage you when you
are proud and complacent...This brother has been quitting for more than 40 days, and he has entered
the peak period of relapse, and the heart demon has begun to encourage him. This is the magic test.
It depends on his level of enlightenment. See if he can stand it. Rebooting is also about strength. If
you have a high level of enlightenment and break your mind very quickly, then you are not afraid of
the instigation of the heart demon. Although the heart demon is good, you will be trained in time. If
you defeat the heart demon, you will be stronger and continue to conquer the heart. Demon, you
will continue to grow stronger, and in the end, you will become more and more stable. We must
learn to study the characteristics of the heart demon. When will the heart demon appear easily, you
should maintain a high level of vigilance at that time. You must also know the ways in which the
heart demon invades, so that you will not panic when the time comes. You can plan your own
tactics and win a thousand li, there is a kind of demeanor of rebooting generals.

Case 12. On January 1, 2015, I accidentally saw a link on the Internet about how to quit
masturbation. I clicked in, and it said it was recommended to join rebooting, so I came to reboot.
After reading some posts of Teacher Feixiang, I decided to give up masturbation. After quitting for
280 days for the first time, the body is very good and people are much more optimistic. But I never
expected that when I took a bath, I was urged by the inner demon and broke the ring. After that, it
was out of control, basically once a week. When 2016 is here, I am determined to restart rebooting.

Analysis: This brother had been abstaining for 280 days for the first time, and his record was quite
impressive. Unfortunately, the horse stumbled and was urged by the inner demon during the bath. I
remembered Goode’s words again: Drowning is hard to return." As long as you are a little negligent
and do not pay attention to your own thoughts, the instigated thought will be automatically installed
in your mind, and then hijack your body, just like a virus Trojan is automatically installed on the
computer. As long as you agree with the instigation idea, it will cause automatic installation, and in
the end you will become a gangster, out of your own control. When instigating thoughts invade, you
must be very vigilant. It is easy to indulge in the bath. Many brothers break the precepts while
bathing. You must be very vigilant when bathing. The demons succeeded. Our rebooting
consciousness is like a firewall. If the firewall has loopholes, it is easy to be broken by the demons.
Once the instigation idea is installed in your mind, it will enforce the behavior of control on you,
and then it will be Had to break. There is a high degree of similarity between the intrusion of the
mind demon into the brain and the intrusion of the computer by hackers. We must be more vigilant
and strengthen protection! A rigorous security defense system must be established to effectively
intercept the intrusion of ideas. I have learned how hackers break through computer firewalls,
including impersonating administrators, deceiving and sending dangerous commands. This is very
similar to the intrusion of the heart demon into the brain. The heart demon will also impersonate
you, deceive you, and send you instructions to break the ring. It's exactly the same! Once you
mistakenly think that it is your own thoughts, you will be hijacked by the demons.

Case 13. These days, I didn’t study rebooting articles, I rarely took notes, and I rarely did anything
about positive energy. As a result, when the peak period came, I didn’t have enough consciousness
to face the demons. Today, my thoughts suddenly appeared. After a long time of fighting, I still
couldn’t help but lust for a while, the heart demon kept urging me: "Relapse, take a look." There
was a voice in my heart that kept me looking pornographic, but I didn’t give in until Now, this battle
is still not over. I am ashamed. If I have strengthened my study these days, I will definitely be able
to break my mind easily. The peak period of relapse is really not to be underestimated. The power
of the heart demon is far beyond my expectation. I must improve. Be vigilant, either it's dead or I'm

Analysis: My reboot articles have always emphasized learning to raise awareness, in order to be
able to subdue the heart demon during actual combat. The thought will definitely come up. When
you enter the peak period of relapse, the heart demon will continue to encourage you to relapse, the
voice in your head. It will sound again, insisting on persuading you to break the precept and making
excuses for you to break the precept. That voice lingers in your mind. If you can't break your mind,
you will be repeatedly entangled and even persuaded by that voice. This brother is still very
ambitious and has always refused to succumb to the heart demon, but he himself feels ashamed. If
he can strengthen his study of rebooting essays and practice his mindfulness well, he can
immediately stop when the heart demon encourages him. NS. Inner demon is extremely cunning
and very powerful. In my previous article, I said that the inner demon is a paper tiger. The key is to
see through it, subdue it, and not be deceived by it. You must be completely familiar with the trick
list of the inner demon boss. No matter what tricks the inner demon uses, no matter what routine it
is, you must crack it. When you are a rookie, you will feel that the heart demon is too powerful, and
it is simply the strongest BOSS, but when you are awakened, look back at the heart demon, you will
find that the heart demon is not invincible, then fight against the heart demon. The confidence of
winning has been achieved. You have to keep the heart demon unable to attack for a long time, no
matter how the heart demon attacks or invades, you can be stable, defendable, unmoved, immobile
like a mountain! Rebooting is actually a battle about body control, and you must never let the
demons succeed! Otherwise, you will become a puppet of the heart demon! The brother in this case
has a very good determination and fighting spirit. This is something I value. Relapse may occur
when the consciousness is still low, but the determination to win must not be lost, otherwise it will
become worse and worse. After relapse, you should summarize and reflect carefully, and continue
to study reboot articles so that you can quit the better.

The following are seven feedbacks from brother "Hunhe Big Shark". They are very well written. I
will analyze them one by one, as follows:

Let me introduce myself to the brothers of the rebooting bar: "I am a big shark in Hunhe. I reboot
for one year and five months. I have read "Quit as a Good Medicine" 13 times, and I'm trying to hit
the 14th time. I'm currently studying encouragement Kind of problems. Tell me about the problems
I have encountered or encountered by fellow brothers on the forum."

1. In July last year, the symptoms were easy to recur in the summer. One day when I was taking a
nap, my mother turned on the air conditioner because I was afraid that I was hot. And the second
time was accompanied by a stronger feeling, the heart demon immediately encouraged me, making
me mistakenly believe that the second time I shot it hard, but fortunately, I immediately thought
about it, the maximum warning MAX, otherwise I was quit at the time. All the hard work of a year
will be in vain.

Analysis: Blowing the air conditioner to catch cold may cause spermatorrhea, so you can't blow on
the air conditioner, and the temperature can't be too low to avoid frequent occurrence of cold. In
general, evil thoughts become active after spermatorrhea, and it is easy to break the precept.
Sometimes nocturnal emission can also cause pleasure, sometimes there is a feeling of discomfort,
and sometimes it is just a sensation of pumping fluid out. If you don’t If you feel any feeling, you
don't know until you wake up in the morning, so consider slippery. The heart demon is indeed very
cunning. Nocturnal emission is not considered a break, but the heart demon will entice you. If you
have misunderstandings, you may be in the way of the heart demon. Be sure to maintain a higher
level of alert for a few days after nocturnal emission, lest the demons take advantage of the
emptiness to enter.

2. In September last year, I woke up in the morning to go to the bathroom, and then felt that it was
too early, and went to sleep. At that time, I was not fully awake. Who knew that I was vaguely
conscious and not fully awake. Falling asleep as expected. I was so frightened that I jumped out of
the bed, but it leaked a little bit. The physical condition that day was very bad, it was very similar to
relapse, and even the emotional state was very similar. The heart demon didn't let me go, and
encouraged me to mistakenly believe that I had broken the ring. I immediately left a message to
Brother Feixiang, and Brother Feixiang also helped me spot the demon.

Analysis: It's easy to lose your photos when you're half asleep and half awake. The so-called loss of
photos is to lose your inner contemplation, just like the doorkeeper falls asleep, and then the thief
comes in. YY for a while is very easy to cause leakage, so leakage will also lead to a decline in
physical condition, and symptoms may also appear repeatedly. Strictly speaking, indulging in YY is
considered a relapse, because YY will lead to dark omissions. We must always learn to overcome
YY, and we must stop at the beginning of our thoughts. It's easy to lose your photos when you are
half asleep and half awake. This happens occasionally. To put it loosely, it doesn't need to be a
relapse, but next time you must be very vigilant about this situation and always keep a watchful eye
on your thoughts. The instigation of the inner demon is very characteristic. It will shake your
position and make you feel that you have broken the ring, and then the inner demon can take over
your body. Then the broken ring will be out of control, and it will become the puppet of the inner
demon again. . In fact, there will be occasional loss of light during the day, but as long as you are
still under your control, then it is not considered a relapse. If you have been unaware after the loss
of light, and allow yourself to indulge in adultery, then consider relapse. Because there is a
subjective and deliberate plot.

3. In December of last year, winter was also a season that was easy to repeat. When going for
sports, the ankle was injured and it was necessary to rest. Considering the old wounds, I stayed in
bed all the time. Of course, I didn't relax when I read the reboot article. But after all, the posture of
the body easily affects the probability of meeting the heart demon. Brother Feixiang also mentioned
in "Quit is a Good Medicine", lying down is easier to turn the seeds than sitting, and sitting is easier
to turn the seeds than standing. Due to my inconvenience, I had frequent YY in the past few days.
Although I cut it off immediately, my thoughts appeared like mobs that couldn't finish fighting. It
made me feel in poor condition for a few days, and it was a little bit similar to the feeling after I
broke the ring. The heart demon didn’t let go of this opportunity, and encouraged me. Fortunately, I
accumulated a certain amount of skill and didn’t let it go. The demons succeeded.

Analysis: In the cases I have seen, many people are more likely to break the ring after being injured.
Because of the inconvenience, they always need to sit or lie down. Then there are too many times
when they are bored. This will greatly increase the probability of encountering a heart demon. . It is
indeed easier to turn the seeds while sitting than standing. Sometimes I sit and rest, and then I can
feel the thoughts coming up very violently. The power is indeed very strong, because I am more
experienced, so I immediately stood up. That power was immediately weakened, and the
interruption became a lot easier. Sitting posture is easy for people to lose sight of, and let people be
in a state of slack, relaxed and vigilant. At this time, it is easy to be invaded by the heart demon, and
the heart demon also likes to pick this kind of time to invade. The heart demon is an offensive
expert. It will pick you to attack when your vigilance is weak, so you should always be vigilant. The
devil is in the details. The rebooting master pays more attention to some details than ordinary
brothers. , Sometimes success or failure is often reflected in the details.

4. A few days ago, I read a post similar to "Bad Movies Revealing", which contained tricks to
expose those bad movies. The content was to persuade and reboot, and the text was not explicit. But
I unexpectedly had a conditioned reflex, and it was a conditioned reflex that I didn't notice. After
reading it, I also answered a few questions to other posts. The most unexpected thing is that when I
was going to urinate, I actually found that something was missing, which made me feel extremely
surprised and completely out of my expectations. It seems that the masturbation experience
remaining in the subconscious has not been completely eliminated. From the Buddhist point of
view, there are still seeds of evil and adultery in the Bashitian. After that, the heart demon didn't let
me go, and strongly urged me to make me feel that the omissions were caused by coveting the
content mentioned in those articles. Although I immediately meditated on mindfulness + thinking to
cure it, and beheaded it, it still caused some psychological turbulence, and the mood was a little
unstable the next day, and some of the mentality and physical performance were very high after the
relapse. There is also a strong phenomenon of turning the seeds over the similarity, although the
position is firmly held, there is no masturbation. But the emergence of this situation really exceeded
my expectations. If you haven't read your "Quit as a Good Medicine", I'm afraid you have already

Analysis: There are many situations that lead to leakage, but the most difficult thing to prevent is
conditioned reflex. I believe brothers who have deep experience will agree with this. As long as
there is a little hint, then a little bit of the plot that you recall, it may lead to conditioned leaks. The
heart demon sees your mental instability, and it will appear at this time. The cunning degree of the
heart demon can be seen. When your military spirit is unstable, it will increase the intensity of
instigation, making you feel that you are coveting those articles. content. You must get rid of
instigating thoughts in time, otherwise you may be persuaded by the inner demon. The logic of the
inner demon may seem absurd, but it is indeed very tempting and misleading. It is easy to hit your
weakness, as long as you are slightly If you hesitate for a while, it may cause your own
psychological turbulence. There will be various situations in the actual rebooting process. After
learning the experience of the predecessors, coupled with your own personal experience, you will
have a deeper understanding, and you will know what to do next time you encounter a similar
situation. For content that is more suggestive, you must be highly vigilant. Many content should be
skipped and never look back.

5. Let me share two more cases of brothers I have come into contact with. A brother also recently
watched a video about rebooting. The content of the video is an actress who has filmed a bad film
promoting rebooting. The content is normal. Yes, there is no problem, I have watched that video
myself. But the brother actually missed it after reading it, and then he turned the seeds strongly and
told me that the heart demon was always urging him to make him mistakenly believe that he had
broken the ring. The heart demon made him mistakenly believe that he was coveting the actress
Watch the video, which leads to a leak. There is also a brother who is very similar to my case 1. It is
also that after continuous spermatorrhea, the heart demon caused him to have the misconception
that he was deliberately seeking pleasure from spermatorrhea. I also communicated with you in a
post last year, and you also gave him a strong A strong explanation has dispelled his doubts. Some
brothers were encouraged by the heart demon because their physical and mental sensations after
nocturnal emission were similar to those after breaking the ring, which led to the breaking of the

Analysis: I should have watched that video. It seems that there is more than one video. Because of
my high vigilance, there is no leakage. That kind of actress does give people some hints. Although
she is talking about the harm of adultery, she can easily evoke certain memories of you, and then
those plots will come to mind. In actual combat, this situation is actually testing your vigilance.
When you find that you have such a subtle feeling, you should immediately turn off the video. I
once read a foreign rebooting book. The content in it is indeed not handled enough. It is easy to
make people leak when I read it. Fortunately, I have maximized my vigilance and awareness so that
there is no leakage. Now there is a relatively common situation, that is, reading some rebooting
articles, posts, books or videos will also lead to leakage, because the content inside is not processed
enough, of course, there are also own reasons, such as my own consciousness is still shallow, The
power is still relatively weak. Some people will miss the word 撸 even if they see the word 撸 .
When their consciousness has risen to a certain level, this will not happen. We should skip the parts
that are not handled enough in the rebooting article in time and maintain a high degree of vigilance.
In actual rebooting, there will be various situations that cannot be guarded against, and only the
vigilant can survive. Regarding the many instigations of the inner demon, as long as your
consciousness is perfect and there are no obvious deviations and errors in understanding, then those
instigations of the inner demon can naturally be broken. If there is a flaw in understanding and
many problems are unclear, then if you are encouraged by the inner demon, it is very likely that
there will be a relapse.

6. The actual cases of instigation that happened to me personally are usually the problems of some
brothers who have a certain foundation in rebooting, and the more typical instigation situations that
arise from brothers who have a relatively short rebooting time. For example: "It's okay to hit once",
"Try your sexual ability", and "Test your own concentration". There are also differences. They are
often more diverse, and the instigation methods of the inner demon are more vicious and more
hidden. Because brothers who have achieved a certain degree of rebooting tend to pay more
attention to the success of rebooting, the heart demon should be more insidious instigating the
brothers from this perspective.

Analysis: The instigation of the inner demon is very targeted. The more you care about it, the inner
demon will attack you from that aspect. Of course, we must pursue successful rebooting, but we
should not be too persistent, otherwise the mentality will easily become unbalanced. The more
insidious instigation of the inner demon is to make you mistakenly think that you have broken the
ring. The inner demon is like saying to you: "Give up resistance, you have been defeated by me,
you have broken the ring." Breaking the ring means changing back to your heart. The puppet of the
demon, the heart demon will control your body again, this kind of instigation of the heart demon is
indeed very insidious, the more you care about it, it will set you up in that respect and let you drill.
Many brothers are encouraged by the demons to reboot for more than a year. Many people can
overcome adultery, but they still break the precept because they have not learned to recognize the
instigated thoughts, and they have listened to the instigated thoughts. In the past few years when I
have been studying rebooting deeply, I have deeply felt the importance of rebooting consciousness.
I have been emphasizing the promotion of rebooting consciousness. Maybe your rebooting
consciousness is already relatively high, but if there are still obvious defects, then It is very likely
that you will be conquered by the heart demon again. The boss of the heart demon is so cunning.

7. I would like to ask you how to avoid leakage when turning the seeds intensely. I really don’t want
to leak at all, and I don’t want to let the demons succeed, but I have been rebooting for more than a
year. There have been similar situations a few times, and sometimes the heart demon came very
suddenly, although it was immediately interrupted when I thought it out, but after all, my history of
injury was ten years, which caused some conditioned reflexes. Sometimes it was true. Some will
leak out, and the inner demon is sometimes connected to amplify the moves, one move is more
ruthless than the other, I can only fight desperately to defend. Although I killed the demons through
resistance last night, I should be happy, but after all, I have been abstaining for more than a year,
and I should be more demanding of myself. Alas, I really don't want to miss it, I don't want to miss
it at all.

Analysis: In actual combat, it won’t work if you are slow at all. A few tenths of a second may leak,
so you must keep a close eye on your own thoughts, and strictly follow the four words of “stop
when you think” and “stop when you think”. , Master Shunen opened up the gap with the majority
of brothers within a few tenths of a second. My personal experience is that when a thought invades,
as long as one hesitation will loosen the testicles, then it may leak. The hesitation is only a few
tenths of a second. As soon as the testicles are loosened, the testicles may leak. Then you can try to
mention it. Anal function, let the testicles tighten again, while maintaining a high degree of
vigilance, keep an eye on your own thoughts. I warn that we still maintain a high level of vigilance
every day. We must develop our own awareness, just like developing the power of squat bench
press. When the awareness is strong enough, the leakage will be greatly reduced or even disappear.
In actual combat, it is true. It's not going to be slow, it's a thousand miles away. It's like a 100-meter
race, with a few tenths of a second. When your awareness is strengthened to a certain level,
conditioned reflexes can also be overcome. Many conditioned reflexes seem to have no thoughts.
For example, if you hold hands with your girlfriend, you will miss out. The content of a phone call
is normal and missed, but if you are careful Recalling that process, in fact, before you leaked it,
there was a certain hint, a certain greed, a certain hesitation, and a certain subtle feeling in your
heart. This is exactly the third way that the demons attack the brain. It is very subtle and difficult.
Speak. When you train your awareness to a very strong level, that subtle feeling can also be
overcome. To overcome conditioned reflex, you must constantly strengthen your mind and your

Hunhe Shark is a good brother with good roots. He is also very courageous and diligent in studying
rebooting articles, and he has perseverance. These 7 feedbacks from him are very good, and they
said many details of the actual combat thoughts, plus my analysis, I believe it can bring you a lot of

Final summary:

To break the instigation of the inner demon, this requires perfect consciousness, and also needs to
continuously improve one's level of absenteeism. Perfect enlightenment can help you see through
the tricks of the inner demon, and renunciation is to directly cut off the kind of instigating thoughts.
Just like you receive a telecom fraud call, your enlightenment will let you know that the other party
is a liar. At this time, you are not. Will fall into the entanglement with the other party, and will not
listen to the other party's words, but directly hang up the phone. The idea of cutting off the
instigation is similar. You know that the idea is the instigation of the demon, and you will not listen
to or argue with it, but immediately cut off the idea of instigation, so that the demon will not
succeed. .

To enter a higher level of rebooting, the most fundamental thing is to complete the transformation
of identity. Who are you? When someone asks you this, what is your answer? Maybe you will
answer, my name is so-and-so, my body is me, my mind is me, but this is wrong identification, your
true identity is pure consciousness (Pure Consciousness), the body is just the carrier of awareness ,
Thoughts are just a manifestation of awareness. If you don’t know that your true identity is pure
awareness, then you will recognize that thoughts are yourself, and you will be bound by yourself!
You can become the perceiver and observer of the thought. The thought is not you, you are the
awareness behind the thought. You must learn to let the thought disappear in your awareness. Don’t
identify with your thought, but take root deeply in purity. Of awareness.

When you become an observer, a higher level of consciousness has been opened. You no longer
follow your thoughts, but are observing your own thoughts. If you have carefully observed where
the thought arises, you will suddenly realize at some point-the thought arises out of nothingness,
and then returns to nothingness! This is not dead emptiness, but awareness emptiness. This
conscious emptiness is pure awareness. It is a vast and boundless sea of consciousness. Any thought
is a wave of this sea of consciousness, born in the sea of consciousness and returned to the sea of
consciousness. Ordinary people don’t know that they are pure awareness. They agree that thoughts
are themselves, and then follow the thoughts and become slaves to thoughts. The correct identity of
thoughts should be servants, not masters. Masters are pure awareness, and thoughts are at their best.
Just a tool. Accomplishing the transformation of identity is extremely important, and it is also the
key to opening up the levels between brothers. If you don’t understand this point, you will not be
able to enter a deeper level of cultivation. You can only stay at the ordinary level of rebooting. Once
you really understand it someday, you can hope to live out your own body, which is pure

The Mahayana Baoyun Sutra says: "If you observe and live your mind and mind, you will be able to
become a master of your mind. If you learn from your heart, you will become a master of all. If you
can gain freedom from your heart. And get at ease." Not being able to follow your heart, being a
teacher of the mind, means not to follow your own thoughts, you must learn to be the master of
your thoughts, and you can gain great freedom only if you can truly control your own heart.
Buddhism is to help us subdue our own demons. The "Mahayana Jataka Mind and Earth
Observation Sutra" says: "The heart is the main among the three realms. Those who can observe the
mind are finally liberated. Those who cannot observe are ultimately perished." We must learn to
observe our own. Thoughts, when you look inward, can hope to bring real change. You no longer
identify with your thoughts, you are no longer a slave to your thoughts, and you begin to learn to
dominate your own heart. Professional rebooting is actually completely interlinked with the
Dharma. The highest level is all about the cultivation of the mind, but the Dharma is more in-depth,
more specific, more thorough, and more systematic. To break the instigation of the heart demon, on
the one hand, you must raise your comprehensive consciousness, and on the other hand, you must
continuously strengthen the mind-mind-mindedness. When you become more and more adept at
mind-mind-mindedness, it will be difficult for the heart demon to shake you. You are like an
incomparable one. The magnificent snow-capped mountains, those thoughts are nothing but clouds.

Let me share two reboot poems


Saw him a few years ago

Still a vigorous young man

See him again in a few years

I can't recognize it anymore

His hair has almost fallen out

A gray-headed look

From handsome boy to wretched uncle

There is a wicked look in his eyes

His figure has an unspeakable feeling

Rickety back, especially lack of energy

A sour odor

Makes people feel disgusted

He lost his precious pure wealth

He became the puppet of the heart demon

He was infected with Xanthox

It's a stubborn meat machine

His face also began to deform

The original handsomeness has disappeared

To destroy a person is actually very simple

Just satisfy his desire

Desire is a bottomless pit

Can never be completely satisfied

A person who doesn't know how to control his desires

Inevitably destroyed by one's own greed

I won't look at any seductive porn

Because i know it's a murderous knife

In their eyes it is welfare, in my eyes

It's a knife that kills people without blinking

There is a knife on the head of the color word, this knife

Slaughtering countless young people every day

Controlling is the catastrophe of life

Must redeem one's fallen soul

I can't press it like this anymore

"Rebooting Squad"

Facing the crazy attack of the inner demon

Competently challenge, dare to fight and win

Must subdue the Heart Devil

Don't let the heart thief succeed

Carry forward the fearless heroism

Inherit the heroic and tenacious fighting style

Going forward and succeeding, seeing death as home

Quit to death

The heart demon came up a hundred times

Just surrender it a hundred times

The heart demon came up a thousand times

Kill it a thousand times

Always be vigilant

Closely monitor every move of the inner demon

Headshot when you think

We will never be merciless, we are ruthless

Dare to fight hard, bad and big battles

Quit the mighty and mighty blood

Practice hard to control the enemy

Continuously strengthen the awareness of actual combat

This is a life and death fight

Either the heart demon is dead, or you are dead

There is no third possibility

It's so cruel

We are a rebooting death squad

Indomitable, invincible

Calm down when encountering the enemy, there is a way to defeat the enemy

Attack like a tiger, defend like Mount Tai

Stand tall in thought and actual combat

An inch of river and mountain, an inch of blood

I regain the rivers and mountains with my blood

Stubbornly fight against the invasion of the demons

Swear to fight with the heart demon to the end

Recommend a book below

"Back to Your Mind: Mahasi's Spiritual Class": In this book of dialogues, Ramana talks about his
views on the inside, experience, silence, mind, wisdom, self and tranquility. It takes a form of
inward inquiry. In the process of in-depth exploration of the question of "Who am I", the spikes that
make the soul feel pain are gradually removed, and people are guided to find their inner peace and
tranquility. Fraternity. "Back to Your Heart" is a rare spiritual holy book. Ramana Maharshi, the
ultimate enlightened person in India who fully understood the mind in the last century, experienced
his first spiritual experience when he was 17 years old, and suddenly penetrated life and death.
Later, he left his family and went to Tiruvannamalai city at the foot of the Arunachala Mountain,
where he began his assiduous life as a saint until Nirvana. His practice thoughts are directed at the
heart, and are intended to guide people to explore their hearts, recognize themselves, and obtain the
ultimate peace and friendship. This book is very good. If you are interested, you can go and read it.
Many of Mahāsī Sayādaw’s teachings hit the key points directly and gave people very deep
enlightenment. When people come into this world, they don’t want to eat and wait for death. The
highest value is to know the true self and live out their own being! Who are you? When you truly
realize who you are, your life will be completely different.
Season 104: The Metamorphosis and Counterattack of Quit Youzi


The meat bomb's spring and summer offensive has begun again. Everyone should be vigilant when
walking on the road. Do not look at any indecent assault. Do a good job of sight management.
Avoid it when you accidentally see it, and don't look at it for the second time. If you are walking on
the road and there is a gunfight, what is your reaction at this time? I must find a way to avoid it as
soon as possible, but now into the spring and summer, an invisible battle is going on fiercely.
Everyday people are killed. After seeing the temptation of the outside world, many people have evil
thoughts in their hearts. Fuck, so we must do a good job of sight management, don't be killed by a
meat bomb, if you stare at it, you are dying and ruining yourself. Meat bombs are too cruel, we
must be vigilant, vigilant, and vigilant! Control your sight and your own thoughts, you must have a
strong sense of actual combat. Bodhisattvas see desires, such as avoiding fire pits, ordinary people
see desires, and moths fight the fire! When meat bombs are pouring over you violently, the only
correct choice is to avoid them immediately. The first reaction in actual combat must be correct, and
you must firmly hold the position of rebooting!

I now understand why women in Arab countries wear long robes every day, and the veil wraps their
face tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes for observation. They wear that way, so that men can't see
their figures and looks, so that they won't make men feel evil. Most ancient women in our country
wear long robes, and the door does not come out and the second door does not move forward.
Modern society is propagating sexiness. Women's exposed areas are getting bigger and bigger, and
it gets people's attention. The so-called sexiness is nothing more than making men feel evil
thoughts. After evil thoughts, the body is easy to leak. Promoting sexiness is actually leading the
masses to lust. . The propaganda of this kind of prostitution culture has penetrated into many fields,
including many online games that are doing gimmicks in this area. Poorly many children are still
young and are contaminated by pornography. Last time I saw a case, a 12-year-old child got uremia.
How did it happen? Crazy stalking, many times a day, completely out of control, completely out of
control, completely out of control, the body that has not yet fully developed has been severely
damaged, and it is very pitiful. We must take care of our sight, do not look at indecent assault, pass
through thousands of flowers, and leave no leaves on the body. Let the temptation be fierce, I just
turned a blind eye!
Recently, some brothers reported that the pornography failed, and instead planted themselves in it.
Many brothers are reporting pornography. Sometimes they will check to see if the report is
successful. At this time, they may be planted again. To many brothers, yellow nets are like a knot in
their hearts. Because they know a certain yellow net, the inner demon will encourage him to watch
it. Many newcomers can’t wait to report all the yellow nets. This idea is good. A non-toxic
environment is more beneficial for rebooting, but the actual situation is difficult to achieve, because
new pornographic networks will appear, not to mention that there are still many side-scrambling
pictures and side-scrambling news to improve one’s consciousness and concentration. Is the key.
The yellow net can report, but try not to click on that URL again. You can check whether the report
is successful on the reported website. If you click on the yellow net again, if the report is not
successful, it is likely to be planted again, just like planting. It's the same as entering a cesspit.
Many brothers have relapsed because of the problem of reporting. You must be cautious when
reporting pornography. In addition, let’s talk about the problem of the anti-Raw forces. Now the
anti-Raw forces are divided into three groups: 75 is the first group, which is the "masturbation brick
house." The second strand; those who are brainwashed by the harmless theory and are willing to fall
are the third strand. These three anti-rebellion forces have their own posts. They will come to reboot
and pull people into the water. Especially newcomers are relatively ignorant and weak in
discrimination. They can easily shake their rebooting stance, so this season we specially remind
newcomers not to follow. When the anti-ring elements are deceived, the usual tactics used by the
anti-ring elements are to spread rumors, slander, impersonate, frame up, and confuse right and
wrong. I once saw a protester who said that rebooting had affected his business. His so-called
business was selling sex products. Nowadays , people who prostitute resources come to the
rebooting club every day to advertise. Each resource sells for 20 yuan. If you see it, it will be
deleted immediately. The road to rebooting is not smooth. You have to defeat your own demons and
withstand all kinds of tests from the outside world. It is difficult for people who do not have right
knowledge, right view, and firm determination to stick to it. Regarding the anti-addicts, just ignore
them, don't quarrel and debate, so as not to affect your emotions. Rebels will definitely exist. There
will be evils if there is righteousness, but I believe that evils do not suppress righteousness. We must
strengthen our rebooting stand and not be dragged down by them. Those who truly have rebooting
and righteous insights are fundamental to rebels. Dismissively, their fallacies and heresies are full of
loopholes, and they simply do not conform to the facts.

Share some cases below

1. [Hello, Brother Feixiang, I have been rebooting for ten months . I have been relapsed for the first
half of the year and my symptoms have been getting worse. But now I have rebooted for more than
April, and I feel refreshed, no matter if it is courage or performance, All have a qualitative leap.
Looking at my own photos a few days ago, I found that it was much better than the original. At the
same time, there seemed to be an invisible aura surrounding me. Looking back, I suddenly found
the beauty of a pure soul. You once wrote in a poem: "When you finally crawl out of the hell and
breathe the first pure air, you will even cry." I really feel this way now! Rebooting and
counterattacking is much more refreshing than bouncing on tube, and it is true and refreshing in all
aspects around the clock, not a temporary dopamine scam. Thanks for rebooting ! 】

Additional comment: This brother has been rebooting for more than April. He has truly experienced
the beauty of rebooting and has a new feeling. Dr. Luo Dalun said in "How Zhu Danxi Treats
Female Sex": "There are still many young men who insist on masturbating for a long time under
various seductions, even once a day, for many years (many of them have been since junior high
school). Now the body Strange diseases are rampant, it is difficult to have a normal sex life after
marriage, and many symptoms appear. I have seen countless hospitals, and even the doctors are
desperate. At the tipping point, it will cause a big outbreak of symptoms, which will be quite painful
at that time. Some people's physical symptoms can be tolerated, but psychological disorders have
made them close to collapse. The elbow is a double torture to the body and mind. The kidney is the
root of the five internal organs and the source of all diseases of kidney deficiency. When symptoms
break out, they will be given to you. Punishment makes you better than death. Many people will
find it refreshing to be in control. In fact, this kind of pleasure is extremely short-lived and can't be
retained at all. It's like a roller coaster. Rebooting is like riding a high-speed rail. It's safe,
comfortable, pleasant, and long-lasting. People who think that it’s cool, they have forgotten the pure
great happiness they once had. Observing the children, children’s happiness does not need to be
obtained by looking at the yellow pipes, just keep the soul pure, and they will naturally feel it. Pure
great happiness. Happiness is self-sufficient. When your soul is restored to purity, you will naturally
be happy. You will have a particularly beautiful feeling when you look at the flowers. When a
person starts to be in control, he will forget the pure great happiness, and turn to seek short-term
pleasure, sinking deeper and deeper into the trap of adultery. Only when you completely give up
adultery, can you feel the pure great happiness again. At this time, you will find that rebooting is
actually much more refreshing than joking. Every day I am happy, pure as a child, innocent and
innocent like a child. Full of joy, every day is a miracle. The only difference between you and your
child is that the child does not know how to cherish, and you have lost it and regain it, so you will
cherish this ultimate beauty even more. It will stimulate the excessive secretion of dopamine, which
is ecstatic, but when the concentration of dopamine drops rapidly, you will feel a deep emptiness.
This is indeed like a scam. You think you can get this for a long time. This kind of pleasure, in fact,
can’t. You just sway between the two poles. You will be at the top and then in the abyss. You will
feel very boring when you are done, because the concentration of dopamine has come down, and
what you will feel is emptiness in the end. As the degree of injury deepens, the symptoms begin to
attack the slappers, and when the time comes, the body and mind are exhausted, and the tragedy
begins to take place. There is a way to keep you in the top experience, what way? Reboot and
cultivate good faith! Rebooting and cultivating kindness can increase a person’s vibration
frequency, vibration The higher the frequency of movement, the more pure happiness you can feel.
This peak experience is very long-lasting, far better than the short-term pleasure of stubbornness.
This is the real great pleasure! ! !

2. [I have been in control since junior high school, and I have been watching pornography in
college, which resulted in prostatitis and nephritis. I have been married to my wife for a year
without having children, and my memory is poor. My wife is divorcing me now. Hey, I would like
to advise everyone. Don't worry about it anymore. I used to be ignorant, and the bitter fruit I
committed can only be eaten by myself. My wife said that I have no feelings with me and have
separated. I hope that no one will believe that masturbation is moderately harmless. 】

Additional comment: I remember that a brother divorced due to premature ejaculation some time
ago. Many people have a history of masturbation for about ten years before marriage. They have
already hollowed out their internal organs, not only premature ejaculation and impotence, but also
many other symptoms of sperm injury. , By the time of marriage, it was like the end of a crossbow.
To a certain extent, there will be symptoms, various inflammations, and various abuses. The
brothers in this case can get prostatitis and nephritis, and the sperm quality is definitely not good.
Consider asthenospermia or azoospermia. How can a wife like this? Are you pregnant with a child?
Now his wife is about to divorce him, and this short-lived marriage will soon end. It is necessary to
reboot before marriage. You must give up all evil behaviors, including masturbation, prostitution,
pre-marital sex, etc. If you indulge before marriage, it is very likely that you will be abandoned
before marriage. Sometimes the coming of retribution is completely out of the question.
Unexpectedly, the first time I was in junior high school paved the way for future tragedies in life.
Some ignorant people will think that rebooting is suppressing their desires and going to extremes. In
fact, they have fundamentally misunderstood the meaning of rebooting. The reason why they think
so is that they have been brainwashed by the bricks. The bricks told them People have to vent their
desires, don’t suppress their desires, and don’t suffocate themselves. This theory sounds reasonable
at first, but it's actually very absurd. The essence of rebooting lies in dissolving one's desires and
transforming one's sexual energy. You can't just go for it when you have desires. This will only
make yourself sink deeper and deeper. Pornography is highly addictive. You can’t get rid of it
because you are already addicted. People who can really control themselves will never get rid of it
once. The brick family only talks about venting desires, not about controlling desires. This is
tantamount to pushing people into a fire pit. Desire is a bottomless pit, such as drinking salt water,
the more you drink, the more thirsty you drink, and it will never be completely satisfied. We must
learn to control our desires. If you feel that rebooting is suppressing your desires, then you have
gone astray. The real rebooting is to resolve rather than suppress! When this energy rushes to the
back of our heads, we have to learn how to transform it, how to transform it, just turn on the heart
and not follow the thought, so that it is resolved, so that the energy is preserved, and the kidney
essence can be If the tube is consumed, if it can be preserved, it can be transformed into brain
power and energy, which can make people enter an incredible state of mind and body. The brick
family’s harmlessness theory is a fallacy and heresy that harms the country and the people. Many
people have fully understood this point. The other is the moderate harmlessness theory. The
harmlessness theory is preceded by moderation, which is more misleading. Depleting precious
kidney essence is like turning on a faucet and the water meter will go away, just like when a car is
on the road, the oil meter will turn. As long as it is turned on, it will definitely cause depletion.
Possession is a highly addictive behavior. Foreign countries compare it to drugs. Talking about
moderate addiction is completely self-deception. To deceive others, some people claim that they are
not addicted. Don't speak big words. Try to give up for a year. People who are not addicted can stop
if they want to. It can be stopped for a few years. Can you do it? The brothers in this case finally
warned everyone not to listen to the theory of moderate harm. It is really the painstaking advice of
those who came here. We must learn from the painful lessons of our predecessors to avoid repeating
the same mistakes.

3. [I came into rebooting on June 20th last year, and I was determined to reboot after watching "
Quit as a Good Medicine " at that time . At that time, my illness, dizziness, sleepy sleep, weakness,
frequent urination and other symptoms, scared me to quit. This precept is up to now. I feel the
changes in my body are earth-shaking! Energetic and happy every day. 】

Additional comment: This is a case of recovery. It is a great recovery. Congratulations to this

brother for successfully completing the counterattack. I recently read an article about rebooting
abroad. It mentioned that “many quitters say that after they don’t fly, they live a happier life.” I
think this sentence is extremely incisive and accurate. Many people make mistakes. I think that the
life of masturbation should bring more happiness, in fact, on the contrary, the life of masturbation
will lead to fear and pain. If you choose to abstain from masturbation, you can get more happiness
and freedom instead, and your personal happiness will also vary. It is greatly improved. The essence
of 撸 管 is to accumulate negative energy, and continuous accumulation of negative energy will
definitely lead to negative results. The brother's illness at the time had reached the point where he
had to quit. Fortunately, he met rebooting . This was the turning point of his life's counterattack.
Kidney essence is extremely important to human life. The ancients used to compare it as "lamp oil".
When the lamp oil (kidney essence) is depleted, a person's lifespan will end. Many people came to
the state of being a walking dead, and the photos they took had similar characteristics, that is, their
eyes were dull and unopened, their expressions were wretched and decadent, and they even wore
their faces in tears, like a hanged ghost, with a miserable and feeble feeling. Some people's faces are
severely deformed, asymmetry is extremely obvious, and the ugliness is obvious. After rebooting
for a period of time, the body, mind, appearance, temperament, and spirit will have a significant
improvement. It is a state of full charge and burst of energy. It is really different from the past state
of abuse and venting, and it is definitely not the same. And language. The main manifestations of
kidney essence deficiency: decreased energy, listlessness, lack of energy, lack of vitality, overall
vitality; poor complexion, pale complexion or dullness; deficiency of kidney essence cannot
replenish the brain, leading to decreased brain function. Memory loss, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing
loss; kidneys dominate the bones, osteoporosis occurs after ejaculation, low back pain, weak legs,
loose or missing teeth; decline in reproductive function, male premature ejaculation, impotence or
decreased sperm quality, resulting in infertility; affects the kidneys to dominate water Fluid
metabolism, frequent urination or nocturia, swelling of the body; the hair is kidney blossoms, the
deficiency of kidney essence can not nourish the hair, causing the hair to white early and fall out
and sparse. These are the more common and typical manifestations of injury to the sperm. If you
have a disease, you should be actively treated. If it is mild, you don't have to go to the hospital. If
you insist on rebooting and maintaining health, you can heal without medicine.

4. [I was still depressed and troubled because of obsessive-compulsive disorder just now, but I did
one thing. After doing this, I feel very good, and my heart is very open! I just went to reboot . I
opened the posts on the homepage and encouraged one by one, and it was a very, very heartfelt
encouragement. As a result, guess what, the idea of obsessive-compulsive disorder was
automatically solved! It's amazing! It's so amazing! I didn’t believe in miracles before, but now I
believe, and after encouraging brothers, not only the obsessive-compulsive disorder disappears, the
depressive troubles disappear, but also a very natural joy is born in my heart. This is really the case.
Now my heart is particularly open, like I walked into Xiaoxing’anling in the summer (although I
have not been, but my dad has been), this kind of joy will not disappear for a long time in my heart.
I now finally understand why the seniors can quit the better. To be honest, to I was so stupid to
understand this deeply today! As the old saying goes, those who help themselves are bound to help,
and those who help others are bound to help! I will cheer, I will work hard, I don't want the sordid
pleasure of adultery, I need this kind of great happiness! Sincerely thank Feixiang brother for
everything you have done! 】

Attachment: There is a saying: "Being good is the happiest." When we come to this world, there is a
lesson we must learn, that is, we must learn to help others selflessly, without asking for any return.
It is pure altruism from the heart. Act, absolutely sincerely helping others, this is unconditional love,
unconditional dedication. I like Chunyin’s old man’s sentence very much, that is: "Good people are
good for themselves, bad people are bad for themselves." When you learn to help others selflessly,
you are actually helping yourself by planting good causes to get good results, and good and evil
rewards. , Follow you like a shadow. This brother has finally opened his mind. Seniors have been
advocating doing good and accumulating virtue. Many negative mental states can be resolved by
doing good. Changing your mind can change your world. The whole world is a projection inside
you. When you fall into a negative mental state, you must learn to adjust. You can give yourself
more positive and positive hints. Don't follow the compulsive thoughts and don't strengthen it, so its
kinetic energy will be weakened. It is a very good way to change your mentality by doing good. In
fact, the principle is very simple. Once you understand it, you will do it consciously. Master
Yinguang said: "If you want to be rewarded, you must be kind, say good things, and do good deeds
that are beneficial to the character and harmless to others. If not, how can the reward be rewarded.
For example, it is ugly. Before the mirror, it was decided that nothing seems to appear. What
appears is no different from this ugly image. Ru Guo knows this meaning well, and he will be able
to be a gentleman in the future, so that everyone respects and admires him." Be kind, say good
things, and do good deeds. These nine characters are my motto. The power of these nine characters
is very great. Your heart, heart, and thoughts must be kind. You should try to communicate kindness
in the body, speech and mind. If Evil thoughts are emerging in my heart, and they must be cut off
immediately. Many brothers see the seniors saying that they do good and accumulate virtue. They
are really working hard, promoting rebooting, encouraging new people, helping new people, and
doing it wholeheartedly. Such brothers can easily enter a stable rebooting state. Helping others is
Strengthen positive energy. However, some brothers do not have the consciousness to take the
initiative to do good. They have not yet realized this level of truth. Learning rebooting articles does
require considerable understanding. If you really understand it, you will know how to do it. If you
don’t understand it, you will still be old. Look like. Remember, doing good is the happiest thing,
rebooting well, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue is really amazing, it is many times better
than emptying yourself out of pipes!

5. [I am 87 years old and I am 30 years old this year. There are many people who are much younger
than me who can realize the harm of masturbation and YY. I am really happy, and I am quite
envious that you can understand the harm caused by masturbation and YY so early. I contracted
masturbation when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school. Because of the high frequency of
masturbation and YY, a lot of big things happened before rebooting. The essence of the human body
was consumed almost, which led to autism, lack of self-confidence, depression, hair loss, prostatitis,
suicidal tendency, basically everyone I have some symptoms. By the way, I have had tuberculosis
twice. There are also many unsatisfactory things in life. Because of illness, I didn't go to university,
I didn't have any skills, and I was cheated of money without money. Marriage is also, because I
don't have self-confidence, so at first it was girls who took the initiative, and then when I wanted to
socialize with girls, I missed it for various reasons. Let’s talk about my current changes (rebooting
for nearly 600 days). Hair loss, prostate and other psychological symptoms have improved by more
than 90%. People are now very confident, very sunny, and full of positive energy. I’m not tired at
work, I can have 10 days off a month, and earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. I couldn’t even
think of it before. I am happy every day now, and I hope my brothers will be able to regain a new
life just like me. come on! People have positive energy, good fortune, good health, harmony in the
family, people become handsome and sunny, and there are more people of the opposite sex. Now I
will not dare to look at the opposite sex as before. There is no nasty and lustful negative energy on
my body, and the girls are also very active in contacting me. So, single brothers, be sure to quit, a
bright future awaits you. 】

Additional comment: I believe that many people have read this post of brothers. After 600 days of
rebooting, I completed the counterattack, and all aspects of life have changed a lot. It is very
inspirational. The post-80s cannot learn the knowledge of rebooting during adolescence. Now post-
90s and post-00s have really caught up with them. At younger ages, they will recover faster. After
the age of 30, their body recovers faster than they are in their teens. It is much slower than at the
age of 20. After the age of 40, the recovery rate is even slower. Many professional athletes choose
to retire after the age of 30, and their bodies can no longer withstand the intensity of exercise. It’s
really necessary to quit as early as possible. When the injury is mild, the recovery will be very fast.
I remember that when I was in college, I quit for about three weeks. The change was already great,
and I was handsome and sunny again, but as soon as I relapsed, I would fight immediately Back to
his original form, he became gray and decadent again, and bags under his eyes came out. I was able
to make a big difference when I abstained for three weeks. On the one hand, I was only 20 years old
at the time. On the other hand, I exercised regularly within three weeks, so my body recovery speed
was much faster. It is a pity that I was at that time. At the level of strong ring, the final result must
be failure, not the opponent of the heart demon, the heart demon abuses me like a play. The brothers
in this case have been committing adultery for 16 or 7 years. It can be said that the past ten years
has been a tragedy, all kinds of unsatisfactory, tuberculosis, money defrauding, marriage is not
good, and the fortune is extremely poor. However, after 600 days of rebooting, he was born again!
These 600 days are an inspirational blockbuster. In the past more than ten years of adultery, life and
body were in a mess. After insisting on rebooting, the physical and mental symptoms began to
slowly recover. The most significant change was the psychological transformation, and the heart
became confident and sunny. I am full of positive energy and my energy has improved. I am not
tired from work and my fortune also improves. The monthly income is more than 10,000, which is
incredible. The news once reported that a man in his 30s with an annual salary of 800,000
committed a crime because of adultery. He was finally arrested. The police went to his home to
search for the resources of adultery. Because of adultery, he ruined his great future. In case of being
imprisoned, this gap is too great. Pornography really teaches too many people, and the final sexual
orientation of many people will become more and more perverted, even worse than beasts. It is
really terrible. Sexual adultery is very detrimental to a person's well-being. People who had an
annual salary of 100,000 contracted neurosis due to adultery, but eventually resigned due to illness,
their financial resources were cut off, and they had to recuperate at home. It is very difficult for
people who commit adultery to keep their wealth, and the money they finally make is easily
dissipated. Many of them are sent to hospitals, and they cannot keep the money. The rewards are
missed because of the behavior of adultery. When you start rebooting, remove the negative energy
of adultery and lust, and then your life will be greatly improved. The so-called situation changes
with your heart, and your lust will lead to uncomfortable and terrible situations. This truth has been
It has been repeatedly verified by tens of thousands of real cases. Your mental state is like a magnet
that attracts things with the same frequency. Negative thoughts attract negative things, and positive
thoughts attract positive things. Your thoughts are decoding your reality. Everything in the world,
whether it is solid, gas or liquid, whether it is tangible or intangible, is a manifestation of energy.
Both tangible and intangible are energy that constantly vibrates. The difference between the two lies
in the frequency of vibration. Your thoughts are the vibrating waveform information. You are
decoding this real world at all times. We must send out positive and benevolent thoughts. We must
not send out licentious or negative thoughts. The Zi said: "Seeing good is not enough. Seeing bad
things is like exploring soup." Seeing good things, and striving hard, it seems that you can't keep
up; when you encounter evil things, you try to avoid them, as if you stretch your hands into boiling
water. Don't be lucky, but be in awe! Don't have the slightest indulgence of your own thoughts,
sometimes thoughts will come out automatically, you must strictly eliminate the buds! Suddenness
must be fast, sometimes it won’t work for a second. The power of evil thoughts will grow crazily
over time. We must preemptively deal with evil thoughts, which is just seven words: make a
decisive action, kill all!

6. [Brother Feixiang, I have been rebooting for more than July, but I accidentally broke the precept
yesterday, and I feel very regretful in my heart. There are three reasons for the conclusion: one is
that he has been in peace for a long time, his military preparation is relaxed, he has forgotten the
pain of indulging in licentiousness, and has relaxed his vigilance and learning; second, improper
emotional management has become an inducement. Because this relapse is not the so-called
"burning the body with desire", but the self-willing and depravity of indulging in emotions; third,
after relapse alone, the feeling of physical and mental weakness and weakness comes back again.
The anxiety that was getting better turned into fear again, and my heart was extremely anxious, and
there was great hostility towards the surroundings. The most sighing thing is that I have gradually
felt "to conscience and feel myself", and I can calmly talk to myself and guide myself, but now I
suddenly disappeared. 】

Additional comment: This brother has a good literary talent, and his summary and analysis are also
in place. No matter how long you quit, you must remain vigilant. Vigilance is what I have always
emphasized. After many people enter the stable rebooting period, they slowly relax and think that
they have succeeded. The cheetah lurking in the grass waits for you to relax your vigilance, and
then the inner demon will launch a fierce attack. This brother had been rebooting for more than
seven months, and he was captured by the heart demon again, which is indeed a sigh. There are
many reasons for relapse. Relaxation of vigilance and learning are one aspect. In addition,
emotional relapse is also very common. Many people will vent their bad moods through
management. There are many unsatisfactory things in life. You must learn to adjust Your emotions,
no matter what happens, should be dealt with with a positive attitude. In the cases I have seen so far,
some relapsed due to quarrels with family members, some relapsed due to quarrels with girlfriends,
some relapsed due to quarrels with colleagues, some relapsed due to poor test results, and some
resigned due to resignation. And relapse, there are many situations in life that can cause emotional
fluctuations. Indulging in negative emotions is prone to relapse. After successful revelry, it is also
prone to indulgence. These are two extremes, just like when walking a tightrope to the left or right.
It is easy to fall, and the most important thing is to maintain a balance in the heart. It is very
important to maintain a normal heart of honor and disgrace. Master Hanshan's "Awakening the
World": "Red dust and white waves are boundless, tolerance and softness is a magic formula."
"Buddha Post Teachings" says: "A ninja can be called a powerful adult. If he can't endure the poison
of evil curse with joy , Such as those who drink nectar, are not a wise person who enters the Tao."
Forbearance is a kind of cultivation, a kind of deep accumulation. Forbearance is not to hold back
and not get angry, but naturally you will not get angry when you look away, Master Xingyun In the
discourse, he said: "When someone speaks slanderously or unreasonably against us, it is the greatest
commitment and courage to be indifferent and to subdue the ill-mouthed with silence." All
unsatisfactory things are testing you. Your concentration depends on what you do! Relapse means
energy loss. Continuous relapse can easily lead to mental and physical disorders again. Persisting in
rebooting will accumulate a good feeling, full of confidence and confidence. However, continuous
relapse will suddenly evaporate this feeling, and then begin to doubt oneself. , And even hostile to
others, what you originally planned to do will be discouraged because of breaking the precept, and
can't bring up any fighting spirit and enthusiasm, just like a discouraged ball. You must be very
careful every day of rebooting. When you enter the stable period of rebooting, you still have to
maintain a certain sense of crisis. Don't relax the study of rebooting articles. In addition, you should
learn more about traditional culture so that you can enter a higher level. The realm of "Zeng Guang
Xian Wen" says: " Keep your mouth like a bottle, defend your mind like a city. "No matter how
long you quit, you must firmly watch your own thoughts, you must always be vigilant, and you
must enter a state of high alert when you are alone, and maximize your vigilance!

7. [I have been masturbating for more than ten years. People say that I look more and more like one
of my uncles when they see me. He has been taking drugs for more than ten years. No matter what
you do, how concealed you are, life will eventually reveal you. Pornography is poisonous, please
stay away. 】

Attachment: Frequent masturbation, finally broke the body, walking to support the wall, legs
trembling, stubborn, lethargic, wretched expression, face like a devil cry, walking corpses, often
accompanied by illness, bad luck again and again. This brother had been playing for more than ten
years, and his appearance became more and more like a drug-addicted uncle. In fact, seeing Huang
Luguan is taking drugs, but what people smoke is white, and what you smoke is yellow. Foreign
research in this area has been relatively mature. There is a high degree of similarity between drug
addiction and drug addiction. Drug addiction is very difficult. Generally, it is necessary to
compulsory isolation and drug rehabilitation. However, drug rehabilitation has its own difficulty,
because the thing is only for you. In fact, and now it’s the Internet age, the resources for adultery are
very good, and many resources don’t need to be paid for. From this perspective, the possibility of
resumption of sex is relatively high. After more than ten years, people’s appearance and
temperament will definitely have bad changes. Sometimes they don’t feel it, but compared to
before, they must be very different. The subtle bad changes will bite off your handsomeness and
self-confidence. Eventually a deformed, asymmetrical monster appeared in the mirror, and I felt
sick when I looked at it. It is common for the faces of slappers to be deformed, sunken or swollen.
Some people are even beyond recognition. Drug addicts look lazy, lack energy, and have a bad
appearance. To a certain extent, it is also That feeling and temperament are very similar. Although it
is a hidden evil, it is born from the heart. When the energy of life is exhausted, it will definitely be
reflected on the face, just like a flower withered. When you see your own decay, take a look. The
photos before the slap is really speechless and the tears shed first. I regret not having it!
Pornography is like poison, refuse to fuck, cherish life, and stay away from adultery!

8. [Brother Feixiang, let me report to you the results of my rebooting. I have been abstaining for one
year and five months. During this period, I have also fought against the heart demon. I have been
very good recently. All aspects of my body, including the face The acne has recovered well. I am
now in my sophomore year, and my brainpower has recovered well. During this period, I won the
National Encouragement Scholarship. 】

Additional comment: This brother is indeed very inspirational. One year and five months, he has
recovered well in all aspects. He has defeated his own demon. When a person can defeat his own
demon, his heart will become Extremely powerful. If a person cannot defeat his own demon, no
matter how strong his appearance is, his heart is actually very fragile, because he is a slave of the
demon. Perhaps his reward is very deep and he has succeeded in some way, but As long as the inner
demon is still at work, it is likely to encounter the Waterloo of life. Everyone knows that many
high-ranking officials do not end well because they are greedy for money and sex. If a person is
unable to surrender his own demon, then he will be driven by the demon. Only by defeating your
own inner demon can you gain true peace. Otherwise, the inner demon is the master and there will
be no peace forever! The rule of the heart demon must be ended, like a tyrant, the heart demon must
overthrow its rule and truly become the master of his body. It is a state of being enslaved. The heart
demon continues to squeeze the essence of the body, which will eventually lead to the waste of
body and mind and fall into a very bad state. This brother has won the National Encouragement
Scholarship, which is really good. If a person truly understands the relationship between brain
power and kidney essence, he will know how important the abstinence is to his studies and career,
and abstinence will fill your energy. Groove allows you to deal with your studies and career with
the best brain power and energy, so that the possibility of success is greater. Rehabilitation by evil is
to accumulate merit. Successful people who are truly morally cultivated will not commit adultery.
In addition, they will actively participate in charitable activities and set up charitable organizations
to help disadvantaged groups. Successful people are more stable, just like evergreen trees, they can
sit in their seats, otherwise, if virtue is not matched, there will be disasters. Quitting adultery is of
great significance to life. It is difficult for people who are brainwashed by indulgence and
harmlessness to realize this. When you have a considerable awareness of rebooting, you can look
back at their state of mind. , They will feel that they are too ignorant, too stupid, and too pitiful.

9. [Really thank you Feixiang brother, after reading your message, you can't understand why you
said I have a broken head! At the beginning, I didn't detect the demon's tricks, and thought I was
powerful. At the very beginning, when I wanted to be unscrupulous, I should be aware of it. If I can
get rid of this idea, there will be no subsequent series of things. My own recognition ability is too
poor and I can't see through the disguise of this idea. Although failure is considered a kind of
experience and growth, people still have to look forward and don't make such mistakes in the
future. I have been very happy these two days. One is that the answering in these two days helped
people feel that although they were broken, they are not completely useless. Second, I took the
notes of your 84th season article again and found that the three simple steps of interruption can be
integrated. The first step is "enlightenment." Enlightenment itself includes discovery, recognition
and elimination. So as long as the "enlightenment" is well practiced, it is enough. I am thinking
about how to practice it. Later, when I saw the article saying: "You must keep looking back on your
heart", I suddenly realized that not looking back every time is practice? So rebooting is actually
practicing "enhancing" and then keeping "enhancing" at all times. In fact, it's not complicated at all
but very simple. It depends on whether you can do it. Failure to do it once may lead to failure, so
you have to keep doing it. The most important word is "enlightenment." Through constant
reflection, the mind will become stronger and stronger. Once you truly achieve "enlightenment",
you will not be held back by thoughts, because enlightenment itself has the ability to destroy
thoughts, and evil thoughts appear. You feel it when you first came out. The key is to feel. The point
is whether you can stay awake all the time. 】

Additional comment: This case is shared by "This will have to be quit". He is a former kid. I also
shared his case before. Everyone should remember his fracture last year. It has not been completely
healed this year. He suffered a lot in the year. "This meeting must be abstinent" is a very savvy
brother. He also wrote about ten rebooting articles before and shared his rebooting experience. He
had rebooted twice for more than 100 days before, but then he stopped working. . There are also
defects in consciousness, and the overall moral cultivation level cannot keep up. If the precepts
reach a certain level, they will naturally break the precepts. When rebooting, we must stay away
from alcoholic friends and try not to drink. After drinking, our concentration will drop sharply, and
it will be easy to break the vows, and the evil thoughts that arise after drinking are terrible, such as
the idea of raping others. , Evil grows to the gall. Some people go to that kind of place with friends
after drinking, and some people go to that kind of place with friends for work and entertainment,
and they take their customers to that kind of place after drinking. The nickname is: commercial sex.
In fact, it hurts others and hurts yourself! Some people use drinking to add fun to watching
pornography. The last time I saw a post, the brother had been drinking and watching pornography,
and then he was drinking, hiding his wife and having fun by himself. Actually, this is not fun! Such
crazy indulgence has laid a huge hidden danger for one's health. Drinking and indulgence will cause
more damage. If it doesn't, the blood vessels in the head will burst one day, and it will be tragic if
you get a hemiplegia. After rebooting, we must stay away from evil friends, and away from friends
who are drinking and drinking for pleasure, because they will create an atmosphere that hurts you,
mixing with them, and only dragging ourselves into the water. It is best not to drink alcohol after
rebooting. If you are for work or socializing, you should drink as little as possible. After drinking,
you must be highly vigilant. I have seen many cases of relapse because of drinking. These lessons
are very profound. Everyone is drinking. Be cautious on this issue and avoid making similar

"This will have to be quit" to a certain extent, the thought of pride appeared in my head, and I felt
that I was strong in absent-mindedness, so I could be unscrupulous, this kind of thinking is the trick
of the inner demon, I believe that this kind of thought is in the inner demon. trick. A person who is
really strong in mindfulness will not indulge himself. "This will have to be abstinent" did not
recognize this kind of thought in time. Instead, he believed in this kind of thought, and as a result he
began to indulge himself. In fact, this is still a flaw in consciousness. It is not clear to recognize
certain types of ideas, just like anti-virus software cannot effectively recognize certain types of
viruses, so they cannot be eliminated in time. "This meeting must be abstinent" is very correct for
the understanding of the mindlessness. The core of rebooting is the cultivation of the mind. The
core of rebooting is the cultivation of the mind. The most important thing is the word
"consciousness". In the process of constant reflection, you will gradually find that as long as you
see the thought, the thought will automatically disappear. Perception becomes stronger and stronger
in constant reflection, and finally the inner demon will not be able to capture you, and then you will
become invulnerable. The heart produces the devil, the heart extinguishes the devil, the heart is evil
thoughts, and the manifestation of the heart demon is evil thoughts attacking the brain. When the
heart demon invades, it must be eliminated immediately! There are only two possibilities for
quitting. Either you kill the inner demon, or the inner demon kills you! Breaking the ring is because
you can't beat the inner demon, you are not the opponent of the inner demon. It's like a boxing
match. If you are strong enough, you can get rid of the demons, otherwise you will only be ravaged.
The savvy of "this meeting must be quit" is indeed very good, but after all, he is still too young and
not stable enough, and many aspects need to be improved and strengthened. I hope he can make a
comeback soon.

Step into the text below

This season is about quitting oily counterattacks. I have tried to quit quitting since junior high
school, but I have never succeeded. I have repeatedly failed. I have been abused by the heart demon
for more than ten years. In the past ten years, I have also been reduced to quitting. Youzi, so I have a
good understanding of the situation and mentality of quitting youzi. You may have heard of Buddha
Youzi. Generally speaking, people who study Buddhism without seeking victory and exaggeration
and do not pay much attention to practice are called Buddha Youzi. What is quitting oil? The first
explanation is that people who relapse repeatedly, no enthusiasm and determination to reboot
seriously, have an improper attitude, and sloppy rebooting; the second is that they seem to
understand on the surface, but in fact they don't know anything and do nothing. As Goode said:
"Speaking is like comprehension, and you are fascinated by the realm of life." When you say it, you
are stunned, but the actual combat is a mess, collapses at the touch of a touch, and collapses. I have
talked about many brothers. Many of them have a certain level of consciousness and are much
better than the newcomers, but they are very poor in actual combat. Knowledge and action cannot
be integrated, theory cannot be combined with actual combat, so that over time they are reduced to
quitting oil. They will say that they understand all of them, and they can even know what they are
talking about as soon as they read the title of the rebooting article, but their knowledge and
understanding are actually very superficial, and they have not really mastered the principles and
laws of rebooting.

I was in the stage of strong precepts when I was reduced to quitting oil. Strong precepts just don’t
learn, thinking that you can succeed by relying solely on perseverance. If you fail, you will say that
your perseverance is not enough. At that time, there were no rebooting articles to learn, and I didn’t
have access to any good rebooting articles. Looking back at that period now, it’s like going to the
battlefield without any weapons. The heart demon is holding the Vulcan machine gun in my hand,
and I’m wearing it. The panties took a branch and went up. As you can imagine, it was just to die.
The heart demon abused me like a boxer and beat a child, not an opponent at all. After repeated
failures in rebooting, my rebooting attitude at that time also had problems. At the beginning, I
started to rush with enthusiasm. My original intention was very profitable. Unfortunately, once I
broke the reboot, I became discouraged, and there were even times when I didn’t want to reboot.
Abandoned, and then broke, resigned, resigned, self-denying, and self-denying. In the past, a
brother had quit for four months by relying on his original intention. The original intention is very
precious and has a fresh momentum and energy, but the original intention will not last long and it is
difficult to maintain the original intention. Because the original intention will fade, and the
enthusiasm for studying rebooting articles will also decline. Later, the brother began to fail
repeatedly, and it was even difficult to break through one month. If it became two days later, he
would break the regimen and even go to prostitution. He was already reduced to quitting oil, and
then he disappeared, probably giving up.

To quit you, you must first correct your attitude. You must study rebooting articles steadily. Good
rebooting articles should be read dozens or even hundreds of times. The rebooting notes you make
should also be reviewed repeatedly to learn rebooting knowledge. Truly internalized into actual
combat awareness. Many people who quit you don’t bother to read rebooting articles. This is a
common feature of quitting you, that is, they are indifferent and bored with rebooting articles. They
can’t study rebooting articles repeatedly, and the key to raising their awareness is to constantly It is
far from enough to repeat the study and read it once, and the insights you can get by watching it
again are pitiful, like sesame seeds. In his later years, Confucius liked the Yiyi. He read the "Book
of Changes" many times over and over again, reading it again and again without knowing how
many times it was opened and then rolled back. He also frayed the cowhide straps connecting the
bamboo slips three times. This is the famous " Wei compiles three must-dos". To increase the
absorption rate, we must focus on repeated learning and repeated absorption. Talking about quitting
oil this season is not to belittle it, but to hope that quitting oil can regain its strength and make a
comeback. Because I used to quit oil, I was really weak and hopeless in that kind of strange circle. I
kept failing and failing. It was like being knocked down and knocked down. In the end, I didn’t
bother to get up, so I just lay on the ground. Pretending to be dead, has become courageous to stand
up and fight. According to my own experience and experience, quitting oil seeds can also
counterattack. The key is to correct your rebooting attitude and develop good study habits. If you
persevere in this way, you will inevitably usher in epiphany again and again. At that time, when the
consciousness is really up, the performance in actual combat will be improved accordingly.

Share a historical allusion below

In the Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo worked in Guazhou (now Yangzhou) in Jiangbei, just across the
river from Jinshan Temple in Jiangnan. He and the abbot of Jinshan Temple, Buddha Yin, were
good friends and often talked about Zen. One day, Su Dongpo consciously cultivated himself and
made a poem to praise the Buddha. The poem goes: "The sky is in the sky, and the light is bright;
the eight winds can't move, and you sit on the purple lotus." This poem praises the Buddha. At the
same time, it also implies that, like the Buddha, he has reached a realm that is not blown by the
eight winds of "name, ridicule, ruin, reputation, profit, decline, suffering, and happiness". Su
Dongpo repeatedly chanted, feeling very proud, and immediately sent a book boy from the north of
the Yangtze River to the south of the Yangtze River, and presented it to the Buddhist Zen Master of
Jinshan Temple to see. After receiving it from Shutong, the Zen master criticized the word "fart"
and asked Shutong to bring it back. Seeing that Dongpo was furious, he immediately crossed the
river and asked Zen Master Foyin: "If you don't boast about me, why bother to ridicule me like
this?" If the wind can't move, how can you beat the river with a fart?" Dongpo was silent when he
heard it, and sighed that his cultivation was far from the Zen master.

This allusion is very famous. Almost practitioners know this story. Practicing focuses on real-world
combat. It is useless when it is said that it cannot be done. It is like talking about soldiers on paper.
Once watched a program, a teacher who taught stock trading knowledge never traded stocks
himself, but he was very good at explaining the theory of stock trading. He talked so much that
many people came to listen to his courses. Later, he felt that he had studied the stock market well. It
was very thorough, so I started trading stocks on my own, and the result was deeply stuck. His
theories were useless at all, because his theories were completely out of the actual combat, and the
actual combat could only detect a person's true level. Although some brothers understand the
principle of sedition, but "knowing but not acting is for not knowing", they only stay at the level of
theory and do not practice sedation to a superb level, just like knowing the method of sharpening a
knife, but they don’t. To grind, this is equal to zero! Poor execution is a problem that cannot be
ignored. When evil thoughts invade, many people forget to stop thinking. Instead, they run with evil
thoughts. The evil thoughts are like fire. If there is no control, they will start a prairie fire.
Continuous love.

[Really realize my problem]

Did you conscientiously summarize and reflect after relapse?

Do you think the reason why you relapsed is the problem?

What mistake did you make that caused the relapse?

Do you strictly abide by the discipline of the battlefield of rebooting?

Do you have hesitation and craving when you cut your mind?

Before you relapsed, what thoughts and feelings were in your mind?

How is your absenteeism speed? Is it possible to stop when you think about it?

Can you manage your emotions?

Failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you don’t learn, summarize, and always make the
same mistake. Many people boast that they understand it, but when the magic test comes, it
immediately collapses. Everyone has been a student party, and you think you understand many
topics, but it is false or a little understanding. It is not true or deep understanding. The magic test is
the touchstone. Whether you understand falsely or really understand it, just take a test. See the
difference, real gold is not afraid of fire. When you open the reboot papers, you will see dazzling
red crosses. Questions that shouldn't have been wrong. You are wrong. Many of them are low-level
mistakes, but you have made them, and you have made them again and again. , Never really wake
up. Sometimes you will say: "I know where I went wrong." But you still made that mistake later,
and you didn't overcome that mistake. After relapse, you must reflect on and summarize it. Just like
investigators after a plane crash, investigating the cause, what went wrong, why the relapse
occurred, and the reason for the relapse must be found out, otherwise you may make this mistake
next time. Many people are not ruthless enough to break their minds. They stop constantly, but
suffer from it. They are still hesitating, still lusting, and still reluctant to break. How can this be
done? One second late may be dragged into the whirlpool by the heart demon, you must be fast!
One of the disciplines in the battlefield of rebooting is to avoid sex bombs, but many people are still
looking for pornstars. Isn't this going to die? ! Many people break the precepts dozens or even
hundreds of times without awakening. They have been violating the discipline of the battlefield of
rebooting. How can they not break the precepts like this?

One truth that I realized early on is that there is nothing new in the world. The process and reasons
for your relapse have basically happened to seniors, and seniors have fallen down on a certain
hurdle countless times. Until you keep learning and summarizing, you finally overcome that hurdle.
First, you must recognize the hurdle, otherwise you will continue. Make the same mistake. You can
reflect on your experience of relapse. Most of the relapse process is the solidification and repetition
of the same pattern. If you cannot break the inertial pattern, you will not be able to jump out of the
vicious circle, and you will be firmly pressed to death in that vortex. inside. I have never forgotten
one thing, that is to learn from my mistakes, learn from my own mistakes, and learn from the
mistakes of others, and then learn to avoid those mistakes. It’s normal for a person to make
mistakes, but if he can’t learn from his mistakes, he’s really wronged, and the fines are all in vain.
It’s like you paid a lot of money and didn’t learn the fart. You think you will. Do you tolerate this
happening to yourself? Relapse is losing money! This consciousness must be there! Rebooting
means stopping loss. In a sense, rebooting is also making money, because kidney essence energy
will be transformed into brain power and energy, allowing you to invest in your studies and career
in the best possible state. Rebooting can also help You don’t go to the hospital many times, so
rebooting is also saving money!

If you want to practice more and better, then you must constantly improve your consciousness.
Maybe you will experience relapse, but you should see that relapse can allow you to discover your
own shortcomings and loopholes, strengthen your consciousness, and you can The more you quit,
the better. After breaking the vows, you should not be discouraged or discouraged. You should
summarize and analyze them carefully. What is the problem? Find out the problem, solve the
problem, and don’t make the same mistake next time. This is like analyzing the test paper. After the
test, you find your own mistakes and really understand the question, so you won’t make a mistake
next time. If you keep breaking the precepts all the time, you are sure that you have a cognitive
defect in a certain area, and the mistakes cannot be corrected. Then you will continue to make
mistakes. The wise will recognize the mistakes in time and avoid making the same mistakes, and
quitting oil is always When they make the same mistake, they don't really recognize the cause,
because they don't know it, so there is no talk of perfection and solution. Over time, the more you
quit, the more oily you are, the more you quit, the more you lose confidence, and some people may
even have doubts and vacillation, and even rebellion.

[Showing desperate determination]

"The Art of War of Sun Tzu" says: "If you die, you will fight." Rebooting is like being in
desperation and death. There is only one choice at this time: desperately! Must show desperate
determination and courage, willing to pluck, dare to pull the emperor down. Fighting against the
heart demon must have an aura of destruction and majesty, and you must win first in terms of
momentum, otherwise you have not quit, and you have already lost half. If you have talked with
many new people, you will find that many of them are not strong enough in their determination,
lacking a fierce force. Since they choose to reboot, their heart must be determined enough. It
requires considerable determination and courage. Some newcomers are thinking about seeing
pornography before they quit, and their determination is obviously not enough . They have a serious
lack of understanding of the harm of adultery , and there are many misunderstandings in their minds
that need to be corrected. The so-called desperate means to have the courage to break through the
siege and break the blood. Zen Master Huang Bo Wunian said: "Stop the inner thief!" The heart
demon is the inner thief. The most powerful thief is in your heart. Resolutely kill the inner thief!
The Dade's teachings often use the word "to kill", not to kill you, but to kill your own heart demon
and defeat the demon army! A brother once said: "The demon army has retreated." It means that the
demon army has aggressively attacked and has now been repelled by him. He is guarding the city of
rebooting like a rebooting general, and so is the powerful man Shino. ! The one who defeats the
inner demon is better than the one who defeats a city.

Gu Deyun: "The first thing is to make a strong aspiration, and the one who covers the aspiration is
handsome. If a person has a strong aspiration, it is like a commanding army with millions of
powers. The day is consistent, what can't be done? Anyone who is afraid of difficulties , The
aspiration is not firm; those who follow suit, the aspiration is not firm. Listen to the words more
shift, draw by the middle way. Those who are diligent at the beginning are not firm. The woman has
no ambition, and the rotten grass has no hoops. If you don't work hard, you don't know how strong
you are, and you don't know how terrifying your potential is! If you work hard, the inner demon
will be timid, the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the horizontal, the
horizontal ones are afraid, and the ones who are clumsy are afraid of death! If you work hard, the
arrogance of the inner demon will weaken; if you work hard, your aura will become mighty and
majestic. Before desperately, you are a sick cat; after desperately, you are a tiger! Quit desperately,
quit with all one's strength, desperately quit, show the determination to sink the boat, show the spirit
of being at home, study rebooting articles vigorously, take notes vigorously, review notes
vigorously, and advance like a stimulant. Go up to the sky, kill the devil! Really hard work! ! Do
it! ! !

[Continuously motivate yourself]

James, a management professor at Harvard University in the United States, said that if there is no
incentive, one's ability can only be used by 20%-30%, and if incentives are given, one's ability can
be used by 80%-90%. The correct motivation can stimulate people's potential, improve people's
enthusiasm and initiative, and then improve the efficiency of learning and work. Quit Youzi are
basically thinking negatively. They are not motivating themselves but constantly denying
themselves. This is actually very understandable. After being defeated by the heart demon again and
again, they will naturally feel powerless and even lose the confidence and enthusiasm to fight again.
Others quit the wind and water, but quit the oil, but quit into a pool of stagnant water. To break
through the status quo, you must make a big determination, and then learn to constantly motivate
yourself, don't think negatively, don't deny yourself, negative thinking brings negative results, and
positive thinking brings positive results. The same is half a glass of water. The negative thinker will
say: "Why is there only half a glass, that's too bad." And the positive thinker will say: "That's great,
there is still half a cup to drink." Will decode the negative reality, always thinking negatively is to
limit and weaken one's energy. You can behave better and better, but you feel that you can't do it, so
you don't work hard and become passive and lax.

Rosenthal effect

The famous American psychologist Rosenthal once did such an experiment: He came to a general
middle school, walked casually in a class, and then circled a few names on the student list and told
Their teacher said that these students have high IQs and are very smart. After a while, the professor
came to this middle school again, and a miracle happened. The few students selected by him are
now really the best in the class. Why would such phenomenon happen? It is the magical power of
"hint" that is at work. Everyone will accept this or that kind of psychological cues in life. Some of
these cues are positive and some are negative. Professor Rosenthal is a well-known psychologist.
He has a high prestige in people's hearts. The teachers are convinced of his words, so they have
positive expectations for the few students he pointed out, like being smart The children treated them
like that; these students also felt this expectation and believed that they were smart, thus increasing
their self-confidence and raising the standards for themselves. In the end, they really became
excellent students. This effect leaves us with an inspiration: Encouragement, praise, trust, and
expectation have a kind of energy, which can change people’s behavior. When a person receives
encouragement and praise from another, he feels that he has gained social support. Thereby
enhancing self-worth, becoming confident, self-esteem, and gaining a positive motivation.
Every day of rebooting, you must maintain a positive attitude. Give yourself more encouragement.
At the same time, you should also cheer for others. Encouraging others is actually encouraging
yourself. Creating a positive atmosphere is very important for successful rebooting. . People are
very susceptible to subtle influences. Everyone knows that I like to use the word "cheer". Now
many brothers also like to use "cheer" to encourage others, cheer for others, and cheer for
themselves. Be positive and don't do any negative thinking. Even if you fail temporarily, you must
think positively, thinking only about positive content, which will eventually lead you to positive
results. If you allow yourself to indulge in negative thinking, you will not be able to do a lot of
things with all your strength. When you change your mind, the result is likely to be completely
different, because success is not as difficult as you think, only thinking is positive. The overall
energy can be actively active, so that it is very close to success.

[I really love rebooting from the bottom of my heart]

Those who are not really rebooting, how do they know the joy of rebooting? Ordinary people think
that rebooting is depression. This is their ideological misunderstanding. The wise think that
rebooting is enjoyment, because the wise know how to transform their sexual energy. The wise
know that as long as the mind is cleaned up, they can obtain true and pure happiness. In the past, I
thought singers and movie stars were cool. I used to like celebrities. After learning traditional
culture, I realized that sage education is the coolest. It is the coolest to subdue the demons, and
rebooting is the real cool thing. Others indulge in self-destruction, and you reboot and rebirth, this is
cool enough. To be cool must be wise, not superficially cool. Many people think that stubbornness
is a cool and cool thing. In the eyes of the wise, it is completely stupid self-harm. Rebooting is a
cultivation practice that needs to be implemented and cultivated throughout your life. You should
love rebooting from the bottom of your heart. Many newcomers can't read rebooting articles. They
don't really love rebooting, and their thinking and concepts have not yet changed. When you truly
love it, when you regard rebooting as a kind of enjoyment and pleasure, then many obstacles will
naturally be eliminated, and you will become more proactive to learn rebooting articles, instead of
sitting down and forcefully doing it on your own. People who really love rebooting will eagerly
eager to learn rebooting knowledge. These are two completely different states, one is passive and
reluctant, and the other is active and full of energy. When you are really eager to learn, then you
You will find that rebooting is much easier than in the past. Some brothers love football or
basketball, or other sports, and some brothers love music or movies. Everyone has their own
hobbies. If you can make rebooting your hobby, you will make rapid progress. of. Learning
rebooting knowledge can make you understand a lot of truths. The joy of enlightenment is very
special. The joy of enlightenment is far better than the pleasure of adultery. Sometimes
enlightenment of a principle is happier than five million, and there is a feeling of joy full of
Dharma. .

[Quit you need a real core epiphany]

Many brothers have also had the experience of epiphany, which is the feeling of a sudden
realization, like a question finally figured out. After rebooting, you will experience many
epiphanies. If you haven't experienced this kind of feeling, it means you haven't reached that state
of fire. Enlightenment is like boiling water reaching the boiling point. Generally, if you insist on
studying rebooting articles, you will come to an enlightenment. Small precepts rely on forbearance,
and major precepts rely on enlightenment. If you often feel enlightened, you will be better off.
Enlightenment usually occurs when you are studying rebooting articles, and sometimes it occurs at
other times, such as when you are walking or doing other things. , I suddenly understood the
principle of rebooting, just like an inspiration that fell from the sky, I suddenly understood the
profound meaning of a certain sentence from the predecessor. Many of the words of the
predecessors are underneath a gold mine. Many people dig only the surface soil, and the true
enlightenment can dig into the deep gold mine. The enlightenment has such a penetrating power,
and the enlightenment is a kind of deep understanding. , When you really understand, your reboot
level will naturally go up. There can be many enlightenments. I am now about three times a month.
It is an enlightenment related to practice. Gu Deyun: "Eighteen times of enlightenment, and
countless insights." In the process of continuous enlightenment, you will find yourself quitting. It
has to become more and more stable, getting closer and closer to the dimension of monasticism.
Then you will naturally look for articles and books about monasticism. Quie Youzi will also
experience an epiphany. Some people write reboot articles after experiencing the epiphany. But
Jiyouzi often lacks a true core epiphany. That great epiphany is the real watershed. Only experience
Only after that great epiphany can you truly reborn in rebooting. That great epiphany is like a
nuclear explosion in your mind, allowing you to grasp the upward barrier at once, and let your mind
and consciousness enter a whole new level.

[When facing the border, when thinking about invasion]

Rebooting must pay attention to actual combat. Everything is based on improving actual combat
performance. Quit greasy can talk about the truth and write articles, but the actual combat is too
weak, the execution is too poor, and it can be said but cannot be done. "Shaolin Suspense" says:
"Later There are many people who know the way, but there are few people who do the way; there
are many people who reason, but there are few people who know how." Even if you recite the "Nine
Yin Zhenjing" backwards, if you don't practice hard, you won't be a martial arts master. The real
enemy is in his heart, but many Jiyouzi have no vigilance at all, and they don't have any awareness
of actual combat. Quieyouzi also talks about renunciation in normal times, and he also says to be
vigilant, but you will find that the performance of quityouzi in actual combat is completely opposite
to what he said: when the thought is not timely, it runs along with the thought, and when you want
to see yellow When the thought of "has appeared", he also kept on, and he listened to that thought.
The problem with quitting oil is that theory cannot be combined with actual combat, and what you
say is contrary to what you do.

Some newcomers will ask how to reboot. In fact, rebooting is very simple. There are two aspects: to
improve the theoretical level, which is to increase your consciousness, and to improve your actual
combat performance. This is "theory + actual combat." The ultimate goal of improving theoretical
level is to improve actual combat performance. If you just stay at the theoretical level and get out of
touch with actual combat, you will still fail. In short, the actual combat of rebooting consists of two
aspects: your performance when facing the situation, and your performance when thinking about
invasion. In these two aspects, if you follow the point, stare, and sink completely when you are
facing the situation, then it will not work; if your thoughts invade, you can't be able to stop when
you think about it, then it won't work either. There are three ways for the mind demon to attack the
brain, and I have also talked about it in the previous article: thoughts, images, and subtle feelings.
Thought is conceptual thinking, which is a sentence or word coming out of my mind; image is
thinking in images, I prefer to use the word "emerging" to describe it, which is a scene, or a
memory or fantasy, from the mind I like to use the word "escape" to describe it. It's elusive like a
fog, but you can feel it coming up, and emotions can also be attributed to this subtle feeling. What I
usually talk about is to cut off thoughts, images, and subtle sensations. Images and subtle sensations
can also be seen as different manifestations of thoughts. Images are visual thoughts, and subtle
sensations are extremely subtle thoughts, just like water is liquid. , The solid state is the same as the
gas state in essence.

Wang Yangmingyun: "No matter how many evil thoughts and in vain he thinks, a sense here will
dissolve itself." Perception is awareness, and awareness is annihilation. The premise is that the
awareness is strong enough. In the process of looking back at your heart again and again, your
awareness Naturally it will be strengthened, and when the time comes, it will be empty and
extinguished. "Zen Zhizhi" said: "Dharma skills. All lies in awareness." Feeling is a laser cannon,
instantly destroying invading thought monsters; Feeling is a sharp knife cut through the thoughts,
and it will be gone after a single stroke; Feeling is a blackboard eraser , Any thoughts, images, and
subtle sensations that appear in your mind can be wiped off immediately; you feel that it is a magic
knife, and you can cut it when you think, don’t hesitate! It must be ruthless, fast, and absolute when
severing! Make Suannian a unique skill! Superb and superb! The old man with a vowel said: "When
you read it, you will feel it, and you will feel it." If you are not afraid of thinking, you are afraid of
delay. Jue is the strongest weapon to break your mind. If you maintain a strong awareness of your
heart, your intrusive thoughts will naturally disappear. The "True Heart Breathing Wrong Method"
says: "The first level of awareness. This effort is the most important, from the unconscious to the
thorough understanding, from the beginning to the tenth place, there is nothing and no moment not
to be awkward. Not only is it necessary to be aware of a single thought, that is, to deal with it daily.
In personnel matters, when dealing with all kinds of opportunities, Nian Nian must still be aware of,
and be aware of the idea of'movement is good.'" The skill of interruption is improved step by step,
each layer is more powerful, each layer is more ruthless, and each layer is more than one. The layer
is strong, and the layer is faster than the layer! Suspension is the deepest skill. "Lingshu" says:
"Knowing one is work, knowing two is god, knowing three is god and being clear." A reboot master
knows a lot, and knowing and doing are one, knowing deeply and vigorously; And knowing but not
doing it, or knowing the shallow and doing it late. Knowing is theory, and action is actual combat.
Only when knowing and doing are united can you be a true rebooter!

[Water drops through stone, rope saw wood breaks, small wins become big wins]

Quit oily seeds often do not pay attention to accumulation. To reboot successfully, you must master
the correct methods, produce continuous correct actions, and complete the continuous accumulation
of rebooting knowledge. To do this, you should develop good learning habits. You can Make a plan
for yourself. For example, take 20 notes a day and 600 notes a month. Each time you take notes,
you should review the previous notes. You should review your notes hundreds of times, often
during the review process. New epiphany. Gou Rixin, new day by day, new day by day, reviewing
the old and knowing the new, I am still taking notes, I attach great importance to taking notes and
reviewing notes, this is the skill of dripping stones, you may feel that there is no change at first, but
as long as you persevere Persevere, and there will be changes soon. In addition, an article may not
be understood a few months ago, but after a few months it will feel very different, and you will
have a deeper understanding at that time, just like elementary school students can’t read a junior
high school textbook. After a little bit of enlightenment, you will be able to fully understand.
Quit Youzi would also take notes, but he couldn't persist. After a few days or half a month, he
stopped, unable to persist, lacking continuity. You must keep taking notes. There is a saying of
"interrupting the devil" in practice. As long as one day is interrupted, it will be interrupted
continuously. Once exposed to the cold, you will not even take notes for a few months. One of the
characteristics of Youzi is that he doesn't study hard or insist on studying, claiming to understand,
but in actual combat, he hits the rocks with pebbles, and when he encounters the demons, he
immediately flies with eggs. Single-handedly singled out the heart demon again and again, and went
back down again and again, breaking the halberd and sinking the sand, being crushed relentlessly
by the heart demon again and again, and frustrated. To be successful in rebooting, you must know
how to accumulate. For 365 days, can you make rebooting notes every day? Even if you can’t take
rebooting notes every day, you should review the rebooting notes every day. Don’t stop studying
and don’t leave the articles on rebooting. Some brothers will say that they are busy with study or
work. In fact, no matter how busy they are, they can squeeze time. There will always be ten minutes
or half an hour a day. You can read hundreds of rebooting notes in these ten minutes. , This is a
great harvest! Sometimes studying rebooting articles is like taking medicine. One meal can take
care of one morning, and one meal at noon can take care of one afternoon. In the process of
continuous study and review, your rebooting awareness has been greatly improved. Rebooting will
become a lot easier at that time. The former aitrue small bar also paid special attention to
accumulation. Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, water droplets and stone piercing are not a
day's work, and wire sawing wood is not a piece of time. You can ask yourself, the last time you
made rebooting notes When is it? How many days of rebooting notes have you made in a row? Is
there an interruption? As long as you don’t stop, continue to write down and review the rebooting
notes frequently. This will usher in epiphany again and again, and your enlightenment will change
day by day and advance by leaps and bounds. One day you will have an open mind and a bright
mind. The real epiphany.

Final summary:

This season we talked about the issue of quitting oilzi. To quit oilzi, you must first correct your
attitude, renew your determination to quit, and then study rebooting articles steadily, pay attention
to accumulation, don't interrupt, don't be arrogant and complacent, and always be humble and
cautious. As long as you really make changes, you can definitely make a breakthrough in the
number of days to reboot. People who really love rebooting will easily succeed. People who are
bored with rebooting articles will never get out of the vicious circle. The attitude of rebooting is
very important. You must calm down and study rebooting articles seriously. When you really love
rebooting, naturally You will have fun in it, you can study tirelessly, and absorb rebooting
knowledge like a sponge like crazy. Rebooting is leveling. You must transfer your enthusiasm and
motivation for playing online games to rebooting. Rebooting is the practice you are really worth
investing in. Rebooting can raise your life to a whole new level. Rebooting is also a kind of
salvation. , Can completely pull you out of the pit of adultery.

A brother had been abstaining for 200 days before, because at that time he had a sharp heart, studied
rebooting articles seriously, took notes carefully, and abstained for 200 days, but then he had
thoughts of pride, and then he relaxed his vigilance and study, and finally I broke the precepts, and
then the more precepts became worse, and I fell into the vicious circle of repeated breaking of the
precepts. To quit oily seeds, you need to reflect and sum up. It is the most important thing to study
rebooting articles. Only in the process of continuous learning can you enter a higher and more
stable level and realm. Not only must learn professional rebooting articles, but also sage education.
The sage education especially emphasizes the cultivation of virtue. One of the reasons for the
failure of quitting oil is the problem of virtue. Being modest is not good, and it is easy to be proud
and complacent. This is also young. People are very easy to make mistakes. The fact that arrogant
soldiers will be defeated is the unchanging truth through the ages. The "Book of Zeng Guofan's
Family" says: "The mediocre people in the world are defeated by a word of laziness. Failure.”
Learning sage education can effectively improve your virtues. The so-called virtues and no virtues
cannot keep the kidney essence. This principle must be deeply understood! If you fail to keep up
with your virtues, you will automatically collapse when you quit. Virtues are like a foundation. The
"Cai Gen Tan" says: "The foundation of the career of a person of virtue, there is no such thing as a
solid foundation and a strong foundation." Learning sage education You can consolidate your
foundation. Whether it's rebooting, studying, career, or being in the world, you need strong support
from virtue. I now attach great importance to the study of sage education, and I feel that I have
gained a lot. Gu Deyun: “If you don’t read the sage’s book for one day, you will feel completely
unrecognizable; if you don’t read the sage’s book for three days, you will feel disgusting.” As the
study deepens, I deeply feel that virtue is the most important foundation. Without this foundation,
rebooting will not be truly stable. Rebooting people should pay attention to moral cultivation, be
humble and self-herd, be humble, and be truly humble in their hearts, and put an end to the idea of
arrogance and self-satisfaction.

After repeated relapses, the good state of rebooting is like water that has opened a gate, and it is
easy to go forever. It may take months or even more than a year for some people to regain their
rebooting state. To get back a good rebooting state, serious summary and reflection are necessary,
and then you must study rebooting articles carefully, take more notes, and review more notes. Many
people will take notes and have made several large books, but they don’t understand. Review the
notes, so the absorption rate is still very low and cannot be transformed into actual combat
awareness. In addition to summarizing and introspecting, quitting oil can also quickly accumulate
positive energy by actively doing good deeds, thereby changing one's mentality, which is conducive
to quickly regaining a good rebooting state. Relapse is the decline of positive energy. Persevering in
doing good will help to quickly increase positive energy. Every day, helping newcomers answer
questions or promote rebooting. If you persist for a period of time, a good rebooting state will come
back, and I find that in the process of helping others answer questions, I will also have relevant
thinking and gains, which is to help others, but also to improve myself.

Your two kidneys are two nuclear reactors. With sufficient kidney essence and sufficient energy,
your life will rise like a rocket, and you will be able to perform well in your studies and career.
Quitting oily seeds can still metamorphose and counterattack. I used to quit oily seeds and even
gave up, but then I chose to keep rebooting because the symptoms were too painful. As a quitting
oil, I have been confused. I don’t know how to quit. I always fail. The inner demon is too powerful.
I don’t know how many calamities I have cultivated. But I want to kill it in this life. The difficulty
can be imagined. And know. However, in the process of persisting in studying, I finally realized the
core of rebooting, which is-cultivate the mind! The education of sages is about cultivating the mind,
and the highest level of professional rebooting is also about cultivating the mind. Cultivating the
mind is cultivating mindfulness, that is, cultivating mindfulness. In the first six months of
rebooting, I still felt scared and worried. I was worried that I would lose control again someday, and
that I would be pulled back into the self-destructive circle by the heart demon. At that time, I was
not stable enough in rebooting, but I always Persevering in studying, studying eagerly, studying
enthusiastically, studying desperately, like a desperado, taking notes one by one, pen refills one by
one, making notes almost every day. After a series of small epiphanies, I finally ushered in the great
epiphany of Daigo's empowerment. After that great epiphany, I really knew how to deal with the
demons, and then I became more and more stable.

We must treat reboot articles with the same enthusiasm as we treat first love. We must eagerly learn
reboot articles and absorb rebooting knowledge. We must use the greatest enthusiasm and
motivation to learn reboot articles. We must have a sense of hunger and thirst for reboot articles. It's
like a person walking in the desert for many days and suddenly discovering water. That kind of
situation is like jumping into the water like crazy, drinking like crazy, and drinking desperately. To
give another example, a death sentenced prisoner who is about to go to the execution ground
tomorrow, you say to him: "As long as you complete a certain task, you will be exempted from the
death penalty." The greatest enthusiasm and motivation will erupt. Some people can practice online
games for more than ten hours, or even forget about sleeping and eating. If they can spend half of
this enthusiasm on studying rebooting articles, rebooting would have been successful long ago.
Many Jiyouzi have little interest in rebooting articles, or even get bored, claiming that they
understand all of them, but in fact they know only a little, and they seem to understand but do not
understand. This will definitely not work. They must change their mentality and stimulate the
greatest enthusiasm and motivation to specialize in rebooting. Color article. If you want to
counterattack, you must make a 180-degree reversal in your attitude. You must study rebooting
articles vigorously, absorb rebooting knowledge crazily with an overwhelming momentum, and
develop good study habits to overcome rebooting. Color boredom period. Master Hongyi said: “It’s
not hard to be brave and lasting.” Develop good study habits to give you stamina, just like brushing
your teeth every day, you don’t feel right if you don’t brush your teeth any day.

In the face of repeated failures, don’t be discouraged when quitting Youzi, you must cheer up, get
up wherever you fall, keep summarizing the lessons of failure, reinforce your own consciousness,
strengthen your mindfulness, and remain humble and cautious, and finally The result must be these
two words-success! Must have the perseverance, must have the unduly courage, the heart demon
knocks you down 100 times, the 101st time to stand up and KO the heart demon! This is the
strongest response! Enlightenment is your strongest muscle, and severance is your iron fist,
completely defeating the inner demon, and completing an epic reversal of breathlessness! You can
do it! Jagged man, squeeze your iron fist, stand up and fight fiercely! ! !

Let me share six reboot poems

"Breaking the Curse of Masturbation"

Climbing out of the pit of masturbation billions of people

Bathe in the pure and beautiful feeling again

Looking back, they wriggle like maggots

Sluggish and linger

Too pathetic, too pathetic

They are the puppets of the heart demon

It's time to lift the curse

Must learn to dominate one's heart

Don’t follow evil thoughts, you must stop at the beginning of your thoughts

Show the utmost courage and determination

Quit desperately, quit to death

One husband is the gate, and all evil thoughts are eliminated

One person is desperate

All the rebooting martyrs are Dong Cunrui and Huang Jiguang

Each has an extremely strong fighting spirit

The demon is ruthless, you are more ruthless than the demon

The demon is strong, you are stronger than the demon

You must be able to hold it

You must be on top of it

Otherwise you will be trampled underfoot by the demons

Suffered mercilessly

It abuses you as it wants

Being abused by a heart demon, completely bruised and bruised

Was beaten by the heart demon again and again, without the strength to fight back

Swearing a poisonous oath again and again, slapped myself in the face again and again

Rush to the heart demon again and again, and be crushed by the heart demon again and again

Only if you can really grasp your own heart

In order to surrender your own demon

The time to break the curse has come

Must liberate yourself from the tyranny of the inner demon

Say goodbye to the state of slavery

Fight for freedom! The birth of rebooting!


For leather fans, for leather madness, for leather madness, for leather loot

In the era of painted skin, how many people fell into the trap of skin

They were wrapped in dumplings, and they were completely trapped (stuffing) in them

Going to hell is like going to the pot

Blind, no pus, blood, feces and urine

To be blamed by the skin, regardless of courtesy, justice and shame

For this skin, squeeze out the spermatic cord

For this skin, I'm out of the company for fear of depravity

For this skin, I feel pain in my back and my legs are soft

For this skin, it was disfigured and ejected blood

For this skin, it's better to be a beast

For this skin, turned into a walking dead

There are bones under the skin, and skeletons under the skin

Those who are obsessed with sex can only see the skin, but not the skeleton

Skin is everything to him, for this skin

He constantly emptied the essence of his body

Self-mutilation and self-destruction like a fool

The magic of the skin is so great

How many people can't see through this skin

I've been fascinated in the skin all my life

Even if the symptoms break out, I still think about this skin

A life obsessed with skin is a sad life

Pi Nu will end up miserably

To put it bluntly, it's just a piece of skin

There are nine holes in a piece of skin, and things are flowing day by day

Let it be beautiful and charming, I am still as a rock

"Push Worker"

One by one dusk

One night

One after another boring afternoon

He turned on the computer

Start to push the essence of the internal organs

Before shooting, the film is extremely attractive

After shooting, the appeal of the film plummeted

Watching those movies again, it’s just rubbish

As boring as chicken ribs

He doesn't know why he wants to destroy himself like this

But he just can’t stop, it’s like being possessed

After pushing again and again

He finally ushered in an outbreak of symptoms

It’s not that the time for non-reporting is not reached, and the reimbursement will be made as soon
as the time comes.
The body began to give severe warnings

He knows it's time to quit, not quitting is a dead end

Some people are alive, he is dead

Live like a walking dead

This is the tragic situation

Too hopeless, too powerless, and too sad

He decided not to do push jobs anymore

The push worker is the heart demon's self-employed worker

The kidney essence is cruelly squeezed, and there is no freedom to speak of

In the end, both body and mind are destroyed and reduced to waste

"The Depressed Looter"

After a few years

He found his cheeks sunken

The cheekbones are prominent, like a living skeleton

He looked at the man in the mirror

So familiar and so unfamiliar

He made a shouting expression in oil painting

A feeling of despair and horror

Start to pierce the lungs

His soul is because of the vice of masturbation

Has been completely distorted and perverted

That innocent child

Disappeared after indulging in masturbation

Originally the face is full

The temple is also flat

But now it's sunken

Looks particularly lacklustre

The most terrible depression appears in the eye socket

Gives a feeling of aging and decadence

After studying the reboot article

He understood four words: exhaustion and tolerance

After rebooting for a year

He completed the transformation

Still that mirror

But the people inside

But it's radiant and radiant

Sweep away the unlucky predicament before

He became confident

With a long-lost innocent smile

That's a pure child


"Hair Lost"

Brush your hair at a time, dozens of left shoulder

Dozens of shoulders on the right, not counting the ones on the ground

I was extremely apprehensive and an ominous premonition had come

After washing your hair, there is a dense layer of hair loss floating in the basin

I'm more worried, I can see my scalp, and I'm about to collapse

The thick black hair that was once sparsely sparsely may fall off at any time

Bald man! These three words popped out of his mind

It's horrible, I haven't arrived at 30, that's it

I can't see my original self-confidence anymore

Because the inner pressure was too high, I turned to vent through the pipe
In this way, we fall into a deeper vicious circle

The kidney qi is constantly losing, and the hair is getting less and less

Looks more than ten years old, and feels ashamed

Looking at the photos of the past, tears are streaming down my face

If it doesn't, that would be great!

Fu Guan has completely ruined his life

Fear! Absolute panic!

collapse! Complete collapse!

Sooner or later the stunner will fall into the abyss of pain!

I knew why it was today!

"Two Generations"

Grandpa charged on the battlefield

Toss the head and shed blood

Fight for the liberation of all of China

Grandson is obsessed in front of the computer

Shoot at the porn

Finally, I smashed my body

I vaguely remember Grandpa's resolute and righteous eyes

Through the long years

Still so shocking and warm

An adulterous offspring

Faceless facing the ancestors

Sexual obscenity is filial piety

Adultery is the biggest shame of the family

The depraved life must end

A generation has the righteousness of a generation

A generation has a mission of a generation

Although the times are different, the righteousness cannot be lost

The younger generations will inherit the clank and iron bones of the martyrs and the awe-inspiring

Cut off from a life of adultery

Quit the bad habit of masturbation completely, quit and persuade him

Liberate the people of China

Recommend a book below

"Modern Yinguolu": by Guoqing. The real name of Lay Guoqing is Yang Zuoxiang, a native of
Tianjin, who has passed his sixties. He is a disciple of Master Xuanhua and a layman who promotes
Dharma personally recommended by Master Xuanhua. He is highly credible. "Modern Cause and
Fruit Record" now has one, two and three collections, which are composed of many modern causal
stories. The origin part of the first episode is very artistic, and the real causal stories in the following
are very enlightening and give people a lot of enlightenment. It took more than three days to finish
reading, and I was full of fascination. It was really well written and it is worth reading repeatedly.
Guo Qing’s main recommendations are the four kinds of pure and clear teachings in "Di Zang Jing",
"Liang Huang Bao Repentance", and "Surrangama Sutra". The content in "Modern Yin Guo Lu" is
relatively detailed and comprehensive, and they are all modern people. Frequent ills, especially the
issue of adultery is mentioned in this part. The content of this part touches me a lot. The problem of
adultery in this society is more serious. We must have a deep and clear understanding of the harm of
adultery. Have right knowledge and right view. Lay Guo Qing also wrote a book "A Random Talk
about Compassion in the Emperor Liang's Repentance". If you are interested, you can also read it. It
also contains a lot of thought-provoking real cases. Some brothers have been unable to get better
after rebooting. They are also actively treating and paying attention to health maintenance, but the
improvement is not significant. At this time, the possibility of karma must be considered. You can
try to recite the Buddha, chant the scriptures, release your life, and confess. People are completely
better after studying Buddhism and practicing.
Season 105: Analysis and Recovery of Sleep Disorders

The high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination are coming in June. I
hope that the majority of candidates and brothers can prepare for the examination. Don't think too
much during this period. You should pay attention to adjust your mentality and go into battle easily,
review carefully, and work hard. July and August are the peak of the wedding announcements every
year. I am waiting for your good news. I wish the majority of candidates and brothers can be
admitted to the ideal colleges and universities, come on!


Recently, some brothers mentioned the problem of excessive stretching of the kidney strengthening
function. Generally speaking, the strengthening kidney function does not lead to excessive
stretching, because ordinary people cannot reach that strength. Looking at the training of gymnasts,
you know what over-tensioning is. In fact, they are not considered over-tensioning. They just
developed their flexibility to the greatest extent, such as gymnastics, taekwondo, martial arts, dance,
track and field, etc. All have quite high requirements for flexibility. When I was in high school,
there was a physical education teacher who did a flexibility test. I remember that the instrument was
used to let people stand up, and then touch them down to see how much you can exceed your toes.
If you can’t reach the toes, the flexibility is better. Poor, it was a failing level. At that time, a
classmate could surpass tiptoe by one and a half hands, and everyone was shocked. When you go
down enough, you have to stand still at the limit. Instead of rushing down during exercise, you have
to stop at the limit. This is how I did the test. My flexibility was not good at that time, just a little bit
over my toes. Later, when I was a fitness trainer, new members came in and took physical tests, and
there was also a flexibility test inside, but the instrument was used to let people sit down and bend
forward to see where your hand can reach, and it is also static at the limit. , There is a scale on that
instrument, accurate to millimeters.

Appropriate ligament pulling will increase explosive power. Excessive ligament pulling will
weaken explosive power, but it will not lead to nocturnal emission. After the kidney strengthening
function, nocturnal emission occurs because of poor physical fitness. If physical fitness is not good,
you will feel tired, which is easy to cause Nocturnal emission, or the tension is not found right,
doing it is nothing, and there are other factors that cause nocturnal emission and not paying
attention to avoid it. Ordinary people are unlikely to have excessive stretching. You can see the
training intensity of professional athletes. Gymnastics training is called "leg consumption", and
even requires an hour to the limit. Some kids who practice gymnastics are really gritted teeth. She
persisted in tears, her expression was extremely painful, very, very difficult, it was really ten years
of work in one minute on stage.

It’s just a passing level if you can touch the ground with your hands. It’s too far away from
excessive stretching. It’s incomparable with professional athletes. Of course, we don’t need to train
like professional athletes. We do kidney strengthening just for strengthening. Tension. At the
beginning, you can continue to hit the limit with the strengthening of the kidney function. When the
flexibility develops to a certain level, you must learn to "find the tension at a certain limit". Before,
I rushed to one and a half hands, but now I rush to more than one hand. One point, usually 5-10
times on the limit to strengthen the tension, not the more you rush, the better, the key is to find the
tension. Don’t do the kidney strengthening exercise too fast or too hard. You should know how to
do it step by step to avoid being overworked. At the beginning, you can do less and allow your body
to adapt slowly. After the physical fitness is developed, you can do a little more to strengthen the
kidney function. The number of exercises can be flexibly controlled by yourself. As for practicing
the fast or slow version of Gushen Gong, you can choose by yourself. I recommend the fast version
of Gushen Gong. If you think the slow version is more suitable for you, then you can practice the
slow version. Those who practice the slow version should not belittle the fast version of the kidney
strengthening function, please respect each other.

Share some cases below

1. [I am 24, a teacher of the people, huh, can the teacher masturbate? This is the truth. When I was
young, I learned from my friends for more than 10 years. I was originally weak. Coupled with years
of masturbation, impotence and premature ejaculation, poor sperm, and neurosis, I have all of them.
I turned myself into a medicine jar. . Since I discovered this, I have learned to reboot and maintain
health, coupled with the two-pronged treatment, and after half a year, I have basically recovered. I
would like to warn everyone to stop masturbation as soon as possible, and to maintain an optimistic
attitude, everything will be fine. 】

Additional comment: The sex group is very wide, and there are all walks of life. The misleading of
innocence theory and the proliferation of prostitution information are the two key factors that lead
to the continuous expansion of the sex group. This brother is a people’s teacher, and the teacher is a
lofty profession, but the teacher may also get the habit of masturbation. Many people start
masturbating in their teens. From the developmental period to graduation, they have not crawled out
of the dark. Lukeng, from the beginning of the symptoms of sperm injury were not obvious to the
end of the symptoms of sperm injury became more and more serious, and the body and mind
suffered extremely severe damage. Some people have a strong body and can hurt them for a few
years, while some people are inherently weak, like a weak seedling, how can they withstand the
violent storm of masturbation? Don't say your body is weak, no matter how strong your body is, it
can't withstand years of wear and tear. It's like a thick trunk. If you cut it a little with a small axe,
you will eventually cut down the entire tree. I have ever seen a bull-like body, with muscular lumps,
self-reliance on a strong body, and thought it would be okay to control it, but the result is a burly
and strong body, a pot of medicine ridden with illnesses, it is really sad and lamentable that the hero
is not afraid of thousands of troops. , But if you are afraid of emptying the kidney essence, you can't
take the essence! Chinese medicine says: The kidney is a strong official. Crazy licking, madly
emptying the kidney essence, the body will definitely be deteriorating, and in the end, the body will
be full of holes, perilous, and panic all day long. The destructive power of adultery is very strong,
and it can kill a person's appearance, brain power, energy, ambition, health, and fortune. Being able
to come to reboot is a kind of blessing, and it is also a turning point in life. You should take the
opportunity to counterattack a decadent life. This brother has basically recovered after six months
of rebooting and health preservation + treatment. After all, he is only 24 years old. The recovery
speed is still very fast. However, the six months has not been too stable, and symptoms may recur.
Color results and recovery results. Han Yu’s "Teacher's Talk" says: "An ancient learner must have a
teacher. Teachers, so preaching is also a solution to the karma." I sincerely hope that this teacher
brother can share the good knowledge of rebooting with his students, and let them be right. There is
a correct understanding of the bad habit of masturbation. Rebooting knowledge is the first pot of
gold in life. If this pot of gold is dug up, it will benefit infinitely in this life. Quitting adultery is the
basis for a person to settle down and live his life. Sex is also the first hurdle for young people, and
this hurdle must be overcome!

2. [Hello, Brother Feixiang, after reading your article and learning traditional culture, I realized that
I am not only abstaining from oil seeds, but also from Buddha oil seeds. I am too short of practice
and lack the part of the bayonet to see the red. In fact, no matter what Whether to reboot or study
Buddhism, or to do other things, only the combination of theory and practice can get real benefits.

Additional comment: This is a feedback from the previous season. This brother has fully realized
his problem through studying the articles of the previous season. No matter what you do, you need a
certain theory, and then put it into actual combat. You have to infuse rebooting knowledge into your
mind like a bullet, and then internalize it into a rebooting actual combat consciousness, so that you
have power when facing the situation. Many brothers also read rebooting articles, but they
completely forgot after studying them. They don't remember a single sentence. In actual combat,
they were the same as in the past, without any improvement or improvement. We should thoroughly
study the theoretical knowledge of rebooting and thoroughly master the principles and laws of
rebooting. You must have a consciousness in your heart. This consciousness is the actual combat
consciousness. It must not stay at the theoretical level. You must use actual combat as the
benchmark. You must work hard. The direction is to improve actual combat performance. For
example, if you study an article about rebooting, it says "Do not look at evil," and you don’t look at
the second look. Then you go out and see the temptation. You not only look at the second look, but
also keep staring at it. This is the actual combat error. ! Rebooting articles have not been
transformed into actual combat awareness. In actual combat, you must do the right thing. The
rebooting masters are doing the right thing, so they will not break the regimen. Quite oil has been
repeating the wrong pattern of the past, and they have formed inertia. Once you see the temptation,
stick it on, just like a fly sticking to flypaper. Once it’s stuck, it’s too difficult to pull it out. The Tao
Te Ching says: "The opposite is the movement of the Tao." The eyes of others are stuck, and you are
the opposite of others. You choose to avoid and divert your eyes. This is the actual combat
consciousness of the rebooting master. At the moment of the opposite situation, the rebooting
master immediately turns on the divergence mode, and will not focus on the temptation situation.
This is the actual performance of the rebooting master. You can measure yourself. What is your
performance in actual combat? Many people study rebooting articles for a short while, but do not
dig wells. They must dig deep and vigorously study rebooting articles, and they must study
repeatedly and thoroughly absorb them, and truly internalize them into the awareness of rebooting
combat. People turn their backs on their backs and pee. The words of the predecessors have four
layers: skin, flesh, bone, and marrow. Some people read the rebooting articles, and they only get the
skin. A true enlightened person can get the essence of the experience of the predecessors.
Confrontation and cessation are the actual combat of rebooting, and the most practical part is
cessation. If the heart is not moved, then no amount of temptation can affect you. Rebooting is not a
dinner party. Rebooting is not playing house. Rebooting is not a routine. Rebooting is a bayonet.
Rebooting is life and death. Rebooting is to fight the enemy and kill the invading heart thief!
Everything must be based on improving actual combat performance, not on paper, not ostentatious,
and not boastful. When facing the situation, no matter how fierce the temptation is, it will look like
air; when the demon comes, your sharp bayonet will greet it! Serving your bayonet, kill it
3. [Flying brother, I have been sick for more than 4 months. When you feel uncomfortable, your
palms and feet sweat, palpitation, palpitation, limb weakness, unreality, dizziness, uncomfortable
nausea, you spend more than 3,000 to seek medical treatment, and you can only find out that this is
neurosis when you enter rebooting . I used to stay up all night and sit for long periods of time to
masturbate. After the symptoms appeared for a few years, I did not realize the seriousness. Now I
am only 24 years old. 】

Additional comment: This brother has neurosis. Considering the manifestations of neurasthenia, it is
a very painful experience to have neurosis. It is a small amount of money to go to the doctor to
spend more than 3,000. It is common to spend tens of thousands of dollars. I have to spend more
than 100,000. Chatted. A Chinese medicine paper I read recently mentioned: kidney-medullary-
brain. These three are closely related. It is proposed in the "Chinese Medical Convergence":
"Human talents come from the brain, while the brain is dominated by the kidneys, the brain is born
from the kidney essence, the essence feet are the marrow feet, and the marrow feet are the brain.
The reason for filling, skill and skill is that the kidney is the foundation of making strong.”
According to the "Essence of Medical Classics": The bones are strong, so you can be strong, but the
talents are also superior. Essence is to live the spirit, the spirit is strong, and the self-management is
skillful. The person with insufficient marrow is not strong, and the person with insufficient energy
is not wise." To a certain extent, Mental power will definitely decline, and mental decline is simply
a disaster for life. Some people act like fools, and they don’t understand the meaning of what others
say several times. Compared with neurosis, mental decline is insignificant. The pain of neurosis can
make people think of suicide. Staying up late to sit and masturbate for a long time, three axes cut
the tree of life at the same time, and the speed of the fall is greatly Speed up, some people stayed up
all night for a long time to masturbate, neurosis broke out, and some of them felt dying in a dozen
days. At the end, there are two words that can describe that state very well: living corpse! Although
a person still has a tone, that state is tantamount to a walking dead, a "living corpse." After
indulging in adultery, the whole life seems to be covered with a dark filter, all the pure and beautiful
feelings are filtered out, and what is left is endless decadence and gloom, a very dirty and heavy
dust will cover the whole Being shrouded in people, I can no longer feel the pure great happiness.
The adulterer seems to be involved in a whirlpool, into a self-destructive world that he can't help
but. This 24-year-old brother is uncomfortable every day. I understand his situation very well,
because I am a person who has crawled out of the symptom hell, and I have experienced the
hopeless and crushing feeling firsthand. Fortunately, neurosis is reversible. If you insist on
rebooting and keeping in good health, and with active treatment, your body and mind will gradually
recover. Generally, if you keep on rebooting and keeping in good health for more than half a year, it
will be greatly improved. Gu Deyun: "Limited vitality, human desires have no boundaries."
Rehabilitation before marriage is crucial and important, whether it is for school, career or future
happiness in marriage. Don't lure yourself into a living corpse before marriage!

4. [Say hello to Brother Feixiang, I am extremely grateful. Last year, I was still writing an
experience post about the old fritters jumping out of the strange circle. A year has passed. This year
is really a big turning point in my life. I went from lying in bed all day. The waste slowly moved
towards normal. Now I have an interview with a very good company in Shanghai. I have passed the
interview. I will start to work next month. I didn’t know the meaning of life when I used to commit
adultery. At that time, my mind was not only pornography or pornography, and the pornography
was too deep. , Life is gloomy. Now I understand that it is my mission to save others and help more
people return to the right path. 】

Additional comment: This case is the feedback of a brother named "Our Pudding". Pudding is a
brother with good roots and a sense of good deeds. He throws 80 drifting bottles every day.
Resoluteness is an example for everyone to learn from. In the past year, he has completely
completed the counterattack. From a waste person lying in bed all day to returning to normal, it is
really inspiring. Now he has also interviewed a very good company in Shanghai, and his future is
limitless. Pudding not only insists on rebooting himself, but also writes experience posts to share his
rebooting experience, and he continues to promote rebooting to save others. Rebooting is to plug
the loopholes in energy, and doing good and accumulating virtue is to continuously accumulate
positive energy. No matter what company, what is needed is talents with positive energy. Although
some people have certain talents, positive energy is not enough. In this way, when interviewing, It is
possible that the first impression will be bad and it will make people feel very uncomfortable. This
will lose the opportunity. The person who reboots and cultivates gives people a feeling of positive
energy, self-confidence and calmness, and an open mind. The interviewer sees it. This kind of talent
will be attracted instinctively. Sometimes, you don’t need to use words in the interview. If you sit
there, a positive person can stop the interviewer. The interview has not been opened yet, and the
interview has been successful for most of the time. Because you have positive energy, you have
infinite confidence. Because you are not adulterous, you have a clear conscience. This powerful
aura can instantly kill the interviewer. Although some people are not very capable, as long as the
positive energy is enough, the interviewer will still give the opportunity. After entering the
company, there will be training. The leader will treat you as a talent for training, and you are full of
energy because of quitting adultery. You can better devote yourself to work. This is one link after
another. Kidney essence is the most basic capital of a person. Pudding’s experience also shows that
rebooting and cultivating kindness can indeed change a person’s destiny. From lying in bed and
being a waste to entering a very good company in Shanghai, it is simply a world, a complete
reversal of life. Gu Deyun: "In the world of life, sages and heroes care about themselves; but they
must be very energetic before they can do a very career. They don't want to remove lust, save lust,
and build a good foundation with a conservative spirit. ; Although there are great volunteers who
want to do great careers, they are often empty and decayed, faint and tired, and they will be
abandoned halfway, and nothing will be done." , The useful people are not used for a few years, and
they are all sicknesses that hurt the body. By studying rebooting articles, we can truly understand
the dangers of adulteryAfter that, I urged him to rectify himself and others, and develop a sense of
mission. Only in this way can he truly embark on the right path of rebooting. Some people don't
care about others when they quit. This will inevitably limit themselves, and they will even break the
precepts again easily, and they will not be able to enter a higher realm of life. After quitting, I will
be able to help more people return to the right path, so that they can quickly accumulate positive
energy, just like a sapling placed in a pot, never growing into a towering tree, but placed in the soil
of the earth , The growth situation is completely different, and the heights reached in the future will
also be quite different. From lying in bed to white-collar workers in the company, this is a model of
counterattack that pudding brings to everyone. The scenes expressed by the words lying in bed are
really tragic, and after insisting on rebooting and doing healing, the image of a white-collar worker
in a company is born. NS. "Zhou Yi" says: "There must be surplus in the house of goodness; there
must be surplus in the house of badness." When a person has the consciousness of doing good and
accumulating virtue, his life will be completely changed. I hope that every brother will be able to do
so. Become a good person, let everyone pass on positive energy together, and continue to help more
people, this is our common mission!

5. [Brother Feixiang, I have learned about rebooting since I came to reboot by chance . Now I have
quit in one breath for more than two hundred days. I have listened to the recording of " Quit as a
Good Medicine " ten times, and read the article on " Quit as a Good Medicine " I have made two
rebooting notes for several times. I help others reboot every day. I can quit for so long once. I think
it can’t be done without rebooting . It can’t be done without your " Quit as a Good Medicine. "
Thank you. ! Now I feel that my body has basically recovered and I have no symptoms. 】

Additional comment: It is not easy to be able to abstain for more than two hundred days in one
breath. This brother has done well in two key aspects. One is to study the rebooting article carefully,
repeat it many times and make two rebooting notes. On the other hand, it focuses on doing good and
accumulating virtue, and helps others reboot every day. After these two aspects are in place,
successful rebooting is a matter of course. Some brothers say that they can’t enter rebooting articles.
You can start by listening to the recordings of rebooting articles. Himalaya FM has a recording of "
Quit as a Good Medicine ", and Dabei Public Welfare Lecture Hall also has a rebooting recording.
You can also listen to it by reading software. Reboot articles. To be successful in rebooting, you
must be determined to study rebooting articles, develop good study habits, and persevere. I have
been able to reboot until now because I have truly integrated rebooting into my life. rebooting is not
only a cultivation base, but also a taste of life and a way of life. This lifestyle can get pure great
happiness. , Let people find the long-lost purity and beauty. A few years ago, I read Huang Nianzu’s
teachings. At that time, I seemed to understand some of the words. At that time, I only understood
about 10%-30%. Later, I kept reading and reviewing notes, and gradually understood 70%. -90%.
Until now I dare not say that I understand it all, but compared to a few years ago, that really
deepened my understanding. The same is true when we study rebooting articles. We may only
understand 10% after reading it. In the process of constant review, we will gradually deepen our
knowledge and understanding. There will be a deeper understanding. Every time you read a good
rebooting article, you will gain new results. When your awareness rises to a certain level, then you
can naturally draw inferences from one another and learn from one another. Many senior seniors
have read the rebooting articles very deeply and thoroughly. Combined with their own practical
experience, their understanding of rebooting articles can be said to be inferior. Good rebooting
articles should be read repeatedly so that they can gradually taste the true taste of their predecessors.
Many newcomers are full of jujubes and pigs eat ginseng fruit. Without more in-depth and detailed
experience and research, it will be difficult to taste the true taste and really read it. Those who enter
will find it more and more interesting, and the more they look at it, the more interested they will be.
Reading a hundred times and seeing their own self, they will gain deeper and deeper understanding
and knowledge in the process of constant repetition. " Quit is a good medicine"It’s the work of my
hard work. If you want to reboot successfully, you should study it repeatedly. Of course, the
rebooting articles of other seniors are also very good. Each senior's rebooting articles have their
own characteristics and styles. Good rebooting Articles should be widely studied. There is a good
saying: "Victory depends on virtue!" If you want to enter a more stable rebooting level and a higher
rebooting state, then you must pay attention to doing good and accumulating virtue. Many brothers
are aware of this and they are all in it. Persevering in doing good deeds, helping newcomers every
day or promoting rebooting is doing good deeds, accumulating positive energy bit by bit, like a
snowball, then you will be a carrier of strong positive energy, and you will bring positive energy
wherever you go. Wherever you go, there is an upright atmosphere that makes people admire at first
sight. If you have more kind thoughts in your mind, your evil thoughts will naturally decrease. Send
more kind thoughts and do more good deeds. This will make rebooting much easier.
6.【I have been masturbating for 15 years. At the very beginning, I had 7 to 9 times a day for a few
days in a row. I am currently suffering from gastritis, nasopharyngitis, prostatitis, cervical
spondylosis, conjunctivitis, severe kidney deficiency, lack of energy every day, dry mouth and
tongue. Dryness, the most important are neurosis, hypochondriasis, and anti-anxiety drugs for
several years, people have eaten it badly, hey is dying! 】

Additional comment: Some people masturbate for a few years, it may not feel very obvious, but
when the age exceeds ten, fifteen or even twenty years, various symptoms of physical injury will
violently break out. As you get older, your body’s recovery speed will slow down greatly. When
you’re young, you can use it once, and you may recover in 7 days. I haven't recovered in 7 months.
The specific recovery speed also varies from person to person. Some people have poor physical
fitness and do not like exercise, so the recovery speed will be slower. When I had neurosis, it took
more than a year to basically be asymptomatic. Although there were no symptoms, I still felt very
weak and recovered from a serious illness. This brother was 15 years old. He suffered from
illnesses, various inflammations and various forms of torture, and his neurosis also came to his
door. At this time, he became a medicine jar. Many western medicines are not suitable for long-term
consumption, because they have certain side effects. , Long-term eating is prone to problems, and in
the end, many drugs are resistant, and there is not much effect. Once you are dependent on drugs,
you will eat it habitually, and eventually your body will be eaten badly. This brother showed
extreme despair at the end. I understand him very well. After all, I have also gone through a stage
where I had to pay back when I came out, and I had to pay back the debts with pain, and then it
would be very painful. . In the first hexagram of the "Book of Changes", there are four words called
"Don't use Qianlong". In the aspect of rebooting, it is actually easy to understand, that is, you
should reboot before marriage, the so-called "Don't "Use" is to store energy. If the energy of the
kidney essence is used for adultery, the consequences can be imagined. The kidney is the root of the
five internal organs, and the energy of the kidney essence is the energy to nourish life, and it can be
transformed into energy and brain power. If it is worn out by means of adultery, then the body is in
danger. "Health Preservation Record": "Essence contains the bone marrow, the upper reaches of the
marrow sea, the lower of the tail, the treasure of the human body." The word Zhibao is like a needle
at the top of the door. If you knew that kidney essence is the most precious treasure, would you still
be so foolishly mad? Would you still harm yourself like this? If the treasure of the human body is
abused and vented by you, it will eventually become a medicine jar and a sick seedling, and then
life will enter the garbage time. The sixth line of Qian Gua is "the dragon has regrets". Many people
think that they have strong sexual desires, but in reality they are hyperactive. They also use this as
showing off, venting their spirits crazily, and venting the treasures at will, just like using gold as
scrap copper and rotten iron. It's so stupid to throw it out! When you see the behavior of a fool, you
will think that the fool is so stupid. In fact, when you reach out to JJ, your behavior is even more
foolish than the fool. When the injury reaches a certain level and the critical point is passed, a bunch
of symptoms will kill you. That kind of life is simply a disaster. The third line of Qian Gua is: "The
gentleman Work all day long, vigilant, and blameless. "A gentleman must be vigilant every day,
guard against evil thoughts invading, and guard against demon possession. Since Confucius praised
the Book of Changes, the Book of Changes has been regarded as the sacred book by Confucian
scholars, the first of the Five Classics, the Book of Changes says: "The Book of Changes Punish
suffocation. "Why suffocate desire? Because sages know that if they don’t know how to control
their desires, they will inevitably be destroyed by desires. This truth is very deep. The family only
talks about venting and not about control. The ancient sages warned future generations to learn to
control their desires. It is self-evident whether they believe in the foolishness of the brick family or
the high wisdom of the sage’s education.

7. [Teacher Feixiang, I am extremely excited to see your article this season. I have rebooted since
2013 and have never exceeded 26 days. Now I have been listening to " Quit as a Good Medicine "
mp3 every day for more than 3 months . I am extremely grateful to Feixiang. The hard work of the
teacher. 】

Additional comment: The highest record when I forced the precepts was 28 days. The so-called
strong precepts means not studying and relying on perseverance. Only when you really start
studying rebooting articles can the change happen. You must learn it, not just read it casually, but
really absorb it. For example, if you don't absorb it when you eat, then you won't get nourishment.
To gain consciousness, you must continue to take in nutrition from rebooting articles, read it over
and over again, listen to it over and over again, and then you can gradually get into it, and then you
can get into "deep learning". Many newcomers cannot get into deep learning. Studying reboot
articles with great concentration will make it hard to get up. One of the characteristics of deep
learning is that you can continuously gain insights, and you are also willing to learn. It turned out to
be eager to find pornography, but now you can’t wait to learn rebooting articles. You must truly
appreciate this kind of eagerness. Sometimes a thought pops up in my mind, and I can’t wait to
write it down in my notebook, lest I forget it. There are generally two parts in the notebook, one
part is the excerpted reboot sentence, and the other part is your own rebooting experience. The
content of these two parts should be reviewed frequently. Some brothers can listen to songs in an
infinite loop and never tire of listening. If they are also very interested in rebooting articles, they
can also be able to listen to them, so that they can truly and reboot. The article corresponds. If you
soak in the mud pool, you will be covered with mud when you come out. If you soak in a rebooting
article, the rebooting will be really fragrant when you get out. Some brothers say that their time is
tight, so you can listen to the rebooting recording more often. When I listened to the recording, I
suddenly had an epiphany, and I suddenly became acquainted with a truth that I hadn't figured out
before. The divine power of rebooting comes from learning, learning to raise awareness, and
conviction to subdue the demons. I have quit now that I rely on learning, and I must devote my
utmost enthusiasm to learning. Many people have been unable to quit, because there are problems
in their studies, they can't get in, and the attraction rate is too low, and there is no qualitative leap in
performance in actual combat. It's like playing a boss. You have always met the boss of the heart
demon. You have been hanged and beaten. Suddenly one day you want to understand that you can't
go on like this. Otherwise, the next time you meet the boss, you will still be beaten and beaten. ,
How can we defeat the heart demon boss? When you have this question in your mind, Senior took a
reboot book and handed it to you, just like a martial arts master handing you a martial arts secret
book, Senior said to you: "Learn it! Practice it! Kill your heart." Demon!" So you did it with the
utmost enthusiasm. Soon your enlightenment soared and your skills improved by leaps and bounds.
When you met the inner demon again, the inner demon became your defeat. You must be stronger
than the heart demon, otherwise you will only be abused. To be stronger than the heart demon, you
must be fierce

8. [Flying brother, I am really grateful to come back to your post. In 2012 and 2013, I had a nervous
breakdown and could not sleep, and all kinds of symptoms of lumbar pain, the most terrifying is
hypochondriasis, it is this that caused my family to spend examination fees Over ten thousand,
insomnia is unreal and terrible! Later, I knew that pornography was very harmful, and I kept
rebooting for several months and recovered well, just like normal people. Now I have relapsed
again. I have repeatedly relapsed, and my nervous breakdown has broken out again, and I can't
sleep anymore. At present, when the forklift is working in three shifts, it is not easy for my body to
recover. 】

Additional comment: This brother had previously contracted neurosis due to masturbation, mainly
neurasthenia, and hypochondriasis. Hypochondria, also known as hypochondriasis, is a type of
neurosis. A lot of neurotic patients are suspected of the disease. I was suspected of being ill at that
time. I suspected that I had an incurable disease. I was so frightened and worried. It was really like a
frightened bird. That state is hard to describe. Know how it feels. I was suspected of being ill in
high school, but at that time it was relatively mild. Later, after quitting my job, anxiety broke out,
accompanied by a strong tendency to be suspected of being ill. I also went to the hospital for a lot of
examinations and cost a lot of money. I have read an article before. It said that doctors also admitted
that patients with hypochondria have made income for the hospital. Many patients have checked
tens of thousands, and almost all the hospitals can check. Some patients are still worried and
worried. In short, there is a misdetection or missed detection of the inspection equipment. In short,
many people go to the hospital for regular checkups, or even go to various hospitals for various
checks. Even if the check results are all normal, he still feels uneasy, because the physical
discomfort is very obvious. It makes people very scared, and there is a sense of imminent disaster,
which is really frustrating. This brother was fortunate enough to meet rebooting at the gloomiest
moment of his life . He insisted on rebooting and he recovered well. Unfortunately, now he has
relapsed again, and it has been relapsed continuously, so his neurosis will easily break out again.
Work has a certain relationship. Three-shift work is too tiring. Staying up late will induce neurosis.
After rebooting, we must learn to keep the results of recovery and pay more attention to health
maintenance. Once again in the quagmire of neurosis, this is indeed a very painful experience. It is
quite a painful experience. I hope that this preceptor will persist in rebooting and strengthen his
health. It is best to change to a normal work and rest. This is more beneficial to the body. recover.

9. [I can only tell who I am now, I am devastated. I took the ID card today. I was a vicissitudes of
life in it. Compared with my previous self, I was much older, and I was only 16 years old. I have
been stunned for four years. Friends, please reboot as soon as possible . Although it is really
harmful! 】

Additional comment: The 16-year-old uncle is devastated. He is 16 years old. What a good age.
During the rainy season, he was ruined by abuses. Because he lost the most precious and pure traits,
he just came home from school every day. The evil thoughts in my mind are growing wildly, and
parents don't know what's wrong with their children. Nowadays, children are too easy to access the
information of adultery, and it is easy to search on mobile phones and computers, and countless
teenagers are destroyed because of this. How would you feel if someone pierced your spine with a
large syringe and took a tube of your spinal cord? You must not allow this to happen, because it is a
great harm to the body. However, when you are crazy about pornography and shoot away the
essence of your body one by one, what you do is actually the same as pumping the marrow of a
syringe, except that one is being pumped out, and the other is being pumped out. Shot away.
Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that the kidney governs bones to produce marrow, and the
marrow is divided into bone marrow, spinal cord, and brain marrow. The marrow hidden in the bone
cavity is called the bone marrow; the marrow located in the spinal canal is called the spinal cord;
the marrow located in the cranial cavity is called the brain marrow. These three kinds of marrow are
all metabolized by the kidney essence. If you truly understand the principles of Chinese medicine,
you will know what kidney essence means to a person! Some people used thousands of tubes to
shoot away the essence of the body one by one. In the end, they became a zombie-like waste. They
drooped their eyes, their eyes were hollow and their faces were distorted and deformed, either
swollen or sunken. In severe cases, it is true. It's like a deformed monster, like the weirdo of the
clock tower of Notre Dame de Paris. I remember that I took an inch photo when I was 16 or 7 years
old. The people inside were crying, their eyes were extremely absent, and the face was still bursting
with acne. At that time, I was very fierce. I was completely a puppet of a demon. After the essence
is evacuated from one tube by one tube, there will be a miserable look on the face. I have made
hundreds of comparison photos of my brothers. When indulging in the tube, many people's facial
expressions have a miserable and weak expression. And the feeling of decadence, that kind of
feeling is like being poured on the head by big dung. It really affects a person's image too much,
and it is really harmful. Abstinence can not only improve a person’s image and temperament, but
also increase a person’s willpower. Abstinence itself is an expression of the strongest will. The heart
of the person who subdues the heart demon will become extremely strong and stable, with more
positive energy and energy. Responsibility, and the stunner often gives up halfway in doing things,
because the energy and brainpower can't keep up, and frequent ejaculation can affect a person's
motivation and fighting spirit. It can make people become depressed and decadent, love to sleep in,
and always yawn. Abstinence can bring you true self-confidence. Nothing else can bring you true
self-confidence. True self-confidence can only be born from a pure heart. Other things such as
education, wealth, reputation, and status can bring you. Confidence, in fact, is very superficial and
lacks real deep confidence. A person who truly surrenders the heart demon is worth hundreds of

10. [Today is the 143rd day of my rebooting. Before I came to reboot , I basically did it once or
twice a day, and two or three times on weekends. There was no concept of a demon at all. I would
like to talk about the comparison of popularity and recovery. In the past, the aura was really bad.
For example, the girl I had been secretly in love with in high school suddenly hated me
inexplicably. I didn't even know the reason. I asked the reason and made her hate me even more.
When I went home for half a day and had dinner with my parents on the weekend, I would
definitely quarrel with them, and then I entered rebooting by chance . I suddenly woke up and
studied eagerly in the boutique posts. On my birthday, it was me who entered the reboot. On the
80th day of the erotic bar, it seemed that it was broken two or three times in total during this period.
At this time, a miracle happened. On the second day of my birthday, I received a postcard from her.
She actually said that it was her before. The problem is that she is too self-centered. I hope I don't
take it seriously. This really flattered me. I think this is a change in aura. Then my parents and I get
along well, and there is almost no quarrel, and when they come back from work, I will tirelessly tell
them, "Come back, you have worked hard." I started to understand the importance of filial piety
since I entered the rebooting bar . From my third year of high school to my current freshman year, I
call my grandparents and care about them every week at the latest two weeks at the latest. My
parents felt that I had grown up. Grandpa and grandma also praised me for filial piety in front of my
mother many times. Grandpa said that I was his pride. And I have accumulated more than 300 yuan
for Tencent charity work. I take time every week to go to the hospital to be a volunteer. My
appearance and spirit are really different than before. My eyes are very clear, and there are problems
with depressions. Great improvement, great changes in skin texture, especially the shape of the
eyebrows. The eyebrows used to be messy, and the eyebrows often fell out and did not form. When
I returned to my hometown on Ching Ming Festival some time ago, I heard my relatives praise my
eyebrows for the first time. I looked in the mirror and found that my eyebrows were shaped. And a
few days ago, I greeted a fellow girl in the university. When I was about to leave, I heard a girl next
to her whisper: "He is so handsome, is your fellow?" I heard it, Teacher Feixiang, this feeling has
been too long! 】

Additional comment: Aura is a halo that surrounds human individuals or other biological
individuals, with luminous and multi-color characteristics, and presents a cocoon shape. Some
foreign instruments can capture the aura around the human body. The aura does exist. The following
is a sharing by the old layman Huang Nianzu: “In the past, there was a Chinese diplomat named Wu
Chaoshu who worked as a foreign minister for many years. He was probably still before Gu Weijun.
Gu Weijun is a young and strong faction, and his name is Wu Chaoshu. He has a special feature-
ambassadors from various countries can sometimes go to the parliament and listen to debates and
discussions. He said that these two people will definitely debate. Everyone said this The two didn’t
argue at all, and sat there well. Sure enough, he was right. This one spoke, the other got up to
debate, and this one got up against the debate, and the quarrel was a mess. Every word must be in.
Ask him what’s going on, he said, Before these two people had a debate, each of them had anger on
their heads, and the anger on their two heads had already fought there." A person’s aura and mind
are closely related. Beware of changes and vibrations in your mind. The frequency will change
accordingly, and the aura will also change. The two people have not spoken yet, the aura has begun
to communicate. Although some people have not spoken, as long as you see him, you will feel
disgusted. Many adulterers have this experience. Because they often have evil thoughts, they can
easily incur disgust from the other party. After you start rebooting and cultivating your mind, when
your mind changes, your aura will change accordingly, and then others will have completely
different impressions of you. People with psychic abilities can see the aura. Although ordinary
people can't see it, they can also feel it subtly. This brother is a good example. After rebooting, his
popularity aura has changed accordingly. He also knows how to do good and accumulate virtue, so
that his aura will become better and stronger. Being born from the heart, the mind can affect the
appearance and temperament of a person. Although there are innate factors in the appearance, it will
also produce various subtle changes in the form of the changes in one's mind. This brother said that
he is different from the previous one, and he has become handsome. When he was in his teens and
20s, he was an age group that cared about his appearance. He wanted to be sunny and handsome. I
was also very handsome at that age. If you care about your appearance and temperament, you do
feel a lot ugly after you have sex. After rebooting and actively exercising, you can slowly regain
your good looks, but as long as you break the ring, you can easily get back to the original shape.
From Yushu Linfeng to crooked melons and jujubes, from Fenghua Zhengmao to coke buds, from
sunshine to self-confidence to self-defeating filth, slap tube is indeed a pig-killing knife. And
rebooting brings a unique kind of purity and beauty, giving people pure enjoyment. Many people
may think that enjoyment is eating, drinking, and having fun. In fact, pure enjoyment is the most
high-end, purest, and most soul-shaking experience. As this brother said:

After restarting

Our body, mind, and soul are continuously purified every day

We like this pure and beautiful feeling

Our inner happiness is constantly increasing

Our hearts are getting happier and more peaceful

We are pure existence, we are pure love

We have learned deep gratitude and selfless dedication

We are back to a state of innocence

We are full of light and joy

We are all children

Live in a pure miracle

Step into the text below

Regarding sleep, I once talked about it in season 18. It was relatively simple in that season, and I
will talk more about it in this season.

Many people will suffer from sleep disorders afterwards. I have also experienced insomnia and
dreams, difficulty falling asleep, light sleep, easy awakening or early awakening, etc. The causes of
sleep problems are usually external environmental factors (excessive light, noise, rigidity, etc.).
Going to unfamiliar places, changing seasons), physical factors (pain, itching, severe coughing,
drinking strong tea or coffee before going to bed, frequent nocturia or diarrhea, etc.), psychological
factors (stress, accidents, anxiety, fear, cranky thoughts, etc.) Excessive excitement), some diseases
(such as neurasthenia, anxiety, depression, etc.). When I was younger, I also experienced some sleep
disorders, but they were not very serious. I paid attention to recuperation and exercised properly,
and I would slowly return to normal. Later, I got neurosis. Insomnia and dreaminess were frequent.
Sometimes I fell asleep reluctantly. The quality of sleep was also very poor. I dreamed almost every
day for a while. I woke up in the morning as if I hadn’t slept. I felt very tired. It's like running a
marathon all night in your head.

Sleep disorder is a disease in itself, which causes a lot of trouble in people's lives and is also the
chief culprit of chronic fatigue. Many people get tired in the morning due to sleep disorders, too
lazy to get up, lack of energy during the day, lack of work, memory loss, inability to concentrate,
prone to errors in study and work, sluggish thinking, slow reactions, tiredness, and insufficient
motivation and stamina. . At the stage when I was very ignorant, I didn’t know the connection
between masturbation and sleep disorders, and at that stage I often resorted to masturbation before
going to bed to help fall asleep, because I felt tired when I was finished, and then it was easy to fall
asleep. Now, at the stage when the injury is not deep, this is indeed the case, but the consequence of
this is that it is easy to get up the next day, and it will go to ten or eleven when I go to bed. I don’t
eat breakfast. And I found that as long as I went to bed yesterday After getting rid of it, the eyes will
be swollen and apathetic the next day, and the whole face will be slightly distorted. After studying
Chinese medicine, I was very surprised by the medical theory of "the kidneys are connected to the
brain", because this medical theory perfectly explains why I feel that the back of my head is
emptied and even painful after many strokes, and my brain is not clear. Even dizziness, brain power
also dropped drastically. After frequent masturbation, the quality of sleep will also drop a lot. In
many cases, there are too many nocturias and the quality of sleep is extremely poor. It can be said
that there is no deep sleep, and it is superficial sleep. If you don’t use it, your body will be fully
charged after you sleep for 6 or 7 hours. The next day you feel full of energy, but after you do not
sleep for ten hours, you still feel sleepy and tired. Some people have dark circles and bags under the
eyes, and they are very depressed at first glance.

I remember when I was in high school, on the second day after I was finished, I really couldn’t get
up. Every time I got up, I sang the national anthem: "Get up, people who don’t want to be slaves..."
It feels like getting up is for me. It is an extremely difficult task, because after the body's brain is
emptied, the body needs more time to repair, and because the essence of the five internal organs is
consumed, the speed of repair will be greatly slowed down, making it difficult to get up the next
day . To get up to a certain level, it takes a lot of courage to get up. This is indeed a bit weird for
ordinary people. Ordinary normal people may say that getting up is difficult, but for people who
have reached a certain level of injury , If you call him dozens of times, he can't get up, just like a
ship sinking in the ocean. I remember once my mother saw that she couldn’t call me, so she let out
cruel words: “I won’t get up again, shoot with guns, shoot with shells!!!” So I sang the national
anthem and struggled to get up. The situation was like falling from the dead. I got up inside, and the
look on my face was as gray and decadent as a dead person. Looking in the mirror, is it me? It was
clearly a walking dead. My mother looked at me like an alien. She didn’t understand how her son
could become so decadent. Where is the youthful vigor of young people. At that time, I was a
teenage high school. Sheng, but he looks old-fashioned. Once upon a time, getting up was an
effortless task for me, but after being obsessed with boobs, getting up already requires a lot of effort
for me. Why did it become like this? The reason is that I have been "taking drugs" with my family
behind my back. This kind of drug is called pornography, and the behavior of taking pornography is
called 撸管. I make up my mind again and again, "the last time", again and again, and my mind and
body are drained. . The heart demon took out a straw and inserted it into my skull, and drew the
essence there fiercely. My brain was sucked away by the heart demon. At that stage, I didn’t know
what a heart demon was, and had no concept at all. I only know that there seems to be an irresistible
force in my heart that is dragging me into the abyss of self-destruction, that kind of force is too
strong, and I almost collapsed at the touch of a touch.
A brother shared his recovery experience. His article mentioned the importance of good sleep. I
think he was right. Good sleep can greatly promote the recovery process of the body. If the quality
of sleep is not good, That will greatly affect the speed of recovery. When others reboot for three
months, the recovery and improvement are obvious. If the quality of sleep is poor, even if rebooting
for a long time, the recovery effect will feel very unsatisfactory. A good night's sleep can make
people feel refreshed, and insomnia and dreams can make people feel very uncomfortable. The next
day, the state is still very poor, which is a very weak feeling. If it’s occasional insomnia and
dreaminess, then don’t worry too much. There are many factors that can cause short-term sleep
disturbance. Generally, it will automatically return to normal after a few days of rest. For example,
when the season changes, many people will have some sleep disturbances. After a period of time, it
will automatically recover. This kind of short-term sleep disorder generally does not constitute a
serious trouble. If you are afraid of neurosis, continuous insomnia and dreams, it is quite painful. I
have read a news, that insomnia The patient couldn't sleep for several years, and the medicine was
useless. Then he was very painful, and he often hit his head. Calluses appeared on his head, but it
was still to no avail. Sleep disorder will appear when sleep disorder occurs. When sleep disorder
occurs, people will become irritable, easily anxious, and cranky, just like a sleepy animal, and then
they will vent through the tube, thus falling into a vicious circle.

Case 1. Is my neurasthenia? Nervous breakdown caused by masturbation staying up late and stress,
now what to do with insomnia! I only have 1-2 hours of light sleep a day. When I sleep normally,
my mind will automatically think about things! What should I do if I can't sleep at all! How to treat,
what kind of medicine to take, I'm only 24 years old!

Analysis: The brother in this case has already suffered from mental deterioration. Insomnia has
caused serious trouble to his life. His sleep disorder is also relatively serious. He can fall asleep for
a short time every day, and he is still in light sleep. Also serious disorder, cranky, out of control.
This kind of severe insomnia is best treated by Chinese medicine, and then strengthen the regimen
by yourself, so that you can improve a lot by persisting for about a year. If you are young, the
recovery speed will be faster, but you can’t completely count on drugs. You must learn to maintain
health. The bad habit of masturbation must be completely quit, because masturbation is too nerve-
wracking and too nerve-wrenching. Staying up all night must also quit. Staying up late is also a key
factor in inducing mental decline. You must learn emotional management for stressful problems.
Some candidates will suffer from insomnia before major exams. Excessive psychological stress can
also cause sleep disorders. Insomnia is indeed painful. If you have experienced it yourself, you will
definitely understand the pain of being unable to sleep. A baby without insomnia is happy. Although
some people don't suffer from insomnia, they can't fall asleep after lying down. This is also a
torment, or waking up in the middle of the night, which will greatly affect the quality of sleep. The
quality of sleep is good, and I feel very energetic when I get out of the bed. The quality of sleep is
poor. When I get out of the bed, I feel very tired.

【Pathogenesis of Chinese Medicine】

Insomnia refers to the dysfunction of viscera, deficiency of qi and blood, and imbalance of yin and
yang, leading to the inability to obtain normal sleep. In mild cases, it is difficult to fall asleep or
wake up easily, and in severe cases, it is difficult to sleep at night. It is often accompanied by
headache, dizziness, palpitations, forgetfulness, Many dreams, etc., this disease is also called
insomnia and insomnia. The main characteristics of this disease are difficulty falling asleep, waking
up easily, and insomnia after waking up. According to the theory of syndrome differentiation and
treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, insomnia can be divided into multiple types, such as
heart and kidney failure, heart yin deficiency, heart and spleen deficiency, kidney yin deficiency,
and stomach discord. In the treatment of insomnia, it is suitable to replenish the heart and spleen,
nourish yin and reduce fire, soothe the liver and relieve heat, nourish the heart and calm the nerves,
feel comfortable, and sleep soundly. Different types and syndromes are different, the heart and
spleen deficiency type can also see heart palpitations, forgetfulness, fatigue, dizziness, tasteless
eating, liver depression and fire type often appear irritable, red eyes and bitter mouth, kidney yin
deficiency type except the main Outside the syndrome, upset and restlessness, dizziness, tinnitus,
and soreness in the waist and knees can be seen. Insomnia is a common disease that confuses many
people. Although they are so sleepy and breathless, they can't fall asleep when they hit the pillow,
and there is no sleepiness. Some people take sleeping pills when they suffer from insomnia, but
after a long period of time, they develop dependence. Sleeping pills are not suitable for long-term
consumption, and they can also cause certain side effects on the body. Some clinical observations
have found that people who take sleeping pills often take the medicines. The dose will gradually
increase, which is significantly higher than that of normal people, and later, they cannot achieve the
purpose of improving sleep by taking sleeping pills, but it becomes more difficult to fall asleep.
Long-term use of sleeping pills has a greater impact on the body, such as drug dependence, memory
loss, and respiratory depression.
There are many pathogenesis of insomnia, but in general it is one sentence: the body and mind are
out of balance. There are many reasons for the disorder. Staying up late and sitting for a long time,
stress, indulgence, etc. can all lead to the disorder. Fundamentally speaking, insomnia is a
manifestation of physical and mental disorders. Physical disorders can cause sleep disorders, and
psychological disorders can also cause sleep problems. The body and mind also affect each other.
Some articles attribute insomnia to a psychological problem. In fact, it is not. The body and mind
are actually one, and physical disorders are often manifested as psychological problems. If you just
think of it as a psychological problem and not fundamentally regulate the body, it will be difficult to
change the condition. of. Although some people continue to take medicine and have been seeing a
psychologist, their masturbation habits have not changed, so the problem of insomnia is difficult to
improve. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of the innate, the
root of the five internal organs, the source of life, and the home of vitality. Therefore, the physicians
of the past dynasties have advocated the focus of invigorating the kidney and strengthening the
essence as the key to delaying aging, strengthening the body and promoting longevity. Kidney
deficiency and insomnia are closely related. This is mentioned in the medical records of many
famous doctors. Once the kidney essence loses, it will affect the internal organs. For example, for a
company, there are more than a dozen people in the company. The names of individuals are: heart,
liver, spleen, lung, kidney, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, triple burnt, bladder,
gallbladder, brain, bones, nerves, etc. Among these dozens of people, one is a big brother. Brother is
the kidney! The kidney pays wages. Qu Limin said: "What is essence? Essence is like money. When
the human body lacks something, such as red blood cells or white blood cells, the money (essence)
can be realized immediately. Therefore, essence is very important to the human body." Kidney
essence has the function of realizing cash. Think about it. When you spend your "essential money"
through masturbation, your internal organs will lose money, just like the boss of a company. After
spending the money on eating, drinking, and gambling, they couldn't get paid in the end, and the
employees began to feel emotional.

Case 2. One night I slept for a while and didn’t fall asleep. Then I got up and masturbated once in
bed. Then I fell asleep. Since then, my sleep has changed a lot. I have insomnia and shortness of
breath. It has been 4 months. I got a doctor, but I still suffer from insomnia. I don’t know what the
cause is. I have had a history of masturbation before. I started it at the age of 13, basically once a

Analysis: When you hit a certain level, you will experience a sudden turnaround. Then the whole
person will be bad. It is not bad here or there, but the whole person feels something wrong. It is
difficult to explain that feeling. But it just feels uncomfortable. This brother started masturbating at
the age of 13, basically once a week. This frequency does not seem to be much, but it is extremely
difficult to control the inner demon. Indulge in obscenity, leading to constant leaks. "Forgetfulness
is to grind blood, masturbation is to get a knife." Sexuality is to consume your energy a little bit,
and eventually cause a small leak to sink a big ship, and a thousand-mile embankment collapses in
an ant's nest. The water of masturbation is very deep and deep, say once a week, but in the actual
operation process, there are too many places that are worn out, and they are worn out unknowingly,
such as chatting with a girlfriend for a long time. The lower part was leaking, and then the lower
abdomen started to hurt, and frequent urination recurred, which is impossible to prevent. After the
kidney essence is constantly depleted, there will be manifestations such as heart and kidney failure,
heart and spleen deficiency, and then insomnia will burst out in a concentrated manner, often after a
certain indulgence, it will suddenly become bad. The word "from now on" means that it has passed
the critical point, just like boiling water after passing the boiling point, completing the process from
quantitative change to qualitative change.

Case 3. Recently, after masturbation, I lost sleep and can't sleep. Why is this so? How to treat it
thoroughly, and even after masturbation, the lower back is sore.

Analysis: Many people rely on masturbation to fall asleep, and I was like that at the time. After
masturbation, there will be a deep sense of tiredness, yawning again and again, and the fierce man
will be like a puddle of mud after ejaculation. At this time There is an urgent need for a good quality
sleep to help the body recover. Many people have developed the habit of masturbating before going
to bed, and even have a shot before going to bed every day. They compare masturbation to the best
hypnotics. When the degree of damage is low, it is easy to fall asleep after masturbation, but It’s
easy to get up the next day. This is already mentioned in my article above. It’s like sinking in a bed.
It can’t be pulled or pulled. It’s like being deeply embedded in the bed. Struggling to get up, the
mental state is not very good, or even very bad. Some children masturbate before going to bed, and
struggle to get up to school the next day. The first class is sleep, or sleepwalking throughout the
morning. The efficiency of class is extremely poor. Some people are crazy on Friday night, and then
they can do it on Saturday. Sleep until the afternoon and get up again, or cover your head and sleep
for a whole day. When the degree of injury gradually deepens, the evil effects of masturbation
before going to bed will gradually appear, and then the more you will be unable to sleep, because
you have already developed neurosis, the more you are at that time, the more serious the insomnia
will be. This brother mentioned backache after masturbation, Chinese medicine: the waist is the
home of the kidneys. After masturbation, you will not only suffer from backaches and backaches,
but also the waist will feel like a bend, unable to straighten your waist, and bend your waist like a
shrimp. Martial arts practitioners pay special attention to waist strength. Waist strength is a person’s
core strength. The so-called “core” refers to the middle part of the human body, which is the area
below the shoulder joint and above the hip joint, including the pelvis. The hip joint forms a whole,
including 29 muscles. The core muscle group is responsible for stabilizing the center of gravity and
transmitting power. It is the main link of the overall force. It plays a pivotal role in the movement
and exertion of the upper and lower limbs. Without a strong and fastened waist, the lower limbs are
unable to gain strength, and the upper limbs lack foundation and support. They dare not use much
force when doing a lot of movements. After masturbation, the waist is sore and painful. In serious
cases, even washing clothes, brushing teeth, and washing dishes All feel difficult.

【Specific Causes of Traditional Chinese Medicine】

1. Emotional injury or emotional insufficiency, liver qi stagnation, liver depression transforms into
fire, evil fire disturbs the mind, and the mind is restless and sleepy. Or from the Five Zhi Guoji (five
Zhi, Chinese medicine term, refers to the five emotions of happiness, anger, thinking, worry, and
fear), the heart is blazing, and the mind is disturbed and insomnia. Or it may be caused by too much
worry, damage the heart and spleen, waste of energy and blood, lack of spleen and blood, lack of
biochemical source of spleen deficiency, deficiency of camp blood, and inability to support the
mind. Insomnia for many years."

2. Inappropriate diet, damage to the spleen and stomach, stagnant food, stagnation in the middle of
the meal, loss of stomach qi, and yang qi floating outside, causing restless sleepiness. People who
lie down have stagnant phlegm and fire. This is because the stomach is upset and sleeps restlessly.”
Or the overeating may cause phlegm heat, disturbing the mind and insomnia. Or due to improper
diet, injury to the spleen and stomach, loss of health of the spleen, insufficient qi and blood
biochemistry, insufficient heart and blood, heart failure and insomnia.

3. After illness, old age, disease, blood deficiency, postpartum blood loss, less blood in old age, etc.,
it causes insufficient effort, heart loss, and restlessness and insomnia. As the "Jingyue
Quanshu·Insomnia" said: "Those who are innocent and insomnia must manage the lack of qi, the
owner of blood, blood deficiency will not be able to nourish the heart, and a guilty conscience will
lead to the unwilling of God."
4. Insufficient endowment, deficiency of the heart and cowardice, excessive yin in the body, and
excessive physical exertion, loss of kidney yin. , The heart and kidney are lost and uneasy. As the
"Jingyue Quanshu · Insomnia" said: "True Yin is insufficient and blood is insufficient, Yin and Yang
do not reciprocate, and God has uneasy ears." There are also fears due to guilty conscience, violent
panic, and uneasy spirits, resulting in sleeplessness or sleeplessness at night. Sleeping but not
sounding, as stated in "The Origin of Miscellaneous Diseases, the Origin of Insomnia, and the
Origin of Sleeping insomnia": "Those who have the heart and fear, are easily shocked, have many
ominous dreams, and are insomniac."

These four causes basically cover all the pathogenic factors, including psychological aspects and
physical aspects. Article 4 specifically mentions overwork. Insomnia is a major cause of insomnia.
Many people are not yet married. , But it has been used for several years or even more than ten
years. It is very common to indulge in crazily before marriage, and it is very common to abandon it
when you are unmarried. The current pornography is also unsurprising, the temptation is extremely
fierce, making it difficult for young people to control themselves, coupled with the bad influence of
the surrounding environment, it is easy to fall into the pit. It turns out that you can fall asleep
soundly and sleep soundly. When you reach a certain level, you will find that sleep problems begin
to occur, such as multiple dreams, early awakening, difficulty falling asleep, etc., nightmares, ghost
presses, etc., after sleep problems, It will greatly affect a person's mental state, the fatigue is deep,
and the energy and interest are greatly reduced. The diagnostic criteria for insomnia in China are:
difficulty falling asleep, falling asleep more than 30 minutes; sleep quality degradation, waking up
twice or more throughout the night, early waking; total sleep time is less than 6 hours. Many people
not only sleep superficially, but also have only two or three hours to fall asleep, and they have
severe insomnia. There are many factors that can lead to sleep disorders. Among them, indulgence
is a factor that cannot be ignored. Nowadays, most young people have masturbation and indulgence.
This is a very secret vice. After madly emptying themselves, the mind, body and mind will appear
to be out of balance. At that time, various problems may occur in sleep.

Case 4. It is difficult to fall asleep for N consecutive days. I had this situation before when I was 14
or 5 years old. I knew it was insomnia. Then I was a masturbator before. Now I realized the
seriousness of the situation and started to quit. I guess I have insomnia. It was caused by
masturbation. But I have been trying to make up for it recently, such as going to the gym to train my
muscles and going every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (because of masturbation, I am very thin
now, I especially care about this), but the question is, why am I on the same side? 3. The quality of
sleep worsens when I exercise very tired. I will continue to lose weight when I think of lack of
sleep. My exercise will be spent in vain, and my heart will be anxious! I almost wanted to hit the
wall and knock myself out last night! At least that would be considered asleep.

Analysis: This brother’s insomnia is more serious. He wants to return to normal sleep, but his
awareness of health maintenance is relatively poor. It is not suitable for strength training when the
body is weak, otherwise it is likely to cause more sleep. Difference. In the case of a relatively
healthy body, proper strength training or other forms of exercise can effectively promote sleep, so
that people can touch the pillow as soon as they touch the pillow. I have read an article on Chinese
medicine. It says that a rich man can sleep very deeply when he sees migrant workers lying on the
ground. Human insomnia is very serious. Seeing that others can have a good night's sleep, he will
think of his own bad situation. When you have a neurasthenia, you should focus on resting, instead
of training your muscles, you can do health-preserving exercises, go for a walk in the park, and wait
until your body and mind are almost recovered, and then start strength training. I once wanted to
use strength training to promote the recovery of neurosis, but later found that it didn't work, because
excessive exertion is also a way to hurt the kidney qi. When the body is weak, strength cannot be
used casually, otherwise it will aggravate the condition. "Su Wen" says: "Therefore, if you are
strong, kidney qi is hurt, and high bones are bad." This brother thought that fatigue could promote
sleep, but the quality of sleep was worse because he did not understand the principles of Chinese
medicine, so he did the opposite. As a result, things backfired and made themselves very painful.
Many severe insomnia sufferers have thoughts and actions of hitting walls or self-harming because
they can’t sleep and hate iron to make steel.

Case 5. When I was 17 years old, I had severe insomnia due to excessive masturbation. It’s been 7
years now, and I’m sleeping a little better now, but I still have difficulty falling asleep, the quality of
sleep is poor, I can sleep for about 5 hours, and it’s not easy to fall asleep after waking up. There is
still a little hair loss, white tongue coating, bloodshot eyes and dark circles under the eyes. After
taking some Chinese medicine, the stool is a little unformed. I have symptoms of lack of energy and
memory loss. I will not talk about other symptoms. I am currently mainly It is insomnia and hair
loss that have a great impact on my life and work.

Analysis: This brother also suffered from severe insomnia due to masturbation. Although he
improved in 7 years, his sleep quality was still poor and he could only sleep for about 5 hours. You
can recall the sleep when you were a child. It was a real sleep until dawn. When you were young,
you would not go to see pornographic masturbation, and the energy would not leak at will. The
body and mind were in a state of pure peace. The most important feature of a child is that he has no
worries, doesn’t think too much, just do what he should, and soon forgets the unhappy things, and
then he regains a happy state. The purity of a person's consciousness begins to drop sharply during
the developmental period, just like falling from the dimension of heaven to the mortal or even hell,
entering the developmental period, that kind of evil thoughts begin to appear. Everyone has desires,
this is true, but we have to learn to control our desires and return ourselves to a state of innocence.
This is very important. Rebooting is a journey of spiritual purification, allowing you to return to the
pure kingdom. Only When the mind is restored and pure, your energy can be preserved to the
greatest extent, otherwise the indiscriminate use will only cause the energy to be constantly
depleted, and eventually the body, mind and brain will have a big imbalance. People with poor sleep
quality will not be in a good state of mind and cannot show their best mental appearance. The
overall tone is gray and dark, and they are in a very weak state.

Case 6. Before I went to junior high school, I was considered by many to be a child prodigy, and I
had excellent learning ability in various subjects. But when I was 13 years old, I learned to lure, and
then my adolescence was wasted in lure. In the worst case, I had insomnia to one or two o'clock, my
face was sallow, and I was distracted in class, and I was in low mood. Looking back on the past few
years, things are not humans, it seems like a dream.

Analysis: Everyone from the child prodigy to the awkward is that the bad habit of masturbation is
playing tricks and hurting the brain. At the beginning, it will lead to mental decline. If it is severely
injured, it will cause neurosis. At that time, insomnia may appear. It is indeed very difficult to sleep.
Pain, lying on the bed tossing, or staring at the ceiling with eyes like dead fish. Why Goode said
that "Lexus is the first hurdle for teenagers." There is a deep truth in this. Whether this hurdle can
be surpassed is directly related to the future direction of life. It was originally the life style of a child
prodigy. Once infected with the bad habit of masturbation, the child prodigy becomes ordinary.
Without mental support, everything is useless. Just like the best car without gasoline, it is also a pile
of scrap iron. TCM talks about kidney essence metaplasia and brain marrow. Think about it, what
does it mean to squeeze the tube? Kidney Essence can not only improve the brain, but also lower
the turbid essence, it depends on how you use this energy. Teenagers are brainwashed by the
harmless theory, and they don’t know the harm of masturbation . Because they are too young, they
can’t talk about any self-control, and the bad habit of masturbation is very addictive. Many times a
day, like a hidden agent, hiding his parents from masturbating at home, the poor parents also placed
great hopes on their son, hoping that his son will be ancestral. Who knows that his son closed the
door and started a life of indulgence and depravity. In the end, it is really regretful. If you regret it,
your intestines are regretful. Life is a pass and a general. The one who guards the sex is the old
monster of the heart and must be smashed.

Case 7. I have been masturbating for ten years. The year before, I realized the dangers of
masturbation and started to give up. I tried to recover slowly through diet therapy. However, due to
the huge deficit of the body, the recovery was very long. Finally I found out about a famous person.
Veteran doctor of Chinese medicine, and started taking Chinese medicine in October. At first the
doctor said that I was very weak. After taking the tonic for a week, I felt that my stomach was
swollen. Then the next week, he started to treat me for migraines. Yang Shangkang), and then
successively went to him to take Chinese medicine for a month. It should be said that he is indeed a
good doctor with responsibility and ability. During this period, he has obviously felt that his
physical condition has improved significantly, for three consecutive times. Four years of insomnia
(the original cause of insomnia was masturbation, I had already masturbated for a long time before
insomnia) basically disappeared, sleep was sweet, physical strength, energy recovery was obvious,
even my chronic migraine for many years has basically disappeared, the whole person is really real
There is a feeling of rebirth. Then I started preparing for the National Civil Service Examination.
Due to heavy thinking and pressure, he also suffered from mild insomnia and migraine symptoms.
When he went to see him a week before the examination, he carefully pulsed and said that I was
actually cured, if not. I won't have these feelings during the exam.

Analysis: After giving up the bad habit of masturbation, if insomnia is more serious, it is best to
find a Chinese medicine doctor to take care of your body. After ten years of huge deficits, it takes a
process to recover. It is a kind of blessing to be treated by an old Chinese doctor with real medical
ethics, level and reputation. Many people go to the doctor many times and never meet a real good
Chinese medicine. Nowadays, many brothers are rushing to doctors, blindly trusting so-called
online doctors to take medicine online. This is likely to lead to misdiagnosis. It is best to visit the
scene in person, and then prescribe the right medicine after seeing and hearing inquiries. This is
more safe. There was a person who had severe insomnia, and it took seven months of Chinese
medicine to gradually return to normal. There is a process to recover from insomnia, and you must
be patient. If the problem of insomnia is resolved, the recovery of other symptoms of sperm injury
will be quickened, and people will become more energetic and energetic. However, even if all the
symptoms of insomnia disappeared after a period of treatment, you should not be taken lightly at
this time, because it is not very stable, you still need to pay attention to the health regimen, avoid
staying up late and sit for a long time, avoid too much thinking, and don't fall into meaningless
thoughts. . When the pressure in life is high, you must learn to adjust your mentality, keep yourself
calm at all times, and do your best, but don't be too persistent. The so-called do your best, listen to
the destiny, just ask about hard work, not about the harvest.

[How to overcome cranky thoughts before going to bed]

Many brothers have asked the question of cranky thinking. They will say that many times they will
fall into unconstrained and even absurd delusions, and they may even have obsessive thoughts,
thinking all the time, thinking together like a mess. . In particular, people with insomnia can think
about it when they can't fall asleep. They accidentally think about the aspect of adultery. They are
irritable when they can't sleep, and then when they think about it, they get up and look at
pornography. We must also learn to overcome meaningless thinking. This kind of thinking is also a
loss of energy. After thinking about it for a period of time, you will feel very tired. After thinking
about it, the energy is consumed. Everyone has heard of "cutting the mess with a quick knife."
Breaking off meaningless thoughts and breaking off fornication are the same. You must stop when
you think about it. Don't follow that kind of thought. If you don't follow it, it will automatically lose
its kinetic energy. As soon as you follow, you will inject energy into your thoughts to keep moving.
The core of rebooting is cultivating the mind, and cultivating the mind is to observe the mind and
cut off the mind. You must learn to look inward, watch your own thoughts, and learn to be the
master of your thoughts. Don’t run with your thoughts. When you look inward, you will find that
The past model was to identify with thoughts time and time again, and be taken away by the torrent
of thoughts time and time again, but now you have to find out immediately, and then pull it back. As
your awareness increases, you will find that you have more control over your thoughts, and
gradually You can be the master of thoughts. Once you can be the master of thoughts, even if you
can't sleep, you won't feel uncomfortable, because you can calmly close your eyes and rest your
mind. This is also a good rest. If you cannot control your thoughts, the pain of insomnia will be
doubled. On the one hand, it comes from the anxiety of being unable to sleep, and on the other
hand, the thoughts are constantly moving, consuming your energy a little bit and making you feel
more tired. This is heart tired. Sometimes heart tired is more tired than body tired. When you have
insomnia, it is a curse and a blessing. You can just use the period of insomnia to practice
mindfulness. When you do this, you will feel that the experience of insomnia is not too difficult.
This is to turn troubles into the Tao. Turn the flames into a cool pool.
Case 8. It has always been the fault of boredom. When I was bored at night, I found that I had
nothing to do, so I went to those websites, and then the desire was out of control. The quality of
sleep is really bad. I woke up more than a dozen times a night, and found that I would have a
toothache the next day after I was embarrassed. I don’t know what it was, and it lasted three or four
days. I feel dizzy when I stand up while squatting.

Analysis: It is easy to break the precept when you are alone and bored. You must learn to arrange
your own life and don't let yourself fall into the feeling of boredom. People instinctively want to
make themselves happy when they are bored, but many people choose the wrong way. Nagarjuna
Bodhisattva once said: "Itching makes people happy, and getting rid of itching makes you happier;
satisfying desires makes you happy, and getting rid of desires makes you happy." Gu Dade also does
not deny the existence of lust, pleasure is indeed there, otherwise it will not. Someone slapped it,
but the wise see that the short-lived pleasure will cause immense pain afterwards. The wise man
sees farther and more thoroughly, and the wise man truly realizes that "getting rid of desire is
happier." Instead, living a pure and desireless life They will be happier and can experience pure and
beautiful feelings. Ordinary people’s understanding is often very limited and narrow. They think
that abstinence is holding back and is against human nature. In fact, true abstinence is not holding
back, but learning to manage and Transform their own sexual energy and let the energy in the body
reach a state of high cohesion and internalization. They don’t know that sexual energy can be
transformed into brain power and energy. They are completely ignorant of this. After a considerable
amount of awareness, you will feel that those people who were brainwashed by harmlessness are
really too stupid. This brother’s sleep quality is already very poor. The reason why he gets a
toothache the next day after he is kicked up is because the kidneys dominate the bones, and the
teeth are the rest of the bones. When the kidney essence is depleted to a certain extent, it will affect
the teeth, not only toothache, but also looseness. He has the same source of essence and blood,
madly depletes the kidney essence, and is also prone to anemia. I remember that there was a
morning exercise when I was in junior high school, and the sports committee member of another
class suddenly fainted. I knew it was badly hollowed out.

What kind of thoughts are the most difficult to deal with in actual combat? A brother said that when
he wanted to see yellow, he went to see yellow without thinking about it. In fact, he did not realize
that when he "want to see yellow", when this subtle feeling appeared, it was a subtle and subtle
feeling. Small thoughts. Just like you want to drink water, before you start the action of drinking
water, your mind will have a subtle sensation. This feeling tells you that you are going to drink
water. Many people are wary of conceptual ideas, but hardly have any defense against subtle
feelings. This is the flaws and deficiencies in understanding. Subtle feeling is a very subtle form of
thought. You must learn to recognize it. Don't identify with that subtle thought. You must be
foresight and full vigilance. There is an ancient tactic in Xingyiquan: "Encountering an enemy is
like burning one's body." This kind of actual combat vigilance and vigilance is extremely strong.
When the heart demon invades, you must be fully alert. The actual combat is between lightning and
stone. Many people just lose for one second, because they are greedy, hesitant, hesitant, and
reluctant to stop. As a result, they are captured by the heart demon, controlled by the heart demon,
and involuntary. There are four good words in Zen Buddhism, that is: cut off Pueraria lobata! Those
evil thoughts entangle you like Pueraria lobata, and use the blade of severance to cut off all the evil
thoughts of Pueraria lobata! Be cruel and fast!

[About the problem of multiple dreams]

Chinese medicine believes that the root cause of dreams is the disorder of the body. Medical books
record that lack of qi and blood, emotional damage, yin and blood deficiency, phlegm-heat internal
disturbance of the liver and gallbladder, excessive exertion, eating disorder, and other reasons can
lead to dreams. In "Suwen·Fangs' Prosperity and Decline Theory", it is said: "It is because of the
lack of qi that makes people dreamy." The so-called "less qi" means insufficient qi. If qi is
insufficient, the yang will not guard the yin. Emotional injury, injuring the internal organs, making
the soul uneasy, and dreaming; yin and blood deficiency, unable to support the mind and restricting
the fire, causing the soul to float, causing dreams; if the liver and gallbladder are disturbed due to
phlegm heat, the soul will be lost Rather to have dreams; "Lei Jing" says: "The heart and kidneys
are disengaged and the spirit is dissipated, so it is a delusion." Excessive labor, water and fire, and
the heart and kidneys are inadequate, and the mind is restless and dreams. ; Disregard of eating and
drinking makes the earth and wood depressed, restless and dreamy. Using modern medicine to
explain, neurasthenia, a lot of mental work leads to excessive brain nerve excitement, staying up
late for a long time, long-sightedness, excessive thinking, incorrect sleeping posture, etc. can also
lead to dreaminess.

Case 9. I am 18 years old and have been masturbating for 6 years. My current symptoms include
dizziness and tinnitus 24 hours a day. I feel dizzy when I ride a bicycle and walk around the mall,
even when I ride a car. I stand up like a dream every day. With soft legs, dull arms, dry mouth,
insomnia, frequent urination, urgency, acne on the face, and often low-grade fever, I now take
soothe the nerves and invigorate the brain fluid, the brain and the kidney pills, and oryzanol tablets
every day.

Analysis: Although this brother is only 18 years old, he has been severely debilitated. He is dizzy
and tinnitus for 24 hours. It is like being in symptom hell. There is no sense of reality in life. It is
like a dream, which is equivalent to a waste person. He also mentioned the problem of insomnia and
multiple dreams. There was a time when I dreamed every day, one dream after another. Dreaming
affects the quality of sleep. I often feel tired when I wake up. The best sleep is no dreams all night.
Deep sleep, wake up full of energy, full of energy. Originally, the body is in a state of harmony and
balance between water and fire, and harmony between the universe and the world, and adultery will
break this state, causing serious physical and mental disorders, insomnia is painful, making people
very haggard, and dreaming will also make people feel very tired. Tired, if you have insomnia and
dreams, you will be in a state of chronic fatigue, which has a great impact on life.

Case 10. I am 22 years old and have a history of masturbation for many years. I have not been able
to control myself since I was in my second year of high school. I don't know how long it will take
my body to eat it two or three times a week, but I didn't realize that it was caused by masturbation. I
started to have trouble concentrating, it is difficult to fall asleep at night, insomnia and dreaminess, I
wake up in the morning as if I have not slept, dark circles under my eyes are heavy, and I have no
energy at all during the day, which seriously affects my study and life. I have been groggy all day,
unable to concentrate, and memory is seriously reduced. I am really distressed now, and I have no
motivation at all. I am now in college. I hope I get better soon. I don't want to go on like this

Analysis: Kidney essence is the most precious treasure of human beings. In Guanzi·Inner Karma, it
is said: "The essence is stored by itself, the outside is peaceful and prosperous, and the internal
organs are the source of spring. Awesome peace is considered the source of qi. The abyss is not
exhausted, and the four bodies are solid, spring. It is inexhaustible, and the nine orifices can pass
through, and it can impoverish the world and be covered by the world.” The Neijing believes that
essence is the foundation of the body, the foundation of life activities, and the key to longevity, and
the loss of essence is the root of aging. "The Four Essentials of Health Care" says: "The essence of
life is not full and the diarrhea occurs, the five internal organs are dissatisfied, and the disease will
be difficult in the future." The body will feel overwhelmed when it reaches a certain level. The
energy of the victims is consumed by the vice. Li Yu, a physician in the Qing Dynasty, once pointed
out: "Sleep can restore energy, sleep can nourish qi, sleep can invigorate the spleen and stomach,
and sleep can strengthen bones and muscles." Ancient famous doctors called sleep the number one
tonic for health. In terms of tonic, the first health supplement is deep sleep. Although some brothers
had a lot of symptoms of injury before, but their sleep was still relatively normal. This way, the
rebooting regimen can improve greatly in about three months, and if it is faster, it will improve a lot
in about one month. The brothers in this case are already suffering from a serious mental decline.
They need to cooperate with active treatment, and then insist on rebooting and maintaining health.
Sleep problems and mental abilities will gradually return to normal.

Let's talk about ghost press

"Ghost press" refers to the sudden inability of the body to move when sleeping. Although there is a
certain sensation, the eyelids cannot be opened, but they cannot shout when they want to shout, and
they cannot move when they want to move. It feels like being pressed by a "ghost" on the body.
Similarly, people call this phenomenon the "ghost press". This is a symptom related to sleep, called
sleep paralysis, which is called "Nightmare" in traditional Chinese medicine. This disease is related
to physical disorders. Insufficiency of essence and blood tends to cause nightmares. Many people
have experience of ghost press. When I press frequently, I often experience ghost press. It feels very
uncomfortable and panic. Sometimes Struggling to wake up, I was already sweating profusely and
sweating on my back. For a while, I was even afraid of going to sleep, fearing that I would never
wake up again. I have quit until now, the ghost press hasn't appeared once, and I am full of
righteousness, my body has returned to normal, and the so-called ghost press has naturally

[Recovery from sleep disorders]

1. It is necessary to completely abstain from sex and strengthen the health regimen

2. Appropriate aerobic exercise, such as jogging, etc.

3. Meditation or health-preserving pile, six-character tactics, etc.

4. Improve the good, and do more good deeds to increase positive energy
5. Adjust your mentality, learn to be grateful, and be more filial to your parents

6. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, know how to go with the flow

7. Don't pay too much attention to your sleep

8. Don't feel frustrated just because you didn't sleep well

9. Even if insomnia occurs, face it actively

10. Regular work and rest, keep a light diet

11. Manage your emotions and make psychological adjustments

12. Can cooperate with drug treatment, but abandon drug dependence

Many people can use drugs to temporarily control sleep disorders such as insomnia, and even after
taking the medication for a period of time, the symptoms disappear. However, this kind of
temporary recovery is very unstable, and it is necessary to persist in treatment, and then cooperate
with rebooting and health preservation to make the recovery more fruitful. Stablize. There was a
brother who was severely insomnia rebooting for one year and doing good for two months.
Insomnia would be fine. When describing the outbreak of symptoms, he said: "It feels like a
different world. The whole world is gray, and the brain has problems. Reality. At that time, it felt
like a big blow, and the sky was falling.” At the beginning, he quit his job and returned home. He
stayed up all night and sat for a long time. At that time, he suffered from insomnia and masturbated
when he couldn't sleep. Sleeping turned out to be counterproductive. Afterwards, he insisted on
rebooting and maintaining health and doing good deeds, and his insomnia gradually healed. In
terms of health and recovery, we must work harder. Appropriate aerobic exercise plus health-
preserving exercises. Meditation and health-preserving exercises should be the same. Health-
preserving static exercises are very beneficial to the recovery of sleep disorders. I can recover from
neurosis and meditate. And Zhan Zhuang is indispensable, and you can also practice mindfulness
during meditation and standing. For example, delusions will appear in your mind during meditation.
Do not follow delusions. Just stay aware. With the development of awareness, delusions will
naturally occur. disappear.
Mr. Nan Huaijin said: “In Chinese medicine, or according to the Yin-Yang family, good behavior
belongs to the bright side of Yang and is developmental, while evil behavior is negative. It is
contraction, tension, and Make yourself feel fear and pain. Then, the psychological difference
between this good and evil behavior affects your own physiology, and it has such a seriousness.
Therefore, truly cultivate all goodness, save sentient beings, and human nature. The brilliance of
humanity occurs naturally, and wisdom gradually develops. Wisdom will inevitably develop and
even change immediately when you think of kindness. Either demons or ghosts are afraid of good
people. If you do good deeds, your masculinity will increase. I have an old friend who goes to
haunted places in the legend, and even burns incense and asks ghosts to show up and show him, but
he has never seen a ghost in his life. Because his yang energy is too strong, he often does good
deeds. Therefore. If you do evil, the evil spirit will be heavy, and the demon will be attracted to you.
Will someone who does not play cards often come to him to play cards? The principle is the same,
they are all looking for similar interests."

After rebooting, you must learn to do good and accumulate virtue, and stop at the perfection!
Chinese medicine also says that goodness produces yang, doing good is to accumulate positive
energy, and evil is to accumulate negative energy. Immorality is the head of all evils. You should be
strict with yourself, and filial piety is the principle of all good deeds. You should do it yourself, but
it is against the law of nature. If you have a guilty conscience, it is an evil thing. You should never
do it to avoid evil retribution. When you continue to do good deeds, your body and mind will be
transformed into good things, and you will gradually learn to be grateful. Remember that when you
indulge in adultery, I cannot express gratitude. At that time, I was full of hostility and my mouth
became dirty. Later, the prodigal son turned around and began to abstain from adultery and
cultivating kindness. Gradually, his mentality became better. The body and mind are united. The
highest state of health is nourishing the mind, and the highest state of nourishing the mind is to stop
at the perfect good. Saints and sages know this truth well, and people who are truly respected tend
to live a long and healthy life. If you continue to have evil thoughts, you will actually hurt yourself
in the end, because with evil thoughts, you are accumulating negative energy. The more you get up,
the more you accumulate, which will eventually lead to the outbreak of symptoms. The instigator is
yourself. Only people call themselves. People who are truly sensible will consciously do good
deeds, picking up trash on the road and throwing them away in the trash can. This is also a good
deed. Don’t do something small. Every good deed is accumulating positive energy, and every good
deed is a piece. Gold, we must actively work hard to do good!
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself in your life. You must know how to let it go. Letting it go
is not to ignore everything, but to manage and respond wiser and wiser, not to have hostile
emotions, to learn to accept insomnia, be grateful for insomnia, Through the experience of
insomnia, a human body can realize many principles, such as the principles of life and the principles
of health preservation. I used to be a neurosis, but I am very grateful for the neurosis. It is the
neurosis that gave me a great awakening and transformation. When insomnia occurs, don’t pay too
much attention to your own insomnia problem. Some people think negatively as soon as they have
insomnia, and the thoughts they send out are negative. Even if it is a serious insomnia, we must face
it positively and give it more. Positive thoughts are very important. One thought can explode a
world, just like a stone thrown into a pond, which will ripple with circles. No matter what you
encounter, please remember that you must have positive thoughts, be grateful for everything, and be
optimistic. Thoughts decode your reality. Whatever you think, you will decode the world that
matches the frequency of vibration.

To recover from insomnia, you should work harder in health maintenance. I also practiced Liuzi Jue
at that time. Many martial arts exercises attach great importance to Liuzi Jue. Liuzi Jue is a kind of
vitality for the five internal organs, which is handed down in our country. Spit-na, medicine king
Sun Simiao once enshrined it as the method of longevity, shushing to protect the liver, hustling to
nourish the heart, calling to nourish the spleen, cheating to nourish the lungs, blowing to strengthen
the kidneys, joking to strengthen the kidney, and cooperating with related actions. . I like to practice
Liuzi Jue in a place with good air. After a set of exercises, I really feel refreshed and refreshed. I
often practice Liuzi Jue to strengthen the five internal organs. It belongs to the method of internal
strengthening. Nanshi also specializes. Recommend Liu Zi Jue. Both Liuzi Jue and Ba Duan Jin
belong to the exercises for nourishing vitality, while the posture and meditation belong to the
exercises of maintaining health and static. The combination of movement and static exercises can
greatly promote the recovery of the symptoms of sperm injury, especially the recovery of neurosis.
If you want to recover better and faster, you should study the health maintenance exercises.

Some of the articles on recovery from insomnia that I have read, some authors would oppose
medication. This is understandable, because many medications are not very effective, and they may
have side effects or cause dependence. I also stopped the medication decisively at that time, but I
am not opposed to medication. When the symptoms are severe, medication can still be used. The
key is scientific treatment and not to fall into the misunderstanding of taking medication. I had
taken western medicine at that time, and it was effective at the beginning, but after taking it for a
long time, the effect was not good, and then the medicine was stopped. When the illness is serious,
you can take medicine to control it first, but you can't put all your hopes on medicine, three points
of treatment, seven points of rebooting and health preservation, this must be clear. Meeting a high-
level Chinese medicine is a blessing to me, but a high-level Chinese medicine has a limited effect,
because he can't control your rebooting regimen, and you still have to learn and comprehend more
on your own when it comes to rebooting regimen.

Final summary:

This season analyzes sleep disorders. Due to insufficient sleep time, depth and quality, many people
cannot eliminate Polau after waking up, and feel very absent, manifested as dizziness, headache,
fatigue, waist and knee weakness, heart palpitations, forgetfulness, Feeling restless, irritable,
irritable, etc., this will affect your life very much, and it will give people the feeling of a sluggish
and sickly state. Transient sleep disturbance is expected to recover quickly. If insomnia persists for
a long time, then consider the possibility of spiritual decline. I have also experienced the trouble of
insomnia and dreams, and I know the pain in it. A good sleep is really crucial to a person's mental
outlook. Adhere to the rebooting regimen, and cooperate with active treatment, so that the problem
of insomnia and dreaminess will gradually return to normal. When a person is in a state of
insomnia, he will often fall into more frequent relapses due to poor mood, which forms a vicious
circle. , When sleep gets better, the body's recovery speed will be greatly accelerated, and then it
will enter a positive cycle.

"Pengzu's Health Theory" says: "I don't see the wrong colors, the ears don't listen to the wrong
sounds, the mouth doesn't taste the wrong things, and the heart doesn't have the wrong thoughts.
The four forget their souls and lose their spirits, and those who reduce their life expectancy." There
are too many temptations in this era. You must control yourself, stay away from unfair content,
especially stay away from Huang Yuan, and don't have evil thoughts. Between heaven and earth is
actually a place of practice. Life is a practice. Doing evil or doing good is in your own choice and
grasp. Doing evil will definitely cause pain, especially adultery. Although you don’t realize it at
first, it will collapse after long time. Blessings and health were cut off without knowing it. To be a
righteous gentleman, the most fundamental thing is to be righteous, know how to work hard on your
thoughts, and know how to control your own thoughts.
Quit is a great wealth. There is a saying about “quitting money” in practice. Quit of money is the
benefits of keeping the precepts, just like wealth. With the precepts, the brain power and energy are
guaranteed, and the energy is held; with the precepts, righteous energy emerges spontaneously,
which makes people admire; with the precepts, the virtues are everywhere, and the fragrance is
incomparable. : "All these incenses, the incense of abstinence is the most supreme." A virtuous
practitioner will naturally exude a beautiful fragrance in body and mind.

Precepts, breeze and unrestrained, energetic, open-minded, open and upright, have the righteousness
to lift the mountain, the majesty of soaring to the sky, and the indomitable and indestructible spirit.
Insist on rebooting and cultivating kindness, so that people with weak kidneys will become warriors
of steel and iron. In the actual rebooting battle, you will kill the heart demon with a buckle, and win
the battle of the Tianwang Mountain of rebooting. Rebooting is hard enough! Resolutely quit to
death with a tenacious will! ! !

Let me share five reboot poems

"Farewell to the Farewell Years of Masturbation"

To drive away the emptiness and boredom

He masturbates crazy, masturbates like apocalypse

The result is a deeper emptiness and boredom

It seems that everything else except masturbation

Can't make him completely excited

Pornography is his most secret drug

He knows he has gone crazy

Has completely lost control, but he can't stop

He has struggled, resisted, but the demons are too strong

He was so vulnerable that he finally slapped himself into a withered expression.

Standing in front of the mirror, I almost can’t recognize myself

Who is that wretched man? His eyes widened

Look closely at the man in the mirror

He knew that the ugly and dirty man was himself!

Depraved self! Shameless adulterer!

He feels unusually panic

He looked down at his hands

Desperately shouted: "How could this be?"

I used to be an innocent and beautiful boy

And now it's totally unrecognizable

In order to get rid of the curse and doom of adultery

It's time to have a break with the demons

Refuse to be enslaved by the heart demon again

The road is under your feet, you can lead to heaven

Can also lead to hell

The choice is in your own hands

Don't kill yourself by yourself

"Empty waist"

Once again succeeded by the demons

He feels his waist is empty in an instant

The waist is the kidney

The shape of the waist is like two wallets

It contains a person’s most precious energy

Relapse again and again

Like being robbed again and again

After breaking the ring

He squatted on the ground

Bury your head deep and deep

He remembered not long ago

I'm still swearing a poisonous oath

But within a few days

Was defeated by the demons

Complete defeat!
There is nothing to parry

The actual combat ability is almost zero

Empty waist

Like an empty wallet

Body and mind are so weak

Rebooting means getting rid of poverty and becoming rich

From poor kidney essence to rich kidney essence

Kidney essence can be transformed into brain power and energy

Is the most powerful nuclear energy for a man

But the thief of the heart will steal your energy

Make you instantly destitute

All you have to do is

Arm your mind with rebooting knowledge

Continuously strengthen the actual combat

When the demons invade again

Hit the demons hard

Give up your deterrent!

"The Radiant Ring One"

The dark pit does not see the sun

Pain and wailing everywhere

This is a scene of hell

There is a man who is awakening

The unyielding will permeating from the bone

Enough to rebirth him from Nirvana

Welcome to the new dimension, the pure new dimension

Say goodbye to the depraved life

There is a power within calling him

That is a power of salvation

The pure soul is not dead

He longs to restore a pure, pure life

Only get rid of the bad habit of masturbation

He can get back the original beauty

Vaguely remember that high-purity self

The kid who doesn't lure

The whole body exudes a pure light

After indulging in adultery, the light disappeared

It was replaced by an extremely gloomy and wretched

The wicked bones rotted one by one

After rebooting for a while

He found that not only his bones were hardened

And people are also bright

Pure brilliance reproduces the face

He regained his long-lost self-confidence

"The Invisible Cage"

All the lovers

All of them are covered with a cage

An invisible cage

A cage invisible to the naked eye

A cage specially made for private prisoners

Every time

This cage is reinforced

The people in this cage

Is going through the darkest years of life

From the pure beginning to the gray face

All tears!

From the top of the head to a bald man

No place to show up!

From a beautiful face to a acne-prone face

Howling ghosts!

Because of addiction

Really lost too much

The lover's heart is actually very bitter

Because the protagonist is in a state of being enslaved by the heart demon

No autonomy at all

Only to get rid of this bad habit completely

You can have a momentum

This kind of momentum is called

Tiger out of the cage

"The Power of Rebooting in China"

Rebooting Special Forces Sharp Blade Unsheathed

Suppress the devil with the power of thunder and the top of the mountain

As a glorious rebooting special soldier

Possess stronger combat power than ordinary soldiers

And the unshakable rebooting stand and determination of steel

Is the tough guy among the tough guys, the elite among the elite

Represents the strongest and most steadfast rebooting force in China

The rebooting special forces are not only powerful, but also maintain good combat readiness

Always be cautious, have a brave and tenacious fighting style and fighting spirit

This is an invincible and invincible rebooting steel lion

Every rebooting special soldier is a real elite soldier

Every rebooting special soldier is a warrior forged with special materials

Only the strong among the strong can become a rebooting special force

Everything starts from actual combat, sweating more in peacetime, bleeding less in wartime

Pay attention to the individual combat ability, and work hard to exercise the ability to kill the enemy

The training of rebooting special forces is extremely strict and extremely arduous

This is a group of rebooting fighters who have experienced hellish training

This is a rebooting and fighting group with many heroes and fierce generals.
This is a true rebooting steel army, and will never succumb to the slavery of the inner demons.

All of them are rebooting martyrs who have been tested and battled without breaking

The call is coming, the coming can fight, the battle will win, full of blood

The demons are always watching and waiting for opportunities

We must have super vigilance in order to survive in the battlefield of rebooting

How many times have suffered miserable defeats, but after becoming a rebooting special force

You have to be strict with yourself and don’t allow yourself to break the precept like a coward

Never allow the heart demon to steal his precious kidney essence again and again

Never allow this kind of thing to happen under your nose

On the battlefield, there are only two kinds of people, the dead and the living,

On the battlefield, there are only killing and being killed, the heart devil must be killed

Use your life to work hard, use your life to quit, show a desperate attitude and cruelty

Every day is actual combat, every second is actual combat

The object doesn’t move like a mountain, but the thought is as fast as lightning.

No matter what the situation is, keep calm

Strictly abide by the discipline of the battlefield of rebooting, calmly challenge

The warrior conquered his own demon, and the coward was destined to be ravaged by the demon.

Righteousness and majesty are hidden in the eyes of rebooting special forces
This is a kind of majesty that cannot be violated by the demons

Real hero, so mighty! Boss, stand upright!

Let us crash forward, let us reboot to the end!

The iron fist of rebooting will surely smash the rule of the inner demon!

Win this battle for maintaining essence and return to the glory of purity!

Recommend a book below

"The Old Way Baiyun": by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. This is a unique biography of the Buddha.
It is special in that it not only vividly reproduces Siddhartha's life experience of becoming a
Buddha, but also tells the Dharma clearly and clearly through each story. In this book, readers will
never read unpredictable terms and theories, but can only feel the most direct and straightforward
life guidance, like a spring breeze. All sentient beings have hidden seeds of wisdom for
enlightenment, but it is a pity that we have been submerged in the ocean of life and death for many
lives! All beings don't need to seek enlightenment outside the body, because they themselves
contain all the wisdom and power in the universe. I have recommended the books of Thich Nhat
Hanh before, and the response is very good. The text of Thich Nhat Hanh is concise and beautiful,
and there is a kind of simple simplicity. I personally like it very much. Reading is a kind of spiritual
enjoyment. Every sentient being has Buddha-nature, and Buddha-nature is also the true self. The
true self is the ultimate truth of the universe. This truth is both simple and profound, so simple that
it is incredible, and at the same time, it is incredible. If you can restore your mind to an extremely
pure and pure state, it is possible to truly realize your true self. There is a PDF version of this book
online. I really like the illustrations in it. I hope my brothers who are destined can read it. I recently
watched the movie "The Biography of Buddha Shakyamuni" starring Lu Liangwei on the Internet,
and I felt very shocked. I have seen other movies and cartoons about the life of the Buddha before. I
like the saying that the Buddha said when he became enlightened: "All sentient beings , All have the
wisdom and virtues of the Tathagata, but they cannot be achieved because of delusion and
attachment." Through practice, one can restore one's own true mind, that is, the great light of
Buddha nature. Many scientists are now studying Buddhism. The theory of quantum mechanics is
very close to the truth stated in Buddhism. Some quantum scientists directly find inspiration from
Buddhist scriptures. Nobel Prize-nominated twice and the President of Hong Kong Polytechnic
University Pan Zongguang once said: "Passed Over the years of studying Buddhism, I have deeply
realized that Buddhism is not a simple belief, but a profound philosophy.'Buddha' is an enlightened
person, he is not the creator, nor the god who rules all things, he is The best instructor for all living
beings." Mr. Pan Zongguang said very well, the Buddha, the enlightened, Buddhism is a group of
enlightened people, and it is really blessed to be able to learn Buddhism.
Season 107: Ten Feelings of Returning After Rebooting

The 107 season is here, and everyone has been waiting for a long time. Now that you sweat a lot in
summer, blowing on the air conditioner, fan, and eating cold drinks can easily lead to repeated
symptoms of injury. Recently, there have been more repetitions before the feedback is slow, and the
amount of sweating in summer is large. , Disease-free three points are empty, everyone must
strengthen health. Almost half of the screenshots were published this season. Because the system is
very unstable now, it may be inconvenient for mobile users to read the screenshot text. Please
understand, you can directly view it on the computer if you have time, so that it will be more clear.
The content of this season is divided into: 1. 2 rebooting videos; 2. 1 rebooting article; 3. 3
rebooting poems; 4. 170 rebooting pictures; Thank you for your support, I hope you will get rid of
the vice of masturbation as soon as possible. Back to the lost beauty. You are the best! The theme of
the rebooting bar : [Abstinence before marriage, temperance after marriage], which is in line with
traditional culture and the way of keeping good health in traditional Chinese medicine. The
rebooting bar takes the path of rebooting scientifically, but it also respects the way of getting rid of
adultery through faith. The most important thing about rebooting is to help everyone get rid of the
bad habit of masturbation. Rebooting does not support the theory of masturbation for all kinds of
diseases, because there are many pathogenic factors, but masturbation leads to kidney deficiency,
which is an indisputable fact. Masturbation does cause various symptoms of physical injury,
including physical and mental disorders. Masturbation can also affect a person's appearance and
temperament. If you have symptoms after masturbation, it is probably related to the bad habit of
masturbation. At the beginning, there may be withdrawal reactions, pay attention to rest, it will soon
be relieved. If you quit to a certain level, you will experience recurring symptoms. The recovery
process is certainly not smooth. We should strengthen health and recovery, so that the number of
repetitions will be reduced, and finally a stable healing state will be entered. In the face of
misunderstanding, slander and slander, take it calmly, strengthen your determination and confidence
in rebooting, and never waver! We strictly refuse masturbation. The vice of masturbation is a double
damage to physical and mental health and must be completely banned!

[Flying Experience: Ten Feelings of Returning After Rebooting] Season 107 Preface: Last season, a
brother mentioned the relationship between desire and demons. He was a little puzzled about this
aspect. I mentioned that desire is heart in season 99 Demon, heart demon are desires, they are two
sides of one, if you can't control desire, then desire will become heart demon. Broadly speaking, the
word desire contains a lot of content, including sexual desire, appetite, material desire, thirst for
knowledge, desire for survival, desire for expression, etc. In the aspect of rebooting, desire
specifically refers to sexual desire. Sexual desire is one of the most basic human desires. If you can't
control it, it will evolve into a demon. The term "heart demon" can be understood by disassembling
it, the mind is the thought, and the so-called mind demon is the thought demon! The ways in which
ideas strike the brain are divided into: conceptual thinking, images, and subtle feelings. I have read
most of the articles that basically equate desire with the demons. There is a saying: People’s greatest
enemy is themselves, in fact, they are their own demons. Master Sheng Yan: "The so-called "heart
demon" refers to fear, panic, and evil thoughts that arise from within. If you can't control it, you will
be restrained by it and do many irrational and even harmful things. "In terms of practice, the
category of demons is broader, such as hatred, jealousy, greed, resentment, arrogance, etc., all
belong to demons. All negative thoughts can be called demons. We must learn to subdue. Your own
demon, the real enemy is in your heart, you must defeat it! Let me share some cases 1. [Flying
brother, what should I do? I started quitting in 2015. I quit for two hundred and a few days for the
longest time. Now it doesn’t work anymore. I always relapse as soon as my kidney qi recovers in
about 30 days. Images, memories, and feelings are all coming up. Do Feixiang have any good
suggestions? 】 Additional comment: This brother had been doing well before, 100+ twice, but it
was not very stable for more than 100 days. There may be defects in his consciousness. There are
various situations in actual combat. If you deal with it If it is not done well, it is very likely that it
will lead to relapse. There was a brother who had been quitting for a year before, but he had a fight
with others, and he lost control of his emotions and relapsed. In the process of rebooting, you must
strengthen your study and perfect your own consciousness, and you must not breed arrogance and
self-satisfaction, you must know how to humble and shepherd yourself, strengthen your virtues,
learn more about the education of sages, and learn to cultivate your own inner self-cultivation.
Precepts rely on enlightenment, and great precepts rely more on virtue. There are many reasons for
the relapse, but there is only one fundamental reason, that is, it is not possible in actual combat! By
learning to reinforce your own consciousness, you can improve your level of awareness and get
better performance in actual combat. This brother was able to quit before, but then he couldn’t.
After the dormant period of desire and the peak of relapse, when the heart demon attacked
frantically, he could not defeat the attack of the heart demon. When images, memories, and feelings
came out, He can't destroy it, and as a result, he will be possessed by the heart demon. I have been
emphasizing that the theory must be combined with actual combat. The theory is strong and the
actual combat is strong. Only in this way can we remain invincible. Why do we fail? It's just that
the actual combat is not strong enough, just like playing a boss in a game, why are you being
abused by the boss of the heart demon again and again? The reason is that one's own strength is not
good enough. There is only one way to help you defeat the boss of the heart demon, that is to study
rebooting articles violently and practice absenteeism frantically. I use the word "crazy" not to make
you lose your mind, but to stimulate your greatest motivation, through repeated "strengthening".
"Learning" and "deep learning" to make the consciousness higher and stronger, through continuous
practice of mindfulness to make the actual combat performance faster and more ruthless. Our
innermost feelings are calm, and the inner folds are thoughts, images, and subtle feelings. When the
heart is wrinkled, like a tablecloth wrinkled, we have to learn to make it smooth again through
awareness. If the awareness is not enough, then you must continue to practice mindfulness, and
focus on the inner one time after time. With the deepening of the level of practice, the interruption
will become easier and easier. The master interruption is within milliseconds, while the rookie
interruption. Always knowing later, even falling into hesitation and procrastination, and even
infatuation and constant judgment. The brother finally asked me if I had any good suggestions. My
suggestion is: after each relapse, you should reflect and summarize, continue to strengthen your
study to reinforce your consciousness, and continue to strengthen your mindfulness and
mindfulness. When the strength reaches a certain level, you will You will find that the heart demon
boss is no longer your opponent. Whether it’s a thought or an image, even if it comes up, it can be
wiped out the moment it comes up, just like The inner demon just revealed half of his head, and you
immediately exploded the inner demon's head! Suspension must reach this level of intrepidity.
Through continuous and intensive practice, you will become highly specialized. You will become a
skilled worker and veteran. Finally, it will become effortless and complete. It was an overwhelming
victory. There is only one kind of person who will not break the ring, that is, those who are stronger
than the heart demon, and the rest are destined to break the ring. Because they are weaker than the
heart demon, they are destined to be abused by the heart demon. Quickly learn and practice to make
yourself stronger! 2. [I learned masturbation almost from the second grade. Like most brothers, I
had various excellent grades before masturbation, and I never let my parents down. Since I learned
to masturbate in the second grade, my grades have almost plummeted in less than a year. I was
listless in class, and my brain was as stupid as a pig. The most uncomfortable thing was that I
couldn't speak or deal with at all. You know, before I had masturbation, I had a good relationship
with almost every classmate in the class. Whether I got good grades or who often fights and makes
troubles, I like me, because I never look down on anyone because I am a class leader with excellent
grades. . Since learning to masturbate, I have somehow become speechless, unwilling to talk to
anyone! 】 Additional comment: Sometimes the negative impact of masturbation on a person's
psychology is far greater than the physical symptoms of injury. The psychological disorder caused
by masturbation can completely rewrite a person's inner world. The mental power of this brother
fell after masturbation, the direct manifestation was that his grades plummeted, and the person
became sluggish. The efficiency of listening to classes in this state can be imagined. "As stupid as a
pig" is really a sharp description. I almost started to learn masturbation in the second year of the
junior high school, and my grades dropped severely. At that time, I was relatively ignorant and no
one told me. [I learned to masturbate almost from the second year of the second grade. Like most
brothers, I had various excellent grades before masturbating, and I never let my parents down. Since
I learned to masturbate in the second grade, my grades have almost plummeted in less than a year. I
was listless in class, and my brain was as stupid as a pig. The most uncomfortable thing was that I
couldn't speak or deal with at all. You know, before I had masturbation, I had a good relationship
with almost every classmate in the class. Whether I got good grades or who often fights and makes
troubles, I like me, because I never look down on anyone because I am a class leader with excellent
grades. . Since learning to masturbate, I have somehow become speechless, unwilling to talk to
anyone! 】 Additional comment: Sometimes the negative impact of masturbation on a person's
psychology is far greater than the physical symptoms of injury. The psychological disorder caused
by masturbation can completely rewrite a person's inner world. The mental power of this brother
fell after masturbation, the direct manifestation was that his grades plummeted, and the person
became sluggish. The efficiency of listening to classes in this state can be imagined. "As stupid as a
pig" is really a sharp description. I almost started to learn masturbation in the second year of the
junior high school, and my grades dropped severely. At that time, I was relatively ignorant and no
one told me. [I learned to masturbate almost from the second year of the second grade. Like most
brothers, I had various excellent grades before masturbating, and I never let my parents down. Since
I learned to masturbate in the second grade, my grades have almost plummeted in less than a year. I
was listless in class, and my brain was as stupid as a pig. The most uncomfortable thing was that I
couldn't speak or deal with at all. You know, before I had masturbation, I had a good relationship
with almost every classmate in the class. Whether I got good grades or who often fights and makes
troubles, I like me, because I never look down on anyone because I am a class leader with excellent
grades. . Since learning to masturbate, I have somehow become speechless, unwilling to talk to
anyone! 】 Additional comment: Sometimes the negative impact of masturbation on a person's
is far greater than the physical symptoms of injury. The psychological disorder caused by
masturbation can completely rewrite a person's inner world. The mental power of this brother fell
after masturbation, the direct manifestation was that his grades plummeted, and the person became
sluggish. The efficiency of listening to classes in this state can be imagined. "As stupid as a pig" is
really a sharp description. I almost started to learn masturbation in the second year of the junior
high school, and my grades dropped severely. At that time, I was relatively ignorant and no one told
me.The dangers of masturbation, I don’t even know that masturbation will lead to a decrease in
brain power. Ever since I indulged in masturbation, I felt that my brain became stupid, it was
difficult to concentrate, I was always distracted in class, and people became tantrums. A series of
bad changes have made me faintly aware of the potential harm of masturbation. In junior high
school, I consciously quit masturbation, but I was rather ignorant at that time, and eventually
defeated the demon. At that time, I didn’t know what the demon was. , No concept at all, it's like
being on the battlefield, already killed without knowing where the enemy is. I have studied
thousands of cases of victims. Many of them reported that their expression ability has declined after
masturbation. This is also very understandable. The kidneys can help the brain. It hurts the brain. If
it hurts to a certain extent, it will definitely affect a person. The ability to express and comprehend
speech will also decline. It is difficult for oneself to understand the meaning of other people’s
words. Many people have also experienced social terror and become reluctant to communicate with
others. They feel that their psychology has become gloomy and no longer sunny and cheerful after
adultery. In fact, this is the result of the accumulation of negative energy. The protagonist cannot
bring positive energy to others, nor can he be upright and aboveboard, lacking a kind of
righteousness and confidence, so that over time, he will have a tendency of self-closing and low
self-esteem. This brother is a class leader. He had a good moral character before. He didn't look
down on anyone because of his excellent grades. After masturbating, everything reversed, his
grades dropped, and he became speechless for some reason, and he didn’t want to take care of
anything. Man, his mental state has been completely trapped. I have seen many cases of recovery.
When the quitting level reaches a certain level, the social fear will naturally disappear, and the heart
will become sunny and cheerful and full of confidence. At this time, I will become willing to
actively communicate with others, and even have a sense of humor. NS. It's so weird, it's weird, but
it doesn't feel weird at all if you understand the principle behind it. Masturbation is consuming
energy. The energy is constantly lost and depleted. When it reaches a certain critical point, there will
be many bad changes in the body and mind. If you insist on rebooting and maintaining good health,
when the energy is regained, a person’s mental state and mental outlook will be refreshed. , Become
positive again, full of positive energy. I don’t know if you have observed it. Many classmates and
friends in life, after a period of time when you don’t contact him, when you see him again, you will
feel that he has changed. It’s hard to tell the feeling, but you can feel that he is different from the
past. In the past, he was sunny and cheerful, but now he is dark and insignificant, and he becomes
easily nervous and uneasy. Because he is licentious, he is accumulating negative energy, and when
it accumulates to a certain extent, it will affect a person's mental state. Gu Deyun: "Sexy swords and
swords kill ordinary people, secretly destroying people's flesh and blood." Secrecy is the first level
of a young man, and he can't beat this level. It is useless to let him be highly talented and unique.
People who can’t control their second child will have nothing to do with them, even if they are
temporarily successful
3. [I took a look at the Chinese medicine doctor today, and the words of Chinese medicine made me
unforgettable. I am 22 years old today. I accidentally contracted the habit of masturbation three
years ago and failed to quit after quitting countless times. Now my eyes are tired and dizzy, my
chest is tight, my legs are sore, and my complexion is yellow. My career has been greatly affected,
and it's really miserable. In the case of severe physical symptoms, I went to a well-known local
traditional Chinese medicine doctor yesterday. The Chinese medicine doctor first took my pulse,
and then asked me why I was so weak with blood and blood. I bluntly said that I had a bad habit of
masturbation. The Chinese doctor stared straight at me and looked at me: "It's all done by yourself.
If you don't quit masturbation, this thing can kill you! To the extent that you can walk and trip over
a small stone, you can even take a panacea. no!"】

Additional comment: The words of this old Chinese doctor are shocking, and decades of deep
experience are really not overwhelming! Some ignorant people will say, "I also care about it, why
don't you have the symptoms you mentioned?" First of all, each body's constitution is different, and
the performance of the injury will be different. The other is to look at the degree of injury.
Symptoms will not appear until a certain level, and they will definitely have to be paid when they
come out. It's just a matter of early retribution and late retribution. Early retribution is not
necessarily a bad thing, because you can wake up early and give up early. The hardest person is
actually the one who repays late. Just like a person who owes a debt, he owes a huge sum of money
to the end. Symptoms may be Serious illness, such as uremia, diabetes, stroke, cancer, etc., can
completely destroy a person in one fell swoop. According to my research, the symptom of sperm
injury usually occurs at the age of about three years, and the symptoms of sperm injury will appear
as soon as three months. Before, a 12-year-old child had prostatitis, only a few In the past few
months, I have been rustling almost every day. As a result, I got prostatitis at the age of 12, which is
really scary. Now the child develops early. It used to be 14 years old. Now it starts to develop at the
age of 11 or 2. The child is already small and can't talk about self-control. The masturbation habit is
extremely addictive, so the symptoms of sperm injury will be very serious. It broke out early. Some
people have a strong body and love to exercise. They usually don’t stay up late and sit for a while.
Such people may develop severe symptoms later. It may take ten or fifteen years before they break
out. The habit of masturbation is still Quit as soon as possible, because the later you quit, the more
passive you will be. Later, many of you will become mentally abnormal, and the difficulty of
quitting will increase. In addition, as you get older, your body's recovery speed will slow down a
lot, even more than a teenager. In the early tenths, it slowed down by half. When the body has
symptoms of injury to the sperm, and when the brain power drops sharply, both school and career
will suffer severe damage. "Health and Life Protection Record": "The lustful person, the bone
marrow leaks. The bone marrow person, the root of the spirit. Maintenance. Bone marrow, there is
spirit." The kidney governs the bones and produces marrow, which is connected to the brain,
reboots and preserves the essence. "Youth Jinde Lu" says: "Human energy is limited, and lust is
endless. With limited energy to provide infinite lust, it is no wonder that young people are young
and sudden, and people decline before they are old." Can meet a good Chinese medicine doctor. , It
is really my own blessing, to meet Chinese medicine practitioners who persuade patients to quit
adultery is the blessing of blessings. The old Chinese doctor this brother met was very characterful,
and he stared straight! Using the means of receiving people with a diamond stick, like a thunderbolt,
awakened the person in his dream. "If you don't quit masturbation, this thing can kill you!" These
two sentences are too powerful. It is not the experience and righteous Chinese medicine that can not
say such things, they are too good! I really admire this old Chinese doctor . When I hit a certain
level, my legs and feet will become soft, let alone trip over a small stone, even if I walk on a flat
road, I might get it by myself. I have a deep understanding of this. When I hit a lot in high school, I
would walk by myself Wei's, the soles of the feet are floating and rootless, like soft-footed crabs.
This brother’s case is very alarming. The bad habit of masturbation must be quit, or it will drag you
down sooner or later, and the embankment of a thousand miles will collapse in the ant’s nest. When
the cracks expand a little, it will eventually cause Disastrous consequences. Maybe you feel all right
now, but the cracks already exist, but you still don't feel it. As long as you continue to press on,
sooner or later there will be a complete collapse.

4. [Brother Feixiang, I am 34 years old and have been masturbating for nearly 20 years. In 2012, I
watched a movie and masturbated for nearly two months and nights. I finally felt near death.
However, my ignorance and the doctor had never done it in this regard. Inquiry and persuasion, I
still often masturbate after three years of medical treatment, and finally got worse at the end of last
year. Not only the previous acute anxiety disorder, but also generalized anxiety disorder also came.
I suffer from various physical symptoms every day, memory and vision are also severely reduced,
sperm is also like precipitated honey, due to poor health, unable to do things to make money, plus
the long-term medical expenses, I almost can’t handle it, I Can you recover? Please help me with
Feixiang, thank you! 】
Additional comment: This brother is already in symptom hell, suffering from symptoms every day,
life is better than death. His history of masturbation is nearly 20 years. In 2012, he developed a
sense of near death, which is a panic attack of anxiety disorder. The patient suddenly experienced
strong discomfort, including chest tightness, shortness of breath, feeling of breathlessness, difficulty
breathing, blocked throat, and dizziness. , Palpitations, palpitation, sudden heartbeat, sweating,
stomach upset, tremor, restlessness, numbness of hands and feet, suffocation, madness or loss of
control, and accompanied by a strong sense of fear, it seems that you are about to die or lose your
mind, the patient Feeling extremely nervous and scared, many people directly called 120 to the
hospital for emergency treatment. The sense of dying is very scary. It makes people mad and
collapses. I have also shared the cases of dying before. In fact, there are quite a few cases of dying.
You can often see such cases. It took about fifteen years for this brother to have a sense of dying.
The two moonlit nights before the onset of illness resulted in an outbreak of symptoms. Traditional
Chinese Medicine: Deficiency of liver and kidney, more panic. If you stay up all night and be crazy
about it, this will last for a period of time, you may have a panic attack, then you will personally
experience the horrible near-death feeling. After the onset of a sense of death, the patient was very
worried that he was suffering from a serious illness, so he checked everywhere, and there were no
major problems, and finally he was diagnosed with a panic attack of anxiety disorder. Once neurosis
breaks out, it is equivalent to opening the door of purgatory on earth. The pain is far greater than
other symptoms of sperm injury. Neurosis is a watershed of symptoms of sperm injury. Once you
cross this watershed, what is waiting for you is All kinds of pain and torture are not personal
experiences. It is difficult to understand the kind of pain. It is really panic all day long. Every day is
suffering, and life is like a year. The brother’s life has fallen into an extreme gloom, his body is
useless, he is unable to do things to make money, and he has to pay for medical expenses. If you
imagine this kind of life dilemma, you will know how terrible the consequences of adultery are. ,
Retribution will definitely come, sooner or later, as the severity of the injury continues to deepen,
then the disease will come and fall, and the whole life can be abolished. Gu Deyun: "Anger is a
tiger, desire is an abyss." Indulging one's desire is self-destruction. Fortunately, this brother met
rebooting., Adhere to rebooting and health maintenance, and then cooperate with Chinese medicine
conditioning. If you persist for more than one year, your body will gradually return to normal.
When I had neurosis at that time, it took more than a year to quit and was basically asymptomatic,
but I was still very weak. After quitting for more than two years, I felt relatively stable. The
symptoms never repeated and I was completely cured. Climbing out of the symptom hell and
breathing fresh air again, it feels great. A disease-free body does not know its happiness. A sick
person only knows the happiness of disease-free. Being free from disease is blessing, and health is a
god. You must cherish this life when your parents give birth to you and give you this life, and don't
hurt yourself anymore! 5. [I used to be a junior boxing champion in the province, but because of the
poison of masturbation, now I can't even beat opponents who are weaker than me. I started boxing
at the age of 8, and it is now my tenth year. During this period, my level has improved by leaps and
bounds. When I was 13 years old, I won the first prize of my life: Shanxi Junior Boxing Champion!
At that time, my coach said to me: "If you train well, keep up and improve, you will definitely
become the next Tyson, the next Zou Shiming." At the time, I was also full of hope for my future,
but I didn’t expect to be in After seeing Huang once, my life has undergone earth-shaking changes,
and it feels like falling into hell. From then on, I started to fuck up unscrupulously, after training, in
the toilet, in the bathhouse, and once even in the teacher's office, masturbation completely turned
me into a useless person, and my level It keeps declining, and the coach is also very strange. I can't
beat opponents who are several levels weaker than myself in training so hard, and I used to punch
like a cannonball, which kills with one blow, but now it's so slow. At first, I disagreed with my
changes. I didn’t know that the symptoms became severe day after day. From the first frequent
urination (to go to the toilet more than a dozen times in the afternoon, it was too torturous) to the
worst, I couldn’t even straighten my waist (violent). Back pain). I was in the top ten in school, and
almost every time I got a total score of 600 or more, now it’s plummeting like a gunboat that
crashed. The school has also found a parent for this, but even then I didn’t wake up. Continue to
fight, the bad report finally came, I was expelled by the provincial boxing team! Now I look at the
honor I once won, that is my eternal pain. Until one day I went to an Internet cafe and saw a sticker
about rebooting in the toilet, That was the beginning of a change in my life, and I felt a light shining
into my dark world. 】 Additional comment: The brother in this case is quite unique. He was
originally a good boxer with a good talent. Unfortunately, he was ruined by the vice of
masturbation. His post is titled: "How did a tiger become a domestic cat". More precisely, it should
be "how did a tiger become a sick cat". He started boxing at the age of 8. He should have taken the
path of professional boxing, but it's a pity. Traditional martial arts practitioners generally know that
rebooting is required to preserve energy. Many martial arts books mention rebooting at the very
beginning. When the kidney essence is sufficient, the bones are hard, and the legs and feet are
strong. Because the kidney is the main bone, the kidney essence is sufficient. Essence, spirit, and
physical stamina will enter the best state. The same is true for boxing or fighting. Indulging in
energy consumption will lead to a serious decline in the state of the game. This brother said on other
floors of his post that he sometimes beats 5 times a day, thinking that he is strong, but he has
actually buried his tragedy. Foreshadowing. Someone posted before saying that Tyson has many
women and why he is so strong. In fact, Tyson was knocked down by a woman's fist. Later, Tyson
suffered a fiasco and went to jail for women's affairs. He was addicted to drugs and drugs for a long
time. Female sex, Tyson's vitality was badly injured, and various lawsuits made Tyson
impoverished. A friend called him: "An aircraft carrier destroyed by a woman's body!" Tyson wrote
in his autobiography: "I really want to die." The boxing champion is not afraid of iron fists, he is
afraid of powder punches, which are too powerful. After you hollow out your energy, you are
knocked out like a puddle of mud. Many fighters may be famous for a while, but after a while, the
state will not work. The reason is indulgence. The brothers in this case had a promising future, but
after indulging in masturbation, their strength dropped sharply, and they were unable to beat
opponents several levels weaker than him. The tiger was completely reduced to a sick cat, and he
couldn't straighten up until his waist. What kind of boxing did he fight? ? Can you imagine a bend-
over hitter stepping onto the ring? Originally, the punches were like cannonballs, but now the fists
were as soft as cotton. Originally, his results were in the top ten, but his results plummeted, and he
was expelled from the provincial boxing team. From the championship to being expelled, it was
really "like falling into hell." The harm of adultery to people is too great. If you don’t lure, maybe
this brother will be the next Zou Shiming. The true evergreen athletes are strictly self-disciplined
people. He ruined his promising future in one hand. Chinese medicine says: The kidney is a strong
official. Only when the kidney essence is sufficient can it burst out with powerful energy, otherwise
it will be deflated, just like opening a melon seed with deflated kernels. Did this brother meet
rebooting?, His life has begun to change. Although he has left boxing, I believe that as long as he
has enough energy, he can also develop his career in other fields and eventually succeed. 6. [Brother
Feixiang, I have been quitting for almost three years, and encountered various failures, nocturnal
emission, etc., but I always have a belief, that is, to persevere. This year's condition has become
better and better, his complexion has also become better and better, his eyes have gradually become
clear and translucent, and his face has changed a lot. Thank you, be grateful for rebooting ,
rebooting is something you have to persist throughout your life. 】 Additional comment: Although
he has repeatedly quit and failed many times before, but this year, this brother has truly ushered in a
counterattack, his rebooting state is getting better and better, his body is recovering very well, his
complexion and appearance have changed a lot. Many brothers have been devastated after many
failures, become discouraged, broken and smashed, rebootThere are still many such brothers. In
fact, successful rebooting is not particularly difficult. As long as you realize it, it will come
naturally. There must be a firm belief in your heart, that is, no matter how many times you fail, you
must persevere and never give up. As long as you persevere and keep improving your
consciousness, opportunities will naturally arise
when the time comes. Just like you play a level-breaking game, you have been unable to play a
certain level, failed many, many times, and even failed to pass through an afternoon, but you are not
discouraged, continue playing tomorrow and learn from other people’s experience, so It can be
beaten. From the first contact with rebooting articles, and then they can quit all at once, this type of
brothers belongs to a small number of brothers, and most brothers will go through a process of
repeated failures until their consciousness is truly perfected before they can get rid of the bad habit
of masturbation. Failure is not terrible. The key is to learn from failure, so that the more you can
stop, the better. Just like a product is constantly optimized and improved, many brothers have
iPhones. The iPhone you are holding now is constantly optimized and improved. Perfect results.
Maybe you quit badly last year, but as long as you continue to study hard, one day you will defeat
the demons. Playing the BOSS again and again, and being abused again and again, but as long as
you don’t give up and continue to fight again and again, one day, the BOSS will be defeated by you,
and then the balance of winning percentage will start to tilt towards you. Persevere, continue to
improve and strengthen, the final victory will be yours! 7. [Under the teaching and learning of
Brother Feixiang, I have successfully quit for 300 days, and the gratitude to Brother Feixiang is
really beyond words! The harvest brought by rebooting is really great. In addition to being healthy
and energetic, it is more important to restore a long-lost pure heart, with this heart and persevering
in abstaining from adultery, whether it’s career or Learning, interpersonal relationship, or practice
will be greatly helped. It reminds me of a scripture, "Although there are many smells, if you don’t
practice, and don’t smell, etc., like people say that you can eat, you will never be full." Only go in
person. Only by doing this can you personally experience the self-confidence and happiness after
rebooting! Otherwise, you will never get any benefit by just listening and not doing it. I really
appreciate the help of Brother Feixiang! I watched this season today and realized that the brothers
who have been abstaining for 5 years will still be attacked by the heart demon, so rebooting is really
a lifelong career, because I am also, and often a period of time goes smoothly, and after a period of
time Suffered from the heart demon's merciless attack, but the difference is that as time goes on, the
longer and longer, from the beginning, he was ruthlessly devastated and desperately defended. Now
he can see the heart demon's routine. I know that as long as I don’t give in, the heart demon is It will
never succeed! Therefore, persist in studying rebooting articles and keep charging at any time is the
only way to keep going! 】Additional comment: This is a feedback from last season. This brother is
also getting better and he is doing very well. These 300 days of rebooting have brought him a very
big change. These 300 days of rebooting are like a gift . It’s better to return to the original beauty to
chase the pleasure of adultery. In the end, you will find that the first beauty is what you really want.
Because of adultery, you are lost in the world of sensuality, lost the original pure beauty, and the
energy has been adulterated. Depletion, then became panic, and symptoms began to raging.
Rebooting can help a person restore physical and mental health, make your energy full, make your
appearance reach the best state, and can greatly improve your studies, career, and interpersonal
relationships. When your positive energy field is really strong After getting up, all aspects of life
will transform in a positive direction, and wisdom will follow. Originally, it is difficult for you to
look into the education of sages, but when you stop to a certain level, you will find that you have
begun to be deeply attracted and subdued by the thought of education of sages. You and the
education of sages have begun to resonate at the same frequency. That is to be trapped in the low-
frequency world, in that state it is difficult to see the education of sages. The scripture quoted by
this brother is very good: "If you don't practice, you don't listen to it." If you don’t practice or do it
after listening to it, it’s the same as someone who doesn’t hear. We must study theory deeply and
combine theory with practice so that we can obtain real benefits. In the "Six Patriarch Altar Sutra",
Master Hui Neng said that "the one who has changed will bring forth wisdom." The true wisdom is
born from a pure and pure heart. They see that they will also misunderstand and misunderstand.
When a person's heart is truly purified and the grime of adultery is removed, then learning about the
education of sages will truly understand what the sages are saying, and then they will gain a deep
taste of the Dharma. , Fa Xi is full. Rebooting is to single out the heart demon in the octagonal cage
in your heart. Either you surrender the heart demon or you are violently abused by the heart demon.
There is no third possibility. When you see the tricks and tricks of the inner demon, then you will
not be easily fooled. You will become extra vigilant and alert. You will never compromise and never
give in to the inner demon, so that the inner demon will never succeed! Zen Master Dahui Pujue
said: "A glimpse is a disease, if you don't continue it is a medicine; don't be afraid of thinking it, lest
you feel delayed." When you glance, the thought arises; if you don't continue, you don't follow the
thought. If you follow the thought, you will be thought Take it with you, and the thought will turn
against the guest, and finally make you break the precept involuntarily. I'm not afraid of reading it,
I'm afraid I will feel late. Stop when you start thinking, and cut off the buds! 8. [attention Jiese
it in fact for several years, that time did not look carefully, conscientiously study, plus 75 on the
party's harmless, and the body was still strong, long fade out Jiese it. And my retribution has finally
arrived. In March, I felt sick. I checked the hospital. After spending 10,000 yuan, I didn’t find the
disease, but I still suspected that I was sick because it hurts and itches. It's not a big problem. The
biggest problem is that you are very tired and sleepy after eating. If you go to bed at 9 o'clock in the
evening and wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning, you are still tired and sleepy. Originally, I am
studying in the second year, and the great youth and future are in front of me. Now I have no energy
at all, and physical fatigue and fatigue have swept my whole body. 】 Additional commentary: "Tai
Shang Induction": "There is no way for good or fortune, but people call themselves. The reward of
good and evil, like a shadow." It is natural law that you will be rewarded when you are in good
health. The conference agreed that masturbation is harmful, because his experience has great
limitations. As the severity of the injury deepens, the symptoms begin to break out. It is not
necessarily an organic symptom, but it will definitely make you feel that your body is bigger. Not as
good as before. This brother has already developed hypochondriasis. Hypochondriasis is also called
hypochondriasis. It mainly refers to the patient's worry that he has one or more serious physical
diseases. Although it is normal after repeated examinations, the patient's doubts and worries cannot
be dispelled. , Because the physical discomfort is still so obvious. I have had hypochondriasis
before. I always suspected that I had a serious illness. I saw certain diseases that were always
connected to me. I also had a lot of examinations at that time. I was worried and worried all day
long, even though the examination report showed It's normal, and I can't completely dispel my
worries, and I'm also worried about errors in the inspection. The inspection fee for this brother is
10,000 yuan. If this money is used to subsidize a few poor students, it would be great! I remember
that one person spent more than 20,000 yuan in half a year because of suspected illness! After
earning some money, I was sent to the hospital. There were a lot of inspection reports from the
hospital, and I was always worried. I always felt that I was going to be seriously ill, and I was
uncomfortable. I did more than one examination, but I still couldn't get rid of my worries. Severe
patients are living in a state of panic, and they are very painful. They go to the hospital whenever
they have time. Others spend 60,000 to 70,000 to check their diseases. They have repeated CT scans
and various B-ultrasounds for several months. There are dozens of tubes for internal blood tests,
MRI, enteroscopy, gastroscopy, nasopharyngoscope, laryngoscopy, and so on. Sexual adultery not
only hurts one's body and morality, but also damages money and repays good fortune, making
people live in panic all day long. When you reach a certain level, you will find that you are easily
fatigued. In fact, it is a manifestation of kidney deficiency, which will cause your body to enter a
state of chronic fatigue. The famous doctor Xiao Xiangru said that chronic fatigue syndrome is a
typical kidney deficiency. The body always feels very tired and sleepy. In severe cases, even after
waking up, the feeling of fatigue cannot be eliminated, as if they have never slept. Regarding this
point, my personal feelings are also very deep. I remember that when I was seriously injured, even
if I slept for ten hours, I was still extremely tired in the morning. Don't mention that feeling. I really
feel so tired and tired. It's procrastinating, it's really weak. It is mentioned in the rebooting videos
abroad: "At first, it may feel good, but in the
long run, we are exhausting precious energies. "(May feel comfortable at first, but in the long run,
we are consuming precious energy.) At first you may feel comfortable masturbating, but in fact you
have already taken the bait. As the energy is depleted, after reaching a certain critical point, various
diseases will appear. Before, you did not even know that there was such a disease, and you were
completely in a state of blindness and ignorance. His youth and future are right in front of him, but
at this time he is like a car with a bottomed fuel tank.Reboot, But the body was still strong at that
time, the symptoms had not yet erupted, he did not study seriously, and did not make a big
determination to quit. Now before the retribution, he should reflect on it, and hope that he will give
up the vice of masturbation as soon as possible, so that his life will regain energy and brilliance. ,
Say goodbye to the gloom and decadence of adultery. Cars need gas stations, life needs more
refined stations, rebooting and more refined, in order to make your life path better, more stable, to
glory, to the peak, to create a grand scene and a grand pattern of life! 9. [It’s an honor to enter. I
have been masturbating for nearly ten years. I have changed from being handsome to an ugly
monster that I don’t like. I have always wanted to quit but it is always broken. This time I want to
quit it, otherwise I feel that my life will fail. , I have failed the college entrance examination
because of masturbation. I can remember these pains. When I arrived at university, the environment
was unscrupulous. As a result, my mental and physical conditions are poor. Now I want to quit it
wholeheartedly! 】 Additional comment: "Loser" has the meaning of "loser", but also the meaning
of loss. The protagonist is not the enjoyr, and the protagonist is the loser. He is defeated by the heart
demon again and again, and the essence of the body is plundered by the heart demon time and time
again. Many people want to quit sex, but helplessly are not the opponent of the inner demon, so
they can only compromise again and again and become the slave of the inner demon. This brother
failed the college entrance examination and was not admitted to the ideal school. After he went to
college, he lacked control and began to act unscrupulously, pushing himself into a deeper abyss.
"Juvenile Jinde Lu": "If a teenager has been injured, he should be anxious for one or two years to
make up for his fall. The middle-aged body has been declining, and he should be anxious for three
years to make his best. Sex, you can achieve longevity." Abstinence before marriage is doing energy
management. After marriage, you should not indulge. If you have symptoms, you should abstain
from sex for a period of time, and then have sex after your body recovers. Desire is a leak of
energy! Abstinence can save one's precious kidney energy. Many people do not have the awareness
of energy management. Everyone has heard of "financial management" but never heard of "essence
management". The management of kidney essence energy is actually a hundred times more
important than financial management! This brother said: "I always can't straighten my waist."
Traditional Chinese medicine said: The waist is the home of the kidneys. When it reaches a certain
level, there will be backaches and backaches, and the performance of the waist is like a fold. The
boxing brother above also can't straighten his waist and suffers severe waist pain. In martial arts,
"the waist and horse are united", when the strength of the waist and the strength of the legs form a
joint force, so as to produce a more complete whole strength. After indulging in masturbation, the
legs are weak, the back pains, and the whole person is fast. Fell apart. Sometimes I can’t pitch up,
and I feel severe pain when I pitch up. Sometimes I feel back pain when I move a little bit, and I
feel that there is nothing in my waist. Sometimes my back pain is like broken, and I can only squat
on my back. Sometimes I feel the kidneys beating and feel very uncomfortable. Chinese medicine
also mentioned that kidney deficiency is a cause of lumbar disc herniation. A classmate of my
university used to compress nerves because of the lumbar process. Later, he underwent surgery. I
remember that classmate likes to collect pornography. There are many kinds of movies in the
computer, and it is also for actresses. Just like a few treasures, the final retribution came, not only
suffered pain, but also spent a lot of money, and even affected future life. The waist of a man is
really important. There is a waist in the waist. The waist is also the kidney. The shape of the waist is
like two wallets. Don't let the vice of masturbation hollow out your waist. Must come up with the
greatest determination to quit! If you are not cruel to yourself, the symptoms will be cruel to you!
You can only know that you are afraid, so you have to reboot as soon as possible! ! !

10. [Flying brother, I can tell you the good news, I will take the black belt exam in August this year!
I'm taking the black belt test in two months, I really can't believe it! And my interpersonal
relationship has undergone earth-shaking changes, because the head coach asked me to take the test,
and he also helped me find a way. I didn't have such a good popularity before. I have rebooted for
two years and three months! Now I obviously feel that the quality of sleep is much better. I couldn't
sleep before. The benefits of rebooting are really amazing! I used to be a waste person, walking
cramps, shortness of breath, and too tired! I am now a red and black belt! Now, after rebooting, it
really only takes a whole year to take the black belt test! Someone asked me if I was flying?
Waiting for my good news in August! Thank you Feixiang! Make me reborn! It's hard to say!
Thanks for rebooting ! come on! Never stop! I still study rebooting articles every day! Come
rebootHelping others to reboot is the best way to reboot! This is real! Help others and encourage
others! This feeling is great! Come on, fly brother! Thank you! 】 Additional comment: This is the
feedback from the "Reboot Army". He shared his case before. He has completed an earth-shaking
transformation and is completely reborn. In the previous photos, his cheeks were puffy, his eyes
were not right, he was hostile, and he felt wretched. Later, he insisted on rebooting and practiced
taekwondo. He was really different from before. His face was upright and his eyes were pure and
clear. There is a sense of purity and solemnity, and the changes brought about by rebooting are
really too great. Taekwondo can cultivate a boy’s masculinity and hard-working, persevering
volition. A boy should have a masculine and righteousness. Although some people are also
masculine, they are not righteous enough. Because he is guilty of adultery, his body and eyebrows
There will be an evil entanglement. My former colleagues in the fitness club are like this. They
seem to be masculine, but several of them are committing evil and adultery, so they don’t look
righteous enough. Two of them lost their jobs because of prostitution, and committed adultery. The
aura and fortune of future generations will become worse, and it will also affect the working status,
so it is easy to lose work. Rebooting and cultivating kindness can cultivate an aura of righteousness,
coupled with the masculinity created by exercise, and the combination of the two will create
masculinity and righteousness, which is both masculine and decent. This is more perfect. The
"Rebooting Army" said that he was a waste person before, but now he is a master of Taekwondo,
and the transformation is really amazing. If you take a reboot video for him, the first shot is a puffy
waste person who will cramp when he walks. ; The second shot suddenly turned into a heroic,
masculine Taekwondo master, and then a line of words was typed on the screen: What happened in
the middle? It was rebooting and practicing goodness that gave him positive energy, and coupled
with Taekwondo training, turned a waste person into a masculine Taekwondo master. Taekwondo
advocates the martial spirit of "beginning with etiquette and ending with etiquette", and has the
tenet of "propriety, justice, integrity, endurance, self-denial, and unyielding" throughout it.
Practicing Taekwondo can cultivate tenacious, courageous, confident, persevering, hard-working,
and positive spiritual qualities. Taekwondo has a strong moral connotation, focusing on self-denial
and comity, and the promotion of moral quality. A former colleague of mine was a taekwondo
instructor. He was teaching in his spare time, but he was committing adultery, so he didn’t look
righteous enough. I heard from him that he had chronic diarrhea seven times a day, and there were
also some social fears. He showed that he didn't dare to look directly at people with his eyes, and
the influence of adultery on his body and mind was still great. Therefore, Taekwondo training alone
is not enough, we must pay attention to rebooting and practicing goodness, so as to cultivate a super
strong positive energy field. In Taekwondo, there are splitting boards with hands and kicking boards
with feet. This decisive and resolute performance can correspond to the actual combat of
renunciation, and renunciation requires a strong and decisive performance, which must destroy the
evil thoughts that invade. "

Step into the text below

This season is about the experience of recovery after rebooting. Many brothers have written articles
about the recovery of body and mind after rebooting. Recovery is mainly in two aspects. One is the
relief or disappearance of physical symptoms, and the other is psychological symptoms. Relieve or
eliminate. 撸 管 is a double damage to the body and mind, so recovery means that the body and
mind are restored to a state of harmony and balance again. Ever since we were addicted to sex
control, many beautiful feelings in our hearts have evaporated, evil thoughts are firmly in our
minds, and they are completely reduced to sex control. The depraved and depraved life does not
actually bring real happiness. We are trading diamonds for sugar, because we don't understand the
preciousness of diamonds, so we can use precious kidney essence to exchange those few seconds of
short-lived pleasure. After a few years of adultery, my heart began to become dark and full of
negative energy. You can recall the self before the control. At that time, you were pure and innocent,
and you rarely develop evil thoughts. There is a pure quality, like A clear spring, in that state, we are
naturally happy. That kind of happy state is not obtained by watching Huang Luguan, because as
long as you keep your mind pure, you are happy. It’s as simple as that. If you are exposed to
pornography The temptation, and then began to live a depraved life, the heart is seriously polluted,
like a smelly river, in that state of mind, you will not be truly happy, what you feel is only a short-
term pleasure and deeper The emptiness, and even the infinite panic and pain after the outbreak of

There was a 42-year-old uncle who mentioned the four feelings of coming back after rebooting in
his rebooting article. I think he summed it up very well. The four feelings he mentioned are:
pleasure, sociality, and humor. And a sense of longing. Rebooting to a certain level will indeed
make the heart happy. Foreign rebooting articles also say that rebooting is happier than rebooting! It
is difficult for ordinary people to recognize this point. They think that rebooting is not good. The
reason why they think that is because of their own ideological misunderstandings. Of course, it is
also inseparable from the misleading of the bricks. Real rebooting is not a state of depression, or a
state of strong holdback. Real rebooting is a kind of energy preservation and transformation. The
secret is to transform your mind. When you can control your heart, your desires will naturally
disappear. , There will be no feeling of holding back at all, so the precious kidney essence energy is
preserved. The kidney essence energy is the most fundamental support for physical health, brain
power and energy. This energy cannot be vented lightly. A sense of sociality means that I have
become more communicative, no longer inferior and self-closing, my heart is sunny and cheerful, I
like to communicate with others, and I am full of self-confidence. Regarding the sense of humor, a
previous brother’s recovery feedback is a good example. After being insulted, he became socially
frightened. He would not make jokes for a long time. He became rigid and stagnant. He started to
tell jokes on the phone, and he was surprised that the change in his heart was so subtle. Have you
noticed that the smiles of the slappers are not from the heart. The smiles of the slappers are often
smirks, and they don’t smile, and many slappers laugh especially wretchedly and unnaturally. Only
by abstaining from adultery can we have a knowing smile, so sincere, so sunny, so innocent, and so

When you have positive energy and when your heart is pure, you will once again find the beauty in
simple things. Looking at the flowers and plants will have a particularly happy and beautiful
feeling. After adultery, our ability to feel beauty will drop sharply, just like a person loses his sense
of smell. At a certain stage, you will find that you have regained your sense of beauty. That feeling
is very magical. The brother brother also mentioned the sense of longing. Rebooting restores energy
to your body and mind, just like a full charge. At this time, you will have a beautiful vision for the
future. On the other hand, many lovers, they are completely living in darkness. In decadence, even
living in despair and panic, their quality of life has become abnormally low because of adultery. An
adulterer has a tendency to lose his temper, because negative energy accumulates more and more in
his body because of constant adultery. This negative energy not only inspires negative things, but
also affects a person's fortune, whether it is fortune. , Career luck, wealth luck, official luck, love
luck, etc., will be affected to varying degrees. Some people will lament why they started to have
bad luck after adultery. The answer is actually very simple. Everyone is like a magnet. Whatever
you think will attract things with the same frequency. The universe goes from high to low
frequency. It is a combination of different things, and things with the same fluctuating frequency
attract each other. Everyone has their own specific frequency, and what determines your frequency
is your own mind. Therefore, the ancient sages especially emphasized the cultivation of the heart.
Master Yinguang said: "If you want to be rewarded, you must be kind, say good things, and do well.
Good thing!" You have to make your thoughts have positive energy, kindness is high-frequency,
nausea is low-frequency, high-frequency attracts good and positive things, low-frequency attracts
and distorts negative things. You have been decoding your own. In the life scene, Goode left a very
precious four words, that is: the situation changes with his heart! To change your situation, the key
is to change your thoughts. This is the secret to changing your own destiny.

After three months or more than six months, you will experience a certain sense of detachment, just
like being released from prison. In the past, you have been a prisoner for several years or more than
ten years, and have been in a state of being enslaved by the heart demon. I got rid of the bad habit of
control, and my heart suddenly felt so relaxed, and he let out a long sigh of relief, as if the heavy
burden was once put down. Some brothers will say: "I am finally liberated, and I am finally free."
The life of adultery is too gloomy. There is no freedom at all in the days of being enslaved by the
heart demon. After that, he fell into a deeper emptiness and decadence. Later, the psychology
became more and more abnormal, because ordinary movies can no longer stimulate the secretion of
dopamine, and you must watch more abnormal movies to stimulate, so later the psychology became
more and more gloomy, more and more distorted, more and more abnormal, even I feel scared. The
stunner has been feeding his own demon, and finally the demon becomes like a Godzilla monster,
destroying your health, destroying your life, destroying everything about you, and the whole person
is blown up by negative energy. When you have quit for a certain number of days, you will feel that
you are detached, freed from the dark dungeon of adultery, and returned to the bright and beautiful
world again. The feeling has been too long, and you are free from the misfortune of adultery and the
suffering of adultery. I remember a brother said, “How I hope that the past ten years has been like a
nightmare, and I will wake up again as the original pure boy.” No matter how long you have been
slapped, you will find that your deepest desire is to restore your pure soul. No matter how many
pornographic films you watch, no matter how many times you play them, you can’t truly and
completely satisfy you. You are just digging a hole for yourself. The bigger and bigger the hole is,
you are digging your own grave! When you completely get rid of pornography, and look back at the
wicked life of the past, you will find it too ridiculous. How can a manly man indulge in
pornography? Turn the stalwart body into a wretched body, and finally leave this world in infinite
desolation and sorrow. After living for so long, you can ask yourself, have you ever fought against
your own demons? Are you willing to be enslaved by the heart demon for a lifetime? A truly bloody
man will definitely try his best to abstain from sex, and must completely break with the inner

In the process of persisting in rebooting, you will find that many long-lost feelings have begun to
return. Here are ten feelings that I have summarized based on my own experience and research.

1. Return to the bright joy of feeling

Indulging in masturbation will lead to a darker overall tone. People with kidney yang deficiency
may even appear dark in the complexion. The so-called dark in the face means that the skin on the
face appears yellowish-brown, bruised, or even gray-black. The essence of the tube is the
consumption of energy. If the energy is strong, the overall tone will become bright and radiant. If
the energy is weakened, the overall tone will be gray and dark. Everyone should have a flashlight at
home. When the battery in the flashlight is almost dead At that time, the brightness will be
significantly weaker, and then it will feel a lot darker. This is the same as the energy loss after the
tube is turned on. Everyone can pay attention to observe your own eyes. When the energy is
sufficient, the eyes are clear and bright, looking forward to brilliance, and the eyes are pure and full
of energy. When the energy is shot, the eyes will become dark, and even turbidity will appear, and
the eyeballs will seem to change. I'm dull and dull, and then many people's eyes will darken and
blue, making people feel bad at first sight. The education of sages also specifically mentioned that
doing good can increase the light on the head, and the person who does evil will have black energy
on the top of his head. He has been committing evil and adultery, which is accumulating negative
energy. Therefore, the overall tone will be gray and dark, just like being covered. A layer of dim

The following is the feeling of a brother

"Now I'm back to the state I was in the sixth grade and junior high school. This feeling is too
comfortable. I feel that my whole body releases a bright halo, like the winter sun shining on myself.
The whole person is not as sluggish as I was before. Righteousness is getting stronger and stronger.
I used to read "The Book of Zeng Guofan's Family", which said: "Ching Ming is bowing, and rising
like the sun", translated into the vernacular is: the heart is open and upright, as if there is a sun
rising in the heart. I couldn't understand it at the time. What kind of state is this, now I finally
realize it."

Insist on rebooting and maintaining health. After you have enough energy, you will find yourself
"bright", not only bright, but also pure brilliance and brilliance. When your heart is bright and
upright, your positive energy will become stronger and stronger. Rising like the sun, like the town
of a tripod. Your complexion will become bright and moist, your eyes will become clear and bright,
and the surface of the eyes will have a pure luster, just like the luster of a marble surface. The eyes
are as if they have been polished, they are particularly bright and attractive. It will naturally open in
place, and there will be no performance of eyelids collapsed. The brother said: "This feeling is too
comfortable." This kind of comfortable feeling is actually a sense of pleasure. This sense of
pleasure is different from the short-term pleasure of adultery. This sense of pleasure is very long-
lasting and can even last a whole day. When your mind is restored to purity, you will naturally
experience a sense of pleasure. You are as happy as an innocent child, and your whole body is
exuding pure light.

2. Return to feeling confident and calm

Children have a natural self-confidence. Some acquired factors make children gradually become
unconfident and even low self-esteem. One of the big reasons is that they are not self-confident,
because the poor appearance and social fear caused by pornography are the key to weakening self-
confidence. factor. Some children were very sunny and confident at first, and they were also very
calm in their hearts. Later, after they began to be in control, everything changed. The natural self-
confidence disappeared. Instead, they were full of evil thoughts flying around, lusting for others,
and even fornicating. My teacher is simply inferior to a beast. What kind of person is the most
confident and confident? There are many answers. For example, a handsome person will have a
kind of self-confidence, and a wealthy person will also have a kind of self-confidence, but the most
confident person is still a person with a pure heart and full of positive energy. This kind of
confidence is a quality that is truly worth having. Purity is the child's most precious wealth, and
adultery deprives this most precious wealth. Only by quitting adultery can we regain our own
wealth and strength. If you don't commit adultery, your heart will become upright and infinitely
calm. I remember that a brother specifically emphasized the calmness after rebooting in his
rebooting article. The sense of calmness made him have a clear conscience, look up to the sky, do
not bow to others, look the same, walk in the vast sea of people, it is so He is unrestrained and
unrestrained, so personable, and the feeling derived from this calmness is the inner calmness and
calmness of his heart. In real life, many people can't be calm. The calmness after rebooting is really
unimaginable. Only by experiencing it in person can you know how precious the feeling of
calmness is. A brother wrote: "I feel that the whole person has a lot of righteousness than before.
Psychologically, I am more sunny than before, and after sweeping away the previous haze, people
are also more confident and start to hate adultery." Quit adultery, Do good and accumulate virtue,
and let the positive energy thrive, so that you can regain your natural self-confidence and calmness.

3. Return to feel full of vitality

After being injured to a certain degree, the slugger basically has the performance of malaise. As the
degree of injury continues to deepen, the feeling of malaise and decadence will become more
obvious, and the vitality is obviously not good. There are several stages in life. Among them,
children’s energy is the strongest. Children love to move and love to play games. They are jumping
and full of energy. Children’s energy is not leaked through evil and they don’t know anything. It's
kinky, maybe there is a vague feeling, but it is not clear enough, and the body has not yet
developed, and does not have the physical conditions for ejaculation. I remember that I didn’t feel
tired after playing all day when I was a child. Later in the developmental period, after the
ejaculation began, the vitality began to decline. Although the body is still in the ascending period, it
can no longer be compared with the childhood period, because the energy has begun to be drained
frequently through masturbation, and many people are crazy Masturbation consumes too much
energy. Some insects die directly after mating. When the energy of life is severely depleted, it will
greatly affect a person's vitality. Chinese medicine also mentioned that there is one manifestation of
kidney deficiency, which is sleepiness and laziness. After a long time, people will become lazy and
easily fall into a state of drowsiness. Every day, they are sluggish, yawning, memory is also greatly
reduced, and learning efficiency is improved. Work efficiency is a mess. After rebooting, the energy
is gradually full, just like charging a mobile phone, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, 100%. After the
energy is sufficient, the feeling is too strong, and the whole body is braving. The energy can last for
a few hours without being tired, and the whole body is full of energy. The momentum of a dragon
dunk comes out. The super strong feeling, the phenomenon-level performance, rebooting makes
you full of firepower, and the momentum is like a rainbow. .

Four. Return to feeling positive and cheerful

One of the psychological effects of stubborn control is to make people become negative and
decadent. Many things can be done well, but after the stubborn energy and brain power decrease,
many things naturally fail to do well. Life has been frustrated and becomes more over time.
negative. I have talked to many brothers up to now. Many of them were sunny and cheerful before
being stunned and willing to communicate with others, but after indulging in stunners, they seemed
to have changed completely, and they began to become autistic and inferior. Shaodu suffered from
social phobia, and was totally different from the sunny and cheerful self before. The positive feeling
is completely gone. His mind is full of images of wickedness, and he often lusts for other people.
Evil thoughts accumulate negative energy every day without knowing it. In the past, a brother was
very positive when he was in school, and he also had a vibe. He was cheerful and optimistic. But
after graduation, he became addicted to adultery. When I saw my former classmates again, he said
that he was different from before. It's gone, a lot of wretched feelings on his body, and there is evil
in the eyebrows. After insisting on rebooting for a period of time, you will find that your mental
state is improving. The negative energy is being reduced and eliminated. The positive energy is
gradually coming out. The darkness in your heart gradually recedes. At this time, you will become
positive and cheerful again. When you are positive and cheerful. , Your aura will naturally affect
others, and others will naturally be attracted to you and like to communicate with you. Positive
energy has a strong appeal, and negative energy is also true. People full of negative energy will
make When others feel disgusted, they will naturally alienate you.
5. Return to the youthful state of feeling

I have done a lot of comparison photos up to now. Many brothers face decayed because of
masturbation. They look about ten years older than their actual age. Some post-90s generations look
like 40 years old, and masturbation will accelerate a person’s aging. . "Su Wen": "Husband is eight
years old, has strong kidney qi, and hair grows more teeth; twenty-eight, high kidney qi, Tianguizhi,
diarrhea of essence and qi, harmony of yin and yang, so you can have children; thirty-eight, average
kidney qi, muscles and bones Strong, so true teeth grow and grow extremely long; forty-eight,
muscles and bones are prosperous, muscles are full; fifty-eight, kidney qi is weak, and the teeth are
broken; Seven or eight, liver qi failure, failure of the tendons, exhaustion of the heavens, lack of
refinement, failure of the kidneys, and extreme body shape; It clearly points out that the growth of
the body is closely related to aging and the kidney essence. If the kidney essence is consumed in a
large amount, a very direct result will be the acceleration of aging. Some people have a lot of gray
hair when they are 20 years old, the skin is dull, the face is deformed, the skin is loose and
collapsed, and wrinkles begin to appear. Eyes are formed, skin is rough, crow's feet, forehead
wrinkles, and brow wrinkles appear, tear grooves appear, eye bags appear, and nasolabial folds
appear. The previous comparison photos of aitrue's small bar are very powerful. It turns out that his
face is obviously decayed, but after 300 days of giving up, it is really reverse growth, and I feel that
he has regained the vigorous and firm face of adolescence. , The five senses have become more
refined. The effect of rebooting on appearance is indeed incredible. It is true that rebooting will
indeed become handsome. There was another brother who looked very mature in his college
graduation photo. After more than a year of abstinence, he sent a comparison photo, and he really
became a lot younger. He himself said that he was younger and handsome than when he entered
university. Rebooting can not only bring a youthful appearance, but also make your mentality
younger, allowing you to face your life with a more positive attitude.

Because of adultery, you can't show others in your best appearance. Because of adultery, your face
has undergone many subtle and bad changes. Last time, a brother mentioned that in human beings,
human beings are located between the nose and lips of the human body, which is a very important
first-aid point. From the acupuncture points in human beings, one can see the health status: human
beings are wide, deep, straight, and the complexion is bright and moist. , Indicating that the kidney
essence is vigorous; people are narrow, short, shallow, asymmetrical, and dull, indicating that the
kidney essence is insufficiency. Last time, the brother who quit to a certain extent found that the
person became deep, straight, clear, and correct, and the shape was like an ancient sword. The photo
book talks about the evil aspects of people: shallow and flat, unclear outline, childless, weak kidney,
infertility, etc. The shallowness in the person represents the dissipation of qi; the deepness in the
person represents the gathering of qi. Shallow and deep are actually the external manifestations of
the degree of energy accumulation. You can pay attention to the changes in your own person. To a
certain extent, with the accumulation of energy, the shape of the person will change, and it will
change in a good direction.

Six. Return to the pure beauty of feeling

Indulging in adultery will not let you be in the most confident and shining state. It is like a diamond
covered with a layer of dust, which looks very dim and loses its luster. Only by quitting adultery
and removing the ashes of adultery can you shine. Pure light. Adults have forgotten the pure world
in the eyes of children, because adults have begun to commit adultery, and adultery will destroy the
real beauty and turn a person into a zombie. When a person is controlled by a heart demon,
everything can be done, even Not even a beast. There is the purest and beautiful things in children,
which is the state before being contaminated with various bad habits. We were all pure children. At
that time, we could deeply feel the pure beauty, and we were happy and happy every day. Yes, it is a
carefree state of mind. Even if you are beaten by your parents, you can quickly forget it, and then
return to a pure and beautiful state. Later we grew up and experienced a lot of things, but we were
far away from the simplest and purest self, and then we began to find happiness in adultery. We did
not realize that true happiness is to return to the purest and most innocent state. That state is one. A
miracle, a miracle, in that pure state, you are truly perfect. The true perfection has nothing to do
with your external appearance and family living environment. The true perfection lies in restoring a
pure heart. Only by restoring a pure heart will you be truly happy. Otherwise, even if you are flying
up, it is extremely unfortunate, because you are only accelerating your own destruction. After
rebooting, you will feel the pure beauty again. This beauty is the feeling that is truly worth having.
We lost the original goodness after we got rid of it. Now that we quit, this goodness will naturally
come back.

Seven. Return to feeling cool, clean, and clear

Quitting adultery is cool, and there will be a cool and comfortable feeling in the heart, and the life
of indulging in adultery is a state of heat and annoyance. Desire is like fire. After the evil thoughts
are raised, they will eventually be burned in lust, unable to stop, and have to break. Gu Deyun:
"Extinguish the fire in your mind, win the light of the Buddha's head", "An Chan does not have to
be landscapes, but you don't have to cool your mind." When you learn to deal with your evil
thoughts, you will find that your heart will gradually understand Become cool, clean, and born from
the heart. It is reflected in the face that the appearance will become pure and solemn, and the skin
will become clear, fine and smooth. After a few years of masturbation, many people will have poor
skin texture, acne, acne, oily, and rough touch. This is caused by endocrine disorders caused by
masturbation. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the skin is actually a mirror that reflects
the condition of the human internal organs. The kidney is the root of the five internal organs. When
I was in college, I once quit for about 20 days, and I felt smooth on my face, but the good times
didn’t last long. Once I broke the ban, I went backwards again. Before development, our faces are
clear. That clear skin doesn’t need facial cleansers and skin care products at all. Because children’s
minds are extremely pure, their skin is naturally clear. This is Corresponding relationship, clean the
heart, the skin quality will be significantly improved. The heart of many lovers is like a stinking
ditch, all kinds of dirty, all kinds of evil thoughts, the soul has been seriously polluted, so that when
reflected on the face, various skin problems will appear. A 20-year-old slapper presents a 30 or even
40-year-old face. This phenomenon is not uncommon. It really ruins his face. The ugliness of the
slappers is asymmetrical and looks very weird. Seriously like deformities. Like monsters. When the
abstinence reaches a certain level, the "three cleansing"-cool, clean, and clear will naturally appear.
It is better to clean the skin than to clean the soul. Cleaning the skin is to treat the symptoms but not
the root cause, and to clean the soul is the most fundamental cleansing!
8. Return to feeling peaceful and open-minded

In adolescence, they should have been full of vigor, but because of adultery, many people are full of
hostility, and adultery will affect family harmony, because the aura of the prostitute is full of violent
and distorted aura, full of negative energy. Every day, I will quarrel with my family, or be scolded
by teachers or leaders in school or work. The aura of a lukewarm is like a hedgehog. You have to
prick it when you see it. Others will get angry at the lukewarm for some reason, and the lukewarmer
will be angry with others inexplicably. When a person’s heart is full of peace, he will be happy
wherever he goes, and there will be good popularity wherever he goes. You can use your peaceful
aura to influence anyone you meet. The true ring person will have a feeling of open-mindedness.
Open-mindedness refers to being open-minded and tolerant of others. Open-mindedness is a kind of
magnanimity and tolerance, and open-mindedness is a broad-minded, free and easy attitude. Many
people become selfish and narrow-minded after committing adultery. They cannot tolerate others.
They have a lot of hatred, jealousy, and arrogance. They are easy to deal with others wherever they
go. They are also unstable when they do a job, and they don’t have much intimacy. Friends, all I
have made are friends, friends, or evil friends who show him pornography or encourage him to go
whoring. Think about it, do you have so many negative thoughts when you were young? Certainly
not! Because the child's mind is very pure, when you enter puberty and start masturbating, various
negative thoughts begin to appear in large numbers. Over the years, the pollution of the mind
becomes more and more serious, and the thoughts that come out are almost all negative.

After rebooting, we will slowly restore peace in our hearts, but we also have to consciously send out
positive thoughts. For example, you used to have dozens of negative thoughts a day, complaining,
hatred, arrogant, and jealous. , Wait. What you have to do now is to consciously reduce negative
thoughts, and send positive ones if you want to send them. Starting with ten encouragements every
day to help others, a little bit of accumulation increases, negative thoughts decrease, and positive
thoughts keep increasing, so that your positive energy will be increased. People will become more
and more open-minded as they become stronger and stronger, and if they are more mindful, their
blessings will naturally increase. There is a practitioner who always observes his mind. Whenever a
bad thought arises, he puts a black stone; whenever a good thought arises, he puts a white stone. In
the beginning, he had evil thoughts every day, all of which were black stones. Through continuous
cultivation of the mind, the black and white were divided into two parts. In the end, all of them have
become white stones. Everyone is a transmitter, sending out their own thought waves. We must put
an end to all negative thoughts. If we want to send it, we will send positive and positive thoughts.
This is very important! For example, when someone looks ugly, you can't use words to attack or
insult each other. Instead, you should comfort, encourage, and help each other as much as possible.
If you scold others as pigs, it’s actually bad for yourself, because you send evil thoughts, which will
affect your situation subtly, please remember: the situation changes with your heart! If you are
sending positive thoughts, the result will be very different, and your own situation will change for
the better. Some time ago, a brother of social fear, he realized the importance of changing his mind.
He wrote in his article: "I am grateful every day, find a small notebook, write down the words of
gratitude every day, to my family, relatives, friends, and help People who have passed you, or are
grateful for the mountains, rivers, air and sunshine, can write it down. When rebooting for three
months, the weather was cool, and when the sunshine came out, walking on campus, suddenly felt
very happy. There was no entanglement of symptoms, no It’s too important to send positive
thoughts. Keep dealing with your negative thoughts. When you start thinking, only send the positive
ones for three months. Then you will find that your mood and situation have completely changed.

Nine. The great joy and joy of returning to feeling

Sexual adultery represents the loss of energy and the decrease of the purity of consciousness. The
more it drops, the more painful it is. Only through abstaining from adultery can the purity of
consciousness be completely improved. The higher the purity of consciousness, the higher the
vibration frequency, and the more you can feel it. Happiness and great joy, innocence is heaven, and
depravity is hell. The full and joyful inner feelings after rebooting will bring you an unspeakable
sense of happiness and security. Everyone should have such a subtle feeling that being insecure will
make you feel insecure because of energy loss. Later, there will be a feeling of "something wrong"
in the body and mind. It is difficult to tell what is wrong, but it just feels strange and uncomfortable.
After reaching a certain degree of injury, this feeling will become more and more obvious. When
the waist is empty, the legs are weak, dizziness, the hands are trembling, the brain power is reduced,
the energy is not good, then the sense of security will become worse and worse. , Symptoms may
break out at any time, and then you will be frightened by the symptoms, and the symptoms will
make you feel restless and terrified, just like a frightened bird, there will be no peace of life.

Seeing the children playing happily, I felt full of emotion. Because of adultery, we have lost the
pure happiness. Every day, we have pornographic scenes, indulgent memories, and our own sexual
fantasies. Many people have become walking corpses. Concrete remains. When we want to seek
happiness from looking at the yellow tube, this is destined to be an extremely wrong way, because
the tube is consumed at the cost of energy, which will inevitably lead to a tragic result. Be later and
later, instead of not reporting, the time has not arrived. . I have seen a lot of cases. When the
symptoms broke out, he could really scare him to death. He had no idea that swaying would cause
such pain. He had no concept at all. Before, he was completely blind, ignorant, impulsive, and
harmless. The paranoia and self-righteousness after brainwashing were finally severely taught by
the facts. When a person's symptoms break out, he knows that the harmless theory is bullshit, and
the brick family is bullshitting under the guise of pseudoscience, completely disregarding the truth.
When I get to a certain stage of abstinence, I feel like a plug in my heart has been opened, and pure
great happiness and great joy reappeared. Happiness is self-sufficient. It is you who blocked
yourself. It is you who are greedy. The desire to block you.

10. Return to the lasting and profound satisfaction of feeling

Children often have an expression on their faces. This expression is called contentment. This is a
kind of innocent and natural satisfaction. As long as the mind is pure, the satisfaction will naturally
appear. This is the truth. You may think that satisfaction must be something or a certain experience
in order to be satisfied. In fact, that satisfaction can easily disappear, just like buying a new mobile
phone or new clothes, maybe it can be satisfied. But after a few days, the sense of satisfaction
disappeared, and it was very unstable. When your mind is restored to purity, you will be in a kind of
complete and lasting satisfaction. You don't need anything, but your heart is so satisfied and so
happy. Many times you can’t help but laugh, just like a child’s innocent laugh, a constant burst of
freshness and joy, the inner spring is reopened because of rebooting, happiness, happiness,
satisfaction, joy, naturally. The gushing out is simply unstoppable.

If you can meet yourself before the tube, maybe you will have tears in your eyes, because that child
is so innocent, like living in a pure miracle, happy and satisfied every day, he stays open Big
innocent eyes, staring at you with the purest gaze that has been tainted with the vice, and then you
will burst into tears, because you know that you have been lost for too long, too long, lost in porn,
lost in the flesh of female sex In the forest, chasing the short-lived pleasure and forgetting the great
happiness of innocence, and finally realized that great happiness of innocence is what I want most.
Goode said: "Raise my spiritual platform, always clean, elegant and good in character, happy me
innocent." The ultimate purpose and meaning of existence is to return to the state of innocence
again. Then you will find that the state of innocence is so happy and so. Full of happiness. Ordinary
people did not realize where the real happiness is, but the sages realized that Lao Tzu mentioned
babies three times in the "Tao De Jing": "special spirit is soft, can be a baby", "as a baby is not a
child", "return to a baby" ". It also mentioned that "the virtue of virtue is thicker than that of a pure
child." Ordinary people think that happiness is what they want to get, while wise men say
"perishment is happiness." Perishability is to eliminate inner greed, anger, ignorance and suspicion,
and return to the purest and cleanest state. When you return to that state, you Nature is happy, and
you are naturally satisfied. How many people can understand this big secret? The key is to remove
the grime and restore the purity of the mind. When you do this, you will experience real great
happiness and lasting and profound satisfaction.

Pure children have a special behavior, that is: look up and laugh happily from time to time! Smile so
brilliantly. This behavior only occurs when the heart is extremely happy, as if you are the happiest,
happiest, and happiest person in the world. This kind of mental state can actually be experienced by
adults. When you reboot and cultivate, your heart will become pure and peaceful day by day, and
then you will raise your head and laugh happily. You will find that you were really foolish in the
past. It’s really foolish to go to see Huang Luguan instead of experiencing it in such a happy state!
It's like putting tons of gold and not picking it up, but picking up trash in the trash can. It's really
stupid than the stupidest fool! A pure heart is the most precious treasure in this world! If you lose
your pure heart, no matter how many pornographic films you watch, no matter how many times you
play, you will not really be satisfied, but will plunge yourself into hell. Once you really recognize
this, you know what to do.

Final summary:

The good feelings after rebooting need to be savored carefully. rebooting soothes your life and fills
you with pure joy and happiness. Rebooting is indeed happier than rebooting. People who truly
have a deep understanding will definitely realize this. . Rebooting can make people feel incredibly
relaxed. Your soul begins to fragrant, and you begin to feel pure beauty again. This feeling is really
wonderful. In a sense, rebooting is also like tasting tea. In the process of rebooting, you begin to
savor the beautiful feelings brought about by rebooting. This beauty has unique qualities. It is very
subtle. If you The feeling is very delicate, you can fully appreciate it. Brewing a cup of rebooting
tea, its fragrance moisturizes the soul, its taste is extraordinary, it gives you a happy mood, and
gives you a feeling of refreshment, that fragrance, purity, elegance, transcendence, and holiness, It
can touch the deepest softness in your heart. Rebooting is so beautiful. It awakens the purest and
most gentle self. Rebooting will bring amazing beauty and vitality. Rebooting is the blooming of
pure soul again. The "Bible" says: "Blessed are those who have a pure heart." While the Buddhists
say "purify oneself", the meaning of the two is the same, that is, to purify one's soul. When the soul
is restored to purity, it will naturally have many beautiful things. The feeling of true happiness does
not require external stimulation. That pure great happiness springs from the depths of the heart, like
spring water, it flows outwards naturally, and those who reboot are really blessed! ! !
Let me share three reboot poems

"The Dark Night of Soul"

After shooting off the essence of the body

The most beautiful traits

And then left the body

It took a long time to find out

Not happy

Want to quit it

But the heart demon is really powerful

Being manipulated by the heart demon again and again

Become a puppet of the heart demon

The pit I dug myself

Destined to have to fill in by yourself

Since lewdness
Entered the dark night of the soul

This dark life

It's really breathless

See no hope

Only infinite despair

The bright and beautiful feeling left me

I'm deeply trapped

Looking towards the sky from the abyss of adultery

Was deeply shocked by the vast starry sky

There is an inexplicable throbbing in my heart

The dark night of the soul will finally pass

Return to the pure world of sunshine

Be the purest self

Only in that state

I will be really happy

"Gentle and Pure Heart"

Rebooting restores the brilliance of life

Raise life to

A younger and fresher state

Return to the long-lost self

Once you were a child, gentle and pure

Then you seemed to be living in heaven

Happy every day

Everything around is so magical

Life presents a perfect texture

Until a certain day

You opened pandora's box

In an instant you were attracted

Started his secret life of adultery

Gradually forget the innocent happiness

That's how the depravity happened

Your temper has also started to go bad

You are no longer gentle, and no longer pure

You become full of hostility, you feel unbearable

Everything changed, the pure child disappeared

Nothing is sadder than this

Only to abstain from adultery

You can find the lost beauty

A gentle and pure heart

Is the greatest miracle

"Rebooting a Strong Husband"

Upright man

Named as a rebooting husband

Full of masculinity

Thousands of rebooting husbands

Combat group
The name is the rebooting steel group

The fighting style is brave and tenacious

With an extremely brave fighting spirit

Defeat the Heart Devil

Blaze a trail

The dawn of rebooting

Battle for glory! The rise of war!

The battle of redemption! Battle for the pinnacle!

A mighty hero, a hundred battles won't end!

What Jianfeng points to is invincible!

Quenching into steel is invincible!

Resolutely hold the position of rebooting!

This battle of annihilation must be won!

Iron discipline, steel will!

The demons invaded and hit the head head-on!

Evil thoughts come, headshot!

Let the demons tremble! Let the devil be afraid!

More ruthless than the demons! Stronger than the demons!

Gather Haoran's righteousness, and revitalize China's summer glory!

Cast the iron and steel division, eliminate the vice of masturbation!

Recommend a book below

"You are the designer of your own destiny": by Qin Dongkui. This book is carefully organized from
many lectures given by Teacher Qin Dongkui. Teacher Qin Dongkui believes that the five senses of
a person contain the code to change fate. The eyes must learn to laugh, the mouth must be kind, the
ears must be able to listen to kind words, and be able to discern bad words. The most important
thing is to think about people’s virtues and think about people’s benefits. , This is called
concentrating. To have a good destiny, we must manage the three cornerstones of maintaining
family relationships, namely, the affection of husband and wife, the affection of brothers and feet,
and the affection of filial piety to parents. Home and everything are prosperous, this is the key to
our destiny. Ren Dendi, a senior professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of China, wrote a long preface for this book, and believed that “this book is really
a veritable book of sages”, which is worth reading, experiencing, and practicing by everyone. .
What the saints say is true, and each of us is the designer of our own destiny! Teacher Qin Dongkui
was born in the 1980s. He did not go to school when he was young and his family environment was
also very bad. However, his fate was completely changed later. The way he passed was to do good
and accumulate virtue. Some people say that teacher Qin Dongkui is the contemporary Yuan
Liaofan. I think it is very appropriate. There are many teachers who promote traditional culture, and
I have seen many of them myself. Teacher Qin Dongkui is one of the more special ones. I
personally think that Qin Dongkui is a rare one. Excellent and extraordinary teachers, lectures are
also very friendly. Teacher Qin Dongkui specifically talked about two major issues in life, namely,
loss of filial piety and committing adultery. Teacher Qin has accumulated hundreds of thousands of
cases, many of which are very shocking. I have watched many videos of Teacher Qin’s lectures and
I have really learned a lot from them. Learning to be a man and doing things with Teacher Qin will
make your life better. When you really understand the principles and laws behind your destiny , You
know what to do and what not to do. I personally benefited a lot from Qin's lectures and learned a
lot of truths. I hope everyone can also listen to Qin's lectures. Several other books by Mr. Qin are
also very good, such as "The Secret of Success in What You Want-A Guide to Self-Design of a
Happy Life", "The Rules of Disciples and a Happy Life", "Being a Blessed Person", etc. Teacher
Qin also talks about feng shui, but he talks about the best feng shui. The best feng shui lies in
oneself, that is, to change one's heart and mind. Only by learning to change the good and
accumulate virtue, can you really change your destiny. Hope Everyone learn from Teacher Qin.

Lecture videos can be searched online:

25 Kinds of Retributions of Evil Fornication (1)-Teacher Qin Dongkui

25 Kinds of Retributions of Evil Fornication (2)-Teacher Qin Dongkui

25 Kinds of Retributions of Evil Fornication (3)-Teacher Qin Dongkui

Qin Dongkui's Superior Environmental Theory

Season 108: How to increase the actual conversion rate of reboot

The summer is hot and hot, and people’s emotions are easily irritable and irritable. As the
temperature rises, people’s moods will also become impetuous. It is easy to experience emotional
relapse in this season. In summer, we must strengthen emotional management. High temperature
can also cause sleep disorders. Recently, many brothers have reported this problem. I also woke up
halfway through. This summer was too hot, a record-breaking heat. 8 people in Jiangsu died of
heatstroke. It can be really hot. dead. Everyone must pay attention to heatstroke prevention and
cooling, but not too greedy for cold, otherwise it is likely to cause repeated symptoms in the body,
and you must pay more attention to health maintenance.

I recently saw a piece of news, the excerpt is as follows:

[In the party platform set by the Republican Party in 2016, factors such as the proliferation of guns,
climate change, and obesity that "traditionally" affect American public health are not mentioned, but
it clearly points out that A-films have caused American public health. The harm. In the program
announced on July 20, the chapter entitled "Ensuring Safe Living Communities: Crime Reform and
Prison Reform" clearly identified the A film as a "public health crisis." In April of this year, the
"anti-A movie forces" achieved the biggest victory in history. Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed a
state bill officially declaring that "A movies is a public health crisis." The state bill calls
pornography "evil, low-level, addictive and harmful."]

The United States is open, but their rebooting websites and rebooting campaigns are booming.
There are many related articles and videos, as well as various lectures, all of which point out that
pornography is extremely harmful, and the pornography is classified as " "Public health crisis" is
very accurate, and it is not an exaggeration. Only those who truly understand the hazards can define
it like this. Accompanied by pornography is the act of masturbation. In recent years, there have been
more and more discussions on the harm of masturbation abroad . This is a trend. The truth of
masturbation is resurfaced, and the harmless theory of the brick family will eventually Being
eliminated, pseudo-science cannot stand the test of facts. The harmlessness of masturbation is a big
lie and a completely wrong view. The pornography has broken many people, and the innocent
teenagers have gradually become wretched sticks full of evil thoughts. They have become obsessed
with classmates, teachers, and even their own family members. They have completely entered a
state of inferior animals. Some people on the Internet will say that pornography is "welfare", but in
fact it should be "corrupt profit" that corrupts the soul! It pollutes a person's soul and makes people
live a life of indulgence and depravity. You think that pornography will not hurt others. In fact, you
are hurting yourself and your parents. If you are so crazy, can you be worthy of the parenting grace
of your parents? If the elders knew that you were so depraved, how would they feel? Many stunners
have already lost their most basic conscience. They often quarrel with their parents, contradict their
parents, and hurt their parents. After being brainwashed by the brick house, they are even more
embarrassed. Only when the symptoms suddenly break out, they will suddenly Awakened. Sexual
adultery will not only lead to a health crisis, but also a moral crisis. Sexual adultery is an act that
hurts one's body and morals. "The Record of Juvenile Jinde": "A matter of obscenity is the most
detrimental to one's morals." It is urgent to quit adultery!

Rebooting bar Every day, a large number of new people come in. Their minds are washed away by
harmlessness and asceticism. They are very ignorant and think they are right. In fact, from the
perspective of senior brothers, they are quite ignorant and naive, of course. They cannot be blamed,
because they have been instilled with wrong ideas since they were young, and they have not been
exposed to the truth. They are actually us in the past, and we also have such a rather ignorant and
naive stage. Some newcomers came to reboot and saw posts about hair loss, but he didn't
understand it, because he didn't understand the theory of Chinese medicine and didn't know the
connection between kidney deficiency and hair loss. This kind of newcomer is very ignorant. Some
newcomers say that they are also in charge, why don't they lose their hair? Anyone with a bit of
common sense knows that it takes a certain degree of injury to cause a lot of hair loss. To reach a
certain critical point, take me for example. I only experienced a lot of hair loss when I was more
than ten years old. Take off, but rarely. Some people lose a lot of hair only after five years.
Everyone has different levels of sperm injury. Some people have better genetics, so the evil results
will appear later. Once the trend of massive hair loss is formed, they want to recover. In the past, it
was more difficult, requiring a long recovery process, which may take a year or even a few years.
Others saw that other people’s looks recovered, and they said that they were beautiful. This
reminded me of the previous "short-frame party". When I saw who was able to dunk, they said that
the frame that others dunked was short. The same is true of the "Beauty Party", which is not good
for others. There are many things that can't be done by beauty, such as eyesight, self-confidence,
temperament, and looks. There was a brother who didn’t believe that rebooting would become
handsome at first, but after he insisted on rebooting, he really became handsome. People around
him also said that he became handsome because his spirit has a great influence on the five senses
and the overall face. The effect of shaping, the swelling caused by the tube will also disappear, then
the facial features will enter the best refined state. Even if the adulterer has a beautiful face, he still
has a wretched or hostile spirit, while a rebooting person will have a sense of righteousness, a
majesty or a sense of innocence in the eyes and brows, confident, confident and sunny. The feeling
will also show up on the face. Many newcomers come to the rebooting bar . They can speak and
comment at will. They immediately expose their ignorance and misunderstandings. It is very
important for newcomers to study rebooting articles first.

Share some cases below

1. [Originally, I quit well, and I quit for almost 100 days, and I have recovered a lot in all aspects!
The acne is almost gone! In particular, I have a lot of confidence and a lot of self-confidence. But a
few days ago I thought about it, just look at Huang. It was out of control, and I slapped it. The next
day, I felt nothing! The spirit was equally good, and I wanted to slap again on the third day. I
thought that it was slapped anyway, not bad. This time, I slapped it again! In the following few
days, I feel badly injured! It seems to smell the breath of death! I really can't hit it anymore, I really
feel badly injured! Now it’s very difficult to breathe, very tired! 】

Additional comment: This brother originally gave a good ban, and his recovery is relatively
optimistic, but he has relapsed. The reason is that his consciousness was flawed and he was defeated
in actual combat. He said, "Look at Huang if you think about it. "He didn't recognize that this was
the instigation of the inner demon! I wrote about the instigation of the inner demon for a season.
The inner demon is very cunning and will impersonate you. When a thought suddenly pops up in
your mind, you must be aware of it, but don’t immediately agree with it, "Chapter Forty-two "The
classics" says: "Be careful not to believe in your will, your will is not credible." Once you believe in
the idea that will lead to relapse, it is tantamount to accepting the thief as your son and the enemy!
Many brothers will quit for a certain number of days, and they will have such thoughts in their
minds: "It's been a long time since I started, it's time to relax", "Look at it, don't do it", "Once in a
while, it's okay", "Try it." Let’s fix the strength", "Isn't there any functional recovery on a trial
basis". When such thoughts appear, you must be highly vigilant, because it is the inner demon who
is urging you. One of the most important reasons to study the reboot articles is to really understand
the inner demon’s offensive routine. Endless battles! Maybe you can cut off ordinary lust
immediately, but as soon as the inner demon encourages you, you can't recognize it. You thought it
was your own thoughts, but in fact the inner demon is encouraging you! Once the ring is broken, it
is basically out of control and becomes a slave to the heart demon again, and will once again enter
the mode of being controlled by the heart demon, which is a self-destructive mode that is
involuntarily self-destructive. Originally you were the master and you had absolute autonomy, but
after the heart demon seized power, you couldn't help yourself. You slapped and hollowed yourself
out again and again, greatly hurting your vitality, and falling into continuous decline in your body
and mind. In summer, people who sweat a lot, sweat too much, the essence is also, profuse sweat
hurts the yang, so in summer, there is no disease in three points, and a lot of sweating, the human
body is prone to symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite
and so on. In the hot summer, the human body is inherently weak. At this time, it is very taboo to
ventilate. I don’t know if you have seen soft-shell crabs. Soft-shell crabs are a short-lived form
shortly after the crabs have shed their shells. At this time, the crabs are very weak and the whole
body is limp. Yes, at this stage, they all hide and wait for the shell to harden. This is a phenomenon
in the process of crabs shelling. We are like soft-shell crabs in the summer. We are very weak. At
this stage, we must pay special attention to rebooting and maintaining essence. This brother flicked
twice, and he smelled the breath of death. In summer, the human body's energy has been consumed
a lot through sweat. If you continue to flick the tube at this time, the fruit will be unimaginable.

2. [Hello, Teacher Feixiang, I have rebooted for more than half a year, and now my complexion is
much better than before. People around me say that I am getting more and more handsome, and my
aura is really much better. When the egg hurts, it is obviously less, and the tinnitus is basically gone.
I used to lose a lot of hair on the top of my head, but now it has started to grow a lot. Thank you
very much teacher! 】

Additional comment: This is a case of recovery. Rebooting for half a year has brought a brand new
transformation. If you don’t reboot, you don’t know how cool it is to reboot. Rebooting can bring
people all kinds of beautiful feelings. Real rebooting is not depression. It is the transformation of
sexual energy. When the energy is held, the body and mind will complete the transformation. I once
read an article abroad, which said that if a person can hold his sexual energy, he will become a
superman! Superman of energy! Superman of energy! When the complexion is improved, the
energy is vigorous, and the appearance and temperament are also up, the feeling at that time will be
completely different, and it will be totally different from the state of indulging in adultery. When
you indulge in adultery, it's like having a pile of dung on your head. That kind of aura is very bad,
often disgusting, and it makes you feel sick. Have you noticed that you are not in a happy state
when you slap the tube. Most of the expressions are straight-faced and there is no smile on the face.
Even at the moment of shooting, you are not happy, you just experience a short-term pleasure , And
happiness are two different things. It’s awkward and unusual, and there is a weird seriousness. In
the final analysis, masturbation does not make people really happy. Your psychological feelings just
follow the ups and downs of dopamine. In the end, you will experience a deeper sense of emptiness
and emptiness. The feeling of fatigue after energy exhaustion, and even the panic, anxiety and pain
after the outbreak of symptoms. Pure children don't care, but they are happy all day, with a bright
smile from the heart on their faces, that is the state of real happiness. Many people have reported
that they are becoming less and less happy after being in control, people become gloomy and
decadent. As their appearance and temperament deteriorate, people will become more and more
inferior and even autistic, and unwilling to communicate with others. There was no innocent smile
on his face anymore, his mind was full of evil thoughts, and the whole person was full of hostility.
Because what he pursues is the illusory pleasure, he is destined to be far away from pure great
happiness. The more filthy the heart, the more tragic the final outcome. This brother has completed
his transformation and is developing in a good direction in all aspects. This feeling is really great!
The true glory comes from the rebooting counterattack, and the great shame is to stretch out your
hand to JJ time and time again, succumb to your own demons, and live a life of despair. The real
warrior will rise to fight his own demon, the coward succumbs to the inner demon, and the warrior
defeats his own demon! ! !

3. [My dad sees that I am not depressed every day, so he took me to the hospital and visited many
places in the outpatient clinic, but it didn't work. So he went to an old Chinese doctor's house and he
was a relative with our family. The old Chinese doctor gave me a pulse, and suddenly his face
changed, "Why the pulse is so muddy? Are you messing with the little dick? The scientific name is
masturbation. If I tell you this, do you understand?" My dad sat in front of me and scared me.
Coming out of a cold sweat, I said that I don’t know this or that. After mixing up the past, the old
Chinese doctor asked me to concentrate on my study. Don’t think about those things until I finished
college, and gave me three medications. This Chinese medicine doctor is really amazing, it's almost
90 years old, and the pulse can be used to get sick. 】

Additional comment: I have shared several similar cases before, all of which are old Chinese
doctors who can see the problem. I remember five years ago I read the analysis of an old Chinese
doctor on a Chinese medicine website. The old Chinese doctor first looked at his age. He didn't
consider his age to be married, but his pulse condition was poor, so he thought it was caused by
masturbation. Kidney deficiency has the pulse characteristics of kidney deficiency. Generally
experienced old TCM doctors can figure it out. You think no one knows about your masturbation. In
fact, old TCM doctors can guess the pulse with a single pulse. The old TCM doctors have decades
of profound experience and countless people. The performance of the injured patient must be clear.
Some Chinese medicine practitioners don't even need to take the pulse, just look at the face and
eyes to know what's going on. Most of the children nowadays have been poisoned by the harmless
theory, can't tell right from wrong, have no discernment at all, think they are right, in fact, they are
blind and ignorant to the extreme! Eventually, the slapped person will definitely appear in the
hospital, and as the severity of the injury deepens, the symptoms will naturally break out at that
time. "Juvenile Jinde Lu": "The harm of masturbation is greater than the handover. Those who
commit this bad habit are mostly in the youth, and they often shorten their lives to shorten their
lives. The symptoms found are cerebral neurasthenia and lack of memory. Tiredness, frequent
headaches, frequent anger and weeping. Weak penis, lack of sperm in the semen, or loss of
communication power, resulting in vaginal dystrophy. Leaking semen in dreams, or sometimes
leakage of semen, resulting in synovial dystrophy. Weak limbs, staggered body, poor in walking,
unsteady footing, unable to support the body. Fingers tremor, no light in the eyes, reduced vision,
sunken eye sockets, tinnitus, heavy head, sometimes dizzy. The face is earthy, the skin is pale, full
Illness. Muscle and muscle weakness, restless sleep throughout the night, heartbeat, palpitations,
and waist pain. Physical and mental impairments, faint all day long, such as in Wuliwu. Thinking
ability gradually fades and disappears. Joint pain, digestive disorder , Stomach cramps. Blood
attenuation, chest congestion, skin swelling and ulceration. The whole body is tired and depressed,
like the idol of the wax house, lifeless. Or become foolish, or become pulmonary epilepsy, or cause
suicide, or die. To die, or survive early death, and become a sick husband for life. No matter what
happens, the husband can take precautions before it happens, especially the bad habit of
masturbation, the dark room is depressed, and the shadow of the shame is not known to the father
and brother, and the teacher can not realize it. If you want to prevent it, you can't prevent it, so the
damage is as severe as it is." "The Record of Juvenile Jinde" was written by Ding Fubao. Ding
Fubao has compiled and published nearly 80 domestic and foreign medical books, collectively
called "Ding's Medical Series." "Youth Jinde Lu" should have been written during the Republic of
China, and the harm of masturbation is more detailed. In fact, in that era, many people of insight did
harm to masturbationI already know it well, and the famous pharmacologist Zhang Changshao has
also written an article about quitting masturbation. "The Record of Youth Jinde" should be
popularized in schools. This book is very good. It is divided into 27 articles: General Introduction,
Early Childhood Education, Filial Piety, Self-cultivation, Aspiration, Be Careful, Reform,
Encouragement, Be Careful, Diligence, Thrift, Stop Killing , Forgiveness, relief, reading,
punishment, suffocation, contentment, family management, management of affairs, communication,
life, aspirations, financial management, leisure, health preservation, planning, and philosophies. A
collection of predecessors’ most wise sayings, as well as the author’s own insights. The harmfulness
of masturbation is a fact and truth. The truth will be buried and distorted by the harmless theory, but
the truth is the truth after all, and sooner or later it will return to people’s sight. Now is the time,
let's publicize it together, and save more ignorant children!

4. [I think there’s nothing more serious than me. I’ve been using it for 13 years. When I first started
it was 6 or 7 times a day at most. At that time, I was young. I didn’t sleep on night shifts. I stayed up
all day. , I didn’t know that the harm was so great before. One day in 2012, I suddenly had a panic
attack after hitting it once. I hurriedly hit 120 and felt that I was about to die. After I was sent to the
hospital, I didn’t dare to sleep all day. I suspected that I was terminally ill. . All symptoms began to
break out at that time, anxiety, hypochondriasis, depression, headaches all day long, blurred vision,
stomach problems, cervical spondylosis and nasopharyngitis. At that time, I did not know that it was
caused by masturbation! Never stopped at all. 】

Additional comment: This brother’s situation is indeed very serious. I have seen many cases of
dying feeling before. In fact, there are also more serious cases than him, such as uremia, but the
uncomfortable neurosis is another kind. Extremely, there is a feeling that life is not as good as
death. Every day, I can't worry about it all day long, just like living in hell. Many people don’t even
know that this kind of pain still exists in this world before they have neurosis. Before they heard
that someone has anxiety, they thought it was someone else thinking too much. In fact, the onset of
anxiety and the physiological disorder It's closely related. You may feel dying when you hit yourself
up again and again. Once a person stays up late, sits for a long time, and masturbates all three
things, he is not far away from the neurosis, or it can be said to be very close, and maybe after a
tube, a very serious symptom will erupt. Some people have never taken 120 when they grow up.
They just watched the ambulance whizzing by before their eyes. Then they finally got on it, because
they felt that they were about to hang up after they were slapped, so they quickly dialed 120, that
kind of dying. Feels terrifying! I was sent to the hospital for a round of examination, and it was
basically normal. At this time, I started to be suspected of illness. After repeated examinations, I
was not relieved because the symptoms were too terrifying. Some people were misdiagnosed for
more than half a year, and finally diagnosed with neurosis. I don't know how much medical
expenses were spent. Once the critical point is passed, it’s terrible for the body to collapse. At that
time, it feels like nothing is right in the body, and the whole body feels uncomfortable. It will be bad
for a while and uncomfortable there for a while. I often go to the hospital for check-ups, and I
become a medicine jar. The quality of life has dropped sharply. The saddest thing is that many
people, even if they have neurosis, are still obsessed and mad. They are extremely ignorant and do
not know the connection between masturbation and neurosis. In fact, this connection was revealed
as early as the 19th century. At that time, Western medicine mentioned that masturbation would
cause neurasthenia. It was not until life was as good as death that I knew how ignorant and absurd I
was in the past. I shot my precious kidney essence like trash, and shot myself into the hospital at the
end! Shot into the symptom hell! Prostitution will destroy a person's inner temple, make him lose
the good feeling of purity and solemnity, and then lead a life of indulgence and depravity. Of
course, he may not feel that he is degenerate, because he has been brainwashed by indulgence
thoughts and feels that life is just a little fun in this world. If you don't, you will feel that life is very
boring. In fact, he didn't know where the real great happiness was. He had been lost for too long,
and had been completely reduced to a lower body animal. The way of thinking was similar to that
of a beast, even worse than a beast. When you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or
later, and you should stop it as soon as possible. Otherwise, what is waiting for you is no different
than a disaster.

5. [Four years ago, I played on the computer at home, learned how to watch porn, masturbate once a
week, because my body is weak, there are some symptoms in two to three months, hair loss, oily
face, pimples, and loose flesh on the face , Enlarged pores, mild social phobia. Next, I found myself
feeling sleepy and distracted in class, poor spirits, and memory loss. I used to listen to lectures in
class and rank among the best at will, but after masturbating, I started to lose my strength, my
grades fell sharply, my thinking turned very slowly, and people slowly became dull. In the past, I
was the school grass in the school, so beautiful that even boys would look at it a few more times,
but after masturbating, I kept hearing people say that I was awkward. I think so too. A person with
pimples, shiny face, sagging skin, shiny hair, dull eyes, and avoiding staring at others is quite
wretched! ! ! Masturbation has also caused me to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder,
phobia, and depression. The symptoms make it worse than death every day! ! ! I quarrel with my
parents every day, have a grumpy temper, and have all kinds of disharmony with people around me.
It feels like my life is good. I changed a new phone two months ago. There happened to be a post on
the phone. I just clicked it and saw it , but I saw the promotion of rebooting . It feels like grabbing a
straw for life. 】

Additional comment: In fact, many children have the need to abstain from sex, but no one has told
them the dangers of masturbation and how to abstain from sex. The consequences of four years of
indulgence have been obvious. Although it is said to be "once a week", it is actually very easy to
have continuous masturbation because it will be out of control. Recently, an American reboot article
translated by the translation team contains it. It is said: "Masturbation can be addictive once, and it
is almost impossible to control it!" Some people will say that they are not addicted. In fact, he is
addicted, but because of ignorance, he still doesn't know whether he is addicted or whether he is
addicted. The standard is that you can quit immediately if you want to quit. You feel that you are not
addicted. You should try to quit for 100 days, and maybe you will relapse in less than a month,
because you can't control it! Some people claim that they are once a week. In fact, many times they
have been fucking for several days in a row, or even multiple times a day. This does not include the
secret omission of adultery. Many people are more addicted to adultery, so you must not engage in
moderation. Give up completely. Originally, this brother was the school grass in the school, with a
beautiful appearance, but after masturbating, everything changed, and the prince became a toad.
Before masturbation, many people are very delicate, because the heart is clean, the correspondence
is born from the heart, corresponding to the face, it is the delicate face and innocent eyes, but after
masturbation, all kinds of subtle bad changes have quietly occurred. , Until one day I suddenly
realized that I was very different from before. It felt like the whole sky was suddenly darkened, and
I became a wicked gray man. Wretched, wretched! Quite wretched! Cranky, grumpy! Quite
grumpy! Every day I quarrel with my parents, the family becomes disharmonious, full of
gunpowder and uneasy feelings, this is home! The adulterer is constantly accumulating negative
energy, so he will become aggressive, his temper will deteriorate, and his aura will make others feel
very uncomfortable, which can easily lead to conflicts. A person's heart is peaceful and pure, and
others will be happy when they see it. If a person is full of wickedness, others will feel disgusted
when they see it, just like seeing a smelly river. Seeing the clear spring, naturally rejoicing, and
seeing the smelly river, how do you feel in your heart? It speaks for itself. This brother also suffered
from neurosis and lived a life that is worse than death. Fortunately, I met rebooting., It's like
catching a straw! There are many children who want to quit sex, but no one gives them the correct
instruction, and the result is repeated failures. When I was a teenager, I consciously gave up, but
always failed. I was not the opponent of the demons. If there were professional reboot articles for
learning, I think I would study hard. It is a pity that there was no such kind of good writing in that
era. Now that the rebooting forces in China have risen, I hope that more and more children can
realize the harm of masturbation and get rid of this harmful habit as soon as possible. When you
give up completely, you will find that your inner control will become stronger and stronger. With
this powerful self-control and self-control to study and work, the possibility of success will be
greatly increased. Rebooting is the real benefit! Rebooting is the first pot of gold in life! ! !

6. [Grateful to Feixiang, since the fifth grade of elementary school, he has been degenerate to the
first year of high school. The high school failed to pass the entrance examination. The difference
was 150 points. After 700 days of rebooting since the first year of high school, the acne on my face
has disappeared, and I am confident and cheerful. I love to communicate with my classmates. The
recovery of my brain power has made me study more with less effort. This year's college entrance
examination 602, 77 points higher than the first line, this makes all people who know me feel my
transformation, feel that rebooting gave me a second life. 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback left by a brother named "Yang Xin Dian Dian". He also
opened a post to share his reboot experience. The school-choosing student counterattacked 211
University. This is very inspirational. The middle school entrance examination is 150 points poor,
and the college entrance examination exceeds 77 points. It is very difficult. It is estimated that his
parents will also be very pleased. In July and August every year, there will be more wedding
announcements and thanksgiving posts. Because the admission notice is down, I am really happy to
see these children admitted to the ideal school, and I hope that their future life will be better and
better. bless them! Some people will say that grades have something to do with their own hard
work, and what does it have to do with rebooting. In fact, the relationship between them is really
too big. If you say that studying depends on hard work, it sounds right at first, but if you think about
it, People who have such bad spirits, symptoms, lack of energy, mental decline, and a look of
malaise, no matter how hard they work, it is difficult for such a person to achieve results, often with
half the effort. My brain power drops to a certain level, I can't understand many topics, my brain
becomes dull, my comprehension and memory are no longer good, at this time I just want to work
hard, but I will feel weak. Just like you are driving a tractor and want to surpass Ferrari, you just
want to work hard, and you will find that you can't work hard, because the hardware is not good, the
hardware is the brainpower and energy! People who are quite conscious know that masturbation
will affect brain power and energy. A brother who won the Olympiad Prize before was addicted to
masturbation, his brain power became like rubbish, and his grades plummeted. Kidney essence
energy is through the brain. This energy can go upwards or downwards. It moves upwards to
metabolize the brain, supports brain power, goes downwards and turns into turbid essence, which is
lost through sexual activity. Many people don’t know how to cherish the energy of the kidney
essence, nor do they know the relationship between the kidney essence and brain power. They are
crazy about the management, and as a result, their brain power is greatly reduced. Always make
low-level mistakes. I remember that the brain power of a brother had dropped to a terrifying level.
Just like Alzheimer’s, he couldn’t remember what he had just done or said when he turned around,
and he couldn’t remember what he thought. Scolded, the fortune became a mess, and the job was
almost impossible to keep. "Just a little bit "It was mentioned that after rebooting, people became
more confident and cheerful, they became fond of communication, and their brain power was
restored. These three points are too important. Many fans have already eliminated these three points
completely. If these three points can be restored , A person’s fortune will soon rise. When you have
a bright heart, you can bring positive energy to others, you can live a positive life again, and you
can devote yourself to study and work in the best state. Go. Some people say that they are also
qualified, but they also passed the 211. What I want to say is, if you don’t succeed, maybe you can
be admitted to the best school in 211, or the best major. , Or ranked in the forefront of majors.
Although many people are in charge, but each person’s addiction level is different, the degree of
injury is different, the physique is also different, and other living habits are also different, so the
final result will be different. Some time ago I saw a post by a brother who was admitted to 211.
Although he was admitted to 211, he has become a poor student because of indulging in
masturbation. I can’t hold it anymore. When the degree of sperm injury and the number of years of
sperm injury are reached, the retribution will come suddenly and even attack you in ways you did
not expect. Another brother who was admitted to 211 said: "Say I am really ashamed, at that time
the original poster was still a senior in high school. I have been rebooting for more than 300 days.
Every day, I feel refreshed, my memory is particularly good, and my whole person looks very
energetic. Therefore, I was admitted to a certain 211 university and my luck was very good. On the
day I got the admission letter, I broke the precept and fell again, unable to extricate myself from it,
from once a week at the beginning, to once every 3 days, to once in the most recent day. It feels
terrible to think about it. The endless indulgence has also brought me a lot of influences, my
memory is reduced, my head is chaotic, and my ability to deal with things has decreased
significantly, and my whole person has become lifeless. " After more than 300 days of sex, I feel
refreshed every day, my memory is particularly good, and the whole person looks very energetic, so
I was admitted to a certain 211 university, and my luck was very good. On the day I got the
admission letter, I broke the precept and fell again, unable to extricate myself from it, from once a
week at the beginning, to once every 3 days, to once in the most recent day. It feels terrible to think
about it. The endless indulgence has also brought me a lot of influences, my memory is reduced, my
head is chaotic, and my ability to deal with things has decreased significantly, and my whole person
has become lifeless. " After more than 300 days of sex, I feel refreshed every day, my memory is
particularly good, and the whole person looks very energetic, so I was admitted to a certain 211
university, and my luck was very good. On the day I got the admission letter, I broke the precept
and fell again, unable to extricate myself from it, from once a week at the beginning, to once every
3 days, to once in the most recent day. It feels terrible to think about it. The endless indulgence has
also brought me a lot of influences, my memory is reduced, my head is chaotic, and my ability to
deal with things has decreased significantly, and my whole person has become lifeless. "

Let me share a few more cases of 211 brothers:

(1) An accidental ejaculation in the second year of the second grade made me embark on the evil
road of masturbation. When I first entered adolescence, I was ignorant, just feeling that feeling was
very comfortable, so I deliberately looked for this feeling, so masturbation started, and it lasted until
now, when I graduated from college. Along the way, I have deeply realized its boundless harm. I
thought that my grades in junior high school and even high school were good. In the third year of
junior high school, I was basically in the top five in grade, with 600 students in grade. I entered the
provincial key high school and entered the bustling city (junior high school is in a small town). I
started to contact the Internet frequently, and then I found a pornographic website by chance. From
then on, I went further and further down the road and watched all night. Even directly in the Internet
cafes, this caused my grades to slowly decline, from third to two or three hundred, until I quit for a
while before the college entrance examination, and sprinted assault. Fortunately, I have a good
background and still scored 600 points in the college entrance examination. Entered a 211 school.
From then on, my nightmare really came. I bought a computer and started to frantically collect all
kinds of website videos, masturbation, YY, so that my university became a pile of shit, four years of
death, countless subjects, dead house, social circle It was extremely narrow and severe premature
ejaculation. Later, I went to the Andrology Hospital for an examination. It was said that the foreskin
was too long + masturbation caused the dorsal nerves to be too sensitive. I had the operation and
cost 10,000 yuan. I already felt my state, my memory was severely weakened, and my spirit It's
hard to concentrate, I often catch colds, but I can't quit.

(2) In the third year of high school, I was busy studying, so I didn’t have a lot of masturbation, but
in the end I didn’t pass the college entrance examination. I didn’t get the second one. At that time, I
felt that the teacher did not teach well. , I have received unsatisfactory results, here I want to
confess, because I was young and ignorant at that time, the adultery caused the college entrance
examination to fail. I was not reconciled, and my mother was not reconciled, so I chose to repeat. In
the second year of the third year of high school, due to the stress of study, the teacher took care of
me every day. I didn’t have a lot of adultery, but I still felt that my brain power was not as good as
before. Finally, I passed the entrance examination to an ordinary 211 university. . In this way, I
entered the university. University is a paradise for the fallen, free life, free time, so many ambitious
people fall into the abyss, unfortunately, I am one of them. In my freshman year, many people in the
dormitory went to Internet cafes to play games. I went with them and watched pornographic videos
secretly. In my sophomore year, everyone bought a computer, which provided a breeding ground for
my depravity. In my first exam in the first semester of college, I failed the first subject, linear
algebra. It’s very similar to the experience of many adulterous bar friends, because we have all
chosen this path, so the ending must be equally miserable. In this way, I intensified watching porn,
masturbating, and playing games. In my junior year, I have one semester. 4 courses were dropped,
10 courses were dropped during college, and the grade was the last in the class. Because there are
often people in the dormitory, I masturbated in the middle of the night and masturbated in the toilet.
By the third year of my junior year, I felt that I had started to lose hair a bit. Since there were less, I
didn't care too much. When I was in my senior year, I went to play ball after masturbation. After
playing for a while, I found that my kidneys were very painful. I felt very uncomfortable sitting on
the ground. Later, my urine was pale red for several days. , Began to break again. At that time, he
didn't realize the harm of adultery , but he was scrupulous, but masturbation did not stop at all. The
four years of university gave me painful memories and memories of failure. In my best years, I
committed such a sordid act of obscenity, which concealed the fragrance of my life and made me a
loser, a pseudo Top students.

(3) I started masturbating when I was in the second year of high school. When I was in high school,
I went out to live in a dormitory. At the beginning, my academic performance was among the best in
the class and grade, and my parents were also proud of me. One day in the second year of high
school, I tried masturbation before I got up in the morning. The result was out of control.
Sometimes I could masturbate 5 or 6 times a night. After that, the results plummeted. He was
originally a Tsinghua man in the eyes of his parents and teachers. After masturbating, the whole
person began to languish, resulting in little study in the third year of high school. God treats me not
badly, and I was admitted to a 211 university with a relatively satisfactory result. But when I arrived
at university, I didn't restrain my lustful desires, and failed countless subjects in four years. There
were several times when I fell out with my parents at home, and my mother fainted and fell to the
ground because of her anger. There was no feeling of remorse or guilt, and my mother didn't wake
me up even when she was dizzy. I didn't get the graduation certificate smoothly after my senior
year, and finally it took a year of make-up exams for my parents to work hard to find talents.
Among them, they passed the postgraduate entrance examination twice, and nearly ten times in civil
servants and public institutions, and none of them passed the entrance examination.

(4) I am an undergraduate student at a 211 university. I am a 22-year-old senior this year. I

participated in the postgraduate entrance examination this year and got up early and went to bed
every day, but the exam was very, very bad. I wanted to take a 985 exam, but I didn't get the
national line. I felt dim and sad. Encouraged by my family, I began to reflect on myself seriously
and came to the conclusion that I lost too much of my virtue! ! I was admitted to the provincial key
high school in high school. I started to use bad videos in high school. I kept masturbating once or
twice a day. I had a good memory and good academic performance. However, due to excessive
pressure and frequent masturbation, I often masturbated online. Browsing bad things leads to
serious psychological distortions. Seeing who is not pleasing to the eye, I always curse others
inexplicably, thinking that I feel good, but in fact it is nothing! ! In addition, his physical condition
is deteriorating, he is losing weight and skinny, it is a sinful sin! ! Under the premise of struggling
for the college entrance examination, I barely took a 211 exam. I thought that my living
environment would change and my situation would improve, but I didn't know that the roots of evil
continued and everything was delusional! Driven by a fluke, I indulged myself again and again and
kept masturbating. Later, I became less and less interested in talking to others, and my mind became
more and more closed. My family said that I was tired of studying and I was often absent from
school for no reason, and the credits fell a lot. If I continue like this, I will repeat the grade or be
expelled! After returning home, my parents persuaded and did my ideological work in every
possible way. Looking back on the eagerness of my parents at that time, how many nights of tossing
and turning for my affairs, my heart is like a knife, my parents have retired, and all hope is there.
On me, and I myself have done this kind of rebellious thing, I feel like a devil! Under the
persuasion of my parents, I returned to school. After a year of hard work, I barely took the make-up
exam and graduated successfully this year. But the failure of the postgraduate entrance examination
made me fall into the abyss again. Last week, I entered rebooting because of a coincidence . I read
many experience posts and fine posts of seniors. I was deeply shocked. The first half of my life was
ruined by masturbation, but I want to reform. A lot of good posts shocked me very much. Thanks
for the selfless dedication of my friends and my friends, which gave me the dawn of hope. I want to
learn from all successful friends, get rid of bad habits, accumulate good morals, and be admitted to
graduate school. Repay your parents for the kindness of nurturing, and strive to change your life
course! I want to start with myself, keep exercising, and reform!

(5) I have been masturbating since the first year of the junior high school, and it is almost 11 years
since my fifth year. My body is not as good as one day. From junior high school to high school, I
was the first in my year, or the first three, because even though I had masturbation at that time, but
once a week, I was still a bit restrained, but I also felt that I was paying attention when doing the
topic. Not concentrated, half of the time I was in a daze during the exam. But fortunately, the IQ I
tested was 135. Although masturbation affects my concentration, it is very easy to deal with these
simple exams. Just like this, the retribution came. By the time of the college entrance examination,
all my previous exams were in the first three years of the year. When this time the college entrance
examination, you know what happened! I have insomnia and diarrhea! When I took the exam, my
mind was muddled. After the college entrance examination was over, I took the exam for more than
100 years, although I still entered the 211 University, but for me, it was already a fall. Later, the
university was even more out of control. No one cared about me. I masturbated every day, skipped
classes, and ranked first in my grades. The only luck was that although I failed the exam, I still
passed the make-up exam. Reworked, the homework was paid to ask the classmates to do it for four
years, the university didn't learn anything, just a useless person. Now that the four years of
university are over, I’m in my fifth year of college, and I’ll be working right away. The pressure
from the society made me awakened. This is my last chance. Later, I tested my IQ again, around
120. My mind is still Smart, the blessings of the last life have basically been consumed by me in
this life! Dad has cancer, mother is diabetic and weighs 80 catties! What reason do I have to
continue to be decadent now? ! What reason do I have to continue masturbating? ! What reason do I
have to remain cowardly? ! no! You have nothing!

(6) In my memory, I once had a press. I didn’t have semen and felt very comfortable, so I started my
path to hell. In middle school, I went to the best school in the province, and entering here is
equivalent to one Just stepping into the gates of key universities, the competition inside is also quite
high. I was under a lot of pressure, studying day and night, and the head teacher was very strict. At
that time, I only knew how to study, with a clear goal, that was, I wanted to enter the school’s high
school. That is to say, in the first semester, there are few online resources at this time, and I don’t
know where to find resources. I accidentally found an H film at home. I am like a treasure. Isn’t this
what I dream of! So I often came out quietly to watch, and then masturbated. In the case of
masturbation, I tried my best to get into high school. The high school entrance examination results
should be at least the top ten in our home county. However, the stars are the brightest when they
disappear, and people may be the most brilliant before they fall into the abyss. I just used up all my
energy and got admitted to a key middle school. At this time, it has been masturbating for 6 years. I
entered high school with the results of the top few in the class. When I came out, there were only
more than forty. These forty were not for fun, but I had to work hard to get them. Our high school is
considered a prestigious school in the country. Teachers often say that if you don't study well, you
can only go to the school next to it (some 985, 211). As soon as I entered high school, I determined
to be admitted to a prestigious university across the country. If Tsinghua and Peking University
could not, at least it would be Fudan People’s University and Zhejiang University. However, it was
counterproductive and my grades began to decline. The college entrance examination ended at the
peak of my obsessive-compulsive disorder. As a result, the college entrance examination scores
were said by the physics teacher. It was really monotonous. I took the worst grades since high
school. Considering the mental condition at the time, I did not repeat the exams and got a second
book. Professional. My heart fell into the abyss, so far away from the ideals of the past, Erben, a
place I never thought of again. It turned out to ask me questions every day, and I think his
classmates who asked me idiot questions were several tenths higher than me. A classmate who was
admitted to Nankai University told me that at that time, I could only see you from behind. I felt that
you were out of reach. I could only "haha" smile, and then turned around silently, but my heart was
dripping blood! (Note: Although this case was not written by 211 students, his strength can be
admitted to a national prestigious university. It is really a pity! The impact of adultery on life is too

7. [Brother Feixiang, the instigation of the inner demon is really terrible, I asked you a question in
the 105th season, and your answer is eloquent, but the instigation of the inner demon is really fierce,
and sometimes I do some actions, For example, if my stomach hurts on the bed, the demons said
that I broke my ring on the grinder! It's ridiculous! And I also knew that it was an instigation, so I
noticed that the heart demon continued to encourage me. Sometimes I made a mistake when typing,
and typed some sensitive words, so the heart demon started to instigate! Sometimes I have some
negligence, such as a few seconds slowing down my mind, or the untimely shifting of my sight, the
heart demon urges me to say: "You have failed, next time you have a better one!" or " You break it
sooner or later, it's better to break it now! "It's too poisonous, and I know I have to break such
thoughts, but the inner demon encourages it endlessly! This feeling is too uncomfortable! Even
more uncomfortable than lust! And the more you think about rebooting successfully, the more the
heart demon encourages! It's terrible, Brother Feixiang, what should I do? ? ? 】

Additional comment: My answer to him is: "Look at the instigation of the broken heart demon, and
don't follow it. Then you have to stand firm on rebooting, that is: no matter what happens, no matter
how you encourage it, you just don't break it! This kind of steely stance and The determination must
be taken out, so no matter how instigated by the inner demon, it is useless." Sometimes the content
of the inner demon's instigation is very absurd, I call it "absurd instigation", regardless of the
extremely absurd content of the instigation, but the inner demon Persuading you endlessly will also
cause you great distress, just like a person constantly harassing you. We must learn to see through
the tricks and tricks of the demons! The instigation of the heart demon is all kinds of tricks and
cunning. It is to shake your rebooting stand, make you give up resistance, and make you break the
precept! In the actual rebooting battle, I myself have experienced many times of instigation. When I
sacrificed the fundamental ultimate trick, the heart demon was gone. This ultimate trick was to
strengthen my rebooting stand and determination through thinking to achieve The degree of "die
hard to the end". When you are repeatedly instigated by the inner demon and are bothered and
troubled, you can think like this: "No matter how you instigate the inner demon, I will not waver, I
will not break! Hard to the end!!!" When you sacrificed it. After the steel-like unshakable position
and determination, subtle changes have taken place, and you will find that the arrogant arrogance of
the inner demon has gone down, because the inner demon knows that it cannot hold you down. This
is very much like when the two armies are facing each other, the enemy sends lobbyists to persuade
them to surrender. Although the lobbyists have a solid tongue and can speak eloquently, when you
say: "Our army will stand firm and will not surrender, and say nothing. Use it!" When you make a
statement like this, the lobbyist knows that he can't take you down, and he can only retreat. When
you sacrifice your steel-like stand and determination time and time again, the inner demon will be
timid, and perhaps the inner demon will still encourage, but you will find that the intensity of the
inner demon's instigation is weakening, and it can no longer cause serious trouble to you. If you
don’t have a steel-like stand and determination, even if you are able to break your mind, the heart
demon will still urge you again and again to try to shake your rebooting stand. When you sacrifice
your steel-like stand and determination, the heart demon will Just know that if you can't take you,
the attack of the inner demon will be weakened. A steely stand and determination can make all
instigation invalid, no matter what kind of instigation it is, no matter what the content of the
instigation is, it will fail! From a certain perspective, this situation is like "a dead pig is not afraid of
boiling water." Of course, this analogy is not very appropriate, but the principle is similar. When
you die hard to the end, the inner demon is not your opponent. The momentum is much higher than
the demons. In the process of fighting against the heart demon, there are many details that are very
subtle. Once you really grasp this kind of detail, you can defeat the heart demon's offense again and
again. A steely stand and determination can break all encouragement and let All encouragement is
invalid! ! ! A brother who studied Buddhism once told me that he had evil thoughts against Buddhas
and Bodhisattvas in his heart. He felt very panicked and afraid. In fact, this is the demon at work.
Many people who study Buddhism will encounter this situation. Test your position. After you make
your position extremely firm through thinking again and again, the demon's tricks will not work. I
have also encountered this situation in the first two years of studying Buddhism. Later, after I
strengthened my position through thinking, I rarely had such vicious and evil thoughts. The old
layman Xia Lianju once said: "Mordor will strengthen the Dao heart." Once you start rebooting, the
heart demon will definitely interfere with you, harass you, and try to control you again. This is
inevitable, and there will be demon disturbances. The key is to strengthen one's rebooting stand, and
then stop thinking in time. This kind of instigation is like a voice in your heart talking to you. The
so-called interruption is to cut off that voice and not listen to the instigation of that voice. The more
this brother thinks about successful rebooting, the more the heart demon encourages us. We should
not be too obsessed with successful rebooting, and we must not be eager to achieve success, and we
must not be impatient, because this will also lead to psychological imbalance and be caught by the
heart demon. Take advantage of the loopholes. This brother finally used three question marks. He
has been harassed by the heart demon. I have given a way to solve it. That is to stand firm + die
hard, firm like steel, sharp like a knife, you It's a steel knife! ! Destroy the Devil! ! ! Die hard to the
end! ! ! Once you start rebooting, the heart demon will definitely interfere with you, harass you, and
try to control you again. This is inevitable, and there will definitely be demon disturbances. The key
is to strengthen your rebooting stand, and then stop your mind in time. This kind of instigation is
like a voice in your heart talking to you. The so-called interruption is to cut off that voice and not
listen to the instigation of that voice. The more this brother thinks about successful rebooting, the
more the heart demon encourages us. We should not be too obsessed with successful rebooting, and
we must not be eager to achieve success, and we must not be impatient, because this will also lead
to psychological imbalance and be caught by the heart demon. Take advantage of the loopholes.
This brother finally used three question marks. He has been harassed by the heart demon. I have
given a way to solve it. That is to stand firm + die hard, firm like steel, sharp like a knife, you It's a
steel knife! ! Destroy the Devil! ! ! Die hard to the end! ! ! Once you start rebooting, the heart
demon will definitely interfere with you, harass you, and try to control you again. This is inevitable,
and there will definitely be demon disturbances. The key is to strengthen your rebooting stand, and
then stop your mind in time. This kind of instigation is like a voice in your heart talking to you. The
so-called interruption is to cut off that voice and not listen to the instigation of that voice. The more
this brother thinks about successful rebooting, the more the heart demon encourages us. We should
not be too obsessed with successful rebooting, and we must not be eager to achieve success, and we
must not be impatient, because this will also lead to psychological imbalance and be caught by the
heart demon. Take advantage of the loopholes. This brother finally used three question marks. He
has been harassed by the heart demon. I have given a way to solve it. That is to stand firm + die
hard, firm like steel, sharp like a knife, you It's a steel knife! ! Destroy the Devil! ! ! Die hard to the
end! ! !

8. [Brother Feixiang, contribute two practical experiences. One is that in our daily life, there will be
various situations that reduce our awareness of the heart, such as when we are in bad mood, when
we are in a carnival, when we are low on energy, etc., as a preceptor, we Learn to avoid these
situations. And the second point is more important. I have always passively avoided these factors
that make my perception drop, but some are inevitable, such as energy loss. People can't stay
energetic all day long. This is the time before. I will choose to take a break and regain my energy, so
that my awareness will be restored. But today, I was "watching the mind fiercely" in reverse, and
keeping a close eye on the thoughts. I originally thought that my awareness would decrease, but it
didn't. It gave me a glimmer of understanding, "pure awareness." "It is self-purified. Therefore, the
second experience is that the more energy is insufficient, the worse the mood, the more you have to
watch your mind during carnivals, and your awareness will not decline because of this, because
"awareness" is self-purified. . 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback of "Beauty Side Face". Good Side Face is a very savvy
brother. He has written an "Question and Answer Record of How to Observe the Mind". He has a
lot of experience in the practice of mindfulness. The various situations of "decreased awareness" he
was talking about were mentioned by a senior brother before, and the time for the two of them to
raise this question was very recent. To reboot successfully, on the one hand, you must raise your
comprehensive consciousness through study, and on the other hand, you must implement the
practice of mindfulness. The most important point of practice of mindfulness is to keep mindfulness
and awareness of inner thoughts. "Yun: "Those who can observe the heart, Exactly free. "Visiting
the mind is to contemplate the heart, to be aware of the heart, through constant practice of the mind,
awareness can be increased. The growth of awareness is like the growth of muscles, which I call
"awareness muscles." When you practice barbell curls or With dumbbell curls, your biceps will
gradually become stronger and developed. When you practice squats, your quadriceps will
gradually become stronger and developed. In the same way, when you direct your attention to the
inner again and again , Keep a close eye on your own thoughts. Gradually, you will find that your
awareness is constantly increasing. Then it will be easy to subdue your heart demon, and there will
be no feeling of struggle. It is completely an overwhelming victory. During the day, sometimes your
awareness will drop, especially when you are tired. At this time, you may forget to watch your
mind, but as long as you develop the habit of continuously watching your mind, you will be able to
overcome it slowly, just like when an antelope is resting. It is still very alert, it has been listening to
the surrounding movement. Keep your mind, as if your computer has been running anti-virus
software. From the moment it is turned on, it is not turned off for a moment. It is always in a
defensive state. It is intercepted and killed, and the virus attack is immediately invalidated.
Antivirus software generally has a virus database, which is actually a database that records various
"features" of computer viruses in order to find and kill them in time. We We must also establish our
own "evil thought virus database". Strictly speaking, any thought that can lead to relapse can be
called evil thought, and we must learn to recognize it. Recognition is a key link. Many people
cannot recognize evil thoughts, but follow The evil thought runs, and the result is relapsed. The evil
thought is like a malicious program. It must be identified and killed in time, otherwise it will be
forcibly installed and then started to perform masturbation. The heart demon is like a hacker and
always wants to invade you Your brain is trying to seize control of your body. Once you are
attacked by the heart demon, your body will be in a state of fall. You can’t help yourself. The
beautiful profile mentioned "watching the heart ruthlessly". We have to be conscious every day
Strengthen one's mindfulness, just like strengthening a muscle, and you are very developed. This
powerful "sensing muscle" can make the heart demon tremble completely! The more you are in bad
mood and the more tired you are, the more you need to watch. The mind, through observing the
mind, firmly control your inner heart, and don’t let the demons succeed. Our essence is "pure
awareness." Pure awareness is a state of mindlessness. It is inherently pure, but it has awareness.
Quality, what we have to do is to strengthen our awareness! Hercules can deadlift 500 kg, and their
power is gradually developed. Through continuous observation, our awareness will gradually
become stronger, and then it will be no problem to subdue the demon! Trembling at the bottom! The
more you are in bad mood and the more tired you feel, the more you have to watch your mind, and
use it to firmly control your inner heart, and don't let the demons succeed. Our essence is "pure
awareness." Pure awareness is a state of no-mind. It is self-purified, but it has the quality of
awareness. What we have to do is to strengthen our awareness! Hercules can deadlift 500
kilograms, and their strength is gradually developed. Through constant observation of the mind, our
awareness will gradually become stronger, and then it will be no problem to subdue the demon!
Trembling at the bottom! The more you are in bad mood and the more tired you feel, the more you
have to watch your mind, and use it to firmly control your inner heart, and don't let the demons
succeed. Our essence is "pure awareness." Pure awareness is a state of no-mind. It is self-purified,
but it has the quality of awareness. What we have to do is to strengthen our awareness! Hercules
can deadlift 500 kilograms, and their strength is gradually developed. Through constant observation
of the mind, our awareness will gradually become stronger, and then it will be no problem to subdue
the demon!

Step into the text below

This season is about improving the actual conversion rate of rebooting articles. I pay great attention
to the actual combat of thoughts. Brothers who have read my rebooting articles should know this.
Maybe you have read a lot of rebooting articles, maybe you talk about the principles of rebooting,
and you may be able to write a lot of rebooting articles, but if you are weak in your thoughts in
actual combat, you will still relapse. Before, a brother wrote more than a dozen articles on
rebooting. Many people still followed him and thought that he spoke well. But then he became
proud and complacent and his position was not firm. In the end he started to relapse wildly and even
bought evil. The toy disappeared from the reboot bar . If you want to succeed in rebooting, you
must continue to learn rebooting articles to increase your awareness. Whether you are following the
professional rebooting route or the religious rebooting route, you need to continuously improve
your consciousness through learning. My article mainly focuses on professional rebooting. The path
of sexuality studies the principles and laws of rebooting. In fact, it is common at the highest level,
whether it is a profession or a belief. That is to learn to control your own thoughts. Foreign
rebooting articles also talk about "Rule your mind or it will rule you.” (Control your thoughts or
you will be controlled by it) The core point of our rebooting is to learn to control our own thoughts.
This is the most important thing. Rebooting is to be the master of thoughts and not be controlled by
it. Possession and slavery with evil thoughts will cause you to break the vows involuntarily. Maybe
you want to reboot, or even take a poisonous oath or even self-inflict your determination, but when
the evil thoughts strike your brain, you can’t stop them immediately, which will lead to being
possessed. The body is involuntary.

When we study rebooting articles, we must apply the principles and knowledge we have learned to
actual combat. We can't talk about soldiers on paper. The ultimate goal of studying rebooting
articles is to improve performance in actual combat. Theories must be combined with actual
combat. I saw a post a few days ago. The brother had been abstaining for more than a year, and his
mind suddenly jumped out of the theory that asceticism is harmful. This is obviously the heart
demon encouraging him, but he doesn’t know that there is obviously a flaw in his consciousness,
which is harmful to abstinence. The chakra is unclear, and if he is not firm, he will probably break
the precept. Fortunately, he posted a question in time, and other brothers have already given the
correct answer. After more than a year of abstinence, he has been fine, but the inner demon knows
that he is not clear about the harmfulness of abstinence, so the inner demon will encourage him with
the harmfulness of abstinence. , The brother didn’t know that it was the heart demon who was
instigating him. This was because the recognition of thoughts was still insufficient, and the "evil
thought virus library" was not perfect enough to immediately recognize the heart demon's
instigation. Regarding the harmful theory of abstinence, I have also specifically solved it before.
Newcomers often don’t understand clearly, and many old brothers also don’t understand this issue.
This paves the way for the subsequent relapse. The heart demon knows the flaws in your
consciousness. Will encourage you from the defect.

Several common views of abstinence are harmful, such as abstinence can lead to impotence,
abstinence can lead to poor sperm quality, abstinence can lead to sexual depression, abstinence can
lead to prostatitis, etc. If you are an ignorant person, once you hear this statement , You will feel
very right, in fact, these views are seriously wrong. At the beginning of rebooting, there will be a
dormant period of desire for about a month. At this time, there is less or no erection. Then the
ignorant brickman says that abstinence will lead to impotence. In fact, as long as you continue to
reboot, your sexual function will slowly return to normal. Many brothers originally suffered from
impotence and premature ejaculation. After quitting for half a year or more, their sexual function
has been greatly improved. If abstinence leads to impotence, the more you quit, the more impotence
is, but the fact is completely opposite. Abstinence nourishes kidney qi , Coupled with active
exercise, the sexual function will naturally improve at that time. It is even more nonsense that
abstinence can lead to poor sperm quality. Everyone knows that masturbation can lead to slow
anterior and spermatic cord. These two diseases can lead to poor sperm quality, such as weak sperm,
azoospermia, and teratogenic sperm. , And if you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, the
quality of sperm will gradually improve. The brick family thinks that abstinence means not venting
the sperm, and then the sperm will not come out and all die in it. Actually, it is not! When we quit to
a certain level, the body will naturally recover spermatorrhea, and the body will automatically
maintain a balanced state. Furthermore, the latest scientific research has proven that semen can be
re-absorbed and internalized by the body, even if you do not have spermatorrhea, a little Nothing!

Regarding abstinence can lead to sexual depression, it depends on the specific circumstances. If you
don’t know how to cultivate your mind, it’s possible. Abstinence without knowing how to cultivate
your mind is indeed harmful, because obscenity is secret, and obsessiveness can lead to body and
mind. Disorders can also cause prostatitis. If you know how to cultivate your mind, there won’t be
any problems. Many monks have abstained from sex for decades, without any problems, and they
look so peaceful, so there is an aura, and many eminent monks have lived over 100 years old! Could
it be that abstinence is harmful? In 1953, Master Xuyun was 114 years old and presided over a puja
in Shanghai. The layman Zhao Puchu feared that Master Xuyun would be too fatigued to cause
illness. He specially asked a famous Shanghai doctor for his diagnosis. The diagnosis result was
unexpected. The doctor said that he had never diagnosed such a pulse. Master Xuyun was not only
disease-free, and his pulse was pure Yang pulse. The teeth that had been lost recently were
resurrected. He showed good physical fitness and showed signs of rejuvenation. Master Xuyun
lived 120 years old. , Is the master of Zen in modern times. As long as you know how to cultivate
your mind, abstinence is harmless, but there are too many benefits. Foreign brothers have
summarized hundreds of rebooting benefits. As long as you keep on quitting, you will experience
the benefits of rebooting, such as mental recovery. , Energetic, symptom relief, interpersonal
relationship improvement, etc. When newcomers come to reboot , they must first learn more from
the experience of their predecessors and correct their misunderstandings as soon as possible. They
must recognize harmlessness, moderate harmlessness, asceticism harmfulness, masturbation
beneficial theory, etc. All these misunderstandings must be recognized. If you don’t know it clearly,
on the one hand, you will not be able to quit firmly, and on the other hand, if you quit to a certain
level, the heart demon will use these misunderstandings to encourage you to break the precept!
We don’t know when evil thoughts will come. For example, when walking on the road, evil
thoughts come; in the classroom, evil thoughts come up; when you can’t sleep, evil thoughts
become active; when eating, a scene of evil thoughts is in your mind. It emerged; when surfing the
Internet, when I saw the side-by-side pictures or the news, I started to have evil thoughts; when I
woke up in the morning, I felt bored and the evil thoughts began to attack; I sat down to rest and the
evil thoughts suddenly intruded; lying on the bed, memories of indulgence began to appear; taking a
bath At that time, evil thoughts came out; after nocturnal emission, evil thoughts became active.
This is especially true when you are alone. When you are alone on the weekend, the heart demon
will invade. The manifestation of the heart demon is evil thoughts attacking the brain. The
manifestations of evil thoughts include images, and images, images, and scenes are extremely
tempting. I saw yesterday. An image may appear in my mind again today. This is almost a regular
pattern. There is also an image or video that has a deep impression in the past. Sometimes it will
emerge by itself. If it is not cut off in time, it will be like a small The movie plays in your mind as
well. We have been repeating the same procedure all the time. This procedure is: start evil thoughts-
follow-watch pornography-chucking control. Quit 撸 is to modify the established procedure to
become: starting evil thoughts-get rid of it immediately, so that you won't watch the stubborn
thoughts. The key to rebooting is to cut off the thoughts when they just start. This is the most
important point. Don't be afraid of starting your thoughts, but you are afraid of waking up late. If
you are late, the demons will be much stronger, and eventually they will lose control more and
more. We don't know when evil thoughts will invade. We only have to keep mindfulness and
vigilance all the time, just like turning on anti-virus software from time to time. When evil thoughts
come, they will be killed immediately. Must have a strong recognition ability and a strong killing
ability, so that there will be no relapse. The true rebooting masters killed the evil thoughts in a calm
manner. On the surface, it seemed that nothing had happened. They were still so self-assured. Many
people seemed calm on the surface, but their hearts had been upset by the evil thoughts, and they
returned home. I started to look for Huang Lu in charge, completely in a state of being possessed.

Case 1: After more than 100 days of abstinence, I always understand the importance of persisting in
learning and being vigilant, and I have never dared to be careless. But there are so many things I
have experienced recently, and I forgot to study! Last night, the ghosts and gods went to watch the
side-scrolling news first, and then I couldn’t control it and went straight to the porn, and then it
broke. I slept twice again, and my confidence was hit hard! When the precept is relapsed, it is like a
beast, and the mentality of normal people is gone.
Analysis: This brother had done a good ban before. He quit very carefully, very carefully, and didn't
dare to be careless. But when life got busy, he forgot to study, and then his vigilance fell. When he
wanted to see Huang, he didn't cut off. As a result, he was possessed, and he couldn't control it at
all. When you want to watch the side-by-side news, when such thoughts or subtle feelings appear,
you should immediately get rid of them, otherwise you will be possessed. We must persist in
studying rebooting articles and repeatedly strengthen the awareness of actual combat so that we can
remain invincible in the actual rebooting combat. The actual combat of rebooting is to have two
aspects, one outside and one inside, when facing the realm and when the evil thoughts arise. When
facing the realm, you have to stay as a mountain and cut off the buds when you have evil thoughts!
The reason for persisting in studying rebooting articles is, on the one hand, to continuously improve
awareness, and on the other hand, to keep oneself in a good rebooting state, just like athletes need
continuous training, otherwise the state will decline. There are a lot of content in rebooting articles
that explain and guide the actual combat. Reading it every day is very helpful to improve your
actual combat performance. You should not leave rebooting articles before your consciousness is
truly perfected. Even if your life is very busy, you must take a certain amount of time to study
rebooting articles. You must manage your time well, even if you don’t read rebooting articles.
Review the rebooting notes more often. No matter how busy you are, there will always be ten
minutes. Studying rebooting essays should be like brushing your teeth without interruption.

[Enter Reinforced Deep Learning]

Many brothers have this experience, that is, they just read the reboot article in the morning, and then
encountered the situation mentioned in the reboot article in the afternoon. At this time, he
remembered the practical explanation in the morning, thus avoiding the occurrence of relapse. .
Therefore, to increase the actual conversion rate of rebooting articles, the first thing is to insist on
studying rebooting articles every day, and not have the same idea. Although the core emphasized by
the predecessors has not changed, the content, angle and details will be expanded and
supplemented. Therefore, every rebooting article has its own uniqueness. If you study hard, you will
have new knowledge and experience. If you read it well, you will naturally come to an epiphany.
You must have a mentality that you will never get tired of reading it 100 times. People, it is easy to
absorb the essence of the predecessors. Many people also study rebooting articles, but after a brief
taste, they can only absorb the skin at most. The core content is not mastered. The content taught by
the teacher is the same. The key is the student's own absorption rate, and the absorption rate is not
only derived from understanding but also It comes from repeated learning, so that the actual
conversion rate of rebooting articles can be substantially improved. Applying what you have learned
is very important. What you learned yesterday can be used in actual combat today. Theory and
actual combat must be closely integrated. Click”, this is the actual combat guidance given by the
predecessors. You can read this sentence hundreds of times to truly internalize your own combat
awareness and combat habits, so that you can make the correct response in actual combat.
Therefore, intensive deep learning is very important. After reading it once and reading it 10 times,
the insights you get will be very different. After reading it 10 times and 20 times, there will be a big
difference. A good reboot article can be obtained every time you read it. The key to new insights is
to set your mindset and study tirelessly. After you really look into it, you will find that you have
missed a lot of important content before. Then you can integrate these important content together to
form a deeper and more comprehensive A stronger and more complete comprehension.

I've seen many people say this after breaking the precepts: "I understand the truth, why do you
break the precepts?" or "You know the harm, why do you break the precepts?" Understanding the
truth is also divided into levels. There are false understandings and pretending to understand. Many
people only stay at the level of faint understanding and non-understanding, real understanding,
simple understanding, and deep understanding. Many people just stay at the level of similitude and
non-understanding, or understand a little bit. In actual combat, it is the same as in the past. Theory
and actual combat are out of touch. For example, if you read dozens of rebooting articles, you seem
to understand, but you still follow evil thoughts when you think about it in actual combat, and you
can't do it when you think about it, so it's zero. Check everything in actual combat! As in the past,
you have not improved in actual combat. If you understand this way, then even if you read a
thousand articles on rebooting, you will still be unable to subdue your demons. You must really
understand and understand deeply. Only a simple understanding is not enough. After you
understand, you must use your thoughts in actual combat. You must also be diligent in practicing
mindfulness, so that you can become stronger and stronger in actual combat! Until the end,
surrendering the heart demon became a very easy thing. For most people, the heart demon is
extremely powerful, because the heart demon is an old monster who has practiced for too long and
too long, and has the terrifying power of the BOSS level. You must understand the mind demon
deeply by studying rebooting articles, and truly understand the attacking methods and tricks of the
mind demon. You must know yourself and the enemy. When you think about it, you will know what
is going on. You must be clear in your heart, and it is extremely invading evil thoughts. sensitive.
You can immediately recognize every thought that can lead to relapse, just like a pair of golden eyes
that can see through every thought that appears. When certain kinds of thoughts appear, you will be
very alert, because based on your awareness and experience, you know that the person coming is
not good, and your alertness will be very high. Master rebooters know how to make evil thoughts
disappear, and they are well versed in how to deal with evil thoughts, so they are not afraid of evil
thoughts appearing. They can recognize evil thoughts and make them disappear immediately. This
is the skill of abstinence, which is simple and profound. To achieve this, a high level of
comprehensive enlightenment is needed as support, and then one must diligently practice insight-
mind-mindfulness. The more you practice, the greater your confidence in defeating the demons.

Some newcomers have been looking forward to a certain magic trick. It seems that after getting this
trick, he can fly from a 0-level rookie to a full-level God of War. This is unrealistic. Even if you
play a game, you can get to the first level. , Even if you get a certain trick, it still needs a process of
practice. In fact, the most magical trick is two words, one "learning" and the other "practice". Learn
every day, practice every day, learn the theory of rebooting, and practice mindfulness. The deeper
the theoretical experience, it will be of great help to practice absenteeism. The more you practice,
the stronger and the more refined you practice. At that time, you will develop a special sensitivity to
thoughts. In the state of "falling", any thought that arises, you can immediately discover it, and you
have a strong judgment. If it is an evil thought, it will be killed immediately, and you will never
follow it. Many newcomers are weak because they are weak in judgment and slow in breaking the
mind. Because their consciousness is too low, they don't have the ability to recognize evil thoughts,
and they think it is their own thoughts, so they run with the evil thoughts, and finally relapse. The
judgment must be strong, and the cessation must be fast, so that the inner demon will not succeed.

Some brothers have asked whether ordinary thoughts can be practiced as duaning. My answer is
that it is completely possible. For newcomers, you should learn the mantra of duaning YY at first,
and carefully understand the meaning of the formula, and then you can also use duan YY. Mantra to
get rid of ordinary delusions. The initial stage is to memorize the formula. When you have practiced
self-cultivation for a long time and become extremely self-sufficient, you only need to follow the
eight words after the formula to implement it, that is, "when you think, you will feel nothing." To
memorize, just keep awareness. Awareness is not thinking. Awareness is a kind of "seeing", it is a
kind of observation and observation. Awareness itself has the ability to eliminate thoughts. The so-
called awareness means elimination, and awareness means surrender. As awareness continues to
increase, it becomes easier and easier to eliminate thoughts. In the initial stage, the newcomer
should memorize the YY formula well, and then slowly transition to just remain aware. There is
such a gradual practice process. If the newcomer is directly aware, it is more difficult for many
people to recite Mantras can make them familiar with the meaning of mantras, and they will be able
to follow the meaning of mantras gradually, and they will naturally become more and more
proficient at the time.
Case 2. The last time I broke the ring was because of the heart demon. I couldn't restrain it and
broke the ring. Later, I regretted it, and after breaking the ring once, it would be easy for the heart
demon to defeat you again. So next time in this situation, I must fight the heart demon. I must resist.
The reason that resists me will be stronger, and the heart demon will be weaker. If countless PKs
can defeat the heart every time Devil, then reboot is successful. Confronting the heart demon, if you
fail, you will break the ring, you will be very hopeless, you will collapse, your physical condition
will go back to the past, and it is very likely that you will break the ring continuously. If he
succeeds, his ability to restrain his inner demons will rise to a higher level, his original rebooting
achievements will be preserved, and he will become more and more confident. If you can always
remain vigilant, rebooting success will not be far away.

Analysis: This brother summed it up very well. Our reboot is based on actual combat, confronting
the inner demons again and again, and defeating the inner demons again and again. Maybe you will
fail many times at the beginning, but as long as you don't give up, continue to strengthen your study
to reinforce your consciousness, and insist on practicing abstinence, so you can quit the better. The
reason why the heart demon is so strong is that you are too weak and small. When you are truly
strong, you will feel that you can completely defeat the heart demon, and then you will have a kind
of confidence in winning. It is necessary to learn rebooting theory, but the more important thing is
to think about actual combat. We must pay attention to actual combat, strengthen actual combat, and
strive to improve one's actual combat level. If you learn the rich five cars, you will collapse when
you encounter the demons of the heart. It is still a rubbish. Rehabilitation cannot be talked about on
paper. Rehabilitation cannot be separated from actual combat. I found that many brothers like to
engage in theory. Theory is needed, but theory ultimately serves actual combat. Still actual combat!
You can understand a lot in theory, but the last thing is when evil thoughts invade, what do you do?
Can you destroy it immediately? If you can't do it, then you can't do it in actual combat, and you are
destined to break the precept! Once broken by the heart demon, it is easy to be continuously
defeated by the heart demon in a short period of time, resulting in continuous relapses. This is very
common, and some people will even break a dozen times in a row, leaving themselves half dead.
Four words are used in the "Diamond Sutra", that is, "subduing the heart". We must subdue our own
demon, otherwise we will be possessed by the demon, controlled by the demon, and enslaved by the
demon. When the heart demon is on the top, it is the time of rebooting in actual combat. It depends
on your actual combat performance. You must repel the attack of the heart demon to prevent
yourself from being breached! In the 2014 XP Challenge, hackers breached Tencent in 1 minute,
and were breached 8 times in 10 minutes. The heart demon is like a hacker, always trying to break
through you and then hijack your body. We must be impeccable, we must guard strictly, so as not to
be broken by the demons! ! !

【Pertinent learning and improvement】

Perfecting the loopholes of consciousness is something that every brother has to do. Therefore, it is
very important to continue to study rebooting articles. Sometimes you can study it one by one,
sometimes you can review your notes, and sometimes you can use the search function to target it.
For learning, both TXT and WORD have search functions, and you can learn related content by
entering keywords. For example, if you want to learn the theoretical knowledge of renunciation,
you can just input the content of renunciation in " Quit as a Good Medicine " Read them all
together, so that you can get a more complete and systematic learning experience, which is very
helpful for improving my awareness. I usually use the search function. A brother mentioned
"Menglu "Question, but I don't know in which season, you can use the search function to search at
this time, which is very convenient. While learning theoretical knowledge, you must have a strong
sense of actual combat, that is, knowing that everything you learn is to strengthen your actual
combat ability. This awareness must be present. You should have such a question in your mind, that
is, " How can you eliminate the idea when it invades?" You have to ask yourself this question
repeatedly, so that your study is more purposeful and pertinent in actual combat. On the one hand,
learning theoretical knowledge is to perfect the loopholes of consciousness and make yourself
invulnerable. On the other hand, it is to promote the improvement of the level of mindfulness,
which requires practice, but it also requires theoretical guidance and explanation, so that you can
have a deeper understanding and Recognition, then the grasp of actual combat will be more precise
and in place.

From the perspective of actual combat, you will get first-hand actual combat experience. There are
two possibilities for actual combat results, failure or success. Don’t be discouraged if you fail
temporarily. Summarize experience and lessons, continue to strengthen learning, and often look at it
after failure. The articles of the predecessors will have more direct feelings and comprehensions,
and will have a feeling of enlightenment and suddenness. Talking about theory cannot solve
practical problems. It is impossible to only talk about actual combat and ignore theoretical
knowledge. Theory and actual combat should promote each other. Based on your own actual
combat experience, you will gain some experience yourself. In turn, the summary of actual combat
experience can promote the improvement of the actual combat level. It is very important to absorb
the experience of the predecessors, so that you can avoid many detours and wrong paths. Can give
you the most direct practical guidance and explanation, and can also point out your problem. The
precious experience summed up by the seniors after thousands of actual battles has very important
practical guidance value. To enter an extremely stable level of rebooting, one must understand
deeper, broader, more detailed and more. This kind of understanding is an understanding after
repeated actual combat and in-depth study and research. At the beginning of reading articles on
rebooting, perhaps you can only Absorb a small part, and then experience the idea for yourself.
After the actual combat, you will learn more in the reverse direction. You will understand more
parts. Then continue the actual combat and continue to learn. In the end, you will be able to fully
understand the essence of the predecessors, and then the actual combat level will be There will be a
qualitative leap, and it will be extremely difficult for the inner demon to break you.

Case 3. I have been abstaining for 110 days, and it broke today. I am an ordinary graduate student of
a certain university of science and technology. I accidentally saw the term " reboot" in a post in the
running bar at the end of this summer vacation. Yes, when I went in, I just clicked and opened a few
posts are "history of blood and tears." Looking back on my previous experience, I felt all shots. I
believe many friends have the same feelings as I did. At that moment, my determination was
Unprecedented, in this way, under a strong, heart-driven self-control every day, I started my reboot
journey. At that time, I would post it when I had nothing to do or when I was eating alone. Looking
at other people’s experiences, my life status has also changed a lot: running, fitness, kidney
protection, and early bedtime. I really feel that I have become more sunny. The relapse of the ring
this time has some omens, and suddenly panic is inexplicable: tomorrow I have to hand in a project
homework, but it is not completed, and I habitually procrastinate, this kind of mentality that the
more the catastrophe is imminent, the more resistance, plus I have been staying at home for the past
two days and so on, and finally reached this agreement with myself: slap once! After I reached this
agreement by default in my heart, my whole person lost control. All the forgotten ways to find
resources surfaced in front of me. Afterwards, the feeling of emptiness in my heart came back. At
this time, the state of people is that kind of feeling. There is no hope in life, and the feeling of being
a useless person. This feeling is both familiar and unfamiliar, because it has not happened for a long
time, but I personally invited it back! After almost ten minutes of wandering, another wave of desire
hit, and I couldn't hold it at all. The demons completely controlled my thoughts. It was the second
time I broke the ring after I got over. It was two times in ten minutes, which fully confirmed: Once I
broke the ring, it is likely to be repeated repeatedly. I have experienced it myself.

Analysis: At the beginning of rebooting, the initial intention is often sharp. At this time, the
rebooting state is often the best. It is not easy to reboot for 110 days. The journey of rebooting has
indeed made this brother more sunny. He has already experienced the benefits of rebooting, but his
consciousness is not perfect enough. When facing academic pressure, he cannot adjust his mentality
well. As a result, he relapses. This is a stress relapse. In the type of relapse, I specialize. Sum up. No
matter what happens in life, we shouldn't break the precepts. One stroke will not make you
complete your homework quickly, but it will take up a lot of time and energy. In the end, he did not
reach an agreement with himself, but reached an agreement with the inner demon, because that kind
of thought obviously came from the instigation of the inner demon, and since he could not
recognize it immediately, he agreed with that idea, which would lead to relapse. After reaching an
agreement with the inner demon, the whole person lost control, because he could not help himself
and became the puppet of the inner demon. Let me restore the mental process of this brother before
breaking the ring: Because I have to hand in a project tomorrow, I have not completed and have the
habit of delaying, and I am worried that I will not be able to complete it. I feel a lot of pressure.
Such a sentence: slap it once! just one time! The brother did not realize that this was the instigation
of the inner demon, so he obeyed. When a person is stressed and alone, there will be a voice in your
heart, that is, the voice from the inner demon. The inner demon knows that you are under pressure
and knows that it is easy to break you now, so the inner demon invades Up. If you don't have
complete awareness and sufficient vigilance, you will not be able to recognize the instigation of the
inner demon. You think it is your own thoughts, but in fact it is not. The demon sent a message to
your brain that you mistakenly thought it was your own thoughts. After breaking the vows, we must
seriously reflect and sum up. Where is the problem? You must study rebooting articles to improve
your consciousness. In fact, the older generations’ rebooting articles have mentioned it. If you read
it after you break the reboot, you will feel that you suddenly realize that the demons acted on
yourself in this way. So stupid? ! In fact, when the instigated idea comes together, you can see
through it immediately, and it will be fine if you cut it off. It's that simple! Reaching the so-called
agreement with the inner demon is actually a deception, because breaking the ring will be out of
control. The inner demon controls you, do you still have autonomy? If you don't completely hollow
you out, will the heart demon let you go? Once it falls into the hands of the inner demon, it will be
at its mercy, completely involuntarily. Although this brother has relapsed, he can reach 110 days for
the first time, which is already very good. As long as he summarizes the experience and lessons,
strengthens his study and strengthens his consciousness, I believe he will do better next time.

Targeted learning can directly increase the actual conversion rate of rebooting articles. You can
learn which part of the content is weak to strengthen your awareness and deepen your
understanding. Many brothers lack pertinence in their studies, and they don’t know how to
summarize and summarize. I remember that in the first three months of rebooting, although the time
is not long, I have already understood the content of the actual combat of ideas. With continuous
learning and in-depth research, this understanding has become deeper and deeper, and everything is
It is about the actual combat of ideas. I realized the importance of actual thought combat early on.
Dade would not use the four words "thought actual combat". The word used by Dade is "cultivation
of mind". Cultivation of mind means cultivating thoughts, that is, thought processing and control. .
Some brothers would ask me what reboot articles I read at that time to get this understanding. In
fact, my main understanding at that time came from the enlightenment of the great virtues, from the
education of sages, and probably in the first reboot. More than a year ago, I met the teachings of the
old vowel. This is a big event in my life. The old vowel is the true master of Buddhism. Buddhism
is the study of the mind, which is the knowledge of subduing the heart demon and knowing the true
heart. I have obtained a lot of benefits from the old vowels, and I have a more systematic, complete
and deeper understanding of the cultivation of the heart. I respect the old vowels as the fundamental
guru. Although I have never met, I feel more cordial, guru. His voice and smile often surfaced in my
mind, and it moved me immensely. The old man with vowel is the Maitreya Bodhisattva in my
heart. He stood and died on Maitreya Christmas (the first day of the first lunar month in 2000),
coming and going freely, living and dying at ease. Almost all seniors in rebooting are learning about
sage education. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism belong to traditional culture, and belong to
sage education. As descendants of Yan and Huang, they should study sage education, and they can
really develop wisdom. The formula for breaking YY that I summarized is actually the formula for
cultivating the heart. The source is Goode's teachings. I just put these 16 words together so that
everyone can remember and understand. My main research is professional rebooting, and sage
education is also mentioned in my article. The two are exactly the same at the highest level of mind-
cultivation. Relatively speaking, sage education is more profound and wise, while professional
rebooting The coverage is wider, so I mainly take the route of professional rebooting.

[Reboot fighters entering the combat brain map]

From the first day of rebooting, you have entered the combat map. This map is in your mind. More
precisely, it is a combat brain map! Once you start rebooting, you are in a state of participating in
the war. This is a battle against the enslavement of the heart demon. Your enemy is the heart demon,
and the behavior of the heart demon is evil thoughts. Master Yinguang said: "If the delusion is
together, we must teach it to eliminate it now." You must eliminate the evil thoughts that emerge.
You must have a strong awareness of actual combat. You must not stay at the level of theory. The
theory must be closely related to actual combat and start from actual combat. Learn theory from an
angle, instead of separating theory from actual combat. Seeing the inner demon tearing through
your defenses time and time again, causing serious damage to you time and time again, and acting
recklessly on your turf time and time again, are you indifferent? Just as the enemy has invaded your
city and burned, killed, and looted your city, you have become the target of the devil's slaughter!
The real bloody man absolutely does not allow this to happen, and must strengthen his actual
combat! The purpose of learning theory is to improve performance in actual combat. Many people
do not have this understanding. They bury their heads in theoretical knowledge, but ignore the
importance of actual combat. Some brothers say that you can’t go into it if you read articles about
rebooting. Look, it will be very different, because when you realize that everything is for actual
combat, every piece of knowledge learned at this time is very targeted and oriented, and everything
is directed at the idea of actual combat! The rebooting master has a very strong sense of actual
combat! ! ! All in order to improve actual combat performance!

When you enter the combat mind map, the only certainty is that evil thoughts will definitely come
up. This is 100%. After a period of rebooting, evil thoughts will invade. Sometimes they will appear
intensively within a day, and evil thoughts will attack vigorously. , Madly instigated, carry out the
most violent and cruel attack on you, only the predators with extremely rich combat experience can
repel the invasion of the inner demon again and again. Many times the battles that happen in your
mind are tough and bad fights, and you must have a steel-like stand and determination, dare to fight
hard fights, and be good at fighting bad fights. "We are all sharpshooters, every bullet destroys an
enemy." The most powerful aspect of rebooting masters is the gunshot headshot, which has a very
high headshot rate. The so-called headshot is the head of the mind-blowing demon! Just barely
showing half of his head, he was blown up, it was so powerful! Even if evil thoughts come up,
come 10, 10 kills in a row, 50 kills, 50 kills, 100 100s, 100 kills, and the ones that fall on the ground
are all blooming! A rebooting master is a strong point, a strong point that is difficult for the demons
to break through! All theoretical study is to make you perform better in actual combat! More
powerful! The heart demon can easily take down ordinary brothers, but cannot take down masters
of rebooting. Why? The actual combat of rebooting masters is too strong! They are familiar with the
mind demon's offensive tactics, and their mindfulness has been practiced to a very high level, and
mindfulness is like marksmanship, you have to practice until you have a spear and a headshot! You
must become highly specialized and become an expert in this area!

The pleasure of arrogance is far inferior to the pleasure of killing the mind demon. The pleasure of
killing the mind demon is called the real pleasure! When alone, the heart demon tends to attack
frantically, you must kill all evil thoughts! As your killing power gets stronger and stronger, the
battle is resolved faster and faster, and the number of invasions by the heart demon will be greatly
reduced, but it is not always safe. You need to be vigilant to prevent the heart demon from
counterattack. One of the inner demon's tricks is that if it doesn't attack you in the short term, it will
stop attacking, waiting for you to relax your vigilance, and then it will be broken as soon as you
attack. Many people enter the stable period of rebooting, and they rarely show up for a few months,
so they think that they have successfully rebooted, and will never break the regimen again. When he
was paralyzed and self-righteous, the heart demon fired a cold shot.. .... With a loud cry, relapse
once again! Enslaved by the heart demon again! Involuntarily again! At this time, I found out that
the inner demon was too cunning. The inner demon is waiting for the moment you relax your
vigilance. When you relax your vigilance, the inner demon shows a grinning smile: "Boy, I finally
got my chance! Be my slave back!" I have seen many people who have been abstaining for more
than 100 days, even more than 200 days, more than 300 days, but once they are breached by the
demons again, their previous good state will be gone forever. It may take a long time to get back to
a good state, so no matter how long you quit, you can’t relax your vigilance, reboot the battlefield,
and the vigilant will survive! After 5 years of abstinence, we are still cautious, and after 10 years of
abstinence, we are still walking on thin ice!

With a strong sense of actual combat, the actual combat conversion rate of rebooting articles will
increase accordingly. Why is this happening? Because everything is directed towards actual combat,
not embroidered with fists, not talking about soldiers on paper, at the moment when evil thoughts
invade, everything is clear! Just like the student party learns theoretical knowledge in class every
day, and then when class is about to end, the teacher will assign homework and let you do the
questions. Doing the questions is actually actual combat. Use the learned theories in actual combat,
such as using the learned mathematical formulas. Practical problem solving. Don't be a giant of
theory, a dwarf of actual combat! To be a dual giant of theory and actual combat! Strong theory,
stronger actual combat! Only in this way can we be invincible! Exaggeration is not enough,
everything must be implemented in actual combat. To increase the actual conversion rate of
rebooting articles, it is necessary to increase the absorption rate of rebooting articles. The absorption
rate is low. What about the conversion rate? I have specifically talked about the issue of absorption
rate in my very early rebooting article, and it must be repeated. I study rebooting articles and review
rebooting notes. I still read the notes every day. Although some notes have been read hundreds of
times, I still don’t get tired of it, because my knowledge is that if you read it 100 times, you can get
100 times. , Seeing 200 times has 200 gains, seeing 1000 times has 1000 gains, quantitative changes
will produce qualitative changes, maybe you don’t feel it when you see 100 times, but suddenly
when you see 200 times, you suddenly get awake, and you haven’t realized it before The in-depth
truth of the truth will really be like a treasure at that time. Because of the special insights, they will
become stronger and more stable in terms of thinking and actual combat. It is not easy to reach a
very stable level, because there are many subtle details that need to be experienced and
comprehended by yourself. The more you go up, the more you need to have a deeper understanding
and understanding of subtle details.

There are many obstacles in the rebooting process. Only by perfecting one’s own knowledge can
they be overcome one by one. Some people will fail when they reach the tiredness of rebooting
period. They don’t know how to overcome the tiredness of rebooting. It’s also specifically
mentioned in the article that rebooting tiredness will definitely be encountered. If you learn to
overcome it, you will be better off. Otherwise, once you get tired, you will be exposed to the cold. If
you don’t read rebooting articles again, you will definitely fail. If you give up studying rebooting
articles before your enlightenment is truly perfected, that is tantamount to giving away your tongue!
Many senior brothers have been learning rebooting articles for more than 2 years. They have
developed the habit and regarded rebooting as a hobby, a life-long cultivation base. Every time they
go to the next level, they understand the truth very well. The difference is that you go deeper, layer
by layer, there are thousands of layers, and even endless. In the end, you will find that rebooting and
being a man are completely interlinked with the understanding of the truth of life in the universe,
and then you will enter a higher level. The level and higher realm, instead of just staying at a single
reboot level. The motivation of some brothers to reboot is to get rid of acne. When he quit for a few
months, the acne disappeared. At this time, he doesn’t know why he wants to reboot. At this time, it
is easy to relapse because the acne has already occurred. Disappeared, the motivation disappeared,
suddenly became very confused and at a loss. When rebooting, we must learn to cultivate lofty
motives, we must learn to give selflessly, and we must learn to be altruistic. Rebooting is not only to
restore our own physical and mental health, but also to help others selflessly. When you are out of
the trap, you have an obligation. To help those children who are still struggling in the pit, because
they are you in the past. To help others is to help yourself. When your motivation becomes noble,
your motivation is unlimited, and noble motivation can inspire unlimited power.

Final summary:

Master Zibo said: "Han Xinbai, who is not a general in the past and the present. However, he can
fight people. You cannot fight yourself. A fighter can change your ears. It is difficult to fight
yourself." You can command thousands of troops, and you can kill. There are countless enemies,
you can conquer the world, but if you can’t conquer your own demons, there is a shortcoming. In
the face of the external enemy, you are a general and invincible, but in the face of the internal
enemy, you are a complete coward! Conquering an external enemy is called a general, and
conquering his own demon is called a sage. The sage does not want to conquer the external enemy.
The only thing a sage wants to conquer is his own demon. If he conquers his own demon, he has
conquered everything! In the end it is not someone else who drags you into hell, or your own
demon. If you can't control it, it will lead you to destruction. It is easy to fight against others, but
difficult to fight yourself. It is indeed difficult to defeat your own demons. Many people don’t know
what demons are or how they attack. They are in a state of complete ignorance. Understand the
heart demon, and then resolutely defeat it when the heart demon invades! Don't let the demons
succeed! Once broken by the heart demon, you are not you, you are just a stubborn meat machine, a
puppet manipulated by the heart demon, a city that has completely fallen, burned and looted by the
heart demon!

Only by defeating the inner demons, can you be truly consistent and upright, and you can
accumulate strong positive energy the fastest. If you want to reboot successfully, you must persist in
studying rebooting articles, and you must have a strong awareness of actual combat. The theoretical
knowledge you have learned must serve actual combat, and everything you learn and practice for
actual combat is close to actual combat and strengthens actual combat! Being strong in actual
combat is the kingly way! To increase the actual combat conversion rate of rebooting articles, it is
necessary to have such a strong sense of actual combat. Every time, you have to check whether your
actual combat level has improved. If you still follow the evil thoughts as you did in the past and
don’t know if you don’t know how to get rid of it immediately, then you have not made progress.
Even if your theory is endless, it is useless. The key is to look at the actual combat all at once.
Actual combat is like slicing fruits with a sharp knife. Evil thoughts come up one by one and wipe
them out with the light of awareness! You must stay vigilant and vigilant, and watch your thoughts
from time to time, just like turning on anti-virus software. When evil thoughts appear, eliminate
them immediately! This is a life-and-death battle, blaze a trail of blood, fight like a man! ! !

Let me share three reboot poems

"Rebooting and removing rust"

Smashed until the bones creak

Like a rusty chain

I'm so slow in my brain

It feels like it's rusted off

The human body is like a machine

Nourishment of lost kidney essence

This machine will rust soon

You have to make the most of your determination to reboot

You can't just sit and watch yourself being ravaged by the demons

You have to stand up and fight against the invasion of the inner demon

I can't press on like this again

This decadent trash life should end

You must start a new journey

From a rusty stunner

Transform into a brave reboot warrior

Full of explosive energy

All righteous, impassioned

A kind of martyrdom

Remove the rust caused by adultery

Rejuvenate pure brilliance

The bones of the ring are the hardest

The spine of the ring is the straightest

Every bone is as hard as steel

You are a cube made of pure steel

You are the rebooting Iron Man

"From Madness to Ruthlessness"

The last shot, dizzy

The last stroke, I feel breathless

The feeling of dying finally appeared

That feeling makes people crazy

He quickly dialed 120 with a trembling hand

Never panic like this

Due to abnormal tension and fear

I haven't dialed the correct number several times

"Help me, I'm going to die, I'm going crazy"

Yelling incoherently into the phone

His mind can't be calm

His heart is completely out of control

There is a terrifying force

Is throwing him to death

I feel my heart is about to jump out

Difficulty breathing, blocked throat

A strong sense of fear spread all over the body

He has a sense of imminent disaster

From last night to today

He frantically finds Huang crazily fucks

Fell into the last madness

Retribution came so suddenly

This time he finally wakes up

Took out the last courage

Rather than be mad and self-destruct, it is better to give up rebirth

A year later he burst into a pure smile

This smile disappeared from his face for more than ten years

He was born again! Kneeling on the ground in tears

"Rebooting and Fighting with a Knife"

What kind of knife is the knife? Knife of Suspension!

Who is the person? People who reboot!

In this age of prostitution

Refuse to watch porn, refuse to control,

Refuse to go with the wrong people!

This is the integrity of a gentleman!

This is the steel skeleton of the hero!

This is the style of a hero!

Superb reboot knife

Don't argue with the demons at all

Just shoot and close

You can't see him get the knife

Because the speed is too fast

What you can see

It's just that the demons are down

Solve everything in the light and flint!

The knife is fierce! Knife fast!

The momentum of the knife! The power of the knife!

All this makes the heart demon scared

Showdown every time, win every time

The knife man is no longer excited, just expressionless

He is accustomed to victory

It’s like being used to breaking the vows in the past

The past self will be crushed when touched

It's not the opponent of the heart demon at all

And now it has become

Demon's Nemesis

Recommend a book below

"The Dharma Fragrant to the Earth": written by the lay man in the cattle. This is a book I am
reading recently. I have read more than half of it. It is indeed a very good magic weapon. I have
recommended the keniu layman before. It is a truly rare kind of good knowledge. This year, in
2016, the keniu layman should be 85 years old. It is very difficult for him to continue to promote
the Dharma and benefit his life at such an age. Although he has suffered Less slander, but still so
calm and kind. There are four lines of poems written by Yanniu Jushi that left a deep impression on
me, that is, "The heart is clear and the boundary is pure, and when you breathe in vain, you can see
the truth. The six dusts have no intentions, and no thoughts show the original heart." These four
lines of poems are in Directly at our heart! It is a very extraordinary four-line poem. I have seen a
lot of teachings of the great virtues, and the content of the teachings by the lieutenant monk is
completely consistent with other great virtues in essence. The cover of this book has dandelions,
which has a profound meaning. I read a few pages every day. Studying Buddhism is a great blessing
in life. Many high-level people in society are studying Buddhism. To study Buddhism, you must
believe in righteousness, not superstitious, and learn the profound principles in it. When I was a
teenager, I had some misunderstandings and prejudices about Buddhism, but I liked Jigong very
much since I was a kid, and found him to be laughing and joking very interesting. I remember that
when I was a child, the surface of a stationery box was printed with "Shoes and hats broken," The
cassock on my body was broken." Later, when I was approaching 30 years old, I gradually learned
about Buddhism in depth. Only then did I find Buddhism incredible. When it comes to the word
"religion", many people will misunderstand and think it is superstition. In fact, Buddhism is not
superstitious, but some people are engaged in superstitious activities, so it cannot be generalized.
Many scientists agree with Buddhism. A truly qualified scientist is absolutely rational and will not
blindly deny it based on prejudices. Some people like to oppose science and religion. In fact, this
idea is wrong. Science and religion can confirm each other. The future development trend is to
tolerate and confirm each other. Many quantum scientists look for inspiration in Buddhism. Master
Zibo said: "Dharma practitioners can learn from the heart." It is to teach you to dominate your own
heart. When it comes to the word "Xinxue", it is easier for everyone to accept. Buddhism is the
science of the heart. Many people will drive a car, let the car go forward and stop when the car
stops, but they cannot stop their own thoughts. There is no teacher in the school to teach us how to
control and control our own minds. This is the most important thing. Profound knowledge is so
important, and finally I found the answer in Buddhism. I will not force my family to learn
Buddhism. It depends on personal fate. When fate is mature, I will naturally be interested. To study
Buddhism, one must be rational, not superstition. There is a well-known rebooting senior who
followed the lieutenant man to learn Buddhism. I saw it on the birthday video of the lieutenant man.
It looked familiar, and I remembered it immediately. Here, his photos and deeds of rebooting have
been reposted everywhere on the Internet, and many seniors in rebooting have seen them. This book
"The Dharma Fragrance on the Earth" is very good. I hope that people who are predestined can read
it. Everyone has Buddha nature. If you know how to develop your own Buddha nature and
consciousness, then that is the happiest thing in life.
Season 112: Ten powers of Rebooting


Last season, a brother was troubled by a thought, that is, the thought of suspicion, suspicion of
rebooting, including suspicion of rebooting seniors. When he quit for a certain period of time, this
kind of suspicious thought came out of his mind inexplicably, which disturbed his heart. This is
actually an instigation of the inner demon, a very sinister and vicious instigation, which directly
shakes your rebooting stand and determination. If the roots of your faith are not good, it is easy to
shake. The heart demon will encourage you to doubt. Even if you have personally experienced the
many harms of masturbation, you have also personally experienced the various benefits after
rebooting. Even so, the heart demon will still encourage you to doubt rebooting, just like during a
war. "Divorce scheme" is a very thief, very vicious instigation. When it comes to cultivating the
Tao, it depends on a person's roots, on the one hand, depends on his comprehension, and on the
other hand, depends on his belief roots. The big roots correspond to the great roots of faith. The
scripture says: "Belief is the source of Taoism and virtue, and cultivates all the roots of goodness."
If the faith is strong, then many obstacles can be overcome in the process of practice. On the
contrary, if the roots of belief are shallow, it is easy to retreat. There have been such types before.
Brothers, just because their roots are not good enough and their stand is not firm enough, they
finally return to the vicious circle of breaking the ring. We must have steel-like determination,
confidence and stance in rebooting. We must not waver and die hard to the end. If you have this
kind of martyrdom, it means that you have succeeded more than half of the time. Faith is a kind of
power, and faith must be strong enough. We choose rebooting, not blindly superstition, but on the
basis of in-depth investigation and research, personal experience, and deep understanding of the
harm of adultery. After rebooting, I really experienced all kinds of good changes, which made my
determination and confidence in rebooting even stronger. This kind of faith is righteous faith and
wisdom faith. Rebooting is a wise move. The ancient sages warned us to reboot. The latest scientific
research abroad has also proved the many harms of pornography and masturbation. Choosing
rebooting is absolutely correct. Rebooting is not to make you a monk, but to learn to control your
desires. You must learn to see through the instigation of the heart demon, especially if you are
encouraged to doubt rebooting. This kind of suspicion must not be listened to. It must be cut off
immediately. You must be very firm. Only a true firm can persist until the end. , We must break the
precepts if they are shaken, and we must be firm precepts. The mind demon will do everything
possible to destroy you, all kinds of tricks, all kinds of routines, all you have to do is to learn to
recognize the mind demon's tricks, immediately cut off such thoughts, you must strengthen your
determination and stand, and don't be fooled.

Some newcomers will want to quit exercises through fitness. If they feel tired, they will not think
about it. This is true on the day of exercise, but when they are well rested, their desires will become
stronger, because strength training will Promote the secretion of male hormones, and then the evil
thoughts will be stronger. Even if you train yourself like a Transformer, you still can't resist the
crazy attack of the heart demon. The most important thing in rebooting is to cultivate the mind, not
the self-cultivation. Many people become more blind when they become stronger, thinking that they
will be okay if they are strong, so they madly control themselves, and finally make themselves
stronger and stronger, with dark diseases. As long as you press, your body will break down sooner
or later, sooner or later. I have seen many strong people. In the end, they are not as good as ordinary
people, including bodybuilding champions and strong men. Compare yourself to these
professionals. , Your strength can't compete with them, but their bodies are also collapsed, and the
indulgent lifestyle will penetrate the aircraft carrier. After rebooting, you should choose an exercise
intensity that suits your body. If your body is weak, you should take a walk. Do more exercises.
When your body recovers well, you can consider doing strength training to restore your sexual
function. It is very good, but after strength training, you must strengthen your mind. If your body
becomes strong, but you can't surrender the heart demon, the heart demon will use your strong body
to madly commit adultery, and when it collapses, it will be like an avalanche.

Share some cases below

1. [Men stood in their 30s, the age when I was supposed to show off my skills in my career, and
start a family, but I went to the hospital every three days, checked, took medicine, and treated
myself as a pot of medicine alive. If you ask me why, it is that the masturbation and indulgence of
the past fourteen years have destroyed me, and the only thing I have sacrificed happiness in
exchange is the pleasure of a few seconds every night. I’m thirty-one this year, I have no job, no
deposit (with an overdraft of 20,000 in my credit card), no marriage, and a sickness. All of this
started fourteen years ago and slowly eroded me bit by bit. , Turned me into a waste person without
energy, passion, motivation, and vision. I was only seventeen that year, and it was because the
injured friend misled me to learn to masturbate and gradually destroyed myself with one hand. At
the beginning, I used it very frequently, usually three or four times a day, or even five or six times a
day. After half a year, symptoms of kidney deficiency and sweating during sleep occurred in the
middle of the night. It seems that I have been pumping for more than a year, and once I have been
pumping too much, I suddenly have a headache, the kind of pain I can't tell, and I want to vomit. I
think that was the first time God warned me. But I recovered after a week with a good foundation,
and there have been no major problems. Later, when I joined the army, the recruit company suffered
from diarrhea before leaving the company. My stomach hurts and I have to go to the bathroom
before it’s turned on. I have been doing very well when I first arrived in the army. It’s because of
diarrhea every day and I can’t keep up with my physical fitness. , I can’t keep up with the training.
During my life in the army, I remember that my normal bowel movements were not more than one
week, and I had loose stools every day. During the period, I have been to the military health center
and have never been optimistic. I still masturbated during the military period. I contracted prostatitis
again this time. I spent a lot of money last year to treat this problem, and I was physically and
mentally disabled. 】

Supplementary comment: Standing at 30, but for adulterous people, it is difficult to stand at 30!
Even if it is erected, it is a tofu dregs project. If it is said that it is down, people stand up and stand
upright, and it is really difficult to stand up, and it is difficult to stand up and it is not stable, and it is
easy to collapse again. The lives of others are going well, and the family and business have a good
harvest. Many lovers hide in the dark corners, weeping and lamenting, regretting indulging
themselves because of ignorance, hollowing out themselves, and turning themselves into useless
people. This brother’s original foundation was still very good, but he was crazy about indulgence.
Although he didn’t get any serious illnesses, he was able to bear sweating, diarrhea and prostatitis.
If he develops further, he will probably get neurosis, or get neurosis. Other serious illnesses will be
even worse then. A life in the world, one must know how to regulate one’s own behaviors and what
behaviors cannot be done. One must be clear about indulgence. It is easy to indulge, but it is
difficult to learn well. It’s like riding a slide. The end of the slide is hell. It’s really easy to slide
down. Rebooting is like mountain climbing. You need to go up step by step. Every step requires a
certain amount of effort. It’s not that easy. . Jews must abide by the 613 precepts listed in the
Talmud. Among these precepts, there are 248 precepts and 365 prohibitions, covering all aspects of
daily life. When you go to work, you must abide by the rules and regulations of the unit. There is no
rule to make a square. The ruler, the round tool, the right tool, the square tool, to be a right tool,
there must be rules and restrictions. The ancients emphasized "do not exceed the rules", one Beyond
the rule, disaster will come. In terms of sex, you must strictly restrain yourself, and you must not
indulge yourself. There is nothing in the world like human desires. If you want to destroy a person,
you must satisfy his desire. Desire is a bottomless pit. If you want it, you want it. The more thirsty
we drink, we must know how to control our desires, and we must quit adultery. "Shangshu" says:
"The way of heaven is good, good, evil, and adultery." If you indulge in adultery, you are deviating
from the way of heaven, and you are ruining yourself. A person indulges his desires, no matter how
thick the body is, there will be a day of thinning, just like a very thick piece of soap becomes thin
without knowing it. It is an unknowingly process to control the waste. It is a kind of energy
consumption. When you suddenly wake up, there are already many problems in your body and
mind. When you want to quit masturbation, you find that the inner demon is so powerful that it has
become a difficult situation for you to ride a tiger. Wugengxie, also known as Jimingxie and Kidney
Xie. The etiology is caused by insufficient kidney yang, failure of life gate, and yin and coldness.
Chinese medicine believes that this disease is mainly caused by the deficiency of spleen and kidney
yang. Heroes can’t stand the three-pain, frequent diarrhea can cause weakness in the legs, walking
is like stepping on cotton, and the feet are empty. The legs trembled. When the "crackling" sounded,
you knew that the embarrassment was to be paid back. Many people have prostatitis, so they go to
the hospital to send money, ranging from a few thousand to as many as tens of thousands to
hundreds of thousands. They have not been optimistic for many years, because they are still
indulging in sexual desire. Those who can't really heal, often relapse again after the tube is taken,
and the recurrence rate is alarmingly high. It was supposed to show off in the career and make some
achievements, but because of this bad habit, he became a medicine jar and a diseased seedling.
Those few seconds of pleasure were too costly.
2. [Fifteen years of masturbation, people are about to run out of oil and their lamps are gone, is
there any help? I am 30 years old this year and have been masturbating for 15 years. Although I
have quit, my body has collapsed. I am cold all over, often nausea and nausea, dizziness, and
indescribable uncomfortable feelings. Now I am struggling to walk, and I can’t stand still. It’s really
almost exhausted and the lamp withered. I feel that I am about to die. I suffer and suffer every day.
The harmlessness of masturbation has killed me. Can I still be saved? Why hasn't I gotten better
after I quit for two months? The Yang Qi on his body is almost exhausted now, and his hands, feet
and ears are cold. 】

Additional comment: Essence is contained in the bone marrow, through the marrow sea at the top,
and the tail at the bottom, the treasure of the human body, so the water of the sky is inexhaustible,
the ears and eyes are smart, the limbs are strong, like the moisturizing thing of water, and all things
are all good, and If oil keeps a lamp, if the oil is not exhausted, the lamp will not go out. This
brother is 30 years old, 15 years old, and almost exhausted, he has been suffering from neurosis,
showing signs of mental decline, and he should actively seek medical treatment. It has been 15
years, and the symptoms have been very serious. It must take a process to recover. Two months is
too short, at least a year or more. It is not enough to just learn the way of health preservation and
strengthen the restoration of health. At the age of 5 years, many people feel okay, and the symptoms
are not particularly severe. When it reaches the age of 10, 15 or 20 years, all the evil results will
erupt in a concentrated manner, just like a volcanic eruption. I have seen a lot of cases. Those who
were abusive suddenly abolished after reaching a certain age. Before they thought they were okay,
in fact, the potential damage is accumulating. When the critical value is reached, they will suddenly
collapse. Come down. "Prescriptions for a Thousand Golds" says: "If you can't control it and
indulge in diarrhea, you will anoint the fire to extinguish, and remove the oil. You don't need to
defend yourself deeply. You don't know it when you are young, and you can't believe it when you
are young. I know." Sex is the first hurdle for teenagers. Not only teenagers, but also in the youth,
middle-aged, and old age, they must also know how to reboot and maintain their energy, and not to
indulge their desires. Essence is the oil of the lamp of life. When you consume precious energy
again and again, you are actually pushing yourself into the abyss of immortality. You still foolishly
think that you are getting better. In fact, you have suffered a great loss, which is simply a huge loss!
The brick family's statement is very nonsense, you know, when your symptoms break out, may I
ask, where is the brick family? When you pay medical bills at the window, where is the brick
house? When you lie down on the operating table, where is the brick house? When you are tortured
by pain, where is the brick house? When your life is turned into a pile of shit and you feel extremely
desperate, may I ask, where is the brick house? The bricks stand and talk without back pain. Their
fallacies will only make you addicted to the bad habit of masturbation. Use harmlessness to comfort
yourself and use harmlessness as an excuse for indulgence. This is completely deceiving yourself
and others. In the end, both body and mind are destroyed. Destroyed, reduced to a walking dead.

3. [After finally quitting for more than 130 days, I woke up this morning and suddenly wanted to
watch porn. I said to hold it back, but in the end I didn’t hold it back. I broke it twice in a row. Now
I really hate myself why. Didn't hold on to it. Starting today, we can't break it for 200 days. Come
on! 】

Additional commentary: "Family Treasure Raft" says: "A star of fire can start a prairie fire. Leaky
water can break the embankment. I think the same is true of lust. If you start thinking on the ground,
you have to cut it off on the spot. Don’t move around. Don't tolerate a single millisecond, otherwise
the demon will become deeper and stronger." The key to breaking thoughts is not to allow evil
thoughts to rise. Once they rise, they will be controlled by it. You must be fast, hard, not soft,
hesitate, and greedy. After quitting for a certain number of days, the heart demon will definitely
invade. This brother said, "Suddenly I really want to watch Huang". The subtle thought of watching
Huang started, so another voice in his heart said "Stop it", but in the end he couldn't hold it
back. ,broken! The battle with the inner demon is just a moment, to see if you can subdue the inner
demon or be captured by the inner demon. The idea of seeing Huang is that the demons are
invading. As soon as this idea appears in your mind, it will cause a high level of alertness and must
be stopped immediately. When the evil thought comes to mind, it cannot be cut off. In actual
combat, there are four situations. The first is that when you have an idea, you will immediately look
at pornography without any resistance. This is the most novice performance; the second
performance is that when the idea comes, you will resist, but you can’t stop. If you can’t cut it off, if
you struggle for a little bit and be taken down by the heart demon, you still break the precept; the
third type, sometimes it can cut off, sometimes it can’t. The four are true mind-abstracting masters.
They are completely overwhelming victories. There is no suspense about the victory or defeat. This
type of master is the real rebooting swordsman and possesses a superb level of mind-abstaining.
You can see that you are the type. Mind-cutting requires constant practice. Just like when you learn
to type at the beginning, you type very slowly and you have to look at the keyboard. You can’t let
your fingers go, but you type often, practice often, and finally The ten fingers are flying, and the
typing speed is getting faster and faster. This is the result of constant practice. At the beginning, the
level is relatively low, the awareness of rebooting is not perfect, and the understanding of actual
combat is not deep, so you must continue to study rebooting articles, have a more in-depth
understanding of the principles and laws of rebooting, and then you must solve them and move
forward. , There is no solution, that is just talking on paper. It doesn’t work. According to my
observation, there are many people who talk about theories, but they don’t pay attention to
practicing the abstinence. Sooner or later, they will relapse. There are solutions and actions, and
both solution and action are emphasized. In this way, the more you can quit, the better. You should
usually develop the habit of mindfulness, which is to look inward, to see your own thoughts, to feel
how thoughts are formed in your mind, and how they disappear, carefully observe the process,
experience with your heart, and feel fully. That delicate and delicate process. If you keep practicing
mindfulness and cessation of mind, you will become stronger and stronger at the idea head. In the
end, you are like an experienced magician who can make your thoughts instantaneous. The time
disappeared, and it disappeared in one fell swoop. Although this brother has been abstaining for
more than 130 days, it is obvious that there is still a lot of room for improvement in his actual
combat. In the face of the invasion of the heart demon, he still does not have the power to decisively
decisive, and he needs to continue to strengthen and practice. . Some brothers have practiced
diligently for a period of time, and they feel that the kung fu of absenteeism is greatly improved,
and then they must continue to practice hard to achieve great success. It's like getting a martial arts
cheat book. On the one hand, you have to study it repeatedly, and on the other hand, you have to
practice constantly, so that the actual combat level can be improved by leaps and bounds, so as to
completely bid farewell to the years of being abused by the heart demon.

4. [I went to see an old Chinese doctor today. I heard my pulse and said my heart is not good. I
asked why. He said that the deficiency of the spleen caused by insufficient kidney yang, the spleen
controls the blood, led to insufficient blood supply to the heart, dizziness, and poor liver and
gallbladder. He said that he would prescribe a few medicines for you first, and he said that he
couldn't save going to the hospital because he had a serious heart problem. My mood now is
really...cough! The root cause lies in the deficiency of kidney yang. I will go to the hospital for an
electrocardiogram tomorrow to see the specific conditions of my heart. 】

Additional comment: Later, my internal organs will have problems. I remember that my heart hurts
before. I was scared at the time. I also had a heart-related examination. It hurt to a certain extent. It
was really wrong with my whole body. It seemed that no place was comfortable. This feeling is very
frightening. Chinese medicine says that the kidney is the root of the five internal organs, and
shitting the tube is cutting your roots. No matter how thick your tree is, it can't stand the long-term
chop. A small axe can chop down the embracing wood. In the end, digestion is no longer possible,
the heart also has problems, the respiratory system is not working, the liver and gallbladder are not
good, and the internal organs are out of balance. At the beginning, it may still be a functional
problem, and in the end it may become organic. Illness, then surgery may be required, like a broken
car into the factory for overhaul. I also had a "thrilling" experience at that time. I didn't mention it in
the rebooting article before. It was before rebooting. I remember that for a while I was very
indulgent. Then suddenly there was a hard lump growing under my neck with glass marbles. It’s so
big and it’s not painful. I was panicked at the time. I thought I had an incurable disease. I hurried to
go to the hospital for an examination. The period of waiting for the examination report was the most
tormented. It was like waiting for the death sentence. Some brothers should have Have similar
experiences and experiences. Later, it was reported that the lymph nodes were swollen, but I knew it
was very strange this time. I had swollen lymph nodes after the tube was swollen before, but this
time the swelling was very hard, like a stone, and it was similar to ordinary lymph nodes. The
swelling is very different. I know this is a further serious warning from my body, and I really can't
commit adultery anymore. At first the body will give you lighter reminders and warnings, and then
if you can't quit, the body will give you more serious warnings to tell you that you should reboot
and can no longer indulge. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "The kidney is the
foundation of the innate, the foundation of life; the failure of kidney qi can cause all diseases. The
cure must be based on the root, and the root is the root and the source. There is no flow without a
source. A tree without roots clears its source and flows from its roots, and the roots are filled with
luxuriant branches, which is natural. Therefore, those who are good at healers must be responsible
for the root." If a tree hurts its branches, it can still live. If you cut the roots directly, the tree will not
survive. The roots are too important. The kidneys play the role of roots. Every time you strike, you
cut an axe towards the roots. At the end of the cut, you will get sick. From this point of view,
arrogance is totally self-harm, not a pleasure at all. Those few seconds of pleasure will lead to
immense panic and pain. Between the hospitals, the money spent was flowing water, and the health
was poor, and I was really in a deep predicament. Enforcement will turn one's body into a
"dangerous building", which may collapse at any time. Sexual adultery is a thorny road, and
rebooting and cultivating kindness is a bright road. Rebooting gentlemen, brave

5. [I am 19 this year, do you feel a little bit small, but you have been cultivating for more than five
years. Before I had sex, my body was very good, long-distance running, sprinting, first in the class.
But since I started to commit adultery, my body has really been worsening day by day. Until now,
when I ran for a while, my scalp began to numb and sweat very easily. Now I suffer from insomnia
every night, backaches at every turn, and hair loss. I feel that life is better than death every day.
Looking at the photos of the past and the present, it is really two people. I have tried quitting before,
but before, I used to be forced to quit. In the past two days, I discovered that it is necessary to quit
from the heart, read more posts every day, exercise more, and keep a good mood every day. I hope
that those who have just started to commit adultery, remember, it is not that the time has not been
reported. 】

Additional comment: The impact of tube sports on physical fitness is great. I belonged to the school
team in junior high school, track and field and basketball. After indulging in tube sports, I obviously
felt that my physical fitness has declined, and I was prone to breathing. Some people say that their
symptoms are not obvious after being slapped up. In fact, let him go for a run and take a test. You
will know that your physical fitness has dropped severely. Many things will be known only after a
test. Just like after a class, you say you know everything, but An exam proves that a lot of
knowledge is not really understood. This brother can also be regarded as an excellent athlete in the
class, the first in the class, but unfortunately he contracted the bad habit of management, and his
body is not as good as before, and he is also 19 years old. The temptation faced by children
nowadays far exceeds the temptation encountered by the same age group born in the 70s and 80s.
Now it is the Internet age. It is easy to obtain such resources, and there are too many temptation
pictures and side news. Just go online. , You will definitely see that the child's original
concentration is low, and the consequences of contact with Huang Yuan again can be imagined. This
brother suffers from insomnia every night, considering that he is declining, and feels that life is
worse than death every day, and his situation is very bad. We are suffering because we can’t be the
purest and purest ourselves, we can’t connect with our original happiness and beauty. We always
think that watching pornography will get satisfaction, but we don’t know that being without desire
means a state of satisfaction, everyone. Observing the pure children, they naturally have a satisfied
expression and expression on their faces, feeling very happy, and extremely happy in their hearts.
Masturbation will not bring you real satisfaction, it is just a dopamine scam. Only a pure heart can
give you real satisfaction. From a pure and kind-hearted child to an unrecognizable wretched uncle,
sad reminder! Do you understand that feeling? The deep feeling of powerlessness and emptiness
after masturbation, the feeling of being manipulated by the heart demon, the feeling of being
involuntary, the feeling of inferiority and decadence of seeing the decline of one's appearance and
complexion. Rebooting to a certain level, the weight and depression brought about by adultery will
disappear, as if a dark cloud has disappeared, and the whole person suddenly becomes so relaxed, so
cozy, so bright, so clear, feeling relieved, look at your feet, Although the heavy fetters have been
removed, a feeling of relaxation and freedom is full of body and mind. You are finally free, and
your life as a prisoner is over. The previous aitrue bar said after more than three years of rebooting:
"I am relaxed, I am free." His words are very simple, but they are so heartfelt, so meaningful, so
intriguing, and can only be experienced in person. Those who have lived understand the
preciousness of freedom. Looting is not freedom. Looting will bring bondage and will put you on
the shackles of adultery. It’s really uncomfortable to be a prisoner. On the surface, you seem to be
free. You can walk around and look for pornography. , You can be crazy about it, but in fact, you
can’t feel the real self at all in your heart. Because, you have been enslaved by the heart demon, you
have been living a secret and degenerate life, those dirty and dirty evil thoughts have taken over
your mind, this is not a free life, it is simply self-destructing! Another brother said: "It feels like I
have been in prison for so many years, and now I have a feeling of freedom and purity." The ringer
is covered in white light, exuding pure light, and the whole body is entangled with black energy,
exuding wickedness. The stench. Everyone should have this experience, that is, to a certain extent,
you will feel disgusting, you will hate yourself, people have a conscience, so indulging in adultery, I
am sorry for the parenting grace of my parents, and I am also sorry for the ancestors and ancestors. ,
Seeing that wretched look, I feel sick, not to mention the feelings of the people around me. This
brother also realized that forced rebooting is not acceptable. We must learn to reboot professionally,
and understand the principles and laws of rebooting, so that we can hope to completely quit.
6. [Today is my 208 days of rebooting. I thought I was almost on the verge of success, but the desire
came too suddenly. At noon today, my desire arose and a thought flashed through my mind and
said: Yellow! Anyway, I don't want to play anymore." But without expecting it, I went back to
before liberation. Not reconciled! ! ! 】

"Speaks" said: "The continuous flow of thought has great power, it can easily drag you with it.
Every thought pretends that it is very important. It wants to attract all your attention." Our minds
Various thoughts will emerge in the middle, and we can observe these thoughts without falling into
it. Once you agree with it, you will fall into it, run with the thought, and be taken away by the
thought. The thought of watching porn flashed in this brother's mind. He believed it, he agreed, and
he followed! He didn't get rid of it in time, and as a result, he was overwhelmed by this thought.
The manifestation of the heart demon was evil thoughts attacking the brain, and thoughts that could
lead to relapse can be called evil thoughts. To a certain extent, thoughts or images will flash in your
mind, and they will try to take you away and make you sink completely. "Look at the second
yellow!" This idea was obviously the instigation of the inner demon. He didn't recognize it, nor did
it get rid of it. He listened to it, and the result can be imagined. Rebooting for 208 days is not easy.
After relapse, the recovery results will not return to zero at once, but continuous relapse should be
avoided. No matter how long the reboot, you should always be vigilant. Every day is a real battle.
You must firmly watch your own thoughts. There is an ancient tactic in Xingyiquan: "Meeting the
enemy is like burning one's body." Everyone understands how strong this kind of actual combat
alertness is. When the fire burns you, what is your reaction? When a person gets scalded, he
immediately enters a state of extreme alertness. When evil thoughts come up, we can't distinguish
ourselves from the enemy. The fault that many brothers commit is that they don't distinguish
between ourselves and the enemy and recognize the thieves. After the enemy comes up, you have to
be alert! This is the enemy, and it must be destroyed immediately, if it is not destroyed, it will be
possessed. I have seen a lot of teachings of the great virtues. Regarding delusions, the words they
use more often are elimination, cut off, subdued, cut off, etc. Some great virtues will say that if the
delusion comes up, just ignore it, but in fact ignore it. Just break! Cut off the continuity of delusion.
There are many expressions of great virtue for dealing with delusions, but the most fundamental is:
subdue! That is, "subduing his heart" in the "Diamond Sutra", you must subdue your own demon,
subdue the evil thoughts that break into your mind! You have to be tough, and you can't show
weakness in actual combat. If you have a bad idea, the demons will break you. This brother said he
was "unwilling". I understood his feelings after breaking the ring. He was hopeful of victory, but
suddenly he was turned back by the heart demon and defeated by the heart demon again. I was
really regretful and depressed. Only one thought was not dealt with properly, and as a result, he was
back in the vicious circle of arrogance. Must be vigilant! As soon as the idea comes up, you have to
be extremely alert and can't follow it! I recently watched a legal program, which gave me a lot of
inspiration. The victim received a text message, which probably means "send you a photo of the
party", and attached a link. The victim didn't know it was fraudulent, so he clicked on it. There is
nothing in it Yes, I quit. After a while, I received a notification message from the bank on my phone,
saying that 50,000 yuan was transferred away! Only then did I know that I was deceived, and when
I clicked on that link, I was actually infected with a Trojan horse virus. In the process of our
rebooting process, the heart demon will also send "text messages" to our brains. If you can’t
recognize and follow it, it means you have been infected with a Trojan horse virus. The thought that
the heart demon sent you is a Trojan horse virus. It was my own thoughts, so I followed, and as a
result, the kidney essence account was swiped by the heart demon. The demon is very cunning. It
will pretend to be you, send you a text message in the first breath, send it into your brain, and make
you think it's your own thoughts. Senior rebooting masters have learned to recognize the tricks of
the heart demon. The rebooting masters will not follow. They just observe indifferently, and must do
the "right thing" in actual combat! The power of the heart demon is very powerful. It has been
trying to pull you under its control. You can feel that extremely powerful pulling force. It has been
trying to pull you into that vicious circle and orbit. You must always be alert and learn Identify the
various routines of the heart demon and learn to defeat all the attacks of the heart demon! Master
Cizhou said: "The battle of Buddhism is the fight between righteous thoughts and evil thoughts. If
you lose it, you will fight again. For a long time, evil will not overcome righteousness." In combat,
we must know ourselves and the enemy so that we can survive all battles.

7. [Today is the 21st day I just got married, and it is also my birthday. I am 26 years old this year. I
started masturbating since high school, and it has been at least ten years before I got married. Now
my body has broken down, and I have been hollowed out by myself. I had a hunch before I got
married, although I could harden it. , But the hardness is not enough, it shoots in seconds, so I take
medicine, hoping to make up for it by taking medicine, but think about it, can taking medicine
really solve the problem? I bought medicine the next day after getting married. I had never taken
any of these things before. I had sex for seven days in a row. I took medicine for the next few days.
It didn’t work anymore. I always felt soft when I got an erection. Just like me at my age. Now I
have become an empty shell, a corpse, a dirty smelly rotten corpse! ! ! The daughter-in-law is
already sleeping on the sofa, saying that she is very annoying, but in fact everyone can tell, I can't! !
! It was all masturbation that made me like this. I can't sleep now, thinking about how to live the
future, I'm just over 20 years old! ! ! Haven't been a father yet. 】

Additional comment: Newlyweds are prone to indulgence. This brother is 26 years old and he has
been used for more than ten years. Think about it after ten years of using a thing, it is very old and
even broken. Abstinence before marriage is very important. You should save your best self for
restraint after marriage. There are too many cases of abolition before marriage, all because of the
misleading of young ignorance and the brick family. Rebooting is energy management. You should
use your energy in your studies and careers, not in adultery. Many people have become useless
before they get married, and their family members are still urging to get married. , Are afraid of
getting married. Masturbation is to hollow yourself out, time after time, time after time, and then
indulge after marriage, that is another violent meal, taking medicine and indulgence, it is
completely self-defeating, very terrible, "Health and Life": "Laughter, take medicine to want, this is
the basis of death." A certain star took medicine and indulged, and finally foamed out of the mouth
and passed out and almost died. He is a professional athlete because of his physical fitness and can't
stand it. The devastation. Taking medicine and indulgence is totally joking about life. When you are
young, you should have the awareness of maintaining essence and health. This awareness is very
important, and both spouses should have this awareness. You should not indulge your desires after
marriage. The number of monthly sexual activities should be arranged. General recommendation 3
Within times. It is very difficult to control the newly married, but as long as both parties have
reached a consensus, and then have a higher awareness of rebooting health and mental cultivation
skills, this can be done. The consequences of crazy indulgence are really terrible, the body breaks
down, the sexual function is abolished, and most of them are the end of divorce. There is an old
saying: "Intensively nurturing spiritual roots and energy, Yuanyang does not go true, but dantian
nurtures a treasure, and gold cannot be a person." The 116-year-old Luo Mingshan veteran Chinese
doctor advocates: "Young and middle-aged people often abstain. It is advisable to live apart in old
age.” And warned people, “The treasure of the kidney essence is not to be lightly fired; to cherish
the essence is to cherish life, and it is hard to grow old." Kidney essence is the treasure of the
human body. You must know how to cherish it, and you must have the consciousness to preserve the
essence and cherish the essence. Many young people are very ignorant, and the consciousness of
maintaining the essence is almost zero! And there are still a lot of harmlessness in my mind, so it
will be more unscrupulous, and it will be destroyed very quickly. Men want to do it on their own.
When the sexual function fails, they will panic. In fact, this is the body warning you. You must
understand the signals given by the body. You must not take medicine and indulge yourself when
you see that you are not doing it. This is completely To make matters worse, it's like a person is
already poor, and you have to force him to take money out. We must understand the way of health
preservation in traditional Chinese medicine, we must learn to accumulate essence and qi,
accumulate energies, and achieve the energy state of "essence, fullness, and vitality". On the
contrary, continuous depletion will lead to "essence loss and qi depletion". , Divine hurt", the true
energy is dissipated, and the disease is plagued. The Purple Finger

8. [I’m really grateful to Brother Feixiang, I now have an unspeakable joy and excitement. Just two
years ago, I was a groggy and useless person, and now I was admitted to the exam for two years and
seven months of rebooting. I have reached the first stage of the black belt and the technique has
reached the second stage of the black belt, and I am taken by the head coach. I am preparing to send
to the national demonstration team and the Longying prefect (the highest level of Chinese
gymnasium) for further study. I really have a zero foundation for a year. what! No contact at all
before! Brother Feixiang! Without you, without the efforts of my friends, I really can’t imagine that
today, practicing Taekwondo itself consumes internal strength. Without good internal strength,
physical endurance, it is impossible to practice well. My legs are numb, very painful, very painful, I
really don’t know what to say, thank you so much! I am guarding against arrogance and rashness
and still working hard! Study reboot articles and posts for 2 hours a day, and still practice
Taekwondo every day, keep working hard, come on Feixiang! You have changed the destiny of
many people, because of you, let the useless people become black belt elites! 】
Additional comment: This is the feedback from the "Rebooting Army". His case has been included
before. He has now been admitted to the black belt. He has been rebooting for two years and seven
months. The change is quite huge. Leading the elite, completely bid farewell to the image of the
sick man in East Asia, and transformed into a heroic and indomitable hero. In fact, compared to his
Taekwondo Kungfu, what I value more is his "precaution against arrogance and rashness". These
four words are related to virtue, and the highest Kungfu is actually virtue! We must pay attention to
the promotion and cultivation of virtue, this is very important! In the end, many people are defeated
by lack of virtue. If virtue is not matched, there will be disasters. One is proud, one is angry, and
one is impatient, and then it is easy to break the precept. With good virtues, the results of rebooting
can be easily maintained. The so-called "rebooting army" is very aware of this, and only then has it
miraculously transformed. Traditional Chinese martial arts will emphasize the importance of
rebooting and maintaining essence before practicing. Many books emphasize the need to reboot at
the beginning and know how to maintain one’s energy and spirit, and then they will also emphasize
the importance of martial arts. The training of martial arts is very important. "Learning boxing is
based on morality and behavior, and everything is respectful and humble. He is an upright
gentleman. Learning boxing should be based on self-cultivation. The behavior should be calm and
happy. Disaster.” The same is true for rebooting. Virtue is vital in any field. Rebooting must first be
a human being, and rebooting must first cultivate virtue. The reason why traditional martial arts
places special emphasis on spirit, energy and morals is that in order to practice martial arts, it must
have these two as the basis. If you don’t know how to reboot to preserve your essence, your body
will easily decline due to indulgence, and it will be difficult to practice martial arts. If you don’t
know how to cultivate your morals, you can easily become a person who fights bravely and causes
troubles. Some martial arts practitioners go to jail later. The "Reboot Army" was admitted to the
black belt in one year with zero foundation. It can be said that it is very rare. It is precisely because
of the foundation of rebooting and keeping good health that he can make rapid progress and make
great progress in this year, and he also pays attention to cultivation. Germany, so the foundation is
more stable. He is very different from the past. He used to walk with numb legs, but now he can do
difficult kicks. I have seen his videos. It is indeed very cool and shocking. Gu Deyun: "The person
who keeps in good health first treasures the essence, the fullness is the vigor, the strong is the vigor,
the vigor is the health, and the health is less disease. Glorious, ears and eyes clever." Everything
requires a good body, a good mental outlook and ample energy. Rebooting and health preservation
can give you this foundation. With this strong foundation, many things are easy to succeed. People’s
blessings are very good, but in the end he couldn’t keep it, and in the end he was guilty of evil.
Desperately and completely collapsed. I hope that the "reboot army" can continue to be humble and
cautious, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and hope that he can make great progress in
taekwondo, and hope that his life path will go better and better. What can really change destiny is to
rely on myself. I am most responsible for guiding the way. In the end, I need to understand and walk
on my own. "A gentleman has the knowledge to make life, let me establish my life, and ask for his
own blessings. There is no way to do good or bad, but people recruit themselves, and the rewards of
good and evil are accompanied by shadows!" Make good changes and learn more about the
education of sages. A reversal will occur, and a brand-new transformation will be ushered in at that
time. As the saying goes: "Are the golden scales a thing in the pool? Once you pretend to be evil,
you will turn into a dragon." If you don't quit, you don't know how good you are. When you reach
it, you will really be surprised.

9. [Hello, Brother Flying! I finally realized what you said that non-mind is better than non-minded.
The process is like this: I have encountered a serious bottleneck during this period of time, that is, I
am very numb to the cessation of thought, and I understand the principles of rebooting, but when it
comes to actual combat, I often stop constantly. , While still being led by evil thoughts, it is difficult
to break the evil thoughts. Evil thoughts appeared when I was meditating today. I blinked my eyes
and the thoughts disappeared. This has always been the case since then. As soon as the evil thoughts
appeared, I was directly aware of it, and in the blink of an eye, the thoughts ceased. I insist on
reading rebooting articles on weekdays. I always believe that perseverance in study will definitely
gain something. I think it’s an epiphany in today’s situation. It turns out that absenteeism can be so
simple. I finally understand what you said in your article, Brother Feixiang. What is the concept of
the one-second cessation of mind? It is really amazing. I am pure awareness. Thoughts are not me.
There will be rewards for hard work. There is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid that there
are people with a heart! I am grateful to Teacher Feixiang for giving me the second life. I am
grateful for the blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and for the teachings of ancient sages and
sages. I know that I have just begun the path of rebooting and doing good, and I will continue to
work hard! Namo Amitabha. 】

Can't get through it all at once. "Constantly practice mindfulness, then you will be like a very high
hand, so that you can pounce and fly when you fight against each other, and instantly control the
enemy! However, to reach this state, you must practice mindfulness continuously. Just like opening
a tunnel, persevere, you will usher in an epiphany and a qualitative leap. At that moment, you can
suddenly do it, and that feeling is really joyful, just like the first dunk success, the whole person
feels very excited. The improvement of the level of mind-breaking requires a process. This process
is a process of continuous practice. Sharpshooter is not practiced overnight, it is the result of
gradual strengthening, strengthening, strengthening, and re-strengthening, and finally becoming
stronger and stronger. In practice There will be many problems in the process of training, and there
will even be a temporary regression. This temporary regression is often a precursor to progress. Just
like the tide, you will retreat first, and then rush further. You can only continue to practice. It will
usher in a sudden increase in the level of interruption, and you will be able to kill the heart demon
in seconds. Before you were the heart demon, but now you become stronger, you will start to break
faster and faster. Qi Jiguang said: " The wonder lies in familiarity. "Practice makes perfect,
familiarity makes perfect, it's like practicing a magic trick. If you keep practicing, you will
gradually reach the realm. Some magic tricks even take a few years before you dare to perform.
One of the most amazing things in this world is to treat yourself It’s not as good as changing a
building’s thoughts to disappear instantly. This is really amazing. To enter a truly strict and high-
level rebooting realm, you must constantly strengthen your mindfulness. There was a position
before Brothers who had been quitting for more than 160 days, the heart demon came down and
broke down again. A few days ago, there was one who had quit for 1 year and 8 months. When the
heart demon attacked him frantically again, he was weak in mind and broke the ring. Going to enter
For a high-level and extremely stable rebooting state, it is necessary to cultivate Suannian to an
extremely strong level. From entering the hall to reaching the peak, it is all accomplished through
hard work. Achieving advanced attainments requires a lot of accumulation of practice. As Wu Yan
says: "Fist a thousand times, and your body will show itself. "Thousands of times are just the most
basic accumulation. It requires more than a thousand times, ten thousand times, tens of thousands of
times. The "Ten Thousand Hours of Genius Theory" specifically mentions intensive practice, which
says: "Ten thousand hours of genius The key to the rule is that there are no exceptions. No one can
reach world-class standards in just 3,000 hours, not even 7,500 hours. It must be 10,000 hours-10
years, 3 hours a day-no matter who you are. "We must devote our utmost enthusiasm to practice,
and persevere, so that the level of absenteeism will become stronger and stronger, and there is no
need to worry about temporary regression. , Keep going, keep going! Practice to death! Really hard
work! Be a master of renunciation, be a master of renunciation! Gu Deyun: "The reason is still
invading." Even if you understand the truth, but the thought will still invade, it is useless to
understand the truth. It is useless to talk about it, and it is very shallow. Thoughts will come out
automatically. In many cases, it is not you who take the initiative to raise evil thoughts, but it comes
out automatically. This is "mind intrusion." Demon, because of the lack of practice in breaking
mind! If you memorize all the theoretical books on shooting, will you become a sharpshooter? The
sharpshooter is fed with tens of thousands of bullets. He practiced every day, intensively and
persistently, before he finally became a sharpshooter. The fault of many brothers is that they "only
learn but not practice". They only learn theories but don't pay attention to the practice of cessation.
Everyone should pay full attention to the practice of cessation. This is extremely important. This
brother finally learned to perceive the extinction. He had completed the accumulation of quantity
before, and now he has finally ushered in epiphany. The level of absenteeism has taken a qualitative
leap. Perception is a full-screen super kill, which instantly empties your mind and puts you in an
invincible state. . A senior brother had been doing abstinence for nearly 2 years. He said he was still
working hard to practice cessation. He said that there is no end to this path. My feelings are similar
to him. I quit up to now, even if I can break the mind every time. Demon’s offense, but I feel that
there is still a lot of room for improvement in my level of mindfulness. It is indeed "unending
practice." After reaching a high level, Tai Chi Shou and Tai Chi Masters are still practicing every
day and are still striving for perfection. We must persist in practicing mindfulness. After training,
you will find that your perception of thought has entered a more subtle and delicate level, your
feelings are more subtle, and you are extremely sensitive to the subtle fluctuations in your heart, and
your perception of thoughts. Obviously deepened and strengthened. You are like a sea, and you
have an extremely strong perception of the tiny ripples of the sea level. Rebooting is a very
profound knowledge, and renunciation is a very profound skill. When you gradually enter a higher
level, you will surely agree with me. The higher you go, the more incredible you will find it, but
you can only expect it. explain in words. Rebooting and cultivating your heart will give you a sense
of inner strength and dominance. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are on the outside, it will be
difficult to conceal your inner weakness and weakness. The real power comes from surrendering the
demons! The rookie faced the inner demon and was vulnerable, and the master ended the battle in
the blink of an eye! Never fall into procrastination, indecision and greed, cut the thoughts sharply,
without any sloppy, hands up and down, showing the king style of rebooting swordsmen. It will
invade. It's useless to understand the truth. It's useless to talk about it, and it's very shallow.
Thoughts will come out automatically. In many cases, it is not you who take the initiative to raise
evil thoughts, but it comes out automatically. This is "mind intrusion." Demon, because of the lack
of practice in breaking mind! If you memorize all the theoretical books on shooting, will you
become a sharpshooter? The sharpshooter is fed with tens of thousands of bullets. He practiced
every day, intensively and persistently, before he finally became a sharpshooter. The fault of many
brothers is that they "only learn but not practice". They only learn theories but don't pay attention to
the practice of cessation. Everyone should pay full attention to the practice of cessation. This is
extremely important. This brother finally learned to perceive the extinction. He had completed the
accumulation of quantity before, and now he has finally ushered in epiphany. The level of
absenteeism has taken a qualitative leap. Perception is a full-screen super kill, which instantly
empties your mind and puts you in an invincible state. . A senior brother had been doing abstinence
for nearly 2 years. He said he was still working hard to practice cessation. He said that there is no
end to this path. My feelings are similar to him. I quit up to now, even if I can break the mind every
time. Demon’s offense, but I feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement in my level of
mindfulness. It is indeed "unending practice." After reaching a high level, Tai Chi Shou and Tai Chi
Masters are still practicing every day and are still striving for perfection. We must persist in
practicing mindfulness. After training, you will find that your perception of thought has entered a
more subtle and delicate level, your feelings are more subtle, and you are extremely sensitive to the
subtle fluctuations in your heart, and your perception of thoughts. Obviously deepened and
strengthened. You are like a sea, and you have an extremely strong perception of the tiny ripples of
the sea level. Rebooting is a very profound knowledge, and renunciation is a very profound skill.
When you gradually enter a higher level, you will surely agree with me. The higher you go, the
more incredible you will find it, but you can only expect it. explain in words. Rebooting and
cultivating your heart will give you a sense of inner strength and dominance. Otherwise, no matter
how strong you are on the outside, it will be difficult to conceal your inner weakness and weakness.
The real power comes from surrendering the demons! The rookie faced the inner demon and was
vulnerable, and the master ended the battle in the blink of an eye! Never fall into procrastination,
indecision and greed, cut the thoughts sharply, without any sloppy, hands up and down, showing the
king style of rebooting swordsmen. It will invade. It's useless to understand the truth. It's useless to
talk about it, and it's very shallow. Thoughts will come out automatically. In many cases, it is not
you who take the initiative to raise evil thoughts, but it comes out automatically. This is "mind
intrusion." Demon, because of the lack of practice in breaking mind! If you memorize all the
theoretical books on shooting, will you become a sharpshooter? The sharpshooter is fed with tens of
thousands of bullets. He practiced every day, intensively and persistently, before he finally became a
sharpshooter. The fault of many brothers is that they "only learn but not practice". They only learn
theories but don't pay attention
to the practice of cessation. Everyone should pay full attention to the practice of cessation. This is
extremely important. This brother finally learned to perceive the extinction. He had completed the
accumulation of quantity before, and now he has finally ushered in epiphany. The level of
absenteeism has taken a qualitative leap. Perception is a full-screen super kill, which instantly
empties your mind and puts you in an invincible state. . A senior brother had been doing abstinence
for nearly 2 years. He said he was still working hard to practice cessation. He said that there is no
end to this path. My feelings are similar to him. I quit up to now, even if I can break the mind every
time. Demon’s offense, but I feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement in my level of
mindfulness. It is indeed "unending practice." After reaching a high level, Tai Chi Shou and Tai Chi
Masters are still practicing every day and are still striving for perfection. We must persist in
practicing mindfulness. After training, you will find that your perception of thought has entered a
more subtle and delicate level, your feelings are more subtle, and you are extremely sensitive to the
subtle fluctuations in your heart, and your perception of thoughts. Obviously deepened and
strengthened. You are like a sea, and you have an extremely strong perception of the tiny ripples of
the sea level. Rebooting is a very profound knowledge, and renunciation is a very profound skill.
When you gradually enter a higher level, you will surely agree with me. The higher you go, the
more incredible you will find it, but you can only expect it. explain in words. Rebooting and
cultivating your heart will give you a sense of inner strength and dominance. Otherwise, no matter
how strong you are on the outside, it will be difficult to conceal your inner weakness and weakness.
The real power comes from surrendering the demons! The rookie faced the inner demon and was
vulnerable, and the master ended the battle in the blink of an eye! Never fall into procrastination,
indecision and greed, cut the thoughts sharply, without any sloppy, hands up and down, showing the
king style of rebooting swordsmen. Memorize all the books, will you become a sharpshooter? The
sharpshooter is fed with tens of thousands of bullets. He practiced every day, intensively and
persistently, before he finally became a sharpshooter. The fault of many brothers is that they "only
learn but not practice". They only learn theories but don't pay attention to the practice of cessation.
Everyone should pay full attention to the practice of cessation. This is extremely important. This
brother finally learned to perceive the extinction. He had completed the accumulation of quantity
before, and now he has finally ushered in epiphany. The level of absenteeism has taken a qualitative
leap. Perception is a full-screen super kill, which instantly empties your mind and puts you in an
invincible state. . A senior brother had been doing abstinence for nearly 2 years. He said he was still
working hard to practice cessation. He said that there is no end to this path. My feelings are similar
to him. I quit up to now, even if I can break the mind every time. Demon’s offense, but I feel that
there is still a lot of room for improvement in my level of mindfulness. It is indeed "unending
practice." After reaching a high level, Tai Chi Shou and Tai Chi Masters are still practicing every
day and are still striving for perfection. We must persist in practicing mindfulness. After training,
you will find that your perception of thought has entered a more subtle and delicate level, your
feelings are more subtle, and you are extremely sensitive to the subtle fluctuations in your heart, and
your perception of thoughts. Obviously deepened and strengthened. You are like a sea, and you
have an extremely strong perception of the tiny ripples of the sea level. Rebooting is a very
profound knowledge, and renunciation is a very profound skill. When you gradually enter a higher
level, you will surely agree with me. The higher you go, the more incredible you will find it, but
you can only expect it. explain in words. Rebooting and cultivating your heart will give you a sense
of inner strength and dominance. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are on the outside, it will be
difficult to conceal your inner weakness and weakness. The real power comes from surrendering the
demons! The rookie faced the inner demon and was vulnerable, and the master ended the battle in
the blink of an eye! Never fall into procrastination, indecision and greed, cut the thoughts sharply,
without any sloppy, hands up and down, showing the king style of rebooting swordsmen. Memorize
all the books, will you become a sharpshooter? The sharpshooter is fed with tens of thousands of
bullets. He practiced every day, intensively and persistently, before he finally became a
sharpshooter. The fault of many brothers is that they "only learn but not practice". They only learn
theories but don't pay attention to the practice of cessation. Everyone should pay full attention to the
practice of cessation. This is extremely important. This brother finally learned to perceive the
extinction. He had completed the accumulation of quantity before, and now he has finally ushered
in epiphany. The level of absenteeism has taken a qualitative leap. Perception is a full-screen super
kill, which instantly empties your mind and puts you in an invincible state. . A senior brother had
been doing abstinence for nearly 2 years. He said he was still working hard to practice cessation. He
said that there is no end to this path. My feelings are similar to him. I quit up to now, even if I can
break the mind every time. Demon’s offense, but I feel that there is still a lot of room for
improvement in my level of mindfulness. It is indeed "unending practice." After reaching a high
level, Tai Chi Shou and Tai Chi Masters are still practicing every day and are still striving for
perfection. We must persist in practicing mindfulness. After training, you will find that your
perception of thought has entered a more subtle and delicate level, your feelings are more subtle,
and you are extremely sensitive to the subtle fluctuations in your heart, and your perception of
thoughts. Obviously deepened and strengthened. You are like a sea, and you have an extremely
strong perception of the tiny ripples of the sea level. Rebooting is a very profound knowledge, and
renunciation is a very profound skill. When you gradually enter a higher level, you will surely agree
with me. The higher you go, the more incredible you will find it, but you can only expect it. explain
in words. Rebooting and cultivating your heart will give you a sense of inner strength and
dominance. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are on the outside, it will be difficult to conceal
your inner weakness and weakness. The real power comes from surrendering the demons! The
rookie faced the inner demon and was vulnerable, and the master ended the battle in the blink of an
eye! Never fall into procrastination, indecision and greed, cut the thoughts sharply, without any
sloppy, hands up and down, showing the king style of rebooting swordsmen. , Even though I can
defeat the attack of the heart demon every time, I feel that there is still a lot of room for
improvement in my level of interruption. It is indeed "unending practice." After reaching a high
level, Tai Chi Shou and Tai Chi Masters are still practicing every day and are still striving for
perfection. We must persist in practicing mindfulness. After training, you will find that your
perception of thought has entered a more subtle and delicate level, your feelings are more subtle,
and you are extremely sensitive to the subtle fluctuations in your heart, and your perception of
thoughts. Obviously deepened and strengthened. You are like a sea, and you have an extremely
strong perception of the tiny ripples of the sea level. Rebooting is a very profound knowledge, and
renunciation is a very profound skill. When you gradually enter a higher level, you will surely agree
with me. The higher you go, the more incredible you will find it, but you can only expect it. explain
in words. Rebooting and cultivating your heart will give you a sense of inner strength and
dominance. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are on the outside, it will be difficult to conceal
your inner weakness and weakness. The real power comes from surrendering the demons! The
rookie faced the inner demon and was vulnerable, and the master ended the battle in the blink of an
eye! Never fall into procrastination, indecision and greed, cut the thoughts sharply, without any
sloppy, hands up and down, showing the king style of rebooting swordsmen. , Even though I can
defeat the attack of the heart demon every time, I feel that there is still a lot of room for
improvement in my level of interruption. It is indeed "unending practice." After reaching a high
level, Tai Chi Shou and Tai Chi Masters are still practicing every day and are still striving for
perfection. We must persist in practicing mindfulness. After training, you will find that your
perception of thought has entered a more subtle and delicate level, your feelings are more subtle,
and you are extremely sensitive to the subtle fluctuations in your heart, and your perception of
thoughts. Obviously deepened and strengthened. You are like a sea, and you have an extremely
strong perception of the tiny ripples of the sea level. Rebooting is a very profound knowledge, and
renunciation is a very profound skill. When you gradually enter a higher level, you will surely agree
with me. The higher you go, the more incredible you will find it, but you can only expect it. explain
in words. Rebooting and cultivating your heart will give you a sense of inner strength and
Otherwise, no matter how strong you are on the outside, it will be difficult to conceal your inner
weakness and weakness. The real power comes from surrendering the demons! The rookie faced the
inner demon and was vulnerable, and the master ended the battle in the blink of an eye! Never fall
into procrastination, indecision and greed, cut the thoughts sharply, without any sloppy, hands up
and down, showing the king style of rebooting swordsmen.
10. [I am a graduate student. I have been masturbating since junior high school, and it has been 13
years to this day, accounting for nearly half of my life, half of my life. This waste of youth and life
shocked and annoyed me. I came into contact with rebooting about a year ago, followed by
traditional culture and Buddhism. After exposure to these positive energies, I was sure to find the
root of my disease. Looking back on the various misfortunes in the past, and the purity before the
evil, I firmly believe that I will have a future after I give up. Blessings are endless. Even after a
month of rebooting, good luck continued. I was convinced that after rebooting, I was invincible, but
then I let my guard down and failed. After I returned to school, it was almost 6 o'clock in the
evening, and the exhaustion was still there, so I went back to the dormitory, preparing to lie in bed
and watch TV as usual to relax my depressed soul. However, the feeling of near death is
approaching. After watching TV for a while, I feel very uncomfortable, my heart is unstable, my
heart rate is very fast, my hands and feet are cold, my body is uncomfortable, the more I lie down,
the more uncomfortable it is. But it’s not exactly like it. Because I don’t want to vomit, it’s just a
disturbance of my mind and it’s hard to express that feeling. I watched it for a while, and found that
it was not working anymore, my head was dizzy, and my body was weak. In the quilt, my hands and
feet were not hot, my heart was full of disharmony, restlessness, and anxiousness, as if my soul was
separated. Suddenly I had a strange feeling, very scary. I quickly sat up and realized a little bit of
my life. It was passing, terrible, terrible to indescribable, helpless. I realized that my life was
approaching. I regretted it and wanted to cry without tears. I immediately knelt on the bed, kowtow,
chanting the Buddha's name, panicked, looking around, not knowing what to do to prevent the loss
of vitality in the body, I feel myself Uncontrolled, I suddenly understood the weird behaviors of the
college students who died in the dormitory on the news before their death, and I understood,
because I was in this state, I felt the soul is far away from this pair of skins, and I also deeply felt
doing anything. To no avail, this kind of powerlessness, anxiety, and fear can make people make
any weird actions. At this time, everything around me is going away, beds, tables, newly bought
cushions, all kinds of neatly arranged. leather shoes...... Everything is over, the whole world is
getting farther and farther away from me. My friend took my cold hand and went straight to take a
taxi on the road. I bowed along the way and was so weak that I was weak. I cried to my friend in
pain: "I know I have this day. I have long wanted to quit, but I did. No, this is retribution." I cried
and said, and I couldn’t think about it for a while, and I couldn’t even talk. My friend asked me and
I won’t answer any questions. All the energy is used to maintain consciousness. If you can rush to
the hospital, you may still be saved even if you lose consciousness. Sitting in front of the doctor, my
friend told me the symptoms: "I was trembling, weak, and cold in my hands and feet." I interrupted
my friend directly: "I just masturbated in the afternoon, and now I feel dying. I feel like my life is
Lost.” As I said, I lowered my head and covered my face with one hand, crying, not because I was
ashamed to say it because of the bad habit of masturbation, but when facing death, the attachment to
life, the dedication to life, and the shame in the face of survival It's worthless. The doctor measured
my blood pressure and said that the blood pressure was okay, it was a little bit higher, and the
heartbeat was faster. The doctor looked at my nervous and helpless face and told me that my vital
signs were normal, so I was relieved that I would not hang up. But my sense of dying is so clear.
The main things that make me painful and afraid are 3 symptoms: palsy of the back of the brain,
restlessness (I feel death is right beside), and the back two waists feel as empty as they have been
dug out, and they are still followed by the heart. Jump and jump. 】

Additional comment: This is an excerpt from a brother's post. He has a sense of near death, which is
worthy of everyone's alert. Gu Deyun: "The spirit of the human body is like the wealth of the
family. If you are exhausted, you will be poor. If you are exhausted, you will die. The reason is
inevitable." Even if you’re young and full of energy, you don’t notice it immediately. Day after day,
you finally feel sluggish. With all kinds of illnesses, you can hope that your learning will be better?
Stealing day by day, being detached from others, kinky, depressed, and acting aggressively.” Before,
many people had a sense of near-death, and the news had also reported about sudden death. This
kind of thing is far more than reported. It’s a lot more. The report is just the tip of the iceberg and a
drop in the bucket. The number of sudden deaths in China each year exceeds 500,000. This is a
huge number. There must be many of them. Sudden death does not necessarily happen when you
watch Huang Lu. , Or it may be a few hours or one or two days after finishing the stroke, suddenly
the body is dead, the feeling of extreme panic, the feeling of loss of vitality makes people feel
extremely collapsed, everything in this world is moving away from oneself, everything It seems that
it has nothing to do with me. This brother is a graduate student, and he deserves to be paid after 13
years of age. This near-death experience will surely make him the most determined to reboot,
because he has truly tasted the terrible retribution. In general, sudden death cannot be found out.
The most is cardiac arrest. The organs are good, but the vitality is gone, that is, the energy is
exhausted. It is like a power outage, the computer cannot be used, although the computer parts are
all Okay, but I can't open it anymore. Kidney essence represents human energy and vitality, and it
supplies the internal organs and brain. How can this energy be emptied? I was deeply impressed by
a rebooting propaganda photo abroad. It was a person who died suddenly in the room because of his
embarrassment. His mother held him and wept bitterly. Now the social temptation is too fierce,
coupled with harmlessness. People will be crazy about it, but they don't know what the
consequences will be, completely ignorant. Many children want to restore the pure and beautiful life
before sexual immorality. That kind of life is what they really want, but the heart demon is too
powerful. Although some people learn Buddhism, they still can’t defeat the heart demon. To learn
Buddhism, you must really master it. The core, the core is cultivating the mind, which is to learn to
deal with your evil thoughts! Otherwise, it will only flow into the superficial form, so that the heart
cannot be truly transformed. We must fight the heart demon to the end. This is a life-and-death
battle. You must recklessly become stronger, otherwise you will not be able to escape the tragic fate
of being abused by the heart demon. There is a poster on a foreign rebooting website that is a
picture of wrist-wrenching, which means to overcome the bad habit of masturbation, defeat your
own demons, and be stronger than the demons. Will not break the precept. Rehabilitation articles
abroad also talked about fighting one's own evil thoughts and learning to control one's thoughts.
This is actually about cultivating the mind. At the beginning of rebooting, after all, the
consciousness is still low, and relapse is likely to occur. After relapse, you must reflect and sum up.
Don’t be discouraged or discouraged. You must strengthen your study to reinforce your
consciousness and strengthen the practice of abstinence. The situation where the enemy is strong
and we are weak will gradually turn into a situation where we are stronger than the demons, and
then we will have a certainty of victory. I have been abused by the heart demon for more than ten
years. Looking back over those ten years, I have been under the control of the heart demon. I was a
completely ignorant rookie. Later, after studying the reboot article, I slowly changed the situation of
passive beating. , When I really become stronger, it will be difficult for the inner demon to break
me. Even though I have quit, the heart demon is still trying to break me, but I never let the heart
demon succeed. The ancients struggled with the heart demon for decades, and finally realized that
the idea is naturally unreasonable, so this is a protracted battle. , We must be psychologically
prepared for a protracted war. Some newcomers will say that they should forget to reboot and forget
masturbation. This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not quitting smoking, smoking is something
outside the body, you can throw it away and forget it, but the seeds of lust is in your field of eight
consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to forget to reboot, but the demons will
attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is an escape, and it means that you
don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There is a reboot article saying:
"Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic masturbation. We carefully
observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead, they are replaced by a gray
and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It is said that man is the spirit
of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness, but if one is blinded by
desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see what people do
nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality is fading,
people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by greed, lust,
appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people in society,
but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad habit of
masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking dead,
some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of adultery. This
is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The vitality in the body
is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to decline. When the
evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be afraid! Fight your
own evil thoughts and learn to control your own thoughts. This is actually about cultivating your
mind. At the beginning of rebooting, after all, the consciousness is still low, and relapse is likely to
occur. After relapse, you must reflect and sum up. Don’t be discouraged or discouraged. You must
strengthen your study to reinforce your consciousness and strengthen the practice of abstinence. The
situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak will gradually turn into a situation where we
are stronger than the demons, and then we will have a certainty of victory. I have been abused by
the heart demon for more than ten years. Looking back over those ten years, I have been under the
control of the heart demon. I was a completely ignorant rookie. Later, after studying the reboot
article, I slowly changed the situation of passive beating. , When I really become stronger, it will be
difficult for the inner demon to break me. Even though I have quit, the heart demon is still trying to
break me, but I never let the heart demon succeed. The ancients struggled with the heart demon for
decades, and finally realized that the idea is naturally unreasonable, so this is a protracted battle. ,
We must be psychologically prepared for a protracted war. Some newcomers will say that they
should forget to reboot and forget masturbation. This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not
quitting smoking, smoking is something outside the body, you can throw it away and forget it, but
the seeds of lust is in your field of eight consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to
forget to reboot, but the demons will attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is
an escape, and it means that you don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There
is a reboot article saying: "Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic
masturbation. We carefully observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead,
they are replaced by a gray and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It
is said that man is the spirit of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness,
but if one is blinded by desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see
what people do nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality
is fading, people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by
greed, lust, appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people
in society, but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad
habit of masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking
dead, some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of
adultery. This is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The
vitality in the body is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to
decline. When the evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be
afraid! Fight your own evil thoughts and learn to control your own thoughts. This is actually about
cultivating your mind. At the beginning of rebooting, after all, the consciousness is still low,
and relapse is likely to occur. After relapse, you must reflect and sum up. Don’t be discouraged or
discouraged. You must strengthen your study to reinforce your consciousness and strengthen the
practice of abstinence. The situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak will gradually
change into that we are stronger than the demons, and then we will have the confidence of victory. I
have been abused by the heart demon for more than ten years. Looking back over those ten years, I
have been under the control of the heart demon. I was a completely ignorant rookie. Later, after
studying the reboot article, I slowly changed the situation of passive beating. , When I really
become stronger, it will be difficult for the inner demon to break me. Even though I have quit, the
heart demon is still trying to break me, but I never let the heart demon succeed. The ancients
struggled with the heart demon for decades, and finally realized that the idea is naturally
unreasonable, so this is a protracted battle. , We must be psychologically prepared for a protracted
war. Some newcomers will say that they should forget to reboot and forget masturbation. This idea
is wrong, because rebooting is not quitting smoking, smoking is something outside the body, you
can throw it away and forget it, but the seeds of lust is in your field of eight consciousness, it will
automatically Come out, you want to forget to reboot, but the demons will attack frantically, so
forgetting to reboot will not work. This is an escape, and it means that you don’t have a clear
understanding of the rebooting situation. There is a reboot article saying: "Nowadays, many young
people in the society will look at pornographic masturbation. We carefully observe these people.
These people have no spiritual energy. Instead, they are replaced by a gray and evil spirit. With the
growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It is said that man is the spirit of all things. The spirit
here means purity and wisdom and nobleness, but if one is blinded by desire, then the aura will be
lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see what people do nowadays. They are almost the same
as those of beasts. Because human spirituality is fading, people will behave like beasts and even be
inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by greed, lust, appetite, and desire for money.” This
paragraph is very good. Not only the young people in society, but also the students at school, they
are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad habit of masturbation. Gradually, the whole
person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking dead, some people are almost 30 years old,
and half of their time is spent in the depravity of adultery. This is really a kind of sadness, unable to
be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The vitality in the body is lost through licentiousness, and
the physical and mental appearance begins to decline. When the evil comes back, I really regret it.
This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be afraid! Lust, after all, the consciousness is still low,
and relapse is likely to occur. After relapse, you must reflect and summarize. Don’t be discouraged
or discouraged. You must strengthen your study to reinforce your consciousness and strengthen
your mindfulness practice. In this way, you can quit the better and strengthen yourself from the
enemy. The weak situation has slowly turned into a situation where we are stronger than the
demons, and then we will have the confidence of victory. I have been abused by the heart demon for
more than ten years. Looking back over those ten years, I have been under the control of the heart
demon. I was a completely ignorant rookie. Later, after studying the reboot article, I slowly changed
the situation of passive beating. , When I really become stronger, it will be difficult for the inner
demon to break me. Even though I have quit, the heart demon is still trying to break me, but I never
let the heart demon succeed. The ancients struggled with the heart demon for decades, and finally
realized that the idea is naturally unreasonable, so this is a protracted battle. , We must be
psychologically prepared for a protracted war. Some newcomers will say that they should forget to
reboot and forget masturbation. This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not quitting smoking,
smoking is something outside the body, you can throw it away and forget it, but the seeds of lust is
in your field of eight consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to forget to reboot,
but the demons will attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is an escape, and it
means that you don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There is a reboot article
saying: "Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic masturbation. We
carefully observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead, they are replaced by
a gray and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It is said that man is
the spirit of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness, but if one is blinded
by desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see what people do
nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality is fading,
people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by greed, lust,
appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people in society,
but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad habit of
masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking dead,
some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of adultery. This
is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The vitality in the body
is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to decline. When the
evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be afraid! Lust, after
all, the consciousness is still low, and relapse is likely to occur. After relapse, you must reflect and
summarize. Don’t be discouraged or discouraged. You must strengthen your study to reinforce your
consciousness and strengthen your mindfulness practice. In this way, you can quit the better and
strengthen yourself from the enemy. The weak situation has slowly turned into a situation where we
are stronger than the demons, and then we will have the confidence of victory. I have been abused
by the heart demon for more than ten years. Looking back over those ten years, I have been under
the control of the heart demon. I was a completely ignorant rookie. Later, after studying the reboot
article, I slowly changed the situation of passive beating. , When I really become stronger, it will be
difficult for the inner demon to break me. Even though I have quit, the heart demon is still trying to
break me, but I never let the heart demon succeed. The ancients struggled with the heart demon for
decades, and finally realized that the idea is naturally unreasonable, so this is a protracted battle. ,
We must be psychologically prepared for a protracted war. Some newcomers will say that they
should forget to reboot and forget masturbation. This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not
quitting smoking, smoking is something outside the body, you can throw it away and forget it, but
the seeds of lust is in your field of eight consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to
forget to reboot, but the demons will attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is
an escape, and it means that you don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There
is a reboot article saying: "Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic
masturbation. We carefully observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead,
they are replaced by a gray and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It
is said that man is the spirit of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness,
but if one is blinded by desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see
what people do nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality
is fading, people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by
greed, lust, appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people
in society, but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad
habit of masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking
dead, some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of
adultery. This is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The
vitality in the body is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to
decline. When the evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be
afraid! The situation of strong and weak has gradually changed into that we are stronger than the
demons, and then we will have the confidence of victory. I have been abused by the heart demon for
more than ten years. Looking back over those ten years, I have been under the control of the heart
demon. I was a completely ignorant rookie. Later, after studying the reboot article, I slowly changed
the situation of passive beating. , When I really become stronger, it will be difficult for the inner
demon to break me. Even though I have quit, the heart demon is still trying to break me, but I never
let the heart demon succeed.
The ancients struggled with the heart demon for decades, and finally realized that the idea is
naturally unreasonable, so this is a protracted battle. , We must be psychologically prepared for a
protracted war. Some newcomers will say that they should forget to reboot and forget masturbation.
This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not quitting smoking, smoking is something outside the
body, you can throw it away and forget it, but the seeds of lust is in your field of eight
consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to forget to reboot, but the demons will
attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is an escape, and it means that you
don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There is a reboot article saying:
"Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic masturbation. We carefully
observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead, they are replaced by a gray
and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It is said that man is the spirit
of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness, but if one is blinded by
desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see what people do
nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality is fading,
people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by greed, lust,
appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people in society,
but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad habit of
masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking dead,
some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of adultery. This
is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The vitality in the body
is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to decline. When the
evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be afraid! The
situation of strong and weak has gradually changed into that we are stronger than the demons, and
then we will have the confidence of victory. I have been abused by the heart demon for more than
ten years. Looking back over those ten years, I have been under the control of the heart demon. I
was a completely ignorant rookie. Later, after studying the reboot article, I slowly changed the
situation of passive beating. , When I really become stronger, it will be difficult for the inner demon
to break me. Even though I have quit, the heart demon is still trying to break me, but I never let the
heart demon succeed. The ancients struggled with the heart demon for decades, and finally realized
that the idea is naturally unreasonable, so this is a protracted battle. , We must be psychologically
prepared for a protracted war. Some newcomers will say that they should forget to reboot and forget
masturbation. This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not quitting smoking, smoking is something
outside the body, you can throw it away and forget it, but the seeds of lust is in your field of eight
consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to forget to reboot, but the demons will
attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is an escape, and it means that you
don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There is a reboot article saying:
"Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic masturbation. We carefully
observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead, they are replaced by a gray
and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It is said that man is the spirit
of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness, but if one is blinded by
desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see what people do
nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality is fading,
people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by greed, lust,
appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people in society,
but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad habit of
masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking dead,
some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of adultery. This
is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The vitality in the body
is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to decline. When the
evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be afraid! I didn't let
the inner demon succeed. The ancients struggled with the inner demon for decades, and it was
natural to realize that in the end, this is a protracted battle, and we must be psychologically prepared
for a protracted battle. Some newcomers will say that they should forget to reboot and forget
masturbation. This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not quitting smoking, smoking is something
outside the body, you can throw it away and forget it, but the seeds of lust is in your field of eight
consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to forget to reboot, but the demons will
attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is an escape, and it means that you
don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There is a reboot article saying:
"Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic masturbation. We carefully
observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead, they are replaced by a gray
and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It is said that man is the spirit
of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness, but if one is blinded by
desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see what people do
nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality is fading,
people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by greed, lust,
appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people in society,
but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad habit of
masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking dead,
some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of adultery. This
is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The vitality in the body
is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to decline. When the
evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be afraid! I didn't let
the inner demon succeed. The ancients struggled with the inner demon for decades, and it was
natural to realize that in the end, this is a protracted battle, and we must be psychologically prepared
for a protracted battle. Some newcomers will say that they should forget to reboot and forget
masturbation. This idea is wrong, because rebooting is not quitting smoking, smoking is something
outside the body, you can throw it away and forget it, but the seeds of lust is in your field of eight
consciousness, it will automatically Come out, you want to forget to reboot, but the demons will
attack frantically, so forgetting to reboot will not work. This is an escape, and it means that you
don’t have a clear understanding of the rebooting situation. There is a reboot article saying:
"Nowadays, many young people in the society will look at pornographic masturbation. We carefully
observe these people. These people have no spiritual energy. Instead, they are replaced by a gray
and evil spirit. With the growth of desire, the aura gradually depletes. It is said that man is the spirit
of all things. The spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobleness, but if one is blinded by
desire, then the aura will be lost. It’s no different from a beast. We can see what people do
nowadays. They are almost the same as those of beasts. Because human spirituality is fading,
people will behave like beasts and even be inferior to beasts. This is all It is caused by greed, lust,
appetite, and desire for money.” This paragraph is very good. Not only the young people in society,
but also the students at school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the bad habit of
masturbation. Gradually, the whole person is ashamed, with a lifeless face, like a walking dead,
some people are almost 30 years old, and half of their time is spent in the depravity of adultery. This
is really a kind of sadness, unable to be the purest self. , Is the greatest pain! The vitality in the body
is lost through licentiousness, and the physical and mental appearance begins to decline. When the
evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best wake-up, but you can't be afraid! Spirit, the
spirit here means purity and wisdom and nobility, but if people are blinded by desire, then the aura
will be lost, and then humans will be no different from beasts. We can see what people do now , Are
almost the same as beasts, because human spirituality is fading, so people will behave like beasts or
even worse than beasts. This is all caused by desires such as greed, lust, appetite, and desire for
money. "This passage is very good. Not only the young people in society, but also the students in
school, they are unable to extricate themselves because of the
bad habit of masturbation. Like the walking dead, some people live almost 30 years old, and spend
half of their time in the depravity of adultery. This is really a kind of sadness. It is the greatest pain
to be unable to be the purest self! The vitality in the body is lost through adultery. , The physical
and mental appearance are beginning to decline, and before the evil comes back, I really regret it.
This case is the best vigilance, but you are not afraid! Spirit, the spirit here means purity and
wisdom and nobility, but if people are blinded by desire, then the aura will be lost, and then humans
will be no different from beasts. We can see what people do now , Are almost the same as beasts,
because human spirituality is fading, so people will behave like beasts or even worse than beasts.
This is all caused by desires such as greed, lust, appetite, and desire for money. "This passage is
very good. Not only the young people in society, but also the students in school, they are unable to
extricate themselves because of the bad habit of masturbation. Like the walking dead, some people
live almost 30 years old, and spend half of their time in the depravity of adultery. This is really a
kind of sadness. It is the greatest pain to be unable to be the purest self! The vitality in the body is
lost through adultery. , The physical and mental appearance are beginning to decline, and before the
evil comes back, I really regret it. This case is the best vigilance, but you are not afraid!

Step into the text below

This season I will share with you a deeper and more detailed experience in rebooting. Rebooting is
indeed a very deep learning. At the end of rebooting, you will find that rebooting is closely related
to being a person, cultivating morality, and cultivating the way. Rebooting There are many levels.
The lowest level is not learning and blindly retreating. This way, rebooting is doomed to fail.
Generally, the retreat will be relapsed within a month or within a few days. Even if there is
considerable awareness, there may still be relapses. Why some people will collapse in half a year,
some will collapse in more than a year, and some people will collapse in about two years. There is a
reason, it must be that a problem occurred at a certain stage of the precept, and he couldn't
overcome it, and then he broke the precept. Relaxing one's vigilance is a common problem. It is
also a problem to feel discouraged from unsatisfactory recovery. There are also reasons for virtue.
Virtue has always been emphasized by the ancient sages. "Mencius": "The benevolent is invincible
in the world." The benevolent is invincible. At a high level of rebooting, one must focus on
cultivating morality. "The Analects of Confucius" stated: "A person with lofty ideals is a benevolent
person. If there is no survival to harm the benevolence, if there is a murder to become a
benevolent." At this juncture, let the little family take care of everyone, go forward and move
forward courageously. Reboot first to be a human being, and to learn to be a person and to cultivate
morality first, so that you have a solid foundation. If you continue to quit, you will gradually be
attracted by the content of the Taoism, and then you will find rebooting and cultivating the Tao. It is
highly compatible. When you get rid of the shackles of desire, your energy will start to move
upwards, and your brain will have a lot of inspiration. It is easy to understand what the great virtue
is talking about, and it is easy to get in. Then you will lament that the education of sages is
incredible. Having a realm that cannot be achieved by professional rebooting, after all, is the
profound wisdom of thousands of years, which is really incredible.

It takes a process to understand those profound words of wisdom. You think you understand, but
you don't understand it, and you don't realize the deep meaning. When you first see a sentence, you
may have read it after you have read it, but when your awareness has risen to a certain level, and
then look back at that sentence, you will suddenly understand the weight and meaning of the
sentence. A brother and I have given feedback before, saying that it took him a long time to
understand the meaning of the sentence in my article. After he really understands it, his
consciousness will suddenly increase. I have read it before but I didn’t understand it. Persisting in
studying rebooting articles, combined with the experience of actual combat, suddenly one day I
understand it, and I can go up right after I realize it. The same is true for me. It took me more than
three years to see a sentence from Dade. I felt a sense of joy and excitement. Because I truly
enlightened and tasted the Dharma, I felt very happy and excited. Although I watched it before I
have gone through it many times, but because I didn’t have enough experience, I didn’t have a deep
understanding of that sentence. Now that the experience is getting deeper and deeper, I suddenly
have a deep understanding of that sentence. Although the sentence seems ordinary, it is extremely
important. Some brothers have been abstaining for hundreds of days, lamenting that their
enlightenment is really different from the initial state of a rookie. At the beginning, they were in the
rookie stage, and they would ask some questions that would appear to be extremely idiots in the
future. This cannot be blamed on the newcomers, newcomers. They do ask those questions. As old
brothers, you must answer patiently and guide them well. When they are enlightened, they can
understand the good intentions of seniors. Seniors answered patiently over and over again, and
some questions were answered hundreds of times, but seniors were not impatient. Seniors knew that
to save others is to save themselves, even if they answered. Hundreds of times still patiently answer
the newcomer’s questions. There is a spirit of selfless dedication in it. This spirit will also be passed
on to the new batch of brothers through precepts and deeds, so that they can understand what
selfless dedication is. Why do seniors choose to continuously help newcomers and promote
rebooting, because doing so can not only do good and accumulate virtue, cultivate their own
blessings, but also stabilize the rebooting state, and cultivate a lofty mentality. Rebooting is very
important, and a lofty mentality can keep you away from the low-level tastes of adultery.

Rebooting is a complete multi-level system, requiring you to have a deep and comprehensive level
of awareness and a strong awareness of actual combat. Although some people have insufficient
consciousness, they can still reboot for a certain number of days, but if they want to enter a higher
level of rebooting, they can't do it. Recently, I saw a brother who had been abstaining for more than
three hundred days. He said, "I really want to die!" One of his classmates uploaded a bad video in
the space. He curiously watched it. So he relapsed. This is knowing what you can't do. He made the
wrong choice during actual combat, and let curiosity prevail. He didn't abide by the discipline of
rebooting the battlefield. He should immediately avoid the temptation instead of hitting the bullet!
That kind of pictures and videos can’t be seen at all, and can’t be seen at a glance. This kind of
actual combat awareness is necessary! If you let yourself take the initiative to watch it, you will
definitely fall into it. It's like being possessed, watching that kind of video crazily, that kind of state
is too terrible. It is not easy to be able to quit for more than three hundred days, but if you are not
vigilant, it will be ruined. Why did rebooting veterans survive? Have you thought about it? The
vigilance of the veterans is very strong, and the veterans know how to avoid death! Rebooting has a
large number of brothers killed in battle every day. Basically they are sent to death by themselves.
The veteran sees too much and knows the cruelty of the rebooting battlefield, so his awareness of
actual combat and vigilance is far higher than that of ordinary brothers. As soon as the newcomer
saw the picture, he immediately fell into it. Those pictures are like traps. Seeing the video is
completely out of control. Senior seniors will not make this mistake. The profound experience
allows him to make only the right choices. Nowadays, many mobile news are side-by-side content.
You must be very vigilant about this type of content. Don’t watch it. Some people think that it’s
okay to watch the news, but you have to know that many of the current news are equipped with
temptation pictures. You are boring. If you click in at some time, you will easily get out of control,
and many brothers will have a big deal on it. We must be highly vigilant in actual combat, and we
must earnestly reflect on each day, and constantly strengthen our awareness of actual combat. You
have to learn to overcome your own curiosity. The great virtues say that when you go against
yourself, you are making progress. Everyone needs to understand this sentence deeply. If you let
your curiosity go, isn't that looking for death? ! Lay Wang Xianglu once said: "Tolerate the word is
tantamount to suicide." To indulge that kind of impulse, it is like suicide. He had been abstaining for
more than 300 days and the situation was very good. However, a temptation video killed him
tragically. That video just killed him. Like a landmine, he took the initiative to step on the landmine,
isn't he looking for death? ! Gu Deyun: "Stop seeing one's desire for virtue." To be able to stop, one
must have a high level of awareness and vigilance. "Under the bait, there must be a hanging fish."
Many people will go to this kind of video when they encounter it. , But the rebooting veteran won’t
do it. Why does he react differently from others? Because of his actual combat intentions Strong
knowledge! He knows that you can't watch that kind of video, and he resolutely enforces the
discipline of rebooting the battlefield!

Some time ago, a brother who had quit for a year and four months also broke. He said that he was
not enlightened enough. He also said: "No matter how many days you reboot, as long as you take it
lightly one day, you will definitely relapse. The lesson of blood tells everyone that rebooting is a
protracted battle, and you cannot relax for a moment. "We are living in an era where licentiousness
is rampant, and the temptation is unprecedented. If you don’t leave the house for a while, you can
see that your blood is dying. Zhang's temptation content is also the Internet, which can also give
you access to good texts and knowledge, so the Internet is a double-edged sword, with opportunities
and crises coexisting. To get rid of bad habits, you must learn more about rebooting articles to
improve your awareness, and you must always be alert to yourself. When one day you have some
inexplicable desire for that temptation, you must be extra vigilant. When your gaze stays on the
edge map unconsciously, you must be more vigilant. Sometimes that feeling is very subtle, it is a
relatively subtle thought. When it comes up, if you don’t notice it, then you will watch Huang. Just
like the brother above saw the temptation video, he has a subtle feeling of curiosity that he wants to
watch. , This kind of feeling is just a few milliseconds, it is a minute thought of thinking about it for
a moment. We usually have to guard against this subtle sensation. At the moment of confrontation,
this sensation bursts out and flashes into the brain. If it is not interrupted immediately, the
consequences will be disastrous. You can do an experiment and enter a regular website you often go
to. After you enter, the moment your eyes see, which title or picture you are attracted to, and then
click, the subtle thought of "want to see" is almost coming I can't feel it, but if you have a strong
sense of actual combat and mind-watching skills, you can capture it. It is like a vellus hair,
extremely subtle. You can look at the website page, but do not do any click action. When you click,
you must "want to watch". Pay attention to the subtle process. When you are faced with tempting
content, learn to cut off this The subtle "want to see" feeling. Some brothers will say that they feel
very negative when they see rebellion posts. In fact, there is a distinction between rebellion posts.
Many rebellion posts can serve as a vigilant effect, just like telling you that if you are not vigilant,
the next one will die. You, there are other rebelling posts that are introspecting and summarizing. It
is also worth learning from us so as to avoid making similar mistakes.

Building a rebooting system requires a comprehensive and complete consciousness. You must learn
to reinforce the shortcomings of your consciousness. Now there are many brothers who have been
abstaining for three months, six months, or more than a year. If you want to improve yourself, you
must be more perfect. Own consciousness. Let me share the ten powers of rebooting. If you have all
of these ten powers, you will be particularly stable in the rebooting. I have been quitting until now
and have been insisting on these ten powers.

One, the power of determination

The potential of life is often fully aroused when you make your greatest determination. Rebooting
requires the greatest determination. This is a very important prerequisite. Many brothers just can't
make a big determination. They don't really want to reboot, and they don't have that kind of resolute
and decisive will. When you have a big determination, you will use your greatest enthusiasm and
motivation to reboot. When others read a rebooting article a day, you can read five or more than ten
articles a day. Will really go all out. The power of determination is incredible, but determination
must be implemented in action. It is impossible to have determination without action. It must be
determined and act more violently, so that it can be powerful! Strong determination is also very
helpful for overcoming obsessive thinking. I remember that I was entangled in obsessive thinking
before. Brothers who have had obsessive-compulsive disorder should have an extremely deep
understanding of this. Thoughts are always entangled, knowing that they are meaningless but still
have to I repeated my thoughts and confirmations over and over again. Later, I found that as long as
I made up my mind not to think about it, and then strengthened the mind-consciousness, the
obsessive thinking would gradually weaken and disappear. It was very effective. I told myself that I
would never think about it anymore and make the best resolution. , In this way can greatly weaken
the obsessive thinking, there must be a determination to break the arm of a strong man! The reason
why some brothers can’t make up their minds is because they don’t have a deep understanding of
the dangers of adultery. On the other hand, they don’t have a deep understanding of the symptoms.
Because they have not yet reached a serious level, they have to live by themselves, and quit. Color
is also so-so. Some people are accustomed to breaking the precept without any determination. They
are completely reduced to quitting oil. If you want to break through the status quo, you must be
determined to destroy all obstacles like a strong explosive! This fierceness must be there! Quit
desperately, quit to death! This kind of staunch determination must be posted often!

"The Art of War" says: "Death is to fight!" There is no way to retreat, and you are in desperation. At
this time, the strongest will to survive will erupt, and the greatest determination will be made to
fight desperately. Some generals specifically create dead places. The situation and environment in
such a situation would allow the soldiers to break the boat and win the battle with one enemy and
three. A few weeks ago, a brother replied in my post, saying that he felt a sense of near death. This
time he made up his mind because he was in desperation. If you have deep roots and know how to
reboot professionally, you don't need to wait until you have a serious illness before you make up
your mind. Just looking at those shocking cases is enough to make your best decision to reboot. I
made my biggest determination at the beginning, and it was reflected in my actions that I vigorously
studied rebooting articles and practiced mindfulness desperately. I long to surrender the heart
demon, and I don't want to live a life of being enslaved by the heart demon anymore. I really have
enough of these gloomy and decadent days! Under the iron hooves and tyranny of the heart demon,
I lived in extreme horror. I was completely in the Great Dark Age. I was bursting by negative
energy, and my heart was very painful. I don't want to live this kind of indulgent and depraved life
anymore. I long to break the yoke of adultery, and I long to restore the long-lost freedom, purity and
beauty. The urgency of desire for change must be maximized so that the greatest potential can be
stimulated. You must make the utmost determination, and then take action actively, then you will
witness your counterattack. Determined and acted again, the energy and momentum will be
different immediately, very fast. You will find that after making a big determination, your eyes will
change, and an invisible force has been added to you.
Second, the power of repentance

The "Great Wisdom Theory" says: "People can repent of their sins, but let them go if they have
repented; if they are at ease, they should not always read." Repentance is at ease, and you should
repent of your own faults, but don’t keep it in your heart. You should remain pure and peaceful. If
you have been entangled in a past mistake, your heart will not be pure. Repentance means to reflect
on the mistakes you have made, to be willing to face it, to take responsibility, to correct your
mistakes, and to resolve to never make them again. People are not sages, who can never fault,
knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great. Repentance itself is a kind of practice.
"All the evil karma created in the past was caused by greed, anger, ignorance and ignorance without
beginning; from the body, speech and mind, everything I repent now." I am reciting this confession
every day, morning and evening, but I don’t think it in my heart. The past mistakes should be kept
pure in your heart so that you can be at ease. Some brothers are always entangled in a certain past
mistake, which makes their heart feel very uneasy. It is good to have a penitent heart, but don’t get
entangled in the past mistakes. The key is to correct and restore your inner purity and peace. Sin
starts from the heart and confesses the heart. If the heart is extinguished, then the sin also perishes;
if the heart perishes and sin is extinguished, it is called true confession. The power of repentance is
like hot soup pouring snow and morning sun shining frost. As long as you sincerely repent, the sin
barrier you have done will be eliminated invisible. The "Golden Light Sutra" says: "The so-called
golden light eliminates all evils, a thousand kalpas have done, the most evil and felony, if you can
reach your heart, a penitent, if all sins are all destroyed, I have already said that the method of
repentance, It is golden light, pure and subtle, quick to eliminate all karma." "Mind and Earth
Guanjing": "If the offender, sin will increase, and confession will be revealed, and sin will be

The power of confession is very powerful, but it is not for you to do evil deliberately. Some people
may think that since confession can eliminate karma, it is better to do evil at will. It is not right to
have such an idea. Repentance is to prevent you from doing evil and lead you to it. The way to the
right is not to ask you to do evil without fear. You must understand this point.
Three, brave power

I saw a piece of news during the Olympic Games: Lang Ping's muscles have finally exploded Zhu
Ting! Lang Ping's biceps is indeed very good, very strong, and his iron hammer is well-deserved. To
win, he must be brave. The cultivation aspect is called brave and diligent! Master Hui Yi said in the
"Hundred Laws and Mingmen on Straight Judgement": "The diligent person is brave and strong in
breaking the evil and cultivating good deeds." In the middle, fortitude and decisiveness, overcoming
laziness and delay, fully mobilizing one's own impulsiveness and ruthlessness, just like a general
rushing into the enemy line, slashing and slashing, smashing a bloody road, and fighting to the end
with bloody combat. The real ringers are all downhill tigers, all of them are death fighters. I have
seen many brothers who are so lifeless in quitting and have no effort at all. How can this be done!
Master Yongjia wrote in the "Song of Enlightenment": "Big man, Binghui sword, prajna frontal and
vajra flames. Not only is the void destroys the outer heart, but the devilish courage has been set a
long time ago." The brave demeanor is evident. Enemy, you alone have to fight thousands of evil
thoughts! This must be an extremely brave warrior to be competent. You must show more bravery,
motivate yourself, put on the armor of bravery and diligence, charge into battle, swear to kill the
enemy, and carry forward the power of bloody battle to the end.

At that time, General Zhang Zizhong went to the battlefield with the determination to die. We must
learn from the iron bones and the abundance of righteousness of the veterans of the Anti-Japanese
War. Their morale of martyrdom is worth learning from future generations. Rebooting is a cruel
war. We must be a special force of rebooting, abstain from bleeding, abstain from heroism, and win
this war! What you need to reboot is an extremely strong fighting spirit, an indomitable fighting
will. In the Battle of Xifengkou, the 29th Army and its broadsword team fought against the Japanese
invaders, killing the sky, bloody the ground, mighty and impassioned. Now we have to use this
spirit and power to reboot, "cut a big sword at the head of the heart demon", be a violent rebooting
husband, never be a wicked spoiler, brandish a big knife, charge and kill bravely, and practice hard.
The enemy's ability is always ready to fight. You must not sit and wait for death. You must rush up,
show your hard work, reboot with an unstoppable bravery, show the strongest performance, and
destroy the attack of the inner demon.

Fourth, the power of faith

Regarding the power of faith, I also mentioned in the preface of this season that faith is too
important for rebooting. The ancients said that "the heart is fragrant with one petal", and the heart is
pious, respectful and humble. When everyone first started rebooting, the gap was actually widened,
because everyone’s roots of faith and goodness are different. Some people are very firm when they
precept, and any harmless doctrine cannot be shaken, while some people have not quit. , I was
doubting this, doubting that, my heart was very unstable, and it was extremely easy to shake. Those
who are really determined will persist until the end when the waves are scouring the sand. Such
brothers are true rebooting martyrs. They are especially determined and unshakable ones. They are
as loyal, tenacious, indomitable, and indomitable like the Langya Mountain Five Heroes. Rebels
have appeared in the rebooting bar. This kind of people have shallow confidence and deep karma.
They are shaken by the rebels, so they have wrong views on the rebooting bar. In the course of the
Chinese revolution, traitors have also appeared. This is an inevitable law of history, no wonder.
They want to continue to live a life of adultery, and no one can stop them. In the end, the symptoms
are plagued and the retribution appears. Everyone chooses their own path, and they want to return to
the vicious circle of depravity, but they can only follow them.

In Buddhism, there is "victorious faith". Victorious faith is strong, superior, pure, and rational. It is
the strongest right faith. Victory faith is not accidental impulsive confidence, not superficial faith,
but confidence after in-depth understanding and knowledge. It is a very deep and firm confidence,
pure and not mixed with doubt. We also need to have victory and faith in rebooting, faith must be
extremely strong, and stand must be particularly firm, so that when you start rebooting, your
strength will be different. Faith is originally a great power. With deep faith, you Only when you
have a little doubt, you will not have the strength. So you must eliminate the doubt and strengthen
your confidence. In many cases, the heart demon will send you suspicious thoughts in an attempt to
shake your rebooting stand. You must learn to see through and strengthen your rebooting stand
through thinking. You can think like this: "It's just death, and neither will I I will be shaken!", "No
matter how you instigate me from the heart demon, I will not be shaken, die hard to the end, never
waver!" The spirit of a martyr must be used to deal with such instigation of the heart demon. The
heart demon is very sinister and insidious. Cunning, if it shakes you up, you will automatically
break the ring. We must be extremely careful, and always guard against the instigation of the
demons, just like the thieves!

"Confidence is a treasure, and benevolent day and night." I hope that everyone will be friendly and
strengthen their confidence in rebooting, and be as firm and unshakable as steel, so that they will be
brave when they reboot, just like a mighty lion! With the support of firm confidence, your aura will
become very strong, and your heart will become very stable and peaceful. Only by being
unshakable can you continuously break through the level of rebooting, and make progress with each
passing day.

Five, the power of humility

Regarding humility, I specifically emphasized in my rebooting article that many people break the
precept because they have a certain level of precept and have the idea of pride. Pride means
relaxation of vigilance, and it is easy to be exploited by the heart demon. The so-called arrogant
soldier will lose! Some time ago, a brother came to me and told me that he felt that he was very
strong after quitting for more than a year, and thought of being proud. As a result, he broke the
precept not long ago, and he was very regretful. We really can’t be proud. I have seen a lot of posts
by newcomers who underestimate the enemy and pride. Old brothers are proud of the ring to a
certain extent. As a result, they broke the ring before long. The demons have been waiting for them
to be proud. Pride, the demon is ready to start. Pride is a flaw. If you expose a flaw, you will be
caught by the inner demon, and be crushed by the inner demon! Mr. Wang Yangming said: "A
person who is seriously ill is just a word of'arrogance'." The ancients said that those who conceit
themselves are the foundation of virtue. Humility and humility are too important. Why is it said that
the last thing to do is to fight for virtue? Because of lack of virtue, you will automatically lose!
Rebooting must pay attention to the cultivation and promotion of virtue. I know how long he can
quit and what realm he can reach from the speeches of the brothers. As long as he shows a little
arrogant tendency, I know that he will definitely break the precept. When a person is arrogant, it is
like pulling a pile of shit in a clear spring of the soul. It can be as stinky as it is, which is a serious
pollution to the pure soul. Therefore, such thoughts are never allowed to appear in the heart. "The
Book of Changes·Qian": "A humble gentleman, humble himself to herd." It also said: "A gentleman
who works hard, the people will serve him." A hardworking and humble gentleman, the people
respect him. Modesty is in the hexagrams, and all six lines are good. Humility is a lifelong lesson
for practitioners. Arrogance quickly damages the blessings, and the humble can quickly accumulate
blessings. People who are truly capable of cultivation tend to be quiet and humble, not easy to lose
their temper, and they are very stable. Learning to be humble is a kind of wisdom in life. Humility
is a kind of virtue, a kind of self-cultivation, and even more a kind of maturity. A humble soul is like
a spring in the mountains, clear and transparent, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds and our
pure soul. The immature wheat ears stand tall, the more mature the wheat ears droop, the more
mature people know how to be humble and grateful.

Once, a mainland entrepreneur came to see Li Ka-shing. After the meeting, Li Ka-shing deliberately
came out of the office and escorted him to the elevator. The most amazing thing is that Li Ka-shing
did not leave immediately, but bowed respectfully until the elevator door closed. As an
accomplished man, Li Ka-shing is still humility. What makes people most respectful is that he, who
is over seventy years old, personally escorted the guests to the elevator entrance and bowed
respectfully to the guests until the elevator door closed. Li Ka-shing’s humility and meticulousness
in life and work are worth learning from our younger generations. Why Li Ka-shing can be
successful and is still a true evergreen tree is inseparable from his virtue. His virtue can match his
position. In this way, Only by being able to hold it can it not fall for a long time. Li Ka-shing has so
much wealth, but he still maintains a humble heart, and it is this humility that has made his career
successful, and at the same time he has made his personality great. Humility is a kind of cultivation
base, the low ground becomes the sea, and the low man becomes the king. Even if you are
successful, you still have to put yourself down, remain humble, give selflessly, and serve others.

Jesus once brought a little child to the disciples, asking them to turn around like little children. He
told them that if a person does not turn and become a child, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
Among you, whoever is humble like this little child is the greatest in heaven. Gentle and humble is
really important. "Yi" says, "Strong and soft, and good luck." A humble heart is very soft and soft.
Tai Chi theory says: "Extremely soft, and then extremely strong." It is extremely soft to produce
pure rigidity. Tai Chi looks very soft. Tai Chi was called "cotton boxing" in ancient times, but it can
show amazing power in actual combat, such as cotton wrapped in iron, which is soft on the outside
and strong inside. Just like water can be very soft and gentle, but it can also destroy everything like
a tsunami. Water can be soft, but also rigid, and both rigid and soft, Fang Hezhong Dao. A humble
heart is softness, and toughness when facing a heart demon is rigidity. As a true preceptor, both
rigidity and flexibility must be possessed. You will find that when you achieve the ultimate softness,
you can achieve the ultimate rigidity. Only soft can be extremely strong. If you don't cultivate
humility, then you will be rigid and easy to break. In the end you become arrogant and break
yourself down. The vigor is hidden in the chest, and the air is floating in the face, the outer circle
and the inner square, the bones are strong and the spirit is soft. Master Hanshan said: "The first to
learn Taoism is to be strong." People know tolerance and gratitude, this is softness.

Six, the power of shame

The "Great Nirvana Sutra" says: "Those who are ashamed do not commit sins; those who are
ashamed are not taught to do. Those who are ashamed are ashamed of themselves; those who are
ashamed are exposed to others." There is a lot of ashamed, the "Miscellaneous Ahan Sutra" says: "If
the world is successful, the one who is ashamed of the two dharma, grows the pure path, and
eternally closes the door of life and death." Ashamed conscience can produce all kinds of good
methods, which is the great treasure of practitioners. We should be a master. Ashamed person. You
should feel ashamed the more you cultivate. If you cultivate more and more slowly, then you are
completely wrong. Master Yinguang calls himself a "ashamed monk". Having multiple ashamed
conscience can get rid of arrogance. Many brothers are defeated by arrogance. Repairing ashamed
conscience can effectively prevent and cure arrogance. This is very important! Being ashamed is
one of the "Seven Sacred Treasures". Faith and precepts also belong to the Seven Sacred Treasures.
Master Sheng Yan said: "If you can always keep the word'ashamed' in your heart, there will be three
major benefits: The first is not to slack off. , Will be very diligent and hardworking. The second is
very humble, not only will respect anyone, and will help others unconditionally. The third is the
ability to endure humiliation, because you know how to be ashamed, so it’s hard to do it, it’s hard to
endure, It is hard to give up, this is the spirit of the bodhisattva."

Because you have shame, you can prevent yourself from doing evil. People who commit adultery
often lack shame. This makes it easier to indulge themselves without repentance. Some even show
off with indulgence. They are completely shameless and feel ashamed. no. The scripture says: "If
you are free from shame, you will lose all merits. Those who are ashamed have good laws. If you
are not ashamed, they are no different from the animals." With shame, it is easy to change, so you
need more. Cultivate ashamed heart. I feel ashamed every day. When I feel ashamed, I feel that the
positive power is strengthened and my heart becomes very pure. Some brothers may pay more
attention to humility and gratitude. The attention is not enough. If you can be ashamed more often,
you will be more stable and your positive energy will become stronger. Thoughts of adultery will
trigger a lot of negative thoughts, and ashamed will trigger a lot of positive thoughts, so we should
be more ashamed. I remember reading an article before about a practitioner who was ashamed and
cultivated well. When others praised him, he felt ashamed in his heart and said: "Ashamed!
Ashamed!" That article left me with it. I am deeply impressed. I also want to be a practitioner who
"knows and is ashamed". I have realized that no matter how long I quit, I am still very shallow. The
praise of others will only make me deeply ashamed. When a person is ashamed, there is a special
vibration that spreads around him like ripples, which feels very good, and when a person is
arrogant, there will also be a kind of fluctuation spreading, which makes people feel It's
uncomfortable, and it's easy to arouse resentment and attack from others. Cultivating shame is very
important for rebooting. I hope everyone can fully realize this and be a person who knows how to
be ashamed.
Seven, the power of persistence

A sales master gave a speech. Without saying a word, he just struck a big bell with a small hammer,
but the bell didn’t move, and the audience was puzzled. Many people left the venue. After a long
time, the big bell began to shake. Up. Persevere, you will see changes, and there will always be a
period of no change before the change. Some brothers have been studying rebooting articles.
Although they feel that they have not made much progress, they still persevere every day, because
they know that if they persist, they will usher in an epiphany. When you learn to a certain level, you
suddenly become enlightened. It is like an explosion of inspiration, and you will understand at once.
Small precepts rely on forbearance, and major precepts rely on enlightenment. The premise of
enlightenment is to have a certain amount of learning accumulation, just like boiling water. When
heating up, it will boil when it reaches the boiling point. We must understand this principle and keep
learning. Then we will naturally usher in a rapid progress in our consciousness. Rebooting is a
matter of persistence. Interrupting the evil is terrible. Once you interrupt, the momentum of the past
will be lost. Many people are exposed to the cold and lack endurance. Only by persevering can we
usher in significant changes. The rope saw the wood break and the water dripped through the stone.
Perseverance is too important. You eat food every day, the food you eat can already be piled up, and
you have been eating food from birth. This is actually a persistence, persistence instinctively.
Learning rebooting articles should also become an instinctive need. Read rebooting articles every
day, review your notes, and stick to it without interruption. This is extremely critical and important
for maintaining a good rebooting state. Some people started to quit very well, and soon broke
through a hundred days, but then they didn’t work. As soon as the tiredness of rebooting period
came, their condition plummeted, and they developed good study habits. This way, they can
naturally overcome tiredness of rebooting. Expect.
Eight, the power of good deeds

Accumulating goodness can make your heart noble and bright, while licentiousness and other evil
deeds can make your heart bad and dark. Accumulating goodness can increase positive energy,
positive energy will bring happiness and stability, adultery will accumulate negative energy, and
negative energy will eventually lead to pain and anxiety. Teacher Qin Dongkui said that it is
necessary to establish a superior energy field, how to establish it? Do more good and accumulate
virtue, be more filial to your parents, not be filial piety, and not commit adultery. You can try to
observe the energy field of each person, and you will find that each person's energy level is
different. The energy level of the person who does good is higher. If he does good and does not
commit adultery, the energy field of such a person will become very good. Optimistic, positive,
upward, full of enthusiasm, hope and belief, with a pure and beautiful smile, and a compassionate
and broad mind. Such a person has a positive energy magnetic field. When communicating with
him, we will feel happy, upward, and trusting. It feels that being with him will feel safe, relaxed and
happy, allowing you to feel the beauty and meaning of life, and you want to spend more time with
him. People who are wicked, wretched, moody, moody, pessimistic, fearful, complaining, jealous,
and not pleasing to the eye, have a negative energy magnetic field. Once people come into contact
with negative energy, they will be instinctive. I feel uncomfortable and even disgusted. Sexual
obscenity will cause a person to enter a state of negative energy, evil obscenity will trigger various
other evil thoughts, and make a person's heart become extremely gloomy and more selfish. Sexual
obscenity is completely a kind of corrosion! Turn people into walking corpses and enter a state of
being inferior to beasts.

Some time ago I watched a program of "Today's Statement" called "Disillusionment". It was about a
person named Ding Qingping. It turned out that he was a Chinese teacher. Later, he went to the sea
to do business, made a lot of money, and made a fortune. After he knew his wealth and wealth, he
started to do it. Indulged in a life of prostitution and indulgence, and contracted the habit of
gambling. In the end, the business was a complete failure, the capital chain was broken, and he
owed huge debts. Finally, he fled to Canada. After seven years, he was arrested and he was destitute
and destitute with almost nothing. The ancients said that wealth should not be fornication, and many
men will go into chaos after they become rich. In the end, they are really serious and the retribution
is tragic! Ding Qingping’s previous photos were really dignified and talented. Later, after the fall of
adultery, that appearance was really full of negative energy, and it seemed extremely wretched and
gloomy. Those who do good and accumulate virtue seem to have a warm sun shining on their heads,
while those who commit evil acts like a thick black cloud over their heads, and the whole person's
tone is gray. There is a story in "The Sea of Love and Love": Wang Wenke Gongluo, when he was
not in the first place, there was a beautiful woman running at night. Wang Shuyubi said: Beauty is
good for everyone, and the emperor should not be deceived. Reject it. After boarding Dingjia, as
Zaifu. I saw this with my own eyes. I remember that one year during the Chinese New Year, I had
dinner with a distant relative in my hometown. At that time, I was only a teenager, and he was in his
early forties, and he was the same generation as my dad. . During the meal, he said that he once
went to work in other places and lived in a hotel. He called in the evening and said that he would
provide that kind of service, but he sternly refused. At that time, he mentioned this incident during
dinner, and he still looked upright. I felt that he was very upright and had a strong sense of
responsibility to the family, so he would not mess around outside. When he said that, his family was
not wealthy. After a few years, he started a stone business, a construction material, which really
developed and earned tens of millions. Several people in the same village also did this business, but
they all Not as developed as him. I think this has a lot to do with his refusal to engage in
prostitution. When people do it, the sky is watching. For those who refuse prostitution, the sky will
definitely give a generous reward.

Eddie Griffin once arranged for a beauty to provide "service" to Yao Ming, but Yao Ming refused,
Yao Ming withstood the test, and Griffin was too indulgent in his life, which paved the way for his
future tragedy. Griffin was killed in a car accident at the age of 25. Driving an SUV ignoring the
railway warning signs and forcibly crossing the guardrail, it collided head-on with a freight train.
The scene of the accident was terrible. The body was severely burned and could not be identified. It
is said that Griffin was looking yellow while driving. Yao Ming strictly disciplines himself, and
Griffin indulges in sensuality, and the fate of the two is very different because of this. Gu Deyun:
"The law of heaven is the strictest for licentiousness, and the worst is for man's misfortune. If small,
you will die, if you are big, you will die. If you are near, you will cut off your progeny. The
condemnation of the gods." Only those who do not commit adultery can hold it! The heart is
prosperous, and the heart is decayed! Committing adultery is equivalent to opening the door to all
disasters! Human beings are the integration of spirituality and animality. They can become full of
spiritual light or beastly darkness. It depends on which side you develop. If you develop your own
animality, it will be a terrible disaster!

Nine, the power of vows

I wish to cut off all evil, cultivate all goodness, and save all sentient beings. This wish I will send it
out every day, once in the morning class and once in the evening class. King Kong is not strong, and
is willing to be the strongest! It was made over and over again, becoming stronger and stronger,
more and more unshakable, stronger than diamond. Master Xingyun once said: "Vowing is the
foundation of all accomplishments." If you can't make a wish, you must start, do it earnestly, and
have a long-term and strong mind. Because I have made a big wish, I will try my best to do it. I
have persisted until now, and it is inseparable from making a wish every day. I am also willing to
support me until now. Once I make a wish, I feel that I have a responsibility and obligation to help
the vows. Friends, I also have a very lofty sense of mission. Of course, it is my great honor to be
able to help others. I also hope that every brother can surpass me. It doesn’t matter if I am a
stepping stone. The development of public welfare undertakings has made more people aware of the
dangers of adultery. Now a large number of brothers who have real rebooting righteous views have
risen, and they will lead more people to reboot. An unstoppable trend has gradually formed. We are
all witnesses, and we are also participants. Let We continue to deliver positive energy and keep
doing it until the end of life.

Some newcomers also swear vows, but what they make is a vow. If they can't quit, they just chop
one or the other. It's a manifestation of blindly quitting. Such vows often don't have much effect,
and they will soon slap themselves in the face. The vows are also exquisite, like the great vows
made by the Bodhisattva of Earth Store: Hell is not empty, and you can't become a Buddha; when
all living beings are exhausted, the bodhi can be proved. This great vow is a vow that is selfless and
altruistic, without selfishness. It is best for us to reboot and make a big altruistic wish, so that there
will be a lofty motive. Then you will not act with a force that can be compared to that kind of
selfish and narrow wish. If you make a big wish, you will There is a very lofty sense of mission.
This sense of mission is very important. With this sense of mission, you can become more
determined in rebooting, and your rebooting stand will become extremely strong. Making vows
over and over is to lead you to that powerful energy field. If people have good wishes, God will
bless them. If you have great aspirations that are selfless and benefit others, God will help you. If
you are narrow-minded and selfish, give up by yourself, regardless of others. They even laughed at
others. Such people will definitely break the precept again because of their bad virtues. If you make
a big wish, you will naturally work hard in that direction. Coupled with a long-term firm heart, you
will achieve incredible results. Some people have also made great wishes, but lack a long-term firm
heart, and retreat in the middle. Such people have shallow roots of goodness and cannot stand the
test. When you act with a lofty mentality, your actions will have special energy and qualities. The
power of vows is incredible. Make big vows and act bravely, not for yourself, but to save thousands
of people who are obsessed with. Adulterous children, you have the responsibility and obligation to
stand up, persuade them, help them get back on track, and always do things with this selfless and
altruistic noble mentality. You will be full of infinite power, and your eyes will become noble and
noble. Resolute, save them, this is your bounden duty! This is your life's mission! ! ! Act
vigorously! ! !

Ten, the power of skill

The practice is perfect, and only with proficiency can you be proficient. "Qi Nian-watch porn-
masturbation", this routine is too familiar, after the familiarity, half-dream and half-waking will be
stunned, completely subconscious. But now that we want to stop at the beginning of our thoughts,
we need to practice constantly, from unfamiliar to proficient, from proficient to superb, we must
continue to practice, and practice over and over again. "Zhuangzi" said: "When the first minister
dispelled the cow, he saw nothing more than the cow; three years later, he had not seen the whole
cow." There is no complete cow in his eyes, only the bone structure of the cow. . Suddenly, to a
certain extent, it is also a technique. The master has reached the level of ease, how can it be
achieved? One word, practice! Two words: practice hard! Three words: Practice hard! ! ! A master's
knife is clean and tidy, and he never drags his feet, but the rookie found it was too late, and had
already followed the thought for a long time, only to suddenly realize that he was obsessed with
obscenity. It was already late at this time. The so-called so-called not afraid of reading, I was afraid
of feeling late! To be a skilled worker who is absentminded, you must continuously improve your
proficiency! Practicing self-cultivation for a long time, familiar with self-satisfaction! Su Bingtian's
score in 2006 was 10.59 seconds, and his score in 2015 was 9. 99 seconds, ran into the ten-second
mark. He trained for nine years. What his coach said is "a small progress in two years, a big
progress in four years." The superb level of professional athletes comes from long-term professional
system training. One minute, ten years of work in the audience. I have seen an NBA player shoot
three-pointers in an all-black environment, making eight of ten shots! First let him stand in position,
then turn off all the lights and let him shoot. Without seeing the basket, he also made eight shots.
Unbelievable. I think this is closely related to his long-term shooting practice. His shots have been
Develop a feeling of extreme proficiency, even if you can't see it, you can make a shot. There are
also players who can make dozens of three-pointers in a row during training, and they feel
extremely hot. This is the result of a lot of practice, and practice will make people more and more
proficient. The same is true for Suunen, the higher the rank, the higher the proficiency, and the
deeper the understanding of Suunen. A lot of exercises will make the level of cessation
straightforward. Of course, you must practice to get the method. You must learn the theoretical
knowledge of cessation in depth, and then in-depth experience over and over again in the exercises.
After training for a long time, when the kung fu arrives, the "smell of knife" slowly begins to
permeate. The invisible murderous aura absolutely makes the heart demon tremble. With the
deepening of the kung fu, the fluctuation of thoughts will become extremely sensitive. I realized
that Suan Nian was getting faster and faster, and the battle was resolved in an instant when the evil
thought was on his mind. Awareness is the most powerful knife. This is a knife that kills thoughts.
The sword is full of energy. All the evil thoughts and images that appeared in the mind are torn to
pieces by the powerful sword! Majestic sword intent, mighty and majestic, standing on the top of a
mountain overlooking the sea of clouds, ringers, as if in a fairyland, compose a thrilling rebooting

Final summary:
Rebooting is a very deep learning. To enter the high level of rebooting, one must pay attention to
the cultivation and promotion of virtues. I have quit till now, and found that rebooting is very
profound, and you will not feel that rebooting is at a low level. How profound is color, but when
you reach a high level, you will find that rebooting is actually very, very profound. To enter a very
stable level of rebooting, you should learn more about the education of sages and learn more about
the nourishment of the teachings of sages, so that you can enter a higher level. The state of
monasticism. Many people can give up for more than 100 days or even more than a year, but at a
certain stage they will automatically lose out. There are two reasons for this. On the one hand, it is
not good for actual combat. On the other hand, it is not good enough and angry. , When I complain,
I am proud, I will break the precept immediately. Virtue is like a foundation. The stronger the
foundation, the better you can quit. The longer you quit, the higher the requirements for virtue. The
ten powers in this season mainly focus on the improvement of morality. The last thing I fight for is
morality. I have seen many talented, aggressive, and gifted brothers, but the morality cannot keep
up. Rebooting first cultivates virtue, no matter what stage of rebooting, you must pay attention to
the cultivation of virtue. The "Tai Shang Induction Chapter" says: "If you are Tao, you will advance;
if you are not, you will retreat; if you don't follow evil paths, don't deceive the dark room;
accumulate virtue and work hard, and be kind to things; be loyal to your friends and treat yourself
and transform others." These thirty-two Words are very important. They are the foundation of being
a human being and the foundation of rebooting. They must be implemented well.

Mr. Wu Zeyun: "The most important thing is life after one’s self-enrichment. However, if you fail to
maintain your health, you can protect your life, knowing that you can protect your life, and you can
maintain your health. This is not easy. The life of the most thieves must only be huge with color,
which is like a sword, and when you dance, you will be injured; when you are too bad, you will die
when you drink. , Ambition is depraved. The ears and eyes are deafened, the form is barren, the
personality is humble, and all the diseases of weakness and paralysis are multiplied by the gap, so
that an endless career and great hope are all eliminated. Nothing.” The harm of evil adultery is very
great. It is essentially a loss of energy. It will accumulate over time, and sooner or later, it will suffer
from evil consequences. It is necessary to vigorously stop evil adultery. Each of the ten powers of
rebooting is extremely powerful. If you have all the ten powers, it is like having ten top-level
equipment. Then you will become invincible, invincible, and invincible. The devil is no longer your

Let me share three reboot poems

"The Fall of a Boy"

What is the innocent boy

Became a wretched existence

A secret vice

He didn't tell anyone

He believed in the brick house

Because of the brick family's theory

Gave him an excuse to indulge

A crazy move

Twitching body
Greedy eyes

Staring at the screen

The essence of a tube

Shoot out from the body

The youth is getting gaunt and withered

Eyes are dull and drooped

Looks very decadent

My parents can't figure out what's wrong with him

Only he knows

What did he do

The boy has been controlled by the heart demon

He began to live a two-sided life

Try to pretend to be innocent on the surface

Secretly masturbating crazy

Everything is beyond recognition

The teenager exhausted all his strength

Let out the last cry of sorrow

I want to quit! ! !
"The Metamorphosis of Lu Guan"

After a brief pleasure

Is devastated

After ejaculation

A layer of brilliance on the face

Just disappeared

Dull again

He feels hopeless

Being abused by heart demon again and again

He wants to get rid of the vicious circle

But can't do it

The person in the mirror is already deformed

Subtle deformation

But it looks extremely ugly and abrupt

The face is sunken and the cheekbones protrude

Collapsed eyelids, deformed facial features

Looks very asymmetric

Looks very weird

The hideous face of resentment everywhere

Twisted face, fallen soul

Because of addiction

He vilified himself

Especially ugly, especially wretched

Very nasty, very disgusting

Even he himself feels sick

He curled up on the corner of the bed and sobbed silently

Let the tears flow freely

Flowing through the deformed face

Flow through all the ugliness

The life of arrogance is too awkward

Only surrender the heart demon

To be the best version of yourself

"Pure White Soul"

His eyes are very clear

Without any desire

Reflected in the blue sky

So pure and beautiful

Child's blooming smiley

Playful voice

In a corner of memory

Still dazzling, still alive

Children from the world of fairy tales

Fell into the world of desire

Lost the pure beauty

Lost pure joy

Dissipate the haze of licentiousness

He is still that innocent child

Embracing innocent romance

The eyes are soft and pure

Exudes endless tenderness and kindness

Has a special sense of beauty

Appeared on the face

Wandering in infinite beauty

So happy and free

Let us restore our pure white souls

Live the natural perfection and purity

Live out the lofty and bright inside

Recommend a book below

"Take Tea and Go: Participate in Zen with Master Hsing Yun": Master Hsing Yun's 200 selected Zen
koans, from the perspective of modern people, will help you to absorb the flexible and humorous
wisdom of Zen masters and live a fulfilling and comfortable life. Zen Buddhism is an important and
distinctive sect in Chinese Buddhism, closely integrated with Chinese traditional culture. Zhao
Puchu said that talking about China's religious culture is inseparable from Zen. Zen is like a stream
of flowing water from its source. It once brought vitality to Chinese culture. It has had a profound
impact on Chinese literati painting, landscape poetry, literature and even Neo-Confucianism,
bringing Chinese culture into a culture that focuses on nature, harmony, spirituality, and vivid
charm. In the new artistic conception, the ancient literati and influential scholars are basically
learning Zen, and the atmosphere of ancient people ginseng and talks about Zen is very popular.
Zen Buddhism is a treasure of history and culture, and it is worthy of our exploration, sorting,
research and reference. Zen has far-reaching influence and spread widely. It spread to Korea and
Japan in the east, and spread to Southeast Asia. In modern times, it spread to Western Europe and
North America. Jobs has also been deeply influenced by Zen thought, which is finally reflected in
his strategic thinking about the company and the simple and beautiful design of the product. Morita
therapy is also called Zen therapy, and it also draws on the ideas and wisdom of Zen Buddhism. I
am a practitioner of Pure Land Buddhism, but I sometimes look at some koans and teachings on
Zen Buddhism, which is very helpful to improve my thinking and understanding. Master Xingyun’s
book is quite good. The short stories give people a lot of inspiration. There is a PDF version on the
Internet, and those who are interested can download it and read it.

Li Kaifu talks to Master Xingyun, the following is an excerpt from Li Kaifu's book:

At that time, I often complained and blamed God for being unfair to me. I shouted from the bottom
of my heart: "Why me? What did I do wrong? Is this karma?" I am the proud son of heaven! I have
the ability to change the world and benefit mankind. God should take special care of me. How could
I be thrown into the mud of cancer, struggling to survive here like a group of ordinary people? My
friend saw me in pain, so I specially brought me to visit Master Hsing Yun and stayed in Fo Guang
Shan for a few days. One day, just after the morning class, and the day was still dark, I was arranged
to have a morning fast with the master. After the meal, the master suddenly asked me: "Kaifu, have
you ever thought about your goal in life?" I replied without thinking: "'Maximize influence','The
world is different from me!" This is my long time. The belief in life since the beginning: The extent
to which a person can change the world depends on how much influence he has; the greater the
influence, the more effective the things he makes... This belief grows on me like a tumor. Tenacity,
stubbornness, and rapid expansion. I never doubted its correctness. The master smiled without
saying a word, and after a moment of indulgence, he said: "This is too dangerous!" "Why? I don't
understand!" I was so surprised! "We are very small, one more me, one less me, the world will not
increase or decrease. You want to'the world is different from me', this is too arrogant!" The master
said lightly and slowly, but Word by word is clear. "What is'maximizing influence'? If a person
always wants to expand his influence, think about it, he is actually pursuing fame and fortune! Ask
your heart! Don't lie to yourself... "Hearing this, it was like five thunderstorms. No one has ever
pointed out my blind spot so directly, so gently and harshly. I was stunned there, without answering
for a long time. "Life is rare. It's not easy once in life. You don't have to want to change the world.
It's not easy to be able to do a good job." The master paused briefly and continued: "To generate
positive energy, not negative energy. "
Season 108: How to increase the actual conversion rate of reboot

The summer is hot and hot, and people’s emotions are easily irritable and irritable. As the
temperature rises, people’s moods will also become impetuous. It is easy to experience emotional
relapse in this season. In summer, we must strengthen emotional management. High temperature
can also cause sleep disorders. Recently, many brothers have reported this problem. I also woke up
halfway through. This summer was too hot, a record-breaking heat. 8 people in Jiangsu died of
heatstroke. It can be really hot. dead. Everyone must pay attention to heatstroke prevention and
cooling, but not too greedy for cold, otherwise it is likely to cause repeated symptoms in the body,
and you must pay more attention to health maintenance.

I recently saw a piece of news, the excerpt is as follows:

[In the party platform set by the Republican Party in 2016, factors such as the proliferation of guns,
climate change, and obesity that "traditionally" affect American public health are not mentioned, but
it clearly points out that A-films have caused American public health. The harm. In the program
announced on July 20, the chapter entitled "Ensuring Safe Living Communities: Crime Reform and
Prison Reform" clearly identified the A film as a "public health crisis." In April of this year, the
"anti-A-film forces" achieved the biggest victory in history. Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed a
state bill officially declaring that "A-films are a public health crisis." The state bill calls
pornography "evil, low-level, addictive and harmful."]

The United States is open, but their rebooting websites and rebooting campaigns are booming.
There are many related articles and videos, as well as various lectures, all of which point out that
pornography is extremely harmful, and the pornography is classified as " "Public health crisis" is
very accurate, and it is not an exaggeration. Only those who truly understand the hazards can define
it like this. Accompanied by pornography is the act of masturbation. In recent years, there have been
more and more discussions on the harm of masturbation abroad . This is a trend. The truth of
masturbation is resurfaced, and the harmless theory of the brick family will eventually Being
eliminated, pseudo-science cannot stand the test of facts. The harmlessness of masturbation is a big
lie and a completely wrong view. The pornography has broken many people, and the innocent
teenagers have gradually become wretched sticks full of evil thoughts. They have become obsessed
with classmates, teachers, and even their own family members. They have completely entered a
state of inferior animals. Some people on the Internet will say that pornography is "welfare", but in
fact it should be "corrupt profit" that corrupts the soul! It pollutes a person's soul and makes people
live a life of indulgence and depravity. You think that pornography will not hurt others. In fact, you
are hurting yourself and your parents. If you are so crazy, can you be worthy of the parenting grace
of your parents? If the elders knew that you were depraved like this, how would they feel? Many
stunners have already lost their most basic conscience. They often quarrel with their parents,
contradict their parents, and hurt their parents. After being brainwashed by the brick house, they are
even more embarrassed. Only when the symptoms suddenly break out, they will suddenly
Awakened. Sexual adultery will not only lead to a health crisis, but also a moral crisis. Sexual
adultery is an act that hurts one's body and morals. "The Record of Juvenile Jinde": "A matter of
obscenity is the most detrimental to one's morals." It is urgent to quit adultery!

Rebooting bar Every day, a large number of new people come in. Their minds are washed away by
harmlessness and asceticism. They are very ignorant and think they are right. In fact, from the
perspective of senior brothers, they are quite ignorant and naive, of course. They cannot be blamed
because they have been instilled with wrong ideas since childhood and have not been exposed to the
truth. They are actually us in the past, and we also have such a rather ignorant and naive stage.
Some newcomers came to reboot and saw posts about hair loss, but he didn't understand it, because
he didn't understand the theory of Chinese medicine and didn't know the connection between kidney
deficiency and hair loss. This kind of newcomer is very ignorant. Some newcomers say that they are
also in charge, why don't they lose their hair? Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that it
takes a certain degree of injury to cause a lot of hair loss. To reach a certain critical point, take me
for example. I only experienced a lot of hair loss when I was more than ten years old. Take off, but
rarely. Some people lose a lot of hair only after five years. Everyone has different levels of sperm
injury. Some people have better genetics, so the evil results will appear later. Once the trend of
massive hair loss is formed, they want to recover. It used to be more difficult and requires a long
recovery process, which may take a year or even a few years. Others saw that other people’s looks
recovered and they said that they were beautiful. This reminded me of the previous "short-frame
party". When I saw who was able to dunk, they said that other people’s dunks were short. The same
is true for the "Beauty Party", which is not good for others. There are many things that can't be done
by beauty, such as eyesight, self-confidence, temperament and looks. They are completely different
from before, and experienced and discerning people can see it at a glance. There was a brother who
didn’t believe that rebooting would become handsome at first, but after he insisted on rebooting, he
really became handsome. People around him also said that he became handsome because his spirit
has a great influence on the five senses and the overall face. The effect of shaping, the swelling
caused by the tube will also disappear, then the facial features will enter the best refined state. Even
if the adulterer has a beautiful face, he still has a wretched or hostile spirit, while a rebooting person
will have a sense of righteousness, a majesty or a sense of innocence in the eyes and brows,
confident, confident and sunny. The feeling will also show up on the face. Many newcomers come
to the rebooting bar . They can speak and comment casually. They immediately expose their
ignorance and ideological misunderstandings. Newcomers should first study rebooting articles. This
is very important.

Share some cases below

1. [Originally, I quit well, but I have quit for almost 100 days, and I have recovered a lot in all
aspects! The acne is almost gone! In particular, I have a lot of confidence and a lot of self-
confidence. But a few days ago I thought about it, just look at Huang. It was out of control, and I
slapped it. The next day, I felt nothing! The spirit was equally good, and I wanted to slap again on
the third day. I thought that it was slapped anyway, not bad. This time, I slapped it again! In the
following few days, I feel badly injured! It seems to smell the breath of death! I really can't hit it
anymore, I really feel badly injured! It's very difficult to breathe now, very tired! 】

Additional comment: This brother originally gave a good ban, and his recovery is relatively
optimistic, but he has relapsed. The reason is that his consciousness was flawed and he was defeated
in actual combat. He said, "Look at Huang if you think about it. "He didn't recognize that this was
the instigation of the inner demon! I wrote about the instigation of the inner demon for a season.
The inner demon is very cunning and will impersonate you. When a thought suddenly pops up in
your mind, you must be aware of it, but don’t immediately agree with it, "Chapter Forty-two "The
classics" says: "Be careful not to believe your will, your will is not credible." Once you believe in
the idea that will lead to relapse, it is tantamount to accepting the thief as your son and the enemy!
Many brothers will quit for a certain number of days, and they will have such thoughts in their
minds: "It's been a long time since I started, it's time to relax", "Look at it, don't do it", "Once in a
while, it's okay", "Try it." Let’s fix the strength", "Isn't there any functional recovery on a trial
basis". When such thoughts appear, you must be highly vigilant, because it is the inner demon who
is urging you. One of the most important reasons to study the reboot articles is to really understand
the inner demon’s offensive routine. Endless battles! Maybe you can cut off ordinary lust
immediately, but as soon as the demon instigates you, you can't recognize it. You thought it was
your own thoughts, but in fact, it was the demon who instigated you! Once the ring is broken, it is
basically out of control, becoming a slave to the heart demon again, and will once again enter the
mode of being controlled by the heart demon, which is a self-destructive mode that is involuntarily
self-destructive. Originally you were the master, and you had absolute autonomy, but after the
demons seized power, you couldn't help yourself. You slapped and hollowed yourself out again and
again, your vitality was greatly injured, and your body and mind fell into continuous decline.
Nowadays, people who sweat a lot in summer, sweating will also damage the yang, so there is no
disease in summer, and a lot of sweating. The human body is prone to symptoms such as fatigue,
dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and so on. In the scorching summer, the
human body is inherently weak. At this time, it is very taboo to ejaculate. I don’t know if you have
seen soft-shell crabs. Soft-shell crabs are a short-lived form shortly after the crabs have shed their
shells. At this time, the crabs are very weak and the whole body is limp. Yes, at this stage, they all
hide and wait for the shell to harden. This is a phenomenon in the process of crabs shelling. We are
like soft-shell crabs in the summer. We are very weak. At this stage, we must pay special attention
to rebooting and maintaining essence. This brother flicked twice, and he smelled the breath of
death. In summer, the human body's energy has been consumed a lot through sweat. If you continue
to flick the tube at this time, the fruit will be unimaginable.

2. [Hello, Teacher Feixiang, I have rebooted for more than half a year, and now my complexion is
much better than before. People around me say that I am getting more and more handsome, and my
aura is really much better. When the egg hurts, it is obviously less, and the tinnitus is basically gone.
I used to lose a lot of hair on the top of my head, but now it has started to grow a lot. Thank you
very much teacher! 】

Additional comment: This is a case of recovery. Rebooting for half a year has brought a brand new
transformation. If you don’t reboot, you don’t know how cool it is to reboot. Rebooting can bring
people all kinds of beautiful feelings. Real rebooting is not depression. It is the transformation of
sexual energy. When the energy is held, the body and mind will complete the transformation. I once
read an article abroad, which said that if a person can hold his sexual energy, he will become a
superman! Superman of energy! Superman of energy! When the complexion is improved, the
energy is vigorous, and the appearance and temperament are also up, the feeling at that time will be
completely different, and it will be totally different from the state of indulging in adultery. When
you indulge in adultery, it's like having a pile of dung on your head. That kind of aura is very bad,
often disgusting, and it makes you feel sick. Have you noticed that you are not in a happy state
when you slap the tube. Most of the expressions are straight and there is no smile on your face.
Even at the moment of shooting, you are not happy, you just experience a short pleasure , And
happiness are two different things. It’s awkward and unusual, and there is a weird seriousness. In
the final analysis, masturbation does not make people really happy. Your psychological feelings just
follow the ups and downs of dopamine. In the end, you will experience a deeper sense of emptiness
and emptiness. The feeling of fatigue after energy exhaustion, and even the panic, anxiety and pain
after the outbreak of symptoms. Pure children don't care, but they are happy all day, with a bright
smile from the heart on their faces, that is the state of real happiness. Many people have reported
that they are becoming less and less happy after being in control, and people become gloomy and
decadent. With the deterioration of their appearance and temperament, people will become more
and more inferior and even autistic, and unwilling to communicate with others. There was no
innocent smile on his face anymore, his mind was full of evil thoughts, and the whole person was
full of hostility. Because what he pursues is the illusory pleasure, he is destined to be far away from
pure great happiness. The more filthy the heart, the more tragic the final outcome. This brother has
completed his transformation and is developing in a good direction in all aspects. This feeling is
really great! The true glory comes from the rebooting counterattack, and the great shame is to
stretch out your hand to JJ time and time again, succumb to your own demons, and live a life of
despair. The real warrior will rise to fight his own demon, the coward succumbs to the inner demon,
and the warrior defeats his own demon! ! !

3. [My dad sees that I am not depressed every day, so he took me to the hospital and visited many
places in the outpatient clinic, but it didn't work. So he went to an old Chinese doctor's house and he
was a relative with our family. The old Chinese doctor gave me a pulse, and suddenly his face
changed, "Why the pulse is so muddy? Are you messing with the little dick? The scientific name is
masturbation. If I tell you this, do you understand?" My dad sat in front of me and scared me.
Coming out of a cold sweat, I said that I don’t know this or that. After mixing up the past, the old
Chinese doctor asked me to concentrate on my study. Don’t think about those things until I finished
college, and gave me three medications. This Chinese medicine doctor is really amazing, it's almost
90 years old, and the pulse can be used to get sick. 】

Additional comment: I have shared several similar cases before, all of which are old Chinese
doctors who can see the problem. I remember five years ago I read the analysis of an old Chinese
doctor on a Chinese medicine website. The old Chinese doctor first looked at his age. He didn't
consider his age to be married, but his pulse condition was poor, so he thought it was caused by
masturbation. Kidney deficiency has the pulse characteristics of kidney deficiency, and most
experienced old Chinese doctors can figure it out. You think no one knows about your masturbation.
In fact, old Chinese doctors can guess the pulse with a single pulse. The old Chinese doctors have
decades of profound experience and countless people. The performance of the injured patient must
be clear. Some Chinese medicine practitioners don't even need to take the pulse, just look at the face
and eyes to know what's going on. Most of the children nowadays have been poisoned by the
harmlessness theory, can't tell right from wrong, don't have the ability to discern at all, think they
are right, in fact, they are blind and ignorant to the extreme! Eventually, the slapped person will
definitely appear in the hospital, and as the severity of the injury deepens, the symptoms will
naturally break out at that time. "Juvenile Jinde Lu": "The harm of masturbation is greater than the
handover. Those who commit this bad habit are mostly in the youth, and they often shorten their
lives to shorten their lives. The symptoms found are cerebral neurasthenia and lack of memory.
Tiredness, frequent headaches, frequent anger and weeping. Weak penis, lack of sperm in the
semen, or loss of communication power, resulting in vaginal dystrophy. Leaking semen in dreams,
or sometimes leakage of semen, resulting in synovial dystrophy. Weak limbs, staggered body, poor
in walking, unsteady footing, unable to support the body. Fingers tremor, no light in the eyes,
reduced vision, sunken eye sockets, tinnitus, heavy head, sometimes dizzy. The face is earthy, the
skin is pale, full Illness. Muscle and muscle weakness, restless sleep throughout the night, heartbeat,
palpitations, and waist pain. Physical and mental impairments, faint all day long, such as in Wuliwu.
Thinking ability gradually fades and disappears. Joint pain, digestive disorder , Stomach cramps.
Blood attenuation, chest congestion, skin swelling and ulceration. The whole body is tired and
depressed, like the idol of the wax house, lifeless. Or become foolish, or become pulmonary
epilepsy, or cause suicide, or die. To die, or survive early death, and become a sick husband for life.
No matter what happens, the husband can take precautions before it happens, especially the bad
habit of masturbation, the dark room is depressed, and the shadow of the shame is not known to the
father and brother, and the teacher can not realize it. If you want to prevent it, you can't prevent it,
so the damage is as severe as it is." "The Record of Juvenile Jinde" was written by Ding Fubao.
Ding Fubao has compiled and published nearly 80 domestic and foreign medical books, collectively
called "Ding's Medical Series." "Youth Jinde Lu" should be written during the Republic of China,
and the harm of masturbation is more detailed. In fact, in that era, many people of insight did harm
to masturbationI already know it well, and the famous pharmacologist Zhang Changshao has also
written an article about quitting masturbation. "The Record of Youth Jinde" should be popularized
in schools. This book is very good. It is divided into 27 articles: General Introduction, Early
Childhood Education, Filial Piety, Self-cultivation, Aspiration, Be Careful, Reform,
Encouragement, Be Careful, Diligence, Thrift, Stop Killing , Forgiveness, relief, reading,
punishment, suffocation, contentment, family management, management of affairs, communication,
social life, aspirations, financial management, leisure, health preservation, planning and ethics. A
collection of predecessors’ most wise sayings, as well as the author’s own insights. The harmfulness
of masturbation is a fact and truth. The truth will be buried and distorted by the harmless theory, but
the truth is the truth after all, and sooner or later it will return to people’s sight. Now is the time,
let's publicize it together, and save more ignorant children!

4. [I think there’s nothing more serious than me. I’ve been using it for 13 years. When I first started
it was 6 or 7 times a day at most. At that time, I was young. I didn’t sleep on night shifts. I stayed up
all day. , I didn’t know that the harm was so great before. One day in 2012, I suddenly had a panic
attack after hitting it once. I hurriedly hit 120 and felt that I was about to die. After I was sent to the
hospital, I didn’t dare to sleep all day. I suspected that I was terminally ill. . All symptoms began to
break out at that time, anxiety, hypochondriasis, depression, headaches all day long, blurred vision,
stomach problems, cervical spondylosis and nasopharyngitis. At that time, I did not know that it was
caused by masturbation! Never stopped at all. 】

Additional comment: This brother’s situation is indeed very serious. I have seen many cases of
dying feeling before. In fact, there are also more serious cases than him, such as uremia, but the
uncomfortable neurosis is another kind. Extremely, there is a feeling that life is not as good as
death. Every day, I can't worry about it all day long, just like living in hell. Many people don’t even
know that this kind of pain still exists in this world before they have neurosis. Before they heard
that someone has anxiety, they thought it was someone else thinking too much. In fact, the onset of
anxiety and the physiological disorder It's closely related. You may feel dying when you hit yourself
up again and again. Once a person stays up late, sits for a long time, and masturbates all three
things, he is not far away from the neurosis, or it can be said to be very close, and maybe after a
tube, a very serious symptom will erupt. Some people have never taken 120 when they grow up.
They just watched the ambulance whizzing by before their eyes. Then they finally got on it, because
they felt that they were about to hang up after they were slapped, so they quickly dialed 120, that
kind of dying. Feels terrifying! I was sent to the hospital for a round of examination, and it was
basically normal. At this time, I started to be suspected of illness. After repeated examinations, I
was not relieved because the symptoms were too terrifying. Some people were misdiagnosed for
more than half a year, and finally diagnosed with neurosis. I don't know how much medical
expenses were spent. Once the critical point is passed, it’s terrible for the body to collapse. At that
time, it feels like nothing is right in the body, and the whole body feels uncomfortable. It will be bad
for a while and uncomfortable there for a while. I often go to the hospital for check-ups, and I
become a medicine jar. The quality of life has dropped sharply. The saddest thing is that many
people, even if they have a neurosis, are still obsessed with it, and they are still crazy. They are
extremely ignorant and do not know the connection between masturbation and neurosis. In fact, this
connection was revealed as early as the 19th century. At that time, Western medicine mentioned that
masturbation would cause neurasthenia. It was not until life was as good as death that I knew how
ignorant and absurd I was in the past. I shot my precious kidney essence like trash, and shot myself
into the hospital at the end! Shot into the symptom hell! Prostitution can destroy a person's inner
temple, make him lose the good feeling of purity and solemnity, and then lead a life of indulgence
and depravity. Of course, he may not feel that he is degenerate, because he has been brainwashed by
indulgent thoughts, and feels that life is just a little fun in this world, and life is very boring if he
doesn't. In fact, he didn't know where the real great happiness was. He had been lost for too long,
and had been completely reduced to a lower body animal. The way of thinking was similar to that
of a beast, even worse than a beast. If you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later,
and you should be late, and you should quit as soon as possible, otherwise what is waiting for you is
no different than a disaster, and then the whole person

5. [Four years ago, I played on the computer at home, learned how to watch porn, masturbate once a
week, because my body is weak, there are some symptoms in two to three months, hair loss, oily
face, pimples, and loose flesh on the face , Enlarged pores, mild social phobia. Next, I found myself
feeling sleepy and distracted in class, poor spirits, and memory loss. I used to listen to lectures in
class and rank among the best at will, but after masturbating, I started to lose my strength, my
grades fell sharply, my thinking turned very slowly, and people gradually became dull. In the past, I
was the school grass in the school, the kind that even boys would look at more often, but after
masturbating, I kept hearing people say that I was awkward. I think so too. A person with pimples,
shiny face, sagging skin, shiny hair, dull eyes, and avoiding staring at others is quite wretched! ! !
Masturbation has also caused me to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, and
depression, and these symptoms make it worse than death every day! ! ! I quarrel with my parents
every day, have a grumpy temper, and have all kinds of disharmony with people around me. It feels
like my life is better. I changed my phone two months ago, and there happened to be a post on the
phone. I just clicked it and opened it . Then I saw the promotion of rebooting it . It feels like
grabbing a straw for life. 】

Additional comment: In fact, many children have the need to abstain from sex, but no one has told
them the dangers of masturbation and how to abstain from sex. The consequences of four years of
indulgence have been obvious. Although it is said to be "once a week", it is actually very easy to
have continuous masturbation, because it will be out of control. Recently, an American reboot
article translated by the translation team contains it. It is said: "You can become addicted by
masturbation once, and it is almost impossible to control it!" Some people will say that they are not
addicted. In fact, he is already addicted, but because of his ignorance, he still doesn't know whether
he is addicted or whether he is addicted. The standard is that you can quit immediately if you want
to quit. You feel that you are not addicted. You should try to quit for 100 days, and maybe you will
relapse in less than a month, because you can't control it! Some people claim that they are once a
week. In fact, many times they have been fucking for several days in a row, or even multiple times a
day. This does not include the secret omission of adultery. Many people are more addicted to
adultery, so you must not engage in moderation. Give up completely. Originally, this brother was
the school grass in the school, with a beautiful appearance, but after masturbating, everything
changed, and the prince became a toad. Before masturbation, many people are very delicate,
because the heart is clean, and it is born from the heart, corresponding to the face, it is the delicate
face and innocent eyes, but after masturbation, all kinds of subtle bad changes have quietly
occurred. , Until one day I suddenly realized that I was very different from before. It felt like the
whole sky was suddenly darkened, and I became a wicked gray man. Wretched, wretched! Quite
wretched! Cranky, grumpy! Quite grumpy! Every day I quarrel with my parents, the family
becomes disharmonious, full of gunpowder and uneasy feelings, this is home! The adulterer is
constantly accumulating negative energy, so he will become aggressive, his temper will deteriorate,
and his aura will make others feel very uncomfortable, which can easily lead to conflicts. A person's
heart is peaceful and pure, and others will be happy when they see it. If a person is full of
wickedness, others will feel disgusted when they see it, just like seeing a smelly river. Seeing the
clear spring, naturally rejoicing, and seeing the smelly river, how do you feel in your heart? It
speaks for itself. This brother also suffered from neurosis and lived a life that is worse than death.
Fortunately, I met rebooting., It's like catching a straw! There are many children who want to quit
sex, but no one gives them the correct instruction, and the result is repeated failures. When I was a
teenager, I consciously quit quitting, but always failed. I was not the opponent of the heart demon.
If there were professional reboot articles for learning, I think I would study hard. It is a pity that
there was no such kind of good writing in that era. Now that the rebooting forces in China have
risen, I hope that more and more children can realize the harm of masturbation and get rid of this
harmful habit as soon as possible. When you give up completely, you will find that your inner
control will become stronger and stronger. With this strong self-control and self-control to study and
work, the possibility of success will be greatly increased. Rebooting is the real benefit! Rebooting is
the first pot of gold in life! ! !

6. [Grateful to Feixiang, since the fifth grade of elementary school, he has been degenerate to the
first year of high school. The high school failed to pass the entrance examination. The difference
was 150 points. After 700 days of rebooting since the first year of high school, the acne on my face
has disappeared, and I am confident and cheerful. I love to communicate with my classmates. The
recovery of my brain power has made me study more with less effort. This year's college entrance
examination 602, 77 points higher than the first line, this makes all people who know me feel my
transformation, feel that rebooting gave me a second life. 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback left by a brother named "Yan Xin Dian Dian". He also
opened a post to share his reboot experience. The school-choosing student counterattacked 211
University. This is very inspirational. The high school entrance examination is 150 points poor, and
the college entrance examination exceeds 77 points. It is very difficult. It is estimated that his
parents will also be very pleased. In July and August every year, there will be more wedding
announcements and thanksgiving posts. Because the admission notice is down, I am really happy to
see these children admitted to the ideal school, and I hope that their future life will be better and
better. bless them! Some people will say that grades have something to do with their own hard
work, and what does it have to do with rebooting. In fact, the relationship between them is really
too big. If you say that studying depends on hard work, it sounds right at first, but if you think about
it, People who have such bad spirits, symptoms, lack of energy, mental decline, and a look of
malaise, no matter how hard they work, it is difficult for such a person to achieve results, often with
half the effort. My brain power has dropped to a certain level, I can't understand many topics, my
brain becomes dull, my understanding and memory are not good, and I just want to work hard at
this time, but I will feel powerless. Just like you are driving a tractor and want to surpass Ferrari,
you just want to work hard, and you will find that you can't work hard, because the hardware is not
good, and the hardware is the brain power and energy! People who are quite conscious know that
masturbation will affect brain power and energy. A brother who won the Olympiad Prize before was
addicted to masturbation, his brain power became like rubbish, and his grades plummeted. Kidney
essence energy is through the brain. This energy can go upwards or downwards. It moves upwards
to metabolize the brain, supports brain power, goes downwards and turns into turbid essence, which
is lost through sexual activity. Many people don’t know how to cherish the energy of the kidney
essence, nor do they know the relationship between the kidney essence and brain power. They are
crazy about the management, and as a result, their brain power is greatly reduced. Always make
low-level mistakes. I remember that the brain power of a brother had dropped to a terrifying level.
Just like Alzheimer’s, he couldn’t remember what he had just done or said when he turned around,
and he couldn’t remember what he thought. Scolded, the fortune became a mess, and the job was
almost impossible to keep. "Just a little bit "It was mentioned that after rebooting, people became
more confident and cheerful, they became fond of communication, and their brain power was
restored. These three points are too important. Many fans have already eliminated these three points
completely. If these three points can be restored , A person’s fortune will soon rise. When you have
a bright heart, you can bring positive energy to others, you can live a positive life again, and you
can devote yourself to study and work in the best state. Go. Some people say that they are also
qualified, but they also passed the 211. What I want to say is, if you don’t succeed, maybe you can
be admitted to the best school in 211, or the best major. , Or ranked in the forefront of majors.
Although many people are in charge, but each person’s addiction level is different, the degree of
injury is different, the physique is also different, and other living habits are also different, so the
final result will be different. Some time ago I saw a post by a brother who was admitted to 211.
Although he was admitted to 211, he has become a poor student because of indulging in
masturbation. I can’t hold it anymore. When the degree of sperm injury and the number of years of
sperm injury are reached, the retribution will come suddenly and even attack you in ways you did
not expect. Another brother who was admitted to 211 said: "Say I am really ashamed. At that time,
the poster was still a senior in high school. I have been rebooting for more than 300 days. Every day
I feel refreshed, my memory is particularly good, and my whole person looks very energetic.
Therefore, I was admitted to a certain 211 university and my luck was very good. On the day I got
the admission letter, I broke the precept and fell again, unable to extricate myself from it, from once
a week at the very beginning, to once every 3 days, to once in the most recent day. It feels terrible to
think about it. The endless indulgence has also brought me a lot of influences, my memory is
reduced, my head is chaotic, and my ability to deal with things has decreased significantly, and my
whole person has become lifeless. " After more than 300 days of sex, I feel refreshed every day, my
memory is particularly good, and the whole person looks very energetic, so I was admitted to a
certain 211 university, and my luck was very good. On the day I got the admission letter, I broke the
precept and fell again, unable to extricate myself from it, from once a week at the beginning, to
once every 3 days, to once in the most recent day. It feels terrible to think about it. The endless
indulgence has also brought me a lot of influences, my memory is reduced, my head is chaotic, and
my ability to deal with things has decreased significantly, and my whole person has become lifeless.
" After more than 300 days of sex, I feel refreshed every day, my memory is particularly good, and
the whole person looks very energetic, so I was admitted to a certain 211 university, and my luck
was very good. On the day I got the admission letter, I broke the precept and fell again, unable to
extricate myself from it, from once a week at the beginning, to once every 3 days, to once in the
most recent day. It feels terrible to think about it. The endless indulgence has also brought me a lot
of influences, my memory is reduced, my head is chaotic, and my ability to deal with things has
decreased significantly, and my whole person has become lifeless. "

Let me share a few more cases of 211 brothers:

(1) An accidental ejaculation in the second year of the second grade made me embark on the evil
road of masturbation. When I first entered puberty, I was ignorant and felt that feeling was very
comfortable, so I deliberately looked for this feeling, so masturbation started, and it lasted until
now, when I graduated from college. Along the way, I have deeply realized its boundless harm. I
thought that my grades in junior high school and even high school were good. In the third year of
junior high school, I was basically in the top five of the grade, and there were 600 students in the
grade. I entered the provincial key high school and entered the bustling city (junior high school is in
a small town). I started to contact the Internet frequently, and then I found a pornographic website
by chance. From then on, I went further and further down the road and watched all night. Even
directly in the Internet cafes, this caused my grades to slowly decline, from third to two or three
hundred, until I quit for a while before the college entrance examination, and sprinted assault.
Fortunately, I had a good foundation and still scored 600 points in the college entrance examination.
Entered a 211 school. From then on, my nightmare really came. I bought a computer and started to
frantically collect all kinds of website videos, masturbation, YY, so that my university became a pile
of shit, four years of hanging on countless subjects, dead house, social circle It was extremely
narrow and severe premature ejaculation. Later, I went to the Andrology Hospital for an
examination. It was said that the foreskin was too long + masturbation caused the dorsal nerves to
be too sensitive. I had the operation and cost 10,000 yuan. I already felt my state, my memory was
severely weakened, and my spirit It's hard to concentrate, I often catch colds, but I can't quit.

(2) In the third year of high school, I was busy studying, so I didn’t have a lot of masturbation, but
in the end I still didn’t do well in the college entrance examination. I didn’t pass the second grade.
At that time, I felt that the teacher did not teach well. , I have gained unsatisfactory results, here I
want to confess, because I was young and ignorant at that time, the adultery caused the college
entrance examination to fail. I was not reconciled, and my mother was not reconciled, so I chose to
repeat. In the second year of the third year of high school, due to the stress of study, the teacher took
care of me every day. I didn’t have a lot of adultery, but I still felt that my brain power was not as
good as before. Finally, I passed the entrance examination to an ordinary 211 university. . In this
way, I entered the university. University is a paradise for the fallen, free life, free time, so many
ambitious people fall into the abyss, unfortunately, I am one of them. In my freshman year, many
people in the dormitory went to internet cafes to play games. I went with them and watched
pornographic videos secretly. In my sophomore year, everyone bought a computer, which provided
a breeding ground for my depravity. In my first exam in the first semester of college, I failed the
first subject, linear algebra. It’s very similar to the experience of many adulterous bar friends,
because we have all chosen this path, so the ending must be equally miserable. In this way, I
intensified watching porn, masturbating, and playing games. In my junior year, I have one semester.
4 courses were dropped, 10 courses were dropped during college, and the grade was the last in the
class. Because there are often people in the dormitory, I masturbated in the middle of the night and
masturbated in the toilet. By the third year of my junior year, I felt that I had started to lose my hair
a little. When I was in my senior year, I went to play ball after masturbation. After playing for a
while, I found that my kidneys were very painful. I felt very uncomfortable sitting on the ground.
Later, my urine was light red for several days. , Began to break again. At that time, he didn't realize
the harm of adultery , but he was scrupulous, but masturbation did not stop at all. The four years of
university gave me painful memories and memories of failure. In my best years, I committed such a
sordid act of adultery. It concealed the fragrance of my life and made me a loser and a fake. Top

(3) I started masturbating when I was in the second year of high school. When I was in high school,
I went out to live in a dormitory. At the beginning, my academic performance was among the best in
the class and grade, and my parents were also proud of me. One day in the second year of high
school, I tried masturbation before I got up in the morning. The result was out of control.
Sometimes I could masturbate 5 or 6 times a night. After that, the results plummeted. He was
originally a Tsinghua man in the eyes of his parents and teachers. After masturbating, the whole
person began to languish, resulting in little study in the third year of high school. God treats me not
badly, and I was admitted to a 211 university with a relatively satisfactory result. But when I arrived
at university, I didn't restrain my lustful desires, and failed countless subjects in four years. There
were several times when I fell out with my parents at home, and my mother fainted and fell to the
ground because of her anger. There was no feeling of remorse or guilt, and my mother didn't wake
me up even when she was dizzy. I didn't get the graduation certificate smoothly after my senior
year, and finally it took a year of make-up exams for my parents to work hard to find talents.
Among them, they passed the postgraduate entrance examination twice, and nearly ten times in civil
servants and public institutions, and none of them passed the entrance examination.

(4) I am an undergraduate student at a 211 university. I am a 22-year-old senior this year. I

participated in the postgraduate entrance examination this year and got up early and went to bed
every day, but the exam was very, very bad. I wanted to take a 985 exam, but I didn't get the
national line. I felt dim and sad. Encouraged by my family, I began to reflect on myself seriously
and came to the conclusion that I lost too much of my virtue! ! I was admitted to the provincial key
high school in high school. I started to use bad videos in high school. I kept masturbating once or
twice a day. I had a good memory and good academic performance. However, due to excessive
pressure and frequent masturbation, I often masturbated online. Browsing bad things leads to
serious psychological distortions. Seeing who is not pleasing to the eye, I always curse others
inexplicably, thinking that I feel good, but in fact it is nothing! ! In addition, his physical condition
is deteriorating, he is losing weight and skinny, it is a sinful sin! ! Under the premise of struggling
for the college entrance examination, I barely took a 211 exam. I thought that my living
environment would change and my situation would improve, but I didn't know that the roots of evil
continued and everything was delusional! Driven by a fluke, I indulged myself again and again and
kept masturbating. Later, I became less and less interested in talking to others, and my mind became
more and more closed. My family said that I was tired of studying and I was often absent from
school for no reason, and the credits fell a lot. If I continue like this, I will repeat the grade or be
expelled! After returning home, my parents persuaded and did my ideological work in every
possible way. Looking back on the eagerness of my parents at that time, how many nights of tossing
and turning for my affairs, my heart is like a knife, my parents have retired, and all hope is there.
On me, and I myself have done this kind of rebellious thing, I feel like a devil! Under the
persuasion of my parents, I returned to school. After a year of hard work, I barely took the make-up
exam and graduated successfully this year. But the failure of the postgraduate entrance examination
made me fall into the abyss again. Last week, I entered rebooting because of a coincidence . I read
many experience posts and fine posts of seniors. I was deeply shocked. The first half of my life was
ruined by masturbation, but I want to reform. A lot of good posts shocked me very much. Thanks
for the selfless dedication of my friends and my friends, which gave me the dawn of hope. I want to
learn from all successful friends, get rid of bad habits, accumulate good morals, and be admitted to
graduate school. Repay your parents for the kindness of nurturing, and strive to change your life
course! I want to start with myself, keep exercising, and reform!

(5) I have been masturbating since the first year of junior high, and it is almost 11 years since my
fifth year. My body is not as good as one day. From junior high school to high school, I was the first
in my year, or the first three, because even though I had masturbation at that time, it was still a little
absent once a week, but I also felt that I was paying attention when doing the topic. Not
concentrated, half of the time I was in a daze during the exam. But fortunately, the IQ I tested was
135. Although masturbation affects my concentration, it is very easy to deal with these simple
exams. In this way, the retribution came. By the time of the college entrance examination, my
previous examinations were all in the first three years of the year. During the college entrance
examination, do you know what happened? I have insomnia and diarrhea! When I took the exam,
my brain was a mess. After the college entrance examination was over, I took the exam for more
than 100 years. Although I entered the 211 University later, it was already a fall for me. Later, the
university was even more out of control. No one cares about me. I masturbate every day, skip
classes, and rank first in my grades. The only luck is that although I have missed subjects, I still
passed the make-up exams. Reworked, the homework was paid to ask classmates to do four years,
the university did not learn anything, just a useless person. Now that the four years of university are
over, I’m in my fifth year of college, and I’m going to work right away. The pressure from the
society made me awakened. This is my last chance. Later, I tested my IQ again, around 120. My
mind is still Smart, the blessings of the last life have basically been consumed by me in this life!
Father has cancer, mother is diabetic and weighs 80 catties! What reason do I have to continue to be
decadent now? ! What reason do I have to continue masturbating? ! What reason do I have to
continue to be cowardly? ! No! You have nothing!

(6) In my memory, I once had a press. I didn’t have any semen and felt very comfortable, so I
started my path to hell. In middle school, I went to the best school in the province, and entering here
is equivalent to one Just stepping into the gates of key universities, the competition inside is also
quite high. I was under a lot of pressure, studying day and night, and the head teacher was very
strict. At that time, I only knew how to study, with a clear goal, that was, I wanted to enter the
school’s high school. That is to say, in the first semester, there are relatively few online resources at
this time, and I don't know where to find resources. I accidentally found an H film at home. I am
like a treasure. Isn't this what I dream of! So I often came out quietly to watch, and then
masturbated. In the case of masturbation, I tried my best to get into high school. The high school
entrance examination results should be at least the top ten in our home county. However, the stars
are the brightest when they disappear, and people may be the most brilliant before they fall into the
abyss. I just used up all my energy and got admitted to a key middle school. At this time, it has been
masturbating for 6 years. I entered high school with the results of the top few in the class. When I
came out, there were only more than forty students. These forty or so were not for fun, but only
after I tried my best. Our high school is considered a prestigious school in the country. Teachers
often say that if you don't study well, you can only go to the school next to it (some 985, 211). As
soon as I entered high school, I was determined to be admitted to a prestigious university in the
country. If Tsinghua and Peking University could not, at least it would be Fudan Renmin University
and Zhejiang University. So I worked harder and harder, doing nothing but studying. However, it
was counterproductive and my grades began to decline. The college entrance examination ended at
the peak of my obsessive-compulsive disorder. As a result, the college entrance examination scores
were said by the physics teacher. It was really monotonous. I took the worst grades since high
school. Considering the mental condition at the time, I did not repeat the exams and entered a
second book. Professional. My heart fell into the abyss, so far away from the ideals of the past,
Erben, a place I never thought of again. It turned out to ask me questions every day, and I think his
classmates who asked me idiot questions were several tenths higher than me. A classmate who was
admitted to Nankai University told me that at that time, I could only see you from behind, and felt
that you were out of reach. I could only "haha" smile, and then turned around silently, but my heart
was dripping blood! (Note: Although this case was not written by 211 students, his strength can be
admitted to a national prestigious university. It is really a pity! The impact of adultery on life is too

7. [Brother Feixiang, the instigation of the inner demon is really terrible, I asked you a question in
the 105th season, and your answer is eloquent, but the instigation of the inner demon is really fierce,
and sometimes I do some actions, For example, if my stomach hurts on the bed, the demons said
that I broke the ring on the grinder! It's ridiculous! And I also knew that it was an instigation, so I
noticed that the heart demon continued to encourage me. Sometimes I made a mistake when typing,
and typed some sensitive words, so the heart demon started to instigate! Sometimes I have some
negligence, such as a few seconds slowing down my mind, or the untimely shifting of my sight, the
heart demon urges me to say: "You have failed, next time you have a better one!" or " You break it
sooner or later, it's better to break it now!" It's too poisonous, and I know I have to break such
thoughts, but the inner demon encourages it endlessly! This feeling is too uncomfortable! Even
more uncomfortable than lust! And the more you think about rebooting successfully, the more the
heart demon encourages! It's terrible, Brother Feixiang, what should I do? ? ? 】

Additional comment: My answer to him is: "Look at the instigation of the broken heart demon, and
don't follow it. Then you have to stand firm on rebooting, that is: no matter what happens, no matter
how you encourage it, you just don't break it! This kind of steely stance and The determination must
be taken out, so no matter how instigated by the inner demon, it is useless." Sometimes the content
of the inner demon's instigation is very absurd, I call it "absurd instigation", regardless of the
extremely absurd content of the instigation, but the inner demon Persuading you endlessly will also
cause you great distress, just like a person constantly harassing you. We must learn to see through
the tricks and tricks of the demons! The instigation of the heart demon is all kinds of tricks and
cunning. It is to shake your rebooting stand, make you give up resistance, and make you break the
precept! In the actual rebooting battle, I myself have experienced many times of instigation. When I
sacrificed the fundamental ultimate trick, the heart demon was gone. This ultimate trick was to
strengthen my rebooting stand and determination through thinking to achieve The degree of "die
hard to the end". When you are repeatedly instigated by the inner demon and are bothered and
troubled, you can think like this: "No matter how you instigate the inner demon, I will not waver, I
will not break! Hard to the end!!!" When you sacrificed it. After the unshakable position and
determination of steel, subtle changes have taken place, and you will find that the arrogant
arrogance of the inner demon has gone down, because the inner demon knows that it cannot hold
you down. This is very much like when the two armies confront each other and the enemy sends
lobbyists to persuade them to surrender. Although the lobbyists have a solid tongue and can speak
eloquently, but when you say: "Our army will stand firm, never surrender, and say nothing. Use it!"
When you make a statement like this, the lobbyist knows that he can't take you down, and he can
only retreat. When you sacrifice your steel-like stand and determination time and time again, the
inner demon will be timid, and perhaps the inner demon will still encourage, but you will find that
the intensity of the inner demon's instigation is weakening, and it can no longer cause serious
trouble to you. If you don’t have a steel-like stand and determination, even if you are able to break
your mind, the heart demon will still urge you again and again to try to shake your rebooting stand.
When you sacrifice your steel-like stand and determination, the heart demon will Just know that if
you can't take you, the attack of the inner demon will be weakened. A steely stance and
determination can make all instigation invalid, no matter what type of instigation, no matter what
the content of the instigation is, it will fail! From a certain perspective, this situation is like "a dead
pig is not afraid of boiling water." Of course, this analogy is not very appropriate, but the principle
is similar. When you die hard to the end, the inner demon is not your opponent. The momentum is
much higher than the demons. In the process of fighting against the heart demon, there are many
details that are very subtle. Once you really grasp this kind of detail, you can defeat the attack of the
heart demon again and again. A steely stand and determination can break all encouragement and let
All encouragement is invalid! ! ! A brother who studied Buddhism once told me that he had evil
thoughts against Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in his heart. He felt very panicked and afraid. In fact,
this is the evil spirit at work. Many people who study Buddhism will encounter this situation. Test
your position. After you make your position extremely firm through thinking again and again, the
demon's tricks will not work. I have encountered this situation in the first two years of studying
Buddhism. Later, after I strengthened my position through thinking, I rarely had such vicious
thoughts. The old layman Xia Lianju once said: "Mordor will strengthen the Dao heart." Once you
start rebooting, the heart demon will definitely interfere with you, harass you, and try to control you
again. This is inevitable, and there will be demon disturbances. The key is to strengthen one's
rebooting stand, and then stop thinking in time. This kind of instigation is like a voice in your heart
speaking to you. The so-called interruption is to cut off that voice and not listen to the instigation of
that voice. The more this brother thinks about successful rebooting, the more the heart demon
encourages us. We should not be too obsessed with successful rebooting, and we must not be eager
to achieve success, and we must not be impatient, because this will also lead to psychological
imbalance and be caught by the heart demon. Take advantage of the loopholes. This brother finally
used three question marks. He has been harassed by the heart demon. I have given a way to solve it.
That is to stand firm + die hard, firm like steel, sharp like a knife, you It's a steel knife! ! Destroy
the Devil! ! ! Die hard to the end! ! ! Once you start rebooting, the heart demon will definitely
interfere with you, harass you, and try to control you again. This is inevitable, and there will
definitely be demon disturbances. The key is to strengthen your rebooting stand, and then stop your
mind in time. This kind of instigation is like a voice in your heart speaking to you. The so-called
interruption is to cut off that voice and not listen to the instigation of that voice. The more this
brother thinks about successful rebooting, the more the heart demon encourages us. We should not
be too obsessed with successful rebooting, and we must not be eager to achieve success, and we
must not be impatient, because this will also lead to psychological imbalance and be caught by the
heart demon. Take advantage of the loopholes. This brother finally used three question marks. He
has been harassed by the heart demon. I have given a way to solve it. That is to stand firm + die
hard, firm like steel, sharp like a knife, you It's a steel knife! ! Destroy the Devil! ! ! Die hard to the
end! ! ! Once you start rebooting, the heart demon will definitely interfere with you, harass you, and
try to control you again. This is inevitable, and there will definitely be demon disturbances. The key
is to strengthen your rebooting stand, and then stop your mind in time. This kind of instigation is
like a voice in your heart speaking to you. The so-called interruption is to cut off that voice and not
listen to the instigation of that voice. The more this brother thinks about successful rebooting, the
more the heart demon encourages us. We should not be too obsessed with successful rebooting, and
we must not be eager to achieve success, and we must not be impatient, because this will also lead
to psychological imbalance and be caught by the heart demon. Take advantage of the loopholes.
This brother finally used three question marks. He has been harassed by the heart demon. I have
given a way to solve it. That is to stand firm + die hard, firm like steel, sharp like a knife, you It's a
steel knife! ! Destroy the Devil! ! ! Die hard to the end! ! !

8. [Brother Feixiang, contribute two practical experiences. One is that there are various situations in
our daily life that will reduce our awareness of our hearts, such as when we are in bad mood, when
we are in a carnival, when we are low on energy, etc., as a preceptor, we Learn to avoid these
situations. And the second point is more important. I have always passively avoided these factors
that make my perception drop, but some are unavoidable, such as decreased energy. People can't
stay energetic all day long. This is the time before. I will choose to take a break and regain my
energy, so that my awareness will be restored. But today, I was "watching the mind fiercely" in
reverse, and keeping a close eye on the thoughts. I originally thought that my awareness would
decrease, but it didn't. It gave me a glimmer of understanding, "pure awareness." "It is self-purified.
Therefore, the second experience is that the more energy is insufficient, the worse the mood, the
more you have to watch your mind during carnivals, and your awareness will not decline because of
this, because "awareness" is self-purified. . 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback of "Beauty Side Face". Good Side Face is a very savvy
brother. He has written a "How to Observe the Mind Questions and Answers", and he has a lot of
experience in the practice of mindfulness. The various situations of "decreased awareness" he was
talking about were mentioned by a senior brother before, and the time for the two of them to raise
this question was very recent. To reboot successfully, on the one hand, you must raise your
comprehensive consciousness through study, and on the other hand, you must implement the
practice of mindfulness. The most important point of practice of mindfulness is to always keep
mindfulness and awareness of inner thoughts. "Yun: "Those who can observe the heart, Exactly
free. "Visiting the mind is to contemplate the heart, to be aware of the heart, through constant
practice of the mind, awareness can be increased. The growth of awareness is like the growth of
muscles, which I call "awareness muscles." When you practice barbell curls or With dumbbell curls,
your biceps will gradually become stronger and developed. When you practice squats, your
quadriceps will gradually become stronger and developed. In the same way, when you direct your
attention to the inner again and again , Keep a close eye on your own thoughts. Gradually, you will
find that your awareness is constantly increasing. Then it will be easy to subdue your heart demon,
and there will be no feeling of struggle. It is completely an overwhelming victory. During the day,
sometimes your awareness will drop, especially when you are tired. At this time, you may forget to
watch your mind, but as long as you develop the habit of continuously watching your mind, you
will be able to overcome it slowly, just like when an antelope is resting. It is still very alert, it has
been listening to the surrounding movement. Keep your mind, as if your computer has been running
anti-virus software. From the moment it is turned on, it is not turned off for a moment. It is always
in a defensive state. It is intercepted and killed, and the virus attack is immediately invalidated.
Antivirus software generally has a virus database, which is actually a database that records various
"features" of computer viruses in order to find and kill them in time. We We must also establish our
own "evil thought virus database". Strictly speaking, any thought that can lead to relapse can be
called evil thought, and we must learn to recognize it. Recognition is a key link. Many people
cannot recognize evil thoughts, but follow The evil thought runs, and the result is relapsed. The evil
thought is like a malicious program. It must be identified and killed in time, otherwise it will be
forcibly installed and then started to perform masturbation. The heart demon is like a hacker and
always wants to invade you Your brain is trying to seize control of your body. Once you are
attacked by the heart demon, your body will be in a state of fall. You can’t help yourself. The
beautiful profile mentioned "watching the heart ruthlessly". We have to be conscious every day
Strengthen one's mindfulness, just like strengthening a muscle, and you are very developed. This
powerful "sensing muscle" can make the heart demon tremble completely! The more you are in bad
mood and the more tired you are, the more you need to watch. The mind, through observing the
mind, firmly control your inner heart, and don’t let the demons succeed. Our essence is "pure
awareness." Pure awareness is a state of mindlessness. It is inherently pure, but it has awareness.
Quality, what we have to do is to strengthen our awareness! Hercules can deadlift 500 kg, and their
power is gradually developed. Through continuous observation, our awareness will gradually
become stronger, and then it will be no problem to subdue the demon! Trembling at the bottom! The
more you are in bad mood and the more tired you feel, the more you have to watch your mind, and
use it to firmly control your inner heart, and don't let the demons succeed. Our essence is "pure
awareness." Pure awareness is a state of no-mind. It is self-purified, but it has the quality of
awareness. What we have to do is to strengthen awareness! Hercules can deadlift 500 kilograms,
and their strength is gradually developed. Through constant observation of the mind, our awareness
will gradually become stronger, and then it will be no problem to subdue the demon! Trembling at
the bottom! The more you are in bad mood and the more tired you feel, the more you have to watch
your mind, and use it to firmly control your inner heart, and don't let the demons succeed. Our
essence is "pure awareness." Pure awareness is a state of no-mind. It is self-purified, but it has the
quality of awareness. What we have to do is to strengthen awareness! Hercules can deadlift 500
kilograms, and their strength is gradually developed. Through constant observation of the mind, our
awareness will gradually become stronger, and then it will be no problem to subdue the demon!

Step into the text below

This season is about improving the actual conversion rate of rebooting articles. I pay much attention
to the actual combat of thoughts. Brothers who have read my rebooting articles should know this.
Maybe you have read a lot of rebooting articles, maybe you talk about the principles of rebooting,
and you may be able to write a lot of rebooting articles, but if you are weak in your thoughts in
actual combat, you will still relapse. Before, a brother wrote more than a dozen articles on
rebooting. Many people still followed him and thought that he spoke well. But then he became
proud and complacent and his position was not firm. In the end, he began to relapse wildly and even
bought evil. The toy disappeared from the reboot bar . If you want to succeed in rebooting, you
must continue to learn rebooting articles to increase your awareness. Whether you take the
professional rebooting route or the religious rebooting route, you need to continuously improve
your awareness through learning. My article mainly focuses on professional rebooting. The path of
sexuality studies the principles and laws of rebooting. In fact, it is common at the highest level,
whether it is a profession or a belief. That is to learn to control your own thoughts. Foreign
rebooting articles also talk about "Rule your mind or it will rule you.” (Control your thoughts or
you will be controlled by it) The core point of our rebooting is to learn to control our own thoughts.
This is the most important thing. Rebooting is to become the master of thoughts and not be
controlled by it. Possession and slavery with evil thoughts will cause you to break the vows
involuntarily. Maybe you want to reboot, or even take a poisonous oath or even self-inflict your
determination, but if the evil thoughts strike your brain, you can’t break it immediately, which will
lead to being possessed. The body is involuntary.

When we study rebooting articles, we must apply the principles and knowledge we have learned to
actual combat. We can't talk about soldiers on paper. The ultimate goal of studying rebooting
articles is to improve performance in actual combat. Theories must be combined with actual
combat. I saw a post a few days ago. The brother had been abstaining for more than a year, and his
mind suddenly jumped out of the theory that asceticism is harmful. This is obviously the heart
demon encouraging him, but he doesn’t know that there is obviously a flaw in his consciousness,
which is harmful to abstinence. The chakra is unclear, and if he is not firm, he will probably break
the precept. Fortunately, he posted a question in time, and other brothers have already given the
correct answer. After more than a year of abstinence, he has been fine, but the inner demon knows
that he is not clear about the harmfulness of abstinence, so the inner demon will encourage him with
the harmfulness of abstinence. , The brother did not know that it was the heart demon who was
encouraging him. This was because the recognition of thoughts was still insufficient, and the "evil
thought virus library" was not perfect enough to immediately recognize the heart demon's
instigation. Regarding the harmful theory of abstinence, I have also specifically solved it before.
Newcomers often don’t understand clearly, and many old brothers also don’t understand this issue.
This paves the way for the subsequent relapse. The heart demon knows the flaws in your
consciousness. Will encourage you from defects.

Several common views of abstinence are harmful, such as abstinence can lead to impotence,
abstinence can lead to poor sperm quality, abstinence can lead to sexual depression, abstinence can
lead to prostatitis, etc. If you are an ignorant person, once you hear this statement , You will feel
very right, in fact, these views are seriously wrong. At the beginning of rebooting, there will be a
dormant period of desire for about a month. At this time, there is less or no erection. Then the
ignorant brickman says that abstinence will lead to impotence. In fact, as long as you continue to
reboot, your sexual function will slowly return to normal. Many brothers originally suffered from
impotence and premature ejaculation. After quitting for half a year or more, their sexual function
has been greatly improved. If abstinence leads to impotence, the more you quit, the more impotence
is, but the fact is completely opposite. Abstinence nourishes kidney qi , Coupled with active
exercise, the sexual function will naturally improve at that time. It is even more nonsense that
abstinence can cause poor sperm quality. Everyone now knows that masturbation can lead to slow
anterior and spermatic cord. These two diseases can lead to poor sperm quality, such as weak sperm,
azoospermia, and teratogenic sperm. , And if you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, the
quality of sperm will gradually improve. The brick family thinks that abstinence means not venting
the sperm, and then the sperm will not come out and all of them will die in it. In fact, it is not!
When we abstain from it to a certain level, the body will naturally return to spermatorrhea, and the
body will automatically remain in a balanced state. Furthermore, the latest scientific research has
proven that semen can be re-absorbed and internalized by the body, even if you do not have
spermatorrhea, a little Nothing!

Regarding abstinence can lead to sexual depression, it depends on the specific circumstances. If you
don’t know how to cultivate your mind, it’s possible. Abstinence without knowing how to cultivate
your mind is indeed harmful, because obscenity is secret, and obsessiveness can lead to body and
mind. Disorders can also cause prostatitis. If you know how to cultivate your mind, there won't be
any problems. Many monks have abstained from sex for decades, without any problems, and they
look so peaceful, so there is an aura, and many eminent monks have lived over 100 years old! Could
it be that abstinence is harmful? In 1953, Master Xuyun was 114 years old and presided over a puja
in Shanghai. The layman Zhao Puchu feared that Master Xuyun would be too fatigued to cause
illness. He specially asked a famous Shanghai doctor for his diagnosis. The diagnosis result was
unexpected. The doctor said that he had never diagnosed such a pulse. Not only was Master Xuyun
not sick, but his pulse was pure Yang pulse. The teeth that had been lost recently revived, and he
showed good physical fitness and showed signs of rejuvenation. Master Xuyun lived 120 years
old. , Is the master of Zen in modern times. As long as you know how to cultivate your mind,
abstinence is harmless, but there are too many benefits. Foreign brothers have summarized
hundreds of rebooting benefits. As long as you keep on quitting, you will experience the benefits of
rebooting, such as mental recovery. , Energetic, symptom relief, interpersonal relationship
improvement, etc. When newcomers come to reboot , they must first learn more from the
experience of their predecessors and correct their misunderstandings as soon as possible. They must
recognize harmlessness, moderate harmlessness, asceticism harmfulness, masturbation beneficial
theory, etc. All these misunderstandings must be recognized. If you don’t know it clearly, on the one
hand, you will not be able to quit firmly, and on the other hand, if you quit to a certain level, the
heart demon will use these misunderstandings to encourage you to break the precept!

We don’t know when evil thoughts will come. For example, when walking on the road, evil
thoughts come; in the classroom, evil thoughts come up; when you can’t sleep, evil thoughts
become active; when eating, a scene of evil thoughts is in your mind. It emerged; when surfing the
Internet, when I saw the side-by-side pictures or the news, I started to have evil thoughts; when I
woke up in the morning, I felt bored and the evil thoughts began to attack; I sat down to rest and the
evil thoughts suddenly intruded; lying on the bed, memories of indulgence began to appear; taking a
bath At that time, evil thoughts came out; after nocturnal emission, evil thoughts became active.
This is especially true when you are alone. When you are alone on the weekend, the heart demon
will invade. The manifestation of the heart demon is evil thoughts attacking the brain. The
manifestations of evil thoughts include images, and images, images, and scenes are extremely
tempting. I saw yesterday. An image may appear in my mind again today. This is almost a regular
pattern. There is also an image or video that has a deep impression in the past. Sometimes it will
emerge by itself. If it is not cut off in time, it will be like a small The movie plays in your mind as
well. We have been repeating the same procedure all the time. This procedure is: start evil thoughts-
follow-watch pornography-chucking control. Quit 撸 is to modify the established procedure to
become: starting evil thoughts-get rid of it immediately, so that you won't watch the stubborn
thoughts. The key to rebooting is to cut off your thoughts when they just start. This is the most
important point. If you don’t be afraid of starting your thoughts, you are afraid of being late. If you
are late, the demons will become much stronger, and eventually they will lose control more and
more. We don’t know when evil thoughts will invade. We only have to keep mindfulness and
vigilance at all times, just like turning on anti-virus software. When evil thoughts come, they will be
killed immediately. Must have a strong recognition ability and a strong killing ability, so that there
will be no relapse. The true rebooting masters killed the evil thoughts in a calm manner. On the
surface, nothing happened, and they were still so self-assured. Many people seemed calm on the
surface, but their hearts were already overwhelmed by the evil thoughts, and they returned home. So
I started looking for Huang Luguan, and it was completely possessed.

Case 1: After more than 100 days of abstinence, I always understand the importance of persisting in
learning and being vigilant, and I have never dared to be careless. But there are so many things I
have experienced recently, and I forgot to study! Last night, the ghosts and goddesses first went to
watch the side news, and then I couldn’t control it and went straight to the porn, and then it broke. I
slept twice again, and my confidence was hit hard! When the precept is relapsed, it is like a beast,
and the mentality of normal people is gone.

Analysis: This brother had done a good ban before. He quit very carefully, very carefully, and didn't
dare to be careless. But when life got busy, he forgot to study, and then his vigilance fell. When he
wanted to see Huang, he didn't cut off. As a result, he was possessed, and he couldn't control it at
all. When you want to watch the side-by-side news, when such thoughts or subtle feelings appear,
you should immediately get rid of them, otherwise you will be possessed. We must persist in
studying rebooting articles and repeatedly strengthen the awareness of actual combat so that we can
remain invincible in the actual rebooting combat. The actual combat of rebooting is to have two
aspects, one outside and one inside, when facing the realm and when the evil thoughts arise. When
facing the realm, you have to stay as a mountain and cut off the buds when you have evil thoughts!
The reason for persisting in studying rebooting articles is, on the one hand, to continuously improve
awareness, and on the other hand, to keep oneself in a good rebooting state, just like athletes need
continuous training, otherwise the state will decline. There are a lot of content in rebooting articles
that explain and guide the actual combat. Reading it every day is very helpful to improve your
actual combat performance. You should not leave rebooting articles before your consciousness is
truly perfected. Even if your life is very busy, you should take a certain amount of time to study
rebooting articles. You must manage your time well, even if you don’t read rebooting articles.
Review the rebooting notes more often. No matter how busy you are, there will always be ten
minutes. Studying rebooting essays should be like brushing your teeth without interruption.

[Enter Reinforced Deep Learning]

Many brothers have this experience, that is, they just read the reboot article in the morning, and then
encountered the situation mentioned in the reboot article in the afternoon. At this time, he
remembered the practical explanation in the morning, thus avoiding the occurrence of relapse. .
Therefore, to increase the actual conversion rate of rebooting articles, the first thing is to insist on
studying rebooting articles every day, and not have the same idea. Although the core emphasized by
the predecessors has not changed, the content, angle and details will be expanded and
supplemented. Therefore, every rebooting article has its own uniqueness. If you study hard, you will
have new knowledge and experience. If you read it well, you will naturally come to an epiphany.
You must have a mentality that you will never get tired of reading it 100 times. People, it is easy to
absorb the essence of the predecessors. Many people also study rebooting articles, but after a brief
taste, they can only absorb the skin and the most core content is not mastered. The content taught by
the teacher is the same. The key is the student's own absorption rate, and the absorption rate is not
only derived from understanding, but also It comes from repeated learning, so that the actual
conversion rate of rebooting articles can be substantially improved. Applying what you have learned
is very important. What you learned yesterday can be used in actual combat today. Theory and
actual combat must be closely integrated. Click", this is the actual combat guidance given by the
predecessors, you read this sentence hundreds of times, so as to truly internalize your own combat
awareness and combat habits, so that you can make the correct response in actual combat.
Therefore, intensive deep learning is very important. If you read it once and read it 10 times, the
understanding you get will be very different. If you read it 10 times and watch it 20 times, there will
be a big difference. A good reboot article can be obtained every time you read it. The key to new
insights is to have a right attitude and study tirelessly. After you really look into it, you will find that
you have missed a lot of important content before. Then you can integrate these important content
together to form a deeper and more comprehensive A stronger and more complete comprehension.

I've seen many people say this after breaking the precepts: "I understand the truth, why do I break
the precepts?" or "You know the harm, why do you break the precepts?" Understanding the truth is
also divided into different levels. There are false understandings and pretending to understand.
Many people only stay at the level of plausibility, understanding, and understanding. Many people
just stay at the level of plausibility, or understand a little bit. In actual combat, it is the same as in
the past. The theory and actual combat are out of touch. For example, if you read dozens of
rebooting articles, you seem to understand, but you still follow evil thoughts when you think about
it in actual combat, and you can't do it when you think about it, so it's zero. Check everything in
actual combat! You are still the same as in the past, and you haven't improved in actual combat. If
you understand this way, then even if you read a thousand reboot articles, you still can't subdue your
own demons. You must really understand and understand deeply. Only a simple understanding is
not enough. After you understand, you must use your thoughts in actual combat. You must also be
diligent in practicing mindfulness, so that you can become stronger and stronger in actual combat!
Until the end, surrendering the heart demon became a very easy thing. For most people, the heart
demon is extremely powerful, because the heart demon is an old monster who has practiced for too
long and too long, and has the terrifying power of the BOSS level. You must understand the mind
demon deeply by studying rebooting articles, truly understand the attacking methods and tricks of
the mind demon, you must know yourself and the enemy, and you will know what is going on when
you think about it. sensitive. You can immediately recognize every thought that can lead to relapse,
just like a pair of golden eyes that can see through every thought that appears. When a certain kind
of thought appears, you will be very alert, because with your awareness and experience, you know
that the person coming is not good, and your alertness will be very high. Master rebooters know
how to make evil thoughts disappear, and they are well versed in how to deal with evil thoughts, so
they are not afraid of evil thoughts appearing, they can recognize evil thoughts and make them
disappear immediately. This is the skill of abstinence, which is simple and profound. To achieve
this, a very high level of comprehensive enlightenment is required, and then one must diligently
practice mindfulness and abstinence. The more you practice, the greater your confidence in
defeating the demons.

Some newcomers have been looking forward to a certain magic trick. It seems that after getting this
trick, he can fly from a 0-level rookie to a full-level God of War. This is unrealistic. Even if you
play a game, you can get to the first level. , Even if you get a certain trick, it still needs a process of
practice. In fact, the most magical trick is two words, one "learning" and the other "practice". Learn
every day, practice every day, learn the theory of rebooting, and practice mindfulness. The deeper
the theoretical experience, it will be of great help to practice absenteeism. The more you practice,
the stronger and the more refined you practice. At that time, you will develop a special sensitivity to
thoughts. In the state of "falling", any thought that arises, you can immediately discover it, and you
have a strong judgment. If it is an evil thought, it will be killed immediately, and you will never
follow it. Many newcomers are weak because they are weak in judgment and slow in breaking their
minds. Because their consciousness is too low, they don't have the ability to recognize evil thoughts,
and they think they are their own thoughts. The judgment must be strong, and the cessation must be
fast, so that the inner demon will not succeed.

Some brothers have asked whether ordinary thoughts can be practiced as duaning. My answer is
that it is completely possible. For newcomers, you should learn the mantra of duaning YY at first,
and carefully understand the meaning of the formula, and then you can also use duan YY. Mantra to
get rid of ordinary delusions. The initial stage is to memorize the formula. When you have practiced
self-cultivation for a long time and become extremely self-sufficient, you only need to follow the
eight words after the formula to implement it, that is, "when you think, you will feel nothing." To
memorize, just keep awareness. Awareness is not thinking. Awareness is a kind of "seeing", it is a
kind of observation and observation. Awareness itself has the ability to eliminate thoughts. The so-
called awareness means elimination, and awareness means surrender. As awareness continues to
increase, it becomes easier and easier to eliminate thoughts. In the initial stage, the newcomer
should memorize the YY formula well, and then slowly transition to just remain aware. There is
such a gradual practice process. If the newcomer is directly aware, it is more difficult for many
people to recite Mantras can make them familiar with the meaning of mantras, and they will be able
to follow the meaning of mantras gradually, and they will naturally become more and more
proficient at the time.

Case 2. The last time I broke the ring was because of the heart demon, and I broke the ring without
restraint. After that, I regretted it, and after breaking the ring once, it would be easy for the heart
demon to defeat you again. So next time in this situation, I must fight against the heart demon. I
must resist. The rationality that resists me will be stronger, and the heart demon will be weaker. If
countless PKs can defeat the heart every time Devil, the reboot is successful. Confronting the heart
demon, if you fail, you will break the ring, you will be very hopeless, you will collapse, your
physical condition will go back to the past, and it is very likely that you will break the ring
continuously. If he succeeds, his ability to restrain his inner demons will rise to a higher level, his
original rebooting achievements will be preserved, and he will become more and more confident. If
you can always remain vigilant, rebooting success will not be far away.

Analysis: This brother summed it up very well. Our reboot is based on actual combat, confronting
the inner demons again and again, and defeating the inner demons again and again. Maybe you will
fail many times at the beginning, but as long as you don't give up, continue to strengthen your study
to reinforce your consciousness, and insist on practicing abstinence, so you can quit the better. The
reason why the inner demon is so strong is that you are too weak and small. When you are truly
strong, you will feel that you can defeat the inner demon completely, and then you will have a kind
of confidence in winning. It is necessary to learn rebooting theory, but the more important thing is
to think about actual combat. We must pay attention to actual combat, strengthen actual combat, and
strive to improve one's actual combat level. If you learn the rich five cars, you will collapse when
you encounter the demons of the heart. It is still a rubbish. Rehabilitation cannot be talked about on
paper. Rehabilitation cannot be separated from actual combat. I found that many brothers like to
engage in theory. Theory is needed, but theory ultimately serves actual combat. Still actual combat!
You can understand a lot in theory, but the last thing is when evil thoughts invade, what do you do?
Can you destroy it immediately? If you can't do it, then you can't do it in actual combat, and you are
destined to break the precept! Once broken by the heart demon, it is easy to be continuously
defeated by the heart demon in a short period of time, resulting in continuous relapses. This is very
common, and some people will even break a dozen times in a row, leaving themselves half dead.
Four words are used in the "Diamond Sutra", that is, "subduing the heart". We must subdue our own
demon, otherwise we will be possessed by the demon, controlled by the demon, and enslaved by the
demon. When the heart demon is on the top, it is the time of rebooting in actual combat. It depends
on your actual combat performance. You must repel the attack of the heart demon to prevent
yourself from being breached! In the 2014 XP Challenge, hackers breached Tencent in 1 minute,
and were breached 8 times in 10 minutes. The heart demon is like a hacker, always trying to break
through you and then hijack your body. We must be impeccable, we must guard strictly, so as not to
be broken by the demons! ! !

【Pertinent learning and improvement】

Perfecting the loopholes of consciousness is something that every brother has to do. Therefore, it is
very important to continue to study rebooting articles. Sometimes you can study it one by one,
sometimes you can review your notes, and sometimes you can use the search function to target it.
For learning, both TXT and WORD have search functions. You can learn related content by typing
in keywords. For example, if you want to learn the theoretical knowledge of renunciation, you can
just input the content of renunciation in " Quit as a Good Medicine " Read them all together, so that
you can get a more complete and systematic learning experience, which is very helpful for
improving my awareness. I usually use the search function. A brother mentioned "Menglu
"Question, but I don't know which season it is in. At this time, you can use the search function to
search, which is very convenient. While learning theoretical knowledge, you must have a strong
sense of actual combat, that is, knowing that everything you learn is to strengthen your actual
combat ability. This awareness must be present. You should have such a question in your mind, that
is, " How can you eliminate the idea when it invades?" You have to ask yourself this question
repeatedly, so that your study is more purposeful and pertinent in actual combat. Learning
theoretical knowledge is to perfect the loopholes of consciousness and make yourself invulnerable.
On the other hand, it is to promote the improvement of the level of mindfulness. The mindfulness
requires practice, but it also needs theoretical guidance and explanation, so that you can have a
deeper understanding and understanding. Recognition, then the grasp of actual combat will be more
precise and in place.

From the perspective of actual combat, you will get first-hand actual combat experience. There are
two possibilities for actual combat results, failure or success. Don’t be discouraged if you fail
temporarily. Summarize experience and lessons, continue to strengthen learning, and often look at it
after failure. The articles of the predecessors will have more direct feelings and comprehensions,
and will have a feeling of enlightenment and suddenness. Talking about theory cannot solve
practical problems. It is impossible to only talk about actual combat and ignore theoretical
knowledge. Theory and actual combat should promote each other. Based on your own actual
combat experience, you will gain some experience yourself. In turn, the summary of actual combat
experience can promote the improvement of the actual combat level. It is very important to absorb
the experience of the predecessors, so that you can avoid many detours and wrong paths. Can give
you the most direct practical guidance and explanation, and can also point out your problem. The
precious experience summed up by the seniors after thousands of actual battles has very important
practical guidance value. To enter an extremely stable level of rebooting, one must understand
deeper, broader, more detailed and more. This kind of understanding is an understanding after
repeated actual combat and in-depth study and research. At the beginning of reading articles on
rebooting, perhaps you can only Absorb a small part, and then experience the idea for yourself.
After the actual combat, you will learn more in the reverse direction. You will understand more
parts. Then continue the actual combat and continue to learn. In the end, you will be able to fully
understand the essence of the predecessors, and then the actual combat level will be There will be a
qualitative leap, and it will be extremely difficult for the inner demon to break you.

Case 3. I have been abstaining for 110 days, and it broke today. I am an ordinary graduate student of
a certain university of science and technology. I accidentally saw the term " reboot" in a post in the
running bar at the end of this summer vacation. Yes, when I went in, I just clicked and opened a few
posts are "history of blood and tears." Looking back on my previous experience, I felt all shots. I
believe many friends have the same feelings as I did. At that moment, my determination was
Unprecedented, in this way, under a strong, heart-driven self-control every day, I started my reboot
journey. At that time, I would post it when I had nothing to do or when I was eating alone. Looking
at other people’s experiences, my life status has also changed a lot: running, fitness, kidney
protection, and early bedtime. I really feel that I have become more sunny. The relapse of the ring
this time has some omens, and suddenly panic is inexplicable: tomorrow I have to hand in a project
homework, but it is not completed, and I habitually procrastinate, this kind of mentality that the
more the catastrophe is imminent, the more resistance, plus I have been staying at home for the past
two days and so on, and finally reached this agreement with myself: slap once! After I reached this
agreement by default in my heart, my whole person lost control. All the forgotten ways to find
resources surfaced in front of me. Afterwards, the feeling of emptiness in my heart came back. At
this time, the state of people is that kind of feeling. There is no hope in life, and the feeling of being
a useless person. This feeling is both familiar and unfamiliar, because it has not happened for a long
time, but I personally invited it back! After almost ten minutes of wandering, another wave of desire
hit, and I couldn't hold it at all. The demons completely controlled my thoughts. It was the second
time I broke the ring after I got over. It was two times in ten minutes, which fully confirmed: Once I
broke the ring, it is likely to be repeated repeatedly. I have experienced it myself.
Analysis: At the beginning of rebooting, the initial intention is often sharp. At this time, the
rebooting state is often the best. It is not easy to reboot for 110 days. The journey of rebooting has
indeed made this brother more sunny. He has already experienced the benefits of rebooting, but his
consciousness is not perfect enough. When facing academic pressure, he can't adjust his mentality
well. As a result, he relapses. This is a type of relapse under pressure. I specialize in the type of
relapse. Sum up. No matter what happens in our lives, we shouldn't break the precepts. A single
stroke will not allow you to finish your homework quickly. On the contrary, it will take up a lot of
time and energy. In the end, he did not reach an agreement with himself, but reached an agreement
with the inner demon, because that kind of thought obviously came from the instigation of the inner
demon, and since he could not recognize it immediately, he agreed with that idea, which would lead
to relapse. After reaching an agreement with the inner demon, the whole person lost control,
because he could not help himself and became the puppet of the inner demon. Let me restore the
mental process of this brother before breaking the ring: because I have to hand in a project
tomorrow, I have not completed and have the habit of delaying, and I am worried that I will not be
able to complete it. I feel a lot of pressure. Such a sentence: slap it once! just one time! The brother
did not realize that this was the instigation of the inner demon, so he obeyed. When a person is
stressed and alone, there will be a voice in your heart, that is, the voice from the inner demon. The
inner demon knows that you are under pressure and knows that it is easy to break you now, so the
inner demon invades NS. If you don't have perfect awareness and sufficient vigilance, you will not
be able to recognize the instigation of the inner demon. You think it is your own thoughts, but in
fact it is not. The demon sent a message to your brain that you mistakenly thought it was your own
thoughts. After breaking the vows, we must seriously reflect and sum up. Where is the problem?
You must study rebooting articles to improve your consciousness. In fact, the older generations’
rebooting articles have mentioned it. If you read it after you break the reboot, you will feel that you
suddenly realize that the demons acted on yourself in this way. So stupid? ! In fact, when the
instigated idea comes together, you can see through it immediately, and it will be fine if you cut it
off. It's that simple! Reaching the so-called agreement with the inner demon is actually a deception,
because breaking the ring will be out of control. The inner demon controls you, do you still have
autonomy? If you don't completely hollow you out, will the heart demon let you go? Once it falls
into the hands of the inner demon, it will be at its mercy, completely involuntarily. Although this
brother has relapsed, he can reach 110 days for the first time, which is already very good. As long as
he summarizes the experience and lessons, strengthens his study and strengthens his consciousness,
I believe he will do better next time.
Targeted learning can directly increase the actual conversion rate of rebooting articles. You can
learn which part of the content is weak to strengthen your awareness and deepen your
understanding. Many brothers lack pertinence in their studies, and they don’t know how to
summarize and summarize. I remember that in the first three months of rebooting, although the time
is not long, I have already understood the content of the actual combat of ideas. With continuous
learning and in-depth research, this understanding has become deeper and deeper, and everything is
It is about the actual combat of ideas. I realized the importance of thought combat at a very early
time. Dade would not use the four words "thought combat". The word used by Dade is "cultivation
of the mind". Cultivating the mind means cultivating thoughts, that is, thought processing and
control. . Some brothers would ask me what reboot articles I read at that time to get this
understanding. In fact, my main understanding at that time came from the enlightenment of the
great virtues, from the education of sages, and probably in the first reboot. More than a year ago, I
met an old vowel man’s teaching. This is a big event in my life. The old man vowel is a true master
of Buddhism. Buddhism is the study of the mind, which is the knowledge of subduing the heart
demon and knowing the true heart. I have gained a lot of benefits from the old vowels, and I have a
more systematic, complete and deeper understanding of the cultivation of the heart. I respect the old
vowels as the fundamental guru. Although I have never met, I feel more cordial, guru. His voice and
smile often surfaced in my mind, and it moved me immensely. The old man with vowel is the
Maitreya Bodhisattva in my heart. He stood and died on Maitreya Christmas (the first day of the
first lunar month in 2000), coming and going freely, living and dying at ease. Almost all seniors in
rebooting are learning about sage education. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism belong to
traditional culture, and belong to sage education. As descendants of Yan and Huang, they should
study sage education, and they can really develop wisdom. The formula for breaking YY that I
summarized is actually the formula for cultivating the heart. The source is Goode's teachings. I just
put these 16 words together so that everyone can remember and understand. My main research is
professional rebooting, and sage education is also mentioned in my article. The two are exactly the
same at the highest level of mind-cultivation. Relatively speaking, sage education is more profound
and wise, while professional rebooting The coverage is wider, so I mainly take the route of
professional rebooting.

[Reboot fighters entering the combat brain map]

From the first day of rebooting, you have entered the combat map. This map is in your mind. More
precisely, it is a combat brain map! Once you start rebooting, you are in a state of participating in
the war. This is a battle against the enslavement of the heart demon. Your enemy is the heart demon,
and the behavior of the heart demon is evil thoughts. Master Yinguang said: "If the delusion is
together, we must teach it to eliminate it now." You must eliminate the evil thoughts that emerge.
You must have a strong awareness of actual combat. You must not stay at the level of theory. The
theory must be closely related to actual combat and start from actual combat. Learn theory from an
angle, instead of separating theory from actual combat. Seeing the inner demon tearing through
your defenses time and time again, causing serious damage to you time and time again, and acting
recklessly on your territory again and again, are you indifferent? Just as the enemy has invaded your
city and burned, killed and looted your city, you have become the target of the devil's slaughter! The
real bloody man absolutely does not allow this to happen, and must strengthen his actual combat!
The purpose of learning theory is to improve performance in actual combat. Many people do not
have this understanding. They bury their heads in theoretical knowledge, but ignore the importance
of actual combat. Some brothers say that you can’t go into it if you read articles about rebooting.
Look, it will be very different, because when you realize that everything is for actual combat, every
piece of knowledge learned at this time is very targeted and oriented, and everything is directed at
the idea of actual combat! The rebooting master has a very strong sense of actual combat! ! ! All in
order to improve actual combat performance!

When you enter the combat mind map, the only certainty is that evil thoughts will definitely come
up. This is 100%. After a period of rebooting, evil thoughts will invade. Sometimes they will appear
intensively within a day, and evil thoughts will attack vigorously. , Madly instigated, carry out the
most violent and cruel attack on you, only the predators with extremely rich combat experience can
repel the invasion of the inner demon again and again. Many times the battles that happen in your
mind are tough and bad fights, and you must have a steel-like stand and determination, dare to fight
hard fights, and be good at fighting bad fights. "We are all sharpshooters, every bullet destroys an
enemy." The most powerful aspect of rebooting masters is the gunshot headshot, which has a very
high headshot rate. The so-called headshot is the head of the mind-blowing demon! Just barely
showing half of his head, he was blown up, it was so powerful! Even if evil thoughts come up,
come 10, 10 kills in a row, 50 kills in a row, 50 kills in a row, 100 kills, or 100 kills in a row, all the
ones that fall on the ground are all blooming! A rebooting master is a strong point, a strong point
that is difficult for the demons to break through! All theoretical study is to make you perform better
in actual combat! More powerful! The heart demon can easily take down ordinary brothers, but
cannot take down masters of rebooting. Why? The actual combat of rebooting masters is too strong!
They are familiar with the mind demon's offensive tactics, and their mind-breaking has reached a
very high level, and mind-breaking is like marksmanship, you have to practice until you have a
gunshot headshot! You must become highly specialized and become an expert in this area!
The pleasure of arrogance is far inferior to the pleasure of killing the mind demon, and the pleasure
of killing the mind demon is called the real pleasure! When alone, the heart demon tends to attack
frantically, you must kill all evil thoughts! As your killing power gets stronger and stronger, the
battle is resolved faster and faster, and the number of invasions by the heart demon will be greatly
reduced, but it is not always safe. You need to be vigilant to prevent the heart demon from
counterattack. One of the inner demon's tricks is that if it doesn't attack you in the short term, it will
stop attacking, waiting for you to relax your vigilance, and then it will be broken as soon as you
attack. Many people enter the stable period of rebooting, and they rarely show up for a few months,
so they think that they have successfully rebooted, and will never break the regimen again. When he
was paralyzed and self-righteous, the heart demon fired a cold shot.. .... With a scream, relapse
again crazy! Enslaved by the heart demon again! Involuntarily again! At this time, I found out that
the inner demon was too cunning. The inner demon is waiting for the moment you relax your
vigilance. When you relax your vigilance, the inner demon shows a grinning smile: "Boy, I finally
got my chance! Be my slave back!" I have seen many people who have been abstaining for more
than 100 days, even more than 200 days, more than 300 days, but once they are breached by the
demons again, their previous good state will be gone forever. It may take a long time to get back to
a good state, so no matter how long you quit, you can’t relax your vigilance, reboot the battlefield,
and the vigilant will survive! After 5 years of abstinence, we are still cautious, and after 10 years of
abstinence, we are still walking on thin ice!

With a strong sense of actual combat, the actual combat conversion rate of rebooting articles will
increase accordingly. Why is this? Because everything is directed towards actual combat, not
embroidered with fists, not talking about soldiers on paper, at the moment when evil thoughts
invade, everything is clear! Just like the student party learns theoretical knowledge in class every
day, and then when class is about to end, the teacher will assign homework and let you do the
questions. Doing the questions is actually actual combat. Use the learned theories in actual combat,
such as using the learned mathematical formulas. Practical problem solving. Don't be a giant of
theory, a dwarf of actual combat! To be a dual giant of theory and actual combat! Strong theory,
stronger actual combat! Only in this way can we be invincible! Exaggeration is not enough,
everything must be implemented in actual combat. To increase the actual conversion rate of
rebooting articles, it is necessary to increase the absorption rate of rebooting articles. The absorption
rate is low. What about the conversion rate? I have specifically talked about the issue of absorption
rate in my very early rebooting article, and it must be repeated. I study rebooting articles and review
rebooting notes. I still read the notes every day. Although some notes have been read hundreds of
times, I still don’t get tired of it, because my knowledge is that if you read it 100 times, you can get
100 times. , Seeing 200 times has 200 gains, seeing 1000 times has 1000 gains, quantitative changes
will produce qualitative changes, maybe you don’t feel it when you see it 100 times, but suddenly
when you see it 200 times, you’ve suddenly regained your senses. The in-depth truth of the truth
will really be like a treasure at that time. Because of the special insights, they will become stronger
and more stable in terms of thinking and actual combat. It is not easy to reach a very stable level,
because there are many subtle details that need to be experienced and comprehended by yourself.
The more you go up, the more you need to have a deeper understanding and understanding of subtle

There are many obstacles in the rebooting process. Only by perfecting one’s own knowledge can
they be overcome one by one. Some people will fail when they reach the tiredness of rebooting
period. They don’t know how to overcome the tiredness of rebooting. It’s also specifically
mentioned in the article that rebooting tiredness will definitely be encountered. If you learn to
overcome it, you will be better off. Otherwise, once you get tired, you will be exposed to the cold. If
you don’t read rebooting articles again, you will definitely fail. If you give up studying rebooting
articles before your enlightenment is truly perfected, that is tantamount to giving away your tongue!
Many senior brothers have been learning rebooting articles for more than 2 years. They have
developed the habit and regarded rebooting as a hobby, a life-long cultivation base. Every time they
go to the next level, they understand the truth very well. It’s different. Going deeper, there are
thousands of layers and even endless. In the end, you will find that rebooting and being a human
being are completely interlinked with the understanding of the truth of the universe and life. Then
you will go to a higher level. The level and higher realm, instead of just staying at a single reboot
level. The motivation of some brothers to reboot is to get rid of acne. When he quit for a few
months, the acne disappeared. At this time, he doesn’t know why he wants to reboot. At this time, it
is easy to relapse because the acne has already occurred. Disappeared, the motivation disappeared,
suddenly became very confused and at a loss. When rebooting, we must learn to cultivate lofty
motives, we must learn to give selflessly, we must learn to be altruistic. Rebooting is not only to
restore our own physical and mental health, but also to help others selflessly. When you climb out
of the pit, you have an obligation. To help those children who are still struggling in the pit, because
they are you in the past. To help others is to help yourself. When your motivation becomes noble,
your motivation is unlimited, and noble motivation can inspire unlimited power.

Final summary:
Master Zibo said: "Han Xinbai, who is not a general in the past and the present. However, he can
fight people. You cannot fight yourself. A fighter can change your ears. It is difficult to fight
yourself." You can command thousands of troops, and you can kill. There are countless enemies,
you can conquer the world, but if you can’t conquer your own demons, there is a shortcoming. In
the face of the external enemy, you are a general and invincible, but in the face of the internal
enemy, you are a complete coward! Conquering an external enemy is called a general, and
conquering his own demon is called a sage. The sage does not want to conquer the external enemy.
The only thing a sage wants to conquer is his own demon. If he conquers his own demon, he has
conquered everything! In the end it is not someone else who drags you into hell, or your own
demon. If you can't control it, it will lead you to destruction. It’s easy to fight against others, but
difficult to fight yourself. It’s really difficult to defeat your own demons. Many people don’t know
what demons are or how they attack. They are in a state of complete ignorance. Understand the
heart demon, and then resolutely defeat it when the heart demon invades! Don't let the demons
succeed! Once you are broken by the heart demon, you are not you, you are just a stubborn meat
machine, a puppet manipulated by the heart demon, a completely occupied city, burned and looted
by the heart demon!

Only by defeating the inner demons, can you be truly consistent and upright, and you can
accumulate strong positive energy the fastest. If you want to reboot successfully, you must persist in
studying rebooting articles, and you must have a strong awareness of actual combat. The theoretical
knowledge you have learned must serve actual combat, and everything you learn and practice for
actual combat is close to actual combat and strengthens actual combat! Being strong in actual
combat is the kingly way! To increase the actual combat conversion rate of rebooting articles, it is
necessary to have such a strong sense of actual combat. Every time, you have to check whether your
actual combat level has improved. If you still follow the evil thoughts as you did in the past and
don’t know if you don’t know how to get rid of it immediately, then you have not made progress.
Even if your theory goes on and on, it’s useless. The key is to look at the actual combat all at once.
Actual combat is like slicing fruits with a sharp knife. Evil thoughts come up one by one and wipe
them out with the light of awareness! You must stay vigilant and vigilant, and watch your thoughts
from time to time, just like turning on anti-virus software. When evil thoughts appear, eliminate
them immediately! This is a life-and-death battle, blaze a trail of blood, fight like a man! ! !

Let me share three reboot poems

"Rebooting and removing rust"

Smashed until the bones creak

Like a rusty chain

I'm so slow in my brain

It feels like it's rusted off

The human body is like a machine

Nourishment of lost kidney essence

This machine will rust soon

You have to make the most of your determination to reboot

You can't just sit and watch yourself being ravaged by the demons

You have to stand up and fight against the invasion of the inner demon

I can't press on like this again

This decadent trash life should end

You must start a new journey

From a rusty stunner

Transform into a brave reboot warrior

Full of explosive energy

All righteous, impassioned

A kind of martyrdom

Remove the rust caused by adultery

Rejuvenate pure brilliance

The bones of the ring are the hardest

The spine of the ring is the straightest

Every bone is as hard as steel

You are a cube made of pure steel

You are the rebooting Iron Man

"From Madness to Ruthlessness"

The last shot, dizzy

The last stroke, I feel breathless

The feeling of dying finally appeared

That feeling makes people crazy

He quickly dialed 120 with a trembling hand

Never panic like this

Due to abnormal tension and fear

I haven't dialed the correct number several times

"Help me, I'm going to die, I'm going crazy"

Yelling incoherently into the phone

His mind can't be calm

His heart is completely out of control

There is a terrifying force

Is throwing him to death

I feel my heart is about to jump out

Difficulty breathing, blocked throat

A strong sense of fear spread all over the body

He has a sense of imminent disaster

From last night to today

He frantically finds Huang crazily fucks

Fell into the last madness

Retribution came so suddenly

This time he finally wakes up

Took out the last courage

Rather than be mad and self-destruct, it is better to give up rebirth

A year later he burst into a pure smile

This smile disappeared from his face for more than ten years

He was born again! Kneeling on the ground in tears

"Rebooting and Fighting with a Knife"

What kind of knife is the knife? Knife of Suspension!

Who is the person? People who reboot!

In this age of prostitution

Refuse to look at pornography, refuse to be in control,

Refuse to go with the wrong people!

This is the integrity of a gentleman!

This is the steel skeleton of the hero!

This is the style of a hero!

Superb reboot knife

Don't argue with the demons at all

Just shoot and close

You can't see him get the knife

Because the speed is too fast

What you can see

It's just that the demons are down

Solve everything in the light and flint!

The knife is fierce! Knife fast!

The momentum of the knife! The power of the knife!

All this makes the heart demon scared

Showdown every time, win every time

The knife man is no longer excited, just expressionless

He is accustomed to victory

It’s like being used to breaking the vows in the past

The past self will be crushed when touched

It's not the opponent of the heart demon at all

And now it has become

Demon's Nemesis

Recommend a book below

"The Dharma Fragrant to the Earth": written by the lay man in the cattle. This is a book I am
reading recently. I have read more than half of it. It is indeed a very good magic weapon. I have
recommended the keniu layman before. It is a truly rare kind of good knowledge. This year, in
2016, the keniu layman should be 85 years old. It is very difficult for him to continue to promote
the Dharma and benefit his life at such an age. Although he has suffered Less slander, but still so
calm and kind. There are four lines of poems by Yanniu Jushi that left a deep impression on me, that
is, "The heart is clear and the boundary is pure, and when you breathe in vain, you can see the truth.
The six dusts have no intentions, and no thoughts show the original heart." These four lines of
poems are in Directly at our heart! It is a very extraordinary four-line poem. I have seen a lot of
teachings of the great virtues, and the content of the teachings by the lieutenant monk is completely
consistent with other great virtues in essence. The cover of this book has dandelions, which has a
profound meaning. I read a few pages every day. Studying Buddhism is a great blessing in life.
Many high-level people in society are studying Buddhism. To study Buddhism, you must believe in
righteousness, not superstitious, and learn the profound principles in it. When I was a teenager, I
had some misunderstandings and prejudices about Buddhism, but I liked Jigong very much since I
was a kid, and I found him to be laughing and joking very interesting. I remember that when I was a
kid, the surface of a stationery box was printed with "Shoes and hats. The cassock on my body was
broken." Later, when I was approaching 30 years old, I gradually learned about Buddhism in depth.
Only then did I find Buddhism incredible. When it comes to the word "religion", many people will
misunderstand and think it is superstition. In fact, Buddhism is not superstitious, but some people
are engaged in superstitious activities, so it cannot be generalized. Many scientists agree with
Buddhism. A truly qualified scientist is absolutely rational and will not blindly deny it based on
prejudices. Some people like to oppose science and religion. In fact, this idea is wrong. Science and
religion can confirm each other. The future development trend is to tolerate and confirm each other.
Many quantum scientists look for inspiration from Buddhism. Master Zibo said: "Dharma
practitioners can learn from the heart." It is to teach you to dominate your own heart. When it comes
to the word "Xinxue", it is easier for everyone to accept. Buddhism is the science of the heart. Many
people will drive a car, let the car go forward and stop when the car stops, but they cannot stop their
own thoughts. There is no teacher in the school to teach us how to control and control our own
minds. This is the most important thing. Profound knowledge is so important, and finally I found
the answer in Buddhism. I will not force my family to learn Buddhism. It depends on personal fate.
When fate is mature, I will naturally be interested. To learn Buddhism, you must be rational, not
superstition. There is a well-known rebooting senior who followed the lieutenant man to learn
Buddhism. I saw it on the birthday video of the lieutenant man. It looked familiar, and I
remembered it immediately. Here, his photos and deeds of rebooting have been reposted
everywhere on the Internet, and many seniors in rebooting have seen them. This "Dharma Fragrant
Dharma on the Earth" is very good. I hope that those who are predestined can read it. Everyone has
Buddha nature. If you know how to develop your own Buddha nature and consciousness, then that
is the happiest thing in life.
Season 113: The bad effects of masturbation on interpersonal

Share some cases in the preface of this season

1. [From the age of thirteen or fourteen, I studied very well before, and my memory is also very
good. I can remember everything once. Later, my studies got worse and worse, and in the late junior
high school, I was lethargic all day long and suffered from severe insomnia. In the second year of
high school, prostatitis, backache, lack of energy, insomnia, poor memory and concentration.
University’s health is even worse. I used to read ten lines with one eye, and read ten lines with one
line in college. I forgot a paragraph of text when I saw the back and the front, and I couldn't
remember who was who when I read a novel. There have been several times of anxiety, depression,
and dizziness after failing to sleep for one minute for seven consecutive days. 】

Additional comment: This brother has already had a neurosis and is considered to be a severe
neurasthenia. Professor Casper believes that masturbation and frequent sexual intercourse are the
culprits of neurasthenia. Almost every brother has a history of blood and tears that can't bear to look
back. The negative impact of sex is too great. This is completely a kind of corrosion, which
constantly drains your energy and makes you finally become a useless person. "Youth Jinde Lu"
said: "The lust of mortals is also Coke. I don't know that a Coke person is one time, but a crying
person is one life. If you understand the Coke thing, you can cry, and the natural color center
gradually fades." A little bit of lust for a while is long pain, and the price is very heavy. The ignorant
only saw the little pleasure, but they didn't know the great misfortune that came later. They were
completely ignorant, and became even more blind and paranoid after being brainwashed by the
bricks. Now in the Internet age, there are free and all kinds of novel temptations available on the
Internet. Those temptations are too fierce. Both teenagers and adults can easily fall into it. There are
too many scraping pictures and scraping news. One If you accidentally get recruited, two kidneys
are like two wallets. The kidney essence inside is the capital of your body, all of which are stolen by
these temptations. I remember a child from a relative’s family when he was a child. He looked full
of aura. His eyes were like two shining stars. Gu Pan was shining and he was very clever. It’s a pity
that when he grows up, he has no aura. His eyes became hollow and unable to look at people. I
think he should have a long history of injury. Many children have extraordinary auras, but after they
enter puberty and begin to ejaculate, everything changes. Ejaculation is energy leakage. Once
energy leaks, various bad changes will occur. A child who is full of aura will become sluggish,
decadent, wretched, lethargic, and apathetic after being used for a few years. The skin, hair, and
bone quality will also decline, and the energy leakage will manifest itself in and out of the body In
appearance and temperament, it is manifested in the psychological state and in the entire aura. This
brother has had a mental decline in junior high school. It is estimated to be a rhythm of once a day
or multiple times a day. The foreign reboot article says: "Sexual stimulation is more fascinating than
games! Porn is no different from drugs, and it is extremely addictive. !" And now you can easily get
this kind of free "drug" on the Internet, so that your dopamine soars, so you can experience
pleasure, but this experience is at the cost of energy consumption, the consequences are
unimaginable, just like a person For shopping spree, the last person who paid the bill was myself,
and when he emptied his body, he went to the hospital to pay the bill, paying the bill with a tragic
fate. This brother’s mental injury performance is very typical, especially when it comes to brain
power decline. Chinese medicine says that the kidneys are connected to the brain, and energy is
originally supplied to the brain. Some people even dropped to almost white The level of infatuation,
I forgot what I did when I turned around, and I couldn't remember it anymore. If your brain power
is not enough, your academic career will be in a mess. The stunner may be proud of it for a while,
but the final outcome must be tragic. I have seen thousands of cases. When the retribution is
present, it really throws people into living hell! That pain! That's miserable! That despair! It is
unimaginable for non-experienced people, and even unbelievable for non-experienced people. They
would say, is adultery so terrible? When they experienced it personally, they understood the
painstaking advice of the predecessors.

2. [Grateful Feixiang brother, these two days the heart demon has been so aggressive, always
attacking under the guise of my own thoughts, as you said, the demon test will come sooner or later,
and the previous pornography is buried in my own field of eight senses. It will come out
automatically whenever there is a chance. No matter how many rebooting articles you have read, no
matter how many rebooting theories you are proficient in, the most important thing in the end is to
return to the moment of mindfulness and cessation of mind and find that it is the heart demon that is
at work. Quickly, be ruthless! Only a foolish man can be greedy, and control is hell! Cultivating
your heart and breaking your mind is worth your unremitting efforts in normal times! 】

Additional comment: This brother summed it up very well. Rebooting is to enter the thought battle
platform! Once you start rebooting, you enter the battle platform. Even if a person does not reboot,
he is still on the battle platform, but he is unaware of the existence of the heart demon. Thought it
was his own idea. Learning theory and practicing absenteeism must be tested in actual combat. I
sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime. Many brothers will not be able to fight in actual
combat. When the demons attack, they will quickly collapse. Some people are also very good at
writing rebooting articles, and they talk about rebooting theories in one set, but when the demons
come up, they behave like soft eggs, and they have no resistance at all. Theory must be combined
with actual combat. Everything is developed around actual combat. If you fail to break your mind,
the inner demon will be possessed, and you will be involuntarily involuntarily at that time. Shunen
is to fight the bayonet. Shunen is to kill the enemy. When the bayonet sees red, you must be better
than the heart demon, you must be cruel, or you will definitely be attacked by the heart demon, and
then ravaged by the heart demon, the heart demon pinches you like a pinch Like a soft persimmon,
why do you always behave like a soft egg in actual combat? You have to reflect and summarize
yourself, and you must strengthen the actual combat! You may have learned a lot of rebooting
articles, but in the end it is reflected in the actual performance of a few tenths of a second. If you
can't break it, you will be possessed! That evil thought comes up, like a Trojan horse virus invading,
if you can't kill it, it will control you! Turn you into a gangbang machine! Let the inner demon feel
that it has encountered a ruthless character or a hard nail, and make it feel difficult to break you. It
will do its best to take you down. In Go, there are winners and losers, as well as professional terms
such as "match kill" and "net kill". How powerful the masters are, they have reached the top 16, the
top 8, the top 4, and the final! Rebooting must also have a strong killing power, the power to kill
thoughts! Kill the demons! The manifestation of the inner demon is evil thoughts attacking the
brain, and the thoughts suddenly come up, and many times they come out automatically. You can't
agree with it, you must kill it immediately! Never be merciless! Must be fast, must be ruthless! It
was as strong as a slap in the face, as sharp as a bullet pierced an object, and as crisp as a sharp
blade of bamboo! As soon as the evil thought shows its head, you immediately chop it off. Your side
is the guillotine. As long as the evil thought shows its head, let it be in a different place! Just like
Bao Qingtian's three guillotines-dragon head guillotine, tiger head guillotine, and dog head
guillotine. If evil thoughts come, kill them immediately! The killing power must be strong enough,
and the attack must be ruthless! In the moment of actual combat electric light flint, kill the demons!
You sit in the middle hall with majesty like Bao Qingtian, holding a gavel in your hand, and a
plaque with a "mirror hanging high" on the back. When the demons come, you will be waiting for
you! ! !

3. [Before I did not study, I always thought that the pornographic images or language that appeared
in my mind, which often encouraged me to masturbate, directly called me to masturbation, was sent
out by myself, in other words, "my own thoughts" ", pay attention to the "myself" in it. That's right,
because I think it's "my own" every time, so I listened to this "myself" every time, and relapsed
without any suspense. After studying, I realized that these are all heart demon thoughts, not "my
own", but heart demon, so when encountering these situations, I naturally transformed my concept,
"You are not me, and I will never give in. "To you", although it is difficult to detect at first, and it is
also very obsessive and difficult to cut off, but as the study continues to deepen, to understand the
dangers of adultery, and to practice rebooting mantras and Buddhist titles, slowly I am The mind-
mindedness is becoming more and more proficient, and when the thought comes, no matter what
type, you can have a good detection and can cut it off faster and more cleanly. Although I am
talking easily now, in fact, it is not easy at all. Only I know what I have done. I have not done well
enough, and I still need to keep working hard. 】

Additional comment: This case is a section of a fine post. This brother said it very well. His
consciousness and actual combat have reached a certain level. "Forty-two Chapters": "Be careful
not to believe your meaning, your meaning is not credible." When I saw these two sentences, I felt
very special because it was the key. Why do you break the vows again and again? Because many
people agree with the thoughts or images that emerge in their minds, thinking that they are what
they mean. This is whether we are foe or we are. I also mentioned this issue in the last season. You
see a lot of newcomers’ posts, they are all enemies or not. As soon as the points, thoughts or images
come up, I don’t know that they are from the heart demon, and they don’t have the actual combat
consciousness. It doesn't work. Desire is resolved by cultivating the mind. If the thought is
interrupted, the desire will naturally be resolved, and the energy will be retained. Mr. Nan Huaijin
once said: "The best way to adjust is to empty your mind." Therefore, rebooting must know how to
cultivate the mind. Cultivation of the mind is the core of rebooting. To put it bluntly, it is to learn to
observe the mind and to learn how to dominate. In my own heart. I recently read a rebooting article
abroad and it says: "Even though every part of your mind and body wants to stop masturbating,
there's another, more sinister, part of your brain that doesn't care at all what you want !All it wants
to do is masturbate all the time!This is where quitting masturbation becomes a challenge of epic
proportions and it seems you just can't win. "(Even if every part of your mind and body wants to
stop masturbating, there is another, more sinister, part of your mind that doesn’t care about
everything you want! All it wants to do is to keep masturbating! This makes it possible to quit
masturbation. An epic challenge, it seems that you can't win it.") The "more sinister" mentioned in
foreign reboot articles refers to the inner demon! They are also aware of the existence of the inner
demon, you want to quit masturbation, but the inner demon will do everything possible to pull you
back into the vicious circle and under its control. The heart demon is very powerful. It is indeed an
"epic challenge" to defeat your own heart demon. Because the heart demon is extremely powerful,
it seems that you can't win. When you are weak, you will feel that the BOSS is too strong. , It’s not
an opponent of the BOSS at all. You will feel this way at first, because you are too weak, so you
don’t have any winning rate. You have the confidence to defeat it. People who defeat their own
demons are more courageous and powerful than those who defeat a city! When you came to this
world, you have an ultimate goal and challenge, and that is to subdue your own demon! This
brother couldn't stop thinking at first. Later he insisted on studying rebooting articles and constantly
practiced mindfulness and mind cutting. Later, his actual combat ability became stronger and
stronger, and when his thoughts came up, he was able to cut it off cleanly. He spoke very lightly, but
in fact, behind him he put in a lot of effort, or the classic saying: masters are all trained!

4. [Brother Feixiang, I went to prostitutes again. I don’t have sex anymore. I only prostitute. Just the
day before yesterday, the stimulating images kept popping up, and there was only one thought that
didn’t get rid of in time, and I was awful. Now I have repeated symptoms, my head is about to split,
my back hurts, neurosis has also begun to appear, the state of fear and hypochondria has returned,
and I no longer talk to people, just so fast, so cruel! Brother Feixiang, I'm almost discouraged,
maybe I still love that kind of pleasure from my heart, I think I really can't give up. 】

Additional comment: It’s easy to get discouraged after breaking the ring. This is also quite common.
The root cause of the inability to quit is that it is not effective in actual combat. As soon as the
stimulating image emerges and is not eliminated in time, it immediately collapses. The two legs do
not listen to the call and start to go there. The place is gone. Prostitution is very harmful, and it is
also very addictive. A post I posted some time ago was about prostitution who got AIDS.
Prostitution is very unsafe. If you don’t manage to do it, you will get STDs. Condoms may break
and slip off. Frequent prostitution is very likely to happen. Something happened. It has been
reported in the news that an architect in Suzhou with a good reputation in the industry suddenly
became ill. Not only did he often forget things, he couldn't even answer the arithmetic questions like
80 minus 3 then 3, and he suspected that someone would harm him every day. Two years after he
was sent to the psychiatric department for treatment, his condition did not improve at all. Upon
examination, it was found that the cause was neurosyphilis, which originated from the "one night
romance" twenty years ago. The headline of the news is: The sudden "mental illness" of a Suzhou
architect contracted syphilis from a prostitute 20 years ago. You can search and have a look, it is
worthy of alert. Some patients suddenly get onset 15-20 years after infection. Syphilis invades the
brain and causes paralytic dementia. The whole person is abolished, paralyzed in bed, and the
retribution is terrible! The negative energy of that kind of bad place is so heavy that you can't go
there at all. Many people are also infected with AIDS and live in extreme horror. This brother had
already suffered from neurosis, but he still didn't learn his lesson. After the prostitution, the
symptoms repeated, and the retribution was so fast. We usually need to think more about the
dangers of adultery, be more alert to ourselves, and learn to see through the pleasure, which is a
dopamine scam, drains your precious kidney essence, and then throws you into hell. The pleasure is
extremely short-lived. Can't keep it at all, but the painful retribution is lasting. A brother wrote in a
post: "The adulterer is really not making himself happy. That kind of short-lived happiness is
entirely a kind of bait. After the fish eats the bait, the happiness doesn’t last for a few seconds.
Being fished ashore and waiting for it is the tragic fate of being scaled, laparotomy, cut, and
steamed. Similarly, the happiness of the adulterer is only a few seconds, and waiting for him will be
a painful price that various lives cannot bear. "I think he said very well that the happiness of
adultery is not true happiness. The real great happiness is inherent and does not require external
stimulation. When you restore your pure heart, the feeling of happiness will emerge like spring
water. . Gu Deyun: "Protect students must kill, kill them all before you live in peace." Not to kill
you, but to kill the thief of the heart! If the demons are not removed, there will be no peace! ! !

5. [It’s been on and off for almost ten years, I just watch porn if I have nothing to do, I can’t control
myself every time, I always want to stop. Disaster finally came two months ago. On the night of the
Mid-Autumn Festival, I got so drunk with my friends. After I got home, I suddenly got up. Let's
slap it. So it fell all the way, and I couldn't live by myself. The terrible thing finally came. , When I
woke up the next day, I couldn’t urinate anyhow. I squeezed hard and felt a pain in my stomach. It
took about five minutes to clear my urine. After urinating, my stomach hurts. For a while, I didn't
care at the time. After all, I didn't pee all night, thinking it was because of holding back urine. In the
next few days, I felt a little discomfort in the lower abdomen. Slowly, the lower abdomen became
more and more painful. It was relieved by lying down. After half a month, I couldn’t hold on to it,
so I went to the hospital for an examination. 1 small body, 3 white blood cells. The doctor said that
the prostatitis was already very serious, so he took a thousand dollars of medicine, and he still hasn't
gotten better after taking it. I really regretted it! I use my experience to give you a piece of advice,
don’t do it anymore, usually pay more attention to cherish yourself, otherwise you will regret your
life, you will be sick with all kinds of diseases, and your youth will ruin your future. I really believe
that old saying now: self Do not live in evil! 】

Additional comment: Until the Yellow River, the heart will not die, and the coffin will not shed
tears. Many people will repent after being severely taught by the symptoms. Only then did they
realize that the elusive tube is to be paid back, and the quantitative change produces a qualitative
change, and it reaches a certain point. There will be a big outbreak of symptoms. This brother was
already drunk and his body was hurt. At this time, he didn’t know he was recuperating. Instead, he
took a handful of it. With alcohol, he digs harder and hurts more deeply. As a result, prostatitis
explodes and he feels uncomfortable. He was tortured and he did not get better after taking the
medicine. It is estimated that his condition is very serious. He has already been nearly ten years old.
In addition, he has been ruthlessly used this time. The recovery of his body is very slow. It may take
a few months or even a few months. More than years. At this time, he regretted it, and did not live
by himself. This old saying proved to him. I read a post a few days ago. He was a newcomer. He
said: "The right kidney has been sore this afternoon. "He felt that his body was no longer good
enough, so he made up his mind to quit. Indulged in masturbation, sooner or later the body will give
a serious warning to warn you that you can no longer indulge. The method of management is worn
out, and it is simply dying! Qing Dynasty physician Zhang Yinan: "The spirit and blood are all born
of essence, so essence is the foundation of life. If you can hide its essence, the blood will be solid
inside, and evil will not invade outside. "We must have the consciousness of preserving and storing
essence. This precious energy cannot be dissipated casually. This is the nuclear energy of the body,
and this is your life treasure! "The Medicine Mirror" says: "There is no leakage of that energy. , Is
to make up for the longevity of the year. If it uses the principles of good fortune, the true essence is
preserved, the true form is solid, and the true god is determined. This is the way of longevity.
"Three Essentials for Rehabilitation": "I don't know how to keep full, I don't know how to protect,
the body is already depleted, and the consumption is infinite. Before middle age, the five internal
organs are depleted, and the veins are all withered. "Essence is the treasure of life, do not confess.
Taoists believe that people can die without sacrificing their lives. Young people are often ignorant,
know little about this aspect, and no one can give correct guidance. It’s the brick family’s theory of
harmlessness, so it became even more unscrupulous. When the symptoms broke out, it was like a
sap on the head. Once the body falls into serious decline, the recovery will become very slow. Even
if you take medicine, it will be short-term. It is also difficult to see a clear improvement in the
internal, because the injury is deeper, the illness goes like a thread, and the decline will form a
trend. It takes a process to completely reverse this downward trend, and the trend cannot be
reversed in the short term. Some people have thick hair, and some people have serious hair loss.
These are two trends. If you indulge in styling, you will slowly change from a dense trend to a
serious hair loss trend, and then you will be firmly controlled by that trend. It takes a lot of effort
and a long time to change again. There was a champion in the late Qing Dynasty, named Chen
Guobi. When he was young, he had a burly and extraordinary physique, exquisite martial arts, and
powerful, but he entered middle age. After that, I spent time and drink in waste, and practiced
exercises in waste. Before his old age, he was completely useless and thin and barren. Wu
champions were all abolished because of spending time and wine. What's more, we ordinary people,
drinking and drinking are both too harmful to men. My uncle was caused by alcoholism. It is a pity
to contract liver cancer and die in middle-aged age. Alcohol should be consumed less or not. It is
easy to get up when you drink it, and then it is easy to break the vows. Alcohol is so strong that
there are too many messy things after drinking, so drink it. Drinking, concentration will easily drop,
and then it will be difficult to control yourself. The advice given by this brother is very sincere, and
it is also his own lesson of blood and tears. We must completely abstain from quitting and don't wait
for "terrible things" to come. , I felt regretful, then it would be too late to regret. Lean and barren.
Wu Zhuangyuan was abandoned because of spending time and drinking. What's more, we ordinary
people, the two kinds of wine and color are too harmful to men. My uncle contracted liver cancer
due to alcoholism and died of middle-aged illness, which is a pity. Alcohol should be drunk
sparingly or not, it is easy to get up when you drink it, and then it is easy to break the vows.
Jiuzhuang is guilty, and there are too many messy things after drinking. After drinking,
concentration will easily drop, and it will be difficult to control oneself at that time. The advice
given by this brother is very sincere, and it is also his own lesson of blood and tears. We must
abstain from it completely, and don't wait until the "terrible things" come before we regret it, and
then it will be too late to regret it. Lean and barren. Wu Zhuangyuan was abandoned because of
spending time and drinking. What's more, we ordinary people, the two kinds of wine and color are
too harmful to men. My uncle contracted liver cancer due to alcoholism and died of middle-aged
illness, which is a pity. Alcohol should be drunk sparingly or not, it is easy to get up when you drink
it, and then it is easy to break the vows. Jiuzhuang is guilty, and there are too many messy things
after drinking. After drinking, concentration will easily drop, and it will be difficult to control
oneself at that time. The advice given by this brother is very sincere, and it is also his own lesson of
blood and tears. We must abstain from it completely, and don't wait until the "terrible things" come
before we regret it, and then it will be too late to regret it.

6. [It was terrible just now. I used to surf the Internet well, but suddenly I browsed the side news,
the idea came up all of a sudden, and I went to the porn network. The moment I watched porn, I
became vigilant again and immediately turned off the computer. . After I got over, I realized that
even though I had stopped thinking, it was a bit too late. I should have stopped as soon as the
thought came up. I have been abstaining for almost a month, but now I feel that my kidney qi has
been injured again. It must have had an impact on the recovery, alas, it seems that I have to
strengthen my mindfulness in actual combat! 】

Additional comment: There are marginal content everywhere on the Internet. It is really impossible
to guard against. You must stay vigilant, strengthen your awareness of actual combat, avoid it when
you see it, don't let your curiosity, don't look at it, don't click. There are "Huang Lei" everywhere on
the Internet, you must be extra vigilant and don't step on it. There are so many scraping pictures on
the Internet, and many media rely on this to attract clicks. This kind of temptation content has also
penetrated into the promotion and creation of the game. In short, you must be very careful when
surfing the Internet. If you are not careful, it may be possible. trapped in. The quit is very good at
first, but an edging picture may ignite desire, and then it will lose control step by step. Although this
brother became vigilant afterwards, he was already too late and had already caused a secret leak,
and his kidney qi had been injured. Strictly speaking, watching yellow is considered a relapse,
because watching yellow will cause a secret leak. Based on my actual combat experience and
feedback from many brothers, the power of the margin content cannot be underestimated. Some
senior brothers will plant on the margin content. When they are bored, they will read the margin
news and think it’s okay, but who knows I fell into it at once. I found that as long as I browse the
news on the Internet, the probability of encountering marginal content is almost 100%. Some small
windows that pop up are the marginal content flying wildly, constantly bombarding your eyeballs.
Seductive titles and images are like bombs thrown at you. The most taboo thing when facing a
situation is to stare repeatedly, often at the second glance, so you must be very vigilant, just like
entering a minefield, you must be extra cautious, knowing the content of the margin, you should be
especially careful. A brother from abroad who has been abstaining for 9 months said: "Now I have
trained myself to be very vigilant. Once I realize that the delusion appears, I immediately interrupt
it. I have learned how to divert attention, as if'change the channel. "Same." He also said: "Now, I
finally feel a feeling that has disappeared for many years, that is the taste of being alive!
Masturbation is really hell on earth! Before, my heart was full of depression, and I often woke up in
the middle of the night, and then wept bitterly... "The two passages of foreign brothers are very
good. Whether at home or abroad, mindfulness is always the core of rebooting. You have to learn to
deal with evil thoughts. Learn to avoid scribbling content. People have curiosity. The most
important thing to overcome is the curiosity of scribbling content. The title or picture of scribing is
like a powerful bait, attracting you to click, and the bait is a hook inside. , There are barbs on the
hook. Once clicked, it is easy to sink in. This is especially true for brothers with poor concentration.
They sink too easily. For senior brothers with considerable concentration, this kind of marginal
content can sometimes cause serious troubles, because at the moment of confrontation, curiosity
often prevails. This kind of curiosity will drive him to click, and then fall into it without knowing it.
After experiencing real-world combat again and again, you must learn to summarize, analyze, and
evaluate your actual combat performance, where you have done well and where are not perfect, you
must reflect on yourself so that you can continuously improve and optimize your actual combat.
7. [Brother Feixiang, if I had known you earlier, maybe I would not be like this anymore. I am 28
years old and married when I was 24 years old. I had seven or eight years of history before
marriage, a history of spiritual decline, and rhinitis. In the past few years, I was listless every day,
and my brain was particularly prone to fatigue, but I have been able to get through it all the time.
Now I’m doing business, and the wine bureau has a lot of entertainment. It’s common to stay up late
with tobacco and alcohol. Just in May of this year, I drank and vomited twice the night before. Not
only did I not sleep at noon the next day, but I had sex with my wife. Then I drove out to work in
the afternoon, and when I was halfway on the road, I suddenly felt flustered, trembling, and
sweating, as if I was about to die, and the car could not be driven. I was very scared at the time and
called a friend to send me to the hospital for various examinations. It's all normal. The doctor said it
was excessive fatigue. Let me rest more. It was even more torment during that period. I didn't dare
to wear my glasses. I got a headache after seeing things. I was often nervous for no reason. I didn't
dare to drive for more than a month, as if I was a waste. Only recently has it eased. I went to see a
Chinese medicine doctor. The doctor said that I had kidney deficiency. I have been taking Chinese
medicine for three months, but the effect is not obvious. 】

Additional comment: This is a brother who has a sense of near-death. He is still very young at 28.
He was seven or eight years old before marriage. After marriage, he stayed up late with smoking
and drinking and eating daily meals. He did not have the consciousness of health preservation, and
his body eventually collapsed. , Like a waste person. I’ve heard before that “you use your life for
money before your 40s, and you use money for your life after 40.” Don’t wait until your 40s now.
People who drink and indulge will collapse when they are in their 20s or even 30s. The above case
and This case fully illustrates a truth: you must take a good rest after getting drunk, and don't vent
your semen, because the body is still in a weak state, and any form of ejaculation is particularly
taboo at this time! It is best to be able to quit drinking, but some people have to socialize. They have
to have principles and bottom lines. Drink as little as possible and don't get drunk, otherwise it will
hurt their body too much. "Yellow Emperor Nei Jing" says: "People nowadays use wine as syrup,
take vain as perpetual, get drunk to enter the house, use their lust to dissipate the truth, do not know
how to be full, from time to time the goddess, be quick His heart is contrary to life and happiness,
and his life is indiscriminate, so he is half a hundred and declining. Under the teachings of ancient
sages, they are all called vain and thief. They are sometimes avoided, calm and nihilistic, true
energy follows it, and the spirit is inwardly guarded. People who know how to keep good health are
very cautious. Kidney essence is the energy for life and cannot be vented casually. Some insects die
directly after mating, because the vitality has been vented. . "Nei Yang Zhen Quan" said: "The great
enemy of Tao is a one-color character. Color is more harmful than tigers and wolves. As long as the
family of Xiuxian stays refined, they can live forever. If there is irregularity, it will invade the age.
Cannibalize the essence, let the true qi go, and meditate day and night. What is the benefit? The
words: The oil is exhausted, the lamp is extinguished, and the soul is exhausted. It is not a mere
word. "We must know how to maintain the essence and health. The price of ignorance is terrible. ,
After being brainwashed by the harmless theory, it is even more terrifying! This brother said that if I
got to know me earlier, this might not be the case. A man should know how to reboot and
understand the taboos of sexual life after marriage. After illness, drinking, tiredness, and staying up
late, he should avoid ejaculation. , Ejaculation from time to time, the consequences are really
serious. At the age of 28, he was also the pillar of the family. When he collapsed like this, his life
fell into a deep predicament and was completely degraded. If the injury is deep, the recovery
process is very slow. This brother has taken Chinese medicine for three months, but the effect is not
obvious. On the one hand, he must actively treat, and on the other hand, he must insist on rebooting
and maintaining health. You can try to maintain health by yourself. Practicing or meditating, if you
keep on quitting like this, your body will slowly return to normal. Generally, if you persist for more
than half a year, you can relieve a lot. When the body is good, you don’t know the value of health.
Once the symptoms break out, you will know that health is so precious. There is a saying that goes
like this: Life can do many stupid things, but the most stupid thing is to ignore health. "Health is the
foundation of everything. Everyone must understand the management of kidney essence and energy.
The knowledge in this is really deep. They don't understand taboos. They are only for a short time.
The consequences are really unimaginable. If you vent your cruelty, you may really die suddenly. I
remember reading the news before, saying that the driver died suddenly in the car. There are many
such phenomena. Some are still very young, in their 20s. Sudden death is not accidental. It must be
closely related to living habits. You must be alert and take good care of yourself. Don’t let go of
your precious treasures casually.

8. [I went to find a Chinese medicine doctor today, I feel that this is a real Chinese medicine doctor,
because he has a good grasp of Chinese medicine knowledge, and he speaks very well! As soon as I
said what masturbation caused, he knew what it was. He finally said: "Your physique has changed,
and I know your condition even if you don’t tell me. Your condition will take almost a year, but it
will take two or three years to develop your body well, and it’s good. After that, you must know
how to keep in good health. You are now in a lot better than those who have worked while you are
studying." He clearly replied to me: "Your illness can be cured, but it is very slow. It will take some
time!" Alas! That's the only way to treat the disease and keep the body well. 】
Additional comment: Many patients with sperm injury have a history of more than ten years.
Although some are short-lived, they are deeply injured. On the one hand, the body is weak, and on
the other hand, they are crazy and excessively venting, plus staying up late and so on. Bad habits
eventually lead to the outbreak of symptoms. Humans have 9 physiques: calm, qi-deficiency, yang-
deficiency, yin-deficiency, idiosyncratic, qi-stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm-dampness, and damp-
heat. I myself have a yang-deficiency physique. I felt cold in my hands and feet in winter before I
was stunned. After indulging in stunning, the situation became more serious. People's physique will
change, it will get better, or it may get worse. After shooing, your physique will decline, depending
on the degree of decline. I have quit now, my hands and feet have warmed a lot. I used to have
frostbite in winter, but now I don’t have it. I used to have severe rhinitis, but I rarely do it now. The
crescents of my fingers are relatively stable, and the yang energy of my body has improved a lot. I
have deteriorated to the point where I am allergic to the sun. I feel uncomfortable after being
exposed to the sun. It turned out to be no problem after a few hours of exposure. Later, my kidneys
were dysfunctional and allergic problems occurred. At that time, the stomach and intestines were
not good, and I always had diarrhea. I got cholinertic urticaria. When I got hot, I got tingling, red
spots and rashes on my body. Later, I insisted on rebooting and maintaining health, and my
physique gradually improved. The hives would automatically heal. I couldn't take any medicine
before, but I gradually recovered myself. Now I am fine in the sun, and I feel very comfortable in
the sun in winter. Some brothers asked why the senior said that it takes three years to recover. In
fact, this is also the experience of seniors. It is a conclusion based on a lot of feedback. If the
severity of the injury is relatively shallow, it does not need three years. Three years is for For
brothers who have suffered a certain level of injury, many brothers have been around ten years old,
with many symptoms, and some have neurosis, so the recovery time will be about three years or
even longer. I rebooted for half a year and felt relieved a lot, but the symptoms were still easy to
recur. Later, after rebooting for more than a year, the symptoms basically disappeared, but I was still
very weak. However, it will be repeated. If you quit for more than three years, you feel that your
stability is stronger and your foundation is firmer. The number of repetitions of symptoms has
become extremely small. After five years of quitting, the symptoms will basically not recur, and you
feel the foundation is complete. Consolidated. Generally, the symptoms will gradually relieve after
rebooting, but it will take longer for the symptoms to disappear. After the symptoms disappear,
there may be recurrences. It will take three years or more for the symptoms to stop recurring.
Repeatedly, these are three different levels of recovery, and how long it takes to recover depends on
each person's severity of injury, health care skills, and treatment methods. After indulging in
indulgence and injuring the sperm, the body will suffer from disorders, which will definitely be
reflected in the pulse condition. I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor at that time. Mai looked
solemn and frowned. I knew that my pulse condition was definitely not good. During that time, I
was miserably tortured by neurosis. I went to seek medical advice everywhere. Seeing a doctor was
like seeing a savior, but in the end I found out. The one who can really save yourself is still
yourself. Doctors can prescribe medicine, but if you don’t quit adultery, don’t change your lifestyle,
and don’t know how to maintain your health, it will be difficult to recover. The best Chinese
medicine doctors are not only superb, but also persuade people to abstain from adultery, and will
point out your problems. This type of doctor is more difficult to meet, and it is your own blessing to
meet. "Jingshitongyan" says: "The ancients are in the heart of medicine, and the medicine is true." A
good doctor will correct your heart and persuade you to stop adultery and do good deeds, so that
you can change your destiny, otherwise you will be sent away by prescribing a few medicines. If
you go back and take medicine while indulging in lust, the result will only be counterproductive,
and your condition will get worse if you don't get it right. There is a saying in the "Book for the
Elderly for the Elderly" very well: "Those who take medicine well should take good care of it." You
can't completely rely on medicine to recover from the symptoms of sperm injury. You must also pay
attention to maintenance yourself. Recovery is guaranteed. Some brothers just quit but don’t
cultivate, and don’t know how to maintain health. If you quit for a long time, recovery is difficult to
achieve. Rebooting is a systematic project, and recovery is also a systematic project. You have to
learn the health regimen carefully. If your body recovers well, you will have more confidence to
stop. If your recovery is not satisfactory, you will easily feel discouraged and will not be able to pay
it back. It will break the precepts, so the recovery of health is directly related to the stability of
rebooting, so everyone should pay full attention to it. Take the ideal. Rebooting is a systematic
project, and recovery is also a systematic project. You have to learn the health regimen carefully. If
your body recovers well, you will have more confidence to stop. If your recovery is not satisfactory,
you will easily feel discouraged and will not be able to pay it back. It will break the precepts, so the
recovery of health is directly related to the stability of rebooting, so everyone should pay full
attention to it. Take the ideal. Rebooting is a systematic project, and recovery is also a systematic
project. You have to learn the health regimen carefully. If your body recovers well, you will have
more confidence to stop. If your recovery is not satisfactory, you will easily feel discouraged and
will not be able to pay it back. It will break the precepts, so the recovery of health is directly related
to the stability of rebooting, so everyone should pay full attention to it.

9. [Thank you Feixiang, Feixiang has worked hard! In this new season of learning and constant
comprehension, I finally found the answer to how I should live in the first two days. We should
maintain a state of love, joy and freedom, not weighing pure interests and so on. You should
continue to help others, do good, radiate your own light, warm others, and feel bright and joyful in
your heart. I insisted on taking notes, extracting the essence of Feixiang's article, the process of
extracting is like a process of chewing, and then I will taste the sweetness of sugarcane, and I can't
help but give out a deep and profound admiration. Learning, enlightenment, and practice are really
endless fun. These feelings are much more refreshing than playing games and masturbating. Those
two entertainment methods are simply low, and it is really fun to control one's heart. 】

Additional comment: What is truly broad and profound is the sage education. Professional
rebooting can be very scientific and systematic, but it is difficult to reach the level of sage
education. Learning sage education can start a journey of enlightenment and moral cultivation, and
can comprehensively improve your spiritual realm. I mainly take the route of professional
rebooting, but I also study sage education. The sage education has given me a lot of inspiration. The
realm of Goode is indeed incredible, and it is worth learning and learning from future generations.
Everyone has heard of remarks such as "people do not punish heaven and earth for oneself", but this
is just a misinterpretation. The original meaning is: "If a person does not cultivate himself first, then
he will be intolerable by heaven and earth." The "being" for oneself is The meaning of cultivation
and self-cultivation, later generations often misunderstood the meaning of the ancients, and turned
into a view expressed by a selfish person. I used to think that this view was right, but later I
discovered that selfish people are actually very miserable and work selflessly. Talents are the
happiest, with a selfless heart and a broad world, when your vision, mind and blessings are
completely beyond the state of selfishness. The more selfish, the more painful, the more selfish and
the narrower. When you learn to give selflessly and not ask for a lot of things, you will experience
more feelings of harmony, joy and fulfillment. Your heart is noble and bright, full of The unique joy
of doing good, seeing that the happiness of others is just like your own happiness, without a bit of
selfishness or jealousy, but a sincere blessing from the heart. A gentleman has the beauty of
adulthood. He is willing to help others without asking for anything in return. He insists on pure
strength. Only when you are completely pure can you truly have a clear conscience. Giving itself is
a kind of great happiness. Giving is happier than taking. I only fully understand this truth after
many years. Living a positive and positive life is far more joyful and joyful than living a life of
licentious indulgence. I used to think that masturbation was cool, but later I found out that I was
surrounded by thorns because of indulging in masturbation. I would bleed at the slightest move, and
I didn’t have any freedom. It can be said to be prepared for all kinds of physical and mental pain.
This brother finally opened his mind, and he also experienced the joy of enlightenment, the joy of
Dharma is full, and the taste of Dharma is endless. It turns out that a person can be so happy, so
happy, without any reason, without any external stimulation, just by cultivating the mind. ,
Purifying the heart can release great joy, if you can still actively do good, then you can feel greater
joy. Li Ka-shing once said: "When you are on the road of ideals, I hope you will have compassion
and compassion. Don't forget that it is a blessing to be able to help others." The wise know how to
cultivate blessings and quit adultery. The wise have principles and bottom lines and know what to
do. What not to do. The wise have already seen that the lifestyle of adultery does not bring real
happiness, and adultery will only make people fall into a deep predicament. The wise have realized
that the real great happiness lies in purifying the soul and doing good deeds, so their sense of
happiness is very strong. strong. You think that adultery is the coolest thing in the world, and I can
tell you clearly: No! There are even greater coolness that you didn't know, or you had experienced it
when you were a child, but now you have completely forgotten it. The physical level of refreshment
is actually very superficial and fleeting, while the spiritual level of happiness is really worth
pursuing. The pleasure of playing games and masturbation can never be compared with the pure
happiness of the spiritual level. Foreign rebooting websites have listed many rebooting benefits.
The first one is "You can be 1,000 times happy!" The pleasure of masturbation is very short-lived,
and To a certain extent, you will find that you are happy all day long. Unbelievable great happiness
constantly emerges from the depths of your heart, so pure, so beautiful, that kind of happiness feels
like an explosion, almost irrepressible happiness I feel that my heart is very, very happy, as happy as
a pure child. "It turns out that you can be so happy, why didn't you know before?" Because you
were dazzled by desire before, you fell into the pit of adultery and forgot the great pure happiness.
Only by insisting on rebooting can you slowly find it back. Kind of joy.

10. [Brother Feixiang, I have rebooted for 180 days the day before yesterday. When I was lying in
bed and chatting with a girl on WeChat on a mobile phone at night, I was suddenly happy after
knowing that the girl had no boyfriend. In addition, my family also urged me to find a girlfriend
earlier. For a while, evil thoughts popped up and I wanted her to be me. How good the girlfriend
should be, I was really excited for a while. Suddenly, many filthy images popped up in my mind,
and thoughts popped up one by one, and a lot of secrets came out. Hurry up to the basketball court
and shoot for a while, the evil thoughts gradually calmed down. On the way back, I was thinking:
"Sages are all about being cautious, and gentlemen should be open and upright. How can they be so
obscene and dirty? Shou Kang Baojian also says that evil and fornication do the most to harm one’s
good fortune and should not defile the innocence. I started rebooting for nearly three years. Now,
my consciousness is still so bad, and my decay hasn't fully recovered, I want to indulge again,
completely without vigilance, it's incorrigible!" When I returned to the bedroom, I repented for a
while and apologized to the girl. I used the concept of impurity and the view of bones for a while,
and learned that quitting is a good medicine for a season, and then my heart gradually returned to
peace. It's so dangerous! Vigilance can't be overemphasized. You can't relax your mind for a
moment, and you can't be greedy for female sex. 】

Additional comment: Most brothers should fall in love and get married. If the body has not fully
recovered, it is best not to talk about it first, and fall in love after the body is basically recovered. If
you think the marriage is good and don’t want to miss it, you can try Communication, but you must
grasp the proper measure. When dealing with the opposite sex, no matter if you are a stranger or
someone familiar with you, you must not have evil thoughts! Because of evil thoughts, it means
disrespect for the other party, and it also pollutes one's own mind and contaminates one's
spirituality. Indulging in obsessiveness will cause secret leakage, which is also a loss of energy.
Masturbation is cutting the tree of life, and obsessiveness is sawing the tree of life. Don't
underestimate the saw. A little bit of sawing can also cause serious consequences. Some people
watch it all afternoon. The yellow color leaked from the bottom in a mess, the energy state of the
whole person dropped drastically, the complexion became worse, and the symptoms began to
repeat. If you can’t cultivate your mind, you’ll miss out when you’re in a relationship, making a
phone call or holding a hand. This will be a conditioned reflex. When you reach a certain level, you
can overcome this situation. You must be upright and bright in your heart. , It is necessary to
strengthen the mindfulness and abstinence at ordinary times. Some brothers often leak in the
process of dating, and they are also very distressed. If they leak, their body will feel uncomfortable.
The symptoms of prostatitis are easy to repeat, and then their complexion will become worse. In
this case, you have to grasp the appropriateness of communication, and you must strengthen the
cultivation of the mind. If the cultivation of the mind is stabilized, the leakage will be greatly
reduced. This brother was chatting with the girl, but he himself was having evil thoughts, not on the
initiative, but evil thoughts spontaneously emerged, and that kind of filthy images suddenly
emerged a lot, occupying his mind. When interacting with girls, you must guard against evil
thoughts. You must be very vigilant and not indulge in any thoughts. Sometimes the thoughts are
very subtle. When you chat and get excited, a subtle feeling appears, just like a little girl. The spark
ignited the gunpowder keg, and as long as the slightest sensation of that kind of sensation, it may
cause a dark leak. If you default or allow that sensation, a lot of evil thoughts or images will
suddenly appear. "Le Yutang Lecture Notes": "When you vent your essence, you don't need to have
sex with your husband, that is, the action of this thought, the true essence is no longer abiding, like
a pill." The evil thought will lead to the secret leakage of energy, and you will start to recite. Even if
it's okay, if you are addicted to obscenity or break it late, it will cause energy loss. A brother gave
feedback that he was broken too late, the testicles became loose, and then they leaked, and they
leaked without erection. You need to be extra cautious when interacting with girls, especially when
you are chatting alone. When communicating with the opposite sex at school or work, there is less
leakage in this kind of public communication. If you are communicating alone, you must be very
vigilant. Now, the ancient sages talked about being cautious, because the heart demon is especially
easy to run out when alone, and if you are not careful, you will be drawn into a strange circle by the
heart demon. Two words are used in foreign reboot articles , One is track, keep on track (keep on
track); the other is cycle, keep you trapped in your cycle of masturbating (trap you in your cycle of
masturbating) track refers to the right track, and cycle refers to the strange circle, also called "
Endless loop"! Trap means trapped and trapped. It is not easy to stay on the right track, because the
inner demon is always trying to pull you into the vicious circle. The most important thing in quitting
adultery is to quit from the heart. Evil thoughts are terrible, better than snakes and tigers. Once let
go, it is difficult to subdue. Therefore, we must always be vigilant and do a good job of observing
and abstaining from mind. "Cai Gen Tan" says: "The mind is bright, and there is blue sky in the
dark room; the thoughts are dark, and there are ghosts in the day." Evil thoughts are the darkness of
the heart, the sordidness of the heart, that is, the grime in the heart. It must be cleared in time to
keep the heart. The bright and clean. Conquer your inner dark forces, such as greed, anger, jealousy,
selfishness, arrogance, complaints, etc. Among them, greed includes greed, greed, etc. The greater
the inner darkness, the more pain you are! The greater the inner light, the happier you are. Learn to
clear the inner dark forces and restore inner purity, light and peace. This brother also used the view
of impurity and the view of white bones. These two visualizations are to deal with his own evil
thoughts, not to disrespect women, evil thoughts are the greatest enemy! Only if you can't afford
evil thoughts can you respect women to the utmost extent. Masturbating (trapping you in a
masturbation cycle) track specifically refers to the right track, and cycle specifically refers to a
strange cycle, also known as "infinite loop"! Trap means trapped and trapped. It is not easy to stay
on the right track, because the inner demon is always trying to pull you into the vicious circle. The
most important thing in quitting adultery is to quit from the heart. Evil thoughts are terrible, better
than snakes and tigers. Once let go, it is difficult to subdue. Therefore, we must always be vigilant
and do a good job of observing and abstaining from mind. "Cai Gen Tan" says: "The mind is bright,
and there is blue sky in the dark room; the thoughts are dark, and there are ghosts in the day." Evil
thoughts are the darkness of the heart, the sordidness of the heart, that is, the grime in the heart. It
must be cleared in time to keep the heart. The bright and clean. Conquer your inner dark forces,
such as greed, anger, jealousy, selfishness, arrogance, complaints, etc. Among them, greed includes
greed, greed, etc. The greater the inner darkness, the more pain you are! The greater the inner light,
the happier you are. Learn to clear the inner dark forces and restore inner purity, light and peace.
This brother also used the view of impurity and the view of white bones. These two visualizations
are to deal with his own evil thoughts, not to disrespect women, evil thoughts are the greatest
enemy! Only if you can't afford evil thoughts can you respect women to the utmost extent.
Masturbating (trapping you in a masturbation cycle) track specifically refers to the right track, and
cycle specifically refers to a strange cycle, also known as "infinite loop"! Trap means trapped and
trapped. It is not easy to stay on the right track, because the inner demon is always trying to pull you
into the vicious circle. The most important thing in quitting adultery is to quit from the heart. Evil
thoughts are terrible, better than snakes and tigers. Once let go, it is difficult to subdue. Therefore,
we must always be vigilant and do a good job of observing and abstaining from mind. "Cai Gen
Tan" says: "The mind is bright, and there is blue sky in the dark room; the thoughts are dark, and
there are ghosts in the day." Evil thoughts are the darkness of the heart, the sordidness of the heart,
that is, the grime in the heart. It must be cleared in time to keep the heart. The bright and clean.
Conquer your inner dark forces, such as greed, anger, jealousy, selfishness, arrogance, complaints,
etc. Among them, greed includes greed, greed, etc. The greater the inner darkness, the more pain
you are! The greater the inner light, the happier you are. Learn to clear the inner dark forces and
restore inner purity, light and peace. This brother also used the view of impurity and the view of
white bones. These two visualizations are to deal with his own evil thoughts, not to disrespect
women, evil thoughts are the greatest enemy! Only if you can't afford evil thoughts can you respect
women to the utmost extent.

Step into the text below

The theme of this season is the bad influence of masturbation on interpersonal relationships. I
wanted to write about this topic before, but the karma at that time was not very mature and the
research was not deep enough, and now the karma is relatively mature. The research is more in-
depth, and there are more cases that I have mastered, so I will share with you in detail this season.

Regarding the bad influence of masturbation on interpersonal relationships and social interaction, I
felt it very early on, but I didn’t know what was going on at the time. I was relatively ignorant at
that time, but it was obvious that my temper became worse after indulging in masturbation. I lose
my temper easily, and I always have a feeling of restlessness in my heart. At that time, I also lost
my temper to my family. I remember that I lost my temper to my aunt and grandma during the
summer vacation. My own heart, that feeling is really bad. The hostility is obviously aggravated
after adultery, and they always lose their temper inexplicably. Some people may use the teenage
rebellious period to explain, but the rebellious period is opposed to parents treating themselves as
children. In order to show their extraordinaryness, they tend to be inclined to everything. Critical
attitude. This kind of rebellious psychology is very different from the irritability and irritability
caused by masturbation. masturbation leads to the loss of kidney essence, and the symptoms of
kidney deficiency are manifested in emotional aspects: poor mood, often difficult to control
emotions, irritability, irritability, anxiety, Depression, etc. After masturbation, your heart will be out
of balance and your aura will become worse. When you become irritable and irritable, the first thing
you hurt is the people around you, such as family, relatives, friends, etc. It is easy to quarrel with
them, which can lead to disharmony. Everyone knows that harmony is the most important thing,
family harmony, and harmony and unity among friends, but adultery will make your mentality
worse and prevent you from getting along with them in a peaceful and stable mentality, just like
turning yourself into He took a hedgehog, pricked others everywhere, and brought negative energy
to others.

The summary of foreign reboot articles is:

* Lack of self-motivated

* Irritable and irritable

* Brain fog (like a cloud of fog in your head)

* High mood swings

* Social phobia

I have read many foreign rebooting articles. Their symptoms after sperm injury are similar to ours.
When a person is addicted to sex control, he will enter a worse and worse state, fall into a vicious
circle, and become more and more trapped. The deeper. A brother from abroad said: “I finally
realized that obscenity, pornography and other pornographic products cannot free me from the stress
and problems of daily life. They can only make me forget the few minutes in my life. That's it. Not
only can't solve problems in life, pornography, pornography, and pleasure, they can also make real
life worse and worse!" Many people press on when they are stressed. They use pipes to relieve
stress and escape from reality. As an article on rebooting abroad wrote: “Those who watch
pornography temporarily get rid of anxiety, depression and loneliness, but from a long-term
perspective, this kind of temporary relief is to cause those who watch pornography to produce more
anxiety, depression and loneliness. The price of loneliness. The application of this rule is very
effective for pornographic film consumers: the more users watch pornographic films, the more
anxiety and loneliness they will have, the more reason to watch pornography. But for pornographic
viewers, this The final result of the cycle is not optimistic." Feeling a lot of pressure, I slapped it,
and ended up sinking into a deeper emptiness, becoming more anxious and decadent, and then
venting through the tube, so a vicious circle is formed, and the symptoms are full afterwards. When
it breaks out, the pressure in the heart will be even greater. It is really undesirable to vent through
control. It can be described as endless troubles. When the body and mind collapse, various problems
will emerge in endlessly, and school, career, and family will be seriously affected.

I recently saw a post from a brother in the bar, which said: “I’ve lost my direction in the past seven
years. I’m sorry, I’ve made myself inferior and inferior for so long. I dare not talk to girls. I’m so
socially frightened. It’s awesome. I don’t even dare to look into other people’s eyes when I talk to
others. I don’t even dare to speak. The voice is very low, not a low magnetic one, but a low voice
with a lack of confidence. It's terrible."

To a certain extent, it will affect the social interaction, the brain will also be muddy, expression
power will decline, thinking will be confused, there will be obstacles to vision, unable to look at
other people, and feel that the eyes are always avoiding. When communicating with others, it is also
a kind of respect to look calmly in the eyes of the other person.

It is also easy for others to feel your sincerity, but it is difficult to have the energy to look at you
directly after you commit adultery. I also experienced vision barriers when I was addicted to
adultery. I didn’t know why at the time. I was easily nervous and uneasy when communicating with
others, as if I was afraid that others would find out. I felt a guilty conscience. This kind of mental
state is seriously lacking in confidence. I remember when I was in college, I saw that the girl I liked
didn’t dare to communicate, and was so nervous. Now that I think about it, I realized that it was
caused by adultery. I was unable to communicate with others calmly and easily, and I couldn’t
express myself naturally and naturally. Thoughts. The positive energy of others is stronger than
yourself, so when you meet the other person, your energy field will be completely suppressed
immediately. Indulging in adultery consumes precious energy, so you don't have the guts to look at
each other. Now I can look at others calmly. This kind of calmness and fearlessness was something I
couldn't imagine when I was in a state of adultery. At that time, I had a feeling of shamelessness.
My heart was dark and dirty, and my righteousness was obviously insufficient.

Some brothers have asked how long the vision barrier will disappear. Generally, rebooting will
disappear within a month or so. Then you dare to look at others, because your heart is bright and
you have this positive energy, so you There is nothing in my heart, but rather calm and natural.
When others see your awe-inspiring eyes, they will admire them in their hearts. A brother from
abroad said: “Life has become slower and more relaxed for me, and I can be calm and comfortable
in communicating with others.” Another brother from abroad said: “Being more confident and
relaxed in a social environment, It’s no longer the weird thing that always beware of others’
opinions. There are no hobbies and taints in your own world, and you don’t need to hide anything."
Rebooting will bring you the calmness and confidence of a clear conscience, a sense of relaxation
spontaneously. When communicating with others, you can be upright, open-minded, and have a
demeanor of a gentleman. This feeling of coherence between the outside and the outside is really
important. You are clean in your heart, and you don’t have those unspeakable evil thoughts,
between your eyebrows. There is a horrible righteous spirit that shocks the world, like steel and
iron, indestructible. The positive energy aura emanating from the whole body is extremely
powerful. This is a powerful aura that crushes the heart demon into dust. The vigorous and surging
thunder energy rippling like ripples, white light is vast, bright like a diamond, shining Pure light.
Rebooting can reduce or disappear the anxiety, stabilize the emotions, and let the evil spirits recede
in the body. The feeling of irritability and irritability is gone. Instead, a calm and peaceful,
righteous, awe-inspiring, upright and innocent state of mind is replaced.

[Cultivation will make your energy field aggressive]

After adultery, many people become irritable. Whenever they are unhappy, they lose their tempers
and sometimes get angry inexplicably. Some brothers not only quarreled with their parents, but even
threw things to vent. The family was very discordant. Parents are like enemies. I remember reading
a lecture before. It said that if many sparrows are kept in a small cage, some sparrows will become
irritable, and they will attack other sparrows and even peck them to death. After adultery, you will
also become irritable, and adultery is to accumulate negative energy. A person full of negative
energy, his performance is to resort to violence, his inner heart becomes perverse and violent
because of adultery, and his external behavior is to use Verbal violence and physical violence. Many
parents feel that their children's temperament has changed drastically. They are no longer the
obedient children before. Parents think it is the rebellious period. In fact, it is not only the rebellious
period, but also the irritability and irritability caused by adultery. It makes him extremely unhappy,
because his heart is seriously unbalanced, so he will have an attacking mentality. The first to attack
is often the people around him, quarreling with his parents, arguing with friends, and even beating
his parents. It is shocking and a bit human. It's all gone. I remember a former brother, he not only
masturbated, but also went to prostitution, his negative energy was very heavy, the family
relationship was very bad, he often quarreled with his mother, and hurt her mother's heart. This is
not as good as a beast. Think about what your mentality is when you are in charge. In fact, it is a
mentality of attacking and venting. After marriage, couples have feelings and a sense of
responsibility as the foundation, but being in charge is not. Being in charge is purely venting animal
desires and developing oneself. Bestiality, Kant said that masturbation is "a purely bestiality!" There
is no morality in it. It is a mentality of attacking and venting. This mentality is actually
accumulating negative energy and then bringing this negative energy to people around you. , Began
to use malicious words to attack people around him or people on the Internet, lost his temper
inexplicably, inexplicably scolded the other party, because he was very upset, so he wanted to find
someone to scold him, and even beat him. Teacher Qin Dongkui talked about the 25 kinds of results
of adultery, the seventh of which is the gradual loss of human nature and reduced to animal nature.
Rebooting and cultivating kindness and learning about the education of sages are developing
spirituality. Evil sex is completely developing animality, and the after-fruits are terrible.

Case 1: I was masturbating for 4 years when I was almost 20, and my body was not as good as a
month. Yesterday an old Chinese doctor said to me: "Little guy, you have kidney yang deficiency,
pay attention to conditioning, otherwise you will be abandoned in this life..." recalls this For four
years, before I had masturbation, I was a study committee member and sports committee member in
the class. Because of my good temper, I was very popular in the class. With the development of the
Internet, I accidentally contacted pornographic websites once and I learned masturbation. The hair
was out of control, sometimes three to four times a day, and at least twice a day. Since then,
learning has fallen sharply, and his temper has gradually become irritable, and even fights. Slowly,
there are no friends around, and I never yelled at my parents. I almost got involved with my father. I
had a very poor test in the high school entrance examination. I almost missed the worst high school.
After I got to high school, I wanted to fly as long as I had time. After smoking and drinking, my
health is getting worse and worse. Later, I was expelled from school because of a fight. I worked
outside. Two years later, I had a few girlfriends during the period. No more than a month. Because
my eyes were absent, I often fell ill and mentally ill. Concentrated, always make mistakes at work,
and get fired.

Analysis: This brother outlined how his life was getting worse and worse. When he masturbated for
the first time, the tragedy of his life kicked off. Originally a member of study committee and sports
committee, he is a good student with both styles and sports, which is hard to come by. He also has a
good temper. He has a good temper, and his popularity is natural. He is very popular with his
classmates. Unfortunately, he contracted the bad habit of masturbation and developed his animality
since then. He was originally a pure and innocent boy, but his painting style suddenly changed. The
boy became a violent person. He fought so hard that he almost had a fight with his father and his
grades plummeted. What is going on? The reason is that secret vice-masturbation! Masturbation can
make people become irritable, irritable, aggressive, and lose the sense of peace in the heart. When
the temper is irritable, quarrels and even hands-on can easily occur, which greatly affects the
harmony of the family. Everyone knows that home and everything is happy. The most important
thing in a family is harmony and harmony. The weather is not as good as the place, and the place is
not as good as the people. Cult will make the family discord, which not only affects oneself, but
also affects the fortune of the whole family. When he entered high school, he continued to
degenerate and became extremely wretched. He learned to smoke and drink. His negative energy
became heavier and heavier. Later, he was expelled from school because of a fight. People are very
distressed. He was fired again because of his poor health and not working as a part-time worker. He
had to endure one after another. The harm of adultery to life was too great. A good boy became a
grumpy and grumpy boy because of the bad habit of masturbation. A person who is extremely
insignificant and full of negative energy, fortunately he is still very young, and if he persists in
rebooting and cultivating kindness, his life is still hopeful for a complete counterattack.

Case 2: I always fail to recognize my mistakes and are not filial to my parents. I can beat my
mother, my sister can punch and kick, and my father can threaten with a knife, and I don’t have
many friends. , The teacher also hates me to the extreme, thinking that I am the bane of the class,
tell me what qualifications I have to live in the world! Later, the teacher dismissed me from school.
I could not go to school and stayed at home for one day. During the period, I was still masturbating.
Later, I was always very worried and worried about certain things. The illness made me want to
commit suicide several times. This is a mental torture that is worse than death. I also got social
phobia and some unspeakable symptoms. My eyesight has deteriorated too much, and my height
has not grown anymore, I don’t know. Will it grow? Quarreling with my dad at home has made my
dad exhausted. He is too old, and so is my mother, because after I masturbated, my temper became
extremely irritable. It hurts her heart enough, she has been disappointed in me, she has lost
expectations of me! There are so many unbearable things that I can't say! It was just in January this
year that I was fortunate enough to be exposed to rebooting. After seeing it, I suddenly realized that
all this is caused by masturbation and the evil of all evils!

Analysis: This brother is more ruthless and hostile than the one above, basically to the point of
obliterating humanity and depriving conscience, and has developed the bestiality to an extreme
state. After reading so many cases, I finally understood very deeply what Confucius said in "The
Analects of Confucius" that "a gentleman has three precepts". The first precept is rebooting!
Rebooting means abstaining from evil and adultery, and all evil and adultery are headed! Sexual
obscenity is the accumulation of negative energy, which causes pain, distortion and disharmony.
"Clearance" says: "The matter of lust is the most deadly pass in life, the most evil and most
poisonous." Lust is the first pass of adolescents. This pass cannot be overcome. Sooner or later, the
whole life will fall into gloom and predicament. After indulging in masturbation, his temper became
extremely irritable, and he lost his temper at every turn. It was like a home in any way, and there
was no harmony at all. He had turned himself into a negative energy "mouldy pot", not only I was
severely devastated physically and mentally, and he also brought the misfortune and disaster of this
kind of adultery to his family, and the whole family was at a loss for peace. This brother also had a
neurosis, always panicking, and living a life that is better than death. If he hadn't come to reboot, he
wouldn't know what was going on. The prodigal son turned his head back and didn't change his
gold, hoping that he would get rid of the bad masturbation habit, and learn more about the education
of sages, get rid of his hostility, and bring positive energy to his parents who have worked hard to
nurture him. My father is old, and my mother is too. My parents can't stand the tossing anymore.
Think about it if one day my parents' body breaks down, what should I do? Quit the bad habits, be a
human again, and bid farewell to the inferior state of being a beast.

Case 3: Probably when I graduated from the third year of junior high school, I became infected with
the bad habit of masturbation and became out of control since then. He got worse when he went to
high school. He was originally a handsome guy. His face was swollen at first, but he didn't know
that it was the result of adultery. Later, he got very oily on his face, and he didn't know it was the
result of adultery. Sometimes when I look back, I have indeed done a lot of nasty things, but now
that I think about it, I feel dirty and degenerate from a good student to what he is now. Sometimes it
feels as if it was once, but seven years have passed. It seems that that day was the Chinese New
Year. My mother took my brother out to buy things, and I was still hiding under the covers and
looking at pictures. I really wanted to give it to myself at that time. Slap, but I can't. Because of
ignorance, years of insomnia and irritability, I often get angry with my mother. My mother once
asked how my personality became like this? I said I didn't know, now I think about it, it is indeed
the result of adultery.

Analysis: The experience of depravity is similar. Every adulterer is developing his own animality
and his dark side. These six words are the best summary of masturbation addiction, just like Opened
Pandora's box, released his demons, and lived a secret and degenerate life. This brother was
originally very handsome, but he became ugly and swollen after adultery. It is a good idea. Sooner
or later, the evil consequences of adultery will be reflected on his face. I was originally a good
student, but after he contracted the bad habit of masturbation, he deteriorated. After years of
insomnia, he has become irritable and irritable. This kind of anger first hurts his relatives. He was
originally a good boy. , After the adultery, he suddenly became hideous, like an enemy, his tendency
to attack became very strong, and then when he got angry, he would feel very self-blame and regret,
because he hurt his closest relatives, in fact, he didn’t want to be like this. , But when that kind of
anger comes up, people will lose their minds and just want to vent the irritability and anger in their
hearts. The adulterers have a violent atmosphere, and their murderous intentions will become
heavier. They always look at others as unpleasant and attack and hurt others. tendency.

Case 4: Like many friends, I started to be poisoned with pornography in middle and high school,
which was terrible. Because I read pornographic films and pornographic books when I was in junior
high school. I had good grades, but my academic performance plummeted, my body was getting
worse and worse, I often caught colds, I was mentally depressed, and my relationship with my
parents was extremely poor. In this way, I spent the first two years of middle school, high school,
and college. The little boy who was confident and sunny, optimistic and happy no longer exists.
Some of them are just a thin body, a wretched face, a super bad mentality, a mental illness, unfilial
parents and even Ugly boys who abuse their parents.

Analysis: Negative energy has a strong destructive power. A person full of negative energy will
bring pain to others. Because he is upset in his heart, he will attack others. When he is very upset,
he will look at others. Brothers have given feedback that it was unpleasant to see others before
quitting, and often quarreling with others. Later, after quitting for more than 20 days, after seeing
others, it was more pleasing to the eye and I learned how to live in harmony. The depletion of the
kidney essence will cause irritability and irritability, and the loss of energy will cause this
psychological imbalance. When you slowly nourish the kidney essence, you will find that your
mentality has become peaceful and stable, and there is a calm and calm attitude. Calm and rational,
not easy to be impulsive, and look at things objectively. This brother had good grades originally, but
after the evil adultery, he plummeted, and his body and mind became imbalanced. He brought the
negative energy accumulated by the constant evil adultery to his parents. The unfilial parents even
insulted their parents, and began to become inferior to the beasts, the beasts. They all know how to
get along with their parents, and the adulterer falls directly under the beast.

[Cultural obscenity can cause obstacles to your social life]

Social disorder manifests itself as feeling nervous and scared involuntarily when interacting with
people (especially in public situations), resulting in helplessness, incoherent speech, and severe
even fear of meeting people, which is called social phobia. Some of them mainly show fear of the
opposite sex, which is called heterophobia. Lack of self-confidence, always think that they are not
good enough, lack the courage and confidence to communicate. I wrote about social fear for a
season. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that phobias are mostly due to deficiency syndrome,
which is a syndrome of insufficient sperm and blood. When the sperm is injured to a certain degree,
social fear can appear. There are three main types: 1. Spleen, kidney, yang Deficiency type, 2.
Insufficient kidney essence type, 3. Heart and spleen deficiency type. Many people think that social
panic is a mental illness. In fact, masturbation depletes the energy of the kidneys and causes a
double disorder of the body and mind. In addition, the disorder of the body can also lead to the
disorder of the mind. Conversely, the disorder of the mind may also cause the disorder of the body.
Influencing each other, mind and body are also one. After shooting off the essence of the body, you
will feel that the "inner strength" or "inner strength" is also vented. People will easily lose their
fighting spirit and become decadent and negative. A foreign reboot article preached: “The more
pornography a person watches, the less likely he is to become interested in real people and real
relationships. Therefore, some people who are accustomed to watching porn feel that they are in
some ways. Something went wrong. They don’t know how to become interested in real people, and
it’s even more difficult to build close relationships with others.” I don’t know if you find out, it’s
hard to make close friends after adultery, and the friendship becomes very difficult. It is unstable,
and most of the people she attracts are adulterers, and it is almost impossible to make friends with
real morals and qualities. I have become more and more addicted to the content of adultery, and
have become disinterested in real interpersonal communication. Foreign rebooting articles also
preach: "The more pornographic people look at others with a sexual perspective, the harder it is to
develop real interpersonal relationships." When many people see the opposite sex, they immediately
think of obscene content, and they feel a little righteous in their hearts. If you don't, you will have
evil thoughts when you see the opposite sex. This mentality will cause great obstacles to
interpersonal communication. A brother from abroad said: "When I rebooted for the first time
(quitting and watching pornography) for about 80 days, I began to realize what other people on the
forum said about rebooting (quitting and watching pornography). Huang). Now, I have been
abstaining for 109 days. I feel very happy, confident, gregarious, intelligent, and able to deal with
any challenges encountered. "When you truly abstain from masturbation, you can be a normal
People’s mentality when you interact with others, you will become gregarious, you will become
positive, you will become cheerful and optimistic, you will experience high-quality social fun again,
feel the harmonious social atmosphere, and encounter difficulties. Enough confidence and courage
to overcome. A foreign rebooting book wrote: “One of the greatest rewards of giving up
pornography is that personal relationships will be improved.” It also wrote: “The most important
reward that quitting pornography brings to life is: freedom, this Far better than the virtual pleasure
given by pornography. The freedom mentioned here does not mean literal freedom, that is, people
can do what they want anytime, anywhere; freedom in the true sense refers to the ability to make
wise decisions and let yourself have The healthiest and happiest life. If life has been controlled by
something as powerful as pornography, you can understand the preciousness of this kind of
freedom. Freedom in the true sense encourages people to cultivate Cultivate a frank attitude to life,
bring vitality to life, make life in line with personal life goals, missions, and values, and help
individuals pursue their dreams. Freedom in this sense can make people build healthy relationships,
experience love, respect others, and cultivate self-esteem and self-love. "There are hundreds of
professional rebooting books abroad, and many of the authors have studied for more than 10 years.
Many of the views are indeed insightful and inspiring. Indulging in adultery can lead to social
barriers, both at home and abroad. There is a consensus that only by abstaining from adultery can
we cultivate and develop healthy interpersonal relationships. The adulterer is not freedom. Real
freedom comes from a high degree of self-discipline and regulation. Indulging one's desires will
only lead to a life of bondage and tragedy.

Case 5: I was actually a very smart kid since I was a child, and everyone loves it. The first time I
came into contact with masturbation was probably when I was in the fifth grade. In the following 3
years, I was almost inexhaustible, which caused me to be particularly good. Achievements, I passed
a second-rate high school during the high school entrance examination! During the period of
masturbation, what destroyed me was not only physical weakness, but also a change in my mind. I
used to never talk back to my parents since I was a child. Later, I changed. I became emotionally
unstable. I became angry with my family at every turn. My memory began to decline. I was always
at a loss when doing things. I became very selfish. I always doubted others.

Analysis: This case clearly writes the comparison before and after adultery. He was originally a
particularly smart and beloved child. After contracting the bad masturbation habit, he became like a
different person. Negative energy gradually accumulates in his body, and he will not move at all. I
became angry with my family and my brain power also declined. This brother mentioned the word
selfish. According to my experience and research, adultery can make people become very selfish. It
is difficult to help others in that state. Sexual adultery is for self-interest, which is very selfish. After
the adultery, the temper becomes irritable, and there will be various dark thoughts in the heart, such
as jealousy, suspicious, narrow-minded, resentful, greedy, hatred, indifference, revengeful, and like
to scold others. These are manifestations of negative energy. Many brothers say that after adultery,
they fell from heaven into hell. Pure children are like angels. After they become addicted to
adultery, they are like evil spirits in hell. Most of their thoughts are negative energy. , Not only bad
for oneself, but also cause pain for others. A brother from abroad wrote: “I didn’t mean to be
sensational, but I once wanted to commit suicide every day. I hate those who are positive and sunny.
I am grumpy and frustrated every day. Quitting masturbation has changed me. My state is getting
better, and I feel that my life has become meaningful again.” Sexual sexual immorality can make
people become grumpy. Easy to lose temper is a manifestation of lack of self-control, and it is also a
manifestation of the depletion of kidney essence. The state of negative energy is not one's own.
What you really want, in that state, is extremely painful in your heart. Only by getting rid of bad
habits can you find a sense of harmony and completeness, refill yourself with positive energy, and
share this positive energy with more people.

Case 6: Years of masturbation made my life a tragedy: muddled, walking dead, there is no smile and
happiness, and a strong sense of social fear. Seeing my classmates panicked, I wanted to hide, and
the greetings were extremely stiff. The fake smiles or the original zombie faces (indifference + fear)
made the students who bloomed their smiles take the initiative to greet me withdraw their smiles,
like being poured over. Like a basin of cold water. I am now a freshman, studying at the University
of Chinese Medicine, studying Chinese medicine, and am a medical student. I know a very good
pulse teacher who is helping me to regulate my body. Masturbation has greatly depleted my kidney
essence. I have a typical kidney-yang deficiency physique. I am afraid of the cold and tend to get
cold hands and feet. After he took my pulse, he said that I was very cold and had a lot of "wetness,
coldness, and phlegm." After taking two courses of decoction, the first course of treatment had an
immediate effect, and my spirit improved a lot. .

Analysis: This brother has a good fortune. Meeting a good teacher to help him regulate his body.
Learning Chinese medicine can give him a deeper understanding of the harm of adultery. He also
had a fear of society before. Years of masturbation caused serious obstacles to his social life. The
existence of walking corpses and a zombie face made people daunting. Many people realized after
painful lessons: masturbation does not bring real happiness, masturbation will only make people
less and less happy. What masturbation can give is only short-term pleasure and unlimited
emptiness, panic, and anxiety. And despair. The essence of masturbation is to hollow out energy,
and energy is constantly consumed, which will inevitably lead to tragic results. A brother who has
been abstaining for a month said: "There is more psychological sunshine and more self-confidence.
It seems that the people around me like me more than before." Keep rebooting, and your heart will
become more sunny again. You will find that the attitude of the people around you will change.
They can see the positive changes in you, and they can feel the sunny and confident aura. From this
case, you can clearly see how much masturbation has on social interaction. Masturbation cannot let
you show the most sunny and confident side. Masturbation will make you dark and insignificant,
and even make you feel disgusting. You can only quit completely. This vice can usher in a rebirth-
like transformation.

Case 7: For so many years of adultery, it is true that all the people betrayed their relatives, and there
is not a single friend. Before committing adultery, he was so sunny, confident and cheerful, with
many friends around him, and he was a brother who treated him sincerely. Now so wretched and
cowardly, there is no friend, what I said is true, there is really no friend, all year round, there are
almost no people who call except their parents. I already feel that it’s meaningless to live in the
world, and I can’t find the sunny and happy self again... Yesterday I quarreled with my family
again. I really have no place. No one looks down on me, even my parents are right. I rolled my
eyes, looked down on me from the bottom of my heart, and looked down upon me.

Analysis: This case is rather miserable. Looking back at my ten years of adultery, I was almost like
him. My good friends gradually became alienated. I couldn't make any close friends in my life, and
my work was only limited to my colleagues and amateurs. There is no overlap in time. It is difficult
for an adulterer to have true and pure friendship, and he cannot make friends who have the spirit of
selfless dedication. Moreover, in the state of adulterous, one’s thinking tends to be vulgar, and it is
also difficult to maintain a common return. Friendship, true and pure friendship is noble, requiring
both parties to have a high spiritual realm. It is difficult for a person who is adulterous to do this.
When you are full of positive energy, you will inspire a group of friends who also have positive
energy. When you are full of negative energy, your friends will leave you one by one, because no
one likes people with negative energy, including their parents. The same is true. Although you are a
biological son, your parents will care about you, but they will hate iron and steel when they see you
being so decadent and unsatisfied. You lose your temper to your parents inexplicably, and your
parents will lose their temper to you inexplicably. Your negative energy aura can easily cause
quarrels, because negative energy represents disharmony. One of the manifestations of disharmony
is quarrels, not you attacking others. It is someone who attacks you. Some time ago, a brother who
had rebooted for more than 100 days gave feedback: "Since I stopped masturbating, my whole
person has become a lot more cheerful. I no longer quarrel with my parents, and I will not be
impulsive in many things." He became cheerful, calm and calm. Reason, the energy field has
changed, and the most important thing that affects the energy field is your own mind. You must
learn to overcome evil thoughts, restore purity to your heart, and then do more good deeds to
increase your positive energy, so your life situation will change accordingly. When you have
positive energy, you can share positive energy with others. Positive energy represents harmony.
Then you will find that your interpersonal relationship has greatly improved.

Case 8: I am 21. I have been five years old since the beginning of my first year of high school. I
really have many problems with my body, such as neurasthenia, severe insomnia, and often can't
fall asleep at night. Staying up all night for a long time combined with lulling up leads to a sense of
health and stomach pain. My body is not as healthy as my peers, and I feel sore in my waist when I
wash clothes and sweat easily. Social problems are also very serious. I dare not speak in front of
people, and I dare not look into the eyes of others when speaking. This is a vicious circle that makes
me less and less dare to contact others. I'm only 20! It is the age of the young scenery, I really feel
that I have been alive like this all my life! I know the dangers of lust to myself, but I can't quit. I
have failed many times after quitting. I can't defeat my own demons.

Analysis: This brother also showed signs of depravity and social fear. He was still very young, only
21 years old. He stayed up late and indulged, so that he would be destroyed very quickly, which is
tantamount to accelerating his own destruction. A newcomer posted a few days ago: “After
masturbation is getting uglier and uglier, I am not doing things smoothly, becoming timid, and
afraid of communicating with others.” The social barriers caused by masturbation are almost the
same, and I also had it at that time. These problems, when I got rid of the bad habit of masturbation,
I dared to look directly, dared to express, and not afraid in my heart. I was able to communicate
with others easily and naturally. Once I became autistic and unwilling to contact because of
adultery. Others slowly returned to normal after quitting. Interpersonal skills are very important. In
the future, work needs to get along with colleagues, and some also need to communicate with
customers, all of which require good social skills. It seems that he can't laugh anymore after the
adultery. The smile is reluctant, fake, and stiff. It is not the kind of smile from the heart. The
adulterer often looks very wretched when he laughs, and that wretched temperament is where he
smiles. Show everything in one moment. When socializing, sincere smiles and candid staring at
each other are very contagious, and many adulterers would not dare to stare at others after they
appeared in social fear. I remember once on the basketball court I met someone who could dunk
easily. , More than 1.9 meters, arms span and palms are much longer than me, but when I
communicated with him, I found that he did not dare to look at each other, there are also a lot of
pimples on both sides of the cheeks, that kind of feeling is a slapped person, with him I can feel his
nervousness when communicating. Although he is confident when playing basketball, he is not
confident and nervous when communicating with others. Sexual adultery makes people lack the
courage to look at people. Although they can easily dunk, they still don't have the courage to look at
people. Foreign rebooting articles say that after rebooting, “the soul is lighter and feels like a
newborn, innocent and innocent, able to look into the eyes of others.” Brothers in this case said that
they can’t defeat the heart demon, and the heart demon is indeed powerful. Just like the big boss of
the game, but it is not invincible. The key is to raise your consciousness and strengthen your mind
so that you can finally subdue your inner demons. It is not enough to know the harm of adultery. It
is also necessary to fully grasp the principles, laws and methods of rebooting. You must learn to
reboot professionally. Only when you are strong enough can you have the strength to challenge the
evil spirits!

[Benefits of rebooting listed on foreign rebooting websites]

when you're able to successfully stop masturbating for good, you'll notice: (When you're able to
successfully stop masturbating for good, you'll notice:)

1.More Energetic (becomes more energetic)

2. Happier (become happier, happier)

3. Calmer and More Relaxed (become calm and more relaxed)

4.More Confident

5.More Motivated, Focused, and Productive (more active, more focused, more creative)

6.More Social and Outgoing (more social and friendly to people)

7.Physically and Mentally Healthier (physical and mental health)

8. More Attractive (more attractive, attractive)

9.More Satisfied With Life (More Satisfied With Life)

10. Your anxiety will go away

11.You'll be more patient

12.Your self-esteem will go through the roof

13.You'll find enjoyment in the smaller things in life

14.You'll become more sociable and start making more friends

15.You'll care less about what others think

16.You'll be and feel more in control of yourself

17.You'll be able to fall asleep and wake up easier

18.You'll smile more

19.Better eye contact (better eye contact)

20. Things seem possible again. (Things seem possible again)

21.Ultimately you'll be happier and realize it was the best and smartest decision you ever made

These are the 21 benefits I collected from foreign rebooting websites. The benefits after rebooting
are far more than these 21. Foreign brothers once listed 170 items, and these 21 items are relatively
representative. After rebooting, the energy has improved, happier, more confident, more active,
happier, and more creative. A classic overseas reboot article stated: "Many art masters who consume
their brains tend to be strict in their chastity. This is especially true in the field of music. For
example, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert. Mozart has already achieved a lot in music at the age of
25, but according to his own text, he was still a virgin at that time. Self-discipline will make us stick
to it. Our sexual norms also allow our'essence' to nourish our whole body. In other words, our body
absorbs sperm and nourishes various organs, making our whole person refreshed, mentally
advanced, and creative." If you insist on rebooting and keeping in good health, your personal
charisma will also increase, you will be more willing to socialize, you will be able to have fun in
social interactions, your anxiety will disappear, your sense of satisfaction will be stronger, your
mentality will no longer be impetuous, and you will appear more patient when doing things. Article
13 is very good. You will find the pleasures of the small things in life. This explains why many
brothers will feel very happy and very beautiful when they see flowers, flowers and plants after
rebooting. A very pleasant experience. This kind of keen perception is regained after rebooting.
Pure children have this kind of perception, and they will lose it after adultery. Article 15: After
quitting bad habits, you won’t care what others think. After adultery, you will become inferior and
lack confidence. At this time, you will be very concerned about other people’s thoughts and
evaluations. This is very distressing. Regain self-confidence and confidence after the bad habits,
and then you can get rid of the influence of others' opinions on yourself, and become a person who
accepts himself and will not be affected by any judgment and contrast to live a very relaxed person.
As long as we have a clear conscience, we can live very easily and calmly. There is no need to bear
the eyes of others and increase our pressure. Article 20 is also very good. Things seem to be
possible again. Rebooting gives you hope and makes you have a longing for life. Rebooting is
indeed the best decision! It will bring you a lot of good changes, and your body, mind, and soul will
be renewed.

[Become more confident, more self-esteem, and more present]

Case 9: Thanks to Teacher Feixiang for his guidance. Since I started rebooting in 2014, I am already
a freshman now. During this process, I worked hard to study rebooting theory and gradually
changed myself. From the darkness before to the light, I am now completely different from the me
before. I started to be brave, generous, optimistic, and confident. Now in the university, I am
welcomed by many people, especially girls. Interpersonal relationships are starting to get better, and
I want to show my unique style in college life!

Analysis: This brother came into rebooting in 2014. Now in 2017, he has completely completed his
transformation. From the darkness of adultery to the light of rebooting, his current energy field is
very good, and it is a positive energy. State, this kind of positive energy field will be welcomed by
many people. Rebooting people will experience more satisfaction, fulfillment, fulfillment and
security in all aspects. You will find yourself more self-esteem, not only respect I also know how to
respect others. In a state of adultery, women are often used as tools for venting. That state is
pathological and prevents you from establishing normal interpersonal relationships with the
opposite sex. When you reboot, you can truly respect others. You will also be attracted by your
sunny and positive energy place, and you will find that this is the life you really want. The previous
life of indulging in adultery is completely ruining yourself. A brother said: "After rebooting, I
became confident, bold, and clear thinking, and I was basically able to carry out normal work and
life. Before rebooting, my head was numb, empty, and dizzy, with poor memory, and suffering from
logic. Thinking phobia, especially afraid of thinking about complex and structured things, afraid of
communicating with people, afraid of work, afraid of all things that require brain thinking,
especially afraid of irritating things messing up my thinking, afraid of not falling asleep at night ,
The next day is drowsy, life is always in fear and anxiety, I don’t want to touch the outside world, I
just want to stay in a dim room, I often ask myself, when is such a day a head, why do I change
After more than ten years, this symptom lasted for more than ten years. I discovered by chance that
it was caused by pornography.” The habit of masturbation can easily make people withdrawn, and it
can also make people feel insecure, panic, and fearful. In an anxious state, every day I feel
frightened and panicked all day long. Indulging in the bad habit of masturbation can easily cause
the brain to become numb, numb, groggy, and not in a state of state. It is called Brain fog in foreign
countries. Because the kidney is connected to the brain, the depletion of the kidney essence can
easily lead to various problems in the brain. Let the brain fog dissipate, let the brain regain clarity,
and then work and study normally. It’s easy to make wrong decisions in a state of brain fog. Last
time a brother said that he made a major mistake in buying a house and he shouldn’t have bought it
there. But he was in a state of adultery and his brain was very unclear. It was not correct, and the
wrong decision was made as a result.

Case 10: I have rebooted for 1 year and 3 months. There have been many changes. What surprised
me most was the restoration of self-confidence. My previous social phobia was gone. I can talk in
front of strangers and even see girls. I won't be shy anymore, I can communicate and communicate
with them freely. In addition, the acne disappeared, the morning erection was strong, it was a
welcome change, and I found a very good job. All of these are thanks to the luck of rebooting.

Analysis: This brother has quit very well and recovered very well. Social fear and acne have
disappeared, social skills have also increased, he has become more confident, and he has found a
good job. Rebooting can change a person's fortune. Luck appears to be illusory, but fortune is real.
You can clearly feel the chain effect of your own changes. With strong self-confidence and
confidence, he is open and open, talks freely, looks relaxed and graceful, and feels so calm in his
heart. Seeing girls is also a kind of righteousness. You can communicate with them naturally and
naturally. This is a normal life. . Goode calls the soul a spiritual platform, and requires the spiritual
platform to be clear and clean, and to get rid of evil thoughts, so that he can live a positive and
healthy life. The ancients said: "Those who have a pure heart are like Quakers." A rebooting person
will naturally have a noble temperament, an extraordinary attitude, and even a true fragrance of
precept, you will find a person with a pure heart, he There is a delicate fragrance on his body.
Rebooting is to purify one's mind. Only when the heart is clean can the energy be held, and it will
not be wasted due to licentiousness. When your energy is truly fed up, you will have full energy and
amazing aura to live a life. All aspects will usher in gratifying changes, and your sense of existence
and happiness will become stronger. A previous brother posted: "Masturbation made me useless.
For more than 8 years of masturbation, I am useless. My brain reaction ability, comprehension
ability and language expression ability are not good, so I have no sense of presence in the company.
A little bit of dignity, I am very weak in licentious aura, and I am afraid in front of others. The
boss’s cold eyes, the coercion’s oppression, my own indifference, even if two people make
mistakes, the boss has to push me on one person. I I’m a back-and-forth man, and my sense of
existence has completely disappeared in the past two days. All this is brought to me by
masturbation. I cannot live by myself. I don’t blame anyone, I can only blame myself for what I did.
Wrong, for so many years for that little pleasure, I was wrong, adultery is wrong, and I don’t want
to go on like this.” People who have adultery often have a weak sense of existence. It will be much
worse. When the time comes, you will be often scolded by your boss. If you want to fight but
become cowardly because of lack of confidence, this situation is really terrible. Not only is the
adulterer easy to attack others, but also easy to be attacked by others. Parents quarreling, being
scolded by their bosses in the company, and being bullied by colleagues, there will be a lot of
disharmony in life. Only by completely quitting adultery can we hope to reverse this bad passive

[Happiness index increased, I became laughable, and a sense of humor came out]

Case 11: It has been 100 days to talk about the changes these days, my mind is a little bit more
flexible than before, people have become more confident, their speech has become humorous, social
fear has improved a lot, and the complexion on the face looks Refinement, less white hair, weight
loss before puffiness, crescents from no to four, and the number of spermatorrhea is a bit too much,
10 times in 100 days is a major obstacle to recovery, rebooting is really true Can make people
change, I will stick to it and demand myself strictly, and there will be rewards for what I give.

Analysis: This brother has a good ban, and his recovery is also impressive. The psychological
recovery is that people become confident and speak humorously. To be humorous, you must be
relaxed enough in your heart. Show a good sense of humor. If you are nervous, it is difficult to be
humorous. His social fear has also improved, and his facial complexion has also improved. These
are all good changes after the energy has been increased. Sexual adultery is energy loss, and
rebooting and health preservation is energy improvement. As soon as the energy is increased,
various subtle and good changes will appear. , As soon as the energy is consumed, various subtle
bad changes will appear quietly, accumulate into giants, and eventually become obvious. 10
nocturnal emission in 100 days is a bit too much, you can control it again, 1-2 times a month, so
that the body's recovery speed will be faster. "Rebooting can really make people change", stick to it,
and witness your own transformation!

Case 12: I have been abstaining for two months. Every day, my brain is very clear, I do things
clearly, and my brain reacts quickly. I inadvertently helped my parents and classmates many times.
Rebooting can bring good luck to yourself and the people around you! I'm so excited! I no longer
start to be impetuous after a few days of abstinence as before, and no one finds it pleasing to the
eye. Now I am cautious in my words and deeds every day. real! Happy days without lulling!

Analysis: This brother felt the happiness brought about by rebooting. This kind of happiness is the
real happiness, which is by no means comparable to the short-term pleasure of adultery. When you
have positive energy, you can share it with people around you, you will become friendly, you will
be more helpful, and you will enjoy a higher level of happiness. Then you will find that this kind of
life is what you really want, and this kind of positive life is truly worth looking forward to. Purity
will bring a special sense of satisfaction, the heart is very happy and happy, and there is an
uncontrollable joy erupting. There will be a sense of tranquility and peace in your heart. You can
feel the beautiful sense of harmony, and you can also feel a sense of inner freedom. This inner
freedom is very precious, and it can’t be bought for any amount of money. Yes, and persisting in
rebooting will allow you to have this extremely beautiful experience. The protagonist is like being
locked up in prison, losing the true freedom of his heart. Only by quitting it can you enjoy the
beauty and freedom brought by purity. That feeling is really cool! ! !

Case 13: Say hello to Brother Feixiang. I feel so refreshing recently. I have experienced pure and
great happiness. The sunshine has become a lot brighter, my confidence is rising, and I have the
courage to express. I find that it is very happy to have no evil thoughts when I see the opposite sex.
I feel that I am full of awe-inspiring righteousness. When I read your article, I have a sense of
identity. There is a big difference between real happiness and pleasure.

Analysis: The real great coolness is not experienced by the stunner. The stunner thinks that the
stunner is cool. In fact, the stunner is short-lived, and it is at the cost of depleting the precious
kidney energy. Every time the stunner is accumulating negative The energy, for the sake of those
few seconds of coolness, has lost the blood. This is by no means the wise man’s work. The real wise
man dismisses the act of a fool. Knowing that I literally, I came to the hospital to wake up. Really
enlightened wise men, they clearly understand that as long as the heart is cleaned up, they can get a
great refreshing experience. This kind of great coolness is so pure, so beautiful, so long-lasting, as if
living in a miracle. Once you return to the pure dimension, you can fully understand that it was a
big loss when you strayed into the dimension of adultery. It turns out that you can live so happily.
The whole inside is just like happiness is constantly exploding. Dade once used a word to describe
this feeling, that is-ecstasy!

Case 14: I started to learn masturbation when I was 12 years old, that is, when I was in the first year
of junior high school. Since then, masturbation has been torturing me like a devil for 11 years! I still
remember me when I was in junior high school, with quick thinking, full of self-confidence, strong
memory, and good interpersonal relationship. My classmates love to be with me because I think I
am a very humorous and self-reliant person. However, since the beginning of masturbation (about a
year from the beginning). Gradually, I became irritable, inferior, cowardly, timid, and even a little
nervous. Now I am in my junior year like a walking dead, hanging out of class. I used to have very
good health. When I was in middle school, I won the top three in the city-level middle school long-
distance race. But now, after prolonged masturbation, my physical condition is extremely bad. I'm
covered in sweat everywhere, and I feel weak in speech. In my sophomore year In the sports
standard test, I ran 3000 meters. I thought it would be easy to win, but after 3 laps (1200 meters),
my chest was tight and distressed. I was so weak that I was almost limp on the field and couldn't
continue! In terms of learning, I don't have any creativity or imagination, picking up a book and
reading two lines makes my eyes dazzling and restless. Not to mention the relationship with
classmates. Now I am so inferior that I don't even dare to look at other people's eyes. I always feel
that I am inferior to others and easily hurt. I feel that everyone around me is laughing at me. I have
been successfully abstaining from masturbation for more than a month now. Although I know that
one month is nothing, but these days I have found that I have changed. I have gradually regained
my former sunshine and self-confidence! I used to be full of lust, but now I am very calm. I don’t
have the guilt of the past, and my personality is much more cheerful. Good luck also follows. My
former friends said that I have changed and become humorous and friendly. I can now completely
control my words and deeds. My thinking is clearer and more rational than ever before. My head is
not swollen. People have become thinking. I used to be sweaty when I walked, and I looked very
wretched. Looks like, now the body can't be said to be fully recovered, the mental state has
improved a lot, the whole person is full of vitality, and I feel that my temperament has begun to
change slowly, wherever I go, I have my head up and my chest, what is there to be afraid of! ! !
Determined to get rid of the devil of masturbation, it can be said to be relaxed! It's only a month
now, and I think I will get better in the future!

Analysis: This brother has counterattacked. Although he has only given up for more than a month,
good changes have already taken place. I believe that if you keep on giving up, you will get better
and better. He compares masturbation to the devil, which is also very reasonable. This vice
entangles countless people like the devil. The brick family will tell you that it is reasonable, normal,
and scientific, but you will find that the facts are not like the brick family. As said, when the
symptoms break out, the brick family's fallacy is self-defeating. You will find that after indulging in
masturbation, those physical and mental symptoms gradually begin to appear, and masturbation is
particularly devastating to mental health. This psychological change is very subtle. Originally
believed in humor, the interpersonal relationship is very good, and later became inferior and
irritable. , I lose my temper easily, just like a person has completely changed, and my heart becomes
sensitive, and I care about other people's opinions.

This brother became humorous and friendly after rebooting. The sunshine, cheerfulness, self-
confidence and calmness gradually returned. Everyone pay attention to his words: "What is there to
be afraid of!!!" Kidney energy is sufficient. People will have this kind of aura when they are
courageous. The psychological symptoms of kidney deficiency include timidity, fear, and gains and
losses in case of trouble. The kidneys are fearful. When the kidney qi is sufficient, we will be calm
and calm. When there is insufficient, we are prone to panic, worry about gains and losses, and dare
not make decisions when things happen.

When everyone understands the principles of Chinese medicine, they will send out "Oh! That's what

If the kidney qi is sufficient, the viscera will be strong and bold; if the kidney qi is not enough, the
viscera will lose its nourishment and warmth, with low function, weak and fearful. When you have
enough kidney qi, there will be a kind of courage and spirit of "Thousands of people are going to
go". This kind of "heart strength" is extremely powerful, and you need this kind of energy to do big

[Expression is clear, the tone becomes nice and there is a deep feeling]
Case 15: Brother Feixiang, I feel that I have completely passed the critical point of recovery from
neurasthenia. My country celebrated five days of part-time job, and the frequent spermatorrhea was
also completely recovered. There was no spermatorrhea for 18 days, and my brain power has
recovered a lot. I would have been able to walk with anyone. A guilty conscience, fear and anxiety
in my heart, I don't know what to say, now I am raising my head and my chest is naturally free and
easy, and my speech is no longer incoherent! The neurasthenia has become farther and farther away
from me. Keep picking up rubbish, doing good deeds, walking and holding Buddha's title, anyway,
every day is very beautiful and practical.

Analysis: When the brain is muddled, it will be incoherent and incomprehensible, and there will be
obstacles in expression, and even stuttering; when the brain is clear, the expression will naturally be
clear and smooth, and the expression is also very confident and confident. Kind of a confident sense
of confidence. This brother has recovered a lot of brain power, and his heart is no longer fearful and
uneasy. If he has enough kidney energy, he is naturally not afraid. I found that many stunners have a
little hunchback, not in the most upright state. From the side, it is obvious. From the back, it is a
wretched figure, always crouching. Only after rebooting can there be a feeling of standing upright
and supporting all sides with qi. It feels that the joints and qi veins of the whole body are stretched.
At that point, there will naturally be a pure and solemn attitude. The gestures are natural and free
and there is a kind of on the face. Confident and beautiful look. This brother is picking up rubbish.
Although good deeds are small, they are also accumulating positive energy. Sometimes I see
rubbish on the ground and I will pick it up and throw it into the trash can. The four words "beautiful
and practical" are very well expressed. The feeling after rebooting is indeed wonderful. There is a
sense of peace in the beauty. I no longer feel impetuous, no longer panic, no longer anxious. It
seems plain, but There is infinite authenticity.

Case 16: After two years and eight months of abstinence from evil, the feet are no longer cold, and
the hair no longer falls. Half of the eyebrows were left before, but they have grown again. The
complexion has improved, the person has become handsome, the morning tree has been strong for a
long time (don't try), thoughtful, and savvy (you can use the walking dead to describe it before you
quit), and your voice is sonorous and powerful (speaking trembling before), The relationship with
parents, family, and friends has improved, luck has improved (after quitting, I inexplicably passed
CET-4, although it has something to do with the basics, but I think the biggest reason is because of
abstaining from masturbation), and the aura has improved. (From lack of dignity to being valued).
Another bigger change is that I have succeeded in the examination of civil servants. I hope that I
can accumulate virtue and do good, help more people, and be grateful for the grace of saving lives.
Analysis: A foreign rebooting article states that after rebooting, “become more confident, clear
thinking, increased personality charm, better tone, more self-esteem, significantly improved social
skills, and ability to communicate with girls, they felt their own again Existence." After rebooting,
many brothers reported that their voices have become nicer and that they are full of breath, and their
voices will be different. Xiangshu has said: "If the spirit is clear and harmonious, the voice will be
warm and round; if the spirit is short of breath, the voice will be anxious and hissing." It also said:
"The first thing you look at is to look at the sight, and to know the person first to hear the sound.
The sound is determined by the vitality. The sound is profound and long-term, and it comes from
the pubic pubic area. If the sound is loud like a bell, and the lingering sound is lingering, it means
prosperity and auspiciousness. If it is shallow, bitter, and dilapidated, it is short-lived and inferior.
It’s like each other.” The voice of the nobleman, because it comes from the pubic pubic area, is
connected to the heart, vigorous and loud, and will spread far. Chinese medicine says that the five
sounds correspond to the five internal organs, and the kidney is the root of the five internal organs.
Listening to the sound can tell the health. Listening to the sound mainly listens to the changes in the
patient's language and breath, so as to distinguish the deficiency and coldness of the disease. This
brother had been abstaining for two years and eight months. It was not easy. His voice became
louder and stronger. He used to be trembling, and his confidence was obviously insufficient. Now
he has completely transformed. His life has completely counterattacked, and he was admitted to the
civil service. After rebooting, the mental power gradually recovers, and the exam luck will naturally
improve at that time, and the mental power is poor, and it is not easy to succeed in anything. Stay
away from pornography and get rid of the bad habit of masturbation. This is so important to life. It
was a turnaround and completely reversed the defeat.

[Rebooting can promote family harmony]

Case 17: I have been rebooting for about two months, but the effect is obvious. First of all, it is the
family. It turns out that the parents quarreled particularly fiercely. Since rebooting, they have slowly
reconciled (there was no relative to persuade you before) (Impossible), although occasionally
bickering, but as before, it is really great. During that time of licentiousness, I was black, thin, and
frustrated, but now I actually started to turn white! Got taller! The complexion is getting better and
better! Moreover, we have a lot of homework here, sleep very late at night, and get sleepy in class
the next day. Every day, after rebooting, I am not sleepy or distracted! ! Grades and classmate
relationships are also inexplicably better! This has increased my confidence in rebooting.
Analysis: The negative energy aura generated by adultery will also affect the emotional state of
your family. The energy fields all affect each other. If you are addicted to adultery, the family will
easily become discordant, unless your family’s spiritual level is very high. Purify your negative
energy, otherwise it will be assimilated by your negative energy. At that time, the mentality of your
parents will become very poor, and you will become irritable and irritable, so quarrels will be
staged, and serious even lead to divorce. When you quit adultery, the influence of negative energy
will gradually disappear, and the family will become harmonious again. I remember a colleague of
mine used to have a messy private life. He often changed girlfriends and went to prostitutes. It was
not him but his mother who fell first because he brought negative energy to his mother— -His
mother’s symptom with his family members was vomiting blood. The cause of the illness was not
found in the hospital. Later, he was hospitalized and slowly recovered. Until now, I found that the
mentality of my family has improved a lot, and there have been almost no quarrels. My energy field
has subtly affected the family, and I feel that the family has become harmonious. This brother
ushered in many good changes after rebooting, his appearance and complexion improved, his
energy also improved, he was no longer sleepy or distracted, and his relationship with his
classmates improved. Rebooting can give people a positive life. Only by living this positive life can
you feel true happiness and joy.

Case 18: It has been nearly 3 months since rebooting, and I can see my changes at a glance! I called
my father today and told him not to go out to work in the smoggy weather, but my father was
moved incoherently, alas! This is the first time I am concerned about the phone call my father calls
my father, and I have never called before. The feelings are very deep, and I hope that the brothers
will contact their parents more, even if it is just a phone call.

Analysis: After rebooting, the conscience gradually came back, and I also learned how to obey your
parents. It is difficult to really care about your parents in a state of adultery, because adultery fills
you with negative energy, and what you share is often negative energy. Although the adulterer
sometimes repays his family’s safety and asks his family to take care of their bodies, they lack a
deeper level of compassion and care. The same sentence said in the rebooting state and the
adulterous state has different appeal. The caring words spoken in the rebooting state carry higher
energy vibrations, more from the heart, more selfless, more sincere, and purer. Adulterers are often
selfish. They think more about themselves and take for granted that what their parents do is taken
for granted. After rebooting, learn more about the education of sages, and gradually understand the
importance of filial piety, care for your parents, and let your parents Joy, this is a very important
thing for children. This brother made his father very moved when he made a phone call. A word of
care has such a positive energy. His father may say in his heart: "The son is finally sensible!" His
father must be very pleased. Evil adultery is developing animal nature, and quitting evil adultery is
to stop developing animal nature, so that human nature will gradually return, and then the quality of
kindness will slowly manifest. People are conscientious. The sages warn us to "stop at the best", to
know how to be filial to our parents, to know how to accumulate positive energy, and to create a
harmonious and beautiful atmosphere with our parents, an atmosphere full of care. Some brothers
say that the father or mother is not good to themselves, so they have grievances in their hearts. First,
they must eliminate grievances. Then, they must learn to be filial to their parents and influence them
a little bit, so that the family can gradually become harmonious.

Case 19: Rebooting for 131 days. I mainly want to talk about the change in my mentality. I had a
bad mentality before quitting. I like to care about small things. I like to be horny and angry. I can’t
speak patiently to my parents. I feel regretful now. When others disagree with their own opinions,
they can also listen to others quietly, and begin to appreciate the love and care of their parents.
Basically, they will not talk back to their parents and try their best to be considerate of their parents.
Before quitting masturbation, I was depressed all day and didn't feel happy, but now I am happy
every day. I don't know why, in short, it feels good.

Analysis: The mental change of this brother is obvious. The previous negative energy has been
basically eliminated, he has become more tolerant and peaceful, and his tolerance has increased.
Things that could not be tolerated before are no longer annoying and impulsive. , Become more
calm and sensible. Many brothers have reported that the family has become much more harmonious
after rebooting, and they basically don’t quarrel with their parents. They can behave in a more
peaceful and stable state of mind. They can appreciate the love their parents have for themselves,
and they also know how to care for themselves. Parents, so the family is harmonious. He was very
depressed every day when he was sexually immoral, and he didn’t feel happy every day. After
rebooting, he was happy every day. He didn’t know why, but the principle behind it was very
simple, because the negative energy was eliminated, the positive energy was up, and the pure mind
was restored. Naturally You will feel happy and joyful, because happiness is inherent, it is the
pursuit of adultery that makes you feel unhappy, unhappy, and adultery gives you pleasure. It can be
said to be different from the real great happiness. There are real brothers who have real experience
and enlightenment. Knowing the difference between the two, an ignorant person can easily equate
pleasure with happiness. Everyone finds that they don’t. They seldom laugh when they are stunned,
because they are not happy inside, and their expressions when stunned are hideous, and their eyes
reveal Bestiality is not a happy state at all. After you hit it, you will feel less and less happy, less and
less happy, emptiness, anxiety, depression, panic, and various psychological disorders. Rebooting
will bring people a beautiful and pleasant experience. The taste in it is hard to explain. It must be
understood in person. This is a kind of spiritual enjoyment, a spiritual satisfaction, and a pure
beauty. Artistic conception, everything seems to become innocent, simple things can bring you an
extremely pleasant experience, the feeling is so wonderful, it is extremely happy, the mood is bright
and super, everything becomes clear, After rebooting, it seems that the surrounding air has changed,
and there is a special kind of beauty and harmony spreading.

[Raise a group of Taihe Qi]

As long as you keep rebooting, you will truly experience pure abundance, freedom, harmony,
beauty and pleasure. This is a kind of blessing and a kind of purification and healing. You will find
that the physical and mental problems are alleviated or even disappeared completely. Up. The
highest well-being and highest purpose is to restore a pure heart and restore the inherent goodness.
Only in this way will you be truly happy. Pasha said: "The real world is a projection of your heart,
and all your experiences in the real world are your projections, derived from the vibration frequency
created within you." The real world is just a holographic projection of your thoughts, and The
principle of dreams is exactly the same. In the past, philosophers would say idealism or materialism.
They opposed the heart and the object. In fact, the ultimate truth is: the heart is the object, the object
is the heart, the mind and the object are the same, and the most fundamental thing is Pure awareness
Consciousness), sometimes referred to as pure consciousness. Modern quantum mechanics already
knows this truth. In the past, both idealism and materialism were wrong. The truth is: everything is
made by idealism! Everything is realized by the heart! This world is just a manifestation of the
heart! The idealism of Buddhism is not the idealism of philosophers. The idealism of Buddhism is
the idealism of the same mind and matter. It is "made by idealism", just like making a piece of gold
jewelry from gold. The whole piece of gold jewelry is gold, not two. When you understand this
principle, you will know what your awakening thoughts mean. Your awakening thoughts directly
decode your reality. It is directly related to your situation. Goode said that the situation changes
with your heart. Once your mind changes, your situation will change. Follow the change, because
the environment is made by the heart! Many people don’t understand this truth. They fall into
idealism or materialism. The student party is even more so. I didn’t know whether it was idealism or
materialism. I was very confused about this question. It's only in his teachings that I gradually
realized it. The core mystery of quantum mechanics: all particles are waves, and all waves are
particles. The wave-particle duality is the basis of the theoretical system of quantum mechanics.
Nobel laureate Richard Feynman called it "a true mystery in quantum mechanics." Thoughts are the
waveform information of vibration, from pure awareness. When arising in the middle, it will be
decoded into a real scene. The vibration frequency of good thoughts is high, and it decodes a
beautiful and harmonious reality scene, allowing you to experience beauty and pleasure in life; the
vibration frequency of evil thoughts is low, which decodes a distorted and disharmonious reality
scene. Let you feel all kinds of anxiety and pain in your life. Just like the information written on a
disc, it is decoded to have people, environments, scenes, stories, and time and space, but all of this
is just the result of information decoding. All the real scenes we experience are only inspired by our
own minds. Holographic projection. Why does Goode always emphasize cultivating the mind,
because thoughts directly determine your actual situation, and your evil thoughts will lead to pain
and misfortune. I remember watching a talent show before. I watched it for a while when selecting
the channel. The contestant thought of pride on the stage and said that the celebrity was not as good
as himself. As a result, the judges below began to attack him. A proud thought directly projected the
reality of attacking him, just so fast! That proud low-frequency thought projected the reality of
being attacked. The player looked dazed and at a loss after being attacked by the judges. In fact, it
was his own pride that killed him. We usually have to develop kind thoughts with high frequency
instead of negative thoughts with low frequency. We are very particular about our thoughts. The
nature of each kind of thought is different. People with high enlightenment only have kind thoughts.
When evil thoughts come up automatically, immediately Cut off. Evil thoughts represent
disharmony. When disharmonious thoughts are projected into real life, there will be disharmony,
and then there will be quarrels and even fights. Adultery will make you divorced, it will make you
irritable, full of hostility, aggressive, and easy to hurt others. Rebooting is to cultivate a sense of
harmony and create a pure and harmonious atmosphere. Rebooting is a kind of enjoyment. Enjoy
the pure beauty and pleasure, enjoy the harmony and perfection brought by rebooting, and enjoy the
childlike innocence. And ecstasy, quit the true, the best, the pure, the most beautiful life!

Case 20: Slowly I found that I was nearsighted, and it became more and more serious; Slowly I
found that my eyes became muddy, my eyelids pulled down, always full of evil; Slowly I found that
I became ugly with a face Insignificant; slowly I found that I became thin, thin and weak; slowly I
found that I was afraid to speak, and became timid; slowly I found that I became terrible and
ruthless, and slowly I found that I was very Unfortunately... In my junior year, I made up my mind
to study reboot articles every day, be more vigilant, and be strict with myself. I haven’t broken the
precepts for a year. Finally, I was admitted to Zhejiang University in September 2016. I want to be
worthy of myself this year and never let myself down. Since rebooting, I have gained a lot. I have
jumped from the original middle and lower grades to the top of my majors. I won the National
Award, the Provincial Award for Mathematical Modeling, the Certificate of English CET-6, and the
first in the major subjects. Learning has become less difficult, my heart is full of sunshine, I am full
and happy every day, and my relationship with my classmates has also become better, working hard,
and finally enjoying my own results. This feeling is so wonderful! Looking at the blue sky, white
clouds, and flying birds, I found that this world is really beautiful. Cherish this short life, go out for
a walk, the outside world is wonderful, there are many beautiful things waiting for you in front of
you, don’t be alone in the corner doing dirty things, it’s really shameful and pitiful ! Now I am still
persevering and working hard every day. I will not relax my vigilance or take it lightly, because I
know that if I don't defeat the demons, I will be defeated by it. I just want to greet every day with a
low-key and calm heart. When rebooting is only in progress, when it is not completed, I am on the

Analysis: This brother changed his own destiny by persisting in rebooting. Originally, his grades
were inferior to middle class. Later, after persisting in rebooting and his brain power recovered, he
became "full of firepower" and became unstoppable. You don't even know how good you are. After
the brain power is consumed by the evil adultery, the genius will also become a waste talent. Only
by giving up the evil adultery can you stimulate your full potential. Rebooting can give you super
energy and brain power, just like a computer upgrade configuration, let your brain processor With
extremely strong performance, doing things with half the effort, extraordinarily efficient, and the
brain is brighter after rebooting, can give you more creativity and inspiration, let you overcome
obstacles and invincible. This brother mentioned the problem of myopia. There are many reasons
for myopia, such as heredity, excessive eye use, bad eye use habits, etc. Chinese medicine says that
the eye is formed by the innate essence and is nurtured by the acquired essence, so it is related to
the internal organs. The internal connection of the meridians is very close. "The eye is the essence
of the internal organs." "The eye is the essence of the internal organs, and it is clear by focusing on
the eyes." A potential factor leading to decreased vision. In ancient times, myopia was called "far-
sightedness", which was blurred vision. The "Introduction to Medicine" stated: "Those who can be
short-sighted but not far-sighted are considered to be 12% due to liver and kidney deficiency." The
kidney is the mother of the liver. Masturbation damages the liver and kidneys. It is likely to cause
worsening of myopia. It is not just a problem of myopia. The eyeballs will become cloudy, the
eyelids will collapse, and the eyes will be swollen. If you have sunken eyes, dark circles, bags under
your eyes, etc., first look at whether his eyes have a look, whether they have a fixed light, whether
they are righteous, whether they are majestic, and they will not take off for a long time. , An upright
gentleman, his eyes will not dodge, his eyes are naturally straight, giving people a sense of awe-
inspiring righteousness. The eyes are right and the heart is right, the eyes are good and the heart is
good, the eyes are disgusting, the eyes are slanted, and the eyes are slanted. Brothers in this case
were admitted to Zhejiang University as a graduate student, and they have a bright future! The heart
is full of sunshine, every day is full and happy, and the interpersonal relationship is greatly
improved. How can this kind of enjoyment be comparable to the pleasure of adultery? Looking at
the blue sky, white clouds, and birds after rebooting, you will feel particularly beautiful, and you
can feel pure joy and pure harmony from simple things. Adultery will destroy the beauty of life and
make you lose your keen perception of beautiful things. Rebooting and cultivating good people are
full of positive energy, sincere, enthusiastic, pure, and kind. They often feel happy and satisfied.
They know how to give selflessly and are willing to help others. Only this kind of life is worth
looking forward to, and worth looking forward to. A brother from abroad once said: "Pornography
and masturbation are a huge chain that tries to drag me down, making me involuntary." It feels so
good to regain dominance over one's body after rebooting! You know, this is the life you really

Final summary:

This season shared the negative effects of masturbation on social and interpersonal relationships,
and also gave many recovery cases. I was also troubled by this aspect. It was difficult to establish
good interpersonal relationships with others. I was even afraid of communicating with others for a
while and quarreled with my family. Because I was indulging in adultery and hostility. It’s very
important. I don’t feel pleasing to my eyes when I look at a lot of things. Later, I quit and found that
my heart became more peaceful and stable, and I became more calm and sensible, and my life was
much better than before. I can see the positive changes in myself and my family. As a result, my
family has become harmonious. Rebooting can change your mentality, improve your social skills,
make you bright and cheerful again, and make you better. Carry out and plan your own life. Sexual
obscenity is a cocoon of self-binding. The cocoon of negative energy is getting heavier and heavier,
wrapping yourself tightly in it, and the final outcome is not optimistic. "Qing Jing Jing" says:
"Madam God is so clear, but the heart disturbs it; the human heart is calm, but want to hold it. Often
can send his desires, but the heart is calm, clears the heart and the gods are clear. Naturally, the six
desires do not produce. The three poisons are eliminated. So those who can’t do so are uncleared
and unsatisfied.” People have desires and must learn to control their desires. If you can’t control
them, desires will become a demon of the heart, a brother. Well said: "When you get rid of the
demons, you will have a whole new look, a positive energy and a better you." Desire is not
repression, true desirelessness is full of pure ecstasy. The "Book of Changes" says: "A gentleman
punishes suffocation." Rebooting is the first commandment of a gentleman, and it is also the first
discipline of a gentleman. If a person cannot control himself The desire of human beings is a leaky
weapon, a corrupt weapon, and an obsolete weapon. Now rebooting is also popular abroad.
Rebooting has begun to become an international trend. Putting aside the mist of harmlessness,
people have gradually seen the truth of adultery. Quit it resolutely and decisively, show the greatest
determination and courage, and resolutely get rid of the vice of masturbation! "Book of Changes"
also said: "A gentleman condenses his life in a righteous position." Correct his words, his actions,
his thoughts, always being right, everything is right, everything is right, then he is right! Be a
righteous gentleman, don't be a wicked coward, surrender your heart, and recreate the universe! ! !

Let me share a reboot poem

"Let Pure Crown You"

Healing is

Restore pure self

Because I can't do it

The purest self

So you feel pain

No matter how many times

You won't be satisfied

Because of your deepest desire

Is to restore pure self

there is nothing

Than being pure you

Can make you happier

Once we all came from

Pure kingdom

Later lost in

In the world of desire

Energy is consumed

Getting unhappy

Only to give up the bad habits completely

You will be really happy

Smile back then

Really from the heart

You will experience again

The beauty, harmony and perfection of life

Let purity crown you

Be the purest self

Recommend a book below

"Zen Heart Secret Seal": by Master Da Zhao. Master Da Zhao, surnamed Lin and pen name
Tiantaizi, was born in Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province in 1972. He is currently the
postgraduate tutor of Putuoshan College of China Buddhist University, the president of Wenzhou
Buddhist Yongjia Zen Association, the abbot of Miaoguo Temple in Wenzhou City, and the director
of Anfu Temple Construction Committee in Wencheng County. From 1991 to 2001, he studied in
Fuzhou Gushan Buddhist School, Nanjing Qixiashan Buddhist College and Beijing China Buddhist
College. Master Da Zhao has a multi-faceted heritage, and has a thorough understanding and real
practical experience of Zen, Purity, and Tantric. The "Zen Mind Seal" indicates the method of
meditation, and he is truly expert in the specific problems in the practice of meditation. , Accurate
answers. At the same time, "The Secret Seal of the Zen Heart" is rich in content, and the masters are
widely quoted and hand-picked. The general Buddhist theories and the paths and points of practice
can be found in the book. Answers and hints. Master Da Zhao has a solemn and extraordinary
manner. He is a mage that I personally prefer. Master Da Zhao’s root master is also an elderly
vowel. There is an online article "Master Da Zhao: Remembering the Old Master Vowel", That
article is very well written and feels very kind. I personally requested a copy of "The Secret Seal of
the Zen Heart", and there are also special lectures on the Internet. It says that practice is not fighting
against others, but fighting against one's own habits. It also specifically talked about "If you don't
have a thought, you are a layman." This sentence is very meaningful. Some people may say: "I
know that a thought is not born, so why am I still a layman?" Although you know that a thought is
not born, It is clearly Buddha-nature, the original face, and pure awareness, but just knowing it is
not enough. You still need to practice the mindfulness and meditation, because thoughts will still
invade, and you must strengthen the practice of meditation! The old man with vowels once taught:
"After seeing sex, you must work harder, always cut off mindfulness, protection, all aspects are
inaccessible, don't stay alive, your own water will come to the day when the sacred fruit is fully
realized." The core is also the core of practice. The two are exactly the same. Brothers who are
interested in practice can read this book and they will definitely gain.
Season 114: Rebooting is beautiful and picturesque, counterattack
pure face


The preface of this season talks about the difference between suspense and suspense. Goode
basically advocates suspense and opposes suspense. Some brothers will confuse the concept of
cessation and suppression. In fact, there is a clear difference between cessation and suppression.
Suppression is the idea of not igniting, suppressing the thought and not allowing it to rise. There is a
subjective thought of suppressing this. This kind of oppressive thought is like a stone crushing a
grass. On the other hand, to stop thinking is to get up if you think about it, and break up together!
The so-called is not afraid of starting to read, just afraid of sleeping late. This is clearly different
from suppressing mindfulness. To suppress mindfulness is to prevent it from arising, while to stop
mindfulness is to destroy it when you get up. To be honest, suppressing thoughts cannot be
suppressed, because thoughts will automatically flow out, and the thoughts of suppressing thoughts
are originally a kind of ideological misunderstanding. What Goode advocates is cessation of mind.
A brother believed that as long as the mentality of greed is transformed through impurity view, there
is no need to renounce. This kind of thought is actually a misunderstanding of thought. It will come
out automatically, because the seeds of lust in the Eight Consciousness Fields are still there, and it is
very difficult to achieve "no sex". It is not easy for ordinary people to subdue evil thoughts, and it is
necessary to reach a certain level of absenting to subdue. Impurity can change the psychology of
greed, but at the same time it is also a way to cut off thoughts. When evil thoughts arise, they can
also be cut off by thinking impure thoughts. Suddenness is the core of actual rebooting, and
rebooting thoughts that deviate from this core are all wrong. Some people said that after reading an
article and think that they are a non-suppressor, they will be completely successful. There is no need
to stop or be vigilant. But what happened later? It didn't take long to break the ring. They copied the
theory of quitting smoking, but there is a clear difference between quitting smoking and quitting
sex. After all, smoking is something outside the body, and sex is deeply rooted. The theory of
quitting smoking can be used for reference, but it cannot be copied completely, otherwise it will
mislead others. When this thought appears in your mind: "I have successfully rebooted, and I don't
need to read rebooting articles anymore." Then, you will not be far from relapse. The appearance of
this kind of thought means that you have relaxed your vigilance and relaxed. Beware of the heart
demon, the heart demon waits for the opportunity to move. Once you become proud, feel that you
are great, and feel that you no longer need to read rebooting articles, you will be fast, so what?
Almost breaking the ring! ! ! In the past, countless brothers relapsed after such thoughts appeared.
After more than 200 days and more than a year, they felt that they had succeeded, so they relaxed
their vigilance. He would attack again, he was paralyzed and careless, and the enemy took
advantage of it and broke through in one fell swoop! Senior rebooting seniors will not leave
rebooting articles and rebooting notes. They are always vigilant. Rebooting is a lifelong cultivation
base and must be studied and comprehensed continuously. It is not possible to just try too little, and
try to make less of it. Gu De is fighting against the demons of the heart. After decades, you think
you have

Share some cases below

1. [One day I started to masturbate. I was very excited on this day, but I couldn't shoot any liquid. It
was a dry shoot. I didn't give up. After 3 times of masturbation, I felt a sense of dying. I suddenly
went crazy and couldn't control it. I wanted to take something. Beating, breathing difficulties,
heartbeat 120, cold hands and feet, so painful, it is too painful! So I thought about hanging myself.
It was too uncomfortable for me to go down after 5 seconds. Then I went to find my father who
worked near me and took me to the clinic. The first clinic did not open. When I arrived at the other
clinic, the doctor gave me the medicine and I returned. After eating at home, I feel much better and I
can sleep. After taking anti-anxiety drugs for more than 20 days, I started to masturbate up to 5-7
times a day. At the beginning, I had jelly-like semen. I didn’t take it seriously. During the period, I
also suffered from insomnia. I suddenly woke up very excited after sleeping for a few hours. In
July, I took anti-anxiety medicine again because of the onset of near-death. At this time, I did not
realize the danger of masturbation. During the period of taking anti-anxiety medicine, I masturbated
once in 5 days. I started to wonder why every time I masturbated, I was dying. After about 20 days,
at the fourth masturbation, a series of horrible experiences are about to begin (I now feel that I am
about to die when typing). My bronchial tube is so painful and I have difficulty breathing. I hurried
to call Dad Zai. I went to the clinic in the middle of the night and took the anti-fever medicine and
stomach medicine and went home. At this time, I really wanted to die. I realized the dangers of
excessive masturbation. After returning home, my dying feeling broke out again. I suddenly went
crazy, thinking I slapped things and couldn't control it. I was sweating cold on my head. I felt my
body was hollowed out and my hands and feet were cold. After enduring it for half an hour, I took
out the last half of the anti-anxiety medicine and then slowly calmed down to sleep. 】

Additional comment: This is a brother from Malaysia. I have a sense of near-death. If the evil
thoughts are caught in his head, if the evil thoughts are not cut off immediately, people will be
controlled by the evil thoughts. He said: "I will not give up." You have to shoot to give up. If the
addiction is serious, you even have to shoot 2 or 3 times in a row to give up. In that state, you are
completely possessed by an obscene demon. If you don’t shoot, you will be uncomfortable. You
must shoot. Shooting is like completing the task. The same, exhausted and desperate. Looking back
on my previous experience of sexing, it was the same for many times. It felt uncomfortable after
one time. So it was the second time in a row, and the second time it was difficult to ejaculate, but I
was unwilling to give up and wanted to ejaculate desperately. In the end, I shot it with great
difficulty. I shot something like clear water. My legs were soft and my bones were standing. I
almost collapsed. I looked in the mirror. What appeared in the mirror was a walking corpse with a
look like a ghost. After digging it twice in a row, the damage is too great, and the fine strip is
severely worn out. It is like being chopped twice by a slasher. The damage value is very large.
Many people feel dying after two consecutive times. I have seen a lot. This is the case. This brother
has been slapped 3 times, and he has a sense of dying, panic attacks suddenly, people are
uncontrollable like crazy, breathing is difficult, and his heartbeat is 120. I remember a previous case
of a near-death feeling, the heartbeat directly soared to 180, and it was like sprinting in the chest.
That feeling was very scary. This brother felt too painful, so he wanted to hang himself, but he felt
too uncomfortable to die. Many people tended to commit suicide after committing adultery. The
feeling of energy loss and physical and mental decline made people feel very hopeless. A deep
sense of frustration, I feel that it’s boring to be alive, and after a brief pleasure, it’s all devastated,
just like being ransacked by a demon. On the surface, it seems to be refreshed, but in fact it is a big
loss, and a huge loss, a loss of blood! I almost lost my life! Dr. Talmey said: “If our brain and body
want to achieve the most energetic state, then the protection of semen, an extremely important
liquid, is necessary.” The ancients said that "precious essence" and "preserving essence" are really
necessary. Protect it like a baby, "Keep it tight and keep leaking," and "Don't give away tens of
thousands of gold." Kidney essence is extremely precious. It can nourish the five internal organs,
fill the bone marrow and brain, and it can be transformed into the essence of reproduction. The
latest foreign research shows that the harm of pornography and masturbation is very great. Many
people do not realize the harm of pornography and masturbation. They are extremely ignorant. They
are brainwashed by the harmless theory and think it is right until they are scared by the symptoms.
When you wake up suddenly, those who have bad roots are those who have symptoms and are still
obsessed with it. They are very foolish and sad. They said that rebooting exaggerated the harm of
masturbation, but they were actually ignorant and ignorant Dao masturbation can cause such great
harm! When I experienced these symptoms of injury, I realized that what the senior said was true,
and that he was a frog in the bottom of the well before. "Essence is the essence of the body" and
"Essence is the most precious treasure" in "Essence of Oriental Medicine". It regards "essence" as
the foundation of the human body. Deficiency of essence will lead to exhaustion of energy, and
exhaustion of energy will lead to divine death. The continuous depletion of energy will inevitably
lead to physical crisis. The depletion is so severe that it can even lead to sudden death. In this
regard, we must arouse enough vigilance. The news often reports this kind of incident. A dark life.


Additional comment: This should be a brother from the north. After the winter, the temperature
drops sharply. At this time, many of the symptoms of sperm injury are easy to recur, and the
rebooting state is also easy to decline. Rebooting is a systematic project, and health restoration is
also a systematic project. In terms of health maintenance, you have to learn more and summarize,
and learn to make timely adjustments when situations arise. This brother’s actual combat experience
is more delicate, and his feedback is indeed insightful. During the actual combat, as long as it is a
few tenths of a second or a slight active follow-up occurs, it is likely to cause energy leakage, that
kind of feeling. It’s very subtle. You will feel energy going down, and then as this energy moves
down, you will experience a feeling of energy loss. That feeling is really very, very subtle, so you
must always be vigilant. , Sudden thoughts must be fast, must be ruthless, do not take the initiative
to follow the thoughts, evil thoughts will automatically come out, do not follow. According to
Chinese medicine, the core of rebooting is to cultivate the mind. Cultivating the mind is a very deep
skill. Cultivating the mind is to observe the mind and to control one's thoughts. It is not only
necessary to get rid of the thoughts that lead to the relapse of the precepts. Learn to get rid of other
fanciful delusions. This brother had recovered very well before. He was full of positive energy and
full of self-confidence. It has a lot to do with his active exercise. However, the recovery process is
not smooth. He will experience various situations, especially in winter. It is cold and not suitable for
long-distance running. At this time, you can try other exercise methods, such as indoor badminton
or table tennis, basketball, etc. There are many ways to exercise. You can adjust and arrange
flexibly. In short, you should exercise moderately regardless of the season. , Avoid staying up late
and sitting for a long time. For sedentary problems, you can get up and walk around every forty
minutes. Don't sit for a few hours. You can set an alarm clock to remind yourself. Rebooting is
energy management. Decline in energy leads to a decrease in mental power and energy. On the one
hand, we must reboot well, and on the other hand, we must strengthen health and recovery, take
active exercises, and strictly control dysplasia. Controlling dysplasia is very important. It is very
unfavorable. To minimize the frequency of spermatorrhea, this issue has been emphasized in my
previous article. As soon as the energy drops, you will feel that the state of the whole person will
decline to a certain extent, the brain power will also become worse, and the energy will become
poor. When the energy is sufficient, you will have the momentum of "playing the tiger in the
spring". Winter storing essence, breaking the ring in winter can easily lead to recurrence of physical
symptoms, and the recovery speed in winter will be slower than that in other seasons. If you can not
break the ring throughout the winter and strengthen your health regimen, you will have a good
health by the beginning of spring next year. The burst of energy, this is the burst of energy
accumulated to a certain extent, the momentum will be very impressive at that time, and a feeling of
majestic mountains and rivers will come out. Noble The dress is not the best solemnity, the best
solemnity is a person's awe-inspiring righteousness, a person's full energy state. This brother has
already possessed considerable consciousness, and his actual combat feeling has also entered a
more delicate and sensitive level. I hope that he will strengthen his diligence in the actual combat
and health recovery, so as to enter a more stable rebooting level.

3. [Every time I am alone with her, I will leak it, and it will naturally get worse and worse. The
good image at the time became worse and worse, and gradually collapsed, I became less and less
worthwhile, and my life became more and more unsatisfactory, and I could never find the great
happiness I had before. Sure enough, if you still can't really control yourself, don't fall in love
before, because you leaked too much, and you haven't noticed it before. Today, I finally realized it,
thank you Feixiang! 】

Additional comment: Some new couples will ask whether rebooting can fall in love. Rebooting
does not prohibit falling in love, but try not to talk when the body has not recovered, otherwise it
may cause certain obstacles to the recovery of the body, because falling in love is very difficult.
Leakage easily. Unless you have a high level of rebooting awareness and mind-cultivation skills and
can truly control yourself, you will easily leak when you talk. Leakage is a loss of energy, which not
only affects your brain power and energy, but also affects a person’s appearance and temperament.
Affect the body's recovery speed. Some brothers often leak when they fall in love, such as holding
hands, making a phone call, etc., with intimate contact, the leak is even worse. Originally, the body
has been lost due to the previous history of masturbation. A big leak, this is simply worse, it is very
detrimental to the body's recovery, and it will also affect one's studies or career. Rebooting bar
Some senior brothers have already married and had children. If you quit to a certain level, your
body and mind will recover better. You can also fall in love and get married. Try to avoid premarital
sex. Rebooting can help you return to a normal life track and enhance your self-control ability,
especially the control of desires and the ability to manage the energy of the kidney essence. Many
people think of rebooting only when they are physically down. Harmful theory! Some time ago, a
brother found out that azoospermia is caused by varicocele on the left side, and the spermatic cord
caused by masturbation will affect a person’s fertility. Although some people have fertility, the
quality of sperm is very poor. The child born is weak or is born with defects. Many ignorant
prostitutes do not know that masturbation will cause prostatitis and spermatic cord. After being
brainwashed by harmlessness, they become more rampant and unscrupulous. Their state of mind is
very ignorant, naive and paranoid, and they have been swept away by the pleasure. The mind is
completely in a state of "fascination", thinking that that kind of film is "welfare", but in fact it is a
sugar-coated cannonball that corrupts people! The country is also cracking down on obscene
information, because this kind of information is extremely corrosive to people's souls, and the
stunner is looking at this kind of information, and the final result must be symptomatic. At the
beginning, the body has a strong foundation, and the feeling is not obvious. As he grows older, the
evil consequences begin to gradually show up. A newcomer came to the rebooting bar and asked for
help. His disease was prostatitis. After spending 40,000 before and after, he was not optimistic
about it. Because he didn’t know how to reboot and keep in good health, he couldn’t do well no
matter how much money he spent on it. Even if he recovered temporarily, I will relapse again after a
stroke, my body is broken, and my money is gone. I think of rebooting at this time. If I can accept
the concept of rebooting and keeping in good health before, there will be no painful experiences
afterwards. Unfortunately, many people don’t. Hit the south wall without looking back. Before,
some people still slandered rebooting, but later the symptoms beat him painfully. He came to reboot
and repented and started to reboot. Many people were suffering from symptoms. The situation is
forcing rebooting, because if you don’t do it, your body can no longer bear the damage caused by
the tube. At this time, when you come to reboot, you suddenly realize that it is not a cult at all. This
is a place to save people. ! A brother said in a post: "The appearance of the reboot bar is like
breaking a gap in the gloomy sky where I live, and seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mist!
Without such experience, I really can’t understand my thoughts. How grateful I am here, without
them, I might already be a wretched uncle with a wicked look, maybe lying in bed dying with a
sickness, or maybe already suffering from kidney failure, or I would continue to be cowardly and
selfish. The mental state is lingering and wandering in this gloomy life. Continue to be treated
coldly and involuntarily to commit adultery, and then be cast aside and despised by others, silently
and quietly disappear in people’s eyes, and then reconnect with the joy of life. If you miss it, you
won’t have to learn traditional culture, learn about Buddhism, and change your mind.” Rebooting
can help you break a gap in the dark and obscene sky and let you see the light again! Cherish the
opportunity to reboot and learn the education of sages.

4. [I am 30 years old, and the habit of masturbating began when I was about 14 years old, and I
have been thinking about it for 15-16 years. I would like to say that the harm that masturbation can
do to a person is best understood by those who have experienced it, and I am one of them. The
embarrassing scenes of me talking nonsense and mental breakdown on different occasions have all
appeared in my mind over the years. Masturbation for a long time, the body is hollowed out, the
brain is also dull, and the mentality has become narrow and fragile. All kinds of symptoms have
come, such as frequent urination, urgency, heat ulcers, sudden weight gain, scrotum dampness,
numbness of legs and feet, etc. At the beginning, I still felt that the right medicine should be
prescribed, but the effect was not good. I think the whole body is weakened, and it doesn't work
smoothly, and a single treatment is not effective. People say that I stood at the age of 30, but I am
still a ruin at the age of 30, and I need to clean it up. Before the age of 14, I was very good, and
since I contracted masturbation, I have lost a lot of distance. From the first moment I felt the last
mechanical masturbation, I found that I had already fallen into the deep and smelly quagmire of the
harlot, and I couldn't get out of it. I told myself time and time to quit masturbation, but in the end it
was nothing but self-deception. I think my knowledge of masturbation is not thorough enough, and
the injury is not deep enough? I am 30 years old, I am not qualified to sink down anymore, I still
look forward to love, I still yearn for freedom, I still want to live the life I want. The premise of all
this is: I must quit masturbation, otherwise I can't talk about it. 】

Additional comment: "A person has a kidney, like a tree has a root." The essence of the kidney is
the driving force that stimulates life activities and visceral functions, and affects the entire life
process of human life, growth, growth, old age, and death. If the kidney qi is full, the human body
will grow and grow vigorously; if the kidney qi is insufficiency, the human body will become sick,
aging, and die. To strengthen the body and consolidate the foundation, we mostly start with the
kidneys. Protecting the essence and protecting the kidneys has become a basic measure for disease
prevention and anti-aging. Modern medical research believes that the kidneys are closely related to
the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal cortex, thyroid, gonads, autonomic nervous system,
immune system, etc. Kidney deficiency can lead to disorders of these functions, which will affect
various functions of the body extensively, resulting in pathological changes and signs of premature
aging. This brother is 30 years old and has 15-16 years of masturbation. He should have become a
masturbator since his developmental stage, and he has been unable to quit. He once told himself to
quit masturbation, but failed again and again. His experience is similar to everyone. Before I started
professional rebooting, I tried to quit this bad habit many times, but I failed again and again. I don’t
remember how many times I failed. Anyway, I was miserably abused by the heart demon. I was not
the opponent of the heart demon at all. I learned to reboot professionally, only to really get rid of
this bad habit that has entangled me for more than ten years, and finally found the beauty and
freedom that I have been missing for a long time. I used to think that I would never quit
masturbation in my life because the tension in my heart was too strong. Now, it drags me into the
cycle of masturbation time and time again. In the first few years of my masturbation, I experienced
low back pain, soft legs, acne, lack of focus, slow front, mental decline, worsening rhinitis, weak
erection and other problems. Ignorance, no one gave the correct guidance, and I was not exposed to
the truth of masturbation at that time, but I could vaguely feel that masturbation was devastating to
my body and mind, and also vaguely felt that masturbation was very harmful. I tried to abstain from
masturbation when I was a teenager. But the result is undoubtedly a failure. The boss of the heart
demon is too strong, my reboot awareness is zero, and my level of abstention is also zero. This way,
I cannot defeat the heart demon. Rebooting does not have to be severely injured. The key is to
master professional rebooting. You must understand the principles and laws of rebooting. Deeply
injured can make people make great determination, but it is not the key factor for successful
rebooting. The most important thing is It is necessary to raise awareness and strengthen the actual
combat of absenteeism through study. A foreign reboot article preached: "On the surface, cocaine (a
kind of drug) and pornography do not seem to have much in common. However, research shows
that watching pornography can make your brain release the same pleasure chemicals as cocaine
ingestion. . When drug addicts take more drugs or porn viewers watch more pornographic content,
the neural circuits in their brains will become stronger, making it easier for them to take drugs
again, whether they want it or not. Watch pornography. Just as drug addicts will eventually need
more and more drugs to get pleasure, or even just to make themselves feel normal, sex addicts will
quickly develop tolerance when they are used to watching the large amount of dopamine released
by pornography. In other words, even if pornography can still make the brain release dopamine,
they can't be as cool as usual. "He also preached specifically: "Like drugs, the more stimulus, the
more boring afterwards. You have to look for heavier flavors and more excitement to achieve the
pleasure of tasting the forbidden fruit before. "Many people became psychologically abnormal and
distorted their sexual orientation. Watching pornographic masturbation will bring a series of evil
results, which will make people fall into a vicious circle. A brother said: "When you find that you
can overcome When I was a demon, the happiness in my heart was so refreshing, so pure, clean,
and natural. "Masturbation is a kind of degradation, a kind of sinking, a kind of depletion, and even
a kind of restraint. Only by quitting the bad habit of masturbation can you completely counterattack
the decadent life. When you can overcome the demons, you will feel A great pleasure far beyond
the pleasure of masturbation, you are free, you are free from bondage, you will experience the
feeling of dominating yourself, the spring of pure and great happiness, the beautiful and innocent
sense of life, give up the bad habits, you are Miracle!

5. [It’s been nearly two hundred days of rebooting, but just yesterday, I was emotionally relapsed,
and now I regret it in my heart. It’s really a misstep and an eternal hatred! Rebooting has really
brought me a lot, and my skin is pretty good now, and my complexion is rosy, much better than
before. Yesterday, when I relapsed, I found that my premature ejaculation was also healed, but this
did not make me a bit happy. Now I am very afraid of falling into the vicious circle. Now I must
work hard again and quit properly. 】

Additional comment: This brother has relapsed emotionally. Emotional relapse is a type of relapse.
Bad emotions or carnival emotions can easily lead to relapse. When a person’s mental balance is out
of balance, it is easy to be broken by the heart demon. When you are in a bad mood, you will want
to vent through masturbation, and evil thoughts will easily come out; when you are immersed in
carnival emotions, you will also want to celebrate through indulgence; when there is boring
emotion, it is easy to vent through masturbation. Dispatch, so we must be extra vigilant about these
three types of emotions. Some brothers in the past relapsed after getting angry. Although rebooting
makes the mentality more peaceful, we will encounter various situations in our lives. Many
situations can easily lead to anger. We must learn emotional management and let Maintaining a
calm state of mind is very important for rebooting. The recovery of this brother is still very good.
Premature ejaculation has also recovered, but he is not happy because he is very afraid of falling
into the vicious circle. He was already fixed on the right track, but he was careless. , Will fall into
that strange circle again, become the puppet of the heart demon again. Once there is a relapse, you
must reflect and summarize, strengthen your study and reinforce your consciousness, so that you
can get back to a good rebooting state as soon as possible. I have seen many posts, and many
brothers are very afraid to fall into the cycle of masturbation again, because they know that the
cycle is powerful and terrifying. When they are not sure to defeat the inner demon, they will also be
afraid of falling into the cycle again. , That strange circle seems to have a kind of magic power,
which can firmly control people in that vicious circle. To break through this strange circle, a
considerable level of consciousness and a high level of absenteeism is required. No matter how long
you quit, you must remain vigilant and always keep an eye on your heart. One brother said: “Once
the image in your mind appears, it will start endless entanglement, and your heart will fight
repeatedly until you fail. The last time you fought. At that time I warned myself, after thinking
about it, thinking about my parents, and thinking a lot, in the end my mind was still covered with
yellow pictures, and after I was finished, I was in deep pain for a few days." Another brother said
his mind "Occupied by lustful thoughts, and then start those disgusting behaviors again." The heart
demon is like a hacker, has been coveting the dominance of your body, the heart demon will do
everything possible to try to break through your firewall, you must learn through Reinforce your
own firewall, and do a good job in mindfulness combat, don't let the inner demons occupy your
high ground of mind. When evil thoughts or images invade, they must be cut off in time! If you
can’t do it, it’s not enough to practice mindfulness. You have to practice mindfulness more often,
and learn more about rebooting articles to improve your comprehensive consciousness, especially
the theory of mindfulness practice. Some brothers complained about their absenteeism The level is
not good, but he refuses to practice the mantra of breaking YY with his feet on the ground. How can
the level of actual combat be improved like this? Even if you are thinking about the treatment or
reciting the Buddha's name, you need to practice frequently to achieve the state of being extremely
self-conscious and self-cultivating for a long time. If someone learns to shoot, in a long-term
prescription, the difference in level is normal at the beginning. If you keep practicing, your level
will gradually improve, and at the end you will be able to become superb and subdue your demons
at that time.

6. [I am 30 years old this year. I have a beautiful and cute baby of 2 years old. The monthly salary is
12,000. I bought the house. I have only finished renovating and moving in this year. My career is
also on the rise. The good life seems to have just begun until 6 this year. My legs started to hurt
when I came back from climbing once a month. After inspection, the meniscus was torn at 3
degrees. You may not understand the meniscus. To put it simply, a broken bone can be connected,
but the meniscus basically cannot be connected. This means that it will not only take more than 3
months to rest and cure the disease, but also that you can’t exercise vigorously in this life. I love to
travel and the blow is fatal, but everything is not over. Ankle joints, wrist snapping, lumbar disc
herniation, cervical spondylopathy have appeared one after another. A series of illnesses almost
made me collapse, and the initiator of all this is the kidney essence. Insufficiency, and the biggest
reason for the deficiency of kidney essence is masturbation. If your body is weak, your waist and
knees are sore and forgetful, I tell you that is just the beginning, really, just the beginning. If I didn’t
have masturbation, if I rebooted 10 years ago, But there is no such thing as if, people always realize
their great enlightenment only after suffering the evil consequences. 】
Additional comment: This brother is also 30 years old, and his rewards are pretty good. His career
is also on the rise, but the evil consequences of previous masturbation finally broke out, which
caught him off guard. "Medicine Yuantong" says: "It is necessary to know the three hundred and
sixty joints of the human body, no matter what the joint is, one section of the essence and qi is not
lost, and one section becomes a dead branch." Chinese medicine says: The kidney governs the bone.
After masturbation, it is prone to osteoporosis, and it is easy to have bone problems. The bones
seem to become brittle, prone to noise, as if they lack lubricating oil, and are also prone to fractures
and other problems. At the age of 30, I was in need of a good body to fight for my career, but my
body had many problems due to long-term masturbation. The shock at this time can be imagined. It
was possible to make great achievements in the career, but now there are various problems in the
body, and a series of illnesses almost broke this brother. Sooner or later, masturbation must be paid
back. This sentence is the truth. It may not be obvious at the age of 20, but as the age increases,
various problems begin to be exposed. The reason why it was not obvious before was because of the
return of the body. To be young is to rely on being young. Once you get older, the problem will
begin to become obvious, and then it will burst out in a concentrated manner. The body is not good
anymore, that is not right, and life becomes very tormented. The body is the foundation of career
and family. A good body is really important. This brother said very well. People always realize their
enlightenment only after suffering the evil consequences. Before, they were completely ignorant
and blind. The Essentials of Medical Classics states: "Kidney stores essence, essence produces
marrow, marrow nourishes bone, so the bones are combined with kidneys, marrow is born of
essence, essence feet are marrow feet, marrow is in bone, marrow feet are strong bones." There is a
close physical connection between the kidney, bone, and marrow. "Lingshu" says: "Essence injury
will cause bone dysfunction." A person's bone quality and kidney essence are closely related. After
masturbation, an obvious feeling is that the legs become soft, walking fluttering, and the soles of the
feet have no roots. My feet are easily injured at this time. The meniscus is a 2 crescent shaped
fibrocartilage located on the articular surfaces of the inner and outer tibial plateau. The function of
the meniscus is to stabilize the knee joint, spread the load of the knee joint, and promote intra-
articular nutrition. Meniscus is very important. Meniscus injury can cause severe pain, swelling,
knee joint extension, etc. Many athletes have meniscus problems. Jeremy Lin had been reimbursed
during the season due to a torn meniscus before, and later underwent repair surgery. . After a
meniscus tear, the most common symptom is pain when walking or exercising. The pain can be on
one side of the joint, or behind, or when the joint is stretched and flexed to a certain position. Long-
term vigorous exercise or excessive exercise is likely to cause meniscus damage, and the legs will
become soft after masturbation, which greatly increases the probability of injury. Sooner or later,
the retribution of adultery will manifest itself in some way. This brother has a good family career,
but when his career is rising, the series of illnesses and blows to him is indeed very broken, the
body is scrapped, and everything is useless. . The kidney essence is like the fuel of a rocket. A man
must know how to reboot and maintain his essence. The kidney essence is not for ejaculation, but
for his own career! If you have enough kidney essence, it can make you full of firepower and
unstoppable; if the kidney essence is deficient, it will make you stomped and plunge you into the

7. [Thanks to Feixiang, I just realized it after reading your post. I have been quitting for more than a
hundred days now, and I have improved a lot in all aspects, but since breaking through the 100-day
mark, there is a thought that has been bothering me, that is, quitting and not rebooting. Hey, I've
been struggling with these thoughts these days, as if trapped. But after reading the article today, I
realized that it was the mind demon's idea that was encouraging me. Recalling that many times
before, I broke the ring by reading it. I immediately cut off this idea. Indulging in pornography is
contaminating one's soul. If you look at pornography, you will leak it. If you often see pornography
and no quitting, the symptoms will still appear and your temper will get worse. You must stop
obsessing with pornography at all. Only then can we restore purity and have a better life! 】

Additional comment: Why I keep emphasizing on raising awareness through learning? It is very
important to let you know the tricks and tricks of the demons, just like you receive a telecom fraud
call, because you know the other party’s tricks, so you Will not be fooled, but some people don't
know, so they are deceived. When you quit to a certain level, the heart demon will send you all
kinds of thoughts. General obscenity is better to recognize, but the instigated thoughts are more
concealed. The heart demon will impersonate you. This is the most thief. One night recently, a
sentence popped into my mind. This sentence is an obscene sentence, and the first word of this
sentence is "I", which is the first person. At this moment, I was very vigilant and cut off this
immediately. Thoughts, I know that it is the inner demon who is encouraging me. I will never listen
to it. The method of the inner demon is really deep. You must be familiar with the various routines
and tricks of the inner demon. You must not let the inner demon succeed. This brother had a
misunderstanding of rebooting thoughts before, that is, he just can’t be stunned. He didn’t recognize
at this point, so the heart demon would use this loophole of consciousness to attack him constantly.
Later, he perfected his consciousness through study. , This attack method of the inner demon is
invalid. There are many similarities between hackers attacking computers and the mind demon
attacking the human brain. We must defend ourselves at all times and identify, intercept, and defeat
the attack of the mind demon in a timely manner. Some brothers can't quit for a certain number of
days. Why? There are loopholes in enlightenment. The heart demon attacked his loopholes and
made him break the ring again and again. Therefore, it is very important to reflect and summarize
after relapse. We must find loopholes in enlightenment, and we must learn to improve it. You cannot
always commit the same loopholes. Mistake. If this brother doesn’t study rebooting articles, he will
listen to the voice in his heart: “Just look at it, don’t press it, it’s okay, just take a look.” When he
learns that this is the heart demon encouraging himself, So he immediately cut off this idea! This is
the improvement of the actual combat level, so learning is very important. You must understand
how the inner demon attacked yourself, how it attacked yourself, and what attack methods are there.
You must have a comprehensive understanding, familiarity and understanding. Able to win every
battle. He has a strong recognition and judgment of the thoughts, images and subtle sensations that
can lead to relapse, and once they appear, they are immediately killed. A brother said: "I was aware
of the evil thoughts, and there were two voices in my heart fighting against each other, but in the
end they didn't break and broke." There were two thoughts in his mind fighting, and the reason why
there was a situation of struggling and fighting, that It's just that it can't cut off, usually lacks
intensive practice, is not strong enough, and is not good enough, so it will get into a fight with the
inner demon and can't cut it off immediately. All rebooting masters resolve the battle within a few
tenths of a second, so they won’t get into a fight, just like an instant sniper. As soon as it appears, it
will instantly disappear, and the battle will be resolved in an instant. On the one hand, we must learn
to recognize the attacking methods of the inner demons, and on the other hand, we have to
continuously strengthen our breaking power, so that we can subdue our inner demons and remain

8. [Thank you Brother Feixiang, if I had met you and rebooted earlier, maybe my life would have
been better. I have been rebooting for more than three months and I really feel that my interpersonal
relationship has improved a lot, and my job interpersonal relationship Relationship is extremely
important. Rebooting allows me to see the improvement and turning point in my career. I have to
keep learning to reboot and keep in good health. Brother Feixiang and rebooting friends will give
me a lot of merit! May all the people in the world stay away from adultery and return to authenticity
and purity! 】

Additional comment: This is a feedback from last season. Last season was about interpersonal
relationships. Many people lamented that if they could meet rebooting earlier, it would be nice to
recognize the dangers of pornography and masturbation earlier, and get rid of bad habits earlier, so
that their life might be a different story. Many prostitutes waste their precious time looking for porn,
watching porn, and masturbating. Some people look at porn for a few hours and stop doing
business. Some people even look for porn all night and get into trouble. status. If you spend this
time looking for pornography and watching pornography on the right path, maybe your life will not
be where it is now. Watching pornography is ingesting obscene information, contaminating one's
own spirituality, and draining one's energy. The process of watching pornography will lead to secret
omissions. How can an upright man indulge in the nasty pleasures of obscene information ? In the
end, I felt no righteousness at all, full of licentious hostility, with a look of apathy and decadence, an
impetuous mentality, and a grumpy temper. Some people were afraid of being out of society, and
the interpersonal relationship was in a mess. One brother put it very well: "Does anyone who has
had the experience of masturbation have such an experience: The most refreshing pleasure only
exists in the short few seconds during the ejaculation process, and after those few seconds, even if it
is Let you watch the pornographic novels that were the most exciting before, and these
pornographic things are no longer interesting. At this time, I feel that I am not interested in those
things at all, and the previous pleasure disappears in an instant, and I get nothing. So that pleasure is
a vain thing." Remember: it's boring after shooting! After shooting, there will be a sense of
emptiness and loss that will cover you, and you will feel boring in an instant. Some people are not
addicted to slap once, and then come a second time, but the final result is still boring! Deeply
boring! It's so boring! Completely boring! The temptation pictures and videos that excite you before
the ejaculation are like trash after the ejaculation. Looking back and looking at it is almost the same
as chewing wax, and can no longer be interesting. Dopamine is like toothpaste and can’t be secreted
anymore. At this time, what I experience is boring, emptiness, loss, hollowing, powerlessness,
decadence, and even guilt, disgust, and regret. Another brother said: "The recovery after rebooting
made me feel as if I had returned to the time when I was not in the mood. The whole person was
relaxed and at ease. I felt the happiness I had never felt during masturbation, as if joy and positive
energy were permeated around me. The factor. No matter what you do, you are actively moving
forward and striving to stand out. Whether it is with a high-ranking senior or a girl in the class, you
can have pro- and easy-to-talk exchanges. The heart is full of fighting spirit and hope, and I feel
youthful. Free and easy and beautiful. However, during my masturbation, these are all things that I
dare not even think about."

9. [Say hello to Teacher Feixiang, in the 90 days from October 8, 2016 to January 6, 2017, in just 3
months, I experienced the unparalleled ease and comfort brought about by abstaining from evil and
adultery, first Let’s talk about the changes in the body: 1) The eyes have become brighter and more
energetic; 2) The crescent of the ten fingers has also slowly recovered; 3) Urination is no longer as
laborious as before; 4) Slowly there is After the morning erection, the quality of the morning
erection is much better than before. Changes in mental power: 1) The brain is no longer so empty
and empty, and there is enough brain power to think; 2) The brain's reaction speed has also become
faster; 3) Nothing is as impetuous as before. The changes in interpersonal relations: 1) Slowly
gained the appreciation of the leaders; 2) Go to the office every day to help colleagues pour a glass
of water (not for praise, just to cultivate their kindness); 3) The relationship with parents is also
Slowly changes are taking place. 】

亿 G 的黄片,撸上万次,他也不会满足,因为欲望本来就是一个无底洞,追逐短暂的快感只会让自己背离真正的大快乐。愚痴的撸者分不清快感和真正的大快乐,他们以为
愉悦、充实与满足。能量积聚导致长久的喜悦、开心与满足;能量耗损导致空虚、无力、惶恐与颓废。人就是一个能量体,邪淫耗损能量,戒色养生积聚能量。 《》黄帝内经》

Step into the text below

This season is about the changes in appearance and temperament after rebooting, and it will also list
the damage caused by masturbation to appearance and temperament. The depletion of kidney
essence does affect a person’s appearance and temperament. If you look at the photos before the
tube and the photos after a few years, you will find the subtle differences. If the damage is to a
certain extent, you will feel that. The difference becomes more and more obvious. Everyone knows
that a person’s spirit is very important. Sun Simiaoyun, a famous doctor, said: “Mojiao induces the
deficiency of the yang and prevents all diseases from invading.” This is a real cure for all kinds of
diseases. It was withered, looked lifeless, his eyes were dull, his eyelids drooped, and dark circles
under his eyes were obvious. He looked like a drug addict. Essence and qi are the three treasures of
the human body, refined qi, qi engenders sacredness, and deity's imperial form! There are gods and
no gods, there is a huge difference, and the slightest loss is a thousand miles away.

The ancients said: "Internal virtues, external appearance." What kind of state a person's inner state
will definitely be reflected on the face. The so-called "community is born from the heart", if the
heart is very pure, there will be a kind of purity corresponding to the appearance. If your heart is
very dirty and dirty, and you often have that kind of unspeakable evil thoughts, it will reflect evil on
your face. There are many evil eyes in the person's eyes, and the eyes are not fixed, the eyes are
loose and weak, and the eyebrows There is a wretched breath. The temperament of a ringer has a
noble feeling. Even if they wear ordinary cloth, they will still reveal a pure and solemn attitude.
Their facial features show a very majestic style and a fair and honest look, which makes people feel
sacred and inviolable. Power, on the other hand, many stunners, even if they wear international
famous brands, can't hide his insignificance and hostility, giving people a feeling of disgust.

Jingqishen has the effect of shaping and reducing the swelling of the face. It will tighten the face,
make the face appear firmer and firmer, and make the facial features more refined. I have been
obsessed with watching pornographic masturbation, and gradually my face will begin to deform,
swelling, depression, and various asymmetries appear. After rebooting and regaining their energy
and spirit, many people have become completely reborn, and they are no different from the wicked
selves before. Many adulterers are completely out of shape, it can be said that they are totally
unrecognizable, and their temperament has become very wretched. After rebooting, the appearance
and temperament will be greatly improved. After the spirit and spirit come back, it will be different,
the difference is very big. Rebooting people have a layer of brilliance, like a beautiful jade. The
"Huang Ting Jing" says: "The body produces radiant fragrant orchids, but destroys all evil jade and
refines the face." Gentlemen are like beautiful jade, noble and pure, bright and upright, noble, noble
appearance, and extraordinary appearance. The first commandment of a gentleman is rebooting.
Only after rebooting can the energy be held, so that you can have that layer of pure and beautiful

[Masturbation can make people look prematurely aging]

Case 1. When I was a child, I belonged to the kind of boy who was very beautiful and sunny, but
because of masturbation, people are getting more and more wilted, their eyes are dull, their eyes are
swollen, and their complexion is dull and dull. People who are only 23 are just like a 40-year-old
man before. I have also been rebooting, but I insisted on it for a few days. I was addicted to the
world of masturbation. Years of masturbation history also caused physical problems, and premature
ejaculation was very serious.

Analysis: After adultery, the eyes are prone to be apathetic, and the eyes are also prone to swelling.
Originally, the inner double eyelid becomes a single eyelid when the swelling occurs, or the eye
socket is sunken, making it particularly apathetic. I have seen a lot of contrast photos of rebooting
so far. I found that after many brothers insisted on rebooting and maintaining good health, their eyes
became better, and many people's eyes became bigger, especially the curve of the upper eyelid
began to change. When you look beautiful, there is a feeling of radiant spirit. The upper eyelid is
easy to collapse after adultery, so the eyes will become smaller. The arc is not a natural upward
shape, but a feeling of collapse. It seems to be flattened visually, and it feels like the eyes cannot be
opened. The eyes will look much uglier, and they will look like a wretched feeling. A previous
brother shared a comparison photo. The face was obviously swollen during adultery, especially
when the eyes were deformed seriously. After rebooting, they became a lot more handsome, the
eyes became double eyelids, and the face became firmer and more delicate. It is indeed a lot of
handsome, and there is a feeling of under-beating when it is swollen. Another brother said that after
rebooting for a period of time, “the complexion has improved significantly, from the age
recognition software that recognizes 53 years old to today’s 27 years old." The difference between
53 years old and 27 years old is almost doubled. There are some 90s in the bar. The photos I posted
look like over 40. Sexual adultery will make the face age prematurely, while rebooting and health
preservation can restore youthful vitality to the face.

[Masturbation can make people look evil]

Case 2. Hello, Brother Feixiang! I have always been a good child in the eyes of my parents, and my
appearance is pretty good, but I have an unknown secret: masturbation! An unintentional attempt in
the third year of the junior high school has since led me to a point of no return! In the past, my
grades were among the best, my appearance was handsome, and my eyes were big and energetic,
but now I failed the college entrance examination and learned from it. This summer vacation, the
girls at a dinner party with friends accidentally said that my eyes looked a little evil, the speaker
was unintentional, and the listener was intentional, which undoubtedly hit me even more painful.
Because of masturbation, my youth was in a mess, and I became very nerdy. I always wanted to
watch obscene videos and didn't dare to communicate with others. I was also trying to quit, but I
really couldn't control myself. I am 21 years old, sophomore year, and just masturbated once. Now I
feel that there is no hope in my future. The dark clouds are too thick and cover all the sunshine in
my life. For a moment, I feel hopeless and hopeless. Can you help me!

Analysis: There is a saying in the photo book: "The eyes are mighty, everyone obeys, the eyes are
like electricity, expensive, black and white, and people must be wise." I observe people now, first of
all look at his eyes, and the essence of the internal organs will gather. In this pair of eyes, I found
that people in this society who really have eyes, have calmness, righteousness, and majesty are rare.
Some time ago, a brother shared old photos of young people in the 1970s and 1980s. At that time,
the spirit of young people was really very good. There were no mobile phones and computers, no
pornographic Internet and online games, and there was very little pornographic pollution. But in this
society nowadays, pornography is rampant, and you can see the faces of people who are hurting
sperm everywhere on the road. One will walk over a greasy face, one will walk over a dusty face,
and one will walk over a gray hair dazzling face. , One walks over a bald one, another one with
severe acne...Look at those people on the road, most of them have empty eyes, some don’t dare to
look at people, some look like evil. If a person often comes into contact with obscene videos and
then often has evil thoughts, there will definitely be an evil and hostile spirit, sometimes he does not
feel it, but others can easily find that evil spirit. Why did the ancients regard masturbation as
lewdness? It is because of masturbation injury. After masturbation, a person's righteousness is
reduced, and evil spirits are obviously increased.

[Masturbation can make the face deformed and asymmetry]

Case 3. I have many symptoms, especially my head shape! The cheekbones are prominent, the
cheekbones are prominent, the left and right are asymmetry, the eyes are big and small, and the
whole face seems to be paralyzed! My eyelids collapsed to the point that I couldn't open my eyes. I
can bear all these things. The most unbearable thing is that I have a dark feeling after waking up
every day! When working in a factory, a female colleague said that I was not suitable for taking
pictures. Indeed, now I have a sad face on my ID card! Evil fornication kills people!

Analysis: The face of the adulterer will appear asymmetry. The evil thoughts represent the distorted
waveform information. The evil thoughts are constantly in the heart, so that the face will appear
distorted and asymmetrical. The photo in "Water Knows the Answer" This is a good illustration. If it
is positive energy words, it is a beautiful and symmetrical pattern, if it is curse and negative words,
it is a distorted asymmetric and ugly pattern. Whatever a person thinks, it will affect a person's
appearance and temperament subtly, and a person who has always had evil thoughts, eventually his
appearance will become distorted and ugly. This case reminded me of Quasimodo from "Notre
Dame de Paris". His face was paralyzed. In fact, his skin was sagging and sagging, and his eyelids
were also slumped. This kind of image is lacklustre and looks very ugly. a feeling of. After
rebooting, it will lift and tighten, tighten the loose skin, restore elasticity, and the face will be lifted,
making it look extraordinarily energetic. The demeanor of the adulterer is often crying or sad.
Several of my junior high school photos have a crying face, and the eyes are very apathetic. It feels
like half asleep and half awake. At that time, I used to beat up very frequently, which was very
impressive. It feels like a walking dead. Many prostitutes have the problem of large and small eyes,
that is, asymmetry. The size of the eyes depends on whether they are congenital or acquired. If the
size of the eyes appears after masturbation, then consider that it is caused by masturbation. There
are also many feedbacks on the protruding cheekbones. As soon as the apple muscle is sunken, the
cheekbones will appear protruding. If you stick to the rebooting regimen, your face will become
plumped again and the protruding cheekbones will be greatly improved. When the apple muscle is
full, it will look young and lovely, round and blessed. When the apple muscle is sunken, it will look
old and have a hard feeling. As soon as the face withers, the bones will be revealed, just like the
water is out, the bones are visually protruding, in fact, it is a manifestation of the withering and
aging of the face.

Case 4. After ten years of masturbation, the face has shrunk! ! I have been masturbating
unconsciously for ten years. I recently found that half of my face and mouth were crooked when I
looked in the mirror. I know this is the result of my masturbation! You must quit masturbation. I
don't know how long it will take to recover my face.

Analysis: Some people will swell and deform their faces after adultery, and some people will be
swollen and deformed. It depends on the specific situation. Asymmetry is a more common
manifestation. The more serious the injury, the more serious the distortion of the face. When I am
really out of recognition, look at the photos before masturbation, I will really burst into tears,
exhausted and exhausted, which is not bad. Some people’s injuries are not serious, and they look
okay, but as long as they continue to press, bad changes will definitely happen quietly. People who
used to be arrogant, look again after a few years, and suddenly find that he has become so wretched
and face. The facial features are all subtly deformed, and the appearance and temperament are much
worse. This is the result of ingesting obscene information and indulging in masturbation. This
brother had been slapped for ten years. His face shrank, which was a serious deformation. Another
Quasimodo was born. There was once a brother. His mother found that his face was drooping very
badly. The family called him "Quasimodo". When he returned home, his mother said directly:
"Quasimodo is back!" The skin is sagging, sagging, crooked, and asymmetrical, just like a melting
candle. There were brothers before. You don't need makeup when you play a horror movie. If that
ghostly zombie face appears at night, it is really scary.

Case 5. It's been half a year since I came to the rebooting bar, and I have always been rebooting
within a few days, repeatedly, but the longest is only 15 days. Only 16 years old this year! Now the
whole person doesn't look like this anymore, the former schoolmaster and school grasshopper are
about to be completely sucked up by the evil spirits. Now in the second year of high school,
learning is at the bottom of the ordinary class, the original handsome appearance is so unbearable,
pimples, eyes one big and one small, face gray, distorted face, chin and lips are crooked, JJ is not
easy to get an erection, and he can’t get an erection. Jian, he has started to have impotence. He
shoots in seconds and waits for urine. Someone next to him can't urinate...I can't believe that the
once excellent self can become like this.

Analysis: This brother was originally a very good fellow. The good deeds were taken care of by the
tyrants and the school grass, but he contracted the bad habit of masturbation, drained his energy,
bottomed out his academic performance, and distorted his appearance. The 16-year-old blooming
season should be in a state of vigor and vigor. Although some people have become ugly, their gaps
are still smaller because they are not class grass or school grass, but some brothers were originally
handsome. This kind of ugly deformation really makes people's self-confidence fall sharply, just
like a stock crash, from a white swan to an ugly duckling, and even directly from a white swan to a
toad! The face is full of pimples and pimples, just like the skin of a toad. One brother wrote in a
post: "I was a baby-faced, and when I was 28, I looked like 17 or 18, but every time I look in the
mirror, I feel ugly and my eyes are not correct. One side grew older. I went shopping half a year
ago. I saw the girl who had pursued me in college. She looked at me and said, "How did you
become like this? Have you been hit by any shock?" It made him feel ashamed, the regret in his
heart! The bad habit of masturbation can be said to be the worst behavior of a man, and it is
completely ruining himself.

[Masturbation can be ghostly]

Case 6. I am only twenty years old, so I am a beast. I have posted a lot of photos before, and my
face is really like a ghost. Three years of adultery has turned me from a serious and clean-looking
boy into an ugly, sordid, symptomatic waste. But what moved me was that my relatives did not give
up on me and showed me their meticulous care. I have always been selfish, thinking about why I
was like this, but did not consider my family’s worries. I have pushed myself into the darkness.
Now my family and all the positive energy are my motivation for rebooting and rebirth. My
existence is for them, because they give me love and encouragement. Without them, I would not be
today. Humans are spiritual animals, and they must know what is right and what is wrong, and they
must know how to be grateful. I hope that from today onwards, I and all the people who have been
trapped by pornography will be able to cut off adultery, do good and eliminate evil, and restore the
body and mind from now on!
Analysis: Everyone knows the term "sex ghost". Once the person becomes greedy for sex and
commits adultery, this person will become haunted by ghosts, especially his complexion will
become very bad. The righteous gentleman has an upright righteousness, and the adulterers often
have their own ghost, evil, and hostile spirits. That kind of aura makes people very uncomfortable.
This brother was also a clean-looking boy before, so he had been adulterous for three years, and
gradually reduced to ugly, insignificant, symptomatic waste. From clean appearance to ugly and
insignificant, this sudden change of painting style is simply from heaven to hell. After a person
begins to commit adultery and fall, this kind of appearance change can be said to be the biggest
blow to a person, because many people care most about their appearance. This is especially true for
teenagers, who originally liked looking in the mirror very much. After becoming ugly, they didn't
have the courage to pick up the mirror, because what appeared inside was a wicked ugly ghost with
a devastated face.

Case 7. Sexual obscenity also brought me ugly appearance. When I was a child, my elders and
friends praised me for my good looks and big eyes. Later, my eyes gradually lost their looks and
became dull and dim, and then His complexion started to turn black, it really turned black! That
kind of black is not clear, but it will give people a very bad feeling, as if a cloud of clouds has been
hovering on the face, and the whole person has become gloomy. Next are other symptoms, such as
acne, enlarged pores, oily... It’s ridiculous that I didn’t understand the cause of these symptoms
during the sexual intercourse. Instead, I kept spending my parents’ money on various medicines and
skin care products. , The result can be imagined, the situation not only did not improve, but has
repeatedly worsened. A classmate told me at that time, did you dig coal in Shanxi? Why is your face
so dark? I know he is not malicious, and I just smiled reluctantly. Back in the dormitory, I opened
the mirror and looked at me, who was not a ghost or a ghost, and suddenly started crying. I smashed
the mirror, and also smashed the self-confidence that I had built up because of other people's praise.
I slid to hell step by step, but I was still doing awkward things in the pain of my heart.

Analysis: Dark complexion Considering the manifestation of kidney deficiency, the complexion
tends to become dull and dull after masturbation. Even if there is light, it is a light of greasy dirt, not
the kind of clear and pure brilliance. After the kidney essence is depleted, there will be a series of
bad changes. Afterwards, people think that masturbation is all right. In fact, look in the mirror and
compare with the previous ones. Withered and haggard, it gives people a feeling of gray head and
face. Some people look really like zombies, their faces are gray, and there are two dark circles under
their eyes, and they can’t lift their eyes. They are very special when they look at people. He was
weak, his mouth was slightly open, as if he was about to hang up, and the feeling of darkness,
wretchedness, and decadence was very obvious. It is difficult to take good care of your skin while
indulging in masturbation, because those topical medications treat the symptoms but not the root
cause, and the skin is prone to allergies, and the use of skin care products can even aggravate the
acne problem. This brother looked at himself as a man and a ghost, and broke the mirror. I
understand his mood very well. He has been praised for his good looks since he was a child, but
now he is extremely ugly. This kind of psychological gap is really too great.

[Masturbation can make a person wretched]

Case 8. At that time, the bitter fruit of adultery did not come out immediately. At that time, I was
very good-looking. There were many girls chasing after them. They were the second school grass of
the school. These were all told by the girls when they were chatting. I was envious of myself at the
time. I had a relationship with me at that time, but I didn't do anything beyond the boundary
because I had a stronger sense of responsibility. However, until I reached the third year of high
school, the retribution finally came. I basically got a few acne every day, and after a month, my face
was all over, and the whole person was too awkward. The female classmate at the front desk left me
a message in the graduation guestbook saying that I was so handsome and sunny when I was a
freshman in high school. Why is it so wretched now? With acne, I have always been depressed and
inferior. I have been through my junior year. I read early and I am only 19 years old. Others say that
I look mature, at least 23. I know it's just talking about me. It's just an old euphemism, every time I
do this I have to smile awkwardly. I started rebooting last spring. At that time, I felt that all my
misfortunes have found the cause. After rebooting for the first time for 23 days, I felt very good. My
roommate said that I have changed, I have a lot of energy and less acne. a lot of. Later, I didn’t
know how to break it. I have been breaking the precepts repeatedly until now, and I broke it twice

Analysis: This brother is also at the school grass level. Although the evil retribution did not appear
immediately, the quantity changed and the qualitative change occurred. After a few years, that kind
of ominous change gradually appeared, from handsome and sunny to insignificant. ugly.
Masturbation can cause endocrine disorders and stubborn acne. In severe cases, it will be
disfigured. Everyone's physique and severity of injury are different. Some people develop fewer
acne after masturbation, while others develop acne crazy. smallpox. Keep rebooting and health
maintenance, take active exercise, do not stay up late and sit for a long time, and keep your diet
light, so that the endocrine will gradually adjust, then the acne problem will be greatly reduced, the
oil problem will be relieved, and the skin texture will change again. After getting clear, the whole
person will appear more energetic, and the feeling of handsome and confident will gradually come
back. This brother had quit for 23 days before, but unfortunately he relapsed later, but he has
already tasted the tangible benefits of rebooting. I believe he will stick to rebooting. Rebooting
cannot be forced. He must learn to reboot professionally. Hope to defeat the demons. A brother said
in a post: "After going to university, the environment is even more uncontrollable. The worst time I
printed the yellow text in the school library and wanted to take it back. Thinking about it now, it's
too nasty. During college. I didn’t go to class very well, and I couldn’t keep up with my brain
power. The most serious thing is that my appearance is very wretched. Many people say that I look
older than my actual age. They also say that I am like a wretched uncle. The whole university failed.
After getting rid of this face, the university passed in such a muddle-headed manner. My sins were
too serious, and all this was my uncontrollable retribution. I hope that God will give me another
chance to be a human again. I don’t want to live this kind of person. The life of a ghost but not a
ghost!" Masturbation will make people lose their appearance and make people become obscene.
This truth should be written into school textbooks so that students across the country can understand
this knowledge from the developmental period, so as to consciously stay away from the vice of

Case 9. Until one day I went upstairs, I was still as slow as I always did. A girl behind me
whispered: "Why is this person so wretched!" My heart felt like a hammer hit. Since I was born, no
one else has Compliment that I am handsome and handsome, and I have never heard anyone say
wicked! But I can only slowly walk upstairs pretending not to hear, sad! At that time, I hadn't
reflected on it, somehow, plus I don't like to look in the mirror, I don't know how ugly it is! The
appearance at that time has begun to change!

Analysis: I wrote in the previous article: "That wretched figure starts to get busy again." It refers to
the figure when looking for Huang to see Huang. Masturbators do give people a sense of
wretchedness, wretched expressions, wretched smiles, and wretched backs. Some people
themselves are relatively ignorant, do not know this aspect, and do not like to look in the mirror.
The first to find out that they have become insignificant is from the feedback of others. How can we
not be awkward if we keep on having that kind of evil thoughts and committing adultery all the
time? The five sense organs will change subtlely towards the feeling of insignificance. Some people
will say that the five sense organs are born with nature. In fact, the five sense organs are also closely
related to the behavior of the day after tomorrow. The appearance and temperament after
development are cultivated by themselves. Kindness has an extremely close relationship with one's
own mind and deeds. A person’s facial features can be in the most refined state, or in the worst state,
or even in a distorted state. Unkindness can be slightly reshaped, in the direction of ugliness and
insignificance, and rebooting can also be slightly reshaped, in the direction of sunny and confident. .
Some brothers have given up the effect of plastic surgery. In fact, the five senses are still those five
senses, but you will find that his five senses really become more refined after rebooting, and are in
the best state. After the adultery, first, the complexion will change. Poor; Second, there is
deformation and asymmetry. This is ugly. For example, many people's eyelids collapsed, their eyes
are no longer clear and bright, they become cloudy, and their eyelids are also swollen. This makes
the eye part a lot ugly, and other parts of the eye will also show subtle bad changes due to adultery.
It is micro plastic surgery, but it can bring huge visual changes.

Case 10. Starting to masturbate in junior high school, I felt fun, curious, and pleasant at that time!
Slowly fell in love with masturbation, more and more times! After graduation, I have been working
for two years and have no time to exercise. I sit for a long time in front of the computer every day.
My body plummets and I feel haggard every day. When my colleagues saw me, they said, "Why
didn't you wake up?" At first I didn't realize that it was the problem of masturbation, and I didn't
care much, I kept seeking pleasure. Later, when I looked at myself in the mirror, I found that I was
particularly wretched, lacking energy, and his eyes were dull. I felt like a zombie. I broke up with
my girlfriend after one month. She said that being with me was very depressing.

Analysis: After work, there is no time to exercise. Every day facing the computer for sedentary,
coupled with the abuse of masturbation, the appearance and temperament will be greatly reduced. It
won't be slapped. The person in the mirror is changing quietly, but unfortunately, many stunners
often realize with hindsight and wait until one day they suddenly discover how they have changed
like this? ! Like zombies, they are wretched, haggard, decadent, and full of negative energy. Only
then did they realize the seriousness of the problem and realize that it is true that masturbation leads
to ugliness. A brother said: "When I was young, I was sunny and cute! Although not handsome! But
sunny and confident! Energetic! Full of yang! Now, I am close to 25 years old and my youth is
drifting away, but I am addicted to pornography. , Turned into a walking dead, a waste person, a
ghost-like person with ugly appearance and dirty temperament." After masturbation, the positive
sunlight characteristics will gradually decrease, and the dark and negative feelings will gradually
increase. A waste person who has been hollowed out of energy, A walking dead, a wretched
existence ridden with ghosts, this is the true portrayal of the slapstick.

[Changes in appearance and temperament after rebooting]

1. Eyes: The eyes of the adulterer are often evil, fierce, and hostile. After rebooting, they will
improve a lot, the eyes will become kind and soft, and the shape of the eyes will have good changes,
and they will naturally open in place.

2. Skin: Problems with poor skin quality such as excessive oily, acne, rough touch, etc. will improve
a lot after rebooting. After the skin becomes better, the whole person will be much more handsome.

3. Complexion: The complexion of the adulterer will become gray, insist on rebooting, and actively
exercise, the complexion will regain brightness, and the skin will become fair and delicate and full
of brilliance.

4. Face shape: The face is easily deformed to a certain extent, mainly due to swelling, widening and
sagging, and sunkenness is also common. After rebooting, the face will tighten again, and the facial
features will become refined and stylish.

5. Hair: There are more problems such as gray hair, hair loss, and brown hair in patients with sperm
injury. Chinese medicine says that hair is the essence of the kidney. If you insist on rebooting and
nourish your kidney qi, your hair will naturally improve.

6. Self-confidence: The psychological state of adulterers is very bad. Many of them have social
fears, and even more have low self-esteem. After rebooting, self-confidence will regain confidence.

7. Temperament: Many people who indulge in masturbation have extremely wretched and
disgusting temperament. After insisting on rebooting, their temperament has completely changed,
and they look pure and comfortable.

8. Bags and dark circles under the eyes: There are also many people who have bags under the eyes
and dark circles under the eyes. Those who have sex with the eyes are prone to dark hair and dark
circles around their eyes. If you insist on rebooting, your eyes will brighten again and the bags
under your eyes will be reduced.

9. Lips: The lips of adulterers tend to become thicker or even crooked, and they have a feeling of
asymmetry. Foreign rebooting articles also mention that adulterers can cause asymmetry, which is
expected to return to normal after rebooting.
10. Ears: The ears of the adulterers will become scorched, and the color will be obviously darker.
After rebooting, many people report that the ears become thicker and the earlobes do not grow
small pink tumors.

11. Eyebrows: The eyebrows of the adulterer are easy to fall off and get scattered. It looks really
bad. After rebooting and recovering, you will feel much better.

12. Wrinkles: After indulgence, the body will become imbalanced, wrinkles will increase, the face
looks very old, and wrinkles will be improved after rebooting.

13. Demeanor: People who masturbate are often apathetic, looking weeping or frowning. After
rebooting, their demeanor will become beautiful, peaceful and full of vigor.

14. Smile: The smiles of adulterers are mostly wretched. After rebooting, they can bloom with a
pure and beautiful smile. This is a sincere smile from the heart.

15. Aura: The ringer has a bright and upright aura. This kind of awe-inspiring righteousness can
give people a feeling of not being angry or prestigious, and the aura is quite strong.

16. Voice: After rebooting, the qi will become full, and the sound quality of the sound will be
improved. Many brothers have reported that their voice has become better.

17. Eyes: After rebooting, the eyes will become bigger and brighter, and become clear and steady.
The eyes will become swollen, darkened, and cloudy during adultery, and the eyelids will collapse
and cannot be opened.

18. Crescent Moon: Chinese medicine believes that the crescent moon is closely related to a
person's Yang Qi, and the crescent moon that disappears after rebooting will slowly grow out.

19. Apple muscle: After masturbation, the apple muscle tends to sag, so the cheekbones appear
prominent, and people look old and look fierce. After quitting, the apple muscle will gradually
become round and full.
20. Posture: Many lovers have a little hunchback, wretched stature, and can't keep upright. After
rebooting, they are really masculine, brazen, and strutting.

21. Spirit: People who are stunned tend to be sluggish and look like drug users, or those who are
upright and energetic, such as tigers coming out of their cages and dragons going to sea.

When I posted a comparison photo post, I wrote a short article that listed 12 points. This season, it
has been improved to 21 points. After rebooting, the appearance and temperament will improve a
lot. If you stick to it, you will naturally see it firsthand.

[Rebooting makes you confident, energetic, happy and happy]

Case 11. At the very beginning of rebooting, my harlot, like everyone else, was also very powerful,
so I would always say to myself: stay vigilant and stop thinking about it! ! ! And I will study
rebooting articles and videos every day, and go back to release my life, do charity, etc. on
weekends. In short, I don't give myself the chance to be sexually obsessed, and I will never watch
seductive pictures, videos, etc. After about half a month, I found that I became more confident and
bolder than before, and more upright than before. I am very happy. Sometimes I wake up in the
morning and my mind is clearer than before. This is a feeling I have never had before rebooting,
and it is very subtle. When I abstained for two months, I found that the complexion on my face was
much better than before. I have been abstaining for almost a hundred days until today, and
compared to my previous photos, I found that I was much more energetic.

Analysis: This brother did a very good reboot, rebooting and cultivating benevolence in a two-
pronged approach, righteousness will rise quickly, and he has also done a good job in the practice of
abstinence. After rebooting, he became confident, courageous, and clear-headed. This is a very good
change. Many addicts have mental decline, and after contracting divine depression, their minds are
dizzy and unclear, and they feel like dreaming, with no sense of reality. . After quitting, the brain
becomes clearer, the brain power also rises, the ability to do things becomes stronger, it is not easy
to make mistakes, and the memory and understanding will be enhanced. When the kidney essence is
nourished, the body and mind will undergo metamorphosis. The feeling is indeed very subtle, and it
can be said to be wonderful. Persist in rebooting and keeping in good health, looking at yourself in
the mirror and becoming vigorous day by day, it feels so good, as if you are back in puberty, you
will feel the childlike innocence and happiness in your heart, very happy, very happy, and the whole
person is energetic. , Completely bid farewell to the malaise and gloominess of 撸 管 . To a certain
extent, the whole body is like a wall of positive energy. There is a magnificent and fearless aura.
The inexplicable sense of fear before completely dissipates. The strong righteousness will hold you
up to the explosion, within a few miles. Under your righteousness.

Case 12. Before quitting, my spirits were very poor. Even after 10 hours of sleep, I still get tired.
Now I can only sleep more than 6 hours a day, but I feel very energetic all day. The most important
thing is the mentality. Before quitting, I always thought about the bad things. My heart was dark and
grumpy. Now I am calmer and less careless. I also let go of the things I thought I couldn’t let go,
and the interpersonal relationship has improved. Now I feel very happy every day. I don’t know
why, every day is normal, but every day is very happy. This feeling is very good.

Analysis: After indulging in the night before, the person who indulges in the first night will easily
be unable to get up the next day, and it is easy to be late for study or work. People who are often
harassed will feel very tired. The average person will be fully charged after 6-7 hours of sleep "Yes,
and even if you sleep for 10 hours, you feel very tired. There is a kind of fatigue in your bones that
can't be eliminated. This brother was tired after 10 hours of sleep, but now he sleeps for 6 hours and
he is very energetic all day. After rebooting, the sleep charging effect has been significantly
enhanced, and it will be full after 6 hours, and the sleeper will not be full after 10 hours. I had a
deep understanding of this before. At that time, I was a high school student and used to send a shot
before going to bed. The next day I basically struggled to get up. I didn’t feel like I was awake, and
my whole body was as heavy as lead. Very tired feeling. Not only did this brother become more
energetic, he also improved his temper, his mind increased, and his interpersonal relationship
improved. The changes brought about by rebooting were obvious. He feels happy and happy every
day. He doesn't know why. In fact, this is the result of spiritual purification. He no longer chases the
illusion of pleasure and removes his grime. Then he will naturally feel joy and happiness. This is
one This kind of pure great happiness, this feeling is very beautiful, like a good taste of tea, taste the
fragrance and mellowness of a pure soul. The tea maker Lu Cizhi Zeng Yun of the Qing Dynasty:
"The true Longjing tea is sweet and fragrant, but it is light and tasteless. The taste is tasteless, and
even taste.” Every day after rebooting seems to be ordinary, but there is a kind of “savoury” in this
ordinary, a particularly beautiful and harmonious feeling, and a kind of pure and innocent joy is
constantly emerging. It's a super yet unique spiritual enjoyment, and it can be said to be a truly top
enjoyment. If you really taste and comprehend this "supreme taste", you will find that the pleasure
brought by watching pornography masturbation is just like rubbish, because you have really tasted
the supreme taste, so you deeply understand where the real great happiness is. No other sensory
stimulation can be compared with it, and your spiritual realm is completely different.
[Rebooting can give you a good look]

Case 13. Rebooting can really make people look better. Today, a friend who hadn't seen him for a
month, when I saw me, he said that his complexion is much better than before, and his rebooting is
effective. Continue to study and take notes.

Analysis: There is a saying in the photo book: "The appearance of qi is the appearance of the
complexion, and the presence of the qi is the spirit. The husband's bones will determine the
prosperity and decline of the first life, and the mainstream of the complexion will rest and blame."
Luster in the color is also bright." "Want to see and follow the scriptures" said: "Bright husband, the
work of air; moisturizer, full of essence and blood." The skin is moisturized, it is air; dull and dull, it
is airless. If the spirit is clear and full, he will be blessed until he is old. "Yellow Emperor's Internal
Classic" says: "The five colors see their tribes, observe their ups and downs, to know the depth;
observe their zeyao, to see the success or failure." If you insist on rebooting and keeping in good
health, your complexion will change, and the change in your complexion is actually The external
characterization of a person's energy field is that the color of the complexion becomes worse, that
is, the energy decreases, and the color of the complexion becomes better, that is, the energy
becomes better. After the energy becomes better, a person's fortune will change accordingly. The
complexion of the stunner is mostly dull, looking dull and dull, and some people's faces look very
dirty, not clear at all, and there are a lot of greasy dirt in the pores. I remember that when I was in
college, I quit for about three weeks. I exercised every day and worked and rested on time. At that
time, I was completely forced to quit. But the three-week rebooting regimen did make a big
difference for me. Several classmates said mine. My complexion changed. I was very happy when I
heard that, but the good times did not last long and the strong regimen was doomed to fail. Later,
there were continuous relapses, the complexion dropped again, and the bags under the eyes came
out. A person’s complexion is indeed very important, and it directly affects one’s fortune. In the
photo book, “All those in distress have one color.” The color here refers to a bad complexion, such
as dark, dirty, gray, and stagnant complexion on the face. It will affect a person's fortune. I read the
news. Those who are in jail or committing crimes have a bad expression on their faces, and they
basically have a dull and apathetic feeling. Keeping rebooting and keeping good health can give you
a good look. There is a saying that goes like this: It’s better to look good than to look good. A
person with a good complexion gives people a particularly comfortable feeling. It looks very
comfortable, as if the spring breeze is blowing on your face. If you see a person with dark eyes and
a sad look, you will feel uncomfortable when you see it. You will be affected by his bad energy
field. Blackening, dullness, graying, dirty, greasy, these are not good complexions, the complexion
should be bright and smooth, the face is very bright when viewed from a distance, and the face is
very clean and clear when viewed up close, with a subtle layer The brilliance, this is a good

Case 14. It’s been almost a hundred days to reboot. For the first time in four years, a girl praised me
for being handsome. When I was in high school, I didn't feel the harm caused by 撸 because it didn't
last long. At that time, I was very handsome, like a little fresh meat, and girls often praised me for
being handsome. But after going to university, due to irregular life and masturbation, my face also
began to swell, and my face became dark and sallow. I studied for four years in undergraduate
school, and worked as a diaosi for four years. Now that the host is studying for graduate school, he
is under a lot of pressure, and he is determined to reboot. In the past 100 days of rebooting, my
condition is getting better and better. After cutting my hair a few days ago, I heard a girl praise me
for being handsome. Although the original poster is 24 years old, he feels that his skin and mental
state have returned to when he was 17 years old.

Analysis: After rebooting, the energy is held up and you will gradually recover your handsomeness.
It takes a process to become ugly after masturbation. A brother said: "I was a school grass in a
junior high school with hundreds of people, and I spent six years. , Although it’s pretty handsome
now, it’s much worse than before. The face turns yellow, and there are some dark circles under the
eyes. The whole person looks very haggard." Some people were originally handsome. The ugliness
is serious, even beyond recognition. Some brothers have shared comparison photos before. They are
very handsome before they are slapped. The little fresh meat will become much uglier after a few
years. The zombie meat is no longer handsome. The degree of ugliness is closely related to the
degree of injury. If you get ugly and stay up late, your ugliness will speed up a lot, and it will be
totally unrecognizable within a few years. If a person's appearance is poor, it will also affect the five
sense organs. The five sense organs will be in a very poor state, which will make them look a lot
ugly. This brother has rebooted for almost a hundred days, and the girls have begun to praise him
for being handsome again. The changes are so obvious. After rebooting, the internal organs are
moisturized by the kidney essence, and the expression on the face is refined and handsome. The
face is a mirror of the internal organs, which nourishes the feet and the kidneys, naturally looks
vigorous and energetic. Some ignorant people don’t believe that rebooting will become handsome,
because they simply don’t understand the principles of rebooting handsome. Influence. A 22-year-
old brother said: "Since masturbation in the 6th grade of elementary school, I have personally
witnessed that he has grown from handsome to a person in his 40s and 50s." Indulging in
masturbation has made his appearance seriously decayed. He is lifeless and looks like a wretched
uncle. . Another young brother said with emotion: “It’s 15 now. Because of Lu, I retreated from the
top ten in the county to the countdown in the whole grade. From the white school grass to the blush,
the appearance is completely different from before. , I used to be a future Tsinghua student in the
eyes of a teacher, and a tranquilizer in the hearts of my parents, but now I have nothing, become
inferior and decadent, and no longer have the sunshine, liveliness, self-confidence, and
handsomeness of the past." The grades and appearance of this child It's too sad to be double-killed
by the vice of masturbation. The heartbreaking thing is that the child’s star-like bright and clear eyes
are extinguished little by little after the adultery, twisted little by little, and become cloudy little by
little, the ones that were originally shining. God's eyes began to become so dim, so feeble, and so
decadent. Does it continue to sink in the abyss of masturbation, or is it a golden basin to wash your
hands and change your mind? Don't redeem yourself, don't blaspheme! ! !

[Rebooting makes you metamorphose and rebirth, bid farewell to ugly and ugly]

Case 15. After persisting for two years, I can feel my whole body flying over, and the spirit of real
people is back! That feeling cannot be expressed by description. Maybe this is rebirth! ! ! I hope
you will always remember and be an upright person. Essence is angry, qi nourishes the mind, if the
essence does not exist, the qi will decline and the spirit will be defeated.

Analysis: This brother did a good job of quitting. After two years of complete transformation, it is
indeed a reborn rebirth. After JingQiShen came back, it was completely different. Walking in this
world with brand new bright energy, this feeling is great, no longer chasing short-term pleasure, and
began to savor the beauty and pleasure brought by purity. Begin to enjoy the high level of pure great
happiness. The kidney essence has supported every cell in the body, and the whole body is filled
with incredible energy. A senior brother said: "Now I feel the real happiness, which is the great
happiness that Brother Feixiang said, the real happiness. It’s not like the pleasure of adultery.”
Although adultery allows you to experience a short-term pleasure, this pleasure comes at the cost of
depleting precious kidney essence. It is like trading diamonds for sugar. In the eyes of a wise man, it
is completely Extraordinarily foolish act. The real great happiness comes from rebooting and
cultivating kindness, and from accumulating positive energy. This principle must be understood. If
you understand, you are an expert, otherwise you are a fool who chases pleasure. A wise person
understands the importance of the kidney essence and knows that the kidney essence is the treasure
of the body and should not be vented lightly. The influence of the kidney essence on health,
appearance and temperament, brain power, and energy is quite huge. This precious energy must be
held. Listening to the deceit of the brick family's fallacies and heresies, he dumped himself into
rubbish. A brother from abroad said: "The reason why I chose to get rid of the control of my heart
demon and to climb out of the cave of lust is because I chose to listen to the cry of my heart! I want
to live the life I want! I want Become the man I want to be! I don’t want to continue to breathe like
ants in the dark anymore!” This is a very good statement. I have also shared it in the article before.
This season I will share it with you again, choosing to listen to my heart. Shout, defeat your own
demons, and complete an epic counterattack and rebirth. Rebooting can give you a pair of clear and
righteous eyes, awe-inspiring and extraordinary, a man who stands upright, how can he indulge in
licentiousness? If you are a man, just quit! Get rid of adultery and never die! Quit to death! Quit to
death! ! !

Case 16. Hello, Teacher Feixiang. First of all, I must be very grateful to you and rebooting. If you
didn't know rebooting by chance, maybe I am a zombie now. I fell into a sea of sin in 2012, and I
was out of control. At first, five or six times a day, I felt my body gradually collapsed, but at least
once a day. After this life lasted for two years, I found out My body started to have problems.
Looking at the previous photos, although my eyes were a bit confused before, I still look good
overall. After masturbating, the whole face became distorted, with eyes big and small. Hair and
facial skin are greasy, hair is sparse, and hair loss is slight. At the time I was sixteen years old, I felt
really ugly, really old and ugly. Because of the lack of hair, the hair had to be combed back, but
because of the lack of hair, the embarrassment could not be concealed. . I was still in school at that
time, and once when I was walking on the road, there was a girl who was about eleven or twelve
years old called my uncle. After I heard this, I felt very uncomfortable. Later, I discovered rebooting
by accident, and understood the harm of adultery, but under the influence of the harmlessness and
moderation theory of masturbation, I started to deceive myself again, but it is not as frequent as
before, just once a week, this kind of life It lasted for another year. In the situation of getting weaker
and weaker, I finally started rebooting seriously during one summer vacation. I watched Teacher
Feixiang’s "Quit as a Good Medicine", it was like a boat in the sea, and I saw it. hope. Today is the
144th day of my rebooting. There were two relapses in the middle, and more than 10 spermatorrhea.
Although the period of rebooting was very short, I have gained a little bit. It is no longer
insignificant. The hair loss and greasiness are almost healed, although the hair It's still not much,
but it's much better than before. At least there are no signs of hair loss, so it's normal. My eyes are
also bigger, my face was swollen before, but now it's basically normal. I must persevere and thank
Teacher Feixiang again.
Analysis: Being able to meet rebooting is a kind of blessing and an opportunity for you to
understand the truth about masturbation. This brother had a counterattack after rebooting. Although
he experienced relapse, his recovery was good. If he did not relapse and strictly controlled the
suicide, the recovery would be better. There were more than 10 spermatorrhea in 144 days, this
frequency is a little bit Many, but also under control, it is best to have spermatorrhea once more than
a month, or longer, spermatorrhea is also a kind of omission, you should learn to minimize the
frequency of spermatorrhea. He used to be crazy about masturbating, and the situation was very
bad. It was just like that when he was 16 years old. He was awkward, old and ugly. Many teenagers,
who were supposed to be vigorous, showed obvious decline on their faces, and they were old-
fashioned. , Extremely wretched and ugly. Why is this happening? It was because of the bad habit
of masturbation that he later wanted to engage in moderation. Moderation is a false proposition.
Masturbation is extremely addictive, and there are more obscure obscenities. To engage in
moderation is self-deception. In the end, he recognized the truth and started to reboot completely. In
this way, the body ushered in a turning point. We must be a strange man with strong bones and a
thin cloud of righteousness. We must not be a wretched person who indulges in wickedness.
wickedness is developing animal nature, and in the end, we will become inferior to animals and
animals. People are not humans and ghosts are not ghosts. The innocence theory is pseudo-science
and does not conform to the truth. Of course, some people still believe in the innocence theory,
because the innocence theory provides theoretical support and "scientific basis" for his depravity. In
the end, the physical symptoms broke out. All the innocence theory is not as true and credible as a
case of a masturbation victim! We only believe in facts and do not believe in harmlessness. Facts
are better than eloquence! Don't argue with the ignorant, let them argue with the symptoms!

【Reboot, adjust endocrine, improve skin texture and eliminate acne】

Case 17. One hundred days of thorough rebooting, there were about 5 seminal emission and
countless adultery, but none of them developed and became stronger, and they were all cut off. Let’s
talk about the changes. The most obvious thing is that the acne on the face is gone and smooth. I
used to use facial cleanser to wash my face, but I don’t use it now. The problem of frequent
urination is not as serious as before, and people have become more confident. They can look at the
girl and talk without being shy. The popularity has also become better, and it feels completely
different from the past. All of this is due to the help of my seniors. I sincerely thank you seniors.

Analysis: This brother has done a good job in abstinence. When evil thoughts strike his brain, he
must make a decisive decision! It cannot be allowed to grow, otherwise it will be possessed and
cannot be controlled by itself. After a hundred days of quitting, the acne disappeared and the skin
texture improved. If you do not reboot, you will not be able to use skin care products. After
rebooting, you will exercise actively, do not stay up late, and keep your diet light. The quality will
be greatly improved, and then it will be different. Many stunners feel inferior because of their poor
appearance. I did the same before. My skin was smooth and clear when I was in elementary school,
but since I got the habit of masturbation in junior high school, my skin is getting worse and worse,
and my pores hide dirt. The dirt is difficult to clean, and the oil is serious. When I went to the best
dermatologist in Shanghai, the doctor said that the endocrine disorder was disordered, and the
medication was only slightly relieved after taking it. Continued masturbation would aggravate acne.
At that time, I I know that masturbation is not good, but unfortunately I don't know it well, and
there is still harmlessness in my mind. A brother said in a post: "The host was a second-year high
school student in Anhui in November 1999. When I was looking in the mirror recently, I found that
my eyes were dull, my face was withered, and I looked haggard. I turned it over. Looking at the
photos when I was young, how bright the eyes were and how smooth the skin was back then. It is in
sharp contrast with the present. Now it is like a smoker who smokes a big cigarette. He is so
haggard and dying all day long. This is all the harm caused by masturbation! My parents are both
workers, very hard work, rarely rest, just to make money for this family, I feel that I really feel sorry
for them, the body is skinned, by the parents, dare not hurt, but what did I do! I’m very sorry to my
parents!” As long as you indulge in masturbation, you will sooner or later find that the person in the
mirror is a lot uglier than before, a little bit uglier, and sometimes you don’t feel it. The appearance
will gradually wither, just like withered flowers, there is a feeling of withering and weakening and
hollowing out of energy. After quitting the bad habits, the physical and mental appearance and
temperament will usher in a transformation, and then it will be reborn. In a low-energy state, it is
difficult for you to imagine what it is like to be in a high-energy state. When you have enough
energy, you will know that. It’s a wonderful feeling to become confident, cheerful, and sunny again.
This feeling is really good.

[Vitality is the best cosmetics]

Case 18. I have been quitting for three months. Although it is not long, there are changes. The first
is the spirit. The spirit really improved. At the beginning I didn't believe that rebooting would
change, but after persisting, it really started to get better.

Analysis: In the beginning, many people didn't believe in the benefits of rebooting because they
were relatively ignorant. After studying the articles of their predecessors, they would gradually
understand, and then they would truly appreciate the benefits of rebooting by insisting on rebooting
and maintaining one's health. Before many people didn’t believe that rebooting would become
handsome, but they did become handsome after they persisted. This kind of handsome change is the
tightening of the face, the swelling subsided, and then the facial features become more refined, the
eye shape becomes better, and the eyes look righteous. Now, I am refreshed. Essence is the best
cosmetic for men. Why do some women make so much difference before and after makeup? Has
the facial features been reshaped? No, but to beautify his face with makeup. A man's ejaculation is
like a woman's makeup removal. The facial features are still the same, but after ejaculation, it looks
much uglier. A brother said: "Evil adultery can really make people ugly. After masturbation, they
will become ugly after looking in the mirror! Even if you don’t masturbate, you will become ugly
after masturbation. I can’t see the specific changes, but just The whole person was crying and
crying, even when he laughed, it was like crying. It was terrible, and it felt like a demon possessed.
It was terrifying. Everyone must quit adultery!!!" Whether it's masturbation or sexual adultery, it
will cause energy loss. Suddenly interrupting thoughts will not lead to depletion. I'm afraid of
indulging in obscenity. Indulging in obscenity is a secret leak. As long as the energy leaks and is
depleted, you will find that ugly feelings appear. It is so subtle that you can't even tell where it has
changed. , Because the change is extremely subtle, it’s hard to say clearly, but it just feels a lot
uglier. It seems that a breath of energy has been taken away from the face. With that breath of
breath, the five sense organs will enter the best state, that breath of breath Disappear, the facial
features are distorted.

[Rebooting to restore your eyes]

Case 19. Let’s talk about the feeling after rebooting. I used to be listless every day, not enough
sleep, lack of concentration, forgetfulness, and after a month of rebooting, I really feel more
energetic every day and my eyes become more energetic. My complexion has also improved a lot. I
remember these days my mom said that my complexion was not good for the first two years, and I
was living well at home during the time I went home. Seeing that my complexion became more
rosy, my pimples became less, and people became handsome. , I thought in my heart that we must
keep rebooting.

Analysis: One month of abstinence, coupled with the care of the mother, the physical recovery is
obvious. If the severity of the injury is not very serious, it will generally improve after a month of
replenishment and recovery. If the recovery is well done, the improvement will even be obvious.
When the QQ avatar is offline or invisible, the avatar is gray, and when it is online, it is colored. I
have used this as an analogy before. After ejaculation, the whole person looks like gray. After
rebooting, the energy is cultivated and it seems to become colored again. Yes, after the energy
comes back, I am moisturized by the energy. It feels very good, the energy is energetic, the eyes are
refreshed, the complexion is improved, and the acne is reduced. These are all very good changes. If
you feel embarrassed and haggard, your mother will also feel distressed and sad in her eyes. By
rebooting and practicing kindness, you can keep yourself on a positive track, so that you can bring
positive energy to the people around you and your parents. , Let them also feel the beauty and peace
of positive energy, so that the family will become harmonious. A brother said: “After I graduated
from my bachelor’s degree, I didn’t look for a job, because masturbation caused hair loss and severe
facial deformation. I can’t believe that this ugly person is me now. , I told my parents to stay in the
school for the inter-professional postgraduate entrance examination. In fact, the main reason is that I
plan to use the six months to recover. Originally, I wanted my parents to see a healthy and sunny
me. My idea is very good. It’s too naive. Because of my anxiety all day long, my physical condition
has not improved at all in the past six months, but it has become more serious. The exam date
passed, and there was still a month before the Chinese New Year. I called my parents and told my
parents that I found When I went back to work, I couldn’t go back like this ghost, but I couldn’t
bear it anymore, so I had to bite the bullet and go home. After I got home, my parents saw that I was
so thin and my hair lost a lot, which made me feel very uncomfortable. I just said that the pressure
of studying is too great. In fact, my heart is also very painful. I don’t want to stay at home because I
don’t want them to worry about me, so I hurried to find a job after the Chinese New Year. I am
currently in a power generation under construction. I’ve been working as a technician in the factory,
and it’s been almost two months now. Every time I call, I tell my parents that it’s nice to be here and
work is easy, but the truth is that I’m not doing well here. Because of my health I can’t do this job
well, I don’t get along well with the leader, and I suffer every day. I am also afraid of seeing any
acquaintances, because I’ve become so ugly now. I know I’m doing it myself. I really want to quit
my job and go home, but I can’t go home. My family is in a rural area. My parents have great hopes
for me. I really don’t want them to worry about my unfilial son anymore, so I have been tough. And
choose to endure this pain silently. I Now I just want to find a lighter, less stressful job, and then
exercise every day, learn traditional culture, and strive for an early recovery! Whenever I think that
when I should be most responsible, my body breaks down, and my heart suffers endlessly. "Evil
adultery is actually the greatest kind of unfilial piety. I hope that all children in the world can quit
adultery, become sunny and positive selves, assume their responsibilities, and let their parents smile
with relief.

[Rebooting gives you a strong aura]

Case 20. At that time, I came to reboot with an attitude of seeing a neurosis. That night, my soul
was deeply shaken. Maybe no one knows how much impact I had in my heart that night. Something
was awakened, I recognized myself and determined to quit. This precept, only one year has passed.
I changed my hobby from surfing the Internet to reading and taking a walk. I went to bed at 22:00
every day, got up at 6 am, and exercised for an hour. The emperor paid off. My body and mind have
changed. I am afraid of society, insignificant, inferior, tinnitus, blurred eyes, and dull. After a year
of hard work, I completely got rid of social fear and insignificance. People around me said that my
person has changed, and I have become confident. This kind of aura, energetic, smart, becoming
handsome, pleasing to the eye a lot after rebooting, and disgusting how you looked before.

Analysis: Many people misunderstand rebooting at the beginning. They first misunderstood the
meaning of rebooting, thinking that rebooting is to be a monk or violate human nature. In fact,
rebooting is to better control their desires through rebooting. To improve and perfect oneself, so that
oneself can obtain a higher self-discipline ability, knowing what to do and what not to do. This
brother was deeply shocked from misunderstanding, and one year of rebooting, he completed the
transformation. Rebooting is an opportunity. All those who are embarrassed should give themselves
such a chance to understand the truth and transform and counterattack. The brother in this case later
broke the ring. Because of his pride, he was too young, not stable enough, young and frivolous.
Later, he was encouraged by the inner demon to succeed and broke the ring. It is not easy to keep
the results of rebooting. Many people have become handsome, sunny, and energetic after rebooting,
but then they relapsed again and returned to the vicious circle of masturbation. Why is this
happening? Because the heart demon is waiting for an opportunity, the heart demon will do
everything possible to break through your reboot firewall! You must always be vigilant, stop
mindfulness, and strengthen moral cultivation. Moral cultivation is the cultivation of virtue and
deeds to accumulate virtue. You must not be arrogant and complacent. Always be modest and
cautious. Remember! The child was shining because of purity, and was dimmed by the sinking of
adultery. A brother said: "Now looking in the mirror, I find that my white eyeballs are so cloudy.
Once I saw a child’s white eyeballs. They were so white and pure. Bai, how enviable it is. It is
caused by this hateful adultery. I must quit adultery and become a sunshine boy again.” Another
brother said, “I got 7 shots in 3 days, and I went there that day. The school took a look in the mirror,
and my complexion was so bad that I looked like an uncle. You know I’m only 14 and a half years
old! I already look like an uncle, and I can’t even dare to meet people.” I don’t know how many
children have been ruined by this hidden vice, I hope. The harmless theory will be corrected as soon
as possible, and the knowledge of professional rebooting can be popularized. There are hundreds of
rebooting books abroad, but there are still too few such books in our country. I hope that there will
be more research on the harms of pornography and masturbation in the future. Books help more
people recognize the truth and return to the right track of life.

Final summary:

This season, I have made an in-depth and detailed sharing on the influence of masturbation on
appearance and temperament. I have also analyzed some cases of rebooting and recovery. I have
also written about this topic before, and I will write it again when I have the opportunity.
Appearance and temperament are very important to a person. Almost everyone cares about their
appearance and the first impression they make on others. If the appearance and temperament are
poor, it will lead to low self-esteem and even autism, which may affect social interaction. . After
rebooting, the style of painting will change suddenly, but this time it becomes better, rather than
becoming insignificant. Before, the style of painting changed suddenly from a pure child to an
obscene uncle, but this time it was from the insignificant uncle back to pure again. Children,
everyone has heard a word: Hefa Tongyan. A person can go up in age, and his hair can be gray, but
his face can still maintain a childlike innocence. This can be achieved by a person with a noble heart
and a pure heart. It can only be achieved by a strong rebooting cultivation. . Rebooting is beautiful
and picturesque. This kind of beauty first emphasizes the beauty of the soul. The soul is very pure
and beautiful, so that it will have a pure and solemn feeling corresponding to the external
appearance and temperament. Counterattack the pure face, the pure face here refers to the innocent
and beautiful face. A person can not be handsome, but he should not lose this innocent and beautiful
face. Usually watching children play and play happily, this is a great enjoyment and happiness.
Purity is so beautiful, really like a miracle. Once adultery begins, all the good things will pass away,
only to give up the bad habits. In order to retrieve this long-lost beauty. Rebooting must be strong
against the courage of ten thousand husbands, pull out the heroes of the five mountains, support the
soul of the sky, face the cunning and tyranny of the heart demon, do not be timid, and challenge
calmly, use the light of your awareness to wipe out the evil thoughts of invasion, and let the majesty
be majestic. The positive energy spreads round and round, vast and magnificent. This is the battle of
the pinnacle that determines the direction of your destiny, fight out your mighty power, fight out
your supreme glory, and conquer your inner demons! ! ! Fight for holiness! (Fight for holiness!)

Let me share a reboot poem

"Opening the Living Fountain of Inner Purity"

The inner splendid spring

Was blocked after masturbating

Since the release of the demons

Never experience it again

Pure great happiness

Reduced to a walking dead

A manipulated puppet

You need a complete transformation

Must tear off the gray skin of wickedness

Release the inner light

Remove all heart grime

Please listen to the inner cry

Resolutely quit bad habits

Restore the long-lost purity

Stop deceiving yourself

Don't let yourself fall

How many times after experiencing masturbation

Emptiness and regret

Despair and helplessness

Panic and decadence

The child in the photo is so pure

The person holding the photo

Already burst into tears

Tears of regret flow

Wretched face

Awakened the inner conscience

When you quit it

You can bloom

Perfect and pure smile

Happy like a child

You know this is me

The life you want

From the ghost-ridden loot

Until the whole body exudes a pure and bright light

You are completely reborn

Recommend a book below

"The Treasure of the Enlightened One": The author is Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. This book presents
the complete way of learning Buddhism in a particularly easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow
way: starting from the most basic motivation, reaching beyond the reach of the mental concepts-
direct understanding of the ultimate truth. Therefore, the essence of the teachings of Hinayana and
Mahayana is fully covered. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's inner cultivation is profound and
extraordinary, and he has become a model of spiritual teacher. He is the source of all the love,
wisdom and compassion that meets him. Khyentse Rinpoche spent more than 20 years in retreat in
remote shelters and caves, and achieved these extraordinary merits. After many retreats and the gap
in between, he never sleeps to benefit sentient beings. He is the main guru of the royal family of
Bhutan and countless disciples, so he became the guru of the guru. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche is one
of my favorite great virtues. I have read his writings and teachings a few years ago. It feels very
wise and in-depth. There are two teachings that I like very much: "The only one His father, with his
immense love, has allowed me to see my wealth; once a beggar, I continue to feel the existence of a
teacher in my heart." Everyone has Buddha nature, which is consciousness and self-nature. ,
Miaoming, sincere, pure awareness, everyone has it, but many people don't know how to develop
this inherent treasure. Just like there is an infinitely powerful function on a mobile phone, we have
never known how to open it. Learning Buddhism is to let us know how to develop our own
treasures. Now many scientists are learning Buddhism. They do not necessarily believe in
Buddhism, but they will learn and Study the wisdom of Buddhism. There is a PDF version of this
book of Heart Treasure on the Internet. If you are interested, you can download it and read it.

The following is a section of Khyentse Rinpoche’s discourse on enlightenment, which is very

extraordinary, to share with you:


If we can distinguish mind and consciousness,

Thus realizing one's true nature,

The exact point of view will gradually become clear.

Even though the inner consciousness is not yet clear,

As long as you don’t let your heart get distracted, you can do it;

Because awareness is deep in the heart.

They said it was like water and ice;

Water and ice are not exactly the same,

The latter is solid and can be held.

But melting ice is no different from water,

So in reality, water and ice are not two, but the same.

In the same way, the mind, because of delusion rather than awareness,

When we understand the nature of the mind, the mind is indistinguishable from consciousness.

Although mind and consciousness are different,

But it cannot be distinguished by reasoning and analysis.

One day, when our confidence in consciousness grows,

The heart is like an innocent child,

Consciousness is like an old wise man full of wisdom.

Consciousness does not chase the mind, but transcends it;

Live in a state of relaxation and tranquility.

(Here, the mind refers to thoughts. Consciousness is pure awareness. Consciousness can observe
thoughts without chasing them.)
Season 117: Training and Advancement of Suspension Dojo


In the preface of this season, I will talk about persuading people. Whether it is persuading others to
reboot in life or on the Internet, you should pay attention to your own destiny. A few days ago, I saw
a brother persuading colleagues around me, but the more he talked about it, the more quarreling
became. One night, it affected the relationship with colleagues. Some people are more stubborn,
because the harmless theory firmly occupies his mind. It is difficult for them to immediately accept
the harmful facts. Even if they have some symptoms of injury, they have not attracted their
attention. They don't know that the symptoms are caused by masturbation, and they are still
obsessed with it. Such people may have to show severe symptoms before turning their heads back,
and they may start rebooting at that time. Everyone observes that many of the people around you
are definitely indulgenceists. Although they don’t call themselves indulgenceists, their views are
industrious thoughts, such as: "Desire is to vent! Do you live? What's the point of 撸 ?" They didn’t
realize the dangers of pornography and masturbation, and they didn’t know how to control their
desires. From the eyes of discerning people, this is very ignorant and stupid. We in the past might
have thought this way, and then realized it later. This view is completely wrong. People should
know how to control their desires. There is nothing in the world like human desires. If you want to
destroy a person, you must satisfy his desires. Desire is a bottomless pit, constantly depleting
precious kidney essence, and the final result is physical and mental waste. We have realized these
principles, but those who are seriously brainwashed by harmlessness are very difficult to accept at
once. The people I have persuaded in my life are also difficult to accept. I had predicted that
everyone's acceptance is different. . I once persuaded two people on the basketball court, and
immediately became interested. On the one hand, I am older than them, which potentially increases
my persuasive power. On the other hand, both of them have good roots, not of that kind. Persuasion
is more effective for people who insist on not understanding. Sometimes persuading others, they
can accept it at once. This is the best situation. If the other party does not approve it, you should not
force it. You should still regard peace as the most important, and gentlemen should not quarrel with
each other. This will not only affect the interpersonal relationship, It can also lead to increased
worries and deteriorating mood. The word “revolving” is really important. Sometimes you just click
to stop. If you are a close person, you can persuade you a little bit. After a long time, you may
accept it. Persuading people also requires a certain strategy. The premise is to improve interpersonal
relationships, and then you must know how to increase your persuasive power. If you persuade
people to sow, some seeds will germinate quickly, and some will take time. Don't many people
think rebooting is a cult at first? They even used the harmless theory to refute the idea of rebooting.
Later, when the symptoms broke out, they would naturally wake up. The symptoms are the best
teacher. Pain can make people wake up. You should let them wake up first.

Share some cases below

1. [One hundred and fifty days of rebooting, rebooting does not only change the appearance, but I
think the change is more of the state of mind, which can be described as reincarnation. Now my
temper has become very good. I completely get rid of social fears. I even enjoy communicating with
people. I smile and say hello when I see people. Strangers say I am sweet. I don’t even think about
these things before rebooting. Dare to think, before I even blushed when I bought something. It’s
rebooting that changed me and brought me back to the track of a normal person. Here I would like
to appeal to the majority of brothers who must work hard to persevere and believe that they will be
able to get rid of the control of the demons. Come on! Brothers. 】

Additional comment: This brother has completed a complete transformation, and his feedback is
very good. Rebooting can not only improve some of the symptoms of physical injury, but also
greatly restore the psychological disorders. There are many people who suffer from social fear after
masturbation, and I have seen it before. Chinese medicine believes that phobias are mostly due to
deficiency, which is a syndrome of insufficient sperm and blood. When the sperm is injured to a
certain extent, social fear will appear. At that time, there were certain obstacles in communicating
with others. I was unable to communicate with others in the most sunny and confident state. I didn’t
even dare to look at each other’s eyes. My eyes always dodge. After masturbating, I felt that I lost
my confidence and self-confidence. Become inferior and self-closing. After the brain power
declines, the expressions are incoherent and inconsistent, and they can also misinterpret other
people's meanings. Sometimes they even feel that they don't understand what the other person is
talking about, and their brains can't turn around at all. After insisting on rebooting, these
psychological disorders gradually disappeared, and I became confident and cheerful again, and I felt
happy every day, as happy as a child. When your inner harmony is restored, your temper will also
improve. If your heart is very upset and irritable, it will be easy to lose your temper and always look
at others unpleasant. It is easy to quarrel with others and you can’t control it. Own. Bad temper after
masturbation is a common phenomenon, because the loss of kidney essence can cause irritability
and irritability. The heart will explode at any point, and you will lose control at any time. Quarrel
with parents, classmates, colleagues, and leaders will lead to interpersonal relationship. The
deterioration of the relationship is very detrimental to oneself. When communicating with others in
a state of social fear, you will feel that this is a kind of torture and suffering. When your mentality
returns to normal, it will be completely different at this time. You begin to enjoy the process of
communicating with others and enjoy the kind of talk. Talk, be confident and enjoy the fun of
socializing. The brother said, “It’s rebooting that changed me and brought me back to the track of a
normal person.” The three words of a normal person have profound meaning. It is not normal to
indulge in a life of adultery, but in that state. It’s hard to feel that I’m not normal, and I take
indulgence for granted. Only when I get out of that state of adultery, I find that my previous indulge
in adultery is abnormal or even pathological, and then I realize that there is a huge difference
between adultery and non-sexual adultery. . A previous brother shared his experience and said: “I
can’t describe it in words, I have a feeling of getting rid of it, and I don’t know how to explain it.” I
have also had a similar feeling, that is, I feel that I have finally got rid of it, and I feel a sense of
psychological relief. , The feeling is very subtle, but at a certain moment it is very strong. Some
people have been controlled by the inner demon for several years or even more than ten years. After
suddenly quitting the bad habits, they will have a feeling of getting rid of, as if they have finally
recovered their freedom. Up. This brother’s appeal is very good, try to persevere, and constantly
improve his consciousness and mindfulness

2. [Hello, Big Brother Flying, this year I am 28 years old, masturbating for 14 years, all the
symptoms have been, 19 years old when talking about girlfriends and premature ejaculation, then
there was erectile dysfunction, after a few months of talking, I broke up since After that, there was a
shadow in my heart. I haven't found a girlfriend again, and now I'm a useless person who has done
nothing. I don't dare to think about getting married. What puzzles me recently is that I don’t know
what work I can do. I’m very confused now, I’m very worried at home, and now I’m helpless,
because I’m not able to use my brain, I’m very confused, and have a mild social fear. Dare to find a
job by yourself. Rebooting is also working hard, but a 28-year-old staying at home is really
unreasonable. I don’t understand how I became like this at home. I didn’t say it was caused by
adultery. Now I am in pain, I want to ask Brother Feixiang, what should I do To abstain from
prostitution, work is not delayed. 】

Supplementary comment: Evil adultery hurts one's body and morals, and it does make people fall
into a deep predicament. I have experienced a similar situation before. The situation is very bad and
I can't see any hope. I feel very helpless and terrified every day. Very desperate, licentiousness
empties a person’s energy, and eventually the body and mind are exhausted, brain power, energy,
and physical stamina will become worse. Then it will be a problem to find a job. . I remember that
two of my colleagues before, since they went to whoring together, they were expelled by the leader
not long after they committed adultery. The negative energy on their bodies would increase and it
would easily lead to the disgust of others. Moreover, after their energy was hollowed out, their
spirits would increase. The state will become sluggish, and even sleepy during work. If caught by
the leader, it will be a scolding, and if it is serious, it will be expelled directly! The retribution of
committing adultery is very fast, and the way of heaven is the fastest to harm adultery! "The Porn
"Trap" said: "Pornography as a'product' is very provocative and difficult to resist. However, while it
brings sexual pleasure, it also digs a seamless trap for your future pain. Pornography and other
regulated items-like alcohol and cigarettes, look very tempting and sometimes give you some
sweetness, but the pain it ultimately brings will far exceed the original pleasure. Unlike alcohol and
tobacco, it is, Almost no one will warn us of the potential side effects of pornography. "Pornography
is more addictive than tobacco and alcohol. Pornography is no different from drugs. Internet
pornography is even more fierce than tigers. The key to the Coolidge effect lies in "novelty".
Internet pornography can provide you with unlimited opportunities. The freshness of it makes you
desperately hit! Degenerate into a beast of indulgence, half of human beings are spiritual and half of
animals. It depends on which part you develop. If you are not a sage, you are a beast! This brother
had impotence and premature ejaculation at the age of 19, and the son said: "When you are young,
your blood is not fixed, and you are quitting." Adolescents especially need to reboot because the
body is in the growth and development stage, and it is not suitable for them at a young age. When
you fall in love, you should focus on your studies. Many people have been growing up for more
than ten years. In the end, they were abolished when they were unmarried. Their bodies were
already full of holes. They were basically a useless person. When they were abolished, they were
embarrassed to tell their family members that it was caused by adultery. This kind of thing is not
Taihao said clearly that he felt very aggrieved and painful in his heart. To get rid of this
predicament, it is actually very simple. Keep rebooting and health preservation, take active
exercises, do good deeds to accumulate virtue and increase positive energy. If you persist for half a
year or even more than a year, you will have a new look at that time, and your energy state will be
different from now. Language. A brother from abroad said: "I have received the following benefits:
energetic, full of motivation, improved sleep quality, improved memory, increased self-confidence,
reduced anxiety, and emotional stability." Men have to learn energy management, rebooting and
maintaining good health. Boosting energy, doing good and accumulating virtue is also boosting
energy. Once the energy goes up, confidence and self-confidence will naturally come out. This
brother asked "how to stop prostitution without delay in work". My suggestion is to keep rebooting
and keeping in good health. When the body recovers better, then go to find a job. During this time,
learn more about rebooting articles and sages. Education, although I am at home, I can use this time
to improve my cultivation level, and maybe I can find a more ideal job at that time. With good
health and career, marriage will be a matter of course, and then life will be full of longing and hope.
When the recovery is better, I will look for a job. During this time, I will learn more about rebooting
articles and sage education. Although I am idle at home, I can use this time to improve my
cultivation level. You may be able to find a better one at that time. work. With good health and
career, marriage will be a matter of course, and then life will be full of longing and hope. When the
recovery is better, I will look for a job. During this time, I will learn more about rebooting articles
and sage education. Although I am idle at home, I can use this time to improve my cultivation level.
You may be able to find a better one at that time. work. With good health and career, marriage will
be a matter of course, and then life will be full of longing and hope.

3. [Brother Feixiang went back to the dormitory after dinner yesterday, and the feeling of
powerlessness began to spread. After that, he continued to play on his mobile phone. The more he
played, the more boring he became. Finally, the psychological defense line continued to collapse.
This has become an old way for the demons to break through me. I am really at a loss now. I don’t
know if I will be able to complete self-salvation next. The heart demon has bruised me all over.
Although I know that there are obvious flaws in my consciousness, I can’t make the right response
in time in actual combat. The result is I have been overwhelmed by the demons again and again, I
think I need a thorough confession, and I need a certain amount of study plan every day, I will
implement it carefully, and believe that I will stand up again. 】

Additional comment: This kind of abuse routine is relatively common. It’s boring to play on the
phone, look at the side-by-side pictures, and then fall into it step by step. After each relapse, you
must carefully reflect and summarize, make changes, avoid making the same mistakes, and make
your own decisions. The rule is that you can't browse the edge map, this actual combat awareness
must be ruthless! There are wiping pictures everywhere on the mobile phone, and it is easy to get
stuck, and the same is true for the computer surfing the Internet. Be wary of wiping pictures and try
not to click. The wiping pictures are traps. Don’t focus on the picture when you are facing the
situation. As long as you focus or look at the second glance, it is easy to fall into the picture. Keep
your eyes on the picture. taboo! A foreign monk also mentioned the content of rubbing. He said: "If
you allow yourself to see the rubbing, you will definitely break the precept, trust me, don't look at
it! This rubbing is exactly what we want. Be vigilant!" He said very well, and foreign brothers have
also realized that they cannot read the content of the margins. This is a summary of actual combat
experience and a lesson of actual combat. When you are bored, the demons are easy to invade, so be
more vigilant when you are alone! When there is a subtle idea to look at the edge-wiping diagram, it
must be immediately noticed and discarded. Usually, you have to develop the habit of learning
rebooting articles. You should make a plan, such as how many rebooting articles you read every
day, how many rebooting notes you take, the time schedule for reviewing, etc., you must make a
good decision to reboot and make a big determination. , With execution power, like a warrior
rushing into the enemy group with a dynamite bag strapped to his body, breaking the boat,
desperately trying his best, only in this way will the situation be completely changed. You have
been attacked by the heart demon again and again, repeatedly bruised by the heart demon, watching
the heart demon do evil on yourself again and again, you should not tolerate this happening again
and again, you must learn to defeat your own heart Demon, end the slavery of the heart demon!
Many brothers lack the strength to decisively resolute. They become insensitive when they break
the ring again and again, and they are in a state of breaking the pot and giving up themselves. To
change the status quo, you really have to make a determination, from ruthlessness to ruthlessness.
Fight against the demons fiercely, take out fierce and hard work, hard-boiled rebooting, stop
bleeding, and never be wicked cowards and cowards! ! !

4. [I have a neurosis, and I have been abstaining completely for nearly eleven months, and it is
much better. My symptoms appeared suddenly after a big run-up. Perhaps it was a critical point.
The quantitative change finally caused a qualitative change. All the symptoms came. Anxiety,
depression, obsessive-compulsive, social panic, and shaking hands when talking with others. From
then on I was completely afraid, really scared, really afraid. After quitting for eleven months, social
fear has been greatly improved, social skills have been enhanced, brain power has gradually
recovered, I can think about some problems, my confidence has gradually increased, my self-
confidence has returned, and occasionally I have some headaches and occasionally forced me. I
believe that after a period of time, it will be completely restored. Everyone must increase their
confidence and persevere. All that is lost will come back. Don't be slapped. If you boil the frog in
warm water, it will be cooked! As long as you keep on quitting, the good days will come back. I
always believe that God has given us so much suffering in order to make our lives better in the
future. God sees that you can still be saved, give you an anxiety disorder, and give you reflection on
what you have changed. Opportunity, it really depends on you not pleasing to the eye, directly to a
terminal illness. I am grateful for these sufferings, which made me make a big change to my
previous life, completely changed the bad habits of the past, and believe that my life will be greatly
reversed in the future. 】

Additional comment: Neurosis is a watershed for patients with sperm injury. After crossing this
critical point, the pain is doubled, and it is not doubled, but many times. Serious patients really feel
that life is better than death. It's impossible to understand that feeling if you don't enter that state.
Only when you experience it in person can you really understand it. I have talked about a lot of
neurotic patients, who basically stay up late, indulge, sit for a long time, get angry, etc. How can
they be cured? That is, do not stay up late, sit for a while, reboot and keep healthy, avoid fatigue,
pay attention to emotional management, and keep your mind calm. If you do the opposite, your
body and mind will slowly return to normal. Serious patients should cooperate with active
treatment. When you get back to health, you will feel that the feeling of health is too precious,
because you have lost it, so you will cherish the hard-won feeling of health even more. If you’ve
never lost it, it’s hard to cherish this seemingly dull but in fact extremely precious sense of health.
It’s like walking normally now. If one day suddenly breaks or becomes paralyzed, you will sigh at
that time before walking normally. The feeling of being is simply too precious. Now you can not
only walk, run, but also jump, which is already a great luxury for those who have difficulty
walking. The brother’s mentality is still very good. His recovery is inseparable from his good
mentality. Although he has suffered hardship, he did not blame others, but viewed suffering from a
positive perspective. Everyone knows how difficult it is. Prosperity, a country is plagued by
disasters, and under certain conditions, it can inspire the people to work hard, overcome difficulties,
and make the country stronger. Narrowing down to the individual is the same. Suffering is actually
an opportunity to promote reflection and transformation. It is to make you better, to understand the
truth that you did not understand before, and to improve yourself and make yourself more mature
and more stable. Chance. To be honest, I am also grateful for neurosis. Although the neurosis makes
me suffer, this kind of pain wakes me up, makes me look back, and makes me start to reflect on my
life. A brand-new self, a more glorious, freer, sunny, and more positive self. I am more satisfied
with who I am now. This is the life I want to live. The obscene and obscene body of the past was
completely torn apart by the light bursting out from within, and a bright, pure and brilliant self was
born! Rebooting and cultivating kindness gave me strong positive energy, and I was reborn!
Countless brothers have completed their transformation, and they are also reborn! From a certain
point of view, you can say that God has given you suffering to make you better. From another point
of view, in fact, everything is self-inflicted, there is no way to blessings or evils, and only people
can do it by themselves! It depends on how you understand it yourself. Both perspectives are
correct. Suffered hardships and frustrations,

5. [I pumped it twice in a row and almost hung up. Everyone gave it up. Yesterday I had a headache,
backache, stomachache and stomach pain. It hurts for a day yesterday, and today it hurts so much
that I can’t get up. I only got up after 3 o’clock. Now I’m slinging, I’m really scared this time, and
I’m really going to quit completely this time. Don't wait until the symptoms broke out before you
quit. I have never been so uncomfortable. It almost hurt me to death. This time the symptoms broke
out, and the adultery killed people. The illness came like a mountain, and I was really scared this
time. It was so painful last night, I was afraid that I had been reciting the holy name of Guanshiyin
Bodhisattva, even in my sleep. Sometimes when I feel idle or boring, I just look at Huang Lu Guan
indulging. In order to satisfy my desire, I feel very good. But when I feel so painful that I feel my
life is about to end, I look back and think about how good my health is. what! Why should we
indulge? We are too greedy and dissatisfied. I sincerely advise you to stop playing. Now, as soon as
I sleep on the bed, my back hurts, hell on earth! When I am in pain and want to live, what I want
most is to be able to return to the previous feeling. It’s so good not to get sick. Why do I have to
worry about it? ! We are too greedy, and we have to create trouble for ourselves. 】

Additional comment: Both this case and the previous case mentioned "I'm really scared"! Really
scared! When the symptoms break out, I’m afraid. I don’t usually know, “If you don’t break out in
rebooting, you will perish in madness.” Some ignorant men will think that they can control it. He
thinks that he can do it once a week. Don't think so? Later, I learned that the person who can really
control will not be slapped once, and that he will be controlled by the inner demon! And once a
week will become multiple times a week or even multiple times a day, because the addiction will
become stronger and stronger, the psychology will become more and more abnormal, the taste will
become heavier and heavier, and finally it will be completely out of control. , To enter the "crazy
state" of madness, that is, desperately bashing! Frustrated! Do everything! In that state, I completely
lose my mind. I forget all the principles and I just want to hit and shoot! It's a beast mode of
indulgence! Very terrible self-destruct mode! Consecutive shots will have serious consequences. If
they don't, they will actually go to the hospital. After the big shot, there will be a fierce year! The
dig was too hard, the body couldn't stand it, it was about to collapse, and it was about to "frozen".
This brother was beaten twice in a row, and his body began to aches severely, which was terribly
painful! Pain makes people wake up. Sooner or later they will pay a heavy price for indulging in
pornography and masturbation. Sooner or later, they will cross that critical point, and sooner or later
they will be taught by symptoms. Continuous ejaculation is very taboo, it's like cutting you twice in
succession! The amount of injury is too great, and the degree of injury is too deep. Many people
experience near-death feelings after continuous masturbation. Some people directly hang up, and
the news has also reported it. Greed is human nature, not being greedy is experience! People’s greed
in lust is very strong. Once they are not addictive, they have to come for the second and third time.
They are so terrible that they can’t shoot out and don’t give up. The state is very terrifying, and the
precious energy of the body is just like that. Spoiled, injured to a certain degree, the symptoms will
break out, and then the pain will be severe! Senior rebooters are very clear about the pain of
symptoms. They know exactly how harmful it can be. They really can’t do it at once. This is the
principle and bottom line. Once they let go, they will be out of control and be deviled by their
hearts. After controlling, you will be completely involuntary, just like being possessed. The most
fearful thing is to enter a state of madness. This state is only a few steps away from the outbreak of
symptoms, and also very close to sudden death. Don't push yourself into a yin and yang separation.
A white-haired person sends a black-haired person to a human tragedy. The well-known doctor Sun
Simiao pointed out in "Preparation for Emergency Qian Jin Yao Fang": "Bili has been in the house,
but for half a year, the essence is exhausted, but the young man must be very cautious." The two
words of Bili are used very appropriately, and the pornography of this era The temptation is much
stronger than in ancient times, and many people are in charge of Bili. The consciousness of
rebooting and keeping in good health was very strong in the ancients.

6. [Rebooting for two years and seven months, my life has changed too much, it is wonderful and
comfortable, my mind speeds up, and my ability to process information has also improved. When I
went home a while ago, I was carrying the soup that my mother had made. In addition to the smell,
there was a feeling that I could only appreciate, a long-lost feeling as if I had returned to my
childhood health, and there was a feeling in my heart. Calm joy and touch, moved for myself, and
moved by the dedication of my parents! Thank you Feixiang, thank you for rebooting and friends!

Additional comment: This is the feedback from "Little Stone Dream". He has rebooted very well.
He has truly experienced the joy, touch and beauty brought by rebooting. A foreign reboot article I
read a few days ago mentioned the harm of masturbation. One harm was mentioned very well, that
is: Harm to the Soul (harm to the soul). More precisely, it is against purity and purity. The hurt of
the noble soul! Everyone is born so innocent and innocent, there is a natural beauty and nobility,
children live in a pure miracle, every day is so joyful and happy, seeing everything is so magical,
entering the developmental period began to control , Fell from the world of miracles. This is a
decline in the purity of the soul. The consequences of this decline are actually disastrous. Only in
that state will you be truly happy, otherwise no matter how many times you punch it, you will not
be truly happy. When you were young, you watched cartoons. When you grew up, you started
watching porn. You started to live a secret and depraved life. You thought you were cool. In fact,
this habit of constantly draining your body's energy is leading you into the abyss of pain. , And you
still don't know it, and you only wake up suddenly when the symptoms break out. The coolness of
masturbation comes at the cost of energy consumption, and the final result is bound to be miserable,
while rebooting and health preservation is to accumulate energy. When it accumulates to a certain
level, you will be refreshed, and you will feel refreshed and optimistic at that time. Pleasure is
completely different. Your soul will become light and joyful, and it will feel like a newborn,
returning to a pure miracle. Rebooting can give you a second childhood, and it can make you feel
pure great happiness again. The beautiful feelings that rebooting brings are so unforgettable. Many
people miss the beauty of childhood. The first childhood has passed, and the second childhood
started after rebooting. This time you start to truly appreciate the pure and beautiful feelings. The
first childhood is still young after all. , Ignorant, you really understand the preciousness of this pure
beauty in the second childhood. Saints and sages like pure children. Although they have the
appearance of adults, they have the pure hearts of children. They are in their second childhood.
Laozi mentioned "baby" three times in the "Tao De Jing": "Special energy is soft and can be a
baby"; "I am alone, but it is not a sign, like a baby without a child"; "Knowing his male, guarding
his female" , For the Tianxia Creek. For the Tianxia Creek, Changde will not leave and return to the
baby. "How to return to the baby? That is to purify your own mind. The body cannot be retracted
into the baby, but the mind can be as pure as a baby. When your mind becomes extremely pure, then
you will know what the real great happiness is.

7. [I am 27 years old and have been masturbating for 12 years. I started masturbating when I was 15
years old. The first time I ejaculated, it felt so good. The stimulation is beyond words. It is just
because of this stimulation that I am addicted. I often want this feeling. , Sometimes, two or three
times in a row, everything is for the stimulation of the moment. I've been like this for more than ten
years, and now I feel like my whole person is abolished. I have taken a lot of medicine before,
including Chinese medicine and western medicine, but they have no effect at all. At that time, I
didn't know the reason. Now that I think of it, it is really sad. Of course, it has no effect. My current
symptoms are: insomnia and dreams, nocturnal emission and night sweats, tinnitus, impotence and
premature ejaculation, faceless seeing people, and severe mental decline. These symptoms have
been following me for many years. I didn't know until now that it was caused by masturbation.
Masturbation is really boiled frogs in warm water, and I don't know how to die in the end. So here I
hope that friends who have the habit of masturbation will quit as soon as possible. Otherwise, what
is waiting for you is the symptoms that make you worse than death, and you will be ruined in
masturbation for your whole life. Many symptoms of masturbation have not yet come out or are not
too obvious. I don't think it matters. It may be too late when you feel it. Don't miss the coffin
without tears. There are everything in this world, but there is no regret medicine. I have experienced
this kind of pain and never want to go through it again. I really regret it now. I also hate myself. I
feel that I really came to this world for nothing. I'm sorry to my parents and all my relatives and
friends. Buddy. I now know that I was really wrong, and it was so wrong. Now I would rather die
than masturbate, because masturbation makes me alive rather than dead. I hope everyone will stop
masturbating. If you have masturbation, you should quit as soon as possible. 】

Additional comment: This brother has experienced insomnia and dreaminess. Considering the
performance of neurasthenia, he feels that he is not as good as dead. Many people feel good when
shooting for the first time, but this goodness is like a bait on a fish hook, and there is a lot of pain
hidden in it. Aerobic exercise, food, shopping, etc. can also secrete dopamine, but the dopamine
secreted by masturbation far exceeds these, which is extremely addictive. After aerobic exercise,
you will not feel empty and regretful, but after masturbation, you will feel emptiness, loss and even
Regret, there is also a sense of exhaustion of energy. After the ejaculation, your dopamine level
drops sharply, and you will feel empty, lost, depressed, bored, etc., and become even more unhappy.
Masturbation is ups and downs. The dopamine level rushes to a high level, and then suddenly high
diving. Once it drops to the freezing point, the more you hit it, you will find that you need to watch
more exciting and more abnormal movies to secrete sufficient dopamine. Ordinary movies are
already Nothing, just like drug users need to inject with a syringe at the end, ordinary smoking is no
longer enough. Foreign countries call pornography a drug because it is too addictive, and the dose
of dopamine secreted is too large. Once people taste this pleasure, they will be unable to stop, and
are extremely eager to repeat this stimulating experience again and again. However, there is no free
in the world. For lunch, it takes a great price to get pleasure. The price is to empty out your internal
organs, empty out your brain power, and ultimately waste your body and mind! This brother had
been using it for more than ten years, and the whole thing was scrapped and turned into a medicine
jar. He was still using it while taking the medicine, so the effect of the medicine would be difficult
to guarantee. Frederick Humphrey The doctor said: "Those excessive behaviors that drain their own
vitality, such as excessive pathological indulgence, excessive slippage, excessive prolonged and
excessively frequent stimulation of the sex organs, especially because this indulgence is closely
related to physical and psychological overwork. In the end, it can only lead to the same result. The
main reason for young people’s neurasthenia is masturbation. If it continues, it will cause serious
problems in the near future and have long-term negative effects. It can be responsibly said that
countless people every year Because of the bad habit of masturbation, he was brought into the hell
of neurasthenia." The bad habit of masturbation must be completely quit. This bad habit is
extremely addictive, and as the age increases, the degree of addiction will gradually increase, and
then it will become more and more addictive. The deeper the sinking, the more painful. I was
overwhelmed by the pleasure when I first shot, and it felt so cool, but unfortunately the protagonist
didn't know that being cool was the beginning of bitterness! Don't give you some sweetness, you
will not fall into this trap. The warning from this brother is very good. Reboot as soon as possible. If
you wait for the symptoms to break out, it will be a bit late by then. When you come to this world,
you should do something meaningful and valuable, do good and accumulate virtue, and be filial to
your parents. A former brother said: "Being positive and bringing warmth and happiness to others is
the life I want." The life of being addicted to pornography and masturbation is a negative, painful,
and frightening life. We must get rid of this negative cycle of adultery as soon as possible, and be a
good Chinese man who is upright, upright, upright and upright!

8. [Teacher Feixiang, I am 24 years old and have about 9 years of masturbation history. I have been
trying to reboot since May last year. My symptoms broke out at the end of March this year. I felt
chest tightness and heart discomfort. I felt that I might die at any time. I went to our best hospital
for electrocardiogram, color Doppler ultrasound, and myocardial enzymes, all of which were
normal. I went to the Chinese medicine doctor again and I was taking the medicine and I felt a little
better, but it was not particularly obvious, and my heart symptoms kept recurring. During the period
of dizziness, lack of energy, and nocturnal emission, Baduanjin has been doing it all the time, and it
is obvious that the heart beats obviously and feels uncomfortable after standing still. For a month, I
was so scared. I really don’t know what to do, Teacher Feixiang begs you to help me! 】

Additional comment: This brother is considering cardiac neurosis. Neurosis usually does not show
organic problems, but the body is very uncomfortable. This situation can be treated by Chinese
medicine, or you can take western medicine to control the condition and restore certainty. It takes a
process. The recovery from neurosis is relatively slow, and symptoms recur easily. You must
maintain patience, reboot and maintain health, and cooperate with active treatment, and your body
will gradually recover. I also experienced heart discomfort at that time, heart pain, chest tightness
and uncomfortable. I also had a heart examination and it was basically normal. Later, I insisted on
rebooting and keeping good health, and I gradually recovered. If the body is very weak, it may not
be suitable for standing, because standing will also consume a certain amount of physical strength.
At this time, you can try to meditate. Keep your back straight and use a meditation mat. When the
neurosis came to the door, it was quite panic and painful. It was uncomfortable here for a while, and
uncomfortable for a while, and I was worried that I had some serious illness. Another brother
posted: “I finally broke out one day, chest tightness, palpitation, and high blood pressure. I felt like I
was going to pass. I was in panic all day long. I was also afraid of going to the hospital for fear that
I might have some incurable disease. The more uncomfortable it is." It must be paid back to a
certain extent. The quantity changes and the qualitative change will occur. After each pumping, the
precious kidney essence is consumed again and again. The critical point of the symptom outbreak is
getting closer and closer, and it will be tortured by the symptoms. It’s really too painful. There is a
saying that “no disease is a fairy”. When you are sick, you can think about the days without disease.
It’s really too happy to be free, but I didn’t know how to cherish it at that time. This bad habit must
be quit as soon as possible. This brother started to quit last year and has been relapsed. This year,
his body will not be good, and he feels that he may die at any time. He is only 24 years old. If his
body collapses like this, he will be sad in the future. . The body is the prerequisite and basis for
studies, career, and marriage. If the body is not good enough, other aspects are really affected. Some
brothers said that they used to hold a high salary, but after the outbreak of symptoms, they can no
longer work and can only quit their job to recuperate. I have to continue to spend money to see a
doctor and take medicine, and within a few years I have been caught up in the elbow, and my life
has fallen into a hardship. Lulu, the first level of the teenager, can't be beaten at this level, it is
useless to let him be highly talented and unlearning. The body of flesh and blood, so those who can
grow, say essence, qi, and blood. Blood is yin, qi is yang, and the coagulation of yin and yang is
essence, which is in line with the bone marrow. A very important lesson in life is to learn to reboot
and preserve essence, realize the importance of rebooting, realize the value of kidney essence, and
realize the harm of indulgence to life. If you have a correct understanding of this aspect, your life
path will be Being able to walk more steadily, on the other hand, indulging in pornographic
masturbation will only make one's life threatened. When the symptoms break out, it will be quite
painful. One second of pleasure is exchanged for 10,000 seconds, 100,000 seconds, or even millions
of seconds of pain and torture. It's not worth it! After getting sick, that kind of uncomfortable and
that kind of panic really makes people collapse, running between home and the hospital, like a
frightened bird, panic all day long, after getting sick, I lose the courage to face my life and
everything in the future, and my family is also very worried. Hard to understand you. A brother said
it well: "When desire comes, it will pull you down. The sinking is darkness, fear, pain, bad luck,
others spurned, endless reincarnation; and you bravely defeat desire and stand up to light. , Hope,
courage, self-confidence, strength, physical and mental pleasure, auspicious accompany, respect by
others, all beautiful beginning!" A person must learn to control his own thoughts. The core of
rebooting is to cultivate the mind and control thoughts. After relapse, you must earnestly reflect. To
sum up, you must clearly realize that if you can't quit, waiting for yourself is tantamount to a
disaster. You must have a strong sense of crisis, so that you can have the greatest determination to
reboot. Many people have become useless because of the bad habit of masturbation and lead their
lives into a pile of shit. They are deeply trapped. Only rebooting can save them, and only rebooting
can make them reborn from the cocoon!

9. [After watching "Quit as a Good Medicine" today (Season 1-108, I thought it was out of reach
when I downloaded this season, but I did it.) I started watching the first season on December 12 and
set goals for myself every day, There is no capping at least one chapter a day, and there is no break.
What I downloaded is the TXT version, using the reading software to see it, a total of 4,993 pages.
After 114 days, my thinking has changed tremendously. I didn’t have self-confidence before, and I
kept breaking and falling. After relapse, I attributed it to my lack of perseverance, hatred of
rebooting articles, hatred of learning rebooting, unable to break through the maximum number of
days, selfishness, irritability and evil, evil knowledge and opinions, and my brain was full of
selfishness. It is the YY screen. Now I have changed into self-confidence, sunshine, and learning to
be grateful. I enjoy my daily life very much. I am particularly sensitive and like the positive energy
around me. I resonate with the positive energy every day, and I feel happy every day. Now I am
practicing the mantra of breaking YY every day and learn to be grateful. I am immersed in the
thoughts of sages, learn to reflect, record myself and analyze and change from time to time. Now it
is getting better and better. I am very grateful to Teacher Feixiang. Amitabha! 】

Additional comment: This brother has completed the transformation. The reason why he can
complete the transformation is because he has goals, he has a study plan, he has good study habits,
and he can persevere! A lot of people break the regimen and never find the state. A large part of the
reason is that they can't keep studying the rebooting articles. They learn a little today and will not
read them tomorrow. It may be more than ten days after waiting to read them again. Rehabilitation
essays should be studied every day, take more notes, and review more notes. Just like playing a
game to practice leveling, you will make progress every day, so that you will get a great
improvement over time. Many newcomers reboot on the basis of enthusiasm. Once their enthusiasm
fades, they are no longer interested in rebooting articles, and they don't want to read them. This is
not good. Enthusiasm will subside, and habit is long-lasting. You must study rebooting articles
every day, have a certain learning plan and progress, and stick to it without interruption. Once
interrupted, it will be difficult to get back to the previous state, so stick to it every day One hundred
days of continuous, thousand days of continuous, you have to study rebooting articles courageously
and diligently. Only in this way can your rebooting awareness change with each passing day, and
then you will have the confidence to subdue your inner demons. I refrained from studying and
reviewing every day. This is already a way of life. I didn't feel boring. On the contrary, I got a lot of
fun from studying. That kind of enlightenment is very wonderful. This brother was very negative
energy before, selfish, selfish, wicked knowledge, and full of adultery. It is true that people who
have sex with adultery are accumulating negative energy, and those who have sex with adultery are
very hostile. Later, he passed After studying rebooting articles, your thoughts and mentality have
slowly changed, from a state of negative energy to a state of positive energy, learned to be grateful,
and began to like positive energy things. This kind of life is normal, and the life of adultery is not.
Normally, it is possible to think that there is nothing wrong with the life of the adultery when it is in
the process of adultery, but when the pain comes, you will realize that the life of the adultery is
abnormal and wrong. When you are in a state of negative energy, it is actually very detrimental to
yourself. Negative energy will affect interpersonal relationships and negatively affect your health.
At that time, my negative energy was also very heavy when I was doing adultery. After I insisted on
rebooting and studying the education of sages, my negative thoughts became very few. The
situation changed with the mind, and when the thoughts changed, the situation would be greatly
improved. When you learn to be grateful, you will find that your heart has become very peaceful.
Gratitude is a positive thought. You should develop the habit of gratitude at ordinary times. Give
more gratitude. Every grateful heart and every kind thought can increase you. The positive energy
of this allows you to enter a positive energy life model, so as to feel true joy, relaxation, peace and

10. [I sincerely thank Big Brother Feixiang, I have been reading Big Brother’s "Quit as a Good
Medicine" for half a year, and I have benefited a lot from it. Now I am studying for a PhD, and my
heart is pure, indeed, it is indeed very happy to be able to observe every movement of my thinking.
I am like a bystander, and being able to control my thinking at will is really the greatest freedom in
the world, so I feel that everything I do is practicing. If I practice well, I can approach the pure self.
I will be very innocent and plan actively. Life, of course, rebooting, quitting playing mobile phones,
and abstaining from not being attentive to do things, all of which should be perfected by defeating
the inner demons in an instant. I sincerely thank Brother Feixiang. I used to read Liba’s "It's Better
to Seek Oneself" by Liba as a graduate student. After reading my brother's "Quit is a Good
Medicine" on the blog, I feel that I have a deeper understanding of the innocent self. At present, I
hope that I am in a good state to inspire a woman to spend the rest of her life, take good care of her,
complete the lineage, and honor her parents! Life is a practice. No matter what profession you are
doing, you can live out yourself as long as you have freedom of thought. Thank you, Teacher
Feixiang! I hope to be friends with you who are strong. 】

Additional comment: It is not easy to be able to get a Ph.D. You can learn a lot of knowledge and
skills in school, but it is difficult to learn the curriculum for cultivating the mind, and the knowledge
of cultivating the mind is actually the culmination of all knowledge, the most The most powerful
and powerful knowledge. Other knowledge or skills can help you find a good job and earn a good
income, but it can't help you subdue the demons, and the knowledge of cultivation can let you know
and subdue the demons. Many people can achieve a certain degree of success through their talents
and talents, but they have never really subdued the demons. When they have achieved success, they
begin to live a depraved life, and their lives will soon be defeated. It is a great blessing to be able to
learn the knowledge of cultivating the mind. Many people have no access to the knowledge of
cultivating the mind in their entire lives. They do not know what a demon is, and they have no
concept or a vague concept in their hearts. If you can control your thoughts, you can get great
freedom. If you can’t control it, it will bring a lot of bondage and pain. After rebooting, you can get
a sense of inner freedom, a freedom to get rid of the slavery of the heart demon. Sense, this kind of
inner freedom is very precious. Rebooting allows you to be the purest, purest, and purest self. When
you return to that particularly clean state of mind, the whole person's physical and mental feelings
will become particularly light and joyful, and there will be a joy of joy. It feels like returning to
childhood. Rebooting people have higher self-discipline, a higher sense of responsibility, and a
more mature mind. On the other hand, they are very pure, very simple, and very innocent. Maturity
and innocence are not opposed to each other. Maturity and innocence are actually compatible. A
person can be very mature or innocent. You can experience many things, but you can still maintain
the most innocent side in your heart. Rebooting itself is a practice, or it can be said that it is an
experience. Young people should learn the knowledge of rebooting and health maintenance. The
knowledge of these two parts is particularly critical. They should also learn more about the
education of sages and constantly improve their own. Ideological realm and moral character. A
person can achieve great success in this society and is widely recognized by the outside world, but
there is still a certain "thing" deep in his heart, a "thing" that cannot be explained clearly. Without it,
no matter what you get No amount of achievement will be satisfied, there is always a sense of
scarcity deep in my heart, a pothole that can't be filled no matter how to fill it. Only when "that
thing" is really lived, will there be lasting satisfaction, Fu Dashi's "Heart King Ming": "The salt
smells in the water, the color is blue. The decision is there, but it is not visible." What is this thing?
This is actually pure awareness, the pure true self. Only when you live the pure true self will you
feel lasting satisfaction. This satisfaction can last for a whole day and a whole day.

Step into the text below

This season is about the practice of abstinence. Everyone has studied a lot of rebooting articles, but
in the end, when the thought comes up, it depends on your actual performance. The masters of
rebooting are all masters of abstinence. If you don’t want to relapse, you must work hard to improve
yourself. In this way, you can remain invincible. Some people think that the tug-of-war rope is as
thick, and some people think that they are as thin as spider silk. To deal with subtle thoughts, they
require sharper perception, greater alertness, and greater awareness. Anyone who has experienced
relapses knows that that kind of thought comes to mind very quickly. If it is not broken in time, it
will soon fall. This invisible battle is carried out between the two ears. If you can’t break it, you will
be caught The mind demon possessed the body, then it was like a change of person, regardless of
recklessly, it became a gangster. I remember that it was the same process when I was in control in
the past. At that time, I didn’t understand anything. When a thought or image came up, I hardly had
any resistance. I habitually followed the thought without any consciousness of discontinuation. I
was completely against me at that time. Regardless, I thought that thought was my own intention.
As you can imagine, the heart demon was too easy to succeed at that time. Think about the situation
when the boss abuses the rookie. There is really no way to fight it, and it can't stop it. Attack of the

Later, I improved my consciousness through study and deeply realized that in order to reboot
successfully, I must strengthen insight-mind-mindation. So I practice in-mind-mindation every day.
With the prolonged practice time, my level of abstention was gradually improved. Later, I I found
that I already had the confidence to defeat the heart demon, and was no longer the rookie who was
tortured by the heart demon in the past. Looking back on this mental journey, it is actually not easy.
At the beginning, I devoted a lot of energy and time to studying rebooting articles and sage
education. At that time, there were not many rebooting articles. There were some on the Internet,
but they were relatively comprehensive. few. Later, through my own experience and research, I
summarized a set of professional rebooting methods. The core of this rebooting method is actually
the cultivation of the mind, which is exactly the same as the education of sages. Foreign rebooting
articles are not called mind cultivation, but control thoughts. It's different, but the meaning is the
same. They also realized that in order to reboot successfully, they must learn to control their own
thoughts, be the master of thoughts, and can't follow thoughts. You must have the right to dominate.
Foreign reboot articles said: "One of the hardest is to stop all dirty thoughts and don't indulge them.
You can't control their appearance, but you can control their development after they appear." The
reason why you can't control them It appears because thoughts will actively invade. All you have to
do is to get rid of it in time, and don’t give it a chance to grow. You must dominate your mind. If
you don’t have the right to dominate, then you are a slave. Although you live in a modern society, In
my heart, I actually live in a slave society and have been a slave to the demons. Now it's time to
liberate myself.

Conquering the world is not as good as conquering your own demon, and conquering the highest
mountain in the world is not as good as conquering your own demon. You should use your perfect
performance to conquer the demon. Some newcomers will ask, what is a demon? The mind demon
is actually evil thoughts, negative thoughts, and rebooting mainly refers to thoughts that can lead to
relapse. A brother said: "I suddenly broke the ring today. At first I was in a good state, but when I
went to bed, I suddenly had a thought, and then I broke the ring!" The invasion of that thought is a
manifestation of the heart demon. It should be Cut off that idea in time. That idea is a Trojan horse
virus, a command to relapse. If you keep dropping it, you will be possessed. The rebooting master
knows this well, so it is the first time to cut off the idea. It is really late in actual combat. Not at all.
Another brother said: "I feel that I have quit more professionally. At the moment the evil thought
came, I fully understood why I should hurry. I didn’t control you when I first started. Control your
behavior in the blink of an eye. If you are unhappy, you will be controlled." This brother has a high
level of consciousness, and the actual combat is in the blink of an eye, just a few tenths of a second.
You must be fast! Why can others stop thinking quickly, but you can't? The reason is the lack of
practice. Others keep reciting the mantra 500 times a day, and they insist on it every day, even
thousands of times a day. You can practice it when you have nothing to do. Recitation of mantras is
not a simple mechanical repetition, but a serious understanding of the meaning of the mantra. You
should also read more about the theory of Suannian, understand deeply, and pay equal attention to
the solution, so that you can gradually get better. Every time in the actual combat, you must
seriously experience and summarize, and you must continue to diligently and strengthen the actual
combat level of the interruption.

Suddenness requires a resolute and decisive force. Don't be greedy, hesitate and procrastinate. It
must be decisive and fast as lightning! Just like a duel between martial arts masters, the winner was
determined in an instant. Rebooting can also be used as a metaphor for playing basketball. The heart
demon is the enemy and keep throwing evil thoughts, and you have to become a shot-blocking king,
and all the evil thoughts thrown by the heart demon are fanned out in a blood cap. The heart demon
wants to be here. You’re wild on the ground, you’re like a big hat, fanning out like a fan of
volleyball, resolutely stifling all attempts of the inner demon, guarding your inner line with iron-
and-blood defense, and responding to the invasion of the inner demon in an absolutely tough way.
The unstoppable dunk dunks ignited the audience, completely defeated the inner demons,
completely destroyed the rule of the inner demons, and staged a heart-wrenching reboot! Go past
the demons in heads-ups, smash the ball into the basket, and win epic heads-up duels! Zeng Guofan
once said: "This matter is definitely not something weak people can win. You must be strong and
hardworking, and you must not be weak." The idea is that you can't be weak in actual combat, you
must be tough and ruthless! Eat the demons! Dumpster! When your thoughts come up, you have to
calmly fight, on the one hand, be calm, on the other hand be ruthless! A brother said: "Rebooting for
more than 4 months, breaking 3 times in a row, I found that I could not hold the strong offensive of
the heart demon at all, and the evil thoughts in his mind were too strong." Sooner or later, the heart
demon will launch an offensive, one after another. Bo's offensive, trying to occupy your mind, you
must stand firm and hold on to the end like the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain.

The duel with the heart demon at first is like a child and an adult breaking their wrists, breaking ten
times and losing ten times. There is no chance of winning at all. The strength is too great. The heart
demon is like an adult, very powerful, but not invincible. If you become a Hercules, then the heart
demon will not be your opponent. In the past battles with the heart demon, you can only shake your
head and sigh helplessly again and again, and you can't resist the violent attack of the heart demon,
and when you become stronger and stronger, you can defeat the heart demon in an instant. The
strong survive! The weak must break! Must be strong desperately! The strong can control their own
destiny, and the weak are destined to be ravaged. A brother said after breaking the ring: "It was so
easy to quit for another fifty days. After going home and struggling for a long time, I was killed by
the heart demon. Now the desire is very heavy and it is very uncomfortable. I saw sensitive words
on the Internet, was encouraged, cut off, and YY was repeated. Connected, broken again, and then
there are many abnormal thoughts. The brain is very fast, and the mentality was super good, but
now it is beginning to be painful. The abnormal thoughts are very fast in the brain, and the brain is
very fast in the pictures. The abnormal thoughts appear in the same story as the avatar. , The heart
demon also uses the purpose of rebooting to instigate, because in the past, for the sake of good
health, rebooting and returning to normal, the heart demon used this to instigate. The heart demon
uses the brain, and the body is controlled." The heart demon will target your weaknesses.
Encourage, when the body recovers, the inner demon will say: "The body has recovered, slap it, it's
okay." If you listen to it, you will break the precept, and your thoughts are really fast, so you must
be very vigilant and do it. Let's break together! When you increase the intensity of the interruption,
the mind demon's offensive posture will gradually weaken. Feel free to pick up one thought, come
one, and destroy one, as long as your mind-breaking level is strong enough, you won't be afraid of
the mad bombardment of the inner demon.

[Thinking is subtle]

There are many subtle things in this world, but the most subtle of them may be thoughts. People are
using thoughts to transform the world, but you can’t do it if you take them out and put them in your
hands, because thoughts are just the mind. Some of the feelings in it, but the thoughts directly affect
people’s behavior. If you carefully analyze the psychological process before relapse, you will
definitely find that before you start to see pornographic masturbation, you must have some thoughts
or subtle feelings in your mind. , Once it appears, if it is not cut off in time, it will be possessed.
Some brothers said that they did not intend to have sexual desire, but the subtle thought of seeing
Huang appeared in his mind at the time, and he did not cut it off. He believed that subtle idea, so he
watched Huang masturbate. There is a subtle idea of wanting to see Huang. If this thought keeps
dropping, it will definitely break the precept. Strictly speaking, watching Huang will break the
precept, which will cause the body to leak secretly. Looking back on my ten-odd years, the heart
demon has succeeded in me time and time again, but I have never been aware of that process. I
always thought that it was my own thought. Now when I think about it, I was acknowledging the

A brother said: “I don’t know why I’m bored for three days, and I look at pornography on my upper
body when I’m bored. The result is conceivable.” When alone and bored, the heart demon is easy to
invade. When you “want to watch porn” When the subtle thought of's arises, you must be aware of
it in time. Don't agree with that idea. The actual combat is in an instant. Once you agree with it, it's
like being entered into a command. It's like a remote-controlled car. You press left and it turns left.
If you press right, it turns right because you input a command to it. The heart demon is also
inputting instructions to break the precepts. You don’t need to listen, then you won’t break the
precept. The inner battle is very delicate. Many people have been breaking the ring and haven't
noticed the process by which the heart demon attacked him. Because they didn't know and notice,
the result must be done according to the instructions. When you study the rebooting articles and
repeatedly experience the process of actual combat, at a certain stage, you will surely realize it,
because you are aware of the process, the subtle process, and you have thoroughly realized it, you
have thoroughly seen that process, and you can see clearly. After knowing how the inner demon
moves, and how it succeeds, when you have a glimpse of the process and have a deep insight, your
performance in the actual combat of ideas will be completely different. We have to discover that
process, recognize that process, and dominate that delicate process! This brother was beaten up for
three days, but he didn’t know why this happened. He looked at Huang like a ghost. He didn’t
realize the subtle process and was bored→there was a subtle feeling of wanting to see
Huang→heard and agreed→ The command input is successful → execute to see yellow
masturbation! This is the subtle psychological process before relapse. Of course, it does not
necessarily mean you want to see pornography. The heart demon will encourage you to find excuses
for relapse, and it will also shake your rebooting stand. The heart demon appears in the mind like a
ghost, and must be recognized and noticed in time.

[Looking inward is going to the light]

This sentence comes from the "Diamond Pathway" and is a discourse that I personally like very
much. There are all kinds of substances in this world that attract people's attention, but many people
have never looked at their hearts, that is, the inner world. The Dabao Karmapa once said:
“Cultivation is not about seeking from the outside, but practicing inwardly; instead of always
looking at the outside, but observing inward.” When you really turn your attention to your own
heart, it’s a miracle. happened! A miracle is not a superman flying in the sky. A miracle is the
moment you look into your heart. At that moment, nothing seems to happen. It is just observation,
but it has undergone a qualitative change, because in the past you rarely observed yourself seriously.
In your heart, your attention is habitually on the outside, attracted by all kinds of things outside, and
you never want to dominate your heart. If you really start to look at your own heart, you will
definitely find that your heart is so dirty, there are so many evil thoughts, there are so many rubbish,
it is just like a mountain of rubbish, exuding an unsmeltable smell. All kinds of negative thoughts
fill my mind and pollute my mind. The dark side of my heart is very big.

After rebooting, we learned that cultivating the mind, cultivating the mind is to watch the mind and
cut off the mind. When you learn to observe your own thoughts, then you can truly start rebooting.
You can look at the thoughts without getting involved. You are just a bystander. The observer is
pure observation itself. By constantly observing your heart, your true identity begins to surface, and
you discover the truth: you are not a body, you are not a thought, you are pure observation, pure
contemplation, and pure awareness. When you look inward, you will see the truth sooner or later.
You are like a pure and unchanging sky, and those thoughts are drifting past like clouds. You can
look at them without getting involved. As the awareness continues to increase, it will become very
simple to interrupt the mind at that time, and it will be easy to defeat the attack of the inner demon.
Some time ago, the heart demon attacked me almost every day, all kinds of memories, and
slanderous thoughts, kept coming up in an attempt to occupy my mind, and I wiped them out
invisible with my awareness, and my awareness was strong enough. As long as you see the thought,
the thought disappears immediately. A brother said: "Teacher Feixiang, I can perceive the thought,
but I don’t know why I can’t stop it, as if I’m possessed." This brother already has some awareness,
but it’s not strong enough. When trained to be as powerful as a laser cannon, all invading thought
monsters can be wiped out in an instant. To look inward is to observe and perceive inwardly. As the
power of this kind of seeing continues to increase, the inner demon will not be able to penetrate
you. First of all, you don't agree with the idea. Second, you can see through the various routines and
tricks of the inner demon. Once again, your awareness is strong enough, so that you can instantly
destroy all the attacks of the inner demon. To look inward is to move toward the light, and to look
outward is to step into the darkness. We must learn to observe our own hearts and dominate our own

[The "me" who pretends to be you]

Dabao Karmapa also taught: "Just look at it to reduce its power." Pay attention to the three words:
look at it! These three words have a hidden meaning, that is, you are not it, you are looking at it,
just like you are standing on the side of the road and looking at the passing pedestrians, you are just
observing. Many thoughts that begin with the word "I" will pop into our hearts, such as: "I want to
watch TV", "I want to eat", "I want to buy things", "I want to sleep", "I want to watch porn", " "I
want to be in charge", there are so many "I" thoughts like this. Everyone thinks a lot of these
thoughts every day. After I studied the Dharma teachings, I gradually realized that the "I" is actually
a pretender. The deceiver, it has been pretending to be the real me. The real me is the pure
awareness that is aware of the thought. This realization has distanced me from the thought, and the
thought has returned to its correct position. From the beginning, thought is just a tool, it is not the
master, although it has been trying to replace you, deceive you, deceive you, make you think you
are it, but the truth is that you are not it, you can observe it! right? ! You can look at the thought
without being involved in it, and you can not run with the thought. When you think that you are the
thought, you will follow the thought, because you think it is you! When you have a very thorough
understanding of this truth, your performance in mind combat will be greatly improved. A brother
said: "Brother Feixiang, my aptitude is a bit dull. I read your articles intermittently for three or four
years before realizing that I am awareness. Since then, I have not relapsed, which is quite magical."
The thorough conversion and comprehension can exert great power in actual combat. You no longer
agree with the idea. Your first reaction is to observe, not to follow the idea!

[Does not recognize all thoughts]

You exist as an observer of your mind. You are not a thought. You are an observer. To say that you
are an observer actually refers to pure awareness and pure observation. When evil thoughts come,
know the thoughts are coming, but don't get involved in the thoughts. Now I don’t recognize all
thoughts. Some brothers might say, don’t we want to use thoughts to do things? For example, work,
study, etc., you need to use thoughts. This is true, but the correct position of thoughts is a tool. You
are not a tool. No matter what thought is not you, not recognizing all thoughts will bring great
power, no matter what thoughts are. It’s not me when it comes up. I’m looking at these thoughts. I
can use thoughts to do good and meaningful things, but I’m not thoughts. This kind of strong and
clear identity will make you get rid of thoughts easily. Tangle and restraint. In the past, your first
reaction was to identify with the thought for yourself, and to follow the thought. Now that your
enlightenment has improved, your first reaction is to observe the thought. This is a great
improvement! You have followed the idea for many lives, and the idea is like a front runner. You
have followed it for countless reincarnations. In this life, you suddenly realized it. This is a huge
change. This kind of identity conversion is really a big milestone event. Recognize the "me" who is
posing as you, and don't follow your thoughts. Our overall inertia is to follow the thoughts. After
running countless times, we have formed a fixed tendency. If we lose our mind, we will be led away
by the thoughts. We must be very alert and pull back immediately, be led away again and again, and
pulled back again and again. , The number of times that you are slowly taken to run will decrease.
Some brothers found out that they were caring about fornication for more than ten minutes. This is a
lack of vigilance and lack of awareness. We must always watch our thoughts vigilantly and prevent
them from being led away by evil thoughts.

[The thief is coming! 】

The heart demon is a thief! It will do everything possible to ruin you! All kinds of tricks, all kinds
of routines, it will do everything possible to make you break the precept! What would you do if you
knew there was a thief in your house? You will definitely catch the thief or drive away, or you will
call the police. In short, you will act immediately to drive the thief out of your home. You will never
tolerate the thief at home. Let us think about it differently. If you get a thief in your head, what will
you do? You may be surprised, you may think that the idea of a thief in your head is very new! I
have never heard of it. In fact, one of the core teachings of sage education is to let you know that
your head will enter thieves, and you can't recognize thieves! First of all, we must recognize what a
thief is, otherwise there will be no talk of preventing and controlling the thief. The thief is actually
your evil thoughts, negative thoughts. We must have a strong awareness of thief prevention. This
thief is not someone outside. , This thief is thief thought, when it is bored, thief thought comes;
when lying on the bed, thief thought comes; when taking a bath, thief thought comes; when eating,
thief thought comes; when walking, thief thought comes again. Thieves are pervasive, and you must
always guard against them. During this period of time, my own latest realization is that we must
strengthen the awareness of anti-thief, and don't let the thieves succeed! Guard against thieves day
by day, and guard against thieves at night. When the thieves come, you find it in time, so you won’t
agree, because you know it is thieves. This knowing has infinite power, and because you know, you
don’t. Will follow, if you don't know it is a thief, you treat it as yourself, the consequences will be
self-evident. "Wu Deng Hui Yuan": "Question:'What happens when a thief is difficult to guard
against?' The teacher said:'Knowing it is not wrong.'" This knowledge is knowing, knowing it is a
thief, because it knows it, so it won't be fooled.

【Quick Knife Flow】

One thought is a little miss, it is hard to return from drowning. A brother said: "Today is rebooting
for 155 days, masturbation has lasted for 10 years, and now I am taking Chinese medicine. I have
too much lust and delusion in the last few days. I haven't had it a few days ago, and the feeling of
suffering has appeared again.” After taking Chinese medicine, you must strengthen the cultivation
of the heart, because some Chinese medicines can promote desire, and the reason for the feeling of
suffering is actually ineffectiveness! A rebooting master never feels tormented. When a torment
occurs, it means that it is too late. When you are caught in the mind flow, you will experience a
torment. The masters will break together, and the knife will drop in your hand, so that there will be
no torment. . A master solves the battle in 0.1 seconds, and the reaction speed of a person can reach
0.2 seconds without much practice, but to reach 0.1 seconds, a large number of exercises of
geometric multiples are required. Thousands of exercises and actual combat are gradually improved
in this way. . Because I have habitually identified with and followed the thoughts for a long time,
and I lacked awareness and vigilance, it would be very difficult to break the thoughts within 1
second at the beginning. The practice of the Suspension Dojo is based on a profound theory of
Sustainment, and then a lot of practice of observing and discerning the mind. Over time, the battle
can be solved quickly. From the perspective of martial arts, rebooting has a more heroic demeanor,
because you can act chivalrously and righteously in your mind. Feel free to abuse, and finally
achieve a real sharp knife. This is an experience that is a thousand times more violent than
masturbation. This experience has a sense of dominance and freedom, and masturbation will bring a
sense of depletion, restraint and emptiness. The experience of the two is worlds apart. With the
proficiency and deepening of the practice of mind-breaking, your sword-out speed will become
faster and faster, the sword will become stronger and stronger, and the taste of the sword will
become stronger and stronger. Then you will become the nemesis of the inner demon.

[Do not kill "on"]

Experienced senior brothers know that you can’t argue with the inner demon, because the inner
demon is best at sophistry and sophistry. It will draw you into strange logic and shake your
rebooting position a little bit. If you fight with the inner demon, you can’t argue. You should Make a
decision! This is a life-and-death battle, not a debate. Even if you have won the best debater in
school, you can’t argue with the inner demon, because as long as you argue, you will fall into it, and
the inner demon will sacrifice strange tricks. , The weird logic makes you waver and allows you to
identify with its logic. At that time, even if you know that the logic of the inner demon is wrong,
you still can't help but be led by the nose by the inner demon. When communicating with a brother
some time ago, he mentioned the strange instigation of the heart demon. He broke the ring after
hearing that instigation. I asked him, "Why do you want to listen?!" Knowing the instigation of the
heart demon, why not immediately Cut off? He said that when the inner demon urged him, he
argued with the inner demon. As long as he argued, the end result is basically lost. The inner demon
is very good at sophistry and will adopt very strange logic. That voice will appear in your heart and
repeatedly encourage you. , Advise you to break the precept and find an excuse for you to break the
precept. The demon is too cunning and the routine is too deep, we must learn to see through! To
deal with the inner demon, you can't argue, just fight the bayonet! Kill the heart devil directly!
Usually you have to keep studying rebooting articles to establish righteous knowledge and right
view, so that it will be difficult for the inner demon to encourage success. If your consciousness is
defective, the inner demon will specialize in that defect. For example, if you do not recognize the
theory of moderate harm, the inner demon will Use the theory of moderate harm to persuade you to
break the precept! If you really recognize it, the instigation of the inner demon will fail. Therefore,
it is very important to keep on studying rebooting articles to increase your consciousness. Once
your consciousness is up, many problems will be recognized. In this way, you will have the
backbone and the instigation of the inner demon in actual combat. It's hard to work. I never argue
with a demon. I know what it means to debate. I only need to recognize it without debating. No
matter how good a demon is at debating, it cannot win a person who does not argue.

[Stay ready]

Last time I watched a basketball news article, it mentioned being ready for the Eastern Conference
Finals. I think these four words are used very well. Every team in the playoffs is doing their best in
every game because they lost this round. I was eliminated, so the sense of urgency is stronger. We
must also try our best to reboot, and we must also be prepared to study rebooting articles and
practice mindfulness every day, just to prepare for a decisive battle with the heart demon! The heart
demon will invade sooner or later. This is 100% certain, so we must step up preparations,
sharpening the knife in peacetime, and actual combat is testing. When the evil thoughts come to
mind, it will depend on your actual combat performance. After all, rebooting still depends on
strength. If you can't beat the boss of the heart demon, the ultimate reason is that you can't do it in
actual combat. I'm here every day. The heart demon will invade at any time. I must always be
vigilant. Maybe the heart demon will come up in the next second, so I must be very alert and
careful. Be careful of thieves, don’t let thieves succeed. Many brothers are obviously not vigilant.
They don’t have a strong sense of actual combat, and they don’t have a strong sense of guard
against thieves. They lie on the bed and play with their mobile phones. At this time, they completely
forget the actual combat, and suddenly there is a thought in their minds who want to see the side.
He didn't notice the subtle feeling of the picture. He listened to it and followed. As a result, he
clicked on the edge picture, lost control step by step, and finally searched for pornography and
masturbation. We must be vigilant at all times, and don't forget the existence of the demon. When
you completely relax yourself, completely relax your vigilance, the demon can easily succeed at this
time. We must be prepared, always vigilant, fully prepared for battle, and waiting for the enemy's
invasion. General Zhang Zizhong, a famous anti-Japanese general, said: "If I don't die for a day, I
will do my duty to kill the enemy in a day; if the enemy does not go away, I will die with loyalty."
Rebooting requires blood and the courage to fight to death. , Millions of rebooting soldiers are
standing up, waiting for the evil spirits to come, we will wipe them out in one fell swoop! It is your
sharp edge to greet the demons! Not your knees and slavery! ! !

[Become invulnerable]

Cultivating in the Suannian Daochang, the ultimate result to be achieved is to make you
invulnerable, one man as one, and one man! In the past, you were captured by the heart demon
again and again, repeatedly defeated by the heart demon, and bruised all over by the heart demon
again and again. Now through strong training, you are going to increase your combat power value
and transform into a rebooting warrior who is extremely powerful. . Thoughts will invade, and
thoughts will come uninvited. You have to be on guard at any time. One brother said: "The heart
demon has been salivating and watching, just waiting for us to relax our vigilance, and then break
us in one fell swoop. It must not be allowed to succeed. . Usually we still have to strengthen the
kung fu of observing the mind.” This brother said very well, in normal times, actual combat is only
a moment, and a lot of practice is usually for the moment of actual combat. The heart demon has
been trying to break through you, and you have to become the invulnerable, the heart demon has
many scheming and deep routines, and you have to see through them all, and you will not be fooled
by the heart demon! Recently, a brother who had quit for a year and relapsed, he said: "Last night
the ghost wanted to see pornography, but I still lost to the inner demon after a day of psychological
struggle today. I did not give up until after I quit, three I didn’t read the rebooting article, I was a
little swollen, thinking that he had given up.” This brother became proud, relaxed his vigilance,
neglected to guard against demons, and his awareness of anti-thief became very poor because he
was careless. I didn’t read the rebooting articles, the rebooting status was naturally getting worse
and worse. When the subtle thought of "want to see yellow" appeared, he obeyed the instruction.
Although he had a day of psychological struggle, he was finally captured by the heart demon. It’s
not easy to be able to quit for a year, but he made the mistake of being arrogant and complacent.
Many people have made this mistake. We must learn lessons, guard against arrogance and rashness,
and insist on studying rebooting articles. Some people are very enthusiastic at first, and then they
become tired of rebooting articles. At this time, you should pay attention to cultivate good study
habits, persist in studying without interruption, and don't fall into the interruption evil. Read
rebooting articles every day for half an hour. Anyway, it can’t be interrupted. You don’t want to read
rebooting articles, read rebooting notes, or listen to rebooting recordings. In short, don’t leave the
content of rebooting. When you are far from extremely stable, you should keep learning. , I am still
insisting on studying and reviewing until now. The so-called learning is endless, rebooting is the
cultivation practice of a lifetime.

[The weapon is not weak, the weak is you! 】

Regarding the method of cessation of mind, I have written many times in my previous article. You
can treat evil thoughts through thinking. For example, if an evil thought arises, you immediately
think about the harm of adultery, the view of impurity or the view of the bones, and the thinking
about yourself. Thinking of the cure The category of is very broad, with various visual content; you
can also directly perceive the elimination. This is a way that the great virtues are more respected,
that is, to directly look at delusions. This kind of "seeing" is really powerful. The special thing
about this method is that it leaves the mind and just looks at it, that is, when you think, you feel it,
and when you feel it, you feel nothing. Teacher Ding Yuren of the Taishan Temple taught: “When
you know that your thoughts arise, your thoughts will automatically be disconnected.” This
knowing is the meaning of discovery and awareness. If you are not afraid of thinking, you are afraid
of delay. To achieve the actual combat effect of "automatically disconnecting thoughts", you need to
constantly practice mindfulness and renunciation, and earnestly experience it again and again in
actual combat, and you will slowly achieve this effect. When you really do it, you will be really
happy and happy in your heart. , You will find that it is actually very simple to stop thinking. Just
look at it and everything is resolved; just look at it and the evil thoughts are gone; just look at it, the
inner demon is completely dissipated. This look is shocking and weeping; this look is a flash of a
sharp blade; this look is strong and sharp, with powerful power. The actual combat of rebooting is
to learn to see and constantly strengthen one's awareness. The action of "watching" is very simple.
Everyone is watching every day, even if the blind person is watching, it's just that what he sees is a
cloud of darkness. Rebooting is not asking you to look at the outside, but to look at your inner
activities and the fluctuations in your mind. When you know how to watch and can see through
your thoughts, you are the strong man in the dojo of Suspension. You will continue to strengthen the
power of seeing and feeling. In the end, the heart demon will no longer be your opponent, because
your level is already in your heart. Above the devil. Brothers who believe in Buddha can also cut off
mindfulness by chanting and chanting mantras. This is also very extraordinary. Because of the
blessings of Buddha power, I have regular lessons for reciting the Buddha every day. Although I
take the route of professional rebooting, I also recognize my beliefs. Rebooting is tolerant and
accepting. Master Yuanying said: "A word of Buddha's name is like the sword of King Kong King.
Worries and delusions are like robbers. When a thief comes, the sword will be lifted, and the thief
will retreat. The method of recitation of the Buddha is the same. When greed and trouble arise, it is
One mind to recite the Buddha, but greed rests on oneself. When anger and infatuation arise,
everything is the same." Regardless of the way of renunciation, it is necessary to observe the mind.
Master Bodhidharma said: "Consider the mind and one method, always absorb all the dharmas. It’s
the most important thing.” You have to keep mindfulness at all times, and detect the invasion of
thieves, or thinking, or awareness, or chanting in time. You can choose a weapon. The weapon is
not weak. The weaker is you! It’s like you have a good gun, but the marksmanship is too bad.

[Learning master's operation]

To become a master rebooter, you must study rebooting articles carefully and systematically, learn
from the experience of your predecessors, persist in practicing abstinence, and experience it over
and over again in actual combat. A brother said: "Brother Feixiang, my heart is very empty on
weekends, so the heart demon came out and kept persuading me, but I broke the ring. I want to ask
you, what should I do to resist the heart demon when evil thoughts arise? "It’s really easy to break
the ring on weekends. This is especially true for the student party. The time spent alone on
weekends increases and it’s more boring to be alone. At this time, the inner demon is easy to run
out. You must learn to recognize and get rid of the instigation of the inner demon. He asked what to
do when evil thoughts appeared. If you let him take a look at the operation of the rebooting masters,
he would know the difference. When evil thoughts appeared, the masters would be cut off
immediately, and rookies often follow the thoughts. The actual combat consciousness is very strong,
and the anti-thief consciousness is very strong, and the rookie often thinks that the thief is the
enemy and the enemy is not the same. Many people keep breaking the precepts and failing many
times without realizing it. Rebooting requires understanding a lot of principles, and one cannot rely
solely on perseverance to force the precepts. The actual combat response of rebooting masters has
opened a clear gap with the novices. If you look at the master's experience, learn from the master's
operation, and practice hard by yourself, your actual combat performance will gradually improve. If
a gangster with a knife wants to attack you, how do you subdue the opponent? If you have learned
to grapple and fight, you know how to subdue gangsters quickly, because you have received
professional training and you are very experienced. If an ordinary person sees the gangster rushing
over with a knife, it is likely to be at a loss. The same is true for rebooting. The thief's mind comes
up. If you want to get rid of it immediately, you must be fast! Must be ruthless! The actual combat
is just a blink of an eye. If you slow down, you are likely to be possessed by the demons. Another
brother said: "On the 84th day of rebooting, I feel lustful, what should I do? I feel that lust is really
strong these days. I really feel lustful. I really want to see pornography. I want to flick it, but I have
insomnia for a long time. I'm really afraid that I can't hold on." This brother is too late, and the
small spark has spread into a forest fire. The small spark is so extinguished, and the forest fire is
difficult to extinguish. During the lust stage, there will be a strong sense of suffering and
restlessness. Missed the best time to fight, it is very passive. Experts in rebooting will not allow this
to happen. Experts in rebooting will definitely cut off their thoughts in the first place. The operation
of masters is quite professional and powerful. We should learn more from the operation of masters
to continuously improve our level of abstinence. Rebooting is one person fighting against all
thoughts! The thought monster will definitely invade, this is inevitable, the key is to be able to
defeat and destroy the attack of the inner demon. When you are alone, you have to know that
thieves are coming. You must be very vigilant and be prepared. If thieves are caught, you will solve
the battle between lightning and flint, and be as strong as a rebooting master.

【Brain Screening】

I believe that many brothers should have played the fruit-cutting game. I have also played this
game. This game has a lot in common with Suan. In the game, the fruit will come up, and then be
cut off with a knife, but in your mind, evil thoughts will come up, you can use the light of
awareness to cut it out, very similar. Your mind is like a screen. Thoughts will appear on this screen.
The actual reboot is to scratch the brain screen. Thoughts and images will appear on the brain
screen. Images are also a kind of thoughts, which belong to image thinking. The third is subtle
feelings, which are more subtle thoughts. A brother said: "This one second is fine, the next second
the desire comes up is different. After a certain number of days, there will be a subtle feeling, as if it
is about to break, but I know it clearly, I have noticed it. This kind of subtle feeling is unavoidable.
How can I break it?" The manifestation of desire is to want to see pornography and want to slap it.
Sometimes it is not necessarily a clear thought, but a very subtle feeling, which is a very subtle
thought. It's not easy to detect the microwave of this kind of thought. He asked how to cut it off?
Many brothers will not break off subtle feelings. In fact, Judgment is the same as other thoughts, but
it requires a process of practice. When the awareness becomes strong enough, you can realize that
there is no awareness! If the awareness is not good, then there is no way to be aware of nothing.
First of all, you need to have a deep understanding and understanding of the theory of diunion. After
you have a deeper understanding, you can slowly find the right feeling in actual combat. If you
don’t have any understanding and knowledge of the theory of diunion, it is difficult to find the right
feeling. of. It took more than a year for a brother to find the right feeling. It really takes one or more
epiphanies. You have to keep learning the theory of cessation and practice cessation, and then go to
experience it again and again in actual combat. Suddenly one day If it is done, this is a sudden
accumulation of the previous amount, and when the accumulation reaches a certain level, it will be
connected suddenly, and it will suddenly happen. After the meeting, it will feel very simple, if not, it
will feel too difficult, and it will be difficult to get to the sky. After the meeting, many masters
continue to strengthen their speed, their awareness, and their vigilance.

Various thoughts, images and subtle sensations will appear on the brain screen. No matter what
content appears, as long as the awareness is high enough and the awareness is strong enough, it can
be crossed in an instant. The brain screen is a very enjoyable experience. Comparing actual
rebooting to a game of mindfulness, it will be more intuitive. Rebooting has a lot of revocation
posts every day, and many people die every day. Those veterans who have been fighting for a long
time but have not been killed are dead minded actual combat. Ruthless people, everyone should
show the greatest motivation and enthusiasm to practice mindfulness, and one day you will be good
at actual combat. Don't be afraid of a thousand strokes, just be afraid of a fine one. People who
don’t learn, practice, or enlighten are difficult to reboot successfully. To break through the vicious
circle, the level of awareness and absenteeism must be greatly improved, so that they have the
strength to challenge the demons, otherwise they will only be abused. Just like a boxer beating
elementary school students, there is no suspense about the outcome. Only when you become a
boxer will you have the strength to defeat the demons. You must understand the principles of
mindfulness, deep understanding and mastering the principles, and then practice over and over
again, experience over and over in actual combat, and finally you will become a real master in
actual combat. I experienced an actual battle this morning. I just woke up and lay on the bed.
Suddenly images of memories of adultery appeared in my mind. As soon as I noticed it, I
immediately got rid of it, and then immediately got up. The actual combat was at an instant. , With a
sigh of relief, the battle was resolved. If the alertness level when standing is 10, then sitting down is
7 and lying down is 5. The rebooting masters are highly alert regardless of standing, sitting, or lying
down, and rebooting masters also know how to increase their alertness by switching postures, such
as Switch from sitting to standing, and from lying to sitting or standing. In actual combat, there are
a lot of details to be experienced and grasped. If you keep practicing mindfulness, your alertness
will become stronger and stronger, and it will be difficult for the demons to succeed. If you are not
alert, it is like the door guard is sleeping, and the thief sneaks into the factory to steal. You must
always watch and be alert, just like the anti-virus software is always turned on, the evil thoughts
will be wiped out as soon as they appear!

[The origin of the straight idea head]

Where did the thought come from? Everyone, please think about this question. As I mentioned in
the previous article, thoughts come from pure awareness. Thoughts arise from pure awareness and
then melt into pure awareness, just as waves are produced in water and melt in water. . Both good
and evil thoughts come from pure awareness. A brother asked before, since both come from pure
awareness, and pure awareness is the true self, which is good, why should we cut off evil
thoughts? ? This question is actually very simple. Pure awareness cannot be said to be good. Why?
Mr. Wang Yangming said: "There is no good or evil body, there are good and malicious actions.
Knowing good and knowing evil is conscience, and removing evil for good is a matter of
understanding." The ontology is beyond the concept, and the so-called good and bad belong to the
category of concepts. , The body is a state of non-mind. It cannot be said good or bad. It completely
transcends the conceptual good and bad. It is "no good and no evil". For example, gold can be a
kind and majestic image, or it can be Make an ugly and insignificant image, but as far as gold is
concerned, there is no distinction between solemnity and ugliness, it is just a piece of metal. Since
they all come from pure awareness, why should we cut off evil thoughts? Because evil thoughts can
lead to bad results, everyone wants to be free from suffering, and don’t want their own suffering.
Bad thoughts can cause pain and misfortune, so we must cut off evil thoughts. The core of the entire
traditional culture of sage education is to ask you to cultivate your mind, to cut off evil and to
cultivate good, cut off evil thoughts and evil thoughts, and to maintain the three disciplines of body,
speech and mind in a positive state, and to restore your bright and pure innate nature. Babies are
born in a state of lightness, purity, purity and kindness. After they grow up, their spirituality is
gradually polluted. Practice is a process of spiritual purification and healing, allowing you to be the
purest, the happiest, the most innocent, and the most innocent. A positive self. When we realize that
our thoughts come from pure awareness, so that we can immediately dissolve the thoughts back.
This method of cessation has been recommended by many great virtues. It is a higher-level method
of cessation and requires a deeper understanding of the true self. know. The origin of the straight
idea head is pure awareness. Teacher Ding Yuren taught: "You must understand that all these
thoughts arise from the'nothing'. Just know the'nothing'. "This method of cessation requires a very
high level of consciousness. It may be difficult for many brothers to comprehend and apply at the
beginning, and they need to keep learning. After completing the accumulation of quantity, they will
usher in epiphany, and then they will understand. Of course, some brothers have comprehension. If
you are relatively high, you may quickly realize that everyone’s roots are different.

【Zen Mode】

The mobile phone has a silent mode. Zen mode is the silent mode of the mind. There are no
thoughts, only pure awareness. Zen Master Huang Bo said: “If a Taoist learner does not go straight
and unintentional, he will not become Taoist in the end.” After our thoughts dissolve, we must learn
to settle in Zen mode. Our mind is like a still water surface without a trace of ripples. At first, we
can only stay for a few seconds, slowly. The slow time will be prolonged. As soon as the thought
comes out, you will immediately feel awe-inspiring and let it dissolve back. In the process of
settlement, you are also practicing mindfulness. We must learn to look inward, to look at our own
thoughts, to be aware of our own thoughts, thoughts are so subtle, you see the whole world, but you
have never looked at your own heart, when you really start to see Now, you have entered an
extremely mysterious inner world. You will learn to control and dominate your own heart. The great
virtue has taught that the heart is like a crazy monkey. You have to learn to tame it. Always be
vigilant, strengthen mindfulness, and let your thoughts melt back to pure awareness through
awareness, and then settle for a while, repeating this again and again, the strength of slowly settled
will be deepened, strengthened, thickened, and then the thoughts will be strengthened. The control
over you will become weaker and weaker. The Zen mode is very powerful. You can directly settle in
your body and mind, and be your true self directly. The Dabao Karmapa’s teaching: "Meditating is
just giving yourself time to "be yourself." In addition, Nothing else. There is nothing special about
it, just allowing yourself to relax, and then being who you are, not thinking about what has
happened in the past, and not worrying about what will happen in the future. All you have to do is
simply relax, and then settle in your natural state to give yourself this opportunity. "Our hearts are
only chasing external things, and have lost the cherishment of our true colors." The mind loses
mindfulness and awareness of itself, and only concentrates on chasing external things. In this way,
we lost ourselves in various activities. Therefore, I think that giving yourself time to be yourself is
really basic and important. "The two lectures of the Dabao Karmapa are very good. It is very
important to be your true self. If you follow your thoughts, you will only become more and more
trapped and lost. Most people in the world don’t know who you are. They recognize the thoughts
for themselves, and follow the thoughts. That state is really sad. I used to follow the thoughts. Later,
when I realized, I started to be who I was. I found that being who I was is so happy, this kind of
happiness. It is so pure and does not require any external stimulation. Just being yourself will
release great joy. Learn to live in Zen mode, fit your heart, and be your true self. Give yourself such
a chance.

【Nine-Duan Suan】

Go has nine levels, piano has ten levels, English has four, six and eight levels, and taekwondo also
has levels. These levels and levels represent different levels. The same is true for the Sustaining
Dojo. From an amateur rookie to a professional master of Sustaining, this requires a continuous
process of practice. At first, it is very unfamiliar and poorly proficient. It is casually abused by the
demons and insists on practicing. The level continues to improve, and then you can defeat the
demons. A brother said: "I can now stop squeezing out the images that come suddenly, but there is
no way to recall the yellow pictures of myself. I can't stop them, how can I stop them? "Any yellow
pictures that can emerge from memories are more impressive and more seductive. This requires
stronger breaking power and sharper awareness, so that the yellow pictures of memories can be cut
off immediately. The difference in level cannot be cut off. This brother already has a certain level of
absenteeism, and the image can be cut off in seconds, but the yellow picture of the memory is not
enough. In this case, you need to continue to practice mindfulness and absenteeism. Ascension will
be able to cut off the memory of wickedness in seconds. I quit now, the memories of adultery will
still surface from time to time. If it can be cut off immediately, it will not pose a threat. If it can’t be
cut off, it will continue to play in the mind, and finally it will be overwhelmed and burnt. And every
time I always break together, thoughts and images come up, come up as many as they come and
die! I am not at all stunned by the mind demon now. Many brothers are afraid of thinking about it
because they are not sure to defeat the mind demon. I was not so sure before. Later, through
practicing the mindfulness and deciding mind, I gradually gained a certainty of victory. The level of
cessation is gradually improved. At a certain stage, it may not be the opponent of the heart demon,
and has been abused, but as long as it continues to improve, it will definitely be able to subdue the
heart demon.

A brother said after breaking his vows: “Why can’t I control myself when my desire comes? I’m
sorry for myself again and again, and I’ve said to reboot again and again, and I’m slapped again and
again, regardless of everything when the desire comes. , I always regret it after I finish it. Every
time I finish it, I am inexplicably empty. I can’t promote anything. I don’t want to touch it when I
work or exercise. Then I tell myself that I can’t go on like this anymore. Then I cycle again and
again, and my body improves a bit. I’m so weak. I can’t do anything anymore. Oh, I can’t do
anything now. I don’t know if my determination is enough. I can’t masturbate or masturbate. I can’t
indulge myself anymore! I want to. Reboot!" His determination is still okay, but determination and
vows are obviously not enough. Just like you vowed to become an Olympic champion, but if you
don’t practice, it’s an empty vow to slap your face. After being possessed by the thought, regardless
of what is left behind, watching Huang crazily masturbate, that state is very terrible. After
restarting, determination is needed, but more importantly, action! You must study rebooting articles
systematically, learn from the successful experience of your predecessors, and then continue to
improve your level of absenteeism, from one to nine stages. You can divide it by yourself. You
should know which level you are at. The level is high. Don’t be complacent. If you are low, don’t be
discouraged and despair. If you keep practicing, your level will naturally improve. It is not easy to
become a super master. I still have a lot of room for improvement in my current level of
absenteeism. It will be difficult to improve it to a certain level. It is like a 100-meter race, entering
the 10 second mark. Later, if you want to improve, you have to work harder. It's like a high jump.
After 2 meters 35, every centimeter is very difficult to improve. Regarding rebooting, raising the
level of mindfulness to a certain level can defeat the demons, but you will find that you can
continue to improve, and you can continue to grow stronger, and it takes a lifetime to cultivate.

Final summary:

This season I shared the actual combat of mind-breaking, and the previous article has also shared
this topic many times. I pay great attention to the actual combat of mind-breaking. All theories are
based on actual combat. The four words of Sustaining Dojo have a strong practical meaning. When
you come to the Dojo, you want to continuously improve your own Sustaining Level, in order to
defeat the inner demon in actual combat. The system of the dojo will appear to be more
professional. Zen dojo, Go dojo, Taekwondo dojo, etc., receive long-term professional training, so
that the actual combat level will change and advance by leaps and bounds. The Sudden Mind Dojo
is not necessarily a fixed place. The real Sudden Sudden Dojo is in your heart. You can practice it
anytime and anywhere. We must insist on practicing the Mindfulness and Mindfulness. When you
practice it, you will not be afraid of meeting the demons again. Be sure to defeat it. Many brothers
have been unable to quit for a few years. There may be many reasons, but there is only one
fundamental reason: when the thought comes up, it cannot be cut off! This is the most fundamental
reason: the actual combat is not good! The level of cessation of mind is too low, lack of awareness,
and always follow the thought. Some people even haven't gotten started for a few years, and they
are still at a very basic level of rebooting.

At the beginning of rebooting, you must study rebooting articles in depth and systematically. First,
you must be familiar with and master the principles and laws of rebooting, and then you must
seriously practice cessation of mindfulness. Everyone learns to drive, it is also theoretical
knowledge + practical operation, usually you have to learn theoretical knowledge, but also to
practice driving, and finally assess your level, theoretical test and road test. Repeatedly relapsed,
and repeatedly abused by the heart demon. This situation is indeed very bad, but you should not be
discouraged. Instead, you must make a big determination to study rebooting articles vigorously and
persist in practicing mindfulness and mindfulness. You must become strong, and you must be
strong. Overkill! Many seniors are very planned and motivated when studying rebooting articles.
They are studying rebooting articles every day and insist on practicing abstinence. This kind of
willingness to be strong is very strong. The weak will only be beaten, and the weak are destined to
be abused. There is no way. , Must be strong regardless of everything. Only when you are strong
can you get rid of the enslavement of the heart demon, break through the vicious circle of evil, and
truly dominate yourself!

A brother said: "After masturbating, my heart slowly collapsed, and I feel that my whole person is
getting better and worse." Masturbation seems to be cool, but it is hollowed out. After masturbation,
it will become more empty and decadent. , More frustrated, less happy, many subtle bad changes
will happen, whether it is physical or psychological, in short, the feeling will become very bad, after
a brief pleasure, it will be devastated. Foreign reboot articles say: Masturbation also affects us
psychologically; it creates depression after ejaculation and makes one to feel bad on his own. A
brother said it well: “Don’t let that spiritual self disappear, and try to live out that childhood self
again.” Rebooting can give you a second childhood and let you feel the pure joy and purity again.
Great joy, after returning to the pure kingdom, you will truly understand what you have missed
because of indulging in adultery! After connecting with the true self, you can live in fullness, joy,
harmony, and happiness. This feeling is what you really want. Nothing outside can give you this
feeling. This kind of beautiful and happy feeling is only in the heart. It can only be obtained after

Let me share a reboot poem

"Get Your Power Back"

Enslaved soul

Struggling in the hell of adultery

Painful and wailing whistleblower

Linger alive

The heart demon takes you again and again

Drag into that strange circle

Crazy looking for yellow


Completely reduced to a beast of indulgence

That strange circle

Like a spell

Your energy is hollowed out

Your spirituality is polluted

Your body and mind are feeling worse and worse

This day when no hope can be seen

It's time to end

You must learn to defeat the demons

You must learn to dominate yourself

Get rid of the slavery of the inner demon

Be yourself

In a wretched and gloomy body

Burst out

Incomparably powerful resistance

Unyielding eyes

Burning raging fire

The fist has been squeezed to its tightest

Resolutely destroy the rule of the inner demon

Get your power back

True power

From the awareness of the heart

Strengthen your awareness

Burn out all servility

Rebirth a pure, glorious and free you

Recommend a book below

"The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life": I have read this book a few years ago. It is a very good
book. It involves a lot of spiritual science knowledge, and there are many little-known ancient
history. It's eye-opening, and it's completely different from the history textbooks and science
textbooks in schools. It says: "We once existed on the earth at a very high level of consciousness,
which is far beyond what we have now, so that we can't even imagine the state we once existed,
because the'who we are' at that time and the present “Who are we?” is completely different.
Because of some special events that happened between 16000-13000 years ago, human beings fell
from a very high place. This kind of conscious fall is very similar to a fall through space. The
controlled consciousness spirals down, passing through many levels of consciousness, dropping
many dimensions (dimension) and overtones (overtone), and even increasing the density (density),
until we are in this special place-we call it the earth The third dimension of the modern world.” It
also said: “The connection with the higher self may be the most important thing in life. This is more
important than understanding any knowledge I will give you and learning to start Merkaba. Because
once you connect with your higher self, you will get a completely clear knowledge of how to
advance through any reality step by step, and how to return to the complete consciousness of the
only God. When you connect with your higher self, the rest will be It happens automatically. You
still live your life, but when you do anything, there will be great power and wisdom in your actions,
thoughts, and emotions." The higher self in the book should refer to the ontology. In some places
The expression of "seems to have multiple meanings, and the higher self may have other referents,
but the most fundamental point should be the ontology. This book is available online in pdf, with 2
volumes. The student party should be more interested in this book, because it involves a lot of
scientific knowledge, and it looks more cordial.
Season 118: The Secret to Raising Vibration


Recently, I have seen some brothers have misunderstandings in their thinking, thinking that as long
as they do good deeds, they don't need to stop lusting, this is completely wrong. Doing good is
really important, and it is equally important to get rid of evil. Great Virtue talks about doing good
and getting rid of evil, and he is not biased. If you only emphasize doing good and don’t emphasize
on eliminating evil, it will appear one-sided. A rebooting senior put it very well, he said: "The key
to quitting licentiousness is to get rid of evil and do good." He put "elimination of evil" in the front,
highlighting the importance of eliminating evil, the key to eliminating evil lies in eliminating
intentions Evil, not only to get rid of sexual immorality, but also to get rid of other negative
thoughts. Rebooting cannot only be done by doing good, but also by doing evil! Some people will
say that when there are more good thoughts in their hearts, there are naturally fewer evil thoughts.
There is a certain truth to this, but the reduction of evil thoughts does not mean that they have
completely disappeared. To a certain extent, you will experience turning the seeds, and the magic
test will still be very violent, so you must do a good job of breaking your mind. Master Han Shan
said: "Preaching is easy and difficult to understand, but distracting thoughts are always idle." The
core of rebooting is cultivating the mind, and cultivating kindness can help cultivating the mind, but
the more important thing is to directly deal with the evil thoughts that arise. Some brothers will
have deviations in their understanding of rebooting articles, if the guiding ideology of rebooting is
wrong, the result will inevitably be failure, we must recognize some misunderstandings about

Some time ago, I saw some brothers say that sex is only possible when the lineage is passed on, and
it is only once in a lifetime. This standard is obviously too high for ordinary people. After marriage,
the wife's feelings should also be considered. If the wife does not agree, they will quarrel and get
divorced, so that the family will not be harmonious. We can't take some issues for granted, we
should understand them with reference to the teachings of the great virtue, and we can't make rash
judgments. Master Yinguang said in his lecture: "Be determined to be like a mountain, keep your
body like a jade, not only do you not commit sexual harassment, that is, a couple who are sexually
promiscuous, also know how to be restrained." After marriage, prostitution should be kept in
moderation. It can also be considered, but most wives should not agree, so this high standard should
not be promoted as a universal standard. Temperance after marriage is a more sensible choice, and it
is also in line with human ethics. After rebooting, you should have a correct view. Great virtue is to
set a high standard, and even righteous sexuality must be stopped, but as an ordinary person, it is
more applicable to human ethics. standard, that is, austerity. Ethical norms are the least you have to
abide by. If you have higher spiritual pursuits, you can consider asking yourself to higher standards.

Share some cases below

1. [Today Saturday, I stayed in the dormitory all day, thinking about writing several reports this
month together, but who knows, the comfort zone of the dormitory will always be a gathering place
for evil and laziness. After the afternoon, I was going to go to bed and take a nap. Usually I strictly
asked myself not to use my mobile phone to go to bed to play, but a thought suddenly arose in my
mind: "Take the mobile phone to read the financial management book downloaded yesterday, let's
read it!" In fact, at that time, I had already I vaguely sensed that this might be a demon at work.
After going to bed and playing with the mobile phone, it would definitely lead to the ending of
using the mobile phone to find Huang Kan. At this time, the demon came again and said to me: "It's
okay, just read the e-book on financial management, sleep after reading it for a while, wake up after
20 minutes of sleep, and then read it again, maybe you can read a whole book to play with. This
trick made me unable to resist the attack of my inner demon after all, I took my phone to bed and
read the e-book for about ten minutes, and then fell asleep for 25 minutes. However, when I woke
up, although I read the e-book at the beginning, I unknowingly searched for Huang Qun. I knew that
this was not in line with my original intention, but I just couldn’t control myself. , the demon has
almost occupied my brain. The next step is to frantically look for Huang to see Huang, the mobile
phone is about to run out of power, I run out of bed to find the charger and go to bed to continue
watching, just like this, from 14:00 in the afternoon to 19:40 in the evening, there are two episodes
that have a strong impact. I almost broke it, but I survived this big magic test only by virtue of my
usual mind-reading efforts and long-term fatigue. For nearly 6 hours, I was curled up on the bed
like a dead puppet. It was terrifying! 】
Additional comment: Strictly speaking, seeing pornography is considered a relapse, which will lead
to a dark leakage of kidney essence. It is taboo to play with mobile phones in bed, because firstly, it
is easy to relax your vigilance while lying down; secondly, it is boring to lie down; thirdly, demons
like to attack and encourage you when you are lying down. Try to avoid playing with your mobile
phone in bed. Recently, I have seen several cases of relapses using this routine. Play with your
mobile phone in bed and then search for pornography, and fall into the fall step by step. A brother
said, "I can't control the time I use my mobile phone, I often play for more than an hour, and I'm
playing and playing, and then I'm lying on the bed again, when I'm bored, the thoughts in my head
all break down all of a sudden. , resisted the attack of thoughts several times, but still could not
withstand the temptation of beauty, disarmed and surrendered... almost every time I break my
precepts." When lying on the bed, the inner demon attacked, but the thoughts did not stop, and he
was possessed by the body. , After being possessed by a demon, it became a madman looking for
pornography, a madman watching a movie, and a masturbation madman. It was a terrible out of
control state. A relapsed brother said that he "looked for Huang Yuan like a mad dog", his
description was very accurate, that kind of greed and madness, like a drug addict frantically looking
for drugs, it is terrible to enter that kind of state, just frantically watching, Crazy masturbation, like
the end of the day, really like being possessed. Nowadays, many people watch pornography all
afternoon, and even all night long, marathon-style watching pornography, and finally ejaculate. This
whole process is a serious consumption, even more tiring than running a real marathon. After I
finished masturbating, I looked in the mirror, and suddenly found that the person in the mirror was
haunted by ghosts, and something indescribable had been drawn away. The inner demon is
extremely cunning, it will use routines and strategies, when it sees that a strong attack is not
enough, it will persuade in a roundabout way, leading you to look at pornography step by step, in
fact this brother has already noticed it when the inner demon instigated it for the first time, in bed”
Use your mobile phone to read financial books", the ultimate purpose of this excuse is to guide you
to use your mobile phone to read Huang, this move of the demon is to pave the way for the next
move! A person can clearly feel that this idea does not come from his own original intention, but the
inner demon is at work, unfortunately this brother did not arouse a high degree of vigilance, instead
he listened to the instigation of the inner demon and was defeated by the inner demon in the actual
battle. ! Inner demons are hackers. To break through your defense system, they will use a lot of
tricks and tricks. Not only do you have to learn to see through them, you must also eliminate them
immediately. That kind of feeling in actual combat is quite subtle. In actual combat, you must make
the right choice, otherwise you will be defeated! I also use my mobile phone to read e-books now,
but I always sit and read, so I can maintain a lot of vigilance. Many people are lying down to read,
so the vigilance and the reaction speed of breaking thoughts will be reduced, and I will also be more
alert. affect vision. One of the disciplines in the rebooting battlefield is not to play with your phone
in bed! Please keep this discipline in mind.

2. [Brother Feixiang, I am now in a vicious circle that will break when I quit for more than 100
days. It broke twice today. After the first break, I quickly looked at the case to be vigilant. I
understand the harm, but it broke again. Recalling the situation before the revocation, after a period
of resistance, he was gradually captured by the inner demon. I feel that my resistance is not
complete and there is compromise. Now I feel that the knowledge of rebooting and repentance are
righteous, and I insist on studying rebooting articles for one hour every day, why can’t I quit? 】

Commentary: Many people say that they understand the truth and the dangers, but why can't they
quit? For example, if you learn to drive, you have passed the theoretical test of subject 1, but failed
the practical operation of subjects 2 and 3, so you will not be able to get a driver's license. Many
people claim that they understand it, but in fact they understand very superficially, the power of
rebooting comes from constant learning and constant practice, practice makes one stronger! Many
brothers only focus on learning theoretical knowledge, but don't pay attention to practicing mind-
break. When the inner demons attack madly, they cannot be repulsed in time, and they are finally
captured by the inner demons. Just like a war in ancient times, a city was captured by the enemy,
after the inner demons captured it, it was a meal of burning, killing and looting. You must be
ruthless and fast when breaking your mind in actual combat! You can't be greedy, hesitant and
compromise. This is the moment when the bayonet sees red and fights hard. How can you
compromise? ! Empty talk of theory will sooner or later become a jerk, real rebooting masters are
ruthless people in actual combat, when thoughts invade, they must kill the enemy in an instant.
Master Yinguang said: "If you don't hang the word death on your forehead, you will never make
your delusions surrender. If you can't surrender, delusions will become masters, and your heart will
become slaves." He also said: "When miscellaneous thoughts first arise, you are like a human being.
If you are an enemy of ten thousand people, you must not have a little leniency. Otherwise, he will
be my master, and I will suffer from him. If I fight with my life to resist, he should follow me. This
means that we have to desperately resist the invasion of evil thoughts. Many people did resist, but
they soon lost. . Sharpen knives in peacetime, use knives in wartime! If you don't wear it normally,
it's not fast when you use it! The masters are practicing mindfulness every day, remember! is every
day! ! ! I remember an Olympic champion who said that he was training almost every day for 365
days, and he did not relax even during the New Year. He worked hard every day to prepare for the
Olympics! The master's actual combat level is learned. In the face of the crazy attack of the demon,
he will take the battle calmly, and he will never be timid or compromised when he goes into battle
to kill the enemy! As the saying goes: Heroes are brave to abstain from evil and prostitution, swear
to destroy the demons and show their power, and the sleepy dragon is full of righteousness, and he
is a daring general!

3. [Brother Feixiang, I broke some time ago, I lost, and there is endless regret after losing! The
number of days of rebooting is not a big deal to many people, but it is a relatively good height for
my rebooting career. I slept that night, it was a little hot and people were irritable. Woke up in a
daze several times from sleep. There is only one thought in the brain, which can also be said to be
the hint of a demon, that is, you have relapsed! I am very nervous, I have no lust, I have no
nocturnal emission, why is there such a hint of my relapse? Stupid, but very real. As a result, when I
woke up in the morning, I thought, I would play a game for a while, and then read the rebooting
article. As a result, when playing the game, the evil thoughts suddenly attacked and suddenly
skyrocketed, and I lost. Two days before my relapse, I had an intuition that the peak period of
relapse was coming, so I increased the amount of study and read fine articles three times a day for
more than an hour. As a result, the feeling of relapse really came. It wasn't images that attacked my
brain, it wasn't words, it wasn't memories, it was that subtle feeling that I was going to have a lick.
It was indescribable, but it existed. After reading rebooting articles continuously, this subtle feeling
was suppressed, but I was still stuck at the hint of "you have relapsed" at night, which I have never
experienced before. In the end, that day, I masturbated 3 times, and I masturbated 3 times! Just
crazy, never had. It's as if the demon laughed at you, "How long you hold me down, I'll pay you
back!" After so many years, after breaking and rebooting, I never gave up my original intention of
rebooting, but when did I get it back? It allows me to see the other side of the light, I don't want to
sink in the sea of lust for masturbation, not even a millisecond! 】
Additional comment: This brother fell into the tricks of the inner demon, the inner demon said that
you have broken the precept, just to shake your position and make you panic! It's like when the
enemy shouts to you during a war: "You have already failed, surrender now!" A similar situation
will also happen to you. This is a very insidious trick of the inner demon. I have specifically
mentioned this in the previous article. Routines, I remember that a senior brother was once
disturbed by the routine of inner demons, causing chaos. Sometimes it’s too late to stop sexual
immorality, and the demon will say, “You broke the precept!” Don’t listen to it. Once you decide
that you have broken the precept, you will lose all resistance and defense, and you will be directly
attacked by the demon. Remember, not rubbing is the bottom line! No matter what happens, don't
fuck! We must learn to see through the tricks and routines of inner demons, and don't be deceived!
When the precept reaches a certain level, it will enter the peak period of relapse, and I can feel that
the evil thoughts have become active, and there is a feeling that the black cloud is pressing down on
the city and the city is about to be destroyed. . When fighting, we know that the enemy is going to
attack frantically. At this time, we must step up preparations for the battle. All the machine guns,
artillery and grenades are in place. Just wait for the enemy to enter the encirclement and give it a
happy annihilation battle! If we lack combat readiness and lack of vigilance, we will definitely lose
the battle! This brother neglected his precautions while playing the game, as a result, evil thoughts
attacked him and took him down. Two days before the relapse, he had a "feeling of relapse", a
subtle feeling of wanting to fuck up appeared, indescribable, but Existence is a relatively subtle
thought that requires greater awareness to eliminate. Although he suppressed the subtle feeling by
reading the rebooting articles, he was still planted on the hint of "you broke your reboot", the inner
demon is really too cunning and too insidious. Do whatever you want on you, turning you into a
lustful beast, a masturbating meat machine, and a depraved walking corpse! Let you enter a state of
madness and madness. You have been in a good state before, but once you are overturned by the
inner demon, the inner demon will torture you even more, and hollow you out with interest. The
lessons learned in actual combat are extremely profound. Eating a quarrel grows wisdom. After a
relapse, you must conscientiously summarize and reflect on it, strengthen your studies, and
strengthen your awareness. You must work hard to improve your actual combat performance. You
must be strong enough to make your heart tremble! If you are not afraid of demons attacking you,
you are afraid that your own strength will not work. A brother said, "At that time, my mind was
controlled by all kinds of lewd thoughts. When I was awake, I understood everything, but when it
came to a critical moment, I couldn't control it, I lost my rationality, and I became a beast." In this
way, evil thoughts come to control you, and then you will break your precepts. When you are
awake, you can understand everything, but when you come to actual combat, you can't control it at

4. [I am 34 years old this year, and I have just finished rebooting for two years. I have had a lot of
emotion along the way. Looking back on my life, I have seen ups and downs. The time of more than
30 years is divided into three stages: The first stage is: Before the age of 15, the sun was shining,
carefree, and simply happy! The second stage is from 15 to 30 years old, infected with lewdness
and darkness, like a fly falling into a spider's web, struggling desperately, but unable to get rid of it,
helpless, weak and unlucky, accomplishing nothing, the low point of life! The third stage is from the
age of 30 to the present and in the future, the beginning of rebooting has a small success, the mind
is at ease, the body recovers, the state is stable, with the will and plan to improve and reshape life,
usher in a new chapter in life! It has been two years since I came into contact with rebooting, and I
came into contact with Brother Feixiang's post, I haven't touched it once, and my lust is well
controlled. I haven't seen Huang. The key point is that I have a great determination to reboot. I have
endured too much pain, struggled for too long and my desire to get rid of the pain is too strong in
the past ten years. There is always no reason for the unhappiness of life. When I see Feixiang's post,
I find that the root of all my problems is here, just like a person who has been groping in the dark
for a long time suddenly sees a light and struggles in the water for a long time. People suddenly
caught a piece of floating wood, and at that moment I suddenly became enlightened. Maybe many
brothers felt the same way after seeing Feixiang's post. I still remember that when I first saw
"Prevention as Good Medicine", I hadn't come to give up at that time. Let’s go, search for
“Rebooting is a Good Medicine” on the web page, read one by one, I am hungry, seize all the time I
can grab and search one by one, and finally find the rebooting bar, come to rebooting extended
family. What I want to say here is that when you really don't want to do something, you won't do it
anyway. If you don't insist on quitting, it shows that your determination is not enough. 】

Additional comment: This is an excerpt from the excellent post of brother "Wu Zhengyang", he has
now changed to another company, the treatment is much better than before, the annual salary is
nearly 400,000, it can be said that his life has completely reversed. Abstinence from sexual
misconduct is indeed too important for a person. God’s way of good fortune is good for misfortune.
Abstinence from sexual misconduct is a compulsory course for a righteous gentleman. They
encountered Waterloo, and those real evergreen trees are people who do not commit licentiousness,
know filial piety, and have good morals. I have seen several cases, all of them are rich to several
billions, and then go crazy and commit adultery, and the end is extremely tragic. Evil obscenity will
make a person's life into trouble, and the whole life will become gloomy and decadent. Only by
getting rid of wickedness can everything usher in a real turn for the better. After rebooting, if the
energy is preserved, the body and mind will feel refreshed, everything will be full of hope again, the
feeling of decadence and powerlessness will be swept away, just like being reborn. People who are
lustful are not really happy at all. The short-lived pleasure brings tragedy in life. This brother said it
well: "Like a fly that falls into a spider's web, you struggle with all your might, but you can't get rid
of it." The feeling of being trapped, being a slave of the inner demon is involuntary, and there is no
freedom at all. That kind of experience is quite painful. Compared with the physical pain caused by
the symptoms of injury to the essence, the psychological pain suffered by the masturbation person is
different from that. The torture is actually more serious, because you can't be your pure self, so you
will feel some kind of special pain. No matter how hard it is for practitioners to feel pure joy and
happiness, their minds are seriously polluted, like a stinking river. After releasing the demons and
starting masturbation, the soul has entered a long dark night. The soul must be cleaned and purified
in order to restore light and purity, and happiness will naturally flow like a spring. Being pure
yourself will release great happiness, and when you restore your pure mind, you can truly
understand the true meaning of happiness. This brother specifically emphasized his determination to
reboot, why he can reboot so well, because he is extremely eager to learn rebooting articles, to the
point of thirst, like grabbing the last straw, like a person in the desert Seeing water is the same, the
degree of hunger and urgency to study rebooting articles is very important, strong determination
coupled with vigorously studying rebooting articles, such a state is the rebooting state of a truly
successful person, and I was the same at the beginning, I studied vigorously, with a very strong
sense of urgency, and made a lot of notes. During the process of intense study and review, my
consciousness improved by leaps and bounds, and the epiphanies opened my mind again and again.
Generally, after rebooting, you will experience several big epiphanies, which are about the core of
rebooting, and then there will be countless small pauses. Enlightenment, how did the epiphany
come about? It is through the accumulation of learning, the accumulation to a certain level is like
boiling water to the boiling point, and suddenly I understand, the feeling is very wonderful and
joyful, and even dances and jumps like a child, and the whole person is full of joy and happiness.
endless. We have to truly love rebooting, show the determination to quit, and show a desperate
attitude to reboot, this is a life-and-death battle! The strong are ruthless, and the weak are mad!
Resolutely quit to death! Quit to Earth Explosion! ! !

5. [After 20 days of rebooting, I feel that the world has changed, my eyes have become bigger, it
can be said that I can open my eyes, my face looks white, it is not so easy to get oily, and my skin is
thinner , the body has strength, the speech has become more confident, and I dare to try new things,
I feel that everything is so full of hope, I feel that the world is too beautiful. But since the relapse on
the 28th day, and for a week in a row, everything has changed, and I have returned to the original
point. Oily skin, large pores, blackheads, acne, the decadent feeling on my face came out again, my
body seemed to be soft, I wanted to lose my temper at every turn, I didn’t want to go to work, I
didn’t want to move, I just wanted to lie in bed, and the world had changed grey. If you don't have
this kind of experience, you really can't imagine what kind of scene it is, the feeling of falling from
the sky to the ground. 】

Additional comment: Persist in rebooting, the good feeling will come back slowly, and the pure and
beautiful energy will gradually be awakened and woven into the texture of your soul. Once
relapsed, the good feeling will disappear along with it. If it is continuous crazy relapse, it is really
like falling into an ice cave, and the body and mind are shrouded in the feeling of decadence, decay
and powerlessness, and there is no hope in sight. Originally, he had come out of the dark dungeon
of lust, and saw the light again, and once again felt the pure and beautiful feeling that he had not
seen for a long time. Unfortunately, he later relapsed. I can imagine such a scene: one day, an alien-
like thought monster Climbing into his mind, he didn't break it immediately, but he was possessed,
so he started to break his precepts frantically, and he broke for a week, and was abused badly by his
inner demon. After the body is hollowed out, the person is like a deflated ball, and becomes a waste
again. Once possessed, his IQ and reason will all return to zero, and he will completely enter the
mode of indulgence. The feeling of rebooting is really beautiful, that kind of confidence, that kind
of confidence, that kind of clear and bright eyes, that kind of open and aboveboard calmness, when
one’s mind is purified, it will feel very different, just like being a child again , I am very happy and
joyful every day, a pure and beautiful smile will bloom on my face again, but it is not easy to keep
the good feeling of rebooting, because the inner demon is always on the side, if you are not careful,
you will be turned back by the inner demon, continue Under the brutal rule of the inner demon, the
inner demon said viciously: "Give me all the money and interest!" As a rookie rebooting, it is very
difficult for many people to survive for a month at the beginning, because the consciousness is still
shallow and the level of renunciation is relatively low. If you are weak, you can only keep on
studying rebooting articles and practicing renunciation. Once you become stronger, it will be
difficult to break through your inner demons. The stronger you become, the more difficult it will be
to break through your inner demons. The experience of this brother is actually experienced by
everyone, some brothers have mentioned before that he felt handsome after rebooting for a while,
but once he relapsed, he changed back again. The twilight is depressed, all kinds of ugliness, all
kinds of decadence, the waist can't be straightened, the feet are weak, the walking is slow, it
becomes addicted to lying and moving, and the energy becomes abnormally low. Feeling that the
world is so gloomy and life is so hopeless, it is indeed the “feeling of falling from the sky to the
ground.” We can return to the “heaven” through rebooting, to return to that bright and beautiful
world, when you experience the beauty of rebooting, you will You will be very disgusted with a
lewd and depraved life. What you desire is a life with high self-discipline, positivity, and positive

6. [Thanks for rebooting, the great changes after completing the 100-day foundation building, since
I started rebooting at the end of February, it has been 100 days since I started rebooting. In the past
100 days, I have learned a lot in the rebooting bar; in the past 100 days, I have experienced many
times of torment of withdrawal reactions and backlash from the demons; A small cup of beer,
nocturnal emission five times; in the past 100 days, I quit the Internet addiction, quit smoking, and
the relationship with my family is much more harmonious; in the past 100 days, my frequent
urination has improved, and my waist and knees have become sore and sore. My back pain is cured,
and my spirit is also better. My relatives when I came home from the Dragon Boat Festival said that
I have changed my spirit. In the past 100 days, I worked hard, ate and slept on time, and stopped
thinking about things that I shouldn’t think about. One hundred days, for my life, it is a turning
point, it is an earth-shaking change, one hundred days to build the foundation, thank you for
rebooting, don’t forget your original intention, continue to work hard]
Additional comment: One hundred days is enough to complete the transformation. When you come
to reboot, you should cherish and grasp this opportunity for transformation, purification and
improvement. There was no rebooting in the past, and there was no access to rebooting articles, so
rebooting at that time was really difficult and the possibility of failure was very high. Now
rebooting bars already have relatively systematic rebooting theories, and there are many rebooting
articles for you to study and research, not only domestic ones, but also foreign rebooting theories.
Now there are many brothers who can quit for 100 days or even more than a year. This is a very
good sign. In the future, more and more people in China will realize the dangers of pornography
and masturbation, and they will deeply realize the abstinence. The value and meaning of sex, this
effect is like a snowball. Gradually, more and more people recognize the dangers of masturbation,
and the theory of harmlessness will gradually be eliminated. I have seen this trend now, and a single
spark can Liaoyuan. Although rebooting bars have been misunderstood and slandered, the cause of
rebooting public welfare is still flourishing. A brother said before that the current rebooting bars are
like the Red Army in the early days and were called red bandits. . Misunderstandings and slanders
will definitely exist, but this cannot shake the true stalwart, if you insist on rebooting, you will
naturally experience the positive effects of rebooting, a brother from abroad said, "Rebooting has
really helped me a lot, Although sometimes external factors affect you, rebooting will give you
more courage to overcome difficulties.” He said it very well, rebooting will give people a sense of
confidence, courage and self-confidence, allowing them to face their own problems positively. In
life, when you get rid of bad habits, you will find that your interpersonal relationships will also
improve, you will become more peaceful, more tolerant, and you will know how to tolerate. The
state of licentiousness is often irritable, like a powder keg, which explodes at a little bit. A good
change of body and mind will make you see hope in life, compared to the life of indulging in lust
and debauchery, this kind of rebooting and self-discipline life is really worth living, a brother said,
“It has been more than 2 months since rebooting. , the biggest feeling of getting out of that devil pit
is a sense of relief." I am relaxed, free, joyful, overcome my inner demons, and get rid of the bad
habit of masturbation, this feeling is so cool! Many brothers have used the phrases "turned the
world" and "reborn" to describe the transformation after rebooting. This physical and mental
transformation is indeed inspiring, it is definitely a turning point in one's life, from now on, say
goodbye to the lustful life completely and return to the normal track.
7. [From July 27 last year to the beginning of March this year, I quit for 7 months, and my health is
fine, but in March this year, I still broke 9 times in a row. These 9 times were broken for several
days in a row, and there were two times. It is still broken after nocturnal emission. After the relapse,
the body is very weak. After the relapse, on the one hand, I feel self-blame, on the other hand, my
physical strength is very weak. In short, my life is not very regular. On the day of Qingming
Festival, which was the fourth day after the last consecutive relapse, a tragedy happened. A friend of
mine invited me to lunch. The food was very greasy. It started to feel uncomfortable, dizzy and
wanted to vomit. After reluctantly having dinner with her, when I went back on the bus, I felt very
uncomfortable. I felt flustered, chest tightness and headache. I felt very weak, and I felt like I was
about to die. I quickly asked my colleague to take me to the hospital emergency room. Although the
results were all right, I have been uncomfortable near my heart since that time. When lying down or
lying down, you will hear your own heartbeat, and there is a very severe tremor in the left side of
the body (around the heart), 3-4 times per second, which is faster than the heartbeat, and then the
chest. Rib pain, fingers and toes are very painful and numb, I took several days off for this, went to
the hospital 5 times, had a total of 6 tubes of blood drawn, and did many tests, such as 3 ECGs,
brain CT, 24 hours The dynamic electrocardiogram and cardiac color Doppler ultrasound showed
no problem, but the symptoms were very obvious. Recently, my life is not as good as death. I have
been rebooting for more than 2 months now, and my body is getting better, but it is also good and
bad, and the symptoms of heart discomfort often occur. 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback from the "Emissary of the Fire Clan", he is an old
brother, he was not bad at first, but he broke it in March this year, breaking it 9 times in a row is like
slashing himself nine times with a lustful knife, There is a knife on the head of the color, this knife
is too cruel! The most fearful thing is to continuously relapse and enter a lifeless state of mad
masturbation. The consequences of masturbating and venting are really serious, and the body is
pulled out too hard, laying the groundwork for the collapse of the body in the future. I have seen
many cases. Many people have entered a state of madness before, and then after a period of time,
they will encounter a trigger point, and that trigger point will make his body completely collapse,
just like a bird that is frightened and weak. Frightened, it fell off immediately. The trigger point of
the fire messenger is to eat greasy, and then have a cup of coffee after a meal. If an ordinary person
eats this way, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, etc. The fire messenger's body has
been severely hollowed out, so it collapses directly. . When the body is weak, it will become very
sensitive to external stimuli, and it will become intolerable, and it will be unbearable for a little
stimulation. Everyone should have this experience, that is, when the body feels very bad, a little
noise will Make yourself extremely mad and feel extremely uncomfortable. Originally, it was fine
to ride in the car, but when I was weak, I couldn't stand the bumpy and dull air, and I felt very
tormented. The fire messenger's symptoms are considered to be neurosis outbreaks, which should
be cardiac neurosis. Continuous crazy relapses can easily lead to neurosis outbreaks. He has crossed
the watershed of patients with essence injuries, and double the pain began to come to him. The
feeling that life is worse than death appeared, and the body was uncomfortable and uncomfortable.
This situation was really bad. Because the examination is normal, your family members are likely to
think that you are pretending to be sick. The symptoms are obvious but the cause cannot be found,
and you will also fall into a vicious circle of hypochondriasis, often running between home and the
hospital, frowning and panicking all day long. A brother who suffers from anxiety disorder and
cardiac neurosis even had his bone marrow extracted because he suspected that he had leukemia.
Many people also emptied their wallets because of frequent examinations. null. Once the neurosis
breaks out, it will take a process to recover, generally it takes half a year or even more than one year
to improve the recovery, rebooting and health preservation is the basis for recovery, and with active
treatment, only then can the body and mind be expected to return to normal. The fire messenger's
good roots are still good. Although it has not been smooth after a few years of quitting, his stance
and confidence have always been firm. I believe that this outbreak of neurosis will make him
develop a courageous and diligent heart, and I hope he can recover quickly. Through this case,
everyone has also seen how terrifying it is to enter a state of madness and madness. When the body
is completely hollowed out, what happens next is tantamount to a disaster, the body collapses,

8. [Mr. Feixiang: After watching this season, what I want to ask is: When dealing with evil thoughts
and evil thoughts, we must quickly cut off our thoughts and kill them. So how should we deal with
kind thoughts and thoughts in our work and life? Thank you for taking the time to answer your
questions. 】
Well, we can use good thoughts to do things, and when we are done, we must return to a state of no
thoughts. Wu-thought has two meanings. First, it means that a single thought does not arise, and it is
clear; second, it means that the thought cannot be raised, and it must be used for magic. Many
people only know one, and both meanings must be understood, otherwise there will be
misunderstandings. Misunderstanding 1: Since there is no thought, then don’t think about it and do
nothing. This is wrong. Misunderstanding No. 2, since it is going to be used magically, then don't
stop thinking, this is also wrong. The old man Yuanyin said, "Those who have no thoughts, can't get
up when they think about it", but the great virtue also said that one should rest in the Miaoming
sincerity. Use it when it's time to use it, and know how to take it back when you're done. For Dade's
teaching, we must correctly and comprehensively understand it, otherwise prejudice will occur.
Elder Yuanyin emphasized the need to cut off thoughts and protect them. The core of practice is to
cultivate the mind. To cultivate the heart is to observe the mind and cut off the thoughts. When the
thoughts are broken, it is not a wood or stone, but a clear awareness. What Dade opposes is
Wujikong, not to stop thinking. This point must be recognized. Wujikong is like wood and stone.
Although there is not a single thought, it has no perception. The lectures given by the vowel elders
are very good, but they must be read comprehensively and cannot be taken out of context, otherwise
it is easy to misunderstand. Dade's lectures are very engaging and have very deep meanings.
Sometimes it takes several years to understand a sentence of Dade's lectures. At first you thought
you understood, but in fact you only understood the superficial meaning. After a few years, you will
realize it more deeply. It means that only then will I truly understand Dade's teachings. Sometimes,
when you read a lecture, you will feel inconsistent. In fact, once you understand it, you will know
that it is not contradictory, but it is said from different angles and different situations. In our daily
study and work, we do need to use thoughts, but thoughts are just a tool. After using them, we must
return to pure awareness and settle in pure awareness. Pure awareness is like a base camp. You
finish your work outside. , and finally return to this center. Most people don't understand this truth.
They regard thoughts as themselves and run after them. They are completely slaves of thoughts. It is
not that they use thoughts, but thoughts usurp the throne and become their masters. Thought is just a
tool from the beginning, and when you realize this and learn to control it, it will return to its right
place and obey you.
9. [Evil lust ruined my life! Use facts and personal experience to tell everyone the consequences of
adultery! 35 years old, nothing, nothing! It's my wife who takes care of me. I have also been
brilliant in the past. I won the Anhui Wushu Championship twice, and I won the first place in the
800 meters in the Anhui Provincial Track and Field Games. But I've been masturbating since I was
10 years old, when I was sleepy every day without knowing why, because the textbooks tell us that
masturbation is harmless! Caused me to masturbate for 25 years, my wife is 8 years younger than
me, I'm really sorry for her. He has been very kind to me since we met, but now I have no job
because of my lust, and I am sick, alas! My wife works in a mobile company with a salary of only
5,000 yuan a month to support the two of us. Looking back, if it wasn't for licentiousness, if I kept
working hard, I would definitely be an excellent athlete, but I'm shameless, and my heart is very
painful. Please learn from my lessons, two words: reboot! Tell everyone with the pain of blood and
tears: Evil lust destroys your life! 】

Additional comment: This brother turned out to be a professional athlete, his physical fitness is very
good, the champion in the province should be a national first-level athlete or an athlete, his level is
quite high. It's a pity that he started masturbating when he was 10 years old. If he didn't masturbate,
he might be a national champion, and he might even be able to go abroad to play. The sobering
point of this case is to tell us that no matter how good our physical fitness is, as long as we are still
sexually promiscuous, our body will collapse sooner or later. With the prolongation of the history of
injury to the essence, the body will have a sense of decline, and then you will suddenly find that
your body is not as good as before. Many people still masturbate after marriage, because
pornography can give continuous and fresh stimulation, a foreign rebooting article said: "The
research results show that pornography makes the brain of many powerful neurotransmitters - such
as dopamine, oxytocin, Adrenaline and so on—in the mix, these neurotransmitters can generate
pleasure and help generate reward circuits, like a drug addiction mechanism.” Porn is a drug,
watching porn and masturbating is drug addiction, and the end of porn addiction It must be very
miserable. A man has to abstain from sexual immorality in order to stand upright. Otherwise, he
may be successful for a while, but it is almost impossible to maintain it. The patients with sperm
injury all quit their jobs because their physical condition is very poor, and they are simply unable to
perform and do their jobs well. This brother's wife is not bad, without the support of his wife, his
living situation would be even worse! He was originally a promising athlete, but after his body
collapsed, everything was in vain, life became hopeless, like a pool of stagnant water, only after
rebooting could he hope to flourish, regain his strength, and regain his unstoppable self.
Qualifications, in the future can become a martial arts coach, then life will be a different scene.
Logically speaking, martial arts practitioners should be very aware of the importance of rebooting
and maintaining one's essence, this is part of a martial artist's cultivation, perhaps this brother
neglected to study traditional theories in this regard, or perhaps his inner demons are too strong, so I
have been masturbating for 25 years. As a result, I became ill and lost my job at home. I hope he
can get rid of the bad situation caused by lust and get back to the style of the martial arts champion
back then. If Lightning's martial artist style, that kind of steady and unrestrained martial artist
charm. I seemed to see such a scene: I saw his whole body stretched out, the layers of wicked and
gray outer cortex burst, and the majestic and bright body burst out from the body, and the whole
body exuded dazzling light... He was completely reborn! Completely bid farewell to the depravity
and decadence of evil lewdness, and the martial arts champion with a heroic and heroic style, a
heroic style, and a daring and brave martial arts is back! !

10. [Thanks to Brother Flying! I have rebooted for three years and two months! Not only have I
gone from a cripple to an elite black belt, but unexpected things keep happening! I'm currently a
coach! I'm already a taekwondo coach! What has changed me even more is that I am now working
on a tens of millions of gym management projects with my head coach. I can be the curator now,
and the curator's salary is 10,000 yuan a month! Reveal it! A gym earns 2 million a year! Now my
master's company has opened more than 30 gyms! But the head coach said he wanted me to go out
to train and see the world, so I paid 10,000 yuan to train with Long Ying. In short, I have a salary
before graduation and it is still very high. Rebooting has changed a lot, and many unexpected things
will happen! Brother Feixiang thank you! After that, I will continue to work hard and publish more
posts and videos to encourage more people. Through rebooting, I have not only become a real
martial artist, but also become a real wealthy person. 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback of the "rebooting group army", he has shared his case
before, he is also an old brother, everyone should know him, from the cripple to the black belt elite,
he is an inspirational role model, rebooting and taekwondo are important shaped his life. The old
lay Buddhist Huang Nianzu once said: "The ring is the first layer of the pagoda. If you want to build
a pagoda, the bottom layer is absolutely indispensable." The ring is like a foundation. The higher it
is built, the worse it will collapse in the future. The rebooting army has shared a few recent photos,
it can be seen that he is full of positive energy, his brow is full of uprightness, like steel like iron,
awe-inspiring, wearing a taekwondo uniform to that station, he is indeed very powerful, coach Fan
is enough. From his photos, it can be seen that his face is upright, heroic, and pure. He has all three.
His face is full of righteousness, his eyes are bright, his air is high, and he is full of heroic spirit.
What is even more precious is pure innocence, which is the soul. The qualities that a particularly
clean person can possess, the eyes are clear and bright, pure and innocent, and the innocence can be
seen at a glance. The rebooting group army should have a relatively good development in
Taekwondo. In the future, the annual salary will exceed one million. He is truly a counter-attack.
Whether it is his appearance, temperament or career, there is a very obvious improvement. He also
has a sense of gratitude, Be humble, not arrogant or impetuous, so that you can keep the results of
your rebooting. I am sincerely happy to see the transformation and counterattack of many brothers.
I hope that everyone's life will be better and better. I also hope that brothers with good roots can
learn the Buddhadharma and gain a better spiritual level. sublimation. Those who are not lewd, have
a righteous body and a majestic lion! Through the golden scales of the net, you will be at ease,
cover the universe, and set the world! The real power comes from subduing the demons! Living in
this world with supreme majesty and supreme power, you are the legend of rebooting!

Enter the text below

The theme of this season is about vibrational frequency. I wrote about vibrational frequency in
season 22 before. This season, I will write more in depth based on my latest research and

The inspiration for this writing was an article I read recently. This article is called "I Have Seen
Heaven". Geologist Arthur Yansen had a near-death experience due to a car accident in August
1932, so he got reincarnation. knowledge and inspiration. The article states: "If you drop a small
stone into a threshing machine, the small stone will automatically fall into the grain bin, not because
it is good or bad, but because of its size and weight. So. It's the same here, no one sends you where,
you are sorted by the amplitude of your soul, everyone goes where he fits him! High amplitude
indicates good development of love and spirituality , low amplitudes represent baseness and evil."

The word used in this article is "amplitude". I think it may be due to translation. It should be the
vibration frequency that is more accurate. I have read many spiritual teachings, almost all of them
use the word "vibrational frequency". Everything in the universe is vibrating energy. The only
difference is that the vibrational frequency of the energy is different. Scientists have confirmed that
energy can be converted from low vibration frequency to high vibration frequency, and we can
adjust our own energy through some methods. That is to say, we can sublimate rough, bulky, dense
energy into fine, brisk, low-density, high-frequency energy. After the vibration frequency is
increased, you will feel lightness and joy, your body and mind will feel refreshed, and you will not
be in the same channel as when you were addicted to lust. Many people don't understand why they
become so joyful and happy after rebooting. In fact, the soul is purified and the vibration frequency
is greatly improved, which corresponds to the beautiful feeling of light and joy.

[The higher the vibration frequency, the happier; the lower the vibration frequency, the more

Evil lust will lower a person's vibration frequency, making people feel heavy, depressed, inferior,
unhappy, empty, lost, etc. Many brothers who have rebooted to a certain extent have a feeling of
"relief", a sense of relief and joy , why do you feel this way? Because through rebooting, he
switched from low frequency vibration mode to high frequency vibration mode, the feeling of low
frequency vibration is a feeling of heaviness in his heart, and he becomes more and more unhappy
after committing lust, and it is difficult to have a smile from the heart. Brother "a Zen monk" said in
his post, "When I reached 100 days, my physical and mental state became much lighter. I felt that
my body was very light, and I felt very strong when walking, as if I could jump up." It is the
wonderful feeling after the vibration frequency is increased. It is like returning to childhood.
Walking and jumping, the body and mind feel very light and energetic. The high-frequency
vibration mode is characterized by fine and brisk vibration, which is very relaxed and pleasant, not
at all. Heavy, filled with boundless joy and joy. A brother from abroad said, "Everywhere I go, I feel
as pure as I was when I was 14 years old, looking for beauty, but not paranoid. My heart is free and
happy." Rebooting will bring wonderful feelings. The higher the vibration frequency, the happier
you will be. This is pure and high-level happiness, not the kind of sensual pleasure of lust. After all,
the pleasure of lust is short-lived, and it will consume precious energy and lower your vibration
frequency. The result must be painful, and the lower the vibrational frequency, the more painful it

Everything that exists is the manifestation of frequency!

Only by raising your energy level can you attract things of the same frequency to you.

The secret of life is to raise the vibrational frequency,

When your vibration goes up, happiness, abundance, joy, and peace will come naturally.

Bashar: "You know, at any time, you can watch any one of the many TV programs that exist at the
same time, but you can only watch the one you tune in. It just reflects how physical reality is
holographic. It doesn't matter which vibrational range you are in, whichever vibrational state you
choose, you get that reality. You get what you pay for, it's simple physics." "Continuing with the
example of a TV show , if you tune to Channel 2, you can't receive Channel 4. You have to tune to
Channel 4 to see Channel 4 - Channel 4 is a metaphor for the reality you want to experience." "You
have to be in the first place. That frequency state, to see those opportunities and entrances, and then
enter that reality." "Again: you don't have to change your world, you just need to shift your
frequency into the world you want to experience." "At this moment , all parallel realities exist at the
same time, just like all TV shows exist at the same time. You decide what you want to watch, but
you have to tune into that channel or you won't see the show you want to see. "
【Abstain from sexual immorality to increase vibration frequency】

A brother said, "It's been 100 days of rebooting! Great changes have been made! It's been 100 days
since February 17th! The biggest change is when I look in the mirror in the morning, and when I
smile in the mirror, the wretched boy disappeared, I feel so bright when I smile! The acne on my
skin is basically gone, and I already feel that my body and soul are not on the same channel." He
has been transferred from the channel that used to be lewd and depraved, and after 100 days of
sobriety has changed a lot. The feeling is gone, the purity is restored, and the smile is bright, which
is actually the result of the increase in the vibration frequency. He has learned to cultivate his mind,
deal with those negative low-frequency thoughts, and constantly increase his righteous thoughts. In
this way, he can successfully complete the frequency modulation with the change of his mind. The
aura and energy matrix of the whole person are completely different. Get rid of all the darkness,
filth and decay in the heart, complete self-purification, switch from low vibration frequency mode
to high vibration frequency mode, entering high frequency vibration mode will give people beauty,
joy, satisfaction, serenity, peace, relaxation, calmness With a sense of freedom, after the vibration
frequency is raised, one can truly feel the high-level pure and great happiness, which completely
transcends the low-level happiness at the sensory level. The real and pure great happiness has
nothing to do with desire. As long as you are pure and pure, you can experience the great happiness
of high vibration frequency.

A foreign rebooting article said: "You can be 1000 times happier, more confident, no longer dodge
eye contact with people, focus more, laugh more, feel happy and content often, skin is getting better
and better, Exudes positive energy throughout your body, true, pure, kind, feels natural around
others, you will attract positive people and things, become more selfless, willing to help others,
things that were unbearable before, will no longer be bothered , the soul is lighter, it feels like a
newborn, innocent and able to look directly into the eyes of others." This summary of the foreign
brothers is very good, this is the significant change after entering the high frequency mode, very
wonderful, very Powerful changes, your eyes will become bright and clear, you will become
confident and joyful, you will get rid of the negative vibration mode of evil lust, transform the
heavy low frequency energy into fine and light high frequency energy, the soul will become very
light, The inner feeling is wonderful.

"New World Spiritual Awakening": "Everything is a vibrating field of energy. The chair you sit on,
and the book you hold in your hand, seem solid and fixed because it's your senses that perceive
them The way the frequencies vibrate. That is, the particles of molecules, atoms, electrons,
subatoms, that are constantly vibrating and thus together create what you look like a chair, a book, a
tree, or a body. It looks like a physical entity , is actually the result of the energy vibrating (moving)
at a specific range of frequencies." Everything in the universe vibrates, and the fluctuations of
thought energy attract things that are at the same frequency as it vibrates, and your vibrational
frequency will Attract similar people, things, things and environments. Raising your vibrational
frequency will create good feelings and attract good things, and you will experience something that
matches your vibrational level. The fortune of those who are wicked will be worse. On the one
hand, it is the result of the decline in appearance, brain power, and energy. From a higher
perspective, it is because of wickedness that the vibration frequency decreases, and the matched
things and experiences are bad, unsatisfactory, and full. depressed. Rebooting and doing good deeds
will increase the vibration frequency. After rebooting, you should learn more about the education of
saints and sages, know how to be filial and grateful, know how to do good deeds and accumulate
virtue, and know how to make selfless dedication and unconditional love. Enter into a state of high
frequency joy and peace, and become a being of great spiritual power.

[We need to learn to identify high-frequency positive thoughts and low-frequency negative

High-frequency positive thoughts: compassion, responsibility, sympathy, altruism, gratitude, filial

piety, respect, humility, shame, rejoicing, benevolence, tolerance, integrity, loyalty, generosity, etc.;
Low-frequency negative thoughts: lust, anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, complaining, arrogance,
stinginess, vanity, irritability, deceit, hypocrisy, schadenfreude, boasting, fear, arrogance and

Know how to identify the frequency of thoughts, and then manage your thoughts by cultivating
your heart, so that you can be in a high-frequency vibration mode. In daily life, many people live in
the unconsciousness, running with thoughts without realizing it at all. Most of the time, we are led
by negative thoughts and emotions, unable to maintain inner relaxation, joy and tranquility.
Chattering, our vibration frequency unconsciously follows our negative thoughts and emotions and
becomes low, and the whole person feels heavy and tired. After rebooting, you must learn to control
your thoughts and recognize that your true self is pure awareness. You can watch your thoughts
without getting involved in them. Negative thoughts must be dealt with in a timely manner, and
don’t let yourself fall into low-frequency vibrations. model. Usually, it is necessary to consciously
send more high-frequency vibration thoughts, so that you can enter a powerful positive energy
mode. The frequency of each thought is different. The energy carried by positive thoughts is far
greater than that of negative thoughts. Anger and hatred are low-frequency energy. What hides
underneath is fear and a kind of powerless energy. Feel. When we remain calm and centered, we
maintain a high vibration, and the one who can keep our heart at peace is the most powerful person.
Love and compassion are high-frequency light vibrations, which can disintegrate low-frequency
heavy vibrations. We must learn to love unconditionally, show more compassion, and send more
positive thoughts, so that we can quickly increase our vibration frequency.

【Learn to send high-frequency vibration information】

Every time we send out a thought (thought), a frequency is generated, which represents a kind of
power. The frequency of noble thoughts is high, the frequency of vulgar thoughts is low, the
vibration frequency of negative thoughts is low, and the vibration frequency of positive thoughts is
high. High-frequency positive thoughts can raise a person’s vibrational frequency, while low-
frequency negative thoughts will lower a person’s vibrational frequency. Frequent negative thoughts
are not good for oneself, and will also cause harm to others. Falling into low-frequency negative
vibrational patterns can cause harm to oneself. Cause pain, bad luck and misfortune. Buddhism
says: "Don't do evil, do good, and purify your mind." This is actually teaching us to improve our
vibration frequency through practice. Great Virtue also said: "Have good intentions, speak good
words, and do good deeds." We must learn to send high-frequency vibrational messages to
counteract low-frequency negative thoughts.

Master Han Shan said: "When one thinks of disgust, the swords and swords are stagnant; when one
thinks of kindness, the treasure land Huachiwaner." Negative thoughts are actually harming
themselves. Many ignorant people do not know this truth, and they send negative comments every
day. I never thought to control my own thoughts. When something unsatisfactory happened, I would
blame others. I never thought of looking for problems from myself. The book "Secrets" said: "Your
thoughts generate frequencies. , so they attract the same kind of things on that frequency, and then
pass back to you, become the picture of your life, and if you want to change anything in your life,
change the channel and frequency by changing your mind." Everything is vibrating, and vibration is
the foundation of all existence. When you raise your vibration frequency, your life will develop in a
good direction. Many senior brothers have experienced this process firsthand. Through rebooting
and cultivating kindness, their life has been completely reversed, and there is a feeling of being in a
different world, completely changing the channel.

【Farewell to the dark night of the soul through ascension】

Ascension - This word is the term used to describe the ascension from a lower vibratory
consciousness to a higher consciousness. When you live in high frequency love, in that divine
feeling, you will have full power, you will realize who you really are, and the main purpose of life
is ascension. The low-frequency cage of evil debauchery will imprison you and give you infinite
troubles and pains. And now that we are awakened and realize the value and meaning of rebooting
and doing good deeds, we are on the way to a higher vibrational frequency, we have fully
experienced low frequency patterns, it is time for ascension, we must learn to recognize, transform
and Clear low frequency negative thoughts.

Dark Night of the Soul - You entered the dark night of the soul after sexual misconduct. At first, you
thought there was nothing wrong with this way of life, and even you were proud of indulgence,
until the pain came. wake up. You need to cleanse and purify the dark side of yourself, free yourself
from the prison of lower vibrational frequencies, and return to the bright, joyful, pure and beautiful
high-frequency state of mind. Promiscuity will make you aggressive, your temper will become bad,
you will be irritable and irritable, and you will not be able to control your emotions. This is actually
the result of lower vibration frequency and accumulation of negative energy, not only attacking
others, but even attacking yourself, hurting yourself. Own. Aggressive tendencies will become
obvious after sexual immorality, quarreling with friends, quarreling with parents and even fighting,
family and friends will say that you have changed, you were not like this before, and the hostility
has increased significantly after sexual immorality, and you have fallen into negative low-frequency
vibrations model. Only after rebooting can you get rid of the low frequency vibration pattern, which
is like a dark dungeon and will trap you deeply. When your heart is restored to purity and peace,
you can get along with others in harmony. After the vibration frequency is raised, you will become
cheerful, optimistic and positive, and various positive qualities will appear in you.

【Vegetarian Increase Vibration Frequency】

Many brothers in the reboot bar are advocating vegetarianism, vegetarianism is good, after
rebooting, you should reduce meat consumption, the desire to eat too much meat will become active
and it will be more difficult to control. Some family members do not agree to be vegetarian, so start
by reducing meat consumption. It does not mean that you must be vegetarian for rebooting, but you
should reduce the intake of meat, which is more beneficial to rebooting and cultivating your mind.
The best choice is to be a vegetarian. If you are a vegetarian, you should also pay attention to
comprehensive nutrition, not too single. I used to be a meat-free person, but after I rebooted I
stopped eating meat. Now I’m a vegan, and I don’t feel like I’m a vegetarian after I get used to it,
because after I get used to it, I no longer have the idea that I’m a vegetarian. I didn't even want to
eat meat. Eating meat lowers the vibrational frequency. The reason is that when an animal is killed,
it creates a state of mind of fear and hatred. Fear is a heavy vibration (low frequency), calm, peace
and love are light vibrations (high frequency). Hatred is also a low-frequency vibration. Master
Yinguang said: "Meat is poisonous, because of hatred when killing." After eating meat, it is easy to
get angry and hatred. The reason is that animals transmit the energy of low-frequency vibration to
you, then The low-frequency energy of fear and hatred at the time of being killed was ingested by
meat eaters. The fastest example I have ever seen is to lose my temper immediately after eating
meat, and even lose my temper while eating meat, very fast, As soon as that energy of hatred is
eaten, it will flare up immediately.

According to the latest scientific research, everything in the universe is composed of cosmic energy,
so different foods also inherit different cosmic energy. When we eat such food, the energy it carries
will also enter our body, which will have a certain impact on the body and mind. Therefore, for
thousands of years, people who have studied the science of yoga have divided food into three
categories and summarized them in the yogic diet.

Delightful Foods:

What it carries is joyful energy. It is not only beneficial to physical and mental health, but also
brings a sense of purity and relaxation to the body and mind, and can also promote growth,
stimulate potential, and unlock wisdom. This food is very clean, fresh, the best gift from nature, and
teaches us to respect life and be grateful. Mainly include: all fruits (except durian), most vegetables,
beans, all soy products (tofu, soy milk, etc.), all cereals and their products (wheat, noodles, corn,
bread, cakes and desserts without eggs, barley, oats, etc.), nuts, mild spices and moderate green tea,
Denatured Foods:

It carries variable energy. While providing heat, it also stimulates the body and mind. After eating it,
people are excited. After being excited, people appear extremely tired. If you eat too much irritating
food, it will not only easily cause stomach problems, but also stimulate the endocrine and nervous
systems, making people easily feel empty, impetuous and restless, which runs counter to the
calmness and contentment of yoga. Mainly include: refined sugar, onions, garlic, peppers, and any
raw materials or condiments with strong flavors, such as sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, such as
most snacks; and pungent and containing coffee Inappropriate diet, such as: coffee, strong tea,
strong seasoning, soy sauce, white radish, kelp, chocolate, cocoa, soft drinks and other carbonated

Inert food:

It carries inert energy. Such foods disturb physical and mental stability, make people irritable,
jealous, indifferent, ruthless, aggressive, cruel, lazy, lethargic, obscure the light of wisdom, and
easily fall ill. This food has a certain inhibitory effect, depriving us of energy and poisoning our
body and spirit. Those who eat inert food will mature prematurely and age prematurely. Mainly
include: all meat, fish, seafood, eggs, onions, mushrooms, fungi, mustard, onions, garlic, canned
food, etc., narcotic beverages (wine) tobacco, opium, and marijuana. All narcotic food, stale, stale,
overcooked food, overeating, etc.

【Thanksgiving increases vibration frequency】

Gratitude is a high-frequency thought. Frequently generating gratitude can quickly increase our
vibration frequency. We should express gratitude every day. Many books have mentioned the
practice of gratitude, so that we can get used to the high-frequency state of gratitude. Dr. Emoto
Katsuya's "Water Knows the Answer" contains "thank you" water crystals, very beautiful
symmetrical water crystals. This is the result of the influence of high frequency energy. Some
people on the Internet say that "Water Knows the Answer" is pseudoscience. I don't think so. Some
netizens have specially conducted experiments. They put rice in beverage bottles. After about half a
month, the shape of most of the rice in the "love bottle" has not changed. When the lid is opened,
there is a faint fragrance, which is very good; most of the rice in the "hate bottle" has changed color.
, some turned black, and when the bottle was opened, it gave off an unpleasant stench and a smell of
serious corruption. With the development of quantum physics, string theory expounds that the basic
particles of the universe, such as electrons, neutrinos, photons, quarks, etc. are all different vibration
modes of cosmic strings. Academician Zhu Qingshi believes that "if the universe is regarded as
composed of strings The fundamental particles are just the foam of the sea, and they are constantly
being created and destroyed. The real material world is just a symphony of cosmic strings.” That is
to say, all matter is just a phenomenon of “waves”, and the “waves” of strings is information.

Many great virtues agree with "Water Knows the Answer", the experimental results are actually
similar to what everyone expected, the effects of good thoughts and bad thoughts are completely
different, and the corresponding water crystals are naturally different, " "Thank you" is a beautiful
symmetrical crystal of water, and "Bastard" is an ugly mess of chaos, which is the difference
between high and low frequencies. You can see the difference by observing the expressions of
others when they say "thank you" and the expressions when they are scolded. The expression when
saying "thank you" is very soft and beautiful, while the expression when scolding someone is
hideous and ugly. : "Inner hatred is ugly in appearance." When there are low-frequency thoughts of
hatred in the heart, the whole face is distorted, and an ominous hostility appears. Senior brothers all
know that masturbation can lead to asymmetry, and foreign rebooting articles also specifically
mention this, why does it lead to asymmetry? Because masturbators often have low-frequency
thoughts of lust, and low-frequency thoughts correspond to ugliness, distortion, and asymmetry.
After rebooting, we should send out more high-frequency thoughts, get rid of low-frequency
thoughts, and let ourselves switch from low-frequency vibration mode to high-frequency vibration
mode. We should send more gratitude, preferably every day. Gratitude can bring your whole heart
into harmony beautiful state.

【Do good and accumulate virtue to increase vibration frequency】

Rebooting can help you to raise your vibrational frequency, because licentiousness has lowered
your vibrational frequency, making you feel heavy and painful. After rebooting, your vibrational
frequency will naturally increase. While rebooting, you should also pay attention to doing good
deeds and accumulating virtue. The rebooting seniors are basically advocating doing good deeds
and accumulating virtue. Doing good deeds often can greatly increase a person’s vibration
frequency. Doing good deeds is the happiest. When the vibration frequency goes up, the heart will
feel joy, relaxation and happiness. It is indeed a higher level. of great joy. Selfless dedication and
unconditional love will make people enter a high-frequency state of joy and exhilaration, and they
will feel that their life is full, meaningful and valuable. When you come to this world and live in the
world, you must know how to abide by the rules. Just like learning to drive, you must know the
traffic rules. Only by knowing the rules and obeying the rules can you live a good life. Many people
feel very painful, and a large part of the reason is It is because they do not understand the rules, they
are desperately pursuing happiness, happiness and satisfaction, but they are constantly creating the
cause of pain, and the final result is bound to be painful. Masturbators will think that masturbation
is a super cool thing, but in the eyes of the wise, it is completely a habit of self-inflicted self-blame,
and finally the symptoms of the masturbator break out and taste the pain, only then do they realize
that the wise man is right. My own perception is completely wrong. When I was trapped in low-
frequency vibrations because of lewdness, the feeling was really decadent and gloomy. After
rebooting, I started to study the education of sages and sages. I gradually understood the rules
between heaven and earth. I know that sexual misconduct cannot be committed, and I have to do
more good deeds to accumulate virtue. Finally, I know how to act according to the rules. A positive
life. When you understand the rules, and then look at those who don't understand the rules, you will
feel that they are very ignorant and very pitiful, and you want to tell them the truth.
We must learn to deal with negative thoughts, and strive to practice good Dharma, so that we can
walk on the right path of light! You can imagine yourself as a "thought transmitter", sending only
positive high-frequency thoughts, not negative low-frequency thoughts. At the beginning, the power
of negative thoughts is very strong, and they always arise. Thoughts will become weaker, from
frequent occurrences to infrequent occurrences, and finally, only positive thoughts can be basically
sent, thus firmly rooting in the positive high-frequency vibration pattern. I remember that when I
used to be sexually promiscuous for more than ten years, I often had negative thoughts. At that time,
I didn’t know how to cultivate my mind. I learned the education of sages and sages. I know that the
real enemy is negative thoughts. The real enemy is inside instead of outside. I began to learn to
watch my mind and cut my thoughts, and I began to really dominate my heart. Looking back on my
process of cultivating the mind, at first the power of negative thoughts was still very strong, and
there was a strong inertia, especially when encountering some objects, it was very easy to generate
negative thoughts. Until now, it has been rare to take the initiative to generate negative thoughts.

Brother "a Zen monk" said: "With the deepening of the practice, it becomes easier and easier to
break off the thoughts slowly, every time an evil thought occurs, it can be easily broken. After that,
there is no need to deliberately break it, every time an evil thought is discovered, Evil thoughts will
disappear automatically, you just need to watch it!" The Zen monk has realized that when he starts
thinking, he wakes up, and when he wakes up, he doesn't exist. He has been abstaining for more
than 500 days. After ten days or so, he had an epiphany that made him understand his problem: "I
understand why I failed to reboot, the reason is that I didn't do it, I read a lot of rebooting articles
and I didn't do a single word of it, I didn’t purify my mind, I didn’t purify my mind.” Buddhism
teaches about listening, thinking, and practicing, and rebooting is the same, one must integrate
knowledge and practice, pay equal attention to both interpretation and practice, earnestly study
rebooting articles, think diligently, practice diligently, and finally pass It is tested by actual combat,
rebooting must not be discussed on paper and divorced from actual combat. You can talk about
rebooting theories eloquently and eloquently, this does not mean you are strong, when evil thoughts
invade, your actual combat performance can explain everything. Heart demon! Surrender all
negative thoughts. Usually send more good thoughts, do more good deeds, and truly enter the mode
of high frequency vibration.
Final summary:

From a scientific point of view, the higher the vibration frequency, the lower the density and the
more invisible; the lower the vibration frequency, the higher the density and the heavier. Both
tangible and intangible energy are constantly vibrating. The difference between the two lies in the
different vibration frequencies. The highest purpose of life is to improve one's spirituality and
vibration frequency, learn to selfless devotion and unconditional love, to live out the teachings of
the sages, and to live out the true self. High-frequency love and joy are your original attributes,
which are divine and holy powers. Vibration frequency is the core parameter mentioned by many
spiritual teachers, because everything, including the body and soul, is vibrating. Vibration is the
foundation of everything. If you increase the vibration frequency, you will become relaxed and
happy, and lust seems to be cool, but in fact Pulling down your vibration frequency will definitely
make you suffer in the end. This is an inevitable law. The lower the vibration frequency, the more
painful it will be. This kind of pain makes life worse than death! Many people just stare at that little
pleasure. They don't understand this truth at all. Beings with high vibration frequency have
powerful aura and spiritual power, and their eyes have the momentum of kings, while beings with
low vibration frequency can only linger. Living in a low-frequency dungeon made by himself,
struggling in darkness. When every cell of your soul and body resonates at high frequency, the joy
of body and mind is indescribable, it really feels like returning to childhood. Children's vibration
frequency is very high, they are in a state of natural joy, they are happy, they are happy, and they
don't need any reason. After entering the puberty stage, the vibration frequency dropped
significantly, because of the exposure to pornographic information and the habit of masturbation, no
matter how many times you masturbate, you will not be truly happy, a brother said, "Every time you
masturbate, I had a strong desire before, but after masturbating, I felt boring." After ejaculation, it
was boring, deeply boring! Look at the previous AV again, it's all rubbish! Remember that boring,
remember that emptiness and regret! It's not worth it to hollow yourself out for that little pleasure!
So stupid! Another brother said, "The Internet is so dirty!" Indeed, it is very easy to come into
contact with obscene and pornographic information on the Internet, which pollutes and corrodes
people's minds very strongly. The mud is not stained, and the practice is to "grow lotus in the fire"!
Withstand the test of all kinds of temptations, train yourself to be invulnerable to all kinds of
poisons and bullets! A body of great uprightness is like a body of steel, tempered into steel in the
lust of the world, and a tough guy who reboots! The Iron Man who reboots!

Share a rebooting poem below

"Victory Within"

he draws the curtains

turn on computer

Started that bad habit again

This habit hollowed him out

Those videos made him go crazy

He got into it like a drug

after one shot

The boy gradually turned into a wretched uncle

original lush hair

start to get sparse

The whole face is also distorted

He was terrified every time he looked in the mirror

He will cry when he sees the old photos

He knew he was too deep

almost impossible to turn back

Later, he met rebooting, right?

He recalled:

"Like a beacon in life,

Instantly brightened up my life. "

Did you see the ring?

He was shocked and suddenly realized

He vowed to quit the habit

A year later, he has a pure smile

This is the smile that has disappeared for many years

That smile is so beautiful

He conquered his demons

inner victory

Restored pure spirituality

Freed from the heaviness of adultery

Body and mind become very light

Filled with light and joy

The ease and freedom are indescribable

He is reborn! A strong positivity

hold him up

Feet like rocket thrusters

full of vigorous power

Rebooting feels great!

Never be a loser again!

Recommended book below

"The World is a Theater": By Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, the real purpose of practice is
to learn to control one's own mind, so that the mind is not controlled by external things. It's like
watching a movie because we know it's fake, so even if we're emotional, we can jump out of the
story scene at any time. This is a simple expression of renunciation - we're not really caught up in it,
our hearts are free . Similarly, in the theater of the human world, if we learn to face the drama of life
with renunciation, we will gain the ability to control ourselves, so we can be at ease in life, and
know how to appreciate and appreciate every moment in life. "The World is a Theater" is a
collection of Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche's teachings around the world. In a popular and
humorous language, it explains many important concepts of Buddhism in a simple and simple way,
including the relationship between insight, practice, and behavior. ; Essence and essentials of
meditation; the occurrence process of the Twelve Dependent Origination Laws; the core
connotation of the Diamond Sutra; the meaning and accumulation of merit; The world is a theater,
and each of us is an actor. To play this play well, we need to understand a lot of truth, and we cannot
turn our life into a tragedy or even a disaster or horror movie. It is very fortunate to be able to meet
Buddhism. From rebooting to learning Buddhism, one can complete a greater sublimation and
transformation of life. Many people who learn Buddhism are at the level of superstition, just
seeking wealth, promotion, marriage, and peace. They miss out. It is the core of Buddhism. The real
Buddhadharma is to tame your own mind, restore your mind to purity, recognize your original
mind, and settle your original mind. When you transcend the level of superstition, you will discover
the inconceivable Dharma. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche is a guru and director. He has
written and directed two Buddhist-themed films - "World Cup on the High Mountain" and "The
Traveler and the Magician", which are highly respected by modern Eastern and Western Buddhist
disciples. and love. I have recommended his "Right View" in the article before, this time I
recommend "The World is a Theater", brothers who are interested in the Dharma can read it.

I hope this season's articles can bring you useful inspiration, thank you for your support!
Season 119: Student Party Rebooting Season


In the "Forty-second Issue of Abroad Rebooting Experience" I watched recently, it said: "I know the
consequences of masturbation, and I know what succumbing to pornography will lead to. But my
other side grabs the back of my neck, Whisper in my ear: 'Do it', 'It's okay', 'Just this time'" "When I
was thinking about how to reboot, the other side of me gave me an excuse: 'You have tried
everything, If it doesn't work, masturbation cannot be stopped, you can try to limit the frequency of
masturbation, or let go and enjoy the pleasure brought by masturbation.'" What this foreign brother
actually encountered was the instigation of his inner demon, the content of instigation and ours
Encountered similarities, are those routines. Regardless of whether abroad or at home, the ultimate
problem faced is to conquer one's own demons! This does not respect national borders. The biggest
enemy of man is himself, to be precise, his inner demon! Must learn to subdue it! Senior rebooting
abroad mentioned that rebooting cannot rely on perseverance, but on self-discipline. Self-discipline
is actually controlling one’s behavior, and the key to controlling one’s behavior is to control one’s
thoughts. You must learn to see through the instigation of the inner demon, and the inner demon
will find all kinds of excuses for you to break the ring, trying to pull you into that vicious circle
again. The so-called "limiting the number of masturbation times" is for you to start masturbation.
Once you start masturbation, you will be out of control. After being possessed by your inner demon,
you will be squeezed to the ground! Some people think that they can control the number of times,
but later it turns into multiple times a day, or even watching pornography and masturbating for
several days in a row. Sex addiction will aggravate, and it will become more and more abnormal
and out of control, so You can't jerk once, jerk is possessed by inner demons, under the control of
inner demons, there is no good life!

Some time ago, a brother left me a message, he said, "Brother Feixiang, I have been rebooting for
two years, and recently my body is so weak that I can't get out of bed to walk or eat. I hope to tell
all brothers through you, Do not exercise excessively, you must rest when you feel tired. Recently, it
has been slowly recovering, but every time it has been aggravated by excessive exercise, until this
time it is serious.” This brother lacks awareness of health preservation, exercise must be done Pay
attention to the right amount and do not exercise excessively, otherwise it will affect the recovery of
the body and even cause various physical discomforts. Weak body should focus on recuperation.
Traditional Chinese medicine says that sweating injures the yang, Chinese medicine says that
"sweat is the fluid of the heart", "those who sweat are the essence of energy", some brothers do not
dare to exercise when they hear that profuse sweating injures the yang Now, that's not right. We
need to exercise in moderation and choose the intensity and exercise method that suits us. This is
good for our body's recovery. We can maintain a slight sweat level every time we exercise, so that
we can get exercise without overdoing it. tired. When you are weak, you can do health exercises,
such as Baduanjin, Liuzi Jue, and health care piles, etc. At that time, my recovery started from
walking, because my body was very weak and not suitable for running, and the intensity of walking
was acceptable for my body. bearable. Some brothers want their body to recover as soon as
possible, so they run long distances every day or go to the gym to practice strength. When the body
feels okay, then the body can still endure this exercise. If the body is weak, it is not suitable for
long-distance running or strength training, otherwise the body is likely to become more and more
exercised. The worse it is, just like the pot needs a certain amount of water to boil, if there is very
little water in the pot, and a fierce fire is used at this time, it may burn out the pot. Exercise is very
particular and must be adjusted in time according to one's physical condition. Do not exercise
excessively like this brother, which will eventually lead to extreme physical weakness and
bedridden. After rebooting, one should learn the knowledge of health preservation, in this way In
order to avoid blindness, and thus better recovery.

Share some cases below

1. [Masturbation can really lead to pneumothorax. I have been quitting for more than two months,
but yesterday I couldn't resist the counterattack. I masturbated five times at once. After running this
morning, I felt a special pain in my chest. After going to the hospital for examination A large
amount of pneumothorax was found in the right lung, and surgery was performed immediately, and
now he is lying on a hospital bed. It turns out that there is really retribution, and I advise you
brothers to take precautions and get out of the bitter sea of masturbation as soon as possible,
otherwise there will be retribution! 】

Additional comment: This brother used the cost of surgery to warn everyone, the lesson is not too
profound, I specifically talked about pneumothorax in season 53, masturbation will indeed lead to
pneumothorax, because the relationship between the kidney and the lung is extremely close. The
theory of traditional Chinese medicine points out: in the connection of the meridians, the kidney and
the lung are the most unique. "Lingshu" says: "The pulse of the Shaoyin of the kidney foot, which is
straight, runs from the kidney to the liver diaphragm, and enters the lung." "Classification of
Syndrome Treatment": "The lung is the master of qi, and the kidney is the root of qi. The lungs
govern the outflow of qi, and the kidneys govern the intake of qi.” The kidneys govern the intake of
qi, which is based on the kidney’s storage of essence, and is the embodiment of the kidney’s sealing
and storage function in the breathing movement. Insufficiency of kidney essence, deficiency of
kidney qi, and inability to absorb and absorb will lead to symptoms such as shallow breathing,
excessive exhalation and little inhalation, asthma due to movement, and discontinuous breath. "The
Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine" proposes that "the upper part of the kidney is
connected to the lung", which is a very important medical principle. I remember that I practiced 400
meters in junior high school, and my grades were good, but I was addicted to masturbation for a
while, and then I felt that I couldn’t keep up with the running, and my physical fitness also dropped
a lot. A lot of people have had pneumothorax before, often after crazy masturbation. Some people
don't eat well, often stay up late, coupled with the destruction of masturbation, they will really get
pneumothorax. Before getting sick, you simply don't pay attention to it, as if it has nothing to do
with you. When you get it, you know it's not a joke, and you know how clear and intense the pain
caused by the disease is. As a child of a human being, one must not be ignorant of medicine. As a
descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasty, one should earnestly study the principles of traditional
Chinese medicine. When you truly understand the rationale behind it, you will be able to exercise
better self-discipline, because you know how harmful indulgence is! How scary! This brother
originally had a good reboot, but he failed to withstand the counterattack of the inner demon, and
was attacked by the inner demon again. The next step is to relapse continuously like chicken blood.
After relapse, one should pay attention to rest, because at this time the body is in a healthy state. In
a weak state, it is like the whole body of a crab is soft when it changes its shell, and it will take a
while to become hard again. Avoid exertion and strenuous exercise when you are weak, and be extra
cautious during this period. The retribution of masturbation sometimes comes very suddenly.
Maybe you were still masturbating a few days ago, but a few days later, someone will be lying on
the operating table. Everyone should take this case as a warning and pay enough attention. The bad
habit of masturbation must be completely quit, otherwise sooner or later, it will become a
masturbation madman under the control of the demon, hollowing out yourself crazily, and finally
waiting for yourself is a disaster!

2. [Brother Feixiang, I'm here to repent. Just a few days ago, I had been quitting for almost 50 days.
I had nocturnal emission twice, and the recovery was not bad. Some people around me said that I
had become handsome, and my brain was dazed. The phenomenon of a cloud of fog disappeared,
and the memory also improved. But just a few days ago, I became proud, and there was a voice in
my head that said to myself: "I'm really amazing, it took me more than 40 days." It also happened to
be the third nocturnal emission, and it was over after that. , like crazy, I can feel my hands and feet
out of my control, this feeling of my body out of my control really scares me. I really feel what it
means to be always vigilant and always humble. 】

Additional comment: This brother paid "fine money" and learned a lesson. The voice in your head
comes from the tricks of the inner demon, the inner demon makes you feel proud, the so-called
arrogant soldier will lose! Pride and complacency will overturn! Many senior rebooting seniors pay
great attention to the cultivation of humility, and they cannot afford to be proud, because they know
very well that once they are proud, they are finished! Pride means to relax vigilance, and it is very
easy to be attacked by inner demons at this time. In Sun Tzu's Art of War, it is said that "being
humble and arrogant" means to make the enemy proud and careless, thereby defeating the enemy.
Demons know the art of war! You must not be proud! Sometimes the idea of pride will pop up
automatically, and it will be cut off as soon as it pops up! Must be ruthless! Such thoughts cannot be
tolerated! This brother has been rebooting for 50 days, and his recovery is not bad. He has seen all
kinds of good changes, but we must remember that the magic test will come at any time, the inner
demon will definitely attack, all kinds of routines and tricks, we must learn Identify and defeat the
attack of inner demons, and defend the position of rebooting. After all, many new rebooters are still
shallow in their awareness and are easily broken by their inner demons. At this time, don’t be
discouraged, they must summarize and reflect carefully, strengthen their studies and strengthen their
awareness. To know where the problem lies, the senior’s rebooting articles must be in-depth.
Studying and researching, you must have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the methods
and routines of the demons' attack. Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will not be in danger.
You must know how to study the characteristics of the demons. How did it succeed in you time and
time again? What is the mental process like before relapse? You should seriously reflect on and
summarize yourself, learn from relapses, and gain a deeper and stronger understanding from the
articles of your predecessors. I watched Liu Xiang's interview video before. He said that after he
won the Olympic championship, he was too proud. In that state, he wished that someone would beat
him up. He also knew that the state was not good, and he was mad with pride. This arrogant
mentality caused him to fail in the next two Olympic Games. When a person is proud, the energy
field of the whole person will become very bad, and it is easy to attract bad people and things.
Young people are easily arrogant and arrogant. They do not understand the importance of being
humble and low-key. Maybe they have to suffer enough to restrain themselves. This brother broke
for two days in a row, he was like crazy, after being possessed by a demon, he didn't care about it,
he forgot about any rebooting articles, in that state he went crazy, one brother said: " When the
lustful thoughts come up, I seem to be a different person, and my body is completely out of my
control." I have experienced that feeling of being unable to control myself many times before. To
truly control my body, the most important thing is to control my own body. idea! As soon as the evil
thoughts come up, they are immediately broken. You are like guarding a high ground, and the
enemy rushes up in waves. You resolutely beat them down again and again, refusing to be captured!
People are in the position, swear to coexist with the position!

3. [Have a stroke, 1995. Almost hung up! What happened at noon yesterday was a little better after
lying down for a day. Posting repentance, I stayed up late every day for at least two months, more
than ten days in a row, and finally I couldn’t hold it anymore. The night before yesterday, I stayed
up until midnight and took two tubes, and I slept until I took a bath and ate a bowl of potato covers
at noon yesterday. The rice is very spicy. Then play glory, play for a while and go to the toilet.
When the shush came out, my face suddenly felt black and dizzy, and I felt like someone had hit me
hard with a brick, and I fainted. The first time I was dizzy at the door of the toilet, the landlord came
out immediately after hearing the sound, and quickly helped me to rest on the bed when I fell to the
ground. That's roughly how it goes. The left face has been swollen, the left nose has been bleeding
from the nose yesterday afternoon, and the left gum is also swollen. There is nothing wrong with
the right side, the left side is paralyzed, and it hurts to eat and eat - I have a small stroke, and I guess
I have to hang up again. The left side of the face is paralyzed, which is uncomfortable! It would be
great if life could be all over again, with so many bad habits and everything can destroy me - but I
still jumped into the pit without hesitation, maybe this is the so-called karma. 】

Additional comment: In 1995, I was still in my early 20s, no matter how young and good my body
is, I can't stand the torture of staying up late and masturbating continuously. This brother's lesson is
too profound and the price is too high, masturbation and staying up late are just two axes Cut down
on the tree of life, and even the thickest trees will be cut down. Dr. Peng Xin specifically talked
about the problem of stroke in his article, which mentioned: "There are many causes of stroke.
From the perspective of modern medicine, there are only two types of stroke, one is cerebral blood
vessel rupture, and the other is cerebral blood vessel rupture. Obstruction and spasm. According to
the ancient Chinese physicians, the so-called stroke is actually the rising of the internal fire in the
body, which then leads to the disorder of the upper Jiao, which then leads to disease. In the ancient
theory of Chinese medicine, the so-called stroke is the rising of the fire in the liver Inflammation, or
internal disturbance of phlegm, but there is also a very important cause, that is, liver and kidney
insufficiency. I remember that in 2006, when I was a resident doctor, I sent three people away in
one night. The stroke patients all died of multiple organ failure. The average age of these three
patients is 40 years old, the youngest is 38 years old, and the oldest is 42 years old. They walked
three times in one night. The next day , because as a doctor, I have to write the case report of the
death course. I wrote all morning, and while I was writing, I thought, why does stroke show a trend
of younger age? Most of them are in their 60s, 70s, or even in their 80s. This happens. Why do
young people, people in their 30s, have so many strokes, and even cause death? Of course, it cannot
be ignored. It is the current diet structure that has changed, people eat well, and the fat storage in the
body increases. Then I will ask, if eating well, the fat storage increases, will it definitely lead to a
stroke? We found that this is not the case in life , Many people also eat big fish and meat, but they
don't have a stroke. Another cause of stroke, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine,
seems to be the lack of kidney qi, also called liver and kidney deficiency. The most important
reason for liver and kidney deficiency is indulgence. "Dr. Peng's remarks really hit the nail on the
head. Many people are ignorant of the dangers of masturbation. Ignorance is terrible! After being
brainwashed by innocence theory, he looks more blind and scarier! In the end, I completely
slaughtered myself before I woke up, and I slaughtered half my life. What a painful lesson! In the
past, people in their 60s and 70s had strokes. Now, in the age of indulgence, strokes in their 20s and
30s are not uncommon. Doctors have said that bad living habits are the direct cause of strokes.
Masturbation and staying up late should be quit. Try not to play online games. Being addicted to
online games is also a very serious problem. It takes time and energy, once you are addicted to
online games, you will not reboot well, because you are too lazy to read rebooting articles, and your
attention will be attracted by online games. Young people must know how to reboot and maintain
health, the body is the premise and foundation of everything, if the body breaks down, the future
will be gloomy.

4. [Thank you for flying, without your guidance and professional rebooting articles, I don't know
how to get out. My current state is very good. I can be full of joy and happiness every day like when
I was a child. After learning Buddhism, I am full of positive energy. Life can be so beautiful. When
encountering things in life, I can handle and resolve them properly, and the OCD has little impact
on me. This is the result of my study of Buddhism, traditional culture and your professional
rebooting articles. Now I often sigh that Buddhism and traditional culture are so broad, profound,
and incredible, and Buddha and ancient sages and sages are so great. My efforts were not in vain,
and I felt like I was looking in the right direction. Back then, I was trapped in the hell of symptoms,
like a trapped beast, unable to find a way out everywhere, it was a feeling of despair, and it was
unbearable to look back! When I think about the past, I can no longer indulge. After 3 years of
rebooting from entry to the present, my working environment is better, I am relaxed and
comfortable, my treatment is satisfactory, and my family is harmonious. Now our country is moving
towards the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and I also have my own
higher goals and dreams. "The poor can be alone, and the good can be good to the world" is my
motto. After rebooting, I will be more powerful. Moving towards my goal, I am grateful to the
ancient sages and sages again, and thanks to Teacher Feixiang. 】
Additional comment: From being a trapped beast in a symptom hell to returning to the right track
now, this is a very powerful transformation and counterattack. Trapped in the symptom hell is
indeed very hopeless, extremely frightened and decadent. I am also a person who has climbed out of
the symptom hell, and I know the feeling of despair too well. The harm of licentiousness to life is
really too great, emptying out one's own energy, and making oneself a crippled person. In "Liu Zi:
Preventing Desire", it says: "A body with desire is like a tree with a scorpion: if a tree embraces a
scorpion, He also chiseled himself, and returned to self-inflicted harm. Therefore, if the scorpion is
full, the tree will be broken, and if the scorpion is burning, it will die." People must learn to control
their own desires. It cannot be said that if you have desires, you must vent them. Desires are a
bottomless pit. If you don't understand Control, it will be ruthlessly swallowed up by desires, the
essence is limited, and human desires are boundless. Indulging in sexual misconduct will only make
one’s life worse and worse. A gentleman’s first reboot is to reboot, and rebooting is to abstain from
prostitution. It is very correct for the ancient sages to teach future generations to abstain from sexual
misconduct. Some people will say that it is not good to hold back your desires, rebooting is not for
you to hold back, rebooting is to resolve your desires by cultivating your mind, if you know how to
cultivate your mind, you will not feel tormented when you reboot, instead you will feel very happy.
Lust will release pure great happiness, many people don’t know this, they think that rebooting is an
ascetic, abstinence seems to be very painful and depressing, but it’s not the case, rebooting can also
be very happy, it’s just too happy, too happy, As if returning to childhood, there is a sense of
freedom from shackles, and the soul feels completely light. A brother said, "On the surface,
masturbation is enjoyable, but in fact it has hidden murderous intentions, which makes people
addicted to it. It consumes real essence and consumes one's own life unknowingly!" He was quite
right, masturbation seems to be refreshing, Actually a big loss! This is a bad habit of hollowing out
energy. Energy is constantly being depleted, and the final outcome is not optimistic. After
masturbation, you will definitely suffer from symptoms. When a person is restored to a pure heart,
he can experience true great happiness. Another brother said, "The only harm that illicit sex brings,
it will only make people more and more unhappy. What illicit sex will gain is only the pleasure of
the body, not the great happiness of the soul. Suddenly I thought of a sentence' Why delay the slight
pleasure of a moment, and suffer the great suffering of eternal calamity'. The pleasure of the body is
very small, and it has no end, which will only make me as stupid and ignorant as a low-level
animal." The current era is that pleasure is paramount, Taking pleasure in indulgence, in fact, this
depraved way of life is completely wrong. Not only is it wrong, but it is also full of dangers. One
day, the body will collapse, and then the suffering will be severe. When you get rid of licentiousness
and continue to study the education of sages and sages, your life can get back on the right track.
Only on the right track can you feel real happiness and happiness.
5. [Mr. Feixiang, you saved me. I quit for more than 10 months. During these 10 months, I ran, got
up at 5 o'clock, didn't stay up late, went to bed at 9 o'clock every day, sat down soon, stood on the
midday health pile, and watched it every day. 3 hours of rebooting articles, enlightenment and
clearness, all evil friends are far away, cigarettes stop smoking, games stop playing, I have done a
lot, so I persisted for 10 months, I am very happy and very satisfied, maybe it is What you said is
self-sufficient, I have done all of these. Later, because the O-legs couldn't find a solution, I came up
with the idea of giving up and breaking the pot. I was exploited by the inner demon and broke
almost 50 times in a week! I have endless pain, endless negative energy. In the past 10 months of
rebooting, I have felt much better physically and mentally, and I have done good deeds and
accumulated virtues. After rebooting, my body and mind have recovered to heaven. After breaking
the reboot, I fell out of control and fell into hell. This psychological gap is called reincarnation.
Teacher Feixiang, I am dying. I was squeezed out by my inner demons to the point where I have
only the last trace of kidney qi left. My lust has seriously trampled on my dignity. Lost my whole
life and plunged me into an endless abyss...]

Additional comment: This case is a manifestation of unstable mentality. There are still some
correction methods for O-shaped legs. If it is impossible to correct it, you must keep calm and live
in this world, you must learn to accept imperfection, think about those disabled people We are all
actively facing our own life, what reason do we have to give up on ourselves? Not to mention O-
legs, I see that people in wheelchairs can greet others with a smile on their faces, and even those
without legs are actively facing their lives. We should really learn from them in this regard. This
brother may be too young, so he is very concerned about his appearance, if he suffers a little
setback, he will give up on himself, this is mental instability, what rebooting needs most is a stable
mentality, any imbalance in the heart may lead to relapse, reboot Color needs a peaceful and stable
state of mind. No matter what happens, you can always keep your heart calm, face it calmly, and be
able to live with the situation. I have been rebooting for more than 10 months, I have done very well
in all aspects, and the recovery is also very good, but unfortunately I have to relapse because of the
O-shaped legs. It can be seen that rebooting is really a deep knowledge and involves one’s self-
cultivation , virtue, maturity and stability, you need to constantly learn the education of sages and
sages, so that you can enter a higher spiritual realm, you can see through and let go, you can accept
imperfection, and you can maintain calm and calm. When your mentality is unstable, you give your
inner demons an opportunity to break through you in one fell swoop, then burn, kill and loot. It
broke almost 50 times in a week! A staggering number, an average of 7 times a day! Completely
obsessed, the demon seems to be telling him to spit out all the results of the ten months. The lessons
from the actual battle are too profound. Nine times out of ten, unsatisfactory things happen in life.
We have to learn to accept unsatisfactory and imperfection, keep calm even in the face of setbacks,
and avoid letting ourselves fall into a state of self-abandonment. I have rebooted until now, and
some unsatisfactory things have also occurred in my life. It does not mean that everything will go
smoothly after rebooting. Sometimes unsatisfactory is also a test to see if you can keep your mind
calm. When you accept it, your heart will be at peace. When your heart is at peace, you will be able
to live and do things with a calmer, more detached, and more open-minded attitude. After rebooting,
the mentality must be stable, only stable people can keep the results of rebooting, no matter what
setbacks they encounter, they can achieve stability! If you encounter a little setback and give up on
yourself, this kind of person can't quit for a long time. Of course, this brother had a good rehab in
the previous 10 months, but this relapse has exposed his problems, he must learn the lessons
seriously and improve himself.

6. [Hello Mr. Feixiang, I am very happy to see another season full of positive energy! Just after the
college entrance examination, I will report to you: Beijing liberal arts candidates, 649 points, city
ranking 233. Originally, I really wanted to go to Peking University, and I also wanted to give the
rebooting bar a breather, but now it’s probably ten points away. But look at the scores, in fact, the
results of each subject are normal. Our teacher said that all subjects are normal is abnormal. I think
this is the truth, so I am still very grateful, especially thank you very much! The rebooting bar is a
place for me to be reborn, the rebooting journey is really the journey of ascension of life. Finally,
bless you. In the future, I will also strive to make a contribution to the society, always maintain a
humble heart, put myself in the lowest position, and serve all beings! 】
Additional comment: This is the feedback of a brother named “Humble Dedication”, this brother
has a very good roots, since high school he had a heart of gratitude, humility and selfless devotion,
all of these three hearts vibrate at high frequencies He has all the energy, which is rare at his age.
The college entrance examination is also very good. Although I can't go to Peking University, I
should be able to enter a better school. Many brothers have mentioned that masturbation affects
their brain power, which leads to a decline in academic performance, but if they persist in rebooting
and health preservation, their brain power will gradually recover, and they will be able to get good
grades in the exam. It's important, because the brain is not good, many things can't be done well,
and I can't even understand other people's speech. A brother said, "The changes brought about by
rebooting are huge, the waist is not uncomfortable, the attitude towards life is much better, and the
spirit in class is also very strong." After being addicted to masturbation, the spirit is lethargic, it is
easy to desert in class, and it is difficult to concentrate Concentration, after rebooting, the spirit and
energy will be improved, the brain will be transformed, just like the upgrade of the computer, the
efficiency of class and problem solving is very high. Another brother said: "After rebooting, my
whole body is full of vigor! I am more energetic than before! I am obviously more confident, I can
walk with wind!" It seems that there is a clear wind and righteousness, a clear and upright
atmosphere, and the walk is so unrestrained, confident and energetic. The benefits of rebooting are
really too many, it will bring you back to a state of joy without any reason, that kind of purity,
solemnity and beauty, which makes people awe and admire. In this era when pornographic
information explodes the senses, it is not easy to maintain a pure heart. Real happiness comes from
a pure heart. Only when you are pure can you be truly happy and have a pure and beautiful smile.
The smile from the heart, the pure heart is incredible, and the person who can maintain a pure heart
is a miracle in itself. Some time ago, I saw a few children, about 12 or 3 years old. One of the
children's eyes has dimmed, and it is likely that they have been masturbated. The eyes after
masturbation are like dim stars, giving people a feeling of powerlessness. A pair of bright and clear
eyes dimmed after masturbation, that kind of feeling is too bad, the world of prostitution is a lost
world, and the pure soul has been lost. Only by quitting evil habits can we return to the pure
kingdom. Pure, so vibrant, so powerful!

7. [Say hello to Mr. Feixiang. Recently, the school has arranged a production practice. I go to work
in the factory every day. It is very tiring but also very fulfilling. I chatted a lot with my classmates,
which reminded me of the youthful time in high school. I was very emotional. Although I was
admitted to a 985 university by luck, my brain power had already declined significantly at that time.
If I could meet you earlier, It will definitely be different. Recently, I always think of the purest time
in my memory - a summer blown by the wind, green plane trees, and me riding a bicycle. It was
really beautiful at that time. Because of rebooting, I felt that I was I'm slowly returning to that state,
but I can clearly feel that negative thoughts are always trying to keep me away from that state... In
general, there is still a long way to go, keep going! Finally, thank you very much, I wish you good
health, every day is happy, peaceful and joyful! 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback of “Let’s take action 196”, I believe that many brothers
have read his post, he is a very savvy brother, in his latest post, he wrote: “When When I was riding
a bicycle with my classmates in the city during my internship, I once again felt the 'abundant
emotion and joy' deep in my memory - under the plane tree, the broken shadow of the sun, the
summer blown by the wind, and the pure Self, a very beautiful and pure feeling, at that moment I
deeply knew that choosing to reboot was the most correct decision in my life, no one.” This passage
is written very well, with a very delicate feeling The pure and beautiful feeling needs to be savored
carefully. It is better to be a pure and beautiful self. No matter how strong the pleasure is, it is not as
good as the joy and emotion brought by a pure and beautiful moment. When you restore your pure
heart, use When you look at the world with the purest eyes, you will suddenly find a magical
feeling, the beautiful feeling you once had as a child but lost after masturbation. Choosing to reboot
is indeed the most correct decision in my life, I also have this feeling, if I don’t reboot, maybe I will
still be struggling in the hell of symptoms, life is better than death, crying in despair, it is rebooting
that makes me transformed and reborn , let me find my own energy. I can still feel the pulling force
from my inner demon, trying to pull me into the vicious circle of depravity again, and now I have
the confidence to overcome it. I have not let the inner demon succeed. Don't want to linger on under
its tyranny. Inner demons are evil thoughts, negative thoughts, resolutely annihilate them! In actual
combat, thoughts must be ruthless, fast, and highly professional. Breaking thoughts requires an
explosive force. Can you imagine how fast the explosive force is? A very explosive look. The actual
combat is in the blink of an eye, the eyes are stunned, and the heart is awake, the evil thoughts are
instantly wiped out! This is the demeanor of a rebooting master, killing evil thoughts in seconds,
absolutely unambiguous, and absolutely tough at critical moments! Never give up! Use Dong
Cunrui's determination and courage to blow up the bunker to give up, show the momentum of lore,
fight to the death to give up, give up to death! We must have the strong bones and righteousness of
the anti-Japanese war veterans, swear and swear to be inseparable from evil and lust, and swear to
fight the heart and the devil to the end! Quit the heroic spirit that would rather die than give in and
see death as home! General Xu Shiyou said: "In the face of a strong enemy, first of all, you must not
be intimidated by it mentally. The enemy is tough, and I am even tougher. As soon as you seize the
opportunity, you will hit him hard. If you fight hard, you will win. This will make it possible to beat
the enemy. If we fight again in the future, the enemy will be afraid of the wind, and will not fight.
There are no soldiers that cannot be defeated, only officials who cannot be defeated. After a few
tough battles, the morale, courage, style, and experience are all good. Yes. On the contrary, the more
you avoid him, the more rampant he will become. If we can't stand it, we don't dare to fight, we
don't dare to fight, and we run around the enemy. , Don't do it a few times, the originally hard troops
will become soft, and even they will not be able to recover for a long time. "Good one "The enemy
is tough, I'm tougher"! The inner demon is strong, we are stronger than the inner demon, so that we
can defeat it! As long as the general is fierce, we are not afraid of strong thieves! Be a heroic
general in rebooting!!! A real rebooter should It has two qualities. On the one hand, it is pure and
beautiful, gentle and honest, which is the power of softness; !!!

Enter the text below

This season is about rebooting from the student party, working people can also watch it, because
there are many similarities, there are many student brothers in the rebooting bar. I also came from
the student party. When I was a student, my thinking was relatively simple, because I was still
young. It is relatively small, and although there is a bad habit of masturbation after development, it
is still much simpler than after entering the society. After work, there are more things to think about.
To face complex interpersonal relationships, work pressures, etc., it is not as free as when you are a
student. Many times, when you come home after work, you are too tired to do anything, and you
have to get up early the next day. unit to work. When I was a student party, I liked fantasies, wild
fantasies. This may be a common characteristic of young people. At that time, I was very confused
about my future, I didn’t know what I could do in the future, I had no direction at all, and I didn’t
know that the hand of fate would Where do I push, many times I just have to live by it, messing
around, not knowing what I am doing every day.

In the Mood for Love, I was addicted to pornography and the vices of masturbation. This hidden
vice cast a shadow over my youth, but at the age when my youth should have bloomed, I had the
effect of withering and decaying. When I was in junior high school, I was consciously fighting
against the force in my heart that was pulling me down. I wanted to overcome it and become a pure
me, but I couldn’t do it. I was too weak at that time, and I was no match for my inner demon. Aware
of the existence of inner demons, I regard evil thoughts as myself, and recognize thieves as sons.
For more than ten years, I have not been exposed to the truth. The so-called truth is about the
specific harm of masturbation. At that time, I vaguely felt that masturbation was not good, but I did
not have a deep understanding and understanding, nor did I come into contact with any rebooting
articles. Completely covered by innocence theory. When I was in elementary school, I was still
relatively pure. Looking at the graduation photo of elementary school, I looked very energetic and
energetic, with a smile on my face. When I looked at the graduation photo of junior high school,
there was already a bad luck on my face. It is a feeling that is difficult to express. No, junior high
school was the beginning of my fall. At the age when I needed guidance most, no one gave me the
right guidance. If someone warned me about the harm of masturbation and told me how to get rid of
it, I think my life might be like this Another sight.

When I was in elementary school, the cells of my whole body were in a state of joy and vibration,
my mind was very clean, and my heart was very happy. This kind of great happiness is indeed
something that wickedness cannot give. No matter how much porn you watch, even if you watch
100 million G of porn, you can't get it. This kind of pure great happiness, because evil lust will only
make you run in the opposite direction and make yourself more and more unhappy. The essence of
evil lust is to consume energy and pollute your mind. Pleasure is not pure great happiness. Great
happiness, pleasure is copper, pure great happiness is gold. Many people pick up copper and throw
away gold. The pleasure is not the most refreshing, but the most refreshing is to be a pure self and
feel the pure and ultimate beauty. This kind of understanding came to me slowly after rebooting.
When I was addicted to lewdness, I was completely fascinated and couldn’t see the truth of the
matter. At that time, I was overwhelmed by pleasure and just wanted more pleasure. , the more the
better, blindly greedy for pleasure, like a greedy snake. I remember the nervousness, excitement and
anticipation when I watched porn for the first time. My hands were shaking, my breath was in my
throat, and I could even feel my heart beating so fast. Gradually, watching porn and masturbating
became my favorite. What I like to do, what I look forward to most is the moment when I open a
pornographic film. The pornographic film is actually a drug, and the country also cracks down on
pornography. The pornographic information pollutes and corrodes young people too strongly,
stronger than concentrated sulfuric acid, and a pair of eyes that shine like stars. After lustful
adultery, they became dim, mindless, and haggard, and children fell into the slaughter pit one by
one. This is not a mass grave, but a billion-person pit!

The characteristics of adolescents are mainly manifested in the rapid development of self-
awareness, strong cognition, strong thirst for knowledge, keen thinking, quick acceptance of new
things, full of imagination, strong emotions, and easy to be excited when encountering problems.
Due to the lack of discrimination ability, judgment ability and selection ability, they are easily
affected by bad social atmosphere. Adolescence is the stage where guidance is most needed. They
lack the ability to discriminate, especially need correct guidance. They need seniors to come
forward and tell them the dangers of masturbation. In this era of prostitution, many children have
fallen into the bad habit of masturbation. Now that mobile phones can access the Internet, it is more
convenient to find pornography, and you can have a shot at any time. In the 1990s, it was not very
convenient to find pornography. At that time, it was necessary to spend money to buy it, and it was
not always possible to buy it. Now in the Internet age, it is not only free, but it can be said to be
easily available, which aggravates the degree of addiction. The person who masturbated is really to
the point of being dazed and forgetting to eat and sleep, and even watching pornography
masturbating all night, completely obsessed, and entered a state of extreme madness, as if his life
was lost. Now the temptation is very fierce, bursting your senses, making people deeply immersed
in it, unable to extricate themselves, one hair after another, the precious essence of the body is
wasted like this, it seems to be cheaper than shampoo, and finally live a life like a bug In a generally
fragile life, the body and mind will collapse at any time. Some people smell a strange smell on the
eve of the disaster as soon as they finish masturbating, their heart beats faster, their breathing
becomes difficult, the last glimpse of infinite sadness, and they fall to the ground...
A foreign rebooting article said: “Pornography is like a drug, the more you allow it to invade your
life, the more you will depend on it. Days after watching pornography, those images often appear in
my mind, Forcing me to watch more porn. Long-term viewing of porn, like alcoholism and drug
use, changes the chemicals in the brain, and it takes time for everything to return to normal. In the
process of quitting addiction, the individual's heart will continue to grow stronger. You can also
better understand yourself, understand the importance of life, and have a clear goal of life. In this
way, individuals will not surrender to irrational impulses, but will have self-esteem and self-love.”
During the student period, a high degree of self-discipline and control should be cultivated. , to be
able to cut off our evil thoughts, dominate our hearts, and keep our hearts open and upright. The
teachings of ancient sages and sages are for us to return to the state of "thinking without evil" and
return to a pure and pure self. Purify the path of ascension and at last you will discover the true
meaning of happiness! True happiness is inherently self-sufficient, it does not need any reason, it
does not need sensory stimulation, as long as you purify your mind and remove the dirt from your
heart, you will be happy! Because students' minds are relatively simple and have strong receptive
abilities, they can be quickly polluted or purified and restored to a pure and pure state. Moreover,
because of their young age, their bodies are in the stage of growth and development. In this way, the
body will recover faster. The recovery speed of the body in the teens is much faster than that of
people in their thirties and forties. As the age increases, the recovery speed will gradually slow

The student party has a lot of advantages in rebooting, their biggest advantage is that they are
young, receptive, quick to recover, relatively simple in thinking, have ample time, and are in a good
state of study, they can use a lot of time to study rebooting articles. Another advantage is that the
student party has broadcast gymnastics and physical education classes, and has good sports venues,
which can effectively promote the recovery of the body. Many people seldom exercise after work.
With frequent masturbation, the body will become worse and worse. . If the injury is not very
serious, generally rebooting plus active exercise for a month will improve a lot, and the mental
outlook will be refreshed, it is so fast, you can see significant changes in just one month, the last
time a brother posted A month’s comparison photo, I was sluggish a month ago, rebooting and
exercising for a month is completely different, I look very energetic, my eyes are bright, the
puffiness on my face has also subsided, and my handsomeness and righteousness have begun to
come out. . Youth means quick recovery, so rebooting should be done as early as possible. When
you get older, the recovery will be much slower and the recovery will be much more difficult then.

Some time ago, I saw a brother post saying, "It costs more than 1,000 for the internal and external
inspections, and I use the living expenses given by my parents to go to the medical check-up. I feel
really uncomfortable." Another brother said, "Let's go. I wanted to jump on the road, and everything
that entered my eyes became brighter, like I just changed a pair of new glasses, and I was shocked
too!" The former went to the hospital for a checkup because of the symptoms of sperm injury
caused by masturbation, and now the checkup fee is not cheap. Hundreds of thousands, and later, it
will really be a waste of money and people! A brother in the back returned to the pure dimension
through rebooting, he saw a world where the obscenity and gray filter had been removed, a bright
and clear world, his body and mind became extra light and comfortable, he really wanted to jump,
just like a pure Like a child. Another brother said, "I feel that I have been rebooting for five months,
my body and mind are relaxed, the things around me are brightened, and I can be happy every day.
Let's reboot together, friends, and feel the high frequency vibrations. Come here!” The world you
feel after rebooting is a bright, clear and beautiful world, the so-called situation changes with your
heart, when your mind is clean and you look at this world again, you will feel completely different,
and when you look at others, you will feel lustful. If you don’t like the eye, you will feel the world
is dark when you see it. After rebooting, it suddenly changes. Think carefully about how you felt
about the world when you were a child – it was fresh, magical and beautiful. Every day at that time
was a miracle, when you grew up , I started watching yellow masturbation, and I couldn't find that
feeling anymore. When the mind is pure, everything feels good, the heart is full of joy and
happiness, and the perception of the world is more vivid, richer, and deeper. Many student parties
can still recall the feeling before masturbation. After all, it has only been a few years since
masturbation, and many working people have basically forgotten it. It's that pure and beautiful

Foreign scientific research has shown that kidney essence can nourish our whole body, nourish all
organs, and make our whole person refreshed, mentally developed, and creative. In the end you will
find that nothing makes you happier than being pure you! Real happiness comes from a pure heart.
After the heart becomes clean, it is like opening a happy and lively fountain, which will bring you
back to the mental state of elementary school. The purest stage of the student party should be
kindergarten and elementary school. People all started to masturbate when they were developing in
junior high school, and a few started masturbate from the fifth and sixth grades of primary school.
Now that children develop early, they may develop the bad habit earlier. When you quit the bad
habit and rush out of the vicious circle, all the tears of pain turned into tears of joy, the prisoner was
released, and finally freed, realizing your own beauty and happiness, and no longer destroying
yourself with lust. No matter how many times you masturbate, you will never be satisfied, but once
you restore your pure heart, you will feel deep and lasting satisfaction. You are happy and content,
but it is the wrong pursuit that makes you dissatisfied, greedy, and finally fearful and miserable. A
truly pure and noble soul rejects sexual immorality, because sexual immorality will only degenerate
people, and it is simply to harass and spoil oneself. When in the state of lustful lust, a faint black
mist appears throughout the whole person, and the negative energy is entangled. After rebooting and
cultivating virtue, the whole person becomes brighter, the black lustful fog also disappears, and the
whole body exudes a pure and beautiful light, a smile, A look and a look back convey pure and
beautiful qualities.

When I was in college, the mobile phone could not access the Internet, and there were very few
dormitories with computers. Later, there was a person in the next dormitory with a computer.
Everyone watched porn together. A group of boys huddled together to watch porn. The eyes glowed
green, some showed a wretched evil smile, and some had their necks stretched out like a duck's
neck. The atmosphere in the bedroom was very strange. Now that I think about it, the university is
actually quite degenerate. I remember one day a classmate from the next class mysteriously told me
a website address. After that, I became a regular visitor to the Internet cafe. When other people
played games there, I hid in the back row and watched pornography. , I can't help but go to the toilet
for a hair, every time I indulge myself, I will feel haggard, and the wretchedness and decadence
caused by masturbation are like a cone in my pocket, which is undisguised, disgusting, and
disgusting. I wanted to get rid of the enslavement of my inner demon. Although I didn’t know what
an inner demon was at that time, I just felt that there was a force in my heart that firmly controlled
me in that vicious circle, like an invisible big hand holding me down, I wanted to jump Get out, but
can't, can't do it at all! At that time, as a student party, I longed for a pure life, and even tried self-
mutilation and rebooting, but the result was still a failure, because my consciousness was not
improved, and I would not stop thinking. I was really a rookie at that time, and being abused was
doomed! Some time ago, I saw a brother say, "I was immediately controlled by that thought and
then let it take hold. I resisted at the time, but I found that I couldn't resist it at all." His actual
combat experience was the same as that of me before. It is not the opponent of the inner demon.
Later, when I became really strong, I subdued the inner demon.

There are many college students and even graduate students in the rebooting bar, and even some
doctoral students. Everyone who comes to the rebooting bar basically has a deep understanding of
the dangers of licentiousness. The student party really needs rebooting, and learning needs brain
power. In the future, both career and family need a good body as the foundation. Many people can
find good jobs, but their bodies are destroyed because of lust, and they don’t have the energy and
brain power to cope with work. Good jobs are also lost. As the mainstay of the family, a man needs
a good body even more. If he wants to make a success in his career, he cannot do it without a
sufficient reserve of kidney essence. Even if he succeeds temporarily, he will not be able to
stabilize. A brother from abroad said, "I spent too much time and energy on prostitution, so I slack
off other things in my life." Many people will come out regardless of whether they are proud or
disappointed. When they are frustrated, it is to vent and escape from reality. Many people have
created a great situation in their lives, but in the end they are completely destroyed by indulgence
and indulgence. , and then suddenly fell straight down, the drop was particularly large, and the blow
to people was also very heavy, and many people never recovered.

Student Party rebooting should pay attention to the following six aspects

First, the student party must have a positive view and learn to cultivate its own sense of

The so-called three outlooks are world outlook, outlook on life and values. The three outlooks
reflect an individual's stable social attitude system and are an indispensable part of a person's
complete personality framework. "Book of Changes" says: "Meng Meng is also a holy merit." From
the time of childhood, it is necessary to cultivate a correct style and personality, which is the kung
fu for cultivating sages. I remember when I was in elementary school, the teachers were quite strict
with the students. At that time, I was still a relatively pure child, although I occasionally made some
mistakes. After I entered the junior high school, I fell into the habit of masturbation and began to
surreptitiously watch all kinds of things. Porn, gradually I have become a double-faced person, with
one appearance on the surface and another in private. This kind of not being the same is actually
very painful, and it is a great pain to be unable to be a pure self. There is a saying that goes well:
"Self-discipline gives you freedom, indulgence brings bondage and pain." Only when one truly
knows how to control oneself can one feel the inner freedom. Many brothers feel a sense of freedom
after rebooting. A sense of inner freedom is invaluable. The student party especially needs seniors
with correct views to give correct guidance during the development period, and now the vast
majority of students are exposed to harmless theory, which is undoubtedly a great misleading.

A correct three views should be based on virtue, and then have a correct and comprehensive
understanding of life, know what to do and what not to do, and know how to follow the teachings of
sages. In a family, if the three views of the parents are extremely positive, that is the greatest
blessing for the children and the greatest blessing for the family. The righteousness of a family is
very important. If one of the parents is committing sexual misconduct and engaging in extramarital
affairs, then it is the family's blessing. Disaster, the family will become very discordant, will fall
into quarrels and even divorce. Some time ago, a brother's father cheated on him, and the happy
family that had turned into this made him very distressed. If parents have three correct views, they
can impart right knowledge to their children, so that children can receive correct education from an
early age.

At that time, I didn’t even know what the three views were. My life creed at that time was, “Have
fun in time, play as much as you want, and be happy when you are happy. You need to be happy in
life, and you must be happy when you are disappointed in life.” Now it seems that it is actually a
kind of indulgence. I didn't have any sense of responsibility at that time, I just used my lower body
to think and seldom considered other people's feelings. At that time, I was deeply trapped in the
negative energy of lewdness. My parents never talked to me about quitting sexual immorality, and
they never mentioned masturbation. Their generation lacked education in this area, so they couldn’t
give their children proper guidance. Parents themselves are all about the harm of pornography and
masturbation. If you don't know it clearly, how can you warn your child? Nan Huaijin once said:
"Why does a person read? From the perspective of traditional Chinese culture, this is an important
old question. Why does a person read? The most correct answer in the tradition is the four words
'reading wisely'. ” The student party reads for the sake of understanding, not only to learn the
knowledge of science and culture, but more importantly, to cultivate morality and sense of
responsibility, and must have a correct understanding of licentiousness. Of course, sexologists
wouldn't say that. They would rationalize masturbation and deny the dangers of masturbation. Their
views run counter to the education of sages, but they are quite in line with the psychological
characteristics of masturbation. Many masturbators need expert theory. Support, so that you can be
confident and at ease, and finally the symptoms will break out and you will know that the experts
are really bricks! After the symptoms flared up, everything became clear.

If the three perspectives are correct, life will be better and better. On the contrary, if the three
perspectives are not correct, the trend of life will become worse and worse. If you don't change your
heart, your fortune will be difficult to change. When you realize your mistakes and start to repent
and correct your mistakes, the trend of life begins to rise. The meaning of life is to live out your
destiny, what is destiny - live out the highest frequency of yourself, do good and accumulate virtue,
and stop at the best! If you can recognize and live your destiny, you will be able to unleash your
potential, experience the great joy and joy of life, and achieve achievements beyond your
imagination. This achievement is not necessarily about how much money you make or how much
What social status, this kind of achievement is more the achievement of helping others, the
achievement of selfless dedication, this kind of achievement is more valuable and meaningful. The
people who are truly righteous are kind-hearted, know how to be grateful and dedicated, know how
to contribute positive energy to the society, and know how to behave and do things. Every word,
every deed, and every thought adds positive energy to the world!

2. The weekend of rebooting the student party

Many students and brothers in the rebooting bar are complaining about breaking their reboots on
weekends. On weekends, there is more free time and more alone time. At this time, inner demons
can easily come out. A lot of student parties fail on weekends. It was the same when I was a student
party. Usually, I was able to quit because I was distracted by my studies. However, when it came to
the weekend, I would get out of control and relapse. Sometimes it would be several times. The
empty talent is willing to give up, and in the end, he is often exhausted physically and mentally, and
is haunted by ghosts. If a person does not have any awareness of rebooting, he will easily be
instigated by inner demons to succeed, one brother said, "Now I am always defeated by instigating
thoughts, and I broke it twice. Yesterday was first recalled and then instigated by inner demons,
Then I broke my precepts, and today is the same, always resisting for a while and then giving up."
The power of the inner demon makes it hard to resist, unless you have a perfect awareness and a
strong level of renunciation, you are not an opponent of the inner demon at all, my lord In a tug-of-
war with a child, who will win? No suspense at all! Another brother said, "Suddenly one day at
noon, inner demons invaded, and there is no power to resist. If you break your reboot immediately,
it will take more than a month." Rebooting is an inner battle, inner demons will invade sooner or
later, usually on weekends. At the peak of the Invasion of Inner Demons, Inner Demons are very
aggressive on weekends, you must be highly vigilant on weekends, always be on guard against
Inner Demons’ intrusion, you should also strengthen your study of rebooting articles, and prepare
for the Demon Exam just like you are preparing for the high school and college entrance exams. Be
extremely careful, watch every thought and every subtle feeling, and don't let your inner demons

On the weekends, organize your life, reduce the time you spend alone, do some physical exercise,
or spend time with friends and family. A brother once said: "Idleness is the root of all evil", which
means to keep everyone busy, but there is always time for people to have free time, there will be
time to rest and be alone in the day, the key is to learn to defeat the demons Attacking, you can't just
rely on being busy, too busy and overtired will also be detrimental to health recovery, even if a true
rebooting master has a very free life and spends a lot of time alone, he will still not break his reboot,
because he is not afraid of inner demons attacking, his strength is there, The demon attack is just to
die. Some time ago, a brother asked: "Hello senior, I have given up for more than 4 months, I am a
third grade student, recently my inner demons always encourage me to be too young to quit, I feel
negative and pessimistic, and my inner demons encourage me to quit. Since I will recover, then it
will be fine, how can I get rid of these thoughts?” The demon is very cunning, and the instigation is
very targeted, rebooting is not old, you can still quit when you are young, the key is to improve the
level of rebooting awareness and renunciation. . If you keep breaking your precepts, how can you
recover? People who often relapse, even if they take traditional Chinese medicine, their body will
not recover. With a certain level of consciousness, the instigation of inner demons will be full of
loopholes and self-defeating, the student party must have a sense of learning, and must make
themselves stronger, the power of rebooting comes from learning.

3. The student party’s rebooting holiday

If the weekend is a big test, then the winter and summer vacations are really more severe and
violent tests. There is more time to be alone in the winter and summer vacations. Many student
parties will break the precepts crazily when they arrive in the winter and summer vacations, and
they cannot control themselves at all. Devilish to burst! Bruised and bruised all over! The harm of
relapse during winter and summer vacations is actually relatively large. In winter vacations, the
weather is cold. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that you store sperm in winter, but you are
madly ejaculating. , The body is already weak, and coupled with the crazy relapse, the
consequences can be imagined, it is completely false, and many people find that they have become
uglier after a whole summer vacation, and they are heading towards the decline of physical and
mental appearance in the disillusionment of evil lewdness again and again. . Recently, a brother
from a second-year high school student told me that he did not do well in the summer vacation, and
he would break it every two or three days, sometimes several times in a row. It's not easy to be
unbroken throughout the summer vacation. There are many temptations in summer, and the test of
the situation is also great. You must be extremely careful to avoid breaking your precepts. A brother
said, "I just licked for a while and every time I finished, I said I would never do it again, but I didn't
expect it to happen again, what should I do!" The last time was just an excuse, after finishing there
is another time, quit You can't just swear, you must pay attention to learning, accumulation, and
actual combat. Only when the level of actual combat is improved can you defeat the demons. I have
seen a lot of poisonous oaths like "remove and chop hands again", and these people have basically
failed, because almost all of these people are forcibly rebooting, they don't study rebooting articles,
and they don't know how to cultivate their minds, and they will eventually fail. When I was a
rookie, I felt that my inner demon was too powerful, and it crushed me ruthlessly like a tank. You
may have seen a tank crush a car, and instantly crush the car into a pile of scrap metal. When I
really After getting stronger, my awareness was like a laser cannon, instantly destroying the evil
thoughts of the invasion, thus winning the inner battle.

Fourth, students should pay special attention before and after the exam

The student party has a lot of academic pressure. Usually there are many exams, and they have to
prepare for the high school entrance examination, the college entrance examination, the
postgraduate entrance examination, the doctoral examination, and the various certificates. They
often feel a lot of pressure before the examination. It is very common to vent and relieve stress
through masturbation. Under heavy pressure, people often lose control. Masturbation is also a way
of escaping reality, so that you can forget all your troubles, but this method is not desirable , will
only make yourself deeper and deeper. In the cases I have seen before, some people just broke their
precepts crazily before the test, and as a result, they did not perform well during the test, they were
not in the state, and the final test was very unsatisfactory. Before the exam, you must adjust your
mentality, don't put too much pressure on yourself, and don't use masturbation to vent your stress.
When you feel stressed, you can go for a walk in the park or do some exercise. After the exam is
also a period of high incidence of relapses. Some people may not understand why they will relapse
after the exam, because after the exam, the pressure is gone, people don’t know what to do, they
become idle, very sloppy and boring, and it is easy to breed indulgence at this time. Thoughts, many
people have crazy behavior after the test. This is a rebound after the pressure disappears. If you
don’t adjust your mentality, you will have crazy relapses. I remember that I often relapsed on the
eve of the college entrance examination, which affected my spirit, brain power and energy. In the
end, the college entrance examination was not ideal. Although it was online, it was only a very
ordinary result. After the college entrance examination, there was a series of relapses. It is
especially easy to relapse before and after the test. There are two types of relapses after the test. One
is a good test, which is a relapse for celebration, and the other is a bad test, and you are depressed
and you are relapsed. As a student party, you really need to pay special attention before and after the
exam, adjust your mentality, and don't let yourself have big mood swings, whether it's revelry or
depression, it will lead to relapse. "Cai Root Tan" says: "The fermented glutinous rice is not the real
taste, but the real taste is only mild; the magic and extraordinary are not extraordinary, but the
extraordinary is just ordinary." One of the cultivation of life is to have a normal heart, not to be
happy with things, not to take When you are sad, your heart is at peace, because peace brings
stability, and you must keep your heart in a state of balance. You should also learn to enrich your
life at ordinary times. Don’t indulge in online games. You can build your interest in reading, sports,
etc., read more books of sages, build a gentleman’s character, and be a virtuous person. The more
you read, the more interesting the teachings of sages .

Fifth, the student party must overcome youth and frivolity

I have seen many cases of relapses due to pride. The lessons are really profound and worth
reminding. Pride and complacency are easy to appear in every age group, but it is more common
among teenagers, because young people are more frivolous and gain a little bit of complacency.
Achievements will become complacent, and once you are proud, you will be exploited by inner
demons. Real rebooting masters are all modest, they will not think that they are better than others
just because they have rebooted more days than others, but they will think that they are still
superficial and need to continue to improve, and they need to study more sage education to keep
improving and perfecting Own. I was browsing the posts on the rebooting bar, and seeing some
brothers expressing arrogant thoughts, I knew that if they did not reboot for long, they would soon
break their reboots, be complacent and underestimate their enemies. Such thoughts are taboos for
rebooting. Some people start to become arrogant before rebooting for a month, thinking that
rebooting is easy, that others are inferior to them, and they only realize how ignorant and naive they
were at the peak of their relapse. There are so many family mottos in China. In fact, they are all
about the principles of how to behave in the world. There is a family motto: "Don't be arrogant,
don't be arrogant." "Book of Changes" says: "The way of heaven benefits from loss and gain."
While rebooting, one must focus on cultivating one's own virtue. If one's virtue is not good,
rebooting will surely fail. Only those with profound virtue can reboot for a long time and become
Sixth, we must develop good study habits and persevere

The student party should be good at learning and good at taking notes, senior brothers all know that
in order to succeed in rebooting, one must be good at studying and summarizing, and should
constantly review and understand the notes. When you feel that you have successfully rebooted and
you don’t need to study rebooting articles, this is actually very dangerous, because if you leave the
rebooting articles, you will easily lose your good state of rebooting. They are all studying, reading
rebooting articles, reviewing notes, helping newcomers to answer questions, and studying sage
education, basically every day without interruption. Some brothers have entered into a period of
rebooting boredom, have no original intentions, become disheartened and lazy to read rebooting
articles, the initial enthusiasm for rebooting has disappeared, at this time one must pay attention to
developing good study habits, keep studying every day without interruption Just like brushing your
teeth every day will not feel bored, you can overcome the period of rebooting boredom by
developing a habit, how to persevere is a deep learning, the feeling of boredom will appear sooner
or later, you must learn to overcome it. Learning rebooting articles should not only have the
momentum of a flash flood, which is unstoppable, but also must have the perseverance of a long-
running stream, trickling incessantly.

This year, I paid attention to the Go game between AlphaGo and Ke Jie. The upgraded version of
AlphaGo directly made Ke Jie cry. I couldn't see any possibility of victory, and the situation was
completely one-sided. AlphaGo used the pseudonym Master to swept all the masters on the online
battle platform and won 60 consecutive victories! Defeat 13 first-class professional masters in 24
hours! The principle of AlphaGo is "deep learning". AlphaGo learns all high-level Go replays. In
2013, the deep learning technology that was rated as the top ten breakthrough technologies of the
year by the American authoritative magazine MIT "Technology Review" appeared. Now, this
technology has become the key to defeating human Go masters. Deep learning requires the training
of a large neural network to respond to patterns in the data. In the human Go world, no matter
masters or geniuses, they have to read chess records and play against others to improve themselves,
but people have to eat, drink and lazaar, and it is impossible to spend 24 hours a day on Go, and
AlphaGo's training mode is one It is to input a large number of chess records of professional chess
players in the world, and to continuously improve the level by playing games with two Alpha dogs.

AlphaGo's actual combat power is too terrifying, sweeping the top masters from all walks of life,
invincible, simple and unpretentious but powerful, firmly controlling the overall situation. Why is
AlphaGo so powerful? Because of in-depth learning and self-improvement, we also need in-depth
learning to defeat inner demons, constantly study rebooting articles, and constantly practice mind
breaking. Only when we are truly strong can we win in actual combat. Last year, Li Shishi also won
the AlphaGo game. This year, the upgraded version of AlphaGo is already invincible. AlphaGo has
been improving continuously and has become extremely powerful. Nie Weiping said that AlphaGo
is at least 20 dan, and human beings are currently the highest. Only nine dan, the gap is too big.
Human masters cannot study tirelessly like AlphaGo, because their energy is limited, and the final
chance of winning requires accumulation of learning, persevering practice and continuous practice
in actual combat. To sweep away the demons of the mind requires a lot of study and practice, one
brother said, "The lust mind usually takes 2 seconds to break, and it doesn't mean it breaks, just
look at the heart, and when you see it, it won't develop downward. It will stop naturally.” This
brother already knows how to “see”, seeing is perception, so-called perception means nothing, just
2 seconds is still a little slow, it should stop at the same time, or it will stop when it is subtle. Drop
it, that's even better. Before clear thoughts are formed, subtle sensations often escape first, which
are very subtle thoughts. At this time, they must be discovered and eliminated immediately!

When evil thoughts meet, they must be eliminated immediately and cannot be possessed by them.
There is a word in Go that I would like to use in actual rebooting, and that is: Severe! The sternness
and toughness of the actual combat methods, the ruthlessness and sternness of breaking the mind in
actual combat! Be strict with evil thoughts!

Final summary:
This season, I shared the main points of the student party's rebooting. The student party's plasticity
is relatively strong. It can become better or degenerate. It is really lucky and blessed to have access
to rebooting knowledge in the student days. It was extremely difficult for children in the past.
receive instruction in this regard. Today's children have the opportunity to be exposed to the dangers
of pornography and masturbation, and can learn from the successful experience of their
predecessors, which is very rare. When you are a student party, you must have a very positive three
views, and learn to cultivate your sense of responsibility and dedication, so that your life can be on
the right track, and it will become more and more positive. The student party is simpler than the
working class. It is this simplicity that allows them to quickly find their innocence after quitting
masturbation. The school days are worth remembering, although they are still immature at that age
and still relatively young , but there is a vigorous upward force in this youth. It is a very beautiful
thing to be able to quit masturbation when you are a student. When you quit to a certain extent, you
will experience a pure and great happiness. You know deeply that this is the feeling you really want.
A brother said, "After 66 days of rebooting, the eyes are as clear and energetic as a child's big eyes,
and they will reflect light." Eyes are the windows to the soul, when your eyes become bright, clear
and energetic, This is an external sign of the purification of the mind, savoring the pure and
beautiful feeling brought by rebooting, this is a real five-star enjoyment, let rebooting light up your
life, light up your life !

Share a rebooting poem below

"Awaken Your Purest Self"

Passing by primary school

see parents sending their children to school

child with bag

Jumping into the school

those cheerful figures

made me fall into memory

more than twenty years ago

I also carry a small bag

Jumping into the school

innocent child

Eyes shining brightly

The soul is full of sunflowers

Innocent fantasies about the future

see the plane in the sky

Pointing at the plane and yelling excitedly

The tender voice of children echoing in the depths of the years

And those clear, bright eyes

A pure smile

This is a good memory of elementary school

Children do not understand the world of adults

complete and utter simplicity

I was happy every day

Masturbation started later in the developmental period

everything has turned sour

Fall from a pure dimension

The stars in my eyes are starting to dim

increasingly unhappy since masturbating

Look up at the vast and peaceful starry sky

Something inside is calling

That is to be pure

Only then can you be truly happy

still that kid

Wearing galoshes and holding a small umbrella

child walking alone in the rain

Into the depths of everyone's memory

Awaken your purest self

Recommended book below

The Ultimate Path to Freedom: by Lester Levenson. Leicester holds a degree in physics and
graduated in 1931 before transitioning to engineering, working as an aeronautical, civil, mechanical,
electrical, marine and structural engineer. Lester has a penchant for science and mechanics, but is
also an enlightened being, a spiritual teacher. "The Road to Ultimate Freedom" is a book I've been
reading recently. It's a book about the teaching of the true self. In this world, the most important and
valuable thing is to know the true self and live out the true self. Me, if you have something to
pursue in your practice, you can read this book. The information provided by this book is very
direct and powerful. Some sentences are short, but they hit the key point directly. The book says:
"When we can completely quiet the heart, what remains is our infinite true self. Any thought is a
limitation. . Then when we let the mind down, we stop these limiting thoughts, and then our infinite
Self will be presented to us." Self is pure consciousness, pure awareness, not a single thought, clear,
not The body, not the mind, is just pure awareness. Some other teachings in the book are such as:
"The ultimate observer is your Self." "When thoughts are completely eliminated, only the Self is
left." "Release your ego and become your Self."" When the mind is almost completely still, the Self
manifests itself." "The Mind can never discover the Self, because the Mind hides the Self. Only
when the Mind is released does the Self manifest." These teachings are good, and The teachings of
other masters are completely consistent, this book is very good, brothers who are interested in this
aspect can download and read, there is a PDF version online. At the beginning, a lot of the content
is difficult to read, and there seem to be inconsistencies, but as long as you continue to read, think
and comprehend over and over again, you will eventually gain a deep understanding and truly
understand the purpose of the master.

I hope this season's articles can bring you useful inspiration, thank you for your support!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in this thread. I will pay more attention to new posts.
Season 120: The Basics of the Road to Rebooting Masters


The seasons have changed recently, and physical symptoms are easy to repeat. Whenever the
seasons change, you should strengthen your health regimen. Now the weather is a little hot during
the day and a little cold at night. The temperature difference between morning and night is large,
and there are many people who catch a cold. After rebooting, one must learn how to maintain
health. You can read more books and lectures on health preservation in Chinese medicine. For
brothers who know how to maintain health, they will recover faster. Even if the symptoms are
repeated, they will be able to adjust quickly. Rebooting should not only learn the principles and
rules of rebooting, but also pay attention to the study of health preservation knowledge. Although
some brothers have rebooted, they have done a very poor health maintenance, so recovery after a
few hundred days of rebooting is not ideal, it is easy Frustrated. Rebooting is a systematic project,
and health recovery is also a systematic project. If you want to speed up recovery, you should study
and study more in health preservation. Many problems lie in the details. You should be a caring
person. From other people's recovery experience, many brothers have recovered relatively well,
they have made great efforts in health preservation. Once your body recovers well, you will be more
motivated to quit. If your body recovers very poorly, it will also affect your confidence in rebooting,
so health recovery is very important.

Recently, film selling parties are quite rampant, their machine numbers are basically level 9 or 11,
some brothers have reported that why is it still yellow after level 11? In fact, it is the machine
number of the film party. I follow a lot of posts, and then sign in with one click. Now, as long as
you surf the Internet, you are very likely to be tested by various temptations, such as tempting
pictures that pop up suddenly, as well as various side-scrolling news. Not only are there troubles
from time to time, but there are also a lot of pictures posted by the film-selling party. Other post
bars also have the film-selling party posting pictures. The film-selling party will kill itself if it does
too much injustice. You will encounter various challenges when surfing the Internet, you must be
vigilant, manage your eyesight, avoid immediately when you see it, don’t focus, don’t stop, don’t
take a second look, immediately turn your eyes away, see the yellow picture in the reboot bar, you
can Call the bar to manage. Bawu has now also opened a software to manage the post bar,
sometimes there will be a situation of wrong blocking, you can apply for unblocking. In today's
Internet age, there is a lot of prostitution resources, and various online platforms are also full of
content. The pornographic information that modern people come into contact with in a day may
exceed the pornographic information that ancient people have access to in their entire lives, and
many of the content is perverted. It is not easy to get out of the mud without getting stained in this
era of rampant licentiousness. It requires a fairly high level of rebooting cultivation, and requires
you to have a high level of reboot awareness and concentration, so that you will not be polluted and
corroded by pornography. .

Share some cases below

1. [Confession, I ate too much last night, and I had insomnia. As a result, a thought suddenly
appeared in the middle of the night. I was obsessed with it. I built a perverted scene and brought
myself in. The thought did not stop, but followed. It is too much. Failed, resulting in crazy lust,
rapid heartbeat, chest convulsions, chills all over, and then sweating and fever, which greatly
damaged the yang energy, Amitabha! Sin, I hope you all take warning. 】

Additional comment: This is the feedback of a level 11 brother, old brothers sometimes make
mistakes, pay attention to all aspects of rebooting, sometimes it is a small detail that causes a series
of reactions afterward. In this case, if you eat too much at night, you should eat less at night. If you
eat too much, you will be prone to abdominal distension, which will affect your sleep. This is a key
common sense. When you can’t sleep, you are easily irritable, and you are easily broken by your
inner demons. A brother said before, "I feel that the increased awareness is very helpful for
insomnia. When I can't sleep, all kinds of thoughts keep popping up in my mind, and then I can't
sleep because of the thoughts. Run with your thoughts. It’s easy to empty your brain, and it’s easy to
fall asleep.” Due to factors such as diet, seasons, and stress, there may be short-term sleep
disturbances. At this time, you should be vigilant and strengthen your mindfulness. For those who
have broken the precept, according to my experience, it is good to observe the mind when you
cannot fall asleep. If you can strengthen the observation of the mind when you are insomnia, it will
be beneficial to fall asleep. When I can't sleep, the feeling of irritability and various thoughts arise.
At this time, when I observe, they disappear, my mind regains peace, and I slowly fall asleep. Some
time ago, a brother summed up: "Every day of rebooting is an actual battle, like one person fighting
against ten thousand people, thoughts are like monsters, come one kills one, two kills one pair, kill
it to the point of not leaving a single piece of armor. If your inner demons emerge, you will be
sniped. If you practice breaking your thoughts more, you must reach a state of ecstasy. Only then
can you be sure to subdue your inner demons. Thoughts will definitely come. As long as you can
break your thoughts, you will not be afraid of them coming up. No matter how much you come, you
will die." His summary is very good, there are both theoretical and practical parts of rebooting, the
theory must be based on actual combat, there are many people who can write theories, but they are
not necessarily strong in actual combat, a brother wrote before. After reading more than a dozen
rebooting articles, the reasoning was very good, but in the end, he relapsed, and he relapsed twice in
three days, and was abused by the inner demon! This is the result of talking on paper and deviating
from actual combat. You don’t know when the thoughts will invade. This may be when you are
walking, eating, bored, sitting, lying down, bathing, reading, watching TV, going to the toilet, etc.
Evil thoughts can invade at any time, so you must be vigilant at all times. Just like when you surf
the Internet, antivirus software and security guards are always turned on, and the virus will be
intercepted and killed as soon as it arrives. This is an instant thing. When I passed by the
construction site last time, I saw a banner - "Always pay attention to safety", this sentence gave me
inspiration, we should also "always pay attention to safety" when rebooting! Evil thoughts attacking
the brain must be cut off immediately, and must not be followed. Following is strengthening, and in
the end, you will become lustful. After rebooting, evil thoughts will definitely arise again, the key is
to get rid of them in time , Don't fall into the stream of thoughts, don't be led away by evil thoughts!
Pictorial obscenity is extremely fast. A scene image is instantly inserted into your mind, and you
have to get rid of it immediately, react quickly, and shoot ruthlessly! All your rebooting cultivation
is reflected in the tenths of a second in the actual combat, everything, no matter how many
rebooting articles you read, the final test is in those tenths of seconds, when evil thoughts or images
come up, your actual combat performance how? Follow, or break? Is it crazy lust, or cut off with a
knife? ! Those tenths of a second are extremely skillful. To be invincible, you must strengthen the
actual combat of breaking your mind!

2. [Please help me quickly, I feel like I'm dying! Two hours after I got off the plane yesterday, I
started to feel flustered, dizzy, nauseous, and felt like I was going to die. Then I went to the hospital
to check the heart and brain CT. The doctor said it was fine, but I didn't dare to tell the doctor that I
had masturbated before, so I Doubt it was caused by masturbation. I was dizzy when I turned over
in bed last night, but I recovered a little today, but I still feel dizzy after standing for a long time,
and my upper limbs are weak and my heart is uncomfortable. I didn't dare to fall asleep last night, I
was afraid that I would never wake up after I slept, and I woke up every time I was about to fall
asleep. I feel like I'm going to die suddenly, and now I don't dare to sleep because I'm afraid I won't
be able to wake up. It's really a sin, I didn't take it seriously before, and I only knew that I regretted
when there was a big problem with my body. I studied a lot a year ago and thought I was in control,
so I didn't watch it for nearly half a year. Now that I can't control myself during the holidays, I have
been masturbating every day since the holiday for a month, and I still don't go to bed until 4 or 5 in
the middle of the night. Now I really believe it when I say that I died suddenly from masturbation.
If I went to the hospital later yesterday, I would have been scared to death. 】

Additional comment: This is another case of near-death by masturbation. I have shared many cases
before. If you masturbate hard, you may die suddenly. Some male insects die directly after mating.
The organs and tissues of the body are all good. But the energy is gone, just like a car is out of gas
or a computer is out of power, the parts are all good, but the energy to start and support operation is
gone. Sudden death in sexual intercourse is specifically mentioned in Chinese medicine. Kidney
essence is the energy that nourishes the internal organs and should not be consumed casually. Young
people are often ignorant. Sudden death is much more likely. In this era, many young people die
suddenly. In China, more than 500,000 people die each year, and at least 1,000 people die every
day. The incidence of sudden death in men is higher than that in women. Are young people dying
suddenly because of stress and fatigue? Obviously not, there is a hidden reason behind it, that is to
watch the masturbation! The reason for this is very secret, and for the deceased, this kind of thing
may only be known to him. A lot of young people who died suddenly, if you put their lives
backwards like a movie for a few hours, you will see that they are masturbating like crazy! Maybe
this is the last madness before the destruction. When it is discovered again, it is already a cold
corpse... I didn't make much contribution to this world. With the coffin, the precious life was
squandered in the illusory pleasure again and again. It's a pity and a tragedy. The white-haired
person sends the black-haired person, turning life into a tragedy! The beginning of this case started
with a cry for help: "Please help me quickly, I feel like I'm dying!" The pressure of death made him
extremely panic, making him at a loss, as if facing a great enemy, life was originally good , How
come you are suddenly facing death? So sudden, so unacceptable! Still so young. Master Yinguang
said: "Among the ten points of the world, four points die because of lust. Although four points die
directly from lust, they die because of lust and desire, and they die indirectly due to other feelings.
One or two. In the vast world, there are nine out of ten people who want to die from lust, but it’s not
sad.” People in the world often pursue lust as enjoyment and welfare, but they don’t know that to
obtain pleasure is to pay a heavy price, and to kill to replace! There is a knife on the head of the
word lust, and I don’t know how many people have fallen under this slaughter knife from ancient
times to the present. Goode warned future generations to reboot. Many practitioners feel that they
can control themselves and their health is okay, but gradually they will become more and more out
of control, and their health will become worse and worse, and suddenly one day they cross the
critical point, the symptoms will suddenly flare up, and then they will regret it. Too late!
3. [Insist on rebooting for more than 300 days, I have changed from a disease-ridden, ignorant and
indulgent devil to a person who is physically and mentally healthy, and has regained a kind and
positive energy in his heart. In the past, his temperament was wretched and disgusting, but now I
am. Pure and upright, I have truly experienced the pure and great joy brought by rebooting, how
refreshing the days without masturbation are, the days when the heart is pure and thinking of others
everywhere, how happy it is to help others, How happy are the happiest days of doing good. Thank
you for rebooting, let me be a positive energy person, thank you for rebooting for embellishing my
life, making me feel that the world is so pure and wonderful! 】

Addendum: This is an excerpt from the post "Hui Jian Zhan Mo", he has been rebooting for more
than 300 days and has undergone a great transformation. His previously sluggish and swollen face
has gradually regained a youthful air after rebooting, and he looks much better. His words are very
good, they have expressed the feelings of many brothers, rebooting has indeed brought us pure and
great happiness, the days of non-masturbation are so pure and beautiful, after quitting the world will
feel completely different when looking at the world , you can feel the beauty, the innocence and the
magical side of it, which is a childhood feeling, once you start to indulge in pornography and
masturbation vices, that magical feeling and pure great pleasure is gone, replaced by Crazy pursuit
of pleasure, constantly hollowing out himself, the person in the mirror has gradually changed from
an innocent boy to a disgusting and wretched uncle. A brother said, "I don't have that lewd vibe
anymore, I'm much more handsome." The lecherous face is easily distorted, there is also a vicious
and wretched feeling on the face, it looks gray, the negative energy is very heavy, and there is a lot
of masturbation. The person looks dirty, not only has evil spirits, but also has a filthy aura. After
quitting, the mind will be purified, the appearance will be born from the heart, the face will be
restored, the eyes will be clear and bright, and the heart will be very happy and happy. Happiness is
inherently self-sufficient. increasingly unhappy. At the beginning, we were completely
overwhelmed by the intense pleasure. This exciting experience was very new, and we had never
experienced it before, so we quickly became obsessed with pleasure and pursued it endlessly.
Pursuing pleasure means giving up pure happiness. You can’t have both. Pleasure is indeed
attractive and exciting, but in the end you will find that pure happiness is what is truly valuable. Be
happy inside, in the pure beauty, simple and unpretentious, but has a unique texture of natural joy
and satisfaction! A pure soul is like a radiant diamond that you lose after masturbation! You start
looking for happiness in the filthy rubbish, and you end up being tortured by unexpected pain! We
should not only reboot, but also actively do good deeds and accumulate virtue, so that positive
energy will soon rise. Hundreds of blessings come down, and one hundred misfortunes come down
if you do bad things!" To help others is actually to treat yourself kindly, to give roses to others, and
to have fragrance in your hands! Life is a practice. Be a good person and make more contributions
to the society and the country. You come to this world to add positive energy to the world. You will
find that a life with positive energy is truly meaningful and worth living. I don't know how many
times better than the days of licentious indulgence!

4. [I just graduated this year and I found a job. It's pretty good. The boss and teachers are very good.
I've been working for more than 20 days, and I'm very happy. It's just that there is no rest in these 20
days, so I took a day off and wanted to rest. But after returning home, he did not rest. Instead, his
vigilance dropped after he suddenly relaxed, which led to relapse. The relapse made me groggy and
weak for the next two or three days, unable to cope with my work (I was able to do my work well
before the relapse), and what made me worse was that lust once again affected my thinking and
attitude, I suddenly Feeling disgusted with my job, this idea keeps growing, and after masturbation,
I feel irritable and have the idea of quitting. In the constant entanglement, he broke the precept
again. After the second relapse, I no longer had the energy to cope with my work. After several days
of drowsiness, I resigned. This two consecutive relapses cost me a good job, and I regret it now, and
the most terrifying thing I realize is that sexual immorality will deeply affect your heart, making
you arrogant and arrogant about life. I lost confidence in my work and I became easily despaired,
and it also made me realize that quitting sexual misconduct is not an easy task. After rebooting for a
long time and still failing frequently, I realized that rebooting is a lifetime event. And in this life, be
vigilant and fight hard every day. Grateful to the brothers who have rebooted together, may all
brothers be able to overcome their inner demons and overcome themselves. 】

Additional comment: This is a typical case of masturbation affecting the working state. When the
body is weak and the mental state is very poor, it is difficult to perform the work at this time, and it
is easy to make mistakes at work. Evil masturbation will make people depressed and decadent, and
people will lose their fighting spirit. , murky. Some brothers say that they wanted to work hard and
make a difference before, but after relapse, that kind of ambition suddenly disappears, they are too
lazy to do things, even if they do they can't do well, they become disheartened and lose their
fighting spirit and motivation. . There is a very good idiom, that is, "recharge your energy and keep
your energy up", nourishing enough kidney essence, nourishing spirit, and doing things can't be
compared in the same way. That kind of sharp eyes, that kind of confidence, that kind of aura, as if
there were a million soldiers behind him. Evil obscenity not only distracts people, spends a lot of
time and energy on looking for pornography, watching pornography, masturbating, and
masturbating, but also causes people to lose their own energy significantly. A person with strong
energy will be motivated to do things. If the energy state is very low, many things will not be done
well. When energy and brain power are in a very poor state, the efficiency of work can be imagined.
Promiscuity will make people have negative and negative thoughts and give up on themselves, this
brother was in good condition before the relapse, but after the relapse, he became drowsy and had a
bad feeling in his heart, he started to hate work and his mood also became irritable , the idea of
leaving. Originally, this was a good job. If you keep doing it, your future may be limitless.
Unfortunately, it was ruined by two consecutive relapses. One of the brothers said, "About
masturbation, my biggest knowledge is that it is not good for my mental state, willpower, and
motivation. For example, I made a plan today, how to arrange my study in the next month. and life,
but once I fuck up tonight, I will fall into the quagmire of doing nothing to play games and browse
boring web pages the next day, and I am still doing this when I am very clear about my reluctance
and feel that my life is wasted and my time is wasted." Addicted The vices of pornography and
masturbation can really make people fall into a state of decadence and negativity, this is the
common feeling of countless people, another brother said, "Just tell me one thing in my mind: I
only watch, I won't masturbate, In the end, it was a complete mess, after the masturbation, the
whole world was not good, and I wanted to get angry when I encountered a trivial matter." The
voice in his head was the instigation of the demon, he didn't cut it off, but listened to it, and his
mentality after the masturbation was over. It's broken. When a person's mentality is not good, he
will feel angry when he looks at the world, and he will feel unpleasant when he looks at people, and
he will feel uncomfortable, and quarrels will easily occur. To stand in this society and have stable
and long-term development requires considerable positive energy, and interpersonal relationships
also need positive energy to maintain. A person often watches pornography masturbation, and has
all kinds of filthy evil thoughts, he is accumulating

5. [I want to ask Brother Feixiang, I can enter into the awareness of emptiness after awareness, but
in this state, everything is empty, as long as I want to do something, I will break this state, then
how? To maintain this state of emptiness of awareness all the time? 】

Additional comment: The question of this brother is rather profound. After awareness, one will
enter into pure awareness of emptiness. This is the true self. The true self is the observer, that is, the
observation itself. After rebooting, realizing that this pure awareness is your true self is a milestone
event in your life. Knowing that pure awareness can help you better master your own mind is also a
key realization that is directly related to enlightenment. Teacher Ding Yuren: "We ordinary people
are just standing in the wrong place, standing on the moving side, but not standing on the unmoving
one, and don't take the unmoving person as ourselves. If there is a moving, there will be a moving
one, and we will recognize it from the moving. That one doesn't move." The Buddhist teaching says
that "stopping is Bodhi", and when a thought stops, it does not move the mind, which is pure
awareness. Ordinary people take thoughts as their own, and keep running with them. They don’t
know the real self that doesn’t move. The feeling of the real self is nothingness. When many people
hear nothingness, they will be afraid. The fear of emptiness is because they deeply believe that
thoughts are themselves, the so-called "I think, therefore I am". This wrong identification is very
stubborn. They stand on thinking and identify with thoughts as themselves, so they are instinctively
afraid of emptiness. And resistance to emptiness, in fact, emptiness is the sum of all energy, there is
clear awareness in emptiness, it is not as ignorant as a stone.

There are two kinds of knowledge. One is to recognize the thought as oneself and to follow the
thought; the other is to recognize the pure awareness of emptiness. The thought is only a tool, and
the body is the carrier of awareness. Ordinary people are basically the first kind of understanding,
and the enlightened person is the second kind of understanding. This brother said, "As long as I
want to do something, I will break this state." Realizing the pure awareness of this emptiness, this
emptiness has become the center, thinking is needed, both study and work need to start.
Mindfulness is not to keep you in emptiness all the time without moving. The vowel old man said
that it is to be used for magic, not to die there without moving. You should also maintain awareness
when you use it, that is, think consciously. This way your thinking will be more efficient and
creative. After you use it, remember to return to nothingness. Nothingness is the center. Thinking
without awareness is to follow the thoughts and get caught up in the flow of thoughts. There is no
sense of mastery and lack of awareness. The efficiency of this kind of thinking is very low, and the
energy will be consumed by random thoughts. Eckhart Tory: "The main predicament of human
existence is actually unconscious thinking." "The whole human being is lost in thinking", he said to
the point, we are the observers behind the thoughts, not the thoughts . This epiphany can be
described as earth-shattering. After so long in reincarnation, you finally have this realization. It is
not easy. This part of the content belongs to the comprehension of the highest level of rebooting.
For many brothers, it is not very easy to understand. To truly accept it completely requires a process
and also depends on each person's comprehension.

Very young children, when they finish talking and doing things, they will automatically return to the
empty seat. Their minds are empty, without any thoughts. They look at the world with big innocent
eyes, but they do not know this empty seat, they just Instinctively, they return to the empty space.
Their hearts are very pure, very clean, and they are in a state of pure joy. Then they grow up, and
they start to get lost in thinking. , they deviate from the vacant seat, and the vacant seat is actually
the righteous seat, the throne, and the joyful seat. The "Tao Te Ching" says: "Quietness is the
righteousness of the world." Master Fu's "Inscription to the King of the Heart": "Looking at the
King of the Heart, it is mysterious and unfathomable." "Besides the King of Heart, there is no other
Buddha." Goode's teaching is for us to understand this emptiness! Empty space is pure awareness.
If you stay in the empty space, you will experience great joy and great happiness. True happiness
does not require sensory stimulation, does not require external seeking, it is self-sufficient, and you
only need to restore a pure mind and you can feel it. Enduring satisfaction and immense joy.
Chasing desire will only bring pain. Wise people have long seen this point. The characteristic of
desire is that it is never satisfied. It is a bottomless pit. If you want more, you get tired of
masturbating, and in the end you will lose your mind and body. Let us experience the purity of
emptiness, the joy of emptiness, the beauty of emptiness, the energy of emptiness, the splendor of
emptiness, the splendor of emptiness, the vastness of emptiness, keep experiencing emptiness and
enjoy emptiness! Satisfied in the air, happy in the air, detached in the air! You know where the real
happiness is, you know who the real you are! Joy keeps flowing from the depths of your heart, a
pure and beautiful smile blooms on your face, your expression, your eyes, and every cell of you are
full of joy.

6. 【 I have been in rebooting bars for three or four years, and finally realized the true meaning of
rebooting. Rebooting is not about how many days there are? It depends on daily practice, whether
there is exercise, health preservation, control of legacy, control of sexual obscenity, and whether
there is learning to eliminate inner demons. Thank you, Brother Feixiang, it has been almost a year
since I was a loser and I have completely quit, and I have truly experienced the joy and happiness
after rebooting. After rebooting for a year, all symptoms are relatively stable, morning erections
have recovered, I can fall asleep, and I will not wake up at night. As long as you stick to it every
day, you can see your own changes. However, there are still things that are not very good in life.
Sometimes you have to socialize, so sometimes you drink some alcohol. I found that drinking
alcohol seriously affects the recovery of the body, so I must do it in the future. Restraint, doing a
good job of every little bit in life, cherishing every minute and every second, can make a big
change. Thank you, thank you for making a huge difference in my life. 】

Additional comment: This brother has completely quit for almost a year, he has transformed, come
and reboot for three or four years, he has the current results, which is very good. After rebooting,
one should not be too obsessed with the number of days, the key is to learn to cultivate one’s mind,
and to do a good job in all aspects of rebooting, so that if you practice persistently, the number of
days will naturally make a big breakthrough. He also felt the sense of pleasure and happiness after
rebooting. This kind of beautiful feeling is indeed something that evil lust cannot give, and evil lust
will only take you away from this pure and beautiful state. A brother from abroad said: "I had the
happiest time when I devoted myself to rebooting related websites. I had 20 clean days (no porn, no
masturbation). I felt happy. I finally know how I feel after getting rid of it, I am so happy." Brothers
from abroad have said it very well, to get rid of the control of demons, there will be a sense of
freedom in the heart, this feeling is very precious, I am relieved and stop doing it Demon's puppet.
When the heart is clean, there will naturally be a kind of pure great happiness. Real happiness
comes from a pure heart, and debauchery and depravity cannot give you real happiness. Pleasure
does not equal happiness! Delicious pleasure is not real pleasure! Have you ever observed that
people's expressions are often extremely painful when they are ejected, and some howls of pain are
also emitted. Because of the loss of energy, the essence of life has been ejected. Although I
experienced a short-term pleasure, I also felt it at the same time. A certain degree of pain, after
ejaculation, I felt my body was hollowed out, a feeling of emptiness, loss and powerlessness came
to my heart, and people also became dull and stupid, with dull eyes, dull eyes, and fell asleep. A
brother said, "I have been masturbating for 8 years and I have never been truly happy, I just feel
more and more empty." These few words of his express the truth, masturbation will not experience
true happiness, many people will not experience true happiness. Mistakenly thinking that
masturbation will make you happy is actually the biggest misunderstanding. Only after rebooting
does one know what true freedom and happiness are, debauchery and debauchery will only bind
oneself and make oneself miserable. Drinking alcohol can easily lead to repeated symptoms, and it
is also prone to relapse. It is better to drink less during work and entertainment. After drinking, you
should also pay attention to maintaining a high degree of vigilance and strengthening the mind.
Rebooting can bring about earth-shaking changes, this is the real experience of countless people
who have experienced it. Persistence in rebooting will transform your body and mind, and let the
positive energy explode!

7. 【Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to encounter rebooting. Since then, my life trajectory has
been different. Three years ago, when I was in high school, I got in with the lowest grades in the
whole school. The whole first year of high school was still caught in pornography, and my grades
were also very poor. I didn't even get into the top 30 of my class. During the summer vacation when
I was a freshman and a sophomore, I encountered rebooting and realized the dangers of
masturbation. After wandering in my sophomore year, I persisted for a whole year in my senior
year, and finally finished my high school in 20th place in the city. In my career, I was fortunate to
be admitted to a 985 school. I sincerely thank you for rebooting, without it, maybe I can only spend
four years of college in an ordinary school, and I would also like to thank the vast number of
rebooting friends, without your selfless help, I would not be where I am today. The road is a long
way to go, I will search up and down, and I hope to work together with the majority of the rebooting
bar to create a better tomorrow! 】

Comment: This is a very powerful case of counterattack. From the bottom of the school to the 20th
place in the city, what a leap! The harm of pornography is very great, the country is also cracking
down on pornography, pornography gambling and drugs, pornography ranks first, and pornographic
and obscene information is very poisonous and corrosive to people, and it is easy to come into
contact with pornographic content in the Internet age. And the border map is overwhelming,
flooding all kinds of network platforms, in order to attract attention and increase the click rate.
Come to reboot, recognize the dangers of pornography and masturbation, and decide to quit, this is
the beginning of the transformation journey. Masturbation does affect schoolwork, because the
kidneys are connected to the brain, and foreign studies have also mentioned that pornography can
have adverse effects on the brain. A study in JAMA Psychiatry. May 28, 2014 shows that a large
number of The subjects who watched pornography had a smaller volume of gray matter in the right
caudate nucleus than those who watched less time, meaning that people who watched a lot of porn
had significantly less gray matter than those who watched less porn. Gray matter is a nerve tissue
and an important part of the central nervous system, formed by the aggregation of a large number of
neuronal cell bodies and their dendrites. Watching too much porn may make men lazy, according to
a new German study, with the men who browsed more porn sites having smaller brain regions
related to reward and motivation. Everyone carefully recall their performance before and after
masturbation. Many people did become lazy, lost their fighting spirit and aggressiveness, and
looked sluggish. After being shot, they felt powerless and decadent. Shen, the eyes are dull, the face
is haggard, the energy is low, and the brain power is declining. This state has a great impact on the
study. The student party's requirements for brain power are very high. If the brain power is not
good, the academic performance will drop sharply. The student party should recognize the
relationship between masturbation and brain power, recognize the seriousness of the problem, and
must be determined to quit the bad habit of masturbation. It's about your future and destiny. A
brother posted for help: "I can't learn anything now, I haven't passed CET 4 a few times. I think
back then when I scored 731 in the senior high school entrance exam, I feel so stupid now, far
worse than before. If I start quitting now, what will happen? When will the intelligence recover?"
He has already lost his brain power, and is obviously much more stupid than before. If his brain is
stupid, his future will be greatly affected. In TCM, the source of the brain and marrow originates
from the kidney essence, and the two are closely related physiologically and mutually influence
each other pathologically. We must know how to maintain the kidney essence, do not masturbate, do
not contemplate prostitution, do not look at pornography, use energy for the right path, be a
righteous gentleman who reboots, and do not be a wretched man who is lustful. Destroy yourself

Enter the text below

The 120th season is already in the blink of an eye. This season will be a summary and deepening of
professional rebooting. To become a master of rebooting, you must have a deep understanding of
the principles and laws of rebooting, and you must have a better understanding of all aspects of
rebooting. correct understanding. This season is the basic chapter, which mainly analyzes and
expounds from the basic points of rebooting. Everyone knows that solid basic skills are very
important. How high you can reach in the future will firstly depend on whether your rebooting
foundation is solid and stable. The real reboot seniors always emphasize the basics, so do I,
rebooting up to now I still attach great importance to the basics, you must master all those
knowledge points, and the understanding must be clear and accurate. In the process of answering
questions, I have encountered some brothers, and they have not been clear about some basic
questions, which makes it easy for them to be attacked by inner demons. The more loopholes you
have, the greater the possibility of being attacked by inner demons. The attacks of inner demons are
often very targeted, specifically targeting the loopholes in your consciousness. Therefore, you must
strengthen your study and improve your consciousness, so that when you encounter problems, you
will have The correct answer has the backbone and will not be shaken casually.

Some brothers don't pay enough attention to basic knowledge, but they don't know that without
foundations, there would be no high-rise buildings, how deep and solid the foundations of those
high-rise buildings are! According to my actual combat experience and feedback from many
brothers, sometimes the understanding of the details of a certain issue directly determines whether
or not there will be a relapse. Many understandings need to be very clear, not ambiguous and
unclear. What happens in actual combat and how to deal with it, you have to be clear in your heart.
When that situation occurs, you will not panic, you can deal with it calmly, and pass the test
smoothly. A brother asked this question before: "What is a relapse?" This is a question that a rookie
would ask, but he is no longer a rookie, it means that he still does not have a clear understanding of
the basics, so he has to reflect on it. The basic knowledge points must be understood and mastered
as precisely as possible.

A brother said, "Rebooting, you can't have any slack, you have to be vigilant! After more than 200
days of rebooting, I was lying in bed today and reading a novel on my mobile phone, some bad
pictures suddenly popped up, I didn't stop thinking in time, Click in and see, some liquid will flow
out in a short while." Keeping vigilance is one of the basic points of rebooting, at the high level of
rebooting, seniors are still emphasizing vigilance, no matter how long you reboot, you must always
be vigilant and never let go. Do not underestimate the enemy, do not be complacent. It is often easy
to relapse when lying in bed. Once you are in a lying position, you have to give yourself a special
reminder to be vigilant! Reading novels or news on the Internet on a mobile phone implies a great
danger, because there are Huang Lei everywhere on the Internet, and if you don’t get it right, you
will be tricked! Internet access is like entering a minefield, entering a minefield. At this time, you
must be super vigilant. The tempting pictures jump out, don't look at them, don't focus, and turn
them off immediately. A lot of people focus on things with the second eye. They don’t see it clearly
at the first glance. They want to see it with curiosity, but as soon as they focus, they fall into it.
When you stare at those pictures, something subtly changes inside you, and you gradually lose

A few days ago, a senior brother reported to me that when he first woke up in the morning he would
often be carried away by evil thoughts, this is indeed the case in actual combat, because when he
first woke up he was dazed and not sober and vigilant enough to be easily carried away by evil
thoughts . After having the experience and lessons of actual combat, you must strengthen your
vigilance when you wake up, so that you will quickly enter a state of high vigilance every time you
wake up. This is the experience summary of the actual combat details, which is very important and
critical! From a rebooting rookie to a rebooting master, it is a process of learning, comprehension,
continuous improvement, and continuous growth. I have learned from the successful experience of
my predecessors, improved my rebooting awareness, and diligently practiced the practice of
mindfulness and renunciation. Introspect, summarize, refine and optimize, so that the more or less
the better. Many people will break their precepts at the very beginning, but they have made great
breakthroughs by strengthening their studies and practicing renunciation.

I remember that I used to be a complete rebooting rookie, the kind that was abused by my inner
demons. When I faced the invasion of my inner demons, I would collapse at the touch of a button,
and I had no resistance at all. Sometimes I struggled a little inside, but I quickly surrendered. It's
like wrestling with a strong man whose strength is far greater than my own. I want to exert my
strength, but I am quickly overwhelmed by the powerful strength. This is a one-sided game without
any suspense. The power of the inner demon makes me so weak. In a matter of seconds, the devil
can drag me back into that vicious circle of masturbation depravity, enslaving and ravaging it. Later,
when I became stronger, I realized that although the inner demon is powerful, it is not invincible.
The key is to be strong to that extent. To succeed in rebooting, you must have an idea or belief that
keeps getting stronger, and you must be stronger than your inner demons in order to subdue your
inner demons. It is like locking you and your inner demons in an octagonal cage. Fierce fighting,
only the strong can survive!

Some newcomers who come to reboot bars will post questions: "How to reboot? What is the
method?" They really want to quit the bad habit of masturbation, but they don't know the method.
Maybe they have tried many times before, but they all ended in failure. , the demons still cannot be
subdued. Newcomers come to rebooting bars, and when they see seniors rebooting for hundreds of
days, they will feel amazing, even a little incredible, how did they do it? In fact, as long as the
correct method is mastered, everyone can do it. What newcomers need most is learning. The power
of rebooting comes from study and practice. Great, they are proficient in this way and have
practiced to a very high level. They are true mindless swordsmen who can instantly kill demons.
Newbies often have no concept of rebooting at the beginning, many people are still relying on
perseverance to forcefully reboot, and even resort to self-mutilation, which is doomed to failure.
Exceptions all fail. Rebooting needs to know how to cultivate one’s mind, it cannot rely solely on
perseverance or self-mutilation, rebooting needs to know a lot of principles, including the principles
of professional rebooting, the principles of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, the
principles of traditional culture sage education and so on. Rebooting is a systematic project, only
one who is professional in rebooting can usher in a truly complete transformation. Rebooting is a
brand-new transformation of the whole person, the entire state of mind, the entire value, and the
entire way of life.

Here are some key takeaways from the Basics

【First establish the correct motivation for rebooting】

A brother asked in my post:

"Brother Feixiang, I found that I was very focused on recovery, especially the recovery of my
appearance. I looked in the mirror every day, and I was very stinky. Later, I asked myself why I
rebooted and why I rebooted. I found that I didn't actually recognize it. Qing, I want to restore my
appearance and become more handsome. In fact, I want to attract the opposite sex, and the purpose
is to be lecherous. I know it myself, but this society likes to look at appearance, so even though I
know it, I often fantasize about what I will look like when I become handsome. , I don't know how
to change this mentality, Brother Feixiang, do you think I should change this mentality, I am jealous
of those who are handsome because they can attract the opposite sex, but I can't."

This brother's motive for rebooting is to restore his appearance and become handsome, the hidden
motive behind it is to attract the opposite sex, or lust. This kind of motivation for rebooting is
actually quite common in reboot bars, such as wanting to restore sexual function as soon as
possible, for better indulgence in the future, and to find a beautiful girlfriend and increase attraction
to the opposite sex. The fundamental motive behind these motives is still lust for female lust, this
kind of motive for rebooting may be successful for a while, but it will definitely fail in the end. The
purpose of rebooting is to get rid of their lust for women's lust, and their motive is precisely to lust
for women's lust. Once their appearance is restored and they become handsome, they will start to
degenerate again. As a decent gentleman, one should not be greedy for women's lust, and a manly
man should stand upright in the sky and do a great cause. In life, you can fall in love, marry a wife
and have children, but it shouldn’t be a lust-loving mentality. Rebooting for the sake of lusting for
women’s lust is wrong in itself, and even more wrong if you are jealous, and handsome people will
grow old sooner or later. Go, actually handsome in appearance is very superficial, the real
handsome is handsome in heart, you have a pure heart, you have positive energy and a sense of
responsibility, and you don't have to worry about finding a good family. If you are greedy for
women's pornography and have a lewd and indulgent idea, you will only make yourself fall into a
dirty and negative state of mind. Now I see those handsome male stars being warmly sought after
and welcomed by the opposite sex, I am not jealous at all, my heart is very calm, because this is a
temporary phenomenon, when the male stars are old, who will continue to follow them? At that
time, the psychological gap can be imagined, and celebrities are also very easy to get angry, and
their faces are unreliable. This society likes to look at appearance, but there are other things that are
higher than appearance, that is, a person's mental state and the aura of the whole person. Many
successful people are not handsome, but they look very attractive. Virtue is even more valuable, and
virtuous talents are truly worthy of our study and imitation.

Come to reboot, everyone, most of the motives for rebooting are to restore physical and mental
health, restore brain power, restore appearance and temperament, etc. Such motives are
understandable, it is okay to simply want to restore appearance and temperament, there should be
no hidden behind Lustful motives do. When I first started rebooting, I also wanted to restore my
physical and mental health, because at that time my body had already collapsed, and I was in a state
where life was better than death, and I wanted to improve my health through rebooting. Although
this kind of motivation is common sense, there may be a limit to the abstinence to a certain extent,
that is, when the body and mind are restored to health, why should the abstinence be at that time?
This is indeed a problem, a brother has specifically raised this issue before, he has basically
recovered, and suddenly he can't find the motivation or reason to quit. The limitation of this kind of
motivation is that it is still for one’s own sake, and it still belongs to the category of self-interest.
You can use this kind of motivation at the beginning, because it is really important to restore your
physical and mental health. It should follow the sublimation, from self-interest to altruism, to
complete this transformation. "Tai Shang Induction Chapter" has four very good words, that is:
Rectify yourself into a human being! Not only do you have to rectify yourself, but you also need to
transform people, help others understand the dangers of pornography and masturbation, and help
others get rid of the bad habit of masturbation. It is a very noble motive to rectify oneself and
transform oneself. I started rebooting with recovering my physical and mental health. Later, when I
became enlightened, I began to take righteousness and transforming people as my motive. I vowed
to help more people, which has made me persist until now. Prescribing for yourself will inevitably
lead to narrow-mindedness and even selfishness. If you transform yourself into others, your
motivation will be sublimated qualitatively. You are not only serving yourself, but you are serving
sentient beings. This nature is completely different. Because the motivation is particularly noble, the
momentum of your quitting is also extraordinary, because you know that you are doing a great
thing, and you complete it as a noble mission, which makes your actions have special meaning .
According to my experience and in-depth research, I found that only those with altruistic motives
can abstain for a long time, and those with great aspirations are more likely to persevere. color

【Delete all bad resources】

If you want to reboot successfully, you must be ruthless in deleting bad resources. When you truly
recognize the dangers of pornography, you will not treat them as "welfare". Those obscene videos
are actually drugs, and they are things that harm people, you must Delete it cleanly, so that it will be
more firm to quit. Some newcomers are reluctant to delete them. They are still hesitating because
some videos are very suitable for them. They spend a lot of time and energy in finding resources
and downloading resources, and they are still greedy for those videos. A few years ago, a brother
said that he had collected more than 100 GB of resources. At that time, he thought it was quite a lot,
usually a few dozen GB would be a lot. However, some time ago, a brother said that he had 3 or 4
Ts. resources (1TB is equal to 1024G), this capacity is a bit appalling. He studied rebooting articles
and realized the dangers of pornography and masturbation, so he decided to delete them. Porn
movies are really not a good thing, the country is also cracking down on pornography, but
masturbators are watching pornography and masturbating. Induced by pornography, they become
more and more perverted. Many people end up watching perverted movies, and ordinary movies are
no longer satisfied.

Porn videos can bring constant fresh excitement and are highly addictive. The Coolidge effect is
very powerful. A key factor that triggers the Coolidge effect is the novelty itself. The married
couple’s life is single, and it will gradually get bored and return to plain, while the objects provided
by Internet pornography can be said to be infinite, and there are always new ones being launched,
which will make you deeply immersed in them. When you see some new films, you will even sigh
"that's how it can be". The new ones always have a special attraction, just like holding a new mobile
phone and putting it down, holding an old one is boring. In fact, after a while of trembling,
everything is boring, everything becomes boring, because dopamine drops, so you feel empty, tired,
decadent, depressed, lost, exhausted, powerless, regretful, and even miserable and hopeless. It's not
just the result of a drop in dopamine, it's the immediate feeling that comes with energy depletion.
The same film, if you watch it after you ejaculate, you will feel boring, and you will not be able to
stimulate the secretion of dopamine. In a sense, this is actually a dopamine scam. I read an article
before, which said Dopamine will bring people unhappiness, because dopamine brings desire
instead of happiness. This conclusion is very reasonable. Dopamine brings the short-term pleasure
of desire. When dopamine drops, what you feel is real. "unhappy"! Pleasure is short-lived,
unhappiness is long-lasting.

When I started rebooting at that time, I deleted all the resources on my computer. Before I rebooted,
I downloaded a lot, probably dozens of them. After rebooting, I deleted all of them, and I haven’t
read them since. The vices of pornography and masturbation have caused me a lot of pain. The pain
makes me firm, decisive, and not greedy. When you realize that food is poisonous, you definitely
don't want to eat it, and you won't eat it if you kill it. , Although the dishes are delicious and
tempting, but you know that there is poison in them, you will not eat them. To start rebooting, be
sure to completely delete all resources, from your mobile phone, computer, space, and online disk,
delete them all! Not one left! The determination must be great, the courage of a strong man to break
his wrist, and the spirit of Lin Zexu's Humen to sell cigarettes. I remember that in the 1990s, all the
confiscated pornographic films were collected together and crushed by a large roller road roller and
crushed by a shredder. This kind of obscene resource is to be completely destroyed and eliminated
by means of thunder!

【Strong determination】
The firmness of your rebooting determination will determine whether you will succeed in rebooting
from the very beginning. The determination should not be discounted, and there should be no luck
or greed. Covetousness for women means that the determination is not pure enough, everyone must
strengthen their own determination. At the beginning of my rebooting, I made a great determination,
as if I had broken the boat and vowed to fight to the death, I made up my mind to the death! I told
myself that I had to quit. I had reached a cliff where there was no way out. Only by shining my
sword and fighting to the death could I survive. The lack of determination of some brothers is
related to the lack of awareness of the harm, and it is also related to their own symptoms and
experiences. The cases of masturbation harm must be studied and studied, to look at those souls
who are in pain, wailing and despair. Do you also want to be like them? You may think that you will
not reach that step. In fact, the people who have reached that step also thought so before. This is just
a fluke mentality of people. They think that it will be fine. The injury was deep, various symptoms
broke out, all kinds of pain came, and life was completely plunged into gloom, hopelessness and
decadence, like a trapped beast being slaughtered by others. A few days ago, I saw a brother who
spent tens of thousands of dollars to see prostatitis, but he was not optimistic, because he was still
masturbating, it was not easy to earn money from part-time jobs, and he basically spent it on seeing
a doctor. When I met a doctor, he told me He is moderately harmless. Some doctors have their own
misunderstandings, and they irresponsibly instill them in their patients. In fact, they harm the
patients and let the patients continue to masturbate. Should they let the patients continue to send
money to the hospital? ! Every time you masturbate, you are depleting your kidney essence, how
can it be harmless? Don't you consume battery when you use your phone? Prostatitis is caused by
masturbation, so it is necessary to completely quit masturbation and actively treat it, so that it is
possible to recover.

Some brothers have not seriously injured their essence, so they can't express their great
determination. Although the determination to reboot is related to the degree of injury to their
essence, many people have not suffered serious injuries and have quit too, with a great
determination to reboot. You don't have to wait until you're seriously injured, but you can make up
your mind when you understand the dangers of masturbation. Great determination can ignite great
diligence, and it can inspire you to devote the greatest energy to rebooting bravely. When fighting
big battles, those soldiers will write letters of determination and blood, expressing their
determination to fight the enemy bravely, expressing their steely nature. The will to fight and the
determination of the pledge meeting can play a role in stimulating and boosting morale. At the very
beginning of rebooting, you need to make a great determination. Your execution and determination
are closely related. People with great determination act differently. They act like a lion. , with the
attitude of doing a great job, learning rebooting articles will also be brave and diligent, and the
enthusiasm will be high. Determination is really very important. The foundation of rebooting
emphasizes determination. If you have determination, you will have motivation, and you will have
the power to make breakthroughs. People with low determination have poor morale and are easily
shaken. If there is any trouble, they will break their precepts. We must make a big determination.
Quit to death! Quit to death! Fuck the devil! ! !

[Correction of ideological misunderstandings]

Newcomers have seen a lot of harmless theories before, so when they come to rebooting bars, there
are still many harmless theories left in their minds. These views will hinder rebooting and even lead
to relapse, so these misunderstandings must be corrected. For example, masturbation is harmless,
moderation is harmless, regular ejaculation, abstinence is harmful, etc. These ideological
misunderstandings have been mentioned many times in my previous articles. Many people have
already recognized the harmless theory of masturbation. After all, the body has symptoms, and they
know that the harmless theory is completely wrong. The harmless theory of moderation can confuse
people. Some people know that masturbation is harmful, but they still want to practice moderation,
because they think abstinence is harmful, everything has a degree, and he feels that he can control
these misunderstandings in his mind. Let him fall into the vicious circle of masturbation again,
maybe he will not wake up until the symptoms flare up again. The abstinence that knows how to
cultivate the mind will only get better and happier; the abstinence that is forced will only become
more and more depressing and suffering. What we advocate is abstinence that cultivates the mind.
This kind of abstinence can transform sexual energy and bring people into a very good physical and
mental state. Abstinence has always been misunderstood. Many people narrowly believe that
abstinence suppresses human nature. This is actually a misunderstanding. For those brothers who
have rebooted for hundreds of days, do you feel oppressed? absolutely not! They feel happy and
free, and they have a sense of relief from their vices. Therefore, abstinence can also be very happy,
very relaxed, and very pleasant. The real abstinence is wonderful, and only those who have
experienced it themselves understand this feeling.

Being moderate in everything is an excuse for many people, and it is the same as "eating sex",
which is quoted by many people. There is a limit to everything, depending on what is going on. For
highly addictive things, you can’t have a limit and you must quit completely. Everyone knows
compulsory detoxification, why not moderate drug use? Addiction must be completely quit!
Regarding "food sex and nature", it refers to the two things of eating and reproducing offspring. The
ancient sages and sages will never teach future generations to indulge. The ignorant masturbators
often misunderstand the meaning of the ancients, and they are justified based on this. It seems that
there is a sage guarding him. After saying "food, sex, and nature", it seems that the waist is straight
and the confidence is strong. It seems that there is a sword of Shangfang. In fact, it is extremely
ignorant and ridiculous. The three words genitalia have already explained the purpose very well.
They are used for reproduction, not for indulgence. The so-called moderation is actually a false
proposition. I have seen once a week, a few years later, the symptoms are plagued, and I have also
seen once a month, a few years later, the symptoms broke out. They claim that they can achieve
moderation. Prostitution is also a secret leak. The original plan was once a week, but the actual
operation turned into three times a week or even multiple times a day. This is not uncommon. This
bad habit must be completely quit, and foreign countries have also mentioned the highly addictive
nature of masturbation, and it is really impossible to masturbate once. Some newcomers still have
the misunderstanding of thinking that they can’t just look at it and not shoot it. This is a very
elementary misunderstanding in the eyes of seniors. To get rid of bad habits, you must really
recognize these misunderstandings. This is the basic point of rebooting. , Many people have been
quitting for a long time and have not been successful, because there are still misunderstandings in
their minds. After a certain period of time, the demons will use misunderstandings to encourage
them. This season, let’s talk about the universal theory of masturbation. The universal theory of
masturbation refers to the fact that since masturbation is very common, there is no need to quit. This
is a completely wrong idea. Masturbation is a bad habit that is easy to commit, but it cannot be
avoided just because it is common. Studies have shown that 97% of people have experienced
masturbation. Master Yinguang said: Nine out of ten suffer from this disease! I read an article
abroad, it mentioned 100 people, 98 of them can masturbate, and the other 2 are liars! This may be a
bit absolute, but it still shows that masturbation is indeed a relatively common vice, and many
people are unwilling to admit this vice, pretending to be stupid and not knowing, they do not want
others to know that they are masturbators, from a certain point of view , it's not a glorious thing, it's
a secret depraved vice.

After rebooting, one should also understand the withdrawal reaction, the period of recurrent
symptoms, the period of dormancy of desire, the period of stable rebooting, and the period of
rebooting boredom, etc. This belongs to the category of professional rebooting, which is based on
the research of a large number of cases and the in-depth experience of the seniors. the rule summed
up. If a newbie does not know the withdrawal reaction and the period of recurrence of symptoms,
when the symptoms appear after he has rebooted, he will think that abstinence is harmful, so he will
relapse. If you know the withdrawal reaction and the period of repeated symptoms, you will not
panic in your heart. Even if the symptoms appear, you will be calmer and calmer, because
everything is expected, and you will be able to adjust quickly by strengthening your health. People
who do not know the dormant period of desire tend to have the idea of being arrogant and
underestimating the enemy, and think that rebooting is easy, but in fact, once the dormant period of
desire is over, it will be the peak period of relapse, and the attack of the demons will be extremely
violent at that time. If you can withstand several rounds of frantic attacks from your inner demons,
you will gradually enter a stable rebooting period, when the evil thoughts will be greatly reduced,
but you will still be harassed from time to time, and you may encounter a relatively violent demonic
test after rebooting to a certain extent. , so no matter how long you quit, you must remain vigilant
and do a good job of renunciation. Many brothers have also encountered a period of rebooting
boredom, their enthusiasm for rebooting is no longer, their original aspirations have receded, at this
time they should adjust their mentality immediately, develop a long-term mind and a strong mind,
insist on uninterrupted learning, and develop good study habits , in this way, the period of rebooting
boredom can be overcome, the best way to deal with boredom is habit, enthusiasm will fade easily,
but the power of habit will last longer. To truly love rebooting from the heart, when you really like
rebooting, it will be easy to persevere.

【Recognize the importance of learning】

I saw a post a few days ago, it was posted by a level 8 brother, he said that he finally realized that he
has been failing all the time because he did not study the rebooting articles seriously. . Being able to
realize the importance of learning is a great breakthrough, because this is a real change in the mode
of rebooting. In the past, we used to rely on perseverance to be reckless. Can someone who is
reckless open the door that weighs several tons in the treasury? Obviously not, you have to master
the method, you have to have a password and a key. The same is true of getting rid of the bad habit
of masturbation. You must master the method, learn more from the successful experience of your
predecessors, develop good study habits, persevere, focus on accumulation, and gradually become
enlightened. grasp. Many people are afraid that they will break their precepts, why are they afraid?
Because they have no certainty of winning, they are worried that they will be attacked by their inner
demons again one day. Do people who have won many battles still fear the invasion of demons?
Absolutely not! Because they are confident and sure of winning. Where does this grasp come from?
It is to improve consciousness through study, and to persist in the practice of breaking the mind and
constantly strengthen the actual combat. When it is strong to a certain level, the grasp will come
naturally, just like the grasp of being admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, when
you are strong enough to that The degree, you naturally know what to do, calm down, take on the
battle calmly, and instantly defeat the demons.

I have made a lot of rebooting notes. The notes need to be reviewed frequently, and new insights
can often be generated while reviewing. This is my personal experience. The feeling of reading a
note once and reading it ten times is completely different. After a certain number of times, you can
truly understand and comprehend, and you can even draw inferences from one case, by analogy, and
you can also have new insights and experiences. Learning rebooting articles should be a joy, the
happiness brought by an epiphany is far better than the short-term pleasure brought by
masturbation, if you understand the key truth, your consciousness will soar, and suddenly your eyes
will have a certain Strength, that is, the confidence and grasp of subduing inner demons, showed in
his eyes. I have seen boxing and fighting games before, and the eyes of the boxer can tell the
difference when they enter the court. The eyes of the boxer who loses in the end are often not
confident at the beginning. They either dodge, dare not look directly, or show some kind of anxiety.
Those who are truly confident of winning are often very composed and calm, with a sense of
confidence and certainty in their eyes, as well as a sense of strength, and they know their own
strength. If you want to succeed in rebooting, you should study rebooting articles with the greatest
enthusiasm, study rebooting articles with all your might, and study rebooting articles desperately,
don’t make excuses for not having time, if you really want to If you succeed in rebooting, you will
try to squeeze time to study. You must learn to use all kinds of fragmented time to study rebooting
articles and take notes on rebooting, to the point where you are thirsty, especially desire to become
stronger, this desire should be very urgent, so urgent You simply cannot tolerate wasting any time
by yourself, as long as you have time, you will enthusiastically devote yourself to the study of
rebooting articles, study impatiently, take notes on rebooting crazily, if you have such a state of
brave and diligent rebooting, Your awareness will advance by leaps and bounds.

Zeng Guofan said: "If you want to achieve a little success, you must start with the constant
character." He once used cooking food as a metaphor for reading. If "half a page today, a few pages
tomorrow, and a delay tomorrow, then a few years will not be able to complete one", just as
Cooking food "If you stop the fire, it will be cold, and if the fire is small, it will not be cooked. It is
easy to use large firewood." At the same time, Zeng Guofan also emphasized that we should not
pursue immediate and quick results, but should accumulate a small amount of money. It will come
to pass.” After rebooting, you must know how to study rebooting articles systematically and in-
depth, keep studying every day without interruption, you should arrange a certain amount of study
every day, such as 1-2 rebooting articles a day, if you have time, you can read more Remember to
take more notes and review more notes. One should not be in a hurry to achieve success in
rebooting, and should not have an impetuous mentality, one should calm down, learn a little bit, and
continue to accumulate will eventually achieve breakthroughs.

【Summary and reflection after relapse】

At the beginning of rebooting, many people will have relapses, because their awareness is still
shallow and their level of renunciation is relatively weak. After failure, they should not be
discouraged, but should encourage themselves more, keep studying to improve their consciousness,
and keep practicing renunciation. Although some people have experienced relapse, they find that
they have made a lot of progress than before, and they are very good at summarizing and
introspecting, discovering their own problems, and quickly correcting the loopholes, so that they
can rehabilitate better next time. Many people relapse when they do, and they don’t summarize,
reflect, or analyze the reasons for the relapse. They just sink into the disappointment and decadence
of relapse and cannot extricate themselves. Relapse will indeed destroy the enthusiasm and
confidence in rebooting, but relapse can also make you see your own shortcomings. Those Go
champions and chess champions have failed many times before becoming champions, but every
time they fail, they will try again and earnestly. Study the pros and cons of tricks in the game and
the key to gain and loss. Really successful rebooting people are good at learning and summarizing,
and they are also good at reflecting on their own shortcomings. When they strengthen their
consciousness, it will be difficult for them to break through their inner demons.

【Practical school of rebooting】

The final test of rebooting is the moment when the evil thoughts come up, what is your
performance, the strong will stop thinking immediately, take action very quickly, and solve the
battle in an instant, while the weak are broken by the inner demon, possessed by the inner demon,
and become a masturbation machine. We want to be a real combat school of rebooting, and strive to
strengthen the awareness of practical combat. Rebooting should not be just talk about soldiers and
empty talk about theory. I used to be very optimistic about a brother before, his understanding is
very good, the rebooting articles he wrote are straightforward and he was regarded as a high-quality
product. Many brothers have studied his rebooting articles and he has a very deep understanding of
the principles of rebooting. , has reached a high level, I have talked to tens of thousands of brothers,
very few brothers have the comprehension like him, it is indeed rare, but later he broke the precept,
the reason is that he was not vigilant enough in actual combat and was attacked by inner demons.
There are various situations in actual combat. Sometimes, if you are not careful, you will lose your
way. So just understanding the theory is not enough. Even if you have a deep, thorough and correct
understanding and understanding of the theory, the final key is to see your actual combat
performance. Gu Deyun: "You don't know what your son sees, only your son does it." I especially
emphasize actual combat, theory is very important, but theory must be combined with actual
combat, and it is doomed to fail if it is separated from actual combat. The master of renunciation not
only understands the truth, but also pays attention to the actual combat. The truth should be based
on the actual combat of renunciation. All the principles are only for one purpose, that is, better
renunciation! When the bayonet sees red, it is not the truth that has the final say, but how ruthless
your level of renunciation is!

Rebooting is a protracted battle, it doesn’t mean that after reading a rebooting article, you will be
completely successful, thinking that you are a non-smuggler, you don’t need to stop reading, this is
actually deceiving yourself, Goode has fought against demons for decades! Habits are not
something that can be eliminated overnight, it is a long process, a real protracted battle! We have to
be mentally prepared for a protracted battle, and insist on fighting against the demons. In fact, if you
fight to a certain extent, you will be sure to win, and you will not be afraid in your heart. When you
become stronger, it will be difficult for the demons to move you. , it will be much easier to fight
later. I like a sentence very much, that is: Fighting with inner demons is endless fun! When you can
truly master yourself, it is really endless fun, and then you will naturally experience that kind of fun.

【Focus on emotional management】

Emotional relapses are very common. After rebooting, you must learn to control your emotions,
manage your emotions well, and avoid negative emotions. Once negative emotions appear, you
must immediately adjust your mentality. Negative emotions can easily lead to venting relapses. In
the past, many brothers relapsed because of bad emotions, some were angry, some encountered
setbacks in life and couldn't think of them. If you don’t have the ability to manage your emotions,
you will easily have relapses. After rebooting, your emotions should be stable and keep your mind
calm. Negative emotions and carnival emotions can easily lead to relapses. According to
“Emotional Quotient: Why Emotional Quotient is More Important than IQ”, yes Emotional
intelligence gives a detailed definition, and emotional intelligence expands into 5 main areas:
understanding one's own emotions, managing emotions, self-motivation, recognizing other people's
emotions, and dealing with interpersonal relationships. What is emotional intelligence? Emotional
intelligence (EQ) stands for emotional intelligence, a concept corresponding to intelligence and IQ
put forward by psychologists for many years. It mainly refers to people's ability in emotion, will,
tolerance of setbacks and so on. The latest research shows that only 20% of a person's success is
attributed to IQ, and 80% depends on emotional intelligence. Daniel Gorman, a professor at
Harvard University in the United States, said: "Emotional intelligence is the key to determining
success in life." In the future, when you come to work in society, emotional intelligence is even
more important. Some people are not very intelligent, but they are extremely high and can He
manages his emotions well and can establish good interpersonal relationships with others, which
makes him smooth in his career. Some bosses are really not high in IQ and educational background,
but they have a group of college students and graduate students. , It is really not easy to do this.
Emotional intelligence can be cultivated the day after tomorrow. We should pay attention to
cultivating the heart and learn more about the education of sages and sages. Slowly, we can improve
our emotional intelligence.

[Be extra vigilant when alone]

I wrote a season about being alone and breaking the precept. It is easy to break the precept when
you are alone. The ancients said that you should be careful about solitude, which is very reasonable.
The demons like to attack you when you are alone. On weekends or other holidays, the amount of
alone time increases, and the demon will begin to attack you. It is easy for some student parties to
relapse when they come home from school. When the door is closed, they are alone. Nowadays, it is
very convenient to watch pornography. If you have a mobile phone, you can watch pornography
casually, and you can find all kinds of fresh stimuli. Sex has greatly increased. One of the brothers
said, "Last night when I got home from school, the evil thoughts came as soon as I lay in bed, I
resisted it for a while, but I couldn't resist it anymore, then I started looking for movies, and when I
watched it, I thought there was something good about it! Human! But I couldn't control myself, and
I was very regretful when I broke it." Being possessed is involuntary. Even if you know it's not
good, you can't stop the control from your inner demon, just like a Marionettes are generally left to
the manipulation of demons. When this brother was lying on the bed, evil thoughts came, he was
unable to break his thoughts and was possessed, so he started looking for films. If you can make a
decision when you are overwhelmed by evil thoughts, then you will not break your precepts. The
actual combat is in an instant, and the demons will attack you at any time. You must be vigilant at
all times, and you must strengthen your vigilance when you are alone. This is a war where you can't
see the smoke of gunpowder. At the moment when the evil thoughts come up, if you can't break it,
you are no longer you. If you can't stop yourself, you will repent only after you break the precept.
You can find some things to do when you are alone, but don’t get addicted to games. It is also
important to learn to live your life to the fullest. Most relapses are caused by being attacked by
demons when you are alone. You have evil thoughts when you are with others. In the end, you will
still find a space to be alone to break the precept. The final relapse space is basically alone, and
some people even go to the toilet cubicle to break the precept, all looking for a space to be alone to
break the precept. Master Yinguang said: "If you can be careful about loneliness, evil thoughts will
disappear." He also said: "There is no one who does not have the knowledge of sages and thoughts.
When you are alone, you should strengthen your mind and watch every thought. Appears,
immediately disappears.

【Learn to watch your mind and break your mind】

One brother said, "It took hundreds of times to understand the importance of renunciation. These
hundreds of times have wasted too much time." Another brother said, "Thank you, Brother
Feixiang, I have been reading Brother Feixiang's articles recently. Suddenly I understand the
importance of mind-breaking. Brother Feixiang continued to emphasize last season that even if I
recite rebooting articles like a fluent, if I don’t strengthen mind-breaking, I will lose. Now I practice
a lot of mind-breaking and mind-breaking, and I find that I am very sensitive to thoughts, and I have
stopped thinking several times. I have lost my mind, and I have already relapsed countless times
before, when I practice watching my mind and breaking my thoughts, I can perceive my thoughts
and feel that I have rebooted for three years, and it is my first time to start. Yes, many people can’t
do it after quitting for several years. They just don’t understand the importance of breaking their
minds, and they haven’t been able to absorb and comprehend the article. As long as they don’t give
up and keep learning, they may suddenly become enlightened one day! Suddenly I understand what
senior means, this is an epiphany, with this key epiphany, rebooting will really start. Maybe I have
read a lot of rebooting articles before, but when encountering evil thoughts attacking my brain, I
still follow along, then it is the same as before I did not reboot, there is no improvement at all, and
the actual combat response is no different from that of people who have never been exposed to
rebooting articles. When a person truly understands the importance of breaking his mind, he will
find ways to strengthen his level of breaking his mind, because he has thoroughly understood the
key to actual combat. Another brother said, "It's been almost 3 years and I haven't come out yet, I
know that masturbation and pornography are not good, after a while the scars will be healed and the
pain will be forgotten, I have also been to Jizoqi, what can I do? I’ve tried everything, but as soon
as my kidney qi recovers, that kind of image bombards me wildly, plus there are so many
temptations on the street, I really don’t know what to do!” Although he knew the danger, he also hit
Jizo. Seven, but the actual combat is still so bad, so it must still fail. How does a real mind-breaker
master, if you can switch to the operation of a mind-breaker, you will know where you are wrong.
As soon as that kind of picture appears, the mind-breaker will disappear as soon as he notices it. !
Very cruel! Strong practical awareness! No matter how many rebooting articles you read, or you
participate in some monastery practice, the ultimate core must be understood, that is to subdue the
demons and eradicate evil thoughts! Otherwise, it will remain in an external form, and there will be
no improvement in the level of renunciation, and it will definitely fail in the end. "Cai Gen Tan":
"The one who conquers the devil first surrenders to his own heart, and when his mind falls, the
group of demons retreats." If you can't control it, you will be possessed by it and controlled by it!
Become a puppet of a demon! Some time ago, a brother said, "It has been more than 400 days of
rebooting, and I am seeing the light step by step. , but in just a moment he lost to the demon again.
"The same sentence, no matter how long you quit, you have to be vigilant, being attacked by inner
demons is a momentary thing, very fast, if you don't break it in that moment, it will grow rapidly
and eventually turn you into an immortal. By my own jerk off meat machine.

The hacking competition gave me a lot of inspiration. The protection level of security software
actually reflects the level of the talents behind it. We rebooting is also strengthening our own
security system to prevent it from being broken by inner demons! Inner demons have been trying to
break through you, turning you into a masturbation machine, allowing it to control and manipulate
you. The purpose of the inner demon hacker is: to invade and control! Obtain the highest authority
of the body and achieve slavery! hack you! We must intercept and kill evil thoughts in time, and we
must not let the demons succeed. You must strive to become the unbreakable one! You must
improve your security level, see through the various routines and tricks of the demons, and know
yourself and the enemy. Many people are attacked by their inner demons within a second. As soon
as that image comes up, they immediately fall into it. Evil thoughts, images, and subtle feelings will
attack you again and again, attack you, try to break you, and drag you into that again and again.
Weird circle. We must continue to strengthen our view of the mind, stay vigilant at all times, pay
attention to safety, and inner demons are waiting for opportunities. We have to strengthen our
defenses. This is a battle of offense and defense in our minds! Every day, countless people are
attacked by demon hackers, not only in China, but all over the world! This is a real dark battle! The
battlefield is in your head! As soon as the thought image comes up, intercept it quickly and kill it
powerfully! Must be fast, must be ruthless! The actual combat is in a split second, rebooting masters
can grasp that moment, the moment of lightning and flint, the moment of blinking an eye, and feel
the demon of killing within a few tenths of a second! Perception is a powerful weapon and the
nemesis of inner demons! I'm afraid you won't notice and run with evil thoughts! A brother said, "A
small H-movie movie has been played in my mind." If it is not noticed and eliminated in time, the
image or scene will play in my mind like a movie, and soon I will become horny and have to break
it. ! The images are very powerful, and they are generally very tempting images or scenes, which
must be cut off in time! Many people are attacked by images. The images are very fast, which will
test your vigilance and the level of severance. The subtle feeling is even more elusive. It is just a
very subtle inner fluctuation. You know that feeling is coming, If it is not cut off immediately, it will
be possessed. Both images and subtle sensations belong to the realm of thoughts, just as water has
liquid, solid, and gaseous states. A brother said it well before: "Intensify the strength of breaking
thoughts, speed up the speed of breaking thoughts, this is a life-and-death battle, a moment later,
thoughts are possessed, and a moment earlier, the thoughts are all over the place!" The ruthlessness
must be ruthless in actual combat! If you are not strong, the demon will ride on your head and piss
and piss. Some brothers have been quitting for more than three years, and the level of renunciation
has become relatively high, and when it reaches a certain level, they will find that they can continue
to improve! It's like a high jump to 2.3 meters. It's already quite good, but it can still improve. , is
expected to jump to 2 meters 4 in the future. That awareness, that vigilance, and that awareness of
actual combat can be continuously improved and strengthened, reaching the point of being superb
and reaching the pinnacle of excellence. Rebooting is a lifelong cultivation, and breaking the mind
is a lifelong martial art. The strongest martial art does not need to move a finger, because everything
happens in the mind, on the surface it seems that nothing happened, but only he knows that What
just happened! He defeated the inner demon and withstood the attack of the inner demon!

At the very beginning, it started by reciting the formula to cut off lust and lust, and the actual
combat mental methods of rebooting are all concentrated in these sixteen words: when you think
about it, you will stop, when you think about it, don’t follow it, when you think about it, you will
feel it, and when you feel it, there will be nothing. This is just like martial arts secrets. It takes a
process to truly understand and master it. At the beginning, keep reciting it like memorizing
multiplication formulas, 500 times a day, keep getting familiar with it, and blurt it out at any time.
At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen study and improve comprehensive awareness,
especially for breaking the mind. The theory requires repeated reading and in-depth understanding.
This practical formula is really valuable, and the real people who know the goods will understand
what this formula means! Some brothers recite even thousands of times a day, taking advantage of
all the fragmentary time, and suddenly one day he has an epiphany to understand the true meaning
of the formula, and can actually follow the meaning of the formula in actual combat. Some people
have been unsuccessful in abstinence. On the one hand, it is because they do not understand the
importance of breaking their minds. They are only circling in some external forms, and they do not
really cultivate from the heart. Give up and go to learn other methods. In fact, no matter what
method is for the purpose of cultivating the mind, you must learn to subdue evil thoughts! On the
other hand, they knew about breaking the mind, and they also saw that the seniors repeatedly
emphasized, but they did not practice! This is a big problem, it's like giving you a gun, but you don't
practice, it's zero, your marksmanship is still as bad as it used to be! Don't be afraid of the meeting
of thousands of tricks, but be afraid of one trick. It is necessary to combine knowledge and action,
know deep and act fiercely, practice courageously and diligently, persist in it, and gradually change
quantitatively to produce qualitative change. In fact, the reason for breaking one's mind is very
simple, but if you can't understand it, it's like a mountain away. Even if you understand it, you need
to continue to strengthen your practice and experience it over and over in practice and actual
combat. As long as you practice diligently, you will find the right one sooner or later. For those who
have the feeling of "feeling is nothing", once you find the right one, you will practice more and
more finely. You should practice in full form and practice in order to create the ultimate rule! It is
necessary to have less and stand still. Some people may find the right feeling in three months, while
others need more than a year, which is closely related to their diligence and understanding. If you
find the right feeling, you are really getting started, and then the next step is to strengthen the
practice. In this way, your actual combat level will become higher and higher, and it will be
extremely difficult for the demons to break through you!

【Focus on the cultivation of virtue】

Many successful seniors in rebooting emphasize doing good deeds and accumulating virtue to build
a positive energy field. Their success is not only good at cultivating the mind, but also closely
related to positive deeds. On the one hand, you need to deal with your own evil thoughts, and all
negative thoughts must be dealt with, including hatred, jealousy, arrogance, resentment, etc., all of
which must be dealt with. Through constant treatment, negative thoughts will be greatly reduced.
There are dozens of negative thoughts a day, and then through continuous treatment, there are only
a few per day at most, and they can be stopped as soon as they arise, without causing any negative
impact on you. This is the power of self-cultivation and treatment, which can effectively clear the
heart. the dark side. While eliminating evil, you must do good deeds and increase the bright side of
your heart. To eliminate evil is to do subtraction to reduce negative energy. To do good is to do
addition, so that your positive energy will become stronger and stronger. Many brothers feel that
their virtues are not enough, and they will feel that they are not stable enough when they have
rebooted to a certain extent, and they can easily fall into negative thoughts in their hearts. I also
went through this process at that time. The power of thoughts will gradually weaken, and it will be
difficult to affect me later. The key is to be diligent in dealing with it and not allow negative
thoughts. For example, sometimes you see that others are better than yourself, and then you
immediately have the idea of jealousy. At this time, you must immediately be aware of it and
eliminate it. At the same time, you must realize that jealousy is a negative state of mind. It will
bring unnecessary troubles to yourself. Others are better than you. You should learn from others
instead of being jealous. You must be good at learning from others' strengths. This kind of mentality
is constructive. As far as my own experience is concerned, if you can know the Self, there is no
need to be jealous. Everyone has the Self, and the Self is the essence of everyone. Once you can
know the Self and live in the Self, that is In a state of perfection, will you still be jealous of others at
this time?

After rebooting, you must pay attention to cultivating virtue. Good virtue is the foundation. The so-
called great virtue carries things. Good virtue can protect you. The more righteous thoughts in your
heart, the less evil thoughts will be correspondingly, and it will be much easier to quit. Some
brothers have been rebooting for hundreds of days before, and finally they suddenly relapsed
because they were arrogant and careless, thinking that they would not relapse, they stopped reading
the rebooting articles and relaxed their vigilance, this is the relapse caused by pride. Rebooting
should focus on cultivating modesty, guarding against arrogance and impatience, being modest and
prudent, even after rebooting for a few years, one should still remain humble and not have the
slightest bit of pride. If virtue does not match, there will be disasters. This is the experience of
predecessors. There is indeed a deep truth. The traditional culture public welfare forum has said a
lot about this truth. A person with a selfish mentality is prone to relapse. As long as there is a
negative mentality in his heart, the person will not be far away from relapse. Those who have
practiced abstinence for a long time have modest virtues, and they are by no means arrogant. In the
Book of Changes, it is said: "The gentleman of Laoqian will have auspiciousness." He also said:
"The gentleman of Laoqian will serve all the people." A leader may not be as talented as his
subordinates, but his virtue must be above his subordinates. Because he has virtue, he is worthy of
this position, and can only sit firmly in this position. Derby is important! Everyone should cultivate
their own virtues, be respectful, be filial, be grateful, be humble, be kind, speak kind words, and do
good deeds, not only for rebooting, but also for dealing with others.

Final summary:

This season is the basic chapter. It talks about some basic points. Although the basics are actually
very important, I plan to write an improved chapter in the future. The improved chapter will give a
more detailed and in-depth analysis of the actual combat. From a rebooting rookie to a rebooting
master there is a process, the key is to study diligently, take more notes, think more and comprehend
more, so that you can really get started slowly. Seniors put great emphasis on the foundation, with a
solid foundation, the road to rebooting will be much smoother, and the importance of the foundation
cannot be overemphasized when a ten thousand zhang tall building rises from the ground. After
rebooting, you will encounter many problems. If you have a correct and in-depth understanding of
the basic knowledge points, then many problems will be solved easily. Many brothers who reboot to
a certain level will have doubts and uncertainties about certain issues, which will affect the firmness
of rebooting, many issues must have a correct understanding, so as to avoid hesitation. strength. It is
necessary to have a thorough understanding of the basic knowledge points. These are the principles
and laws of rebooting. Based on their own experience and research, seniors have thoroughly
understood these principles and laws. If you master these principles and laws, you will be able to be
confident. , you can deal with the situation calmly, without panic, and without hesitation. Some
brothers have relapsed after several hundred days of rehab, but the reason for relapse is that the
basic points are not well done. The senior warned not to be proud, but he became proud; the senior
said that he should insist on studying articles without interruption, but he interrupted, thinking that
he had succeeded, but it turned out that If you relax your vigilance, you will break the precept; the
senior said not to read the rubbing content, he let himself browse, and finally broke the precept; the
senior said that it should be done as soon as possible, but he ran with the evil thoughts; , don't focus,
while he is staring... It's not easy to do the basic points well, you have to study it repeatedly, really
understand it, and implement it in actual combat, you have to make up your mind to do it.

In the past few days, I have seen parents pick up their children from school. On the road, I have
seen many primary school students in grades one and two, in a state of innocence. They will grow
up day by day, and they will be exposed to pornographic information in the future, and their hearts
will also be affected. Serious pollution, then their minds will be filled with all kinds of filthy evil
thoughts, but now their minds are still very clean, pure and happy every day. When a person grows
up, the mind will be polluted. The cleaner the mind is, the happier you will be, and the sense of
happiness will be strong. After the mind is polluted, it will start to become less and less happy.
Many people misunderstand pleasure as happiness, which is serious. misunderstanding of thinking.
When I was young, my mind was clean, but when I grew up, it gradually became dirty. Is there such
a possibility, can my mind be clean again? Is it possible to experience that pure great joy again?
Rebooting and cultivating the mind is undoubtedly a method or way to return to a pure mind. Lao
Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching: “It is possible to be a baby”; A clean mind will allow you to
experience true great joy. Rebooting is to be pure, pure, pure, pure and kind. Pleasure is not
happiness, true happiness comes from purity. Many people get lost in the world of desire and
pleasure, and end up tasting infinite suffering, and eventually they will understand the pleasure It is
short-lived, and the pleasure is followed by emptiness and decadence. Rebooting is the real way to
be happy, being a pure self is so happy and happy, in that pure feeling, a person is truly fulfilled,
truly satisfied, truly happy, truly fulfilled, truly happy! I have been lost in the world of lewdness for
more than ten years, and finally I realized the true meaning of happiness. I hope to pass this
understanding on to every brother. People are born to like happiness and dislike pain, but they are
pursuing it wrongly. Happiness, when they truly recognize it, when they quit, happiness will flow
out of their hearts, rushing continuously, this pure happiness is the real happiness!

Share three rebooting poems below

"The Busy Wretched Figure"

Go for a walk in the evening

walking on the street

he saw the temptation

Evil has emerged

he didn't break

walk home

he started to get busy

dim light

obscene figure

crawling in front of the computer

Crazy looking for yellow

crazy yellow


He was beaten by a demon

in a state of being possessed

his expression when he shoots

Unusually twisted and painful

All the ugliness and filth

focus on this expression

deep in his throat

let out a few desperate wailing

He feels energy draining

life is fading

he can't help himself

At last the expression relaxed

he feels so tired

slumped on the bed

eyes dull and empty

like dead fish

This is the absurd and pathetic life of a jerk

in the indulgence of indulgence again and again

to the crematorium

"Are you really happy when you masturbate? 》

I saw so much yellow

fucked so many times

ask yourself

Are you really happy?

looking in the mirror

The haggard self

say a word

"Are you really happy?"

Is this the life you want?

You will find that since masturbation

The smile on the face is getting less and less

even barely smiling

Also looks rude

It's certainly not the life you want

how happy you were

live in a pure world

Every day is a miracle

Then you caught masturbation

pursue pleasure as pleasure

Betrayed the innocent self

you become less and less happy

A frowning look

Watching the kids play happily

They don't watch porn, they don't masturbate

why are they so happy

what is this?

Because they are pure in heart!

You'll be happy again after quitting masturbation

joy from the heart

Suddenly you understand the true meaning of happiness

happiness is really simple

Just be your pure self

because you are pure

so you are happy

"Empty Purity"

joy in the air

Satisfaction in the air

live in emptiness

experience empty

become empty

you are empty

Empty is the real me

Empty is your essence

a conscious void

so amazing

in the mindless air

you have an esoteric experience

your happy smile

There is deep satisfaction in the smile

Sora is so brilliant

Empty is so wonderful

emptiness is so pure

pure perfection

Incredibly pure

Empty energy is incomparable

nothing is needed

just return empty

close your eyes now

feel the emptiness inside

no longer afraid of emptiness

no longer escape emptiness

Because I realize that emptiness is me

Empty is the purest state

Empty is indestructible innocence

enjoy your space

Recommended book below

Stillness Speaks: by Eckhart Tory. I have recommended Tory's "The Power of Now" and "New
World Spiritual Awakening" before. Tory is my personal favorite spiritual teacher. He was born in
Germany. After graduating from the University of London, he worked as a researcher at the
University of Cambridge. and mentor. He conveys the simple yet profound message of the ancient
spiritual masters in a simple and clear language, and Eckhart Tory was ranked first in the 2011
selection of the world's 100 spiritual masters. Watching Tory's lecture videos, you will find that he
has a great talent for comedy and can always make people laugh, and there is no lack of innocence
in it. This "Silence Is Talking" is written concisely, more concisely than "The Power of Now," a
book that reveals the truth and allows you to realize your true self. The ordinary level of rebooting
is to quit bad habits and learn to control one's desires, while the highest level is to know the true self
- pure awareness. Sometimes when I meet the right book at the right time, I can get into it at once,
but at other times I may not be able to read it, and I always misunderstand the meaning of the
teaching. When the time is right, it is instantly enlightened, and that moment of sudden epiphany is
the most meaningful moment in your life. Some brothers are more interested in spiritual books,
while some brothers may not be interested enough to read them. I was not very interested in the
beginning, but then I persisted in my study and gradually developed my wisdom, and became very
interested in such topics. Interested, and interest sometimes needs to be cultivated. According to my
experience, as long as you really understand the teachings of one master, the teachings of other
masters are relatively easy to understand, because the core of the master's explanation is the same,
and the angle and content may be different, but the core is completely Again, this core is as simple
as it is esoteric, which is incredible. Himalaya has an audiobook of "Silence Is Talking", which is
very good. It is a great spiritual enjoyment with refined sentences and beautiful reading.
Season 121: Autumn rebooting strategy


Some people feel that their family is financially difficult, and they feel that there is no hope of
getting married in this life, so they can only rely on masturbation, whoring, and irresponsible sexual
relations to satisfy their desires. This is actually just an excuse for indulgence, and it is also a kind
of self-defeating mentality. There are many people in the family who are in financial difficulties.
Before, there were brothers who became crippled people in bed, but they counterattacked later and
found stable jobs. There is hope in life, and marriage is also in the plan. I found that when I have
positive energy, it is easier to do my work well, my brain and energy are in a very good state, and I
am very efficient in doing things. If I indulge in pornography and masturbation, my work status will
also be greatly affected. There are many evil thoughts in the mind, the negative energy is very
heavy, and the work is not long. When a person enters the positive cycle, many things will come
naturally. Originally, he will become a waste person, and he has no hope of work and marriage. He
is in the company of medicine every day. Hopeful again. Even if you are very poor now, as long as
you have positive energy, you will have the ability to create your own beautiful life. The salary may
not be high at the beginning, but if you keep working for a few years, you will gradually get up, and
your position will be promoted. There is enough positive energy to hold the seat that belongs to you,
and you can hold that seat firmly. I was originally an employee, but later I became a manager, and
my salary went up naturally. Because of the rebooting awareness, I wouldn’t go out and go to
prostitutes and spend all my money on the right path. This strengthens the positive cycle, and my
life will go further and further. the better.

So, don't use hopeless marriage as an excuse for indulgence. Life can be hard work, and many
billionaires started from scratch. It is a completely wrong idea to let oneself indulge in
masturbation, whoring, etc., because of the hopelessness of marriage! In fact, they are still craving
pleasure in their hearts, so they will find such an excuse and set themselves as those who cannot
marry, so they have reasons to indulge. Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if you really can't get
married, you shouldn't allow yourself to indulge in lust, which will bring you a lot of pain and even
destroy your life! When your body breaks down, everything turns grey and the quality of life drops
drastically. From a higher point of view, not getting married is just good for practice, and there is
less worry in my heart. From a worldly point of view, it is unfilial to have three and no descendants.
Both perspectives are correct, depending on which perspective you see the problem from. In any
case, the hopelessness of marriage should not be used as an excuse for indulgence. When you have
successfully rebooted and have enough energy to be competent for the job, marriage will be
possible at that time. The key is not to think negatively and think that you are not good enough.
After developing the potential, you will find that the original self-imposed limit is completely
ridiculous, you can become a very good successful person, you can become a leader in a certain
industry! In 1982, Ma Yun took the college entrance examination for the first time and fell off the
list for the first time. He only got 1 point in mathematics. In 1983, Ma Yun took the college entrance
examination for the second time, and again fell off the list, and his mathematics improved to 19
points. If Ma Yun gave up on himself at that time, he would not have achieved what he has now. He
has to fight for his own life, and never set limits on himself.

Share some cases below

1. [Thank you Brother Feixiang, I have been rebooting for almost a year and a half now. I study
rebooting articles for about 2 hours a day, with very few interruptions. Now rebooting feels like a
roller coaster ride, I have high desires for a while, and relatively low desires for a while. Low, I still
feel unsteady, I am trembling every day, I feel that relapse is just a thought, I can easily be reversed
by my inner demon, I feel that rebooting is more and more difficult, and my hatred is stronger. I still
feel that I can't resolve the lecture. What should Teacher Feixiang do? 】

Additional comment: This brother has rebooted very well, he insists on studying with little
interruption, but he still needs to further improve himself. Desires are fluctuating and are closely
related to factors such as seasons, diet, exercise, etc. The real stability is to do a good job of cutting
off your thoughts, not afraid of starting to read, but afraid of being late, and you should be vigilant
every day. It is said in the Book of Songs: When you are in the abyss, it is like walking on thin ice."
Rebooting is to raise one's vigilance, breaking the reboot is just a moment away, if one can't guard
against it, it will be broken by the inner demon, rebooting is a war of thoughts! It is not only
necessary to overcome obscenity and inciting thoughts, but also negative thoughts such as anger
thoughts. Just like the principle of cutting off thoughts, through continuous treatment, anger
thoughts will gradually decrease. Anger is a low-frequency negative thought, which is not good for
body, mind and others. You must be determined to overcome it. Be grateful, tolerant, and
compassionate. Learn to tolerate humiliation and be gentle. Real humiliation is not cowardice, but a
high degree of self-control and strength. Dominant performance. Master Han Shan's "Awakening of
the World": "The red dust and the white waves are boundless, and it is a magic formula to endure
humiliation and gentleness. Follow the fate everywhere to extend the years, and spend time
peacefully throughout your life." "Buddha's Legacy Sutra": "If you can practice ninja, you can be
called a powerful adult. If he cannot bear the poison of scolding joyfully, like drinking nectar, he
will not be called a wise person who enters the Dao." One thought of anger arises, millions of
barriers are opened, anger is very terrifying, this brother felt that the more he rebooted. The more
difficult it gets, it has a lot to do with his inability to overcome his anger. If he doesn’t overcome his
anger, he will feel very unstable in his heart, and his anger will be like an earthquake in his heart,
which will produce huge destructive power. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine,
anger damages the liver, and anger and hatred will lead to qi disorder and affect the function of
internal organs. Many people suffer from relapse or aggravation of post-anger neurosis. Why you
can't overcome your hatred, you must find the reason. Dade's lectures are very good. The key is to
understand and absorb yourself, and follow Dade's instructions. I used to be angry all the time, and I
looked like an angry youth, and it was easy to get angry. Later, through my studies, I learned that
anger is not only bad for my physical and mental health, but also seriously affects interpersonal
relationships. I also realized that if I am slandered by others Or if you are insulted, if you can
endure the insult and be gentle, you can eliminate your karma. The old monk Guangqin said,
"Forbearance is the greatest blessing. Those who can practice forbearance have the greatest
blessing, and also increase concentration, eliminate karmic obstacles, and unlock wisdom." Master
Xingyun: "If you can endure ridicule, you can achieve great things. If you can not be shaken by the
world's worries, sorrows, sorrows, and sorrows, you can achieve the personality of great courage,
strength, fearlessness, and great responsibility." Master Han Shan said: "Angry is the fire in the
heart, which can burn the forest of merit and deeds. If you want to follow the path of the
Bodhisattva, you will endure humiliation and protect your sincerity. "To resolve anger, first of all,
we must recognize the harm of anger, and secondly, we can use thinking to deal with it. How to
think can be seen in Dade's lectures. Thirdly, it is to cut off the thoughts directly, together with the
anger, immediately.

2. [Because masturbation makes me suspicious, anxious, memory loss, lethargic, physical quality
decline, inferiority complex, obscene, and thinking about dirty things all day long, I am afraid to
blush when I communicate with girls. It made me lose a lot of things. I was very short-tempered and
often quarreled with my parents. Others said it was a period of rebellion, but only I knew that it was
actually caused by masturbation. Now I read more rebooting articles, and listen to Himalayan FM
Flying's "Rebooting as Good Medicine" when I have time. Now I don't feel ashamed as I used to.
Recently, I have participated in various sports and singing competitions. Although I haven’t fully
recovered from my rebooting for a long time, my whole person is very energetic, in a completely
different state from before, and my person has become more cheerful and generous. I use my
experience to let everyone know that masturbation can really ruin a person's life, I hope all brothers
will no longer be dominated by inner demons, I hope everyone can get rid of this bad habit that
ruins one's life as soon as possible. 】

Additional comment: After rebooting, the energy has been improved, the whole person has a new
look, and the physical and mental state is completely different. The self before masturbation, the
self after masturbation, and the self after rebooting are very different. The self before masturbation
did not know the dangers of masturbation. At that time, he was still an ignorant and naive child with
a pure and pure mind. I was very happy, but at that time I didn’t know the value of pure state, I
didn’t know how to cherish it. Ever since he fell into the masturbation pit, he has been out of
control, from a pure young pioneer who saluted the national flag to a filthy, shameless masturbation
man. It can be said that he has gone from heaven to hell. After masturbation, I will feel many bad
changes, mainly in both body and mind. Some people may not have serious physical symptoms, but
psychologically, there are many bad changes. From a cheerful and sunny boy He has become a
taciturn and unhappy person, and many masturbators have developed social phobia, as well as
obsessive-compulsive disorder, hypochondriasis and so on. If you compare the pre-masturbation
and post-masturbation carefully, you will find that the changes are huge, the innocent and joyful
teenager disappeared after the masturbation, and was replaced by a pornographic drug addict, a
person who is extremely greedy for pleasure, watching a lot of movies Yes, the mind will change.
The adulterer is in a state of irritability and irritability, and it is easy to quarrel with their parents.
This is different from the rebellious period. The rebellious period is related to the increasing
awareness of independence and self-awareness, and the quarrel after adultery is caused by
irritability in the heart. A brother said: "After relapse, I find that the whole person's spirit and energy
are immediately reduced, and inexplicably become easily irritable." The licentious person has
turned himself into a negative energy hedgehog, his temper will become bad, it is very easy If you
hurt others, you will quarrel with others at every turn. After rebooting, I will be in a completely
different state, I can feel that my body and mind are recovering, my mental outlook is gradually
improving, I will become positive and cheerful again, I feel that my positive energy has followed,
and my inner The sense of happiness has also increased, and the smiles on his face have also
increased. It seems that he has changed back to his pre-masturbation self, but now he has learned to
cherish, knows the value of pure state, and enjoys this pure and beautiful feeling very much. One
brother said, "I haven't been so energetic for a long time. My whole person has become confident
and sunny." Another brother said, "Because I'm not sexually immoral, I'm open and honest, and I
have nothing to fear in my heart." The vices of one's life are no longer dominated by demons, and
such a life is truly worth looking forward to.
3. [Hello Feixiang brother, I am 19 years old this year. I have rebooted three times in total. The first
time in 2014 was one year and two months of rebooting, and then I relaxed my vigilance and
relapsed. Later, I rebooted for one year and eight months and also relapsed. Now, it's been seven
months this time, and it was just yesterday that I relapsed. I broke it three times in a row at night,
and I broke it twice this morning. I have a mentality of breaking the jar and breaking the jar. I really
don't know what to do. Before each relapse In about ten or twenty days, the habits of life have
changed, such as watching pictures on the sidelines, staying up late, staying in bed, not reading
rebooting articles, etc. Now I am very uncomfortable, I don’t know what to express, I just want to
let Teacher Feixiang enlighten me. Now, how to regain confidence. 】

Additional comment: This brother has actually done quite well these three times, the two times were
more than a year, the third time it took seven months, it is not easy to reach this record at the age of
19, but after all he is still young and his mind is not yet Too mature, the state is prone to ups and
downs, and it is not stable enough. There are always reasons for relapse. After relapse, you must
carefully summarize and reflect on yourself. You must understand clearly what the problem is. No
matter how long you reboot, you must be vigilant, rebooting is a protracted war, and you must be
mentally prepared for the protracted war. Many people have rebooted for half a year or more than a
year, and when they have entered a stable rebooting period, they begin to feel proud and
underestimate their enemies. , feel that he has already succeeded and can leave the rebooting article,
this type of person is actually very easy to relapse. Some time ago, a brother who had rebooted for
more than three years came back, he left rebooting before, why did he come back? Because it's
broken! Rebooting for three years is not easy, it can be said to be very powerful, but the inner
demons will still attack him, and he has to face the test of various temptations at ordinary times.
After rebooting to a certain extent, you feel that you don’t need to read rebooting articles anymore,
this kind of thinking is very dangerous, reading rebooting articles and answering questions for
newcomers can help you maintain your rebooting status well, if you leave rebooting, don’t read it.
Rebooting articles, do not help brothers, and are estranged from everything about rebooting, then
the rebooting state is prone to serious decline. If you don’t read the rebooting articles, you will
forget to reboot at that time, but the inner demon will not forget you. When you forget to reboot and
relax your vigilance, the inner demon will attack you, take you down in one fell swoop, and change
you again. Become a jerk off meat machine. I still have to face the attack of inner demons.
Sometimes when turning the seeds is more powerful, the image will go up a dozen times a day, but
every time it is eliminated as soon as I notice it, I will never let the inner demon succeed. In
peacetime, the country will still not forget the war and the lessons of the past, and it will continue to
train its troops and develop its military strength. Rebooting is a lifelong practice, we must not forget
the existence of inner demons, when you forget and lose your vigilance, you will definitely break
your reboot. Seniors are well aware of the importance of vigilance and know how to maintain a
good rebooting state. relatively stable. This brother has some bad changes before his relapse, such
as looking at rubbing pictures, staying up late, staying in bed, not reading rebooting articles, etc. At
this time, high alert will be aroused, rubbing pictures must not be viewed , you must learn to adjust
your rebooting status in time, and you cannot let yourself slip back into the track of relapse. After
being captured by the inner demon, he was subjected to a bloodbath like a massacre, and it broke
five times in two days! If you don't repent, reflect, and summarize in time, you may break a dozen
or even dozens of times in a row, and your body will break out with serious symptoms of sperm
damage again. Then again, it's pretty good to be able to quit for a year and eight months at the age
of 19. I When I was 19, it wasn't more than a month old, but at that time I was completely rebooting
and I didn't read any rebooting articles. Now that children have a platform for learning and
communication about rebooting, it is a very good opportunity, and they must be cherished.
Rebooting is really a systematic project, the more you reboot, the higher the requirements. You must
keep studying and constantly improve your awareness and realm, so that you can enter a very stable
level of rebooting.

4. [Hello Mr. Feixiang, I posted a post before saying that I have dozens of G pornographic videos in
my phone and I am reluctant to delete them. Many brothers have advised me to delete them, but I
have not listened to everyone's advice and I am still obsessed with them. extricate themselves. So, I
watched the movie 3 times in a row last night. After the 3rd time, I felt a sharp pain in my heart and
a sudden sense of near death. This time, I was really scared. I feel that I am most sorry for my
parents. My parents were frugal and bought me delicious food, but I did such a beastly thing! So, I
resolutely deleted all pornographic films, stayed away from pornographic sources, avoided
pornographic bullets, studied rebooting articles seriously, and raised my awareness. I hope all
brothers will encourage me and supervise me, I really want to quit! 】

Additional comment: This brother is really frightened this time! Slaughtered to the point of death!
Many people do not shed tears until they see the coffin, and do not turn back if they do not hit the
south wall. The warning from the predecessors is very important. Seniors have very deep personal
experience, and have seen many cases, and know what will happen after masturbation! But many
newcomers can't listen to them. They have fallen into the ecstasy of pornography and are extremely
obsessed with it. They use the loudspeaker to advise them 24 hours a day. After suffering, they will
come to their senses, including those who slander rebooting bars, when they experience the pain of
symptoms, they will approve of rebooting. After learning about the dangers of masturbation, some
people still hold a fluke mentality, thinking that they can control it, but in fact, people who can
really control it will not masturbate. Some time ago, a brother mentioned in his post that "it must be
squeezed dry", he was describing the state of relapse, one time is not enough, after a while it will
come a second time or even a third time, until it can't come out. Don't give up, it's really "must be
squeezed dry"! After being possessed by inner demons, you are not in charge of yourself, you are
completely in a state of being unable to control yourself. The harm of continuous masturbation is
doubled. It is like a person who has just finished a marathon and then continues to run a second
marathon. Sudden death may indeed occur. A case in the last season is also such a near-death
situation, which is very scary! Many masturbation people are still very young, and their parents are
still counting on their sons. In the past, family planning usually gave birth to one. If the
masturbation died, the consequences would be really disastrous. When your parents buy you
delicious food, it's not for you to hide in your room and masturbate secretly! I broke my body, and I
am really sorry for the kindness of my parents. Those lewd resources really need to be deleted
ruthlessly, and there must be no greed in the slightest. They are drugs, dangerous substances,
corrosive substances, things that destroy, destroy, and poison people! Recognize the harm of
pornography, really show determination to quit, don’t be reluctant to delete it, and when you are
abused by symptoms, you will know that those things are really harmful, and you will not think of
them as “welfare”. A brother said, "I have been rebooting for about 10 days, but I have already felt
the benefits of rebooting, I have social phobia, but after rebooting for about 10 days, I clearly feel
that my eyes have a fixed light, I am very energetic, I feel Don’t be afraid of socializing.” The real
benefit is not AV, but rebooting, even if you watch hundreds of millions of AVs, you will not feel
really satisfied, your heart will only become more and more empty, and people will become more
and more decadent. Being addicted to pornography and masturbation will completely ruin your life,
this is not sensational, but a summary of the blood and tears of countless brothers. There is only one
word for lewd resources: delete! Delete all the good reboots, delete all It is a manifestation of
determination. People who are reluctant to delete have failed before they quit. So be ruthless, make
a decision, and let those lewd resources go to hell! Never watch that kind of nasty video again! ! !

5. [Brother Feixiang, I got off the train at 5:30 this morning and went back to the dormitory. I was
alone. I wanted to sleep, but I was lying on the bed and playing with my mobile phone. I have been
rebooting for more than a year, and I have been rebooting for a maximum of 120 days. This time, I
have relapsed in 45 days. I am preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. It seems that I
have to strengthen the study of rebooting articles and the practice of observing and refraining from
thinking. I cannot relax! 】
Additional comment: Lying in bed with a mobile phone is prone to “accidents”, so many senior
brothers have said not to play with a mobile phone in bed, their warning is right. It’s easy to relax
your vigilance when you lie down, and you’re alone, your inner demons are easy to attack, there’s a
lot of news on your phone, and it’s very dangerous to surf the Internet on your phone, you must be
vigilant, don’t stop your eyes when you see tempting content, don’t focus, don’t Looking back,
don't click, these are the disciplines of actual combat. Many brothers die in battle every day, many
of them are relapsed while playing on their mobile phones. It is very convenient to surf the Internet
on mobile phones, and it is easy to come into contact with tempting content. You must be very
careful. Avoiding color is like avoiding arrows. If you use the avoidance tactics well, you can
successfully pass the test in actual combat. I sometimes encounter temptation pictures, including
deleting those yellow pictures in the reboot bar. Even in the reboot bar, we have to face the test of
temptation. Who told us to be born in an era where temptations are flying all over the sky? With a
high level of awareness and concentration, as well as a strong awareness of actual combat, he can
make the right choice when facing the situation, instead of flying moths into the flames. In the face
of the attack of the demons, don't panic, but take the battle calmly. All kinds of evil thoughts,
images, and instigations will rush to the mind. The mind is a strategic highland. To attack, like the
five heroes of Langya Mountain, desperately defend the high ground of their own minds, no matter
how many evil thoughts rush up, they will resolutely fight. Sharpening knives does not cut wood by
mistake. If you want to be good at your work, you must first sharpen your tools. Gong is used in
peacetime, and it is used in an instant. The actual combat is a matter of blinking an eye. Be vigilant,
as long as you keep learning and practicing, you will definitely make continuous progress. You must
pay attention to accumulation, take more notes, and review more. After each actual battle, you
should also carefully summarize and see what areas you are not doing well enough. It can be
improved and strengthened in time. Actual combat is the ultimate test, real gold is not afraid of fire,
one must strengthen one's actual combat ability, this brother had quit for 120 days before, which
was not bad, but this time it was only 45 days, after this actual combat, he realized that he still It is
necessary to strengthen the study of rebooting articles and practice mindfulness and renunciation.
After the actual combat, it is easy to find out where your problems lie. The actual combat will
expose the problems that were not discovered before. To be proficient in actual combat, you must
continue to learn, practice and summarize. After a period of time, there will be a great improvement.
At that time, your actual combat level will be different from what it used to be. You are no longer
the rookie who was abused by the devil, you can already control the enemy in an instant. When a
gangster breaks into your home, if you have learned grappling or fighting, That can quickly subdue
the criminals. Likewise, if an evil thought breaks into your mind, your level of renunciation is high,
and you can subdue it instantly. The principle of the two is the same. One breaks into your home
and the other breaks into your mind. If you can't control it, you will be held back by your opponent.
Buddhism talks about "controlling the mind" and "subduing the mind", which is talking about the
actual combat of thoughts. We must strengthen the observation of the mind and cut off the thoughts,
subdue evil thoughts, have a strong awareness of actual combat, and be ready to fight every

6. [Since rebooting, I have gained more and more self-confidence, my work has become more and
more calm, and even the songs are better than before, my thinking has become much more agile,
and I don’t panic when I encounter a hooligan today. People scolded the street in the factory, which
affected my work. I was stunned by three words and kept silent. Rebooting has brought me too
many benefits. Thanks to Teacher Feixiang, I will continue to work hard and be positive. 】

P.S.: After rebooting, there will gradually be an expression, that is - not angry and arrogant! The
aura was fully supported, and a splendid righteousness was like steel and iron, which made others
admire and convince others. The benefits of rebooting are really many. Psychologically, it can make
people confident, calm, have confidence, have fighting spirit, have energy, become cheerful, calm
and upright. Evil prostitutes are prone to irritability, which is a manifestation of the depletion of
kidney essence and a sign of increased negative energy. Many masturbators will also develop low
self-esteem, their appearance and temperament will deteriorate, and their spirit will be lethargic,
which will easily lead to inferiority complex. After rebooting, self-confidence will gradually
recover, dare to look directly into the eyes of others, the eyes will become concentrated, no longer
wandering, and speaking will become more confident and confident, it seems that there is a special
strength in the conversation, even before speaking , just look at each other to conquer each other.
This is the potential exchange of two energy fields, your energy field is strong, you don't even need
to speak, you can make people with weak energy fields in awe, like a tiger walking in front of a cat,
although they are all felines , but the energy field is completely different. The tiger is the king of
beasts. It is majestic and majestic, with a majestic roar. After rebooting, the tiger comes out of the
cage and the lion comes on the stage, there is a sense of confidence and righteousness after
defeating the demons, this kind of aura is very powerful! Even if you are sitting in front of the
richest man, you will not panic, you will still be so calm and calm, the person who overcomes the
demons is better than the army, rebooting gives you the confidence of a king. This brother
mentioned that "work is becoming more and more calming, and even the songs are better than
before." When one's heart becomes peaceful and peaceful, one can feel the beauty that cannot be
felt in the state of lewdness. Brothers said that after rebooting, listening to nursery rhymes is very
good, one can feel that kind of pure great joy, but chasing pleasure will block out the ability to feel,
the mind will be occupied by evil thoughts, the heart will become restless, restless, lewd by evil
spirits The negative impact on people is really too great. A brother said, "Because of rebooting, I
have realized the purity and freedom brought about by self-discipline." The value of rebooting is
immeasurable, and the benefits are really numerous. According to my experience and research,
rebooting will produce a unique experience. This kind of power is not the kind of muscle power that
bench presses hundreds of kilograms, but the inner power, the real sense of mastery. ERIC SPOTO
is the king of the bench press. His record has reached an astonishing 722 pounds (about 327
kilograms). Although he is as strong as a cow, he may not be able to subdue his inner demons. If he
cannot subdue his inner demons, there will be a feeling of weakness inside. No matter how strong
you are on the outside, you can't hide the feeling of weakness on the inside. The person who really
subdues the inner demons, his confidence and strength completely surpass the king of the bench
press, the king of the squat and the king of the deadlift. The person who subdues the inner demon is
the king of kings! ! ! His eyes have the majesty of a king, and his awe-inspiring eyes have the
momentum of shocking everything! ! !

7. [I seem to have found the reason why I have been relapsed all the time. I didn’t realize the
importance of renunciation and actual combat. As soon as the desire came up, I ran with it. I read a
lot of rebooting articles, did a lot of good deeds, and my health has recovered very well. One time
when I was alone and vigilant against weak desires, I didn’t stop in time. I was also possessed by
my inner demon and turned into a masturbation machine. Although I clearly knew that this should
not be the case during the process, I couldn’t help myself. Afterwards, the inner demon is so
powerful, I have to diligently cultivate the mind to fight! 】

Additional comment: Breaking the mind and combat is the core of rebooting, just like the student
party usually studies hard and will eventually face the exam, after rebooting, there will also be a
magic test, the inner demon will attack you, the evil thoughts will come to the top, it depends on
your actual combat show. Many brothers attach great importance to study and have recorded a lot of
rebooting notes, but the actual combat is not ideal. The reason is that they only focus on studying
and do not pay attention to the practice of renunciation, thus it is difficult to improve the quality of
the actual combat level, and it is easy to be reduced to just talking on paper. , learning and practice
are equally important, we must persist in practicing renunciation. One of the brothers said, "At the
peak of relapse, there are some thoughts that cannot be eliminated. When that thought appears in
my mind, my heart throbs for a while, and after a while, I start to act, that thought is like a
Command, I don’t think it’s just a thought, once I agree with it, I will be possessed immediately.”
After rebooting, evil thoughts will definitely invade, this is the moment when the bayonet is red, at
this time, you must not be weak and timid, otherwise It will be a complete failure. In actual combat,
you must operate like a master, steady and sophisticated, and fast as lightning. Many people who
swear by poison are very ambitious, rhetoric, and even self-mutilate to express their determination,
but when the idea comes up, they can't break it, and as a result, they are possessed by the idea and
become an involuntary masturbation. Meat machine, that thought is an instruction, an intruding
Trojan program, and running with the thought is to strengthen the power of the thought, which will
eventually lead to relapse. I have always emphasized the top priority of breaking the mind, no
matter how many rebooting articles you read, the final test is when evil thoughts attack your brain,
can you make a decisive decision? ! How fast are your thoughts? How sensitive are you to
thoughts? How's your vigilance? Rebooting masters do not follow their thoughts, but give up their
thoughts, they can control their own thoughts. Another brother said, "It's been almost 20 days since
I was rebooting. Today, I was lying in bed at noon and suddenly lustful thoughts hit me. I struggled
a bit in my heart. Some ghosts and gods accidentally opened the pornographic website. Brother said
that as soon as he is lying on the bed, evil thoughts will come, because he is not able to break his
thoughts, so he will fall down very quickly. I remember that it was the same with me in the past,
when I woke up in the morning, it was very easy to get lustful, and when I lay down to rest, it was
very easy to fall into lustful thoughts. I have various sexual fantasies and memories. At that stage, I
didn’t know how to break my mind, and I just let myself indulge in it. Later, I gradually understood
the importance of breaking my thoughts. Now I have strong control even when I lie down and rest,
and I’m not afraid of evil thoughts. The battle of rebooting can’t see the smoke of gunpowder, and
it’s an instant thing. If that thought is not broken, you can’t help yourself. It’s a ghost, you know it’s
wrong, but you just can’t stop. It’s like being obsessed. . If you can break the precepts in time, you
will not break the precepts. When a very subtle thought comes up, it is a very subtle feeling of
wanting to look at Huang and want to lick, which requires a stronger and more acute awareness to
eliminate it. Many brothers relapsed their precepts many times before they realized the importance
of renunciation. After being abused many times by inner demons, they understood why seniors put
so much emphasis on renunciation. Seniors have accumulated rich practical experience in actual
combat. The conclusion is: break the mind must be fast, must be ruthless! When a master stops
thinking, it will be over in an instant. At that instant, it is a moment of awareness, just a look, and
when you see a thought, the thought disappears. This look of the masters, especially kung fu, can
only be achieved through long-term practice. It can be said that the skill is profound. This look is
too powerful and too flavorful. You would never have imagined that this look is so powerful that no
matter how strong the evil thoughts will be wiped out, you need to keep practicing. When you look
at the past, your thoughts may not disappear because your awareness is weak, but when you look at
the senior, you can make the evil thoughts disappear in an instant. Even strong fetish thoughts can’t
stand this look. At first glance, it looks like a laser, which can instantly destroy the idea monster and
make evil thoughts instantly vaporize into the invisible. The most worthwhile practice in this world
is the kung fu of breaking your mind. Breaking your mind is a very profound kung fu. You must
constantly practice, think, and comprehend. The realm of the master must be practiced to the point
of being superb, reaching the pinnacle, and truly mastering one's own heart!

Enter the text below

I have written articles on rebooting and health care for spring, summer and winter before, this time I
will write about autumn, which was also suggested by a previous brother, so that rebooting for the
four seasons will be complete. Rebooting in each season has similarities and its own characteristics.
It is very important to make timely adjustments according to the characteristics of the seasons, and
to make targeted adjustments according to different seasons, so that the rebooting can be more

Every autumn is the time when men have the most prosperous androgen secretion in a year. This
season is also very easy to relapse. In summer, it is easy to relapse because of less clothing and
more temptations on the street. In autumn, it is closely related to the strong secretion of male
hormones. The sun is so warm that it can easily lead to an increase in the frequency of erections,
and erections will occur inexplicably. At this time, you should be extra vigilant, strengthen your
mind, and divert your attention. In summer, you sweat a lot, and your body is free from illness, and
autumn is just the adjustment period after summer. You should let yourself get back to a full energy
state as soon as possible. Autumn has a large temperature difference between morning and evening,
which is a season of high incidence of urinary system diseases. Many brothers reported that the
symptoms of frequent urination began to recur. The recovery from prostatitis requires a process, and
the symptoms will recur many times. Some time ago, I saw a brother posted that he caught a cold
while sleeping on the mat, and the mat should be removed in the fall, especially in the north, where
it snows in some places, it feels like winter, then one must pay attention to keep warm and prevent
cold , Always pay attention to weather changes, add clothes in time, and cover the quilt when
sleeping at night to prevent catching a cold. There are many pathogenic factors, and you must have
a strong awareness of health protection, so that you can spend this "eventful autumn" safely.

Heart Demon's autumn offensive is also very fierce, by taking advantage of the strong secretion of
male hormones to attack frantically, even some old brothers have broken their reboots, if they
understand the characteristics of rebooting in autumn, they will be more vigilant in autumn to avoid
being tempted Demon attack. When the secretion of male hormones is strong, people will become
eager to move, like a powder keg that explodes at one point, and it will be easy to get erections in
autumn. In addition, one should also pay attention to the phenomenon of "autumn fatigue", some
brothers reported that the state of rebooting in autumn has become not very good, people are prone
to slack off and their motivation to study has also weakened a lot. As the saying goes: "Fatigue in
spring, exhaustion in autumn, lack of sleep in summer", in the hot summer, the human body sweats
a lot, which causes water and salt metabolism disorders, weakens gastrointestinal function,
increases the burden on the cardiovascular system, and the human body is in a stage of excessive
consumption. From summer to autumn, the climate changes from hot to cool and pleasant, human
sweating is also significantly reduced, the human body enters a period of rest and recuperation, the
metabolism of water and salt begins to restore balance, and the burden on the human cardiovascular
system is also relieved. The function of the digestive system is becoming more and more normal,
but at this time, people's body has an indescribable feeling of fatigue, which is often called "autumn
fatigue". In fact, this is the natural physiological response of the human body in different seasons.
After a period of adjustment, the phenomenon of lack of autumn will be eliminated naturally.

After knowing the phenomenon of autumn fatigue, I understand why I feel tired and unable to lift
my spirits after entering the autumn. I should pay attention to rest, exercise actively, and bask in the
sun in an appropriate amount. In this way, the body can quickly adjust. After the body is adjusted,
learn to abstain. The efficiency of pornographic articles will also increase accordingly. These are all
the details of rebooting. Some people don’t understand Qiufa, and they don’t know how to adjust
themselves. When they are tired and weak, they don’t bother to read rebooting articles, they don’t
read it for one day, two days, or three days. , slowly stopped, the rebooting state plummeted, and it
didn't take long for him to relapse. Rebooting is a systematic project, you need to know a lot of
relevant knowledge, and you need to understand all the details in depth, and when you encounter
problems, you will be able to solve them easily. The rebooting state is ups and downs, just like an
athlete’s competitive state has highs and lows, the key is to learn to adjust in time, and to analyze
the reasons and find countermeasures when problems arise.

In autumn, we must also pay special attention to emotional management, and we must guard against
sadness in autumn. "Songs of Chu": "Sad! Autumn is qi. Depressed, grass and trees fall and decay."
Du Fu's poem "Ascension": "Wanli sad autumn often visits , who has been sick for more than a
hundred years." Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely, and everything in autumn is
withered and dim, which is easy to negatively affect emotions. In late autumn, the grass withered
and flowers withered, and the cold wind was bleak. Prevention of sad autumn can be done from the
following aspects: 1. Psychological adjustment: keep your emotions optimistic, do not think
negatively, it is a normal natural phenomenon that grass withered and flowers wither; 2.
Physiological adjustment: when the weather is fine, you should do more outdoor activities
Exercising, bathing in the warm sunshine, stretching your limbs, you will feel full of strength and
vitality, so you can stay away from the sad autumn. 3. Diet adjustment: Proper diet can nourish a
good mood. Foods such as lotus root, lotus seeds, red dates, and longan have the effect of
nourishing the mind and soothing the mind, and are very helpful for anxiety and depression.

Senior rebooting seniors all know the importance of emotional management, it is very important to
understand emotional management, try your best to avoid letting yourself fall into a pessimistic and
negative mentality, once pessimistic thoughts appear, you must adjust in time, use positive and
constructive attitudes thoughts to replace negative thoughts. When some people encounter setbacks,
they will have a lot of negative thoughts and even blame others. However, wise people learn from
setbacks. Setbacks are also a kind of education, which can accelerate a person's growth. Many
successful people have experienced many failures before. But they are not negative, but learn from
setbacks and keep encouraging themselves. After rebooting, one should maintain an optimistic and
positive mood. With the recovery of the body, it will be easier to maintain an optimistic and
cheerful attitude. However, some other factors such as weather and seasonal factors or some
setbacks in life will shake this state, so you must adjust it in time. . Life is as gorgeous as summer
flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. In autumn, many plants and trees are
withered and yellow, but there is also a sense of beauty in them. Many oil paintings are about
autumn. You can feel the beauty and tranquility in the picture. with peace.

The weather is cool in autumn, and the summer is too hot. Turn on the air conditioner in autumn.
The cool autumn and comfortable mood will bring new hope to people. The sky in autumn is
always so clear. When I look up at the blue sky, my heart feels open. Listening to the birds, smelling
the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, lying on the grass and taking a nap, my soul has been
greatly nourished. After rebooting, you should get closer to nature. In nature, one can easily relax
and become happy inside. You are like a leaf, a small flower, and a fruit, and you are integrated into
the life of autumn. Worrying and mundane things will leave you temporarily. Autumn is the harvest
season. There is a harvest scene in the fields. The endless rice fields are like gold spread on the
ground. When a gust of wind blows, a golden wave is set off. It is a great enjoyment to be blown by
the rice wind. In the soft and beautiful blowing, you automatically enter the pure self, and you can't
help but close your eyes and enjoy this moment of comfort. It may be difficult for children in the
city to enjoy this kind of enjoyment. Children in the countryside are closer to the land and look at
the happy smiles of farmers. They can't help thinking: happiness is so simple, why indulge in
pornography and masturbation.

From the bleak and bleak scene, autumn is sad, but from the perspective of harvest joy, autumn is
beautiful. Roland's "Ode to Autumn": "The beauty of autumn lies in its clarity. Some people's eyes
are like autumn, and some people's spirits are like autumn." Emotions will become very subtle.
Autumn is a season of infinite reverie, and it is a season of memories. In autumn, it seems that the
world suddenly realizes that it should be quiet, and it has a certain meaning of reflecting on life.
Whenever I walk on the road, I smell the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus flowers in autumn,
and the light fragrance drifts away, and I always feel that the surroundings are quiet, and I just feel
happy when I breathe it. Wandering and pacing on the tree-lined road, the fallen leaves are flying,
all fall into the memory, time has changed, people have a sense of detachment, childhood friends,
how are you now? I still remember your innocent smiling faces, your figures running happily in the
sun, and the sound of Lang Lang reading in the classroom. In a blink of an eye, you have become
parents and have led a different life. The chill of autumn, the sadness of autumn, the high, pure and
clear sky in autumn, the colorful and gorgeous colors of autumn, the joy of autumn travel, the
loneliness of autumn rain, autumn is a season worth remembering, rebooting comes to autumn, and
life has entered a poetic mood. .

Here are some essentials for fall wellness

In autumn, the temperature begins to drop, the rainfall decreases, the air humidity decreases
relatively, and the climate tends to be dry. Autumn qi responds to the lung, which is delicate and
dirty, likes moist but hates dryness. It is mainly responsible for breathing. The dry climate in
autumn can easily damage the lung and yin, resulting in dry mouth and throat, dry cough and less
phlegm, dry nose and bleeding, and dry skin. , constipation and other symptoms, so the autumn
health care to prevent dryness, it is advisable to consume more water and eat more moist food. In
autumn, there is also a hint of coolness in the dry air. After people vent too much in summer, all the
tissues and systems of the body are in a state of relatively poor water. If the wind catches cold again
at this time, it is easy to cause headache, nasal congestion, stomach pain, and joint pain. A series of
symptoms, and even relapse of old diseases or induce new diseases. The elderly and those with
weak constitutions have poor adaptability and tolerance to such changes, and should pay more
attention to preventing cold. As patients with sperm damage, many people are very sensitive to
weather changes. After the temperature drops, some symptoms of sperm damage begin. Repeatedly,
you should pay attention to keep warm, don’t be greedy for the cold, the summer mats are removed,
the air conditioners are not turned on, and the fans are also turned off. When the seasons change,
you must pay special attention. When you come out of the bath in autumn, you must wear socks,
otherwise your feet will catch cold easily. Severe cold, health care should pay attention to details.

"The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine": "The third month of autumn is called
Rongping. The weather is urgent, the earth is bright, lying down early and getting up early, and the
chickens are prosperous, so that the mind is peaceful, the autumn punishment is slowed down, the
spirit is restrained, and the autumn is calm. There is no other purpose, to make the lung qi clear, this
is the answer to autumn qi, the way of nourishing and harvesting; the opposite of it will damage the
lung, and in winter it will be a drain, and there are few people who worship it.”

Translation: The three months of autumn are called Rongping, and the natural scene is calm and
restrained due to the maturity of all things. At this time, the sky is high and the wind is strong, and
the earth is clear. People should go to bed early and get up early, which is similar to the activity time
of chickens, so as to maintain the peace of mind and slow down the impact of the autumn chill on
the human body. This is the way to adapt to the characteristics of the autumn season and maintain
the body's astringent qi. If the Qi of the autumn harvest is violated, the lungs will be injured, and the
conditions provided for the Qi of the winter storage will be insufficient, and the diarrhea will occur
in winter.

Rong Ping: calm and peaceful, is a state of calm and unhurried. Why should Rongping be
highlighted in autumn? Because spring is born and summer is long, it is time to harvest in autumn,
and in autumn it is very calm to wait for the harvest. It is a state of calm and very stable heart, not
that kind of urgency, but very calm, very calm, previous work Done, just waiting for the harvest.

Each season is closely related to the next season. In summer, you are more indulgent. In autumn,
your body may experience severe symptoms. If you indulge in autumn, your body may collapse in
winter. May suddenly collapse. You would never have thought that your once healthy body would
become so ill, and you would only know how to cherish it after losing your health. You really can't
indulge yourself. Every season is a chain, and if this season is not done well, it will affect the health
of the body in the next season. Some people feel fine when they relapse in summer, but suddenly
they don’t work in autumn. They have a lot of symptoms at once, and they are scared. It is like
paying off debts. The debts owed in summer will be repaid in autumn.
Autumn nursing is mainly carried out from the following four aspects

1. Mental health care

It is necessary to achieve peace of mind, peace of mind, and good mood, and avoid feeling of
sadness and sadness. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that the organ
corresponding to autumn is the lungs, and sadness can easily damage the lungs. Be optimistic, put
aside all troubles, and avoid sadness. Every season should pay attention to keep calm, and autumn is
prone to a sense of sadness, so you should adjust your emotions in time, avoid a pessimistic and sad
state of mind, cultivate your interests and hobbies, you can listen to some lyrical and gentle music
to adjust your emotions and actively resolve negative emotions. Negative impact. Participate in
more beneficial social activities, talk and communicate with others more, make close friends,
cultivate an open-minded, optimistic and peaceful attitude, be content and happy, avoid excessive
stress and worry, so as not to worry and hurt the spleen, pay attention to cultivate a sense of humor,
you can watch some comedy sketches Wait, listen to soft music. When walking, you must be slow
and steady, when you stand, you must be still and respectful, when you sit, you must be upright and
straight, your voice must be gentle, and your every move must be dignified and peaceful. When
encountering problems, you should be calm, deal with good times and adversities correctly, not be
overjoyed, and not be discouraged by adversity, and consciously develop a calm and composed way
of dealing with things. Usually do good deeds and accumulate virtues, speak good words, see good
things, do good deeds, goodness can raise the sun, express gratitude, and say more words of
encouragement, motivation, thoughtfulness and gentleness. Doing good things can adjust one's own
psychology, and can also make one's heart happy and joyful. It is very helpful for mental health.

2. Living and nursing

Autumn daily life should be "early bed and early rise, and chickens will thrive", lie early to conform
to the convergence of yang, get up early to stretch the lungs, and prevent the convergence too much.
In autumn, you should go to bed early and get up early to prepare for the fall, and pay attention to
adding clothes to prevent the lungs from being hurt by cold. Going to bed early to collect lung qi is
in line with the needs of the human body, and it also has the conditions for a sound sleep - the
weather is cool, and after a summer of less sleep, it just compensates. Going to bed early in autumn
is very beneficial to human health and is in line with the way of adoption. After rebooting, one
should know how to maintain health. Knowledge of health preservation is very important for the
recovery of the body. Many brothers are very ignorant about health preservation, so their recovery
is not ideal. If you understand the principles of health preservation, you can operate according to the
wisdom of health preservation and adjust your body to a better state. Cultivation of gong is very
important, seniors will encounter various problems after rebooting, but seniors can adjust in time,
this adjustment ability is very important.

Three, diet

"Su Wen·Zangqi Law Shi Lun" says: "The lungs govern autumn, the lungs converge, rush to eat
acid to collect it, supplement it with acid, and purge it." That is to say, sour food can astringe the
lung qi, while spicy food diffuses and purifies the lung. In autumn, it should be collected and not
scattered, so try to eat less spicy foods such as onions and ginger, and eat more sour fruits and
vegetables. Therefore, eating pears, tomatoes, lemons, ebony, grapes, hawthorn, pomegranates, kiwi
fruit and other sour fruits in autumn can nourish the lungs, and can also achieve the effects of
relieving diarrhea and dampness, producing body fluid and quenching thirst, strengthening the
stomach and digesting food, and increasing appetite. In autumn, lung metal is in order, and if the
lung metal is too prosperous, it will inhibit liver wood. In autumn, dry qi is in demand, which is
easy to damage body fluid. Therefore, the diet should be suitable for nourishing yin and moistening
the lung. "Drinking Diet" says: "Autumn is dry, it is advisable to eat hemp to moisten the dryness,
and it is forbidden to drink cold." In autumn, sesame, glutinous rice, japonica rice, white fungus,
tofu, lily, lotus root, honey, pineapple, etc. can be eaten appropriately. Soft food, in order to benefit
the stomach and promote fluid. Eating more porridge in the morning in autumn can not only
strengthen the spleen and stomach, but also bring a refreshing day. The porridge often eaten in
autumn are: hawthorn japonica rice porridge, pear japonica rice porridge, white radish japonica rice
porridge, almond japonica rice porridge and so on. There is a folk saying in our country that
"October radish little ginseng", radish was called radish or radish in ancient times, it is rich in
nutrients, sweet and crunchy and delicious, and it contains vitamin C, vitamin B2, calcium,
phosphorus and iron higher than apples and pears. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that
raw radish can quench thirst and eliminate flatulence, and cooked radish can treat colds, indigestion,
stomach acid and bloating, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough and phlegm and other
diseases. It is worth noting that when the melons and fruits are ripe in autumn, do not eat too much,
so as not to damage the spleen and stomach.

According to "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", sesame can "invigorate the five internal organs,
invigorate energy, grow muscles, and fill in essence and marrow". The vitamin E in sesame can
prevent the damage of lipid peroxide to the skin, making the skin more fair and lustrous, and its
blood nourishing effect can also greatly improve the rough and dry skin. Traditional Chinese
medicine believes that chestnuts are rich in nutrients and are good products for nourishing the
kidneys and spleen. According to the determination, chestnuts are rich in protein, fat, carotene,
vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Among them, the carbohydrates in chestnuts are about 70%.
Chinese medical scientists in all dynasties regard chestnuts as the best tonic for qi, spleen, kidney
and body. Tao Hongjing, a medical scientist in the Han Dynasty, said: "Li Yiqi, thickens the
stomach, nourishes the kidney, and makes people hungry." Sun Simiao, a medical scientist in the
Tang Dynasty said: "Li, the fruit of the kidney, is suitable for kidney diseases." "Compendium of
Materia Medica" It is recorded: "Peanuts delight the spleen and stomach, moisten the lungs and
resolve phlegm, nourish and invigorate the qi, clear the throat and relieve itching." It is also said in
"Medicine Properties": "Eating peanuts nourishes the stomach and refreshes the spleen, clears the
intestines and moistens dryness." It can be seen that its effect on the spleen and stomach disorders ,
cough asthma, anemia, constipation, intestinal dryness, etc. have a good therapeutic effect, is a food
suitable for all ages. Sweet potato is called "local ginseng" and is a delicious and inexpensive
longevity food. Its sweet taste is flat and slightly cool, it can promote body fluid and quench thirst,
moisten the lungs and smooth the intestines, invigorate the spleen and stomach, clear the stool, and
also has anti-cancer effects, but sweet potatoes should not be eaten too much at one time, otherwise
symptoms such as bloating will appear.

Fourth, exercise

Autumn is a good time for exercise. You can choose different sports for exercise according to your
personal situation, such as mountain climbing, jogging, brisk walking, cycling, badminton,
basketball, table tennis, skipping, etc., to carry out an appropriate amount of exercise to improve the
body's resistance to disease. ability, reduce the recurrence of disease, and promote physical and
mental health. When exercising, it is not advisable to take off too much at once. You should take off
too much clothes after your body is hot. After exercising, you should not wear sweaty clothes and
stay in the cold wind to prevent your body from catching a cold. I remember a time when I was
sitting on the sidelines of the court intermittently, and the cold wind blew on my back. When I got
home, my waist felt uncomfortable. I felt a little bit unable to straighten up. In cold weather, be
careful. Because human muscles and ligaments will reflexively cause vasoconstriction in the
environment of falling temperature, and the range of motion of joints will also be reduced, so it is
very easy to cause sports injuries to muscles, ligaments and joints. Therefore, you must pay
attention to warm-up activities before each exercise to avoid sports injuries.
The amount of exercise should not be too large, to prevent excessive sweating and yang depletion.
You should pay attention to controlling the exercise intensity. It is not that the more you exercise,
the better. The key is to exercise in moderation. Sweat, feel relaxed and comfortable after exercise,
and the body recovers quickly, which is the standard of good effect. On the contrary, if you are very
tired after exercising and still feel unwell after resting, then the amount of exercise may be too
much, and you can reduce the amount of exercise next time. In the past, some brothers tried their
best to exercise and sweated a lot every day, but the result was counterproductive, and the recovery
of the body was not ideal. According to Chinese medicine, those who sweat are the essence of
energy. Energy will also be lost in the form of sweat. It is enough to sweat slightly during exercise.
The amount of sweat should be strictly controlled. If the amount of sweat is too large, the body will
be easily fatigued, which is not good for health recovery. Seriously injured patients should focus on
health-preserving exercises, such as Baduanjin, Liuzijue, health-preserving piles, or meditation.
Usually, they can take a walk, and when their body recovers, they can do more intense exercise.
When the body is weak, pay attention to rest and do not exercise blindly, otherwise it will affect the
recovery of the body.

Final summary:

Autumn is the season when everything matures and harvests, and it is also a transitional period for
the growth of yang and yin in the human body. Yang in spring and summer, yin in autumn and
winter, dry weather in autumn, pay attention to nourishing yin in autumn. To nourish yin in autumn,
first, drink plenty of water to supplement the water lost in summer. Second, be more down-to-earth.
In autumn, we should walk into the embrace of nature more, walk in the fields and parks, and make
our mood comfortable, which will help nourish yin. In autumn, the desire is relatively strong, which
is related to the strong secretion of male hormones. The strongest desire in the day is in the
morning, and when you wake up from a nap, when the desire is stronger, you have to know what
you want, and you can be vigilant at that time. Effective Dispel desire. After the autumn is the cold
winter, quitting the autumn is to make full preparations for the winter rebooting, hiding the essence
in winter, winter rebooting is also a big test, it depends on whether you can hide it or not. Rebooting
in four seasons, each season has its own characteristics, according to my own experience, I
personally prefer spring and autumn, spring is full of vitality, autumn symbolizes maturity and
harvest, summer is too hot, sweating a lot, and winter is cold. The body is prone to discomfort and
recovery is slowed down. Symptoms are also prone to recurring between seasons, we should have a
deep understanding and understanding of rebooting in the four seasons, and we can make targeted
adjustments in a timely manner when the situation arises.
Autumn is a portrayal of artistic conception. It is cold, desolate, lonely, and desolate. Autumn is
high and clear, vast and magnificent, the layers of forests are dyed, the colors are colorful, the geese
fly south, the osmanthus is fragrant, the scenery is pleasant, there is a realm of prosperity and purity.
I like the chill of autumn, which symbolizes the ruthlessness of renunciation, the sternness and
decisiveness of renunciation, and the uncompromising! I like the autumn sky, the clouds are light
and the wind is light, and there is a sense of high and distant. The geese are arranged in a "human"
shape and slowly fly into the distance. The artistic conception is particularly beautiful, and there is a
sense of travel back to childhood. I like the rice fields in autumn, a cool autumn wind blows, the
rice swaying with the wind, like a golden ocean setting off waves, that kind of blowing can make
you instantly present, instantly enter your true self, happiness and joy overflowing in your heart
Come on, innocence is a feeling that never changes.

Share a rebooting poem below

"Battle in the Autumn Wind"

autumn wind chill

yellow leaves

in the falling leaves

standing a ringer

he didn't move for a long time

like a sculpture

been placed there

Autumn unique light and shadow effects

ready for this showdown

best scene

Silent all around

Everything seems to freeze

I don't know when this showdown will start

when will it end

everything is waiting

This wait is full of explosive force

Just wait for the shock

Suddenly he smiled

A smile hangs on the corner of the mouth

The showdown is over

Defeating the demons every time

he will be happy

just a picture

rushed into his head

just a moment

The image dissipates

he won
autumn wind blows a pile of leaves

He walks into the distance

leave a firm shadow

Recommended book below

"Zen is not cultivated": by Ding Yuren. Mr. Ding Yuren, the founder of Taishan Temple, I quoted a
few paragraphs of Master Ding in my previous article. Everyone should have an impression. Those
paragraphs really hit the main points of practice and were very insightful. Ding Shi was born in
1946, his ancestral home is Tai'an, Shandong. Studied primary school for six years, and is a worker
of the Electric Power Bureau. Now he is retired. In 1994, he took refuge in Dalingyan Temple,
Wande, Shandong, and his Dharma name is Wuda. In Sanhe Village, Tai'an City, at the foot of
Mount Tai, the "Taishan Temple" was opened for ginseng to retreat and discuss Buddhist life. Ding
Shi is a real master, giving the impression of a very simple, kind and amiable, somewhat similar to
the sixth patriarch Hui Neng. When I first read Master Ding's lecture, I thought it was very good.
There is a sentence in the book: "A free man is the freedom of the heart." I was very touched by this
sentence. , if you want to slap it, slap it, how free it is! Later, I found that my heart was actually
very unfree. I was bound by evil thoughts and became a puppet of my inner demon. After rebooting,
I feel that my heart is very free and relaxed, this is also the common feeling of many brothers, after
rebooting, my heart is really free, I feel relieved, there is a feeling of being freed from it. Zen is the
original face, the true self, and it is innate. It is indeed not cultivated. The so-called cultivation of
the mind is to remove the covering, just like washing away the mud on the surface of a pearl. This
book is very rich in content and has deep principles. Brothers who are interested in spiritual practice
may wish to read it.
Season 122: Cultivation of Rebooting Execution Ability


Last season, a brother asked, "Do inner demons really exist? Do we really have inner demons in
our bodies? Or is it just a metaphor?" First of all, we must understand what inner demons are? The
concept of inner demon clearly points to evil thoughts and negative thoughts. Many people will
mention inner demon. The word inner demon has a mysterious and elusive feeling. It seems to be a
mysterious evil force in the heart. It is difficult to explain clearly. . Although they will mention the
word inner demon, few people know the exact direction of inner demon. You ask an ordinary person
what is inner demon? He was probably at a loss and couldn't tell. Maybe he only had a very vague
understanding and couldn't tell. The word "inner demon" comes from practice. It is a very common
word in practice. Many great virtues have used this word. From the point of view of thoughts
attacking the brain, inner demons are real. This is not a metaphor, because evil thoughts will indeed
come, invade and control you; from another perspective, inner demons are evil thoughts demons.
Evil thoughts are compared to demons, and demons represent negativity. Power, from this point of
view, can be said to be a metaphor. It does not mean that there is a real demon in your body. If you
feel that there is a real demon in your body, it will only increase your fear and make it worse. Not
good and fall into superstition. Don't be afraid of inner demons. In fact, it is just evil thoughts.
"Caigen Tan" says: "The one who conquers demons first subdues his own heart, and when his heart
is subdued, the group of demons retreats." The heart refers to evil thoughts. Sometimes the great
virtue will use the word "thief" to describe the inner demon. Mr. Wang Yangming said: "It is easy to
break the thief in the mountains, but it is difficult to break the thief in the heart." The old lay
Buddhist Huang Nianzu said: "From knowing the thief to defeating the thief, eliminating the thief,
and finally the thief I have also surrendered.” He added, “When this thief is in charge, he can do all
kinds of absurd things, but he is a thief, and a thief cannot come up with good ideas.” When dealing
with evil thoughts, we often regard thoughts as our own, and follow them. To be able to recognize
this demon thief is a remarkable discovery. It can be said to be a milestone event. When you find
out that evil thoughts are at work, making trouble, and enslaving you, you will know what the
whole thing is going on. Recently I watched a legal program about the writer and murderer Liu
Yongbiao. He has joined the Chinese Writers Association, won the "Anhui Literature Award", and
published more than 2 million words. On the evening of November 29, 1995, a case of robbery and
murder occurred in Zhili Town, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The owner, wife, grandson of
Minji Hotel, and a businessman from Shandong were killed. After 22 years on the run, the two
suspects were finally brought under control by the police. One of the murderers was Liu Yongbiao,
who later became a well-known writer. In an interview in prison, he said of himself: "There is a
devil in my heart, Jump out every now and then. He also mentioned "in a single thought".
Obviously, the devil he was talking about was actually an evil thought. He obeyed his inner demons
and committed a serious crime! He is a talented person, but unfortunately, he was not grasped in
one thought, and he became a Murderer. Everyone has inner demons. Only by defeating their inner
demons can they truly dominate themselves! Being enslaved by inner demons will turn your whole
life into a disaster. I read an anti-corruption article, which said: The lessons of corrupt officials' fall
are nothing more than the evil spirits who are greedy for money and sex. Another anti-corruption
article mentioned: "Beauty Pass is a magic hurdle, and it is more difficult to cross than the money
pass. Gold bullets and meat bullets, once they explode, will make you shattered." "It can be said
that it hits the nail on the head. When people come to this world, they have an ultimate challenge,
and that is to overcome their inner demons! When facing various temptations, they must stand the

Share some cases below

1. [The high school entrance examination is over, the scores and the score line have come out, and I
have finally been admitted to the key high school in our city. Thanks to all my friends and Brother
Feixiang who have been supporting me silently behind my back, it has made my rebooting a little
better. It has been stable for almost 2 months now. Although it is not very long, I feel that my
changes have been really great. I remember that I came to reboot in November last year. When I
first saw the painful experiences of my friends, I also felt a little scared, so I made up my mind to
reboot, but every time I quit after about a week of rebooting. Now, I gave up rebooting for a period
of time, and I have been degraded for about a month. I saw that my complexion was getting worse
and worse and I was scared. I started rebooting again, and I really have a firmer belief. But at that
time I was still rebooting blindly, thinking that as long as I held back it would be fine, but I really
couldn’t resist the temptation of lewdness and kept breaking my reboots. I saw that my friends said
that learning more about rebooting articles is very helpful, try it out It's starting to go in the right
direction, and it's a little tricky. In this way, after rebooting for more than 2 weeks, I felt a lot of
changes. During class, I was more focused, and my running became more energetic. My classmates
were also surprised by my changes. To be honest, I used to be half a punk in the class, and no one
cared about me. During that time, the pressure of the high school entrance examination was also
very high, but my grades were also rising steadily. The teacher also felt that I had made great
progress. When I graduated, I was left with a place for outstanding graduates. I am really happy
broken. Hard study in the cold window and wholehearted rebooting allowed me to get admitted to
my ideal high school, thank you for the benefits that rebooting has brought me, thank you for
rebooting, thank you all friends, keep up the good work! 】

Additional comment: There are many brothers from junior and senior high schools in the reboot bar,
they have to face the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, which
are very important stages of life. Preparing for the high school and college entrance examinations
requires a good state of study. However, the bad habit of masturbation will cause a decline in brain
power, lethargy, and physical resistance, which will affect a person's learning state. I remember that
I fell into the habit of masturbation when I was in junior high school, opened Pandora's box, and it
was out of control. At that time, in the late 1990s, I couldn't get access to rebooting articles at all. I
struggled in that strange circle, hesitating. In the past, I have tried quitting myself, but it has been
unsuccessful, never more than a month. Why did I want to quit smoking in junior high school?
Because I obviously feel that my body has deteriorated after masturbation, I am prone to colds,
frequent urination, aggravated rhinitis, aggravated acne, poor complexion, low back pain, soft legs,
swollen eyes, dull brain, inability to concentrate in class, and decreased comprehension. These
injuries The symptoms of sperm are all real experience. At that time, I vaguely felt that
masturbation is not good, but I was not very sure, because I was relatively ignorant, there were
misunderstandings in my mind, and no one told me the dangers of masturbation. At that time, no
one instructed me on how to reboot, and it was just relying on perseverance to force rebooting, and
it was doomed to fail! The last time I saw a brother say: "Restraining for about a month, as soon as
the demons come, I will break the precept immediately." Seeing his words brought my thoughts
back to the time when I was repeatedly abused by the demons in the past. Years, at that time, I really
wanted to quit this harmful habit and become a pure and confident self, but I couldn't do it, because
"when the demons come, I will break the precept immediately." I didn't know anything at that time.
It's the inner demon, I only know that there is an unusually powerful force in my heart that pulls me
into that vicious circle again and again. I can't resist that force at all. The inner demon is like an
absolute powerhouse who wrestles my wrists. I just want to fight against the weak. After resisting
for a while, he succumbed. There was no way, his strength was not enough, he could only be
abused. I really needed practical guidance at that time, but because of the lack of rebooting articles
in that era, I gave up after many failures in rebooting, and in the end I was forced to go back to the
rebooting path again and again by symptoms, because if I didn’t reboot, it would be impossible. If
you don’t quit, your body will be finished. If you get hurt to a certain extent, you will naturally
choose to reboot. Your body can’t bear that crazy exhaustion. I'm sorry, the symptoms will show
you the color after ejaculation! Many people have become unsteady on their feet, and they may fall
down at any time. Their vitality has been mercilessly drained by this bad habit. Today’s junior high
school kids are very lucky. Although Internet pornography is rampant, they are able to access
rebooting articles. It can be said that both crisis and opportunity coexist. Even if the temptation of
pornography is flying all over the sky, the heart can still remain as still as possible, which requires a
high rebooting awareness and stronger concentration. This brother has been admitted to a key high
school, it is not easy, what a great transformation from the gangsters in the class counterattacking
the key high school! Judging from his expression, one can feel that positive state, rebooting gave
him a good energy and mental state to deal with his studies. By studying rebooting articles, he
started to get on the right track of rebooting. In the past, he also blindly forced rebooting, but after
realizing the importance of studying, he gradually got better. I am really happy for this brother, the
children in junior high school are still very innocent and their bodies recover quickly. I hope they
can take good control of their life, stay away from the lewd and depraved life, and grow up healthy
and happy.

2. [Brother Feixiang, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you here. After rebooting
for 230 days and taking traditional Chinese medicine, the whole person has been completely
refreshed and transformed, the brain seems to have been refreshed, the brain is no longer like a
lump of paste when working, and the brain is very Clear, the whole person's physical condition is
not good, but it is quite good, full of righteousness, often giving birth to a pride that competes with
the sun and the moon, the whole person's feeling of happiness is more delicate, and the light outside
the window on the public car after get off work feels Full of beauty and tranquility. I'm sorry to say
a little too much, but I really want to share with you the wonderful feelings now. I remembered that
after relapsed 230 days ago, my whole person seemed to be dying. A sense of oppression,
depression and pessimism, and now I think about it... alas! Fortunately, God didn't give up on me,
all of these are now swept away after 230 days, I dare not be proud, let alone show off, I must be
diligent and diligent, humble and cautious, and I hope more brothers can get out of licentiousness ,
Rebooting to maintain health, if the symptoms are severe, you should take some Chinese medicine.
Hope all brothers start a sunny and healthy life again! 】

Additional comment: 230 days ago, this brother's condition was "like he was going to die", he was
living in hell, he should have had a neurosis, but fortunately he started rebooting, after 230 days his
whole person was completely new, he When the word "refresh" is used, it's like a system is
paralyzed and occupied by various viruses. At this time, the system is reinstalled, it is completely
refreshed, and it returns to a good physical and mental state. To achieve the effect of "refreshing",
the continuous accumulation of energy is required. When the accumulation reaches a certain level,
the physical and mental feelings of the whole person will be completely different. The feeling is
very subtle and beautiful, and there will be a subtle sense of joy on the face and eyes. The feeling of
joy has become like laughing, and the clear and bright eyes can light up the whole city, and I feel
that life is full of hope again. I can really dominate my heart, and I am no longer the puppet of my
inner demon. This is a great liberation, my heart is free, my whole person is relaxed, and all kinds
of good feelings have come back. A brother said, "To be honest, rebooting has really changed a lot,
first of all the eyes are the most obvious, after a period of rebooting, the eyes will not be so dull and
dull, and before rebooting, I don't know what What's going on, no matter whether people know you
have masturbated or not, you can feel that they are a little disgusted with you. Rebooting can make
the face no longer puffy, and it can make the eyes look brighter, no longer withered like a withered
plant. Weak and lifeless." After quitting masturbation, the brightness of the eyes will increase, and
the degree of brightness is a very important observation parameter. Children's eyes are basically
bright, while adults' eyes are rarely bright, and most of them look dim. , I am now very careful to
observe the brightness of a person's eyes. When looking at a person, I will first look at the
brightness of his eyes. This can be said to be the golden indicator for observing a person. You can
pay attention to observe everyone you meet, and you will It is found that the brightness of each
person's eyes is different, and the brightness can be divided into: very dark, dark, dim, slightly
bright, bright, bright, extra bright, bright! You can observe the brightness of human eyes from these
eight divisions, and the brightness represents the energy value! The more energy, the brighter the
eyes, and it will appear very clear, very spiritual, with a clear light film, just like polished marble.
The weaker the energy, the darker the brightness of the eyes. Most of the eyes of masturbators
appear very dark, and those eyes look lifeless and lack vitality. Once a child starts masturbating,
their eyes dim like stars. The last division of brightness is "bright color", which is not only bright to
the extreme, but also has a very subtle brilliance, which makes people feel extraordinary at first
glance. I have specialized in physiognomy, and any dark complexion is a sign of badness. If various
parts look dark, it means that the energy is weak and bright. It means strong energy. I read an article
about professional sports before, which mentioned how the coaches judge the sports status of the
athletes. It is very important to observe the eyes of the athletes, especially the eyes. If they are full
of energy, it means that the sports status is good. It can ensure the quality of training. If the eyes are
sluggish and dull, it means that the athlete is not in the state and needs to be adjusted. The training
intensity should not be too large, otherwise it is very easy to be injured. The brother in this case said
that he “has developed a pride that competes with the sun and the moon”, this is actually a sign of
confidence, after rebooting, the righteousness and the confidence will rise. Very confident. After
rebooting, the sense of happiness will also overflow, the feeling of happiness is indeed more
delicate, your focus and thoughts have moved away from licentiousness, then you start to notice
those things in your life that you once neglected. It’s beautiful, rebooting can indeed give people a
subtle sense of happiness and a particularly beautiful feeling. This is something you can’t give you
even if you look at pornography. The actual situation is—the more pornography you see, the more
you deviate from that A state of pure happiness and serenity. This brother finally mentioned "don't
dare to be proud", this point is very well said, people are afraid of being proud, and once they are
proud, they will be exploited by inner demons, so no matter how long the abstinence is, one cannot
be proud, one must cultivate humility! Only by being humble and self-shepherding, and diligently
practicing good deeds, can one enter the realm of rebooting.

3. [Relapsed last night, I have quit for 21 days, and I have quit for 25 days at most. I have a feeling
that my desire will be very, very strong at times like this, and that image will catch me on my mind.
Damn, I can feel it, I know I'm thinking about prostitution, but I can't stop it, it's too tempting, that
kind of feeling is like a small animal seeing a natural enemy, and it froze without even the strength
to struggle and resist, very helpless , only let the image be played frame by frame into a small
movie. 】
Additional comment: This is a case of relapse, usually about a month after rehab will enter the peak
period of relapse, when the demons attack will be very violent, there is a very practical part of
rebooting, that is, watching the mind and renunciation! Senior brothers all know that actual combat
is the most important thing, empty talk without actual combat will definitely fail, some people think
that they have read a lot of rebooting articles and think they have a high level of consciousness, but
when the demons invaded, their actual combat performance It is no different from a rookie, this is
just talk on paper! I was attacked by my inner demons again and again, and I became a
masturbation machine again and again. I was crazy looking for pornography like I was possessed.
Why is this happening? It is because the idea or image was not immediately interrupted, which led
to the successful installation of the Trojan program, and then the execution of crazy looking for
pornography, crazy pornography, and crazy masturbation. That thought or image is an invading
Trojan program, especially when the image is very fast, one brother gave feedback: "I was in the car
today, and suddenly a picture thought flashed into my mind, the picture was very fast, I was
immediately alert." In an instant, when the image flashes into the mind, that is, the moment when
you shine your sword, although some people can perceive that they are thinking about obscenity,
but they can't stop it, the reason is that they can't stop! It's like chopping bricks. I've seen five red
bricks stacked on top of each other for people with deep kung fu, and they all crack with one palm.
Kung fu is indeed very powerful. If you can't split, you not only need to master the skills, but also
need to practice persistently. The masters who practice iron sand palms really practice their hands as
thick as bear's paws, and splitting bricks is as easy as cutting tofu. The same is true for breaking the
mind. At the beginning of the battle with the inner demons, I often lose many battles. At this time, I
have to find the reason. Why can't I break it? Why can seniors be cut off? After relapse, we must
conscientiously summarize and analyze, and then we must focus on the practice of renunciation.
The theory of renunciation also requires in-depth study and comprehension. From repeated defeats
to 100 victories, it takes a process. When I was a rookie in rebooting, I also suffered repeated
defeats. I couldn’t get rid of the inner demons. For me at that stage, the inner demons were too
powerful. I couldn't resist at all. Later, when I became stronger, I would naturally be able to subdue
my inner demons, and I already had the confidence to defeat my inner demons. The reason why I
can do it is because I persist in studying and practicing, and I persevere every day. If I persist to a
certain level, my strength will improve by leaps and bounds, and then I will have absolute strength
to subdue my inner demons. From beginners to first training, first glimpse of the door, to entering
the hall, entering the room, and being superb, it requires a lot of effort, and it also depends on their
own understanding. At the beginning, many newcomers do not know how to reboot at all, nor do
they know how to watch their minds and break their thoughts. No, as soon as the demons come,
they will break their reboots immediately. After studying the senior rebooting articles, they start to
feel a little bit out of it and know that they have to stop thinking. , can not follow the recitation, at
this time it is only a superficial understanding, and there is still a lack of in-depth understanding and
practice. When they start to practice renunciation every day, their progress will be very fast. With
daily practice and daily learning from the experience of their predecessors, learning and practice
will blend and promote each other, and the improvement of renunciation will change with each
passing day. This brother mentioned that the image captures him to the death, just like a small
animal encounters a natural enemy, and is immediately restrained by the inner demon, without that
strength it will definitely be restrained, because the inner demon is stronger than you, so Can
restrain you, if you are stronger than your inner demons, inner demons cannot restrain you! On the
contrary, you have restrained your inner demons! The ancients talked about self-denial kung fu, and
gram has the meaning of victory in classical Chinese. To overcome one's own inner demons, it
requires extremely strong decisive force! Practicing your own strength, become the nemesis of inner
demons! A few days ago, I saw a brother who said in his post: "I only talk about soldiers on paper,
but in actual combat it's really weak!" He already knew his problem, he was just talking about
theory, detached from actual combat, and when his inner demons came, he immediately knelt down
Bend your knees and show your servile face. It should not be your knees that greet the demons, but
your sharp blade! That kind of fighting to the death, would rather die than give up the spirit! Some
brothers also mentioned that the formulas are invalid, in fact it is not that the formulas are invalid,
but the lack of practice, in order to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools, sharpen your
knives at ordinary times, use knives in an instant, gong is at ordinary times, and you neglect to
practice at ordinary times. , will perform poorly in actual combat. Think about it, how many years
has an Olympic champion practiced? If we play tomorrow and start practicing today, is that okay? It
is necessary to practice perseveringly in peacetime, so that the level of actual combat can be
steadily improved. This improvement is a continuous and gradual process, not overnight. When you
are really strong, the inner demon will come up and try again! Come once, kill once! The demon is
here to die! , Immediately knelt down on the knees, showing a servile face, it should not be your
knees, but your sharp blade of breaking thoughts! That kind of fighting to the death, would rather
die than give up the spirit! Some brothers also mentioned that the formulas are invalid, in fact it is
not that the formulas are invalid, but the lack of practice, in order to do good work, you must first
sharpen your tools, sharpen your knives at ordinary times, use knives in an instant, gong is at
ordinary times, and you neglect to practice at ordinary times. , will perform poorly in actual combat.
Think about it, how many years has an Olympic champion practiced? If we play tomorrow and start
practicing today, is that okay? It is necessary to practice perseveringly in peacetime, so that the level
of actual combat can be steadily improved. This improvement is a continuous and gradual process,
not overnight. When you are really strong, the inner demon will come up and try again! Come once,
kill once! The demon is here to die! , Immediately knelt down on the knees, showing a servile face,
it should not be your knees, but your sharp blade of breaking thoughts! That kind of fighting to the
death, would rather die than give up the spirit! Some brothers also mentioned that the formulas are
invalid, in fact it is not that the formulas are invalid, but the lack of practice, in order to do good
work, you must first sharpen your tools, sharpen your knives at ordinary times, use knives in an
instant, gong is at ordinary times, and you neglect to practice at ordinary times. , will perform
poorly in actual combat. Think about it, how many years has an Olympic champion practiced? If we
play tomorrow and start practicing today, is that okay? It is necessary to practice perseveringly in
peacetime, so that the level of actual combat can be steadily improved. This improvement is a
continuous and gradual process, not overnight. When you are really strong, the inner demon will
come up and try again! Come once, kill once! The demon is here to die!

4. [I was the captain of the provincial youth basketball team at the age of 14. The coach said that I
was a rare genius, because after contracting masturbation, I became out of control, and then
gradually did not want to exercise. In the second half of 2015, my physical condition declined
greatly. , his physical strength gradually declined, and he also proposed to the coach to retire from
the team, and then stayed at home to play League of Legends. After about a year, I found that I have
a talent for playing games. After playing League of Legends for about a year, I got Diamond 1 in
the first district. In 2016, I went out almost 4 times. My parents have always been disappointed. , I
don't know why it's like this, the frequency of masturbation is getting more and more, once a day,
the reaction and hand speed of playing games like this are getting slower and slower, from having a
basketball dream to an e-sports career dream, time and time again The consequences of being
masturbated are destroyed. 2017 is very confusing, I don’t want to play games, let alone go out to
exercise, and I have thoughts of suicide, please help me! 】
Additional comment: This brother is considered a basketball genius, it is not easy to be the captain
of the provincial team, maybe he will be able to play in the CBA in the future, but unfortunately he
contracted the bad habit of masturbation, his physical fitness declined drastically, and he finally left
the team. I think there are a lot of talented people in China who are very talented and outstanding,
but later on, they are all dead or even worse than ordinary people. There is a same reason behind
this, that is, addicted to pornography and masturbation. I have also seen some talents in my life.
They are outstanding in one aspect, and they are indeed very talented. Unfortunately, there are too
many pornographic films stored in his computer and mobile phone. Those pornographic films are
like drugs. He gets lost in the illusory pleasure again and again. Myself, the last person standing in
front of the mirror is a wretched, haggard and hollowed out cripple! His fate began to be turbulent,
his life began to go wrong, his temper became irritable, and his life was in trouble. This brother
chose to play games and became an otaku, his parents are very disappointed, this is wasting his
youth, although many people love e-sports, but their parents often don't support them, they need to
think deeply about whether they are suitable for professional e-sports, Whether this road is feasible,
people must know for themselves! Playing professional e-sports requires a lot of effort, and the
amount of training is also huge. Sitting for a long time or even staying up late will damage the body.
In addition, the destructive habit of masturbation will cause the body to collapse even faster.
Personally, I am not optimistic about professional e-sports. In the world of fighting and killing, it
will only increase my negative energy. Many e-sports players are very arrogant and have a lot of
negative energy. While rebooting, you should also quit online games. Online games are too time-
consuming. Now many online games have to spend money on equipment and money. Many online
games also have pornographic elements, which will make people feel evil, so online games are still
not played. as well. Some brothers will ask me if I can play games, then it depends on what games,
casual and intellectual ones can still be considered, but don’t be addicted to them. Whether it’s
basketball or e-sports, it’s really hard to rely on it for food. It requires excellent talent and hard
work. In the adolescent stage, you should still focus on your studies. Don’t stay at home all the
time. You should go out and get in touch with the outside world. People communicate and
communicate, and they must have good exercise habits in peacetime, and they must have awareness
of health preservation from a young age. Staying at home every day, playing games and
masturbating, this kind of life is too decadent, and parents will be extremely disappointed. You
should go out and try more when you are young, don’t limit yourself to a certain field, you can go
out to learn something or do something practical Work, and gradually accumulate life experience. In
practice, you can often know what you are really suitable for, and your thoughts will begin to
mature. When you look back on your past self, you may find it ridiculous and naive. Life can
actually be Going very broad, the key is to have the courage to take the first step, to have the
courage to try, even if you hit a wall, it’s okay, touch more

5. [I questioned rebooting, I laughed at it, I didn't believe it until I hurt myself, the people here have
great wisdom and great kindness! Prostitution has made me addicted. I am fighting against the
addiction secreted by the brain every day. It is very uncomfortable. From once a day to 3 times a
day, even 5 times a day, more and more, and my body is getting worse and worse. Recently, I have
one meal a day. I am inexplicably gaining weight while eating, insomnia, hair loss, back pain,
incontinence of urination, social fear, tinnitus, it doesn't matter, the most terrible thing is that my
physical strength is exhausted, I eat by pointing to my body! I went to unload the truck yesterday.
From 4 am to 7 am, my back hurt and I couldn’t work. I even felt like I was stepping on cotton
while walking. It seemed like I lost my waist. I fell twice! Lie down now! Will I be finished, my pee
is a little red. 】

Additional comment: A brother said before, "I thought rebooting was ridiculous before, but now the
symptoms are all over..." After the symptoms appeared, they knew that masturbation would be
repaid! Doubling the pain back! Many ignorant people have been brainwashed by the theory of
harmlessness. When they first heard about rebooting, they would think it was ridiculous, and they
even thought that the rebooting people had problems with their brains, not normal, and even
maliciously slandered rebooting, but those who are truly cultivated Those who quit are not angry,
they just laugh without saying a word, because the symptoms will tell them the truth sooner or later,
can they still laugh when the symptoms break out? ! Do they still dare to laugh at rebooting?
Imagine their mockery froze on their faces in an instant, with a look of horror in their eyes, and the
corners of their mouths kept twitching, why? Because a symptomatic sap hit their forehead! Some
people will argue with you with harmless theory, cite so-called authoritative remarks to refute you,
appear arrogant, as if every sentence of his is full of science, as if Einstein is his father, but When
symptoms flared up, they slapped themselves in the face! Their eloquence is completely vulnerable
in the face of symptoms. Their eloquence is like an inflated balloon, which is a little pricked by the
needle of the symptom, and then suddenly bursts with a "snap", leaving them with expressions of
remorse and tears. ...let's not argue with those ignorant people, symptoms will take care of them,
that's how people are, they won't die until they don't see the Yellow River, they won't shed tears
until they don't see the coffin, they will come to reboot when symptoms break out. Discover how
wise and correct it is to reboot. Once a person begins to commit adultery, he will sink deeper and
deeper into the quagmire of adultery, and the addiction will gradually increase, just like drug
addiction, the dose is small at the beginning, and finally he is not satisfied with the addiction, so he
starts to inject, and the dose increases. The bigger you get, the more you will experience that
extreme feeling of being out of control, like being possessed, you can't stop at all, and sometimes
you can't experience the pleasure anymore, just to complete the task, that task is just a routine of
shooting, it must be The shot is over. The addiction is getting worse and worse, but the body is
getting worse and worse. At this time, the crisis is really in full swing, and life has become an
ambush. Maybe what symptoms will attack you. At first, the inner demon attacked you and turned
you into a Masturbate to the meat machine, and then the symptoms attack you, turn you into a
regular visitor to the hospital, turn you into a medicine jar, a sick seedling. horrible! It's so scary!
When you are healthy, you don’t feel it at all. When your body breaks down, it is a dark and
hopeless experience. Life is really better than death! This brother eats one meal a day, his approach
is wrong, he is relying on physical work to eat, he should ensure that three meals a day, nutrition
must keep up, his health is already so bad, he still has to deal with physical work, Life is starting to
get tough, he'd better quit his job and recuperate for a while in this situation , Do not do physical
work while sick, otherwise the condition is likely to aggravate, or it will cause liver disease.
Whether it is physical work or mental work, a good body is the foundation. Family, career, and
studies all need a good body, a bright brain, and a straight waist. I really can't do it anymore! I have
never blamed those who laughed at rebooting bars, I just thought they were ignorant and pitiful.
When their mocking expressions turned into fear and despair, what kind of pain would it be? Only
those who have experienced it will understand.

6. [I was lying on the bed, the needles of the infusion lined up on my shriveled blood vessels, which
had not yet healed. A few days ago, I was hospitalized with a high fever again. I felt as though my
whole body was being roasted dry. A little spark could set me on fire. Every bone was soft, sore and
painful as if it had been soaked in vinegar. I really want to pull them out and wipe them. The
persistent high fever kept my blood pressure from dropping, and the blood vessels in my head
seemed to be swelled. The doctor can't do anything about me. She said that all the medicines have
been used, so let's rub it with alcohol. In this way, I had a high fever in the hospital for another 4
days. My urine turned dark green. The doctor said that my high fever caused the blood in the urine
to change color. I have been masturbating for less than six years. I have been living in school for
classes. After a severe cold and high fever, I developed gross hematuria. I went to the hospital for
examination and found out that I had severe kidney disease. I had symptoms of kidney failure, and
my creatinine had begun to rise. My life went to hell, I went from a small hospital to a big hospital,
from our province to all over the country. But no doctor can cure it. They say it would be nice if
they could delay development. Gradually, I had more and more complications. My body started to
swell, but my weight became lighter and lighter. After eating a little, I felt nauseous. I had no energy
at all. It's like a desert, exhausted. I also had a mucus running down my eyes and my vision was
badly degraded. The doctor said that this kind of disease affects all the organs of the whole body. I
still have all kinds of unexplainable uncomfortable feelings, and these pains do not give me any
time to breathe. I have been taking medicine to maintain it now, and the disease has been
developing, and I can't stop it at all. I understand that this is the bad result of my masturbation.
Regret and self-blame made my body, which was already tortured by the disease, even more
uncomfortable. My heart couldn't bear such a serious retribution, and I often broke down and cried,
and I couldn't sleep all night. I'm sorry for my parents, I'm sorry for myself, I'm sorry for all the
people who have cared about me and expected me, I really want to go back to the past, find the
person who started to lust, I want to tie him up, I want to stick to his face, Look him in the eyes and
tell him the terrible retribution well. Tell him that life is not like this, that life is not that live, but I
can't go back, I can't do it again. Now I tell everyone about my experience, and I hope everyone
learns my lesson and pulls back from the precipice. How many nights, I wish I woke up and my
past was just a dream, just a fake dream, an unreal dream. I'm still the one who hasn't caught bad
habits. I have a beautiful dream. In a corner of this world, I do my best to forge my future. 】

Commentary: This case can be said to be shocking! Renal failure and uremia are relatively serious
diseases. If renal failure develops into uremia, it is simply a nightmare, and dialysis is required to
maintain life. Renal failure and uremia, the degree of kidney damage is different, renal failure
kidney damage is smaller than uremia, but if it is not controlled, renal failure can quickly develop
into uremia. Interpret the causes of kidney failure from the perspective of traditional Chinese
medicine. (1) Invasion of external pathogens: kidney disease cannot be cured for a long time, and
the function of viscera is decreased. (2) Excessive fatigue: engaged in heavy physical labor for a
long time, excessive fatigue will damage the spleen and kidney. (3) Excessive wine color, damage
to the kidney qi, deficiency of kidney yang, weak fire of the gate of life, fire does not warm the
earth, and deficiency of both the spleen and kidney. (4) Improper diet: Improper diet includes
overeating, chronic hunger, partial eclipse, etc. (5) Emotional injury: long-term emotional
discomfort, anxiety and anger, liver failure, stagnation of liver qi, and stagnation of triple burner qi.
Those who do masturbation should belong to the third cause, there have been some cases of renal
failure and uremia before, I still remember that brother lying on the hospital bed with a desperate
look, he came to reboot and posted this to warn everyone: The consequences of crazy masturbation
are terrible! Everyone's physique is different. Weak physique and deep injury can lead to
unimaginable consequences. We are living in the hell of symptoms, and we live extremely
tormented every day. Kidney failure will seriously affect the quality of life of patients and bring
heavy burdens. economic burden. This brother has been masturbating for less than 6 years, which is
not too long, but if a certain period of these 6 years is crazy, masturbating recklessly, staying up late
masturbating, and not eating well, with irregular work and rest, then the body will really be
affected. It collapsed suddenly, like a rubber band snapped, reaching a critical point, and suddenly it
was no longer possible. Some people are born with poor constitution, and can't bear this kind of
crazy indulgence at all, almost suicidal madness. Prostatitis is not bad for a masturbator, but
neurosis will be very painful, and kidney failure or uremia will be a disaster. A survey shows that
there are more and more patients with renal failure in my country. The incidence of chronic kidney
disease in China is 10.8%. In China, end-stage renal failure is called "uremia", and many patients
rely on hemodialysis or kidney transplantation to replace kidney function. , In the Nephrology
Center of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, nearly 100,000 hemodialysis visits per year, 300
transplants per year, and 68.8% of uremia patients survive for more than 20 years. 9%, which is the
best record in China. Among the organs in the body, the kidneys have the most powerful reserve
function and the most "hard-working". Because the reserve function of the kidney is as high as
80%, as long as 1/3 of the unilateral kidney remains functional, it can "run" normally. Unlike other
organs, which react strongly when a little damage occurs, while the kidney function is damaged a
little bit, because the symptoms are not obvious, it is often ignored. People will not realize it until
the kidney function has lost more than 70%. At that time, the condition was very serious. Many
masturbators still think their health is fine, but in fact the problem has already occurred, but they
still don’t feel obvious and haven’t paid enough attention to it. The embankment of a thousand
miles collapses in the ant colony. The ant colony is very small and difficult to detect. With time, it
expands little by little, and it will eventually accumulate and hard to return, leading to catastrophic
consequences. This brother's final statement is thought-provoking, if he could go back to the past,
find the self who started to commit adultery, and tell that ignorant child of the pain and retribution
he suffered after committing adultery, maybe he wouldn't suffer like he is now, but he can't go back.
In the past, I could only tell everyone about my own experience. Before he got into bad habits, he
was an innocent boy. After he got bad habits, everything changed. He was deeply hurt. When I first
started masturbating, I didn't know what would happen later, and I was in a state of extreme
ignorance. At this time, someone who came over should give correct guidance and warning, let
them understand the dangers of masturbation, and make up their minds to quit this bad habit as soon
as possible. "Emperor Wenchang's Instructions to Mentors to Avoid Prostitution": "The way of
heaven brings disaster to prostitution, and its retribution is very fast. People are not afraid of it.
Dreams and dreams are ignorant. All evil and lust are at the head, lustful thoughts in your heart,
crazy indulging in pornography and masturbation, disaster is not far away from you. When you are
punished by yourself, and then look at the admonitions of the ancients, you will feel that it is too
right! It's a true saying, and it's absolutely true! It's just that my previous self was arrogant and
ignorant, fascinated by sex, and hard to listen to. Those ignorant lunatics should go back as soon as
possible! The self who started to commit adultery, and told the ignorant child of the pain and
retribution that he suffered after committing adultery, maybe he would not suffer like he is now.
Before he got into bad habits, he was an innocent boy. After he got bad habits, everything changed.
He was deeply hurt. When I first started masturbating, I didn't know what would happen later, and I
was in a state of extreme ignorance. At this time, someone who came over should give correct
guidance and warning, let them understand the dangers of masturbation, and make up their minds to
quit this bad habit as soon as possible. "Emperor Wenchang's Instructions to Mentors to Avoid
Prostitution": "The way of heaven brings disaster to prostitution, and its retribution is very fast.
People are not afraid of it. Dreams and dreams are ignorant. All evil and lust are at the head, lustful
thoughts in your heart, crazy indulging in pornography and masturbation, disaster is not far away
from you. When you are punished by yourself, and then look at the admonitions of the ancients, you
will feel that it is too right! It's a true saying, and it's absolutely true! It's just that my previous self
was arrogant and ignorant, fascinated by sex, and hard to listen to. Those ignorant lunatics should
go back as soon as possible! The self who started to commit adultery, and told the ignorant child of
the pain and retribution that he suffered after committing adultery, maybe he would not suffer like
he is now. Before he got into bad habits, he was an innocent boy. After he got bad habits, everything
changed. He was deeply hurt. When I first started masturbating, I didn't know what would happen
later, and I was in a state of extreme ignorance. At this time, someone who came over should give
correct guidance and warning, let them understand the dangers of masturbation, and make up their
minds to quit this bad habit as soon as possible. "Emperor Wenchang's Instructions to Mentors to
Avoid Prostitution": "The way of heaven brings disaster to prostitution, and its retribution is very
fast. People are not afraid of it. Dreams and dreams are ignorant. All evil and lust are at the head,
lustful thoughts in your heart, crazy indulging in pornography and masturbation, disaster is not far
away from you. When you are punished by yourself, and then look at the admonitions of the
ancients, you will feel that it is too right! It's a true saying, and it's absolutely true! It's just that my
previous self was arrogant and ignorant, fascinated by sex, and hard to listen to. Those ignorant
lunatics should go back as soon as possible!

7. [Hello, Mr. Feixiang! I have a question for you! Recently, I suddenly realized that my final
relapse is often not directly disturbed by thoughts, but a feeling that it exists there, but it is not like
thoughts directly on my mind, it is like quick freezing in a refrigerator, it does not directly turn into
ice, but It is slowly and slowly turning you into ice. At first, I was often able to withstand it, but
gradually it became impossible. And I found that it was there, but it was difficult to kill, so I would
like to ask you, is there any way to kill this thought when I am aware of it? 】

P.S.: Subtle sensations are extremely subtle thoughts, so subtle that they have not yet formed, like
fog. I have also talked about the subtle feeling before, this feeling is like cold air slowly permeating,
just starting to appear, the feeling is not very obvious, you can find it, know it is coming, but it is
difficult to tell the feeling, Very subtle anyway. If the awareness is strong, it can be eliminated
immediately. As long as the awareness is strong to a certain level, any thought, image, or subtle
feeling can be eliminated immediately, but if your awareness is not good, it will be difficult to
eliminate it, you will be destroyed by it Occupy, be manipulated by it. "Liu Zi: Preventing Desire":
"The sprouting of lust is like the tiller of wood, the beginning of fire of fire, the hand can be
smashed and broken, the dew can be dripped and extinguished. And its blazing, knotting and
lingering clouds, stirring up Zhanghua, Even though it is exhausted to transport jins, and the pools
are exhausted to fill the fire, but it cannot be banned, its potential is still high." The ancients had a
high level of rebooting awareness, and knew that it is too early to stop thinking! Can't let it take off.
The sprouts of the wood are easy to break, and the small sparks are easy to be extinguished. It is too
difficult to break when the wood is hugged, and it is very difficult to extinguish when it develops
into a prairie fire. In actual combat, you can take the initiative if you find it early and cut it off early.
When you find a subtle feeling, you can immediately eliminate it. If your awareness is not good,
then try to chant Buddha. Even if you don’t believe in Buddhism, you can try the power of the
Buddha’s name, the Buddha’s name. It is the sword of the King Kong King, and the subtle feeling
can be dissipated by desperately reciting the Buddha. Mr. Nan Huaijin: "Actually, as soon as you
look at this thought, the thought has already escaped." A master with relatively strong awareness
can solve the problem once he looks at it. Let the thoughts of intrusion dissipate in an instant. To
achieve this state, you need to deeply understand the theory of mind-breaking, and you need to
diligently practice mind-breaking and breaking your mind. It is difficult to do at first, but you can
do it gradually. High-level people only need to maintain a certain amount of vigilance, and then
they can be relatively stable. The invasion of subtle sensations is a difficult point in actual combat.
Many brothers have mentioned this issue. Some brothers can immediately cut off thoughts and
images, but with more subtle and subtle sensations, they will be a little bit powerless. If we are good
at Learning and summarizing actual combat experience can still overcome subtle feelings. The key
is to be familiar with this kind of routine of inner demons. Knowing yourself and knowing the
enemy will not end in a hundred battles. First of all, you must be familiar with it, and secondly, you
must learn to deal with it and strengthen your own determination. If you don’t have a deep
understanding of this attack method, you may be overwhelmed in actual combat. I have fought with
subtle senses thousands of times in actual combat, and I know that subtle senses penetrate so
powerfully. Control your thoughts, and control your actions. The key point is to be vigilant, don't
agree, when you see it, don't follow, don't get involved, just watch, the old vowel said that if you
practice "no"

Enter the text below

This season is about rebooting execution. Execution is the ability to turn goals into results, to
complete study or work tasks with quality and quantity without compromise, to turn ideas into
actions, and actions into results. The ability to resolutely complete the task under any pretext. After
sexual immorality, the spirit, qi, and spirit are severely destroyed, and people's energy and brain
power will decline to varying degrees. At this time, the execution ability will also decline, become
lazy and procrastinate, do not want to do things, even if they do things, they often give up halfway
and have no long-term. Some people turn themselves into cripples, sluggish all day long, and have
no enthusiasm for anything, except watching pornography and masturbating, they will be more
excited, and they are sluggish at other times. This is due to the decrease in execution ability caused
by the damage to the essence. As we persist in rebooting and health preservation, the execution
ability will be improved, and we must learn to cultivate a strong execution ability ourselves.

Execution is very important. When I was a child, I watched war movies. When it came to the
general attack, I must resolutely implement the orders of my superiors, and I must attack the target
at all costs. Hot-blooded, very bloody, very heroic. The warriors acted bravely, such as tigers
descending the mountain, and their combat execution was very strong. We rebooting also need this
kind of executive power, especially learning rebooting articles requires a strong executive power,
learning requires enthusiasm and dynamism, and even more perseverance, insisting on the
execution day by day, focusing on accumulation, and slowly awakening will rise. There may also be
a temporary setback during the rebooting process, don’t be discouraged at this time, stepping back
is sometimes a good thing, why do I say this, because sometimes the setback is just an adjustment,
it is accumulating energy for greater progress, just like squatting down first when taking off ,
squatting is accumulating power, in order to jump higher. Sometimes it does feel like there is not
much progress. I have also gone through that stage, but as long as I resolutely implement the study
without interruption, it will suddenly become brighter.

Execution is one of the most talked about terms in the management world. Bosses or supervisors
will require subordinates to fully and thoroughly implement their instructions, and rebooting
requires not only to implement learning, but also to implement what has been learned, such as
reading the theory of renunciation , can't stay in empty talk, need to practice, practice makes people
strong, empty talk will only reduce to abstain from oil. Previously, a brother reported that he had
done a lot of rebooting notes, but the actual combat was still very poor. Although he had some
rebooting experience, he still seemed so powerless when the demons invaded. Practice the mantra,
but always fail to act and lack execution. Some brothers are very strong in execution. When they
see a theory, they have the urge to turn it into practice. They want to put it into practice immediately
and turn ideas into actions. Many people like to find excuses to procrastinate, procrastinate again
and again, do not face it, do not take action, are very negative, feel a little evasive, and lack
confidence. They are not very eager to be strong, if their desire is strong, they will not wait to
perform the exercise, and they will be very aggressive. We have to have the kind of execution force
of one-stop dunks, strong momentum, ruthless, desperate, destroying the dead, just like when
playing rugby, every player on the other side wants to hold you, but you are unstoppable and
unstoppable. Rush forward, like a running back who sprints forward with his legs thrown away,
tearing apart all defenses, like rushing forward with a pack of explosives, charging desperately, that
kind of execution is absolutely powerful. When you are desperate, when you are desperate, the
inner demon will pee his pants... The inner demon will tremble when it sees that you are dying! A
lot of brothers have been deadly when they rebooted, lacking the will to fight, lacking the spirit of
the sword, before they rebooted, they have already lost more than half of their aura, and from the
very beginning they have to show the aura of breaking the boat, fighting hard, and perishing
together! This is a life-and-death battle, and there is no room for cowardice! Must be strong!

We also need to have super strong execution ability in mind-breaking practice. A few days ago, I
saw a brother who had rebooted for more than 40 days. It was the same relapse process in the past,
"resist in the first second, fall in the next second", Weak execution of cessation. Everyone has heard
four words: Enforcement! If you don’t execute it, you have to execute it. When evil thoughts
invade, you have to face the battle calmly. Your usual training is for this moment of actual combat,
and you must resolutely cut off evil thoughts! Rebooting masters have extremely strong execution
power, they will not allow evil thoughts to take hold, they can do it as soon as they start thinking,
this kind of strong execution power is constantly trained and cultivated in actual combat. To build a
military-like execution, such as receiving a death order from a superior: you must take down the
enemy's position tomorrow morning, or come and see you! How will you react? You will definitely
inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers, mobilize everyone to be fully prepared for battle, and be
sure to resolutely implement the orders of your superiors and resolutely take down the enemy's
positions! When the dawn came, when the loud charge horn sounded, the soldiers jumped out of the
trenches bravely and rushed to the enemy line desperately. What a powerful execution force! The
sound of killing is terrifying, hand-to-hand fighting, the blood is flying, the enemy's corpses are all
over the ground, the more you fight, the more courageous you are in the screams of the enemy's
ghosts and wolves, rebooting must have the execution power to kill red eyes! Even if the evil
thoughts come up, come one, kill one, kill all, kill the net, kill tens of thousands of evil thoughts!
Kill him with a piece of armor! Break through the army of millions! Goode said: "The only way to
live in peace is to kill!" Rebooting means killing thoughts! You can't talk about theory, you have to
be real! Fighting and killing in the world of online games, even killing a trillion monsters is not as
good as killing a thought monster in their own minds. From the beginning, they killed the wrong
direction. The most important thing to kill is their own evil thoughts, not only lustful thoughts ,
encouragement, etc., and other negative thoughts such as anger, jealousy, etc., must be killed, and
none of them will be left!

The rebooting mighty, majestic, and steel masters have the mental outlook of a death squad, and
their eyes are full of perseverance and strength. Strict discipline is the foundation of success and the
guarantee of victory. We must strictly observe the discipline of rebooting the battlefield, be vigilant
when confronting the environment, be sharp when we are resolute, and enforce military orders like
mountains! Take out the spirit of iron and blood, and give up the imposing aura of the world. The
demons are ruthless, you are more ruthless than the demons, the demons are strong, you are
stronger than the demons! Stronger than demons! Overcome the demons! Subdue the demons! Kill
the demon! You have to be good at boosting your own morale. In the past, there were also
supervising teams in battles, who were specially supervising battles. With supervision, the
execution of battles will increase, and the phenomenon of greed for life, fear of death, and escaping
from battle will be greatly reduced. Fighting depends on execution. If the execution is poor, it will
naturally fail. We must resolutely implement it! The seniors said that breaking the mind is about to
be ruthless, so you must strictly follow the instructions of the seniors. The seniors said that you
need to practice mindfulness and breaking of the mind every day, and you have to be brave and
diligent to implement them. To do it, you must strictly demand yourself, really show the energy to
the sky, and resolutely implement it! General Xu Shiyou wrote in his memoirs: "The most powerful
order is my own actions! I pulled out my sharp sword, stepped forward and rushed into the enemy
group. The knife saw red, and the enemy's flesh and blood were slashed, and the soul was flying."
The color needs this kind of brave and ruthless strength, grenades and swords open the way, and kill
a bloody way! Come up with a tough fighting style and completely defeat the attack of the demon!
The more you fight, the stronger, the more you fight! High consciousness, strict discipline, high
morale, hard style!

To start rebooting, one needs to truly understand and comprehend the experience of the seniors, one
should study the rebooting articles repeatedly, take more notes, review the notes more, and in the
process of persevering in the study, we will come to an epiphany again and again. In the next
epiphany, enlightenment was like going up in an elevator. Usually, you must resolutely implement
the battlefield discipline of actual combat against the environment. When you see a color bullet, you
should avoid it immediately without a second glance. The color bullet is here to kill you, and it is
absolutely harmful. We must repeatedly strengthen the awareness of actual combat so that we can
make correct choices in actual combat. Some brothers have poor execution, and immediately fall
into it when they see the rubbing pictures, and allow themselves to constantly browse the rubbing
news, this is extremely dangerous and it is very easy to break the precepts. Look at how many
people are still lusting after women, their eyes are still "grabbing" those tempting pictures, the first
and second glance, they have been staring, their inner greed is still very strong, to overcome greed,
they must think more The harm of licentiousness, you can also think more about the view of
impureness, the view of white bones, etc., which can effectively counteract the greed for women's
sex. The view of the unclean view of the bones is to combat greed and evil thoughts, not to hate
women or disrespect women. , this point should be clear, do not misunderstand. The purpose of
rebooting is to better respect women, women have given us life and raised us, we should not have
evil thoughts towards women, lust means disrespecting women, and using women as a tool to vent
their animal desires is completely beastly, even Not as good as beasts. Some brothers will say,
should we also respect those women who tempt us or those who work in the porn industry? As a
person, we should still respect, just like the criminals, the country is still reforming and saving, not
hatred or abandonment. Some seniors said before that those actresses are like demons in painted
skins, seducing people into depravity. From a certain angle, it can be said that this is to arouse our
vigilance, so as to stay away from the temptation of pornographic films, but not to make us hate
them. The purpose of rebooting is to better control one's own desires, to be a responsible,
responsible and virtuous person with positive energy, and not to let anger and extreme mentality
enter one's heart.

Some manifestations and characteristics of strong execution

One, with high self-consciousness, automatic and spontaneous

Some brothers don't want to read rebooting articles, they don't even want to read one, while some
brothers are eager to read rebooting articles and are extremely eager to learn from the experience of
their predecessors. Will people succeed in rebooting? Self-explanatory! In the past, when I was a
student party, the teacher also repeatedly emphasized that learning must be conscious, and that you
must absorb knowledge eagerly. Now that I think about it, the teacher's emphasis is very correct.
When you do something consciously, you can often feel the fun in it. will love it. When your self-
awareness is very strong, your execution ability will also become very strong. Consciously you are
proactive, if you don’t, you are quite passive. People who are too lazy to read rebooting articles will
not succeed, and neither will those who are impetuous. To be successful, learning should be
proactive, spontaneous, and eager to learn. When you can’t wait to learn, your executive power will
naturally become stronger. When you are tired of rebooting articles and don’t want to read
rebooting articles, you must pay attention to adjustment. , you should develop good habits and insist
on uninterrupted learning, so that you can maintain a relatively good rebooting state and your
consciousness will continue to improve.

Second, pay attention to details, be good at analysis, summary and reflection

A person with strong execution must pay attention to details. The reason why he is strong is related
to his continuous optimization and improvement. People are not born with strong execution, but
acquired, and constantly improve through learning, summarization and reflection. self, improve
yourself. Knowledge in rebooting is the foundation, attitude is the foundation, and action is the key!
In the end, it's all about performance! First of all, correct one's own understanding by studying
rebooting articles, to have a general understanding of how to reboot, and correct past
misunderstandings, so rebooting will be much smoother, secondly, one must realize that attitude is
fundamental, having a good Learning attitude and an unshakable rebooting stance are very
important, a person may relapse many times, but as long as their stance and attitude remain the
same, they can still hope to make a comeback and finally quit. It will definitely fail, and if the
person who is shaken wants to reboot later, it will be very difficult to get back to a good rebooting
state, he will keep wandering and struggling in a vicious circle, constantly breaking his reboot.
Recently, I have seen a brother post saying that he understands the truth, but he still breaks the
precept. This kind of brother is too poor in actual combat, and the execution of breaking his mind is
not effective. The bayonet is not about reasoning. It is like fighting with real swords and real guns.
It is not about sitting there and reasoning. No matter how much reasoning, but in actual combat, it
will collapse at the touch of a button. Some brothers will equate understanding the truth with
success in rebooting, this is actually a misunderstanding of the mind, understanding the truth
ultimately serves the actual combat, it is for the sake of better renunciation, just understanding the
truth and getting rid of the actual combat will definitely break the reboot, mine The rebooting article
attaches great importance to the practice of renunciation, because renunciation is the core of the
actual rebooting!

Three, have a high degree of investment in learning, good understanding, focus on accumulation,
and have perseverance

I have known many great people. They have a common characteristic, that is, they love learning and
have a high devotion to learning. Chairman Mao often said: "The greatest hobby in my life is
reading." Seven hours before his death, he was still alive Reading, the study has more than 10,000
kinds of books, nearly 100,000 volumes. There is a photo of Chairman Mao reading a book on the
bed. The bed is full of books, which shows how much he is devoted to his studies. After the
founding of New China, he always found time to read books. In his residence, there were books on
the bed, on the desk, in the rest room, and even in the bathroom. He read books whenever he had
free time. Whenever he was immersed in the book, Chairman Mao forgot to eat, and the staff urged
him. He always smiled and said, "There is one more point, and then eat after reading." During the
few minutes of warm-up before swimming, sometimes He also read a few lines of famous poems.
After swimming up, he didn't care about rest, so he picked up the book again, and he never wasted
even a few minutes when he went to the toilet. From marching and fighting to going on business
trips after the founding of New China, Chairman Mao carried a lot of books with him. The train was
bumpy and bumpy on the way, he didn't care about it, and kept reading. In other places, like in
Beijing, books are placed on the bed, on the desk, on the coffee table, and on the dining table. One
summer, he traveled to Wuhan on business. In the big "stove", he insisted on reading every night,
sweat dripping down his cheeks constantly. He jokingly said to the staff: "Reading and learning
have to pay a certain price. Only by sweating can you learn knowledge!" Although Chairman Mao
was seriously ill in his later years, he still did not forget to read. Once, he had a fever of more than
39 degrees, and the doctor forbade him to read books. He said sadly: "I've loved reading all my life,
but now you don't let me read, and tell me to lie here, eating and sleeping all day. You know how
uncomfortable I am!" The staff had no choice but to take the The book was placed next to him
again, and he smiled happily. In 1975, after his eye surgery, his eyesight recovered, and he began to
read a lot. Sometimes he read for more than ten hours a day, and he couldn't put it down even while
lying in bed to measure his blood pressure.

Zeng Guofan also loves to read. He failed the exam. On his way home, when he arrived in Nanjing,
he ran out of travel expenses, so he went to visit a fellow official who was an official. The fellow
admired him very much and lent him 100 taels of silver. , 100 taels of silver was a large amount at
the time, he bought a set of "Twenty-Three Histories" to take home, his grandfather and father not
only did not blame him, but gave him a lot of encouragement.

Original: Bingshen bought "Twenty-Three Histories" in the year, and the adults said: "I borrowed
money to buy books, and I am not afraid to do my best to sew for Ermi. If you can circle it once,
you will not fail me." After that, I circled ten pages every day, intermittently unfilial. .

Translation: I purchased a set of "Twenty-Three Histories" in the year of Bingshen, and my father
admonished me: "If you borrow money from others to buy books, I will spare no effort to make up
for your debts. If you carefully circle and read it once, you will not be able to live up to my
painstaking efforts." Since then, I have read ten pages carefully every day, and if there is a slight
interruption, it is not filial to my parents.

So he "started to study in the morning, rested in the middle of the night, browsed hundreds of
schools, and stayed at home for a few years." Zeng Guofan's "study is his career", reading is only
for improving morality and career, and his tireless and hard reading spirit has laid the foundation for
his smooth career. Zeng Guofan said that reading must be determined and persevering. "If you
really can read, goodness is more valuable than strength." , these three things have not been
interrupted. When his eyesight was poor in his later years, he read Du You's "Tong Dian", two
volumes a day, and three volumes thinly. His diligence is evident. Zeng Guofan had a set of
knowledge in reading. For example, when reading a book, "If you don't understand one sentence,
don't read the next sentence. If you don't understand it today, read it tomorrow. If you don't
understand it this year, then read it next year."

The great man has a good reading habit, he even feels a little addicted to books, he is very good at
making use of his spare time, many brothers complain that they are busy and have no time to study
rebooting articles, in fact this is just an excuse, no matter how busy you are, you can make time for
it . Some brothers prefer to use all kinds of scattered time to study, such as listening to rebooting
articles while walking, taking out their mobile phone to read rebooting notes in a 5-minute free
time, there are two copies of the notes, one for the computer txt version and one for the notebook ,
you can read dozens of notes in 5 minutes, reviewing notes is the key to ushering in an epiphany,
many people are taking rebooting notes, but they never review them after taking notes, so the
impression left in their minds is actually very shallow, even memorizing After finishing the notes
and forgetting everything, the rebooting notes should be reviewed tirelessly, the key is to develop a
habit and not interrupt, so as to overcome the rebooting boredom period. If you get hit by the
interruption demon, your rebooting state will plummet. Persistence in studying can help you
maintain a good rebooting state. Real rebooting masters love to study and take notes. They can get a
lot of fun from learning. Every epiphany is a great inspiration. We have to devote ourselves to the
study of rebooting articles, some people can read Huang Yi afternoon, that kind of energy is enough
to get the articles on rebooting learning, we must have full energy to open the articles on rebooting,
and we must thirst for it. To absorb rebooting knowledge, one must resolutely implement the study
without interruption. I used to study rebooting articles, and the investment was quite high.
Sometimes I was taking rebooting notes all day, and I wrote down my rebooting experience and
insights immediately. Often when I was reviewing the rebooting notes, my inspiration began to
emerge. Now, the epiphany also appeared one after another, and the awakening soon went up.
Another very important skill when reviewing rebooting notes is to summarize similar notes, such as
summarizing all the content of the broken thoughts together. When they are scattered in pieces, it is
not easy to have that feeling. I pay great attention to summarizing notes. I will also select notes
among notes, and select the best ones, and then focus on reviewing the notes that have a deep
impression on me.

Like Zeng Guofan, there are daily classes. The most famous one is Zeng Guofan's twelve daily
classes. He is really very cultivated. He persists throughout his life without interruption. It can be
said that he persists to death! Zeng Guofan was diligent and eager to learn all his life, using the
words "diligence" and "constancy" to motivate himself and educate his sons and nephews. It is said
that "hundreds of ills arise from laziness, and laziness leads to slackness in everything." Making
plans and daily classes helps to develop executive ability. Persist in completing daily classes every
day without interruption. Learning will be interrupted. No more, and every persistence is to
consolidate and strengthen that good state. Daily classes are very important, but it should not be too
much, too much will make me too tired, then it is easy to get discouraged. Some brothers have
reported this problem to me before, their problem is greed for too much, and I also did this in the
beginning. The problem is that the so-called "gluttonous chewing is not enough." Later, I simplified
the daily class, and now I can guarantee that I can complete it every day. My current daily class is to
study the great virtue teachings every day, as well as recite the Buddha and the Amitabha Sutra.
Because I practice the Pure Land Sect, I persevere every day, and I should persevere for more than
seven years. I also meditate every day. For a moment, be respectful and get up early, just like Zeng
Guofan. I also feel grateful, humble and ashamed every day. I also take time to do aerobic exercise
and health exercises every day, and come to reboot to answer questions, etc. These are my general
daily classes, and there are not many daily classes. , the key can be completed with quality and
quantity. We must pay attention to accumulation. Seniors are well aware of the importance of
accumulation. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. At that time, there will naturally be
a series of epiphanies. Many brothers complain about why they keep failing and can't make
breakthroughs, just look at their learning situation, they lack accumulation, they have three minutes
of enthusiasm, they don't know how to adjust when they are tired of rebooting, they have little
interest in reading rebooting articles and have no motivation , do not take rebooting notes, and do
not review even if you do. Some people have been quitting for several years and still can't get it.
They have tried many methods to no avail. When the demons come, they still break the precept
immediately. Their actual combat performance has not improved fundamentally. Learning to
improve one's awareness, with awareness one can better practice renunciation, and when
renunciation becomes stronger, after reading rebooting articles, one will be able to further enhance
enlightenment in a more precise and targeted manner, the two are mutually reinforcing.
Fourth, be resilient, indomitable, and will not be pessimistic and disappointed because of temporary

Resilience refers to having setback tolerance, stress tolerance, self-control and willpower, etc. It
generally refers to a tenacious and persistent spirit, a tenacious will, and the ability to adjust in time
in the face of failure without breaking the pot and knowing how to motivate oneself. Relapse may
occur after rebooting. The key is to be resilient, not to be defeated by failure, to be good at
summarizing and introspection, and to learn from failure, so that you can reboot better next time.
Relapse will allow you to discover your shortcomings. , perfect it and you will become stronger.
Resilient people can overcome external and own difficulties and persist in completing tasks under
difficult and unfavorable circumstances. Their execution ability is very strong and stable, and they
can perform tasks firmly even if they are disturbed by the outside world. Even under pressure, he
can not be impatient or impatient, and his mental quality is quite good. Resilience can withstand the
test of setbacks. Determination is important, but only toughness can make you continue to move
forward towards the goal, be indomitable, hit the target like a bullet, and be extremely firm. No
matter what kind of challenges you face, as long as you are mentally tough enough, you can easily
face all challenges and keep getting closer to your dreams and goals. Resilience is manifested as a
strong will, an optimistic attitude, a positive attitude, and persistence in the goal. No matter how
difficult the difficulty is, one can adjust the attitude and face it easily. Rebooting requires super
toughness. Steel-like willpower, rebooting is a tough battle, only a real tough guy can reboot to the
end! Quit to death!

5. Strong motivation to reboot

How much desire do you have for success in rebooting? Strong or super strong, or strong enough to
explode? Or dispensable, or even not interested. According to my research and a lot of feedback, the
people who really succeed in rebooting have extremely strong motivations, and they burst out in the
face of adversity with a strong desire for transformation and self-redemption! Without a strong
motive for rebooting, there will be no super executive power! Those who really want to succeed
will frantically study rebooting articles, like grabbing the last straw, like people who haven’t eaten
for a few days and try their best to put food in their mouths. At that time, I ran out of refills one
after another, took notes one book after another, kept reviewing the notes, summarizing the notes,
and after repeated epiphanies, my consciousness soared. In the same way, the heart is full of
galloping horses, and all kinds of inspirations continue to emerge. Only those who have experienced
it can understand that kind of hearty pleasure. It is wonderful to feel that one’s own consciousness is
constantly rising while persevering in studying. For example, the truth that I didn’t understand
before is suddenly understood now, like a mountain being pierced through. I didn’t understand my
predecessors before Why do you say that? Later, after repeated study, in-depth thinking, and
combined with the experience of actual combat, suddenly one day I realized the profound meaning
of the predecessors! The joy of enlightenment is by no means comparable to the pleasure of lust.
When you have an epiphany, you are often overwhelmed with joy. That kind of joy that comes from
the heart, that kind of dancing and dancing, is like discovering a gold mine. It’s happier than
winning the jackpot. Understand that the value of this insight is immeasurable! Gradually, there will
be a grasp of victory over the demons in the heart. Senior's key words, behind each sentence is a
vast ocean, each sentence is a gold mine, and each sentence is a profound experience and high-level
summary of hundreds of actual combats, so it must be studied repeatedly and in-depth, over and
over again. understand.

The training of executive ability, specifically, can be carried out from the following three aspects:

First, cultivate your own conscious habits, don't delay, start immediately, be proactive, and abandon
The issue of self-consciousness has already been mentioned above, in order to succeed in rebooting,
one should learn to be self-conscious, self-consciously study, self-consciously review, self-
consciously practice renunciation, as long as one is self-conscious, many things will enter a virtuous
circle. The issue of procrastination is also frequently reported by many brothers. Procrastination is a
common mistake of many people. I have done it too. Sometimes, as long as there is a thought of
procrastination, half a day or even a day will pass. I missed it, when I wanted to do it, it was too
late, too late, time passed without knowing it, and then I thought about doing it tomorrow, and
tomorrow I was still procrastinating, not decisive at all. Procrastination is actually a manifestation
of poor execution. People with poor execution often have a poor sense of time, have a mentality of
getting by and mess around, and lack proactive action. We must overcome procrastination. If we
want to learn, we should immediately start learning. We have to rush. Only when we can rush can
we fly. Only when the speed of the aircraft increases to a certain value, it is possible to generate
enough lift to support the take-off of the aircraft. The improvement of executive power requires us
to change our mentality, form a habit, turn a passive and passive mentality into a proactive one, and
turn execution into spontaneous and conscious actions when facing study or work. Everyone should
know that McGrady's feat of 35 seconds and 13 minutes, that kind of proactive attack, that kind of
never-say-die mentality, that kind of courage to fight to the death, that 35 seconds is indeed a
classic, it is a soul-stirring counterattack and lore. We should also find this state of rebooting, full of
firepower, rushing up desperately, in that rushing state, you have no idea what procrastination or
inertia is, because you have become absolutely positive, Absolute initiative and absolute execution!
And it's super powerful.

Second, establish a fixed mode, strengthen process control, implement standards, ensure quality and
quantity, and implement them thoroughly.

Many brothers do not know what to learn or how to learn after rebooting, and still stay at the level
of strong rebooting relying on perseverance. After rebooting, the goal must be clear, that is to defeat
the demon! The inner demon is also one's own evil thoughts, and it also generally refers to all
negative thoughts. In order to defeat the inner demons, one must study rebooting articles. Only
when the awakening is achieved can one hope to subdue the inner demons. It is best to establish a
fixed pattern of learning, when to study, how much to study, how many notes, and how much time
to study. Resolutely implement the standards, ensure quality and quantity, and implement them
thoroughly. In order to achieve the goal of success, you should have a fixed learning and training
mode, the national team has a fixed training mode, what to practice in the morning, what to practice
in the afternoon, how much training volume, how much training intensity, physical training,
strength training, physiotherapy recovery And so on, they are very finely divided, strictly follow the
system and model, and they pay great attention to the division of the training cycle throughout the
year, the purpose is to adopt a certain training structure, scientifically and systematically arrange the
training tasks throughout the year. To start rebooting, first learn the theoretical knowledge and then
practice mind breaking, one must focus on practice, the strong are all learned, some brothers do not
pay enough attention to the practice of mind breaking, they only focus on studying and taking notes,
I recommend reciting 500 times a day The above formulas for breaking the meaning of obscenity
must be strictly implemented and recited with the greatest enthusiasm. Gradually, you will find your
own changes. At a certain stage in elementary school, we recited multiplication formulas every day,
and everyone would definitely not forget that, until we were thoroughly familiar with it, we formed
a conditioned reflex. We recited it every day, while walking, reciting in class, and reciting it when
we got home from school. Dreaming is back. The first is to be extremely familiar with the formulas,
and then to apply the formulas freely, from reciting the formulas to directly following the meanings
of the formulas, there is a process of comprehension and progress. When you can truly achieve
"feeling is nothing". At the beginning, you need to recite a lot of formulas, the more the better, some
people even suddenly have an epiphany during the recitation process, and suddenly understand the
meaning of the theory of renunciation. When you have a deeper understanding, you will find that
you actually understood it before. very superficial. The sixteen-character renunciation formula is
extremely important and the most precious formula for cultivating the mind. If you thoroughly
understand this formula and use it proficiently, you will become stronger and stronger. Every word
in this formula is made of gold. The weight of the words is like a thousand tons.

Execution also needs to strengthen process control and follow up continuously. Sometimes there
will be laxness in the process of completing a task. It is better at the beginning of execution, but
then lax, which is mainly caused by the lack of strict control in the process. The most effective way
is to make a schedule and make it clear what tasks need to be completed by which day, such as how
many rebooting articles to read a day, how many articles can be read from this month to the next
month, it is best to plan in advance, and then during the process In the middle of the school, you
should strengthen the progress control, successfully complete the learning amount within the
predetermined time, or even exceed it. You should check the progress of the plan implementation at
any time. Over time, the execution will be greatly improved. If there is no time limit, you may
continue to procrastinate. There is a time limit for the exam, so that you have a sense of urgency,
knowing that you can't delay the answer, you must be fast, and the time limit can stimulate your
execution. Seasons 1-60 of "Quit as Good Medicine" can be watched in a month. Watching 2
seasons a day is all about perseverance and taking more notes. As long as you study hard, you will
definitely make great progress. Shihan, no matter how good the experience of seniors is, if you
don’t want to learn, there is nothing you can do. Learning should also focus on the absorption rate.
Strengthening review and summarization is the key.

At the beginning of rebooting is often ignorant, there are still many misunderstandings in the mind,
what newcomers need most is to study, study, keep studying. Seniors have already summed up the
experience of successful rebooting, and studying the experience of seniors can avoid many detours.
Without the guidance of seniors, it would be very difficult to really quit. Really successful seniors
are good at learning, researching and summarizing. Some brothers can't quit after a long period of
time, but sometimes they may be able to understand it by reading the words of their predecessors.
Once they are truly enlightened, the rebooting will be completely different. As long as you
understand the core and firmly grasp the core, then Invincible! A brother told me before that he used
a lot of methods, but it didn't work. After a while, this method, and then that method, when I heard
which one was good, I went to learn which one was good. At first I thought it was good and I
wanted to promote the new method. But later, when the demons attacked, I realized that I was still
such a rookie that I couldn't do it when I thought about it! There are many methods and ideas for
rebooting, but after all the stream returns to the sea, it is still necessary to test it in the actual combat
of breaking the mind. Some rebooting articles still have ideological misunderstandings. . In fact,
there is no such method, rebooting is a protracted battle, evil thoughts will definitely invade again,
the key is to see the actual combat of breaking the thoughts! If you grasp the actual combat of
renunciation, you will grasp the true core of rebooting. Just like there are many ways to fight a war,
but they all lead to the same goal, they are all for the purpose of destroying the enemy and defeating
the enemy.
Third, do not make excuses, resolutely implement, face difficulties, and show the spirit of fighting
to the end.

Don't make excuses for studying or doing things, even if it is a seemingly reasonable excuse, to
reflect a spirit of facing difficulties and forging ahead. I have talked to some brothers, they always
find various excuses not to study rebooting articles, even if I tell them to study, they will not study,
and they will not listen to it for many times, there is nothing I can do about this kind of brothers,
Maybe it takes a lot of relapses before they realize the importance of learning and become interested
in rebooting articles. The mentality of patients with essence damage is often more impetuous, so it
is difficult for them to calm down and study, but as long as they have the desire and determination
to learn, they can still hope to see it. At that time, the efficiency of reading rebooting articles will be
much improved. One of the brothers reflected and said, "Just thinking about it in the mind, in fact,
the execution is very poor. For example, rebooting, thinking about taking notes on rebooting,
studying rebooting articles, and practicing renunciation, but it is always the case. If you don't start
taking action, you keep thinking: wait a while, tomorrow, and then keep procrastinating." Many
brothers have this mentality, habitually procrastinating, not implementing it, always looking for
excuses, a little escaping and not wanting to meet right feeling. To improve the execution power
requires a strong determination, and it must be executed immediately, just like going to the
execution ground and executing the shooting immediately! Shoot the procrastinating, lazy, excuse-
making self, and regenerate a self who is full of execution and action.

When you are active, the whole energy field is completely different, you can try to change, you will
find yourself entering a new cycle, the whole energy becomes aggressive. Think about how
terrifying your execution is when you look for and look at Huang! It's almost insane! We should
transfer that kind of strong executive power to the study of rebooting articles, and study rebooting
articles desperately! Don't hold back, be full of energy! Sometimes learning can also be regarded as
a kind of fun, not a task. You can look at rebooting articles from a different angle, so that you can
accept it more easily. If it is a task, some brothers may resist, if it is fun, they will accept it more
easily. It may be interesting, but actually, learning can be a lot of fun, especially when you have an
epiphany, and the sense of fun and fulfillment is very strong. In the past, some brothers read
rebooting articles as novels, in this way their mentality is in a state of relaxed acceptance, the
learning efficiency is very high, and it is easy to read them. We should not resist rebooting articles,
but love them. If you love it, you will naturally look at it with joy, and gradually become eager to
learn, love learning, and then the execution will naturally increase. In the process of rebooting, you
will definitely encounter all kinds of problems and some difficulties, etc. The problems and
difficulties are not scary, the scary thing is escaping, not wanting to face difficulties. We must have
the courage to face difficulties and have the courage to "bright sword". As long as there is still a
breath, we must fight hard. In the face of difficulties, you have to face them. Difficulties are meant
to be overcome. Only by overcoming difficulties can you become stronger. Rebooting needs a
strong spiritual support, without this spirit, it is like a person has his backbone taken away. With this
spirit, your execution will naturally be fierce, you will become unstoppable, and you are destined to
succeed ! Inevitably successful! Even if you don't want to succeed, not! Because as long as you
have this spirit, it is a success in itself! This kind of spirit is called - fight to the end and never give
up! Fight to the last man and keep the last bullet for yourself! Make up your mind! Take out the
momentum of murder to kill! Kill all evil thoughts! ! !

Final summary:

Senior rebooting wins in execution, execute study, execute practice, do not make any excuses,
execute resolutely, execute regardless of everything, complete every day with quality and quantity,
complete without compromise, unshakable and resolute. It is necessary to combine knowledge and
action. Knowing but not doing it is ultimately not true knowledge. True knowledge will definitely
act violently! There should also be a certain plan for studying, for example, 30 rebooting notes a
day, 300 if persisted for 10 days, 900 if persisted for 30 days, before each note-taking, review,
absorb and consolidate the previous notes, and execute in this way , insist on it every day, and
execute it as resolutely as a death order! Never procrastinate, you have to be impatient to start
learning immediately, do it with high enthusiasm and drive, opening a rebooting article is more
exciting than opening a pornographic film, and can't wait! The focus of executive power is to ensure
the clarity of the goal and the feasibility of the execution plan. Once the goal is clear, the action will
be very targeted. Without blind action, all power can be mobilized to guide the goal and execute the
plan. It can't be too high, and it is easy to lose confidence and motivation if it is too high. Once the
goal is determined and the plan is feasible, you must resolutely complete the predetermined goal at
all costs, and you must remain focused during the execution process. executive power.

From a certain point of view, executive power is combat power. The real executive power is the
ability to act quickly and continue to move forward in the face of setbacks until a high-value result
is achieved. It is a very aggressive energy state, not that A negative energy state that makes excuses
to procrastinate. We need the most direct power - execution! Do it now! Act now! Jump out of the
chair! Enough of negativity and inaction! It must be implemented immediately, without delay! Start
learning and practicing with all the energy and enthusiasm, no three minutes of heat, alternate
simmering and simmering, without interruption! There is a saying that goes, "Three points depend
on strategy, and seven points depend on execution." No matter how good a strategy is, if you don't
implement it, it's just a piece of paper and meaningless. We must strengthen our executive power.
Execution will inevitably produce results. We can continue to optimize and improve according to
the results. If we find excuses to delay, we will only make ourselves more and more passive, and it
will be more and more unfavorable to ourselves. We must turn passive into active. You must be self-
conscious, and you must be conscious, no one will force you to study rebooting articles, and no one
will force you to practice renunciation. Others are only suggestions, everything depends on your
own self-consciousness. All successful people are conscious people, no successful people are
looking for excuses to procrastinate, and successful people are powerful executors. Many high-rise
residences have been built in many places in China. At the beginning of the building, there will be a
plan, the specific time limit, when it will be completed, and the schedule, etc. Everything is carried
out in an orderly manner. Those migrant workers work there every day. A long-term
implementation. Some brothers have the mentality of resisting learning, and there is also a mentality
of fear of failure, and they are unwilling to face it. Real strong people are not afraid of failure. They
know how to learn from failure. They dare to execute. Being strong is like playing a game, the more
you play, the higher your level. We want to be the CEO of rebooting, quitting the big realm, big
pattern, big scene of life!
Share a rebooting poem below

"Evil Orcs"

After the last shot

he fell on the bed

everything becomes meaningless

The demon is gone

leaving a hollowed-out body

feelings of emptiness and regret

fill him up in an instant

The devil has succeeded again

The madness just now is vivid

Crazy looking for yellow, crazy looking at yellow

two beastly eyes

stare at the screen

Crazy about the screen

Season 123: The Path to Happiness in Rebooting

A message from a brother last season in my post:

[It is said that there was a sage's disciple who learned to be rich in five chariots. One day, he took
three disciples to a barren field, where he preached and taught the karma. The sage pointed to the
fields overgrown with weeds and asked, "How will you get rid of these weeds?" The three disciples
scrambled to each other. The eldest disciple believed that only a hoe was enough. Dig, cut the
weeds and remove the roots. The sage said, "Do it according to your own methods, and come here
to meet again a year later." The three disciples really cleared away the weeds. A year later, to their
amazement, the new grass growing in the fields was still lush. They want to know the real way to
get rid of weeds, but the sage is no longer alive. They opened the book left by the sages and wrote:
"The best way to eliminate weeds is to plant crops." Personally, I think it's important to break your
mind, but the most important thing is to establish correct values. My values are: "Sex is a way to
reproduce offspring, not a prop for lewd pleasures. All sexual behaviors that do not premise on
having children are meaningless." The nature of behavior, that's my understanding. Please point it
out if I'm wrong, thanks! 】

Rebooting should establish correct values, which I have specifically mentioned in the rebooting
article, but even with correct values, evil thoughts will still invade, because the seeds of lust in the
field of eight senses are still there. Right understanding is the foundation, while renunciation is the
core of actual combat. From the perspective of actual combat, renunciation is indeed the most
important. Studying rebooting articles and raising awareness includes establishing correct values,
making everyone aware of the dangers of pornography and masturbation, no longer living a lewd
and depraved life, and entering a highly self-disciplined and responsible life track.

The story shared by this brother is believed to be seen or heard by many people, there are many
similar versions, this story has certain truth, but also has limitations of understanding, "The best
way to get rid of weeds is to plant crops .” Anyone who has experience in rural production and life
knows that weeding is an easy but tiring job. Even if crops are planted, weeds will still emerge, so
weeding is still necessary. Think about an acre of land. Most of the area is planted with crops, and
there is indeed less room for weeds to grow, but it is impossible to plant crops on every inch and
every centimeter of land. You may have seen rice transplanting and seedlings. There are gaps
between them, and these gaps may cause grass to grow. When I was a child, I used to go to my
grandma's house every summer vacation. My grandmother's home was in the countryside, and the
family had fields. I saw those farmers who had to weed regularly. Standing on the ridge and looking
over, you can see the weeds in the crops. There are questions on the Internet: "Can crops really kill
weeds? If so, why are there still weeds in the crops, and people still need to weed?" There is less
room for growth, and weeding cannot be achieved by planting crops. Even if crops are planted,
there will still be weeds, so weeding should be done regularly.

When we start rebooting, the seeds of lust in the field of eight senses cannot be removed in a few
years, but it took Gude for decades to go from being subdued to breaking. . Even those masters of
cultivation who have personally realized their true colors, the seeds of habitual qi are still there after
they have realized their enlightenment. They cannot die immediately, and they have to constantly
fight against their own delusional habit. Therefore, cultivation is a long process, and kung fu is also
a step. step up.

"All sexual behaviors that do not premise on having children are meaningless." There is a problem
with this sentence. Sexual life after marriage is also necessary, otherwise it may affect the
relationship between husband and wife and lead to divorce. It is indeed very important to inherit the
lineage, but we should look at the problem in a more comprehensive way. The principle after
marriage is abstinence. If the body is not good, then reboot for a period of time, and wait until the
body recovers before restraining the sex life. If you have higher spiritual pursuits and your wife has
no objection, then you can consider rebooting for life.

Some time ago, another brother said that the core of rebooting is not to stop thinking, but to live a
healthy and fulfilling life, what he said was actually the purpose of rebooting, rebooting is for living
a healthy and fulfilling life, self-cultivation and staying away from the temptation of pornography,
But this is only the purpose, and what I am talking about is the core of actual rebooting, these are
two completely different concepts, some brothers may have a deviation in their understanding, and
it is easy to misunderstand the meaning of seniors. Many people have to quit quitting for several
years before they realize the importance of renunciation, and renunciation is indeed the most
important thing. The masters of rebooting are all masters of renunciation, and renunciation is when
the bayonet sees the red, it is the battle to kill the enemy, and it means you die or die. This is the
ultimate practical test, and it cannot be false. I have seen many people talk about the theory one by
one, but in actual combat they are no different from rookies, and their performance in actual combat
is too poor. This is the result of empty theory. Empty talk about theories will eventually become a
jerk of quitting. He thinks he understands the truth, but his understanding is very superficial. When
the demons invaded, he immediately knelt down and offered his servile appearance. Let’s see the
actual combat performance of rebooting masters. ——In an instant, the knife fell, and the demon
fell to the ground!
Absolutely strong and upright!

Share some cases below

1. [Don't slap any more! I've been masturbating for 6 years, and my body is getting worse every
day. Last month, I caught a cold and contracted viral myocarditis. I'm so scared! Now I can't even
walk. My physique has been declining since last year. After masturbation, I feel dizzy, nauseated,
and dying. 】

Additional comment: He should have stopped last year, because at that time his physique had
deteriorated. After masturbation, he had obvious discomfort, and even felt like dying. 6 years of
masturbation is not long, but if he is born with poor physical fitness, plus Crazy masturbation, the
consequences are really unimaginable. When you reach a certain level, you will have an ominous
premonition, you will find that your body can no longer bear a masturbation. , the body will
collapse completely. When you are in good health, you may not feel it, thinking that your body is
okay, but once you fall down, you will regret it. I have seen many cases where people were
awakened by the symptoms. I used to masturbate very crazy, several times a day, when the
symptoms suddenly broke out, he suddenly woke up, knowing that he couldn’t masturbate any
more, his body couldn’t take it anymore, so he was himself destroyed. If the body is bad, many
diseases will come to the door, and kidney deficiency is full of diseases. This is not a joke. Many
people are ignorant in this regard because they are too young, and they are brainwashed by the
theory of innocence, until the symptoms are overwhelmed and they know that masturbation is worth
repaying. At that time, after more than a year of masturbation, I felt that my physique had
deteriorated, I was prone to catch colds, my hands and feet were cold, my rhinitis became serious,
and I was often not ventilated, which was very uncomfortable, which seriously affected my study
status. Painful surgery is unbearable. Traditional Chinese medicine says that the kidney is the
foundation of the innate, which has the functions of storing essence, controlling development and
reproduction, controlling water and fluid metabolism, controlling qi, controlling bones, generating
marrow, filling the brain, opening the orifices in the ear, regulating the two bowel movements, and
its beauty in the hair. . If the kidney essence is insufficient, there will be mental fatigue, weak waist
and knees, sexual dysfunction, stunted growth, infertility, premature graying of hair and beard or
withered, hair loss, etc.; Swelling, nocturnal urination, weakness of urination, etc.; the kidney
controls the function of qi, and symptoms such as asthma and dyspnea may occur; if the kidney
controls the bone marrow function, it may cause backache, soft bone, slow movement, and bone
marrow. Looseness, teeth shake and fall off; the brain is a sea of marrow, and the function of kidney
regeneration and filling of the brain decreases, which may cause dizziness, forgetfulness,
unresponsiveness and other symptoms; the kidney essence cannot be filled in both ears, and the ears
lose their support, which may lead to tinnitus and deafness. and other symptoms. When I was in
junior high school, I didn’t even know the importance of kidney essence. In that era when resources
for sexual misconduct were not easy to obtain, I crushed myself. Every time the symptoms became
severe, I would restrain myself for a period of time. sink. In this Internet age, pornography is very
rampant, and it can always provide you with fresh stimulation, which makes people addicted, so in
this age, the process of physical breakdown will be accelerated. If you break your body, your life
will become a tragedy. Regardless of your studies, career and family, you need a good body as the
foundation. Now, a lot of things can’t be done well, and they are completely out of state. This
brother is suffering from viral myocarditis. If he is in good health, he won't get viral myocarditis
once he catches a cold. If his body's resistance is weak, many diseases will continue to develop.
This brother shouted loudly, "Don't masturbate any more!" His body was already quite fragile, and
at this time he completely woke up. The ancients said, "Those who commit sexual misconduct are
afflicted with diseases." Once you experience the symptoms and believe it, you really can no longer
masturbate. You must quit as soon as possible. If you are obsessed with it, this bad habit will
definitely drag down your life, and it can even be said that it will completely destroy you.

2. [I used to be as innocent and innocent as a child. I was happy every day, and I didn't suffer from
any serious illness. Until I was 17 years old, I contracted prostitution, I was young and ignorant, and
my life began to fall from heaven to hell. Symptoms after sexual prostitution, physiological
symptoms: frequent dizziness, headache, vision loss, tinnitus, hair loss, mouth ulcers, dull and oily
complexion, wretched temperament, dark circles, frequent diarrhea, stuttering, insomnia,
dreaminess, cold sweats... Psychological symptoms: Depression, anxiety, compulsion, social
phobia, neurasthenia, low self-esteem, withdrawn, jealous, narrow-minded, sensitive and
suspicious... Compared with the physical symptoms, the psychological symptoms that break me
down are worse than death. If you don't have symptoms, you don't know that there will be such pain
in this world. It's just an invisible hell on earth. When you experience this feeling, you finally know
why so many people choose to commit suicide. When I was out of control, I often had thoughts of
suicide in my head because it was too painful. Relatives, friends, and family are gradually becoming
estranged. The cheerful, cheerful and humorous me I used to have disappeared. I used to be active
at home and among friends. Now, I am taciturn and feel awkward. I always complained about why
God did this to me, what did I do wrong, and it was not until I met rebooting last year that I finally
realized that it was all due to evil lewdness. I was tortured by the symptoms to the point of death,
and I resolutely quit prostitution with the determination to sink the boat. 】

Additional comment: This brother has already developed a neurosis, he mentioned the hell on earth,
he mentioned that life is better than death, he mentioned suicide. I used to be a neurotic patient, and
I have talked to many neurotic patients. I know too well the state of serious physical and mental
disorders. At that time, I lived in extreme fear and despair. I was desperate every day. , I often go to
the hospital for various examinations and take various medicines, but my health is not good. Just
before my neurosis broke out, my life state at that time was crazy indulging in pornography and
masturbation, hollowing myself out crazily, which laid the groundwork for the final outbreak of
neurosis, and I must be crazy before destruction. Many brothers have not yet experienced neurosis,
they are fortunate, neurosis is a watershed for those who suffer from essence damage, once they get
neurosis, it will be quite painful. When I look back on how I felt during that time, I feel that the
whole world is dark, there is no hope in life, there is only despair, deep despair, just like the despair
in the eyes of a death row prisoner before he is executed, and then there is a sense of impending
disaster, just It's like a major earthquake is about to happen, or you feel that you have a terminal
illness, you are very panicked, and you are very helpless. In this situation, it is difficult for your
family to understand you and think you are pretending to be sick. Thank God, I finally got out of
the haze and trough of my life. The method is through rebooting to maintain health. It is very
difficult to recover just by taking medicine. It is necessary to persist in rebooting and health. I
climbed out of that big hole and realized how precious the feeling of health is. I finally smashed the
shackles and handcuffs of masturbation, no longer enslaved and driven by my inner demon, and
became a free and upright man. This brother mentioned stuttering. Stuttering is related to various
factors, such as physiological factors, psychological factors, genetic factors or other factors. In
Chinese medicine, stuttering is related to visceral disorders. I have seen several cases of passing A
case of traditional Chinese medicine curing stuttering. A Chinese medicine practitioner specifically
mentioned that kidney deficiency can lead to stuttering. The kidney is the root of the five internal
organs and is connected to the brain. The loss of kidney essence will affect the whole body and also
affect the ability to express. Everyone found that without it, the expressive ability of the elderly will
decline to some extent. , The speech began to be incoherent, unclear, and the expression was not
easy. This was caused by the physical impairment of old age. I used to stutter, but it was not serious,
and it is basically better now. If you have stuttering after masturbation, it is probably related to
visceral disorders and psychological disorders caused by masturbation. The recovery of stuttering
generally includes correctional training, psychotherapy, drug treatment, etc. You should adhere to
rebooting and health preservation while training and treatment. , so that the stuttering recovery will
be faster, and it is not easy to relapse.

3. [Hello Mr. Feixiang, since seeing your rebooting as a good medicine, it is the first time that I
have the confidence to reboot completely. The first reboot took me 150 days. I suffer from insomnia
and social phobia, but now that I have recovered from rebooting, I really didn’t expect such a big
change in my life, but since I have a girlfriend, I have always been in close contact with each
other. , Now I have no confidence in the complete rebooting, I am lost, what should I do? 】

Additional comment: This brother had a good workout before, after 150 days, many symptoms
disappeared, his kidney qi was fully nourished, and his physical and mental state would naturally
take on a new look. Unfortunately, he talked about his girlfriend later, and some girlfriends have
high demands on concentration , and in the process of communication, you must also grasp the
proportions, otherwise it is easy to leak, and the symptoms are easy to repeat once you leak, and
some people even leak when they make a phone call. The recovery results obtained from rebooting
and health preservation are not easy, if there are consecutive relapses, the recovery results will be
greatly missed. After having a girlfriend, there will be a dilemma. On the one hand, the physical and
mental state is poor, and on the other hand, you have to deal with your girlfriend. You are afraid that
your girlfriend will be unhappy and think you are indifferent to her. After rebooting, it is not
impossible to fall in love. After all, everyone basically has to get married. When dating, you must
be cautious, communicate with each other in a responsible attitude, try to avoid premarital sex, and
then you must grasp the proportion of your relationship and strengthen your relationship during the
process. Cultivate your mind and avoid evil thoughts. If they arise, they must be stopped
immediately. In addition, I recommend that you wait until your body recovers to be more stable
before you start dating. If your body hasn't fully recovered, you can start a relationship, and an
accidental leak may lead to aggravation of symptoms. In a word, if you have a girlfriend, you
should pay attention to all aspects, how to communicate, and how to communicate with each other.
If you want to be quick, indulge yourself, and ruin your body, your girlfriend will naturally leave
you when the time comes. From falling in love to getting married, you really need a high sense of
responsibility, so that both parties can go on for a long time. Now the divorce rate is very high. The
big reason is that the younger generation lacks sense of responsibility. They often love for sex.
Three, the two soon parted ways. A few days ago, a brother posted a post summarizing the lessons
of relapse, he mentioned that rebooting is too difficult after having a girlfriend, he suggested not to
fall in love during the rebooting period, I think his advice is very good, one should wait until the
body recovers very firmly Talk about it later, and you have to have a lot of determination, wait until
the time is ripe to fall in love, if the time is not ripe, there will be no result if you talk, it will just
hurt each other. It is also difficult to inspire a good girl during the period of lust. Even if you meet
it, you often cannot grasp it. When you have positive energy, a sense of responsibility, and a strong
concentration, you can truly grasp your own happiness.

4. [Say hello to Brother Feixiang. From June 2016 I entered the rebooting club to the Spring
Festival of 2017 and kept a record of no relapses, but after the Spring Festival a series of relapses
and nightmares started for me due to various reasons. Until today, I am still in the vicious circle of
relapses and can’t Resist the heavy attack of the demon. Since I read your message every day and it
is very touching to me, I decided to write a post to ask for your help. I am currently in a vicious
circle of rebooting within 10 to 30 days. Since I am a junior and preparing for the postgraduate
entrance examination, I am busy making up lessons and preparing for the final exam, neglecting the
study of rebooting knowledge. I didn't take the whole time to study rebooting articles and practice
renunciation. After 10 days of rebooting, one relaxes the vigilance against the inner demon, the
inner demon will attack the brain and is completely under the control of the inner demon, and when
one consciously observes the mind, the thoughts generated by the inner demon cannot be
eliminated. leading to relapse. But every time I relapsed, I would wake up with symptoms and start
rebooting. What frustrates me is that I can't escape the vicious circle of ring-broken-ring. My
current feeling of relapse is that a subtle feeling suddenly entered my brain, and then my spirit
became so excited that I could only succumb to my inner demon. I hope Brother Feixiang can give
me some pointers. Thank you Brother Feixiang, thank you for rebooting. 】

Additional comment: Previously this brother had rebooted for more than half a year and his record
was still good, then he relapsed and the good state of rebooting is gone forever. After relapse, one
must conscientiously summarize and reflect, strengthen study and strengthen consciousness. If the
consciousness is not perfect and the level of renunciation has not been substantially improved, then
in the face of the invasion of inner demons, they will only be abused, and many people will not be
able to survive at all. Seconds, within 3 seconds, he was captured by the inner demon, and even
KO'd by the inner demon in one second. Once the body is taken over by the inner demon, it is quite
scary. A few days ago, I saw a brother post that he broke the sixth ring in one day. Second, it was a
terrifying state of being out of control. This brother is preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam,
busy with supplementary classes and exams, so he neglects to study rebooting articles, how can this
be done? ! Too little investment in rebooting! You must pay attention to rebooting, the importance
of rebooting is no less than that of postgraduate entrance examinations, you should manage your
time well, allocate a time for rebooting every day, keep studying, take notes, review, focus on
accumulation, and improve steadily. One of the brothers said, "After more than two years of
repeated relapses, I realized the importance of rebooting articles." What a painful realization, it took
more than two years of relapses to realize the importance of studying rebooting articles. The fines
were also paid too much. There are some brothers with high comprehension who can realize the
importance of study from the very beginning, they study thirst and they quickly enter a stable state
of rebooting, and then they go on to further study and continue to study and practice, the more they
reboot, the more stable they are . This brother mentioned that the inner demons attack the brain, this
is the most practical part of rebooting, after rebooting, the inner demons will attack the brain again
and again, trying to occupy your mind again and again and take you down! And you must fight off
the attack of the demons and keep your mind high! The reason why this brother is unable to
eradicate evil thoughts in actual combat is that his strength is too poor, he lacks practice and is not
strong enough in actual combat. magic! The inner demon is trying to drag you into a vicious circle,
and you must cut off its attempt, one brother said, "Desires keep attacking me." Another said,
"There is a voice in my head that is encouraging me to break my precepts, Shake my stance on
rebooting and find an excuse for me to relapse." "That voice sounded again!" The inner demon will
definitely attack, attacking you with evil thoughts, pictures, memories, fantasies, subtle feelings,
etc., bombarding indiscriminately, You have to withstand the attack of your inner demons, and you
cannot succumb to your inner demons! In the Battle of Shangganling, the U.S. military poured more
than 1.9 million artillery rounds and more than 5,000 bombs on the positions of the Volunteers. The
intensity of the battle was unprecedented, especially the artillery firepower density, which has
exceeded the highest level of World War II. But the Volunteer Army finally held on. After 43 days
of fierce fighting, the Americans were completely overwhelmed. Have to admit that it is impossible
to conquer Shangganling. Confucius said: "If I fight, I will overcome." To fight means "victory".
Rebooting means fighting the demons bravely. You must have an urgent desire to be strong. When
you are really strong, it is the demons who kneel down and beg for mercy, and vice versa. If you fail
to break your thoughts, you will be driven into a vicious circle again and again by inner demons,
completely involuntarily, draining the essence of your body and reducing it to waste! Dealing with
subtle feelings requires higher vigilance and stronger determination, a brother wrote in a post:
"Subtle feelings are like assassins attacking at night, basically they appear when you are sleeping
and alone, Attack you, assassinate you, you must have a very vigilant night watch, even at night,
when you are alone, you can't relax the patrol, otherwise you may be sneaked in by the demon
assassin. Encouraging ideas is like a lobbyist, constantly trying to persuade with various reasons
You have only one purpose, which is to make you break your precepts. If your position is not firm,
you will be persuaded by your inner demons, then give up resistance and surrender directly to the
city. The idea of temptation and the peak of desire are like the pressure of the demon army, the inner
demon belt Since the army of thoughts is constantly attacking you, trying to break through your
rebooting city, burning, killing and looting your precious resources, you must be stronger than your
inner demons, repel the invading demon army, guard the rebooting city, and reboot. It is a war of
thoughts." This brother summed it up very well, subtle feelings can invade at any time, because they
are subtle, it is difficult to detect, subtle feelings are even more subtle thoughts, we must maintain a
high degree of vigilance and prepare for battle! Be ready to plunge into the battle of killing thoughts
at any time! head of war. "This brother summed it up very well, subtle feelings can invade at any
time, because they are subtle, it is difficult to detect, subtle feelings are even more subtle thoughts,
we must maintain a high degree of vigilance and prepare for battle! Be ready to enter the battle of
killing thoughts at any time! head of war. "This brother summed it up very well, subtle feelings can
invade at any time, because they are subtle, it is difficult to detect, subtle feelings are even more
subtle thoughts, we must maintain a high degree of vigilance and prepare for battle! Be ready to
enter the battle of killing thoughts at any time!

5. [Last night I was lying in bed and remembered my history of masturbation. I don't smoke, drink,
go to bars, or go to prostitutes. The only thing I do is masturbation. I am highly addicted. I did a
careful calculation, and masturbated for 20 years. These 20 years have been 20 years of confusion.
These 20 years have been 20 years when I lost a lot of good opportunities. These 20 years of
masturbation have made me sick, my brain power has declined, and my work and life have been
dull. No wonder, for the past 20 years, I have been committing sexual misconduct without
repenting. These 20 years have made me still single. I have severe prostatitis and varicocele, which
make me infertile, so I dare not get married. Ever since I became attached to rebooting, I only
realized that this is the evil result of licentiousness. Back then, I was resentful and ignorant. After
reading "Rebooting as Good Medicine", I found the root cause of the disease, that licentiousness
harmed me. I swear to quit it and make the rest of my life truly happy. Remember, I am a man, there
are several 20 years in my life, and the world can only save myself. I hope brothers take this as a
warning and reboot well, especially the teenagers who just masturbate, maybe you haven't tasted the
bad fruit yet, as long as you keep going, your life will be an abyss, I am a living example. 】

Additional comment: This brother should be in his thirties. He has no other bad habits except for the
bad habit of masturbation. It is estimated that it started from the puberty period. Looking around,
there are actually very few people who really understand the dangers of pornography and
masturbation. Most of them are brainwashed by harmless theory and full of misunderstandings.
Fortunately, you can meet people who wake up on the Internet. The Internet is a double-edged
sword. On the one hand, the proliferation of pornography greatly increases the chance of depravity.
On the other hand, you can also meet good teachers and give your life a big counterattack. It can be
said that crisis and opportunity coexist. In the past, it was very difficult to meet a good teacher. You
may have to search all over the famous mountains and rivers, famous temples and ancient temples,
but you may not be able to meet them. Now you can get a chance to be enlightened on the Internet
without going out half a step. Excellent! This brother said it very well, there are several 20 years in
life, the youngest 20 years are devoted to lust, and the most aggressive 20 years are wasted on
masturbation watching pornography, the essence of the body is shot on the ground, the last 20 years
are sick , miserable. The highly addictive nature of masturbation is too strong, it is basically a one-
time addiction, and then the addiction will gradually increase, and the taste will become more and
more abnormal. Later, ordinary videos are no longer enough. Only abnormal can stimulate the
secretion of dopamine, and finally Become a wicked perverted monster. Foreign rebooting books
say: "It is always difficult for people to discover their addictive tendencies. When they wake up,
they are firmly trapped in a trap." In fact, it is self-deception, and the person who can really control
it will not slap it once! We must make up our minds to give up this evil habit completely, and we
must be ruthless, and we must not take chances. Looking at the history of the blood and tears of our
predecessors, we can see how terrifying sexual immorality is. Your calamities will never stop.” Now
foreign countries have also realized the dangers of pornography, and the translation team of Reboot
Bar has shared many foreign rebooting articles and videos, rebooting has become a global
consensus, and we have caught up with the era of pornography. , also caught up with the era of
recognizing the dangers of pornography. This is the best era and the worst era. In this special era,
we really have to take good care of ourselves and never commit adultery!

6. [Tell me about my situation, I was born in 1988 and I am 29 years old this year. I have a wife and
two daughters. It should have been a happy family, but I recently fell ill and became very ill. I used
to stay up late, Promiscuity, drinking and many other bad habits, I got high blood pressure at a
young age, high blood pressure, 170, 110, now I can only take antihypertensive drugs to maintain
blood pressure, it is very painful, I started taking medicine at such a young age, do you want me to
take it Medicine for a lifetime? Now I'm finally sick, I can only lie on the bed, I can't go anywhere,
I'm out of breath, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, very fast heartbeat,
palpitations, very tired, I also know that this may be related to It has something to do with me
drinking and staying up late, which leads to deficiency of heart, qi and blood caused by insufficient
kidney essence! I've been sick for half a month, and it's still like this. I feel like I've become a
cripple. If I want to be like this for the rest of my life, I might as well just let me die. It's easy to die,
but when I die, the most worrying thing is my daughter-in-law. And my daughter, I love them,
especially. I really don't know if my illness will get better, I hope I can get better soon, and then take
up the responsibility of a man again. God, please, if I can get better, I will love myself well in the
future, and I will not commit sexual misconduct, drink alcohol, or stay up late. Today is my 16th
day of rebooting, my goal is one year, come on! 】

Commentary: He fell down at the age of 30, and stood in his thirties, but he didn't stand up. It's very
sad. The reason is that he didn't know how to maintain health and reboot. After the pillars of the
family are devastated by pornographic moths, the family is in danger of collapse. People always
lack vigilance and indulge themselves before they get sick. When they suddenly collapse, it is too
late to regret. Some people are very young and ignorant. They think that diseases can be cured
immediately after taking a few pills. In fact, many diseases are very slow to recover, not as fast as a
cold. Chronic physical losses take a long time to recover. In the long run, it may take half a year or
even more than a year to see obvious improvement. At that time, it took me more than a year for the
neurosis to be basically asymptomatic, but my body was still very weak, just like the weakness of
the early recovery from a serious illness, and the symptoms recurred from time to time. After more
than two years of quitting, I felt that the foundation of my body had really thickened, the foundation
had been completely consolidated, and the neurosis was cured. So far, there has been no recurrence,
and I have never broken the precept. Some people are very arrogant when they are not sick,
thinking that they are fine when they are young, and that they can mess around when they are
strong. In fact, no matter how strong their bodies are, they cannot withstand the wear and tear of
years, just like a small axe can slowly chop down a large tree. Just like a tree, if lust reaches a
certain level, the body is at stake, and it is in danger. A brother before said, "Even if my body is
made of iron, I can't stand the torture like this. In the past few years, I didn't catch a cold, but now I
always have a fever and runny nose. I didn’t come to reboot, it is estimated that after about half a
year, symptoms of life worse than death appeared: muscle twitching and throbbing all over the
body, listlessness all day, always wanting to go to the toilet, and always dripping on the pants after
urinating, and Perineal swelling and pain, the pain was so severe that I didn’t dare to sit, the pain
became worse every time I masturbated, and life is better than death.” Tie Da’s body will also
become rubbish, and every time he massages Approaching the tipping point of symptom outbreak!
The brother in this case has a wife and two daughters. Family responsibilities are still very heavy.
Work requires a good body, running a happy family also requires a good body, and filial piety also
requires a good body. body as the foundation. Now he has collapsed and can only lie on the bed, his
life has become decadent and hopeless, I hope this brother can recover soon, I believe that through
the power of rebooting and health preservation, coupled with active treatment, he will be reborn, he
will Rebuild this home and give my wife and daughter a happy future.
7. [Hello Mr. Feixiang, I am a married person, I have been quitting masturbation for almost 3
months, I feel very good overall, I have a lot of self-confidence, and I can persist in doing things for
a long time. After rebooting, I now start to insist on fitness exercises, and I love it too. I started
exercising, let alone exercising before, I couldn’t lift my spirits at all, and I didn’t want to, I just
wanted to watch Huang Xieyan, thank you for rebooting, I will keep quitting and let rebooting
really integrate into my life , make your life more free and happy! 】

P.S.: This is also a married brother, some newcomers may ask, should they reboot after marriage? In
fact, one should also reboot after marriage. Rebooting is to abstain from sexual misconduct. After
marriage, one should keep abstinence from prostitution. Masturbation, whoring, and extramarital
affairs are all sinful prostitution and need to be abstained from. Evil lust not only consumes one's
precious kidney essence energy, but also increases a lot of negative mentality. Evil lust will make
people enter a negative energy mode, just like a negative energy gas tank. Rebooting can also be
said to be energy management. As a man, one should know how to manage one’s own energy,
sufficient energy, sufficient vitality, sufficient motivation, and enough effort to do business. It also
lacks patience and longevity, and always gives up halfway. Essence is the most important substance
in the human body. Human beings are born with essence. The kidney stores essence. Essence can
nourish all the organs, tissues, nerves, blood vessels, bone marrow, nails, and fur of the human
body. Skeleton." The kidney essence is simply energy, and this energy can not only become the
essence of reproduction, but also nourish the internal organs. The ancients said: "When the desire is
not excited, the essence is scattered in the three energizers, and the hundreds of veins are
prosperous; and when the desire is together, the desire is blazing. When you lift the three energizers,
the essence overflows and escapes from the gate of life. It is terrifying!" Yun: "Original energy is
limited, human desires are boundless. The tail can't help but the ocean will be exhausted." After
rebooting, the energy will gradually be replenished, people will become positive, and their hearts
will become much brighter. The long-lost self-confidence will also be When he will come back, a
brother said, "I feel that the period of rebooting and the period of masturbation are really two
completely different feelings!!!" It is true, masturbation is a constant consumption of energy, while
rebooting is to nourish enough energy, and the energy reaches At a certain value, the entire physical
and mental state is like reborn, which can be said to be an earth-shaking change. You have bright
and upright power in your eyes, confidence and calmness in your eyes, sharpness and ruthlessness
in your eyes, and compassion and softness in your eyes. Another brother said, "It's been 52 days
since I rebooted and I haven't relapsed once. I feel that I have real confidence in my heart and my
brain power has recovered a lot. Now compared to 52 days ago, it's really a heaven and a hell.
"Rebooting can reshape one's life, no longer indulge in pornography, and have stronger control over
the heart. This is true strength, and true strength is not the appearance of muscle pimples, but the
inner dominance! Be the master of your heart! This brother said very well in the end, to truly
integrate rebooting into his life, rebooting can also be a way of life, a highly self-disciplined way of
life can make one more free, happier and happier, truly wise , A man with taste will definitely
choose to reboot.

Enter the text below

This season is about the path to happiness in rebooting, everyone is pursuing happiness and
happiness, but many people don't know where the real happiness is. A brother told me before that
watching porn and masturbating is the greatest joy in his life, he The idea of is very similar to mine
in the past. In the past, I also mainly focused on sex as the orientation of happiness. Later, I realized
that the pleasure produced by sex is not real happiness. This is my epiphany after more than ten

Putting the two words rebooting and happiness together is incomprehensible to many ordinary
people, because they have been instilled in their childhood that abstinence is harmful and that
abstinence will lead to depression and pain. I used to accept this concept because that At the time, I
believed too much in experts, but later I found out that some so-called experts actually have
superficial and narrow understanding, and it can even be said that their theories are misleading.
According to my experience and in-depth research, it is completely harmless to know how to
cultivate abstinence. Instead, it has a lot of benefits because the energy is preserved. If it is
abstinence that is forced to hold back, it is harmful. is not possible. We rebooting is to know how to
cultivate our mind and resolve our desires in our thoughts. I have never felt repressed desires since I
rebooted. If you don't express your desires, you will feel repressed, and if you know how to watch
your mind and let go of your thoughts, you won't have this problem. Almost all sexologists are
opposed to sexual repression and criticize abstinence, but they can't see another possibility: to
resolve desires by cultivating the mind, so as to achieve a higher level of life!

If you study the education of sages, you will find that the ancient sages and sages all advocated
rebooting, none of them advocated sexual indulgence, and none of them advocated masturbation.
Confucius said: "When you are young, your blood and energy are uncertain, and it's about sex." You
must know how to reboot from your youth. Taoism advocates no desire, Buddhism even promotes
rebooting, and traditional Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism advocate rebooting. . The
relationship between husband and wife is in line with human relations, and unjustified sexual
misconduct should be avoided. The truth in this respect is very deep. If the wisdom is not enough, it
is easy to misunderstand the teachings of the sages. At first, I thought the experts were right,
because experts represent science and authority, and when the symptoms appeared, I realized that
the experts were not necessarily right. I have experienced the benefits of rebooting when I was in
junior high school. At that time, I didn’t break through for a month. After all, I didn’t study. I just
relied on perseverance to reboot. Although rebooting didn’t last more than a month at that time, it
only took two to three weeks. I can feel many benefits of rebooting, I feel freedom and happiness in
my heart, and the good feeling has come back. This pure and happy feeling is obviously not from
watching porn and masturbating. a good feeling. When I was dragged back to the vicious circle by
my inner demon again, the feeling of pure happiness and beauty disappeared, and I started looking
for happiness in porn again, but in the end all I found was deep depression, loss, emptiness, and
even low self-esteem , fear and pain. Looking at myself in the mirror with a lethargic, dull-eyed,
haggard self, I know that I am not happy, that this is not the life I want.

After masturbation, I stopped laughing. I remember I was very fond of laughing in elementary
school. Although I was a little introverted, I was also very lively. When I started masturbating in
junior high school, the smile on my face became less. He was crying like a ghost, his eyes could not
be opened, and he felt like a godless person. I still remember the first time I grinded the machine. I
was a little scared when I ejaculated. Later, I gradually liked the exciting feeling. From grinding
machine to masturbation, I opened Pandora’s box with my own hands and released my inner
demon. Since then Once it got out of hand, I turned away from my original innocent self, and I
became a two-faced person. Many brothers say that watching pornography and masturbating is like
taking drugs. Their experience is completely correct, pornography is a drug, watching pornography
and masturbating is drug addiction. Foreign researchers have scanned the brain and found that the
brain changes of porn addicts are even higher than that of pornography addicts. People who use
heroin are more serious!

The following is an excerpt from an article abroad:

Neuroscientific research shows that Internet pornography affects the human brain as much as, or
worse than, addictive chemicals such as cocaine or heroin. Here's why the addictive power of
pornography is even worse: Cocaine can be thought of as a stimulant that increases dopamine levels
in the brain. Most addictive drugs release dopamine, a major neurotransmitter. Cocaine stimulates
the release of dopamine, which creates a "high" state with a constant desire to repeat the high. And
the same is to stimulate the release of dopamine, endorphins produce continuous satisfaction. And
heroin, as an opioid peptide, has the effect of relaxing the nerves. Both drugs cause chemical
tolerance, requiring higher doses with each use to achieve the same effect as the previous use. Porn
is both arousing (“high” through dopamine) and orgasm (“relaxes” through opioid peptides), so it is
equivalent to a dual drug that induces two addictive substances in the brain at the same time,
addiction Double the potency. But Bennett said: "Internet pornography doesn't just cause a spike in
dopamine levels in the brain to produce pleasure, it actually changes the material structure in the
brain, creating new neural pathways that voraciously seek pornographic stimulation to trigger
rewarding pleasure. The brain is like a forest, people walk and trample to form paths in the forest
for years. The cumulative experience of viewing pornographic images will also produce a similar
more and more "unblocked" neural pathway, which eventually becomes the only sexual response in
the brain forest. Thus, porn users "unknowingly create a neural circuit" that subconsciously adopts
the standards and expectations in pornography for everything related to sex. Not only do these
addiction pathways make people use porn filters To filter all sexual stimuli, they also evoke strong
cravings for "more exotic pornography, such as taboo sex, child pornography or sadomasochistic
pornography. "

The above passage is a good illustration of the nature of online pornography, which is essentially a
drug, and those who watch pornography are actually taking drugs all the time. The object of post-
marital sex life is single, and you get tired of it slowly, and it will become dull with the passage of
time, while Internet porn can always provide you with freshness and all kinds of novel and
abnormal stimulation, which will make you fall completely. , indulge in it can not extricate
themselves. A key factor that triggers the Coolidge effect is the novelty itself. The novelty makes
you feel exhausted. The novelty can stimulate a large amount of dopamine secretion, while the old
one will be much worse. When the dopamine is high you feel high, and when the dopamine is low
you feel empty, depressed, dull, even exhausted, after the ejaculation everything is boring, and
watching the previous video is not exciting. Seeing happiness by watching pornography
masturbation is doomed to be wrong, and the end is also tragic, because from the beginning, I did
not recognize where the real happiness is, and I have been looking for happiness in the wrong way.
Foreign articles mentioned: "The effect of pornography is devastating." Indeed, indulging in
pornography is a kind of depravity and self-destruction, which must ultimately lead to suffering.

When the ignorant teenager masturbates for the first time, he will definitely be conquered by this
exciting experience, and he will definitely feel that it is cool to watch pornography masturbation,
but what he does not know, he has embarked on a thorny road of disaster, captured by pleasure Then
gradually away from the pure great happiness. He has become a pornographic drug addict, his mind
is full of all kinds of evil thoughts, his body is getting worse day by day, but his inner demon has
become more and more perverted, the pain will come suddenly, and he will be tortured. In a sense,
masturbation is destined to be a process of suffering, although this process was like a pie falling
from the sky at the beginning, when the teenager had the first experience, he sighed: "So there is
such a cool thing in this world. , and it's free." He began to sink deeply into it, and the originally
pure child had begun to deteriorate... Until one day, he found that the person in the mirror was so
decadent and wretched, and it was a day away from his innocence and innocence. For one thing, the
difference is too big.

Facts have proved that pleasure is not happiness. Masturbation is a mechanism of drug addiction,
and it ultimately leads to pain, not pleasure. Temporary pleasure is at the cost of depleting precious
kidney essence. When depletion reaches a certain level, the body will inevitably collapse. .

If pleasure is not in porn, where is it? Is it in money, or in various rich material conditions? In fact,
it is not. Many rich people also suffer from depression. The rich have their own troubles, not less
than the poor at all, but the content of their troubles is different. Jack Ma said that being the richest
man made him unhappy. He believed that the happiest time was when he received 90 yuan a month.
When you become the richest man, your material conditions are excellent, there are still many
people around you, and you can meet many famous people, but you are still unhappy, because you
always feel that something is missing, because you have not lived it, no matter how much money
you have , No matter how rich the material conditions are, they will not be truly happy.

Even if you go over every stone in this world, you will not find happiness, because happiness is not
outside, the real happiness is in the heart, if the heart is pure again, you will naturally feel great
happiness, the pure happiness like a spring It usually comes out from the depths of the heart and is
unstoppable. I passed by the kindergarten in the community some time ago. Those children were all
standing in the open space in the kindergarten. They should be waiting for the teacher to assign
something. They stood there and were extremely happy. The joy and happiness were like frying a
pot. Each one is like a happy pistachio. Look at these kids, they don't have money, they don't watch
porn, they don't have fancy cars, but why are they so happy? Why exactly? Once I passed by the
elementary school, just in time for the end of school, the joy was like a frying pan, and I could hear
it from far away. "The Analects of Confucius" The Master said: "It is a wise man to return! A sack
of food, a scoop of drink, in a poor alley, people are unbearable, and they will not change their joy."
Sages are highly intelligent people, they know where the real happiness lies , even if the living
conditions are very backward, they can still be very happy, they really understand the true meaning
of happiness. In 2002, Mingyur Rinpoche participated in an experimental study conducted by
Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin in the United States. It was measured that the
happiness index in the brain jumped by 700% in the state of meditation, which once made scientists
think that the instrument was broken and was taken by the United States. Time magazine called him
"the happiest man in the world". "Time" and "National Geographic" magazines reported that
Mingyur Rinpoche is scientifically proven to be "the happiest person in the world". The happiest
person is a practitioner. The core of practice is to cultivate the mind. When the mind is clean, one
will naturally feel great happiness. This kind of happiness has nothing to do with everything
outside, has nothing to do with material things, has nothing to do with sex, this kind of real great
happiness comes from a pure heart.

【You can be 1000 times happier! 】

Case 1. Rebooting is really cool, the feeling of joy that comes from psychologically, the appearance
has also changed, rebooting will really change a person's temperament, I will not give up rebooting,
I will keep persevering.

Analysis: This brother said that rebooting is really cool, he has experienced that pure joy, foreign
rebooting websites have listed many benefits of rebooting, the first one is “You can be 1000 times
happier!” This kind of happiness is related to The short-lived, ethereal pleasure of lust is completely
different. This kind of pleasure can even last a whole day. There is naturally a sense of satisfaction
in it, and there is also a feeling of freshness and purity, like fresh fruit, this freshness is very subtle. ,
and the jerk is like expired and rotten fruit.

【Happy for no reason】

Case 2. It’s been about 100 days since I rebooted, and I found that my whole body is different from
before, I have a lot of energy, I feel a lot brighter, I am much more confident walking on the street
than before, I feel that I have no use for it. After the strength, there is an inexplicable joy in my
heart, inexplicable happiness, indescribable beauty, as if I have integrated into this world again, I
always want to laugh secretly, this is the feeling of hell and heaven.

Analysis: If a person cannot be happy for no reason, the person is destined to be tragic, because he
missed the real big happiness. Real great happiness does not require conditions, it is happiness
without reason, it is inexplicable happiness, happiness does not need external conditions or any
reason, happiness is self-sufficient, when you clean your heart, you Happiness is naturally
experienced. The brother said, "I always want to laugh secretly." If others see a person laughing
secretly, they will probably ask why they are so happy? Did you win the lottery, get a promotion, or
find a good job? Or is there any other reason, this is difficult to explain, maybe you will answer:
"No reason! Just happy, just want to laugh." There is no reason, others may think you are a fool, but
in fact you are not, you are not stupid at all, you are deeply Understand the secret of happiness.

【Love smiles after rebooting】

Case 3. Sunshine in my heart! Love to laugh! (This is what a brother who has quit for more than ten
months said in his post)

Analysis: It’s hard to laugh in a promiscuous day. Even if you try to laugh it out, it will look very
wretched and false. The heart of a promiscuous person is very dark and full of negative energy.
How can such a person have a smile from the heart? Look at the smiles of the children, they are
heartfelt and completely sincere. When I was young, I saw that many adults always had a straight
face and looked very serious. As a child, I couldn't understand why adults were like this. Later, as I
grew up, I found that I became as serious as an adult. After contracting the bad habit of
masturbation, the innocent smile that came from the heart gradually disappeared, and after
consecutive relapses, the face was like the face of a zombie. After rebooting, my heart is sunny, I
love to laugh, I can show a pure smile, and my heart is in a state of light and joy.

【Feeling of fulfillment and happiness】

Case 4. About 10 days of rebooting, there is indeed an indescribable sense of fulfillment and
inexplicable happiness.

Analysis: You can feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness by being the purest self. Being unable to
be the purest self is a pain in itself; being able to truly dominate your heart is a great joy in itself.
Multimillionaires, billionaires, they have money, live in luxury houses, drive luxury cars, but are
they really happy and happy? I remember reading a story about a rich man who was very rich and
had a great career, but he felt unhappy, unhappy, and very empty inside. I went to see a psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist suggested that he do good deeds. As a result, he became happy. Doing good deeds
can indeed make people happy. The so-called "helping others is a pleasure", doing good deeds can
enhance positive energy, and positive energy can lead to happiness. To make yourself happy, the
true essence of happiness does not require external behavior, just purify your mind and clean your
heart, and you will naturally be happy and happy. Of course, doing good deeds is very good, and I
have always advocated doing good deeds to accumulate virtue, which can quickly accumulate
positive energy and change negative attitudes.
【That precious sense of freedom】
Case 5. The greatest joy in quitting masturbation is that I can finally enjoy the beauty of life freely.

Analysis: The unconditional joy, the sense of stability, ease, and freedom. Those who are truly
enlightened know that masturbation is actually a kind of bondage, a kind of puppet life enslaved by
inner demons. When you overcome your inner demons and give up masturbation, then you can be
free. Seeing that masturbation is not freedom, it is a state of enslavement. When you truly get rid of
the control of your inner demons, you will discover a new world, and you will be amazed to find
that even small things can bring you great happiness. A pure feeling arises in the heart, as if
returning to childhood. It is amazing for children to see the world, and you will experience the long-
lost pure touch. "The Porn Trap" says: "The most important reward in life for quitting pornography
is freedom, which is far greater than the virtual pleasure of pornography." Very well said, freedom is
too precious , especially the inner freedom and good feeling.

【Happiness brought by self-confidence】

Case 6. It’s been 30 days since I rebooted, and today I suddenly found that I was looking at each
other confidently with my supervisor, and I was inexplicably happy.

Analysis: It is difficult for people with low self-esteem to be happy, always frowning and unhappy,
masturbation will lead to low self-esteem, I have a deep understanding of this, masturbation will
destroy a person's appearance and temperament, when you find your appearance and temperament
become like a ghost , I would really feel ashamed, my self-confidence would plummet, I would
become unable to meet people’s eyes, and I would lack confidence when speaking. When I insist on
rebooting and health preservation, the barrier of seeing eyes gradually disappears, then I have the
courage to meet eyes, I am not afraid at all, I can look at and communicate with people calmly, this
is a great experience, people It also became much calmer, and there was no feeling of panic.

【Pure happiness】
Case 7. Senior Feixiang, I finally broke through the cycle of failure and got back on the right track
of rebooting. Now I get up early every morning to run and exercise, I keep studying rebooting
articles every day and keep reading the cases of victims. I went to bed early, didn't stay up late, sat
down soon, and practiced calligraphy when I had nothing to do. Now I feel that pure happiness
again, and my appearance and complexion have greatly improved.
Analysis: Children enjoy pure and great happiness every day. Their eyes are clear, bright, full of joy,
full of innocence and kindness, and there is no trace of evil, which makes you feel strongly that they
radiate from the inside. Great joy and satisfaction, they showed the most natural and purest spirit.
When we grind the machine for the first time and watch pornography masturbation for the first
time, we have fallen from the pure dimension, entered the dimension of debauchery and
debauchery, captured by pleasure, enslaved by inner demons, and can no longer experience pure
and great happiness. Many people have long forgotten what pure and great happiness feels like after
rebooting for a few years. Their hearts have been seriously polluted, like a stinking river. After
rebooting and purifying their hearts, they can feel pure again. Great happiness, that feeling is really
long gone, very happy, like a new life.

【Happiness like never before】

Case 8. I quit for more than a month. Although the process was difficult, I still walked over. I felt an
unprecedented happiness, and the feeling was really refreshing! My skin has improved a lot, I can't
sleep at night, my voice is much better, and my heart has become bigger. The next goal is 100 days!

Analysis: The reason why it is unprecedented is only for post-masturbation. Before masturbation,
we experienced this great happiness, but we just forgot it. When it appears, there will be an
unprecedented feeling, that feeling is really refreshing, just like happiness is constantly exploding in
the heart, and the whole person is filled with the feeling of happiness. Pure and beautiful happiness,
even sleeping with a smile. When your heart becomes pure and peaceful, your perception of people
and things will undergo subtle changes, you will become more understanding and tolerant of
people, and your interpersonal relationships will also be greatly improved.

【Sunshine cheerful, dignified and righteous】

Case 9. The recent feeling is really refreshing, I have experienced pure happiness, the sun is
brighter, my confidence is rising, and I dare to express. I find that I am very happy when I see the
opposite sex without any evil thoughts, and I feel full of awe-inspiring Righteousness, true
happiness is very different from pleasure.

Analysis: Evil obscenity will make the inner darker and tighter, the energy field of the whole person
will shrink a lot, and the whole person will look gray. After quitting the bad habit, the heart will
gradually return to sunshine and cheerfulness, and self-confidence will also increase, dare to look
directly, dare to communicate , this feeling is very good. Many masturbators can no longer
communicate normally with the opposite sex. When talking to people, they tend to get nervous and
incoherent. They don’t dare to look into the eyes of the opposite sex. When you have a strong
concentration, your heart is pure and upright, so you can communicate more naturally with others,
and others will admire your awe-inspiring righteousness. Real happiness is far better than short-
term pleasure. Many people are ignorant and mistake pleasure for pleasure. In fact, there is a big
difference. Those who know the difference are truly wise, and wise people will not blindly pursue

Case 10. Tomorrow is the 30th day of rebooting, I started to find myself becoming a little more
cheerful, I dared to speak loudly to girls, and took the initiative to answer the teacher’s words in
class, I felt that my whole heart was opened, really very happy!

Analysis: After rebooting, you will become confident and cheerful, your brain will turn faster, and
after your academic life becomes smoother, people will be happier. Purity is a power, and when you
restore it, you regain that power and you become awesome. Evil sexuality will greatly deplete a
person's energy, and brain power, energy, and even physical energy will be reduced to varying
degrees. You can do a great job before, but after sexual immorality, you will be powerless, and even
your heart and qi will be completely lost, and finally you just give up.

【The joy of confidant】

Case 11. Maybe there is no chance to meet Big Brother Feixiang himself, but reading Big Brother's
article is like a lonely man who finally meets someone who understands himself, and is very happy.
I used to think that my inner voice was my real idea, but now it is my real idea to conquer my inner

Analysis: This is the joy of being a confidant brought by rebooting. Now the concept of rebooting is
not very popular, and many people still misunderstand rebooting. In this era, it is not easy to meet
people who understand rebooting and themselves. . It is enough to have one confidant in life, not to
mention that there are so many like-minded brothers in rebooting. Everyone encourages and
supports each other. Although we are far away from each other and have never met, the spirit of
selfless dedication and mutual help from everyone is like a good understanding of each other. This
brother's last sentence is very powerful, he has already recognized that the voice is not his own, he
wants to defeat the voice from the inner demon, I hope he will be able to give up the better.

[Changde never leaves, returns to the baby]

Case 12. After quitting for 3 years, I became more and more calm, and my body, especially my
mind, became more and more flexible. I finally began to realize what my physical and mental health
was like when I was a child. Also getting longer. In the past month, I started to eat vegetarian food
to stop killing and release animals. My temper is much better than before, and I feel that the whole
world has become brighter... The weather in Guangzhou has been very good these days. On the way
back to release the animals in the evening, the setting sun has changed the whole earth. I am so
beautiful, bathed in the sun, I have never been as happy in body and mind as I am now in the past
ten years. If it hadn't been for the nightmare life of the past ten years, I would never have realized
that when I was a child, I was walking in the sunset with my schoolbag on my back. How precious
is that joy on the way from school...

Analysis: The sage tells us to "think innocent", to cultivate virtue, to return to the state of innocence
as a baby, to be pure and innocent, to be kind-hearted, pure, straightforward, simple, and full of joy.
Jesus said, "If you are not like a child, you will never enter the kingdom of God!" Only the holy
ones can inherit the kingdom of God! Have the simplicity, kindness, sincerity, and humility of a
child. This brother has been rebooting for 3 years, he is already a senior brother, he has regained his
life, he has become more and more spiritual, he has regained the precious joy that he had when he
was a child, a feeling that has been missed for a long time, and he has opened up himself. second

Final summary:
A brother said, "The recovery after rebooting made me feel like I was back when I was not
masturbating, the whole person was relaxed and at ease, I felt a happiness that I never felt during
masturbation, it seems like I was surrounded by pleasant and positive energy. Factors.” Venerable
Master Xuanhua once taught: “There is true happiness in emptiness.” Emptiness is a pure mind, a
state of inner purity. The great virtue knows where the real happiness is. Most people in the world
do not know. They pursue external material and various sensory stimulation, thinking that this will
make them happy, but in the end they are still so unhappy, even if the material conditions are very
rich. , there is still a sense of lack in the heart. I used to frantically pursue pleasure. In order to
obtain pleasure, I watched pornography and masturbation. In the end, I was plagued with symptoms
and miserable. Later, I had an epiphany, masturbation can't make me really happy, and it can't make
me truly satisfied. Desire is like a bottomless pit. If you want it, you want it, and the more you want
it, the more perverted it is. Only a pure heart can give me lasting satisfaction. With joy, no matter
how strong the pleasure is, there is always a sense of loss and emptiness in it, which is not a
complete experience. This season, I shared the method of rebooting happiness. I believe that
everyone will have a deeper understanding of this topic. The real happiness is in the heart, not
outside. When you become your pure self, you will naturally be happy, and everything else is so-
called No happiness can be compared with pure great happiness. When you become pure, you are
connected to that holy and sublime energy field, and the whole life will become bright, joyful,
beautiful and happy.

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