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BHW Information

General Questions Follow-up Questions

1. How long have you been 1.1. Do the BHW change along with the change of the
working as a BHW? administration?

2. Is there a qualification to be 2.1. What knowledge or skills one should possess to

a BHW? become a BHW?
2.2. What are the requirements to be a BHW?

3. What task do you usually 3.1. What are the repetitive tasks done?
do? 3.2. What are the monthly/quarterly/yearly tasks done?

4. How do you gather data from 4.1. Do you go to their houses to gather data?
your patients? 4.2 Do you call each of the residents to gather data?
4.3. Do you wait for them to go to the Brgy Health Center?

5. Do you have a specific job

apart from the rest? What is it?

II. Current/Existing Health Monitoring System

General Questions Follow-up Questions

1. What services do the Brgy. 1.1. Do the Brgy. Health Center offer new services every
Health Center offer? year?
1.2. How long have been these services offered to the
1.3. Does each service require a different record from the

2. How do the BHWs record the 2.1. Do you use pen and paper to record the data?
data gathered from 2.2. Do you use a computer application to record the data?

3. How are the records 3.1. Are they are organized by:
kept/organized? ● Gender
● Age
● Alphabetical Order
● Treatment
● Disease
● Year/Month
● Service Offered
● Etc.

4. Where are the records 4.1. If it is encoded, is it kept in a flash drive/hard drive or in
kept/organized? the cloud?
4.2. If it is written, is it kept in a cabinet or drawer?
4. Who can input data on the 4.1. Do all of you write or encode data on the records?
records? 4.2. Is there a specific person who is the only one allowed
to encode data?

5. What are the data gathered 5.1. Do they gather the residents:
by the BHW? a. Name
b. Age
c. Gender
d. Birthdate
e. Status
f. Address
g. Name of Mother/Father
h. Educational attainment
i. Medical history
j. Medication
k. Etc.

6. How long do you retain the 6.1. How is it disposed of?

data? 6.2. Is there a copy for disposed data?

7. Who can access the 7.1. Is there authorization needed for accessing the data?

III. Evaluation of the Effectivity of Current System

General Questions Follow-up Questions

1. Are the records gathered 1.1. Are there any errors in inputting data?
accurate? 1.2. Do the records match the form answered by the

2. How long does it take to

retrieve data?

3. What happens if the 3.1. Do you have a back-up plan when a disaster
documents are destroyed, happens?
burned, drenched? 3.2. Do you store it in a computer system, memory?
3.3. Do you have another hard copy for every document
stored in another place?

4. How reliable is the data 4.1. Is the gathering process consistent?

gathered? 4.2. Are the records secure?

5. Are the records accessible or

readily available?

6. Who can alter or change the

IV. Computer Literacy: Readiness of BHW for a New Computerized System

General Questions

1. Can you properly turn on and shut down a computer?

2. Can you start and exit a computer program?

3. Can you change monitor brightness and contrast?

4. Can you minimize, maximize and move windows on the desktop?

5. Can you perform file management including deleting and renaming files, etc.?

6. Can you use a ‘search’ command to locate a file?

7. Can you install a software program?

8. Can you scan disks for viruses?

9. Can you move a file from a hard drive to a USB drive?

10. Can you write files onto a CD?

11. Can you print a document using a printer?

12. Can you create a basic Word document?

13. Can you copy, cut and paste text in a document?

14. Can you change the font style and size in a document?

15. Can you create a basic Excel spreadsheet?

16. Can you create a simple database using Access?

17. Can you create a simple presentation using PowerPoint?

18. Can you create a simple Web page?

19. Can you send and receive attachments through e-mail messages?

20. Can you search for information online using a Web search engine?

21. Can you download and save files from the Web (e.g., text, graphic, PDF files)?

22. Can you use a video conferencing tool on the Web?

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