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Year and Course: BTLED-ICT-2

Module 1


Fill this box with words that can be associated with “AGRICULTURE”.

 Agriculture
 Agrology
 Agronomics
 Farming
 Gardening

From the list, pick some words and construct your own definition of Agriculture.

Farming- is the process of cultivating land for the purpose of producing food or raising animals or stock.
Considered a profession or way of life, agriculture The production of animals, plants, and parasites for
food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants, and other products that support and enhance human life is known
as agriculture.

Write the answer of the space provided before the number.
Agriculture 1. It is the science or practice of farming which includes the cultivation of the soil for the
growing of crops, fruit-bearing trees and livestock production.
Crop Production or Agronomy 2. What is the science dealing with the cultivation of crops and vegetables
on a field scale, either under rain fed or irrigation conditions?
Apiculture 3. What is the scientific method of rearing honeybees?
Poultry Farming 4. It refers to the raising of birds domestically or commercially, primarily for meat and
eggs but also for feathers.
Agricultural Economics 5. What is the study of the allocation, distribution and utilization of the resources
used, along with the commodities produced by farming?
Agricultural Engineering 6. What is the area of engineering concerned with the design, construction and
improvement of farming equipment and machinery?
Floriculture 7. What is the scientific study for the maximum production of edible fruit?
Olericulture 8. What is the growing of vegetables such as French beans, Cabbages and Tomatoes?
Nomadic Pastoralism 9. What is the husbandry of grazing animals is viewed as an ideal way of making a
living and the regular movement of all or part of the society is considered a normal and natural part of
Swine Farming 10. It is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock.
Write an essay on what you have learned about the following:
1. Definition and importance of agriculture.

You eat and wear dress. Most of the dress have made by the agrarian and any agricultural made and I
just learned that agriculture provides basic raw food which will be processed by food processing
industries and convert it into packaged food and flood into markets.

2. History of agriculture.

I learned that before agriculture became widespread, individuals went through most of their lives looking
for food- hunting wild creatures and gathering wild plants. Almost 11,500 a long time back, individuals
steadily learned how to develop cereal and root crops, and settled down to life based on farming.

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