Minor 2 2019

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Synthesis of Digital Systems (COL 719)

Minor Exam 2
25 September 2019, 9:30 to 10:30 AM
20 Marks
[Use no more than 1 page per answer]

1. [5 Marks] Consider the following code on which we wish to apply the Loop Unrolling
transformation. Our objective is to maximise the performance (minimise latency) by fully
unrolling the loop. What would the resulting datapath look like? Should we expect a 20-fold
improvement in performance? Clearly explain the reasons.

for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

A [i] = B [i] + x;

2. [2 + 2 + 6 = 10 Marks] In (a) and (b) below, assume all operations require one cycle.
a. Consider the DFG in (a) below, with the resource constraint being 2 adders. Show 2
examples of sub-optimal (not the best possible) schedules for this DFG if you DON’T
use the MOBILITY priority function based List Scheduling algorithm.
b. For the DFG in (a) below, show that the MOBILITY priority function based List
Scheduling algorithm results in the optimal schedule.
c. Consider the DFG in (b) below, with the resource constraint being 2 adders and 1
multiplier. Show one example sub-optimal schedule for this DFG that could result in
spite of USING the MOBILITY priority function based List Scheduling algorithm.

3. [5 Marks] What issues do you expect if you apply the CFG to DFG conversion transformation
to a deeply nested IF statement? Explain.

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