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Sociology increases the understanding and power of social action.

Sociology is the study

of the function of social institutions in the development of individuals, it provides critical
insight and perspective on societal problems and it analyzes the organization, structure,
and change of social groups and institutions. It combines rigorous methods of inquiry
and analysis in a variety of research areas, including mass media, the environment,
racism, gender issues, class, deviance, and social control, and it allows us to mentally
stand apart from our limited experience and see the link between private concerns and
social issues. It enables us to trace the relationship between our own patterns and
events and the patterns and events of our society. Sociology assists in identifying our
roles in society because our roles are determined by the distinctive norms and values of
the cultures and societies to which we belong and socialize and these norms and
societies are exactly what sociology is specialized in researching and because of the
study of sociology can we truly identify our future means based on our current situation
taking into account our class, and social control.

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