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Identify at least 3 disadvantages or problems could you see with implementing Multigrade program
in schools. Discuss each.

 It requires more discipline, greater concentration and more focus in order to benefit from
effective strategies.
- In peer-teaching, group work and self-directed learning, the students with no discipline is
not effective on the strategies like these.
 Less reliance on direct supervision by teacher.
- The students will need to wait for the teacher to finish from the other class.
 Requires more initiative and resourceful to function effectively in a multigrade class.
- Learners are less relied with the teacher because of the situation that they need to have an
ability to be resourceful and initiate things independently for the function to be effective.

2. Identify at least 3 advantages in implementing Multigrade program in schools. Discuss each.

 Maximum social interaction between/ among peers.

-It is possible to have social interaction as they go coordinate, collaborate and learn from
each other. It will allow them to build strong relationship as schoolmates, classmates,
friends, and brothers or in sisters.
 Cooperative learning is predominant.
-Students can share their ideas, experience and perspective with regards to their lessons or
activities with each other.
 Will learn to be independent
-They will train to be independent and self-directed learners and they will practice critical
thinking in analyzing and doing their assigned task.

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