Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Vocabulary is the central of language teaching and learning (Burhayani, 2013). It

plays a crucial role in comprehension among students. Students learn vocabulary by

gaining control over their own learning. Vocabulary learning takes place when students

are aided with developing independent strategies. Associated to vocabulary learning

and mastery of students, the researchers determined these difficulties to be adhered,

word pronunciation, choosing the appropriate word meaning, different written and

spoken form, exceeding quantity of words to be learned, limited sources for word

information and contextualization of word/s (Rohmatillah, 2014). Inadequacy of rich

vocabulary tends to difficulty in comprehending written texts, nor conveys

communications to others, based on English Language Learners (Heriyanto, 2015).

In the advent of technology, digital age students recently preferred innovative

methods as supplementary for learning (Azkia & Ahmad, 2017). One of the most

popular types of online media that promotes education through video is YouTube

(Arndt, 2018). YouTube is a website designed for sharing videos launched on 2005, by

Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim (Cheng, Liu & Dale, 2013). It is a site that

could create a worldwide learning environment for diverse learners. A modern mass

medium commonly used in a new digital age landscape (Cheng et al 2013). YouTube

videos are creatively made to entertain and catch the interest of viewers much to as the

students to enhance their interest in learning. YouTube is an ideal vehicle to teach and

expose students to a variety of English dialects (Watkins & Wilkins 2011). This platform

supplies limitless opportunities for students to maximize learning and get the potential to

secure foundation in these rich learning contexts categorized accordingly by channels

(Heriyanto, 2015). YouTube improves students’ vocabulary acknowledgement and

comprehension because it provides learners exposure to authentic content and context,

thus learners improve their language abilities (Heriyanto, 2015).

To establish a context with the two main variables, the researchers reviewed

relevant literature on the effectiveness of the renowned video site- YouTube, to the

vocabulary learning of students. The motivation of this study rests with the fact that

today’s educational institutions and educators adapted to the progress of digitalization in

delivering lessons by form of videos as medium of instruction. And in the aspects of

vocabulary learning through YouTube videos, the adherence mentioned above should

be considered as important factors in supporting previous studies found in the World

Wide Web.

In one study, YouTube has been considered as an effective tool to supplement

traditional teaching methods that have significant impact to vocabulary (Heriyanto,

2015). The combination of aural input along with visual images on YouTube has

encouraged many educators to implement such teaching tool in their classes (Kuo,

2009). Language learners receive visual stimuli simultaneously with the utterance that

enables them to develop their language learning skills much as their vocabulary

comprehension (Heriyanto, 2015).

Another study recommended that YouTube videos effected significantly on the

development of Jordanian elementary students’ vocabulary learning skills (AL-Ameri,

2020). The study indicated that integrating technology- YouTube in teaching conveys

positive effects on the students learning. The quantitative data of the analysis reveal

that students taught with EFL vocabulary comprehension skills using YouTube videos

improved significantly than those who received traditional instruction. The usage of

YouTube shows a formidable effect on the recognition, comprehension and retention of

the target (Kabooha and Elyas, 2018).

Moreover, watching YouTube videos and blogs lead to occurrence of incidental

vocabulary learning. Engaging with these media such as YouTube videos during free

time, individuals chose what content to attend to, apparently drives to higher levels of

motivation and acknowledgement for individualization of the vocabulary learned (Arndt,


YouTube media provides statistically significant effects on the students’

vocabulary learning and achievement. Accordingly, with YouTube, various videos are

seen and taken so viewers do not miss information. And the video image on YouTube is

good and promotes a comfortable and clear experience upon watching (Afifah, 2020).

This study emerge to find facts on the studies showing that YouTube is one of

the appropriate media platforms having creative strategies that make sense to be

considered as an effective tool in learning vocabulary. And also to help students to

become more interested and experienced while being vocabulary efficient, abled to

comprehend materials and the information that the content conveys especially through

this times where the world faces Covid-19 pandemic and everyone is opted to explore

online or distance learning. This was especially done due to the present situation since

the pandemic affected actual classes and learning had become home-based online and


Theoretical Framework of the Study

Several theoretical perspectives and models are studied to explain learning and

its approaches that support the motivation of this study. Recently, the emergence of

new digital media and technologies continue to stretch the fabrics of theory to fit

technologies appropriately to pedagogy and guide the direction of the analysis.

Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML). This theory was studied

comprehensively by Richard Mayer on 2014. The assertion of the theory is that

individuals learn better or more when they are given both pictures and words than

deeply with words alone. Multimedia is defined as a mixture of text and pictures or

visuals generally and sounds or any mixture of auditory and visual cues. According to

Mayer (2009), the dual-channel assumption dictates that “humans possess separate

channels for processing visual and auditory information’’.

Sensory Stimulation Theory. This theory designed by Laird in 1985 assesses

that effective learning occurs when the senses are stimulated. It is best seen in the use

of media, games and presentation in learning engagements. The use of stimulation

through visuals, colour, sound and other techniques provide the learner with a

heightened sensory learning experience that is more engaging than a single stimulation.

The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and Sensory Stimulation Theory

support the objective of this study that YouTube videos can enhance vocabulary

learning. This is because one of the primary aims of teaching, using multimedia, is to

motivate the learner to create a coherent mental representation from the presented

materials. The learner should become sensible of the presented material as a dynamic

participant, which leads to the structure of new knowledge. The usage of two or more

senses can develop to learning. Because when all or multiple senses are stimulated, a

learning experience can be effectively enhanced.

The Schema of the Study



Cognitive Theory
of Multimedia
(Mayer) Categorization Findings
Sensory 6
Stimulation Data Extraction
Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the Study

The figure summarizes the research process.

Quantitative Data It specifically indicates the theories
that serve as the study foundation, the step by step methods followed by the

researchers and the expected result of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to investigate combined statistical results of different related

studies on the effects of YouTube videos to the vocabulary learning of students and

determine the overall magnitude of findings. Specifically, it aims to answer the following


1. What conceptual framework perspective guides the review’s selection,

evaluation, and interpretation of the studies;

2. What are the source of data employed for the review;

3. How are data evaluated, analyzed, and synthesized in the review; and

4. What are the major results, limitations, and implications of the reviews?

Significance of the Study

This study is expected to be significant theoretically and practically as follows:

Students - This will help students find a good website for enriching vocabulary skills.

It will guide them to an appropriate media with enormous differentiated and creative

materials that could varied their learning setting towards a more interesting and fun

way of receiving lesson content.

Teachers - The result of the meta-analysis can be utilized as a reference in using

digital strategies to enrich vocabulary learning in the fast advancing world of

technology. This study promotes the use of readily available videos as a

supplementary medium for enhancing student’s vocabulary skills.

School administrators- This study plays a vital role in developing a creative

environment for learning and providing alternative way of teaching. The decisions of

the school administrators in planning and implementing curriculum create a direct

impact to teachers and students. This study could be a reference for considering

digital media as a new approach in teaching.

Parents – This study provides parents with knowledge on choosing a site as

supplementary in enriching vocabulary given the fact that education is greatly

influenced by technology in the new normal. Likewise, the parents who have

difficulties in teaching their children could utilize digital instructional material that can

better explain the lesson content.

Scope and Limitation

This study is a meta-analysis review on the effects of watching YouTube videos

in improving vocabulary. The researchers gathered articles that cover any form of

interventions from YouTube videos intended for improving vocabulary skills. Studies

included were limited to those published 11 years from present. As it is a review, the

research relied on the data provided by previous related studies. Analysis was done

only through a known review tool, Review Manager v.5.4. The analysis would account

the overall effectiveness of YouTube videos as integration in the medium of instruction

for the improvement of vocabulary skills.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were theoretically defined for the readers to attain understanding:

Meta- Analysis. In this study, it refers to the compilation of published related studies

with similar variables taken from the internet. And also refers to the statistical analysis of

the data from independent primary studies focused on the same question, which aims to

generate a quantitative estimate of the studied phenomenon.

Vocabulary skills. In this study, it refers to the accumulated comprehension such as

competencies on acquisition and mastery from the use of YouTube videos as

supplemental strategy for learning vocabulary.

YouTube. Refers to the prominent video site built with the purpose of giving everyone a

voice to show to the world. It allows learners to experience amazing real life enjoyment

through a medium for learning new ideas in the form of videos. It is segmented

accordingly by genre and channels that presents significant visual impetus for language

and vocabulary learning.


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