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Northern Bukidnon Community College

Kihare, Manolo Fortich Bukidnon, 8703

Assessment in Learning 2

Submitted by:
Michelle P. Hambre

Submitted to:
Kenny Valle P. Bacarro, Ph.D

May 2021


I am really grateful because I manage to complete

all the requirements from Prelim to final term with
the given time by our instructor, Kenny Valle P.
Bacarro, Ph.D
I am thankful for him, for guiding us and for
encouraging us in our assigned task.
These requirements couldn’t be completed without
the help of our almighty God of giving me heavenly
wisdom to the given task in a new normal
I am also thankful to my classmates and friends
for the supports and suggestions to finish all the
requirements on or before the deadline.
Lastly, I am thankful to my family for their
constant source of inspiration and support,
especially for my husband and two sons who
understand me of being busy doing my

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………..2


Module 1

Task 1…………………………………………………………….5

Task 2…………………………………………………………….6-9


Prelim Exam………………………………………………………………12-16



Module 1



Midterm Exam………………………………………………………………27-29


Module 1



Task 1
Direction: Using the steps in the computation of Mean and Standard Deviation using your
computer, please compute the given data inside the box above to be able to have the following
Cell A
Cell A
1 98 26 143

2 100 27 98

3 120 28 120 16 145 41 97

4 95 29 123 17 120 42 135

5 112 30 101 18 136 43 115

6 95 31 99 19 122 44 120

7 99 32 138 20 123 45 118

8 125 33 110 21 135 46 141

9 115 34 100 22 122 47 137

10 130 35 123 23 103 48 121

11 140 36 144 24 121 49 120

12 125 37 142 25 124 50 111

13 105 38 133

14 120 39 124

15 120 40 120


Mean 119.66 Range 50

Median 120 Maximum 145

Mode 120 mini mum 95

Standard deviation 14.3939 sum 5983

Sample variance 211.4127 count 50

Kurtosis -0.87602

Skewness -0.07969

Task 2

Direction: Answer the following questions: Each question will bear 10 points for every answer.

1. Compare and contrast between authentic assessment and traditional assessment

The authentic assessment is personalized, natural and flexible relevant to the students’
level of difficulty, skills, and abilities and it is fair because skills and abilities are appropriate
to the learners. It gives the student (self) and peer (classmate) the chance to evaluate their
own work and work of their classmates, respectively and identifies the strengths and
weaknesses of the students’ skills and abilities. It promotes good rapport or bonding between
the teacher and the student due to their mutual understanding and develops the students’
responses because they are made to perform the learning task in a real-world situation. It
gives the students freedom to choose evidence of good performance and makes use of
performance test in real-world situation and portfolio assessment while the traditional
assessment is impersonal and absolute owing to uniformity of test without regard to the
skills and abilities of the students and it is unfair since learners are forced to accept the
contexts of the tests even if these are inappropriate to them. It is only the subject teacher
evaluates the performance of the students and there is a tendency of subjectivity and
compares the performance of students to others. It has poor relationship between the teacher
and the students caused by impersonalized and absolute tests since the purpose is to compare
the test results of students to others and requires the students to choose the options prepared
by the teacher. The teacher prepares the tests and students have to respond on what is asked
on the test. This leaves the teacher not being able to showcase his expertise and involves
paper-and-pencil tests in which the students are required to choose the correct answer among
the options prepared by the teacher.

2. Between the authentic assessment and traditional assessment, which one you think is
better to be utilized. Justify your answer.

For me, the authentic assessment is better to utilize because it will cater and
enhance the students’ skills and abilities. It is more on student’s performance to
be assessed. It will bring students into real world situation which utilize their
knowledge and skills to be applied that will help on their socio-economic
development not only for themselves but for the community as well as for the
nation. This assessment shows the learner- centered way of learning which
focuses on the students’ individual performance to harness their creativity, ability
and their talent.

3. Create at least ten (10) sample illustrations of traditional assessment and authentic

Traditional Assessments Authentic Assessments

1. Multiple choice test 1. Make a model of a food chain and show it
Mold is often found growing on old bread. In a on the class to identify which of theme is the
food chain, Mold is a--- decomposer, producer, consumer and
A .decomposer scavenger.
b. producer
c. consumer
d. scavenger

2. Which of these best describes the texture of 2. Bring spoon to the class, let the students
the metal spoon? touch and feel what they found out when they
touch it.
a. smooth
b. flexible
c. small
d. shiny

3. When notebook paper is folded to make

A boat, what physical property of the paper 3. Let the students provide each one piece of
change? note book paper with the same size, color and
a. color shape. Let them list/ record the physical
b. weight appearance of the paper, the color, weight,
c. shape shape and smell. Make/transform it into paper
d. smell boat. Compare what is/are the different from
the list they made from the present form.

4. Which of the following is the best example 4. Bring a stuff toy, ball, sand paper and plastic
of rough texture? bottle, let the student stand and let them touch
a. stuff toy and feel each staff.
b. sand paper
c. ball
d. plastic bottle

5. Which of the following is an example of 5. Provide the class an samples of paper cut
symmetrical figure? butterfly, star shape paper, heptagonal paper
a. paper cut butterfly and diamond shape paper.. Let the students
b. star shaped paper fold the center each sample. Ask them in what
c. heptagonal paper sample when they fold has the same shape with
d. diamond shape paper the other side?

6. True or False 6. Shows videos of both ants and aphids.

Mutualism is an ecological relationship where Aphids provide food for the ants while ants
both organisms benefited. protect the aphids against predator.

7. Which of the choices is the best way to save 7. Let the students search and differentiate the
animals and trees? life living in the city with more factories and
a. Move to the city buildings and riding in bus and jeepneys than
b. build more factories living with a simple life in forest area.
c. Ride bikes rather than bus
d. Take care of the forest
8. Group the class and assign them to have a
8. What is the effect of broken family on the role play that shows the effects of broken
child’s education? family on child’s education.
a. Active and participative
b. He/ she will be polite and humble
c. Low self-esteem and lack of confidence
d. always on high rank
9. Divide the class and make them a debate
9. Write an essay about the importance of about the impact of gadget for children. First
mobile phone on children’s life? group will be assigned, gadget is helpful for
children and for second group, gadget is
harmful for children.

10. Make a journal in a form of drawing,

10. Write autobiography of yourself. starting from your birth up to the present.

4. When to use authentic assessment and assessment of process and products?

The authentic assessment and assessment of process and products use to assess
performance assessment of process and product in evaluation of performance
behaviour of the student to determine his interest and willingness to perform the
task on the spot. It can be used when it needs to evaluate the collective skills and
abilities of the learners to perform the specific task. To assess students on how
they manipulate and effectively used their knowledge and materials to the given
activity. When it needs to identify the performance of the student’s acquired skills
and expertise for the given real-world situation activities. The assessment used

rubrics to identify whether their performance and finish product was good or
excellent. In authentic assessment and assessment of process and products has
some steps to follow, such as Identify the performance process and products,
Choose the center of assessment, Choose the appropriate degree of realism, and
Choose the performance situation.


Write down the important and relevant lessons you’ve learned from this topic.

As what I have learned from the topic discussed, authentic assessment used to evaluates
the student’s collective skills and abilities to perform and demonstrate the task in real-world
situation for them to determine how much they have learned with meaningful application. It
means that through of this assessment the individual skills and ability of the students will
evaluated. I also learned 10 characteristics of authentic assessment such as; authentic assessment
requires the students to perform meaningful tasks in real world situation, it promotes the
development of higher order thinking skills, it tenders direct evidence of application and
construction of knowledge and skills acquired, it includes portfolio collection of entries, it
demonstrates application of a particular knowledge and skills, it fosters role-playing of the lesson
learned by students which serves as show window to them, it identifies performance of students’
acquired skills and expertise, it assesses directly holistic projects by multiple human judgements
like self, peer, subject teacher, and teacher-adviser, it trains the students to evaluate their own
work as well as to their peers and it is designed and criterion-referenced measure rather than
norm-reference measure. It will help to see the strengths and weaknesses of the students that
have been identified rather than compare students’ performance with other students. There is also
called performance assessment of process and product that refers to the on-the-spot evaluation of
performance behaviour of the student to determine his interest and willingness to perform the
task. It has four (4) steps to follow the Performance Assessment of Process and Product; 1.
Identify the performance process and products. 2. Choose the center of assessment. 3. Choose the
appropriate degree of realism and 4. Choose the performance situation.

I’ve also learned the difference between traditional and authentic assessment as follows;
Authentic assessment is personalized, natural and flexible relevant to the students’ level of
difficulty, skills, and abilities while traditional assessment is impersonal and absolute owing to
uniformity of test without regard to the skills and abilities of the students. Authentic assessment
is fair because skills and abilities are appropriate to the learners while traditional assessment is
unfair since learners are forced to accept the contexts of the tests even if these are inappropriate
to them. Authentic assessment gives the student (self) and peer (classmate) the chance to
evaluate their own work and work of their classmates, respectively while in traditional
assessment, only the subject teacher evaluates the performance of the students and there is
tendency of subjectivity. Authentic assessment identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the
students’ skills and abilities while traditional assessment compares the performance of students
to others. Authentic assessment promotes good rapport or bonding between the teacher and the
student due to their mutual understanding while traditional assessment has poor relationship
between the teacher and the students caused by impersonalized and absolute tests since the
purpose is to compare the test results of students to others. Authentic assessment develops the
students’ responses because they are made to perform the learning task in a real-world situation
while traditional assessment requires the students to choose the options prepared by the teacher.

Authentic assessment gives the students freedom to choose evidence of good performance. In
traditional assessment, the teacher prepares the tests and students have to respond on what is
asked on the test. This leaves the teacher not being able to showcase his expertise. Authentic
assessment makes use of performance test in real-world situation and portfolio assessment while
traditional assessment involves paper-and-pencil tests in which the students are required to
choose the correct answer among the options prepared by the teacher.


I. Direction: Please create your own Sample Rubric Assessment of Faculty Performance in the
elementary level using the 5-point scale, where:
5 – Outstanding 4 – Very Satisfactory 3 – Satisfactory
2 – Fairly Satisfaction 1 – Unsatisfactory
Also, please use one (1) category:

1. Personality Traits (20%)

2. Classroom Management and Discipline (20%)
3. Teaching Style (30%)
4. Research (15%)
5. Extension (15%)
Afterwards, please provide the mean and its qualitative interpretation with the corresponding
percentages and its equivalent

For example:

Categories Mean Qualitative Percent % Equivalent


Teaching Style (30%) 5 4 3 2 1
1. Has mastered the subject matter 
2. Has good command of the medium of 
instruction used
3. Present lesson in an interesting and 
understandable manner
4. Delivers the lesson effectively 
5. Explain the lesson and concepts clearly and 
6. Uses interactive teaching strategies fitted to the 
7. Utilize creative teaching techniques suited to the 
8. Employs innovative approaches in presenting 
the lesson
9. applies appropriate visual aids and multimedia 
technology to enhance instructional technology
10. Has a good sense of humor 
11. Gives relevant examples and activities to 
support the lesson
12. Integrates values relevant to the lesson 
13. Relates lesson to other fields and daily life 
14. Is broad-minded in explaining the lesson 
15. Observes the art of questioning by avoiding to 
repeat questions and answers

Mean: 4.6

Category Mean Qualitative Percent % Equivalent


Teaching Style 4.6 Very 30% 18.3


II. Direction: Using your computer, please compute the raw scores and provide the following
90 108 97 96 108
140 107 92 135 109
95 95 96 99 130
100 138 106 91 98

110 98 100 94 96
122 99 115 99 94
108 97 97 120 100
93 108 108 125 108

Mean 105.525
Median 100
Mode: 108
Standard Deviation: 13.23745173
Sample Variance: 175.2301282
Kurtosis: 0.830371638
Skewness: 1.25874097
Range: 50
Minimum: 90
Maximum: 140
Sum: 4221
Count: 40

III. Distinguish between Authentic and traditional assessment and give example for each
assessment (10points)
The authentic assessment is personalized, natural and flexible relevant to the
students’ level of difficulty, skills, and abilities and it is fair because skills and
abilities are appropriate to the learners. It gives the student (self) and peer (classmate)
the chance to evaluate their own work and work of their classmates, respectively and
identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the students’ skills and abilities. It
promotes good rapport or bonding between the teacher and the student due to their
mutual understanding and develops the students’ responses because they are made to
perform the learning task in a real-world situation. It gives the students freedom to
choose evidence of good performance and makes use of performance test in real-
world situation and portfolio assessment while the traditional assessment is
impersonal and absolute owing to uniformity of test without regard to the skills and
abilities of the students and it is unfair since learners are forced to accept the contexts
of the tests even if these are inappropriate to them. It is only the subject teacher
evaluates the performance of the students and there is a tendency of subjectivity and
compares the performance of students to others. It has poor relationship between the

teacher and the students caused by impersonalized and absolute tests since the
purpose is to compare the test results of students to others and requires the students to
choose the options prepared by the teacher. The teacher prepares the tests and
students have to respond on what is asked on the test. This leaves the teacher not
being able to showcase his expertise and involves paper-and-pencil tests in which the
students are required to choose the correct answer among the options prepared by the

Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment

When notebook paper is folded to Let the students provide each

make Assessment
a boat, what physical property of oneAuthentic Assessment
piece of note book paper with
the paper change? the same size, color and shape. Let
When notebook paper is folded to Let the students provide each
them list/ record the physical
makea.a color
boat, what physical property of one piece of note book paper with
appearance of the paper, the color,
the paper change? the same size, color and shape. Let
b. weight weight, shape and smell.
them list/ record the physical
a. color Make/transform it into paper boat.
c. shape appearance of the paper, the color,
Compare what is/are the different
b. weight weight, shape and smell.
d. smell
from the list they made from the
Make/transform it into paper boat.
c. shape present form.
Compare what is/are the different
d. smell
from the list they made from the
present form.


Module 1


5 – Outstanding 2 - Fair
4 – Very Good 1 - Poor
3 - Good

1. Linguistics Rating
a. Can write poems 4
b. Can speak English, Filipino and Cebuano 4
c. Can write short stories 3
d. Have a good sense of humor 3
e. Can easily influence people 3
f. Can easily write scripts in English, 3
Filipino and Cebuano
g. Can write essay easily 3
h. Can paraphrase poems easily 3

Mean 3.25
Interpretation Very Good

2. Mathematical Rating
a. Love numbers 5
b. Can solve simple problems in addition
Without regrouping 5
c. Can solve complex problems in addition
without regrouping 4
d. Can solve simple problems in subtraction
without regrouping 5
e. Can solve complex problems in subtraction
without regrouping 4
f. Can solve complex problems in multiplication
without regrouping 5
g. Can solve complex problems in multiplication
with regrouping 4
h. Can solve complex problems in division
without regrouping 5

Mean 4.63
Interpretation Outstanding

3. Visual-spatial Rating
a. Love to draw 5
b. Enjoy video representation s 5
c. Love painting 4
d. Can draw pictures easily 4
e. Love sceneries 4
f. Enjoy looking at beautiful stage backdrops 4
g. Love color combinations 4
h. Enjoy designs and photographs 4

Mean 4.25
Interpretation Outstanding

4. People-oriented Rating
a. Friendly 5
b. Can get along with people 5
c. Want to work with people 4
d. Like to have friends 4
e. Enjoy entertaining friends 4
f. Appreciate people with good standing 5
g. Help people especially poor 4
h. Enjoy sharing ideas with people 5

Mean 4.5
Interpretation Outstanding

5. Task-oriented Rating
a. Love to work always 5
b. Enjoy working alone 5
c. Workaholic 5
d. Enjoy producing output every day 5
e. Perform my work effectively 5
f. Love to work efficiently 5
g. My work is important to me 5
h. Proud of my work 5

Mean 5
Interpretation Outstanding

6. Self-Centered Rating
a. Like to work alone 4
b. Concerned with self-improvement 4
c. Express my feelings alone 4
d. Share my own ideas alone 3
e. Appreciate my own work only 4
f. Enjoy praising myself 5
g. Always talk about my own achievements 3
h. Always talk about my own achievements 3

Mean 3.75
Interpretation Very Good

7. Music-oriented Rating
a. Love listening to music 5
b. Use music to express my feelings 5
c. Music relieves me of my problem 4
d. Compose original songs 4
e. Play a musical instrument 4
f. Read notes easily 4
g. Collect musical videos 5
h. Music solves my problems 5

Mean 5
Interpretation Outstanding

8. Sports-minded Rating
a. Love sports 5
b. Enjoy playing with my friends 4
c. Watch basketball always on the TV 4
d. Always play basketball 3
e. Love to play any events 3
f. Enjoy doing physical fitness activity 5
g. Love to perform aerobics 5
h. Love to swim in all styles 5

Mean 4.25
Interpretation Outstanding

9. Dance-oriented Rating
a. Dance gracefully 5
b. Love to dance cha-cha 5
c. Enjoy dancing boogie 5
d. Like to dance tango 5
e. Love to dance with a graceful partner 5
f. Love to dance modern 4
g. Love to join folk dance 4
h. Like creative dancer 5

Mean 4.75
Interpretation Outstanding

10. Dramatist Rating

a. Love to join drama 4
b. Performing drama is my hobby 4
c. Enjoy watching drama 4
d. Love to see drama including good lessons 4
e. Appreciate the characters in the drama 4
f. Plays are educational 4
g. Drama is recreational 4
h. Enjoy writing scripts 2

Mean 3.75
Interpretation Very Good

11. Research-oriented Rating

a. Like to conduct descriptive research 5
b. Enjoy conducting experimental study 5
c. Love to conduct patentable research 5
d. Enjoy conducting research with ROI 5
e. Conduct hands-on experimental research 5
f. Like to conduct research waste materials 5
g. Like to conduct research waste materials 5
h. Enjoy commercializing my research products 5

Mean 5
Interpretation Outstanding

12. Economist Rating

a. Like to practice the “Invest-Harvest principle 5
b. Love my family who practice economy 5
c. Economy is one way of creating a progressive country 5
d. Economy coupled with honesty and industry is one of
my values 5
e. Economy alleviates poverty 5
f. Economy improves quality of life 5
g. Practice economy in daily life 5
h. Economy minimizes corruption 5

Mean 5
Interpretation Outstanding

13. Naturalist Rating

a. Love being a lover of nature 5
b. Collect, mount, and classify seaweeds 5
c. Do hands-on experiments on crustaceans 5
d. Love to conduct experiments on mollusks 5
e. Enjoy conducting experiments on coelenterates 5
f. Enjoy collecting beautiful univalve mollusks 5
g. Like to plant cabbage in pots due to limited space 5
h. Love to culture tilapia in our backyard 5

Mean 5
Interpretation Outstanding

14. Sociologist Rating

a. Enjoy living in a peaceful society 5
b. Like to study the ills of the society 4
c. Like society with honest and industrious people 5
d. Enjoy advising out-of-school youths 4
e. Love to help jobless adults 4
f. Like a society with busy people involved in
performing livelihood projects 5

g. Encourage people to have Income Generating projects 5
h. Enjoy demonstrating technology transfer in DDU areas 5

Mean 4.63
Interpretation Outstanding

Table 3.2. Mean, Grand Mean, Qualitative Interpretation of Multiple Talents of Person


1. Linguistics 3.25 Very Good

2. Mathematics 2.63 Outstanding

3. Visual-spatial 4.25 Outstanding
4. People-oriented 4.5 Outstanding
5. Task-oriented 5 Outstanding
6. Self-oriented 3.75 Very Good
7. Music-oriented 5 Outstanding
8. Sports-minded 4.25 Outstanding
9. Dance-oriented 4.75 Outstanding
10. Dramatist 3.75 Very Good
11. Research-oriented 5 Outstanding
12. Economist 5 Outstanding
13. Naturalist 5 Outstanding
14. Sociologist 4.63 Outstanding

Grand Mean 4.48 Outstanding


Suppose, you want to check the people who got vaccinated for corona virus vaccine in 20 barangays
within the region of KVPB. Using the data below please give the cumulative frequency of these and also
provide the frequency chart of it. Thank you

Barangays Frequency Cumulative Frequency

K 15 15
E 14 29
N 15 44
N 18 62
Y 20 82
V 21 103
A 22 125
L 17 142
L 12 154
E 10 164
P 9 173
B 8 181
A 15 196
C 18 214
A 22 236
R 12 248
R 13 261
O 9 270
P 18 288
H 20 308
D 22 330


Write down the important and relevant lessons you’ve learned from this topic.

The relevant lesson that I have learned from this topic is about Frequency distribution on how to
assess the test results either it is traditional, authentic or rubric assessment. On how the classroom
teachers classify, tabulate, analyze, and interpret the score obtained by students in all tests
administered to them. The teachers must know the appropriate statistical tools and procedures to be
applied. I’ve learned that Frequency Distributions is applicable when the number of cases (N) is 30 or
more. Frequency distribution refers to an arrangement of data that shows the frequency of occurrence
of different values of variable of frequency of occurrence of values falling within arbitrarily defined
ranges of the variable known as class interval. The arrangement of frequency distribution is needed and
there are 3 steps to be followed such as; Step 1. Find the absolute range. The range is obtained by
subtracting the highest score (HS) and lowest score (LS). Step 2. Find the class interval Step 3. Set up the

I have also learned about Cumulative Frequency Distribution. It is the sum of the class and all
classes below it in a frequency distribution. That entire means is you’re adding up a value and all of the
values that came before it. There are main reasons for the use of Cumulative frequency like; If you want
to check that your math is correct and if you are interested in studying a population to find out a “more”
or “less” question. It is more easily understand the frequency distribution by making frequency table
and chart/histogram or even line graph from the data.


Test I

1. Frequency
2. Relative Frequency
3. Cumulative relative frequency
4. Frequency distribution
5. Frequency
6. distributed
7. Range
8. Class width
9. Cumulative frequency distribution
10. Nominal level variable

Test II


11. 5

12. 25

13. 20

14. 5


Classes Frequency
5-9 10
10-14 2
15-19 4
20-24 3
25-29 1

20 points

Class Frequency Midpoint Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency

5-9 10 7 0.5 10
10-14 2 12 0.1 12
15-19 4 17 0.2 16
20-24 3 22 0.15 19
25-29 1 27 0.05 20

B. 25-30



C. Find the relative frequency of the college class. (20 points)

Height Frequency Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency

59.95 - 61.95 5 0.05 5
61.95 - 63.95 3 0.03 8
63.95 - 65.95 15 0.15 23
65.95 - 67.95 40 0.4 63
67.95 - 69.95 17 0.17 80
69.95 –71.95 12 0.12 92
71.95- 73.95 7 .07 99
73.95- 75.95 1 0.01 100
Total 100 1

31. 97,113
32. 41.6%
33. 0.081
34. 27%
35. Quantitative discrete



Write down the important and relevant lessons you’ve learned from this topic.

I’ve learned from this topic about the methods for collecting, analyzing,
interpreting and presenting empirical data which called statistics which is the statistic
methods draw on a variety of mathematical and computational tools. The other one is
the probability which the mathematical language used to discuss uncertain events and
probability plays a key role in statistics. In addition, the field of statistics is composed of
two broad categories- Descriptive and inferential statistics and the data collected will be
from the sample or population called. Population is the group that is targeted to collect
the data from. It is always defined first, before starting the data collection process for any
statistical study and is not necessarily be people rather it could be batch of batteries,
measurements of rainfall in an area or a group of people. While, sample is the part of
population which is selected randomly for the study and it should be selected such that it
represents all the characteristics of the population. The process of selecting the subset
from the population is called sampling and the subset selected is called the sample.

Nevertheless the descriptive statistics describes the important characteristics/

properties of the data using the measures of central tendency like mean/ median/mode
and the measures of dispersion like range, standard deviation, variance etc. While,
Inferential Statistics is about using data from sample and then making inferences about
the larger population from which the sample is drawn and it will determines the
probability of the characteristics of the sample using probability theory. The most
common methodologies used are hypothesis tests, Analysis of variance etc. In addition,
a measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data
by identifying the central position within that set of data. The mean, median and mode
are all valid measures of central tendency, but under different conditions, some
measures of central tendency become more appropriate to use than others. I have
learned also on how to compute or calculate the mean, median, mode as well as to
transform it in table and graphs.


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